HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 20039Lp✓t(I�i V�( yy)n��'1�Sf`p,G�T r /,r�/j
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This Agreement is made and executed by and betra�een the City of
Fort Worth, a municipal corporation situa��d in Tarrant County,
Texas hereinafter called "CITY'� or '�Own�r", acting herein by and
through Mike Graomer, its du.ly authorized Assistant City Manager,
and Teague, Nall and Perkins, Inc., acting herein by and through
Gar� J. T�ague, it� duly authorized President, hereinaftex called
and agree
C1�Y S�CR���RY �
__ .�.,.... ,�;,�
5ection i. The City hereby contraGts with the �nginee� as an
independent contractor, and the Engineer hereby agrees to perfa�n
the servic�s h�rein described wifih diligence and with the
processional �tanda�ds customarily obtained for such services in
the State of Texas. The professional services set aut herein are in
connection with ths foZlowing described project:
for and in consideration ot the mutual covenants and
herein contained the parties hereto do hereby covenant
3s fol.lows ; � ,
�� k ' . ��+��
The design of street, storm drain, water and sanitary sewer
facilities for the Housing and Human Serv�,ces (H&HS) project
col�ectively known as the Eastwaod Mvdel Blocks project,
Speci�icall.y the Eastwaad Model BZocks project includes:
Reconstruct�on of Caral Avenue - Project includes the total
��construction of Carol Avenue to a residential standard. The
project limits are �rom the western dead�end �o �dgewoad
Terrace, excluding the Pate Avenue intersection. Th� pro�ect
also includes the replacement of the existing water and sewer
lines wa.th 8" lines. Approximate total project length =
1,530`, approximate �ength of water replacement = 1,560',
approximate �ength o� sewer replacement = 1,490`.
Reconstruction of Crenshaw Avenue - Pra�ect includes the total
reconstruction of Crenshaw Avenue to a residen�ial standard.
Project limits are from the western dead-end to �he Pate
�venue in�ersection. The projec� also inCludes the r�p�acement
of the existing water and sewer lines w�th �" lines.
Approximate total projeet length =�70', approximate �ength of
water replacement = 430', approximate length of sewer
rep�acement = 580'.
Reconstruction nf Bertha/Fitzhuqh �venue - Proj�ct inc�ud�s
the total reconstruction of Bertha Avenue to a residential
standard. Project �imxts ar� Se�tha, from the w�s��rn dead��nd
to Pate Avenue, and Fitzhugh, from Pate Avenu� to Edgewood
Terrace. The pro�ect also includes the rep�acem�nt of the
exis�ing water and sewer iines with 8" line�. Approximate
total p�oject length = 1,420`, approximate length of wat��
replacement = 1,450', approximate Zength of sewer replacement
= 1,270'.
S. Hughes Avenue Water and Sanitary 5ewer � Praject l.imiis are
from Ramey to �'itzhugh. Water and wast�water project raill be
done in coordination with Engineering Services Division of the
Departiment of �ngineering. Preliminary street construction
plans have be�n completed for the prajeCt. Consultant project
includes the rep�acement of the exi5ting 4" wa�er 1in� with an
8" line from Lorin Avenue to Littlejohn Avenue. All water line
crossings will be replaced from Ram�y Avenue to Fitzhugh. Th�
project will also require the replaeement of the exis�ing
seweac lines to $" lines from Ramey Avenue to Fitzhugh.
Crenshaw A�crenue - Project includes the repair of existing
cu�b, gut�er and side�,ralk along Crenshaw Avenue from Pate
Avenue eastward io Edgewood Terrace. Approxima�e project
length = 1020'.
Edqewood Terrace - Project includes the repair o� existing
sidewa].k al�ong Edgewood Terrace from Caral Avenue to Fitzhugh
Avenue. Approximate project length = 57.0'.
Section 2. The servi.ces to be performed by Engineer shall
aiso include the following:
1) When requested by the City, the Enginee� shal]. attend
pre].iminary Conf�rences with authorized repre�entati.ves
of the City r�garding �he project and such o�her �anfer--
enc�s as �►ay be nec�ssary in the opinion of the City so
that the p1an5 and speaificaiians which are to be
develaped hereunder by the Engineer will result in
providing facilities which are econflmical in design and
conform to ins�ruction from �he City.
2} The Engineer shall attend �uch con�erence� with o���cials
of other agencie� as may be necess.ar� in the opinion ot
the C�ty for coordination of the proposed street, �torm
drain, wat�r and/or sanitary sewe� improvements with the
requirements of s�ch other agencies. It shall be the
Engineer's duty h�reunder to secure necessary infox�ation
from such ag�n�ies.
