HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17677e � UNiTED STATES OF AF?�RiC� DEPARTFS.�NT Of` TRANSPORT�TI02� UR$�N FiASS TRAI3SP�R'�ATIOi�3 AD�r4�1�iISTId�r�IQId NOTI�'�CATION OF �RAN� APPFtDVAY� , �� �� �i'� �a��R���� ���T��� N SEC'I`I�I35 3��� � 9 � g8� AIdD/OR 24 Q�' � �TRBAI�i 1�SS TRANSP�R`�ATIOi� .�1CT 0� 196� r.�5 ����, 49 U.S.C. �►PP. �� 1fi0I et s� ., Arra�o� �x�r� a�� u.s.c. �xz�x�aaxs) Prar�� ��P P�ej�et i�Tc�. Tx-9a X169 ���eaa���t �a�_ ao , '� . � ��� _ � �'• • GRANTE�: Fort Worth Transpor�ation Authozity DES�GNATED REC�PI�N'i': City af For� Warth, Texas MASS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM: fihe "T" SECTION O�' STA'I`IJ'iE: Section 9 E3�IMA2'EU TO',�AL N�'T PROJ]�C'� COS'� OF � PR�.T��� IP3 T'H�S PROGEt1�I� OR ESTIIh�A'I`ED �OTAi, GROSS,/NF� PFtCkT]�C°i` CQ5� t $10, 73b , I22 MAXIh1U1� �']�D�R�iL FUNDS A��'ROVED f��CLUDIId� �►h'X A�D��y: �4,995,OOQ ES�IMATED �'�b��i, SHA� O�' iH�S A1�1+iDI�F�: ��A MAXYMLTI�t P�RC�:l3'�AG� f SZ O� �'�H�1�I� PAR'�i��P�'��QI�: Origi�al C�'Si3�C�: 50 pexcent operating` and 80 per.cent planning A�endm�nt Iv*urdbar� l: N JA Amendz+nen� Aiwnb�� � : N/A DAT� Ql�' D�P1°iR'�N`i O� LAH�R S�C'���1�T 13 ( c) �E���'�C.1�'�Y�N I,E'�ER [ S S,: P�v� ect� Nu��� ��iQ�.�al Gra�� ox 13 lc) C��i�i�a��om Da�e AroaendYsert� NumF�ex TX-90-X1.69 , �riqinai Gran� November 1, 1989 1 2 , PROGRAr4/PRD.7ECi D�SCRI��01�: Operati.ng Assistance for the period Octobe� 1, 1989 through Septembez 30, 19}�, and the Tarantula Rail Feasibility Study. SPECZAL CONDiI�ON5 �D�OR SPEC�� ��$����� SP�C��►�, ��,II�R�Pi'�: �a.ssta�lr�� t� ����� ���� �� �,� �p���� og �e��n�e 3��pr�opri�ti�n� Ac� f�g Fi€���1 Y�€� 1�8�� i�� �tee ��a�� c�.�axl.y s�� �a� ir� �g ��€�g��sr�, p�� ��.��a ��t fog p��po�a�.�, bid ��li��ta.�i��, �ncB ��er ���� ��f�� g�oj���� or� pso�a� gu�d� �r� ���a os �a p� ��.� �� �e (l�) �t�� p�gc�n��g� og �� ��t�� ca�t �E �� pr��e� �f�� ��.t.tt EJi�TR ��� 'l�Cd��3C� � &T�� ( 2 � �kl� i�.�7.��K �Dt]�1i� �f [i��I� �'����$�3G� ��� �@ �]r�Dj �G� . (Note es��ci�lly Pa� I, spec�a�. �equir���x�t� fsr� und�r varivu� st��utar�y � � c z � �ses oBLIGATTON DATE ��c�iaa� g �g��q� 9, �i�i� ����Iis� s�v�r�al cateq����� �� p��je�� �f��.n��d au�ha���ei��.) ��zaxar, �.rr �' A�TACHkl�AdT A p�l� �`1�A ��� �t�X'� �x'�� �Ct i�t��s : TX ��0 � %1 b 9 ��ur3��� �1�1n�og Y��b��o �540 . , is ��� ��� �� � ��� on � %.�t� �� e��.g'r �� x ffia,� Z� ���, �T�0�1f�� �YtE���e �9 � 08 � 6049 , �� y�s�. �ut �eu do r�� ]�� �s �� ��m � Y��� �� ��edi� i� �r�t�y b�f�� ���l��t+� � �e ��fa� ��vi�i�a, gi��� l.�i��� � �la�i� a ��wi� � � ��llwfae� ��a��e � So�°��� �� �ed�gai ����ial ��i��� f�r �� c���: ��� �� _ E� �� 5�� i� '�l� I�� 0���! g�8a �G�°IO� ^� 88 21 90 91 l. 02 $ -0- $ 95,d00 $ 95,OOa 88 2I 90 91 1 04 $ --0- $4,900,0�0 �4,9QD,OOE} � �� T���� , Sk�zDN 9 D� C M g 198� �xoG� o�' �a7� � �r Url�an.ize� Area: Datlas-Ft. Worth Appc�rtionm�tit for 19 :$ nesignateci R�ip�.ent: City of Ft. Worth Carryover Fu�rls: $ Gra�tee: Fort Wo�th Transportation Authority Trar�sfer Fur�s: $ Prograan N�o :�C 9�-X].G9 Total Funcls Available: $ Pro��� Description Lo��l Fed�ral. Tbtal I e CAPITAL PRQ'1'�C.TS 8�%l0 funding: LI. t3PERATII�G ASSI�ANCE {up to 50� �tatx3ing} for peria3 1�J/]./89 to 9/3H/9� $5r717r372 54,9�0,00� $19�517�372 Z��.Pi�ANNING (8�/2� fun�ing) : Tarantul.a �'eas:ibil,ity Study $23r750 $95�00f� $11$r75H SUbtOtcll Uld�nillq $23r759 $95r�g0 $118�75�k �,�; $5,741,122 $4,995,R1�� $1�,736■122 IV. oo1rT�I1V�IeCY I�RA7�3Ci'S : rirnne � SDGTION 9 E�PEI�IDITEIRE DEI'AIL Urbanizeci A�rea: Da11as-�'�. Worth D�sianatec� R�ipient: Cit� of Ft. Worth Gran�e�; Ft. Fn7orth TzanspC�r�ation Authority P�rc�ram No. : TX 9�-X169 Proiect Activities I. CAPTTAL S�/2PJ funr3ing: IT. OPERATTI�G ASSTS�A'�E {up to 5�� funding} ; for the period 1(�%]./89 - 9/3�d%90 :1 �: r� ? � 1�8� Budg�t Totat Codes Costs 3Gi.1�9,�10 $1�,617,372 III.