HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 20042������"�` ?,:1C°:���.�•��w��r �,
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THIS AGREEMENT is made, entered into and executed on � o������� ,
1993 by and between the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation situated in Tat�ant County,
Texas; acting by and through Mike G�oomer, its duly authariz�d Assis#ant City Manager,
hereinafter referred ta as "City," and Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., acting by and through
Richazd L. Thornpson, its duiy authorized Vice President, hereina�teY referred �o as "EngineeY,"
to provide engineering sexvices. �
WHEREAS, City desires to ppoceed with Sanitary Sewe� Mait� 161 and ��,1 Drainage
Area Inf'�ltrationJfnflow Evaluation Study and Sewer System Improvement PYoject (ths Project);
WHEREAS, Engineer has available and offers ta pxovide personnel and £acili#ies _
necessary to perfortn the engineering services far the Fraject, and;
NOW, THEREFORE, City and Engineer agree as follows:
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The Ciiy he�reby contrac�s with Engineer as an independent contractot, a�i�i �ie �ng�neer
hereby agrees ta perform, withyn the professional s�d$rds normally accepted in the State of
Texas, t�e professional services set out herein in conneetion with the Project as das��ibed. in
Exhibit A entitled, "Scope ai Engineering Services, Compensation and Schedule. I£, during the
course of perfarming the engineering services, City and Engaineer agree that it is necessazy to
make changes in the Project as described in Exhibit A, such changes will 1� incorporated in the
Agreernent by wra.tten amendment.
City of Prnt Wo=th
P�ge 1 of ID
Odob� 20, 1993
EngineeY agrees to pe�fo�m thase tasks descr�ibed in Exhibit A, Scape of
EngineeYing Services, Compensation and Schedule. Unless moclified in wr�iting
by the parta..es, the responsibilities oi the Engimeer shall nat exceed. the services
listed in Exhibit A.
City and Engineep agree that incidental engineering services related ta the P�ajec�,
hut not covered in Exhibit A, may h� needed during perforrnance of this
Ag�reement. Such categories of services shall be classified as Addit�onal
Engineering Services and shall b� undertaken under the t�ms of wYitten
amendments to the Agreement executed by Ciry and Engineer or includ�d in a
separate contract ii the Engineer is selected to per%:rm the Additional Engineering
City agrees t�o provxde facilities and equipment, and to perform ser�ices in connection with
the Project as set farth l�low.
I. Approving and paying acceptable progress payment requests.
2. Froviding availab�e information related to the Project such as, but not
limited to, drainage aYea maps and Yecard draw�ngs af IViains 161 and ��1
and Latezal 162i, previous engineering reports concerning Mains lbl and _
��,1 and Lateral 16�7, operation and maintenance records pertaining to
Mains 151 and ��1.
3. Results of City's computef inodel simulations, data base and model itself
for Mains 161 and 221 and Lateral 1�2�.
4. Water usage from billing records far the drai.nage area of Mains 161 and
5. List of line segments TV inspected by the City within the last two yeaxs.
6. Proviciing access to the Engineer across all public and private properties.
'�. Pro�iding information on future growth and Iand use as �equested by
Engineer to assist in developin� futurc flow projections.
c�ey ot Foa wa�
oao� xo. i�s
8. Desi.gnating a single person to represent the City du�in� the term of the
Enginee�ing A�eement so that the Engineer can receive in a tim�Iy
manner and rely on decisions made by the City.
9. Issuing Contract Documents to prospective bidders, maintaining biddeYs list
and other Bid Phase activxties.
1Q. During the Canst�uction Phase provide general and pesidsnt inspection,
setting of line and grade stakes, routine i�nspection of construction, review
and apgYove shop drawings, �eview and approve contractor's pay �equests,
and pe�form semif'ma1 and �inai inspections.
The City and Engine,e� agPee that the pPoject is planned to be completed in acco�dance
with the project schedule in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made a par* he�eof. The
Engineer shall employ manpower and other resources and use professional skill and diligence to
meet the schedule; howe�er, he shall nat l� respansible for scheciule deZays �es�ulting from
conditions heyond his cantrol. With mutual Agreement, the Ciry and the Engineer may macUfy
the proj�ct schedule duting the caurse af the p�oject and if such modiiications affect the
Engineer's compensation, it shall l� modiiied accordingly, subject to Ciry app�oval.
Fox Additional Engineering Services, the authorization by the City shall be in writing and
shall inclnde the definition of the services ta t� p�uvided, the schedule fo�e commencing and
completing the services and the basis fo� comg�nsation therefo�, all as agreed upon by tiie City
and Engineex.
Tt is understood that this agreement contemplates the full and comglete engineeariang
services for this project inciuding any and all services necessary t� complete th� waYk as autlined -
in Exhi.bit A other than Additional Engz�neexin.g Services. Nothing contained herein shall 1�
construed as authorizing additional fees for services n�cessary %r the successful completian of
this prflject o�her than Additional Engineering Services. The Enginee� acknawledges by the
ex�cution of this contract th�t such contingencies as may 1� deemed necessary and p�oper have
been included in Exhibit A.
The total compensation faY the services desc$bed in Exhibit A to be perfar�med by the
Engineer shall not exceed $��.2,620. The City agrees io pay, and Engineer a�ees to accept,
compensatian in accordance with the methods and schedules set forrh in Exhibit A, w�ich is
attached hexeto and made a part hereof
City of Part WoAfi
F►ge 3 of 10
Odaba 20,1993
Approval by the City of cont�aci documents sha11 not cons�.tute o�° l� desmed to b� a
release of the responsibility and liability of the EngineeY, its offi.ceYs, agents, cmplopees, and
sut�onteactors fo� the accu�acy and competency of the services perfarnned under this agreement,
including but not limited tti su�►eys, designs, wopking d�awings and specifications and oihear
enginee�g dacwnents. �
Such appro�al shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such pesponsibiiity �nd liability
by the Czty far any negligent ac�, error or orrussion in th� performance of Engineer's p�ofessional
services or in the canduct oP prepapation of the subsurface investi�ation, surweys, desi�ns,
warki.ng drawir�gs, and specifications or other engineering documents by the Engineeere, its
off'�cers, agents, emplaqees arid subcontcactoxs, i.t t�ing the intent af the parities ihat approvai by
the City sign�fies the City's approval of only the geneYai design concept of the improvement to
i� conslructed. In this connection, the Enginee� shall indemnify and hold the City ar►d all its
oificers, agents, servants, and employees harml�ss from any loss, damage, liabiliry or expenses,
on accoant o� daznage to pro�erty and injuries, including death, to all persons, includi�ng but not
limited ta offieeps, agents, or employees of the Engi.neer ar suh�antractors, and all okher pe�ons
perf'orn�ing any part of the work and improvements which may arise out of any negli�ent act,
en°or ar omission in �he perfomnance of Engineer's professional services or :in the conduct o�
preparation of subsurface investigarions, surveys, design,s, wo�king drawings, specifications and
other engineering documents ineoYpoYat�d into any unprovements constructed in aceo�dance
therewith. The Engineer shall defersd ai its own expense any suits o� othar proceedings brought
against the City and its ofiicers, a�ents, servants, and employees, or any of them an aceounts
�hereaf, and shall pay all expenses and satisfy all judgments which may be incurred by or
rendered against them or any of them in connection with the foregoing desc�ibed negligent aCt,
error or ornission, p�avided and except, however, that thi.s indemnif cati�n provision sha11 nat 1�
construed as requiring the Engineer� to indemnify or hald the Ciry o� any of its officexs, a�ents,
servants, or employees �anmle�s fram any Ioss, damages, liabi�lity o�e expense, on account af
damage ta praperty or injuries to persons caused by defects or de�iciencies in design criteria and
information furnished Engineer by Cii�r, or any deviation in constructian from Engineep's designs,
working drawings, specif'ications, aP otheP engineering documents.
