HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 17679r -� �� .0 � r`� i� i �, � r � � � , i � ;_ : ., � �OB BOE.EN MAYOR UNIT t UkIT II ��'h�s copY �0•��7 CiTi� 5��:.l�ETA1�Y ..--- Lt:IGT1��fJ�RIPiG DZV. •--- f;Qh��R1�','i'c��� __- (:O�v°i'{?.fi{:'.I"�]`�.- ' S FiO�DIN'G (;0 SPECI�FICATIONS ANQ cor�TRAcT nacuM�r�rs FOR 6" [�IIR1 REPLRCEh�ENT IN EISENliDWER DRIIf� F�OP�4 CRRI�ERLY AVEI�UE TO RAiVS01� TERRAC� PRQ�ECT NUo 53--D17122-00 STOR�i DRAIPE I�4PRO+�EP�ENTS �7Q+9 BLOCK �ISENkiOWER DRIVE P�3Q,] ECT NO o 67�—U2��6�-00 IW THE CITY OF FOCtT �+ORTHp TEXAS FILE WOo S—��0 19�9 � � �.a� r`F _ "' � _ _.___ , �� • � t' � � _ h#�� _ , " �� ��� � 6 s1 � �� � 1� r � �,s . �AVID IVORY CJTY MAiVAGER GARY L� SANTERRE, �.E. DIRECTOR OF TitANSP�RTATIO�I AND FUBLIC WORKS DEPARTP�ENT G. DALLAS WILLIAMS, P.E. DEAUTY DIRECTOR OF �RANSPORTATION AND PI�SLIC WOR1�S/ENGINEERING PREPAR�D BY TRANSPORTATIOiV AND PUBLIC WORKS DfPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISIOl� EXMIBIT "R" �� r����� ��ca�� �;�r� �������� � �. ����� �. ��� :� �_ 1 9 TH� �T�,�� OF TEXAS Cx`�'Y 0� I°'OR'i'� WOR'I'Hr 'i'EXAS CONTRA�T � KNOW ALL MEI� 8X THE�� gRESENTS: GOC1N� �F TARRANT Fr THa� �hi� �g�ee�en� ��cie a�d en���ec� in�o �hi� �he 16th day af ,�anuary �i.�a 19go _. by �nr�� b��ween Pthe CI�`X �� ^F1'3Ri'�� WOR'�'I�� ' � ._11�i111i+�i�aa1 ! ���porat�on o� �"axrant Coun�y ► Tex��, �rgani�ed �nc� exb��ing under a�c� b� vixtue o� a spec�al �ha�t�� a�ogted by �he �uali�ied vo��� w�.�hin �aid C�ty on �he 11th day o� Aecember, P,qi?. 192�, uncieg the aut�a�i�y o� the Cans��.�u�.ion of T�xa�, �nd in �ceordance with a�esolutian cluly pas�ec3 at a r�gui�� �ee�i.ng of t�h� City Coun�al of sa�d �i�y, an� �he Ca�y o�` �'ox� Wox�h being h�reina�tex �e�med ��ane�, �3'1dAPAC-Texas, , Inc. . �w_ . HFREINAFTER CAI.L�D Con�.ra�tox. P^ Division WI'�N�SS�TH: `�hat sa�d par�bes have ag�eed as go�lows: 9. '�ha� �or and in �o�side�ation af �he gaymen�s and agxeem�n�cs h�re�naftex �enti�ned �o lae made a�d gexformed by �the Owner� and und�r tne condi,�fon� �xgres�ed in �he bonci bea�ing even dat�e herewith, the ���c� Cont��c�ox he�eby ag�ees �rb�ch t�he sa�d Owner to �ommence andl �omplet�, �he �on�gru�t�on o� ce�ta�n �mprovements dS fo11oWS; Storm Drain. Improvements in Eisenhower Drive, Carverly Ave. ta Ransom Terrace _ _ _ _ p _ . _ ' ` P Proiect i3umber:_ 67-028855-00 ^ $106,8.63.00_ • 2. Thatc tche work herein �on�empla�ed shall cor�sisfi o� furnishing all labo�, �a�1,�, �ppl�ances �nd mater�als necessary for �he �on�t�uc�ion and �ompletion af said p�ajec� in aecc�rdanae wi�h �he Plans and �pe�ia�iea�ions hexet�a�oxe �re�a�ed by the T�ans�ox�.at�fon and �ublic Works Dep�x�m�nt of �he City �f �'ori� War�h and adop�ec� by the Cit�r Counci� af said ii��r� �� an independ�nt �antractor, and whi�h plans and speca�i.��tion5 axe inco�parateci herean by reference. J e �`h� �ont�a�tox hereb� agree� and binds himse7.:� �o commenc� the �or����u�gfon a� said worlc withiri tEn t 1 D) d�y� a�ter being notifiec3 in �i�ing tca c�d �� by the T�ans,�o��a�ion and Pubii� Works Aireetor of the Gi �y of �or� Wv�tho ��1 4e The eo���a��o� he�eb� �gree� to p��secu�e �aid wor.k w��h g��son�ble �il�ge�ee af�e� �He �ommen�eme�� �he�eo� an� �o f u11y �o�plete ��d fb���h �he �a�� �eady �og the insp�ct�on an8 approval of �h� ��an�p�rta�ian ��d ��bli� Works ���ec�o� of the ���y of �or� W��th �nd �he ���y Co�flcil �� �he �i�y of �ort Wor�h within a period o� 30 wogk��g days fgo� the �fine of �om�e�ring safd �ork; that sa�d �an��acta� sha�� be ���a�led �o �n ex�ension o� �a�� �ime for �o��g �a�d wo�k �ox suc� �a�e �s he �ay necessax��y lose or be del�y�d �y u�avoia�b�e ���id�n�s �a�sea �y u��ores�en ma��ers over ��b�� ��id Contrac�or ha� �o cont�o�, s�ch as inclemency in the weatne�, ���� o� �r�vi�e�ce, labox str�kes �na �elive�y of ma�exials, in �1,1 of �hich e��es �he ne�Y�ge�ce or carelessness o� th� Con��a�to� not con�r�b�ting �o such de�ayo �o S�ould �he C����ac��� f�il �a for withba �h� �ime h�re�n fixed same accorc��nc� to �he ��ue meanang specifi.�at�on�, �hen �he �ity st�all and �om�le�� the �oxk i� such �i m� ��, in �he comple�ben t%e�eof, �h �xc�ed �he �on�ra�� p�ice or �r�i�e� �p�c���ca�io�� made a p�x� hereof, Ca�y on de�nand �n wr�i��flg, se���ng ��a�e�ent og �he �o�.al cast �hereo�, begin tt�e wosk here�n p�ovidec� or to ca�sry on �nd eo�p�e�e the o� �he �n�ent and germs� of sa�d have �Y�e ��gh� t�o ��k� c�arge o� nner as �,t �ay deer� proper,, anc� e cos� �o �he said Ci�y sha�l se� for�h in the �a�d plans �nd �he CQn���ctor �hal]. pay sa�d for�h and spec��ying an atemized said excess cos�. 6. CON�'R.AC�OR' S RESPONS�B�LY'�Y �`OR DAMA+�E CLAIMS; Con�ractox covenan�s ar�d agrees �o, �nd daes he�eby inde�nnbfy, hold ha�m�e�s and defend �c+m�r, i�s of�f�.ce��� agents, �e�van�s and �mployees, �x�am and aga�nst ��y and ��.�. clairms or suits fo� propex�� damage or loss and/o� perso�al injury, in�ludbng death, �o any and a11 persons, o� wha�.soev�x kbnd vx c�a�ac�ex, whe�her xeal o� assex�ed, a�is�ng out of ox i�► �o�nec�eian wi�h, �iree��.y o� �ndi�ectly, the work and s�rviees to be per�o�med ��reunde� by Con��actor, its officers, age�ts, emplayees, �on�erac�.a�s, subcontractoxs, Iicensee� or i��i�ees, whether o� nat caused, in uhole o� in part, by allegea r�egligQ��� on �he par� o� afficegs, agent�, servan�s, employees, �on��actogs, �ti��Ol��gd��0'C3� i�,eensees and b�v��ees o� the �wner; afld s�br� Con�x�ac�ox c�oes heseby covenan� �nd agxee �o assume a�� �aaei���y and r���por�sibi�iti� a£ �rnerc, it� Of��,C@�Sr agents, se�svar�ts �nd ��p�oyees fog p�o�e��y damage or �vss, and/or personal ir�juri��, inc��d��� d�ath, go �ny snd al3 ��rsons o� �►ha�soevex kind �r� chara�tex, wh��t�eg r��al o� asse��ed, ari,sing out o�' o� in conr�ec- �i�r� w��hr di�e��ly or �.��1i�ec��,y, �he �ork and se�vbces to be ��� pe�f��med here��der by Co���ae�or, bgs of€��er�, �gen�s, employ�es, con��a��o�s, subco�tra�tor�, l�censee� and �nvitees, whe�her or no� ca��e�, in w�al� o� i� p�rt. �y allege� neg�fgence of officers, ag����, ���vants, emp�oyees, �o�tgac�o�s, �ubcon��actors, l�censees o� i�vitees af �he Own�r. Con��ac�or b�kewise covena�ts a�d agrees to, an� does her��y, in���nify ��� hold ha��less Bw�er f�om and �gai�st �ny a�d ��1 i�jur�es, loss ex �am��es to p��pe�ty af �he 9w��r ��raflg the �e����man�e of ��� �f �H� �erms and conditions of ���s Contr��t, �he�hex ari��ng out o� or in eoflnee��on w��h or re�ulti�g fxom, in whole o� an gart, �ny an� a�l alleged ac�s or oma�sio�� of �ffice�s, a�ent�, sexvan�s, emplo�ee�, �on�ractors, subeo��r���o��, �iceas��, o� invb�ees o� ��e �wner. Y� �h� �ven� � wr��tien ��aim fo� �ama�es �ga�fls� �he Con�zactox or ��s s��con�ractors rem�an� �nse�tled �� the �fine aZl wo�k on the pro��c� �a� b��n eompleted �o �he sa��s�action o� �he �b�ec�or of ��e T��ns�org��ion an� P�b�ic Wo�k� Aepastmen�, a� evidenced by a f���l bflSpeC$lOfl� ��nal paymen� �o �he �on�rac�or shal� na� be xecom�ended b� �he Dig�c�ox of �he �r�nsporta��on an� Pu�1ic Works Departm��t fo� a p�giod o� �0 days af�e� the da�e o� �ueh �ina� inspec��o�, unless �he Contrac� shall s�bm�� wri�ten ev�denc� sat�s� �ac�o�y to �he D�rector �ha� the claim has been �e��led and a r��e�se has �ee� obt��ned from �he �ia��a�t anva�ved. Although ��e clai� concerne� �emains �nsetitled as the expbrati�n of the abave 3d�d�y �e�iod, �he Con��ac�or �ay be de��ed to be ent�t�ed �o a se�b�ginal payment fo� wo�k comple�ed, �u�h semimfinal payment to b� in a� �noun� eqva� to the �o�al �ol�a� amoun� �hen due less �he do�lax v�lue of any w����en �laims pendin� agains� �ne �ontra��or ar�s�ng a�t of ��e �erfor�anc� o� such work� and such sem��final pa�en� may �h�n �e xe�ommended �y �he nb�ectaro The Di�ec�or �h��� not �ecommend �a�a1 ga�nen� to a Co��ractor �gain�� whom such � clai� fo� damages is ou�s�aflding for a period o� six �o��h� follow��g the aa�e of the accep�anee of the wo�k pe�- fo�m�� unles� �he Cont�a�tor sub�its evbdence i� wr���ng satis- fac�or� �o �fle Di�e��os �hat: (l) T�e �Iaim has deen se���ed �nd ��e�ea�e �as been obtained fro� �he clai�an� invoived, o� � (�) �ood fa��h effort� have beea made �o �e��le �uch ou�� �����in� �l��ms, a�d su�h good faith effo��s h�ve failed. I� can�ition (1) �bove �� �e� at �ny ���e wi�hin �he s�x �on�h ������, the Air�c�o� ��a�� ��commend tha� �he �inal ��yment �o �he �o��ga��or �e �ade. I� canda�ion {2) above is �e� a� any ti�e w�thin �He �ax rn���h pe��od, th� Airec��� �ay �ecommend tha� �h� gina� pay� ��n� �o the Con��ac�or be �ade. At �he exparagaos of thE s�x C�3 � r�onth pe�ioci the �ire��o� ma�r re�onmen� +�hat ��na� paymen� be mad� if $11 o�h�� wo�k h�s be�n pe�foxmed �nd a�2, othe� oblfgat�ons of f�h� �ofl�xact�or k�ave �een r�et to the �a�is�ac�,ion of the D3�ec�or. �t�� �is�c�o� may, �� He ���m� �+� �ppro�����e, ref�se to a�cept� bids �n a�her '�ganspar��tir�� afl� Publie Wvxi�s Aepartmer�� Contract work �r��m � ���itrac�a� �gain�� whom a ��aire� Eox� �am�ges is �uts�anding as a�esc�lt of aaork per�'orr��d undex � Gity con�ractc� - 10 The Cont�ac�or �g�ee�, er� the �xecu�a�n o� �hi� con�ract�, and before begin�,ing �roxk, ta m�ks, execute and delive� tco said C��y of �'ort Wor�h a goocl �nd �u�fb�ieni� �urety bonds �o� �he €ai�ehful per� f�gm�nce �f th� �errr�s ��d s�ipul�tions �� �he cor�t�ac�, ancludinq �h� exhibat ��t�ched heret�o �nd made a paz+� here�rf and 5uch bonds sha21 be �OA pe�scen� o� �.he to�al con�ract p�ice, and the said s�axe�y sha�l be ��ure�� �am�►any duly arid �eg��.ly autho�ized to c�o bu�ines� in �he S�ate vf Texas, and aece�tabi� �o the Ci iey� Cauncz I o� ��e City of �og� Wort�I�a �. Sa�d Ci�y agrees and binds i�self to pay� anti �he sai� Con�xa�ta� agxees �o xeeeive, �ox a�l o€ �he ai�oresaid work, and far a�i� ac�c�if�ions �flexe�o or �edu��ia�s �heref�om, �he pric� � shown vn ��e propasal submitted by �he succe�sfu� bidder hexeto attached and made a pa�� here�o a�taehec� and made a pax� hexeoto �. It f� f.ur�hex agreec� tha� �h� per�o�mance o� either in whoie or i�,gart� �ha�l �ot be �ub�etc ar�yon� else b� s�id Co��exac�or� withou� �he w�itten T�anspar�atiofl �nd Publbc Wo�ks �i�ec�or o€ said ��.�y 100 '�his Con�ract, �x ass�.gr�ed to Consent of �he of �'art Worth. The Gontgac�o� �g�ees t�o pay a�� lea��. �he m�.nimum wage per F�our fox �I� labor �s the �ame i� e1a���fied, Promulga�ed and set out by the Gi�y of �vrt Worth, Texas, a eapy� of whi�h �s a��ached hereto �nd �ac�e � pa�t hereof �he same a� b� it� were cvpies verb�tim H��ei�. 11. It� as ��a�ually �gr�e� �nd unde���eood �hat t��i� agreement� as �►ad� �nc� en��red into �y �t�e pax����s he��tv wi�h refex�nce �o �he �xi��ing Cha���r �ad �r�dbr�ance� o� �he Gity of �or� Wax�h a�d the laws of �he ��a�e of Tex�s wi�n r�e�exen�e �o �nd g�ove�ning a�l m���.eg� ��fe�ting �His �o�tr�c�, ��d �he Con��acfo� agrees �.o ful.Iy comp3y wb�h ��� �he p��vi��on� o� the �ame. C�4 v __ . . . . ,.. _ �, i � � I �� ,� ,' � ,�. . � ' iN WI`I'N��� WH�R�OE. t�i� �� �� Fo�t Worth ha� caused tliis zn u� 1 tF �n its name and on its b�hal�' by ��rumen�. �� �e � ��9ned in ����+ � �h� ���� M�n�ge�° and ���.e�'�e� bY its Secre�ar�r W��h �he corpora�e sea� �� �h� Ci�.y of �o�t Wo�th du��h u.t o� � d� o�f cer as ir� ��c�� four this �n���u��nt. �h�ough ��s Y co�nt��g��'�.� w��� �.ts c��'�e�'�'�e s�a� at�acYied, Dor�e in F��'� Wo��h; '�ex��• th�� t�ie 16th _ day o� JanaurY , A.�., �9 �fl o ��Ty OF ��R� WOR'�H P►PPROV�D; , - - . - . V � ��u� �Y: +- _ "TRANSPOR�'ATIONrL��7SLiC WOREC5 � - �- �� ��'y � ,ANAG�R p�gECTOR . A'�`TEST : APAC-Texas, Inc. �or� Worth Aivision ^ _ � , CONTR�ICTOR J . , � CrTX SI�CRCTAR FY ; r/9 _�-� :/�'�����.✓ ( S E A L� `�. E. A1£nrd � Divisian President . " - � � TITLE P.o. Box 1807 For� Wor�h, Texas 7610]. _ _ J�DRESS Navembes lg6a Revised I�ay 1986 0 � APPR4VED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL�TY: �G� �� C'�TY ATTdRNrY /��f '� - , .� ; . -- � � `�� - �----- _ :�at.�•�s � r:Lz�,��o�-� � ' � ; �� _ --�._ - a ��� _ -, . �� C:�rJ , � ,� CITY OF FORT WQRT� TRANSPOR7ATION AND PUBLIC WQRKS �EPART�ENT ENGINEERI�G D�VTSION ADDEN�UM N0. 1 TO THE S��CIFTCAiIONS A�D �ONTRRGT DOCUMENTS FQR UNIT I; STOR� DRAIN I�PRO�E�EN7S I� 57�p �LOC� �TSENHOW�R QRIVE PRQJ�CT NOp fi7—U2�8�5—OU The Cantract �acuments and S��cifications far the above referenced prvject are hereby revised or amended as follows: PAGE P-3 SPEC �AY APPROX. D�SCRIPTION OF IT£MS WITH BID U�TT TOTAL �T£M ITEM OUAN�TTY PRIC�� WRITTEN IN WORDS PRI � AMO�NT BTp S.P. 30 3 Ea. Adjust Water �eter Box @ 5.�. 31 3 Ea, Doilars & Cents Per Eae Adjust Water Ualve Box @ pollars & Cents Per Ea, � 3�.00 $ 105.0� � 200.00 � 6Q0.00 PAGE SP�10 The n�mbers an ��e Pay Ttems No. 29 and 3� should be rewritten as 3D and 31. Please acknowledqe rece�p� of the Addendum by placing o�e signed cnpy of same into your praposal at the t7me n� bidding. RECEIPT ACKNOWLE�GE: .. � ��,`'.