�ING (80j2� fur�ding) : Tarantula Rai}.roa�d Feasibility Study 41.].7.00 $1�8,75� subto�al olannina $Y].8, 7S� x'0'T'AL E�JI�S (I, II, Iily $10,73�i,122 N. CJQN�II�C`ENCY gRQ7E7Cr5: None Identi�ication o� Sac�rces af �'ederai Fiz�ancial Ass�stanCe: Descrit�tion FFY APFN �DC L7M TA FPC AMaLiNr S�tion 9 Formula 88 21 90 9J. 1 �2 $95r�00 5ec�ion 9 Formula 88 21 9� 91 1 04 4,900,0f6� Fet3eral Sha�e $4�995i�00 UNZTED STATES OF AMERICA DEP2�RTMENT OF TRANSFORTATI4N URBAN MA55 TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATTON GRANT SECT�ONS 3l 8j 9r 9Br AND/OR 24 OF THE URHAN MASS TRANSPORTATIQN ACT OF 19�4, AS AMENDED 49 U.S.C. APP. §§ 1601 et 5ea. AND/OR TITLE 23, LINITED STATES CODE PART I THIS GRANT, e�fective on the date specified in the Notification of Grant Approval, is en��red into by and between the Unated Sta�.es of America �"Government") and the Grantee named in the Notificat�.on of Grant Approval. Yn conside�ation o� �he mutual. covenants, promises, and representations herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section 1. Purpa�e af Grant - The purpose of this Grant is to pravid� �or the undertaking of an urban mass �ransportati.an pl.anning, acquisition, cans�ruction, improvemen�, and/or aperating program ('�Program") or project ("Prajec�l�) as au�horized under the Urban Mass Transpor�at�on Ac� o� 1964, as amended (UMT Act), and/ox am�ndmen�Cs to title 23, U.S.C. (Highways) with Fed�ral financial assis�ance ta �he Grantee in the form of a grant (�fGraTit'� ), for the purposes set for�h in th� Program/Proj ec� Description in �he Notifa.cation a� Gran� App�aval �hat ars in accordance wi�h �h� sta�u��s and any i.mplem�n��ng regula�ians or guidelines; and �o sta�.e the terms and condi�ions upon which such assis�.ance will be provided and �he manner in which �he Project or the proj ec�s in �he Program will be ur�deri�al�en and �he Program or Proj eci� planning studies, facili�i.es, or equipmeni� will be used. Sec�ian 2. The Prosxram/Proiect - The Gran�ee agrees to under�ake and comple�e the Program or Pro�ec�, and �o provide for the use o� �h� Program or Praject facil.ities o� equipmen�, substantia].ly as described in i�s Appliaation, incorporated h�rein by reference, fa.led raith and approved by th� Government, and in accordance with �he �e�ms and conditions o� this Grant, The "Pragram/�rojec� Description" in the I�Ta�ificatian af G�an� Appraval describes the Program or Projec� to be funded by �his Grant. Form UMTA F 201.8 5/89 Page 1 - .� 4 � Section 3. Federal Asszstance � a, In orde� to assis� the Grantee in financing that portxon of the total cos� of �he Project or the projects in the Program tha� �he Departmen� of Transportatian (DOT) has de�eranined canno� reasonably be financed from �evenuas o� the public transportation sys�em in which the Program or Projec� facilities or equipment are to be used ("Ne� P�ojee� Cos�"}, such Ne� Projec� Cost ta�al of the Praject or projects �inanced in �his Program being es�imated �o be thar amount stated in the No�ification of Gran� Approva�., �h� Governmen� will mal�e a Gran� in an amoun� equal �o ei�her (1) the m�ximuYn amoun� permii�ed by Federal �aw and regula�ions, or {Z) the amount designa�sd