HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17675� i" 1� �� f� � � 1 � � � �, � '�'. � �' � � � �� _ #-.. � � � � d �` � � � � � � : J � �' * � • � � � � � i � � � � � �4 f� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � } � � ��� � i � ',1 i�' ' F � � � �r I - �" £ � � � � � � � � � � � � �" 1�'# C� � • � � � � � � � � � � � ��i � � � � +�� # �� � ��� . _ �, r . '-, � _, � � h �� � ��r.{ �i�� �f ���� ���°t�, ��.a��� ����� ��� ������� ������������� a,trE REF�flerac� s�rea�cr, PR�P�SE� CHANG� URE}�R �kl�. 1 Fnc�� "uhie�� �`� I�TTLI�Y �U� R�P�I���, �Qk�T�A�T � �Q�-�-9� **�-1�549 ��A �AUST;. PA�?J ��EO. � _ ' °� — - ����i7�1� � � � +P� � t i s r��omner�ded t#�at the �i t,y �a�nc i 1: i. Autl�or�z� a fun� t�ansf�r in the �mount o� ���,3�� �rorn W�ter and S�w�r Oper`�Ginc� F�nci PE4�, ����er h�o. 0609��0 t� �a�er G�p�tal Im�rov�mer�t Fun� PW53, Cer��Ler Ho. 0��530�7147�� 4�tility C�t �e�atirs, Cont�ac� 90A; . �. Aut�ar�ze �ha�ge Order No. 1 7n th� arnaunt oF $�Y��9� to �nnt��act N�. ��7�7� w�t� Au���r� �av�r�g C�rc�pany for t�� �or�s�ru�tior� of t�n� I��i�ity G�i� ���airs� Con�r�act ��A, revising the tata� contra�� cost t� $5��,98�.�4. PRO,]€CT N�.. �41a����Q5���73.47� �$.�� : On �ebru�ry 1�, 1+��0 �M�� CW���55�, t�� City Council autF�nr�zed t�e �ward of a co�,�rac� to Austi� Pa,v�r�g Ca. f�r cons��u�ti�n of �he U��lit,y Cu� R�pa�rs� ��r�tr�c� 9�A, P.RO�����] ��AN�E QRDER; A�0�-lflch wat�r ma�n �reak in �ast Vi�ker,y Bl�rd. s��rerel,y damage� t+�e s�,r�eet fram cur� l�ne �a �ur� 7ine ��r a��sta�ce af a�pr�ximat�e�,y �4� li�ear fe�t. Ir� �rder �o p�ace the s�re�t back �n se�-vice �mrne�iately, the uti�7t� �ut repair ��nt�actar was r�q��s�ed to repa�r the stree�. The uti 1�t� c�t rcpa� r��nt rac'tor� Aus#�i n Paai n� Co. , w� 11 �erform thi s acldi��o�al r�nrk �or ��1,�9�. 1'h� propas�� c#�ar�ge �s a� ��]lows: 7f� S.Y. 7�f��-inch Mh�AC pavem�nt fie�ai� w��C� ���sF��� stan� ba�e .y+� �} ry �y � �L4i�1��.}s�s �{J�t+,7�G.�lJ T�� net e���ct v� ��t� pr�pose� ch�ange or�e�• �s a� fo7 �aws: �rigir�a� C�ntract� �os� �527,�9�.50 Propasetf Ci�ange 4rde r No .� ���, �92.�0 Rev7sed C�n��act C�st $5�4�,9�4.�0 Tfn� staf� e����r�e�rs �� t�he� I�ater De�ar�rnenC �av� �eviewed t��ne prop�s�d char�e �nd fo�nd i� ��asonable ��r similar w�rk. r- I d+kTE i 1Q-9��� NI;FF,RkN{;� sualec�. �Rf.1P�SEiI �HAHGE Q��ER �1{l. ] ��+'�� FJ U MHEI� **C-1�54� �0 UTILITY CIJT RE1�AlR�, �f}i�fi'RA�� � �t � �� _..�,�,L�.S.�.�l����f_X�GLt� ) � F�V�_N_C. r t�� : Sufficie�rt fur�c�s �r� avail�hle Lo 't��ansfer �r�rn l�a�eM• �rid �ewer U�erai.ing Fund ����� C��t�r No, 060�0�0, W�t�r C�}�i�.�'I Pr-��je�l, �l�k.er U�par�:ment. Llp�n �ppro�+al an� con�pleC�t�n of �tec�rr�r�e�dati�n N�. ]�n th� a�ounk, �� ��1,3��.�Q� s�f�i�ien� funds w711 l�� au�iiaf��G� in 4�a��r �apiC�l ]mp�`ov�nren� Fund P�l�;3� ��nter �io. 06�'���171�7�, ll�rlYt,y �u� Re��irs, Cpn���ct ��A. Expe����u�es will be �har��d to Ar.�o�nt No. 54�200. RG:w 60��19�� �#i'P��.Yf.� �Y ��� ������� ' ' � �� �'i 1�9Q I S�BMIFTEd F4R Tli£ ICITY M+�NRCE�i'$ 6 f- -+ OFrICE ST. r���LCOXl u�d f$ i[lD {splr.,itVAioN[. o�P,�Rrnne►�r r�ena: �1ChclT'� �dWB�/ FOR *�P,Ir�or�A� INFORMf4T10M Gbnr,rCt �. �0�5 ���1 ���� $��� r r - ��ll.�.�,f '���id1.� UI51�{751710N E4Y C4UTlCIL;u P17dCESSEL 9V r`� AF�F'N{1V�!) -..-... � `.�[� i71�FIF:I� �(}F,$�;�{j�i�� � C1TY #i�Cf�ETARY a�t� .� � � ��� � � ��G����� . �-� . ���� �� ���� ������ ����� ����� ��� ������� ��������������� �}a�r� aEfEFEhI{'F sua,��cs; Ak�ARD OF ���TRACT - U� �L I�'Y �*�� `�u'���k ��I� RE�AIR� ���lTRI0.C"F 9�A (AU��iN 1 �-1�-90 **C�-12Z55 P+4V�i�C CO1�PA�Y1 a °t� RECOMM��D�T�Ohi: I� is reca�un�r�d�d �f�at tl�� �i�,y Counci� autftiarize th� City Manayer t� ex�cute a�or���ruc��o� cor�tract witi� Au���n Pavinc� Co�pan,y for Ut��it,y Cut, ��pairs, _ .. ... _ C�n�rac� 90A� ort th� low bid oF ���7la��:�5���. PR��J�CT NO�; 53-017�47-�Q �ISCUS���h�: The 4la��� Uepart�e�t plan� �o cantrac� au� a�artien {mini��m o� �Q �ic]c�ts ��r we��) of ihe ��tlity cut r��airs for a nine-m�r�th peri�d. T�,�se r�p�irs ar� tfne �esult �� w�te� mai� r�place��r�ts and break ��pa�rs a��lor s�er ma�n re�l�cer�en�;s ar�d bre�k ��Ra#rs �one by the Fie�d �perat�or�s cr�ew. �he 4�a�er U�part��ent�'s Uti ] i ty ��ts R�pai r��ctian is rro� s�fficfi�n#.�y s�aff�d andJor ��a���}��d to r�eaZ w�th th� n�rnber of and larg� s�ze re�a�rs re��ir�� at this tir��. �his contra�ct sfn�u�d take car� o�' r�pair tacicet b�cic�og in an expetfi�i�us r���n�r. �l�Bhi��S1Uh� Of SID�: Or� January 18, ]�90, th� f��law�rrg b�ds were re�eived: QIDDER Austin Pav�ng ���p�ny I�arr� N_ Jackson �tltTns Bros, f.q�ipm�nt �n�irreer`s E�tir�ate: 1�M�U h1�' QF B 1 D $a�7 �592«�� $b74,0I5.00 ��35,38�.0� $57�.2��.�0 T��i� _�F ���SPLETION �73 Ca7 endar Da,�s Speci�i�d T1�� 1aw bidder, Austi� P�v�ng Company, has �ampl�ed wi#.� t�r� City's [78E Pol�cy. �Y�ANCIN�: �ufficien� funds ir� tfne amos�nt �f $527,5��.5U are availabl� an Water �nd �ewer O���ra�ing Furrd 45, Account iVo. �0�7���1, I�ater Fi�l� {}p�rations S�r�e� �ep��r. Expe����ur�s for cons�r�ct�on will be made fro� �nd�x Co�e 3�11�7. �xp�nciitur�� fior wate�' ir�5p��t�ian wi11 Ixe made f�om Inde�c Cod� 3�4��2� A�co�+r�t Na. 60��5�04. RAf+I: Iq�� $IJRM1TTfb F�JFi T31E Clsy-hiAF7�VGER'S R.A. MCKI�il1��++ orFirE [�'+; � OR1fjI�ATIN� oF�ar��r��r�T �t�ne,: R�Chd�`d $dWey fDA Ai]l3PY40iYAL INF6Rhtly7 N {:OfJiACT: �. ������i ���� �246 �C�y Dl$PO$ITL6W �Y �O�J��IL' Pa7CSCE55�� DY .7 APpii01+�� �a o+M£k [aes�Ai�er CITY SECk�TfyJ7Y bA�C �fAR� G m �%ti���4�'� �`9�� �'ii���E i9�°r ���f�5 � ��[JR�TY �l� ��1��A�T � ,� '� �°Ng� �l�Ti'�f4�T� ��� ��c! �r�te��d i�,4� ' � � - . y ��' �� �t��'P� �� �lY�' �� �°�P� V��pYh� � , ' �o�r����+�1� ���'�p� �er�'r���n j���t�d f� 'i����rt ��g�� ����s, �cQi�� ��u � ��� ���� A����er t�r��e�g� d�1y �u��ri�ec� � to �� �art� �i t#� ��P�t ` ��P���r��$8�� 1���� `'�1����"g �f� Austin Paving Company E���t�f� �i4y Qg �Fort� Worth . ��p��iy p$ T� r n� � � , l�� S�t� � . Teaas ' ' � �'�rty �� t�� ����� ��r�, �r��flp a���r t�rm�d'O�D�d�'�J4�:�"�"o ., .._ �'��°Fd�,��Eif� T�t to� a�� �r� ��i�t�rrsQl� e! �� ��r��� ��d ��r��r����$ h�r�ir���r� �c��aa���� �� � r�n�� �d ��8����� D t�� �a��y �f ti� �'ar�Y �a�t Q��gr)� ��id A,�rty �4 t�� ����� ��rt (��tr��4er���P�by �r��� �+i4h 8he �aid ��rty oY t� FaP$t P�g (0+�,�r� �� ���r►�r�c� a�� ��p��x� c�r��r� �mpc��m�r��� �s�pi�� �s ��fl��o� Utility Cut Repa�.rs, Contract 90A '' Pro,�ect No. 53-017147-Op �r+� �i extrs �ek ����t�d 4t��wI��, aar►►der ttw� t�r�,� ��t���� i� ti�e ��r�gr��t ���m��t�� �fld �t ti� �t��ie) ow� p��p�e ��t �°i� ��g��� t� t�rr��� �� �� ��t���f�� =�Ppli��, ����ir�py� �q�pr����s t�ls, ��pint�����, i�r� ��d� f ��s+����� �id o�h�r �c�����i�x a�d ��r�i�e� �t����ry �o ���1et� �� �+� ��r��r�iior�, d� �e���r��e��� �ix� �1! �� ��q�iv�t���tiY� � •�fi�•���ra�� ��������, �P�ch ir��lcade �! ���s� �1���� F�fu�p��nt� �+d �8�et. �ie����s �d �i�t�d o� ruri��en ��p��►����p rm�tt�r ��p��f, ��d �� ��i3i���;�r� �he�i� �s ��p��d ►� �� �������rs �rmpley�d �y �i� �a��� e�eP� � �ri��h h� ��� ele�titi�� by tP� ����rsem�nt � th� ��tr��t�� �d ti� ��in��r� t�����, l��et��� �v��h t� ��n�r���r'� �ratg�� �o��! ��� s� �t�� ��� eS t� ��►t��� ���►���$ t�e��� a4���F�d, ���J�r�� '�i� �'ort �o�t� ����r ����e er���� ������ Cantr�� ���+�rr���t� a�d ����er� ���i���i��� �t! �f �+�� u� �,�d� � y�e8 R�r�o� ���}��fl��ti��s�r �vid�r��� �� ��ti��t� 4� ���r� ca��tr��s. N T� ��,tP���� h�ee��p �rl�i �� ��it��P9�� ��P� rdit#�� t�� �a0? d�y� �t�r �i� ���� rrritt�n �r�t�� t� � �� ��ia11 P��+� ��� `iv�� 80 �m� twd �� se������ially ����Qe �sm� r�it�i� � ��� �t�Q�� in t� ��po��� °�'� O��rr ��pe�� �� �y �h� ��4r�t��r i� �rrer�4 f �d� ��r t�� �r��frn��r�� �f tF� ���tr��� j� ���op�,��� �v�Bh t� �_��as�t ��b�ait��d �i�r�l�r, ��D���4 t� ��a�'���� �� �de�i�r�� � ��r�ia'�d ir� QF� ���r��t t3�+a�m�nt� �� �8? ��p�r�v�� ��d8i���+�� ���o�� �d t� �a�� p�y��r�t � a��u�� tP�r�i � ��nSd�d t#����an �-1�7�i E�� 9 r %�i �IThL��� �a����0�o t�� ��rties to t��s� p�s�fl�s ���� �sa���e�d �i� ���Lree� i� quac�rdpli��� i� �hr� ���� ��d d�� ti�5� �b��� e����te�e . �TTEST: �it �f ���� �lor�i�_� `��,���__„�Oar��i ��r°�y �� t�� ��t ��r� .�. _ . , . , �`�Lh �oward, ��i�y����egdr�+ .-- P fS�A�} i � �aIT�1�55�5: �I .. � � � 1 . �,— , � . ., _. s� - ;. . i � � -' � '�c' ;z ��71.- =! a�► � � � . IiaV�Ct IVO.�"'�, �i$y .I����q��p � _ �..� J Coatra��u^#;i�u� ��� o _ _. 1 - ��' I��t� �� _�--�. , Austin Paving Company . , , � u f. ,+�� +—.���911�� '� — `r , �! � �� ' Ir; ' , - - � , ,-r ' ~ . �.a Bi.II �rtram, Exeeutive Vice P7residen� � j ���r�ved r �o�t Wor€h ei � ���r ��i��nL; ;1 � � � ;Gc.�:�(. I.r.r .w� � ,�; �r,� � �. �a�ey o � ���e�� F 1 � � p . �:,�fi..�e� �� �� F��s� �n� ��g��1 ty: �� . - _ � � ���e f���i � �i 8,� � t��n y .� � � G�2 � �or11+Vr��t�� Vlfc����- D��rrlrk�n���� �3 � bS 'I'O ii� R�{;� I V�L1: u���.��r� cu� ����z�ts car����c� �o� P�.O.���`�' 1�C�. 5���7�7�.�k7-t�C� �.�. ��� ��� tii1�0�U �hro�i:t„a���r�:. F�rt 1+�orfh, �'e�c�s Tdi (11-[?F�7�} �n�kneering D}viu�on J3171�JG`-�32��� Al)I7.�i�*])T�h'! � I�i.��l,+��.se Dr�te: J�.r��ia,r� �, ���}� Jaiyua�'�' lfi, 1�3�� I��'�]RMA'1'ZC�� '1'0 $.EDiJIy�t� The ��reci�l C�antx��ci: D��cumen�s ��r �1Ye at�a�re i:�t�cd �ro,���t are re.��risc�d a�d �anc�r�di:+d a� £ol�ows: l. �'l�a,r��c� a.r� T�PiC;l4.�. �T'�'i'���� �+'q� PAV�i�E�iT A�iD '�R�1V�H R�PA�R P��€ II'TIL�'�`Y (:L?'i`�; A. Del��:� �r�t� t�iy� c����.�vi31�s ot ��hc 'i'YI�I(,'AL �£�'TION- �,���t�:���_�� RL�}1�TR, ]��i��. 1, � a.tYd 3: �: �� �anci•s�e ma� Ue ci����ad i.� ���f �;lY� s��ci #'z,ecX t �� f ck���s � f � : �7 �„s �dri�� �:o tt�� �la�s „A" �'c�n�re�� � f�e:vi��d co�i.es o� the �bc��re r��erret� cix��.wings {P;��x�r�� ],, � a�Yck 3} of tL�� 'fiYPI��L S�.a��`�I��1-'t'RT�?�G�i �#��P�1�� are ��i.�.��s�d for �����' c���en�c�tic� . ��fl�i�r stx�r.�,l atkn�w�er��e r�����,pt o� �t���� adc��r�du�n on i���e i�id pi•��ost�l ' a,��i or� ttiie oaatside �f tk�� s��ie� biti ��v�1.ca�e, D�v��l Fvory �it� I�San���r C:i�y o� �'or#� ��ari�h 5 � {J � � 5 {� � Y � �f����f� �t� 5.'���t��r ' ��' � t �� �� i��@ �. 13T'ac'.l-E1�' , .Tz'. , P. ' . i)�sp�ty Dix•ectar f VJr:t�:ex' l�c}p�.rtmeni� City oi F'ort i'�ox�th �ify �f F4rt W�r#� � ��Z��11+�G �k�14� � GUT��R � E1tS�T.����. �AY E!� Et� T r ■ r . * ' ���� ��AI�T �M�� ��r a��r� ���� v���� � ��o�o��� ��c����x 41+I��A��ttTCpN £7�1$��l�1C� CE�R�84�UTT�R � o- . ! r ' * �A�L Ti�€NC#i �Ix�IiF�LL S3+IALL� EXt�TIAIG 9A�E ��E� ���ui��r��ti�� fc�f� ��� tirr'r� ��tas]1�T�q1� �GO�P�GT�O�V �1� ,PECIFiE�I il�! I�EF� �0� O� 'f F#� ��,�[�DARD ��'EG�Ft�A�IO�t� F�#� ��i��rRt1C�;�l� �UBI�� w��tK� Q�PT.y�:TY OF�OR�'NO�T�I,TX. p#� 3�C�CFI�L AS SPE�x�1E� !!�F ��CT�ON��#-� d E�-� OF TH� ��€c��,�,arlo�s �o� �r���� 4E�T, ��OJ��TS,F��� ��F�T�I +�A�ER�J #}�fPT.F��*t7�l 0� �014� Rf V��F'IF� 4/'4�' „l.. 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FiZANK �R[�E3, �R, -QF�'��� �%N���t� 9PAT�i� B�PAE� , �, � �'l� g ����� �i�FR04�� �- �/ 1 y� � ��- - � � - /�/� � /�� .1- - - LEE C. �RJ�I]L�Y� JEi, -DEPC�I']� D�L�� R Y�Pi'��L� Q�PI�a N'P � �' r �..-� % i �� .�-t- � .J� G� fh/l./, �. .�'` _ J�- ,I ' �"r r� �, EtIC �. �AW�Y -DERE�O�� Y43AT�t�D�p1�1l�l� ✓ �P �RQii�I3 �.-,�. _ _ _ �.' _. _ ... _ _ Iz �� � �� � ' r�RC. DALL� T,TAt� -A�'�CiTY ��Li�C��Z, '��iAp19F�lt'TATIQAI/FCIBLIC: f�0[tlC� f p � ,, � � DAVID IVORY CiTY MANAGER SPECiAL CONTRACT QOCUMENTS FOR UTILITY GUT REPAIRS CONTRACT 9QA PRO►IECT N0. 53-017147-00 LEE C. BRAULEY, JR. DEPUTY DTRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT 1990 RICHARD W. SAW�Y DIR�CTOR WATER aEPARTMENT � � � ���°�,+��¢'� s; ' R a�ei �ST��'HEi� F. CRLiP�4C��JFi� ' ��..... . soi as 4 :'c�� +�l�`��` ��js��¢�=�'�*��'� '4�� ���OI+�EI` ��5�_ �2� 2��� , + PAR7 A - NOTICE �d BIDDE�S Sealed proposals for the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment necess- �ry for the repariing the H.M.A.C. from 2" to 9" in ihickness, Concrete pavement from 5" �a 7" in thickness, and curb and gutter, sidewalk, and other incidentals to �omplete the work, des�gnated as: UtiliLy Cut Repairs, Con�ract 90A in Fort Worth, Texas, �ater aepartment Project Ha(s). 53-017147-00, wi11 be received until 1z3� p,m. on the date af the bid opening, at the office of t�e Furchasing Divisio� located on the eastside of the �ower �evel of the Municipal Building, 1004 Thockmorian, Fort �orth, Texas. The Bids �ill be publicly opened in the City Council Chambers at and th�n read aloud. 2:00 p.m., Thursday, �anua�y 18, 1990; Specia1 Contract Documents, inc1uding plans and supplemental deiailed specifica— tions, have �een prepared for th�s project and may be abiained a� Engineering Office af the Fort Wort� �ater Department, City Hall, 1400 �hrflckmartan Street, F�rt Worth, �exas 76102. Prequalificat7on according ta For� �ort� Water Depart— ment Contract Specificaiions is required; Ge�eral Contract DocumentS and Genera� Sp�cifications far Water Department pra�ects, dated January 1, 1978, also com— pri s� a part of the Coniract DoGuments for ihi s projeet and may be obtai ned by paying $50 for each set, at the Lngineering Office of the Fort Warth Water Department. Ti�e City reserves �he right to rejeet any or all bids and waive any or a11 irreg— ularities. No bid may be withdrawn until the expiratian af farty—f�ive (45) days frnm the date bids are opened. David Ivory C�ty Manager Ruth Howard City Secretary Publication: December 2�, 19�9 January �4, 199Q A-1 DBE: The City af Fart Warth has gaals for the participatzon of disadvantaged busin�ss enterprises in C�ty cantracts. In order for a�id ta be cvnsidered respon5�ve, �he campliance statem�nt in Attachmen� "1A" and Attachments "1B", and "1C", contai�ed �n the proposal must be completed and re�u�ned as re�uired pursuant ta paragraph 2, subsection 2. DBE GQALS of Section I, included on page 7. of the City of �or� Warth Disadvantage� Business Enterprise Bid Snerifications. F�TLiIRE TO DO SO SHALL RESULT IRi THE PR�PQSAL BEI�1G R10N—RESPOWSIVEo �; .� U A-2 SP�CIAL INSTR�CTIONS 70 BIDDERS 10 PREbUALIFICATION R�QUIR�MENTS: A current financial statement, an acce�t— ab e experience record, an acce�table equipment schedule and a Sou h Rfrica/Namibia �isclnsure �ust be f�led wit� the Director of the Water Department or with the U�rectar af the Pub�ic 4�arks Department at least one week prior to the �our for ooe�ina bi�s. The financial statement required shall have bee� prepared by an independent certified pub�ic accountant or �n independe�t public accountant halding a valid permit issued by an appra�riate state licensing agency, and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the current f�nancial status. This statement must be current and not more than ane (1) year o�d. In the case that a bidding date falls within t�e time a new statement is be�ng prepared, the previous s�atemen� shall be updated by proper verification. Proposals submitte� by a praspective bidder who has not fulfilled t�e above requiremen�s shall be r_�t_urned unoqened. Prospective bidders whose qualif-�catians are not deemed ta be appropriate to the naiure and/or magnitude of the project on wf�ich bids are to �e received will be notified before the date of the bid opening, and any propasals submit�ed by them sf�a17 be re�urned unogened. Liauid assets in t�e amoun�t of ten (10�'} percent of the estima�ed project cast wi11 be required. Far an experience record to be considered ta be acceptabTe for a given project, it must reflect the experience o�' the firm seeking qualifica�ion in wark of both �he same nature and magnitude as ihat of the project for which bids are to be received, and such experience must have been on prajects completed not mare than five (5) years prior to the date on which are to be received. The Director af the Water De�artment shall be the sole judge as io the accepta�ility of experience for q�allfication to bid on any For� Worth Water Department projeci. The prospective bidder shal� s�hedule tMe equipr�ent he has available for the project and state that he will rent such additiana1 equipment as may be required to complete the project on wh�ch he submits a bid. 2. BID SECURITY: A cashier's check, or an accepiable bidder's bond, payable to th� Lity of Fort Warth, in an amount of nat less than five (5�) percent of the lar�est possihle total of the b�d submitted m�st accompany ti�e bid, and is subjec't to forfe�ture in the event the successful b�dd�r fai�s ta � execute the Contract Documents v�ithin ten (10) days after the cantraci has been awarded. For the bid bond ta be accepiable, the name of tMe surety company issuing said bond sha�l be lice�sed to do busir�ess in the State of , iexas and shall be included on the curreni U.S. Treas�ry list of acceptab�e sureties, and the amount of the bond written by any one acceptab1e compar�y ' shall not exceed the amount shown on the Treasury �ist for that campany. A-3 3o S�D : A pe�formance bond, a payment band, and a maintenance bond each for one h�ndred (IOQ�) perce�t of the contract price wili be required, Reference C 3-3.7. 4. WAGE RATES: Nat less than the prevailing wage rates established �y the City of Fort Warth, Texas, and as set for�h in the Cantract Documents must �e paid on this project. 5. A�BIGUITY: In the case of ambig�ity or lack of� clearness in stating �rices in the Proposal, �he City reserves the righi ta adopt ihe most advantageous construction thereof to the City or to reject the Propasa3. 6, �IDDER LICENSE: Bidder must 6e a licensed Contractor in the State of 7ex�s. 7. NONRESI�ENT BIDD�RS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Tex. Rev. Civ. 5tat., the City of Fort �orth wi11 not award this contract to a nonres�dent bidder unless the nonres�de�t's bid is lower than the lowest b�d subm��ted by a responsible Texas resident �idder by the, same amount thai a Texas resideni bidder would be requ�red to underbid a nonresident bidder to obtain a cflmparable contract �n the state in which the nanresident's principal place of business is locat�d. "�onresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not i� this state, but excludes a cantractor whose ultimaie pareni company ar majority owner has its pr�ncipal place of buszness in ihis state. "Texas resident bidder means a.bidder whose principal place af business is in this state, and includes a con�ractor whose u�timat� parent campany or majority owner has its pr�nc�pal place of 6u�iness in this state. This provis�on does not app�y if this cantraGt involves fed�ral funds. The appropriate blan�s of the Proposal must be fil1ed out hy al7 �onresi— den� hidders in order far yaur bid to meet specz�ications. 7he failure af a nanresident contractor to da so wil� automatically disqualify tha� bidder. �. PAYME��: if 6id amount is less than $25,a00.00, t�e contract amount sha�l be paid in ane {1) lump sum upon completion and acceptance by the City of ` ' Fort Ylorth �later Department. A—� PA�T 6 � PROpOSAL (This proposai must not be removed from this book of Coniract �ocume�ts.) T0: Davi� Ivo�y Fort Worth, Texas City Manager Fort �orih, Texas pROPOSA� FOR: The furnishing of all materials, except materials specifi�d to be furnished by the City, equipment and labor for repairing the H.M.A.C. pavment frorn 2" �0 9" in thic[cness, concrete pavement from 5" ta 7" in th�ckness, and curb and gutter, sidewalk and incidenta� work to pravide a complete and serviceable project designaied as: U'��l�ty Cut R�pairs, Contract 90A Fort Worth Water Qepartme�t Pr�jec� No. 53-�17147-00 �ursuant to the �oregoing "Notice to Sidders", the und�rsigned B�dder, having thoroughly examined the Coniract Dacuments, including plans, special contrac� documents, and the General cantract Oocuments and �eneral Specifications fo� Wa�er DepartmeRi Projects, the site af ihe praject and understanding t�e amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions, i�ereby pr�oposes to do a�l the wark, furnish all ]�bor, equip�ent a�d material �XCEpt as specified ta be furn�ished by the City, which is necessary �o fully complete the work as provided in the Plans and cantract Documents and subject ta the inspectian ad approval of tf�e flirectar of the C��y Waier Qe�artment of the City of Fort Wortt�, Texas; and binds himself �por� acceptance af this Praposa1 to execute a contract a�d furnish an approved Performance Sond, Aayment Bond, Mai�ter�ance Sond, and such other honds, if any, as may be required by �he Cantract �ocuments for t�e performing and completing of the said work. Cor�tractar proposes�to do ihe work withir� the time stated and for the fo11aw7ng s�ms: ITEM APPRQXI. DES�RI�TION OF Y�E�IS W�TH UNIT TOTA� N, OUAf�fI�Y R�n PRI(;ES WRjTT�N IN WORDS FRICE AMQU�lT BI� �Furnish an� instaT1, including ail appurtenant wo�k, campl�te in p1ace, the following items} (D-No. refers to relaied items in tF�e �art D Special Conditions:) � �.r . UN I T I=, ; ��(Cuts less tha� < 200•square feet) i. 3,000 S.Y. 2'.' H.M.A.C. Pavement, D--2�: �er Square Yard: Nine Dol � ars and no Ce�ts $9.00 $27.000.00 B-- � I7EM APPR�XI. �_ Q.E�A�dT I TY � i D�SCRIPTION QF ITEMS WITN UNIT TOTAL BID PRICES �RITTEN IN WORDS PRICE AMQ�NT SID 2. 150 S.Y. 3" H.M.A.C. Pavement D-24; Per Square Yard: TY�i�t�en Dol l ars and Fi��Y Cents $ 13. 50 $ 2, 025. 00 3. 300 S.Y. 4" H.M.R.C. Pavement, D-24; � Pe� Square Yard: Ei�h�een Dol l ars ar�d No Cents $�8. 0� � 5, 400. 00 4. 150 S.Y. 5" H.M.A.C. Pavement, D-24; Per Square Yard: Twen�Gy�two Dolla�s an� Fifty Gents � 22. 50 $ 3, 375. 00 5. 300 S.Y. &" H.M.R,C, Pavemen'�, D-24; Per Square Yard: Twenty-sev�n. pollars and NO Cents � 27.00 � 8, lOd.00 6. 50 S.Y. 7" H.M.A.C. Pavement, D-24; �er Square Yard: . Thirty-one D�llars � � Fifty r�' 31.50 1,575:.00 . �nd � Cents $ $ i. 50 S.Y. 8" H.�I.A.i. Pavement, Q-24; • Per Square Yard: Thirty-si� Dol�ars and NO Cents $ 36. 00 � 1, 800.00 �. 50 S.Y. 9" H.M.A.C. Pavement, D-24; � Per Square Yard: For�y pollars and Fi£ty Gents � 40. 50 � 2, 025, 00 8-2 � ; �, , ITfM APPROXI. DESCRTPTION OF I7EMS WITH I�NTT A�i OUANT�TY BIfl PRICES WRITTEN TiV WOR�S RP ICE 9. 50 S.Y. 5" Reir�forced Concrete Pavemen� D-�25; Per Square Yard: Thirty—eight ppl � ars and No Cents $ �g.00 10. 50 SeY. b" Re�nforced Co�crete pavemeni � 4--25; Per Square Yard: Thirty-nine Dal ] ars and No Cents $ �9 • Qd 7.1. 50 S.Y. 7" Re�nforced Concrete Pavement � D-25; Aer Square Yard: For�tv Do17 ars and No Cer�ts $ 40.00 12e 3,800 S.Y. �fin, 8" 2;27 Goncrete Base D-35, �-21; Per Square Yard: T�enty-ei.ght Dol � ars � and Fi�ty Cents � 28.50 I3. 4Q0 SQY. i�in. 5" Reinfarced Concrete Base, De�ail `A`, D-25, D-21 Per Sqt�are Yard e. '�. Thir�y '� � °��llars Y ." ., an� Fifty ° Cen�s � 30.5Q UNIT I SUBTOTRE. $�77, 650. 00 (I�ems 1-13) � 70jA� AMOUi��' Bi� � 1,900.Q0 � 1,950.OQ � 2,00�.00 � ios,soo.00 � 12,2D4.Q0 B-3 0 ITEM APPROXI. NQi OUANTITY DESCRIPT�pN OF ITEMS WITH UNIT BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE $ 4,500.00 TOTAL AMOUN7 BID �� . .�� _�� and Twentv--five Cents $ 11 =�_5_ _ $ 2, 250. 00 LINIT II (Cuts � 200 square feet but < 1000 square feet) 14. 3,400 S.Y. 2" H.M.R.C. Pavement, Q-24; Per Squ�re Yard: Sev�n Do7lars � and Fiitv Cents $ 7.50 15. 240 S.Y, 3" H.�I.A.C, Pavement 0-24; Per Square Yard: Eleven �a11 ars 16. 300 S.Y. 4" H.M.A.C. Pavement, D-24; Per Square Yard: Fz.f�een Dollars and NO Cen�s $ �..5.00 �70 2(�0 S.Y. 5" H.M.A.C, Pavement, D-24; . Per Sguare Yard: Eighteen DO11 ars and Seventy-��ve Cents $ 18. 75 18. 50a S.Y. 6" H.M.A.C. Pavemeni, D;��4; � P�r Square Yard: f�; M 4. H Twen�y-two � Dol 1 ars and F�-��Y Cents $ �2.50 19. 5Q S.Y. 7" H.M.A.C. Pavement, �-24; ' Pe�r Square Yard: Twenty-six pollar5 a�d Twenty--five Cents $ 26.25 $ 3,750.00 � 11.2�0.00 � 1�3I2.50 s-a ,1 i ITE� AQPROXIv �£SCRIPTIO� OF ITEMS WITH UNI� TOTAL I.�(�� OUANTI7Y BID PRICES WRIT7EN IN WORDS RP ICE AM�UNT �IQ 20. 5Q S.Y. 8" H.�.A.C. Pavemen�, �-24; Per Square Yard: Thiriy Doi 1 ars and No Cent5 $ �a.OQ � �,500.00 21, 50 SeY. 9" H.NieA.C. Pavement, D-24; Rer Syuar�e Yard: Thirty-thrce pollars and Seventy-five�er�ts � 33.75 � 1,6$7.50 22. 50 S,Yq 5" R�inforced Concrete �avement D-25; Per Square Yard: Thirtv-four Qoll�rs �nd No Cer�ts $ 34. 00 � 1., 700. QO 23. 100 S.Y. 6" Rein�arced Cancrete Pavement � D-25; Per Square Yard: Thirtv—five Dollars � and No Cents �$ 35. QO � 3, 500. 00 24. 100 S.Y. 7" Reinforced Cancrete Pavement D--25; Per Square Yard: Thirtv-�i� tiollars � a e.nt s $ 36 . D4 $ 3, 600 . 00 � ai�� No �' y ♦. �i 25, 4,300 S.Y. Min. 8" 2:27 Concrete Base; D-35, D--22; Per Square Yard: Twentv--thres Dol �ars • and Fi�tv Cents � 23, 50 � �.Q1, 050, 00 B-5 � ITEM AP�RQXI. ,N�� DUA�ITITY 26. 5Q0 S.Y. D�SCRIPTI4N 4F TTEMS WITH BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WQRDS Mir�e 5" Reinforced Concrete Base; D-25, D-22; Per Square Yard: Twez�ty—s�ven pollars a�� No Cents SUBTOTAL UNI� II (Ttems 14-26) UNI� 70TAL PRI E AMOl1NT BID � 27.00 � 13,50�.00 � ��5,iao.00 M i � �9 � -. � � � � 1 1 ITEM APPRDxI. �10 • Q..11AN7I TY 27, 2,700 S.Y. 2�. 200 S.Y. „ 29. 200 S,Y. 30. 150 S.Y. 310 400 S,Y. , � � N 32e 120 S.Y. 33e 120 S.Y. DESCRIPTION QF ITEMS WIiH UNIT BTD PRICES WRF7TEN IN WQRDS PRICE UNIT �II (Cuts > 1000 Square Feet) 2" H.M.A.C. Pavement, Q-24; Per 5quare Yard: Seven Dailars and Fi��y Cents $ 7.�0 3" H.M.A.C. Paveme�t D-24; Per Square Ya�d: Elev�n Rollars �nd TWe��Y"���`� Cents $ 11.25 4" H.M.A.C. Pavement, �-24; Per Squar� Yard: Fi�teen bollars and No Cents $ 15.00 5" H.M.A.C. Pavement, D-24; , �er Square Yard: E3ghteen Do17 ars ar�d Seventy-fiv� ���.�5 $ 18. 75 6"' H.M.R.C, Ravement, Q-24; Per Squ�re Yard: ;� f4��. � Twenty-two Dol l ars 1. and Fifty CentS � 22.50 7" H.M.A.C, Pavement, D-24; �er Sq�are Yard: . Tweraty-six ppllars . a�� Twen�y-five �ents � 26.25 $" �1.M.A.C. Paveme�t, Q-24; Per Square Yard: Thirty pol l ars and NO Ce�ts � 30.00 B-7 TOTAL AMOU�T BIfl � 20,250.Q0 � 2,25Q.Qd � 3,oaa.00 � 2,$12.50 � 9, d00. 00 � 3,150.00 � 3,6DO.a0 i IT�P� APPROXI. I.�Q� OUANTITY 34. 120 S.Y. � , 35. 120 S.Yo A � 36. 200 S.Y, 3�. `��'`Zoa s.Yo � 3�. 3,400 S.Ya , t " �, 3�. �ao s.vm r , DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS W�iM UNT7 TOTAL BID PRiCES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRICE AMOI�N� BID 9" H.M.R.C. Pavement, D-24; Per Squar�e Yard: . Thirty-�three pal 1 ars a�� Seventy--fiv� Cents $��.7� � 4, 050. 00 5" Reinforced C�ncrete Pavemer�i i�-25; Per Square Yard: Thirty-�our pni 1 ars and No ��n�s � 34.00 � 4,08d.00 6" Reir�forced Cancrete Pave�nent D-25; Per S�uare Yard: Th�.�t,v-five Dol i ars and No Cents $ 35. 00 $ 7, 000. 00 7" Re�nforced Concrete Pavemeni D-25; Per Square Yard: Thir�y-six Dallars and Nfl Cer�ts $��. d0 $ 7, 200. 00 Min. �" 2:27 Concrete Base; D--22, D-35; Per Square Yard: Twen�y-three Doilars and F�f�y Cenis $ 23.50 � 79,900.00 M�n. 5" Reinfarced Concrete Sase, D-25, D-22 Per Sq�are Yard: mw�nt,y-seven Dol ] ars � and No Cents $ 27. fl0 � �.3, 50D_._00 SUBTOTAI. UNIT iII $ 159, 792. 50 (Items 27-39) ,: : 0 ITEM APPROxI. D�SCRIPTI01� �F I7EINS WITH UNiT TOTAL NQ� OUANTITY BID PRICES WRITTEN IN WORDS PRIC� AMOUNT BID UNI� IV (IT�MS 40-48) 4Q. �00 L.F. Cur� and Gutter, �-26; Per tinear F�ot: Ex�h�een Dollars and �� Cents $�-� • 00 � t, 800. 00 41e 300 L.�. Curb �n Concreie Pavemer�t Q-26; Per E.�near Foot: Seven Dol ] ars anc� �� cents � 7• oo ��, �oo. o0 42. 300 S.F. 6° Rein�'orced Con�rete Driveway D-28; Per 5quare Foot: Eight Ral l ars and N� Cents $ 5.00 $ 2,400.00 43. 100 S.F. 4" Reir�forced Cancrete Sidewalk � D-28; Per Squar� Foot: ' Five Doliars and N� Cents $ 5. 00 � 500 . UU 4�. 50 S,Y. 4° �op 5oi1; P�r Square Yard: , '� .�� ,� ��-� f��`l l a r s H and No �' Cenis $ 6.00 � 300.00 45. 10 EA. Water Va7ve Sox Adjustmen�, D-27; Per Each: One Hund�ed Fi�tv I]ol]ars and No Cents $ 150.00 $ 1.500 QQ F � ` , i �, 0 ITEM APPROXI. �Q,�_ OUANTi�Y 46. 5 EA. 47a 104 C.Y. 4�. 104 S.Y. c DESCR�PTION OF IT£MS WiTH UI�IT �OTAI. BI� PRICES WRITiEN iM1t WORDS PRI E ANfOUNT BID Manhole Adjus�:ment, D�-27; Per �ach: Two Hundred Fi�ty pal�ars and No Cer�ts $ 250. 00 $ 1, 25Q. 00 I�lashed Rock, D-16; Per Cubic Yard: Twen-�,y—�three Dol � ars and No Cents $ 2�.00 $ 2,30Q.00 Parking Lot Repair; D-29; Per Square l�ara: Twentv—:nine Dolla�s ar�d No �e�ts $ 29. [in $�,.�nn. fin SiJ6�'OiAL Ui�I7 IV $�,,� �Items 4��-48) UNIT I SUBTOTAL $_ 1.77. 65[1. o[) U�iTT T i Si1Bi�iAL $' l75 . io4 _ oa UI�TT III SUBTOTAL $ 159.792.50 TOT�IL UNITS I, IT, III & IV $ 527.5.�2.5b � ',x � � � � � � y .. � : 1 � r PAR� B — pROPOSAL (Con�.) Wi�hin ten (Za) days a�ter acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigne� will execute the �ormal contrac� and w�ll deliver an a�praved Surety 8ond and suc� a'�her bonds as required by it�e Cantract Do��ments, for the fait�ful performance of the Contract. The attached �id s�curity in the amount of �� �s to b�come the prnperty af the City �f Fort 4dnrth, Texas, in the �vent th� cantract a�d band or bonds are not execu�ed and delivered within the time abave se� forth, as liquida�ted damages �or ihe delay and additional work caused thereby. il�e under•signed bid�er certified that he has been �urnished at least one set af - the G��neral Contract Uacuments and General Spec�ifications for Water Departme�tt �rojec�s ��ted January 1, �97�, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the requirements and condiiions of thase General Documen�s ar�d the spec�fic Confract Dacuments and appurte�ant plans. TI�p unders�gned assures ti�at its e�ployees and applicants far emplayrneni and tt�ose of ar�y labor organization, subcontractors, or employment agency in eithe�^ �urnishing or referring emplo,yee applicants io the undersign�d are not d�scrimir�ated against as prohi�ited by #;he terrrrs af City Ordinance No. 727� as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400. 7he Bidder agrees to begin constructian wiihin 14 calendar days aF�er issue of the war�k order, and to complete the contract wit��n 273_ (nine mort�ihs) Ca�endar days aft�r beginning canstruciian as set �orth in the written work ord�r to be furnished by the Owner. ' �Complete A or B belaw, as applicable:) � A. The principal place nf business af our company �s ir� the State of d � EJonres�dent bidders in the State of , aur principal „ �l�ce a� busi�ess, are required to �e percent lower than resident �idders by sta�e law. A cnpy of the statu� 1s attached. , � � Nan resident.�bidders in the State�'of , our principal " �• p�ace Of bL15�1�@S5� are not �equired �o underbid resident bidders. X B. The principal place of bus�ness o� our company or our parent company or majority �wner is �r� tt�e Siate of iexas. � R�ceipt is acknowledged of the following addenda: Addendum No. 1 1/11/ 9Q (SEAL) If Bidde� 7s Corporation Addendum I�o, 2 Adden�um No. 3 R�spec�'fully sub�nitted, 6-11 � ,� Aust�n Paving Co. �.v= _..._. - � � _�_ �, r- .. .. F�������� B-i21 �Ber�ram.. Vice President Title P.O. Box J470�2, Fort Worth Ad�ress TX 76147 a i ` . � � s f� � �� r 1 r. 1 V •. � B-12 � � � � Gi�Y QF �OR'� klpR�`k �lS�DY�k�T►��fD B�1Sl�lESti EN7ERP1�1�� P C ���T�ah� 1s r , � !t �s th� polfc�r �� �he Cit�r o� F�r� 1�ort,4� t� fnwol�� D#s�d�+a�ts�� ���th��a �ni�rrprf��s ������ �n �1i ph���� of i�E fta�ur�■e�st �ria#.i�r� �fiQ to pro�r�d� i��� •qaEl opp�rttir�it��s t� c��ptt# �or es��tzrt��ts ��r �ans�r�aoti�r�* pr�i��#ion�nl �*rvi��*� pur�!