HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17672, ' , , � � � ����I AMEtVDMENT TO CI�'Y SECRETARY CON�'RACT NOS. Z0824, 1�0048, �.181.3 AND 12168 � �-- - - - � ..,,f ���� �� � .. :�� /y THE STATE �F '�EXA� � �`f�:' ` � `• I�� /� § CQUNTY O�` TARRANT � � WHEREA�. �he Ca.�;� af For� Worth and '�exas J��, Tnc. , have entered inta that ceri.ain A�reement identified as Ci��► Secre�ary Con�raat No. �.0824, be,q�.nna.r�g Decern}aer 1., 1979, and ending Navember 34y 19$4, wi�h an optior� ta renew for �wo, successive five .year �:erms; and WH�R�AS, the parta.es d��a.re to gran� T����ar the apti�n ta renew fqr tw4 additional succ�ssiv� �ive Xear terms and �o amend '�h� t�zms aanc�r7r�inq FueX F].c�wage Fees; and WHEREAS. �he Cit�+ o� Far� Worth and TeXaS Jet, InC., have ente�ed in,�o �.k�at cer�E�in Agr�ement identified as Ca.t.y S�cre���,y Crantract Nn. 7.181� fvr a peric�d af 3� .year� , beginninq 3'ul y 27 , 198]., and �nd�ng �7uly 26, 2Q�.1, wa.th �he nptzan to �r�new fa�- tw�, successive five year t�rms; and WHEk�EAS, �he parti�� d�sir`e� �a ahanqe the �e�ms cozzcezni.n� �djustrnen� �f �ent�I.s duri�g any renew�l pera.o�; and W�EREAS, oz� Deeember 21, 198�., the City of Fort Warth a�ad Texas Jet, Inc., en�ered into City 5ecretary Contract No. 12168, under �he terms o� which Te�as J'et, Inc., leases a tatal a� I34,603.2 sq. �t. p£ land located a't Fort Wor�h M�acham Airpo�t, which l.and is cammanl,y kr�awn as Lea�e Si�e C and Lease 5ite D; � .�_._ ,. ,. , .... � ..� pu, �,�- ���f ;�;;� � - ' . f:°�"� � � .. ,. ���,_ �I� ' # � i� 3,1� ~ � � �?���s`�� d .- _ �: . t and .1. WHER�AS, the �arties ta Cit,y Secretary Con�ract �a. �2168, now mutually d�sire io terminate and cancel said contract and ta ��ovide cansideration for such �ermination; and WHEREAS, in 197$ the City a� rort Wnrth and �AB Services, Inc., heretofvre en��red 7.nt� Cxt,y Sec�eta�Y C�ntract N�. 100�8, �ar th� Iease o� premises and �o� ��xed based opera�nr privileg�s at �ort Wn�th Meacham Airport for a�erm beginninq oc�ob�r �, 1978, a�d ending �eptember �Q, 2Q04, with one five ,year �enewal period; and WHEREAS, an �ctober �2, ��89, the Cit,y of �or� Wo��h executed a Cnnsen� �o Assiqnment of a11 right tit�� a�d int�rest in Ci�y �ecre�ar,y Contrac� No. ]_00�8, fzam xAS Financia�, Tnc., �h� succesWar in in�erest �o �A� Serviaes, �nc., tn Texas �et, Ina., which Cansent �o A�signment is an file in the o���ce o� t�e Ci�y S�cretary o� the Ci�y bf �ort Wor�h, as �ecr�tary Contr�c� No. 17380; and WHERE�S, the Cit,y o� Fnrt Worth a�d Texas �e�, Inc., now mutually desi�� t� amend Cit.y Secx�tary Contract No. �OQ�8, to change the te�ms concern�ng �h� ad7�s�men� af zen�als duri�g the ��newal period; NOW, THEREFORE, ��NOW A�� MEN BY THES� PRESENTS: Th�� �he City o� For� Worth, � municipal cnrpor��i�n, acting h�xei� by a�d through William W. Wflod, its dul.y au��or�z�d Assis�ant City Manag�r, and �exas Jet, Inc., by and through �eed Pigman, �r., its dul.y autho�iz�d Pres�dent, dn herebY cave�ant 2 a�d a�r.ee �s �ollaws: 1. . C�.