HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 59552-A3CSC No. 59552-A3
This Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 ("Third
Amendment") is made between the City of Fort Worth ("Fort Worth"), a municipal corporation
and ePlus Technology, Inc., ("Vendor").
WHEREAS, Fort Worth and Vendor entered into an Agreement identified as Fort Worth
City Secretary Contract No. 59552 beginning June 6, 2023 (the "Agreement"); and
WHEREAS, it is the collective desire of both Fort Worth and Vendor to amend the
Agreement to add the Statement of Work, Exhibit "A-4" at a one time cost of $550,396.00. With
an onboarding cost of $10,000.00 and an Annual cost of $180,132.00 for 3 years. The current
authorization of $11,200,000.00 will remain the same and the annual cost will not increase the
maximum spend on the renewal terms.
NOW THEREFORE, known by all these present, Fort Worth and Vendor, acting herein by
the through their duly authorized representatives, agree to the following terms, which amend the
Agreement as follows:
1. The Agreement is hereby amended by adding Exhibit "A-4" at a one time cost of
$550,396.00. With an onboarding cost of $10,000.00 and an Annual cost of $180,132.00 for 3
years. The current authorization of $11,200,000.00 will remain the same the annual cost will not
increase the maximum spend on the renewal terms.
2. All other terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and recitals of the Agreement not
expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect.
[Signature Page Follows]
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 1 of 7
L xtc ured effective as of fire date sighed by [be Ass istaa it C1 tyMatagcr Wow.
01 Y of Foil worth
Caaliacl l`omphancr Mmaagln-
By sigming I a&n-mvledge that I ana the person
responsible fur The mitonng and adi inigmrion
Mark McDaniel
-o this contras, lacludmg ensumi g all p$formance
B � Mark McDaniel (Jan 25, 2024 17:35 CST)
and reporting regia reatess-
Name: -Mark McDaniel
Title. Defuly Ciiy Manager
Jan 25, 2024
g .d11L fSM
Name: Bobby Lee
ApproV33 RECommeaded;
Tile: Sr. IT Solutions Manager
Approved M to Form aad Legyitiiy:
By: {
LN aiue: Kevin Gma
Title: Director- IT Solatiaas
Naar. TaylorC.Pan]s
All es l:
� F F�Rt p a�aa�
Title' Assistaw C ii y All Gamey
oo0 °
Coaliwl AulbMiralioa:
000q 00
Aan�n EXo.
hI & C: 23 -0061
Approved: OVIN20A
Name: jannet[e S.
1295c 2022-966299
Title: City Seuetary
eYhis f er-bQolagy- Inc.
Title; sr. vice Praaident co tractt
Date: 17f W24
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 2 of 7
5[1 W �f 91vu1}'ort14`orllkLM M5-001, ISSi77 fur Cltw uF Fart Worth
Pi.tc.i, a 1u 16L TIPS 2301114 Ccop dvL AL Tmem w L"Agn-termmt'1 by mrwJ bcrurxn Cdv of Furr Wor,L L"Cuns lrL Le) sad Plus
Tedmalogy. irLL ("ePlus" ), Av panic hcrebv ;wmx io Lhe PeYfwrnarra of rhC 5LK4iLd[x1 L4rschba 1 below. i=apirriixerl krrms
shall have dh mswdmgs J}i%,ah in the Ag +go, or as "eirrL;Al aL -Ened hetei Norw4suffwi g anydLiY13 is L60 mi:m ltv m
the Agnmui i% [be Lrtuts ift lk s SOW "L appty_
fhecudve SLLmmary_ Cus[oT y Gas ,SLyi_5d r?LLu TmhLWlouyr Lo pruviJe dic s NkL{�I ksk- t b luw. 'rJ= ser4 Li Alit b,
LIL1'�CT_'LI :lceordMJ,1D 1bC SSe747L'L- DUL;L'nplitin D]ueumcmis JSDD1. Jnia1:L1n Lose., i Scrrpc u'LL1 bL- iru:Ludrd Lo IrLel ufab 5DDlu
demil. LJx LWivefabtHs of the 5ftweL.
ki-wLtemL L'PIYLs 9h l.1 pr04Mie LvTum k-wel,a of d12 iolLwmaij Svniven ri.Ls) Iusux er m is pNY icW mAir upplLLxhle RILU .&uviLw
e DrstFiP1603 lf Ur 1llE m8ft ILe TLLi Ix
C0FktFL9L4 Shnilhirry-
iY of ScivierbLincluded in Lvornxt
• Ncm-atk Managxd Ser„3Ees- Lk,sn¢ Resoun-e
Tonal Canteacl Vilrt:
I Imarimiee
Lhl Price
IS% iliotammr.