����. �. �< A9�� �� SZC�d GARY L. SANTCRRE, P.E. DIREGTQR OF TRANSPORTATION ANfl PUBLIC WORKS D�PARTMENT � l �V � , �-Pt �' %fi'l� a M 5teven Z. hutchian, Pe�. Ci�ief Design Enginee� ��t� oL f ' ���~� ��r�h., �e��x,s ..; � ����� �� ������� ������������� n,,t� n��e�eW�:� s�e,�ci: Ak�ARU 0� G�NTR�1C7 F�a� �'� Pmo� �"Me�� WFITER �IAY N R�P�10.CE�1�#�T AND �TORM DRR 1 N 3 1—�.6-90 **C-1�1�F8 IM��,QYEM�NT� Ih1 €I�ENHQI�ER DRIV�� ���M �°� -- CARV���Y AVENUE T� ftA#����5 7�i�RACE �c1�c�� ����, �������u����r�, i�v�y�r�r��� ��a���-�� ���, �r�c--s���� ���a i � � RECOMME3�DATIO� : It ts rec��nen�ecE tha� the ��t��+ Cot�ncil: 1. ��th�r`�z� a bortci �u�d tran�f�r �n �k�� aFoount of $24,77�* f.r�m "��eca�l Ass�ssment Fund 94, �rojec� No. 00�905-0�, ���cial A�.se����nt�s, �ir�speeifi�d, to Str��t I�pravement �und 57, Praj�ct f�a. 0171��-00� �at��r �1ain R��lac��nent �n �9��n�ower Ur�v�; �. au�h���-��e a f�rr� tr�ansfer in �rie a�ount �� $�,500 frorn t�a��� and ��w�r ' fJper�tihy Fund 45, Acc�unt No. 150-��-�0, to 1Ja�ter ��pital lmprovern�nt ��nd 53, Pr�sject hia. O��x�2-U�k Wat�r �a��� R�p�a�e��nt tn £�s�nf�aw�r �ri v� � Inspect�t�r� ahtl �urt+ey ) ; �. authorize �the ��1;� M�nag�r t� exec�at�� a�ar�s�ru�c�ian contract ,�ith Circ7� "�'� ��r�str��tion, Znc,, #or the �-Inc� U�ater i�ain R�pl�cem��t �n kisenhow�r �Jrive, �a�ed a� tk�e low lxid o� $��,5�0.00; a�d 4. aut�roriz� the CiCy �l�nage� to exer.�t�� a can�r�c�; wiL'M AgJ�C-rtexas, [nc., far �torm 4�r�in Im�r�v�����s in �fsenh�w�r 7riv�, �fror� Carv�r�y Av�nu� t�o Rans�m T�rrac�, ir� the a�noun� af $lOfi,�fi3.0� and �f� worlc�r�.g �a,�s. *Ir�cl udes 1CJ"� o� btd 1"or pc�ssible �hange ord�rs as �stab���?te� hy �ity �rdinarrce ��o. 10��7. ����I�J OF PRO,}�CT: T�e �.9�f-88 �apita� I�pr�vem�nt �r��rarn appro�ed Tn h�arc�, �986, yncl�d�d �uric�s for st�r�n drai� �mprover��r�ts in kis�nl�o�p�r �river from Car+ler�y �4v��ue to R�nsoin T�rrace. �n��fl�er�ng pl�r�s and sp2c��i��tfons were prepare�E �o p�rForin tl��s� impr�vem�nts �ncE wer� adv�r�is�d for bfcis. Th� lJater De�����»enL' d��erm�n�d th�t �he �xis�in� 6" v��t�r �ain 111 ��FlTS �a�'L'�on ofi �isenhowe� �rive wa� �r� need t�f r�ptace��en�, �nd tF�is work was adv�rtised f�r �i�ds i� conjunctiur� a���h Che ��arm �€ra�r� pra,��ct. ��C��PT QF' S1DS: Bids f�r this prvje�� wer� r�c���+ed on �lov�mber 3�, 1�89, afLer ���ng adv�rti�ed on �laver�b�� 9 and 16, 198�, wit#� 3� working da,ys a�Totted for the 13ase B�d, �� worlciitig d�,ys allot�e�k far Al�t�T�rat� No. 1, and ��3 ��rking days fa�` A1L'�rnat� 1��. ��ar �h� �torm �3rair� improve�ner�ts, and �� work�ng �ay5 �l�n��.��f for the wat��` main. 1`Y�e bi�s are ta�ula��ck �s follfl�s: �k1E �-1G-90 1tEFEf1EMCE str���c�: �I�AR� �F �ONTRACT �Qi� �'" ���e �U1.iHEk �#ATER #�AI�J REPLA�EM�h�T ,4NQ S70k�M �RAIt� 3 3 **Cr1�108 1M�ROVEM��d�'� Ih� E���N1�Q�JEi� DT�IVE, ��OM - °� -- CA€�V�RLY l�1VFNU� TO R�N�QM �'EF�R�4C� �CI�CL� ����� C�N��F�l��TION, iNC-WA�ER) {A�'AC-�EXAS, �NC-ST���f []RAIN� Recamm�nda�:ior� i�o. �, �r� the �ma�r�t o� ��,5�0.�]�, suff�cien� �urrds w�ll I�e a�+ai�ab�e �n 4lat�r �a�itaT improve��rti: Ft�nd 5;�, Pr�ject N�. �17������k �lat�r Repl�ce�errt Cis�nh�wer Drive (Ir�sp�ctiari and Sur+�ey�. £xpe��i��r�s wi�� he ��ade froin index �ades ��Q294 {Inspec�ion� a�d 62033� �Surve,��. .� � , �� , � � � ��t��Ficienk� funcis fo�` tE�e sturnk cirair, ��nstru���on are availa�l� in �tr�et �tn�rove���t F��rd G�', Pr�oj�c� �Vn. 0��3�b�R�O� E�senMower-Rosedal� Drair��g� �mpra�e�nen�s. fxp�r+d�t�res will be �ade from In��x Cad� b�0335. �u�fic#ent �u�r�� �r� avail�bl� in ��re�� ���rov�rnent Fun� 67, Pro,�e�:t i�o. l]9�1QG-00 £n�3neering Sa�aries, f�r ir�spec�i��, err��neer�ng arrd ad�ir�is�ra�.�ve c���s. �r�w : ,� SUr�nnIl�E[} F❑R �u� ajIFFC£�BY:GER'� y�illiam 4�o�d {S�i(;t�lhTihifi p iJEfA#�7k�Ek'I' HEAC%' �{��'� ,}��t��`�`� FUR AI]f}fTl{}P1AL IFtfORMAiIUN # COi+17,aG1 �j��H� (�,i1111.Cfl7�Yl ��LL F �UU ��1� fi11SP45171qN [#Y CfluNC1L 11 +�PpROVFC� I �I �?1'�IEI? tI�E3�RIeEp �RO��SEC6 gY C17x SEGaET+ARY d��e �I I� ' SPECIFICATIONS AND CONTRACT �OC�MENTS F4R ; If�IT I �" MAI{� RfPtACE�1ER�T IP� �ISENHOWE�t D�IVE FR0�9 C1�R1lERLY I�YENUE TO R1��SOM TERRACE � PRQJ�CT PfOo 53-017122—OQ ' I�IIT II STURM DRAIN It�PRO�EF�EI�TS , . 57Q�U BLOCk EISEPdHOMCER DRIYE PRQ�] ECT �EO o 67-02H865-00 , �� Ii� �THE CITY OF FQRT k�ORTH, TEXAS FILE NOo S—�40 1989 � �� BOB BOLEI� MA�f OR DAVID IVORY CITY MAIdAGER � GARY L. SAN7ERR�, P.E. DIRECTOR 0� TRAI�SPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENf � G. DALLAS WILLIAMS, P.E. DEPI�TY DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORiCS/ENGINEERTNG PREPARED BY TRANSPORTATION AN� P!lSLIC WORKS �EPARTMENT �NGINEERING DIVISIOl� . ExMISIT "A" I �� TABLE OF CO�TENTS 1. Notice to Bidders �T&P� & WT�) 2. Pre��il�ng Wage Rates (T&PW & WTR) 3. Vendor Compl�ance to State Law (T�PW & WTR) U�it I (�TR} 4. Special Instructions to Bidders (WTR) � 5d Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (�TR) 6. Proposal (WTR) � 7. General Conditions (WTR� � 8. Special CoRditians {�TR} ! 9. Certificate af Insurance (�TR} � I�o Performance Bond (WTR) Ile Payment Bond (WTR� 12. Maintenance Bond (WTR) 13. Gantract (WTR) � �NIT II (T&PW) 14. Special Instructian� to Bidders (T&P�) 15. Disadva�taged 8usiness Enterprise (T&PW) ,; 16. Prdposal (T&PW) ; 17. Special Provisions (T&PWj '� 1�. Certificate of Insurance (T&PW) � 190 Performance Bond (T&P�) � 2Qe �ayment Band {T&PW) ; 21, Contract (T&PW) �, 22.� Project Qesigna�ion Sign (T&PW) T&PW — �ranspartation and Pu�l�c Works �epartment WTR — Water Department ��i 4,r NOTIC� TO BTDaERS Sea]ed proposals for the following: FOR: UNIT I— 6" ��TER �AI� REPL�CE�E�T IN EISENHOWER DRIVE PR�I�CT �Q� 53—Q17122—Qp IJNIT II — g7Q� SLOG� EIS�NHO��R DRI�� P��ECT �Oo 67-028865—Q� Addressed to Mr. David A. Ivory, City Manag�r of �he City of fiort Worth, Texas will he received at the Purchasing Office uniil 1:30 P.M., Thursday, I�ovember 30. 19�9 , and then publicly ap�ned and read aloud at 2:D0 P.M. Plans, Specifications and Contract Dacuments for tl�is prajeci may be obtained at the affice of the Transpartation and Public Works pepartment, Municipal Off�c� Build�ng, lOQQ Throckmorton Street, Fort Gdorth, Texas. A twenty dol�ar ($20.40) deposit is required for ihe first set �f documents and additional sets may be purchased on a non—refundab]e basis for twenty dailars �$20.00) for each set, These documents cantain addi�ional information for prospective bidders. A1� bidders wili he required ta comply with provis�on 5159a af "Vernon`s . A��otated Civil Sta�u��s" a� ti�e State of T�xas witn respec� ta the payment of preva�]ing wage ra�es and City Ordinance No. 727�, as ar�ended by C�ty Ordinance No. 7400 (Fort Worth City Code Sections 13—A--21 t�ro�gh 13—A-29), prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. B�d security is required in accordance wi�th Paragraph 1 of the Special Instructians ta Bidders. ,� ,� The major work on the abave pro�ect sf�aTl cansist of the tollowing: �IVIT I 600 L.F. b Water Pipe 1 Ea. Standard Fire liydrant 600 l..F. 1" Cald �iix Temparary Paving Repair UN�T II 224 L.F. 27" RCCP CL. III 14� L.F. 33" RCCP CL. III 3 �a. 1Q" Curb Inlet 1,63Q S.Y. 6" Fi.M.A.C. Pavement Inc�uded in the above will be all ather miscellaneaus items of construct-ion as outlined in the Plans and Specifications. The C�ty reserves the right to reject any all farmalities. AWARa 0� CONT�ACT: Na bid of foriy—nine (49j days from the date bids m�de, will be within farty—nine {49) days case wi � 1 the award be made unti 1 ai 1 the to �he responsibil�ty af the bidder to contracta and/or all bids and waive any and/or may be w�thdrawn until the expiration are opened. The award of contract, if after the opening of bids, �ut in no necessary inves�igatians are made as wham it is praposed t� award the The City af Fort Worth �as goals for the participation af disadvantaged business enterprises in City cantractse In order for a bid �o he considered respansive, the compliance statement in Attachment "A" contained in tFie praposai must be campleted; failure tn do sa shail r�sult in the proposaZ being non—responsive. DAVID A. IVORY CITY MANAGER RUTH FiOWARR CITY 5ECRETARY November 9, 19�9 f�ovember 16, 19�9 Fort Wortn, Texas �'ranspnrtation and Public �dorks Department Gary L. Santerre, P.E., Director �y � � - ` . Steven Z. Chutch�ar�, P.E. Chief Design Engineer GI'1°� �� �0�� ��Tii, ��I�iS P�gd�iling i�a�e Its�e� fa� S�r���s, �raf�r�ge snd U�ibi�y �o�r��ru��io� bc�ober� 16� �9�7' i �� � �, � C�a��i�ic8�i�� P��va�li�� �r�vsil��g ���� �g�ssi�i���ioa �taee ��g rooi o��p��o� d��h��� �ak�r� Aa�h�b� �i�ov�l�r ����Hang PI��� �e��her �a��e[�e�r Rougf� Ca��ente� iie�pe�, Roug�► ���cr��e �iai��ier� (�av} �on�re�� �is�.�i��r� ��lpe� (��v} C��rcp��e I�b�z�h�� (�tr�) ��n���te �'ft�b�t��z° 8@lp�r i�t��) G�a�re�� �uh�e� ��ecgrici�a �a� �ualde� {Sg�g) �o� ��i�lde� �el���e {Str��} ��g� Y�gnr�r (��v��s�; � Guri�) ��r� �e`����e (�avi�g � �ur�} ��a°� 5�et��r ��lper (���) ��r� ��ete�r (�trs) �'�rm ����e� H�1�e� (S��s} L�barer, Co�emo� ��bo���, TlCilf�y F��chaszc �il�� Se�v��er �ipe�ayer �+ip�t�ye� He1�e� PflW�� EQU�PF�NT OP�1t�,TORS. A��t�ebt �i�tr�ib��or Aspi�ale ��vb�� f�achine �Yoo� o� 5��e�e�r O�er�tos �c�bbd��ex , �5� �I� or less ��llda�e�r, �ver ��0 �IP ��scret� ��d�sg C�s�an� t�acl�. ���creg� �a�r�r�g P'in. l9�c1�. ��ncree� Padi�� S�w �o�����e ��v�ng �pre�d�r ���pf@�c�a I�el�it�e �per�to� �ga�e� C�����i�l�� ���kho� �errick, �r��lir�e, Shovel il,��� t�ian 1-�/� CY) $ 6e�0 �.0� �oQd �o�o €�obl 60�� 9p�4 �.30 �03� 6.9L� �.�0 ��.zo 8e�� 70@0 9e�� �oI6 /aLb �e�3 6.62 5.76 6.63 10.�0 �.a� 7.5� ',�a �.53 �093 9,1� i.09 s.oi �a96 �,25 �.16 �.26 �.13 �.�� �.60 C��ne, �la��He�b, ��ckt�a� $ 9.�� 1��rri�k, ���g1i�e, Si�aeel (1-�/�+�Y � Ov�x) F�and��boa ��bii ����aea� IO.bO T�ucl� F�ot�s��� Fa�rida��an D��11 O�e�a�o� 9.00 ��l��r� �'$�a� E�d �e��e� �.�5 i�-1I� GY � ����) i�r��� �t�d �o�der 9.6i {��g 2�1/2 �Y) F��.x�r� (C����e�e ��vbrag) 8.0� t�o��r �r�der (1�xo,�ix�e Grsde 9.77 M�e�r Gr�u�er Qp�rg�or 9.D9 �oli�Y, a�w�� �t��I �.00 {�I��e Mi�a ��•re�enk ) Rall�r�� �tee� WheeZ �.�a4 {4�her 1�1�t�v�ieel�Ta��bn�) Ra���r� Pz��u��fc 7.37 (���x !�°opelb��) �erapers (�7 �Y � �ess) 7.�5 �cr�p��s (�ver 1� �Y) 7.7Q '�re�rta� (�Yac�l�r �yge) �.�5 (ISO H� S� Le�a) �rg���r (�r��ab�� gype) 4.3� (l?ver �50 HI�? �Y��eor (�u�u�a�i�) 9.d0 (80 �P � I,�ss) '�r�vebiag �9ixe� 10.0� �r�n�t�irrg t+�c�ine, ��avy �.5� I�E���arcing �te�� �e�r�er 7.aI (��viag) �3e�a�o�c��g "�e�l 3e�Ge� Q.OQ (�e�uc�ures) Itein�otecbng �t�@eb �agt�er 7.3D (�elpe�) S�e�l War3�e�� ���wctur�l 9.50 �g�e��e� ��a �p���,�o� �.50 , n Li� �!' i0p�d ����8� BCe�`7 �r��d���.ing ��ge Ita��a for . S�Y�egs, �r���.aage �nd Utabfrey �o������r�ian �c�aHe� 16, 19�Y �l���ifeicatian _._ „� � � ,.�.._ . iltU�� DRIVERS : � � �ingl� Axl�� F�igi�� �in��e A�c�e� H��e►y � �"���e� Axle o� 5���.����i�� � Ido�+bOy Floa� ' F�����,�,AAI�OUS: � �a°gn� i te I�fix E: anc� � Welder ��ld�g ii�lp�r Ir���ru�@�te ��rao� �� � '� F � I �� �r�v�ibi�g �revailing • ��e� �1����ff����as ��e� � � D 6 + 7057 70��? 7e5� 70�3 9.20 �.�7 70�� 5.50 9 Pr�vai�iag Ra�� De�e��aned as provide� �or� b� H�vb�—B�ca� Re�u�agioa�. ���e 1.2 �e£�n�.�f.as �ire "prev�ilang �r��e" �l�s�b �� �he rra,ge ���d �a ��r� ��a�i�y (Lo�e e�an 50 p��eer��) af �1�� ia�bor��g a� r�echanic� ia tihe �l���afb��tion on �imilaY �pojec�� ic� �I�e �re� ���ieg gl�e �eri�cR i� queffi�bar�. I� ��� s��� r��ge i� �rot ��id eo a �jc�€zty af �i�es� e�pl8yed bfl Li�@ �1���i�ic�Cian, �he "�r�v�ili�� w�ge" sE��ll �e ei�� �v�r�ge �f ��xe ar���� p�bd, �a�f�h��� by ��e t�t�I ea�p�oye� b� �t�e c��s�i�ic��io�. �� .i a ' V�ND(1R COMPLIANtC� �'Q STAT� LAtd ihe 1485 Session nf the iexas l.egislatdre passed Na�se R�II 6Z0 r�lative tv tt�e a►aard ef cantxacCs tn nor�-�rQsidenC bidders. ihis l�w proaidas t�iaC, in arder to be a�acded a ca�trract as lo�r bidder, non—eesidersC bidders (out--of- sta[e con�ractors �+hose coeporaCe aEfices or �rincfpel �alace of businesss are outside of Che state of iexas) bid prroj�cts for constructf�vn, �mpcavemcnks, supplies or serd3.ces in Texas at as� amount Ior�aer chan Che lawest iex�s resident bidder by the same a�ount that a�'exas r�sidene bidder aoul.d be re4uired ta underbid a non-resident bidder in arder to ohtain a co�npar�ble cont�act iri the stu[e in which th�e nc�n-resident's principa� plgc� af business is lacated. '1he appro��iate blanics �n Seetioo A tnust be fi�led out by all Q��_��_sr��� ar non-resident bidders in order for your bid to �ect speciFicationso '�he failure af out�oE--statc ar non-resfdcnC cnntractors to dv so +�ill automat3cal�y df.squal�tfy that bidder. Resident bidders must check the 6ax in 5ection S. A. Non-resident vendars in (gi.ve state), our �rincip�l p��ce I of business, are required ta be perc�nt lower than resi�er�t bzdders by state Ia+�. A copy oE the statake is attached. t�on-rQsident vendors in (�ive sCate), our prineipal place of busfness, are nvt reqaired ta u�derbid resident bidders. B. Our prfrsci.p�-1 pla�e of business ar corpoca[e oEEices are ir� the StaCe of Texas- r � ' BIa�ER: � Com�any ��%1� - YvX�3, ��Ce EonT woRrri �syssio� �,,; �� �. �r��� (please print) �� � , �_ Signature: �':�_y ,-s-,� ,�i� P. O. �3�X 18�� FORT "�olC�R`iH, TX. 76101 iitle: ���'I�iC�Ci 1���;3�d�{�i City State �ip (ple2�se print} 1'[ZI5 FORi�1 �4US`T B� RETUftNE�l Wliki YOiI[i QllOTAT10N • N 0 SPECSA,L INSTLtU�T��NB �0 HIU�SR� 1. BI� 8ECL1Ri'�Y: ��ehier'e c3�ec�[ or an accepC�b�e bidder�a bond pa�a�le to [he City �f �a�rt Worth� iri �n s�ou�st of not ��se th�� ��ve (�) petr ceat of th� ls�rg��� poesi�Te t��a� of �1�� bid �ubmitted muat a�eom�s�►}� �he �id, and ia �ub�ect to �arf�i.t in thc eves�t �hc euc€eeefu� �idder f�i1,� to e�ecut� tl�e co�tr��t documer�te K�,th�n �e� {l�� d�y� ��te� the cnr�trsct hse beer� 8+x�rd�d. �. �AYMEN�' ��ND ANU �E�1��RMA��� EON�: The �accees�ul bi.dde€ ehteriz�g in�o � contract �or the uork wi11 �e r�quired Co gi�re the C�ty ■nret� in ��,sm equs� to �he sm�ur�C of the co�Cract e�warded. �n Lhie cos�s5�ctian, the s�cc�aeful �idder eh��� be re�ui.xed to f+�rniah � p�r��rm�nce bond as �+�X�. s4 � pey�ent bond, both �z� � sum e�u�i to thc a�aunt af the c�eCra�t $war�ed. Th� for� of the bor�� ehali be �$ herei.