�,y ��cr�tary Can�ract �o. �_(382�k, �urren�ly on file in the off�.Ce o� the Cit,y Secretary o� th� City of Fazt Waa�th, i� herebY am�n.ded by d�letinq in i.�.s en.�ir�ty Arti.cl.e III A, „T�rra", thereof �nd �ubsta.�uting in lieu therenf as �h� �ollowi.nc�: "ARTICLE ITI - TE�tM QF AGR�EMENT A. �ERM. T�e term o� th� Agr�em�nt, a� amended bY Cit.y S�cr��.ary CantraC�t �Va. 12125, adding property to the leased pzerRa���s, shall be �ar a per.iad c�mmeneing an �he 1W� day o� I�ecemb�:r, 1973, and �ndinq Novembe� 30, 1984. Lessee is grat�ted th� opti.an to renew thi� ac�r��men� fa� four (4) �uccessive, additiox�al periods o� fa.ve (5} year� each." � Ca.t,y ��cretary Cantract No. 10824 is fu�ther amended by del�ting in a.ts entirety Ar�icle IV A, "F'u�l FJ.awage �'ee'" thereof, and subsicifcu�inq in 1i.eu thereof the f�].lowinq: "ARTIGLE iV '"A, F`[7�Ia FLOWAGE FEE. For the �rivileqe� grant�d hereixnrlc�r, Lessee �ha�� paY t� Lessor a�uel flowage fee at th� rate of �D.07 per gallon �or each gallan af aviatinn fuel deli�ered in plane at said Airpar� far the fa.rst 1,000,OQ0 gallans du�ia�q e�ch of L�e��or's fi�ca3. ,years. Frnm 1,�00,000 to 1,50D,OQQ gallori� d�ii.ve�ed i.n piane annual�y, th� fee sha11 b� �0.�5 per gal�o� anc� fram 1.,5Qa,DQO ta 2,000,000 gal.lans da��.�v���d in plane annual.ly, the �ee shall. be a0.03 �er qallon. Ox� a�l �uel d�livezed in PJ.an� �.n excess o� 2,00�,000 c�aXlans, 3 ., � � �h� �ee shall be $p,02 per ga� lan. �uch fue:[ ,f.�awage f�� ra�e may #�e ad:�usted by Lessor at anytime during the �e�m df �his agreement sn as '�a caa.�cid� witk� th� fue� flowage fee o� any ather fix�d base ope�ato� at Meacham A�.�port; �rnva,ded, hourev��, that the tiered volum� schedule wi1� con�zn.ue in ef�ect reg��dless af changes a.n fee rate�.'► 3. City Secretary Contzact No. 1�.8].3, currently on fi�e in the a��ice af ��e C:i.�y Secretary af the City af Fart War�h, is h�reb,y amended by delet�inq in iis entirety Article IV A, "T�rm", thereot and suk�st�,t��inq �in lieu therea� th� fc�l.lawing: "ARTICLE IV - TERM OF LEA�EHb�,D - "A. '��RM. The �term of. tk�i� lease sha�l ioe fo� a perioc� of �hi:rfiy ( 30 ) y�ars cot�nrn�ncing Jul y 27 , 1981, and ending �ul y 2 6, 2Q11. If L,ess�e exeza�.Nes a�nd �erforms all of i.ts du�ies and obligations hereunder du�ing �he term her�of, �then upon apt�l.yinq in writing nat less than six (6) rrtion�hs nor mar_e than nine {9} mnn�.hs befare the end of �aid t�rm, Le��e� �hall. ha�e �h� �i�st r�.qht of z�efu�al to ea�ecu�e a ne�a leas� af �he d�mis�d premis�s for �w� addi.