HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 20043I � 1 , f i
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Ci��ViA1111[VITY ��4�ILIYII�� AC�R��fuS�fVi
iF�� ST��� 0� ��X�� �
�ity Secretar�
Contract I�o.v����
COUf�TY �� iARF�AN� �
., a De�aware Carp., her��nafter called
WH�R�AS, Sunbelt �
"�eveloper", desires to make certain improdements to �out�parl� Station, �lock
�, Lo�� � and �� an addition �o �h� �ity of For� �llorthf iexas; and
1�r1HER��S, the said Develaper �as requested the Ci�y of Fort Worth, a
munici�a� corparation a� �'arrant Caun��, iexas, her�inafter ca�le� ��N, ����� �
certain `work ir� cQn�ection v�i�l� said improvements; , ��
��li�, Y��������� K�l�VII �.�� h��� �Y iHES� PR�S�I�Y�:
Texas I
ihat said �eveloper, acting her�in by and through Winn �ixie, �
Agent�L.J. �adlows�i� �ivision President, a�d the Cifiy, acting herein by and
through N9;Ete Groomer, its duly authorixed Assistant City 11�lanager, for and in
consideration o# the co�+enan�s and agreements herein performed and �o be
perfarmed, do hereby co�+enant and agree as follows, to-wit:
• r . .
�FHYlUidi�'Y l�RCI�Y',���� 3���T
�� insi�.,�ll
��� � ���rxA��+ ��� ���c�s
so�r �� �������
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A. The Ci�y agxee� �o �ermi� tY�e �eve��p�a� �� let a cont�ac�
�or, in acaorciar��e �a��h it� acaep�ed gr�c��.��s, oxdin�nces,
�regula�fons, and �i�e prov��ions g� �Y�e C��y C�iax���r, ��id
�ubjec� co th� xequiremen�s af �h� �i�y's �o3ic�.�� �nd
�egulat�.on� fox %ns�a�la�fon vf �ammuni�y �'ac�.li�ies, al]. as
current a� �he �a.me �f in��allation.
�,�iTER F�ICIL��YLS �o �erve �he �o�� as s�iown an the �t�ached
xhibit � , and 57leiNNIT1�iRY $� FF��;�.i�'gES �o �erve �he
lo�s as shown on �he a��ache Exhib�t �, �1� in
accardance with plans �nd �pecifiCa��,or►s to be pxepared by
priva�e engineers emplayed by �ite D�veloper and �pp�oved by
�he Water gepar�ment.
�. The Ci�y agrees �a allow �he �eve].aper �o �r��tal�., �� his
expen�e, a� the time all o�her wa�er mains in ttsis addi�.�on
are ins�.alled, a�ervice Zine gor each �o� �� �hown on �he
a�tached Exhibi� A. The es�ima�ed cas� of these service
lines is ,� �. �Loo. �'he Ci.�y agrees �o xecord �he �o�a�ion of
each �aid service line in respect �a �he corrier �f �he lot
served, and �o re�ain said records in a�.s �aos�ss�ion.
C. �he cvns�ruc�ian cost of �He wa�er facili�ies herein
concexned, exclusive af service li�nes and engine�ring is
es�ima�:ed �o be T�TY�SIX �'HOIIS�D SIX AUhDRED S�TY
� V� Do�lars ($_26,675).
�, The Ci.�y agr��s �� a11aw trie Devaloper �o �a��all, ��, F�is
�xpense, at �he`�ime all o�hex sanitaxy sew�r mains �.n ghis
addi�aor� a�e ins�alled, � �erv�ce ��a� ��x �ach io� �s �howrt
�n �he a�.�ached Pxhibit ���. Th� ����ma��d c�s� �g �hese
s�rv�.ce �.anes is $ 600. �'he �a�� ag�ees to reao�d the
iocation of eacF� said �ervic� ��ne ar� ����ae�� �9 �he corner
af the Xa� served, �nd �a �e�aan �a�d ��cs�rd� �n a�s
�. The canstructagn �os� of �ehe �ani�z�ry �ewe� fac�.���i�� �o be
�ns�a��ed �ereunder, �xclusive �� �egvice lin�s and
engineerinq, is es�ama�ed �� be R�Y-i�T� �OIIS�1�'D S�X
�a�n�n_ sY� eoz�ar� (� as . �os�.. —
,r ,
����� � n �� �� �����0�
��,�R �! _ Y S �
�'. Ps��� t� �l�awan�� o� ��� �9n��x�u����r� e�atr��t �� �ev��oger,
�he �evelvper ��r�es t� �x�vi�� ac������2.� �ir�a�aba�
gu������es �� ti�e C�ty ��� g00 �����flt �f' �iY� ��n��Yu���.on
��s�� �Io�g �ai�h pa}�men� e�' �ny 9�d�.n�n�� ����� s�� ���� �h��
�x� �pp�.b�ahl�.
Pxiox �o the �waxd �� �Y�� cor�s�s����on ��r��g��� �y t�e C�.�y
o� ��e �a�►ene�ng o� arny w�gk by �h� C��y �x its
�on�ra��o�s, �Y►e D�velop�x s�rX�es to p�y to �ri� Gi�y:
{1j (�a) One �undred pexcen�(i00&} A€ �He ��sg �f ��1 wa�er
a�d sanitaxy sewer f��iliti�� �ri�hin �h� dev�lag�en�.,
�xclusive of� �nginee���g �fl� servi�e �o���, �a�ed �o
gx�ovic3e wa�er and €�ani�ary s�w�r serv#ce wi�hi� the
(bj One riundred percer�t(100�) �i the c��� �i all approach
wa�er and �an��ary �ewer �acila�ies ou�sade fhe
�imi�s of �.he develapment si�ed �o pravide wa�er and
sani�ary sewer �ervice �o trie developr�an�.
(c) One hundred percent(].DO�) of �he aos� of any approach
wa�er �ain facility 9r water facili�y wi�.hin �he
devel�pr�en� ��a� �s �a�r��hes a.n �i�e(ar �.ess) ior
nonoindus�rial developmen� and i2-i�cl�es in size (or
�e�s) €or �.ndusf.rial deve�opmen�.
(d) One hundred percen�(100�) of th� cest �f ��►y approach
sani�ary sewer �ai� facility or �ani�ary ee�er
facili�y wa�hin �he dev��opmen� ��ta�. is �oi�nches i.n
(�) An addi�ional �en pexcen� (l0$) af �k�e �a�a� of �he
�eve�.oper's cos� of �hese wa�er �nd �ani�ary sewer
�'acili�.ies, exclt�sive of cos� of �ervice lir�es, ��
reqt�ired f�r design engi�neerang �f �uch �ngi.neering is
performed by the C�ty at tt�e �evelc�pex's ��ques�.
( 3 } one hu�dred percen� ( �00� ) ��' �F��
��ne�, e���ma�ed under la�
accordar�ce wi�h t%e psav��i�n�
Wox�h C��y Code.
���� �f �11 �exvice
8fld 1-A �i7�V�, �T3
of �?r�e ���'rent F'��'t
(4) A constr�uc��,on �n�pec�ion F�e �q�al t� t�aa (��) �� �l�e
�ev�laper � s ac�ual cost �fl��� �f ��i� con�f�uction c���
. (inc�uding al� �ervb�es) of �H� w��er �nd/�x safl��ary
sewex fa�i3.itiies.
�: �. ;l� �i;�:�Y�i:,�
r �
�� .
�i� � . I�S �� �
�. The d��tribution �� e����ated ��n�cxucti�r� �A�� �e�w��fl ��e
City �nd �H� �ev�l�pex� �� pe� p�r�g�aph �--�' �,b�v�, ��� �11
�at�x asd �a�i��ry se�e� �a�ilitie� �� �� �ans$�°��t�ri
h�x��.n�e� i� ���.i�aat�r3 �� f�l��ws:
( �� ��� ����r�xx�s :
�$e���� ��f.���
���3t Ci�y ���
(�j Maan�, Wi��irn
A�valopmen� � 25.6��, ,� �0�
Approaah � i��� � �/A
(b) �a�e�ents � S Pd/1� � l�/Fi
�ub-Tatal� � Y�a$e7� � �6.6�5 �j_ �p�
{I�ss �e�.+i�es)
(c) �erv$ces(T-1'P. �-�2�? $ 1.�00 � o��_..
(�) SAilIT7�iRY ��
(a} Mains, Wi�hin
(b} �asemen�s +�
s��r�����, sgr��r
(I�s� Se�ic�s )
(c) Services(�
i 24.5Q6
� �fla
� -- ���' —
� __ ��,,,�n�
S -0-
� -�-
� r��a .—
� 00�
, s�o �-- `Q�
Con��ea�i�� �o�� �otals � �7, 9�1 � ���
t � a G��YS�Q��OI� �N�p��IOld
� � . �60 _ .'`i ��o
� � �� ����i'1'�D
� �6.675
� Ri 1�!
� �6.675
� �. �no
S 2�.6�6
$ --Q-
� ���
,� �9_. SD6
� 600
� 57,��1.