� pt�owi��d and Gh� anre[}r shall be ��eeptabl� t� th� �xt}�. All �ond� f+�r�#�he� her�un�e� aha11 me�t the �equir�m�nte o� A.xCi�lt 516� �f the Re���ed Civil S�at�ste� of Texs�, a� ameede�. In a�der f�r a su�et� Co be acccpt�b�� ko the �it�+� Che a�m� of Ci�e �►srety shall be iacit�ded on th� curre�7[ U.�. Tresau�� li�t {Gircular STO} of acceptsbl� anre�i,esF assd t3�e �mt��n[ of ��rid ��itten by �t►q or�e a�ceptable eom��ny sha�l �aC �xce�d Che �ro��nt sha�+� �on th� Treseuxy �ist f�r th�t �ompany. Escit bond ah$11 be properly �x�c�ted by bot#s Ch� c�r�tractar �ed surety co�p��sp. No �a�e�ie� �i7.1 b� �cce�te� br�r tltc Ci�y �i�i�#� �r� a� the t�me in dc�ault �� ���inquent o� �kny b�nd� a� �ai�i�h are ir�t�reated f� an� litiga��os� ���in�t the City. S�ou1d �ny a�srety a� the �orit*�tt be determi.�s�d �a�atisfseGory at a��* Ci.me �y the �ity� notice t�i�].� b� �iven Co• �he contxactor to th�C �f��►ct �nd the contra�tor eha'�� i��diately provxde a new suretq ��Ci�factory ta Cls� ��Cy. �� tk�� cosstract to be �warded i� l��s than 81��,�OQk the perfo�mai�ce and payt�et�t bon�s are t��k �'equired �f tl�e �accese�ful bidder aCatee �n its bid th�t papment �a �ot due until �he work fs c�mpleted e��# i� a��� ted by t3�e �ity. Pravi.ded, hosrever, Ch�►G this par�g�sph daea na[ e�fect the �ur���hing of a�sitttcs�anee bped! if s$me %e r�quxred b}r tite apeci�icaCiorte. �t is pxeeume� that �h� �ucce�s�u1 b�dder agreea �� pr�vide pe�for��ace and paymesst bos��� un��aa the bidder� on the b'id �ropps�l, ■t�te$ otl�r�rwise.�� 3. F�I�A�.TIES AMENDMEN'�: Thc Cant��ct�r's sttcntia�x i� c�lled tc Ps�t �, ite�a 8� ��ragrsph 8.6, �€ the °�G�npr�l PY��*iaions'" af Che 5tandard �Sp�ciffcetipna �or Ccn�tr��tion �f C�Se City af Fa�t W��cth, Texa�, ccncern��g pes�altie� �ox l�te cnmpleti.o� of pro�ccte. 4. AI���GU��'Y : In ��s� o f amb f gnf ty o�r ��ck of c�ea�x�ee� fn atating prtice� i� �Che pr�pae��, the Ci[}� �e��rve� th� righC tp �dn�t the �ost �dvaatageaue car��t��ictioa thereo� �o t�ie �ity ar Co reject the pro�osaJ.. �. WA�E RATES: �o leee than Che pcevailing �r�g� rate� e�tablieh�� b� She �ity of �'art Worth, '�exasF �r�� $e� forth in Co���act D��umenta �usC be gaid on k�ie �ra,��ct. 6. FI�A�CIA� STATEM���: A cnrxeat �ert�f�e� fi�ancisl st$t�ment �a� be r�qnfr�d by t�e �raneportatXo� �nd Fnblic �or�e Airtctor if requi��d for ua� by thc CI�Y �� FO�x w�RT� i� �etermi��rtg the euc�e�e��l bidder. This $C�t�me�tF kf i�QUlr��F ie to be prepaKed by �n indep�ndent Public A��ou�t�et haldi�g � valid p�rmit fsa�ed by �� eppropr.i�te S��Ce ��censing Ag�ncy. 7. ��S�RA�C�: Within C�� {10� d�ye af rec�xpt a€ �oti�e of �ward af tontr�ctF the �ontracCor mu�� provide, aloag �ith execuCed co�tr�cC doc�menta and �pprp�riate ban�a, �ro�� af ��sur��ce fo� Warker"a Co�penaatian and �qm�re�eriskv� �eaer�l Li�bi���y {�odily Injury - $25U,004 eee� pe�sv�, �504,�U� each accu�r�nce; ��o�erty Da�ege -$300,OOQ each occurre��e}. The �it� �eser�es [he �ight to requeet ariy at�er ins�rance �overagee �a msy �e r�quired by esch indivxdual project. Re���ed �pri1, �989 I� _ — a�l� ��� the paxt�cip�tzan o� m��orit� �n� The City o€ �u�t �nYt� �as � bid �o �tC8Cl1��lS� ����+T;r Ix� orc�e� or w�rn�s�-o+r�t�d buaineas estGe�pri��s ithe�co��li�nce aC+�teme�tt, �e *e��o�aiv�, � �e C��►sider�d t� FA��.U�E �0 �0 SO and Att�chmesst�s '+1�" F�nd "�C", cos�ta�ned iss Che p��p�eai mus� �e �a�p �� �ed �n�l��ed ��Ch yo�� bid �t t�� ti.me a€ ��d o�efii.ng. s4�ALI, RLS�L'� Y��i TH� PROPQ�A� 9�ING �1��-R���ONSiV�." Rev�sed A�rii, 1988 f' � ATTAC��EN� A Dl��D���TAGED 8U5[NES� ENTER��1S� 81D SPEGIF��A�IGN LANGUAGE �ITY OF F4�� �D�T� D1�A�VANi��E� �US�N�SS F��ERPRISE �I� SP�C[�J��=�N� ������N 1: i. �LC� ST��EM�NT � Ct i� tri� poliay ot the Ctty of �art �arth ta tn�o�v� Gi■�dvan���� �usf�rs� �n��rpri■*s (D�Es� in �11 ph��rs �f �t� p�o�urf��n� gr��tio�a �nd to provide them rqu�l op�artunilt�� �a �o�pe#e !�r avn�r�cts tor aa��tru�ti�fl, pro��s�tana� s�r�icas, purariaie� at �qui�■e�t and suppS���r and �ra�isfon ot ot��r ser�ices raqu#r�d by t�e �fty. T�� City ��11 pso�ide as�fstanae, ��en r�queitid, to ��€* by pro�idi�� ffif�r■atfon �n bfd �paciffaatio�s, aasplL��aa wSt� prao�r��ent p41�cy, �ultfl�a�nt at �enar�] bfd r�quirem�nts� ��b p�rfor��nce rs�uire�e�t�, procur�ment �ppartunitSes ��d pr*r#qufsite� f�r b�ddin� �ity o�ntra��s. She Cit� #�vo�ra��� �o#nt ��ntures �A��� �6�� #n� b�t�sen �:jorit� and iinorS�y ,lir�g biddf�� !or Ci#� a�ntr*�te. �. a8� GQAL The ��ty's �o�i fs l�� of tfi� �c�l�r vslue ot cv��ract� ��r DBE�. On City oo�tr�cts a� ���F00� or �ary �id��rs �r� r����rs� to see� ��$ �stabifshed ���Smum �aal, ot up�� f�ilure t� ■eet �h� ���iF pr�vld$ dacume�t�tfan a# their wGood �*�th �tforts", rf trie ao�tr�ct aeaun! fs S�ss th�n ��6,404� the bi��sr i� n�t r��uir�d t� ���of� �h� D8� fnfor��#io� p�cket. Th■ DB� c��p4ia�c� �aou■entat�an �ust be ■�bsi�te� �a tri� �i� Co�tr�ct�n� �t#ia�rlBu��r no ltt�t th�� �:00 o'clock p.�.� thr�• f�1 bus#ness da�s ��l�r !rie �fd op#ni�� d���. ����u�� r� su��r� ��� ao�un�wx����� *s �€�u��e� ���� ��su�T �� �M� ��� B�ING C�H53D�R�� NON-RE5PONSIV� rt� S��CIFIC��I�NS, U�lass ath�r�fse �p�citfed �n yriti��r oni� th� l�r�t lier �r subC��tF�Ct�r*liuppifers p�id dirfct3� b� tha pri�e �Sli b# o�unte� to��rd ■e�t��� �h� Cf�y'■ D�E �v�l. 3. �1N1fiSOhf S1F ii� A dis�d+�ant��ed b�sine#� �r�t�rpri�� [DB�} ■�Ens � bx�sfn�s� �ana�rr� rhSc1� i� fa1 �t I��at li�ty-one peraer�t o+r��d by nn� at ■at■ r�ocfsl�� �nd ���na�t���1� dts�dva�nt����d tndf�rtdnalsr urt ir� tk�• c�s� ot ■ny publfcly �wnad bu�i�ess at 1�as� !i#ty-ar�■ pfroe�t ot tht s#�ck �rhich i� o�rned b� an• ar ■vr� �oci�11�► s�nd �ovno��a�lly �t���w�rst��e�,iridivi�u�ls, �r�d ��) �hasa ��ns�ement, anc! d��lY �uai�ass ��Qra�fons are cofilr�ll�d by �r�� or sor� c� thr �oci�Il�F snd reanvnic�llY df�adv�nE���d ir��f�+tCu�l� wrio c�ur� ft. Yo■�n busin�s*�s �r• f�cluded wit� tri# �E���mp��we �r4�p of �BE�, R#v, ��1�$!89 1 S£�T10� I�t i. �O�P�IANC� Yi�H �HE CiiY*� D8E AROGRAM T�� Ci�� wi�l co�gfder �he� bidders pertor���c� rr�a��f�� �t� �BE part#�i��tfo� in ���Iuatfon of bi��. ��Slur� to co■ply x�th the �St�'s DBE r�quire�en�s or to �r■��strat� ar do�u��nt �"Gaod F�lth E�for�"F �i11 res�it t� � bid befn� con�id�red nan�r��gansi�� !a sp�cf!#c�ti�n�. �he la�e�t r�sp�nsi�a bidder �eeti�� th* p�E rrquir�����o ��� �fd ■�s��f�cat�ans ��Il be a��rd�d th� bi�. 9idd�rs c�n co��l� �f�h the �r��ra� fn ant oi thr�� {�? �a�s, Ffnd ihe 4�f th�t �Fpl�f� ta yau #�d lolko� its f�st�uotfo�a. 1. EN�J�E C���R�CT �UP��[�� SY �@� [f ��u are cartified by t�e �fty �f ���� Marth, �he �€t�'s �BE ooritr�a! Rosi �h�ll �• dvemad �� �aw� �*en �e�. Y�� fust the� ���plete the Coapl��nos St��fa�ntt Ati�c��ent �A� a�� �ft�rn it ii rfaufrfd PUrf�a�� �o �ar�tra�� � v� �.�.��io�._L _h�r_�_�iC. �# Yo�s �rie riot �e�tS�iad by t�e City �t �ort IiQrthr plfase oor�t�ct the Cit�+'s D8� ��#ias �t I�171 �70-6504 t,� q�t;in � Cer�i#ic�tian Form [Sch�dUl� +k1, ao����te the Co�pli�r�a�r 5�st���xttr Att�chmerit il4k ��d ����rn it as rtauf� aur�uant to a.� r_a�ra�h 2 0# 5�ctis�r� l htr��t. �. �RACS 1S SUPFLIED lil7H D�E PART2�IP�1T,� I� �au �r�14 �o#r�t r��r�tur� xit� a D�E, coopl�t� a� doin� I�en�ur� Far� {Sc3�ed�rlv B} �nd A�#.�ch�ent �E, s#�� the Co�a�lf�nce �tx��rment� ��ts��ha�e�t iA, snd ��t��rn thto �� rfauir�d aur�usnt to �ar� �{ph � n# S�ctian I r f. lf ya►sr ��� par#.�oi�ation is in �n ��oun#. that •qz��l� t� ar �urp��s�� th� Cit�►'� �o�l a# l�� for �8�, oa�pl�t� Att�chmenk SA� �t�ach�ent �� �r�d T�.�x�Cn �h�■ a� ��r��riF�d p���rsr�t ta ��ra�ra�vh ��f Sectton 1 k��reot. !t !h� �BE ��rticf��#,ian p�r��nta�e t� 4�Fs !,#�an !h� �f��►'� i��#��� ���1 � }"011 i1Sa� CDi�if�� A�t#C15i*15� kC �G ��10w �hQ "�aa� F�fth E�torts" �vu ���r !o ��et t#�# �fty's ���i, Y�u sir�ul� ���plat� Attaail■es�t i9 to thow th■ ,D�E p�rt�Ci���3on �►ou wi1J hav�� si�r� the C4■plisn�� 5�at��efit iAtt�ch■snt 1 A 1 s�5d �li�ern t�l1�� ii r���xi r�d �1�Tfu�nt� � g�l:*tr�ah � of Sactian I �s����a�. Hot�: ALI �9E� r�u*! b• nrttiti�d ar in th� �rvo�s� of b�fr�� th� �Str of FOrt �iarth at tF�� ti�r o� �!d o�n n, A L}�� n�� �Irf�d�+ ��rts'�i�d ■a� con�a�� th� �i��'E ��� Of�ic• �t �847) 870-6��� t� abtain s�fr�3fSc�t��� For� �S�?�edul� A). Re�r. 091i���@ 2 3• �_�N?B��T �U�P4Y�k_�JTHOU7 �� PARTICIPA�I�N � ��dder �h�t h�� t�Slyd tc ��cl�d� ��� par�i�zpatlo� ia� �� ��ird�d t�� C�nlra�� ��0� t�f �#!y'i�dRt�t��nati0� th�t th� •ffosts th� biddfr ■�de to ■ee�� the �a�x ��# ��cv� *� Th� C��� �v�� d�t�r�fn� t��t ih• b��d#r*s �tfarts M�r� thas� th��� ��u�� *I� r��sys�t circu��tan�es, a�#dd�r �otiv�ly s���#n� i� ■��t t�* �oa4 ro�ld s�k�. �n tha Cn■�1 f �n��—�t �,�t i14tt.aoh�fnt �Jkl , oo�pl�t� �kttaah�ent lC ■r�d �ri�vide an�► iddttivn�l doou■�nt�,�pn t�at �i l J subs�intt��• _�our "�o�d F�itJ'i Et_���$�". R���rn �I L r� t susr�� t� varaYt*�h �0# Ssctivr+ 1 �er*oi. 9ECT��C� I [ 1 : D8E 11��15TAt�Cf QR�14i41�J1T��1+fS �]i�t o,� �B� �u�ineswr� tri*t h�.�r� b��r� afrtSfi�d b� thg Cit� ot F�rt �+artn �il] D* pra+ridtd to �rnu u�an r�quest. �4dditf�nall�►� it ��ere �re �n�r ��eytions re�ar�fr�� the i�terpret�$Lfvn ot thf City*s O�E Polfc�. ��e�se oo�ta�t the �it�r's ��� �tffce at: City o! �ort i�otth DB� �fti�� ���0 TF1POCiC�4T�Ql1� F�aa� 3,3� F�s! �lorth, T�x#t 76i0� Phor��� i817} �70-610Q The foi Iowfx�� agen�y sa�r �e �t�le to pra+�ide as�i�t��a� in �denti#yin� additfonal �B� fir�s to �aeet �o�t �oa1s: �#f�or�#y �ro��rr#�ent Pro�r;�a ��1,5 Fl�rlh F4afri S#r��t, Suft* '�OD ��rt �arth� �'wx�s �81�� �han�: ��17) 8�5-43:�� � R�v, Q81I6�89 3 �tt�chNe�i 1A ��� C�MFL [.I1N�E�����T Th• ue�der�i�x��� bi�der ��r�b�r o�r�tli�s �ha# th�y rLJI o���l�r �rith the D�E �ol�cy xn #.h■ #�l�oxin� ■*nnrr, ioh�ak lr �� �r �} P1.�1�5� 8��4� INSTRtJ�Tl�H���BE �i��4L. S�ctinn I. P�r��ra�h �. P��s � 1. ENfiIR� C01#TRACT SUPPi,1�� a1� ��� {ah#ak 4�r#.i�i��►lfon st�tuil � C��tflf�� by ��� ��ty �# F�r#. ilorti� ��n the proo�ss ot bein� c�stilif� by #h� C#�� �# Fort �It�r�t� � NpT� : � 1�URE T8 � l?�i� I T T H��„�N F�R#fA T I�N �i ����U 4"� 1 N B I D 8E 1!�G CO##5 #���U N0�1-�ES��hf51 k�� T� �C I F lGAfii��, �. "„ GOHTR�kCT �tJP� fL �� � 1 TH �� � A R'C I� i P�1 T 1�N 'I# DSE parttoipatsn� as�ts or �xa�fds ths Gity'� �o#!r oo�pl�tr t�{�Mdent tiR. [f �E� p�rtioi�o��on f� leas lh�n �hs Ci��'s �o�l, �►vu ■u:t ca��l�ts t a nt YB �rsci �lttsch�ent tc �. �_ GONTEiI��T *�l��Lf��} 4+1�`W�UT Q� PARTfCr��kTC��+ Caaplete ti�� "Goad �ait1� �ffart" �acu�ant�t#pn �ar�, A t chment t� � V' � � r � � � A��C' • �ff�x��, 1��c, ' � � . � ,,�„� , .�� v.�..,,;� Aut�ariz�d.51���tur� — '-� hfa�� at Go■���y , �•!„ t;ll I i� ,'I�,'jf:'ftk �'.,',� .; f.i �� 71t1• ��te Th� �fdc4�r turth�r a�r��s to provida, direcf.ly ta the �tt�► u��r� r�quesi. co#p1�t�r :r�d a�c�tate inios��t�or� r���r�fn� ��tu�l +rark p�r�or��d �y the �8� an th• cantr�c�� tF�� pa�s�nt �Fs�r��cr� *r�d an�r pro�oi�d ai�an��s to tF�e �rf;[na1 p�� s�rar�����nt� ■ubsit�.*�i ��t� this bsdlprap�sal. �h� bidder also a�re�� ta �i1cw ar� a�dit �ndlv� �x��oinstton af ■ny book�, r�cor�i, ar�d t�1�� h�Jd ��► #befr co�p�ny tht� �ril� subsiinti�t� �h� �o���� wark per�aras� by #�� DBE an this �arst,r�tt� b�r ar� �uth�r�z�d ottic■r ar �o��oy#� �� tht �tty. 1�rny s�trrtat �i�r��r�cer�ta�io� �r#ll be �rounds ior ��r�in*tirs� iha ao�trsct �nd to� inftfs#,in� a��io� x��d�r F��er�i� �t�t� or 400�1 t*�s ��r��+��r�frs� islse st�t*■er�ts. [ALL �B�s 141��T �E C�R'�lF1ED BY �HE CIiY ���O�E �OI�TR+4CT ��ARD1 R�v. 0911�l�9 � Pro�ect N�me Pr�}eat Nu��er �[�[�r�����r��t:■ ���r��i���i�li��l���[��I�■��1:�� Attac����t �� �a�e i 4# A R� �r�u h��e f�il�� �a s#as�r• D�� fir■s ox i� �►o�r ��E p�rti�i��ti�rs i� Lsss than the Cfty's �o�l, �►�.y �urt� �o�pl�#.■ lhf� for�. FAILURE TO COlIPLETE fHE R£�UlR�� D�� �IIRT1G1P11�'I�N �Ol�MS 15 GROkfN�S FOR i�EJ�CTION �F TW6 B1C�. '"A44 0#�����Q1#5��1 fH I S FOR?i M�}��` �� IINS�+�f��D �R THE B 1�._�.iLf. 6� .G4�.� I pER�� �lal4,;itESP�N�IVE TQ SPEC��I�ATI�N� �. Dfd �ou abtain � ltst of D8� fir�F �xom tF�e ��#��+°s �B� Of�}��? Y�s � No �. Aid �rov �as�t�ct �n� at th� or��nir�tion� that are �v�ilabie to assfst �BE�� to vbta�in � If�# �f pot�nt�al ��bcontrac#�or�l�r�ppli�r�7 I��r��, 1 fst ihe ��enci#s belo�r. Yes N� � 3. P�asse li�t r�ch and every subcantra�tin��s�pplier oppartx�nit� �rhi�h Y3 I� be u�ad fr� tha ca��Eetion a? �l�is pr�$e�ct. . _ �� , �,- � l� n�n�� pl��r�e �xpt�iri ir� d�ttil. �. DSd yon �end �ritter� no�iee +tv D�� lir�F Foli�iti�� Eh�ir �fds on this pro�ect�' �F�s N� 1t ��s. �ttach copycs�. R�v. 09l�B189 5 r�F°�C-"r�x�s Ir,c. � r� T'"� � r_� i��'� �"1 �} 1�A 15 ��� t'F �', Q. �Q X � ��% �+:�Y"� �r'{1'`�{l� T�'S{c�� f�.��i ��iYefii�l�'1" �i,�..r�q �.'��� ..��.. : ti � �.�, ' •' � �''' L���[Y �lY`9` ��'rx�-�i�xas �r��. i� �c�lici�irEg f�zr,e�ri�y C�w�r-Eec( ��.t�ir�aess ��r�rter�r~i�e� �r�d �l��r�e�'� Cia�t�'E�d L��_tsirie�s Er��:cr�r�i��s ��:� i�id as ��..ab���r��r��t���t�s ��r r��a�1:�r=i�7. 5it�p� ierys �.{f� th� f�.�l i��,wir�c� p�r�C',1ect �s} : Ci.ty i�� Fc�r�t l���r~t�t: � z �er�i���ul�r Dt^ i v� �r������t Nu. �7�-��8�t�ti-�C� ��I1e �°l�c�� 1='s^u tect i�I��. �LE.:,�-�c:�,�7�--��.� ��i�r�s c�r, b� �+bt,�ir�ed -#r���rn �he Ci�Y c,f �����~t 4�c�r•��, C���ric� �+f the Tt��r����-�r��ti���� �r�c1 �°ttF�lic ���ri�s i?ep�r,tr��er��c, i�1��r�ici�al C7�fi�r� E�t_� i ld i���, 1�+��� Thr"C��tLi�l��i'"�C�Yi Str,eet, �c�r�� Wt�rth, �Cex��. �i� �►i.Il b� ��cep�'zrfr.� Lzds ur��til 1�:�� �.r��, ��r� ti�� d��P +��� �h� h i d c, ¢��� i r�g . I•F w� c�rE �� c� � �r�y �c�� i�� a�Ece c�� �r�swer� ��r-,}• a��es�i��r�� �1��.�s� c��n�:���� fi�ike i�a�jr��ir�g c�r ���bby t��y �� �r��� �c�d� �41 "7--�.