HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55734 (2)5 - , ����t , ; � g '� i ���� . L i.7�i�;i M. �c+� � - i " � �,� ��������� PYt(���CT �AlViJA�. rOR T]�IE CO1V��TRUCTrOIeT OF ,�i`19i��ti�0Y1 _ -���r�� �`.��-��r� � �fTY ���R�T►4��' � - ,� ����RC� P�Q. � J � �� `J � � ., Shar�view Drive Culve�-t Impraveme�ts �Gi#y Pra,ject No. 1018�p -• Desig�a 103Q�� - Canstructian Betsy Price David Caalce Mayar Ciiy M�t�ager Will'tanl M. xoku�sc�n Direcio��, Tr��s�o:rtakio�7 and Public Warlcs �7e�a�•tkne�.l Pr�pzred for �'he Gi�y of Fort �oril� �'x'�nsparts�tion �nd �'�rblic Wo�•ks �to�rm�vate� Man��ement �D21 � ��� � ��� ���� � Tex�s Ragistereci En�ineering �iran F-928 ICiIA Na, OG i 018354 '�#ryw49►r� * .; ��`�.�'+*r, + � a #,� *" • f i ■ �� � s � ' � �*s�� : ��• �•i L� *+�• �#' � � t r. � ..:��+'ukA �� ���� �+#�. � �,.o�*= �� �� t� �-� �.. ��v�� f�l'.� �`�� �wti.... 4_ _' �"V-� n� y ' '� ' ��p{i� 011��r�U�1_ ,a������ � --• ., i1�B�, � �' F� � , � � �' ����� �� �� C�� o���r°��To�th Y Standard Construction Specification Documents :, Adopted September 2011 00 OD OD STANDARD CQ1V3'FRUCTIQIV SPECIFICATION DpC[JNf�NT5 Page 1 of 6 s�c�io� oa o0 00 TAB�.E OF CONTENTS Division DO - General Conditians 00 OS 10 Mayor and Cauncil Communication 40 OS 15 Addenda 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 00 21 13 Instructians ta Bidders nn� �r,.:�°ea n..�;e..t c,.�.e,a„ie nn �� �c ��� 00 35 �3 Conflict of Inierest Statement 00 41 00 Bid Form 00 42 43 Proposal Form Unit Price OD 43 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor Compliance to State Law Nanresident Bidder 00 4� l. l Bidde:rs Prequalificatios�'s 00 4S 12 Prequalif'zcatian Stateznent DO4S 13 ��:11+A � VyIiU�AA14�LlVAA A�1 OQ 4S 26 Cantractor Campliance with Workers' Campensation Law 00 45 40 Minority/Women Business Enterprise Goal 00 S2 43 Agreament 00 61 13 Performance Bond 00 61 14 Payment BQnd OD 61 19 Maintenance Bond 04 61 25 Certificate of Insurance QO 72 00 Generai Conc�itions QO 73 00 Supplerr�entary Conditions Division Ol - Generaf Requirements OI ] 1 00 Sumniary of Work 01 25 00 Substitution Procedures Q131 I9 PreconstructionMeeting 4l 31 20 Project Meetings Q1 32 I6 ConstructionProgress Schedule O1 32 3� Preconstruction Video Ol 33 00 Submittals O1 35 S3 5pecialProjectFrocedures 41 45 23 Tesiing and Inspection Services O1 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Cantrol� 01 55 26 Street Use Permit and Modifications to Traf�c Cantrol O1 57 13 Storm Water PoIlutibn Preventioi� Plan O1 58 13 Temporary Project Signage '�, Q1 60 00 Prnduct Requiremenfs 41 66 00 Product �tarage and Handling Requirements Q1 70 00 Mobilization and Rarriobilization Q1 71 23 Construction Staking and Survey Q1 74 23 Cleaning O1 77 I9 Closeaut Requirem�nts O1 78 23 (�peration and Maintenance Data Q1 78 39 Projeci Record Documents Last Revised 07/01/2011 07/01I2011 03 /0 912 0 2 0 Q1/05/2021 �$ n�r�n��ny 4 a„�o,�a�o 02/24/2020 03/09/2020 a1124/2�12 09111/2a17 06/27/2011 07101/2Q 11 07/0 1120 1 1 03/09/2020 0 710 1 120 1 I 0 1 14 1 1202I 0 9 /0 6120 1 9 07f011201I 07/01/201 I 07/01/2013 07/01/201 l 03/09/2020 03/09/2�20 Lasf Revised 12l2012012 07/01/2011 08/17/2D I2 47/01/2011 07/01/2011 07/01/20I 1 12120120I2 12/20120I2 43/09/2020 0'7101/2QI 1 a7/01/2011 07/01/20I 1 07/01/20I 1 Q3/09/2020 47/01/20I 1 11/22/2016 02/1 �4/2018 47/01/20 T 1 4710 1120 1 1 I2120/2012 07/01/2011 CT'I`Y OF PORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvart improvements STAI�IpARp CONS'TRUCTION SPECIFICATIpN DOCiJMENTS CP1�Fs 1U1820 & 1Q3051D Revised January 5, 2021 00 00 00 ST,4I�IDARD CONSTRiJCTION SPECIFICATIOi�I 170CUh/IEATTS Page 2 of 6 Technical Specificatians which have been modified by the Engineer specificaily for this Praject; hard copies are incladed in the Project's Contract Documents Division 31 - Esrthwork 31 23 16 Unclassif ed Excavation 31 2� 00 Embaii[anents Division 32 - Ezterior Improvements 32 32 13 Cast�in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls Division 33 � Utilities 33 03 1� Bypass Pumping of Existing Sewer Systems 33 04 30 Temporary Water Sarvices 33 41 ID Reinfnrced Cancrete Storm Sewer Pipe/C�zlverts D1/I4/2421 Q1/I412421 p1114/2Q21 01/14/2023 01/1A�12021 01/14/2021 Technical Speeifica�ions which have b�en added by the Engineer specificalfy for this Project; hard copies are included in fhe Project's Contract Documen�s Division 31-Earthwork 31 38 00 AquaDam� Spec 31 39 00 Envirofle� Technical Specifications listed below are included for this Project by reference and ca� be viewedldownlfladed fram the City's website af: htta:l/fartworthtexas. �ovltnwlcontractors/ or httns:/Ianvs.fortworthtexas.govlPro iectResources/ Division 0� - Exiating Conditions 02 41 I3 Selective Si�e Demolition 02 41 34 Utility Remo�allAbandonment 02 41 15 Pavzng Rernoval Division 03 - Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete n�� 03 34 16 Concrete Base Material for Trench Repair 03 8Q 00 Modifications to E�sting Concrete �tructures Division �6 - Electrical �ti nc nn r�.,,,..,,,,.,, `xr,,,.i. n..,.,,�+., r,. t�i,.,,+..;..,,t zv-v�vv ?d� 7'1.,,«..7.M:..« f:.«'Cl.,.,M,...,,,f C�...,+.,,,.,� ''1tC IlG ?2 Lv v`+ �✓ �-93�-3 �e�g�ur.� Jr1-�s-�asev4'�j� fi��'___+,.?_.,a e..�.,,...., -r ------- � �� Division 31- E�rthwork Last Revised 12I20/2Q 12 i���ar�o i2 o2io2�za is 12/20/2012 t 7 ��-rzr.tivi iv-i� 12/20/2012 12/20/2012 1tM� 1']lh�� Y 7 M�� �l�o A L nrr rn��V � cU-��--�r n7 Moz-r�o� i-o ; o C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shareview Drive Culvert Impravements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICAT'ION DOGUMENTS CPNs 101 BZ6 &] 03D510 lteviseci 3anuary 5, 202i 00 00 00 STANt�ARD CONS�IRUCT101+2 SP�CIFICAT[ON pOCU]vIENTB Page 3 of6 31 10 00 Site Clearing � 1��II T 1 1' .ArPl� � � 1�� �@Vi� VS �8 $�^�"'�7µ:.�'�.�"1�� 3I 25 00 Erosion and Sediment CantroI �,�o �s 3I 37 QO Riprap Division 3� - Exterior Improvements 32 O 1 17 Parmanent Asphali Paving Regair 32 01 I S Temporaty Asphalt Paving Repair 32 01 29 Cancrete �aving Repair 32 11 23 Fl�zcible Base Cau:rses 32 11 29 Lime Treated Base Courses 32 11 33 Cement Treated Base Courses 32 il 37 Liquid Treated Soil Stabilizer 32 12 16 Asphali Paving 32 12 73 Asphalt Paving Crack Sealants 32 I3 13 Conerete Paving 32 13 20 Concrete 5idevvalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint 5ealants 32 14 16 Brick Unit Paving 32 16 13 Concreie Curb and Gutters and VaIley Gutters 32 17 23 Paveffient Markings 32 17 25 Curb Address Fainting 32 31 13 Chain Fences and Gates 32 31 26 Wire Fences and Gates 32 31 23 Wood Fences and Gates 32 32 13 Casf-in-Place Cancreie Retaining Walls 32 91 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways 32 92 13 Hydro-Mulching, Seed�g, and Sodding �-9�3-4� Division 33 - U�ilities ��9 u T�t�rrr ���T �9�� �!'C4t1f T'�� Z��vrry �j'p'a7� I'UTPF�Pl� 0���,=r+_,,.. es.,. ,. c,,.,�e..,� --o - -r =----` ���v a�'� �0'L1t1L�i �-���� 0� 3'��t �:�9 2�.�v�-iz �e%11�LYlil:S A.:/.1.7o fs�+4,,..�1:.. b..�fv..f:L�� �`JZ�^./,r�i �3-'84"30 33 04 40 Cleanin� aiid �cceptance Testing of Water Mains 33 04 50 Cleaning oi Sew er Mains 33 OS 10 Utility Tre�ach E�cavation, �.bedrrient, and Backfill �-93-�� �at� Lr� ✓.a�� �✓-�--��✓ �c..,,....,, r,,....,. �ra r.,a� ��,p r�""craa��--�r"�^v�z � �� nc t� in �� , Zz „� , � ,Z�j;�a'�ng P/C�l:co'.�, T�ct�, '�'e►1V� �vl,r✓, a�U• ft'°Gv`�itz�s-�e �'sv✓-zz � ���o /"�.,,,..ro�o ZIT�for [T�..i4.. i2�zo�zo iz ny fn� Q�n ni f��� n y i��� 12/20/2012 , �,��,�,,��� 12/20/2Q 12 zziaor2o�a 12i20/2012 ia�aa�2ai2 12/20I2o 12 12/20/2012 12/20/2012 08/21/2015 12/20/2012 12/20l2012 1 212 012 0 1 2 U6105/20I8 12/20/2012 12/2412D12 �o�os�za�� � rr�2124]3 � i/�an�}13 12120fZD 12 12/2012D 12 12f2�J/2012 G61{f51�O18 iz�zo�zoiz 1 2/2 012 0 1 2 , �, ��.x�,�V �u �z 7 � r��z ��3%�8-�� y ^ ��r�rsvizviz ���� � 7 1 �7�.�vn-r�F 1 '1 M�a-r�vi.�+�.-rv-i � ���n7-n4�;�QAF 021Q6/2013 12/2Q/2012 12/1212D16 , �„��� ^ ��z n i r��� � 1 'S 1 �l�z-v�l �v-i'�r. y � ��� CI1'Y OF FORT WORTH 5horeview Drive Cul�ert Improvements STANDARD CONSTI2UCTION SP�CIFICATTON DOCiJNIEN'i'S CPNs I0182p & I030510 Revised January 5, 2621 60 00 00 ST�1]+iDAR]] C�NSTRUCTION SPECIPICAT[ON DOCUMETfT3 Page 4 of 6 Division 33 - Utilities 7a 0` 17 r�„�..,.,.�,, r�,.n,.A,. � 2� �� ?3 Jv '1 �� ✓�r.r.� T��tti �-A3-�� �ee�G;rr.-rb Pi�-3 �-93-�� �d Tu�^.rrJ�e� 32� ��tion rf'C�':°:,,,. n...,, t� r�.,,,;.,,� ,,.. �n.�.,,,, r: ,. ni.,+.. �6 �t'r,r 11'C�.ar�.�;,� �s 33 QS 30 Location ofExistingUtilitias 33 ll OS Bolts, Nuts, and Gaskets �9 Jsatil� I�-P-�e 33 11 11 Ductile Iran Fittings 33 i 1 12 Palyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe �� 7 7 i� r�,.,-.,.,.e+� n , o n;,.e n.,« tixr,..,,...a,i c+aet r�..t;..,ie,. �r..,.e �-T-rz� voricrca� � Y'?�.'Vl..�'�. s � '2� 1 1 1 � T�„«:e.� C'+ve1 �;,..e .�,...] L';++;9,.�n �� �8 ixrn+e,. ee,R.:,.e� i r,.�. +,. �;�..,�, �� -� 33 12 20 Resalieni Seated Gate Valve � �m�i. 33 12 25 Connection to E�cisting Water Mains �� �?>:��J:I:L4�i„r � ;,. �r.,t=,o _ n �r�,.,.,�,�,o�._ � ,._n.,tn6,to `��n� �e=.�� �, 33 12 40 Fire Hydrants �9 �i�x��^r. �'isr�rlL F'�� ��7tl Cx4..«.1..«.7 T]t...,,. ..F��%aA�1�.1lr�'�":/�V�f �J"3-3'�� �� �;w,.,.,.i.,.,,, n,,;..� ,.,,,,,a n;..,, �.. r�,..,.,;a, c.,r...,,.., c,,,,,,.,.,, 33 3I 15 High Density Polyethylene (HD�E) Pipe for Sanifary Sewer �� �� �, ,,, t�'�rirr�l �e-{���) J��c 3�LT � �� �i�11ti�`,f ��Ga ��lp �.3ii�, �� c,,.,:+.,.... c....,,,.. n;,,.,, ��[�'t8i3� �9 'ac C[�r t��tia�rs.�d S:,> >io�e �9 �o�i:�tio� 1� �T-a�ve �r Eo��t�f Se•ric� �orr��s �3-�9-�$ �&U� iA� :��7� �' '�� ?���oies �� �-�-� �8�d4\7'�' 1�1J+��0"s��18F��� �� ��-f� �ar.itar°,�crr �fixuatar� 33 �l 1U Reini'orced Concrete Storm Sewer Pipe/Culverts �� u;,.i, n,.�.�;s., n..t.,�.t,..io„� rr�r�n�� n;,�e �« ctQ!"1:: ��1.R1:� �;��� �rr.r.��^/°�7d F�lJ���IlP�� Pf � �i-��8 c,.t.�� '2 2� �3-�4� 8� T�an� P�ra�� �-4��$ ��at �T I�CIJ.. �� J O1I�G �3- 49 29 G,�r� a,.nd Dgep �e�s �-49--4g ,�t�si 'JS\::�E-i�to",ad%Ja1r� as4'��rflR�"�'n�wZ3 1 �1 M� 1 �l !`7�z , �„�-�� y 7 f7n,-zvnv�z y�»�� ncr,�r��� , h M�sr�o� 12120f2012 12/2�/2012 ��9��91 � 12/2412D 12 11/16120I8 � � r��+�o r��.�o �i 7 � r��zrr�;v�iz�r� n� ravzrz,��^r� 7 'l I�7� �TZA�II�L 1212Q12o 12 ,��,�� fl2/06/2013 l r? 1�1�-zvvrcviz O1l03/2014 � •I J�I�y n� � �vm-rinv i� , �,��� rh»�z I2/20/2012 ��Tn��nyn ��-r� -� �,��^,,�,�i yh���i y����� ��n,��� 1 ') M�� , „��� , � r�-.�,,�r:��.� Y "1 M�!^1�` ������� no������,�o 0'1/0I/2011 t ��'7rz=rs�vi Ho--.ii � � � r�-r-rn��i�ncri� � 7 Mir�.� ti vi -��-.-nv_i � n�ln�r� rr �rcorr n-��n�T..rf.�cn-ri i , � r��n r� n.�1z , � r�� n�m�T CITY OF FORT WORTH Shorcview Drive Cul�ert Impzovements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFTCATION DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 1�30510 Revised danUary 5, 2p2I 00 00 00 STANDARD COIVSTRUCTION SPSCICiCAT[ON AOCiJME.NTS Pag� 5 of 6 Division 33 - Utilities Division 34 - Transportation � "� �r..,,�-r.r c�:,..,,,,., � r1 A l Y fl !11 A 11 n« !'� 4 �-r--rr�r�o-r rr�C ""' Eftt 6icrcl'vrrcr ifi}� � � � i y n n� n r+ T o a.,,;�,,..+;,.� Tr-rr�r�vz rc�G £�kt� �7'✓7.�1�'J ,l'J.' � �s 2� n_�� ��`'�.l.J�'4:�;k����^��"�'"ru J�l�l�i6�i�i� �4-41--�� '!'�'iSp �`�j 'r'�f�"l�a}s �� �6'Ei�� T'�f1�YJ 6`I�5 � A�-�z r� �c9f�1'!l�ll�:Y P � �A� Do.�1a�i,�3.,,, i7<.1.«;.7 C=...��1 34-�-1�9 ��. r117,��-l:'��+:,.r n ��e,�,i.r;e� �n �� �nni �r�rrz�vr �n ni �nm �-�r�vvm �n n� �nn� �� •a� Uarrirn�r�s � n�� e' �'��� ✓,�s �"�-"� -�g1e-11�Ie�e �'�cr. �p�e ?i17I'3 Appendix GC-4.02 GC-6.Qb.D GC-6, 07 GC-13.03C �ubsurface and Physical Conditians Nationwide Permii (NWF) Geotech Report Minoriiy and Women Ovvned Business Enterprise Compliar�.ce Wage Rates Tests and Inspections Existing RCBs Inspection Letter END OF SECTION ti n rr���� 1'1lY�� $�1�9�� �-� r i r��,��.�r��.o:� 7 '71'7�-e _o /s -v-i� � 7 1�1�� Y 7 l�l� �1� 7 n r7� n �Lorioii n�fi�n nc ��aorrsrz�� nc1i�� 13f7�� �� yit��� CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert I�nprovements STANDAItD CONSTRUCITON SFECIFICATION DOCiI�VIEI�TS CPNs 10182D & IQ3U510 � Revised 7anuary 5, 2021 51idt��2� ��r�r �o�����. �#��r��� ��ar�: ,�ra����� ������ra�� �{��,c� ��- �.o� �v�r��: ��s�+� s�o�� �rE�w s� eo���r� N�.; {];��2 HR�fV1 �O�]��RI��TI��] ��D�: � TYP�: ���S���P�.IBLI� �� H�ARIh1�: �UFC'l'�'O�Tki _��- SUBJ��T: {�D 7� Aut�arize Execulaor� c�� a�on��-ack w��f� IB��`�C, �L� in ll�� ArE��ouiit of $9,�5#�,90�,�Q f�r G[�e �Y�o{� ll;t�vr D�'iv� �R�ri [3n�rrk��tr F�c�ad �--la�ardo�s Road �v�rto�pie�g Mitig�ilc}n �r�n�i�u�kic�n pr+�j�.tcl R��O�+IfU��N��¢1�.: II I� r'��:��r�1r�'c�:r�����i lfiat ifti� �it� �o�tr�cil ��ih�r��e e�ce��ti�[7 of a cor�tr��l wi�h 1��7�, ��� i� l�re �mc�ur�k af ��,S�S.��O_00 for EI�� �I�ore Via��+ Dr��+e ar�d f�omber Rc�a�i H�;��rdr�us F2��� �v�rlopping [�ili��t�on constr�c��on pr��ect ��iEy Ptr�j��;l �,1c�. ���Q�1�, DlS�I�SSIOh�: Xh�s M�y�r �rrti �t�urrc.il �c�mmunrcatinn (Nl&�) �s to authorize l�i� exec�t���t of � cc�nskruc;tinr7 car�tr��� foT t�� �hc�r� Vi�v,r �]rive & Sc�m��r Raad h��a��ous raad ov��ka�ping rnl#���k�or'� �F-�F20�+k� c�onslr�tciion �roJ��x_ This praJ�ct will r�c�!�rstruc€ the �uGv�rk crossin� on Si�o�� Vlew f�rive w�st of th� ir�torsec#i�n of Bor�be� F2oa� to ��i�igate hazardo��ti f�o�ciing of �he ro�ciwa�r during s��nif�car�t r�ir� �vent� to peot�ct tE�e life safet� �fi rr��korisk�_ �his pro�cc# �vas a�i�+erkised f�r bic� ir� lh+� �nrt I�Vart�� �5���'-Tcf��rarra or� ��bruary �. ���"�, �raci �ebru�ry '!1, �0�7. O� f�A���ch 4, ��21, #h� followln� b�ds wer� r�ceive�[- BRdders E��'�?C, LLC Bid A�nourtt �CIuEz �onsk��u�lior7, k.L�: Fart 1Nort�� �i�+iE �ons�r�ctors. ��� M�:M:�h�n ��nlrac�iu�g, L,P_ F�eb�an, �r�c. �1.65�i.�]C�4.OQ $�.979,973,00 $2,1 ��#,�60.0� $�,���,�7�.�� �2,�8�.�58.Q� �tt3ff r�cornr��er�ds �wardir�� #�� contr�rl !a I���'X, LL� `�r� thc arnc�ut�� af $'l,E���3,9�0.��, I� �dd�[Ec�r� ko ih� r��tract a�aunl, �6�65,�}�Jf),�q is re��uir�:d For rtta�erial t�s�ing� in�p���i�n, projec� fn�n�g�rnen�, �r�d p�aject c�ntin�;er�c��s. 1'r����t funding will cokrr� �ror�i FY�� �tormwate� Rev�n�e �bnci�. �onstruclior� r� aR�#icipa#ed ko �fi�rt in ,J�n� ���1, �rrd thc cor�ta-�ct calls �ar a'�8{] c.aient�ar d��r �oe�struck�crrY LFm�, �!tilV�F (7FFI�C - I��TX. ���, is In c��rip�€ance wl��� ���e Ci��'� A+1NV�� �rcjin�nr�± hy com�r��t[in� fo �#l°l, f�JV�B� p�rt�rip�li�n �r� ���Is proj�ct. Tf�e ���y's NIB� �oal c�n khis pr�}j��k J� ��°lo, T�ris pr�je�! i� ko�:�t�ec� In ���1��iL �I�TRl�f 7. ��AL IIV��RM{�TIOIVI�fRTI�I�AI"IQN: Thc Dircc�or of Fi��nc� c��Cl#ie� Pk�ra� ��mci� ar� curre�711y �vai€ak��e ir7 kk�e �t�rm ���ter R��v Re� �onds �02Q �t��d for tl�� �ho�� Vs�w & BomE��r k�ROl1rt proje�t Eo support #Yr� �}��Sro�ral af il�� �bt��+e re�omf�7�r�d�#ion at�d exacutioi� of lkis contract, Prior to an �xp�n�ikur� �r�it�� incurre:�{, #h� 7r���s�orl�tiarr & f'�blic 1Norks Depart�nenl h�s lf7e re��«f�sibili�y of �arifyii�g th� a�ail7bi�it}� of fui�ds. r�sc r�a,��,w T� ap�,s.cfwrsr,l.nry?cuui�cJ. N�c.krst+,rkc r+xa�l�.w_asp71{1=2�8£52�couria1lclat��5?�+;�J?�I Ir2 5r70J��}�1 A�12�C: f3ovie7kv T Fuitd j De�tiar�ineRM# Accoun� l�ro�ect '�ret�r��m Ac:�i�ui#y ��u�igc�t RrF�r�r�c�r # Am��mt _F�Irid.I. L��}��i��� Acca�nt Pr��.� E�rn�ran� A��ivii�. � B�i�et. ���4�.� Art�4�ltit I ID IE] � `fea� {�hartfield 2} � �,' OI'4�f �--�—� ... . .. _.. --� -�--�---.._ .. . . . . . .. � F«nd' Depa�'tmer�i Accaur�t I�r�ject f�ragram Activi�y �e��ig�# R�feroh��# �lrna�nt , � I[} I#] 1�'ear {Ch�rifield 2j �ubmitte� f�r ��ty {k�anager's O�fic� by_ �r,��ir���er�� Departm��t Heaci: �Idditionak Iriform�tion �ontact: �TTA � H 1�1,EN,�S w�€kmaP�{�df �ana Burr�f�doFf {8{}18) 1Nililam Joh�sori (78�� � ��r�d� Ya��� (���5) Apj]S�,C�WfIE't.OF¢�06UI19II_jlBC�SdIiRIC_nfOV19W-f}9�1��Id��$�i�$�OUiIfiil�:7t#I=a��+�f�{��1 �� OD DS i5 - 1 AQDENQ�1 Page 1 oi3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 �ECTION 04 05 15 ADDENDNUM NO. 1 CITY OF FORT WORTH TRA,NSPORTATION AND FUBLIC WORKS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Shoreview Driee Culvert vnprovements City Project No. 1.01820 — Design 1030�1— Constructivn 13 Advertise Date: February 4, 2021 and February I l, 2021 14 Bid Opening Date: March 4, 2021 15 Addendum No. 1. Issue Date: February 26,2021 Ib 17 18 This addendurn fortaas part of the contract documents referenced above artd modifies the original 19 Coniract Documents. Acknowledge receigt of Y�iis adda�►durr► by signing and attaching it to ih� 20 Contract Documents (i�side}. Note receipt of the Addendum in the Bid Proposal anci on the outer 2� envelope ofyou bid. 22 23 CLAR�'ICATTONS 24 C1ari�cations are provided as a result of questions, comments, and discussions fram the Prebid 25 meeting. A recording of this meeting is available for download with the bidding documents. 26 27 � Contractor wilt nat be responsible for the warranty of the culvert boxes if the box is 28 supplied by the City. Cdntractar wi11 only be responsible for warranty of the iN�stallatian 29 of the boxes for �l�e Gity supplied Culvert Boxes. 30 � The Cify owns the property autside of the Shoreview Right-of-Way. See ROW Strip Map 31 on Sheet C0.06 for full property information. 32 � Contractor may need to include temporary sharing to complete this projeet. This s11a11 be 33 subsidiary to the project. If Contractor chooses not to perfarm temporary shoring, this 34 may result in larger disturbed area, res�ltittg in mare tree removals thaiz �vhat is currently 35 shown on �heet C2.01. All removals, including those not called out on the Retx�aval 36 Sheet, C2A1, shall be paic� for as part of Site Clearing Pay Item. 37 38 39 �o 41 • Unciercut Sectian Material is de�ned on Sheet RW ]. � For the Salvaging of the existing walI, material sha11 he cleaned enough to build the repurposed wall. This will cons�st of retnoving the existing mortar araund the rocks and seiting aside for inspection. The intent is %r tlie repurposed wall to match tlle existing wall onsite. Conh•actor wiIl need to coordinate with City Staff for this work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPBCIFICATION DOCi1M�NTS Revised July l, 20I 1 Shnreview Dri�a Culvert Improven3enls CPNs 101820 & 103(1S1 OD0515-2 ADDEN�A Page 2 of 3 1 • Repurposed Wall contai��s no struciural elernent and will not be connecied to the 2 pro�osed re#aining wall. Repurposed wall will be protected by proposed guard rail fram 3 vehieular traffie. ' 4 • If any soil needs to be importeci for the baekfill of the reta.ining walls, iliis shall be 5 subsidiary to the cost ofthe wall. Contractor may need to account for this in the cost of 6 the retaining wa11 if on site soils does not meet backftll criteria. 7 � There is no anticipated relocations of overhead elecixic lines and pawer poles within the 8 project limits. 9 � The e�isting flash flooding heacon is to be removed as part of the project. Infarmation is 10 provided an the Removal Sheet, Sheet C2.01 for more details. Cantractvr does not need 11 to replace struc�ure. 12 p The Toe Wall at the culverts will not be subsidiary to the cost of the culvert, but 13 subsidiary to the cost of t�e xetaining walI. Since the retaining wall is measured as a 14 Square Foat of Face of Wall, we could not inc�ude this in th� measurement. It is 15 considered subsidiary to the cost of the retaining wall as noted on sheet RW 1. There l6 should be na di�£erence on the tae wall needed for Base or Alternate Bid. Noting has 17 been provided tha� if CIP is used, Contractor may cast dowe]s in the RCB instead of 18 drilling into ti�e cured concr�ie. 19 � The ir�tent of the aIternaie bid ta inc�ucie imparting new box precast bax cutverts or cast 20 irY place box culverts. This option was provided %r t�vo reasons, sarne Contractors may Z1 not have the means to transport the City boxes thetnse�ves, which could severely Fncrease 22 the cost of the project, t��e ather is, die City may use the boxes ior anoth�r loeaiion a:nd 23 may not be available for the Shoreview Culvert Drive Projeet. 24 � The Aquadam Barrier or Approved Equal is iieecied to pro�vid� a barrier between fihe 25 Contractor and Lake Worth. The observed water surface elevation during design is 26 approximately the same elevation as the flowline of the existing cu�r�erts as shown on 27 Si�eet C6.03. Contractor will need to d�water downstream area in order to per£orm work 28 related to the project. 29 � Undercut depths shawn on RW6 a.�ad RW7 indicate the lowest elevatian of the foating to 30 the bottom of the undercut. Where undercut occurs at ti7e downsfrearr� culvert toewall, top 31 of undercut elevation sha11 match battom of toe/structure. Wlieii culvert toE is not preseiit, 32 undercut shall be extended ta bottam of box culvert. 33 � U�dercut is intended to be installed }aer the Constr�ction Documents. If Contractor 34 encout�ters rock or limestone, Contraetor may set foundatiora on rock. Contractor should 35 assume in their bid that undercut wil] be required to the full dimensions shown in the 36 �lans. 37 � Retaining vvali sfructures and details sl�own on RW1 are for use on City Box Culverts, 38 and the Altemate Bid Precast/Cast in Place Box Culverts. Retaining wail structures and 39 details are site specific and sl�ould be nsed regardless of box culvert option choseii. 4Q 41 SPECIF'ICATIONS �2 43 Speci�icatifln 00 45 4Q — Temparary Revision (Cavid-19) Susiness Equity Specifications 44 45 o The Temporary Revision (Co�id-19) Business EQuity Speciiications form �s hereby 4G replaced with the farm attacl�ed to this document to reflect the City Llpdated 47 Specification dated Januaiy 5, 2021. C1TY OP FORT WOATH Slioreview Drive Culvert fm}�rn�err�ents STANDARD CON3TR[}CTION SPECIFICATIUI*1 DOCllME3VT5 CP�fs 1 D I R20 & 103U51 Revised 7uiy l, 201 i OOD515-3 ADD�NDA Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 All other pro�isions oithe contract docurnents, plai�s and speci�cations shall re�nain unchanged. 5 6 Failure to return a signed copy of the addendum with the Proposal ��aa11 b� grounds far rendering 7 tlie bid non-respox�sive. A signed copy of this addenc�unn slaall be placed into the Froposal at the 8 time of bid submittal 9 10 RECEIPT �WLED D 11 BY: /`��/ 12 COMPANY: � �� �` ' 13 14 15 16 17 i$ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 END OF SECTION CITY dF FORT WORT�I 5horeview Drivc Culvert Impravernents ST�INDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFICATIQN bqCIIM�,N'I'S CPNs 101820 & I03051 Ravised Juiy 1, 2011 ����� December l7, 2019 507 Main Street, Suite B, Lake Dallas, TX 7506� Ofiice: 940/279-�200 Fax: 940f279-42Q4 Emaii: estimating c�ibctx.com Re: IBCTX Qualification IBCTX, LLC is a heavy highway contractor based out of Lalc� Dallas, TX that specializes in concrete structures, with an emphasis on bridges, both rehabilitatian and new construction. IBCTX, LLC is formaIly known as Iowa Bridge and Culvert Southern Division. Iowa Bridge a�id Culvert's Southern division split frorn Iawa Bridge and Culvert to forrrz IBCTX, LLC on February 18, 2019. Further references are �vailable upon request. Following is a list of some of the recent IBC/IBCTX projects managed out of �lie Texas Of�ce: Dallas Co., TX DalIas, Co., �'X City of GrapevinelCoppeII, `I� ACI, Da�las, TX City of Can�oltton, TX Foi-t Wor�h, TX Quachita Parish, LA Dallas, Go., TX Tarrant, Co., T`X Taarant Co., "I'X Tarrant Co, TX Dallas, Co., TX Callin, Co., 1"X Rockwall Co, TX Cit of Lewisville, TX Gity of Coppell, TX Ora�ige CoUnty, TX Dallas, Ca,, TX City of Carrollton, TX Denton Co., TX �ity af Ceciar Hill, TX Newton, Co., 'I'X Tarrailt, Co., TX Tarrant, Co., TX City of Richardson, TX Tarrant, Co., TX City of McKinney, TX City of McKinney, TX City of Grand Prairie, TX Dallas, Co., TX Key Staff Members; Curt Hanson Alex Hammes Trent �Vicimer Cipriano Medraua Cockr�ll Hil] Blvd. US 8D Bass Pro Dr. SWMC Dickerson 1'kwy Union Paci�c RR 1H 20 Lawther Ad. Cattlebarron Dr. BF 1187C FM287 L Pioneer Rd. US38D 5H2O5 Timber Creek @ Arthuz-'s Ln �andy Lake Road SH73 P�easant Run Rd. Old De�tan Rd. PM5l Mansfeld Rd. SH53 IH3a TD Ameritrade Renner Rd. IH35W Virginia Pkwy Stonebridge Dr. Great SW Pkwy IH45 and IH2O 1'resident 33 years Vice President 13 years Field Superintendent 15 years Pro�ect Superintendent 15 years (2) Presi. Bridges (S) Bridges & RCBC Triple 2,000' RCBC w/Prest.Bridge p��st. B���g� (2) Prest. Bridges (5) Prest, Sridges & {3) Aet. W�lls ABC Bridge Superstructure Remove 8� Replace Bridge & Rdwy Remove & Replace Bridge & Rdwy Rem4ve & Replace Bridge & Rdwy Remove & Replace Bridge & Rdwy Prest. Bridge & Barrier Barrier & Soundwafls Remove & Replace Bridge & R�wy Prest. Bridge Prest. Stage Bridge Swing Bridge Repau (Repaice Deck) Remove & Replace Bridge & Rdwy Widen Pan Girder Bridge Remove & Replace Bridge & Rdwy Prest. Stage Sridge Tie Bearns (Mass Piacerr�ent) (EMR) Remove & Reptace Bridge & Rdwy Prest. Bridge VJiden Pan Girder Bridge Bridge Rail Retro�t Widen Pan Girder Bridge Replace Pam Girder Bridge Dec�s Rernove & Replace Bridge Redeck IH45/20 Overpasses Tha�ik you for thc opportunity to bid this project and we look forward to warking with you. Regards, $ i,414,000.00 $ 4,OSD.00O.pQ $ 2,996,000.00 � 92s,000.no $ 2,114,0OO.OQ $ 9,163,000.00 $ 585,000.40 $ 68i,031.OQ $ 674,537A0 $ 796,145.00 $ 1,796,479.D0 $ 1,SSI,ODQ.00 $ 1,276,OQb.00 $ 1,969,765.00 $ 2,338,081.Q0 $ 1,036,005.00 $ i,597,856.00 $ 3,205,11$.00 $ 1,050,708A0 $ 2,665,000.00 $ 1,694,092.00 $ �,724,9p5.Q0 $ 1,064,286.00 $ �,$Q0,400.Oa $ 1,200,0OO.OQ $ 1,364,343.00 $ 1,516,684.00 $ 1,407,120.Q0 $ 1,879,761.00 $ 2,90G,fi92.00 CUrt Ha�lson President IBCTX, LLC 00 11 13 INViTATIQN Tb BIDDERS Page 1 of 3 SECTiON ao 11 x3 1NVITATION TO BIDDERS RECEIPT OF BIDS Due to the COVIDI9 Emergency declared by the City af Fort Worth and unt�I the emergency declaration, as amended, is rescinded, sealed bids for the construction of City Project Number 103051, 5�oreview Drive CulverE Improvements ("Project") will be received by the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Off'ice unti11:30 P.M. CST, Thursday, Marc� 4, 2021 as fw�ther described below: City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 200 Texas Stz'eet Fart Warkh, 'I'exas 761Q2 Bids wzll be accapted by: 1. US Mail at the address abave, 2, By co�arier, FedEx or hand delivery frorn 8:30-1:30 on Thursdays only at the South End Lobby of City Halllocated at 20D Texas Street, Fort VJorth, Texas 76102. A Purchasit�g GyApartment �taff person will be avaiIable to accapt the bid and provid� a time sfamped receipt, or 3. If the bidder desires to submit the i�id on a day or iime other than tl�e designated Thursday, the bidder must contact the Purchasing Department during nartnal warking hours at 817-392-2462 ta make an appointment �o meet a Purchasing Department employee at the South End Lobby of City Hall Located ai 240 Texas Street, Fart Worth, Texas 76102, where the bid(s) will b� received and tzmeldate stamped as above. Bids wi11'�e apened pu�licly ?nd read alau�i at Z:UO ]'N][ CST in #he City Cauncii � hambers arid broadcast throu� Iive strea:m and C�W pub�ic iei�vision w�ich can be accessed at hit�J/fortworthtexas.�Q�r/fwtvl. The geizeral pubIic wrll nnt be allawed in tkae Ci4y Council Chaml�ers. In addi�ion, in lieu af delivering compl�ted MBE forms far the project to the Purchasing Office, bidders shall e-mail the cor�pleted M�E faz�ns to the City Project Manager no later than 2:00 p.�n. on the second City husiness day af�er the bid apening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. GENERAL DESCRZPTION OF WORK The rnajor wark will consisi of the {approximate) following: � Reconstructian of Shoreview Drive w�fi.h cu�vert replacement, r�±��nin� �:�w![5, n3�.intei��rttc rainp and asphalt pave�nent widening. � The ea�isting (7) Q 8" RCPs will be removed and replaced wiih 10'xl G' RC�s al�rng ���ith custom retaining walls upstream and dnwnstream. � The asphalt roadway widening will add shoulders and guardrail on bath sides ofthe E{;����,vay. � dther znajor work components of the projeci include installing proposed 8" water lin� ar�d 3" HDPE Iow pressure sanitary sewer line. � The praject will aIso include installing a new 15' maintenance raznp �ith gate as well as site grading. CI'Z'Y OF FORT WORTH 'ih^!-evEew Unva Culvart Improvements STANDARD CONSTRiJCTION ::PECIFICATION E,(?CUMENT �Ns 101820 & 1Q30S1 'I'emporarily Ttevised April 6, 202U due I�, CC7�n! 9 FmPrgency OQ 11 13 INVITATIDII TO BIDDERS Page 2 of 3 PRE�UALIFICATION The improvements included in this pro�ect must be performed by a contractor who is pre- qualified by the City� at the time of bid opening. The procedures for qualiiication and pre- qualification are outlined in the Section 00 21 13 — TNSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. DO�UMENT EXAMINATION AND PROCUREMENTS The Biflding and Contract Documents may be exa�nined or obtained on-line by visiting the City of Fort Worth's Purchasing Divisian website a� h���lwww.fort��rtht.:xas go� nurchasin�/ and clicking on the link to the advertised project folders onthe City's electronic docu�ment managerraent a�id caIlabaration system site. The Contract nocwments naay be downloaded, viewed, and printed by interested contracto:rs and/ar suppliers. Copies of the Bidding and Contract Dacwnents may be purchased (Contactless Payment & Pick- up) from Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., SOl Cherry Street, Unit �fi11, Suite 130U, ForE Worth, TX 76102, 817-335-65ll on February 4, 2021. Call a minimum o�24 hours in advance to schedule peckup: The cost of Bidding and Cnntract Dacuments is: Set af Bidding and Contract Dacuments with full size drawings: $1�Q �et of Bidding and Contract Do�uments with half size (if availahle} drawings: $10a PREBID CONFERENCE A prebid conference inay be held as discussed in Section 00 21 13 - TNSTRUCTIONS `I'O BIDDERS at the follawing date, and time via a web conferencing application: DATE: Tuesd�y, February 1G, �0�1 TIlVI�: �:06 PM, CST If aprehid confeeence wi11 be held online via a web conferencing applicatian, ie��it�tic:�s wil! he distributed directly to those who have submitted Expressions of Interest in the p;oject ta ti�e � i?y Proj ect Manager and/or the Design Engineer. The presentation given at the prebid e.,nferen�e and any quastions and answers provided at the prebid conference wil� be issued as an r;.ddend�.un to the call for bids. CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT BIDS City reserves the right to wai�e irregularities and to accept or reject bids. AWARD City will award a coniract �o the Bidder presenting the lowest price, qualification� ;�.;:� competencies considered. FUNDING Any eontract awarded under this INVIT'A�r10N TO BIDDERS is expected �c� !�v- l=�nd�d 17nm revenues geaerated frnm bQnds and resarved by the City� for the �rojact. mrQun�s All inquiries relative to this proeure�nent s�ould be addressed to the following: Attn: Michael Wel�baum, P.E. City ofFort Warth, Cify Project Manager Emai1: Miehael.Wellbaum�,a7fortwQrthtexas.gov Phone: 817-392-7343 AND/OR Attn: Misty Christian, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, Design Engineer CTT'Y OF FORT WOR`I'H Shnreview Drive C:,lvert lmprovements STANDARD CON53RUCTION SPECIFICA`i'lON DOCiJNJE1+]'I' CPNs 101$20 & IQ3051 Temporarily Revised April 6, 2Q2Q due to COVIDi 4 Emergeney � 00 11 l3 INVITAT']OlV 7'O BIDDERS Page 3 af 3 Emaii: Misty.Chrisiian�a klmley-horn.coin Phone: 817-335-6511 EXPRESSIQN OF 1NTERSEST Tn elzsuxe bidders are kept up ta ciate of any new information pertinent to this proj ect or the COVID 19 amergency d�claration, as amended, as zt may relate to this praject, bidders are requasted fo email �xpressians of Interest in this procurement to the City Project Manager and the Design Engineer. The email should include ihe bidder's company name, contact person, that individuals email addrass and phone number. Ail Addenda will be distributed directly to those who have expressed an interest in the procurement and will also be posted in the City of Fort Worth's purchasing website ai hrtp:/Ifartworthtexas.�ov/purcha�ing/ PLAN HOLDERS To ensure you are kept up to date of any new information pertinent to this profect such as when ar� addenda is issued, download the Plan Holder Regis�ration %rm to your computer, caxnplete and email it to the City Project Manager or the Design Engzneer. MaiI your completed Plan Holder Registration for�n ta thase listed in INQLTIRIES above. ADVERTISEMENT DATES Thursday, Februaxy 4, 202] T�nrsday, Februaxy ll, 2021 ���rn ��F S�:�"1'i[ON CITY OF FORT WORTH Shprevfew 13nve CulvertlmprovementS STANT7ARIJ CONSTRUCTfON SPECIEICAT'IO1V DOCUMENT CPNs 101820 &. 10305I Temporarily Revised Apri16, 2�20 due to C4VID19 Emergency Ofl 2i 13 INSTRUCT[DNS TD BIDDETt5 Page 1 af 1Q SECTION 00 21 I3 1NSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. De%ned Terms I.1. Terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS T� BIDDERS, whicll ar� defined in Section 00 72 00 - GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1.2. Certain additional terms used in tlaes� miSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS have the meanings indicated below which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any person, firm, partnership, campany, associatian, or corparation acting directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the worl� contemplated under the Contract Documents. I.�..�. i�lonresident L#idder: An}� �person, �a�m, part�lersl�ip, cc�mpany, assaciatiun, t�r c��poration acting directly #hrough a duly authorized representaCive, submitting a 1uici t'or performing thc ;.�;�rk contemplated under the Contract Docum�nts whose �principal place of business is not in the 5tate of Texas. �,�_3. ,i��Gessful Bidder: '�'he lowest responsible and x�spansive J3idder ta whoin City {�xn li�e h�sis of City's evaltratinn ac hPreina$eT' pT'�vlci�d} ri1�C�S ail �Wc3I'Cl. �. Cc�pies of !�i�ldin� D�cument� 2. l. Nelther City nor Enginecr shall assume any responsibility for errors or mis�iterpretatians ; esultin� frorn the Bidders use of incomplate sets af Bidding Documents. 2.��. C.ltv as7c� En�ineer :n it�aking copies af Bidding Documents a�ailable do so only for the �sur�os�: �f �hiainiri� Fiids :fnr rhP W nrk anr� �� not autho�?e or canfer a license or grant f€�!' 3Tl'4 ��rher u�sv_ J. �i�C��:�!E�r�:�n:� L�� �Y��a�'V �l' L�Z�� �.'4ntractors anc� Su�contr�ctors} ?_? _ Ail Bi�dPrs and ;!-;e�r suhr_,nntractnrG are required to be �yrequalified for i�1e wark t}r}�es ��equiring rYeq�alif�ca#i�n at the tim� o!'l�;ddin�?. ��ids receive� froir� contractsrrs ,���cr �i� ,�c,t �requaSified shall nnt he onened and, even if i:?a��?rtently upened, shall not be C',OIISS�P_.�'@[{. �i'C.�yU3�E�➢Ge3�;1D33 iP�U1T81I1Blli Wi)1'�C t4'r ?S 2.'I�rf iy^Y�lm�ntatjnn at'e �V�1�8b�E i�}+ a�cessYri� �11 requi�ed �les rrr�4w�h ti�e C:ity's website at: httns:i�a�.:�s.fort=,;.3rtht� �• �-,v Pr�i���TR :S011FCBS,� 3, i, i. P, ving -- Requirements tiocuniant lacaLed at; i�:: ps:r'iauns. Fr�'t'tworClltexas. �;u v! NcuiectReso urc:�slResoUc'c:e�P/02°i�ZO- � %,�2�Constructian^%�ODoc�rrientslCoritractor°la4i3�reaual�catiot�/'I`PW��ia�{}Pavin; �'�n20Contractor°lu20f're u�iiicatian%20pra art�1�17E 1.��1.