Without limiting the above indemnity, EngineeY shall provide to City a certi�icate of
insurattce as proof that he has obtained a palicy of comprehensive general liability �ove�agc
(occurrence basis) with carriers acceptable to City co�ening all risks relating ta the services to
b� performed undeY t3us contr�ct, by the Engineer, its sah�ontractars and consultan�s, such
insurance to b� in at Ieast the following amowlts:
Comprehensive General Liability Insuran,ee
Au#omobile Liability �insurance
each ocCurrence
Combined Single Limit
c��y ofl�on wonh
Pnga 4 of 1D
Oclohar 20,1993
Engineer shall furnish Ciry a Cerbif'icate af Insurance in at least thc atzave amounts.
Certif'icate shall contai�. a provi�ion that such insu�ance cannot Ue canceled o� modified without
30 days prior written natice to City.
EngineeY shall not commence wark unde� this A�eement until it has obtained
Professianal Liability Tnsu�ancc as Yequired hereunder and such iu�suranee aove�age has been
approved by the Gity. Such inswranee shall 1� in the minimum amount of $3,000,0OO.Op
aggregate and shall include cove�age of Contcactually Assnmed Liability. Tiie Insurance
co�erage prescribed herein shall l� maintained tE�aughout the period which Engineer furnished
its servic�s hereunde� and shall not b� canceled w�thout prior written notice to the City. In this
connection, upon ihe signing and return of this AgPeement by the Engineer, a Certif'icate of
Insurance shall � furnished to the City as evidence that the insutance coveYage �equired herein
has been obtained by the Engineer, and such certiiicate shall contain the pYovision that such
insurance shall not be canceled or modif'ied without thirty (30) days prior written n�tice ta the
City. Engineer shall notify Ciiy within 10 days of any modification o� alte�ation in such
Professianal Liability Insurance.
Engineer shall be entitled, to ihe extent determined appropriate by the Enginee�, to
suh�ontract any portion of the service to be pe�formed by Engi.nee� under tltis A�reemen�
This Agreement is binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the patties hereto. This
Agr�ement is not to be assigned by eithep the City or Engineer without the pria� written cvnsent
of the otheY.
This Agreemenf represents the entire understanding of the City and Engineere as to those
matters contained herein. No priaY orai o� written understanding shall b� of atny fo�°ce or effect
with respect to thase matters covezed hereunder. 'This Agreement may not be madified o� altered.
except in writing, signed by both parties.
Engineer shall pe�form serviees hereunder as an independent contractor, and not as an
afficer, sexvant ar employee of the City and Engineer shall have the exclusive right to control
servi�ces perform�d hereunder� by Enginee�, and all persons performing same, and shall �
responsible for the negligent acts and omissions af its officers, agents, employees, and
subconsultants. Nothing herewith shall bc constru�d as creating a paxtriership op joint ventuxe
between the City and Engxnees, its aff'icers, agents, emplayees and sub�ons�ltants; and the
doctrine of respondent superio� has no applicat�on as between the City and the Engineer.
City vf FoR WoAh
Page 5 of 1D
Qctab� 7A, 1993
The City's Praject �fiicer shall act foP the City and s�all 1� identified in w�i.ting at the
time the autho�izatian to ppoceed is issued.
The City may suspend, in writing, all ar a partion of the sen►ices provided under this
Agr�eement in the event unforeseen circwnstances b�yond the conteol of the City make normal
progress in the perfarrnance of the services impossible. The Engineer may �quest that the
services bc suspended by notifying the City, in writing, of circumstances which are interfering
with norm� progr�ss af the seiwices. The time for completion of the services shall bc extended
by the numb�r of days the services are suspended. In the event that tl�e period of suspension
exceeds 90 days, the te�ems of this Agreernent are sub�ect to �eneg�tiation and both parties are
granted the option to terminate services on the suspended portion of the praject in accordance
with Ar�icle XIII.
The City may terniinate all o� a portion of the sePr+ices cove�ed by this Agreerrr�nt for its
convenience. Either the City or En�inee� may terminate se�►ices in the event the other party fails
to perform in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Temunat�on t�f this A�reement
is accomplished by 15 days pria� written notice fiom the party initiating termination to the other.
Nntice of terminatian shall be delivered by certified ma.i1 with receipt foP deliverry Peturned to the
In the event af terminativn, the Engineer shall per�'ofm sucf� additional se�vices as
necessary for the orderly filing of documents and clasing of the proj�c� 'T�e additionai tame fop
filing and closing shall not exceed 14 �epcent of �the total titne expended on the terminatPd -
portion of the project and zn any event shall not bc less than 30 no� mnre than 60 days prirn° to
the effecti�e date of termination.
Engineer shall t� campensated fo� the tem�inated portian of the services on the basis of
service5 actually performed priar to the effecti�e date of termination, plus the se�vices �equi�ed
for �Iing and closing. Charges for the latter services are subject to the time limitation descr.ibed
in this Sectian XIII.