���-����.: �, . S i ��cer�� ]. �, A1 i ke M�rrr� a r� g Est irE����W�r : ��f �, �{oni Gc,n�ty�«c�1�r,, sk��rc� kfzl Z��w Lar,�, "&Qdf�t•d.� '�esc�5"� iE��l �, �oSo �uen��s �ar►str�u�L-i��n C�mpariy� c5�0 �v�t,t�ant ��E�anc���err �ex�s", idl4f 4, Con� R���1 5up�os,t �r-�+up Ir�c. ,.'-_'�7 NW :'S�h, "Grand F'r•�ari e! Texas", �����+ 5, Aal �Tesr ���ntr•act�sr•s� 1 121 W. Mc�cki ng�i rd Ln. ��� T�a 1 1 ass Texas" ����47 • 6, �ir�ie i �c�ns�r�w�� a �+n, i9�0 Lag�+nd�, ���ar,� Wbr�t�9 �'ercas" � ��1�1f� i,i��w�r•d ��me»� ��,,n�:•u��b�n,'��i Fi�-,rning�ide �ir-bvs�, ��F�r•� W�r�hy Texa�"�i'�1 8� Mcs�d Mas�ers ��n�t-a�� sng, 4�t �a�i; �3�m�eyq "��r� War�h� ir�xa�"o i51�4 � �,�s�r�d��s ��an�tr�C����OiI�bC.�L�� �.�vbnr�9"��r� W.�r�F�q T`��sx�"y��3�� �19 lde�o �a�rn�w ��n�f�rca�� a�nq �. �e �a�s i����q „��r� W��,r�h9 i�r���"� i�i�l� � � Ys''q G��tvwn iw�►�r a� Ean�r�l, 4��� i��rne �tr��e�4 ����r� bd�r�i�p T�xa�"Q ��3�7 ��9 C�tr�r�� %ri��ru��i�n Co. � P. �a �'a� ��99 ���r�wX�y, Tex��"9 ���►�� 14q �r•����m�� �rs�. 4 �n 8. ��x �¢�4�J, ,�F'�r� ��r+�i�� '��Ma�" � 7'�, i �3 • 154 �=ar^s� ��.�� �an�r`�6�3rit�q �. �. ��M t'���+�� ����r-� W�r��i�� ie�a��"� i�i�e �€�4 �c��.�s� k.��� ��ns�t�u��ian ��.9a Q�a 8� �aM �1d2��q n��r� W�r-�hf iexas"f i��0� ��� i�ar��r--��r�e� ��ntra��i�g �n�e � F� �. ��sr Y��$ "p�v,�ra��+9 iessas"Q 7�,�@� 3�� I�?� Cvr�tru�'c3�� �'n�. sP� �. ��x 85ISd�q ��Ri��s,�����n, igM��"y i�¢��S -- ��,F�1��,•�� ��s�strrus�Ci�n �oe�443� 11ir,�anfa �at��,"F�r�� i►,lar�hq ��x�s"s'�fi��3 c`* �ef^�i� ��n�r°e�e Rrl�ar�k, ��� 1��13 i� �a�r^ee�, „��r� W�r�i�r itssa�" � 7�12a a=49 �mega� �n�r�at�r�� �+�5 W. €�i�; ��r-� �r�ew�y, ��� 3f�� 9 `�%wvi��� i�xa�"f i5r��� , ��, �����eh �rite�pr°is�sq t�� P�n�eg� �r�. q��F'ar� W���l�, "i�s��.�"� 7613� �9 A��� ����u�ti+�n• C��rt�av�y� `����s Landm�rk €3id�es ���or� 6��rthg �exas"�'��� _ _ ��q .T�nie� F���� ��v���ru��i�n, ��@�� H�nc���yq "��t�� i�d�r�i�Q %ss��"Q i�s1l� ��, ������ �ri��sr���er��/�����rcae��r� �. 90 Re� �6�19 ,.H�u���r�� ���a�"q '�i�2�—�4�� ��q �� � C�w��w `%°u�ka��� ��5! IV�t��f� S�r-�e�q '��ar� �l�rtte� %xas"q'��]�� �a4 i..� Ro Tr�n��r���a�fl C� ,�o �� ��s 185s��� �.���� W�r���9 i�x�s"� i�# a� - �6, ��p�3�tad C,��r���q � ���i1� 3�re�+�� ��D�lla�9 '`e���", 7 s��6 : _ �9 P�3� ��.:.e.���l��� i,i�s� Da�ks�ng '���r�°� W�r��h� i�x��" ���t 2� � ��� S�u�riw�� 3�� Cv���, %T9. �o bl��aar� ��n ���iq ���r�3 a�gt�s�� �ess.��", 7��3� �� t� A}��r�s ��t�u+� a� %r�. � Ao pa ��x 5���9 n�r�i ar�g��r�, T'�sra�" � i���� +�►3� L�i� Ft�ar� �.� �,�� �. ��rsayq "�flr�°� W��th, T�rsa�" � i�i 1� k�9 k. �o �'�v��a�v� ���1 ��nair� 5�� g p�'�r�� Wa�rr��E�9 iexa�" q i�i 1� �o�, ���� ��v+�l ��u�leas��� �� �c���c�r���ci �w. � "�'�r� Id�s��t�4 �exa�" � i�ai�� 4���F�a��� W�y �n�o ��a ,�i� �andy RveO ���€�+�v-� W�r��#�' Texa�"4 i6��4 fai9 A�ar� }d�r�� � ��1 � �w��ly Y��� �� PRair� ��. 4�i��4 "t��ap�van�q -iessa�", 7Ca�' +�a9, �Ress W����r� ��s�rru�a€� ��� q�r1� CI4i�w�r+�d Dx°b�s�9 ►•�aaa��, Teu��"9 i��ai ��, � 8 f� �►�r�cr��C� �u�� in� '��a Q�i�u�e� 8��M �Bfd�R� �•��d iy9 i€ssa�" Q i���a �o� I�i—���� ��l�y ��� t�����i, "��ppe� � T�x��� q ��01 � - . �iM�He M��-r,��[io �vx '���3af "���� k��r'��q T��aa�"�i€�1�� . .- ��q �.L��a Cos���r�u�3��9i��� �inei�ur�'� Dr� We��� ��I��o Wor�h4 '�exa�",i�la4 .�"a7� i r�van� ��s�s�rc��t �c��� � �v� "�rai 3, „�e�absdi 1 ��� Tc�x�s"q 7505� Att}�hm�nt I� Pa�e 2 a� 4 5. Di� you ��14cit bi�s #rom D�� ffr�s b� ��ls��on�� Y�s �� � C! Y�s, I��t fira� ��d �h� r�sult� a� th�s� •#t�r�� o� pt�e � of 1C. �� 1� U�� ifr�� r�rs r���ct�d vn t�� basis af quat�iion ��in� ��o hi�h ar �u�l��i�a�4v��r ��t�oh docu■ent�ti�n �o s�p�ar� q��tstf�n bttn� toa h��h andlor re�sanE !�r r�#+ctfon b�s�d up�n qu�litfcxt�on�; i.�. letler�t �s��s a� t�l�phone �i11s� ■��ti��. �tc, 7. Dt� y�u sal�ct bi�s lro� GB� �fr�s b� �dv�r�#�emen� fn �he Ne�s�aper? ��5 �o S� y��, *tt�c� Ca�y�sl of � adver��st�en�. 8. I� yau pro�a�� t� perlar� �hr entir� oontr��t �fthout fL�COR�x���4rg or �uQpGfers, �laase �rovid� a dei�iled �xp�ariatfon brlo� th�t ptov��, �asa� an t�� �fa� �nd scc�r o� t�� pr��ect. thfs i� �aur fl�r�al D�s#�e9s prsc�ioe. � �. P3��s� �rnuf�� �n� ■�di��ona1 inferm�t�o� �o� f�el �ill #urth�r fxplafn - �aur �ood fai�h �fto�ts to so�icf� �i� fro� ES�a �n t�#� pru�fot. 7�� c�spasftia� �� �o�r �4rk force if �o� ■ c���id�r�tiofi, . Re�. OBl1�/�9 B �tt�ch��nt 1� P��e � of � �hs ���srit�n�� certi#tes tl�at !he iri�ar�stfari �rnvSdgd a�d �he DS��f� E��tfd Ya�lw�rw ��nt�cted Sn �o�d #�St�. �t i■ und#r�tood tha! th� b��is� �ri th� attaoh�d Mis� �il1 b* cont��t�� �nd !h• r��sari� for no#, UsSn� �hem wil� b� ++�riti�d b� t#�� �tt�'� DBE dfito�. 7he ■f*r�pr�se�tatfori �� ��ots is �round� ��r ��ri*ider�ti�n of �isqu�t�t#c�tion and s��r x�ss�lt ir� ��iddfr ��in� o3�ssflf�� as �r� irtes�onsibk• bidd�t a�d b�ftt� barr�d #r�� ��ty �� �ort I�ort� �+ark tnr a periad oS not 4�ss t��rs s�x iont�s. � � , . -`.�.�� Authorixad SS�nalure -� �:�- �,�•� ,.�, ,,�� } .���..- €}oti���,+��1 �'i'c:.^,ira;'ii# 7'i�ls � Af'�til'. - ic:x�s, l�I� li li' t��t'. lii ���4L'�i6hl �����f}y hi�►mB N�V :i [} f�� �a�� 0 R��r. 0�! �81 �}9 ? i � I{, I � � �{ � PRQPOSAL T0: MR. DAVID iVORY Fort �orth, Texas C�ty Manager Fart �orth, Texas FOR: I�EIT TI: STUR� DRRI� IMP�OVE�E�TS �T 57QU �LpCK EIS�NHq?afER DRIV� PRQ��CT f�0� 67-02&�55—QQ Fursuant to the foregoing "Notice to Bidders", the ur�dersigned has thoroughly examined the plar�s, specifications and the site, understar�ds the amount of work io be done, and hereby prop�ses to do all the work and furnish all �abar, equipment, and materials necessary to fuZ1y comp�ete �11 th� work as provided �n the plans and specifications, and s�bject to the inspection and approval of the Transportation and Public Works �irector of the Ci�y of Fort Warth. lJ�on acceptance of th�s propasal by the City Council, the bid�er -�s �ound to execute a contract and fu�n�sh Performance and Payment Bond approved by the City of Fort Wort� far performing and completing the said work within t�e time stated and for the follawing sums, to—wit: � UNIT II SPEG PAY APPROX, DESCRIPiION 0� TT�MS WITH BiD uNIT TdiAL I7'�M I�EM OUANTITY PRIGES WRT77EN IN WORDS PRrc� AMOUNT BID S.P. 1 Lump Sum E1�ility Adjustment @ Five Thousand Do�lars & No Cents Per L.S� $ 5.OQ0.00 $ 5.000.00 S.P. 2 �a4 3 2 Ea. Project Designation Sign @ �ViQ. 4nvn�i��4� ���� � d0� � 3!'S � $G v�.4 Cents per Ea. � ���� Remove Existing Curb and Gutter @ ���� Dollars & �'�° �r�l��r�r l Cents Per~ L. F. �`� Remove Exist�ng Concrete Driveways, Leadwalks etc. @ n� C��� Dollars & 1 =-- *�° Cents Per S.Fo $ Remove Existin� H.M.A.C. Pavement @ � Do7lars & 15� k���'� Cents Per S.Y. � Unclassified S�ree� Excavation @ �,Je�� Do118r's & �'� °n �6 Cen�s Per C.Y. $ Trer�ch Excavation and Backfi 11 far 5torm Drain @ rlwk Dollars & Z�� ��� Cents Per C.Y. $ P-1 fi� � �d� 75p L.F. 104 4 2,021 S,F. S.P. 5 1,7QQ S.Y. 106 6 6�0 C.Y. 4Q2 7 56Q C.Y. S.P. � 9�5°.�. g 'i.b?.1 °'� "" 6� $ �i,1�0 $ � !b�}�,� R= $ � �,� o ITEM ITEM OUANTITY PRICES WRITTEN IN WQRDS P I E AMOUNT BI� 452 8 1 Ea. Remov� Existing ' Curb In1et @ 452 9 � 446 10 S.P, � 440 11 1 � ��a i� � i ' 440 13 � 440 14 450 15 ; �. � 'f �4�4 16 �444 17 444 1$ 410 19 � 11a 20 '�h,cee �►uwaTa� pollars & `-" o� ►� Cen�is Per Ea. $ � 6 � ~ � ��� �— 32 �.F. R�move Exist�ng I�" RCCP @ ''��� Dollars & 40 ga �� Cents Per L.F. � �'� � �'�� 30 L.F. Relaying Exi tin 18" RCCP @ �p 60 _ �e���'�e�� Dollars & 1� �� �10 �_ � CentS Per L,F. � $ 117 L.F. 21" CL. III RCCP @ ��,�1 �4�re� Dollars & $ ��a 6Q $ �`��1 � � � C�nts Per �.F. 130 l..F. 24" CL. ��I �CCP @ `�1�. -��,��, Do�lars & f�� �� ��10:�- ��C�nts Per L.F. � � 244 L.F. 27" CL. III RC P@ �o�'�r �ollars & � ��°� � �v wa Cents �er L.F. � � $ ���d � 14$ L,�. 33" CL. II��CC� @ � � ��� Dallars & � � �° °`, v,�, C�nts Per L.F. $ �' $ ���o .� 1 Ea. Remove and Replace 10' Curb Inlet Top '�,Je��.f cti 'h"'�f�,�a Do] 1 ars $� �oa o� �� Cents Per Ea. � ��° T���� 3 Ea. Sta dard 10' Cur I�let @ �E�vr��,�.v� �1�..��, Ce °r Dol l a rs 8[ $ 1"'1 �� $�'O ��i:° � Cents Per Ea. 2 Ea. St�a ndard Double 10' Curb I�let @ `1w�,,,,k��ses e,� �v�,�.�.e� DoT 1 ars & a° �=. � Cents Per Ea. $ 'ti1�b� � ���S�j 2 Ea. 4' Sq �anhole @ `��elve, ln,v�,�r�� Dol lars & ���� �.�( Db°G ��- �ents Per �a. $ � $ 1 Ea. Reinforced Concrete Headwall Wi h Apron � � � �w�,�,�r,�lswe �,v� rQ qol l ars & `6Q°� �l �'°„=- �w Cents Per �a. $ �, � a �5 C.Y, Unclass�fied annel Excavation @ �.,�c.�r�'i� Do 11 a r s& -� °= � V� Cents P�r C.Y. S S���� P-2 SPEC PAY RPPROX. DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS WITH BIp UNIT TOTAL ITEM ITEM QUANTITY PRIGES WRITTEN IN WORDS PR E AMOUNT BID 212 21 2,050 S.Y. Lime Stabilized Subgrade @ "�� � Do 11 a r s& •-�� � �� � S v-,--, ����k� Cents Per S.Y. $ $ 210 22 33 ians Lime @ �e� ����a �°� �, Dol l ars & '�� °� wo Cents Per 7on ���� �� ��'3 a�� 502 23 990 L.Fo Standar� 7" Curb nd 18" Gutter @ S.P. ��e�� Dollars & �� �tvo Cen�s Per L. F, �� ro� $�'��� Wr 504 24 1,945 S.F. fi" Reinfarced�nncrete -Driveway� @ S.P. n�r �ollars & ,.��.� .����°�-- �h Cents Per S.F. � $ 504 25 76 S.F. 4° Concrete Walk @ S.P. "'Mr�E{ Oollars � °° �° � Cents Per S.F. S�� � 7'Z� � 312 26 1,630 S.Y. 6" H.M,A.C. Pa�vPment @ 1�Y1 nD11arS & o0 oa � Cents Per S.Y. $ �� � $ ��°� ��� 312 27 14� ions H.M.A.C. Tr nsitinn @ "�1d�s�t���wb Dol7ars & �.��� 1���a,a �Cents Per Ton $ $ `"� 126 28 110 S.Y. Top Soil @ ��`�`• Dol � ars & �°a ti,� Cents Per S.Y. $� pQ ��5 �� 525 29 16� L,F, i'rench Safety S stem @ � ���+� Dol l ars & �° � =� �b Cents Per L.F. $ � � � �°� S.P. 30 3 Ea. Adjus��W�t�r �eter Box (� � � � ��� Dal lars & � Cents Per Ea. � �� �� � ��� � SoP. 31 3 Ea. Rdjust Water VaTve Bax @ �wu �vv�,�rec� Do17 ars & $ ,�� °= $ �7 �� °.�. v� Cents Per Ea. �} S,P. 32 60 L.f. Remove ar�d Replace 6" Sanitary Sewer P� pe at Variable De�th @ `C�l,.��-�r� �wp Dallars & �,�° � � �����'— Cents P�r L:F. $ 4 �� Tota� $ ������v� a ✓ � P-3 ADDED ALTERNATIVE ND, 1 ,� �F � Shoul� the number of �arking days as shown in the Proposal be redu�e� �y 20�, from 30 days to 24 days, an additional amount of $ shall be added to the base bid. Base Bid = $ "Rdditianal Amaun�" = $ Total Bid Amount for Alt. No. 1=$ `�` �'� P-4 AflDE� ALT�RNATIV� N0. 2 Srould the number of working days as shown in the Propasal be reduced by ���, from 30 days to 18 days, an addit�onal amount of $ s�all be �dded ta the base bid. Base Bid = $ "Additional Amount" _ $ � Total Bid Amaunt for Alt. Noa 2=$ N° �`"' �,1 ;�� � r� �� P-5 This cnntract is issued by an arganization which qualifies �or exemption pursuant to the provisions of Ar��cle 20.04 (F) of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act. The Contractor �erforming ihis contract may purchase, rent ar lease all mate— �ials, supplies, equipment used ar consumed in the per�ormance of the cantract by issuing to �is supplier an exemption certificate in lieu af the tax, _said exemption certifica�� complyirig with State Camp�roller's ruling #95-0.07. Any such exemp�ion certificate issue� by the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to the provisions of the State Comptro�ler's ruling #95-0.09 as amended to be effecti�e Oc�o�er 2, 19b�. 7he Coniractor sh�ll comply with Ci�y Ordinance 7278, as amended by City ardinance 7400 (Fort �orth City Code Sect�ons 13—A-21 t�rough 13—A�29),proh�bit� ing discrimination in, employment practices. 7he unders�gned agrees to campl�te all wark covered hy �hese co��ract dacumen�s within 7hirtv f30� Working Days from and after the date for cq�menci�g work as set fort� in �he written Work Order to be �ssued by the Owner, an� to pay not pay not less than the "Prevailing Wage Rates for Stre�t, Drainage and Utility Construction" as established by the City of �ort Worth, Texaso Within t�n �i0� �ays of recei�t o� notice of acceptance of this bid, the under— signed will �xecute the forma� contract� and wi�l deiiver a� approved Surety Sond for the faithful p�rformance af t�is contract. The a�tached de�osit check in t�e sum of .�i 1,� Dal l ars ($ ) is to become the property af the City of Fart Worth, Texas, or the a�tached Bidder`s Bor�d is to be forfeited in the event the contrac� and �and are not executed within the t�me set forth, as liquidated damages for deZay and a�ditional wark caused thereby. Respect�ully submitted, APAC - Texas, Inc, FOBT WOBTM D1V1SipH ��i� By : r s-� r�� �_�' ,�-� L. ��°������-_._... Addr�ss: atvisEc�n presider�t P. O. BC1X 1809 �[7RT WORTH, '7"�. �510']: (S E A L) Date: N� � � �08� P�6 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS TRANSPORTATION ANn PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SPECIAL PROVISIONS �OR: If�IT II: STORM U�ITN IMPROVE�E�TS �T 57Q� �LOCK EISEHHOWER QRIVE PRQJECT WU. �7-028855—�� 1. SCOPE OF WO.,�: The work covered by these plans and specifications consist of furnishin� a]1 materials, labor, equipments, tools and incidentals necessary �o construct an undergroun� storm drain system which include curh inle�s, reinforced �oncret� culvert pipes, manhoies, headwalls and ather miscellaneous item5 at the locatian as specified in t�e plan. Included in this project arill be the recanstruction af Eisenhower Drive with 6" H.I�.R.C. pavement on 8" lime stabilized subgrade. Other ; constructian iiems are removal and rep1acement af driveways, curbs and gutters, concreie valley gutter ar�d all ather miscelZan�ous items af cans'�ruction to be perfarmed as outlined in the plans and specifications which are necessary to satisfactor�ly camplete tk�e wnrk. 2e R11 utcilities and right—of—w�y easemer�ts are exp�cied tn be ciear on this project wit.Hin sixty (60) days af advertisement of �his praject. The work order for su6ject project vail1 not be issued until ail utilities and right—of—way easements are cl�ar. The Contractor shaZl not hold the Ci�y of Fflrt Worth responsi.ble for delay in work order of this Contract. 