HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 20050���`�'�` �:i�:.t�:�:.<r:� � ��, �::; � _ � ����'�'��A�'i' Nc� ___ _ ��'� ���.K���.i�lr' � --- —�=�t-� ;- ,�.�. Fl�� - -., _, - - °��4T�'a� T '•r''� �'� '�? ���� :� '� #.' � �, ,� �,. . - �� � �� �, - � _ �._r�, _�. � e�° - -,. ��- �k � �- l�r�, � .. •�,i� ;{.��0�%��'�� ..; w r.�, � �_ �_, � ,..� �� I ls �I I , � �: SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMEN7S FOR - Miscellaneous Wat�r Main Ext.. Repl., and Relo. at Various � Location5 in Fort Worth 93A ,�����'��Al ���0��� � PROJEC�' NUMBER( S ) PW77-060770I50520 ��� ������R� � , �"' I� ���, � , , , _ , _� �_ „D���,.� . � rt � rt _.� � ,. .` � �� ��� � � � rtr���� � � � — ��r� i �. .�.t���� ��r� .f �' , G� I'�� �F' ����' i�QR'TH , �`��� ��'I'�� �����Ti�I��� � �z���������u� ���r�� ��� ������ �or�s , R�PL�.��M�N`TS , �Ni� R�L��,�'TI�NS �'T �AR�OUS ���A'���N� I�T F��� i���'�H 9 3� ����7]� �'�' N� . PW7 7- �� 0 7 7 0� 5 0 5� 0 ��� TERREL� �ITY N1�AG�� RICHARI� W. SAWE� DI��G��R WA`TER D� ��.R'TNl��' 1993 ���� � ,� �PPROVED �; _ g,.� �� �, A. WUGLAS RAD�fAKER, �. E., DIREG'iC3R, D�p�IT�1Et�'r �F ENGIN�ERING � RECQMMENDED ;� f/����f�--•2--� �/ � r�- J� � . � , I]ALE A. FIS9ELER, F. E, �ENG�NE�EtING CdQRI?TNATOR, WAT�L� nEpAR`IMENT APPROVED �, C-",���--� q��3 �� KATHLEEN A. GTBS�N, 'T' DIRECI'OR� �AT�'E2 I]EPAft'I'MENi � � //" . , A���O`T�D � ,��'� �.. _. �! �� � S� RICHARD W, ��1wEY, P/E. -DIftEG1�Of�, wATER DEP�EI�T A�PROVED �J/% � �i!/% � �� � �J�` �9� MxKF MeKEAN P. E. TRANS �RTA'CiON Cf7C?RDINA'�R � Tk�ANS EyORTATLQN &�UBLIC WDRIC� AEPT . � � ���Ro�r�� >��.�..� � �'/�s��3 WA[.TER A. L[30PER, P. E. CITX TL�AFI�IC ENGTi�iNER, '�RANS .&�UBC,IG WORKS ilE�"I', � �/9-.� � " �� �/��� R�VIEi�iED DAT�� .. Ei.�CCktifM ED DAT� � � � 1 � �� 0 SPECIAL CONTRAC7 DDCUMENTS FOR � Misce�laneo�s Water Main Ext.. Repl.. and Relo. a� Variau� Locations in Fort Worth 93A PROJECT NUMBER( S ): PW77--060770150520 R08ERT TERRELL CITY MANAGER RiCHARD W. SAWEY DIRECTOR WA3ER DEPARiMENT A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKER, P.E.� DIREC�Of� DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERYNG PREPARED BY DEPARTMEN7 OF ENGINEERI�G � ������3 NQTICE TU BIDDE�� Sealed proposals for the: Mxscellaneous Wate� Main E�tensians, Repiacements and R�lacations at Va�ious Locations in �ort Wor�h 93A. Water Project No. PW77-06b770150520 Addrassed to Mr. Bob �erreli, C��y Manager o� T�e Ci�y of For� �art�, Texas, �ill be received a� the purchasing �fface unt�l 1.30 p.m. Thuxsday September 3Q, 1993 and then puhlicly opened and read allo�ed at 2:d0 p.m. Plans. Specifications and Contrac� Doeuments for thi� pr�jec� may be obtained at the�office oi �he Departrnent af Engineering Municipal affice Buiiding, lOQO Throckmorton 5treet, Fort Worth, Texas. �or additional information aoncerning this praject, please aantact Adolfa Lopez a� 871-7845 0� Peter Fu at �71-8425. BDB TERRELL ALIC� CHURCH CITY M�N�GER GI�Y S�CRETA�Y BX ' •- � '-�-- ..t.��- -- -t � " �-- RYck Trica� P.F. Mar�ager Engineering Service� Advertisi�g Dates: Segtember 9, 1993 �eptember 16, 1993 . Il�lilY 1�lir��ck��F��rk��n �u�ertl fur� 4�'urth.�l-c.tiui7lil�M?-03�1 i R] 7 w�}71.?�J� I Miscellaneoue �ater M�in Ex�e�sions, Re��acex�e�x�t� and Relo�at�.ozxs at V��r���� �,�c��.i�na �n Fo�t w�r#�h �3�i �n�zanurs z �t��eas�: �ep�em��r �8r 19�3 Sids To B� R�c�ived : ��p�errsb�r ��. 7.��3 A. �dd �o th� �PE�I�i� CONTF2��T �O�iJME�IT�, �'art� D-�pe�ial C�ndY�i�r��, th� f�llowir�g a��a��zed eh��� D-�, D-3� �-�, !�]-7. 1�-9� D-17 ,�]-13, D-�5, D-17, 1�4�.�, p-�21.. �-��, Li-�� Pl�ase a�3cnowl�dg� re���.g� o� tt�� ?�dd�r�dvm �n th� hzd propos�l �r�d �r� the au�s� d� �f �he s�a��d en�re�ape . � i +. �� Rece igt A��Cr�vw X�dg�d A. ��t�glaa Rad��ake� ��.�� . Di�ector, ��pa��r�ent� �� �ngi�e�rzn� x B�r : - �� t �:��� ��-� � � Ri�Fc T�i ce� �+�l�,r�ac�ar, �i3g�lle�r�t�c� �e�r�icc� l:�����{ [.1f� k��£11�'l� 1'4`UR�I'�L � r���,��d on ra�yc+�d a�� ��k���� � - s��..''c.'��r� �Q�il}�'�rQrr� n� i �;�n��r�a� : ��s���c! Co »aod3i''t��t,���s as k��rein enni_�77.ned. �.h� r'ort Wort� �i�tt��' i}�gartMne�E's �ener�I �ankrac� Iloc�n�e�ts ��d �p��7.€�catio€�s, etf�t:tive JkMIY 1. 19'�9, uiti� �he lat��t xev�s�o�is az�e made a�ar.� af I:f�� Cont�cac� 1}�cum��t�s tor ti�is pr.�ject. '�'ix� ��ans. �peciai Gor�ditir���s an�i �rov�sians i�ac:umeni_s, anr� �1�� r.��l.es, �eciula�t��n�, requi.k-���ents, i.��k�t�uctiar�s, drawl�tiqs ni d�tai.ls re��rze� to �y m�nt�tact�rer"� name. ��Fmber �r ��]�ntiY���ti�� in�lud�d �Y�ezein as slpecityYnq, re�errinr� or i.�np�yinq pr�duc� ��n1:r�k, ��rf�armrzttce, qt���i��, or ot�e�- �t�a�� �e bir�dinq ���n i�.he C���r�ctar. '1'3�e gpe�i�ica�ions ar�d �z��wi�qs shakA I�e c�r�skd�re�i �oo�a.ra��ve; t3�ere�are, w�rk ax mal:er�ai c:ail�d ��� ��,y ��e anc� �,at shoan ar �nen�in�x�� in Che other skx�ll, be ��com�lisE��� or �u�nisl�ed in a tai��w��x� manne� as thouc�?n re�uir�r� 1�� ail. The ard+�r or pr�o�+�er��e in ca�e of �anfii�ts aK di,�crep�r�ci.es �etween var�ot�� parts �� �.he corrtra�t r�oc�n�enta sub��ci; �� �.he r��inq a� t€�� ����ir�eee• sh�li c��ne�a11�, bul ��t ne�essariiy. t�11aw tLe �Ix���elirie,s lis�ed 3�e1os�: 1. �1an� 7. �ant�act Dv�um�nts �. �eneL.al Con�tiact O�cumer�ts �nd Spe�i.�i�a�ian� 'i`he follaw�ng S��c�al Candi��ons stta�l �e ����a�ak��e to this pr���ct �,nd shall qoverrs over any can{1ic�� wxth the ���erai Cor�tra�� �ocu�ents und�� �h� �p�o�r�sr�Xxa stated above. 11-� 2 k'I��},i�G"1` 3]�����A'1'f�li� : Constrnctiara under t.hese �pe��al A��um�r�t� shall 1�� �erform�d ur�der t�e �ort �V�rkh 4#���r �e�ar�rne�� 1Pro�e�t 1]���.qixaki.ar�s: W2�te�c �ro7��t I��mber PW77-U�SOl7�].505�0, � y 1 1 �l � 1F . �-- � t�rc��z r� ��' RI�N"1� �Pik AU��"fF; �az�#� � � �e��ral c�rndit�i�r�a. Section ��--8 MEA�U��ME;i�T' R�I� �AYM�:Nm. �aq� �8-�9 (s�, add �he ��il�wi.��q: ,r�,9-�.1 +� �'IC�I3'1' 'j'R �4U�111'1' : (a) C:ontr���.or ag�ees that �he �ity sh��l, Mm�il �h� ex��ration o� thr�� (;il Yea�� �f�er fina� �ayme�k �mder this co�i:La�t, ��ve access t.a and t.h� rz�}��. t�� exair�i�e and �hataco�v anY d:�re��lp �ertix��nt books, �oc�mez�ts, �?a��rs and x•ecords �� �he �ontractar �nvo�vino tr.an�actions rei���nv tn t��s c�ntra�k., �or��Kact_nK a��ee� ��at �F�e �ity �Y�a�l have �ccess d����ng nar��i wo�ki�q hours �� a�l n�c�ssar.y �onGr�c�o� �ac�.li�ies an� sh�l� be ��rnvlcled ad�c�,xake sr�d at��ropr�atie �or�C ���.�e �n ord�r fio �andu�t �u��t�g ffl c�sinp�i,�n€�e wY�',h ih� ���visio�s ot t�iis 'sect�on. �Fh� C:�tY siia�l c��.v� crsn�rar,ta� �e�s�,na��le aduanr:e notice a� inter�ded ���d.i,�:s. 1}�- � 'l'h� I�[:'sCHF44�G�. ��.•onti ��xy deo��terin� r��xera�i,oz� shalE �e cand�kr.�e� as apPrnv�� b�r ��e �;nyineeT�. {�round w�i:�z �h�] i r�nl; %e �i.ischar.qe�i in�o �ani�.at'y se�rer�. DewaterinQ si�all b� c�nside��c� as �n�'ic�ont_b� �c� � cons�,rtirck-i�� �rid :tll cust;� tMx�:urr�,� will be con�idered �o b� tin�lud�d i.n l•I�r� lt��ar ��nt bxd yrace� ai th� ��p�. #?- 8 C�{)54 [H�a f}L� F.K� S"1' �N{� C�'C [ [� �"�' [�5 : Wh�re a}��Vposec� u�t.er ?��1� Ct'����s l�ve?' �� s�]i�.i#,ar,y sewer or sanitaCY sewe� s�rvice 1ir�e 3n�ifo� a pr,op��ec# �3ewer ii�te crasses awer � wate� lin� an�i #:h� �:��ar. t+�r.t�c:a] d5.�tance i:� ]ts�: thari 9 f�et �iar.r.el �o k�arrei, ti�e s�t�i.i;�,�y s�wer o� sanitarY sew�z ��zvi,ce 1���+� sha�l be rt��d� w��ez tieh� �r �3e� c:�ns�rta�tes� n� citx�kil� iron uzr��. '��� r��ui.red l�r�qtkx ot r��o-la��m�*�tt �i�a9.i lxe det�rnt�ne� by the i:�qine�sr. 7'he rrra�:eri�l tu� sanita�y sewe�' n��ir�� �i�[i sanYi.ar.y sewer lal�eeals s�tal� i�� Clas� 51 �}u��ile 1r�n �i�e with x�oly�k.k�yl�n� sarap�inq aa specif�ed in A4at��xaX .St�r�d�►'ci ii_t--b cont.a�ne� i#� �tae Cett��'�tl C��XCt`��k l}racuttMenL�. '1"he ma�eKiai kor s�,ttiit�ry s�wer. set`vice ���Yes s�ial l be ex��� :i.re�gt,h ca:;t x ron soi � pipe wi i,h paI ��i'kaY 1 er�� �ra�r�i�tq as g�eci�ied in kh� ��r�e�al Can��a�;t a�cur�e��s. ��a�kor fi1:�..i��s skiall he a Kir�than� or nea�rene ca�planc� A.�.9'.t�. C.-��5 wikh �e�ies �U4 Sk�xniess St��l �o�r��ression s�ra�s, FaYme�k far w�rk �txch as b�ck�ill, �3�txn�s, Li�-ir�s atrd all ��i�er a��oci.��ed �pPu�t�r�e�r�t� r$c�axired, sha�i he znc��xde�c# in �h� lii��ar �o�t yrice af ap�ropr��'ke ��d ]�te[�. �- J li�[I3TI�G fJTII.[�i�� : n']'i� �pl�ns show Lhe locaiio�s �� �11 knr�w�� sur�ac� and sirh�urt��e st�cu�Eu��9. Hown�w�r, �h� Qw�ter ass���es z�a �espaMx�iI�11�,Cy Co� �ailur� I:o s�ow �r�,y or a]1 of i�.l�es� skxu�l;ur�s as� ��Me z>]ans, or ta show �E�em �u i:heir e�ca�t lac�tior�. [t �� mut�ually a�qre�� tha� s+sch �ai.]ur� s��a�3 r�oi. k�� cr,r���id�rec� sMxt€.tc:ie�nt �asis #�r cl�zxras �or �dd�Lia�aC �a��r�e�s��io�x �ox� ex�r,a wark ar, �o�• i�creasiaq C�e p�y qxian��.�:�es �n �ny �����r�er wh�tsoe�e�-, '['ixe Cnntr��ko� �h�ll b�: r�yooixsi,b�� �ar �re�i�yin� �he 10r8�LOt�S a� �nd prot.t���irxc� a�l �xast�.nq tiK�,i.lities, sezvice �ine�, �r other n�o�erry c�os:�ed ar ex��sed bv h,is cnnskKuc�i,at� aparatior�s. Go�x�_r.ar.tnr ahall �nake ��� ne��::s�ry pr�vasiorss ��K the s��#vaKt, ��ok�ac�i.on. eelocat�ar�, and a�r te3�3po�-ary rel�ca�i.�� a� all uti�7,Cy yole:�, �aa �iri��, telez��xant �ab�.��� �Y��,Y�ity 9ervi��s, waLer niains, sanitary se�er li�tes, elec�.rical cabi��, drainaqe pip��, an�l �.jl nrl��z t�ti.li�_�es an€� si��r�ct_��res bol_h abar�e �rid �,elow �round c�urinc� corts�r�sc�ion, The �o��rac�.or ��s li�ble ��r all damaqes dane� �� s;4ch ��i�t_�r�ct �acilities as � result �f ��s aperat�r,r�� and anv and all �osk� incu�red f�o► ��� prok�c�ior� a�d or ���npo�-a�,y ��eloca�ian a� suci� iaci�i�ies �h�31 b� knc�ti�ded ir, �he aas� ��ir� �rt�r ]ir���r fo�t or �Sip� �astal�e$. NO AU13�1'��ll�A�. �oM�E;P4�A�'t�]N F�[4i� �3� �I,�o4�F.1]. W�ere exasl;inq ta�.i]iL-�.es or ser+�ice lin�s a�e r►rt, br�hen ar damacler�, the �;otti�1'��tor sh�ll relpi�c� c�r �epair �:he uEilik��e� ar ll•- 3 l.f�� �i�nnas+�d sui�si:i��.u�.e x� txr.�curec� bv �t�e Co�t�r,acror. 4�h�re Clt+� t.��'uM "nr �+����J ," �r "o r �.p�+rove�i �qx��l" �� not: r�sed ir� �?�� �peciti�.c��C��ons, th�,� d��� nok rtece���Lily ex�fi.�c�e a1���n�f�,ve i,�.emr nr rct�#.rt-a;�aE c�i- rt'4tx'ipm�nk. w}aith a+�t�r �<:�'orrt�li9t� l.he 3ni,ei�d�d P�r��se. Eiown�res., �k�e �na�4;r,�ct��' ��nail l�au� �l�� L'-«il ����por��ibk�ity ot provinc� t.l��ri_ t.�i� pto�nsed ��7����,�#,itti�an i�, in �ac��, ea�ti�al. �7�'xd �Ffe ��;k�q�neer. :x;� 1;�ye �ppreseu�ativ� us: L-I�Q �:KI:�, �sh�41 l�e �.h� sale -kti[�g� c}�� �}�e acceptahi 1 a ty �� su�};:i.k i.+itic�n�. 'I'he �t`csv�� sir�r�s �t �F�x� �s�b�sa��i.�rn as r�ls�ed �n "substi.t,�tions" s�x$ll b� �t�pl�,cable �o �1 ]���'tiori� cF� thes�* sT►ec�i ti��t..i vr��. 1}- 1� �ON�R��`� SIL}LW�i,I{ !1N]] D1tiV�4���f R��C,�LGC?NfI:N'P ; l#t. 1o�:�k,iar�K in t.k�e pra-iec� +whcre main4; �r.e rec�uired t.o b� �Df�c'e� �x�de� �xistiiti� �Fdpw�llcs t��tri�or drivr:way:ar �ix��� s�,dewa.Eks ��td/r�t_ c3r�ivew���r� ;�l��i��] k�� �:t�u�p�et.�lv �epl�c��d fa� i.h� �ul]. ex;isizna wicith, �iei:4��:�1X e�istkxta� �as�s��'u�kia�Y a�' ex�?attsj_�il �oltiL� t�ii:h �UU��� c�nc'r.et� wi#;h r'eir�fctrc:.�n� sl.�eX az� ���nd �ushir,n :in ac�F�r'd�n�e wiL-�� City o� E'o�i: 4��z-kt� `1'ra�s�oetat�.anjPulall� �or�s D��ar�qten� 5tand�t��# rta'Pec:�i,�.c'ations #or. �ons�r'���ti��. �i�i� �04. At lac�tiana wher� �ra,�ns a��� rec�uar+�d t�a be �?�ac�d ui3der e�isL�ltitt� cu�b �rxd qt:t�.er, such ����b and c�x�t.ter sh�ll be reula�:�� to mai.c�ks tY�rc at�d qen��ti�try oE �:i�� �emov�d c�;rb asxcl q�attier. a�x� ��a�1 b� �r��t�lled .ir, acr�rt�ax�ce wzf��� �i1:,y ot ��Kt Warth �t�b��� 4�orks �}�p:��t��e�ttit SL•a�tcka��d ��eo�ficati�n tar Cor�struc�i.or�� Ik�m ScJ�. �ay�r���� ��r cutt�ng, back�il �, cou�rel_e�. �orminy ���aleri.al � and a� ] akh�r associ.at�e� �t�Purtenank�s zequired, shall be ��c�ud�d �r� khe �rx ce �i ci. !}� 14 ��t�J�H�U i, [l�CS"�'i}N1� �A#:f[[�iLL. : �i��-re spe�i�ie�d or� th� p].ar� c�r �ii.zer:ted hy Ihe 1��c�,�nee�, c����i�heci E im�stor�� atial l�Se us�s� t�r, �re�tch bacliti�l ��z� �his nr� jec� .'�#�e m�sl,er.ial sht�]I cor,inr��w I:a "��r�x�s�c��ta1_ion ar�d Yubli�; �1r�r]�s ��_a���i�i 5�r��i�i.c�t����a Eor ��.ree� a«d S1=or� U�ai.�t ��nsic�u�i�inn �iv�.s�on � 1 tern �ix�.� Mat.���al s ar�r� 1�}�vision ��tern �{��. � Mater.i.a� ��o�rc��. 'i'�:e��k� bacl��il1 �r�d co�stipaci:i�n slt�ll Gne�t k�� za�ui.�em�r�ts �� N'�t-� �x�avat.�o� and �;��:�Cfi�l1 0� i,h� [;en��al �:o�tra�� 1�oc:��r�ien�� a�xd :3�eci,��Gatir�txs. Pa�►���et�i�. �or �r.xM�}�ed �ime�tor�e back�x�] �n p��ace sh�ll �e �nade ati k�fx+� ur��t �z•i.ce i]],rj. i�x i.�e ��,o�os:�l 1i11C��.�.j�l��sj, JJ� �,ll� c���intit� o� rrka�e�3al �x;�e� �ea�ur�d in �rcordaric'� wi�h i:?-�.�6 �Seasx�r�rn�n� o� �aclt��ll l Materiais nE �h� �en��a� �ontra�t �]acum��t� ar�d Spec�fi��ti�r��. L}- 1� 2: 2'7 CUN�.'i�l��`l'� � '1Franspartaki�n at�d k'Ka�rlx� Y#��ks T����rtt�ent t��:ica3 S�c���n� #or ��vea��nk� �nd �r�r�cl� R�pa�r �or [��i1�Fy �uY.s �'iq'� l thtoM��i� 5 r�Fer ��} u�ir�r� T: �'I Coric�r�t� as ba�e �e��i r. ��n�e �.�is c�l 1-out �ncluc��s �k�� x�ar� "c�ncr��:�", t�i�e cvnsisC��t� �n�ez•prer��iar� �E the '!'r�r,sAort�#;inn 1'7�bl,Gc �#or.ks ��epazt.�en#, is t,�at k.hi� ra#:io speci�ie� t;wo (2j �acks �t ce�tent �sr cu}�i,c yard �� caixc�eke. WiLh t�h� D- 5 �s'��kl�i 1 1 ed �f�d t�ae f np ��,i Rt� � 9} i r�ch�;� �if�k�:yi.n��� b:�:�p utate��al, s-c�mpa�:l;ed �nd ���jac��n�, �;�a3�f_:�c'�4. '1'hjs ti�,,i{�},�c� cl3`ac�� ��r,vi��a�E��+� ca���Ei.�«�� ����ti.l �fxe ��vi,�ty sh�1 J!�� L:i � 1 ed �.i t.k� c:t�shed ��vel wiClX l'he ti�xisi7ed sha�1 b�� m�,;Er�t,aan�d .�n a t}as b��n �euia�rei2. � ll- J #I '�'k��:�4�J1 SA,�rZ'.',�Y :iY:i'1'I�i : �. ��l�LRAL: 's`h�s 9pec.�r.'t�aLla�ti c�u�rs �h� Cren�l� ��at�ky �e[fnlr�l4��71-i� �or all �re�re.Y� exc:av�ti�n:� �n nz�dc�r ta pra�e��t arork�rg �r��n c�ve-ins. T�x� r_e�ui�ern��xts �� �k4i,s i�em +�overri �!� tre��cltes tor main�, ���,�r�}��1 es, va��� k.�. ��rv� ae l�r��s, and al D r�t.�ti�r $�}I�i,1Y I.�;ll'e1k1(.'e9 . �, s'��xt���I��I�S: {�'he l at.e:�t ver.si on of k.?�e �. �. �e��,ar.1_Fr�rnt. o� Lab�r, ��:e�p�t�on�� �.�l.`��.y �n� �{ealLii Adr[�.1,Itisir.at],s7ri Srar�d�Kds, 2`3 �L�1� 3'�r#: 'I�JIfi. 4r�i�p�r� 1"-l:xcau�tF.��a��s, ��� �i�r�k�y kn�x[Xe � paet o� i'h1s spe�.�fxc�C.�aM a�td si�al! b� l:Eie ni�ninrLikr� c�ov�rninq Ct'.+�liil"C34i�'il��l �;nr L r e�flc}� sat�t Y. 3. €}GNi��'i'f.c)[�S; A. �'1ti�;Ncr1��:�: A t.r�n�:h is re�erze�i �o as a r�arK•c�w ex�a+rai:aan 1rGat�� �elow Che surtace o� �he qrou�zd in whi,ckt I.fte d�pkh i� qr��ter, than tl,e wYd��w. �+kr�re the w�idtk, ���ea�K�r�ed �� th� �tiattom as �o�� q�r��t�r I:}tan EiiC��x► (�5) i��l, I� ����a ar o1:t��r steuc�ur�s ar� fnsta�l�:�l or c:rs���skrti�t�d �n an �xr��uat.,�orr sn as t,a ���itice th� d�i���er�:��on l��as��r�� �r,�kri lk�+� �or�r�s �r s�r,�c�ur� r� �.l�e si.ci� o� �he �ncavatx�n t.�s fi���e� �1�) �e�i or less at �he bo�t�m o� t.he exr,�vati�n, #he ex�:a�ra,ti.��t �s ��sn consi.d�zed �o be a t��n�h. R. RrN�'FI��C'F SY�'i'I:M: Ke��:�inct �iieans e�xc:�v,�t.inq �he �i�e� oi� � t;renc� t�x F+�r.r�r n�t� nr a 9ez�,es o� haeiaontal ie��ly� �r ��ep�, u�u�lly wtLh ��rtic�? or. nes�-u�r�ir.�] �txr.j:aces bel:wrc5r, ] evels. �:. �€�€��zN� SYS'�'�:#�: 8��t�l�q ���ean;� �xr.:��r:�ki.r�+x to t��•rrr sirk�s o� a i_r�ri�Y� tha� are irsclYr�e� �waY irnm l,t�e �xc:�rv��iori. �, Shfll.Li� SY5�1'�;M; :3hiel�is used ir� trenches ��e �er�erally re��rr�� �c� a� ""�r�r�c:h �o�cc_g" ar "I.r�nci� shie]ds.'" �;}�Yelrl u�ean� :, :sk.r.�M���re 1:���� ��s ai�le k� wiLk�st�t�d Li�� tarr,�eW ln�r�os�� a�x i.t i�y � cav���n ar�c� pt����rt w��rts��;� w�t_�ia� i.}o� :st.k'lrc�,tire. .�l,i��d� s:�n �+e psr:nra��r�#: �F.x�x�i:ur{±s c�r r::�n l�� de�i,q��ect t� i�� #nri:abl� a�r►c� 1n�v� ��o�tg as �:he wo3-k pro��`e�ses. Sl��ielcis can �e e,t��e� �r��rnani��ac�t�red or job-hr� € l � �.n �c��rd��nce w��:�y t�s�A ;�ka�td�rds , 1�:, t;1�U1�:R�iU �YS'1'E�:hi. .Shq���� �ne�rns a struc�►ir.� ��;�:h �s a u�etal hydra�li.r. rn�r;ha��icai n�: timber syst�tn C�at ��p��rrs the sic��s �� a I. r�ncl� ar�d wh� r:l� a� d��i r�n�[1 # a preve��i. ravt�•� E ri€:, shorYnU �Y�I�.c�n�� are ��tt�ralLy ca�pri��d oE c4�o�sb�aces, v�r��ical �ails (upric�hls) � }��ri�n�l�:a1 rai]� (wt�les} andfor sh��kinq. �. C�d�.ASiJ�t�M�N�I': �Ck-enck� d�#tlt is Ehe v�Kkx�a� �ne�s�re�ner�� �rom I:hr: �.ap ot L?�� ex#yt.�rr�t qr�M�r�cl �c� t�k�� �atkn�r� at tk�� �;i�ae ar strx�c�t.Kxr.e��. D- � � cot'l�ora�ioil �tap. , k'aviuer�i. ![�r �ll �or�C an�l m7k_�r�.a]s �r�[:�f as l���k����, tit,�,Yn�:�. 1Ype t{ �a��er tub�.n�, crx�;la sto� w�th lacic wl.���s� a��vl�e �ine �Si�"j1i4}ffGk`Ilt,, a1w� ��Y re�xocr�ixo� o� x4� �0 11�•ar�cC�es trox�r �:��i:er li�� �xiski��q rrtie�+�r lnUai.i.un to certker l�.�t�? proposed iff{3ker loca�ti+�tt shr� ] 1 l�e .i nc'1 ��c�ed i r� 4.��� l�:i n��r lront �rrx c{e bid f cxr Cop�ser 5ervic:e �,i,n� �tat� M�,i.n L'n Meter.. �ay�t�e�y1� �-or a1] w�rk ,�d mat�rials �xx�h hti ta� sa�ci�e (il� �e{�u�r�dj, car�nr,at�,oe� sl:�xp:�, �r�� i'.iL•k����s sk�aEi b�: ���u�+xcia.d, i�n i:fte pr� 4Fe b�c� f o�' ,SeYva cs� `a'�ps Ln Mai�l�. �. WA'Pi�l� �r:ktVl�l? Ii1�COP1i�L�'PE�}i�: VFa1:�r serv�ce ��Cf}lYT��G'�:].A�1 �s r���xrir�d ��h��� t��e ex��i:ixtq ser�ri�� �.s c��pe�' anc� aL adeqr��te �e�it� to :�voi.d b���akaqe dur:�.xxy s�r��L' t'�°cansiruct�ion. '�`h� contracto�, sir�ll ad�iK�.� #.he exxgiint� w�t;er. 4et�v���e line �s recrx�ir�c� tc>G r��anr�,�cCinr� aot�i tur�r�lsh a ti�ew �ap wiLkw �urnnKat�ion sta�. �'17e �'onCra['t.or wil� be g�x�d ��r orj� (:L� S�rwi[�rt� 'l�ap i,o M��i�, ior eacFh servir.� r,ec���tn�cted Rlix� f�ar art� cr�pT�e� :�a.rv�Ce l�l.u� ��o�� Msii� �o M��_�r used �n exc��s at t�ve {�} lir��ar• �eet. 3, V�A'k'I�:k� �EE�VI�1: �i�'1'I:[t 1h[�€1 C�L'Pi:l� HQ�{ �t�"LO�A'Px�N�; WI1�11 �kte rc��] �+�'ein�r,t_ �►rrci r�lo�r��ior, n� �Y w��er a�rvi ce an.d rsoeter box a:s ��quir,ed �r�ck i:he loc���ia�r a� Che m�rer a�d mei:er box i,s mav�t� mn�� �haz� t.we�ve {12) ar�r.l���, a� r��easured irc}i� C�re cer�te�r ],kne� o� �.he exisi:i��q ��ek.fx�� t.n c��zC��• li.xti� oE �lta pra�osed �e�er 1+�c�,�i,oz� s�parate pa�a�kerst, wi31 be aXl�w�tl �or i�he r�l�c�t��r, ��f ::ervic� rrt��er and �netek' b�rx �e�a�a�iar�. W�i�rn r�1.�Fc�aLaan o� servsce w�te�� an� ���ei:�r i��x xs r.ea��_ired payrn4��xt. Co�• a1� woi�ic �r�d �ateri,al� s�c� a�� ba�kc��llr fit��nys, �ive {5) ie�t of t,y�e �� �a�r��r ���via� a�si al� mai�e���ls, la#��r, ar�d e�u�p��n� us�d i�y and i:ar �t�e ki�ez���d �lumb�r ��xaXl he �ti�c�ud��l in ��.h� pra��e k�id it�r I_he �ervic� m����c re�r�ca#.i.�r7 al� ��he�� c:astw�li be .�nc�ud�� i�x o�kter anx�ropria�e bid ik:�ttt(��, 'i'his i I:�n� wi 3] �J.so be �M�ed Lo p�Y �or ttl � ser+v�c.y� r��tex a�d met er. ���c re�a�:at�aus as �_��uir�d k�� l:h� f�n�in��� when �he �er,vic� �er1e ��s �of, b�i»c� reyl�t�e�i. lAei�xx�i�,�er�t_ of only �.r�� nk��:ez �rsx wi�' ��c}t �ustiFy sev�rat�e �ayut�nt at �r�y k�n�e. r���atfons wi�h multi,��e se�u��� t�rar�c�nes aas �� be p�i � tor a� �ne ��rvxr:e �et�x anci ��e�e�c �iox ��lacaC.i,on. �, r�1:� .�fSR1�1C��'.: 4��aer, r�ew ser�rir.e� are r.��ti��red I:�e ��n�_r�c�or shai l i.�s�at l t:�� �addl� (wl��ty re��Ei���d}, c���arali,o�ti str�pf �Y�� � �op���� ��r+�ic:e 1;�n�, cx�r.�i ��oy witi-� �oek w,�r�s��, and �n�ter b�x. �'�vmenL f•.a� all tanr�C and tr�at:er�.�l;� s��ct� as b��l�fi�l, ti.t�i�tqs, tr�se �k co�pp�r �tlhir�g, ar�d �ur� sto� witi� 1ac1� war�as sha�l be �ncilti�ciec3 ir� �'.h2 iFinear �`ooi a�'i.ce hi.d kor :3�rvica. Li�►e �'rnm M��.�. to M�?t�r. �'�Yment f ar a1 1 wa�1� �nd mat,�r� a� g��tc�� �� �ap sadci] e, corpo���ion �]- 9 '�. �3h�.v�SC;L �l�` �xJs7'1Nc; i�']�tl? 11YU1,�N'1':3: r��xislinca l�ire 1�Ydx'ar�l:� �}�s�rl� be reiftov�d attid r.•et�i��n�d hes �l�e W�k�er 13�p+�ri;m�nk warel�ou�e hy �h� crs��Ml_r�trlc�r in zc�c�c�rcltrr�ce wjl.�� :;ect.�nn �:7�1.� S��vas7��� pt M��.e�ia.ls. '�'he v�id sfXal� �>e bac]�Ci,ll�d and ��mvacte� ir� aci:vxs�»nc:� wi 1,h bac���:i 1� m+:i.i�n�l �:� spe�:i ts �d in 4ec# inr� f�;��� 2. {� �acic��ll. �#ackEi.li ���ater�.r�f. �I��l1 i�� su�L�ble e�xcav:it�:d in,i�:�ri,�� a�pr�ve� �,y t�� ��`r���n�ex. S��rrtac� re�tvrat�i on ��a� ] be c{c����pa�x.b�� wikh exis�inq �urr�uucEinq �Mxr,Eac� and, qr�de. �4. 8A1,VAC,]i Dl�' L:R1�"1'IC�� {;A"f'L VALV�: �:xis�i�� Qat.� valv� and t�alve l�ox and lid shall b� r���o+��!d ��d c�:�u�-n�d Co �1��! ��C�r I}�pa�wktt��t w�xr�ht�rtse k�v M ra� ennl_r�c�ar ir� �c�ccrrda��r.� w� ll� �ec t.�a�� 1:1�� i. h S�Iv�,+�i�q nr Mat�ri.al�, '!'�i;5 s�o�.d are� ca�sr�! hY �;I�e Valv� r.•�rrrov�� s?�t�� 1!F� kS�c�xEE� 11 e�� �rr�el c��rri�ac:�.e�k :i,n ���n�'c�t�ns�e w7.l.i� ��c'k9 �� 1 rrti+�t;€t{rc� �s �����i, I��,ed i,x� ��c:l �as� r.:'>,-�. 9��cl�t� � l, �a�cl�€ I, l� M�a��eri.al s�a�l �e 9�ii�..�ble exs;aualed r�a#.etial approve�� by t�e �nq�n��x. ��arface resto�ai:i�� s��al! b# cn��t��Ci,bie wath �:xi�Cinq s1at�ounclittt� sXlrtac� a��ri c�r.ac��. !# tl�� va�ve a� in a c�nc:rek.e vau�t #.l�e va���� �ix�7k be r��mol���xer.l �n �.1�c� �o ��oinf no ��sr� khan �.�x" beiow t� r�a ]. t�t� ��c� . �. �II3Ht�lf[}ri�MH:N�' Uir !�.}{7F�'!'IN{; �;A'i'L VAI�V�: �x��tin+� qate va1�e and �r�x li,� shall be ab�ttdou�t� by Eir�t clo��inc� t��t� v�.lv� k� tEx€> �ui�y rl o�e�d ��os� �i �r� �r�cl ciert�nl ��hi �xq !'�S� +r�] ve k�ax �i�� �] ace I.t, � pc}i rrl. �ok [�s� ���4t i�C-x��r;��s below Yxnal qr�,de. Cor�cre�;� shali kite�t L�e ���.ed �rs �a�:kfA}1 ����eri�l i�,n rrra���M ex;i�txnq �rade. �. ��3A�11��NM����' �]C' r:X [ 5'�' ING VAU [�'i"� ; Vau l ts k� }�e dema � ksh�d ir� p'lace ���,k] hav� #.�re top slab ar�d la� rea��nv�x� �r�d va�l#, walls d��t7�l�,�hed �❑ � �ai_nt rtat less k!�a� �9" �elow ��r�al ��'ade, 'I'he void area c��ised :it�{t11 fi,hen be �S�ckt�]�ed an� c�urpa���.ed in ac��rciat�c:� w��Eti bacl��lj L n��thod a� s�ec�,��,ed kz� ,ec�ia� �'2-�.9 Backti�l. �3ack�:i]] t�tat�rial sh�ll be sui�abl.e excava�ed rtiateria] a��rove�i by l:Et� [.r�yi«����_ �ur�a�� re��oral:io�� sftall b� corn��iib1� w� L}� ll'�e �xi ��inq �u�ra��ndlnq s�rtace ar�d c}� a�le. '! , AI�i�N]}i3I��1LI�'P 0�� l�ANY�Y�GL�3 ; �i�nE�� 1 es �� �� dema L�sh�d in p 1 a�e sha�l� ha�re al] �p��eg �r�l_�rYa�q or �xasi.�n� kh� si:ru{:i,�xr� pku�r#erl wii:i� 1e�an ���rc�ete. Manht�les �opa �L cane: �e�c�:�an r�l;�ll he r�mov�r� ko �he i.at� �t k��e t��l i krta rr�� da aa��i:er sec:l.a on t�r f n po�nt. ni�� le:�r� 1_1����� l�-•�iti�he.� b�law ti.Eyal ��ad�. '�'I►a. �tt'ucS.urt± sii�l i t�,�n be hac-l�fs 3 1�c� ;�r�el c�om��r�c� ec� �n �c:cord:�nc� w:Glh F��ckf.i� 1 m��bad aa ���c:i.�ied i�� 5+���:i,+��Y ���--2.9 ���1�ri,11. �ac�E�[� �a�_�rxal y}ys}' b+� �it�,er. ��e�ra w;�::he� sa�d �}� c���n, st�i#a�l� ex�;a�r�t�t� rrt��,�ri��1. ��r�proveci bY Luyz�7eet'. Ssxr.'l:ace rest�rra�i�n sl�all l��: com���:i.bie t��,th s�irrou��xz�rr s+arFac�e. �'avmen� �pr r�or.k in�oived �n bac�ti�]i��. nC�xqqinq aE vi�e and ali o��er a�QurkeuaYt� t��u�ie�r�, �hal1 b� i�clKidet! i�� i:1�e �pDrnT�riat.� b'id it_ern;��. H, 4�h,M�}VA�, 0[' l�ANNt]I,�:,; Man�lales Lu L�e r�mov�d s�ti�ll hav� all ��,�es er���.er�rrcr ur exit�n�r tF�� �tr�s��.�Kre d;scaM�,x��cteci. '1�i�� ���a�iei_e 111iXktihO�� �,ti�cludin�, l;c�p ��r. ��c�ne �ec�ian, a�l I;ul� b��r�l diamet�r_ i�- L!, .���a;ii�;�catac�rs �:].-];� �ier� �:or�:��.r��c�.�jofl ��e�Y��ic�at.i��n �?'l-l;i. �rap�ine� �Ghail la�"�r,ed+� hozi���nLal ar�d vea:L'i,��,l t�i,�--dnw�� ccs�rcx,'e�� bEo�k�siq. l�f�Yirierrt f ur # hrt: V�] y�t.�iv G���e wr;�}��i r�c� ��sd horixuiXtal atxd v�rlical tie �dut��rt c{�ncr,ete [xl��cl�i��q skt�l l b� �r��:ludr��l ii7 �id i���T,�� ltor valves �n� �i�;�inqs �,nr� x�� othe� �+armer�t_ wi�! b� �llaw�cl. D�- �3 �I;'1`�C'i'AF41�� WA�NIH{� 'i'A�'i?� : U�L-�ck�hle under��a+��}d ��iliky s�:��;�xi,nq ����� wktkcl� can b� loc:ak�d trom t h� s��rta�� by �t pip� �leke�t�r sY��t� 3 be instd� ! ed r�� r�cl �,v above non-mei.:�� k�c w��er nt� ���r�kary :��wer p�pe. �j'�a c��t�ctal�le k�.a�e sh�I X k�e "l�et��t 'tFape" Tr�ar�u�actur.�� %y R� 1 en SYsi,en�s k.r�� .�r a�a]4�t�ved ec�ual, and ��all c�nsL�1: �r� a �n�,nim+xm �h��l�t���s �}.3� mi,is s�1id ik�ikalllRkilTl l.�3i� er�+���ed ;irx a pro�ect_�v� i.y�ert y1a��ic �a�34e� ��:xL• i� i�upe�`aiou�a tax a1! ���o�rn a�k�i��, a��ds� che��otiit:�l i;�aqents ��7d salven�s in��ssd �fl the sbrl. The f[�]11�iRLt117 ��era11 l�ni��rk�s:� r��: i;h� �a�� �h��� b� 5.5 �t�il�. �ttd Ch� widL-h �ha11 rir�l. E�e le�s t�an 7" �n�he:: � w�t� a�x r,�i ���kRn �ki�x L w��.r#��t of �� 1 J? p��Mi�c�sj� "jiU�E� `.'1'1�� �ap� :�i�a�l �� caio�r ���ie� ar�� i���r�nl:�d wi.�h �n� ���ssaqe as f n 3 1 c��+� �; '1'yp� or �]�a 1 a t r L'�� or. Cod� l:aq��ds 4V�te� Sa��i.y ��ue Gantic�xl �+�x�-i.e� 4��k�r i,kxte ��law Sew�t 5ate�,y �r��TY ��.utioz� �3�ric�r� S�we�r 1.�;ir�� Plel�w rt�sC�ltat'tat� n� c{�i:�ctai��e ta�es �Jtall E�e ��r rrtanui:�,�t�x�aK's zeco�un�n���lions and s�s�ll i�� as close to �he qra�.� as is pr.�rtic:a] �a� apLirnu�� pr:oLec��,��� �r►d d�te��a�rl�ltiy�. �411ow a�ninirrtuuKr o� .�8" in�hps be�weers ��,he �ap� �nd k�he pip�. k'a�rme�7t fo� work su�:h as b�rc;3�f.i�1, b�ddinq, bla�kz�q� de�ec�able ta�es a�d all at�he� ass��ia�er� a���urtena�ces re:�u�r�d s�all be ]17{:�14��C� ��l k�e ]ir��ar ���t pric� �i.c� ot 1:�e �.�rPr��r.��te �til) T'i'�!�{�� . �- 1+� fiY �'�; O�? i;�4:s' l I�(; � T k�'. : ], . WA'� L•:lt : 'i'he c:��inq �3�e ior op�n c:+a� and borec� o� tur�ne�1��� sec:��on shal] t�� AWW� C-��]0 labri��te� �tec�r�,c�.l.ly We,kti�d ����� 4��t�r Pi,�e, ��t�� �:���1 c:nr���rm t,n k_lxe pa-o+risi�rn� caf ��-1�, �:l�� an�l �:k-�9 in Ma��r�a� S�ec�LLical���� �,F 6�n�ra1 Can�.rac�. llocuM3��nt� and ��r�ci�icat�or�s �o�c W��1:�r I��v��'1.�G��n1�. }�r.o�jer:ts. The s��.e��l casinq f��p� s1�a11 be snppli�ci �g fol koa��: �. 14'r�r tite ins�d� and o�x�.��de o# �asi.nu �3P�� c�al-lax �rote�tive c�aL�.nq itr �r,�rardance wii:l� tl�� r�c�ui,r�r�e�L•� �t ���. 2.� and reiak�d �e�:t� ans Yr� A�1�#A {:�2G3. ki. TUt4C�l-llp at��z �ietid w�lr�s sha�l provzde aaat.i�q eyua3 tr� 1�l�c�se ��ecitked apov�, C. Mini[titYm tl�ickr�e:es fo� casxn� �.ip� ua�d �ha�� b� (l.;i'f� i�,�h. �l:ainl�;�� S���i �asiny �pa�s�r� {center�n� ��y1�� su�:h as u����x�'a�l;ua'ed hy C������� �'�i,�rwor.ks M���u�act_tiMr'ir�c# �'ank�anV �sr �sr� a�r�r,oued e�u;�l ��all he �s��i �:t zli non��ou�r�ke p��pas when f�-13 Ctb:Nb;1��1f, Ctj�'PI�AC'L' 1}Q;�Ut+lk�[Y'C'.i ANI] G[SN]11�AL �k�h'�[E'i��A'i'[UEV4. 'l'hr� �'c��a{�,r�c�t_c�r �hr�l ]�xr��i i:� k�,e c��s�l.c}m�r b�l.�� persor�� ] 1 v ar�d i rw �rr7 M_��,c� �s �u i:iM�� ioc:n�its7��, t'i�iti��:, an+i s#�1��d���e o� the seiuEce 1�tik�E-r,u�rti.on. 'I`}�� c��x:;� a!� tc�rn�}�inq �r�y exi�i..tr,c� r{c�n�r�l.� h�roci�ir�� shal] kx� i,nc:lud�c� �tX �:Et�. cost nk �ai�t�ec��c�tX. !lnleas M�irJ sepaeak�ky �ll c:a,t �nc���r.t-ecl sha�! �� inc1.���d in the l�.n�ar inkt p�ice �iid #�r Fhe dg�ra�t],�k.� p1,pe �17@. l�� 2#t �� L�{:!i '1`1�:Al�'U�t�il{Y Sl��#V,I{:A� L1�I� : '1'ft� �-inch L�n;pnr���r se�v3ce nk�iiti aixd �J4-i�ck� serWice lines sExai 1 be ir�st�lled to pto�riti� k�et��orary wa�er servi�e k:� ��1 buildinys CIti�E wlll nec�e�aarily b� r�c�uieed t� hav{� �{}v��e�i w�,te� ��rv���: i�x�rixMU ::�;Grl woe�t. '�'lx� �:��7�.ra��:or �h�lt k�� ���pons:ible io�' c:o�rdina�:iny L'E�e sci��dule oi th� ��r�3}�ura�'� set-vice c�aYznecLl.ans and peY�nBh�l1�.� S�T'tir�if:e rec:onnec�your�€: ���tw I:}�� bK�iBd;i�q a�r�ers �r�r� i�he F,�xq�.M4��r, i.tr ��r.•{��s� I:kx:�� l:�� wnrk k�� ���-��e�Mt�d i�x an exue��i:l,outi i�anr��r. ��ver:ec� wat.er s�►r�i �e t�iust be �ec�r�ne�t.ed w;ii�lti'i n� hcaur�c €rt discor�ki.itif:���ce nr ��rvi,��. ]4 ��inc-�w k���v:ira� sadcla� �nci ?��n��h ��zpar��inn s��� or �-inch c�a#;e v�lve w��:h ���� a�:�r,�u�-x>x�-e E�r� hydr.axtl: ��ia��rar �itt�r�q �i��ll. b� r�rru�r�t3 a#. �he t.c�7n�r�rsry se�v'ice �7C}311� o� cor�nect3.�n F.o �.tie Ci�,Y w�ter supply. '�l�� �--x�x�lx te��uorary �ervi�cr� main dll� ��4-1tiCE1 ��3'vic� lin�� shall be irjsi.all�d �ir� �r:c:o�'tl�nc:e tp t_3�e �i���h�d ���ur�s l, 2 and 3. ;t" LN�,tinarary se�vk�e l��e shall �e ���a�t�d an� sk.erxxi�a�c] k�� rM�;;i���# c:hlor�ne +��� ar c:hlorit�al;�r� lit�a� �H"�`ii� yrio� ka Lns�a� lat�ion. R two-Yn�h �nei.er wi.l.l be f�x�n�is}y�d b� khe F�ai�.er i�e�a�r#,me:�t Meter Shap �znd ii�s�����d by kh� c;'anF.���,�i:a� a� i�s po�ril- +�� ���1rteC��Q[I to �he C�.k�v wate�- sup��Y �or r.e�oxci �e��iny p�zxp�ses only. 7'he o�.t aE-servi.cc R�L?�;�,'�g el��.l� be r�i�t�v�:d, t�qq��C and c�ll�cl'e�c� i�y Lhe Carrt_a��c#_or tnr r�e)av�xY to x�ke Wat�r ]��paxkn��nt. M.eier� �}�c}� �c�z 1:�CCIT4�lt].O]iLTiC� {�1 L"$A�$C�lh�Pil�. ���L1ii C�S�4C1iiLJ ��LFI1�c7i1�E1� R��VLC�, tk�� 4an�raci�ar ah�� 1 re-.ir��t�t�� 1 i�.�,e jn+��_�rs at tY« �or�ccE � ocataor�. '1'l�e rf��ter b�x s��11 b� �ese�: as ne�c��s���-y i:rj 1�� flust� wi�it khe R'}C1R�.li�Ci r�rat��r3 ur as �ai�i�lerv�'i:�e directed �y t�e Lnc��r�eer. ��'�e terrrporary� servi�e lay�uk. sh�.11 have +i 1141111,IIhlIX�� avatlable Elow r���_� �f �[�I#h4 a� � ci,v�G�Fnxc ��•��slMre of 3� �'s�1 per servic:e kap. `1't�;is ��:it�er.�,� �l�all be us�� �y th� ��ntrac�t4t to deC�r���.in�� �h� [e�tgL•!� aE ��.�nporary �e�rvi�re �l�owr�d. n�srnber. nt s�rvxce tapa a�d r���n��er �t ����1 �vi�xts . when t��e �c�rr���ar�ry serv�c� is ��eq�Mi r�d t�r. mcsre t�an ar�� ��<�aki an t�tie ��i,nch I;em�arary �ervi.ce pi,p�s, af'i�inch se3�vice iifi�es aud ��t� ?� inc� rn�ter sh�11 be rnovecl t� w.h� next �oic:ces��tre pt`o�3e��t 1aca�ti��;. L'��yr�o�nk. iut` work sue�i as t1t�lllS�9, ;if 4- inch ser�+i�e lines, asph�l�, hazrica�ies, �ili seevice co�n�cLlon�, �ernoval of i:��7rvorary serv:ces arici �,] � c�l,tx�tr �Rs��c:� �tecl a'p�+�i�'tos'��tYils t�uu� r��� .�h�� ] be i�j�*! �id�d �.�-:G !-� 1]���:hi r�U �at�d #€�r pr. u�r� cii rGA 9 �l]!� �� �pi z�#,s t or bKi�'-# k��� d� ESt,S . �1�1�e w:��er, m�l� �x�:��t:�i�,K�� ot t��� nr� aec� �halZ kx� tes���# k�x��e� r��r���t�l ] irr� �xrc:�;��ir�� ,��d anv leak� U�J�'rl':i'VC�d �hal ] b� :lltNred:l�t[+� } � �! �rk ]. C+�c� . u- :�� ��r� �v�n�����r���.€� �����c:. �:x��. ) : �id +�uan���;.�e� �� th� va�iotxs �,tein� i.r► �:lx� Pr_oyo��,C :�r,e for L�id c�csxnp�s'Ssots c�x�].Y ar�r1 �oay iiU�. t'e�l.�ct 1_�xe �r.tt�a� 4u���i_it,ies (S�� ��naxal car��9.�iona C2-2.'L arrc4 ��-�.��. M��eovo►, lher,e xs ico b� �a ]xi��ai. at� i�h� va�iat=ion� betw�exr ki�� �s�i,ma�e�� qrxar�ti��.i�� s��wn arid ��tual a�uank�i.l:ie;� k�+?Yt[]L'1118�. p- �4 1�i:'I`��akM.��l�'1':E{�N AN1� 1�i1�"lh'r'�o� �r�' y�[�RR (�.� �G. [.�R�. � : ��'h� i:nc�,�r���r �l�a�� dei�:rn�i,�e �ryd d�5iq�tia�e L•o �lte �nntractar �i�� loc:a��on af t.�e s�xuice nna�in r�quxri�r� ex����sxc�n b� a i�oKk [�rde� koqe�;��r w��� � sJcek�ch �or, �ra�h �u�kti �x�.�n�i�n, g�.vi.na �E�e limits, si�e and #.he r�s����re nt �aork r.�q�;re:d. S;�n�le or seu��ai woM�k orders utay b� iss�ed �k o�ne t��us�. 'A'h� Con�r��t�r sh�l1 �.n��iate �ork art an ex�_ensit�n wit���� �+workan� days a�te�r. r-��:��ipt a� 1:he work €�rc��r, a��d c{x��ti.nue wo�l� o�� �_E�e ex��r�si,on �,ut�l i� i3as be�n so�x�?����d, no� ir,c�] ��c�x n�x ��v i 2�� . I� t,he �na3 ��xt erxsx on �ork k n�d a.n�c� ease� i n v��.+�M�� w�ier�i�t l�lie i;�nkr,ar:�ar �as moi-e i:hatt �� worE��n+� daYs worlt �n ��anc�, tt� wx�X be r�q��xr,ecl t� ��dd ����e �ec�essary w�rk c�ews to r.��ixce �hr� warlc l�ac� i:o a r�a�xzm��r� o� �� wu�-lcinq� d:�ys. ��t er ma� r� ex ten�i �+r�� ��� 11 �e 1 a� d�x �rr� ��.�F�rv�� c�f �.�� e�� be] ow �.he ���� o� I,k�e t���a��nt curb. E�, �:he �al� oi; tk�e �x.pe. ll•• �� �.I�T: bL� CUl,l�i`�tA('.y' { �!Z �{'.. �:�t'f' . � : t�: i,� �:o�ie�t�lat�d �h�t ��Kk Qrd�r.,� w��� be zss+xed t� ih� Cn�t.ract.ar i.or wark 1_o be ��rtnxrn�d under khas L'or�l-r��#� for r�nf, �o �xc�ry�d i130 ��il����a� day� �nll�owit�q i'.�i� �a��y o� t:he Cor�C�:�cl: �yar ta exc�ec� th� �irR��1_ �F E�h� }air� pr�c�, wl�;ic�,ever si����ld �cc;�r. �ir�t. 'l'h� C�nt.racl.ox :sh� l 1 be r�qu�r�d �o �:�xu�t�leke any wnr_1� cnw�rad �y a W�rk �rc�e� issu�c3 prior tcx k.lxa� da�.� oi� ter�niitation bu� w�i�l not be �:��ux��d to acc�r�t� aity w�r�-!� or�e�4 kor e�c�cu��1��� da�ed a�ie�r that dat� o� t�rr�iln�tiort. I� th� cos� o� khe worl� ��r€�rr�ed uns��r this C��tirz�act is Ees� thar� l•.he 1��trit a� �.he bid pr��.Fe �t ll�e er�d �� t�e �80 cai ��dar d�y p�ri c�d, ai I�.lte �itv `s npt i nr� �r�� tF�e #:ssr��ractor `� �oi�cur.K�r�c�, the ��{��ecl: rnaY �� �xk�r�ded l:a k�� l�,artia,t o� t�ti� b�d }�xice. !]-, 3G C��C]�L'�L ftZ��fiF? : Y �L������,: '1'�4� ��1� OW131� 511�� � o� �o«cre�e r��ra�� as shawn o� �nyin��r. �auetn t�e �urn�,shi�g at�ti placin� ti�e pi�ilS nr a9 dlXeck�ed by k��1� 2�A'rL�T141��: C�r��r�l:� tor �i�rap 9ha�l l�e �la��c� xr� accart�arrr� wki�h CE�� d�L•ai,l� �ttd to Lh� ��Mn�r�sians :�k�ow�� t�t� �h� p1an� ar as �sial�l 3 sheri by #,3�e K�at� i r���r .�}n ]�s� c�# Iw�rw �i �� shnwr� dxti t h� �� 1 ans , cancr��� �i��rr�� �it�i� 1�+z t��.ntorcod u�in� wir� �r bar ��•�'� I'strc�M�4�f,Mxq Man+��r�r nM' izis r�r�r,es�ni.�l�i.v� �C kkta} ottic�rtl lcrc�tiatti ant� ��s�tccl I�,ime set �orkh irx �he "�le3tice ta H1d�l�r�." l�. �i9 I.I�rF I�3.[�C,��Yrs sole r.�4pan�i�xiEi.ky Lo �eliv�t L'lYe �rops�s�] :31'. I:lye prou�.� t.�u�� a'o k.rwe profler �la��e. '�'l�c� �n������ i�c��_ i,ha�. a prta�r{��i�! was �lis��tclx}!� will �tol b{� {:�azti,id,�t��;+�, '1'h�; Eii.�d��� �u���,Ftava. Llt�� ��rca�n:;�] art.���l�v cE�l�+��r��i. ��;ach prc��r�s��� w}i�] � be i�� ��;e�le�d ��xv�lrkpt: �lai��ly EMw��l��� �ilkx 1:ik�e ward "1'1t0�'i]�Ar�," �ird L-he t��tn� �� d�sc����.�c�f� b� tl�ae �r�'Et�t;t. as c��s;Gqn�l.�c� ir� the "Pd�atic'� I�.n Eii.���rs." 'R'ite, �r�vp�a�e �1��,1 ! #�e addresse� l:�x �h� i'urch�,sinq �$ar�:�y�+r, C�ty a� h'n�'t �?r�rt� 1'ttr�hfx:+al��l E�.ivis�on, Y.{�. �i�ax ?.'�[J27. LTo�r�. W+�Cthr '�'e�as `�61,02, C7-?.ti W�'1']ii?�r�w,llV{7 l�it(11'f]�{�LS: 3arr��c���],s �C!_txa�ly ��i1c�d wi�.l� the �'ur{:C�as���c� �fanac�er c��txXot �� wi�f�dra�#ir t�ri�r f:u I:iie iim�! ��t �ar. openxxa,y XiTil�+{];7iX�: . R reyue�t �(�r riU�?• cC�nsl+�e�at_,�ca�7 ot a�ropu��] �ttust be maa�e in w���.F i�tiq, �dd�-es�et� �n t,k�,� �:�l:y �anac�er, ���d tiled wi I.?i hiuk �r�iu�� €�cr the i.imr� s�i ts,r Ll�e c��e�xxt�q a� prp�n;:a1�. A�t�e all t�ropor�+xl;� ��o� re�uesi.ed for. non�cn�sid�r,�,�i.aK� ��� �pen�cE axtd puL�iicXY r'e�c� �lor�d, k.h� pr.opc���]� t�or w��icl� �M�n-�rvnsic3�ral,a�r� re��ests ha�w lx�,�n pr:o��rX� �ile�# rrray, �C R:�� ��ti,;��ti o� the own�r, t�e rel:lxrned ��topes�e€i. {�1 �-1. �'i"Ll�i:C;1�A�'�EiC MOt�IW!{;A'1'1�1� Qr' k'����'�SALS; 74ny b;Gd�er. ni�Y ins�d��;y ki�.� �i�or�crsa� k�Y t�ka.qrav�iic commu�ri.��,t'tnn �t any �irrre p�;ior t� tE�e t.ime �set t�or a��nina praX}c�a�ls, pr�vide�3 ���ch �ele�rap��� canrrnu�kti,c.�t�on is zec�i�v�d, �y �h� eurc}�a�i�rq C�anaqer r�rinr ta� I:h� sa:id pro���al a�er�;ir,� I�irn�, a��d �rav�de�l furi�ie�, �_1a��� kh� L'ikr �San�aq�x i� ���is�ied i;l�al: a writEekz and �u�v ,��11:it�nLi{:at�d �on�ilrrrakio�l o� su[�� �e3eqr�ph;4� cn�r�u�rnic�ai:ior� over` F_�e sis�n��.��re �f ti�� k�idder �as rnail�d qrir�� �a L'he �ro�asa� ope�iit� �;�m�. !€ sucr� c�n��irxRGa�_lun is rMot, r�ce3v�<'t w�ihin torly-eic�i�#. ��E�� ha��rs a�ker �he p����sal ���r�i��q t�i�;3e, r�c� �url��er con��der�tion wx�� b� s��iv�:x� 1:o ti�� prop�sa] . � �• 3 �} $i)N �}:; � {: [ `�'Y !, I?';" �lt�}J f:(:"I'� � : l�e��rer�c:e 1�t�rt �:. �;ener.a3 4nn�lii-�ohs, dai,erl Nov�mbet �, ���s'l; �Catv �e�: p��7pcfs} m��Ce L'i�� I`nl low.i.n+� clelet�ons: Yc�. C3���31; �araqrapk� �::5•-�i.'la-�#�the� l�n�,ds: C�n t.n� �Yx�:h IYne �t i;h� par�,+���l�i� b�r��n��r�� [�o ��xe�las. .. delet�3 tEt� wozds �:1xe City ot ��'€�rt G�or�h. 1'+�. {;S�-�if�`}. �ar.a�gr��h �.';S��:S.11q Lacal I�qenk. l�oz �ns�r�rir.e ar�� �or�ci�ny: d�iete r.�te �n�i�� sub��araqra�h. �, 40 BIx�{k1C'.]41}L3, WAliH1NC;:i hNI} �'1.�GM�:i9 : h�t�+r�.tnce ��r•� � - �;�net�l �andit't.�ttis, °�ect�aq �6�ti.�# k3Al�RICAI}li5, 4+�AFi� I �(;� 3i�1D WA'1'Ck�#�I?l� : l.��terever the wnr�� �at.c}�r��er� a��ears in this ���a�ra�h. it shall �e clti��y�!d L'� tlte wskr,d �lt�c�mez�. �.Jn the ��;ix'at parfkpraVb, lines tive �5) and ;��x ��+�, c'1��r�c�� I.��e 1]�-� �1 �avme�#_ tor �h� (}pe�� rare l.xne 1�3���llal.xnr� sha�l inc�ltxcie �1� �ar�xk dIi{{ al1 n�c���aL� apPu�C�:t�a�xc:�s L•�o�Mti ��k�� �kl;� sid�: ��.�xtiy� �ox���f.nc� ad��t�r ta t�i� ��jst�mer side ��anqre c��tp�inp aciapi_�r. FayE�en� [or all i;��:e Va.iu�s, va�va b��x��, �ipes, t�p valve�, k.ap sl����s, Cla�� `73' ��let�r �ox, �z��� misc��l�n�o��s items w?�ic;� ar�? re�,�i,re�i wi! � br� �ai.t� �or aaxtider fili� a�p�o�p�'i�h.e l�id it�i7t{�}. 1��• 44 �iYl1l�(k M[�1,{:H ��?�i?�1�i�G }l[�ll �f�D�?1Nf� : A�y ss3ddi�;� e��� 3��+de��� ��ul�:hii�c� r�qu�r,�d wkll be dan� �r� aoc�rd�n�� wii�� �•nr#. Wc�rl.h �'+��lie k�orks txepart,m�ni. �;tantiaxd ;�peci�ic�4_���r�:: i�ern J.�ir� ��td ��0. 1�- �n 1:��e n�ini.arx o� the �nqi��er., ac�cixt.3on�] :�e�di�t� and/r�r �addi�c� i.s r�r#ui,red d�e �o I;��e �o�i��act��"s cvxx4�ru�ki���, �:hi� will be see��ed �.nd sodd�cl at t,he exper��e a� �h� C:�r�t.t'acto� . ��y�nenk E�r w�Lk and all assr�cia��d a�nurtensr��:� �eec�ui.�erk. shall be ir�c:� �od�ci i� �h� ���ropri at_� bid i r_��s{ s) . �o-� �;; �r��rr��;nr�� �r��:��. ��.����.). : M���ux�� �i th� ���i�xte r�ak.u�e oY ��_ha� pr�;j�ct. C�-�.� �Ak�'�P�[� F��'l'(�l�l"�`�s AN�� �tE?��A�NAI�]� n� i:fte ��neral ��nd�rions :�Y�al� zro� ap�lY and s�xal.l b� :�rpet�ed�� hY kl�e �ol�ow�inu; I�'�ease �nit.i�x] I�o��► p��e� ixtc l uc�ed 'z �ti chaMx�e �. "When�v�r �,he i��r�vK����n�� p�escribed hy �in tindiu�d��a1 1�€�rlt ()r�er �t�v�� �i��r� cauti#xte��d, t�e �onCr.a�.F�.�r �h��], notit� �.i�� I�t�qx�x�er. '�h�: Lrk�#�ra��r r}:- u1.l�er a�a;rrt��sria4� oit;i�i.�l o# �F�� {�wrY�z wx�], w�t�lirs � �•ea�a�ta��l� ki�n�, �rer�orrrk Chr �nspecti�n�_ i�` ��a�h �r�sp�ec:k�i,or� reveal:� th��t #_h� ina�xa�r�nt�n�� are in a�� aK:�e�table �ortt�;it_:i.�� a�d �ave I���xr ���uti�letad i►� avcordae�c¢ w�t� tE�e ter�n� oi� tl�e cank.i.act ixnc:ti�f��r�ts arsd ��] ap�r.��ec� r�a�{7��icat,i�r�� �.h�z��f � t�e ErEc�Y��er will �-e��r�i�r�n� xccen����c� �� �ite �xtens�,a�� u�xder 1:���t particualar 4�or1� �rd�r anti rer�n�rne�3c1 �aYmer�l �_h�re�or�. it t#�e �?n�i,�xeee tin�.;�� [h:�� i:he �ro�lc ix�� noi: b��xt f;c�«ti�l��e� a� t�c€a�1�ed� rj� s��11 so adv�s�; the �nr�tactor �i,� writ.ir�y, iurn�shirj4� him an i.��n�ized �i�t of �[1 knowt� iCe�ns wktxcj� k�ave ��t bee;� carnple#_�d oz' wk,ic�x ar.� no#_ �n an acee�l_��a�� �onda�ion. �ii�en t�e �ottkractc�r h�.� cor���t�� all �u�h i.F,��ns, he �h�� I aqa�,n no�ii;y �he ��,�azae�r #_h.��. ��.��e impr��r���ent� are ready �ar �FIS���t,�Q7i, and �he Lnq'�n��k' shall �ioc��� as outlined �bov�, �#Y��r��ver i�l�� iio�r.���rnQryt.s pres�r�bed hy the ir�r�ivi�l��aZ �F�rk ord�x hav�: he�n �a��l�:�e�t �,r�� �! ! x�qui,�e�a���tiCs o!� t�� C��trac� !}o�ume�tts have been �'��1�i1�ed on f.he p�r#. ��� #.r�� C�r��r�c-k.�r, �r� �st_x�ate i� �-�] 't'Ire t�p�E,�lpr�aL•e sire det�c�cr�' �he�lt Il1P�:B1:. �f 4�inc{k� �7�e�:��, ��tid ��.1 L b� f.t��•xx�i ::�,�r1 I_n � he c;r�nt.ra�.t�.nx• � re� o'� charq�e; �,a�a���r , t�y� �ott�l-;x�,�-t�+ �� l! bp r.����i.z'ad tK� �+i<:i� u�� ilie i�eaiti:� ��t the �'ielsJ� {��r� �' �j �]�rr� 4� sl r 4��'14114r<" . �ta�io�s. YhYMH;N"1' Jf€rH �i�J.{�kxhkl: :i3 1N5°1��1�i.��1�J"ltr��: k'aynr�ttik; Crs�� a l� w�o-1c a�rd mai:e� i,al s ne�e���,�'y ��r Lh� ins�a 1 1��in�� I.a� sac1�le. q�1_e ���+��. and �:���.f.in�l� �f��l J b� irMt�lur�ed ir� 1,Pre �rice k�ti{�. �at �iei'vi.��, '�'apr� I_�x �1r��t�. 1��Y�nenl. 1pr �]1 wso�ls ,�nc� mai.er��1s r�et*�s::��Y inr l.he �rs:��.�1]al�n�� ni kh� sa�np�f.ixq �L'a�ion, modi�lcal:ir�n �� ��r� v�+,�ll,r i:'ti:t3.�tiys, a�d al� t.v�e x c�p��r �ervi���- �ine whi�h �re re��tire�d t.c� pro�ric�� � csxr��plek� aM�� �=+�r�c�tuE�hl wal�r San1�],fiq �tat�f,�n �Era�l k he i,txcEu�l��i 'tr� i,h� prirt:e h.Tt� #.�+r 1�ater 5am�1e ,S#:��so�s. i�� +� � S�,T€)R�i?�:�' �:c�#�j�l?h1�iA9' [l}N I Nti��I�A�f:l�: : A: L'csri��.rac-1`r�r at�recs: to �rr.Ov�de to the ikw��r. {Gi�,3�) a ce�titir.�te ��x�w�n� CE�a�; i,t has t�bEa,inPd r� ��1ic� a� warCc�r�,� r,�o�upensat�axl Jr,sur�tr,ce cav�r�nq eac:?�� r,l 'i��.�� �mployees er��loyeci nr� L��c* p�-o'1��t_ in �o�n��i+�no� with sL�te 1aw. Na N�tl.ce ko ��roc�*�d wi.11 h� iss�eck s,�i_il �he +�`c�n�°.rac�c�r ��rs �a��#�l�ed wi#.h �.his se�ct�,ior,. ��: ���ntraa���T,• ��rees k�o re��,i,�e �aCh �4xd ev�:�� �u��cant�aci:ae who wi'il per�orm wor�e ��� �.h� pro�Reak, i�o pro�.ide �.o i.k, a cerfi_�fiica��: �ro�n suc� subcnntrac:�nr s��lxr�q F.�k��l• �h� subcont�act�r krag a�o�i.�y o�' v�ork[�rs cnm��rssa�,Son �rssti;r�nce c:ou�rinq e�ch e�i.�ye� ��p��rYed on ki�e� r�r�N�cL-. t;r�t����tcC�r wil� r�at �ezmi.t ar�y �uk��ontrac�ar. to pertnrm worl� o�� t.�� pr��i�c� t�ntil s�ch cert��i�ate �as b��n �c�uired. Conkra�t�r shal� p�-ou�d� a capY �f �I1 s�ct� �erti�ica�e� #.O t�e {k�T�e]' {�:3 t-Y } . I)- �$!� �'1'!l9'13 �Af,k�� �`f11C : �elete �arac�rau�� cF���.�1, "�1�.at�.e �a�l�s �`ax,'► �n �t.s en�ir�ty �rom ��tr� �, cenerai cu��liLi�n�, ��i���.il �ont�acL• �4cu�en�� a�rd �r��������:�r.��n�. 't'k,�� c�43rtt�.ra�i �s issued lxv an �rr�ar�t�ak��n w�i�h gu�li�3e� #vr exenr��xo�x �axr,sua�tit 4o L•ixe ��covi.;�iot�s a� �rkicl� �c},�i� {�'} o� tla�: '!'exa:: lain�xl_��i S���s, k:x�ise, and I�se '�'ax A��. All �guapm��i: and a�a�ertal� �r,t ��n�untied by or, i�crc���xa��ted ir�Co ��te �ro7ec� ce�rit3#.rtrction �r� s���ec� to �ta#,e sa�e� �a� �rid�r Ho�s� ii�ll :t�., er��cf:�:d At��uA� �.5, .I.�i`31.. A�l �uci� taxes sh�lf �e ks�c�u�ed i.n {:h� uari ot�s arnat�nt,s ox� the k�roy�sa� �O]'lfi. '�'he sucr��sfui Bi�ci�r s�,al � l�e �eq�z�.r�s� tu s�ak�ntii,� a bzeal��cFwn t���w�eerY l�hor and mat�r�a1 co��� �r:ibr Lo exec�YtiorE o3: I.he corltr.act_. �3-- �� 'PI�H:�#�[d k:1(��V�4',CI�ON, i�A�IC�'�[.�, L�Nl1 C{}!dl'AC'i°I�TI : '1'�'�rtc'h excav��inn and b�ckti � X ����ci�� ��i-��nc� l��,s, dr�v$wa,ys, qrav�l sur�aced rna�is, wi�l�izt eaae�rt�nts, art�. wi�hi,n +�xi�F.�nq o� �utx��� k. (>.4�, �E�a 1� h� a�, arc:a�danc� wi t� se�tz nns �1-2 �ack�� � 1 �nd �;�-?, l;xc:�tr�� inn �x�t�i l3acicEti � 1 a� �he �;en�ral �on�ract I�oc�me;�ts and �p�c�.tica#.7.orx� ex��pt, as sp�c�fxed �er���. u••23 1;hP 111.'J,I.�r�l�il L7r�'�119 �Ati�'u husx �,�ac u�,��.�i�,.�� vu•• ••-, ,_._...---... wit.���+rt dan�aUe La khe irt€:k�llecl p�p�. '�'ij� Ci�:y, a� �t�s own �x�sn�e wi.i l pe�-1;n�i� tr'�n�:lti co��#��►ct,iun L'��Ls ��*r A.S.`�'_M. si:ar7d�rr�� qr� :�l1 tr�x�ch kr�t�l�fil] . A�y retes�-srxy �;�qiiir'�:c3 �s � re�ul�. �t fai I�a�� k,{� co�n�r�r,i, i;ltr� h.xS:lcf i! 1 rrr.�k�t-i.�.l l_n ���et th� st.axxr��s r�i:� w.i Z] be at the exper�9e rs� t.��e i'n�xi,ra�l ar �xici wa l 1 be ]]i,ll�d �t �:he +s��,rtune�ci.ai, ��ai:es as c�eterm�t��d by tl�� �:i1:y- rl'h�s� sc�� ] der���;i �p 1�.���s �i�a].I b� perfaK�ed ak� �w� {�} �-��t ver. t,i c:al Lli��*1"1�r7�5 ��c���r�i�tq �t a lev�i �w� (�) reet :�l���e k:�� kn� �� L'�t� �ira��alled �ipe �n� �oni.Y��ui�q kn f_kr� �op n� 1.�,� comp�et:ed b�akfall �� i�tterva�� aloxt�# th� C��:ncl� noi: 1:0 �x�ce�d ��}r� E i,n��r Fee�. 'C�e c�n�tr���_or will �e re��af�gihle f[rr pravid7nq ac��:�s �tnd t�eszscl� s��ety� ,��yl�:m 4:0 �.he l�vei oE i:r��tich ba����i11 C� be �ested. i�a ext�ea �resrn��e��t�ti.i��n wix3 b� a�low�� i'a� exp��inr� I_�� ba�ktill lar�r ta be t�;�k�ed or. o� ��:avi���,tiq �'.��e�rc17 r;:�I:�G�,y :3y�L'+�E�� t:r�r L'�s�:� c�i�cYuc:i ec$ ��y �,he C;i t_y . 4. ML;��uI�N�h4LiV7' hri11� �'AY?�kaN'J': A1� mat.er.idl, inC��ldxne� an� �r�d all 'l'�pe "�3" bac:f�� l i l, and Lal��r �os1:� a1= sxcaL=a�ion azxc# ba�lci� i, l 1 wE l l E�e inc�lud�� �n l�.he pri�e bi�i �or line�r too# �� water ah� ��wer 131,prti ll- �{1 4'�'A'�'F,�+lF�:N'�" I}X� ]�A'i'���+k�llil.� A�li1 (�'l'HY;'f# (;�1F��+tGi:� : '�'�e FSidder skx��l tak�: r�oEe o�; Lh� lx:� paqe �� t��ri, d����uas�l err�:�.#;}�d "St_ake�nen� cx� M�i.er.�al� �rrd Other Ch�r.ges." R`he b1�nk s���{x� on t��� pa�� are nni: tn i�� fi 1�ec� ir� �iy �he �]�.ddez �C ilte ��xcGe �� au�nrrEitt�rx� h3s prou�sa� .'�k�as forc�� is i�,cl��ci�d ta ��Muil�.���z� th� �idd�r, w�th C�� �ar�n whi.ch k�it� a+�ccess�:u! I�idd�r will k�� r�c��lire�l #.o e�ecui.�. u� �� �.�� �t��i� �z?sr�[�r��r�sL��KF�:n �;���� v�Uv��. : A�Y �.�" ���;lli�n�-��ai-�c� �a�e V�1.ves aup�rl.aed �tor 1:�xs �:on#;ract yi�all cnn��tm �o Mat�r�al ���n�lard �l.-�G,- '"��andard Sp��� �i ��ti#:.i ons Lar �tesi � i�nt �:�e:at.e�i G���.� valves,,� wi.t�r # h� �xce�r�i�n o� �i�� �c�uxre��erkts in s�cLion �1s�b.�.. �h� va�v� �h�ll b� sn�t�a�leci wi�.��otYi. l�yps,��s, and ��al� be a� ����nX�iar�ured by U. �3. �i�� ��3d �'nundry . or apv�ov�d ���u�, k , ll� `�1 I:i}t,l,�i'I'�l�{:'�'1iD� '�']�l1� �k�S'1'k�1C'1'��N� : F���Jc :1i�all, �not !�� pe����x�n�ed on c�r:ta�n �acati�x►sJstr�e�s +�u��r�� "peak trai�i� period�"' �s C���,Efflkll72{7i �}' ��1� c:ity �rat��� enqiu�er :�xxd is� ac�ar��rtr_� wi�tx thp ���li��#��e �?r�visi�n ❑� khe "'�i�y af �r`ort �o�rt�.h '1�ra��xc �nnt��l 1iar��%on14 �or Cn�,s�x�uc��oa antl k4�Y11��4��11�F? worJc Areaa+' �II[Hl f I�nFChnU�rliFii �1Yci�1 f�rrL 1� ��i'1Y��'ic1.