The Engineer's Praject Office�, who shall l�: empowered to aet for the EngineeY in
accordance with this Agreement in all matt�rs relating to the technical administ�ation of sepvices
to � provided, s�all l� the EngineeY's du�y appointed Client Officex. The Engineer shall identify
the Client Officrx to the Ciry in writing. �
City of Paxt Warth
Page 6 of 10
Odobtar ?A, 1943
A. Engineer agrees that the City shall, until the ex�iration of three (3) years aftep
final payment under this con�eact, hav� access to and the right to examine and
photocopy any dipectly pertinent design calculations, quantity take-offs, books,
documents, pape�s and reca�'ds of the Enginee� involvin� transactions relating to
this contraci. EngineeY agrees that the City shall have access during nv�rnal
worlang haurs to all necessar�y En�ineeP facilities arid shall t� p�ovided adequate
and app�op�iate work space in order to conduct audits in campliance with the
provisions of this seation.
B. Enginee� furthe� agrees to incl.ude in all i�,s sul�consultant agreements he�+eunde�
a provision. t� ihe ef%ct that the sul�ansultant agrees that the City shall, until the
expi�aiion of three (3) yea�es after final payment under the s��ontract, havc access
to and the right to examin� any d�rectiy p�Ytinent design calculations, quantity
take-offs, books, doc�ments, and papers ar�d records af such subconsultant,
involving transactians to the subconteact, and further, that City shall havc access
during normal working houx� to all subconsultant facilities, and shall be provided
adequate and appPap�iate work space, in oxder to conduct audits in campliance
with th� p�ovisions of this artiele together with subsection (C) hereof. City shall
give suh�onsultants reasonable advance notice of intended audits.
C. Engineer and subconsultant agree to photocopy such docum�nts as may l�
r�equested by the City. The Gity agrees to aeeunbu�cse Engineez° for the cflst of
capies as fallows;
1. 50 Copies and under - 10 cents per page
2. More than 50 copies -$5 c�nts far the first page pins fifteen cents fo� each
page thereaf#er.
The Engineer acl�owledges Ius cammitment to meet o�r make "good faith" effort to meet
the City of Fort Worth's gaals fo:e Disadvantaged Business Entezprises (DBE) particip�tion in
City contracts. DBE participation was paz�t of the evaluation c�iferia used in the award of this
cantract; therefore, failure to comply may result in the EngineeP being classiiieci as non�
responsive and l�ing barred from City work for a period of not less than six months. The
Engineer agrees to fiirnish documentation of DBE pazticipation such as canceled checks, etc., or
such evidence as may b� deemed propear by the City of Fvrt Warth. .
Zn accordance with the policy ("Policy"} of the Executive B�eanch of the Federal
Government, Engineer covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, memb�rs, agents,
�mploy�;es, program participants or su6�vnsultants, while engaged in pereforming this conte�act,
c�cy oe � wfl�t►
Prge ? of lo
Odobee 20.1993
sh�11 in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees ar in
connection with the terms, conditians aY p�ivileges of theip employment, dis�riminate against
persons because oi theiY age except an the basis� of a bone fide accupational qualification,
retirement plan or statutory requirement.
EngineeY further covenants that neither it nor its off'iceYs, membeps, a�ents, employees,
sub�onsultants, progiam participants, oP persons acting on their h�E�alf, shall s�ecify, in
solicitations oY advertisements for employees to wark on this cankeact, a maximum age limit fo�
such employment unl�ss the specified maximum a�e limi.t is bas+ed upon a bona fide a�cupatianal
qualif'ication, retirement plan vr statutory requiremen�.
Engineer wamants it will fully comply wi#1i th� policy and will defend, indernnify and
hold City harmless against any clartrns or allegations asserted by third parties oY subcansultant
against City arising out of Engineer's andlo� its sut�ons�l.tants' alleged failure to comply with
the abo�e referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the pe�4rmance o€ this agreemen�
Xn accordanee with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act oi 1990
("ADA"), Enginee� warpants that it and any and all of its suh�onsultant engin�ePs will nat
unlawfully discriminate on the basis of d.isability in the provision of services to the genePal
public, nvr in the availability, terms a�d/or conditions of employment for applicants for
employment wiih, ar employees af Engineer or an�r af its subconsultants. Engineer warrants it
will fully comply with ADA's provisions and any othe� applicable federal, state and IQcal laws
cancerning disability and will defend, inderr�nify and hald City harmless against Sny claims op
allegatians asserted by third parties oar su�onsultants against Ciry arisin� aut of Enginee�'s
and/oz its su�onsultants' alleged failure to comply with the above Pefe�enced laws conceming
disability discrimination in the perfarmance of this agreemen�
Venue of any suit aY cans� of action undep this cantract shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas.
The original drawings and specifications shall become tfie propepty of the City; however,
the Engineer may retain reproductible copies o� all such documen�. City may us� such drawin�s
and docum�nts in any manner it desires; provided, however, that the EngineeP shall not � liable
for t�� use of such drawings and documents foP any project other than the p�ojeCt describ�d
herein; and further provided, that the Engineer shall nat b� liable for the consequences of any
changes that are made tv the dYawings and documents op changes that a�e made in the
unpl.ementation of the drawings and documents without the writt�n approval of the Enginee�.
city of BoR woicn
P�ga S of IO
Odober 20, 1993
sEcrzoN � - E�rrs
The following exhibits a�e made a part of this Agreement:
Exhibit A- Scope of Engineerir�g Se�vic�s, Compensatian and Scheduie
csty or �o� wo�w
P�ge 4 aE 10
Octn6� 2f1, 1993
IN TESTIlI�IOIrTY WHEREOF, the City of For� Wa�th has caused this instnument to �
signed in triplicate in its name and on its b�half, by its Assistant City Manage� and attested �y
its City Secretary, with the Corparate Seal affixed; and the EngineeP also has p�operly execated
this ins�umsnt in triplicate copies each of which is deemed an original.
ExECUTED in fhe Ciiy of Fort Worth, this day af �o� ������
A.D., 1993.
� - -
By: ��' - - _.� . � G'�`� -'-�
. � �,
Alice Ch
�ity Secxetary .
By: �
Mike Gmomei°
' Assistant City Manager
Assistan 'ty Attarney
Date: ��/ �/�
Richaril W. 5aw�y, P.