►��e� o! cqui��ent �n� �up�i��s. •�d pr�vistcn a! other ��rv�o�s x��uir��i �Y �h� ��ty. Th� Cit�r ++i � 1 ���+�fde �stii■��r���. �rh�t� t�q�s�st�dk ta #���s �Y �s�v�din� i,r�far�ation ��+ bfd �p�citicattonw� ao�pli���i ��th �rt��ur��oer�t �olicy, fulf�la�er+� o! �en�r�l �i� r�qu#r��ents, �ob Prrfor��s�c� rrquiraae�rt�, �rocurs+�r�t cppor�ur�f#��� nnd prfr�q�ri�it*s !or �i�di�� Ctt�► o�ntrac�s. Th� �it� ��co�+�s�$�t jais�t �►�nt+�re� ��c�ri� �BEs �n0 #►�tw��ri ����r�t�► �n� �in�rit�•��r�€ bi�dir�� ��r C3�y o�ntt��is. �. �13E �i}+k� Th� Gf��'a �os1 i� M'3� o! �t�• �oll�r w�J+�� oi c��r�r��ta for DB�s. �r� CftY �o��ra�tM �! ����OGU �r oor� �f�d�rs �r� r�quir�cS !�� a�#t th� �st�blis�ed ■inf�ua �a�1t or u�on #a�lure t� �#et t�� go�l� pr�vi0�e dcG�s�e��t�t3an of �hrfr "�ood ��#th �i�vrt�". « !�� eon�r�ct �unun# #s le�s than f��S.000, #�h� �i�dRr fs t�a� r�qu�t�ti #o ��a�$i! �h• D�E �+�#�r��tfon ps�k�t. �he �8E r�os�l�anaa do�us�n�atior� �us# bw uu�*�t�k�d �� t�t ��� Contr�ctir�� 0l�io�r1�►�y�r s�a i�t�r tt+�n �F��O o`�lock p.�., ��t�� ��J1 bu�trw■s� da�+s •�#.�r th� bfd �p�ni�� ���i. � �: t��� � ra ��,�� i � �� � �o cun�r�r,�; � o� � r��� r �� u i �. �s u�.r � r� ��� � � � �Elt�� �ONSi�ER�D UCfi�-p�S���iSlV6 T� SPE�#�1CI�TlGM�, IJ�I��s �thir�e��� tp��iti�d �� +�r�lin�� o�iY !�� f�x�� t�*r or �ubcantracl�s�I�uppli�t� p�i� d�e�ctly b�► !�� ptis� �eLl� b� opu���d ��rw�r� �#�lir�� ��� C�t�r'� D�E �n�w. "�. �4 di�sd�rant���d busix���� ��►t�tp��*������} ���n� s bu��r�*�� o�r���tn �+1�i�f� ia #a� �f. ���at �i�ty-or�� pero�t�t oa�n�d �Y ox�■ �s �or• �oci���y �r�d •�a��ile�lly dls�d++�nts�ad ��►divtdual�t �r. #n �h# c��� �! an�r �ubliQly �wn�d b�r�ir��a� st ra�t! #���Y"a�� p�ro��t ot th� stoebr �thiaA �s �rn�d bY on� ar �or� �o�i�iiy and ��ar�vaic�ilg� �#sadv�n��;�� it��fw#d��lst and �b� r�o�� •�n��*���! s�r� ���ty busi�r�s ��#r�tiions �re can�t�ll�d �y an� �r �pr� �t �itt �a�f�]]y� �n� �+�o��mfr�ItY �i�idvants;�d tn�diwi�+�s1s �ef+a own b�. ifo��n bx�� � n�s�o� �r• tnc I�d�rd r l#�ks li�� prssu��#.i �+� �r�t�p e! ���f • lR�u. 0����}�9 �. �. � i 5��710H 1[s t. ��n��.�_�r�.�.��1.'���li� c.�tr}�,,.��aE ��o���� 7h� �St� o+�l� �o���dar #,h� b�dd�r� ��rtor�anor t��ard�t�� i��� �E� ��xtitipa�i�r� ir� ��r�it,��l�r� �! bl��. �aixure t� coapfy wl�h !h� CitY's �8E �rquir����ta or �c ��ildl7i�.T��• os do�u��nt � *6oad �*#th �f����', �ill r�sult !� � bi� �f�n� �an�id�r�d h�n�r�spansi�ra t� �rp��il��#.lo��. 4#�� ����st r��porrcl�+: b��der �t�ttn� t�� D�� t�+�u���s�nt� ��Q �i� �p�oi�ia�ttana �ri11 b� a��r��d iku� ��d. Btddtrs o�� �anFi�r �it4� thf px�o�r�d �st �nf ci tAr�■ ��� a��s. F�r�d t�� onf �h�4 �p����s to �►�u nr�d !ol��+� �ts ir�s�Ru�lton�. 1. �! �R� CO�YT��SCT I� �+vu �r� �rrti�itt� b�► fiF�e Ci�y �# �c�r� i��rth� tC�e Cit�'r i�BE cnnt�rac# �oa 1 sha� t I b� doeesd t n h��r� �sfri ■v�. You �u�t �F�en c���1at� #�r� Co��lfa��� S#at�a�ntr A#tach��n�. i�� �11d f�ttJtil #� iE #�_QUf fi�Q PI�T�U�T1� i� _p�tA���/����4� ����, � a� 1 #��r[!�� . �� �rou �ra y}� otrli���d b� ti�e CftY �r ��rt 4lar��s� �If�y# cun��acc t#�� C�ty's ��� af���i �� c�k'�) �78-ei,00 to obts#n � C�r� �� i��i� f�t� Fcr�a t�ah�d�+! � 11 k� �c�ip I�t• �+�� ���p I fa��cr �ta��aenl,, �ktt�chm�n� iA� �n� �vtur�r #� �� r�a.uir�� nur4uir�t tr� ��-�e�r�uh 7�! ���t#�n 1 ber.�c.at, C+f�*i�l�l�i��J�����1 _�S�.�i��4I'���11.��'3l�+'lli�"'f E! y�ou w i I 1 �o f�t v�r���,r� w# th ���� � co�� I�t� a Jci r�l� �er��uae �or� �Schedul� �� �nd Atlroh*e�+! l�. �i�n !h� ���p I ias��e Sl�t�m�r��, Att�rcheer�t i11� �rid r_�3u�n ���.� a� t ��u i.r�d �►�rs�sni ��. . ��u�a�h� �i��e�ii.�n _ � l��r�of . tf Yat�t ��� pEs�i�#p���cn !s ft� sr� �au�� th�t oq��lf to cr s�r���s�ra tha �#t�r'� �a�M ot� kS� t�t` #�E� oo����#�� At��chaant 3A� At�#.�Chr�rn! 9,� snd �R.t�,�,�n �f��■ �s ri�uirid �ur■►���t! ta �s��, s�sh b! 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B. �f yr�� p�op�Fe tc+ �etfaro �l�� �nlSr� �antra�t �r�tP�cui �ub�o�t,riact��� or sup��#�r�► ple�ar pr�v#dr ■ d�.i�fl�d �xpx��at��n ����+� t�r�t pro�+�sr �s.sed �n Rh� s#�� �x�d st�op� Q� *�e pr��ec#.� �hS� �� �►our �cr�a1 ���ir��s� pxsctio�. Our �i�wm iza� ��mpl�t�cl }�v��� c�#.' t�r�sc� p�otj���� anci 1t�,v� cl��:igr�ed � c:� ekv �� p��•��r�� a� � or t�t� i.te+rns of worlt . 'i`hc��-c� fore, w��tl� ��,h� ex�e�tiar� o� m�.te�-i��l s��pp�.�r tklat is Iiste� o.n �.1��+ ��•e�r��us p��es, alY o� t�r� work, inc�udin�; haul. �ft ��' ��cr.a�x�xted r��t��•fa3 }+��11 l�s� �e�f-�rcrTor�m�d �� our ����:w. `C�re�-ei'�a-�, �.� �.� not �xa�si���e �o racet �I�� �it�f "s ��al� �o�� ��5� � , J p. �l��i� pro�►1de ��y ��d#tt�ni� �r►�orsa�ion �t�u 8��1 �ill #�r�h�r �xp��in �raur �o�d !��l� ����rts !o elici! ��.d� tt�as D��s �� th�� pr���c�• The �o���siti�� of ��ur �ork loro� !s no� ■ �ons#d�ratios�. ��w. 0�#1�1�9 � l�F.. ..r.�y� . . . .! � ����[�1��l1� �� �4�# i�r■ i• �� �� ■��� ���� ■���e����k �ve�t�an 3 fro� tle� �rcce��isw� p�g�. 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Fi C�-1.7 c;1--1.8 C1-1.� �1�1.1f1 C�-1.11 �1�1,12 �Y-�.1� ��-1, t4 �1--1. ].5 �1--1. 1fi C7_-1.17 c�_�1. �_� � ]_ --1. 1_ 9 ��-1. �f� �1�1,�1 �l-1.�2 C1�1.�3 �:�—a..�� c�l-1. �� ��1--'1, �� �1-1. �7 C]_-l. . ;�#� C]_•--1.. ��� �1-�.3� �1-1,31 ��l- l , 32 I] � F I i�] I'F T{] �I S l�e��nikioe� of '��rms C'on�ra�t l�o�um�e��s ��� i c� �0 13 i dr�� rs Pra�ns�� F3idd�r �1-�, �Z�i Cl�l �1-1 C1--1 Cl-1 ���1 C�-1 �7.-� ��.--i C�l-i �1-i Ci�� ���1 i;�-� �1�1 c�--� �1-1 �].-7. C1--1 �l-1 C�.-3 ��-� �1--� �1-i �7.-]_ �]_-1 �1--1 C1�1 �1-1 �].-1 C�.�.l �l1 c�x ��} f2} (�} f�} (�} (2} L�} c�� �3? f31 (31 (3} (3} (3} c�� (4) (�3 �4) �4} €4� (�i t4� (4} (�} €6) (G) (6) �6) {5) (b) �€�n�ra� Cor�dzt�on� S�e�i�], �pr�ditions ��eciEi�at�a�s Bo n ci �on r_ r. �� t� P�,ar�s � i � �r �"ity �::r�uncil �la y o r Cii:� �lanay�r �i�y �ttn�n�y �3i.r.ec�.c�r oC` �'i�C�l �c 4��rk� � i ir:�c~ #:o r, � i L�y �'a�e r be�a � t��t� I_ �t7g i rti��r ��n��acto� Sur�ti�s The v�o��C or Pro�ect �or�Cir�g �a� c�len�ar 17�y r.���� �. H�� �a,�� �4ob��vi�tinns Ch��t��� �rci�r �a�r�d S�r���� a�d ,�11��rs U�tF3av�c� Str.e��s ar�r� A.11�ya �it� Str��ts #�aa� w� y Gr�v�l St��et c2-� ���r�������F,r���ror� �r�n �E�F�a����{�� DLa' �t����0�71L i�--�. � P�apos�.l. Forrn �.'���.� Si1��iEJC��dt�L7f1 O� �ll�il����$$ ��`-` �. 3 C'', K�]111 Cl � L'- 1[� r1 ['� � C.` � Pi t i�� ��}OC 11 �[k� F�k � S �t�� �i�ry ��°�^�.� Sub�nitting of P�o�osal ��-2.5 Re���ti�n o� Propos�ls �?-�.�5 Bi� S��urik� C�-2 {1� ��-� { j. � C2—a i�a C2--2 � 3 ) C2-� (3} ��-2 {�) ��� �2-�,7 ��Iiv�ry of Pxop�aal ��-2_9 �ithdrawi�g��ra�a�a�s ��T�.9 T�l�gra�hi� �od.iF�c��ion o� Pr�pos�ls ��-2.'10 Pu�1.i� Q�ei�ir�c� �f Propos�l �Z-�. �.1 �rr�c��lar Pr.�p�sa7,s C�-�.1� [�xsc��aYiEicatian �� �idd�rs �3-�3 �3--� .1 �3�3. 2 C3�3.3 C3-�.9 �3-3_5 �3=3.6 �3-3.7 C:3-3.8 C'�--3.9 C3--�.YO C3-3_il �G3-3. �_2 �3-3.13 C3,3.14 �3-3..15 C4--4 �4-� . � C�#-A . 2 �4-4,3 �4-4.4 C4--4 , 5 eQ--� . � �4-9.7 �5-5 ��-�.� �5-5.� C5-5.3 C5�-�.� C545_5 �5-5. 6 C5-5.7 ��-�.8 �5-5.9 C5--5.1� �S-5.1t ��-5.22 CS-5.13 ��-S.lA C5-5�. �� C5�-5.�6 � � - 5 . 1'3F C5--5. 18 A4���D A�JD �7{EC[�'��ON QF D��EJI�SF�ITS �onsiderat�o�r �E i�r�posals M��o�z�� Busin�ss T`nterp�s� W�m�n�nwne� �3usi;�ess �;ni��r��ise ���n�lrar�ce Eq�:�1 1�mployrn�nL' i'rovisio�s �it;�d�aw�� oE �ro��osals Award a� �ontr��� Ftc�-,urn �f Fro�osa� S�cur�ti�s B���s �xe��ti�n �� Co€�tr��t F'ail�re to Fxe�ute Con�r��� B�yinr�ing �rJork insur.�n�� ��rY�r.ac�or"s �bligat�ans G�ee]€1y Pa�r�11 �n�����c�.�r'� ��e�tract AdmLriist�ation V��u� SCQPF OF` �J(]F�FC Intent of Con��a�:r ��cum�t�ts Sp�cial P�ov.L�ior�s �n�r�ased or �}��r��s�d Quaflti�i�s Ait�rata.�n �f Con�.r�ct I��c:�ment� F�xtra Wa�k ��ki�du�� e�� O�c�a�ic�e�s �r��r��s �che�ul�s ��r wa�.er �n�l Sew�r P1ant F�c'i1�ti�� �o�a�a�o� o� wo�� �a�� r��•r�;s�l���� A�tl��r. it�r o� Engineer Cort�or�,i r�+ with Plans Caordin�ki.on o� ��nt�;�c;t Do�ur��nt� ��ogera�.i,r�� af ��r��r�cto� �ms�rgr�r�cy �nd�t�r Ete�i_iFicatior� Work Fi�],d D�f:ic:e C�M�str���iort Stak�s �uthority and Dv�i�s aF ins�e�t�rs Insp����c�n Re��val o� a�e��=�k=��� and Ur,�utl�o�ized v�ozk �ui�s�.itut� n�a��,�ria�.s or �q�i��n�r�t Samp],ps and T�s�s of t��tera.als Storag� �� �la�er�,ats Fxist�e�g �truct�res �ne� In�ez'�ugtioT7 0� Serv],c� M�tu�l Res��nszbi�it� c�E �l�a�up �A�na]_ �r�s�e�tion U��li�.i�s C�nt�ac�.ars ��-� f41 �2-� f4} LL!!i 4 � I C2--2 { 4 ) ��-2 {4} C�--� (5} �3-3 {1] C�-3 �3--3 C3-3 C3-3 C3-3 �3-3 �3-3 ��-3 �3--3 C:3--� C3--3 �3,3 �3-3 �3-3 f11 [�,} {2) {2} (�} (�1 {4} (�} (A) (41 (7? �7J (7� (81 �4-4 (1} �4-4 (�) C4, 4 � t � C4-��# (? } �4-4 €�} C�--4 ( 3 } C4--A {41 C5,5 C�-5 C5-5 ��-5 C5-� �.�a-� �5-5 �5-5 C5-5 ��-� �5--5 �5-5 �5-5 �5--� C5-5 C5�5 �5-5 C5-5 f11 (11 (�� {�� {3� (3} f31 {q} {5) {�l (51 (6} (5} ��1 �7} {8) (8) (9) 421 C6-S ��-6.1 �6�b.� C �--� . 3 �6-6,4 �6--�_S �6-6.b � �] -- �1 . � Cf-fi.8 �fi-� . 9 �5-� . 1�] �b-C.1k Cfi-b . l.� Cfi�b.�3 C6-6. l4 �6�6,15 �6-6.1� �6-�.�7 �� --� . �. 8 Cf�-£� . 1.9 �F�--6 . �� �; 6-- G . 21 C7-�7 C7-7.� �7-7.� c�-�.� c�-�.� t'7--7.5 C7-7.6 �7--7.7 �7-7.8 c�-�.� C7-7 . �[} C7--7 . �i �7-7.1� C7-7.13 �7T'J.14 �7-7.i5 C7--� .1� �7�7.1� ��-B �8-8.1 �8-8.� LEGA� R��A'��QNS AN� ��B�,IC RF��O��1�I���� T�aw� t� be Dbs�rv?d Fertmit9 �n� Li���ses �zte�tted i}evicest �iat�ri�1_� and Prc��ess�s ��ni.��ry Pr��risior�s P��b1ic� �a���� ar�d �on�r�nien�� PrFviieg�s af �ar�tra��or in �Creets, All�ys, a�d Rigl�k�-�of�Way R���W3� CrUSSk11�5 $a�ri�ade�, Warr��r�gs anc� i�a��hr��n L�se �f �x�1as i�r�s , Dro� We��ht, etc . C�Jark i�i�hit� L�semen�� �nc�e�end�n� �ont�ac�or �o��ra�tor'$ R�s�an�z�ilit�+ f�r Darhac�e �iair�s �ont�actor's ��a�rn f�r i�ar�ag�s F�dj�st+��nfi a� �t�la�a��on �f Fubl.ic L���l��i.es, ��c. Ter��orary Se�ver ��rain ��nr���tio�� Ar�-ange��ni� and �har��s of �a�er F�rr�i�Ei�d b�r �i�y Us� of a,��c����� o� Po�rtior� �� �h� G�or�C ��ntract��'s �esponsik�i�it� �ox W�rk Cv� S��iv�r a� ��gal [�igh�s �����naY 7.iability o� P��J.�c Officia�,� Sta�e Sa1e5 '�a5t P[tOS�CUT.LON Ah�D �FtOGR��S ��[�]_etti��q ��siqnrnen� of �antract l�ras���ti�n oE �l�e i�c�zk L.�r�i.�ati�r�� ar �peratior�s C�ara�t�r oi G�ark��n and �qu�.�m�n� W��lc �chec��ale �i�ne of ��r�men��m��� anci ����t�l��.�vn Exten�ion of �ime r�� �am��,et i,on 1��1ays '�irne o� �o�n�l.�t�an Suso�nsion �� Coa�t Order T�mpor�r� Susper�siazl ���m����ion �� C�r�iract d,�� to �]aiion�l E��rg�r��y S���erisi�n of A�an�or�r�en�; c�F ��e W�rk and �1r�n�l�nent o� Coe��_rac� Fu1�f: ilirn�nt of ��r�tra�t �'err�ina��on ��x ���ver�ienc� o� t�� Or�wer �afet� M�t��c�s ar�d i��c�c�ices MF��U��C�EN'�` ANU P�h�MFN'� ��asur�,�er�t o� ��an�i�ies Unit Pric�s C�-� C5-5 �5�6 Cb�6 Cfi-5 C�--� C�-b �5-� C6--5 �6-6 �� -5 C6�6 C6��i �6-5 C6-6 C: 5 - 6 C6-G �fi-G C�-6 Cf--� C6-6 �7-7 C7-7 �747 C7-7 C7--7 �7-7 C7�� C7�7 �7-7 �7--7 �7-7 �7-7 I�1 ��,} {.l� {21 {�} {31 {4} {4} {5} t6} ��} (�} L10} (1.01 �1�1 {�11 ���1 ���.) (i21 ( �. 21 (i21 I�) cx� c1� I2) {�) {3) { e� ) i4) [9) iS) (�) (�) �7-7 {7) �7-7 {7) �7-7 {�} C7-7 (i0} C7�7 {13} C8--8 (1 } CB--$ { � } �3� �8�8.3 C�-8.4 C8-8.5 C8�8.6 C9��.7 C6�8.8 C�-�.9 �8-8,10 C8-8,�1 �8-$.t� �8-8.13 i,um� Sur� �co�� c�f Pay�nent Pa��ial Estim�tes and Fte�ai,r�ag� �i��t}��1dir�:� Pa�r��nr. Fi�i�l ��c���stan�e �`in�l f�ay�en� Adqua�y o� D�sign ���3�raZ Guarar�ty ���Sid ��r� Gi�r. k hS�sc:et�.an���s �lac����nt �e�or� D��umee��s o� Ma��ri�l �8 �8 �8-8 C$-� ��-8 �$-8 �8�8 C�--� �8-8 �8-8 CB-8 C8--8 ��) (11 �� } f3) {3) {31 (41 (4) (�� (5} (� } {4} ���� � � ��N��AL �O��T�I0�5 �1TY ���T��TTO�� SE��Ip� �i�� DE�I�ITI�NS �1-�.� ��������O�S �� TERMS: �h��e��� in t���e �o��ra�t ���urne�ts the fo���w�ng t�r�s o� p�o��uns in place o� th�rn are used, �he inten� and meaning �lyall �� �nderst�vd and int�������d as Eollows: �1 -l.� �D�T���T �������TS: Th� ��nt�a�t Doc���n�s are all o� t�� wr��te� and draw� da�u��ntst suc� �s s�eci�ications, b��ds, ad�enda, p1an�, e��., whi�� go�ern th� t��ms and per���m���e of t�e �o�tr���. Th�s� ar� con��ined in th� ��n�r�l C�ntr��t ��cum�nts and �he ��ecial �on��acfi Do�uments. a. ��NE�AL �Q�T�A�T �������TS: Th� ��n�ra� �on�ract ��cu�e�t� gov�rn al� ���er �epar�m��� Pr�je�ts a�d in�l.u�e t�� �oll�wing it�ms: PART A - �O�TCE TQ �ID���� {Sampl�} PAR'� S - PFtOPO�A� ( �amF�l� ? PAR'�' � - G�N�RI�if, �Oh3DIT�0�d� (CITY} ( D�ve�.�p�r } ��1��' � -- ����IJ�L ���diJI'�'���15 PAI�T E � SPE�iF��A'�`x�}i�� �Ei�MZTSf EA���fE�3T� FA�'� F - BC�N�� ( �am�Ze } �Ai�'�' � - �O[��RAC`�' { �arrt�l.� 1 �hi�e �hit� ��na�� �Lell��t B]'own Gr. e�n ��.-4�hite E�-�o�den Rod E�,�=S�T�i te Blu� �Th�t� 4�� � t � b. ����IAL ���1T�A�'� I�O��JM�C�'i'S: �.'he Sp�c.ia� ��nt�a�� 1�ocum��t� a�e �re�ar�c� ��r ea�Y� ��ec.i�i� proj�ct as a �u�p�em�nt �o �h� �eneral �ontra�t D���m�n,�s ar�d �ncJ.ud� the �o�lowing items: L�A�L�T A� t�OTi�� Tp ��DD�RS �I�c�v�rtis�r��n�} S�m� aS abovc PT�RT H - PF�OFO�AL {l�id) �AR�` � - �Eri3�RAL �Qt���TI0�1S !'AftT � - �l���IA� C0��1Z2'ION� �ART �. -- �P�CIFI�,�TIO[�S P�Fi�'1�'1'� f �A��MEidT� �#1RT F` = k30iVi?� PAf�T G -- �0l�'1'��.�T �A€tT H - PLA�]� (�Jsua],�y b��n� se�ax'a��ly) ��-� (l� ��-1.3 NOTI�E To a1D�G�s: �11 �� Ch� l,egai p�bli�ations �ith�r a�ku�lly p��1is��� in �ub�i� a�v�rtisiri� ���ium� or E���xs�ed dz��c� �o inter��t�� p�rti�� p�rtaining t� t�� wor� ca��em�l�te� �nder. t�� �ontr��r_t ����me��� �anstit�t�s ��e �oki�e �o bi�ders. �1-1.4 PR�PD���: The �ornp����d �r��t�� and s�gnLd o��er or ��rtder af a bi�]c��r to perform �}-�� worl� w�i�1�� �h� �wn�r d��ires �� l��ve dan�, �og�th�x� with t�� ba.d �e���zi�y, �����ti��t�s �h� Fro�iosa�, wh.ici� �ec�mes bi,n�irig u�or� t�i�e sidd�r wher� �t fs o�f ic�al.�y r��eiu�t� }�y �.t�� �wner, h�s ��efl �k���Yi.c�y o��t��� ar�d rea� �n� n�t �ej�c��d l�y� the ��rr�a�. ��-1.5 �3�D���z: Ar�y p�rson, ��rsonb, f�.r�ri, pa��nership, ����pan�, a��oc��l:ior,, ��rp����.ic��, act�,ng dir���l}r or th�ou�i� a �uly �ut�ro�iaed re�reser�ta���r�, su�mit��,ng a ��o�osa�. �oK �arFor�in� �.k�e �+�ri� �;or�t�in�la�.ed �nd�r ti�e �antract �QC_'L1311�11�Si ��nstit��es a kri��er. �I�-1_6 �EF�E�tAix C0�1F?ITI0�1�: Th� General ���ditions ar� th� usua�. conslru���on ar�d cor�t�ac:t req��r��a�r�ts whicf� gov�r�i �he p�rfo�rnar�ce of �h� �ror�c so �hal� it will �� �ar��r�d �r� xr� ac�ord,r�c� wit�ti t1�r� cu��.ornary pra�#d�re, th� ��ca�. st�tu�es, and requz�c��n�nts o� ��� �$k.y �F [���c� Wor��3's c�ar�er ar�d prol�u�.ga��d a�d�:��r�ce�. Wt�er.��v�r tk�era ma� �e a conf�,�ci� i�etw��� t1�e Gen�r.�1 C,on��itit�rss a�r] Spe��a� �or�c��.i:i��s, the �att��r sha.l.i. ��k�3 gr�ce��nc� a�d sha�� �overn. �'�.--�.7 �FEC�1��a CO�I�ITTO��: S�ecxal candi�ri��is ar� t�e spe�i��� r�qu,i��rnents whi�� �r� necessa�y r�r �h�! part�cular ���j�ct cov�r�� ��r �h� C��itra�r_ �o�um�nts ar�d not s���xF.ical�y ��v�r�d �rr 1-_k�c� Gen�ra� �anc��tior�.s. ��xen �ansider�cl with th� ��r�er.�I Condi�ions and o�.l�er ��,eG��r�ts of �i�� �ont��-act Do�um�nts t��y �ro�ric�� rhe i�rE�r�a�ior� w13�.�t� tY�� Cor�tra���� �nd Owt�er �ho�Zd t�av� a.� �rder t�o gair� � tho���tg�ti knawi��lg� o� �h� proj�c�. C1�� . S ,��E��F��ATIO�]S: 'Phe �}��c��i��tions i� tF�at s�e:tian or �ar� at tk�e ��rn�r��t D�c�sr�ents �h.i,�h sets �or�h �n d�t�i� �h� r�qu��,rern��ts whic�r �t�s� �e �et by �l� �a�te�ialst construc�i�n, warkrna�shi.�, ���ripmen� and ��rvic�� in or��r �� r�nc��r a ��+�pt����l and us�.Eul �ro j��r , G�henev�r r��'er��c� i.� rnac�� �o stand�rd s�cciEicatior��, r��ulatians, ree��irem�r�ts, ��a�u�.est t�tc. , sucC� r���rrer� �o dacum�r��s shal� b��o�te a par� c�� the Co���-act Uacu�n�nts �usL• as t��ugh i:h�ey w�r� ��nboc�Y�d therein. C1-1..� BO�D: �t�e bond ar �onds �r� the wzi�.ten gua�an�.�e vr s��ur�ty �e�rnis��d �y th� ��ntr�,��.ar for tE�e p�om�at and C�-� {21 faithful p�x��rmance vf th� ��nt�act an� ���lud� the �ollowi�4= a. ��r�or���c� b. ���rn��t B�nd �. Main���aflce �. ��o��sa� or �O Bidders� Sand isee p�ra�raph C3-3.7} �se� paragraah C3-3.7} �o�� {se� p�ragra�h �3-3.7? Bfd Secu�it� (s�� Speciai �nstru�ti�ns �a�t A arid �2Y2,6i ��-�.Z� CO�TRA�T: �he �ont�act �� the for�al s�grie� agreement l��tweei� t�.� �wner and �k�e ��zY�racto� �o�rering the m�tu�,� �nc�ers �a�r�� i nc� ot the tw� ��n�r�c�ir�g pa�rta.�s a�out �h� ��o��ct i:a b� c�m�leted .uncl�r th� Contra�� L�ocum����. ��-l.11 PI�A�1�: '��.� p�ar�� are th� drawi�gs or re�r�d►���ians �ther��ro� �ad� �� �.h� Dwn�r's �re�����n�ative showz��g �.n d�tail the 1oca��o�st d��t��tsion an�] posxti.an of �he �►�rious ��.�m�n�s �f ii�e pro��ctt inc],u�i,r�� such �a�vff��s, ��rpr�ai �ross-�ec�ion�, Iay�u� d�ag�a�r�s� working r�rawings, �rel�rn�,riar� drawtrrgs and such su���ement�� �ir��tin�� as �k�e �wner m�� �.ss�� �.o cla��fy �ti�er c�r�wir�gs ar �a� th� pur�os� o� s�owir�g �har�ges in �.�e +work he�e�naft�r author f��c� b� th� Qwn�r . T�e ��1ans ar� ��uaYl�► bo�r�d s�pa�at�Iy €r�m o�her �arts o� the Cont�a�� �ocumen�s, but they are a p�rt �� �h� Con�ract Dacun�en�s a�st as �hau�C� tlti�y we�e bo�a�d k�ez��in. C1-]..�� �iTY: The �it�+ v� �`ort ��r�h, T�x��� � muni����� �vrporation� au�h�riz�d anrl charter.�c� �r�der. ��e 'Pexas �tat� �tat�ttea� a�t�r�g �� ar�d �hrp�gl� i�s gov�rning 1�od�r or it� City Mang�r, ea�h o� wh�ci� �s r�y�ire� by �ha���x to p�r�o�c�n sp�}c�.fi� duti�s. �t�s�ortsik�a.l�.ty �o� Einal. �nfo�cernent o� �vntra��� inv���rir�g �h� C�ty af �'art �orti� �s b�+ �hart�r �este� in �.h� �i�� i�arsac�er. T�e terms �i�y and O�rner are s�non�+mous. C�-1.13 �xTY �OI�N�IL: �`h� dul� el,���ed and qua.li��ed gov�rnir�g F�ody o� �he �ity' o� £`ort 4��r�h, �ex�s, C1-�.�9 MAYOR: Tk�� �f�i�ia�Y�+ �1�ct�� Maynr, or an �is a���r�ce� t�e Mayr�r �r� tem �� the City o� �ort �o�th, T�xas. C�.-X . 15 ��'�Y MAh�A��ER: 'Fla� of���ia�.��+ app€���tec� and au�i�orized �i�y �3artag�� o� th� �i��r �� E'�.r� W�r��t, Texas t or �tis duly au�.h�r�z�d r��resenta�i�e. �1--].. �,6 C`YT� ATTOR�3EY: The officia].�y �pp�i�tt�d �i��+ �1�torne� of the �ity o� Fo�� Wo�e�hr "��xa�, c�r his �u�y au�#��r�z�d ���r?s�r��a��ve. �1-I {31 �YR�.�7 �I��C��R OF P��LIC ��R��: Th� du�� appoin�e� o£fi���� a� the �i�y o� F�.r� �o��h, r�.E�rred �o kn th� ��ar�er as the Cz�� �ngin��r, aa- his duly aut�ori�ed �e�r�s�nta�ive. �.l-I , �_8 D�R���4�, C��Y �A�FR ��PART�E�T: �h� duZ� ap�o�nt�d Direct�r �� tI�� ����r Wak�r qep�rtment o� ��� ��.t� �� Fort Warth, T�xas, or his �,uly author�z�d re�r���nta�i�ref assks�ant, ar a�ent�. �1��, �9 F�]����:�R: TE�s T��,r�ctv� of �ublic wo�ks, t#�e l7x�ec�o� a� tY�� �'orL• Wvrti� �ity Water ��par�m�r��, or �heir c�uiy autk���ized a�sastan�sx ac���nt�, �r�c�rn���s, i�rsp�ctors, or superin��r���nts, �c�.�ng wi�hin kh� s�o�e o� ��� part�.����� d�t ��s e� �r, u��ed �o ti�ern. ��-� . �Q �D��"R�i�TOR; The ��rs�r�, ��rson� r �}�i�Ii��$�1t�7. �om�aany, firrnt associ��ian, �r �or�arakxor�, �r�t�rxn� into a ��ntraci wi r_h �he Owe��� �or �l�e exec�uti�n �� th� vrorl�, acting di�ec�ly or t]�r�uc�� � duly a�th�r. Y��� r�pr��en�ativ�. A su}�Y�arit�actor is a p�rsc�n, Eir�, �o�p��a�ion, or ��h�r� u�ader c�ntr�ct with �h� prYnci��1 contra�tor, �u��Iying laf�ar and mat��ials �r anl�► labc�r, �or wo�k at �1�� sYt� of ��� pro��ct. ��T�.�1 5[�RET��;�: mh� Corp�r�te i�odi�s w}�zch ��e i��und by s��h �onds ar� �required +�i th and for �he �ont rac t�r . Ti�� sur�tzes engag�d are �o be ��a1i� ����on�,ik�Y� �or t�xe �ntz�ce and sati,s�acto�y �u1�i11��nt oF �h� �on�r�c� ar�c� for a�� and a].a_ �ec�urre��nts �s s�� fo�rth in ��e ��ntr��� f�ocvrn�nts a�rc� approv�[i chan��s there�.�. ��-� .�� T�i� WORK �R PRO�E��: �he �o�n�����d war�C con�e��lat�d i.n and ��ver�� by �he C�nt�act �oc�r��nt�, incZuding �u� no� li�ti�ad #o th� �urnis�r�,ng of all �ak��r, materialst �oo�s, e�ui����r�t, ar�c� ir��id�nta�,s n�cessa.r�y tv �radu�� � comp���ed anr� ��rva.c�a��� �a�c�ject. ���1. �3 4V�fti{ii�� pAY: A worlcin� day �� defir�ec� �s a c��er�dar d��r, nr�t� in��.u�xn� a� �urd�ys, Sun�ayg, and 1ega1 ��1 �c���+s, a.� whi�� �t�c weat��r ar ��her �ondii:�on� not �nd�r t�� cont�ol �� ��� �a�tra�C�r p�r��� the �a�rfarmar�c� �f kt�� pr.a,nc�pal un�.t �f wor�€ for a��riod o� not i�±ss tl�ar� s�v�r� f7� k�ours k��t�ween �:�0 a.r�. ar�d b:00 p.m., vr�ta3 �xc��kions as �ae��nitted in paragraph C7T7,�. cvl-l._�4 �ALE�]C},Ai� €3AY�: A�a�.er�dar �1ay is a�1y da�r n� the weel[ or ntont�t r�o c�ays �eiatig ��cc��t��. �1�1.�� L�G��. E�oLr���l�: L�gal holiciay� shall �� �r.es��ik�e� b� the Cit� C�un�i,1 a� �h� Ci�}r of �'ort ot���F�ruar�ce l�y �ity �mpl,ayees a� �o�Iow�: ��aerv�d �s �1o.r. �� �a,� C1-1 (4} i. �. �. 4. 5, �i . 7. $. 9. �ew Y��r � s k�.�y P'1. �� . f{ j, k'� g, ,! r. E� .i r. t l� r3.� y �lc:moria� �]ay Tnd����nd�n�e l�ay Lal�or C}��r Th��ksgivi�rc� D�� T�ar�Jcs�ivi�3g r�ida� Ci��i�L-i��� C�ay �u�l� c�L•�te� ��ays tY���days as the i�ay ii�a:er�r��,r�� �« �i�u �f �i�y �vun��l ��nu�ry 1 7`h�rc3 �onc�ay i� �Tar�uar�r i,ast �1or��ay in M��t .7u L y 4 Ia'ir�� Mor�d�}► in S��ten�b�r Pour�h T'hursclay ir� uov��rther Paur��� �r�day i� i��vemb�r De���h�r 2� wh�n ane oI' L-f�� �i���+� n�med ��ot.i+�ays o�r � sp�cia.l 1�a�i�3ay is {i�clared l�y l�h� C:it�+ �o�nci�, �a�i.s �n �atu�da�r, th� h�lida�+ sI�,�Y� be oC�,�x-�r��� n� th� ���c+�e3inq l�ri�,y o� if i� Fa11s on 5un���y, if. :;13�1 � 1�� ohs�rved �n t1�e fn].1o��i��g �sc�nday, i�y those �ml��r�y�tis ��rlcing t�n war�c�ng �.a}� op�ra�io�s. Em1��oye�s vrcrr�ing cat�nclar d�y o��ratioi�s w�11 co��xd�r ���� �a��n�ar holi��y �s l:1ze ha1i���. C�-�.2b AD�R�'ViA"�IOid�� 4�h�r�ver. �k�ti ai�br��iations defin��3 h�K��,Gti ���aear i� �orY�,�-��� �ocu�t�nt�, th� intent ar�ci r��ar�.i«g shali b� �� ��11�ws: �2� � Fi'�i] T���E, �#� A�ThS A�:w,�4 A�A �i :C f'�s�t� . lv�. aT.vrl, CL i' L �� I T��.n, EO. �� M�x. - A:rtnr. ic�n A��ocia���r� of �1�1. Stat� N�g�v��� Trans�ror��� ion Jf���i�a.� - Am�rica� S�c�+��y +��' �i�,il rl3girr�,��rs � t�-� �1��ar��,�nc� �i�h - .�merican �o�i�ty c��� �r`r?�i:�a7f� ����ri�1.S - ��r��r��an 4�a��r w�,��c� �5 SOC � cl C 1.011 - #lrner.i�an 5t��r�riar.ds Associ.�t��on -- �i y t�l r�� �a .� a t' � n s�: i� u t e - �sl�ha.l,t a Avenu� — �t�llYi�lT��C� - ���I� iron , C;�r���r L�.r�� , ;a ] van%z�d "Ir�n -- L i. ne� r�r Li n�� 1 — �'�lll'1c'� -� h9anktol� - Ma�cirnu�n -- Mi�tFon ��11or�s P�r D�jr C:�'� - �tlbi� Foo�: ��r S�concl Mir� . - i�inimum Mono.T �9on.��.ithFr; � � k�er:.�t]�I.it7� R - 1��diU� I.T�. -- I�si�� �i21�t�t�r �. �. - ��ts i d� fi� �rrtrt�=r F,l�v.- �'��vat iur� F y I'ah��nheiL' C — ��r1{:1C]�?ada Tn. � �r��l�r F�:. — E'qOt 5k.. - �t���� �Y - �t���� Yard Yt� . — ](�11CC� �Y -- �quarr� Yard T�. �'. - Lx i���� F�o�'- F�.I. � f?uCtiie �r.t�r7 �l-1 (51 ��-1 . �7 ��iAi�V�F` �,RDE�i: � ""�t�anq� O�der" xs a wrik��r� s�p;�l�m�n�al �gt��h��nt ��rw�en �.he Own�r �nc� t�� �or�t�a�t�r ct��erinq som� �dde� or de�uct�d i���n �r �e�ture w�hi�t� �ta� �� Eaui�c� sYec�ssary and wh��h was not sp�c��ical�y ir��l���ed iry �hc scoo� oI l'.h� �r��e�t on whir_��ti �ids wer.� subrnitt�d. Zncrease in unit �uar����ies �ta��d �n t�e �aro�asal �r� r�or the s���ect m�t�er �E a�.hat�ge Ord�r unLess tl�� inc�e�se �r �ec�eas� is m�r� ��r�n �5� of k.hc� a�nae,nt �f th� par�i���l,�r� zt:�r� or x�cros irr �.h� �r��inai �ro�aasal. A1 l "�h�nge Or���s" sh�Y� be �r�p�r�c� �y t1�e �i�y �ro�n ir�f.o�em,��x�r� a;� ne�essary F�1�G�i.sk�c�� by rE�� C�tl�racto�, �I�-l. �8 PA�ED �T�tFk�T� ANL} ALL�Y�: A�.����d str��� �C a1��y s�s��� b� ���Fir��cd a� a st��=�� or alle� h��ring �n� aF �he .E�ollawing t���,� o� vre�ring �urf�c�*� a�plied oue� tkY� r�at�ara� �rrr�m�ro�r�c� sue�a�e: �. �n� t}��a� oE a���a�ti� ��ncret� wir_�� or without ���a ra tc� F�a:� ��na �#3 r i a�. �. �n�r t��e aE ���ha�t s�rf��� tr�attn�n�, na� ��c.luc�ing an oil�d sur. ��c�, wi�i� or witt�ou�. .�epa�a�e ��� �� ma��rial. �. �r.ick, with or wi#:hou� s��ar3t� bas� ��at�rial. 4. Co17C1"�t�� with or wi�fiollir ���aYaLe bc�r,�? m�teCi�Z. 5. �1fl� co�n��rs��.�on of �h� a��v�, �1-.i. �9 UN1�Av�ll �'I'12��TS OR AI3L�YS: An ur��,��e�� stre�t� �1��Yr rc��cl�,�a� or ot��ee surEac� i� any ar�a ��c����� thr�s� d�Finer� aE�av� ���- "'Pav�d sr.r��r_s and Al �l+�ys. �� CI-�.�� C�'i`Y $T1�CFT5: A�i�� stre�� i,s t��fine� as �h�l; ,�r�a �Lt�teer� �he t�c�h�-oF���y lin�s as th�: ����?�t i� d�r�i��t�d. �v'1-�.31 �t0l��WA�C: gara.�lel i.zr��s k�wo (4"l f��� b�ek oE �}€i � �ti . T�'i� �'���iway is ��f �,ne� �s the ,���2� i��i;w��n {�' ) f��� t�ack o� th� �€,rE� 1ine� o� �our tli� a��r�g� edge n€ e�avcme+r�� wher� n� �url� Clyi._3� ���V�i� �Ti��ET: A��3v�� ��reet ts �r�� un�savec� straet to w�ich has b��n ad�ec� one or �nore �3��j71LC�3k.1CJflb �� gr.a��l a� sxroilar rE1c3t�l-L�� a���er than ��� n.����ra� mak��ria1 Eound an �he str�et �Ur��ce beEore ar�y i.�n�ro�r�Tn�n� �ras m�dr3- �I--1 t�} ���TiON � � GL-'�F,�AL C��UITXO�S �2-� TNT�;RPRL'•'"r�'I'T,O� Ai�C} PR:�PAFtA'I''10N DF PHC�P�SA 'L ���'�'�Di�T C��� rN'��I�PR��'A'�'��]N Akt�l) FF�EPARATi0�7 OF P1�0��7�AL � �-� . � �I�{�Pt��1�L �'ORl�: Th� Qwr�er wi I.L ��rnish ��,dd� rs wi �h �r.a�osal forin, wrii�h will cc�n�ain an i��mi.��d lis� aF ��,e i te�s af worEc to �� don� �r Enat�r�a.is �o C�e furi�i:�hed and u�on cal�ic� I�id �ris��� ax� �c����sted. Th� Pror�osal ror�n wi�1 ��a�e t.}�� B.i,{�c3�r's general �n��rs�andinq oL �he prc��ecl: �o b� c�mpl�t�dr �Orovicl� a space L-or fu�r��ish�ng tl�e amo�se�t o� bid secu�it�r, an� sta�� �h� t�asis �or �nterir�g into � f�r�al �or��r.a�k,. The C��+��er w�ll ���rriish �or,�s �or ��ie l�i.c3der's "T:.7C�7�C].Pf7Cf? [�@{.,'�3'�(3K'� r�re[fLi.��frlECl� .'"-�C�7��Lllfsr{� xY�� '"�'].f1�ElC1$l �t�a���ent,'" a�l. oF �rh�.�lY �nu�i be pr��aerl� �xe�ea�ed �n� f i l�d witi� the 1�i���tar af �h� �,it� �Ja��r 17��art�n�e�t one w�e�C p�ior �� t�� ho�r for ap�nin� af bids, T1�� f.inan�ia� stater�ent ���ui,r��i s�a�..L have beee� pr�parF�d �y a� inr�e�e����� cer�ifie�i p�t�a�fc a��our��an�. or an indep�r�der�� �ulali� a�cauntar�t holding � va].fd p�r��i� i$�ue�l b�r an appz�o�ria�� st�te I,i��ns�ng ag�r�c�+, �rrd sha�l h�ve b��r� s� �r���r�d a� �o re�le�t �}te c�rren� �ii�an�xa� sta�us. This s�a�em�nt �tust �� �ur�er�t and n�t i�or� �.har� one f � � �ear �1d . L�ti tF�� cas� �i�ai- a�id�ing da�� Fa1�s �r�thi� �}�� ti�n� a� new s�,a��men�. �s �eing pr��ax-�d� �?�e prev��u� s��te�ent sha11, kr� �I�da�:�d by pr�per ver � f ica� in�r . �,iqu�d a�sets �n ��� amount �f ter� ����) ��r.c�nt o� t�,e esti�at�c� �ro�ec� cost wili ��� �ec��ir�d. - For an �xp�rienc� r�co�d I:o k�e c�r�sid�r�c3 k.c� be ac�e�tak�le �or a giv�n �raj��tr ii: r�ust re��,e�t kh� exp���erx�e o� the �i��n seeEcir�g qua 1 i E ica�ior� in w�rk o� I�a�.h th� s�me r�atur� ar�d �ac�n���rde a� tha� o� i:h� �ra�e�t ro� whi�#� bids ar� to b� rec��ived, a�d suci� e�tp�ri�nc� r�u�t h�v� be�r� ar� pt�j�cts r:o�tpl�t��d not inar� �€��n f�ve f 5) �e�r� pri�r �o �.k�e da�� �n w���k� ar� t� i�e r�c�.'t�e�. �he E?�rc�cto� o� �h� S�a��r de�artment st��'11 be $�1.� jtixd�� �s to th� ac�eptabali��+ o� �x��ri.�nc.�r� ��r ClL1��I�ECciL��C1 �o l�id c�n any F�rt �7art�t Water E��partm��t pro�e��_ 'Ch� ��os��c�i�e hidd�r s}�a�1 ��h�du�� ��i� equi�m�r�k h� I��� a�rai�aC�I� �or ��Y� E�ro��c� ar�� ��at� �h�� h� wk11 ��nt �uch ad€li�.ianal e�uip�ent a� may be requl�ed �� �ornp�e�e th� �r�je�t or� w��ch �7� su�rn�ts �, bid. C2-� .�_��T�RPRE"FATI�I� �1� 4C�AiVTITIE�: The quan�ities o� wor�C and �a�.�rraYs tr� �� f�rr�:��h�c� as r�ay �e 1.i���e� Fri tY�� �ra��sa.� ��-2�11 €ar��� or ath�r. k�rt��-t� c�F th� Cr�ntra�� Docum�r�ts w��l �r� con��d,�r�c� as aAP�roxx���t� r�:��.y anc� wi�� b� �sed �o� kl�� �u rpos� o� �o�npar i ng bi�s or� a ur�i Eo�� basi� . F�ayr��n t: w�,1 L#�e iG�ar�c tr� �h� �.r�r��rac�o� �or �n�,� �h� �ctual r��.lanti�l�S a� wo�3: ��� �o.rnr�� nr rn�t�ri.al� f. urni�h��, in stric� ��c�r�anc� wi tE� ��� ��ntra�� T�ncuc��r�ts an� P�ans. �'h� ��aai�titi�� c�� war�C to 3�e ��rfvrmed a�tic� ma��K�.a�s to b}� Eurr�i�h�r� may be �€t�r�ased o�r de�rea��d �� lier,��������.�r t�ro4,�ide�, �itl�t�ut in ar�y w2�y inva�f�la�ing the ��it �ri��; l�id o�' any ��h�r �'c�C�L11�aRk�11�5 0£ �he Contr��t ���uin+�RYts. ��-�" .� EX AM I N�IT I QN 0 F �p h�3'EtA�'1` DC1Ci7MF�`i`S A:V€l ,�', T']'F �P PRC}�J��`F : i3id�3e�s �r+� �c�v�:�e+� ��ai: k:E�� Cr��tr��l= i�����iner�t� or� �i�,� w.�th �h� C�wr��r �i��1.1, ��nsL-�hul:� t��l nf L'ht� i�fc�r.�kl�xti.o€� w��.t�h t;C�� �1v���r �il.l f�xr�i�f�. �� I��clitxor�-�1 in�orc�r�tior� anr� �l�t� wl�zch th� �wr��r wi�� su��1� �Firer �rom�17.g�tion oF �h+� l:orrnal. �arti�r.:�ck: ���c-,�m�r��Y� ��a11 b� �ssuer� in �h� �c��an or �+ri�ten ac�r#r��d� and �h�1� k�r3cc�,�� �,�r� �E th� �����ract Dcx��mnr�ts �ust �� tho�gn ��r_� �ddcSnr.i� w8�t3 actually wr..i�t��t inro l�he c�riginal �t]Cl��'ci[.'t DQ�t;uf[1�t1��. si��d�ra arf�+. r��luir��, �rior to tl�e �itir�g o�' �a���osalr t� r�ad 31�� �PC:OE'il� i�TTYl�l���' 'l�1��1 ��1� �{}Il�:l'e�C�. �Q{'_L]R1�11�:�r �Q �lY�x� ��72 �ite �f �:lti� projec-� �nr� escar�in� car.€�tul�,y ��L �oca]. co���i.tion�, �o in�c�r�n tE��m��Iv�� hy tE��xr �w� indcpc�ndent ����ar�:ii and i:�v��l;_e��ati�ns, w�s��t ba�i�g, �n�1 b� 4i��}� c�l�k��r �nt�ar�� t�� ma� i�� n�ce�;s�r.y 1=a ��ain a c;am�lek:e knowl�dge o� �t7� t��nc3ition� which vti1� �e s�r��ounte��� ����ng tf�e �o�3sl:r���ior� �F �h� �xroje��. T�vy rnust judge Eor i�lYer���lv�y the diEti�ul.ti.e� o� t�e work and al�i_ �t:�.x�ndi�� cir.�u�n�tanc�� aF��r���,r�r� tl�e �:c��l_ r�� ��i��� r_�ic wc�r� or th� r�mt} requirec� Eor ��s co{n�l���tinn, anc� o���.�ir� a�l inL-ar.����ion r�c�uire� to mak� �Et j.Rit�l.li��nt ��o�osal. h�n in�ur.m���,on �aiven b� C�tir� {�wn�r• c�i tir��y r��re�en��� i�f_t �� �17e �wr��r ot��r �:�3an t�3a� canr��,n�� in tt7� s'ntitr��t L7o�ut�?r�E'.�; 3f1� c�F€�,r_-},�1Yy �rorn4��g�ted �.dr�,�nd� �=�er�l_c�r �i�a�l be l��inding u�nn �Et� �w;��r. Bir�der.s ;�t�a1� r�1y ��c�l,uaive�}+ �nc� ��L�l.y �a�c�n theiz� ows� estirna�.��, i��r���iqa�ic�r�, r+}��.�r;l�, r�s��, expi.+�r�tzon�, ��nd o�her. ��ta which ar� n,�cessar.y �o� ��1.1, an{� c.�c�m�t:�t� xn�c��ranatior� u��on whi�:3� L�� �,rc�po��l is �r� �� ����d. i� is r[�i1tu��,�,y �grt��� Lt��,t tl�r� suf3ini.�sio� oF a��r�a�s�S�.� ir3 ��rim�-��ri� cvs�3�n�� rh�t t17� bidder ��a.� r�ac3� t�e .inve;�ti����kon�� �sca�nina�ians ,�nd t�s�s h�r�zn requir�d. �laim� ��r.� �dditi�n,�1 ��m��ns�,�ior� due to variatias�s k�vl:vr�en c�rxc�it�ar�s ac�uai�.y e���oun���Ld tin canstru�r�t��� :���3 a.� �r�dicat��7 i.ri l:he �c�r�tra�� �]oc�m�nks will not be �1lo�c�d, The ]_�g� �� �o��� r�orin�s, �f an�t, st�c�wi�g �� the �larrs �r� €ar c�rt�n�ra� inf��ma�ion �nly �n�k �nay n�� �� correct. �V�i�C�er t1�e ��-���) Owne� r��.r ��e �'r�qi.rre�r g��ra�te� �h�� �.he dat� ���own is r��re�en�����rc} a� co«i��ti�ns whic�t aci;_u�ll.y ��tist. ��-2.4 �Uf3M�T�PI�#� [31�' ,P��P05AL: TE�e E3ir3der �haY1 �U�mit 11i� P�r�po�a� oxi �hra �or�r� ���nish�� by tl3e Owner: Ail, k��.ar�k s�?a��� a���x�abl� to �i�� proj��i: con�ained in t�e C�rrn �h��� b� cr�rr���:�}� �i7.]ed zn an� �Eti� 13idder 5E�a11 st�l�� th� E��i�e�, wr. i�ten in inlc in hoLh w�r<is ��r�d Ftumer��,�, f�r whi�i� 1�� prn�o:�e� to t3o t�E�� wc�rk eont�mpl.��+�d or. �ur.ni�he �h� Rl��er].aI3 r�q�xi.r��], �l,l s�c� �ri��.� �f�aZl be wrxr.ten 1.a3�i�],�r. In cas� �r di��r.�pancy ��k�w�e�t tl�e ��rie�� wri.�r_�n in wt�rds anc� rht� pric:� �rr. i�tr�n i-� n�rrnt�r.a�s, tf�rs �r�ce r�o�t ad�ratitaqeous to �lx� svi,t� s�x��l f�o�rer�. �� a�ro�a���1 is sub����ed ��r ar� i�ciiv�dual, hxs c�r h�r :ti��r�� r:��x�t k�� �i,�nes3 b� hi,m (i�ar) or ]x�s (k��r} �ui�r ax�tl3�riz�� �gent, �� a pro�os�i is su6mir_t��ci b� a f�ir�, as�ociation, or. partn�r��iip, �h{� �tia�t�� anci �dcir�s� o� ���1Y ������r rnti�t �e giv�iy, �nd �_���* ��r��o,ai m�s#: i�� �igr��r# hy ���t�;n�t�r• o� th� �i��, aas��i3rio�, �r ��artn�rshi�, ar. by a r�����or� �3;�1y au�h�ri���3. rf a prs�po�aY �s s�tbir��tt�c� by a com�any o� c�r���r,�ta�z�f �_1�� co�narr}+ or �or�3nr. z�� �z.