HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17674,y' T STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT r A G R E E M E N T � � - � ;� 5� � � i� �'� ��T� �Ec����°�R�__ t.. �iii'f�i4CT. � � " � - WHEREAS, this Agreem�nt made and entered into by and betvaeen the Ci�y o� Fort Worth, a municipal corporation in Tarrant County, Texas, acting by and through David A. Ivory, its duly autharized Ci.ty Manager, hereinafter called "City", and Zane Brainard, d/b/a "Bxainard Carriage Liv�ry", herein calied "Licensee". W T T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Srainard Carriage Livery has made applicatian tfl continue the operati.ans o� a horse-drawn carriaqe servic� in th� City a� Fort worth, T�xas, upon and over city streets in said City; and WHEREASr it app�ared upon application and hearing �ha� with- in the C�ty of Fort Warth there is not presently of�ered a comparable licensed service and that the City Council, upon duly considering said applicatian, has faund a publi.c need and neces-- sity fnr such a��rvice; NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenanis her�aftu:� se� forth, the parties do hereby agree as fol�ows: ` i. "Brainard Car�iage• Livery" is hereby granted the PRIVILEGE and LICENSE to use the present and future streets, all.eys and pub�.ic thorouqhfares _� ���__ �ity af Fo�t Worth, Texas, in its � ' .._.fM1r.�l_�.. ��c._y. .,.�. i f �" N, - :,� , � a � � ����� ����t� .. ;�,_ � � �T. ����T�� � � - business nf providing public sight�seeing �ervice fnr hire within the City's municipal limits. Such sight-seeing service shall consis� of horse�drawn con- veyancesr and shall be for a term of five (5) years co�nmencing upon the execution hereof. 2. Licensee acknawiedg�s its prop�rty and aperatians shall b� and remain subj�ct to such reasonable regulation by the City as is or may be necessary to protect the interes�s of the general public; that payment af an annuai "street renta�" fe� of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00} upon �x�cution hereof and paym�nt af Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00} on or before the next succeeding anniversary daies of the �xecution hereof is a requi- site to exercising the privi�ege granted herein; and that supervi- sion and/ar revocatian of the privilege gxanted herein may be accomplished und�r the applicable provis�ons of the ordinances and Charter of the City of Fort Waxth and laws o� the State of Texas. 3. Licen��e covenants and agrees that at a�l times during the operation af its sight-seeing service, it shai� keep its equip- ment in a neat, clean, aperable and safe condition, attractive to the general public. A11 d�ive�s and operators af such sight- see�ng equipment sha11 be w�ll�trained and capable of operat�ng such equipment, and will operate same in a Cburteous and safe manner in accordance with the laws and ord�nances of the Ci�y o� Faxt Wa�th and the State of Texas. Lzcensee sha11 operate and 2 r conduct such operation in a manner that wi11 not b� disturbing or annoying �o the general publi.c. Licensee cavenants and agrees that it shall keep a11. streets and other property clean of all animal excrement resulting from the License�'s opera�ions hereunder. Such excr�ment shall be collected and disposed of on a da.ily basis, at Licensee'� sale cost and e�pense, and any failure by License� ta maintain said streets and prqpexty in the manner prescribed herein shall be grounds for termination of this licens� and agreeznent. 4. Such sight�seeing ser,crice shal7. bE available to the rnemb�rs of the gen�ral public who pay for such s�rvice, and Licensee �ha13 not discriminate against anyone in the furnishing of its service, or the cha�g�s therefor, on account of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. 