HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17671 (2).+. y�� ! `} STATE OF TEXAS § ���Y ������ � �.r.�t r� � COUNTY OF TARRANT § - THIS AGREEMENT, �ntered into the 20th day o� January, 1990, by and between the Ca.ty of Fort Worth, a home-rule municipal corpaaration located in Tarrant Couniy, Texas, acting harein by axxd through David A. Ivory, its du].y auihnrized City Manager, her�inafter called "CZTY", and MICHAEL L. MORRIS, D.V.M., an independent cantractor, hereinafter called "DR. MORRIS". W I T N E 5 S E T H: WHEREAS, '�he City of Fort Wo�th in,vited b.ids in Octobe� 1989 froYn qualified ba.dders to furnish vet�rinarian services to the Ca.ty Departm�nt of Public Health, Animal Control Division, fdr an initial period df one year and, at th� so1.e optian of the City, with the ri.ght to k�ep the agreement in effect with the same terms for two additional one�-year periods thereafter; and WHEREAS� after campetitive bidding occu�red, the �ow�st responsive bid to the C.ity's invi.tatian was subrnitted by Dr. Michael L. Morris of Thirty-��ive Dollars ($35.Q0) per houx for his veterinarian services; and WHEREAS, a copy o� th� City's invitation to bid and Dr. Morris� bid submitted thereon are attached hereto and incarpo�- rated by re�erence as Exhibit "A" to this agreemen.t; and WHEREAS, the FQrt Worth Ci.ty Council, in De�ember 1989, authorized a contract with Dr. Moracis to pravide vet�rinarian services to the Ani�nal Contral Division; �, � NQW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That far and in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and agreements her�in cantained, the City and Dr. Marr,is hereby mutual.].y agree and covenant as �ollows: ARTICLE �. SERVICES Dr. Morris agrees to perform the foll.owing consultant and other veterinary services for the City of Fort Worth Public Heal.th D�pa�tment, Animal Control Division, during �he term af this agreement: (1} Conduct weekly inspections af all animal holding areas ai the Animal Control facility or at any other location that may be designated by the Director of the City Public Health Department, hereinafte� call.ed "Directflr." Make written �ntries to the log maintained at the facility wh�.ch advise the Animal Gontrol. Manager of ��co�nmenda�ions or sugges�ions regarding chang�s or impravements at the facility which wauld assure ade-� quate care of the animals and the sanitary conditian of the facility. {2} �articipate in quar�er].y meet�.ngs with the Ci.ty's Animai Control staff ta discuss animal care and control concern�. Conduct training of Animal Cont�ol staff in the proper operation of the facility upon the request of the Animal Control Manager. (3) Provide profess.�ana�. opinions and/or actions at the Animal Control facility or at any other location that may be de5ignat�d by th� Director which implement ar carry out the object�ves of the Animal Control Division, at the request of �he Animal Control Manager. �4} Complete and submit all reports required by the Texas Depa�tment o£ Health in conneCtian with contract ser- vices. Provide written quarterly r�po�ts of activiiies or conditions to the Director. (5) At the request of the Animal Contro7. Manager, provide treatment to animals held at the Animal Cont.r�l facility or at an.y other Iocation that may be desig- �. � � nated by the Director, includ�ng emergency first aid, rabies vaccination, and/or spay/n�utering. {6} Render advice or assistance to the City Department of Public Health concerning disease transmission from animals to human beings by ve�tors at the �equest af the Dire�tox. ` (7) Furnish drugs used in the requested treatment of animal5 and bi11 the City at th� veter�narian's actuaL cost �or drugs �urnished. . {8} Submit a quarterly �ch�dule prapasing tentative times and dates �or inspecting the Animal Contral facility to the Animal Control Manager. (9) P�ovide can�ultation to the Dzrectar or Animal Cantrol Manager on an "as needed" basi5 at the request of the Dire�tor ox Manager. (10} Render such o�her p�oiessional services as are appro- priate for a consultant veterinarian at the reque5t nf the Direc�or or Animal Control Manag�r. ARTzcLE xx. FEE City agrees to pay to Dr. Morris as compensation for the professional services rendered under th�s