HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 60689Date Received: l/3/24 Record Number: PN23-00167 ------- Time Received: 4:lO PM-------City Secretary No.: _6_06_8_9 ___ _ PUBLIC PROPERTY EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT TIER fl THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, a home rule municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas ("City"), acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or Director of the Development Services Department, and CJ Real Estate II, LLC, a(n) a Texas limited liability company ("Licensee"), acting by and through its duly authorized signatory. RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensee is the owner of the real property located at 10021 Northwest Highway 287, Fort Worth, Texas 76131 ("Property"), being more particular described as, Lot 2, Block 31, o Lot 2-6 and 7X, Block 31, Richmond Addition, as recorded in Deed Records, by Instrument Number D223131787, in Tarrant County, Texas, and; WHEREAS, the City owns a water easement (the "Public Property") adjacent to the Property, in the plat records of Tarrant County as plat number FP-21-007; and WHEREAS, Licensee desires to construct, place, and maintain certain improvements which will encroach in, on, above, or below the Public Property; and WHEREAS, to accommodate the needs of the Licensee, the City will allow the encroachment under the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Licensee agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The City, in consideration of the payment by Licensee of the fee set out below and covenants and agreements hereinafter contained to be kept and performed by Licensee, hereby grants permission to Licensee to encroach in, on, above, or below and occupy a portion of the City's Public Property as described in and at the location shown on Exhibit "A," but only to the extent shown thereon, for the purpose of constructing, installing, and maintaining a electric line (the "Encroachment"). Upon completion of the Encroachment, Licensee agrees to be responsible for maintaining the Encroachment within the Public Property. Licensee shall not expand or otherwise cause the Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page I ofl2 Revised 12/2022 Encroachmen� to further infringe u� or on the Public Property beyond what is specificaily described in Exhibit "A." 2. All construction, installation, maintenance, and operation of the Encroachment and tne use or occupancy of the Pubiic Property shaIl comply with and be performed in strict con�pliance with this Agreement and with the charter, ordinances, codes, and policies of the City. Prior to the construction or installation of the Encroachment, Licensee shall submit all plans and specifiea�ions to the Director of the Development Services Department or duly authorized representati�e. Licensee shall not commence cons�ruction or installation of the Encroachment nor make any use of the Public Property until after the execution ofihis Agreement. 3. Licensee, at no expense to the City, shall �nake proper provisions far the relocation and installation of any existing or future utilities affec�ed by such Encroachrnent and the use and oceupancy of t�e Pub�ic Property, including the securing the approval and consent of the appropr�ate utility companies and agencies of the State of Texas and its political subdi�isions. In the event that any installation, reins�allation, relocation, or repair of any existing or future u#ility or improvemer�ts owned by or constructed hy ar on behalf of the public or at public expense is made more costly by virtue of the construction, maintenance, or existence of the Encroachment and use of Public Property, Licensee shall pay to City an additional amount equal ta such additionaI eost as determined by the Director of Trans�ortation and Publie Works, the Director of the Water Department, t�e Director of the De�elaprnent Services Department, or their duly authorized representative. 