CkiLume w Prier
I Olibuudeog
I Sr YzLl Yc3§r7
S I K I!3-".t3L1
Scr4zcen Ymr3
Stgo. k12_UO
I 'rwah,
'loft_ 3h MuodL
Sterl Dal*= On Uu IL6un u[ Onbu,anling
Ebdof Yerw: WLII nul aiu013ur1iL03LV rumor. CL mmng is ntsponaibLc for Nvwally rcnixtieg Lbese Servieea by gi4irlg Mni" to
l?Lus Mur lu ckprtaliLvl of LLe S, vice TLxm Lb urdev w ouLac LvaurbnLLus LUWrage_
Tern Cnmltnrita The prariei ag er ibmt 01us uffem tin- pricing Fur the Senn= Junin in rcicuice on Downu's
oonuaitmem is the Senke Term described in ih is Sf}'•'kr and that Olus will be substanrially dunaged in aalounts Lbat will
be difficult or i mpassibk to delmnine if Cusbsmel iLruvnates the S.erwju!i curly. TJncrtfcrn_ uotwilluiaodLng aLntthing to
dse coidrary in the Agnacnxo, CLtflolrtcr mat' nun wLyink1,• hies SOW withaul cau$c. Terndnat6m fat wnvenicbeLe does
11u1 app]y try this SOW. Wtdnaut ]iLAuffig dnc foregoing. nn the e4Ym ofcuky tcenluadu k Customer shall pay to ePius a
irrminarioo ftt Dual -ki for aLmsulN of aLl aoo-meuuiind and retuning charges yet forth m this SOW whiLh would
unccmisc be duc IIIrauj Y dw ciYd vI She ScrviLL Tutu. This elause is nut untended io interfere wuh Cuswumr's dgN to
Iti minere the Savie! � in subs gi.14 v Ftieal. yeuts due JacL ol-Amding irony appnrpatu ill and ailier luwrul soured. pravided
Lhat Cusrarnu steal] uw ils bent efforts try oblauL simuak apprupnisliaiou Tor thL full-Scrviec Term and dull any termination
forlwo-uppftWiatiun inwa bo in xlnuLe and snot in juL
5ervieer; Semilre De!xrlptlnnm. rPlus OWI pruvidc tLL: SeruiLxs mssureated wish the Scrviet OffL7ing sea fonb dkL vc_
Senicts am provWd in accLw&r= with the applicahle stases dcu LApdon dLxL3nvrd as updakA from Limn to tLnw by
EP1us (tlnc "Sr`1vtL:c Lhscriplion-). Service Inch described iA the Scrvlrt De3ehpden arc contingeu an LxWcWE. CAus
will rrL-Jw updarod Scrvice Dc9criplioos available ra Cuumnrr ciccuvnicalky. &TYk'e kn-As wi0 nab nwwrielly dvmiai-
wulurot a mutually agmcd chmj�t order_
Initial Assettsment_ cPhis may eaoduetnn atdcsstlrenl ofCLnsinmef s JT covirunracw in coanecdian with the Suvims. aull
R_LJSCaffi Y aVLCs 1L} e0opefatfi to ariCh A"eMMenL
rPlas Rmteni 1{afeteuaeee, & ul atiLm Will perform rouumt orrmtrVclrcy s}SICLn n>aixt =k2a, u'biiL'h toay mtpso
u}aRirOn.ng and ot.bN SeTvices. eFlus wdl provide as 1nuch advancit notice a9 pr3CGe3J tD Cusionwr, including csdjuatcd
innp:Lct and daradian of Service DuLW-
MAs 3&arrnrrnim Smyi:o AumL rmST,noLa wWlaeV170= FL
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 3 of 7
eP1ms PipmmA& L PMus persolmtrl who work cm Cumiumcr's lrraoises pM3U=t 10 iJtii SOW wtlJ have the rcquisetr
experience and qualificaLions and be uafuir� by ePlus to camply with Custooan'5 ressam Lhlc workplute rules.