agreement Thirty�f�ve and No/100 flollars {$35.00) per hour during the term of thi� agreement. City agrees to reimburse Dr. Marris his actual cost of drugs furnished in the requested treatment of animals. "Actual cost" is defined as being the same charge Dr. Morris pays the drug supplier for the medications. Dr. Morr�s agrees to sub� mit an itemized statement showing dates and a des�ription of ser�vices rendered and costs o� d�ugs furnished in the xequested treatment of animals. Dr. Morris agrees to subm�t manthly sta�e- ment to the Animal Control Manager by the fifth day of the next month foliowing the �onth in which s��vices axe rendered. The tota� payments made to Dr. Morris during the term of this con- 3 r tract sha11 not exceed Seven Thou�and Twa Hundred Eighty and No/100 Dollars {$7,280.00} in the fiirst year. Tn th� event contract funds are depleted before the end af a cont�act or op�ian year, the Ciiy will n�t arequire or direct D�. Morris io perform veterinary services pur�uant to this agreement. Tha� funds are not available will not constitut� a breach of this agreemeni by the C.ity. ARTTCLE ITT. TERM The term of this agreement shal� be for twe�ve (12} months, beginning on January 20, 1.990, and end.ing on January Z9, 1991, unless sooner ended in accordanc� with the provisions her�o�. City has the right and sole option to continue thi� agreement in effect with Dr. Morris for two (2) additional one-year terms, �ro�r► January 20, 1991, until ,?anuary 19, 1992, and from January 20, 1992, unti3. January 19, 19�3. If the City elects its opta.on in either the second or third year -�o continue this agree- men�, th� City shall give written notice of ex�rcise of its option to Dr. Morris no Iater than January 2Q, 199�, .in the second year and Januaxy 20, 1992, in the third year. Exercise o� the City's dp�ian in th� second or third year con.tinues this con- t�act .�n force on the same terms, covenants and conditions as set forth in this ag�reement. No amendment to this agreement or subse- quent con�ract ex�cution by the parties is necessary for the pur- pose of extending the term in the second or third aption years. If the City does not exercise its option to keep the agreement wi�h Dr. Morris in effect in either the second or third opt.ion 4 year, such decis�on does nat constitute a breach o� any kind o� th�s agreement. ARTICLE IV. �NDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR Dr. Morris sha11 ope�ate hereunder as an independent con- tractar and not a� an officer, ag�nt, servant or emplayee of the C�ty of Fart Worth. Dr. Morris shall have exclusive control af and the exclusive right �o control the details of the work to be performed hereunder and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsibl.e for hi� acts or omissions and the acts or a�nis� sian� of his employees, servants and agents. ARTICLE V. ZNDEMNZFICATION Dr. Morris cavenants and agrees to, and does hereby, ir�dem- nify and hald harmless and defend City, its officers and employees, from and against any and all suits ar claims £or property damage and/or personal injury, including death, to any and all persons, af whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising oui o£ or .in co�,nection with th� performance or attempted perfo�mance of the services desc�i.bed herein, whether o� not caus�d in whole ar in part, by negligence of officers, aqen�s, servant_s or employees of the City; and �urther Dr. Morris does herehy assume all liability and respnnsibility for any and a11 such c�.aims or suits, whether or not �aused, in whole ar in part, by the negligence of offic�r�, agex�ts, ser�cran�s or employees of the City. 5 ARTICLE VT. TNSURANCE Dr. Mo�ris shall maintain, during the term of this agree- ment, comprehensive general and automobil� liability, with bodily �nju�y limits of $250,000 pe� persan and $SQ0,000 per accident and proper�y damage limit of $100,000 p�r accident. Dr. Morris sha11 furnish certificates of the foregoing insurance to the City of Fort War�h Purchasing Depariment on or be�ore the term of the agreement begins. in the event nf cancel�ation or material change in such insuran�e coverage, Dr. Morris shall provid� thirty (30) daysr notice by registered mail to the City Purchasing D�partment. Dr. Morris