HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 39522-CO5FORT WORTH . ~ City of Fort Worth Change Order Request Project Name! 2007 Critical CIP Dist 8 Group A, Boston , Chicago, Clainnont Chelsea Client Project #(s~ 00923-DOE # 6068 ~lTY SECRETARY . _ ,~C N1R ACT NO . 3?{5 Z.1 (( City Sec # 39522 ....._ _____ __. Project Description Water, Sewer & Paving improvments for Boston , Chicago , Clairmont Chelsea, Norma, Junius and Lynnhaven Contractor! Stabile & Winn, Inc. Change Order# 5 Date City Project Mgr . .._! _Kh_al_Jaa_fan_· __________ _. City Inspector John Crowley Dept. TPW WATER SEWER Original Contract Amount $1 ,362,422.54 $665.197 .00 $257,906.00 Extras to Date $6 ,416.00 $49,892 .00 $62,891.75 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders (in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $1,368,838 .54 , $715,089.00 $320,797.75 IAmount of Proposed Change Order '°°,:>11t.1n $0.W "1,Wr Revised Contract Amount $1 ,435,417 .45 ' J/15,Uffll.UU ~ ~"J.U,f'M.f:J Original Funds Available for Change Orders $40,873 .00 $25,000 .00 $12 ,895 .30 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $34,457.00 · $0.00 ' ~ $0.00 Additional Funding (if necessary) $32,121.91 ~ CHANGE ORDERS to DATE (INCLUDING THIS ONE) AS% OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT (ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+ 25%} Totals $2,285,525.54 $119,199.75 $2,404 ,725.29 $66,578.91 $2,471,304 .20 $78,768 .30 $34,457.00 $32,121.91 8.13%. $2,856,906.93 9/6/2011 Contract Time (CD) 375 102 4n 4n ~b * OOoo O oOQO /:.I It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of thii ~i!llg-~~ntractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money) for all costs arising out of, or ~ above Change Order. City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Client Project # 2007 Critical CIP Dist 8 Group A, Boston, Chicago, Clairmont, Chelsea City Sec# 39522 ;:::;00:;:::9::;:23-::::;D:;O:::E #=6:;:::0::;:68===========::::::::==:::::::====================:::...-..:__.....=:==:::; Project Description Water, Sewer & Paving improvments for Boston, Chicago, Clairmont, Chelsea, Norma, Junius and Lynnhaven Contractor Stabile & Winn, Inc. City Project Mgr . Khal Jaafari ________________ _, Change Order # I 5 I City Inspector I John Crowley ADDITIONS Change Order Additions Page 1 of 2 Date 9/6/2011 TIW $142,Uts::>.15 WATER $0 .00 SEWER $0.00 Sub Total Additions ~ 142 ,UOO . 1 IJ Change Order Additions Page 2 of 2 Project Name Client Project # City of Fort Worth Change Order Deletions 2007 Critical CIP Dist 8 Group A, Boston , Chicago, Clairmont, Chelsea 00923-DOE # 6068 City Sec# Project Description Water , Sewer & Paving improvments for Boston, Chicago, Cla irmont, Chelsea , Norma, Junius and Lynnhaven Contractor Stabile & Winn, Inc . City Project Mgr. Khat Jaafari ________________ ...., Change Order # I 5 I City Inspector I John Crowley DELETIONS Change Order Deletions Page 1 of 2 Date 9/6/2011 .... 39522 ..... TPW $75,500 .24 WATER $0 .00 SEWER $0 .00 Sub Total Deletions ~/::>,::>Uo .24 Change Order Deletions Page 2 of 2 ", M/WBE Breakdown for this Change Order . MWBE Sub / · Amount for this co . Total $0.00 . t . . Previous Change Orders r~, ... CO .It : ~ ;~l-,, , I DATE . ..; .~, . ''°1, C "· •, ·~. ' -· AMOUN T:-. ' ~~·. , .. } ~ , , ~ ,.; ··~~a•·.,_, :, ·' .,., Total l. i):::"' ~ ',': :}{~ .)Cc f ·~ i .• ,t $0.00 !h. I> City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 11/15/2011 DATE: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 REFERENCE NO.: **C-25274 LOG NAME: 202007CO_DIST8_GRPA_00923 COS SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 5 in the Amount of $66,578.91 to City Secretary Contract No. 39522 with Stabile and Winn, Inc., for Pavement Reconstruction, Water and Pavement Replacement on Portions of Boston Avenue, Chelsea Road, Chicago Avenue, Clairemont Avenue, Junius Street, Lynnhaven Road and Norma Street for a Total Contract Amount of $2,471,304.20 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Change Order No . 