HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 60685Date Received: 1/3/24 Record Number: PN23-00090 -------- Time Received: 2:4o PM--------City Secretary No.: _6 _06_8_5 ___ _ PUBLIC PROPERTY EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT TIER II THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, a home rule municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas ("City"), acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or Director of the Development Services Department, and CLD-N orth Fort Worth 1, LLC, a(n) Texas limited liability company ("Licensee"), acting by and through its duly authorized Officer. RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensee is the owner of the real property located at 3113 Bailey Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76244("Property"), being more particular described as, being Lot 6R-1B, Block l, MORIAH AT TIMERLAND ADDITON, an Addition to the City of Forl Worth ,as recorded in Deed Records, by Instrument Number D223028784, in Tarrant County, Texas, and; WHEREAS, the City owns a sanitary sewer (the "Public Property") adjacent to the Property, recorded in the deed records of Tanant County by instrument number D219164765 and WHEREAS, Licensee desires to construct, place, and maintain certain improvements which will encroach in, on, above, or below the Public Property; and WHEREAS, to accommodate the needs of the Licensee, the City will allow the encroachment under the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Licensee agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The City, in consideration of the payment by Licensee of the fee set out below and covenants and agreements hereinafter contained to be kept and performed by Licensee, hereby grants permission to Licensee to encroach in, on, above, or below and occupy a portion of the City's Public Property as described in and at the location shown on Exhibit "A," but only to the extent shown thereon, for the purpose of constructing, installing, and maintaining a private storm drain (the "Encroachment"). Upon completion of the Encroachment, Licensee agrees to be responsible for maintaining the Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page I of 12 Revised 12/2022 �ncroaclunent within the Publie Property. Licensee shall not expand or otherwise cause the Encroachinent to further infringe in or on tl�e Public Property beyond what is specifically described in Exhibit "A." 2. All con5truclion, installation, maintenance, and operation of the Encroachinent and the usc or occupancy of the Public Property shall comply with and be perfol•med in stricl compliance with this Agreement and with the charter, ordinances, codes, and policies of the City. Prior to the construction or installation of the Encroachment, Liccnscc shall submit all plans and spccitications to the Director ol the Development Services Department or duly authorized representative. Licensee shall not commence eonstruction ot• installation of the Encroachment nor malce any use of the Public Pt-opet-ry until after the execution of this Agreement. 3. Licensee, at no expense to the City, shall make proper provisions for the relocation and installation ot any existing or future utilities affected by such Encroachment and the Llse and occupancy of the Public Property, including the securing the approval and consent of the appropriate utility companies and a�encies of the SCate of Texas and its political subdivisions. In the event that any installation, reinstallation, relocation, or repair of any existing or future utility or i�nprovements owned by or constructed by or on behalf of the public or at public expense is made more costly by virtue of the construction, maintenance, or existence of the Encroachment and use of Public Property, Licensee shall pay to City an additional amount equal to such additional cost as determined by the Director of Transportation and Public Works, the Director of the Water Department, the Directot- of �he Development Setvices Department, or their duly authorized representative. 