3. The cantractar is encouraged �o bid on all three alter�atives, whic� includes the Base Bid, Added Alternative Na. 1 and Ad�ed Alt�rnative No. 2. 4a Can�ract may not necessar-��y be a►�arded to the �nwest bidder of the Sase �ide The City �ngi�eer's shall evaTuate and recomnend to Ci�y Councyl the best bid based on t}�e combined benefits ❑f total b3d price and num�er af work� ng days al l atted, and whi ch i s consz dered to be i n the best i nter�est af the City. 5. Regardless of the Alternative chosen, the Contractar agrees to comp7ete the Cantract wi�hin the allotted number of working days. If the Contractor fails to complete the work within tl�e number af working days specified, liqu�dated damages shall 6e charged, as outlined in Far� 1, Ttem �, Paragraph �.6, of the "General Pravisions" of the Standard Speci�Fication for Construction of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. 6. INCREASE OR DECREASE IN QUAN7I7IES: The quantities shown in the proposal are approximatee It is the C�ntractor's sole responsibility to ve�ify all th� m3nor pay ztem quantities prior tn submitting a bid. When the quantity af the work to be dor�e or materials to be furnished under any majar pay item of the contract is more than 125% af the quantity stated SP—I in t�� contract, w�ether stated by party ta the contract, upon demand, revised consideration an the portion sta�ed in the contraGt. Owner or �y Contractor, then either shal� he entitled to negotiate for o� �or� abave 125� .of the quantity �hen the quantity of the work to be done or materia�s to 6e furnished under any �ajor pay item of the cantract is less than 75� of the quantity s�ated in the contract, whether stated by Owner or by Contractor, then �ither p�rty to the contract, upan demand, shall b� entitled to negot�ate far revis�d cons�deration on the portian of work below 75� of the quantity stated in the co�tract. This paragraph sha11 na� apply in the eve�t Owner dele�es a pay item in its entirety from this ca�tract. A major p�y item is defined as any individ�al b�d item included in the proposal that has a total cost equal to or greater than 5 percent of the or�ginal contract. A minor pay i�em is defined as any individual bid item included in the proposal that �as a total cost less than 5 percent of the origina� cantracta In t�e event �wner and Contrac�or are un�ble tfl agree on a negotiated price, Qwner and Cantractor agree that the consideration wi11 b� the actual f� el d cost o'f the work pl us 15� as descri bed here� n bel ow, agreed upon i n writin� by the Contrac�ar 8nd Director of Yransportatit�n and Public Warlcs and a�praved �y the City Council after said wor�k is completed, subject to all other conditions of the contract. As us�d herein, fie�d cost of the work will i�cTude the cost of all workmen, foremen, time keepers, mechanics and laborers; al� materials, supplies, trucks, equipment renial for such time as ac�ually used on such work only, plus all power, fuel, lubricants, water and similar operating expenses; and a ratable partion of premiums on performance and payment bonds, pubiic 1iability, l�orkers Compensatior� and al� other insurance reauired by law or by ordinance. The Director of Transporiation/�ubl�c �forks will dir�ct the form in which the accounts of actual ��eld cost will �e kepi and vrill recom�end in writing the method of doing the work and the type and kind of equipment to be used, but such work w�Zl be performed by the Contractor as an independent Contractor and not as an agent nr employee af the C-i�y. The 15� of the actual field cost to be paid to the Contractor sha�l cover and compensate him for profit, overhead, general superv�sion and field office expense, and al] other elem�nts of cost and ex�ense nat embraced within the actual fie1d cast as herein specified. Upon r�qu�st, the Contractor sha11 provide the Director of Tr�nsportation/Public Works access ta all accounts, bills and vouchers rela�ing thereto. 7. The City reserves the right ta abandan, withaut obligatian to ihe Contractor, any part of the project, or the entire project, at any time befare tFie Contractor begins any consiruction work au�horized by the City. �. S��is contrac� and project are governed by the two foilowing spec�fications, excep� as modifi�d by these Special Prnvisions: STAN�ARD SPECIFIGATIONS FDR STREET A�1D STORM DRAIN C0�f5TRUCTION— C I TY 0�' FOR�' 4�ORTH SiANDARD SPECYFICATIONS FOR PUBLTC �lARKS CONSTRUCTION— I�ORTH C�NTRAL TEXAS R copy af either of these specificat�ons may be purchased at the published affice of S P-2 the Transporta�ion a�d Public Works Direcior, lODO Throckmorton Street, 2nd �loor, Municipal �uilding, Fart Warth, Texas i61D2. The specifications applicab]e to each pay item are i.ndicated in the call—out for t�e pay item by the desig�ero If not shawn, then applicable published speci��cations �n e�ther of these documents may b� fo�lowed at the discretion af the Contractore Genera� Pravisions sha�l be those of the Fort Warth document rather than Division � of the North Central Texas dacument. 9. Bidders shall nat separate, detach or remo�e any partion, segment ar sheets from the cantract documentcs at any time. Fai 1 ure to bi d or ful ly execute contract witho�� reta�ning contract dacuments intac� r�ay be grounds for designa�ing bids as "non�responsive" and rejecting bids or voiding contract as appropriate and as determined by the City Engineer, 10. The Con�ractor shall be responsib�e �or de�fects in this praject due� to faulty ma�eria�s and workmanshi�, ar both, for a period of one (1) year fram date of final acceptance of this project by the City CounGi1 of the City of Fart I�arth and w��l be required to replace at his expense any part or all of the project which becomes defective due to these causes. 11. Construction stakes for line �nd grade will he provided by the City as ou�lined on P-7,7, Standard Specifications far Construction, C�ty of Fort 4darth. 12. TRAFFIC CONTROL: The Contractor shall be responsible for provid�ng traffic cantrol during the �pnstruction of this project �onsistent with the provisions set farth in� the "1980 Texas Manual on Unifarm Traffic CantroT Devices �or Streets and Highways" issued under the authar�ty of the "State of Texas lJniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways", codified as Article 6701d Uernon's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 �nd 310 The Contractor will not remove any regulatory s�gn, instructionai sign, sireet name sign, or other sign which nas been erec'ted by the Cityo If it is determined thai a sign must be removed to permit required construc— tinn, the Con�ractor sha71 contact the 7ransportat�ar� and Publi� 4lorks Department, Signs and h�arkings D�vislan (p�one number �7Q-8075), �o remove the sign. In the case of regulatory s�gns, the Contractor musi rep�ace the permanent sign with a temporary sign mee�ing tne requirements af the abov� referenced manual and such temporary sign must be instal1ed prior to the removal of �he permanent sign. If the temporary sign is nat ir►stalled carrectly or if it does not meet the reguired specifications, the perma�ent sign shal� be left in plac� unt�1 the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work i5 completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be re—ir�stal1ed, the Contraetar shaZl again contact the Signs and Ma�kings Division to r�—ins�al] the perm�r�en� sign and shall leave his tempar�ry sign in place uniil such re—installation is compl�ted. 13. PAYMENT; Tf�e Cor�tractor will receive fu�l payment from the C�ty fior all worfc. In the event that the City af Fort Worth chooses �o accept Added Alternative f�o. 1 or Added Alterr�at�ve No. 2 for �he Contract, fifiy percent (50�) of the "Additiona1 Amount" shall be paid io the Con�ractor after 20� af the consiruction has be�en completed. Payment af �he remaining amo�nt shall be made with the final payment, and upon acceptance of the project. SP-3 14. D�LAYS: The Contractor sha�l receive no compensatian far delays or hindrances to the work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cast to the Contractar is caused by �he failure af t�e City to provide information ar maierial, if any, which is to be furnished by the City, When such extra compensation �s cla�med a written siatement thereof shall be presented by the Cnntractor to the Engineer and if by him found correct shail be approved and referred by him to �he Council for final appraval or disapproval; and the action thereon 6y the Cauncil shall be final and bindinge If delay is ca�sed by speciflc orders given by the Engineers to stap work, or by the performance of extra work, or by the failure of the City to pravide material or necessary instructions for c�rrying on the wark, then such delay will ent7tle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time, his appli�atian for which shall, hawever, be subject to the appro��1 of the City Council; and no such extension of time shall release th� Caniractar or the s�rety on his performance 6ond from all his obligations hereund�r wh�ch shall remain in full fflrce unti1 the discharge of the cantract. 15. DETOURS,: The Contractor shall prosecute his work in such a manner as to cre�te a mynimum of interruption to traffic and pedestrian facilities and to the flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the project area. Barricades, warning and detour signs shail canform to the Standard Specifications "Barriers and Warning and/or Detnur Signs", Item 524, and/or as s�o�n on the plans. ' Construction signing and barricades sha1i conform with "19�0 Texas Manual on Un�form Traffic Cantrol D�viGes, Vol. Na. 1". 16. During �h� construction of this project, it is required that all parkways �e excavated and shaped at the same time the roadway is excavated. Excess excavation will be disposed of at locatinns appraved by the Engineer. 17. D�ring the canstruciion of this project, the Cantractor shall comply wit� � present zoning requirements of the City of Fort Worth i� the use of vacan� property far storage pur�ases. i � 1�. All ohjectionable matier required to be removed within the rig�t-oi-way and not particular1y described under these specifications shall be covered by Item No. 102, '"C�earing and Grubbing" and s�all be subsidiary to the oiher items of the contract. � 19. Final cleanup work shall be dnne f'or this project as soon as the �aving and curb and gutte� has been constructed. No more than seven days shali elapse after campletion of construction before the roadway and right-of-way is cleaned up to the satis�action af the Engineer. 2D. PROPERTY ACCES5: Access to adjacent property shall be maintained at all times unless otherwise directed hy the Engineer. 21. COlVSTRUCTION SCHEDU�E: It shall be the respons�biTity of the Contractar to furflish the Canstruction Engineer, priar to canstruction, a schedule a�tlin- ing the anticipated time each phase of construciion will begi� and be com- pleted, including sufficient time being allowed far cleanup. SP-4 22. �AFETY RESTR,IC7TQNS — WQRK NEAR HIGH VdLiAG� LINES,: The fallowing procedures will be followed regarding the subject �tem an this contract: (ij A warning sign not less than five inches by seven ine�es, painted yellow with b1ack letters t�at are iegible at twelve feet s�all be placed insi�e and outside vehi�les suc� as cranes, derricks, power shovels, drill�ng rigs, pile drivers, haisting equ�pment �or similar apparatus. The warning sign shail read as fallows: "'WARNING--UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE TNIS EQUIPMENT WITHIN SIX F��T OF NI�H VOLTAGE L�N�S." (�) Equipment that may be operated within ten feet of high voltage lines shall have an insu�ating cage—type of guard abaut the boom or arm, except back hoes or dippers, and insulator links on the �ift hoad connectionse {3) When n�cessary to work within six feet of high voltage e�ec�ric lines, no�ification shall be given the power company (TU Electric Serv7ce Co.) which will erect temporary mechanica1 barriers, de—energize the line, or raise ar 1awer the line. ihe work dane by the power company sHa11 not be at the expense of the City of Fort Wo�^th. The nntifying depar�men� sha�l maintain a� accura�e log of all such calls to TU Electric Serv�ce Company, and shall record action taken in ea�h �ase. (4) The Con�ractor is required ta make arrangements with the TU Electric Service Company for the temporary re1ocatian or raising ofh�gh voltage lines at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. (5) No p�rson shall work within six feet of a high voltage line without protection having been taken as outlined �n Paragraph (3). 