5. Licensee covenants and agrees to comply raith all laws, federal, state and 1oca1, and the license and pa�ivilege herein granted shall be and remain sub�ect to its full, comple�e and satisfactory continuing compliance with such laws, i.ncluding but not limited to the Charter and ordinances of the City of Fort Worth and all rules, regulatians and requirements of any municipal authority af the City of Fort Worth. It i.s further agreed that Licensee will obtain and pay for a13. necessary pe�mits, licenses and taxes incurred or required in connection with Lic�nse�'s �xercise of the privil�ge granted herein; that Licensee `,rill not do or suffer to be don� anything in violation 3 of such laws, ordinances, rule� or requirements during the term of this agreement; and that, if City �aii� the atten�ion of Licensee �o any such violation on the part of Licensee or any person employ�d by Licensee, then Licensee sha11 immediate�y desist from and correct su�h vialation or terminate the exerc�se af the privii�ge granted herein. Fai�ure by Licensee to comply wi�h alL appZicable laws, Qxdl�$�C�5� rules or requirements governing the operatiQn of such service shall be grounds for revo� cation by City of th� license and privilege granted herein. 6. Licensee shall ape�ate h�r�under as an zndependent contrac- tnr and not as an officer, ag�nt, servant or employee of City. L�censee sha�1 have e�clusive contirol of and the exc�usive right to control the details of ihe operations hereunder, and all per- sons performing same; and Licensee shall be solely r�spansible £or the �cts and o�issions of its officers, agents, servants and employees. The doctrine of resp�ndeai superior shall not apply as between City and Licensee, its a�ficer�, agents, servants and employees; and nothing herein shall be canstru�d as creating a partnership vr join� ent�rprise between Ciiy and Licensee. 7. It is further understoad and agreed between the parti�s herev to that the 1�gal title to the city stre�t5 beiongs to the S�aie, and City of For� Wor�h exercises such powers over the streets as have been delegated to it by the Canstitutian of the State �f Texa� or by the Legislatu�e; that the City of Fort Worth holds th� �tre�ts as trus�ee for the public; and that the City of Fort � � . worth cannot cont�act away its duty and its legislative pawer ta control the street5 for the use and benefit of the public, It is accordingly agreed that, if the governing body o� the City ot Fort Worth, to wit, its City Council, should at any time during the term hereof close, vacat� and abandon all or any portion of said str�ets, or use or cause or permit the said portions of the streets to be used for any public purpose, inc�uding but no� being limited to underground, surface o� averhead commun�cation, drainage, �anitary sewerage, transmission af natural ga5 a� electricity, or any other pu�lic purpose whether presently contem- plat�d or not, then City may do so without any lxability under this Agreement. E� Licensee covenants and agrees to ind�mnify, hold harml�5� and defend, at its own expense, City, its officers, agents, ser- vants and employees, £�om and against any and all claim5 ar suits for property loss or damaqe and/or p��sonal injury, including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind ox charac��r, whether �ea� or a�sert�d, arising out of or in connection with Licensee's exercise of the privilege granted h�re�n. Licensee her�by assumes al1 liability and responsibility for any and a11 claims or suits for property loss or damage and/or personal injury, including death, to any and all persans, of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or a�se�ted, arising out o� or in connection wi�h Licensee's exercise of the privileg� granted herein. Licensee likewise cavenants and agrees to and doss hereby indemnify and hold harmless City from and against any and 5 all injury, damage or destructions