� �_�50
�r ,
��� �: �� ��� ��i�o�a
���. r�s _��
�. �fle �bove charg�� d� a�t i�clud� ��y fgon� go�� ��agc��� gor
e�r���c�i�r� t� �xi���r�g �aa� � ���p���d �ater� �nd/�� ��r����ry
�ewer ��in� �oa���u���d �x� $� �� ��fl�tru��ed und�x �h�
p�ova��or�� fl� ��1� "1�P�OA�H IdP,iN O�'�%ON" �� ��sC]�i��d i�t
��c�:�.an X�� o� �h� Poiicy fer �h� "INS�A�,�,��OId ��' �O�g+li7N��X
�'ACILYTIES" �d�pt�a o�t�b�s �� �9�a. ���s� ��d���ena� ����g��
ax� ss fallows:
a o T��� ����..a�2.� �� �a� �gn�sa� �
� o �ppli�bl� t� thi� �an��c� in �e ���.ng ��
1 I.e�. $ S /a,o�o )
�Y (�ir��� %���� �h�;r�g�) �r����at��� Y3oo
�.��licabl� CFA R��e _
�ate Ri�r
�. When wa�er gac�li�ies are �n��alled by �an�ra��, ir������a�ion
of water services will be includQd as par� of �he can�ract.
Installation of r�e�er baxes on ��iose services ��y be done by
�he Ci�y, af�er cample�ion a� can��xuc�ion og ��1 xe�a��ve
curb and gut�er work on �he water ��cili�ies pro�e�� s��e, a�
a cos�. of $ 70/$135 per con�ract-ifls�alled ��xvice, such
me�.er bax an�falla��an charg� �v be due and p�y�ble prior to
issuance of a Work Order on the wa�er �aaili�ies �nsfallai:ion
can�ract. �'he above charges da ao� ap�ly i�� th� Developer
elac�s �o include me�er box �.r►��alla�ion a� par� of �he
con�ract. Hawever, �e�.er baxes must confoxm �o Ci�y
�. Wi�hin a reasonabie t�.�e after cample�.�on �f �Y�e above
xeferenced facila�ie� �o be con��ruc�ed by �an��a�� a�wmrded
by �he Develaper, provided all conditior�s f�r Ci�y
Par��cipa�ion I�ave be�n r�e�, ��e C��y agsees to pay �he
Develaper �.he amoun� �e� ou� �n ���' �nd b�,� H����r�above, so
as tn confor� ��id payri�en� to t�ctu�l con�tr�.c�is� �o��s ��d
�ctual servic� �o��s under �h� g�ovb��on� r�g ��i� cu�x�n� �'o��
�4ar�h Ci�y �ade,�said gaymen� �a be �alc�i��ed �s �ay�re�� in
�-�F' �nd/ox� l.-� above) , but ba�er3 or� ���u�l c�u���i�ies �s
g�f�ecf�ed �n ��� �i.nal es�i�a�e paid �a �H� ��n�ga���x� l�y �he
�evekoper, �n �i�e �ctual records �f c�st, k�p� by �rie Cit� �s
� par�. of ��s �u�to�a�y px�acQdu�es. �fl �H� �ven� ghe
�li�'ference in �he depo�b� �nd gHe ���u�� co��� �xa�ed� $25,
�eve�oper agse�s to pay ta �he Ci�.y �rny �r�dexp�yrat�r�� wl�ac�
�aid adjus��en� m�gh� �ndaca�e a� l���ng �u�, and �he Ci�y
aqree� to pay �o A�veloper any �verpayrr�ent.
� C '
, 1 I �
• r � , � .
P]��� �d� o O� ��RFL STF�T�
� � . ��S _5L €� �
K. Wosk ��x�un�3ex ��ia�� be ���pbetec� r�ithirt ��r� (� } y�ag� �r�am
date Yte��of� �nd i� i� undex�t��� �h�� �ny �i��i�r�ti�a �a �He
psx� �f �i�e Gi�y �� nake any g�fund� w�.�l� ���p��t �o �a��er
and ox �ani��r� ��w�r gac�litie� ��al� ����� upon �he
�xp�ratio� o� �e�o (a) y���� ��o� aate her���, �x�ep� �or
�efunds du� �rom "p�r c�nnea�i�n clria�q�s" �r� gaflit��y �ew�ss
�nd �g�m"f��ni� g�o� �harcqes" �n �ra��x ��ba�, 1���h �f Wh�ch
refunds may contir�ue to be u�ade i��r � gex�,ad �� ��n (�0 j y�ars
�f�er �h� �la�e ri�r��f(unles� ex�enr�ad), t�� ��.s�wh�se gg�v�ded
he�ein. In �1�e even� wa�.er and/ox ��:nitaxy �ewe� �acilit�es
work is no� completed with the �wc�(2) yeax pex�ed, C��y may,
a� i�s elec�fon� co�plQte �uch work ffi� �evelapeY�s expense.
b. �� �.s gurther �gxeed �nd undexs�ood ti�at any �ddi�ional
paymen� required 9f Developer as �o ��ves �nly �uch
addi�ional work and/ar ma�eriais ss may be m�de �eaessary by
candi��ans encour��exed durinq cons�ruc�ian, �r�d �hall not
bnclude any change �n sc�pe ef �he projec�.
�b�� � . �
`�� __ .� .-�''E:1��'�r. ��,,!I� ��:
� � Ricitar� Tr�. �aw�y;"� 9�.r��or
��te� I�g��e��
��Jjr' L ��
Dd$� �
1. The Developer acknowledges t�at �e has complied with Article 104.100
of Ordinance �234 and hereby reli�ves tfie City of any responsibilities
for any inadequacies in preliminary plans and cost estimates supplied
for t�� purpase of this contract and further agrees that he wi11
compZy with ��e Subdivision Ordinancei City Plan Com�nission Rules and
�egulations, �nd �a�icy for Installation of Community �acilities �nd
�11 applicable policies, rul�s� regulations �nd ordinances of the City
regarding development.
2. The �ev�loper agrees ta install ar cause to have insta1led, the s�reet
and storm drainage facilitie� im�ravements shown on the attached
Exhihits 'B" and "B�1", respectively, in accardance with plan� and
speci€icat�ons �repared �y the City or prepared by the Ueve]oper's
enginEer and approved by the City Engineer.
3. The Developer agrees to install, adjust or cause to be installed ar
adjusted, all of th� r�quired utilities to serve the development. On
Border Streets, the Developer will be respansible only for the costs
af relocating the utili�ies, with the City coordinat�ng the utility
canstructian. Prior to construction, the Developer wi11 provide the
City a list af all utilities that will require relocating, alang with
�ssurance that no cnnflicting street construction will take �lace
until the utility relocatian has 6een campleted. The Developer
further agrees that hefore commencing construction the City will be
pravided Performance and Pay�e�t �onds equal to 10Q% o� the
eonstruction costs �nd a one year Maintenance Bond, far the
construeted stre�ts. The Developer also agrees that no street
construction sha�l begin prior to the C�ty Co�nciZ's appraval of this
Community Facilities Agreeme�t, in accordance with Seetion 1D4.100 of
City Ordinance No. 7234,
4. Except where specifically stated otherwise in this cantract, the
QeveToper hereby agrees and bind5 itself to provide all necessary
right�o�oway and/ar easements required to construct the s�reet and/or
stor� drai�age im�ravements includ�ng any drainage outfall, in
lengths, widths, and lacaiions as approved by the City Engi�eer.
5. Unless the C�ty is ta prepare pians and specification5 for a separate
project of estimated value less than �I0,000 as requested by the
Developer� the Developer agrees ta submit plans and specifica�ions
prepare� by an approved Professional �ngineer, registered in ihe State
of Texas, proficient in Civil Engineering, for the improvements
required under this agreement. Such plans shall be in compliance with
t�e poZicies, ordina�ces, and rules of the City of Fort Worth, and are
�Ok�RACT �D�: SOUYH P�R� STATI��, ���5 1�N� 2� �LOCK 2
�ubject to approval by the City �ngineer. After said plans are
approved as witne5sed by the signatures of the City Engineer and af
�fle Deputy �irectar of the Water Department, the Engineer shall
�rovide the City one (1) set of reproducible approved plans, platted
x-sectians, and specifications; and nineteen (19] copies af the'plans
and eig�t (8) sets of the specificatians and contract documents (four
(4} unexecuted, 2 executed and 2 eonfar�ed sets). Additionai sets of
plans ��d/or specifications ma� be req�ired for other departments
andlor �genc�es depending on the project.
�. ��e pevelaper agrees ta c�mplete the improvements covered by this
agreement wit�i� 90 calendar days �fter having been instructed to da
so, in writing� by the Director of Transportatian and Public �orks.
It is understaod that the D�veloper will initiate the construction of
alt �mprovements to eonform with his own schedule, except far those
improveme�ts whicM the Transportation and �ublic Works Director deems
necessary for the proper and arderly development of the area. In the
event Develaper fails to carry out any such instructions within the
90aday periad, the Developer gives the City the right to award a
contract for ihe improvem�nts in guestion, and agrees to pay ta the
C�ty �rior to the award of the contract, the amount of the �ow bid.