4. Licensee agrees tha� City may enter and utilize the Public Property at any �ime for any public purpose, includ�ng installing, repairing, replacing, or maintaining improvemen�s to i�s public facilities or u�ilities necessary for t�e health, safe#y, and welfare of the public. The �ity shall have no responsibility or �iability for any darnages related fo the Encroachment resulting from t�e City's use of the Publie Property; however, ihe City shall make reasanable efforts to minimize such damage. 5. Upon termination of this Agree�nent, Licensee shall, at the option of and at na expense to the City, remove the Encroachment and restore the Pub�ic Property to a condition acceptable to the Director of Transportation and Pubiic Warks, the Director of the Water Departmeni, the Director of the Development Services Department or their Tfer II Easement Ei�croachment Agreement Page 2 af 12 Revised i 212022 duly authorized representative. Any such removal of the Eneroachment shall be in accordance with then-existir�g Ci�y regulations and polic�es. It is understood and agreed ta by Licensee that if this Agreement terminates and Licensee fails ta remove the Encroachment and restore the Public Property, Licensee hereby gives City permission io re�no�e the Encroachment and any supporting structures from fhe Public Property, to resiore the Public Property, and to assess a lien on the Property for the costs expended by the City in taking such actions. 6. In order to defray all costs of inspection and supervision which the City has incurred or will incur as a result of the construction, maintenance, inspection or management of the Encroachment and use af Public Property as pro�ided for by this Agreement, Licensee agrees to pay to City at the time this Agreement is requested an application iee in the sum ofNine Hundred Dollars ($9UO.OQ). 7. The te�•m ofthis Agreement shall be for farty (40j years, commencing an the date this Agreement is executed by City. However, the City may terminaie tl�is Agreement upon Lieensee's noncompliance wi�h any of the ter�ns of this Agreement. City shall notify Licensee in wri�ing of any sueh noncompliance and if Lieensee does not cure the noncompliance within thirty (30) days of notice from City, the City may terminate this Agreement. However, the City may, at its sole option, altow the Agreement to temain in efFect so iong as Licensee has taken reasonable measures to cure the noncompliance or is cont�nuing to diligently attempt to remedy the noncampliance. S. It is further understood and agreeci between the parties hereto �hat the Public Property to be used and encroached upon is held by City as trustee for the public; tha� City exerc�ses such powers over the Public Property as have beer� delegated to it by the Constitution c�f the State of Texas or by the Texas Legislature; and that City cannot cantract away i�s duty and its legislative power to eontrol the Public Property for the use and beneiit of�the publ�c. 1� is accardingiy agreed that if the governu�g body of City may at any tune during the term hereof determine in its sale discretion to use or cause ar permit the Public Property to be used for any other public purpose, including but �ot being limited to underground, surface, or overhead communication, drainage, sanitary sewerage, transmission of natural gas or electricity, or any other public purpose, whether presently contemplated or not, that the parties agree to negotiate in good faith in order to accommodate both the Encraachment ar�d the public purpose. Tier II Easement Encroaclunent Agreement Page 3 of 12 Revised 1212022 9. LICENSEE COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNiFY, AND DOES HEREBY iNDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFENll CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, AND ELECTED OFFICIALS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY DAlVIAGE OR LOSS ANDIOR PERSONAL INJURY, 1NCLUDIN� llEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WFIETHER RCAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING �UT OF OR 1N CONNECTION WITH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE, �R LOCATI�N OF THE ENCROACHMENT AND USES GItANTED HEREUNDER, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICER�, AGENTS, SERVANT�, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSE�S, ELECTED OFFICIALS, OR INVITEES OF THC CITY, AND LICENSEE HEREBY ASSUME5 ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH CLAIMS OR SUITS. LICENSEE SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL LIABILI'�Y AND RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH TI�E ENCROACHMENTS AND ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF LICENSE�, IT� OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTB, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, OR INVITEES. 10. While this Agreement is in effect, Licensee agrees to furnish City with a Certificate of Insurance naming City as certificate holder as proof that is has sec�red and paid for a policy of public liability insurance covering all public risks related to the proposed use and occupancy of �ublic property as located and described in Exhibit "A." The ainounts of such insurance shall be not less than ��,oao,aoo with the understanding and agreement by L�censee that such insurance amounts may be revised upward at City's c�ption and tha� Licensee shall so revise such amounts immediately foliowing notice io Lieensee of such requirement. Such u�surance policy shall not be canceled or amended without at least thirty (30) days prior written notiee to the Building Offic�al of the City. A eopy of sueh Certificate of Insurance is attached as Exhibi� "B" and incorporated herein for a11 purposes. Licensee agrees, binds, and obligates itself and �fs successors and assigns tc� maintain and keep in farce such public liability insurance at all tirnes during the term of this Agreement and until the removal af the Encraachment and restoration of the Public Property. All u�surance coverage required herein shall include coverage of all Licensee's contractors and subcontractors. Tier II Easement Encroachtnent Agreement Page 4 of 12 Revised 12/2022 11. Licensee agrees io deposit with the City when this Agreement is executed a sufficient sum of money to be used to pay necessary fees lo record this Agreemen� in the real property records af ti�e county in which the Encroachment is (ocated. After bein� recorded, the original shall be returned to the City Secretary of the City o#'Fort Worth. 12. Licensee agrees to comply fully with all applicable federal, state, and local �aws, statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulations in connection with the construction, operation, and maintenance ofthe Encroachment and use of�he Pubiic Property. 13. Licensee agrees to pay promptly when due all fees, taxes, or rentals provided for by this Agreement or hy any federal, state, or local statute, law, or regulation. 14. Licensee covenants and agrees that it shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor as ta ali rights and priviieges granted hereunder anc� not as an officer, agent, servant, or employee of City, and Licensee shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive righ# to control the details of its operations, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely respc�nsible for the acts and ornissions of its afficers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcantractars, licensees, and invitees. The doctrir�e of respandeat superior shall not apply as between City and Licensee, its officers, agents, ser�ants, emp�oyees, contractors, and subcontractors, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Licensee. 