HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 60821CSC # 60821
Thin Agreement regarding Gri.nrlt r Pump Sewer Systems ("Service AgYeeffiernl" ur•
"Aciraenenr."I ,I'`.:+ ontered. into by and hecween City tat'.. Fc3tl Wr,r1111 (the "City")
and _.0o'A �k_ I "C u: r r,` ra " i fcr sanity y sewer services _c
the propexty tit
"Prtap;;rty"1 .
t:hv Ci ty euwnsr operatos and. maintaicas a centralized sanitary
:redcrr rollcct.io:+ and treatment facility ("Collection Facility"); and
WRERt:fs'a, a grinder pump apparatus can: aist,5 n3O rrer. t,a 1 n r,r.-mE3onL, rtt:s
_nc_[Id!ny an of cctr 1c aLIy Fs ;wt;red grinder pump 1"tr_nder 3,tLmp*Q and
dssuc.::ated pressur_zed piping ?cellectivaly, 'Grinder hump System") 7o
tran3part sewage to the Collecrioa Fai: l_if;+}; and
'KHERFA`,S, t;hu F*lF~• otit)ri art!:. —,r slopri of the Property in relation to the
Lccatien of _he c ty's Collect=cn ac:iity requires the 1nstalia*_cn ct a
Crinde_- Rump systern in order v-G move =uBL'C0 ere a sewage to the t ! �. Yl q
Collection FSF:_11Ly; and
W11FPFAIS, Um CJ t_.ir's Culle.:Ll3rt Fa,-Uility is by thr_ ruLus Arid
regulations of the Texan Co anission can Environmental Quality 1 "'TCEJ�2"1 . and
W11FIRFA33, 'thn rules antd regtulatior.p ot± ;:he TIMIKO ,reyulre Lhat the City
only rllaW thu Luso rE a Grinding- Pump Sytatrlrt by ci Cu:str cite i.xdelr I;t�.n r. rlru9
conditions set forth in a service agreement; and
WHEREAS, City desires to install and maintain a Grimier Pump 'system to
connect Customer to the City0 s collection Facility. .and
G7F;EP• Ay, Customer will rsE,riirrrtrx ,.n omArc,mQnt.. For. t.i'Ftu Grindof eur.!p� System
to City;
riOWe 1'H?i{ Fl7Ke, 1n c:cir�8lrlexdtion of the mutual promises and covenants
contained heroin, the City .Ind C:4stamor-�gt•oo as foulIows:
i. Tn vtder Lo provide sdr,it.ary sewer service to Customer:
a. City shall :Install/construct a cirindar Pump Systrlm un Ltsc:
Prnpvrt.y ipciuding the eleazri c.al service line required to
connoc_t Lo (.hug. 0.).SL6ffteX's power supply. The custcaner shall he
re,;ponsih.lo for :IM imit.a1l-LLion or piping including routing,
re-routing or cannc &i.ng Qw., F'.? 5T.i17ij Sewer service from. the
homy to the Oyinder Punp Systom, shall remain
r(tz,,pnns115.1e for all plumbing, pipe? or rolrtorl
appurtenancec� from thec;o-m tt:tJ0n Point with the Grinder Pump
System hack to customer's residence.
b. '-113tc•:ner agrees Lo pr v,-.aly retain and pay the a**c•u_ate.d
wLLh Providing a dedicated e. r.irc1 zer ic.e/connec :!on.
SaaffiCiant to polder Lhe Gr•ir,cirr. Pump, from the main eiectr•ir.to
-control .Mane_ for Lhe raeriricncra to a location, ger_G> d17'j affixod
to the residential st.ruc.:tlrr.c_), in the vicinity of Uhn G•xin"'Jor
Pump. CustG+1 ar wiLl pay, .in Customer's normal courzm of. I;u�iTous,
any alrr,tr1r. €:harles attriburabLe to the Gr'indrxr Pump as warm be
incurred through C:ustcani(-r_l00 —ric service provider.
c. C. ty shall have tYip .'i.cpL. to inspect, maintain and, when rmar3cxrr
rTpaLY, �,T)fs t r1dar E'ump System.
d. ustorrer agrees that. City *hall have the right to sLop any
discharg�s rroln F;t,0 Grinder Pur,.p in oide: !:r) px ivt,nt.
cxant_:;min,tian of state waters, if necessary.
2. oustomer 3hei= gvanL to Ci.t.y ,� pr..rrrr,ancnt gasar erit, including a rIg.hL
a_' rrntry .^nk,: tbo Property+r in ,he form, attached heiett:, Epr t:"rin
purpose of installing, constructing, ir,t:poct i nq, maintaining and
repairing the Grir:deir Pump !'ysi:Fm. City shall obtain a metee: and
bQurtd9 (3r tayrma.nernteasement and provide game to C'ustc!ner
for incl•asicn in the easement cc he dedicated tipQri uomplation of the
insta? `acr'on of the Gr.'cne'Jor Pu:ni1 SystFm.