7. Tfle DeveToper �gre�s that all improvements to 6e constructed hereunder
�ilj be subject to inspectio� and approva] by the City Engineer, and
require any contractor who will be involved in a�y earthwork w�thin
any future publ�c right-of-way, to notify the Department of
Engineering, Canstruction Services Division, �efore a�y wark takes
place and to requ�re all earthwork to be done in accordance with the
City af Fort �orth Standard S�ecification5 ta the satisfactian and
appraval of the City Engineer flr his represen�ative. The deve�aper
alsa agrees that no street or storm drain construction sha]1 hegin
priar ta the City Council's approval of this Community Facilities
Agre�ment in �ccordanc� With Section 104.100 of City Ordinance No.
�. The QeveTa�er agrees to furnish to the City simultaneous with
Develvper's execution of this agree�eni� "performance and payment
bonds." or c�sh deposit in accordance with "Ge�era] Requirements,"
Section d� Paragraph F(4) of this ayr�ement. These bands or deposit
will be canditioned upon the satisfactory compliance by t�e Developer
Wit� ail requirements conc�rning impravements as set �orth in t�is
�gr�ement� including, �ut not ]imited to, making payments to any
�ersans, �irm� earporation ar other entity with whom the Developer has
a direct cnntractual relationship for the performance of City work
4. In fhe event the Developer awards hi5 own contract and does not desire
City participation� the Developer shall pay the entire cost of �he
street and/or star� drainage fiacilities. The condition�set out in
������i FOR: �O��K PARK �TATION, �OiS � Aa� �� �LOC� 2
"General Requirements," Section V, Paragraph F of this agreement shall
10. In t�e event the Developer desire� C�ty participation a�d follows the
procedure �s set farth in Section IV and V of the Polic_Y For The
Installation of Communitv Facilities, the City's participat�on in the
casts s�all be as shown in 5eciion II�6� (Street Improvements} and
5ection II�C (Stor�n Drainage Improvementsj of this agreement. In no
�vent shall the City be liable to the Deve1oper for any payments in
excess of the City's estimated participation unless and until there is
separate and formal a�proval by the City Council �o pay such excess
I1. �he City s�all �ssume its share of the cost of the street and storm
�rain improvements and the engineering fee only if funds are available
for such participation. In the event that no funds are available for
�ity �articipation, the developer shall award the contraci and deposit
with the City cash, or performance and payment bonds for 140 �ercent
of the estimated total construction cosi of t�e improvements (plus ten
percent (10%) for engi�eering and miscellaneous COS�S if the City
pre�ares the plans}.
12. �pan completion of these facilities, it is agreed and understood that
the Deve�aper's estimated participation in the costs as may be
indicated in this contract, shall he adjusted to equal the fiinal
costs� except ihat the City sha31 not be abligated to make any refunds
until all facilities required und�r all sections of this agreement
have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. No refund of
less than $25.00 will be made. In the event the difference in the
deposit and actual cost exceeds $25.00, the aeveloper agrees to pay to
the �City any underpayment and the City agrees to refur�d any
overpayment to the Deveioper.
13. The City will provide construction engineering� except far the setting
of line and grade stakes far streets ar�d storm c�rains (see defi�i�io�
of f�nsiructian Engineering), withau# charge on all projects
regard�ess �rf size. The setting of line and grade stakes �or streets
and storm drains sha�l be the responsibility of th� �evelaper except
that the City reserves the right to pre�qualify per5ons and/or firms
that are hired to provide this surveying and to check the accuracy of
the surveying and the conformance of the stakes to the approved plans.
Following the setting of line and grade by a private surveyor hired by
the developer, �he cantractar shall give 24�hour notice to �he
Gonstruction Engineer so that inspection personnel will be available.
No work shall begin until the assigned inspector is prese�t and gives
his consent to proceed.
I4. Approval by the City Engineer shall r�ot eonstitute or be deemed to be
a release of the responsibility and liabili�y of the Developer, his
C�I�YF3�CT �OR: �OUTb PAR� STAiI��, LOT� i A�ID �, ��a�IC 2
engineer, employees, and agents for the accuracy and campetenc� af
their designs and specifications. Such approval shall not be deemed
to be an assumptian of such responsibility and liabi1ity by the City
fior any defect in the desig�s and sp�cifications pr�pared by tFie
consulting engineer� his agents and employEes� it being the intent of
the parties t�at approval �y the City Engineer signifies the City's
a�praval on anly the general design concept af �he improvements to be
constructed. In this connection, the Develaper shall for a period of
five (5) years after t�e acceptance by the City of tfle co�pleted
construction project indemnify and hold ��e City �nd all of its
officers� agents� servants and employees har9nless from any lass,
damage, liability or expense, o� accau�t of damage to �roperty and
injur;e�� including death� to ail persons which may arise out of any
defect� deficiency or negligence of. t�e engin�er's designs and
specificatio�s incorporated into any improvements canstructed in
accordance therewith, and the Developer shall defend at his own
expense a�y 5Uit5 or other proceedi�gs brought against the City and
its officers, agents, servants and �mplayees, or any af them on
account t�iereof, to pay all expenses and satisfy all judgments which
may 6e incurre� by ar rendered against them or any af them in
connection therewith.
15. The develaper agrees to co�struct street lights as specified in
Section IiI of the agreement at the same time as streets are beir�g
�0l�i�ACi ���; �O�iH �ARtC ��'A���H, LOiS 1 �A�� 2, �LOCK 2
1. peveloper hereby agrees and binds itself to:
a. Excavate all streets, tncluding parkways� ta line and grade
establi�hed in the approved plans. No fill s�all be put in place
unless a City af Fort Warth inspector is pr�se�t and approves the
b. Require �ny contractor �ho will be involved in any earthwork
wit�in any fut�re pub]ic right�o��way, to noti�y fHe Department
of Engineering� Construction 5ervices Division, before any wark
takes place and to require all earthwor� to be done in accardance
with the City of Fort Worth Standard Specifications ta the
satisfaction and apprvval of the Cifiy ��gineer or his
c. Install all necessary storm drai�age facilities in accordance
wit� the Transportation and Pub]ic Works Department's "Policy For
Stor�m Drainage Faci�ities," .
d. Construct a1T utilities and services ir� the streets to at least
two feet back to th� curb �ine prior to the construction o� curb
and gutter and paving of the 5treets. All trer�ches shall be back
filled in accardance with standard City specifications.
e. Construct concrete curb and gut�er an both sid�s of the street,
unless this agreement specifies otherwise, including
iniersections. Construct concrete driveways to the back af the
wa�k line for each lot fronting on tire street in accordance with
standard City specificatiar�s. Construct sidewa7ks if specified
i n ti�i s agreement .
f. Construct pavement, including subdrains determined to be requ�red
by the City Street Inspector during construction, an all streets
in accordance with approved plans and/or specificatians.
g. Improve border 5treets at the time of development �nless
condit9ons prec]ude improvements at that time as determined by
the Director of Transportation and Public Works.
h. Construct, ai its own expense, curb returns� at all streEt
intersections within or adjacent to the area cavered by this
i. Be rasponsihle #or grading the parkway betwe�n the curb lines and
the property lines to elevations required by the City Engineer.
j. Grade all 20' x 20' and 15' x 15' Qpen Space Easements down to a
height of not more than twenty�four (24) inche5 abave �he top of
k. Constr�,ct, at its own expenSe, curb, gutter, and approved paving
at the foilowing lacations as depicted an Exhibit "B":
WEST CANT�Y STREE� � fram ihe west right�af�way line af Eighth
Avenue, westward approximately 650 L.F. to the east rzght-afeway
line of Stanley Avenue cansisting of a 40' raadway af arterial
grade pavement.
C��1i�ACi �OR: SOIIT� �A�FC S�A�Y01� � L�TS 1 AaD � � BLOCi� �
EI�HT� RVENUE CHANNELIZATION - improvements consist o� the
canstruction of a 1eft turn lane and �he removal and
recon�truction of twa traffic is�ands all constructed of arterial
grade pavement.
C�q��A�� �OR: �@U�H ���K ��Ai�O�� ���5 � �N� �� ����� �
2. Cost Distribution:
a. The City shall �ear all of �he exces5 cost of street i�prove�ents
�or widths greater than:
Forty (40) �eet �djacent to
and/or duplex residential.
Fifty�two (52} feet adjacent
single ga�ily and/or duplex
property zoned single family
to pro�erty zoned oiher than
b, If the developer constructs a wider street ��an requ'ested by the
City, ther� sHall be no City partic�pation for t�� cast of the
extra width. bowever, in the event a s�reat wider than far�y (40)
feet adjacent ta single family �nd duplex residential ar fifty-
twa (52} #eet adjacent to zoning ather than single family or
�uplex residential is constructed at the City's request� the City
will make the following reimbursement to the developer upon
compietian of the en�ire length of street inc�uded in this
Cammunity Fa�ilities Agre�ment.
I. The reimbursement shaTl be for the cost of the road width
in excess of forty f�et adjacent to residentia] (single
family or duplex} zoning and fifty-twa feet adjacent to
zoning ather than single family or duplexes.