3) The Engineer 5ha11 advise the City with r�gard �o the
necessity �or subcontract woxk such as speCxal surveys,
t�sts, tes� borings, or othex aubsurface inves�iga�ions
in connection wi�h design and engineerinq work to be
performed h�r�under. The Engineer shai� also advise the
C�ty concerning the results of same. Such surv�ys, t�sts,
and inves�igatians shall be made only upon authorization
by the City.
4) The Engineer shall furn�sh three (3) copies of the Phase
1 cancept engineering plans on the project which incZude
layouts, preliminary right-of-way needs, and COSt
estimatas for �he Engineer's recommended plan.
5) During th� concept phase the Engineer shall covrdinate
with all utilities as to any groposed util�ty lines or
adjustment to existing utility lines within the prolect
limits. The information obtained sha11 b� shown on the
eoncept plans. The Engineer shall shaw the location of
the prapos�d utility �ines, existing utility �ines and
any adjustments and/ar relocation of the axisting lines
within the project limits. The Engineer shall show an �he
preliminary and iinal. plans the location of the praposed
utility li.nes, existing utility lin�s and any adjustments
and/or rel.ocati.on of the existing la.nes. The Engineer
shall also eval,uate the phasing of ihe u�ility, street
and drainage work, and shall subm�t such_evaluation in
writing to the Director of the Department of Engineering
as a part of the con�ept phase of the project (Phase 1),
fi) The City shall provide necessary field surveys and
furnish a copy of survey book notes �o the Engin�er for
his use in the preparati.on of plans and specifications.
The Enga.neer shal� provide the City with �he descriptians
and scope of survey n�eds and suppl.y the necessary
information in regard ta alignment and ather criteria to
enabl.e the City to furnish the necessary surveys.
i) Engine�r sha�� provide de�ailed design da�a, cross-
sect�ons, profiles, drainage calculations, estimates o£
cost and complete detailed p�ans and specification�.
8) The Engineer sha11 submi� 2� copies o� Phase 2 plans in
preliminar� form as may be necessary in the opinion of
�he City for review by the Ci�y and for submission to
utility companies and other agencies for the purposes of
coordinating work with existing and proposed utilities.
The Phase 2 plans shaZ1. indicate location of exist-
ing/proposed utilities and sto�m drain 1.ines.
9) The Engineer shal]. furnish 5 copies of detailed Phase 3
final drawings and 4 copies af specifications for
construction as authorized by the City for use in
obtaining bids, awarding contracts, constructing and
completing the proposed improvements. The Engin��r sha11
furnish and indica�e on the plans the location o�
existing and proposed uta.la.ties and storm drains.
1Q) The Engineer shall furnish 30 copi.es o� Pha�e 4 tinal
construction drawings and 44 bound copa.es of the contrac�
documents contaa�ning the Notice to Bidders, Proposal,
Labor Rates, Experience Records, General and Special
Provisians, Spec�fica'�ions, Insurance Statement, Perfor�
mance and Payment Bonds, and Contract forms.
11) The Engineer shall furnish 4 capies of d�tailed cost
�stimates and propasals for authorized construction,
which shall include summaries of bid items and quanti-
12) The Engineer shall secure the approval of the City of the
fznal plans and specifications. Evidence of such approval
sha].1 be the signature� of authorized City officials
inscri.bed on the plans. All Contract Documents shall
compl,y in all respects with all app].a.cable loeal, state,
and federa,l l.aws and wi.th ail applicable rule5 and
regulations promulgated by all local, s�ate and nationa�
boards, bur�au5 and agencies. Approval by the City shall
not constitut� or be de�med to be a release of the
responsibility and liabi�ity of the �ngineer, its
offiCers,agents, employees and subcontractors for the
accuracy and competency of the services perform�d
hereunder, including but not ].imited to designs, working
drawings and �pecificati.ons or o�her engineering docu�
ments. 5uch approval shal]. not be deemed to b� an
assumption of such responsibility and Ziability by the
City far any error, .omission, detect o� negligence in the
pertormanca af such s�rvices, it being the intent o� the
par�ies that approval by the City �ignifies �he City's
approval of only the general. design concept of the
improvements to be constructed.