Water Direetor
Date: �� I � �� �
By,� .. ���.�.�,�
A. Douglas Rademac�r, P.E.
Dir�ctor, Dept. of Engineering
, ��' �;
� ����,,.. �
i , n. , -,.; � �... v -_._ ._ . �
By: /� -�'`�.� � � f�
Richazd L. Thompson ✓
Vice President
Date: .''! . � ' c �
City Secretary
City of Fort WaAh
Pago IO of 10
Odob6r 20, 1993
Exfubit A to the Agreement betwe�n Camp DresseY & Mcl�ee Inc. (the "Engineez"), and The City
of Fort Worth, Texas (the "City"), far a Project generally descri�d as:
5anitary SeweY Main 161 and ��1 Drainage Area
L�f'�.tration/ir�flow Evalnation Study and SeweY Sys#em
Imgrovement Praject
This groject consists of two parts:
1. ReplacementJRehabilitation of M-161, M-2�1 and L-15�7
a. Study Candnct a stndy to deternune the replacemen�/reha6ilitation work
necessaty to restore portions of M-161, M-221 and L-1b27 to good
condition. The approximate limits of replacement/rehabilitatio� are:
Sta. 41+88
Sta. 0-F00
Sta. 0+00
Sta. '�2+86
Sta. I9-�24
Sta. 4+91
b. Desi�n. Prepare contract documents covering replacement ar rehabilitation
af M-161, M 221 and L-162'� based upon City approved procedures fiom
the study (Item l.a. above),
Sanitary 5ewer Evaivatian Survey of M-161 and M-221
a. Flow Monitoring
b. Hydraulic Analysis
c. Field Data Colleckion
d. Cost-Effective Analysis
Ciry of Bon wo�th
Exhibit A
Page 1 oi 16
OckabR 2a, 1993
The detailed Scope of Work far r�ie two parts of the praject is presented in the following
S�udv Phase.
Task 1. Review Existing Information. Eng.uneer will gather and review aIl available information
pertinent ta #.he rehabilitation study, such as:
• maps of the drainage areas
o record drawings af M-161, M-221 and L-lfi2'i
o water usage from billing records
� �ield operations' records
• TV manitoring tapes for the last two years
Task 2. Perform Hydraulic Analysis. For M-161 and M-221 Engineer will perform a compute�
madel a�alysis of the portian o£ the mains to 1� rehabilitated in cvnjunciion with Tas�C 3 of the
Sa�itary Seweg Evaluation Su�vey of M-161 and M-221. 'i'his will deternzine the flow parametears
and the praper size of main fa� put�oses of comparing replacemantJr�habilitation atternatives.
FoY L-16�7, which is a much shorter section of gravity sewer� serving a smaller area, the Engineer
will perform a manual analysis of the flokvs {as apposed ta a computerized analysis}, This will
iuvolve determining the numt�� of customers served (from Ciry maps) and estimating flow rates
for pipe sizing pwrpases from water usags Yecords and estimated base sewer flow� and assaciated
peakin� factors pe� City af Fort Wv� crite�ia. Application of Man�ning's formu�a using
available pipe slopes as indicated on as-built drawings will determine the propeY size of pipe for
purposes oi comparing replacement�rehabilitation alternatives,
Task 3. Campare Replacament/Rehabilitation Alternarives. L� this task the Enginee� will
evaluate �ppmpriate r�eplacemenE (open cut) or rehabilitation alternatives (trencYiless technology)
on a cost and "service disruption" basis.
TasJ� 4. Prepare Report Doaument. Engineer wi11 prepare a b�ief report cavering the base data,
hyd�aulic anaiyses, alternatives evaluated and recommended replacement/rehabilitation plan for
each of the three lines inciude�.d in the Replacement/R.ehabilitation Study.
Two copies of the Draft report wili b� delir►ered to the City, and the Engineer will meet with the
City to review the report. The Engineer witl r�evise the document as appropriate based upon
comments received from the City's re�iew and deliver five copies of the Final Report tp the City.
Desi�n Phase.
Upon authorization from the City, the Engineer will proc�ed with the Design Phase as outlined
City oF FaR WoRh
Lxhihit A
Page 2 af l6
October 24, 1993
in the �allowin� 15 tasks:
Task 1. Conduct regular progress meetings with the City Staff to ensure #hat they at°e awate of
the Project's status and design features and hava ample opportunity to provide input into the
design process.
Task 2. Perform all field topogpaphitc surveying necessary for �ngineering design and Conbract
Document preparation. Set cont�ol points in the field to allow the City's Depa�tment of
Engineering su�ey crews ta stake the project foY construction.
Task 3. Prepare fap incorpo�ation into Contract Documents, detailed final dpawings to show the
character and extent of the work to b� perforrned by cantractors (hereinafteY call "Drawings"} and
Specif'icatians. Contract Doc�ments fop the project shall include the follow�ng parts:
E. MATERTAI.S - Construedon and Installment Requirernents
G. BorrDs
Th� General Contract Dacaments and Specif'ications of the Fort Warth Water Depa�tment shall
be �eferred to and used to snpplement the Contract Docu�nents listed above,
Task 4. The Enginee� shall advise appropriate Ciry offici�ls and City emplo}rees of test borir�gs
and athe� subsurface geotechnical investigations that may l� needsd. In the event it is
determined necessary to make borings o� excavate test holes or pits along the rvute of the
proposed sewe� mains, the Enginee� shall fumish specifications, coordinate and designate the
Iocations far the making and recarding of such borings or excavations, with the cost of the
borings or excavations being paid foar 6y the City. The EngineeP shall stake s�ch lacations and
record t�e results.
city af PoR Worth
Bxlsihit A
P�ge 3 of lfi
Odaber 21l. 2943
Task 5. Engineer shall determine, based upan geotechnical infomnation provided by the City, the
need far special shoring Yequi�ements, if any, and coordinate the design of same with
geotechnical enginee�, if pequired.
Task b. The Engineer shall conduct land surveys and make property ties necessary to enable the
obtaining of land and/or easements for the City. Engineex shall detem�ine awnership of such land
and furnish the City with the necessaYy right-of-way slcetches a�nd prepare necessary easement
descriptions fo� acquiring two pa�rcels for cansteuction of this projec� Sketches and easement
descriptions are to b� presented in for,m suitable for direct use by the Depa�tment of Engineering,
�f the City fl£ Fafi Worth in obtaining easements, pernuts, and lieensutg agYeements. Right of-
way sketch�s and legal descriptions shall b� fu�ished to the Ciry immediately after the approva�
of pre�minary route map and completion of the control sc�rvey for Iacation and awne�ship. All
material shall be furnished an the appropriate City farms in a rrrinimum af three (3) copies each.
Tasic 7. Engineer shall eoordinate with all utilities as to any proposed utility lines or adJustments
to existing utility lines wit�in the projeet limits. The information obtained shall be shown on the
pYeliminary plaris. The Engineer shall show on the preliminaty and final plans the location of
the proposed utility lines, existing utility lines and anticipated adjustments andJor �elo�ation of
the existing lines.