2. The reimbursement due to Item (1} above �hall he based on
unit prices actual1y paid b� the Developer a�d approved by
the �ransportation and Public Wor�s Director� except that
the reimbursEment for earihwork s�al� be estahlished
annually based on then current costs of doing tMis type of
work� �s determined by the City.
c. On streets abutting City park property, the City will pay the
cost of one�half of �he curb� gutter� pavi�g �including any �ase
stabilization), and related earthwork adjacent to the park.
d. A1l �ailroad Crossings shall be of type "Rubber Railroad
Crossing" withaut exception. The City's participation i� railroad
crassings sha�l be in accordance with this Section. Furthermore,
if it is necessary for the City to co�demn Railroad �roperty, the
developer sha1T reimburse the City the entire cost of the
candemnation process including attorney fees plus any o�her casts
associated with the right-ofpway and/or easement acquisition.
e. The City shall pay engineering costs in the amount af six �ercent
(fi%) of the actua] cast of tf�e City's share of construction as
defined above upan completion and acceptance of the 5treet
facilities. However for preparatian of Community Facilities
Agreements, the City shall use six percent �6%) of t}�e estimated
co�t of its share of construction as defined abave for design
GBN�R1iIC� FOR: S�UT�1 PA�K �YAi%$N, L��S 1 A�ED �, �LOCFf 2
f. T1�e City sflall assume its 5hare of the cost of the street
imprave�ents and the engineering fee only if funds are ava�lable
for such �ar�icipation. In the event that no funds are availabie
for City participation, t�ie developer shali award the contract
and depasit with the City cash, or perforr�ance and payment bonds
�ar 1�0 percent of the estimated total construction cost af the
improvements (pius �en percent (10%) �or engineering and
niscellaneous costs if the City prepares �f�e plans}.
g. �fle �evelaper shall pay a construction inspect�on �nd materials
f�esting fee in the amour�t of two percent (2%) of the developer's
share of the street canstruction cast as defined �bave. The twa
percent (2%) amount shall be included witi� the submittal by the
developer of the performar�ce and payment bonds, or cash together
with the signed comwnity facilities agreement to the Develapment
Caordinator. For the preparatiori of a cammunity facilities
agreement, twa percent (2%) afi the estimated co5t of the
Developer's share of the street construction as defined above for
the construction inspection and materials testing fee shall be
used. At the time when bids are submitted �nd �rior to the work
order being issued� the DeveToper sftall submit the amount in cash
representing twa percent (2%} of the Developer's shar� af the
street construction cost. This anount may be adjusted by t�e
Developer or ihe City, upon written request� to conform to the
actual canstr�ction cost upon compiet�on and �ccept�nce of the
street facilities� rovided the difference i5 greater thar�
twenty�five dolZars ��25.Oa).
3. The following special cost distributio
af� shall supersede, and 5hall prevail
distributian provisians which may he in
r� canditions shall be in lieu
over any of the standard cost
confliet herewith:
C�N��A�i �OR: �OUT�1 �A�i� S�I�Y%4N, L�iS � 1�p1D 2� �LOCFt �
�. Estimate o� Construction Cost
west Cantey Street
Unit Developer City� Total
Qua�tity Price Cost Cost Cost
40` l�ide Roadway 650 L.F. �135.00 ��7',7�0 $�Q� �87,750
�" Reinfo�ced Cancrete
6" Stabilized Subgrade
R�i�road Crassing with
Signals L.S. 60,OOO.aO 60�04� -0� 50,004
iraffic Signals . L.S. 2,000.00 2,OOa �0- 2,OD4
EightFi Avenue Channelization
f�eft Turn Lane (Including removal and reconstruction af two existing traffic
7" €3einfarced Concrete
6" S�abilized Subgrade �04 S.Y. 36.�0 25,690 -0- 25,690
Signalization L.S. 40,000.00 44,OOU �Q- 4Q�000
Traffic Markings L.S. 6,566.Q0 fi,566 �0� b,55b
10% Contingencies
�22z , oa� � �o�
22,2Q1 �4�
$244,207 � -Q�
*City's partic�pation due to proposed park 51'�@ is $�0-
��N�RAC� FOR: SOUik PARiC STdTIOl�, LQYS � RN9 �� �L�GK �
i. 8ased upo� preliminary engineering design, the storm drainage
facilities listed b�low are required. It is understood that actual
sizes, quantities, and costs may vary after detaile� engineeri�g is
accom�]ished and bids are taken.
Description of I�aric to be Dane:
The Developer agrees to inst�ll or have installed, the storn drain
system for tHis project as shown an Exhibit "�-1", att�ched hereto� in
campliance with all applicable City of Fart i�ortF� Rules and
Regulatians and Construction Standards. Furthermare, the Developer
also �grees: .
a. ta construc� al] storm drainage facilities anG app�rtenances to
the line and grade estab1ished in the final p]ans.
b. ta provide sufficient drainage easements for all storm drainage
facilities outside a publ�c right�ofdway. Drainage ea5ements
shall be provided alang the e�ntire length of the system to
include an outfall condition which is acceptable to �he City
Engineer. R detention pand may be pravided in lieu of an
adeq�ate outfal] with approval by the City fngineer. �rainage
easements a1ong a required outfall channel or ditch shall be
provided unti� the flowline "day lights" on natural grade. The
r�inimum grade allowed on an outfall channel� or ditch will be �.2
foot per 100 feet. Drainage easements will generally extend at
least twenty�five (25) feet past an ouifall headwal1 to provide
an area far maintenance operations.
c. to provide a drainage system which is fully functional ar�d
readiTy maintainahle.
d. to provide for storm flaw resulting from a one hundred (Id0) year
frequer�cy stor�n in accordance wi th Ci ty drai nage desi gn cri teri a.
Such f]ow orrce contained in a p�ablic drainage easement and/or
right-of-way shall cor�tinue to be retained with pub�ic easements
ar rights�af�way� unless approved by the City �ngineer under.a
strictly controiled set of criteria. Over�flow swales intended
to convey "public" storm f�ow s�iall be contained in a drair�age
�asement, included in the design plan, and constructed in
cvr�junctzor� with the storm drainage improvements.
e. �hat the storm drain system will be designed to ul�imate land
use. If stage constructiox� is used, temporary offsite measur�s
can be utilized as develapment proceeds, but must be approved by
t�e City Eng�neer. T#�ese temporary offsite nreasures must be
braught into confarmance with ultimate de5ign standards as
deve]opment proceeds.
C��ITitACT' F��: ��I��H Pk�Ft S�A�gO�I, �0�5 1 A�fD �� �LOCI� �
2. Cost Distribution:
a. The City shall not pay any amaunt in the cost of starm drainage
faeilities consisting of pipe 60�inches or less in diameter, includi�g
the cost af any trench and/or channel excava�ion, manholes, inlets,
lead lines, headwalls and/ar any other items to com�lete the system.
b. �here pipe larger than 60 inches is used, t�e City s�all pay twenty-
five percent (25%) of the difference in construction cost between a
sixty-inch pipe and any larger pipe size. There Hill be no Cifiy
p�r�icipation in the cost of any trenc� and/or channel excavation,
manhol�s, inlets, lead lines, fleadwal�s, and/or any other items to
complete the system.
c. Where a lined channel is constructed, the City's particip�tion shali
be �s follows:
Twenty�f i ve percent {25 0) of the cost of concrete l i � i ng i n pl ace
provided �the bottom of the channel is lined with cancrete or
consists of natural solid rack.
Twenty-five percent (25%y of the cost of gabion lining provided
that the channe� bottom i s 1 i ned ei ther wi th cancre�e, or gab i on;
and/or the bottom of the channel consists of natural sa�id rock,
7#�ere shall be no City participation in the cost of any trench
excavation, right-a#-way, inlets� manho�es� guard rail� ripdrap�
seeding, sadding and/or any ot�er appurtenances necessary to
complete the drainage facilities.
d. Where a bridge or culvert is constructed, the City's participati�n
shall be as follows:
1. Far 5ystems smaller than or equal to a pipe size of sixty (60)
inche� in diame�er� area�wise, tfiere shall be nn City
2. �here the system is larger than a pipe o� sixty (6D"} inches in
diameter ar is of some other sha�e wi�h a cross sectional area of
more than 19.5 square teet� the City shall base its share of the
co5t on the water shed area to be drair�ed and will calculate its
share according to the table below for any bridge and/or cu�vert
for a street cros5ing up to a roadway width of:
° Farty (40) feet adjacent to single fa�ily or duplex
residential zoning and use.
° Fif�tye�wo (52) feet adjacent to any other zoning and/or
4�atershed Area Cit.y's Partici patian
� (Acres) (% of Cost)
GBN��ACi FOR: SO�i� �ARK S�AY%BN, LOiS 1 A�1D 2� �LDCi� 2
up to 4 1�QOD
I,001 - 1,5Q0
1,501 - 2�000
2,OOI � ���DO
2,50x � 3,000
3�OOI - 3,600
3,501 - ��200
4,2d1 � 4,�QQ
�,�ai � �,aoo
�,�Q1 � 6�100
�,101 - �,�04
6,8D1 - 7,500
7,�D1 � ��300
8,3�1 - 9,100
9,1U1 � Z0,004
Over l0,OQ0
3. Except as provided in Item �., Page II�12, the City shali alsa
pay one hundred percent (la0%) of the cost of eonstructing the
extra wi �th af a bri dge, or cul vert necessary fflr roadways i n
excess of: �
Forty (40) feet adjacent ta
resident�al zaning and use.