�. 7C�ln:-6,111 ��1 i � H71 •7'��1 MiSCe��.�ileoU� �^T�t�r Ma�.x� Ext��nSi�zxB ��pl���m�n�s ax�d Relo�atiorx� at ��ri��� Laca�io�s �n Fo�� i^iort�x �3� �DD�I�TDUi+� � � Releaae: O��oL�er �, 1�9� B�.ds 'Ta He �eca3.ved: �ctob�x 7, I99� �`I'�h� � . �TE�'I � . Add to t�e SPECIAL C�NTR��T DD��1�'T�, �a�� � P�opos��. ��� �o�1o�r�ng a��a�he� s���et "�-��, ��stpon� ��c�ip� �f bid� from S�p�e�ber ��, 1993, ttnta.� Q�tvb�r 7r ��?� . P���s� ��knowleda�e receip� o� th� add�ndum �n the bid� �ropos�l and �n t13� out��de �f the seaked �nv���p�. Receip� a�l�r�ow�edged �t.,���..� � � . CZTY C1F G'DRT �4'OFkT}I A . I�ot�g�.a� �2ad�r�ake� , F . � . 13ir�c�ax, I�e�arttner�t o� ��xgir�ee�ing �� . �� � �i�k '�'ri ce , P . � . i�f�rlag�r� �n�+�eering ���vic�� �� P,m�re an .ecyclyd u�.�� I'1' �F! [�Q . 43 . 44 . +! 5 . 4G . 47 . 48 . ��PR�X�. �ES�R�Q�2�� 0� ���FlS W]T� U�1�' �[.f�N'i`�'l`Y B[q ��IC�� 4�Ykt[TTE1� [H i�ORE]S PR[C� 1, �A. 3�" 7{ 6" '�ap��rt� S�ee+�e a�id b-Irsch ��lve �tith Box: �a� CFI. or D.I. o� �oncreke Ma�.�r Per �:ach -- -�"-.c:.���_r.t � r= .-. �f --�-�� pol 1 ars "c} ansi-----�.��;}- -• • �en�s �_ t���' �^ 1 EA. 24" �f 16" Tap�i�s9 S1ee�e a�d i��fnch Yal+re w�th �ox; �or �,�. ar r�.1. �� Can��e�e Flain ��r �acY� : ��.4c�rrsr7{}��i�� ��.���_�C��4��dCS �� �ii��,._ _r. yrr� — �LT3i5 �-�1��_��C� TOTA� AM 0� N'f` �Cl �._���C? C"7�i * _���� ��A. 24" 1[ 12" '�appi�q Sl��ve a�d 12-ir►ch Yalve ui�h ��x; For �,C. 4r �.I. o� Con�rete �akn �er �act�: ,., �. } J `'� f .� �r'c, �y �r,:� J��et�'cnr� 1�%n�r ��rr��� �' t7 {/ d[I� ���' .. �.'BiY�S�� �` .. f�� �`�i ��tc�'G' � EA. 74�� ]� 1Q'� '�'�ppl�'ltj .S1��Ve clll� 1.0-Inch Valve wi�h �ax; Far ��[. ar il.l, or C�r�cr�te Ma�.n IPer �a�� : }'} / ��{ �+ Fi'rtt I4� � �.{�� � ��' ,�',,-_�!�,�,�3�.��r�. { r s�r�-Dv�Zars -� � ,� �'�'' �en�s � .�� � � C, ����" a11$ —�-- - � � EA. 1 EA. �d" �€ 8"` T�p�ing S1ee�e and �-�nc� Valve wit�h �ax; �or �.I. vr �l.1. or Concret� �iain �er F.ach: �/d Y 1 F%f. if } i_ /i fY %� % Ji/ f'J U r �, �'�1 �C�� � BCS � �� � � 811� .. �rrr -- �.'@l1�S �J' 24" �[ b"' Tapp��g Sleeve az►d �-[nch V�1+�e wikh ��x; f►or �.�. vr a. i . ar ��ncre#�e Mair� �er �ach: �.- ��.*..��s..✓..�f��,��r���c/.-r-t �1?olla�s ���} and,-• —"►�' Cen�s ; ��� � � If � �'��.' �`.__: — . � [,r �_ � -�� 8- 8 SP�Ca�L a��TRUCTIANS TO BIDD�R� 1. PR�QU��YFICA�%ON REQUIR���T�: A cu�r�nt �i����i�l �f��e�en�, �� �cc����bl� " e���xience ra�o�d. a� ��ae�t�ble e�uip�en� ��hedule �n� � ��u�� �f�i�a/�amibi� ��s�lo�u�@ �ust b� filed ai�� �h� Dire���r o� ��� W�te� Departmeflt �� least an� �e�k �gio� �o �he h�u� f�r ope���� ��ds. T�e fin��ci�b �ta�em�n� �e�ub�ed �h��� h�ve b�en ��e�are� �y �fl i���pea�ea� cer�ified �ubl�� ��coun��nt o� �n inde�e�dent �u�li� �c�oun�a�t �old��� a vaiid �ermi� i�su�� by aa appeo�gi��e �ti�te licen�i�g ��e��y. �nd ���11 h�ve been �o �re��re� a� �o r�gle�t. �he �u�gen� �in�n���l s�a�u�. Thi� �t�tie�e�k mu�� be �uxg�s� ��� �o� mo�� ���� ��� (lj ye�� o��. �n ��e c��e th�� � biddin� d��e f�lls wi�hi� �he time a ne� ���tement f� being ��e�are�, the �revfou� ��at�m��� ����1 �e u��a��� �y �go�er ����f�cativ�. Pro�o�als sub��tted �g ��rn��ecti�e bi��eg �h@ has no� �u���i�ed ��e a���� requi�emen�� �h�ll �e �e�urned uaa�ened. �rospe��ive bidders w�ose �u�l�fica�ion� are �at �eeme� to b� �pp���g�a�e to the nature and/ar magn��ude of �he p�o�e�t os w�i�� bid� ��� t� be �eceive� w�ll �e notified befoge �he d��� of �he bid openin�. �n� �ap �ra�osals su��it�ed by �hem shala �e xe�u�ned una�ened. Liquid a��et� i� the amoun� of �en (�q�} per�e�� og the e���m�teci �xaje�� �a�t �i�i �� x�qua. red . �'or an exgerienca record �a be �onsbde�ed to be a�cept��l� �a� � g�.�aen praje��e, �� mus� �e�lect �he ex�erience o� �fl� firm �eeking� r�u�li�ica�io� ir� �aork of bo�h �he same na�use and magnit�xde �s thaf o� �Y�� �rojecf fros whicl� b�d� ar� '�a be received, �aci su�� ex��zience musf: haae bee� aa proje��s aampletecY na� inore than �fee (5} yearr� �rioz �a the da�e an �hich bids a�e �co be recei�ed. Tt�e pir��to� of �he W��ez De�artrnen� �$$11 �e �h� �ale judge as '�o the accep��bil�.ty af eRpe�ience �ox qua�I�i�icatioa to baci on any F�r� f�or�h Water De�aartmen� ��oject, 5�he prros�ective bxdder s1n�11 �chedule the equipmer�t he ha� availabl� fog �he project anc� �tate. �h�t he wbl� �e�►t such �dc�itional equ�p�nen� a� �nay b� required �o comple�e the �ro�e�t an �ahich h� submit� � laici. 2. eTD SLCUR�TX: � cashfer's che�k, or ar� aocep�abie 1��ddeg's bond, �ay�ml� to the Cxty nf Faxt Worth, in an amoUn� of not le�� than fiv� (5�) p�raent � o� the Ia�gest pos�ible tatal o� ��e hid submi�.�ed mu�st �acampany fhe bid, and �s sub�e�� to �orfeiture in the ev�ent �he �ucces��ul bid8ex f�xl� to execute �he Cantract Documents a�ithin ten (10) days a�te� f:�e �antra�� ha� , been awa�ded. �os �he bid bond �a be ac�eptable, the name �f the sure�y com�any is�uin� said bond �I�a11 be 1i�ensedl to do busines� in th� S�ate og Texas and shali be faalu�ed nn the curren� L�.S. 7�rea�ury list ag ���eptalale sureties, �nd the amoun� o� the.bon� writ�en bx any one ac����able campa�y ' shal � nat excee� ��ie amoun� ��iot� on the �'reast�rp 1 ist fa�r th�t compar�p. �3,- g0��5: � �erfarman�e bos�. � payrrtent b�nd, �n8 � �aante�anc� bond e�ch �os an� &undzed (100�) �@��ent af the �os�r��$ ���c� ��11 be g@�uire�, Re�egen�e C 3-3.�. �. W�GE i�A���: �ot �e�� ��a� tiYe p�evail�n� w�Q� ra��� es���l�shed by �he Cbt� o� �o�t Wo�t�, T@x�s, and �� �e� gor�� �n ��e Go���a�t �o�umes�� �u�� be �aid on �hi� project. 3. �BIGU%TY: In �he ���� o� ambiguitp or l��k �� �learne�s in statfn� ��i�e� n is �he �ropa�ai. th� Ci�� reserd�� ��e ��g�� �o advpt �h@ �ost advan�aqeou� �on��Yuction �hezeaf ta �he �i�y �� �o �eje�t �he ��opo��l. ��;. �ID��R L%C��SE: ��.&der �us� b� � l��e�sed �on�r���o� �n the S��te a� Texas, .7. NO���SIDE�T �IDDERS: Puxsuan� to Article 6�1g, �ex. Red. Cie. �tat., tHe ' City o� Fort War�� �ill �ot award �hi� �an�r�ct �o a nonresiden� bid8�r urxless t�e nonres�dent's bid i� Io�er t�an the lowest bid submi��e� by a respansibl� Tex�s residen� bidder by ��e s��e amoun� that ���xa� �e��dent bidder �ould be required �o underbi� � nanresiden� bi�deg �a ob�ain a comparable contract in the ata�e in w�i�� ��� �nnresi�en�'s �r�n����l ��ace of busines� is �aca.ted. 'P3onresident bidder' �neans a� biddex ahose p�in��.pal plaee of business i� not in t�i� s�ate, but e�ecludes a�ontrcacto� who�e ultimate �aren� company or majority owner� has its princi�al p�ace of business in this ��a�e. Tex�� re�ident bus�ness i� in parent company i,n fY►i� stat�. bidder i�nean� a bidder +�hose princip�l �lace og �.�►�� s*�a�e, and include� � coa����'�ar t�hn�� ultimat� or �n��orfty a�rner ha� its �rincip�l �lac� o� bu��nes� This pravisian dve� no� apply if thi.s contx�cfi� invaY�+e� federal iunds. �he apprapri.a�e b�anh� of the Propos�l mu�f be gilledl ou� bp sll nonre�� iden� bidders in order� forr the bid ta �nee� spe�ifiaations. The failuxe o� � nonresident �vntrac�o� �o do �o �a��l autam�fica�ly d�squ��ify tha�t bidder. 3. PAYM�I�T: i� bid amount is les� �han �25,OOQ.QO, the cantract amouat �hall be p�id in one (�.) ].um� su� u�on �or�n�leti.on and acceptance la�r the Ci�x o� Fost Worth Water Depar��ment. 3. AG�: In accorda�ce �ith the poli�y ('Policy') o� �he �xe�utiee Bzanch of t�e ��dexal goeern�en�., Contra��or aovenants that neithes 3� ' nc�r any o� i.�s off�icer�, �embars, �i�en�.s, �t��loyee�, proqra�n �a�����- pan�� or subcantraetor�, while engage� in �erform�nc� this con�ra��, , shall, in connection r�ith ��e employmen�, ad�ancement ox discha�c�� of � em�layees in cannection with the terms, �canditions� ag pr�dile�es o€ their employment, discrimi.t►a�e aqa�n�� persons because of the�.� age except on the basis of a bana fide occupational, �ualification, retire�rrent plan or ' statu�ory requiremeni:. Contracto� �ur�he� �ode��n�s th�� ne��heg a� nox it� office��, membe��, ag��t�, em$loye��, �ub�ont�a��o��, �soqra� ��r�i�ip�n�s, o� per�ons a�tin� on their beh�l�, sh��l spec�fy, �n soliai�atao�s or ad�er�isem�n�� �or em�loyees �o �or� tin �his con�r��t, � maxbmum aq� Iimf� go� �uch em�loyme�� unless the s�eci�ied m�ximum age l�mit is base� upon � bofla ���e o�cup��ios�I qualigic��ian, re��xe�es� �l�n og sta�utary xeguire�ent. Can�r�ctor w�rs���� �� �ill �ully �ompl� wi�� �he Polacy �nd ��11 de��n�, indemn�fp �nd �ald City harmless again�� anx �l�im� or �lle�a��aa� �sse�t�d my thard �arties or subcontractors �gains� City aYising ou� o� iontr�cta�'� and/ar i�s �ub�an�r���ors' slleged ��ilure �o com�ly wi�h th� above re��g- enc�d �olicy �an�ernin� a�e �is�ri�in��io� in �he performance n� £hi� �greemen�. L0. DI���ILIT%: %n a�cordance with t�e p�ovisians of the Amezi�an� w�th Dis� �bili��es Act af 1990 ('�DA'j, Contr�ctoz warrant� tha� i� and �np �nd �lY o� i�� subcantractor� wiYl not unl��guliy discriman�te on the �asi� o# dis�d biiity in �he p�ov��aon o� serdice� �o ��� �ener�l �ubl��, nor zn �h� av�i2ability, �ert� and/as �on�i�ion� o� em��oymen� fog applac�n�� £�g employtnen� with, ox em�layeea of Co��ga��or o� anx of �ts subcon�ractors. Cantzaatar �ar�an�� it �ill fu�lp com�l� �ith �DA's �xo�isions and �ny and any othe� s�ate and 1oca1 laws concerninq disablilty and will defend, indemni�y and hold City harmles� ag�ins� any claims or allegs�ians a�serte� third part�e�ar �ub�on�ra�tvrs a�aing� ��ty �r��in� ou� a� Con�ra��o�'s and/ar it� sub�ontrac�ar�' aileged f�ilur� to aomply wi�h the aboee re- ferenced lawg conc�rnin� �isabil��y d��crimina�bon in �he per�orm�nce o� th�s �greement. � �t � ._� r � PART � - Q�OP4SAL This propasal must not be removed �rom this book o� Contract Document�. x0: �aber� �errell FarE Korfh, �exas Cit� Hanager Fort �orth, Texas PROPQSAL �OR: The furnishing of all material�, excapt materia�s specified to be fuxnished hy the City, equipment and labor for the insta�la�ion o� six iach t�rouqh sixteen inch �ater mains and al� necessary apFurtenances and incidental �ork fo provide a ca��let� an� serviceable pxo7ect designated as: �isceilaneaus �ater �ain Ext., Repl., and Relo. at �arious Locatians in �art �orth 93A, Water Praject �a. Pid77-Ofi0770150520 Pursuant tQ the fnregaing 'Nati�e to Bidders', tbe undersiqned Bidder, having tharouqhly examined the Contract Documents, includinq plans, special contract dacuments, and ihe General.Contra�t DoCuments and General 5pecifications for WateG Department Projects, the site af the praject and underatandinq the amount af work to b� done, and the prevailing conditio�s, hereby propases to do all the work, furnish all labor, equipm�nt and material except as specified to be f�rnished by th� City, which is necessary tio �u1iy complete the wark as provided in the Plans and cantract Documents and subject to the inspeetian and approval af the nirectar of the City Enqineerinq D�partment o� �he City of �ort �arth, �exas; and binds himself upon acceptan�e of this Prapasal to egecute a contract and furnish an approved Performance Sond, Qaymen� Bond, �aintenance Bond� and suc� other bonds, if any, as may be required by the Cantract Documents for the performin� a�d completinq of the said �ork. Cantractor propases ta do the work �ithin the time stated and tor the �nllo�ing su�s: ITEH AP�ROXI, DESCRIPTION 0� LTEl�IS WITH UNIT �OT�G ND. QUANTITY BID PRIC�S WRITT�N IN WQRDS PRIC� AldOU�T (Furniah and install, includinq aIl appurtenant �ork, complete i� place, the followinq items) (D-�a. refers ta related items in �he Part D Special Candit�ons:) B- 1 1 � . , � IT�J4 APPRDXi . DESCI�IP�'I4N OF IT�F3S WITH UHI� '�OTAL N0. QUANTITY BI� PRIC�S WRiT`T�N TN GdORDS PRIC� Ai�O[1�1T 1. I00 �.P'. 4-Inch FVC Fi�e (UIi-14), fl-2:3; Per Linear �'oot: � �j G � � �/� pollars � � °� � ���y and Cents � � 2. '150 L.F'. 6-Inch PVC Pipe (nR�14), D-2.�.� Per Linear �'oo�: D o �� ��� Dollars �� �' I�r�SD � ���1 Cen�s S � 3 . '750 L.F`. $-Tnch PVC Pipe {DR-24), D-2 � Per Linear Foa�: �-C�� 7� c �' b 0 � Dollars � � r���p � ana - c cents � � J 4. 240 L.F. iQ-InCh PVC pipE (DR-�.4), A-2•� Pex Linear Foat: � S� � c� � -'�� �J, �� D o 11 a r s � c� -- �/�d p and i Cents y � s . 200 �.�. �z-znot� �vc �i�� (u�-i�l, D-2�� Per Linear Foot: �r� �U�lr ------ 6 Ta G 6 �� - aollars ��/ �g�o J ,� and '""`�° Cents y � fi. 25 L.�'. �4-Inch nueti.le Iron Pipe Class 51, I}-22�; Per T,inear �`aat: , � D d � Ji��f/ G 6 nol l ars �Q �ro� � and '�� Cents $�-- " , 7. 25 L.F. 6-Inch D�tctile Iron Pipe - Ciass 51, . D-22 ; Per L' near �'oo� : � d � U ��"F ��- !)ollars �� �t`�J' y � and `y� - Centa 4 ; B- 2 IT1;�1 APPROXI. DESCRIPTTO� 0� i��[S �IxH �HI� �p��� N4. �UANTITY BID PRICES WRITT�N IN �4�DS pRre� At�OUN� 8. 25 L.F. 8-Inch Ductile Iran Pip� Class 51, D-22; Per Linear Foot: � � p � � e �allars n `�� a� and ---°��• Cents � ..�$ _ � f� � � �� 9 . 10 . I1 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 25 L.F. ].0-Inah Ductile Iror� Pipe Clas� 51, D-22; Per Linear Foot: �� ���� � � Dollars � � � and _ ^.J,� �ents � 25 G.F. 12-In�ch Ductile Iron Pipe Class 51, A-22;, Per L%n a�r Fdot; +/,� � p a � ��' � Dol Iar� � �j � and `7 Cents � 25 L.�'. 16-Inch Ductile Iron Pipe Class 51, D--22; P r Linear Foot: �p�� � � � ��� Dollars ./..�s' and Cents y 50 L.k'. 4-Inch D�tcti,le Iron Carrier Pipe, Class 51, r�ith Casing Spacers D-22�e/ r Linear Foat: ea f ' � � Aallars � and�' Cants � 50 I,.F. 6-Inch �uctile Iran Carrier Pipe, Class 51, with Casing Spacers I?��Per inea� ot : � �b - Doltars 3 � ��'ld -.�•.-�n CeA�3 y 50 L,�'. B--Inch Ductile Iron Carrier Pipe, Class 51, with Casing Spacer� 0 ,��; Per Linear @'oot: �/� .��'� a o nnllars ��j and •�� � Cent� $ 6 � �� g � Ci O� � p � � � 1�oz,� ad c� � �s�a� r a 0 � ��� � � w G � J��D � $ B- 3 z �r� NQ. 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . APP�OXI. D$5CEtIF�`ION OF Ti��SS WI�'� UNIT TOTAL Q[�AR'�I'�Y BID PRIC�5 W4tITTEi� IN FdQRDS L'�tIC� AMOUHT 58 L.F. iQ-Inc� D�ctile Iron Carrier Pi.�e, Class 51, With Ca�inq Spacera U-z2 Per Linear �oot: . 4� a� Dallars l,/ '" � y and `�'✓p Cents A `5 � � ,� .5 D 50 L.P'. 12-Iach Ductile Iron Carrier Pi�e, Class 51, �aith Casit�q Spacers D-22 Per Linear �'oo�: d G �,1� � /,�'�/a �ollars �j,Q � �s�I1 and Cents �---- b 50 L.F, ],6-Inch Ductils Troa Carrier Pipe, Class 51, �aith Casing Spacers �j(� D-2� Per Linear �'oot : ��j `' �' � `�, J', � o � o a ;d'�`�" Dallars �� J � � ��j'� � � , � and "`�`� Cents � 5 EA. 4-Inch Gate Valve �+/ Cast Iron Bax and Lid, D-21; Fer Each: ��l� C��. � o b� ,._�--,J� �-- a a 11 a r s� .�.�'L3 � J�.�d and Cents „ y 10 �A. 6-Inch Gate Valve ra/ Cast Iro� Box and Lid, A-21; Per Each: ��' �`�''`"�" Ac�llars yd� �� �� a nd ""��' C e n t s $------------------- $ yoa� -- 10 �R. S-Inch Gate Valve �af Cast Iron Box and Lid, D-2I; Per Ea� � a � �U � � �J� Dol lars �C`l�� r �'C�D � and Cents � - - a 2�1�. lO�Inch Gate Valve �/ Cast Iroa Box and Lid, l]-2j, ; �er �ack�: �� �. �Q � a � � -- Dollars �� � ���� � and �`J° -- Cents � a �-- 4 IT1�4 APP�OXI. N0. QUANTITY 22 . 2 EA. 23 . 2 �A. f� �� . z �. 25 . 26 . 27 . 26 L.F, 50 L.�'. 50 L.�. I . 2� . 50 L.F. DESCRIP�IOH OF IT�fS �iI�'HI UNI�' �ID P�ICLS �RIT'�EH IN Fd0R�5 PRTCE 12�Inch Gate Valve �a/ Casf Iron �O� and L�d� D-21� Per �ac�: �.� �- � �. � a nollars �L:D and �`�� Gents $ 16-Inch gauble-Disk Gate dalve �ith 4-Ine� �y-�ass and Vault D-2��; Per �aci�: � ��� ��d�� �u r� � � � � v �� � Dalla�s r�sd� and- �' Cents k 16-Inch Resilient-Seated Gaie Valve and Vault, D�51; Per �aab: �a �a��..�� �.c5 �l �- Hal lars �JD� and Cents $ 2-Inch o� Smaller Copper ServicE Line by Baring �r Jackinq �ith Pressure Grout D-24; 2er Linear Foot: �.r�i� � ii � �a T�allars �'Q and Cen�s � 16-Inch Casing Pipe by Boring or �la�ki.ng �aith Pressure Graut D-2�; er Linear F'oot: � �_�.� � �.� � Dollars � � D and �'��E' Cents 4 18-Inch Casing Pipe bp �orinq or Jacking with Pressure Grout D- ; Per Linear �oot: � � /� /u�� Cl/�¢�!J( �WQ�,�,'� � • ""�� �ollars and—�--�`� Cents � l�S 24-Inch Casing Pipe by Boring or Jackinq wi�h Pressure Grou� A-24; Per La�near �'oot: �U C`�""` � ��� ' Ilollaxs Jr,� ._ ...,-h � J and Cents � B- 5 TOT�L AI�O[TN�' � ��� � � � �� � �a� D � d U ���� �, � r 4 G v � ,/l.�t� p _. h G � . �a�� J � 4� S G � � �� a \ � � �75a� I T� �a. 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . �il� 35 . APP�QXI. DESCRIPTION dF IT�i9S wI�A UNI� Qi3P,H'�ITY BID PRIC�S G��,ITT�P� iN WORDS k�RIC� 50 L.�. 30-Inch Casittq pipe by Bori�q or �ackinq with PXessure Grout 17-2��; Per Linear �oa�: � I1.�I�rt � �-Q� �� p 0 Aollars ,_.�-� v l` � 5 and Cents �-- 50 I�.F. 16-Inch Casing Pipe by Direct Bury fl-2 �+; Per Linear Foot: 50 L.F. 50 L.F, �a t�.�. . 5 xans 10 �A. �4TAL Ai�OUNT o@ a �,�`�� � 4 t� n �G ��` �`��� Dollars �G'p � �,5'OD and -- Cents � ti �.8-Ynch Casiag Pipe by Direct Bury n-2 4; Per Li.near �'ook: �* V � J f��,,�v -- Dal lars � � d� �G13 U and---- Cents $----"-- � 2�-Inch Casinq �ipe by Direc� 8ury 0-2 • Per Linear I�oat: ���� � � �:. Dnllars '��`j � �,5'pt) and �° cer�ts : :' 30-Inch Casin9 Pipe by Direct Bury D-2 ' Per Linear Faat: � �o t � ��';' Dollars ��� �� ����� and---- "`,�'? Cent� $ — S Cast Iron( Ductile Tron �'ittings� .� �.' �i�4l�t'i �� � � � b _ � Dollz�rs J ���p �S,a� ��1�_ �40 and Cents $ Standard Fire Hydrant, 3'-6 " Sury Depth Per �ach: � ��� �{/1`l. � D � �j G �� � • CEC3�S�� � 1 � d � �� i�Ud and - � $� 6 I TF�i N0. 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . APPROXi. D�SCRIPTION a�' IT�S w��'H Q[IANTITY BID PRICES i3RITTLN IH WORDS 10 L.�. Fire Hydrant �bl. �atenaion, �P�� ����� : �-- Dollar� anc] �� �� Cen�s �' 2 �A. Remove �xi�ting [�ire Hydrar�t, D--20; Per �ach: 1 �A� 1 EA 1 �A 1 �A 42 . 1 �A UNIT PRIC� �U ! �� � �0`�1��, AMO[)NT D � � � SDD � � 11�t�Yt �� � �o�lars �� C, v and � �J�' Cents � � �� � � � a � � � . Install 4-It�ch Blo�e-Off wJ 4-Inch Gate Vai�e and Sump F�anhole, Per l�ach: �� �lJ...�1[�Y, LVl,B�fX G� [� J Dollars and `"�`'�U Cents ry_�� OD ��� bI1 . 4�" X 12" �'apping Sleeve and 12-Inch Valve �i�h Box; T�ar C.I. or D.I. n� Concrete l�ain �� Per La ��'.�i�.� �C�C�D u � d� � ��rr- �.�ou sc.� �' ��-_ ��3��C��C� � Dollars � � and � °` Cents $�`� r �-��- ,. , 36" X 12" �apping 53eeve a�,d 12-Inch Valve with Hox; l�or C.I. or D.I. or Concrete F3ain � per Each: Ti.ua ��nu.�r�.�r� �✓� /�r��p/��Dol lars � � and------- "v Cents $-�---'-��-� -- w �S OD . 30" % 16" 7'apping Sleeve and 16-Inch Valve kTlt�l BOR; �'or C.I, or A.I. az Cnncrete Main Per �ach: ��ii�� ��ious�r.c� Dollars � �� and n ° Gent� � � �t�dC� �C"JC�C� < . 30" X$" Tapping Sleeve and $--Inch Vaive rritk� Box; �'or C.I. or D.I. or ConcXete F3ain @er Each: ��,�, f��� �;,, � G� ° � �r• 1 ��� ��`-�-�'r'�`� Dol l ars _" and �� Cents t��U� t��l Cs g- 'I I��9 APPROXI. H0. QUANTImY 49 . 1 �A. 50 . 5� . 52 . 53 . 5� . 1 �A. 3 �A. 1 1�A . 1 �A. 1 ]�A . n�sc�rpr�o� o� xx�ss w��� u�i� BID PRIC�S W�IT��N IN �ORDS P�ICE 20" X 12" �Pa�pi�q Sleeve and 12-�Inch Valve with Box; For C.T. or D.I. or ConCre�e �kiain �Pe Each: ������ 6� .,-�r) Da 1� a rs a D D b and Cents $ 20" X 10" �apging Sleeve and 10-Inch Valve wit� Rax; I�"or C.I. or D.I. or ConcXete F�ai�n Per �ach: .� � � ��[-fI7� �e�/1 (L �� � ��-�� � Dollars � -' and � Cents 4 "� � � 20" X 8" Tapping Sleeve anc� E-It�ch Valve with Box; For C.i, or D.I. or Concret� t�ain Per Each: � ` ;h�'1 {�t�i C�.e� � U Dol l ars --' an _ �/r� Cent� 4 � �� 20" X 6" �'apping Sleeve anri 6-Ynah Valve �ith �ox; l�or C.Y. or A.I. ar Concrete k4ain Per Each: �ir/„�y�L.�6(.i'I Q�-��"- U � Dol l ars� � � � � and ��" Cents a 16" X 12" gapping Sleeve and 12-inch Valve with Bax; I�or C.I. ar A.I. or Cancrete Fiain Per Each: � D � h.P�u 5 �iM- �- � � Dollars � and_-.-�----=�!� Cents � �UD D 16" X 10" Tapping Sleeve and l.0-Inch Valve wi.th �flx; For C. i. or D, I, ar Concrete l�ain Fer Each: �-.r/� �l'� �t-v► �� �, � �qllars >S� � and •-"�� Cents � B-- 9 TOT�L A�fdUH� �� $ �4� r � �� D4D p l � � I�D� � .� � �' � J ��� � s �} U �D o a l � �a $ � S� d l ��. I T�II xa. 55 . 5G . 57 . 5$ . 59 . 64 . APPRQXI. DESCRIPTION QF IT�45 WI�► UNI�° QUANTI`�Y BID �RIC�S WRITTEN IN W4RD5 p�Y�� ]. �A. 16" X 8" Tappiaq S1 eeve and $-Inch Valde t�itl� �ox,• For C.I. or a.I. or Concrete F�ain Per Each: ,Q.G� �cM �' �� � � � � L Dollar� �JrDI� � a�d � Cents � 1 EA. 16" X 6" Tapping Sleede and 6-Inch Valve with Box; �or C.I. or D.I. or Concrete i9ain Per Gach: ����� � � �� Dollars ��o� � and ��' Cents � 1 EA. 15" X 4" Ta�ping Sleeve and 4-Inch Yalve r�ith Box; For C.I. or D.I. or Cancrete �lain Pex Each: �1.�� � �,�, �.� � � Dollars and -�v Cents � ��C�O � 1�A. ].2" X 12" '�apping S�eeve and 1�2-Inch Valv� �iih Box; Fox C,I. or D.I. o� PVC �lain Per Each: . �-P�e.�.�. ,�j I.�ia d.�.�C G r� Dollars � �p� J and �� Cents � 1�A. 12" R IO" Tapping Sieeve and ].0-Inch Valve with Box; Far C.I. ar D.i. or PVC Main P�� h : � U � � � �,� - Dollars JS'Q�j and ---��� ---- Cer�ts � 1�A. ].2" X$" Tapping 5leeve and B�Inch Walve �+ith �ox; �'ot C.I. or D. I , or PVC �iain �ar �ach: i�f'�C�-�-'p^'��j (�Nl �� } � U _—r/� Dol l ar� �! 3D � and cents w TOTAL AMflUI�'� �� � �5�� _� n� � J �� � Sv� �J � / ��� v �' � � ��� � � La �so v � o �' � �/3DD 8-10 I T�Fi HO. bl . 62 . ' I G3 . 64 . • 65 . � 66 . RPPRQXI. . DESCRiPTiON OF I�'E�9S WITH U1�I�' TOTAL ¢UP�NTITY BI� PLdICES WRITT�;I� iN �dORDS PRICE AMOUN'� 1 ER. 12" X�" '�appin� Sleeve and 6--Inch Valve with Sox; r^'ar C.I. or D.i. or PVC �lais Pe� �ach: �� ,�) !.!/11 0�.-Dc- a � G a Aol lar� �' � �p $ � ,� ,� � � and �''�U Cents � —�-�- 1�A. i2" X 4" �'apping Sleeve a�� 4-In�h Valve v�ith Soa,• For C.I. or D.I. or PVC I�ain P�2r Each: '"'.=r�� �,.�.+�n a�•e� � �� � ° U v nollars �,5'�} � f 5C� � a�nd � �� Cent� a 1�A. 1D" X 10" �apping Sleeve an� �.0-inch Valve t�ith Box; Far C.I. or D. I. or PVC l�4ai rn Pe�ch� � � 6� � U D011ars � and �''`�v Cents �� 3 r�� �, .1 D!� 1 1�A. lU" X 8" Tapping Sleeve and �-Inch Valve �ith Bax; �'nr C,I. or D.I. ar PVC l�ain � Per Each: ��^^�'� !{A1 � 6 � G U ��/�� - Dallars r J�dD � �U r: and �ents y y 1`� 1�A. 10" X b" Tap�ing Sleeve and 6-Lnch Valve �+ith �ax; �'or C.I. or b.I. ar PVC l�ain �a�c�h t � � � c� � Gu � --- DoI lars and-------- '�'/vi cents k l% � 4 � I� d d 1��►. 10" X 4" �'ap�ing S1 eeve and 4-Inck� Val�e �i�h 8ox; For C.I. or D.I. or PVC k�ain Per �ach: � ✓�/rtiY�-P ��-�1 � � U G G Dollars �lD �DD J and ✓r�i� •Cents ;` � 8--11 IT�I APPROXI. D�SCRIP�YOH OF I��1S �I� UNI� �O�RL N0. �UANTITY �ID gRIC�S WRITTEN I� �ORDS p�ICE l4t�4U�� 67 . 1�l�. 8" X 8" Tappinq 5leeve an� 8-Inch Valve taith �o�; Far� �. �. or fl.I. or @VC l4ai� Per ��ch: v Gu!��- �c,.�C °-- � t� Dollars � a�jv l� p� J and r� Cents k � 5� . 1 EA. 8" X 5" Ta�pits� Sl eee+e aad 6-Inch Vaive �aith So�; I�ar C.I. ar A.I. or PYC l�aia • Per � ch: ' �.� �, , �� c�� _ ., �s� �,a ...��/v Dallars /�L7� � � J�a � ` and Cents � �. 69 . 70 . 1�A. �" X 4" Tapping Slee�e and 4-Inch Valve r�ith Boa; @'or C.I, or D.I. or PVC klain Per �a�t�: ��C/hP YLGc.-Yi �.�.P�L• � G Dollars and 6•'�•� �ent� r C�( � 1 L�P�. b'.' X b" Tapping Sleev� and 6-Inch Valve �aith �ax; l�or C.i. ar D.I. or PYC �4ai� Per l�ach: � n" �D l� ✓'"i�Y�p f'Ltc.�! �� • � G G Dol lars �� �� `� �D(� and ���� Cen�s � � 71 . 1�A. 6" X�" Tapping Sleeve and �-Inch Valve c�ith Sox; �'or C.I. or D.I. or PV'C l�ain Per �ach: �'�, � b �' �, v � '� � Dol l ars ��Q � J and ��� Cents '� k �� � .. � 72 . 18 L.�'. 12-Inch C1. 51 DI�, �aK &anitary 5ewer �eplacement at Varkable Depth, D-6; Per Linear @'aot: v ` ,� d � � -�'�� ..�-�..�n Dfll l ars ��` � L� .3 Q and Ce�t� 4 $ f � 8�12 IT�I APPROXT . N0. Q[iANTITY 73 . 18 L.E�. 74 . 1� L.�. � 75 . 1� 4.F. 76 . 5 �A. '17 . 5 I�A. 78 . 5 �A. . _ 79 . 5 EFi. I DE5CRIPTION 4F IT�3S WITH UNIx �ID PRICES �i�ITTEN IN �TORDS �EiICE 10-Inch �1. 51 DIP, for Sanitary Se�er Replacement �t Variable �ep�h, D-�; Per Linear Faot: G �' Dollara � Q and `�✓U Cents a 8-Inch C1. 51 T}IP, for Sanitary �ewer Replacement at Variable aep��, D--B; Fer Linear Foat: - � ' [� ''�"�� ��'`p Do 11 a rs � j' �� aad "�t> Cents � 6-inch C1. 5� nIP, for Sanitary Sewer Replacement at Yariahle Depth, D��,• Per Linear P'aat: � ,�iY�E � G d ��)� �allars a5' and Centa '� 2-Inch Ser�ice Taps ko main, ��� +�`s ��. � . � � ' � 6 �ollars � �a and � ��-� � Cents � 1-�]./2 inch Service Tapa to main, D- ig� Per �ach: � � � �� �'�.r' � � oi ��K� J�?S � and .f" " ►� Cents t 1-Inch 5ervice Taps to main, D- ig; Per �ach: � � �`�� �� � � � �� � ollars � � � ' a�d - - � Cents � s. 3/4-Inch Service Taps �a main, D- Z9; ,Per �ach: -- �� � ° � oollars F and `�'�� Cents � �� ��13 �OT�L A1�90[iKT 6� .��� � � G �' � �S� �' 6 '�.5 0 � J a U �� ��� � a a O p ✓ � � D � ��sa� , aD �, J J� � Y I T�i APPROX I . N0. QUANTITY �0 . 1.4� L.F. �1 . 100 L.F. D�SCRIP�'IflH 0�' IT�45 T�I7'H I1NY'� TOTAL HIU PRIC�S WRLTT�N IN GdORD5 FftICE AF10UH'� Install 2�Inch �op�er Service D-�19� per Liaea� Faot: L ry � On S�v�., p� �. �p Dollars l g J��� � and Cen�s $ ---- � Tns�all 1-1/� Ir�ch Capper 5er�ice U-:1�g,• Per Linea� Foot : � � �p *��� Dallars � �� ��' � f ���() �' 811d C@IltS � a 82 . 1,00 G.F. Install 1-Inch Coppez Service D�lg; Per LXneax Foot: � 83 . I �4 . ,� � �5 . f�i'� ioo �.�. 1 4A . � �k� . 1 �P�. D �� �oilars �� �� �aa� F�J ana� Cents � " , Instali 3/4�-IncI� Copper Service D-.19; Par i�inear l�oot: �j � P� p U �""`w-P��� flt]liSrB ,j �� ,��Jj> � and Cents � S- Relacate 2-Inch Service tdeters and Heter Boxes, 19�, ger �a� � _ � av � _�- �'' '��' Dollars 1 5� �.�-�'o � and '1- Cents '� � Relocate 1-1/2 inch Service Meters az�d l�eter Soxes, D-, g, Per Eac : � �. �, �J U� � Dallars �'� J 5� and - �� Cents $---- � ----- � Relocate 1-Inct� Service �4eters and Meter Boxes, � ,,,,�Q' Y�t�' �a�.�.� /� n � � f� � (Y l�ol l�rs and "��� Cents 5--- � `S� $—J `� � �-i� 0 IT�d APPRQXI , N0. �UAHTIT'Y 87 . 1 ER. 8� . 89 . sa . � z ��. 91 . 20a� X�.�'. 92 . 93 . AESCI�IP'FION Ol� Y`��45 �il�'H UHIT 'TOTAL �ID PRIC�5 WfRITT�H IN WOE�DS PRICE A�lOUN'� lielocate 3J4-It�ch Servi�e Metecs and l9eter Boxes, °r�� �,�,��� / �, v � �i t Dollars 1 � and ���' Ce�ts � l DD 5 J � Ca Install l4ultiple Service Branches �pr 2-Inch Copper Servi.ce, D-19; Pe �aCh: b b !S � ��� �� � ///'''jjj � Doi 1 ars �DQ y p�� � and � "�" Cents $ 5------ Install t�altiple Service Branches P'ar 1-1/2 Inch Copper 5ervice, �-1.9; per ach: � v � G �� U -"r � Dollars �� n � �/J � and -� Cents $---- 4 i ��. 1 �A. 25 L.F. 25 L.�'. install Multiple Service Branches �'ar 1-Inch Copper Service, D-19; Per Each: ��_.__.�_�_ �k� �� ---- Dol lars �� j] and `-�J'� Cents y �`urnish and �,ay 2-Incf� Pipe and 1�itiinqs �or Temporary 5ervice, D-2&; Per Lir�ear Foat: ��� p (� DolIars � and �' Cents 4 Replacement of 4-Tnch Sanitary Se�er Service w/ 4-Inch I?IP n-$; Per Linear Foot: � pG Dallars � a�d `�`1� � Cents � �� Replacemen� o� 6-Inch Sa�itary Sewer Service �a/ 6-Inch DIP D-$' L� t' �� � �ad _ ti Gp J ��D � $------ 6b „�`D (� � 5- , er inear �'ao . ,� �.Q�� �G(�� 6 r' � � , � r pollars 9s - ^ � ���j' and •---•�� Cents S"� - � �-].5 � I T�4 N0. 94 . 95 . , 96 . 97 . ., � 58 . 99 . lU0 . .� t � APPROXI. D�SC�IP�I4N 4F ITF�S �TfiH U��T �DT�L QI3AHTiTY �ID @RIC�a W1�ITTEN I�i WO1�US FRIC� AklDUH'� 25 L.[�. Replacement of �-Inch Sanitarp 5e�aer Service �af 8 --inch DIP D--�; Per Linear Faot: U ��r% " ��-e�..t'�n- Dal Z ars � � � -� � ��� � � and Cents a � 25 L.�'. Concrete Curb and Gutter �� �ep 1 acementc D-13;; Per Linear Fnot: ��s � ' � (� G �`"�'� Dnl lazs / �'' � � � � and Cents � , 25 �.Y. Concrete Riprap D 36 Per Cubic Yard: j��,,(J c,° �v ��iv�.� /2�i1 U"`�� Do�lars � and `�`�`� Cents � /� � � �s� � 50 L.�. Concrete Encasemen�, Per Fiq.20 p-3,p; Per Linear �'oot: 6b �G '�� � Dallars � ,�` ��"l"j " and - Cents S- ►�. lfl C.Y. Crushed Littresto�e, D-1 �4r,Per Cubic Yard: � !� � � i]allars ---1 �J /� J ..ci jj �;_.� and Cents �-- S— �0 C.Y. Class 'S'.Concrete (2500#) Per Cubic Yard: y O� �� J �� � nollars � r � j C� and . �''✓� Cen►ts $- � - $-- - � •- 10 C.Y. Cl�ss 'E' Cancrete (1500#) Per Cubi Ya dJ � Ub Uv � Uollars L�5' � �j Q az�d `�`�� Cent� : a � B-lb IT�k[ APPROXI. DESCRIPTIaN 0� ITE�S WITH N�. Q�A��I�Y SID �RICES ��ITT�N IN WO�DS 101 . �oz . 1�0 L.F. '�ren�h Saf�ey system, i]--..k.$� Per Linea� Faot : (�%n-� � UNI� TQxAL P�ICE A�lOUNT � riollar� 1 � � ��j� �`� and � �ents '� � 50 I,.F. �xtra �e�th of �iater F3ains, Per Linear Foot: ✓�/� � ,�� �- � Dollars ' / f � J and-�j �"�" Cents � �I �43 . 50 Et�. Joi� �iove In Fez �ach: � � � , � � . � Dollars �D4 r �D ��D and . �� Cents � a 104 . 1�A. lU" Combina�ion �'�rba kleter � Installati.an wt/G" $YP�55 in Canczete Vault Per Fig.33 A- :�+1; Per Each: . � .� � ���� � �� Dollars d p � � an -.._.._._.__ �`J� Cents $ �� �, �SD d �45 . ]. ��. 8" Combination T�rbo �9eter Installation w/6" 8ypass in Concre�e Vault�Per �ig.33 � A- 41; Per Each: �,y��, G � �' � � ; �'� '"� . "_""' � Dallars ��� ���� � and �'"�L'' Cents � � $-- - 106 . 5�A. 6" Combination Turbo �eter Installa�ion w/4" Bypass in . � � Concrete Vault Per �'a.g.33 t]-��I; per Each: t��' t,p � ��.g.h, r.�vl � pollars ' and � Ce�ts � ���� $ �� �a� 147 . 5��. 4" Combir�ation Turbo Meter Installati�ri w/2" Bypass in Concrete VaUIt Per �'iq.33 D-•41� Per �aCh: �a ' � � �Pm �m �i►.� - nollaGs r� and '"� � Cant� a � f �� ; 6� 3 3-�`'� � B�17 IT�1 APPROXI. �0. QUANTI�Y I � �Q8 . 1 EA. 10 9 . �. 110 . 11.1 . I �P� . 5 I�A . 5 EA. � 112 . 5 �A. 113 . 2 EA. ,�I � k � D�5C�TPTIOH 0� IT�iS �T�� UNI� �O�AL SI� PRICES W�I�T�H IN �d�DS PRICE 1",�OUN� 10 " O�en Fire Line Installation �ith 10" Detector Check, Per Fi�.32, �-43i P�x �SCh: a d� ��� ��'�`�. �� Da 1� a rs �� J � %Dp 3.7r�� and � U Cents � � 8" Open E�ire Line Ynstallatioa �aith �" Detector Check, per Fi�.32, D 43; Per�:� � !� � � � � �J Dallar5 ���D � � �� � � and � ^��" Cent� ,�'. $ 6"' Qpen Fire Line Installatiot� r�ith 6" Detector Check, per Fig.32, D--43 ; P r �ach• ��.."'�i(`�j�''� � {� 1 �u � 1 � Dallars r� �U%� � .f ���D and �� Cents 4 4" Open Fire L�ne Installatioa �+ith 4" Detector Check, Per Fiq.32, D-� , Pe� �ach: � �� G � � � �� �� � Dol lars �5� a � ,/� S� �j and Cent� � $ Dehole, 0 f�, - 5��. in �?epth D-.2g; Per Each: �.dw-� � � � �' �, v .�-'v riollars �"D11 �SlJ � -� and Cents G �' Dehale, 5 ft.- 1.0 ft. i.n Aep�.h D-�g ; PeX ��ch: � �.�f�iJ`f � 6 � �' � Doilars ' !S!� and � Cents �' `� �� a f � �-18 ,4 � I TL�F,1 N0. i I14 . � 115 . r 116 . 117 . 11� . �. ].19 . 120 . � APPROXI. DJ�SCRYP�'ION OF I'��i5 1�I�'H iTHIT FO`�Ab �CTANTITY SID FRICL5 WRIT'��N IH WORDS �RICF F�44U�� 2 GA. Dehole, 10 ��.- 20 ��. i,� De��h Per L�ach: D--29C%iuY �"1?d�5 � � � a a G �� �aliars � �p�� �� �dl>o and Cents b a 100 L.L�. Hydra Mulch Seedinq D-4�+; er Linear Fook: o �' v � I�ol lar� � J �� d G-- and � Cent� � � - -- -- 1,00 L,�. Soddinq D-�4�+; Per Linear Foot: � , aG ��� Dol lar� � �' � J�'Ca C� �" and �ents � - - "�f -..---�-- ---- 250 L.F. Concrete Pavement on 2:27 Concrete Sase, Fig. 1, D-16; D-15; per Linear P`oat: �. b U G L' .r�..�.�h�t� �ollars �lj f �-�"'I4d � and --�-��� Cents 4 �° 250 L.�`. Min 1-�/2 Inch H�4AC an lieinforced C�ncrete Base, Fig. 2, D-1�5; D-16; per Linear P'oot: � � � ,/�-�� d� � ��"''^-'`�� Dollars l � � �SUf� and- Cents �' � 100 L.�'. Brick on Reinfarced Con�re�.e Base, Fiq. 3, Par T,i.neaC �'oot: � �' �� �� G �� Dollars -� � � and ..��� Cen�Cs � .�� � �� 1�00 L.F. Min 2-Inch HFiAC on 2:27 Cancrete Base, Fiq. 4, D'I �' D-16; Per Lit�ear �oot : � � � G l� Dallars �'"� � �,�, ��� � � and Cents y -�� 8-19 , i � I �� �� IT� APPR4XI. DESCRIP�'IOH OF ITF.�IS WI1'H UHIT TO�RL N0. QUANTITY BID PRICES WRITT�H IH WORI?� �RICL �OUN� ��21 . 250 L.�. 2-Inch HMAC on 2:27 Cnr�crete Base, Fiq. 5, ��].5; -1�; Per Linear �oo�: � ��` � � � a � �, Dol lar� � � Z/J�`00 and � �en�s � � � �.22 . 300 L.F. 2-Inch Sat or Cold Mi� Rolled Te��arary Pave�ent �er �'iq. 6 8-37; Per Linear Faat: �-�' . �U c� Dol lar� ,j r ,�'C1 � � and -�� Cent,s � y 123 . 5�A. Cut and Plug Existing l�ai,ns in Seperate Trenches, A�l Si�es Per Each: `L�W�.�.U'� il �C�l'l C� � G o� Dallars d and ``�U Ce�ts � /`� � �' ���p � 124 . 5 LA. Water Sample Statian Installation per �'ig. 3� or 33 D-46 Per �ach: + � p t' p Z.� ��� �� �`� Dollara .�4U� � and `/`' Ce�ts $.----- �, ��Sl.�4 , ].25 . 5 LA. �urnish �nd Install Class 'A' l�etec Boxes D-19 Per ��ch: � 1 � �.�r tj � �D�� L � � 0 Dollar� J�j�j r �pv and . �c' Cents � ----- � I26 . 5 EA. �'urnish and Install Class 'B' �leter Saxes D-19 Per ch: )� � (�iv�e 1�J l..r.� ° � ° .� Dol l ars �� p �'Q � and '��7 Cet��s ; w ].27 . 5 EA. 1�urnish and Ins�all Class 'C' t�eter Baxes D-19 Per,�ach: � � UD G � � f���� Aallars � �"' J and - - Cents � � �. -- $ D �J �-- 20 Ifi�[ APPROXI. ��SCRIPTIOn Q� ITEti3 �ITH UNIT TOTRL , H0. Q�ANTITY HiD ��IC�S �RITT�N IN WO�DS PRICE FiMdUHT � 128 . 104 SY. Reglace Pavi�q in Parkinq �rea� . „ D-17 , /„� � - � a �y � � � �� l��'�'�-� Dol l ars ��c'. d� and `'�` `' Cer�ts � $ �� `s r �L d � � � � ' TOTAL 1�it+IOUNT B i A '�y �� I� �� � .� l� , .. i � �� �fL-�'�LI � �� �-u PART B � PRQPDS�L (Cont.) �ithin ten (10} days a€ter accep�a�ce of this @ropasal, �he tit,ndersigned �ill execute �he tnrmai contract and will deliver an appraved Surety Bond and such other bonds as required by the Cantract Documents, for the faith�ul �erformanc� of the C�ntract. The attached bid security ia the amount of 5� is to become tha property a� �he City of �or� �orth, �exas, in �he �v��� �he cantract and bond or bonds are not ese�uted and delivered �ikhin the tx�e above set forth, as liquidated damaqes Eor the delay and additional work caused ther��y. �he undersigned bidder �ertified �hat he has bee� furnished �t least ane set of �he General Con�ract �o� �nents and Generai S��cifications �or Water Departmen� Pro7ects dated 3anuary 1, 1978, and that he h�s read and thoraUghly understands alI tihe requirements and con�itians of thos� General Doct�tents and the spe�ific Contract Dacuments aad appurtenant plan�. The undersiqn�d assures that its em�loy�es and applicants for employment and those of any labor arganiLatian, subcontrac�ors, or employment agency in either furnishi�q or referrinq employee applicants ta the undersigned are na� discriminated against a5 prohibited by the terms of Citp Qrdinance No. 7278 as amended by CitY Ordinance Hfl. 7400. The Bidder agrees �a begin canstr�ctian �ithi� 10 calendar day� afte� issue of the �ork order, and to camplete the contract within 365 calendar days aft�r beginninq construction as set farth in the written wark orde� to be furnished by the O�ner. � {Complete A or � belo�, as applicable:) ____�. The pr�ncipal pFace of busxness o� our company is in the State o� Nonreaident bidders in the State of ��,_..,._.__ __�, our princip�l place of business, are required ta be ��. percent Io+�er than resident bidders by state Iaw. �► Capy o� the statue is attached. ' Non resident bidders in the State og ,, our pri�cipa'i place a� business, axe not required to underbid resident bic3ders. ., __.,� The prineipal �riace af business of bur campanp or our parent company or majority owner is in the �tate of �exas, I. 1 , B-2� I{we� ackno�ledqe receipt of �he followinq addenda �o the plans: �nd specification�, all of the provisions and requirements of which have been taken inta co�sideration ori �repar�tion ofi the fnregoing bid: Addendum Ha. 1 (initials} Cl�s- _--. Addendum No. 2 {Ini�ials) 1�_^ Addendum No� 3 (I�itials) l�ddend+am No. � (Initial�) Respect�ullp submitted, �%//'am ,��h�./�� ��c ��� C� /cI �� � G�i��fT/GiCfiD� � B� � .�/�;:.��� .� ���__. '�ifcle � � �s� c��r� - Address �p� �4�' �D3o�,�._ —���/�f� . �,r ?�i s�d Te 1 ephone : ,�/� �9,� /,���' � L • {5ea1) Date: /O ' 7 -1.3 �-23 iJ r STAT�k�HT a� F4AT�RI�LS RitD OTHER CHARG�S , k3AT�RIALS INC(3RPQRATED INTO THE PRQJ�CT: $ ��.S—G> 4.�. �_� ��.�. afix�� c��c�s : �__ ��5` :� � S � ---� � �.� , *x4TAL : $ ��� ��C`S� ��. �� � �This total must agree with the total tigure sho�+n in Part , B-Pro�asal, TOTAL AMOUNT BID in the }a4u�d cantzact. For purposes of complying with the Texas Ta� Cade, the Contrac�ar aqrees that the charges far an.y material inaarparated into the ' proiect in excess of the estimated quat�tity prov�ded for herein c�ill be nn iess than the invoice pxice for such m�terial ta the Contractar. , NflT� : ONLY THE COPY Q�' TH I S FaRfi I H THE BOUHA CONTRACT T 5�'0 B� FIL%�i] 4fiT. r C � �� O� FO�� �O�'� DI �AL�YA.T��AGED D�.l� � 1ti�S�" EN'i�-�i�I �E SID SPE�Y�'i���� vT'! �td I : P�L CY S AT � �� is in ihe best irsteres! of the Ci�y to pro�mate the �qu�ta�le utilizati�n oC ��� �irm� ir� ci�� c�ntr$ctxn� iri order to cr�dic�te 4i�� lin��rin� e fe�i� o� ��st ��scri�inati�� ar�c� 1.0 �rev�r�t �he �it,��'s vv�€r sp�r�dir�� d� t�siv�is �rom �eir��orcing nn� per��tu�tin� #Y�� exclusicsxar� e�f�ct� o� past discriratr��tion: ��ile at th� s�.me 4im.e m�intair�ir�� a h3�h c�ua�ity ot �: ods a�d serv�,ces �ravid�d to th� �it.�• th�rou�h �o��e#it��e bi�din� ns r�quir�d b� l�x. Therefor�, it is th� poli�� ot th� �ity o� �'ort �'orth tv ensure t�e iul� a�d �quit��le part�ci��tivn �� D�� iirm� in the �r�vi�xor�- �,f a11 �aods �s�d servic�� to t�e Git�+ �n � cor�tr��t�u�l ba�is, Tla� �� kjecii+�e af the ��lic�' is t� incre��e #h� use of L��� iir�s ta a l�rcl �ampasa�l� to ti�c ��'ail$bilit� o� ��E f�rms �w�hich are ��p��ie a�,pr�vi�is�� ��o�s ar�d servi�es �irectiy or �ndirect�� t� the �it�►. Li�or� reques#, the n Etv wi 11 assist DBEs �� provi�in� them �ith ir�formati,or� at� b�d ���ci�ications� comp�iarnce �ftl� procurement Po�xe� and iuXiil�mer�t oi �eneral bi� rec�uir�m��ts. I�x a�8ition, ihe Cit� will pr��+ide i��orm$ti�s� '� job p�rfo��$n�e r��uirem�rsts, pr�cur�ment o�port�z�iti�s �nd r�s��quisit�s t�r bi��ing in �it� �vrstracts. Tl�e �ity �i�I �nroura�� joint v�s�le�res b�twee� D�£�, �s vrell ss betr��er� ma�ority firms ar�d �S� tirzas on C`i�y proc+�r����t �ct�vities. .�� ���y �ri1� use its best ei�ar#s to insur� t�at DBEs ar� �n�ormed �# curres►t a�►d �ut�r� �rocurement a�tir��ti�s throu�3t d�re�t ccn�aci, �o��in�tio� �ith �ssistance �r�a�'si�sti�ns �z�$ plac�ng �ertx�l�� �1��5 or� �� ��t�'� bid li�t. . D6� Th� �it�'� �a$i is 1595 �i th� �oll�r v�lue af c�ntract� f�r D�Es. �n �ity cor►tracts a� �25,�0� or �uar� �id�ers ar� ����ited to �eet th� .:stablzshed minimu�a gaai, ��r u��n �ailure t� �neet tlte �o��, pro+�ide dacument��ion of iheir "'�ood �'�xth �fi�rts". Ii the ��niract amaunt �s .ess t��n ��`�,000# t�e bidder i� �oi :equirec� �o submit tt�e DFE ir�formstiQ�x }acket . The I]SE campli+�ssce ��cuau�r�t�tion mssst b� se�k�mi�t�d �o t�e Bi� �antr�ctir�� �fficerfBuyer no �ater than �.0� o'ciock p.�., thr�� {3} b��ir�ess ��ys �tt�r the bi� �penir�� d$te. FII��.L�'R� TO �L���+[IT �$E D��[FI�L'?k'XA'�`�O?� AS F���iJ�FC�:D 1'FIT.� R�:SLI�,'�` ��; Y`B� BII� �S��I�iCs �Q?t�IDER�D h'b�--�ESPO?+�SI�J� TD �PE�II�I,CAT��I��. Unle�s other►��se sp��ifi�d ir� +�ritfn�+ onl,�• ti�e tirst tier o� sub�o�trs�tvrsfs�sp�x�iers paid dire�tl� �y tlx� prime +�tll be caur�te� tax�ard �i�ei ing ��e �i �v' s I�B� go�l . FZerr. 11 f ],3�90 3. 1 T O� OF E �i •�fl t�e �urp�srts �i ihrs �olicv: �. "Dis��ven���e� Busine�s �nier�ris�" is �e��n�d �s a t�usir��ss ���t�err� �urre�t��" d�in� �usin��s ar��%or lv��t�d irs kl�e Fort �+'orth�L'g1��s taetroplex pneetin� �he iol�low.irsg �riteri�: �. �r}3ich is �t l���t �1 p�r�e�xt �wned �y or�e ar �ore sociall�. �r�d ecotixomi�all�" disadv�nlsg�d indir�i�x�al�. cr ir� tr�� c�se oi any' pu��it�Y �wt��d �usiness, �t les�t �� percer�t oj �h� slo�k i,s own�d b�� or�e �: ��r� sa�i�],lY ��d e���omi��'ily �isad�'an��ged �rtdivi�uais; ax�d �. whase m�r�ages�er�t ��d dai 1�' ��ssf rx��s apsr�t ion5 arm �o�- tr�l�ed b� a�� or mvre ai th� so�x�l��� and e�on�m€call�. dzsadvas�ta�ec� is�div�duals +�ho or�n it; and �. w��se ou•n�rs ar� �itize�xs vf t�e Uniie� ��at�s or law�u��� �dmitted� per�$r�ent r�sidents. �. �n�� �erson# firm, c�rpor�tiun� or part�,�rshzp �+hic3� has a ce��rer�i cetiiSica#iasx frnm �t�� �ox�S�I 8usiness Ad,zni�islra�ion u�ider �ectio� ��a} o# tt�e 5m$11 8usir�e�s ,�ct. ,��oci�li3T Disad�ra�ta�;�d indivi�ua�s" �ear�s �rsdividua�s v�l�o h�ve been { su����� to racia� �r �thnic prejttdi�� or cu�turs� ��as b�ca�se o� �hefr 1de�#ify as � member o� � �tvup v�ithv�st reg�rd �o #heir� ��ts.lities as in�ividua�s or c��abilities as � �usir�ess. 3. "'��ortomic�ll� Dis�,d�'�nta�ed Ir�dividua�s" meas�s s�ci�llv d�s�dvsnta�ge� irsdivid���s �rl�o�e a�ilit� ta e�mpe�� i�a the tree enterpri�e s�•st�m is im�a�red dx�e to dimi�nished op��rt�r�it�es to obtain c�pi�al an� cr�s�x# as cam�ar�d ta ocrxers ir� �k�� s��e line of busin�ss �l�o �re r��t s�cial�� disa�+'snia�ed. �. For tY�e purpt�ss aC this �oFic�, tk�e �it�• �h�,l� re�uYr'e a�l �s�di�'��u$Is to sub�it a s��,rf�tive e�cplai�iir�g tr,efr ��o�a��c an� s�c�a� di��c�v��xta��- �ess +�ith each c�fti�i�at�on and rer�ewsl ���l�cati�n. Cert�ti�atior� wilI �pt be cansinerea �+�ithout stt�ruiss��r� o� th:s r�ar: Eti�'e. w, „OST�r'orF' means ��y persont i�rm, rorpor�ti�n, or pattn�rshi� ►c�ic�i su�mits a bid or� pro�asal '_� provi�e lal�or, �aod� �r se�'vi�es t� ihe �i L� rcher� Ci t�' fur��s ar� ex�es���d. Rev'. 11 f �3�9� € �. c���r�+��` s������� wrT���T �s� �}��r��x��.�#� � t�idd�r thst has failed to ir�clude ��� �arti�i�at�ofl aa�y be a�,��rded #he ���ttr`�c� upon t�� �ity's dei�r�in�#ion Ih�# ihe elf�rts lhe ��t13�r mad� t� vi�e� tY:e ga�i rras "Goo� Fai t� at�� Tio�c�t Ef f�rts". The Ci !�' must det�rm� �e that the �idd�r's eStot�� wer� tt��se that, �iver� ali r�lev�nt cxr�+s��ta�ces, s bidder ��tive��' seekirx� !o ��et tl�� ge$� would m$ke. �ir�rx the Cvma] i�,nc� 5tate�a�nt (1,t�achiccr�t 1J�� � cn�cpl�ie_ �itac-h�crt�t 1C arx ro�ride en � additiot��� d��wo�ntation #�Sr�i +�il s�x�sia ti8te nur "Good Fait� Ef t�rts". Retur�r �1 �r�s �rtd tnforse�ian as re ezired ursu�s�� t� ar� re � 2 �f Se�tion 1 er�ni. S��TIO?� I � I : 8E A�� 1 �x'l�i�� �RGAN! �1+"��DI�S 1� list ot ��� businesses �hst have ��en c�rtifi�d by t4�e C�ty nf �or� �+'ort�x �i �� be p�ovid�d t� �'oe� upan ��ques� . �lddiiianal l�•, if th�re arc as��` auestiofls regarflit�� t�� �r�t��tpreta�i,os� af ti�� Cit; 's �$� Polic�', ple�se cvr� t ac t t�ie �i t�" s �76E Oi f i c� �t ; �i t� af �'�Ft 1�'so�th DB'� Oifi�e 14�0 Thra�l�o�toa, Raaro 3�� �'�rt iiiar�h. "Tex�.s ���0� Fh�ne: ��i�) 831-�uI04 i�i� t�llo��ir�f� ���rs��' m��• b� abl� to pe�+�i�e assistas��e in xdent�t�•ir�� �,�ditxos�al Da£ firms to m��t �•our goals: s�all 9u�xness Uev�la�iu�r�� O�iice �'�15 Motth l�iairs 5ir�et, Sui� te 300 �os't 1�orih, Te�tas ��1�� �hone: �817� ��5-4331 Rev. �1f13��� ���T�O� �L: . �O�I�L2A?�#�� 14�'I't� *THE CITY'S b8E PROGRA}�[ The Citt� wi�� ��nsider �he b�dd�rs p�r�ormgnce re�o.r�i�� itY D9� art€cip�tio� in �v�lualion of bids. F�i�ur� to cam��v with �l�e Cxt��'s L��E equi�emert�s or lo �cmons:�ate or docum�s�t a��C��od F`ait�. E�fort", will resull in � bid �ein� �o�si�ere� r�vrz-respt�nsive to �pe�lficati�r�s. The ��w�st responsive bid��r meetin� th� �8E req�if��ents ar�d bi� pecifi�attar�s x•i�1 be $�+�arded tl�e l�i�. �idders c$n �nmplv with ��e Rragr�m in orse of �3tree ��� w�y�s. F�r�d �he �r�e k�at ��plzes l� vou an� �allo�r its instructiorss. �, , �7r'TIRE CQNTf�..4_�'C �T��PLI'� .�i_'� �li� I f vo�s are �ert i f i ed. �v t he Ci t� �� For t Y�or #h, �he �i t��' s D�� �orrtract go�l s�$11 be ��eaoed ta k�ave beer� a�et. Y�u mxs�t tt�en cosnplete the �am�li�n�e �iaiementt �.t#��hauent i1�, and retu.r� i t as _re_c�ux red r�u_r�uartt i u p�,r��r�s�� ��i �"�c# i€�� I L�ere�f. It �au are n�t �erti�i�� b�+ �t�e �it}' af Fort F4ort�, ��e�se c�rt�a.ct the �ity's DBE �f�ics at �81"�) S7i�8I�4 t� obtairr a �ert3Ticati�n F`orm {��heaul� A), com�alete the �o�pli�.z��e ��2tte�vent, Attat�mer�t lA, ar�d return it as reauir�d nursua�t t� �ara�r��� � o� Sec#ian � her��i. '�, . �ON'I`3�ACT i�" SUPP�.1 ED �+ T'�ii D�� PAR�' I C� PA'T 1 OT,F I� y�ou v�ill j�int �e�ntx�r� with s ���} camplel� a��i�t Ver�ture �`orm ��ch�du�e �} �,nd Att�.chmsnt 1�, s��'r� the Corapl i�r��e ��&teID�nt, Att�chwe�i! ��., �r�d returrt tb�;io as reaui �`ed �ursuant. to �ara�ra�h � of S��t i�r� 1 hereof . I� �•o��~ I��� P�rti�i�paii�n is i�i an ap��unt that equ�ls t� or surpasse� tk�e Cit;�'s �o�x of i5� �ur DE�, �o�oplete �,ttach�erkt �A, Ailac�mer�t �E arsd r�tut`r� t.�es a� r�qui_re� �tsrs�zafit to ��fl��rs�h ��f Sec� i an 1 i�er��f_. � Y� lhe f��E p�rticipati�r� perccntag� is less than l.�ie �rt�•'s state� go�l. yau m�st �t�m�lete Ati��#�ment �� t� �h4x ti�e "Go�d Fai tl� �f'for�s'� ��u �s�e ta �eet the �i t�V' � ���i . :'ou shou�d c�mp�e�� Attac�m�n� 1� to s��ow th� D�� ��rticx���i�n 3•�u wi:l havc, �ign tk�e �ota�l t�r��e St�S��r��n� �Alta�l�r�ent �A) ari� rsturs� t��ua as recu� red pu�suant i� �ar_a�ra�,s,h � vf ���t i ot� � 3�crcaf.. - — 3�'ote: A�1 DBEs uxust �e C�F�1�1G'� ar irs i.he �r�c�ss_v�_bein� cer�Sfi�� ts�' l�te �it� o� F�ti wortl� a# the tim� of �i� a�enin�. A-DB� n�t alflead�' c�rtified �a�` ��ni$tt the �it�-'s �BE Qtfx�e at �SiZ) 8�1-fi��� to obtain � ��rtffic�tiofl F�rm {�ch�dule A�. R�v. 11f1���� Jl t L a�h��n t�.