The Engineer sha].1 indemnify and hold harmless and defend
the City, its officers, agents and/or emplayees from any
loss, damages, �.iability or axpense on account of damaqe
to prope�ty and/or in�uries (inc].uding death) to any
person ar persons, incl.uding officers, �mployees or
agents ot the Engineer, whiCh are approximat�Iy ca�sed by
any negligent act, error, amissa.an, defect, ar deficiency
in the performance of the Engineer's professionai
s�rvices or in th� preparation of d�signs, working
drawings, specification.s ar o�her �ngineera.ng documents
incorporated into any improvements constructed in
accordance herewith. The Engineer sha].l defend at its
own expense any suit or other proceedi.ngs brought against
�he City or its officers, agents or emplaye�s on account
thereoi .and shall pay all. expenses and satisfy al.i
judgements which may be incurred by or rendered against
the City ar a�ts off.icers, agents ar emp].oyees in connec-
tior� herewith; providing and except, however, that this
indemnity provision shall not be canstrued as r�quiring
the Engineer to indemnify nr hold harm].ess the City, its
offieers, agents, or employees from 1.oss, damages,
].iahility or expense on account of defeets or deficien�
cies in design criteria and information furnished to the
�ngineer by the Citiy and which the Engineer could not
discover by the exercise of reasonable di].igence, ar
deviations by the contractor in constructi.on from
Engineer's designs, �aorking d�awings, specifi.cations or
other engineering docum�nts, except such deva.ations a5
rnigh� occur with the app�oval o� the Enqineer or during
�he performance of �,rork over which the Eng.ineer has
13 ) The Engineer shall assist in th� tabu].ation and review of
aJ.l bids received far the cons�ruct�.on of thE improvea
ments, and shall rnake recommendations to the City
concerning the�e bids. At any time during the construc-
tion of tha.s pra�ect, the Engineer shall advise on
special aspects of the p�oject at the request of the
City. The Engineer W�ii review and approve shop drawings
as necessary.
14} The original drawings af ail plans shal� be drawn in ink
on reproducible c�ot� or approved �lastic fx�m sh��t�, or
as otherwise approved lay the Direc�or, of �he Department
of Engineering and shall become the property of the Ci�y.
Ci�y may use such d�awings in any manner it d�sires;
provided, however that the Engineer shall nat be�liable
fo� the use of such drawings for any project other than
the project described herein.
15) The Ci'ty sha11 provide nec�ssary soils testing and
furni�h a report of the test information to �he Engin��r
for i�s use.
1fij The Engineer shall det�rmine the rights-of-rNay and
easement needs necessary for the construction of the
project and furni.sh sarne to the City. The City shall
pravide the necessary land survey, Deed and Abstract
Records search, rights-of-way maps and descriptians of
prope�cties to be acquired.
A. The Engineer shall be compensated on the basis of the
hourly rate schedule inc�uded as Exhibit "A" of thi5
contract. The Engineering fee wi�.l. be in an amaunt equal
to �wo and ane�half (2.5) ti.mes the salary cost of its
�mployees engaged on �he pxoject. The hourly rate
schedule includes salary paymen�s to engineers,
technicians, clerical and other personnel for time
directly chargeable to the projec�, plus twenty�six point
two percent {26.2�) for social security contributa.on�,
uneanployment compensation insurance, excise and payroll
taxes, insurance benefits, sick leave, vacation, and
holiday pay applicable thereto.
B. Ac�ual o�t-of-poeket expenses that are incurred during
the progress o� the work� at Engineer's cost plus 10$. The
actual outoof-pocket expenses include: ai� far�,
automobile ren�al if required, mileage charges, parking,
tolls, �axi, meals, lodging, telephone, printing and
reproduction costs, and other miscellaneous costs
incurred specifically for this pro�ect.
C. For work done by o�hers, at the actual cost to the
Engineer of such services plus 10�.
D. The total compen�ation �or all of the serv�ces to be
performed by Eng�neer as described in Sect�on 2 no�
exc�ed $62,225 aa described in "Exhibit "A".
Partial paymentg wi�l be billed monthly up to tihe
allowable maximum amount. See Exhibit "A" for applicable
houriy rate5 for this contrac�.
Method of Payirien�:
Partial payment sha11 be made monthly upon receip� of an
invoice from the Engineer outlining the amount of hours worked
]ny �ach employee, the employee"s name and clas�i,fication, and
th� employee' s salary rate along with itemized charges £or any
subcontract, reproduction and survey work performed dnring the
period covered by said invoice.
Th� aggregate of such monthly partia]. payments shall not
exce�d the following:
until satisfactory completion of Phase � hereunder, a sum not
to exceed 45 percent of the maximum fee,
Until satisfactory completion af Phase 2 hereunder, a 5um not
ta exceed 70 percent of the maximum fee, less previous pay-
Unti� satis�actory eomp�etion of Phase 3 hereunder, a sum not
to exceed 80 percent of the maximum fee, less p�evious pay�
Until sat.isfactory completion o� Phase 4 hereunder, a sum not
to exceed 95 percent of the maximum fee, iess previous pay�
Ba.lance of earnings to be due and payable upon satis�actory
comp].eti.on o� Phase 4.
