HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 39475-A4,.:JTY SECRETARY
GONTRACT NO. ?f1 L/ 15-AL\
This Amendment No. 4 ("Amendment") to City Secretary Contract No. 39475
Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement"), is made and entered into by and
between the City of Fort Worth (the "City"), a home rule municipal corporation situated
in portions of Tarrant, Denton, and Wise Counties, Texas acting by and through Susan
Alanis, its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and Matrix Resources Inc.,
("Consultant"), a Georgia Corporation and acting by and through Gary Wood its duly
authorized President of Sales collectively referred to as the "parties."
The following provisions are true and correct and form the basis of this Amendment:
WHEREAS, on or about November 12, 2009, the parties entered into a Professional
Services Agreement ("Agreement") for professional consulting services for staff
augmentation under the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. The
Agreement is a public document on file in the City's Secretary Office and referenced as
City Secretary Contract No. 39475; and
WHEREAS, on or about September 13, 2010, the parties subsequently amended the
Agreement via City Secretary Contract No. 39475-A1, to increase the compensation
and clarify other matters under the Agreement; and on or about December 14, 2010,
further amended the Agreement via City Secretary Contract No. 39475-A2, to exercise
the first option to renew and to increase the annual compensation; and on or about
October 26, 2011 to exercise the second option to renew. City Secretary Contract Nos.
39475, 39475-A 1, 39475-A2 and 39475-A3 are hereby collectively referred to as the
("Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, the Agreement provided an Initial term of one year with options to renew for three
successive one year terms . The City wishes to exercise its third option to renew the
Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of this Amendment.
WHEREAS, the parties wish to amend the Agreement to increase the annual
compensation for the deliverables and modify other terms and conditions as set forth in
this Amendment.
02 -22 -1 3 A0 9 :37 I N
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of
which are hereby acknowledged, the City and Consultant agree as follows :
~!~ 1.
Section 2 of ~r~ement shall be modified to extend the term of the
Agreement with the;t seeo1 ,d renewal term commencing on November 13 , 2012 and
expiring on November 12 , 2013 .
Section 3 COMPENSATION is hereby amended to read as follows :
The City shall pay Consultant per terms of individual executed work orders in
accordance with Exhibit "B," "Profess ional Hourly Rates and Permanent Placement
Cost," which is attached hereto and incorporated for all purposes incident to this
Agreement. Each individual work order shall be listed as Appendix B-1, Appendix B-2,
Append ix B-3 and so forth, and each work order shall be attached and incorporated into
the Agreement. Each work order shall set forth the name of the personnel to provide
the services, the specific project to which the personnel will be assigned; the specific
services to be provided by the personnel ; the start and end date of the work to be
performed; the hourly rate or salary of the personnel ; and any other regulations as
agreed to by the parties that may apply to the specific personnel.
The total aggregate amount of compensation to be paid under this Agreement,
inclusive of all work orders , shall not exceed $630,000.00 on an annual basis.
Consultant shall not perform any additional services for the City not specified by
this Agreement unless the City requests and approves in writing the additional costs for
such services. The City shall not be liable for any additional expenses of Consultant
not specified by this Agreement unless the City first approves such expenses in writing.
3 .
All other provisions of the Agreement that are not expressly amended herein
shall remain in full force and effect.
Executed on this the 31 51 day of December, 2012 .
CF W I Matri x
Amendm ent No .4 to CSC No . 394 75
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,.. .•
Contract Authorization:
vf M&C C-23876 ~
Date Approved : 10/27/2009
M&C G-17029
Date Approved: 08/24/201 O
M&C C-24607
Date Approved: 11/16/2010
/M&C G-17239 ~
Date Approved : 3/22/2011
M&C ___ _
Date Approved: __ _
CFW I Matrix
Amendment No.4 to CSC No . 3947 5
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By : ---'--+-~----,-----+---
President of Sales
Date : _1 _\-g_\_d-D_\3 __
M&CReview Page 1 of 2
Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 3/22/2011
SUBJECT: Authorize Increase of Funds by $1,482,000.00 for the Existing Professional Services
Agreements for Technology Staffing and Placement Services with Digital Intelligence
Systems Corporation, Matrix Resources, Inc., and Sentari Technologies, Inc., for the
Information Technology Solutions Department
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to increase the dollar cap for the
existing Professional Services Agreements for Technology Staffing and Placement Services with
Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation, Matrix Resources, Inc., and Sentari Technologies, Inc., by
$1,482,000.00 for the Information Technology Solutions Department.
On November 16, 2010, (M&C C-24607) the City Council authorized an increase of funds by
$743,028.00 for the existing Professional Services Agreements for Technology Staffing and
Placement Services with Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation, Matrix Resources, Inc., and
Sentari Technologies, Inc. To maintain current levels of service for seven months through the end of
September 2011, staff is now requesting an additional increase of $1,482,000.00 in expenditures with
the three named vendors.
In order to await the outcome of the IT sourcing project, staff has only been requesting the
continuation of contractual support to fill staff vacancies on a quarterly basis. Now that the sourcing
study is complete, in order to maintain the current service levels without interruption, staff is
requesting additional funding for support contracts until the end of this fiscal year (September). Staff
will begin to hire employees to fill vacancies created during the sourcing study as time permits.
The purpose of these service agreements is to allow the City to have agreements in place for staff
augmentation to assist in the development and implementation of technology projects and services in
the City such as email archival, laptop encryption, disaster recovery, radio towers, radio re-banding,
and Buyspeed Online projects. Hiring contract labor has provided staff augmentation to address
significant attrition with costs offset by salary, benefit and other savings and other reimbursements.