� �{7M€'LI�T�CE '�A F�[�N '+�� �nde�`� i��ed �� dder ��er��+' ��Rt i f i es ti�at t}ie*' xi 11 cam�i�' �i t� t��e S�BE olic,�' ir� kh£ S�11oRin� w�nn�r. �checi: 3, �, �r �) PF.�ASE RE.�� I�S"�`RElCi I O]�S : Df?E �G#.L Sect '�n . f'a � ra h i }'a e� , , � E]�TikE ��N'�'F.�4G, S��.F'P�r�� E�' DRE .(ch�cl: �er:i���aticr� ;:t�tus� Certifi�d by the �i 4� of F�ri �+'�r�l� .� . ln lise pr�c�ss c: �e i ng �er t i f i e� �� tk�r �i t�' of For t V1'ortt� �O�`E: F�. � i.L'RE TO �UBb[ I T Tl� T S T*��'�R1+�AT I��+ 34I LL R£SULT �]ti � I� ��� }�� �p?ti5��]�C,�� �O}�-�:E��'Dt��T�'� T� �P��IFICAT30N�. � �C CQN�4L� �G�.g�.i£D +�1Ti� �'��'s �,AitT�CIPATT�?� If DE£ �ar#i�i���ion meets or ex��e�s the �itv's �cat, camp�ete ��t�chmeni ].�' If E]�E ��rti�rP�f�o� is Ies� t�san t�e Cii;•'s �oal, r-au m�st co�����e kiiachment �$ an� At!�chnoent �C. � �Q�'�RAC; .S�J�Pif?E�' 1�'�T!?��';' �3E PAP'TIC�FATIC�?i Cv�plete 4h� "G�od �'�f :t� £'�ort" ktfac�tmel�t i� I ����µy�f ,�,. .�tit!:�r: � �:� ���L�e ��f +� }� � ,.� , ��. ,� � .. �i� Dacumentation rot�, �� �. s�ruc�iOTl �i�e o� Com�ar:�. ��� � � !he bi�aer f�.rt'rter a�-: �e� �❑ pro.�ideT dir��t��` �o 1�1� 4' :,' ut �ri r�ct��; :, +car��let� ��s�: �����r�:c :n:o;zu�4]o�, C��€,:�:n� �.ctu�l x��t}: pe��or�ec o�- th� ��� �if L1�� ���}1��t� 4�� ����m�F+L i�J���l��� �.FF.�i �.�t� ����Q��� ���FF��..�.5 �� 1++� ori�inal ��� �tsr�r��emer:�� su��itted ui:�� t�is bfdlr�rooas��. T}�� bicc�r ai�� a�r��s tc all�� as� audit �rid�cT �]C83�iI38rt1QIl ot ar��- �flol�s, r�c�rds, arsd : x��s �,eld bt' thear �.�a�pan;- 4hE: uil? su�st�n�iaie �he �ctu�l �c�r�: '~erro.��� �!• .he '��£ cr. t�:is cor�4r��:. �;• ar� ��tY�ar_�cc o::i�e� e� �rn�.w�•e� o� *:,e �it�'. Art}• mas�r:�i QiYSFCj}f'�S@Ti��.�i�J� ��ll k�� �r�uE��� :or terzu�ri$tin.� �he c�ntrec� ari� +or ir�itiatir�� a�tion ur+�e^ �'ed�rs3,, St�:� c� i.ac�i ��ws concerr�ir�� .'�1�s� �t�te�er:ts. (A�.L DBEs �+[U5T $E ��E:T�Fi� S�' �E �IT: SEF�P.E �O]tii�r.8.�� t.14'k��� F.e+�. 11�1�f°0 r�' �u���or� �t�f�� c�r �����#rt c�t+•rr��c;'rc�n ��hAt'1��{Y ?�AAiI;, x�Jlhil: ����nr�� n��r� �r r���r�s�x� �'F:�.�:i'i�OHi: ��ixl���3�:1� c:c�r{���:-e�:r� IraY�`v �afltbo 'fYLYCkSYl3� �.���'ry Raml�a �Q� .��iiSUn 551-6539 ��� 1`4�L�r�.�7r "i�� �����} _�_ F�e� �e�tis i��rmar� �56� S. ��stm�relanc� �1�.-��1-8$�0 E]alY�� . �'x . i5�37 _ -- t:���' ���� rc��tr w�,r�'��E �cn�:€�Xa�.x �r nr�� ur�i.i����o� S[:��� �)� l�i)�1{ �t� � f� i'�F��OII.h#E17 'P�u�ck],ng S�nd �llEY A # [ a �T�+nc�� � i}a[� t�� �{c�art 1�. 7 9"� _ -- I�k� ��o. �i�77- - IiC1t�l.JlFk A1��O��iT t} F won r� ��'�rl��=�� ���Q��.�� �i�:�r � r• � �� il l nrr� ����' Yes �'es ��S yes T1��- 111!l�CP4[F:14fir� ,rti�l �-��Ir�r it�lo n fr�r�nl ��recn,c��l wJtfi �lisne#vnnlr��[�cl ('r�r�lr�+rlrir� frir �urk lisl� ler ll�is scl�[�c�,r�c c��i��ii � i+��i��1 ,������� e�[ec;tl i nr� {�� +� c����lrnr.i xi ih l�ec [:i ly nf F'�,r i 4�nr �#ti. , � � ' ,� : -������ = s���'�:: st����►��t`trr�r::��� _ �� x`���.r: i�::-� � r�fi�. x �����s� ���s�. wat�r M��_.��t__. �e�i.f & �el� Varaous Loca�ions �ra��ct t+1��� �� ��. �or�h 33A Pt,�7_7_rr�n�r�rn� �rr�ar� Project Number _� v �*F •` �• ;,� iy .i. Att�c�ent 1� F��e � ot � �� y��t �eva iafled t� secttt�e DBB #�r�s �� i! �►our D�E �atticip�tfon �s Xess �h�n ihe �ity'� �aal� �n� must cqmplete t�i� �o�m� FJI�LUR� TO �OM�LSf S �E REQU��E� DHB �AR��Ct�ATYOM ��i�15 XS GROI]�1dDS FaR ��.���'a`3�H �� �'N� �Y�. ��[.�tr�;���ot+s or� �s �o�r ��a�T ��sr���n �� r�� sY� ��]� ��:.__���.����k r�a�-�S�or�siv� �o c o � 1. Did ���t obte►�n �► list of DB� tir�� froa► the C�ly�� 13�� O�f�c�7 � Yes � No � �. Di� y�u ��rtts�t ar��► �� tn� or��►�i�at#or�s #hai �r� avail��l� t� assist DBEs� to obts�� ■ lfst o! �ot�nit�l sub��nt��ctors/su�p���r�� I� ]�es� ]ist the a�e�c�es b�I�+�. Ye� �� `� 3, �l�as� lis# ea�h �nd ev�ry sub�onire�ct#r��f�uppller xill �e use� fn #he co�pletiar� of this �ro�ect. ��,;�, .�r�;���� .�c.�r��� ��*�� ���{ ��f , . ap�ortunit�► ��#�h 1 ���' - �� � � � I! �oner pleasa ex�lafn ifl d�tai3. �F �. Did y�u sen� +rtri�ler� no#�ee to D8E �frm� s�l�����n� 11��ir bid� or� �h�is pro jeat? Yes No sf y�s, ■tt�ch copy{s�• Rev. �1f��f�� � , � Att��t�e�t 1� �a��e � oi � S. Df� yau � lf��t bids fr�� D�� firma b�► l�l�phon�? � •���� Y c � ,,,_.� 1i o '�-� If y�s. Zia# firms ��d th� resu�t� o# #h�se e##orta� or� g*�e � o� l�, $. �� D�E ! i rms +r�r�t re jected or� �3�� ba.sf a af quo#at io� b�i�x� too h��h or qx��Xi�fca�#ions, �tta�h dacu�ent�tivr� �o sup�vr� �uotatfo� b�in� too k���h �r�d�or r����ar�s for �a�e�t�on 6as�d upar� �ualiiiaat��r�a; i.e. lstters# memos �f telepi�on� ��lls, mee�in�� etc. u '�. Dfd �+ou �olfcti bi�a from �8E Net�s�aper�� Y�s � No �� ffrms b,y A�ve�ti�e�ent in #�xa If �►e�� at#ac�t coP,y(s} �� adr�rtfs��e�#. 8. 1[ �+a� p�o�ose �� �etform t�e ent�te cont�*�t witl�a�,t s�bcon#t�aato�s ar su��lier�, �l�a.se �r�ri�e a drt�#Ied e�c�lan�tion, b�io�r t��i �r�+re�, basad on #he �ize ar�d scope �# the pr�jectF th�s i# Yvur na�m�l bu��r►ess �rec�ic�. �. �lea�e �ravide ��,y �dditiona� �nlormation �r�u f��l wil� �n�t�wcr e�cplair� y�t�r �oo� fa�ith eifarEs� ta o' 'd from �8�s on th�a projec#. Tlxe �a�pvsiti�n of you�r +rork �a�ce i� nn# a ca�sid�r�tior�. � ��r. 11f�3f�� i � Illtictrie�# �� � �ar�e 3 oi � �Fw 1 a �o r� �� t� b� �s �d *�e� a��� �r i n� qu�e t i ot� 5� ro■ t#�e pr �c �d # n� p��e , itEASUI� C�hS�ANY HAf41E, �NA,M£ ��' P�fk��l'� � �Y�� O�` I�F��tK FOR �#�T 4bbYtE�S A�b 'I'��.�AH�?�E ��N'FkCT�D ��RF�R�#isD f�B� Sl�B�01�rR�1�7'1�IC �laroc�, an�. � L���i Rvc�€ �nd Asr��a�� �c will us� as r��rd.���'� , �.�. �ax �9�i7� n��Z�� m�- 7��a�3 ,� _ -� � � � �� � - — � J��t�ch�e�x 1� P��� � of � '?'h� u�de�t�i�ned �erti�i�s th�t tk�� ir�form�ti�n pror�id�� an� :t�� �B�(s1 :iste� ++asf��te c�n:��t�d �� �oo� ��it�. lt is urxdersioo� �r�et :�,e T}H�is� or, xhe �tt,�c�e� iist xill �e c�nt�cted �nd Lhr r�esoz�s ior n�t ustn� :��� rrill be verified ��� th� Cit�•'s D�E 4ffi��. ;}�� �nisrepr�sent�tiar+ of iacts is �rvun�TV far cvn�id�rati�n Qt �is�u�iiifc�tion a�►� rn8}• res�jt in � biddet bexrs� �1�ssxtied as �r� irrespor�sible bi�der �r�� beir�� aarred from �it;� o� F�rt i�orth �orl� tor �► ��ri�d of r�at 1�ss lh�an si�c months, �, � , .� �, � ��� �=- Auth�r� ed Si��tuz'e ,� r '� '� l �+�f J'� I. `'c ':I:I� � + ,?�. � r' ,�� � � .� , -�'.� ti ;+ ,_ � - Y ��� �� -- � ���=-`--7 �. + f ' --�,.;,. -� � �� �ontac� g�r�on �ss�� �ne Tit�ey ;: i dt �� erex�t � r�m a�uthar: x�d si�rxaxurej L� �::el� "�'. Cor��tr�L�ic�:� Compar��' ?�a�l�e ?.0. Box 4�s��r L�o�t i�roX�.l'1, `�'�7�s �o_�� rti4Ci'�35 s�3�i B{�3 ^hots � ?���� r { � 1 D�te Re�'. �1/I3 f 90 PART � � GF����� �bNDI�IO�S TA13LF: DF �OE�"1'�kY'�`5 C�()VL�M�3�R, 1., 198� TASI,E qF CONTENTS ��.-1 C�-i.� �'1--i.� ����..3 C1-I.4 �l-1.� �1-1..6 �1-1.7 �1-�.8 ci�i.� ��—�.x� C�.-1, l� C�--1.12 �l�l . �.3 c�-a.. �� ci-�.�� ��—i.i� �1--1.17 �1.-� . 1B �1-].. �9 ����.�o C1--1. �� C].-�.�2 �1�1.�3 ��-1.�4 ��.-�.. �5 ��-1.26 �1-1.�7 CL-�.�8 Cl-1.�� C1.--1. 30 C1-7..31 �i—i.�� i3��'rt�1�`ION� E�efinitxor� �f Te�ms �ontr��� 17acum�rits E�o�.ic� �o $�cide�� ��op�sa� �idder Ger�er�I ��r�c�i�iort� S�@C1�1 �.`bi1C11�ipESS S��c� � ic�I= �o�s B�rsd �on�r�ict Pl.an� �i�y �i�y Cvunci� �a�o� �1-i C�-1 �1-1 �1-i �k-� �l�-1 �l�i C1-�. C�-� �i—� C�-� �l-1 G�-1 c��1 C�.-l. ��-� �1-1 C].-�l �1-J. ��Tl c�. -� �. C1-1 Cl�l c�-x �1-]. �1-� �1�1 �1-1 C�.-� C�=� C1--I C1-], (l� {1� {2? t�} �21 (2} €2) ��} {�} c�� f3} ��1 ��) ��� {�? c�� f41 (4} I4� ia) c� � {4} {4} ��� �4} i51 ib) �6} {b? �� } (� ) (6) City �4anage� ci.�y� �t��or. r��y birector o� ���l,kc works Dtr��tor, �it}+ Water 3]�pax�m�nt Fn�ir��er �o��:���t�� �uzet�es The i�o�k or F�oj�.c� k�o�king �a� Ca1�r���r Day f,�c�a1, I�a�iday r��br��,kafi �or�S �har�g� �rder Pav�d Stre�ts an� ���eys U�pav�tl ��re�t� a�[� All�ys Ci�y �tree�s fioadw�y cravel stree� G�-�2 1�N�'�Etl�RETA'��ON AN� P�E�ARATZO� c�r ��a�o���� ��-�.� Pro�osa], E��rm ����.� �nterpr�ta�i.on o� �u�n�ities ��-�.3 �xarnxnat��or� af ��t��r.ac� [�o�umerrts �.nd Site �2-2.4 �ubmi��xn� o€ ���posal ���-�.5 ]����c�ion of Propos�ls ��-�.5 B�.c� ���urity ��-� ��� C��2 �11 C�-� ( � 1 C2-�2 ( � ) ��-� {3} �2�2 {3� i�l ��-�.7 Dei,�v�ry of �r�p�sal_ C2-2.� Wi���r��zng p�opos�l� ��-i.9 Te�e�rap�ic ���Y�ication of Pr��osal� C�-�.1� Pu�Iic ���ning o� �ko�os�1 ��-�.11 �rre�ular ��ro�o�al� ��-�.1� �isqual��fication of �idc3ers �3-3 ��--3 . �. �3-3.2 C3-3,3 C'�-3 . +� C��3.5 C3-3.� �3-3_� �3-3.� �3R3,9 �;3--3, �Q C3-3.t� �3-3.�� �3-�,�3 �3--�.i4 �3-3.�5 �4--� C4--4. � �4-4.� C4-4.3 �4-4.4 {�4=4,5 C4-4.6 [;4-4.7 �5-5 c;�--�.� �S-5.� �5-5.� �5^5.4 ��-5.� C5-�.f ��-5_7 �5�5.8 C�--S _ 9 ��-5.�0 ���5.11 C�-5.�2 �5--5. �3 C:5-S. �.Q C5-5.15 �S-5.1b �5Y5.17 C�S�-5.18 AWAR�1 A�D F:?{FCC�TIDi� OF �O�UM�"[VT� ��r�sider�,tion o� Pra�osal� Ma.n�ri#:y �3usir�e�s Eri��rpi�e 5����n-��vn�d 8�sifle�s Fnter�rise corrtpl�arice ����1 �:'mpioyment Pravis�.ons with�rawal �� Propas�l� �war� of, ��n�ra�#� Ftet�rr� o� �ro��sa1 �ecuri�xe� �ar�c�s �xec���tior� of Can�ract �'ailu�e t� �x�cu�e �an��a�� F3�q�nr�ing ��rk 'lnsur�nce C;antr�.�tor. ' s Cil�.l iga�xon� 4�e�1��� gayroll Contz�ac�ar's �o��rac�. Adr�in�str�tion Venue 5���� ��' W���t Inl.��t o� ��ntract �o��m�nt_.y Sp���a]. Prov,�s.i.orrs In�rea�ed �r ��c�rea�r�c� Q�an���ies A1ta�-��i�n t��' ��n�ract C�qcum��t� �xtra 4�or�C S�l��d�Ye of �peratic�n� Pr�gr�ss Sc�h�d���s far �#ater and Sew�r Fla�t F�.cilities �on�m�arl oF wa�x �►�aa r���rL����,� �utk�oriL•y of En�in��r Con �orrni t�r wi�h F�.ar�� �on�d.ina��ion o� Can��ac�r_ Documents Coo��r��ion o�' �on�ractqr Fm�rg�r�c�r andf �r Re� �_ i f•, ica� ion �ntork 1ryield O�f xce Con��.ruc�ian Stak�� F,ui=hc�ri,Ly �nd i�uti�s of Insp���.�rs 1�5s�ection R��no�r�� vf oe€�c�zv� �nd lfnau�hori��d v�vr. k Subs�it�ute �3a��ria1� �� �q�ipment �am�1�� and ��st� oF Materia],� ���r,�g� of M�ter��t�s E�tisking Str�ac�ur�� and U�a.la'.ti�s �nt�rr�ptior� nf �e��ice C�utual. i�espor�sibi.lity oE Cor�trac��rs ��,�anra� F�ina]_ In���ction C�-� [�J C2�� {4l �2�2 �4� C2--� {4) C�-� (4) �2-2 {5) �3-� ��) �3-3 ��-3 ���� C3�3 �3-3 C3�3 �C3-3 C3-3 ��-3 C3-3 ��-3 ��-� C3--3 �3-3 (11 (1} f2} (�} ��1 (2� t4 } �41 (41 {41 {7} {71 (7} (B} C4-4 (I} C4�4 {1� �Q-4 {�� ��4�4 {2) �4-4 � 2 ? �4-4 {3} ��-� (4) �5-5 C5�5 �5�5 C5-� �5-5 C5=5 C5-5 �5-5 �5=� �5--5 C5-S C5--5 �5--5 �5-5 �5-5 �5-5 �5-� CST� (1} (1} (2� {21 (31 {3� {3� (4� �51 ��} (�} (6} (6} (7} (7� �g} {8� {9? {�) ��-b C���.t �6�6.� C6�6.3 ��-�.4 �6-6_� C6�6.G �6T�.7 C5--6.8 �b-fi . 9 �f-f . 1�7 C6�G.�i �f-�.].� �b-6.1� Cb-5.1�# C�-6. '15 ��-b..16 CG-�.�7 c�-�.�s �fi-� .19 �6--� . 20 �5�6.2� �7-�7 L7--7 . 1 �7-7.� �7�'7 . 3 �7�-7. 4 �7--i . 5 C7�-7 . 6 C7�7.7 ��—�. � ��-`� . 4 ��7--7.14 C7-7,17_ C:7--7 . �� �7--7 . 13 �7-7.14 L$�AL R�,�A'�Y��S A�� �UBLY� RF�P���IBILIT� La�s �o �e D�s�r��d ��rmits and �ice�s�s �at��ted �evices, Ma���ia1s and �rocesses S��i���� Pr�v�sFo�s P��lic �����y an� ��nv�ni�n�e �ri�il��es of �antracto� i� Street�, �l�ey�, a�d Ri�h��ofRWay Ra�1�ay Cr��sii�g� S�rricac���, W��nrr�g� anrl Watchrn��r Us� o� Exp�,�s i ves, I]ro� Weight., e�c . �vor}� 4�� r_l�bn E�s��n�nts ind�pencien� Co�trac�ar (.'���ra�#:�r's R�s�onsibi��.t� fo� �antac�� �Y��ms Can�rac�.or's CZair� �or �amage� �c�j�sf:m�nt of R��oc:a�ion vf Pu��ic Utili�i�s, ���. Temp�rary 5�w�r Urain ��nr�ecCi�n� Arra�xg�me�i� a�lc� ��arges of. Wat�r Furrli.��ed b]+ �ity Use af � Se��.inn o� P�rtio� �� tt�� wo�lc [;or��iac�or's 1��spon�i�ili �.� for �n'o�]€ N� Y�aiv�r. of T��c��l R3�hi�s PersonaY �iabil�ty r�r Puhlic [��£ic�a�s St�k.e �a��s 'I'�x ]?R��E�[i"1'IO[� �ND PR�C�l�ES� ���1��t.ir�q A��igrtment of �an�.r.��� �ros�c��ion of �.l�� wori� �,��nit�tions �.F O��ra�.a.�ns �ha�act�r of Work�nat� and Eg��a.�ament V�or, k �ch�dul� �ime o� �a�n�ner�cem�flt �r�c� �om�letior� E7C��rl�i�t� �� �L[ale Of �C�rEipl��lpf! E�� ]. a y s T��� c�� �o�p�.��ion ��,����ns�on �� �ourt �rc��r T���or.a�ry �u�pension 'I`erntir�at�,ort o� �or�tra�� due k.� Na�ianal ��erg'��r.'� Sus��nsiors o€ Ahand�rsr��r�� a� the WorEc anc� Annul��nt a� Co�tra�t ��-7.�,5 �'vG��i11��nt c�f �ontr��t �7-7.1f� Te�r�i.�3�t��x� f�� �o�veni�nc� o� �1�� �n�re�r C7-7 . �.7 �afe�y �l��had� and L��a�tic�s k.V�`� ��l3�lJ�\L�i:r1Y L� 1`ylY{J CC1��1:i��5 �B-�.� M�asx�r�m��� �f ¢��n�i���s �$-8.� tlnit_ �ri��� Gb�S (l} C�-6 (11 �6-� il) C��6 {2l ���6 (2) �646 {3} �6-� L4} C6�6 (4) �5-6 ( 5 } �6-6 �6} ��-6 (8� ���t (S } C6�6 I�U) �6-6 (1Ql ��-6 �10) CfaRb {��l �6-6 (11) �fi- � { ].1, i �:�-� t z � � ���6 (X2) ��-6 (i�1 �7-7 �7-7 �7--7 ��-7 �'� T 7 �7-7 C7--7 C7�7 C7-7 C7-7 C7-7 C7-7 (1) {1) (1} (�) �2) {3� (�} €41 (4� {5� f�} €f } C7-�� [ 7 � C7-7 i71 �7-� {9� C7�7 LXO} C7-�7 ( 3.3 ) �UlO x � � c:B�� �].) I31 �8--8. � �8=� . �1 �8-8.5 C8-8.� �8��.7 �$-8.8 �8-8.9 ��-8.1� C8--8 .11 �#3�8.I.2 t'.8-8.13 i,uEn� 5um �c��� o� ��ym�n� P�rti�� Es�irn�tes an� R�tainage �Ji�hl�o��#.ing �'a�rt��rtt �`i��l, l��ce�tanc� �'ir��l Pz�tG�r�t7t A�qu��y of pesi�n ��.r��ral �t�a�rar��y �ub�zdiar.� Wa�� Mis['eliar�eous P1aC���n� f�r�co�d Docum���ts o� Ma��rial ���8 �8�8 C$�8 �8-8 �#�-� CS�$ C$-$ �8-8 CB--#3 �S-� �8�8 I 1, 1 �11 �2i �3} �3] {3} (41 (�} ��} f5} i�} i�� ���T � � �E�ERAL CD����i��S ��-1 �E�I�I'�I��S 5���"Y�N �1-1 D�F��iTTON� �1�1.1 DE�I��T�ON� OF T��M�: when�v�r in �h�s� �vnt��ct �o�um�n�� �h� f��Xo��ng t�r�s o� �ro�ouns �n ��ace af �h�m are use�, t�Ye int�nt and ��aning shal� �� un�ers�o�d a�d i�t�rp�e��� �s tol�ows, ��-1,2 ���TRA�T DO��M��TS: The �ontract �o�urnenis are a�X �f �h� w�ktten and d�aw� �oc��en�s, such �s sp��ifica�ions, �ondsr addenda, ��a�sF etc., w�i�� govern t�� �e�ms a�� ��r�o��an�e af. �he can�rac�. Th�s� ar� conta��e� i� the ��r�eral �ont�rac� �o�vm�ri�s a�nd �h� S�ecfa� �o�tract �c��urr�ents. a . ����RA� �O�VTRA�T L7��UME�IT� : �`he �en�ra� �ont�a�� f]o�u��nts g�verr� a11 W�ter �epa�tr���t P�oj�c�s a�d �nclu�� �he �o�lawzr�g items: L�AR'�' A-�3D'i'��� TO BIDl7��� I�arnp�e] PA�T � � �I�O�OSAL i�ample� F��� � -- ������r� cc�ra���ric��us �c��r�r� ( i?eue�ap�r } FAR'�' i� - SPE��A� �O�FDZT�Q�3� PAF�'�" E � S1�EC�FI�A'�xOC�S F�Ri�[�`i'S f EA� �i�'1�N�'S PA�t'P 1� - ���D� (�a�pl�J PAi�'� G - CON"£RA�'� ISarnpYel Wl�i�� �ha��� �an�r�r Y�liow Brown �r�en C1-White E�-�o�d�n f�od E�iA�4��tite Blue Whit� ��ite b. SPE��AL �[�C�TRA�'i' 1]�C�FME�3T�: The �g�ci��. �on�r2��t �7o�ur�ent� ar� pr��ar�� f�� e��l� speci�ic p�ro�ect as a ���p��rn�n� to th� ��r��r�l ��n�rac� �ocum�r��s and inc�t�c3� t�� �o��.ow�ng i��ms: P�R'i` A= NOTI�F T� BIRD�'R� a�ove PAR'i� S-- P�OP�S �T� I Bid ? �FIRT � - GE�ERAL COA7ili�1'IpN� PAk�'�' I? - ^��ECTJ�1i, �QC�DITIO�1� �AEt'1' � - �P��ZF��A"�'�1��T� P�€tNQIT�f rA���1�I�'�`5 �PIR�.' �' - l3�[��� �1�R'�' G - C�C�'�'RrAC'�' ( �c��rer t i ��m�r►t } �am� as �ART �3 - �L��]� €Usua�ly b�unc3 s�para�el�) �1--� € � } �i-�.� �a�z�� �ro ���o���: ��� �� �h� ����� publxcativn� �i�h�� ac�ually pu�1.�s�e� in �u�1i� adver�i�ing ine�r�ms or furnx���� ��r�ct to �n�e�eated �ar�ies ��rtai�ing to ��� work �a��emp�at�d �nd�r t�e �vn�rac� no�umen�� canst�tutes ��� no�i�� t� bidders. �1-1.4 PROPO�AL: Th� �o�p��ted wrxt�en and �ig��� v�fer or. te��er ot a bidde� ta p�rforrn the ��r� w�ich th� Ow��r desi.res ��o Y���re dv�e, �oc��ther w�tt� tE�� k�id s���srityt cons�i�u��s t#�e ��o���al, �rhz�h becomes k�i,r�c�irtg u�aori tne Bidder wh�n it i� of€ici��l� r�ceived �y �t��, C�wnk•r:, i�as ���n pu��Iie��r opened and re�c� at�d rro� �eje���d �y th� Owner . �i--1.5 ��DDFR: �ny ��rsoe�, �er�ons, Eirm, partnershi,�� �ornp�n�r, ass�c�atio�a, car�o����.�n, actin� direc��� o� t1�r.o�gYy a c����+ au�hori�ed r�pr�ser��.ativ�, sub�ni��:ing a���pasal. �or p���orznin� th� wo��C ��r�templak�ed unde� t[�e �ontra�t ��c��ner�ts, constitu��s a �idd�r. �1-�..6 �EN�1�AL �OAIDY'�`I0�5: T�1e �er��r�X �ondit�ons are �}�e usua� �o��truct�i�n ar�d cor�tract r�q�irem�nts whzch gov�rn th� �erfarrrt�r�c� o� the work s� ��at i� w�ll b� car��iec� on in ac��rdance with the �ustam�ry �ro��dur�, the �v�a1 ��atu��s, anc� r�quz���ents oF �,he �x�y �� Fo�k t��r�h'� cha��er ars.d prom�t�g�t��i o�c�.inanc�s . Wh�r�v�� t�e�� �nay be a conFZrcl_ betw��r� tk�e G�n�ra� �a��x�i.on� and ��ecial �nndit�ar��, �he 1ati��� �hal� �ak� pr�c:�d�n�� an� shall govern. ��-1.7 �����AL �0�7��TIOt�S: S�ec�i2�� c�n�iti,ons a�� �he ���ci�ic rec�u�re��nt� �r�i�h-..are n���ss�ry F.or th� par��,c�alar pr�j��t �ov��ed �y �he �on�ra�h. !]ocumer��� an� n�� �pe��,��,��1].� r.o�r��ed �n, �h� Gefl�xaY �ondxl•i�ns. 4�t�en �or�sid�r�d with the Gen�ra� �andi tior�s �nd a�h�r el��,t�ents o£ the C�ntract, Aocur��nh.s l:�e}� �r�o�ri�e �hc� inf�rmati�n rahic� �h� �nn�ractor an� Owr��� sho�l.� k�a�� Fn o�der to ga�,es a thara�g� kr�ow],�dc��� o� t�ie pr�jec�. ��-1.8 �P,F��IT�'��A'�ZO�iS: Th� �pecx�icatir�ns is t�tat ���r�on or p�r� of ti�� Cor�trac� D�ct��ent� wl}i�h sets forth �,e� de�ai� th� �ec�uirem�nts which �nust be m�� l��y ��l �ater�al�, �or��t�uc�zc�n, worl�mansl�ip, equip�nen�. and ��rvic�s ir� o�der, to r�r�c��x a �o��l��ed and ua��ul �r�j��t. W��nev�� r�fer�r�c� is m�d� to �tanda�ed sp�c�L-i���,i,ans, �r�guiaFi.o��� req�ti��m�nts, st�tut�s, e��. r st�ck� re�e�r�ci to docur�en�� �hat1 become ,�Oart o� l:ite �ort�ract Dacu�n�er�ts j��st a� �.t�oug�r th�y w��e embodied �her�i�_ �1�� .� F3O�11]: Th� �or�c� or bor��� ar� th� writ��n guarar�tee �� ae�urS.t�r fu�rnisY�ed 6�t the �ontra�tor �or L-h� �r.omp� and C�-� ( 2 } �a�thf�� p�rfo�man�e a� the co��ract and inc�ude �h� fo�low�ng= a. P���orrnan�e �a�� {s�� paragraph �3��.7) b. Paym��� Bond {see par������ C3-�.7) c. Ma�n�e�a�ce ��nd (s�� pa�agraph �3�3.7� d. F�ap�sal o� i3xd Security (s�� �p�c�al �n�tr�t��:a,or�s ko f�idc��rs ,�a�t I+� and ��-�� . 6] C1-1_10 ��i�"�RA�T: "The Contrar�t is the f�rmal signec3 a+�ree��nt be�weeiry the C��rner an�l th� C�n�rack.o� coveri�c� t�� mu��a7. und�r.��andir�� v�' th� tw� �ar�t�acti�rc� �a���es about �i�� �ro�e��. �� �� c�rnpl�k.�d u��de� t�e �ar�tra�� Documen�.�. ���1 .�.7. P��A�3�= Th� �lans are t�r� dxawinc�s o� r�praduct�ar�s t��r�re�rom mad� b� t`he O�n��'s �eepr�sen�aL��re shc�wing i� c���ai.l ti�e ���ation, d�mens�ar� an�i �osition �f �h� vario�s eler�er�ts �i �h� proje�t, a.nc�.u��ng �uc�r ��ofi�e�, tiy�a.�al cross-s�cL• �or�s, lay'aut diag�ams, w�rlc�.ng c�rawirrc�s, ����.��ni�t�ry drawi�tg� ar�d such su�plementa�. dravrin�s a� t�t� Owz��r rnay �ss�� �o clarif� ��h�r drawinga o� �or tt�e p�rpos� o� showing �hanges ��ti khe w�rlt h�rei.na�r�r au�horized �y the Owrr�r. ��t�� �1ans �r� u�uat�y h�ur�c� s��ara�e�.� �rom �k.her parts �� the Corstz�act �o�umen�s, bu� kh�y a�e a part o� �he ��nt�ra�� Docu€���rts �us� as th�ugh �i��� w��� l�oun� ���rein_ C�-1.1� �iTY: Tktie �rt� o� F�rt �To�t�h, m�x��, a mt�r�icipal �c�r��.ra�,Eo�, aut���ixe� and ck�art�red �nd�r th� T�xas Sta�� �tatu�es, a�ting �� a�d th�ough ��s �overning k�ody o�r i.t� C��� M�nc��t�, eacY� af w�Y�ich is r�qui�ed �y char�e�r �o �aer�orr� ���cif�c du�ies. R�s�ansi�i�i�y fo� ��na7. �nfar�emen� �� C�ntract� �r�vo�vinc� ti�� �.ity af Fo.�k W��th is b�€ ��t�r��r ve�t�d �n �he C�ty Ma�a�er. The ter�ts Cit� ��d �wn�r are syn�nymat�� . �5.--� .13 ��T,�C COU���L: Th� d�l� �le���d anc� qua���iec� gav���tii.r�g t�o�y o� �17e City o� Fort �lortt�, T�xa�. C�.-�..�9 l�AYOR: Th� �f�i�iall�r �l�ctec� �ay�r, or i� h�� �bs�r�ce+ �k�� C�ayo� �ro ��m o� ��e Cit�y of �'�rt u��rth, T��c�s. �l-�l. i5 CIT� ���I��Ci�: '�`�,e o�tici,a]_�y a��ainted and aut�orized �ity M�r�ag�r o� �h� C��� o� �'n.rt u�or�.h, '!'exas, or h.�s d�ly �uthor���*d r�pr���e��at�v�. �1-�..YG �ITY ]4'i`TORI�i��: '�'i�e offxc�a��� �,�p�inied �ity ,�ttor�e�r �f �k�� �i�y o� �`o�-� Wo�t�h� '�'exas, or h�� c3uly au�%ori.�ed ��pr�ser���t�.ve. �i-1 {�) �l -�.i7 DI��C��R OF �����C �oRxS: T�e �uly ��pq���ed of�i.�ia� �f �h� �ity o� �'or� Wor�t�r ref�r�c�s� �o in �h� �h�r��r �� �h� �i�y �ngineer, o� �,i.s du1�y a�tC�ori��d re�r���ntatxv�. C�.-1.18 �]��{��'�O�Z, �TTY T�A'i`�R D��2��"T'l��N3': Th� du�y ���t�ir�ted Dire�t�r of �Lhe �i��r G�ater r��partr��r�L• af the �z ��+ �� Fort i�a.�th, 'i`�xas, ar C�i,� du1�+ a��hori��d reor���r�ta�x�re, �5sist�r�tt vr a�[�nks. C�-1.].� E���.NFE1�: Th� Dire�t�r o� ��blic W�rl�s, ttte ]�i.r�ctar oF ��i� Fr�rt W�r�h City W�te� D�par���r�t, o� �heFr �uly auth�ri��d a�sistar�ts, agents, �nqirse�rsf ins����ars, or' su�eri�tend�nts, �ctix�� v�.i��rin �h� s���� �f tl�� partic�ilar c��tr�s �n���st�c� to �he�. �J.-�..�{3 COi�Tl����0,�: The ��r��n, r��r�ons, �ar��l�rs�si�, �omp�ny, �i�m, a,;socfation� or e�r�oration, �nt�rirrg ir�to a �on�x�ct wi t!1 the Owit�r €a� rh� �xe�u�.�on of ��� war�€, a�tinq dire�kly or thr�ugi� a duly ��t]�c�rize� r�pr�sentativ�. �1 s�ab-�on�iactar �s a person, E1r�� ^.00�]{3�d�i{3R'li ar ot��rers ��d�r car�tra�t witl� the prin�ipa� contrac��r, ��pp�,yx�,g ]_a�or ant� mat�ri�ls or oniy Y��or, C�r woric �� the �ite n� �h� �ro:j�ct. C�.--l.�l SCTi��TYL�'S: Th� ��rporat� f�od�es which a�� bqund b�r s�ek� iaonds are rec�uired w�,t2� ar�d ��r th� �ontract�r. Ttl� sur.eties er�gaged ar� t� �� f�ll.� ��spa��ible for �he �n�ir� �r�� sat�s�actory �ulfi.11.�t�nt oF Che Coflt��c� and �or any ar�d al.i �pq���e�n�nts as s�yt Eo�LYr in the �or��ract �ocu��r��s and ap�a�ov�� chang�s ther�xn. �l=�..�� '��� T��Rf{ oi� PRO,���T: The c�mple��c� �rar� c�nte[��lat�d �n ��t� �o�r�red by �E�� ���,tra�ct E�c�cur��nts, �ncYudi.ng b�x� nr�t �.imi, te� to the �urr�is�t�,ng o� alY labor, r�a�r�r�al.�, �ool�, [?l�l:ll�]ERP_Gl�r anc� in�id�nE:als �i�cessar,y t� �rodu��= � c�mp��te� and ��rvi��ai�1e pz�j�c�. �l�i. �3 �0�[�zI�� E�A�: � worlcing �ay is d�fin�� as a�aleridar c�ay, r�f�� inc].t�ding 5��r�r.�ays, �ur�c�aysr and l�gal hc�lida�rs, ir� w�ich kh� w�ather ar �tt�er �onr�itia�� n�� under l:h� �antrol �� �h� ��nt�a�to� perEnit �he p���orr�an�e oi ��7e �rincipa� unit of wc>r1c �vr � period o� flot �ess i:hae� s�ber� (71 h�urs beL`weer� 7:�� �.m. �nd 6:4Q p.m.t wi�h e�cc��tior�s as �a�rmitt�� i� par2►c� �'�ph �7-7 . fi . ��^1. �4 �A.LEIV�1�1� DAYSa �4 ca],�nd�� day i� a€t�+ da�+ af the we�k �.r mon�Y�, n� da�s b��rtig �xr���t��. �I�1.25 L��2qL �i{��,Ii�A�S: L�g�� hc��ida�s shail b� o�ser��d as �res�ri,bed b�r th���it� �our�ci� oE th� City �� Fort �F�rth f�r �����var�ce by �� ty �r�ploy��� �s f�,� �ows : Cl-1 (4� .� . �_ 3. 4, 5. 6. �, �. 9. N�w Y�ar."� a�� h!. i�, �Cing� 3�. Bartk�da� Niemor�al Day Ind�pen[ier�c� f3�y L�ho� Day TC�ar�ksc�ivirig �ay TF1aCi1[S[�iVLri� E�r�d�� �i1�lS�t��S 17�j� S�ch �k�h��- c��ys i�ti 1�eu c�f hc���days a� t�� City ���anci.l ma� d��ermi,n� �anuary 1 Thi�c� l�onda� i� ,7�r�uar�► r,ast �ic�n[��� i.n M�� ,7u].y 4 rir�� [��n�ixy in �����EnE�er Faur�l� '�i�u�sday in i�a��mh�� FO�rLh r'iida�€ Lri NOV'�iilb�r n���t�,��� �� When one o� �h� ab�v� r�aro�*d holi�a�s or a�pecia� I7��.��e3+� is ci�clar�d ��r tk�e Cit� Coun�i � r �alls on Sa tur�ay t�hc ho1 i�ay �ha].L �e �b�er��d an the prec�c�i.r�g �ri�a� o�• i� i.� �al].s or� ��tr�da�r, �.� �h�ll be obser�red ��r tl�e ��llovri.r�g �i�nda� K by ��ose �mploy��� warking on war�ir�g day op�raki�ns. �mp�oy�es w�r?c�r�c� caler�dar day o�er��ioz�s wxl�. consirl�r ��� �a1�r��a.� �o�irlay as the h�liday. C:l.�i.�f> #1��REVIATI�N�; �heret��r. �h� ��b�evr��i�ns d��ir�ed her�iri a���ar in �o�ti�rac� oo�um�ni:s, t?�e i��en� �ncl meaning sC�a�]. �e as �o�.�.�ws: AASHTE? - ASC� -- LA4� - AS�'M � A��vA � �SA - [� F -- As�h. j�lV2. �31�d . C� c�, G� L�n. Yt�, �� Ma�c , A�er�can Associa���n or MGf? �tate #iighwa� Transpo�ta�io� Of1:ic�.a3.s Ame��can ��ci�ty o� �iv��. �ngineers �rr Ac�o�r��,�c� wrtit Aln+��x�al3 �OCi�i.j� {�� '�e��ing �fat��ia�.s At���i�an �at�� 4d�rks �ssociati�rt Ameri��n �tanda�ds As��a�i�tion Hy�rau�.ic Ins�it�t� - Asg�alt � AV' C: C1, L7� � - Bou.lev�rd - ���t ��on -� ��nL'�r F.ine � �alvar�i��d iron - i�i r��ar ��c f�i n�a.l. -- ��xanc7 - ��nh��e � Maxa.rro�Gn - �i�i�l,��n ��].��r�s �Per bay �FS � �ub�c �`oot� g�r S�c�nd l�i � . - Mor��.- � - �2 - I.D. - El��►. � r - C - Tn_ � r•�. - �t. - CY y ��i . - � �' - �.F. -- i� . T . -� Min�imum Monqlit�tic ��rc����sro i��dius zr�sx�e D�am�ter �.D. - Q�t�si�e i�iameter E�e���ia� �`ahr�nheit ��ntigr�d� inch r�ot str��t C�xbic Ya�� �,� r d �quar� Yar� Lif7E3?: �'�0�: Duck�1� ��on �1--� { � 1 C1�1.�7 ��jA��� ORD�R: A""�har�g� �rd��" ,is a w�i�t�en s�p�a�.��n�.n�al agree�nen� l�etw��rr �he Owr��a- ��� tk�e �or��ra�tor ��u�rina� sor�� ar�d�d ar d�dK�cted it�m a� ��atur+� which ma�r k�e ��ut1�i t�e��ss�,ry ar�r� wi���� r�as ria� sp��i,f �.���.Ly �n�l�ci�d it� 1:�,� s�or�e a� t��e proj�ci �n whic}� �ids w�r,� �u%rnYtt�d. �nc�ease in un�t q�anti�ie� s�at��d in th� pr�pos�l are r�ot th� subj��t r����er o� a CY��ng� Orde� �r���s� ��e i.ncr�as� or decr�as� i,s more t��an �5� o� thc a�nout��. a� the �ar�icul��e �.��m �r x��ms in th� o��.gkna.l ��o�os�l. AZ 1'"�i�anc}e prder�"' sha11 b� �repa�ed by �.�e Ci t� frorn iflf�Crllci�-1011 �;'s iI�C�SSa]Cjr ��1rf31S�7�t� 1�}x trle �Ql3i=�$L'�OY, �lyl. �6 P�1VEn STR��TS A�#D ALLEY�: �l �av�c� stre�� or a1�ey s17a11 b� d�fincd �s a str�ei: or al�ey C��v�.rt� an� of �he ��11�wir�� ��+��s oE w�a�ing bur�a�es a�,���ieci t�v�r ka�e natura� �an�.m��ave� sur�a�e: l. �n� ���� of ��ph��tic cnr������ u�ith'or ��.thou� sep��ate base m�k.�ria�. �. Any t�pe o� asphai� su�£a�� �r,�a��r�ent, not i�ciudinq an oi�ed sur€a�w, wi�h or �rrtha�at �cpara�e ba�� ma���i.a�. 3, Brick, wz�h or withou� ���a���:e b�se ma��ri�l. �. �an�r�te� wi�h or s�i�.hau� s��ar.a�e �ase ma�:�ria�. �. �1n� �oi��k�t��io�s c�F �h� �bov�. �l-1 .�� U�PAV'ED ST�t��'�'S OR A��,��5: Ar� unpav�� �k��et, �l,��y, rva�wa}� or al�.t��r sur�ac� i.; any a��a e�c�e�t th�se d�f xn�d �k�ove �or 'x�av�d �l• �-���.s a�7d Al leys , " ��-�. �0 �ITY �Tk���'S: A c�, t�r str��� is de.f�.n�d �s that ar�� ��t�a��n �h� r. ic�ht-n�-way �zn�s as tt�� s�reet i,s d�dic���d. C],-Z.31 �t�A�WAY: �t�� �oadwa� is d��in�� as the �r�a ��kw��n pa�all�l l�nes �wo {�°} feet �ack of t,he �urb Zin�s �r fou� �4" ) f�et �a�� o� �t�e av�rac�e �dge o� pa�+ern�nt whe�e r�o c�ar�i �xx�ts. cx-L.3z �R7�vEL �'�REET= �q c�r�v�1 �tr��� i,s ar,� un�a�r�a �tx�er to whxc�� ltias ���e� ac�d�� pn� or. tn�r� f�pp�.zcat,ior�s �f c}rav�l o.r ��milar mat�r�al okk�e.� thar� th� nat€�ra]. �a��ria� �o�nd on the s�ree� �ur. i'a�e �e�or� ar�}� ifnprav�r�e�� was �ta��. C�-1 (61 5��'�`Lq[� C � G��I�:RAL� �DIVDI`�',��N� ��-� ��l"E'�1��RE'I'A�IOt� �1�3D �REI�ARA'F�O�F O�' P1��Pr�SAL �ECTI01� ��-� TN�`E�PRk?'�A,'�'�Qt� AT�T� �k��Pi�►ftATIO� O� �i�qPOSAL �2-�.1 i'ROPO�A� FQ�t�I: "I'he C}wn�r w�il ��rn�sh b�s�c��rs wit�h proposal �orm� wh.�ch will �antain an i.t��mi�ed lis� of �i�� �. L•ez�s �F w�r�C ka k�e done ar rna��rz�ls to �e f�rni�he� �nc3 �pon whi�:i� bic� ��ri��� are regu�s�ed. �h� Prap��al fnrm wi�.�. sta�� ��� �1.�1��� F s +�en�ra7. unc�ers �ar�ding of the proj��t �o k�� com�l�t��d* pr�vi.d� � s��ce ��r f���x3s�ing t�ti� a��un� o� �id s��uri�y, an� s�ate th� l�a�i.s �c�r er�t�r�nc� �nto a for�na� �or��ra��. Tfne �wr�e� wi�l �urnish �orms Lor t�e �idd��' � uEK�J�L1�llC@ �i�CO�C�f�� ���*{��11�]iOGsii�: SCk1A{311���u �,llC� "��'111��1�1�� �tat�rn�nt, �� a�� o� whi�h must �� pro��r�� ex�cuted and f i lec3 with th� Direc�o� o� t�e ��t� Wa��r �?�partm�nl: o�� w���r�o� �o the ho�r ��� �penit�g o� bid�. -- '�he ��na��ial 3�-���E912i7� r�quired �hal� �ave be�n pr���ar�d b� a�ti a.r�de��nd�r�t certiL•��� �ul�la".c a��������ti� or an i�dependent ��ub�i� ac�a�nt:ant 17c��ding a vali,d pe�r�it i�s�sed k�� an a�pro��riat� �take licens�r�g �g�n�yt an� �ha11 hav� ���r� so �re�ar��3 �s t� re�l�c� tl�e c�rren� iinanci�l s�a�us. This sta��m��rt r�ust be cu��r�r�� and r��� �n�re �Y�ar� on� ��) year old. in th� �a�� th�t a biddir�g da�� �a�Is wi�h,in �kh� �im� � n�w ��at�.�m�nt ia be�ne� pr�pared,t �.h� �ar�vi,�us �tate�nenl: �t�a1.1 b� upda�ed k�y pr�p�r �r�aci��i,cation_ Lic��ai� a����s ir� khe ait��un� o� �en (���) ���'cen� o� �t�e �stima�ed �ro��ct �ost wi�� b� r�qu���d. For �n �xp�rie��e r�cord to be c�ofls�d�r�d �� be a��e��at�L� f�r a giv�� pro����� it musi� ���rl��� �.he ex�e�k�r�ce o� �he firm s��king q�ua�.ific��ion �n work o� bo�Yr ���� sa�ne n�#.�tr� ans� ma�ni���� a,� ��a� �f the pra��c� ��r �rhich b�d� a.re �a be receiv�d f and, suc�� �x�erierrce mus� have be��, on ��oj���s c�m��e��d �ot more �har, Fiv� €5� �r��rs �r�or to the da�e o� wE�ich are to be �ec:eived_ The Di�ecto� c�� th� ���er ���a�t�n�n� sha�.l �e sole judg� as t� �h� a���p��l�ili�y of ��cp�ri�r��� f,or q�ali�icatxor� �o bic� 0�3 ar�y �'or� W���h w�,�er Dep�r�m��t �ro��ct. Ti�� ��osp���tive bi.d��r si��11 ��h��u].e th� ��uz�m�r�t i�e has availaF�l� ��'o� the �ra�ec� and �tat� that h� w�1� ren� ��ch ad�i�ional ��+�r�m�r��_ as may' be req�az�e� to c�r������ tY�� pra�eck� �rx wk��ch h� �ubm�ts a bid, ��-,� .� I�TERP1��'1',�"FION ��' Q�JJ��TI"I`���: The Clllari�l�L�-�.S o� wark and rnat;e��ta�,s �o be �urrs��Yt�d a� ma� �e 1iai��d i� �l�e pr�posal �:2-� (1 1 f�rms o� a�h�� �a..rt� o� ��� contrac� pocume�ts wili 6e cons�d�r�d a$ app�o�imate on1� ��d wi�l, be us�d For t�e �ur,�a�e a� oom��ring bids on a uni��rm h�s�s. Faym�n� wz1Y be �na�� �o �he �o�tr.a���r C�r anl� �h� ��t�al ��a��it��s of wor� perfar.m�d �r �a�eriax� �ur�is�e� �n str.�c� ac��rd���� wi�� �he C�ntrac� �vc�m�nts an� �l�ns. '�he qu�nti�i�s o€ wa�� to �� �erE�rm�d �nd rn��e�xa�s t� �� E�r�is�e� �ay be �n���as�d o� d�creas�d as h�rei�a�te� ��ovid��, wi�ktio�t in any wa� inva��c�a�in� tl�e uni� p��c�s bi� ar �ny a�h��- requ�r+��nent� o� ��te Co�i�r�ct �ac;urt�en�s. C2��._3_�?(AP�TS�A"F�Di� �F ���TRACT i�b�[JM��#T� Ai�� �IT� �r PRO��CT: �3id��rs are ��v�.s�c3 that th� �ant��ct L�ocu�n�r�t� nn fxl� wz�.h t�l�� Owner �ha�� �ons�z�u�e a��, a� ��� ir��Forr�a�i�r� w}�ich tE�e �w��r w.ill furn�.sh. �►iZ a���rional infor��k.i�n ar�d r�a�a �rk�i�h ti�� awn�r +�iZ.l. s��O�1y a�ter pror�u�,ga�:i.art vf tY�� farm�� �t�ntra�t� �acur��nts shalL he is�u�d in �hc f�o�m oF w�x���� ac3��nda and sha�], be����c� part o� the �on�ract �a�umer�ts ��st as tho��h su�h a�de�da w��e a��u,all� wr��.tten in�o �.h� or�c�ina� conr.ract aocum�r�ts. Bid��rs ar� rec�ui��dt �zior t� �he fi.l.ir�� o� �ro�n�al, �a r�ad and i�ecorn� ,��rnil�ar wi, tYx the �ont�a�t Do�um�nt� t�.o v� s� i: ��i� 3itr� o� ��e �r��ect �nd �xamin� �ar��ulZy a�l .lacal c�r�ditior��, to ie�fox�m �hems�i�res by �tt�ir �wri inde�c�rYc��nt xes��rca3 and ,xr��restigatxor�s, t�s��, ]�a��nc�, and Yry suc� o�:her ,n�ans �s may k�� r����s�ary ta gai� a�c���lete k�a�r��dg� �� �ha conc�it�ons which vri�l, b� enco�rx�ered d�r�n� th� �on9i.��ctiar� �f th� �ro��c�:. T�Zay �nust ��ac�ge for r.lze����v�s th� diE�i�ulri�s of ���� w�rk ar�d a�,], atte�dir�g circu�rs�an�e� affec�in� t�s� ��st a� dt�xng t�� wo�k c�r �i�� time xeqz����ci �'ar its �o�t�pl�tir�n, and �btai.r� �11 ifl�or.matzon r.�qui��� to mak� �n i����13�er�t ���opasal. h�c� i����.r7r��tior� giv�n by tC�e ��rn�r c,i an�r z��r�see�tal:iv� aF �hc� Own�r other �.k1an tt�ah �onta�n�d in ki�� �ot�trac.�r,: bo��m�a�r:s and a�Fic3a�Iy �ram�alga��d adc��nd� tt��r�to, sha�� be k��ridin� �apor� t�e �w��r. �idd�rs sE��1i re�y �x��u�i.v��y and ����i� upon th�ir o+an �s�im�l�es, �,nvestz�al- ion� r�se�r�h, te�ts, ex�alorati�r��� a�d othe� data �rhi�h a�e n�ces�ar�r ;�or €uIl and �or��l.e�� xni:�r�a�,�,on ��on wl�i�h tY�c pro�asal is to b� �as�d. It i� r�uk.ua7,]_y �yr��c� �h�t t3�� su�m�sszor� of a�r��asal i;� �rima��a�ie c�Yd�n�� tha� t1z� �ic�der l�r�s �ad� r_�i� ��,�esti�a�i�ns� �xair�inat�ar�s and t�sts h��c�a,n re��i.�ed. CI,a�ms far addik�ona� r;orn��nsati.on d�� tv v�x,��tic��s i�ekwe�n cvr�diti�ns ack��l�.y �r�c�u�rCered �.� �anfltruc-��on and a� ir��i�;at:�d ir� ri7e Cat�kract i��c�xr�ent.� wi11 «ot he �1:1_��ed. `F�� �,c�gs o� �o,xY E3orings, �� an�+r St10W,�,CI� on i�k�� �lans ar� �ar. g�n�rai ir�f�����i�n �n.��+ and ��� n�� �� corr.�ct, t��xth�� th� ��-�{�) Owner nar �he ���i�e�r. �uaran��� �ha� t�e �ata a�o�n �� re�resentativ� af �a�dition$ whi�� a�tual�� e�is�. C��2.4 �U�MITTTN� OF PROPO��L: T�e �i�de� sha�� ���mi� �is Pro�os�l o� �h� Iorm �urn��hed b,y the Own�r, A�1 �1��k s�ac�s ap��l,ic�b�� �o �he ��aj�ck �oE�t�.a�:��d �n the fo�:m sl�al� �� carre��1� f��lad ir� a�zd �h� �3idd�r �h���. sta�� th� p�i.��s, wrir��n ir� i,n�C in �a�h w�rc�� and n��er.sl�, ��r whiclti �i� �r.a�Oos�s to �o �}tie vrork c�n�e�np��t�d �r furr�ish� �h� rnater.ia].� ����irer�. A11 s��h pric�� st1all b� wri��ee� ��gi�r�,y. In cas� o� d�.�cre��n�y b�tw��n the �r�c� wri��e� ir, war�a ar�� tk�� pri.ce �+ri.tk�n �.n rturn��ra].s, ��x� �rxc� «�st advan��geaus �o the �ity ��a�l gov�rn. �f a�raposal is subr�itl:�d b� an fn�i.vid,�al, his o� he� na�ne m�s� I�e sign�d by hir� {he�� o� h,�s fher) �ul�r au�h�riz�d �gen�. I�' a propc�sal i� submitted b� a�irm, a�s�ci.a��on, or par.tners�ip, ��e r�ame znd addres� of e��h rn�+�ber mu�t b� c�i��r�� and th� �r�p�sal must l�� ��gn�d 3�y e7 f�1P_1�q�AC o� th� ��.x•m, ��s�ocia���sr�, or �artne��h��, o� by a pe�sor� c��sl y author, i��d. Y� a pz�posal is �ul��rt�.a�� b� a��r�p�n� �r c.�o��ora�ian, �h� c-aro�any �� carpars�t� na�n� and business ac�d�eas :�us� }�� g��re�}, anc3 �r�� pro�osa� si�n�d �y a�� officxa� vr du,i� au�hari��d agen�. Tl�e ��r�orat� ���� t�tu�at �e �E��x�d. Powcr vf Attorn�y au�i�oria.iog ag�r�ts c�r o�•_h�rs to �ign pro�osal �nust F�e pro�aer].y c�xt�fiec3 ar�d must b� ir� writin�� and ��bmitted wit� t�� pr�p�sal. ��-�.5 R�JE�TZ�� OF PR����ALS� Pr��osaYs rr�a� �� re��c��d i� ��ia�+ sh�w a�� al��rata,on of woxds or ��.c�ur�si rIC�C���lOYI$ na� ���led iorx cc��dition�]_ or ur�ca11��3 for a�.t�r���� k�i�s� i�r�omplete �ids, �rasu��s, �r irrec�ular.i�i�s o� ar�� l�ir�ci, or corrta�n ttnbalan�� va1u� �� an� 1te�tt�. Propo�a]. �e�d�r�d qr. c3��iv���� a��.�� th� o���cial �ime d�sic�n���c� f�� ar�ceFp� of proposa� shall �� �e�urnecl t� �he B�c���� urio��ned. ���2_f �3�D ���URITY: �a p�o�os�i wi�Y l�e c�ns�c3er�d unless it �s �c��mpa�,�,�d 6� a"P�opos�.�l ���u�a�t��� at tk�� cha�acter an� in �tn� amox�nt inda'.cs��e�3 i.n t�ie "'�otrce to �idd�rs"' and th� "pro�osa.�." T�x� Bid �ecu�i�y i.� requir�e� i�y the Own�r as evid�r�c� nF good ��a�l� or� t�t�� ��xr� o� the 8�d�er� and by �r�y o� � guarant� that� i� �wa�d�c� th� cor��ract, tl�� ��dd�r wi.],1 vrit�h�� �he xequi.��d �im� exe�ut� a f�rrn�l. cant���t and ��rG1ish �l�� re�ui��d �e��vrmar�r�� and o�h�r b�ncis. '�h� bid se�u�ity o� tite �hree lowe�� �idd�r� wi11 b� r�L-aii��d �nti� �h� c�n�x���t is aw�t,d�8 �r o�her d�spo�it��n is mad� tt�e�-eof. Th� la�d s�curity a� a1�. otl�er l�zdders �a� be r�turned �romp�.ly �fter t�� canv�ss �f bi+��. �2-��3) ��-�:� DL�I�ER� �F PRO��SA�: �o �r��os�� wi11 �� c�nszder�d un���s -it is deliver��, ac�o�panie� b� ��s p��per Bi� S��ur.xty, �o the �ity M�nag�r ar. �is r�ores�nta�z�� in t�� o��icia� �Iac� of busi.»ess �s s�t �ort[� �,ri �i�� "�ot�c� to Bidders,,' zt is �he ��c�c��r's �o�� r�sp�nsii�i.li�� l•.o c3���ver t}�e pro�os�� at tl�� �ro��r �i�� L:� L•h�� �r.��er �i.ac�. T�x� m��� �a�t th�t a�roposal +��s dYspa�ch�d �ri],l r�ot �e cans�d�r.r�d, '�f�� �iddar. must i�a�� �he �r�posa�, �ctually deliv�r�d. �a�h ��u�osal sha11 b� in a s�a�ed r*nv�l.n�e �alaini� mar.ked wi.�.l� tl�� vrord "PI�O�����.," �nd ta�� r�ame o� �cscr���i�n ofi �t�� �ar�je�� as d�s.igna��� in ��Y� '"4Vn�ic� ko Bidd�rs,,� T�e �nv�Inp� st�all b� add�e�ssQ� �a kE�e Ci��y �i�r�ag�r, �xty lial�, T'crrt wazt�# �r�xas. C�--�_� 4�Y�r1�1�RA�ii�G k�ROPQ�AL�: P�o�osal� act����y �j,le� w.i.i�_fY �he �i��+-M����ger can�not b� withdrawn ��rior �r� th� �irr�e sc� ��r. r��eninc� prop�sa��. A r��ues� C�r nor���on�i�er��tir�n c�f a oraposal musi_ �e G��c�� �n wri�ing, a�d�-��sed �o th� �x�y l�ariager, and �il,�� +�it€� Y�ir� �ri�r ta k��� �im� s�t Far ��� �p�r�in� a� ���o�c��als, A�ter a�l ��op�sals noC req�a�st�d �Ear. �oe�-�on�idet-rxl:�_r�o� ��e o�aen�d an� ��ab�i��,}� read ��oud, �h� pro�o�a].� £s�� wt�ich n�n-c�nsid�ratioT� r�qr�est�s t�av� b��r� �r,op�r�ly Eiled rn�, �� the op�ion �E kl�e 4wt�er, �� �eturtY�� uno�en�c� . �`�-� . J 'T'��,E�C�AI��li� Mf}l�Y�'I��"S�OI� Q�` PftU!?��AL�; A11y ��dc�er r[!a� ��d �}+ }�is -�.�i����os�l� �� t��eqrapk�i� �a�munica�xon ��_ an�r �i�e p� ior tc� t�� t��n� set f�� a�aeni�c� prn�o�als, �r�vzr�e� su�� ��ie�ra�>17 �.c �AamGnu�ic�t.i_on i,� r�r_�iv�d by �tx� �i. k y Mana��r ��,ior t� �:he sai.�3 prooa��i o�eninq �i��e, and prov�ded €ux��erF ���k �he �i��r Mar�a��r xs s�ti.s�i�� thal: a written and �u].� ��t�7�n t ica t�d cvn.f i rmatio�t oF su�h C�l�c�ra�?�i� coiomurti�a�io� �v�r. ��� �ic�r�a�ur� of ��ie bidder vra., iTra�le� prior �,� ��e p�o�osal, s�p�ning �i��. r€ such c�o€��irr�atic�n i� r��t r��eived wxth�n �c�.rt�+-�ight €+4�3) }�vu,r.s a�k�r th� pro�osai o�re��,ng �ime, r�o Fu�tf��r cons���r��io�ti wi�.i. b� g�v�r� tc7 t�e p��p���I. ��-�. �(l �i�l�l1TC: OPENING OT' �RDPOSAF,� E'ro�osa],� whi�h� l�av� k�een pr���r�,y �€Ied ar�d For; �l�icl� e�o "lVon-�ons�dera�i�t� R�q�.e�t'� h�� �e��} r�ceiv�c� will be �ub��cYy o��ri�d �nd reac� a�aud b�+ �he �ity �Ia�ar��r or �iis auk�hori��� r�presenr.ativ� a� �t�� ti»e and �lac� a ns�ir�ak�d in ��Ye "��ti�� L•� �3idders.'� A�.l pra��s�l� which ha�� he�n op�r��c� anr3 re,�d �+ill remaa.rr on E�l� w��h t}�� �w���� �nk.iL t:i�e c�nra-act 1��� h��n �war�ed. �zd�ier.s or �h��r. �u�itor�,aed �epre��r�L'z�i��� �,rr� iri�kk.ed �c� be pr�s�nt �or t�Ye o�er�ing of �i,ds. �2T�.1_]. �RREGEJ�,�R i>f2�POSA�,S: �rc��+,�sa].s sha�� �ae c`onsid�red as b�ing ,�Irregular" ir t}���i ski�rw a��+ a�i.��i�n�t a�terati�r�s a� �orm, addit�,ons, �r c�r��i�ions nc�t cai'led ��r� �r1a�Ehori��d aZ��rr�a�� �i�s, or i,C�1�C�1,1�.c��1kkG� o.� ar�y kir�d. �owev�r, �he �2�2(4� o�nc� ��se�v�� ��e r.�gh� �o �aiu� an� and all irregu��ri��e� an�3 �o mak� �he awarc� oP t�h� �ontr.a�t to ti�e b�st inte��s� �� �h� �i���. T�nd�ring a p�c�p�sa� aft�r kh� �l�s�s�g �S�ur is an x�r�gularit� wi�icl� ca�not t�� wa�ved. ��-�, 12 i]�,�QL�A�II`TCATIC}� OF ���D�R�: 9idd�.�s rr��y h� disc�ua�ified an� �.l��ir �ro�as�ls no� con�ic���ccd fo� �n� o�, bt�� e�ot li.m�t��d ��, �li� f;��.low�ny ��a�ar�: �. ��asan� �c�r k�e].i�vi��� 1_]�at �a�Yusi.�n erci��s a��ng �id[��rs . .. �_ Reasor����� grour�ds �o�� b��ieving �ha� ar�� bidder is �_n��xes��d xr� �o.rc� k-l�ar� �ne ���o��sa� �or w��rk con��mp].at�d. c. Th� bidder h�i,nc� interesl•��3 in �n�► �iti�a�iot� a�ains� �:ne Own�r or w�t�r� �4�� Own�r may. i�ave a ��a�m agai�st ar b� �r�gag�d in 3.it�g��io�r agains� ti�� b��.dci�� . d. The b�.r��3�x ��ir�� iri arr�ars on an}� exi��a.ng �ontr��� o� t�av�.r�g d�F�u�t�d on a pre�►�i��� c�nntra�� , e, Tlz� �ic�c1�� ha�,iri� ��r�ormed a pr io� cor�trac�. in ar� uns���sfactary manne�'. �_ Lack o� �o+�peten�y a� r�v�al�d by �.�3� �i.�ancial st_a�e�ent, ��cp�ri.er�ce r�co��, �q�aipm�r�t s�hed�t��, and such a.nqLliries �s �}�� �wne� ma,y s�� fi� �a �ake. g. Un�ompl���r� wnric whi�Yr, in �he ��d��a�rtt �� th� Dwn�r, wiil pr�vvent o� hinder l-.�� �r��npk �az�p���inr� �� addi�.io�a]. w��� if awar.d�c�. h. '�h� bidd�� «n� filirtg with th� Owne�, on� we�k ir� ��7v�rr�� o� th� �our o� th� o�er�inc� �� �ro�aosaZs tEt� f'c�l lnwing : 1. �i.nanci�� Sta�emen� shawir�g �.he �xnan�ial cc�ndit,ir,n �� t��� bi,�r��� as s����.�i�d i� Fart „A" � Spe�ia� Tn�t�cu�tioris. 2. �, cu�r��t exp�r��nce �eca�c� shvwing ��pe�ia�Xy t�l�� pro��ct� �f � r���:ure sir��la.r t� th� �n� u�d�r cons�d�x���on, wh,ic� h�v� b�er� s��c����u7_i�r �o+�plet��� b� �h� �idd�r. 3, �n equ.k�sn�n� sch�dul� �h�s�ri.tti� �k�e equ�pm�r�t �he �idder ha� ��ai7_a1�1�} for e�s� on #h� �r,oject. m�e B.i.c� Pro���a� o� a hi�c�d�z� who, in rhe judgmc�nl•. of the Fn�in�er� �.� dxsqu�l#,IFi�� und�r t_h� re�uiremen�s state�i t�e�€�a.�, sh�ll k�� s�t as�rl� ar�� r�ot aper��d. C��-�i5) PAR� C - �EN�R��a CO�DX�iON� �3�3 AWARD ANU �X��U��O� O� ��C���N�S ���TIO� �3-3 A���D A�D E���UT��� �F DO�������: ��-3 . � �pi�SIDERA'1'IOI� OP �I���O�AL�: A��er pra��sa].s �ave b�er� open�d �,r�d �'�ad aloud, tin� pro�aos�xl:: wi�� i�� tab��a�ed on t�t� k�a�is of. ��� q�at�d pric��a, t�� quarit���es �howri i� �he �ro�osal, �nd �he a�rp�i�at.ion �E su��r f�rmu�as o� oth�r �e�h�ds o� bri�ging i�em� to a camonon �a�is as m�y �e �st�blish�� �n t�t� �c�ntr�c� �o���en�s. �Y�� �ota�. �btaxne�i b�► takir�g �h� �um o� �he ��o�uc�s o� �s�it �ric�s quot�d ar�d �h� es�ima�ed q��r�t.�ti�� �l.us an� lum� sum ���ms ��d such a�her quo�e� �nxo�r�ts a� roa� e���r i.n�� t�e ��st of thc� co�pl�k�d projec� wili oe ��nsa,��r�d as the a�our�� of �h� b�c� . �r�� ��, t�� award o� the contr�ck� a.s �ade ��+ �th� C}�rr�ex+ ttse r���t �+i�]. b� r�s�rv�c� �o r�ject �ny or a�l p��p��a�.s �nd wai�� �echni�a].ities, �� re-adv�r�ise �or new proposals, o� to p�oce�d wiih t�tie wo�k in an� ro�r�n�r �s �a�be consid�r��, ��r �Y�e C��s� int�res� of �Y�e �wne� . �3--3.2 n���roxx��r �C�S��aF��.� ���r����ls�/wc�r�E��owr��� suszz��ss ET�TERPR��� �0[��L�Ai���: ��ntract��r agr�es �a ��C�vic�� �a �wne�e, u�c�r� r�ques�F co�nple�� and acc�ar�te in�orma�ion r�c�a�ding a�tuai work p�riar��� l��r a�1i�ror.�t� ]��ts�r��ss Fr�t�rprise �M'B�1 �nc� or a a �oman-�w�n�� �uszness �r�ter�az�.s� (WHE1 o�r ��te can�ra�L and khe ��yme�� �tter�f�r. ���t�ac�or f�t�t�h�r �gre�s, uporr req���t by ��rtte�, tio a�Xow a��d audit ar�dfar an e��n�i�a�ion of ari� bc�c�t��, reco�ds, ox f�1sS� .�n t�i� passessior� o� �or�tract�or �l�aL wi7.,]. ��t���ar�tia�� th� actua�. o���� ��r�orm�d �� ti�� C�1�E �r r�B�. F�r��r M�a�e�ia]. mis�epr�se�itati�n a� an� w}atur� wilY b� gzounda �or �e��in�tio� c�� the �ontra�t and f�r i�aiti�ta,r�� at�� a�tzar� +xnc��r ��pxo�ria�e f�deral, s�.a�� o� l��al L�vr� ar�d a�cdinance� r��at�r�g tc� fals� statem�nts; €ur�h�r, �ny such r�isr.e�re�ent��ioz� �a�€ b� c�r�ufld� for d isc��a1 i� ic�� �.on �f ��ntract.nr a�. Dw�r�r � s d�sc���iar� £o� k�id��nq on fut�ur� �arr��ac�� with �he �wn�r �o� a pe�icad �� t�z�e �� �►ok. les� '�han six iG) mon�hs. �3-� . 3 EQil�lXa FI��LQYI��N� PRO����ON�: {l'h� �on�rackor sl�a�Y co�i�:�� wikh Cu�e�r�nt �i�y �rd�nanc� ��coh�bi�anq d�scrzm�.nation ir� c�z��7.oyt��r�� p�actic�s. [�3-3 � 1 } '�h� �o�t�ac��r shall pos� t�e r���ired no�ic� �o tha�k ��tect �n �he pro���t szt�, a��, a� �i� r�qu��t, wx.il h� p�ov�d�d ass�s�a�r.e by �try� �ity o� �ort �or�h's �qual ���loyme�� ��Ei��r w�o wil� r�f�r an� qual�xfa,ed a�,��i��r�� }�� �nay 1��+�� on �l�e xn hi� ������ ta th� C�r��r�ctor. Appro�O�iate �o�i�e� nt�y b� a�q� i r�.d fro�G tkx� FquaZ �m�loym�r�� [�� � i��r . �3--3_4 wYT[�i�i�A4VAra c7ri' PROFqsALr: A�t�r a pr���sal has ��en r�ad by ti�� O�v�er it car�r��t b� withdr�wr� by the Hidder witE�ir� �orty-�i.v� (45) da�� a�t�r ��ie da�e on wE�i�h the ��op�sa].s w��-� op�n �d . C3--3.5 AWAitD OF' CO�ITR]��T: T�te Own�r ����rv�s ti�e �ea,g��t �� wi�hh��d�ir�a��a�ck��t� �fl �}�� pr��aosa�s �or a r�as�n�b�e �zr��, n�t �o �rtce�d �-art��fiv� {451 da�s a��er �i�� date oC openFng p�oposa��, �tnd in no ��r�nt will an av�ard b� mad� ur���l ���e�r ir��r�s�i��L• ions Exav� h��r� ma�� a� t� ��e r�s�or,�ibil��y a� the pro�as�d aw�rde�.. The a�arci o� th� contz,��;t;, i� ar� aw�rd is mac3e, �rill be to tl�e low�s� ar�d ���t �-�spon$xb1� bidde�_ The aw�rd o� �he� cantr.act �hz�ll no� k��co�tt� ����ct�ve �nt�,I t�re Own�r has nati�ied t17e �or��ra��ar in �ritir�� �f su�h awa.�-d. �3^3.b l�ETURI� DF I�i�QPO�l�L S�'.�[fl�i�Yr�: 1�s s��n �:� �rvpos�d pri�e l:�tais have been dete�mi,r�ed ��r c���n�aris�n a� b�ds, t:�e �wr�e�- m��r, a� its d.�.scr�tior�, r�t�r. n the �roposal s�cu��t� �rh�ch a��or�panf�d �h� pr��o�al� �rhich, a.n i�s ���g��n�,, would n�L• 1�� consi.r3��ed fo� �h� awa�r�. 7�i1 o���r ara�o�al S?C�1�1�1�;3i �:;ually those or t��� �hre� �owes� bidfle�s, wi l� b� r�tair��c� �y tC�e �wner ��tzl tk�� rec���r�d �an�ra�� k�as �e�n �x��u�es� ar�d bond �uxnish�d or th� pwn�r h�s �tl���wis� �1.ti���s�d o� t�h� �Ofds, a�i:er whzch �h��r will C�� r��:urned �}r t1�� �� �}� ��cr.��,ar�. C�--3,7 HONi��: �i�� the ��€��u��o� �n� ��lrver� o� th� �on�ra�t l�acur�e�ts� t�� �ont��ctar s}�a1� �urnx:�€� to, and �ia,� +�ith ttie Owner in t�� a�o�r�ts her�,in r����i�-�dt tt�e fo�.Low�ng bo�d�: a. P�FtrE}�l�AN�E �O�lD: J� good an� su��icient p�r�c�rmanc� �orid ��r� an amoun�t no� ��ss �han lOQ �erc�nk: o� ��i� a�r�oui�1: ��€ �he cor��rac�, a� �v�der��ed E�y tF�� p�o��osal tabu�ation or. �t���rwx��r gua�at�t#��inc� the f�a11 and faith�ul �x�cut��n of �he work ar�d p�rforr�ance o� t�� can�ra�t, an� for th� gro��c:tion o� ��te Owr��r and a7, E ot�er p��;��ns again�� d�mag� by ��asort pf ��g�.�.g�nc� of ��i� Contra�rar, or ianpr��a�r ex��utian af tk�e w�rk o� �he us� o� �G1�er��r f[kdt��k$�S_ riri,l{,S g�r.Ec�r�nan�� C3�� (�} bond s��li gua�a�t�� �he �a�m��t �ar a11 �a�or, rna����a�s, �q�z����t, s�ppii�s, an� ser��ces u��d i.n �he cons��uc�.inn o.� �he wor�# �nd sha1� re�n�rr� in full �orce �n� eEfect �n�il pro�r����ns a� a��ove ,�%�u�.at�d ar� ac�oE�tp�z:�h�d and �ina� �a�m��� is �24de �n #:k�� �roj��t i�}r the City. b. MAIi�'i'��]ANC� S(]C��: A good and s�f�iCi�n� mai�s��nanc� b�nd, �in �he ar�ount o� not l��s ihan IQE� percent at ti�� amount of l:h� �ontra��, as evi��nced la� tY�e pro�osal t�l��la�iar� or o�h��cw�se# �u�rar����ir�g �he ����ptr fu1� a�d �ai�h�u�. �er�arm��c� o� k]�e qea�era� �uarar��y wl��ch is s�� �ortf� ir� par. �gr. a�1� C:�3�8 .10. c. �AY�i��IT �3��1D: A good an� �t���icient p��rmen� �ond, in �n �mour�t r�o� Xess �i�ar� �.