shall maintain, during the te�n of this agree- ment, such professional liability insurance, in amounts satis�ac- tory to the City, a� shall protect Dr. Morxis from any act� amissian, defect, deficiency ar negligence in connection with the professional sexvices performed hereunder. ARTICLE VII. TERMINATION This agreement shall be terminated upon the occurrence af any af the following events: (1) Whenever Dr. Morris shall cease to be a licensed veteri- narian as defined in the Veterinary Licen.sing Act, Art9.cle 7465a, Vernon's Ann. Civ. Stat., as amended �rom time to time. (2) Whenever the City and Dr. Morris shall mutualZy agree to �h� termination in writing. 0 ��� i�l (5) The death of Dr. Morris, Whenever physical incapacity or dzsability of Dr. Morris to perform contract services exist� for any continuous period of at ].east six�y (60) days, unless waived by the Ci�y. Whenever Dr. Morris fails o� refuses to render services sati5�'actory to the City. { 6} If the C�ty fails or refuses to exercise a.ts option to keep th�.s agreement in force by January 2Q, 1991, in the second year or January 20, 1992, in the third year. (7} Notwi�hstanding any of the provisions of subsection5 (1) thraugh (6} above, upon sixty (50) days' prior written notice by the City to Dr. Morris. ARTZCLE VIII. VENiIE Should any action, whether real or asserted, at laiv or in equity, arise oui of or under this contract, venu� for said action �ha11 be in Tarrant Coun�y, Texas. ARTICLE TX. NON�ASSIGNASILYTY Except as otherwise expressly pravided herein, this agree- ment is non�assignable, and any unauthorized purported assignment or delegatian af any of Consultant's rights ar dutieg hereunder, without the prior written consent of City, shall be void and con- stitute a breach of this agreement. This agreement 5ha11 be binding upon the part�.es, their successors and ass�gns. 7 ARTICLE X. NON-WAIVER The failu�e of City to insi5t upon the performance of any term or provision of this agreement or to exercise any right herein conferred shall not be construed as a waiver or relinquish� ment to any extent of City's r�ght tn assert ar rely upon any such term or ri�ht on any future occas�on. ARTTCLE XI. NOT�CES All notices required or permitted to be given under this agreemen� will be sufficient if �urnished in writing, sent by certified mai1, postage prepaid, retu�n receip� requested, to Dr. Michael L. Morris, D.V.M., 5708 South Hulen, Foxt Worth, Texas 76133, and tn Animal Control Manager, City of Fort Wnrth, 920 Woodward, Fort Worth, Texas 76107. Such notice sha11 be con- sidexed given and Completed upon depasit in the United States mail as aforesaid. ARTICLE XTT. LAW GOVERNING AGREEM�NT This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accor- dance with the Zaws o� th� Siate of Texas. ARTICLE XTIT. LEGAL CONSTRUCTION In case any one or m�re of the provision� contained in this agreement shal� for any reason be held to be inva�id, zZlegal, or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality, or unenfarceahility shall not affect any other pravisions, and this ,� C�TY 0� FORT WORTH ARTICLE XIV. ENTTRETY QF AGREEMENT ATT�ST: � Ci'ty Secretary APPROVED AS TO FU�I'�I :�ND L�GA.LITY: �L Y ��/� City Attoxney �ate : c� �'�D / ` �' . By: _ .� _.^,� City Manaqer f ��� � ,�/] I��},, � ` '' y ' ��� � - �'`� Mi.chael L. Morris, D.V.M. Date : 1 �3/ �9 />` � ��� Coutr�dot gu;,hor�z ti� _ la-l� ��-- -, ��t� agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unen- forceable provision had never been inc�uded in this agreement. This written instrument and a11 attachments incorporated herein by reference constitute the entire agr�ement by th� parties hereta concerning the work and services to be p��formed hereunder, and any prior o� contemgoraneaus aral or written agree- ments which purport to vary from the terms hereof shali be void. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first above written in Fort Worth, Tarran� County, Texas. � ���� ���� �� ���� �����]L ���Y'�'��Y�� �� ��� THTS DOES NOT REPRESENT AN T.TSE THZS FORM T�a'�+1DOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, �����) TELE�HONE NUMBER: t'4ichael L. Morris, DVM G708 So. Hulen I't. Warth, Tx 76133 '�5�17 QRDER �`OR THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY. IN SUBMITTING ALL BIDS. ° BID QUOTATiON N0. 