�m� and i��usi«es� ����ir��s :nu�� ��e c�iver��t �r�d the pr.o{�os�l. �zgned �}� an ��ficiaX o� d�1� a�r��3f�rti�e�3 .�r�r�n�. ��� �or�ara�:�� �ea.� r�ust b� aE�i�c�d. i�o�ver nF At t�r�z�� ar�t}�ar.i � ir�q aq���s or otk��rs �to � igr� pr�rpr�s;�l mu�t i�e� ��ro���1y �e�tifz�r� a3�d �nust b� in w�itirsg and su��Rs t�:r��al wit�i ��e �ro��a�I. C2-�,5 FtEJECTI�i� OF P1�OPC}SALS: P�'��asa1,5 �rta�+ be r.�je�te� i� r_;ti�y s�ow an}r a1r_�rat�c��i �f wnrd� c�� Ft�ur�s, a�ldi��ons r�ot cz17.�d �or, r;o��cii.�ior��1 0� u���1�e� f.o� �a7,��r�at� ]a�.�3�, ±ncoa��l�t3 h�f�s, �r��ure�� c�r irr�g�����ei�ies �f an� ki�rd, or �a�tai � uno�7:a�nc� v�] 4�� �F �ny it�ms. F����osa� t��d�r�d �r d��iv?r�� �i�ter �h� ot��c��� tim� d�sir�na���l £or r��eipL uC ��r.og�sa; sf�al� �� r��;turn�� tc� tl�� �it��3�r ur,o���n�d. +����.6_ �I� ��CUi��TY: �o �rox�os�l wz1:L b� ��r��i��er�� ur����s it i� a��ompanie�3 by a""r�ro��s,�I ���urit�'� of th� ckiara��twr an�� ti� ti�� ar�c�ur�t int_�ica��r� in th� "Noti�e �� k�i�d�rr�" �r�d �h� "pro�c�sa�." Tl�e �id ���u�xi�:� i� k•�clui�-�ci by �h� Owr��� a� �vi���c� �r g�od r a 1 t i� c�n �l�a �a r k, o E th� �i.�c�pr, anci �y w�� r�� a gu.�ranty �hat i� awr�rd�� k:E3�S �:on.L•r��t, �he �id�e�e �ril� wit3��n l:h� r�g��rred l�_i�r�� ex�rut_F� a fa��na� �r�ntr.act ar�d �urrsish �E�3 re:�uir.et� perFarm��r,c� a�d r�k��,�� hon�.s. TF�e �i,� s�curi�y �� ���� �hr�� 1�+��{�t �i�icie�� wi�� �� r�t�in�d unk.it �.h� �c�n�ra�� i� �war��ci ar at�h�r �i���si��.��� is ��a�� tk�s��o�. The l�id se���i��r o� a�� oti�er, bi�d��s r�ay b�� returr��c� �r•��n�tl� a�ter �l7� canvc�,� a� bx��s3_ f��-� � 3 � ��-2_7 f�E���1�RY D�' PR(7PQ,�AL: No �ro��s�l wiLL be �or�sider�d unl,ess iL- �.� d�l_iv�r+�r�, accaml�ani�d by i�� �ra�er. �id 5���*�i i'-Yt ko k.��t� Cit�r Mar�aq�r �r h�� r�p�e����,�ti�r� ir� tE�� oF€�r_i�]_ �.��ce o� b€�sitl�s� ��3 �e� Ec�rLh ir� I:he '"N����e �� sid��rs,'" 7� ia #:�ti� �3idderfs s�1� r�sF.xor�si;�i.� ��� t4� d�ti�er �1�i� �r�g�sai a�_ �l�€� �aro��r �i��n� t� ��17#� prn���� �ia��. '�`he m�r. � rac� L-k�at ��rop�aa]. wa�; �l�spate;l�ec� �ti�t n��•, b� co�,�id�r�s3. Th� �id,�ar t�u��- 1�f�v� �h� �r�p:��a�. ��:t�a:t�}� d8�iv;}red. Cr�c� �r����s{�]. sl�a�l.�l. �}t� En ii �313+3j.13.� �r�vcl��e �:I.�inty ma.r+c�c� with ��r� w�rc� '�!'1�04'C}��4L," �n;� �:F�? ��«in� or �e�;�r. i�tion of tl�e pro��ct as c�e:.�i4���ai�� �:� �f�c "�otic� t� 8i.d�ers,�� T#�� r�nv��o�� sl�all C�� ad���=ss�4� tr� �l�� �,i�� �1ana��r, �'i.�-,y i3a3 � , f.•�rt �cxr�t3, Tex3�. �2-2.8 W];T1�i��A4���1� ��0��52�L5: Propasal3 actu�ll}+ fi�.ed +„�itfs k�ft� i lt� M�ttds��r C�I7T70r h� +n�it�1+]E��v��] pripr �:O k�11� 1=ir�1L Set FrIC �r��xltx�g �rrapc�5a1�. A��avc�uest Fc�r rY�r�T�-on��r�e�at�r�r� c�E a L�ra�r�;;.�i ;ou�l� f�� �r�afa�� i�i ;,rrikin�, ���1ra�.,�,�cl �o the Cz�y �l�nic�er, �r�d Fx1��c� wiL`f7 hitr� �ri.�E' �o th� �irne ��� F�r ��� a��enirs+� �L- �r�pr�aa��. AFt-.F�,r r�11 �ro�osa.lr� e�o�: reS��,���ed �or nc�n--c�n�i,���'�k' i.r�n ar� c�E������� ��rrs# �u1�li�L� r�ad a��ud, t�.h� �rc�l�os�ls for +�h�ch rx�rs-con.,i��r��=��ot rr:€�Lle�tS l��ve ���n �ro�erl}� �il�d re���r, �1�, �i�e ��tiort ot tl�� �]wn�r, 4�e rr3tu����d +�no����n��.i. �'���, 9'�'�I�E:�k�APHIC hi01�I�'IC'.A'rYpN �F I�[tQP�S�,LB: Any biddc�r r�ay �3o�ify ht� }�ro�r��at ta� r��l.=_�r���i� cwc�inri����rv3Li���3 -il•_ �3n}� l_i:'n� 1��icxr to I�I�r� I�i�n=� ��1= �'{�r nx��nir�c� �orn�����1.5, r�r.�+,'it��r� su�h t�?IF?�L"�[31zir c�c�mr�uniC�Ir10Ei i� r��:�lva.,c� l�y Lfl(� �L�y �,�r7�c��r �7C'Lt�C l:c� �f�� r�nE�3 �+roposa� ���r�F�g ti�n�, a��c� �rouid�d ��r�t3er., t��t ki��? ;il:y �h,��tas��r �� ��L'�sf.i�4� S:i��L a wri�:ter� �n��, c]uly �������n�x��'�l.•a;�i C:�Jllf iCf113�LpR oF �uclz ���,e�Jr.�phirA r�m�n�nic�l_3.0�1 c�v�r i:�e ��ignaf-ur�} ��f t,li� hidd�r. w�;5 ,�ai i�vr� ��rir�r ts� t��e �r��o�.�l ���ni�� r_.iGr�r�. Ef: s�e�f� �r�n�irma�it�n i� not r�c��ive� wi�h�� �orCy-��igl�t i�1�3} hc�ur,� ��ker th� �ro��o�a� �����;�ing I�im�. no Eur��3er �,r�n�it�r�r;�l-�or� wil.l �t3 ya,vr�� to th� [irt�}�o�al. ��-� .1[} .�USLZC �PF;iVTC�� {]F PR�PO�AL: Fr+}posal� wEii���x a3��rr:� �.�e�r� pr�p��l�r ft t�.�;� a�tr�{ Eor wl���t� r�o "�3o�i--��r�;;id���t��r� �tet�usts�," Y�a3� �es3n r��co3i�,rf�� wiLl k�� fx«h�Licly p��3ne:c] �nc� r:��� al�uc3 �y rl�� Cit�+ Ma�����r �� 17i�; ���n�r.i�+�;� �-���,�_,�nt���.v� at �}7� � iin� �nd ptac� indic�t�d i!� L-E�c� '"�Ia�.i�e �n �3i��3r_��r�." A�t �rop�s��.� �17ic:� E�av� b��� o�ic�nr��.� �n;] r+��r7 w3.i� r.r}rn,�En o« Eil� w.it� r}�+� �]wn+�r un�i�, tY�e �o�71:r��1= 13,�; i>��n �w�rrl�r�. �].'tc�d�rs or �.I�e�x� �ut�,�r.�z�e� rer�r�.��r�t���vr�„ �r�3 i�va.�.���� to b� }�r.�s�nt f�.r t�e �]r��niFtr� o� k�i.�5. �'�--�.11 �RFtLGiJI,7�R PRO�'C}�ALSr �4VV�J�1,3 s��,�1_ �e� constr��z-��d �s �c�r�g "Irreg�s]��'" iF �h�y ����w �ny ninis}i,�r7.�� ��t���t���s c�� �r>rm, add�ti�ns, �.r �����ir�o�7�; ��r�r ca�l��] �or, un���L•hbri��� a.]. t-c�i���:� bids, or �C�h?�I113C i t LC? ;��f t�n� � in�3. t-tow�ver , i:l�� v�-�(4) �wn�r r�st�rv�� �h� ri�13t to wai+re �n�r ar�d �11 i�r.egrz�ar3l_i�s an� �o ��ak� �lYr3 aw�.�d oE t�� �otltia���: t� �,I�r� best i�1t�?res� �t r_hr �ity. Terid�!"Ld3� a praposal a�t�r tF-��: ��,osir�g l�c�ur i� a�� irrec�u2.ari.��r w}�i�vl� c��sno� k�{v waiv�d. �Z-�_12 bI�QUALi�FCATi0�7 ��'� ����FRS: Bid�c�rs ina� ��: dis�u��ifi�r7 a��.� ���ir p�����s�7,s nat cc�r,si�ered �or an�r o�, ��� r�o�: �irnit�d �o, rk�� �o�l�wi_nr� r�a��n: a. Reasans Ea� beli��ing rha� collu�i,or� �x.�sts am�r�g hidde�-s . b. R��sori�xhl� graunds for beli�vi.r�g t1�at an►� b�c7d�r ix� in�:�r�ste�� �,r� �t��re ���an ��� j�r��osa� Eor worlc ��r�t���t�l.a�ec�, �. '�he ��c�dez �e�,ng in�������� i.n an� litir�at�on ������t i�J�� �we��r, c�r whr�r� ��» rj�an�r ���r }7�ve a �.]��im �gair�st or 1�� �ngagec� i� Iitic��tian �y��n�t t�e l��r�der . �. '�[�e bidd�r k��ing in ar��ars on �ny ��e,��t�n� cor,l-ra�t nr. k��vi��� d�C��T.t�c� csr� � p�evk�us �oG�L-ract. �. `�'h� r�i�dc��r 1�avi�7g ��r�a�rnec� a p�io� �ontrac� i,n �n �n�atisfactar.� r�a:�n��. f. L�ck ��E cor�p���r��y. as r�v�3�er� k�� t1�� f �r�anc�al �L•�l_�tne�l��� c�xp��.i�3r�c� r+�cor�l, eq��zpmen� schc�dul�, a��d ��ch i�quxries a:� th� �wner r�ay s�e �it L•o �tak�, g- �Jnc����1t���ci �var.k �thic�r, i� �h� j�ac�g«�nk. o�F �h� c�w�z�r, wil7. �r�ver�t or. hi��i,�r �1�� �rv�tp�. �omp��� ��� oF ��dd��ional wo�-� i� ataar�ed. h. Th� �i���r ��t Fi,l�ng vrith wi�� Dwnerk an� w��k in advar�c� o� t}Ye 3�o�r o� th� �per�i,ng aF �ro�os��,.s th� Eo�ls�win+�: 1. �'inar��i�l ��at�mr�r�t sh�w�nq th� financfal �or�di�i.on �f L•i�� '�x�r��r ,�� �pe�i,f��r� ir� �art "A" -- �p�ci��. TRs����ti�rie. �. A curr�r�� ���f�rien�� rr3cc�rd sE�awir�g esn��ia�.�.y t}�e pr�j�c�� a� a n�tu�� sir�iZa� to th� �rr� urtd�r con:�id�r��:�or�, wh�c�� h��� �e�n succ�s3��I�,�r �o�n�Z��,ed by �13� Bidder, 3. �n e�ui�jnr�nt �cl7�dult� showir�g t��e �qui����nt tl�e bidd�r, l�;�s a�rai�abLa �or u,s� an th� z�roa�ct. '�1�� 8i� P�opo�a,I n� a��.��pr �rk�r�r i,n t�re j�c3gm�r�t a� �h� E�g�n�er, i� c�is�uali�i�� �r�der ti�e ,requir��nen�s s�at�� h�re�.n, �k�a1L h� s�� asi�e and not a�r����, C2-�(�} ���� c � ������� �o��TFrzo�s �3-3 �WA�� A�� ����U�`lON O� 1� OC` l� �'lE �3 T,S s��i��o� ��-� �w��� ��� �x�c��ran� o� �o�ur��r��s: �3-�.1 �C?NS11��RA'1'IQ�]_��' _F#��P��ALS: A�ter pro�o�al� has�� %een c�p�ne�� a�c� r:ead alc�ud, k�s� prc��osa7,s w�.tl br� tab�lat�r� on �h� basis of th� ��ao�:�r� pri�es, tf�� quanti.�ies sha�r�, in �he prvgosa�, a�d t�� a��l.��a���n r�f. such �o��u1a� or o�.h�� rn�:�ii��is o� i�rir�ging ite,r�s to a�o�tm�n �asi� a� �ay b� est��hlish�d ir� ��e Contrac� �o��mk�n�s. �`�� to�a], o��a�r��d by taki�g �t7� su� a� �k�e pr.oc�uc�s �� ur��fi p�-i��e c�uo��d a�d ��e �stima��c� �uanti�i�s ��_Rs� an.y �ua�� �u�� i�:�m� an� s��� o�her qu���c� �m�u��s as m�� �v+r7te� inta k_�,e cast �� tl» ���n��.et�� ��ro��ct wi l L �� ��r�s ic�ered as i;.tac zTno�r�t o� L-�3e bid. Un�i� th+� �w��d o� �h� ��r�tr.�,�:r k� m��� by t��� Owne�`, L'k�� �igh� wil,.i_ �� �cc�s�rv�c3 L•{� r���ct an�r �r a�1 �ro��asals �nd �,�ai�re �t�h�3i�atihi��, to re�ad�r�r�.is� �or n�w pr��a�a1s, �r to �rocc��d wir]z �YYe �rork �� ae�}� mann�: a� rn��yl�e c�nsid�red Cn� k:33� bc��l. �n�.r?r�S�. U� th� ()wne�, �3=3.� MIN(}Ri��'�( F3LiS��F�S ENTERPI�I��:f�s�M�i�]-QW�IFD BU�Ih1ES� EAIi'�R�R��� C:��PIaTA��L: ��s��r�rt�� �c}r�e�. -�o �r�vide h.cx Owt�er, �a�c�n r•������ t� , co�n�1��� artd a�:�urat� ir�F�rr��� i.�� regar�ir�g a�;tua� w�rk �prforr�ef3 F��r �. h9ir�r�rit� n�xsir�ess Fr�t�x-;�ri��� (��1i3�) ar7c� or a a 4��r�ar�-owt��c3 +'3�i�in�s� Er7ter�r��� {�rJ�E� �rl tF�e �:o����a�:� anc� �.h�� �a�rr�er�t t�sereL-�r. �,o��tra��,or �urther agr��s, u�on reque�t by �wne�, ta a�7.nw �nd audi�� and�ar an e�camir�a�ic�n �f ar�}� book�, �r��ord�s# or �ile� ie� tt�e �ossc�ssir�r� r�€ �at�tr�ctor ��s�t wil.l ��3t��t����.�a�e �he act�al ���k per�'o�Ened �y t]�e [��F. or WBE. 1�tY� �n�t�ria], anisr.��r�ser��a�ion aE ar�y r��t��r� will h� gr�un�3s for t�r,�ir�ar_ir�� aF kk�� cor�tra�t and ��r irriti�ting a�}� ��:r�_�on und�r �ppro�ari�t� ��d��al, sta�� vr 1�cat iaws ar�d �rdi,n�e�c:+�� rr�la�ing tr� �al�� �tia��ment�; f�r�.�er# ari� s,��� ar�E�r��res�ntzt ��� may �e grount�s far d is�u�� � F i�at ic�� o� �ont r: �c�:ar a� �wne.r's d�scr�t ion f.ar �i���ng on ����ur.� �an�racts witl� tfi�� �wn�r. �'or a�eriod a� t�me oF no�r t��ss �h�tn six (61 r�ontl��. C�-�.3 L•'�[]7��, E�1PL�YMEi�T F*FtUVI�YqN�: The �or�trac�or �ha�.l co,r�pl}� with C�afzent C��y �rc��nance prohibi�i�3g d�s�r. iz��nation in ernr�].�y��r�t �rac��c�+�. c;34� � 11 'rh� Con tractor sh��l.1 p��t t�7� r�gu � re� natice �o tha� r3�{ect �n t_h� �toj��t sik.e, an�� at. �ris r�r�ues�, wi,l� b� �Or�vid�d assi�tan�� �y �I�� City �F �{�rt �+�r�h'� �qual �m�Ir�ymerlr ���.i.c:}�r �rt�o wi]..l r.�F�r any c�u�li�,'ted a�r�slican� f�e �na� ltia�r� crn �i],� in hi.� ��Ei�:e k� the ��������tvr. A��ro�ria�r� �ot���� may b� acq�xir�ci �rorn tt�� �;q�a� �'mp���mer�L nfEicer, �.'�—�.� WI�'����}4+$AL C}I' Pf�OPO�AL�: AC�er c3 �JC0�7�.L.'.3�. �^Ic�'3 �?�rt� �c�ad �y th� �wne�' Ft r�r�r�c��. l�e wii_lYdr3wr� by t..he �ir�d€:r wi�i7i;� t��r��-�ive �451 da}�s �Eter. ��.f7� �iat� r�� WfYi�fi] ������ �eo�os��.� r�rera t��?n�r� . C3-3.5 A4��1RL7 QF CON'1'R,��'�': Th� []wner �c�;;e�v�:3 i.h� rzgh� L-o wi.�:l7hnt�3fiai,�,l acti�n on �}�� pro�o�aLs €or .� r���o��ht� L-im�, no� to e�c��cd r�rty-f i�rc� ( 4� � da�s af t�r C�t� da�� c�f c���r�ing prog�sals, �n� ir� ri� evenk wit� a� awarri h� mac7r� unt�l a�ter inv�sk.i,��t �ae�s ha�� I�een ma{�� t'�� to th� .rr��;�r�r��ii�ilzk��+ of �h� j7�[7i7C;15i�i� �1�1t�C;��i�. 'I'€�� awarc� oE th� �t�ntrx�t, if an �v��r�d 1; mf�r3e, �rilt E�e tn tfYe .Lowes� and 6est r��or�sil�le l�i�3de±r. TF3� ��r��r3 �E Ci�� �onk�~a�� �J7a�� not ���ct��n,� �Fr������ ur�ti,� ti�� Ow����r ht�� noti��?� the �ontr���L•or in writ�nc� af ���� awt�r�. ��—� • � �F�11 LlRSY V�{` �4ii.irlia}i.� �ls�VSiL A�1��7. I'i�-i •J4J4.1L1 �.3 Yi kJ�VJ�=1 l�� i�� k�k.-sl ��s,�vc� b�f�� c�� t�rrna. ned En .r c: om�a r i s���r o E hids � r. h�� [7wr7�3r m�y, aL iCs c�i�cretir�n, �eturn i�he �ropo��t ��3curih}r �t��i.cl� a�;�am�ana.+�;� ti�� ��o�«�als w�.i.�tY, i� i�s �uc3�m�r��., w�ul� r�crk� l�� �v����t��r��� �or the aw��r�. �ll o�l��r �r:�p�s�1 s+�cu.rit�e�, �i��u�l.l� r��c�U� a� tlr� Li�r�� lc��a=sl- ��dd�r•�, w�itl �� r���i��eri �� �Eie Ow��r �lntil t�� �-�quire� co��t�a�t 1�a:, i��er� �x���t�3�9 zr�d ��r�f] C:��r���f��c3 or. �i�� Owe��r 1��:� r�t��rw��s� ��i3;�o=s�d c�F I'.17�� !a��.�5, .���.t��r w1����1� I-.IXr�y wi11 0� r��turn�a '.�y '.1�i��• �ii:�r ��cr�t�ry. ��-3.� DQ�DS: l�itn �1�� c.>x{3c�it�nn �nS�� c#r3iiv?�� nf t�he �����r�c:t E}O��rn�ttik.�, i�he �nr��ractor- sf�.�11 I�urr�isl� �o, and Ei�� v,tit� ��.? Dw��r �n �he �mot��1�� t��re�n 3-��-�ui.��d, rk�e F�11c�w�inc� �on�i;;- a. PE;�1�'ORMAh��� 13{��#CJ: � c���� anc� s��Fi�x�nt p��ft�r���rY�� �o��l in .3n .3an{���n�: nt�� tes� tl��n 1(�0 �r�r;;e�t ol� �h� ��+iou�°i�. :�� �h� c~r�n��ac�, as c±�r��er��ed by �lte ��ro����s�� �a��ulat��r� c�r c���erwis�, guar.aR�t����g th� E'ull. �r��� faithFt�l, ,}�c��r:��.ion of �h� �rork ���t� ��r�=�--��a�ca �r th� �r��tra�t, anr� �or �h{� prat�c1�,ion �� tf�e �wn�r ���d �1i �tl��r, r��r�csns a��in�� �amage h� r�as�r� o� n����.gence oE �h� �c�r�rr�c�:;�r, or irn�r����r. ,�x�c�ltion oE �h� wr.rrk �r I;.F�r3 use oF i,�f�ri:]i- �i1��erL�15. This aerL-�r.;rt�r��� C_3--� { � 1 �on� s�a�� gua�an��� the �ay��nt for ax.l Labor, ma�e�xa��, ���i�meri�, sup��i��, and ser�ice� used in th� �o��tru�tio� oL �h� wor�, and s�a�� r��a�n in full ���cr� and �L-fect �:n#il p�av��ions as �bov� �ti�ula��� ar� ac�a�rt�lish�d an� �ir��]. �a���n� i.s m,�de an t}�� �ra��c� l�� k�l�� �ity. b. N1AI�]'FE�1AN�� SOf�f}: A gaod �nd s�aEEi�i�nt mai�z�er�ar�ce bond, in tl�e a��uti� af not less ��ar� �0� �e�c�nt a� the ar���nt o� �}�� c�n�ra�t, as ��r�cl�nced b}► th� pr��osa� tabu�at3or� r�� ot��r�ris�, c�uaran�e�ing 1�he pram�fi, ful� and fai�Eiful pe�€or�anc� a.f th� g�r��ral �llc7�c'�kl�:� �hich is se#: ��rtl� in ��r�gr��h C8-8,��, c, PAYMEIVT f30�]D: �1 goGd a�d �u�Fic��nt pa�m�r�t �ond, f,� an amoun� �ot l�ss thar� iQ� per�ent a� ��� atno�tr�� �� th� �or�tr�cC, as evid�r�ce� b�€ th� p��pa�a1 t��ulakior� �� �thexw�s�t guarante��ng the p�oir��t, fu11 anc� Eaith��l �a�mer��-. p£ �1� �],aimarr�s as c��E��erl in �1r��c1,� ��,6�t f�e�is�d ��v�1 ���tutes of 'P��tas � 19��, as arn�nd�cl �y i���s� �xll ��4 ��t� 5&�h L��i��atur�, i�ea���,a.r S�s�ior�, 19�9r �fi��ti�r� A�xzl ��� 1959, �ric��vr th� Iai:�sC �rersion r�e���f, supplyinq Iab�r a�d ma��ri��s in ��xe �ras��utiqrr of t��e wor;� �ro�vid�r3 Cc�r in th� ��nt�ra�t �eir�c� co�str�c�ed u�de� �Y�es� spe�i�i�a�zons. ���m��t [�c�ri,3 �hal� r��n��n i� forc� 4�nti 1 al� ���►rn�r��� as �fn��e s�i���,�ted ar� mac�� . �. O'���ER E30Nf}�: ��ch oth�r �ond� �s [�tay C�� r�q��,�e�d �� tfnes� Cor��ract 1]ocum�n�.s �4�ala, h� �fu�c�i�h�d �y th� Cont�a�t�r. �la s������� wa.11 b� acr:�pi:erl k�}� �Iti� �wner wl�ich are �t t1�� tirn� �.n dr�tault or d�tin���nt a� an� l��nds or wini.�i� ar� in��re��ed in �n�r �lti�c7�lOi1 �g�ins�: �he owner. A�.� bonds shal� h� �tad� on k.l�e r�rms �urnishe� b� t�t� Dwner �r�d shal�. �� ��re�uted ��+ a� a��ro�ecl :aur.c�y comp����r dv�ng busa.n�ss rn th� �i�y ai F�r�. �iarth, m�xa�, a�d whr.c�� fs a�ceptab�e #:� the ��tr�er , In o�d�r tn �� �cc���a�l�, tF�� n�m� �� the su�ety sha�� �� in�luded on the c�rr�n� U.�. Tx�asury 1��� of a����ta��� s�ar��i�s, a�d t��� a��unt c�� �or�d war�,tl:en k�y ar�}r on� a�cep����.e c�mpafly sh�Il ��fi �x���ci tt�e �mc�unt s��wn or� th� Tre�s�try list f�r tha� ����a��y. �a�17 bo�nc� sh�11 be p�o���l� �x��t�t�d by �o�h L•h� ���Y�ractr�r and Su�ety Compau�y. �Y�vu�.d �ny s�r,et�r or� the conr�ac� be de�ermi��� unsa�isfactar� at ar�� ti.�� by �he �vr���, tYoti�� s�i].�, b� c�i+�en �fie ��rn�ra�ko� to tha� ef��c� and �13e �or�t.r�c:�c�r �i��11 i�nr���iat��y �ro�ride � C��3 {3) ��w ,,ur�k�y sa�isfactor.� t� th� �wr��r. N� �a�yrrr�nt wi].� !�� m�de und8r, t:l1t �o�rtr�Ct- �f��L� th� r��W �4����y o.Y 5����1G9# as r�quir�d t���� c��� �. i Ei��I �nc� t�av8 ��e� accep��d h� �h� �w�er. '�`h� corr�ract sh�Ll nol� b� o���akive nor wi�t �n� paym�n�s �t r�ua or �a.�� until �pr�raval o€ t�e l�onr�� k�y t�e �w��s�r. ��-3.8 L:}���1�'�TDi� �F �Ot�'�'.k�,�,C�: G�,i.�.t�in t�n (1�) d��s aEL'er �h� Owner h�a;; by ap�rqpri�.t� r��3c�lution, or aLherwis�, ��aLd�d th� co�trac�, �hc �or�t��ctor ��all �xee:ut� and iiir+ with �.h� �t�rn�r t�re �on�r��t anc� s�ch b�nds as ro�,y b� re€��ir�d �n �he Con�r.��� r�oc u m� « � � . �3o cc�i�t�-��i: �ha.11. b� f�ir�ci3.�xg u��n the own�r u��L�l �C has i�een aL•te�t�c� by tl�� �ity ��cr.et3ry, a�ai�roved as ko form and ��3�a� i t}► by ti�� � i�y A� �orn�y, and ��c�����d �or �k�e 4w��r k�� !ll�Fl@C ��1C' r''1cl]/UC OC �'k��7 �,3�3c7��f. , ���3,� F`ATLEJf�E �4 �?C�CIl�F �{�N'P�t1��T: Ti7� Eai]_vr� �� th�? A+�ar.��� �r� �xecu�.� �i3� r��ui���c� bo��ii or bond� or �� ��gf� �_t�� ��q�i.rec� cnntras}t witkYi� ten {iQ) da+ys aft�r ��e contract is a�v����d slti�I� k�e �on�id�r�� "r�� �E�e Dwi�r��' ;�:� an ab�r��or�ir�ent �� t�i� ��-��a�al, ��Y� �;�� Dwx��r �na� a��nul, ���� Aw�ar�1. �y r�as�� c�� ti�� UJic���.�lnt�r oE ki�� ��arlc�� �s�ic�;� �� �na�er�.�l an�# �a��r, anc3 �� bei:�g i�n�xrack.icab�e an4� di�Ei��i� t�� �c����raL-E�1�+ dtst�rmir�� t}�� ar�o��nt �f s�a�na��s oc�ur.in� �� �33� t�wn�� by r�.�sc�n a� s�i�3 �{.vat`����'� �aait�r� L-� �sc�cu��� saiei I�onci� �nd �or�tra�t w�thi�� ten f1Q1 e3a�+s, the ��opr�sai ��<;ur�ty ac�omL�a��+ir�� kl�c� pr��posal �hal.� bc� �i�� ac�r��c� �����r�� oE d�mag�s whxch Ow�ti�r wil.�l. :}u��r�r by ��aso+� oE �uc1� �3.i�.�tr� ori the par� c>f. �h� Awart��ri anr� �hall the��u�ot1 ��nrr���ii�t��y �� F�r��.itryc� t� kktie O�rr�+��r . '�'h� € i 1 i ng o� a prr�pos� l+�+i i L �e �+�ns idr�r�c] �s �n ac���L�r��r L}f ��315 []��'V�1�lOr� �7� F�l� Ai;�.����Y- �'3-3.I0 BE�Tid�t�G i�iQRi{i 'f'Fs� �nr���-�,�'�or• �Et�ti1 �nt ct�Giim��Ti�:fv} ' work un�i� auth�rx�e�.i in wr�4_ir��� �� da sv �,y l=nc� �wne�. Sha�alc� �E�� C,c�r��r�cr:.�r fail t� com���}E�c� �to�k at th� s.�.�.ry crf the �roj��� �i�.�in t��v ri�nr� �ti�u'I_�1:+�� in th� writt�n rll_kt}i{}Cl�c���bk3 US�1���� �@Clll+?�[� �al�' '�S�it?�iC Qi'C��i�� b� "��OC��C� �r�i�r", it i.� agr�ec� t�ar_ t�� ��ire�}� 4�o�r���ar�y �ai.l.ti W1��1f11 t�n (tQ} �iays a���r ti�� t;O1R111+3�1C+�JRP_f]t c�a��_� s�k. �arth ir� su�:�z writter� a�����rixati�n� c:r��n�����c� �:�Y� �hysi�al ��c�c:u�.ion aF th� con�r�ct. c3-3.11 I�]�C],��,t���: `ih� C"�ntr��t�r �i��� L nn� ���nr��r��� v����€ �r�d�r l:k�i� r-c�r��r��C �rtt.i� !ie h�t} ok������d a�1. tl��M xn�u�`arYce r.��uiraci �tr�t�tzr rk�� ��ntr��k: �}�c,�ie��nts, �r�d suc'f� in�t�rar7c�= lza� h��r� �k�t�rov�d k>� 1:13� C�wner. �E�� t�r. i�e �'orr�ra��ar. sl�a1 L�e r�s���i�ihl� �or �3eliv�ring �o �t�e Ownc�r th� sub-c�n�r,aci,:ors;" �:3-3 (4 } certz�ic�te of �n��aran�� for ap�roval. `Ph� �ri��� c~o4titr�c��r �ha�l, incli�at� o�� th� c�r: xEicat� of insuranc� ir���ud�r� in th� clo�umenF� For ex�cu��or� wh��fn�r �ar r�o� �r�,:� ��s�ra���� �overs �ub^ca�tr���ors. I�. is L-�� �r�t�r�tio� oE t��� Owner that �t�c� �ns�rar��e �over.ag� r�quir�d }��r�i�� �hal� in�l��d� th� cove�ag� af al� sub���ntra��ors, a. �0l�i��t���k'�'��C� LNS�U�AN��: 'Fk�� ��n�r�c�ar. �hal1 rn,���ltair�, da�ra.nq th� 1�E� c�f �h�� contra��r �or�C�r�' Ca���n�ation Insura��� otr al1 r�f, his ?m��ta���s to bc� c��ga�e�3 in wor�k on ��� �r���c� �����r�r L'�Yi� contrac�, and �o� �11 s�h-�on�r�ctors. �r� c�s� ar�y �Y�as oF e�n���.a���� er�gage�l in h�xar.dous v�or'� ot� Ll�� ��ru�ec� ��ncler th�:� c�n�.�ack� i.s not ��Ko�.ec�.�d �r�d?�- k:E�e �c�rl��rs" Car��en�ation �ta�ut�, �t�� Cc�ntra�t�r ;3ia11 prnv�de ad�qu�t� emg�a�rer"� c�en��-a� ti�hilit�r .in��rance f:r�r th� p�otwc�ion o� 5�c�r oF k�i,� r�«p�.a�e�U n�t sa �r:ok.�c�t3c�. �, COMPR�lr1EN�IV� �,�i�Eft�L �,,t�A�ILITY IN�iJF�J�I�CE: "i'�]� �_�;�t,r�ctor s�al1 ��r�cur�� ar�r� sh�.11, m�i,nLa�n durir�g ti�� Li�� af �hi� cor,kr��� rr�nC.rac�c�e'� �on��r�ty�nsive ��n�ra� r�ia��.lxt}r �n���.r�n�� (�ubl,ic ;�i�hi�xty and F��p�a:ty l�a�ac�r� Ins�r�nc�1 in ar� a,nr�unt na� l�ss tt�a� $504t�Q[� co��rin� ���h c�c��r.r�nce ��n �c���nr o� i�odi�.y i.n jury, in�l�tcii�7g d�ath, and �.n �r� a�r�un�: n�� �,�s� r.han �5�{1���0 ro��rinc� �ach occ�r.��n�� or� �c���nr_ �C pro��rt� c�r�m.��� w� ��r & � , �4(}, �?Q Q ua�br�lla ��1 �.c� c�vera�� , c. ADpITIOt��L LT��ILITY: '1'�r� ��3i�ra�tor sh�l� �L11Ci15�1 in�:ur�nc:e �,; ��L>���t� ����cies vx ka� addit�nrti.�1 r�rida�sem�n� t�o c�r�� o� �P�� a�����r�-m�r�tioned po.�ici�s, ant� �n t1�� a�n���� ��� s�� ��r�k� Eor �uY�l i.�: 1i.ahilir.y aMid iaroper�� c}am�g�, �in� Ff�1'L�t�ing ln�,ur�+ic�: l. Cont��g�n� Liabil�t� [cov�r� Gene�a7. ��tz�rac�.or's Liability F�r a�ts �� s�b-�on�t•ac�ar�) . �. 9lasti�t�, r�r�u.r to �re.�r �Lc�S�.1ri� i��zng c�nr�e, 3. Co1�a�,�� :�f bui.ldings or ��:�uctur�s �c3jac�r�t to exc.�v�; i�r� {�,� �xc�vat�ons are t� �� ��rfor�ted �c���c�nt t� �arn� } , 4. r.3�rn��+� to +a����+�3-r�r��nr� ��i_.iliti.��a for $5�]�,0��. �3-3 {�� 5. �uil��r-'s �isk (w}�ere a�aove-�xound s�ruct�res ar.� i��v��ved}. --- �. �vntra�k.ua.l �iability ��o�►er� a�,l i r�de�n�} i f i c� � i c�e� ��c� [� 1 r. }���.,� t.s o£ ��n t� a�� 1. �. �1U'�ON10F3I�,F IN�lJIt15i�]CE , �QL]3LY Z�V,�'C1RY AIdD ���1?ERTY UF�MJ���: TIYe C'or��i'�c;�vr, �.;h��,l �srr���rr� �nd �tt.�intaFrt, duri�Yg �lx�.t 1i�8 oF this �oe�rr�c:�, �'�fi«�r�hcr��.iv� �1,11=o�t�oE�i�� L�iabi�ity Fn��,r.an�+� i� fxii ���to�a�� n�L 7.��� than $�1U,�(}{� E�r i.�xj�lr.i�s �n.ciudi�� a��is��ni_a1 �iea�h k,o ae�� one ���san and su�j�cL- �:� �h� :�arn� 1i.�rtit Eor e�i�� r��rsor� �n amoun� €��t 1��:; �:�ian $50�,Q{3�1 on ��r�c�unt c�C on� ��ciderxr, 2�r�c] ��to,�r�C7��j3 �rof��rty d�i��,c�� insurartr� in an ���c3�nk r10� �.+aSS � f��ek � � [��, [}�[] , �. �COi�E Or TN�U��ANC� �[�� S�E��A� H�t,AC��: "rhe �n��ra�ti��� �ec�uirt3sl us�der k.13r� ��xo�1f� p�r��r���hs �Iz��l ��r�vi�e ad��uat� ��o��crir�r� �or �.i�� �vn�.r.��:tar �n� hfts su'a�con�ra��ars, r�sp�c�i,�r�1y, ��ainst datn�g,� �laisns w'�ich rn�� �ri�e Fr�an ���ratinns urYr��r ki�i� c�nt���c`, wh��l;k��r �u�i� ���raki,ans b+� �}� thF� insur�v� �t by ��y����� r�ir��tly or zr�d��rectl�r ���a�plo�e� L�+ h Em� .��ti-� .�1so a�,�ir�st any oE �k�� Enl 1���+i��g sae��al ha��,�rr�3� w}��ri� in.3y b� �r���un�arn� ir� �t�� �er�or�n�n�� o{ tl�r� �ontr.�c�. �. P1�Of�,�` OI' (��RRTAGL �k` IN�IlRAN�E: `�'h� �ar�t�a��or s�r��11 ��r-�i:;h ���� �7�rn�=r 4vi,t�h sati,s��c�n�y pron� o� �cs�r,��age t�}� ir�su������ r�:������ in 1��3��,e �ar�tr.ac� Do�um+�r71�_, in .��c�unt� ���� by ��rri;=r�; �ati�F�ctq��r to t�� ��rr��r. (���n�7.t� �t�t.�rh���3. 1 �111 in�5�r�n�� r�+c�ui�-�mer��� �n�c3� u�sati L•h� i or�tr��L:�f �}���� ap�1Y �o tf�� sub���rtiL-ra��ar, sl��a.��� th� �rim� C�nLra��or' �3 in4;�lranr:e r�o t t�ov�r t h,3 SUf7T�c7F�l-t'dC�+�['�� YJ��k p�CC��ir7Rs. �. Tso��� �c��r{� ���o� ��,sur��r��:� ��� ��za�r��: �r�,e ins��r�r��� an� hc�n�i��� �o�n�anies ,�i_th w�am th� �,�r�kra�tc�r "� insw�ranc� a�d �rertaLEnanc�� �ay��rt�, +�ai,ntenarrc� �nd ��i �u��� �tE�er hond� ar� �rrit���x �Etial.l. be r'��r�se:�kec� 1�}� at�� ��,�r�t o�e �g��tFs h�xving an r��Fzc� l�car�d wit1���� r�la cit� li��i�s n� k:k�r� �.3-3 io} �ity c�� Foz�t wortl�t 'C�����s� ��un�yt ���c��. Fa�1� s1�c1� ar��nt �h��"� i�e � c3�tYy c{u�iif i,e�, or�� �a��n w�am ��rvi�.� ui: i.�3�o�e�s i�►�y b� h�;3, �nd rp�lst �a�re aukhorit� and �qv��r �o ac1: or� �eha1F �E ti�e ins��rar��;e z�sd�r�r 4�onding c�m��n� t�c� n�go�ia�r� ar�d S�ttl� with ih� Ci,1��r o� �'OCt �lrartF�x or any Qtk3�C �laimaa�t, �i�y cla�r�� �ha� ��� �ity of F�rt Worth or ol:h+�r cLa.i.mar�� vr an� pra�ert� awrt�� �ha ha� �ee� da�nas��d� may tYa�r� �c��ir��C �•.he ��ntr��tc�r, �a�s�x�ranc�, anc�f:�r C�ondi�� c��pan}r. LF the loc�l i��s�rartce ��pr��e��t�,ri�r,� i� nat so e�tt��o�r�r�rl h� tE�e i�s�r.�r��� or i�ond�n+� c:a�M�artie�, th��i su�l� auL•.�ority ms�sr_ he v�s��d in � loc�� ag�n� or ��,a�ms ofiic��- ��si�in� i.n ��ie �iet;r�n]_�x, ti�� 1�or� W�r�h--Dall,a� area . '!'�se r���n� of, t�h� a�pr�t �r a���ts sh�x1]. be ��t �o�tf� on a�. L a� suctx bo�td� anc�i c:�r � x f x cat�s � � ir�s�.zr�ncc�. �3-�.12 C�NTR�1CT01t"S O�L��ATIpN�: [1nd�r �1i� �on�.ra�t� �ha_ �ontG-aetor shail pay fa� �11 r�ateri�ls, 1abo� and ��iv�ce� wi��n d��� . �3--3.�3 WF�I�I,�C �2�YROi���: A ��rt�ifiec� c���� oC ��x�h ����0�1 caveriT�+� �ay�ent a� �r1g+�s �o �11 p���on �n�ag�d in w�rlc on th� �S��jec�. ak. �h{� sit� oE t1�� �roje�t sha�l. be f�rni.sti�d ko ti�� Ow���r's r���r�se��tai:i.v� �vithir� :�ev�n ( 7) days a f ter tC�� ��n�� o� �ach �a}►ro�1 ��r�.od. +� �o�y or �opi�s o� tk�e ap��icat�Le r�i���nurn w�gr� rafi�s a� s�t �ori�h ir� t�he ��r��r�ct ��cumen�s s�3�.1,1 k�� k��� �Sost��d in � c��spic�ou� �la�e a� the ;�i�� o� ti�� pr�j��� a� al,�. ��fnr3s c3urin�� �-1�e �-ourse o� L•Iti� Co��ra�t�. Cor�i�s a� ��e wa�e ra�:�s will �e E�rr�ir3hed l:he �or���actor� by �l�e �wr��rt; 1�owev�r, postinq ar�� �r�t��ti�n o� L-Y�� wage rak.�s sE��7,� �e t17� r�spori�ibi�,ity oL �tie �on�:ractar. c:�-�. �� ��r�T��c+ro�+� �o�Ti���� �n������r��{riota: �r�� ���,tr��t�r, wh�th�r � �vrson, �a��so�st partrr�rs�i.�, campan�t, �irm� ��asociatic�rY, corpar��L��r� v� ati�er r�h�r �� a�grove�i 1:o t�a �usrr�es� �i.��3 and �nt�r�� in�o a can�r.�r;t with th+� �it� For co�t��r�ct�ia� nf watar andfor sanit�r� s�vrer fa��li�i��� wi11 a3��� �r sha11 ���.�blish a ful�}+ ooF3r���.c�na1 b�as�n�ss of�ic� wi�hin t�e Fox� ���;ta�--I]a11�� me.Lrr��alit�n ar��. Tf�� C4�n�ra��«r sh��.l c�harg�� �#�e���t�, or, �ssign �hi� ofi�ice [o� h� m�y d��eg�t=e �i.� �t.����:� �u�erinte�dex��1 with ��1� au�hr�rit� ko tran�act ai� �u��r��.3s ���ior�s rec�uir�d �I� th� r�,�rCo�rmanc� of �he �'on�r,��t. 'i'E�i�� ��c�l au���orit� s17a�1 b� �nac�•,� r��4�o��s�.b�� to ac:�. ��.r. �i�� �or��ra�tc�r ir� a�l. matt�rs �ser�a.�ni.ng to ��� w�r;c go�r�rn�ci by �1�� Cantract v�h�e�txer it �e ��mFni�trativ� r�r otk��r�,ri�e anc� a� suck� s��].i_ I�e e����t��r.�dt r_h��� ci� l�gated �nd ciira���d� tn �ettl� all_ �,�t�rial, 1�bor or vther exp�t�d�t_ur��, all c��im� aga�+�s� the wa�k ar �n� otl��r (: 3 ^ 3 � 7 � Rr�att�r as�a�;i����i su��ti �� r�aie��a.inin� a�]�c�uakr� zn� ���r�pri,�k� irrr�;�rar�c� �r sr�c:u�ity �ov+�rage for th� �r��ec�. �uch ].o�aL �u�.hori ��y fvr ac�mi,nistr.����n oE t�he wn�lc und�� L-h� C�r���ac:t �hal.t 1�� z�a��l:ry�n�d �n�i� a�i ��rSin�S� trant�ac-�inn� �x������c� as part: �� t�� C;�r7tract .���? car�plc�k.��. �h��Y_�1 th� �on�.rac�or's �rinca�al ha:_�� r�F n��er.�tinr�� �� o�f1�:r than in E:}�� G'ort Wrsrth-1���.1.�s En��roE.�c�l. i t�� �re� , r�ot � f. ,i,�at io� o� t�e C�rt�r�ctc�t•"� as�ir���n���t �C lv�al at�thor-a,�� sl�aLt hr� ntad�� �ri writAn+� t� ���� Ls'��7in��r. in ac�van�� oE' any w�r�t or3 th� ��ro�e�:t, a1�. a�a�rc��r�;�,r���y szgnc:d �r�� �r�,���d, �s appli.ca�l�, i�y t��e �oni:.�acl'or�� r�s��onsikile �f.�icers �i�l� th+� u�dersk.anc�iny that kt�is �a��ttc�n assxqnrr�ent �E autl�orii�y �o � lo��l, repr�sen�at=i.ve sh:�L.L b��or�� par� o� �.��e pro��c� �o��tr�ct �s r_�touc�� �r�urti�i ��iir�c;r.E� in�o ��e pro��ct ���urnents. T�e fr�te��t of 1=Ni��� r,={��_li1'em�i��; is th��: ,�l,1 m.�t���� ������a��d ,�i�1� �li� �'or��r��t�t'� �,��n��zi.,�r�t�or�, �rl�ether i�. 6� or.i�r�t�d ,i.s� �ur.�lro��iu�� l-_k3t� wr�rlc� t�r s�L-he�, �� govc3rne� s�irec� }�y Lo�c�l ��ti3orit��, ��hi� s��n� r�+�.��iir.��nen�a is �,��tl���ed an ins�ranc�� Y�n�i surel•� c�v�rag+�, �F��u�{� t��p �vntr�rr.�r's ��c�.� rer�r�s�33t��i.v�e L-.�i I tr� n�r�or�r� �s� i�h� �atzsFa�L-ian r�F L-'ngiz�r�r., th� T;r�gine�rt �t h�s �o1e disc�2�lo�, �nay c3r�i��nr1 t;�at si,lt�s l,o��l repr�����_ak, ive k�e r�g�a��c� and fih� �1nc�ir��er �nay, a� his s�1+� ��scr�tian, �to� ��L w��ic unt�.l_ a n�w 1ac�1 au�horkt�r saL- Es�ac�ory �.o ti�� Er�gin�e�r is as.}iyrY�d, t�a ���di.t �� war3cing ti,rte wFl,� b� �or �er���s �r� which wa�k ��op�ages ar� �n c�FL�c� for' t��i� r�a�s�r�, C3�3.1� V�t�C�L: V�i��� �� ar�y act;i.r�r� �er�inur�d��r �ha�a, h� �x�: Lus �v�ly in 2�� r r.�n r t.cxu� i.y, '��x,�� . C3-'� f8} i�1�1 l. � i7�1k��lR�J y��{I.YLJ1�1{�J47� C4-4 ��:3i�E �E' �+JOit!{ SEC'PION ��4-4 ��DPL [}F U,�ORK �4--4.1 II�TE�'i' QF' �ON`FRA�'�' DOCCFl�E:I�TS: I� �s �lie c���irttite 1�3��i1�i017 0� th��� Cantra�k na�um�r��� ta �rovide �or a com�L�k�, +�s�Fkxl �roa��t w�i�� t�� Cr�n��ac��r, un�ex-��k�s �o ��nstruc� �r f�rr�ish, al� i� �u1� �am�1i��7�e wi�h the req�Freme��t� �r�d �nter�t �f ��t�� Cant�a�t I���u��nts. Tt is cl��i��.�.r��y t�r�d�rs�ooci ���� �h� �on�ractor. sha11 do �l� w�rk a� �rr.av�d�c� Co� in the �an�r.a�t Dac�um�nts, sh�i.� r�o a�l �xt.r.a a� sr���i�i� yvcsrk as Rna� he cont�id�red }�y the Owner as n�cessa�y to �q��p1�5�e tt�e prbj�c:C in a s�Lis�actory and accep�ai�1� rtanner, '�`he ��r��ra��or �ha�1, ��n1�s:� �kh�r.�r��c� s��ciEi�all�r s�:a�.ed in th�s� �o�1�.C��l: f}o�uEilGst7k:si f�rr�isl� ail 1ab�r, t����, ma��r��als, �na�hinexy F�+�a��ment ,���cia], s�r;�x��� t ar�s� inc �c��r��.als r�ec�ss� r� to t.he prosec��t� �on anc3 c��r��l�t�oe� o� t�e proje�t . �4-4, � �PE�IAL �RDVI�IOi3�: �h��aLc� �n}� w��k or. condiG�ans wk�ic�h ar.� r�o� thorauq�r].y and sa�is����ar�ly stz�uia.�ed �r cave�red by G�r�er��, or ��e�ia]. C�nditir�ns oi �hes� �o���a,ck D��Ma�n�n�s �� �nticig�ted� o� shout� tflr�re �be �n� �ddr�iqe��L pro��s�d w�c�r�€ w�i�kti a.� r�o� c���r�r�d k>y �h�s� ^ontract �ocur��nks, r�,�n "5;n�c�a1 �r�visi�r�s" �o�+a�ie�g a�I s�c� w�r�C wx 1� l�� �r�par�d b� tl�e �wner previaus to the ttr�e aF :+?��1ST131C) bi�e ar prop��.��� �or. ���h wr�rk �r�d furnisYred k�o the 13id�er in �he E'�rr� of. ,�dd�nd�. Al.� such "`Spec.i�1 �ro�isia��" st�a1� �� �:on�i���r�r� t� b� a��ar� oF �}y� �on��act �c��urn�nts �us� as though �h�y w�r� or.iq�na�.1y writt�n the�e��. �A-A.3 ��]�R�+ASl�D OR �LCi��:���D QllJ��'�'T'1'Y��: 'i`E�� �wner re���'v�� t�� ri�i�� 1=o a�t�r t�e guan�.a.�i�s of L•h� work �� �c: �rer��rr���� or to �xt�ntl or �i��rten �tY� im��rov�+ia�r��.s a�: �ny t�m� wFi�r� �nd �s �o��r�� �.o b� �c�c:�::�sary, and i:h� Cont�actor shall ��rfo��n L•he �aoz�k as alt8�-�d, incr�as;�d ar ��cr�as�d at �he un�l: ���c��. �u�h in�rea�ed or de���a�e� q�ae�tiL-y sk�a��. r�ot k�e mor� than �5 ��rcer�t of �h� co�7t���np��t�d �r�ant�t�► af �u�h �t�m or it�r�s. Wi��n s�a�h cl�ar�ges �ncr���e o� c��c:r�ase ��re ��iginal qt�antit�r o� a.�y i��m or ik_e��s o� �rorlc �.o b� done �r ma1�.�ria�s �o �� �u�e�ri.s��d kay th� �� �a��cent ��r m�r�, ther� ��tE}�r ����� �o th� c�ntra�� sh�lt up�n wr.��t�n r�q�lest to t�e other party i�e e��itl�d Y_o � rr��r.�sed �a��s,�rir����io�n u�ron l-.t�a� por�zor� oF ti�� +aat-3c a�ove �r b�lo+� tl�� 2� r��rce�� oE the ar. x�a.nal c���r����� stat�d i� �he pr��osal; su�l� r��i��d con,3�d�rat�ar� to be c���e�mir�ed by �����ial �yr��mr��� �r. as ti�rc�ina�i�er pr�vi+�ec� �nr ����s�r� �ark.'� �]o a�lc�war�ce wi�1 b,� ,���e �or a�� c�h�nges ir� 21f1�1�E�7���� oroti�s n�r s�ra1� s�tc� cha�g�s be ��r�sid�r�d a� �4-4 {�,} wai�ing or inv����atFng �n� ������io�s or pr�v�sia�s af t�e �vn�r�ck DacU�en��. Varia�i�r�� i� q�,anti�i+�s of sanitary �ew�r prp�,; i!� �e��li cat�c�r�ri�s, s�i�11 �� in��r,���t�d �Y�r.�z�� z� a��lyzr�f� to �h� ��r��ra7.l qu�ntit�}�s nr s�n�,tar� s��r�r. �+i�a� in e�cEi p.��e �i.��, h�� n�t t� l•.h� vario�s d�pt� �:ak:eg�r��s. �4-4. �l �4L'�'ERA'�'IOt� O!�' C�N'�'RP4�'�' D�}C[�,����+�: By �ha��ge Q�d�.�, t�e �wr��� res�r�r�s �h� r�g}tit. ko �nakr� �u�i� ch�xng�� i� ti�� ��ntr��r Doc:��n{3r�ts anc? in th� cl7a�ac���r. �� �uar�titi�s c�s� the work �s m�y �� r��c�ssary or �es�r.a�'l� �c� i����ra ��m��le�ian in �l�r-. r�r��t ���is�ar.tor� ,�L�€�e��t-, �rov�+�vd �uc� ch�n��s do n�t anar��r����,y ���t�r Fh� or�ginal Can���fv� i]nc�aiz��nts or. cha�y��� t��e sX�neral. nat��r� aF t��� �r�je<w� as a�ah�l.�. �u�h �han��� :�h�all no" t�e �onxi�3�re�l as waivitlg ar i�xv��i:�;��:.l.ng any cc�n�lit�ic�r� or oro��i�i�n oF L'Y�e Coe�t�ac:k. av�urn�*nt�, C4-4. 5 E�C'I'K�, WOfttC: ��t� i�i.ona� w�rk mar�e ��cessar� b}� chanc��s an� �L��ra�ic�n�; nE tl�� �orit�a�� Dnc��ame�t� o� [�F q�anhxt.