�0 p�rc�nt af th� ar�our�L• o� �i�e �or��rac�, �� �vi.d�r�ce� �y �h� �ro�osa.l tabui�t�on �r oth��w.is�, guar�r��eeinq �he pramp�, �u11 and fa�Lhful �aymen� oF a�l clair�ants as defir�ed in Ar. ti�7,� �160 t R��is�d �ivi� �t��ul:e� c�f Texas, �9�5, as �mand�d �y F3��as� si:�Z 3�1A Act� �6t.h T.,��is�at��e� l�eg�lar Se�sian� 1959, ������ive A���� �7, 1959, �ndfor i.}�e ��test v�rsian t��r�o�, �u�p�ying �ai��r �nd ona��riaXs �.n �he ��os��utic�n o� the work provic3ec� for in �he ��ntr�c� b��r�g �or����ucted ur�c�er tk�es� s��ci F. i�at�ian�. Paym�n� �nnd s�al� ���ain in �ort�e u�i��.l a1� pa�y�t�n�s a� ab�ve �1�i.�ulatec� a�e rnade. d. OTHER �C7��� : ��ch ot�er l�on�� as �nay be �c�qu���d by tt��s� Cantr�c� E3a�u�nents sh�ll �� ���n.is�ec� b� t�e �ont�actor. i�o sa��tf�s will be a�ce�s��d by kl�� Owr��r. �hicl3 a�e �� k.h� tim� in �i��aul� or d�l,inq��e�i: r�r� �r�y bor�d� c�r whi�li a�� inter����c� in any �i.�i��tiort aga�.n�t th� �wne.c. A17. �onds :�h�Ll �� made orr t�_h� �n��s �urr�ish�d �S�r th� O�ne�- ar�� sh��� L*� �x�cu��d �y ar� appra�►�d �ure�y� cam�ar�y �3o�ng business in �i�� �i.�y �f For� v�o��t�, '�e�t�s, anc� wC�i�h is acc��l•���e �v tl�� ow�nr . in or. � er to I�� ac��pral��e, �1��� r�ame o� �l�e sur�Cy ���all bc ���l�d�d �,� tt�e �urren#: [3.�. '�r�asur�r �i�� a� ac�����-al��e s�tra�i��, and t��e auka�xnt o� bor�d wr. i���n b� any vn� .�t���t�k�lc� com�a�y ���ii r�o� �xc��d �h� �7�r�unt� shc�wn a� th� �r�asur� 1S.st �ar k�lta� �nr��ar�y. Ea�h bond shall b� ��rop�r]-� �x��ut�d by t�c��:h �h� ContracL-o� and �ur�ty ��,tr��iz�+. ��rau7,c� �ny s�r���r c�n L•�� con��a�t �Se ��t�r,r��n�d e�nsat���ac�ory �� an�r ti�te by t�� Owr�er � r�o� �,ce wi l� b� g i v�rr �he Co� L- r�c: t�r to t�h�� e�f��t and kh� �antr���.�r s�ia7.]. i�nrned��t���r provide a �3-3 {31 n�� su���� sat�sfa�tor� ta th� ��ner. �o payment wili b� �ad� un�er �h� �on�rac� u�ti� ��e n�w sur��� o� s�re�i��, as ��quired, ha�� qu�Zi��ed a�� �av� be�n �c�ept�d �� the Owner. T�e con�ra�t s�a�� no� �� o�e�a�i,�e nor wil� �ny pa�ments b� �u� or p�i,d un�i� ap��ava� o� t�e bonds �y ��� ��n�r. C3-3.$ �����T�ON OF CONT�A�Tr �it��n �en (14) da�� a�ter ��tie O�ner has b� �p�ropria�e resoluti�n, �r 0����W1S@i �wa�d�� t�e �on�����, �h� �nn�r,a��o� sha11 ��e�u�e �nd �.i1� �i�th khe Owner l:k�e �or��ract and �uc� �vnds �� ��a� be ��quir��, in t�re �ont�cact I7ocum� �7 �� . �� con�ract sh��,l. lae �in�ie�� u�an l:l�e awn�� ��t�l it has been a�ttesl:er3 C�y t}�� wi.�� Se�r�tary, aP�ro�red as �o �or,m and 1�gaY � ty b� �13� �i�y #�� ��rrr��r artid ex�c�ted for th� �3wn�� b� �i�her khe �ayor �r �i��+ 2�anager. �3-3_� FA�LUR� TO E}C���]�E �pNTR��T: �'t�� ��iZur� of t�e Aw�rdee ko execu�� ��� r�quir�d �or�d or ��nds vr t� si�� t�h� requ�.��� �or�trac� wi�hi.n �en (10) c�a�r� af�er t�e co�t���� is aw��d�d �ha].i be ��rr�id�red b� t�� Owna� a� an �E�a��dor��r�en� of his ��op��a1, and �1�� Owr��x �nay annul ��� Award. �� reaso� o� ti�� un��rtainty oC �he marlcet �ri��s �f rna�er�.al �r�c3 iabo�, �tr�d it be�ng �m�ract�c�.�h�e anc� dif�i��tl� �a ac��,r�te�� d��errti�e kh� �ma�n� o� �3�mac�es occu��ng t� hh� �wn�.� b� r�a�on c�� �az.d awa�c���'s fai.��re �o ex��u�� s�,id �aands and c�,�t�a�� w�t�rkn ten �,�01 days, t}x� pr�����Y ���curit� a�com�Oan}r�r�g th� �roposai sE�all �e the agr��d arnc�unt �� da�age� wh�ch O+an�r vri�], suf fer b�r r�ason o� �uc�� �a�i Yur� �ri Che �az-k o� th� Awar��� and �ha11 thereupon ��n��tedi�tely be �orf�it�d to �.he Owr��r. The ��lzny o� a�acoposal wi�� b� �onsid�re� as an acc��tanc� of �his p�ovzsian by t��e �idc��r, C3-�.1R F�E�IA7�lI�� WO�ti{: i'��e Contrac��� s�ai,� nat coEnm�nc� w�rl� un�il a��Y�c�r�z�d in wr.�yi�ng �o c�� so by �he Owner, �ha�ld th� Con�r.ack�ar fail to co�nrnence wo�k a� ��ie sa.:� of ��r� proj���. w���.i_r� �h�+ ti��� st�p��at�d �n t1�e writ��n a4�thari.�aLion usu�Z�.y �ermec� t#�� "S�o.rk D�rd�r"" r�x "��o��ed C�r-de��", ft �.� ac����d tn.�� tE�e �uret}► C�r�i�any will� w�ithin �.�n (10) c�a}+s aft�r th� ��r�men�ert�ent d,�te s�� for�� ir� ��ch wri.�t�n auL•€��ri���i�n, cammence �h� ph�si�a1 e�c�cu�ion of tl�� cc�r� t rac t . �3-3.�]. I�FSUI�Ai�CE: '�h� �o��kr���or sha��, r��t, c�mmen�� y�ar1� �ar�der �nis cor�tra�t un�il Eye has vb�azn�� a�� th� �n�urance r��ui.��d �r��er th� �or�tra�� Do�r�r��nts, ��d such .�.nsurance ha� b��� a��rov�d by tl�� Owrier. TY�� prz�ne Con��a��or �ha�]_ �� r�s��nsib,t� €o� d��iv�rir�� �� ��� Qwe��r tt�� a�b-coritractors' �3--3 �4l c�r���icate �� �nsuran�� fae ap�ra�a1. The ����e c�tY�racto� ���1� i�d�ca�� on t�� ��r�i��cate oF in�urance inc��d�d in �t�r� clocum�n�s f�r ������i�n w����er or n�t �i� in�uranc� c�v�rs sub-co��rac�ors. It �� �h� �n�e�tian o.f. kh� O�ne� t�at �h� insur�nce �ov�r�g� �equiz�� he�ekn shall. in��ude t�e cove�aye o� �1� su��c��t�a�to�s. �. �4N9PE�1�1�T�Qi� I3��tJ��2�N�E: Tl�� �on�ra�ctor sk�aX1 r��in��i�, c�uri.r�g t�t� �.�f� af �h�.s r.ontrac�., Wo��Cers' C��p�r�satior� Znsuranc� or� a�I �f his �mp���c�e� t� be �:ti��ged ir� wc�r�C ar� t%c �r�jec� ��n�er tiiis �on�ra�t, an� �o� �1i s�l�--�ontrac�ors. Tr� �as� any clas� oF e�n1�lo�r�e� �r��ag�r� in ha�ard��� �ro�c'� on �h� pro���� und�� �c�tii.s con�.x�cL �� rt�t p��te�t�d �ndr►.r. the Wo.�l��rs' �ompensa�ian 5��tu��, �he �ontra��:�� sYt�ll �rovic�e a�equa�e er��],o�e�' s �ene�al liabili�� insur�nc� ��r ��t� p�o��ct��on �f such �� hi.s ��i}�loyees not sr� p.r��ec���. b. �CiM1PRF�i��53V� G�t��RAL�_�I.�BIL�'X`Y II�]�URJ1i�10E: '�t�e �ontra�t�r si�all �r�c�r� and �ha.l�, m�inl:ain duri.z�g �l�e ti�� ot this c�n�r..act �ontr��to�e'� �om�rah�n�.i.ve ���r�ral �iat�i��.�y ��►���cance (Fu�li� L��,bila".t� and P��per��� 1]a�nage In��t��r�ce) in a� �znount not ].es ��ha n$ S Q Q t� U� co�►� r� r�g � a� h �cc�r�en�e �n acco�xn� �� bodiiy in�uxy, ir�c�.udxng death# and in arr arnaunt nor .l.es� khar� $500,Q�Q �o�rerir�g e�ch oc�urx�en�e �r� �c�ou�t o� pro���t�r d�r�a�� with ���OO�rQ00 u��nb�eZl.a �oli.cy ��verac��. �. �DDI'����AL �IABI��TY� Th� �on�ra�tor. �h�l�. ��rriish insurarr�e as s��ar�l:� poli�ies or by addi��.a�at �ndo�s��tenL �� on� o� �he ab���-mer��ioned ��1ici��, �nd in �1�� �mr�un� as set ror�� for pubii� li.a�ai�i�y ar�d prv��r.�y da�na�er tttie f�lLowing a.ns�ra�ic�: l. �or�tinger��_ L�iai�zZft� (�ov�rs �er��r�3. �or�trac�or's T�iability �or �c�s o� su�b-�on�rac�ors�. �. �����.i�g+ prio�r to ar�y bl.astY�,y being rl�n�. 3. �allapse �� �u�Xd�i,ngs �r :��xu�t�res adjacen�. t� e�ccava� i�t� { i� excavati��ns ar� tn be pe���o��ed ad"a� cen� to sa�e). 4. �amage ta �,���e�grour�d ut,kliti�s fo� $50���00. �3�3 ��? 5. �ui�d�r's r.is� {w���e abo�e=�round structu�es �re �nvvl��d). � - � 6. �ontractua� Lia��lity (cover� al� inde�ni��ca�i�n req�ir��n���s �f C�ntractl. �. A�TOMO�ITx� ��S�R��CF � $OD��Y ���URY �Np PROP�RTY f��3�A�F: Th� ��n�rac��r sf��].�. �Oracur� and «ain�a�in, du r. i�7g tii� 1,i f e of th�s Cor��rac��, comprr��ti�nsiv� �,��am�b.��e r,.xabi�it� ir�s�rance �r� an a�noun� np� l�ss l:h�n $25Q�0�0 �vr inj�ries xnc�,�sding� ac�iderita� d�ath to �ny o�� �ers�r� and s��;j��r ta ��e same �ir�it �or ���i� �ers�r� an ar��ur�t R�o� �e�s �it��t $S�O,Q�O an �cco�ar�t c�f one acc.in�c�n�, and ��3to�aol�il� pro��r�� d��a�� ins�rar�c� in an �mount �Yc�� l�ss thar� $1�0, OOQ. �. ��O�E OF I�F5L31�AN�� A�]D S��C�A� �#,A�Ai��: Th� ins��a��a r�q�,ired �xnder t17� a��v� p��c�c�ra�h� s�tall provi�e ad���a�� prot�c�.i.on �or �i�e �o�tr.�xctor and �is su'�Ycontra��ors, z��s��ct�.�v�Y�t ag�inst cl�mag� clai�ns �r��ch �ay ar�se f���n o�er,ata.ons �nde� �13is cor��r�ctt w3��t=h�.r s�ch o��rat�or�� �e �y �he �r�su��€� or by ax�yan� �i,.r�ct�y o� i�yd�r��:tly �m�l�yed I�y h�.rn, an3 atsc� a�ain�t any c�� �.he ��1�pw�ng ��ecial hazar�s +�k�i�h �r��,y �� en�oun�er�d i G1 tk�� �,er�arma��ce o� #�i�e �ont�a�t, f. PT��?�P' OF �1�,RRZA�E Q�` ��SUR,�N��� '�'�� �Oni'.r��tqr shaL� �urni�}� �1�� Ow��r vrfth s�tisfac�o��r pro�f af cov�rag� �y i.r�sur�r�c� ���uir�d �n t�eae ��n�rac� �ocu�n�nt� i,n �mvun�s �t�d by �:a��ic�� sa�.is�act�r}� ta tf}� ��r��r, . (�arn�le ak�a�hed. } Ai� �ns�ranc� r�c�uir�m�n�s ���e �p�n k.�tie Can�r$��c�r. s�a�_1 ap��Y ��o �i�� sub-car��ractor� sh�u.lc� the Prim� �onr_r.acto�"a ir���lranc� no� cov�r �he ��b,co�r�.racL�r'� w�ric o���atior�s_ 9- T�0�74L--���i4F7` i�"pR Il��tiRANC�: Ai�U BO�DIAlG: TY�� ins��an�e and �ondir�g cn��a�ies with wkior� �itie Contr����r's i.nsur,�rr�c �r�� ��r�orm��ti��t �a}rrnen�� r�a�nter��nc;e and a1.3. such o��her �a�ds a�e wr$t��r� sEzal� b� .r�pr�s���te�3 b� �ri �g�tlt ��c �g�nts �raving an ofEice �,a�at�d w��hin ��i� ��l•y Xi�its vt �l�� C3-3 ( f ) �x�y �� ���rt War�l7, T�rr��� �ount�, T�xa�. �ach �u�h agen� .shall h� a du�}� gual.ifiec�, o�ie u�ort wtior� ser�i.c� o� ���cess �t�y l�� hac�, and must h�ve au��ar�1t�� �r�d pr�w�� i=o act �n E�ehal� �L- tY�� insura���e andfor ba�din� �o���any �o n�go�a,a�e �nd �ek:�.�� wiL•h ��re City �f �or� 4��r���t or any othe� c1�i,�nar��, �fl� cL��m� tha� tt�� �it�r af f�yort 1�c�rth ar att��.r cl,a�ma�t �r an�+ ��roper�y �wr��r who has �a��� damac��d, ma� �ave ag�i�s�. the �or��rac��r� i,r����r.an��, ar�d�or r�ond�ng �or�parry. �f �he locaZ Fns�rance re�res�n���.i.vr k� �a� sa ern��ow�r�d by �}�e ins�kr.an�� or bon�ir�g c��panies, �t��n su�lz autha�i�� must� �� vested in a I�cal a�ei�t ar ��ai�s �fficer r�sirlie�g �n tY�e [�eernple�c, t�t� For� War�l�-Dal.�as a�ea. Th� nar�e of tF�� ag�nt or �c�er��s �ha11 b� ��t for�� �n al� o� su�h bo�nds and ��rtit�cak�es o� ins�rar�ce. ��-3.�.2 �0�]'�'R�I�TDR'� 0�1��fi,�'TTOT�]5: T�n�e� tll� ��rl�lea��, the ����xact�r s��1� pay �o� �.].� rnat�ria�.s� iaUo� �r�d s���rices w��n da��. �3--�.�.3 W�E�{i�Y �'A�ROLL: A ��rtz�i�d �o�y of ec�c� �a�ro�l �ave��r�g payme��� o� w�tges �o all ��rso� enqager� in work �� th� �roj�ct at the si�e �� I�li� �roj��t �haJ.l. be f�rr�Y�h�r� �� Lti� Dv�n�r"s C�.*�?lI'�SP_ftiL�,�iVe uar�:Y��ri �ev�r� [7� days a�F�e� l�_1�� clas� �f eac� p�a�rrol.i ��rio�. A co�y o� �opi�s o� �h� ��plicable mi�.i�n�a� way� ra��s a� se� �or.th in khe Cor��rac� ��cur��r�ts �hall �e ke�t ��sted f.n a�or�s��cu��s p�ac� at t�� s��c o� tEi� project a� a1� t�,�n�s during ��� �ou�-s� oE �,h� �on�:ract. ��pies �� �h� wac�e �at�s wi11 �� furr�,i,stY�� �h� Cor��ractnr, �y �1�e �wn�r; houreve�� �os�irrg and p������ior� of k�e +uag� �ates shal,t �e the r��{�or,s�.bi..li�y of �h� �ontracta�. C3-3.14 �oril�`�tP��TQI�`� CONTRACT A17Mii�I�TRRTI��: �ny ��ntrac�o�, wh��it�r a p�r�on, persar�s� partnersl7i�, c�m�aitiy, Eirm, �ssociat�a�s, �nr�aoration oc a���r who �� approved to do b��zn��s w�L-t� tli7C� enters �n�o � cor�trac� wii:i� �he �i�y fo� cn3�str�tc�ic��� o� �aa��r �r�d��� sanitar�r s�waer fa�i'li��.��, will �ra�r� o� st�al� ��tablish a Eu1�y o���-al:i�r�al b�si,n�s� o��i�� wi.ti�in th� �'or�� W�rth-�al].as rnet��po�itan a���, �l�� �c��Y�rac�nr s��all ck�ar.�et �e�1��a�e, �� ass�gn �I�is of Ei�e �or h� �e�a� d�].�gat� Y�is Prvject Sup�rkn��nc��n�} wi�h ��1� ��z��3�o���� ta tran��ct a1J_ l�usa,k��s� �c�ions r-�quir�� in th� ��rForrrrance �� �i�� �on�r�ct. '.�'his �.q�a� a��C�orf�� shali be �nad� �e,��onsibi� ta ac� tor �lt� �ontxa��o�c zn a�.l mat��x� p�rtai�inc� ta �he v�c�rlc c�ove�n�d �y ��i� ��nt�ack w�r�L-1-k�.r xt b� adr���t�st-�a��_��r� vr other�+�i�� �rtd �s ���}Y �t�a11 �� em��w�red, r1�us d�l�gak�d �n� dir��t�c3� l:o s��k.l�+ a1.1 mal:�rial� la�ar �r n�Y�.er esc�e��dituresr a17. �1a��s agaxn�L- �h� worlc or �n�r ��i���c C�-3 i71 an��te� as���-ia��d sMach a� m�.intaini��,;� �:3�q�a���-� �n� ap�rn���a�� ir�sarar��� a� 3�curi�y �ov�r.ac�� ��� t�� �roje��. �u��� �.o�al ����hc�rity for adm�rE��tr�tior� �C th� urork und��- khe ��rr�ra�t sF�a�.7. r�r m�inL-zir�P� �r�trl �11 [�u��in���� �ran�a��ir�ns c�x{��u�ec� a� �ar� pE �}�t3 �:�r�k'_ra�t �r� cc��t���l�t�. 5ho��l.� thti� �ar�k,r��ror. "� �rirrci�al ha�� t�f r���rations l�� o�i�er tha� in �l�e C�a.r� +�oe��Rr��llas �:��ra�r�li��n are.�� natiEicatio�t oF the �;antra�tt��'s �;>;��n,n�n� rsl� l���l ��t�c�rir�r shalt h� m�.�r= in wri��f_ng t� t17�� Er7��xn�er i� ar�s����� �F an�r w��k o�Y the �r. o je� t t a 1 L ap�z���� �at��y s��Tti�d ar�r� �r�a�.�d, .�s ����7_ica���, �y t}�e ��ontr�ctor'� r�s�or�skhl� o�fi,��rs w�t�1i t�h� �nderst�r��,kGny ��i�a�: �hi5 ��it��n as�xgn�ner�� oE �utEyorit}� k� a lt�caY re��r�:���ta��v� sh,�]_t ���{;om+� ��r� oE t�� pr��ec��. �o�ltr�ct r*�� t�ougk� ��un�� s�ir���:��y ir��u �l�e �roj��t da�urn�nts. Tt�� _i��te��t of t�tY�se rer��tirer�ent� is ��k�,t a�ll rn���:�:� ���aciatesi +with ti�P r'on�_ra����'� at3��inis�ra�Liar�, wh�ther �k k�e ori�r�t?�� in F�rk.]��rini� tE�� w�r��, f�r ;�tk��r, k�e g�v�r.r��c� direci� h� l.r�c•�� ,iL1�=�1�}Y 1��. ��1i:� ��tflr? Ti?���l�rP9��rtiC}r I.S 11[1�S7at�4� f}rl 1f1SL11'�C1C� +�I�;� 44�}�.��F� �.ov���c�?. �f��aa1��1 a•,f�r•v �:�ritra�tc�rt� �n�a� r���rri��n��Civ� �� ,� i .L tc� �� r �orm k��� �f�� ,1•�+� i.s ���-1: �.r�r� �� ��g x ��� r, 1=he} Eng i�e�r, a�: his so1,� r�iscr�ti�on, �na� d����n;i tha� s��h� l�cal t"r��Ca�er7tattvr� �j�r �ap��csv[� t�r�d tile F�c�l,!�+3+�r m,�4x, 3t his �01�? ��i��r�� �c��, �t�� a].1 w�ric 4�r��i.1 a n�w �s�c:31, �u�.��ori�� s3ti�E,�ctory L'ti rl1c� �n�inec�r i� ��.�igne,�. �1� �r?c�iL' oE wor'�c.i,n� ���� wi�.l. �� For ��ri�d;x i� w����h work �t�op��ages ar.� 1'3 4�FF?�:a;- �OC' �.Ellh C'L�S�r1. �3-3=�� �E�E]E: u�:�u� ��F ar�y ��:t��n heralnr�n,3�r s1���1 be exY lasival� in T�rr�nt ��our�t�r, ��x��. �3-3 (�! } PA�'1� � �- �E�#�R1�I� ���1�3I'�`���5 C4-4 S�O�E �Y� 4�10RI{ �E�'�x�N ���4 �CiJ�'E O�` W�1�fC C+4-Q.I IN'�`�t�T pF G��`i'�A�T �}{]�Ul+�ENT�: ��: �s �t�e d�fie�it� �n��n�ko�s �� ��ese �on�r�c� []oau�en�s �o pr��ride for a cotr�plet�, �s����. pr�j��� whi��ti �i�� �ontractor u�nd�rtal�ea �o canstru�t or fu�enish, a�l�. i�t fu�l c�mp�iar��� w�th i:he requir���n�s ar�d in�en� o� the ����tra�t D�cu����s. Yt is d�finit�ly und�r.st��rl ��ta� t�� C�n��ac�or siia��. do a�a. w�rk a� ��avid�d �or in i:�� �antr�ct Docur�en�s, s�all do a�� ��ct�a o� sgec�al wvrk �s r�a�r h� consid�r�d b� tk�e Own�� a� n�ces��ry t� com�l�te rl�e �r��ect in � sa�i�fa�tor� and acce��abl� mar�r��ar. Tktie C�r�k�ao�or �ha11, un���s o�Y�e�w�.s� sp��i£ical].y sta���, i� t�es� Cant�r�ct Docum�n�s, ��rr�i�h all �a��r, �oa]_s, ma�eria�s, r���tla.�er�� �qux�r�en�� spe�i��. s�rt�icest �nd i��ider��ala r��ces��ry �o ��i� �ros�cuti.on ari� co�n��e�x�n ot k�� �r�j�c�. C4--4.� �P��IAL PRO�I��TOi�S: �[���xc� an� wark or �ar�c�itiar�s w�h;�ch ar� r��� �ho�ougC��y and aatis�a���ri��€ ��zpu�a��c3 a� c�ver�d �� G�n��ral �r S�a.�c�al C:OIIC�.L�iO[3� o� th�s� �antrac� 17oc+�m�r��s 1�� an��ci�at��, or sY�o�a�.� tl��re b� a�� ad,c����o�al pra�osed wark which is not c��ered b� �h�se �ontxact �o�urnet�ts+ th�n "�peci�l Pr��risions'f cov��ing a�l such wor3� wi�l �a� �r��a�'ed l��r tine Own�r pr�viau� to �h� ��me �� r���i.�ring �aLd� or pro�osa�s io� such wo�l� and furnisk�ed ta th� B�dder in ��� �or� of A�rld�r�da. �11 �u�h '#�p���a� P�ovisions„ st���,1 be �anside�ed �o �� a�art o� tY�� Contra�� Dacurn��ts just a� th��gh �F�e� w��� origirra�.�� wri�t�n �Y�erein. ��-�4. � II�CR����� DR �E�REASED OC��►���T�1��: Tl�� Own�r res�rv�s t1Y� right to al�er the q�ar��i�ie� of ��r� worlc to k�� ���r�orrn�d or �a ex��nc� or sh�r��n th� imgrove�er�ts a� any� ti�n� wher� and as �ound �o be n�c�s9ary, �nd ��� �or��ract�� st�zll ���farr� the work as a�L-�r�d� incr�as�d �r c��c�eea�ec� a� �.he unit pr���s. �uch z�cr�as�d or decrea►sed q�xa��it� shalt not k�e mar� �han �� �,�rcen�. �� ��e cor�her����t�� quan�ity �f such i'��m ar ite�ts. �17�n �ucl� char�g�� �t�c��as� or d����ase t�s� origina� c��anta.t�r �f any i�e�n �r i��ms a� wc�rk to be done or �na�erials �� i�e Eur���k��d k�� tV�e �5 p�rc�n� or �nare, �h�fl ���l�er �art�r tco �t�e con�ract shal� up�n wz.i���r� �'�c�u��� t� th� ��har gar�� b� �t�tz�i�ci to a r�vi�ec� cor�sid��eat�an u�on that por�ian �� t13e w�rk abave �r below the 2� per�ert� o� the or�gin�l c�u�nti�y �ta�ed ifl �t�e �ara�nsal; s�ck� re��.sed conaid�ra�ian �o b� deterrni.r�e� �� sp��ia� agr��ment vr �s h��reir�at�er prova.d�d f�r ���x�r.a Wnrk. "' t�o allc�wan�e wi�� b� r�ade Eor any c��n��s i�r anticipat�d profits nor shall �uch ch�ng�� be corrsid�r�d, a� C4-�A f � 1 �a�vxG�g or �n�ali�atk�g any c��d�t��n� ar. provx�i�ns a� �he (;i]r��rx'�Ct I)p��+f[l'I1C8, Var�atLr�r�� i�7 [���r��lti+?� s�E sanL�ary ��v,rer �,�i�es �n c�e1�th cateyt�rie�� sha1.1 k��� ���tit�r�r.�w��d 1��vr�ie� �, ����yin� �o tl�� o�rara�l, ����1t i t i�� or �an,i ti�,�y ��w�r pip� in �a��� �zp� �size, k�ut n�t to 1=he �:�sri��us c3e��h c�t�qr�ri�s, C4--4.4 ALTERA'�'��id E}l� �U�]`].'�A��' DO�UMI;�]T�: L'�y [��3�r�g� Or{3e�-, �he �Wt3r?� Ca?���V�;S ��1� Cl{��"1� �.i7 �R,'��C�� SUCfl C�i.�[7C�G'3 lE3 �,l7� (.,'pCk�C3�4 �3o�um�nts �nd �r� �.i�e �k�a�a�l�ec or. y�anti k��es oF th� work a� «ay E�� r�a���s�r�r ar d�sir��t� tr� .i��.��r� �or�E�t��ivn ,�Rti �1�� ma�t �atis�acL•or�t ma«r��e, nrav:�r�gr� s��c}� clz�n�.�� d� r��t ��ar;�ri��,l.y �l�r�� t]�N �.rir�ina�. t��n�r�fvt E��cum���� ur ��ar��� tE�� ��n��al ��aL-�i�-j3 c�F Li�e j�ra��c:t as ��.��1•�, Sx��tY ch�r�g�� .�?���� �ot i�� �or�:��der�,�l as waivlr�g or 1 r�V'J� ll��Lir�� any co��iL- fon �L 4�rS��*i.�ic�r� �s� kh� Cor�tra�� I�ocu�m3r���, �'4�4.5 E�T�A W��fc: Adc�i�ti�r��1 wc��� m�d� n�c����r� b� ci�a����s a€�d �1L'�Yr�rkc�tf�� �� ki�� �pr��r��ct 17o��ments or t�F quanC�ts�� as Co� ��kh�r r�a��ns f.:�r wh���h n�� ��cic�� ��r� �ro�rid�� r� 1=h+v� Contra�� €�ti�r;�r�er��s, shall h� d�Fi�r�c� ��; '�Fxrra Work" �n� sha11 kr� ��r�o�m��d hy t�� �_ontra���r in ��,�ord���c� witC� ���r�s� �;�ntra�:r_ �nc�am�nt� ot� a�E;�r���r�d addi�i��; ti��r,��.o; �rovic���, h�wevex, that h+�E�r� art�r �x�r� w�rk i� heyun �r "�hart�+� [��der" sl�.��� b{3 t�sc�cu�ed o�r �rri���n orc3�� i��ue� �� ti�� �utr��r t� �o t�r� wnrk �or ��aym�.�tnt� or �r�dits a� �ha1.1 �e ����rrnined k�y a�t� or. ��r� c�rn�i.+.�a�io� oF th� �raL.towi-rr� e���r��rrds: �. Unit bi� �ric� pr�v�o+��1y �p�rs�v��. b. A�� ag�F��� 2u�r�� �u�, c. T�� a�t�ta� r��sc�nak��r3 c�sr. �E (1) la}�or, f�� rental �F F;�ui��tent �s��� �r� �h�� �x�r� w���k ror i.ktie h i.me s� ��:�d a� �,�;;aci.�h��d �;�n�ra1 �c�n�ra�kc�rs �� r�rn��i�a curr�nk. eq}.�i�>m�nl= r�n��1 �a��s: ( 31 �nateri,�l� ��tariny p�r�r�a���e��1� Yn�� th� �ro���t� �r�r� {4J ac���al ��sL• o� in��ran�e, l��n��, ar�� s�ci�l s�curity a� d���rmir��d by th� Qwn�r, plus � Eix�d ��e �.� �� �����d �xo�r� bu� �o� tc� �xr�e�r� ��� aE �he ac-tut�1 �as� �i� suc�� �x�fa wa��c. The Eixed F�� ;., nal-. t� inckur�� ar�y ad�,i�ional �r�o�fk �o ��e �o�t�actor ��� �enta� of �qui�men� c�wn��� b�r hi.�n an4� ��e� For �t�4 �xtra wo�1c. The E��,� sha1l ��+ fu�.l an� C�}a11�31a�w r�q�hp�ns�t#��r�� �-r� C�Ve� �l�e ���� O� s,�rr�r-ir�t�nri�nc�, ov�r?����3, o�.h�r pr��it, ger��r,�� .�n� a� l okh�r. e���ns� rGot inc.tuded in { 1�, f� 1, f3}, ar�� {�} abo�r�. �'he �o�Ytractor �hatl k�ep �c�:u�a�� cos� r�cnr{�s a�ti �i�� E.�r.�7t and ,i.�y tfl� r���hod C�--4 � 2 } su�ge�ted b� the Dwn�r an� s�a�l g�v� the Owne� access �� aIl acco�n�sr �i��s, vou�h�r�, and ��cords ���atirig ta �h� �xtra War.�. �o "���n�e Drder" sha�l ��co�� e��ecti�� u�til i� �a� been a�g�vv�d an� sign�� by �a�h o� �h� ��n��act-i�q p�r��es. �o alaim �o� �x��a �o�k �f �ny k�nd wi11 �� a�lo�sd un��s� ardered �n writ�ng b� �he ��n�r, In �ase �ny �zd��s �r ins�r.ucti�ns, e��he� oxal ar writ���� a�p�ar �� th� �����ac�or �� ir�voLv� �x�ra W��k fos wi�ich he sha�ld rr•_c�iv� camp�nsati�r�, he shal.l �nalce w�cit��n req��s� t�� the E�gir���r �or writ�en o�ders au�hori�ing �uch Ex��ea 1�ork, p�ior to 3��gi�ning �uclti wvrSt. ShauXd a d��f�rer�c� arise as i�o what do�s or do�s r��� c�ns�itut� �x�ra W�rlc, �r �� ko �he �aym�r�t th�r�a�, and the �'Fnqir�e�� �ns�s�.s u�on i�s ����ar�nar���, ti�e �or�tractar �h�ll �r���ed w�th th� wark af�.�� �alcir�c� vrri�t�r� rec�ues� �o� wr���.en �rd��� art� �ha�l k�e� an �ccu�ate ac�a+�nt of �h� actual ��as�r�abl� �o�� �������� �s ��ovid�rl ur�der m��.�oc� ( ��L-e�� � 1 . ��,�ims �a� �xtra w�rl� wt�l �ot be paid un�.�ss t�e C���ra�to� sY�all. file hi� �:].aim w.ith th� Dwn�r wi�lzin fiv� {5� c�ayg i��fore ti�e �3�ne for making �.h� �irst es�i�at�8 a�tr�r s�a��r wor�c is do�� and utti��ss �.1�� clair� i� �u��o�ted k�� sa�is�ac��ry vou�kie�'s and ��rk.i�i�� pa�rrc�l�� �averirig �1�. ].���r an� �a�eria�l� exp�n��d up�n th� sa�d ��ctra V��rk. �P�� �on�ract�r s�all furn�s�t t�� �u��er �u�h installati.on ���c�rds aE a�� +���+iations f,�om �he vr�c��n�l �or�tr�c� Docum��#�� as r�ay b� n���s�ary to �nab�.� tY�� �wn�r i:o �r�par� ior perma�et7� r��o�� ���rrected �et o� ��.ar�a show�nq the ��tual ins�a�, l.a#� i�n . �h� campens���,a� agre�d upo� for 'ex�ra wor�€" whetit�r o�e r►ot in�it��t�d b�+ a'cY���ng� �rd�r' sk�al.l be � fu�l, cam����e ��d ��inal p��r�ner�t �o� a1�1 c�s�a �on��rac�or i.ncu�s �s � r.e�u�lt� or ��].atir�g� Co the c�,�n�e or extr� �rar. k, wt�eth�r saa.d �osts are Jcn�w�, �nknown, fore�ee� or un�'�r�se�n at �Y�a� �i.m�, �nciuding �ri�.hou� �i�ti�.a�zon, ar�y cos�s �or c3��ay, ext�nd�d o+v�rk��ad# ripp�e ox� iin�act c�st, or any a�he� �f�ect on �hang�d ar ur�cha�nged wo�c� as a reau�t �r ttye charige �r �xt�a w�rk, ���4.6 �u�H�DilI�E OT' O1�ERATI�k�S: Be�ore �amm�t�cing an}F wo��t �n�e� �t�.is �ontraci, �rhe ��rr�r�ct�� sha11 subm�.� i�� tL�e Dwne� an� �ec�iv� the �wr��r's approv�,7. t�ter�o,f:, a'"�ch�c�►��� o� �pera��.anst,� ���ow�w�g by a s�ra�qht 'l�n� m�thnd the dat� o� c�,nmenci�c� and �inks�inq �a�h o� the m��o� ����enrs of th� c�ntrac:� . �'���e �ha�.� �e a��a sh�wri tt�� ��t�mz�t��d r�ontk�ly cost of, wr���t �n�r w�ic�� �s��r�ates are �� b� ��c�e�t�d, �h�r� CA-4 €31 shatl be p�esen��d also a�om�����te graph showirxg tf�e anti�i,�.�te� ��o�r�ss o.F constr��ctiae� witl� th� ti�� b�ir�c� ���t��d E�o�izo��ta7.�� an� ��e �S�rcen�a�e a� r���r�l��t��.i�n p3_�t�et� v�a���.cally. 'e�� ��c���r;�ss ch�rts sh�1� �� �xre��r�d ��x B�i��"' x 11 °' shee�s �nd a� 1�� � l: � i v� t���ck c�r i�],u� �i�� �ezr��� shall b� ��rr�i�h�d to t��� �1�rn�r. �4-4.7 PRO�RE�S �CHEI3[�L�S E'Q� WATEI� �I�� SE4J�R �LAI�'� FA�If�Y'���;: Wir_hir� l��n ���1 �ay� prior t� submi„i�n o� �,xr.�t: mr���nLy �ro�r��s ���r:neF��� t�e �r�ntrac�or �l�att ,�r��ar.� and s���!nit tn the Ownee ��r ��proval �ix �a�Fr�s o� �1�� sc}��du.l.a i.n �hich the �or���ca��.or propos�s t� ca�ry or� th� wa�l�, t€ti� :��te of c�h�ch ��� wi�l staet �_h�� :.�rx�r��ral ma�or �f_�iY1�Li?� ( inc�ud�-�c� �r�c�r��n��n� o� ma�er��l_�, ��t�ns, �nd ec��aipm�r�t1 ���� I_1�e �:ar�L-�m�1��ed da��s For cor��l�rin� t�� sa�n�. �h� �ti��er�u��} sha�� t�fi i;� �,1Ye F�r� aF ��Lril� �ch��u�F� Cr�tical ��th M�l�h�r3 (�F�) rt-���rr�rk d��r;�r.am. �� �Y�� w�rk oroc��3s�es, tlY� ���kra��or shati ?r��ae or� th�3 c��,�ra� t1�� ac��.�l �r�c�r��� a�: the t�r�d af ��clz p�r# �a � pa�trner�� p�r io�� ar �t �uch int�r�r��;5 �s �ir�c�•v� �y �he �n�in��r. �'he �o���ra�kar s€ia1� a��� ���ris� th�3 �cC�ec3��e tr� r����ec� a�� � 3� u s t ��r� r� t� i n con �r�c �� x rr�c� ���r �rve��, b�+ t�r� . Eng i��ert . T[��ae c��k�s �E t�e ka��l�te�3 s�h�r�u�� sh.��..� ;�� deliver.�r� at .;r��h ia��rvals �� dir=�te� hy tk�� Ownr�r_ As a;nini.�num, r}�e corY�ttu�ti_on scheduL�3 sha.11 �n�or�a�ate a�i w�rl� ���m�fl�s and acti�ririe� .in��i�a�e+� i�� th� ��c�pc�sal a�r� ii� �hc� t��ci�r�ic�l ����:��ic:��_ic���. �ri�r #�o t�e Fina� dra��xng �� t]i� �3�t�iL�� conr�tr���tion �c�ed�l+�, �It� �ot7tra��c�r sha�� r�vi�w L1�e �iraE�. ��h�c�u�e wit�� tt�� Fr��ine�r t� en�ur� th� �o��.ract�r.'� ���derst�R�d�nc� �F �t�� c�r�t.ract r,.;���irprr��nt�. `[`fY� ��11_�wi:�g c�►�i�3��i:�es ,;��1� be �r��3�r3c� �� i� pr��.�ri.ng r he c�an��truc� t on s�h��,ui�� : a, r�i��r��one date� �,ic� fina� �rujt�cR= c��n��l����.i��n t�at�� �ha11 l�e d�v�lop�d Co <*on�;���r� t�n �ii�te �-�a�str�.i�f=st s�qu�r�c�ng r�?�u����fl�r�ks aa3� �o�n�l�ti�n �ir��. i�. T}�e� r�n�t�uction pr���es3 shal.i. brx d���.d�d i�tt� a�ti�ri.ti�s with ra.:�t� dura�ior�s oi ar�n�ax�m:���Iy fotxrt��� ( 14 }�a�� a�td c�nst���tion �ra�ues n�� ta �x���d $5�t400, �`ak��ic�tFon, d�=livery �nd ����,nikFa� ���xviti�� ar•a exc��ti�ns �o t[�is g�i�e��n�. �4y� I41 �. �u�atian� slialJ. �e ir� ca].en�ar �a�►� �n� fiorrnal holida�s ai7d w�att�er �onc3�,ti�ns o�r�r th� �ur�t%or� �� �1�� ca��trac:t sl�al� �� ��c��tn��� �or v�z�l�i.n t�3e c�uration �� +�ach �ct��.v�i.�,y. d. �ne �rit�.ca'1 pa�h s�t�].X �e �Y�owr� on ��e �ons�r.u,ck�ion scFh�d�ie. �. r�,��t wirne is ri�fi.s�ed as tl�e a�nount e�f �ir�e �et+a�er� the e�rl.i�st �tart d��� and th� lat�si: s�ar.t� �a�� �f a c1��in a£ ���ivities o� i:k�� �riM c�nns�.r��'�ion sche�ul�. �l.nat tir�e i� fl�t �or the �xclusi.v� u:�� o�e bene�i� af �a.�h��e the ��n�ra��or �r �Y�� �r�rYer . �. 'rk�i.r�� da.ys sj�ta�l �e �tsecl �a� submi�ta�. r��ri�w ur����� oL-k�erwi s� �p�c f i��cl. Th� c�n��ru�ti�rr �<�.��c�u1� sha�.x, as � m�nimum be di�ric�ed i«t� ger���a1 ca�egar�_�s �s indicat�d in �t�e 1�r.��o�a1. az�d T��h��i�a�. �p���.�ic�t_ion� ar�ci ���:h g�n�ra� c����ar� �ha�� be br.ake� c��w:� ie�tn ��tav�tie� in eno��l3 c���ai��. to a�hieve a�-tivi#.t�s c:L �x����rox3m�tel.y ���rteer� (1�} days c3�sration. F�c�r• �ach ���'i'kl"r�l ca��gory, ��t� cansr.ru�i:ior� scli�dul.e shal� i,den�.€f�r ��1 trad�s ar �ub�ontrac�s �rh�s� �ro�ir �s re�ar��enked by ac�ivit�e� �hat fo]_].�vr the gui_c���.i��s o� L' h i� 5ect. i.on . ['ar each t�f thc �rad�� �r su,��on�ra�i:s ��h� �or�s�ruc�iar� s�heciuL� sh�l� indx�ate �h� f:o�.7.c�winc� ��ocuremen��� cc�r����uction �nd p�ea�c�p�an�e �c�ivi�k�� arid c�v�nks �r� t���i.r. �ogic�l. sequer�c� tor eq�i►pr��nt and ma��rial�. �. i����a�ati�n �r�� tr�n�rrti�.�a.l. o� su�m���al�. 2. ��xbfn��t�l re�ri�w ��riod€�. 3. Sh�� fabr�����on �e�d d�licrery. 4. ��r��t�o�� or, i�y�t��llat�_�,on. 5. Tr�ns»i�:i:�l c3f n��nu�actu��r's a�e�ati�n anc� m�tin���3an�e fr���ruc�_xor�s. 6, �nsta�.���i �qk��-pment �nd ��s����ia�.s testi.ng. 7. Oti,rncr's �����'�or. �n�t.r.7�c�.i.on f if a�plicat�l� D. �. C'�n�1 �r�spec�ion�. C9-4 {5} 9. O��ration�� testin�. 1�. Fin�� inS���tiOn. �f, in th� op��ian o� the 4�ner, w�r� ar.c�m���sh�d �a11s b��F�d �hat schedu�e�, t�e Contrac��x s�a�.� �ak� s�ch ���x�� �s ��c��sar� �a ��pr�v� �,is pragr�ss. In ��diti�n, th� �wn�r ma� r�qu�r� �he ��n�rac�or t� su���� a revi��d sc�,�d�l� d�mar�str�tin� hi� p�oc�.ra�� �jYd �ropos�d plan t� m�k� u� lag ir� scEy�du��d ��eogr.��s and �o �i�sure cn�n�leti�n �� �1ie wo�-�C within �.he cor��ra�� l�im�. i� �h� ��rne� finds �h� pr���sed �lan nc�l�_ a�c�p��b�e, t�e rna�r rec�uire ��e Cont�acto� �o i�cr�ase �he wcr��C ��rc�, the ��n�tru��xon p�an� an� e�ui�m�nt� �h� nuro�er. o� w�rk shiEts or the rsvertime ap�rs�ions witho�a�. additional �osL• ta th� Qwne�. Fai�u�e o� �h� �c�ntrac�ar t� cc���.�y t��th the�e ��q,�F����r�ts �h�ll k�� c�n�ic��r.�d g�c�unds ��r d�termxr�at�.on �y tli� Own�r that tY�� C�r�tra�to� is Ca���ir�g t� f�ros�cut� th� wc�rk with s�c� diligenc� �� wa.11 i,nsure it� cor��aLetxa� wi.thir� the t��t� s�a�ci E i�c�. �'44� {6� ���� � - ������� �o���xia�s c��� co�m�o� o� �o�� ��n �x������s �0�� At�R MA�ERLALS S�C�I�N �5�5 �Oi�T�t�L pF ���orm�� �o The work �hall. �� 'P � AU'1#iOR�.'�Y O�` ��3� T��ER : ��r i.ct �om�1 ian�� witi� �5��. � � i��e�r and �n �e��,�,n�s �ahich th� e��r��a�t���n o� �Ft� ��'���1� sha�1 d,e�ide a�.l. �3�� mate�ia�s tln� Contr��� D��'� ����- ar�d ac�eptalai 1 i, t� u�li�Y rate of �rog���s of k.he worlc, arise as �°�orir performed, �h� �urr���ri�d, in�.�r �reta�i.o� �� ov�ralk seq��r��� �� �Y�e cor�s���tc�io�s, � �t ��cu�e��,�, �,cc�pta�l� fx�l�il�m�nt of the contrac�� C�nkra �utual xigh�� b�tw�en �ontr�c�or and 0''`fr�sump ton �omp��sati.on r ��.e� wh�.cl� ���' t�ese C�nt�act Doc �� ���r. questior�s o� d�sg� , of oger��ios�sF and a on�ib�.e �o� Con�ra��.or's a� i�e. En� i, ne�r �ai�1 no �� � resp ���hniq sequ�n��s o� p��ceduxes � r��ar�s r m�thod� t r�c�uk.ion �nd prog�'��� incidex�� cons�r�,�ti�n, �� ��� �afet� A �n��b�� for �o��ra�tor's �heret�k and �� �ri�� �o� be res� `�ure �� �e���rrn the wo�k �r� accord�nce wi�.n �he contra� f�a�. documents . o f th� wo� � H� sha�l d��,�rs�ine th� a�►o��t an� quali�y m leted and ma�.�rials �ur�i��l�st��imates� n�uch �v�t�t�sha�l co p es�i�a��s sha�.� �� f ina1, . The Ow'ner sha�l t��ve ���� ����� be a corsc�i�iar� t� the �ci�h�� ��he �o�tra�tor �o �e���v es �€ du� hi� u�der �he ��n��ac �utho�rit� �o ���arc� ���h� �ontra�to� �ai����o�carr� �u� de�i��ons an� ord�rs a p�om�t�y. dis �t�e b��s�e�n �Y�� �ngin���s��t� Ir� �.he ev�n� af at�y � irr��� or� a►��` ���n Con�ra���r over the d���sior� of tt�� ��� �h� Engine�� mus�.# wz�hi.ri a ��as�t�ab�� �zrn�� matter�, ��nc�er and deli�er �� �o�h r�ritt��� ���1a�d�� �tra tor�ra�to�, a w�ftten decisior� �n �h� mat�er �n �h� Owr� c�nt��ve�sy. C0�]FQi�N1I']."� WT'X'�3 P�,At3S: Tk�� ,�i�ti5iie��OSS� Se�tiQCi�� C�-5.2 aca�des, ot#��� cases sY�a��. �on�orm wit�ri l���s � � f in�sh� an� ditn�nsio �e�cribad�ir�� h� �ont�ra�t Do umen�s. requireme�l�� ��t��rw�.s� ����d ��r�t��c� �ocus���#.s �ec�u����, �� �►r�y devia�ion �ro�� t3�� ��P �h� Dw��r �� constru�t�ori wil.l zr� al� case� � �F�� �:r�gin��r dur��3 ��,��r ar�� a��l���cized bY c�e�ermi�sed by �h� Cr�g Clnange �rc�er . CS�� fl� �5-5_3 �OORi����T10lV OF �t)�Ltrrrent� az-e rzl�d� � �OI�,iT��1�� p���MT�I��'�- toc��the� � o� s�v��a� s���,�ons + Th� �ontract , ar� �nt�nr�e� to c�e�crik�e ��d ' �'h���, ��kerr �nd u�����. pro�e�tt a�xd ax� r� ui�er��n����ovide �ae �h� s�c�zons i� �s bi_ndin � a c�r�p�e�� ��A��rin� ir� �n� of sec�ic�t��. In case o� di,s�r��aa��ieshough z�, occurrc�d �overn �ver �igu�ed air�erts��� Ls�a�� ��a�ed dirnens�.or��� ���n� st��12 ����i�iCati�Y1�, s���.�al car����ior�s sE�a11 �o�r�rn ��r�.� �otidi��ons anc� stanr�a�d s�e�� F�,ca�ions �o��rn ov�r o�x ��e �1an9 sh�.11 � , + a�� ��rrer�� �'�� Contra�L•or s�al� �rtvt� �a�� ��os� sl7awr� ��4���e�ti�s sl�own ar ar��sslon in th� �dv�xni:a e�E �roposai , p�r��tkec� �o ���� �or�tr��t i�ocur�en�s � a�y ap�ar.�r,t error �ucE� ► artd tl�� Own��r s�a�.I b� �� deemed n���ss�r c�rr�cti,or�� or in��r�r�tations as may �on�.racL• €3o�u�nents,��r t�� ��1�����m��'t of t}�e ir�ten� �f �P�aren i� �� ror � n t 17 ���r�� r t h� �on �.r�c tar � i7 e �r +�is�r�pa�cY► h� sha�]_ ,i��ns�diat�id.�scot+crs ar� condi�.ti�� to ti�� at�:entzr��� of cor�.fZ.ict ��r L•he ����i� s ' �' caZl khis � hc �e�g i nfv� r. Tn t�y� �v�n t o� � kf�� �ont�-a�� � . �pc��.�i�a�ion�, or �xt[�er ��cum�n�s wi�i�� �,��e nc�t r� o�t�d � io��orrs �sF awa rc� o€ �or, � rac �, ��� �a� t ractar � c�4z�ted tf�e mo£ sF��l.� �� ��,em�� �o ti�e -�� �xp�n�i�re r�sozuti�n a� �he �o t7ave �anflzc�, �5-�.4 �O{.���FaRAT�QN O� �[}IJ't'R�0.�.'�'OR- ��rni�h�� wi��, �i�r�e s��� � �'�e �on�,�-.�ctar wi1� �e hatr�+ av�i F��ie o� �t7� Cont�ac� Docu�en�s �.� su�h ��ntrae��Do�un�r,r�� oE the pro���k �� �Z� ti�e����e�sc�� '�he �on��act sl�a�1 na�cesa�r �ive ts� �.he wozk �,h� c��s#„ant cc���a�r�� twYt��tF�e��na l�� �r�ogr�ss t, at�en�ir�rr �i�e�s h�z���� ar�� sha�� �on L'���tor� ,� �Z �,v�r , h i s i n���� �,o r � �oss�i��,� way. ► �nd oth�� '�'he �csnk�a�tor sfx��,� at �t�ai�a��.� to ��r� J si�e��o�� have �c�rr���t�nt w��k. T��, A�o ec� pra��t• 1��rs�r�nel �nr�tr.a�to� sJ�a't], �rovide ar�d rna r�t����an�e o� ti�� �t �k�� sit� oE the �ro���,k ,� sup�r.inF:enc��nt anc� �o�x�pe��nt aL �I] time� an ass�:;tant �,h� r Ln�Iist����e�k��� act �s �l�e �ontr�ct�r's a �r�t ar� ��zZI ��p�rznte,�den� and Y ar�t�ora,��d �� and und��s �ar�d �ng �l�e� ��ntr��t D� u�� �� �� e w o r i� , � u c F� �C�ai� J�� cap��l� �f r.eadi� ��l�i �� instr. u�� �or�s �rom C�e i�nts and �itiaz� r��ei�re a�d au��io�i�e� ���res�nt�tiv��, �wner . �h� �ngzr�e�r, �r hi� o� th� C�nt.r�cr �'�'�s��nt t� th�s r�s to tE�� �ro�e�.� ��,�the �or��racto� �tralz d��i�n���°�� �bi�ity ��eo�k on tt�e vror���ir�t�nde��t, tv a�� �s �he wrz.ting shaz� �� ���-h ass�stani;, C�ntrac�or's a res�c��nt o� ���rra��t E�r.�,���t su��rin�#r�c��n.t �ubj�c� �.� cal�., as i� �:�ie �ourr�y� �'e�c�� and sh��.L E�� o� #;�e da�+ o� r�ight ��x ar����j��t �up�r.in�.�nd�n� �=��i:�eer �e��rmirres t�rat circ�r�stan� s�lr�g� �r��tl�e �� ��� t�rn� k3i� �ra '�� wE� i�� �h� ]•�t �iL� �� � ���res�r�t�tiv� �r���rtc'e or� o� �he Con��-actor �a ��-� (�l adequatel� ��o��d� f�r th� saL-�t� or �p�veni��c� �f th� t�a���i�� p��lic or t�� owne�s o� ��o�er�� �cr�ss which t�� ��o���t ex����s o� �h� �a���y �� pr�p�rty co����uau� tp �he �ro�e�t �ou�ing. The �ont�a���r s�a�.�. �rovid� al� z�czli�.ies �o en��le ��� Engine�� a�d his xnsp�c�or �� �xarni�� an� ��sg�c� th� workm�n�hip a�d rn���rials �nte�ing i�fio �he w���. �5-5.5 ����G��CY A���OR RECTIFICATL�N W�R�: Wh�n, in �he opi��on a� th� Owner or F�3gine��, a c�nd�tion a� �m�rg��c� e�i.s�� r�Ya�.�d to a��r pa�rt of t�y� w�rk# the ��n���ct�r, or tl�� ��n�ractor thrc�ugh his designa��d r�g���sentativ�, shall r.�sp�nd v�i�:h disp�i:�h �� a�c�rl�a� ��c���sk rn�d� �}� th� Owr��r o� Enga,ne�r �� �l�.evia�� the em�r.c�en�y ��nditi�n. �uch a .re��aans� shal�. oc:c�,ar d�� ar night� �rt���Y��r i.h� pr��e�t is scl��d�x�ed an a�aler�dar-da� �r �� a working-�ia}+ basis. Sho�1� the �or�tra�t�r fa�.l to x�s�on� to a r�qu�st �ram tY�e �ngine�x l:o rec�it� ar�y dis�regan�ies, or�is�ians, �r �orrectior�s rt�c�ssar'� �o cori�orm wit�r ��� r�quirem��n�s o� th� �roj�c� sp�ci�i�at�or�a or �lar��, �h� �ngi�t�er shalL giv� t�h� Con�rac�.�r w�itten notS.�� khat s�ch wo�k o� cl�an��� are t� be p�r��rm�d. '��e �rri.t��n nati�� ehal'1 di�rect att��tior� to th� d�,�c�r�pant cor�ditian and �cec�u��t �t�� ��n�r�c�or. to tak� �er�ed�al �ct#.on i� cox�r�c� th� conditian, In the ev�n� th� ��n�ra��o� dv�s no� �alc� pasiti.�r� s��ps t� ��s�fil� tt�i� written req�s�s�t or does not show ju�t cause �or r�ot taEcing �h� grop�r a�t�ori, withi.n 24 �ours, th� Ci�y �ay �ake �uch rcm�dia�. ac�ion �rith �i�y for�es �� �y con��act. mi�� �it�t shall theri deci�a�� afl �m�unt �qua7, to the en�ire casts Eo�r �uch r�rnedial ac�iont �1u� �5�� ��om �n�r funds du� �h� �ont�actoar o�r tl�� p�roj�ct . �5=5.5 FI�T,� �FFI��: '�he �vntract�r s#tall �rov�de, at na �xt�a �om�er�sation� an ad�qu��.� �i�ld ���kc� �vr use �f �Yt� Engine�r, i� sp�c�.���all� calLed ��r. The �i�1d ���i�c� shalx be no� le�s tl�an 1Q by 1� ��et� �n ��.�or �r�a, su��tan�x.ali�r ��nstructed� w�11 �r�ate�, a�.r condt�tx�n�d� �,�g���d, a�,c� �aea�kt�r.-p�aof, so th�t cir�cu��n�s w�].7. ��t �e ciamag�d �y the �iar�tents_ C5�5.� COi��9.'RUC'I'Y��1 �TAFtrS: '�h� �ity, through �.ts Fng�.n��r� wi11 ���e�l�� �i�� Contra��or. wltt� all lines, grades, and r��asurement� n��essary to t��e �ro�e� ���s�c��ion and contral of i:l�� wo�lc �oi3�ra�ted £or under �_Y��s� �a�t��ct Doc�rn�r��s� atld �ines, g�rad�s and �n�asu���ten�s wi.l,� �� est�l�li�hec3 by m�ans of s�aic�s ar. oth�r �usta��ary rn�tttiod o� �azkir�c� as m��r be €�urrd �onsis�eni. wii:h c�ood �rac�a.c�_ C5-� { � } Th�s� �ta�es �r. marki�gs ��a11 be s�� s��L�c�ent�y in adv�n�� �� ��ztist�u��ion o��r�tio�� to avoid d�la�. ��ch s�ak�s o� �a�ka,ngs as �ay �e esta�l�s��d For �h� Con�r�cto�r� us� o� ��i�ance s�a11 be pr��erved �� ��� ��ntracL•or unt�Z �e is aut��riz�d �� ��� F.ngineer to ��m�vp �nem. �h�nev�r� i� �he a�i�ion �f �he Fn�a,�eer, any s�a�es o� �arki�g� �a�� ���n �ar?Y�s�T.� �� �Y1if���y dest�o�ed, distur�ed, o� r�m�v�d by �1�e �ont���tor �r an� �� k�is e�plo�r���, tk�� �u�I c�st a� replacing suc�x s�t��C�� or r��rks �Zus ��� wFll C�e �t�arged agair�st �l�e �'ontract�r, ,nd th� f���, arno�xn� will b� c3c�du�t��d �rom ���rr�ent du� tt�� �o��r�ctc��. C5-5 . � AUTHORIT� 7�t�0 �UTIE� �r �T�Y�]� �i�S1�E�'�0�� : Ci. �� �n��ec�tors will b� autY,or�.�ed tn in��ect a�l w�rk d�r�� a�� �a l�e do�� �nci �11. r�at�r�ais fur�isE��d. �uch ie�s��ck.i�n may e�c��nd �.o all �r ar�y p�rt of �tk�e u�c�rk, and kM� ��r,��ara�i��n �� r�ar��fa��urin� a� ti�e mal:�ria�� �-o E�e us�d or equi�mc�r�� �o F�� in�k.al��d. A City I�,sp����r: may �� �ta�i�n�c� on �h� work �o re�ork �o ��e �r�c�ine�r a� �0 1:5i� �x�og���s o� ��c work and �.h� ��nn�r in wl�rich i� �s b�ing perforr�ec3, to r��ort ar��r ev�dcn�� tfia� th� �,�t�rials �eing �ra�ni�hed o�r ���e wo�� bein� ��rfor��d �}� t�i� �ontrac�or fa��s �o �ul�i,�1. tl�e req�xr�m��t�s o� th� ��ntr��� Qvcur�ten�s, ar�[� �� c'�11 t#�� 7t�.en�i�n o� th� �ar�k�a��ar to any suc� fai�ur� or �rttYer infr�nc3em�r�ts. ���� inspec�ian vr 3�ac�C �� inap�c�ioe� wi11 n�t r�li�v� �Y�e Coritract�r, from an�r obl�g�tion �o p�x-form �he wo�k in a����d�n�e ��rF�h �I�� rec��irera�n�:a o� �he �an������ i�o�ut��nts. Tri cas� o,E at}y r3isp�t� arising t��iweers �I�� Con�r.a�t�r anc� th� Ci�� Tna���ctar as to �he mat��i�1s or �q�ig�enl: fu�n,i,��ied o� �he n�anr�e� �L• p�r�ormi�g tEti� w�r�, t[�� �it�+ Yns�r�ctor w,i.l� lia�r{3 ��ti�c�ri*y �a rej��t rn�t�ria.l_s or ���ipme�� �o �us�end vr�rk t�ntil tk�e questi�n a� zssue �an �e r�fe.rrec� �o and b� d�cided by� ��i� i�r�g�ne�r. �`h� �ity Ir�spe��o� wi�.�, n�t� �ow��r�r, be �ut�torized to �c�voke, alt�.r, #n1a�c��, c�r r�ie�s� an� requir�rnent �� �t�ese ����,rac.�t �ac�am�n�ts, no�e to a����ve c�� a�c��t �r��r por��vn ar ����ion a� k:Y�� wo�ck, ��ar ta issu� an� i��st�uctions �c�n�.�ary �� L-3tie r�q�iremer�ts �� th� �on�,�a�t D�curn�nts. C�e will rn no case �ct �s supe��r�t�rt��nt or �o.r�rr�an o� ��rf�rsn an}� other du�i�s �o,� k�� �brit�act��x c�r �nt�r.��r.� �r�t� �h� mar�ac��tn�nt vx• opera��.on vf th� w�r�C. �I� wi.�l nc�� a�c��t €ro� th� �oni.ractor a��y c��n�er�sah.i,or� �n any fs�r� for pe���r�ning ar�� duti��. "�'he C�n�r���or s�a�..L rec�a.�d and o���r kl�e d�r�cLivr�s ans� instr.uc�x�n� of th� �i�� �'nspect�r or E�g�n��r wh�n t�� s��e a�e c�ns�stent wi.tk� t�#�� ofoligati�r�s c�f �lie �ant�a�t i]a�um�nts, �rovic��d, i�aw��rer, sk�a�ld �he �on�ra�tor vb�e�t tn afl� or��rs or instx�c�ior�� of �he ��t�+ Ir��pec���:, tt�e Con�r�c�:or, ma� wa.�hi�t ��x days r��ke writ�en ap��al to th� En�in��r for ha,:� c�ec�sion on rlie mat��r is� con��aver��r. CS-5 ��� Fng irle�r �T�.O�: 'P1�� Contr.�c�or �Y��.11 �+�rni��e��� r o� ��a� TNSP� €o� a���r��i�i.n� ����.� •— � wir4� r_h�3 r=�,uir�,�+�nt:� wa.k.:-� ��ar:}► .r��r��c,���blt� ��GL�i���c�or,�a���r�+ r �u r�qu{}�t5, �he t��� �r;��-� ��� �� �` �4�rt �n��� �. � T F L-.ht� �'�ni� k� ��a�k.�nr�i t�E C�h� wark, ;�C �h� �;ot�tra�t t�����um�r��s . r 1��� �;� f. ��� f i�� is'a�� �t�rls K�,� r�ay b� Con�r.�c�u� sk�a��, at ;�ny r�sta��* � ���r. �uck� ��c�r'�ion ��rl'��Y�;o�r_r�c��ur si}a��. k.Y�� r���n�,r� or ur� v r�� a r� `� �� �ffi,�� �xa;�tk�ari��n� r��uir v �' 3ir��.����i.�«� o� �h� ,u�rk t�, �.f�� �ta �aid �or,. �-r [�o�:urna=�t`-�5, ta�l , tY�� Ct7rii_��3v �r y� ,y�y o �U^+�'C� �"y / i L3 ��I tF I 23 �.{ {} � L3 f\ i� GI�I � 5 1�� ���J Y J 3 i L t� L� C �� JL �4 1 i� � Stxc���1�, �i�e w�L c � ,��,L �.�t-i«c� �� �������s ��xtr� wor�c, h�� ar �ng oc r���f�•,�i�c ar�,3 � �i� o t o ��� :����rc.�� - r �rt ` � r. �s�tr�v�=� s1�;�t� ixe L��� � ,� w� L �� �r � }7 � � v �x ���r�� +�; r_h� i�' /� �c� �� t7te r�{��i��in�� o� '� � t��3 w r� r�c s o ����?� � or �:�r��xr� �rc� anc� t�� a_ 3 � 3 1+ } :; tii o'� l. � w t ti� #� k�l�l��t rhe u�titA���s��`� ���n:�;�.��3 ,����`a �ha�l «�tacce� � ��tiv�. ���� or ma�er�al� ���;� �It �s1 j �3r:?�Z� � � � �� ���� .�Y��11 kxc'- k_<)C � � gx��,?n�s�. � �,���i��13, fy�fl�l-�t'. } P S;}�3t?YV L'�i+?rl {iY �L''IS �• v k�il-.�}o�zt ;_ui._�1��� wOItK� ��,1 w�r`�. A�D 11t5i2�[l'F�i0R1�EU y - } 1p� 3 � Ly L 13 �� J� 4� L� 10 Ft�N4DVAIa 0� �F.F��'i'IV� 4 3�y �t��=�� r�.j} ��n:��€�r�r �7� �"�'�` � al1��Mn���`,. c�4�i4.'� ti � :�f �'� xa� L'1 �f! f3�^f',}���.�t)��- ��� ��11+35 �n���vri�1.5� � +� vc�c3 fz�3�i r�'��-'��'' ,�7 � } b� �n� y� y y i3���}�113.� {�I. �_��V {3}���j�i}�+ T4�t.� i����l� ��'rR,�i. ��J 11�L�1�1 k��� +.����.�-��:k.nr ��: �ri� �w�ti�l�o�rn F,�r� x��e �1�n ��'� wi���o��t w�ttt�n �alcl +�rdt[ier� C�1V�i1 ��� �;.,��rrz Vx��r"k 4�17 Cl C� C� a7 � t'• •� � �'. rl� -�]PCL�iG'���� �����ti�e�F �'" ���3� f�3 ;�naa�lrtoria�ri �rt �� t�e �� wiLL k��, ���n�i.� �} uz��i •�;�1' l�r� ����i,sl fo� �t� �h� ��.t1-Yy�i it� � �or����crt7� rt�tr3 �, �. ,3 �3�;r����a� �� �h� � �r��FY ;nay b� nr��� 3 r�m���+�`�� �f �w3� " �anr�� so � fai��r� o�Y �f��. �. (�WT� ' C. y w� ���pn k_h � �y r�YP �E�c�i,ileC�s- rl5��'1�? liridr'� �f}i��LrZ�fflfL#,'J �,�.�i"1�3 1���..1� ���� 1�x414.1 \+� [L�V�� �IY� �� �:osn���,� L,���� �Y�,� ��3,� i���r w�11. r�vx�n�rr�� �os�Lr�<:��s�� t1�i� ���ra�� -- �«t�3:3i��4 0� �osk. ti�� ��'��vi�xort� �� �,r� ��F:3c��i�� wo�'�c �t� �� r�� � �nci ti�e f � ��� C���,� � N�� �j':? 'C�ii4�1V� r rz i=.;7 �►,� ���o � � �� ��n��xt� ��' i�� �� �-� r1� �r�sr�„� r�u� nr �.� ��c���n� c�x r a�ti�.� r��:����r��3 �nd r',��r,3�f �ay� �� s3�t����:t.��� ����m ,�a}y � ir,? k�.k�a r,��ao�r��r-��t�a�n�� �y �7�=r�x�.t.a�. 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C.3 Z i L-��rtt�.�:i������ r�.�z��r� l:�i� -, �n�r k���� :>f rr��t��-}' ���vir��r�, � :��terial� �.�nt��c��� �L l�i� ..��1;� shaZ�. r���uz�ern�r7t.� o� an�� r�q�i�m�,�� �u�z ��sp��s��i�at�r �f ���E�ria.�s t�i� �rar�tra�:t �o��rr��x}�,�, �' ror���r�ta.r��3 to � 3 * ���3[!(vtrr l.IF��2S� r�����?�'Wl.i�� 'iy�S�S �3llL'� � {}� ,�t_,�}� wi t�i t� �A^ry � � z �� �ar� � in �oc,ip� �� ���tes� ► wi � � ,�;-, � Y�c�r T���,=in �f-'�hods �r�scri�ed � ����1�3 i rr (�wr��r- '�'a�� � �aL-�ria�� ;�r ����� � �a�titra��,�r 517��1 n�-�� ��'Lf�c r� �' th� Arrr�ri�an �'"��1��'�� may .c� � �3��r,a�m�nfis �iya.l �, ��irk� ��r r,oiS�.� vie�� s���� F�e�i °F ��,e ���.ir��ern�r� �vitho�t � ecz��ti, 7 ar�c� farwar,��i� �iti�� a� �h� r� ti � 11�P �a]f3 IIEB���Y, � � � 31f* Wi �1 �.��rl �ry ; � �t3l�l���fj.� c�F�kc� ��3��s �r�v•} ae� � �" nz ssxor� o� �he Coa�tr. �7 rr.�d� �n� ���c�se�t.�� �� ���, �,��Rr�l�. ��:tor wiiZ fi�rr�is�� �t��} �������Z;� � ��x�tzl Dwr�+�r, �d�q�at�� ;amo��� ��P�'�v�� f,or use. T�� �+��N����� �l�arg� �,� tf�r+ F� :,�5� ot cor]���t�, F_�C� �r��xi:�� er�d ��s3�-���h�� . k��i3,�1. � ���ar,�Por�ir�� �;�uxpar�er�� �Iya�il��a�� rnin��i�m. ��}��l �_I�� . +� 1 �i ;3 t� k k�.=_ � a�y �'onc�•��� ����ovec� ,,r-��3� �1�� ����'"�'i1�Z� For, r���1_�crng����ac:��r r311C� t�Y� �'}� t��m , E]a r`��1UL.C�ni�RtS p� � � C'4r]c��'et�� ���I��Ctt7f �ac�e at 1.eas� ���� ,�on�rac� ��i�.�h s�a� r2si��� ���� � � daY� ��ri.�r � �o�um��xt��, -� no� �3 s ;� �n ��3�ct� ram ��e sam� � tF�� �Ia�ar� ��sts sF,�li� ��'� �r� �7� +J��r� �d�r?r ��'�r��3cll��?. ��rn��1� � �c)r1r-�e��r o� ��1�r�2� i�� �f» car��:r.��� , and nior, �ar t��e n��w mat�=�r.i�i.,s:f ��w ����s sl7aZl �� �rra:�r�� S�o���d tli� �]1'�r,}r �� ���rC� �,�4� + yr [��y �:Fr� �rsri o� �� .7 fl 4J R lii} �..i k�/ 1' i*i L1 1 L'� ii �+`3 JJ �� u��r� ir� ���r3 c�ns��'tt�^tion �11� i��s�r� ��� � ����rx�ii,� whzch ar� [��i�r� di�-� ����rY�V3L`it7#7 °���atior� �I�t�l� ?�� �� be � ���� �Y tf�� F,n °� tf7� �u��it�+ ans:� Fi�n������ �� �s I�t�t,_��rns �ir�r�a �,s� �o �th��- har�. ��e.����u�aE�1� �� �� ��Ia�e��on� �rooc�en or � ��rf��{�� arr� nat �ri l-�i� �=�'� (�} c�ra�nd, a�d sl�a�,� be �laced un��r �ov�r w�en d��¢c��d. �tor�d rn�teri.a�s ��a11 i�� �.�.�ced an�3 1o�at�d �� as to ��cxt�tat� p�r�mpL ��spection. C�-5.1� ���5�'1�� �TRU�Ti3RE� A�7� U'i`�LZ��RS: �he locatic�n �r�� di�ens��r�s sh�wn �n th� �1ans r�la�iv� to e�€�stin� ��i�i.ti�s ar� �a��d on t�� b�st �nF.o�m�tion av�itabl�. 4r�is�i�n Fro�t or th� i��7,u�i�n of �xtilit� 1vca�ions c�n �.k�� ��an� �s n�t to be c��sid�r,�d �,s ��� r���e�i���n�� o�, +�� � c�ef init� 3.o�a�i�n oE, �x�s�i.n� u�x���ground ueili�.i��. 'r:�e 1or����on �� rnan�r c��� �n��ns, wat�r r�ain�, c�r�d�a��s, sewer lin�s artd servi�e �.in�� �or a�l �xti�iti��, etr,t i� unknowr� ko �h� Owner, and t�� �s�rser as���m�s :�o res��n5il�iYi�� �or �S'llFl�� �o show ��y ar a3.� su�}� ��r,�����r�s and ��iliti�s or� �h� g�.ans ��r to bF�ow �h�� i� k.he�r �x��t �o�atio�. �� is ��tt�iail�+ ac�r��c3 tha� s+���t F�i�ure w��� +��t �e �on��id�re� s�tff.ici��,� ba�si� �or �Xaims far ��dita,�r�ai cor�p�nsatior� for. �xt�a �orrt �r. fa� i.ncr�a�i�g r.�a �aY ��a:�tz�ze� xr� a��y r�a��er w�atso�v�r, ��i��s �r� obs��ue�ion �n��unta��d is su�i7 as to �e��ss�tat� ct�a��es i�, �he �i,��s an� ���c��s �C co��i3�rra�l� r�a�nit;�d� or requi.��s t�� bui��3�ng o� s���i�7. ��+ork�, �r�vision f�r w�i�h i� �x�� m�d� ia t1i�� �ontra�� 7��;���e:�ts, ir� which ��s,� tt�a �roc�i�ion fti t?���� �o�tra�t �o�um�n�� F.ar �xtr� Work si�a1L �p�ly. � t ��a � 1 i�e �i�� �on t��c tor.� r���a�ns��� 1�t� to �er i�y lo�at ions �f a�jacent ar�d�or c�r���1i���ng ��ti1�Li�s su��i.cient�y ir� �d��snc� �� ��nstru�ti�� in arder tY��t h� rney ��g�Lia�� s�x�� ln�:a�l adj���.��tents as r����ssar�t i� the �or�st�ucti�r� �ro��ss ta �rov�el� �=��quat� cl�arances. fil�� �ofi�tr��tr�r sha�l �a�� aI� r��c�����.�r� �r�c���ti�ns ir, ord�r �� pro��c� aiL ��ci.��ing �tx Iit�es, s�r�c���r�� and s�rv�c� l�r�es. Ve��f��at�t�n v� �xi��i�zg +1�111�1��r struc�ur�s and s�r,r.ti�� iir.�� sl�al.� inc�.ud� ��r�t� Fica�ion o� all utility �o���ar�i. �s a� l�as� ��r�y �igh� �t�S} ]zours in �3vacice �C �nn�ir��tz�n i�cluding ex�k�rat�ry 3x�avation i� -�ecc�ssary. �i.� ���-i�ica�i4r� o� ��ci��ing util�,ti.�s ar�d ��Pir ada�sstm�r�� sh�l�. �b� consid�re�3 �s s�,ilasidia�y -�o��c_ {5--�.IS I�]'�`�RF�Li�'�'I�i� OF �E1�V���: �. �1arm��. P��s�c��txon. In tt�e norm�Z pro�����i�n �� w�r�€ wh�r� the irt���ru?