HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 39770-CO2. - FORT WORTH • City of Fort Worth Change Order Request CITY ,S.~Af« ;j/l 'l7 0 -{0 z._, cON'11fAt'f~.ry~:.::,;PY:----- Project Name : I Utility Cut Repair Contract 2009 -3rd Renewal Project No .(s):j PE45 523010 0607011 ! City Sec No.: ~' _3_97_7_0 ___ ___, DOE No .I~ -6-97-9-~j City Proj . No .: I N/A Project Description : The repair of utility street cuts necessary following main replacements and repairs made by the Water Department's Field Operations crews. Contractor:! Westhill Construction , Inc . City Project Mgr. j J. Chris Underwood Phone Number:! 817-392-2629 Dept. Original Contract Amount Extras to Date Credits to Date Pending Change Orders (in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date IAmount of Proposed Change Order Revised Contract Amount Original Funds Available for Change Orders Remaining Funds Available for this CO Additional Funding (if necessary) Water Sewer $500 ,000 .00 $32 ,217 .10 $531,950 .40 $53,487.90 $585,438 .30 $53 ,487.90 Change Order# ~I _2_~ Date : City Inspector: I Donald Watson Phone Number :! 817-205-8911 Totals $500,000.00 $32,217.10 $531,950.40 $53,487.90 $585,438.30 $53,487.90 CHANGE ORDERS to DATE (INCLUDING THIS ONE) AS % OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT (ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+ 25%) 7/23/2014 Contract Time (Calender days) 365 090 455 455 Change Order No .2 wi ll provide pay item qu antities of asphalt pavement repair, concrete valley g utter and manhole adjustment that are necessary to complete the contract. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an acco rd and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money) for all costs arising out of , or incidental to , the above Change Order . C -26870 RECE\VEO ..... f FORT WORTH .__ . City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Utility Cut Repa ir Contract 2009 -3rd Renewal Project No .(s): PE45 52301 O 0607011 City Sec No .: 39770 DOE No .! 6979 City Proj . No .: -' _N_IA __ ~ Project Descr iption The repair of utility street cuts necessary following main replacements and repairs made by the Wate r Department's Field Operations crews . Contractor City Project Mgr. ~W_e_st_hi_ll _Co_n_st_ru_ct_io_n,_ln_c_. __________ __.! Change Order : ..... I _2_.. Date :! 7/23/2014 J. Chris Underwood City Insp ector .... , -D-o-na-ld_W_a-ts_o_n _____ _, ADDITIONS 11 cm I .•.. 'IIUN DEPT Qty Unit Unit Cost Total UNIT I · CUTS < 200 SQUARE FEET 1 2-inch HMAC Pavement Water 52.70 SY $18.00 $948.60 12 Min . 8-inch 2:27 Concrete Base Water 52 .70 SY $45 .00 $2 ,371.50 UNIT II • CUTS> 200 SQUARE FEET BUT < 1,000 SQUARE FEET 15 2-inch HMAC Pavement Water 70 .00 SY $18 .00 $1 ,260 .00 26 Min . 8-inch 2:27 Concrete Base Water 70.00 SY $54 .00 $3 ,780.00 UNIT Ill · CUTS> 1,000 SQUARE FEET 29 2-inch HMAC Pavement Water 415 .80 SY $26 .00 $10 ,810 .80 40 Min . 8-inch 2:27 Concrete Base Water 415 .80 SY $65 .00 $27,027 .00 UNIT V-ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED OTHER THAN PAVING 56 Manhole Adjustment Water 1.00 EA $500 .00 $500 .00 75 Concrete Valley Gutter Water 970 .00 SF $7 .00 $6,790 .00 Water $53,487 .90 Sewer Page 2 of 4 Additions Sub Total $53,487.90 FORT WORTH • City of Fort Worth Change Order Deletions Project Name Project No .(s): 1.---U-til-ity_C_u_t -Re-p-ai-r C-o-n-tra_c_t 2-0-09---3-rd_R_e_n-ew_a_l -------------. City Sec No.: 39770 I PE45 523010 0607011 DOE No . 6979 City Proj . No .: N/A Project The repair of utility street cuts necessary following main replacements and repairs made by the Water Department's Description Fie ld O erations crews . Contractor Westhill Construction , Inc. City Project Mgr. J. Chris Underwood .. ITEM DESCRIPTION Change Order : IT] Date I City Inspector : I Donald Watson 7/23/2014 DELETIONS DEPT Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Water Sewer Page 3 of 4 Deletions Sub Total M/WBE Breakdown for this Change Order MWBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this CO Total $0.00 Previous Change Orders CO# DATE AMOUNT Total $0.00 Page 4 of 4 Officia l site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas FORT WORTH DATE: CODE: COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 7/22/2014 7/22/2014 REFERENCE NO.: **C-26870 LOG NAME: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING: 6009UC201 OC02- WESTHILL NO ~ SUBJECT: Authorize Execution of Change Order No . 2 to City Secretary Contract No . 39770 with Westhill Construction , Inc., in the Amount of $53 ,487 .90 for a Revised Total Contract i n the Amount of $2 ,085 ,705.00 for Utility Cut Repair Contract 2009 , UC01-2010 at Various Locations Throughout the City (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execut ion of Change Order No . 2 to City Secretary Contract No . 39770 with Westhill Construction , Inc., in the amount of $53 ,487 .90 for a total contract in the amount of $2 ,085 ,705 .00 for Utility Cut Repair Contract 2009 . DISCUSSION: On January 12, 2010 , Mayor and Council Communication (M&C C-24019), the City Council authorized the award of a contract in the amount of $500 ,000 .00 with options for three renewals to Westhill Construction , Inc., for Utility Cut Repair Contract 2009 UC01-2010. The contract was subsequently revised by three renewals each in the amount of $500 ,000 .00 M&C C-24774 (March 8 , 2011), M&C C-25289 (November 15 , 2011) and M&C C-25988 (December 4 , 2012); and by Change Order No .1 i n the amount of $32 ,217 .10 administratively authorized on March 24 , 2014 . Change Order No. 2 will provide pay item quantities of asphalt pavement repair, concrete valley gutter and manhole adjustments that are necessary to complete the contract. Staff considers the proposed change order amount to be fair and reasonable and recommends approval. M/WBE Office -Westhill Construction , Inc., agrees to maintain its initial M/WBE commitment of 14 percent that it made on the original contract and extend and maintain that same M/WBE commitment of 14 percent to all prior change orders up to and inclusive of this Change Order No . 2 . Therefore Westhill Construction , Inc., remains in compliance with the City's M/WBE Ordinance and attests to its commitment by its signature on the Acceptance of Previous M/WBE Commitment form executed by an authorized representative of its company . This project is located at various locations throughout the City . FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget , as appropriated , of the Water and the Sewer Fund . TO Fund/Account/Centers FROM Fund/Account/Centers Logname: 60WS1DES 34A l-DUNA WA Y Page 1 of 2 .. ..:. ' 4. ' >· ..• Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Logname: 60WSIDES34A1-DUNA WAY PE45 523010 0607011 $53.487 .90 Fernando Costa (6122) S . Frank Crumb (8207) J Chris Underwood (2629) Page 2 of2