Engineering wor}� on this project shall be completed according
to the �chedule d�scribed in Exhibit "A" of �this contract.
The City shal� make available to the �ngin��r t'or use in
performing services hereunder all existing plans, maps, field
no�es, statistics, computatzons and other data in the City's
possession relative to existing facilities and.to the
The Enginee�c shall submit mon�hly progress reports to the
DireCtor of Transportation and Public Works. If the Engineer
determin�g in the course of making design drawings and specificaa
tions that the cost estimate of $8�50,000 will be exceeded, whether
by change in the scope of the project, increased costs or other
cdnda.tions, the Engine�r shall immediately report such fact to the
City's Director o� the Department at Engineering and, if so
instructed by the Director of the Department o� Engi.neering, shall
suspend all work he�eunder.
The Engineer shall not assign, sublet or transfer, in whole or
in part, its interest in this agreement w.ithout the prior written
consent of the City.
Section 1. The City �ay terminate this contract at any time
and for any cause by a not.ice in writing to the Engineer. Upon
receipt of such no�ice the Engineer shall immediately discontinue
ail services and work and the p�.acing o£ all orders ar �he entering
into contrac�s for supplies, assa.stance, facilities, and materials,
in connection with the performance of this contract and shall
praceed to cancel promptly all� existing contracts insofar as th�y
are chargeable to th�.s contract.
Section 2. If the City term�nates this con�raet under the
foregoing Sectian 1, the City sha�.I pay the Engineer a reasonabl.e
amount for services per�armed prior to such termination, which
payirient shall be based upon the payro].]. cost of employees engaged
on the wark by the Engineer up ta the da�e of terininatian of the
contract and for subcontract, repraduction, and survey work in
accordance with the rnethod of compensation stated in Article II
hereof .
Section 3. All compl.eted or partially completed reports
prepared under this contract, inciuding the ori.ginal drawings,
shall become the p�operty of the City when the contract is
terminated, and may be used by City in any manner it de�ires;
provided, however, that 'the Engineer shall not be liable for �he
use of sueh drawings for any project other than the pro�ec�
described in this contract.
Fngineer cov�nants and agrees that it will perform the wor3c
her�Under as an independent contractor, and not as an offic�r,
agent, servant, or employee af th� City; that �he Engin�er shall
have �xclusive control of and the exclusi.ve right to control the
details of the work performed hereunder, and all persons performing
same, and sha1Z be liable for the acts and omi�sions oi i�s
Officers, agents, employ�ees, cantractors, subcontractors, and
consultants; that the doctrine of respondea� s�.perior shall not
apply as be�ween the City and the Engineer, i�s officers, agents,
employees, contractors, subcon�ractors, and consultants, and
nothing here�.n shall be construed as creating a partnership or
joint enterpris� between City and Engineer.
By signatuxe of this contract� �he Engineer warrants to the
City of Fort Worth that he has made full disclo�tzre in writing o�
any existing conflicts of interest or potential canflicts of
interest, a.ncl.udi�ng personal financial interests, direct or
indirect, in property abutti.ng the propased project and business
�elationshi.ps with abutting property owners. The Engineer further
warrants that he wil], make disclosure in writing of any conflicts
of i.nterest which develop subsequent to the �igning of th�s
contract and prior �o final payment under ihe contract.
The Engineer �h.all not commence raork under this cantract until
it has ob�ained Professional Liability Insuranc� as required
hereunder and such znsurance coverage has been approved by the
City. Such a.nsurance shall be in the minimum amount of $250,000 and
sha11 include coverage of Contractually Assumed Liab���ty. The
insurance coverage prescribed h�rein shall be maintained throughout
the period which �ngineer furnishes i�s services hereunder and
sha�l not be canceled, modified or altered ia any manner without
priar written notice to the City. In this connection, upon the
signing and r�turn o� th�s contract by the Enginee�, a C�rtificate
o� Insurance sha�l be furnished to �he City as �vidence that the
xnsurance coverage required herezn has been obtained by �ngineer,
and such ce�tificate shall contain the provisian that such
rnsurance shall not be canceled, modified o� altered without �hir�y
(30) days prior written notice to the Ci�y.