�IFiCAT30N%20RF0 G lI2EIW1[F'�i�f 5%20FOR°1o20PAV 1NG%2000N'1`R�ICTORS.qdf i�TTY bF PC}RT WOIt'IH :i!�!nre�,�ti� ur�ve �'ttl�art lmoxo�ements STfaNDARD CONSTRUCTION SP�C:IFICATION Dbt;UMENT {�']�is I�?M�324 � 103051D R.v��:;! ianuary' Ils. 202: 00 21 13 1N5TRUCTIONS TO EIDDERS Page 2 of I Q 3.1.2, Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting — Requirements documen� located at; httns://anns. fortworthtcxas.�lProiectRe�ources/Reso urcesF/02%20- °io2QConstrueti on%20Documents/Contr�.ctor%20Preaualif cationlTPW %20 Roadwa ��%20and°1o20Pedestrian%20Li tin�%20Prequalification%20ProeramlSTREET"/o 20L�GHT4/n20PRE0[ �AL%20REOA�Il�iTS. Ddf �, �,�, 'J►�arP� and Saxutary Sewer — Requirements document located at; h s:/lapps.i.�rtwurtht�xas.�,uvlPrai�ctRe�Uurc���R��ouA�e�P/02°-020- °io20Construction%2QDocumentslContractar°1o20PreAualificationlWater%20and%2 OSanitarv%20Sewer°1a20Contractar%2QPr�uualif'ication°/a20Pro�xamlW 55°1o20nre aual%20reauirements.ndf 3.2. Each �idder, unless currently prequalified, must subrnit to City at least seven {7} calendar days prior to Bzd opening, the documentation identi�ied in 5ection 04 45 1 l, BIDDERS 1'REQUALIFICATIONS. 3.2.1.Submissian of andlor questions relatec� �r� �rec�al�liti�:::T�n� ��•+c,,,l� ��e .�cidr�ssed to the City contact as provided in Paragraph 6.�. 3.3. The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualiiied contract�r k*�fto is ? hw �pparent ]ow bidder{s) for a project to submit such addi�ionai infarmation as th� City, in its sole discretion may require, including but not limited to manpower and equipz�aez�t z'ecards, iiiformation about key personnel to he assigned to the project, and constructio:n schedule, to assist the City in evaluating and assessing i�e ability of the apgarent low bidder{s} to deIiver a quality product and successfully coznplete projects for the amount bid within the stipulated time fraane. Based upon tlae City's assessment of the submitted information, a recarnine��dation regarding the award of a contract wi11 be made to the City Council. Failure to submit the addit�anal in�ormation, if requested, may be go�ands for rejecting the appaz��nt low biddar as non-responsfva. Affected contractors wiII be no�iiied in writing of a recotnznendatio��. to the City Cauncil. 3.4. In addition to prequalification, additional requirements for qualification may be reyuired wiihin �arious sections af the Contract Documents. 4. E�ami�natian of Bi�dding and Cantract Docum�n�s, Other Related Data, and Site 41. Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder s1�aII; 4.1.1. Exa��n.ine and carefully study the Contract f�ae�ments anci other rc,�te.f �ata ;��nt;feei in tl,e Rirlciing Documents {including "technical data" r�ferred « i� i'aragraph �, �. �;�c�:��), �T� i��nrrrleati�yr� �rl\�CI} I1�+ C�iiY' 3?i.ar!F �'�.Ul'BS�ilt<1l1►'[' �}F1�]� G?ty ather than i�hat eontained in the t_:c,ntraci 15c�cuments ;�nd o�ciaily �,�r�mutgated addenda thereto, shall be !�ifi�ii�� 4fpo�3 I!'►e City. �,1,?, ��S3t I.I1e Site i�U ��'�-�?n}P famiii�r with :��d satisf5. ]�i:!d�r 85 10 1I'1� �eriEfal, IOGa4 �n� +:iia. �.�Tric�it1�115 117�][ 11i�y ',a.fPt.Cl f�.rti�f, �±rn�rX�SS, C,'16z�UC�T1i1Tli:� ^?' �l]C!'!15�]7I1Q Of �}9�' 'iV';�rk. CTIY UF kOR'I k���5ltli-i 51�;.�rP��ew I?ri�F s'e!IvPh I'morovGm�nts i STAND.SIiA GUNSTRIUCTIQN SPECIFSCATION [74?L'k�VlF.N7 t`�� I+�f,'s.�i �?! 1U30510 Re�ised .Tanuary O5, 2U2I ooai iJ iNSTRUCT10N5 TO BIDDERS Fage 3 of 10 4. I.3. Consider federal, staie and local Laws and Regulations thai may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 1.4. Be advised, City, in accnrdance with Title VI of the Civil Righ�s Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.�.C. 2QOOd tn 2000d-4 and Tit1e 49, Coda of Federal ReguIafions, D�partment of Transporka�ion, Subtitle A, Offce af tha Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscriininatian in �'ederally-assisfed progranns ofc tha D�partament of Traaasportation issued pu:rsuaiat fo such Act, h�reby nntiiies all bidd�rs that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to tilis advertisement, ininority husiness enterprises will be afforded full apportunity to su�mit bids in response to tk�is invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds af race, color, or national origin in consideration of award. 4.1.5. Study all: (i) re�arts of exploratioi�s and tests of subsurface conditions at or cantiguous ta the Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to existir�g surface or subs�rface structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities) that �?.a}�e he�n i���ntified in the Contract Documents as containing reliab�e "technical c�ata" and s'ii} reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental Condiiions, if any, at tYie 5ite tl�iat have been identified ir� the Conirac� Documents as containing reliab�e "iechnical data." 4. L6. Be advised that the Coniract Documents on file with the Cit}r shall cor�siitute all of the infarmatian which the City will furnish. All addiiional information and data which the City will supply after promulgatior� of the forinal Cnr�tract Documents sha�l be issued in the farm of w:ritten addenda an.d s1�alI becozne part of the Contract Documents just as thougl�. such add�nda were actuaJly written into the original Contract Docutnents. No info:�azation given by tI�� City o�er than th.at contained in the Cantract Documents and afficia�ly pratnulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding �pon the City. 4.1.7. Perform independent research, investigations, tests, barings, and such other means �,c m�v be necessary to �ain a cosnplete knowledge of the conditions which wiil be ����•,nifniel^ec� �+�rin� tF�? a��n�?r�tctioit of th� �,roject_ �n reyuest, City a�ay provide e�::+: Biader :Y����� ?� t�e sire #c� r�+nduct such examinations, investigations, explorara��ns, i�s1� and �t�¢dies as ca��l ��r�rleT �P?.tns Il�C�SSc'FI'Y f'Cir g��ht711CS101I �D� � I�yCI, L]��er miist ��» d��� hDi�S ��nd cle�7 up and restore the site �o its #o!:rr!er I:U�Ir�ttiG�??S ll�6UI] CO]Tt}}i�ti�i] {+'f 911Ch �X��nratinn�� invPeti�atir�nct {eStS [�y'J� �ll�?P5, �1�,1.�?. U�,:tPrrnin� ti��e ti�fficu[��e� af the V�f��!t :�ns� ��fl :��!en�ing circumstan�.�:� a+±�ctin� [i�� ��st c.�t�c�oin�!!tie 1�+�rk. �i�m�� rc�ui�•�;1 �`e�r i�s;n���le�ion. ::nd t►�t�in al! ir,±nrr�a�Eion r� ��>;red t�� a��;�ke r� p;.?posal, I����lers shall r��y exclusively anci �c�]e1y unon their �wn tst:::�arPs, un�F�*.,�ation, r4��a:�cli, lesls. �xpi�raticrns, and oti�ar �:±ia w;�lr`.c�� are nece:ssary !`i�Y ri�l l c�Tt� ccr:llplete 1;;:l�imStion i1p017 W!:1C�1 t�te �JI'�Dt75aI Ti l-�� �`�e 1�„�ed, ?; ia �ar�derstood that the subinission oi' a pr�pasal is prima-facie evidence �that I!?e� ;Ridder has made the investigation, examinations and tests herein required. Claims f4}r additic�nal c�mpensation due to variations batween conditions actually t','P,l.{)I IY1TP_.Tt_[� j� L'{}I1�11'l IC'T1�i2 `�$'jiL'� ;35 yi1(�iCdte� FT' t�l? �~nnir�rl I]:]u'.]iT]�11�5 Will nnt hP S � i4lua�t, �J-ry ��p FUit T` WOkI�H 3horeview 17nvc C�lveri Improvem��ls +y'.TAjVj��{i} Lf}iySTRTTC�_1`�t7N SpECIl'1CATIUh� vOCIJivIEN"1' �� Ns ]D1R2fl & ]0305i0 �i: • .,,:d l:tn4„ : ��. 3C? 1 ooai i3 INSTRIJCTIONS TOBIDDERS Page 4 of l0 4.1.9. Promptly notify City of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities ar discrepancias in or between the Contract Documents and such other relaied documents. The Contractar shall not take ad�antage of any grass error or omission in the Contract DocuznezaYs, and the City sha�l be permitted to m.al�� such corrections or interpretataons as may be deemed necessary for ful�illrnent ofthe intent oithe Coniract Documents. 4.2. Reference is made to �ection 00 73 04 — Supplementary Conditions for identification o£ 4.2.1. those reports of exploraiions and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguaus to the site which have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents. The logs of Sai1 Borings, if any, on the plans are for genexal information anly. Neither the City nor tIie Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which actuai3y exist. 4.2.2. those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and sub5urface structures (except ilnderground Facilities) v�hich are at or cantiguous to the site that have been utilized by �ity in preparation of the Conirac� Docuinents. 4.2.3. copies of such reports and dravvings will be made available by City to an.y Bidder on request. Those r�ports and cirawings may not be part of the Contract I�nciimenis, �ut the "technical data" confained therein unan which Bidder ss entitled ,ra iely as pravidec! in 1'aragraph 4.0�,. uf the �ieneral Canditir�ns l��:, i;�en i�entifizd �id eatablished in Paragraph SC 4.02 oftkle Suppl�znentary Conditions. Lidder is ���pansit�le for any interpretation Qr canclusiori drawr� fram any "technica3 dat.:" +�r anyo uther d?t;- �13tR►�retations, opinions or inforrna�ion_ �.3. �l`hr submission al a Bid will e:,�nstitute an incontravertib�e �epresentation by Bi�ider (i) �hat �iidder has complied witiZ e�rery �,�.quyrPment of this Paragraph 4, (ii) that without �:xception the iiid Es �rpmisec! i�p�n performing an�i fi;mi�nin� the ��,'GT�4 3'EC�kfire�� h�� tih� �:;onrract Docut�ents and applying �ha specifie means, n�ethods, �echniques, sequen�es ��� proce�tures of canstruction {if �nv) that may be shown ar indicated �ar ex�rr�ss�y reauired �f t�l� [vC+ntrgCt �nni�mPntSa �.II� } �I1�:1 �ide�er �� ;.5 L;ilVe� CiCy tir'illZei] llntiCe' +��.�71J �;nnt�jCtS� �Xrors, am'oiguities and +�?srr�pancie� in the �!�niracl �7s��umenxs and rhY ���!�?�!�Pr; rP$olutic�ns fi.hereflf by City are acceptable to Bidder, �17d WhBri S?]� ra�n�`lirfL, et�., Fuave 33�+. L�een �-�sc�lveci iiirat2gh the interpretatians by City as described in �'Ara�raph ii., �n� i iw) that the Cuntract Documents are generally suff'icient tu indiLat� �n�� eonve� under�t�nr�;n� of a!1 te: ms �n�� c�n�it?�ns for performing and furnishing the ��o*k, +�,�,'r};r� �rnyi�inn,, �t �his g�I'7gTapi] �, i�ti<<1�iciuc�� {{n nr►I ���7p��J LO ��S�:�S.r3ti, ��Ci�]�'4".]ilrtiri�il3l�'� �inhet�yls (PCBs). �e*.r�,leum, �yazardu�s Waste c�r tt�ti��artive E�iateria] ��«v�reci l�y� ranrann .1 �'k` � + nrr• ;tinnc 1 nPr.i�i�,YVV3� � P;a...�,..�, . ,L15, t,. i��e ��e.,_.:�I �'�ii�c�.,,,,., . utiess �t, _ _ iiteiir��iPd i>> 11�i� [,t�:�tr��t f]�c�urnenits. ;, f�va>>��i[ity of Lands for 1'"�:: k, �tc. �, I.�I��le S�n��S 11OUfl tt+i11C1'1 I.11� WU3'k 1S tU � �]k'rfnrtt�[.�, YlQ�7t5-i}�-,§"d� E.';� �'acr�m�r;tS �w: �r_.rFws t�:erpr� ;���r arrP�� �•,�n�s r��sa�t�d Far use E�y Contr%�Ct�E� tn Pertor.m�v,� tl7e �xr;,,rti ar� id�nti�ied in'[he Conk�act �puumenis. All3dditiotla� Iands 31�d �:�.r_,ess �h�reto required for temporary construetion facilities, construction ����inment �r �.r�ra�e �f- nva�eria?� ar?� ?�uipment to be incorporated in the �ork ara �n ��� u�:ai::e;3 a::c! �:±�d fc.•r C�?"Y OF :�0?? 7 WUtiTH 5h�7review �rr�vr C'ulvert Trtaprovements ��I:ANnA1;D tONS'TEtL1C7TnT.r �Nfii=1IF�CA170N D�C9�,v1ENT f'pNY IOi�2q � 143nsin RPV1=�� IAnlla[�� j]4 '7Q71 oo ai i3 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDI}ER5 Pagc 5 of ! 0 by Contractor, Easaments for permanent structures or p�rnnan�nt changas in ��isting facilities are to be obtained and paid for by City unless atherwisa provided in tha Contract Docurnents. 5.2. Outstanding right-of-way, easements, and/or permits to be acquired by the Ciiy are listed in P�ragraph SC 4.O I of the Supplementary Conditions. In the avent the necessary right- of way, easements, and/or germits are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cancel the award of coatract at any time be#'ore the Bidder begins any consiruction work on the project. 5.3. 'Z'he Sidder shall be prepared to cununenc� c;onstruction without ;�I � exeeuted right-af way, easenae�i�s, and/or perrnits, and shall submit a scheduie to the City of how cot�si�ruction will proceed in the other areas of the project that do not require permiis and/or easements. 6. Interpretations and Addenda 6.1. A11 questions about the meaniug or intent of the Sidding Docu+a�.e�xts are to be dzrected Ca � ity in writing on or befare Z p.m., the Monday prior to the Sid opening. Questians e�c�ived after this day may not be respanded to. Interpreiation:s ar clari�icatzons �;7�;yj�]�r�{{ neceSg�rV �� Clljr in resp�n�P to Guch questions will be issued hy Addenda delivered tu all ��arties recorded ny ���ty as �!a�in� ��ceiveri �he Bidding Documents. �1n1y ques�ions answered hy formal written Addenda x�i11 �� bi�di,��, Oral and other ;;;1�':'�Tt13�10�ri5 b1' Gl�.rj��tinng will hP withniif lPa� e�QCt, :! ��res� �uestions #�,= t�r�� .,r }:�r� ��r�h ���(1 1 C7�� �`trwwt rorti�=J4,rth,-T}C 7�1�)2 ;!?n_ GY��thae! l�Vellt�d�±m. l�.I`�,. �Y'L.^,1rC51'1�Y1(]l7 »nd P4:?�!i:: l�lrn:ks T��ixai3: t��+��r��l_wc�i�,:,��mra�:fnr!.���T;f3;CrV,t�r� �AlOTl�: 4�I �-}�r4�-��2�� Y b.2. Addenda iti,:!}� �lso �s� is;�up� L{p Cn4��]fy �ii� i�i�lii4]� .�}434;1]lF�cl7�.ti �S ci��i.l70C� a+civir,ah4r hy City. 6.3_Addenda or clari�eat�ons rray be pasted ��+a �ne �`ity'� electrani� ���urnem m:�na¢ement and callaboratian sy�tem. 5.�1. A prebid conference may be held ai th�: time �a:�d pl�ce ind±rared ;� lhe �►dvertiseinPnt ar INVITATION TO BIDDERS. T���rc.Pnt�tiV�S 4f C1Ty 'h�i13 ls�e prvcPnt �Q d��c��ss r!�e Praject. Bidders are encouraged tcr a;t��?!� �,^,� �artie�pate E;� the ceri�ference_ C::y ;vilf transmit to all prospective Bidders of� recor� such Adclenda as �:ity cnnsiders necessary• in response to questions arising at the conferenc�. {�r� statr:ments wna�• nnt ��.r�.P!;?d upon and will not be binding or 1e�all,y effective, '�. Bid Security 7.1. Each Bid must be ac:campanie�i by I�i:i Rnnd �„a iP pay,�hl� rc• C;ty in an s;;,,.,,,�!t E�f five (5) percent ofBidder's znaxi�nur,� [3�r� pric.� �,�n f�a;::M att�v}:ecl, �ss..+µ�+ h�� ����rety rr�e�*�:�� CITY qF FORT WdATH Sha=e:�:�» �J�r�ve Culven lanprovemenrs STANDARD CONS'I'RUCTION SPECIPICATION DDCUMENT ['pTT� ] ni R�n x� in3nstn �:.ari,ced r�.,��a_� QS �Q71 . 00 21 13 INSTRUCT10N5 TO BIDDER� Page 6 of 10 the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 of the General Conditions. 7.2. The Bid Bond of aSl Bidders will he retained until the conditians of the Notice of Award have been satisiied. If the 5uccessful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the complete Agreement within 10 days after fh� Notice of Award, City may consider Bidder to be in de�ault, rescind the Notice of Award, and the Bid Bond of that Bidder will be farfeited. Such forfeiture shall be City`s exclusive remedy if Bidder defaults. The Bid Bond of all other Bidders whartz City believes to have a reasonable chanc� of receiving the award wiil b� retained by City until �zaal co:ntract executio�i. 8. Contract Times The number of days within wl�ich, or the dates by which, Milestones a.re ta be achieved in accordance with the General Requirements and the Work is to be complafed arzd z'eady far Final Acceptance is set forth in the Agreement or incorporated therein by reference to the �1-tarh�d Bid FOIiri. 9. y iqr�iciat�ed �ar!�a�es ,^-; s�ef;s�nn� f�r ]iauidated ��3amages are set forfh in the Agreement. 9 n, �ubstitute s�nd "!?r-F.�vual" Ytems E'i�} c's�r*�R��t, i�'���er�p-d��'ti, 1�ri��1 }ya C?Tl tI1� �7d51S 11: materiai5 ar;cF equipinent described Gi1 i6�e I��dding llucui7�ent5 withaui cnnsid�ratior� �f possibie substitute �r "or-equal" items, �Y'�??n��Pr i: i�� i�dipated or ti��ecified in the Bidding. Documents tY�at a"substituie" or "'or- et�E��?" ft�1ri (1� �i1alErial rti1� qyi iinmPn� ;+:�ay� ��. Fr�rn;sh�:d �r u��;.7 11}, f�nnli'2Ctnr i f ar_r.Qn?a.F3�e !;,+ ['a]y, ?n�7�1c�.non li�: ;�,ir_.h r�cCent�nc� tvi�' T1�1? hp Cc�ncirlPrPr1 �yy [';ty t�*;til aiter the l�,ifiective [?�a?e nf t]�c llgreernent. '!'h� �r�Ged�u-� for submiss�on oi any -:�clh r�pnlicatiUn hy C'nntr�ctor �ar+�t cnn�±r_teration by City is set fcyrfih in Yaragraphs 6.DSA., 6_it.�B. and 6.U5C. of tltt � TP.n,Pral �'c.ndiii�rr5 �a�d i� ��.:�plement�d in �:w::1i4 �n U���i f�L , fYhe Cieneral Require,r.r�entG. � !. �;���hrr�ntr�cts�rs; ��u�pliers s�ud i)thers ] I_ I, !n ����rdancv wiri� r�ie Cily's L�11t,7nP�s F��ui�y C�r�in�rit�� �i�ln_ ��t�3�}�l ]-?{�ii� 1he Cit}� 1?3S i�0��5 5�4r [�3? �}3lit�l�7$f1011 Uf hTlI110Tlty �AS1ri�S5 �C1t�IOT WL]S?1Ptt Fj�,�ij)Y�SS e:;±Qrpr�ses �n �`�ry contrac�s. A capy of �e {}rrtinancP can he ahtained i�'om th�� Off it�. nf tre Ciey Se�•retary, �T�e F3ic��er shall �!!E3,�iit t4�Y I�`i.4S1i3�SS �t1Ll1LV LillliJ�r]n73 Fn,�r!, B��siness Eti»ity Pf;?Y1P CD�h'actn�� VVa.iVer Fi]rn� ans�l�]]' �Tnnei FaitF► Lffn,� Furu� ►v�tlf ��yf:EEt11F:n1.��i017 13�i�Irn� I����+.nFs� �i�uity �ai„1 Ve*!tslr� �'urm_ �� annropriate. '�l�e �'nrms yncluding d�cumentation tnust be ; P�•.PYVt,'� �l\7 ��yE; � 1TV p(j �e[Ei than ^,('�I} �',��. �S i. UTl CElC 50C4?nr� hi�ci;nPce r�a� aftei• t11:' �}l� U"�?�I�jF�u ri�te, �'�l� j�2irti��l' Sh€:EI €vb�ai€� 8 Y'?r-r?p[ f'rc�m tii� Ci��� �s ev��ence I�p ducumenaattan �.�as �°eceivec�. �ailure to camnpy :�ia11 ren�Pr the hi!� ;as non-responsive. Il!asir�ess .Lc�4uiy C�rdin•ance �sc�. �4534._ 1 � -�u20 �nns:il apns.furtwor�il��xas. �.oviProi ec1 �esourcesr'R�sourccsgi 60%20- 4f�ZQMVdBLli�fEW%20Business%24EQuitv%200rdinance/Ordinance°/a2024534-[ I- ��7�(1.�c�i� - 3 1-;, �itl C.G`?1tYSCt.[)j' ��iJi�� C'�E� J'C:,llTt'BL� CiF CmU�Oy 8:;�' *rt:k3(%OIlLI'dG�OT, ���pplier, s}Tht�i` I}�r4�7p i:T f7]"S�a.L]1"L'dtiVR .it�d1II5�L '1'V�'1UI17 ���iEit!'�LCtOI YiidS i'C7SUIIe1�7it i3bjCCtiO1Z. �1�;'�> (SF �:�,ia��' yuti��T}I ShoreviewDrtve Culven Ln�rovements 4TANUa.r�D��ll;nvc•,ru[ir�TtciTa �p�'�'rP]r�AT10N i>[3r�.l�n�n��� �'PTiS �nitt70 & 1�30510 %PvreP�i ,'�rii��171 57 � ',�)? j OU 21 13 fNSTIiUCTTONS TO BIDDERS Page 7 oi 10 13�. Sid Form 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Biddin� Documents; additional copies may be obtained from the City. 12.2. AII blanks on the Bid Farm must be completed by printing in ink and the Bid �'orm szgned in ink. Erasures or alt�raxions slaall be initialed iaa ink by tha person signing the Bid Farm. A Bid price s�Zall be indicated for each Bid item, alternative, and unit price item listed therein. In tha case of optionai alterna�ives, the ward5 "Na Bid," "No Change," or "Not Appiicable" may be entered. Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and n�unerals, for which the Bidder proposes to do the worlc contemplated or furi7ish materials required. All prices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepaney between price in vvritten wards and the price in written nurrierals, the price in written words shall govern. 123. Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name i�y the presid�nt �rr : vice-president or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authorit}• t.o sign. The corporate seal shall be af�ixed. The corgorate address and state of in��rpara�ion shall be shown below the signature. 1�_d. �.:�5 J�}' 4t:iYITP.YC�j1p5 Sl�al1 �}� E��C;-t:.� I�L 4hP n�7'hIP.T'��'f1� namP anci ci�nPr� hY a �ar�er, �;�hr��e �it1e inust appear under the signature ;siC�,mpani�d tiy ��vi�l�:n�=-' {•j ,�.uthority ta sign. The o�cial address ofthe par4nersfup �ha11 be shux�^�: b�!n•� t�e �i�nafure. ] 7.�. �3ids l�y iimiteal �iani�it}' campanies sl�all �aP ��er,ited 'an ihe ria±n� at' �he i3rrn by a �+�+:�h�r �,nr� ��3�r_.�m�anied hy evidence of authority #n si�n. 'TE�� �tate n�#'nrmat,on �f the firm u^;] C�e a���?�v�al a�idrecc nfthe _fi_rm Ghail he sh��un. � �.6. 1�.�, I i,z�_ 1�,�, �:ds �+y individua�s sha'll s��w ��F��e k3i�.dzr`s i�arrs� ���+s? .,fficial adriress. �±ds hy j�+��tt ve�Z:�:tis :�ns!! b� �.x?r•.��rN� l:; i�.�ch �t�i :i v�:iure in 11�: manrer 1f1�IGd.�ri �n the Bid Form. 'Flle ofticiaf �.cidress nf�t-he;aint �er.i��re �hall b� shown. A31 �r�mes s�a!} L�e�twpe� �r o,-in,P� i�t �±i1t bekcr��v thP s�gnature, i��v� ]3id slia!I c;s!r!t�;n :':l r`�.r.knny,'�e��emen4 �1-i'e�ui�t ot`al! r��denda, dhe n�a:nb�rs of +Yf:i; h sh�lf L�e til.led �� {;n Rh} k�id Y;c�rn�. 1:., !Q, Pas[�I �nd e-mail a�elr�s5�� ;�r.�� lelephone �ll:?m��?I' fu�: l'.QSi;:':!l]CklCx�l[ff}i I"��'di'�llt� Iil� �ic� �i?�!1 C�e shown. I�,11. Fi�lii�er�ce uT �utiuoritv �n cori�St��1 hu�i1)e�5 �.:s a 1��r::�'eS1C�+:i1� �3� �t�c;T 1�1 I�y� t�,�it� {•� T��;�as s?��'1 be pr�+Videci �i �!'cc�r;?ance with �ection L�f� �3 37 -- 1��rr��,r C;�,n,pi%ance ft� �rate [.�w C�n� F��.�i���.nt Rirfr]�r_ �,�. �Lti'ITiIE�iVlfl[� f}�� �111�1 ��ir�l; '_zf'4��i �Ta �:ii�,3�?liTtP_.!� fln V�l� �}'fi.SC1-1�?C� �ld �;?,r7►1, ��r�„,zE_d xa�ith �f�e F�ir��i��� D^L'llmPntg, �.ri�,� ti�se an� � lac� a�!�+;�,.�,a*.Fd �� rhe ,�tiyertisement or INV�'E'ATT�iV TO �iUDERS, ���r�:s��� �o F�rchas:ne 1�9anager c�t tlie Cjfy, ar.� chall be enciosed iti an €�paaue sea�e� f:Il'Y �F �OR'I 'NORT?! +horm�Fe:v i1 � s�� Cu!vert lmprovem��ls G�r-p,�tnAu�CnnrgTFtUCTION SnFCt�'ICA�'rL.�?�! nf3�IJA.�F`ri?T CPN3 I4!�S?O�: G�J�{i:II� K� ...:� ]a... �'� �k5, �.4? 1 ooz� r3 INSTRUCTIpTiS TO BIDDER5 Pagc 8 of 14 envelope, marked with the City Project Number, Project title, the name and address of Bidder, and accomganied hy the Bid security and other required documents. If tl�e B1d is senf through the mail or other de�ivery sysiem, the sealed envelope sha11 be enclosed in a s�parate envelope wit� the notatfon "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 14. Modificanon and Withdrawal of Bids 14.1. Bids addressed to the Purchasing Mariager and filed with �e Purchasing Office cannot be withdrawn priar to the time set far bid opening, A request for withdrawal must be made in writing by an appropriate document duly executed in the manner that a Bid must be executed and delivered to the place where Bids are to be submitted at any time prior fo the opening of Bids. A#ter all Bids not requested for withdrawal are opened and publicly read aIoud, t�e Bisis ti�: v;Thi��� a withdrawal request has been �,roperIv filed ma,y, at the option af the City, be returned unopened. 14.2. Bidden� may rr�c� iify ��?�eir �3'r;? by cl?�??TM�,?�i� c�n?munication at any time priar !o zh� time sei f�r �!�� c1c��=n� c+!" F3i�� t-ec•eipt. 1�. Ogening of Bids Bids will be opener! �n� ?Yar� alciiir� �ublicly �t rk�� ;?t�ce ��r'�ere [3ids are t.c� tva submitted. An abstract oithe amour�ts 4rf �l�Y I��G� Rle�s ;�r]d G-r]a��+r alternates � if ar,y} �iuil3 l�� mariP 3vai?ab�e to Bidders after the openin� �af 43ids. l�. �:�s fQ Remain Sub,ject to Ai��Yta!+�•N r��� C���S 1�+8�� I�n►aitl �llh�art t!1 �;;�vrtanrC �07 �3P ?`im� peri�d speci�ied f�r 1���1CF' 0�1�14'aI'a ans� exec:��tian and �?]y�ery af a cQm�Yere Agreerr�ent by �:�ccessii�] 9icider. t.:E �� :ri:�y, at �-!1_y�5 Sd�.@ i�icrrP_.fi1nrL, CL1paSe �t1Y �iEG� 31�� ��!€�]ty the �ir'� �?c�rity }�rior to that K�a+.�_ I'j. �I.ya1111A�1�� O��1f�S SL�� J�warr� nf�'nntraC� I 7, I_ City z'aserves the r��ht ta G��i�;t a?T?� CGr ��� L'IC�S, i�7ciuding ��lathnut �imitation �ne r:ghts �0 i"tJ�Ct 3t7y n1_' aiE »�ncontc+r�r:�ie 110I]C�S�?C�nejywF �;n'i�afanr:Pr� �1T .r..^�nri3Tinnaj {j]dS �Y!� #� �'e,�ec't #l�e Did oF3 :f C����Cr E�'C.1hf �1F�;�v�s ii�rt il wot,?!I nti�1 t+} in �h� �ae�st interest at`�i!�v I'i 4jCC� iC� 13�8.ICe ar aW�rc� ta th�at [3idder, t,�h�'thPr �ecause the �id is 3�QT !'$5]]OI151V� L73' tE1L' E�1[i�l�.r ;� ,:,-,�ualiti�d c,r of onuhtfial 1�]n.jn�i�:! ability or fails ta inP?[ a37,� c�:her Qertinent st�1nd�sd ar c�z:4ri� t�stablisf�eci bv �'��y, City r�3�t� r�serrr�s ttf? ri�hi i�.� u��i.{A `sntnii11a1Y1;10S i�fft lnVnfVin� �,rtc�, cu :±raut �ime �rr th:an�es �i� �h� 'vY�zrk wi��7 ��IE SkkC;e5sfi11 �Idae�i', D15G1'?��ariciey��fiyy��� �}�v r;t±ltsnlicatit�nt��aa;�itfi U� !�1'�C,T�i �iif4� i.nit rT1C85 Wl:� �}? rPcn��r�Ci I�I �,avnr c)t �hF' uni+ �rices. l�iscrepan�.ies b�i3�ew::11��. ir�c4i:aier� w�im c�9`{inv c;c3hm:=t c�tl���ur�� ��n�k ti��; c:�rr��;t;..::r 1h4,reoi��wi�i b} ee��t�P�l in t�vor ox it�� c��}rr�Y1 u����. ].)1:�*e�7�1�Ye5 �diWB�Il W6Ti�S ;�nc! t�,gures :'���� �7� r�5«iY�t� ifl �i=tJnr lTj'��it V�nrr1�, 17, t. �, r1r:; ��r �]1 l�ist� wi ll �}:.• ��c��*P�+ i f` C:it}� !.a� reasc�� �c} �:�li�ve #hat c�1��sion c�casts ame�r.�, �iie ���i�3ers, €?ic�der as �.n interested part_y� zo ap,r+ 1'rti�atian a�.ainst Cxty, C:it�� �,r p�i+�+let ;x,3� l�ave � cf�uin� �gainst tha u#hPr ar �e �nea��d :r li:igation, fil:��Ll' I`� !Il ?!-r�'%�r5 cSfil i.:'�v CXrcrjn� �nTrac:l iYT Ir,aS u�f3i:1rPr1 nn a�ieV'1011S !_.::T!!Ti1s:Ta F�1Lftl8l �'i�w I,�Tf�rnyscd n �y.*`+.�Y is+nrr�_r.� dn :?*i ii1l53iJ �f�C�tt�r�' �:,�„lle*. ol' �1��?: �a.�!� IJrii011'!nkpi�tj };r'�i'� 34'�3iC�'! lil CCP? jud���znl ai`the �';ty +�i+l1i ��revent �,�}' [i ir,rier �ne 4��ru�nnt c��:??p!:.t1U11 +JI 3i{C'�lt1011rll S,«�rk 's f;�w�ded. C�TY {]F FO1tT WGRTH �horev�ew �rive�ulvenImprov�ments gl•�,nm,sui, �;t�iv�•rkl.�CT[L�N sP?�r'TFIf'ATI�N UDCUMEN-f CF:;s :018?4�r lnznsin �et�ls�d ;ar,�, r� 05.3Q3� 0o z> >3 iNST`RUCTTONS 'f0 BIDDEI2S Page 9 of 10 17.2. City �nay consider the qual iiicatians and experience af Subcontractars, S�zppliers, and Qther persons and organizations proposed for those portions af the Work as to which tlte identity af Subcontractors, Suppliers, and ather persons and organi�ations must be submitted es provided in the Cpirtract Documents or upon the request of �he City. City alsp may consxder the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data ar�d guarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such da�a is rec�uired to be submitied prior to the Natice of Award. I7.3. City may conduct such investigations as City deems necessary to assist in the evaIuation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, quali�cations, and financial ability ofBidders, proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perfor�n and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to City's satisfactian within the prescribed ti�ne. �i 7_ �, �.a�ntracror sk�aXl per�'orm ��vitl�. his own arganiz.araan, waxk of a vaiue r�r�t less tharr �S`�'a {11' fillp v��ue er►!�?r2lC�d Dzl [1lE 4;�'��31rh�_t, L!niP�c �.��lerwise approv�d hy �he C�±y. 17.5, �: �hf �,nntrari i5 �U �7� �War�iRr�. yi �+;ilj h� BW�.I'ded Et� IOW�.st CESpon5i��� 3ntj res�onsi�ve Bidder whc�se avaivatian by �City u�dicates that the �ware� wril !�e i*� ihe i�est interests c��f tl�!P C-'rtv. I 7,6, �'�r�ua�t #o Texas Ciovernrnent C�de Chapter 2252.OU�. fihe Ci�Ey �ui11 r�i �a�;��,-� Gu:;±rar1 r� #4 TVIti?1Teciria�il Ri��Pr „n1�ss the NQnresiclern f�a�!�P:'S hii� RS ��7;Y4,- Ii3iiTi S?�? la�:res1 4�i� ssb�ni#ted b}• a r�.spansibie �l'exas Bidder hy f�e s�mH �n,n»� �t ti�at a �'�x�s resident ��:d:.�Pr �•����r� �:e ?'equired to �inderbid a�!c�nresidenl E3idder t� c,htaii� w CUIri�aTa�le C�?ntrart in t1-�� .,�+�arP in urhic� �ie iYOTII'OSldel7t'S r!'??7+��]pa] �lace af �iiisje�rvc 15 1G:.:?leCi. �?,�, A c�ntract ss r.sat,�warded un�ill�ormal C:ity Council authorization, li �ti�p C`.�311tFtart j� �� t3� �L4larriP[�r �'it�� t:��11 rward the [',ontra{:t tiraRi�i?? 9� �ays afier tlt� c���y csi ii�e B i�� {�l)y'pir1,4; IJI71k:;S C}{i�n�ir_.�i 1!7 �'d;'it[ilk;, ��7iV�'{��r:14[ i1j ���. f� CSI`;5��1?TS 1�'1�� 4{li'��l111f1� acce�ta.nce .�t' a Ri�l, lJpr�n li�e c:��ntract�sr award a�NotiCe ot Iw�var¢� }�;�3 ;?e isst_+�.ci I�}� 1 i i�' �--itv, ]�_7_ k_'��,p �;,n#ra�tnr iQ rP�uYred to ��I ��Lt s,�,d :,i�n f�:v cf'er#�ticate ni- fnterested �'a•-±;ps Fr:r^� 1�a�5 �nr� tl�e a���rm m�isi �e a.;.�h�iit�c! t:� t�e �wc,nect l!`!�*!a�er o-1Pff�YR tll�e [.i�ntrArt. i'►'I�� �?� Rre�ented t:� the Lity C`n�int il, i�hN j;�r?i] �en bN u��tHin�d :y� bttvs:i�►v��.+�thics.ytate.t:�.t�sida#a/furmal1295f I.���.�p�if ]'7,�, F�ilure E}� fYtUs�G ta _.���nr,ly �irh 1he r�quiteuYent4 ::tay result iii n�,ic�tic�ty Cff Q�+�_ k�. �i�nin� c�i',��reement ] Y_ I, l�hen t'?ry issues �]'+lr:t±ce ��F.�;T4r�1 tr, ��+�v �,,:;,��„e�.efi�l ��'s�d�r. ii kv111 L� ac:��mnariie� �}Y 4�t� ��;�iiirP�J j;iii;nn�r �,Fti11S��I1�C� CL1lle�rPrrarrS u�t'�1�. 1��,9'�:ti]C1eT:�, �V11�7iI1 �+� Gc7}'S th�l'i8�?��' �=1ti?1Tf��'Sc�r _;ha'll ;3i�xTi �flC� CiBiiY�er 1hP r�'���ired r,�!�L��;" [if k'.C±L+I1�?C'1}�ri"4 �>� C�?F` AL,; �e�iznt ki � I�l'' "+'�']T:1 kh� I'c.4}uil"�d Bnr7�5_ ��c'-1'f1�iCatac ni- [=�;�liral'�cP, Fili� �i� ��3ri��1" required ��ocum�ntation. a w.�!, �'i:l iLl?'� kv �xar.�lrr if �2fjjr C�, ��rwrL'i!?YI C'.O�i��Ct Ti�a� �Lt1�'�i:Ct ��1:" �.L717t.�.��i�}l" �l7 �l�r!��fil��, {'I i'y { �F F['iHT WORTN �:nr„ ,,. ,r I�SiVP C.L!vr?I ImF�rnYP.717P.t]T1 c•rAN7�nRT�CpNSTRilCTION SPECIFICATIi7N 1SOCl.I :^�'NT {'PNr; iL'1'��U� 143p�1t) Re■,ised ?W�a�� [�S, ��U"� I 00 21 13 IidSTRIFCTI0N5 TQ BID]]ERS Page 10 of 10 1$.3. City shall �hereafter deliver one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. END OF SECTION C��;s ��p ;�nR�' w(��'I}f t>hnreview TN�vr: Cui�eri lmorovemcnts 5"fAN�ATtCi �'JN�TR17rTIUi.SPECIFICA"fT�N r�p4:1,��7��C LP?`}9 lO1SZ� � J:)�nK�n ftwrised s�uary 1�5. ��'21 003513-1 CQNCLIC'i OP' iIVTERE5T A�'FIDAVIT Page 1 oE 1 I z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1F 12 13 19 15 16 17 18 19 2fl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 SECTION QU 35 13 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT Each bidder, ofFeror, or respondent (hereinafter also referred to as "you") io a City of Fort Warth (also referred to as "Gity") procurement are required io complete Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (the attached CIQ Form) and Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statemenk {the attached CI5 Form) below pursuant to state law. This affidavit will certify th�t the Bidder has on file vvith the City 5ecretary the reguired documentation and is eligible to bid on City Work. The referenced forms may be downloac�ed from the website links pravided below. http://wvaw. ethics.state.tx.uslforrn sICIQ.t�df httn: �www.ethics.state. tx. uslformslClS.pdf [s�J CIQ Form is on file wiih City 5ecrefiary 0 CIQ Form is being provided #a the City Secretary / 0 CIS Form is on File with City Secretary Q CIS Farm is being provided to the City Secretary BinnER: .� �G �'� Company ��� /��•� Address ��,� ��f�� City/5tate/Zzp �'�� ��.. /.� �� ��� � � By: !"ll�x MG�+�ls ( lease P int) Signature: � � Tifle: I� C� I- �Lif l� n� (Please Print) 37 END OF SECTION C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD COiVSTRUCTION SFECIFICATIOIV DOCi73vt�W7'S 12evised Marcl� 27, 2012 Shore�iew D�ive Culvezt Tmprovements CPNs 10182D & 103D51 a0 41 06 BID FORM PBge i of 3 s�cTioN oa a100 BID FORM Td: TE�e Purchasing Manager c/o: "i'he Purchasing bivision 200 Texas Street City oiFort WQrth, Texas 76i02 FOR: Shnreview Culvert Drive Improvements Cicy Praject No.: I03051 Units/Sections; CJnit I- Paving and Drainage 1. Enter lnta Agreement The undersigned 13idder proposes and agrees, ii this Bid is accepted, to entez• intQ an Agr�ement with CiCy in tha fonn included in #he Bidding Documents to perform and furnish alf Work as specified or indicated in the Contraci Documents far the Bid Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance �vith khe other terms and conditions of the Contra�t Documents. 2. BIDDER Acknawledgements and Certification 2.1. In submitting this Bid, Bidder accepfs all of the terms and conditions of the INViTATION TO BIDDEAS and INSTRUC`1'IONS TO SIDDERS, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. 2.2. Bidder is aware of all costs to provide the required insurance, will do so pending contract award, and will provide a valid insurance oertificate meeting all requirements within 14 days of notificatian of award. 2.3, Bidder cei�ifes that this Bid is genuine and not mad� in the interest nf or on behalf of any undisclosed individ�aE or entity and is not su6mitted in confoi7nity with any collusive agreement or rules of any group, associalion, organization, or eorporatian. 2.4. i3icider has not directly or indi3•ectly induced or solicitad any other Bidder to submit a ialse or sham Bid. 2.5. Bidder has not solic'ited or induced any individual or entity to refrain from bidding. 2.6. Bidder has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coerci�e practices in competing for the Contract. For the purposes of this Paragraph: a. "carrupt p�•actice" means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any thing of value lifcely to influence the action of a pu6lic official in the bidding process. b. "fi•audulent practice" rr�eans an intentional misrepresentation nf facts made (a) to influence tt�e bidding process to the detriment of Cily (b) to establish Bid prices at artificial nan-competiti�e le�sis, or (c) to deprive City af the bene�ls of fi�ee and open cornpetition. c. "collusive practice" means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders, with or wiEhout the knowledge of City, a purpose of which is to estiablish Bid prices at artificial, non-competitive le�els. d. "coercive practice" means harming ar threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their property to inf'Luence their participation in the bidding pracess or affecC the execution of'the Contract. 3. P�•equaIification � CITY OF FORT WORTH 3TAN(�Af�D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION �OCUMENTS Fafm Revised March 9, 2020 Cvpy oF 00 41 UO Bld Proposal Workbook ao 4t o0 BID FORM Page 2 of 3 T'he Bidder acknowledges that tlie following work types must be performed oaly by prequalified cont�'actiors and subcont�'actors: a. Asipahlt Paving Construction/Reconstruction {L6SS THAN 15,000 sqUa�•e yards) b. RQadway and Pedestrian Lighting c. Water Dish•ibution, U�•ban and Renewal, 8-inhe diameter and smaller d. Sewer Force Mains, $-inch diamet�r and smaller 4. Time of Completion 4.1. The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 180 days af�er the date when the the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the CSeneral Conditions. 4.2. Bidder accepts the pro�isions af the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event af failure to complete the Wo�•k {and/or achie�ement of Milestones} within the times specifiecE in the A�reement. 5. Attached to this Bid The following documents are attached to and made a part of t�is Bid: a. This Bid Fa�-m, Section Qa 41 Ob b. ltequieed Bid Bond, 5ection DO 43 13 issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.01 of the General Conditions. c. Proposa� Form, Section 00 42 43 d. Vendor Complianee to State LawNon Resident Bidder, Section 00 43 37 e. MWB� Porms (opf.ional at time of bid) £ Prequalificatian Statement, Section 00 45 12 g. Conflict Qf Interesf Statement, Section 00 35 13 *Tf necessary, CIQ or CIS forms are to be provided direcily to City Seerefaty h. Any additional documents that may be required by Section 12 nf the Instruetions to Bidders 6. Tatal Bid Amount 6.1. Bidder wil! camplete fhe Work in aceardance with the Contract Documents For the fo]lowing 6id amaunt. In the space provided below, please enter the totaI hid arr�ount for this project. Only Chis figure wil! be read publiciy by the City at the bid opening. 