���s or �c�r �k���� ��a:��ns �;�r- w€�r,{vh r�� ��r�ce� �-�t-r� ��vv�d�c� i� I�_Tle �ontr..�c� �7��c�urr�et�k:s, sh��t }�� ��fin�ci as "Fx�r� Wcxrk" ��nd s��1� ��� ��rforri�,��� hy �4�r� C�ntr..��t�>r in ��^r�rcl7t�c� w��h ki7ese �.ot��r.act 7��c��km�r�ts r�r au1�rr���c� add:ition� t13�����; �r�srtde�3, haw���r, that ���L"•r�r� anp extra wo�'� i� ��,�ur� a"'�h�ng� �rd�r°� sl��].l ht� S�xt3�ut�d or vrritt�r� �r�ier i�s�ec� [�.y L'h� �wn�r �� ��o t�ze w�rk E,�r �ayrmr-�,�r.� or ,-r��i{vs as ,��al� �� d�i�,�r�i��d b}r at�� or �nor� �oGn�i��tinn o� tf�e Fc�llc�wir�g ���3�:F�oc�s: �, �nil, i�l.�� �xri�� �r�vi���sLy ���rov�c�. b. Ar� a�r.��3s� �;�rn� s�m. c. The �c�;�at r.ea��nt�s�3.� �os� �f (1.l labor# (�y �ent�l oE ��;�ipmenL_ ��s�r� �n �h�_� �xL-�a +�ri�r�c for �I�e ti�e �o us�ri at �s:;o�i_�tecl G��7�ra2 ��R�k�acto�s o� Am��i.c� c�rre��#: e�uin�e��: rental rat�s; ( 3� r�at�ri�l.:� t�nt�riny ��rr�a�z�:��.1�r in�o th� ��oj��:i:, �n� {4} �crual �osl'_ aE insxararic�, ���t�s, �nt� soc��� s�ruri�_y r�� d��;���i�i��ed i�y the i}wr��r, p1�� � fix��1 ��e k0 br� �qre�d uf�can b�t r�r�� t� t��cr�c�ed ].0� oE t1�� actual �os� �� sur�l� ��tra w���C. Th� E�xed f�� .i� na� ��� in�lur�� ar�y adr�.i t��n�� prof it �� �1�� �an � r, ac �or fo� rL«tal of equ i��n��� ownf�� ��y C�im an�3 u��d fo.r t�i�s ��tra wor.lr. T�� F�� �ha.l1 E�� fu2.l �nd ��]r11j1 ���trT r;�i�[�eRs��fi LOl� tp COV�1 tli� C��t {�F s���3r. int�nd�n���, ov��hr���, oL}]t?r ��oEi�, �er�a�a1 {ind ��].i_ ot�h�r ?x��ns� na� i,�c.t;�dec� irt {�l, {2�, ('3}, �nsi (4) �bove. Ti�� �t�r���-actor sha11 f���� a�{:ur�te ca�t rec-nrr3� c��� �h� ��r�n a��� i.n �h� m��-ftod C �3 -'� s � 1 �a,�y���tpd b� ��e 4wi�43r anc� s�all �ave t}�e Owner acce�s t�o all �c�.a�nts# �il1s, v�uch�r�, and r�cords r��at�r�g to L-17� L�ctra ��r.k. i�a "�han4�� �rc��r" �t��.Ll ��cor�e e��8��i�e un�k� i� has �er�� ����t�v�d and �ia�n�� by ��ch �f ti�e �ontracting par���s. �a c1�im ior �xtra W�r1c or anp �C1�1C� wil� �e allo�r�{� �arr.l_��s o�'d�r��3 in writ�r�g �y ��i�� f3��yer. In c�s� an� ord�rs or instruc�ion�, �i.th+�r aral, �r wr�k.��n, �p��ar �n �he C�ntractor to invo��r� Lxtra I�ork �or, wh i.c}� �r� shauld r�c���� ���t�er�sar i.or�� i�e �ha�l m�k� wr-itt�en r�qu��L �v the �r�gf.n��r fur wr.�t�en �rc�er� au�hor.i�zn� ��ch �xtr� �1orlc, �ri.o� t� b�q �.M�� in�J ��i�h w�r.'� . Sho�ald a diEt�r�nc� arise �s #�a wt��xa� �oes �r d�es n�� �nnstitu�.w Ex��a W��Ic, �r a� ta �h� �a�m�r�� th�reof ,�nsi th� r��c�ie�eer ins���s u�on its p�rfor�anr_�, �he ��ntra�tor �E�a�,� �ra�ped wik.h k.h� warl� af�er in�king w�itt�+ti r�qu�s� �or wril:��n ord�rs and s�al,l l���p an ac�cur�t�3 �cea�n�: oF �C�e actu�l r�asor�ahl� cv�t �i7���o� as pK's�vi�3�3 ��d�r �r�e�ho� i���� C:} . ^�a�ms f.ur �xtr� wnrk wti�l not h� �ai�� uri��s� th� Contra�tor sk�alt fi�� I�a,s cl,�im with k���e Dwn.�r w�.�hin i'rve {�} da�� bef�rL the ti�n� For �n�lci�g tEt� �irsC ps��+r��t� �fter su�h �rark ��� don� �nd u+�],e�s 'th� c�a�.rn �:� s��p�orte+� �� s�r.i.�Fa�t�or� vrsucn�rs and c�rtiEied �ayxr�l..l.s covering al]. Lak�ar �n� r�ai�er�als �xp��7c��c� ���� �13e sai�� f?xtra �1���c. Tl�e �o�tra���r s�a11 furni:��i the Own�r �uc3�Y insta��.�tian �e�ord� r�f ��.1 devr��inrx� Crom r_h� orig�r�a1 �onCract I���uments a;� �na� b� r��ce.��;ar� ta e�ab�� t��e O�n�r �o �rer�ar�� F�r �erman���� r�cord a �c�rr.�c;ter� ��� �� �2ans ��row�ng L•h� ��:i��al, i�st�lla�ion. �he �:om��nsation a4�r��c] ��xor� �or 'e�t�a v���rk" wh�th�r c�� n���- i[11i�13�.�C� #��r a"cl�t�rs�� ord�r' shall be a�u��, c��mp],ete ��r�d €inat ��ymant for aLl_ cos�s ;antrack�or. i.nc�lr5 a� � r�sult �r ra3la�i�� �o t�e char�n�� or ex�ra w;��r�, wh�tizer said ca��s ar� icn�utG1, a.�r�knowr�, €o��s�en �r urtC������n .�� i�M}at tim�t incl,�ding vrikMou� l���ita�.i��, �,�y �as�s �o� d�lay� �x��nd�� �v�rl7�ad� �• �.�ol� a� im�a�t �o�i: � or a�� c��h�r ef C��� �r� chan�eci or unchan�+�d v�csrk �� a r�sutl= o�' �n� c:Ft�iY��+� c�r �xt�� wor�. CQ--�.S ��Hk��UL�E DF #���R,4TIOI��: H�f.ort� cair�3n��1�.in� �ny �or�C unc�er thi� contx-actt k�ie �on�rac��r �ha1� �k��mi� �a �3Y� Dw�s�r a��l r�c�ive the Owr��r'� a�praval. t�zervaF, a"'��h�duY� n� ���ra�i�ns,'" stYow.��g b� a�t���ght Lir��� m��h�a� t�a dat� a� co��m�nca�c� �nr� �inishinc� eac11 0� �1�e �ajor elem�n�� �f th� c�nt���C. �'���r� sl�a1l �e al�o ��i�wr, rh�� ���ima��d man�hl�r �ost of wvrl� for wh��h e�tima��� ar� to t�e ��c��ct��. The�� �=� �-4 f .3 k �h��� �e p�e�en��d also a co�np���t� graph sh�wing �he an�i�;i�.�i.�� �ro�r��s �� cor�s���sct�on wzr�t the tim� ��3zng �1��t�d k�ori��nta�ty �e�� the �e��enta�� o� �o�np���i�n �lo��.�d ver�ic�ll�r. ��� �ro�.r�3s� c�a��s sha1,1 be prepare�c� �n 8-�f�" �c 11'" si���ts ae�c3 a� �_ea�k�. E'iv� b�a�k ur bl�� lirte prints sha11 b� furnzs�re�d t� th� �tntne�. ��-4.7 P[�OG1���� S�HEDUL�S �'�]R W�1'�'FE� ANC� �G;��R i��,.�4[�'� I'A�ii�I'�'IES: G�i_thin k:��r� ( 1{f ) c��}►s �r,'tor �� �uk��iss � on af fir�t m��thTy �ra�r��3 �aay��nt, t�e �ant�actor sha1� prepar� and s��k��ni� �� t��c c�wr�er F�r a��r�va1 six �op��� �f th� s�hedule ir� whi�l� t=�� �an�r��tor �ro�a�es t� ca�ry an th� wark� ti�? ��a�e �E wl��,ch h� ��.1L st�rt t�� ��veral majar ���ivi,�i.es �inc��s�i�g pracur�m�n� �f �na�.�r�a1,�, �la�s, and �y�.�pm�nti an� kh� c�nt�i��lat�d �at�s ��L r_ompl�tir�g L•]Z� :�z��ee�. '�'h� �,cE��c�u�,� shaX� �� .�� the i�em oF a t�7n� s�k�c{��t� Cr��i�al �ath �l��ha�� {t�P�} rr��Evro�k ���gr�m. As t�� wori� �r,ogr.-=�ses, th� �o���rac:tor sh�il ?n��.+�r an tF�� c3i���am �.he �ctua�, p�rogr�ss a� ��e �nd of e�ch �ar�:ial �aymenk period or �t s�acEy �nterval� ,�s riir�c�f�� }�y ���e F�gine�r. T�e ��R������tor s�a11 a].so revi�� �,�� ,�F��c�u.�c� �v r.��1�ct �ny a������nents in �ontr��l- t�rnF�i ;��pr��,�� �� tk�e �r�gin�er.. TfYr�e c�pi�s oE �ktie upc�a��4� sc;h��3�,a�� s�;�11 b� r�r�l ivr�re� at ��act� in��rvals as dir�ct�t;i E�� tl�e O�rn��. A� a �ni�i�num, the COn�tru�k_7,on s�h��u1� ��tial1 in�orpazai:� a�l worlc ����ten�s �nd acti.viti�,; �.n�i�,��ed t€� �_E�e �r.��osa1 ans�i i« t�e C�chn�ca� spec:z F.ic�t ic�r�s. ��i�r t� th� f,ir�ai dr,�rL-ing [�X the dr���ii�r� cqr��tr'uct�on s�h�dul�{ �h� �nr�tractor sFtia1.1 r�vi�w th� �ra�lr s�h�d�sle w�th t*�� F��y�ne�r �� �ns4�K��� �h� �on�ra�tor'� c�r�derstandLng o� th� co��rac:t �-����i r'r���a�.����_,�. �hr� fo�Llowi�c� gs�id�.l_i•�a� �fr�x1L be a[iFrer�?d tr� i�x pra��rir�g tl�� ��ay�truc�E:i�r� �C'I3E�l�411�: �. �1i..L�s�-�t�� da��s �n� �i.na1 �raj��t �o��t�l��i�n d�t�s s�a�1 b� d�u�t.��ed tr� con��rm to time 'L +1 � L � L � � i � 4. � j � ?� {� Li 13 � { � 1 i i �+ � � �1 4F .F� � � �� r.3 ! 1 � � 4.5 �� {.+ �'o�n�L� r aon k i�e , 1�. The r�t���r�ctic�n �}�'uc��;� ;5ha1.1 �sc� di�ri.ded ��tc� a���vit.i�s wi�� ti�n�� �3ue��io��� �� appr-ox.irna�e��r �c�urk�en �1.4� d�ys and c�n�tru�tio�� va�u�� r�a� to axc��d ��0,(i�}Q. �abra,cati�nM ��livery �n� su}������_r�l ��c���vi.t��s �rL ex����io�s �� khzs g��z�ieline, �4--A { � � c, ��rar.i�ns shal� �e i� �a1�nd�r �a�s �nd n�rma� }�ol�days a�� w�a�h�r ����i��on� o��r t�e dura�iofl o� the co�t�act �h,11 be arcount�d for ����i� th� dur.��i�n o� �a�h a�tivi��. d, On� ��-�ti�a1 �at� sha1� be shc�wn ar� th� c�r�5tr�ctf�n sc�ed�l�e. e. %'l�a� l:�r�e ti� de�fned �� ��Ye amot�n� of tim� be�w�en �13� �arlies� s�art �a�e �r��3 th� lates� ��ar�: c�a�e �f a�i�ain of. ac�ivit�.�s t�� tite �gM const����.c�ic�n s�h�cl�Y�. �'loat time is not f.�r. t�_h� exc��s,iv� us� o�- b����it of �it�,�r the ���t�acto� or i:.h� �1wn��r. C. 'I`h i.rty da�rs �h�11 be �se+� E�� sul��ni �tal r.�vi�w unlea� o�.h��e�is� s��cifi�d, The car���r��t�c�n �cl�edu�� s�ral], as a ��in���� b� divi3ed xr�to g�nar�� ���egori�s �� 1CY�l����d ir� tY�e Pr�po�a1 and Te�l�ni��a7. ��p�ci�ica�i�r�s �nd �ac}� gee�eral c;�t�g�ry sl�a.l,]. �e br�S�en dot�r� i n�� acti��.�.;t�s a.� �nr��g� c�e��il tn a�hze�re a�tiviti�� c�� a���ox�m�t��.� ft�s�r��e� (�41 �ays c��rr,�ti��. For eac� g�nera�, catec�ory, t�e �nr�stru�ti�rz schedul� �ha�L id�ntFfy a.�l tr��r�s or 4�ub��n�r��ts whose wark �s r�p�`+���r�tr�r3 k�y arj�ivi�i�� th�r fo��.�w t1�� c��i�r��ti��� oC �11zs S�ctic���. For �ach aC �_1��� I_��a;��� c��- ;u�c�oni�_r�c�t�, i•_t��� �:on�i:r.ucti�� sct�ed��� sk�ali .Cn�i���� �:E��� f,o�lowin� �rocure�ner�t�. co�,�#�r�cta.�n ar�� ��e����e�t�nc� a�:ti�riri�� arrd e��n�s i.n �heir toy�.�val sequ�r�ce �or eq�,�i�sm�nt an� t�r���Lia],�. 1_. ������r�tion and t�:insmittal c�f sr�bir�itta�s. �. Sub�nxl:�al revi�w p�r,io�s. 3. ;Sho� Eabr ��.aL- ion ��nd c��.,1 i v�r�, 4. �r�c.��i�n o� �n:�i:��.la��on. 5. Transmit�a,l of in�nu��c�urer's operatior� ���� maint�nanc� inst:ruc�i�r��. 6. Xnsta],.l�r� �g�i�m�r�t and r�atarial� testing. 7. Own�r�s ap�rafio� �r�s��urrion (i� a�����a�ile). B . C'ina7. insp���ian. �4-4 (�) 9. Operat�i�rial tes�.Lng. �0. �1ri81 i����ctl�n. If, �n th� a�ir�i�n �� �h� �wnerF saor]€ ac�om��ish�d Cails 4�ehin� ti��� sc�teduied, t�e Can�rac��r st�a�l �alc� �uch a�tian a� r�ecessary �o �mprov� his �a��g��ss. Zr� additi�n, t��� C?wner r�a� r�q�i�e the �on��actar to su�bm�t a �r��ised s�hedul� d�manstratir�� his p�ogra� and �aro�os�d p�,an �o r��}ce up Iaq zrr schedul�d �rogre�s and to ir�sure co�t��etian af tk�� w�rk wt�h�r� �h� co�trac� �tim�. �� ��e Q�rner ,�inrls ti�� �r.�F����d p�an not ac�e�tabl�, !�e r�a� r�quire �h� �o�t�a��or to ����ea�� �h� �r��k €o�ce� tC�� ��ns�ruc�ion p1��,t ��td equip�ne�t�� th� nu�l��r �f work sY�ifts ar th� o�r�r�irnc �pera�i��s vrith�ut a��i�a,onal c��t t� the Dwne�. F�i�ur� of �he �o���a��or �o com�l�t wit� �i��s� requk�ements sh�ll be c�nsid�red g��ur�ds �ar det�rmina�.iari b� �h� �wr��� t�at the �;�ntractor �s �ailir�+� ta pr���c�xke the w�rk w.Lt1� such d�li�en�e as wi�.l insu�e its comp�et�on +�i�#�in the �im� spec�i�ed. �4-4 (6J k�#�R'�` � - �FNFI�Als �Q�]!]r`!`���TS ��=5 ��N"�'ROL ��` G��Ri� At�D MA7`�.i�IA�S 5��"�'��N �5^� CO�I'�`R�� 4�' S�1�FtK AI�� tuIAT�RIALS C5-5.1 AUTI��}F��"�Y {lF FN�INE�R: '�M� worfc sha�� b� �e�c�or��c� t� �.h� sati�fac�ion of. t1�e ��c�i�e�r and in stricl: coin�Yi�n�e wi�in l:F�� �an�r�c� T�oc��ne�t�. �� �h�a�l de�zc�� a11 c�u�s�ions �E�x�it �,�ise a� to the qu��.ity �r�d �cc���ability a� ma���a.a�s ��zr��shed� war.k ��rfarr��d# rat� �f p��gr�s� oE tl�e work� ov�r�.L� sec���n�� of the can��r��ta.on, �.n���rpr��a.�io� o� t��� �on�r�ch �oc�ments� �c�ep�ab�� �utf�,llr��nt o� �k�� c�ntra�t, �c�m�ensatian, r�u���l rights l��tween C�r�tL�ctq� ar�+� ��rr�er un��r th�s� �ontrack� l�o�u�n�nts, s�perv�si�tY af trie w�rlc, r�suir��tion �f o��ra�ionsr and a�.� other qu�a��ons or di�putes whicn may arise. Eng�.n��r +wil� r�at� b� �c��p�nsible �o� C�r��r�c�or4s rne��s� met�ads, ��*c�nique�r s�q�en��s or p���e�ur�s o� co��sr.���tian� or t�� saf�t�r pre�aution and prcxgr�Tns li7C���nt t���eto, ar�d k�e wilt n�t b� r����n��b�� Ear Con�r�c�or"s f�i�,�r� �o pe�form �he v�o.rk iri ac�n�daEx�� wi�h k,�,� �a��r��t d o�u�n�.ri ts . He sha�l d���rrnxne th� am�urit and qu�li�y �f the �rarlt comp7.���d and �aterials furil�she�� and hi� dscisions and �s�i�na�es sha�.l. be fin�l. �3�s r-�si��mates �n e�lch eu�r�� sh�11 b� a��nd�.��an �o �k�� rig�t o� i=h� �r�n�ract�r to re�eive mvn�� ��� hi,m und�r th� ��ntract. `�`h� Qw�er s��7.�. �av� ex�cu�ive a��:ho�i�y �o enfor�� anc3 mak� e�f���iv� �u�� r�ecw�sary d��is�ans an� ord��� as �he ��n�r���or �'ails to �ar�� out p�;a���iy. It� th� �ven� af an� disput� �etweer� the Engin�e� an� �ontract�� o�r�r the �ec��i�n o� �.ne Enc�i.ne��r on �n}� su�l� rttatters, �.he �'ngin��r r�us�, within a r��sonable �:im�, �a�on �ritt�n ��quest �.� �h� �on�ra�t�r, rend�r and deliver t� b�th �he �wn�r arYd Cor�trac�or, � wri�k�ri d���si�r� on t�e rna��er in con�rvv�r�y. �5-5.� �ONT�'C}�MT'�Y WITi� P��4N�: "�h� fin�:.���d proj�ct in �,�� �as�s shal� c:c��Eo�m wi�h tit�es� gr�des, �ross-sec�i�ns� f�n�sh, and �im���s�ons shourr� ot7 th� plans or a�� o��e� req�ir�rne�its oth�rwi�e des�ri��c] i.n �he �ofl�rac� Docu��n�s. A�� d�via�ian �rom #:lie ap�r�ved �ontract �ocu�nen�s �equirec� b� ihe �ng�neer during constr�,�ti�n �ri11 in ��1 �ases i�e de��rmin�d b}� t�e Er�g�.�e�� and authorized �y �t�� Own�r �� �1�ang� Q�der . �5-5 {1} �5�5,3 CO��D�NA�I�� OP CC)���ACT DOC�M����; T�e Cantra�� bocumen�s ar� rnac1� u� �F �e�rer�1 se�t-i�ns, wh�c�r, tak�n ��getli�r, ar� �r�t�r�c3�d �� d�s�ri�e and �rovid� Eor � �ompt��� and us��u� �ro��ctx ar�� ��}t �eqUi�em2r11r, a���ari�g in �r�� �� �he s�ctions i.s �s :�in�3�ng as k,ho��l� i� occ�rr�c� in �11 �ectior�s. In �as� oF ��scr��anc:ies, Fic�u.r�d d�m�nsian shall gvverr� over ���1�� d.ir�cr�sivns, �zar�� sha.11 goverr� c��r�r �pe�if��atians, s����ia� �on�ix�ions sl��ll c�ov�rn r�v�r ge�er.a1 co�dit�,orrr� anc� ��anc�ar� s�1t3�Lf1Cc3�lOf7sr �nri quan�it��� �f�aw� o�x �he �alans sha1� go�r{��rr ov�r kk�ose �hown in ��� �r��as��. T�� Con�.ra�kor. �ha11 n�r �ak� �d�rar�ta�e o,C any a�p,r�n,t erro� �r amis�io� in th� Contr�ct �]ocur��r�ts, and xl�e �wner shala, he �a��-mi��€�d L•� r��i�e su�:iti �orre��.a�ns o� int���ret�ta.�ns as may k�� deer��d r�ecessary ra� t�e Eu�Ei�im�nt of th� inten� of t��e Cnn��act i�a�umer��s. Zn t�� �v�nt tl��� cnn��acto� dis�ove�s a� a�r��rerat �rror vr ��isc�repan�y, f�� si��3 � i�n,n�c�i�ak:���r ca11 khis ��nditior� t� �h� ��tentir�n or ���e ]:����ir���r. I� �h� �v�n� o� a �;�n�Yi�� �,�� Che �r�w�Trgs, s���if.icatia��s, o� al�.kY�r nor�ivn� �� ��3� C�ntrac� �ocumeni:�', vrhi�;h w+�r� ���t report�d pzi,or t� �1��± �w�rd of �on�r�cl' r tl�� C�n�ractor sha17. E�cy d3err��d �a Y��ve �u�t�d �.he r�s�st� t��cp�nsive r��olution �� ��i� c�nF.li.c�. �5-5.4 ��OP�1�A'IF10N O�` C��7�RA�TOR: Th� �or������or w��.l b� €urni��.�r� wi�3� �lYr�e s�t� o£ �h� �.���tracC Doc��n�nts ar�c� s�x��� �au� ��r��lab�� on �he si.�e o€ ��e �ro�ect a� al� �ir��� one se� �� such Cc�r�tr.��k �r�c�m�n��. The �on�racl= �k�,�ll �i�� to tf1� wa��c the con�tar�� a�t��nt��r� i���ce�sar}� �o �ac�i.iitat� �t�c� pr��r.��s rii��e�� and sh��l, �anp�rak� u�ith �kh�� Engi�r�+�r, h�_;� insp�3��orF anci oth�r ��t�t.r.�ct�r� in every pos�il�l� w�y. T�,e �n���r.actnr sk1aL1 at ,�11 t����� txav� co+�p�t��k; p�rsonr��� au�il�ble tn ���,v proj�c:t� sit� ��r. pro���_•r p�rra�manc� o,� �h� wnrk. The C'nni=r.�cta� s��a�� �r.ovi�� a�tic� �nairr�axn at a11 �Fme� at th� sik:� oF Fkt� p�oj�ct 3 cr�m��ten�t Cnql.�sh-s��aking ��perin��r�d�a�t �nd er� as�ist�nt wh� a�� f�x�1y au�k�o.riz�cl to �ct as �he i ontrac��r's a�ent or� t}�e w�r. k. �uch su�erint�r�d�e�t ant3 his �r3�istar�L- �h�l�]_ �� �a���i�l� �F r���ing �x�cl �xnc3er.�l�..�r�ci�.o�g the �c7r�trar:t� U�c�m����; a��d ah�ll r�c�rv� attd ��1Ft11 insk:ruct��ns �ra+� �l�e �7wner� �k�e Fngi��eerF �r his a��l�or.xaed ���r���ntati�e�s, Pursu�nt �o tE��s r�spor�s�bilxt�+ n� �ft� �:�ntrac�or, th� �or�tractor st�al.l designate in �rx•�t�nq t� �h� praj�c�: su��r.intenden�, �� aci as l�.f�e �anl•ra�tor'� agr��� r�n t}�� wcrrk. �4a�h �ssi.s�ant ��oje�t s�peri,K���nd�n#� si�a1�, �� � r�sid�r�L• �f '�ar.rant Caunty, ��xas ar�d sl�al� b� sub�e�r l�� �a11, �s is tk�� �eoj�c� ��z��rantend�r�t, at �itiy ti��� �F ��ie day or r�Fc�h� �rr �r�y �7�y �f. �.E�e w��k �r, wl�ich k:he �ngxii��r r�e�errnines ki��� cir.c:u��t�n�es r�c�u��� �,}�� �r���nc� on �1�� �r�a��� sit� o� ����r.��e�tata,�+� of th� �ontrackor ta �5--5 f 2 } a�equ��el.y pr�vic3� for tl�� sa�et�y �r conv�ni.�ncr� of tk�e L•£av���_n�� ��a���c nr i�.t1� owners �� �r��e��� ��ro�� �r��ic:i�� �-he �rojec�- �xtend� �r �i�e ��t���y o� pro��rty �����igur�us t� �.t�� ��o�ect_ ��ut i.t'og. The Cor�tr�e�o�e sha�� ����rxde ��l f.�c�i�it �es �o �nal�t� tti� Engirteer and hi.s insp�c:�or kc� pxamir�� and inspec� th� v�orkr�at;ship anc� ��t�r�a�� �rrr,.cring int� th� worlc. �5-5. �������I�CY At�U�O�t It�'t�'.i`�F�C�1T���1 S�O�i(: 4�%�ri� in ll�� �pinzaj� oL- L•h� �wl�er r�� �Ctc�ilry��r# a�onditi�n o� e�n�r.��nc�y e�c��t� rr�la��d to a�� ��r� o� tt�e worl�, L•1�� �on�ractor, or ��� t��ntrac�or thr�ugh ��.s �esign�t=�r� ��[7r[�s�rita�iV�, si��ll ri�s�ond w���� di����.ch �a a v�r�aa1 r�que�t �ad� �y tt�e O�rn�r or L�g�n�er t� al�e�iat� �h� em�rg�n�� c�n�t�l�i,on, �uch a r�s��n�e sha�� �c�u� c�ay o� �ighL-� w�re�h�r �l�� �raj�ct is s�h�d��ed on a ca�.endar-d�}r o� �n a wo�kinc��-ria� �asxs. S�ou1c� �h� Cn��tractor fail to respond �r� a r��q�e:�t i��in �h� Lngi��e�er �a r���t�f� an�r diac���an��es, o�nissionst o� �or�e�ki�n� ne�ry�sary �:o c�o��orm wi�� �it� r�c��i��r��r�ts a� ti�e �ra���� specx�i�ationb or ��ans, th� �Er�g�r��er shal,� qive �.h� �or��rac�.r�r writ��n noti�8 �hat s�ch work or ctxar�ges ar� �.o l�e p�r�pr�ted. �h� writ��en notice sltal�. dire�t atient�on �.o L•hc �is�r�pa�t concli,�ion and ���ues� ��� �oti�racr�r, ta take r.e���Fal, .��tian �a cc�rrecr, t�.h� c:or�di�it�n. fn tf�� ev�r�� th� Con�ractor do�s r�o� �ake pc��iti�� sa�eps t�, �uZ.�i�l t�his wriLt�� ��qu�st, or c�o�s not �17�w ju�t �ause �o� no� ��ki�rc� �1�� pro��r ac�.ion, w�thi� �� hours, �h� Cit� m�� �.ake such re�aec3ia� a�L-iar� t�ith �ity f�r.c�s cxr b}r con�ra��. Ti�� Cit�r ,�ha11 �h�� �lc�duct ��� ��na�r�t �qua� t� �he �nk��� ��sts for suc.h r.�r��dial ac�ion� �l�s ���, Erorn any funds du� th� �ontract�r o� th� ��o,����, c,5--5 . �O FIT�13€} ���'I��t '�'he ��n�rac��� sha1�. ��avid�, �� no �xt�a corn�e����i�n, �n a�equat� �i�1d offi�� �or u�� �f �he �ng�neer{ if sg�ciF�ca11� ���l�d Fc�r. 'i�h� Ei�ld o.�f.�c� �hal� be r�o� l�ss than �0 by �4 feet i.+� floar ar#�, subskari�s.a].1� cc�ns��uct�d, we]_� ���k«d, air �ond�ti.one�, ��ghtec�, a�d we�t�e�-�p�coof, �o t1��L- �oc��n�n�� vril� not b� d�m��ed !�� �1�� �I�m�nts. C:5�-5.7 COt�S`TR[�C'�'I�N �`!'AK�S: �13� �:ity, �:h�ouyh iLs ]�ngir�eer, +�il� furt�i,s�� ��r� �:aEi: ra�L•o� with a11 1z�e�, c�ra��s, and measurem�r��s r����ssary to t1�e �rc+p�r ��eosecutian �r�d �on�-��1 of. ��tie we�rk ��ntra�ke� �ar urir3;�r. �hes� ��r�tr�ck� D��umen�s, and .l.iryes, grades anc� m�asurar�c5n�� v�i11. �� est��listY�d by m�a«s o� $talces or �r���r cusk:�����y �eth�d n� r���ici.r�g as m�y iae �ound �oneist��t wi�h good pra������. r5R5 �3} �"h�s� �t�kes �xr m�rkings shall �� �c:t suF�i�;x��r�t.ly �.n advance �E construc��ot7 op��al�_anr�s �n a�ro�d ri�la.y. �uch stak�s vr. �arkirigs a� �ns�y 1�� es�a��i�he� fc�r th� c:ont_r�ctor�� u�� or guidar�cc� sEti��l,l i�� �ee�f�rv�c� k�y tht� CoriL•�acL-n�- �n�xl h� �, ��t�c�riz�d hy th� �;ngi,r��er t:o remc�v�v� t��m_ �rh��r�v�r, in �h� ��i�i�r� o� the �"nr�in��r� an}� a�ai€�s nr rn�r;�inc�� ��avf} k��er� ca.����s ��y o� wa.11fu�.ty ���tr�yet�� di�wur�ed, ar �ernov�d ��r tkYe ��3�tra�tor� or ��y of i�i� �r�p�:o���s, �,he �ull �ost o� repl�ar.iGt�� �;uch ��alc�s or m�rk� ��'Lua �5� wi� i be cY�ar��d aqai.nsL• the Co��kr.����r, ar�ci �h� F�a11 ��nour�t wi.�L b� r#�d�r��ed fro� ���att��r�t �s�e �h� �,c>iytr��t_or. C5--5. $ A[�`�'�IOl�t��!'�' ANL� €]IiTT.�, O� C�'CY Zi�S1�L��T�lt�: �ity Y�s��cto�s wi�,�, ��� �uthnr2 ��c� tn kn�p��t alZ wvxk �c�n� �nd �r� l�� don� �r�d all �it�terir�l.,� Curnis��d. Suc'}� i�s,����ti�rti �n�y �xkenci�t�r aii r�r ��y park: of t13� +��rk, ar�d �th� �r�naratlr�E� c�.r man�a�actuf��c7 �f. �E�e m,t�r�,a�a tr� �� us��� or ��ui.���r�C to b� �r�;sta�l.e�i. A�";it� L��s�t�ctur ��ia.y b� s!°_��.io��t�[i o:� Li��: w�r][ t� �����rt to t:i�� �hc�in��r ,�:� tr� t�_}YF., �r�q��ss oF L�e wr�rk and I:�e m�nn�z i.rr W�31C17 i` �� beiny ��rL-�rm��, L-;� rep€��fi. �e�y �vidence Ehat �_tY� �nat���ri��� b�irrg �u,rr��ish�� �r ti�e w��Mt beir�� per. �orrne� b}� LIYe �c�r��rty�:tar f�i1s to fulCi�a, �C�e requir.er��r��� of tl�� �on�.ract r�o���tpnL-�, �nd to �a11. the att�ntion c�F th� �o�1tr�,c�o� �c� ar�� s,ac:�� Eai I �,�r.e or oR:her in�.rir�g�r��r��,s. �u�h i n�p�� k ion �r� ����I� of� i n���c; t�o� w.i 1Y r�ok rel ic��e t��� �o�]��,��L�r from �ny �E�1ic��r,.i�n tv ��r���r.m rh� �r�r� irt a��ordance wir.}� tl�Ye r�qu.kri:rnent� �� th� �ontr��t I�a����t�nt�. tet cas� �� any di����t� 3r��i,nc� ��tw��a� t�e ��ntra�l:ar anc� ��� �,iar� �r�sp��t�r as t� tl�� mat�ri�i� �r �c�uipr��nl: fure�i�,h�c3 ��c th� marrr���r. oE p�rfor.rr�ing a=1Y� wo��F �l�te �ily 1ns����tor wi�1]. �7t�v�� ���a��tor�i�y ta rc���ct �n�,�_��ri�3.� r�� ay�i�f��;�t ko sus��r�� w�o�rl� ��ntil l�hc� c�u�st��n �xt i���e c�� b� r�f�rr�� �o and l�e c�tvcide� l�y l_h�: �:�3yin��r. 'r[�� ��ty �ns�e�#:or w��E.1 r�att t�owev4�rr 1��� ,�t��13��ri •r.e� L-o r�_�v4�lc�, �i�k,�r, , 3r�larq+� f ar r�leasr� an}� ��gu i,r�r�er��t 4�F t_I�c��r� �c�nl� r��k [)nr.�im�r�ts, nor to a��rove or �����t: a�y p�t-ri.c�n vr �e�t�.on �f tl�a= wor.l�, nor t� is5u� �r�y i��s�r�ctions �oG�k�ary I:o �i�e rt=q�.�i�e��i�L€3 aE �Itie �qr��r.ac� Iloc-um�rt�s. i�� t,ri �1 ir� nr� c�s� ;�ct ,�� �t�perin�endr�nt �r r�re��an c�r per�c��-,n an}� �t���� c�ut�e� Cc�r �t�� ConL•r.a�t�.r, o� inl:�rEere wi,#:fx th� �n��7:lgattt�rik= o�' np���tic�i� c�f �h� war�. #�� wi it not ac:ce�C Eram 1=h�� C:or�tr.�c�.e�r .�r�y �o��per��t�ti�n i,n �ny for� �or ��rf'�r�ni�ig a�zy �u:_i��. Tk�c� t:oRztr�r•t.nr sk��ll z��gard ar�d a��y tl�e dir�c�k.ions .���d �r�st�uc-t�ioi�{� nE �..i�� �z�y Insp���or a� F�1�i��ee�} wl��ix �.h� s��at� are �ar�sist�n� �itl� kf�� ol�l.i4�ation:� �E �h� �crntrac� D���ain���t;�, �ro�ider�t how�v�r, sl�,r���1c� tf1� Contra�:tt�r obje�� r;.� �s3y r�r��rs or �nstrtxcti�n� c�t t,h� City ins����or, tkte C�nCr�ckar m��r withi,n six d��r� �na�C+� wri���r� as���aL ta �:iir� ��gine�r for �r.i,s �e��si.or� on t�se ma�k.�r !n c�riL•r�ver�y. fi5--5 ( � ? C5-5.9 r�S��("�ZO�: TY�e C:c�rtt-r.�c��r sha�l, �urni�l� ti�e f�i�g�n��r �ritl� ev�r� r��s�nab�.e f.a�ili.t:}� E�r �sc�r�aining wh+�L•h�r or �p� tY�e w�Lk a� ��r, �a�r�e� .is a,n ac�ordar�ce wi�h th� r�quire�ents �f the Co�kr��t boc�r��t�n��. Y� th� E�giRti��� s�s �equ�s�s, �h� Cor�trackor �hzllt at �n� ti.an� �refc�re ac�eotan�� c�� �h� w�rk, r{��a�re a.r uncov�r such �or�i�n o� th� Fx�i.�h�d w�rk as m�y b� di�r�ct�d. Af�.�r ��saG�i.r�atfon, �h� Can�ractor si�a�� r.�gkore $air] pc���ia�3s o� 1��e wo�k ta ���� sta�dard .requi��d �y �h� �c�nt��ct ��cum��i��. �hou1�3 Lhe �v�rk e�€�o��d nr ex��r��r��d �rove ��c�p�al�l�, t1�e uncavering or re��ovi.a7y an� repla��.nc� of tl�e cov�ring o� malci�g go�d �f l.he parr_s rer�oved sha11 �e �aid �or a� ��c�.�a work, bu�: �hou]_�, b� w�rlc sc� �xp��e� t�� ��ta�r�irted ��rove �� b� un�c���tat�1�, �h�e uncov���.r�q �r re�no�xing ar�c� the rep�a�inq o� aLl adjac�nt �efe��.�,v� or �am�g�� �ar�s sha�� b� a� ��r� �ontr�t��or's ex�c�7sr?. No tnr�r� �l�a��.l, �e done or rr�a�eria�s uset� w�.ti3��L• �uit��Le eu��rvision o� knspe�-tinn. �� � 5_.]. �! �tEF�IO�IAL A�' ��PE�TI�J� A�7D i1NAUTH�F�I ZFD WpFt1C : A�� woxk � �,�ter�als, �r �tlui�m�nt whi�ii k�as ��e� r� j�c��c� �ha17 b� remet�ii�d vr r��nave+� a�7c� r�plac�+3 in an ����r-+�ta�Ie mannc±r by ti��* k�����ra�Cor at h�� �wn �x.��ns�, ���k r�on� l���or�c3 �.k�� ��n�s r�nc� grades gi�ren o� a� slzo+�r�� crr7 tl�� �Iar7s, �xcept as h����.n ���c�E��a�ll.y provic��r�, or ��1�t Fxtz�a Wo�k do�Ye wik:h��t �ritten �u h Mor i�.} t wi 1. � hc� �o n s i�err�4� �s �ana�t�or i��� and do�� at th� �x�ac��is� �� t�� Can��r��tor anc� w�ll n�t b� pait�, �o,� �� the �wner . w�r1c so done �n,�y be �rci.�rr�d r��avpd ��. �he ��n�r��tor';� ��c�ens�, U��on ki�e E�i1ur� �n �i�� par� a� tk�e �oatitr��r_or to co�ply ,ai�h any or�3er �� r�» L'nc��n��r rnad� �xnd�r th� �r�visioG�� �f tlzrs F��r.a{�r��h, th� �n�in��r +a�ti hav� th� �ut�nrit� �� c:a�l�� c�e��ct.'tve w�r�C �c� �e r�G��c3��d or r�«taved a��d r��l��e� anr.i 17�1c'�hl��]:]C,L�43�� �a�rk t� 1�� r�Rnf��r��3, afld th� cos�. tt�f�r+�o,f. may l�e S��c���c-ted ; rf�m a�1y ��nr��t•�y due o� L-o be��o,���� due �o �li� �o�tr���.or. t��i.lur� t� re��.�ire �he rerno�ral oF a�� de��c:kiv�v oz� �}��a�xth�ri,z�� worlt �h�1.1. r�at can��i4:u4:e ac�ep�a��f� o� s�tclz w�r'�s . �5-•5. ��. �CTD�'uT�'I'U'i'E !'4�TFitI]�1L� OR �QU��[++1�C�"�: �f t�� ��eci�i��t�on�, Z�w, ordina�7�e, c�d�s ar re���a�ioai:� �S�r�n�t �or�tr��r.or �a �s��ni.�h or us+� a �ubs�i�.�tt{� ti�a� �_s +�qua]_ t� �r�y materia7. or �qu�.��r�arst spec.i,�xed, an;� iC �on�r�c�or wish�s �o �urr���h ar ��� a pr�pos�d sul�s�itu�x�, �e sh�11, �ri.ar to the precot7s�r.�a��ior, cor���r���e, �r�k� wr ii���� a����i,catian to �NG�N�:Cit Cor ap�r�v�� o� suc1� sul��tit��tp ��rt�.Fyi.nc� in +�ri�.ir�g t13�� k.l�� �rop���d s��sti��t�� wi�1 ���f:ort� a�i�quate�y the fu�icl:ions �all�d ��r by l:k�� q��rer�l c���i,gr�� k�e si�n�.Y�r �,�id of ��ual s�b��ance �o �h�t s�er�i�z�d and 1�� �ui��� �n �1�� :�a�,; us� and ca�abl� a� per���G��,r�g the �a�n� F��nc;�i�n as �i�a� s��c�fied; a�c1 i�enti�y�i.nc� a�� v�ria�i.ons oE tt�� �r�opos�d �5�5 (51 s�hatitu�� E��m �h�t speciF.ied �nd i�di�ati�g �va�la�Ye rn�xnte€�an�� ��rvic�. Nc� su�stit�te si3�11 b� a�c�ered or ie���a.i.L�d w�tl���t� the wr�,t��� a;���c��ral o� Fr�gi«��r who wi1� be the ju�1g� of t�� �qual.i�y artr� r���r req��i�� �ortii�r�c�ar �o ��rn�sh �u��i �th�r r3�t�� �bou€_ ��_he p�c�pc��ed s�bs��tut� as ��� con�i;d�r� ��r�in�kit. No sub�ti�:ut� �h�a1� �� ordere� r�r �nst�Zl�d +�ithout s��h ��e��or�na,3�r� guarar���e �nd bond� as Ow���r �tray r�q�ir� wk���M sF��l,l �ir� fu���isl�ed a� �onk��cto�'s expeet��#. r�onkXa�t�� sha�i i,n�errti�� F}+ a�xd h�iri harml�ss �wt��r a�d �nqir�e��r a��� ���0�7+� d�rec:kl�t �r indir�ct:�y er��lo��d �}+ �r�her �� �I��m fr�� ,�nr] ag�i,��t t�� c�ai��, r3am�c���:�r .losses a��c� �xpen:.��s t i.nc�ud�n�� �l:korrl��y� Fe4s� ar�si��+� ou�. r�� tk�� us� of st�bs����ted maF:•�r. i.a�� �� i�c��,r��r�en�. G5-5.1� SAMPI�FS ANC] "1.`�',�`Z'S DR M�1TC��I�LS: Whrr,�, �r� �.�ie oninion oE the T'��gine�r, r�r a� r_�Ll�d C�or in t:}�� �or�k�-act ���urn�nt�, t8sts of, �nateriai� ar aquip��nk, a�� r�e���s�ar�r, sucfx �es�s wi�.l� i�� mar�� alr LF�e ex��nsc� �E� �i�c1 �aic3 Eor +3ir��►� t� C�tie �esti.ng a��nc}� ���r t�i� �w�er a�r�l,,��� ��i��rwise s��ci E ica ]_�� ��c�va.��d, Tl�e L-�i1ur� �€ tl�� Owr��w t� �aSc� any t�s�s ;�F �na��rials sh��t l�e i�z r�o �ra�r re.�.ic�r�# �,lz� ��r�tt•�c:t�r. �� Y�i�; r�,�p�r:�.�bili�y of �u�izisl�ln� m�C�r;i.�1s ar�ri �quipm�n�L ��i,2y conE�rrni�g i�o tl�e re�u.'tre�nent� �� ti�e Contr�ct ;��curn��ts. Tc�t;� ar�cl �ar�pl�r�� of rt��t�ri�.��, �n��s� oti7��+r�i.�,� s��rj.Fi�r�R 5,ri11 E�� in�r3� �n ���r�rdance w���.h t��� tatest r��tE�ac�s �r�s�ril�ed 1�� �h� �€n�ri�an �aci.�t� f�r T�s�ir�g ��t�r.i.a�s or. ����cilir� r��c�uirer��nt� oF th� �wt��r. 'E'�a Co��l•.rac�rar shall prc��ide �ucf� faci�kties as r.he Fngir���r ma�y requir� C�sr cr�11��.-r in� .��cl fc�r�varc3ir�g ���n���e� and s�all_ r�o�, +,ritina�� spe�iFi�� wri�:��r� p�r�nx�sion �� tF�� �ng�n��r� �s� k1��� �rtat�ria�s re�,r�srv�nted b� tl�c� ���n�]_�s �an�il. t�s�s ��a�+� !��en ro��l� ae�d �l�e ��L-pri.��,; a��src�rr��� �r�r. us�. The �anLractar w�tl EilYnigll ader�ual�_� s��n���� �r�ti����t� �k�arge k.� �he Qwri�r. Tn c�s� �� cor�cre�p, tFte a�gr.�gat��, d��a_�n mir�i��n�tm, �nd th� �nix�ng �rtd trar�s�vrtinq rc��1i�m��� sha�.I b� a�prr�ved by L'I�� T���qi�s��t- befor� �ny con�r+�L•� �.� pl.��r��, ,�nd l`_I�e Cort�act�r �F�a'l� b� r�spon�ib�� Fcrr c�pla�in� any c�oncr�t� wk��ch c�o�s �o� m��t tt�� r���r�i��m��z�� aC t!}� ��r�tract r7c�c�Gnerits. 7'ests �ha�l b�* ma�� 2�C i�ast 9 d�y� psi�r L-� th? ,[}�e'l�t[l� ��' cor��rete, usi:�g s,�m�1e5 Er�€� 1-1�� sarn� �c�c�rega��� ��m���k, and m�xr�ar wh�_cFr ar� to 1�� us�d l.at�r f,�� t.3� e-or�cr�t�. :,I�r�u�ci �.h� s��r�e �� �u����r �:l�ang�r �M{vw L���� r��yall k�� ii�,_t:�� �r.sf}r. 1=a ki�t} �x�r3 oF �h� 11�titiT R1c�1k.a�Ci�],€'i. {-'�—�.�� �'..-t"����{�'a�i �j' i�'i}�'��;�,[i���: �kj..�. :f�cl��ikc��� 4V�11�f7 c71� LQ �t� us�d in th� cor��truc��on op�rati,ar� �ha�1 �e star�d �c� �s �o ir�s�ar� �.he �r�s�rva�iors c�� �fYe ��ali�}� �i�c� ���n�ss c�F �tYe wo��k, W���rti dire��ed �� th� �irc�i�n��rr t�h�y shal� b� pl�xc��l �n +�oorler� ��.r�l:fr�rms or t�l;h�r �a���, �lean {���r.i:b1:� �t�rfar_�s ancl r�tst �r� ��7� C�-� (6) gro�n�, an� �kialt �� �.la��d u�d�r cover w�en dir�r_��d. �tvred �n���rials sY�aii b� ��la�e� an�� ���a�pd �� a� t� E�cxZi�a�� prs�r���� ir�spect.ic�r�. C'.�-5_�A �}CYS'1'T�F� �T]31.1C`�i�R�S At�l� lFT3LITTE�: 'i`k�a l��ation a�wd di�ensi�rY� sho�rr� on tl�e ��an� rr��,at��v� �� �x���xny u��i1��i.�s ar.� i�as�d or� th� �est irr�o�m.�ri.on av�i�a�l.e. O�nissir��r ��arn� o� the ir�clu�i�n o� ��t�i.1i,�:� i�cations an the �i�n� is e�v� t� 1�e ��n;;id�rad a� �Yre �3���xist+�r�c{� uL, �r a deEi�zi,h_e loca�ion oF� �xi�ting un�eryrnun� �tiliti��. Th� Ior��i��orr c�� r�an� c�as G�a�.���F w�#:4�r. rt��i�1�, �or�duil:�, ��w�r lir��� �nd s�r�ri�� lYe�e� �or �ll u�����.ies, �1:�., i� un�cnow�y ��� �.h� Own�r� artd L•i�� �wn�r assur��s :3� r+�������i'.�il it�r Eor tai��.�r�� to show ar�;� or a�.L suci3 str�tctu��s and �xtil.ities oGY ��Y� �lans �or t:o ��ow t��r� in �}���r �xa�k .l�cati�n. L� �s r�utuaily agr�ed tl�a� su�:h �ail�r� wil,l nok h� �onsidered �uf.�i��e�k� �,�si� F�r �l3i�ns far ad��i�.iar�al_ �ampen���� iori �o� ��ctra ��r�C �r. �o� incr�a�i;�g ��a pa�+ �uanti�:ir�;3 a.r� a�x� sr�ann�r w1�at�ae�r��c� un.L��s �r� ab�tr���ta.or� �nc�ou�ti��red �� suc� �� to n�r�c�ssi�a�� c�ar�g�s .�.n t��� 1_ir�e� and grade� �C �:o;��idi3�a�1� �tx�y!�i.�r�de� ,ar r��uir�s tY�� I�ui�r��ng af ��}��i�1 WOr]CS, �]C�v1:�10� fcxr Y.�rhich 1� ti0�: !ri�c1c� ii3 L'fZs� �r]r1i����L' i]n�kamer�l:�, in �l�i�h {���� t�� �ro�i�io�r ln �l�esc� v�r��ra�i: r�ocu�?;7t� ror �x1:�-� work �h��l ���ly, I� s�ra.11 �� r.h� �c��titrac�r��'� �-�s�on�i3�i.1_i�y t0 veriE}� .1pca�i�ns �� adjacent ar���ar ��rxFticrin,g +�tt�it���s su�Fici�ri��y in �dv�i�ce �f cc�r��t.r��ti�n �� �rc��r ���.�- �re ma� �egc�tiate such 1t�ca1. �d1us��ter�l�� 1�s r�e�;�ss3�y in �ti� �ons�r�c��ar3 p�o��ss �o ��rr�v�d� t�td���a�:� {:i�3�r�s1c���. Th� �nrftract�r si3aiL t�ic+� �.t1 ����ea��r� ��r.ar�a�itlaCi� i.n �r.d�� to �ar;�tect at� ex��ting 4�i_i�it3.es, ��-r_��r�L-�lr.;�� and ��rvice lir��s. �r�r�CicaF.i;an o� �xisri,«g k.k�i�1�1�*S, ��rs������5 anc� �e�vi�r� 1irr�s �h�tll rr�clud� noti�i��L•ion o� a�� :�tiiity co�n�an�as at ���si �orL-jr ni{�1�� {48) ho�rs a,r� ��var�ce oE �ot�s�r���r i�r� in���udisl�� ��t���raL-c�r�r �xcav�#�ior� i F �ec�s�ary. Ali v�Yl�l�el�l+�ll o� �xi�ting utili,r.i�s ar��i kh�i.r. �c�juaiment �I�a1� b� �on��dered �� su�sidiar�y work. !;5-5.15 INTEF�i�U�T�IQI� �F �Ff�VTCF: �. ��rma'L �rvs��u�ic�r�� In ���� nor�R�1 ��rr�ser,�tuirsn o� work wE���c* l•,��� �n����r��tFr�r� a� s�rv���� xs r��c��s�ary, k.�� �;or�t�r-.�ct�r., a� �,ea5� ��1 f�c�ur:� ir� a�va��c�, �ha1� i�e 'C.�t.;�kir,�� k:�: 1. r�nt��}r �3�� G�at�r �)�part�n�n�'� D��t�.�i�utio� Uiv i,4�i�n a� to �o�aei�n t� i m�, an� sch�+�ule �f s��vi�;e �nterr�pk.i,or�. C�-� (7} �_ �l�tiFy ��c;h c�t�to,rier per�on�.l�l_�+ tt�rouyh �rspnflsil��� ��ra'onnel as to ti�t� and sck�edu.1� r�� t�� 1,nt,�r��pLi.on �7E their servi�eK �� 3_ En �Yr� ev�r�� that �»rsonal n���:ication of a r:ust�r�e�• �anno� be m�id�, �, pr.��,�r�4� �ag Form sl�all be a�ta�h�d Fo th� cus�o�n��c's enr_�ranc� do�r knob. TC�� ��c� sl�a�], be durabl� xr� �nr��7c��LCLc�nR an�3 in 1arg� �o�d �,ype sh�Z� s��= '� N4'1' i C E�'� D�e to i�t.i t it� Iropr��v��en� ir� y�K,k� r�eiS��b�rh�od, y����r twatror} (sew�r) �ervice will be int�r- r. �1pt�d �r� beL`tve�r� �f�e �our.s of _� and 'I'his inc�r�v�r�inn�� +r�i �1 1��: as :�I�ort as pass�bi�. 'C'har�l� y��, �ontr�ctor Adc�ress ��on� J �. �me��qen��: t� k:h� s=�rr�nt ���t an ��r��or�s��n s�r�ric�e �n����-u�Fic��ry �cc���r. ,, nnt�.ce s�aL1 be a� aE�ov�,l��t �mr�edi���. ��—� , �.