Th� Engineer acknowledges his co�nmitment to meet the City's
goals for da.sadvantaged busin�ss enterpra.ses (DSE} par�icipation in
City contracts, as specifi�d in his proposal. DBE par�icipat�ion was
part of the evaluation criteria used in the award of this contrac�;
therefore, fai],ure ta comply may result in the Engin�er being
cl.assified as an irresponsible consultant and being barred from
City work for a period of not less than six (6) months. The
Engineer agrees to furnish documentation of DBE participation such
as canceled checks ar other evidence as may be deemed grop�r by the
Ci.ty .
A, Engi.neer agrees that the City shall, until �he expiration
of three (3) years after final payment und�r this
contract, have access to and the right to examine and
photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papexs
and reco�ds o� the Engineer involving transactions
relating to this cont�act. Engineer agrees that the City
sha11 have access during nor�tai working hours to all
necessary Engineer. facilities and shall be provided
adequate and appropra�ate work space in order to conduct
audits in compliance with the provisions oi thi� �ection.
B. Engineer further agrees to include in all its
subcontracts he�eunder a pravision to the effect that the
subcontracting consul.tant agrees that the City shal�,
until the expiration vf three (3) years af�er final
payment under th� subeon�ract, have access to and the
ra.ght ta �xamine any directly pertinent book5, dacumen�s,
papers and records of such consultant, involving
transac�ion� tn the subcon�ract, and, further, that City
sha11 have access during narmal woxking haurs to all
con�ultant facilities, and shall be provided adeqnate and
appropriate work space, in orde� to conduci audits in
comp�iance wi�h the provisians of this article together
with subsec�ion (c) hereof. The City sha11 give the sub
consul�ant reasonable advance not�ce of intended audits.
C. Enginee� and subconsultant agree to phatoCopy such
documents as �ay be requestEd hy the City. The City
agr�es to reimbur�� Engineer for the cost of copies as
�, 50 cnp�es and under - 10 cents per page.
2. More than 50 copies -$5 cents for the first page
plus fifteen cents for each page �her�after.
In accordance with the policy {"Policy") of the Executive
Branch of the Federal Goverx�ment, Engine�r covenants that neither
it nor any of its officers, members, agents, or emplog�es, will
engage in�pe�forming this contract, sha11, in connection with the
employment, advancement or discharge vf employees or in conneCtion
w�th the �erms, conditions or privileges of their amployment,
discrim�nate against persons because of their age except on the
basis af a bona fide occupational qualif�.cata.on, retirement plan or
statutory requi�ement.
Engineer further covenants that neither it nor its officers,
�nembers, agents, or employees, or persons acting on their beha].f,
sha1L specify, in salicitations or advertisements for �mployees to
work an this Contract, a maximum age l.imit for such employment
unless th� specified maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide
occupational. quali�fication, retirement p].an o� statutory
Engineer warrants it will fully cflmply wi�h the Policy and
will defend, indemnify and hold City ha�mless agaa.nst any and all
claims or aliegations asserted by third parties or subconsu�.tan�
against City arising out of Enginee�'s andfor i�s subcon5ultants'
alleged �ailure to comply with the above referenced Policy
concerning age discrimina�ian in the performance of this agreement.
In acco�dance wi�.h �he provi�ions of the American� with
Disabilities Act of 1990 {"ADA"), Engineer wa�rants that it will
not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disabi�.ity in the
pa�ovision of services to the general public, nar in the avaa.labi].i�
ty, terms and/or condi.tions of employmEnt for appla,cant� for
employment with, or current emp].ayees of Engineer. Engineer
warrants it wi3.1 fully comply with ADA's provisians and any othe�
applicable �ederai, state and local laws concerning disability and
wi11 defend� indemn�fy and ha�d City harm].ess against any claims or
alleqations asserted by �hird parties or suhconsultants against
City arising out of Engineer's and/or its subconsultant's aileged
failure to comply with th� abov��referenced laws conce�ning
disability discrimination in the per�'ormance of th.is agreement.
.�.TxcL� xx�cx
Venue of any suit or cau�e of action under this contract shall
lie in Tarrant County, Texas. .
IN T�STiMONY WHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth has caused this
instrument to be signed in triplicate in its name and on its
b�half, by its Assistant City Manager and attested by a.ts City
S�cr�ta�y, wi�h the Carporate Seal affixed; and the Engineer also
ha5 p�operty executed this instrument in �riplicate copies each of
which ig de�med an origina�s.
�ECUTED in the City of F$ r� Worth, thie /,� day of
,�2�°J� A . D . 3.9 � o} •
� � �
3�: ' i
�Alice M._ u h, City Secretary
���- ' t�
A. Douglas Radamaker, Director
Department of Engineering
Wade Adk , City Attorney
Date: !//�-ylp�
BY=Y l �
�ike �____..__
l�.ssistant City Manager
gy : . .�µ°�.'