Warrrrntk and M.`r%ellaftners. Mmng � Senjoc Tc-=, cPlus will prvLdc the 5atvices using rcascwtahlc care bud skkU Ln
ft L'oLdw&L4 a kh uk oi%ice EltwripLlon and SOW_ ePLw does not warms that Stivjo" will ix uwntcirLrpwd w ernx-
We. cPlus wakes nv warramics wish neLpcct to hardwam. sof w2m or Lmalmtemmi,,c, support os seoriocs created IN 1kvn-Led
by Lb-trd panws except that if appli; a Ir ePlus will pace through all third-pny wm-mmics to Cusvemer. To i]w mkott
Sm-kcs include managed saeuritr services iof aswss cwK ao guaranty is mode by &Ius or its thIFd,pmh- prcMde'rs that
well Services will &Le LA afl securdiy wcaknesws~ pattNial security prah7tLna vtLlncr bili6es, ur potential breaches. ePhts
dory LIN tuaauLeu LbaL rLN20nmKmdadciM ar actio l LkndeyLik-rn durin&L the Agrcetucvu will LiMPICtely address aO Iss3
C'iiswmer Resaurres and lzron3amdoa. Cu!,tornLY 8ekWWkdVM that f&r d 9t19 10 perftunt the Sdvlorsti CUNW Xf MUM
make aettaiat pefsonnel Lx uThea rtquLsted Ltieouroes available to cP7us in a tiimely tmannbs. Failure to du so may PrvvLytt
ePhis.from ambowdiug or providing rho hkH hcncfiiy of die Services- Cuwber ner iffmm fummh the required ml5wmadem for
onbeamling within thirty (30) disys of die exbeution of ibis SDW rn eltswe tiLnely rot]tnrenennelit of Scn'ictiS. Ir Such
m uirsd tnfartnatwat and Lvoperativn is not provided whhitr sixty (60deys a fter execution u-f the SOW, ePtus tnat; begin
monthly billing uudtr tltL;: SOW_ Lutd Cu--jotoef agrees m pay the aroauntsdue_ HawcvYr_ rPIM will Wt all eaannercially
rcanemkk effort io provide- such t u fpLxi as praclicaf unti louhuardmgesrtoropJcu.
V PN Arceum and Mack oaring Ilrw lccs Customer agees that Olus nma iM1g'A II a VFrK nnger andlar luudwarr nbo—s ry
Cot the performsnec of moonitoriug inpaitsihilitiL` As ardfikmLe in an applicable Srtr4'icc Dcs,xiLption_ Customer must
prov6k network Lvtwectrvity for 5uelt dcvtacs The hewfits LIl eciuin Service ofFcriagu are dependent oit Liam witeL�tim
dcviccs or programs depfa}rd io C usimuff'i crtv'imnn5M. Customer ac7muwledgcs that failure hR cit3h1c such dcploynmi
will rrsub in fardgaiog the r&akbd value-added deliverables.
C'ompHn2 a ynd Rfwk UpL Customer is rffpotnkble for its eomtenL mkllal anJ data made availabic us- trams y3imtil tat
conncctwm wilb The ScMccs and fur its oomplianLx u'itb federal, slate cad heal laves sail Lteceprmble LLwc polirtdes Of Lllry
mird-patsy vendors. Addifiudket Cu bmwt itspLmuibilities we Iieted in the Service D�seriptiurts_ Caatomter muLA back-up
and protect all darn against Iuss, da=gc, or desaucdea.
castamer Hardware Mi6niennsee Unless ecWou l by cP9us' Enbamoed Mainicnan€c Support I'-E.MW'[. Cuvaf= is
reepamsihk far xvWn: and tuaimteaamoc Laf devk5 s in its navuDmnemt. rPlm umy adjuA or dkecmlinuc Smices with
thidy (30) day wo&v Lvt devices nil wWcf rmtintenaace_
Lislritio■ of 1.ixhAfg_ To flee mexirnuro exrL±tLd pesrnmtrd Linder appfieable law, cPlus' aggregate leehiiky fur the
Services sball uut exceed the ansowus paid err payable under thins SOW.
lks?LripTlaa MOM110r Lk &W*e MssierlsLe
ML"] L AIM Ru1sLha� Wi -ekxlc P.."