89—Qffi i� �.4>17189 : SID REQUEST FOR: ��i�R�#�ARY S�RVYC�S S�ALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 1:80 P.M. ;;� �/ p�� $� AT THE 4FFICE OF PURCHASING MGR. FORT WOR,TH MUNTCTPAL BUTLDING RM. L62. '. BID OPENING AT 2.00 P.M, FOR INFORMATION, : CALL BUYER: p � �3 I'� F � � � Y 0�8 � � � i4 �IUA�TITY ' iTNIT DESCRTP7`IQN IJPIIT PRICE � AMOUNT ..�:.�._ . .. ,.. _ _ _ . . . I� Bi� �C5�a�S� ; � � ; i���S A�� �a��a�i�n�S : } . � '�-. �1��c S�3l.-CI�� � �{l�{ �t.7R�'�S1ilf�t� '�'H� �i��}E]S ��1�.} S��tV���S S�i F[lR?F� .I�i 7�� �il�i t tt£�ST. Ct� P��T ���f3 #2��U�S�'5p �I�iGTi�AL l��D C1Al� C�} ��1PY9 i�USY ��� �tfcCE. YE� ��! t�JR�h�ASI ��I iS�fl� B���R� 1a�fl Po�90 €3�V �1'�1� �'fJPl�id�1�� QATC'�o �,T� H�t�._ W�LL �o �'t1R���1 �jf3 B� fl��� T�; Ii�SU�� A�L���Ai��� Q�' E��C3�n �H� ��fNl�I(3i��iY NA�#�� `8I0 �"> �IOt� N1��'BE�t �Ip i]PE��3�� ���'E �1L1S'fi f�� �1.�#�tL.'� SH�1V�i� ON �'H� L[l�R R��T �C17R�1�� �� ,�il�Rf� �P_VE�i..O Eo , ; � . � , �':��.RIES SI'�l#LD .0� ��Ai�� 7�1 ��l� PU�2Gi�A���J� �3�P�R�'f����iT: . i � �� IL ��.;: P,��o �1�3X i7Q� �' , � FiIR� �1�R7'�#9 iX �b1Q2 � ;`���d� [��Ll�t�l�V.o 1�D4 ��1�OClCifi+�E��'�N � l.i�'��f{ L�idEl. � S�U�"ti�AS� �fl#i�#��t : . ( , : F�Ri �i�J���iv "�7� i63,�}� � ' � � �iCl �� � I1i� �� �i S�ECTA� Ci7UR��t�� i��� ��DE��l1� �����.5Sfl S���AI. ��L_TIO�R�� , s�l�11J��? � P�A��EE} �'SIi7 �ltiST �i� �#�LI���E� �Q Pl1#��F6ASi�iG �9iV�S��d O�iL�' ��D�#� ;� �{�p�l��' I iIRD�:R �a �3� ��J�ISiE�����a � ����r �� �����=,a�� �� ��r����� ��a�� �a ���� ����c�� ����a��� v�c� � ���a�� � �i�T�iCAT��l� ���i'E� �H� i�F��G�A� [3P��lI�tG� �3��5 FRAY �d�T �� A�i�i���B� A���!£�} [�� '��RAWAI I��i�i�UT �M� R�GO�l�lEtri�Ai�i�A! Q� iN� 6�I�R��A��NG .���Al� A�� �1-4� 1�PPR�'l1liL �� ,��iY C�UA Ci�� : -s J.�.4CASH D�SCOUNTS WITH TERMS LESS TIiAN PRICES TO SE QUOTED F.O.B. � : �"1'��: 30 DAYS W1I.I. NOT B� CONSID�R�A. NdTE: DESTINATION. TOTAE� BII3S WILL BE TABLTLATE➢ AS N�T. ALL TAXES TO BE ��CLUDED �'ROM BID. ; BID: T::e ue�dersigned assures that its amp[oyees and appticants far employment and thoae nf aay 3abor organization aubcontractora or employment agency in either furn'rehing or referting employee a�- } i'rants to Et�e undersipaed are not descri�ninated r�$einst by tha terme af Article TIT, Divis�on 3(Cmployment �'tactices),Cha�ter 17 Gode of the City of Port Worth (198$), as amerided, and withln tisc scnpe of these prov�s�ons, agreea to cooperate wtth ths C�ty oi ForC Worth in verifying this assurance, Delivery in caiendar days from receipt of order. Fraight i�erm�• The City of T'ort WarEh reserves the right to reject xny andlor all bids . and to waive any andlor all formalities and to award p�archase on in- dirridual it�m basis. iIV SUBMI"TTING THF ABOVE QUOTATIQN, TH� V�NDOR E�GR�ES THAT APPRpVAL, ACCEPTANCE, AND THE IS- NAME: Micha�l L, Morris SUANCE O�F' A PURC�3ASE ORDER� WTTH'IN fl REASONASLE (�io! m type) � TF'PLE: Veterinarian k'L+'$IQD� BY THL+' PE.TR.C�IASiNG DIVISION Ok' �'HFa' CITY OF (Printoetype) �'ORT WORTH CONSTITUTES A GONTI�,ACT. DATE: ���- �� �� y /� ` f Pu�c�iasing Manager: Ben Alien sIGNA�URE; `'� � a ���r1�«° �.��i �� �I. �JC� ���� �� ��� .�L ��` ���� ������.����. �� ��� THIS DOE� NOT REPRESENT AN �RDER FOR THE PURCHASE BY TH:E CITY. USE THIS FORIVI IIV Si3BMITTING ALL BIDS. I��;NDOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, � BID QUOT�TION N�. 89� t�9 �� 1 Q A17� €3� ��t J TELEPHONE NUNIBER: M� chael L. Marrzs, DVM b708 Sa. Ht�len x��, wo�-tn, T� 7�133 i:li� QUANTITY UN1T .._..: 1., . ����� : BID I�EQUEST F4R: � ���'�R��AR� S���a'i��� ' SEALED BIDS WILL B� RECEN�D UNTIL 1:30 P.M. ;�. 3! �3 4! 8 4 AT THE OFFICE OF PURCHA�ING MGR. ' FORT WORTH MUNICIPA.L BUILD�TG RM. L62. � BID OPENING AT 2:00 P.M. POR TNFORMATION, ' CALL SYIYER: �fl @��F�E Bi��83�5 DESCRIPTION ,�f�i� C�iY �� �I��dT 4l�R�H R��ii�5`fS �.iOS �TD �11��fiSIT YEiERTNARS° ���1�i�C�5 ��3 T�� �A�tli�t�L ��l���tlL �DEPAitT�`���i�� PO�t I�i�i1�f�A�'� :.ii�i� �€��A1'�1�� "��l i#�� ���GT�IC.A�'���15 C�S�,� ��!1� �t��'�1L� �1�'�-��ii�i39�� �r�Y:��.�,�.;'id�� A��SE��9��iT �fYL�L �� �QR � P��i�l� �l� (3�i ����� �oa�; 0�1E Y��R �IiH C3P��t]N5 Tf] ��1��►� FC3�t �'�� Y�w;ti-'��-_�ip�3liIiii�AL ��;4RSa J. d. .