of praperiy of City arising out of or in connection with all acts or omissions o� L�censee, i�s officers, agents, employees, contraciors, subcontractors, licensees, invitees or pat�ans. � Licensee covenants and agrees that it wi�l obtain and main- tain in force throughout the �erm of this ag�eement, a policy o� policies of p�bliC liability insurance with City as a named insured, perta�ining to its services and operations hereunde�; that said policy or policies shall be with a reputable company licensed to do business in the State of Texas and satisfactory tQ City; that a certifzcate ewidencing the fact of cur��nt in5urance coverage shall be maintained on file with ihe City {City Pub�ic Utilities Supervisor's Office} t$roughou� the term of this Agreement; that said coverage shall b� in the minimum amounts of $100,000.00 �or bodily injuries �o ar death of one person, $300,000.00 for bodily inj�ries to or death of all persons injured ar killed in any one accident, and $100,000.00 for loss or damage in any one accident to the prope�ty of others, incl�ding City property; that such minimum insurance amounts may be revised upwards at City's option; and �hat Licensee shall in�rease it� liability insurance coverage within thirty {30) days following notice by the City ta the Licensee of any suCh required increase. 10. Licensee covenants and agrees it is obligated to discharge any claim or judgment against it finally established by 1aw and � . that the failure ta do so for a periad of one hundred eighty (180) days sha11, ipso facto, terminate all authority under this grant and Ag�eement. ii. It is sp�cifically c.ovenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that nothing herein contained shall ever be held or construed to conf�r upon the Licensee exc�.usive rights or privileges o� any nature whatsoever. 12. Licensea agr�es that it �aill not as�ign its rights or the privilege hexein granted without the prior written consent o� th� City, and any attempted assi.gn.ment withaut such prior w�itten con.sent �hall be nnll and void. 13. Venue of any suit or cause of acti�n of any natur� whatso- ever brought un.dsr thi� Agreement shall 1ie exc].usively in Tarrant County, Texas. Execuied in d�uplicate originals in Fort Warth, Tarr nt Caunty, Texas, an �he ���ay of , A.D. 19 ATTEST: CITY OE F4RT W TH , -� � B : ' � � Y _ City Secretary A��� ty Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Ci�y Aitorney � Date: ,�. �� �� � �,� , � i 7 ������ _ �antr� t oa° atio� �- �� -�� n�t�a _ � _. , - - ATTEST: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT � � ZAN� BRAINARD, d/b/a BR.ATNARD CAR GE LI c ' � � B�T i 1/ � � � �� ) �ane � raina BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and foar the State of Te�as, on this day personally appeared William W. Wood, knawn to me ta be the person whose name is subscribed �� the foreg�ing inst�ument, and acknowLedged to rr�e that h�/she executed the same for the pu�poses and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed o� the City of Fort Worth, and in the capacity therein stated as its duly authorized officer or r�presentative. VFN U R MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this %� day Of --��� , 19� 7 otary Pub ic �in and for the State of Texas STATE OF TEXAS COIINTY OF TARRANT � � BEFORE ME, the under�igned authority, a Notary Public in and �or the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared Zane Braina�d, knnwn to me ta be the p�rson whose name is subscribed to the faregoing instrument, and acknawledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purpose� and consideration therein expressed. � G.IVEN IINDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this •� ` day of � � � , 19��. I � � ' / �+ � i Notary Pub ic in and tor the State of Te�as E + f.. �. , : � , , . k.m r S s � o� �- i��l +P��S� �f r$�4� , r ����� /.A�r" f(r ���•.