�iona�. cans�cuti�e iive-year periods, wi�h each lease #or �uch additional per�ocl i:a be an such terrns and cnnd�tians as Le��ar ma.y prescri.be and with the rcnt�l� provid�d �ar th�rea.n t� be bas�d on rental ra��s for. unimpzov�d properties at Meacham Airpart �t the ti.me o� the ex�cution of the �izst ].ease r�newal, which renta� rate woulcl conta.nue in effect durinrx th� first and second renewal p�riods." 4 4. CitX Secreta�.y Contract No. ��813 i.s �urther amended bx d�leting i.n i�s enta.rety Axticl� V B, ���djus�ment of R�TI�clX�rr thareo� an.d subs�.i�uting in lieu thereof the �q].�,4W�.I].g: "B. ADJ[JSTMENT OF RENTAL�. Upo�x as�ignm�nl: or r�lease Of �he Ieased area� shad�d in .yellow an Exhibi� "'B", I�essee's gzound re�x�al shal� b� �arnpc�r�ianately reduaed and Le��ee �ha11 thereaf�er be rac�ui.�ed to pa,y r�nt anly on the area sur�reyed in �he field ncates �ma�ked Exk�ibit "A-�."' az�d autliz�ed on the pJ.at marked Exhib�.� "�-]." to b� attack��d k��reto as stated a.n Paraqraph �.A. abav�. �,es�e� shall rec�ive a credit aqainst future rentals in the amnun�. nf ren� acczued on suah rel�a��d ar�as pr�.or to the ta�me a� suah rel�a��, Notwithstandinq an,y�hing �Eo the ca�ntrar,y, u�an wr�.t��n no�xce �xom �essor to L�ssee d�livered within 30 da.ys pri.pr �o th� end of each �ive (5) yeax �e�a.ad du�inci �he �erm a� �hi� Lease, l'ae�sor �k�a.11 hav� the rig�t but not tk�e du�y ta adjust the grau�d rental payable hereundez to cnn�orm tfl ��n�a�.s then �re�rail�.ng a� �.he ai�rpa�t fo�r cam�sarable ground sp�ce; provided, howeve� �ha� du�a.ng an,y renewal pera.ad, the c��rnund �ent�l rate sha� 1 na�. �xceed �he �ate aharged f�o� una.mpra�ed prop�rti.e� whi.ch i� in eff�c� at the begi.nninq o� the renewal periad, �rhi.ch rate woul.d continue in effec� du�'inq the �i�s� and second r�newal p e r�i. a ds .►, 5 0 �� CitX Secretary Contract No. 10048, as a�signed, on f�le in the off�ce of the City SecretarY af �he City nf �o�t War�h, is am�nded b.y de�eti�� �n its ��ti�e�.y �rticle V A, "�Qrm", �hereo�, � and ,u}a�t�.tu�ing �.x� �.ieu therea� �h� fol.In�ring: "P,RTICL� V - TERI� OF LEASEHOLD "A. TERM. Th� term o� ihis lease shal� b� �ar a�er�.od of twen.ty-six (26) years commenca.ng an Qc�obe� l, 1978 and �erm:i.nating on September 3Q. 2004. �£ Lessee e�terCzses and perfo�ms al.J. o� its dut�.es and obli.gat�.on� hereurzd�� duxing �.he term k�ereQf, then u�an app�.,yinq in wri.ti.ng na't le�s than s�.x months noz more than: na.ne montihs befp�e the end o� tk�c said terrn� lessee �hall hav� the fi.rst righ� o� ze�u�a� to execut� a new ].�a5e o� �.he demi.ssd premis�s for one add�.tion,a� �onsecuta,v� five--,yea� pe�ipd, wa.�h �uch lease far such adda.