CLQ,. FMM00rFM1200 i1 weless Sri* h i3
C 6,v FM 100 C,:.,&dlxr S
Total: #i# 2 d
fees_ onLoar61115 S10,0W.00 Un4uicodapMxguaavn:l
bL1!L7Lrr CnM SI MD.132.M r fear Ilmvigtiai l pea 6e-1-3VEt
Iernkfng- -9%3mLLA madvawt
Re�orc�Scspr FPILLLa t3Ltll rhL4tide artatbun+eateaLdid�ra dW [dvLe JeyLYi6oLd below_'dlre �L$atlr['rt's fLrarL�y rbL�LadxiblitiL�.
mctuJe oudLIYCLTLst for Maaki Wileka Add uamigcaknu fur Fluid Mesh p&lic spacm vebLch
pLvxi�c p,Lat actez�L for L'J>r C sty of Fen 14'itrdL Tlris grryrtiue will he prmhury �ru of lYlraaL'I fin L�PILix NrnvuriL IJpLYauuLv
CLmi,x &0 wM nmimcam L plL Le VpToA- IOW Al"sand br=&42iwr's Amumowur dLt City_
Refwor5te Re�lwns,iFiildelp►�
M;Lr= imvarmn iuvLmArrzoLcri sTaiu¢xrw W nLLK v170222 NICZ 2
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 4 of 7
■ ImT LR6 ptace mw A=L i PuuLtdC kem (aL 6 i&4 uf64200 feet—ouwfbLmabbL irk a bu,+,Lqtrm&).
a TyaAki W.oi ixmtwdoil Msn1pd ad lr Devieft*wWr solu[ums.
a PrOVit" LMIYW L.0 mkVvr'L fbr &3-ICrdav PFOhkn 16E M-Ue wIL6 n6L 1dl: jyy Softy at m Hms swam.
a Ls Tbu u i[r PU3rd of eu&LaL[ fur dhe i�plbyti` rspenLaLtwg NL-tw&dt nr Wucl- % LYBL .
a Fautiliar xi[IT and Lcvnplwr to mkiv 709;UWiOTLx
Reiomm Aaiamptfona=
a Srand. d w&tlr bum are aakturmd in W gaud AM —S qk1 PM {'m[rol T=- Furay f40w4
l IraLt� pei Lk -
a C'h olpEt to !iMu 3rd WLrk bLr[rs will b- mum ally agreed upod 44 both L,!'hrs ATO C "W&kLa-
■ Any-LuIinw rLXLrkrLnrxm;ui wi1L wed m be pre-appV0Vedby bulb Ll`lus LkRd C'ux;noes m udvurueand rLU� tle vaNOttm
adLG[io L;J0rW!L
a SLbLdu63d loon- oil t.x"Ls wJL kL pbc-app m%t d b}' burh -Plus m hd amLL- RcsuiLnw will touzive up to 10 day!- PTO
and E 0 bya iaok Lenox per year-
* clHus will nu[ b"fdl in: tuT ' LkLbug Vu mismL and Sink daps
■ liesb WY'b will. be wt%m w add Lwi be se6duLtd m 6- uosibr-
a lki2muce V.ilt fuLluw Tire C-ir} o[Fari Wtnib LuEldav srbrtluLn
Rew urev will bL m;mp9J by ePlut.
■ cl'iuh WiI] ptsform bw&yround vhnzlo-onall cPlLks O:L- url asdmgrkid Lu pmforrm do &e *kiati and a&}' Ltssigocd
rLsbuwc hs nok f dLgJ iuj k bfeLkguuvd &err due asa tom iLULm Of LLtximt inlrolvmg frauLk &n 63n-YLL- Lu L&ural
1.errir- CIOMnCl Inioemerlun_
I livokIN TLLe6heftai
I,.GElari NZkiLh-
T we!