4. Licensee agrees that City may enter and utilize the Public Property at any time for any public purpose, including installing, repairing, replacing, or maintaining improvements to its public facilities or utilities necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The City shall have no responsibility or liability for any damages related to the Encroachment resulting tiom the City's use of the Public Property; however, the City shall malce reasonable efforts to minimize such damage. 5. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall, at the option of and at no expense to the City, t•emove the Encroachment and restore the Public I'roperty to a condition acceptable to the Director of Transportation and Public Works, the Director of Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 2 of 12 Revised 12/2022 the Watet• Deparmlent, tl�e Director• of the Development Services Department or theit• duly authoi•ized t•epresentative. Any such ren�oval of the Eneroachment shall be in accordance with then-existing Ciry regulations and policies. It is understood and a�-eed to by Licensee that if this Agreement terminates and Licensee fails to remove the Enct-oachznent and restore the Public Property, L,icensee hereby gives City permissioil to remove the Encroachmei�t and any suppc�rting structures from tl�e Public Property, to restore tlle Public Prope�•ty, and to assess a lien on the Property for the costs expcnded by lhe City in taking such actions. 6. in ordcr to deti•ay all costs of inspection and supcivision which thc City has incurred or will incur as a result of the construction, maintenance, inspection or management of ttie Encroachment and use of Public Property as provided for by this Agreement, Licensee agrees to pay to City at the time this Agreement is requested an application fee in the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00). 7. The terrn of �iis Agree�nent shall be for thirty (30) years, conlmencing on the date this Agreement is executed by City. However, the City may terminale this Agr•eement upon Licensee's noncompliance with any of the tenns of this Agreement. City shall notify Licensee in writing of any such noncompliance and if Licensee does not cure the noncon�pliance within thirty (30) days of notice ti•om City, the City may terminate this Agreement. Howevei-, the City may, at its sole option, allow the Agz•eement to remain in effect so long as Licensee 11as taken reasonable measures to cure the noncompliance or is continuing to diligently attempt to remedy the noncoinpliance. 8. It is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the Public Property to be used and eneroached upon is held by Ciry as trustee for the public; that City exercises such powers over the Public Property as have been delegated to it by the Constitution of the State of Texas or by the Texas Legislature; and that City cannot contract away its duty and its legislative power to control the Public Property for the use and benefit of the public. It is accordingly agr•eed that if the governing body of City may at any time during the term hereof deternline in its sole discretion to use or cause or pennit the Public Property to be used for any other public purpose, including but not being limited to underground, surCace, or overhead communication, drainage, sanitary sewerage, transmission of natural gas or electricity, or any other public purpose, whether presently contemplated or not, that the parties agree to negotiate in good faith in ot-der to accommodate bo�h the Eneroachment and the public puipose. Tier II Easemei�t Encroachment Agreement Pa�e 3 of l2 Revised 12/2022 9. LiCF,NSEE COVENANTS AND AGREES TO iNDEMNIFY, AND DOES HEREBY iNDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND CITY, iTS OFFICERS, ACENTS, SF,RVANTS, EMPLOYEF,S, AND EL�CTF.D OFFICIALS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS AND/OR PERSONAL iN,TIIRY, iNCLUDiN(T DF,ATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOF.VER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHFR itEAL OR ASSERTF_,U, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTiON WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLV, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USF., F.XISTENCE, OR LOCATION OF THE ENCKUACHMENT AND USES U1tANTED HEItEUNUER, WHETHEI2 OR NOT CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, ELECTED OFFICIALS, OR INVITEES OF THE CITY; AND LICENSEE HEREBY ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH CLAIMS OR SUITS. LICENSEE SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY ANll SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY ARiSTNG OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THF. ENCROACHMENTS AND ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF LICENSEE, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, OR INVTTEES. 