The estimate of salary and benefit savings resulting from current vacancies is $1,164,975.00.
M/WBE -Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation, Matrix Resources, Inc., and Sentari Technologies,
Inc., a certified M/WBE firm, have all previously and continue to commit to comply with their 10
percent M/WBE participation on all expenditures through the end of the contract period.
ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENT -An administrative amendment or increase may be made for each
agreement by the City Manager for an amount up to $50,000.00 and does not require specific City
Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated .
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating
budgets, as appropriated, of the General Fund and Information Systems Fund.
http://apps .cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc _review .asp?ID= 14823&councildate=3 /22 /2011 3/5/2013
TO Fund/Account/Centers
Submitted for City Manager's Office by:
Originating Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
FROM Fund/Account/Centers
Pl68 539120 0043020 $100,000 .00
Pl68 539120 0048001 $125,000.00
Pl68 539120 0044000 $35,000 .00
Pl68 539120 0045010 $100,000.00
Pl68 539120 0045030 $165,000 .00
Pl68 539120 0045050 $50,000.00
Pl68 539120 0048000 $50,000.00
Pl68 539120 0043010 $200,000.00
Pl68 539120 0045000 $362,000.00
Pl68 539120 0046020 $100,000 .00
Pl68 539120 0041100 $129,000 .00
GG01 511010 0135010 $66,000.00
--·-~·-·-··-·· ·-· -· .. ·--···-----
Karen Montgomery (6222)
Peter Anderson (8781)
Mai Tran (8858)
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc _review .asp?ID= 14823&councildate=3/22/2011
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M&C Review
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Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas
COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 10/27/2009
10/27/2009 REFERENCE NO.: C-23876
SUBJECT: Authorize a Professional Services Agreement for Technology Staffing and Placement
Services with Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation, Hudson Highland Group, Inc.,
Matrix Resources, Inc ., and Sentari Technologies, Inc., for the Information Technology
Solutions Department at an Annual Expenditure of Up to $968,725.00
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services
Agreements for technology staffing and placement services with Digital Intelligence Systems
Corporation , Hudson Highland Group, Inc., Matrix Resources, Inc., and Sentari Technologies, Inc.,
for the Information Technology Solutions Department at an annual expenditure of up to $968,725 .00 .
The purpose of these service agreements is to allow the Information Technology Solutions
Department (ITS) to have agreements in place for staff augmentation to assist in the development
and implementation of technology projects and services in the City. These projects would include but
not be limited to: 1) assistance in the installation and implementation of software packages; 2)
assistance for short-term resolution of problems , such as staffing shortages for technology related
projects; and 3) staffing placement in City departments such as ITS, Financial Management Systems,
Municipal Court and Code Compliance.
On May 14, 2009, proposals were received in response to the ITS staffing services Request for
Proposal (RFP) No. 08-0335. ITS staff evaluated the proposals and recommends that the requested
staff augmentation be awarded to Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation , Hudson Highland Group,
Inc., Matrix Resources , Inc ., and Sentari Technologies, Inc.
Digital Intelligence Systems Corporation, Hudson Highland Group, Inc., are the two new companies
selected from the recent RFP. Matrix Resources, Inc., and Sentari Technologies , Inc ., have already
been providing contractors to the City the past three years . There are currently 13 contractors from
Matrix and Sentari, (for projects in ITS and Financial Management Systems and vacancy backfills)
with the City. The areas in which the contractors are working include Applications , Desktop, Help
Desk, Business Analysis and Planning, Project Management, ITS Operations and Business
Coordination . The Fiscal Year 2009 expenditures for these two vendors total $948,721.00. If the
current on board contractors stay with the City for all of Fiscal Year 2010 then the projected
expenditures would be $1 ,660,672 .00. To help manage expenditures , this request is for $968,725 .00
which is expected to take us through May 2010 at which time we will come back to City Council for
add itional authorization .
BID ADVERTISEMENT-The RFP was advertised in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on April 8, 2009
and April 15 , 2009 . The City received 37 proposals.
For each staff augmentation or project request, the four recommended vendors will be provided a
City Requirements Statement and given the opportunity to reply to the specific request by providing a
Statement of Work or candidate referrals . The vendor which provides the most effective and feasible
Statement of Work will be selected . ITS will work with both the customer department a'n d the Budget
http ://apps.cfwn et.org/co unci l_packet/mc _review.asp ?ID= 122 77 &coun cil dat e= 10/27/2009 3/5/20 13
M&CReview Page 2 of2
' Department to ensure that adequate funds are budgeted for all projects utilizing these services .
Vendors were also asked to submit responses for the cost of placing employees for ITS Department's
vacant positions. Use of this portion of the agreements will be limited to placements where normal
recruiting efforts may yield few qualified applicants and filling the vacancy is mission critical.
The vendors were informed that no guarantee is made for the amount of service that may be
purchased under this agreement.
M/WBE -The vendors are in compliance with the City's MWBE Ordinance by committing 10 percent
M/WBE participation. The City's goal on this project is 10 percent.
RENEWAL OPTIONS -These agreements may be renewed up to three successive one year terms
at the City's option. This action does not require specific City Council approval provided that the City
Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligation during the renewal term.
ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER-An administrative change order or increase may be made for
each agreement by the City Manager for an amount up to $25,000.00 and does not require specific
City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated.
The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating
budget, as appropriated, of the participating departments.
TO Fund/Account/Centers
Submitted for City Manager's Office by:
Originating Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
FROM Fund/Account/Centers
Karen Montgomery (6222)
Peter Anderson (8781)
Mai Tran (8858)
' http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc _review .asp?ID= 12277 &councildate= 10/27/2009 3/5/2013