Task S. The Engineer will malce provisions for recoru�ecting all sanitar� sewer seivice lines
which conneet directly to any main t�ing replaced, including replacement of existing service lines
within City pights-af-way by a licensed plumb�r. When the �xisting alignment of any sanitary
set�ve� main or lateral is changed, provisions will b� made in the plans and/ar specifications by
the Engirtee� to relncate all servzce lines which are connected ta t�e existing line and connect said
service lines to the relacated main.
Tas1� 9. Conduct an in-house Technical Review evaluation of the Project at the appropriate
completian stage of the design €or quality control purposes.
Task 10. Prepare a deta�iled opinion of probable eost based upon equipment, material ar�d
quantities contained in the completed construction documenis for the Replaceinent/Rehabilitation
Task ll.. Furnish two preliminary copies af the Contract Documents and present and review
them in person with the City.
Task 1�. Meet one time witli appropriate project area HomeowneP's Association or similar
organization to explain �he project, reasan for SSES work, need fQr easements and othsr relevant
project acti�ities.
Task 13. The Engineer sriall make investigations at its own cost and expense, revise plans and
specif'ications as necessary if field conditions show the original plans do not provide a complete
and workable pxoject.
City of Po�t WoRh
Exhib[t A
P�ge 4 of 16
Uctcbp 20, 1993
Task 14. If permitting authoriL�es require design changes, the Engineep shall revise plans �nd
specificatians as required at its own cost and exp$nse, unless such changes ape requixed due ta
changes in the design of the facilibies made by the permitting autharity. If such changes are
required, the Engineer shall natify the City and ara amendment to the cont�act shall � made if
the Engineer incurs additional cost. If there are unavoida6le delays, a mutnalty ageeeable and
reasanable time extensian shall i�e anegotiated.
Task 1S. Pra�ide �5 sets of Cont�act Dacuments to the City for t�e City's use in issuing
Cont�act Documents to prospective bidders, suppliexs, and contractor's plan Yooms.
Biddin� Phase.
Upon authorization from the City, the Engineer will proceed with the Bidding Phase as outlined
in the follawing three ta,sics.
Task 1. Attend the prebid meetirig ta answer questions from prospective bidders and material
and equipment suppliers.
Task 2. Pr�epaze hid tabulatian; eheck contractor's references and make recommendation to the
City regarding award of construction contract for the Project.
Task 3. Prepare ten capies of conformed documents for execudon by t�e Cont�actnr and the
Construction Phase.
Upon authorizatian fram tf�e City, the Engineer will proceed with the Constructian Phase as
autlined in the following three tasks.
Task I. Attend the Preconstruction conference.
Task 2. Answer questions and help resolve conflicts that arise dttring construction. The
Engineer budgeted 10 hours far this task.
Task 3. Make periadic visits to the site during construction. The Engineer budgeted l.0 haurS
far tliis task.
city of Pod Wanh
Exhibit A
Page 5 ot' !6
Octo6Er 20, 1993
5ubtask 1.1 Develap Work Plan
Engineer wilI develap an overall wor�C plan for the praject. The purpase of the work plan is to
guide the work effort, to pravide a unifonn basis for conducting the work and to defin� worl�
products. �n addition to this overall work plan, individual work plans will b� p�epa�ed for
specifiC tasks ar items of work (flow monitoring, field data callection, etc).
Su6task 1.� Review E�cisting Data
Engineer will review alI existi�g data pertinent to this project, including spat checking the TV
irnspection data provided by the City. In addition to the collection system data, Engineex will
�eview the storm d�ainage systems maps and sewer maintenance records for the area.
Engine,�r will obtain a Yecent aerial photograph of the study area to examine the land use in more
deta�l than was dc�ne for the 198� Wastewater System Master Plan. This examination will
include refining �he previous land usa and population assumptions and updating tha database.
Subtask 1.3 Update Database.
Engineer will prepare a computerized street map from a base map provided by th� City to serve
as tiie hase rnap for this study. This map will serve as a working map as well as a final
graphical display map.
Engineer will develop a compute�rized database of the study area to include all sewexs six inch _
diamete� and laYgeY, including manhole numlvers, X- and Y-coordinates af the manhales, pipe
diameters, and pipe lengths. This data base will be an expansian of tt�e existing database of the
sewers previously modeled.
Subtask 1.4 Intervi�w Maintcnance Staff
Enginee� will interview City maintenanee persanael to ascertain where the paroblem azeas ax�e in
the study area. These interviews will b� conducted in the office as well as the field as necessary.
The results of this subtask will 1� documented in a Memorandum to Fi.le, includang photagraphs
af any site visits.
Subtask �.1 Monitoring Plari
Engineer will prepaze a work plan to oukline the conduct of the flow monitoring effo�. This plan
Clty of Port WaRh
8�chihit A
Pxge 6 of ]b
Octo6er 20, 1993
will include descriptions o� the purpase of the monitaPing, the methodology used ta conduct the
manitaring, and t�e data analysis pracedut�es. The plan will include maps indicating first and
second choice sites far monitor installation and sites for pain gage installation. The manitaring
plan will also inelude a schedu�e o� the work to � perFormed.
This p1an will b� used by the project team to guide thc fie�d effo�t. The work plan will b�
distributed to all f e1d personnel prior to their going into the field and the basic procedures will
b� re�iewed at a meeting held p�ior to the coanduct o£ any field work.
Enginee� will attend ane meeting with the City to review the monitoping plan and discuss the
protocol for conducting the flow monitoring and other SSES field wark with the Gity's
maintenance super�isor.
Subtask �.� Flow Mor�a.toring
En�ineep will arirange for a sul�onfractoY to conduct flow monitoring at faur sites in the
collection system. Flow will b� metered using mete�s with depth-velocity probes. The sites will
b� selected under Subtask 2.1. The flow monitaring will b� perfortned concunently at four sites
for a base period of 60 days and � extended as needed, at additional cost, to o�atain the flow
data necessaty to perfarm this study. Extension of the flow cnetering will i�e based on the stonn
events that occur during the 60 day metering period; tfie City will ha consulted regarding
extending the metering per�od.
�ne pecording rain gage will be installed and maintained in the study area for the duration of the
fiow manitaring period. Rainfall data will also 1� obtained from the U.S. Weather Service
reeording rain gage at Meacham Field.
The flow monitors and rain gage will be serviced twice weekly for the duratian of the flow
monitoring period. This servicing will include in-situ calibration of the monitors, checking the -
monitQr operation and changing batteries as needed, cleaning of the depth-velocity probes,
�moval of accumulated debris from the moriitoring manhale, inter�ogation and checking of data
recarded b�tween servicing. The pain gages will be checked for perforntance and the batteri�s
will t� replaced as neaded.