5 in the amount of $66,578.91 to City Secretary Contract No. 39522 with Stabile & Winn, Inc., revising the total contract amount to $2,471,304.20 . DISCUSSION: On November 17, 2009, (M&C C-23919) City Council authorized the award of contract for Neighborhood Streets Group A, Council District 8 being funded from the 2007 Critical Capital Program to Stabile & Winn, Inc. The project consists of pavement reconstruction, as well as water and sanitary sewer replacement for seven street segments. Estimated quantities on numerous items in the contract were significantly under what was actually necessary for completion of the project. Items such as six-inch HMAC transitions, top soil, tree removal, and four-inch sidewalk exceeded the designer's estimates. Also included in this change order are the replacement of a retaining wall with a combination sidewalk and the removal of a six-inch concrete slab which was under the pavement on Norma Street. These last two items were not included in the original contract. The net effect of the proposed Change Order is as follows: TPW WATER SEWER TOTAL Original Contract Amount $1,362,422.54 $665,197.00 $257,906.00 $2,285,525.54 Change Order No. 1 $0.00 $0.00 $12,079.00 $12,079.00 Change Order No. 2 $4,916.00 $11,200.00 $3,329.75 $19,445.75 Change Order No. 3 $0.00 $35,992.00 $39,202 .00 $75,194.00 Change Order No. 4 $1,500.00 $2,700.00 $8,281.00 $12,481.00 Change Order No. 5 $66,578.91 $0.00 $0.00 $66,578.91 Revised Contract Amount $1,435,417 .45 $715,089.00 $320,797.75 $2,471,304.20 http://apps.cfwnet.org/ecounciVprintmc.asp?id=l6056&print=true&DocType=Print 11/15/2011 .. Stabile and Winn, Inc., agrees to maintain its initial M/WBE commitment of four percent that it made on the original contract and extend and maintain that same M/WBE commitment of four percent to all prior change orders up to and inclusive of this Change Order No. 5. Therefore Stabile & Winn, Inc., remains in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance and attests to its commitment by its signature on the Acceptance of Previous M/WBE Commitment form executed by an authorized representative of its company. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8, Mapsco 780, 78H, 78G, 79A, 798, 79E and 79F. FISCAL INFORMATION/ CERTIFICATION: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated of the 2007 Critical Capital Projects Fund. FUND CENTERS: TO Fund/Account/Centers CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS FROM Fund/Account/Centers C295 541200 208400092383 Fernando Costa (6122) Douglas W. Wiersig (7801) Najib Fares (7802) Khal Jaafari (7872) 1. 2007 GRP A CO# 5 FAR TPW funds.pdf (CFW Internal) 2. 202007C0Dist8GRPA00923 C05 MAP.pdf (Public) $66,578 .91 3. MWBE Acceptance of Previous MWBE Commitment form Group A Dist 8 2007 CO .pdf (CFW Internal) 4. Official M & C Group A Dist 8 Stabile Winn .pdf (CFW Internal) http://apps.cfwnet.org/ecouncil/printmc.asp?id= 16056&print=true&DocType=Print 11/15/2011 / PROJECT SUMMARY SHEET (Change Order Attachment) PROJECT NAME: 2007 CO's District 8 Neighborhood Streets Group A Limits: Boston, Chicago, Clairemont, Lynnhaven BuySpeed No (T/PW): P0-10-00059459 BuySpeed No (Water): P0-10-00059436 City project No: 00923 Contract No: CS39522 D.O .E. No: 6068 Attachment to Change Order#: 5 -----Today's Date : 11/17/11 TOTAL Original Contract Amount: $ 2,285,525.54 $ 1,362,422.54 $665,197.00 $257,906.00 Extras to Date: $ 119,199.75 $ 6,416.00 $ 49,892.00 $ 62,891 .75 Credits to Date: $ $ $ $ Contract Amount to Date: $ 2,404,725.29 $ 1,368,838.54 $ 715,089.00 $320,797.75 Amount of Proposed Change Order: $ 66,578.91 $ 66,578.91 $ $ Revised Contract Amount: $ 2,471,304.20 $ 1,435,417.45 $715,089.00 $320,797.75 Contingency Funds Avail. for Admin. Change Orders: $ 78,768.30 $ 34,457.00 $ 32,121.91 $ 40,873.00 $ 25,000.00 $. 12,895.30 Remaining Funds Available for Change Orders: $ Additional Funding (if necessary): $ 34,457.00 $ $ 32,121 .91 $ $ eUU::&~.!YGroup Karen fflriker NOV 1 7 2011 Prepared By: Karen Striker T/PW Business Support