HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 20044� ° e ��� �7� � STATE OF TEXAS COUfVTY OF TARRANT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEfVTS This Agreement is made and executed by and betweer� the City of Forf Worth, a municipal corporation situated in Tarrant County, Texas hereinafter called "City" or "�wner", actir�g herein by and through Mike Groomer, it duly authorized Assistant City Martager, and J. B. Davies, Inc.acting hereir� by and througF� Thomas C. Da�ies, P.E., its dufy authorized Vice Presidenf, hereinafter called "Engineer" Ih�ITW��S�CTH That for and in consid�ration of the muival covenants and agreements herein contained the parties her�to do fi�ereby covenant and agree as follows; SECTI�iV f-���VIC�S �F iE�� ENICIN���: The City hereby contracts with the Engine�r as an independer�t contractor, and the Engir�eer hereEay agrees io perForm the services herein described with diligence and with tne professional services set out F�erein are in connection with the following described projecf: The design of trenchless andlor open cut sanitary sewer line rehabilitation for the fallowing sewer lines collectively known as Contract XXF (20F): M-126, Sta. 160+31 to 166+81 M-125, Sta. 0+00 to 2p+87 L-4592, Sta. 0+00 to 13+30 L-1667, Sta. D�00 to 14+61 "-�y+r�a-'�TL'M ai�r�Ci�l� l������ �li�` S�'�R����� ��� �Q��l�' ��.� S��i[OR� II o CFi�►I�C��� Ahl� ��Ci�NT OF' �NCI�l�I�R'S St�RVIC�S: the Engineer shall pertarm the fiollowing services in fulfillment of this Contract and Agreeme�t. The services provided by the Engineer include, bu# are nat limited to, scope of services listed in Exhibit "A" aitached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part hereof for all intents and purpases. Page 1 Contract 20F JBD FWE93037 �, 2. The Engineer shall attend s�ch cor�ferences with appropria#e City officials and City employees as may be necessary to insure the contract documents for wa�er andlor sewer utility relocafion's, as they are being de�elo�ed, will result in providing facilities which wil{ be economical, will function properfy, and will fit into the Water Departmeni's o�erall utility system. 3. Prepare a preliminary location map, using existing maps, "as-built" plans of thte City, and other reeord information and submit same to City. 4. Ma�te such field surueys as may be necessary to provide basic design date which, when cor�sidered with such da#a as the City may furnish, will be all the data and information needed for preparing complete detailed contract documents and plans suiiab[e far us� in obtaining construction bids and for const�uc#ion and completing the proposed projec#s. 5. Engineer shall coordinate wiih all utilities as to any proposed utility lines or adjustments to existing utility lines within the project limits. The informatian obtained shall be shown on the pr.eliminary plans. The Engineer shall show on the prelimi�ary and final plans the location ofi the praposed utility lines, existing utility lines and anficipated adjustments andlor relocation of the existing lines. 6. Analyze the drainage ar�a to determine the appropriate capacity for the replacement main. Peak sewag� flows t+vill be calculated basec� on the City of Fort Worth'� design criteria. 7. The Engineer will make provisions for reconnecting all sanitary sewer service lines which conneet directly to any mair� being replaced, including replacement of existing ser�ice lines within Gity rights-of-way by a licensed plumber. When the existing alignment of any sanitary sewer main or lateral is changed, �rovisions will be made in the plans andlor specifications by the Engineer to relocate a�� service lines which are connected to the existing line and connect said servic� lines to the relocated main. 8. The E�gineer shall advise appropriate City officials and City employees of test boring and other subsurfac� investigations that may be needed. ln the event it is determined necessary to rnake borings or excavate test holes or pits along the route of the proposed sewer mains, the Engineer shall furnish specifications, coordinate and design�te the locations for the making and reco�ding of such borings or exca�ations, with ti�e cast of the borir�gs or excavations being paid for by the City. The Er�gineer shall stake s�ch locations and record the results. 