Fifty-twa (52} feet adjacent
single family and/or duplex
to any other zoning and u5e.
Tfiere shal� be rao Gity participation in �he cast of parkway
��provements, including �edestrian ways, guardrails, etc,
5. Developers shall submit cost estimate5 for �ath a bridge and
culvert an� City cost parttcipation shall b� iimited to the
lowes� City cost estimate based an the standard cost distribuiion
listed abov�.
The City Councii reserves the right to evaluate the overall
e�onnmic benefits to the City in ali c�ses where its
participation in a bridge or culvert exceeds forty percent (44%).
The Di rector of Transportati or� ar�d Publ i c 4ilorks shal l submi t an
econom�c evaluation and recommendation ta the Council in such
6. If the Ci�y reguires a roadway width greater than those described
abave� one hundred percent (1QQ%} o� the additional cost o� the
dra3nage facility necessary for that excess width will be paid by
the City of Fort Wort%.
7. If the devela�er desires a roadway wider �Han determined
necessary �y the Director af Yransportation and Pub1 ic idoric�,
then there shall be no City participation for the additional cost
of th� �rainage f�cility necessary for the excess width.
CON�R�,�i FOit: �OItT�1 PARiC �i�TI��"r �@�S g AN� �, ��@CFC �
�. �ids and estimates for the construction of bridg�s and culverts
shall be prepared on a unit cost basis for the Zength of the
basic structure {width af the street) with a11 appurtenances such
as guard rail, wingwalls, etc., being separate b�d items, so t}tat
�he cost distribution due to oversize structure5 can be rea�ily
e. 7he City wdll cansider the level of s�rvice �eing required and City
�articipation in extr� cost of storm drainage facilitie5 �vhere the
level af service is increased due to coll�ctor or t�oroughfare street
�. Stor�n flow sh�ll no� be diver�ted from its r�atural drainage course to
a f�order s�ree� �nless approved by tMe City �ngineer. Where storm
fi�ow is diverted� in the opinion of City �ngineer, there shall be no
City participation far the additional cost of constructing andJor
oversizing ar�y drainage facility or appurtenance required to handle
such diverted storm flow and the City's participation shall stay the
same as if the diversion did not occur.
g. �Fie Cit,� shall pay engineering costs in the amount of six percent {bo}
of the actual cost of the City's share of constructian as defined
a�ove upon completion and acceptance nf the storm drain facilities.
Nowever, �or preparation of Community �acilities Agreements, the City
s#�all use six percent {6%) of the estimated cost af its share of
construction as defined above for design engineering.
f�. The City shall assume �its share af the cost of ihe storm drain
impravement and the er�gineering fee only if funds are available for
such participatior�. In the event ti�at no funds are available for City
part�cipatian, the develaper sf�all award the contract ar�d deposit with
the C�ty cash, or performance and paymer�t bonds for 100 percent of the
e5�imated tatai construction cost of the improvements {plus ten
percent (10%) for engineering and miscellaneous C05'�S i� the City
prepares the plans).
i. The Develaper sflall pay a constructio� inspection and r�ateria�s
testing fee in the amount of two percent {2%) of the developer`s share
af the storm drainage construction cast as defined above. The two
percent (2�) amount s�all be included with the submittal by the
developer of the perfarmance and payment bonds� or cash together w�th
the signed eommunity �acilities agreement �o �he Development
Coordinator. For the preparation af a co�unity facilities agreement,
two percent (2%) of the �stimated cost of the Develaper's share of the
storm drainage consf ruction as defined abave for f�e construction
ins�ection and materials testing fee sha�l be used. At the time when
�ids are submit�ed and prior to the �rork order being issued, the
Developer shall s�bmit the amvunt in cash representing two percent
(2%) of the Developer's share of the storm drainage canstruction cost.
This amaunt may be adjuste� by the Developer or the City, upon written
��N�RA�� FOR: SDUT� PARIC �TATIO� i LOTS i�i�'� 2 r��OGIC Z
request� to canfnrm �o the �c�ual construction cas� upon completion
and acceptance af the storm rainage facilities, pravided �he
difference is greater than twenty�five �ollars {�25.04).
j. T�e following special cost distribution canditions sha�l be i� lieu
of, shall supersede� and sha1� prevai� over any af the standard cost
distribu�ion provisions whtch may be in conflict herewit�:
Sa��RACi FOR: SOUT� ���K ��W�%�N, LOiS 1 A�D 2t �LOCK 2
4. Estimate af Construction Cost
3�" �CP
36" RC�
42" EtCP
IO' Curb Iniet
�2" Headwall
Channel Excavation
QUdCIt l $.y
$ L.F.
240 L.F.
315 L.F.
2 Ea.
1 Ea.
1,Q00 C.Y,
Developer City*
�05t �QS$
�312 ��p-
11,520 �0�
21,375 -Oo
3,60Q -0-
i, ioo -�o�
3,5�0 �Od
10% Contingencies
�41,407 ��0�
4,141 �OR
�45,54� �
*City"s participation due to prvposed park site is $-0�
C�N��A�i ���. �OU�Ft �l��K ��AiIOi� � LOTS 1�Ng � ���OCI� 2
i, ioo
Street Im�rovements
Developer City
Canstruction $
Desi n (5 % of Construction
Constructian �ngineering and
I�dministration �
(��5`s of Construction CoSt} �
Storm Drain Im�rove�er�ts
Constructian $
Des� n (6% af Construction
Construction Engineering and
(14.5% of Constructian Cost) $
TDTA�S (This Project) $
244,247 $
�.$84a $
45,548 �
911b $
295,550� $
$ 244,201
� �Q�
13,432` � 1�,315
-D- $ 45,548
�p_ $ • opo
3,��2a $ 4.7�3
17,3D4** $ 312,�54
�The sum of � 295,550 to be depasited by the Developer prior to the execution
of the can�ract. Daes not include �evelo�er's Design Engineering Cost on
interiar streets and storm drains.
¢*City's participation due ta facilities constructed adjacer�t to City Park is:
Streets � 00� Storm �rain $ �(?� .
a�� �epre5ents t�va percent (2%) respectiveTy of the Developers share of the
estimated construction costs fior constr�ction inspection and materials testing,
c�d Represents the City's share af the construction engin.eeri�g and
administrative cast.
. � ,
, � �' �
�' ��j �
/ Gary C. Santerre, P.E.
Directar of Transportation
ar�d Public works
�f%(�sv � !7~7J
Udte ` /
�a5ed on Policy Revised
April 11, 19�9
CFA Co�e: 93015
�d�p�RACi �OR: �OOTH PI�RIC 5�'AiY�N, LD�S 1 AH� �� ��OCK 2
�����T �IG��S
�h� ��v�ln�er ��s��� �a pre�i�� �oz 2�e an���ll��ban of
�trE�� li��ts �t �he ���rox�m�t� 1���Caons s��wn in �x�ibit
���" �bth�n ni���Y ��le��s� ��ys �� $xn�l �������ace of fi�e
�treet �ti�strua�ion ia a��asda��@ wa�h e��i��eri�� ����s
��d ��ecafi�atians �o b� a��rav�d �y �h� �san�Par���i�n �nd
�ubli� �arks He��rt��nt.
2. W�ea the �i�y �n�t�ll� ��� la�h��, �h� �eveloper ��r��s �o
pay the City �h� �moun� �ho�n b�law �sior $o ��e Cify
at�r�iag it� d��ig� e��or��. �hcn �h� �at,y �r����eg th�
�l�ns �ar tHe ��vela�er's �ontr���or �o i��t�ll �&� lights,
�h� ��veloper �gr@@s tn ��y ��e Ci�Y �0� �f the ��ti�at�d
canstruction �o�� ���ore th� Ci�Y �t�rt� it� �e�ign �fforts.
3. The Develo�er �as t�� a�tio� to i�st�ll ��� ibghts on
r�sidenta�) �nd Goll�ctor �treets usin� overHead ar.
und�rground conductox�, but the li��ts on �rterb�I sfireets
Xequire undergrotand conductors. �h� City will i�st�ll a]]
�he lights th�t us@ overh�ad �onductors. �h� City �ill
norm�lly inst�l] �11 the lights �h�t requare undergraund
conductors, but �h� D�velo�er aqrees �o empioy a�ontr��tor
to i�stal] the ]igh#s wHen th� City is u��bl@ to b�gin
instaIling �he liqhts �ithin ninety cal�ndar days o£ �inai
accegtance of the �treet constructio�.
4. The City aqrees ta #urnish �11 construction �aqineerinq and
inspectinn of th� str�et li�ht instal]atinn.
5. �h� pe��loper aqrees to dedicate �I1 ���e��nts required foz
thP installation and maintenanae of �he street lights �nd to
provide for the inst�llation of �ny @l�ctrie�l �r�n�gormers
required �or the preper opera�ion ot the ��ree� �ights.
�. T�e e�ti�ated cast a� this �treet li��t bnSt�llation is
detailed on page 1Ii-2 �nd is �ummarized be]ow. In th� ev�nt
the Developer �ays �h� City to do anY a� t�@ �ork, it is
�greed by bath parti@s th�t �in�l ��yme�ts �il] be adjust�d
such that the D@velqpex�S p�yment i� within $25.00 a� �he
actual cast (to inr.lude o�erh��d and fri�gc 6ene�i�s).