� rs�a���� uEs�o�v�r���lmx or �o�����mo�� : r� , �r,r�o���� a�:t� or n�gl�ct vn ti�e p�rk. oE �h� c�or�k�*:3�r.or, 4xny othr�� ��ntractor r�r any ����-�q�3tr��tqr s17aL1 ���i.'E�r loss oK C�r3Rlt'k:�F� on �:�� work, t�h� �.ontra�t:.c�r a;,�cf�r�� tn ���tt�� wi�±� �u�h ot�r�r. �ant��ctr�r or s4�b-c�r�trac��r by �gree�n���t �r �r1�i��ation. T� such arher �ontr�ct�r. c�r s�b-c;on�r��t;�r s�ail a.;s�rt a�t� �lak;� agaxnst ti�e �w��r ar� acc��r�t�_ f�E �r�� c�arn�g.3 al1�g�� �o �a�r+� ����� su��:a.'tnedt tk�� qwn��r. wi f_1_ t�o�i�y tl�e ��r�trac�c�r, ,�i�o s���11 ind�rnr�.i.fy� �n�3 s��� k�rar�n].�;s t�� �wrner .�c�alnsi�_ ai�y �u�h �.l�xan. f`5-5. �i C�]�AN=�1P: �:l��n�u� c�f ��i�}1,�� ;��ydf�r, wask� ������i�Ys ac;cum��Iated an LtYa jo� site duri�t,� k:�tie prr��f�cutiar7 �� �t�e wor� und�r ��es� Contr�r�k �o�umf�r�t� ��ti�l� b� arc��n����he� i�� I�e�pir�� +�ith a r��i�,y rouL-�,n� es�ab�ish�d ko �h� �.ha �atisfac�iari �f �hc� Lnc�a,i�e�r. '.t'w�n�}���,��rs Eoura aF��r wrii�ten n�l:i�p i� gisr�� to the �ontracL•or thak. tfs� clean-u� a+i ���� jvl� s i�� is r�r��e��3 ��{� i n v� �t�nn��r �xii�,��=itisE�,c-r_�ry tc� �ci�� En�ineer, i.E t�� � nn�rt�c�toz Eail� �� cor����� rh� �5-5 (S} ��satisfac���y ��a��dur�, the �ity ma� t�ks= .�uc� dir�ct a�tion �s �.f�� F�3qin��r de�ms a�r��'dprl�te tu �or���� 1-11� �1�an-u� ���ic���z�ies cit�ac� tc� L•li� Cor�L�ra�►ror ir� the wri�ten nnti��, and tk�e c�sk.� �r s�ac� dire�� �1('�i{}l7, �lu� ��� �L' s�ch c�stsr sha�� b� �7educ�t�d �r�m utari��s du� o� t� ���ame �3u� i:� �h� ���k��e�c�:�.�. Up�n the co�nt�l�� ��r� of, tt�� �roj�c� �s a+�k�ol� �� covr�r��3 b�r �l���� Co�tra�� i�o��mer�ts, ar�� be�or� Eir�a.� acc��kar�c� and Ei��� p�.ym�nt w��� be r��;�e, the Con�racta� s1�z��, �],�ar� and r�rtio�� from ti�e s�t� o�' th� �r��r��k all su�j.��us ���r� d�s�arr�ed �at��ria1�, t��nl�r��ar�+ a�r�ctur?s, ,�nd ��t�r�� of. �v��ry kirrd. Hc• �i��11 .le�v� th� site o� a11 +n�ork ir� a n�at an+� or���i}� �:ondiri�r� eq�al to �ItaL- vrhic� o�igiii�Ily ��cisi:�d, �ur�slus �nd w����� �at�rials re�n��red ��o,n t•_h? �i��� t�� t_]�� wnrlc sha�1 f�e c�.i;g�se� of at locatYo�� �a�:��[ac��r�r �o tl�� F.r�g�neer. Tl�e �vr��ra�L:�r s���l �hor�u�h�y c�uan a11 �q�1��m�r1t anr� ,�ateria�.�� �ns���.1e$ l]�+ h.i�n �I�c� Sli�l�, 'ia�.LV�r c�v�r �1aC11 ��h�r�,��,� �rld e��w�i��r��t�t a.G� a br.ig��, c�ean, po�i���� anc� n�w ap��arii�c� cc�nd.Ltion . No extr� r,c��pens��tion w�].l be �ad� r� r}�e Gontract�r C��r ���� c�{�an-�r� r��u�.r�d +�n th� pr�ae�t. C5-� . �8 �'I[�AL �t�����:�'��ri�: Wh�r���rt�r �n� +��r� �rov.i�+�d E�r in ar�� c�n�.�r�plat�r� ar�der �E}� �c�n�ra�� oo��mersts has b��r� s�tisf��L`or.ily ���n�la�er3 �r�d �Yr�aT clear�un �er�or�n�d� �h� �r�S�ir��e� w�ll, notify t�he prap�r ���i���1� �� tY�e �wner ar�d r�c��a{�s� �hat t�� �'ir�a� �n�p�c�io� L��+ :�t��3�, ���k� inspection wil.l 1�� �ad� �a�t��i�� �0 f�ays a��.�r su�h r�o��Fi,caLion_ �4���r s�r_k� �ir��1 insg�cr.i�s�, iF. t13� +�or� and �a���xa�� an� ec��i�mer�� at�e �our�ci sati.�f.��t�ry� t�� C��xtract�r suill he r�vt�fied fn writ�.ng a� �he a��+�pt�nr.e of. th� ��roe a��r�r tl�� �r.ap�r r.��r�l�at�a� h�s b�en pass�c� by �h� C�.1:� �r�un�a1_ �#� ti��� c1��rg� witl F�� �aci� agai.��s� �I�rr Cor�t��a�r�r I��tw�4�n s��.d dat�� of no�iCica}�o�� �� tl�� r'nc��n�er ar�c� th� date �� fin�l. insp�3c��nn of �}�e wnr�c. �'S-5 € 9 } P34k�� � � ��ld�E�Af., ��lV1]�'P�E[?�5 Cb-� i�F,,�A� RE 'LA'�'.LO�S 1�#�17 P������ E�l��PC}NSI.��T�TTY ���TIC3N �b-6 �,�C�Ai� i�E�.ATi0i�3S A�lf� PI]SLI� RESI�Dh]�7BIL'1`l'Y CS�G.� LAWS '1'� �3L" OB�ER�EI}: 'I'h� �r�ntr.ac�or sh�ll a� a�l ti�es o�s�rv� ���d �cam�O].� �ri.th ��_� F'e�ir�ral ar�� St�te L�w� artici �i�y nrdir�anc�s a��d r.�c��rla�ior�s �rhi�l� z�� ar�y �ray �Efe�L- �13e ���tc�uct �E �hc ororl� nr 1�i� op�t-ati�ns, ��}d shal�� t�b��r�+� a�tid cauwpl}+ v��t� al,l c�rr]�r�, l�w�, nrdinar��e� �nd reg�Iat�n��s wl�i�h �xisk �sr wh�c� ��a�r �� �nact��3 la��r t�,y ba�,��:s h��ring �1Y�15C�EC�if]R c�r aut�zorit�+ �nr such ��ti��t.r�en�. [�o p��a vf �llgUrld�r��c3k���l.�ic� n� i.{�r�ot•�nc� k.h�ze�F wi.i�. b� c�nsi�er�d. �`h� Con�r�ci:or. an� k�i� ��,rek��s sl���l i,n��m�3i�y anci :;f��� k�d�•��1�s� �.l�e Ci�� and a.li of its o��ic�rsr r7C��l3tS� �nc� �m��oye��rts ag�i,nsC a�� �nc�i a�1 ci�ir�s or 1�,abi'I,il-y a�is�ng fr.r�m c�� h,�s�� on the vi.ol_atmi,a� �� ��3y �u�l� .I_aw, or��_narice, regu.L�rion, o� or�er, whe����r �.t �� �}� liiiri��l� or �7is ��p���re�s. �5-6. ���:l�MIT� Ai�� IsIC�N���, TEtie Corftract�r shall �rocur� al� �e�ini�s a�d licen��s, ��y a11 ctxa�c���, c�st� an� �e�s� and �i�� ��l flotice� r�ec�ssa�y a��d in�i.d�nt t� tC�e r�ue �rxd l�wfu� pros����t��� �� �kie wor.k. C�-fi.3 i�l►'�'E�1T�D l7F�Tx��S C��`�'����PI�S Ai�D k�I���E�S��; Yf t}�� Cc�ntr���or �.s ��gu�red or �desir�� �o �ts� �r�� d�sic�n, d��ice, maL��rial, c�� pr�cess co�e��d F�� ��t��r., �a��r�r� ox �opyright, h� shal� �r�vid� for su�l�. u�e �� suitab�.e �.eqa�. agr�et��nr, wi�h �-he �at�ntc�� or awn�r e�f such pat��yt, letter, �r �c����i�ht�d d��i�n. Ii� i� mut�a�ly ag�c�er� and unciers�ood �.11�� �i�l�c�ut �xc���ti.on tt�e �:ant�r��:�� �r. ic�s �Y�a�l ���l�d� alZ r�}��lti�s nr �osl_ arisfn� ��ok�t �aR:��ik�, L`X3d�—dRc7Y�CS� ar�d �ap}+ ric�ht� in an� +�ay ir��nlv��r� i_n I:�� work. 'r�r� Can�ractar a��c� hin s��•et��s sri$�l €T�r�r-v��n�.f�+ a��d �ave ha�mless L-he Ow���r Era�n �riy ancl �1� r:iaims f.or in�rie,ger��r�t i�y rc�son oE t�� us� o,� ar�y s�}€:�i �a��nt�_c�� :�esign� d�vi�et materi.al or �roc��s, or a�y �rade•-�r�ark or �cr��+ ri,g�rt in c�nne�ti�n w�th t1�� wor� �gre�� to b� ��r�orn��� ua3cler. th�se C:c�r�tEac� ��c:u�n�n�s, and si�a17. i�d�r��Yi��+ L•��� �w��r �or an� ��st, expen��, �r cia�n,c�� wi�ich i� ma�r b� �bliged ta p�y by reti3son aF s�a�l� in�rinc���n�r�� at ��y 1:I�n� dur�r�c� CYte ��a�e�u�ion of �k�e work c�r afte� c-n�n�l�tion of t=he work, �:���v�d�d, hawever, L-]��k �E�� �w��r will a�au�ne i:he r�sgori�ii�i,�i��► to c��f�nd a��}� a�d al� s►�its �rc�uc�ht for th� ir�Er�ng����nt o� �ny pa��n�: c�air��c� l�� be i���inc��d +���n by �he de�ign� �=y�e af con�truc:ti�n �r �t�a��ri�� or. �qui�m��tit r�p�ca.f��� �r� the ��n�x�ac�� +���u�ents �urn�shed t�r� ��ntrac:t�r. k�y t��e �wn�rt astr� lo hc>l.d t�� ��ntr�ctvr i��rm�e�� or� �ccot�ht of ��cE� suF.Cs. C6--5 { 1 1 C6-b.4 �A�I�AR� �RDVI�IO��: 'rh� �ontractar �ha�� �sta�Lish ae�� �nEorce ��n�nc� h�� em�,].�o�r�e� su�h r�gu],�t�o�rs in regard to cL���I�n�ss �n�� dis�c�sa1 0� gar�a�e and wa��� as wi11 tend to p��v�r�t �h� inc�����n anr� spr��� �� xnf����vus or �an��giaus �i�se�se� ar��i �.� e����ki�r��y pr��r���t �l�e c�e�t��n of � ns��s�nc� abaut �k�e wo�-k ar� ar�y �r�����y e�,ti��r �ut�lic or �ri�a��r {,nd ���� r�g�tZa�i,nr�s �� are r�c�uired �y L�w �#�a1i, be �ut into i���d��te �or�e ak�� e�f��� by th� �ontrac��r . T�r� neces�a��r sani�ar.}� �o��r�n�en��s for u�� o� labor�r� on t�� wo�lc� ��o�eri� se�.l�.��Je� fr.�n� ��rblic observatic�e�, sha�� �e co�i�truc��d anr� tr��ir�tainecl t�� k�e �ofl�ra�tar anr� ti��.�r �s� s���� �� s�r�ic:tly enforced by the �onCr.a��or. A1� sr�r� �'acil_i,�xe� sh�ll k�� E�e�L- in a cl��n ar�r� s�ni�ary �onc�it�on� �r�e Crom ��jectlona�l� odors so as not �� ca�as� a nuisar�c�. ,�Z.l �anf�ary l�ws ���d r�gu�a�ior,s �� L-h� ��,ate �.E ���as �r�d �l�e �i �}� sl��l I k�e �i=r �,��.�}r �oin��, i�d wF�f�. C6-Fr . 5 ���S,�I� SAT�'L'�"Y A�D �OiV�l�NZ�;NCL: �S�teri�l� oC equi�m�rtt �to��ci ak�ouC th� wcrrl� sh�l� k�� sa �alac�d and us�r�, and th� wor�C s��a.�l ,�t a1.1 tir��s be �o condu�t�c�, �s �� car�s� no gre�ter �b��ru��ion �r in��n�r�ni�nce �� ��� pubtic �t��n is cor�sid�r�t� i:�� �r� ai�solu�:ely n�c�ss�r}+ �y t�e Enqzt�ee�. The �on�ractor �,� r�quir�d to maint��n a� al� tz�ies ��� ���s�� a� his worlc ir� �u�t� � m�r�ner as noi� to impaa.� �h� �a��t�r �r �or�veni�r�c� o� ��Ye �u�lic� i��l�tdi�gt b�t not la,rnited to, sar� anr� cve� �er� i�n k i n� r� s� and �� ��ss t o p r a�� r t� �crr� t zguou� tp �ltie wc�rk a�e.�. Th� �or��r��t�r �i��ll m�k� adeq�aai_e pr�vi�ions �.o rer�c�er re��or��l�le i_ngres� ar�d eg.re�s �o� rto�mal v�hi,c�7.ar tr���ic, ex�e�� �ur�nc� ac���al t�����k�ir�g or pip� ir����1La��1�n ���ratia���, �t a�,1_ �riv�way c�o�sings. �u�h provisions rn��+ �nclud� �Sri��ir��� PJ��c�r�ent o� crusl�ed �i�nne ar t�ra►re1 or such c��her mea�xs c�f, prov�d�r�c� ��o��r ir�gre�� ar�d �c�r��s fo� �h� �roper�� ��r��d by �..he dr#.veway as t3M� ���ineer rnay a�apr�ve aa �p�ropriat�. �urh oth��- r�ea�ts �r��� knc�ude �I�� �iv�rsio�n or d��v�wa� �ra��icF wi�E� specz�i.c �����ov�L b� ���� �rs�in�er, I� �iversic�n o� �r��Ei� is a����ov�d b}r �ltic� �nyine�r a� a���r la�ati�n� �.h� �ontra�l�or si�all ��ak� arr�nc��r��t�lt.� sat�sEa���ry to tt�e En�ine�r �� an}� ,�oc��inn, th� �Cant�a�tor sha�l r�ak� a�r�C��er[l�r�l'S ��St�Sr�ct01"}+ �o ��}� C;ngi,Cl��r �OY t[7� C�iv�?C�LO�i Q� l:raf�x�, a�d sh�l �, �t hi� owr� ex�e�se, orovide al� m���riaLs ar�d pefFor� al � wc�r.k �tec���ary �or t�e ��ns�ruc��on �r��, ma�r��enar7c� n� roadw��s -�nd i�ridc��s �or �uc�� di�r�r�ion o� t:����i�_ Sa,�cw�llcs ���t no� �e o�s�ruct�c� e�c�e�� b�r sp��a.�Y �e�n�a.ss.�on oF t�� rngin�er. '�t�� m3t � r i z.i s�xcavar�d ao�� �.�� ��nstru��ion materi.a�s su�l�t as pipe u�ed ir� t�t� ��r�struct�,vn oF th� work sha��. b� pla��d s� �� n�� �-� Qr���nger the woz-ic or ��reven�: Cre� acces� to a�� rire h��rant�, Eire alarr� �oxQs, �a1 ic�� ca.l� bo�c�s, �vat�r �ra1u��, �6-�f �2) ga� val��st or manho��� �n t�e v�ci�ity. T�e �wner reaer��s trie rig�� t� rem�d� an� ne��r�c�. a� �.h� part �f t�e C�n�,�ac�o�e a�� r�c�ar�s i:o �ul�li� coriv�ni.�nc� an�} sa��Cy wi�i�l7 rn�� com� �a i�s a�t�riti��� afk�r tw�Ctity�-Eou� ElaUrs rroti�� �n writinc� to �.he C�n�rac�or. � s�v� i n �as�s of e�ner�enc�r when rt shall ha�re t�e righ� t� �e�nedy any ner�l�c� wi.�ho�L• nokice, anc3 i.n e�tl�er cas�, t�ie c�;�� a� s�ch wo��C dar�� a� mat�ria�.s fur�ist�ed k�y the Dwrser �r �y� ki�� �ity shalt �� c��c�uctec� �r�rn �nonies ciu� or �a bec�m� du� t� �.l�e ��r���a��ar. Th� ��t���cacfio�# af��r a�p�ovax. �f the F`ngin�nr, s�all flot��y the Fire �e�,��-tm�nt Headq�ar��r�, TraE�ir� �n�inee�, arid police ��part�ren�r wh�r� �ny st���� o� a�.le�r is r���ues�ed �o #�e �l.os�� �r ob��xuc��d or ariy �ir,e �yc�rant is �� �O� ma�e �r�acc�ssi��.�, and, wh�n so c�ir.v���d ��r ��� Engin�er, �hall ke�� an� s�.r���, s�rr��E�st o� higkiwa�� �.� coridi���� ��r u��ob��r��t�� us� b� Eire ap���ratus. Th� Con��a��or shalt gro�pt�� r���i�}� �11� Fire ���artr�en� �i��dqu�r�er� w��n al1 €�u�h obstruc��c� s��ee�s, al��ys, ar h�►drant� ar.� �gain p�a��� bacf� �.n �ervic�, Wh��r� the �on�ractor is �requ�red to �ons�ruc� k�m�or.a�e}� 6ridg�a o� �ak� o�h�r ar�anq�ment� Eo� cr�ssing ov�r ���c�i�� or s�re�m�, hi� r�sponsil�3�,it�+ .�o�r ac�id�n�� in connecti�n with such cros�ings ����1 a,n�].ud� t�h� r�ac�v�ay ��a�roach�s as w��l as �.he s�ru��ures oC su�ti �r�ssfngs. Th� ��r�tra��or �hall at a7.� tim�s conc�u�� his �o�er�ti�n ��,tl �Y�ri �as� o� cor��k.ru�tior� �r�a�hin��� so �s nvt t� d�mac�� s�r c3e�trc�y tr��� and s�rrubs 1�catec3 in c.l�s� pr�ximxty t� o� or� tY�e si�� of. �he wnrk. 4��?rav�r any such dam�ge ma� �� s3�nw, �h� ��n�ra�to� �i���1 �mr����a�eiy satzsf� a�,�. ���ir�s oE pro�er�y ow��srs� �nd no pa�r�ent �ti�l be mad� by t�� C}wne� in ����1{3m�r�� of sucl� c�.ai�s. TY�� Can��act�r s��1� �L•�l� wi�.h the �ng�n��r � wri���r� st���roan� sk�oc�in� all su�� c.��rm� ad��st�d. �G�C� . � P�iTV�Is�,'GF�a O�` CDNTI�A�'T�1� �i�I �'I'R�:��"'.�'', �II�LEY�, A�I17 fti�HT-��'-�AY: F`c�r �k�e p�r�orm�«c�e a€ tlte con�ra�t, �he ��r�tr�c�oc wi1Y be �e�mitted i:� us� �nd oc�u��r ��,�c�� �o��.ions oi the pubLi� s�+r�e�s �nd all��s, or ��Y�er publz� pla�es or ����r righ�s--o�-�w�y as �rovid�d Eor i� t�� a�dinances pf tit� Czt�, a� �E�own �n �f�e �o��r�ct Documents, or as ma�r h�► s�oe��E��a�ly aut�ori�ed in w�i.��ng k��r ttti� Fxzgirree�. � reasvr��E��e ��nount af ���ls, r��t¢xFals� a�d ��;a�pr��r�� �o� c�ns�ru��ion �ur�c�s�s m��r be ��or�d in su�h ��ac�, but no �tor� t17�� x� r��c���ar� to av�id d�la� i,n t�h� ��n�tr���ion or�eratia�s. �:x���rated and �ra��.� t�a�:�r�a�.s sk�a�.l b� piled �r ��.a�k��l i� such a;�a�r �s n�t to interf��� wi�.h ti�� us� ot s�aac�s �hat �n�� �e d�signak�c3 ko k�e 1��� fr�� ae��3 ur�a�struc�.�d anc3 sc� as r��� t� in�o��rc�i,�n�� oc�upar�t� o� adja�en� prvpert�►- I� �he st�ree� is ���upied i�}� rai�way tra�kst ��e v�ark sha�l �e C6-� {3) �arr�ed ar� �n ��ch ina���er a� noi: t� int��fer� with l-i�e o�er.atian of tr�ins, laading a�r �r��,�-�c�ing oE ���s, �tc. Qther �:ontr�c��rs c�C tEYe c��nc�r ata�+, �o� a�l p�sr�os�s r�quir�� b}� the c�ntrac�, en��r uvon tlti� w�r�C and ��rernzses used b� th� �oG�tracto� �nd :�l�all. �e pr�v�dc�d ��.1 reasonz��.� �aci.l,xtie� �r�d assi��.anc� �or tt�� compk�tz�n a� adj�ining wor}�. �ny add�t�.nn�z grou:�ds ��si��� �y �h� ��ntr�cto� for his us� �f���� l�e prov�.d�d by hzm at his awr� cos� anc� ���ens�. �6-6 _ 7 l���LWAY �f�D�S��I�� : WFt�r� �i�e work e+G�craa�hes ��on ariy r�gi��,�-o�+�a�€ o� an� raiT.wa�, the ,^ity �ri.1] ����sr� t�e n�c�ssar� eas�r��nr �or t�� +acsr�C. Wh�re �}�� rai.l.wa� track� a�� to b� er�ss��, t�r� ��i7trACi:4r sha�Ll ok��er,ve a1.1 th� r.e�u�a�.ions �nd ir�s�ructions of i:he r�x�way c����ny as �o �h� m��fYod� �f �uerior�ing �.l�e wor� ae�d tair� al� pr�ca�tt���rls �ox sa€eC�r aL- �prop�r�y a�d tk�� pul�Li�. �Ve��t�,ations with �h�e �ailway cc�rnpani�s �or per��ts s[�a�,�. i�� d�r�� �� �nd thraug3� th�* �i�y. The ��n�rac�.�r si�all give the �i�y no�a,ce n�� 1�ss ttlan �iv� da�s �ri�r �� �I�e tir�e o� his in�ent�ans to begi�t wr�rl� on tl�at p�rtzor� of tC�� �����e�� +ahic� i�� �-elat�d t� �he rail�ra�r �r��erties. T}�� �or,tr.a��or wi.1Y not be �i�ren �xtr� or a{�c� €#� ior��� comp�e��al:,tia� for suc1� railway �rossir�gs ur���ss sr�e���i�a1�� se� �r�rttti in tii� �on��ac:t �ocurn�nts. C6-6.8 .�1�1RR�CP.DE�, WARNIN�� �4ND 1+�1�4�Ci�M��: Wh�r� �.k�� wor�c i� c�rr.iec� �n 3.« or adja�enk -ko a�y str��t, a1Y��r or �ul��i� p7.ar��, t�e Cnr��ractqr sha�Y at hi� �w� ���cper�s� �urn��h, ��ecL-, �nd rnair�L-�in ��ch k�,�rr��ades, f�n�e�, �ighk.s a��d danger �igr�al.�s, �haY1 �rovide �u�c€� v�atchattcn, ar�d shaa.�_ t�k� aII such att�er pr��a�tic���a�y m�asu�r�s Eor th� �r����tion o� pexson� or �r�oE����.y a��d r�f: �.h� v�ork as �,r�: n�c�ss�ry. Barricades ar�d ��r�c��� �:ha11 be painte� zn a co�.or tha� wi11 be �,is�.��e �t ni�F�t. Fr�m ���rs�� t� sunr�se th� Gon.trac�ar sha�� �u�nish a�� mai��,�in �� Zea�t �ne �as�ly visii�l� b�rr�ing .],ight at �act� ha�r. icad�. A s�t�f�ci�ni n��n��r �� barri�ad�s �E�a�� E�� e���t�d an� �,ain�.ain�c� L-o k���� p�de�t�i,an� awa�r fro�, and �ehicl�s �rom i��zr�+� d�iven c�n c�r i,ntn, any +n+or�C und�r. �or�str�ctioe� �� b�ie�g maintain�r.i. 'T'f�e C�r��ra�l•�r sh,��� �urni�h �v��chm�n ar�d ke�� L'he�r� 2�� �heir �-�spe���V� assi.g��nen�� in s»f���i�nt n�mbe�s t� prot��k, �i�� +�or�t ar�� �r��en� a�cirl�nt �r dama��. All i��tallations ar�c] p�oc�c�ur+�s �halt �e c�nsist�n� wi�� �he pravi.sioris s�t .�'o��k� ie� 1��e "'198Q ��x�s �ar�ual or� ilni�orm Tra�'fi� �oe�t���, �?��ric�s �o� Stre�ts arrd t��gt7w��s"' is�u�d un��r t�� a�L-�orx�y of th� "Sta�� c�� 7'exas Uni��rrn A�k �eg�la�inc� '��afCic �n i�a,ghways"', co�ificc3 a� �rtic.l� 6701d Verc�n's C��ri� �tatu��s, pert�ne�t sec�i�r�s ��ik]c� S��tion CV�s. 2'�r �9, 30 and 3I. �"�T� � Q 1 Th� Contr�c��r wil� r�ot r��n�ve a�� r�gula���� si.qi�� �n�tr�c��ona� si�rr, s�re+�t r�a�ne �igfl, or ����r s�g� which has be�n �r�c��d �y �]�e �it}�, i� ik is c3e�a_r.mkn�� ��a�- a�i���ti mus� br� reraov�fl �o p�rmit requkr�d c�ns���ac�i�n� the �antra��csr shatl �on�a�� the Trans�ortak��.o� �itid P�blir: Work� d���r.�men�, �i�r�� ar�d �a�kzng� k�i�rrsior� �����o a7umb�r 8�80-8075), �.o removc th� �igrr. In th� �a.5� nF r�gulai:or� �ic��}�, �he C��l�rac�.c�x- mu�s� ����.ac� th� ��rr�ar��n� sigri wi�:h a t�mpo�ary ��gn G����:ing th� x�q�ir�3m�nk5 a� tkYe a�ave r���rer��:er] �nanu,�L ar�d s�ch �e�np���ry �igiz r�ust �� ins���l�d prior to �h� re�nav�X of the p�rm�r�en� sigr�. �f �he �������r� s.igr� �s nc�r �n�talled corrn�tly or i� it do��F n�t me�t tl�� r.�quir�� s�eciEica�l�ior�s�t ��e p��-rna��r�� siyn �]�a11 be �.�ft in �l�c� unti� ���3 �•.e��pc��a�� ��gr� req�ire���nt� a�e m�t. �h�n �anstr�ac���n wor}� a.� co�n�.L�ted �o the :�xk�nt �.itat the ��r�anen� �ign ca+� �•a r^-�nst�lY�d, �hr� Cant�ac�or sha�l a�ain cor��_�r�� t�� �ig�s ;��c� :wiarkin�s �i���is�n �o re-ins�a�.l th� p�rman�n� �ign and shalt ]_�ave his t�r�porary sign �n ��.a�� �s�t.i� SucEi r.�-in��alla�.ior� i � ��:om��]_�t�d. '�h� C�nt��cto� v�i.l1 b� ]�eld x-�sp�r�si�la far a]_1 �amagr� f�� taze wor� or. t13# ���l.ic d�e �o �ailur� �� harric�des, sic��za, ��nces� �.�ghL-s, o�- ���.ch��r� �o �r�tec� �t��m_ u�h�r���►=��c �v�d�n�� �s �o�and �C ���� daGna�e �a �.kie wc�r.k �he Eng�n��r �nay nrd�� �h� dama��d �or�ion imr��r��z�tely ��mr�ve� �r�d r��lac�d b�r �i�e �onk.r,�ctor a� th� �on�ractor"� own ���er�se. T�� �on�.�-�,�:t.��-' s r�s�ans�i.�i.l�ty f��e tY�e ma��n���tian�� o� �arr. ica��s, �����, ��nc�� and 1i�11��{ and ror �rovidi��g wat�F�men sh�.�.� not c��s� �n�i1 �h� �ra��ct stia�.2 h�rr� k��er� �om��,�t�d a�rd a+��:��pked l��r �lie Ownei:. N� ����tp�� sa t i, or� ,�}�c���t as sp��i f����1y provid�d in th�s� Co�ntra�t �7oc�3n�n��, wi�1 be paid �o �tY� Cont��ci�t��r f�r �h� worlc an� r�a�t��i��� i��vo�v�� �n th� co�l��ru��i.ng� provic�in�r and �t�ir��ai.r�inc� of �r3�i�.Cc'7,CiC'St Sigr1S, ��r���.}, and li�h�s �r E�r sal�r��s of. wa�c�rmen� �or ttte suk�seyuen� r�mava]. and disposal o� s�ch bar�ricades, �ign�, oc Eor 4�r�� oth�r rncid�*r��?�l� nece�sary �o�- t�e pr��e� pro��c�io�� safet�t a�� �:c�nve�i�nc� o� the ��1�1Ac during t�r� ccrr�tr�,c� ���z��, as �h�s �+�r'�c i� cofls.id�r�d �o �e �u����fary �a the ��vera� ite�ts �or �hi�h �ri�.t ar �+�m�� s�s�n E�rice� �re re���st�d ae� t�� Pr���sal. ^6-6.� U�E O�' EXPL��I11E�� E}ROP W�I�EiT, �TC.: Shou�r� th� Con�ractar ��.ec�. ta us� �xp�c��iu�s, c��'op weiyi��t e�c. t�n ti�� ��os��ukxon of t�e va�rk, t�� �tsn�st �ar� ���a�,� �� �x�r�is�� a� a11 �i��e� �o �s �}r�t �.o �n�ar�g�� �if.� �r �a��perty. Th� C�ntra�t�r sl�all nat��y th� pr��er r��ares�ti�a�iv� oF a�t� �uh7. ic ��rvic:e �or��rat i on r�n� r,ampa�ty t ind iv x�u� �. � o� u�i�i�y, �nc� t��e �w�3er, na� 1��,� �l�an �.w���t��fo�� 1�c�urs in �6-� {�1 advanc� o� ��� use �� any actxvity �hi�� �iyh� dama��� a� �nc�ang�r their ar t�is �r��er.�y a],c�r�g or a���cen� tt� k.f�e v��rlc. Whe�� �_��e u�� o� ���tos�v�� is to �� ��rr�i���c� oo� t�e �roj��t, as s���ifi�c� �n �h� ��eca�ai �on�r,�ct �ocuments, ar, t�e u�e o� ��cplosi��� is r�qr�c�ste�, �h� �ar�trac�a� �ha��. suk�mi� �oti�� to khe �r��ir��er zn +�rft�ng twent}r-�au� hours �r�,or to c�amrrtencEr�g anc3 ��a]_i furnzsl� �vi���nc� �k�a� 3�e has �n��ra��r�� cvv�r�g� t_a �sr�tec'� ac��i�st atx� �a�n3��s and��r injurie� ari_,;��ng �ur oE �u�lti ��� aE �x�l�siv�;�, A�1 cl�im� �r.i�i�g ��t �� the us� oF ex�Iosiv�� sha1.1 b� inv��t�g�l:�d a��r� a wri.���n �epo�rt rnac�� b� r_he ��n��a��or°� ir�surer� �o t�i� Engi�e�� w����,n tcn {]_0} day� a�ter r���i.�� o� 47�Ltt�T1 f�O�LC� p� ��3e �Zd'iin �O �}]e ��C�tr21C�:�r �Cr�m �1 �r�pr. F.}�� �i�y s�r CC�e �;�:�iman�_. �"he �ity �ltia1.1 �roc��d tc� c�ive notice ra t�}l� C�r��ractat� �� an}� s����3 claim. Tk�� us� o� e��a���i�r�s �r���t b� sus��nda� by �he E��c�ir�e�r i� any �o����ai.nt i� r��ei�red �nr� ��ach ��� sh�Ll r�ot b� r��urn�� �r�t�i the c�us� �� t=he c���npl�xrit �a� bw�n a�drasssc�, wk��n�ver ��cplas�v�:� �r� st�re� �r�- ',c��t, �;,hey sha�1]. �e sto��d �n � s�ke rtnd s�c;�r� Gn�r�r��r and a1� s��rac�e �1acc�:� sh�11 b� o1�inly �rar�ted "f]A�1GF,E�O�JS E�1�{PC,��IVGS"° and �hall �� under t�� c�r� o� a��mp�tenr wat�;}�,nan �t ��l_ k.1�n�g. A.�1 v�]�i,c��s ir� whicf� �x�losiv�s �r�v l�ei;�g transpaste�� st�a11 be plair�l�r mark�d a� rn�n��on�d a�Or�ve a.nd sf�a11, in�o�ar ;�s �os��bl�, no� ��� l���uy �raEFer_ rqu��s. Cf�f�, z� �'�1p�K Gti'L'I'Hi�1 �1��El�iEN�'�: W����.* th� wor}� ��„s�� ov�r., tE7ro�g�, or i:��r� �ri�raL•� gr.o��rt�, t�e �wz��r �xll ��r�vid� su�13 r�gf��t�-��-w�y �r ��s�r��nt �rivil�g�s as th� �it�r rt��y d�r��n r��cess�ry C:�r th� rs�o�ecu�i�r� of khc vr:�rk. �n�r a�3s�i�ional rxghts-��-w,�� or w�rk ar�a corrsi����d net�es5�r. y�� tlt� ���3trar�l-.�r sh��t k�r� �r�vir�ed }�� hir� a� I�a,� ow�ti ,�xp�nse. ��ch addtt:tar�al. r�ghL-�-of-�r,��+ �r w�rEc ar�a sF�al1 �e �cc�ua.red for �l�e �er�a�ii: nE �fr� C�k�-�- Th�.> �i�y s[�at1 be n�t.��i,e� ,in wr�, t i ng as to tf�e r��ht.� -3�� ��quir��i befare wo�k b�gir�s in �E�e a��'e���c� a�ea. '�}�� [:ontr�ctar s��1.1 n�t c�rrt�r u��n �rivat� �ro�ert}� for ar�y ��r��os� ,�ith��L- having �r�vYo���y ��kairi�d ��.rmissinn Er,am �he own�r �f s��ch �ro�er��. �r}��v �o�i�.ca�tar ruj,�i no� bp �llowfid �.v st_ore r��uipm�nr, ar rn��e�ia1 an �r.iv�t� prop�r.t� u�Ic�.�� �r�d unti]. ��i� ���crf.i�d apf�roval o� [�Y�e �rop�r�y awn�� ha� ��ct� s4cur.�� ir7 w�i�_ing by �E�e ��ntra��or. and a co�� CurGti��lied #�n �h� �ny�neer. [lnles� s��+c�fical�� prc�v�dp�� c�l:���rwi��, rh� �oM�L-racr.c�r ,�hal1 �1ear ,�Z1 r�gfx��;-o��wa� or easc.in�n�s oE ab�tructinns +��tick� �nust �� r�moved t� �ak� �os��k�.�r� p.ro�O�� pro��cution �� �.h� w��ck as a �3 C� OE F.}7e [��U�eCt ��e��tr{,1�t lon ���r�i_lofls . i'1�� ��ntrc3�tqr sha�1 �e r�spor�w��'1,? �c�r tEti� pr�s�rvation �� and sha�� us� C�--S ( 5 } ev�r� pr�cau�io� to gre��nt �a�a�e to all �r��s, s�r.u�berY► p�ajyts, Lawn�, ��nc��k �u�����s, cur,bx��, a�d aL1 n�h�r ����s oE s�r���ur.�s or irn��ovemen��, to al� wate�, s�w�r� and g�s �in�s, �o alt ��n���ts, �v�r��ad �ol�� ����s, vr ��p�rt�nance� t��r�o�, ���lu�i�� t�� con��ru��i�n �f t�m�orar� �ences, an� to al� oth�r. p��blic or ��i�ate �ro��r�� a�a�q ada�cen� �o t�� work. �`he Contrac�u� sha3� �otz�� �h� �r��er r��r�s���a�zv�s of awn�rs c�r, �cc�,parYts a� public or �r�va�� l�r��s �r i.�1t�r.e�� in �ar�ds whic#� mi.ghl� be aff•.�cteE� oy the war'�c. �u�h nati�� sh�li k�� made at ��a�t 48 hours� i.n a�van�e o.� �.tY� ���i�e�inn� oE h_�� wark. �3at�ce� sha11 b� ap�li�ahl� �o lio�k� �ub�ic a�ti�] pri�ate �tt'lik.y com�anies or �r�� cor�or,ati.or�F �or�pany, :Lr��i�L�,ua�,, or oth�r, eiLri�r �s o�rfler€� ar occ��ar�ts, w3�ose 1anc� o� int�rest in iand �nic��� �ffp���d b�t k��� war�t. Th� �on�ra�tot' sh�Y1 I�e r���on�ible �ar a�� damage o.� ir�jury tc� �rop���y of. arry c��ar�c�.e� r�s�tlk�.ing �r��n any� ac�r ornission, r��g����, or mis�ond��� in l:ii� �nann�r or ��tho� or ex���s��,�n o� t}�e warl�, or at any ti�n� du3 �o ciet�c�xv� wo�l�, rn�t�ri.al, ar eq�t�pr��n�. V�h�rr ��td wher3 �n}r dir.e�� �r �r�d�rec� o� ir��ury ia dan� �o pub�ic ox ariv�l:e ��r�p�rty ��ti �����x��t �f �n� acr, ornission, r��gl,�ct, �r r��,scnnc�u�t in ta3e exe�utiarr o� �he wark, �r in �ons�qu�nc� �� �h� ��n-�x��ution ��er�o� on �h� ��rt �L- �k�e �ontr�c�o�, he sha�1 r�sta�� ar have r��tored at hi� owe� co�� and ������s� ��rc� propert�+ �o a�aflc�itian a� 1�a�1: �q�la� �� t1�at ��c��ting t��Eo�� sur�?ti �am�n�� ar irij�iry was �nr�e, }��r rep�ir�r�g, r��uildi.r��, �r oritr�rwi.�e rep�a��ng anr3 r�s�orie�g as �na.}� I�A �ii��cted by tl�f� �w€�er, or tY� .�hall, mak� good slxch dar�a�es c�r i�jur�r in a mann�r acce�kat�le ta ���{�� owner of th� �ro��r�:y ar�4� ���e F��fne�r. A1Y fr�sicas �n�o,a.�t�re� ar�d ��inov�� �urin� constru�t�on o� �hzs �roj�ck s��].l b� r��t�x�ed �� �.he ori�x�a� vr a bet��r �.han r�rig�nal condit��n upon camp��t�.c�n �� tfYis proj�c�. wi��n �ir� f�r�cing� ���.h�r wire mesh or �a�e��d wi�e is to b+� �ro�s�d, the C��tract�r �h�1i ��k �r��s l���c�c3 p�s�s on �i�her si�� o� ��r��xn�nt ea�{��n��1� b�f�rp t�� f�n�� is ��t. ��c�uld ad�ir ion�� Eenc� �u�� be ne����a7-�, �Y�� ��ntractor sh��� t�r�vic�� cr�s� bra�:�ci po��� ai: goint �f th� �r��o��� cut �n addi�k�xn �� �he cross brac�� ��sts �rovid�d a� �he �rerm�nen� ��s�r�er��.s 1�r�its, baEo�� L•h� f�rt�e is c��. Te��o�a��r f�nc�nc� si�al� b� er:��ted in �.la�e o� �t�e ��r,��.r�y Lr2RlC]Vt?d wl��n�v�r �.h� wr�r�C is no� ir� �r��r�s� ai�r� when tl�� :� i t� �� vacated ovnr�� i�i��, ar��Ja� a� �11 tim�� t� ���ver�� 1�c��stoc:k trom en��r3ng �h� constru�ti.or� ar�a. �'he c�s� f•.or F�r��� ���novai, ���nL�orar.� cl.o�ur�s ar�d rep].acer��r�� slz�l.l h� su�sidiar�r t� �.1�� var�o�� itcm� �i� i� �h� �ra�ect C6-6 ( 7 1 ��oposa�. Ther��ore, n� se�a�a�e paym��t sha.2], �e allo��d fo� $ny ��r�ic� a�s��i�l•�d w��h th�s wor�, In ca�� �f �����r� �� �a7� parL of �he �ontr��t�r �o ��s�nr� such Ear���rt� �o make goad ��c� c�arnag� o� injur�, �kti� �wr��r �nay, upon 4� ho�r writ�.en nok�.i�� unc�er at�di�ar� �ircutr�st:a�c�:�, and wi�}�o�tt ��o�it,� when a nuis�nc� or h��ard��s con��,�i�� r�su�ts, �rac��r� �n r��r.�ir. , �reC��i.ld, �r ath�l-wise res���re s�acf� �ro�N�ty a� �nay b� d�t�rmi��c3 �y �I�e Owrier ta �� r�e�e�ssar�� and tF�� cosi: th�r��by wi�L �� dc�duct�d f�ror� arxy m�nx.�s c��z�� or �o ��co�n� dt�e �:a tY�� �ontr���,�r �,nder thi� Contr��t, ��-b.11 I�DE�L•'i�I�E�]'1� ���1TRA�TOR: �t is und���tood anc� ag�e�ed �y tE�� �af.���i�� E��r�i=� tha� ����tra��vr �hall pa�E�r� aII war�c at�{� :�erv�r_es h��rc�und���• ,� �r1 i�����endcr�t coritr�c�o�, and noL �;; ar� ���ic��, ag�nt+ ���r�ra�� ��r ��r���].a�+e� o� �1�� ��rner. �onL-�.���or sk�a�l �av� ex��,��.'tv� c�+��:c�]_ oL• and Lhe exc�us�c�e �'�ght t� co�,tr�.1 �f�� dr�tzi]_s o� al� �hs� w�rl� �r�d servi�e� E��r�or�e� h�r3un�7��, a�7c3 a�]_ r��rs�n� p����r�ing same, and �halY be ����]_y r�s�o�s�bL� Eor �f�� ,��L-s a�rd �r�xssi�r�� v� �.�s oF�ir�er�, ag�r�ts, �er�ran��, �m�to�+��s, coG7�racto�s, s�b�or�t�a�i�orst ],.i,c�ns��s an�3 irtvx�:�es. '�'�re �c��:tr�e�� of reapon��31�t ���a�rior sl�Yail rxnt a�p��+ �s betw��n Owncr and �'c�nkr.a��or,, its o�Eic:�r�t zg��ti�,s, e,r��;o,y��s, con�r.�ct�x� �nd �u����kra��or�, �nd nr�l:�t�ng }r�r��n s�a1t b� co+��tr�e� a� cr.e�ting � p�rk�ti��sl� ��� or jo i�t er�i:er�ar ts� betw��n �wn�r and �o��tra�#:or. Cb-f . 12 ���]T�A��'DR' S F�F,S��N��B�.LITY �'Oft ��1�12��� C�A�MS : C�r�tracL•or �o�renar�ts �nc� a�r��s �o, and does iter_eb� �nd�mnify, hc��� harml�3�� znc� c�e�e��c� Own�r, iks ���i��rs� aq�nt�, ��tvar�l��, ar�c3 emp�,oyees �r�r� ancl ac��ir�s� �xr�y ,�r� a�� �1���n� or �����:s Ea� �ur�p�rt�+ da�nag� o� 1��s �n4�f;�r p��so�a.l, �nju,r,�� ir��lu��irrc� c�eath, �o an�r ae�d a1i ���sons, �E wEti��sa��rer kind �r char.�ct��-, �ah��k��� r�a� or �sser��c�� arisi�g o�� �E �r in e:or�n�c��,��n wi�l�, di.rec�x�r �r ind�r�c��l�, th� wor}c and �ervzces �o be �� r�'c��m�d her��r�c��r i�y �ar� t:r. �c ��r t its o� f i�e�s 1 3C�'�!1 �.r`-, i +'�p�o�{se�, �r��ltr.�c��rs, subc�rtrrackor�, l.i.c�r����� ar xr�vi�u+es, �+hether �� r�c�� �;aused, tn whol� or� in �art, b�r a1leg�d �i�g.liy��3ice ar� tk�� �a�t o� o�Ei����� ag�r��s, s�xvae�ts, eM�t�tr��e�:s, ��nt�-a��o��, subc�x���rac��orsk licen���s ar�� Lnvi.tees n� ���� �7wn-�r; and sa�d �on��-�ctar d�es rY�r�i�}+ cov�na�t �n� a�r�e �.o assum� a�.L lia���ity ���c� r��p�nsi��lity of Own�r, �t� �fF���,trs ag�nt�, servanl�s an{� �l��l�y��s �c�r ��a�eri;-� d�mage a�: �as,, �n���r �er.�or�a1 in��r•i�s, inc.lf��i:�g deat�� t� an� �t�d �l� pt�r�t�ns r�f �+C��t�a�ver kind �r. cl���act��-, �rheti�er ��al, ar r.t }:.��r�ed, �ri�iflg auk oE or �r� cor�n�ctxr�� wi��h, �z��ctly or in�lirec��y, t�� w�r1c an� s��k•vi��� ta �� �erEor�ne� �tereu��l�r b�r �.ont�ra�tar., .i�.s c��f�,�er.�, ag�nk,� emp.��y�e:�, ��nL•r�c��r.s, s�b�ant��c:to��, ii���s��s �t�d invi�e�.�, wf���i��r �r rti�t �aus�d, �5-6 (S1 in whole or in �aar�, by al.teged n�g�.ic�enc� �� o���.����, �gents, ���v�7r�L's, �En�1oy��s, cor�t���t�rs, s����ntr�cto�5 t I i r� en��es o� � n vi tee� n� t}Y� �wr��r . ��ntractor 1 i�e�ris� �o�renan�s and agre�s ��t a�d do�� �i�reb�� �r�dc�tni�}� and hal� Y�armxess c7�rner ��om arYd �c�a�n�t �ny and a1� injuri�s,l,oss ar da��g�s �.� L�r:o��r. t� af �he (3vrn�� dur�r�� t�e pe�form�rtc� o� �ny �f t�t� ��ri�r� a�� condi�ians of this �on:zac�, �h��the� ari��,n� o�t �F +or i� ���n�c�ti,an wikk� or ,r�sult���� ��o�, i.n wf�ole ��- fn �ar�, any an� a�_� �1.1ege� a�ts v� vroission� a� oEticers, ac�e[1tS� ��Ci�c'�IniGS� e�[11]�o�TG�S� t;bri���C�.o�S� �t]k]C:�C1t�aCko�S� 1_icer��,��, 07; inv�t��eb :�F ihe O�t7��. In the ��rer�� a w�r�ht�n c�ai�� far �3�mage� agairir�� �.h� r:orltrac�c�r or ��� ��b�nntract�rs re�nairts uns�t�led a� the �ime a�'1 �rar� ori tl�� ��ro�e�t l�a� ���n com���t�d tn the sa�isEactiar� o� #:1�� r�ir��t�r o� �h� WaL-�r be��r.t��r�t, as e�rideri�ed by a Final. �r��p�c��l�n, ��.�a.]_ �aylnent t� th� Gort�rac��r �ha�� �o� l�e r.ec�ntmen��c� l�y �1�� i]�re�t�r c�f i:he V�i���� D�pa�r�m�n� Cor a pezi��c� r�f 3� da.ys a���r tl�e ���� of su�h f�nal ins���tior�r un���s k.k�� Co�ztra�;to� sh�l� sub��zt_ writk�t� ��id�n�s s��is#a�t�ry to �f�� 1]ir���or tha� th� c].ai�n �as beer� s��tied a«� ��'��•�as� E��s k�c��n c�btair��� f�or� t}ie �Yairr��nt inv�Yv�*c�. �� �I�e �.lai�r� �o�i��rner� rem��in� uns��tled as �� the e�€pir�ti�n r�E �1�e ��av�� 30--�ay ���i�d, �1�� �ontra��or may l�e d��m�c3 �� b� �nti���d �a � �p:ni-��nal �aym�nt �'or racs��€ �a��ti��te�t su��� s��i,-�Ein��. pa��m�n�: to ��� �.s� ,�n ��ao+ar��. �q�al t� �he ��t�al, E�r�1 ��r am��«t tit�n ciu� L��� the �ol l�r v���� �� �n� writ��n �t�ir�s pen�ing �g�,irrs� the ��ont�act�r 3rising �u� of rhe ;�erf�r�nar�c� o� a���h wrr�, a�c� s�ch ��mi-�ir��I pa�r�er�#� ���y kh�n �� reco��m�r��ec� h� th� r�ir�ct���_ Tl�� l�i�p�tor shall n�E r�rc�rninen� �in�1 pay�ate�i� �o a�oit�ra��or aqa�nst w�zo�a �MYch a c�Ia��z� �ur 8a�tac���� is ou�s��ndir�� for � pa}�ci�d a� six �rc�n��s �a�l,�w�ir�� the d��e of k.l�� acc�pl:anc� aF t�e �aork �#r�or��d un���� �k�e ��ntracta� su��it� ?�xd�r-ac� a.n �rri���g sa�.�sfactory �o �.hc T}ir.����� that: l. '�he cl�i�n ha:} heer� s��t��d ��1c� a�����as� l�a� bee� ob���.nrd Fr�m th� clai�t�an� ir��o��r�dt r�r 2. ��o� �aiti� �,fFar�� 1�,av� ��en mad� �o settl�� su�}i o�t�s�a�ding �:taim�, and �uch good fa�i,�h ���o�ets �t�v�� fa�18{i. Lf �or�ciitior� {�� a�ov� is ir���l: al_ aa�y ti�ne wi�his� �he six �nontl� p�rinrlt tix� ]�irect�� sl�a1� r���om�x�e�d �h�t t�� fin�3. pa�+ment t� ��� ��� tr�c�or �e ma��� . �f c���di�io� {� ? ai�ove �� �e� a� ar�� timr; wi.��i.r� the si�t t�tnr�th p�+rxor�F �-he f����r,ko� ma� re��mmen� ti��t �he �k�al paym�nt �o �F�� �c�r�t.r�c�o� b� made. �1� tt�e CFi-� f 9 l exg�ratzotY o� ti�� :�i�c mor�th �eri.or� t�e Dir��.Eor. ma�t z�e�om�n�r,d ��h�t rinal ���rne�tt �� mac�� if a�� �th�r w��1c 1�a� E�e�fl �����rr��� �nd alY ather nbli�etio�s o� the Cont�a�tor hav� b�er� �i�� to �he �aki,sf�ction af ti�� �)ir��kor. T�e ]�i��ck�� ina�r, if h� c�c�ms it a�prc�p�iate, re�u�e to ac�e{�t hids or� ather i�Fa��r €}�pa�ctr�ent Contra�� work fro�n a��n tra�tc�� againsk �Yxom � c�air� fo�e t�;�r�ages i,s outstar�ciing as a re�u�.� of �ork p�r��rm�d �nc�er a ���y ��ntra��. �6-6.13 �ONTRA�Tp�"S �LAIM I'�R D�1M�G�5: �����d the �o�tractar clai�n COf71�'JBltiSe'l�10J3 L-or �n� ��],�y�d �3am�ge �a}� rea�o� af �he �cts or or�issions �f k�e Owrr#rt h� sh��� wi�hin ��tir.�e d�y� ����� l•.h� ac�u�� s��stai,�irsg o� �ucE� �1�eged d�ma��, m�k� a writ�en �ta�.�R�e�t� ka lil�� �:ngi[xeer, �ei_tin� ou� in dv_ta2� th� na�ur� of t}i� .t�1�ge�i ,�t�r�ag�, zn� on o� befa�� tk�e � 5�lz �ay o F �he r�ron�h su��eec3ing t1�at in w�ich �n}� �uch c�arn�g� i� �lair�ed t� E�ave l�een su�tai�r�+�� �he �an�ract�� �h�17. ��le witi� th� �r��ia��r ari .itemF��� statem�n� o� t�e r��tails and amourrk r�f �4�ch a.L�.