9. The Engineer shall conduct land surveys and make property ties necessary to enable the obtaining o� land andlor easements for the City. Engineer Page 2 Contract 20� JBD FWE93Q37 shall determir�e ownership of such land and furnish the City with the n�cessary right-of-way sketci�es and prepare necessary easement descriptions for acquiring the right-or-way for construction of this project. Sketches and easement descriptions are to be presented in form suitable for direct use by the Depar�ment of Engineering, of the City of Fort Worth in obtaining easements, permits, and licensing agreements, Right-of-way sketcnes and legal descriptions shall be f�rnished to the City immediately after tF�e approual of prefiminar�r raut� map ar�d completion of the control survey for [ocation and ownership. All mat�rial shall be furnisned an the appropriate City forms in a mir�imum of three (3) cvpies each. 10, The �ngineer shall prepare afl requi�ed formslapplications to allow the City to obfain an� and afl agreements andlor permits as may be required for the project. 11. Prepare special contract documents for the project consisting of at feast the following parfs: A. N4TICE TO BIDDERS (ADVERTISEMENT) B. PROPOSAL C. GEf�ERAL CONDITIONS D. SPECIAL C�f�DITIONS E. MATERIALS - Construction and installment Requirements F. EASEIViEI�TSIPERMITS G. B4f�DS H. C�NTRACT I. PL.ANS 12. The General Contract Documents and Specifications of the Water Department shall be referred to and used to supplement special contract documents above. The Engin�er will advertise the project, with bids to be accepted at the Purchasing Division's office; advertising costs shall be City's expense. 13. Engineer shall prepare a maximum of twenty-fiive (25) copies of a�l plans and cor�tract documents for use by the City and by potential bidding contractors, for each contract. 14. Engineer shafl �ssist ir� the tabulation and review of all bids recei�ed for the construction of the improvements, and shall make recommendatians tn the City concerning these bids. Engine�r shall prepare the required number of aartformed documents for execution by the.Contractor and the City. At ar�y tim� during the construction of this project, the Engineer shall advise an special aspects of the project at t�e request of ihe City. The Engineer will review and approve shop drawings as necessary. Page 3 Co�tract 20F JBD FWE93037 15. T�e original �rawings of all plans shall be drawn in inl� o� approved reproducible plastic film sheets, or as otherwise approved by the Direcior of the Water Department, and shall become the property of the City. City may use sueh drawings in any manner it desires; provided, howe��r that the Engineer sha[I not be liable for the use of such drawings for ar�y project othar than the project described herein: and further pro�ided, ihat the Engineer shall not be liable for the consequences of any changes that are made to the drawings ar changes that are made in ti�e impleme�tation of the drawings without the written approual of the Engineer. 16. The Engineer sha[I make investigations at its awn cost and expense, re�ise plans and specificati4ns as necessary if field conditions shaw th� original pians do not pro�ide a complete and workable projec#, 17. If permitting autharities require design changes, t}�e Engine�r sha11 rev�se plans and specifications as required at its own cost artd expense, unless such cha�ges are required due to changes in the design of the facilities made by the permitting authority. ff suc� changes are required, #he Engineer shall notify the City and an amendment to the confract shall be made if the Enginesr incurs additional cost. If there are unavoidable delays, mutually agreeab�e and reasonable time extension shall be negotiated. 18. The general and resident supervision, setting of line and grade stakes and routine ir�spectian af constrUction are not included 'rt t�is contract but will be performed by the Department of Engineering; provided, hawe�er, the Engineer shal� be avaitable to the CEty on all matters concerning the project during the construction of the project and will set control points in the field ta allow ihe Department of Engineering survey crews to stake the project, the cost of v�hich is included in this contract. 