HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 43787-A1 (2)73
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Haiff Associates, Inc. ,
(ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 43787, (the
CONTRACT) which was authorized by M&C C-25850 on the 18th day of
September, 2012 in the amount of $ 535, 543. 00; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the
following project:
Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Levee Certification
Project; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the
CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee.
NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their
duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement,
which amends the CONTRACT:
Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional
engineering services specified in a proposal dated October 30, 2013, a
copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to
City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer
t otals $ 75, 350. 00. (See Attached Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -3-)
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in
t he fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under
t he Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all
work and services shall be an amount of $ 610, 893. 00.
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly
amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect.
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory,
City of Fort Worth
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
PM0 Official Release 8/1/2012
Page 1 of 3
City of Fort Worth
511111PLIO CA •
Fernando Costa
Assistant City Manager
S. Frank Crumb, P.E.
Director, Water Department
Halff Associates, Inc.
J. ussell Killen, P.E., CFIV
Vi e President
:()Do las W. Bla t I Lketh WI . k<rc tt
Assistant City Attorney
Mary J.
City Se etary
City of Fort Worth
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
PM0 Official Release 8/1/2012
Page 2 of 3
Ccin&iciru 23) 21014
FT, wORTh,t
City Secretary No. 43787
Amendment No. 1
City of Fort Worth
Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template
PM0 Official Release 8/1/2012
Page 3 of 3
Fundo ccount=Center Amount
PH45 531200 0705007 $75, 350 . 00
October 30, 2013
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P E
City of Fort Worth Water Department
1000 Throckmorton Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76102-6311
RE: Amendment No. 1 — Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Levee(s) Re -Certification
City Project No. WRT — 2001-300007
City Secretary Contract No. 43787
Dear Ms. Rafalko:
Halff Associates presents this Amendment No 1 for additional services to City Project No. WRT
2001-300007 Amendment No 1 shall include the effort necessary to prepare construction
documents to repair the Sludge Only Landfill (SOL) Levee slopes identified in the Levee
Recertification Report and to remove trees from the Village Creek and SOL levees Attachment
A Scope for Engineering Design Related Services of the October 24, 2012 contract shall be
amended as follows:
TASK 1. DESIGN MANAGEMENT—, Add the following assumptions to Task 1:
O 8 additional MWBE Reports will be prepared
O 3 additional meetings with city staff
O 8 additional water department progress reports will be prepared
O 8 additional project schedule updates will be prepared
• TASK 3 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS — Add section 3.3 Walker Branch Velocity Evaluation.
The ENGINEER will conduct a hydraulic analysis to determine the Walker Branch
velocities along the east bank adjacent to the SOL levee. These velocities will be used
in the slope protection design. This analysis is to determine the level of protection
O ecessary to maintain the SOL levee slopes in accordance with FEMA requirements.
The analysis will not evaluate or provide recommendations to prevent erosion in other
locations along this section of Walker Branch. The ENGINEER will provide a memo
report documenting assumptions, procedures, and results and electronic copies of the
models used. The ENGINEER will also present the results in the construction
Add section 3.4 Additional Effort for Separate SOL LOMR Submittal. The ENGINEER
will submit the LOMR application for the SOL levee after the slope repair is complete.
The original contract assumed both levee LOMR applications could be combined into
one package and submitted. This effort covers the additional effort necessary to divide
the report and prepare the necessary individual application for the SOL submittal.
FORT WORTH, TX 76137-2720 FAX (817) 232-9784
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P.E.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 2
following sections:
6.2. Levee Slope Design Survey
• ENGINEER will perform field surveys to identify existing slopes, structures, trees,
riprap, and stream ordinary high water mark for design. The survey will include
the following
Establish control points to be used for construction.
Tie the property boundary and resolve the property line in order to establish
the west City property line adjacent to the proposed slope repair
Tie the channel tops, toes, and breaks. Tie full cross sections at 100' spacing
then tie any abnormalities between.
Tie limits of existing riprap.
Tie all the trees 6 inches and larger along the west side of the levee and the
northwest corner on the levee and within 15' of the levee toe.
Tie ordinary high water mark.
Tie any surface utilities, monitor wells, and any other structures. In the
hatched area.
6.3. Construction Staking - ENGINEER will provide construction staking within 5
working days of contractor request. Engineer will set stakes at toe of slope, top
of proposed gabions and top of slope at contractor proposed offsets. Stakes will
be placed one time only. Stakes will be placed at 100 foot intervals indicating
cut/fill and station. No blue tops will be provided.