10. While this Agreement is in effect, Licensee agrees to furnish City wilh a Certificate of Insurance naming City as cer•titicate holder as proof that is has secured and paid for a policy of public liability insurance covering all public risks t•elated to the proposed use and occupancy of public property as located and described in Exhibit "A." The amounts of such insurance shall be not less than $1,000,000 with the understandin� and agreement by Licensee that such insurance amounts may be revised upward at City's option and that Licensee shall so revise such amounts irnmediately following notice to Licensee of such requireinent. Such insurance policy shall not be canceled ot• amended without at least thirty (30) days pt-ior wi•itten notice to the Building Official of the City. A copy of such Certificate of insurance is attached as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein f-or all puiposes. Licensee agrees, binds, and obligates itself and its successors and assigns to maintain and keep in force such public liability insurance at all tiines during the term of this Agreement and until the removal of the Encroachment and restoration of the Public Property. All instuance coverage required herein shall include coveragc of all Liccnsee's contractors and subcontractors. Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Pa�e 4 of 12 Revised 12/2022 11. Licensee agrces to dcposit with t�he City when this Agreeinent is executed a suliicicnt sum of money to be used to p�y necessary fees to record this Agreement in the real property records of the county i�� whicl� the Enc�-oachment is located. �fter being recorded, the original shall be returned to the City Secrctary of lhe City of Fort Worth. 12. Licensee a�rees to coinply fully with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulations in connection with the construction, operation. and maintenance of the Encroachment and use of the Public Property. 13. i,icensee agrees to pay promptly when due all fees, taxes, or rentals provided for by this Agreement oi• by any federal, stiate, or local statute, law, or regulation. 14. Licensee covenants and agrees that it shall operate hereunder as an independcnt contractor as to all rights asld privileges granted hereunder and not as an officer, agent, servant, or employee of City, and Licensee shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive right to control the details of its operations, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and invitees. The doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between City and Licensee, its officers, agents, servants, e�nployees, contractors, and subcontractors, and nothing herein shall be const�-ued as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Licensee. 15. Licensee agrees and acknowledges that this Agreement is solely for the purpose of pennitting Licensee to construct, inaintain, and locate the Encroachinent over or within the Public Property and is not a conveyance of any right, title, or interest in or to the Public Property, nor is it meant to convey any right to use or occupy propei-ty in which a third-party may have an interest. Licensee agrees that it will obtain all necessuy permissions before occupying such property. Tier [I Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 5 of 12 Revised 12/2022 16. In any action brought by the City foi• the enforcement o1� tlle obligations of the T,icensee, City shall be entitled to recover interest and reasonable attorneys' fees. 17. 'I'hc parties agree that the duties and obligations contained in Section 5 shall survive the terminalion �f this Agreement. 