as Maximum Federal Funds Approved in the Natifi.cation of Gran� App�ova]., or (3) �he amount designa�ed as Maximum PerceniC.age(s) of Federal Participation as se� forth in the Noti�ication o� Gran� Appraval, whichever is �ha Zeas�. W�th respect to operating assi,stance projects financed under Sec�ion 9 of the UMT Ac�, no�withs�anding any prova.szon �o �he con�rary in Section 105.c. of Par� IT, Farm F 5K, Rev. 5/89, enti�led Urban Mass Transportation Agreement, rhe Federal financial assistance provided under this Gran� may be app�ied �.o the Ne� Proj�c� Costs incurred �or opera�ions by the Grantee in the Project Time Period for operations projects designa�ed in the li.s� o� Program of Projects attached to �he Notifica�ion of Granf Appxoval. b. For p�rposes of this Gran�, "Ne� Praject Cost" must be in conformance wi.th �he requirements of Of�ice of Management and Budge� (OMB) CircuZar A�8'7, Revised, "Cost Principles Applicable �o Grants and Contracts wi�h S�ate and Local Governments," and with any guidelines or regulations issued by the Government. c. The obliga�ion ot the Government to make Federal G�ant payments shall na� exceed '�he amoun� provid�d in �he Program or Projec� Budge�. Sec�ion �. Lacal 5ha�e o The Grantee agrees �hat i� wil� provide from sources o�her �han (a} Federal �unds (excep� as may a�herwise be au�hori�ed by k'ederal s�a�u�e), (b) receip�s from the use of th� Program or Projec� facilities or equipment (except as may otherwise be au�harized by Federal s�a�u�e} or (c) revenues o� the pub7.ic transpar�a�ion sys�em in which such facili�ies or equipment are used, funds in an amount sufficien�, toge�her with the Grant, ro assure paymen� of ei�her �he ac�ual Projec� Cos� of each projeat in �he Pragram or �he actual. Projec� Cost. The Grantee further agrees tha� no refund or reduc�ion of �he amount so provided will }ae made a� any �ime, unless �here is a� the same time a refund �o the Government of a proporrional amoun� af �he Gran�. The Gran�ee's obligation �a prava.de the Loca1 Share is calcul.ated on a project-by-project basis ei�h�r £o� each project in the Program or the Project as a whole. Page 2 Seation 5. Labor Protec�ion - The Grantee agrees �o undertake, carry ou�, and complete �he P�agram or Project in accordance with fhe terms and cond�tions determined by �he Secretary of Labor �o be fair and equitable to protect the in�erests of emp�oyses affec�ed by tha Program or Pro�ect and meeting �he requiremen�s of sec�zon 13(c) of �he UMT Ac�, 49 U.S.C. app. § 1��9(c), and Depar.tmen� of Labor regula�ions at 29 C,F.R. Par� 215. These �erms and conditions are iden�ified in the le��er of cer�ifica�ion from the Depar�men� of Labor �o �he Government on �he da�e se� for�h in �he No�ifica�ion of Gran� Appr�val; �ha� 1����r and any documen�s cited in �hat l���er a�e incorpo�a�ed in�o this Grant by reference. The Gran�ee agrees �o carry out �h� Gran� in compliance wi�h the candi�ians s�a�ed in �he Depar�men� of Labor le�ter. S�c�ion 6. Snecial Condition Pertainina to Financinq S�c�ion 3. Sec�ion 8, or Section 9B Pro�ec�s. Sufficien� funds mus� be available in the Mass Transi� Accaunt of the Highway Trus� Fund and an adequate liquidating cash appropriation must have been enacted into law be�ore paymen�s may be made to the Gran�ee under sec��an 3, section 8, or sect�on 9B o� the UMT Act, 49 U.S.C. app.