19. Engineer s�a[I determine, based upan geotechnical information pro�ided by the City, the need for special shoring requirements, if any, and coordinate the design of same with geotechnical engineer, if required. S�CTI�N III � �bAI�CiFcR �ND �XT�Rli �F �ITY'� �SSI�T°�f�C� CITY SHALL: A. Pravide all criteria and full infiormation as to City's requirements and designate a persor� with autnority to act on City's behalf or� all matters concerning �he Assignment. Page 4 Contract 20F .]BD FWE93037 B. Assist Engineer in ob�aining existing studies, reports and other available data and services of others pertinen� to the Project and in obtaining additional r�ports ar�d data as required. C. P�ovide soil boring logs and lateral soi{ pressure data at locatians designated by Engineer. S��YIQN 111- C�f���Rl��e�lON �� �iV�liV��� A. ihe Engineer shall be compensated on the bas�s of the hourly rate schedule included as �xhibit "B" of ihis contract. The hourly rate schedule includes salary payments t� engineers, technicians, clerical and other personnel for time directly chargeable to the project, plu5 social security contributions, ur�employment compensation insurance, retirement benefits, medical and insurance benefits, sick leave, vacation, and holiday pay applicable thereto. B. Actual aut-of-packet expenses fhat are incurred during the progress of the work at Engineer's cost pEus 10%. The actuaf out-of-pocket expenses include: air fare, autamobile rental if required, mileage charges, parking, #oll, taxi, meals, ladging, tel�phone, printing and reproduction costs, and other miscellaneous costs incurred specifically for this project. C. For work done by others, at the actual cost to the Engineer of sueh services plus 1 D%. D. T�e to#al compensation for a11 of the services to be performed by Engineer as described in Section II - CHARACTER AND EXTENT OF E�lGINEER'S SERVICES hereof shall not exceed �55,3�0.00 Partial payment will be billed monthly up to the a�{owable maximum amount. See Exhibit "B" for applicable hourly rates for this cor�tract. E. it is understood thai this agreement cnntemplates ti�e full and complete engineering services for this project incfuding ar�y and all changes r�ecessary to complete the work as outlined in the scope of services, Nothing cor�tained herein s�alf be construed as authorizing any additiona� fees far ser�ices ta provide complete plans, sp�cifEcatians, easements and pe�mits necessary far the successful completion of this project. The Engineer acknowledges �y the execution of this contract that such contingencies as may be deemed necessary and praper have been incfuded in the bas� fee. ���YION 1/ � fW��H�� O� �QrYf��N� The �ngineer shall he paid monthly on the basis of statements prepared from fhe books and records of account of the Engineer, such statements to be verifisd as to accuracy and compliance with the terms of this contract by an officer or F'age 5 Contract 20� JBD FW�93037 Engineer. Payment accordir�g to statements will be subject to certification by the Director of the Water Departmeni or his authorized representative �hat such work has been performed. ���YIOiV VI � S�b€DIJLF �F �R�CINEERIRl� ���1/1��� A schedule #or the propas�d work is included in Ex�ibit "�" attached hereto, incorparated hereirt and made a part hereof for all intents and purposes. S���I�i� lAli � T�FtflIV11�ATlOf� The City may terminat� this con#ract at any time and for any cause by notice in writing mailed certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Engineer. Upon receip# of such notice, the Engineer shall immediately discontinue alj services and work and the placing of all orders or the �ntering into contracts far suppl�es, assistance, facilities and materials in connection with performance of tf�is contract and shall proceed to cancel pramptly all exi�ting contracts insa�ar as they are charge�ble to this coniract. lf the City #erminates this contract under the for�going paragraph, the City shall pay tf�e Engineer for services actually pe�formed prior to such termination, less such payments as have been previou5ly made. Payment upon terminat�on shall be caEcufated in the manr�er prescribed in Section V of this contract. Engir�eer shall not be entitled to any further compensation for work pertormed by Engineer or anyone under its control or direction from dafe of receipt of r�otice of termination. Upan termirtaiion of this cor�tract, the Engineer shall provide the City reproducible capies of all completed or partially completed engineering documents prepar�d under tl�is contract, all such documen#s being owned by the City. �ECYION 1/111 � IN��NIAII�I( ARlD