6.2. It is underslaod and agreed by the Bidcter in signing tlais prapasal that the tatal bid amount entered belo�r is subject Co verifcation anci/or madification by multiplying the unit bid prices for each pay item by the respeccive estimaked quantities shown in this proposal and then totaling all ofthe extended amaunts. Tota] Bid $1,658,900.06 7. Bid Submiftal CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRi1CTION SPECIFICATION �OCl7M�N7S Form Revised MarCh 9, 2026 Copy of fla 41 00 Bid ptoposal Workbook an a� oa BIQ FORM Page 3 of 3 This Bid is submifted on March 4th, 2021 (Signature} Curt Hanson {Frinted Name) Tifle: President Cornpany: IBCTX, LLC Address: 507 Main St. Ste B Lake Dallas, TX 75065 5tate nf Incorporation: T�XAS Ernail: estimatinaCu�ibcix.com 1'hone: 940-279-4200 END OP SECTI�N CIN OF FORT WORTH 5TANDAR� CONSTRUGTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised March 9, 2�20 by ihe entiiy named below. Receipt is aeknowledged of the I�itial follo�ing Addenda: Addendum No. I: CH Addendum No. 2: �lddendum No. 3: Addendum No. 4: Cw•porate Seal: Copy of 00 9i Qfl Bid Praposal Workbook 0o az as eio Pnoros.v. Pagc � efl s�cTioN au �z as PROP05ALFORM UNIY �RIC� �I� Project Item Infonnation Bidlist Item l�So. 0171 A101 U171.D102 0241.0550 4241.1100 31i0,0101 3137.01 U1 3137.0104 3137.0104 3211.a713 3212D302 3212.0505 3213.01p3 U171.0101 097i.0102 0241.0550 0249.i 100 3110,01D1 3137.0101 3i37.0104 3137.U104 3271.0173 32i 2.0302 32i 2.U5US 3213.DiU9 3217.0�07 3217.DQ02 3292,0400 3292.05�0 3305.0109 33U5.02U3 3305.U206 3317.0001 3319.016i 3311.0269 3812,OQ01 33'f 2.3003 3312,31D3 3812.4004 3471.0041 9999.�OU1 9999.00p8 9999.D�d5 Descriptian Construction Sfaking As-Built Survey Remove Guardratl Remove Asphalt Pvmt Sile CleariRg Concrete Riprap (4") �4ledlum Stane Riprap, grouted (�50, 24") Medium 5tane Riprap, grouted (�50, 18"j B" Flexi6le 6ase, Type A, GR-1 2" Asphalt Pumt Type D e" Asphalt 8ase Type B e" Conc Pvmt 4" SL� Pvmi Nlarking HAS 4" SLD Pvmt Marlcing HAS Y) Hydramulching, Seeding Soil Etelention Blanket Trench Safety Imported Em6edmen�lBackfill, CLSM Imported �mbedmenUBackflll, Accepta6le Backfill �uctile Iron Water Fittings wl Resiraint 6" PVC Water Pipe 8" PVC Water Pipe Fire Hydrant 8" Gate Valve B" Cut-in Gat�; Valve 8"x6" Tappina Sleeve & Valve Traffic Confrol Undassified RoadwaylRamp �xcavation Emhankrnen! (RoadwaylRampj Transpo[t and Install City Provided 1 U'x1 D' RCBs Repurpased Rnck Wall 3" HDPE Sanitary Sewer Pipe Management and Implementatiqn Pfan for Force Main Me#al eeam Guard Fence (timGer posts) Terminal AnchorlDownstream Anchor 12' Barrier Gate {w! lock) AquaQam Water InfEated Barrier System or Approved Equal Enviroflex or Approved Equai Remove Conarete Rip €tap (afl thicknesses) Mainlenance E�amp Retaining Wall Upstream Retaining Watl �ownstream Retaining Wall 9999.0006 4" iemporary Bypass ior Water Line 3291.D1 4" Topsoil j 9999.001 B 10x10 RCB (Precasi or Gast-ln-Place) � 9993.D019 TransRort and Instal! 10'x10' RCB (3) � 5pecdication Sectiou No. 01 71 23 01 71 23 0241 13 U2 41 15 31 1 D DO 31 37 D� 3i 37 00 35 37 00 32 11 23 321216 az tz �s 327399 32 77 23 329723 32 92 13 32 92 13 33 05 10 33 05 1 � 33 q510 3311 11 33 11 12 3311 12 33 12 AU 33 12 20 331220 33 12 25 34 71 13 3] 23 16 31 24 QO 33 b1 16 32 32 i 3 33 31 15 33 03 10 TxQOT TxDOT ❑etai{ 31 38 00 31 39 00 02 41 13 32 32 7 3 Urul oY - Measure LS LS LF SY LS SY 5Y SY SY SY 5Y SY LF LF SY SY LF CY CY TON LF LF EA EA � EA MO CY CY LF LF LF LS LF �A EA LS SY SF SF eup. FOW �idder's Application li�d Ousntilv i 1 17U 1,045 1 120 575 250 1,70� 1,3D0 1,300 26tl 815 BQU 1,350 1,350 390 125 aaa 1 20 65 1 1 2 1 6 1.25U 21� 170 265 275 1 5fi5 4 � 1 zna 9 ,365 9.750 Biddefs Proposal I Unit Price Bid Va[ue � $fiD,D00.OQ $15,Qva.00 $12.00 ��o.aa $169,OU6.D0 $ i 50.00 $i40.00 $134.I10 $25.00 $1k,OD $47.00 $130.d0 $5.OU $5.Oa �s.ao $5.00 $71.OD $250.00 585.04 $7,1flD.D0 $55.D0 $88.D0 $2,75p,oQ $1,f50.00 $2,2aD.D0 $z,7so.00 $2, 5U0.00 $25.00 $50.�fl $650.00 $12p,00 $25.00 $5,500.00 $30A0 $2,300.a0 $i o,00a.ao $1 �O,OOU.OQ $25D.00 $15.D0 $65.00 $6fl,OQ0.00I $75,ODO.00I $2.040.00 �1p,45p.9� $969,QOO.OD $18,000.00 $80,500.00 $32,SUf1.00 � �az.son.aol $18,206.a0 � $61,i06.D0� $33,800.00� $a,o��.oa� $4,000.00 �s,ioo.oal $6,750.00 � $4,290Aa� $31,250.00 � $25,5013,00{ $1,100.{10 $1,100.00 $s,7zo.00 $2,75p.00 $1,65D.00 � $4,400.401 �a,�so,anl $15,oao.aol $31,250.00� $10,500.00 I $110,500.Ofl I $31,860.Ofl � $s.e�5.00l $S,SOO,QOI $76,650.00� $9,20U.0�� $3 O,OOU.00I �i0a,o0q.po $SD,DOO.OD $20,475.00 $948,750.00 32 32 13 SF ezp. FOW 3,4D0 32 32 73 5F exp. FOW 1,700 33 OA 3D LS � 32 91 19 CY Bid Summary Base Bid Alternate Bid 1 � `� LF EWD OF SECTION $85.00 $289,ona.av $85.OQ $1A4,500.00 1 � $5,5DU.D0 $S,soo.oal 125 $55.00 $6,875.00� � Unit 1: Pavin� and SiRnak I Totat Base Bid $1,65$,900.00 � 1 i�o 1 asol $iaa,soo.00l � -170 � 650I -$170,500,001 Totnl Altcrnafe BidG $1,692,900.40 � Toftt] Hid� C17Y OF FORT WORTH STAN!]ARD CONS7Ri1C1'ION SPECiF1CAT10N DOCUMENTS l�omi RcriuA 2U�ZU12l1 Cnpy ofOU a I 00 Bid PropoaE Wark6oak 00 43 13 61� B�N❑ Page 1 af 1 SECTION 00 A3 'I3 BID 6pND KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: Thatwe, ]BGTX, I.LC , known as "Bidder" herein and ;���^re.rsads 8or.�1]^� c:w��r.�ny {F"«i;,alt a corporafe sureiy duly authorized to du 6usiness in the State of Texas, kr,avm as'S�r�fy` herein, are held and firmly bound unto the City vf Fort Worth, a m�anicipal corporation created pursuant to ihe iaws of7exas, �knrnvn as "City" herein, in the penal sum o#five percent (6%) of Bidder's maximum bid price, in lawful money of the United States, to he paid in Fort Warth, Tarrant County, Texas for fhe payment of which sum well and fruly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and several�y, firmfy 6y these presents. WN�F2�AS, the Principal has submitted a bid or proposal ro perform Work for the fnllowing project designated as 5horeview Culvert prive Improvements NOW, THER�FORE, fh� condition of fhis tibligation is such that if the City shaEl award the Contract for the foregoing project to the Principal,`and the Principa! shalf satisfy all requirements and condiiions required for the execution of Ehe Cantract and shall enter into the Confracf in writing with the Cify in accc�rdance wifh the terms of such same, then thls ahligatio� shal! he and become nulE and void, If, however, the Principal fails to exeaute such Contraet in accordance with the terms af same or falls to satisfy all requirements and conditions required for the exeeuiion Qf tf�e Coniract, this bond shall become ihe pro�erty of the City, withaut recourse ofi the Principa] andlor 5urety, not to exceed the penalty hereof, and shal� be used to compensate Ctty for Ehe difference between Principal's total bid amount and fhe next selected bidder's Eotal bid amount. PROVID�D F'L1127NER, thaf if any iegal acfion be filed on this �ond, venue shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States �istrict Cnurt far the Northern �istrick of Texas, Fort Worth Division. IN W[TNESS WNEREOF, the Principal and the Surefy have 51GNED and SEALEQ this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the ATTEST: z Witness as ta Principai �4th day oi Mfarch � 2021. PRIHGIPAL: ,,�`�� � IBCTX, Ll,�'''� � .,� s�'` /� B� �,��- at ," ~..'` � ��4� �.��-� F `4 �i`� k t�� me and Title l, Address: 507 Main 5tre�t. SuiEe B Lake Qallas. TX 75a65 SURETY: Merchan#s Bonding Company (Muival) ! i 6 r � BY: �! ������ Si ature -in-Fact Name and Tifle � Mh� Witness a to Sure� Address: 67Q0 Westawn Pkwy West Des Moines. IA 5026fi 1"elephone Number: 595-243-8171 AYtach Pnwer of Attomey (5urety) for Attnrney-in-Fact "Note: lf signed bq an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on Crle a certified extract from Yhe by laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If 5urety's physical address is dii#erent from ifs mailing address, both must be provided. The date of #he boncf shall not 6e prior fa t�e da#e the Contraat is awarded. END QF SECTION GITY QF FORT WORTH 6iANOAF?� CONSTRUCTiON SP�.CIHCAI'ION bacllM�N75 Form Revised 201711a8 00 A9 00 Bid Proposaf Work400k.xls �.�����r� 8������ ���P���n.� P��ER �F Ai�O�R��Y KnowAll Persons By These Presents, that MERCHANTS B�HDING COMPRNY (NUTUAL) and M�RCHANTS NA�fIQNAL BONDING, ING., hath being eorporations oF the State of lowa (herein colfectively cal[ed the "Companies"� do herehy make, conskitute and appoint, individually, Abigail R Mohr; Enid � Devries; John R Fay; Keni EN Rosenberg; Mat peG€oote; Matthew R Fay; Michael l. McCpy their true and lawful Attnrney{s)-in-�act, to sign its name as surety{ies) and to exeeute, seai and acknowledge any and a11 bonds, underfakings, Cbfltl'8F�5 and nther written instniments in the nature thereof, on behalf of the Comp.anies in their business of guaranteeing the #idelity af persnns, guaranteeing the per€armance of contracts and executing or guaranteeing bonds and underlakings required or permitted In any actions ar praceedings allowed by law, This Power-of-Atiorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authorify of the folEowing By-Laws adopted 6y the Board of Directors of NCerchants BoncEing Company (Mutuaf) on April 23, 2011 and amended August 94, 2o15 and adopted by the Board of birec#ars of MerchanlsNafior�al Bonding, [nc., on Oc#aber 16, 20i5. "The President, Secretary, Treasurer, or any Assistant Treasurer or any Assistani 5ecretary or any Vice President shall have power and authority to appaint Attarneys-in-Fact, and to auihorize them to executa on behalf of Ehe Company, and attach the seal of fhe Campany thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings ahligatory in the nature lhereof." `The signature of any authofized officer and the seal of the Company may be a�xed by facsimife or electronic Yransmfssian to any F'ower of Attorney or Certification thereof auihorizing fhe execution and delivery ofi any bond, undertxking, recognizance, or Qther suretyship n blig�kions of the Company, and sucf� signeiure and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually ixed." In connection with obligatians in fa�pr of the Flo�ida De�artment nf Transportaiion only, It is agr�ed fhat the power and aut f�ority hereby given to the Aiiomey-fn-Fact includes any and all consents for the release of retained percentages andlor final estimat�s on engineering ancf construction cantracfs requlred by the State of Florida Department of Transportation. ft is ful[y understood that cnnsenting to the 5tate afFlarida Deparfinen# ofTransportatian malcing payment af the final estimate fa ihe Contractor andlor its assignee, shall not relie�e this surely company of a�y of its obligafions �nderifs bond. In connection with obligations in favar af the Kentucky L]epartment af Highways only, it is agreed that the pawer and aufhorify hereby given to the Attorney-in-Fact cannot be modified or revoked uNess prior written personxf notice of sucF� intent has been given tn the Commissiuner- Deparfinent of Highways af the Commonwealth o# Kentucky a! ieast Ehirty (30) days prior to the modiflcation or reuacatian. In �tness Whereof, the Companies have caused this insVument io be signed and sealed this ifth day of February , 242� . y���n���f `s � ♦ �' a�• •�• ' ` ' ��l��ry �n���'� �• MERCHANTS BONDING COMPANY /MUTIJAL .y4� �K `� � t • 1�' � ± � � i L! 1 � �►�, G �'y; ,�';�. �'�:' a�pO�a�':� � a� ���y�R � � � � 11qERCHANTS NA71011IAL �ONDING� Ii�1C. �'�':� _0_ �•:�M �F-��:�� _0_ Kri- � v�:� GV�3 :yr�i, � • y� 1933 �'•�� S�( � �� � •. . `: ` � ° �'. .'ry • [�2/� �r�r,�•, .�.. ••` *� ,� ��� �'� r+ � ��r'Y•••� _!._ �••� � a�� �• �• • �' • ��+� �lLSlCient S3�ATEOFIDWA •r+�"ai�i�a'y*�, ��+���:rr couNry a� oA�.u�s ss. dn this 91th day of Fel�ruary 2a2� , before me appeared Larry Taylor, to me personalEy knawn, who being by me d�ly sworn did say that he is President of M�RCFiAf�CTS BaNtiING COMPAI�Y {MUTUAL) and MERCHANTS NATIoNAL BONpING, INC.; and that tE�e seals affrxed to the foregoing inslrument are the Carporate Seals of the Companies; and that the said instrurrEent was signed and sealed in hehalf of the Companies by authoriiy of fheir respeetive 8oards of plrec#ors. ,�QR�a� � POLLY MAS�N - o � Cammission I�umber 750576 � �..D��� � ° ° ° ° My Cammission �x�ires �'' +�owA t Jartuary Q7, 2Q23 Notary Pub�ic (Expiration of notar+�s commission does not in�alidate this insEruinent) I, William Warner, Jr., Secretary of MERCHAN7S BOiV�[NG COMPANY (N1L17UAL) and Ni�RCHA�V7S NA710NAL BONDING, If�C., do hereby certlfy that the above and foregoing is a true and carrect copy of the POWER-OF-ATTORNEY executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect and has nnf been amended or revoked. fn Witness LfUhereof, I hava hereunta set my hand and affixed the seal of the Companies on this 4th day of [�arch , 2021 . .`���A'`�OIY�/���r+re +�•�l�G��iQAiA�+ ��(J�: Q�•T����.Q� �Qj�4�����_•� ��ri ; : � %'�., y � � `Cs .� ..t. • ���'+�C.� �+v'�� . ;�:Z _o_ p;d; .r—�':•� _o_ o� ; ; �'. 20U3 � �' ; �' � � 933 ; c' Secretary ,`�. ' �',. . . . .��. ,.�,: •• �3� ,11��M ��r.�•���������*�� �i+'ia�•i+,• F'OA 4018 {1120) '''"`••""'t „ ao as s7 VEN�OR COMPLIRNCE TO STATE LAW Page 1 of 1 SECTI�N UO A�3 3� VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW N�N RE.SIDENT BIDDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2252 was adopted for the award of contracts to nonresident bidders. This law pro�ides that, in ard�r to be awarded a contract as low bidder, nonresident bidders (ou�-of-state contractnrs whose eorporate offices or principal place of business are autside tF�e State of Texas) bid projecfs for construction, impro�ements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by th� same amount thai a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contracfi in the State +n�hich the nonresident's principal place of business is located. The appropriafe blanks in S�ction A must be filled out by a{l nanresident bidders in order fo� your bid ko me�t specifications. TF�� #ailure of nonresident bidders to do sa will automatically disquafify that bidder. Resitienf bidders must check the box in Section B. A. Nonresid�nt bidders in khe State af �tate Hee� �r E���hk , our principal place of business, are required to be °!¢ WJere �ercent lower t�an resident bidders by 5tate Law. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidd�rs in the State of �tate �Cere �r B��nk , our principa! place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business of our company or aur parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. I� BlDDER: IBCTX, LLC 5fl7 Main St. 5te B Lake �allas, TX 75065 B�G��rt Hanson fi� , (Signature) Tit�e: President Daie: � � � �� END �F' BECTION CITY OF FOR7 WOi2TH STAHDARQ GONSTRUCTidN SPECIFICA71DfV DOCUMENTS Farm Ravlsed 201'f 0627 Capy of 00 41 00 Bid Proposal Workbook 00 45 11 - { BTDD�RS PTtEQUALIPICATIOTIS Page 1 of3 SECTiON 00 4� �1 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS 4 1. Surr�mary. Ali caritractors are r�quired io be prequalified by the City prior to submitting 5 bids. 'I'o be aligible to bid fhe contractar must submit Section 40 45 12, Prequalification 6 Statemant for tl�e wark type(s) listed with their Bid. Any contractar or suhcontractor who is 7 not prequali�ed for the wori� typ�(s) listed must snbmit Section 00 45 13, Bidder S �':requalification Application in accordance with the requirements below. 9 10 The prequalification process will estabiish a bid limit based on a technical e�+aluation and 11 imancial analysis of tlie cantractor. The infor�nation must be suhmit�ed seven (7) days prior 12 to t11e date af the opening of bids. For example, a contracior wishing to submit bids on 13 projects to be apened on the 7tI� c�f April must %le the infnrmatinn by the 31 st day of March 14 in order to bid on these projecis. In order to expedite and facili�ate the approval �f a Bidder's 15 Prequalif'icaiion Applicaiian, the foliowing must accampany the subrnission. 16 a. A complete set of audified or reviewed financial state�nents. 17 (I) Classified Balar�ce Sheet 18 (2) Income Statement 19 (3) Statement af Cash Flaws 20 (4) Statemant of ReYained Barnings 21 (S} Notes to the Financial Statements, if any 22 b. A certified copy of the firm's organizational documents (Corporate Charter, Articles 23 of Incarporation, Articles of Organization, Certificate of Farmation, LLC 24 Regulations, Certificate of Limited Partnership Agreement). 2S c. A completed Bidder Prequalification Application. 26 (1) The fitm's Texas T�payer ldentification Number as issued by the Texas 27 Comptroller of Public R�c�„nts. To obtain a�'exas Taxpayer ldentification 28 number visit the Texas Compt�vller of Public Accoiants onIine a� the 29 following wab address www.window.state.fi.x.usltaxnermitl and %ii nut the 30 appIication to apply for your Texas 1ta� ID. 31 {2) The iirm's e-mail address and f� number. 32 (3) The firm's D[lNS number as issued hy Dun & Bradstreet. This number 33 is used by the Ci�y for required reporting on Federal Aici prajects. The DLJNS 34 number may be obtained at www.dnb.com. 35 d. Resumes reflecting the canstruction experience of the principles of the ��xn. for �irtns 36 submitting their initial prequali�'ication. These resumes should include the szze and 37 scope of the work performed. 38 e. Other information as requested by the City. 39 4U . �. PrequaIif�cation Requirements 41 a. Financial,�taLements. Finaszcial statement sub�nission must be provided in 42 accordance with the following: 43 (l. ) 'I'he City requires that the original Financiai Statement or a certif ed copy 44 be submitted for consideration. CITY QF FORT W ORTH Shareview Brive CS�lvert Imprpvements S7'A7�DAiif] CONSTRLiCTTON 3PECIFiCATION DOCi]l��NTS CPNs ] �� 820 & 103051 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 00 45 11 - 2 B]DDETtS PREQUALIFICATIONS I'age 2 of 3 l0 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 (2) To be satisfactory, the financial siateme�ts must be audited or re�iewed by an independent, certi�'ied public account�ng firm registered and in good standing in any state. Current 'I'exas statues also require that accounting firms perforining audits or reviet�vs on business entities within the State af Texas be properly licensed ar registered with the Texas 5tate Boaxd of Public Accountancy. (3) The accounting �irm shauld state in the aud.it report or review �vhetYter tha contractor is a�a individual, corparation, or limited iiability campany. (4) Financial Siat�ments must be presented in U.S. dollars at ihe current xate af exchange of the Balance Sheet date. (5) The City wiIl n.ot recagni7e any certified public aceountant as indapen.de�t who is not, in fact, independent. (6} The accauntant's opinion on the ilnancial statements of the coni�acting co�inpany �hould state that the audit or review has l�een conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted ir� the United States af America. Ti�is must be stated in the accouniing f rm's opinion. It should: (1) express an unqualiiied opinion, or (2) express a quali�ed opini�n on the statements taken as a whole. (7) The City reserves the right to require a new statement at any time. (8) The financial statement must be prepared as af the Iast day of asyy month, nat rnore than one year old and must be on f le with the City 16 montlts thereafter, in accordance with Paxagz'aph 1. {9} The City will deiermine a contractor's bidding capacity for the purposes af awarding contracts. Bidding capacity is determined by multiplying the positive net working capital (woz'king capitai = current assets — current liabilities) by a factor oi 10. Only tlaosa s#atements reflecting a positive net working capitaI positiqn will be considered satisfactory for prequalification purposes. (10) In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new financial statement is beirng prepared, the previous statement shall be updated wzth proper verificatiorz. b. Bidder Prequalification Applicatian. A Bidder Prequalificatian Application must be submitted along with aud'zted or xeviewed fmancial statements by firms wishing to be eligible to bid on all classes of construction and inaintenance grojects. Incomplete Appiica�ions will be rejected. {1) In those schedules where there is nothing to report, the natation of "None" ar "N/A" should be inserted. (2} A minimuxn of five (5) references of related work must be provided. (3) Subm�ssion of art equipment schedule which indicates equipment under the control of the Contractor and which is related to the type of work for which the Contactor is seeking prequalification. The scheduIe must include the manufacturer, model and ganeral camtnon d�scription of each pieee of equip�nent. Abbreviations or means of descrribing equipment other than provided above wi1I not be accepted. 46 3. Eligxbi�ity to Bid �F7 a. The City sha11 be the sole Judge as io a cantractar's prequalification. 48 b. The City may rejeci, suspend, or modify any prequalification for failure by the 49 confractor to demonstrate acceptahle financial ability or performance. 50 c. T17e City will iss�e a lettex as tr� the status of the prequalification agproval. C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview T�rive Culvert �nprovemen4s STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC�ICATION DOCUM�NTS CP�Ts [01820 St ]03051 Revised 7uly 1,2D11 DO45I1-3 BTDI]�125 PREQUALIFdCATEONS Page 3 af 3 d. If a contractor has a valid prequalification letter, th� contractor will be eligible to bid ihe prequaliiied work types until ihe expiratian date stated in the letier. 8 END OF SECTION 9 CIT'Y pF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert (mprwements STAAfDARIJ CONSTRUCTION SPECTI'�CATION DOCUMEI�iTS CPNs 10182D & 103051 Revisad 7uly l, 2011 009512-! PREQUALlrICATI�N STATEMEI�lT Page ! of 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 la 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 �S 19 20 zi z2 23 24 25 26 SECTION 00 �5 12 PREQUALI�ICATION STATEMENT Each Bidder far a City procurement is required to complete the information �elow by identif'ying the prequalified contractors andlor subcontractars whqm they intend to utiIize for the major work type(s) listed. Majar Work Type Asphalt Paving Constr�ctionlReconstruction (LES5 THAN 15,000 square yards) Raadway and Pedestrian Li�htin� V[�a�er Distrik�ution, Urban and Renewal, 8-inch diazzzeter and smaller Sewer Force Mains, 8-inch diameter and smaller ContractorlSul�contractor Company Name ��G� �ree �Ans�. /!l4� ��p� ��6�e Gx � ! `� �Qnst .:x c� j �'� Ca•�s�. Prequalification Expiration Date ia�31 /�a� y �,3�/ap a � � / 3Q /aaaf The undersigned hereby certifies that t�e eontractors andlor suhcontractors described in the table abo�e are currently prequalified for the work types listed. BIDDER: �� �� � � G Company ��� ���� s�f�. g Address �a�iL �. �(u S � r� / �O (O 7r CitylStat�elZip By: �P� �!`�r�MeS (�lease Prin Signature: G�i���// Title: �/ � C {. �i�5 ��,�-I {Piease Print) Date: ���/ �� � END OF SEGT��N CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDAAD COIVSTRUCTIQN SPECTFICAT'IQN DOCU1vIENTS 12evisecf July !, 2011 Shnreview Drive Culvert ImprQvements CPIVs 101820 & 103051 ao45zs-i CONTRACT�R COMPLIANCE WITH WOI�IC�R'S C�MPENSATION LAW Page 1 of 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 31 I2 13 14 15 16 X7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2S 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SECTION 00 45 26 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANGE WITH VVORKER'S COMPENSATION LAVL� Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Sectian 406.096 (a), as amended, Contractar certif'tes that it provldes warker's compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees empioyed on City Project No. 101820. Contractor further certif'ies that, pursuant to Texas Labar Code, Section 4p6.096{b), as amended, it will provide to City its subcontractor's certi�icates of ca�plzance with worker's compensation coverage. CONTR.A.CTOR: �� � �X� GG G I: ��C ��M�C S (Ple Print) : _�" � � 1'G� �r�s��� (Please Print} Company � � / �l A•�' S� s� • � Signature Address �li-e � L��S` �it' � �'.'Q lo S � Txkle: City/Siate/Zip THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT � � BEFORE I1� the under ' ed�h��, on this day personally appeared %j` , known to me to be the person whose nanne is subscribed to the oregoin ins ent, and acknowledged to rrAe that he/she executed the same as the act and deed of t� for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIV�N UNDE MY AND AN'D/SEAL OF OFFIC� this day of !r%%��ir�� . 2Q� f �►.*'� pti� UEB� ROTHR4CK ��n �ptary 1A Ii1290734i4 ! '�-� : My Commission �xpirrs "'taF August 1, 2024 � Notary ublic in and %r t�e State of Texas � . ■� ■■� � END OF SECTION CITX qF FC1RT WORTH STANDARD CONS"I'AUCTIDN SPECIFICATIDN DDCUMENTS Reviscd,�uly 1, 201! 5hore�iew Drive Gulvert Improvements CPl�fs lols2o & 103051 pD4540-1 Business Equity Ordinance 5pecifications Page 1 of 2 1 SECTION 00 4� 4� 2 IEMPORARY R��i��ON (C.OVID-19�1 3 Business Equity 5pecifications �F APPLICA`I�ON �F POLYCY 5 Tf the to�al dollar value ofthe contract is great�r than $lUt�,000, i l�en a Business Equity �aal is applicabl:,. 6 A Business Equity Firms refers to certified Minor�ty-, andlor 'Women-, �vv�aed Business Enterprises 7 (M/WBE). 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 ].8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 PQLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensvre the full and equitable participation of Business E quity Fiz•n:�s when appIie�ble, in the procurement of all gaods a��d services. All requirements and regula�icros stated in th� City's current Business Equity 4rdinance No.24534-11-2020 apply to this bid. MBE PROJECT GOALS T}18 CTfy's M/WBE goal on ihis project �s �%• t�� is'7� insai hi[� }�al�a�' <<f ?j'lr. C::p7r3Gl �I#c.l;F� �+�? u�l�l�lGS fi'1 Parks and Community Sefvices}. COMPLIANCE TO BID SPECIFICATIONS On City contracts $100,000 or more where a Business �;quity �:uul is �tpp�l8i�, {���Crnrc i�re rPE��7ir�[,j C(s comply wi�h the intent of the City's Business Equity Ordinance b�� �!�eting or �xceeding t:he above �taied goal through one of the follo�ving methods: 1. Susiness Equity subcu�tractin� participation, ar; 2. Commercial usafu[ function ser�ices performed by the Business Equiiy Prime ta count towards the goal, or; 3. Cambenation of Business Equity Prime services and Business Equrty subcontracting participation, or; 4. Business Eqnity ,Toint Venture participation, or; 5. Good Faith Effort documentation, or; 6. Prime Waiver documentation. S�UBNIITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTAT[ON The Utilization Plan shall be due at the time specifi�d in the solicitatian. The appliea�le docuznei} ts yn ust be received by the Purchasing Division, within the time alloca.ted, �n order for the cntire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications. The offerer shall EMAIL the Business Equity ���"�,�rrl�rltat1t5i1 to the assigned City af Fort Worth Project Manager or Department Designee. Documents are ta be receiveti no later than 2:00 p.m,, on the second City business day after the bid opening date, exclusi�e of the bid opening date. A faxed copy will not 6e accepted. 35 'I�e Offe�ror must submit one af the i nl�� ��in� dacumentation: 36 1. Utilization Form, if the goal is met csr �,x�eec�eu, 37 2. Good Faith Effort Form and Utilization �'w:�*�, ::r!�1�idin,� s�ap}�urt.ing documentation, ii 38 participation is less than �tated goal, ar no Business Eq�ity �}3rticfpatiun is aicompli:�h��, 3� 3. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, including supporting documc:ntati�i�, i�� +h? C}i fer�r w i � I p eri orm 40 all subcontracting/supplier opportunities, 41 Y, .���nt Venture �+"orm, if goal is met or exceeded with a Joznt Venture. 42 These iFo.rms �an he foa�n� nn-line at: 43 Business �c�uity f.11 i i i�ati on ���rin 44 hitt�s:/.� apt�s. i'�rrtwvrkhte�:�s, �.u�� � su; r�i e+:tResourcGsll��;sourc�s�l6�'%�U- �s %20MWBE,'NEW%20Business%2QEqui�Y%200rdinar�ceBvsiness%�OlE�uitv��o?�U�iiizdtion°fo20Fos�m, +� � � - �i �k i= I i Y�i.� F�aRT Sk�R'h? 5hnrevrew [krvs l`m�rrt lT3]piove�rents tiTA.�lllt�R17C�N3"IRliC.710iv SPEi:IFICA��I�)N [7ru`TTNiFN��� S-�'?:"�:L�182U1� fp3(?�;0 2?evipec� January 5. 2021 00 45 44 - 2 Business Equity brdinance 5pecifications Page 2 of 2 1 Business Equity 1'rime Contractor Waiver Form 2 htips.i/�pUs.fortworthtaxns.��Y/YrojectReS�urce�/Re�.iurcr;sP/60°.o2C- 3 %20MWBEINEW%20Business%20Epuitv%200rdinance/Businass%20Epuity°/Q2[}Prime%20Contractor 4 %20Waiver.pdf 5 6 Business Equity Crood Fatth Effort Form 7 httUS:llaqpS.TOTtworthte�a5.::.OVIPLpj�CtRt;SQIYfCr.�il�BSdll[G��I'/f�0%2l?- 8 %20MWBE/NEW%20Business%20Equrty%20�rdinanceBusiness%20Eauitv%Z�Good%zOFaith%20Ef 4 fort%20Form•pdf ia ir 12 I3 I4 15 16 17 Business �,quity� �c�int Venture Form http��','auU, fortworthte�ca,.�uvlPr�i�ctRraourc��,Resoureesl'/60%10- °/n20MWBF/NEW°/42flBusiness%20ER�.litY%�OCIrdiT��tnccJf3lisirte5 %20�c�u�tr°io?Adomt°�o20'�+enture.�df FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CrTY'S BUSINESS �QUIT'Y ORDINANCE WILL RESULT IN THE SID BEING CONSIDERED NON RESONSNE TO SPECI�'ICATIONS. 18 � FAILURE TO SUSNIIT THE REQUIltED BUSINESS �QU'i"�Y DOC[TMENTATION WILL RESULT IN 1 g THE BID BEING CONSJD�RED NON RESPONSIVE. A SECOND �'AILURE WILL RESULT IN TH� OFFEROR BETNG DISQUALIFIED FOR A PERIOD OF' DNE YEAR. THI2EE �'Aa i �. X IR� S iN A FIVE �� YEAR PERI�D WILL RESULT IN ADiSQUALIFICAITONPERIOD Q� THREE �' ��ZS. 21 22 23 24 25 Any Questions, P[ease Contact The Business Equity Division at (81i) 39�-�6'�4. END OF SECTION �;rr�� t�z a�c,R�,��.�;.,�•i�� STA14DtiRT� C;ONS1�?4 �CTI(7N SP�CIE'IGATCOIV DOCL11v1�;NT,'s �aw,�P� ra•;,, rt, 5_ ?r»r .Sltsro��,.,, r�i�ve t_uvc�1 improv�i�tlY� l'PTlc 1�1�26�c 10305i6 00 52 43 - I Ageecntenl Pagc I nf5 SECTIUN 00 62 �43 AGIt�EMENT THIS AGRE�ML1ifiT, autl�arized on � ' is ivade by and between #he City of Fvrtli Warili, a Texas home rule municipality, actin� by a;�d tluough its daly authorized C:?� Mgt�a�gr. ("City"}, alld 18CTX. LLC , �»tlani•i7etE t� do business in Texas, acting by and ti�rough i�s duly authorized �•epresenta�ve, ("Cnntractos�"�. City and Cont�•actar, in cos�sideratian of fi��e rnutual eovenanks l�ereinafte�• set fort�, agree as follows: Article i. WU12IC Can�isetar shall complete all Work as speci�ed or indicated in tha Conhact Dacuments for the Project identi�ed herein. Aa ticle �. PROJECT The p�ojeot for w��ich tI�e Work under the Can�•act Documents may be die wUale ax onIy a pa�t is generally described as follows: Slinreview Drive G�1�ert I�nnro�ements Cicv Prniect Numbe� 10305I Artiele 3. COI1dTRACT PRIC� City agrees #a pay Cont�•actor for performance nf th� Work in aacardance witli the Canirac� Dacuments an attlount, in cw�•ent funds, of One Million. Six Hundred �iftv-Ei �ht Tl�ousand. Ni� Hundred and Nol10Q Dollars ($ I.65$,900.00�. Art�cle 4. CONTRAC7' TIT�YYE 4.1 Finai Accep#ance. The Wo�lt w�Il be complete ffl�• Final Acceptance w�#hin 1$Q days �fker the date when the Contiaat Time c�rnmences ta ivn, as pra�ided in i'�agra}�h 2A3 of the Cxeneral CondiEions, �lus eny extension thereof allowed iu acaordauce w�th Aiticle 12 oi t�e General Conditio.us. Q�.2 Liquidatad l]Amages Cantracto;• �•ecognizes ��at tin:e is of tl�e essefrce for completion of Milestones, if a�ay, aad to acl�ieve Final Acceptance vf the Wark and City wil! suffes financial loss if the Work is not coinpleted witlzin ti�e time{s) sp�ci�ed in �'a�agraph 4.1 aba�+c. Tl�e Contractar also recognizes the delays, expense and di£ficulties involved in praving in a legai pz-occecting, tlie actuaI loss su£�`ered by the City if the Work is nnt com�Ieted on time. Accordingly, instead of requiri�g any such proof, Connactor agn•ees that as liquiciated d�mages for delay {bui uot as a}�enalty), Cvntractor s�al1 pay City 8ix Hundrec� Fiftry D¢uars s���d P1oI104 Dolia�•s {$650.00 for eacl� day that expit•es after the time specii"ied in Paragrapl� �.1 for �'inal Acceptan.ce until the Gity issues the �inal Letter a�F Acceptance. Ax'ticte 5. COI�TTRAGT AOG[711�1�TTS 5,1 CONTENTS: A, Tiie Gontract 1]ocwnents w�ic� comprise th� entiu� agceesnent �atween Ciiy and Contractor conceruing the Woxk cansist ofthe foltouring: C1T7( OF FORT WOibTH Shoreview brivc CulverE Impravtments STANDARA CONSTRUCTION SP�CIF[CA1'iON ritlC;UMLNTS CPN's 10182a 8c l83051 Revlsed U910612019 � 00 S2 43 - 2 Agiremcut i�fl$C i Qf $ 1. Tl�is Agi'eernei�t, 2. Attaclunents to tl�is Agi•eement; a. Bid Foz7n 1) Proposal Fo�m 2) Vendar Coinpiim�ce to State Law Non-Resident Bidder 3) Pr�qualifzcation Stareinent 4) State and Federal documents (pr�ojecd specific) b. Cw•rent Prevaiiing Wage Itate Table c. Insurauce ACORD �o�in{s) d. Payme�t Boud e. Performanoe So�ad £ Maintensnce Dond g. �'awer af Altorney for tlie Bonds 1�. Warker's Co�npe�satiou Aff'idavii i. MBE andlar SSE Utilization Fonn 3. G�t�eral Cdnditio�s. 4. Supplen�entaty Conditions. S. �pecifications specifically inad� a part of ttze Co��tract Docu�neuts by attacEunent ar, if isot altached� 8S 111C01'p�i�ated by reference and descril��d in the Table of Contents of the Project's Cont►•act Docu�nents, b. Drawings. 7. Addeada. 8. Dacum�ntation s�bmitfied by Contractar prinr to Notice ofAwat°d. 9. Tha following wlvch may be delivered or issued a�er th,e E£fecti�e Date of t1�e Agree�ent and, if issued, become an iucoiporated pa�t of tue Co�trast Documeuts: a. Notica to Praceed. U. Field Oi•dei�s. c. Change prders. d. Le�tei• of Final Acce�ta�ce. Art�ele 6. IND�Li�R�IFICATION d.l Contracio► eaven�nts and agrees to indena�n3f�, hold �ax�mless and defend, �t its own expense, the cfty, its of�cers, servan#s and emplayees, firom and agaittst any and al[ claims ar�sing out af, or �llegscl to arise out of, the �Yuric and services fa lae perforrned by the contractoi; its afGcers, agents, e�pinyees, subcantractars, licenses or invitees u�xdex• tlais contract. This indemn�ficafian aravision is st�ecificaIIv inte�ided to oner�te atid be e`fecti�e e�en if it is aile�ed or nroveu thst all or some_of tl�e dama�es bein� - - ---.. _ . sou�Lt `vere c�used. in �vhole or in nart. bv unv ac#. omissla�� a�• ne�ll�ence of �e ciiv. This indemn�ty provis�an is intended fn include, rvithout limitafio�, inde�unity fox• cosis, expenses �nd legal �'ees i��cur�red by tk�e city in defendin� sgafnst sucL cIaims ai�id causes of acHans. CiTY QI� �'OiiT WORTH 5horevle�v Drive Glilvert �nprovcnsents STANAAIiT3 COI�lSTRUCTIQN SPEC�I�ATiOAI DOC[3MCNTS CP1V's 10i824 & 103051 lievised 09l05120l9 QO 52 43 - 3 Agrccrncnl Aasc 3 of S b,� Contractnr cor�enan#s and agrees ta indemni€y and ltold harmless, at its ow�t expense, tl�e ciry, its afficers, serva»ts and emp[ayees, ft•om and agai�nst apy and atl Eoss, damage o�� c�esh•uct�on of propey�ty of tlte eify, arising out ai, or alleged ta arlse out af, the warli and services ta ba perfaemed hy tEie tontracfar, its officers, agents, ez�ployees, subcuntracfors, 1[cea�sees at• in�itees u��dcr this cntxfract. Tl�is t�idemi�if�eat�a�� nrovisio�t is snecificalEv infended to operate and be atfective e�et� �f if is alle eg d o�. n��oven fhat all nr_soine of tlie dama�es �einE SOilght were cause8. in rvhole o► i� uart, bv unv �ct, flmission ar ne�li�ence of ti�e cfty_. Arfic[e 7. IVIISC�LLr4N�0US 7.1 TeF•ms. Tarms used in dvs Agreernent wl�icly are de�ned in Arcicle 1 of the General Canditions wilI ltav� the tt�ea�ngs indicated in the Cieneral Co�idiftons. 