�.+b.4-.w � � � ! , ry��'Y'rti -'A A 1YF�� C�T�° E]F ��f�� 4��IRi� C#iR9�i�l�i��Y �fEJP�i�3�R: 37�fl�0�0 1��i�RI�IARi 5��t1l�G�S T� ��4C�t�pf: ��iCC:�iVA3'I��l�9 S'A �' �#��R��l�dC� ��€��� AI�J� .��3�1.��� �1�i ��'��AS� TRA�'S P�t�]i�T�� R���7��9��it�Ai�il�i5 �I�.� �� 1�� !� CHAi��� �F - UNTT PRICE � AMOUNT : � �` �' � � �'.�'SlY` ��i* .����"�^'ii'P Y�^�.` �. � :�_-���� ti :��,����� � �t��U'�� iR€G SSiflt� �� 3.5_ �C1U€t �:,�. ,�{ . _ . .. � ---- . , , CASH DTSCOC7NTS WI�'H TERMB LESS THAN PRICES TO SE QUOT�b F.O.B. , Ca Pi�: 34 DAYS WILL NOT BE COI�t�IDERED. ' NOTE: D�STINATION. i TOTAL �� BIDS WII,L BE �ABULAT�D AS NET. � ALL TAXES Td B� EXCLUDED I'ROM BID. ' BID: 1't�2 11IIdCTfl1gn ad �ssures that its employees and epplicants Far eruployment sn3 those of a�y labor organization, subeontractors or employment ngency in e'sthex £umishing or refarring empleyee ap� fil�e.rnts ta thc undersipned are not descnmmated against hy the terme oi Article Iii, Ditris�on 8(Empkoyment Pr�cticas),CUapter 17 Code of the City nt Fort Worth (1985), as amended, and witlun :s.r scope pf theae prov�sians, agrees to eoaperate w�th the Gity of Foct Worth in verifying thie assurance. Delivery in calendar days from receipt of order. Freight Eerm�• �he City of Foi�t Workh resairves the zight fn reject any andlor all bids and to waive any andlor all fornnalities and to award pm•chase on in- dividval item basis. IN SUSMITTII�G THE ABOV� QiTdTATION, THE VEP�iDOR 1. ��ha�l��� Mo �� s ��} � r .[IGRE�B TIiAT APPIZO'VAG, ACCEPTANCE, .ANA TH� IS- NAM�. ff _. �/ �� � �UANC� 4F A p�[l1ZCHA�� ORDER, WITHIN A REASONASLE 4�at or Eype) 'I'TTI,k`,; Vetc�rinar;.an ,PL�'13,I0D� 13Y THE PURCFIASINCs DNI�`ION OI+` 7.'�+' CITY OP (Print oe f}pa) �'O�t,T WOEi,TH CONSTITI7TES A CON`riFi,ACT. �A�'�: 11 �6�89 _ Pu�chasing Manager: $en Allen �IGNATUR�:�rc Lc r��� -� ��k.il.dt� �.l�y�� J6. �lP��� ���.1�1�� YO' �JLlr���1,A xl�T�l'I'l�,�.T��1� '�O �i� THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT AN 4RDER FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE CZTY. USE THIS FORM IIV SUBM�TTING ALL BIDS. ,�+-;NDOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, ' BID QUOTATION N4. 89—U��S �t?l1��89 �"i`�� TELEPHONE NLTMBE�: ; BID REQUEST FOR: ' ��T�.#���dA��' S£��+�C�� rNichael L. Morris, DVM � SEALED BIDS WILL BE R,ECEIVED UNTIL 1:30 P.M. G 708 50 . Hul en i��✓��1 ��'� AT THE OFFICE �F 1'U�CHAS�NG MGR. � FORT WORTH MUNiC7PAL BUILDING RM. L62. Ta t Wor tt� , Tx 76? 33 ����� : BID OPENING AT 2:00 P.M, FOR INFORMATION, ` CALL BUYER: P� fi���£� B�°0—��75 C�,tv� QT3ANTiTY � UNI'P : � •�. � ,, M��'Y iS ��P�: �:; c�u��� ru ��� 1�} :�? 13GRE���9 i� ;A �F��2ED9 R�' T�-E C'��ICA"�I�C�S� ll�SCiZIPTION � LTNIT PRICE : AMOLTNT ��t�}�i ���3��AL ��IC�S� ��1L� �Ti�T� Sk�I�S TA�tn �F1�R��:�I�E� T�1� fF�L���' PiOi �x�� : F��I3 �5 AC��P7�C?� 'C� �FiJR�f3S!# A�iit PRIC�CS) At�'� llPt�f� �i�� ��R�1S #t�A r��� a�.� gT��S .JP�]N ��� t� �����s GQ�iI�.��T�t�65 Gil�_'f A.Y�dE£! �1 �l�� :���i� E�� �`��� �Cf�t�F� R�5��14ES i'�i� �t�6#�17' 'Tfl .A�C��'"i I3R R�J�C� It� �-��ii i7R �! k�H��E :. R�1L.L B�5 S 3NIZY�'��� AN�3 Ti3 �AiVC ANi' T��G��VICA�.I����S �F�R THr: �E5'� ��=����dES�' CI1� :.ITY. ,��E 'CLl � 5IC'i��D 8Y A i'�R50Ri �!}�.1� AU'�I�ORT��p 7� �?4�Cili� T�I�S ��qi��'i2#�CT ��ii��2�9�° "�i�IG ��l�F �i"#i� �I�7 �l�iS i�OT ���id i�R�F�i��i7 IR� ��1l�L,USI�IN WI�Tt9 A3�� i#�HEit ���D�F3v �i�AT Tl�� ��3P�T �ITS 4�F �'H�5 �3Ti� �fi��9� ��� ��Ei� ���P91��l��CAT�D i(3 A�'d L1���� �°+���£� . ; �'Cl �°M� 3���I �A� fl�'��ll�iG �� �i��5 i3TiD� � �:ICES �lALL �� ��43 �.���� fl�S��MA�'I€�#� A�l� ��C�iJ�� PA�#�A����s� �IA�i��3C�G� ��I�'dG A!�D �3�i.:� ��Y IC�lA�G�S FlJ�.��' A�IO F3�' 1`E�� VEND�?R U�IL�SS ���i �€��� h!�'��3 ��t r���I�IGD�I[lf�t,o S � u � P '" Tt]PJS GOf'C�Ri�;�V� �#ii� ��#J .D . L �y �» ry y r ��� F4t17t 4tV��.LLJI'�'� nS�#3��V�F'�#7 ������E� "�I�� € SHS]1��E3 �� A�1i}R�SS�� iif ��4� �U�'�F� 9�A ��i d��3L�� �'��A�� .iF'f�L��S4�13.i3�9� �U i�� ��F't�f�l.�� ��i'►�� ��Qi�N H��il��`i � I � � i . � , ! _....�.�.��� . �� � � .. �.�,�� .