�ional perind �:o b� on such terms and can►diti.ons as Lessor ma�► pre�c�a.be an.d wa.th �he r�n�als pxova.d�d far therexn ta be based on re�xta� xa��� for un�.mp�oved pro�ezt�es at Meac�am �irport at the heg�.nn�.ng o� �k�e renewal �eriad." � City Secretaa�y Contract N�. 10048, as assxgn,ed, a.s �urther amended by adda.ng sulas�c�ion (4) ta Arti.cl.� VI A, "Gzauz�d Rer��a1", tn read �s �al.l.ows: ,�{4) Duz�.ng �.he �:i�v� ,y�ar reneraal p�riad, the garound r�ntal �a�e �h�1.1 be tk�e rat� charqed �oz una.mproved �?roper�ies urhi�h �.� in ef�ec� at the be,q�.nning af the ren�wal perz.ad, ar��l this ra�e 0 e shall r�ot be adausted duri.ng the five .year p�rit�d." 7. Lipon: execution nf thi.s agreement, City Secra�ar.y Contract No. ].2168 is he�eby� cancelled and term:iGnat�d, eff�ctiv� �Tanua�Y 3�., 1990, and �h.a1J. be o€ no fu�ther farce and effect. F� �n cons�.dera�ion of the cancellation of City �ecre�ar�+ Con�tract Na. 12�.68, the Cit,y o� Fart Warth agrees �o eredit to the account of Texas 3et, Inc., �h� tptal. amount of $2�.0,000, in the �nnual axnaunt o� not less '�han $70,OOQ. Th�.s shall be aceampl ished b�► c�edi.ti.ng against this amount ,� minimutn monthl � amount r�f $5,833 against all monies due ta Cit,y unde� City Seczetary Contract Nos, 1,0824, I.Op48 an,d �.�.81.3, reapec�.ively� so that, i.f 'less than "�5,833 is awed k�,y Lessee durinq anx rnonth under the ��rms �£ City Se�xetary Con�ract No. 1482�l, the remainder af the monthx,y total would b� cr�dxted agaa.ns� amounts owc�d under City Secreta�y Cnntract Na�. 10048 an,d ].l$13, in, tura�. ��, a� th� �nd o� �ihe 36 month period, �he tatal credit has not reached $210,Q00, c�edi�inq wi].1 con�ynu� c�n a rnnn�hly }�asia until the '�ota1 is reack�ed." � Natwa.�hstanda.nq t�e ��rms and cor�ditians p� Cit,y 5ec�e�ar,y Cont�acti Nas. 10048, ].0824 and 11.8�3 can�erninq �he payment of fuex �Iawac3e �ee� and graund ren�a�.s by T.�es�ee �v �e�sar, al.�. such Eerms �nd conditinns are hereby made sub-jec�. to the prnvisinns nf paragraph 8 r�� this ag�e�rnent. 7 � 0 10. All other terms and conda.ta.ans o� C�.�,y SecretarX Contrac� Nas. �.Q048, �.082� and 11813, whi�h are x�o� h�zeaE.rz expressly amended sha].1 rem�in in ful.l �o�ce and e�iec�. IN W:[TN�SS WH�REOF, the parta.es he�e�a have �xecu�ed this aqreament in multiple� in Fort War�h, Tarrant County, T�xa�, tk�a.� ,.(��a,y a � ����� "` � ____._ , A . D . 1 � 9 Q . � CITY OF FORT WQRT� �0 i B� � ._ . _ - _ �--- . -- - - - Assistant Ci�y Manager A'�'P�ST : � .��itX Secx�tary e APPROVED AS TC) F��tM AND L�GA�+�mY : � � .� . i�Y A�� �'� i'EXAS J�T , I I�C . � � BY � ._.� Reed Pigman, r. Presidezat AT`��S'P : :'_�. �������-v��� 5ecre�r�+ D���: �-9-9� �.,�. �� ��o� cont��� Au�horiza� .. �� -�� � ti aate 8 .rt�r ���- � ����� 1��� ��.ta� o�` �`or� ���-��# `��a�c�s InCL'4U1411w' � ���.