7.2 Assig�ent o�Cnntract, This A�n•eeme��t, includiug aII of the Cant►�ct Dacuments may not bc assig��ed by t�e Conh•actar withou# th� advanced express written cansent of tl�c City. 7.3 Suceessors and Assigns. City and Cnnh•actor each hinds itself, its pai�i�ers, successors, assigns and legal representa#ives to the athar pa��ty hereto, s�i respect ta ali cavenants, agreements and obligatians coutained in the Contract Dpcumeuts, 7.a Severabiliry. Any provision oi° part of flie Connact Docuinents heid to unenforeeable l�y a cau�•t of carnpe�ent juiisdiction shafl remai�i�g pravisions sl�all continue to be vaiid and CpNTRACT�R. 7.5 Gaverning Law and Venue. be uncanstitukional, void or be deemec� st�Icken, and aii binding upon C1TX and This A�reement, including all of tFie Contract Dacuinents is perfoi�nable in the State af Texas. Ve��ue sUal� be Tairant Couury, Texas, or the U�ited Statcs Dist�ict Caurt for #he 1Voithern Dist�•ict of T�xffs, FOTC W4l'�h D1ViSIQIl. 7.G Authority #o Sign. Contractnr sl�aIl attach evidenae of autl�ority to sign Ag►eeinent if signed by someane atlier than the duly authorized signataiy af tf�e Cantracta�-. 7.7 Proi�ibition Ott Coniracts With Cornpatiies Boycotting Is�•ael. Contraatar aaknowledges that in� accardance vviflti Chapter 2270 af �e Texas Goveriiment Codc, the City is prol�ibited fi•om entering int.o a contract witli a campany for goada a�• seivices wifess the cont��act co�itains a w�ittez� ve�i�tcatiou fiom t�e company that it; (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will nat boycatt �srael duriug the te.rm oitl�e cont�•act, CTI'Y OF FQ1tT WO1tTI3 Shorevie�v Drive Culvorl Iutprovemw�ts STANAAItD CONSYRUCTIOIV SPECI�iCATI�N AOCUN1EhlTS CY1V's l01820 �& 103051 Rcvised 09l�6/Z019 005243-4 Agrccn�cn! Pagcq of5 The tei�zs "boycott Israel" and °`company" shall l�ave t}�e tneaiiings ascribed to tllase ternis in Sectio� 808.001 0� the '�exas Ga�er��e�t Code. By stgrerreg tli�s coleti�act, Co�:ti ncfor� cerh�es tlrrrt Caritractor�'s sig��atrrr� pro�ides tt+1�iltert veri,f�catiarl ia tlte City ll�ai �,�',^. atit�rrctor: (1) does j�of baycott Is��asl; a�td (�) �uill ��ot hoycn�t Is�•rrel rlrrriyrg tlis ierrl� of F�IE £U)Iil'UCf 7,8 I�nmigratioa� Nationality Act. Cont�actor shall verify the identity and employ�nent e�igii�iIity nf its einpioyees who perform work iuider ti�is Ag�eeiueut, inaluding comgletiug flie Employxnent Eligibility Verifica#iora Foa7n (I-9), U�an request by City, Cant��actor sl�all p�'UVId� Clry Wli�l C0�]l�5 O� aIl I-9 foi7ns and supporting eligibility dncumentation fnr eacli empioyee who pe�•fonns wark under this Agi•eement, Contx'acta�• stzsll adhe�'e to all Fede�'al and State laws as we11 as esta�lish appropriate pracedu►•es aitd cantraIs so tlyat no seivices wiIl be perfa�xned by any Contractor employee wl�o is not legaIIy eligible to perfo�7n s�uch se�vices. CONTRA�TOR SHALL II�]��1xFY CITY AND HOLD CITY AARM�.ESS �'ROM ANX P�NAL,TIES, LTABILITI�S, OR LOSSES DiT� TO VI4LATIONS O� Tk�S PA1tA,GR.A.PH BY CONTRACTOR, CONT`RACTOR'S �MPLOYEES, SUBGONTRACTORS, AGENTS, OR LICENS��S. City, upon writteu notice to Cont�•actor, s1�alI have the ��ight tq irnzn�diately teazninate this Agre�nent fo�• violatians af this provisioiy by Conh•actor. 79 No Thirri-Party Ben�ficiaries. Tl�is Agre�nenf gives no riglits or benefts to anyan� o�e� Wan the City and t�e Conhactor and there are no thud-pat�y be�ae�eiaties. 7.10 No Gause of Action Agains# EngiEieer. Cnntractoz•, its subcon��actors and equipment and inatei7als supp�et�s an t�e �'ROJ�CT or their suret�es, si�a.11 maintain na d'u•ect ack�au against tl�e Engineer, iis of�"icers, ernployees, and subcontracto�•s, foi• any clain� atYsing out af, in cannectian wit�i, or resulting fi•om tlie engineei7ng services p��ormed. Oniy the City will be the beneficiary of any u3�dertaking by t�e Engineer. T��e presence or duiies oi the Sngin�eer's persnnnel at a construction site, wl��ther as on-si#e represen,#atives cu akhe�.�wise, da ttot make the Enginee�• or its personne� vi auy way iespaiasihl� for thas.e duties khat belang to tize City audlor tlye Czty's cansf��uction C017fT�GLOTS Ol Or11Bi` 011tiL1�5, Slld d0 120� Ce110V0 #.�10 CUq81x'l1CXi011 COi1fPSC�OYS OP any other entity of theu ob�iga#ions, duties, and responsibilities, including, bnt not liutited to, a11 cons��uction metliads, means, tec#aniques, sequences; and proced�ues necessaxy for coordinatit�g aud completiag all �rartions of the consi►�uction work in aceordance with the Contract Dncuments and any l�esltl� or safety pz�ecautions required i�y sucl� construotion work. The Engin�er and its persannel l�ave no aut�orily to exercise a�ay cantt•ol ovex� any canstzuction conhactor nr ottier en#ity or their employees ux caz�aiee#ion witl� thair woi�k ar any heattli or safety precauiions. S�GNATURE PAGE TO FO�,�.O'L�V' CITY UF FpliT WORTH 9l�areview Drive Culvert Impmve�ents STANDARb CqHSTRUCTiON SP�GIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS C!'N's 101$2p 8t f03651 Rev3sed 091QG12019 4052A3 -5 Agrecitteul P�go 5 af S IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Coiit��ctor have eacli executed this Agreament to 1ae effective as af tlie date subseriUed by the City's designated Assistant City Manager (`Bffecti�e Date"). Contractor;IBCTX, LLC 1 � � � �� � �� �{I' � nted Name �� y �!'� Title Address 507 Main Street, Ste. S City/5tatelZip Lake Dallas, TX 75065 �������� Data Cl'[`1' flF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQ3�f3TRUCTI�I+F SPE�ICATION 1]aC[7M�NTS Revised 09/0&l2019 City of Rox•t Wartl� By: ^ � Da��a Su�glxdo � Assista��t Ciry anager �J� �'�Z 1 DaEe Attest: � , Gi S�ecretaiy " ' •, � (Seal) � M&C: ' -; � ` Date: .�.� : � _ - � Fornn 1295 Na.: �� � ���� 4 ''''� .• ' /`,e :� •.� � _ , '';� �r � : :.t` '�.. ' 3�° � g,�y� •� 1 � ,__"'"'��'1� • '`��Y: Conh�act Compliance Maneger: By signing, I acknawledge tl�at I a�n the persoi� responsiUle far tk�� xnonitaring and administr°ation oitl�is cont�act, including anstuing a1L perforinance and reporting requirements. ��G�- � -��,$�, n�.; � �c�ra.�.�' 1,ci,r,�.c�,r�-�n ��� �r��c�` f'Y�.t.�-��� Ap�roved as to Fo�m and Legality: � Dnuglas W. Black Assiskant City Attaz�ey APPRO�VAI. Xt�COMMEI�I7•�{ j� � 1 � , � � � -_ - - •� — - - •,. �- � �� � "° - + Willia�n ]ohnson, IY�eetor Trauspos�tat�on & pu6lic W.d�•ks D�.���n�n� Shorevie�v p�+� • . si>��+ ,ar,�nrv^.:,,.:s+C�t� GPN's 1pt�t�a a 1n�ns� f �r. �SF+n- ' a,�s ! � Bond Na. TXC607J.1.S � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 xz 13 z� 15 sECTzo�v ao +�� x3 PERFORMIINCE BOND O(f BI I3 -1 PERFORMANC� BOIdD Page 1 of 2 THE STATE O�' TEXAS � � KNOW ALI, $Y TH�SE PRESENTS: C�UN'I`Y �� TARRANT § That we, IBCTX. LLC , lcnown as "Prl.r►cipal" herein and Merchants Bonding Com�any (Mutuall , a corporate surety(sureties, if more than one} duly authoriz�d to da b�sfness in fhe 5tate oF Texas, kn,own as "Surety" herein (r�vhether one or more), are held and firmly ba�d unto the City o� �a�t Woz�Fh, a zaaunicipa� corporation created pursuar�k ta the Iaws of Texas, known as "City" herein, in the penal sum of, One MiZ11on Sfx Huadred �iftv-Ei�ht Thnusand Nine Hundred and nall Op Dallars ($1,65$.9QD.0(l1. lawfvl rnoney of the United States, ta be paid in Fart Worth, Tarrant County, Texas for th� payment of which sum well and truly tn I�e made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executars, administrators, successors and assigr�s, joint�y and severally, firmly by these presents. 16 WIIE�AS, th.e Princi.pat has sn�ered into a certaus written contract with the City 1T awarded fih� day of �y "[Ny , 2021, which Contractis herehy re%rred tp and � %S made a part hereof £ar all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to �urnish all materials, equipment 19 la6ar ar�d other accessories deiined by lavv, in the p�rnsecuttnn ni the Wark, including any Change 20 �rders, as prnvir�ed £ar in said Contract deszgnated as Shorevlew Drive Culvert Tmpravements, 21 �xa Praject Na. 101820. NOViI, THEREFORE, the condit�an pf thzs oblzgati.on is such that if the safd Princlpal 23 shall faitlafully perform it obligations under fhe Contract and shall in aII respects duly and 24 faithfi�liy perform the VVork, including Change Qrdecs, tzndear the Cantsact, accord'ung �a t�e plans, 25 specz£'i.cations, and contract docum�nts therein referred to, and as well during any period of 26 extension af the Cantract that may i�e granted an the part oF tlae City, then �s oblzga�ton shall be 27 az�d becazz�e null and vozd, o#herwise to remain in iull force and effect. 28 29 PR�VIDED FUR'1'HER, tl�at if any legal actian be filed on thfs Bond, venue sha11 Ife in Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Caurt for the Northern Dislrict of Texas, �ort 30 Worth Divl.sion. CiTY OF FdRT WOlZTH STANDARD CO1�F5TRUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMiNTS Revised,Tuly 1, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert impravements CPNs 10182p 8e I03051 i I � oas�is-2 PERFaRMAlVC� BaND Fage 2 oi 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 1B 17 18 19 za z� 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 s� 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4b This bond is made and executed in compliance witlz the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the Texas Ga�ernrrtent Cade, as amended, and all IiabiIfties an this band shall be determined in accordance wifih the provzsia�s of safd statue. IN WITiVESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have SIGN�D and 5�ALED this instrunn.ezzt by d�ly authorized agen�s and officers on this the 5th day of �ay — ,2021, A'TT`F�T: / (Princip'al) Secretary � �.,C°C� ��� �.. Witness as to PrincipaI ����GL%1 � , .���� tiUitness as ta 5urety PRINC�AL; TBCTX. LLC"`� -, � Y: � / ��'� �I,11,��1;�;�••.� ����b�F, x/:sa: !i� Name and Title Address: �07 Main Street, Sua.te B Lake Dallas, TX 75065 SL3RETY: Merchants Bonding Company (Mutual} - . � BY: ignat e Abi�ail R. Mohr, Attorney-in-Fact Name and TitIe Address: P• O. $ox 14498 , T7Ps M i(]�TIP_C, iA 5(]3n� Telephone N�mber: 515-243-8171 �Note: If sigczed by an ofFicer of the Suzety Cornpany, there rzxust 6e on file a ceri�fled exfract from the by�laws showing that this person has authoriiy to si� such abligation. If Surety's physzcal address is different fron� its mailing address, both znust be provided. The c�ate af the 6ond sha11 not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. CTPY QF FORT WORTH STANDARD COT�ISTRUCTION SP�CIFICA'1`!ON DOCIIMENTS Revfsed July 1, 2o I] 5itorevfew T3dve Culvert Impravaments CPNs 101820 � i03051 � Bond No, TXC607115 oa si i� -1 PAYMENT 13pM] Page i of 2 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 8 9 LO 11 12 13 14 15 SECTTON 00 61 14 PAYMENT BOND THE STATE OF'TEXAS § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § That we, ISCTX. LLC. lcnowz� as "Principal." herein, and Merchants Bondin� Companv {Mutual} , a corporate snrety (sure�fes), duiy authorized to do 6usiness in the State of Texas, Fcnown as "Surety" herein (whether one or more}, are heid and �irmly baund unto the City oP Fort Worth, a�rz�wlicipal carporatian created pursuan� to tl�e laws of tl�.e State af Texas, known as "City" herein, in the penal s�un of One Million Six Hundred Fiftv-Ei�ht Th.ousand Nine Hundred an.d no/100 Dollars {$1.658,900.00), lays+ful money of the Unifed States, to i�e patd fn �art Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, fnr the payrnent of which sum we11 and #rE.i1y iae made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, exee�tors, admix►istrators, successors and assigns, jointly azid severally, �rrsily by tkzese presents: is WHEREAS, Principal has aa�tered fnto a certain written Cont�'act with Cfty, awarded the I7 � day af � , 20 lil , which Contract is hecehy xeferred to and 18 znade a art hereoi for �T! urpases as if £ul�y set forth herein, to furnish ali materials, equipment, P � 19 labor and ather accessozies as def9ned hy law, in the prasecutton of the �lork as provfded for in 2D said Contract and designated as Shoreview Drive Culvert 7mpro�ernenis, Pxaject No. 101820. 21 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is su.ch thai zf 22 i'rincipal sha11 pay all monies owiuzg io any (and alI} payzneni bond beneficia�ry (as defined in 23 Chapter 2253 of the Texas �overnment Cade, as amended) in the prasecution of the Work under 24 the Contract, then this obligafion shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full 25 force and effect. 28 Thi.s bond is made and e�ecuted in compIiance with fhe provisions of Chapter 2253 of tk�e Z7 Te,xas Gnvernment Code, as amended, and all liabilities oz� this hond shall be deternrilned 'u1 28 accordance with the provisions af said statrlte, 29 C1T7' Qk' FQRT WORTH 5harevSew Drive Culvextimprovements STANDARl7 CONSTItUC'I'ION SPECIFICATION AOCi]MEN1'3 CP11�s ID182U & 1�3D51 Revtsed juiy 1, 2012 nn si i4 � 2 PAYM�.IVT BOI+]p Page 2 of Z I �N WITNESS WHEREO�', the �'rincipal and Surety I�ave each SIGN�D and S�ALED 2 this instrument by dtrly authorized agents and of�'icers pn this tl�e St� day of 3 Map .2D21. 4 px�NcrnAL: IBCT�, LLC AT'TEST: rincipal) Secretary ` ��+ Wf#ness as to Principal � AiTEST: ��� r (Surety) Secgetary ���+ 1 Witness as ta Sure 6 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 END O�' SECTIDN CTI`Y aF FQRT WORTH Shoreview Drive C�tivett Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTIC3N SPECIFICA�'I01�1170CUMENT3 CPNs 161820 & t03051 Revlsed ,IuIy 1, 2011 �e1.E..-- �� Address; 507 Main Street, Suite B SURETY; Merchants Bandin� Companv iMutual) .� � BY: Si a ure Abi�ail R. Mahr> Attornev-in-Fact Name and Tztle Address: �'. O. Box 14498 Des Moines. IA 50306 Telephane Number: 1 - Note: If signed by an aificer of the Surety, there must be nn file a certiffed extract frnm the bylaws showing that this person has autharity to sign such o6ligation. Ii Sr�'efy's physical address is difFereni frarn its mailir�g address, bofih rnust be provided. The date a£ the bond shall not be prior to the data the Contrac� �s awarded, Bond No. TXC607115 oosi i9-i MAINT�NANCE BOND Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 a� 14 15 1fi 17 1.8 I9 20 Z1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 THE STATE QF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT SECTiON 00 6119 MAINTENANCE BOND § § K1VOW ALL BY T�ESE PRESENTS: � That we 1BGTX, LLC , known as "P�incipal" herein and Merchants Bondin� Comn�r�v (Mut�aal� , a carporafe surety (suretzes, if more than one} duly author3zed io do 6usiness in the State af Texas, known as "Surety" herein (whether nne or rnore), are h�ld and firmly bo�r►d unta tYie Ciiy of �'art Worth, a municipal corpnrafion created pursuant to tt7e laws of the State of Te�cas, knawn as "City" hereft►, in the sum of One Million Sia� Hc�ndred Fiftv-Ei�ht Thousand Nine Hundred and no1�00, DoIlars ($1,658,900.00), lawful money of the United 5tates, to be pazd in Fort Worth, Tarramit County, �exas, for payment of which surn well and truly be nnade unto tYte City and its successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, admin�strators, successars anci assigns, jointty and severally, firmly by these presents. W EREAS, the Princfpal has entered into a certain written cantract with the City awarded the�day of �r�q , 2Q � 1, wh4ch Contract is hereby ! referred to and a made paz� hereof far all purposes as if fvlly set forth hsrain�, io furnish all materials, equipment lal�or and oth.er accessnrles as de%ned by Iavv, in the prosecutian of �e Work, including any VVork resvlting from a duly avthorized Change �rder (col�ecttvely herein, the "Work") as pravided far in said contract and designated as �i�oreview Drive Culvert Improvemenis,Pro�j�ctNo, 1p1820,; and WHEREAS, Prfncipal binds itsel� to use such materials and to so consiruct the Work in �ccordance �vifh the p1ans, specxfications and ContracC Docu�nents that the Vslork is and wiil remain free from defects fn materials ar warlunanship for and duzing fhe period af two (2) years a£ter the rTate Q� �inal Acceptance af fihe Work by the City ,{"Maintenance �erfod") ; and WHEREAS, �rincfpal binds itself ta repair or reconstr�ct th.e Vslork in whole or in part u�an receiving notice from the City of �-ie need therefor at any ti�ne within tbe Maintez�ance period. CITY ON F012T WORTFi STANDARD CQIVSTRUC'f'TOi+T SPHCIRICATI0I�T DOCiJMENTS Revised juIy 1, 2011 ' Sltoreview pa�ve CulveEt Tmprovements CPNs 101820 & 163051. � � oasi is-z Marni��NArrc� �arro Page 2 nf 3 i �row TxERE�o�, the condition of fhis abligafion is such that if Prfncipal sk�all 2 remedy any defective Wark, for which timely nottce was provided by City, #o a caznplef�on 3 satisfactozy to the City, then this o6ligation shall become null and voi.d; ottaervrise to remain in 4 fu11 force an.d e£fect. 5 6 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, �Principal shall fail so to repair or reconstruct any timely `i no�iced defective Work, if is agreed that the City may cause any and al1 such defective `]Vor1c to 8 be rapaired andlor reconstructed vUith all associated costs thereof being horne by the Pr�.n.cipal and 9 the Surety under tbis Maintenance bond; and � PR�VIDED FC]RTHER, tY�at if any legal action k�e filed on this �ond, v�nue shall Ife ir► Tarcant County, Texas or the United States D`zstrict Court for the N�rthern Disirict of Texas, Fart Worth Div�sian; and PROVIl]EA FXTRTHER, that this obligatzon shall be continuous in nature and successive recoveries may be had herean for successi.ve breaches. 10 i� 12 i3 1�4 16 16 I7 18 19 Cid'Y OF FORT WOR'TH STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SF��IE'ICATIa3�TDOGiJIviEiV'I'S Revised July 1� 2011 Shorevfew Dri�e Culvert Tmprovements CFNs FD182D & 103D51 00 61 19 - 3 MATIVTENANCE BDND �'age 3 of 3 1 � 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI 12 13 14 15 16 17 �$ �� Zfl 2I ZZ 23 z� z� 26 2T 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3fi 37 38 39 4d 41 IN jJVITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have each STGNED and SEAL�D this instrumeni by duly authorized agents and offzcers on this the $� day of Mav , 2Q21. ATTE • i incipal) Secrelary . ��� imess as to Prfncipal AT�EssTj: l �� � {Su ety) Se�re a G��.l� - , �,--��� wttn.ass as co s,�re � tY PRTNCIPAL,: � ] � � �� ��� Name and Ti�le 1-Lddress; 507 Main Street, Suite B I.ake Dallas, TX 7546� SURE'J`Y: Merchants Bondin� Comnanv (Mutual} Bi': I J�! � S gna Ahigail R. Mnhr, Attnrn�jx-in-Far.t N�ne and Title Address; �'• �• �ax 14498 Des Mnines, IA 50306 '�'elephone Number; 515-243-8171 *Note: I£ sfgned hy an offlcer of fhe 5urety Campany, there rnust be an flle a eertffied e�ctract from the hy-Iaws showing that this persan has autkzotiiy tn sign such abligatfon, If Surety's physical address is different frorn ifs mailing address, both m.ust be provided. The date of the bond shall not be pri.or to the date the Coniract is award�d, CTPY DF FORT W�R`I'H STAI�TDARD CONSTRL[CT10AT SPECIFTCATION DOCUhfENTS Revised July 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvemenfs CPNs 10182U & I�3051 ������� -- BUNDI�TG �OliiIPANY� �O�I�R OF ATTO�R��Y KnowAll Persons By These Presents, that MERCHANTS BONi]I�EG COMPANY (MUTIJAL) and MERCHANTS NATIdNAL 80N�ING, IlVC., both being corparations of the State of lowa (herein collectiveEy called lhe "Companies") do hereby make, constilute and appoint, individually, Abigai] R Mohr; Kent M Rosenberg; Laura Peiffer; Mat DeGroote; Matthew R Fay; NEichael L McGoy; 5andy VanOsten their true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, to sign Its name as surefy(ies) and to execule, saal and acknowledge any and all 6onds, undertakings, conlracts and other. written instrumenls in Ehe nafure thereof, on behalf of lhE Companies in the9r business af guarante�ing the fidelity 6f (72rSPRS, guaranteeing lhe pertormance of contracts and executing or guarant�eing bonds and underFakings required or permitted in any acfions or praceedings allowed by law. This Power-of-Attornay is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by authority of the follawing By-Laws adopfed hy the Board af Directnrs of MerchanEs Bonding Company (Mutual) on April 23, 2a11 and amended August 14, 2U15 and adopted by the Baard of DirectQrs of MerchantsNational Bonding, Inc., on October 18, 20'f 5. "The President, 5ecretary, Treasurer, or any Assistanf Treasurer or any Assistant 5ecretary or any Vice PresidenE shall have power and authority to appoint Attameys-in-�act, and to authorize them lo execufe an hehalf of the Company, and attaeh the seal of lhe Campany thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, coniracts of IndBmnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof.° °The slgnature of any aulhorized officer and the seal of lhe Company may be affixed by facsimile or eiecEronic transmission to any Power of Attorney or Certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recogni�ance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and efFect as though manually fixed." In connecfion with obligations In favor ofi the Florida Department of Transporialion only, it is agreed that the power and aut hority hereby given to the Aftarney-in-Fact includes any and all consents for the release of reiained percentages andlor final estimates on engineering and wnsfructian contracts required by lhe Staie af Florida Qeparlment of Transportatian, lt is fully understood that consenting to the State ofFlorida i]eparkment of Transportatian making payment of the final estimate to the Contractor andlor its assignee, shall not relieue this surery company of any of its obligatians under its hand. In eonnection wkth ohligations in favor af the Kentucky Departm�nt of Fiighways pnly, 'tt is agreed that the power and authorily herehy given ta the Attomey-In-Fact cannot be modified or revoked unless prlor written personal notice of such intent has been gi�en to the Commissioner- Department nf Highways of the Commonwealth of Kenkucky at least thirty (30) days prior to fhe madificafion or revocation. In Witness Whereof, the Campanies have caused lhis instrument to be signed and sealed this 23rd day of April , 2021 .�``*"�►��A��'•. . '�N� C �' . ;'� �°�'�pQ�i < e�•� � °p��,��(jR��,�+� MERCHANTS BQN�ING COMPANY (IYlU7UALj ;��:'�� '4A':+y: .�•' � � y M�RCHANT NA7fONALBONDING, INC. ��:2 _o- a�;�;, :f.c�.:'� -o- �`'`'`�':'�' ;�':� znn� ;��; :y 1983 ���; ey � . • J •, • �1. � :��; .•�.,; ,i � .ac. *•, �j+'' ': � .•• •. `�i�i' ' ' ��1 .' Presidenf �'s •• STATEOFIOWA •••+�A���(�`��•�'` •+������• CflUNTY OF []ALLAS ss, On this 23rd day af April 2n21 , before me appeared Larry Tay[or, lo me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is President of M�RCHANTS BONDI�IG COMPANY (MUTLfAL) and MERCHANTS [�ATIONAL BONDING, IiVG.; and that the seals affixed to fhe foregaing instrumenl are the Corporate Seals of the CornpaNes; and thai the said instrument was signed and sealed in hehalf o# the Companies by authoriiy of fheir respective Boards of directors. ,�p.��A� � PO��Y MASQN o � Cnmmission Number 750576 � ° ° ° ° My Commission Expires ! �owA � January p7, 2023 � �-�� � Nofary Public ` (Expiraiian of natary's commission does not in�aEidate this instrument) I, William Warner, Jr., 5ecretary of NiE�iCHANTS BON�ING CdMPANY {MUTUAL) and �A�RCHANTS NAT[DNAL BON�ING, WC., da here6y certify that the above and foregoing is a fr�e and correct copy of the POVVER-OF-ATTORN�Y executed by said Companies, which is still in full force and effect and has nol heen amended or revoked. In Witness Whereofi, I have hereunto set my �and and affixed khe sea] of the Companies on this 5th day af May , 2021 . '��l��i��il� .�1r����• .•�' �1Q Npi �•. .���N� ,Cp,y�°. :��:G ��oRq :��� : �,o.�pt�Q�9,�����. '- . � = • .�,G��.�. �' � . . ;�:� �'�:�- •���' -o- "`, : �.-�.,�.c� :a: �°" �: : .�;'.' Q "'� '• � :~ 2003 :�� � � '� ' 1933 ," � ` secrerary :ca' �'y`j• • > ,�+��., � `���,,,; .o.d��, �� .,`�ao, • �+ , POA OD18 (1I20) *•'''■•••'•••••,•` •••••••• � � � BITCO GENEAAL UVSURANC� CORPORATION B1TC0 NAT10NAl. INSURANCE COMPRNY iHIS �WDQRS�M�f� C�ANG�� Y�I� PO�1GY. P��� ��� iT CAR�FULLY. �R�IA��N� C611�RA�� � A�I�'�M0�16�� Tha following modiiies insurance praulded �nder: �L�S[F��SS AUi� C�1l�F1A�E �ORilli With respect to caverage prav�ded by this endorsemeht, the provislons of the Coverage �orm appiy unless madified by tf�is endorsement. 1 - Broad �orm Namad insured 2- A�tomatic Waiver of S�brogation 3 - A�tomatic Additiana� [nsured 4- Primary and Noncontrfbutary - Other Insurance Canditlon • 5- Unintentionaf Failure to Qisclase FEazards &- Extended fVotice of Canee[latian, Non-Re�ewal 7- When We Do Not Fienew 8- Nolice of Knowledge of Aecident or Loss 9 - Employe�s as Insured 14 - Employae H9red Autas 11 - Badily Injury Extensio� 12 - Hired Auta Physical Damage i3 - �nhenced SuppierneRtary Payments 14 - Fellow Em�loyee Coverage for Designaied f 05i#IOIIS 15 - Physica[ Damage -- Transportation Expenses � 6 - Rer�tal Reimburser�ent Coverage 1 i- LoanlLease Gap Coveraga 18 - Accidental Air �ag Discharge Coverage �. �ROA� �O�AIi PIAfVIED IN�URE� SEG�'l�� It. A, �. � Wf�O C� ��1 IW�U��D - Paragraph d. is added: d. Any arganization you newly acquire ar form, except for a pa�tnership, joint venture or limited liability company, and over which you mainfain majorify ow�ership or interest {51 % or more) or for which you have assumed the acti�e management, will quali�y as a Named Insured if thera is no other similar Insuranca avallable to that arganlzation. However, coverage under tf�is pro�ision is only afforded uniik the end ot the policy period ar the 12-manth anni�ersary of the policy inception date, whic�ever is earlier. �. ,�1UTONi�4il� Wl��L�� �� ���ROGA�'IOt� Se�tioH Ild -� �usi�ess A�to Gonditia�s, �aragraph A�.= ir�arrsfer oi �ights of Reco�err� �1g�ir�st Oihers ta Us, is defeted and rap�aced wii� fhe follQwfng: �. if the insured has rights to recover al� or part of any payment wa ha�e mac�e under this Ca�erage Form, those rights are transierred to us. Ti�e insured must do nothing after koss to impair those rights. At our requesi, the insured will bring "suit" ar tra�ster those rigF�ts to us and help us enforce them. � b. If required by a wriftsn contract execu#ed prior to �oss; we waive any right of raco�ery we m�y have against any person or organ'tzation because of payr�ents we make for damages under this cpverage farm. AP-�4Q2 (10/17) -1- 3. �!C#T�MA�IG ALIDITIQNI�6 lf�SllR�� S�Ci[8�1 II -- WHO i� AN 1N5U���, �aragreph �.1, is amended to inc{ude as an "insured° any persnn or organiza#ion who is required by written caniract or agreemant to be an additianal insured on ynur policy, but onky with respect to liabiliiy arisi�g out of aperations parformed by you or on yaur be�alfi for the additianai insurad. 4. ��I{I��iiY AP[� PIONCOPI�Rl�UiO{�Y n OiF��R INSUAl�i�C� �BNE]fi[Oi� The foilowing is added ta the Other Insurance Gondltion in the B�siness Auto Coverage Form and the Other Ifi�surance - Primary And Excess lnsurance Pro�lsions in the Motor Carrier Covsrage �orm and supersedes any pro�isian to the confrary: Thls Coverage �orm's Covered Autos Liabi[iiy Co�erage is primary #o and will nat seak contriGution from any afher insurance available to an "insured° under your policy provided that; 9. Suah "insured" is a Named lnsured under such other insurance; and 2. You have agreed in writing in a cantract or agreement that this lnsurance would be primary and � wauld �oi seek contributlan from any other insurance availabl� to such "insured°. 5. :Jl►dIN�P1ilO�IQIL FA1�uR� �"� �15CL05� b���5 Althnugh we relied on your representati�ns as to existing and past hazards, if unintentionally you shouid fail to disclose ali such haxards at the inception date af yo�r policy, we will not deny coverage under this Covarage Farm because ot such failure. 6. �CFcNQ�� �1�il�� OF �/lNC���[O�l, NpN-R�AI�Wd� 7he ��i�Nf�PI �B�rCY COfVDP1"I��S, Item d.a,b, is dele#ed and re�laced wifh the follawing: �1.2.f�. 60 days before the eifeotive da#e of the can�el{at9on if we cancel for any other reason. 7. WH�� WE �O NOY R�N�FN $EC'TIO�D N—�[1�IA��SS dili� COPE�fT'IDPiS, Is amencEed to add ifem �.9.: a. If we choose to nonrenew this policy, we will mail ar dellver to the firsi Named insured shovun in the beclarations wrliten notice ai the nonranewal not less than 60 days before the explratio� date. b, lf we do �not give notice of our intent to nonrenew as prescrlhed in a. above, it is agreed tha# you may extend the perfod of this po[icy for a ma�cimum additional sixiy (60) days from its sc�eduied expiration da#e. Where not oth�rwise prohibited by law, the existing terms, conditions ar�d rates will r�main i� effect dt�ring that extension period. It is furt}�er agreed that so long as it is not otherwise prahibit�ed by law, this one-t�me sixty-day exienslon is the sale remeciy and liquidated damages available to the insured as a result of our failure io give the notice as prescribed in 9, a. above. �. NOilC� U�' 1�OW��9�� D� dCClDEP1T OR �055 51�Ci101� fV - BUSIPI�S5 I�U'�A G�I�D[il�lVS, llem A.�.a. is deleted and replaced with the fo3iowing: �. �uties i� the �vent of l�ccider�t, Claim 5ui# ar Loss: a. You must see to ii that vue are notified of an "accicEent", "claim", "sult° or "loss" whfch tnay result in a claim as soan as practicable a#ter the 'bccurrence° has been reported to yo�, a partner, a member, an officer, or an employee designated io give notice to us. Notice should include; (�) How, when and where the "accirlent" or "loss" occurred; AF'-o4o2 (io/i7} -2- (�) The "insurad's" name and address, and (�) To tf�e exient possib[e, the names and addrasses of any injured persons and vuitnesses. � 9. �i���oY��S d� iAdSI�RELi The fallawing is added ta ihe S�etia� ll � Covered Autos LiaFaility Coverag�� Paragraph �e.rt. V�o Is Ar� ln�ur�d pravisian: Any "employee" of yours is an "insured" while using a cavared °auto° you don't owr�, hire or borrow in your business or yaur parsonal affalrs. 9�. �MP��Y�� fflR�[1►1C�'�A� �. Cher�ges Ir� Cov��ed Autos �iability Coverage The fioHowing is added to the WFio la AH Ins�r�d ArnvisfQn: An "employee" of yours 'ts an "III5LEC6CI" while operating an "auto" hired or rantec! under a contract or agraemeni in an "employee's" name, with your permission, while perf�rming duties relaied to the conduck of your business. �. G��g�s ln �er��r�l �onditio�� Paragraph �.b. of the Otbe� lr�su��r�� Condit[on fn the �usiness Auto Co�erage Form and Paragraph �.f. of the Ot�ee Iflsuranee - Prlmary �dHci �e�ss t�s�rar�e� �rs��si�ns Condition in the Motor Carrier Caverage Forrrt are replaced by the following: For Hired Auto Physical bamage Cnverage, the foqnvving are deemed tn be eo�ered "autos" you awn: 1. Any co�ered "auta" yau.fease, hire, rent or horrow; and �. Piny ea�ered °auio" hired or rented f�y your °employee° �tnder a contract in an "smployee's" name, vuith your permisslon, whf[a performing duties related to the conduct of your buslness. Howe�er, any "auto° that is leased, hired, rented or borrawed with a driver is not a cavered °auto". ��. �Qp[LY IP�Jl1RY �X�'�SION SEGiI�[� d� ���IN�YIAf�S, Paragraph G, is de[eted and replaced by the tollowing: C, "Bodlly in�ury" means boclily inJury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including mental anguish or death resul#Ir�g from any of these, at any tlm�. Mental ang�ish means�any type af mental or emotional illness or disease. 1�. HIFR�D �IUT� �i�YSICdL �A14�➢A�E S�C�IQN III.A.4, - Co�erage �ct�n�iorrs - Paragraph c. ks added: c. F9fred A�#A Physi�al �ama�e If Comprehensiva, 5pecified Causes of Loss or Co[lision oo�erage is prav[ded �nder this policy, thsn Hired Auto Pi�ysical Damage Is pro�ided for that ca�erage part su�ject to 1he following: (1) The most we wlll pay far any ane "accident" or "loss" under lhis Hired Aufo Phys�cal Damage Coverage is the lessar of: {a) 7he any one "Accident" or "Loss" amount of $100,000; AP-0402 (10H 7) �- (6j The actual cash vaEue; or (c) Cast af repair. Qur obllgatfon to pay for a loss in c.(1} above will be reduced by a deducti�afe. Ths deduc#ible uuifE be equa! to the largesl deductible ap�licabie to any owned "auto" for that coverege. The deriuctible wil[ be waived far "lass° caused hy fire csr lighit�ing. {2) 8ubject to paragraph c.(1). above, wa will provide coverage equal #a the broadest physical damage co�erage applieable to a�y cn�ered "auto" shown in the declaratlons. (3j When you are required by written contract ia fnclemnify a{essor far actua( financial Ibss because of foss o# use of a hired "auto" resulting fram a cavered uaccidenf' ar "lass", we will cover #hat financlal loss subjac# to the limit specified i� par�graph c.(1). �3. �NFDANC�� 5U�PL�ME�{V�A�Y �A1�M�WiS ��C7"18�1 ll,s.2.a. G(]V�RA�E �X'i'�f�51DN$, Su�piemenfary �ayments (2) and (4) are replaced by the following: (2) Up tn $2,500 for the cost ofi bail bonds (including bonds #or relatad traffic laws viofations) required because of an uaocident" uve co�er. We dn not have to furnish t��.se bonds. (4) AIE raasonable expenses�incurred by the "Insured" at aur request, including actual lass of earnings up #o $350 a day because of time ofi from work. ��#, ��L�AW �MP�,OYE� CO�Q�i� �O� D�S1C�fdATE� POSi'f[OPl� The Fellow �m�lay►ee �cl�slo� eontained in Se�tign IL�.�, daes not app�y to the fallow9ng positio�s or job titles: foreman, supervlsor, manager, officer, partner or other seniar le�e1 "emplayee". Coverage is excess ouer all other collectible insurance. 1&. �HYSIC� �A�IIAG� w i�lAfdS�OFi`i�i[�N EXPENS�S S�G71�A1 III.A.4,a. irans�or�at�on �xpens�, is replaced by the iol�owing: a. Transportatiar� E�ens� We will pay up to $�0 per day to a maximum of $1,5p0 for temporary transporiailan expense incurred by you 6ecause of the #otal theft of a cavered "auto". We wi{I pay only for ihnse covered. "auios" for which you carry either Camprehensi�e or Specified Cause oi Loss Coverage. Wa will pay for temporary transportation expenses � incurred during the periad beginning 48 hours after the thelt and endirtg, regardless ot #he policy's expiratlons, when the co�ered "auto" Is returned fo use ar we pay for its "loss". Far autos provided witE� temporary transporka#ion expense, the following physical darnage co�erage will �PP�Y� {9) The most we will pay ior any or�e °accident" or "loss" u�der the temporary transportation expens� �hysical damage coverage 9s ti�e lessor af: (a) The any one "Accid�r�f" or "Lass" amount af $1�a,000; (b) 7he actual cash value; or (c) Cost af repair. Our obligatlon io pay for a loss in a.(1) abo�e wilf 6e reduced by a deductible. The deductihla will be equal to #he largest deductible applicable to any owned "auta" for that caverage. ihe ded�kctibla will be Waived for "[ass" caused by fire or lightning. Af'-QA�42 (� O/i 7) -4- � {2) Subject to Qaragraph a.