Slue[ Adolr&mi
UehksWYfr and bia kwinkert
a 01" fk'LIl oi8 bL Ino6Lr Jbr a&y b3lfte W Pcrfoam rise Lo d it L omi dLm dte imikm a LmmuIXL by C'ummwrs
Iiwk bfroVamduo.
a cPIua will Gul bL bell t•'r Unsihk fur Llau IvnL Eturk Lpx 4wL" be perf&mud pQLur lu wok a[Lu7iuu AIL 6Lu i.s abe
terpaitsNlitp of Lire Cuswuket.
■ C'uswum2t shalt be wbctp respunnnblr fur cvTnplyibg fs5r6 nmpun arLrt eXFk 'L tx auW Juwe and tegulauwy rayLurrYueora
r1Vu-dibg at wLhmubabw &0 any r rVifts &r &JiYimJ ks Ferkd, Ld irk a different jUri%dieliort fot The bmWG[ of
■ Repl&vmmft of a plipinua or pmu punaumi In atp EMS &3-ku a pnT -%k-d hLruundt7 sbulE bL m aLwnluncr Wilb
*ppIkLb L7rrre11u6ffi3rer pbliL`k9 tTuk.MiYsbiLi[y-
a Sn*i - ^J 41a auk rbda k rc�UhUiun of Le nwtm ur 6atdw.'atr prubhL reyu tbnE from dLird puny eyuLprtwnt at sets iLni or
paobknab )-40d ePlos' enauol- indud6mIm t ou[ lmiilaJ w, amy failurecuah6v of & 9E E oreimiLm eNrw% ncy
tespn csYiLcaL
■ eplus mm-' ath ise cuswu T m L.6e Lesoluunm of wfiware Or LWJ'Aam prublarq buwam±r- eKitc is nu[ LiAdc for uny
dmraNn ihs[ muv L%ce r as a rd:ult bf aheCLk=mer'i hetNNig ufsueb adoico.
W BV ymmu2g Lhis SOW. cir WUirr c+]Irl rtru 16Ly bawr r-L6 WLL 20d LrSdi dmy appbLmble SLn* iLc Du.m- rpurin &x-tjmxniu
C*ieuye Order E'nv vdwi %
a ThL ParLii, rrtWo &WILL, LLiun€¢J 1u TbiY SOW Imm link- In inmk nh actrirdamti wlllr lirr .Srvvnr cml und"W b}' Lketuung t
MUlILJdI% ageed dUaLgL iAyuesl I•'Cbaaati thdL'i" 1 Exa'cu[iu& of a Ch&dgr tkdet 6311 k mgairrd for ilrc folkTwing
o t_nL9kWftY'S rtz{un UXL L'hWNn LO [Inl kVd L7i'SLRYn=
c Obis' i&9Ee13ai LhMtgea Tu Lire itVpc uf= opplk-dWe SurkiLe bt ctripliuir 80d
MAsa9aarstrnnSms=hL;u:tutsr STx_vnI%TI} woo Y17022Z PMZ]
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 5 of 7
D An L-Xw %iva ur utxlif=Iiao afihe trl7at of dri, SSW, mhur ih= as ptuvided bbuar.
+ W Lhe rucia vA6Lrpmxy dht5leiR3Flu rhanHu ll" SOW, IhLt fal PWdIN p!axeTJlucy �Jmdl rtMs-
D T}k pin} r equ+aung &e chaff wilt detwer a Che mga Onter w dve a6er paas ?.
n UpLm rxeckaiuo of d6w Cbnnige UvdLir, the Cftartge Unhr MLL he i±murptwatnl ialu, amdL inude a par[ A dbis
D Neidba cPLvs Mir its wbcmun €uu(sp a un L]LT abyr ubh!ga un w prace,al wish d5c ChLan& {kd= until y.Wh
lures wL dt& L'hwtgc Dtda!r ims Lk n 3�,Tvul Wtxab by 6rah pwuem
• WhEdevet tbd t i%4L L Lflitl bellkLen ffbLt pouvigSi so fbrlh io a fLLL]v executed iManV Otrler and ab,se set furlb iit dw
4k6giftd SCOW, ttr prkrykwr9 flEy LxbadledUkhuge OmLet-tho pmv;-twals of dw mboaa eetemt IWLytmoL,ed L`6arigc Chrk7
STOW Appeul,34
Tara SO" iy acogR11mc- F.aL•h PW9' h&rb]r ftv nuwL 4p-% caul LnuoGnrn L6a it has mail dLLS SUW Uod MrULTlS Zod appn wvs [hc
Scope of work aed ierrCrk and LNmdi, iar& 'Ibis &OW &UNI bt sigPOJ aad TeMtved bef4W LWOA rAa LeguL
i N WITNESS WHEREOF, e" Lug the pda-ues ham+ c-&U! id iiSu SOW to LSt- eumrubtcl by ai dthLV•asa6mFicd repmituu�uve.