23. Any cantractor performing any work on Fort Worth water or sanitary sewer �aci1ities must be pre—qualified with �he Wa�er Department ta perform such Hark 3n accor�dance with procedures described i� the current Fort Worth 4dater Departm�n� Ceneral Specifications, whicE� general specificatians shall govern performance of all such work. 24. RIGHT TQ A�1DIT: "(a) Contractar agrees that the City shall, until the expiration o� thre�. (3) years after final payment under this contrac�i, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent booics, da�uments, papers, and records of tFie Contractar involv�ng transactior�s re7ating to this contrac�. Contractar agrees ti�at the City sha11 have access during normal wor[cing to all necessary Contractar facilities and cnnduct audits in com�liance with the provisians of this section. The City shaTl give contractor reasonable advance notzce of intended audits. (b) Cantractor further agrees to �nclude in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agr�es that the City shail, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcor�tract, have aceess to and the right to examine any directly pertz— SP-5 ,� nent baoks, documents, papers, and records of transac�ians to the subcantract, and further, during normal working hours ta all appropriate duct audits in campliance with the pravisians g�ve subcantractor reasonable advance notice o �ONSTRUC7ION MON-PAY ITEM �0. 1- CLEARIN� AN� GRUBBING: such subcontractar, involv�ng that City shall have access work spac�, in order to c�n- af this article. City shall f intended audits." Al1 objectionable it�ms within t�e limits o� this project and not otherw�se pravid�d for sha1� he removed under this item in accordance with Standard Specification I�em �02, "C1earing and Gru�bing". However, no direct payment will be made for this item and i� sha31 be considered .�ncidental to this contract. NON-PAY ITEM N0. 2- SPRINKLING FOl2 QUST CONTROL: Al7 �pplicable pravisions of Standard Specifications Item 200, °SprinkZing for Dust Control" shall apply. Nowever, no direct payment will be made for thys item and it sf�aTl be conside�red incidental to t�is cantract. PAY ITEM �[0. 1- UTILTTY ADJUSiM�N7: This item is included for the basic purpose o� es�ablish a coniract �rice which will be comparab1e to the final cnst of �aking necessary adjustmenis required due to street ir�pro�ements ta water, sanitary sewer, and natural gas service liRes and appurtenances where suc[� service lines and appurten- ances are the property owner's respons�bility to mainiain. An arbitrary figure has been placed in the Propasal; however, this does not guarantee any paymen� for utility adjustments, neither does it confine utility adjust- ments to the amount shown in the Praposal. It shall be the Cantractor's responsibiIity to provide tF�e services of a licensed p]umher to make the utility adjustments determ�ned necessary by the Engineer. �� paym�nt will be made for utility adjustmer�ts except those adjustments determined neces- sary by the Engine�r. Shouid the Contractor damage service lines due to his n�gligence, where such lihes would no� have required adjustment or repair vtherwise, the 1ines shall be r�paired and a�justed by the Cantractor a� �he Contractnr's expense. ihe payment to the Contractor for utility adjust- men�s shall be the actual cost af the adj�stments plus ter� percent (10�) to cover the cnst of �ond and averhead incurred by the Cantrac�or in handling the utility adjustments. PRY ITEM N0. 2- PRaJEGT DESIGNATIO�I SIGN: Tl�e Contractor shall cons�r�ct and instail two (2) Rroject Designation Signs and it will be the respansihil7ty of the Contractar to maintain the signs in a presentab�e conditian at al1 times on each project under con- struction. Maintenance will include paint�ng and repairs as directed by the �ngineer. It will be the respflnsibility of the Contractor io have �he individual pro- ject signs lette�ed and painted in accordance with the enclosed detaile SP-6 The quality of the �a�nt, painting, and lettering on the signs shali be approved by the �ngineer. The height and arrangement af the lettering shall be �n accordance with the enclos�d detail. � ihe sign s�all be canstructed o� 3/4" fir plywood, grade A—C (exteriar) or better. These signs shall be installed an barricades ar as �irected by the Engineer, and in place at the praject site upon commenceme�t of co�structiono The work, which includes the painting af the signs, installing and remov�ng the signs, furnishing the mater3als, supports a�d connections to the sup— port, and maintenance sha11 be to the �atisfaction of the Engineer. The unit price bid per per each will be full payment far materials includ— i�g all labar, equipment, taols, and incidentals-n�cessary to complete the work. - PAY TTE� ND. 3— R�MQVE EXISTING CURB AND G�TTER: �Fiere shown on the pla�s or where des�gnated by the �ngi�eer, exist9ng curb a�d/or gutter and exis�ing laid down curb shall be removed and disposed of in a ma�ner satisfactory ta the Engineer. Measurement will be by the linear faot for curb and gutter as shown on the proposal and will be f�ll campensation for the remaval and dispasition of the curb, curb and gutter, laydawn curb removed, and for all labor, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete t�e job. PAY TTEM �0. 4— REMOVE ExIS�ING CdNCRETE WALKS. �RIVEWAYS: � � This item includes remaval of existing concrete waZks, driveways at locations shawn on t�e plans or as designated hy the Engine�r. See Item �o. 104 "'Removing Old Concrete," for specificatians gaverning this item. PAY ITEM N0. �— R�MOVE EXISTING H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT: This item shall �nclude �he remova1 of asphaltic materia] from the streets � at the locations shawn on the plans or as directed by the Eng�neer. The removed surfacing shail be loaded into trucks upo� removal and hauled away from the job site as directed by the Engineer. In no case shall th� removed asphaltic surface �e stockpiled on the job site. None of the Hat—Mix Asphaltic �wrface will be incorporated into the base. PAY ITE� N0. 6— UNCLASSIFIED STREET EXGAVATION: See Standard Specifications I�em Na. ,106, "�nclassified Street Excavatio�," far specificaiians governing this itemo , A71 under�ut exca�ation necessary to lower subgrade to make roam for the desig�at�d depth afi 6ase sh�ll be consid�red as "Unclassified Street �xcavation" and shall be paid far under this item. Subgrade pre�aratio� shall be as required under Item No. 204, "Subgrade Preparati�n." Sp-7 after troweling in 1ieu of floating. In no case shall the surface be left s1ick or with a glossy finish. ihe ed�es of the sidewalk, markings, and expansion jai�ts sha11 be �oaled to a smooth fi�is�, nat less than twa (2} inches in width. Exposed edges �f the sidewalk shall be rounded with an edger to a radius of one-half {1/2) inch. I� �laces where the existing walk to be removed Cnnsists of exposed a�gregate fiinishing, the cantractnr shall provide the s�ame type of surface texture and color af fini�h to match existing portion-of the sidewalk to be remaine�. PAY ITEM N0. 25 - M.M.A.C. TRANSITION: T�is item wili cansist of the furnishing and placing at varying thicknesses an H,M.A.C. sur�aee i� transition areas where indica�ed on th� �ians, as specified in these specifications, and �a� nther locations as may be directed by the fngineer, This i�em shall be gav�rned by all app�icable provisions of Standard Specifications Item 312. The price bid per tan for H.M.R.C. Tra�sition a5 shown fln the �roposal will be full payment �or materials including all labor, equipment, taols, and incidentals necessary ta cnmplete the Work. PAY ITEM N0. 29 - ADJUS7 WATER METER BOX: This item sha11 include raising or lawering an existing meter box to tMe parkway grade specified. No payment will be made for existing box�s which are within R.1' of specified parkwa� grade (leave as is). The unit price bid will be ful� payment for mater�als including all labar, equip�ent, tools and inciden�a�s necessary to camplete the work. PAY T�EM N0. 30 - ADJUST �ATER VALV� SOXES: Coniractor �iil �e respansible for pavement grade. The wat�r valves Fort �arth Water Uepartme�t forces. adjusting water valve baxes to match new themselves wil� be adjusted by City of Th� unit price bid will be full payment far materials includi�g all labor, equipmeni, toals and incid�ntals necessary to comple�� the work. PAY I7EM N0. 32 - R,�:MOVF A.ND RFPI.A�F F" SRN�TARY SFWER PIPE,: CROS�TNG 0� EXISTING IJTILITIES.: Where a proposed storm drain crosse5 over a sanitary sewer and the clear vert3cal distance is less than 9 feet barrel to barrel, the sanitary sewer shall be made water tight and be constructed of polyv�nyl chloride pipe or ductile iron pipe. The material for sanitary sewer ma�ns and sanit�ry sewer laterals sfiall be PUC Water Pipe (��-�4) as specified in �lateria1 Siandard E1-2�4 or Class 51 Ductile Iron Ripe with polyethy��ne wrapping as specified in Ma�eria� Standard E3.-6 contained in the GeneraT Contract Documents. Adaptar f�ttings shall 6e a ur�thane or neoprene coupling A.SnT.M. C.-425 with series 300 Stainless Steel campression straps. Payment for work such as backfill, fittings, tie-ins and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the linear foot price o� appropriate bid item. SP-10 MAME Af�O ADOfiESS Of 1NSUREi? APAC—TEX�.S, INC. _ . � � F�RT WORT� D�VISTON � " P. 0. BOX 1$�7 _ F4RT WDRTH, TE�{.�5 76101 � � . � .� .r. __.... . . _ .. _ . . ... . . ... .. ' .. � T�is is to cert;iy that �oEic'ses of in�uras�s:� listed befow i�a� 1�� iswued ta r!� insur� �rsm� absv� ar�d arw, in force ai tl�s tir�. � CA `�9PANY �" • � —.1,". ••,^ .. . PC�L:�`f Lim�s sf Li�9E"itY in 7ha+�xrnds � ' �ETTER TYPE O� fNSiJAANCE � P4f.fCY'vilA�tB�t ��..:f'4r?�T1t3N l��47� � ER�H � P+A�1CY � --- QC�UBRE#CE AC�'aiR�Cis' T_' i C'aENEP.ai �iA8iLf1Y PERS�PtAL �hi,�tiR^I � 2ltiAU�ihiG $ � A � c�nrt��e:-E�us�ve �oR� �8 Zf�(3� , x�-�-�� � B�]i3�LY 3T�F.�L�iY� { � Pfic':iiiiSES-OP�Ak710sV5 RRC=`�q7Y OA�#A.i'i� 6 � I EYFLi.Stah[ AJUD CiiLLAPSc" � �!R?d=� � UNDE�G}?EE)lllMD tiAZAAD � PAL��UCTS/C6kIpi.E1'E1] QPE�Ai:ONS FiAZAR[3 � ca�r-�ac`_•.a�. wsuR.�,�� � BFtOAa F�' ht PR�i�Er�TY DAU�G� � ��;ppp�p@1yT CpNiAACTORS � PEFiSLIivAllAf,]URY AU70�h1148�LE tJASiI]IY A �! C1)MAAEHEl4SlVE FORM � OWNEp � HiRED IIJ NpEV-OWNEp �xc�ss �ias�tin� - - - �-U4N8RELLA �ORM --. - - "C� (STHER TtiAN U��� �riELLA FC'RM A WdiiKER5' GQF�SPE�13Q110N g and � E�4SPL�YERS' LlAIIILlTY � l./"�S 2���� I �G� i'�2 P�S�lAI. ff�E,�t1i4`l, 4CH�tY L�+f.1LFRY AtSfJ �t�x�r �s�� 3 � ,t3f�L� C�f.`i�37h3�U i I I _ .- i I �i��l�4 lr�rar�ce Coan�n� �€ IUir�� . At3ar�t�c �mpEoye� lnsuranc� C�r�Y 8L*D1LY {iv,iE7AY Ifi.Ci-E PEFtSUt�� 8(?Q3LY I�t.ltlRY [Fa�Cri QCG�IRREAiCE1 pHC}Afr�TY 4AMAGE $CS¢ILY �HJtfFSY Atu4 PRLiP�iiTY RA.MAGE COA�81N£D $ � $ S 1,�� i a ? i „�J t I . � �� ��.'.-��'• ��cr.' j.[ ,�{�'��, �T�L[ '[ �.4� r" �7 '��:.� ' k,'. � i �+��. , „ �' ,►..��' L� � - 9�iNlY I.+l�IJRY ADfG �PBflPEflI?'�A�i�G� .�e _� _ :.�--- _ COMSii�lf� RSCC24578142 I 12-1-80 STkTUTORY ��,'�r{}�,�"�•��1'�''�r�.��' . RSCC'�87469�s9 and renes�vaa�s h; �"{a:w}' ,;���',,, ��.;,-j ��C�����F%�+�/� tf3£?f@0� 1ii721� C'-' �a;,'h"�+'aJ.- - -;ysi, }� . '.'.��J.;...� ��1"t:.= RSCC�$�4fi836 � �2-�-92 '���' ���r ---';;'. � , i U00� � - _',�i:.�i. .,v...� �. , � r • ---- �E-;'� att=i'a�, � 1� _i..�.�L's.�s � �: � '��:' 1 br '�, f �-�JF�Fnr�s � � �.y§, z!. j�Cg.p,�`T;'�P_T'Wv�.r..K�� � -rt-�TF�&�' i��,�':'�tj*^: �'�. `�'s�':�����`,�E.3��.`���'�,'i�=�' :d.. �;?�'��.,.'r�.�%�+�"`�..' - - —„_..:.r�.�� - - - - - "- ����i 'DESCFiIPTIOhf O� OPERATIONSILOCAT�ONS/V£H1CLE5 �TSENH�T�ER DRIVE S CARVERLY AVENUE TO RANSEM TFRR�-iCE czx� o� �oRT wo��rx, ��xAs PRO.TEC`£ NQ. 67-028865—DO Canc�llation: Si�ouid any of the above described policies i�e caneeEled before �he expiration date thereof, tfite issuing cc�r�'i�ny�»II endeavor to rnail �� days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but f�ilure to mait sL�ct� natic� sh�lf impose no obfigation ar liabi�ity of any kind u�on the com}�any. f`iAS1E ANp F�06(ZESS OF CERTIFICA7E HOLCIER: ,TANUARY � 6� �� g 0 T i IJEP. ..., . _... . CiTY 4F FOR'� WORTH TRANSPO1tTAT�QN & PUBLZC �tiTOP.KS Di:PT, IOOd THROCICMO�TQN STAEET F�RT WO1tTH, TEYA5 76102 DAE55 . � �/�/-b.' 4,/}t..�.J I AUTF10ftIZED REPFESCNTAT�� E � �Y.C+SS'i'F12i�.i ZIDiTl'c]GC"r�A�LZd9i.'T.P'�:_"8'.ffi`L+£L'l6laal+�'4�1;s'w�+.7�' 1•�i.t.`_F'18ru:7,fI�6" C�T•'Nl'JL6f:.JY�+'��J�•'•��u^u' ;fsL'.:HCi�= .�E� ]�f:"�"�4`�=QT'�T •-- - - a='_4'�e.SYF�'IYo�:....d,�• • s�3a3 �aara�r Na,�i� aNr� avohfss ��r- a,���cr COi�+VPA�J't� ��R1fP�Adi�S AF�4Fit?I�'�`i �C����C�5 lfn;ted Service Agency, ln�. L�TT�� Post OfFice Box 117fi5 � I�sur�nc� Company af f��rtF� Atr�i�a � Lexington, Kent�cky 4q5�� 6� CiGt�A Ins�rance Com�ny of ieacas c�R�t�icATE oF iNSu�zar�c�. r I . [. � TO: �ITY �� �r��i WOI�iH: i�XA� F��te 3anuary I6, 199b Nr1M� �� PRO��e�T: Storin Draa.n �znprovements in Eisenhower Drive, Carvexl.y Ave. �o xansom 's�errace � PRQ���'� l�IJMB�R: 67-�28865-DO _ , HYtiL-'1'exas, Inc. P.O. Box I807 �F�idS I� iO ��RTIFY °�i�� 1�ort Wo�th Division, For� Worth, Texas 76101 (I�am� �d Addr��5 of dnsure�) is, �r ��� �ace of �t�is ��e�iil��t�, ir���� t by t�is ��nt�a�y with �esp�e� �t� th� business a�era4ions I�ee�i�afte� des�rib�d, f�e t�� typ� @� I��aran�� �� in ae�a�dance v�ith � the grovisions of �h� �t�n�ard podici� ��c� �y th�s ��m�a�y', anc� furg��r h�r�ina��e� d�scribed. �.xcep�ions 4o stand�rd policy no��d or� rev�r�� si�� h�r��f. � � iY�� ��' INSiJRAN�� � _ _ _ , ^ Poli��► No. �ff�ceiv� �x�i��s �.imi�s oi �.�abilitv__ _ w'arkees'�Comper�sa�ic�n � _T - -- _ Gor�p���e�iv� G����'�! Liabili4y ��t���r��� (Public �.i�biiity) Blas#in� -.." --�--- - Collagse o# Buil�i��s or structup�s adja�er�t to excavatio� Damag� to ��d�rgro�n� Lltilities _ 6uilder's Ris�C Comp�ehet�siue Automobil� Liability Cor�tractural Li�bi�ity . --� Bo�ily Ir�iurys �a.Oc��rrenee: � P�oper�y �arnage; —. _ �a, Occurren�e: � , � �a. Uect�rrenc�: �a. ��cur��ne�: 5 , �a. �ccurr�ncec $_ , Bodisy dnjury: - --- �a. P�rs�� $ Ea.O�euPee�ce 5 - - P�op���y Dflmag�a .. �a. �ecu��ence: _..� --- � .