�§§ 1602. �607, or 1607a�2. Section 7. Special Reauzrement for Section 8 Pro�ects. P�annina � The �ransportation plans and programs �hat are developed as par� of �his Projec� sha�l be �ormula�ed on �he basis of transpor�ation needs with the development of comprehensive long���rm financzal plans, and due consideration of long-range land use plans, developad objec�ives, and overa�l social, economic, environmental, sys�em performance, and energy cons�rvation goals and ob�ec�ives, and with du� consydera�ion to �heir probable efiec� on �he fu�ure developmen� of �he urban areas described in the Applica�ion. The pZanning process shall include an analysis of al�ernative �ranspor�a�ion sys�em managemen� and �inves�men� s�ra�egies �o make more efficient use of exis�ing transportation resources and to mee� �he needs for new � �r�nspor�ation facilities. The pracess sha11 consider ali modes of transportation and shall be continuing, aoopera�ive, and comprehensive to the degree appropria�e based on the complexi�y of the transportation problems. Furthermore, the plans and programs that are developed as part of this PrajeCt shall encourage �a the maximum �x�ent teasible �he par�icipation of private enterprise. Should facilities and equipmen� alr�ady being used in �ass transportation service in the urban area be acquired, the program must pravide that they sha11 be so improved that �hey wilZ better serve the transportation needs af the area. Page 3 Section 8. Special Reauirements far Section 9 Pro�ec�s. a. Fares and Services - The Grantee agrees that i� wi1Z u�il�ze i�s administra�ive process to solicit and consider pub�ic cammen� prior to raising �ares or imp�ementing a major reduction of service. b, Audit Recxuiremen� - The Gavernment may, a� leas� annually and more frequen�ly in its discre�ion, ei�her conduct or require �he Gran�ee �o have indep�nden�ly conduc�ed, reviews and audits as the Government may deem appropria�e pursuant to the pravisions of sec�ian 9{g} a� �he UMT Ac�, 49 U,S.C. app. § �607a(g), and any regulatians ar guidelines that may be issued by the Government. c. Ha��-Fare Reauiremen� � The Grantee agrees and assures that �he ra�es charged elderly and handicapped persons during nonpeak hours for �ranspor�ation util�xing or involving the facilities and equipment financed pursuant to this Gran� wili not exceed one-half of �he rates generally applicable �o o�her persons at peak hours, wh��her the aperatzon of such facili�ies and equipment is by the Grantee or is by another entity under 1�ase ar atherwise. The Grantee agrees and assures that it will give �he ra�e required herein to any person presenting a Medicare card duly issued to that pe�son pursuant �o ti�Ie T� or title XVIII o� �he Social Securiry Act, d. So�e Source Procurement, � The Grantee may, without priar Gavernment (UMTA) approval, procure an assac�a�ed capital item eligible under section 9(j} of the UMT Act, 49 U.S.C. app. § 1607a(jj, by can�rac� directly with the original manufacture� or supp�ier of �he item �a be replaced, provided that the Grantee first cer�ifies in writing �o the Gavernmen� �hat: (1) such manufacturer or suppZier is �he only source of such i�em; and (2) the price of such i�em is no higher than �he price paid for such item by �ike cus�omers; no�wi�hstanding �he foregoing pravision, hawever, �he Buy America requirements o� �he Surface Transportati�n Assistance Ac� of 1982, Pub. L. 97�424, § 165, as amended by Pub. L. i00��7, § 337, and any implemen�ing regu�a�ions �hat may be issued are applicable to such procuremants. Section 9. Special Condition Pertainin� �o Ma7or Capi�al Proiects. The Grantee shall implemen� a projec� managemen� plan, as approved by the Governmen�, in