L-Plum I'LrboukL_Y. kw-
6xusqn.0 hF
$yr E
%aioan MCL�
Sanidr VP CnrktFACt5
Kwrca 3asvL3srno u im V r nAu mop orT 57wxmxm3'ur W me M170=
�'I[Y df kart WQfi�
Mdrg MoOan el
Mark McDaniel (Jan 25, 202417:35 CST)
Mark McDaniel
Deputy City Manager
Jan 25, 2024
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 6 of 7
Third Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 59552 Page 7 of 7
M&C Review Page 1 of 3
Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas
Create New From This M&C
SUBJECT: (ALL) Authorize Non -Exclusive Purchase Agreements for Information Technology
Infrastructure, with Netsync Network Solutions, Inc., Presidio Networked Solutions Group,
LLC, ePlus Technology, Inc., and World Wide Technology LLC using Multiple State of
Texas Department of Information Resources, OMNIA Partners and The Interlocal
Purchasing System Cooperative Contracts With a Combined Annual Amount Up to
$11,200,000.00, and Four One -Year Renewal Options with State of Texas Department of
Information Resources and OMNIA Partners in the Amount of $10,000,000.00 for the First
Renewal and $6,200,000.00 for the Remainder Renewals for the Information Technology
Solutions Department
It is recommended that City Council to authorize non-exclusive purchase agreements for Information
Technology Infrastructure with Netsync Network Solutions, Inc., Presidio Networked Solutions Group,
LLC, ePlus Technology, Inc. and World Wide Technology LLC using Multiple State of Texas
Department of Information Resources, OMNIA Partners and The Interlocal Purchasing System
Cooperative Contract with a combined annual amount up to $11,200,000.00, and four one-year
renewal options with Texas Department of Information Resources and OMNIA Partners in the amount
of $10,000,000.00 for the first renewal and $6,200,000.00 for the remainder renewals for the
Information Technology Solutions Department.
The Information Technology Solutions Department (ITS) will use these agreements to purchase
equipment and services from Netsync Network Solutions, Inc., Presidio Networked Solutions Group,
LLC, ePlus Technology, Inc and World Wide Technology LLC. to support the City's information
technology infrastructure. This infrastructure includes equipment and software supporting the City's
servers, data storage, virtual desktop environment, and network and telephone systems. These
agreements will be used to support the refreshes for the equipment that has reached the end of life
cycle as well as new projects for City departments using the following cooperative contracts:
Vendor Co-op Expiration RFO Responses
Date Published Due
Netsync and
Netsync and
Netsync and
1 /10/2024
12/20/2017 2/5/2018
DIR-TSO- 12/17/2023 3/20/2018
10/2/2024 ��1/12/2018 ��2/26/2018
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=30688&councildate=2/14/2023 1/18/2024
M&C Review Page 2 of 3
Vendor Co-op Expiration RFO Responses
Date Published Due
ePlus 4160
PPresidio and �N88
R-TSO- 2/21/2025 2/26/2018 4/9/2018
WWT DIR-CPO- 1/23/2025 3/15/2019 4/25/2019
Netsync and �N0105
PS I5/31/2023 1/9/2020 2/21/2020
WWT OMNIA 5/31/2026 12/1/2020 1/19/2021
On September 28, 2021, City Council approved Mayor & Council communication (M&C) 21-
0753 authorizing similar agreements for information technology infrastructure purchases. Due to
several larger projects, Infrastructure refresh, Future City Hall, planned American Rescue Plan
Act spend, and ongoing City growth, additional spending authority is being requested. To avoid any
confusion, approval of this M&C will eliminate prior spending authority and contracts authorized under
Mayor and Council Communication P-12248, 19-0123, 19-0270, 20-0650 and 21-0753.