���d d�ma�e arsd, u�Oon r�q��st�, sC�all c�iv� t�e Ec�c�ir���� a�c��� �o a.l..l bo�l�s c�C a�co�xnL•, recei�l•s, v��ci��=��s, ta�tLs of �a�i��t and �ti�er ���ks �r pa�3rs ��r��ain,ing an� �vidence as to t13� ar�alzn,� a� su�h all�ged da�nr�g�s, L�nl��s s��li s�.����nen�s �ha11 be �il�d as h�reie�ak�ov� req�3ir,er�� tlie Contr�cta�r's c.ia�m for. co�npensa��on �h�ll b� w�i•afvc�, a�3d �re s��a�.� rxo� be enk�rled �n �aay:rl�r�t �n account o� �u�h� da��t�gr�s, C��6. �4 J•1i�JUS`]�`P+QE�1'1' �R _RF�LOCA'Y'IC}N O� PiJBT.��C U`�'IT�I'I`Z ,1'S.Si E'T�.: Ie� �a�� ��. i� nec�s��ry ta �h�ny�, mov�, or alk.�r ir� ar�}� c�ta��nar. ��� pe:��erty �E � pui��z� �L�1ity or �sl:kYcrs, the sai� ���E�r���� s�:�L.l r�c�t �e mr��r��� or in�?�r�red wit:h �ntal, or���s t�Y��r�;�pan ha��v b���� iss�,��� l�y th� r:r�gi��eer. �he r��h� is reswrv�d L� t3�� owncr� aC ��[��i� ��tiYi�ie� to �r�te� �,1z� ��agra��ica� limits c�f L•h� �ontr�c� f�r t�re �u���se �� RM�;cing �ucl� �hai�c��s �� r��airs k� th�ir prv�a�r�� tl��k t�a� b� n�c�s��ry h� �i7e pPrfqr��anc� oF th��x �o��tract. v: CG�G . Y5 '�'FMPOI��I�Y SF,WFR AND DRAZ[�i ��NC��"�TXOI��: i�het� ��ckstinq sewer l�E�e� ha�►+� ��� hr� tak�n �i� a� �emove�3, ��te ��ntra��or shai�, .�t t�is �wr� e�tpen�� ,�nd cr�st, p�o�ride and mai«tain l�e�n�arar�r ou���v�s ar�d �;o��r��vctian� ��r ai]. �ariva�a �r �xublic �i�ai.n� aric� s�w�rs. The ��1�r_rac��r s�a�� al�� take ��re oF a11 sewagr� �r�c� drair�ag� wl�ich wilk be r��ei�red �rom thes� drazns a�Y,� 3�w�xs, �nd ��,r this ���r,�os� he s��l� prov�d� and ma���ain, �t h i� own c��� a�d ��c��f3s�, �d�r�r��te gum�ing facil�tiF�s a«d ��r���rar� a��l.��s c�r di�ra���ons. The ��r���ackor, at hz� owrt cosk. ar��� �x�ense, shal], con��r��� ��ck� tr�u�h�, p����, vr o�her s�ru��ure� necess�r�, ar�d l�e prepared a� a�i ti.mes ta ����or�+� of d�ai:�ag� a��d s�wa�e Cf--� (t0} r��:�i,�r�d �ror� th���i� �,���por�r.y conn���i,on� un�i1 such t�mes as th� �a�rmaner,t co��rr�r,�ion� ar� k�ua.l� a�� ar� �n ��rviee. �'t�� �xa,.��ing s�vrer� anr3 �o;�r��ction� �ha�l l�� k�pt i,�r s�rvic� �ind maii7tairte�3 u�ic�er th� Cor��ra��F �x�e�h. w��er� ���c�fi�c� or �rdered to b� �baGtdon�d I��r �a�� �r�c��n�er. �]_� w�te�, �e�r�ge, anr� o�:he� vrxt�te sY�a�� b� c�is���s��� oF ��� a s��isF�ctor�t mar�ne� so thak no nuis�x�r:� i;� �r���i���i a��d �� t�at t�r� wor� �nrl��r. cons�r�x�ti�n wil� be a3�qua�.rly �ro�c�c��d. �C=f . 1£ �i�i�A1���hi�idT �N�7 �HAi��E� �`Oi� 4�A�'�� FL�Ri3ISHEf� DY TI�E C�T�': 4�h�n t�� Cor� �� r�r, to� d�� f�es �� us� C�_ �}� w�tar in cor�rtec:t�nr� �r.L�h ar�y ror�c,Nr�acti�r� w�rlc, h� s�al1 makt= worn�Z�te a�td sat�.,E��l:o,�y �rrang�m��k� wiL-13 �h� Fort Wc�rtk� �i��r Wa�er 4��f�ar �:�r�rr� ���r so ��oz nc� - City wat�r ��rni.�lY�d to �=�7� Corytrac:tor sha].t b� c�e�.��rer�d tn th� ��+i��,�c:��r fro�n � ����ri��-�iorG c,n �n �xi�tif�g Ci,t�t �,a��. A1.1 �i��ir�g ra�ui.rer� la�y�nd �Fti�� ��oint oF de],i�er.}r bi�a�.i he i.n�kall��] !�y th� ��n�ra�:t�r �t �i� �wn ex��ns�. "��r� �vn�r�f�t{��'s r�s��n;�i.b,�lit� ir, L•he us� a� ��.L �xisr�inq Ei��e hy�r��L- an��o� �ra�v�� is d��ai�ed i,�. SectFon ��T1.� t]�E DE� [�TR� i�Yl�l��i�'��; At��? VA�,Vf;S in thes� �c�n�r�], Con�ra�� �O�LiI1lG�f1�.3 , �hen m�t�rs ��p usr�� t� mt�a3ur� �h,e wa��r� tr�e char�e:.�, i.F ar�y, For w�l:�r wi�l �� aL• the r�g�l.a� �s�a�lis���i r�Fes. V�her� ���t;3r� �r� r�ot �xs�r�� �f�e �h�rc��s, �� ar�y, wz7_� a� �.� pres��ib�d by �h� �ity c]��i�1��i�:e, �r vrh�r� x�� arr��rra��� {�����i��s F �a+�r�ent sh�].l �� rn��3� o� e�t��rat�� and ra��� c�s�ab��s]�ec� 1��+ i:�,� C?xr�c�or �� ��e ���r� W�r��� wa�.�r D�partm�nt. ��-f .�7 U�E �f� A���T���1 Dti �[]�t'I'Ipiv OE' Tl��� WpRi{: S+�hes��v�r, in the o��zn,�a�� �� �t13� �n���n���r, a+�y s�c�i�n �r ��r�i�n o� th� wo��c c�r. ar�}� struc�ur� �� iri suit��1,� �or�+�itinn, �,t rtza}� �� �u� �nCo u�� u�o�� ti_h+� wri�.t�r� c�rd�r o� t�he F�gin�er, and sucl7 ;�s�g� sl��t 3 r�ol� �� kzeld �� b� �n atiy +��y an a�r:e�t�nc� o� saici w��k or �t���i�-tur� �r arYy part t�k�r���oE or �s a t���v�r oF. �n� o�' tfie �rovi� to�s c�� thes�� �o�ti�r�c� f?o�uTn�nts. A11 ��ce���ry r��ai�� �7nd ���n���ls a� a;�,y secti�n of, �he wc��1� ,� p�� ����, u��� d�te t;� r��f�ct.��r� m.1L�ria��:� or worl�s�al�ship, ��u.i��t��tit, or �r� c3��i.�.ie�� r���ratzor�� �r� th� �arl�_ o� �he Conkr�ct�r, s�ail �� pe���r�n�� �y tt�e �onr_r,ac�.or ak hi� own ex�ensa. C'S--6.18 C�NTRAC'i`Qft`� FtE'.SPOiJSI�1L��'Y FpR 'X'HE W�1�H: EJr��x� w�-i�:����Y ac���tar��� k�� k3�� �wn{�� a� �r�vtded �or .in th��e �on�rac� �ocu�neE�ts, tl�� w��Jc �ha1�i be unc���- th� cha�ge �r��i care of t�r� C���kr�cta*� ���c� 1yr� �j���..1 t�k� �v��y ne�essary �r���uti�n t� �.rv�r��3t i��j�E-�r or. �i��naga �o �h� work or an�t ��a:t �b-� { .l 1 } ther{��C �y act�an 4�f. the �Yemer�ts or f�c�rn a�iy caus� w�rat�oev�r, �r�»kF�er ar�.3i.r��} Erom th� �scc�c����n ox nanex��utxon of L-F�e w�r�c. Th� �orrtr.��t�r� sExa�1 ���buiid, r�p�i�, r�s�or�, a�i�l ,��Ice gr�o�i at� his o��Y �xp���� aI1 �rs�uri�s �r ;�a:n��� t� ats� �orkia�� aF r�h�� wor€c ��casi:�n�d l�y an;� oF �F�� her�i�above ��use�_ ��-6. �.� NO 1�AL�T�R DE' �,��AL R��HTS: in���ctz�n by �,h� �'ng.ine�r. :�r in}� orci,�� by �1�-r_ Q�rT�er �}f �a}-m�rrt n� rr�on�y or an} �a���en� for �r ��ti��st�arsr_� o� �tr�}+ wc�rl�� or ar�y ��xt�ns.�on of tirne, or �ny p��s�ss.i.t�n rak�r� by tl�� tv�.�� s�r,�.t� no� o�Rr�L••� ,3s a�,+aiv�r of a�y �rovision of L-h� �or�tracr �o��m�nts. An}� w�iver oF. an�r ���a�i� or Cotr�ra��: s��],3. not he h��lc� ta be � waiv�r �t an�t o�hnr �r �r��sF�q�ent breach. �'�r� �]wn�r res�r+re� t�� rig3tt to corr�c� an� �rr�r tha� ,nay be discov�r�� �_r� any �sh ir�at� I:ha� r��� hav� 1��en p�id a�td �� as�j�xs� �f�� �s�rn�� l_� ����t tl�� requir�m��ts aF �i�e �an�rac� Un�ur��iil:�, �'�4b . �Q ��RSD�1A�, T,�Xl�E31�i'!'Y �F ��1BL�C 4�'�'ICIAL�: �n ��� r�ing r�a�t ri�� �ro�+i�ior�� c�E ti��s� i c�r�tr��i 17o�i���rtenh_s o� in �sc�rti:i5ir�� �n�+ ��c�w�r a� authorik�y g�ar��e� t1�c�reund�r, ther.•� :�h�1.� �e rxo 1iab�li.k:y �pon t'�� �.�si�ho�iz�d re�r�sentak�v�� of �_'�c� �c���r� �ithe� p�r.�ona�l.y or �thervri�� �� �hey ar� ag�ri�.s �tr�d re�c�s�?r7�'_��=ives oF �iY� k�i1=y. C�—�6.�1. �TA'�'� SAL�� T�1x: O�� � cor�k.r.act as�arded l�y �E�e �ity �af �':��� �ar��, ar� or�a�iz�ti�n wl7ich c��aaYi�i�s �or �=x�mp�ron ��r�u�n� �t�e pr��ri:�xon� oF ,4rkir..l,� 2U.�9 (!�� of. �he T�xa�s r.'t�nitc�� S�1es, c�xci��� anr� E1s�= Tax n���, t�e Cant��ctor roa� ��sr�k�a�=�, r,e�7i-. �� l��s,� a� � rn�t��zaYs, ��p�1i�s �il[� �qutipr�er�r u:;�d or car�s+:ii�ae� ��� t�1�re ��r�c�rr�anc�v3 oF ��i� �on�ra�€: by i����i�tig k:� h�� �«�p�i�r an �x�m�tion ��r�i�i���� in li�� aE �h� t�x, s�ai� ax��G���t.ic�n �,�r.t�tz�a�:� to �orn�1,� �ritf� 5���� ���rt�tro7,l.er's r���ir�� .[��7. An�r s�ch ex�r��ak�i�n ��r�iF����� �ssu�d ��r the k:on�.ract��r z�� li�� o� th� �ax s�a�Y b� su�j#c� t� ar�� �3�a�1 r����l}� witEti t�t� pr�vi��a�s cxr S�ak? �vrn�tr.�Ylar'� #�u�ing .Qlt, a�� �rry �t�;#� a�ol i��la1� ��:�t� �nr�ptro�ler. r«�irr�s �ert�i�ti�� to �he 'C��x�s T�i�at�d �a��s, FiC�1�P.i ar�d Us� `E'c�7C AC t . �?�r ��x :on�r-�,�� a��r��d �� a r.i�v��oper f.t�r t1�e �ons��u���ion �F � ���],zcYy--owne� i����rr�v�ir��nt in a s�r��e� rlght-�.f-w�y or oth�r eas�r�F��� which has he�r� �3�di�a��d t{� kh� publi� and ki�� t„it��r k�F For� w�r�:h, �r� vrc�an�.zation v�!�i�:h c�u�liEi�� �or ���3��L•zon pur��,ant i.o ti�� ���v�.�i�r�� oE �r�icle �0.04 ��#} o� th� T�x�s �r��ite.� ��1r�s, �;s��.i.s�� a�cX t1s� �r�x Act, �}Ye ►���ki-��tu� c�� �rot�a��y be �xL�p��c� in t�� saa�t� ��,���ti�r .s�ak#��] ���vs. �f-£ �:1�) �xmited �al,�, rx���e and Use Tax perroits a�d inEnrm���o� can �� o�taa.�ier� fr.c�cn: ���ptr�ll�r �f Public Accou�t� �a�� '�ax Divisi.at� Ca�i�o�. �t�tion �usti�i, TH �� � �6-6 �13� P��T � - �E�LRA� �����'�l'p�5 �7-7 PRflSFCIJTIOF� AN� 1�R�GR��S SE�TI0�1 �7--7 PRQ�E�U'1'Zqi� A�]� PItO�F�E��: C7-7.1 �U�L�'S'i'�i��: Tt�� Cor�kr�c�or sY�al1 per�v�m wfth hf� ow�� orqani���ion, �nd with the as��s�ar�ce �� woarkr�arr unc��� his i�mediatt� su��riflt�nda�ce, w�rl� of a vaZu� �� not less �han fif�y (�0�) �Oer��nt o� tY�e v�lu� �mbrac�d in the cc�ntract. �� th� �c�nt�a�t�r sui�l��s any �ar� �f �ne work t� b� c�one �nd�r t�es� �c�n�ract Docu���r�ks, k�� wi�l n�t und�r a�ry circu�stan�es h� r�li�v�d o� �1�� r���or�si�i�,it�► and a�].�c�a��on assum�d ur�c��r th�se �or��ract ��c��er�ts, A1� transac�ians �� the �nqi�se��c wi�1 �e w��h the C�ntrac�or. ��k�cont�a�t�rs wi�,.l b� consi�ered on�y in �h� ca�a�i.�� o� �m�1��r�es o� �or�Cin�n of tl�� �on�.ractc�r and �haZi �� s��j��t to th� sam� r.equi.r��n�nts as to ch�r�ct�r artd �o�,��t�ncy. �"he Otxrn�r �+i�Z n�t r�cogr��z� any ��b�a���ac�or an th� w�rk, T�e C�n�.r�ct�r �ha�l �t a�1 �im�s, �ai��r� ��� wo�lc is in �o��ra�ior�, b� r�p����+rtt�d either in �se�sor� or b� a su��rin�:�ndee�t� �� ot�ier �esir�na�ed r��reserr�al:i�re�, �7�7, � A�SZ�NMC�'�' DF �QNTi�A�T: The �on��a�t0� sha�� flo� a�siqn, trar����.r, sub3.et, canve�t o�e otherwise di.sp��� ��' ��i� ��ntract or t��� ri+��ts, tit].�, �r int�r�st in �r to �t�e sa�� �r any p�rt �h�r.eo� wit�ro�� tl�e pr�vio�� ��r�serit p� th� C}wn�r ex���sse� b� r�soJ.uti�r� �f t%e �ity ��uncil �r�� c�r��urr�� ;�n by �h� �a�eti��. T� tt�� �ont_r,a��o.r daes, �r�tl�out s�ich previ�us cansentk assign, �rans��x, s��l�t, c�n���►, c�r oth�rwiae dis�os� of ��e c�ntract �r hxs xight, �i�..Le, ar inl.�z�s� ���r��n �r ar�y �ar�. �h�reo�, t� a�� pers�n or pa_rs�r�9, par�nersY�i�O� �om�an�r, �srm, or ccrr�ora�ion� o� do�� by ba�lcr.ragtc�, vol��ntar� or L�3VO��137�3�Yr c�r �xy assiqn��nt ur�d�r �ts� insol�ren�y Zaws of �r�� �tat�, �t�em�t ta dispase �f the �on��act r��y, a� th� on�i�r� �f tl�� Own�.r �e re�okf�d and annuLled, +ar�l�ss t}�e Su���x�s sh�ll succ�ssfully com�l�te said ��ntx�ac�, ar�r� �n th� �v�nt af �r�y such rev��a�ion a�r ar�fl�x].mer�t, any moni�s due �r ta be��r�e du� �rider o� by v.ix��ue �f sai� �on��act sh�11 b� r�tain�d b� th� Owner as liq�id��.e� d�rnage� �or i��� �r�asor� �ha� it would b� i�prac�i�able ancl ext��-�m�1}� d�k���ul� t�o �i�€ kh� ac�.ual ��mag�s. �7-�7_ 3�F��S��UTi{�� 0�` �'H� �JOltK: Fr ior �a begir�ninc� an�r cor����u��ian q�]�rd�lOClr rh� �on�ractor �hal� suY��i� tio the Engin���- �n f�v� or rnvr� cnpi�s� i� �eq��s�ed b�+ t]�e �ng�n�er, a�rogr�ss sched��e p��E�rak��� i,n �t�ar� o� d�agr�an �o.r,m, or � b� �e� o�t� i n i. ng i r� d��a i L and st�g �y st�ep �h� rnann��r o� C�-7 �l} pro��cuti�g t�� wark an� �r��ring materia�� and equF�ment w�ic� he ����ct� t� foli�� �� or�e� to �am�let� the pro�e�t �n t}3� s�h��t�l�d �a�ne. '�}��r�+ sha�.� a'!so b� su�mz�i:ed a����� o� �stimat�d �r�o��ts k� be �ar��d ia�+ �.he C�titractar durxnc� �a�h m�f��,�tly �stf�at� p�riod_ '.rh� ��n�r�ctar �haX.l_ c�:�m�nen�e �i�e work t� b� �er�arrn��3 un���r thFs �an�:r.�c:i: �+it��n �he ��me li�ni� sta��c� ir� �h�s� �ont�act Dc�c�m�n�.� a�id shall cc�ndu�:t t�e wc�rk xr� ��r�nti.nr�nus r��n��� ���tid wi�.h s���i�ient e��ipr��r�k.� �tateria�s, and �,a�or as is r����ssary to ins�r� it-s cor�p��tion wi�h�n the ti.,n� lir�i,t. Tk�e ���uence r.�que�t�� �� a.�l ��ns�ru�t.ion op�ration� �ha�l 1�� a� all ti�nes a� s��c�.f ��d rn t}�e Spe�i� L�an��ca�t �ocuments . lny d��rixi:.�or� fra� s�uh �eq�en�a,ng �ha�.l be ���b�rtitted �a t�e �C�J1ClG�� f�r h�s approv�l. ��r�tra�tor sha.li no� �r��e�d w.ith ar�y d�:vi�tion un�i,.�. he tYas r��czvcd wrx��en a�r�ra�al from �i�e Eng�r�e��. Such s�ec�.Fxcati�n or approval �� tk�e �ngin�ex shall not r����v� �.�� �antr�c:��r froRn khe full ras�onsibi�,i.�y o.� �h�e �om��,et:� p����rr�an�� ot' L-he Corr�r�c�. mhe c�or��raci: �f�ne ma�r i�� �han��d o��1� �s s�#. �artE� in 5�ck.ivr� C7--7.8 '"�x�ens�on oE Tim� af. �om��,eti�rti" �f �}�a,s Agr�{�m�n,#t and ��rag�e�� sch��ul.� slia].� r�o� �e��skit�te a�hana�� i,n t�� coe��ract ti�ne, �7-7.4 I��h9I'�AiI�NS q�� OP�RA'�`IQ��: TC�� w��l�ing ���ra�iona sh.�ll at �1� timc� t�w c:on�u��od k�� the ��n�ractor so as ko �reaL� a mi.nxrnum ama�ix� o� incon�r�Eii�n�� L-o �1�� pubYic. �►� �n� �im� wl��n, in the a�dgmen�: o€ �ht� Engin��r, �h� �or�tra�kor ha� t��striict�d �r �losed ar i� car�e�rxng on operati�ns ii� a ��r�a.o�� oi a str��� o� �ubl �c r�ay c�r�ak�hr than is n�^�s�ar� �c�r �t�� ��roger ex���,l:i�r� �E tk�� c�or.k, ti�� �;ngine�r m�y r�yu�i�e L•h� �antra�k:�r ka ��nisl� the se�tiar� ori whi�h o�erati�n� a�e i� �ar��r�s� U�Ea�e �t�e worlc xs r_���te�cer� as� an� ad�x�,io,��l ;ecl=ion or �tr�et, �7-7. �S �IiA�A�TER OF' �J(�R�C�I�;N AND L�i3xPM�NT: F,oc�l la�or s�a�.� b� �a��d �� the Con�r.���tor �� a�rai�aal+�. The �oni:rac�or ma� k�r�ng i� �ror�r outsid� �he cit,�r o� Fvrt wor�h his k�� men and I�i,s superi�t�nd�r�t. �llt ��[��r �aorlcm�nt �nr.].�ding ec�ui�rn�n� a��ra�ors, rn�� b� im��r�ad on�y a�te.r t��e lo�a1 su���y is e�}Yausi_�r�. '�he [��r�rracta� shaY1 e�r��l�y �n��t such �u�r�r�nt�ndents, �ar�+a�r�, �n� workrner� wM� ar� �ar�fu�, r.o���ter�l:� ar�d fu�1y quali.Eie� �o o�r�or�n th� d�a�i�� o�r ��sks a�sigr�ed �� i:he�tr a�c� �he ��c�ine�r ma� de�n��d and secu�� the ��xan�ar� c3is�r�is�a1 c�f a�y p�rson or �ers�ns ��t�I,�}��d hy t1�e ��nLra��ar �ri �r �bou� ar on the wark w�t�, i.n the ���ni.c��� �� tl�e 4wn�r� shall misco��ur�t hims��f ar he found t� b� �ncoanpet�nt, disresp��tf�l, ini:�,r��erat�, di�hones�, o� C7�-7 �2) o�h�rwise ob�e��iona�l� or ��gl��t��� �� the �ro��� p�r��r�a��e �f �is ar th��r du�i�s, �� w�o ��g���t� a� r���.ses ta ��m�ly wi�h o� carry �u� th� d��ectio�s oE ��e Ow�er, ��d such p��so� �� p�rs�ns shalX n�t �� em�l��ed agai� �h�reon w��ho�� writ�en c�nse�L• o� th� �ng�n��r. A�l wo�krn�n sh��l I�ave s���ic�?n� skil�, abi�a,ty, �nd �xp�ri�nce ta prop�r�y �er�or.m ��y� �ork assign�d ko �h�� a�d o�e�a�� a�y �qui.�rn�n� nec��sar� Co prope�i� �arr� �ut the �a�rfor�nance o� �h� ass�.g�tied duL-i��. Tkt� �on����to� �ha11 �urnisk� and ��int��n an t�� war�c al.� ���h eq�i��e�z� as i� con�id��-�d t� b� n��essary ��r prosecu�ion o� �h� w��k iri an a���pi:�1�1e mar�ner a�xd ak a satisf.ac�or� rai:� of }�ro+��c�s�. A�.�. �quipment, to�1�, z�nd ��chi.r�ery use� f�r k��nd�inc� �z�t�ri�i� ar,d ��c���L-�ng an� parl• o� th� �r�rk shall b� su�aj�ct �� �i�� ap�r.�val r�� th� �ngin��r and �S�a11 b� rttai.n�ain�d in a s�t�sfacto��, safe an� e�ficier�t v�ark�r�c� cor�d�����. �'quipm�n� �n any �ort.�on �� the w�rk s�al� b� suci� �ha� no inaur� to t�e warkc, w��ku��n �r ad�ac�nt �ro�erty w���, �es�1t �rc�� i�.s use. C7�-7.6 W�R�C �CH��C3LE: El��se� w�rking days �haYl be com�u�ed si:�r�ing w��13 �h� �i�st d�y �f work ���tple��d a� de�in�c� in �1-1_23 "'i���ttCTt�� UA�I" or ��ti� dat� stipula�.��i i� �lz� "4��1��C Oi�DEFi" �o� begir�ning u�rork, �[�i.cn�v�r cor�es Eir�t. ��tF��ri� i� �h�s� ��r�tract ���u�nen�s shall 6� canstrued �s prohi.ba.�a.�g t1�� �ontra�i�or fro�r� ��rking �n �a�u�da�r, S�r��a�► �� L�gal H�.lida�►�, �rov.�di,ng �h�� th� fo].]_owa.�g r�c���.rem�n�s ar� m��: a. �► re�uest �.o work on a�n�ci�ic �at�rd��� �ur�da}► �r T,�gaJ. T�aliday rous� b� m�d� �:o the Errc��n�er �a �.�,t�r �han �he pro�e�dxng "�Y�ur.s€�ay, b. �ny wo�i� �a b� dc�n� c�r� t�e pro�ect on ��x��t a spe�ifi� Saturd��� S�nc�a� o� ��gal Holidz�t anust be, in ti�� opini�ri o� �h� �ngi.����, ess�ntial �� �h� t ir��ly �om�t�� ion af �ite pro j�c� . 7'h� ��ng�ne�r's d�ci��oR� �Ma�l. �� �i�a], in res�onse tc� su�� a r�quest for �ppraval �o work oan a sp��z��c Sa��rda�, ��nc�ay or Lega�. R�liday, and no �xt,�a corn�ensat�on sk�a�l b� a�l�wed t� �he �ont�ac�or �o� an� wo�i� p�r ��rmed o�7 su�h �, sp�cif i� �a��rda�rt Sun�ay �r L�g��. =i�li�ay. ���.�ndar �a�ts sha�� k�� de�f�ed i� �1-1.24 a�d �h� ��r�trac�a� ma� war1� as t�e s� ���ires, C7-7 (3l C��7. `� '�''ll�� �� COM���]�EM�t�'Y' A�I� �C�M��.ETID�J: Th� �or�t.r���or sh��� r�.o�x��n�nr_� tkte wor7ci.��-�����,r..�ons wi.�i��r� �a�� tian� s��cifi�3d �r� k:h� �nntrac� �)��k��c�nt� an� s�t �o��t� i.n ��� w��ek Or.d��. �`�ilure t� do so �i���l be cot�si;i�r��. b�+ �Y�� Owner �s ��a[�danrn�n� ot �he �n�tra�F_ �y �he Can�rac�or an� rll� pwrtf�r may �a�o���d a:� �e �c��s f�t, Ti�� �an�r�ckr,r ��rall �Ei7illtd��i a ra�e o� �rogr��� such �s wi�� ir��uc�� tk�aL- t!�� wF�o1e work wil� be ��r��rm��� ar�� t�� �remis�s c1��ned up i� a��ord�nc� wi�1i �.l�e �nn�r.act l�oc��ent� an� wil:�zin tite ti�n� ��i_�kr�i.3���t� i.n a�cl� dorame�ts ���d �uch �x��n�i.on of ti�tt� t�s ��y be �iro�erly �ut1�c����ed �y �h� (?wn�r. C7-7.S �]('�'�N�iOi� �F T�lHE �C�l�S�I,E'FION: '�`�e Cr�n�r��tor's r,t�w�u��t for an �x�.er�sior� c�� ���n� c�� c��n��.�r�or� ���.11 k�e c�n�ir��r��l c�rx�y �r?���t� �he r�qu�s� �or such ex���ai��n i; �ubrnit��r� �n wr�iin� ��� �if�� En�Ener3r wi��r�r� ;.;evee� da��rs �ro�n an� a�t{�� the ti�r�� a�l�r���� cas���3 of ��l.�y sha�.� i�a�� or�yu�r�d. ��ouic� �n ex��n�xor� �f th� ��m� �f cc��d�l�tior� �� r�q�s�s��t� s���:h rec�u�st wi 11 be Eorw�r�it�� �a t�� �i t� �r�ur��i l��� ap�rova�, . In ad�usting ti�e ca��tr���t tir�� F�r com���.;�t��r�n o� warlc, ����l.�3k,rak��ar� w�ll �� g�.v�n to �tn��r;;��a�Le �ause� �a�ond rh� cve�tr.,�l o� ar�c� �rith�+�t L-'�� �.��t1� �r. r��g�.ig�r�c� �f �h� ���tr��:�ar, ir�r�l u�� int� hut �i�r�it8d to �cts v� th� p�C�l ic {3n�m�r, ��L`s o� �he f}w€�e�t E���t �lovc3, t�r'�a��es� ��?pi�iemi��, q�z�r����ii��, r�;�rLfvLlQRSf srr.ik[�:3, f��3i�17i_ r�mbr�r�}a�s, ot' ��l�y:� r�E s��-��n�rac".or-s c�u�3 to su�l� c'aus�s. t���r� �h� r�r�t� �� �a«�Z�3��it�n is �a��d or� � c���n�ar c�ay i��d, a r�3:�uest �or �xt•.s�n�iu{ti c�� �i�n� b��+�use �E i.n�-'M_�r�e�ti� w�ak��er wi1.1 not l�� �o��si�ler���i. � r��u��L• For �x��r��i�n oE tim� �7u� t�� Lrlc��?LLi�:� �� ��t���, �uj�pli�s ���� ;���P��,�i� �t�� r�� c~or�si�:if�r��c� ���iy w:-��n ,� ra�vk��,,r �� tk�� �c�n�ract�c's pti��chas� r�r�3r �3a��s an�] n�.h�r p�rti���r�� r�,�t� a� r�c�ue�t�d k�y t�r� Fr�gi�tiecYr ��ti��na��:s tl�ak r.f�� Contrac��or l�as madc � bonaE�d� ��-��m�s�: �c� s�c�ra ���iv��ry or� sche�t��,e. Ti�i� shaa_1 ii�c7_ud� eE'�orts �o ob'�ai.n t�� supp�.i,�s an�3 r�ar_erxal.� fro� a�teriY��t� s�ur��� i�� ���� th� fi.r�t s�urc� cannot m�1c� deli�v�r�. L�' s�tisEactc�ry �xc�cuti.or� an� cnr�pl�tion o� the c�rttr��t �lY�u�� r�quire ws�t��c a�Zd �r��L�rF�,t-� iit �re�kt.?�� ��n�u€��� isr' i�uar�titi�3� i:l1c1i3 L`17o�e S�� f:C�rtl'.l1 1"1 �h�� c3�3�COV�d CO!'I���cit Uo�u�nents, �i���� th� �onk�act tim� may �0�� �n�r����c� �� �hac�y� Ort�er . C7--7.� �EI,A�cS: 'rl�c� �or�tr��;tar, sC���1 rec���r� r�o ��mp�r�s���.or� Eor {��1a�� �r �z�ndr�n��s �a ��te w�r1�F ��te�vpt w2�en dire�t and �r�rtv�ida�l�� w�c��r� cnst to r.�ti� ��r�t.ra�:to� i.s cau�e� by t1ti� f�il�re c�� tfti� �ii�y L•� �rov��1�} inf:�r�t��tior� ar ��t�ri�l.� if �. 7 -- 7 { �� ) ,�ny, {,v�,i���r i,3 �o h� Eurni:5h�d by th� Cit�. W1�en ��ch ex�r� �o��e�s�at��n ig ��_aimrSd � wr����n s�a�,�*ment ��e���f shall l�e ��r�s�r�R:�r� i��� �i�e i,nn��a�l:or �c� �h� �ngi��s�r and iE hy him fn�rx�a c��cr�c�t sh��11 b� ���p�ov�d �e��i r��r��rr�xd �� h�� �o tl�e �aunr�il �ar C Lnal. ap�rov�� �r di.�a��ro�►a.�.: ���� th� �ct���n tl��r�or� by �h�v �oun�i�, �h�Lt b� �ir�,�1 ar�� �in�i�g. �E d�3�.a� �s cau��d }�� sp��i�ic �rr�ers g3,ver� k�y �he Enc���3e�rb #�o stap work, �r b.y t�s� �c+r:'-.�r.�n�,��� c�E �sctra wo��c, �r h� th� �ai7�r+�, o� i:�� s,.�ty to ��o�i.r�� �t�t�r�at �r n���s�.�r� i.ns��«c��on� frrf ��,r�yir3�� or� �i7e we�rk, rh�r� �t�ci� d�lay w�l� ent�t].� th� Co�Ytra���s� �o an �=��Uiva'L�nt �x�����or� c�F k�irn�, �i;� a���i�ca��on ��r w�i;ch ��33.�, ���varrvv:.�r� b� ��lbj��� �o �1�,� a�prfa�rF�,l �f, �!if� i.i�y i,out�c�1; ��tid 1�0 5ur17 �xt�nsion of t�m� s��,�J. r�14��s� tf�e ti��7rl�L'��LOL' �x r.h� 5ur�ty on '�i� �ertc�r�nar�c� �onei �rc�m �11 his ablLgak_�t�n� li�r�un��r whi.�:� s�ti�l� r.�Mnain �r� Fu�1 �o�ce u�nl-i1 tk�+� �i�;�S�aL �� ��E l:he �r�r�tr��=�:- �7-7.1�q 'T'Z�� OF CONk�i�L•'T�pN: '�he ti�te cs� �afrtp'���i�n �:; a� �s�e�t.i.�'L t����nent r�f t��e c�sn��a��. Ea�� bi.{�d�r sh�11 i.ndi�a�.e zn �'�� �p��eo��i�te pl�c� �n l:f�e lasi;. �at�� c�F �17F} �ropr��.�l r�e numb�,r. a� wc�r�ci��3 d�}rs o�e �,�1_�nda� c�ays th�t i�e w�l.l, r�;�ui.�:� �.o Eul_l�r cr��n1����� 1-1zi� �c����ract o� th� t.i��t� �� cr}�n�,1��3�ion vri'il L�� ;����E�,�� b� tn� �.i�v i.n ��� Fr��c�sal ��c��.or� ,�� �h,� ;,�r��ra�� d�cum�nt�. TFi� r�umk���- oC +���s ir�di�at�d s��11 be a r�*�1i�t�c ����±n��ty �F 1���{3 ii�nj3 �eq�ir��;�. �_�� ���rr�n�_��t� tf�e +�kark �n�r��-e� by �:h� ���ciEi� r:oaik.r, �r,�= ���i:sc� I�i�3 �pon. Tt�� a�n��;�zt �� t�mQ s� st��e{� ��r �1�� �,�r.�;�s.��u1 �idd��r. or L-he ��t� w�. Ll �R�cr��t��� the t i m� �� C �os�p�.��ti��n �p�ci�i�ri �.n t��e �antra�t I��cu��t{sn��, Far ���.�� ��]_�3r�c�a� r��� tk��t ��ry w�:�rlc si�a��, ��mairr ��ncom;��-�t��c� �CL•?� ��i� r_i+�+� s�eciEi�� x�ti �ii� �on�r�,�� �}nc+�mer�ts, or ��� i nc r. aas?d � i ��e c� r�r� t=�t� i�y t9�� Ow�,er, �r as a�r�s�an�tticalty ir��r��s�d t�� ����itir����1 w�r� :�r ui,�l:�ri�Is o����.���d a�tar 1:�3� �v�«L-��ct i� si�rr���, �1�� sum ���r da� �i�r�n i� �h� ���Lowing sc13�c��a1��, ��n�,F�{,s oti��rw��e �p��i.��..��� ��i ok�i�� �r�r. ts o� ��Ye �or�i:.r-�{��: nr�r���e��nt�, wi.1� be d�du+��e�� Eraat �r��ni�� due the �ontract��F rYs�� �� a n�n���y, t�ut a� 1ir��s�r3�t�r� d�r�a+��s �uFE�r�c� k�� tk�� �wn�r. �l'111kJ*Y1 �C� ��lYtli��f3i.i5 $ 5,�1�1 $ 1.5,401 $ 25,�0� $ 5���]QL $ ���], 0[71. �,�Ss tt7a[l � 5, ��0 to $ ��,�100 t� $ 25�0(Jp ti� $ �0,000 "� � i�7�, ���] t� $ 5�0,��?0 [�J-7 f�} �����J��� � in�l�sive $ ir��lusive $ inc1���.�r� � �G��t��tix�r� � i�clu�ive � 35.�� ��.00 �3,00 �05.OU �54_00 �lU.�(� $ �{}� r 00 L 1:�� $1 , �� (} �l , f.l {} .]_ t c� �2,O�E},i�[}1 and a�►f��' 4�,O�C1,Q00 ir��.tr�s��� � ��5.�10 �2,f1Q[},0{](1 ir�c:��3siv�� $ 4�Q.OU � 530. 0{] `�'h� �a�-l�.i�:� ktier�l:c� uryder�t�nd arid agr�e r_hat �-�ny I�a�r� to Ehe Ca�:y �auser� k�}� L-k�� C�«tr�c�o�:'s c�el.�� in ��r�p],���,�g �h� worlc her�{xr�c]e r i n t F�e t��n�r ����i f ied by �he �oni:ract 1�o���nen�=s w�utc� b� inc:�pa��e or v�t-.�r �i��icuL<< �� ac�urate �st���t2an, arxd tk�at ��h� ""1�rn��anL• a� �iqu3d���d E3ar�,�ges P�r Da�", as s�t ��t a��o��� is � rea���nab�e �ar��a�t a� �ust �om�er��a�i.on d�xr� �he C,'i��y �or #�ar.�� �aus�� k�y' �ny de�2�y- �7-7.11 5l]SP�I��T��1 TiY C:�l�l�'i` �R�E1�: '�he �on�r,���,�� s]�a�X �iKs�end a�crat�n��{� �n ��,ch ��r. � �r �arts �� �h� wori� orr��r�� �y ��tiy r_c�uT�t, �r�c� witl nvL• b� �r��it.L�d to add�tir�na� cc��n��ns��i��r� �.y �r����,� s��; su��� court c�rder, N�it��r wi1� h� be �J i;�k�.in �-a� k�_IM� ['.il=� xtti ti�e event_ �kle wo�rk i� sust�r�rt��d E��r ,� ��urt c}ed{::r, �1�:it[�c� �vi��_ �Eti� p���er r�:� 1,.iab�,e t�} tiye �c�i�l=r�c�4�r i�y vir�t» ot c�n�r CaurL' Ord�r or �c�io� �or whi�}7 th� D+�n�� is no�: �o1.�.Ly ��s�or�sibl�. �7-�.12 'z'�,MPOft,�RY �U��31�'�d�I�C�: '�'�� �Jwnc�r Sha�l h�ve �hc ri�h� t� ��z��r�nd tf�c work ���ra�a,�c�n whaLly ��r ir� part Ear suc�t� �erior� crr n�3r-i��d� r�� �i�n� a;� i�� ���r de�m n�c�ssar.� du� to uns�.i.kab].� w+>_a!_i�fiir cnr�r�i L-.ior3� c�� an� r�rtYa� �r��avor�b.le c-n�d�tir�ns w!�i�t� ir� 4.k�e n�xii7i.t�n c�� �lze Owne� or �r��i:�e�r �aus� l�urtk��� �r�����c�uk.is�n r�F th!: wor�C L� b� ur�s�L`i�E�c�ot'y or Cl���Lk�k�ll! ��L �cr ki��� 't��;�}r.G3s� �F th� pr�a�c�. ouring k:err��r�r�rr�r ����per�sit.�r� nt= wc�rlc cr�v�r,�c� �y �_�is cot��ra��� ��r ar�y .r�asor�, �a7� []�ve��� �vi t�l r�alcr� nn ��xtra �Sa�rE��nL• Cv� stan��h� k�,ne �f �:s�TX;�I-.r��c-ti�n �qs.ii.prrr�nk �tr�dfoi� ��n��ruckior7 ���w�_ � r it sl��au�d hr�cc��ne rti�:���sary to s�isp�r�� w��r�c �'c�r �r� in�f�F�,n��+� �e�,��c��i, C�t� C:c�t��ri►r�llc�i �I��11, �L'o�'e �11 mak�-��i�l_� irr �u�i3 Rn{��7r�er �.��{tt-. �h��r w�l.l nn�: uk»t.r��;�: r�� imp�d� ���� �u�Iic� ur�r�r�c���:.�arily �Z��r� l�{�ct��ne� ���inac����] i.n �rr� way, ans� h� sl��tl ��1�� +�v�:y �r�ca+�:. ir�r� to �r�uertit d�rn:�ge nr c�e��ri.ora�io�Y aF �h� wurk �,�F3C��UCLR{31J; 1���� 5l�r��l t���ui�i� suitabZ� �r�,inac�e abo�at Lh� wc�ric, ,��c� �r�c� �.as,«I���;�rty st.r��c��res w��r� r��cessar�. Sh�4i �� �he ����itr��,t.or: nok Y��, �bi.� �� cninrs��te a pr�r�io�i ��' �E�e �rc�j��t du� ka t�atj�es i�e.y�u�� �:1Y� �;�r��rol of. and wr�1�n�,�t tk�e fa�xl�. r�r. t��g1 �g�vnc�� �C L-E�� �on��act�r as se� Eort#� zr, P���gr;��h �7--�,8 �}€TE[U,��LO� DI' 'I`NE 'tZME CJE' ��f��GE:TI�N� and s���u.l.c� i�P� b� t�.�l;errnin�d �y �tutual �r�nsc�t o� �1�e C�n�tra�to� anr� L-1r� T;ngir��er l:haL- a s�I{.���of� t,o at���r ���s�r��.�ti�n �c� p�o��3�c� i.� n�t ��r�.�1a�]_� wit!��� � r�as�nahL� g�ri�od oF ����' tl���ti tE�� Cc�n�r�,ck�r rr�a�+ b� x�imk�urs�d �rar th� �ost o� �n�vi�� his sc�ui�aisw�n� o�� kh� �ob �nd r,h�turn.in� th� n�cc�ssary ���ai.��i�r�nl: t�� r!7� jc�� t,�}f�r� ik. i� r����rini�3�c� l�y k:t�� Fr�gin��'r C7-7 ��} �ha� cons�ru�tion ma� b� r�s�me�. ��ch r����ursem�rit s�a11 b� �a��d 4n a��ua1 �o�� ro ���� �ont�a�to� nf �n��in� ��e �qui�m�n� a�d na pr�F�� will b� ��lawe�. �� r�i[��ut�e«r�r�L• sh��l i�� �l.l�we� ��F �he eq�ipcnet�t is m���c� �.o ar�ol:her c�r�s��uc�i�n p�+����t for i��� �i�� of Por� i�or. ��. �he �or�tr�cto� 5�r�,X�, no� �u�a,��n� work wFtE�aut wri��en n�#:ice �r�� the Et�gin��r ar�d sl��l�7. �ra��ed with the wor�C o}�e�-at���� �roit�ptly w13en noti�i�d �y tk-�� �ngar�ef�r tc� �� r.esume op��atin�7s. �' 7-- 7. 1� TERM��7�TIOi� QF ��N'TI�kAC�' ��E TD NA�IQNAL �M�RG�NCY : :�����ver, be�ause �f i�ati�n�1 E�n�rgcnc�, �o r����.�red !�y th� �r�sid�f�� o� �h� �anited Stat�� o� ot�her �a�rful aut�7r�ri�.y, iL• b����t�s i,m�nssibl� f�.r the �r�n�k�a�toe tr� c�bt�in a11 ot t�� n��e;s�ar.y �ab��-, r�at�ria��� anc� �a�+�i�m�nt for ih� ���ose���l.on aF. t13e vrc��-ic �itl� r.���s�r��ks.l.� c:or���rtui��+ E�� ���rio� �� tw� ma�� th.� M F h� i,���tracL-ar, ��ai� v�r�c��n se�rc�n da�s ���ify tlze City in �,�ri�inr�, g��ri�c� a�3�t•.ai.l.�c� :�tat���n� af, t�r� e��fc�rts �vhic:h ��v� b���� �nad,� anr� �. isti��g a1I �ec�ssar� it�ms a� Lat��r� ma�erials, and �c�uip�n�ri� nt�t obta ��a���. ��, �,f �.�r �n�r�sl•iqati�sr��, the Own�x �i�ds ttzat su�1Y �o�dit�.or�s �x�,s��ng �nd �i�at th� ir�a�ilf,ty o� �he �on�racto�c t� �roc�ec� is n�t �rrribu�ahlr� in who1� or in �ar� �o kl�� fault or ne�lec� �� �h� t'���r.acr, t1z�n iF �he Dwne� �ar�not a�t�k rea��nab1� e��or� ass�s� th� ��nk.r.���or fr� procur�ir�g an� ma}ri��c� availa�le �h� n�c::�s�ar.y �abo.ri «����ia�;3 at�d �qu��r��nk w�.�i�in �1�,�r�y da��t �k�� ��r�tra�k.�z +�a�t r��ues� ��e p�rn�r to t��minata ti�� co�tra�� ant� ki�•� Owr��r may car�p�.y witi� t��� ��c�uesk, and th� ���tr�,i�tia�.io+� �;��a11 b� co�di�xorz��] an� b�s�c� �,po� a�in�l ��t�.��er��n� mutually �,c:������1e �o l��ti� thc Owner and �hr� Conk.ra��oar an� Einal pa�menl: shal.l �e mad� �n a����'d�nce w���r tk�� t�rms �f t=�� agr�ed s�k�l.emeri�, wh��li shall i.n�l�ad�t t�u� n�t �e �i�ited ��, �he o��rrn�«k. �ar a11 �r�rk ��c�cu�ed b�k� a�o anti��pa��d �r��i�a or� wor#� wk���h has nol: ��?r� per�or�t�c�. C7�7 .;1.4 Sl]SP�lV��O�] OR AI3AI+�DOI�]M�[+#T �}F �'1e1� WOR�i{ A�D Ak�NULM�i�T O� CO[�TftA�Ts '�'l�e wox�k ������ior�s �s� �1� or any �or#��or� ax` s���a.�n ot �.hc work �nd�r- ConE���� sY�al� be sus����ed i�ttm��.i�t�ly �r� wr.it��r� or4�e� of t�e ��tg�G�e�� o�` the ���tract �ay 1�� c��c�a.r�� �a����i�7 b�+ t1�e Ci.t=� �o�Ynci1 F�r a�y �ood and su�tici��3� r.��ts�. �kti� E�1_.l_��rin�, �� way aE �xam�l�, ��a� na� o� �iinit��lon, �nay �� ��rY�it�#r.�d gr�unds Eo� sus��n���r� or ��13C���c7tIC7f1: a. i'�,ilurf� o� �he ��r���a�ko� �c� �om�n�nc� wo�lc �p�ra�.ions wi�hin 1:h� �im� �p�ci�i.��l ir� �he 4��rk �rd�r x�su�c� l�y i:l1e �wn�r. �7-7 �7} b. Su�s��n�i�� eviden�� that p�agre�s a� th� �or� �p�ra��on� by �ont�ac��r �s ins���icx��t to �ar�pl�t� �h� �ror]c withi�� �h� ���ci�i�� �i,,rre. c. F�ilur� a€ tine Contrackor t� pro�rx�� anc� ma�.ntain �u�Ficier�t la�or and �q�ai�r�enk �a �ar.operl� �sce��t� �he war�inq o�erations_ d. �u�s�a��:ial. �vid��c� tE�at t�� ��r�t�a�tor ha� �bandr�n�� �h� w�rk_ �. �tx}�s�an�ial �vzr�.�nce kit�� th� �vntr.a�tor has b�cor�� ir�solv�nl• or ��nk�up�, c�r c��}��rwi�� f inan��ally unahl� �� ��r�y on tk�� w�rk satis�a�to�i.l�+. �. �'ailur� an tF�e ��aa-t o� ��e CoT7trac�or �� a�$�r�re any �eq�ir�m�rrk�s of i:he �ont�a�� 1]�c�m�n�� �r L-� cornp� y wi L h an�► ��de�; giv�n C�y �lie Fng in��r ar �wn�r provir3ed ��r in th�s� �on�r�ct rlocur���lts. g_ F�i],���-� �� t}�� Cor�t�ac��r ��on���1y l�_o m�kr� g�c�c� ��3y c���'�ct ir� ma#��.riaLs �r w��k�n��sY�i�, oz- an�r cief�c�s o�r �n}r r�a�ur.e L-h� corr��Ci�r� oF w�i,�Y� ha� ��en r�i��c�as� in wr.xtinc� [�y �he �'.r�c�irY�er o� k�is C�w��r. h. �ubstant�al ��rid�€��� �� coY��siorr �aK tl�e �+3r�ose oE i1I�3r�al�y k�r�cu�ie�c� a c�ntrac:k or pe��etr��inc� �raud rsr� k.l�e Cii-}� tn ��vt cons�ruction of work �n��r Coi1 t r.�c k�_ . i. A su�yt.-�r�tia], indir,��ion t��� �,iie �bt�tr.��lLLr3r l��s r��d� �xn �,r��kakl���ri�er� �s�xc�nment o� �.i�e corit�ack �� any fu��s �l�ie th�r-�f�om �or the ber���a.t o� ar�y cr�,�ik:;�� or �c�� ���y �Llti�r p�rpos�. j- if th� �on��a�L•or si�a7_1 for ar�}► cat��e w��tso���r r�o�- ca�r�y nn LE�e wor?c�.e�g ope�at�orr �n aGx ac��pta��.� r�anr��r, . k, If t1�e C�n�r����or ��mr��rxc�s l,�ga� ac�i�n agai:�s� LI1�: {�wr��r . A���y �� �he sus�e�s�or� o�d�.r �r act.xo� oE ri�e �iL•�r �os�n�.i� shal� be ���ved oR� L�te Cor��r�c:���'s Sur��i�s. i�Ih�n w�rk i,s s�xs��r�de� F.or �r�y cau�s� �r. caus��� or wY�an th� cr�ntra�l: is c�nc;�]_I�d, �fte �o���rac�or shal L discar��ie��e t�Ye w�rk or ��sch ��rt L��r��f aa the �wrr�:r .shal� ���i,�n�t�, wl�er��pon �Y�� �ur,��i�� rn�y, at t��ir ���_lor�, a:�sume tf�e �ontr�cr o�: t#�a�. �ortion th�r�o� whi�:h k.he Own�r ha� o�er3�r�d i:h� �on�.racto� �o di�ra�itinue, ar�d r�ay ��r�or�� t���� �a{r�� �� r�a�r, w��� ti�� writt�n 4� % " i � O � �anserit �� �he �wn�r, s��l�� tl�e �or� or t�at p��tion of �h� work as take� �vf�r� ���ovid�� h�wev��t tha� �he �ur��ies shal,� �xer�is� their ���ion, if a� �l.�i W1�FiJ,f1 �we� weelcs af�er tl�� w�iLten natice to di�corr�inu� th�� work has t��en ��zv�c3 u�ao� L•lYe Con�rac:L•or a�tid u��n th� Suretfe� �r �i�ei� �u#:1��r��ed agent�. '�he �ur�t��s, ie� suctl ���a�l: shall assur�e t�e ��ntra�M_��' � �Yac� �n �11 r�s�e�t-s, and sha11 �e �aid b�r �h� �wn�� fc�r �YY wark p�r �o�c��d b� ���m ir� a�cordan�� w�.t�3 ��� t�rr�� o� �h� Cantra�� �a�ur��rst}, ?��i r�or�i�� �e�ai��ir�c� 8ue t]�e C�M�tra��r�r ak t�ra ti�t� o� tlzis �e�a��t si�ali L•h���u�or� k��c�m� du� and �a�a�i+� �� th� �ur��s.e� a� i�h� wo�k �ragr�:s��s, �ubje�� �� a�1 of �h� t�rr�s �f �i�� �ankr.a�� �oc��rnant:�. T� ��,se k.i3� �ur�t�es do r�ot, within �h� h���xrra�r�ve sp�c�f.���l ti�e� e�xer�i�� th�ir ri�1�t an�3 o���or� �� �.asume �h� �on�rac� �eso�nsi.bil.it���t �r tha� pr�r�.�on �1��r�a� wk�fch �t�� �w�r�� has or�3er�d hy ti�e �on����tar �.n di�cantinu�, t��n �1�� Own�r shall h��� �he pawcr. tc� c�in���te� 1�� ��r��ract ar oti���w�se, �s i� may det+�.x�ni.rt�, tl�e �r�rk ��refn d���ribed ��- s+xch pa�t tlY�.�r�o� as i� m�y d��rn ne{-a��ar�, and the �or��raci��r het,�to a����s tha� t�� �wn�r �1��11 h��� ���V r. i.�l7r, tr� �.a3�� pos���s ior� a� and ��� ,�ny materi.al�, P1�ntst t�a��3# r���ipm�il�t su���i�s, �nd propert�r of ar�y �ind p��vi���d �� the Contr�ctar ��or th� purp�s� o� �arr�ri�ic� on t�� vrork a�d t� proc4i�� oth�r. k�olst j3q��i�n��nt, r�at��ials, ial�ar a�rd �r���rt� �or l:h� �o�z���,?�ian o� th� �vork, �nc� l-o �l�ar�e i:o the �=���o�tn� o� �he C�ntra�tar vf s�i� �or�kr��t �xp�ns� �ar l�bor� r�a��ri�ls, �ool�, ��uipment, ancl a�.l ��c��n�es inctr��nFal t�l�e�eta. The e�c��ns� s� ��a��e� shal� t�� �i�d�l�t��1 ��y �Eti� Owr��r from su�h �on��s �s ma� b� du� �r ma.