accordance wi�h the requirements of section 23 of �he UMT Act, 49 U.S.C. app. § 1619, and any impiementing regula�ions �hat may be issued thereunder. Page 4 Sectxon 10. Th� Grant - This Grant consists oi the Notification o� Grant Approval; this Part I, Form F 2018, 5/89, en�itled Urban Mass Transportatzon Administration Grant; and Part �Z, Form UMTA F 5K, Rev. 5/89, en�itled IIrban Mass � Transportation Agreement, Terms and Conditions. Should the Grant award letter inolude special condit�ons for �he Project or �he projeats in th�s Program, tha� le��er is incorporated herein by re€erence and made part of �his Gran�. Amendments �o any of these documen�s sha11 require a formax amendmen� to this Gran�, �xoept �ha� r��allocations of funds among budge� items or fiscal years wi�hou� increasing �he �o�al amount of the Federal Grant may be made in aceordance wi�h all UMTA circulars and regula�ions. Amendmants o� any �ype that pe�tain �o funding shall require �he �ssuance of a new Program ar Project Budge�. Sec�ion 11. Exacution of Grant - This Gran� may be simultaneously execu�ed in several counterparts, each of which counterpar�s shall be d�emed to be an original having iden�ical legal effect. When �he Notifica�ion �f Grant Approval is signed by �he Government, this Gran� should be executed by �he Grantee wi�hin ninety (90) days after �he Obligation Date. The Government may wi�hdraw its obliga�ion hereunder i� the Grant is no� executed wi�hin �he above ninety-day period. The effective da�e of the Gran� shall be the Ob�iga�ion Da�e. �he effective da�e of any Amendmen� shall be the Obliga�ion Da�e for �hat Amendmen�. Th� Grantee does hereby ratify and adopt all s�a�amen�s, representations, warran�ies, cov�nants, and materials submi��ed by it, and does hereby accep� �he Governmen�'s award of financia� assis�ance and agrees �o all of �he �erms and condi�ions of this Gran�. �xecuted �his _ 26 day of .7anuary , 19 90 ATTEST: � BY � � _ � � __ � Grants & Bud�et Coordinator TITLE AND ORGANIZATION General Mana�er TITLE AND ORGANIZATIDN Page 5 CERTIFICATYON OF GRANTEEfS ATTORATEY Y, ROBERT A. PARMELEE, of Chappell & Handy, P.C., aa�ing as Attorney �or the Grantee do her�by cer�ify tha� T have examined �his Grant and have asce�tained �hat execution of the Grant was authorized on �he dates of July 13, 1989, and Novembe� 9, 1989. A copy ot �his authoriza�ion is a��ached or has previou�ly been submi��ed to UMTA. The execu�ion of �his Gran� and �he proaeedings taken by �he Gran�ee are �n a�i respec�s due and proper and in accordance with applicable Sta�e and local law. I further certify that, in my flpinion, said Grant cons�itu�es a legal and binding obliga�ion of �he Gran�ee in aCcordance with the terms thereof and certify �ha� �o the best of my knowledga, there is no Zegislation ar li�igation pending ar �hr�a�ened which migh� affect the performance of �he Praject in acaordance with the �erms Qf this Grant. A��r � Dated �his /�?�� day o� January, 1990. CHAPPELL & HANDY, P.C. By• ` ROBERT A. PARMELEE, Attorney Page 6 SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT Section 9 of the UMT Ac� requires a designa�ed�recipien� �o enter in�o £ormal agree�en�s for projec�s no� aarried ou� direc�ly by �he Designa�ed Rec�pbent. The Gran�ee under this Gran� Agreemen� is no� a Designa�ed Rec�pient. Therefore, �he Designa�ed R�cipient, in acaordance with the urban Mass Transpo�tat�on Ac� or �964, as amended, hereby agrees �o permit �he Gran�ee under �his Grant Ag�ee�ent �o �eceive and dispense.