Gary T�ague P�esid�nt
Cax��r�.G•i; .9.u-�]anr�.��,��ior�
, �� � .
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� C 4 N S U L T i N G E N G f N1 E E R 5
A�i�. Rick T�ice, P. E.
Engineering Depa�tment
City of Foft Worth
IOQ� T'hr�kmorton Street
Fort Worth, Texas 7bi02
July 6, 1993
•Re: Priced Prapvsal for En�ineering Servi�es
E�stwoad 1V�ode1 Blc�ks Proje�ts
Dear M�, Trice:
Thank you for selecting Teague nall and Perkin�s, Inc. for the subject project. We have
reviewed the work to be done and believe we have a good understanding of ti�e r�quirements.
By phone and by letter, you r�quested that we submit you a p�iced prog�sal. This submittal is
in resp�nse to that request.
817 338-5773
Based upan our discussions and hasecci upon our review of the work to be accomplis�ed, we
propose to provide the �ngineering services at a fee "nat to exeeed" $b2,22S. That fee is
compc�s�d of the following components:
Design of project; including concept, preliminary and finai
plans, and sgecifications
$ 2,50�
$ �,725
$ 1,000
Erosion Contral Plan
10% Insurance and o�erY�ead for subcantract worrk
Total "Not tu F�cceed"
As part of evaluating the prapased fee, we also develo�d a rough prelimi�ary cost range. In
our opiYuon, the cost range far this proj�t wil� be $`150,OUfl -$$SO,O�i�U.
In performing the engineering services, we an�icipate the following schedule:
Phase 1: Concept desigs�s, ait�mati�es, studies and reports i� sufficient detail to indicate
generally the prc�biems involve;d and the alternate solutions available including
layouts, g�nerai right-of-wayleas�ment ne�s, cost es#imates and the Engineer's
9�5 Florence Stree? Fart Worth Texas 76142
������� �����
A�i�. Rick T�ice, P.E.
Engineering Departmer�t
City of Fort Worth
July �, 19�3
Page Two
recomm�ndation shall be submitted within fifty {50) calendar days after "Notice to Proceed" and
survey notes are received fPam City.
Phase 2: Preliminary construction plans and right-af-way requirements sha�l be submitted
for review by the City and utili#y campanies and other ageneies within sixty {60)
calendar days aftep approval of this concept study and rega�t.
Phase 3: Finai construction plans and specifications shall be submitted for iinai review
within thirty {30) calendar days after receipt of City's Phase 2 review comments.
Phase 4: Final construction plans and specifications shall be submitted for advertising
within ten {10} calendar days after receipt of City's Phase 3 re�iew comments.
'I`t�e engineering fee will be in an amount ec�ual to two and one-hal.f (2.5) times the salary cost
of its �mployees engaged on t�e project. Salary chargeable to the project, plus twenty-si� paint
two g�rcent (26.2%) for svcial se�urity cantributions, �ar�emplayment, excise and payroll taxes,
insuranc�e benefits, sick Zeave, vacation, and holiday pay applicable thereto. Subconsuitant work
will be billec� at invoice cost plus 10%. The following hau�ly salary raies shall apply:
Principal $�b.U+4 to $35.0� p�r �our
Project Engineer $�2.00 to $28.50 g�r hour
Engin�rr II $li.(314 to $25.00 per hour
Engineer I $�4.Q� to $18.00 �er hour
Drai'tsman/Technician $.$.(3� to 515.00 p�r hour
Clerical $ 6.00 to $1�.(30 ger hou�
It is our �nderstanding that the City of Fort Worth will provide t�e surv�ying wiih its own
fprces. Inform us as so�n as possible and we will work with the surveyor regarding tt�e field
Thank you once again for selecting Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc, for t�is project. We laok
������� �����
l�ir. Rick T�ice, P.E.
Engineering Department
City of Fvrt Warth
July b, i�3
Page ThY�
forward to beginning work in the immediaEe future. Please do nak nesiiate to car�tact us if yo�a
shauid have any qaestions concerning any of the information contained in this progosal.
��f � .�
_ �
Gaz�y J. Teague, P.E.
��1 ���� iE �1���
�J iE�1G t1� .I�1A �. L A I�I7 I��� �1��15
� C D N S C! L 7 1 N G E N G ! N � E R S
817 336•5773
July 19, 1993
i�. Rick Trice, P.E.