15. Licensee agrees and acknowledges that this Agreement is solely for the purpose of per�ni�ting Licensee to construct, maintain, and loeate the Encroachment over or wi�hin the Public Property and is not a conveyance of any right, title, or interest in or to the Public Property, nor is it meant to canvey any right to use or occupy property in whicl� a third-party may have an interest. Licensee agrees thaf it will obtain all necessary permissions before occupying such property. Tier [ I Easement Encroaclunent Agreement Page 5 of 12 Re�isec� 12I2022 fCt� In any action brought by the City for the enforcement of the obligations of the Licensee, City shall be entitled to recover interest and reasonabie attarneys' fees. 17. The parties agree that �he cEuties and obligations contained in Sec�ion 5 shall survive tI�e termu�ation ofthis Agreement. 18. Licensee cavenants and agrees tl�at it vvill not assign all or any af its rights, privileges, or duties under this Agreerr�ent without the written approvai of the City, and any attempted assignment without such written approval shali be void. In t�e event Licensee canveys the Property, Licensee may assign all of iis rights and obtigations under this Agreement to ihe new owner of the Property, and Licensee shail be deemed released from its duties and obligations hereunder upan City's approval in writing of such assignrr�ent, which approval shall nat be unreasanably conditioned or witl�held. Foreclosure by a secured Iender of Licensee or assignment to a secured lender by Licensee in the event of default or ott�erwise sha11 not require City approval provided that said lender notifies City in writing within sixty (60) days af such foreclosure or assignment and assutnes all af Licensee's rights and obligations hereunder. However, no change of ownership due to foreclosure or assignment to any secured lender of Licensee shall be effecti�e as �o City unless and until written notice of such foreclosure or assignment is provided ta City. 19. 1�ny cause of action for breach af this Agreement shall be brougl�t in Tarrant County, Texas. This Agreernent shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 20. This Agreement shall be binding �pon �he parties hereto and their successors and assigns. 21. This Agreement may be executed in muitiple counterparts, each of whieh shall be cansidered an originai, b�it all of which shall cons�itute one instrument Tier II Ease�nent Encroachment Agreement Page 6 of 12 Revised 12/2022 [SIGNATLTRES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Tier II Easement Encroachmen# Agreement Page 7 of 3 2 Revised 12/2022 City: Licensee: CITY OF FORT WORTH CJ Real Estate II, LLC a Texas limited liability company ·.e' ,,::::.�By: DJ Harrell (Jan 3, 2024 08:36 CST) D.J. Harrell, Director of the Development Services Department Name: MattJamesen Title: Authorized Signatory Date: /Z�ZO-Z3 Date: Jan 3, 2024 ATTEST: Jannette Goodall, City Secretary Date: Jan 3, 2024 Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Approved As To Form and Legality Jeremy Anato Mensah Assistant City Attorney Date: Jan 2, 2024 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Rebecca. Diane owen (Jan 2, 202416:59 CST) Date: Rebecca Owen Development Services Jan 2, 2024 -------------- Page 8 of 12 Revised 12/2022 ***THIS PAGE FOR CITY OF FORT WORTH OFFICE USE ONLY H * STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared D.J. Harrell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of the City of Fort Worth, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 3rd day of J_a_nu_a_ry___ , 20 li_. Wendy L. Beardslee Digitally signed by Wendy L. Beardslee Date: 2024.01.03 15:13:33 -06'00' Notary Public in and for the State of Texas After recording return to: Development Services Department Development Coordination Office 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement WENDY L BEARDSLEE Notary Public STATE OF TEXAS Notary I.D. 13323719-3 My Comm. Exp. July 28, 2025 Page 9 of 12 Revised 12/2022 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Fublic in and for the State af , on this day personally appeared Matt Jamesen, Authorized Signatory (Title) known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged ta me that he or she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of CJ Real Estate II, LLC, a Texas [imiteci liability company (entity type}, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY IIAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this �D 2a a3 .. � � � �r� �. 3�iotary Public in and for the � State of i e�as `,SPRv�'�e,; HEATFEER E. MCF.ARLAIN _ or'' �= Notery Public, State afi Texas ��^;:�••'Q, Comm. Expires 02-16-2026 �./�'of',ti`: /��1141j� Notary VO t33593379 day of J7ee�elMbQr Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 10 of 12 Revised 12/2022 EXHIBIT A Depic�ion and descrip�ion of the Encroachment Tier I3 Easement Encroacl�ment Agreement Page ] 1 of 12 Revised 1212022 CJ REAL ESTATE, LLC 3825 CAMP 80W1E BLVD FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76'I D7 ENlAIL: MJ@HAYDNCUTLER.COM PREPARED BY: MJ THOMAS ENG[NEERlNG 4700 BRYANT IRVIN CT, STE: 204 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 7S1 D7 PH:(817}732-9839 FAX: (817)732-9841 REGISTRATION NO. F-9435 CONTACT: MICHAE� THOMAS, P.E. .—�.� r.•.- '� •' . • * � .S * ! ,r ; : a ..........e ...............i..i MICHAEL A, TH�MAS 93640 IONAL Er' �� 1�.������ 11/20/23 Location Map FOR STARBUCKS FM 156 AND US HWY 287 (LOT 2, BLOCK 31j RICHMOND ADDITION GTY OF F03tT WORTH, TEXAS N.T.S. OWNEDIDEVELOPED BY: MAPSCO NO. 20-U COUNCIL DISTRICT NUMBER: �0 t....�i (�LJ�� [S�li 1 C�° �AS�M��JT �i�CRt�ACHM��T PAR�' CC.3�' (�t�T �, ���CK 3� ���H�Vi�N� �ODiT�£�E� l� � aAlUl�,.lEL �.C3CKF�IA�T ��RV�Y, ABSTRA�T NC� 9i7 �IT'� �� �OF�T Vt�OR�"H, 7AAF��A�}T G�3#�[V��; T�XAS ��i�� � irac� �f l�r�d �ii��t� dir� the �arr��ei Lo�khart Survey,,�bst��ct i�um�er 97i, �i#y of Fort ��rt}�, �arr�nt �ca���y, %x�s, and f�eir�g p�ri cif i:.c�� 2, B�t��k 31 �f Riehrr�a��d Addi�i�n, �n additi�n #� th� �ity �f F=c�rt �or�� a� r�e�rd�cC in DoCt��rter�t �lurnber Q�213��693 r�� t9�� F'1at r�corcls of T�rr����t ��t€r�ty, %xas, a�cf �ei�g rnore parti�u3arly descri�aed }�y �r��t�s �r�d �c�u�ds_as ��llov�s; G��1P���lGll�� a� ��l�-inc�i iror� rod wii� ���p s��r�ped `°�JA SURV�YIN�" f�ur�� f€�r ��� r��riEi cc�r���r c�f �aid C.c�i 2, �a�d c��r��r i��ing e�€� t�� st�uthwesieriy right-of-�ay [it�e �f hl�riftw�st Highway 2�7 �� �raria�l� �idth rig�st-pf�w�y}; l�}-!�N�� a��at� �4 r�egre�s Oi r�€nutes �9 �ec�nd� W���, dep�rting �i� ���athw�s��rly right-��- ��y i���� �r�� �v��� �r�� acf�ss s�id L�t �, � distari�� �f 7�.72 f�et �o � �mi►�t �c�� t�� P�!NT �F �E��f��i�lt� �f the here�n d�scribeci tract; T�-�CNC� �a�a�}1 �� ���r��s �0 �tin�tes 42 �e�oa�d� ��.st, ccars#ir��ir�g �ver �r�d a�r�ss s��d L�t 2, � cii�t����� �� ��.t�il fieet t� a pc�ir�� fc�r cdrr��r; i��N�� ������ 4� ���r��� 1� rr�in�i�s 26 �ec��ds W��t, �t��tiraui�g �v�r �r�d �cro�s s�i� �c�t 2, � ciist���� €�� 8.3� ���i t� � p�ir�t fc�r �c�rner; i#��i��� �tc�r�h �� ���re�s '� � rr�inute� �� ��cca�cts i{V��t, c�niin�ir�� �v�r a�d �.cross sait� L�t 2; � di�tat��� �P ��.fl� �e�t ��i a pt��r�: ft�r c�rr��r; Tl-��I��� N��t�7 �� �i�gre�� � 3 r���t�tes 3� se��rids �ast� ccs►�f���ain� c���r �r�c( ��rc�ss s�id iot 2, � di�i�n�� �� 8�:3� f��t t� the �C�[T �� ���a!€��il�l� A[�� ���t7A�NENG �� s��s�re ���� �r �,Q�19 G�iii�.� �� I�gi�r �I�r� �T t�,�''da�'e. . . 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L�6.',i.6�lv'�F ,.,�.e� �f�?�h� �i��i �S.��V� �?� �Y :i�T fY.!°�iF'e'{SEt'sd�li3�:tiTliYkLLiS4'uC.f.Y.S��P�API�CcII'��OE`RLr" OWNEDIDEVELOPED BY: CJ REAL ESTATE, LLC 3825 CAMP BOWIE BLVD FORT WORTH, TEXRS 76'407 EMAIL: MJ a�HAYDNCUTL�R.COM �. .�. .: . . MJ THOMAS ENGINEERING 4700 BRYANT IRV1N CT, STE: 204 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76107 PH: (817) 732-9839 FAX: (817}732-984�t REGiSTRATlON NO. F-9435 CONTRCT: MICHAEL THOMAS, P.E. � LEGEND EXISTING WATER LfNE PROPOSED UN�ERGROUNO ELECTRlC LINE PROP05ED ENGROACH�lENT � �`�� EXHIBIT B - 6 Q'��°�� �� �� � � �.. ��,.• � UNDERGROUND ELEC�:fRIC '• ��/ ,� * , ; FOR �� w�iw��eua�ur���raw��s = ��� � ��� . MICMAEL A, TH❑�1AS � STARBIlCKS FM �.56 � .. .......................� ... 'a,9 ;� 93640 ��Q r SCALE 1" = 20� AN D US H WY 287 �°'��•<ICENSEO..��`�'� F��3 (LOT 2, BLOCK 31) r�1���,`����� 1/20/2023 as so ,-.. .T RICHMOND ADDITIO� CJ REAL ESTATE, LLC 3825 CAMP BOWIE 8{.VD FORT WORTH, TEXAS 78107 EMAiL: M.]@HAYDNCIfTL�R.COM PREPARED BY: MJ THOIVIRS ENGINEERING 47�0 BRYANT tRVEN CT, STE: 2€l4 F�fiT WORTH, TEXRS 76107 RH: (817) 732-9839 FAX: (817)732-9841 REGISTRATION NO. F-9435 CONTACT: MiCHAEL THOMAS, P.E. � P'��.: :.. j� ;�,�'� :. ,i �: .� _« , ..:......................t.., MICHAEL A, TH❑MAS 93640 1/20/2023 PROFILE SCALE HORiZONTAL SCALE: 1"=�0' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" =4', EXHIBIT C2 - PROFILE FOR , STARBUCKS FM 15fi AND US HWY 287 �LOT 2, BLOCK 31) RICHMOND ADDITIOl� ClTY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS o+ oQ o+ 50 OWNED{DEVELOPED BY: EXHIBIT B Certificate of Insarance Tier II Easemeizt Encroachment Ageement Page 12 of 12 Revised 12/2022 �rcoR � CERTIFICATE OF LIAB�LiTY INSURANCE DATE{MMliIDM'YY) �..,,,� � 2r� Zj�oz3 THIS CERTIFICATE !S iSSUED A5 A MATTER OF fNFORMATI�N ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTEFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFfCATE DOES NOT QFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATNELY A�JIEN�, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 8Y iHE POLI�IES BEL�W. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSiITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUlNG INSURER(S), AUTH01ttZED REPRESENiATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTtFICATE H�L�ER. tN�PORTANT: If 4he certificate holder is an AD�ITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDiTEONAL INSURED pro�isions or be endorsed. kf SUBROGATION 1S WAlVE�, subject to the terms and candii9ons of the poiicy, ceriatn po[Ecies may require an endorsement. A stateitten4 on this certificate does not cortfer rights to tt�e certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). �RoouceR NamE �� Janna Ganzalez, Certificate CSR Higginbotham insurance Rgency, Inc. P�o►,e �,ax ---- 500 W. 13fh Street arc n�_o,Ex��: 877-349-2384 _ ___ [�uc �: E-MAIL onzalez hi �nbotham.net FOft WOI�Ii TX %B� OZ ADDRESS: J�__ �_��__ ___ ____ ___ �_______ AFFOROING COVERAGE FNSURE6 � Haydn Cutker Company 3825 Camp Bowie Fort Worth TX 76�l07 Of America � ' 25674 COVERRGES CERT4F1CA7E NUMBER:174426742 REVfSION NUMBER: TF€IS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICiES OF ENSURANGE LISTEp BELOW HAVE SEEfV ISSl1ED TO TFiE INSURED NAMED ABQVE FOR T}1E POLICY !'EFtIOD INDiCATED. NOTWdTHSTANDING ANY REqUIREMENT, 7ERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OF2 OTHER DOCUMENT WfTH RESPECT TO Wl1ECN 7HiS CEi2TIFlCATE MAY �3E ISSUED OR AAAY PER7RIN, THE INBUFtANCE AFFOF2DED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED FiEREIFV IS SUBJEGT TO RLL THE 'CEF2M5, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIN€ITS SNOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED 8Y PAID CLA]M5. INSR TypE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR pa��CY NUMBER AAM DDIYYYY AAM! DYlYYYY LIMITS LTi? A X COMMERCIALGENERALLIABfLITY fi603C43775A 1'E1112023 41/1/2024 E,qCHOCCURRENCE $4,000�,O�Q DAMAGE TO RENTE❑ � CLAIMS-MkDE � OCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 300,000 MED E7(P (Any one person) $ 5,00� � PERSONAL&A�VINJURY $'i,00(#,000� - GEN'L AGGREGATE LIM]T APPLIES PER'� GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,0�0 POLICY ��R� � LQC ' PRO�UCTS - COMPIOP AGG $ 2,000,0�� _ JECT -- - ---- OTHER: � S AUTOMOBlLE LIABILITY BAOL666491 111�12023 111112024 COMBINE� SlNGLE LINf17 g 1,(f00,00C1 �Es acciden�___ X ANY AUTO BO�ILY INJURY (Per Rerson} $ OWNED SCHEDULE� BO�iLY INJURY [Per accident] $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS X iiIRE� NON-OWNED PROPERTYDAMAGE � AUToS ONLY AVTOS ONLY Per aceident , $ C X UMBRELLALFAB X ����� CUP�K41834� 1'il'112023 11f112024 Ep,CHOCCURRENCE $15,000,�00 � EACESS llRB CLA3MS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 15,Q00,�00 �ED X RETENTiON 5 S WORKERSCOMPENSATION P�R OTH- � AND EMPLOYERS' LIA8ILITY �, r N STATUTE Eft _ _- ANYPROPR€ETOP2lPARTNERIEXECVTiVE ❑ EL EACH ACCIDENT $ � OFFICERIMEMBEREXCLIJ�E�? N1A -- - (Mandatory in NHj E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes, describe under . . . DESCRIPTION OF OPERA��IONS hefow E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIM1T $ 6ESCRIPTEON OF OPERATIONS ! LOCA710NS 1 VEHICLES {ACOR6104, Additlona4 Remarks ScFedule, may be aftached if more space is required) ��� � General Liabiiiiy: Aggregate Per Location can apply subjeci to a cap of $25,0OO,�DO The General Liabiliky policy incEudes a blanket automatic additional insured endarsement that pro�ides additiona{ insured (Ongoing and Compfated Operations) status fo the certiiicate holder when required by written contract.. The General Liability policy includes a blanket automatic waiver of subrogation endorsement that provides this feature when required by written coniract: The Genera[ L"sability and Automobile Liability policy have a blartket Primary & Non Contributary endorsement that affards that coverage to eertifcate hulders See Attached... HAYDCUT-92 IN5URER D : INSi1RER E : SHOULD APEY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELtEA �EFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE FHEREDF, NOTtCE WILL BE DELIVERE� IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PULICY PROYISIONS. Travelers TE City of Fort Worfh 200 Texas Sireet Fort Worth TX 761 O7 PN23-00167 nu�rtoR¢eo OO 1988-2015 ACORD CORP0�4710N. All r�ghts reserved. ACORD 25 {2016103) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: HAYDCUT-02 LOC #: � � AGENCY Niggin6otham Insurance Agency, Inc. POLICY NUSYIBER CARRIER NAIC C6DE EFFEC7IVE DATE: Page 1 of 1 ADDITIONAL REMARKS THIS ADD[TIONAL REMARKS FOR�lI IS A SCHE�IlLE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NfJMBER: 25 �QRM TITLE: �ERTIFICATE OF LIABI�iTY INSURANCE ln4y where there is a written contract between the f�amed lnsured and the certificate holder thai requires such status. fhe General Liability and Auromobile LiabiEity policy incfudes an endorsement providing that 30 days notice of cancellation will be #umished ta the certificate Automobile Liability poiiey includes a bEanket automaiic additionai insured endorsemenl that provides additional insured status to the certificate holder when ired by written contract. Automobile Liability palicy includes a bEanket automaiic waiver o# subrogation endorsement that pro�ides this feature when required by written contract. UmbreAa L'sability is Follow Form underlying the General Liability and Automobile LiabiEity policies. CJ 5hart�ro McPherson, LLC is insured under fhe captioned policy Policy contains a Real Estate Developmenf Activifies Exclusinn Project Name: Starbucks — McPherson PN23-00167 Certificate holder is insured as noted ahave and complete fo incEude: Cify of Fort Vtlorth ACOi2D 10V (2008107) 02008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights ra=served. The ACORD name and tago are registered marks of ACORD ADDlTIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE NAMEOINSURfD Haydn Cutler Company 3825 Camp Bawie Fort Warth 'FX 76107