IPlSlJ1�41��F Approval by the City of coniract documents shall nat cansiitute or b� deemed to be a released of the responsibility and liability of the Engineer, its officers, agents, employees, and subcontractors for the accuracy and competency of the services pertormed under this agreement, includin� but not limited to surveys, designs working drawings and specificatians and ather engineering documents. Sucf� approval shall not be deemed to be an assumption of such responsibiEity and liability by the City for any neg{igent act, error or omission in the performance af Engine�r`s professional ser�ices or in the conduct ar preparation of the subsurFace investigation, surveys, designs, worl�ing drawings, and specifications or ot�er ertgineering documents by the Engineer, its officers, agents, employees and subcontractors, it being the inient of the parties that approvaf by the City sigr�ifies the City's appro�al of only the general design cnncept af the impro�ements tQ be constructed. In this connection, the Engineer Page 6 Contract 20F JBD FWE93037 shall irtdemnify and hold the City and all its officers, agents, servants, and employees harmless from any loss, damag�, liability ar expenses, on account of �amage to property and injuries, including death, to all persons, including bui not limited to offieers, agents or emp�oyees of the Er�gineer or subcontractors, and a[I other persons performing any pa�t of the work and improvements which may arise out of any negligent act, error or omission in the perFormance of Engineer`s professional ser�ices or in the conduct or preparation of subsurface investigations, surveys, designs, working drawings, specifications and other engin�ering documenf incorporated into any improvements constructed in accordance therewi#h. The Engineer shall defend at its own expe�se arty suits or other proceedings brought against the City and its offic�rs, agents, servants, and employees, or any of them on accouni thereof, and shall p�y all expenses and satisfy all judgments which may be incurred by or rendered against them or any of them in connection therewitn, pro�ided and except, howe�er, tY�at this indemnificatior� provision shall not be constru�d as requiring the Engineer to indemnify or hold the Ciky or any of its officers, agents, servants, or employees harmless from any lass, damages, liability or expense, on account of damage to property or injuries to persons caused by defects or deficiencies in design criteria and information furnisf�ed Engineer by City, or any deviation in const�uction from Engineer's designs, working drawings, specifications or other engineering documents. Without limiting ihe above indemnity, Engineer shall provide tv City a certificate of insurance as proof that he has obtained a policy of comprehensive general liability coverage �occurrence basis) with carriers acceptable to City covering all risks relatir�g to the services to be performed ur�der this contract, by the Engineer, its subcontractors and consu�tants, such insurance to be in a least the following amo�nts: Bodily Injury Liability $250,000 Each Person $�00,000 Each Occurrer�ce Property Damage Liability Gantractual Badily Injury Liability Contractual Proper�y Damage $3�0, ap0 Each �ccurrence $250,000 Each Person $500, D00 Each Occurrence $300, pQQ Each �ccurrence Enginee� shall furnish City a Certificate of Insurance in at least the abo�e amounts. Certificate s�a�l contain a provision that such insurance cartnot be cancele� or modified without 30 days prior written r�otice to Cifiy. Engineer shall nof commence work under this Agreemenf until it has obtained Professional Liabifity Insurance as required hereunder and such insurance co�erage has been appro�ed �y ihe City. Such insurance shall be in the minimum amount of $1,D00,000.00 and shal! incl�de coverage of Contractually Page 7 Con#rack 20F JBD FWE93037 Assumed tiability. The Insurance coverage prescribed herein shall be maintained througho�t fhe period which Engineer furnished its services hereunder and shall nat be canceled without prior written notice to the City. In this connection, upon the signing and return of this �4greement by the Engineer, and Certificate of Insurance shall be furnished to the City as evidence that the insurance co�erage required therein has been obtained by� the Engineer, and such certificate shall cor�tain the pro�ision that suGh insuranc� sha[f