��:�.,.�,,..���...�� ��� �����.��� ��������.���.������. ■y�fl� A ,ia!M� . r.. .:., � �^r n*� ���MQERCE Sua3�Cfi_ �i'0�05�� �V751�175 �� �i�j� P*c� 1 ��wl�t 4 r I ���--�� !ri`����1�� �CF'���T,� �0#1�T'dC�. ii�$. ��+�, 1����s � of � - -- — —�1#3�.3. a�� ���.�������s__1�.�i1�; -- -- a� M�acf�am Ai rport R�Opl�i.6�9DA�i�C�: It as �e��er�ded ��tat l�e �xtp caunci� a�khar��e t�ae CFtp �fa�na�er t� �xe��k� ame���ents ta ���y Se�retarp Contrack t��s. 1�04a, ��924, 1�8i3, a�d ��lbd, xith texas ,�e�, I�c,, ur��er �he ,k�rms des�ri�ed he?ak: — -- -- , pIS�QSSI��P: !Under t�e ter� �� uarinas co�tracts� Tax�s. J�t, 1a�., leases la�d aa� i��fovem�en�s at Fort Ft�r�l� yg��ham Airport, h����menr #�as b�e� reark�e� wi�Fi �egas Je�{ Ihc,, to a�ne�� k�gse cantra�ts . �tnd�r t[�� fa13 o�ria� �et�. � ,�C��v �rcretar�onrra��=N4, '� 10�4.8. �±�4�� lie�se wi�h FB� priui] e9�s. FBC� �i'�V�1�{JgS� 1�-i-�B � 9�30-����, with ��ne, S p�ar op�ian lo reoew 1092�� Pubiic Fueling and Ta� �a�m 14greem�n�, ��-0��79 - 11-34-89, wikh t�ra, � p�a� �p�aon8 �� �2i�C41 Terms_o� �r�en�n�e�� �. �ra�� rent�i rate �uring tAe �ne, �ive pear �pk�an ��raod atl] h� at khe khen�ot�eva�lina rate f�r �nimpraued �ropeztp a� the A�rpafk. 1 �. �ra�k trao, ad�itional � year �pt��u� k0 i@Ik�k . Chaage Fuek Flaxage Fee: -i!p ta 1.OQ0 .0�� ga� . -I,�00,000 �a 1,50�,000 -�,���,Q�O ko ��44Q,�OQ -�� �xcess af �,OOQ,OOD 11813, Gzcund E,�as� �+fth F9U �r�vileqes, 7�27-81 - 7-2�-�����1, xith k►ro, � peat a�tions �❑ renex 12.�68� Gro�nd [��a�e �#dr �ztes C ar�d D; 11-�-�� - 3,Q-3�-�01.1 0 - 50,07 per �al, = ��.0� = $0,43 _ �4.02 1. �ro�nd re�tal ra�e �uring �ach af khe �uo, 5 yeax r�+tr��+�l pe��ods xaul� r�m��n �� t�� �k�er.-��euailin� �ake tar uni���vv� prn�e�ky at the Cime f�,�sk aptian is ex�rcised. � �ancel iease ana ere��t kl�e �mot�r�t o� � �21�,�Off �qai�isk #ees a�� rentals awe� �y T�xas J�t. ��c.� �t approaimat�ly $7Q.00Q ahnu2C]�Y� for 3 peaxS; Cied�t �+il� be maae nn a utahkhEX bas�s, in the asuausrt of $5.a33. aaai�s[ fue! flaw��e Ee�s; if these [t��s ar� i�s�+�ficient. �r�dit u;li be �rade a�a�nst renkal� �s��d �nder +�aricus c�n�ract;;. �s,��c �F:�CHer�r_L S1�NJf.C;T �r0�05�� I��Y151Q[�5 �.Q �1�� r�,�t:� �,ur��ra � Secre�ar� �or��ract �1��. 10048, �08�4, � ��, , ��fi-�0 **'�-1��44 — 81��n�1���..���xa���.,�nc_� - — �.t file�cham !�i rpo�-� I��t���l�l!#�: Cio exp�r����.�re af c�k�+ funds �s rea��ired. �������� �� ��� ������ F � � �3 199� � ��� �, s.d.ws�.� m. �0���3� 4!;F++�71TTii7 �'{}R SHf Glrr a7ah'AGER 5 �� �� 1�SFI �[Q�� {�FGirt 6r. uki:,ir;ni,NG f�E.P�,rrT+,�kr�9 HEAfJ it���i$�il �0�� rafr �!}Y.r;[�WML INfsrkMhl u1H rnr� r�eT �l71 � 7 �T� �i00C1 �iGL _G1�� _ � �CL 4�5N�-�+If 14P[ BT Ll7UWCIL r- A�PAY)4k�1 :.I �Tf+E+� S4ES�R+F�F7 � �I��cessEn er — {'ITK SEL�F.T��1' D�'T E �