���ELO��R'� CO��
$ 3,300.00
�out�ipark ��atian
Fort �orth, �°exas
Recamt�en�ed :
��� T�
G�rq L. S�a��rr�° P.�.
�ir�ctor of �ran�portation
�nd �ublic Wor�ts
Ju1y 31, 1992
. , , ,
�TR��' �IGI�T C���' ��TI1�T�
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���ad�atisl �3id��loek
R��iden��al �ir���i.on �h�a�nc��
Collec�or 1�3id-�lo��C
Elnder�round Circtait
A��eraal �lid��lack
Divid�d Art�xi.al �l�d-�1ack
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S 1�000
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� �..000
$ 2,000
� 2,20Q
Ci�.y's Co�t
��v�lo��r'� Su�tot�l
1�� for Eagin��ring
Proj�ct Tot�1
Future Ad�ac�nt Develaper's Cost
D�velap�r's Co�t
� �f�V��QO
� �Q� .
� �p-
� �,A04.OU
� 1,000.OL1
� -Q-
$ -p�
$ �,OOD.UO
$ -0-
� 3,000.00
$ 300.00
$ 3,3Q0.00
S -o--
$ 3,300.40
�'he lic�ht �t Eighth �nc! Cant�.y is ir�cluded in �h�
tra�fic �icinal cost. �'h� li�ht �t C�rnt�y �nd trhe
rai 1 road crogsing i� i��clud�d ir� �he cast �ar �he
crossing �igna.l.
Sauth��rk St�t�o�
]�vrt �orth , �'�xas
3ul,y 31, 1992
�TR��'�_ �l�i�.. �%�NS
l. �1n� ����laper �gre�� �a ��y �or the �tr�e� r���e sign
anstall���an� r��qtlired by ti�a� devel���er�� �e tt�e ext�nt o�
��O.Op �er i��i�r�e��ao�. ��i� u�ei� ��st �all �e r�vised
Snnually by �he D�p�r�menfi of �r�napor��tiar� �nd ��blic
Wark� �� �+�� 1��� ��eva�a 1 i�� e���� af r��tarri a 1� ��d 1�Hor .
�. �I�b� ��v�l��r��a� �ill gesul� ifl �he cre�,�i�� af �cao
i�ter��ctaons �t � c��t ta the �ev@]o�er �� �1.60.OQ.
3. Tl�e �ev�lop�r m�y eith@r �l�pa�b� ea��h �uadg wi�h �he Citp
egual i:a fH@ a1��ve a�nournt �t �h� time �� Cor�unkty
�acili�ies l�c�r�@m�nt a��rov�J, ar �r�i.� ua�il t�e atrreet �►mme
signs ar@ to be a�stalled. Yf t�e Hevela��r e1�ct,� to w�ait,
t�e en�� of �tr@�t na�me �ign� rai.11 �e at the rate
�r�va.ilinq �hen �H@ D�veloper depasits funds wa�� �?n� City.
4. Th� City will in�tall the stre�t nsir�� �it�ns upon �a,nal
�pproval of the stre�t conatruction. �'he sf.r��t nsme si�ns
wili remain the pXoperty o�, �ad will me maintffiined by, i�he
���.�. ', � _ .,
�- -
Sauthpark Statior� Gary L. �a�nt��r�, P.�.
�irec�.ore of Tr��s��ar��taian
�nd Publ z c Wor�Cs
�ort �lorth, Texa,� Jul y 31 , 1992
A, It is agreed and ur�derstood by the parties hereta that the developer shall
employ a civil engineer, lice�sed to practice in the State af Texas, for the
design and preparation af plans and specifications for the construc�tion
of a!f facilities cavered by this contract, subject to Paragraph B.
B. For any project estima#ed to cost less than �10,0�0 or for any project
designed to serve a singfe lot ar tract, the developer may at his option
requesfi the City to provide the design �ngineering, and if sucl� request
is granted, the developer shall pay to the City an amount equal to 10
percent ofi the final construction cost of such project for such
engineering ser�ices.
C. In the event the de�efoper empioys his own engineer to prepar� plans
and specifications for any or all facilit�es, the plans and specifications so
prepared shall be subject ta approval by the department having
jurisdiction. One f 1 j reproducible set of plans with 15 prints and 35
specifiicatians for each facility shall be furnished the departmant having
jurisdiction. It is agreed and understood that in �he e�e�t of any
disagre�ment on the plans and specifica�ions, the decision of �he
TransportationlPublic Works Department Director, andlor Water
Dapartment Director wiil he finai.
D. It is. further agreed and understood by the parties h�reto tY�at upon
acceptance by the Ci�y, title to all facili#ies and improvements mentioned
hereinabave shall be vested at all times in the City of �ort Worth, and
deveaoper hereby relinquishes any right, title, or interest in and to said
�aci�itEes or any part hereof.
E. The life af this contract sha[l be fiwo (2� years and it is understood that
any obligation on the part of the City to make ar�y refunds hereunder
shall cease upon �he expiration of two i2] years #rom the date of
execution of this contract, except for refunds due from "per connec�ian
charges" on sanitary sewer and from "front foot charges" on water
mains, bot� of which refunds may continu� ta be made for a period of
ten (10} years; provided, that if the construction under the Cammunity
�acilities Contract shall have started within the two-year period, the life
of �he Community Facilities Cantract shall be extended for an additianal
one-year period. Community �acility Contracts nat completed within the
time periods stated above will require renewal of the cantrac� with all
updated agreements being in compliance with t1�e policies in effect at the
time of such renewal. Developers must recognize that City funds may
nofi be avaiEable to pay all or a portion of the narm�l City share for
renewal confiracts. It must be understood by all parties to the
Cvmmunity Facilities Contract ti�at any af the facilities or requirements
included in the cantract that are to be performed I�y the develop�r, but
not performed by the developer wi�khin the time periods stated abov�,
may be completed by the City at the develaper's expense. The City of
Fort Worth shall not be ob�igated to ma{�e any refunds d�e to the
developer on any facilities constructed under this agreement until akl
prov�sions of the agreement are fulfilled.
1. For Stre�t, �torm �rain. Street LiQht and Street IVame Sian
�acilities on a �on-Assessmenf Basis:
Performance and Payment bonds or cash depasits acceptable to
the City are requir�d to be fur�ished by t�e developer for the
installation of streets, storm drains, street lights, and straet name
s9gns, on a non-assessment basis, and must be furnished to the
City prior to ex�cution o� this cor�tract, The performa�ce and
payment bonds snall be in the amount of one hundred percent
(100%} of the developer's sstimated share of t�e cost of �the
s#rsets, storm drains, stree# lights, and street name signs. If �he
deposit is in the fiarm af cash, the deposit shall be in the amount
af one hur�dred twenty five percent (125%) of the cie�eEoper's
estimated cost of the streets, storm drains, street ligh�s, street
name signs, and char�ge orders �during tne course of the projectj.
�. For �a�in4 �ssessment:
Performance and payment bonds or cash deposits, acceptable to
the City are req�ired to b� furnished by the developer fior one
hundred percent (900%1 of the developer`s estimated cost
resulting from the paving, drainage, lig#�ting and name signage of
border streets on an assessmen�t paving basis. {Reference S�ction
VI, Item 3, Development Procedures IVlanual.} Said performance
and payment bands or cash deposits must be fiurnished to the City
�rior to execution of this contract.
3. �or llllater and Sanita�d Sevve� Fracilities:
�erformance and payment bonds, or cash deposits, acceptable to
the City are required to be furnished by the de�eloper for the
installation of water and sanitary sewer facilities,
a. Where the developer lets the construction contract for water
and sanitary sewer facilities, performance and payment
bonds shali be deposited, in the amount of one hundreci
percent (1 QQ%) of ti�e estimated cost of construction, cash
deposited shall be in the amnunt of one hundred twenty-five
percent (125%), as stafied in the construction contract, is
required to be furnished simultar�eous with execution of the
constructian contract,
b. Wk�ere the Cify lets the contract, performarice and payment
bands shall be t�eposited, in the amount of or�e hundr�d
percent {100%j of fihe estimated cost of construction, as
stated in the construction contract, is required prior to
issuance of a work orde�' by �khe City.
4, Te+oes of Cuarantees:
a. F'erformance and Pavment Bonds: Are required for the
canstruction of streets, storm drains, str��t lights, and
street name signs, the fo>>owing terms and conditions shail
('I j The bonds will be standard performance a�c4 paym�nt
bonds provided by a lic�nsed surety company ar�
forms furnished by that surefiy company.
(2? The bonds v�rill be subject to the re�riew and approval
by the City Attorney.
(3) 7he performance hond shall be payable to the City
and shall guarantee performance of fhe street, storm
drain, street light, and street name sign construction
contemplat�d under this contract.
{4j The Payment �ond shall guarantee payment for all
labor, materials and equipment furnished ir�
eonnection with the street, storm drain, street light,
and street name sign construction contemp�ated under
this cantract.
t5j In order for a surety company to be acceptable, the
nam� of the surety shaff l�e included an the current
U.S. �reasury list of acceptable sureties, and the
amount of bond written by any one acceptable
company shail not exceed fihe amount shown on the
Treasury list for t�at company.