�ion of ��xvir�� �s nec���ary. tht� ��nt�a�tor, at �east 2� i��urs in adv�z�ce� sha�i �� raq��r=d t�: 1. �lo�i.fy �k�e �dai�r D��aa�im�n�'s €}istributxor� Divi���n as t� lac�tion, tim�, �n�3 s�h�du�e cr� s�r�i�� i���.r��pti.a�_ �5-5 f7� �. t��tiF,y �ac� ce�sto+��r ��rs�na.11y �h�o�Y�h r�spo:�sx�1� p�rsonr��t as t� ti�n� an� schedu�� �f �h� znt�rrupti��n a� �i��i� ���vic�, or 3. t� t�� �v�:�� t�at ��rsanaZ ��tification of � cu��o+�ar rann�� i�e �ad�t � �ra���r�3 ��g Ec�rr� ��i�ll b� �tta�h�d t� ��e cus����rts entranc� �v=�r I��ob. Th� tag sha�1 b� c�u1ab1A ir� co+et����k���r�, �n€] i� X�e�� bol� �y��� �h��1 s��: '� �JfJ'� I � � " ��� ~o ;ltili��r T�n�r�ays:x�rvnt ir, pour n�i{����r�xood, �r�u� (wa�?r} {3�w�C} ��CV.L�+? W�ll hP �fI��C— � tl�'��?� [�fi �Q��7[sr?Cl tj�� �Oa1r� O� a�"�d T`►i5 ir����v?ni�r��� wi11 �� �s ,3?��r � ,�� �as� i����. "�"�an�c y��, �or�tr�ct�r -- ,�ddr�ss �har�� E�. �'m�r_g�nc�+� in th� {�v+�r�t t�t�t a+� ue�f��r�st3�e� ���uic� 1f],�e?Lr�41�)N L�7t� �K'L11Trt rk0�1[v•.? 9�]�l� �3'? �_i=� c3M}OV�rt}llt L,'�1C�1�C� �.3�� - :��� � . �s r�t�m��� ��s�o��z��r��xx o� ����r���m��s : �� , �t�r����, a�:r� or n��1��� �n the �art �.E ti�� C�ntr�c���, an� o�h+�r �.�n�ractor �r art� s�b-cont��c��r �k�al�� sxiff.�r Ioss or da�a�«� �n k17� wr�r�, th� �or�tra��o� a�:s�� t� ��t�l� with s1ac�i r���,�.� �an����ct��r ,�c �ub�c�n�rac���� ��r agr�em��t� or �rb���c��i�n. if sur�11 ���r�r �or�tr�c�ar or su�-r�o�tr�c�;�r ���11 a�sert ariy c7.aifi a��i�st th� ���n�x �n ac��unt a� an� �am�g.� �1.1_�g�d to �a�r� bn��3 sus�.�ined� tts� r]wn�r �i11 n��if� tr�� �ontract�r, who :;r�a11 �����n��y and s�v� ha�m.l�s� �lz� Dwner �gai�,st a�y� stxcf� f� ��i��. �5-5.�7 CL�AN-i��: �1�a�►-u�a �� �u��1us �r�dJor vra��� snat������ �rv��a�u�.at�d �n tl�� �ob sfti� ��Yi,r�g ��i� �r,o���4x�i�n ��� the w+�r�C �tnc��r �he�� �v�strar-g �ocur�an�,3 �h�l� �e ac�om�slish�� i.�� :;�=��,r�,� wi�t7 a d����.y roa�tir�� �stab�is�ed to th� th� .��tisfa�t��n oi �h� ��g�n�,�r. T�er�t�����rs �v+�r� ��tee �r�r����n no�zc� i� gi�ren �a k��e �a«tra���� that th� c�.��n-u� a« ��3� a�� �i'�i i�3 ?rac��3�i�� in � ma�3n�r un�;ati���ckory �a ���e E��ineert if �I�e ���tr�c�or.. £ai�� to �or��ivt �.h� C5-5 { 8 � unsati�fa�tory ��oced�ret th� Ci�� �a� �ak� such dire�t a�tion as �he Eng�n��� deerns �g�r�priate to ��rr��� �he �l��nmmup deficien���s �it�d i_o C�e Con���c�or in �h� w�itt�n n���ce, �nd �a�e cosL•s of suc� di���� ac��onr pZus 2�� af suc� costs, s�all �� deduct�d �ro�t ma��es �ue o� t� b��o�� du� to ��e �ontrac�or. ��o� ��� cam�leti�n a� the pr�j�ct as a whol� a� �ov���� �y the�� Cofltrac� Doc�sn�rits, and ��Eor� ����.1 acce��a��� and �i��l pa�ment w��.l, �e ma�c, �he Con�ract�r shal� clean a�d remav� ��om �h� site �� �h� ��o�ect a�� sur��u� a�d dis�a�ded �na��ra,a�s, ���po�ary �truc��rest ��d de���.s a� �ver� k���. �� sh��_1 ���v� the �ite o� aY� w�xk �� a n�at an� or�erl� c�ndi�ian e�u�l �o tl�at ��ich ari�inally existe�, �urplus and wast-e �a�erxals ���n���d �rorn �h� s��� o� �h� w��k �hali b� d�s��sed ��r a� 1��a��ons sa��s�actar� ta kh� ��gi�e�r. �Ize �o��ra�t�� s�a.l� �horoug��� c��an al� equf�rnen� and ma��r�a�a ir�s�a3.�e� by hi.m anc� �1z�13. de�,xv�� ov�r suc�t ma��r�a�s ��id �qui�jn�n� ,i�� a hright, c����, po�isl��ec3 and n�w appear�.nc� cond�tiori. �s� �xtra c�mg�r�s�,tic�n w3,i1 �� mad� t� th� �or�tractar £ar an�+ clean-up rec�ui�ed o� the pro���t. �5--5 . 7.� ���A,�, It�SP��'�'��7I� : Wh�i�ever �he wo�k p�ov�de[� fa� in �nd �or���m�al_at�� ur�d�� kl�� C�n����� Doc�mei�ts has be�n �a�is�a�l�rily �olr�p7_eted ar�d �inal �l�anu� ��rf_c�rm�dt �he Lngir�e�� w�i1l itio�i�y �h� prc�per ��ficra�,s o� the �wner and ��quest i:�a� �:he F�na1 ��s��ck.��ri b� mad�. �uch in�pec�ion wi.�1 1�� r�ad� w�thrr� 10 day� �f��r �u,ch na�i.��cati.or�. A�L•er su�h �zna� ir�spec��an� i� �.he w�rk and mat�r�a�.s an� equipm�r�� �re ��urtd sa�is,�a��or�, t�e �ontrat�Cor wiil �� noti��ec� in wri�inc� of �h� a��e�t�nc� o� th� saa�� a���£ th� p�ap�r r�so�.u�ian hr�s ��en p�ss�d b� �he �it� �aur,�i�. t�� tir�� charge ���1 b� tr�ad� aqaina� �h� Cor�trac��r k���.we�n s�id d��e �f �oti�i�a�ion o� th� Er�g�n�er anc� the �ate v� �iflat �rrs����ion of t�� wo�lc. l . ��-� t9� ��►f��r � - ������t� �o�r�z�rxo�a� �b--� �,����, R�,]a�TTQi�� AI�b PUBi�I� F�E��OhI�.T.l�� 'LT�I'� ��E���OI� �f-b �E�AL� R�L�TT�t�F� F�Ni? fiU�3T��� 1�E��ONS.���LITY �f-b.3. L}1�5 T� �1� 4��t��R�1LL7: T1�� Cc�na�r���or aha�.� at a11 ��mes obs�rve arsd compl.y ��ril:h a1�. r`�d�ra.1 and �tute �aws ar�� Ci�� �rc�in�ri��s a�ic� r�gui�t:�on� wh�c� in any� way aCi`�ct tY�� co�nduc� �� kh� wor.k r�r #za.:a o�era�i�ns, ar�d sha1:L abs�r�re and �ompl�r wi�h ��1� ard�rs, ����, ard�.n��}��� anc� regul���on� which �xi�� �z whi�h m�y h� enact�d �at�r- ��r t�odi�s hav�.�g �urisc�i.��i,on o� �xuth�r.xt� for s�»F� en��trn�rit. No k�.lea o� m�.s�r�c�erskandfng �r i+���a�ar�ce �he�ea� wi�1 �� �onsid���d. 2'��� Cor��ra��ar anc� Y�is +ur�ti�s �k�a�� indem�,i�y an� s�,ve ha��n�ess �t�e �it�► and at� o� its aEFic�rs, a�ge�t�st and er�ploy�es again�t an�t an� all ��.aims �r l��brli�}� cZYlS1k�� fror� c��- �aasc�� �n t��t� +violatiori o� a�y su,�i� �aw, o�cc�inanc�, regu3.ation, �� �rc�ex�, wh��her i� �a� b� hi.m��lf or ��is e�npia���s, �5�6. � Y�ERNI�'�'S AND L���i�SE�: TY�e ContraCt�r shall pr��ur� �11 permii:� afld li.c�n���� �ay a��, ct�arg��, cos�� anr] ���s� and gF�e ��.1 r�otic�� fl�ces�ary �nti i�,�,ic�enk� �+� t�� c3u� ar�d lawful p�o��cution af. t�he vr�rk_ �f-6, � PA'F�:I�'��D ��V�CE�{ MAITERTAL� Ai�l7 ��t���^��E�: I� �h� �onl•�ra�to� is r,�q�i��c� or d�siar�s tc� use ar��► c�c��ign, dev�ce, �at��i�l, ar �r�cess �ove��� �� �et�er, pa���n�., o� co�yright, h� sha�l �ra�rid� f�r suc� us� b�r su�.�ab1e .l.�ga� agr�emen� wi�Ya �:1�� ,�a L-er� k.�e o� owner o� su�l7 �aat�n t, �ett�r, ox �op�r��c�h��d c��aign. zt is mu�ually aa�ree� a�ri �itic���s�oo� that �ritl���tt ex��p�ion �1�� �or��r�ck. �ric�s sha].1 include �11 r�y������ o�e c��t ariskrrc� f,rom �a��n�s, t�ad�-rnarks, �nd co�y ric��ts fn a�y way inva�v�d in t�� wo�r�C. The ���ti�rac�o� and k�is sur�ti�s ah�Ll in�emr�ify and sav� tyar��e�� �h� Own�� �r���K an�+ and a1J. c1��im� Eo� ir��r�ngeir��s�k. by reasor� v�: �hc �r�� �� any such �aat�r��c�] �iesignr c�e�xx��, ma�er�,�� �r �;�roc�ss, �r an�t ��eade-�a�k c�r. co�� right .in cc�r�r����i.orr wit�h the vrork �g.���d to �e �er�ar�n�c] us���x L•h��c C�xntrac:t D��rxnr�r�i:�, ar�d sha�.l ind��nniF,�+ fi_1�� Dwner for an� co�t, e�cper�s�, oar damag� which �t� ��ay be ��lig�d �o �ay by r�a�on of �u�h i��ring�men� a�: any tiine fi�,r��� t�te p��secu��on of t�e w�rk ar• ����r com�l�tzor� o� �in� worlt, �r�vid��, h�wev�r, �Itial: th� �wfl�r wi7_1 as�sum� th� �-�spnrisiksi.lk�.y �o ��fend a�Yy �r�c� a11. au�t� l�ra�c�l�� far t#�e ��nFri.M�ge�n���t n� any �a��z�t ����ln�d to he in�riny�d upo� �� t�e de�i.g��� �-.y�� o� c:�r���x•��tion �r �na�.erial or ec�u�.pm�r�� s��ci���� ir� �h� ���}t�a�� �l«c:umer�t� furn�.st��d th� �ontra�tor b}r tl�� O�rn�rt anc� C� hold the �;c�l�t��cL-�r I��rm�es� on accc�ur��. of s���i� �uxts. ��-�i t:l. � C�-�.4 SA�iTARY �RQVZ�ZQ�S: '�h� ��nL-ra��or shall �sta�lish and ���o��e �mon� h�g �rnpl����s �uch x��ula��ons in r��ard to cl�an�iness and �xsp�sal o� qar�a�� �nd wast� �s ���1 �end �o prev��t ��e in�e�tion and s�r�a� af �n�ect���� o� ��nta��ous di�eases an� to �f€���ive�y ����ont t�� cr.�atxo� �f a nui�anc� abo�� t�e wo�� on a�� p��p�r�� ���her pubk�c or pri�at�, ��� au�h r�g��ation� as a�� r�q�Fre� �� ,Law �h�l� �� put in�� i�m��iate f�r�� aryc� �F��ct by th� Cant�a�#.o�r. '�he r�e��ssa.�y ��rtitar.� ��r�veni�r�ces .for us� �� �ab��ce�s on �f�e wo�k, p����r�y s���ud�*� �rorn ��.ti�alic obsexvat��.anf 9ha�� b� cor�s��uc��d ar�d r�a�.n��ir�ed by �1�� ��ntract�or and �he.i�c us�e s�all be �tric�:].y enforced by the �'�n�r�c�a�. A1�. �u�h fa���.iti�s sha�1 be k��� .i.n a�l�an and sani�a�� COrS�1t.lOI3r ir�e �Erom o����t��nab�� odo�s s� as r,��. to caus� a nuisanc�. AlI s�ni�a�y �aws ar�d ��gu].a�f�r�s o� th� S�ake �� '�'��cas and �n� �it� s�a�,� �� st�r�.�t;i�r cv�tp�i�d wx��. �f��.5 PTJBL,I� SA�E'FY A�3D ��NVE��F�C:�: Mat�ria�s o� �q�x�p��nt �tar�d �1�ot�� �h� woric sh��� be so �lace� and us�d, �r�d �t�e wo�'1t �Y�al_i at a�l ti�nea b� so �ond�t�ted, �s �o �a4ase n� o��ea��r �b��.ruc�i.�n �r inc��veni�nc� �o �h� p�bli� tt�an is cansid���d �o h� �bsol�t�ly n���ssa�y i�y ��e Ersg�n�er, The ��ntractor is r�q�i�red �a �naa.nta�� a� a11 �im�s alI phase� a� hi:� wo�k in such a r�ann�r as n�� L•o impair �h� safe�.�r �r conv�n�en�e �f �he p�b1��, i.n�l�d�nq, b�t not limi�ed �o� s�Ce �,nd c�nvenient a.�.gr�a� and e�r��a �o ��o�s�k� �on�fg��u� t� t�� wo�k a��a. The Can�rac��r sY�al� mak� ad�qu�te pro�isiona t�a r�nd�r r��s�r�ab�� i�c�rs�s and e�ress ��r norrna� �reh�icula� �r���xct e�t�ep� dur�r�� a�tual tran�h�ng or �x�e ir��t�a�.�a�i�n c���ratinr�s � at �Y� dr i�r�way ��a�si.�gs . ��x�h �r��isi�ns may i,n�luc�� br�dg�n�, plac�m�n� o� crushed sron� or c��av�1 or su�h oth�� zne�r�a ��' p�ovi�ing pr�p�r i.r�gxess �nd eg��ss �o� �i�e prope�r�� s�rved b� t�_h� dr. �v�w�� as the Engin��r may �ppro�r� as a��rapriat�. S�a�l� ot��r mcans may in�lud� t�r� �iver�i�n of drrv�+�ay ��ea�Fi�, vrit� s����.fi.� a��roval b� the �ngin�er. if -_� c�iv�rsi�n o� tx•a�C�c is app�•o�red by th� .Fngin��r at �ny �c��a�ion, ��1� ��r�tra�t�r �t�all �a1�� ar�ange�ent� satisfactor�t �c� tft� �rrgine�r at �n� .1����ivn, the ���tr���or ��Ya11 mak� arrat�g�men�s sa�is�a�t��c� tc� the �ng�r��er [or the diver�i�n �� traf.�x�� anc� �ha��, a� Iti.� own �xpena�, prc��ride all ma���ia�� anc� ��rf:��em al.l wvr� riec�s�a�y ,Fo�e l•h� �ons�ru�tfc�n and �n�i.rxt�s�ar��� of r��dways arrd b�idg�s f�r �u�h c�ivers�.�r� of. �����x�. Sid�wall�s mus� n�t �� abs�r�r�t�c� �xcept b�r sp���.al ���ntis�i�n �� �E�e F�flgine�r. The rnat�rial� exc��atec� and the canst���ti�� m����ial� ��sch as �i.pe ased a'.n th� c:or��tr�c�:��n o,f. tt�� work shal�. �� p����d �o a� �at� �n �n�iang�r �.h� wor� nr �r�vent� f�ee access to �lY �ir� h�rdrant�, �rr� alar.�n bo���� pali�e call t�ox�s, wa��r sralv��, C6�� (�1 �a� va�v�s� or �a��oi�� i� t�e �icznx��, Th� ��n�r r�s�r.ves t�e �i�ht to �em�d� a�y ne�1�c� on �he �axt of the �ant�a�to� as rega��s �� p�bl�c con�e�ien�e �nd s��et}� �ahfc�7 may com� �a its ��i�ent�i�n, �E��r �wen�y-�ou� h��rs �oti�� in w�i�ing to th� �ontra�t��, sav� �.n cas�s �� �i�erc��r�c�- wh�n i� shall have t�� rigi�t to r��ed�r any r��g�e�� withou� n�tice, a�xd xr� �iti��r ca��r ��e c�sk� o� ss��h w�rk d�ne or materials ;ur,�ish�c3 i�y �he Own�� or �y �h� Cit�r shal.l. b� ���ducted �.�o�n mor��es du� �� �� be��m� du� to ��e �o�►�racto�. TY�e ��n�ract�r, �C�er �p�roval o� �h� Engin�err shall r�o�if� ttt� �'��'� De�ar�z��3�� Hcad�ua.rters, T�e��fic �nqinee�, anc� Pa1i�� ��p�rtrn�r�t� w��n any s�ree� ar �ll�y i� re��es�e� �o be ��os�d or ���tr.�,�t�e� or any �ire l��drant is �o b� mad� ir��cc�ssibl�, and� wh�r� sa d�:�����d b�r tl�e �ngin�er� sha11 ]cee� a�n�► s���e�� str��t�sr v� h�ghways in co�ditian far �nob���-ucted us� b� E��� a��ara�t�s . The C;�nkract�r shal]. p�or�p��� r���i�� th� F��e ���artr�er�r Headc;uarters vrh�n a�i �u�h �bstruc��d �tree�s, a�L��rst or i�}�dra�ts are again p�ac�� back ir� s�r�ic�. Wl��re t�� ���tracta� is r�q�ir�d �a �o��t��ct t��np�ra�ey t�ridg�s ar �na�ke ott�er. ar.r.angem�nts For cro��i��g ave� di�ches or strea,n�, �i� ��spor�sil�ili�� �or ac�i�ar�ts in con��ct�ion wr�h su�i� cros�inqs sha11 i�clude �he .�oaciway approach�� as well a� the �tr��:tures af s�ch cros�in��. Th� �on�ra��c�r shali at ��1 times ��ndu��. his �perati�n and the use o� con�tru�ti�r� rnach�.r�er� s� as nok �a damag� or ci�stro� tr��� afld shrubs ��c�t�c3 ir� close p�o�irn�,ty �o �r on t�� site o� ��c �ao�k. W}��r����c ari� such d�r�age r�ay be don�, t�Y�e Con��a�to� s�a�.]_ irn��di,��el� satisfy a�], clafms of prop���� awt�e�st and n� p��ment w�1Y i�� ma�e b�+ t�e 4v�n�*- ir� s�t�l�men� o� s�xch �la���. 'I`Y�� �or��..�ac�+�r shall fi�� wi.�h �h� Er�qin��r a w�it�:�n �tatemen� aY�ow�nq a1X su�h ��a��� adausted, C6-�a . 6 PRTVS��E��� OF CO�]TRACT�R II� �`TL�E�'��, ALL��(�, Ai�l� f�I�H�'-Ok'-G�AY: Fo� �E1� p�r.f�rmal��e �f �l�� con�ract, the ��n��ac�o� w��� b� ���mi�.k.�d �� us� ancl o��upy ���1� pc�r�fan� of the publi,c s�ree�,s and a�,l��s, �r a�hez pul�].i� p1�c�s or otk��� ra.gh�s--ai�wa� as pr��►�c�ed fa� �r� �l�e ordinanc�s a� the �i�y, �s �howr� in ���� Car�tra�t Docur�e�ts, or as rnay �e sp��ifica].a,� authorized in t�ri�itxg ��r t�e ��c�iri�e�. A reasonabl_� amour�� o� �ools, ����� ia�s � and e�u ip�r���� �or corsstru�tian ��.�rpa�es ma� b� s�o�r�� in suc� sp�c�t �u� no mc�r� �1�a� i� n���ssar}� �� avoi.d d�1�y in ��t� const��ction ope�atior��. �xcava��d ar�d wa�t� �ta��rzals shal�. �� �i�.ec3 0� sta�ke� ir� such a way as not �� int����re s�ith �he us� af s�ac�� tha� rnay 1�� d�signa�ed �a �e le�� ���e and u�s�los��u�ted and sa �s not �0 1ri�Q31xi�17.k�f14� o��u�an�s a� a��a��nt praper��r . IE ��� str��t �.s o��u�i�d b}► r�ilwa� t�ac�s, th� v�or�C sha11 b� C6-& (�} ��r.ri�� vn ir� s�aciti ,n��iner as ���� to inl:er€ere wx�it �he o�aeration oC train�, L�adin� or unlo��3i.ng af �aar�� e�c, Ot�l��z corttra��ar� ot the c]�rn�r �a�+� �ar a�l �y�r�as�� ��c�uir�d �y ti�� �on�ract, �n�er u��n ti�e w�rk ar�� pr�m�i��s us�d ��r t[�� ��utract:or �r�d st��l�, k�� �r-c�vx�ec� �a].]. �cc��s�r��k�L� �a�il�txes and assi��ar��e ��r th� cnm��i.�t:i.on n� �d�oin�r�g �+or�C. An}� ac�drtion�.l gro�nds d�si��d l�y �}�� �ontractor for his us� ��ra.Li �e �rovi�ed �y �zrn a� his �+�n �os� ar�d ��cpense. ���6.7 RAIf�b�AY �€tOSSIC���: WY�[�i� I;h� �,rar�c ��n�r�a�h�� �x�on �r�y r�gh�-���way �£ an� raz.l_w�y, tC�� Cx�� wil� s�cure th� nec�ssa�-y �aser��nt �or ��Y� wcari�. wk��r.� th� railway �ra�l�� ar� �� !�e ��ass��t �kY+� �nr�tracG�r �ha1l ���e±rv� ��� tY�� r�gul.a��on� ars�i instruc1�io�;� �€ �h� �a�lwa� com��r�y �s to �he �tethods o� ��r�a�min� tl�� wc���k ar�d �ak� all ��-��a�txons f.t�� ��,Fek.y o[ prnper��+ �r�d the ���.�1�1�c�. i�eg�txal:.�.o��s wikh the railway �om�arii�s far �a��-�t��s sk�31i �� don� ��r an� Lk�r�u�i� the �ity. `f'�,� C;or�kr�c��r �ha�i giv� tl�� C� ty n�t�ce r�c�� ],�ss �han f��e d��s �arior. t� the tim� a� hi� .i.r�ter�tior�� �o begi.n wark ar� thak portion o� R:h� �r�����t whi�h �.� r���t�d :� �t�� rai_1u+ay �rnp�rti�s. 'i'�e �or��rac:��r �ri�2 no� �� ��ver� �xtre or a�d��i.ona� ��rr��nsat.xr�� �or su�h rai�way cr.ossir�g� u�71�ss sp�c'i,C.icall� s�t €�rk�l i� �i�e �ontr�c� i�acu�n�nt�, C6-6.8 n,A,��XC�1.f�E?�, 4JA1tN��1�� }�ND W1�'I'�FI�'IEN� �lh��� �he wor.ic is ca.�rie� on in ar ad j�c�nt t� an}r s�r��t, al3 ��, ar pu�� i,c p.�acet tk�e ��n�tractor. sl��ll a� ]�is r�wr� ��c��na� Furni,sh, are��t arYd makr�tai.n �uci� �f3�r�car3es, ��n,�es� l.�c�l�k� an� ci�nger sigr�al:�, s��l� �rovi�e suci� wa��:i�m�n� �rtd shaJ.l t�lte �3..i such a�.h�� �rec:��kxanary m�asu�e� �c�r th� ,��o�e�tian crL- �e�: �ons or r�ro��r ��r az�� �� th� wo�ek as ar-� n�cessary . �arr x�ad+�s ae�d F�nc�s sha�l b� �ai.r�t�d in a��1or �hat. �ui,l,� k�� v�3ible at r�Yc�t��.. L�r��n ��r�s�� tn sut�x�s� the ��r�t�-acto� ���a1]. E��ni�l� an� �n�ir�L•�x,in at �east acx�; c�asil.� �risib�� h�arni.ng .lic��t. at �ach ha r r. zcade . A s� f�ic i�nt�. nurnber c�F k�a�rr ica��� :���al l k�� ere��.�d ar�d rnaa.ntain�d to �Ce�� �,r3deai�r�ar�s aw�y ��ornr �n� v��tii���� f�o�n be�r�� d.eiv�n or� or. ie�t�, ar�y work �ar�d�r �on��ruc�i�e� or �eing [�a�,ntain�d. '�fie canLr.t��:L-or shall �ur��s�� uraL•ca'�s��n an� �teep �I�c�t� ��= t1z��,r re����ki�e a�si.gn�nents ir� �u�fi�i�txt �1��n�ers to �x�oL-��t th� work an� �r,��r�nt a��ic�et�t �� dar�age, AlI ir�s�alla��lon� �n� ��oc�r�u�•�3s sha��. b� c�r��zs#.�r�� wit� �he pro+visi�ns �e� Lort#� irt I;��e "'�98� �C�x�� t�lar��al on Uniform Tra�fic �on�r�� [��vi��:s �or ��r�ets an� 1��ig�way�'" i�su��d und�r th� �iutY�ofi�� oE th� "�`C,�te �� T�xas �ln��o�m A�k: i�egul�ting i'ra�'�i� on FEic�hvr�}��", r_�c�it�ed :��� Art�cl.� G741� [�erc�r�'s Ci�+il �t�tut�s, pertxnent sectic���� k�cing ����ion t�o�_ �7� 29, �0 a�� �x. c�r-ti ��� �he Con�ra�t�r wxl� no� rernov� a�y regu�atory sig�, irist�u�tional. srgr�, s�re�� na�e si�n, or o1�l��r sigrr whi�h h�s be�n er���ec� k��r t13e City. �.f �t xs d�terr�irted �hat � sign mus� �e rer���ed L� p��mi� r�q�i�ed �or�s�ructior�t the �ontra��o� sk�all �onta�� the T�ans�o�rta�ion a�d Pu�lic v�or�Cs d�pa�tmer�t# S�gns and �iarki.ngs �1V�S1�I] (phone num��� 8780-�075�, to ret�o�� �h� sic�n. In �he cas� of regulat�r�► �ic�n�� ��e �ozat��c�or �n��� r�piace tkte p�rmanen� sic�n w��Y� a ternpc��a�y si�n ���ting �i�e �e��Fr,�m�r�t� a� t�h� al�ove re�e�enced manua� �rtd s�tc�Y �em�orar� sign rnus� �e is�sta�ie� �ri�� ta �.h� rem�va�. �� �h� �e�rna�ent sk�n. if ��� �em�orary si�� is r�ot ir�s�alleci corr�c��y o.�- if i�. does not� m��� �l�e reqt�ir�ri sp�c��icatxvns, �he �p�rrnar��nt sigfl �ha11 be 1e�� rn Qlace un�iL �h� t-�rn�a�a�y si�r� requ�rem�n�s are ��xet_ 4�hen cor�s�ru��fon w�rlc �s com�l�l:r�d �o tin� ����r�t� tY�at th� p�r�rar��nt �i�n can i�e re�insi:�li��,t t�� �on�rac�or sh�ll agai.�n co��a�t �he ��c�ns an� C�arki�xg� �ivis�on �o r�--i�tstall �i�� p�rmar�e�t si.gn and sh��l leav� his �ea�p��ar�r sic�n �.n p1.a�e ur�t.�� suc;h reW�n�talla��on is ca+��l�t�+�. Th� �or�trac�or wil� be h��d ��s��r�srbl� �o� al� da�tar�e �� tt�e vrorlc or L-he publfc dn� t� faa.�ure �f �a.�ricad�s� sig�s, fen�es, 1�g�ts, �r watchm�n �o p������ �h�m. WFi�n�u�� e�r�,d��rce is ��und �f such d�rn�g� �o the ��rf� �t�� �ngi���r �a� ord�r ��-1� d�r�a�ed por�ion irn�nec�ia�.el� �c�rn�verl arid r�����e� b�r �he �on�r���o� at the �ontr�c tor " s o�+r� �stp�ns� . '�i�e �on�.ractor's r�sg�nsibi�li�� �or i:lz� r��int�ena�c� a� bax'ric�dest si.gr�s, Ees���s �nd li.ght�, anc� �a� �r�vir3i�i� wa��hmen shall not c�ase uril:i.l. ��� ��oje�t sh��.l. hav� be�n comp��t�c3 ar�� a��epted b� the Own�r. 1�� co�pensa�i�rr, ��c��� as sp�c�,��.ca],�y provid�d i« these Con�r�c� �ocuments, �ri��3_ b� paad to t�� i�n�racta� �or t�� wor� artd ma��rials a,nvo�ved i.n t�� c�nstxuc�i�c�r p�eovi.di�gt ar�d �t�ini:aining o� barrica�,��, 91��Sr ��n�;�s, and 1'xc�tti�s or far salaries �� watctirnenr f�r �li� su�s�qu��t�. ��m�v�.�. and d�.s�asal o� su�h E�axri�ad�s, sia�ns, �r �o�r any �ther ir�cfder��ai.s riecessar� fn� th� pro��r �ratecti�n, safe��, ar�� oonv�ni�n�� of t}�� publi� c�urin� �h� co�tra�� �eriod, a� th�s wori� is consid��ec� �o t�� subsi.dfa�� t� �k�� �eve�al it�m� �or wini�i� uni.t �r lu�tp s�m pric�s ar� �equ�st��7 kr� the �rop��al. �6-6 . � i��� 0�' E}�PL��i�TES, �RC3P Wk�I��i'1', �TC. : �h�u�[1 the �os��.xa�t�.r ei�c� to use e�t�lo��v��� r]r�� w�kgh�, �t�., in �h� �r, os��utx��n of the worEs, �he u#�r��ost �are s1���1 be e�c��cise� �� a11 ��m�s so as not �� er�dange� liF� or pr��e��.�_ Th� �nr�t.rac�ar ��ia11 n�ti�y �he ������ reprc����at�ve �f �r��► pul��ic ���e�ice co��o�a�ion, any �;ompar��►� inc�xvx�ual, �� ��i�i.��r ar�d the �wn�r, not less tY,an i�w�r���-�aur h�urs in C6--b ( 5 ) advanc� o� th� us� �� a�� ac��v�t� �hi�h rnigh� damage vr e�da�g�r �treir �� �is �r�perty �lon� o� �d�acen� �n ��� work. �h�r� �I�� ��� ot exp�as�ves is to �� ��r�itted an th� ���j���, as �p�cifi�d i� �h� �p��ial �on����t �v�urn���e, �� t�e use af ���lo�kv�s i,� requ��t�d, �h� �on�rac��� �ha�.l �ub��t no�i�� �o �he �ngin��� in wr.i�ang tw�rity-fau� hours ��ior t� co�m�n�ing and s�a�.I, furnish evi8�ilc� tC�at �� ��s ie�sur�nc� c�verac�e t� prot��c� agains� ar�� da�ag�9 anc�for in��ri�s a�is��y� ou�. o� ��ch us� of ��c��osives. �11 ��ai�s �r�sing aut o� th� usc �� ��cplosives shal�, be i.nvest�.�a�eci a�d a�rrik.��n re��rt mad� b�r �h� �or�tra��or's i nsur�rs �.o �h� �rrgir�e�r w�t�in t�n ��i� � days a���� rec�ip� o� writ��n r�ot.�.c� n� tl�� cla�iR� �o th� �ar�t��c��r �ro��r ef�nez� �Yr� ��.t�r or tf�� c�ait�ar�t. {�he �it�r sha21 �sr��eed to q�v� noti�e �� ��ne Co�r�rac�or o� any st��h �l�fm_ ��hc� ��e of exp�asiv�s ma�r �� susp�nd�d �y �h� rr�gine�r, i,f a�y �om�l�i.n� i� rec�Fved and su�h us� st�al�, nnt �e resu�e� untia, �ii� cause o� t�� c��p��it�t h�s h��r, �dd�e�s��d. �1har�ever explo€�i�r�s ar� sto�e�d �r ]�e��, the� s�,a11 he �tor��3 in ��afe a�d se��re �nar�ner and �1� s�or�g� �'La�es s�,�11 b� �la�nl�r marl��d '"DAN�EI�OIJ� E?{�C�Q�t�'E�"' and s��a11 �ae und�r t�� car,e �� � com��ken� wa��h��an at all ti�n�s, ��,� vei�a.�l�s in w}�z�h �x��r�si�r�s ar� ��fng t�ransport�� shali b� piainl� marked as m�n�ioned ak�o�r� �nd sha�1, ins�Ear as �o�sib��� n�� u�� ���vy ���ff�C r�ut�S. ��--S.lE� �10RI{ �iTHZ� EA�EMEN''�'S: Whe.re �h� w��k �r�ss�s �v�r, �Y�r��a�hF o� �nto ��i�at� �ro��rty, the Awn�r wil�_ ���o�ride s�c� �ight-��--wa�r or ease��nt �r. i.va.lec�es as �he �ity may d���n �e�essa�� �o� �Y�� �ror�e�uti�n �f th� wo�k . Any ac�dr �i�r�a � �r igi��s-of-s�ay �r work ar�a �onsid�r�d ne�essar� by �i�e �onk�ac��r shall be pr�vided ��r h�m at l�i,s o�rr� expen��. �uck� ad�i �iona 1 �r ighl:s�-�f--w�y or worlc �re� �h�11 b� acc�uired for �h� t�en�F�k o� l:t�e �xty. Th� ��t�r s�al,1 be no�Y�ied in v�ri�ing a� �a l-Y�� riql��s sa acqu�red #��fo�e woric }�eqins �n Ll�� a�'���ked ar�� . r�i�� Co���a�to�e s#�all r�r�t er�t�r upan �riv��e ��o�e��� !'or �r�� �urpos� wii�t�ou� havir�g ���vi�usly o�t����d �erm�ss�an frarn �he �wr��r a� such �a�a��rt�. 'i'�e �or�k�ac��r wi�,1 no� �e aZ].o�r�d io ��o�e eq�.�p�en� ox ma���iaz �n g�i.vate pr.c���rty t�n��s� �nd unt�l th� ��e�i�i�c� a��a�a�ral af t�� �a�a��r��r �wr��r t�as he�r� s�cua��c� ir� writittr� t�y �}�� �ontr�ct�r and � c��y ��rnis��c� �� �Y�� Engineer. Unl��s s��ci�i�ally �ro�rid�d nL-kY�rwi��, ��h� ��n�r�ctor s�a3,� clear all. ric�h�s-oi�wa}► vr e�se�ner��s �� o�,s�rr�ctions r�l���h mu�t be r�a��ved t� �ak� ��ssibl� prop�r pros��u�zr,r� o£ �i�e wa�k as a par�� ��' �.I�e �ro�e�t ��nst�ruc���n ��S�rat�ons. Th� �onLra�E�or �ha7.� b� �c�s�nns�l�1� Cor �he p������ral:z�r� �f and shal� t�s� Cb�� (6� �v�ry ��a�a�tion ko �r�ven� dama�� to aIl ��e��, s�r�b��rY, �].ant�, �ar�ns, �ence�, c•�a.Lverts, curbing, �rd �l1 o�1�er t���s o.0 ��rucY.�tr���s o� Ls�tp�r�v�tn�nts, �� a��1 w�at�r, sew��, �nd gas .�i.ne�� to �].1, r,o+�dui.t�s, ov?rh�ac� �o�� 11�123r or apnur.t�nar�ces �her�o�, �nc��c�i.n�� t�� c�ns�r��t.ion of t��n��r:�r�r f�n��st �rwd t� ��t atiz�r ��xl��ic �r. �riv��� �ro�a�r��r alo�g adja�en� �o k.h� work. T�e �os�l.►-act�r �I�al7. no�if� t��e L�r,����r r�or�st3n�a��.�r�� �E ow�t3rs or o���pants a.0 �u��]_i� o� �riva�� �ands or. i�ter�s� it� lan�s which �r,�_ght h� af��ck�d h�r �he w�r'�t. �u�h notic� �hall ��� ir�a�e at least �8 fior�rs �� ad��nc� o.E L-l�� b�ginni.ng of th� �or�C. No�ic�s shatL be af��l��ab7.� to �o�� pu�Oli,c �.r�d p�ivat� uti�.i�� cor�par�.i�s c�r any co�4�orati�n, ca+�ga�y, Erst�i;ridua�, or ather, �ith�r. a� owner.s a� a�c�u�ar�t�, �tho�� ��nd �r. Fnter��� iri �anr� migk�� �ff��t�d t��+ ��3� �rork. '��se ��n���c�r�r. �h�11 b� re��on�.x�O�►� fo� a11 +�ama��s or inju�y t�4� �r�pert� c�� aa3� �har����� rr��ul_tin� �rorn ar�y a��, o�is�i�n, n�gl��tt �r �tisc���duc� k,� t17� �����er or m�t�od or �x��,��ir�n o� th� w�r.k� o� at any �i�na ��a� t� d�fec�a.v� wc�rl�, roa��rial, a� e��i��n�n� . Wh�a� ar�d wh��3 £zny �ire�t o�' �indirect �r inj�r�r i� r�c�n� to pub].i� o� ��eiv�te pro��r��r o�� ���ount o� ar��+ a�tt o�ission, ;��g�e��:, �r r�i�c�r�duct Fn �k�� execuCkor� �� �he w+�rk, ar �n can��qu���c� �f t17� r�on-�x��uti�n �h�re�� oi� ti�� �a� � o� ��s� �onl�r.3��ar� he s�all ��st��a or �rav� rt���ore� ak. �F� own co�� �n� e�c��xls� ;}oac�h pra��rty to a c:o�c�i} �c�n a� 1:�ast equa� �o ���t .��si�tinq befora su��� �lam�s�e o� i{���r� was dc�n�, 1�� r���l�ingf x�b�i�r�ir��, or ot�r�rwi�e repl.�,�i�� �r�r� r�st��i.r�g as r�ra}F ]�+a c��rec��� �� th� O�rn��, or h� s��a11 mak� a�aod su�h d�r�ac�es �� in���y ir� ��n��4i��c a�ce��a�le �o r_1�� owrn�r oE �h� .pro�e���r atY�� tlY� Fflgi�e�r. A1� fer���� �;ti�aunt�t�d and r���ov�d �lur�.r�y cons�r�}�t�on o� i:�ii.a �ro7e�k sha1Y �� r�s�ored to #�l�e ori��rr�a�1 �r � b�tt�r. th�n ori�i.�al +��r�da��ior� 4x�aon com�l�t�on oF rhi� praj+�ct. Wher� wir� ��nc�,n�r �i�'��r wir� m�s� �r bar���c3 wire i� t�o b� c�+�ss�d, �h� �onira���r s�a�l. set �r.o�s br��c�d �nsta t�r� ��.t�er �ide �f ��rm�nent e���mer�� k�e�or� tE�� F�nc� is �ut, �h���� ac���r.iana� fenc� cu�s he r��ce�[}�r�+, �h� �arYi:ractoz si�a11 ��ravide cro�s br�ced paska at �oi,Gx� �� t1�� pra��se� c�� �� addi��or� �o ��� cross �r�c�d �osts �rov�d�d at �he �er.rn�,r�er�� ��,�ement� �i�ni�s, b��or� l•.h� ��nc� %.� cut, T��n��rar�r C�+rr�:ir�g �hal� b� �y,����d in pl��� �E �he f�r��in� r-e����d wh�ne�re.r th� wt��k �s EYo� ir� progr��s atld wher� r.1�� ��it� is �ra��t�d av�r��igl�t, �xid�ar a� a�1 tirne� to pr�v�a3t i�v�stt�r:k �ror� �nkeri��g �h� ��nstruc��o� area. Tl�� �ost ��� f,�n��3 rr��rova�, t�rnp�rary c3.�sur�� �n�3 re�lac���nt �l�al1 be sub�i�i�a�y #:o tl�� tra�i�us kt�ms �id kr� �l�e �r�j��� �6--6 ( �7 } ����asa�. �'h�r�For�, n� s�para�� pay�ent ���tt �� all�w�� Eor �n� ���vic� ��so��at�d wi�h �k�z� wa�'�, In �,��� o� �ail,ur� �ri tlz� ��r. � af t:h� �ot�krac��r �o r�s�orr� ��ch l���pert� �n �ta1�� gao{] �u�Y� ���rnac�e or �njur�r, rE7� ��rntr �tt�+f� i��7r�r3 4f3 F10Lli W�tt��ri t"10L`_iCe llt�C�rY� O��Yri��� C1tCu6ll��ciKi�P�� a1��3 wx�.1���t��: rsotiL� �h�n a�tiui;;�r�ce or ha��rd�us ��n,3i tF�� Cr?�a3��f3� ���l�r�t3c� �-;] C�€}�1r� CBAL�11{�i r33C O�Y]�XW��G� C���;��+.3 �Ll��l �r���r'_� a� �r��y a� ����er��irs��� k�y {�I�r�} Dwrre� to �c� n�c��sarY, �n� k,��e ca�t L-h,+r;31�y tai L L �� �i"��tc��c� �r�r� �ny r��n�{�s :3�� ��� Lo l���o�� a�u� �,� k,l��+ �r�ntr.�c`tot �r��c�� �h.i_3 Conhr��l�. �'f -6 . Yl 1 [�i�F;�F�lli:Nm COh�T�tAC'lxOi�: Yt is �t��c���T���or�d ��i�l �c�r��r� �Jj� ti7r? tl��Y`i,�5 ;�-,,�.v�i7 �}3d� l:.�YitC�CL'-:�C Si1+�11 �78iEt}t'fCC ��l V:C]�1C ��ti�� ��rvi�c::� 1x��rLun<�r�R- .z�; ��� .i_��v����nd�nt �o�tr'�4}�0�', f�n�� �ikt �s �r� c�k �.ic„�r , a�en � , �� rvanc r� r- {.����>lv��e ca F �f�� Own�r . �onL-r-�c#:c�r ���1_L ���8 �xct�a�i�,�� c«*��r��. ��C �nd ��� �xcl�asive ri4�1��. to ��ntrr�i t:��� t1�L-�il�. �F 3],l kli� w4��-tc �r�d ��r�i��s ���t-�nrr��� h��rr�uttder� .�n�� :�1i ��z•3c�r5� rr�rformir�g �arne, �nd s3��.�� �� �+�Iely r�,��r�;;ihl.� �:�r, tF�� ac�_� ae�r� amis�io�i� �� its ��F�i�ver_�, age;t��, s�rvar��.�, �m���o���s, ��nh.r��t�r.�, :3U�?�::0�1L"l'3C�47YSi �'L�i?f3:3:'�?� FlEI{� ��7Vl.t�C3�. "�'�k� �Oi:���ri� O� r�3��3:�n�ie�t �u�erior �ha�i, no� a�;�1�� �s ��k:w��n Own�r �r�c� �_ontr���:or, its a��ic����, ag�n��, em�s�,���es, �:.ontrac�;�r;� a�c� ��1'C��1tr���O�s� .�t1c� no�i��n� h�rr�a,n sha.l� �sP �orY�tr�3ed �s cr�a���� � p�r�n�rs�i� ��r joir��, �€�{�e��pr�s� ��t�r��r� Own�r at7d ��k�L•r.a�:��r. i �-G. 1� �ON`F}�A�TC}R' � I�ESP�N�II3ILIT'Y �'[]R DP��+�IA�� �L11��9� : ��ir7ta-���L•or. �ov�narxt�.,; an�3 agrees �:r�� ���3 k�oe� �i,�r�by inc��mn���r, h�1� Erar�n��:�{; anr� d��e��7 pw�7�r� �t� a��i���r�, �,q�nt�, ��3rv�����, �nd �m�lo�r��� �ro� and ag��ns� an� .�n �.1,� �;��i�n� �r .��Yi�=� �or �ror3�r�}� d��a�3 or la�s ,�ri���or fa�r�anat rr�j�xrYr 1rjrlU.c�i41c� d�.���, tn an.y and a11 p���ons, �� what,;oeve.� o�irYd or ��har��r�Ct W}7C'.k.�1�r C�cll o�C �4-''sr�Ct�C�i .�Y15L:1C� Qk2� b� O� Lf1 c�nr�e��zon vrit�, dire��.1�+ or in�_�f r�ctl�, th� worJ� an� �e��.�ic�5s k�� �� �Sr.�rC��r�r�t��i i�er�un��r 1�y �.��,tracr_�r, i�s oE�icersr �g�nts, �������+��3��, r.onL-r�ctorsr �uhcottitraotor�, LLcee�s�c�s �r it�vil:��s, .�h��l�er r�� �ot �au�+�d, xr� w:�o.t�� �r ir� pa��, �y �1.���{�� i7���.z��n�e an ��e ��rt oE of�ic�r_�, a�en�s, ���vants, c��ni�loy���, c�n�r��tt�rsf su�coa��r��ts�rs� 1ice����� ,�n� inv����s �F �l��� �7wn��; and ��id �ontrar_tc�r c�c��s f��r�i�� cov�nant an� ��r,�e �:� aa�1a�t� �z�� liak�ilit� arid r�s�r�n,�hility of: �wn�r., its o.f�icar� ,xg�f��.�, :;-�rvants �n4� ���1����� Fo� �r�o�erty ci�mag� or i�s�, an��o�r �er.,oa�a1 in�uk-it��, ir���.,�d��rg �le�th, �o ���y and �i_t p�r�on� �� w�h�k�s��v�r kind or c:��ar,�:t�r, �r���tE��r ��al �r ���s3r��d, �rxsi.�c� a��� oE �,�r. Ln �r�nn���F�n wi�h, �ir��t��y �� ind�re�:�=��, th� wark and ��rvic�s �o r�e per�ar�aned 13�r�und�� l�y �'��sn��-��:tt�r:� ��„S o��Ci,�e�,;, �geti�r; e�r�pLoyee,;, r�an�r��t���, ����o���.���c�rs, �..L�+�nS��s �n� Lfl�f,l.��'+y,5r w�li�th�� ar �o� caused, {��-� � � � in wriol� or xn par�r b� a1l�ged n�gligenc� �� officers� �ge�ts, s�rvants, �mplo�e�s, cont�ac�ar�, su��ontra�torst l��er�sees a� inv����� of tin� �wn�r. �o�3L�ac���c ].�lcewi.se co�r�nan�s and ��r. �es ta. ar�d do�s her�l�� t i[1d�rnri 1�� and hold haa:��ess Own�r f�c��+ �nd �gaxnst any and a11 1�1�L1�l��rl�ss ar damages to ��aper�� o� �he Own�r c�u��,ng ��� pe��or�nanc ��f an� �� tl�� t�r�s ar�d canditi�ns �E C�r�s �"o�str�c�, vrhe����er �rising ou� o� �r in �onn��ti�ra witil o� r�su1E:.�,r�r� �r�sr�, i.n who1� �r �n par. k�, arry a�Yd ak1 ai��g�d a��s ar omission� �� o�fic��s, ac����s� se�rrantst �m�lo��es, contrac�ar�� s�l�con�r�cl:ors, �i��ns�s� �r �nvi��es o� the Owrz�r. In t�i� �v�nk �+writL-en �1aim for darnag�s against tri� ��ntr�c�ar or ��s sub�on�.r�ct�r� r?mains urtant�t�ec� at tt�� time a�.� worlc �n ti�� proj�ct has ���n c�Gn����ted �o �he �atis�action o� tk�e �]irecto�r o� �he Wat=�r D�pa�'trnenk.� as �v�d�roc�d �� a f i n� 1 �. n s p�� t� i an , f� i na1 �a yrn�n� t:o t h� �on �.�ac�.a�� st��il l�ot be r�cainr��ri+3�d k�y ��� �ir.��t�r �� �1�� Wa��r Dep�����n� fa� a p�r�od o� a(} day� a��.��: th� da�e o� such fina�E �nsp�ction, un�e�a tY�e Cunt�ac��or sh�li, su��nit wri.tten eviden�� �ak.is�actory 1�� tin� Uir�c��r '�hat ��e ��aim ha� be�n ��tt��c� �nd a rel�as� h�s bean �bL-ain�d f.r.om �h� c�air�an� ir�volver�. �f �he cYaim c�nc�rn�d, re�nains uns���led a� �f �i�� c�xpiratia� aE �h� a�ov� �0-r�a� ���ioc�� kh� ��rtL•ra�tor ma,y b� c�e�m�d �� �� entit�.�d �� a se��i-�inal pa�m�ni: E�� work co�r��u�,�te�, such s�r�iT�inal pay��nr to b� �.n an atnou�nt e��aL to �he t��al r��11ar amc�unt then c�ue �.ess �h� dollar �ralu� �f an� wr��ten �1ai.rns ��ndknq ac�ai�st �h� �on��a���� ��ri��ng out �E the p�xfor�nan�� ot' s�ct� w�rk, an� such se�ti��i,r��� �ayr��r��. may �.�er� l�� recolnm�nded b�r t�� f3i�e�ctc�r. Th� �i.r�c�or sha11 not �e��rnm�r�c� ffnal �aym��t to a�on�r�c�.or aga.�nst whom s�ch a��a�m �or ��ma��� is outstandi�g �or � perfod o� six �nonths fo�l,c�wing t1�� �at� �L• tla� ��ce�ka.r��e aE th� work pe�f.�rm�c� ur�l�ss L-��e ion�r.act�r suk�mits evzd���e �.n ��iti�� sa����a��az� t�� thc r�irf}��_,��r thai�: 1. '�h� clai.r� �a� b�.c�n s��k:Lec� anc� a�e�e�s� ha� �eer� a�tair��d �roz� �h� c7.�imant in�►olv�d, �.r �, ���d �a.�.�h �f����� ha�� l�een mad� t� s�tt�.e �uch ou�-�tan�in� cla�rns, anr� such g�od faith et�orts ha�r� �ailed_ t� c�r��it�,�n (1} �k�a�re f� m�t al� any tr�r�e +�i.�hzn t�e six r��n�in p�rio+�, tt�� T7i��c�or. sk�all �ec�r��end that th� �ina.1 payment t� t�1�� C�ntrack�r be r�ad�. �� c�n�3�t���� {� }�b��re ia m�t at ar�y time wi�t�a.� t�e s��c mo��h per.,�c�d, �he Dir�cL•nr ��ay ���arnmen� tha� �h� f inal ���m�r�� �v ��� �ontr����r b� zn�c��. �t �h� C6�5 I9) �x��i�a��vn oi �E�e .,zx �ior�l_I� ��r.�.od t��� Fii��cJ:�r m,a� r�c*o���fl�r��3 tf�a� fir�a]. �ayr��nt ��� �na�i�.� i� ��� ok�_�s3r w�rk ���s ��en �e��o�m�=_c� an� �11 ��f�er o�� i�a��o�i� o� �h� [v�nt���tor Fi�vB l���n rn+�t �o th� satisf��tinn �� ta3e 1�ira�k,�r. T T�� bir���;o� �na�, iE h� ����r�:� i� a��r�pri��r�, raE��� �t� a�c��xt hi[�s ��r� nk}��:r ���;::►r Il��u��-tm��t �ont�-�ct wc��~:� Er�m a�on; r�c��� ���.��,nst wl7��n a���im .E�r +3a�nag�� is o�t5t�ndin� a� .� i�����t o�' wC}�IC �l���rJ�a'ri��i �.�r�t�e3� � G.2��T �Orl�.r+'�Ct. ��x--6.13 C�I�'�'�A�'f'OR'� ��,A�M F�R DAC�AGE�: �Y�o�l� tFtia �r�rYtr���o� ��ai�� �omp�nsatio�s £r�r �trty al���ed ��ar�age 1�� reasun r�� t13�s ��ta �c� orni,�sion� oE �i�� r�w�,.�r, �� shaX� w��hzr� tE�re�3 x�ay.s ��t;�r t�� a�;�ti�aT, ��l��t�ir�x�t� o� �u�h a� 1�g�r� �a��ag�, rnalc� a writt�r� stat���nt �� kr�e �;�igi{��crt ;�tt�n�� {�u� .in �f�*���� ta�� r�-��ure o� tf��� a3,1��g�ri .���,na��, �n�3 c�rt ��� h��ar,� �i�,� �5tn day ;�F t�� monFh s�c�e�c�inq �3�a� i.n wh�.�:� ��y �ut;h 4��r���a is �tai.m�,� �o i���r� ���n ���t��Er����, t�e �on��r�r��ar s1�a11 Ci�� w.�th �I��, �?��c�i-�e�r ar� it�rr�i��c� s�ar.t���n�: ��F r1�� ra�t�i�s ar��� a��r�1��r �F .�uch �zt��g�d ��s�nagr� �n�3, u�a�� r�3r��.zt3�t, slyalL giut� l_h+� �n��in�er ��'�'e�,s Lo ��1. F��oic� o� a���o���z�� r�c�i���, v���a��r.�, bil�s n� F.�;�ie�g, and �tE���c �oa�s or �a�yr� t���R�t�xi��xng any� �vic���r�c�� as ,.� �E�� �1�1C3�i±lk �� a�aC�] a.l.L3���s� ����,�:��?. �iflli?S� .�'�Ll�.'}1 �r��r��aC1�:4 �h�11. �� ���e� ,�� �er��a.�ab�v� r�,��lis-��, �}�e �on�r�c�,��" � �lz.i,n F,�r.• coR�tt��n:�,��i�n sh�l� b� w���,�ac�, �s�t� M� �a�a.�.� r�o� �e �ntz�l�r� �� p��m���c �r� acc�a�a�� cs� s�r.l� c��������s, C5-�. �+Q A►bJU�Tl��NT �� ft��O�I�,'�'IO�f OF �UBi,x� L1'�'ZLTTTE� F�'�.; �`7 ,,^„�5+� L�� LS rE�Ci6S�i%LZjI �{� [_'�'1313G��� S�bV�r Qi a��.�C lrl c7Rr Gnartn�r t,{�� �>r;���r�y oE a�uL���c u�:i�.��y �r ������rs, th� said L�rof��rty st��ll r�o#� i�e �na�e� r�� iEzt�rE�r���d �rzth ur��z� :�r��e�� t�i�reupar� hav=� �,YnrY x;;.�u�d 1�y the E�tigi«e�r. T�� r�,c�il� .L:� res�rv�� t« tlz� c�wr��r. �•�f ���I� L i� ut i� i k��� �;.� enter �}ie g�c�� � a�h ica ], L ��ni �s o.F tt�� ��nr_r�c� ���r �Jze �,xrpo�� �� �a�cine ��1��� c:ha���t�� �r, r��,�irs �� tY�eir pro���c��r �Iz.�F inap� ��_ ,��c������r� by �he p�r�or�nasYce ot ��ir, c�nL-�-��:t. +�b-�.1� '�'�1�fPDRAR][ S�W�R 2�i�D �R��N �OC��+FECTIDN�: �h�;� �xi�rin7 `��W��:}r�� ��V3 ��j hi� �.�i".��I� q,�f] c3Y CeIAOV�C�ii ��1� �'pE1tL"�Cta�:' :}t�zti, at C�i� ��rr, �xpen�� a�i� cr���, r�rovid� ��d �n��.«t�ir; l�_,��nparar� �u����; ar�d c�nr���r�ons �'�r �.1� �rivat� nr nu#�l,ic -�r.�in� an� >;��rcr�. 'Fhe 4;�G��,rac:��r s���1 al.�o ��C�� ��r� o�f �1l �y�4,�a�� rxn�3 dr,�inag,� w�r��h �ri�� l�� re;,�iv�t� �rf��� kh�s� ���in� ,; ���� �r3w.�� t-;; ,,�n d t� r� th i� ��11-nos� k�� s��l ��ro�ride ann m����tain, a� �i� own �ost �e�d ��c��ns�, ad�quat� p�mping Ca��1iF��s ar�d k�rn��r;�ry out�,��� �r �1iv�r�ior,s. ikYe �c�ntractor, �� hE� own co�t ���e� ,��p��se, ��x�ll �c�ns��ur.t s,i�h tr�u�1��� p�p��, �r r�t��r. .3tru��.�r�s n���ssary, and b� �r��arad �t ��� �ir��:s t� di;;�o�� u� dr��.:�ag� ,�a�d s��aq� �6--5 (1 Q } rec�iv�d ���rn t���se L•�rnpor�ry �onne��io�s unti� such �imes as �.}�� ���Enan�nt conn�ct�on� �rr� builk� and �ar�� in ����r�c�. `�'�e e�€is�ing ��w��es at�c� co�tinec�.ian� sha11 b� ke�� in servi�� an� t�axr�tairred und�r �he ���r�r���� �xc�pt when sp���f ied or a�'de��d �o be a��n�c�r��d by tt�e �nc�ie�eer. A�1 wat�r, r��wa��, and o�i��� +�aste �t�a�.l b� d�.s����d o� in a s���sFa��ar� manner so �1��� r�o n�Y��nc� �s c�ea��d �r�c� so t�at th� w�rk un�i+�r, cor�s��eu�tion will �� ad�q�a���.y pra�e���d. C� � f� . l� AR�Ai�C�T:�4Fi�`I` P►�� CF�I�R(;E� F�� WAT�R FUFt�1YSHEL7 B]� TH� C1��: �he� �h� �����ra�:t�o� desire� ta �s� �z�y �at�r itt co�r��ctic�n w��� aE1y c�r��t��c�io� wa�rlc, he sha1� m�k� �o�tpL��� and s�tis€ac�ory �rra�g�ment� wi.��i the Fc�rt Wor�h ��t� Wat�� D�p����n�rtt �o� �o �oing. �ity wa��r �urr�i�l�ed �o t�� �ontr�ctor �hall bc �eliv��ec� �o the ��r�Lr�c�ar �a-ol� a��nnecti�n c�n �n exis��n� �it�r mai.n. A�1 �.�pir�g �e�ui.�ed b��o�d ti�� �oir�t o� d�.liv�ry sl�a�l �e in���,11?�d l�y t�e Contr��ta�c at V�z� o�tn e�cp�r�s�. �.`he Con�rac�ar's r�sp�ns��ility in th� u�e of ��l �scist��c� �rire l�,y�r�n� andfor valve� is ���ai��d in Sect�.�n �2-�.� i3�� OF F�RE H�E��A�'�S ]0.t�1� VAI�VE� �n the�� weneral Cc�ntrack: D�cu�n�n�s . �hen r�etexs ar� us�c� to �e����e k.3t� w�t��c, the charc�es, if ar�y, �r�� wat�� wi��. b� at �h� r�qu�a� establish�� r�tes. Wh�n rn�t��rs are r�a� �s�d, t�e charg�sF if �n�r, wi.7.1 �e as �r��cril��d �y �he Czty �rd�r�a���� ar wiY��� no nrdinar�c� �p��i��, p��+rne�,� ��al�, b� rna�� or� �stima�as and ra��s �s�a����h�d b� �he Di���tor o� khe �'ort v�ortl7 Wat�r 4]�pa r i��r�e� t . [��--fi . 17 QSE OF 1�1 �E�'�IDAI O�t POFtTI�N ��` THE �1��tK: Whene���c, ir� �.h� opir�i�n a� ��� �:rigi.n�erF as�y s��tion �r �o��ion o� t1�� wo�ck o�e any str�ck�k�r� i� ir� sui�ab�.e cortdit.i�r�r i� ma� �� �ut �n�o use u�ot� #:h� ��a,tter� or�3�x o� �h� �ng.En�e� fi ar�� s���h u�ag� sh�l.�, n�� b� he�d to �e ir� �n.y way an ��c:w�rCar��� of sa�cl wc�r� o� �tru�c��are �.r any �a�t tk��r��� or as a war�re� �f an� �f #.i�� �r�vistona of thes� �orrl�racw 17acum��s�s. �],l ne��s�ar� ���airs ar�d �e�mava]_s oL• �r�y s�����n o� ���e ��rk s� �ut i���o us�t �ue �.� �er��tiv� materia�.� �r w�r4ernans�ip� ?qs�ipm���, o� to defi�i.�n� n��rations on kh� part of ��e �on�racto�, shall Y�e �aerCor.�ne� b�r ��te �on�r.act�r a� h�� own e�p�z�se. ��-�. �s t;o����►�`�o� � s r��s�or���r�rL�m�r Fo� �c�� wa��: �rnti� wri.���r� acce�kanc� b�► �.1�� �wner a� ���vided �o� a.n �h��� �or�t�ack Dn��a3nen��K �he w�rk sha�i b� und�� the �i�arge �nd car� v� l:h� �on��a��o�, and he �ha�� �ak� ���ry ne���sar� �����au�io� �o ���v�r�t ir���ar� �r da�tag� �o i:he urork o� an�r par� G6-6 t�l� �h�r�o� by a�tion of �h� ���men�s or �r�i� a�y ca�s� �ha���eve�, whether �ri�i�g [rnrn the ���cu��on �r ��nex�cut��n aC t�e wo�k. T�e ��nrra�t�r sh��l r���i��, �epair, resto��, and ���k� ��a� aL• h�� own e����se al'1 �n�ur��s �r damag� �o a�� �ortion o� �he woKk �c�as��n�� by �ny oE t�� herein����� �aus��, �6-5_1� NO �AT��� OF f,��AL ��GHTS: I�������on b� th� �nq,i���� �r an� orc��r b� th� ��rner, by pa�mer�l� �f mane� or a�xy pa�rnen� Lor a,r a��e,�t�n�� oF �ny workk o� any e��ens�.on o� �ir�et or any pos�ess,�on talc�r� �� ��e Cit�r sk�alZ n�t r�p�rak� as a wai�r�� �E an�r pz~ovFsi�r� o.f th� C��trac� �c�c�umer�ts. Ar�y wa�.�r�r o� any l�rea�h or �ontract sh�i� r�oC b� he7,d L-a b� ��ra�ver of an�r oL-her or. �u�ser�u�nt b���ch, Tt�� Ovrner ��ssrv�� �he r�ght t�o c�r�eck� an� erroac �ha� ��nay �e d�s��ver�d ir� a�y estima�e th�t may �a�r� b��n p�,id and �o adj�xst l��s� s�rr�� t� ,�e�� �he req�a�ram�nts a� th� �ont�-a�� E�oc um� r7 k, s, �5-6.�0 PI:[�SOh+��, %�,��YL,r�� Ar PCiB�,�C Oia�'i�IAi�s: ln c�rr�rx,�ry o�� th� pr�v�sions �� ti��s� Contra�� �c��u�r�erit� or in �x�rcising any T,�owe� o� au�}�orit� gran�_�d �h�.reur���*r, the�e sha21. E�e r�a liabil,�t� �s�o� �f�� �u�ho��z�d �epresen����v�� of �1�� �wner, eit��r ���aona�.ly �r oL•lzer�i.�e as �t�ey �re agr��ts �nd ��p��s�ritatzv�s p� the ��l�y. � ��D��. �1 �Z'15iTT'.� �A�E� ��`�l'�{; �T] � C�f'i��CdC� cl,Fl��C�L'� �7}� ��7� �1t� Q� k'��� �to�th, an orqan���a�ion wE�ica�� �z�aYifi�s f�r ex�r��t�on pursu�nt l:h� p�o�i�ion� o�r Art�rZ� �U.Q4 {H) oC �h� �r�xa� Li�rii�e� ����s, ex�is�, aR1c� Cfs� 'F�x A�t, �ne Con�rac�or rn�y �ur�has�, r�r�� or. �.�a�� a,�Z nz�t�riaxst su��Ii�s and �q���m�ni: us�d or �o��utned �,n thc: pe�:f.o��ance o� thxs canE:ra�� b� iss��.��c� t.c� hx� sup�lier ar� ex�mp�iar� �er�:iC�1c��a in �i�� nf 1:k�e �ax, s�ic� e�c�T�ption c:�r�i�i�a�:e �� c,�G�p�y with �ta�� �oir��trol�er'� �u7,.ing .�U7_ �ln�r s�c:h e�c��tMptxorr �ert�f�cat� iss��d b}� t:l�r� ��n#�_ra��or in 1i.eu �� th,� �ax s�al.i bR su����t ta �n�1 sl�all compY�r w��i� �1�� pro�isx��s o� Sta�� �omptro��er'� [�s�l_zrxg .01t� and ar�y othr�r ���1i�af�l.e Sta�� ��mptro��ex r�s�i�g� p����.ining �n �h� T�xas f��mi�t�c� 5��,��, Exc,i.�e� ans� Us� T�x ,��� . �� � cor� L- r�� � a�r��d�c# �,y ���veY�p�r fa� �he con� �ruct,��n o� a pu�li��y-��,rn�d ,i,mE�ra�r�m�n� i� a�tr�et �i.ght-�i'�wa�+ or oth�r eas�ment wi�i�h l�,s b��n dedF�a�:�d to th� �ubl�� and L•h� �i�y o� F'art �rc�rt�h, an a�g�r�i��tion �ahir,h �ua�if'ies �or ��c�m��ivr� pursua��� �� �:k�� ��avFsi,or�s of �rti�le 2{7.�4 {1�) of t�Yc� �exas �,i��i,k�d S���st i�x�;i,se, anc3 Us� Tax �c�, �,h� �'ofltra��or c�n prc�k�ak�.�,y [��+ ���in�tNd in tl�� �am� mann�r s�a�.�c� �E��ve_ �G-G �1�} �,�m�t�d �a��� ��ci�e a�d U�� �'a� pe�mits a�d infor����on ��� be ob�ained �ra�n: ��mptroL.l�r oF. Pul���� �cco�r��s Sa1e Tt�� 1]i�ri.�i�n C3�]itC}� S��Iti�i"i � €I S t � Tti � '�`7C � � i l 1 I r � 0 ❑ �.'�"� �1�} PA�� � - �E�ERAL C���i'�ION� �7=� ��05EC�TZ�� �ND PRO�R�S� SE���ON C7�7 �ROS�����0� A�� PR��RESS: �7-7.X ��6LF��i��: �h� �ontra��a� s�aY� �er�a�� with l�is own ���anizati�n, ��d �it� the as�i��anc� o� wor�m�n ��der h�� irom�dzat� super.inte�d��ce� �or� of a va�ue o£ nol: L�s� than �i�ty f54�D �e�cel�t oF th� va1u� �mbra�ed i� t�� �ontr��t. i� ��e �on��a�t�r s�b��ts a�� �ar� o� the �o�k to �e done �n��� ��ese �o��ra�� Do�u�en�s, h� wi�� no� und�� any �ir.�umstan��s b� r�liev�d of tli� r�ap���ibi�i�� �nd o�Liga�i�n assum�d under �h�se �ant�act Docum�n�s. �11 �ra�sa��ion� o� the E�g�ne�r will b� wit� th� C�n�ra�tor. �ubc���r,actvrs wil� b� cpri����r�d o�l� in t�e capa���y of em�loy�es or wor�men of the ����rac�o� and s�a�� �� subj�c� �o khe same re�uirA���ts a� �� �harac��r and c�rnp�ke�c�. Th� �wner wil� not ree��ni�� an� su��on�za�tor on th� wpr�_ Th� �v��rac�a� sh��� a� all �z��s, �hen th� work x� �� �pera��on, be ���r.�se�t�d ei�h�� in p�r��n ax �� � sup��intend�nt or vth�r ��s�g�ated repr�sen�a�fv�s. �7-7.� ��SIGNME�T OF �O��RA�T: ��� ���trac�o� slial� not as�ig�z, t_�ans��r� �ul�l�t, conv��, vr ath�rw.ise c��sp��e o� ti�� con��-a�� or his r�gh�s, �x�1e, ar int�r�st �n �r to th� same �r �r��+ �ar�. the�e�f wY�€�ou� ��e �r��riou� cvn�en� �F ti3� Owner exp��ssed �y r�s��ut�.an of �t�e �€ty Ca�ncil anc� c�nc�rr�d in by tt�� Sure��es . �� t�e Con�ractor �o�s, witi�out suc� �r�vio�ts �or��e�t�� assic�nt tra�sf�r, �u�le�., conv�y,� �r o��erwi�e dispos� of tt�� ��ri�ra�t �r h�.s right, ta.fil�, or in�e��st ther�it� o� a�y ��rt �k�er�a�, to an�r p��son ar ��rsor�s, pa�tnersirx�, co��an�, fa.rm, o� �orpora�ion, or c�o�s by �ank��ptc�, �ol.unta�� o� .��r�olun�ax��r or b�€ as��gnrne��� ur�d�r �h� �r�so7.venc� law� v� a�sy s���e, a��e��t� �� dis�o�e o�� �he �ont�a�t �ay, a� th� optior� o� th� Owr��r b� re��k�d and annull�d, �.nl��s �.�� Sureti.es sha��. suc��ss��t�,l�► cor��l��� s�id �ori��act, and iri �h� eve�t o� an�r such r�vo���io� ar anr�t�lrn�ntt �n� r�oni�s d+�� o�c �� b�c�m� du� �and�� �r by v��tu� of said �antra�t s���l b� r�tai�ed l�y �he �wr�cr as 1�qr�ida��d �ajna+�es for �he r�asori t�ia� i.� wc�u�.c3 f�e 11R��cl��iC��]�� and ext�e�ei� ��ffi�t�lt t� �.i� ��� a���xal ��I�c'�CJP� , �7-7.3 Pi�O�F,C.'❑`��Q�1 QI'' `�'�E W�F�Y'C: �'r1Qr �O k1�g].f1C11ii,L� alr��+ ca�s�ructian o�era�i�n, th� Coe�trac�or sra��. s�br�it �� the �nc��n��r in ti�ve or more c��ics, i.f r�ques�.r�d �y ti�� Eng.ir���r, a�r�gr�ss sch�d�le p�����a���r in �1��r� or diag�am f�rm, ar a l�ri�f ��k].in�nq i� det�ail an�l step by st�� �he mann�� a�' �7-7 (1) �ros��u�xng �N�� w��k an� o�r3e��ir�� mat.3rt.�1� ,�r�#� ���,����,��n�: wl�i.�h �� �x�ec�� to f�L�rs�,r i�� i�r�3�� �� ���,�L��,�t,s �k�� �r����t ir� t F�e �ch�c�u��� �i���. Th{�r� sEti�1l �1�� i�� ��bmi���d •� ta�i��� s�F �.�timat�� am��n�� �o br� earnavr3 !�v �h,� ��a��_r�c�r�r �u.r�ttg �ac�i r�++�a3�ri�y ��;tiin�t_,� o�ri��c�. 'L'he C;n��tr.3ct�� 5ha�l, ��c>,nsner�rr_t �I�r� west-�€ ��� k�� =��r€c�r���c� �t������r �.his rvor�txsc:�. w.i,�k�'Li3 �1�.� � irne L'1a��1' •3t��ae� �� �h{:�e �or�L-!'.�{'I� ��c�ank3n t;, ��� ;;I�.�? t c�r��s,�.� t: I�}�� w�r. �c �� a�;�iit LC5ltt�US r�ar�net �rkd wit�7 s�sF` �i� �e��� r?:�J.L�]aTEt'_r�t, �r�:xt�x,i��s, an��1 1 ak�or. a� i� R��tsS:3�CSf �O 1{1:���r� li�S C:O!l1���_��1=x+]ii NT7.t�11±� �.�]a �LfCI+� 1�f1�Lt, �"�� ��qia�_°�1ce rr�s�4����=�� f]F a1_.� vn�1-:�L' CU[�� ic)r3 r�z)�Ch�iOr�� ,3�1c��1 h� �� .�.�� �i���, �s s��c:i,�E�� zn th� �3,����iz; svao��r�c� :�c�c�i+Ttr�n�.;. �n�t �l��ri.zt���n Fro�� ��:�,�Ez �t=:�u,=n�i�1c� �h��.l 4x��� s:k��rr�i�r�d tcs �t�� �ng�rle?r ��r F�i� �C>���ov�l. C�n[.r,�,���r� .y}�aLl r3,�r ��re��,s�Fr� w��}� r3i1� r���i.3�i�n �1?�ril �e 1��_� r����vx��� wr,i�`l:r}r� a��r.�+�ai ��pi� ti�e r�yi���er. S+a�Eti ��ecii ic��i,c�ri F,�r dparr�v�t b� l_h� �:r���ir��f�r sf��x.l�. nat ��.:_Y1iev+� witie Cor��ra��or Frc��n �n� €�7.�, r.���onsi�ila.ty af �f�,� co+���l+�t:� �?i�C��311[l,3k��,� crr �:h� �r�r�r:raca=- "Ch� �ontr.�xct ki+n+3 �n,�y �� c-n�xn�3�a3 orryly �x� ;,��t Far�l� }.r� ��ctior� �'i-�7.F3 "�xt�nsEon o� Ti��Fti c�� �iprn�'�1�L��n'� �F tlzis �:�r.r�G?i�er�t, ar�� � �roc�rL�s ;��������,� �f�al� nat ���r�4a�iralttv � �f��tn�� �.� th� ��r�ntr�[�t rt,Fnrw, �'7-7.4 LTi�ll'�'A`I`IQNS OF` DPEi:24T�DEV�: '�'�� wo�•�:i��g o��Tr.�t.i{�n� �h��2 ��tt a].� tE:��� �� r�ae�du�:�ed ��y �h� Cnni:r�c�or so �� t� �L��r��i'. � ��1113ti!lltil![I c7ll�l.l17� O� i�3CC1i1Valli.�f3�� �,C7 ����; i1a]��lC;. �t �te1�F �1.�11C3 Wr�]���1� 1.17 t�1r? �L1L�C�friC?fl� �7� ��j=' �;fl�Lx]C?�'�+ �il� 4.O�i.�Cr3C�Or I��J O�UI.CLSF�IvF�� �]!" C1��,�vC'i O£ �rs Cd['C�1�iC� Of� O�e�c3lC-.L�7r1� Lil � �or�iotl o� �;�;r�r�c �r- ��it��l4� v�,�y c�r,�a�F}r t�r��� i� ��t�c:�:���r�y �Or li�ye �7C��a�r, _s�t�r,�i�l.r�n O•`. th:� Wo�k, �lie F,k1t�1i1�[?� r���r ��q���C� �ht? �on��"�scL;]� t�) Fl,+���fi k:k�r� �t�r��iC�r� on �1hLcY� r���r�tLUF�l� ,iC� L�1 �]r:Jrt�C,�yi.� isr���7L'� ���1� W:?r�. ��j f�d7�ill�'�:1�'�3{3 C]n �,�}f •��:�itif]�]31. i����f]Cl O�' 7�f3r3h'. ��7�7.5 C�Al2AC�Tk�I� (]I�' 4J0�lt?�FN �h�� E�UZP�1�N'�`: �.���Y ],�Fr�sr' ����1], E�? �;;ecl ��� titie Corltr�,ci_o� i�3 av��L��i��,�. E}�� Cont��c;Lor an�y �ri«g in �rc��n �ut�it:l� tf�c3 rvi�� of F�rt 4�ur�.