3, rn the event of the sale or transfer of ownership ,.r 1-ho Prc:l:',rLy
for any reason, the Grinder Pump ". tern sTjaj.l r•r�,rnain tb l property of
the City and :5ha; ; ;aci ccnoidered a fixture of the Property and may
nok:,o rciRovrsd by Custcaner. Custcmer ,shall dis-_-lose :o any fa,uxe
purchaser of the residence the existence of the Grinder Purnp 3ysLVW-o
this Agreement and the eaae ieljL.
4. 0,iKtomor. -igrea* to provide emergency power tr the +Grinde+- PLUnp .in
accordance with the manufacturer's aper_iiL;_eL,lcrn ..
5, Customer has the responsibility to underst.and nald r_lam1ply w ,}r
Proper Unle Of Lhc G'rirrdn_ Pump ac-cording to Ene Manut:ac:turorr a
manual, as provided by the city, r_+nstomer" s tampe iag wiLtr r.itc.
Grinder Punp Sygt.efn, rk:,r;lav in ttxo r e4yu c+t art eiiiark7Cncy1 or
da I ibora,a introduction of prohibited materials shall constitute a
breach of this Service Agreement and authorize tyre- cl.14 to
�3_sr�rnt,! i�ut Water a.i;rl or uuwor urvius to thr Pro-tises in accordance
with City policie+;. In the event nervice is terminated, Customer
shall be responsible for ,any and all costs related to the
termlrlstlori of any 8*.Ic ] nnri far the (if nuvricu,
aL1 in accord -tiLh Lhen eximLi.tvy f rci,ii9rt[:ere Of tthre City,
G. Cusk.am.cr *hall not relocate the Grinder E�trrc System. It Customer
desires to have the Grinder ninp system relocated, Custcani.r shall
c::nntycL Lhu t.,t,y,y Watnr Dc;parLrr•,,rtt to mako nra-,�Ancj�. rr-onto. Cu*ta:nor
-shall be responsible for all. costs related t, a custarrer-initiated.
7. •, u9r-Cr-wr, its and assigner, hereby eolcaa�c,?, 30(ra.L is anr;
roz,uver dischargo� o City and 1';t, Tepresent5l.i':on from, all
demands or t nuns of ani;,n of any :killd which CustL'_ ur, hau now ni,
may havu in the faturt, raw_,-ed tQ the installation, construction,
operat-irn, inspection., maintenance- rand repair of I_ o Grinder Pt1111E)
Gyi:,tem except $* such darnac;Aa r;7}' resLL_t CL'C7(f, demonstrated ir,,l:rcnar
ins-allAt_Dn or maintenorlue of the Grin ur pump System.
H. Except as 6tatad above, Customer, .its aucz4flmors and aaaigan, agrees
to indemnify and hold h.-.irmlass the city, its offic-crn, direaLuta,
cmpl4yaes or rapronentativati from any claims or d-zimages aisaociatad
with or sari-ning from dc2sign, i,nstallatLonr operation a,r maintenarce
of the Grinder Puzip 3yatam.
9. This Agreearenc. rur:s with 71he lard and snail t.n binning upon any
heirs, transferors, R liJ-Lao32za, pur'cb;i!ii3rs, or assl{jl7oc.,. corning
into possession of I„re Vrope_ty. Upon the sale or logal transfer or:
the Property to ea third :part,, -his Agraerr-Piil,. sha11 transfer I;r) the
buyer ind stall Ve;-iirtate as to 0;strymer-seller, said buyer to
IaJJUI,te a1_ tlutiorl rema:n-'ng %r; be parferme•:i sa Cu3t-. el - hF'r•:yin.
shall have, no further obligation tc. City heround.ar,
other L4ari -:.j pay for wit9r and/or wa,,mowater service- pf.-ovided prior
to the date of _.ale.
10. Any mnondmants to thin Agrsement must 5,. in writing a__ci qi gned by
both the City, and t:hv Customer.
'This Ayer•trjw,,nt shall hc- porf!=.abie in Tnr.rant County, Ta:xati,
which L•cjiir,I.y sha11 be rhr, oxcl•.iaive place for venue for any di,zirutes
arising tinder the Ag!'Ogment .
City and c'ii Loiner her.rtby enter into this AgZr.rment as
Lndilnatad by r.arh pasLy1 . signature affixed hevoyto, effective a; Of trio
date su%mncari_b9d by thr.. City.
Dana BU!'GIHdoAc
by: Dana Burghd off (Jan 2 6024 19:07 CST)_
Assistant City managrr
Pvo 0=4
ya�nw.� /� .tiS.��q aaay nEXp?o4
c1t1 Sei_rctary
AssiscaP4 City A-_Lrney
Ulrwn e Vr— --,—
t5y ;
Cate: 1 a 712('
Contract Compliance Manager
By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and
the administration of this Agreement, including ensuring all performance and
reporting requirements.
Wd r N(fl !''!N'0-flYi
Walter Norwood, Sr. Professional Engineer, Water