(�). above, we w911 provide coverage equai ta the broadest physical damage co�era�e applicable to any covered "auto" shown in the dec;arations. (3� When you are required by writtan coniract to indemnify a lessor far act�al financial foss because af lass of use of a hired "auto" resulting from a covered "accident° or "loss°, we will cover that financial loss subject to the Elmit specifiBd in paragraph a.(17. 'i�. ��P�iAL R�IAAf�I��S�N4�W� C�1��A�� ���il�l� 111.�.4. n Co�+era�s �xt����on� - Paragraph d. is added. �. li you carry Cornprehensive, S�ecified Causes of Loss or Collision co�erage for the damaged co�areci °suta" as pra�ided under this poficy, then Rental Reimbursement Coverage is provided for that coverage part subject ta the following: 9, We wi11 pay fior rental reirnbursement expenses incurred by you far ths rental of an "auto° because af "loss" other ihan theit, ta a covered "auto". Payment applles in addition to the otherwise app�lcable amount of each cove�age you have on a covered "auto". No deductibles appfy io this coverage. 2, We will only pay far tf�ose expenses incurrad during the policy period beginning 24 hours aitar the "lass° and ending, regardless of the policy's expiratio�t, with tt�e lesser ofi the fallowing number of days: (a) The number of days reasonably required to repair or replace fhe covered "auto°; or, (b} 30 days_ (�j O�r payment is limifed ta the fesser af the #allawing amounts: ('9) Necessary and actual expenses incurred; or (�j $50 per day. 17. LQ�1#�'lL��E GA� G�V�i�l��� �hysRcal Darn7ag� Goverage is amended by the additian of the following: !n the eveni o# a fotal "loss' to a covered °auto", rroe wlll pay your additianal legal o6ligatlon for any differ�nce beiweeh t�e acival cash vaiue of t�e °auto" at the fime of the loss and tha "outstanding balance" of the loanllease, not to excaed $2,500 far any one �ehicle or $25,000 annually in aggregate. For the purposes af this endorsement, "oulsfanding balance" means the stnount you owe on ihe IoaMease at the time of loss less any amounts representin� iaxes, overdue payments, penalties, interest or charges resulting firom overdue payments, additionai mi[eags charges, axcess wear and tear charges or lease iermination fees, costs fnr e�ctended warranties, credit Life Insurance, Health, Accid�nt or Disabiliiy Insurance purchased with tha foan or lease; and carry-over balanr.es fram previous toans or leases. � 1�, ACGI��i�1i� �EF� �AG DlSCf�l�F,tC� 68Y�RA�� S�Cil�i� III.B.3.� d�elusio�s. Thls exclusion c�oes noi apply ta the accidental d�scharge of an air hag. AROA�02 (ig/17) -5- COflAMERCIAL G�NERAL LiABILITY CG2D01'1219 �HIS GN�ORS�IUII�P!'� CHA�G�S iH� �O�ICY. P�,�AS� ��AD I� CAR�FI���Y. ��,�nn��i ��� n�on��►�n��i�o��To��r— ����� �n�su����� c���iY�on� This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the fallowing: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CQVERAGE PART LfQUOR LIABlLITY COVERAG� PART PRODLJCTSICOMPL�TED OPERATIONS LiABILITY COV�RAGE PART 7he following is added to the Oth�r fnsurance (2) You have agreed in writing in a contract or Condition and supersedes any pro�ision ko the agreement that this insurance would be contrary: primary and would not seek contribution Primary And Noncontrii�utory Insurance from any other 9nsurance available to the additional insured. This insurance is primary to and will nat seek contribution from any other insurance available to an additianal insured under your policy pro�ided that: (1j The additional insured is a Named Insured under such other insurance; and CG 20 01 12 19 � Insurance Ser�ices Office, Inc., 2018 Page 1 of 1 � �,� -.4� I� • � �. , i "'� � � r � 1 ',�~ ' + ' �.'"-_. '• ', � . - «`-' � ; - � � :� y - i-� f s � � � �'_ i This endorsemerit modifies �nsurarice provicfed under thefollowing: �� 'i ���� � __ =�,1 - �� �R! � ��-I�� It is agr�d that the provisions lis�ed below apply only upon the er�try of an �X in the box next to the captian of such provision. A OX Partnership and .7ant V�;riture Extension N. 0 CorEstruction Projec� Gerr�r�l Aggregate umits B. � Coniractars Autorr�atic Additiona[ Insured Covera�e — Ongoi ng Operati ons C. �X Automatic Waiver of Subro�ation Q. ��ended Notio� of Cancellation, Nonrenewal E OX Uniriterrtional Failure to Disclose f�azards F. � Broadened Mabile Equipment G. OX Personal and Advertising Ir�jury - Coritractual Coverage H. �X Nonernployrr�rrt Discnmination I. �X Liquor Lial�ility J. OX Braadened Conditions K � Auioma#icAdditional lr�sureds— Equiprr�r� Leases f�. �X Suits A�ainst Dreclges and Barg� M. � Insured Contract Extension - Railraad Property and Construction Contracts O. �X Fellaw F�ployee CoWerage P. U Praperry Damage Liability - De�ators Q. OX Care, Qasfaiy Qr Corftrol R. � EJeckronic Data Liability Caverage S. �X Consolidated [nsurar� Program R�idual Liahiliiy CQverage T. OX Automati� Additional Insureds — Managers or Lessors of PrEmises U. � AutomaticAt�ditional {nsureds—State or Gavemmental Agency or Politic�l Subdivisians — F'ermits or Authorizations V. OX ContractorsAutomaticAclditionallnsured Co�erage — Comp�eted Operations W. 0,�dditior�al lnsured — Engineers, Ardiitects or Sur�eyors : � , � -�. I • , il+ � � �� � � �� � The follc�wir�g provis�on is added to 5�G110i1V II - WFi� lS AN INS,UR� : 7Y�e last full paragraph which reacEs as fallows: fVo person or organiz�ion is an insu�ed with resp�ct to the canduCt af any currer� or past partnership, joir�t �erttu�e or limited liability compar�r that is r�a# shown as a Named Insured in th� Declarations. GL-3086 (1Q�19) -i- is deleted and repEac�d with the faflowing: Wfth respect to the conduct of any past ar preserrt joir�t �er�ture or partnership not shawn as a iVarned Insured in the Declarations and of which you are or w�ere a partner or rnernber, you are an insured, but anly with respect to liabi[ity arising out of "yaur vwrk' an behalf af ar�y partnership or jairrt verrture not shown as a Named Insured in #he Dedaratiarrs, provided no other similar liability insurance is availa�le to you far'jrour wc�rk' in oonnec�ion with your interest in such partnership or jarrt venture. �� �''.. � � _. ;���i �i � ,.~ ���i f• �� ! 4'�i � �'�'' •��. S�C�ION II — VWiO IS 1�lRV IN�IR� is arr�nded to include as an additional ins[ared any person ar organization who is required by written contract to be an ac�iitional insured on your policy, but only with res�ect to liability #or "bodi{y in�ur�', "properry dama�" or "personal and ad�ertising in�ur�' caused, in whole ar in part, by: Your ac�s or amissions; or � The acts or omissions of those acting an your hehalf; in the perfnrmar�ce of your or�oing operatio�s for the additional ir�sured(s) at the project(s) c�esignated in the wn#et� oontract. With respect to the insura�ce afforded to these adcEitional insureds, the following a�itional exclusions app�Y; This insurance cto�.s not a�plyta "bodiiy injury" ar °property darnage° occurring after: 1. All vanrk, including materi�ls, parts or equipmer�t furnished in connec�ion with such vwrk, on ti�e project (o#her than senrice, mair�tenance or repeirs} to I�e performed by or on behalf of the additional insurec�{s} at the location of the aavered oper'ations has been wmpleted; or 2. That portion of "your v�ork' out of which thc injury or damage arises has been put to its ir�tended use by any person or organizatian o�her than anather c�ractor or suboor�trac�or engaged in performing operations #or a prir�pal as a part of the same prajec�. This ir�suranoe is excess af all other insuranoe available to fhe additianal insured, whether primary, exoess, contirtg�nt or on any oth�r basis, unless i� wriften oantract requires this insurar�ce to be primary. In that e�ent, this insurance will be primary relative to insurar�ce policy(s) which designate th� additional insured as a IVarr�d Ir�sured in the Declarations and w+e will not rec�uire corrtribukion from such insurance if the written cor�tract also requires t�at this irtsurance be non-oo�tributory. But with res�aect ta all ather insurance under which the additional insured qua�ifies as an ins�red or additional insured, this insurance will be excess. C AUTOMAl1C WA1111ER OF Sd�i�110QV Item & of SEGTIO+�[ IV - OQiVi�R� G�zR+4b. �+4��1Y GONDG`f10i� , is deleted and replace�f with t�e following: B. Transfer of k�ghts �f I�or►eoy Against �F�rs to li� anQi �t�natic Wai�er of �I�o�tian. a If the insured has rights to recover all or part of any paymertt vUe ha�e made under #his Co�erage �orm, ti�ose rig�ts are trar�sferred to us. The insured mus# do nothing after aoss to impair thase rights. At our reques�, the insured will bring "suit" or transfer thase righis to us ar�d help us enforce them. b. If re�quired by a written oo�tract c�aceaated prior to loss, wie waive arry rigl�t of reoo�ery we may have against any persori or organization beca�se of payments w�e make for injury ar damage arising out of'j�aur v�nrk' for that person or organEzation. GL-3086 (iQ119) -2 � � � ��� �3� i� �- � � �� •i i�, 'r� Item A�2e�. of the �UI�iV P�CY GO�IT�C7G�S , is del�ted and replaced with the #ollowing: �b. 60 days before the effecti�e date of the cancellation if v� carioel for any ather reason. Item 9. of �C110G�[ IV - OOGI�iI�. C� LIAB�I.m' (�VD�ii 0➢�IS , is d�leted and replaoed with the following: 9. Vl�it�11 VII� DO N�OT R�iN a If vue choose to nonrenew this policy, t+u� will mail or deliver to the first Named Insured shown in the Declarafions written notice of ttie nonrenewal not less than 60 days before the �iration date. b, If w�e do not give notio� of our ir�ent ta nonrenew as prescnbecE in a abo�e, it is agreed that you may extend the period of this }�olicy for a ma�dmum acEditional si7cty (80) days from its scheduled e�iratian date. VVhere not atherwise prohibited by law, ti�e exisfiing tem�, condi#ions and rates will remain in effect during that extension periad. lt is further agreed that so long as it is not otherwise prohibited by [aw, this one �ime si�cljr day extens9on is the sole remedy and liquidated damages a�ailable to the insured as a resulf of our failure ta gi�e the notice as prescriL�ed in 9. a abo�e. � IJQVIMF]�I�Q� FAILL�IR£ TO I]G9�L0� HP�4R�"a Althougn +n� relied on your repre5entations as to existing and past hazards, if uni�ter�ionally you should fail to disdase all such hazards at tt�e inoeption date of yaur policy, vu� will not derry coverage under �his Co�erage Form pecause of such failure. F. BROA�J�D �If�E� �4�11F�11�M Item 12.b of S�GTfO�V V-�If�OA� , is deleted and replaoed with the fallawing: 12.b. Vehides mairjtained for use solely on or ne�ct to premises, sites or locations you ov,m, rerrk or ��Y- C� P�+QL AND �i.UVF_R17S�IV� if`UURY � i�QSV1��C�U� �OV�►C� �xdusian 2.e of S�CTIOIIV I, COV�AI�G� 8 is deleted. F� N�I�V��YIV�lT D��IV�l1�il0�V Unless "personal and advertising injur�' is exduded from this policy: Item 14. of SI�CI'IO�V V- D�Fif�TIO�IS , is arnended to indude: "Persflnal and adver�ising injur�i' also means embarrassment or humiliation, merital or emotional distress, physical illness, phys�cal impairmerit, loss of eaming c�pacity ar monetary loss, which is caused by "discriminatian." S�C1100V V- l�I�CIOf� , is amended to �nclude: "Discrimirtation" mcar �s the unkawful treatmerit of individuals based on race, color, �thnic origin, age, gerider ar religion. GL-3D86 (iQ119) -3- Item 2�xdusior�s of �L"1�OGV 1, CQV�Ra4C� �, is amer�ed to include: "Personal and advertising injury' arising ou� of "discrimination" directly or indirecfiy related to th� past employmer�t, emplayrrierit ar prospecti�e empioymerit of ariy person nr class of persons by any insured; °Personal and advertising injur�' arising out of "discximination" by or at yaur, your agents or your "employees" diredion ar with your, your ager�ts or your "employees" IairnMedge or cor�se�t; "Personal and advertising injur�' arising out of "discrimnat9on" directly ar indirectly refated to tl� sale, rental, k�se or sulrlease or prospective sale, rental, lease or suErlease of an� cluUelling, permaner�t lodging or premises by or at the direction of any insured. Fnes, penalti�s, speafic performar� or injunctians levied or imposed by a go�emmer�tal entity, or govemrnental oode, law, or statute because of "discriminatian" i. uc� u�u�v F�cdusian 2.C. of SEC110�V I, OOVF�G4GG� A, Is deleted. -i��a �• �� ��". Items 2.a and 2.b. of S�C'�O�V N- CO�U�A[o G�RAL LJABELf7�f COi1VC�11Q� , are deleted and replaced with the fallov�ing: 2. Da.�tie� In iY�e �v+�t O� Qccurr�e, Offfense, Claim Or �ait: a Yau must see to it that w�e ar� notified of an "oocx.�rrence" ar ar� offense which may result in a daim a.s soon as practic�hle after the "oca.�rrenoe" has been reparted to yau, one of your officers or an "employee" designated to gi�� noiice to us. Notioe shou�t[ indude: (i) F-bw, when ar�d vu�;re the "occurrence" or offense took piace; (2) `fhe narr�s and addresses of any in�ured persons ar�d witt�sses; anci (3) The nature and locatian af any injury or clarrrage arising out of the "oocurrence" or offens�. b. If a daim is made or °suit" is braught against arEy insured, you mus#: (1) Reoord the specifics af the claim or "suit" and the date receivecE as s�on as you, one of your offic�rs, or an "errployee" designated to reoord sueh irrfarmation is notified of it; and (2) Natify us in writing as soon as practic�le after you, one of your officcers, your lega! department ar an "employe�" yau desigraate to give us such notice leams of the daims or "suit." Item 2.e, is added to S��'i1QN N� OOGVi1+ER�lAIe C�EI�1�t+4L UA�lL�TY OOVVDIT106� 2�. If you report an "ooaa�rence" io your +n�rkers oorr�nsation insurer which ct�velops ir�to a liability clair� for which oorrerage is provided by #he Caverage Forrn, faifure to repart such "o�currence" to us at the #irrie of "oocurrence" sl�all not be deemed in violation of paragraphs tia, 2.h., arx[ 2.c. How�ever, you shall give written notioe of this "occ�.arrence" to us as soon as you are made aware of the fac� that this "oceurrence" may be a liability daim rather thar� a vwrkers compensation daim. GL-3Q86 (10119) �4- , � � : � �' !, � i.� 'i'�� 1� i ` �."i. +- �. S��C]1QiV [I - VUi-[� [5 A�I I�ED is arr�nded to indude any person or organization with whom you agree in a written equipmer� lease or rerital agreemer�t to name as an additional insured with res�ect to liability far "bodiiy injury", "properry damage" or "personal and advertising injur�' caused, at keast ir� park, by your mair�tenance, operation, a' use by you of the equipment la�sed to yo�.i by such person or organization, subject #o the fallowing additional exdusions. The insurance provicled to the additional insured does not applyto: 1. °Bodily injury" ar "propertydamage" oocurring afteryou oeas� leasin� the equipm�nt. 2. "Bodily injur�l' or "prap�rty darr�age" arisirx� aut of the sole negliger�o� of the additional insured. 3. "Property damage" to: a Property owned, used or oocupied by or rented ta the additional insured; or b. Properry in #he care, custaly or coritrol of the additional insured or over which the additional insured is for any purpose exerasing physicaE ca�krol. This insurance is exc�ss of all other insurance availab[e to the additional ins�red, whether primary, exoess, oQntingent or on any other basis, unless t�e written contract requires #his insuranae to be prim�y. ln that er�ent, this insurance will b� primary rela�i�e to insurance poficy(s) which clesignate the additiona! insured as a Narr�ed Ins�rec[ in the Declarations and vu� will not requir� caritribution from such ir►surance if the wriften contract also requires that this insurance be non-car�ributory. But with respect to a11 other insurance under which the additiorial insured qualifies as ar� ir�sured or additional insured, this ir�uranoe will lae exoess. ` �r� = • ►-.xi •:r r , �- ,, � = :tn��.� l�lde agre� that any "suit" in rem against any dredg� or barge ou�med, aperatec� by or for you, and usc� in yaur operations, shall in all res�ects be treated in t�e sarrie manner as thaugh the "suit" +n�re against you. This ooverage is exoess ove� and ab�ve any speafic insuranoe on any dre�ge or barge own�d, operated by or for you, and used in your operations. �-; -�� «• ��� .�• :� -.��� •-��,�- � •• � � f *�� -� Item 9. of �CYfON V- DE]-1N�110�[5 , is defeted arid replaced with th� fallowing. 9. "Ir�sured Cantract" means: a A oorrtrac� for a lease of prernises. How�ver, that portion af #he coritract for a lease of premises that inderrnifies any person or organizati� for darrrage py fire to premises while rer7ted ta yau or temporarily oa,upied by you with pem�ission of the owner is not an "ir�ured cor�tract°; b. A sidetrack agreemerrt; c Any �?-�nt or lioerise agr�merit; d. An obligation, as rec{uired by ordinar�ce, to indemnify a muniapality, except in cannection with wurk for a muniapality; �. An elevator mair�enance agr�nt; GL-3086 (1Q119) -5- f. TYrat pari of any ofher oontract or agre�mer�t pertain�ng to your b�siness (induding an indemnification of a muniapality in oonnection with v+�ork perfarmed for a muniapality) under which you assume the tort fiability of a�ather parry to pay for "bodily injur�l' or "properry darr�ge" to a third person or organization. Tort liability means a liability that v�auld be imposed by law in the absence of any cor�ract or agreement. Paragraph f. � not ir�ud� that part of any oontrack or agre�err�ent: (1) Ti�ak indemnifies an architect, engineer �r sunreyor for injury or olar�tage arising ot�t of: (a) Preparing, appraving, or failing to prepare or apprave, rnaps, shop c�rawings, opinians, reports, surveys, field orders, char�qe orde�s ar drawings and specafications; ar (b) Giving c�irectians ar instruc�iaris, ar failing to give them, if that is the primary cause of the injury or darrrage; or (2) CJnder whid� the insured, if an architect, engineer or s�rveyor, assumes liability for an ir�jury or damage arising out of the insured's renc[ering or #ailure to rerxler professiartal services, inc�uding those listed in (1) abo�e and superv�sory, insp�ction, architectural ar �ngineering a�iivities. [�l, C�1Ri.i�T106V FRQ�IECT G�V�R�4L. AGG�iEGpCf� LJN�T'S This modifies SE�T10i1V II[ - I.11W�5 01= II�1JRs4�iCE . �4 For all surr�s which can he af#ributed only to ongaing operations at a single canstn�ction project for which the insured �ecomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by an "oca.irrencs" �ander S'EC�IOQV I- CAVERAG� A, and for all rnedica! e�nses caused by accide�ts ur�der SEG'TIOGV I� OOV�A�� C : 1. A separate Construction Projecf General Aggregate Limit applies to aach oor�stn.rction project, and that limit is equal to the amount af the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declaratior�s. 2 The Consfrucfion Project General Aggregat� Limit is the most +n� will pay for tlhe sum af a!f damages under OOVF�C� A, except darnages beca�.se af "bodily injury" or "property darnage" included in the "products-completed operatians hazard," and for medical exp�nses uncier OOVFAAG� C regardless of tfle number of: a� Insurec�s; l�. Ciaims rrrat� ar "suits" brought; or c. Persons or organizatians m�ldng clairr�s or bringing "su'�ts." 3, Any payrr�ents made under OOV��AG� A for darr�ages ar under CO1I�RAC� C for medical e�yaenses shall reduce the Construc�ion Project General Aggregate Limit for #hat oonstruckion projed Such payments shall not reduoe the General Rggregate Limit shown in ti�e Declarations nor shall they reduce any �thh�r Construction Project General Aggregate Limit for ariy other oonstr�c�ion projed. 4. The Gmits shawn in the Declarations far F�ch Occurrenoe, Fr� Qamage and Medical F� confinue to apply. F-I��er, instead of being subjed to #he C�neral Aggr�gate �mit shown in th� Declarations, sud� limits will be subject to the applicable Construction Praject Gerieral Aggregate Limit. GL-30B6 {10/19) -Fr B. Far all sums +M�ich cannot be attribut�d only to ongoing operations at a single construc�ion prajeck for which the insured beoomes legafly obligated to pay as damag�.s caused by an "ooaarrenee" und�r SECTIO+N I- DOV�C� A, and for all medical e�enses caused by accidents under S�CiION I - COV�iAC� C : 1. Ar�y paymerit� made under COIiE�AG� A far darrrages or under CQV�RAC� C for medical e�enses shall reduce the amount availab[e under the General Aggregate Limit or the Products- Campleted Operations Aggregate Limit, +n�l�ichever is a�plicabl�; and 2. Stach payme�-�ts si�tall not rc-�cluce any Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. G. Payments for damages because of "bodiiy injury' or "property damage" i�duded in the "products- completed operatians hazard" will reduce the Pro�ucts-ComEaleted Operations Aggregate Limit, and nat recluce the General Aggregate Limit nor tF�e CQnstn�ction Project General Aggregate Limit. D. If a constr�ctian �roject has been al�andoned, delayecl, or abandoned and then res�arted, or if the authorized carrtracting parties deviate frorn p[ans, blueprir�s, designs, speafications or timetables, the project will still be deerriec� ta be the same oonstruction prajec�. � The provisions af �C110N lll e�MTS 0� I� not o�herw�se madified hy this endarsemenf shall cor�tinu� to k�e applicable. � � • � • • � �s �',� r Exdusian 2.� F�1ay� Li2�h81iiy aF S�C�f�iV I, 0011�4C� A, is d�l�ted and replaoed with tfi�e following: 2e. "Bodily injur�' to (1) An "employee" of the insured arising aut of and in the course of: (a} F�ripEoymerlt �y the insured; or (bj I'�rforming duties refatec! to the oonduc� o# #he [r�ured's business; or {2) The spause, chiEd, pare�t, �rofher ar sister o� that "employee" as a oonsequer� of paragraph {1j aba�e. This exciusion applies: (1) Whether the insured rr�ay be liable as an employer ar in arry o�her capacity; and (2) To any oE3ligation to share darriages with or repay sorrieone else who must pay damages because of the injury. This exdusion does not applyto: (ij Liability assumed by thc irksured under an"insured c�r�rac�' ; or (2) Liability arising from any action or orr�ssion of a co-"employee" whil� that co-"employee" is either in tl� oourse of his or her employrnerrt or performing d�ti�ss related to #he oonduct of your business. Item 2a (1}�a} of �OGV If - VU�-10IS AN II�UI� , is deleted and repfaoed with the follawing: 2.a {1xa) To you, to your pariners or members (if you are a partnership or joir�t �er��re) or to yaur members (if you are a limrted IiaE�ility company), or to your "volurrteer vanrkers" while performing dukies related to #he conduct of your busin�ss. GL-3086 (10/19) -7- P. �m u�c� u�ur�r- �a� "F'roperiy damage" liabilify is changecf as fdlows: Fxclusians 2.j.(3) and 2.j.(4} af Si�CilOn! [, OOV�il�G� A, do not apply to the use af eEevators. 2. The insurance af�orcfed by reason of this prov�sion is exce.ss aver any valid and collectible property ins�arance (ind�ding any dedudible portion thereof) available to �he insured whether primary, excess, continge�t ar on any other t�asis, and the 0� IT� candition is changed accordingly. E � ri - � ti'j �,� �.: ��.►If:;�,'� �xclusior� 2.j.4 of SIECT'ION I, OOVER�GE A is deleted and rep[aoed with the fo�lowing: 2.j.A Personal property in the care, cus#ody or oorrtrol of the insured. How�ver, for personal property in th� car�, custaciyy or control af you or your °err�loyees," this exclusion applies oniy to that �ortion of any ]oss in ��cess o� $�25,000 per oocurrence, subject to ihe following terrr�s and oonditions, (a) The mos� ttZat w� vuill pay under this provision as an annual aggregate is $100,000, regardless of the number of occurrences. (b) This pro�ision does not apply to nemployee" owned prnperty or any properiy thaf is missing where there is not physica� evidence ta show what happened to the praperty. {c) Tl� aggregate limit for this aoverage provision is part of the General Aggregate Lrmit and S�C110GV III � L.[I4��'S OF If�JF��� is changed a000rdingly. (� In ti�e ever� of darrr�ge to or destr�ion of property covered by this exoeption, yrou shall, if requested by us, replace the property or #umish the labor and materials necessary for repairs thereto, at actual cast to yau, exclus3�e of prospecti�e profit or overhead charges of any nature. (e) $2,500 shall be deducted from tf�e total amount of all sums you beeame obligated to pay as darr�es on account of damage to or destruction of a1l property of each person or orgariization, inc[uding the loss of use af that p�operty, as a result of �ch "oceurret�ce." Our lirrit of liabiiity under the endorsemer�t as being applicable to ead-i "oocurrencen shall be reduoed by the amour�t of #he decfuctible indicated above; how�ver, our aggregate fimit of liability under #his provision sha�l not 1ae reduced by the arr�ount of such deduc�ibie. Th� conditions of the policy, induding thos� with respec� to dukies in the everrt of "ooa.irrence," daims or "suit" a�ply irrespectNe of the application of #he cfeduc�i�le arr�ourrt. We may pay any part or all of the dedudible arnourit to effect settlerner�t of ar�y claim ar "suit" and, upon notificatian of the action taken, you shall prompt{y reimlaurse �s for such part of the deducti�le amour�t as �as �en paid by us. F� �C �GG4TA Ll�l1TY COV�iAG� ,Ai F�cdusion 2.p. of COVE�C� A—�Q�ILY ih4JURY AlVD PG�QP�RT�f D�Vl+4GE LIABQLI�( in S�CiiO�I I— OOV�3I��ES is replaoed by the following: 2. �tusio�s This insurance does not apply ta: p. � 0�' �scla�ure O� Cc�fiti�tial Or Pers�r�! Irifoi'rr�ion �4.+�u1 Qat�rFie�ated u�i�y Qamages arising out of: GL-3086 (10119) -8- (1) Any aooess to ar d�sdosure of any person's or organiz�tion's confidential or personal irifarrriatian, including paterits, trade secrets, proo�ssing rr�thads, c�tomer fists, financial infamiatian, credit card information, heafth ir�formation or any other type Qf nonpublic infarmatiori; or (2) The loss af, loss of use of, darnage to, carrupfion of, ina�iliiy to acoess, or inability ta manipulate "electronic data" that does not resuit from physical injury to tangible properiy This exdusion applies even if damages are clairr�ed for notification costs, credit monitoring e�enses, forensic e�enses, public relations e�enses or any oth�r loss, cost or e�erise incurred by you or other� arising o�t nf thaf which is descri}�eed in ParagrapY� (1} or (2) al�ove. How�ver, unless Paragraph (1) above applies, this exclusion does not apply to cfamages because of "bodily injury". �. The following is added to Paragraph 2. �CCLliSlO�lS of S�C:TION I— ODV�►C� B—� �VD �T151f� INJURY L�LalY: 2. Fxdusio�s This insurance does not appiy ta: �Ss Q� Qus�lo�are O� Canfc�ai Ov P��I Ir�farmatioo� °Personal and advertising injur�l' arising out of any aoce.ss to or disdasure of arEy person's or organiza�ion's confidential or personal infom�ation, ineluding paterrts, trade secrets, processing methods, custamer lists, financiaE infom�ation, credit card irifommtion, hea�th infom�ation ar any other type of nanpublic infom�ation. This exdusjon applies even if damages are daimed for notificatian aosfs, crec�it monitoring e�enses, forensic expenses, pu�lic relatior� �nses or any other loss, oast ar expense inc�,irred by yau or others arising out af any aooess to or disdosure of any person`s or organization's confider�ial or personal in�om�ation. C, lYie following �inition is ad�d to 5�tion V— D�iiMTIO�IS : "Dectronic data" means ir�formation, facts or �rograms s�ored as or on, created or used on, ar transmitted ta or from oomputer software (includirx,� systams and applications sofiware), l�ard or floppy disfcs, (�HONfS, tapes, drives, ceNs, data processing de�ices or any other media whieh are usec! +r�th eleckronically co�trolled equiprr�r�. D For the purpases af this ooverage, the definition of "property damage" in S�C'CIO�[ V—�-INTI� is replaoed by the following: `�Property darr�ag�" rr�ar�s: a Physical injury to tangi�le properly, including all resulting loss of use af thak praperty. All such I�s of use shal! be deem�d to oocur at the time of the physical injury that caused it, b. Loss of use af tangi�le properry that is not physically injured. All such loss of �e shall be deemed to oocur a� the time of the "occurrence" tha# caused it; ar c. 1�ss af, los5 of use of, damage to, corruption af, inability ta access, or inabilify to properly manipulat� "electronic data", resulting fr�m phys�cal injury to tangible property. All s� lass of �"slectronic data" s�all be deemed to occur at the tirr� of t�: "oocurrence" that caused it. For the purposes af this insurar�ce, "ef�ctron�c data" is not tangibls properky. GL�� {1QY19) -9- !!���►!.��. ,�= 1.�� ►.�, '�►;�! 'r:i�:..�:�jl �i �, � s: 1\ �• li:� .x Wfth respect ta "i�[ly injury', "property darr�age�', or `personal and advertising injur�' arising out of your ongaing operatians; or aperations incluc� within the "products-complet�d operations hazard', #he policy to which this ooverage is attached shall apply as exc�ss insurance o�er coverage available to'�a�' under a Consolidated Insurar� Program (such as an Owmer Controlled Ins�ranc� Program or Coritrackors Controlled Insurar�ce Program). Co�erage afforded by this endorserr�rrt daes not apply to any Consolidated Insurar�ce Program involving a "resider�ial project" or any deductible or insured reter�tion, speafi�d in tF� Consolidated Irisurarxe Program The foflowing is added to Ssction V— pefinitions "Residentfal project" means arry project where 30% or more of the total square foo# area of the structures an tiie praject is used or is ir�tended to be used for t�urrTan resicl�ncy. This includes but is not limited to single or multifamily �ousing, apartments, condomini�ms, townhouses, co-operatives or planneek unit devefopmertts and appurtenarrt structures {ind�ding pools, hot t�bs, detached garages, guest Yiouses or any similar structures). A"resider�ial project" cbes not include miiitary owned housing, college/university ovuned housing or dorrritaries, long term care facilities, hotels, matels, hospitals or prisons. WI other tems, pravisions, exdusions and limitations of this policy apply. i � � � �i�i • i ti 'I �� � � C�_'w �' �.ti�'ti �' ''� �. $E�jQ� �� —�[� E$ � �� IS �il�.i"1� t011'�LK�: Any person or organization with wharn you agree in a written ooritract or written agre�ment to name as an additional insured but only +n+ith respect to liai�ility arisir� out of the ownership, mairitenance ar �.�.se of that part of the premises, clesigna#ed in the written cantract or written agreernent, tha# is leased to you and sub�ect to the foflawing additional exdusia�s: This ir�surance �s not applyto: 1. Any "occurrence" whid� takes place after you o�ase to be a tenar�t in that premises. 2. 5tructural alterations, new construction or demolition operatfons per�om�ed f�y or an l�ehaff of the additional insured listed in the written oor�trad or written agre�rient. i7iis insuranoe is exo�s of all other insurar�ce a�ailable to the addi�ionaE insured, wi�ther primary, exoess, contingent or an arry other basis, unless the written oo�tract req�ire�s this ins�rance ta be primary. In tk�at everrt, this insurance will be primary relative to insurance policy(s} whicah desj�nate the additional insured as a Narr�ed Insured in th� Dec�aratiot�s and v� will nat require oo�tribution from sud-i insurance if the written �ontrar� �Isa requires that this insurance be non-contrik3utory. But with respeck #a �II other insurance under which the additional insured qualifies as an insured or additional insured, this insurance will be exoess. , • , � � � � • � � .� -■ � �. , � . r,� �.� � , �_ _� � - . �� � . -, °� � ,, � � � ., .,� -I • i- � � s - r • � . �IO�V II — VN� 15 �!V I� is arnended to Encluurtee any state or governmerital agency or subcfivision or pofitical sufa�ivision vuith vu�-�m you are req�ired hy wriiten contract, ordinanoe, law or building oode to name as an additional insured subjec� to the fo�la�ving provisians: This insu�ano� applies only with respect to operations performed by you or on your behalf for which � state or go�ernmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision has issued a perrnit or authorization. GL�08G (10/19) -10- 7�his insuran� does not apply to: y. "6odily injur�J', "pmperty damage" or "personal and advertisi�g injur�l' arising out of operations perform�d for the federal govemment, state or munia�ality; ar 2 "BodEly inj ur�i' or "properly c�arr�ag�" inciuded within the "products-compl�ted o}a�rations i�zarcP'. TF�is insurance is excess of all other insurance available to the additiona! insured, whei�her primary, excess, ooritingerit or on any o�her basis, unless the wri�en contract requires this insurance to I�e pr�mary. In #hat everrt, this insurance will be prima�y relative to insurance policy(s) which designat� th� additianal insured as a Named Insured in the Dec{arations and w�e will r�ot require contrib�tion from such insurance if the written co�trac� also requ�res that this insurance be norrcor�ributory. Bu� with r�.spa� io aEl other insuranoe under whid� the ac[ditional insured qualifies as an insured or additiona[ insured, this insurano� wil� be exc�ss. !� � � �ti i , �i i i i � i � �� '(.7� •• �� ' *�i '^ �� • .,�-',+ 7 � �ON Il — W�O �S A[V II�Ll�iED is amended to indude as an additional insured any person or organizatian who is required by written contract to Ix: an additianal insured on yaur policy far completed aperations, but only with respeci to liahility for "bodiiy injur�' ar "property damage" caused, in whole or in part, by "your work' at th� proj�ct desigr�ated in the oantract, perfom�d for that addtional insured and induded in the "pralucts-completed operations hazard" This insurance is exoess of all other insurance a�ailal�fe to the additianal insured, whether primary, exoess, c�ntinget�t or on ar�y other basis, ur�less the writter� oor�trac� requires #his insurance to be primary. in that e�ent, th�s insurar�ce will be primary relativ� to insuranoe policy{s) which designate the additional insured as a Narr�ed lnsured in the Dedarations and w� will not require corrkribukion from such insurance if the written oontract also requires that this insuranoe be non-oor�ributory. But with respeet to all other Ensuranae under which the additional insured qualifies as an insured or additional insured, this insurance wi I I be exoess. . r � � • � . �> > e� �'. � - � i �_. �, , — � .