�. _ - �udaly �Y���rya � �a.Occ�P�e�ce � PeoQer�y Damag�: '-------- �— �a. aceue�er�c�; � Oth�c . . ,� . _ _ _ � __--_ - - - Locati�ns �over�d: .._. -- — - . __. _ �-- - _ ... __ . _ , Des�riptian o� opg���i�r�s ec�v�Ped: ' : .:l.. . .. . .._.._.�--- - - — , it�e �bave poli�i� �itl��e ir� Yi�e body th�r�of �9r �y appPo�riate endorsemer�t g�ovid� t��t tt�ey may not �e �han�ed ar �a���l��d by 4�i� ir�ur�r ir� l�ss �h�n fiv� (S} d�ys afge� th� insu�-ed ��s �ec�iv�c� ►��itten �ati�e �f su�h �han��/aY �ar���l4ati��. �6'�ere ��piieab2e l��al �awrs a� r��ul�4io� �e�t�i�� m�re tha� �ive (�) day� �etu�! no�ice Qf change o� c��c�llatiar� to �� a�����d, t�t� abov� �li�a� �ontas� suel� ��ecia! c�quirements, eith�r in the body th��ea� �r ��r a��e�p�iat� �n���g�ent €��r�ts a���e�e�, � : � A�enCY _...� -- -•----- -- --- — --- ---- - . �ort IVorTh A$er�Y _ _ �Y _ _ ..--- . - - - Address i'i41� � i rf F�RFORI+�l1�CE _BOI�b � �1�� STA�E QF �E�{A� X C O�Y 0�' �ARRAi�i°� � � ' . KNOGd A�.L i"!�N BY Z'H�SE PRE5�NT3; That we (1} APAC-Texas, Inc. Fort Worth _Divison � a(�} Cazpora�ion o� Texas , � _�_ . _ _ _ � . �. . —_,_ . _. hereinafte� catled i'r�ncipal, aad (3) _ _q 5eabaard Surety* Company _�s g corporai�i.Qn a'rganixed and existirtg uac��r f��e laws af �he S�ate and fully au�t�oriz�d �o Cransact buainess in �h� , Sg��� of Texas� as SuYeey, a�e held and firm,Iy bouad unto �he City o£ �art Wor�h, t- , a mua�,cipal carpora�ian orga�ized ar�d exisging under �he lar�a of the 5�cat�e �f �exa�, he�eiaa£i�er ca].led Owner, in the penal sum of: One Hundred Six Thousand Eight �fundred Sa.xty ThreP Dollars and .Oa/iQO------_ ----- ($ 1�6�; Sfi�_, pQ � )�ollars in lac�ful saoney of the Uni�ed 5�at�s ��o b� paid �.� Fa�� Wo�th, �arrant Caun�y, Texas� for tche �ay=nea� of which aum well and �ruLy �o be mad�, w� h�geby bi.nd ourselveg, aur heirs, executor�, adr�ini�tr�a�or� aad sucees�ara, jointly and severally, firmly hy �hese preset��s. �k CO�TDITYON 0�' THT� OBI,YGATTOPI i� suc}� Chat Whereas� �he Princi�al I gnt��r�ed ini�o a cerf:ain con�ract wieh �he City of �ort I,lortih, the Dwner, da�ed �he 16�h_day of ,Tanuary , A�A. I9 90 �, a �opy 'of W�11Cr1 �3 heret�o ���ach�d and r�ade a�art hereaf, far the construction of: I � �u Storm_Drain Improver►tents in Eisenhower Drive, Carverly Aven.ue ta Ransem Terrace �� � • — � - -• — ---.. �_._ . � ____.-- - - - _ „ , � dgsi,gnated as Pra�ect Number 67-02$$65-00 , a copy of which cc�ntract is hetreCo , ��geched, x�ferred �o, and made a part herevf as fully and ta the same ex�ea� as if copies at lerr�gth h�rgin� such project and construc�ian being herainaf�er 1 � �ef�rrad to as hhe '4aork". � . �. _ � , '' , . � . _ N�+d Tt�i�It�FpR�, i.f �f�e P�incipal shal� weli, tgulq and fai�l�fully p�rfo� : f ��e �a��l¢ i�► �e�nx��a�e +wi�h the �lgn�, �pecificaCion�, ar�d conr�aract dacu�en�s i du�iag �1�� n�igi�al �ex�a t�h�r�of, and any rxt�en�io�� �hereaf wk�ich m�y be ggenteed by �h� q���, wi�h ag wi�riauic no�ica t�o �he ��crety� �nd i£ he shall �a�isfy aIl �� �l�i� �r�� d�sar��� ir�cu��ed und�� �uch can�x�c�, and shall fu1Fy indemrzify and� ��mv� ������� the Or�►n�s �saa� ab� cog�g and d�sggs whi�h �ti m�y �uifer by x���an a� €�i1u�� t�o do ao, ��� �ha11 �e��burs� and r�pay the O�a���e a�l bu�lay and �x �e��� wa��.�H C%� O��g �ay �r��u� in �ak��g good any default, then t�hia obli�a�io� '� ��all b� vo�d; o�h�s�i�e �ro a���in �n iull foxce and �f��c�. � � � �I � � PRQV�D�D k'URTFi�R, �ha� if ��y l�gal action be fil�� upa� �t�i� bond, veaue �s��l�1 Ii� i� Tasga�t Cou��y, 5�at� o£ Texa�. A� P�01iIDE� F[T�t�R, �hag �he said Sure�y, �ar value ��ceived, her��y �$�,p�b���� a�d a����� tha� no cRsnge, ex�ension of �i�ne, al�ega�ion Qr ad�i�ion �o �h� te�a�a� o£ .��� �oa���c� o� �o the �ork �a be pexfort�ed gh�r�auaderr ot� ��� ���ci� �i���i�r� ��c�arp��ying �he �am� sl��i1 in asq w��e a£fe�t 3.�� obliga�iom on thi.s �ox�d, �a� i� �o�� f�er��by w�iv� ao�ic� af a�y �uch cha���� �x�an�io� of ��m�, �1�����1� �� �d�f.ti�� �o �h� ��a°� of �he �o�t��actc ox to �he wagk or �o ehe ����i�i���i,o�r�. . �our �D3 W���� W1��0�, ��ii� i���t�um�n� i� ex�cu��ci in � couate�p�g�� �ach � ef �af�i�� ���1i �� d����� �m osi�f.�l ���i� �h� 16th day of ,Tanuary ISo�., Z� 9 . �..�`��'� : ' .�� �. I�. Sl�mp, Division Contxolle� � (� � A Y,). i . . -- �Ad�ac���) � � � A�����: � L �f � (Sr�x�t�y) Secset�aa�y (� �A�,} 0 Wi�r�e�s� aa �o �uYe�y APAC-Texas, �nc. Fort Worth Divis�on PR�NCIPAL {4) �Y:_ _� �/:�i��� � / E. E. �Alfo`r� � �� Division Pres�den� P.O. Ba� 18Q7,�Fort Woxth, Texas 76101 (Addr�ess) SEAB�ART] SURETY COMPANY, , . . _ Sy�e�y ,. ; . BY : � �I � . ' . - � (/At�osa�y-iz�-fact) (S) I30►�I�t Date of �ar�d arust �og be prior� to dat�e af Co�t�ra�t t (1) Corxec� na:ae af Con�rac�oY (�) A Cor�o�a�iost, a Par�ne��hip og an Tndividual, as case �ay �e (3) Carrect aame of 5�sYety (A) �f Contractor is Par�nersh�,� �11 • Par�ners shoe�ld ex�cute bo�d f5) A�rue copy af i�ower of Atgoxt�ey sha11 be attached �o bond by Attorney�in��ac�. ,L� i -�� �. .__ _ �: � � - - - _ - - - -- --- - - -- - � . -. � � ����r� � �� ---- �� ��� y ; � � �: �v� -����,:� _� -� , - � ��m����, �� �-�,-�. .��-i • , �-;,�€�' �€ �.'�T` �� '� �4 6T `�V� � _ �-+W R t"-�r �,{ �� jr "� �- ',r� a . � � • #� ` - ��`��- . � i�+! J .I .� �+,�sy ;� ��� e, � . � e �. , . _ , �, •, Y ix'�(S1� _�i 3rra'� 3�' ir, - e��'ri li #f-., +Ir . �- �i',�si _ r�d_kexrrl-, � v� t ry. r� e ..+frr8i �yR ;-�� ' #7_ n. r-1� q � ; '�;� � �-' = � ��. -�9 - - � �, _ _ . : . , � ' _ `'1.. `_a` � _ � � .:. _ ` �B " 7�_ ' , �'. _- . s ` E3`, �'-_k('��]f �„ � � � ` �. . � _ ' , �. ,'�_ � P �t F t , � r� _ _ ., v�� -� � i, �, �r �e yr--� �i,�� W� �»,.. -�� iL � � �� �'�� r� ��tu� is� 4t� ���li na�s�yr�.� �ri'��,y� �a, r,�tS� ��t,.��ec�r�K a� �r�t ��ions�6ee�k �ifl111�r r��T�� � �t_w�. _ '� - -;�i�.3� - — �' - � �' - ; ��� ����f _ = '— - — -= `�"( � 1, ' , � - : ��.i �, 'a��:ti�a4-q.l „u��.r �'1!a6� �-.�.� �1.n tdd ��'c����a�r.'�os. �" #�-`�?r:.� :y�a�_ ir_(f'�r c��x �f-3aP �i.��:t +�'.�'�a�� -� ?t+C �9�+c�u� 4� :�tf ���-. !�- 'i; - !'f-L� � �T�� �tS" FI7s? 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" ���_.""����► �. ``# .- - . _ _ : �� _ �•�.���. � � f �y._16.. _� - h ,�-.._� �. � - • ,- - �•_r�ti - ,�e �.:,�. �L�Y. �it.,ay. =�' � '� .yr�- �"- _ � . ' LJ '` u �r�r'" - _� - �'-t"��,(r!F✓-� ' - `�1��---�� .�.�, �C_ i:l.t. �+B _ ` --r ��:ll1t � �� � � �\-'�'1 -'��--�'� . - �'�.' � _ .� � -- - - -or verir , me authenticity of this Power of Ath ;r cail, collect, 241-658-35a0 and asls ►or the POw � �lerk. PI ._.. ._ . ower .f Attorney number, the sbove named individualfsl aa te band io which the power is attaahed. In New �' -�27-5dAA. PAYMENT BOND '�HE 5 TATE OF TEXAS � COUNTY OF TARRANT � KNOW ALL M�N BY THESE PRFSENTS: That we (1 ) APAC—Te�as, Inc. , Foxti Worth. Da.vi.sion , a{2} Corpo�'atiqn d� Texas , , hereinafter called Principal, and (3) _____ Seaboa�d 5urety Company , a corparation organized and existing under the laws oP the 5tate and fully authorized to transact business i.n the 5tate of Texas, � as Surety, axe held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a • �unicipal corporation organized and existing under the laws oi the State of Texas, hereinafter called Owner, and unto alI persor�s, firms, and car- poratiQns raho may furr�ish materials ior, or perform labor upan, the building or improvements hereinafter referred to in the penal sum of: One Hundxed Six Thousand Ei�ht Hundred 5z�ty Three Dollars and .00/1�0----------- •� {$ 106,863.D0 ? Dollars in lawful money of �he United 5tates, to be paid ` in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind aurselves, our heirs, �xecutors, administratoxs and successors }ointly and severally, firmly by these presents. _ THE C�NDI TI ON OF THI S OBLI GATI ON is s uc h t hat Where as , t he � P�incipal entered into a certain contract with the Ci.ty of Fort Worth, the Ou�ner, dated the 16th day oF ,�anuary A.D., 19�, a eopy of which is lzereto attached and made a part hereof, for the constructiorz of: Storm Drain Improvements in Eisenhower Drive, Carverlv Avenue_�o.Ransom '1'er,r� ,. � desi Bnate d as Project Number G7-0288&5-00 , a co py of whic h co ntr act is � hereta attach�d, ref�rred to, and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein, such project and construction being hereinafter referred to as the "work". � NOW, THEREFORE, the cvndition of this ob�.i�ation is such that, if the Principal shall promptly make payment to all claimants as defined in Artiele 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work pravided for in said Contract, then �his abligation shall. be null and void, atherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. THI� BOND IS MADE AND ENTERED into solely for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work provided for in �aid Contract, as claimants are definad in said Article 5160, and a11 such claimants shall have a direct rig�t of action under the bond as pro�vided in Article 516(} of t�e Revised Civil Statutes. FROVIDED FI3RTHER, that if any ,legal action be filed upon this band, venue shall.lie in Tax�rant County, State of Texas, and that the said Surety, for value rceived, hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, ex#ension af time� alteration or addition to the terms oi the cantract or ta the work to i�e performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any vrise affect its obligations on this �6ondg and it does here�y waive rx�tice af any such change, extension of t�me, alteratian or addition to the terms of the contract ar to the work or to the specificati�ns. PR�VI DED FURTHER, that no fi nal settle me nt bet wee n t he Owner and the Contra�tor shall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder whose c1 ai rn may be uns atisfie d, I 1J WI T�1ESS WHEREOF, this instrument is e xec ute d parts, each one of which shall be deemed an original, this th ,Tanuary . A. D. 19 90 ATTES T: G �..y � i� � �� . : ._ ����- _�,�__ �. L. S�imp, DYv�sion Cont�oller ( SEAL) �Vitness as ta Pri nci pal � ddres s } � — — -- tour in ���counter- e 16th day af APAC-Texas, Inc., Fort Wo�c�h Division Principal (4) �y.��' � .-.� .:.,�-�� �> >, �-- _ _ �. �. AJ.£ord llivision Preszdent P.O. Box 18fl7, Fort Worth, Texas 76101 l Address) � ATTES'T: CS uret yT Secret ar y {SEAi.} Witness as �to Surety ( A�ress ) . _ „ SEABOARiI SUR�TY COMP�Ny ... _ __ Surety -- M � � By�/ � , __ '`�� A�to�y—in—Fact {5) �r AI��Xi�NDER & A�,EX.L�NDER OF TE�AS , INC . i'. 0. BOX 2950, FORT W�RTH, TEXAS 76113 ( Address ) 1�OTE: Date of �ond must not be prior --- . to date of Contract. (1) Correct name of Co ntr actor (2) A Corporation, a Partnership or an individual, as case may be (3} �rrect name of Surety " (4} If Contractar is Partnership, all partr�rs should execute bq nd. (5} A true copy of Pawer of Attorne y s hall be att ac he d to bond by Attorney-in--Fact. , = ������ ����- _ _ :_: - - ��� _��-� 4 = --. = _��1� . �` _` ���1� =_ . _. ��. - � o � � � �������:r�.�� ����� �����r���, r���r ;������t �..�.. _.. - _ � � - _ _: _ _-.�.. - .. � ..: . �-�- - - = P�t��� �� �a�':t����v_� _ .-:i����v�4�i:��WI��~�i:����Fi����-�� ��af���3�3.��II uR�'r-�r�AM��N�'_a�co�g��c�a��t���t���o���v�1�,�h�-� .._ _� .-_»,n..t.,. y,....�,+t...t...�c-...,.a�-r�s�,.;�r'a',a-��.::r�l.�:, ��...s��:r, -..�� _.t�.,.�. ..��n: i,t..�,��.ac.�=,s�::t=.. .,..,.irtT�{:ae�n-�=�L4Y,x,ri3��=-rit� � = - =� = E -- =- _ - _ �= � -�=��J���.Y1; si.��:`_y = - - -_ #r�-„�� j_-� _� -- - " _ ���'_- " - �L'�� ti ���[`yg � i� �7i�Y �� - =f�� .dMr ��.'�, ^`F - �'i �� =�+� - � y . '._ - � �- � � �l� = `�'i� �{x ` �r� `� � --�. ��S,�i�.a�eCe4�fy��-���i ���r .� ,� �� _ -�PS'�4H���' _� - �- =��_==�= �-� ---!`�=.,�- � f)�IV�1��.���v�`��� W-, � � - -=_=�- -��_._:-�= � -- - __ -_� _ -�-=��-_`-` -= . `�'+l = ==-`-= --�' = --- =�: ,��� �.�-= — = -=. +iiY Q� St����7`-=� ,, -� � = ���=r_ ==---=-- ==r-- _ —=- _� � �' #' I�: �rr�� �r � - � � ��=- fi$ �.�t�:_ � ��y-�s`��l ���� �� - -=r� ���:�=�-� ��t�s�c���at�ly �p#��� _ - f --�."���3��T. =�' ���� �.� �-- -� �� _ ��C����€��n�-����������-���� _ ��rr�-� �rr� pe� t��it� acc��t2t��t�'�'€t�sr��s�Z�_�t5�.�t�t����j���-s��t��f��fie�����€ ���i� =�I�T�:��z��i`... _ ie Es a Vsce�P_"r�,s��fer����SEA�C3A�f��I�.�E7'1f �t71V3E���4��i�cci�flr�t����c'i�,� a�c�-�v_�r����etit�ti ��oi`��air�g : IiTF��i��:��1�.��'I�_Iii10W8_fh�COi'�Jt}I������O���P�BEC��4}'t'i��1-]iT,'fl't8��ii��1�fIX�d��S�E��l1S�Ct1ft�2Ei�[��SUG���'�it3C�t��B�; ` wa�soa#fcxe��yor�er�s��ti�c�r�o���r�ctors��atc���mparify;�rrd������g����isr��r�ri f�asVlc�P�td��fof - � ` �-_ �sc1oC5�!'l��sv,II�GB�€ith[]Cl�'s7= �^ri'�n�-Ya �r�x�nf f�Rtn �_ _��=� ���i�- ��-- - �"'��--- - - = - -r _ -- -� :-�_- ----- - - _- _- -_ --_-�_ _ -_ _ -_ =__- -- - - __= _-_' - _- --- --- - -� _ - _- -_-- -- � - - � _ -- � r - - - - _ - -=- __�. _ _ . �' F � � _ders�gnedAsssst�niSacretaryDi��A��AFiLiSt3FtETYGOMPA�11�doheretiy�ef#rry�hatiheor��rir�alPowerotl4�SosneY9twvhr'ctF�8loregotngis .,, . _ _ T _ _ _ - -_ =a ridcovractGa�y,�s�7►iulEtor�e�nri�tiect�Iith�dai�ofEhisC@rtr[Ecat�andldqfuriherc�r#i#�rthaith�Yice-Pre�uient�eri�o�cecvtetEthes�id#'�w�;Toi _� �141ornsy was=one flk.the a�trcers a�fhor+z2d ���it�e�oard=ol G�rectars ta appam#an attorney-i�t iact ss pro�ded �� Artrcfe V�! �tron �. o�-1i�a By-L$wS �t - S�Bf?AftD 511R�1'_C�AAF.AE+IY_ �rj��� i � Tnh =- __ - - � = �� - _� � � =.-� : � : � �==This Ceri�iiCate m�� b�_�igned and sea� d by#acsimifa unde%antf by authpri�}i of the ioilnwing rasotutu3riOt the ExacUtfve Cnmm+tisei�t thv fi3aa�d:Of -. �irr�ctors of S�AS4Rf'! f? S(iFt�i Y�OMPf1hlY at-.