� � CASH DISCOUNTS WITH TEIiMS L�SS THAN PRTCES TO BE QUOTED F.O.B. . l�'�'�1; 30 DAYS WILL NOT BE CON�ID�I�,�D. NOTE: DESTINATION, TOTAL • � V BIDS WILL BE TABULATED AS NET. AI,I. TA�ES TO BE �XCLUDED FROM BID. BID: ; Tl:r unders'rgned assurea that its employees and applicants fyor emplayment and tl�oae of any labar o�ganizativn aubco�tractare or employment �ency in either E'urnishing or referring emplayae ap- i� s seope vfhth sedp o��si neragr es ta caoperate v�ith the Citycof PorL�Workh in ve'rl�ying�this aesurAncp enL �'raciiees),Chapter 17 Code af the City of Part Worth (188&), as amendtd, and withcn i?t•eight term�� IN SUBMTTTING 'i'HE AADV� QUQTA'TYQN, TH� V�ND�R AGI2EES THAT APPi�,bVAL, ACCEPTANC�, AND THE I�- SUANCE OF A PL7RCHA5� ORDER, WITHIN A 1�EASONABL� FER.IOD, $Y THE PURCHL�SING DNISiON OF TFIE CITY 0� I`4RT WORTH CONSTTTU'I'ES A. CQNTRACT. Purchasing Mama�e�: Ben AIlen Deliveiy in calendar days from receipt oi order. The City of Fort Worth reser�ves the right to reject any andlor alI bids and to waiue any andlor all formalities and to award purchase on in- dividua] item basis, �,��; Michael L. Morris (I43nt or Lype) �z�L�; Veterinarian {Y�tat or typc) �a��: 11( 6 / 9 �' �IGNATCJTi,�: ` �� _�,, W �d::L� �� 1!. � �� ���+� m! ��L��� Y1�T�Y`�'li'���N. Z'O �Ii] THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT AN ORDER, F4R THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY, USE THI� FORM IN SUBIVIITTING ALL BIDS. IL�iDOR'S N�.ME, ADDRE��, � BID QUOTATTON N0. �9��$7� �.�/���/89 i,I��� TELEPHONE NUMBER; , B�D REQUE�'r FOR: 9��Y���AIARY S�RViC�S ziichaeY L. i�Iorris, D�M - SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL 1:30 P.M. G 708 S o. Hu l en ������ �� AT THE 4FFICE OF PURCHASING MGR. � FORT WORTH MIINiCIPAL BUILDING RM. L62. Ft Warth, �'x 7b133 7b�.�7 ' B�D OPENING AT 2;00 P.M. FOR INFORMAT14N, � CALL BUYER: #� n d�'� �� �� 8� 0�� � i� L.�� �: QUANTITY ' i]1�IT ° � � -- DESCRIPTIb�1 ���s����c� �i�us� �� sT��u�r�r�� �+��xr���� � ca����s�����a� ��� LTNI'P PRTCE . AMOUNI� �� co��������vs�v� �����a�. ��� �u�a������ t����x��r� ����� ���x�v ��.���� o�x�r�s t�� �����afl� ��� . ���st�� ��a� �����t��� ��� �c�.����T ��an �������r a����� �,���r n� �.ia��ac�� ��� ��ccz����r. s����� s��t� ���r�uzst� c���x������ �� ��� ����ca��€r� x�v�a����c� �� ��� ��T� a� ���� ����r�a� ��t�v�fl�N� �jo �9AYS ��TI�CE 8�P R���S�'���� �Ag�. �'�i Pi9��t#AS�f�� A5 '�'#� �CA�lC�L�.P��I�� �R MA��RIA1� G��t���v PR��3�t i0 C�JM�iw�i���i�N� t]� 511�#f S��CV��E�� ' :�iA�i. �L�R����GA7I�l3� �'�= �RJ���ASit�� �I�Y 0� ��IR� S�OR�W 2flQ0 �'}�R�1�8(h1�iR3Q� � �33�tT $�[7RT�1, i�XA,S 7b��� 1 i � � CASH DISCDUNTS WT'TH'PiRMS LESS THAN . FRICES TO S� QUOTED F'.O.B. ;?'PF: 30 DAYS WiLL NQT BE CONSIDERED, .1VOTE: D�STFNATTON'. TOTAL � BIDS WILL BE TASULATED AS I�iET. ALL TAXES TO BE EXCLUD�A FROM BID. BID: '}',,r undersig�ed assures thst its employees and appiicaats Por empEoymeni and tliase of any ]a6vr organezgtion, snbcontraetars or ernployrnent agency in either furniehin� or referring emplogee ap- �:�cants to the undarsigned are not desc�dmEnated a�sinat the terens of Article i]I, Divis�on S(�mploym¢nt Practicee),Chapter 17 Cede of Lhe City oE Fvzt Wvrth (198 ), as amersded, and wlthin u-:� :.cope of these provis�ons, agraes to cooperate wrtl� the�ity aE Fort WorCh 1n verifyfng thie assurnnce, .Llei�very in calendar days from receipt of arder. �reight terms: The Ciiy of I'ort Worth reaerves the right to reject anp andlor all bida and to waive any andlor all formalities and to award purchase on in- ' dividual item basis. AN SCJBMI7'TIIVG THE ABOV� GZUO'FATION, THE V�I�DOR AGRE�S THAT APPROVAL, ACCEPTANCE, AI�iD TH� IS- �UANCE OI+ A PUIRCHASE ORIa�It, WiTHIN A itEASONABLE PERIQD, BY T�IE PU1tCHASII+TG l]I'VISION OF' THE GITY OF �OR� W{�RTH CONSTITUTES A CONTRACT. Purchasing Manager: Ben Allen Micha�l I,_ Morrzs NA,M�: TITL�: �e�',��znarian (Print o� ype) � /^ � r� DA��: � 1�6 �� 9 i i Y. �� ��' �.� �IGNATURE: �_���lGr' �" � '!I.'.4�� �..��'�," � �'�' .��'�.1a�'�'.� - �1��T���iTT4i� '�O ��� � THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT A1V QRDER FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY. ' USE THIS F�RM IN SUBMITTING ALL B�DS. ,���NDOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, BID QUOTATION N0. �9-� Q� �� 1�I1 T1�9� li��D TELEPHONE NUM�ER: BID REQUEST FOR: : V�i�R��iA�iP S�RV�C�S Michael L. Morxis, DVM SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECENED iJNTiL 1:30 P,M. 67Q8 50. Hu1en � 31/{1�1�3� AT THE OFFTCE OF PURCHASING MGR. � FORT WORTH MIINTCIPAL BUILDING I3,M. L62. F t Wor th , Tx i h I 33� � 1.