Approval of this M&C will allow a total of $11,200,000.00 in expenditures for the initial year,
$10,000,000.00 for the first renewal and $6,200,000.00 for the remainder renewals for projects such
as safety and security, new building projects, building upgrades, building renovations and building
expansion projects. These agreements and spending authority will be made available to Radio
Services, Desktop, Hardware and Security divisions to purchase hardware and software for City
departments as requested.
On May 24, 2022 Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) 22-0366 and 22-0367 were approved to
allocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Subtitle M (Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery
Funds) to the Information Technology Solutions (ITS) Department providing up to $3,675,000.00 and
$3,595,000.00 in support of infrastructure, data protection initiatives, information security and cyber
security. The Information Technology Solutions Department (ITS) will use these agreements to
purchase equipment and services to support the City's information technology infrastructure based on
initiatives identified in (M&C) 22-0366 and 22-0367.
ITS Department will ensure that each vendor is given equal opportunity to earn a minimum of 10\% of
the business. No specific contract amount is guaranteed.
PRICE ANALYSIS - The Texas Department of Information Resources Contracts (DIR), OMNIA
Partners (OMNIA) and The Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative Contracts offer discounted
pricing. Staff has reviewed the pricing and determined it to be fair and reasonable.
COOPERATIVE PURCHASE - State law provides that a local government purchasing an item under
a cooperative purchasing agreement satisfies any state law requiring that the local government seek
competitive bids for the purchase of items. DIR, OMNIA and TIPS Contracts are competitively bid to
increase and simplify the purchasing power of government entities.
M/WBE - An MBE/SBE goal is not assigned when purchasing from an approved purchasing
cooperative or public entity.
ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER: An administrative change order or increase may be made by
the City Manager up to the amount allowed by relevant law and the Fort Worth City Code and does
not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated.
SUCCESSOR LANGUAGE: The City will initially use these contracts to make purchases authorized
by this M&C. The Cooperative Contracts are set to expire on various dates. If the contracts are
extended, this M&C authorizes the City to purchase similar equipment and supplies under the
extended contract. If the contracts are not extended, but DIR, OMNIA and/or TIPS executes new
cooperative contracts with substantially similar terms, this M&C authorizes the City to purchase the
http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=30688&councildate=2/14/2023 1/18/2024
M&C Review
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same equipment and supplies under the new contracts. If this occurs, in no event will the City
continue to purchase goods and services under the new agreements past 2027 without seeking
Council approval.
AGREEMENT TERM: Upon City Council's approval, these agreements will be executed and continue
for a term of 12 months in accordance with approval date of this request. The agreements will renew
on an annual basis thereafter. The renewals do not require specific City Council approval as long as
sufficient funds have been appropriated.
RENEWAL TERMS - The Texas Department of Information Resources Contracts (DIR) Agreement
may be renewed annually for four (4) one-year terms for the same annual amount. The Interlocal
Purchasing System Cooperative Contracts may be renewed for one-year for the same annual amount.
The OMNIA Partners may be renewed for three (3) one-year terms the the same annual amount. The
renewals do not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been
The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current capital and operating budgets,
as previously appropriated, in the ITS Capital Projects Funds for the Technology Infrastructure -IT and
the General Fund to support the approval of the above recommendation and exection of the purchase
agreements. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Information Technology Services
Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds.
Fund Department I Account Project I Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Submitted for Citv Manager's Office bv: Valerie Washington (6192)
Oriainatina Department Head:
Additional Information Contact:
Kevin Gunn (2015)
Kevin Gunn (2015)
041NFRASTRUCTURE MULTI -COOP funds availabilitv.pdf (CFW Internal)
FID Template Multi Coop Dec2022.xlsx (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate 100986599 - NETSYNC.Ddf (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate 100987319 CoFW DIR-TSO-4167 Presidio.0df (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate 100987322 CoFW DIR-TSO-3763 Presidio.odf (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate 100987323 CoFW DIR-TSO-4299 Presidio.0df (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate 100987325 CoFw DIR-TSO-4288-Presidio.0df (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate Citv of Ft Worth 2022-96353WWT.Ddf (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 Certificate of Interested EDlus.Ddf (CFW Internal)
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