Engineer wilI pravide vversight of th� subcontractar to verify the praper insfallation of the
monitors and to perfarm randam quality cantrol checks.
Subtask �.3 Data Review
Engineer will perform intermediate checks of the flow monitoring data. throughout the monitaring
periad. These checks will be to evaluate the flow data. callected, the calibration data, and the
storn� events that have been recorded, and ta� determine the need to cantinue with the flow
manitoring prog�ram %r the full rnonitor�ng periad specified in Subtask 2.2.
City oF PoA WaRh
$xhibit A
Fage 7 oF 15
Octa6er 20, 1993
Subtask �.4 Flow Analysis
'The flow analysis cansists of performing hyc�rograph decompositions on the data collected unde�
Subtask �..�.. Hydrogpaph decamposit�on involves det�m�ining the amount of infilt�ation/"u�flow
that enters the collection system in a particular� drainage area fo� a partic�xla� storm even� It is
as�um�d that five hydrog�aph decampositions will be perfomned at eash of the four flow
monitoYing sites.
Based an the �esults of the hydrograph anaiyses, Engineer will de�elap base wastewat�Y flow
factars and wet weather design parameters foY use in the hydra�lic model. The results of the
flow manitaring and flow data anatysis will ba s�rmmarized in a Memorandum to Fi1e.
Subtask 3.1 Update Unit Costs
Enginee� will update planning-level unit casts for use in the hydraulic analyses; these costs will
bc based on the costs used for the 1987 Wastewatep System Master Plan with app�opriate
adjnstments for changes in ENR and any actual costs for sewer construction pravided by the City.
These costs will be used to calculate the relief sewer costs for the xr►itial hydraulic model �uns.
3utbtask 3.2 Made1 Runs
Engineer wil1 perform hydraulic rnodelin� af the sewers in the Main 1G� and 221 Drainage Area
using the City's hyd�aulic model. The purpose of this modelin� is to test the refined unit flow
data and land use assumptions. Th� model runs will identify bottlenecks in the modeled sewer
undeP existing and future conditions, and estimate the relief sewep needs and pIanning-level costs
withaut storage o�r sewe� rehabilitadan.
Engi.neer will examine opt�ons for flow rerouting to take advantage of available pipe capacity in
Trunk Sewer M2�9, thereby xeducing relief sewez requirements. The information developed
#hpaugh this activiry will b� on a conceptua� 1eve1 fop planning purposes.
The results of the modeling will l� summarized in Memoarandum to File, inclarling tabulaY output
from the model and computer-generated maps.
5ubtask 4.1 Field Wark Plan
Enginee� will grepaze a detailed work plan to direct the iield data collection effort. This work
plan will describe the rype of work to � performed, the locations where this wark is to !�
perfarmed (including maps), the schedule foY perfornung the work, sample f eld %x�ns for
documenting the work, and the data management requuements of the field crews and office staf'f.
The work plan will outiine bas�,c safety requirements, emergency telephone numbers, notificadon
City af PoR Wodh
Exhibit A
Pege B of 16
October 20, L493
ppocedures, pro�edures for conducting rught work, and information on handling inquiries from
the gene�al public.
The work plan will h� distribut�d to all field personnel pria� to thei� going in the field and the
basie praceduees will 6� reviewed at a meeting held prior to tlie conduct of any �eld work.
Subtask 4.� Smoke Testing
Engin�er will conduct smoke testing on app�uximately 51,000 feet of sewer pipes in the stud�
a�ea. The smoke testing will b� documented on field forms with photographs of all identi�'ied
smoke ietui�ns. Prior to the conduct of smoke testing, Yesidents iri the areas to be tested will
peceive w�itten na�ication of the procedw�es to he pe�formed, the precautions they shauld take,
and the date when the testing will la� pePfo�ned.
In addition, Engineer will prepare a one page "flyer" descr�ibing smoke testing p�ogpam and
deIiver same to each residential uniC in the study a�ea. Engineer will also provide the �ield crews
with a supply of these she�ts foY thei� use as needed in the fieid and will provide the City with
100 copies and a reproducible master of this sheet for distribution as reqnested by the general
public. �
Subtask 4.3 Manho�e L�spectior�
Engineer will enter manholes and conduct a visual manhole inspectian on apprvximately 130
manholes in the study a�ea. Each manhole i.nspection will b� dacumented on a field form with
phatographs of all identified steuctuYal defects and potiential infilteation/isiflow svurces.
Subtask 4.4 Dye Testing
Engineer will conduct dye testing at up t� 15 sites at variaus Iocations within the study area. The .
exact lacations of this work will b� determined based on the results of the smoke testing
perforrned in Subtask �4.2. The dye testing work will be documented an �ield forms. Dye
teansfer from the storm drain system to the sanitary sewer system will � documented on narrated
video tap�s and field forms as appropriate.
Su�task 4.5 TV Inspection
Engineer will perform "light cieaning" and conduct cIosed-circuit television inspection on
appro3cimately 13,000 feet of sewap pipes in the �tudq area. The television inspection wi11 b�
docurnented on ffeld logs and narrated video tapes. The amount af TV inspection may �
�educed a£ter review of the TV inspeckian work performed by the City.
Subtaslc 4.6 Data Pracessing
Engineer will de�eLop a database to document the pesults of the �eld data collection. This
database will b� structured to interface with the pipe network database in Suhtask 1.3. A series
City of Fod Wo�lh
Sxhibit A
Page 9 of i6
Octo6rr ?A, 1993
of summar�+ reports will bc generated to indicate the resvlts of the field data effor� In addition,
a Yehabilitatian recommendatian report will.� prepared based on the fmdings af the television
inspectian data; this report will compare the costs of var��aus pehabilitation methods that apply
to the pipe de£ects found through television inspecLion.
Subtask 4."� Data Tnterpretation
Engineer will generate a series �f computep-generated thematie maps showing the lacatians and
results of the field work. The Yesults of this subtask will be used in conjunction with the cost
effecti�veness analysis performed in Task S.
3ubtask 4.8 Documentatian
Engineer will prepaze a document with copies of all field data forms and color�Xerox copies af
associated photographs, computerized summaries oi the feid data, and copies af thematic maps.
Engineer will provide two copies of t�ii.s dacument and one copy of all television inspection video
tapes ta the Ciry at the conclusion of the field work.