� � ; BID OPENING AT 2:00 P.M. FOR INFORMATION, ' CALL BUYER: �o ����'�� 8"������� tl ,_� I�i:41� QUANTITY Ui�iIT � DESCRIPTION . UI�1IT PftICE AMOUNT Q, a' �..� , ��NV�]I�ES �3i�3� �� P�1I�1 �N A�G�R�7AC��� �XT� 5�l�T� A�� S� S °�;tli�! P�6i"��P�i T�i�i�S �3� 1���;5 i�i�N �HIRi'� C30) t3A� id��� N� , B� A�G�P���� . ; �{ , � , . � � � F � > �i...--- „'.� ,..._ _ . . � CA�H DISCOUN'i'S VPITH TERMS L�SS TEiAN � PR.ICES TO B� QUOTED T".O.B. � : l'i'I`F: 30 DA7'S WILL NpT BE CONSILIERED. :1VOTE: DF,STINATTON. ' TOTAL � �� BID5 WiLL BE TABULATED .A.S N�T. : ALL TAXES TO BE ExCLUDED FRQM SID. ' BTD: ��a_x-, .. � � �.� . � Tl;a undersig�ed assures that iks emp�oyeea,and appliCanta for emptoyment sn� thaee of any Eabor arganiaaCion suhcontractora or empinyment agency in eitker futmishing ar refarring empinyea a� p'ieants to the undersi�ned are not descrimmatecl sgainst by the tsrms o# Ariida III,,Division 3(Employment �'ractices},Cl�apter 17 Uode of the G3ky of I'art Worth (i966), as amenduE, and witWn ;I,: scnpe of these provis�ons, agrees to caoperate vnth the City af Fort Worth in verSying tliis assurance. Delivery in calendar days fsom receipt of arder. Freight terms: Tkxa City of Fort Woz�th reserves the righ� to reject any andlor all bids and �o waive any andlor a�l formalities and to award purchase on in- dividual item �as�s. IN SUBMITTING T�IE A$OVE QUOTATION, THE VENDOR AGR��S THAT APPROVAL, ACCEFTANCE, AND TH� IS- SUANGE OF A PURCHASE ORDER, WTTHII+T A REASQivABLE P�R,iOD, BY T�IE PURCfIASING DIVISION QF THE CI�'Y OF FORT WORTH CONS'�ITUTES A CONTftAC�`. Purcha�ing Manager: Ben Allen Michael L. Morr.is NAME: �er�ne or t+�yc► 'iI'1'LE: Vat�rti nari An �.L6f61U9 f/';') ��1�Fi: � D `�\ ���.t� � si�Nn�u�r: 1 _ ���� ��� ��� A �� ����� ������ �����'����� �'� �l� THIS DOES N4T REPRESENT AN USE TI-�IS FORN! T7i;��iDOR'S NAME, ADDRESS, l:r��l TELEP�IONE NUMBER: Michael Le Morris, DVM 67Q$ So. Hulen Fort Worth, Tx 76133 76i�i ORDER FOR THE PURC�-IASE BY TH� CTTY. ZN SUBMITTING ALL BID�. ' BID QUOTATION N�. � 3 — D � � � I (� / � � d � 9 ; BID REQ�TE�T' FOR: � �f�T�itII�AR�' S1�RVICcS ; SEALEA BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL �.:�Q P.M. :� �, /#� g/ g� AT THE QFFiCE QF PURCHASING MGR. ; I�'ORT WORTH MUNICIPAL BUILDING RM. L62. � BID OPENING AT 2:00 P.M. FOR INFORMATION, � ' CALL Bi7YER: F' a�� F��� 8 T fl� 8��� J�i ; QUAI�TITY � UNIT DESCRIPTIO?J � L3NIT PRIC� I t�#�Y £�i��I�Y Sli�MiTi���l� 1� �iD ��� �#3NSI�3�R�7Itl�1 �'� i�� �I � ��4?T �fi3��i'?�i �1H��l�I �k£��D5 ��.5�(lt}OaOq �S R��UI�t�D 'i� ��SP ! :�'Q Yi�i� �iT�' S���/��� PC}�°��Y AN� R�G�11.ER��I��i'So ��A�i.iJ�?� � � �IIt���.i' WI�'� 7�i� �'�Y1'pS �7�E�t��]� ��A�5 �3� T�] �l�P��3�S�°RA�'� 'GClt7€? �A�il� ���tJR�° �IIL�. R�S�d�.� I�i �, �i� ��I�JC Pfi� R�S�'�i� :T�3 ���������A���IPIS ANt� �w�#�E�ii€�� �ISQU��.�����i� H� 1��1� i��'� ��i�l�'I�I��#C� DLIC�I��i�i�i'S €�iiST 8� SUB�I���°�A N�l L��� �'H�9 • S;�b �.t�� 7�1R�� C3] �t���id�S5'€}AY� Q�T��t �i�f 0'�� Tf�� bA�' �rr�� ������ ��s�a�s�.�a� ������ �������� a�� s��c�� c�T���as �we �����a�� ��v�������-�.s �r�� �� c��a���n ����� �� o �� � : `C�iY' S t���/4�8� �fl��CY �[9��1 MAS NCiT B��IV Al��'AG�l� "�CI T�i� Ii�V�TAiIOAE i� �I� l6�i� 8�;� &3UpT�i��1I� �I�#�A4� �i �S iii� BID � � �S��E ��5P�2�tS.�B.Il.T��f TQ ��TAIAI ti G€�P�' �� S�i��i ��i T��° �3?0 ! CI�'Y [3� �t3R� W�i42T�'S €'�1tiC�f.�S��G ��P��tT�l�A1Y ��1� L1�C��� I ' �S R��UiREn� AMO[J�iT � �i � NQ �' 43 IVf �� � A rtn � �R°S �#� � �G�i�P�Z��t�� �:���i ��� �1�i�J�d�}� �'f��:iCY I� I��i �dEQt��3�� �il� ��i�5 :+��#IC� �� ��T �XC���l ��25qfli30..��. � ,UlVD�R �H� T���7� �i� ���'Y t7� F�IitT �€iRi�l ��t�]�NA}�CE t��o 9�395�� ,A�i�t �hiiI�`�P SU9MIiTING 1� �i�� ��7R C�3A1�T���AiI�]N ��� i�� �I1';!i f!� �ildti �i0�t��4 T5 R��tilf��� �i3 l3iSC��i��4 IN THE �C�i�� �D� A PRtIP��€Ly �t3�IPLEi�i3 I���lt�A11I�9 A�11` SIfaIN�SS R�E.A g�NSH�P ��' �►1A5 �iI�H S�I�IY� AF#�.�C� il� 1VA���IA� .T� �i�l#1 liR4�� Q� R�C�']�VEb A�1 A��i0A1i��fr �T N4�Y �� �1��AiN�i� ��tflt� iH� G���" ���1�3i L:l�ii�'H �PUR�NA5Ii�� �3i���siift�o �tiI�.