� be�o�e d�e a� �n�+ tirn� k�1���-�a€�ar ta th� Cant��cl��r u�7���r ar�c� �y �ir. �ue of th� �o��.�ac� or ar�y par �. i:17��eo� . '�hP Owne�c s�za�� not be req��.r�� k:� o��ai� t€�� i�wes� l�i� ��r �l�e wo�& c���leti,�7g �h� �on�r���, �ut the �x��r�s� �� be �3edu�t�d s�all l�e i�i� a�tu�l c��� �� the ��r�1�r of s�c;h worlc. �r� ��s� su�h exp�ns�s si�all ��cc��d �he am�ur�i: wi�ich woul� F�ave 1���� pa�rable ur�d�r �he ��n�Lac� i� �1i� �a�r� had be�n �ompl�ted l�� tYr� �:an�ra���r, �i�en i:l�e ��r��r��i:or a�d hrs Sur��i�s �l3�i1 p�� thc� amo�nt of suc�h �s��pss to i:h� �x�y �n n�tice ��co�r �he pwn�.r �F �he �x�es� d��. l�k��n any �articuLar �art o� �he w�rt� �.s b�zn� �arri#�d on h� �h� Own�r ��+ c�ntra��: a� otl�erwis� and��e �he prov�s�o�s af th�� s�ci�o�r, kh� �antra�t�r shalL cahtin�t� tl�� �emair�cl�� o� the +�orlc a.n �on�armit�+ wi�h ��e �a_�r�s �� th� s��n�ract Docu�n�n�.� ar�� i;� s��h a m�nns�� as to no� ��i�d�r �r in�erC�x� w�th �er�o�rrnal3c�� oE th� wor� by th� f�wr�er_ C7-7.15 L�UL�'XLL�SEi�� �F �O�TR��T: `�h� �antr�ck. wa.Il b� �onside��d �s ha�ring been �u1fil�e�� .�av� as ��ovi�l�d irt �ny h�rt�. �� k�oncis �r i�� ��w�, �+����� a�� tl�e wark and a11 se�t�ons or parts �� ti�� E���ject c:o��rec� by �.h� �on�r�ct ��c�,��n�s ]zav� �7-7 {9} ���r� fi�sisl��c� anci c�������l;�d, th� Eina1 ie�sp�ctaor� rnad� by �h� �r�gxn�e�, anc� th,� f.inal a���ptanr.� and f.a.na1� pa�m�nt �ade �yr th� Ow��r. ��-�.�� m����rrx�r�o� �a� �o�rv��rar.r.�c� o� TH� �w��;�: �k, 1�OTI�.E Oi�w TE�:Rl�[TNATTOT�: The �}���c�rrn�[�r� �� ��� wqrtic under t�.is contr��� �rt��+ be ��r�ina��c� h.y k��e O�rne� ir� whal�3t or �ro�n t;�rn� Fo ti�fl� �r7 �ar�� �n acc:arc�d[YCn witi7 i:hLS S�Ck,i.c�n, Wh�C�eV�� thL Ovfri�r sh��� d�r.�r��r�e �hat such� �erminatiar� i.s in the t�e5� in��rc�sl: a� tt�a �wner. A��y such t�rma.nation st�a�l �� ��k�cted b� �nai.L.�ng a noticr� o� t�r�z��.r�a t�on �o t�_h�v ��r��r. acl:or ��ec a. C}+� ng �he ex ��r� t I.o t�hi�h ��erfn�r�a.nc� af �vo��C un�er �fY� c�r���-ac�t i� t�rm�nater�, a�:� tC�� d�t� ur�on which suc:C� �er�.ina�ion bec�an�� �f���tiv?. R�c�ip� o€ �F�e n�tice shai.t hry d��med cr�nc�usi�rel� pr�sum�d and �stabl ish�c� wl�en �ai� le��?� is p�ar��d ir� t}ae i1ni��d 6k��Fn;� �1�i1 by 1�he C}wr1�C. F�r�iler# �,t sh�l� ��2 d��m��� �oncl;�s�v�1y �r�;�um{�d ai�c� ��tanli�i�e� �.�rak: sucE� ke�mi�i�t�on zs �nar�e wi��7 just �:aus� as th�rezkY �ta�:�d� and na pro�� i,n ���r c��tzmt c��man� or suit sh�I�i 4�� re�uir�� �E L-#7� c?we��r regardi�� suc�:fi di,3cr,��iorla�y ac:ri,s�n, �. �OI�'P1�}��'�'OF� AC�'10[�: A�t�r re�ei�L- of � r�p�i.C� c�C ter,��k���ian, ��nal� �xce�at as at���rwise ��r�ct�d k�� �i�e �:ngz:ivr�r, tt�� Con�racta� sh�l�: �_. �t�p wnrk und�r. �1�� c�nt,r.ac� �n tl�� dat� �ri�i �� k�e �xt�n�: spe�;ifi,�d ir� �h� nak.�ce ;�� l:�w�mtr��L' �.r]�7; ?, v�,��+� ���� fur�.��er ��ders �r ��bcon�,�acts �or ma��r�a�s, s��-�ri.ce� ar ��cil_�fi i��s �xce�t a� �tsay b� n�c�ssary For �a�npl�tiar� aC �u�h F>c�rt��,on �� r_h�� work �n���r t�� ��rltlaCk_ �5 x� i1[}� ����7�LC1t1�.�3r.�i 3. �{� rmi rta r ry a11 c�r-r3c� r_� �nd ��b��i�tr2t�!_.s to �I�� �xl:�n� tlyat t�_Ei�y r.el��� �� th� �e�Fc�rmancr� o� �vor k t� rm i r�a t�d l�y tlr� no L• i�� � E te r� i na t�n n; 4. t��r�u�?r C��Ye �.a k�e Dwn�r. and ��.l��r�r i�3 �ts+� �r�ae�n�x, at ti�a �imc.s, a�d to ti�� �x��n�, i E arYy, d�.��� ted by t!�� �;ng a.n�er � C7�7 �1,0} �. the L-ak�ricak:,vd or «r�Cabric�t�c# p�r�,�, wor�c �n ���{�c�sst c:o�nol�te� wc�rEc� ��ip��i�� �G�d �t}�er ma�r�ri�l }�r�d���� as a�art o�, or ac:e�ui.re�l �.rt cann��t�nn �rith �,h� �er€ormance of, �he wark �*�rGr�io��t�d by �.�r� r��k�.c� of l��rmir���i�n� at1c� b. �he c�mpl�ted, �� �aartra�l�r c�ml�3.+�i_��� �r�an�, {�x-awinc�s, in��.rmati�n and r�tE��r �ru�i:�rty w�ic�, i C �Y�� �ontra�� ha� b��� ��m���t�dt wou.id ���v� ��e� requirec� �o �� �u�nished �o �t�� Own�r. �. co�n�.��t? pe��armanc� o� such ��r� o� t1Y� wo�k a� s1�a�.� �s��F liav� be�rt ter�nina�r�c� by �he no�ice o� �er�i�a�:�.or�� an� 6. i:ak� s�w�� a��i.an as m�� ��: r��r��s:;ary, or �_� th� �ngin��r �a� �i�e��, �o� t�e ��ot���ioG'�. ��tid t�res��evat�on �E �a�� �r��er�� x�l���d ko i�:s �����1L-r�c� wl�ri�l� �r, in t��e pos�r�ssion o� th� Cc�nLracL-�r ar�d j_:� wE�ich �he t7wl��r 5�as ar ��a,y acq�ir�� th� r�st. �►� a�im� T��t_ l�t�r L-l�a�t 3� day� ,3F��r ��xe ��Yrt1�7��1,t7�7 d�te ��►3cxEi�d 1� �t�e n��ic� or ���mi�tak:i.�r�, t?�� ioitil�r�,c;tor or�a� su�i�it t� tl7e '�n�in��r � �_i��, ��.�L• �fiec� .�s �:�� qx��,n�it�+ �n�� g�lzli.��, c�� any c�� �1� i.t�ms vf ��rr��r�at-x�r� i.nv�ntor� rrot �re�rir���a�� c�i��ose� o�, �xcls��kve n� i k.�rn� L".j1;<3 C�i;;�osiLi�� of, whi�� has t���n c�i��ct�{� �r a�tlt�ri.red 1��+ t:�s� Er�gi«e��� . Not� ]_at�r �l��n 15 c�a�� �ii�ra�f.��r, tky� O�rt��r sha11 a�c��� titT_� t� �ut�l7 i��r�rs �x�ovic��r�, r_l��� t��r3 list suhmitted �1�a11 �� :;���je�t h_o v�ri�i���ion by �li� F.nqin�er ���r��Y re��tova� oF tlz� � Ls��ns or, i� �k�« 1t�EllS are sL•�r�r�1� caith�� �5 �a�s �ra�a kl�e c3x��,c� of subm�s�i�r� o� I:h� �is�, anei any �ti�ces�ary �{�1 jo�sl.m�nts �� cor:•�-��t �h�s � i s� a s s u�� Fn i+F ��,� �� h a 1.k. i�e r� �� d e � r i o.�c i: s:� F i r� a� se��l�rn���t. �. '1'�1�l+�II�ATI�JN �LAI�1: Within GO da�9 aft�� n�l:kc� �� �errnia�atic�nt t��� Curit�acl:�.�� sh��1 ��.�b���� �.zs I:�CIYl3,1'1��1C]ri c:l��« tr� L•I�e Fnc�ir��er in �he �orm and w#.�i7 �h� ��r��Fi��t.�o�i �rescribed b�r t�3� �r�gin��r, Unl.�s� an� �r rnor� ��ct�nsions �n wrf�in� ar� �ranL•�d by th+� qwr�er ���ok�j requ��t oF th� Con#:.�-act+��, �nac�� in wr�,�xr�g withi,n �u�� b0-��y pr�r�od �r ��.��hnr��,ec� ��tLer�s�on t?�ar�a� F an� ��d �11 ��t�ii cla��� sE1a11 k�r� con�-�u�i��ty t���med v�����d_ �7-7 {�1) �. 2�M�)�I��rS: Sub,j���, �_t3 kl�� �rovi:;�ons oC .t�=e�n C7Y�.1�,(C}, l=h� C_'or�La'��k,�r. and �Jwn�� ma� �g��� u���rr tk�� wt�o�e �r any �art� r�� ��� amount or amoun�:� L-o �� �a,��i.�� to tt�� �o�tr�ck.o� �y r�as��x ot tlxe tol��l csr p�,rtxa.t ��3rmfna�:ior� oF �rork purs4�ar�L- h�r��o; �r�v�dedk ti�a� r�uch agr.��d �,mour�� or a�au�ts srr�X�. n�v+�r �xc:eet� tli� �a�al� co�t�a�i: ��i�� as r.�c��tc�c� �� the amount �f �ay�ae��_s ath�rvrise ��a�� �nd �� fu��the� r�duce� by �h� �o��ttra�l price ot warfc n�t ��r��t�s�at�d. '1'h� r:�}r�tra�� sh�3�2 be am��Ycie�i a��c�rciing]y, �nc� t�e ��or�tr�c��r sh��l �� paid �ii� �tgreed ��no�.���� . Nn a�no��r�t �f�al� l�� du� ��r �.o�� �r ar�l•�.ci�a�t_;cl pro��ks. �a�hing �n �7�-7,1,6(E} h�r�aF�.�r, ���scrihirl� t:�� ame�unt t� 1�� pa�.d tn �_kie �or3tr.,�r�oe irs rli� ev�n� oE Cai��r� �� k.he �:��7Lra��c�r by T�ason o.� th� te�min��iorx �� �roric �ur;��ant to �.I�i� se�ti,un, sha11 b� do�r��� �:o Y.irnat:, rest�ick,. or ��h�rv�is� c��t��mii7e or a����F th+� a�n���zt ��r t���o�sn�s wk�ich r�ka� b� a�ra�d u��r� l-o k�e p�i� tc� �i��� �.o�titr�c�ar. pursu�r�t ta L•l�i� �arayra�h. �. FI+�TLU��� T� �GF���: 'ln l_i7� �vent o� t�}�� f�ilure c�.F t�.Fy� ��E��rac���- ar�e� �E�� Own�r �o ac�rrx� as ����.ide�3 x,i �7-�, lf, �T�� ����r� l=�r� �rhv�� rif3'k�]L1RI; �,CJ �e ���i� �o �.F�e C�r���,�?a�tor �y r����r� �� t1�� ��t•mir��tioe� a� wc�ric p�rs��ar�� �� L-1�z� ��ct��n t}ti� �wn�r s}���,� �let�rrninet ��ti k_rti� ba��� oF ir�Eo�emat���n avaiia�l�x t� ikt ��3r� amoanl:, i� anyt dts� t� �he ��r1k�r��E�r ���r r��:;o�� n� ��te te�rp�.n��i�n �r�r3 sl�al� �ay �.o t��+ C�il�r�ctnr tl�e aG���xt�nts ci�t�rr��i�3�d_ No a�nount slti�l.l �e ciu� for .Lo�� or anFi�i�al��d pr�Fi��. F. uLDll�Tro��: �n arri�rir�g at rh� aru�ur�t �i��� r..�,r� c:��l�r. �ctor s�n��r th i s s�c� i,an, t��r.� sh�� .I. Y��. dec7�c�=�ai {�] a�� �f� I i��uida��d adva��c� o� c�th��- ���r��er�t� c��� ��;�:ount i.atir�retofore [��de t:� �Lh� �onkrac�or�, ap�l, i��r��Yf3 t;� �k�c terr��n,at��3 po� ti��n ai= �ha� contrac�; {U) a+�y c1az�G 4�f�11�I1 L•.he Owrt�r �r��}� IzaV� �y�ir�s� �}74~ Cvoritr�C�t��£ 1�1 �OrY[7�cLi�]ri u�i�f3 k:tik� r�ontra�l:; ��d {�) i.he .��reed ��ric� F«r, �r ttt� �>�oceerl� oC �a�� oF, ae�y m���r���,, su��Y�es ��r +�t��{xr t��in�, 1c��t by l:he �os�tr,���;�� ���� �v��, ��ur�;�anh �.o tl�t� ��r�visz�ns �� this c1a��c, an� sYc�t c�tY�erwi�;� r�cav�r.:� i�� or c��di��d to �1�� O�tnc�r. �. A€7JUSTM�"C�T: if t�e �err�ina�ion t�creunder b� park�a�.,� � L�e ar tc� i�l�� satt�,��t��t af. ti�� ��a-ioir�a��d pa���vn v.� �:E�i.� can�r�ct, �k�� ��ntr,�rv�,or �nay fil�� wit�� kh� �:r�gir�e�� 3��qu�st� i,n w�iting ��r �n �7-�7 Ll� � avg��il=al��,� ��jus��n���t a� �13� �ric� or pri�es �.pe�:iEied iri t��e ca��trac� r�la�ing to khc� conL�n��d ��r��o�Y �� k:h� c����tx�a��r {"th� p�r�ior� i�o� �er,mitxai:�}d b�+ ��hc� no�:ice oF L•er��n��ion}, suc1� e��i�able �d�u��.,nt3ni•_ as rn�y b� �����d ��on sha�.� be ���,� i« su�l� �ri�e or I�ri��s; r�othin� �an��znec� h�re�nt }�rrw�v�r� �ha11 ��r�it the ri�t'�t Of khe C7wner �r�� �}��? C�t7�rac�•_or �o agr�� ��}rJkl �h� �moun� or �mounts ta k�r� ��ai,� t�� th� Cc�ntrac�o� �o� �Y�e �o�t�letior� oE t�t� con�inued p�rtion �f tt�e co�trac� w�e�t aaid c�iztra�t d��s n�t ��r�t�in ��t ��ta�lislti�d �vn�ra�� ��ricf� �o� ��ch co�ytinu�d ��r. tior�. f�. f�0 i��M.�TA'�'Y.O�I ��� ����I'��; lVot�lin� ��r��airl�d �r� i:hx� sec�ior� sha11 la.m�.� or a�k�� k�i� ri�itt� w]7ici� tlie Ov,Fn��- m�y hav�: F.or kez��ni.r�a��o�� o� �131.43 �on�ract Ll�ic��r ;,7--7.�4 h�re�� erstit�.�d '°��x��ensi.c�r� o� Al�anr�nn«���t c��� tE�e work an� �►m�«�ment �� �on�rac�'� �r an� vt}�er rig�i� t���c� O�rr��r. inay l��v� ��r ���au�� c�� E�r-�a�h oE ca�ztra�t hy �c�n��a��o�. �'7-7.17 �Ar�T]� t��Tf�OD� AE�� i�1�ACTI���: 3'h� ��n�.r��t�r s��l� b� r�+s�o�sih�e Ear initi���i.r�gr 17i�i�1�r71f311iC�, ar�c� sup���risinr� �11 ssa���� ��e�auL����ns ak�d ��co��ar�s �n �nnn��tio� wi��� 1��� w�rk �i� �1,1 �im�s anr� sh�11 ��sum� a11 ��s��ns����.i���s �ar. their �«force�n�nL• . Th� ��r�Lr���or �t�al.l �:o��p�.y c�i�h ����ra�, ��at�t �nd la�al ]_�vrs, �rd��anc��, ar7� r���,��atxor�s �� as �o ��otecL• p�rson a�nci �3�co�ert� from in�ur�+, in�Lu��.nq deakh, ar �a�ag� in con�r�a��.or� w.i I_li L- l�re vxc� C i[ . �7-7 {13) P��� � - G��ERAL �DNDITIO�� C8-8 �EA�[71��M��1T At�� �A'��NT SE�TIO�] CS-� i*fEA�[7R����T AND PAY!'�iE�l�' �8-8.,1. MEA��3R�I���1"!' 0�` 4�A�N'FI����'S: �'he d�t�rmittation 4f q�antit��s of wo�r�C perEc�rmed b� �h� �onkra�tar ar�d a��h�ri�ed ��+ ��� �ar,�ract Da��ments a��e�tably �om�leted �nd�x- �he �erms o� �he �ari�r�c� pocum�nt� sl��a11 b� �ade by tl�� Enc�in��r, b�s�d o� �ea��r�m�r�Ls m�d� �+�+ th� Engineer. T�es� m�a�ur�ments w��.l 1�� r�.�d� ���ording �_� ki�� Unxt�d �t�t�s Skandard n��assyr. �m�r�i�s �s�d in c�m�txvr� pracGic�, and wxll be �h� actua? ��ngt�, ar�a, s�1 ic� conter�is, num��rs ��r�d we�g�ts of tE�� rna�er ia 1.s an� i��mS znstall�[i, C8--8.� I�I�IT i�i���E�: 4�h�� ir� t�� Pr�posa� a"�nit �rice" �s s��t fo�t�,, �It� sa�d "'lJn.it Pric�" sl�a�l i�clude the �urn�s�ing C�y �he Ca�tr�ct�r oE a1.1 labor, t�o�s, ma��rials, r�a�hiner�, �c�tli�men�, applianc�� ar�c� a�{�u�ter�ance� ne���sary �or t�e �0�75�.L'I�Ck.1�11 af and t�tie c�inp�.e�ion in a, mar�n�� acce���bie t� tY�e �n+�in��r a� al� ��rk r_r� iae done ur�d�r t�ie�e �.�ntr��� L�acut�ents . '��e "i�r�i� Pr���" shalY in�lud� a�1. �er�an�n� �r�� ��rn��rar� ���ter,:tivr� o� ov�rheac�, �u�i`acet anc� ur���rg�-�und st�uc�ures, clear��l�r �1S7�9i1BC�, ove�li�ad r�x�ense# ��nd, insurar���t �a��nt ��es, �c�yalt,:i.�s, ris�C du� t� �h� �l�rnents az�cl �th�x cause.s, c��l��s� profi�s, in�u�i��, �lar�ag�s c�ai�t�� �ax�st and all oth�r �t�ms a�rt s�a��if icail.y inentia��d tt�at may oe requir�d �� f�ll�r c�r�stru�t �ach ite� a� ��t� work c�mpl�t� in p1��� �r�d in � s��isfactor�r �otfdition �or oper�itiOrt. �8--�.3 ]:.FL1MP �UM� WY�er� tr� �he Prapt�saY a"i��r[�� �um" is set forth, th� said '"�,um� Sur�" sl�a1� r��r�se�� tE�� ��t��. cos� �o� th� �ant�a��c�r �o �aare�ish a1� l�,b�r, �ools, rnateri,als, r�aci�iner}�F �q�i�mer��, ap�au�k��a«��s, a�d �.il subsida�y work n�^�s���y �or ti�� cons�r�c��on and corn1�l��.ion o� al� the w�rS� t� prov�d� a comnl�te and �un�ki�nal ���m �s detai�.�d zr� �he �p���a�. ���ntract ��c�am�n�.s �r�dJor F1ans. CB--$.4 ���PE �F PAY�1Eri��!': '�h� �.oni:���t�r Shall r�c'e�va and acce��. �.he ��r�pensa��a�, as t�erein �rovkde3t in fu��, �a�r�e�t E�r f��r��shi�g �lY �aba�, tool�, ma��rfa.].s, an� in����r��a�s ��or ����orm�nc� al'1 wc�r�s ��n�empla��d artd em�ra��d und�t• t�es� �or���a�t 1�ocume�ts, ��r aY� �oas an�i c�ar��ge a�i.sing out of �he E�ats�re oF �he wve�t o� �r��� tne acti�� of t�x� el�merits, �ar an� un��or�s��n d����rs or oi��tr���iar�� wi�i�h may ari�� �r �� �r�c��xr��er�c� c3�x� i�g tl�� pras�c��t �or� o� �he +�or�c at arr� t im� C8�8 �1) i')c'1-.1C� l r: _ . 1.�1=:i _l '�_''_'4}`�_L�:Li'�=: 2_r5f` L:l� I];�Cl��� {e3}S{:�Dt dLS �7C+�Vj+�aC� i� ��r�gr�ph C�-�5 . i� � Ec�r a 11 ris�cs o� w��at��r�� desc� i�Li�r� cor�n��k�d with �ti� �ro��crxl-��� o� the v��r1�, �or a�� �xpen�e i���rr�c� �y �r �r� cor�ses�u�nce o� sus��nsx�r� or c3is�c���i,nu�nc-� �� s��h p�o�ecution �� t�� w�r�€ing ��er�tfp�x� as herein s�er�i�ie�, or �r7� ��c� all i.nfr�ng�rn�nts o€ ��kentsr Lrad�nn�rk�r �:�p�t���t��.s, �r ���e� legal re��rvations� a�ti� ��r �o��i.���ing �h� w�rk in an a��ep��b�.e mar�r��� ��co�n�inn� �� t�� ��rrns of th� ��nt���t €�ocurn��ts. Tk�e ��ymen� r�� �ny �;u���ent� or �ar�ial �sti�t���.� �rior t�� �in�.1 �cce��z�r��� a� the wari€ by �t�e �wn�r shaLl i►i no way cons�itu�e ar� ac�tnt�wle��«�nt o� th� a��e��anc� o� tl�� w�.�l�, mat�rial�, �r eq�iprae�,t, nor in any +��y pre�uc3i�e �r aE��ct� th� vb�xgations �E �he �r�ntra�to� t� �r���ir, corr�ct, �er�e+�, �r r�p.�.�c? �,� his �wn and pro��r �x��n�� a�� d����ts �r. �.rnp+�rFec��.or,s ir� �h� r�rrstr+��t�ia€� �r ir� t#�� �trRr�qt� or qua].i�y o� the ma��r�al u�ed o� �q�:i��m�n�:, �r rnacf�iner� furn�sh�d �r� �r aba{3t� th� const�,��� i�n o� ��� wor�C ��nd�r �on�r.��t �rid i�s �pp�trt��r�,�nc�s, or an� da�na�g� �u� or at�ribu��d �� a,�ch d�C�c�s, wi��ch c��f��ts, irnp�r��ct�or�# {}� d�in�g� st���� hav� b��:� dzsco�r�r��c� or� �r ��Ear� tF�� .�inal ins����tian and a��ept�r��� o� vrork ;�r �3uri�K� r_h� one �+va� guara�ty �eriod a�t�r fi�a1 a��eata�7w�. �he r�wner �l�al l�e �he s�le judy� ;�F suci� c��f�c�ts, i_ni� �r C��� �on�+ �r d�,mag�t an�� tk�� �or��r�c���e sha11 be �i�bX� tti� �f�� Owr�er �o� �E�i��re to ��rr�r,� t�r� �a;�� as �rovide� il�'r� �C� . ��-B.5 �+��t'Z'iA�� E5'�'l�iA,'1'�S A[�D �E'�`1��NA�L�: ���w���t k�t� 13t �nd 5t1� d�y ot e��;�y r�on�� tl�e �ontractor shaLL sub�ri� to th� i��e�gi�e�r ��ta��-m���t s�aw�ng an �s�im,�t� of t=h� value o� �k�� +a�rk done ���:rir�g t�e p��vious +�or���, or �s�x�a�� �?�iad under �_h� ��nk.r�c� �oeum�n�s. �10� later than t�� �Qt�t day o� t�[�r� n�o�y�ii �.h� E�g i �����r� sl�all c���e i E� ��1�� e�timat�, and �€ z t �� f�«nr� �x� i�� �r_r����a�l� an� th� �+alu� o� r��r�C p�rforr�e� si��� �h� last �a�ti�t �ayanen� wa� ma�,� �xceeds one hund��d �r�iZ��s ��,���l.��l i:� a�{�+�r��, 9�� r�� s��1� e�t��at�d surir �ri�l h� pa�r3 �o i.1�e �ontra��s��: iE th� �o�a� ��n�r.��t a�r�ue�t is l�s� r.hat� �9�Q,��Q, r�r 9�� �f �u�}� �stit��t��3 sum wi1� �e p,�ir� to �h� �+�nt�act�� iF t�x� t���t �o�tra�t �m�u�tt i� ���O,Q�O or �re��e� w�t��r� tw�����rR�iv� f�51 �ay� �f��� th� ��gu.lar �s��m��t� �eri�d. 'i'tz� �i�y �ri.�Y �3av� the o���ion �r �����r. i�g ���ima��s an �arm� F.urr�i����� b� i:h� �iit�. '�he p�r�ial esti�na.t� �na� incl�c�� acce{atabl� rr�np�r. ish�1��� �nat��ria1� d�liv�r�� to tite w�r1c whic�► ar� �o �xe �nc�c�ora��r�, �nta t��e wor;c �� a��r�n�r��nt part t�t�re�f, ba,� wl�i�:�� at �1�� th� �im� o� t��! e�����na�� i�a�r� nok� i���n ir�s{�al��►d, �su�Eti paym�nt w�I� t�� ���ow�� or� a�aszs o� 85� o� ��� r�at invr�ic� va�ue tf��r�o£. � The Cc�n�ra����r sh�1]. �u�,�is�� �1�� �r�y{ne�r su�h i��orr�a�iat� as h� r�a� r4c���st to �i�3 �8-8 ( � � liim ar� � g�.�i�ie ia3 t;.��: v�riE���l:lon or �h� pr���rak��r� o� 4�a�: t.ial �st ��y�, te� , �t �,s usYcic��s�o�d �lYat L•h� �a���ial e�t��na�e ��rom m���FE� t� �nonk,� will b� a����oxi�flr3t_� auly� and aJl p�rti,al �non�h�� �s�i�*tatr•_►s ai�� �payGn�ni-. wi L.L b+� �s��Fa jec't Lr� ��rr��t7,�n �n L'he �sL` Li�at� r�r�cierc�d E��ic�w,ir�y l:t�r� �3iscc��r�ty �� an error in a�� pr�viou� esl:��twat�,��t� �«�:h ��i�.i��a,F.,� stya�Lt e�otr i.t� �n� �t�s�e�tt la� t�il��r� �s �+� a{�mis�iuf� nF �:Ia�: f3wr��r. �r �}�� �mo�a��� o� w�r1c ;�one or o� a ts c��ia1 ��.y c�F �sl!' C i;�•i�3��-y, ort �,� �n a�c��tan�e o�' tne wo�lc d�n� nc• c:iti� T,•�l�as� nF the i ar��r��tar o� ari}� nE i�i� r����r��i,r�x�Fki�� undr?r. ��e i'ontr,�x�-t Ucsrurn�nFs, 'i}hr� �ity ��scr_�r�s L-�ze ra_gkti� L•� wit:hhald �fi�+ p�ymen� c�� a�y �ko�7��1_� ��kiin�t�= iF I�C'je CC�i7tt"�7t��=rjC ��x1� tr� �?�-�o�in thc� wvr.k stric:�l�+ iit accc�r�a«c� wit1� tl�e s��e���ic�ti�ns o� pr��ision� �f l�Etiis r:onk.�a�k. �8--8.5 �'Y'i'HHOf���NG I�AY�1L�'�: �ayrR�r�� o� arty ��ti,mar� r�r ���i�naL•e� inay 1�� h�ic� t.n at���+�r�c+� i� the o��rf�rmanc� oL• t��� �:��7��rur�f:�,�r� ���era�i,,xT» is not �n acc�ordan�� with l•.he rer�uir�tn�rrk=� o� the CnnCra�:R: �r�r:u��n�s. �'SY8.7 �`iN7�L A�CEYTxIV�E: When��r�r �hc i�t�prt�vemen�s �r��tid�� f or �y tl�e �oi� �r a� t�n�: u���� �. � �sha 1.1 tYa�� be�r� ����1,� ��� a r�d ��l_ r��u�.r.=���r���s �� �i�� �t�MxL•r��:L- �}r�cum�s��� st�aYx hav� ber;�y iu1{i11�d c��y �h� p�rt r�� L-f�e ��r3FL'���;0�, LI�� �s�n�rac��r. sl�ail nai-iF.� �.lye �F,��gi�ier�r i,n w�itxn� t3ti�zt ��e ir�pr.nv�m�nts �r.a_ �ea�� Fa�- ��e �i�al �.nsf�wc��an. ��e �r�s��n�ar �ha�1 «c��ify �h?� ap�3rc��r �.� t� �� �i�ia�. a:�� tF�e �wn�r. , wi.il wi�l��� a��;v�s�nable 1: i.�r��� ��ra►k� ��a�-�s F in�l i,�ti�F���t ion t �n+� i� tl,� �rorr� �:� ��t��fa���ry, in �« a����1:K��l.e condition, �nd ���s l��en cr�m�l.efi�� .i n�ccnr{�a.n�� vrikl3 �_1�� term� oi �he � o,�tr���. 1�o�:�tanent� a��3d alt �p�r�v�c� �uc�iEi�a�-i�ns �h�r;���� t�r� Fr�gin��r. w��1_ i���i.L-iat:� �=����� ��rr�c�a�i��� ot th� l;�n�� e��i������ and r�co���n�3�xci Fi�1l a�r���L��ce n� l•��� �ra�ec� ans� Eir�al �Sayr��nt ��er� Cor as �UL:.L L372� ir1 ;'fl�k� . 8 1��7,�w. (:8,$.#� ��'I,C�AL� 1'A'�M��T: �+Jli���evar a1� the impr�venient� p��vi��i,�� f�� �� �.f�e ��e�t«c�l�,. �n��.a�n��t�� �nd a��. a��xroved mo�lifi�aCior�� L-I�e�r�r�E �i��i L Fi�vB i���n ct�aut�����c� �n�� �11, req���r��n�ni�� of L-}ti� i..�11Li�L''� i�o�:ta�nc�v��ts l�«v�v k�{3e�t �u1�F�,L1e<� on �E�� ��ri� of �k�� �'r�nk.r�c�.t�r, a Fin�l r�stina��t_��� sl�c�wing tl��� valu� r�� �E�� w�rk wil,l b� �rr�pax�d by� L��� �ngi.r�e�r a� so�kti �� �f�� ne�}s��.ry xn�s1,3i2i-�o4t�nC43, co3n���i�_al_i�rYr�, �rid C�rYr��]{� caT4 b� t�3d�. All prir�r �s�.�maL•�w ����orr wh1�Y� �ay�n�sit has l��e� �n�c�+� ,�r.� ��bj�cl�_ ��_� nc�c�ssar:� �:orL��t;��ns c�r r�v�sior�s fn th� f�r�a1 ��iy�u�tY� . �'8--9 ( 3 � `i`t�� am�unt c�� ��e �:i��7_ r���km�k��, t�ss �ar�vio+�s �aym�r�t� an� ��x}r �u�n �1�aL- t�avr� br�t�n �]{�r�.u��c±£i o� ret�ined und�r the �>���is�an� :��` k.l�� �orr�ra�t pc���s��k3��r�� wi11 k�� p�id �o �.h� t ot�tr�xctar wi t_I�� i.�� �0 day� aC��r � in�1 a�����tan�� !�y i:he �wn�r c+� a pzo��r c����ut�i.�n �� tktie Cxky �oun�i�,r n�ovic��+�� t�n� �ontra�Y_or h��� f:ur�tii�fti�d �:� tlti� c]wner ;�.�tx��a�to��r �v�c�er�c�e {�� �aynt�*nr. .�s �ol��ws: �ricrr to su�a�i.ssion a� tl�� �in�l �st.im��� �f�r ��,yr��nt, tftie [:�ntx•�c�.��- sh��1 ��ct����a an a��xda�rit, a� Eu�cnish��d i��r t1�� �.i��, ����z��ikr� �:I�a� al� pers�ns� �iXql�i �ss�r,:i��i.on�� c:or��r�t.i�n�, r�r c��i�er pr��r�ixak:ioTti� furnisha�g lab,�r' �.�sX:��t�r rs��r��ri�i].� have l�e�n p��c� in fu�,.�� �Y��l�_ rh� �w�g� ����,� �st�b�isE�+-tr� �y �_lir� �i,�� Cc�un��l i�� 1�Fti� Cit� nf �`ort w��rttt h� s��en �aid, �.nd r1�aL• the�� ar� r�� �Ia.i�n� �s�-�.r]di�i4 �or ���rson�� in��1r� a���f�r �ro��r�� tlain�ges. �`P�� ,�c��nt�r�c��y 1�y tl��� Cor�l:�ac�:or �f khe l�st or C ir�al paym�nt as �Eore��i�3 ,�ha�l c�r��rat� as �n�i sh��l r:�l,���e ��� Own�r fro�r� a�.l, c�,�in�� c�r '1ia►k�i�i.�i��� �an��r• �.h� Con�.rac�k_ Tor e7dl]l�Elli3� �Ofl� �r s�;�rni��e� t�t� r,�t�':.in� �rc� �1�� w{�r-lc ��nci�r, �onf:�•a�t Dr�c�rnen�s ;�r 3ny ac� or t��gt�3ct c�f sai�� �it�r r�la�ing �o �� co��ne�tf*{� with �h� C�ant�d��. �h� �t�a�:ir�g oC t#�e Ei,nal �ayr�i�n� i��y th� �W17�.0 s3����L.L nat r�]_i�v� t��e ��n�.��t�:�or of ��G� c���r�nt��� ar oki�e.r r�quir.�m�tx�s o� Lk�e cyont�a�l: �o�:�mF?r��s whi�.�� speciEirally cor1ti�7ue t�eraaft��_ C$--5.� �ll�QiJA�Y 0�' �F�I�N: T� x� �ar�de�: ��c.>oc� �l�aR: i:l�e Ot�rn�r� ���iev:�����t 1�i�t� ►v�ni�l�y�� �or���t�n� C���i�1�=�r� and e���i�rt�rs �•� �arapar;� �ii� r�c�ntr,��t E�or�u�nent.� �n�3 �11 rnodi�rc�tic�ns ,�f �h� ��lj)C:]V�d �An�r?ic'� '}(]c�,1►�t�F���. �� L�, t�1�?C���'CrYt �c�C[sr�d t��r ��r� s?wr��r �f�a�.L t�� r����rrn�ibl.� ��r �t�� a�,�q�ac� a� i�s ov�� t���iyn f�:�L�xr��, s�a�€i�;iency �� th� �o�t��ct I�s�r:u,��r�t�� th� ;�F-�r_y �E the str��,�tt�r�v, �r�d M�h� ��ac��.��,f��lity oE the o�Br�L-ians �E L-I�€� �oGn��,��:��# �roje��, �r,ovi,d+�d �I�� �onk:�acto� has c:oi�pl i�?:� w i k_1�M �_i�� r. �qu ireEn�nts aE tC�e said C��tir r,�r��; Dc��:ui�r��tl_�, .�tl ���roved mo+i� � i�:a t ior�s i�h�re� �# an� �dd i r i�n� . ��7d al.k:�ra���ns t�zer��.� ���>r�v�c� i.n wri�ing i�y tl�� �vrns�r. "i'i�e k���rd�rs oF �������: �r suc:�ti c�mpi l��nc� �h��,i be u�o� �:I��_5 G���L• r�c��.��r Lc� ��rr�w th�L- !�� hE�s cp�npl.i�d +�ith rl�� s�aid req,�irr���e��Ls c�f t��rs �are��;�ct Dr�c���eEYt�, a��r�v�d moc3i�ic�t�on� t{��r. �c��, anrl r� L1 ���E�rovfsrl a��d i, r i+�rt� anc� alter�� i�ns t1��r�t�. c,'S�$_�t] G�NE1tAL �L1Al�A�JT7(: N�i.ther. tf�� fina� ��r���i��t� pE p�y��ent T�;s.�- �n� �arovi��.on i.M� �y�e �ontr�c� 7�^��m��n�;� nc�r �5:� r t ia L c� �� � i� � i �e � c��:�����r��� r��e us� �f the pr��ni s�s by kk�} Dwn�r sha�.l cort��it�i,s� a�t 3cc���anc� c�.E �r�r1� r�c�t �o�r� in ���r�r�3��1c�4= with t��� �ofl�r��t Uocu��t��� r�r r�liav� Lh� �ontrac�ar of: 1�.�1���1i��� i,� ��s�.r���: �a ��7� ��c;�r��� warra�7��,�� or r�sE�r��t�E1�i 1 i.f.y Cor. E.�uit� m���ri.�ls �r work�na�zs��i�. �rhe C�nt.r��;t�r �h.�L� ��y�������r an}� ��eE��{-�:� �r cla�nag�� i,�� �h� work a�c� �$—� {4i p�� fo� an� d_��n��� to ��her wcrr�c resu�tinc� l�h�re�r�m �►k�ich sh�1.7, a��e�r wi4:hir� a�eriod oC �r�� y��r Err�m �h� dat� nf �ieoaY ac�e���ar�c� oC �I�e w�r�C uriless a 1ong�r ��r�.�r� i� s���i.f�,�d aiids�s��l_ �urr��,s�ti � go�� anr� sz�f�.��a,�nt max�.t�r��nc� b�r�d i.r� �Y�� �ann�nt of 10� p�r�:es�t o£ th� ams�ut�t o� �:�e ��ntr��:t caf�ia�r sl�raY� assure �h� p�rfa�-tz�ance �E �h� gent3ra� s�uarant� a� a��v� s�ut��ne. The Owri�r will give n�l:�cP �� of�s�r�re� defec�s wit1� r.�ason�bYe �r,�m������s. CB-�.�J. �UB�IDIAI�Y S�O�I(: �n� a.i� al� wat`k sper�ilica�2y go�►�r.r�ec� �� t3�c��m�r�rc�ry rec�uir��nes��� �'r�r ��� �ro���t, s�x�� �� ��ndit_i�n� imp�3s�d 1�� �?�� 1�2a�tis, �h� ��n�r�l C�n��-ac:t C3o��,mesi�.z� ;�r k��s� 5��ci.a� Cantr�t:� Documeflts, s�n w1�i�h n� �p�ci�i� i��m ��� bid hr�s �e�ra� �r.�s�ided �r�r �n th� �z�posa�, �hal]. �� con:�i�3��r�d .�� a s�a�sidiary ik�,n or wa�k, �h� c�s� o� wh��h �ii�ilt h� in�l.ud��3 i,n ��ie �ar��� bid in ti�� ��op�sat, �or �ach bi�� �,l:�m. Su��acF� r�st�ra�ion, r,���;� exc�v�t�.on and cl�anu� ��:} q�rrarfsl �t,�rn� af. caor'� �rhich CaL1 ir� th� cai:eg�ry vf su����a.ary w��k. C8-9 . J.2 �]I��ELLAI��O�)5 PL��:�MEi�T O�' MAx�i��AL: �iat�r�a� may ae �lla��t�d �ar��i�r �►ariaus bir� iL•e�s i�� �1�� Pro��s�l to c�tah��sh ur�it �Sri��s L-or m�.s���laneos�� �7.ac��c�r�t af ��ak�eri�1. TI���� nta�.�.�r.i��� shall l�� us�r�, r�nY�r wh�r� ��rr����c� by #:YY� �r�c�in��r, rle��r�din� orti �i��,� r�on��.tw_i��xs. Paym�r�� �or ��sce��an�os�s pl�ce�er�t �f maL• �± i�� wil�, �� r��d� �or on�.�r tha� am�r�n� �£ �t�t�ri.�� u�pdr r���s����d to t�� n�arest on*x-ter�th urti�, Payrn��t E�r. ��isc:�l_lar��ou3 E����em�i�t �� m��3�ial sl��ll �� in a���z�3arlc� w�ti� t3�� ���}�,r,�]_ �'ontrac� poc:uin�e�ts reg�rr�le�s o� �lie a� t ua 1�anoun t�s�d �o r �rh� pr� j ec t. �8--8.13 R��DRa �OCUMENTS: �v��tr����r �t�a�X k�ep on r��o�d a cooy oF a�L-sp�ci�icat��n�, �Yrtn�, ��3��nda, r�odx�icati���, s]���p �ra�i.n�� f��Yr� sa�n�]_�� ��, tl�e ����, i� ga�d o�d�� and annota��:� k:� �}iow �t1 �:h���qes ana�c�� �3�ring �ti� cor���r���i�n �ro��s.�. "Ph��s� �ha2.ti. k�r� d��iver�� �o �ngineer u�on c�r��3�er�on o� �he w�rk. �8-8 (5� PART D — SPECIAL CONDITIaNS TAB�E QF CONTENTS � I� TABLE D� CON7ENTS �AGE N0. D-1 D-2 �-3 D-4 D-5 D—b D-7 D--� D-9 Q-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-1�4 D-15 U--1S o-i.7 D-18 D-19 Q-20 R-21 D-22 D-23 D-24 D--25 U-26 D-27 D-2� D-29 D-3Q D-33. D-32 D-33 D-34 Q-35 Gener�l Barric�des, Warnings and Fl�gmen Scope of k�ork �on�ractor's Resppnsibility Cnntract Time Can�ract Terminatian City's Righ� � Wage ��tes Construction St.ake Right To Audi� . Traffic Control �tequir�d Grew Personnel and Equipment Time Allawed for Utility Cuts Liquidated Qamag�s Paving R.ep�ir Edge T�ench Backfil1 D@�OUi`5 C1 ean l�p Properiy Access Submission of Bids Standard Base Repair for Untit I(Cuts Less ihan or E�ual 200 Square Fe�t) Concrete Base Repair fior EJnits II �nd III (Cuts �reater Than 20Q Square �eet) Project Sign �" Ta 9"' H.M.A.C. Pavement 5", 6" and 7° Reinfor.ced Concrete Pavement ar Base Curbe an Concrete Pavem�ht Adjust Wter Valve Bnxes, Manholes, ar�d Yaults . Cpncrete Sidewalk and Driveway Replacement Pavement R�pair in Park�ng Area Ma�n�enance Bond Insurance Bonds Interpretation and Preparat7on of Pr�oposal Bid Quan�ities � 2:27 Co.ncrete D— 1 D— 1 p— 1 D— 2 D— 2 I}— 2 D— 3 D— 3 D-- 3 p— 3 D— �4 D— 4 Q— 4 D— 4 D— 5 D— 5 D— 5 D— 5 �— 5 D— 5 D— 5 D— 6 D— & D— � �— 7 D—� 8 D— � D— 8 D� � D— 9 y D— 9 Q— 9 D— 9 U-10 o-sa .--� r. � �� i� i:� � I I. �. PART Q — SPECTAL COI�D.ITIO�l� D-1 GENERAL: Subject to modi�fications as herein cantained, the Fort Worth Water. Department's�Ger�eral Contract Documer�ts and Gen.eral Spec7fications, �witY� r@V�5i0�18 through January 1, 197$, are m�de a part of.the Contrac� Documen�s fpr this prqj2cto The Plans, Special.Cor�ditions and Provisions Dacuments, and the ru�es, re�u1ations, req�irements,.�nstructions., draw�n.gs or de.tail's referred ta by.manufacturer`s name, number or identi,f`-'icatioR i�cluded �herein as specifying., referri�ng or implying product control, perforMance, quality, or other �sh�ll be bindi,ng upon the Contrac�ora ihe specifications and. draw�n�s� shall b.e e.ansidered cooperative; therefore, �+ark or material called for by one and not shown ar menti nned i n�he oth�r shal 1,,.. be accompi i shed or �urni shed i n a fa�thful mar�ne.r a.s thouyh required by �]1. � The ord�r qr precedence in case of confliets or discrepar�cles betw.een various p�rts of ihe Contra�t. Oacum�nt`s subject to the rul-ing af the Eng#neer sha�l �eneral`ly,: but na� necessar�iy, f.ollow the guidelir�es li�ted below; 1. Plar�s 2e Contr�ci Documents 3. Gen.erat Cant'ract.Documents�and General Specifications The fo17owin.g Spec�al Conditior�s shall be applicaiale t.o �his project and shall �• go�.�rn o.ver any con�'licts with 'the Gener'al Ca'ntract Dac.umer�t� under the. prov�sions stated abflve. Th�. Gpnpr8l Candition� Yrith�n �hese Sp'ecial Contra.ct "'� qocuments shal� govern over any co�flicts with-the General Provisions in t.he ,� Standard Specif�cation's �or 'Str�et and Siorm Dra-in Const,ruct.aon,,. City .of Fort !, Worth, iransportation and Pub�,ic Works Department, � � . i "- - d-2 : B.ARRI�A��S. �f1�RNINGS AN`D. FLAGMEN;.. Reference P.art C— Ger�eral '� Cond�tions,Section C.6—�.8 BARR,if_.A�,_ WARIVTNGS AND WATGHM�N: � � L" . 1. Wherever the word Watchmen appears in� this paragraph, it shalI �e changed td th.e wor.d f�a0men. , ,p �� �- � J� f �� 2, In the �irs.t p�ragraph, l��nes five (5j� and six �6),�change the phrase take all s.uch other ��r�e�aufiinnarv_ mea__sures �o t�.ke a�� reas.ona6le necessary measurPs. � D-3 SCOFE 0�' WORK: The work covered by these 5pecif�cations cansists. af the pavi�g rep�ir aver util�iiy cuts which have ,beer� .backfiZled previo�tsly by the City Wat�r Departmer�t, as indi�ated by t,t�e details ar�d. poss.ible ad�ac.en� areas damaged by blowout, etc, Included �n this work wi11 be the remaval of �he ex�st;ng materti�7 �n order to insure a pav�ng sect7on in con�ormity. w-iih �x,1���i�g paveme�nt ar the appropraate de.t�il shawn- 7n �his d:o.cumer�� as dire'cted by �he engi-n�er and.