not be canceled or modified withou# fhirty (30) days prior writt�n notice to the City. Engineer shall notify City within 10 days of any modification or alteration in �uch Professional Liability Insurance. SEC7'I�i� 17� - �I�H� �Q AUbl7° A. Engineer agrees that the Ci�y shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final paym�nt under this cantract, ha�e access to and t�e right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent design calculations, quantity take-offs, books, dacuments, papers and records of the Engineer in�olving transactions relating to this contrac#. Engineer agrees that the City shall have access during normal wor}sing hours to afl necessary Engineer facilities and shall �e pro�ided adequaie and appropriate worl� space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of ihis section. B. Engineer further agrees to ir�clude in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subconsultan# agrees that the City sha{I, under the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any direcily pertinent d�sign calculations, quantity tal�e-offs books, documenis, papers and records of such subcansultant invo{ving transactions to the subcontract, and �urther, the City shall be pro�ided adequate and appropriate work space, in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article together with subsection (c) hereof. City shall give subconsultants reasonable advance notice of intended audits. C. Engineer and subconsultant agree ta photocopy suc� docum�nts as may be requested by the City. The City agrees to reimburse Engir�eer for ihe cost of copies as follows: 1, 50 copi�s and under -� 0 cents per page. 2. More that 50 copies - 85 cents for the first page plus fifteen cents for each page thereafter. Page 8 Contract 20F JBD FWE93037 SECil�1V X - �U�C���O�� r4N� A��I�iV� The City and the Engineer each bind themselves, their successors and assigns, to ihe oth�r party to this agreemen# and fa the successors and assigns of each other party in respect to all cavenants of this contract. ��C�IOi� 3�1 � f�►S�I�N14d��Ni Neither party hereto shall assign or transfer its interes# h�rein witho�t prior written eo�sent of the oiher party, ar�d any attempted assignment, sublease or transfer of all or any part ther�of without such prior written consent shall be void. ��C�l��! XII -1P1��P�IV��iVi G�IV��►���R The �ngineer shal! perForm �II work and ser�ices hereunder as an independent contractor, and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee of the City. Engineer shall ha�e exclusive contrai of and the exclusive right to contral the details of the work performed hereunder, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, employees, and subcon#rac#ors. Nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partne�ship or joint ven#ure between the City and the Engineer, its officers, agenis, employees and subcontractors; and the doctrine of respondenf superior has no application as betweer� the City and the Engineer. ��CYIQiV XIII o ��� C�OA�S The Engirteer acknowledges his comm�tmer�t to meet or make "good faith" effort to mee# the City of Fort Worth's gQals for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) participation ir� City contracis. DBE participation was part of the evaluation criteria used in th� award of this contract; therefore, failure to comply may resuli in the Engineer being classified as non-responsive and b�ing barred from Gity wo�k for a period of not less than six months, The Engineer agrees to furnish documentatian of DBE par�icipation such as eanceled chec4cs, etc., or such evidence as may be deemed proper by the City of Fort Wor#h. ��G�'!�N Xll/ o i4C�� in accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Execuiive Branch of the Federa� Gavernment, Engineer co�enants that neither ii nnr any of its officers, members, agents, employees, program participants or subcanstaltant, while engaged in performing thEs contracf, snall, in connection with the employment, advancement or discharge of employees or in connectior� with the terms, condit�ons or p�-ivileges of their emp[oyment, discriminate against persons because of their age except on the basEs of a bona fide occupationa! qUalification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. Pag� 9 Confract 24F JBQ FWE93037 Engine€r fu�#her covenants that neither it nor its off�cers, members, agents, employees, subconsultant, program