6.4 Verification Survey — ENGINEER will provide a verification survey to verify final
grade and construction limits of the project. This information will be used to for
the ENGINEER s levee certification documentation Only one verification survey
will be provided If issues rise dunng construction, contractor will be responsible
for additional surveys.
Add tasks 7 through 9.
® TASK 7 FINAL PLANS — The ENGINEER will prepare construction plans and
specifications in the standard City of Fort Worth format consistent with the
conceptual plan attached.
Development of Final Design Drawings shall include the following:
• Cover Sheet
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P E
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 3
• Drainage area maps showing proposed improvements with drainage calculations
and hydraulic computations in accordance with the current iSWM Critena Manual for
Site Development and Construction.
• A Project Control Sheet, showing all Control Points, used or set while gathering data.
Generally on a scale of not Tess than 1:400. The following information shall be
indicated for each Control Point Identified (existing City Monument #8901, PK Nail,
5/8' Iron Rod); X, Y and Z Coordinates, in an identified coordinate system and a
referred bearing base Z coordinate on City Datum only; descriptive location (Le. set in
the centerline of the inlet in the South curb line of North Side Drive at the East end of
radius at the Southeast corner of North Side Drive and North Main Street).
Final iSWM Checklist in accordance with the current iSWM Criteria Manual for Site
Development and Construction
• Plan drawings of proposed grading improvements, including existing lot layout with
property ownership, one foot contours spot elevations, break lines, existing utilities,
and existing utility easements within the project limits.
No Tess than two bench marks per plan/profile sheet.
• Typical sections illustrating slope treatments, depths, and side slopes
• Cross sections at 50 foot intervals.
• Erosion control plans including necessary construction phasing.
The ENGINEER will prepare standard and special detail sheets that are not already
included in the City s standard details. These may include connection details between
various parts of the project tunneling details, boring and jacking details, waterline
relocations, details unique to the construction of the project, trenchless details and
special service lateral reconnections.
Construction specifications in City of Fort Worth Format.
• The ENGINEER will meet with the City to discuss final design following the City
• 5 sets of plans (11"x17") and specifications will be provided for review.
• Final iSWM Checklist
• Final review plans and specifications.
TASK 8 — BID PHASE SERVICES ENGINEER will support the bid phase of the
project as follows:
8.1 Bid Support
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P.E.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 4
® The ENGINEER shall address the comments from the final design review
conference and review and produce the bidding plan set.
The ENGINEER shall upload all plans and contract documents onto Buzzsaw for
access to potential bidders.
o Contract documents shall be uploaded in an .xis file.
o Unit Price Proposal documents are to be created utilizing CFW Bidtools only
and combined in a specified spreadsheet workbook, Bid Proposal Worksheet
Template, and will be populated and configured so that all pages are
complete and the Summary Worksheet(s) in the workbook detail and
automatically summarize the totals from the inserted Unit Price Proposal
document worksheets.
o Plan Sets are to be uploaded to Buzzsaw in two formats, .pdf and .dwf files.
The .pdf will consist of one file of the entire plan set. The .dwf will consist of
individual files one for each plan sheet, and will be numbered and named in
a manner similar to that of the plan set index.
The ENGINEER shall sell contract documents and maintain a plan holders list on
Buzzsaw from documents sold and from Contractor's uploaded Plan Holder
Registrations in Buzzsaw.
The ENGINEER will develop and implement procedures for receiving and
answering bidders' questions and requests for additional information The
procedures shall include a log of all significant bidders questions and requests
and the response thereto. The log shall be housed and maintained in the
project's Buzzsaw folder titled Request for Information The ENGINEER will
provide technical interpretation of the contract bid documents and will prepare
proposed responses to all bidders questions and requests, in the form of
addenda The ENGINEER shall upload all approved addenda onto Buzzsaw and
mail addenda to all plan holders
• Attend the prebid conference in support of the CITY.
® Assist the CITY in determining the qualifications and acceptability of prospective
contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.
Attend the bid opening in support of the CITY.
Tabulate and review all bids received for the construction project, assist the CITY
in evaluating bids, and recommend award of the contract. A copy of the Bid
Tabulation and the CFW Data Spreadsheet created utilizing CFW Bidtools only
are to be uploaded into the project's Bid Results folder on Buzzsaw.
Assist the CITY with assembling and awarding contracts for construction,
materials, equipment, and services.
Incorporate all addenda into the contract documents and issue conformed sets.