� �i� i���r m��, ��� �7�'S s�a���r. int�n��,��, A1l c�L'?���L �r��rCc�n�� f 7.r1{:�.L1t�,�3lC� ezc�;����rnt�:�t ;�j��r,zt���, +�a;� b� i,n�{�rL��� ����y sf���r tf�� 1oc=.�1 ���xn��1y �,� :�x�����.��t��. �e�r�.} �,c�frtr��vtox• �n��� Fymp��� okx�� ��s�17 �sU��?1;�11���31�f3Cit.3r �fJC�,CE��ali 3fil� Wq�K[l1B� 4Jr17 ��? C.�L','-�41L� coinn�t,�n�, anfi i'ul.],y ����i,.�i�d re� ��;:rCn��r� t��3 r�;�Fi.+�� €�r �.�st�q r7�3:3I4�l1�'41 �C1 ��1�T1[{� +�f7C'� t�'1� �rt��f1L�G�4� �113j� �=tiSi1.36�1� 2l67i� �4?�`1.�1"? t�1� :s���r��n��.� �3�s�ni:���t oF an}� ���r:5n�� ;�r ����son� em����y��3 �y rl��� �an���r���7r in ot �ixs��lt or or� F,:he u��r�c �I�[r# �n t�h� r��i��i,r�� c�� Ff�j3 �}wn��t ����.i ,ni.��o�3�i�xct I�imsr�lr or k�a ��ur��i L•r� �r� 1 f! C� O 1 R�7 tr? ,". � F7 1= i ��.g � tit � j} r� L' � C U l r I Ci ��3 � CI i� t3 r��, ;3 � r� 1!3 �"k O r1 L� i 1� � t] � �.'�—� ��� r�tlYeewi��� ��1��4�c�iona�.l� or n�g��};t��l� in �h� prc�p�r ��r�oxrn�n�� oE a�is �r k.#�eir r�uti�s� c�r w��o �e�1F}�t� or re�,��e� L-o �r�+�ply witl� �r �arry ou� t��e �7�.r�ctiar�;� �f �.�i� �l�t«�r, an�i ��ach p��son or ��rs�+�� shal� r��� �� emplo�?d aga�n �.h�re�r� witlzo�.�� �.��i�ten c������ �f �h� ���in��r, �11 w�rkcns��ti �h�l,� G7av� suf�i�i.��n� �1c�11., ��ili�.y, a��l �,��e��,��,;;� �� ���per1� perfor��� Ll�� �nrk �s�i�r.tie�, L•:� �.�+��r� anc! c��er�L-� ����r ���u.i�r�m�r�t ���{����a,3ry �� ��apar�� ��r.ry oa��: �_��e p�r��rroa���A� o� �_��� f�s��ig����� �u�����. 'C�3e �a+��r�ck�r �ha11 �'urni,�h a�7�:i r�a���t��« or� l:h� w�rt�C al1 su�l� i�v���i1�s�tv�z� r3.� i.� ��o.��'tc��3r�d �.o �� rt�ce.���ry F.or �r���c��i.un oC �E�� wcrr'� �r� an a��;����.�1��� ma���r ��3� ar � ��ti�r:�,�;r_�r� �at� �L ��r�:�r.���. A1� ?�=�i��t�r��, k-oo],�, and �a�chir7r�ry ���d for ha:��]ti.r�g rr��t:�vr,i�l� �ns� e�ce���i�inr� �r�� par� �f t�e svark shai� ��� s;��sj��� L-o ��e a��r:�va'� t�� ��i� En�i�tie�� anc� �halt l�� �nai��.��ain�d E�� � s���i��A��ory, �a�? anSl ���is�i.�nt w�rl��,�� r�t�nt�ition. E�t�z�man� on �xn� ��rti.on �F ��ie vr�rk slzal� b� s�s�ti �_�t�t n� i�jur.}r k� t�e w�r.k, ��ar.k��r�n o� �djac��nk pro�e��y will E`P�41��t f.r�i[l 1.t:S 11�3'�. c�7-7.6 W{7RK ��ki�DCT�,�: ��ap�eCl wor�i�g da�s ��1a1.�, t]� �o���u�t#�3 ���rti.ng wi�Ei tt�� �ir��. day of w��1c c:am�j.�t�� as c�e�i.n�{i ir� C�--1.'Z3 "�ORI{I�1G ���C" �r �x�e d��.e �ta�ul�t_�� F� ti�� "+�lJkttC OI�L7F4�" €or k��gistir�i�Y� 3ao��, w�hi.4_:�ev�r com�� ��..r�t. �do�nir�g i�� tl�es� ���L-r.�c� �s�r���:��n�.s �h�11 �� co�y��ru��� a� �rohk��ti���� ��e ;.n�tra�:i:or t'�����n �r+�r�c�r�y �r� ��t�rd��, ��r�day o.r L�c�al Hol. ir� �y �, ����v �� i:�g tl���� th� ��lLawi.n� r�c�uirem�rrts a�� ollr? t , a. A r:�qu�s�i ��� w�rk an a:}��ci�ic 'r���a� �loLi_,3ay r�u�� �,-� �a��� t+� t�� tk��tt tk�� �roc:es3dinq Tl�ur�day. ���llC[���t �k1k7r���T �� �'�n�ine�r. r�r� �ater �, l�r�� 4��r'�c t�n l�� �3a}r�e c�n tlY� �r�j�c�: on s��f� a ����i � i� ��x��r'd��, 3un�l��r �r. L�g,3� F�o.l �d�y �n,i� t b� � in t��e ��in�,�� o�: k�e Engin��r, �ss�n�ia�_ �t� �h� time�.� �o��tp.leki�n o� �he pro��cL• . The r�r�c�in���'� c��ci�i{�r� sna�i h� �i€�a1 .in re��or�s� �o sucl� a requ�s� �or� a���c��aL �v w�x�lc �n a s��c���i�r ����r�ay, Sunday nr Tae�a�. ��olti�a�, a�d nc� ;�x�r� �c����aen�ation �i�al� 'a� r�liow�d t� K-�e �����actc�r. �or arx,y w��k p�r�«i�n?d on �uch a s���i�i� Sa���rr��y, Suttd�y or L�g�� ���� ��ay . C��r�:��ar. ��ys ��a7.� k�� d�f i���c� i,� �I-1. �4 ar�d tYr� Corzt��c�ac ��ray wc�r�s a:� he :�o d�sir�s. �7-7 t�) C7�7.7 TIM� OF �O�ME��EMF�T AND C�MPL�Ti��: T�� ����ra��ar shal� �o�me��e th� wor��ng opexat�ons w�thrn �h� t��e sg��ifi�d i� th� ���tra�� Doc�m�nts and se� �ar�h in t�� Wa�� Ord�r. F�i�ure t� da so sha�l �� c�nsxdere� �� tn� Owner as a��ndonm�nt a� �he �antr�cL b� t�e ���kz�ctor and t�e Qwn�r �ay proce�d �s he sees fi�. T�e �o�t�ac�ar ��al'L m�in�ain a rat� o� ��oqress �uch as wil� insu�e ��a� �hc who;� wa�k will b� ��rf�rm�d and ��e premise� ������d up �n a���r�anc� wx�� ��e C���r��t D��urn���s and wi�l�i� th� ti�e �sta��xshed in �u�h dacu��nks an+� s�c�t ��k��si�n o� �im� aa ma� be ����erl� au�hori��� �� �h� ���er.. C7-7.8 ���FNS�D� �� T��� C�MPL���O�: The Con�r�cto.r'� ��ques� £ar a� exte���ari �� �im� of �o��.letia� s���� �� �o�s�d�r�d on�� wh�n t�e r�cY��s� �ar su�h ex���si�n �s submi��e� in wri�i�� �� ���e Engxneer wz�hin s���n da�� �ro� and af,��� �h� tim� all�ged c�us� of de�a�+ �h�.],a. have acc�rr�d. Sh�u�d an extensior� oF tlie t�m� �� c�mp��tion be req��st��l su�h re�a��s� wzlL b� €��warc�e� to th� Cxty ��un�i1 �o� ��p�o�ral . In ad��,stinc� ��e con�ra�� time F�r �ompl��zo� o� rv��lct con�ider�tioxi �r��� �� ��.v�n t� un��r���ab1e �aus�s 4�,�yond �h� �or�t�al of and wx�l��ut t3tie f�ult or neg�..i�enc� of khe �ont�a�t�r�, inr��,udin� �r��, 1i�niked to a��� o� k#�e �u��i� en�my, ���s �f �k�� Qv���x, Eir�, f��od, �orna�aes, ��fdemic�, qu�ran�x�� re��ri.�tiors�, strik�s, f�r�igh� a�tb��go�s, or �ela�� o� �ut�-�on�r�cta�s c�ue to �u�t� c�u�es. t���n th� dat� oC eo���leti�n is �a��c� on a c�l�r��a� da�r �id, a r�q�.�s� �o� �xter��ion oF ti�� ���a�se af ,in�;L�ment w��t��r wi�.� no� �� �onsider�d. A rec�uest fo,r ��c�ensiar� o� time rlue �o �nabili.t�+ �o aC��airr suppli�� and mate��,als �ri],1 be �ons.icier�� on�y wY��n a�+�view of kh� �on�ractor'� �ur�haa� orc3�r da��s and �tner p�r�i.ner�� r1a�a �s requ�s�.�d �y ��e &ngineer zndi�;a��s tha� th� �ant�actar at�s made a k�or�a�id� a���rnpt to s���re d�liv��y ori s�i�edule. Tt�is sha�.7. i,r�c�.�ade ���or�� �o a�tain �he supplies and r�a��rfals ��o�� ��,�e�n��e so�r�e� xr� cas� the fir�� sa���� �anr�o� mak� ��.liv�ry. I£ sa�isE���ory ��c��u��orr �nd c�mple�ian of th� �ontrac� sha�I�i requxre w��lc anc� �tatex-��Z� �n ��ea��r a�auriEs o� qu���-����� tnarr L-h�s� s�k� �r�rti� in tF�� a�p.�o�r�d �an�rac� Do�u��n�s� �.Y�en t�� cantra�t tim� r�a� be �r�creas�d b� Char�c�e �rd�r, �7-7.9 J7ELAY�: �l�� Contr���ar stta�i re����re ��a �or���nsaG%on For 4��la�rs ar I��nc�r�����s �a �h� wozk, e�cc��t when dir�c� �n� ur�arr�i�aE��e ��ctr� cost t�o ��� �ontr��tc�r is ca��ed ��r th� �ai�,ur� a� �h� Cit�� �o provid� i,nf��ma�iort ar ma��r�,al, i� ��7--7 ( � ) any, wh,�ch is �o be �ur�ished by th� �i�y. �hen suc� e�tra comp�nsa�i�n i� claim�d a�r�tt�n s�a��men� �her�oF �hal� �� �rese���d �� th� �antra��o� �� the �ngin��r a�d �� h� him �o�nd corr�c� shall �e ap�roved a�d re���red �y �im ta the �ou�ci� �or fina7. ���r�va1 �r disap�roval; and �h� a�tia� �:h����n b� �l�e Ca�nci� ��a11 �# � i,r�al and I�indzng . � � �e�a� is ��us�� t�y s�eciC�c orders giv�r� �� the k�nc�in���� to s�o� uvqrk, �r by the p�r��rmar��� �t �x�ra +��rk, �r b� t1�e faa.�u�� �� �i�� �it� ta p�a�ric�e ma�er��l ar ��ecess�r� instruc�i.ans for �a�r�€a.a�g or� �he wark, �h��x sr��h d�].�� w�ll entik�e ttYe ��r�tr��tor to an �quiv�l�nt ex����f�r� �t' �i��k l�is a�pli�atian �or wF�ici� e�all, t��w+��e.r. , b� sub�e�t to t}�� a���ov�l o� the �it� �ounc�l� a�d r�o such extension o� tir�e sha��. r�1�as� t�y� Ca�,t�a�t�r o�c th� sure�y �n ��.� pe�c�ar�tarice �or�� ��a� a�X his obl�ga�:ion� hcr,�under whi�h st�a�.� r�t��i.� ir� f�11 fvr�e un��� th� c�i�cY�arg� o� the c�on���.ct�. �'��7 . �0 '���� DF C0�#PI,�TI�N: �in� �i�� of cartpl��,i.on i� �n �ss���ia� �lerne�� of th� �ontra�t. �ach b�dd�r shall �nc�i�a�� i,n the a�prop�i��e ��.ac� on �he l.as� �a�e o� the ��o��sat t�e ��t�ber a� w�rking da�s or ca7.endar day� ��xat he will r���ire to full�► cor�ple�� tt��s �ont�a�� o� �he tim� o� cor�p].�t��n w�ll �� s�e�if.ai�� b� ��e Ci�y in th� Prapo�a� seckio� of th� �ont�a�t docur�en#�.s . The r��am�er o� da�s ifld,kc�ted sha�.�. 1�e � r�alis�i� es��rna�� �� �Yte t�.m� rec�ua.r�d �o com��.et� the car�rlc cov�r.ed l�y �h� s���if ic ca�strac� being bid ��an. The a��un� �E time s� ��a��d k�� tt�� su��essful b�dd�r or ��e Cx�y w��� be�e�r�e �1�� t.�m� �f �am�l�ti�n speci�ied i.n �the �on��a�t I]acurn�rrts. Fc�� e�c� cal.�r�c�ar day �ha� a�� wor�c �hal1 r�maEn ❑ncarr��l��.�� �f��r tt�a �,i�e s�ecif�.ed in �h� Car��r�ct ���u��t�ts, or th� incr�as�c� �ime �ra�l•.�d b� t�r� Owne�, or as automati�ally �.n�r�ased b�► ��di�ia:�al work o� m�t�rFaxs ��de�ed �f�er �h*� ��r�trac� �s sign�d, the �um p�r day giv�rr ir� the followir�� s�h��u��, un�.ess o�h�zwfse sp��i.�i�d i� ol:h�� parts of tk�� �rrs�t rac� ��rcurner� t� t wi �1 k�� de�uc��d ��om mo� xe� d�� th� �o��ractar, not �xs a ��na�.t�r� bu� as �iqu.��a�ed ��ma��s su � f er �r� l�y ti�e ��rn�� . �.MOUN'�` 0�' COP]'�'RAC'1' ��s� tltian � 5, 000 � �,�q� �a $ 15,��U � �5,041 �o � �5,OQ0 � ��t���. �� v� 5�r��� � 5U,��1 �to $ i�O,�Q� $ 100,001 to � SUQ,ODQ C7-7 I�) �r���usi�re $ iri��.usa.ve $ ir�clt��iv� � kIIC.lL1�YV� � ICYC�4�81Va �M in�lusiv� � 35.QU 45.Q0 63.OQ �Q�3. �� 154.0� 21�_0� $ ��U,Q�1 �o $1,UOO�OQQ inclusi�� $ 315.�� $�,��O,Q�I CO �2,OQ{1,0�0 LC1C141SiV� � ���.�� ��,��Q,OO.L a�cl �v�r � G3�.�0 'Fh� �arti�s her�L� ����erstan�i �nd �c�re� k��a� any h�rrn t� tF�� �k�y cau.��l �� t_��e ��xnt�a��or's d��l�y ir� c�m1��,�ti.r�� the wc�rlc her��ndt�r� i� �,he ti,n� ���c��i�d l��r t�re Car�t���s_ ��c�+�wnt� w:�u�d h� ir�����abl� oi v��� �ilF�c�,tl�: �� ac-����-��trt3 �s�i.r�atinfi, �r�c� �rati�� �17� '�A�r�ount of. T,i�e��11[�+3ti3� 17�m.�g�s �e� ��y,,, �s ,�^t ��� aI��V�� is d r���t��i��]1e �0�+���s� O� j��t �Q;TE�7��7.��h l[]fl �ur� ��i� ���:y �'��� f�ar�n c�us{�d i��r ar�y de�ay. ('7-7 . Yl �US�E[��IDi� �Y COUFt'P ql�1��R: �`F�� C�in�ra�t�� ���a�� ��spen� ���r��fo��� �n �uc}3 p��� :sr ��rt� �ar t�� �rc�rk� ��d���:3 b�r an�r �;�ur �, an4� wi l 1_ r�n� �� c�r�ti�l�d �o addi` i�snal, c��np�ns�r_�,ort by vtirtu�= ��� s�sc�� cour� ��rd��. ���1_1��� wiL1 ��� 1�� l.��k�l� �� tY�� ��ty iri kh� �v�n� t9�e wc�rck i� 4usp��rl�r3 l�y a �c�urt ;�rd��_ �7���h�r w€11 L-�Z� �ws��r b� .��a�7,e �.n �i�f� �C�k�tr���tor ��r uir�u� ��' �ny Co�arL �r�er. or actit�n �ar w�r,�cl� tlz� Owr��r i� no� ��c�1.�Iy ��sp�nsib��- �7-7.1� '��MP�E�ARY SU�I�LI���Ot�: `£�e {�wn�� sh��2 ha;�R� th� rigf�t to �u���r�� ti�� w�r�c n�e��f i;��} who�l�r .�r � n ua r� �:�r sa.�ch ��r io� ar �� r io�� o� � ime r�� Y�� �a}r r3�t��n i�����s�r� d�� to uns�.�itab�� w�att��r coe��3�tior�s ��r a�.� t��.h�r �nravora�l� co�d�tx�.�s v�h��h �r, �he �pini�n of �he �wn�.;r or �ngi�e�r ��us� Fur�l�er ���os+,c�ti�n ,�F �:k�� wo�-k �� ba unsa�isf�ctc�r� or d�t�im�nta�, to tEi� i�t�r��t o� t�l�� �r���}��k. �]urieag kernr�e�r3ry su���n�a.or� n� wt��k cov���� �� k.1� i� �;�n�r�� t, �or any re�s�n � the �wn�r �+i1t �nal�� T�o �x�r�, ��ayattF�«� Fa� �t,����-!�� tim� o€ cc�n�xFr�ctl,�n e�uip�rant �ndf�r �or�st,ru�L-i��n c2��s. Zf �� �i�ould �e�a��� r��c�s�a�� to sus��r�c� ��r�c far �r� ind�E�r��.t� pe�i�dr kh� ��ntra��:or shall. srore a�T. �t�ter.�_at:� in �u�n �nanr�er ki�� t�h�� wi �. L��t�, �bstrucC or ir��r�dr� t�� �ub�i� unr�,?��ysari�� �r�r• be��r��a r��rr��g�:3 iat �t�y w�,yr ���c3 hk� .3h�ti �ak� eve:Y �����;r�u�i�r� �o pr�vpn� ��rna�e ��r ��et�ri�ratio�x o� t}�e �r;arlc n.�rf-�r�rx�r3; k�� sh.�i� ��r��ri��� �uita�l� r�r,3in�g� a�ou� th� w�iric, ai�ci �r��l� L'�?Gn�orary ��ru�Lur?5 w?��r� r1��c��:�a�y- S�out�3 �he ��n�ra�tnr �30� �� aL1� �o �o{n��,],���e .� ��r�i�r� o� t}Ye ��r�j:�,�� du� �o ca�ls�� t�e�r�n� k.�te �r��xkro� �� an�3 v�itf���� t��c� fa�tt �� �ec�liq���� o� �he �ar�trac�or a� ��� Fo�tk� in P�x�':���r.i�h �7-7.8 Lk�C�iV�T,ON �f� 'iFfE 'i'tt�1E �F' C:J�'[PC�E'i'lUi�, �nd �lx��l{�i ir �e {�r�ter�tin�� k�}� r�utua�. �orros�n� o� th� ��r�tr��-r_or af�c� th� �r��in��r ��at � �r�Lu�ioat t� allow �:onstruc�ti�n �c� �r�ceed i,, r��� rY�rai],ab�� wrt�iFr� a reas�na��� p�riad af ti���, t�3er1 the Contr�c�o� �a�� �� rc�i�nk�u�s�d ���r tl�e �asl= a.E ���rin� his �{��ei�m�nt ��f �F�e Job ar,c� r�tux•i�inc� l�tY� n��e�s�r� ��,�kpanar��: r.� tl�e j�b w'��n i� �,� �i�t�rini«ec3 b�r th� �r�gi�z��r C7-�7 ( 6 } �hat r.���sLru�:�i�� �r�ay b� ��sum���. Suc�rt r��mbur�em�nt �hal� b� i���,s�r� aRti ��t,��,� �ost �o �h� ��n�r.��t�r o� �t�avin� �h�� er��x��r�ent a�� no �r,o�it ,�i�l �e atl��r�d. N� .r��i�rbur:��m�n� 31��1,1 I�e 311�vr�d iF tJz� �qux�mrv�YL' �� mov+�rl ta ar�o�h�� constraY��i�+� �c•�jec� For tt�e Ci�y oF �ort �0���3, Th� Contr�c��:or siti,�l.l, �or susrs;�n4� ���� wi'=hvu� wri���n nc�l���:� �r,orn th� Fn�ir���r. an� s�al1 ���eocLed wxti� ��3� w��lc c��wr�t.ior�� ��ro����l�+ �t��n �tio�ifi�r� �� t1�e En�i�reca- ta �n K��um�� �p��a�ir�t��. �;�—�.�� �����za��iota �F co������ ��r�: ma �a���ror��►L ������cr���c: �}��.n����, +.�i�r-�+1��x �f N�t�.on�1 F��erge�svy, 5c� d�clar�r3 L�y r.h� ����LC��T]� �3� �51� i.trkl�.8i� €i`r3�G-'S O� [3�k1�1C Z�1VJ�:1.Y c7Lltllrt]r2�:�x 1� �«���a���s i����ssi��� f�� thR t�n�ra��or �n t��l•..��n a11 oL• t�� nac�:�sa��r l.��or� f{l2L}r?YL��:3i ar�d ����i�r��rt� �oz �h� �rr����ution r�F k,E�� w�r�C �v��1� reason��1� c���tir�ui.ty �or a�=riod �� kvr;� mont•.h�, ��i� ���l�r,�c�c�C ����.11 w��f�i� s�ve� c��ys n��i�� �iy� �it� ir� �rr�L-�nn�F r�i�ring � d��ai��d �t�te,��nt �F �he �E��r�s w�ic;� `�ave l��en mc��:3�3 an�� 1_.'t�k:i��� ��L nec�ssary �t��n� o� �abo�t �n�t�Y�a�.�, ���3 ���y�i���rt.}n� no� r�bt�.i��ak�l,�. IE, a���r �n�Fr��L-i{�������s�, �1�� O+ar�c�r fincl� k_�afi �uch cc��t�i.tia�s �xi��in� ��r�c� t�ax. t�� i���i�f�y �� ��t� �`rs€��ractor to k�ra�.e�d €s n�� ,�trri�ut.�'r�1,v xn �rho�? or in �art l�_a ti�� E��ul.t �r !�e�1.�3�t �f th� �von���c�, �h�r� i� ���e !�wn�r c�nno� a����- r.�a�o��al�Le �fto.rt �,���� �.�e Cvn��a�kor in or�cur�ng �nd r�alc��� av�il�l�1� fil�� �x��;;�:�,�a�y �.a����', �nr7te�.t��,� and eq,�iL�,n�r�w.- �vi�.lzis� t��irt�r d�,ys� �*�e �ontr�ckor ra�y r������ t�e Q+�ne� to ���mi«a�.� kh� ��r�r.r.a�t ansl �h�� Own 3r rna� c�r�p�� wi t C� � 2ti� ,r�q�e� �, a r�d �h� L- � r rn�� a t i o� :;=�al,l i�� �ondit��on�� �;nd �S�ks�3� t��.�o�� a f�.nal se�tl�ment ���tuatl� ��c����a��le to l3�th t:h� k'�w��r a�,� tk�� �yon������r, and Eina.l �a�►r�r��tit �li�x1X �e ma4�� tin ac;;t�i�a�x�� wi�� �.h+� t;�rms �� t�� a;�r��d ��t.�:L�m�r�+�, wl�ic!} �lti�i7� ir�c��i��, �ut no� �� t i�ir_��, �;�, r��� �;�;�r��nt fs�r a11_ :�roT�1c ��x��r.a��:r�� but ��o ant���;��at�d �roFi.t� o+� wnr.k �}��.��� h�� nc�t b���;� ��rC=�rnta3�i, r'7=7.Y4 �L��I}ENS��N �� A�A�T}�N�+'lEi�dT OF' TH� WOR�C 14I+�� AIVi+]LiLM�i�1T OF, C��m�A�`�: �'�e w+���C �g�r.3�_ions nr� aLY ar an,y ��r�ran a� sec�i.on �F. �1�e war�C �rtS��vr ��n�r�t�;� silall. C�� �usp�nd�c1 ���Gn��i�tF�1y or� wri��e� �rc��r ��� th� ��s+�in��r vr ti7� Co�L-e�act ���� bf� ��c.lar�d car���il,�� �� th� �it� �oo�nci� E�r ar�y gc�o� ar�:� 5�1L"�1Ci�F1� �-au��, �`!ie fn��o��i.n�� ��� w�� v� ��am�l�, bu� nok ��� lisn't���xl=it�r�, m.��r �e co�i:�i=.�arrvd gr;�un�� Fr�r b����nsk�r� �.r �an�~�llair.kon; �. �'�i},Fir� o� tY�e �o�tr����o� �r� commer�c� worlc ��r3r����ns �ri�hi�� �h�* �i;�� �p�cified i.�Y ��� �1ork Q���}r i�S�l�� �� t�3� �w��C. C;7-7 � 7 ) b. Su�sta�ki�� �vi��nce �hat ��ogr�ss oF �h� wor� op�rations �y Can�ra��or i� insu��icient �a �om�l.��e th� w���C uritliia� t�e sp�c��i�c� �i�n�. �, Fai�ur� a� �i�� Cnn�ra�tor l:o pr��ric�� �n� �a�.n���r� su��x+�ient labor at�d eqr�.i�.��ner�t to ��op�r��r �x�c�t� th� working �p�rfi��ions. d. �ubs�anti.�l ��ide�r�r� th�k tt�e Car�t�r��t�ar has a��n�or��d ��e wc�r�c. e, �ut�stan�i��. ,�trid�n�� �lyat ��re Ca�x�ra�}l�c�r izas ba��+�� �ns�lv�n� or bankr�x�t, or otl3a�cw�se Exr�an�xa��� u��x��� t�� carr�r on tY�e wa�k s�ti.�fact�ril�. �. Fai.t�r� �ri t�e ���rt �E �h� �nn�r;tc�qr �_c� ob���v� any req�ir�m�r��s �� �;�.� C,on�r��� T}�}Cr.Ilttenh.S ar �o ca��t�.�� �riL•I� aG3y ��d�r� �L�r�� 1�.�+ t�� �;n�i!���r �r Dwr��r �rotr�d�d ��r ir� �#�ese ;'�r�iv���l: [?ocurr�er7rs, c�. Fai�_�ir� o� the C�r��rs�tvr �r�.��npr],� to makc �r���� r�sly �3��ect .i,r� ����ar, ia�� or, +�:�rJcr�a,��l�i�, r��r an� de�e��s oE an� r�a�ur� l;E�e c;�r�•�c�ti�n �� wh�i�h� has k���r� �3L��c��;� �ri �r�i�ir�g �y t13� F���rn��r �r �hr� Owr�e�. h. �u�st.�nkia� of. i.11�g���.Y ��dt](� ��l �fl� c�r�tra�C. +�ui,d��c:�� oF co�lu,ion ��r th� pur�o�� ���ncuri�g a ��ntr.�c� a� �er�etr��ing Cz�y i« �17fi consLr. �ction ��' work unc��r. i. A s�b�tar�kiai Lr�c�ir.���,or� r��,�� th� �t�ntr,��tr�r lYas �a3� �r� unauL•k���iz�d �s3i�nm��t of �E7p cot3tr��� or an�r fun�is clue tlz�r��r�m .E�� �h� hr3r��Fi.� c�F any �r.�u�iFa� or �ar �ny �tl��� ���e��r�s{�. J• � y �f th� i.on�rac�or �hatl �ar ar�y r�a���� wha�soev��r. r�oL ca�ry nn L-f�e vrork�rXr� �p�ratfon i,z aar a�ce�ta��le k;l,� f5 Cj F? � , �� t1�� Cort�,rac�or c�r�m�nc�s 1�ga1 a�ti��n �gax:rs� tE�� C}wn�r . A ca�y of L-he sus��nsion �rd�r, or a��i�n oE �tte C.i�y �ounc�l sha1.1. i�r; s�r�e�� on tlx� �ontractor�s �u���i�s. Wh�� vrork i� sus��r�r��� Ecrr, ar�y ����� c�� ���ses, �r wk��n th� �on�r�ct i� ,w�r�c+��l��, �fYe �arr�.ract�r snall. {�isc-on�.inu� k:h� work or su�h �a�� �.#�er:i�� a� �-�r� �wn�r sh.all r�esi,���ate, wh�r�upan �h� �5���'�.F�s rt���, .�� �neir ovti�r�, �,;�=,�mt3 th� �ot��rac�t r�r t1�,�� p�rt�ior� t}��r;�F whi�:h t�� �ran�r 1��� nrc��red k�e �;�ntrackor �o disc�R�t�nue, anc� ��y ����r��r� �!ti� �a�n{� :�r. �ay, w�t� t�� wrikten �7�-7 f 8 � corise�k �f the Ow�ar, ����et �he wor� ar th�� portion af the wark as ta��n ��e�, provided how�v��, tl3at the �u��t�es s�a1Y �x����s� ��ei� vp�io�, �f a� a��, wf�hin tw� we�ka aft�r ��� w�x���n ��tice �� d�s�an���ue �h� w�rk ha� �e�n s�r.v�d u�ofl �1�� �an�ract�r an� ��on the Su�e�x�� or �he�� aut�oriz�d agen�s_ ��e ��r�tie�t in suc� �vent shal� assume t�� ��n�ractor'� p�a�� ifl a�l �es���ta, an� sl�a�� �e �a�d �y �he Dwn�r for al� �o�k p�r�orm�d �,y th�rn �� a���rda��e w��h t�e ��r�s o� the �a�trac� �a������s. A�� moni�s r.emai�i�g due �he ����ractor a� the �i.me of th�� d��a��t sha�l ���r��po�7 b��ome 8u� a�� pay��L� tn th� 5���t�e� �s �he wor� p�ogress�s, �ubject �� �11 of �hc ��rms �f the �o�tr.aci Doc�m�n��. Iri ��se �he S�r��ies �o n��, w�thi� t�e h�r�i�a�ove speci�x�d �im�, �x�rc�s� ��eir ����� and op�i�n t� assum� th� �on�ra�� �es�ansib�litfes, or k�a� par�xo� ther�o� wa�ich t�e Owne� has o���red by �h� ��ntra��o.� �o d�s��n�inu�, ���� �he Own�� s��ll hav� t�� power �o ��mpl�t�� �� �o���a�� or o�h�rwis�, aa �� r�a� d�t�rrr�ir��, �}�� worlc her�in d�s���.�ed �r �uch p��� ��i�r�of a� �t �ay r���=m n���s:�ar�� and �t�e �on��ac��� ���e�a a�r�es �ha� �h� Owner sh��� t�ave �1�� �igl�t to tak� p�sa��sior� �f a�rd use a�r�► �at�.ri�Ls� ���n�s, ��ola, �qu���n�rit, su�p�i��� an� �ro��r�� or any icind ��ovi.c�ed by �t�e ��r��ractor Er�� k}�� �urpos� of �arryi�rg an �h� wa�� �,nri �� �rocu�e �ther �ool�, �r�ui��mentr rna����als, labo� ar�d �ro��r�� far �l�� co»pl��ion o� �he work, ��d �a ch�r�e �� �1�e accaunt of th� �antrachor of sai.d con�r�►�� exp�nse ��r �.abor, �at���als, tools, equi�m�n�� ar�d a1i �xp�ns�s in��c��r��al i;h���tp. T�,e expe�is� so charged sha�� be d�d�c�.ed !�� kh� �wn�r �r�m suc�i ��xr��es as may b� d�x� o� ma� k�e��m� due at an�► ti.r�� tG�erea�E�er �o th� �antr�cl:or �r���r and b�+ virtue aF �h� �ari�rac� or �f�y part t}��r�of . '�h� �wn�r sk�a11 n�t �e require€� �o o�tain Lhe l�wes� �,tr� �or �f�� work compl.�tinc� ��� cvr�t�a�t, but ��� e�c��nse �o be d�du�:t�d sha�l �e th� actual cost af �k�e o�fl�r of s�ci� w�rl�. Zn ���� s�ch e�c��ns�s s���ll �x���d �17� ai�a�nt which wo��.t� hav� '���n pa�+ab�le ur�der t�ne �on�ract i� �he sam� k��c� be�n c�nnpl��e�1 by t�h� �o�rtracto�, then �Y�� Car�kra�t�r ar�c� li�s �ur+���es �h��.l pa� �h� ar�aun� oF. such exc�ss �o �he �ity �n noticp f•,rom th� Ow!��r o� �k�e e�r�ess due. v�1h�n �ny �Oar�i�ul�r �art of th� �aork is �eir�� ca��i�c3 on �� the O�n�r �� �ori��a�� �r oth��wi�e und�r the �r�v�sior�s �f �hi:� s�c�i�nt �he ��nt.rac��r sha�1 �or���r�ue the rcmai€��er o� t�e worlc in �o���rr��ty w��h th� �:e�c+�s o� �1�� �on�ract �o�um�nts �nd a'.n su�h � mann�� ,�� �o ��t ��ir�d�r or interfer� w�t1� per�orr�ai��e �f ths wo�k k��r ��e Owne�. �7-7.I5 FULF�LL�iE"NT OF CO��'RA�T: '�`he C�r��rac�t uri�l b� � ria sici�vr�d as t�a�ring-h�en �ul�illa�, sa�r� a� pro�ic�ed ,�.n an�r bo�tid �r bonds ar �� lawt w��n all �he warf� and a]..l s��tions �r pa�t�� of �3�� �����c� cov�r�c3 by th� �an�r�ct Docu��nts h��r� C7-7 {9� been fini�hed ar�d co����i���d, t�e �ina� ����=��tiar� rna:��� ��� th� �r1�j1�1�eeR ant� k.i�� Final a�c�f�kan�� an� �i«�� ���r�n��r ����e �y tlti� pwn�r. �7�7 . if 'I'��ti�1�L�ATi FOt� F�� �OI+#VENI�I�C� OF T�F OWLY�'.i�: A. N(]T�GE OF TEi�N11�A'x'T�i�: '�'h� pr�rforina�tr.e o� k��� w�rk ue�der. �hi� �on�r.�c�. En��r b� t�r�in:ated �y �k�e �wrt�� �n who���, �r 4���r� t3,���-� to rikn� ir� ��rt, in �ICC:�CL�d174:� wit� �hi.3 �L��'�1011r wE,�n���r �f�� Owri#�r sh�tl. d�t�rmi.�� �t3�a� suclz ��r,�xnatir�r� i., in the ��sr L17L'"��s��t D� ��1� {]�J�3��, �,rl�r �li��i ��em��}3�Lar1 �1�a��, be e�tec��d by �aiai�i�g a�otEr�� of L�r��ri€��t��,n to th� Corr�r�ctr�r s�,��i�y�e�g ���v ��c�enL �n whi�:h o�r�����m�a�4:� pF war.�t und�r Llte �;ontr.�[`� is i_.ar�n���t�+r�. an;3 whe d,3��� ,����:� w}�ic1� s��h �x?rm'�nation E���a�iRs ���r�ctiv�. I��cei��t �F t'rte �o�ic� �k�a�l }�p .'���srtec� �;��nrl�siv�l,y E�r�3s��m�4� �nd es��b�i�she�3 w���n khe ���.t�r is p�ac�c� i.� th� U�xit�c� �L-�zt�s �ax� !ay rkz� Owr�er. �'�.r1:3���, zt sh�].l �e �e�ret���� {;�ncl��i.�a��� pres�a�n�c3 a��d �s�tah�i�tr�ri th�L- �u�h C�ZfR�r]3t�ian i� ifl�d� witii �US� CdU�C �� tj��?C�1�3 ��.at��; and rxo r�roaf iri a�� c].airr�, d�rn��x� �r sur'.� si�a].l �� re��i���d o� the Ovrn�r. r��J�rdx.n� �r�ch <ii��r�L'.��na�y 7�'�i�n. S. �OS�TRAC'�'�i� I��TIOi�: A�t�r r���i.1�� �� ���ti�a o� t�rrni�r�h ion, an�� #�c���t a� o�;��rwise 3�r�c�ed b� �f��� tsngin��r, , ��e �or�t�zac�t�� �hal1: 1, 5top work �nde� tEti� �or�trac� t�rY ��1za r�����., and r.o the �xt�n� S�jP�,LEi�i� ir� ��� notic� �� k�r.min�� ���,; ?. ;����� �t� �urther orc��r.� �r ��b�c��lkra�ts Fox �h�,��r.i�1s, ����ic�b r�; �a�z�.�L-i�s ��cept as �na� 1�e ��cs5s.���r}� Ear �o�npl��x�n oF �uch c��r��o�ti ��E �}�� wc�rk ��nd�r t�i� r�o«tr�rk as is no� t�rr�in�i�d; 3. t��^i[�irl�t� c�1L �r;��r:, �n� ��,1k�Co�Lr�.C�s tp k11G� esct��xl� �liak �k��y r�Z.�t� x.� tt�� �O�r�or�an.c� o� wot•k t�rm.�na��d by �!Y� notzc� oE ���rmiria�iont �. �r������� ti��t� ta t�ie �wn��r a�id d���v�r i� t!�? ma�n�*-, a� k�i�3 time�, �nd ka �h� �xL-ent ► 1� �rl�r {�ir?���(� �� �ilt3 �"[���fi��C; �'7-7 [ 1� 1 a. th� t�b�icat�d �r urr�abric��.��d parts, wark i.n �r���ss, c�m����ed wo�kc, �up�lies and o�h�z mat�r��� pro��ced as a�art a�, �r a�qu.�ree� in c�nnecti.on with th� ���c�o�ma�ce o�, �li� work ��r�ni�a��d k�� tl�� no��ce �� ter��it���zon; anc� 1�, �tt�� cc�m�1�31��d, oar �artia��y cor��l.eted plans, c��cawing�, info�ma��ori ar�d othe� �r�pexty 4�rhich, i� the �on�ract �a� k���r� ��mpl�te�, �ro�l� hav� k�eei� re�uire�i �o he �ur���sh�d �� t17� �wn�r. 5. compLci�� p�rfor.•r��,�}ce oF sucY� �arL• a� �he urork as si��ll n�t f���� laeer� ��r.�n�na�ed b� �h� notice o� terr�ina�i,on; an� �. ��1�e s�a�h a��ion as may b� r����s�a��, or aa t�t� Engine�r may d�r���, �c�r �h� or�tection and �rese�va��on oC �li� pro���ety rel���d to i�s cantr�c� w��x�.ch is i� �h� p�s�r�s��or� of t��e �ont�actor and in which the Owr�er. 1za� �.� �rray acqx�ir� ��,e r�st , A�. a t��r�e not l,a�er �har� �� da�rs :��t�� th� ��rminati.an d��� ���ci�ied in �l�� ��aki�e o� t�rmi.r�a��on� tn� Cont���#:or m�y ��a�mit to the �rrg�.�ti��r � la.s�, �ertif�.�� �s �o qua��tit� ar�c� guali��r, �� at�y or al.l i��ms oF �er�mir�at�ion ir��r�ntor� n�� �r.�vic��sly di���se� o�, �a�c1. usive �£ i��*m� ��� dis�os��ion o� which iras k�e�n d�r�cted o� �ut���fa�d by ��e Err�ir���r. Not later than ].5 r�a�s ���er�a�ter� t��� Own�z sh��� �ccep� t��1� t�o such it���� ����rided, �k�a� th� lis� su#��ii:��d shal]. �e sub��ct �� v�riF.ica�i�n by the �r��fr���r ���r� r�rno�r�l �f t�te items ar, xF tk�� iterns are s��redt withi�r �IS d��s fram tl�� �a�:� of sui�t�is�i.o� �� t�� 1_ ist� � and �n� n�cess��y .�d j us tr�en �s to �or re�� �h� 1�s� a� su�mi�.tad, si��L], �e mr�d� p�e�.or t� �inal s��tl�r��n�. �. T��MI�]ATI�i4 C:I,1�IM: �i tC�in �L} da'ys �f��r n�t��e o� �err�i n��ion, �ki� �nntrac�.or shal,l �ub�r�i � h x s ���rnina�ion �la�.m ��� t]ze �ngir���r i�t t�e �o�� ar�d wxtlz th� cer�a.��.c�t�ic�n �r�s�rxb�d b� k.l�e F�gineer. T�f1XeSS �!'1� C}� ¢lC]i� �iC��C151o�18 aYl w���iRC� c��� gr�n��c� ��► �lie �wn�r u�on r�que�t oC �.1�� ��nkra��or t mad� in wr. i���g w.i��3ii� ��,�h 60-�ay n����d o�- a��h�riz�d ex�ensio�7 th�r�o�, an� arrd �,Y1 �uch ��.aimr� shaL.l �� c�r�c� ti��i.rr�:�.� deemed +�ai�r�c�. �7-7 {1L) �. A�fO[]�'i'�: ���bjec� f.o kh� ���visi��s oF It�i� �7-7.16{�) � t��€� ��nF�r.�ctr�r �n� �wr��,r �n�y �grr�� ����on t�e w��:�t+� or ar�y p��� �� kh� a€n�un� or a«auni_:� €:a �� p�i,� �� tRte �on��;�ctar �i� r�a��n oF L-h� t��a� o� pr�rti�l. rv�mir��tt�n o� ��rark ��r��s�n�: i���ato; �r,�vic��ct, tha� �u�li ��re�c3 .��n���ti� �r amaue�ts �fia�2 n�v�r �x���cd �h� t�ta1 �o��rac� ��ric� as rad�s��c� b}� �:he ar�nu�lr o� ��}�r����rs r�theruris� m�r�� an� � 3 ��r��i�r r�d����d b�r �,1�� �o�il:ra�t �r�.c:� �� �r�rk ���t termi���i_��, '1'��� f��snt�a�w s#�a.l.� �e am�3�7dec� a��o�di��ty, ar�d th� ��nt.racrr�c shai,� be paid th� a�re�=�3 a���a4xnt, �#o a�n�un� �f7a�� i�� r�u� Ear 1_o�t ;�r �r�tirti����_er.i �ro�iFs. �otf�i�t� in C��7.I,6LE} f��r�aFt�r, ores�� i��r�g �f�� amn.ur�F� �a b� �.�id t� t}�e Co��r��t:�r in r_i7� �v��3� o� E�,ilur� o� I�he �o��tr,ct�r �i� r.��:���} oC �h� �:�rmi�����on ��f worit p�xr����nt t� tiii� �3�ct.���n, si�a1_1. t7fi t��:'���d �r� �Lmit, res��zcl= {�r c���i3rwi�� ��t�r�ine or a�E�r��: th� .7��10�1�1t :�r �m�u�7L� wl�iir�X �{l�v �� �3�]��P_d U�Q[� L'� b�3 �ai.� �;� t��� �csr��kr��t�r p���:s�arot �r� ��i� �ar.a�r,���. �. F}�I.LLSR� TO A�l���: �� kf�� �v;���� n� �h�: .fai�.i��� �� Ll�� Cc�3ti�:r�a�:�-�r�an� �!�� c?wn�r �a ��r�� as �r.��vid�t� i�� �7--7.�� {�) ��on the w�o1�� z�fl�����3-, �o b� �xaid to th� ���rttra��s�r f��r r=a:3o� of t�� �,�wx�r�in��i.c�n oF w{�r�€ ��ursu�nt to L-Itis s��t�,�rz t�� Owrr�.� �ha]�t ��eter��n�� c�r� t�� Y��si� �7� i;nFo.t'�n�ti;�r� av3i�,�b1a� ta i�r, t�� �rn�� �R� L- , i f an }� � d�� �o t}�e COr7 {:1 �c��r ��y �e��s�n o� th� L-�r��ir�ation �nd ��z,�l� p�� t� �tx�� �o�t��ca�tor �E�ry �rn�;�nt� deter�ni�3��. t�a amr��i,�;_ �ha1� be du� �c�r io�t or �,r� �_ zc ip��ed px �f its , F'. l��'il7fJ�'1'��[�]�: �il RY�flTiflc� �� �Yi�3 e�TRc7�.1r1�". i�llr= k��lf•v �or�trac:L-�r un�].�r t��� �e��iort, t���r,� sh�,1� �� d8duri�zv:i {,�} a�� �nl,iq��4�ar_�d �:iva.n�� or ;�����.r }��y�t�n�:� c�s� a��c��.Mrxt tli�r�tafor� mac�� �o �h�v �ontr��t��r� ���p1ic�3��� �.� tMe �_�-��r�inats��� �c�rtzc�n o� tE�is conkract; t�'�) ��y �l�im wl�a.clr �i�� �vrn�r �na� ���v� a�a��s� �,I�� Con���c�t�r �,� c����«��tio�, wi�h tE�i� �:4���`r�;�t ar�s� {c) t'�� ��re�c� l�r��� ��L, �r t�� �roc�ed� a� .5�]_�v oF, �r�� nti���ri�ls, ���,�1i�s c�r r�titi�r. tlzings acept Ya�+ t[�e �.s�ntr����r t>r ��]_r�, r��sr�:�a�t �a th,3 ��rovi�io!�;.� �� �I�is ��au3�, an� ;��F f�t�er.�i�� r�cove��t� �� �� �r��c��t�d �� t�lie Otvne:-. f�. �iTJ�[J�"1'i'�1�.''C�'�': �f t17P- �L��RL117dt.LQF1 kYL?��3iiIlC�Fvi .�� ��rkxa.l, ��inr �.c� t11� :5attl.�m�rz� aF. �,he t�r.�nir�.��r�d po���on o� th�� �onL•rac�, t�� �ar�t.r,arvt�r ma}� fi�� w�.th th� ��iqine?r. � rc�q�aest �n �rrir�,ny F�� an �7�7 (i�} e�u����1� ���ust��nt of ��� �x�c� �r �rices speci�i.ed �� tl�� �antr�c� ��7.at�ng i�o tl�e �on�ir�ued �ar�ior� of �h� coni:�a�t �t�e par�a.o� no� terr�is�at�� b�t �}l� n���.ce oL- t�r�n�na�tion?, sucl� equ�ta��� ad��s�m�rt� as �ay be agre�d ��on �ha�l i�e macie i.�t su�i� pric� or �ri��si nak��inc� cor�tain�� h�rei.n, k�ow�ver, shall Yiin�.k �h� r�gh� �� th� Owner and the ��nt�actar tc� aqK�� u��n th� a�vun� or ��no►�nts to t�e paid ko tl�� �tsnira��nr fo� th� com�����on o� ��►e �onti�u�d �a�ti�n o� t�h� ��n�r�ct when s�id con�r��t does nok. �on�a�r� atY e�#.�l�lz�h�c� cor�tr�ct �ri�� for s�ch �ontinued �or.�xan. F!. hI0 �IM�'��1TIOI� QF RI�E�Tu: NaL-hi.�g ��r��ai.�ed in �his ���kiar� ghaX� l�m�t or al��r t�� rigi�t� v,rizic� the Own�r rnay l�av� ��r �e�r�ina�io�t o� �t�is ��r���a�� und�r �'7-�7 .�4 h���n � e�� i l:l�� "S us ��r� s i or� o f Abari�.o�r�en�. �� �ltie war1� and Ar��r�dr��n� �€ �o��r.ac�" or an� �tY�er r.ight 4J�"I.LC�1 Ow��r ma�r 13a�re fc�� c�e�ault �r �r�ach aE �ontract b�► �o���a�tar. �7�-7 . �7 �AL'�'�]� ME'�H�!]S A�� ��AC'I`����� 'I`h� C�ntr�c�or �k�al� be r�spon�ik�l� �ar ir�i�ia�Fng, main�.airiing, an� sup��visinc� a11 saf��y pz��auti�ns and ��ag,�ams �n c�nr���tion w��k� �he wo�'1� a� a�1 ��m�s and sh��i as�v�rne a�� r�spon����.li�i�s �or �heir en�o��err�ent. Th� C�n�.raclr�r shal� coM��7.� t�ith F���r�1r �5���.�f a�d �oca1 Xaws, o�d�.nan��s, and ���u1�t3�ns �o as �� �ro��ct pers�n a�d property from in�u��� r�►c�uding d�a�h, �r da��g� in connec�ion +wi th the wo�rk . F I I t, ��'��} ��� } PAR� � - G�:t�ERAL �:ot�DI�rL0�r5 �8-$ MEA�Uf�L'FN1Et�`� P.hll7 Pl�Y��IEN'T �P�41��VLY 40�� 1'FJ�+i'4.7iJi4l:r�i�t4'�r11 ��4.J �rt�l*J�iY� �B--B.1 i�EA��kEMEN� �F 4UAI+�T�TI���: The del=r�rmina�.��n v� c��an�i�ies �F worl� �c�For���d �y th� �on�r.actc�r anc� au�horiz�rl i�� ta�� �ontr�c� �a�urn�nt�_s aecer��abl;� ���pletet� u��,�� �he �erms �f; t��e �ontr�ct [�ocu�n��l_r sh�11 b� r���3e by ��ir� �:n�i�tie?r, �as�c� on m��s�re�nerr�� r�ac�� �y �.k�� �','rE1C�1fl�GsL', The�e �r�easu���ent� wi�i b� made ac�c��ding ta ��r� i3nited ��hak�s ,���nd�rc� �easu�r�m�nts u�ed i,r� co�n�n�n �r�c�:a.��, ar�d will. �e th� �c��a�]. 1a�g�h, ar�a, ��ii� �an�+�n�s, nu��er�, �tnd w�3ic�h�� o� the r�a�e��a�s an� i F ���s i+�st�l�,�d. C:8-8.2 l3�]IT PRZ��:�: �hen �n the Pro��osal. �'"I�n�t PriCe" is s�k �artht 1-��� said "T3nit P�x�e"" s1��11 in�Yudc �he tt�rni�l�inr� �� ti�e Con�t�.���or af a11 l�f��r, �oo�.s, �na��ria�s, r�a�hin�ryt �=qr�ii me��, a�p�iance� a��� ap�u�t�r�anc��� n���ssa�e� fo� ��� ���3;rru�ti�n o� �nr� �k�� �om�leti�s� ��� a r�ar�n��c acc�ptable to the ��g�r��er o� a�.1 work t� bc3 dr�ne ur�d�r ���e�� Coititract €�oc u it�� r� t s. 'rhe "�Jn�t �ric�" sY�a�t �n�l�d� a�t �erman�nt a�Yd �wr�r�o��r}� ��rot�ction �� av�rhear�, ��r�ac#, an� ����rgro�tnd ��r�c�ur�s, �1e�nu�{ �i�zished, overl���d �xpens�� �o��d, L�s�ra���, �����t �ees, r.nyal�.i��, r i�k c�u� to �h� ����nen�� �r��, ot�er ca���s, +��la,yst proCits� inju�i�s, r�a�ag�s c�airr�s, ���cest and a�.� ���i�r i��ms not s��ci�i�a11� r��ntron�� t�,a� ma� b� r�quired �o �u11}r c����struct �ach iter� �f the wo�k �omplete a.r� p�.��e and i� � �a�is�a�:to�� conditio� �o� o�er�t�.o+�. C9-8.3 %U�1F �[��: 4���n f� k�� �'roposal a""r�ur�� ���"' is s�t f���h, �:�� sai� "T��rop S�mr° sha�1 ���r�sen� kh� tot�1 cosl� �or t�n� Contr���or to f,�rni�h al.i. l,�har, �c�ol.�, rna��ri.�l�, �a��ir�er�, e�ui�ament� �E��>�1r�eE�a�c�s, a�d �1� sub�idar� wo�k n�ce��a�y f�� ���e cans�.ru�tiv� an� co�np�etiori o� a�.� the wo�k ta prr�vid� a cor�p���e and fun��i�r�al ita�r� �� �eta�l�c� �.� t�h� ��eci�l Ca�itra�� D�c«m�nt� and�or ���ris. C8-B.4 ��DPE D�' PAYMEt�T: Th� Co�at_ra�tor �1�a.1i r�ceive a�r� �cce�� �h� C�E11�7G-wliSc��10flr �� �erein ��zovid�d� .i� ��xll payr�en� �a� ��trni�k�i,ng �11 �a�vr, ��o1s, ma�erial�, and incid�nta�s �ar �c���ar�niesg al� wor[t conL-�m�].at�d and �anbra�ecl uncl�r th�s� �vr�tr��t Do�s�m�nts, �ar a�� �oss aitd damay�� arisi��g �u� oC �he na�u�e of th� wor�€ �r �rom th� �ct�.on �� tY�� �1c��nts, �or arr� un�ares��n �e��cts o� �t�st:�-uc�i�z�s w��i�h n�a�+ arise or �e �n�o�nt�r�c� du�ir�r� tl�� ��os��u�i�r� aE �h,e �ork a� an�r tim� C8-8 (1? I _f k�eF:�i•� �rs f.�e��� ,�r�e:rx`�r��t^� k��r riza Qwrnt�-� (3x�;a��t ,�� z�rav��lfv�c� ir� ��7ra�.�r�f�t� C'S-5. �.4 i�a� .� ], L ris}c� �� wiit�t;��sv;.,- �3�=�;;�r ip� i.o�� ��c��ti�ti�r:r��� wi�k.l� the ��r���c:���ti��rt of_ th+� w�rk, ���r �ll �x�r�e�s�� T E1G'iliC'r3{� �!� JC Fr} {�4}11'SQc�l1E�17C�`:? rj� 51����}Nt15 L{j!� �]C i� l:i{:�7�{: L FjLldflCv_� {�f ���i� ��ra�������.��n o� �,_h� w��r.-k1�YF� ���ri�in�;; as �»r?Lri ar�eC i.F i �� , ��r � f�.� ��Id a [ � 1 n C r L �7 } �ye11f3i1 � i r] � � s � �rl� �3 � trad�in�r�c$, rf���y�ic�17��, �r r�ti��r 1�3��I r��srtr�r��i��ns, ;���d F{�� �omr���+r�in+� th� wo�'�c i� ai� �rt����t�t���t� ;r��n����r- �.i:�c,�r.�7in� l_t� t�x� ����rn� o� ��e �onkr��t �{�<:u�r���n��. '�he �u�y�i�r�� :�E a�y curr��r�r. :�r. �r-�r-ti:t1 ���ti�n�t.� �3��iar to F�n�l �c�r3���,aii�;p r�F 1'_I�� w�rk r�}r t�l��� f�wr�r?r. s17�1_L iGi a3c7 wYsy c-an�tii��,�r.�� r� i � 4 \ {; i � 1 I _ f 5`Y � 1 r 1 � I � ' � � 1 � 4� I - � - i � it r� C: i; i 3 `� � � + 1 r... � � � � { � � � � r Fi � + � {3 � 13 � � • l � � i � ' / 1. f�'��r�1�}iFI�SIrR i��* 1� c��l� �IT{.�� �}��y���l.J�{'r? ��r .3F����r r�l�v [?k]11+���1�r1.� rt.>� tEl� �Qt1�Y.ii'1=�]r �C] Ca?�3r�].r� CQCC�.C�R r�il�s+d� r�� ����rY.^.a� ,�E_ a1LS �w�t anc7 �rops�� r3x��{�se �,�zy ���3�;�ci�s �r. i�rt����; ��r_�.ic�r�� i� k�.� �y�rYstruc��a,�r� c�r_ in t�r� ;str,vr3�tl� ar r�u,�l�ir}� �� ��Ye Rnal• �ri�]_ ����d or �q;�.i��,n�nL s�.r ����I�Ein�ry f����iah=� i�� r�r ���n�l: thr� s�onskrucw��o� a£ rt1� wor� ur�c3�� {rt�r��r�r�� �n� it� ���urk�n�n��,, F-�a' a�y •;i�mar�� t�u� r�r. attr Lb��t�d �a� ��2�.-1� s��f�;;t�, �ri�.ich i�Fl�'�'i��.�3, im��r����}��_io�, �rr. ±l���a,��t ��Y.��.i. ��v� E�c���r� ���;.-�v�r=.�� nsY �sr b��rsr;v ��= f rr���l zr�si����.irs�� an�3 .�c��p����c�� �� w�rk +�r r3u�- i���g rl�� �ne y�ar ;��a�-a�Y�� ��ria� �f ter �'ina]. �cc��.�t��tic�. i'E�e �wG73r sF���l, l�r� thr s�.try j���c�� ;�F ��t��� r��r�ir��ts, i�n,��r���:�i��ns, �r d�a�ac�t�, ���� ��i� ��r�t.r:xr��{�r st�a.11 l�� �,i�b1� L•:� E1�,3 �w���+[ t-�+' F�i�,��r.� �� �:��r��;E, t'�sy :��:n�� �;; f�r�vtdrae� ��43�� �IZt �$--8.5 PAR`iTIA�, ��TI�'IA�i`�� A[V€} R�TI�TNAfi�E: F3r3twe+��t ��Y� 1,.3t �rtc� 5�� day ;�F �,��:IY �����rIY tf�� ���r��racL-or, sha�.� �;u���i� �;� tfti� Lr�c�i����r a s���FSn�,=�1�•_ �#��wi��g ar1 es�F�naL•,� r�F ���� v,a���e �F t1z� w�ric c��n� c�;xri��g tft� r�r�ivic�us +��r��h, �r ��s�i�n�t� ���CEs7r� �.�r�r����. �,�Y�,3 �,�rn�r�c:t �n�r�,�����_}����. tic�� l-��:�r �E�ar� rli� ��r�� �3.�� o� r_kYe mr�r���� �I�� �;n�in�;3r �;�z17. v�ri�� s�lc-h ��tir���,�, ar�d if, ft xa ��unr� ���� b� ��r;��t�lal�� �nd t�he vaLu� a� wv�k p�rfc�r.m�c� sznce �Iyr� l�sl= ���r}i�l. ��y�r��rt1'. w�s r�ac�F� �xc�t��d;� �r�r� h�tr�;ie;�t:i r�-�11��� {� 1�1!} . 0 t] 1 i, n am«un�., 9�� ��f sur;t� �;;�,im�t��� �tlrr� w3 ��1 oe p��� �r� �l�r� ��r�L•��,�tr�� �� t:�e I:s�t.�� r:ontr�r;� ,�m��uni� is I��� r.hzn ;�Qt1�0Uf}, r�r 95� �f s;�c:l7 �:;ti�nat�:� r�urn �r�i11 k�� �,��� t;� 1.13� �:�r�Lr���or �f ri�� �ok�� �oo�tra�� �,�e��nF i� �40Q,��0 :�r yr��t�r wi���in �w�nL�-fzv3 (�5} +�ays a�L-�r ��i� r.�gulrtr �.�;�;,1an��:? p�r,i�d. '�k�� ^,�ty w�L� k1av;� �,h� t���i�n oC �r�c�arir�g +��tirna��� ��� �,���� E11YT]�3�'1L�;� b� tf�� �it�. '�h� ��a���a� a3s�it�t�t� ana�f inc�,ur�� a���ptab�iz non����-i�}����1�� mat?ria�s ���liv�rec� �� �he �rc�rk wk�i�h �r� �a b� inc{�r��ora�_�r� i���:c� ���e �ork �s � ,�cSrsnar���n� �sar� �f�ar�r��, l��tk wC�ic�� ��, t��� ttY3 �:i�� �f: thr3 �st�mat� i�ave not ���+vn i��;a�all�d. (such �a�m�:rYt wi�l be ��tow�r3 oa� � .L���i:� �F 85� ��� ��z�� n��t ir�vt�i�� valu� �1Y���o�. 1�Sti� Cnntr�c�:�r shall Eu�,��sh �.he �'.Mxr�i�����r su�� infnr.m��ion a� h� ma�r r������k L-o ���� ^#3-8 ( � � lii� as a gui�� in �Y�e veri�i�ation ar �.h� pr��ara�xofl �f �a��ial �s�i.r�al��s. �� �s unders�o�� t}��t �Y�� par�i�� �stima�� �rom m�r�th i:o m�n�h will k�e a�p�ax�r�at� or��..y, �nd a��. ►�arti�l tnor��l�7.y ea�i�nat�� and pay���� w�1� b� su�ject ko �orr�c�ion in the ��ki�na�.� rer�dere� �o��owinq t�e �i.sc�ve�� o� an ��r�r in an� pr��tious �sti�flate,ai�d �uctw �s�i.r�atF3 sha�L n�t, �n any r�s��ct, !�� kaker� as ar� a�+�iss��� o� �he �wner of �3�� a��unt �f. wv�1c don� o� o� i�� c�ua�.it� c�� su�ticienc:y, �r as aa3 �c�e�tan�� a� ��e �ro�k done o� �he Ke�ease �� �he Cor�l•r��ta� o� any aE k�i� r�s�vr�sil�iY�.ti�s und�r �h� C���tract Docum�*r�r�. Ti�e �it� r�;�e�rv�� �l�e rigtii: ko wi.tY�hold �h� ��y��n� �C any monthl� ����,�n�te i� th� ��r��raci�or �ai�� to p�r�ar�n l:he +��r1� �tri�tl� �n �ccoz�anc� wi.�h �he s��ck�i.�ati�ns �r p�ovisians o� �.�is coz�tract. �8-9.6 Wr'�HHOLDz�� PAYM�t�'�`� Payme�lr �n an� �stimat� r�r �ati�ar�s ma� b� held i.� a.be�►an�� zf tl�e per�f,�rmance �f tt�e �a��s�ruc�i�n operatian:� i,s not ir� a�c�o�c�an�e wi��r �:h� requi�e�r�en�� of the �antract Da�u�en�.�. �8^8.7 �'i�]AL AC���TANCE: �Pher�ev�� �he improvamer�ts pr��rided �o� t��r ti�e ��rrt�act l��cuinen�� s4�a11 h�ave t�e�n com�Iet�� and a�� ��q��r�m��ts �f �h� ��r��r�c� �o�umen�s �ha1.l hav� l��en ����i�l,e� or� ��r� par� ot �h� �an�ra��o�, �h� �on�r�c��r sh�11 no���y tlti� �ngin��r �r� w�i�.ing �hat t�se i���-��e�ner�ts ar� rea�y �or th� �i.rtal ins��c��or�. '�k�� Fn�in�ar s�raLl r�vti�� ��� ap�ro�riate o���ciaLa o� t�h� �wn�r, wi�� �ri�l�i.n a� r�asr�nable tir�e rnak� su�i� � i.nal. ina��c��on , �rid �� t�h� wo�l� is s�ki���ctor�, in ar� acc�p�afol� C�Ci�l�lOfli and has b��r� c�m��e��d �r� a�cor{�an�� wi�h ��� terr�� o� �h� Can�ra�t I�ocumer�t� a�d all a��r�v�c3 m����ications �her���, �he Fnq�.n��� wil,x �n��i��� th{� ���;o�essfng n� the fir�al ��t���a�� �nd re�or�rr��l�r� fin�� t�c����a��� oF th� pra�eck and �in�l payrn�n� khe�+��o�c a� o��line�, ir� �8�8.8 b���w. �9-� .� FIi�A� PA��Li�T: wh�r�ev�r a�l �h� im�r�vemen�s �rovid�d �or 1oy t�e C�n�r�ct r��c�xments afld sil ����o�r�d modifi�a��ar�s �herc�of �ha].]. hav? b��n �ompl��ed and a�Z requir.#�nenL•s �� 4.he ���ytrac� 1����x�n�r��.s t�av� b�en ft��fill�d �� ���� par� o� t9�e �or�tra��o�, a Ei,na]_ �s�i,nna�� sh�v�i�g tl�� va�.�� of ��t� wor� wi�]. �e pre�ar�d b� ��� ��gine�� as sao13 as the r����ssa.�y m����ur�rt�nk�, c��npu�a�ions, and ch�c�Cs �an b� m�ci�. A�1 pr�_oi es�ima��s upon which �aymwnk h�s b���y �nad+� �r�y sub���t L•� si�c:�ssar,� c�rr�c�.k�rts o� r�visions ij� �h� �inal payr��� � . �9--8 ( 3 ) �';�e .=��,�t}�x�� c�� ��e ��n�l f?S�1E1'k2l�.ri� �c��, pr�v�o�s �ayr��nts .�rtc� .��x� sG.�rn ���at iia�r� �t3�� c��du�.te� �r r��ain�r� r�nder th� }�rr�v.�sio�� �� tlle CoriLr�c�� l�ac�a�n�r��s, wi1'� F�� �n�i�3 ta r_��� ^����r���.or wi�:l�irY �a days aft��; �inat �r_c:a�l=�n�:{v �S� tk�r� 4wn�r �+� a �r���er �����L!�t�i�r� �F. th� �i�y �c]7,4r1ciZ, n��vid�{� L%�e ��on�ra��o� k��� �ur�oi��i��c3 �� �}7� �wr��r sati��acL-c�ry B�rLden�� o� �a�m�nt� a� Er����vrs: �r�.or. to ��E�r�i.�s��n of� th� Fi.na� �st�.rn�t� L-or ����r�t��nt, t}�� �or�; r����r sh��1 �x���x�r3 acti aC�i�3avit, �� �'�1ri�ifih��� t�y t�x� ��i r,�, �erti,�,yi�ti� �:I�at �]_I_ r��r�nn�, Ei�m�,� .3�����'1��i011�, C�?��csr������1,St r�r t7�.iier c]�c��F�li�c��lCsr�� $�ir�7L5hitlr� ��b�r ari�for �ua1_�ar13�.5 �ra;r� k����:� l��Li� .1t3 EuIZ, that ki�e w�yL st;,��� =�sL=�b�Esl��d �� E�I�� �i�:� t::�unc�1 irY �Fi� ; i�� �� �r:��L• Wor,tt� ���,� ��tYn E�aid, ��nd rh�t �h�r� ax� r�o �1,a�.ms pen�i�1� Er�r ��?r�ona� injut-.Y and,/�r �rc���rty da�n����s. Th� �cr��tanct5 oy �li� �c�r�tracto�- �aC kh� �_�st o� fina.l �ayr��n� �s ���r�s�iri s�:�il ��]�rat� a� �n�3 s�ti.�1"� r��,r�a.�;� �}ry� �wn�r �ror� a.�1 �1a�«s �r liabi�i�:i�� ri�d�r �hr� Cantrr��-� ���r ��1}F�liLl7t� c�o3�� o� Eur�x��he�3 ,>r. �-,?l��Fn�� !�o �:he w��� �r�c�?r, ;o�irt��:t �r��am���;; �r �rty a�t or nec��.�#v�. �sE ��i�� �it� .r���t���y t�3 or co��nec���3 urit� L1�� �'�ntt�a��. �Ch� rn,�� ing o F ��r, � inai �a��n=��t b� tn� �wn�r _51�a11 nc�� �,��i��r� �hr+� ��.n�E;f�c��� oF any yu�r3nfi��� or c�rk7�r r�quirer�en�s oF th� ��or3�ra�:t i�o��zrnen�� w�ic�� s���ci€ica1l}� �a�x�inu� t:lyer��F��r, �_8�8.9 AR�QUA�]C or D�sIGN: �t i� ��n��er��;�oc� t�,}.�1: the owh�r b:�l�,��rr�� it F��.� ��,tt1>l��'t�c� c:u�i�3t��t C!�:�i,�is��r,� �nd de�;.��n��s t� �r��ar.� �.���3 :�c�ni�r.�ct �o��,,imN�t� �n�3 a�l rn�c��� i.��t���:; v� k�� �u�ur�ved Con}r:�r;t 7�c,am�nts. Lt i�, t�i�r��ar�� a�r���� thalr �l�? �vrn�r s}3a1� he r����nsii�]_� Er�r kl�� a��qua�y oC its r�wn dri:��gn E���ur�� t s�i € E ti,,��r�cy �E th� ;or� �ra�� �,��u���n �s � ti�� �a ���y r�E th� �trucl:ura, and t1�� �rac�i.c�bi l i t�� �f �I�e op�r��xon� �E �h� �or��,��k�� �.ro��ct� ��cr���d:�d th� �o+yt��c:�.or Etia;.S �.o�r��.'�i�� w��i� I�l�e �er�q��i��m��nts oF tlz� s��d C�r�tr.��.;r. [3r�ct�,�e�i�s, ,��1. �oproved �n+��3ifi.��tio�ti.� �.h�=r���r-, an� ad�i�ion� �n� .���.r�r�ti�n� ��er��� ap�rov�ci in wri�.r�� �}� �Iti� �wrre�. Th� ha�rd�n oF j�r�oE o� s�t�� �a�n��tan�� �itial,i b� a�t,�nn k�ttie Co�tr.ar��{�r t{3 �iYow ��.hat ti:� �t�� r:oau��l.��r� �ritk� the :;�i� L'F�{l�1ZY'C?[�1C?11L� oL' t��e ����ia�� 7r}cuio���k,3, ����ov�r� rnod�f�cz�Fons ti��r,�aE, �nd �11 ap�rr��red ��di;i��r� � ar�d a�,���-�r�c�n � t1��r.��o. �`8-8.10 ��C�EFtA� �UA1�1�1NTY: ��a,�h+�r �h� �ir�a'L �-�rti,�i�a�,� oE ��]rr�lenL rXt�� at�l� �Lr�v��L�+� Lli �.Y�e ��rt�r��� i�0����;-��;; C�i7� ��rl,ia� �� �!-Ytir� c�r;r;��:��n�:}� �r u�� r�E the �re,ni�r�s b�f tli� Dwr�er sha11 cc��st����<�y a�t �����tance �; w,�r�c n�t �or,�3 an ac:��xda��c� wa.�.?ti t��l� ;on�ract �]oca�m�n�� �r r��i��r� ����. ��r���-�ctor o� �i�bi��ty in re�p���. tn �ny ex�re��s warr�ri�i�s �r r:sF����s�l���;�ty f,or �a�l.�y RIrZ�k3�fa1:� or w0�'1C�E1di15�tiL�. �C}�� �`v���c����r :�hzi� ��m�+�� an� d���c�r:� or :�4���a��s #.oti �!�� w�rlc and C8-8 � Q � pa� for an� da�nage t� ��her wor� r,�s��t��� th�re���� ��i�M si�hll �����r withi,n � peri,od �f �ne y��r fro� ihe �at� oE f in�l a�cept�i��� of �i�� wori� ur�.��s� a 1�ng�r p�riod �� s��cifi��] a�dsF�a11 Cur.n�sh a���d an� s��Fi���nt mai.nt�enanc� bor�d i.n �he ����unt of 1�1[] �er��n� of tt�� a�r�ounk o� i�h� c�r��t���t whic}� �13a�1 ass�r8 the p�r. Fa����an�e o.� t�e q�rr�ral guarant�+ a� ���v� c,��.l,ine. Th� c�wr��r w�1Z qi�r� no�ice oE obs�rve;3 def�c:ts witih r�asc�r��}�1.� �rar���t��e��. �S-8.1.i S�JB��L7rAR� G�O�x: Ar�y �Ci� �11 wo�-�C �p,t���ica�ly gov��'r��d hy docu�n���a�y r�yu�r�Mn+vr�ts fvr �h� �roj�c�, such a� candi#:i�ns im�o�r�d �y �E�� �'��ns, �h� Ger��ra7 �'on�.rac� oo�urnent� �r �:1�r�s� S��ecial Cn�tract T�ocur�e�t�t i� wh�c� na sp�ci�ic it�� Eor 1�id has k���:� �.ravided fa� ir� ti�+� P���osa�.� �Y�a11 b� con�i�.��z�d as a sul���adi��� it�m of worlc, the cost �f ��rC�ich sf�a11 h� ir��iudrvc� in the pri��� �ir� in th� P�o�,�s�L, fvr each b�{� �.L-�rn. S�rFac� re��c�ra�i�n, r��:k ex�ava�.a.or� a�ri cl�3rzu� ��-�= ge,3�r�� i.t�ins o� +�orl� wl�ic�� C�l�. in �E�� catec�o�y �� su�sic3iar.�+ wc�rk. �8-� . �2 �i�S� a'�a�At�EOU� FI��►��ME�I'F {��' _�1A'i'ERIAI�: �Sat�r ial ma� b� ailaca�.��l under v�ri.c��as h.ir� i.t�m� in �t��: �ra�sosal to ���ab�ish ur�ik� �ri['�� ��r Enasc�l].�n�oa� �1�c+3mant a�' �����ri��. Th�s� r�at��ia�� shal.� he �r�r:d c��1� �r���n dir��t�d by the �n�ince�t �3ep�nc�'t ng on f ir�.id r�n�ii�:ions. �a�m�r�t fc�r misc�lla+���us pla�emen� oF rs�at3�ia1 wi1,1 h� mad� �or onLy t�at amoutit �F ntat�rial �sed, ntieas{�r�d tc� �h� nearrs�t art�-�ee�t� �na,�. P�yrn�r�k �or «is��l.l�neou� �1ac�+�e��t of �r�a�-�r�a]. sha�� b� a.n ���or�dan�� +�ii:h �.E�e ��ncr�l �.ontr�cl: Doc��ments �c��ar�dl�ss �t t�� ��k:�a� �mo���� us�d fc�r. �h� pr��ect. C8-8,�3 RT`�01�Li DOCUM�i�T�: Con�r.��;��� shail �C�ep on record a co�� a� �11 ��7�CLr1{`.3�.kC}�kS, �lan�, �c�cl�nda, m�dif:i�a�ion�r sl�op c�r��a.��gs �nd samp3,�s at kl7� �it�, ir� �ooc� order anc� anno�a��4� tn �t�ow all. c]�ang�s �n#���rr �Ll�ifl� t��e �ar��tru���an �r,��e�s. T������ s�a��L bc d�live�ed �� Fngirs��r ��orr cacn�let�on oF kl�� wd�k. � � �8�$ (5} ���� � Y s��c�n� co��i��o�s TABL� �� ����EH�$ I��� DR � D- � f} - � U- �4 �- 5 ri- 6 �- 7 D- � 17� 9 �-IO fl-�1 �-�2 �-1� n-x� �-�� �-].b D-1.7 D � �. 8 �-�4 �-�0 �-�J, �--22 �-�3 ]�-29 D-2� D-7b �-�7 �-�8 !}LL29 �--:#U 1]-3! n��� �-�3 D-34 D--35 �-�6 0-37 1)- 3 i� A�-3�] D- 4Li I?-4� D- 4� a-4� ��44 D-�5 D�-46 �3��7 D--4$ T��4�J b--�b I] - 51 D�S� TAgL� �F �O�TENT$ Gen��a� Pra�ect Des���at3on RicTht 'F`o A�dit C�.t.Y �t�x�n3sh�d �iate�a�a�s Wa�e Rat�s coardinatYon wi#�� �`ort W�x-t�� Wat�� �eya�rt���t [}ewaterinc� �rossin� of �x�stinq Ut�li�ie� �:xi�t�nq Ut�.1��ies Ex�l�ra�ary k:x�ava�inns '�'�s� �iales S�3bstYtutions �on���te �idewa�k and �rivew�y Regla�emen� �r�a�hed ��mestone 8�r�r#ill � ; �'r ����z�t� Pav�ment Re��ir (��yl�} E�suem�n� F���ai,� xn Parki�tq 11rea '�r�n�h s�fe��r 5y�ter� F�aker S�rvices F�em��al x�al�ract�, an� Abandor�ment o� tla � �e 81 ac�ir�g Du�til�--2ra�n �nd �ray-�ron F'�tt�nc�s D��e�table 4��rnirtq '�apes TYAe �� ��sinq Pi�� �3isadvan����d �usiness �nter�ris� Valve Cut-�ns ���ne��i�r� a� �x�stint� Mai�s �-lnch Te�p�rary Se�uice Lir�� ��ho1�s �Misc. �xt.} ��r�c�[�te Enca�ement ���t�se�tion i:o �.x�s�ir�� ��ru��ures �r�ssure �]ear�iraq ,�nd 'res�ir�g �Mxsc. �i� �u��ti�i�s {M�s�. �x�.) l��ter�rria�i�n �nd Initiat.aon of �Warlt [,i€� �f ��n�ra�t {Misc. ���.) �oncrete Ripr�� T�m��r,�ry Paveme#1t i���a1,r �x�stir�c� Faci 7. i �xes �x�.