�Zl othe.r misce7ia�e�ous items o�' eo.nstruction ta be perfarmed �s o�tlin.ed in the �pecification�,. which are neces,sary to sa�isfac�.oril� complete the worko . ' . Total quantities giver� in the hid �raposal may not refiect actua] quantities;., �� however, they are giver� for �he purpose of bidding and awarding the contract. �inal payment will be based Qn aetual measur,ed quantities and the unat price bid ° in this proposal. � ,� There will not 6e a direct paym�nt for saw cutt�ng the existing asphalt ar car�cr�te, tompacti ng the exi sti n.g subgrade or remova7 af ihe exi sii n� material . D-1 � Th� c�ntr�ctor will be ��q�i��d t� m��nt�in d capping �a��se of �at m�x - cald ��y ��p��]� in sre�s w�ere tra�f�c has w�ip�ed o�t was�e� rock, �n�il �he p�ving r��ai� can b� ac�omplished. �These i�ems w��� �� GO�S7�ECB� �s subsidiary to the G��t��G�. The lnsp���or wi�1 pi�� u� L�e rep�ir tickeL's by $:�� a.m. ���day thro��h �hursd�y. Th� rep�ir t�ckets wiTl �� 3ssued to ��e cantractor �ar�� �h� n�xt �a�. E�ch repair ti�ket �hst is iss�ed shall he �omple��d wi�h�n twent��on� {��} cal�n�ar days. The twent�-on� ���� ��le�d�r �a�s for t�m�l��tion �f �he �ab ��gins the da� �f��r ��� ���t��c��r receives the ticket. Eve�y ef�ort w�ll be rnade to i�sue the c�n�ra�tor a�in��urn �f �� repair ti�k�ts p�r w�e�. The �ontra�tar s�al� �d�n��fy t� the E�gin�er ��ssz�ie lo�ations far se�t��ment �� r�paired �avement �u� �� �at�fi�l o� ditch by oth��s� As d�rect�d �� �he �ngineer� t�e C�niractor �h��l rem�ve a�d replace �xisting back�i�7 with washe� roc�. The Water D�p��#m��t will �stimate �h� �e�ess�r� �i�e of the pavement rep�ir on e��h �i�ket. �pon r��e7pt of eac� ��cket the ��ty �an�tr��t�o� Insp��tor sha11 determine, h� mea��re���t, i�e required �7�e o� e�eh repair. All �epair si�es sha�l b� approved by t�e �7�y C�ns�r�ct�on ��spe�t�r �rior to any repair w�rk. D-4 CONTRACTQR`� ���PON��BILITY: Cantractar cove�ants an� �gre2s t� fully �er�or� or cau�e to �� �er�or�ed, with ga❑� �ai�� a�d du� dili�ence, an� in accordanc� w7�h s�andaflds c�mnon to t�e �ndus#.ry �n� herein s�� for'�� �� L'�ese C���r�ct D�c�rn��ts w���h i� hereb� ti��orp�rated and m��e � p�r� �f ��is �antr�[k, p��e�ent repair to �e ordere� by �he Ciiy �t ��rio�s t�mes a�d to �e �erformed aL v�ri�u5 �18ces �y s��ar��e e�pair ticket�. The City m�y des7g��ie �aveme�t to be r�pa���d �� furnis�i�g �o the �ontract�r � marke� �rawing, or st�eet addr�s�es �o�t$ined �� a written ord�r or �y ��rking in L'h� fi7ed �y p��nt on �ther �e�ns, �r by �n� �r a�l combination5 �f s��d �etho�s �f �esi�n��io�. ��� Ca�tra�tor agr��� �h�� no w�rk will be perfo�med w���ou� w�itte� ����ari��tio� fr�m th� in�iv3d�al d�signat�d �n wri�i�g by the Uir�ctor �f Wa��r ��p�rtmen�. ��1��RACT TIME; It is u���r�tood an� agr�ed L�a� the scop� ❑f w�r� �o��.empl�ted in this ca�tra�t i� that w�i�h rts designat�d b� the �i��� as the ne�d arises. [� �s f�rther a�re�d ihai the t�rm of L��� c��tra�t is �ine {9� rnon�hs �r�m the d�t� o� exec�t��n �f ean�ra�t w��k orde� �nd no �r�ers will �e a�c�pted by ��e C��tracta� after the ��n�ract has ex���ed. At the e�d af c�ntrac� �he Contractor w11] ha�e thir�y (��� ad�iii��a1 cal�ndar days �o camplei� work alr���� order�� and �Tfteen addi�i�nal �a�end�r da�� to bili said w��k �or � t�ta� af f�rty-f�ve �a�� a�ter ca�tract terminat��n to cam���t� and bill work author�z�d pursuant �o �his conLra�t. �-6 CONTRACT TF�MINATI�N: It �s �n��rsto�d and agr�e� that �his eontrac� ma� b� �ermi��ted �y �he Cit�� in who�e or from �7rne t� tim� in ��rt, when�ver ���h terminati�n is determined by th� C�t� �o b� in the ��s� i�te��sts �f �he City. Termin��ian ms� b� eff�ct�d by del�veri�g to 'Che �an��a�'kor �r �7s �esignat�d �epr�s�ntat�ve ���ti�e �� ter��nati�n� specifyYn� �o w�ai exte�L �e�fpr�anee of t�e w�rk under t�e conir�t� �� b�in� �er�i��ted and the e�fe��ive �at� of ter�in�tian. After receipt �f nat�c� of ierm��ation �ont�act�e s�all: �a� �top wa�k speci��ed in the n�tice �� t�e �ate and �� ihe ext��t spe�rtfie� in ��� n��ace of �errni�ati��. � (�j Place no further order or s�bcontract except as necessary to com�leie work already underway and (c) Terminate �11 orders and cnntracts �o the extent that they relate to the performance af the work terminated by the �otice of Terminaiion.. D-7 CITY'S RTGHT: The City reserves the right to abandon, witho�t obligation to the Contractor, any part of �he projec�, or the entire project, at any time before the Contractor begins any construction work authorized by the City. � S7A�DARD SPECIFICATIONS FpR STREET AND STORM �RAIN CONSTRUCTIQN— s--_ CITY OF FORT 4dORTH '� STANDARD SPECIFIGATiONS FOR PUBLIC WQRKS CONSTRUCTION— • WORTH CENTRAL TEXAS A copy of either flf these specificat�ons may be purchased at the office of the � Transportation & Pu�lic Works Director, 1000 Throckmorton Street, 2nd Floor, f�unic�pal Building, F'art �dorth, Tex�s 76102. The specifica�ions �pplicable ta each pay iiem are indicated in the ca11—aut �or the pay item by the designer. If nat shown, then applic�ble published speci�'�catians �n eit�er of these � documents may be fo7lowed at t#�e discret7on of the Con�raciar. General Provi sions` shal l be tf�ose af tF�e Fart Idorth document ra�her than �i vi si an 1 of the North Cer�tra� 7exas documen't. D—� WAGE RATES: The labor classifi�ations �r�d minimum wag� rates set forth her�in have been pre�determined by the C�ty Council of the City of Fort Warth, �exas, in accordance with statutory requirements, as being the prevailing classifications and rates that shall �overn an all wark performed by the Contractor or any sub—cnntractor on the site of the project covered by these Contr�ct Documents. In no eve�t shall less than the following raies of wages be paid. (Attached). D-9 CONSTRUGiTON S�AKE: If det�rmined r���?ssary co�struction stakes #'or 7ine and gr�de will be provided by the City as out�i^ed �n page C5-5(3) Section C�-5.7 Constructiar� Stakes of Part C General Conditions, as directed by the Eng�neer. D-1� RIGHT TO AU�IT: Part C— Genera1 Condi�ions, Section C�—� MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT, Page C�—� �5), add the following: "C�—�.14 RiGHT TO AU�TT: (a) Cantractor agrees tha� the City s.hall, unt�l the �xpiration of t�ree (3) years after fir�al payment under this contract, haWe access to and the righi to examine any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records o� the Cantractor involving trar�sactions rela�i`ng to �his con�racte Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during r�ormal Working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provi�ed adequate and ��propriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with iche provisions of �his section. The City sha11 give CDnt�aCtot� reasonable advance no�ice of intended audits. (�) Contractar further agrees to include in all its subcor+tr�cts hereunder a pravision ta the e#'fect that the subcontractor agrees t#�at the City sha��, unt�l tf�e �xpir�tion of three (3� years after fina� paymeni under th� suhcantract, have access tp and the r�ght to examine any directly pertir�ent baoks, documen�s, papers �nd records of such subcflntraci.or, involving transaetians to the subcontract, and further, tha� City sha11 have access during r�ormal working haurs ta all subcontractor fac�lrties, and st�all be prov7ded adequate and appropr�ate w�rk s�ace, in order ta conduct audits 7n compliance with the D-3 ,L p��vi��ons af ��is a��icle. Cit� sh�ll give �uhco�t�ac��r �easo�a�le advance nat�ce nf i��end�d aud�ts. QT11 TRA�FIC C�NTR��: Th� Contrac�vr shall b2 res�ons7ble for �rovading tfaf�i� to�t�ol during th� c�nste��tion �� ���s �ro�ect c�ns�s�e�� wit� the prov7sions se� �or�� in ��e "��SQ 7exas �an�a� on UnYform ��aff�c C�ntro� ��v�ces for Str�e�s �nd �i�hways" x�s�ed under ��e a�t�ori�y �f th� "�tate of ���as �niform Aci �egu�at�n� �r�ffice on �ig�w���", codified as Article �7Q1� Vern�n's �ivi� S���uesk pe�t�nent se�tia�s �eing �ectton �os. �7, �9, �0 an� 3�. Tfie Contr��tor will n�t remove any re�ul���r� si��, �inst��e�io�al sign, �tre�t �ame sign, or othe� sig� whi�h has been ere�t�d by the �it�. I� 7t is �etermin�d that a stgn muSG be re�oved to per�7t re�uire� ���st��cti�n, t�� �o�tract�� shall cont��t Che Tr��spar�atrton �nd ��bl�� Works �epartmert�F Sign� a�d rnark7��� Ui*is��n �phn�e nu��e� 870,8�7�), to re�ove ��e s�gn. ln th� �ase af re��l�tory s�gn�, th� Canirac�or rnu�� �epla�e ��e p�r�a�e�t �i�n with � ternporary s�gn �eetin� th� req��r��ents af t�e a��ve refeeen�ed m��u�l and su�h ternpor��y sign �us� �e i��ialle� �r�ar ta the r�mava� of Che �ermanen� �ign. �f �h� ��mp�rary 57�� �s n�t }ns�alled corr�ctly or if �t doe5 �ot �eet the re�u7r�� s��cif�catia�sF t�� permane�t sign shal� b� l�ft i� �lace �n��1 the t�mp�r��y s��� ��quirement5 �� m�t. ���� ���5truct�on work x� c�mp��t�d t� the ex���t �hat t�e per�a�ent 53�n e�n be re-insta�led, t�e Co�tra�to� �hal� �g�in contac� the �1��5 a�d Markings D�vi��on to re��nsta�l t�� p�r�man.�nt si�� a�d s�a�l le�ve �is tem�orar� sign �n place until s��h ��Rinstal�ati�n �s c�m��eted. �-12 ��Ql�]��� CRE� P�R�(��d�L A�D E��IPME�T: T�e �ontr�ctor s�all be ��quire� to furn3s� s�ffi[ient �ers�nnel �nd �q�ip�e�� �a�a�l� �f co�ple��ly �ini�h�n� �� �ver��e �� tw�nt� ��Oj �t�li�y c�t i�c�e�s with �n $ggr�ya�� �v�rage af 3�0 �.Y. o� pe��nane�t p�ve�ent r�pair ���� w�ek, D-13 T1ME_ A�L_O��a FQR UT1LiTY_��: The Contract�r s�all assist t�e E�g7neer �n rrre�su�ing ���h pav��ent r�pair befo�� ��y work is �tarted. A repa�r t�c��t wil� b� �ssued �or ea�h utility c�L afit�� m��su���ent an� twe�t�-on� {��} ���Ge��ar da�s b�g7nn�ng i�e da,y ��ter �h� ti�ket is iss�ed wi3Y �� all�wed f�� f�na3 cam�letion of e�c� utilit� c�t. �he contra�tor shali �e iss��d a�ini�u� of t��nty ��0} ��ckets �er week. A�ale���r ��y is an� �ay of the week or manth, ��ndays ❑r legal ho7iday5 n�t ex�epted. ��1�_ LYOUIDATED UAMA�$,: F�tlure �� ���plete work �n iirne: T�e Owner a�d �he Conl;ractor agr�e tl��� yt wi�l �e m�s� diffi�ul� or �r�po�5��le `�o �s�er#.��n th� srnount ef d2�r��ges tt��t wi11 �e sust�ine� by t�re Owri�r if th� C�ntract�r� f�ils to [om�l�te th� w�r�k Yn t�e alla���ci tir�e� but t�re,y b�th a�ree �hat the �wner wo�ld sus#�a�n �ubsiantial dam�ges ��r sutfn event. Accordir�gly, if th� C�ntraetor fai7s �o ��m�lete �he �ontract in th� WOf`�C1nJ ��yS s�ecifi�d, a�.ime charg� �hal� b� m�de for �ach wnrk�ng day ther�af�er, r�ot a� a�enalty �ut ss �iquldat�d da�nag�s. T�e �or��r��t�r �t�all p�,y l�t�u7d�ted damages of f�v� dallars ��5.0�} per da,y p�r ti�ket f�r �a�h repair �ut not camp�ete� withir� 1:w�nt,y�on� (�1� ca��ndar days �nd 17q�idated ��ma�es �ha11 er�� on da�r that �`epayrs are �om�,lete�. �h�u1d t#te amourrt ot�erw�s� due Lhe Cor��tractor be less than th� a�naunt� af suc#� a�certa7ned and l���idat�d �a�rages, t�e ��r�tractor and his sur�t�,y shall be 1 iahT� �o �C�e City of s�ch �el i�+�r�y. D-4 D—�5 PAVING REPAIR �DGE: All paving repa�r edges shall �e undamaged neat lines (by S�Wi�� or equal) and s�all be pa�allel or perpendicular to the center line of the sireet. D-1fi TRENCH BACKFILL: The �ater Department sh�ll pl�ce the pip� embedment and backfill with washed rock per the followin� specificatian. W�shed Rock: A11 washed rock used for embedment or as otherw�se directed by the �nginEer shall be washed gravel or washed cr�shed stone or Washed crushed gra�el �nd sh�ll meet the following gradation �nd �brasipn: Sieve �ercent Sieve Percent iz Retained :�ze Retained 1-1/2" 0-2 3/$" �5—X00 1" 7-55 �4 95-7.00 3/�4" 25-100 Las Angeles abrasion test: 50� Maximum we�r per ASTM. D-17 D�TO�: The Cantractar sha�l execute his work in such a manner as to create � minimum af �nterruptian to traffic and pedestr�an facilities and ta the flo� af vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area. Barricades, r�arning and deiaur signs sha11 conform to be the Standard Spec7fications "Barriers and Warning and/ar Detaur Signs", Ttem 524, and/or as sF�own on the plans. Canstructian �ioning and barricades shall conform with "19�0 Texas Man�al on Uniform Traffic Ca�t�ol Devices, Val. No. 1". D-1� CLEAN UP: Final clean up wark shall be done for th3s praject as saon as the paving and curb and gutter has been canstructed. Cantractar s4�a11 rEmove all excess cold mix, washed rock and dehris from the street in the area af the repair, No more than seven days shall e]apse after Gomp1etion of construct�on before the roadway and right—of—way is e�eaned up ta the satisfaction ofi the Engineer. D-19 PROPERTY ACCESS: ACG�55 to adj�cent praperty shall be maintained at all tir�es unless otherwise directed by the Engin�er. D-20 SI�BMISSION QF' BIDS: The prapasal sectians af this special cont�act document is arranged to allow the Owner to make payment based or� size of repairo ��� The Contracta� is required to submit a bid on a�l propos�1s Unit I�, Unit II, � Unit III and IV. Unit I wi11 generally consist of small patch, 7ess t�an or equal 'to 2fl0 square �eet. Unit II will generally consist of inedium patch, �reater than 200 square feei and less than ar equal to i000 sq�are feei. lfnit � III wi�l gen�ral�y cansist af l�rge patch, greater than 1QD0 square feet. �nit � IV will ge�erally cor�sis� o�' items necessary for each size Uti�ity Cut Repair. `�Fie tot�l law bidder, Uni�s I, Ii, III and IV is the ap�.arent successful bidder. ;- If Contractor does not �id all faur Units af the proposal, the bid will be cansidered �s "non—responsive" an� �+ill be rejected by �he Water Department. D-21 STANDARD BAS� RE�ATR FQR UNIj,..I (CUTS LESS THAN QR �QUAL 70 2QQ SOI�ARE ET: Regardless of t�e exis�ting p�vement type, base repair far Unit I shall be either min. 8" car�cre�e base (see D-35, 2:27 Concrete Base) or min. 5" reinforced concrete base �see D-25, Reinforced Concrete Pavement or Base) as directed �y the Engineere Any deviation from s�andard repair shall be approved by the �dater Department. I ��y .� ��2 CONC����ASE REPAIR F����ITS 1� ��D. [�i �C�TS ��EA��� T�AN ��0 �aUA�� F�C��: �hen ��ntfete h�se 3s re�uire� f�r re�airs ���0 square feet in a�ea, t�� base re�a�r sha17 b� �ither min. 8" c�ncrete base {see D-35, �:�7 con��e�e �as�� �r �s mi�» 5" r��nfor�ed co��rete �as� �s�� a-�5� Reinf�r��d Co�cr�t� Pav�me�t �� �a�ej �s �ire�t�d b,y t�e �ngin�er. An d�viation from s��ndar� repair s�alT �� ap�ra��d by �h� wat�r b�p�rtment. U�3 �R�JEE� SYG�{,��: �r�ject �ig�s ar� �eqs�ir�d at al] �ocatia�s which will b� �nd�r �o���r�ct�an fo� more t�a� thirty [30) �a�endar days. Project �ig�s sh��l �e in accorda��e with Fig�re 3� (�a�ed �-�8-$9} �� the ��ner�l Con�r�c� Dacum�nts, Th� s7gns ma� b� mou��ed on s�ids or an pnsts. The exa�t lo�atia�s ��d methads oF rno�nting sh�ll �e ap�rov�� b� L'he ���in��r. An� and �1� ��st� for �h� r���ir�d ����ri�ls, lab�r, a�d equip�e�t ne��ssar� f�r ��� furnis�in� of Project ����s s�all be �ons�dered as a 5�b5�diary ca5t �� �he pro�ect $n� na add�t7a�al �a�p���a�4�n wi11 be alt�w�d. p.�4 �" �Q �" H,�1.A,C. �AV��.��T: �he�e items will ir�c��,de the f�r�r�ish�ng a�d pl��i�rg �f Ty�� "�" H.�S.A.�. �urface co���e as s��wn or� deta�l� arrd as dire�te� b.y th� �ngrtr�eer. For ����if�cat��ns �ove�ning Typ� "p„ H.M.J�.C. s�� �he 198� Texas �tate D�partrnent of Nighways $r�d Publ�� Trans��etat7an, ����. ]t�� h�o. �40 "'�lot �Six As�haltic �oncr�te P�v��ent"' and �pe�, Item Nt�. 31� in th� ��andartl �pe�i�ieatians f�r Construct7nn, ��ty r�f Far� �lorth. Subsidiary ta th� H.M.A.�. ��v�rn�nt sha�l h� sa��r��, rerno��l o� aspl�a1�i� rr�a��r�al, gr��+�l �nd ex�avatipn �s sh4wn arr �he �e#.ails or as �ire�ie� �,y th� �ngir�e�r. 1'�e remove� surfac�ng sha�� b� lo�d�d irit� �ruck� upon remov�l an� hauleti awa� �ro� �h� job s7te as �ir�t�ed ��y �he �ngyn��r. In no ca�e �hall �h� r���vetl s+�r���e b� stac�pile� on �h� job s7�.e. The f�llow��g w�rk m�et��od will be p�r��rmed �� ��c� u�.ili�_y cul: 1. Place s�fety s�gnsk ��rriead�s andlor` oth�r w�rnir�� tEe��t2s wYrer� r���essar�y �nd as requir�d. �. The ��cisiar�g �sp�al#. p�vemen� sha�l de saw ���. ynt� � squar� �r r��c�angu'I�r� �' �I��p� �r�d cu� s�d� faces ver�.�ta�ly. �#�� �av�ed as�ha�t pavement �E���� be a rn���m�m of 1' ���5ide the uti��ty eut �rea. F 3. Ap�ly ���r�i� a�ph��1: #,ack to vert�i��l face� ar�d bottom �� e�ccavaf��c� �rea in � uniform rn�r�ner. �o ro�f� �uddle tack caa� on bpit�rn �� u�il�ty cu� ar�a. Do �o� �ppl,y t��k coat L� �rash�d ro�k. 4. Pl��e FE.M.A.C, su�'�a�e mix in }ifts not �o excee� tF�r�e (�} inches. tast ar Lap lift shaiT not be l�ss �han t�w� {�� �n�,h�s yn �i���kness. 5. �ael� lift �I�aIY be tharo�ghly �arnpa�te�d witC� a pla�e compac�or �� por�abl� vibr���.�ry �olle�. F�fkeen �o �wen�y pas�e� wi�l i�� r�ec�ss�ry wi�#� a +�ibrator�y r�l]e� ��d mix �ernper��.uf� abave ��0# ����1 �) ta ensur� a gnod carnpa��ion. Top l�f� wher� �ampacted s�al� b� a�praxi�at�]�y 1/� an�h above surr�oun�7r�g pau�m�n�. A��l,y 17�uid as�halt ��oun� e�ge� nf pat�� ��ang c�]d jayn��, D-� 7o Cl�an up surraund�ng �reae Do noi ieave excess fill or exCavaied material on �he paveme�t. 8� Remove safety signs, barricade arid/or �arning devices after �oh �s compiete. 9e Payment shall be made at the unit price per S.Y. as shown on t�e proposa� �nd shall �e full compensat�an for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment tools ar�d incidenta�s necessary to Gomplete the �rorkp I D-25 �". fi" AND 7" REINFORCED CQNCRE�'E PAVEMENT OR BRSE: The following � specifications are for the furnishin� a�d �lacing of reinforced concrete ; pavement or base as shflwn on.detai1 �nd as directed by tFie Engineer. Generale �einforced concrete pavement or base sha11 conform�to Spec. Item 314 her�in except far finishing and curing. Reinforcement sha11 cansist of I�o. 3 three—eighths (3/8) inch diameter raund bars placed nflt mare than twenty--four (24) inches on center, bot.h d.irections. Concre.te sha11 have � minimum compressive strength of t�ree thousand (3,OQ0) pounds per squ�are inc� at tw�nty—eight �2�}, days. The quantit af mixing water shall r�ot exceed seven (7) U.S. ga7lons per sack (94 lbs.� of Pflrtlar�d Cement. The slump of the cor�cre�e sha�l not exceed three (3j inches. A minimum cement cantent of five (5) sacks of cement per cubic yard of concrete is required. - Finishinq. 7he r�inforced concrete shall be brought to a uniform surface by warking with a wpoden float. The surface sf�all be flush with the �djacent pavement ar�d shali have a finish similar to the surround�ng pavement. T�e surface shall be even and shall provide a smoath ride. Cur�nq. 7he reinforced concrete pavement �surfaces sha11 6e sprayed �niformly with a membrance curing compound conforming to the requirements o�' ASTM C-309, Type 2, wh�te—pigmented compound, which shall not praduce perma�ent discolarat�an of the concrete. Concreie shall be allowed to cure for seven days or test beams reach 540 A.S.I. befare removal of barricades. Inc�uded in this iiem wi1Z be the removal nf the ex��ting reinfarced cancreie pav�ment. The existing pavement st�a]1 be sawed so as ta maintain �n even, straight pavement cut. �he existing reinfar�ing steel at sawed line and construction joints sha11 6e lapped 18 inche� with the new reinforced concrete pavement. The exis�ing steel sha11 be thoraugh�y cleaned before lapping. The following work methad w�il be performed an each utility cut: 1e Pl�ce s�fety signs, h�rric�des �nd/or other warning devices �+here necessary and as req�ired. 2o Mark out �he damaged area with kee7, chalk line or pa�nt bezng sure �o include �11 areas requ9ring repair. 3o Sa�r cut along marked lirtes a minimum of �two (2) inches deep. �. 4° Re�nove �xisting concrete. D-7 L 5. �or� joints a�� pla�� re�nf�rcing steel a�� Uowel Bars �as r�qu7re�� accor��ng �o standa�d speci�ti�a��ons. 6. P]a�e �n� f��ys� tancr��e. 7. �3�ari u� �obsi�e, rem�ving a�l ���r�s. 8. �$7n�81� tra�fi� t�n�rol ��vi��s to pratec� area until conerete h�s �ure� seven �ays or �on�ret� r����e� 5�0 F.S.I. flexural stre�gth. P�,y�nent sh�l] be rtr�d� �t the unit price pe� �quare Yard as shown �� �h� pro�o�al a�d sh�ll b� fu11 ��mpens�t?�n fo� Furnis�ing �ii 1ab��, maL�ria1�, equi�rn��t tools ��d incidentals necessar� to carnpleie ��e ���k. �—�6 _CURS �� �O�C�E7E PAV�MEN7: ��an�ard �pe�xfic�tio� Itern 50� s�all aP�l� ex�e�t as �ere�� mo�ifted.---- �} �earal Cur� lntegra� cur� sh�ll b� �ons����ted ��ong the edge of t�e pavem�nt as �n ����gral part af �he slab a�d of �he sarne co�cr�te as the �1��. �h� �on�rete �o� the ��r� 5��1i be depo�i�ed not rreo�e than thirty (30� minu��s afi�r th� c���re�e 7n t�e slab. b} �u�erim��sed_.�.� ��ncreEe shs13 hav� a minimum �om���ss7ve s�rerrgth of t�ree �housar-�d �3,�q0� pounds p�r sq��r� i��h at twe�iy��igF�i ��8� da,ys. Th� q�antii �f r�ixing wat�r �fiaTl not ex�ee� s�ve� �7j U.�. gall�ns per sack {94 t�s.� af Par�tland E�r��r�t. 1'he s]�am� a�` #�he con{r�te sha11 r��t exce�d t�ree ��) 3f]C�7�5. A��nirn�r�n cern��t corrtent of fi++e �5} sacks of �er�en€ pe� cu��� yar� o� car��r��e Ys �equ���d. Pay�n�e�t shal� �e ma�� for cr,tt�r�g and replacin� curb� and gr��;Eer� r�quired in ihtis Praje�� urider the app�opriate bid �t�m an� s�a�� be in ca�np7iance wi�.� Pub�i� 4�o�ks Department stan�a�d req�rir�m�nt Item 5f��. D-27� !�ll�T �A1`F.�,yA�YE BO}(ES. MAl�d�101� Na VAULT�: Contractor will be responsible far adjustir�g wa#.�r v�lve h�xes, man��ies �nd vawlt� to match new pav�me�ni �rade, The un�t pric� bi� will be ful] payme�t� ��r maLer�als ir�cluding Fall l�bor� equi�rn�r,t, to�is a�� inc�den�a�s n�c�ssary �� com�l�te ti�� w�rk. 0—�$ CONC��TE SIfM�4�ALlC_ AfJf} �RI�+EWAY REP�A�.j�.I�T: �xi�tin� s7dewsik� �ndlor dri�+eways s�r�l� b� �omp3e�.��,y rep�aced �or the ful� �xi�t�rrg wi�th� b�tween exist7r�� cor�struction or expan�ior� joynts �v�t� ����# c�n�rete wi�,h reinforcinq ste�� �r fahr�t�te� stee� r�infort7ng mesh o� a sand cus#�inn i� acc�rtlance wit#� City �f Fart 4�arth TransportationJPublic 4�or�ks Depa�trn�nt �ta�dar� �pec�fi�a#��ans f�r Car�s�r�ct��n, �te�n ��4. ��ym��rt for cut�7ng bac�Cfi��, �on�rete, for�ning rnater�als and a11 �the� a��o�fia�ed appurt�nar�ts required, shall be �n�luded �n �he sc�u�re ��ot prite � 1 �I . �.�AY�MENT _R�IR IN PARi�I�lG�AgCg: Th� �r��t pr�ce byd under� appr�pria�e BID YTE�1(�� of the Pro��s�] shall �over ��i c��� fpr pra�+7d�n� �av��nt re�air eq�al �--8 r '� to or sup�rior in composition, thickness, etcp, to existing pavement. ;411 required p�ving cuts shal�l be made With a concrete saw in a true and strai�ht line on both sides of the tren.ch, � minimum af twelve (]2j inches outside �he irer�ch �allsa The trench sha11 be backfi�led and the top n�ne (9� inches��sna�l be fille� w�th washed rock., Gompact�d and level with finishetl stree� s�rface. This f�inished gr�de sh�ll be ma�ntained in � serv�iceable condition until the paving has been rep�aced. � �-30 �IAINTENANGE BOND; A mainten�nce �ond i.n the amaunt of one hundred percen� (3p0�L) of- t�e contract �mount sha11 be furnished for a p�riod of � years.from 1� t�e�da�e of fin�l a�cepta�ce of the work will be required o.r� this project. D-31 INSIlRANCE: Within ten {�Q) the Gontractor must provide, appropri�te borrals, praof of Compreherisi ve Ge�neral L� a�i l i ty each�o�currence; Property Uamage the righ� to request�any other indivi'du�l �rojec�: . days of receipt af notice of award af contract, alan,g with executed con�rac'� dacuments and 'insurance fnr Worker's Compensation and (Bodily I.njury — $.25Q,000 eaci� persan> $500,Oa4 �$3D0,000 each accurrence).. The City reserves Insuraroce coverages �s may b� requ�red �y each �32 BONDS - Reference Part C, General Conditians, dated November 1, 1987; City let �rojects) make the follaw�ng deTetians: � � Pg. C3-3(3); paragraph C3-3.7a---Other Bonds: On the sixth line of the paragr�ph be�inning Na sureties.. . e delete tY�e words the Citv of For�t Warth• Pg. C3-3(6�, paragraph C�-3o��g Local Aqent For Tnsurance and Bondina: deiete the entir� suh—para.graph. . D-33 TNTERPRETATTf.I� AIVD PREPARATJ(�N f1F PROPOSAL: Part C— General Cond-itians, Sect�an C2-2 INTERPRETATTpN AND PREPARATION OF� PRbPOSAL, Page C2-2 (4) exchange paragraph� �2-2.7, C2-2..$ and C2-2,9�w�th tY�e fo7lowing: C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal wil.l be considered �nless it is deliv�ered, accompanied by its praper Bid Security, to i.he P�archasin� Manage� or his representaiive at the official location and s�at.ed time se� forth in the "Hatice to �idders." It is the Bidder`s sole responsihility to delzver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. T�e mere fact �hat a proposal was d��patc�ed will not he considered� T4�e Bidders mus� have the pro.posal ac.tually delivered. Each proposai shall be in a se�led envelape plainly marked with the word "PRD�OSAL," an.d the name or descriot�r�n �f. thw Pr�iwrt a� ripsinn�ted in thw "Nn#;ice tn Bidders." The �nve�ape shall be addres�ed ta the .Purchasir�g Manager, City of F'ort Worth PurcMasing piv�s7on, P.Q. Bax 17027, Fort Idorth, �'exas 76102. C2-2e8 tJITHDRA�lLNG PROPOSRLS: Proposals actual�y fiZed with the Purchasing Manag�r ann be with�rawn prior to the ti�e set far a.penin� propas�ls. A request far non—car�siderat.ion af � priopt�sa7 must. �� made in writing, addresse� to the City M�nager, and fi�ed wiih him prior �p the t�me set for �he opening of propasals. After al] proposa1s not requested for non--consider�tion are open�d and publicly re�d a]aud, the prapos�ls for which nan—eansideratian requests �ave been pr�perly f�led ma.�r, ai the option af the Owner, be returned unopened. C2-2.9 i'ELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATTflN OF PROROSALS: Any bid�er � propasa7 by telegraphic comnunicatyon at any time pripr to � opening propasa�s, provided such telegraph�e comnunicatia � D-9 may madify his the ilme set fa� n is received by � the Purthasing �anager ��ior tn ��e sa�� propos�� �pe�in� tim�, and p�ovid�d f��th�r, th�� th� City �an��er is ss�isfied Ch�� � writt�n an� d��y authen��tated �onfirrr�t�fln �f �u�h #��l��r��hi� co�rmur��cation ov�r #�he signature of th� b�dder u�as rn�yled p�ior �o the proposal opening ���e. �f ��c� t�nfirr�aiion is not re�eived w�thir� ��rty-eigF�t �4�3� ho�rs aft��r the p�ra�as�l opening ti�e, no ��r�h�r� c�nsid�r�t7on w�l] b� �iven �o the pro�t��al . D-34 � t��UANTI�`�: Bitl quar�tit}�s �f t�e var�o�5 i#.ern5 in th� P�opo��l �r� for bid �or�p�ri5o� on�,y �nd ma,y r�at �efl�c� the $ctual quar�tit�es ��ee �eneral Con�itio�ts C�-�.2 and C�-4.��. Mo�`eover, th�re 7s �.o b� n� lim7t �n �h� v�ria�ions betv��ett the +�s�i�n�ted �tran�7tie� shown ant4 actua7 quantities p�rf���ed. D�,�� 2:�7 C�P��R.E.��: Tr���p��tati�n �nd �ub�ic 4Jor�Cs Dep�r#�mer�t typi�al s�ctSons for Pavernen� a�� Tr��th #te��ir for {Jtil�i�.�y ��t� Fi�'s ]. throu�h 5 re�er� ta us�r�g �:�7 �oncrete �s ba�� repair. �ir��e �his call-aut in�.lu��s t�h� w�rd '"c�ncr�t�", t�e t�r�sist�nt in���pr�tation �f tF�e Transpo�ta�ti�n Pul�li� Warlcs �epartmer��t as �#�at th3� r�tio spec7f3es two {2� s�c�ts of cemen� p�r cubic ,yard o� to+�[ret�. With Eh� �xeept7o� �# t�te t�mer�t �on�en�, all other re�uir�m�n� �ha�l �r��t �r �x�e�d Tr��sparta�.ion afld Pub�it Warics D��ari�nent �tar�dar� spe���ic�tior� �tem 40fi Cl�ss D Cor��r�Ce. �—i0 '"'P � �ffiii� �� �'OR� id��3`�� !`B� ����ra�.b�fl� Yia�t i�t�� �o� Ses���r, i�g�ifl��� �e�a Lf��li��t C�������o� ��to6�� 16� I��7 �r�ev�ilit� �i���ber��i�r� .. � �s�e , , . _ . �.._,�._ , . . � ., , , �- �i�� �°��1 OperB�vr , A����1� �ic�� -� ------���ptn��e ��e���ea� . 1��rct�i�� �1.�� �1���her �atp���er ����k �.+a�p�o�ei R��Q�So ��lagiri ��r������ l�f�i�h�r (��v} I �e��r��e ��n��1�er� ��Y�e� t��v) ����r��ee F���ak�r (��a�) C�fl���t� F$ni�he� g�l�e� {���s) C��a��re�� ltui�b�� �b��g�i���n ' ��� ����a�� Cs���) � ��� �ui�d�� ���p�r tS��e) E�o� bfr��� (P�dia� � C�gb) ' F'�€� ��e��� (��via� 6 �u��} . _ �"�b� �e����r �aY��x (��G) ��� 6�rt�r (5��,} �eata ��eee� ��bg�� (�tg�} L���r� � � ���a� ' I.ab����� �rs�li�y P���h�n�� �f le� ��rvieQr �ip�iayer ��p�lmqex �iel�eg ��� ��Ui�t�4'� �P�tdi4�°O�t�: i���flc�gt 9i�Ctlbibt�� A�g��lt �mvi�� I��F���� �Yoo� oY �w�e�eg 8��e��et 1��11������ g�0 �F �€ %e�s �u81d��erp �v�r xa0 �P �o�e�e�e P�v�r�� Cu�i�r� I+i�ci�m ���e��g� P�v�ng I�ie�o M�eho ��ncg��� ��eia� ���a � ���e��Qe ���aisr� �������g ��ip�o� H�ci�t�a A�����e� ���a�, �����i���l� ��ckh�� ��e��i�is, �lr���i��, �i�o�+ei (���� tH�� b��/� caY) � s��a �m�� 70�� i.5� �o�l 60�� �004 :.�A �e�� 6a94 �e3� �,�za �os� 7000 �0�5 �o�� ie�2 70�� 6ofs2 54�6 l�oi� b0o40 �o�b io�T i.b� �.�� �a�� �01� 7089 �0�7 �.9b �.Zg �.�� �oZ4 �oi� �o�� �o�� � C���ei�������s� � . , � _ _ �,�� . -- �g�v�ilfn� ��� G�a�s o�L�1��B 1 p��1eh�e � 9 e�2 ���i�t�� dg�li�� �ar��l tlafl/2�� i ���) f����a���� �r�l�� ���t�o� I9.60 �u�� ����� . ��ua��a����� ��flY �����s 909� ; ��3�� t��e�� !�d ��r �.4� ; (��1/� � � ���) ��e��� �r�� �a�e� 9.6► (�����YI� �') I���eg [�e�c���� ���ei�g} �.d0 i���r ��a��r ��e.Fi� ���d� �.77 ���� ��d�� �����r 90�9 �����o 5���1 ���� ��6� i�l��� Et� �w��r:��} � E��81�go ����1 t���l �i.44 i�t6es FI���n��l���sp��=} �%l��e �e�tic �.3i (�e�� �xg�lie�) ����parr� (1� � � ��aa? �'a25 ��r��pe�� (��g Yi �) i. �� �����a� (C���1�� ��) �.55 i150��&+e��) T���ga� (�a�ra�e� ���� 40�� (�►�r g�� �'� �g��g�� (��eur�a�i�j �.@0 t�o � s �s•�) ���v�1�+a� �9��aer 10.04 '�t°IB�C�9��9� �$6'%�S� � ����' � e 5� 1��ie�g����� ���eg �ee��g � �o21 �����e�) �a�+��ecci�� ����! 5����r �.09 (����s�����). i�fa���ci� �ee�g Seg�e�e 70�0 (�al�.r) �i���t li��ei���o �tr�ce►��al 9.50 �p���d��° f��c ���e�� �050 � ��- _ • - __ ' . • _ " -- �, � . � � � ` . . , _ .:.ti1 ..� t .. � , , '�-�' { -. �:r+�:i''�§�.''� . �� , ' _ I � ��� + � I ��� �� �� �i �a�aQ ���Vi�t�fl� l�i�i ���� �O; � Str�*t■� �r#�ea�e aud Ut�Ift� Co�wtr�c��aa pc���er l�i� ��t�T a .....�.` � �ti�a�ft��t�on - '�`i��G'� �R��B: , . 8i�o�ia �1� � Li��►t �fn�]� A�1e� �ea+ry �`a�d�� #a�l� or Sa�i�r�it�r ;.oi+b�y llaat --- �x�sc�t.���ra: �ras�sit 11i�e i�i�ch li� �d�� �e�d#� �elp�r ��#�T1���� i�#T�4� �c�*�iliq� , r � Pr�ev�l � ��� ����� �a� ikate i - , $ 7.�� { ' •`' �.�7 � , � ��� - �.]� � � ; �.�8 � ,��, 7.�3 9.�4 'A . �7 7.�� �i�V f F1 . , -- � . - , � }. �r�vai�ie� il�t� b�t�r��n#� as p�ra�r�d�d �o� ia bari���aon �+e�n�attoai. ���. �.� �e��ri,tiot� ' . Th� "�r�v�i�ir�� �r��e" •hs�� b� tb� wrs�;� pa�� t� ��� �jorft�► ��ora �han 3� parc�nt� of the l;bar�r■ or �acltanics #� th� �la�sifLc�Ciot� �� a�■llsr px��e�ti �n th� �r�� duri�� ��� �erfod fn qu�at��a, I� th* sa�e �#�� f� �� �aid to � �aa�ori�y o� thos� �m�loyed d� t�e cl��s#��,c�t�o�, t1� *'pr�v�il��� ����" ■k�a�� be �he a�rer�ge of th� �ra�e� paf�! v�����*d b�► th� �ot�� ���la�►ad in the clasaiffc�t�an, !•--' . �, . � . �-.-.. r � , - -e �' - w _„ . T . �• ^ � � . . � � Y� -- i , � -.! . - � �T� �-� ��---^^--�1 ---- -� i � . � � . � � r r� � � � : N c� *� . ���� �� �� � �� � ��� � �i � � �1� /S # �r �� �+Vhf#e �,�f:ogo �r��r+ � ,� , � k - � • � ���� ���� 1� � - l � � �� � ��� . ! � i� � � � , ��! ���0 ��if� �� �� } r �• r � �� l � � / - - -�J � ���—�O�O G���17 � ��� �o�t Vl�orth�, -� _�;��� ��"���� �'s�'��!! ������ ~�� � �� `� � �i �_���� , ������f�l��� � .� , � i ■ � � � � � � .� 4 � � � � '� 'i � � �- �o�o �r�e� 4Yl#1r � � I+Yh![e L�t�ers � u ������� ���� F�gur� 30 �� �-85 . ' � ' . � , -� �, � G�l4��R�4� ��T�S: �O�O ���1@ ` ��� +1F�+�� ��0#/. #.�go Gree� - �n�r ��82 ��0�� #.e��erlr�� Slr�d 7'a� �!� ��ale 3�� + � � 0" ��� # ��rrs�r��t�or� .� � I I� - ' � P I I < , , i 0 ����� ������� � mn.� ` I � I� � ` _ � ' � I�` �� - � � � � �' L� � - � � � �� � ��� ���� � 0 S���I�AF�D i�R�VYI�CS � ��C'�� � -� � � FI�E iV�, DR�aMI�1�G� C-�3�2� 'TH�U C—�23� �. �� � ,� � �._ _ � . ������DE�����2 n I � � ���� �� ���� ����� , iiiAt��P��'fAi/� � �l9�l�fC �1'�K� D��T• . Ei�ili��l�� �I�� � �� , � ..-, �. . �.�.�. _,� � �� _ .�.� _ �, � � � ��.� g�i'�� �� ��0e �E�Q��� ���� ���,� ��Q'C1U lkOEl�. � �Alrt� i.OP��a1�4l�IP�A� �Pl ��T�'� ��a����� �+.p�� �tto�� ����. ���s�'°�°° ��i����c�o �o������ � ����IE�t ' �ee�r1E���� �i���I��E�It ��R���lE�AlE�IT SA1A� �4�T SAYN �lD� � . � , , • �� sb r � � . • . � i ����. 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They da not cover any subcontractors ar sub-subcontractors. •r ���F�i��C� ��ND BOND NO. 02-6$-44 `�� ����� �� ��X�� � ���� �� ���� � " ���{d �� �41 �Y ���� �R��L��: '�1��$ o�� (1) Austin Pavin� Company � �� Ca) Ca-rnor�zt�.nn . �f Fo-rt Wnrth r r �ie�ein����x ��Yled E�Bfsei�al� �e�� (3) [� , � � e�r��s�gga� �����a��� ��d ��r����g ��r��� tf�� ��a�+� �t ��� Sffi�g� ��d fully ����►a�a�ed �o tr���acr� b��$���s ie� �1�� �g�t� ag ?�ss��, �s 'i��srety�� ��� ��1� ��d ' faa�ly 6our�d ���t� ��� �bgyv �� �`�g� tJor��fl, � �wa�i��l ea�pog�gi�fl ����ni��� a�r�d . ��i�gi�� ���e� €!�� g�wa o� �i�e �t��e e� T�as��, ��xea���g��e ��11�� t�er, �� ��e i p���l .�� �i: ., Five Hundred Twen�y—Seven Thousand, Five Hundxed Ninety—two and 5Q/].00 . __ —. 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Box 94702?.. �r� i�Unrt.� �_ T�€ 7�147 "_ [Adc��eeaD ^ ��9�Clli� a�R�� �SSU�iVe� ��1���fVY «� _,— . „_— • — -:' - �d���y� . � r. ��: ��$$BY�'������'��C$� �S� 22QQ NOX't�1. �OCPI� W�S� ► HOI��OTI, '�`X 77Q18 � il�eld��a`) � �q��: �a�� �f ��r�� �a� ��t �e p�i�� eo d�b� �� ���tr��g (1) {�) i4) {�? ��� ������� so� �� C�e�ac��� �4 C��par�tb��, � ����e�a��rbp e� �� Y�di�*�duul, �� ���� �y �� ���g�e� �a� e� �ag��� �i ��t�a�t�� �� l��r�n�g�hfp �11 ��st��eo �h���d ���e�g� �er�� A g��t� �e��v �� �d�+�g �f 16�g�r��y �t��ll b� ���aeh�,d �e ���� by At�c��a�y�ie���ae�. � i - -- ___ , _ _ . _ . , , ' _ _._Q� �i�-na _ � . .. . - � .. _ ._. � - � , � r . - � - - . 5 _ '__'_ " ._ _. .. . ._ . . � . . �. _ I � � _ . - . . _ . , __ t _, _ � 1 r � I � � � . , _.. . k . � � , ;. 4 .. � ,` - . _ � - , -� - -- - - - � _ h . .. . � --- ---- - . - -� - - . . _ _.. .. . . , - i`..- - - - ' ' . � . •. a-. fi m�u �i-��o i v�rdf� a�r .i��, _.. ... ... i ,.� _�.i . _ . 2 i Fe]�ruar5r 9{� i .�� , . . � . ' � ' @dl�%�l�°�idl�� L�f1�i� BOND NO. 42--68-44 '�'�� S'�Wi� b�° �1�5 � �� Ol� ����T � , . �+1��D t�� 8�� �Y �i���� ��E��t�'��: '���g �1} Austin Paving Compaz�y . ' �o� ������p��, ��e��� ����fa �y m��d �l�rau�� 2j �ii.:�� ,�,. �g� , d�aly au�ht�xa�e� . 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