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P E.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 5
8.2 Final Design Drawings
Final Design Drawings shall be submitted as an Adobe Acrobat PDF format
(version 6.0 or higher) file and DWF format. There shall be one (1) PDF file
and one (1) DWF file (created from CAD application of drawing) for the TPW plan
set and a separate PDF and DWF file for the Water plan set Each PDF and
DWF file shall be created from the original CAD drawing files and shall contain all
associated sheets of the particular plan set. Singular PDF and DWF files for,
each sheet of a plan set will not be accepted. PDF and DWF files shall
conform to naming conventions as follows:
o TPW file name example — "W-1956_org47.pdf " where "W-1956" is the
assigned file number obtained from the CITY, "_org" designating the file is of
an original plan set, "47' shall be the total number of sheets in this file.
Example: W-0053_org3.pdf and K-0320_org5.pdf
o Water and Sewer file name example — ` X-35667_org36.pdf" where "X-
35667" is the assigned file number obtained from the CITY, "_org"
designating the file is of an original plan set, "36" shall be the total number of
sheets in this file.
Example: X-12755_org 18. pdf
Both PDF and DWF files shall be uploaded to the project's Record Drawing folder
in Buzzsaw.
In addition to the PDF and DWF files, the ENGINEER shall submit each plan sheet
as an individual DWG file with all reference files integrated into the sheet. If the
plans were prepared in DGN format, they shall be converted to DWG prior to
o ploading. The naming convention to be used for the DWG files shall be as
o TPW files shall use the W number as for PDF and DWF files, but shall include
the sheet number in the name — "W-1956_SHT01.dwg", "W-
1956_SHT02.dwg" etc.
o Water and Sewer file names shall use the X number as for PDF and DWF
files, but shall include the sheet number in the name — "X-
12155_SHT01.dwg", ` X-12755_SHT02.dwg", etc.
For information on the proper manner to submit files and to obtain a file number for the
project, contact the Department of Transportation and Public Works Vault at telephone
number (817) 392-8426. File numbers will not be issued to a project unless the
appropriate project numbers and fund codes have been assigned and are in the
Department of Transportation and Public Works database.
® The project will be bid only once and awarded to one contractor.
Ms. Madelene Rafalko,
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 6
15 sets of construction documents will be sold to and made available on
Buzzsaw for plan holders and/or given to plan viewing rooms.
5 sets of 11"xl7" size plans and specifications (conformed, if applicable) will be
delivered to the CITY.
PDF, DWF and DWG files will be Uploaded to I3uzzsaw.
Fstimatod number of plan sheets (see table below)
1 Cover Sheet
2 Layout and General Notes
3 Removal Plan - SOL
4 Removal Plan — Village Creek
5 Dimension Control
6 Typical Sections
7 Proposed Grading Plan
8 Erosion Control Plan
9 Erosion Control Details 1
10 Erosion Control Details 2
11 Erosion Control Details 3
12 Erosion Control Details 4
13 Cross Sections 1
14 Cross Sections 2
15 Cross Sections 3
16 Cross Sections 4
17 Cross Sections 5
18 Gabion Details 1
19 Gabion Details 2
20 Soil Retention Blanket Details 1
21 Soil Retention Blanket Details 2
22 Miscellaneous Details
o Bid tabulations
Recommendation of award
Construction documents (conformed, if applicable)
CFW Data Spreadsheet
construction phase of the project as follows:
9.1 Construction Support
The ENGINEER shall attend the preconstruction conference.
The ENGINEER shall visit the project site at requested intervals as construction
proceeds to observe and report on progress.
The ENGINEER shall review shop drawings, samples and other submittals
submitted by the contractor for general conformance with the design concepts
and general compliance with the requirements of the contract for construction.
Such review shall not relieve the Contractor from its responsibility for
performance in accordance with the contract for construction, nor is such review
a guarantee that the work covered by the shop drawings samples and submittals
is free of errors, inconsistencies or omissions. The ENGINEER shall log and
track all shop drawings samples and other submittals in Buzzsaw.
® As requested by the CITY, the ENGINEER shall provide necessary
interpretations and clarifications of contract documents, review change orders,
and make recommendations as to the acceptability of the work.
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P.E.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 7
The ENGINEER shall attend the "Final" project walk through and assist with
preparation of final punch list.
9.2 Record Drawings
• The ENGINEER shall prepare record drawings from information provided by the
CITY depicting any changes made to the Final Drawings during construction.
The following information shall be provided by the CITY:
o As -Built Survey
o Red -Line Markups from the Contractor
o Red -Line Markups from City Inspector
o Copies of Approved Change Orders
o Approved Substitutions
® The ENGINEER shall modify the Final Drawings electronically and shall place a
stamp on the plans indicating that they represent Record Drawings of the project
as constructed. The stamp shall be signed and dated by the ENGINEER and
shall be placed on each plan sheet, whether there are any revisions on the sheet
o r not. Each sheet shall clearly indicate all changes which apply to that sheet by
clouding and numbering, or other suitable means.