�. Cash �eoosits: A cash deposit shall be acc�ptab[e with
verification that an attempt to secure a bond Y�as be�n
deni�d, sucn deposit shall be made in the Treasury of the
City of �ort Worth. The City of �ort Worth will not pay
�nterest on any such cash cieposit.
('I j At such time that the contract is bid for projects ather
than assessment projects, the cash deposit shal{ be
adjusted to ane hundred twenty five percent (125%)
af the act�al bid price. No contract shall be awarded
and no work order shall be is5ued until such
adjustment is made.
(2} When a cash deposit is made, the additionai twe�ty-
five percent (2�%) beyond the one hundred percent
i100°/ay af �he estimated developer's shar� represents
additianal funds for change orders during the course
af the project. This twenty fi�e percent (25%� shall
be considered the developer`s change order fund.
5. Purnose. ierm and �enewal of Guarantees:
a. Performanc� and payment bonds, and cash deposi�s
furnished hereunder shall be far the �urposes of
guaranteeir�g satisfactory compliance by the dev�loper with
all requirements, terms and conditions of this agreement,
including, but not limited to, the satisfac�tory completion af
the impro�ements prescribed herein, and the making of
payments to any person, firm, corporation or other entity
with whom the developer has a direct cantractual
relationst�ip for the performance of work hereunder.
b. De�eloper shall keep said performance and paymenfi bonds,
andlor cash deposits in full force and ef�ect until such time
as de�eloper has ful�y complied with the terms and
conditions of this agreement, and fai[ure to keep same in
force and effect shall constitute a default ar�d breach o� this
G. The City sha�l assume its share of �he cost of the improvements covered
by t�is agreement along with the engine�ring fee oniy if funds are
available for such participation. In the event that no funds are available
for City participation, the developer shall award the contract and deposit
witn the City a performance and payment �onds or cash far '104 percen�
of the estimated total construction cost of the im�ro�ements [plus ten
percent � 10°�) for engineering and miscellaneous costs if the City
prepares the plansl.
H. On all facilities included in this agreement for which the developer
awards its own construction contract, the developer agrees to follow the
follawing pracedures:
1. If the City participates in the cost of the facilities, the construction
contract must be advertised, bid and awarded in accordance with
State statutes prescribing the requiremen�s for t�e letting o�
contracts for the construction of �ublic work. This ir�c[udes
at�vertising in a local newspaper at least fiwic� in ane or more
newspapers of general circu�ation int he county or caunties in
which the wor{� is to be performed. The second publication musi
be an or before the tenth f 10th} day befiore the first date bids may
be submitted. The bids must be opened by an officer or empbyee
of the City at or in an office of the City.
2. To employ a construction contractor wF�o is appro�ed by the
9irector of th� pepartment having jurisdiction over the facility to
be so constructed, said contr�ctor to meet City's requirements far
being insured, licensed and bQnded #o do work in public streets.
3. io require the contractar ta furnish to the City paymer�t,
p�rformance and maintenance bonds in the names of t�e City and
the developer for one hundred percent (900%j of the contract
price of the facility, said bonds to be �urnished before wark is
commence. Developer further shall require the contractor to
pravide public liability insurance in the amounts r�quired by the
City's specifications covering that particular work.
4, To give 48 hours notice to the departmer�t having jurisdiction of
intent to commence construction of the facility so that City
inspection persannel will be a�ailable; and to require the
cor�tractor #o allow the construction to be subject to inspection at
any and all times by City inspection forces, and not to instaif any
sanitary sewer, storm drain, or water pipe unless a responsible
City inspector is present and gives his consent ta proceed, and to
ma�e such laboratory tests of materials being used as may be
required by #he City.
5. To secur� approval by the Director of the Department having
jurisdiction of any and a�l partia� �nd final payments to the
cor�tractor. Said appro�al shail be subject to arid in accordance
with requirements of this agreement, and is not to constitute
approval of the quantities of which paymen� is based.
6. �o delay connections of E�uildings tv service lines of sewer and
water mains constructed under this contract until said sewer and
water mains ar�d service lines have been completed ta the
satisfaction of the Water D�partment.
7, It is expressly unders#ood by and between the de�eloper and the
City ofi Fart Worth, that in the event the developer elects to award
or�e single construetion contract for storm drainage and pavement,
said contract shall be separated in the bidding and City
participation, if any, shall be limited to the lowest possible
combination of bids as if each of the above rn►ere awarded as
separate contracts.
I. Anything to �he contrary herein no�iwithstanding, for and in consideration
of the promises and the Covenants herein made by the City, the
developer covenants and agrees as follows:
1. The� de�elo�er shall mal�e separate elections with regard to water
and/or sanit�ry s�wer facilities, storm drainage, street
improvements and street lights as to whether the work prescribed
F�erein shall b� performed by the City, or by its con#ractor, or by
the developer, through its contractor. Each separate election shall
be made in writing and deli�ered to City no later than six (6)
months prior to the expiratian of this agreement, In t�e evenfi any
of such separate elections has not been made and delivered to
City by such date, it shall be conclusivety presumed that the
de�eloper has elected that such worlc be parformed by the City in
accordance with all af the terms of this agreement, and in
particular Paragrapi� V-� hereofi.
2. Irrespective of any such ejectjan and wnether the worl� is to be
pe�formed by the City, or by its co�tractor or by the de�eloper
through its contractor, the developer cavenants and agrees to
deliver to the City a performance and payment guararitee in
accordance with the provisions of Paragraph V-F of this
3. [n addition to the guaranfiee required in the preceding �aragraph,
in the event de�eloper e�ects that the work be performed by the
City, or by the City's contractar, or such election is presumed as
pro�ided abo�e, the derreloper covenants and agrees to pay to the
City the developer`s shar� of the estimated construction costs.
Yhe amount ofi such estimated paymer�t �hall be computed as set
out in Sections �nter info. far Field a, then pre�s F9 � he�eof,
based upon the lowest respons�ve bid for such work, as
determined by City� or upon a cost estimated to b� perfiormed by
City forces �repared by the City, as appropriate, and sha11 be
subject to adjustment ta actual costs upon finai completion of the
subject v�or�. Such estimafied paymen�t shall be made promptly
upon demand by City, it being understood that such payment will
b� made after the receipt of b�ds far work, but in every case prior
fio the award of any construction co�tract, unless otherwise
specifically set out herein.
4. Aeveloper further covenants and agrees to, and by these presents
does hereby fully inrJemni#y, hold harmless and defend the City,
its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all
claims, suits or causes of action of any nature whatsoe�er,
whether real or asserted, brought for or on account of any injuries
ar damages to persans ar property, including d�a�h, resufting
from, or in any way connected with, this agreement or the
construction of the improvements or facilities described herein,
whether or not causes, or� whole or in part, by the negligence of
ofticers� agents, employees, licensees, invitees, contractors or
subcontractors of the City; and in addition the developer
covenants to indemnify, hold harmless and defend tt�e City� It5
o�fficers, agents and employe�s from and against all claims, suits,
or causes or action or any nature whatsoever brought for, or on
account of any injuries or damages to persons or �roperty,
including death, resulting from any failure #o properly sa�Feguard
the worl� or an account of any act, intentional or othe�wise,
neglect or misconduct of the developer, its contractors,
subcontractors, agents or employees, whether or not caused, on
whole or in part, by the negligence of officers, agents, employees,
lieense�s, invitees, contractors or subcontractors of the City.
5. Developer covenants and agrees that it discriminates agai�nst no
individual involving employment as prohibited by the terms of
Ordinance No. i�7'� (as amended by Ordinance No. i4QQ), an
ordinance prohibiting discrimination in employment practice
because of race, creed, color, r�ligion, national origin (except for
ill�ga[ aliensj, sex or age, un�ess sex or age is a bonafide
occupational qualification, subcontractor or employmsnt agency,
either furnishing or referring applicants to such deve�oper, nor ar�y
agent of dedeloper i� discriminating against any individual
involving em�lo�ment as prohibi�ed by the terms o# such
Ordinance fVo. ��Y� (as am�nd�d by �rdinance No. �4�OOi.
ihe attachecS �x�ibits Appendix "�,", A, /�-1, �, �-1 and C and Locatian
iV9ap are made a part hereof for all intents and Qurposes.
i�. l/enue of any action brought hereunder shall be�in Fort Worth, �ar�ant
County, Texas.
�. T'he City's Policy for the lnstallstian of Community �acilities, as adopted
�y the City �our�cil an April 11�, 1�89, is 3��reby incarporated herein by
referencE, and �er�elnper c�venants and agrees to comply with said
�olicy as a condition of this confiract anci as a candition to the platting
of the subject property.