participants, or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to wor�i on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment Unless the specified maximum age limit is based upon a bana fide occupatianal qualification, retireme�t plan or statutory requirement, Engineer warrants it will fully comply with #he policy and will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subconsultant against City arising out of Engine�r's andlQr its subconsu�tan#s' alleged failure to comply with the above refierenced F'olicy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agr��ment. ���TI�N J�11 � DIS1a►�ILITY In accordance with the pravisions of the American With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Engineer warrants that it arrd any and all af its subconsultant engineers wi11 not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disabiiity in the pro�ision of services to the general public, nor in the availability, terms andlor cond�tions of employmer�t �or applicants for employment with, or employees of Engir�eer or any of its subconsultan#s. Engineer warrants it will fully comply with ADA's pro�isions and any other applicable federal, state and local faHrs concerning disability and will d�fend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or alfegations asserted by third parties or subconsultants against City arising out of Engineer's andlvr its subconsu[tants' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in tne pertormance of this agreement. S�CTI�N XVI - V�NU� Venue of any suit or cause af action �nder this contract shall lie in Tarrant County, Te�as. Page 10 Contract 20F JBD FWE93U37 lI� TESi`IMOI�Y WH�R�OF, the City af Fort Worth has caused this instrument to be signed in triplicate in its name and on its behalf, by its Assistant City Manager ar�d attested by its City S�cretary, with the Corporate Seal affixed; and the Engir�eer also F�as properly ex�cu#ed this in�trument in triplicate copies each of which is deemed an original. � CUYED in the City of Fort Worth, this �� day of -��?���. A.D.19�j3 � � ATT� i 1• � F�` � F BY° ��C.�,. '�-�Alice M. Chu , ity Secretary RECOMMENDED: BY A. oug as Rad�aker, Direcior DeparEment ofi Engineering APPROVED: BY: Richard . Sawey, P. . Director, Water Department ,� � C OF T WORTH / il�e Grao er, Assis#ant City Manager ACCEPT�D: �' �. `'' �r�`�` � � i � Thomas C. Da�ies, llice President J. B. Da�ie�, fnc. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY; �� Wade Adkins, City Atto�rney ��/��� Date C -1 �8 0 � ,Xl�' °��t is.�''��1��:'=sT„��i:i4'��a'__ �����a ;� . , _� ��aL- i Page 11 Co�tract 20� JBD FWE9303� 1��H1�lT "A" !�/01414 �L4f� ���'i414i1�+U➢�'IVi �I�' �IV�1JV��1�'IR�C� �+�1�II�� R�K'A�ILIi�Tlt�ill C�1V�R�C7��X� 5ee attached proposal letter for Exhibit "A". Page 1 �xhibit ��RP CoMrac� 20� ,1�� �1�V�9303� �AI7i��� W�� ��UI�LY �#i� S�RIEDULE ���3 SE�IOR �fllCli���R �7�.C10 Ft�t�I�i�R�D �RlGI�l��R $65.Oa GRADUA7� �RlGI�I��R $55.C10 i�CHi�1CIAR� III ��0.00 TECFiNICEAN Il �40.Q� T�CHf�[IC[AN I �30.00 pRA�YS�IiA� $25.00 4 IVIAR� FI���} SURVEI� �120,0� 3 IV9A1� �I�l D SU�tV�Y $93.00 � ii�A�i �IEL� SURV�Y �80.00 CADD ST,4ilOP� �15.00 �IGIiA�. �L4ii�R �1.QOliitlin. F2EMOT� i�RN91fVAL (C�U Yim�� �90.00 CLEFtICAL �30.00 f�ate: Salary rates ar� approximate by labor category. Actual bil{ing Es saiary cost times 2.�1 for a total mul#ip�i�r of approximately �.99 fimes salary for billing. Page � �xxhibit W�� �o�tract 20� J�� �W�93037 _� i i _I. l � � l ��. - - �. I�� ,-_--. .-, . � I� October 6, 1993 �.�. �!'9LT��� ���ai G,�9�����ir� �Q ���tlG���ry� Ms. Maebell Brawn, P.�. Praject Manager City of I�ort Warth Department of �ngineering 1Q00 Throckmorton Street �ort Worth, 7exas 7fi102-i941 RE: Sewer Rehabilitation Contract No. XXF (Formerly Contract XXX11) (Revisian Na. 2) Dear Mae�ell, The following is our outline scope af wor�C and fee praposal for the above referenced project. We have also included a preliminary engineer's estimate of prabable constructian cost. Scope of Ser�fces � Overrri�w The purpose of this praject is ta provide engineering services for the rehabilitation of four sewer line s�gments. The sew�r line segments a�e known as M-126, M-125, L-4�92 and �-'i 667. Television logs ar�d other information, including visual inspections, of each segment indicates that t�e lines are in a seriaus state of disrepair. Each praject within this contract will