� �M�sc. Ex�.. } 1r�terpr�t.atzan �nd Pre�a�a�S�r� �f Propos�� $��tds (�ity l,et Y�o��cks} Barricad�s. Wa�r��r�qrs �nd �'laqm�n �om�inatkon Turb� Meter wit� 1�ault and, ���ass installat�on �i�pasal a# S��i1JF�i1� MateriaS C1�en F�re Lir�e Ir�stal�atiar�s �3.ydro Mul�h 5eedir�c� an� saddir�c� eay�en� �t�a.sc. ��et. } Wat�� SamPle Sta�X��t �#o�kers' Co��ens�kion Y�su��n�e S�at� 5�2 �s `�ax T�ench �:x����ki.or�. Back�iX� ar�s� ��r��a�t�ori �����m�n� o� Mat�riais and Ot�er C;har��s 16-�nch Resi�ient-�ea�ed �ate Y�i�es Cons t r t��� i on T��e R�s t�� ct i or�s (b) �antractor �ur�her aqrees t� �nclude in ��l it� subca�trac�� hereunder a pr�vis�on t� the effe�t t��aE �h� subcontractar agr�e� t�at th� ���� shali, until the ex�ira�ion af three �3� years aFter �i�a1 payrn�nt und�r �}�e s�b�a�tract, have a�cess �o and t�e��ght k� exa�ine an� phakocapy any direck�y p�rtinent boo�s, do�um�nts, papers and recarda �f snch s�bcantrac�or, invo7vi�� transactio�s ta �he subca�tr�c�, ��d �urther, t�at �ity shaX� have accesa duri�q �a�mal w�rki.n� �aurs t� al� subca�tractar fa�il�k�es. ��� sha�X �e provid�d adequate a�� agpropriate work s�acet �n �rde� to con��ct aud�ts �n comp�ia�ce w�t� the prOVlRlOnS a� t�is artic�e. �it� shal� q�v� subco�track�� reasona�le advance notice o� �nte�ded a��iCs. (c) Contractor and subcaatrackor agree ka photo cu�y aurh d�curEreat� a� may �e re�uested by t�� �i�y. The �i�y aqrees �� r�i�b�rse con�ra�to� for the ca���s a$ follnws: 1. 50 copi�s and under -�0 cenks per paqe 2. Mor� �han 5� c�pies T B5 ce�ts �or �he �ir�t pa�� plu� fi��een ce�ts #o� each pag� ��er��fket D�- � �1�`� �[]k�11SHED M]4'P�:FtI�k1,S : �'�x wat�r pr�j�cts. th� �ity wz�� furn��sh '"�ipe clea�ainq piq�,,, a}�lorin� p�s or ci�Yorzna��d ]ime {H�'f#� and alX wa�er �or �niC�al �iear�ir�q an� s�erilisa�ian �f water Iines. AIl �t�er �ater�als far cor�str��kiar, �€ t_i�e �pro,�ect�. �r�ciud�no +�ater �or c�i�p�ctior, sk���l �e Eurnished by t1�e �ontrac�or, i1- 5 F�A�F. RA��:S : �he labor clas�a�icatiorrs and minir�u� waqe ra�es set forth herein have beee� predeter�ined by the ciky �ouncil of the �ity oE Fort War�h, i`exas, in ac�ordance �rith ��atui�ry reg�i.r�ments, a� beknq the �z-e�ra�€inq �l�ssificatio�� �nd rates tha� sha��l g�v�rrt ar� �li ��rlc p�rfarr�ed by t�e contra�t�r or �ny sub-cantr�rtor o� the sit� of th� pr�ject raysred b�+ the�e Ca�track aacumen��. I� aa eveni sha�l less ��ian the fo)lowir,� rates a# uac�ea b� paa.�. (Atkached�. _. �- � coar�n�r��mzor� w��� Fo�� rro��'H 4iATER DE�A��M�N'� : Durrnc� ti�� ca�xstruction �� �h�s praject, it wkij i�� ir�r�ssary k� d��c�ivate, �a� a per�od �� i:irnet �![]5��13[� �is�es. �he Con�raator shall be re��ired �o caordina�a. ui�h t�e Water E7epa��tment to d�term�n� �he best �imes �o�r de�c��vatxng and ac�ivating k.hase lines. �- 7 UFWl1�'�:ft1l�� : T�ie cnntract�� s}�all �e �esyonsx�le far deter�ina�q �h� m�thod �f ttewa��rir�q aper�tz�� for khe wat��' or sewaqe flaws frorn �t�e �xa�i.an� r�air�s anc� qr�ursd water. mt�e �on�xack�r sl�all be resportsrble for damaqe ot atty nat�ure r�sul�in� Erom the deua�ekl,n� o�e��ti���. �- 2 ser�i�� line� with th� same tyPe af oriqi��� material and c���lruc�ion, ar b�k�erf unless other�ise s�o�� nr noted o� th� �Ians. ak hzs ow� cast and expe�se. The can�ractor sha11 irr���dza���Y notity t.he bw�er o� the da�aqed utility or service l�ne. H� sha�� caopezate wi�h the owneKs �t all utilikie� to lacate eR�stinq und���rau�d #�cYla��es and no�ify kh� ���i�eer a� once of any can�li��a i� qrades �nd al�9�une�t. l� case it is nec�ssa�y k� chanqe ar mo�e khe pr�perty ot any o�ner oE a pu�li� u�ility, such �ropert� shail �at be moved ar intertexe� w�k� �nt�l or��r�d to do so hp t�e �n�i��e�, �h� rig�� is reserve� ka tkxe owner of ����ic u�ili�ies t� en�er u�o� �fie iimits oE t�e pr�jeck ��r ��e purpose of makinq suc� chan�es �r repair�. o# t�eir praperk� t�at may be ma�e ne�essary by per��rm��ce o� this �on�ract. a- �U E��LORA��K� �XCAVATXOH� : ]n additia� t� tha�� a���s as may b� ��s�g�a��� on kh� Drawi�gs, i� shall �e �he Con�ractor"s res�onai��litiy ta excavate and locate exis�ing ut�likies which may a��ect constr�cta�n ot the uater a�djor sewez Eacilx��es. All expi�rato�y excavakions shali �ccur ��r enou9h i� ad�a��� to �ermi� any necessa�r relocatzon �� b� made wi�� mi��mu�n �e1ay. All cast� x�c�rred �y th� ���trackor i� mak�n� exp�ara��ry �xcavat��ns sha�l be cons�dered to b� incXud�d i� t�e unit price ��d for c�nsk�ucti�q af wa��r�se�er l�ixe o� the assacist�� s�ructures. �Y 11 T�S� ���65 : 7�h� matter ot subsurface �xpl�rat�o� to as��r�ain ��� �ak�re �� the sails. �nc�udi�� the arn��nk o� roc�, f� an�, t�ro�g� whfch thks �i��Ysn� ins�allation is �o he made �s the r�sponsxbili�.y a# a�p and a�� �ros�e��ive �idders, and ait� b�d�er o� this proje�� sha11 sub���t ��s bid u��er the condition. �hether prospect�ve bidd�rs ��r��r� th�s su�s��-fa�e �x�laratao� �ointl� or i��epe�d�eritly, and w�e��er they make s�ch determiraakia�s by �he use o� tes� holes ar other rneans, aha11 be left to k�e dis�retio�� o� such pros�eckiv� bid�ers. �'he coa� nf �h� r�ck re�o�al an� at,h�r asso�iate� appurt�nan��, if r��uired, s�all �e �n��ud�d i� the linear �oot hid �ri�� ot t�e pi�e. D- �2 SUS�T[T�T[Q�S : �he �pec�f�catia�s �or ma��r�a�s set out th� minimum s�andard a� quali�y which the �ity believ�� �ecessar� ko pracuze a sa��s#aato�y proi��t. �o substitutinns w�il b� per��tted an�il the �antrac�or i�as rec�ive� wxitt�n �errn�ssioit a� ttx� f:nq�neer to make a ��,bstiEution tor �he mate�ial whlch k,a� k��en spe�a#�e�. �her� th� ��YITI +��C @�1.�3� +#1 OC ��OC cl�F1L`QV�C� ��ll���� 15 IIS��, Lk 1.$ LLil{�@���`d4� ��iat it a matez�ial, product, o� pi�ce of �q��p�ent b�arin+� the narr�e so used �s turr�i.sl��� it wi�11 be a��ravab�e, as �he �a�ti�+�l�r trade name wag used �or the pK�rpos eof. �atablish��g a st�nd�rd n� qua]iC� acc��tabl� ta th� �i'ky. 1� a produc# aE a��y o�her aame is proposed tor use, �h� En�ir�eer's ap�rn�al khere�f must be obtained be#ors �} - 4 _.. �xc�utFo� a� the cement c�ntent, alI o�her Xequ�Keme�� shall mee� ur �xceed 'rra����rfakio� and Yublic Wo�k�F UeparF.rnent standard specifi�atio� ���m ��S �lass D �on�r�te, �- �� ��v�.���� ������ .����x�} : {E2-19) ; mhe ��i� Price b�d ur�de� ti�e a�pro�ria�e bid i,k��ro of tix� vrap#�al sh�ll cuwer �1� cast far �r�nvidir�q paveme�k r�pair equa� to or supe�rior in campositian, t�rickr�ess, �t�., ta e�istinq pavemer�t as detaiZ�d �n �h� P���ic F�orks Aeparl:�er�t kY�xcaY secta.ona €ar �av��ent and 'French Repair �aK ilkility cuts, Fiqures 1 thrauqh �. A� ] r��uirec3 pavin� e�#�s sk�a] l be �acie wi �k, a��ncrete saw in a true az�d skrai�ht line a� b��h sic�e� oi k�e kren�h, a minx�um a� twelve (1�� inc��es out�id� the trench waxX�. �l�he �r�nch �h�1r b� �ac��ill�d �r�d l:he t�p r�in� �9} ���h�s shali b� Eil��d with re���ire� ma�er�als a� sh�wn �n �avi�q detazls, �ompact�d ar�d ]�v�� wikh kt�e fi��shed sl�.�e�� �ut�ace. mhis �i,rrished grade ��xall �e mazr�ta�rre�3 �r� a 9��vicea��e cor�d��knr� tirntzl th� pavinQ ha� been r��Iaced. A!L resi�enk'� d�ive�ays ahall be �cc�ss�b�e at n�.gh� and ov�r wee�end�. It has �een c3�termined �.y+ the Trarsspor�atx�fl �r�c� publi,c Wo�ks neparkm�t�t ti�a� th� sk�ip a� existin� fl�tA� �aveme�nk beLw��n the existinq quti��r anc� �h� ed9e af ti�e trench pav��ar�i �epai� wi]X r��� hol� �� �,� su�� stri� o� ex.istinq pave�nent xs tu�� {�� teet ar lesg in w�dk�,. Th�refare, a� the l�catiorts �r� t�e proje�t wher� th� �renc� wall is khzee {�) t�et or less �roir� the xi� �f the exiskinc� qutt���t th� �onkraa�_o� sha�l be reqt�ired ta re�ove t�� existi�q pavin� �� suc� yutter. 'rh� pauemer�t �epair shall �hen be mad� �rom a mx��mum dist.a�ce �� �w��ve (I2� inc���s a��#side the k.r�r�ch wal] r�ear�st l.h� center a� ��e skreet �� tfte c�utter l�,ne. The �avement sha31 be replaced with�n a���axilrGxMin ot �ive (�� uozki,�� da�s, pKavic�inq ��b placer�e�t conditions will �ermzt r�pavi�q. �f pavanq �on�iti�n� a�e �i�l suitable �ox repavin�, �n t�e opini�n �f khe our��r. ttre zepavinq s�xall lae da�r� a�. the earliest poss�bl� date. � A�erm�t mtast �e ��k�ai�e� from ��ans�n�ta�.�on and �ublic works �onskruc�ior� 5ec�fo�ti by tt�e Cor���act�r i� con�ormakian with �r�lirian�� Na. 34�49 andJ�r O��ina��e No. !92 to rr,ak� ut�ZitY �u�. in ��e street, ���r�s��ztakian a�td Publi� Warks wil� in�peck ihe pavi�� r�p��r after cun�tr�ction o� each water ma�n re�lacemer�t. C}- 1'� pAVf�a�I�HT RE�A�K IN �ARICiHG A1t�A : �!'}�e �mi�, �,rice �i� ursd�� appr�#rxate �aD ]'1��:M��} of t�,e Pr�posal sha�l ca�rer all cosC �or �Kovi�ittq p�v�m�nt repairt eq�a� ta ar �u��rior i� c�u��p�si�iori, thzc�C�ess, etc., ka e�istin� pavemen�. All req��re�d p�vinq ��,ts shall be m�de witi� a canc�e�e saw in a t�ue and stfaictht, line on bo�h st�ea af th� treflc�,, a minimu�n of �-� b The �ua�ity af �rench s��k�y ��skems �hail be based �� the �i�ear toat �ma��� ot tr�nch d�p�� �reater th�� tive (�} te�k. 5. PAY���m: seperate �aymen� �if1 be ma�� only uhe� trench excavatin�� exr�ed a�e�t� n� t�ve (S} feet an� �hall �e �u�l com¢ensa�ia� f�t• saEety sysk�m design, labor, tao�s, materi�ls, e��ipTTt�nl a�d incidental� n��essary tor the �ns�a�latiofi and rern��a1 af krench safeky s�a�ems. D- �9 W74'1°ER _S�:RVIC�S : �he rel��at�or�, r��lacern�rrt, �r �e�onr�ect�on �� w�ter s�rv�ces u�ll be �equi�ed a� s��wn or� the clans, andJs�r a� cf�scribed �n t�►ese Specia� �ontrac� �actarr�e�t�� in add�tion to tF��se laca�ed �z� t�� �ieid and id�nti�ked by th� �'�sgine�r. All se�vice"� aha]I b� canstruct�d by the contra�:tor �aEz�i�ir�� ap�roved f���ory �anu�acku�ed ta� aaddle� (whea r�quxr�d} a�d corpora�inr� sk�ps, t�pe I( �apper wat�r tutain�, GUKb stops �rith ]ock wk�qs, �e�er bvxes, and i� Ke��Xred a��raved �nanuE�c��r�d seruice b�anches, R11 ma��r�als used shal� �e as spe�:�fied in the �#ater;�l S��ndards {�i-�'� & ��y].6� �ottka��xed x� tfte �en�ral Contra�� D�rcu�ier��s . Al1 ��,ker �e�w3c�s t� be rep�ace� sh�lX b� iast���e� a� a mir,snfu� de�th o� 35 i.nches he�n� �inal q�a�fe. All exi�tir�� 31�-i�nci� w�t�r ��Kvice lin�s w�xch a�e to be repla�ed shall be re�la�ed �irft 1-rnch `�y�e 1[ capp�r, 1-�nch diarnet�r tap sadcile uhea r��uxr�d, and �-inc�� cor�aration. A�� ��r�ri��s whi�� are ta be replacec� or relocated sl�al� b� i�sst��]ed wil.l� khe service maxn tap a,�d sexuice ]ir�� b�in� �n line wilh the se�uice nreter �r�iess a�ti�er�is� direcked b� tf�e �nqiae�r. A mirrirnu� �t 24 Y�a�rs adv��r.e �rotice sha31 be giv�rx w��er� �ervice ittterruptiaxx �iii b� re�uz�ed as s�r�c���ed in Se�tion �5-5.�� �rr{j��:x�c�r���i�� �r• �N:�vzc:�. �11 uate� �ervice me��Ks shal� be �emoved, ta�c�e�, and co�lec�e� by the cor�Cractor for pirk�tp b�► the Wat��r �eaar�m�nt Eor rerc�r�dil.�oninQ or r�pl��ement. Atter xnstahlakiofl �� �i�e watex service in the vrapo�ed l�ca�ion �nd �eceip� af �, me�e� fr�m the �r���e�l_ i��pect.ur L�Ge car�l.racl;[sr shall �nsk�sll khe �et�r. �'�e meke� box shall be resek as r��cessar� C� be flu�h wx�i� exisCin� graund ar, as o�i�e�wise direc�e� b� �he Enqir�eer. All sucri �ork �r� tF�e outle� srcie o€ the servi�e mei'.er �ha�l be perfa►r��d b� a licensed plwn�b�r. X. Wh'!.'F�� SE:I�I�10E F[EYLA���:��N"��: Wak�r se�vice replacem�nk �r relar�Lioa is re�uire� wh�n the ex�sti�c� servi�� is lead ar is t�o s��l ]�w #_o avoi� brea�eage durinq st,reet recon�str�ctzon. '���Se cor��ractor s�all re�place �he �xi�t�nq service 1ir�� with '�r�xe K c�pper franr t�e main tn tne me�.�r, curb $top w�kh l�ci� wir�qs, and �- 8 .. � sto�s, a�d �a�t�ngs s�akl be a����ded in t�e price b�d �ar Service �aps �o Mai�s, �ay�en� tor �IY wark an� mat�r�kals s�c� as �ur�ishinq and sett�n� n�� met�r �ox shail be i�cluded in the pr�ce b�d �or #��n�sh and set �eter box. 5. MUL'�'I�LE S�RVYCE BRAHCH�S; ��en mu�tipl� s�rvic� �ranches �r� r�qu�red th� �ontractar �hall �uraish ��p�ov�� ��ctory manutartured branches. �ayment #ar rnu]�i�le se���ce �ran�hes w�X� incla�e f��n�s�i�g a�d i�ska���nq ��e rnuit��t� service bran�� oniy a�d a�i �ther cast �i11 be i�eZude� iri �ther appropria�e �3d �tero�sj. 6. �UGfiiPL� STR��� S�RVI�� LIHES T� Sf��LE S�R�I�E MHT�R: �ny �u��i�l� service lines with �a�� servican� � sY��l� aervi�e m�ter encou�tered �urinq c�nsrr�c�ion ahall �e r�plac�d �i�h an� s�rvice lin� �ha� is ap�l�c�bl� for ��e six� of the e�xsti�q s�rvxc� TfiEter ��d apPr�ved by �he ��qine�r. �a,y���nl s�alt be made ak �he uni� bid pr�ce in the appr��riat� �id xt�m{s}, D� �0 R�:I��VA�, SR�V���:, ��U A��ND����N� OF �;X�ST�NG �A�ILI���� : ��y r�mo�al, s��vag��q an�ja� aba�danment �E eXks�Ln� �dCllLki�� will ne�essa�ily be requir�� �s shown on the pl�ns, a�df �r d�scrib�d in t�ese ���cial C�n�ract ��cumen�s in additxan ta khase ��cate� an ��e tiel� an� identifxed bv the �nvine�r. �1'h�� w�rk sh�lt be don� in accarda�ce �i�h Section E2R�.5 �alvaqi�q ot Materia] and ��-?! k�movin� P���, �t the ��n�ral Con�ra�� U�ci�men�s �nd ����i�ica��o�rs ��less ame�de� or ����rseded �y requxre��nts ❑� �.his Spec��] ��r�ditior�. 1. �A1.VAC�l; C��' �x�S�it�G WA't��l� l��:'r'N:k ANU M�'�E� 80�€: L�"xi�t�in� w��er m�l:e� a�rd �neter bax shall kse �emo�+a� a�d r�tur�ed t� �he Water �1epal�k���k��k �+ar��aus� bY the cont�r.act��c in acco�da�ce with �eetion k��-1..5 salvaqi�� oE roakerials. fia�E��il! matezx�,l f�r the vnid m�*�.er bos� �ha11 kse sun�able excavat�� mat�r��l approwed by �.i�e �a���.n��r. �ur�ace r�storati,on �ha�l b� co�pak�,h�� arith �7CLS�L�iC� surrotar�danqr s�tface and qrad�. 1� wa�er rnair� is tn r�u�ain a�tive, the cor�trac�ar wilt be requi�ed �a pluc� wat��r ser�+�c� lir�e a� ma�n. 7. SALVACE QF E]�1S"1"I�IG k�31'1'�K ME'��R RN1� (.'��lCk�s'1'� 1�R[3�.� �,21}: �xzst�llq wat�r �e��r and cancr�te �+a�lk licC aha.11 b� removed and r��urned t� tr�e F�ai�.er L�epartr��nk war�?�n�ase bq t��e c�nl�a�t.or in aceord'ance wit� 5ect��nn �:��1.5 salvaqi�q of materials. '�he cancrete vault �itaii b� �emc�li�he� ir� p�ace to a point r�at �ess �.han �84�nches �el�w #aflal �rade. 'l'}x� conrr��e uau�t �hali then be I�ack�illed an,d car���eted xn �cc�rdan�� witi� backtill o��tht�� as sp�citied ir� �ection E�2-2.� gack�xil. 4a�kEsl� matr:rial s�na�1 be �uiEable excauat�d material ap�r�ued b� the �npin��r. 5ur�ace r�s�orati�r� shall be compati�xX� w�th �xistir,q s�trrou�7dinq s�lrface ���, yt�ade, D� 1.� � s��tian �nd ba�e s�ckion ah�il �� r�m��red. Tt�� ex�a,ua��arr shall th�n k�e �ack��lied a�d com�acked ir� acc�r�ance w�th backtili ��k.hod as specitied in ���tian ��-2.� �ackfill. 8ac}t�i11 �ater�al may b� wit� "1`YPe � Eiacktill or `1'Ype 8�ackfill as spprave� by �i�e EIY�117eei'. 5uria�ce resto��tion sl�al� be �a�npatible uith surroun��nq Sl�[�BC�. $. �U`1"1'T�G AND PLISC�ING OF� EXI��IN{: MAIi��S: At var�ous �o�at�ons �n tl�is proj��L it r�ay be requi�ed �o cuk, �pf�tq �€��i blo�k existinq wate�r mai�x�fservices �r sar�itary s�wer m�ir�sfs�r��ces �ts order to abandon th�se lines. Cut�in� an� �lu�qinq ex�st�ny r�ain� ar�d�or servia�� s�a�1 be cansidered ir�cidenta] ar�� all ��st� incu�red wi�l b� consi�er�d t� be ir�cluded in k.l�� l��ear foat �id pric� oi th� pipe, un��s� separa�e trer�chinq �s reQui�ed. 10. R�MOVA� OF �}{IS�'IN� �[��; F�k�ere removaX �� the exiS�.ing g��e is reguired. 1t �hs11 3�� the Cont�ra��.or's res��r�sibility #.o ps���rly dis�a�e a� a�l remaved pipe. Ali rema�ed vat�es, Eare �vdran�s, ar�d meter b�x�s sha�� be d�lzve�ed t� f�ater ��pa�trnenk �'�el� O�eratia�s, s�oraqe Yard. ]1. �AY�ik:N'1`: F'ay��r�� f�� a11 �aork and materzal involved in sa�ua�in�, aband��ing an�/�r removirtq of exis�irrg fia�i.�iti�� ahal! b� ir�c�u��d in th� lxn��r t�ot b�d p�ice �t the pipe ex�ept as �ollows: �eFar�t� paYmpnk wi11 be made for rernnval �f a11 Fire �1yc�rants, Gat.e Valves �6-inch ar�c� laracr� and sanit�ary 5ewer MarrF�al�s r�c#ardless af iocakioix. �ayine�t u�l1 I�e ma�e For sa��ra�ir�q, ai�anc�oninq �nd/ar re��ovxn� o� all o�.her �xi��i�� tacilit�ies whe� �a�� facility is not �ernq r�p�aced it� �he same �ren�h, i.e., w�,en ren�c�val re�uires g se�arat� t��nchin9 a�eration, �}- 21 YALVN: �3L��FfIH� : A1 3 va�v�s sh�] 1��+v[� concre4e bl acitiri�l �a� support. 1�alv�s s��� 1 have �ok�ethyle�� wraPp�nq p�r Ma�et•ia! 5pec��i�ati,on E�-13 ar�d ���s�rx�ck�iar� ,��ec�f:ic��.�nr� [�:�-�� �r�stalled prYor to ��n�ret� b�ackznq. !�a sc�arate payr�e�� wi11 �e ma�i� �ar any ot tt�� ��rk inva]ved tor ��Eis itern afld a�] costs incurr�d will be consid�red to b� �.nclud�� in kh� hid nrice of �he valve. D� �� b�3�'�XLi�-���{�N Al�i� GKA�-lk��i �`1�"tI3��5 : Rekeren�e ��rt E�� ��nst�ucLi�n .��eciiica��ons, �ectian �:2-'� i�stall�nq Gast �rnn l�i�e, k'it,kin�s. �r�d ��ecaa�s, Sub sectian ��-�f .11 �ast t ran r'itt�ny�: k�e firs� k'ara�rapi� sh�l l he revis�� ta read �s #�11ows: ���7.11 UU�TIi��.-IR�� Ai�i� �kAY-1��ti F�'�`m1HG�: R1� duck�Xe�ir�n and �ra�►-ir�n �i�tit�ys �C��l! b� furr�isF�ed �i�h ceme�t m�rt�r ��r�fng as s�.ak�s� in S��ct 3 an �:] -'� .�'he �rice bid per ton �i €i #.tkz�as shal 1 be r�ayrnen�. in �ul� €ar ai1 �itt�r�c�s, �oint a�ce�aarieg, poE�ethylene wrap�ir�q and horizonka] and �+ertical t.xe--down concra#�e blockir�g nec�ssar�r �ar car�s���cti.vn as d�siqned. A�] t�t�rkil�-iron and pray-iKan t�ttin�s, va�ves arrd a�ecia�s sha�� be c��ap�?�� w�th volye�hrler�� w�a�xpinc� cor��orminq tn Materxa� �-k� ins�al��d in casi�q. ��st�ll�ti�n shail be as recanv�e�d�d by khe mar��xta�turer . � . ��:G�ER : �axir�q kased �n this pra,�ect shall i�� in �cc�rd�nre with the materi�� s�andazd ����5 and �anst��uctian s�a�dard ��-],5 as �er F�q. ]]0 at tne G�n�ral �onk�ract� I��cu��nts. 3 . PAYME:N'�' ; �a�r���nt for �2� r�aker.ials, labor, ��ui�r�en�, excava�ion, concrete qroul, �aacktil�, �r�d ir�cider�ta� �+ork shall b� �r�clr�d�d trt the khe �nik pr�ce bad p�r foot. �]- �5 �ISA1}V2tiN'i`h�El} .SU��[��5� ��Y'�F���ISk� ; �e�e�ence k'a�� � (Ge��ra� �afldi#.ior�s). S�cti�n C��3.Z �:r�#.i���d 'rMIHO�iI`I'Y BifSIN�"�`,x' �HTEh'I�F�i3�ffi+��l+��H-OWl�$I} $USI�C`,'�5' F.NT�RPR1'S'F: G��iP�.� �H�F"; �`he w�rds '"�i�ori�y F�usYr�ess Er�ker��ise {�fB�}'" a�� "k��maz�-owned �u�ir��s� �nterprxs� (4�k��:�,', lxave �e$n consolida�ed a� �Fsadvankaged S�sx�ess �r�terpri�a. �- �f V�4t,V� CilT-IHS : �t fiay b� rre�essary io �ut-in ��te v�l��s to �solate t�e w�ter main ��om whic� th� extensior� ar�djar Keplac�men� is to be coanected. 7'�,is m�Y r����r� �ia�irr� va�v�� in ok�i�r lines and putt�zr�� cans�mers au� o� servkc� Eor t�ak p�riod o� �xme ��c�ssary t� cut in the z�ew va]ve; the uork 1Gtust be �xp�dited k� Lhe ut�m��t ar�� ax3 s�ch �ut-ins must b� coordi�xa�k�d w�th kh� er��xne�r in c�arqe af ar�spertior,. 1�}� consurt��r� shall �e ind�vidua�ly advised �r.�ar t� the sE�u� out astid advis�d o� th� a,pp�ax�m�k� lenq#:h o� L�.�e they may b� wiLh�uL servic�. PaymenF Eor �rot'k su�-h as b�ck�i 3], b�dc�ir��. #i�tit�c�s, blo�kir�p anc� ��l oLh�r ass��iak�c� ap�x�K�enar�ts r.eq�ir�d, s�al� b� ftr���d�d irt kk�e �r�c� �i t�e a��ro��r��te b�d items. I]- �7 �[i1���;�'1'!�!� OF' F.7{lSTYHC MA��S : '1'�+e ��r�trar.tar sl�al� dsterinin� t,i�e exac� lo�at�on. elevat�o�, �az���c�uz�akian and an�ulat�on o� �xis�inq r�at�r �r 9ar�itary se�er �ines yrxor k� �anufac�arirrc� o� the �o��nectxnq ��lece. Anv di�te�ronces �� ��caki�na, eI�v�tiant can�iqurakion, a�d ox an�uxa�i�n �# exis#.incr lines ��t.�aeen the c�r,t.rac� dra�ir,qs an� wi�at may be enc�unkered ir► �he said wor,k sktall b� �onsidered aa in�x�ei7tal ta c#nskruc�.ion. 4�t��re it is req�ited ta �t��xt down existkr�q �ai�Y� irs #���r ka ma�e pra�os�ct can�r��kior�s, such cEown #.�rne shal i b� coord� r�a�ed w�th the �:nc�ineer. �nd al � e�#or�� sha11 be made to �eep ti�i� d�wn ti�ne k� a m,�nimu�, ir� cas� o� sh�sttxr�q down an existYn� main, khe �ontz�,�#.ar sha11 rs�ti#y �r. ��,wid �o�r�ser�d, Ca�skruct��n Enqineer, Phone 8�,1,830G, a� lea�� d8�hours pr�ar �n �l�e ��quir��i sh�t cioun tin�e. �1��« �ontractor`� att��i��on is dire�k�d ta Paraqraa� c5-5.15 XN'�ERl�UP"rl4l� �r� ���tVY��:, Fa�� c�-����. p��2' c y c�:x��nr. cor���"�'�orrs o� �'�� �r����r� ��:P���l'r���� a-�� i� �he ap�ra�ria�� �i� it��. u� �� ���o���s �M���. �xT.} : 9'he �o�tra�kar ex��va�es faK e�i��i�� wateK a�d��r �a�itar� se�er ma�fl as de�az�e� hv �ork orde� taqe�heK �xth a�k�tc�. �he �oc�tion ��d dimens�ons show� on lh� piaiti� relat�v� �a other existinq util�k�es are based �� khe best i��nrmation aw�ilable. Omissi�n f��m, or ��e incA�sio� vE utility locakian� o� t�e Plans }s not t� �e �ansider�d as k.he �anexis�en�a o�, or a d2finike locat�an of, �xistin� under#rau�� �kilitxes. rt �ha�l �� the ���tractor's respon�ibi�xk.y to verit� ��cat�o�s af ad�acent a�dJor ca��lict�np utilities sa��xciently �n adva�ce oE ca��tz�ekio� in ord�r that h� mav ����tiia�� sxtch x�cal ad�us�me��s aa ner�ssary i� the ��hole pr�ress to �r�vide a��quate ciearancsa. �°he �ontra�rar shall take al� ne��ssar� pre�au�xons in or�er lo prokect a3] sexvic�s ��cou���re�, Rny ��ma�e to Ut1�1tL@S ��s�1t��q Erom t�� �ontra�to�"� opera��oris, �ha11 b� restored at hi� expense. Paymettt far �a�k such as back�klX an� �1� ather asaoc�ated ap�urten�nt$ requixe�, s�all be includ�d i� �he price o� the anpropri8�� bi� ���m. D- �0 �4HC���� ���A��ME�T : �oncr�l� encas�men� s�a]1 b� C]ass E��500 psi} c��cxet� and for se�er line e�casements shali �ontar� ta F��• X�3: for w�t�� li�e enca�emr,.nt� i� �ha11 �onto�� to F'i�. �D �� t�e �enera� ���tract a��u��nts. Re�uir��e�t� far such encas��e�� are sp�ci�ied i� Sec�ions �a-20 an� k:���0 ot the Ge��ral contract �ocume�ts. Payme�t Ear w�r� s�ch as €orm�nq, placxn�, and �ini��ing Ynclud��q a]1 la�or, too��, e�uipme�t and inat��ial nec�ssary to c�mpl�te the wark sh��l �� i��luded in ��� ii�ear fook pric� b�� �or �a��re�e En��s�m�nt. ii- 31 C4NNk.G'tlbN "i'� �X]S�i�#G SY'�11C'PU[t�S : A1� canr�ectians between ��co�as�cE a�� �xistinc� facilities, shall consist u€ a wat�rl.i�k�t seal. Co�cret� used zn the c�r�nect���a st�a�l b� �lass A���00 }�si} cot�crete and meet the requir�m�nts of Sec�.ian �:�-2� ar►� �7-20 of. the General �ontzac� �oc�amen�s. Friar �:� can�r��� Qlacen�e��., a c�asket. R�i-I�ek or ag��oved eq�a� sE��l� be insta�le� aroun�, �er��trat�r�ct �i�e. ���{��:nt �or such work as co�ne��i�rq k�o existknq E��i��Eies snc���dxr�� a]] �ab�K, lools, ey�t�ip�er�t, and mai:erial n�cessary to co�al�t� t�e work sk�all he ir�c�udec� in the li.nea� foak �rice o€ �he a�xprvpri at. e pa Pe B 1 D I7'P�f . n� �z ���ss��� c�.��t��t�� ��n �r�s���c {M���. �xm. � : Care shall be #,aken �o keep aX� waker ext�eflsion� c�ean and �tee fr��n foreiqn al�je�ts. Chlo�inated 1i�e �h�l� be place� in khe �irsk 7aint o$ p3�e o# �he �x�.ens#on ar�d u�o� compietio� o� Y.h� pipe laYl��� �ater sE�all be �rt�.raduced s�awly �or ster��ization, afte�r ��ich �l�e ex#e�skon sh�l� �e tho�ou�hly fl�she� +�itr, cl�ari wate�. �-�fr r�in£orce�ent. �he �oncrete s�all be �DO� YS1 ak 2� �a,ys. C�ass A. �ir� t�inforcement �hall b� six (6� �y six (6} i�ch �o. � �lain �l�ctri� u���ed ��1���tCl�� �B��XC a� �ts equal. � rni�imum �ap �f sxx (5� �nches s�all be used �t ��1 spiices. At the e�q� nf ��e riprap, t�e wire fabri� s��X� ��t b� l�ss t�a� on� ��) i�c�, �o mor� t�a� �hr�� �3} �nches ffom the edqe o� �he co�crete and s�a1� have no kir� pro�ecti�� beyand the last ���ber parallel ta ��� ed�e ❑E t�e cpnc��ke. kei�f�CCe��ri� shal] b� s�p�orted �ro�er�y thro�g�out �h� place�e�� to m�in�ai� iCs positian equidis�ance �ro� the t�� a�d bott�m surt�ce �� the sla�. I# the slop�g �nd bottom �# the trenc� �or ta� wa�l� are dry and na� ca�solidated araperly, the �n�xn�er may require t�e �ntire a��a �o �� sprinklea, o� �prink��d a�d con�olidated betare th� c�ncre�e �s pla�ed. All surfaces shall be moisf wh�� canctete is �laced. �#��r �he c��cr�te ha� been placed, compao�ed, a�d s�a�ed to ca�Eorm ta kh� di�ens��n� �hawn o� khe aia��� �nd a�k�� i� has sek sut�i�ien�ly to av��d slum�inq, the ��r��ce ahal] be �xnished wit.� a wo�den fla�t to sec�re ��easanabl� smo�th su��ac�. 3. �AYM��7': pay�ent for concr�te �xpra� in pxace shal� b� �a�� at the unit Price �id in Che �o���s�� mu��iPiied �y �h� q�antity a� mater�al ��e�. �id �ri�e wil� be �u11 ca�pensatio� �ar pla�z�� a11 makezials, a�d fo� atl 1�bor, t�ol�, equi�m�nfi, �nd incid�n�als n�c��sary �_o com�lete t�e wa��. �ay��nt for al� �e��ssary �xa�vat��n below na�ural qr�und, a�d bottom or sln#e of �he �xcauated eha��e! will be i�c]u��� in t��� bid price. i��� 3! '1'I�l�4YOIiJZRY �'AV�sH�SN"t' HFPJ11k : Th� �ankr�ct�r s�al! �vrQv�d� a te�rsorary ��v�ment r���ir xr�u�ediake�y �tter krench k��rktill �r�d compa��ion usinc� � Ri11111��m at �-�n�� coid mix as�hali�.. 'Fh�.s kemv�rary re�air ahall b� ro�ied ka prov�d� a��rGc�aLh #.��n�,iR.Sae� �et.w�er� khe exis�in� ��ver���rk �nc� the �e���rary reaai�. �°�te utttik pri,ce bi� �nder, khe a�praar�.�t� bid ite�� a� t�e pro�asal sha11 co�rcr all �ost fo� provi�inq t����orsry pave�nent rep�rr f�� ali st�eet� �uks priot to streek re�vr�:,t_ rti� t i o� . r}- �8 �H'1'�'��l�E'1'A1'��N JINL� �kF:�+l�liA���r� �F' Y�€�P{1,�Ti1. : �art c - cet��ral �a�ciitinns, section �2-� [[�'�E1������AmroH A#�a P]�E�ARA7'lON {}N #�R�F'�SAI�x Y�ge C2-� �4} ex�han�e paraqz�phs C2�-2,?, ��y� .8 a�xd �2-� .9 �tit� �i�e Eo� � os�ir�g: C7-2.! U�]�1V�;�Y �� P�p1�U3AL: I�o pr�posal +�i11 be corisidere�d �nl�s� i,t is deXxv�red, accomaanie�i bw its �ra�er g��i Se��,rit�, to the D-i8 --, �phrase ta�Ce � l i s�,ch o�l��x �recautianar�r measures �o take ai 1 reas�r�ab�� necessaFy measuzes. a� 41 C�Mf3INATI�N TUi��O M��'ER WI�H VAElE."� RN� �Y�AS� Gt�S'FA�Lik1`CQN All ��inatior� tu�bo r����z instal�a�ior�s wi�l be �er at�.ac�eB �iqu�� 33 ur�les� �therwise dire�ted �y ti�e �r�gir��e�. �°he �ont�a�t�z� s�ai] Sinql� GeaE �aor� �r sUl�7ect �o vehx��kar driv�w��. use �il�n iype J�3 Mo�e� �0"' x 3f�" 3�e�1 a�prav�d e��al u�Iess the uauik doar i� �ra�fic i.e.: zn a street, �arkint� lot, or �Fh� ar�vropx�ate size cornl�inatian tt�rbo mete� w�th stxai�ner �nci check �alve if requ���ci will be f�rr��shed tn t�i� �o�tra�ta� �ree oE charpe; however, t4se �a�tract�r waiX be regui�ed to pick u� these item�s) at the �'ield ���ratians SQarehous�. Payment f�r a11 �a�rk, r�akerzals, �nd arl r���essary a���rt�nances ��om b�paas �ee t� by�a�� t�e which are r�c�ui��� to pr�vide a compl��.� and �un�tiors�� �orr�bina�io� Turbo M�l�r �nstall�tion ca��piere wa,i�h �ypass azrd �oncre�e Va�li shall 1�� it�clud�d in �he �rice bid to� e�ch. p- �L� ��5F�5P�L Q� S�OIi��F��,C, Mi4't�i�fi1� : Priar ta the ��spc�ssnq o� ar�y spa��lti11 ma�.erxal, the cantracto� shall advise the OiKect�r Q� TX��1sAor�d�k�i1 ar�� �u�lic �t�xks, actir�q as the Cx�y �t Fart 1��rth's Fl�od �'�ai� Rdministrat�r {"�dmir�istratori") i�f the locatian o� aFl sites uk�ere the contractor in��r�ds ta dispose af such �na��rial, contrac��r ��all nat �isn�s� �t surh materiai unlil the p�ap�sed aites have been t3�termin�d by kh�� Acim�r�istrator to m�et the r�a�si�'�me�#s of the Flood Flain c�rdi�a�c� o� the �ity �� �art WartC� {�rdinanc� t�a. 10��6j. All dis�x�s�i sit�es i��ust b� ap�rove� by khe Rdmi�xs�rakor �a ��rsure tha�. fifli�xq is nat oc��rriaq �r�this� a flood plain witr�o�C a perrrGii�. A�]ood pla�n perr�it can be iss�t�d upa� �pprov�l 4E necessa�y ��qineerinc� st�s�ie�. N� �i�l p��mik is r�quired x� dis��sai s�#.e:: are nnt �r� a t�ood pla�n. App�eoual n# the cor�k�ractars dispo�a! sit�s ��all b� ev�denced by a letter s�.c�ned by t�e A�min;strator sLxt�na �ha� the srt� x� n�t in a�Crsown t���d �iain or br a�`lood �laiiti �iil ��.;ri��t authori�i�c� ��l1 w�thir� the flootl plair�. A�Y expenses ass��iated wi�h obtai�in� t�� fitl ��rirr�tf inc��Eu�iinq �i�y neces�ary enqinec��nq S1.4ALI1�4F1 shaj! b� at contrac#.nrs' exp�nse. ]r� ik�e evenl that k.he �onk.ractat c�ispases of spail/�il1 ��ter�a� �t� � siEe ���houk. ��ill p�r�i� or a �����r �ra�n the Admir�i:�trator ap�rovir�g the �is�puaal site, u�on r��tkticakian b� th� ]}ir��tar of �'ra�st�or�ati.o� an� Public Warks, �r�nfractnr s�ia�3 �e��nve #�e sp�i�Jfz�l m�terxal at iks ex�er�s� and �ispose of s�cky materia�s ia accard�r�ce witi� kk�e �r��nar�ces o� the CiLy arsd th�,s �ecti�n. �}- 43 �l���T i��F�� �fNE fH�'fA[�E.ATIOHS : A!i open ��x�� �in� inskalla�ions will be per att�ached ���u.ze 32 un�esa athexwise dir�ct�d by the �t�qine�r. A-2� sh�w�n� the uai�� ot th� wor� aiil �� prepa��d by t�e ��qineer as �aon �s t�e nec�ssary meas�re�ents. co��utatuia�s, and checks c�n be made. mhe amount o� �he esti�a�� wi�l be pa�� k� th� �ont�act�r a�te� a�ce�tance �y �he Wa�er llep�zt�rient �i��c��r. ��avided the �ant�a��or �as turnished tv the �wn�r sati�tactory evidenc� �f �ayme�t as �ol�ows: Priar t� su�mission o� the est�maLe �oK payme��, th� Cantractor shal� �xe�ute an a�fi�av�t, as �urnish�d by the ��ty, certi�yi�q t�a� a11 per�a�s, �irms, associa�io�s, carparatso�s, �� a�her organi�a�io�s Iurnxsh�nq iabor andfor mater�al� �nder tha� �ork orde� have been paid iM f�ll, that ��e �age scale est�b]ashed by Che C�ky Cauncil in the CitY of �'o�t �art� has been paid, and khat khere �re no cla�ms pe�d��q far pers�nal i��ur� a��f�r pr�per#.v d��aqes. Th� acc�pta�c� by the �otxkrta�tu� of t�e indi,vidua� ��y�ent as a�oresai� sha]1 operate a5 �nd shal� rel�aa� t�e own�rs fram a�l claxms or liabiIit�es und�r �he �ontrac� �oz• anythinq don� or f�rnkshed or rela�inq t� �he wor� X�rx��r tha� Work �r�er �r any ack or n�ql�c� �f sa�� Ctiky rela�i�q �� or �annec��d �it� �h� �ontra�t. The rnakiflv o� �h� �ayme�t �� the �wne� shall not relfeve ��� �antractor of any qu�r�nt��� or otkt�r requ�r�n��nts �€ khe �o��ract I�ac�unen�a which s�eci�ie�lly can�ir�x►e the�ea#�er." 8idde�'a IniCia�� n- �� w�{rH:r� s�r��r.�; s�1F�ari�� : ��r���ala : Alf water s�r���Sa�� stat�on �instaliatians �i1I b� per at��ac�,�d #�iq�re 3�4 or as re�uir�d ie� �1a,rq� c�ater m�ter v�ulrs as p�� Fkqute 33 ��n�ess otherwis� d�r�c��c� by �he Er��i�eer. �1'h� aa�ro�ria�e water �ampiinq station wili b� �ur�ish�d ta tixe �or��r�rtor �ree �i charc��; h�weve�e, k�e �on��actor wi�i be requ�ir�d to pick up tEtis �t�n� aC �he �'ie�d O�era�ior�s �arehouse. ��rr��r�7� ���� rr�;��r�� s� �r��T�t���T�o�s: P�y���nt for all wc�rk ���d mate�iais nec�ssar� �oK kh� ins�allatizvz� of th� 3�4�inc� �.ype 1# co�rper serva ce 1 ine wa ]� be six�i ��e i�t�:lufled in ti�e �ric� bi� �or r��per Serv�ce L€r�e fz��� Ma�n t❑ M�k.�r . �ay�r«nt �or al� aror� �nd �ate�xals rrecessary ��� ti�e �nstal�ation tap sadd�e {�� req��red�, car�ora�ian sto�s, a�d �i�Cinqs �hall ixe incl�ded ir, khe prYce bid #�r service 7`��s �a �iain. �ayrnent far axx w�or3� �nd materi,als necessary �or �h� ins�allatiae� at t�se sar�G�l�na akat��n, �oncrete ��ippart i�l�ck, �url� stop. �itt�nqs, ar�d an k�icid�:ntal �-ieek o� type i{ �app�r ser+rice line which arc reg�ire� k� �r�vid�* a co�rpkete and f�nctz��al wa�er san�pinq �tat�on sk�al� b� �nclutE�d in the price bid �or Water Sa�n�ie il�?� 1, �'��N�H ���AVA'1'���: �� a�cor�anee wi�h Sectio� E2-2 �x�avation and �a�ktill, if th� �taked �a�im��G tre�ch widths �re excee�e�, �zl.her �_hrc�M�q1'� accider�t or atY�erwi�e, ar�$ if tk�e [:nvineer dei;ermi�es thaL' the desiqtt laadi�t�s ot the pipe wfl� b� �xceeded, tY�e Gor�t.ract�r w��l be r��>>ixe� t.o su�pport �h� �i�� �it.t� an im�raved trench b�ttam, �rhe expense of such re��d�a� �easur�s �hali be er�tirely� th� �ontrac#�r's �wn. Rli t�enchinq �pera�.ions shal � i�e con�i.n�d ka tF�e wi�th a� pe{maaertt rxc�hts-�f-waY� pe�ma�xent easem�r��s, ar��i ar�}� ter��arary �constr�tclian easements. A1� �xcavatian sha� l� be irt s���c� compl �an�e wf Ch the Z'K���h �af ety SY�ter�s ���cial Cnndikior� �# this da�uu��nt. 2. "�R�C�G1� aR��tFIG�: Tr�€�ches ui�ic�► li.e �ut.side af existi,r�q or ��tu�� pavem�nt s�all be backii�led a�ove tkse t�p �� t�� s�e�m�nt �ateria! uiii� '�}�pe 'iG'� ba�k�ill material. �xcavat�� materia] used tor 'a'Yv� „�" ba�k�ill m�sk be mecharii�a�]y com�sact�d ur�Ies� th� �antractor �an t��nisl� �he �n�irreer with s�k�startor� es�idence that t�x� �'.1. �� �he ex�ava��d material is 1e�s thar� 8. �uc�s evid�nce st�a�l be a k�st re�oz�� Erom an a.ndep�nden� testi�q labar�tory and r�ust ir�clud� r�presen�atsve samp�es �� soi�s in all ir��ra�v�d ar�as, with a map showinc� �l�e �acat��n and �ep�h af t�e va�xa�s tes� hales. if �xcavated ma#.er�a� is ��viottsly �ranular ir� natuz�, �an�a��inq littl� or no �vl�stic ma�erial, the �nqineer may r�ai�re th� �est rreporC �equirement. �ee �l.-?.3. '1'YP� �•�" af "R" Esacktill, and �'t-�.�1 �'re�ch 13ack€ill t�r a�diti�nal req�iK��nents. Wh�n Typ� ,�C'� back- �il� mat.cria� �s not� suitable� at t.he d.ire�tior, of the �nqinee�, '�Ype "�'� i�ac€cti 1 l materia! shal � b� u��c#, ln �eneza�, ��1 ba�k�ill r��ke��al tar trenches i.n exisk�rro �aved �treets sha11 �e �n accordan�e wit.l� �'i�ure A, Sand mat�Kial speciti�d in �'icture A sha] 1 b� obta�rr�� �rom ar� a�pp�cove� source an� sF�all��n�ist� �f dura�ale ��rti,c�es free of ti�in �z ejot���t�d piec�s, 1x�mps a� claY, soi1, 1aan, or ve9eka�le �ra�t�r �nd sha11 meet the t�ll�win� qradatiar+: Sixe Sieve � �t��aine� �4 �'� �1� �-?6 (p.i. = 8 or less} ���e 5ieue �SQ �10� ���� $ �etairs�c� Q-5� 60�4� '�0-lU� �. TR���M ��ld��AC'�'iOH; All tre��h back�il� shall be placed in lif�s a�r ���L.9 13�ck�ill. '�renci��s �rl�ich 1i� outside exi�ti�q ar ir�turc pavements sha� 1 h� �or�pa�t�d t.� a minimum o� 90� Sta��dard Qroctor ��n�ity {A.S.'1'.M. q696} b� �eans ot �ec�+a��cal l:ampi�q onl y, 7'r�nct�e:� whi�h iie unc�er �xi9tin� �r �nture pavem�nt sha13 b� back�illed ��r Fic�ur� A �a�th 95� s�.andard Fractor O�ns�ty �y 7e1.�inc�, m�chanti�al t.a�«�ir�q, or s�ambir�atio� oi: method�. �ac�Cfill mat�rial ta be w���in +�- 4� �f �ks opt�murn n�oisCu�e c�n C e�t . 7'h� t. r�p trxc� ( 2} f eet of s���r � ir�e t r�nches and the ta� eiqhta�� I�8} inr,h�s o� w�ter iz�� may b� rolled ir� wklh heavy �aKKiprrGer�t tires, p�a�aded it_ is p�aceci in i�tts apprn�iate ka i]y�A C t iY QF FORT �Oidi�3 MIl:N1e'aY �'�'��i'['�I�N .� C�,ASS�FICaTIOh PRF�'�ILI`G b�GE RAT�G f�R 1��� RATE CLASSf �iC�'Ti�l� �d,�l'� asPHaLT HEa�'FR �F�FRAi�� ASP!{aLi R�KER �SP[�i�eL�' SHOt� ELgR ��TCHI�iC PL�N°i' b�ICHER �A'�TER�OA�D S�'ER �ARP�'�R CARPE��ER . i��L�I�R C�H�Ri°� FI�IISi��R { �AV 1 CO!�iCRI�TF fiIVISHER 1�LPR � PAY 1 CpNCR�.i£ EI!�ISI�£R f i'R51 CO�iCREig F I� F SHER H�.PR ��"T`AS 1 co!�c�e�e �c�s��� �L�ECiR Ir I �� €�.�G`I'RICI�� HELP6It FLAGG�R FOR� St'T LDF'R { .'�`tRS � �ORM Bl'.I LD�R H].PR � S'I`�dS 1 FO��t LINER �'OR�S S�I'I'ER { P4Y d f:l'R� % �'0�."4 SiTER f�LPii ( PAY 8 CL��� 1 �'OR�'4 SE'iTER l SI'�tUCI'l'RE� ) FU�"9 SETT�R }dLPR ( S�I'�S ) LA�ORER. Cflf�lO'� F.��ORE�. L�i'IL�7Y !;1�GH.�V I �" I�4�CH�MIC HELPE� OI �ER �1�Rd I C �� PI�.�DRI4'ER PI�EI.�YE�3 QIp1�L�YER NELP£R �i.A�T� �Iy14S'F�R R�LPER sl0.25 ��.�65 ��.2�5 �9.375 tB.920 �q.��i E7.�95 i�.3�� 58.1�+� �g.05� �%,�9a 87.7:�'� s��.��s �@. �36 �> ;9� 48.g1? t7•.55�? 5�.913 Bb.��g E7.7�� a�.��� ��.356 �F.s�2 Si.a61 Si0.6S� ��.3�a� B�.b9� � � . ! �•e S�.S00 s�.sa4 57.037 t11.333 81.�50 �� . E�rr �rr o���wts ASP€�.��.T DI �'i'R I �lTn€t AiPH�LT �A'�'T\r �1('�'II�L �R00l,1 �R fi�fEPl�R �3PFR�T(1� �ITLLD���f� , 1 i0 �P Q4� I.F.:;S ��T3.LDOZ��t. OV�fd 150 [�i' COI��R�I'E Pa� I�C c:l.'RING !4�?(� CA�i�RE11� Pl6� �'I�ISHrNC l4Af� CONCR�� P��'iNG FnR."t r,R�D�:R COtiCRkTE P�t•'T!�� -I(1[�''I' �SA('Fi. co!�CRETk Pa�'i�C JOi*d�' s�aLR CO!�CRETI� Pt��' I�r FLO�T r,OyCR�'F� P�1'i�r, Sa� co�ea�re �a�� t�c ���R�.a�F� SLiPFORl9 kaeMi!�E CR�.L'L.CLA!1�HELL. BAc'ItHOi.F• [��RRjCK. flR���1.1\F. �H�ti'E]. � LESS THA� f 1/2 C'Y f cR��E.CL��isF3E1.L. BaCKNOi.E. DERRICK. DRa�LI�E, St3oYEL t i l/ 2 CY & 0�� �R � CidLS}�I�1C OR SCR!�C PLT OPR. F4R�9 LOADI�R FOl?�DA'�i0t� A�iLL nPERaTO� r e� a�t,e� ��-r�n � FOL�DA�'I0� D�3TLi. OFE�dAI'�R � TRI�K WOI�TE� � FO��'a�TIO� �RILL �PR �IEtFER FROldT END LOAD��t +� 1/2 CY OR LESc► FRONT E�D LO�DER �ov� 2 iia c�� HOIST t DOUB�.E Qltl'�( h L�SS � $fl• a0 g4.Qi'� ��.�n� ��. 7f�i g9 .1 �+� ��.233 �9.�5� s�.54n $4.8�� l7.350 ��,$�5 gg.?Qn �9. �sa ae.00a l0.�1� $i0.ili ��.500 S12.Q00 sin.no� 41l.13� �8.b�� 5�.�2'� 59.311 8�.917 I riTY �F' F+�R� bOR7b HIGH��Y �n'��.�i'Rl'("'iifl\ PREYaiLT�C �'aGE RaTE� Fnf,` 1a�2 CL�SSIFIC�TiO� RaTE CLaSSIFIC:d7I�w RaTF F�idER.ERUIPl9E�fi' OPERAT'URS PD1dF:�3.F.qt11PP1�i' OPERA'Y'iH�S YILbItiG !�AC�1iNE OPERA'FAR �ISd�R {OV�R lb C.F.� �II1��R ( ib C. F• 8 LESS f p���� GOIdCR�'Y'E P�YiNC t�fl'TOR GRAD�R QPE&ATOI� ( FIN� GR�A�� 1 !9d'�'OR f�RADER OPgRAT4R PaY�Eh"P HARKIVG �.aCi�I!�E POSTHO�E i}RI4LER OPERATOR �OLLER . STEEL �I�EEL � Pi.�h"T��IX PAYE*IE,4?S t ROLLER. STEEL NKE€L � Fi.A'C'f�'HE�L OR Tr�FiP I NG � R9LLER. PWE[1�4AT'IC S�LF- FROP SCRAPERp 1% C.Y. � LESS SCRAPER- OYER 17 �:.Y. s r a� �ao�r TRACI'OR� CR��L�R TYPE �150 HP 8 LESS1 TRACY'OR� CR�i�LER �'YP� �ovE� i�o �p� 1�AC7'0� �PN�L�i.ATIC . '�RAYELIVG F�IXER 'I'RE?�]Ci�INC KA�HI?�E-I.IC}fT 'i�2�1CHING lKACHINE-HEAVY t6.650 8Q.04i1 �7.913 t9.500 S1Q.3a6 l9.891 �fi.�112 5�.��Q 5�.339 �i.9fi3 i7.dD3 SR. 13� BA . 2�15 Sq.7Q� �S.�a� 8�.�13 3i.735 �7.b15 �8.l88 81�.29� kAG04-DRILL. ��►RI�r `9:�CM1tiE RFII�FORC'I!��� �"I�F� .^.•FTTFR � P��lvr, a REI!iF0€3CIVC STEEL SETI'�R � S"I`�L'C'IL'RAL � REINFORCING STEEL SE'IT£& E�L� SI'EEL �flRKER-S'1'Rl'('R�R.4L SICti i�RECT�R s�c!� ER£c7nR H�L��R SPRF�D�fi B�}( ��4'FRi7�?R BARRIc'aDE SE�t4'I�EA ?�r�F ��. �3Ut�1'I'FP STG:� [tiSTa;.LEF � t PER!t�VE\? 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P -.S�f'rII�'�—L%/r�� _ _ ._ � 0 � E°or'�P���oP �/�// ba ����siP�d to �+'�� rr�s�tf" i��ci/� rc+i�i� �6OeC1iv� �Nd�'O! -- ,• _ -- r�� ��z..�..��,�m��iaS�rit���ir�ivri�`' ¢�� /�6�E�/�� �.� �� !d/�� f3' �•` .a°%�� i�I°%��ii S`�Pre+i�°t '' �� /'�O�l�� �� �/A��. � , ��j'�.��\ynV��'ftRv -- -' --- , _ I�/���� �%%/� � � ��P�90i+@� �J� / � �/�i� �°�%! �F�� ����v ���I��6��f0I9 I/'°�Ii7 �}�'%'��5� � ��ii*��P �l�NiCe d�`f��// f�� ii'?��� o�y ��/9�/i�C'0��% ���� ����� ���������� F�T �4d��riTF�. `T�f�A� � ���� ����'�� ������ �/� ���� /� u � � �� � � ��_ } Rev. 9-�z ��o �� -- —. _ . _.,._ = r�..�. ._ _ ..,. � , ._ — . , . , _. o -----.- - --- - y _.-.----- �-- - . - - - . - -. _ . —... _. � � � � i I i 1 - 1 _ I � �� `�� � � __ _ _ _ � � �_ _ _. _ _ _... _. � I� .� � �° i � 1 �j��7��f �O° vtP � �`a �••�'�/ta!/�l�E'C. , �rd�/�S'� _.y_- � � .y�.}tj �*r�'•�4�. ,� �/'°•g ' � � �f /�,'�N�R� ., ; • :`b:`�"i:v''r �,�`#� ;��, . � � '. �+_ � _ , . . , �, �..� ' � � ... ' � �� �� � � � ��. .� � ,. . � ■ .�� �: �: �iiri..� ' t7/���'@�. �//91��J�� � g�. -- - � � . �� .�� ���,�s ��.�, �s� �,��. �� 1� 1� , Il . { I � �I'�1� �Ai�� DEPA�ii��N`i • � � � �t�tT +�V���°F�. 1� � x �a � � � ��!%°��/�����'��J�/ �'°I�� e�aS/%�/G�r � . �� ?"�:d4 /l� � ����/�� 3 , ��v. 9-iz -�n �� _ . , - -- -. - - - ----- - — - .� ��._�...._�— = .._- .�__, G�iERFiY. COIdSfiRIICTYON idOTE� l. Ap�I�cable c�esign and detail� sh��l co�fo�m �.� "General Ca���.rac� �ocu�►e�t� a�� Specification� fog �►at�� �e��r��en� �ra��c���� f�eay e�����iv� Jt�l� 1� 19'��, ui�t� the �ate�� reva�i�ns. �. A1� flo�iz�n�ml ialo�ki�q, ��a�le b�ock�n�, �fld ver�i�al �fe�dow� blockir�� to b� ifl accord�flee w��� �'ig. (s) 9, 1�, ar�d �1 af �he G�D. �. �ixe hydrants �h�il be �.�ca�e� a�nir�i�u� af 3'-p'� beri�rtc� ��� face of cu�ia pe� ��g. � GC�. 4. ��l qa�e valve �n�ta�l��ion� for �i�e� up �� �2" ar� �� b€ per �fg. 3�C� and sf�es ��" and lar.ger �'ag. � GC�. 5. Z'�e proposed �aa�er and/ca� sewex r�a��� a� times wil� �� laid close tQ othe� exis��.r�g utili�ie� arid ��x�uc�u�e� botl� abave and below �he ground. �he can�xac�or sh��, make ne�ess�xy provision� for tl�e �uppart and �ro�ec��or� o� ��1 u���f�y p�le�, fen�es, tree�, �hxub�i gas �a�n�, t�le�t�one eab�es, TU cable�� drainage pipes, u+ci���y s�rvfce�, and a�l oti�er u�ilitie� and s�ructure� bo�h above and be�ow tY�e groun� durinq cons�ruc�fofl. �t i� the contrac�or's respan��biL�ty to no�ify a�l u��,�ity ownex� pr�.�� �o any cons�ructi�r� �� ��e area and ve�.�g� �t�e actual loca�ior� of all buried u�il��t�� tha� �ay or �ay not be sl�own on the plan�. The contxact�� sRall preserve and g�o�ect a�l unde�graunci an� ovexY�e�d fa��iiti.es and be xesgonsible fox any da�age he �ay cau�e �o tt�e�. �he �on�xactox shall con�a�t �He following @�ea�� 4� hou�� prfo� �� exca�a�ing a� each �oca�ion: �'ox+� �dorth Wa�ex D�par��ent F4x� Wox�& �'xansporta�.ion & Pub�ic Woxk� Ligh� an� �ign�� �a�vision T�one ��ar Ga� Comgar�y '�exa� U��.�i�y Servi�e �ompany Southwesfe�n �e�l Telephone Co�pan� Wes�ern Unio� Cable Division �ammons Cab�e T.v. ��i—��o6 8i1��10� Metro (214) 263-3�44 �36��32� �ntexprise 980� (a14) �39�19�@ 73i�493� 6. Contractor sha�l verify the e�eva�iar�, canfigurati�fl, anc� angulatian ef exis*cin�1 line priax� �o construc�iofl o� tie��n �a�erials. �uc� veri.f�cation s}aa�l be considexed a� sub�id�ax�+ cos� eg pxojec� and no addi�ional campensa�i+�n will t�� allowe�. �levation ad'us��en�s at connectians may be made r�i�Ch bend�, offse��, �x �oin� deflectiion�. m�l nons�andar� bend� shal� b� made usinc� �He closest standax�d M.J. fitt��ng� r��.th fh� requ�.red 'oan� de.flec�.ions. (deflec�ions no� �o excee� manufac�uxer's reco�nended deflec�aon pex joi��) 7. Con�ractor shall keep a� least one lane of �rafg�c ope� a� all �imes during construc�iofl and access �o �11 places of business and xes�de�ce a� a�l �i�es.(xe€erence C5�6.5 GC�j �. N� excavated �a�erial�, bae�fi�i ma�eri��s, equ���e��, og supplies shall be stored within floodways or dra�nag� easeme�ts.(�eference C6�6.S GCD) 9. Trenche� wh�cH lay outs�de exis��nq ar fu�uxe pavement� ���11 be baekfilled above �he �op of the embedmefl� wfth ���g "�" baekfil� �a�er��l. wher� Type "G" backfil� material is n��. sui�ab�.e, at �ha direc�ion of the �ngineeg� �yp� "�" �+ateri�l shal� be use�. �,11 backfi3.1 �aterial shall be compac�ed t� � mi.ni�um of 9�$ proctor densi�y by means of �ampar�q vnly. Trenches �rhich cross undex exis�ing o� fu�ure paver�ent shal�� be bac�filled per �'ig. 'tA" with 95� pzoc�,or der�sity by je��.ing, �anping, or a combina�ion �f such me��od�. �0. Ri� eleva�ior�� c�f the propased sar�i'�a�� sewer manhoies ir� repa�red s�ree�.s are shown as rinal fin�sHed grades ifl �he�e p�a��. 'I'hey shall be cons��ruc�ed fio ��'� be�.o�t fina� f�nished c�rade by utili�y contxac�or an�d ad�us�.e� by pavir�g cor��ract�� �n accordance wi�h �'ag. M of tY�e spec��l contxac� docu�aen��. Manhole iflserts and conc�e�e co�lars sriall be ins�al�ed wHe�e indica�ed or� �he plans per F-1a0�4 and �'�g. �,zl af �he spe�i�l contrac� documen�� respectiveby. ��andard f�u� �'oot diame�e� manhozes shall be f� accordanc� wi�h sec��on E2A, �'�.�. �(?3 and F'ig. �04 GCD, s�andard four fao� drop access manflo�,es pe�' Fig. 107 GCD, and s�allaw manholes per Fig. b05 GCD. 11.The top of the water lines shal� be a minimu�a vf 3'-6�� belv� t�►e to� of �he curb for �2" ar,d smaller �a�.�s� excap� w�ex� o�her+aa�s� shoran on �hese plan�. i2.All wa�cer me�ers shall be pZaced or reloca�ed 3'�0" be�ind �rie face o€ �he proposed curb o� as direc�ed by t�e Et�gineea�. 13,AIx exa�s�ing water s�:rvices shall be rep�aced w�t� g" mbri�mum, copper '�ubing unless a Iargex� siz� �s indica�ed on the �lar��. Corporatiort s�ops sha3.� be fully openec� prior �o �rench backfill. Curb staps wit� lock w�.ngs shall be tes�ed �or g��.� g�.ow �rhen �he system is pressure �ces�.ed. Extend 1" water sexvices to those lots whex� �o water services have been extended ��. Laca�e these serv�ces a� nor�a3 lvca�ion� vx as di�ec�ed by �he �ngineer. a.The nornal �ocation of wa�:er service l�nes shall be 5� eas� or nort� of the cen�er of �he proper�y frontag�. b.For 4�� ox �.ess lo� frontage, al� wa�e� serv�ce� s�all b� placed 18" fro�a the east ox sou�h property li:n�, , � , i � . �, r 0 YY�I��I� ��`T����I� ����K IN�`���L�ilO� SUPPLY MAIN �;� ' i _ .� � �l R1� �1 N � � - � . Y '- � 1 � � .; ,� � �R�)U,�.��r�� ��-r���_ � a a ��_ r. p/9�' � _�.�� . 0 0 � j � � P��1�� . � iE� (�� �A���'ING i��y . � ��i� 1lr��VE (� 1�A�1�� �OX � �O�►�� . � �4 Ni�i�� �o� .t���4S� � } � ��A►NG�D C�I��LIN� ��APiI�� � ���" �u�� ��o� � � � ���� c��c� d���� � 1 � � � �a����i�� � ������ro� �r��ca ��� 1 � �o����uc�ri�� p �/� ��/� i��i�R � ���ilr��s ., „ . � �o � �� � �rnr� � � � � � � � � ' J.RAK�; . _ � - - �'` .� � _ �9.�f._4-15_�2_ _ _ - ._ _ - - - -- - - � � ���� � "; � --=-=�_= ====__��s � � , � � '���� � � � ; ��I"Y� ���� '4 y . . �� 3000 P51. AT L� afiY f.ONC11iT£ MRTH d_'1T.M 3- - - . ' F ., j aR� so K�i. �i�a�ec���y� i� : . � ;; .�; � sl�It�ca.e.r.m. e-a�e' < . . ' .. � . ��-; � ; IS'E 511AP B r�3� �O B 15 CT}I_ . f!� S�ARo['s . . . �y��l2 �, IE�p1�p010 �,tl '!� • � P� � �'t� � - _— � S� r LAR�lR 11HIG@ YAU�t �. ` ' � '�: - M51� Fll[tJff9� � '.� :�f r .,�; :,h'�'v'" :tY � RCE�1! .II�YIS , . � 9 r;�• - `��?�i.`.. . i�w7 iaw-i Fi¢.ir n� �r. '. . . ' � . ,"�• - } n �� � 'k ;_ . fr�. I - - .+ u.�,i � ., . „. . ' , 7" �Ih 5 � i''; A � ,� • V �• af_yr � + � ` �. � . • � „ . p �r , orxcrn� ;. �_a�...utr� . is, io a^ `. w f ' � �EI1. a e � � :. F 8 n = . . S � � (7'RPO �!L w � �' L7R. ' . �� rr i� � I F---- �� I . lFde ao[� "' �-�f �+_�' dY . 1 r.- I ih-' OPM6.) 7r r � � ���� . _ � ^' _ D�RECTION ' ' � � �. ''• J j'� Q�y� I — � ir0.R{T7'P.1 ; � 2 O " �__� �.� _ _S _ _ 6 � jIy'.�. � �� '{o . �� • � 3 ,a�. - ,\": 2 3 = �'r'�'• �e1 � .� . ITrP1 ' _.. "?..� , , DRAit! � �•. - �J • . • CUFB� ' �/a�°11R'ql� ` • � F ' � , a I e" � B a, ` i s� e� cne_ , � . . C-C � c � a'-4' - r ' - �^ - � _ A � _. 6 4' - - �CTIO� "�; ' � ' - . • VAULT � PLAIV • ,x,,,�: , � � . � ��1 �� ��—*mrr�ocs +uao rxrae�nLo ' ''. ' RIS�R E711CK,44.5.T,4_ C-D2J RT C ��` .