18. Licensee covenants and agrees that it will not assign all or any of its ribhts, privileges, or duties under this Agreement without the wt•itten approval of the City, and any attempted assignment without such written approval shall be void. In the event Licensee conveys the Properry, Licensee inay assign all of its rights and obligations under this Agreeinent to the new owner of the Property, and Licensee shall be deemed released trom its du�ies and obligations hereunder upon City's approval in writing of such assignment, which approval shall not be unreasonably conditioned or withheld. Foreclosure by a secured lender ol� Licensee or assigninent to a secured lender by Licensee in the event of default or otherwise shall not require City approval provided that said lender notifies City in writing within sixty (60) days of such foreclosure or assignment and assumes all of Licensee's rights and obligations hereunder. However, no changc of ownership due to foreclosure or assignment to any secured ]cnder of Licensee shall be effective as to City wiless and uniil written notice of such foreclosure or assignment is provided to City. 19. Any cause of action for breach of this Agreeinent shall be brought in Tarrant County, TeYas. This Agreeinent shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 20. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. 21. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original, but all of which shall constitute one instrument Tier ii Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 6 of 12 Revised 12/2022 (SIUNATUR�S APPF,AR ON FULLOWING PAGE� Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 7 of l2 Revised 12/2022 City: CITY OF FORT WORTH By: DJ Harrell (Jan 3, 2024 08:32 CST) Licensee: CLD-North Fort Wotih 1, LLC a Texas limited liability company Cloudloft Management, LLC a Texas limited liability company D.J. Harrell, Director of the Development Services Department Date: Jan 3, 2024 Name: Alex Lestock Title: Authorized Officer Date: / 2.. , 7 . 2 'J ATTEST: r1� Jannette Goodall, City Secretary Date: Jan 3, 2024 Tier TI Easement Encroachment Agreement Approved As To Form and Legality Jere my Ana to Mensah Assistant City Attorney Date: Dec 29, 2023------------- Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Rebecca.Diane owen (Dec 29, 202312:01 CST) Rebecca Owen Development Services Date: Dec 29, 2023 Page 8 of 12 Revised 12/2022 ***THIS PAGE FOR CITY OF FORT WORTH OFFICE USE ONLY*** STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared D.J. Harrell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of the City of Fort Worth, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this�day of _J_an_u_a_ry ___ , 20�. Notary Public in and for the State of Texas After recording return to: Development Services Department Development Coordination Office 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement KATHL£EN BRADFORD Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS Nota,-y I.D, 12197197 M Comm. Ex . A r. 12, 2027 Page 9 of 12 Revised 12/2022 STATF. OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § [iCFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and t'or the State of ����x�r , , on this day personally appeared Alex Lestock, Authorized Officer ('I'itle) -�-� - _ known to me to be the person whosc name is subscribed to the foregoing instr•ument, and acknowlcdgcd to me that he or she executed the same for the purposes �nd consideration therein expressed, �s the act and deed of CLD-North Fort Worth 1, LLC, a limited liability company (entity type), and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this �� day of � eF..�.�., �,,v� 2023. ( l � �1,;, ;;, `.,��,' �" . _�x' .�}2...� � � ' � ' � Notacy Public in and for the State of f�y-�.s \\����\N11 i 1 I111lJ/�!! o``�J��'N�. • .��, :�I'��`''% � � �� ?.�P�� PUg��� •. �L �'G `��z' • o � e �•��c _ �* � ��4� OE��%b��� � '�.