require analysis and so�ut'rons based upon the best possible and most cast-e�fecti�e alternatives practical at each location. Based upon a pre-design preliminary review of each focation within this Cor�tract we have estimated the canstruction cos# to be $403,614.00 including contingencies. A detailed breakdown of the items included is ai#ached ta this letter. � �reliminary �esign Phase and Study We will review �II exisiing ciata, including as-buiit maps, TV tapes of the lines so as to determi�e the b�st possi�le solutions to the rehabilitation of the sewer segments. This effort will result in the preparaiion of pr�limin�ry design plans. Multiple rehabilitation methads may be feasible for each location. These o�tinns wily be analyzed and presented fior review and possible ir�clusion in the bid proposal for the praject. o Field Starveys, �asemenfis and Mapping Pertorm a review of exisiing survey i�farmation and ch�ck the current field conditions. Easaments wilf be re-formatted to meet the current requirements. F�cisting non-digital data wil! be con�erted as n�cessary to digital data. Temporary and any additional permanent easement documents will be pr�par�d. 141 Z West Magnolia A�enue 1 Fort Worth, 7exas 761 D4 I 817-33�-3154 � Spe�ial Servic�s R n�ig�borhood meeting with local praperty owners will be canducted to ensure tha# th�y are reasanably informed of the purpose af the proj�ct, if necessary. Addrtionally vve will meet with the Par� and Recreation Department Staff to coordinate with their requir�me�ts for this project. . �in�l �e�ign �h�s� an� C�ualify Control Revi�w Final design drawings, plahs and speci�cations and eontract documents wili be prepared for the proje�ts. �horaugh quality contral reviews will be conducted througF�aut the �roject by the project manager and senior design engineers to ensure that the plans are complete and ur�derstandable. • Di��d�anfiaged Business ��terpris� �a�ricipation J. B. Davies, Inc. would endeavor to meet or exceed the stated goals of the City of Fort Worth for th�s project of 15% DBE participation or $8,30i.00 af the fee #fltal. J. �. Davies, It�c. as it has on numerous City projects will utilize the services af Leon�rd i�chnical 5ervices, Ir�c. for engineering design and camputer aided draftir�g. Bluelines and other related printing will be pertormed by Jim'� Reproduction �er�ice, Inc. Additional CAD work may be pertormed by CA� Resources. The approximate breakdawn for each listed DBE firm is as follaws: Leonard Technical 5ervices, Inc. $4,307.Q0 Jim's Repraduction 5ervice, lnc. $2,00a.ao CAD Resources. $2,000.00 The firms listed may be add�d to or actual participatian by indi�idual firms may vary. • f�ee �rapasal The engineering professional serv�ces fee for t�is praject is �36,080.00. Sutveying, reimbursable expenses and s�ecial services is an additional $19,300.00 for a total cost- plus not to-exceed fes of $5�,380.00. Tnis fee and expenses is furit�er broken down in the �ttached Fee Proposal and is based on an enginesring fee of approximately 10.D percent of th� preliminary estimated construction cost, as attached, plus special services, surveying and reimbursabfe expenses. Pl�as� feel free to contact �s should you have any questior�s or comme�ts regarding this praposal. Sincerely, J. B. DAVIES, INC. �� �� . l�+� � � l. Thamas C. Davies, P.E. Vice President Page 2 P���IMINA�Y �[��IN���'S �SiIMAi� �� ��D�A��� CON�i�UCiI�IV GD aT {�R�nAESiGM ESTLi�9�T�) SEW�R Ft�HA81�1TA71�N C0�17FtACT NO. �0� STF2AT�'ORp �ARFC PFIAS� ONE R�H,�BILIfAiION J. �. a�VlES, INC. �f1lGlN�ERS ANf3 SURVEYOR5 M-126 5Tk.160+31-166�87 IT�M 15-INCH INSTALLED R�-CQNNECT SERVICES FtE-CONiV�CT TAPS REPIACEMENT MANMOLES DEMQLISH MH CLEAR & GRUBBiNG PARK RESTORATIOM PAVEMENT R�PAIR TRENCH SAFEN Ql1AAi 650 5 5 4 a 8.5 8.5 50 775 UNITS LF �A EA EA � STA STA LF LF UH17 $ $SD $200 $50 $1,504 �oa $5�0 $1,20a $25 �� .so TQTA� $32,500 $� ,oao $250 $5,000 $� ,2oa $4,250 $1 Q200 �� ,Z�a $1,463 SUBT�TAL $57,813 CONTING 10°b $5,781 TOTRL $63,594 M-125 STA.O+UO-�O+STE IT�1Jf 8-INCH INSTALLED RE-CONNECT 4" 5ERV10E5 RE-CONNECT TAPS REPLACEMENT MANHOLES DEMOLISH MH CE.EAR & GRUBBING PARK RESTORATION PAVEMENT REPAIR TRENC�I SAFETIf (�UAN 2087 10 10 8 6 21 21 Aa 2337 UMTS LF EA �A EA EA 5TA 5TA LF L� UNI7 S �35 �20d $50 $1,50Q $300 $500 $i,200 $2S $1.50 T�TAL $73,045 $2,000 $500 �,aoo $1,800 $9 0,500 $25,200 $1,Q00 $3�506 SUBTOTAL $126,551 CONTING 