� meetir:g duty catf�d arl�t hetd:ot� the 25[�f ti� y of_:M�tch i97Q _= �_ _ `_ =- . - - _.�'E�ESaLVED: {4y i ha}-the uss oi_a pf'irlted_�aesimile o#=the Co�a_rate seafbt-the _Company aniJ oi iiie signa�we vE,an �+ssEstan! Secfttt�►y�ot� any - ==Certilicatibn of the correctn�ss of a copy of _an,instrumenf exeeute�i by_the Presiderlt_or a Vice-President pursetant ta;4rt�cte5fl1,=5ecti0n 1; bf Ifi�� B�Ls+v9 appoiniing and aulhorizing Hrt a4rorney-ir�=�aat to 5ign in.lhe name and on-behalf-ot tha Gompa�ysurety i3ond5T-underxzal�� Unde�takin9s ur othu� = instruments described in said Article=:Vli, Section_ 1, with liks atfect`as_if suc#� seal and.such sign�tcir�=hacf been manu8lly�aftixed and m$de, her�6y is autliorizedandapFrrovod:'-_. _ - _ �= - -� -- - _= - - _ - . _-._ _-- "__ . _ -_ . - = -_ �= Ih� �IYN�SS �t���3�Q�, I have hereuntt� set rny tzAnd and affixed tt�e corparate seai �i the Corrapany to fnese prk�ec�Es thi� op��su*F�y��� :.......:...........��.��1 `_...: : C�By Of :_..._.�_.._._...:...�,I'r�.�b1r�X'y,: :.. _ .., �9--•�fl-.._ - - ;, 1327 K _ _ -- ���.+a.�•1�.�.. . .. _ ... `�r � �� - -_ . : - - _: ` _ - _ _ - __ _ ' - - _ = - -. -_ sBiStanl SecE'et€try ff�f1EE��0 ... .. _ - _ _ -- - -- _ _- -_ . _ ' _.- _ _- - - - -. -- - - - - Form ti?7 (HuN. 7le•i) �-1 �ROJ�Ci ���I��A�i�W SICR! i v�,� �- _ _ b T � .^ � — �y �� ���� . � ��� � �� I � _ __ - �b . - - — �.. ,... --- ,-- - ..� ---- S Vt" . � - - '„ -_. _ - — - -- - —u 9'1 �_ �_ �p� �� . . ___ __ . __ .3 � - o a �' � �"�� ��� � ��I� - - — � � ��� — 4 I/2� ���� ���i � � � o 1/2�� ..--- -�--- aii�"f ���������r� ���� �'-o„ � �i��� ��p�� .,. _____— ��h���`�d ��m���iion Da#e ¢� -�_-_ _--- .. - -- �� ��r�'' _._. . . .� _..� ._-� _ ��E���° �,. � __l_ � ._.. � _ . _ -- _-- '�° -- -. 4 __ .,-- - -- - �._ . P t i/2" � _� _ _ � q� a ��� _ . _ T ; i��., � b � _ _ � _^� I�� ��Z�� 3 1/2' � o �+ . i i/� - - � . �" �, _, � --- ----- - t �G1lb�N W�11Y� f 661�� ���i1GFi�UND 1M! Wbli� ��Yi��S I 6���€�qG� �ITy 8� �'�Ri 1��RY44���OFLk�Ak ��GSI iTA! t� P�OJ�eT TI� � CGN��AsCTQ� B� �leT� lP� �t��V�i�CA ,y 5 "_, i ��.�� o�F ���-� �'���h., �'��c�� �� ='4� � _�: �s��{ _�.c , ��c �� ��.� ������.� �������������� _ � ��,. c�v r�n.� ,�� _���; a�as� aE�n��e� st��1�eY: AW�kRD 0� G0�7��1�T FOI� 6" �`� r�r" '���� ..,,,�. a�ur�e�� 4�AT�R MAIN REPI_AC�h��.NT AND �TQRM JRA�IV ' 3 1�1�5�90 **��1�108 IM�320VE�t€NT� IN �T��1�1��W�f� l7E�IVE, fR�M �°� - — -- �ARV���Y AVC�IU� TO ��N�OM T�R1�A�E �C1�Cl.� "C" �OF1�Tft�1C�`I�N, iN�—�#ATER) ����c--�Ex�s, �r��-s�o�� ��,���� ���or���������tr; �t is r�camroended t�at the ��ty� Counc��: 1, a�t�arize a band �ur�� t�'ar�sfe� in ti�e �r�o�nt �f $�4,77�* fror� ��ecial Asse�sm��t ��r�d �4, Pro,�ec� No. �09905-�0, �pec�al Assessmer��s, llr����ec�fl�ci, to �t�reet Im�r�vemen� �ur�� 67, l�roject f�o. �I71��-40, 4l�ter Ma�r� Rep�acement i� Eis�nhower �rtiw�; 2, au�noriz� a fund trar�sfer �r� tY�e ar�our��G �F ��,5�� fror� Water �nd Sew�r QperatTng Fun� 45, A�co�n� �1�. 50��0-�0, to 4�at�r �a�xital Impr�ov�in�nt� Fun� 53, €'roje�t IVo. ��7122�-00� Wa�er N�ain Replacemerrt �n Fis�fll�owe� Qri ve ( Ins�e�fi i�r� ar�d SurveY �; 3. a�t�tor�ze the C�t� h7an�.ge�• t� ex�cu�e � cor�st�uct�on �orttract �ittx C'f�`t]� °'�`� Gorrstr�c���n, I�r�., �or Ch� fi-�nch 1�at�r Main R��lac�r�e+�� ir� Eisenhawe� 'Jr�ve, b�5ed �n �.}�� ]ow �id ��f $�2.52�.OQ; ar�d 4. �ut�torize �h� �ity ��a�ag�r �a execu�� � co�tract �rith APA�-Texas, tnc., for �torm �r�in Ym�r�v�men�� ir� �isenhowe�' �riv�, fro�ri����rv�r�],y� A+�en�e t� �a�n�om T��race k i rt �he �mo��r+#� o� $lI)6,�lb�.�0 and �� w�orking da�ys, *include� 10�6 of bid for possi�le change ord�rs as es�ab�7shed h� City �r�iriance h1o. i�43J. O�IGIFk OF ��O���T: T�e ��86--$� ���i��l I��aravemer�� Progra�n �ppr�v�d �n F��r�h, 19��, inclu�e� funds �or storm dr�in improVeme��5 i� ��senhc���r Dr�ve� fro� Garve�ly A+��nue �� �an�o� Terrace. �ngir�e�r�n� p�ans �nd spec��ic�t��ans w�re prepared to ��rf�r�r k�he�e impr�v�me�tt� �nd were adver�is�d for b��s. T�e Wa�er ��partmerr� dete�`m�ned that t�e e�ti�t�rrg 5" wate� ma7n in th�� por�i�r� o� �3ser�}row�r Dr�v� was in nee� of r�pla�emen�, and th�s work v��� �,dv�rtfi��d fc�r bids in cor�ju���t�o� wit�h �i�e storrn drain projeci. R�CC1��' �� �Ia�: �ids for th�s pr�,�ec� +�ere r�c�sved on �ov�sr�ber 3�� 1�69, a���r �ein� adv�rti�e� an Nnvemb�r ��nd �6, ���9, w�t�� 3� w�rkir�g c€ays �llo���d �or` th� [iase 8ar�, �4 workin� �ay�s a�lotted �or A�ter�ate �t�. �, and �8 work�r�g days for AZternate �V�, � for the ��orm �rair� im��rr,v��en�s, an� �� w�rki ng da,y� allot��d �a� t��e wat�r mair�. Th� bids are �a��+�ated as follo�as: � - I amfi� �-].�49U RgFEqEkC� SlJ@lECT: A�A�D O� ���irRAC� F��� ��I "�'"'��`� 4��4'fER N1A�r1 R�PI.ACE�4�N� AN� ���c���rd �RAIi� **��i�10� li�Pi�OVEM�N�� �#� f���h#H�#JE� ORIVE, FR�h1 ca�v�€���- avE�u� r�� i���v�o��� �Ef���c� �ct��c�� ����, cc��sTr��crt�o�, ��c--w�a���� (r���c�-�fiE�t��, ��c-sro�� c���tr�� 11NIT I ( �1ATC.R � : B � a E��i� �i�cl� ,���� �nn��r�c�iar� Larry H. �.?acic�on �on5t., Inc. �tkins aro�. ��u�prn�nt Co. ��.1�, V� ck�rs, in�. Tr9-Tech Cons�ruc�iar�, inc. �r�gi n��ri r�g E�tir�at�: ��4,000 UNI� 1I {ST{1R�1 aRA�N : BID�}�� APA�-T�xas, i��. C1rc�e „�`� �ortstr. Ca. �, Cxr`1rf1e5 dnd C(?., InC. �US��[1 ��V�Cl� �QIi1�d�lj� �.arr�r 1�. Jacks�r� Cons�. J.k.. ��rtr�m Constr. �rt��n�ering Es��ma�e: �1ri��UF1T $��,���«�0 -�3,���.0� �3,4�7.�0 �7,403.?.5 �T,56�.0� �AS� �ID {�0 d�ys� '�106,863.�0 ��J,872.� 1 �� y��h}�J1 .�1�} ��� } (.4.i 4�� �16,�17.�5 118,08�.�� $X�6,��� A��'. N�. 1 ��� t€ays�� �o �id �ki�,87�.�i� i12,0��.�6 1�0,��1.55 l��t���.�� 118,�88.95 P�ifisE � � I — _ �r Af.T. N�. 2 {18 d�ys� No Qid �117,87�.5� 113,285.5� 125,2��.�5 �����Y�.��J 1Z�,488.95 �taFf°s eva���t�ion �� �he thre� low b�d� ir�t�lcates i�.ha� �t wc���l� be ir� ��e �ix�y"s best �nterest �o accept �h� �aw 1�as� �id in t#�� �mo�nt of �1��,�63.0�, arid 30 wor�ciny da,ysF �s su�r�it�ed by APAC-��x�s, Enc. for t�re s*�rm drain w�r�:. AJ��4��Tex�s� I�r�., dSd no� bid or� eith�r o� �I�e A�terr�at�s. St�Ff"s ��cainm�nda`ion i� based or� t��re h��h prein�um wl��c�r �eould have t� be �aid i� ��� lat� bid for eit�er Al�;err�a�� wa� acc�p�ed, T�e l�w hidcler�, Ci�`cl� °'i:" ��r��iru�#�io� �n�l FI�A�-Texas, Inc., are in c���l iar�ce ���h th� Cxty`s �BE I'��icy. �T���crr�s: Su�f��i�rxz fiu�ds �or th� water �a�n r�pl�.t�m�r�t are avaTl�ble t� t�'ar�sfer fr�r� 5}����al �ssess��nts Funrl �4, Pr�,�ec�, hi�. 0099�5�00, �p��e�al A�se�s�nen�s Unsp��af��d. 1lpor� approv�l ��d c�mple�ior� a� R��o�ame���tion iVa, �, ir� the �r�oun� �� ���,772.�0, 5�#'f�cie�� fur�ds will b� ava91�b1� in �tre�t Impravem�r�t F�nd �7� Pr�,�ec� No. {��71��-4U� ���er R�pla��ment �r� E7senh�wer E}rive. �xp�nd�t�r�s w91� �� ��ad� fro� Index ��d� �3�33�. 5ufficient fun�ls tor Tnspecti�n an� s��rv�y �f the wat�r Zir�e ar� availa��� �a 1;�an�Fer �r�r� w�,�er and S�wer �pera��ng F�nci 4�, �4ccount Nr�. �0-+30-�0, `v�ater Ca�r�l`.aY Pr�,�ect, 4�ater ��partm��t. 1J�an approval and camplet��r� vf � n�tE �-1�-9� I��FEREh1Ct SIIOJfGT ��I�i�6+ V� 4VI�TRfSI.� FV}� �4i PfsL;E 1 "�'"��E� WAT�R MAIh� REPLF���MFNT Ah1a S��RM aR�11fV � � **�-].�1�8 i.Ml',E't�VE��1��5 If� Ei�rf�F104�E1� �RIUr�� ri�Oh# — 6� ��i�v���r �av�r��� ro ��r��asor� r����cE ���RCL� "C�� ��}NS�Rl1CT��N, I��y�A7��t} �P{l��'f�]�A�, I1�C-�TORM URAIN� Rec�mmenrlatior� 1�0. 2, in th� a�aunt of $�,500.0�, s�t�F��3ent Funds w�ill ixe �vailaE�le in "�a�:�t' Capital Ir�pr�vei��n� F�nd ��, Proj�ct No. Q17��ZR4D, �laCer �epl�c�ment �iser�h�w�er Drive (ir�s����i�n an� 5uf•vey}. �xp�nditur�s w��l be rnac�e fr��a7 Fnd�x Codes 6�0294 ��ns�2��i�nj ar�d ��0335 (��,rv�,y�. Sufffc#�n� furrds� for t�h� s#�arm drairr �ons�ruc�ton a�e availabtie �r� ��re�t Imprs�ver��n� Fund 67, Proj�ct� ��. ��8�65�1�0, �isen�ower��osecla�e �ra�r��xa� improvemen�s. �xp�nditures w�ll �� macfe froro Ir�d�x �ot�e 630335. �uff��ier�t funds ar� �vailable ir� �treet Zroprove�e�t Fur�d 67, Pr�,��ct hio. �95106��Q �ngyneerin� �alari��, for �rtspectf+�n, er�g�r�ee�`�ng �nd ad�inistr���ve c�s�s. 4JW�l: j ������I�� �� ���� ��U���� J.AlV �� I�$� ��� � c��r ^-�,r�aq as +�. t'' 7��� FG� WOni�, TA�4w il S![FkMFTTCfa F�if# TH# t�TY Mr�Nn :Fft•S �� � 1� dll€ �i�Q� L`iFiCE 9v. � ... _.—....... .._ s"sr�Ic�rvArirrc !* € DEPAfF7h+EN7 HFAL7' VaT'� .}$I�4�rI�$ F(7�} }���jIYIUNAL [#JTflRM�lT16N caNTACT S��V$ �FI41�C117��I ���� I �1,� I)�SpOSIYIOM1k BY COUiJCIL: ❑ �rvRnvFl� � i.lTHFR �pESCRiBE} ��#� ` -- ��4C�9$E6 vY CITY S��RET*�}'{ IbATi i li ���� a�' ���-� ����h, `���c�.� ����� ���� ������� �������������� I �rnrE � �rFE��r�c.e susa�c-r� FINAL �AY�kE�� �I�E�lii�4�ER I}�1VE � ��+�� �u�,��� ry�r ry 5� yy �y�{FI y,� yf5ryy,� �y�y rh' G��7�71 �*�P��Cf/[7 ���RY�R�I �iJ �[+iF9��l'I� �I4JR1'� �fSf4J.l1 I n� � -- -��EMF�� ( APA �' _ 7 F � q���f } _ _ RFC�MM��IiIAT �[�N: t� �s r�c��nm�n�i�d that� �h� �ity Counci I; (1 � a�t��� as �om�l ete �i se�rhowe�` f�r i v� (��a rver ��r �a I���som� Star�n Qr� i n Imp�ov���er�ts; and {�� author� �e f i r�a 1 paym�n �. z r� ��� 2�mourr�t af �6 , 94$ .�ib �� APA�-Texas t I fl� . PR�J��7 bC�CRIPTIQN: �rajec� �ame: Pr�ject N���rf���'r; C�ntract �u�n��r: C�n�ractor: �ontrac� Aw�rded: �lork �rd�r Date�: �Jar�k �rder C�ff�ct�i�e �n t�r Be°F�r�: E�G�enho�,v�r Ur•i�e {Carver�y to Ransamj $tarm Dr�air� �mproveu�ent� ���7���{�70�88G5� CO .17619 AP�Cy��xa�, l�ic. January 1�, 1990 M�r�}� �i, 1�9� March k6, 1�90* *Contr`actar wa� delayed from startirrc� tl�e pr�,��c� unti�l �he w�te�` �nc! saw�r porkion ofi �ne prc�;j�ct was co�pl�ie�. 1�ork �3�gan; �or�trac� Citne �egarr: �roject �4���ta��tial�� �am��ete and Fir�a� In�pectiorr t�ade: Pu n�h Li �t �Comp 1 etec� : Cantrac� 'f�rr�� Pravided: Cor��.ract T�m� U�e�i: ��ay � r l���i k�a}r � � 1��U ��`��4�����' ��3r Y��� No�embe�- 1�, 1�90 3� Workin� D�y� 4G workin� Days f�R�JECT ���T: O��ginal Bi�i Pric�: �i �ra� �onL' r�� t Pr i ce : �1�Ult�d�.2[� Ddlll�CJ�S: �fet Contrac: t Pr i c� : �l�oun#. of �r�vicru� Papm�nts: �inal �a�rm�n�: Due:: U�YiATiON ���M ��0 PRI��: �i1��]r��.�.�� $103 { Of�� .62 � 3,3C�U.0� {�b �Eays (���0} � �7yr7yr�f.SJ.�� � 7Lf���.�U S 6,448,86 r�nal i77�asure� q�a�t7t�es at carrtract unit pr�ces yield ai� earr�e� i��al �ri�� for �I�ys cantrac� of $��3,�8�3.62 whic� i� $3,774.�� {�.�3'�) unc�er' t,he bid �r�c�. The di�fer�r�ces �re t�F�e res��lt b�tr�eeR� e�tim���5 �r�� �ct.ua� quankiti��. �PNe ne� �rice is fur�ther r�duced b,y li�uida��d da���ay�� as s�ov�n above. ���1FRA�T � il��: tM�� �ontract�r u�ed six�een �1G� w�rCcing days in add7t�on to the time a��otted � Ir�{��' HfrfkEhlL'E a�ra�E�T:�INAL PAY�IENT E1�E�VNOk�ER �#�iU� #*�� I r+14FMElER (�A�VERLY TO RAN�Ohi} �+�Fs79 ��17'�IN L , t_19`9�1. **�f—Lli� �i'Ifl'SLL�b�i��1J�. ��4Pf4L — ��!{f'L�. ill�.l. o! for cor�st�r�uc#.�or}. A charg� of $�1� per tla� h�s E��en deducte� fr�m the fiir�al �ay�ent �s lz�r�i�at�d �a���e� i�r ac�or�lar�ce with the �antr��t. COM�E,iANCL- WITE� 5l�ECIFICATIOiVS: Th� pro,�ee� �as bee�r compl���d 7� a�c�r�ance with th� re�u7�`�r��nts of �h� contract. � r r�ar��: i r�� : ��ff�ci�n� ���nds �r� av�i�a��le in Stre�t �m�rn�e�nen� �ur�d ��67, f�etaxr�age A�co�nt F1�s. ���Q6�, �5,{��3.39 ar�d ���0�0, $1,855.�T, �er�ter No. 0�{3b7Q��8f�5� �� fina�rc� tF�is fir��l paymer7t. htG:c ��FP�ISE ��'���i��� f��' ���f ������� F�� �� ��� �� ��� �f��� � c;� � „� � ... ., . , 5uilnrii�Fr� Fc)R Tr�F f:i�v S�1kN�6£R'S {}F��Cf BY: I€}RJGil,IAT�tJr �rrN.a�2TME�Y r��,�D. FOfl f�E�fraTlfy�4*L JryFDAfy�qTlO� , co��rarr I'1�14L Ll������� ��`F4+ 6k5P{}SITI[}N fFY C4VN�IL I_I APPROYEd 4�r`� �C����i�� �57�'t CJ �7�e�r �aEscRaoe} ��!"y S�flterr�� 7#��4 � 1 PR��ESSEa pv �IiY SECR�YAf#1' {�A* E �, - ���'i� ��kt�;� r � �,. �r �.� il ��fy�r� � � �. s � �it� ��` �,��r� �1��-t�., `����x� ����� ��� �������� ������������� L7aT4 REFF.HF.FaCE r�uMerrt 4-1b-9� **F�4�8�4 i ,. ;�? ., , . +�. RE�0�1h1�F��AT I�N: ��ga��T: ��v���a ���a� ���w�Er,r � ��SE�H4W�R �RIYE ��ARVE�tLY �Q RAI��OM� ��ORM QRAIiV I�IPRQV��I�HTS �AP�4�-T��{{k�, I�C•} t � �s re�oErnn��de� that th� �ity �o�,nci � : (1} arn�n� M&� FP-�778, �p�rov�� on Febr�ar� 19, 1�9Y; an� �Ae,E i a� � (2} a�tl�or�ze a�r�vis�� �ina� paym��rt �n th� amount a� $3��.Sfi to APAC-Texas, I.nc.. #ar th� �or�structi�r� o�F tf�e E���r�hower ��arverly to Ransom}� Sto�^in" Dr�ain Improvemer�t Pr�,�e�t, �AC�CG�OU�f� : Qn Febr�{,ary 1�, 1��1, C�ty Cour���l �appr���d F!�-�77� whi�F� ��cep�te� as c�mp�e�te the ���er�hov�er. D��ve �Carverly to Ransom� �tor�n �rai�� S�n�rov�»�nt Project �nd aut}��ri��� fiinal paymen� �n the a�o�r�t of ��,�48.�G to APAC-Tex�s, In�. �lhile ir� th� �roc�ss o� submit�xng do�umenta�ian fnr� the #'ir�afi �ay�ex�t, staff d t scavere� a cnu�p�,t�r � nput error i n�o� r pap � t�rt�s . 4�herr r�comp,�t�d ,�:h� f i r�a � contract �rice ]ess l�quidated �amage� v�as r�d�c�� �o �93t��2.6�. Th� amount prevto�s�� s#��wn an �P-�7T8 ��� $9�,7��.b�. �h��, f�na� �a,ymer�t d�� th� can#�ractor i s���� .86 rat#�er �har� $�, ��18.86 as shown on F�-2778. h�o over paym�r�t actually acc�rr�d on the �or�tract. FI�IA�CI�IG: �u���ci�rtt funds are ava�la�le �r+ tl�e amour�t of �3��.8� in �t�ree� Improve�n�nt Fut�d ��67, R�taina�� Accou�t N�. ��5�65, �enter No. ��U5�0�8�G5� to f�r�ar�c� t��� revise� f�n�l payment. MG:v ��EI�EN ,, ,'atiiJ'fL� ii�' ���� ���iJ1iL1� �•�; I� 1� �r?�� ��� �1 p C.car�corbf .4 � �a�r a1 3'w� Y�."',��w1� SLIE3MIST1 � FflR 4H[ c��r��+��Ac���s l�ike �roo�ner b1�0 QFF'IG� B'�; QIqLiI�MlyTiF�� i1�PARik1�Ni H�140: �di�f �JC��I�$T`I"� 7$[�4 FPR f44171ffOiJAi INFORMAiIOlY L7�i� ���a,�j�'Y'� �p�� CCkhlTRLT_ � biS�OSiri4N 9r C�3U�Ci4: paDCE55Eo Q� _ RPRii4V�4 �_ Q7FiER [E}E5GR16E� �irx S�C�7ETnf�Y DA7'E