A�Ianager, Engineering Services Divisian
City of Fort Worth �
�0� Thueackmorton Street
Fo�t Worth, Texas 76102
Re: Breal�down oF Proposai for Engineeri.ttg S�rvices
F�stwood IiRodel Blac�s Frojects
Dear Mr. Trice:
In our phone conversaiion today, you adviseci that th+� funding for the subject project would be
comin� from vario�s sources. For this reason, you needed for us to provide you with a
brealcdown of aur engineering fee into three categories: water, sewer, and pavingldrainage.
In response to your request that breakdown is as folIows:
Work Element
En�ineering Fee
�30.5 I5
Please cali }ne if yflu sho�ald have any quesuons regarding i�e abvve breakdawn, or if yau shouid
need any additional information. Thank yau for the opportunity to be of service.
Gary . eague, P. E.
g15 Fio�ence StrGW• For� Wa�•~ T�Y�� "�iC"
��� a, f ` l�'o� �o��, �''e�c�s
.�c��o� c�� �'���� �`�a����xi�c���r��
UA'�'L� R��`EitEHC� F�[J2��R L�C HFIk� PA�#�
� ������� � ��������� � �����Y � � �� �
suaa�c� AV�A��iD �� D��IC�EU ��{�1TRA�T �i�F� ��1�T�VOOD MOD�� BLp�l�� F'R��I��T Tp
�l 1'�A�U�, NALL Ak�D P�RKEN�, -�£��.
REC ��1111�4 � i�! DATI ��:
It i� recammended that �:he �ity �ouncil:
�. A�prov� a�14.�30* tra���i�r frvt�t CI�� 1N�ter �r�d �ew�r Operating ��tr�d �o rthe W�Cef
�aprlal I�roj�cts �und, ��stwood ll�lad�l Qlack� Pro��ct accaunt, �r�rf
2. A�pro�� a�1�,�80* #far�sf�r frc�m i��e 11V�ter and �ewer Opera�ing �u��d ��o #h� ��v�rer
�apil'a1 I�rojects �ur�d, E��kwoad �V[o�eJ BIocJ�� Proj�c� ac�our�t, ar��
" Ir���udes �1,4Q� in c�a�� account f�r I���je�# ��nac�e,�e��.
�. �I��r�r�ra a��0,��� transfer from �fie ��stw�ad Nlodek �loc�s Projecr in thv fir�r�t� �t�n�
to xh� ��asxwood 4�ode� �Eo�ks Street acco�nt, an�
�. Auihvt��� the �i�y M�na��r xt� e�c�ctat� a desigr� �on��a�� v�ith Tea�ue, N�Ek and �erEcins,
Ir�c, �915 �lar�nce �tr�ot, Fort VIJar[�} for � f�� nt�t t� exceed �6�,��� for [I�e d��ign of
�h� Eas��ro�d N1���1 �lar.k� �r�d �outJ� Wughes �tr�e� 1Nater and Se�nrefi �rojec�s �es�rrb�d
�n May �5, 1�J�� �i�&� �-1018�j �t��ncil ����hori��d ##�s tr�r�sf�r of fu�3ds to begi� er��ir�eeri�g
�ur�a�s �� tk�e sr�eet� to be �mgrovec� �,n�er #ktia �a�tw�ad ��d�l �iac�Cs pr�j�ct.
The ��s�vtrood N�o�et �iocics pr��o�erl s�r�et im�r��rerne�ts ar� des�ri}�ed b��ow:
��rt�� Av�nue f�e����t�uct��r� - D$a� End tv E�g�wot�d Terrace
�rei�shaw Av�n�e Re��ns�ru�ti�r� - p�ad �nd to Pa�e
8�rtha Ave�ue Raconstru�tioGi ��]�aci �r�� ia l-��gk��s
�it�l�ugl� Ave�ue R�consi��cti�n - Hugfties �� �dgewa�d Terra��
�dgew�ad Terrac� �idew�ik �e�air - ��r�l to Fitztt�gh
�r��s�waw Av�r�u� �urb, �uxt�r �n�! �i[�ew�Jlc #�e��ir - Pafi� to �dgewooc� 7�r�a�e
Hugh�s �#ree# f�ecoras�ru�tior� - R�rr�e� #o Fit��,�agh
�r� Jur�e 1 f 3 993 {f1+1&� �-1 � 1� rt}, �o�rrx�i! �p�rt�vet# t�e r�all��ation of ����, 000 Fn ���m��tii#y
Dev�io�merr� 8lo�k ,C',ranx ��D��} 1fe�r }41I�E fu�ds #o t�� us�d #�r �I�e Eas�+n+ood N�odeE �E�cks
� Pmlun on �ncydua pnpy
�'i� o, f �'ar� �o���, �'��cc���
����� c��.' �"o�rr�� ��zr���i�c����
���� ������� ���� ��� �� ����
1pl�Bl9� '*�R14065 3��AST I 2 a� �
suaa�c� ,�WARD �F D��IC��! CO�tT�iA�7 �01� �A�T1NC]OD N10D�L S�Q�IC� �I�QJE�T TQ
T��CU�, �l�ALL A1f�D P�RKITV�, fhl�.