Subtask 5.1 Define Methodolagy
Engineer will prepare a plan defining the cost ef%ctiveness methodology. This plan will define
the assumptions ta b� made in the analysis, the sensiti�ity analysis to l�e performed regarding
these asstimpdons, and the format ta 1� used fo� summarizing the results. The cast-effectiveness
ar�alysis will compare the cast of reha�ilita.tion ta �educe inf'iltration/inflow ta the cost of
storage/transportltreatmentJdiSposal. Engineer will meeE with the City to discuss the cost-
effectiveness methodology and modify the plan based on the nutcome of this meet�ng.
Subtask 5.� Develap Unit Costs
Enginee� will deveiop unit constructian and operation and maintenance costs fo� use in the cost-
effecti�eness analysis. These cost� will include costs for pigeline Yehabilita.tian incl�ding
Yeplacement, sliplining, and inversion lining; manhole replacement and repair; lateral
rehabilitation and recannection; elimination of storm drain cross-connections and otheY inflow
sources; relief sewers; storage facilities {including pumping from storage and cleanup); and
treatment and disposal. Factors for special construction consideradons snch as poar soils and
deep �xc�vation wi11 h� develaped.
Subtask 5.3 Rehabilitation Effectiveness
Engineep will estimate the effectiveness of infiltrationlinflow reducton by vario�s rehabilitation
methods f�r input into the cost-effectiveness anaJ.ysis. The uni.t costs and r�habilitatioa
effectiveness assumptions will l� summazized in a Memorandum ta File.
City of Fod Worth
fixhib9t A
Pago 10 of 16
October 20, 1943
Subtask 5.4 Cast-effectiveness Analysis
Engineear will perform sensitivity araalyses to test the cast effec�iveness analysis assamptions. 'lile
results of the sensitivity ar�aiysis wi11 b� ased to define the crite�ia used to pePform the cost�
effectiveness methodology. Engineer will make a series of mndel ntns asswning var�ous
combir►ations of storage/transport,trea�ment/disposal arid rehabilitation to determine the optimurn
combination and associated cos#s.
Subtask 5.5 Identify Projects and Develop a CIP
Based on tE�e results af the cost-effectiveness analysis, Engineer will idenfify ppojects far
implementation. These wi11 be planning level projects fop both
sto�age/transportltreatmentJdisposal and pipe pehabili#ation. T`ke projects will b� assigned
priorities based on the relati�e severiry of the infiltratiartl'u�flow indicators ian each subazea.
In �ddidon, Engineer will summarize the results of the specific rehabilitabion recammendations
fi�am the television inspecrion field work. Both the general flow contrai/reduction projects and
the spec'iiie rehabilitatian projects (based on televison inspection) will l� presant�d g�aphically
on computer-generated maps. �
Engineer will deveiop a tabular capital unprovement program for the City based on the results
of the cost-effectiveness program. This CIP will presant the canstruction projects in a logical
order over tim�.
Subtask S.b Summarize Results
Enginee.� will document the results of the cost-effectiveness analysis and CIP in a 1Vlemopandum
to File. The memorandum wil� briefly summarize the cost-effectiveness methadology, the results
of the analysis, and th� capital improvement program.
Subtask 6.1 Dra£t Report
Engineer will prepare a draft project repart that presents an averview of this study, summarizes
the results o£ the flvw manitoring and field data caliection efforts, pzesents the resutts of the cost-
effectiveness analysis, presents the capital improvement program, and presents recnmmendations
iar act�on to � tak�n by the City. Engineer will submit fxve copies of this draft report for the
City's review. It is anticipated that this report will be appraximately 15 pages of text and tables
and include ��re color Xerox-type figures.
Engineer will meet with the City to discuss its comments on the draft report.
c�ty ofFo�s wo�a
Exhibit A
Page l l o�' 16
October Z0, 1993
Subtask 6.2 Final Report
Enginee� will incarpofate the Cifiy's review comments on the draft report into a Final RepoYt.
The Final Repor* will also include an Execu�ive Summa.ty. Engineex will submit 10 capies of
the Final Report to the City. Tt is anticipated that this Peport will � approximately I5 pag�;s o£
text and tables and mclude five colar Xerox-type �i�ures.
Subtask 9.1 Praject Management
EngineeY will attend six progress meetings fap this study in addxtion to the meetings spee'�f'ied
under individual tasks. 'i"�ese rrieetings will l� to provide the Ciry with input on the progress
of the stndy and to obtain additional uaformation as necessary. It is anticipated that these
meetings will be he�d at the Ciry's of�ces. Appmpriate memla�rs of Engineer's project team will
attend in accardance with the topics to b� discussed at each meeting. Engineer will prepare the
agenda and minutes fo� each of these meetings.
Engine�r will prepare monthly progress reports and invoices for services. These reports will
identify the progress of the praject, anticipated work to be performed in the upcoming month,
additional data needs from the City, and major decisions ampacting the direction of the study.
Engir►eer will maintain subconteacts as necessary to perform iield setvices.
Subtask i.2 QA/QC
Throughout the course of tlus study, Engineer will perform qualiry control checks. In addition,
Engineer will conduct a formal technical review session priop ta submitting the draft report to
tha City.
Memorandum to File 5ummarizing Interviews with Maintenance Personnel
Memorandum to File Summarizing Results of Flow Monitoring and Flow Data Analysis
Memorandum to File 5ummarizing Results of Hydraulic Modeling
MemoYandum to FiI� Summarizing Unit Cost and Rehabilitation Reduction Assumpkians
Memarandum to File Summarirr.iiing Results af the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Field Data Forn�s and TV Inspection Tapes
Draft Project Report
Final Project Report
Agenda and Minutes for Progress Meetings �
Cily of PoR Wa�th
&xhibit A
Page 12 of f6
OcW6er24, 1993
1. Basic Engine�ring Servic�s
A. Rehabilitation of M 161, I1�I-�,�1 and L�15�7
Fo� enginee�ing se�vices pPovided undep Tasks 1-4 of the Study Phase, Tasks I-1S of the
Design Phase, Taslcs 1�3 of the Bidding Phase and Tasks 1-3 of the Const�uction Phase
in Article I above, the City shall pay the Engineer on a Salary Cost IViethad an amaunt
not to exceed $6�#,620, accarding ta paragraphs C,D and E b�low.
B. Sanitary Sewe� Evaluatian Suiwey af M-161 and i�VI-2�1.
Fo� engineering services provided under Tasks 1-'� in Articie I above, the City shall pay
the Engineer on a Sala� Cost Methad an amaunt nnt to exceed $158,000, according to
pazagrapE�s C,D,E and F i�low. �
C. Labo�. The engineep shall 1� compensateii fo� the services of his personnel on the
basis of Salary Cost times 2.32 for the time snch personnel aze directly utiiized
on the waxk.