IR� T�STI[�ONY I�IIH�R�OF, the City of �ort Worth has caused this instrument
fo be executed in eight (�) copies �n its name and on its �ehaif by its �ity
i�anager, a�tested by its City �ecr�tary, with the cor�orate seal af the Cit�
af#ixed, �nd �sid Developer has executed this instrument in q�radr�pliea�e, at
�ort Wor�rh, Texas this the
.�.� day of��%
�C ���;
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ice �hur�F�
�ity �ecretary
ApPROl��d A� i0 FORIVi AN�
` ' �
Wil�Eam !N. l�ilood
�eputy Cit� Attarn�y
[�s#e: �' � � � � �
�, _ _
-=�-- =��- --
�;n�,t�aa�; .#�u-tl�ari�a�� c,n-.�.
l�t�to - —�_ ____.' �.�
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�i � FaFi W R , ��?CAS
�v: _ , .__
fVlike Groomer
Assistant C'sty fi�anager
Rf�V�LOP�R: oTXi
� ��1�1,4R�
inn Dixie, ! '�a s c . ��
L. J. �adlowsi�i
�ivisior� Presiden#
A►`T`f°�ST'• �
� —
Hss�s n� �ecre �
Section I
�dater � 27,775 $ -Oo
Sewer 30,206 -0-�
Canstruction Insp. Fee 1,160 �Q�
Section II
1. interior Streets
Constructian 244,207 �0�
Desjgr� Eng. op� �p�
Eng. & Admir�. 4��4 * i3.432
2. 5tar�n �rai ns
Cor�struction 45,54� dOm
Design Eng. -D- -0-
Eng. & Ad�in. 911 * 3,�72
Sect�on III
Street LigHts 3.300 �0�
5ection II!
S�reet Name Sign 160 -4-
� 2����5
$ �7,715
i,150 *
4�8�4 *
911 *
TUTAL $ 35�,i51 �1�,344 $ 3�5,4�5 $ 35�,151
* 2% Construction Inspection Fee (io he deposited in cash prior to the issuance
of a �or� order).
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3D'� W�s� Sev�r��1� S��e��, Su�t� 1�0�
�°+�gt Wor*�h, '�exa� 76�O��g11�
Mr . ,7�hn A . �uo�ey, �7� .
�evelopmen� Coorc�inator
City of �'ort Wort�
1004 ThrocDano�ten Stxeet
�'�: Wor�h, Texas i6102
Fte: Communi�y �'acili�ies Con�rac�:
South ��rk S�atian, �lock 2, lots 1 and 2
Aea� Mx� . Murphy:
R�GEIi� '�
l �VD��z,�93
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�r� �
Per your fax of ��ie Nove�ni�er � le��er fsom Mr. TuOnte�r this
is to confirm tha� Winn-Dixie Texas, Inc.� is��authorized as agent
�o en�e� in�o �he con�ract an behalf of Sunbel���ix,�Inc. �'or �Y�e
construction in connection with the referenc�d projec�.
[7nder an Amended and R�stat�d Acqu�.sition �nd Develapment
Agreement datced as of December 4, I992, a cogy af iche frirs� page
of which is enelosed, SunbeZ�oDix, Ync. au�horized Winn��ixie
S�ores, Inc. and i.ts afiiliai�es, dfc whieh Winn�Dixie Texas, Inc.
is one as a wholly-owned subsidiary o£ Winn-Dix.ae Stores, Inc.,
�o acquire 1.and and con�truct or renovate variou� improvements
thereon, including this project. Indeed, �che sale purpose of
Sunb�*1�dDix, Inc. is to acquire praper�ies for �uch purposes for
Winn�,Dixie Stores, Inc , and its af �i].iates .
The CFA as executed by Mr. 5adlawski, President of Winn-
Dixie Z'exas, Inc., wras executed as an agent �or Sunbelt�Dix; Inc.
_Way �. Ri ey, Jr.
Vice �resident and Assistaflt
_ .. 5ecretary � : -
ce: �'ax tv Mr. Murphy a� (�li) 332�394�
A�I�ND�A P�ND R�S'�AZ°�D P�CQUYS�'��ON �4NdD ��i�IaOP� A����I�T'�,
d�.�ed. a� o� �e�����r 4, 1�9� , l�y and b�tw�en SL��LT'-�IX; �N� ., �
I��la�aar� �o�p��at��n, w��h �n ������ �/o �'am�� �. �ri��, �i7�
�a,sk Aven��, N�v� Yo�k, N�w Yv�k ZO�.Z� (tl�� "Go��any") �nd
W�NNoD�XI� �'��1���, �NC, , a�'���°�d� corp����i�n, Wi�� ar1 of�i�e a�
�4�0 �c�g�w��d Coux��, �ack�oaville, Fl��ida 32��4-369�, (��i�
�,������" )
WH�RFAS, tk�e Compaay aa� tk�� �essee �e�b�� t� ��������� in
orc��x t� �f�'��� (1) ��e a�c�ui�i�ior� of ��e o� �.��seho�ci in�e�e�t�
(th� "Acc��.�,�i�ier�") by �1ri� C�mp�r�y �f vax°ic��� �����1� o�' r�al
p��per�y �nd �xi��ing i�spr�vem�n�� �i�ua�ed ���r�an (ea��i a
"�ar��� o� Land" and col�.�c�.ively, �he "L,and" ) , ( 2 ) a� �he
reques� of �he Lessee �he renovatio� ar�dJor cons�.ruc�ion
(collecti.veZy, �he "'Cor�s�ruction") by �he Lesse� o� an Af�zlia�e
(he�eir�af�er da�ined), on beha�f o� �he Company, o� improvemen��
( collecgiv�ly, �he "I�provemen�.�" ) to be �i�ua�eci on s�x�h Land ar
o�her Land leased by Les�ee o� an �f�blia�e o� I,es�e� groru �hird
par�.i,es ("Other �and" ) afld ��i� purcha�e and �.a�tal.ia�ion o�
fix�ure�, mack��.nery, equ�p�e�t and o��e� per�a�al�p�oper�y o� a�i
�ypes n�w or �a�er affix�d to and u��d in ca�n�et�or� wi'��i t��
Land, Other Land and Impravemen�s (the "�qubp��at" an� je�q�th�g
wi�h the Land, O�h�r Land and improvemen�s, ��e "P�-�pe���es" and
individually, a "Prop���y"), (3) �he lea�ing of �he �rop�x�ie�
from �rhe Campany �;a t�e Lessee o� an AgfiZia�e pursuan� �� �
k'acili�y Lease, and {4) the fi,na��ing of �h� Acquis�,�zon of �he
Land, Cons�ruc�ion, if any,- ofc �he Improvea►en�s and the puxcY��se
and ins�allation of the �quipmen�, i� a�ny.
WHEREAs, in cannec�ion �k�erewith, �k�e Co�pany and tl�e Lessee
desire to set for�:h �heir r�utual unders�and�ag af t�i� ragY��s and
sesponsabil�.�ies oi each par�y, as mQre partb�ula��.y de�cribed
NOW, THER��'oR�, for goc�d and valuable c�nsideratior�, t%e
�eceip� and su�ficiency o� whzc� �,s hereby a�kaa�aledged, �he
par�ies here�a agree a� folZ�ws:
�'�%C�� �
����P1��I�N� � iId'T�R�F!]�TA�'I�1"�
Sec�ian �.01 �efini.�i�ns. As used herein, ��e fallowing
�e�s �ha2�. ha�e th� following nreaning�:
C�i�,�' o.f` ���� '�o�h, �"��ca�
.�e���� �rr� ����� �o����xi�cx���
DATS 1�C1�'JS�1�G� �1Ji�3�! �O NJkyl� �J1��
11116�9� �*�-1�1i� OB�OU�`H 1 of 1
�+�r$,x�c�r R�VI�[�#� TD M&� �-��5�� FOf� THE �hI�TA►�LATI��1 OF �O�AMEJ�fITY FA�I��T�FS-
�OtJTHPI�RI� ���ITIOTV. BL��IC �. L�T� � A1�1D �
�t E� r���mrr�en��d tha� tF�e �ity �oun�il appra�re ti�e rev�sian to 1�1&� �-1 �� � 4�s outfined
b�lour, �uthorixir�g the Cit� f�ar�a��r to exec�,te a��mmunity F���IitRes Agreement xvitl� �unbe�t-
pix, lnc., for rth� �nstal#a#io� �fi camm�nity fac�lities far �au�hp�rk ��a#ior�, 8#ock 2, L�#s 1 an�
On A�g�st ��, 1���, I�ll�� C-1 �� 14 w�� �p�rav�d by ��ty �auncil �uthorir�ng the ��ty h+lana�er
t� ��cecute a�ommunit� Facilitie� Agreement wit� ��e developer �r�r�i Cro�� #or tfne installatior�
of ���r�unE�y faci€i#i�s for ��uthpark �ta�i�n, Bf�ck �t �.ot� 1 ar�d 2. �ubsequen# tv t�s
appr�v�l, t��e dev�to�er �:h�n�ed nam�s. 7`here#�re. N1�� �-i�514 s�ould �e rev+se� t�
re�ommend tF�a# the �ity �our�cii a�ithorFze the �ity Nlanager to ox�c�te ��ommur�ity ��ciliti��
�4�reeme�t wi##� the de+r�ko�et S�u�b�lt-���c. Inc,
iUl�: rn
�cr&millWl For Ci� ML1u�or"a
(?RS�e b�:
h'lkFe fl�aamer
Dr4g�a4n� b�ep�rfmaot He�d:
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Far lkdd�lo�ul Iurarmelion
�MlJ1C� :
Jpa �Cilirdi
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