1D% $12,555 TOTAL $139,206 FWEC9350.XLQ 10/6193 10:38 AM 1 OF' 2 FWEC9350.XLQ 1016l93 i0:38 AM 20F2 L-��92 STA.O�pO-13¢30 L-1 fiS7 STA.0+8Q-14+B1 IT�M S-INCH INSi'ALLED RE-CONNECT 4" SERVICES RE-CONNECT TAPS REPLACEMENT MANHOLES CLEAR & GRUBBING PARK RESTORATION �EMOLIS�i MH PAV�M�N7 REPAIR TRENCH SAFETY ITEM S-INCH INSiALL�n RE-CONNECT 4" SERViCES RE-CQiVNECT TAPS REPLACEMENT MAiV�OLES CLEAR & GRUBBING PARK R�BTQRA'i10N �EMOLISH MH PAV�MENT REPAIR 7R�NCH SAFETY �UAN 1380 2{] 2D 2 13 13 2 so 1830 �UAN 1461 5 5 8 18 �B s 5a 1586 UNlT5 LF EA EA EA STA 5TA EA LF LF UNITS LF ER EA EA 5TA STA EA l.F LF liNl7' S $35 $2DD $50 $1,500 $500 31,20Q $300 $25 $1.54 TOTAL $46,550 $4,000 $1,OOQ $3,000 $6,540 $15,600 $60fl $1,25� $2,745 SUBTOTAL $61,245 COiVTING 1046 $8,125 TOTAt 588,370 UNIY S � $200 $50 $1,500 �50D $1,20Q $300 $25 $9.50 TOTAL $51,135 $1,000 $25Q $12,000 $9,000 $21,800 $2,70D $9,25D �2,379 &LIB7OiAL $101,314 CONTING 1D96 $10,131 iOTAL a�111,446 GRAND TOTAL �403,614 �ee Prapas�l fior �ehabiEia�ion Contirac� Na �OF Straf�ord �ark S�wer Rehabiliia#ion �. �. �AVI��, INC. �N�INEER� �f�D SURV�Y�FiS �reliminary �esign and �ata Callection �ield �urveys, Lasements 8� Mapping Special �eroices L,ahor Class Haurs p�3 1�0 €T3 80 �'C2 R�LS �73 80 80 sa Rate iotal $60 $6,000 $40 �3,200 $�,200 $75 $55 $4E} Special Meetings PE3 25 $80 {Nieghnorhaod Meeting) Final �esign Phase and {�luality Co�tro� Review $4,500 $4,4U0 $z,4oa s��,�ao PE3 ET3 PE5 PMIPIC WP AtiM $1,5Q0 $1,��D 1 �0 $6Q $1 D,800 180 $40 $7,�OQ 40 $75 $3,OU0 $2 $85 $2,i20 40 �34 $�,3sa �40 $45 $1,800 sa6rg$o Praject Fee $48,�80 �eimbursable �xpenses Computer & F3elated Equipme�t Expenses 30D $t5 $4,50D MiscJBluelineslRepraductioroslCapies Etc. $2,000 Total Expense $6,504 Total Engineerinq �'ee plus Surereyr`ng, 5pecia! Services &�xpense ���,380 �'i��y o,�' �'o� �o�]�� �"�ac�s �� o� c�r� �o��� �r���r��c��i� ,. . .�.��} �� , v ���� ���� � �sss��r�c$ t�s�x �� � r�o� x�g 3020F rr��s � 4f 1 i���6{�� I C,-�4418� I i sv�a�cT ��EV�It�IEEf�IN� A�REEE�.+1��1T 1N�T1� J.B. D�#11a�� IfV�., F�R �A�iVITARY �EW�R I��I-i�1�IL�TAT10iV, �QfVTI�A�� 20f= i����a k�i�►�iT�-�I�1�� �1 is re�arnmend�d Lh�t th� �i��y ��unci�: i, 2 Aurh�r�x� � �unci �rar�sfer in �tl�e ama�nt o� �57,�1 �_��` fr�m �ewer �apit�l �'roj�cts ��n�, l.Jr�specifiecl to �ewer ��p�tal �r�j��is ��and. ��I�ii�ry ��+l�r�r I��E��hi!!i'�tl�n, �or��r2��Y �0�. A�thar�ze #t�e �ity N1�n�g�r to e�ce��t� �n err�ineering ��re�me�t w�th J.�. [���ies. Inc.. �o� ��nitar� ��rvuer R�r�a�ilit�#ion, �Contra�� ��� #or a tot�l foe �at to �x�eed �55,��0.0�, *3�cEu�es a�,���.�0 f�r pl�n roviov,r, $�.r7.QO �OC �?FQ�ECt 8iIV9ttIS[#1� �f1C� I@�8a �Uf}ICG�#]Ofl ar�[� �'I (}.DO ��r larrd acc�t��sitian. Dl��l.1���OE�: �ev�+er Eines t� be re�abk�itated ur�der t�i� c;�n#r�c� w�ere �rtiiii�ted �� � resul� of m�inte�t�nce �t�bi�ms, custamer c�r�pk�in�s, s�wer ���k�ps and rnr���h�E� o►r�rflov�+s. Th��e IGt�e� �re �n i#�� l�igh priorwt�r praject �is� ir� t��e �ik� M�r�a�eF's Er�forrr�al Rep�rt �n ��r� Propos�� Ac:ti�r� Fl�n xa Ad�r��s �1�rc��i� ��nitar�l ��vuer Qv�r�fow A��as {�.R, 7��8}, cfated i��i�rch 8, 1���. This rc�h���litatE�r�� �x�aj�ct will i�� coardinated with the �ity's ini�grated 1�V�� Vtile�ther Wast�water Nlanagorrr��t Progra� to compk� wi#h �n Administr��i�r� �rd�r from �,�. Env�ronm��tal �'ratec#i�� �1ger��y to elimin�t� ��w�r overilou�rs �n �°#�o wastowalaf coll�cti�n sys��rr�. Fi���� i�vr-��n��rlo�vr����G�����r�onr: � The Diro�#ar �f �iscal Se�vices cer�i��es �hat �I�e f��1�d� �e���r�d for t�ris agreement are �vaila�le I in tl7e curr�i�t c��itsl I��idget, as ,ap�ar�priat�d. �� th� �evuar �apital �roje�ts ��nd. � NJ�;I 4�iimiilcri for (.`ity j47nno�cr"s a����� ���; A71ka C�nutmos �iigtnul�n� 11e}�ar�u�e4� H+'+��I: h, 37i�u�fi��c li�ileor�uler r,or hdiiHlnnnl In[ormnlio�� ['�s1i�:lci: A. T7cru�lus Ra�lcan�Fker � ru�n � � siol I {1} N.S?t4 U l 1t1 I.1 I 1'.5 ]k! f 1) k+S5:4 , � [1} i}ssx I nE�'� {ifnm] ( I j ['SSR � (:) P$5# a�s+ �I � ,rccour��r 1 ci,r���e � n�io�a�a� 53i2UU 1�7U581}4171[151i 5i5.3�13,�4 �iiora u�u�au=E��iu3u � �.iuir,+x 533[iiSl 117{�SHiMUii150 $�5,0 S�illli� Ix3[sixiM[1lf1511 �FIf1,C1( �•1��[FIl �17[��${�i1�1{]]i} — T,+7,9TS,�C s3�2r�F [i7n��r�anlos�r 5sS„3R�k.f'rP ; � 1 �:�'�•v �i.���rn�c�r �IPPf��)�� �� �_r� ! `r' ����i��iC1�.. � ' " ��tJsrJ r:�'�1.,L{ � ���YL� s! ly tsaeFsC�ry of #hm '�' � t y �f F� 3# YJ{rrth, tvr�rna � wnnlad nq .a�p��q o�Fa