��l� �� — ' F��'• 14_r. :_�r'•. � . �i� � �'�7�'� '���-��� `��� � - - �-�'�.- ��` , ���� , r.'wr:.,����r�rt.�,.��. �r` r�:F._1�,1 ��� ������� ���������������� o.�r� Fi�KEfiEMC[ wurneER �-3��-� **G�-8444 R�C�N�MEN�ATiOH; su�,��cr- REC��I��T ��R A C�RTIFiCATE r�k�st OF �L}NVFNIE�#�f A�� N�C�SS�TY TO � i3�Ai N�IR� ��I.I.�G�E L� 1��f�Y , ��t-- �t is r�cammen���i �I�at ti�e Cit�y CauncTl �pprove ��er��f�cai:e of ��nv�r��en�e an� h�ecessi�� to 8rair�ard Carriag� �tv�ry arr� �utl��r��e tk�� C�t,y Manager �o �xetute �he cor�t�`��t fior ar� �ddytionaT fiv� year t�rm. BA�!{��OU�� : �r��nard Car��age i.�v�ry M�s b�en provid�r�g a unlque horse-d�`awr� �arriag� �ig�i�s�e�rrg s�rvice ��r c�o�nta�n Fort �lort� slnce �983. Bra�nard reques�s �rr � ts T���er o� Oct�be�r X.�, 1�8� (At��,c��er�t A� k�,� ext�nsior� of t��s privileg�. The Departmen� of L�wjUti�i�ie� Divisior� has �o�pl��ed ar� i��+�stigat�on �f tk�e applicant`s op�rations dur�ng th� 7ast ��x year� and f�rr�s tY��t �ra�r�a�d h�s respofls�bl�y fuZf��led all corttra�tual obl��a�i�r�s �or "For k��re"` veh�cle� arrd �as pra�ri�ed an att��acL'ive �nd �e�lrabie s�r�+i�e fo� vf5itors �o #�h� C i ��r . The Fort� 4�ortk� s�r�+i�� is ue�i�ua �+� ���� i� is the or��y horse-draw� �or�v�yat��� s�rv�ce �Crrown of in Che Unit�d �ta��� �h�at ��.i��zes Clydesda7e �r�rses, w�th s�e�ia3ly eq�,ipp�d sho�s ar�stailed, to prevent damage to th� �i��'s ��ick sireet�. T�e �a,�or �ev��tT�ns �ror�� �I�e norr�al pas� �roc�dur�s in such gr�r�ts of �ariv�l�g� are: {�� th� s�aff"s re��mrnendat7or� �'or� � f�ve-y��r cor�tra�t ��r�� inst���i o� �he cust�rn�r,y two-year term; an�l ��� an incre�5e irr th� st����-ren�aT�v�� ci�ar�� from $��Q per y�ar to $75�. N� ob,�ecti�r�s have b��n raised by t�� a�plicant to t���s ��cr�ase. �rainard �arr�age has �onsis�enC�� p��d t�� '"�tre�t Re��al"" ���s on #����, and �ve� �n advance �n occ���or�, �s s h�w� 7 r� the �.aJ�u ] at 1 or� b��aw: AMOtJ�VT �HE�K NU, DATE �AI� A�NR{JV�i� LiY .�. $ 500 � 3167 04/�7/84 ��� ������� ?. 1�00 # 3�30 07/i�/85 i 3. �{�Q ������ 07/11/8b {C�s���r's �F�ec�c� JAH $� 199�D �. 5�� # �97 U9/�7J8� �� � �. 500 # 110G 1�I��1$� �� T�i�S� �k��+ITI�FI�Sy �� �i�,��Q, 3� ��i@ coVer tM� peri od �h ro�gh Ap ri 1 J.7 , r�te wi1] caFnr��r�ce. su���Tr�o fU4# �rv� - — �I�i MJ4M11�}GEI�'S �,]FFI�E 6T. OA �G I NAY I NG ` 6EPARTiAE�� �I�AO: FQI} AI](}iif{,1{,�,qL FNf{1R�1A710N C(rN �'nC T S:�i!p ,:p4���eias[�' b: l�Ye pr�sent rat� a� $5����y��,a��t fi.c�,��ars, 1�9�. At �k�ai t�m�, ti�� new $75��year aiS�SaTiaw 9T �aLFHGi�,; PR4Gk53E0 6Y I ❑ ��pROVEb � OTi��Fi t�ESCl�l6�s CITY SE�R�TXJ2Y 6AT� i u�, E- �-�-� Itk�k�Sl:NCF fJUhA9ER *�C-���4� sudjrcr RE�kJE�T �UR A C�i��I�1CI4TE 0� �i3P�V�NiE�kC� AN� N�CE��ITY TQ B�AI{VAR� CO��.E��_�r,Y�R,Y PAOE � �� �- A con�r��t {Attachr�er�t B} has be�n pr��ared which prnvides for th� �ic�ns�e"s as�umption �f ��1 liab�Zit,y and r�spor�sTbiii�y for da�rag�� and cl�an-�u� incident tv the servi��. Attachments �1W�l: k�� SL1�MI��E6 F4R fi�E ❑IFF7LE�`er ce�•s 4P� ��� d�ll iI40� G��� ❑RIG.NM71�1R ❑FP�RrMEN7 HFAA� �I$�B A�IC'�il� ���� �lkR �4qi1F7h{7Ndt IfJFDRMAiIOLV A 7 r}q G4fY�MGt: ��(�� R����� I�LJ iM1$V[F$jTl�4#J 6Y COUiJCIL' +,� appanv[o ;�.; Oi't'I�R f4E$GRIBE� I �rtca�sa�u Hw GkTY S�CRF.'fAHY oa� e �lan��y €�e�dJP��bx�c l�tili�t��s �F'�'ic� �f th�e Cit,y �ecr�tary r•��r�ary i�, 1��� �e�tific�te af �onve���enc� an� N�ce�s��t,�+ �or �ra�n�rd Carriaqe Li vtr�r �l��ched �re th� �o��ra�� w�f�h �h� a�av� re�er��c�d car��ra�t�r �or th� ab��+e ref�r�r��e€� �r�je�t. l��1 s���na��r�s �rxc�pt �hose af t�e abov� ��rntra�tinc� par�y have �een ��f��c�d. P��a�e obtain th� n��essa�,y si�r�at�ar��s and r�turn �h� co��e� s�a�n��d "�fficia� f�ec�r�d, C��y+ �ecr�t��y, Fart 4,�r�#�, 7exas°� t� �he �Pf�ce o� the Ci�,� S�cre�kary for tN� as�irlr�ment �f a��ntrac� nu�r�ber� �nd �l�lk�t�.