� • •�p�RES 0�2'• (� : ��''/% �a # 126�'�`��',. �'����nuin���o��`o Tier II Easement Enccoachment Agreement Page 10 of 12 Revised 12/2022 �XIIIBIT A Depiction and description of tl�e Encroachment Tier Ti Easement Encroachment Agreement Page I 1 of 12 Revised 12/2022 ALL STORAGE �OLD DENTON BLOCK 1 CABINET A, PAGE 11820 LOT 3R LOT 2 1/2" IRF � — — —15.00' �/2" CIRF "BEASELY RPLS 6066" _ _ _ S00°29'11°E g�ARS S13°11'03"W; 0.40' �' 15' SANITARY SEWER � I - EASEMENT ��� I CC #D217256565 � LOT 9R2, BLOCK 1 �� �� MORIAH AT �� TIMBERLAND ADDITION � CC #D217256386 � LOT 6R-1 B, BLOCK 1 \ � MORIAH AT � _ w z cn � 0' 50' 100' Scale 1"=100' TIMBERLAND ADDITION � � � �— — — — — CC #D223028784 � \ � `"''�,� � EXHIBIT "' 0.194 ACRES W � � (8,454 SQ. FT.) � �rn � m \ r�i I ° ��� LOT 9R BLOCK 1 LINE TABLE LINE # BEARING DISTANCE L1 N00°28'18"W 71.00' L2 N89°30'49"E 62.30' L3 N04°52'11"E 64.87' L4 SO4°52'11"W 49.81' L5 S89°30'49"W 15.07' I MORIAH AT I TIMBERLAND ADDITION CC #D217256386 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CC #D217256565 38' PUBLIC _ ACCESS EASEMENT ____ — — (MORIAH DRIVE) — -- CC #D217256565 1/2" CIRF (Y) �� � POINT OF COMMENCING 37' PUBLIC ACCESS (BAILEY DRIVE) & PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT CC #D217256565 "� Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. CONSUL7ING CIVIL ENGINEERS � SURVEYORS �ii50HILLCRF,TPI.NHt:�RI/F.SIIfTE)15 �9�1)690.]090 DALLAS.TEXA$ ]5130 �9]3)490.i�99fA% Texas Engineers Registration Na. 89 Texas Su�veyors No. '.0086600 Expires �2�1-23 COPYRIGHT ��) 2023, Winkelmann 8 Associates. Inc. Scale : �" _ � oo� Date: ��.ia.zs _Dwg.File: saz�s.00-exH Prniart Nn � 64215.00 XCFBEARS S01 °20'36"W; 0.25' — LOT 8R-1 R, BLOCK 1 MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION CC #D219164765 EXHIBIT 0.194 ACRES (8,454 SQ. FT.) CLD-NORTH FORT WORTH 1, LLC 8072 PRESTON ROAD, #205 FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 SHEET 1 OF � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEING a tract of land situated in the WILLIAM MCCOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 999, in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of Lot 6R-1 B, Block 1, Moriah at Timberland Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in County Clerk's Instrument No. D223028784, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being part of a 15' sanitary sewer easement per plat dedicated as "Lot 6R, Block 1, Lawson Addition", an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in County Clerk's Instrument No. D217256565, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and also being a portion of a tract of (and described in deed to CLD-North Fort Worth 1, LLC as recorded in County Clerk's Instrument No. D223034601, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, and being more particularly describe as follows: COMMENCING at a point for corner on the West line of Lot 9R, Block 1, Moriah At Timberland Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in County Clerk's Instrument No. D217256386, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, from which an "X" cut in concrete found bears South 01 degrees 20 minutes 36 seconds West, 0.25 feet, said point being at the intersection of the centerline of a 37-foot public access & drainage easement (known as "Bailey Drive") per said plat of Lot 6R, Block 1, Lawson Addition, said point also being the Northeast corner of Lot 8R-1 R, Block 1, of Lot 8R-1R and Lot 8R-2R, Block 1, of Moriah At Timberland Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the Plat thereof recorded in County Clerk's Instrument No. D219164765, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas, said point also being at the intersection of the centerline of a 38-foot public access easement (known as "Moriah Drive") per said plat of Lot 8R-1 R and Lot 8R-2R, Block 1, of Moriah At Timberland Addition, with the centerline of said "Bailey Drive"; THENCE North 00 degrees 28 minutes 18 seconds West, along the West line of said Lot 9R, Block 1, a distance of 71.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with yellow plastic found for the Northwest corner of said Lot 9R, Block 1; THENCE North 89 degrees 30 minutes 49 seconds East, along the North line of said Lot 9R, Biock 1, and a South line of said Lot 6R-1 B, Block 1, a distance of 62.30 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE departing the North line of said Lot 9R, Block 1, over and across said Lot 6R-9 B, Block 1, the following courses and distances: North 04 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds East, along the West line of said 15-foot sanitary sewer easement, a distance of 64.87 feet to a point for corner; North 89 degrees 30 minutes 49 seconds East, departing the West line and