�lR� �0 i��5�'O�IT� PR��I� � BTT} � [}�*��d��� WT�L R�SUl�� I�E YC]#JR 13.I�7 ��I�S� Gf7IV.SIi3�l�� � .1��3�t—��SP�3�1Si�d� ii] SP�C�FICAT:E�71��o T�9�S A����?Au ��S FCi� INF�R�SAi��� f]td�p AiVfl 1rilLl N�`i' �� Cdt�S�L}E#��� �tV 1d��i1�TI�i� �l� �.I�S� CASH DI$COUA�TS WITH TERMS LESS THAN (:!'F: 30 I?AYS WILL NOT BE CONSIDER,ED. � BIDS WILL B£ TABULAT�D A� N�T. ��rcEs �a B� �uo��D �.o.B. NOT�: DESTI1rrATION. � TOTAT� ALL TAX�S TO B� �XCLUDED FROM BID. ; BID: 'i3:e undersignad asauree tk�at its employees and applicants for employment and those oF a�y lalwr organiaation, sa6contractars or amployment agency in eitEier furnishing ar referriog empleyee s�• n?i��.rts W¢he undarsigned are not descriminated s�alnst hy the terma of Articte ]II, Divisian 3(Emgloyenent Practiep�),Cbapter 17 Cade of the City of Fort iilorth {19$G), as umended, and witWn t'ie scape of these pravis�nns, agreea tp cooperate with the City aE F'oit Wprth in verifying this assurance. Freight term�• ?N SUSMITTING THE ABOVE QUOTATION, T1�iE V�NDOR AGREES TFTAT A�'PRQ'WAL, ACCEPTANCE, AND THE IS- : UANCE flF A PURCHAS� ORDER, WITHI�T A�tEAS�NABLE �'ERIOD, BY THE PURCHASTIVG DTVISIDN OF TH� CITY OF PORT WOR'I'H L'O�iSTITUTES :9� CdNTRAC�. Pu�chasing Mana�er: Be� Allen D�:livery in calendar days from receipt of order. '1'he City of T'ori Wvrth reserves the right to reject �ny ancilor all bids and to waive any andlor all €ormalities and to award p�u'chase on in- dividual item basis. I�TAME: Michael L. Morris (Pdne or Lypej � �ITLE: Veterinarfan (Prin4 or type) x �� vA�r�: � SIGIVATURE: � " � .-P_ CC�% D„�� bJ46F£1V fIC8.1 "� ' y �y qJ ' , 1��zt� O� �O�`� �Di`�fbf ���5 �'� I j�-� ACGO Ufi7SN(d • � 7J �J r TRAfiSF+ORTATIGN�pUBLIC ���LL.l� lI �!! U��k+W .�� �/IV d 1�/f�/ !j1[V �� lf 1! W ll 1! li� {{/IV II fL ([�t6�Y�/ � W� !! 1V M•rl11 ADb1iW1S7RATI0F' • FIRAhtCE•1 �ATE REFERENCE NUMBER 12W12-$9 *�P�3866 ruac►slesi�oa- XfALTN UEP� MEFiT-I RECOMMENDATIDht: suBrscr: AUTHOR I Z� CQNTRAGT FOR VETERINARY SERVIGES FOR THE HEALTH DEPAR7MENT, ANIMAL CQhITROL DIVTSION It is recommended �hat the City Counci� authoriz�: PaG� 2 1 af __,.._ 1. A contract with Dr. Michaal Mvrris, D.V,M., to provide veterinary services �o �he Health Department, Animal Control Division an the low bid of $35.OQ per hour; and 2. The contract �o be far a perioc� of one year from the date of imp1ementatian with a�tions to renew for two addit�onal ane year periads. BID TABl7LATI0N: BIDDER 1. Dr. Michael L. Morr�s, D,V.M. Fort Worth, 7X 2. 3. 4. � Dr. Kevin D. Manoon, D.V.M. Mansfield, Tx Dr. Roy R. Langerl�ans, D.V.M. Fort 4�o�th, TX Qr. Paul liendon, D.V.M. For'� Warth, TX Dr. Craig Verrvers, D.V.M. Fort Warth, TX All bids are ne�. AMOUfVT BID $35.Q0 per �our $38.75 per haur $40.00 per hour $45,OQ per hour $150.00 per �aur Inv�tations t�o bid were mai7ed �o five prospective b�dders. Zero na bids were received and'zero vendors failed ta resporid. Bid was advertised in the Fart 4�orth Star-Telegram an October 19, and Oc�ober 26, i989. DISCUSSIDN: The An�mal Can�roi�Division has need of ve�erinary consu�tant 5erv�ces, spay/neu�ering surger�es and vaccinations, a5 well as emergency care. The 5ervices pravided by �he veterinarian will assis� the Anima� Control Division �n the con�rol of disease transmission and recommendations for updaiing the pragram. �M�1':, �rt �'•eirt� �. � � " "' iv is �S',►1;i� :1s�-yiee� 6y�� �,f f`�.�'!11'1�,... fa � �e� � �v.��������� k - �� �h�i'r �I, �r-��-_ � - .. , � _ e , Y � bATE REFERENCE � SUBJECT: AUTHOR��4 COI'TRACT FO11 "�UM6ER YETERINARY SERVICES FOR TFiE 1Zd12-8� "�*P-3$66 HEALTH DEPAFtTMEN7, ANIMAL CON7ROL DIVISIDN - - pAGE ~ 2 2 "�'' of FII�ANCING: Sufficien� fiunds are available in Genera� Fund O1, Healt� Department, Account NUmber 50-40�01, Animal Cor�trolo This purchase wili be charged to Index Cod� 290213, Consultants and other Professional 5erviceo .,;•. ,' Y�WW:b/6 ' ' � � - BQN 89�0875/P�7 � � AP�RDV�D �Y ��� ������� DEC 1.`: 19�� �F1. 4�tra,� �. _ _ � _ � --- . (n'�`i 5ecr�t4rY 6� t�t� �iqp' i Foi�t Vire�'.li�� Tfi�r� SUBMITTED' FOR THE y C17Y MANAGER'S �� �� �QDC� �"IlZZ OFFICE BY: ORlGIMATING S p C 6EpARTMENT.HEAb: �1u�$�n $a7 � 7�� O�BU F4R A�pfiIpNAL INFORMATf014 B�n Ai 1 en ��r'J% CDNTACT: • • - • . ❑iSPO51TIOM BY COl1MGL: PRbCESSEQ�BY [] APPRbVED ❑ O7HER (OESCRIBEj CITY SECRETAftY QATE 0