® The following disclaimer shall be included with the Record Drawing stamp.
o These Record Drawings were prepared using information provided by others
and represent the as constructed conditions to the extent that documented
changes were provided for recording. The ENGINEER assumes no liability
for undocumented changes and certifies only that the documented changes
are accurately depicted on these drawings.
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P.E.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 8
• The ENGINEER shall submit a set of sealed Final Drawings, modified and
stamped as Record Drawings, on mylar for record storage The ENGINEER may
keep copies of the information provided by the CITY for their files, but all original
red -lined drawings shall be returned to the CITY with the mylars.
Record Drawings shall also be submitted as an Adobe Acrobat PDF format
(version 6.0 or higher) file and DWF format. There shall be one (1) PDF file
and one (1) DWF file for the TPW plan set and a separate PDF and DWF file for
the Water plan set Each PDF and DWF file shall contain all associated sheets
of the particular plan set Sinaular PDF and DWF files for each sheet of a
plan set will not be accepted. PDF and DWF files shall conform to naming
conventions as follows:
o TPW file name example — "W-1956_org47.pdf " where "W-1956" is the
assigned file number obtained from the CITY, "_org" designating the file is of
an original plan set, "47' shall be the total number of sheets in this file.
Example: W-0053_org3.pdf and K-0320_org5.pdf
o Water and Sewer file name example — ` X-35667_org36.pdf" where "X-
35667" is the assigned file number obtained from the CITY, "_org'
designating the file is of an original plan set, "36" shall be the total number of
sheets in this file.
Example: X-12755_org18.pdf
Both PDF and DWF files shall be uploaded to the project's Record Drawing folder
in Buzzsaw.
For information on the proper manner to submit files and to obtain a file number for the
project, contact the Department of Transportation and Public Works Vault at telephone
number (817) 392-8426. File numbers will not be issued to a project unless the
appropriate project numbers and fund codes have been assigned and are in the
Department of Transportation and Public Works database.
• 3 site visits are assumed.
• 3 submittal reviews are assumed.
• 3 RFI's are assumed.
• 0 Change Orders are assumed.
• One copy of full size (22"x34") mylars will be delivered to the CITY
• Response to Contractor's Request for Information
• Review of Change Orders
® Review of shop drawings
® Final Punch List items
® Record Drawings
City o
Ms. Dfadelene Rafalko, P E.
ort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 9
The following are added to the additional services not included in the existing scope of services:
U rban Forestry Permit — This is a city maintenance project and should not require
an urban forestry permit.
U SACE permitting — This project is authorized under the Nationwide Permit 3
paragraph a and does not require preconstruction notification.
S ervices related to development of the CITY's project financing and/or budget.
P ublic meetings
S ervices related to damages caused by fire, flood, earthquake or other acts of
Services related to Subsurface Utility Engineering Levels A, B, C or D
S ervices to support, prepare, document, bring, defend, or assist in litigation
undertaken or defended by the CITY.
Performance of miscellaneous and supplemental services related to the project as
requested by the CITY
The level of effort breakdown is attached. A summary of the proposed budget for this revised
amendment is as follows:
P roject Management
Hydraulic Analysis
S urvey
Final Design
Bid Phase
Construction Phase Services
5% Sub Markup
Following is the project fee summary:
Original Contract
Amendment No. 1
$10, 684
Ms. Madelene Rafalko, P.E.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
October 30, 2013
Page 10
The original contract contains a $20,000 geotechnical contingency, which would bring the total
possible original project fee to $555,543. This contingency was not needed for the original
design, and may be reallocated for this amendment.
The design survey for the final plans will be completed by Garcia Land Data, a M/WBE
subcontractor. Their fee for the survey is $22,000. This is 29.2% of the amendment. The
amendment brings the total M/WBE fee to $166 360, which is 27 2% of the revised contract
amount. Both are above the 27% M/WBE committed goal of 27% in the original contract. The
M/WBE notice of intent is attached.
A detailed schedule will be provided once the amendment is approved. The general schedule is
provided below:
• Survey completed 30 calendar days from Notice to Proceed (NTP)
• Final Plan Design completed 60 calendar days from NTP
• City review of Final Plans 21 calendar days from Final Plan Submittal
• Bid Documents completed 14 days after receiving City comments
P lease review the enclosed information and do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions
or require additional information regarding this proposal for the referenced project.
S incerely,
Dennis W. Haar, P E
P roject Manager
C: Jerry F. Roberts, P E