along the North line of said 15-foot sanitary sewer easement, a distance of 513.07 feet to a point for corner on the East line of said 15-foot easement; South 00 degrees 29 minutes 11 seconds East, along the East line of said 15-foot sanitary sewer easement, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point for a Southeast corner of said 15-foot sanitary sewer easement; South 89 degrees 30 minutes 49 seconds West, departing the East line and along the South line of said 15-foot sanitary sewer easement, a distance of 499.41 feet to a point for corner; South 04 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds West, departing the South line and along a Southerly line of said 15-foot sanitary sewer easement, a distance of 49.81 feet to a point for corner on the North line of said Lot 9R, Block 1, and the Easterly South line of said Lot 6R-1 B, Block 1; THENCE South 89 degrees 30 minutes 49 seconds West, along the North line of said Lot 9R, Block 1, and a South line of said Lot 6R-1B, Block 1, a distance of 15.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING within these metes and bounds 8,454 square feet or 0.194 acres of land, more or less. "� Winkelmann EXHIBIT & Associates, Inc. 0.194 ACRES SHEET CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS � SURVEYORS (H,454 SQ. FT. ) � fi]SfIHII.ICRFSTPI.NACR1':E Sl11TF�15 (9�2�<96'lOJ(1 DALLA9,TEXAS i5230 (9]2�<9bi0S9 �n% Texas Englneers Registration No. 89 Texas Surveyor No. 10066fi00 Expires t2-31-23 �oPYR��iT:�zaZ3,N�n�<z��,���gAssa��a�es���. CLD-NORTH FORT WORTH 1, LLC OF Scale : N�A Date: �i��4•23 8072 PRESTON ROAD, #205 � Dw .Fiie: saz�s.00-ExH FRISCO, TEXAS 75034 Prniart Nn � 64215.00 � �� i2_� _ -- _ —i �. ��� '�i`I� i��r ii�� � r� �;� � �� � � i'� - - (���-�`-�, , � ' , , . , ' ` � -� � � ���'� �i' � � � ! ' �:-' � `�:�- t�� �I I I '' r I � I_ � '� �t� � � ��� 1 Ex 8' ss � X-24059/PG-07,09) STA. 10+17.45 I � �; r � �_ � �'' � � � �,� '����-�- — � ,-. STORM HP PIPE CROSSING �,, i -� ; , ��, � , � r . �� � � � i ���� ��� � �,�- ,-�,��u i�� �� �t,� STA. 7+24.38 _.-�' ; �t ; , , ��� � ' ;;� � -^-'- �--�+-�- -- ' =------:�� , PRIVATE DRAINAGE SWALE � r �r- - � - -r--- -- """,' F I. �ilr_�—_��',�� �ii�ii������� � �������������� ��M I� �� � �.� i , � � ' ����ENCROACHMENT � o� � � p__- aa.---. ._ i-- � � __ . I ! . .. r %— � I , I - _ _ � � � AREA O - f �\ , ,% l i \ \ _ _ _ _� �'z,� �., \ � \, ; SEWER LAYOUT LEGEND � � � "� Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS ■ SURVEYORS 6750 MILLCREST PLA2� DRIVE, SUITE 213 (9i2) 490-7090 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490—�099 FAX Texas �ngineers Reg�shat:on No. 89 lexas Surveyors No. 100856-CO t;OPVRIGHT �� 2073. Winkelmann 8 Asso.^.iates. Inc. Sca1e : 1:200 Date : 11.20.2023 Dwg. Fi�e : 64215—ENCROACHMENT_ Proiect No. : 64215 0 � OWNER/DEVELOPER: CLD—NORTH FORT WORTH 1, LLC. 8072 PRESTON ROAD ST 205 FRISCO, TX 75034 PROPOSED SSMH EXISTING SSMH EX. SS LINE — PROPOSED SS LINE = PROPOSED STORM LINE KEY MAP MORIAH A T TIMBERLAND ADDI TION LOT 6R-1B, BLOCK 1 6.977 ACRES FOR T WOR TH, TEXAS BEWG A REPLAT OF LOT 6R—A, BLOCK 1 MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS .����. � . �_�_�� �� 2-36" HP I ��� ��;i" .., a�� . -;��;, ; a � e a , --__ - e � a �� � �° ° a a o -��___. � � TA. 10+1 .45 II XISTING �� I I W CROS NG II PUBLIC SEWER LI E �� I I 8" PVC (X-2405 � � � II � _ � �_ � �_ _�_ � � � _�= i 48' PRIVATE DRAINAGE ESMT (D223028784) _��.-� ��.-�-� ,_ LP CONCRETE � a �---== � � �'� ., � 15' SA 1 TARY S ❑ EA SEM N T u CC #D 1725656 �������� ENCROACHMENT - � �—�.� � .� �� �--�. -�. EB LP Gate GV B "� Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. OWNER�DEVELOPER: CONSULTING CNIL ENGINEERS ■ SURVEYORS 6]50 HILLGREST PLAZA �RIVE, SUIiE 215 (972) 490-7090 CLD—NORTH FORT WORTH �� LLC. D4LLAS, TE%AS 75230 (972) 490-7099 FAX Te'�s`°9'°ee`sRe9's"��'°°"°.89 g072 PRESTON ROAD ST 205 I exas Surveyors No. 1008�EiG� r.oa=vRicHr zrza, w��kei�,a�� a aso�a�es, m�. FRISCO, TX 75034 Sca1e : 1:30 Date : 11.20.2023 Dwa. Fi�e : 64215—ENCROACHMENT_ � l� l� I I WV � --g- ----�—&-- WV(2) EB � EM � WM�Z� ICV � TPAD ICV ��A� I FH I ENLARGEMENT MOR/AH AT 77MBERLANO ADDl710N LOT 6R-1B, BLOCK 1 6.977 ACRES FORT WIORTH, TEXAS BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 6R—A, BLOCK 1 MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS �� 15' ANITARY SEWER STA. 7+93.02 EAS ENT EXISTING 4' CC 217256565 DIA. SSMH ' � SS MH-776.19' FL-769.68' .