`-�- • _ .. FaBT [I&�. SsfiAFl et4 BP ,�,���YING SURFACf 17i� � ,�� �_ � � � . � w� �I 'iT' R !-!9l�11 T{EtdON� 1 �- . �wf6'. � + s-•s- Oosx nct9 �, �� I/�� , L_A�E (fl 4F T� N�E �GFIIERAL C47V7RACT OOCU11lEtd� � �7'ER IS TllS II II j � lQ7ER SF2E WITNf-OlCM � . . �` r_�• _I_ 3�_�. � r_�� � 2-1F1L+LVE 0lERATiIIG NUT IS MORE Tk,4N I31F'E�T � b1A. Q7`P0.S� f011 FIRE PROT�7!(!�. t� OIW4INO dl PAVPII'i .AAtFACE. PR6VI6E EXTEl�p� � � :�, 1ACCESS OPH4� . }�� rT . .. �O 0!�-FOOT BElOW q�yRm �t PR'YINB 9lAiFA6E. x�lL.l 91l71EEl� N�Td��r n7p.� '� 4I 3: �C,('�F,'�k�S OPENING CE'NTF,11Fv py�R METER_ '�4Q7W10 T1'lE.a 1L{ H-20 LOa01Nfi-24�e�°�;,,, Fp� ,r�6 c04ER '� z • 13 ' y B 7 i MA7tK�D"WATER`GCRlNLL7IROQ.2�"�40�}ORQ�LhL, ' �. • '' C.j MO�E M^20 LOACRIG'90'�56� 6Tl.'ffh �IOLE L,EAP OOpR, qRECI'1d� � ' ✓ ~ �IL{0 TYlE .1mllqGEt R!! E47ML. ' f 4' Cd�IC1lETL° �INISHE9 $yALL �E !!p p� ��p OF FLOW _ MIUF[T1M1Mf ,_ .- � . ' � � F��' ' � SFCTtWI E2-ZO OFGE1iERAt COIITRACT pp� ' .� 3 .• � ; •'.'r', '�2 � ., � S- L�l ►�Otl'E7NYLE�¢lrt]W�7tOM6 T1e1WOM!lRL4YlITF[ . , � �r=�.:..- ,. _�� . . � N I .. GK9GlR'1 . • f � 7UR HV HL45 1 Y!� 7'Cp� MIOaM CE![k0 7 . y B '� ` 6''6' B- . C. � PIPE Y �I�II�iG GIIlEM�IOIM� ' ` � � - �1ZE �i9. � B i ' 4lQE841d6R�E�E� aq�'p1.fR Vl9f�T f I !S _ I C 0 E F p G X 1 :�NS�A�.�V�iO�E W�aU d��1R.� 3' • i" �S-O' 2''l�:•-.� r•r a a�-a• i-r r-e- r•s ' �s� CONC PIPE FOR 3Utl? } .--_- • ,• .- �s� r-�� f f x•-r r-c o• x•-r r-r �•-a• r�e• • �[�pE} S� TIO�d � u �SEC7i0lV "A-i�N �� �� ' e4s s-a� s•-xf :••c r-i r-a�• a=no r-a• v-a- � ' � COMP4LT BaSE f7R ecue: �o�a a' �' e' �s:�• a-o P.o- :'e �� Ry ' r•6` /-0• � IMIOISTLltBE� EARTH w" f �, .' , uy°'s''o" +-°� �'b' r-o' a'.��-eti' �•-a- u�•� . ` ` — �� —` ` � � � _ - ' , .. �.._, �... � �� ���a ,�l . " ' "�— � . , �� _ .� _. . ,w , „ FI'rT1NG5 & MA��RTAL LIST 3-INCH METE� WITH 2-INCH �X�ASS �or �igure 33 1. 4-Inch X 2-In�h �ron�e Tap Saddle (Double 5trap} wi�h Cor�oration Stap (�lared). 2, 4-Inch D.I. �ipe (Cl�ss 51} 3. 4-I��h Gate Valve (Mech. Joint/Retainer Gland) 4. 4-Ynch X 3-Inch Reducer {Mech. Jaint/P.E.) �ith 3-Inch D.I. Flanged AdaQt�� 5. 3-Inch CQmbination-Turbo-Meter, Fla��e (�urchased b.y ' Contractor From Water Aept.) 4-Inch X 3-Inch Reducer (Flanqe) 6. 4-Inch Flange Couplinq Adapter I � 7. 4-Inch Bronze Tap Saddle (2-lnch Tapsize); 2-Inch dia. Brass C�a.pple (Thread); 2-Inch Bzass Gat� Valve (Thread) and 2-Inch Brass Pluq (Thread} 8. 2�Inch coppsr Tubinq (TYF� �����) 9. 2-Ineh 50� Elbow► {�'] ared} 14. 2-Inch Brass Gate Valve with (2) w-Inch Brass Male F`itting Adap�er {Flanged to Thread) 11. 5]./�-Tn.ch C.I. Val�e B�x ar�d cover (Marked "Water"} �3. 4-Inch Bronze Tap Saddle (3/4-xnch Tapsize); 3/4-Inch dia. Brass Nipple (xhread}; 3/4-Inch B�ass Gate Valve ('�hread} and 3/4�Inch Brass Pluc� (Thread� (This t��tlet is for Water Sample Statian AttaChmen� when Required) i � I <� � I I FYTTINGS & MAT�RIA� LIST 4-iNCH METER WITH 2-INCH HYPASS For Figure 33 1. 4-Inch X 2-Inch Branze Tap Saddle (Dauble 5trap) with Cazporation 5top (Flared}. 2. �-Inch A.T. Pipe (Class 51) 3. �-Inch Gate Va]ve {Mech. Joint/R�tainer Gland) 4. 4-xnch U.i. Flanged Adapter 5. 9-Inch Combinatinn Tubro-Meter, Flanqe (Purcha5ed by Con�ractar �rorn Water Dept.} fi. 4-Inch Flange Cou��ing Adapter 7. 4-Inch �ronze �ap Saddle (2-Tnch Tapsize); 2-inch dia. Brass NipQle {�hread); 2-Inch Brass Gate Va�ve {Thread) and 2-Inch Bxass Plug (Thread} 8. 2-Inch copper Tubing {Ty�e "K'") 9. 2-Ynch 90� Elbow (Fxared} 10. 2-Xach Brass Gate Valve wxth {2) w-Inch Brass Male Fitting Adapte� (Flanqed ta Thread) - 11. 5 1/4-Inch C.I. Va�ve Box and cover (Marked "Water"} 1.3. 4-Inch Bronze Ta� Saddle (3i4-Inch, Tapsize); 3J4-Inch dia. Bzass Hipple ('I'h�e�d}; 3/4-Xnch Brass Gate Va1ve (Thre�d) and 3/4-znch Brass p�ug (Thread} (Thi.s outle�. is �or Water Sample Station Attachment when Required) .� FITTINGS & MA���YAL LIST, 5-INCH METER WITH 4-INCH BYPA85 �or �igur� 33. 1. 6-Inch X 5-Inch X��Inch D.I.Tee (Mech. Jain��Retainer Gland) 2. 6-Inch D.I. Pipe (Class 51) 3. 6-Inch Gate dalve (Mech. �oint/Retainer Gland) 4. 6-Inch D.I. �laaged Ada�ter 5. 6-Inch Combznatio❑ Tubra�Mater� Flange {Purchased by Cantractar Fram Water Dept.} 6. 6-In�� �lanqe Cflupling Adap�er 7. 6-Inch Bron�e Tap Saddle (2-Inch Tapsize); 2-Inch dia. Brass Nipple (Thread); 2-inch Brass Gate Va1ve (Threadj and 2-Inch � Brass Pluq (Thread} , 8. 4-Xnch D.I. Pipe (Class 5Z) 9. 4-Inch D.T. 90� Send (Mech. Jaint/Retainer Gland} 10. 4-Inch Gate Valne (Mech. Joint/Retainer Gland} 11. 5]/4-Inch C.I. Valve Bax and caver tMarked "Wate�") �3. 6�Inch �ronze Tap Saddle (�/4-inc� Tapsiz�); 3/4-Inch dia. �rass N�ppla (Thread}; 3j�-Inch Bra�s Gate Valve (Thread) and 3/4-Inch Brass �lug {Thread} (This ou.tleti is for Water Sam�le 5tation Attachment when Required) � 0 �ITT,INGS & MAT��I�L LIST_ 8-INCH METER WITH 6.-INCH_BXPASS Fo�., F'igure _.33. 1. 8-Tnch X 8-inch X 6-Inch D.I.Tee (Mech. Join�/Retainer Gland) � 2. 8-Tnch D.I. Pi�e (Class S�) 3. S-Xnch Gate Valve {Meeh. Jo�nt/Retair�er Gland) �4. 8-Tnch D.I. Flanged Adaptez 5. 8-rnch Combination Turbo-Meter, Flanqe {Pur�hased by ContraGtor Frnm Water Dept.) 6. 8�Inch F'lanq� Couplinq Adapter 1. 8-Inch Bronze Tap 5addle (2-Inch Tapsize}; 2�Inch dia. Brass Nipple (Thxead); 2-Inch Brass Gate Vaive (Thread) and 2-Inch Brass Plug (Thread) 8. 6-In.ch ]].I. Pipe (Class Sl} 9. 6-Znch D.T. 90� Bend (Mech. ,7oin�/Reiainer Gland} ].0. 6-Inch Gate Valve {Mech. Joi.nt/Retainex Gland} �1. 5�/4-Inch C.I. Valve Box and caver (Marked "Water") J.3. 8-inch �ronze `�ap Saddle {3(4-Inch Tapsize); 3/4-Inch dia. Brass N5.pp1e (7'hread); �/�4-Inch Brass Gate Valve (Thread) and 3/4-Inch Brass Plug {Thread} (This outlet is for Water Sample 5tation Attachmen� when Requirea} � � �'ITTINGS & MAT�RIAL LIST 1 � 10-INCH METER WITH 6-INCH BYF'A�� - F'ar , Fic�u.re . 33, ]., 1G1-Inch X 10-Inch X 6-Inch D,I.��� (Mec�. Join�./Retainer Gland) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 fl . �. �. . ].3 . 1�-In�h D.I. Pipe {Class 5�.} 14-Tnch Gate Val�e (Nlech. Join�/Retainer Gland} 10-Inch b.I. Flangec� Adapter lU-Inch Cambinat�.on Turbo-Meter, Flange (Purchased bx Cont�actar �'rom Water Dept.) 10-Inah Flange Caupling Adapter �.0-Inch Bronze xap Saddle (2-Inch Tapsi�e}; 2-Inch dia. S�ass Nipple (Thread}; 2-Inch B�rass Gate Valve (Thzead) and �-In�ri Brass Plug (Thread} 6-Tnch D.I. Pipe (Class 51} b-Tnch D.T. 90� Benei (Mech. Joint/Retainer Gland} 6-Inch Ga�e Valve (Mech. �oint/Retai.ner Gland) 5 1/4-Ineh C.I. Valne Box and cover (Marked "Water"') 10-inch B�onze Tap Saddle {3/4-Inch Talasize); 3/4-Inch dia, �r�ss Nipple (Thread); 3/4-Ir�ch Brass Gate Valve (Thread} and 3/4-Ineh Brass Plug (Thread} {Th�s ou�ie� is for Water Samp�e Statian Attachment when R�qu�.red) � --r--�•�� �ar�����. c.asr � �� � A� SPan��Pdi � Corpor�tAo� SBop�+a/%p S��'d[e w��ve Peqcnire� � ��� QQ SPand�E� � C¢trb 5�op S, 9��E�ho�a. �.� � � �`y�� �K �m�per Servoc� Lirt� �D Eclips� �� �lo. 86 Sare�pf Q�cy Sta4io� �rieh p2 �� �epll7 09 �¢�Py. � 2`x 2' Concr�4� �a�o �lcess��� Covoc�eee �2500�) w/# � 0 �i�b0��qi I2 C`C EClCF� yu�yo��� �Al�. C���r �OV@� bt�ol �r, �F�in � ' :I •-' . ' � . • O•'� '.� , �• � . �-s,_ •: . • �'' . . .i . . . a. � i . �. e. 30 "IY�1in 4 � t � ' � � � � � I � i�� � � � ' � � , - � �.. .. L tp • r � �,� , r 'b••~•• • � �n . 1 � J •� I I � 0 M � � � � �� � � J � �� 1, ` r --�IlII'� S�l:%-��If11!a �=�`Y ����t���1 ��Z��: G. ��Ck�ill �r� S� � a s 2. PPoc� S�cnp�i g Pa �oo� c�@x� Q��w�� - 5. 1M'E�r� p�a�6vo� st�4�ora �eex4 4o f�Pe � hy�'ra�4 �� I�Oi Bap �o�e PoyQ�r�� le� � po��,e��vd4edl PanOc,sto�ee4 sigc�9i�e�q ��6�t�in d�i�e��eo� ot 4' �o� �� or 8ore B�ydlr�r�P p pe� �. �'�c�ce SaeeepLiu�g St�7Por� a►i.th �aoP ��cing streeF. 4. Ic�stc�l! S�enp�ang �P��io�a or�' St�art 5id�' oG s4�eeP. 11VA�E� ��4��L��'G �]i�T�0.l� �Fl�l��� 3� �. o.��raUm�ua �� f�P� P�y�ranaQ. �. Pee I���a �f eo�po�c� av��oee cac�vae�R 40 �xis4aabc,� l��ge batve cop��r eistrs +�h�� possi�G�. .' � � � ��e �A� c��� I ��r., ���� , � � � �.���i���rA aRaouce� JOHN_A. MTLLER & ASSOCIATES, xNC. �. o. �ox 7214 FORT WOR'�H, TX 76111-0214 � 817-83�#--7111 �lNSl1RE� WILLTA�'i � . SCHULTZ , INC . DBA CiRCLE "C" CONSTRUCT�ON CDMPAIVY P. O. BOX 40328 j FORT WORTH, TX 75Z40 0 �r-�t'v7�-s - ':�S°dk �"y}�,-�x�h3� �'n2j�- -,.:..- .i.::•;,o:�«��aifR F -:iei+,;.,�i%.1..-;-.,',',•.,. 7,., B .�t s ' . rGSUE DATE (MMl�OlYYJ I �����,�°-'`��:� `: �� � ..' . . . � , � ; � �i 1 J03/93 iFiIS CERTIFICA7� IS 1S5UEp AS A M�TT�R OF INFORMA714N flNLY AND � �CONFERS NO R1GHT5- llPON TH� CERTIFICA7E MOLD�R. THIS C�R7iFICA7� DOES N07 AMEND, EXTEND OR AL�ER THE COVLRAGE AF�OFiDED BY TF{� POLICIES BELOW, C�MPANI�S AFFORdING COV�RAG� COMPANY A IETTER C4MPRi�lY B LETTER Car�PnNY C 1.�7TER CDMPANY � LET7ER CDMPANY � LETTEIi I COV�RAGES _ . ,^--.w-i I � THIS 15 TO CE�iTIFY TMA7 TNE POl.lC1�5 OF 1NSl1RANCE LiSTEp BELOW HNVE BEEN {9SU�fs i O TFtiE INSUR�D IVAMED ABOVE F�� ?�iE PULICY I`ERtUfr � INDICATED, N07WITHSTAN�ING ANY REQUIftEMEN7, TERM OFi CaND1T104V QF AEJY CQNTRACT OR OTHER QOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICN THIS I C�RTIFICATE MAl' BE ISSUE� OR MAY PERTAiN, 7HE INSUI�ANCE AFFORt?�D BY TH� POL{CIES OESCRIBED HEREIIV IS 5U8JECT 70 ALL TNE T�RMS, �XCLUSIONS ANQ CON�ITIONS OF SUCH PL�LICIES, LiMITS SHOWN MAY hAVE BEEN R�DUCEO 6Y PAIb CLAIMS. ,�CO pOLICY EF��CTlVE pOLICY EXPIRATIOH LTR TYPE DF iNSURAiJCE PaLICY IVU1418ER pq7� {yiMl�OIYY) �ATE {MMfOp1YY] LIMlTS GENERAL L{A61LI7Y � � CC}MMERCIAI G�NERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MAOE � OCGUF, � �WNER'S & CONTRACTOR'5 PROT. �� � AUTOiVIOBiLE LIABlLI7Y � � � AnFY AU7fl ALL QWTfED Al1TOS SGHEDULEO AUTOS � � NIRE(] AUTOS '+ � NON-UWNED 11l1TOS IGARAGE LIA6ILITY , EXCESS LlA61l.ITY � � 11MBRELLA FQRM �i C OTiSER THAN 1Fh16FiELLA FORM � WORKER'S COMPEiV5A7{OiJ ANO �MPL�VERS' L1A81UTY �! OTHER D3123668A H06�0019$ G15240969 $/i2/g� s/izl�4 S/12/93 8/12J94 G�NERAL AQGRE6ATE S� f� p Q� O a� ['R40UCF5. COMPfOP AGC.. 5 2! Q Q a � 0 � O pER50NAL $ AnV. WJURY 5 1 � Q O Q r Q O O �acM occu��eNCE s x � 0 0 0, 0 0 0 FIFiE AAMAGE (Any ane �i�� s 5 d, 0 0 0 MED. EXPENSE �Any on2 persnn} S � �� n COMBlNE� SI[JGi.E 5 • UMYT y '�fl�'ODO _L BOpILV INJURY 5 {Per persnn) EOQILY INJURY 3 (Per accidenij pROpERTY dAMAGE i EACH OCCURF�N�E S 2� Q Q� f a Q 0 8/12/93 8/12/94 AGGREGATE �Z,p00,000 STA7l1TDRY LIMI75 EACH ACCYdENT S DISEASE—POLICY L1MIT S qISEASE—EACM EMPLaYEE S ,E I pESCfliPTION OF OPERA7fON5lLOGATtON5lW�H1CLESl5P�C1AL ITEM3 j� PRpJECT : MTSCELLA�f�OI�S WAT�R MAiiV ExTENSION R�PLACEMEN7 ANQ RELOCATION AT VARIOUS LOCRTIONS IN FORT WORTH 93A � PROJECT N0. P1�77-D60770�50520 C��iTiFlCA7E NoLdER � { � CITY O�` �'ORT WORTH �1000 Throckmorton St�eet Fort Worth, TX 767.02 ennon n� c V710n\ _— .. GANC�LLATION "�.. -. � _.., „--- �. F-- -- - . . SMOUL� AI�Y OF THE ABOVE ❑ESCRIBE❑ POLICfES BE CANGELLEq 6EFORE THE 5j EXP1flATION pATE ThiEREOF, THE 15SUING COMPANY WILL �NDEAVOR TO itM1AIL 1� DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFIGATE IiaLDER NAMEp TD THE � LEF�f, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL Sl1Cl1 NOTICE SHALL IMPQSE NO DBLIGATION aR LlAB141TY OF ANY KIN� UPON THE CdMPAA4Y, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES AUTH IZ REPRES�NTA7iVE �(.�C.riC�`,�� s a k � , . , . � . �ACORD CORPORATION 19 C�GNA LLOYDS IIVSURANCE COMPAI.VY TNA COUIV�Y NiUTUAL �NSURAiV��' �'�J . CZGNA LiF TEXAS ZNSURANCE CQMPANY NOV- 5-9� FRI s,a4 �, n.. ..........�... � ,.. , i, �.. � , � . , . .. . _.p ��. .�„ ,�.�.�«,,.. � r�, y. t,t� ��������►� , ����������.�. Iar�aouCea , ��loCallum, Miller & �ovBlacer Inc. ��301 F i,amd� ��vd� r SuitE 3Q0 �A�].i�C}�ot�r Texa� 76006 �817�6�0�788� C' � UC � � ai y�i �' iii�iii:�iif��*��:iw��t����.'��; - � �� • y ��IY ' 1� �, �i 4� 1:�� �' ��;;^ '� DA7E(h'h!f r1 R,�%''�■�71 �� R�, � ''"�h:ir i i�4iii:�1i 1'�,•, � S �i�1� i� -- - ' ��'.r7l�.� ' i a . ",�'fi'I�,�� ,i �ti. , �,'lu�. ; I, ;'i:iyii'iir r�i� ;l..i � 7Noi�i^ °' �i� � JS:,� _ 'Siii, +; � , `�HI'� EF�i1PlG�i� 1� I��UGI� A� � AAA�"r'Ef6 C�� �N��RIU�A'TI�N�.. ' i�id�,1P A�6D ��N��F�� N� R1C�HT$ UP�I� iH� i�EF�'�I�I��,i� wt�b���. �r�i� ���T������� ���� t��v �ru�ti�, �x'��N� �� I ��r�� TN� ��v�r�A�� �������� �� Y�� ���,i�i�� ����w_ �@M�ANI������FIDI�dL.�OVER�►fi�l� ---•.,.._...._..._ I COM�PANY PetXOBu�'anG� CaSL��l�y CCatlt�a3n1+' —... .,_.______� .......�—_. . r �.. -•• .. { 1N5URE� ! COMPANY � � ��Ehx'1��G� ��Cn �oris�ruatieYrl �'4 � , _ ...r� P 4 Box �b328 * � e4MPANY .. or� Wor�h, T�x�a 7614Q , � _ .. � GOMPANY .._. .,.. ...--•---.r ... r ; � �'ti+1dY.�+����5��� ..�.i. .K....-. . - —.�-aaSWd'+�-`^ , ��.� i:a.�,�•iY-1if��ir��.iii�i������f�%Y�jt�'�'i,i3iniiririiw��.:.:�l�f N�^�. � ,u.......r_�..� .— — �..,...... I ,� .., ��u3ii�lr�i�6ill4i�a"�i�ii��ililif naJ � ::��� 5•,���di,�l:.ii.�i. � . �������� . � � �� � � ` TH1A kS �d QERiiFY TH�T i�lE �OLICI�S �F INSURANC6 LI3TEf� �ELOW HArl� BE�N 139tl�fl Yd TW� INSl1R�D NAM�� A�OV� FOR TH� PCJLI�Y P�Rlbi� _ I� �No1CsA7��, NOTWIqi�BYANDINc ANY REQUIFiEM@NT, '��EiM �R �ON�ITION 0� ANY COIVYR�,t3T pR f�'TH�P� DQCkiM��l7 WITH RESP�C'� �'d WHiGH THt5 C�RfiI�ICA7E �hAY Ae ISSU�Li O� NlAY PERiAIN, TH� IN5�4RAN�� A��ORd�D BY THE ��LICI�S DP��FII�i�� H�Ft�iN 15 �U�J���' TC? ALI� 7HE �'���u18, EXCLU$ION� RN,a CDNB1TIf]NS C1F SUQN �OLICl�S, LCT�lfTS �HGWP! MAY HAV� �L�N ��DUC�D BY PFIID CtAiM9. � f...._�...,... �_..- --.... ... .__....r..�.... ... i ��� � TYpE OF lN3LINANQp, �Q�GY NilM@�R PpLiCY E��BOTty� POUGY fxWHATK]N ���� iYR � CAT@ [dIR�fGBlYY� ' 01�YE (MMlpplYY1 - � r r� rt�eHERn� Liaaie„� .,.., _ _,�.,4.._.. —� �enr�r,n� �GCA�Gnr� s -- GL7MM�fiCU1L S#ENERAL LIA81L17Y , I � pli00lJCT$�f'rC1Mp14P AGQ _ 5 _ . � __—� ou�iMs �anoe � _. ,� °c�ufl P�.��aNac, a aov Nn��u��_ � �_ , � QWNER'S � C4NT PRAT �AGH 4CCU#iRENt�E._ S�.. . ._ � � FIR� OAMAQE (Any on+r firy) �.. . ._. - �-- ��.... , .... —._ _-... . - - _ _ - - - _ MEI7 ExP (Any nne p6rson} _ . ..� I '� .AUTaMp�IG� 6iJIgk�I�Y CpN{pIN6� SINCsLE LIMIT 5 .. .. ANY AUTp - .. _ .... __ , ALL ODVNEO �IUTQ$ BQpILY INJkIRY � , �.. BCFakaU►-Bp AU7D& {Per p��son1 .. . , _...,__.._ . �! HIRfD AUTpt� a4L11LY I URY s � MtlN•4WNE0 Al]70S . (Per ac�nt) .. ..r.r__ ... .�.._ �� ��} .�. . ..,_ ��..... . � GARAGE UkBiLITY � __ nNvnurq �7COL�5$ LIAEiLITY � ,_. UhtESpEi,LA FOFtM i UTHER 'f HAN U&IHR�eLL�1 FQRM � .µ W6�K�Ii3 OPMP�tiSATIflN AN� EMPbdY�R9' l.tABH_ITY � !� . TNE PfiUl"filETf3R! • � INCL PARTNEi2SrE%£�LITIVE • � aFFICEFS ARE: EXGL i �7NE� PR�PkH7Y�AMAGC � wo�2-�ziii��a� � �Ura ok�r • �n qpciqENT � on�cR THAM AUiO Ok�.Y: . . . ._.._ , -- _ EACEi AGCIDCNT � T. . . -- AGGAECiATE !6 - -_ . I EACH DCGUARENOE S : �^ AGGREOA7� .._._.. � . ..-- , $,__ g-2a-�� ���Ya�9� r�TATl1TORYLIMIT9_, �'�7C�� .. EACI-I AGCIDEMT y ��a�Q r 040 DI$�ASE • POLICY l.l M!T ��� ��� p G�ISEA&�-�kCHEhlP1.4VH� $ .�Q�+�a� .t 1 p�9GqlPTI�H qF� CPERAYION9fLOGATItlN�fy�H{CL�9f8PEClAL ITEM$ �� � y '^ - - y.. •.r �4isaella�ieaus Wa��� Main extans�or� replac�men� and ��14C�tion afi� vm�lsou� lcscaiior►s i�t FoYt Warth ��,3.A k?,x'o,�Bc� NuC.C11?��. FW77—fl6d770�,�052d _ : r;, - _ t � ,... , - ..-� --�:•. • , .. .. -'••- ;:... . . . .. _....� ,_. _ � — _ _. r.. ' _ � .. _ . 1 ' '.Y:.' �.:. .�• ''S•' `>'�•.:.f• r�3_. ....� ..4 � . _�x•.�... r.�nn. �._ �M�vtt�'�. il��• 6YirIr��T'T" - I - ._�/1,��� ... - �c�F6Yi�icAr��Fio�.D��# -r� �s,�,, ;,,;��, ;Y�l�X41'a,�;'��,�t�,�°.r� f� ��'fI ^�� ' �'.���, "„ ' ���s ���., .��� „��, `[�� �°1 [�1l�r ',�r; ' '� �������in�,p'�i'�;�ufi�""' l;i� 1T..O'�14�. �8'�h!',i:1,i'��u.�.i.i�ti' �:'.�a, V i 6HOULb ANY OF THE ABQV� p�SGAl��4 POLICE�B 8� CANp�6LED BECOR� S!{� I ��Or�: �pY,.%�'1� -I..,��.y a� EXP1qATIpN PA7� TF1�q6CF� ihlE 183UING �O#1iPANY WIL� ExDEAVOR 5'O hfAfL ��QiU �3'�'1Y�41C{ilC?L��OI'1 �� DAYS WFitiTEN Np7{�� iC TNE CERTIFlC�AT� NOLbEI� NAMEU TA 7H� 6�Ff� f' a�t �Q ���l ! �x 7�� p a 8UT �AILUFiE T4 MAI4 &UCH NCTIGE &HALI, I�OS 1.16ATlON pR 61A61LITY �, bF AHY KMlp I1PON TyE h � R�pfiESENTATIYE$, AUTNQRIF� R�PRF�Cr�NYA7IYE Ghar��s ��v��.a�� 4�i�+4�� F.�i'� �V�Q�� � _r„� I � , �iUlli�.,..�".�'y�1��Ny�ln'��i�.'4L1��IIY����.:i�i11i����S�°iii.���J�Sl� �'�:: rv�,f 1 irj'��'��'-- � ii.��r� �y���n�� i „ .` _ " " ,��.,,,, „•� ,ti�,,,�,,.,.�7�,�,� �,��, ;;,',�,� r,,,,Ji;., s���y;, , '�� `..i�,� „� �,�1,�,'_� �L�R�3���P���7iOFll�9t � � , � � , � � � 5� � I � � � , '. � ��I�� ���'�ca ����A�oi� �Ai� �o� �! 1�er��n'� Arna����.e� Cin�a �u��u�n� �� �i��i�le �38�-3.�� �evi�es t�gr�keg�' ��atu���. ��r�t������ c�r�t��C��s �Zi�� �t ���layees em�b�y�d c �m� � g � ' e � t F�� e � -- ---� ���-�, �_ _ _ ens��i�n �.n�us�nc� ��v����� ��� �ll �t _ . �r� �ity �g k`or�t k��th STAT� O� T�XP�� � � I!/'�IT �w�+iL`�,`��w A l. l.}_a r.� ��ti�RP,C'�QR . ' '� ' -_ -P^ P � `� Y��r ��e�.c C�� _— -- �-- � P � �i�l� ���� �OUNTX �� TAR�ANT � �� thas d�y ����0��11� � r� n�cl au�hor����k��w� to m� ic� �e �h� ��F`ORg M� � �� �� � � _ ,, fi�I �l % 1 a.,m �`�r. �'. � _ - - �r����urr�er�t , �rrd �,gg���ed.- ��� �nd de�d e���t� whg�� r��me ���b���Qx�eut�d$�.Y��f�a� �����he �g o��� afl� � t1r�a� fog th� � � �ek gwl �d ed, �a � � ��v,-��� � � , �rh�r�ia cf ��J)�nrv��S��,���r _�'-���� �x�r����� aa� ia tY�e e����bt� �gn�bd@r����n t�er��in �t�t�d. � d�� �g -/ G�V�F3 UI3��� M7[ �Il�l�� ?��g�� � 0� O��°g � tiri�� _ _ _ • , �.NO� ____.__ _ ___-,i ��� ��1 ��LA_ '-___ �Yf� �f�� Pio���Y �ub1� �lin �fl �h� �t��e o� Te�a� _ .L I � i L I � i � . ' ���ow�xc� nox� I ' �£ 5�'AiE OF iJ�XAS 4 ;' COUHYY OF iARR�4l4� � ' � I 1C1i0L-� R�.L #4�N �Y T�3�S� Ffr[ESEP1'Y'S: if��t 1ae (1) WILL�AM J. SGHULTZ, rNC.,' T1$A CIRCLE 'rC" � j CONSTR'�CTIOI� 0 Y � ,�� CORPORATZON of FORT WOItTH, TEXAS � I � � ` F�e�ein�fter ��ll�d Principel, �nd (3) SA.F�Cd INSUk�Ai3CE CONiPANY 0� AMERiCA , • � corpor�tiar� a�g�r�a�ed ar�d l�7tl�filfl8 ��der �he l�e�� �f th� St�e� ��� f�11y .IL �utfl ari$�d Ca tr�hn�ct bu�ine�a i� Yh� 5tate of ie���, ao F���e�y� sr� nc�ld �nd , fit-�ly 6our�d us�to ehe City of �ort �lvrrh, � r�unicip�l �oe�ar�tian �r���i�+ed and exioi�it�g u�der th� la�e of the Stat� of 'C���a, her�i��ft�r ealt�d D�►�r� ifl the �enal �um of: �� FOUR NUfVDRED FIFTY-FOVR THQUSAND, EI�NT HUlV�RE� NINETY-�1r�10 ANQ 50/100***********�` i ._. _ _ ($454,$92.50 ) UOLISTd in L�raful �uney of th� t�nited Si�[ee� ecr be ��id in Fort 1 �3orth, Yarr�nt County � iex$s, far the p�y�ent �f d�ieh �um +��I1 ��d tru�y be � ; ��de, e�e h�reby bind ouro�lve�, our heir$, �xecuteta, �dmi�iatr�targ and 1 �ucce�oors� joir�tly nnd sever�Ily, fir�ly hy theBe prre�ento. � iFi� CONRIgION OF iHI5 O�LIGAiIDN ie �uch that �Th�r��o, the �Pr i�c ipal �. e�ti�red intv � cert�in c4ntt�ct +�i[h the cixy of �orc idorth, t�i� O�r�ter� da.�a : � ��e day of � ���*� � �,.D. 1� � � eopy Af tiF�ich i■ �ereto �ttached �nd made a�art h�r�of� for th� construction o�: ,, MISCELLANEOl1S WATER MAIiV EXTElVSION REPLAC�MENT AND RELOGATIO�! AT VARI�US I,OCRTIONS � .__ .., _ _ - -- �- - -- - -- . I N FORT WORTH 93A - - - - - - - •— •, - — _- — — . !_ - - - - - --- - - -- � — � . �e�ig��ted �s PLOj�CC t�o.(�} PW77-060770150520 , � ��py of +�hich �� �ontract i� t�eteby �ttached, referred [o, �nd��de a p�rt fi�reaf s� fully �nd to ths �a�e �xtent �s if copied at ler�gth t�erebn, �ueh proj�et �ad eonotruciion � �eing Fierei��fter ref�rred Yo �� the "r�ork". lOOk� Y°�iEREFOR�, if ��e Frinci��I ohmll �atlt, ���aly� at�� f�ithfullp �erfor� x�e �sork in �ccord�nce raith the p1�n$� �pecifie�tione, ��d contr�ct �ocurree��s (" ��ring ghe o�i�i��1 t�r�e Ch��eof ��nd ��y ��te�sioa� �her�of �vhi6h ffiay be . L `r��ted �y tfie Ora�er� �it�i or *�iLF�cut notiee go �4�� ����ty, �¢nd if �e $f��ll �atisiy �11 el��s�o ar�d de�andc incurY�d u�d�r ��ac� ear����c� ��nd �F�all fully � ar�d��nify ond s�ve h�rmleao Yh� �+���r �rom �11 eoo�� and ���y��a �r�,ieh it �a$y � ��+ffer �y re��on �g �aitu�e to �a �o, �e� �4��11 rei�,9�a��� ��d Y�p�.�* ��e �vner �13 outi�oy �o�d �!Rpenoe +a�ieh tt�e Obn�r ■�y i�cur ifl �kat�� :o� �ny default, I Y�en tha� obli�ntio�► �t�a1l b� vaid; �tl��r�eio� to r��aih ia �ull f�Yce and e€Ee�t. a � �'-1 � 1 � �RQVFDED �U��'F��R, Qh,�t i'k ��y leg�I aceio� b� fil�d �por� ��bo ba�d� venu� e��i�tl lie in iarr�nt CoUnYy, fLAte af ie���. W�D ��OVIA�Eb �U�T�LA, tflat tF►e �$id Srtr�ey� far d�l�� c�c�iv�d, hertby c�i�t�tes �nd mgreefl th�t �o eh�rrg�, �xtea$bon �f ti�e� �lt���fb�n �r �ddi:ion to �he tcr�� of t�ie cuntr��t �r Lo �he nork t� �� perfax�ed theeeu���r �r the op�ciiie�tiane �cco+�p�nying �F�� �ar�e �hall b� �e�y �aiae �'ffeet i�� eblb��tior� o� t1�i� bg�►d� �nd bt do�a t�ereby ra�ive noeiee of any �ucY� e1�as�e, ��at��oian af }:��, �Iter�ation or �dditbon �o ths ���a of Khe �o�tr�ee er �� �k�� �e�rf� or to fh� �a��c�.fic�tior��. it� i�IiFi�SS �I�ER��f, �hi� inatru�ent b� �xecut�� ia $�uur�t�r,p��t� _+��c17 or�� af �ahich �h�ll be �e�roed �� arigi�al � tF�a$ t�� d�y �f ' � . �'-"� /R.D., 1� . WILLrAM J. SCHULTZ, INC., D�1�, � C�RCLE "C" CONSTRiICTION COMPAi3Y� __ Ag3'@Si: _ _. — ��LFiCIP�L {4) � ��n � �` � � ('Prin, ipaa) 5� rctsry �Y; a WiLLIAM J. SCHULTZ, PR�S�DENT P. 0. Box_ 40328_ _ ` _ ` i5 � A L} Forr Worth, TX 76].�0 -- (Addre��) -- - - Witness �s to Principal� r I 1 � y � � � � (Addr�ss) Aii'� 5? : (5ur�ty� Secretary (S�AL} � � �'t-e _ .__ I�its�eBe �e tr� Su�ety P, 0. Box 7214 Fort Worth, T3: 7b111 _ T . �.. (Addr��s) -' (�-5/�1170) SAFECO �NSIIRANCE COMP,AI�Y OF AMERICA - - Surety- - _ �Y : ,� , � ALtara� i�la ��L) S�I�RYL . T�I�UTTS Sa�eco Plaza, Seattle, WA 98I$5 (Addreoa) i��tTE: D�t� of �ot�d �ut� �ot b� prior to dat� of ContPs�ce il) , Correet e��� of Ceflt��ceor (2) A ��r�►or�tion, � P�rinero�ip or �r� I�divi��$1 � �� saae rony be (3) �orrec[ fl�� �i �u��ty (4) If �ont�ac�or i� ��et��rs�b� �11 ParCs�erc ��►o�ld ����cat� lDor�d i5? A trr�� eopy bf ��er �� Aetot���y �hall be ��t�ched �� ���� by Attor��y-ia���ct. I �'-2 � 9 ' iR�l KN�W k�� �Y �H�S� �����Ni�: SAFECO iN3t1RANCE C�MPANY OF AMERICA GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY QF AMERlC4 HOME QFFICE: 3AFEC0 PLAZA SfATTLE, wASHINGTQN E8185 Wa. 14�� �� r� I <� ����� 0� A��ORN�Y That SAF�CB INS4I�ANC� ��MPANY OF' AMgRtC1E and �€I�RA� INSU�tJ�R1C� C811A�FiPIY ��' i�la9�F�ICA, each a Washington corporat�an, does each hereby appoint � ti�mr�wernnnnna�JOFiN A. MILLER; SHERYL A. KLVTTS; JOHN A. MILLEi2, 14; ForS Worth, Tex$s�r��nnrrr f1s true and lawful attorney(s?-In-fact, with ful{ authoriry to execuie on its bshalf fidelity and surety bands or undsrtakings and ather doc�nents of a Similar character Issued in ihe course of its business. and to bind ihe respective oompany thereby. IR1 Ii�+lY1�SS WH���OP, �l��E�� INSUF3AIVC� CAMPANY �� I�M€idlCs and ��PI��IAL IRSIJ�tAf�CE COM�J6NY O� RIa1�RIGA have each executed and attesled these presents tn;s 4 t h aav or C�RTIFI�A7� January Extract from the By-Laws of SA��C� INSU�IEWCE ��k9PARfY �F I�M�RIGA and of ��IVE�AL INSURANC� C�MPkflEY O� IePA��ICIe: .1993 . ��Articla V, Section l3. - FiDELITY AN� Sf1RETY BON05 ... The President, any Vice Prasident, the Secretary, and any Assistant Vice President appointed for that purpose by the officer in charge of surety operations. sha[l each hava aulhority to appoint ind�viduals as f attorneys-in-fac2 or under other appropriate titles with autharity to exaeute on behalf of ihe aompary fidelity ancf surety bands and � oSher docunents of similar character issued by the company in the course of its business ... On any instru�nent making or evidencing such appaintmant, the signatures may be affixed hy facsimile. Qn any Instr�rnent conferrtng such author�ty or on any bond or under#aking of the campany, the saal, or a facsimila thereof, may be impressed or aff�xed ar in any other manner re�rod�ced: prov�ded, however, j that the seal shal] not be necessary 10 the validitY flt arYy such instrvnent or undertalcing ° � Extract from a Resolution of the Board of �irectors of SA��CO IW�C�i�RI�� �OMPie�dY OF bldl��ilCA and of C3ENFRAL IN�URANC� COM�ANY e� AMgRI�A adopted July 28. 1970. �"Dn any certificate executed by ihe Secretary or an assistxnt secretary of the Campany setting out. (i) The pro+�isions of Articla V, Section 13 ot the By-Laws, ar+d (ii) A copy of ihe ppwer-of-attorney appointment, exeo�ted pursuant thereSo, and (ili) Certifying that said pawer-ot-attornay appoiniment is in full force and effect. � ihe signature of the certiiying offlcer may be by facsimile, and the seal 04 the Ccxnpany may be a facsimile thereof." .1 � � 4 R A. Pierson, Secretary of SA��C� � If�SURIaNC� �BMPANY �� AM�RICA and of ��i��R�iL I�ISURA�IG� COMPANY O� 14M��IC16, do hereCy certify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a ResoEution of the Board of �irectors af these carporations, and of a Pawer of Attorney issued pursuant thereto, are true and correct, end that both the By-Laws, tha Resolution and the Power of Attorney are still in full force and effect. IN WI�N�SS WH����F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the facsimile seal of said corporation this day oi . 19 a S-9741@P 1/Q3 � R9pistergd trademaTk of SAFECO Carporation. � � PAYl4EN'�' BOND � 71qE S�ATF. OF I°�XAS $ .� � ! .` .� l i ` I, � I i ` . L � .� .4 I ,� COUFiY DF �ARRANT 4 • W1i.LrAM J. SCHULTZ, INC., D$A �04�11 ALL 1�N $Y i'E�ESE t�SEF1iS : ihst �a� (1) CIRCLE "C" CONSTRUCTION COMP�NY ` , � i 2 ) 'CORPORATION __ _ _ �g FDRT WQRTH, TEXAS , h�reir�aft�r c�lled �rincip�l� a�d (3) g��ECO INSURAHC� CQMPANY OF AMERICA � a eorpor��iofl o���n��ed and egi�ti�� u�der Che l�ra� �f gl�e Sta:e �nd fully �uehorb�ed �o tr�naact bu$inesB in th� 5t�te of �'��c�$, �� S�rety� �Ye h�ld Snd fit�iy 6our�d unto [he City of Fort �darth, ��uni�ipAl �orpa��tinn �r;�flized �nd eKi�tirng under th� l��rs of the 5i�t� oE i'es��s� h�r�i��fter ealled �aner� mnd uflta �1] p�rsor�, firr�s, �nd coporatior�� +aho �ay iu�ni�h �ate�iala � for or perform labar upon th� buildi�g or ia�rovesaent� her�i��fter �efcrred to in :he �en�l �us� of : �OUR HllNDRED �IFTY-F011R THOUSAfV�, EIGHT HUNDRED iVIN�TY-TWO AlVD 50/100�********** {g454,892.50 )�oll�rs in l�dful �oney of the Unit�d 5�utet, tfl be p�id in Fori �dortl�, T�rr�nt County� �exa6, for the p�yment of �ahich �ur� ��lY �nd truly be �ad�, ee hereby bind aur�elve�_, our heirs� exec�tors, �d�i.nintr�[or� snd �uccea�ors, jazntly $nd ��v�r�lly, firmly by these pre�ents. `f�iE CONDIiION OF THIS OBLICAiION is �uch thai Wh�reoa, th� PrinciQal entertd into � certain conLract vith ihe City of �'ori �larih� th� D�a�ex', d�t�d the day of " „, ;;};, A.�., 19 � a copy of �►hich is her�ta �tt�ch�d and ��de a psrt her�of� for the ton�tructian of: MISCELLAfVEQUS 4�ATER MAIN E7(TENSION REPLACEMENT AND RELQCATION AT VARTOIlS LOCATION� TN FOR7 WORTH 93A � , ���ign�ted �� �roject 1�0. (�) P4�77�060770150520 , � copy of �+hich . cort���et i�u 4�ereto �tCached, referred eo und �d� a p�ct �er�af �s fully �nd to , ehe ���e e�:��t �� if eopied at len�th �1�Y�1[]} ouch project �nd eone:ruction � ��irtg h�reis�after Yef�r��d to �o tt�� "�rvrk". 110N iHE���ORE� t#�� eo�di�ian of t}►i� �bZi=�tiar� bo �u�h eh�t� if the � �ri�ei�al aha11 pro�ptiy m�k� pmy��nt to ait �lai��nY� a� d�gb��d it� 16etic�� � 5180� ��vi�ed �ivil, Sfrtut�� ef 'T��sB� �upply�ng Y�bor �c�d �at+�ei�l� bn �h� prosec�tion af �t�� tio�k p�avided �or b� �eid �o�traet� the�n �l�b� �6iig�tion , sh�ll be �ull and void, att�er�iBe ii s��ll re�in i� iull foYee med �ffect. • �'-3 ., i ,� ; T�IS bO�D IS MAU� WND ����R�D into sol�ty iar the �rotectic� of all elnima�nt� ��pptyi�g l�bor �nd uteri�l i� tfl� �rooee�tiaa of t�e �ar� pzov�ded #or i� naid Contract, �� et�i��ne� �re 8efine� i� ��id Articte 5160, ■ad �ll such �l�i+��ts �h�ll ��ve ��irtct ri�ht of �ctioa uadeY t�� �ond �� provid�d in Artiel� 51�4 af ��e ��vi�ed �ivil St�tut��. �ROVI��� gU�i�E�� th�t if ��y 1���1 �ctio� �e filed upo� ��i� �a�d, ���ue �h�ti �i� in Y�rr�nt �ou��y, �t�t� �f �e���, e��t �he ��id ��ree�, �or v�lue r�e�i�ed� �ereby �:ipul�te� �nd ��r�e� t��t �a �h���e, a�t���ia� o� ti�e� �lt�ration o� �ddi��on �o �he te��s �� �he eantr�et or ga t�e ���� to be per�o���d thereu�d�r �r gh� �pecigie�tion� �c�asp�flyin� �he �arr� ��all i� �ny �a�� �fgeet i�r obla��taon �n thim bo��� ��d a� doe� h�re6y m aid� ��La�e of �ny �uch ��a�g�, �x�e��ian of gi�e� �l��r�tie� �r additio� r� �he t�r�� of :h� �a�tr��t �r to �he vcrk or to t�� ���ci�ie�tia�e. �R�VIa�D �URTH��� t��t �o fi��l ���tte��nt 6�t�ten the ��n�r �fld the �o�tr�ctor �fl�l] abridge the ri�ht af �sy beneficinry h�reunder �tio�e el�i� �ay be u�aatiafied. �� IN ldl�'N�SS 1d1i�RE0F, thi� inctru�ent i� execut�d in $ eou.�*e,r�snrt� e�ch on� �f rahich Bhall be deesn�d �n origir►�1, tF�i� CP�e �ay af � '�-~� � f�.A. � 14 . WILLIAM 3�. SCHULTZ, I1�C., DBA '- —- � � C�RCLE "C" CDNSTRUCTTON COMPANY A'iTE ST : � R 1 N C I�,4"A!. ��a� _ . I � � i I ' I �� �� �i -w �'���. �� ;: - (Princ�/pal) Secte ary i5 � A L) �Y: . W11:,LIAM J. SCHULTz, PRESID�NT P. 0. Box �0328 - - - - - - Faxt Worth, TX T61.G0 ��Addz��sJ � {ditne�� �s La Princip�l i iAddre�s) - -- 141'�'�57: I ,, _ (5urety) Secr�tary � i ( 5 � �a � ) i ,� � � t - � - -- - - � �'�.-� /c� ,-`� �:F�����s� a� ta �urety �. 0. Box 7214 Fort Worth, TX 76111 .— —(AddreE�) ^ (t�-5li117Q) S�FECa INSiIRANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA -� ,- Surety - •-- -- - ._ BY: 1� � AttoTt� ifl-f�tt SH�RYL . KLU'�TS Safeco Plaza, Seattl�e, WA 98185 _ .__- '—(leddre�c) - - - - - �ai�;: 9�ee of 8gc�d �u�t �ot be prior tu d�.:e ef C�s����ct f �) (2) (3} i4) �5) ��� ����eet n�t� af ��atx�etar /� ���po��tio�� m ����e�e��hi� or �n �ndividuul, �o ���e �uy b� Corstect flame af ��s�re�y �i �a�tr�cCar io �art�ermm4�ip �11 P�rc��ro �hould ��s�eute i�cad A t�ue eopy af p��r o€ Att�xn�y ���11 �e ntt�ehed tv �a�d by 1�ttorr►�y�an�F�et. ,� I l f�\ � _ _ ,. -�i F' �- [�N�W ALL !Y YH�S� P��S�N��: ��W�� 0� A�iO�N�Y $AFECO INSURANCE CQMPANY OF AMERICA GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICp FiDME O�FICE: SAFECO PLAZA SEATTLE, WASHIN(3TON 0b185 ���� ,� .� I l ��. That 516��CB INSLJ�I�I�C� CBM�ANY �� 16ME�I�A and ��N�kA� 1N��Ri�RlC� ��N6�i�RlY g� ARA�RI�A, each a Washinqton corporatlan, does each hereby appoint ' u�cr�n�n�nNnMrnna�ONN A. MILLER; SHERYL A. KLUTTS; JOHN A. MILLER, II; Fort Worth, Texas�n������r its true and lawful attorney(�-in-fact. with full authority ta execute on its behalf iidaliiy and surety bonds or undertakings and other dac�ments of a similar oharacter issusd in ihe caurse of its business, and to bind the respec#ive campany ihereby. lF+! WIYRI�SS WFI�f����, SA�'gC� 1NStJRAN�� ��M�ANY aF AM��ICJ6 and ��R1��FiL IR13U�1kW�� �GM�AiilY B� llFdf��ICA have gaCh executed and attested these presents l � � __ _ tnis 4 t h ���Yl�rl�lEi� aay ot January Extract fram the By-Laws of SAF�C� INSl�f3,�NC� C�MPA,NY OF AM€RICA and of [��NEFtAI IN�URANC� �OMPAP�Y �E �11�9�Rl�A: "Article V, SeCtion 13. - FIDELITY ANp SURETY B�fVDS ... the Presidant, aryy Vice President, tfie Secratary. and any Assistant Vice President ap�ointed for ihat purpose by the officer in charga of surety aperations, shail each have authority to appoins individuals as atSorneys-in-fact or under other approprlata titlss wiih authorify to execute an hehalf of the company iidelity and surety bonds and other docunents af similar character issusd 6y the company in the course of its business ... On any instrunent making or evidencing such a�pointmsnt, the signatures may be aifixed by iacsimile. On any instrunent conferring such authority or on any Cond or undertaking of the campany, the 5eal, or a facsimile t6ereof, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provided, ho�vever, that the seal sha11 not be necessary to the validity af any such instru�neni or undertaking." Extract irom a Resolution of the Board of �irectors of SAF€CO INS�IRAIdG€ �OReIPI��lY OF A,M�RI�R and af O�N�RA� �NSl1RANC� COMPIONY 0� AM��ICA ado�ted July 28. 1970. "pn any certificate executed by the Secretary or an assi5tanl secrelary of the Company setting out, (i) The provisions of Article V, Section 13 0# the By-Laws, and "' (il) A copy Qf tha powerrof-attorney appointment, executed pursuarn ihereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power-of-attorney appointment is in full force and effect, • the signatura of the ceriifying of4icer may be by facsimfle, and the seal of the Company may be a facsimlle thereof." I � y I, R. A. Pierson, Secretary of �A��CA IHSURANG� GOMPANY 8F AM�RICW and af ��Rl�RAl, IMSURAI�CE G9M�ANY O� AMERICI6, do hereby cerSify that the foregoing extracts of the By-Laws and of a Resolutian of the Board of Directors of these corporations, and of a Power af Attorney issued pursuarn thereto. are true and correct. and ihat both the By-Laws. the Resalution and the Power of � Attorney are stiil in fuA force and effect. .L IN WITNES� WH�R���, I have hareunio. set my hand and afiixed iha tacsimile seal of said corporation this � <� f � � 5-O�e�Ea v03 if 4 d�y of . is J3 . . 19 � Repisteretl traAemark of SAFECO Corparation. � ' F�IF7i�1�I�CE BO1�D �� S?AiE QF 'T�XAS � � �OU1�Y OF �'�A�.�ii $ WILZrAM J. SCHULTZ, INC., DBA � �OW l�,Z 1�� �Y �°iiESE �����NiS ; ihat (1 } CTRCLE "C" CONSTRUGTION CdMPANY � I �a� Ppb�eiQ�i, act,in� heYeia by �ad t�e���� {i) 'WILL�AM J. ��HULT,� - -- i�o ��ip authoriaed PRESIDF�TT ��d �_ �FECO T�1��RANCE COM'�A.NY DF . a�Ap�Yation Ar�aai�ed un�C�r tbe l��m af g�i� �t��e �f W�15HING'�'�..1�.. ��� AMERxCA �urecy� dc� flere�y ack�arole�ge the��elv�a ec �e �el� �ead �o�r�d ta ��y unco the Gity �i �o�t idart�� � t�uaicipal �orparota�n� c���ter�� b� �ir�u� �f C�r��catutian �nd bad� of the �tate of ie��a, �t F'a�t �DPt�lt an �'�rr�nt C��aky, g�r��s, [Re $usn • of ****�******S�F� SELQ4�*******'�******* BollBz� i$ **�454,892.50*** ), l��+ful , �nney of the Uaite� �L�t��� far th� ��y�nt ef �ahieh �ui� v�ll �r�d truly be �de uatoo�id City of Paet �Jorth aad it: succe��aP�� ��i� ���t��et�Y �ad �ueety da , tter�by bind tl��s��elveo� their h�ir�, �a�c�to��, �dmie�b�trat���, �o�igna �nd ��tce6�o�a, jein[ly nnd �everally, I � � � I thi� obiigaGion io condition�d, horaev�r; t4�at� �T�EREAS, t�ie Printipel ,�.�� ,�q,t�r�� i�ta � ccri�i� tn�tr�ct roitl� t�� �ity of iort 1�orth, d�ted � °'' �ar t�e p�rfor���ce of the fallo�aing ���tribed pub�ic vork �nd the conatruct�on of the follo�ria� de�c�ib�d public i�prove�ent�: MISCELL:ANEOUS WATER I�AIN EXTENSION REPLAC�MENT AI�D REI.00A�"ION Ai' VARTOUS Lf1CATZQ,�S IfV FORT WOR�'H 93A ' �all of �a�e �eing ceferr�d to hereir► �ad in ��id contg�c[ ar �be �doek ��nd being d��ign�t�d �s Pro��ct t�a. QW77-060770]50520 ; �nd ��id cantr�ct, including �1Z of the a�£C3.f1C�L3dfl�i COp�li3Pfl� an� eritt�n in�tru�i�nta referred to ther�in �s eon[r�ct docu�n[� beia� k��r�by iacor��r�ted berein by ref�r�nce for all �urpoa�� �nd �►ade � p�rt h�Y�o€, �t�e �a�e �a ii o�t ��t derboti� hereir�; u�d, �JHEAEAS, i� ��id Conteact, Cont�nctor biads i[oelf to e�se �uch �terial6 and to �o conat�uct the tiork th�G it �+ill r$ �tin b� �oo� rep��e ��d e��dition for �nd dut ing t�e period af one (1) vea� _ __ �f ttr ti�e d�te of the fi��l acc�pt�nce of �he �ror�C by t�e Caty; �nd T��R�AS� o�id Gostc�cteY bia&� it�elf to �int�ia o�i� warti b� �aa� �epair �r�d coxditi�o fot s�i� [e�� of one (�} year _ ;���, , :fiii�REi�S� gi�id Gontr�ctor biudo it�elf to ��p�if �r r�econ$t�uct i�� �oork in � �r�ol� �� ia p�rt �t ��y ti�� �ithi� o�id p�rie�, bff ie� gEs� opi�i�� of the _ �if�ci�� Af T��ter Depart��nt �f the �ity �i ��rt Wo�t�, i� �e �d�e����ry; �nd, iid��R�AS, ��x� �antraetoz �i�do itot]f, apon Y�ceiai�� ��eic� ai g1�e n�ed � ehercfo� ga r�p�ir o� reconatpuct ��ad aaek a� �e��i� pegvi���. � 16D1� �'E���E���E� if �aid Coflc��cter �i�xll lc�e� ��d �erf��mm it� ,�id �greer�ent � to �i�ta��, e�poir �r feton�truct ��id �+o�k in �e�oe��ae� tiit}� all the term� oe�d co�dition� @f ��id �o�t�aet, th�ae pgl��Rto �h�ll be nuli �nd void, �nd have �'-5 � � �o foec� ar �ffeck. DtherYi��, t�i� �ond ���11 �e ffi�d ee�ia i� fvll for�� ��d Ieffect, �fld ��id Ci[y �h�12 ��v� ��d re�ov�� fra� t�e ��id �e�tr��ior �nd ita �urety ���gee in t�� �reaiae� �� �re�Cebied by �eid �onteact. � ihio �bilz��tion ��nll be eo�tiBuias ��e �nd �uce�oBive e���titeie� �ay �e fl�d i �er�on for �ucce�sive breache� �ntil the gull �souflt b�reof i� �����nted. ', � ���R�A54 �il partie� eav�n�nt �fld ����� th�t if ��y 1�`�i �ctiQn be fiied upo� ghic �ond� v�nu� �h�lt lie i� TsY�ant G�unty. i��aa; ��d, - I� �IiNE55 �����OF thi� i�iteu�nt i� e�ecuted k� �,� 8 eeunterparts, each e�e of �hich oh�21 b� dee�ed an ari�ie�nl� d�t�d • -� ���sr : �� �� ��� �� � (l�rineip/al) S�Cr�[ary ' {S g A� L) �di[ness �s to Priacipal - 1. (Addre�s} � AiPEST: (Suretx) 5ecret�ry � (SEAL) � � � i i ,r`� � ` I .� lditn� i �� ta 5urety P. 0. Box 72��+ Fort Worth. TX 7�iI1.1 _ _ �_ _ �Addreos) - WII�LIAM J. SCHULTZ, INC. , DSA CIRCLE "C" ONSTRUCTION COMPAI�Y � _ _ �—� _��z�c��:a� (4) �Y: , � W�LLIAM ,T j SCHULTZ�, PRES�DENT P. 0. Box 40328 _ _ Fart Worth, TX 76I40 (Addr��e) --- SAFECO IN5 RANCE CQMPAN� aF AM�RICA Sure[y EY : � .r �,� � Attorn� ir�af�ct - SHERYL A. �LLU'�TS Safeco P1aza, Seattle, WA 98185 {Addres�) ?DaY�:, 9B[e af Bond �uot no[ be priar to .d�t� of Co�tract (1) �arrect ���e �� Gaflte�ctor (Z) A Gar�o�ation, � P��t��rit�ap oc �n Is►�ividunl� �� �s�e �y b� {3) Carr�c[ ���� �g ���ety (4) If �o�tr�ctQr imm ��rtaer�hip a�l F�rt�er� �t,a�l� e�ecute �ond (5) A ter�e eopy �f ��mee �f Atco�ney �h�ll be �ti�et��d r�� �o�d by l�ttoraey�i�—k'�ct, �'�5 � � I I ; �' 1 � -.Gl � 1_hi KN�W i�LL �Y iF1�5E FRg�aENT�: ����� 8F A3'TORNEY SAFECd lNSURANCE COMPANY OF A#AERICA GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA HQAAE OFFICE: $AFECO PLAZA SEATTLE. WASMINGTON fl8785 ��. / ��� That �R�'�C� IN��JRAN�� ��MPANY �F ,�M�RICA and ��N�RA� IN�I�Rf�AEC� GBMPi�A�Y D� AM�RI6ia, each a Washington cbrporation, does each hereby appoint - ��N�noRonannKnrJOHN A. MILLER; S!-IERYL A. KLUTiS; JOHN A. MILLER, 1!; Fo�t Wo�th, TexasnnrnaonNr its true and lawful attorney(5)-In-fact, wlth fufl autharily to exeaute on its behali fideliry and surety bonds or undertakings and other doCun6n;5 of a Similar character issu6d irt the Course of its business, and to bind the respective company iheraby. IPE WITN��S W�iEItI��F, �AF��� INSURA�IC� C�MP!!NV �F AM�RICA and ��Rl�RA6 IIdaURAW�� COM�ANY @F AM�RI�A have each exacuted and attested these prasents � thjs 4 t h ,dayor January , i9 93 . 'i ,� i :� �� 0 � GERTIFICAT� ' Extract irom ths By-LawS of �A���B IN�U�Af�iC� CORAP��1Y �� �ME�IC/! and oi �f�N�RA� 1N5�IRANC� G�119PAIVY �F Ak9�Rl�k: "Article V. Section 73. - FI�ELRY AN� SUREN B�IVflS ... the President, any Vice President, the Sacretary, and arry Assistant Vice . President appointed for that purpose by tne officer in charge of surety operations, shall each i�a+�e authority to appoint individuals as attorney5-in-tact or under other appropriate titlas with authority to execute an behalf of tfie canpany fidelity and surety bonds and other docvnents oT similar character issued by she company in the coursa of its business .., On any instrunent making or evidencing 5uch appoin#ment, the signatures may he affixed by facsimils. On any instrement conferring such authority or on any bond or uhdertaking of the car�pany, the saa1, or a facsimike thereoi, may be impressed or affixed or in any other manner reproduced; provlded, however. that the seal shall not he neaassary to the val�dity of any such instrunent or undertaEcing" Extract fram a Resolution of the Board of pireators of SA��GO If��IJ�APIC� COE+�I�ANY O� 1�PA�lICF, and of Q�N��AL II��U�A11�� C�M�I�NY O� AM��I�A adopted July 28, 197p. "On any certiiicaie execuied by the 5ecretary or an assistant secretary of the Company setting out, (i) 7he pro�isions oi Article V, Sectivn 13 of the By-Laws, and (ii) A copy of the power-oi-aStorney appointrrte�t, executed pursu8r?t thereto, and (iii) Certifying that said power-of-attorney appointment is in full torce ant! effect, the signature of the certifying officer may be by facsimile, a�d the seal of the Company may ba a facsim9le thereaf:' I, R, A. Piarson, Secreiary of SAFEGO INSI�F�ANC� GCMPAI�lY OF' AM�F�ICA and of ��P1f�pA� INSUFdANC� GOMPARfY OF AM�RICA� dv hereby certify thai the ioragoing extracls of the By-Laws and of a Resolution of tha Board Qf Qiractars of these corporations, and qf a Powar pf A;tvrney issued pursuant ti�ereto. are true and correCt, and that both the By-Laws. the Re5olution and the Power of Attorney are still in fu11 fprce and eifect. IN WI'�I��SS WHER€OF, 1 fiave hereunta set my hand and affixed the facsirnile seal of said corporation ., � S-oT4l�P 1l83 1 � � � this � day of �� � Registered tredemarkof SAFECO Corporation. I����i�R�i IV�i�C� �o of�tain Infarmation or make a complaint: You may call t�e company's t�l-free telephnne number for inf�rmation or to make a compkalni at 9 ���o- ��.� - � �_ Yov may contact the Texas Department a� Insurance to obtain Information an companies, coverages, rlghts or r.omplaints at � a�00�2�2�34�� You may wri#e the �'exas Department of Insurance P.O. Box 149104 A�stin, YX 7'8i14-9104 �AX # (512) 4�5-i i71 e4�1S0 I�l1��� TAI��� �ara obtener informaclon o�ra someter una queja. Usteri pu�le Ilamar a! numero de telefono gratis de la companla para informacion o p�ra someter�ueJa al 1���0� ��� —S`�.S Auerie comun{carse con el �epartamento de Seguros de 7exas p�ra obtaner inforrrtacion acerca de companias, coberturas, �erechos o quejas al 1-��0-���-3�39 Puetle escribir al �epartamento de Seguras de �exas P.O. �ax 1491 b4 Austin, �X 78714-9104 �AX # {512) 47b-1 i71 �R��41ilURN �� CL�4119� �I���i��: Shaulcl you have a �ISPU'�AS 50��� ��IPAA� O R�CLAA�fOS: 5i tiene -- dispute concerning your premEum or about a claim you una disputa concerniente a su prlma o a un reclamo, shauld contact the agent ar the company first. If the debe comunlcarse con el agente o la cdmpania primero. dispute is not resol�erJ, you rnay contact the Texas SE no se resuei�e la dlspuca, puede entonces 9epartment af Insurance. comunicarse con el Depar�amento de Seguras de ie�s . A�'ACH �H1S �O f IC� �O YOU� �OLl�Y; Thls hatice is for informatlon only ar�d does not become a part or conditior� af tha attachu� documenk. UFdA �5i� AdIS� A�U ��Lt�: Este a�iso es soio para proposito de informacion y no se convierte en parte o condicion del dacurnento ad�unto. Prescrlbed by the State �oard af Insurance Effective May 1, i892 Ordenado por el consejo �statal de Directures de 5eguros, Effectivo el 1 de Mayo 1992 . �, �'i��y o,� �'o�t ��r�h, �"e�cc��� �����^ �� ���r�c��� �o��xx��x���io� ��►� ���srrc� xu�ra�� �.a� t�ur�.c fi � 1�0��3 **�-14�9� su�.x�c� A1+VA11�D �F COiVTRA�CT T� 1NI��IAN1 J. ��HLJLT�. 1N�., D{BJA CIR�L� "�"' ���t�7R4��TIQlV FOR MI��E�LA�EOU� W��'�i� f�+1AlIV �XTE�I�I�f��, REPLA��NJ�hlT�, Af�D F���O��TIOlV� �4T 1I,4FilOUS �Q��1�`li�f�� IfV F�RT WORT1� � "���" � ���a�nn�rv���.: 1t is r�ca€�n-rend�d th�t the �it� �oun�il: �, A�thori�� t#�e City N1ar�a��r tv �x���,i;� ���n�ra�# wi[h 1N��I�a�xr J. �ch�ltz, Ir�c.. �i1�l�4 �ircle "C�� ��nsfiru��i�n, ir� t�e amo��3t of °��5�,89�.5� for �I�e f�flisc�llane�t�s 1N�#er Nl�irti Exten�ic�ns, F���lacem��ti�'s. �r�d Reloc��ti�r�s aI 1larious L��ations in 1=ort ►lVorth '"9�A", and �. A�thnri�� ���,7�5.00 far �oss�ble change arde�s, �'1 �, � 9�.�� for in���c�.ion, �2�,47 i.0� ��r s�rv��r, and 8�5,��0.�0 f�r tiesi�n by ti�� Dep�rlrnent v� Cngin��rang. [}I�C�JS�ROh1: The w�rk t� b� per�n�med ur�[�er tl��s �o���kract r�r�sists of �x#er�ding, r��l�cir�g, a�df€�� reloc�t��g w�t�� ma'rr��, ��rvi��� and ot}�er �ertine�r� constr►ic#ion requir�d to �ro�ri�ie wa#er se���+�c� t� i��di�rid�al �ustomers or d�velo��rs_ ���� �O�IR�LE I 1 0� � On Qctobe� 7, 7 993, the �ni�owing bids w�r� recei��d: . ii - Arnoun�t Brd 7`irne �f Com�ie�ian �ifi�l� "�" ��r��#ruct��n Dyer fVlate�aaE �r�hk���tu� I lJtil�Ci�� �r�grr��er'� �stirr�ate: ��5�.8��,�� �5i 9,�57.5Q �524.362.D0 �5 i 0,000,04 �65 �a�en�af Days �� Rnnlnd nn ro�Kf��4A p�l�ai �'i�� �, f �'�� �o��, �"e��s 1����� c�r�c� �o��� �'�����x��c�i�� ���� ������� �g� ��� ���,� ��� , � }����� � �*�,��� � ������« � �� � s����� 1�W�4#�� 0� C�#V�'�tA�T TO 1NtL�lAN1 ,�. �CHULT�. IEV�., f3��lA CII��L� "��� C��l��#�U�TICI�V FOR M�����LAE�EC3U� 1NAT�R 11+��1�N �}C�`��V�I�f��, I��f�LA�EM��T�. AI`+�D R�L��A47'I��l� AT VARI�}lJ� LO�ATI�N� IN F�RT 1NUFi71-� "��1�„ �I��AL I�lFOF�N]�AY��i1�ERTIFIC:ATIOfV� The Direc��or of �isc2�l ���vi��� cer��fi�s rth�t tur�ds reyuired for thFs contraet �re �v�ilable ir� the �urr�n�t r,�pil'al bu�ge# ai ti�e �ommer�ial P�per �ur��-1N��ter, MG:rr� 9uhwittc�el for C:ity Miw�er'e �x�r�P i�y; Mik� Ooovnur �1riRina[i���t IM�F��rimai� I�����d: A, a�ugioxTikudoni��CeY Fllr Ad�iiki��uo�l tuf��rmuliii�o (; �u1:tl' I: A. f}auy�lpe R�dfimakor f'IJT U �ia;� 61�0 AC(:OUM1'f � C�:NifR � A,�iO[114T � CITV S�:CI�L'I'A.I[Y �,�tii'�'��f;1{�::�'� I ��'11'�' {������1� � I���'11� ��A 1;}�!3 � S4,*,�5,�9�,5�? 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