� �G'f106V II — WI-ID 1S A!V IN�J�D is amended to indude as an additiortal insured any architect, engineer or sunreyor who is required by written contract to be an additional insured on your policy, but only vtith respect to lia�ility for "bodily injur�', "properly damage" or "personal and ad►rertising injury' caused, in whale or in part, by: Yaur acts or or�issions; or 2, The acts or omissions af those acting on your behalf; in the performance of your angoing operations performed hy yau or an your bel�alf. This inciudes such architect, engineer ar surveyor, who may nat be engaged by you, but is contracival�y required to be added as an additional insured to your palicy. GL-3�86 (10/19) -11- IMth respect to the insurance �farded to these additional insurecEs, the followir�g additional exclusian ap�lies: This insurance does rrot apply to "bodily injury', "property darr�age" or "persanal and adver�ising injur�' aris�ng ouk of the rendering af or the failure to render any professional services, including: 1. The preparing, appra�ing, or failing to prepare or apprave rr�aps, drawings, apinions, r�orts, surveys, change orders, designs or specifications; or 2 Supervisory, inspection or engineering serviaes. l7iis insurance is excess of all ather insuranoe available to the additional insurec�, whether primary, exeess, cor�tingent or on any other basis, unless the written oar�rad requires this ins�arar7ce to be primary. In that e�ent, this insurance will be primary relative ta insuranc� policy(s) vuhic� designat� the additional insured as a Narr7ed ir�sur� in the Declarations and +n� will not require c:antribution from such insur� if the written contract also requir�s that this insurance be non-ca�tributory. But with res� to all other insurano� under which the additional insured qualifies as an insured or additional Ensured, this insuranoe will be excess. GL-3086 (10/�9) -12- ViSORi���� �91�A��FI�Ai[�W API� �N�PLOY�HS LI��lLiTY IId�U�APl�� POLl�Y �r�a� w�e�r�� �� ou� �i��r �a ��cav�� ��o� a����s ���o�����r�� WG��O���� {Ed. 6-14) This endorsemen! applies onfy to the insurance provided by the palfcy because Texas is shown in �tem 3.A. of ihe infarmatlon Page. We have the right to racover o�r payments fram anyone fiab�e for an injury cnvered by this policy. We will nat enfarce our right against the person or organization named ln the 5chedule, qut t�9s waiver applies only wlth respect to hodily injury arising out of the operatlons described in the Schedule where you are required by a writter� cor�tract to obtain ihis ►uaiver from us. � � � This endorsement shall not operate d[rectly or in�frectly ta benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. The p�'emium for this sndorsement is sE�oWn i� the Schedule. 1. { ) Specific Waiver Name of person or organization ( K ) Blanket Waivsr 5chedule Any persan or orgar�ization for whom fhe �fatned Insured has agreed by written cantract ta #urnish this waiver. � . 2. Dperations: ST4tE£T & R{}Ad COI�STRUCTIdN 3. Premium: IflCI. The premium charge far this endorsement shal! �e URS percent of the premium devslopad on payroll In connection with work performed for the abave persQn(s) or organizat'tan(s) arising out of the operations cfescribed. � 4. Advance Premium: Inc1 . This endarsement changes the pollcy to which 9t is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwlse stated. {T�� intarmatio� b�low is r�uir�d anly wF�e� 4hi� ere�or�em�nt i� iss�ed subs,�q�ent io �r��aeatFo� of th� policy.) Endorsement E#fecti�e Insured Insurance Company WC4�@�Q4� {Ed. 5-14) Policy No. Coun#arsigned by �ndorsement Na. Premium Copyright 2014 Nativnal Council an Compensatian lnsutance, lnc. All Rights Fisserved. ST�TI�ARI) GEl�ER.�L C�l�DYTYOI�S OF T� COl�STRU�TIO�T C��TTRA�T C17"Y OF F012T WOR'T"H STANDARDCONSTRUCTIOlY 5PECIFICATIQNDdCiJ�1T5 R ev isivn: Iu1a�13 9, 202p STANDARD GENERAL �OND�TIONS 4F THE CONSTRUCTrON CONTRACT TABLE OF C�NTEI�TTS Page Article 1— Definitions and Tern�inolagy ..........................................................................................................1 I.O1 Defined Terms ............................................................................................................................... l 1.02 Terminalogy ..................................................................................................................................6 Article2— Peeiinainary Matters ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.Q1 Capies of Dacuments ....................................................................................................................7 2.02 Commencement oF CQntract Tir�e; Notice to Proceed ................................................................ 7 2.03 Starting the Work .......................................................................................................................... S 2.04 Before Starting Construction ........................................................................................................ S 2.05 Preconstructian Conference .......................................................................................................... $ 2.Q6 Public Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.07 Initial Acceptanee of Schedules .................................................................................................... 8 Article 3— Contract Documents: Intent, Arnending, Reuse ............................................................................ 8 3 .01 In�ent ........ .................................................. .................................................................................... 8 3.02 Reference Standards ......................................................................................................................9 3.Q3 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies ....................................................................................... 9 3.44 Arnending and Supplernenting Contract Documents .................................................................10 3.05 Reuse of Docurnents ...................................................................................................................10 3.06 El�ctronie Data ............................................................................................................................11 A.rticle 4— Availability of Lands; Subs�,�rface and Physical Conditions; Hazardous Environmental Candifiions; Reference Points ........................................................................................................... l l 4.01 Availability ofLands ..................................................................................................................1 � 4.02 Subsuzface and Physical Conditions .......................................................................................... I2 4.03 Di�fering Subsurface or PhysicaI Conditions ............................................................................. I2 4.04 Underground Facilities ...............................................................................................................13 4.05 Reference Points .........................................................................................................................14 4.06 Haz�.rdous Ez�vironnr�ental Condition at Site ..............................................................................14 Article S— Boz�ds and Insu�rance .....................................................................................................................16 S A 1 Licensed Sureties and Insurers ...................................................................................................16 5.02 Performanca, Paym�nt, and Maintenance Bonds .......................................................................16 5.03 Certi�cafes of Insuran.ce .............................................................................................................16 5.04 Contractor's Insurance ................................................................................................................1$ S.OS Acceptance of Bonds and Insuranc�; Option to RepIace ...........................................................19 Article 6 — Contractor's Responsibilities ............................................................ 6.01 Supeivision and Superintendence ................................................... ...19 ... I9 C1TY OF FORT WORTH 5TANIJARDCQNSTnUCT`IbN SPECTFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Mt��1�4,2p24 6.02 6.03 6.04 b.�5 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 b.10 6.11 b.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.�6 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 Labor; Working Hours .................................................................. ..............20 ................................ Services, Materials, and Equipax�.ent ...........................................................................................2f} Project�chedule ..........................................................................................................................2I Substitutes and "Or-Equals" .......................................................................................................21 Concerning Subcontractorrs, Suppliers, and Others ....................................................................24 WageRates ..................................................................................................................................25 PatentFaes and Royal�ies ........................................................................................................... 26 Pez-mits and Utilities ....................................................................................................................27 Lawsand Regulations ................................................................................................................. 27 Taxes...........................................................................................................................................28 Use of Site and Other Areas ....................................................................................................... 28 RecordDocuments ......................................................................................................................29 Safetyand Protectinn .................................................................................................................. 29 SafetyRepresentative ..................................................................................................................30 Hazaz�d Coznznunication Progxa�ns .............................................................................................30 Ernerganci�s andlor Rec�ification ............................................................................................... 30 Submittals............................... ................................................................................................ ..... 31 Continuing�he Wark ...................................................................................................................32 Contt'actor's General Warranty and Guarantee ..........................................................................32 Indemnification......................................................................................................................... 33 Delegation of Professional Design Services ..............................................................................34 Rzghtto Audit ..............................................................................................................................34 Nondiscrirnination....................................................................................................................... 35 Article 7- Other Work at the Site ...................................................................................................................35 7.01 Related Work at Site ................................................................................................................... 3S 7.02 Caordination ................................................................................................................................36 Article 8 - City's Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................36 8.01 CommUnications tn Contracto:r ................................................................................................... 36 8.0�. Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................36 $A3 Pay When Due ............................................................................................................................ 36 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests ...................................................................................36 8.OS Change Orders ............................................................................. ................36 ................................ 8.a6 Inspections, Tests, and ApprovaIs .............................................................................................. 36 8.07 Liimitations on City's lZesponsibilities .......................................................................................37 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition ....................................................................37 8.09 Compliance with 5afet�+ Pro�rarn ............................................................................................... 37 Article 9- City's Obsexrration 5tatus During Construciion ...........................................................................37 9.01 City's �roject Maaaager ............................................................................................................37 9.02 Visrts to Site ................................................................................................................................ 37 9.03 Authorized Variations in Work ..................................................................................................38 9.04 Rejecting Defecfive Work ..........................................................................................................38 9A5 Determinations for Wark Performed ..........................................................................................35 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Work ..................... 38 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANAARD CpNSTRUGTIQN 5PECIFICATION DQCL]NIII+[TS Revision: Mazch9,202U Article 10 - Changes in the Work; Claims; Extra Work ..................... .......38 .................................................... 10.41 Authorized Cha.nges in ihe Work ............................................................................................... 38 10.02 Unautho�'ized Changes in �e Work ........................................................................................... 39 10.03 Execution of Changa Orders .......................................................................................................39 10.�4 Extra Work ..................................................................................................................................39 10.05 Notification to Su�ety .................................................................................................................. 39 1 Q.Ob Contract CIaims Process .............................................................................................................40 Article 11- Cost of the Work; Allowances; Unit Price Work; Plans Quantity Measurement ......................41 1lAlCost of tk�e Work .........................................................................................................................41 11.02 AlIowances .................................................................................................................................. �3 11.03 Unit Price Wark .......................................................................................................................... 44 1 LQ4 Plans Quantity Measurement ......................................................................................................45 ArticIe 12 - Change of Contract Price; �hange of Contract Tirne ................................................................. 46 12.01 Change of Contract Price ............................................................................................................4� 12.02 Change of Contract Time ............................................................................................................ 47 12.03 Delays .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Article 13 - Tests and Inspections; CorreCtion, Remaval or Acceptance of Defective Work ......................48 13.01 Notice of Defects ........................................................................................................................ 48 13.02 Access to �ork ...........................................................................................................................48 13.03 Tests and Inspections ..................................................................................................................4$ 13.04 Uncovering Work ........................................................................................................................49 13.fl5 City May Stop the Work .............................................................................................................49 13.05 Correction or Removal of Defective Work ................................................................................ SO 13.07 Correction Period ........................................................................................................................ 50 13.08 Accaptance of Defective Work ................................................................................................... S I 13.a9 City May Correct Defecti�e V�ork .............................................................................................51 Article 14 - Payments to Con#�ractor and Completian .................................................................................... 52 14.01 Schedule Qf Values ...................................................................................................................... 52 14.02 Progress Payments ......................................................................................................................52 14.03 Con�ractor's Warranty of Title ................................................................................................... 54 14.Q4 Partial Utilization ........................................................................................................................ 55 14.05 Final Inspection ...........................................................................................................................55 14.06 Fina1 Aceeptance ......................................................................................................................... S S 14.07 Final Payment ..............................................................................................................................56 14.08 Final Cannpletian DeIaye�. and Partial Retainage Release ........................................................ S6 14.09 Waiver af Claims ........................................................................................................................ 57 Article 15 Suspension of Work and Terminatian ........................................................................................ 57 1S.O1 Ciiy May Suspend Work .............................................................................................................57 I5.02 City May Terininate for Causa ...................................................................................................5$ 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience .......................................................................................60 Article I6 - Dispute Resolution ...................................................................................................................... 61 16.01 Methods and Procedures ............................................................................................................. 61 C1TY OF FORT WORTFI STANDARDCONSTI�i3GTI�N SPECIFICATIOH DOGUNIF.NTS Revisian: Ma�ch4,2020 Article 17—Miscellaneous ...................................................................................... 17.01 Giving Notice ...................................................................................... 17.02 Computation of Times ........................................................................ 17.03 G�iinulative Remed'1es ......................................................................... 17.fl4 Survival ofObligations ....................................................................... 1'i.OS Headings .............................................................................................. ...-�-----�--------• .................. 62 ...................................... 62 ...................................... 62 ...................................... 62 ...................................... 63 ...................................... �3 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDAl2D CQN5T1iUC7"EON SPECTI'TCATTON �OCTJ1vIn+1TS Revision: Nlareh4,2D24 06 72 00 - ] GENEf2A� CONDITIONS Page 1 of 63 ART�CLE 1— DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 1,OI Deftned Term� A. Where�er u�ed 'uz these General Conditions ar in oiher Contrac# Documents, the tez-ms lis#ed Uelow have the meanings indicated which are appIicable to both the singular and plural thereaf, and words denating gender shall incIude the rnasculine, faminine and neuter. 5aid terms are generally capitalized or written in italic�, but not always. When used in a context consiste�t with the de�nition of a listed-defined tez�m, t�e ter� shall ha�e a meaivng as defined below whether capitalized or italicized or otherwise. In addition to fi.erms specific�lly d�fin�d, terms witri initial capital letters in the Cont�act Docum�nts include references to identified articles and paragraphs, and the titles of other documents or forins. 1. Addendc�V4�zitten or graphic instrurnents issu�d priar ta the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, or change the Bidding Requirernents or th� proposed Coniract Doc�ments. Z. Agreemeni—The written instrurnent �hich is evid�nce oF the agreement betw�een City and Con�ractor covering the Work. 3. Applicatian for Pcryment—The farm acceptable to City which is to be used by Contrac#ar during the course of the Work in requesting progress or final payments and vvhich is to b� accompanied by such supparting documeniation as is required by ihe Contract Dcaczunents. 4. Asbestos Any matarial that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friable or is releasing asbestos fibers into the air above cuz�z�ent action levels established by the Uni�ed States Occupation.al Sa:fety and Health Ad�nninist�ation. 5. Award — Authorization by the City Council for �he City to �nter into an Agreement. 5. Bid—The offier or proposal oi a Bidder submitt�d on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. 7. Bidder—The indi�idual or entity who submits a Bid directly to Ci�y. 8. Bida'ing Documents—Tkae Bidding ReQuiz'ements and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda). 9. Badding Requirements—The adver�isement ar Invitation to Bic�, Instructions to Bidders, Bid security of acceptable form, if any, and the Bid Form with any supplements. 10. Business Day — A business day is defined as a day that the City conducts normal husiness, generally Monday thro�agh Friday, except for fedexal or staxe holidays observed b� the City. 1 I. Calendar �ay —,t�. day consistir�g of 24 hours ��easured froln rnidnigh� fio the next midnig�t. C1TY OF FQRT WORTH STANDARL) CONSTItUCTION SPBCIFICATION dOCUMENTB Revision: March9,201A 00 7� 00 -1 GENERAL CON�ITIQNS Page 2 af 63 J 2. Change Order� A document, vdhich is prepared and approved hy the City, which is signed by Contractor and City and authorizes an addirion, deletion, or revisian in t�a Work ar an adjustzx�e�.t in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued an or aft�r fh� EfFecti�e Daie of the Agreement. 13. City-- The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal �orparation, auth.o�zed and chartered under the Texas State 5tatutes, acting by its governing bQdy through its City Manager, his desigz�e�, or agents authorized under his behalf, each Qf vvhich is required by Charter to perform specific duties with responsibility for f nal en.forcement of the contracts involving the City nf Fort �orth is by CharEer vested in the Ciiy Manager and is the entity with vvhom Gont7ractor has entered into tha Agree�nent and fo� whom the Work is ia be perfanned. 14. City Attorney -- The nfficiall� appoin�ed Ci�y Attorriey of the Ciiy of Fort Warth�, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 1S. City Council - The c�uly elected and qualified governing body of the City o� Fnrt Wort�, Texas. 16. City Manager — The officially appointec� and authorized City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Te�, or his duly authorized representa.�ive. 17. Cont�act Clai�n A demand or assertion by City or Contractor saelcing an adjustment of Cont�ract �rice or Coniract Time, ar both, ar ather relief �vith respect to the terms of the Contrac�. A demand for money ar services by a third party is not a Contract Claim. 18. Cont�act—The entire and integra�ed written dacun �ent between the City and Contractor concerning the Work. The Contract contains the Agreement and aIl Coniract Documents and supersedes priar negotiations, representations, or agreements, vvhether r�+ritten or araI. 19. Contract Docurt3ents—Those items so designated in ihe Agreer�ent. All items listed in the Agreeme�t are Contract Documents. Approved Su�rt�ittaIs, ofher Contractor submittals, and the reports and dra�wings of subsurface and physical conditior�s are not Con�ract Dociunents. 20. Contpact Price The moneys payable by City to Contractor for completion of the Work ua accardance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement {subject to the pra�visions of Paragraph 1 I.03 in the case of Unit Price Work}. 21. Contr-act Tame The nurnber af days ar the dates stated in t�e Ag3reeznent to: (i) achieve Milestones, if any and (ii) completa the Work so that it is ready for Fina1 Acceptance. 22. Contractor The individual or eniity with r�vhom City has enter�d intn �he Agreemen�. 23. Cost of the Work—See �aragraph 11.01 of these General Conditions for definition. crryo� roxrwox�r STANDARD CO1�iSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'FIO�T DOCiJME]dTS Revision: Ma�cl�9,?A2p 0072U0-1 GENEFZAL CONDITIONS Page 3 of 63 24. Damage Claitns — A demand for money ar services arrsing from �ie Project ar Site from a third party, City or Contracfor exclusive of a Contract Claim, 25. Day or day -- A day, unIess otherwise defined, shall rnean a Caiendar Day. 26. Director of Aviation -� The officially appointed Director of tlie Aviation Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or hzs duly appoizated represez�tatzve, assistant, or agents, 27. DiYector of Parks and Communily Sef-viees — Tk�e of_ficially appointed Director af the Parks anci Comrnunity S�rvices Department af the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed represEntative, assistant, or agents. 28. Director of Planning a�d Develapment — The officialIy appointed Director af the Planr�ing and Developnaent Departm.ent of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appainted xepresentative, assistant, ox agents. Z9. Dzrector o, f Transporiatian Public Works -- The of�icially appointeci Director of the Transportation Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appoin:ted represez�tative, assistant, oc agents. 30. Directar of YT�ater Depat-trnent — The officially appoint.ed Director of the Wafi�r Departrn�nt ofth� City o�'Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 31. D�crwi�gs That part of the Coniract Documents prepared or approved hy Engineer which graphically shaws the scope, extent, and cha�racter of the Work to be pe�r£ormed by Contraotar. Submittals are zaat Drawings as �o defined. 32. E, f� j`'ective Date of the Ag�-eerytent—The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becorn�s eff'ective, but if no such date is indicated, it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by tha Iast of the two parties to sign and deliver. 33. Engineer—The licensed professianaI engineer or engineering frm registered in the Sta.te of Texas perfor�ning pro%ssional services for the City. 34. Extra Work — Additianal work made necessary by changes ar alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for other reasons For which no prices are provided in the Contract Doc�ments. Extra wark shall be pat-� of the Work. 35. Field O�de� — A wrztten arder issued by City wh�ich requires changes in the Work but which does not involve a change in the Contrac� Price, Contraci Time, ar the intent of ihe Engineer. Field Orders are paid from Field Order Allowances incorporated into the Contract by fnnded wark type at the time of award. 36. Final Acceptance — The writken natice given by ihe Cii�y ta the Contractor �hat the Work specified in the Contract Documents has been cnmpleted to the satisfaction of �he City. CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQIYSTRUCTTON 5PECIFICATION AOCUME�TS Revision: N1ar�h9,2020 ao �z oo - � GE�]ERAL CONOITIOIVS Page 4 oF63 37. Final Inspection — Inspection carried out by the City to verify ihat the Contractor has completed the Work, and each and every part or appurtenanca thereof, fully, entirely, az�d in canformance with tlae �Cantrac� Doc�ments. 38. Gene�al Requirements—�ections of Division 1 of the Contract Documents. 39. Haza�dous Environmental Condiiion=The presence at the Siie of Asbestos, PCBs, Petroleurn, Hazardous Waste, Radioactive Material, or other matexials in sUch qUantities or circurnstances that may present a substantial danger to persons or property expased thereto. 4p, Hazardous Waste H�zardous waste is defined as any solid waste listed as h�zardo►as or possesses one or more hazardaus characteristics as defined in tY�e federal waste regulations, as amended from time to time. 41. Lmvs and Regulations—Any and all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, an� orders af any and alI governmental badies, agencies, aut�iorities, and caurts having j urisdic�ion. 42. Liens—Charges, security interests, ar encumhrances upon Project fun.ds, real property, or personal property. 43. Major It�m — An Item of work included in the Cfln�ract Docurnents thai has a total cost equal to or greater than 5% of tha original Contract Price or $25,000 whichever is less. 44. Mr'les%ne A principal event specified in the Contract Documents relating to an intarmediate Contract Time prior ta Final Acceptance af t3ie Work. 45. Notice of Ativard—The written notice by Cit�+ to the Successful Bidder stating tl�a� upon timel� compliance by the Successful Bir�der with the conditions precedent listed therein, City vvill sign and delivar tha Agreement. 46. Notice to Proceed—A w�ritten notice given by City to Conlractor �xing the date on which the Contract Tirne will comnr�ence to z�.�n and on which Contxact�r shall start to perform the Wark speciiied in Contract Documenfis. �7. PCBs—Polychlorinated biphenyls. 48. PetNoleum Petroieum, including cruda oil or any fraction theraof which is liquid at standard cond�tions of temperailare and pressure {60 degrees FaY�rez�hezt and 14.7 pounds per square ivaoh absalute), such as oil, peiroleum, fiiel oil, ail sludge, oil refuse, gasoline, kerosene, and oil mixed with other non-Hazardous Waste and cntde oils. 49. Plans — See definition of Drawings. CITX pP FORT WORT}i STATIDARD CONSTRUCTI�N 3P�C]FICATION IJOCUiv1�NTS Revisiorc NF�h9,2020 DO72UO-1 GENER/aL CONDITION3 Page 5 ofCs3 50. Project Schedule A schedule, prepared and inain�ained by Cnn�ractor, in accordance wiih the General Requirements, describing the sequence and duration of the activities conn.pxisizag the Contraetar's plan ta accomplish the Warlc within the Contract Time. S I. Project—The Wark to be performed under tl�e Contract Documents. 52. Project Manager—The authorized representa.ti�ve of the City vvho will be assigned to the Site. S3. Puhlic Meeting — An azuaaunced meeting conducted by tkze City to facilitate pubIic participation and to assist the pub�ic in gaining an informed �iew af the Project. S4. Radiaactive Material Source, spec�al nuclear, or byproduct r�aterial as defined by ihe Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et seq.} as ainez�ded frorza time to time. 5S. Regula� Wot�king Hours — Hours beginning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (excluding legal holidays). 56. Samples—Physical exarnples of materials, equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish ihe siandards by which suck� portion of fihe Wark will be judged. 57. Schedule of S`ubmittals—A schedule, prepared and maintained by Confiractor, of raquired submit�ls and the time requirem�n� io support scheduled performacice of related construction acti�ities. 58. Schedaale of Values—A schedUle, prepared and maintained by Contractor, alIocating portions af the Con#�act Price ta variaus portions of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor's Applications for Payment. 59. Site—Lands or ar�as indicateci in tihe Contract Documents as being furnished l�y City upon which the Wark is to be perfarmed, including rights-of way, peramits, and easements fax access thereto, and such: other lazads furr�ish.ed by City which axe designated far the use of Contractar. 60. Specificaiians That part of the CQntract Documents cansisting of written reqUirernents for materials, equipment, systems, standards and �nrkrnanship as applied ta the Work, and certain adrninistrative requirements and procedural matters applicable thereto. Specifications may be specifically n�aade a part of the Cont�ract Documents by attachment �r, if no� attached, may be incQrporated by reference as indicated in the Tabie of Contents (Division 0� 00 00) of each Proj eci, 61. Subcontracto� An individual ar entity having a ciirect contract with Can.tz•ac#or or with any other Subaontractor for the performance of a part of the Wark at the Site. crrY ox �axT wox� STAN�DARD CONSTRiJCTIOAT SPT'CIFICATION DOCUMEN'T5 Revision: Match9,2024 oo�aoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 6 of 63 62. Submiitals All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data or informaiion which are speci�caliy prepared ar assembled by or for Cantractor anci subrnitted by Contractar to illustrate same portion ofthe Work. 63. Succes�sful Bidder T'he Sidder submitting the lowest and most responsive Bid to whorn City makes an Award. 64. Superintendent — The representative of the Contractor who is available at a�l times and able to receive instructians frarn the City and to act for the Contractor. 65. Supplementa�y Canditians—That part of the Contraci Docuznents wh.ich aza�.ends or supplemenis these GeneraI Condit�ons. 66. 5upplier A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman, or vendar ha�ing a direct contract with Cantractor or vvith any �ubcantractor to furnish materials or equipment to be inco�porated in ihe Vi�ork by Contractar or Subcontractor. 67. Un�det�g�ound Facilities All undergz�ound pipelines, conduits, duets, cables, wires, znanholes, vaults, tanks, tur�nels, or atl�er such �acilities or attachm�nts, and any encasernents conta.ining such facilities, inciuding but not limiied to, those that convey electricity, gases, stearn, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communicatiozas, cable television, water, wastewater, stozxn water, other liquids or chemieals, or traffie or other control systems. 