\ ��-�,__. � �-���-� E�-�-�-� � � ----_ _ ----�— ------------ _ __ _ __.._ . -------------------- - � STA. 7+58.77 � I ENCROACHM ENT EXISTING 8" � WW CROSSING I � � � I � ' I , � � � � � '��_ � � _� `�� Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS ■ SURVEYORS 6]50 HILLGREST PLAZA GRIVE, SUIiE 215 (972) 490-7090 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490—]099 FRX Tzxas Cngineers RegishaGon No. 89 fexas Surveyors No. 1U0&S&00 CO?YRIGHT �.� ]�]3, Winkelmann S Associate.s, Inr. Scale : 1:10 Date : 11.20.2023 Dwg. File : 64215—ENCROACHMENT_ Proiect No. : 64215 � � � � 48' PRIVATE DRAINAGE ESMT (D223028784) �.�� � � ��� � � PUBLIC S WER LINE 8" PVC ( —24059) OWNER/DEVELOPER: CLD—NORTH FORT WORTH 1, LLC. 8072 PRESTON ROAD ST 205 FRISCO, TX 75034 ENLARGEMENT 2 MOR/AH AT 11MBERL4ND ADDITION LOT 6R-1B, BLOCK f 6.977 ACRES FORT IMDRIN, TEXAS BE(NG A REPLAT OF LOT 6R—A, BLOCK 1 MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS � � 795 790 � w _ _ _ � _ � , - --' -- � Q ., , , x , � ; , , � > . �_-T— __ _ .� _ � � , i, _ ,',- � � Q i � �i� W -�i I -, - I � i __ � � , _ � ' � � i � ' � ' i ',--� � .�' _. �_ � z U Z � w ----- , -' �, -' W z w �� '�, _.:. � �._ __ � .� ..--�� Q - ' ', (!l ~' I (/) � p C� F— _-�', __ -- : ! _ ..._ i I O c0 O f� O� L�I p� � i I � i ' �- '--- — __..._ li� ' I ' Q � _ � O _� , r'� W � O I � �'1- 42p I � _ ��.. N _ _ ' _ . ; + �-- \ 4' � ( ' I II ' __ I _ _ _ �~ � ���� 785 7 U 5 (ri Q i.c� �� N , I-�- O I¢ (n dQ- >G Z�, I ' __._ W W � . ._ __ i N _ _'ll _ cn U � I _ PROPOSED GRADE ' ;----- � , OF PIPE _ ' _ __ i_ 2-36" HP � 22.28i--� ' ' __ �ao 2-36" HP � 0.80�- EXISTING GRADE � OF PIPE 7 75 INS� RIP— R 77� �' _ _ � _ __ I r - '- � N � -I i r II _�� -_ �- I - � � c-. r 2 � ; ' _2-36" HP � 0.40% ----- -- -- - , � � ..._.�:.r�� � � � __ _ � _ _ _ � � i �� � i , , _ _ - ____ _._ _ � —�-- - --'� - , , �, I , 1 , ' _ _ � ' . _.._ . �_ _ _ ' �_ _ I �! _ 795 790 :• 775 , 77� - �o '' STA. 10+17.45f EX 8" SS . ---1--- f - � ' , _ (X-24059/PG-07, 09) � � , � . ---r---a-- � _ . � __ _ _ � _ � , , , , ' �-i- �o S TM LN 3(PRI VA TE `�� Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. CONSULTINC CIVIL ENGINEERS ■ SURVEYORS 6750 HILLCREST PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 215 (9]2) d90-7090 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490-7099 FAX Texas Gngineers Registrat�on No. 89 i exas s�Neyors n�o. iooaer�ao CC>?YRIC;HT �-� 2023, Winkelmann&Assoaates Inr.. Scaie : 1:20 Date : 11.20.2023 Dwg. File : 64215—ENCROACHMENT_ OWNER/DEVELOPER: CLD—NORTH FORT WORTH 1, LLC. 8072 PRESTON ROAD ST 205 FRISCO, TX 75a34 0+ 75 PROFILE MOR/AH A T 71MBERLAND ADDl110N LOT 6R-1B, BLOCK 1 6.977 ACRES FORT fM�RTH, TEXAS BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 6R—A, BLOCK 1 MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS I •• C-� � I 75 70 65 O � N wll _> , , � ! ' ' -- ; I i _ , _'i _ ._��___ � � � � � � , 1 �� i --I- -^. _ { ---- -- I , � i 'I � ' I i , �� � Z� � �'' _._I ._._. � �_ X � __ � O I i ! r � — I __ i. _ a _ I I � ��U I � I I -'---- , - � . � _.._. !wo� �' _ wo �_ i �i � ' , ! , , �c'W , oC' cn � � , c!1 �, . • I � , ' _ - _-- 00 Q � i __i_. _ � j i h � Q „ ; !--- ' f� � � � I� __ � _ � _ � I i I � I ! 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CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS ■ SLIRVEYORS 6]50 HILLCREST PIAZp ORIVE, SUITE 215 (9]2) 490—�090 DALLAS, TEXAS 75230 (972) 490—]099 FAX Texas [ngineers Regisirat�.on No. 89 Texas SUNcyors No.t00856-GO r,oPVR1 ,Hi �� 2az3. winkcl�ne�� 8 Associates. �nc. sca�e : 1:20 Date : 11.20.2023 Dwq. File : 64215-ENCROACHMENT EX 8IN W W (X-24059 PG-07&09) OWNER/DEVELOPER: CLD-NORTH FORT WORTH 1, LLC. 8072 PRESTON ROAD ST 205 FRISCO, TX 75034 EX WW PROFILE MORlAH A T 71MBERLAND ADD/710N LOT 6R-fB, BLOCK 1 6.977 ACRES FORT W(ORTH, T£XAS BEING A REPLAT OF LOT 6R-A, BLOCK 1 MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS ' EXHIBIT B Certificate of Insurance Tier iI Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 12 of' 12 Revised 12/2022