HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 28241� . �; , ll- , � - _ � . '.l , . ., � :�
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� Federa! Pass Through
Grant Funds CFDA #20.600
❑ State Grant Funcis
Misc. Contract Numher: . _ � � �
Charge Number: � � � �
PIN: 1756Q005286019
THE STATE OF TEXAS ** C+��Y ���R�A�1 ��
THE COUNTY OF TRAVIS ** ������A�� � a ��`� �
THfS AGREEMENT XS MADE BY and between the State of Texas, aciing by and tl�rough the Texas Department of
Transportatioz�, k�ereinafter called the Department, and the Citv of Fort Worth, hereinafter called the Subgrantee, and
becomes effective when fully ex�cuted by both parties. For the pnrposa of this agreement, th� �ubgrantee is
designated as a(n) local eoverninent.
AUTHORITY: Texas Transporta#ion Code, Chapter 723, the Traffic Safety Aek of 1967, and the Highway Safety,%
Plan %z the following Fiscal Year{s) 2003.
Project Title: Comnrehensive STEP
Brief Pro,ject Descriptian: To conduct additional Sneed, OP and DW� eni'ozcement.
Grant Period: The Grant becomes effective on 14/Q 1/2p02, oz an t�e date of fmal signature, whichever is lat�r, and .
ends an 09/3Q/2003.
Magimum Amount E[igible for Reimbursemeni: $160.SDD . Cost incuired after the end of a fiscal year canu�ot
be reimbursed without prior written appraval ftom the Depar�nent. (See also Aari�cle 3, Limitation of Liabil�ty, in
the Standard Provisions)
Project Year: � Esiimated Be�dget:
Other Direct Cost
Indirectlk'&A Cos!
160,500 .
Pro�ram Income
� 0
Project Year: _ Estirnated Budget:
Other DireCt Cost
Indirect/F&A Cost
Project Year: ,_,_, Estimated Budget:
Pro�ram Income
Pro�ram Yncome
TOTAL. $ 0 0 � 0
In addition to the Standard Pravisions of the Ag�reement that follow, the following attachments are incorporated as
in���cL.asna9part-o�the=�ra�t��1:g;�ee ent:
, ��' c `� ��t�;A��'raject D scripiion
Attachment B, Project B dget
��tt�ac�nt � Standard . ssurances
c n%�3 +�ll- ebarmen� Certificanon
� Attachznant E, Lobbying �erti�caHon (required if amount payable is $100,000 ar more)
=��l�ttac��'n�tFr�1;.Ghi� Sup�-.ort Statemem , -. - - - �
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Other Direct Cost
IndirectCF'&A Cost
, ,.
, Y
Charge Number:
Citv of F'ort Worth
of Agency]
� -- -
Libby Watson, Assistant City Manager
. [Name and Title]
Date %�S � �
. i
� �
Gloria P�arsan, City Secretary
[Name and Title]
Under authority of Qrdinance or Resolution
Number (far lacal govern�nenis):
�,�,�������A��. #�a��
Maiiin� Addresses
Executed by and approved for the Texas Transportation
Comcnission fnr the p�ose and ef£ect of actir+ating
and/or carrying out orders, establi�hed palzcies'or worlc
pragrams approved and authorized by the Texas
Transportation Cammission.
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B ' � , � /� °f ►
istri Engineer ,
Texas epariment of Tzansportation
Date � � 17 /l) �
a ,'
i �,
By _
irector, Traff'ic Opexa ' iv sion
Date �/ / ����
�j � I� [s� ��_ _, _ �
Cant�act Au�hvri��►����
For the puzpose oithis agreement, the follawing addresses s[xaII be used to mail all required notices, reports,
elaims, and correspandenee. (NOTE: For wasants (che�ks}, the address indicated by the naail code, iast three
digi�s of tlle PIN on page 1, shall be used. If that address is mot appropriate for warrants, please change the mail
code accordin.gly ar�d n.atify TxDDT'of any changes.):
For 5ubgrantee:
Name: S�t. Jon Fahrehthold
Title: STEP Supervisar
Organization: Fort Worth Police Department
Address: ll00 Nashville
Fort Worth, TX '�6145
Phone: (81i} $'�1-7135
Fax: (8�7} S�'1-7118
E-ma➢1: Fahren�(a�ci.fort-worth.tx.us
Texas Tru�c Safety Program Grant .4greement Page 2 of IO
Fo�- Texas Departrnenf of Transportation:
Mrs. Jaclde Car#er
Traf�c Safety Pro�ram Administrator
Tegas Department of Transportation
PO Box b868
Fprt Worth, TX'�6II5-686$
(817) 37#1=67D7 ' -,,;,�<<„� - �
Jcar#(a�dot.state.fx.us - �'���7U1� ��', i� ' - "' - � �4�
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TxDOT Fo�Rm �?�iYS'wi'reu:.1�,�U0l�J,!
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The Subgrantee shall undertake and complete the project as described in Attachment A, Approved Project
Desc�iptian, and in accordance with all terrns and conditions included hereinafter. The Department shaIl provide
assistance as appzopriate and as specified zr� said Attachment A.
A. The method of payment for this agreement wiU be based on actual costs incurr�d up to and not to excaed the
limits speciiied in Attaclunent B, Approved Project Budget. The amount included in the project budget will be
iieemsd to be an estin�ate only and a higher amount can be reimbursed, snbject to the condirions speciiied in
paragraph B hereunder. If Attaclunent B, Approved kzoject Budget, speci�tes that casts are based an a spacifier
rate, per-unit cost, or other method of payment, reimbursernent will be based on the specified m.ethod.
B. All payments made hereundez v,+i.11 be xna.de iu accordance with Attachment B, Agproved Project Budget. The
Su$grantee's expenditures inay not exceed any budget category in the Approved Project Budget by an amount
greater than 5°!0 of the total reimbursable amount of the budget without a written agreement amendnn.en.t.
Hawever, tkze Subgrantee must provide wtitten natification to the Department nf a change of 5°/a ar less, prior
to payment of the Request For Reuhburse�aent that i.ncludes t�Ze change, indicating the amousit and parcent
change and the reason{s) far it. The maximum amount payahle sha11 noi be increased as a result af exeeeding a
budget cat�gory without a written grani amendment.
C. To be eligible far reimbursement under this agzeem.ent, a cast must be iucuz�red in accordance with Attaclvnent
B, Approved Project Budget, within the time frame speeified in Crrant Period nn page 1.
D. Payment of costs incurred undez this agreement is further governed by one of the follawing cost principles, as
appropriate, outlined in the Federal Of�ce of Management and Budget (�MB) Cizculazs:
� A-21, Cost Prineiples for Educational Institukions;
� A-$7, Cost Priuciples for State and T,ocal Governtrients; or,
o A-122, Cost i'rinciples fox Nvnprofit Ozganizations.
E. T'he Suhgrantee agrees to subrnit mont�l.y or quarterly requests for reimhuxsement, as designated iz�. Attacktment
A, wi�thin tliizky (3Q} days after khe end of the hilling period. The Subgrantee ^will use billing statements �
acceptable to ihe Department. Th� original billiur�g statement and oz�e copy is to be s�abmitted to the address
shov�m on page 2 of this agreement.
F. The Su�grantee agrees to submit tk►e final zequ�st for payment under this agreement vvithin si7tty (60) days of
the end of the grant period.
G. The Department will exercise ali gaad f�ith ta ma%e payments within thirty days of receipt of propeiiy prepared
and dacumemted requests for payment. Payamants, b.owever, ar� contingent upon the availabiiity of appropriated
H. Project agreements supported with £ederal funds are limited to tlie Iength of the agreement period and usually
do not receive extended funding beyond three years. If both the Department and t�e Subgrantee agree that the
praject has demonstra�ed rnerit or has potential long-range benefits, the Subgrantee may apply for funding
assistanca beyond ihe tl�ree year limit. To he eligible, the Subgrantee rnust have a cost asswnption plan by the
end of the iust twelve months. This plan will include a schedule foz phasing in fundi�g from its own resources
and the phasing out of funding support from the Departmen� Ali plans must be approved by the Dapartment
before ax�.y extension beyond the three year iimit w�ill be granted. Preference will be given to those projects for
which the Su6grantee has assumed some cast sharing by the end of the �zsk fiwelve montl�s, and to those which
proposa to assurne the largest percentage of subsequent project costs.
Certain categories of fiinds may be exempted by the federal government from the time lirnii requirement.
Unless exempted, all federally-funded agreements are considered to ba subject to the kime limit provision.
Funding support for all stat�funded projects will be limited to the term of tbe agzeement. Any extension
beyond that time will be negotiated an a case-by-case hasis.
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Texas Tra�c Safety Program Grant Agreement Page 3 of 10 TxDOT Fa��z�� .�'7�:��;, �� d'�r �1J2)
Because funds afre authorized on a�scal year basis only, payment of costs incuzzed hereunder is cantingent upon the
availabzIity o�' funds. .
Lf' at any tnne during the agreement period the Department determines that there is insu£ficaent fundi.ng to continue
the project, the Departcnent shall sa notify the Suhgrantee, giving notice of intent to terminate the agreement. Such
terminanon will be conducted in such a manner that will m�r� �rye disruption to #he Subgrantee and the Depar�ment,
and as fiuther speci�ed in Generat Provision G9, Tez�n.ination.
1'he Subgrantee, if other than a State agency, shall be responsible for settlement af any and all clauns and lawsuits by
third parties arising from or ix�cid�nt to tha Department's non-paymant of th� Subgrantee's claim under this
agreement. The Subgrantee expressly acknowiedges that its responsibility includes the payinent of all damages, �r
expenses, penalties, fines, costs, charges, and attvrney fees, if the claims ar lawsuits are based upon the Departmez�k's
non-payment af claims suhz�ittad uxider this agreeinent. The 5ubgzantee shall defend any suits brought upon all such
claixns and lawsuits and pay all costs and expenses incidental khereta, but the Department shall ha�e the right at its
aption to participate in ihe defense of any suit, without relieving fhe Subgrantee of any obligation hereunder.
if at any time during the agreement period fhe Department determines that additional funds are needed to continue
the project and the tnazcimum amount payahIe is insuf�"icient, a written amendment is to be executed to autharize
additional funds, zf the Department and the Subgrantee d.etem�ine to confinue project funding.
Additionally, any changes in the agreement period, agreernent tern3s ar responsihililies or the parties hereto shall be
enacted by written amenclmem executed by both paxdies.
The amendment shall be agreed upon by the parties to this agreement and shall state the cbange Eo tb.e mutual
satisfaction of tlze parties. In no event wifl the agreement period he extended unless a writtan amendment is executed
before the completion date speciiied in Artiale t.
rf the Subgrantes is of the npinion that any woxk it has heen directed to perform is b�yand the scape of this
agzeement and cons�itutes additional work, the Subgzantee sha11 promptly notify the De�artment in writing. In the
event t1�at the Department fmds that such wark does consti#ute additional work, the Deparlrnent shall so advise the
5ubgrantee and provide compensatian for doing this wark nn the sama basis as th� ariginal work. If the
compensation for the addif�ona! work wi11 cause the zzaaximum. amount payable to be exceeded, a written amendment
will be execnted. Any amendment so executed must be approved within the agreement period specified on the cover
page to this Grant.
When the approved project description requires a completad work product, thc Depaztznent wi.11 review the work as
speci�`iied in the approved project description. If the Dapartment finds it necessary to request changes in previously
satisfactorily coxnpleted wark or parts thereof, the Subgrantee will make such revisions as requested and drrected by
the Department. Such work wili be considezed as additional work and subject to th,e requirements establis�ed in
Art�icle 5.
If fhe Departmenf #"�nds it necessary to require the Subgrantee to revise complcted work to correct errors appearing
t}ierain, the 5ubgrantee sha11 make such correctians and no compensation will be paid for the correctians.
Texas Tra�c Safety Progra»t Gr¢ni Agreement Page 4 of IO
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G1. Inclemni�cation
To the extent permitted by law, the Subgrantee, if other than a State agency, shall save harmIess the Department from
all claims and liability due to the acts or omissions oithe Subgrantee, its agents or employees. Tk�e Subgrantee also
agrees to sa�e harnfless the Department from any and all exp�nses, i�clud'u�.g attorney fees, all court costs and awards
for damages, incurred by ti�e Department in litigation or otherwise resisting such clanns ar liahiiities as a res�lt of
an.y acti�ities of the 5uhgrantee, its.agents or ernployees. �
Further, to the exten.t pexzn�itted by 1aw,'the Subgrantee, if other than a 5tate agency, agrees to protect, indernnify, and
save harrnless the Department fram and against aIl claims, demands and causes of action vf evezy kand azad character
brought by any empinyee of tbe Subgrantee against the Departznent due ta personal injuries and/ar death to such j�
employee zesulting froxn any alleged negligent act, by either cominission ar omission on the part of the Subgrantee or
the Department.
G2. Inspec#ian af Work
The Department and, when federal funds are involved, the U. S. Department oiTransportatzon, and any authozized
representative thereof, �a�e the right at all r�asonable times to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work performed or
being perfarmed her�under and the premises in which it is being p�erformed.
If any inspection or evaivation is made on the premises of the Subgrantee or a subcontractor, the Snbgrantee shall
pro�vide and require the subcontractoz to pxovide all reasanable facilities and assistance for the safety and
convsnience af tt�e inspectors ir� the performance of their duties. All inspections and evaluations shall be perfozmed
in such a manner as will not unduly delay the wark_ . �
G3. Disputes and Remedies
The Subgrantee shall be responsihle for the settlement af all contractual and administrative issues arising out of
procurement entered itz support of agreement work. �
Disputes concerning performance or }�ayznent s�all be submitted to the Depatfinent for settlernent with the Execnti�e
Director �cting as referee.
'T'his agreement shail not be considezed as specifyivag the exclusive remedy for any dispute ar violation or breach of
agreement fierms, but aL[ remedies existing at law and in equity may be a�ailed of by either party and shall be
G4, Nancollusion
The Subgrantee warrants that it has not emplayed or retained any company or person, other thain a bona fide
employee working for it, to solicit or secure this agreem.ent, and that it has not paid ar agreed to pay any company ar
person, other than a bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any atker
consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or maldng of tlus agreement. �£ tk�e Subgrantee breaches
or violates this v�rarranty, the Department shall have the mi�t to anmul this agreement wiihout liabiiity or, in its
discretian, fo deduct from the agreement price or consideTation, or otherwise xecover the fuil amount of such fee,
commission, brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee.
Texas 7'raffic Safety Program Grani.4greement Page 5 of IO
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G5. Reporting
Not later than thirty days after the end of each reporting period, as designated in Attachment A, tt�e Subgrantee shalI
submit a perfoxanance report using fortns pravided or appzoved by the Departrnen#. Thc performance report will
include as a rnyn;mu� (1) a comparison o�acfual accomplishnnents to #he objectives established for the period, (2)
reasons why established objectives were not met, if appropriate, and (3) other pertinent information including, when
apprapriate, analysis and expIanation of cost overruns or Mgh unit cos�s.
The Subgrantee sball submit the final perforrnance report withru 3fl days after cornpletion of ttte grant.
Th� Subgrantee shall prompt�y advise t1�e Departanent in wrifiung of evezzts wb�ich have a significant impact upon the
agreement, including:
1. Pzoblems, delays, or adverse conditions wluicl� w�ill materially affect the ability to attain program object�ves, �
prevent the rr�eeting of time schedules and objectives, or preclude the attainment of project �vork units by ,
established time periods. Tt�is disclosure shall be accompanied hy a statement of the actian taken or
cantamplated and amy Department or Federal assistance needed to resolve tk�.e situation.
2. Favorable davelopments or events that enable meefing time schedules and ohjectives saoner than anticipated or
producing rnore work units than originally grojeeted.
Gb. Records
The Subgrantee agrees tn maintain aIl books, ddcuments, p�pers, accounting recozds, and other evidence pertain.ing
to costs incwnred and work per�'ormeii hereunder, said books, documants, papers, accounting records, and other
evidence pertaining to costs incurred and work performed hereinaf�er called tlze records, and shall make such r�cords
availab�e at its ofiice at aIl reasonable times for the time period authorized iri Arkicle 1, Cont�act Pexiad. Tb.e
Subgzazi.tee fiu�khez agrees to zetain said records fox four years from the date of fina! payment af contract costs
incurred hereunder.
Duly authorized representa.#ives of the Texas State Auditor, the Texas Departmeni of Txansportation, the United
States Department of Transportation, and the Of�ice of the inspector General shall have access to the records�at
reasonable tirnes during the peziad of the agreement and the four years retent�on period for the purpose of making
andits, excezpts, fxanscriptions, and other exauunatians. This rig�t of access is not limited to the four year period but
sl�all last as long as the records aze retained. If any litiga�ion, claim, negoiiation, audii or other action in�olving khe
zecords l�as been started before the expiration of the four yeaz zetentson peziod, the subg�rantee shail retain the records
until completian of tlie ac�ion and resolution of aII issues which arise from it.
G9. Audrt
The Sabgraz�tee shall comply with the requirements of the Sixx�Ie Aadit Act of f 98�4, Public I,aw (PL} 98-502,
ensuriug fhat the singIe andit report includes the coverage sripulated in OMB C:�'cular A-133, "Audits of States,
Locat Gnvernments, and Qthax Non-Profit Organizations."
G8. Subcontraets
Any subcontract rendered by individuals or organizatians nat a part of the Subgrantee's arganization shall not be
executed without prior autharization and appro�val of the subcontract by the Dcpartnient.
Subcondracts in. excess of $25,0�0 shall cantain all required provisions of this agreement. No subcontract will
relieve the Subgrantee of its responsibiliYy under this agreement.
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Texas Tra�c S`afety Program Grant Agreernent Page b of IO TxI��Oi �dx�� �(F=a•�i-r,�; ��4�,s2Q )
G9. Terminaiion
The DcpartmenY may terminate this agreement at any time before the date of completion whene�er it is deterniined
that the Subgrant�e has failed ta compIy with tfie conditions ai the agreement. The Departrnent shall gir+e r�rritten
notice to the Subgrantee at least seven days prior to the effective date of te�a#ion and specify the e�'f�ctive date of
tern�ination and the reasan for termination. '
If boih parties ta ihis agreement agree that the continuation of tkAe agzeer�aent wonld not produce beneficial
results commensurate with the further expenditure of funds, the parties shall agree upan the ternzination eflnditions,
including fi.�e effective date and the paztion to be terminated.
Upon te�nvnation of this agreetnent, whether for cause or at the con�enience of the parties hereto, all finished or
unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, repQrts, maps, drawings, models, phatographs, �tc, prapared by the �!
Subgrantee shall, at the option of the Department, become the property of the Department. �
Tb.e Depazi�emt shall comperisate th.e Subgxantee for those eligible expenses incurred d�ziung the agreement period
which �e directly attributable to the enmpleted portian of the woxk covezed by tb.is agxeement, provzded tk�at t�.e
work has been campleted in a manner sat�siactary and acceptable to the Department. The Subg,rantee shall not incur
new obIigations for the terminated portion after the eff'ective date of iermination,
Exeept with respect to c�efaults of subeontractors, the Subgrantee shall not be in default by reason of az�y failuze in
per%rmance of this agreemen� in accordance vvith its terms (including any failure by the Subgrantee to progress in
the pexformance af the wazk) if sach failure arises out of causss beyond the conia-ol and wifhout the default or
negligence of the Subgrantee. Such causes may include but are n.ot limited to acts af Gad or of the public enerriy,
acts of the Go^vernment in either its sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine
resixict�ons, strikes, frezght e:q�baxgoes, and unusually se�ere weather. In every case, however, the failure to perforrn
must be beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the �ubgxan.tee.
G10. Gratuities
Texas Transportaiion Cprnmission palicy mandates that emplayees of the Department shall not accept any benefits,
gif�s or favors from any persan daing business with or wha reasonably speaking may do business with the
Department under this agreement. The only exceptions alIowed are ordinary busiziess lunches an.d itenas that bave
recai�ed the ad�anced vvriiten approval of the DeparhnenYs Executive Directar.
Any person doing 5usiness with or wha reasonably spealdn.g may do business with the Department under this
agreement may not make ar�y offer of benefits, gifts or fa�ors to Depart�nent employees, except as mentioned
hexeabo�e. Failur� nn the part vf the Subgranfee to adhere to this policy may resnit in termination of this agreement.
G11. Compliance With La�vs
The Snbgrantee shall comply with, all Federal, ,State and loeal laws, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations, and
the orders and decrees of any courts nr administrati�e bodaes or tnibumals in a�ny naaE�er affectivag tkze performance of
this agreement, includsng, r�nithout Iimitation, workers' carnpensation iaws, minunum axid maximum salary and wage
statutes and regula#ions, and licensing laws and �egulations. When required, tha Subgrantee shall furnish the
Department with satisfactory proof of its compliance therewi#h.
GI2. Successors and Assigns
The Department and the Subgrantee eac� binds itself, its successors, executors, assigns and acimi�ustrators to tke
other party ta this agresment and to the successors, executors, assigns and administrators of such other party in
xespect to all covenants af this agre�ment. The Subgrantee shall not assign, sublec, or transf�r interest and
ohligations in thzs agreaxnent rvithout wiritten cansent of the Department.
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Texas Tra�c Safety Program Grant.4greement Page 7 of 10 T.xDQIf'FYJa�m��(�Z:51r9�v.,��l�C102f �
G13. Ow nerskxip of Documents
Upan campletzon or termi��ation of khis agreement, all dacum�ents prepared by #he Subgrantee or fumishad to the
Subgrantee by the Department shall be delivered to and become the pzoperty of the Department. All sketches,
photographs, calculaiions, and other data prepared under this agreement sha116e made availahle, ugon request, to the
Department without restriction or limitatipn of their further use.
G14. Resources
The Subgzante� wa�zamts tI�at it presently has adequate quali�f'�ed perso�el in its employment to perform the wark
required under this agreement, ar will be abie to obtain such personnel from sources other than the Deparbmen#.
Uz�.less otherwise speci�ed, the Subgrantee shall furnish al! eqaipment, materials, and.supplies required ta perform f"
the work autharized hereiri. � �
All ez�loyees o� the Subgrantee shall have such knowledge and expezience as rvi11 enable them to perfoxm ihe duties
assigned to them. Any employae of the Subgrantee who, in the opinion of the Department, is islcompetent, or whose
conducf becomes detrirnental to fhe work, shail immediately be rema�+ed from assaciation with tha project.
G15. Property Management
The Subgran4ee shall establish and administer a system to control, pratect, preserve, use, maintain, and dispose of
any property furnished to it by the Department oz putchased pursuant to tlus agreement in accordance w�ith its own
properiy management procedures, provided fJ�at the procedures are not in conflict with the Department's property
managernent procedures or property management standards, as appropriate, in:
49 C�'R 18, "Unifozm Adnur�isfrative Requirements foz Gzamts and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local
Governments," or,
� QMB Cucular A-110, "Unifon�z�. Requizeri�ents foz Gzants to Universzties, Hospitals, and Otlxer Nonpro�it
G16. Procurement Standards
The Subg�antee shall maintain procurement sfandards r�vhich mee# or exceed the requirements, as apprapriate, of:
49 CFR 1 S, "Unifonm Acianinistrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements to State and Local
Governments," or,
� OMB C�rcular A-110, "UniformRequiremen�s for Granrs to Universi�ies, Hospitals, and �ther Nonprofit
GI�. Insurance
Wlzen directed by tlne Depariment, the Subgrantee, if o#her than a State agency; shall provide or shall require its
suhcontractors to secure a poliey of insurance in the maxirnurn statntory Iimits for tort liability, naming the
D�parhnent as an additional insured under its terms. When so directed, the Subgrantee sb.all pzov�ide or shall require
its suhcontractor to furnish proof of insurance on TxDOT Form 20.1D2 (12/91} to the Degartment, and shall maintain
the insurance during the grant period established in Article 1.
G18. Equal Employment �pportunity .
'The Subgrantee agrees to comply with Executive Order 11246 entitled "Equal Employm�nt Opportunity" as
amended by Executive Order 11375 and as supplemented in Departrnent of I,abox Regulations (41 CFR fi0).
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Texas Tra�e Sajety Pragram Grant �tgreement Page 8 of IO TxD�7'1���rrr"t ��i�� +� �v. �. ��02,�
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G19. Nondiscrirrunat'son
During t(�e perfarmance of this agreement, the Subgrantee, its assigns and successors in interest, agrees as foIlows:
L Comoliance with Re�ulat'rons: The Subgrantee shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscriminarion
in federally assisted programs of tlie U,S. Departmemt of Transportation, Title 49, Code of k'ederal Regulations, Part
21 and Titte 23 , Coda of Federal Regulations, Part 710.405{b}, as they may be amended from tune to time
{hereinafter referred to as ttte Regulations), whicn are herein incorporated hy reference and made a part oi this
2. Nondiscrimination: The Subgrantee, vvith regard to the work pert'ormed by it during the agreement, shall not
discriminate on the gzounds of raca, colaz, sex, or mation.al origin in the selec�on and reteniion of snbconkractoTs,
including pzocurement Qf materiais and leases of equip�nent. The Subgrantee shall not participate either di�ectly or
indirectly in the discriminarion prohibited by Section 21.5 and Part 710.405(b) of the Regulations, including
emplayment practic�s when tl�e agreement covers a pro�raxz�. set fortti in Appendix B of the Regulations. -'A
3. Solicitations [or Sr�bconfracts, Includin� Procnrement of Maferials �nd Enuinnae�t: In. all solicitations
eit�ex by cozr�etitive bidding ar negotiation made hy the Subgrantee for work to he performed under a subcontract,
including procurement of materials or leases of equipment, eac� patential subcvntractor or supplier shall be notiiied
by the SnUgrantee of the Subgrantee's ohligatinns under this agreement and the ReguJ,a#aons relari�e to
nondiscrimination on the grour�ds of race, coloz, sex, oz niat�iaaxal omgiz�.
4. Ynformaiion and Iteuorts: The 5ub�antee shall provide all information and xeports zequized by the
Regulations, oz d'uectzves issued puirsuan.t thexeto, and sha11 pez�anit access to its books, recards, accouz�ts, other
sourc�s of inforn�a.tion and its facilit�es as rnay be deier�t�ined by the Department or fhe U.S. Department of
Transportatiosi ta be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulafions or directives. Whcre any informatioa
required of th� Subgrante� is ia the exclusive possessian of another who fails or refuses to furnish tlus information,
the Subgrantee shaIl sa certify to the Department or the U.S. Departrnent of Transportation as appropriate, and shaIl
set forth what ef�'orts ic has made to obtain the information.
5. Sanctions for Nancamnliance: In the event af the Subgrantee's noncampliance witl� the nondiscrimination
provisions of this agreement, thh� Department shall impos� such sanc�ion.s as it or tk�e U.S: Depart�nnent af
Transportation tnay deternune to be appropriate, including hut riot limited ta:
e withhalding ofpayments to the Subgrantee under the agreeineni until the Subgrantee compIies, andlor
o ' cancellation, termination, or suspension of Yhe agreement in wl�ole or in part -
6. Incoraoration of Pra�isions: The Subgrantee shall include the provisions oiparagraphs 1 through S in eyery
subcontract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations or '
di.xectives issued pwrsuant #k�areto. The Subgzaxitee shall take such action with respect ta any subconh�act or
procurement as the Department may direct as a means of enforcing such pra�visiox�s including sanctions far
noncompliance; pro�vided, however, that in the event a Subgrantee Uecomes invnlved in, or is threatened with
Ii.ti.gation wiPh a suhcantractor ox supp�ier as a zesult of such dzxectzon, #he Subgrantee ma.y request the Department to .
enter into such lingation to protect the interests of the Department; in addition, the Subgrantee may re�uesi t�e
United States ta enter into such litiga#ion to protect tl�e interests of Y�e United States.
G20. Disad�autaged Business Enterprise
It is the policy of the U.S. Department of Transportat�on that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as de%ned itr 49
CFR Part 26, shall have the oppQrtunity to participate in the perfaznnance of comtzacts financed im whole ox in part
with Fedexal funcis. Consequently tha Disadvantaged Bnsiness Enterprise requirements of 49 CFR Part 2b, apply to
tlus agreement as follows: �
o The Subgrantee agrees ta insure that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as defined iz� 49 CFR Part 26, have
the opportunity in the pe�ormance of contracts and subcanfrac#s itnanced in whole or in part with Federal
funds. In this regard, ihe Subgraxitee shall xnalce good faith efforts in accordance v�rith 49 CFR Par 2G, to insu�re
thai Disadvantaged Business Enterprises ha�ve the opportunity to compete for and perfarm contracts and
subcontracts. ' .
� The Subgrantee and any suhcon4ractoz shall not discrir�auz�aie on tha basis of race, color, naUianal origin, or --�
�ender i�u the awaird and pexf'orniance of contracts funded in w�ole or in part with Federai fiuids.
These requirements shall be physieally included in any subcontract.
Failure to carry out the requirements set forth abave s�all caz�stitute a breach oithis agreem�r ��r�w; �t�r,uti� �
�' K
notif cation of the Department, znay result in ternaination of the agreement by the Departmen# c�� p�F A�s h����:,�� ;
as the Department deems appropriate. �
Texas Tra�c Safety Program Grant .4gr�eement Page 9 of JO � TxDDTl�or�n 2�7�� �{rev 8�'��)�Q) �
. __`
G21. Debarment/Snspension
The Subgrantee is prohibited from rnaking any award or pernutting any award at any tier to any party whi�h is
debarred or suspended ar otherwise excluded from or ineligible for participation in f�d�ral assistance programs
undez Executive Order 12549, Debaxment and Suspensio�.
The Subgrantee shalI reqaire any party to a subcontract or purchase order awarded wades this agreement to certify its
eligibilzty to rec�ive fedezal gzank iunds, and, when requasted by tla.e Deparhiaent, to furnish a copy of the
certificaiion. ,
G22. Signatory Vkrarranty
The signatory %r the Subgrantee hereby represents and warrants that she�e is an officer of the organization for ,�
which she/he has executed this agreem�nt and that she/l�e has full and completa authority to enter into this agreemei�t
on behalf of t�e organiza#ion. At t�e time the signatory £az t�Ze Subgrazxtee signs the grant agzeenaent, oz w�ithin thirty
days, he/she will si�n a letter designating signature authority by posi�ion title for grant-related documents other Ehan
the grant agreement or grant agreement afnendments. These other grant-related documents will include, but not be
L'uruted to, the following: cost assumption plan, application for project extension, aclministratir�e evaluatton report,
requests foz reimbursement (RFR), and routine conespondence.
G23. Assrtrances and Certification `
'I'he Subgrantee attests f.k�at the assurances included in Aitachment C of this agreement and the certifieation included
in Attachment D of this agreement are accurate and current.
G��4. Intellectual Property
TnteIlectual property consists of copyrights, patents, and any other form of intellectual property rights cavering any
data bases, saflwaze, inven�.ons, training manuals, systems design, or other proprietary information in any form ox
Copyrzghts: TxUOT, the [other party to the contract], and the federal government reserve a royalty-free,
nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or othenwise use and to anthorize oYhers to use far
government purposes: �
• the copyright in any wozks developed uzzder this ag�reemant or ux�der a subgrant or contxact umdez this agreement;
any righis of copyright to which the [other party fo fihe con�act], its snbgratrtee, or contractor purehases
o�vnership of with financial assistance hereunder.
Patents: Rights to inventions made under this agreement shall be de#erinined in accordance with 37 CFR 401. The
standard patent rights clause at 37 CFR §401.14 as mociified below is hereby inco�orated by zef�xence:
� the terms "to be performed by a sznall business fizm oz dom�stzc nonpzofit ozgazuzat�on" shall be dele�ed from
paragirapk� (g)(�1} or the clanse;
� Paragraphs (g)(2) an�i (g)(3) of the ciause shail be deleted; and
� Paragraph (1) of ihe clause enfitled "Carnmunications," shall read as follows: "(1} Coznmunications. All
notif'ications required by this clause sha� be submitted to T�cDQT."
Tf the grant results in the development of any intellecival property as dafined in TransporEation Cofle, Secrion
241.205, the Deparfinent and the Subgzantee shall jointly own a.l.l tkie rig�ts, title, and intezests in and to all data and
athez �infaznaatzon developed under the grant. Each agency may license, reproduce, publish, modify, or othervvise use
and authorize okhers to use the copyright in any work develaped under this grant. Al� snch documents will contain a
cop�+righf mark aelaiowledging this joint owt�arship. Thera will not be a chaxge to either agency for such use.
��J,!, - ��' �s,,,,,� .�.1
Texas Tra�c Safety Program Grant Agreement Page IQ of 1 Q 7`xD07'Fan,m 24"S+Fxay_ r�F�7�(f{]�'' I
A�PR��� ���JF �� �L���[��I�Rf,
�����i11AE i�4f��1� �N�����II�E�'i f�Rf�t��AWI (����}
�it}�+ af �A� If�i�r�h
(Nam� �f �ub�r��t�ej
I. PROB�,�11lI,ID�,NiI�IC/4.��1�:
���C�M��i �
Cr�sh da#a �or the �QDO cafendar yea� ind�cated �ha4 8't people vvere �ilEed iR 6� fa�al
crash�s. Yhe number ofi fatal crash�s has rem�in�d l�r�el or�er the pas� 2 J��ars,
hovveder the number o� pe�ons �i1[ed increased by �9°/ti. 3�% a�the 65 �atal crash�s
►evere �Icohol andlor drug r�la�ed; 3�% of all crashes were alcohol a�ndlor drug related.
�pe�d �vas � cor��ributi�g f��i;or in �9% of the fatal crasf��. In r�cen# speed su��:ys
records fn�ic:ate ##��t 60�`0 of d�i�e�s were exceeding the post�d sp��d limit. Ove� % of
fihe�e wrere excee�i�g #he �os��d limits by more �han '� 0 F�APH. 3�% o� fi�e p�rsons
killed in �ehEcle �ra�shes we� unrestrained. �ccardin� to obser�atianal surveys ouF
c�r�er�# dri►+er occupanf �ro���fiion u�e r�te is ���/o. 1°h� s�me sun��y� indica�e tha�
the eurr�nt child res#�ir�� u�e r�t� i� or�ly 5g%n. .
t!. O�J�CTI!l�R�RF�Fi���f� ����:
To condu�t � Gampr�l��nsi�e �Y�P ir� For� L�orth i�y ��p#embe� 30, �003.
��rf�rr�a��� (��aai�:
A. 'Y� reduce the number of sp�ed crashes by '�°�o fi�vm the base�ine ����
(�� montf�s: Qctober 9999 fihr�ugh ��pfi�mb�r 20D�) totat number of
2,��� spe�d c�asF�es �� a,19'� speed cr�sh� �� ��ptember 3�, 2003.
�. io inGreas� �he pe�cen�ge o� veh�cles �� �ompfiance with th� �p�ed I#mi# by �
p�rc��tage poi�fs by �ep#�mbe� 30, �dQ3. .
�. '�o increas� tf�e ioial number of speed cit�tl�s by a� least '�% �ram #he
��seline yea� (�� months� �cfiober 199� 4h�ough Sept�mb�� 20aD) �of�i
number of 6�,4�B speed �ita#ions io 6fi,873 sp�ed cifiaiivns by Sept�:mber 3Q,
200�. � -
�. io re��ce �h� num��r o� �Icohol r�la�ed cr�shes 6y 7�0 �rom fhe baseline year
(12 mo��#r�: Octo�er '�9�9 4hrou�h ��pfi�mb�r 2004} tot�i number �fi 4�2
�lcohal rel�te� cra�h�s fo 4�(? aleohol�relafed ���shes by �eptem��r 3a, 2UO3.
�. io ir�c�e�s� ��� �rr�sts b� �°10 from �F�e baseiir�e ye�r (�� months: ��fiaber
1999 through S�p#emb�r �D00) �o��l nurrb�r o� �,v0� DWl �rr2sfs t� '�,��a
L1VIlf arrest� by ��p��rrber 3a, �003. - ..
. • u�i� l
Comprehensive 7/02 1 � , ����
� . �r
F. �o in�rease ��¢ety b��t use among dri�e�s and froni sea� pass�nger�
by � percen��ge points and c�il� pass�r�g�r r�str�i�# us� �y � percentag�
points by �eptemb�r 3U, �403.
G. T'a increase the to#al number of occupant pro�ection (O�) c�tafiion� issu�� by
�% from a bas�t�n� periaal (9� months: Ociob�r 99g9 �hrough Sepfiemher 200p)
�o�al �umbet o� 1�,23Q i)P c��ations fo �3,0�6 8P ci��tions by Sept�m�er 30,
io r�mp�ete �dminisfira#i�e and genewal grar�t requir�ments by September 3�,
2003. -
'�a support grant e�forcement effaris wi�h � pubti� information and sduc;�tian
(PI&E} program by �eptember 3U, 20U3. -
R3oti�ing in t�i� agreement shall be inteepreted �s � requireme�t, formal or in�rm�l,
i�r�� a palice o�ri�� issr�e a s��cified or predefermi��d nurr�ber o� ciit�tior�s lr� "
pursuance of the Subgrantee's obligations F�ereunder.
P�RF�F�14���E IWC�I�AT�I��
T�� following per�ormanc� indi��ors shall be includ� in th� P�r�o�mance i��ports,
Ann�x �epor�s, and summ�ri��d in �h� Adm'rni��rativ� �v�lua�i�n o# ihis Granf:
Nlumbe� �nd t�p� o� cit�tionsl�rrests issued un�er ST�P.
�aints p�� F�ou� �ar Si�� �t7fvrcemer�fi � pvini assignments for arrest�/ei�ti�ns
el�menis iss�ed unde� �T°�P �ranfi �g��meni: �
���i .�i������
Spe�d �v�� Limi�
�a��#y ��It
�hild �Ce��rainfi
�th�r_�1� _ryl��-�r��*
Ar�es�s �
����� ���i����
� .o
�oifl� ��si�
* Goa4 Elerrients —eniarcemen# activities ��fined by periormar�c:e gaals and acxomplish�i during 57�P.
"" Other �tements — enf�rcement activities not defined by performatice goais but accflmplished duting
�ubgr��te� taf�! numb�r �n� fiype of cifi�fiionsl�rre�fs includir�g 5���.
fVuma�r of S'iEf' enr'orc�me�t hours wor��d.
�. hllai�t�n�nce o� non�SY�� activi�y.
com������ 7�oz z
:��yr� � a��
� ,
�V II � t���'�;'�,;� 'r4;
Yf Un V'.?Pa414�'�a -� ,
F, Numb�r o� speed�r�fafed �r�sh�s.
G, R�umber �f al�hol-re��ted �rashes.
W. f�umber o� offc+�rs war�ing DlNI element trained i� �FSi"
L �lur�b�r of o#�icers w�rking �P etement t�ained in the �'raffic �ccupan#
Protection Str�#egies {T�PS} course.
J. Pre and posf sunsey #o determine perc�nfi of v��icles exceeding pasted spee
lEmi�s a�t speed �ites. Post s��ey required te be reparted in �r�al Pe�fiorm�
Report and Adminis#�aiive �v�lua�iAn.
f�. iVumb�r ��d res�lt� of accupant p�otection �u�reys �vnducted.
L. Percentage point change in obse�ed safe�l be�fi and child res#rair�t us�ge
- bet�re�n pr� and post �unreys. Re��ired fio b� repor�ed in fin�l Performanr,e
Report �nd �dministrati�e Ev�lu�tion.
Ni. f�umber of presenta#�ons condueted in �uppor� nf this grant.
N. �umi�er of per�on� �ttending pr�s�nf�tions.
O. Number o�' media �xpasures (i.�.,. news rel�as�s and in�erviews),
P. R�umb�r of cammuni�y even�s in v�►I�tiah �i��' offic�rs pa�ti�cipated (i.�., health or
sa�e�y �airs, bonfihs}.
Q. Numb�r of publi� infc�rmatia� �nd �ducaoti�n ma�erials pro�l�ced.
R. fVumb�r � pubiic informa���n ��� ed�cation mate�ials distribu�ed (by item}.
tl�. �������I�I�liI�S �� `iH� SU�C�Fi�4Ni�f�:,
A. Carry o�trt the obj���Neipe�'ormar�c� goa�s of this g�ant by impl�men�ing �#�e
Acgi�n �lan ir� fihis atfaehmenf.
�. Priar to enfor�men# actidity, de�elop �� Bper���onal Pl�n according �o th�
�epar�m�nt's sifi� s�l��tior� crii�ria, �nd submi� �or app�o�al eithe� a� a�t
ai�ac�rn�nt ta ��ils gran� �r wifihi� 3D days o� g�ant sta�. 'The 4��wdtionai �lan
v�ll include:
• S���D si#�s: SiEP Site, �ifie d�s�ript�on (ineruding �pp�oxim��e iength �n
mi[es and pasf�� limi#s); Sp��d �urv+�y 1��su��; and en�r��c�m�n� period.
(�h� ��bgrantee �ha�l follow �he D�parfinent's C�pe�ati�nal Plan �pp�ava!
Criter� for SY��' site �elec�ion and �n�uc�in� s�eed surr�eys.)
• dW� sit�s: �i�P �iie; �ite desc�ipiivn (specific iocafion or by �r�a such as
qu�d��n�, pr�cincf or region); ��d enforc�m�nt period. -- � ._
. � � ,� �� Y;� �i; ,
Comprahe�nsive 7/02 3 ���
�: , �
,- �� ,
•�P sk�es: SiFcl� Sifie; �iie d��cripfiion {sp�cific loca#ion or enti�e �uri�cfi�t�on
such as ci#yr3vide or coun#ywid�); and �nforcement period (must E�e d�yiight
C. lmplem�nfi the Oper�tional Pi�n as appro�a�d.
(Pfease ma�-k fihe appr�pria�e box belorr�u)
❑ The ope�agional plan i� appcoved as part of t�e grant agreament.
�e apera�#ionai plan wil[ be submitted for approval wi�hin 3U days of gra�•
�'�� �pproval: No en�arcement a�ivity can i�egin until the opetational p1�n is �
Changes to the opera#ional plan may be made by mutuat wri#ien ag��men� as
signed by authari�ed r�presenta#i�es of both #he Subgrant�e a�d th�
D. Ali newly developed puk�lic informat�c�n �nd education (Pl&�) ma��riafs m�sf be
submitted to the ��p�r�m�n� fo� wriften �pp�nval prior io fr��! �r�d�ction.
�. An Administrativ� �valuation summari�ing all ac#ivities and a€ccornpli�hm��fis
eneiil b� submiti�d on 9epar#ment �ppror��d it�rms �o tater �han 45 days after the
gr�n� ��ding d�t�.
F. /�ttend mee#ings accapdi�g fo th� follawing:
1. � ih� Subgrar�tee �+ill arrang� far mee�ir�gs rwifih �he �e�art�nenfi as
� indie�fi�d in ih+� Actian �ian to pr��er►4 �����s af �cfivities, discus�
pro�lems and s�hedule for th� #�Ilowing �u�r�er's work.
�. The praject coo�`din�tor �r other qu�lified per�on wi[t b� awailabt� fo
�p�sen� fhe Subg�an�ee afi me�fiing� -r�qu�s%d by th� Dep�r�ment.
G. �'or ou�dog s�ate t���ael exper�ses �o be r�imbursabEe, the Su�g�°anfie� musfi har�e
obt�ined fih� ��pr�val �f fihe C�e�a�mer�t p�ia� �e th� beginning a� the 4rip.
�r�nfi approval does not �#Esty thi� requttemen�.
H. iV��irrt�in r��ri�cation �h�t v+rages oY salaries for whi�f� ��imbursement is
�eq�e��ed is f�r wa�� �xc�usib�ly re�a#ed ta this project.
�. In �ddifion to �omp�eh�nsi�e �i�P enf+�rcerne�t acfir�ities, m�ir��in ih�
�gen�y"� te�l nor��Si�� enfor�emen4 c�4afio�si�rr�s� �� nn less t��� the I�e�e1
atfi�ined �rior �o gr�n� app�a�+al.
.�. �nsure #f�at �he enfors:em�r�� ho�� worked un�e� th� granf ��� fo� ST��'
K. �nsure fh�� e�cF� a�'icer wo�ir�g o� th� ST�P �roj��t wi�,������te �r_ A� i�r's
d�ily report gorm. il�e form shouid ir�c�ude: r��me, da��f �������d��i;���c�t�r�i��
coru�re�cnsiv� ��oz
n�trn�er, ty�e grant wo�c�d, g��n# sit� number, rr�ileage i� �ppli�bl� �in�luding
staor�ing �nd endir�� mileage), h�urs +�o�ce�1, fype c�fationl�rresf, affiicer �nd
supen►isor �igr�atures.
L..� �nsure tli�t no o�icer above t#�� r�n� of L�e�tenant (or equiva�enfi fi�te) will be
reimbursc� for �nforcem�nf duty. �
AA, Su�po� grant enforcement efforts vvith public iriformat�on �nd �d�cafion (PI��).
�n#arcement s�laries being claimed fior PI�� aeti�ifies m�sf be ir�cluded in �he
budg�t. /`
i�. Subgrant��� with a YrafFic Di�ision will uti(ize #r�f�c personr�el f�r �his g�at�fi
unless such personnel ar� unavaitab�e fior assigr�m�nfi.
a. Officer� assigned ia �peed sit�s shouid he train�d in the us� of rada� �r laser
speed m�as�arement devices.
F'. ��Fic�rs as�igned �o a�' �i�es s�eufd be ���ined i�t #he Tr�ffic C}ccupant
�'ra#ection Str�#�gie� {T��S) course app�oved by th� i�x�s Cammissian on
��w �nforc:emen# Bffi�r �fiandards �nd �duca#ior� �f'���D��).
�!. Requir�e t#�at �II o��e� assign�d fio work I]11VI e�for�em�nt �r� fi��in�d in th�
[�H�SAlIACP S#andardi�ed �'�ef� Sobrie� T�siing (Si�ST�. Prov�de � letfer to
�Fie ��p�r�men� �rom the en�q�em�n� age�c�+ head, �r�ininc� off��, or
auit�a�ix�1 i�dividua� stati�g th�# �he o�"ice� working �t�e gw�nt ar� ��ir��1. �'o�
a. �rsfi year granfi, wh�r� it in�lu��s �1�l�i ��fiorcemen#, �h� a�ic�rs v�aiff be �ralned,
�r sched�led fio b� S��'f' trai��d, by #F�� end Af th� gr�nfi y��r.
R. �riar fo c�nducfing �peed e�far�cement, the �ubgrant�� mu�t �el+� �nd surr�ey
e�fiore�me�4 �ifes f[�at com�ly wii�h exis�i�g sf�t� m�nd��ed speed f�tn� in
a�r.���2�r�ce �vlth �h� Texas iwa��por���ion �ode, See�ic�n� 5��.35� �hraugh
S. Conduat �peed �an� s�rveys to de4�rmfne approp�a+te ���P si�es. �urr��ys
m�y �� canducfied p�io�' fio the �e�innir�g o� �he ge��if. i�o�e d�p�rtrrs�nt�
choos�i�g to conduct #h� speed zene s�rne�ys during the �irs4 m�nth of �he gcar��
mus� submif �herry with � cor�pfeted �perational plan er�i�t�in �h� �r�� fi�irty (30)
d�ys of fhc� g�ant. I� f�te �ubg�ante� se�ec�s the aption a� sub�if�ing the Plan
�►i�hfn #h� �i�� 30 day�, no er��o��men� ac�ivity, vvifi� the �xc�pQion a� fhe
s�rveys, m�y take pl�� prio� �a r�c�idirrg w�itten [�ep��rne�4 �p�rov�f o� �he
Gp���fion�l Pla�a.
�: �n���e fh�� ���a�es for employees �imbu�s� u�der this gra�f will i� no +�y
suppla�fi (i.�., rep�ac�� s�ate 4r fac�� +�xp�r�d���r�s �+ifh �h� u�� of �ed�r�l granfi
fund�) Subg��n�� ►�+ages for actirriYi�s which ar� �Ir�rady �uppArted by �oc�f ar
s�te funds.
U. Subgran#e� may war�t addt�onal ���p enfor�ement ho�rs o��c�Fi��� �r --. _-- _-
spe�i�l ���nts no� covered �nder tt�e Opewation�l �f��, kov���r, ��a�d��f����� . �w �
Coinprehensive 7/Q2 . 5 . !
., r i
haurs must be r�ported ir� the Pr�jecf �e�foRn�nce l�epo�k �ha# cov�rs fh� iime
periad for which #he additional hou�s rnre�� rn�or�ed.
V. �f an o�cer ma��s a�T�P-re�a#ed arr�sf �luring �he shi�, hut does nof
compl�:t� the arres# b�for� 4�e shift is sch�duled �o �nd, #h� offce� can
continu� wo�king [��der fhe gr�nfi t� comple�� fihat �rr��t.
l�il, ihe ��bgranfee sY�ould haWe a safe�r beff �se palicy. If #he Subgrar�t�e
daes �of hade � safe#y belt u�e policy in pla�e, a po€icy shauld �e
imp�emented du�i�g #he gra�t year. �,
R���M�i�l�l�l�� �� il�i� D���l��:�A��1�.
Nlo�itor the Subgrant�e's compli�nce �+►+ith performance obligations ar�d fiiscal
r�quirement� of #his gran#.
Pror�ide program mar��gem�ni, techn«i assistan�e, and att�nd me�ti�gs as
G. R�imbu�se the S�bgran�ee far a![ eligi�le cosfis as defned i� �ffachment �,
Appro��d Proj�ct Budget. Req�u�ts for i��im�ur��ment wiil be �ro�es�ed up
#b fhe maxirrn�m amo�nfi payabl� as indic��ed on the co�er p�g� ofi �his
C�. P�r�orm �� admir�istr�tiv� review o� th� pr�jeck a� �h� elose �� the grant p�riod
ta inc�ude � re�+iew v� �dherence fio budget, Act�on Plan and att�inmpn� o�
ob�ectir��lpe�oemanc� go�ls,
COmple}leI1S1V8 %IO2
__-e;h =__. �
����I ,. �t
.. . -�,�
' ,
F� 21�� A�TI�� P]L�
3�Y. �P = p�ed aciuvi4y
C = ccm�letec� ac�ivity
R = re�sed
� - -
a , •_;.�� � �
. -�,� =' -
i -- ,
-- �
A�TiV1�TX itESPaN5i�BLE "��z �:i". M(['r �'F,� ; = -� - -
1. Grant de�iv�ry meetmg helc�. a]epardnent ]P .
2. li�ec�uests for 3[�eirmbursement subynit�ed. S�b�tee � P� P ]P � F � � 1P P P �
3 Perfar�na�ace and Anriex Reports subffiitted. Subgxantee P � F � � P ]P � � P I' 1'
��i �['T�IE: '�o canduct a Cort�prehensive STE� in Farrt Wurth by Sep�teffibeY 34}, Z003.
]PEit�i�N� ��: '�o compiete aa,�+�^; r*rative arid general grant requiret�te�#s by September 30, 2003.
P��.T��."�' '�'�.'il�: C��a����eansn�e ST�I�
�LTBG�i�T'II`EE: �'viy o�' �o�'Gi���Fa
4. Grant progneess �evie�r ��eting. SubgA'antee & Y]epa�rtffient � �
5. �andvci �=5ite t�onitoasag visit. IDepar�e�4
�. ��b�nit Cost Assr�npiaoa �lan. � S�grantae
7. Admiraistrative :��at�a�ion submit�d. Subgr�n#�e
8. S�7bmit S]FST trainimg letter Subgraat�e P
9. Comduct speed sarrveys and submit w�th Subg�aatee �
Operatiana� Pla� for �pproval.
Il�. �anduct pc�cct speed surveys. Subgrantee _ �
� 1. Conduct beit use �d chnld restaaint � Subgrautee P ,
43bservational suFrveys.
12. Stabmit letter regard3ug szgnature a�noriiy. Subgrantee � :.
- i3. 5��� operationaE cost per vehicle ms.ale Subgramtee �]P �
14. S�xlbmit �perationall Plan for ap�roval. Subgran�e � P '
Y5. �omd�aci emlFor:,effienq e�orts.
ll6. Submit Pr�jeci E�ension Request
(� aUpIicable�.
iorm�ehetasive 71�2
� �
]P � � P � � � ]P � P P ]P JP �'
I'S� 2�i�3 ACTI�� �1�.AN
8. Repoa't on activities. Sub�anftee
9. Conduct nevvs conference(s) Sultgrantee
� 1fl.Issue news release�s). ' Subgr�tee
KEY: P = plannec� ac4�v�iy
C = com��eted a�vity
R = �re�ised
AC�'�VI'.� Y ➢�SPON53fBY�E i�R�1�F.E'.�r A�f�TI'I`1FT
� b. �c►ntac� the �3e�vartmeni regard�g ]P� 8t � Subgrantee �
proced�res and platm.in�.
2. I�eeteoimine Yypes of snaterials a�eedeci. Subgrantee P P
3. Develo� proposed IInaterials. ����� �' �
4�. S�mut praposed mater�als snd #he P� & E S�bgrantee P P
mia;� to tl�e De�arimer� �'or a,�prvva�.
5. Appro�e materials atid pla�. IDegartme� P
6. Produceldisirtbufie materi�s. S�bgrantee P P � �� P � ]F 1' P �'
7 Main7ain �cor�s of alx Pi & E materiaR SubgraBtee ��]P �' 1' �' P P P P, P
P�t�.��' i'g�`I.�: Cco�a�►��[n��s3v� S'1'�]�
3TT�GR�N��,: Cn4y of Forr� W�Q6 .
���1`IV7E: 'To conduct a Comprektensitre STEP i�x F'art Worth by Se�t�ember 30; 2003. '
]PEitFOI�NCE ��i: '�'o support grat�t eaforcement efforts with a public in�ormation and ed�ca#ion {��[&k�� 1�ragra�xt
� lry Se.�rtember 30, 2043. �
11. Gon�uc� p�ese�ntatioms. Subg�'antee ]P �' 1� ' P� P � P I' P ]P ]P ]P
} 12.]Par�icipate � cominu�ty eveats (i.e., hea�th 5�grantee ���
or safet�' iairs, boot.�ts).
Co�prehens�ve 7102
;� ;, �• , _ � i
or rrampart:non
Form 2077-L� {rev, 8l2042)
(GSD-�pC Wond 97)
Page 1 of 2
�"��f�G ����t� Pr����� �udg�t
(for ��v+i Enforcement Projects)
Project Tit�e: �ompr�he�tsi�� ST�P
1�Tame of Suhgr�tntee: Citv o# �ro�fi VIlor�h
97,814 32,605
I4,1�1 4,70a
I1,26X 3,754
i4,355 4,7$5
(Round figares ta nearest do11Br)
T�noT ��atelLoc�l TDTAL �
. �
Bud�et Category x— La6or Casts
�ioo) �e�a�t�
Overtime or [J Regvlar Time
Salary rates a�'e estunateci far budget purposes auly.
Reimburs$ments will be based an act�al costs �er exnp�ayec iin
accordance �vith Sub�n#ee's payrall palicy and sa�ary rate.
List details: �
A. Bn£orc�ment (ovsrtime}
1. Oi�icers: 03 .QO hrs. @$4�Q0 per hr.
2. Sergeants: 37f.D0 lus. @$� p�t ht.
3. Lieutenanfs: 27� hrs. @$S�,Q� per I�r. ,
B. P�&E Activities (overtime)
[not ta exceed 10°/a afTa#al Salaries bi�dgeted (100)]
�0� hrs. @ 5,�.�(5 3Q per hr.
C. Other (i.e., overtime staf% supervisory supFort, cdr�ducting
surveys, in-honse fnstructors far QP violators course}
[not to exceed i41% o�Grar�d Total Budget A�nount]
S�ify: Froiect Director .
� hts. (a� ���.00 par tir.
'toia15a1aries ......................................................................... ...
(�41}) �'ei�e Bene�its
List detai�s:
Tqtal l�'ringe Beae�its ..................................................................
{3U0} Travei and Pee Dfe�t'� .......................................................
Reitnbursements will be based in accordance �w3it1� Subgrantee's
traVel policy, �not to exCeed state rates.
L Tatgl Lat�� Cnsts (l00 +�UO + 30�) ............................. :.............
A�ci�m�nt B
143,9�1 �'�,993 191,974
: �� ��"�I �' li �Qi�
� �3�
'� Budge# Detaii: As a�t attmchment to the budgc�t, a,{usrificatian and a detailed cost brea�cdowa is required £ar a11
ctists included far Travel (3�), F,cluipm�ent {4f?0}, Supp�ies {504), Cantractua� Secvices (6dU), and Indsrect Cost
Raies (SUQ)
, r 1 �
d . . j�µ py�q� a
A6L�VIi�\{P.�L �
TxC�T Fwm 2077-L.E {rev. @/2002)
(GSD-�PC WoM 87)
Page 2 Of 2
ProjeCt Title: ComprahanBf�B 5'fEP
5wbprentee: City of Fort Worth
Budget Catego�y �I — Other DiYect Costs
[d40) Equ�pment* .......................................................................
�soo� sn�pi�� ............................................................................
(G�k9J Contracfual Servires* .......................................................
(7QOj Uthee �V+iisceIlaneous*
A. �ubgrantee Vehiele IVIileage:
Rates used only far hudget estimate. Reiutbursement will
be made ac�ording to the approved subgrantea's average
cost per mile to ogerate patrol vehicles, not ta exceed ttte
sta#e rate. Documentation af cost per mile is required prior
ta reimbursement.
50.078.D� miles @ ��.3�400 per mile
S. R��gi.5t�t�t3ipri fe�S (k'aining, warlcshcaps, confe['eeces, eta) ..................
C, Public information & �ducatio� (PI&E) materials ..................
1. Educationai it�ms = $Q
(eg.: brochures, bumper aticicers, Fosters, fliers, etc.)
2. Pm�notional it�ms = $S,O,�,Q
�Eg.: ICey C}1�iriS,1q>t�is, p�IICiI3, �C[15, M�1�.4, BCC.�
b. �10i�` .. � .............................�.................................................
Tvt�t Other i�iscetlaeenus .........................................................
II. Tptal Other DRrect Cnsts t40U f Sp0 �- 6� +'y4�) ....................
Budget Cate��ry III — Indigect �osts
(8fl0) IltdireCt Cost R�te� (at _ %) .... ... ... ............ . .........
Tat�l Labnr Costs .......................................................................
Total Other� Direct Co�t� ...........................w...........................,,..
TO�1 LI�I�Ct COSISN ..................«......a..««............t..1.....Y...M.....•
Gr�and �'u�al {I+�i+III} ...................................................
l� ��d �u���.R ��Ci�t 011ili G� ••.a..��.....•...•�•........�.a�........�w.u.•a.�..
(Round figures ta nearest dollar)
TxDQT St�te/I.acal TOTA�.,_
0 0 0
o a �
0 0 _ o,�
I2,769 4,257 l7,OZ6
�l Q fl
3,7SQ 1,250 �,OOt!
D p 0
15,519 5,�7 2�.�
15,5l4 5,507 Z�,U2�
0 0
1�3,98i 49,993
i�,��� s,�a�r
'� Q
16Q:00 53,5�t1 2i#,�00
/�•VY►�IO d�.OV YO
I ' �
, ���P�'�
I� �
� �h
„ �'"'�;�
� � � .
� Bndget Detail: As en attachm�nt to t�c budge�, a justi�icatioz� and a detai�ed cast breakdown is reqnired €or alI
costs included fnr'IYavel (300}, Equipmetit (4fip}, Supplies (SQt?), Gontractual Services (60�), and Indireci Cost
Rates (800j
of 71�apoMatlon
Form 1854 (Rev 5l2002)
(G5�-EPC Word 97)
Page 1 of 2
������� ���U�����
Attachmeni C
'Tk�e Subgrantee hereby assures and certifies tlaat it will comply with the regul�tions, paIicies, guide��nes, arid
requirements, �ncluding 49 CFR 1$ and OMB Circular A-87, or OMB Circulars A-I 10 and A-21, or OMBr�
Circutars A 110 and A-122, as the� relate to the application, acceptance, and use of fedaral or state f�nds £or
this project. Also, the Subgrantee assures and certifies to the grant that:
1. It possesses legal authority to a�ply foc the gra�t; that a resolulaon, motla�, or similar action has been duly
ada�ted or passed as ax► official act to tbe applicant's gaverning bady, authorizi�ug the filing of the
applicatian, including all understandings and ass�rances contained therein, and direct�ng and authorizing
the p�rson identifieci as the official represantative af the applicant to act in connection with the applicat�on
and to ptovide such additional information as may be required.
2. It wi11 conaply with Title VI of the Civil Rig�#s Act of 1964 (Public Law S$-35�) and in accarc3ance wi#h .
Title VI af thai Act, no person �n t�e United �tates shal�, on the gro�rnds of race, color, or riat�anai origin l�
�cluded from participation in, b� ci�:nied benefits af, or be otherwise subjected to discrim:ination under affy
program or activity for which the app]icam receives federal f nancial assistance and will immediately take
auy measures necessary ta effectuate this agreement.
3. It wi�l cou�ply with Title V� of Ci�vil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 200Ud) �reFhibiting employment
disctimi.u�tion wheee {1} the primary purpose of � grant is to provide employment or {2) discrimulatory
empfoyment practices will result in unequal treatment af p�rsons who are or shoulci be benefi#ing fram the
grant sided activity.
4. It will comply with requiz�ments af the pravisians af the Uniform Relvcation Assistance and Real Property
Acc�uisitions Act of 1970 (PL 91-646) vti+hich pravides for f�ir and eq�itable treatm�nt af persans displaced
as a resuit of federal and feciernlly assisted pzograrms.
�. It will cempty with the provisions o� the Hatch Act which limit the politica.l activity of employees.
6. �# will compiy with the minimum vvage and maximum hours provisions ofthe Federal Fair Labor Standards
Act, as th�y apply ta haspita� and educa#ional i�stitcition employees of State and lvca[ govern�ents.
7. It will establi�h safeguards to �rohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or gives
th� appearance of being motivaied by a desira for private gdin For themselves or others, particularly those
with wha�n they have family, business, or o��r ties.
8. It wil[ give the sponsoring agency the access to and th� right to exa.uaine a�l records, baoks, papers, or
dacume�ts re�ated to the grant.
9. It will comp�y with a]1 requirements �mposed by th� spansoring agency concerning spacia� requirements of
law, pragram requirements, asid oth�r adrni�tistrative requirements.
- ��.�
, ,�
TxD�T Form 1854 (Rev. 512002}
Page 2 of 2
Attac�ment C (continusd}
1U. It will enaure that the facilities under its ownership, lease, supervision �vhich s3�a1� he utilized 'ua the
accnmplish��nt of the prQject are not �isted on t�e Enviro�mental Protection Agency's {EPA) list of
Vio�ating Facilit.�es and that it will notify t�a federal gr,antor agency of the receipt af any comnn.unication
fram the Direct�r ofthe EPA Offce o�k'ederal Act'rvities indicat�ing that a facility ta be used iR the prmject
is under consideration for listing by the EPA.
11. It wi[1 comply with the flaod insuranca purchase requirements of Sectio� 102(a) of the Flood Disaster
Protection Act of 1973, PL 93-234, $7 Stat. 975, appro�ed December 31, 1976. �ection 102(a) requires, on
and after March Z, I975, t�e purchase of flood insuranee in c�mmunikies where s�ch insrrrance is avail�ble
as a candition for the receipt of arry federal fina�cia� assi5tance for constructipn or acquisition purposes for
use in any area that 3�as been iden�ified by the Secretary of the Depart�r��nt of Hausing and Urban
De�+e[aprnent as an area having special fload hazards. The phrase "federal financial assist�nce" includes
ar�y form of loan, gra�t, guaranty, insurance pay�ent, rehate, subsidy, disaster assistance loan or gran.t, or
any form of dineet or indirect federal assistance.
12. It will assist the gran.tor agency in its compliance w'rt#� Section 106 of the Natsonal Historic Preservation
Act of 196b as amended (�b USC 470), Execuii�e order 1 i593, and the Archeological and Histaric
Preservation Act of 1965 {16 USC 469a-1 et sen.) 6y (a} cansuiting with the State Historic Preservation
Officer to cond�ct the investig�tion, as necessary, ta idcnti�y properties Iisted 'tt�. or eligible fot inclusion i�
t�e Natxonal Regis�r of Historic Places that are subject #o ad�erse effects (see 3b CFR SOO.S) by the
activity, and notifying #he :fedezal grantor agency of the existence ofany such prop�rties, and by (b)
complying with all requ�rements establis�ed by the federal grantor agency to avoid or mitigabe adverse
�ffects upon such prog�rties.
13. It will comply with Chapter 5'73 of the Te�s Government Code by ensuriag that no fli�icer, emplgyee, or
member of the appticant's governing bady of the applicaat's grant shali vote ar canfirin the emplayment of
atty �erson r�lated within �e secand degree af affinity or th�'d degree by consanguinity to any mer�ber o£
the governing body or tn any other offioer or employee authorized to employ or supe�vise secah �erso�. This
prohibition sha11 not grohibit the enaploy�nent of a person described in Section 573A62 ofthe Texas
Governmen# Code.
It will ezisure that all informa#ian collecteci, assembled, ar maintained by the appiicant relative to t�his
project sha11 be avaiiable to the public during normal bu�si�ess �ours in ca�pl�anee wi�h�Chapter 552 of the
Te�s Government Code, �nless otherwise expressly prnvided by law.
It will comply with Chapter 551 of t1�e Texas Gavernment Code, rn+hich requ�res aIl �egular, Special, or
called meetings of governme�tal bodies to be open ta the pnblic, exeept as atherwise pravided by law or
s�ecifically �rmitted in the Texas Constitution.
- „ �'"n
� �.
or� an
Fonn 1855 (fteu 5I2002)
(GS[?-�PC Word 97)
Page 1 of 1
Attachment D
(1) The SUBGRANTEE cer�ifie� �o the best of i�s knawledge and belief, that it and its principals, ,i
{a} A� nat presently debarred, suspended, proposed far debarment, declarad ineligible or
valuntarily excluded fronn covered tra�sactians by any federal de�arlment or agency;
(b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this praposal been� coavicted of or had a civi�
judgement rendered agaxnst them for comtnission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection
w�th obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performin.g a. federal, state, or local public transaction or
contract und�r a�ub�ic ixansaction; viatation of federai or state antitrust statutes or coz�issian
of embezzlement, thef}, fargery, bribery, falsification or de�bruc�ion a�records, cnakir�g false
state�ants, or r�ceiving stolen property;
(c) Are not }nresently ir�dicted for otherwise criminally ur civi�ly charged by a federal, state, or local
gavernmental entity with cominission of any of the offenses en�umerated in paragraph (1}(b) of
this certifica#ion; and
(d) Have not within a thre�e-year pe�iod preced'[ng this application/proposal had one or more fsd�ral,
state, or local public irdnsactions terminated for cause or default.
(2} Whete �he SUBGRANT�� is unable to certify ta an�+ nf ths statemenf.s in this certificatiom, such
SUBC�ANT'$E shall attach an expianation to thes cezti£'icatia�.
of Certifying Offieial
Libby Watson, Assistant City Manager
�� ��� �
� Date
�".{` �... .,
, ,,, ...,r,t
, � '��
� �.�'_
. u
,. , '! i' i . , .
of rrwrsgorfx#un
Form 1856
{Rev. 512Ua2)
(GSa-EPG Word 97)
Page 1 of 1
At�achrnent E
(1} No Federal appropriat�d funds have been paid ar will be paid by or an behalf of the
undersigned, ta any person fflr influencing or attempting to influence an officer ar
em�loyee af any federal agency, a Member of Cangress, an officer or emplayee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection wyith tb.e awardi.ng o�
any federal con#s�act, the making af any federal grant, the making of any �ederal loan, the
entering i�to of any cooperative agreement, and �he extensaan, continuation, renewai,
amendment, or modification of any federal co�tract, grant, loan, or cooperaiive agreement.
Grants, Contracts, Loans, and �nteragency Coapera�ion Contracts
The undersx�n.ed certifies to the best of his �r her knowl�dge and belief, that:
(2) Ii arty funds other than federal appropriated func�s k�a,ve been paid or will be paid to any
�rson for influencing or attempf�ng to influenee an afficep ar empfoyee of any agency, a
Member of Cvngress, an offcer or emplayee af Congress, or an employee of a Memb�r of
Congress in connectian wi.th #�is �ederal contract, grant,loan, or coopera#i�e agreement,
the undersigned sha.11 complete and submit Standard Farm - LLL, "Disciosuxe Fo�n #a
Repo�t Labhying," in accardance wi.ttx its iz�structions.
(3) The undersigned sha11 require that the language of this cert�f cation be included in the
award dacuments for all snbawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, a�d
contracts �ander grants, �oans, and cooperative agreements) and �t a.�I subrecipients shall
ce�tify and disclasure accordingly.
This certification is a materiat representa�zan of �act upon vvhich reliance was placed when this
transaction was made or er�tered into. Submission af �s c�rtification is a prer�quisit� for makin�
oar entering inta #1us transaoti.on imposed by Sectian 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any persan who.
fails to file the xequired certificatian shall bs subject to a civil penalty afnot less than $10,00Q
and nat �nore than $100,000 for each such failure. ��
� � -- .
Libby Watson, Assistant City Mana�er _
Ti�le -
City af Fort Worth Po1ice D�partment
r- i��,11+ .
; � ��
C'ity of Fa�t Wo�th� Texas
M��o� a�c� �o���i� ���x�u�.���t�on
10/� /02 **��� �27�, 35STEP 1 of 2
It is recommended that the City Council:
1. Authorize the Ci#y Manager to execute a contract with the Texas Department af Transportatinn
(TxDO� ta continue to operate the Comprehensive STEP (Selective Traffic Enfarcement Program)
on an o�ertime basis in the amoun# af $235,9�0 {s�ate $160,500, City $75,460); and
2. Authorize this con#ract to begin 4cfob�r 1, 20Q2, and �xpire September 30, 20Q3; and
3. Adopt the attached appropriafion ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the
Granfis Fund by $235,960; and
4. Authorize the transfer of $75,46Q fram the �'ederal Awarded Assets Fund fo ihe Grants Fund for the
City's cash match; and
5. Authorize the City Manager to wai�e indirect costs in the amount flf $3�,7�4, since indirect costs are
nat allawed by TxDOT.
Working or� an o�ertime basis, officers will attempt to decrease fatal �et�icle accfdents at targeted STEP
sites, reduce speeds in excess of the posted speed limit, arrest in#oxicaied drivers, and increase safety
belt and safety seat usage rat�s. All eq�ipment for this program will be pro�ided from existing
resaurces, and the state wi[I reimburse the City for overtime pay and mileage expenses.
The funding period for this program wilf begin on Octob�r �, 20q2 (or when all signatures are obtained
on the contracts), and �nd Sepfember 30, 2003.
The total contract cost of fihe Comprehensir►� STEP is $235,960. TxDOT will pro►►ide funds in the
amount of $960,500, and the City wiil provide $75,460. The terms of th� state contract do not allow for
reEmhursement of t�e 11.4�% retirement fringe benefit for the overtime persanr�el base salaries, and
was not included in the cantract total. The budget is as follaws:
Retirement at 11.46%
Educational Maferial
$ 263
� 3,7�a
$ 12.769
iofial $160,�aa
$ 87
$ 1,250
$ 4.257
$'f 91,624
$ 21,960
$ 350
� �,00a
$ 17.026
C'ity o��'ort Wo�th, Texas
l�a��� ��� Co����l C����.�i��.t���
1011/a2 **�a� 9�7Q. 35STEP 2 of 2
TxDOT does nat provide for any form of indireci costs; therefore, it will be necessary to waive fhesa
cF�arges in the amount of $35,754 for STEP.
The Finance Director certifies that upon approval and execution of #he abave recommendatians, the
funds req�ired for this agreement will be available in the current operating budgefs, as apprapriat�d, in
fh� Grants Fund and fhe Federal Avwarded Assets �und.
Su6mifted for City Manager's
Of#ice by:
� ��uivv
� (to)
I 3&5) GIi76
61$3 3) GR76
3) GR76
5 (�arious)
� an�o�rvr
$ 75,460.00
$7 60,500.Q0
Libby 1Vatson
Originaiing DePartment Head:
Ralph Mendoza
Addiiianal Information Contact:
4- (From)
83 86
5) !�'[ 07
AYPROVED 10/01/42
0352000 $ 75,460.00 � ORD.# 15273
Ralph Mendoza 4-