3alary Cost is defined as the cost of salaries {inclucling sick leave, vacation, and
haliday pay applicabe thereto) glus unernployment, excise, and payrall taxes; and
contributions for social secwri�ty, employment compensation insurance, retirement
t�nefits, and medical and other insurance benefits.
The salaries of any per�onnel assigned are subject to reasonable modification by
the Enginee� throughout the term of this Ag�eement; hvwever, such modifications �
wil1. not afFect the up�er limit value of this Agreerrient.
D. Other Ineidental Direct Costs. 'The Engineer shall fs� compensated at his cost fo�
all costs othex than salary costs that are incurred pursuant to this Agreement, but
which are not normally included as pa� af the Engineer's averhead. These costs
include, but are nat limited ta: air fare, automobile rental, mileage charges,
parking, tolls, taxi, meals, lodging, telephone, printing and repraduetian costs,
computers and wo�d processors, postage and mailing costs, and athep
miscellaneous costs incurred specifically for t�is project.
E. Subconsultant Services. For all sub�onsultant services the En�ineeY shall be
compensated at his actual subsonsultant cost.
F. Field Service Rabes. The u�it prices for iieid services pro�ided by the Engineer's
sub�onsultant for the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey o£ M-161 ar�d M-221 shall
be as follows:
City of Fo�t Worih
�x3tihit A
Page 13 of 16
Octa6er 20, 1993
Subtask Description Unit Price
Flaw Monitoring
Rain Gage
4.� Smoke T�sting
Manhole Inspection
4.4 Dye Testing
4.5 Light Cleaning & TV Inspection
Additional TV Setup
$1 S/day/gage
Rates for other field services that may }� required, but are not included in the Basic
Services of thi.s P�roject, a�re:
Item Descrintion
Cleanin� Hea�y Debris, 6"-12" Lines
�. Additional Services
For Additional Services provided under Section iI of the AgPeement, the City will pay the
Engineer for Labor, Other Incidental Direct Costs and Su6consultants on the same basis •
as described in Paragraph 1 of this Article II.
Times �f Paymenf
The Engineer will invoice the Ciry manthly in amaunts based an the actual amou.nt of
work performed on the project as deternuned frarn Billing Cost Detail Reports in
accardance w�th Paragraphs I and 2 above. The City agrees to promptly make payment
accordingly, and �a pay a charge of 10 percent per annum on all invoiced amounts not
paid within 30 days from the date of the receipt of t�e invoice.
City of FoA WoRh
Exhibit A
P�ge lA of 16
Oc4oi�a ?A, 1993
1. 'The City and the Engineer recogni�e the need to comple#.e this study in a timely manner�.
Likewise, the parties agree that the cpitical flow monitaring activities are �ainfall
dependent and cannot b� campleted until seveYal significant rdinfall events have occu�ed.
Ther�efore, the Engineep will, if enough satisfacto�y rainfall events occur within the 60 day
flow monitoring period, camplete the Draft Report in May 1994 and the Finai Repopt in
June 1994.
City of Rort Worih
Sxhfhit A
P�ge 13 of 16
Octob�r 24, 1993
Y' �
Tfiis Exhi.bit A supersedes all prio� written or oral understandings of the 5cope nf Engineering
Services, Compensation and 5chedule, and may only be changed by a written amendment
executed by both parties.
City of Po�t Worth
Bxhibit A
Page 16 of 16
Odober 7A, 1993
C'i� o,�` �o�t ������ �'„ea�r��
�c�c�� �� �x��i� �o���r�i����io�
IiA"Y'� REFIEk�ENC$ �i�l�1��R �� k�fi�.Ea1S PAC3�
� � {� �{�� � ##'�.—��� ������'� � � O� �
Sllli�7�o-�T ����������� �+�i����C{�T �N�i'� �1��� ������� $t ����� ���,, ��� .������►��
��1N�R �If�l�# ��i1 fi�{�D ��� DR��f�I��C AR�A IN�LpW�I{�FI�TRA7IC�IV EVALU�#TIO�
� �TEJDY Ai�D S�W�Fi ���T�fl� 1MF�R�II�N���T (C�R�UP �, �O�T���7 ��
R��ON] ���li��qTl��l :
It �s recommenc�ed �hat �#�e �a�y ��un�il a�thorize tha Ci�� h+1�na�ar to exocut� �r� �ngirr���ing
a�r�orr��r�� vui[h ���p Dresser & N1�ICee Iric,, in the arr�aun# o�f �2��,��0.00' far th� ���ii�ry
��w�r hl��in 1�1 an� ��1 Dratr�ag� �1��a Inflnwllr�#iEtrat't�r� �!{�� �v�Guation ��Lk{fl� �n�l �ew�r
Syst�m Irr��r�vement.
�D��s r�at iR�clude �7,�0�.0� for p�an r�vi��nr.
�I�e engii�e�rin� s�rvic�s to b� porfafn7ed ur�dor th€s ��re��ent c�n��sts tr� �ot��uctin�
c�r�#ir��o�s wasiew�te� TE�s�ar �n� ra�nfa�l inor�itorir�g, lo deterrr�i��e lE�� �xis�ing flc�w, �erformi�tg
de��il��i sew�e sys�t�rr� ev�lu�t��r� s�t�dy {��C�1. to Id�ntify #1�a nature a�d loc��r<xns of def��ts
ir� t17� c�Cle�ti�r� system, and usir�� h�y�lra�ri�: r�odeli�g anr� cr��t-ei�f��t�veness ar3al�sis t� devekap
plan� f�r re�ovaJ o# ��k��€c ar�� priv�ke ��c#�r in�law and ir�fiitr��i�n s�t�rces a�� r��i�f sewer ta
transpor# rerr�ainRng flow. In �ti�iition. khas agre�n�ar�t includ�� [he desi�n o� 6,�13 linear �€e�t
af cr�trcal sewer r�placern�r�t. ,
7Fri� project is � p�rt of #�e Ini�grated 1+Vof Vtife�l��er 1Na�tewatef �+1��n��ement Program #o
cafnply w�th an A�iministr�tave Ord�r firorr� t�h� U.�. Env�ron�rrental f'rot�+�#i�n Ager�cy Lo �Jirr�tt�ate
� sewer vver�lows a���l b�passos �n th� �i[y`s wa�towa�ar �o�l�c#ion s�s�am.
�'he M-16� aa��i ��1 Dra�na�� I�r�� is Jac,�tet� Gr� tl�� rt�rth�rn part of Fori 1N�rth in #13e Nlarin�
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