Th� pr�{���ed �ontr�ct will provid� i�or �Iti� �e�ign o� �avEn�, vti+at�r and s�wt�r impf�vc�me�t� fc�r
all of th��� sireets bu# or��.
7ho rt98� �apital Impraverr��nt P�o�r�rr� irr�Cud�d fur�ds ior the re�o�sxru�ti��� o� So�[fti Hu�Y��s
��r�e# �ram R�me� �tv�nue t� Fi#zhug�. �o�s#r��#l�n �l�ns �o� the ��reei have ���n c�mp�eted
b�+ Ci#� s��f�. It has be�n dei�rR�nirt��l lh2t w�teC BnLi 5�r��t�ry sew�r ��CIli�k�s n��d r�pld��m��1t
af�e��# �f street construction. Th� d�sigi3 of o+�ly ihese ��ciGfies is includ�� ir� the scope ofi the
pr��b�e� desr�n �antract .
1"he �ue�ding f�r �h� c�nstru�tk�� �f th� prapas�d stre�ts, with �h� �xc��kio�i �i S. Hughe�
��r��t, w�ll b� �rov�d�cf b�+ F-#��sing �nd Mum�� ��rvices �nd will b� ider�tif ik;d �� tf�e c�mple#k�n
�f fin�i design, "fkwe 1+1f�t�r De�artr��nt wilE fu�d #t�o w�ter ��tf ��nitar� sew�� improv�rn�r��s.
�urr�r�t �t�n�truc#io� cos� estirr�a��� fc�r �ti�e project are as �ollaws:
�treet �409,��0
1Nat�r � � 80.��Q
�ewer ��45,���
�otal �834,��Q
��g�w�od Terra�e frnm �erry Str��# to Ram�y l�v�nu� is� a pro��ct ie� the proposecf � 98� �ap�tal
Irn�rovement ��ogram. The �dgewc��d 7�rr�ce praject is o+� �he e�st�rn border of the �asttinroc�d
f�+lrsdel BEoc�cs pr�j��i ar�d rr�a� b� ir�clu�le� �s a f�t�re am�ndment to #he s�ap� of ��sign
s��vi�2s. �e�ding �i�iz�n �nd �ounc�l �pprov�ls.
7eague, i�aCl and P�rkins, ir�c.f is rec�mfn�nded �'o p�rform l��re d�sig� for a f�e i7o� #c� exce��
�fi�,��� ��sad �n �s#ablis�ed I�ourfy rat�s. Th� ra#es an� total fe� have b�er� ravieuved ��r ��afi
�nd f��nd to b� r�asae�a�le for lhe �co�e of s�rvices pro�os�d_ The requi�ed surve� tinr�r[� is
being perforrned by C�t�r fnrces. ��il te�tirrg ��rvices wl�l �Iso �e pro�iderJ by tl�� �ity.
7�ague, Nall ae�d Perki��s. I��;., I��s ��enF�lied wkt� th� �i#y's C7i��dvar�tag�d Bu�Rt��ss �r�te�prise
The pro���� i� 1�ca�ed in DI�7f#I�T 5.
� �'I+ylnll ull io�KGlq� �UNUr
�i�y �; f' �'o�� '�"o�h� �'exc���
.�c��o� �� ����i� �������r.�-�o�
� L+{L�JJJ **�r^����i7 I ����k�� f � Q� �
�ua�E�� AVVARD 0� D����IV CD�ITRA�T FOR EA�T4'+l�pp N�DD�L ��O�IC� �I��JE�7 �`�
TEI��I.IE, hll��� �IVp p�RKaF�I�. I�l�.
The Direct�r �� �i�c�G ��rv�ces c�rfi�fi�s iEial ���n ��pr�u�l �nd �ort��let€on of f�c�mmendativns
1, �, ar�d �, F�nds for �his expe�dit�re will be available i€� �f�a �kirr�r�x o�vr�tin� budgets. �s
appropri���d, of t�e 1+Vater �€�[S �ow�r �apit�l P�oj�Ck� �ur�c�s �r�d ti�e �rants Fur�d.
f �iC�l
tikGktrn4+�wl si�r 4l[y h#flnuy;er'r
{ltiise �y:
xrlike �Y,�nniar
#]r�gi��oliu� Uepurt,uon� t���d;
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