�he F�deral £unds described in this Gsan� Agreemen�. �he Des�gna�ed Recipien� fur�her agr�es �ha� �he Gran�ee shall assume a�� responsibi�i�ies se� �or�h in this Gran� Agreement. The Government and �he Granree unde� this Gran� Agreement hereby agree �ha� �he Designated Recipien� is no� in any manner subjec� �o or responsible for �he �erms and condi�ions o� �his Grant and is a par�y �o �his Gran� Agreemen� only �o assign �� �he Grantee the righ� �o receive and dispensa Fede�al funds as descr�bed above . �Urban Mass Tra�isp tation Adminis��a�ion � � Designated Recipien� ���i �;�; �-""� �� an�ee / �J _ Q DE� 2 � �sss Date i � � �" �� Date f����Z3 Da�e Ais� � ' � � �'� �' t� i��l� ���'�`� i' _ r , i ,. � _ � . .. -kw /�� f ' � - y /`���..�U'.�'F30� �_�1 ' ..� ��4» ���� � Page 7 � ' '� . (� �i�:�����. � � ; ,, �. � ��� � i'.1 / �`} 'Y A` '� ��- 5 �0�� 1�1/O��H ��i�N��O�Tr� TIO�AI � �lTl�f��1 ��' P.d. Box 1417 � F�rt 1WQrth, Texc�s 761 {11-1477 � C89 i) 870-6221 February 21, 1990 `N�� Amos, A��stant Director Trans�orta�on and Public Wo�k� City of �''a�t Worth 1000 -3'hrockmarton F9x"� Worth, Texas 76102 Dear Nancy: ` ' � �� � ��� r � , � � �._1� <--� . l L �. �� ��� r� Enclosed is a rep�acement page for the grant contract TX�90-X1.69 you should have recently received. Destroy the existing page 2 0� the contract and inc�rt this new paqe 2. Th� cover letter from UMTA explains why the change is necessary. I� yau have any questions� p].ease contact me. , , � LaV�rna Mitchell Grant and Budget Coordinator Enclosures , . ,,,;7` � . ., ; , ���� � � r 4L � � :r 1r�fr �, ` ' -� uayi� �V _ { - � , _ i� � 9 . � � PROGRAM/PR03ECT DESCRIFTION: Opera�ing Assistan�e for the periad 4ctober 1, 1989. through September 30, 1990, and the�Tarantula �ail Feasibility Study. SP�CIAL CONAIT�ONS AND/OR SPECIAL REQUIKMENTS: SP�C�AL R�QUIREM�NT: in accordance �i�h Section 623 of the �reasury, Postal Service and General Gavernm�nt Apprvpria�ians Act of I990, with respect ta any procure�ent �or goods or services (inc�uding constru�tiQn services) having an aggr�gate va1�e of $5fl0,40fl or more, the Recipient agrees to: (1? announce in any solzcxtati�n for offers ta procure such godds or servi�es the amount of Federal funds �hat will be used to finance the acquisition; and (2} express the said amount as a p�rcentage of �he total costs o� tha planned acquisition, {Note especial�y Part i, 5ectians 6 through 9, which e�tablish special requirements for several �ategories nf projec�s �inanced u�der various statutory au�harities.? �1�C 4 3 19'�� - -� QBLiGATTC]N bATE /��� �,REGIONAL' MA�P�AGER a �� 11.5. Depc�rt�nent ot Transportation �iC19�fl Ri�fySS �'ranspor�e4iott 1�dminisY�ti�n Mr. Herchel Payne C�ai.rmarE Fort Worth Transpor�a��on Au�hority P. Q. Box 1477 Fort Worth, Texas 76101-J.477 Dear Mr. Payne: RECIdN V! Arka�sas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Februa�y I4; 1990 � �1 � r . 819 Tayln� Street Suite 9A32 Fort Worth, Texas 78162 Re: Pro�ect No. TX-90-X1.59 There has been a change in the Special Conditions (Fage 2 of the Gontract) only in that it is naw a U. 5. Treasury Sill Citation ra�her �han U. S. Depar�ment of Defense Citation. Th�.s went 3nto effect in December o� 19$9 and we were n.oi natified of this unti�. the second week of January, 199Q. In order that our co�tracts be correct, we ask that pou substirute this second page in the two copies of the contract which you have and destroy the pages you �ake ou�. Thank you for hel.ping us in this endeavar, Enc�osures 5incereiy, -----� � Wilbur E. iiare Regional Manager