68 Unit Price Work—See �ara�raph 11.Q3 of these General Conditions for defin'rtion. 69. T�Tleekend Warking Hours — Hours beginning at 9:00 a.rn. and �nding at S:OQ p.m., Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, as approved in advance by the City. 70. Wo�k The entire canstruction or tY�e various separately identif able parts thereaf required to be provided under the Contract Documents. Woxk i�tacludes and is the result of perfornung or providing all labor, services, and documentation necessaiy to produce such construction including any Change Order or Field Order, and furnishing, installing, and incorporating a11 materials and equipment into such construction, all as zequixed by the Contzact Dacuments. 71. Working Day �- A working day is defined as a day, not incIu�iing Saturdays, Sundays, or legaI bolidays authorized by the City far cantract purposes, in which weather or other conditions z�at undex the control of the Contractor w'rll permit tha performance of the principal unit of work underway fnr a continuous period of noi less than 7 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1.02 Ter^minology A. The words and ternns discussed in Paragraph 1.02.B tl�rough E are not defined but, when nsed in tb.e Bidding Requirements or Cantract Documents, have �he indicated meaning. B. Intent of Certain Terms o� Ad�'ectives: CITY OF FORT WORTH STArIDARD CO]�STRUCTION SPECI�IGATIQN I�pCLfM�'1VTS Rev isioa:lVf�h 9, 2020 ao7�oo-i GENERAL CONDiTIONS Page 7 af 63 1. The Contract Documents include the �erms "as allowed," "as approv�d," "as ordered," "as directed" or ter�ns of like effect or import to authorize �n: exercise of judgment by City. Ira addition, the adjectives "reasanable," "suitable," "acceptabie," "proper," "satisfactory," or adjactives oi iike effeci or irnport are used to describe an action or deternunation of City as to the Work. It is intended that such exercise af professional judgment, action., or dete�in.atioz� vdilI be solely to evaIuate, in general, the Work far campl�ance with the information in the Cantract Dacuments and with the design concept of the Project as a firnctioning whole as shovvn or indicated in the Contract Docurnents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "de�ective," when modifying the worc� "Work," refers to Wark t11at is unsatisfactory, faulty, or deficient in that it: a. does not cQnform to the Contract Documen#s; or h. does not meet ihe requir�ments of any applicable inspection, reference standard, test, or approval referred �fl in Yhe Contract D�curnents; or c. has been damaged prior to City's writtan acceptance. D. Furnish, Install, Pe�for�m, P�ovide: The word "Furnish" or the ward "Insfall" or th� word "Perform" or the word "Provide" or tha word "Supply," or any cambination or similar directive or usage thereof, s�all mean fi�rnishing and incorporating in the Work including all necessary labor, materials, equiprnent, and everything necessary to perform fihe Work indicated, unless specifically lirnited in the context used. E. Unless statad other�wise in the Contract Document�, vwords or phrase�s that have a vvell-kz�own technical or constructian industzy or lrade meaning are used i� the Coattract Dacuments in accordance wifh such recagnized �near�ing. ARTICLE � — PRELIlVIINARY MATTERS 2.01 Copies of Documents City s�all furnish to Contractor one {I) nrigir�al executed copy and one (1) electronic copy of the Contract Documents, and four (4) additional copies of th.e Drawings. Addi�iozaaI copies will be furnished �pon request at t�e cost of reproduction. 2.02 Commertcement of Contr�act Time; Notac� to Ppoceed T`he Contract Tima will eommence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to �'roceed. A No�ice fo Proceed may be given no earl�er than 19� days after the Effective Date of the Agr�ement, uriless agreed to by both parties in writing. CITY OF FpRT WORTH STAAI]]ARD GOIV5TR[TCTiON SPECI�TCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Nlmrh9,2920 oa �z oo - t GENERAL CONDITIONS Page S of 63 2.03 Starti�g the Wor�lc Contractor sk�all start to perfotr� the Work on the date when the Contract Ti�ne commences to run. No Work shall be done at ihe Site prior to tIi� date on wnich the Contract Time commences to run. 2.04 Befo�e Starting Canst�uction Baseline Schedules: Subr�ait in accorda.nce with the Coz�t�act Dacu�nents, and prior ta starting the Work. 2.05 P�eco�rsttRuction ConfeYence Before any Wark at the Siie is started, �e Contractar shall attend a Precanstruction Conference as specified in the Contract Docurnents. 2.fl6 Public 11�feeting Cont�aetor may noi mnbilize any equipment, materials or resourcEs to the Site prior to Contractor attending ths Public Meeting as scheduled by the City. 2.07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules No progress pay�nent sha1l be made to Conf�ractar until acceptable schedules are submitted to City in accordance with the Sek�edule Specif cation as provided in the Cantract Dacumenis. ARTICLE 3— CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 3.01 Intent A. Tb.e Contract Docunne�t� are carr�plementary; what is required by one is as binding as if required by all. B. It is the int�nt of the Contract Docurnants ta describe a fi�nciionally complete project (or part thereo� to be constructed in accardance with the Coniract Docurnents. Any labor, doc�znentation, services, materials, or equipment that reasonably may be in.fez�ed fronn the Contract Documents or �ram prevailing custom or trade usage as being required #o produce the indicafied rasuIt will be provided whether or not specifically called far, at no additionai cost to Ciry. C. CIarifications and interpretations o�the Contract Documents shall be issued by City. D. The Specifications may vary in form, format and style. Some Specifieation sections may be wz�itten in varying degrees af streamlined or declar�.tive style and some sections may be relatively narrative by comparisan. Omission of such words and phrases as "the Contractor shall," "in COi1f0Y1]?1L�7 1rJl�il," "7S S}l0'W11," OY "15 specified" aTe intentional 111 5tieaillllIieC� 5eCt10I15. �mitted words ar�d p�urases shall be supplied by inference. Similar iypes of provisions inay appear in variou,s parts of a section or articles within a part depending on the format of the CT'I`Y OP FORT WORTH STANIIARDCDNSTRUGTIp3�T SPECIETGATION DOC[JMEN"I'S Reviaon: Mar�h9,2020 oa�aoo-i GEN�RAL COIVb1710NS Page 9 af 63 section. The Contractor shall not take advantage oi any variatian of form, format or style i� t�rkaking Contraet Claims. E. The cross raferencing of specif cation sections under the subparagraph heading "Relaied Sec�ions include but are not necessarily limitec� to:" and elsewhere within each Specification section is pravided as an aid and convenien�e to the Coniractor. The Contractor shall not rely �n the cross re%rencing provided and shall be responsible to coordinate tk�e entire Work under the Contract Documents and provide a complete Project whether or nat the cross referencing is provided in each section or whether or not the cross referen�ing is complete. 3.02 Reference Standards A. Standards, Specif cations, Coda�, Law�, and Regulaiions 1. Ref�renc� ta standards, specif'ications, maz�uals, ax codes of any technical society, org�ization, ar assaciation, or to Laws or Regulations, whether such reference be speciiic or by irnplication, shall mean the sfiandard, speci�cation, manual, code, or Laws or Regulations in ef%ct at the time tif opening of Bids (or on the Effective Date of the Agz�eerz�ent if there were no Bids�, e�cept as may be otherwise specz�ically stated in the Contract Documents. 2. No provision of any such staz�.dard, s�aecification, manual, or cQdc, or any instruction of a Supplier, shall be effeciive to change the duties or responsibilities of City, Cantra.ctor, or any of their subcontractors, consultants, agents, or ernployees, fram those set forth in the Contract Documents. No such provision or inst�-uction shall be e�fective to assign to City, or any of its off'icers, directors, members, parl�ers, emplo�ees, agents, consulta.nts, or subcantractars, any duty or autkzority to supezvise or direct the perforrnance of the Worl� or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsistent �vith the pro�isians of the Contraci Documents. 3.a� Reporting and �Zesolving Discrepancies A. Repo�ting Discre�ancies: 1. CotafractoY's Review of Contract Documents Before Siarting Work: Before undertaking each part of t1�e Work, Coniractor sha11 carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent fguxes t�erein against all applicable freld measurernents and canditions. Contractor shall proznptly report in wrifiing to City any conflict, error, ambiguity, ar discrepancy which Coniractor discovers, or has actual knowledge of, and shall obtain a written int�rpretation or clarification fro�n City hefare praceeding with any Work affected ther�by. 2. Contractor's Review of Contract Documents Du�ing Performance of Work. If, durir�g the pe�rforrnaa�ce of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity, ar discrepaney within the Contraci Documents, or between the Cantract Documents and (a} any appiicab�e Law or Regulation ,(b) any sta�dard, specificafion, manual, or code, or (c} any instruction of any SUpplier, then Contractor sha11 prompily report it to City in writing. Contractar shall not proceed with the Work affected theraby (except in az� emergency as required by �'aragraph CiT'Y OF FORTWORTH STANDARD CON3TRUCTION SP�C�TCATION DOCUMENTS Revision: ivfmch 9,2D20 oo�zoo-i GE�fERAL CONDITIONS Page IQ of63 b17.A) until an amendrneni ar supplement to the Contract Docurnents has been issued by one afthe methods indicated in Paragraph 3.04. 3. Contractor shall not ba liable �o City for failure to report any conflict, error, ambiguiiy, or diserepancy in the Contract Dacuments unles� Contraetor had actual knowledge thereo£ B. Resolving Discreperncie�: 1. Except as may be otherwise spec'rfically stated in the Con�ract Documents, the provisions of ihe Contract Doc�aments sha11 take precedence in resolving any Gonflict, error, amhiguiry, or discrepancy between the provisions of the Corzt�ract Dacui�ents and the pxovisions of any standard, specification, manual, or the instruction af any Supplier (whether or not speeifically inc�rporated by reference in the Contt�act Docurnents). 2. In cas� af cliscrepancies, iigured dimensions shall govez� over scaled dimensions, Plax�s shall govern over Specifications, SUpplementary Condit�ons shall gavern over General Conditions and Specifications, and quaniities shawn on the Plans shall govern over those shown in the proposal. 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Cor�t�act Docurrxents A. The Contract Documenis may be am.ended to pravide for additions, deletions, ar�d revisians in the Work or to modify t�ie terms and conditions ihereof by a Change Order. B. 'The requiremen�s of t11e Contract Docurnents may be supplemented, and minar variations an.d d�viations in the Wark not invoIving a change in Cont�ract Price or Contract Time, may be authorized, by one or more of the foljowing ways: 1. A Fie1d Order; 2. City's review of a Submittal (subjact ta the provisions of Paragraph 6.18.C); or �. City's wrirten interpretation or clarification. 3.OS Reu.�e ofDocuments A. Contraetor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shall not: have �r acquire aziy title io or ownership rigk�ts in any af the Drar�ings, Sp�cifications, or other documents {or copies of any therea� prepared by or bearing ihe seal of Engineer, including electronic media editions; or 2. reuse any such Drawings, Specifications, othar documents, or copies thereof on extensions af the Praject or any otner project without written consent of City and specific written verifcation ar adaptatian hy Engin.eer. CTI'Y OR FORT WORTH ST.4NDARD CpNSTRUC�fTON SPECIFTCATION bOCUNfEI+ITS Revision: Ma�h9,2020 007200-1 GENERA� CONDITION5 Page I 1 of 63 B. The prohibitions of this Paragraph. 3.05 wilI suirvive final payment, or termination of the Cantract. Nathing herein shall preclude Contractor from reiaining copies of the Contract Dacuments for recorc� putposes. 3.06 Electronic Data A. Unless othexwise stated in the Supplementary Conditions, the data furnished by City or En�inear to Contractor, or by Contractar to City or Enginaer, that may be relied upon are Iimited to the printed capies in�luded in the Cantrac# Documents (also [cnow� as ha.rd copies} and other Specifications referenced arid located an �he City's on-line e�ectronic documeni management and collaboration sys�ern site. Files in electronic media format of text, data, graphics, ar oiher types arc furni�hed only for the convenience of the receiving parry. A.ny conclusion or infarmation o�tained or derived from such electronic ��es will be at the user's sole risk. If there is a c�iscrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, ihe hard copies govern. B. When i�ansferring dacuments in el�ctranic media formai, the transferring party maices no representations as to long term compatibility, usability, or readabiliry of doeuments resulting from the use of soflware application packages, operating systems, o�r computer hardware dif%ring irorn tk�ose used by the data.'s creator. ARTICLE �-- AVATLABILITI' OF LAN DS; SU�SUR�'ACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITI�NS; HA7ARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 Awailability of Lands A. City sha11 furnish the Site. City shall notify Contractor of any encunnbraxices ar restrietions not of general apglication but specifically related to use of the Site wiih �vhich Contractor mvst comply in perfortning the Work. City will obtain in a timely rnanner and pay for easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facili�ies. 1. The City has obtailled or anticipates acquisition of and/ar access ta right-of-way, ax�dlor easements. Any outstanding �gk�t-of-way andlor easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with tl�e schedule set �orth in the Suppletnentaty Conditions. The Projeet Schednle submitted by the Cor�tractar in accordance with the Contract Documents must cansider any outstanding right-of-way, ancl/or easernents. 2. Tha City has or anticipates remaving azadlor relocating utilities, and abstructions to the Si�e. Any outstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructians is anticipated in accordance with t.�e sc�iec�ulc set forth in the Supplementasy Conditions. Tha Project ScheduIe subr�itted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Docunnents znust cansider any auts�anding utilities ar obstructions to be remaved, adjusted, and/or relocated by others. B. Upon areasanable written request, City shall fixrnish Contractor vwith a current statement of record legal title and lEgal descriptian of the lands upon �vhich the VVork is to be perforriaed. C1TY OF FDRT WORTH STANP11I2D C�N3TRUCTION 5P�IFTCAT7�1� DOC:IJMENTS Revision: Ma� 4,2020 aa �2 00 - � GENERAL CONDIfIOIVS Page 12 of 63 C. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto thai may be required for constructian facilities or sfiorage of materials and equipment. 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions A. Reports and Drawings: The Supplernen�ry Ca�.ditions identify: 1. those reports �awn ta City af explaratians and tests of subsurface COridl�lflil5 at or cantiguous to the Site; and 2. those drawings kno�vn to City of physical conditions relating to existing surface ar subsurface structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities). B. Lanaited Reliance by Contractor on T�chnzcal Data Authar�ized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the "tecbnical data°' contained in such reports and dra�ings, hut such reports and drawmgs are not Contract Documents. Such "technical data." is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor �nay not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their a�'icers, directors, m.enabers, partners, employees, agents, consultanis, or subcontraciors rx�ith respect to: 1. the coxnpleteness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes, including, but not Iimited to, any aspects oF the rneans, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures o� construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and progranas in.cident ihereto; or 2. other data, interpretatians, apinians, ar�d infarrnation cantained in such reports or shawn or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Con�actar interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions, ar information. 4.03 Differing Subsurface or Physical Conditions A. Notice: If Coniractor believes that any� subsurface or physical condition that is uncovered or revealed either: 1. is of such a nature as to establish that any "technical data" on which Contractor is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02 is nnaferially inaccurate; or 2. is of such a nature as to �require a char�ge in the Contract Dacuments; or 3. differs materially fraara that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; or 4. is of a� unusua.I nature, and diif'ers materially fram conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recogtxiz�d as inherent in �vork of the character provided for in the Cont�act Documents; CITY OF FORT WOi2TH STANDAIZD CONSTRI3CTIQN SPECIFICATION DaCLJMENTS Revisian: M�U 9,202� oa �a oo - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 13 of 63 then Contractor shall, prozx�ptly after becoming aware thereaf and before further disturbing the subsuriace or physical conditions or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in az� emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), notify City in writing about �uch condition. B. Possible P�ice and Time Adj�stments Contractor shall not be entifiled to any adjusiment in the Coniract Price or Contract Ti�ne if: Contractor knew of th� existence o� such conditions at the time Contractor naade a funa� cornmit.�nent to City with respect to Contract Price arr.d Contract Time by the submission of a Bid or becoming bound under a negatiated contract; ar 2. tlae existence of s�ch condition coulc� reasonably have been discovered or re�ealed as a result oithe examinatinn of th� Confxact Documents ar the Sitt�:; or 3. Contractor failed to give the written notiee as requirec� by Paragraph A�.03.A. 4.04 Unrxerground Facilitaes A. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contraet Docurnents with respect to ea�isting Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site is based on inforznat�on and daia furnished to City or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities, incIuding City, or by others. Un�ess it is atherwise expressly provided in the S�rpplementa�y Conditions: 1, City anc� Engineer shall not be r�sp�nsible for the accuracy ar completeness of any such information or data provided hy others; and 2. the cost of all of the following will be ineluded in the Cantract Price, and Contractor sha11 have fi.�ll respansibility for: a. reviewing and checking a�l such infarmation and data; b. locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contraet Documents; c. coordination and adjus�ment of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, during constructian; and d. ihe safety and pratection of all �uch Undergxound Facilit�es and repairing any damage thereto resulting fram the Work. B. Nat S�Zown ar Indicated.• 1. If an Underground Facility which conflicts with the Wark is �ncovered or revealed at ar contiguous to the Site which was not shown or indicated, or no� sho�rn or indicated wiih reasonable accuracy in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall, promptly after becorning aware tHereof and before further disturbing condiiions a,ffected thereby or per�orming any CiTY QF FORi' WdRTH STANI?ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIi'CCATION DOCUMEN'I'S Revision: Macch9,2029 ao�2oo-i GENERAL CdNDITIONS Pege 14 of63 Work in conneeiion therewith (exc�pt in an ernergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A}, identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give notice to that owner and tp City. City vaill review the c�iscovered Underground Facility and determin� the �xtant, if any, to which a chang� rnay be required in the Contract Documents to reflect and doeurnent the consequences of the axisience or location of the Underground Facility. Contractar shall be respo�sible for the safety and protectian af such discavered Underground Facility. 2. If City cancludes ihat a change in the Conlxact Documents is required, a Change Order may be issu�d to raflect and docurnant srxch consequences. 3. Verification of existing utilities, struciures, and service 3ines shall include noti�icatzan of all utility caznpa.nies a m��num of �8 hours in advance of constructian incIuding exploratory excavation if necessary. 4.05 Reference Points A. City shall provide engineering surveys to estabIish xeference paints for construction, whieh in City's judgment are necessary to enable Contxactor to proce�d with the Work. City wilI pr�vide canstruction stakes or other cus�oma�y metl�od of marking to establish line and grades for roadway and utility construction, centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. Con.tractor shall proteci and preserve the established referenee points and properiy �x�.onurr�ents, and shall malce no changes or relacations. Contractor shall report to City whene�er any referenee poir�i or property monument is last or destroyed or requires relocation becaus� of neeessary changes in grades or loeations. The City shall be responsible for the replacement ar relocation of reference pain�s or property mnnuments not carelessly ar willfully destroyed by the Conl�actar. The Coniractor shall notify City in �dvance and with suf�icient fiime to avoid delays. B. Whenever, in the opinion of the City, any reference pair�t or monument has been carelessly ar r�villfull� destroyed, dis�i.trbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his eznployees, tlae fixl� cost for repiaci�g such points plus 25% will be charged against the Ca�tractor, and the full amount will be dedUcte�. frozx� payrz�.ent due the Contractor. 4A6 Hazardous Environmental Condition atSite A. Reports and Drawings.� The Supplernentary Conditions identify those reports and drawings kmown to City relating to Hazardous Envirorunental Con.ditions �hat have been identified at the Site. B. Li�zited Relianee by Contractor o� Technical Data Authorized.• Contractor may rely �pon the accuracy of the "technical data" contained in such repnrts and dravwings, but such reports and drawings are nQt Contract Documents. 5uch "technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Gon�ractor Fnay not make any Cantract Claizr�. against City, ar any of their officers, directors, members, pattners, einployees, agents, consultants, or subcontractars w�th respect tn: X. the completeness oi such reports and drawings for Cantractor's purposes, including, but not lirnited to, any aspects of the means, methods, teck�iques, sequences and procedures of crrY n� Fax�wo��rFr STANI]Ai2DCON5TRUCTION 3PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Niatct�9,202fl �07200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 15 of 63 construction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautzons and pxograrns incident thereto; or 2. other data, inte�pretations, opinions and inforination cantained in such. reports ar shown or indzcated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusian drawn from any "technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions or infarmation. C. Contractar shall not be responsible for any Hazardous Environmental Conditioza uncovered or xevealed a� the Site which was nn� sho�v,Jn or indicated in Drawings ox Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope af the Work. Cantractor sl�all be responsible for a Hazairdous En�iranix�ental Candition created with any materials brought to the Site by Contiractor, �ubcontractors, SuppIiers, or anyone else far whom Contractor is responsible. D. If Contractor encavnters a Hazardous Environmental Conditzon or z�� Con�cactor or anyone for whom Coniractar is responsible creates a Hazardous Enviranmental Condi�ian, Contractor shall immediately: (i} secure or otherwise isalate such condition; (ii} sto� all WQrk in connection: with such conc�ition and in an� area aifected thereby (�xcept in an emergency as xequired by Pa.ragraph 6.17.A); and (iii) notify City (and promptly thereafter canfirm such notice in writing). City may consider the necessity to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such con�ition or take carrective action, if any. E. Contractor shall not be required ta resume Wark in connection with such canditian or in any affected area until after City has obtained any required pez7mits related thereto and deiivered written notice to Contraetor: (i) specifying that snch condit'ron and any affected area is or has bean rendered suitable for the resurnption of Work; or {ii) specif�ling any special conditions undez� wh ich such Work may be resurned. F. Ii after rec�ipt of such written notice Cont�actor does not agree to resume such Wor1c based on a reasanable beSief it is unsafe, or does not agree to aresut�ae such Work under such special conditions, then City may order the portion of the V4�ork that is in the area aff8cted by such condition ta be deleted frozxi the 'UVark. City may have such de��ied portian of the Wark performed by City's own forces or others. G. Ta the fuilest extent persazitied hy Lcnvs and Regulations, Cont�actar shall andemnify �and hold harmles.s City, ff-am and against all clairns, costs, losses, arad damages (including But not limited to a�l fees and charges af engineers, architects, atto�neys, and other professionais and alI court or arbitrataon o� oth.er dispute resalution costs) arising out of a� relating to a Hazardous Environrrtental Condition c�eated by Contraciot� or by anyone foY wharra C�nt�^acta� is responsible. Nothing in this Paragr�aph 4.06.G shald obiigaie Contr^actaN to indemn� any individual or entity fi•orn ana' ugainst the cansequences of that rndividual's or entity's own negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs A�.Q2, 4.U3, and 4.04 do nat app[y to a Hazardous Environmental Conditian uncovered ar revealed at the Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDATtDCONSTRLTCTION SFECIFTCATIOl�i ]]DCUMENTS Revision: March9,202D 00 �z oo - i GEt�IERAL CONDITIONS Page LGof63 ARTICLE � --BONDS 1�ND INSDRANCE 5.0] Licensed SuYetres and Insr�rers All bonds and insuranee requirad by the Contraci Docu�nents to be purchased and maintained by Cont�actor shall be abtained from surety or insuxan.ce companies tl�ai are duly licensed or aUtllorized in the �ta.te of Texas to issue bonds or insurance policies for the lunits and ca�erages so required. Such surety and insurance companics sha1l also meet such addiiional requirem�ents and qualificatians as may be provided in the Supplementary Condifior�s. S.OZ Perfo�nance, Payrnent, and Maintenance Bonds A. Contractor shall furnisH perfarmance and paymeni bonds, in accordance with. Te�a.s Gavernrrkent Code Chapter 2253 or succ�ssor statute, each in an amount equal fo tkie Contract Pr[ce as security for the faithful pez:f��aance and payment af a11 of Contractor's obligations under the Con�raet Documen.ts. B. Contractor shaIl f-umish maintenance bonds in an amount equal to the Contract Price �.s security �o proteei �fie City against any defecYs in any portion of the Wor� described in the Contract Dacuments. Maintenance bonds shaIl re�nain in effect %r �wo (2) years after the date of Final Accepta�ace by the City. C. �11 bonds shall be in the forrn prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations, and shall be executec� 6y such sureties as are narned in the Iist of "C�mpanies Holding Certificates af Authoriiy as Acceptable Sureties nn Federal Sonds and as Acceptable Reiz�suring Companies" as published in Circular 574 (arnended} by tl�e Financial Management �ervice, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Depariment af the Treasury. All bonds signed by an agent or attorney-in-fact rnust be accomparaied by a sealed and dated povwrer o� attamey which shall show that it is effecfive on the date the agent or aitorney�in-iact signcd each bond. D. If the surety on any band fiaz�ished by Contractor is declared banlcrupt ar becornes insolvent ar its right to do business is terminated in the �tate of Texas ar it ceases to meet ihe requirexnents of Paragraph 5.02.C, Contractor shall promptly notify City and shall, wi�hin 30 da.ys af�er the even� giving rise to such notification, provide another band and surety, both of which sha11 comply rvith the req�irements of Paragraphs 5.01 and S.Q2.C. 5.03 Ceriifzcates of Insurance Con�ractar shall deliver �o City, with copies to each add�tional insurad and loss payee identified in the Supplernentary Conditions, certificates of insu�•ance (otlaer evidence oi ins�rance requested by City or any other additional insured) in at least the minimum amount as speci�ed in the Supplementary Conditions whick Contractor is requir�d to purchase and maintain. 1. The certificate of insurance shall document the City, and all ic�entified entities named in the Supplementary Conditions as "Additianal Insured" on all liabiiity policies. ci�r oF FOK �� wo��rx STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIx'TCATTON DOCi1MENT5 Revision: M�tt9,2D20 aa�zoo-i GENERAL COND]TIONS Page 17 0£63 2. The Con�ractor's general liability insurance shaIl include a, "per project" or "per locat'ron", endorsezx�ent, which shall be identified in tk�e certificate of insurance provided to the City. 3. The certificate shall be signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage on behalf af the ins�red, be cornplete in its entirety, and shovv complete insurance caz7rier names as listed in the current A.M. Best �roperty & CasuaIry Guide 4. The insurers for al] pa�icies must be Iicensed andlar approved to do business in the State of Texas. Except for workers' compensation, all insurers must ha�e a �minimum rating of A-: VII in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasanably equivalent �nancial strength and solvency ta the satisfaction af Risk Managernent. If the rating is beIow that required, written approval of City is required. 5. AIl applicable policies shal! include a Waiver of 5ubrogation (Righ�s a� Recavery} in favar of the City. Ix� addation, the Contractor agrees to waive alI rights o� subrogation against the Engineer {ifr applicable}, and each addi�ional insured identified in the Supplementary Condiiions Failure of the City to demand such certificates or other evidence of full connpliance with the insurance requiremenis or failure of the City to identify a deficiency from er�idence that is provided shalI not be construed as a waiver of Cantractar's obligation to maintain such �ines of insutance coverage. 7. If insuranca policies are not wr�tten far specified coverage 1'zznits, an Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance for any differences is required. Excess Liability shall follovv farm of the pnmary coverage. 8. Unless atherwise stated, ajl required insura�nce shall be written on the "occurrence basis". If coverage is underwritten on a claims-made basis, �lze retroactive date shall be caincident with or prior to the date of the effective date of the agreement and the certif cate of insurance sha11 state that the coverage is clainas-made and the retroactive date. The insurance coverage shall �e maintained %r the duratian of the Contract and for three (3) years followin.g Final Acceptance �rovided under the Contract Documents or far the warranty �eriod, whick�ever is longer. An annuaI certificate of insurance subnaitted ta �he City shaIl evidene� such insurance coverage. 9. Poiicies shall have no exclusions by endorsements, which, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrease the limits of said coverage unless such endarsements are �approved in writing by the City. In the evenf a Con.tract has been bid or executed and the exclusions are deternained to be unacceptable or the City desires additional insurance coverage, an.d the Czty desires the contractor/engineer to abtain such coverage, the contract price s�aaIl be adjusted by the cost of the premium for such additional coverage plus 1 Q%. 10. Any self-insured retention {�IR), in. excess of $25,400A0, affecting required insurance coverage shall be appxoved by the City in regards to assei aalue ar�d stockholders' equity. In CiTY OF FORT WORTH STANDAKDCONSTI�UCTlON SPECIFICATION DOCi]1vIEN'I'S Revisian: M�139,2020 OD720D-I GENERAL CON�I'1'IONS Page 18 of 63 Iieu of traditional insurance, alternative coverage mainfiained through insuran.ce pools or risk retention groups, must also be approved by City. 11. Any deductzble in exeess of $S,�OO.Oa, for any policy that does not provide co�erage on. a first-dollar basis, must be acceptable to and approved by tha City. 12. City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to rev�ew fJte insurance requirements and to rnake reasonable adjustments to insuran.ce coverage's and their limits when deemed necessary and prudes�t by t�e Ciry based upon changes in sfatutnry Iaw, court decision or ihe cIaims history oithe industry as welI as of the contraciing pariy to the City. The City shall be required ta pror�ide prior notice af 90 days, and the insuxance adjustments shall be incorporated inio the Wor� by Change Ord�r. 13. City shall be entitied, upon writ�en request and witho�at expense, to receive copies of policies and endorsements thereto anc� may make any reasonable requests far deletion or revision or moc�ifications of particular policy terms, conditions, 1'zzxiitations, ar exclusions necessary to con.forz�n. t�e policy and endarsements to the requirernents of the Con�ract. Deletions, revisions, or modif cations shall not be required where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either parly ar the underwriter on any such policies. 14. City shall not be responsible far the direct paynaent af insurance premium ensts for Cantractor's insurance. 5.04 Cont�actor's Znsurance E�. Workers Compensataon and Employers' Liabilrty. Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance caverage with limits consistent with statutory bene�ts outlined in the Texas Workers' Compensation Act {Texas Labor Code, Ch. 406, as arnended}, and rninimum limits for Employars' Liability as is appropriate for the Work being perfarmad and as will pro�ide protectian frorn claznns set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's perfoz�ance of the Work and Contractor's other obligations under the Cantract Documents, �+hetl�er �t is to be performed by Contractor, any Subcontractoz or Supplier, ar by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to pexform any of the Work, or by anyone for vvhnse acts any of them may be liable: 1. claims under warkers' compensati�n, disability benefits, ar�d other sirnilar e�nployee beanefit acts; 2. claiins far damages because of bodily injury, accupational siclrness or disease, or death of Contractor's emp�oyees. B. Conzmercial Gene�al Liabiliry. Caverage shall incIude but not be limited to co�ering liability (bodiIy injury ar property damage) arising from: premisesloperations, independent coniractors, products/completed operations, personal injury, and liability under an insured contract. Insurance skall be provided on an occurrence basis, and as comprehensive as th� current Insurance 5ervices Office (ISQ) poIicy. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance with zespect to any ather CTI'X OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON[STRUCTION SPECQ�TCAT�ON DDCUMEI�T3 Revision: Marc]i4,2420 00 72 OD - 1 GEIVERAL CON�ITIONS Page 19 of 63 in�urance or self-insurance prograrias afforded ta tk►e City. The Commer�ial General Liability poliey, shall have no exclusions by endorsemen�s that vvould alter of nullify premisesloperations, products/completed operations, cont�ractual, persanal injury, ar advertising injury, which are normally contained witi� the policy, unless the City approves sucI� exclusions in vvriting. �`or construc�iota projects that presen� a substantial cornpleted operation exposure, the City rnay require the contractor to maintain completed operations coverage for a zxiinitx�utn af no Iess than tihree (3} years following the completian. of the pro�ect (if identified in the SUppl�mentary Canditions). C. Automobile Liabiiity. A commercial business auto policy shaIl provide caverage on "any auto", defin�d as autos owned, hired and non-owned and provide indemnity for claims for damages because bodily inju�ry or death of any person and or property damage arising out of the work, maintenance or use oi any motor vehicle by tha Contractor, any �ubcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them ta per�'orm any of the Wark, or by anyone for whose acts any af ihem may be liable. D. Rcrilroad Protective Lia$ility. If any �i the wark or any warr�ty work is within the limits of railroad righ�-a� way, tl�e Contractnr sha1I comply �vith the requirements identified in �he Supplamentary Conditions. E. Notfcation of Polr'cy Cancellatio�a: Contractor shall imn:�ediately notify City upan cancellation ar other loss of insurance coverage. Con�ractar shall stnp work until replacement insurance has been procured. There shail be nn tirne credit for days not worked pursuant to this secfion. 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Insa,�r�ance; Option to Replace If City has ar�y objectian to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the bands or ir�surance required to be purchased and rriaintained by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of non-conforznance with the Cantract Documents, the City shall so notify ihe Contractor in writyng within 10 Business Days after receipt of the certificates (or other e�idence requested}, Contractor shall provide to the City such additional infozxnation in respect of insurance provided as the City rnay reasonably request. If Conixactor does not purchase �r maintain al1 of the bonds and insura�ce required by ti�e Conlxact Dacurnent�, the City sha11 notify the Con�ractor in writing of such faiIure prior to the start of the Work, or of sueh failure to maintain prior to any change in tY�e reguired coverage. ARTICLE b — CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence A. Contractor shall sUpexvise, inspec�, and direct the Work competently and e�"iciently, devating such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perfarrn the Work in a�cordance with the Coritract Docu�nents. Contractor shall be solely responsible %r the means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures of construction. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDffRDC�NSTRUCTIQN 5PECIFICATICSN DOCUMENTS Rev ision: ll+i�h 9, 2020 OOi200-] GENERAL CQNDITIONS Page 20 of fi3 B. At ali times during the progress oi �lie Work, Gontractor shall assign a corn.peten#, English- spea�ing, Superintendent who sha11 not �e replaced witk�aut written notice to City. The Superintendent wil� be Contz�actor's representative at the Site and shall have aufharity to act on behalfr of Co�tractar. All com�nunicatian given to or received from the Superintendent shall be binding on Caniraetor. C. Con�ractor shall notify th� City 24 hours prior ta xnoving areas during the seq�ence of construction. 6.02 iaho�; Workzng Haurs A. Contxactor shal] provide campetent, suitably qualified personneI to perforzn construction as required by �e Cantract Documents. Contractox shaIl at a�l times maintain good discipline and order at the Site. B. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons ar the Work or praperty at the Site ar adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise sta.ted in the Contract Documents, all Work at the Site shall be perfor�rred during ReguIar Warking Hours. Contractor wiIl not permit the performance of Work beyond Regular Working Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City's written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheid). Written reyuest (by �etter or electronic communic�tion) ta perform Work: for beyond Regular Working Hours request must be made by noon at least two (2) Business Days prior 2. for Weekend Working Hours requesi must be made by noon of the preceding Thursday 3. far legal holidays request must be made by Y10011 IWO BU5117e55 Days pxzor to tk►e legal haliday. b.03 S`erviees, Materials, and Equipment A. Unless otharwise speci�ed in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall �rovide and assume fiall responsibility for alI services, znaferials, eguipment, labor, transportation, construetion equipment a�ad nnachinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanita�y facilities, temporaty facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the perfarmance, Goniractor required tasting, start-up, ar�d campletion of the Wark. B. All materials and equipzxi.ent incorporated inio the Work sha11 be as speeified ar, if not specif ed, shall be o� good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Cantract Documents. All . special warranfies and guarantees required by the Specificataans shall expressly run to the bene�t of City. If required by City, Contractoz shall furnish satisfac�ory e�ridence (including reports of required tests) as to tkae source, kind, and quaIi�y o�materials and equipment. crrx o� FoxT wax� STATiDARDCONST'1ZCICTTON SPECIFICA130N DOCUMENTS Revision: Nf��h9,ZU20 oa�zoQ-i G�NERAL CONDITIOiVS Page 21 of 63 C. Ail inaterials and equipment to be incarporated into the Work s�all be stored, applied, installed, connected, erected, protected, used, cl�aned, and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as oi�erwise may be provided in the Contract Documents. D. All items of standard equiprnent to be incarporated in�o the Work shall be the latest model at tl�e time of bid, unless otherwise specified. 6.0� Prajeei Schedule A. Contractor shall adhere to tl�te Project Schedule established in accordance with Pa�rag�raph 2.07 and tbe General Requirements as it z�nay be adjusted from time to time as provided beIow. 1. Contractor shail submit to City for acceptance {to fihe extent indicated in Paragraph 2.07 az2d the General Requirements) praposed adjustments in the Praject Scheciule �hat wili not result in c�anging the Contract Time. S�ch adjustments wiIl cnmply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 2. Contractar shall submit to City a monthly Project Schedule with a monthly progress payment far the dUration of the Contract in accordance with the schedule specification 01 32 16. 3. Proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will change the Contract Tizne shall be subrnitted in accordance with the requ�reznents af Article 12. Adjustments in Contract Tirne may only be made by a Ck�ange Order. 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals" A. W�enever an itern of mat�rial or equipment is specified or described in tl�e Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, tlae specifica�ion or d�scription is intended to establish the iype, function, appearance, and quality required. Unless the spaeification or descriptian contains or is fallovved by words reading that no like, equivalent, or "ar-equal" item or no substitution is perm.itted, ather items o� ma.terial or equiprn.ent of other Suppliers may be submitted to City for review under the circumstances de�cribed below. 1, "Or-Equal" Items: If in City's sale discretian an iiem of material or equipment proposed by Contractar is func�ionally equal #o that named and sufficzently similar sp that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by City as an "or-equal" item, in which case re�ievv and approval of the proposed itern may, in City's sole discretion, be accamplished without compliance with some or atl of the requirernents for appraval Qf propnsed substitute items. Far the �urposes of this Paragraph b.O5.A.1, a proposed item oimaterial ar equipment will be considered functionally equal to an item so named if a. the City determines ihat: Ij it is at least equal in ma�erials of construction, qualifiy, durability, appearance, strength, and design characteristics; crrx oF Fax-r woxr�3 STANpARD CONSTRiTCTTON SPECIk'IGATIpN DDCiIM�NTS Revision: Nlareh9,2020 Q0 72 00 -1 G�NERAL CONDITIONS Page 22 of 63 2} it wi11 reliably pez�oz� at least egually �vell �he function and achieve the results iznpased by ttie design concept of the completed Prajeot as a functioning whole; and 3) it has a proven record of perfarmance ar�d availabiIity of responsive service; ax�d b. Contractor certif'ies that, if appraved and incorporated into the Work: 1) there will be no increase in cost to the City or increase in Contract Time; anc� 2) it will conform substantially to the detailed requirements af the item zaarried in the Contract Documents. 2. Substr'tute .�tems: a. If in City's snle discretion an itern of �nn.aterial or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or-equa]" item under Paragraph 6.DS.A.I, it may be submiited as a praposec� substitute item, b. Cont7ractor shall submit sutficient information as provided below to allow City to determine ii t�ie itern �f materiat ar equiprnent prapased ia essentially equivalent to that named and ar� acceptable substitute there�or. Requests for review of proposed substitute ztezns af material ar equipment wiil not be accepted by City from azayone other than Contractor. c. Contractor shall make written application to City far review of a prapased substitaie item of material or aquip�nent that Con�ractor seeks to furnisI� or ase. The application shall comply with Section fl1 25 00 and: 1) shall certify tb.at the proposed substiiute item �vuill: a) perform adequately the Functions and achieve the results called far by the generaI design; b) be similar in substance to that specified; c} b� suited to the same use as �hat specified; and 2) will state: a) the exten�, if any, to which tk�e �se of tbe propnsed substitute item vviil �rejudice Conixactor's ach�evement of final completion on time; b) whether use o#' the proposad substitute iterr� in tk�e Work will reqvir� a change in any o� tha Contract Documents (or in the pravisions of any ofher direct contxact with City for other work on the Project} to adapt the design to tk�e praposed substitute item; CITY �F FORT WORTH STANDARD Cd1VSTRUCTION SPECTFICATiON DOCUMENTS Revis�on: Nf�h4,2020 oo�zoo-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 23 of b3 c) whether inco�poration or use of the proposecl substitute item in connection with the Worl� is subject to payment of any Iicsnse fee or royalty; and 3) wi�l identify: a} all variations nithe proposed substitute item from that specxfied; b) auailable engineering, sales, maintenance, repair, and repIacement services; and 4) shall contain an itemized estinaate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly from use of such substitute item, including costs of redesign aaad Damage Claims af other contractars afjFected by any re�ulting change. B. S`ubstitute Constr�ction Methods or Procedures.• If a speci�c �xr.eans, method, techr�ique, sequence, ar procedure of con�tiuction is expressly required by the Contract Dncume�ts, Cantractor may fi�rnish or ntilize a substitute zneans, method, techniqu�, sequence, or procedure of constauctian approved by City. Contractor shall submit suff"icient information to allow Czty, in City's sole discretian, to determine that the sul�stitute proposed is equivalent ia that expressly called for by the Coniract Documents. Contractor shall m.alce written application to City for review in the sazne rnanz�er as �ose provided in Paragraph 6.OS.A.2. C. City s Evaluataon: City will be allawed a reasonable tirne within which to eva�uaie each proposal or suhmittal made purs�ant to Paragraphs 6.O5.A and 6.OS.B. City may require Contractor to furnish addiiional data about the proposed substitute. Ciry will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or-equal" ox substztute will be ordered, installed or utilized un#il City's z�eview is complete, which will be evidenced by a Change Order in the case of a substitute and an accepted Submittai for an "or-eqUaL" Gity will advise Cor�tractor in writing o� its determination. D. Special Craaca�aniee: City may rey�aire Contraetor to furnish at C�ntractor's expense a special performance gu�rantee, wa.rranty, or other surety with respect to any substitute. Contractor shall i�.derfzn� arrc� hoid harmless City and anyone directly or indirectly employed by them frorjz a�d againsi any and all clairns, damages, losses and �expenses (including attorneys fees) arising aut of the use of s�hstituted mc�te�ials or� equipment. E. City's Cost Reimbursemenf: City wiIl record City's casts in evaluati�g a sui�stitute propased or submitted by Contractar pursuant to Paragraphs 6.OS.A.2 and 6.DS.B. Whether or not City appraves a substitute so proposed or submitted by Contractar, Contractar znay �e required to reinnburse City far evaluating each such proposed substitute. Contractor may also be required to reimburs� City for the charges for naaking changes in tbe Contract Documents (ar in the provisions of any other direct contract with City) resu�ting irorri th� acceptance of each propased s�bstztute. F. Contractor's Expense; Contractor shall provide all data in support af any praposed substitute or "ar-equal" at Contractor's expense. ClTX dF FbRT WORTH STI�NDARDCON5TRL3CTION SPE�IETCATTON DOC[7MF:NTS Revision: N1arch9,2Q20 00 �z oa - i GENERAL CDAfDlTIONS Page 24 of b3 G. City Substitute Reimbursement: Costs (savings or charges) attributable to a�ceptance of a substitute snall be incorporated to the Contract by Change Qrder. H. Time Extensions: No additional time �v,�ill be granted for substitutions. 6.06 ConcerningSubcontractors, Suppdiers, and Oth.ers A. Contractor sha11 perform with his owr� arganization, work af a value not Iess than 35% of the value embraced on the Cantract, unless otlierwise approved by ihe City. B. Cont�actar shall not emplay any Subcontractor, Supplier, or oiher individual or en.tity, whether initially ar as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable objec�ion. Con�ractor shall not be required ta etnplay any SubcQntractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity to fi�rnish or perform any of the Work against whom Contractar has reasonahle objaction (excluding those acceptable ta City as indicated in Paragraph 6.06.C). C. The City may fram �irne to time require ihe use of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers, or other individuals or entities on the praject, and will provide such requi;rements in the Supplerneniary Co�ditions. D. MinoYity B�siness EnterpYise Compliance: It is City policy to ensure the fuIl and equitable participation hy Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in the pracurement of goods and sei�vices on a contractual basi�. If the Contzact Docun:�ents pravide for a MBE goaI, Contractor is required to comply with the intent of the Ciiy's MBE Ordinance (as amended) by the following: 1. Contractor shall, upon request b�r City, provide complete and accurate information regaxdiz�g actual work performed by a MEE on the Gontract and payment �aerefor. Z. Contractor will no� make additions, deleiions, or substitutians af accepted MBE withotst vvritten consent of �he City. Any unjustified change or deletion shaIl be a material breach of Contract and may �•esul� �n debarment in accordance wi� tha procedures outlined in the Qrdinance. 3. Contracior s�all, upon request by City, allow an audit and/or examination of any baolcs, records, or files in the possession of the Contractor fihat will substazrtiate the actual workperformed by an MBE. Material rnisrepresentation af any nature will be grounds for termina�ion of the Contract in accordance wiih Paragraph 15.02.A. Any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor to bid on fizture contracts with the City foc a pericad of not Iess tHan three years. E. Contractor shall be fully xesponsible to City for al� acts a�d arnissions of the Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other individuaIs or entities perForming ar fitrnishing any of the Work just as Contractor is responsible for Gontractar's own acts and omissiozas. Nothing in the Con1ract Documents: CIT'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDA.I2D CONSTRLTCTION 5FECIFICATION DOCiJN1ENTS Revisian: Ma�li9,2020 oa7zoo-� GEN�RAL C�N�ITIOMS Page 25 of 53 1. shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or ather individual or entity any contractual relationship between Ciiy and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other individual or entity; nor 2. shall create any nbligatian on the part of City tv pay ar to �ee io the payment of any moz�eys du� any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity except as may o�herwise be required by Laws and Regulations. �. Contractor shall be soIel� respansible for sched�ling and coordinating the Work of Subconiractors, Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or iurnishing ariy of the Work under a direet or indirect contract with Contractar, G. All Subcontractors, Suppliers, and such o#her individuals or entities performing ar furnishing any of the Wark shall communicate with City through Cantxactor. H. Ali Work performed for Contractar by a Subcontractor or SUpplier will 6e pursUant ta an appropriate a�reement between Contractor and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds tha Subcont�actor or SuppIier to the applicabie terms and conditions of the Contract Docurnents �ar the benef�� of City. 6.07 Wage Rates A. Duty to pay Prevailing T�age Rates. The Con�ractar shall comply with. al.l requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), incluciing the payrnent of not less than the rates dete�ax�.zz�ed by the City CounciI of the Ciiy of Foxt Worth to be fihe prevailing wage rates in accflrdance with Chapter 2258. Such pre�ailing wage rates are included in these Contract Documents. B. Pencalty for Violation. A Contractor or a�y Subcontractor vvl�o does not pay the prevaiIing vvage shalI, upon demand made by t�e City, pay to the Ci�y $60 for eac� wntker e�nployed for each calendar da.y ar part oithe day that the worker is paid less than �lie prevai�ing wage rates stipulated in these contract documents. This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its adrninistrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. C. Conzplaints of Violations ancl City Dete�mination of Good Cause. On �eceipt af inFormation, includix�.g a complaint by a worker, concerning an alleged violaiion oi 2258A23, Texas Government Code, by a Contractor or Subcontractor, the City shall make aza initial determination, before the 31 st day aft�r ihe date the City receives the infa�nation, as to whether good c�use exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall nofiify in writing the Contractar or �ubcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determinaiion. Upan the City's dete�rnination that there is good cause ta believe the Contractor or Subcontractor has �iola.ted Chapter 2258, the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by �e cla.iman� or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payrnents pending a final det�rmination of the violatian. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS'I"12UC'FION SPECIFTCATION DOCCiMENTS ltevision: M�9,2020 oo�zaa-i GE1VEi�AL CONDITlONS Page 2b of 63 D. Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue �elating to an alleged violation of Sec�ion 2258.023, Texas Governrnent Gode, including a penalty owcd to the City or an a££ected worker, shalI be subn�aitted to binding arbi�ration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitraiion Act (Article 224 et seq., R�vised Statutes) if ihe Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker does not rasolve the issue by agreement before tk�e 15th day after ihe date the Ci�y naakes its iniiia] determination pursuant ta Paragraph C above. If tha persons required ta arbitrate �d�r this section do not agree on an arbi�rator before the 1 lth day after the date that arbit�ation is required, a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons. The City is zaot a party in the arbitration. The decision and award a�the arbitrator is finaI and biandiu�g an all parties and may be ezafarced in any court of competent jurisdietion. E. Recora`s to be Maintained. The Contractor and ea,ch Subcontxactar shalI, for a p�riod of three (3) years fol��wing the date of acceptance of the work, maintain recards that shaw (i) �e name and occupation of each warker em.pIoyed by the Contractor in the construetion of the Work provided for in this Cozatract; and (ii} the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. T'he racords shaIl be open at aIl reasanable hours for inspection by ihe City. The provisions af Paragraph 6.23, Right to Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. F. Progress Payments. Witla each progress pa�rrnent or payroll period, whichever is �ess, tI�O Contractor shall subinit an affidavit stating that the Contractor has complied with tts� requiremants o�Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code. G. Posting of Wc�ge Rates. The Contractar shall post prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous p�ace at all tirnes. H. Subcontractor Campliance. The Contractor shall include in its subcantracts andlor shall otherwise reyui�e all of its Subcan�ractors to camply wi� �aragraphs A through G above. 6.08 Patent Fees and �toyaliies A. Contracior shalI pay all Iicense fees and royalties and assuma all costs incideza� to the use in �he pErformance of the Work or the incorporatian in the Work of any invention, design, process, product, or device which is the subj�ct of patent rights or capyrights held �y ot�iers. If a particular invention, design, proc�ss, product, or device is speci�ed in the Contract Docurnents for use in the performance of the WQrk and if, to the actual knovvledge of City, its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calliz�g far the payrnent of any license fee or royalty to others, the existencc of such rights shalI be disclosed by City in the Contract Documents. Failure of �1ie City to disclose such infarmation does not relieve the Contractar fram its obligatinns to pay for �he use of said fees or rayalties �o others. B. To the fullest extent permitted by Luws and Regulations, Contractar shall indemn� and hold ha�mless City, , f�om and againsf all claim,�, costs, losses, and damages (�ncluding but not limzted to all fees and charges �f enginee�s, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all coz�t or ar�bitpaiion oY othe� dispute resalution costs) QYising oui of or relating to any infringement af patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Wo�k ar resulting fr�om crrY o� �o�T wa��r S'FANDARD CO1+fS'T`RilCTI01V SPECIFICATION DOCUMFNTS K ev i s i o n:1Via t r1t 9, 2020 00 72 00 - 1 GENERAL CdNDIT[ONS Page 27 of 63 the incorporation in the Work af any inventian, design, �1YDC�SS, praduct, o� device not spec�e�d in the Cantract Documents. 6.09 Permits and Utilities A. Cont�-actor obtained peNmits and licenses. Contractor shall obtain and pay for aIl cons�ruction permits and licenses except th.ose provided for in the Supplementary Canditions or Contract Dacuments. Cify sk�all assist Contractor, vvhen necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental eharges and inspection fees necessary for t�e pro�ecution af t1�e Work which are applicable at the tirne af opening of Bids, or, if there are no Bids, an the EfFective Date of the Agz�eement, except %r permits pravided by the City as specified in 6A9.B. Ciiy shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections for prov�ding perman�ttt service to the Wark. B. City obtcrined pe�mits and lice�ases. City will obtain and pay for all permits and Iicenses as pr�vided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents. It will be the Contractar's responsii�ility to carzy out fihe provisions of the per�nit. If th.e Contractor initiates changes to the Contraet and the City appro�ves the changes, the Contractor is responsi�le for obtaining cIearances and coordinating with the appropriate regulatory agency. The City will not reimburse the Contractar for a�y cast associated wiih the�e requiremenis of azay City acquired permit. The following are permits the City will obtain if required: 1. Texas Depar�znent of Transportation Pernnits 2. U.S. Arrny Coips af Engineers Permits 3. Texas Coriunission on Envzronrn.ental Quality Permits �. RaiIroad Company Permits C. Outstand'ing permits and lieenses. The City ant�cipates acquisition af and/or access to pernuts and licenses. Any outstanding permits and Iicenses are anticipated to be acquir�d in accordance witl� fh� schedule s�i forth in the 5upplennentary Conditians. The Project Schedule subrr�itted by the Cantractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstan;d�ng pern�its and licenses. 6.10 Laws and �egulatfons A. Contraetox shall give all notices r�quired by and sha11 compiy vc+ith all Laws and RegulatiQns applicable to the per�'ormance of the Woark. Except where otherwise expressIy required by applicable Laws and Regulations, the City shall noi be responsible for monitoring Contractor's compliance with any �aws or Regulatinns. B. If Contractor per%rms any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or RegulatiQns, �ontractor shall bear alI claims, costs, Iosses, and damages (including but nat Iimited to alI fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and ather professionals and all crrY o� �ax�r woRTx STAI�IDARD CONSTRUCTTON SPEC`IFTCA'TTOI� DOCLiMENTS Revision: Mazrh9,2020 oo�xoo-� GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 28 of 63 caurt or arbi�ration or other dispute resoluti�n co�ts) arising oux af or relating to such Work. However, it shall not be Contractor's responsibility ta make certain that the Specifications and Drawings ara in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shal� not relieve Con�racior of Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Changes in Laws or Regulatians not known at the ii�ne of opening of Bids having an effect on the cost or tizne of p�rformance of the Work zxaay be the subject of an adjustment in Coniract Price at Contract Tirne. 6.11 Taxes A. On a coniract awarded by the City, an arganization which quali�es for exemption pursuant to Texas Ta� Cade, Subchapter H, Sections 15I.301-335 {as amended}, the Contractor may purchase, rent or l�ase all materials, supplies and equiprnent used or con.sunaed in the performance of this contract by issuing ta his supplier an exemption certi�ca�e in lieu of the tax, said exemptian certificate fo comply wj�h State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exempt'ron certifzcate issued to the Contractor in lieu of the tax sha11 be subject to and shall comply with the provision of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, azad any ather applicable rulings pertaining to the Texas Tax Code, Subckapter H. B. Texas Tax pennits and infarmation may be obtained from: 1. Coar�ptraller of Public Accounts �ales Ta� Divisian �apitol Station Austin, TX 78711; ar 2. httn:rrwww window.state.tx.us,'taxinfo/taxforms/93-forms.html 6.12 Use of Site and Oth.er Areas A. Limitation a�a Use of Site and Other Areas: Coniractor shall confine construction eqnipm�nt, the storage of zx�.aterials and equipment, and the operations of workers to the �ite and other areas pezz�niited by Lavvs anc� Regulations, an.d shall not unreasonably encumber �he Site and other area� with canstruction equiprnent or ather materials ar equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any daznage to any such lazad ar area, flr to the owner or occupant thereof, or of any acijacent land ar areas resulting from tha performance of tl�e Work. 2. Ai any time wh.en, in the Judgment of the City, the Contractor has obst�-ucted or closed ax ia carzying on operations in a portion af a street, right-of-way, or easement greater than is ne�essary %r proper executzon o� the Wark, the City may reqUire the Cantracic�r to fini�h the sectiQn on wk�ich aperations are in progress before work is commenced on any addztianal a�ea of ihe Site. C1TY OF FORT WORTTi STANDAT2ll CONSTRUCTI03�T SPECIFJGATTON DOCUMEt�fTS Revision: Ma�h 9, 2D2� oa�zoo-t GENERAL CdNDITIONS Page 29 of b3 3. Shauld any Damage Clairr� be made by any such owner or occupa�at k�ecause of the performance of the Work, CQntractor shall prozx�p�ly aitemp� to resolve th� Darnage Claim. 4. Pursuant to Paragraph 6.21, Contj-actor shall rndemn� and hald har�rrtless City, fronx and agdinst all claims, costs, losses, and damages arising aut of or �elating to any claim or actian, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against City. B. Removal of Debris During Pe�far•mance of the Wo�-k: During the pragress of the Work Contractar sha11 keep the Site ar�d other areas free frorn accumulat�ons of waste materials, rublaish, and other debris. Reznoval and d'zsposal oi such wast� materiais, rubbish, and Diher debris shall conform �a agplicable Laws and Regulations. C. Site Maintenance Cleaning: 24 hours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceed'zng in a manner unsatisfactory to the City, if tha Coni7ractor �ails to corirect the unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the City deems appropriate to correct the clean-up de�ciencies cited to the Cantractar in the written notice {by Ietter or electronic communication), and the costs ai suci� direct action, plus 25 % of such costs, shall be deducted from t.he znonies due ar to becorne due to the Contraetor. D. Final Site Cleaning: Prior to Fina1 Acceptance of the Work Contractor sh:aIl clean the Site and the Work and make it ready for utilization by City or adjacent praperty owner. At the complatian af the Work Contractor shall remove frozn tl�e Site all taols, appliances, construction eq�ipment and machinery, and surplus materials and shall resiore to original conditian or better all ptoperty distt�rbed by the Work. E. Lnading St�uctures: Contractor shall not loaci nor per�nn:it any part of any structure to be Ioaded in any manner t1�at will endanger the str�cture, nor shall Coniractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent prop�rty to stxesses or pressures t�atwill endanger it. 6.13 Recard Docurnents A. Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at t1�e Site or in a place de�ignated by the Contractor and approved by the City, one (1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications, Adder�da, Change Orders, Field Orders, and written inter�aretafiions and cIarifications in good order and azinotated to show c�anges made during construction. Tlzese record documents together with all appraved Samples and a counterpart o�f aIl accepted Submittals will be available to City for referenc�. Upon camp�etion of ihe Work, tbese record docuxx�ents, �ny aperation and mainienance manuals, and Submittals wilI be deIivered to Ciiy prior to Final Inspeciion. Contt�actar shall i�clude accurate locations far buried and imbedded items. 6.14 ,�afety and Protectian A. Contractor shalI be solely responsible for in.i�ia�.ng, maintaining and sUpErvising all safety precauiion� and programs in connection wiih the Work. �uch responsibility does nat relieve Szabcont�ractors of �lieir responsibility for the safety of persons or properry in the performance of their work, nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall CITX QF FbRT WORT13 STANDARD CONSTRUCTI03rT SPECIFTCATION DOCLINIIIV'1'8 Revision: NI�rc139,2020 oa 7z oo - � C,EN�F2AL CONDITIONS Page 3� of 63 take aI1 necessary pr�cautinns for the safety af, and shall provide the necessazy protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 1, all persans on the Site pr who may be affec#ed by the Wark; 2. all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in stoz�age on or offthe Site; and other properry at the Site or adjacen.t thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawr�s, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, utiIities, and Underground Facilities not designated for removaI, relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. B. Contractar shall comply with all applicable Laws a�nd Regulatians relating to �he safety nf persons or property, ar to the protection af persons or property from damage, injury, or 1oss; and shall erecfi and mainta.in alI necessary safeguards far such safety and protection. Contractor shail notify owners of adjacent praperty and of Underground Facilities and other uiility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, az�d shall cooperate with them in th� protection, removal, xeloeation, ax�d replacezxient of their praperty. C. Co��ractor sk�all comply with the applical�le requirements of City's safety programs, if any. D. Cantractor shall in%rrn City o� the specific requirements of Confiractor's safety prQgz�am, if any, with which City's ernployees and representatives must camply while at the Site. E. AlI damage, injury, or loss to any properry referred to in 1'aragraph b.14.A.2 or 6.14.A3 caused, directly ar indirectly, in whole ar in part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier, or any other ir�d'zvidua3 or entity c�irectly or indirectly employed by any oFthem to perform any ofthe Work, or anyone %r whose acis any of them may be liable, s�all be remedied by Contaractor. F. Contractor's duties and responsibilities for safety and far protection o� the Work shall coniinue until such time as all the Work is completed and City has accepted th� Work. 6. ] 5 Safety Representative Cont�ac�or shall inform Cifiy in writing ot' