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Ordinance 18687-06-2009
Ordinance No. 18887-08-20Q9 AN ORDINANCE INCREASING APPROPRIATIC}NS IN THE GENERAL FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 54,644,548.40 IN THE dEPARTMENTS THAT ARE OVER BUDGET, AND DECREASING THE UNRESERVED, UNDESiGNATEd GENERAL FUND BALANCE BY THE SAME AMOUNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF FiNALiZfNG THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL flF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That in addition to those amounts aNocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2007-2008, there shall also be increased appropriations in the General Fund in the amount of 54,844,648.00 in the departments that are over budget, and decreasing the unreserved, undesignated General Fund Balance by the same amount, for the purpose of finalizing the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget. SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent }urisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgment sha(I in no way impair the remaining portions, sectians, or parts of sectians of this ordinance, which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shat! be cumulative of Ordinance No. 17749 and aII other ordinances and appeapriatians amending ttte same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. Aa~PROVED AS TO FORM ANd LEGALITY: gg a ~... ~. .._.. ... m... ~ .. .. _.. _ _..... 3 f¢a'.3{iY c FL ril~D IW [,: r'G4''~?i z '4i .ta, ~'stJt.$ City of Fc-rt Worth, Texas Maycar and Council Communication ,~ ~r~.x~,~~w~.~=,~ .~~~~ ~~~ ~.~~~t.... ~wm. ~ _n. ~ ~,~~ r ~~s~-N ~,~~ ~~s~~~~x~.r~~,~~r~r couN~~~. ACT~oN: au~ro,~~a on st23t2aas - ordr PIa. ~ai~a~-o6-2009 ~ ~sss~-os-zoos DATE: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 t.C}G NAME: 13FY2008 YRENDADJ REFERENCE N{7.: G-16608 SUBJECT: Adopt Suppiemental Appropriation Ordinances for Fiscal Year 2008 Year End Budget Adjustments RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt the attached supplemental appropriation ordinance increasing appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 by $4,644,548.00 in the General Fund departments that are Aver budget and decreasing the unreserved, undesignated Genera( Fund balance by the same amount; and 2. Adapt the attached supplemental appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations for Fiscal Year 2008 by $1,077.00 in the Retirement Fund. DISCUSSION: __ __ _ _ .. The City's annual General Fund operating budget is formally enacted into law by City Council action adopting an appropriation ordinance that establishes spending limits for each departments operation. The purpose of this MSC is to provide the City Council with the final balanced budget, per the audit, far the year ending September 30, 2008. This process begins with the recording of all expenditures from October 1, 2007, to September 30, 2008, plus all expenditures found posted to the Fiscal Year 2009 that should be posted as prior year expenditures. As a result of the external auditors' review, additional expenditure entries are either posted or re-classed, resulting in changes to departments' final total expenditures. All departments' final expenditures are then compared against the budgeted amount approved from the original or supplemental appropriation during the yeas, which results in today's action. The amounts over budget must be appropriated by action of the City Caunail in accordance tivith the City Charter (Chapter X. Section 5, Expenditure Oniy Pursuant to Appropriations). This action represents the final step before the audit can be aompieted and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report be pu;tlist?ed I`NirRAL FtJN~7 t.?E#~ARTMNT B~xtfget at~d ~rlanarer~tr~nt Se:,rices City ~~lanager City Secretary Cade Carnpliartce R.~i~. i':°~r~ris'iatu F`c~i:°'?tas~?". i~tternat Phi °,:i<t At~C?ITIC3N;~kl. At~P~St3PFtIATIt~~i $100,414,00 ~20,7~4.t1a $71.697.00 * ~ ~ ~~ia w ~ ... Ll Fx~s;~~*~.°:.#3i t.oyr~:rnrc: tat 1'?it(It YE'iF-''vf)AI).( F'aF*e• f «f'4 Parks and Community Services $176,018.00 Police $2,704,575.00 Public Events $158.058.00 Public Health $21,776.00 Transportation & Public Works $981,594.00 Zao $5,008..00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND ~4,644,54~.Ot7 Below is a brief explanation of the activity that caused these departments to exceed their budgets: Budget and Management Services-Aver budget due to salary and temporary Iabar costs. City Manager-Unexpected personne! casts resulted in not realizing salary savings projected in the budget reduction plan as well as unanticipated consultant and transportation study expenditures. City Secretary-fiver budget due to supply and contractual services items. Code Compliance-Salary savings did not offset increased costs far fuel, postage, praperfy demolitions and private mowing. Community Relations-Slight overage in production of annual citizen survey. Internal Audit-Over budget due to increased casts related to the recruitment of the City Auditor. Parks and Community Services-Budget overages in personal services, fuel and waterlwastewaterfces did not completely offset savings in contractual costs. Police-Over budget due to an increase in orator vehicle fuel, consultant costs and ESD outside repair charges which were partially offset 5y savings in salary, IT supplies and motor vehiate repairs. Public Events-An increase in contractual services and operating supplies resulted in a budget average; however, salary savings were achieved through the hiring freeze and restrictions on overtime. Public Health-Slightly over budget due to purchase of vehicles this fiscal year which were originally budgeted the prior fiscal year. Transportation and Public Works-Over budget due to increases in cost of raw materials, such as concrete, motor vehiafe fuel, and transfer out for contract sfreet maintenance which was partially offset by savings in personnel costs and vehicle purchases. Zoa --Slight average due to salary related expenditures. ,i~P-a.le i:n,~ ~~ ~~~ .."C!":,.. w. ,t~a[r.s an thE.r G't:t-'aC~:Yer:.r,9c tiik4~ f"~E; ~, ~3~ei„€tta '.3r#. ~S... s... r. [',et ~[':: •. Et (S E~~.'s~;;,a ~^.Mf€~et.: t+J r.ryte ilas ~iS4:ai ~Y'c;t3r ~~'iJ~t #';~ir`enCiE.'~ ai~C7 i.~[h:-?r ft,YaE'~!: ~3'ii~ S[. t.~?": E~.~* cn...,~C'.~~,,:£d qsb~' £-",-~-al f"7'~~.ted amt?u'nt in S~}t=".i~:. i'3 av fa!€aV+4' [iESIENUES AND ©'FHEFt FlNANCIND SC?tJRGE5 {OttO's ami##ed~ ACTUAL BUC?fi~T VARIANCE General Property 5317,546 5324;9(18 $(.7;361;+ Taxes S~:'-, .f.=sx ~_€'~~;t sS=+,:7et"r ti fs Lu~nc~t7~e: J:tFS`~t)(7k Y'12E.~iT3rat).i E'<ige? ~~t -t Other Local Taxes $9,288 $9,297 ${9} Charges for Services $25,462 $25,715 ${653} Licenses and Permits $43,534 $42,106 $1,428 Fines and Forfeitures $13,729 $13,727 $2 Revenue from Use of Money $13,174 $17,416 ${4,242} Intergovernmental $1,212 $1,068 $143 Gas Leases and Royalties $608 $350 $258 OtherReuenues $2,620 $1,387 $1,233 Transfers In -Outer Funds $31,152 $28,494 $2,658 Intrafund Transfers In $8,050 $d $8,050 Total Revenues $571,392 $564,052 $7,340 It is also noteworthy to mention departments that did not exceed ar had savings below the approved budget, as identified below. Savings noted below may ar may not be fully realized because the funds are rolled over for use in Fiscal Year 2008-2009. This occurs most often when a construction contract takes more than a year to execute ar when vehicles take longer than a year to bid, order and receive. DEPARTMENT APPROPRIATED SAVINGS Mayor and Council $32,725.40 Law $35,648.dd Human Resources $133,695.04 Environmental Management $76,587.00 Non-Departmental $8,934,170.40 Economic and Community Development $326,732.40 Planning and Cevelopment $712,932.40 Library $230,895.44 Municipal Court $68,584.40 Financial Management Services $3d9,49d.dd Fire $314,647.04 Housing $140.,075.00 Total Savings General Fund $11,316,176.00 Mayor and Council --Savings were achieved in IT leased equipment, mileage reimbursements, and travel expense. Law -Savings exist in costs for outside legal consultation. Human Resources -The mid-year hiring freeze resuEted in savings in contractual costs related to Police and Fire recruiting. L n:;?S"~.r}rs-~, sa; ,tt^XZ.'3 .c"3*";c"`r'ier5t .. =.,s'tlfJftr YS a :?.~~t £t<iS"' t-7 ~3te~3'~y Sau`rC?. v J.'°t.)£-~k'tr1'eS'v ~'c'.. ~.t3 ~.~'`PLJ..s €~'-X~"at i,c'~ tt"i.~ ;";ate"d ~.,E..r€tElC f6J. fi"Y,t,etl?.:..t..l~~ ,~:.:'rE:~ 3Jt €~Xs.:[t ~trr'E't -r^::`tt`d31"k ';.:.Yit' ,:'"e,'t~ra!?3E*ta#;~ resaa?IStE•+t"tIG'S ~Jt any ~irze dFr'~:.-€~,nent, waVtngs'nti'"~r4' c4C~l"4IeY?G ,3'~ .°',1~•rtr!L.tt} `,i?#S £; IS£: i canservatron efforts and fwr;ntrafvtual se€vick>s for t~rojects se~uh as Gl~t7 .tr!£f econrr;ic deve3r,pire,^t as we3i as debt transfers. E z.,t;=r?at'n~c and GS°t'S3 }tle'~;tt: L~±'.'£$f`.7f..?r±tt; tlt'tJt"'tdE.C ftts'stac3~, :~c..9£', ti:~ ~£3t.".~e'~ ~a`f}71{~5 £3nt~` a d!~.j earity Stts(`fy :":t?I~.i` Isrra !".;=.;:'X -x..} i=f3n'1"7 £}'t°f$ t'.''J v~~ s`rXl g:r::.~iL ~:*>?}',3 "7..se?~°ta~t4 ,~£'# `~ Eft::'+.€ :.t. ":~'.`?`:i .. €,C,'txt` {~.t ati ,.n .c v~..k~ .F S.^a:a3E,v ^>...~b. ,£~£° '.~ ~f~~, i.J yf i.."~ ~@_...., E . C. € x~. r a: 3'+..$ I.c?name: 131-"1'?4i{)~ YItI:~l):Li}J i'€k~c:7 czf-t new billing system far third-party plumbing which has reduced costs t_ibrary -Under budget due to salary savings and contractual costs related to IT leases, telephone services and the Shamblee t_ibrary were partially offset by increases in supplies and equipment. Municipal Court -Under budget due to the hiring freeze which was partially offset by increases injury fees and court notification processes. Financial Management Services-Savings were achieved in salary, discretionary IT charges and contractual costs. Fire-Under budget primarily due to savings in Constant Staffing C?vertime Housing-Salary savings related to vacancies. Retirement Fund is over budget by $1,477.44 due to charges incurred prior fo the Retirement Administration becoming a separate entity but paid during this fiscal year. The City was reimbursed for these expenses. Culture and Tourism Fund is under budget by X1,422,334.44 and therefore na supplemental appropriations are needed. FISCAL INFORMATION t GERTIFIGATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that upon the approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached supplemental appropriation ordinances funds will be available in the current operating budgets, as appropriated, of the General Fund and the Retirement Fund. Upon approval, the Unaudited, Unreserved, Undesignated Fund balances of the General Fund and the Cultural and Tourism Fund will exceed the minimum reserves as specified in the Financial Management Policy Statements. FUND CENTERS: __ TO FundlAccaunttGenters FROM FundlAccounttCenters GERTIFICATtONS: __ Submitted far City Manager's OfFce by Karen Montgomery {6222} Originating Department Head; Lena Ellis {8517} Additional Information Contact: Walter Peoples {6217) I«c;t7:~nle: 11[ Y_'CJ{)~ YRCtiC7."tD.l Page ~ of ~t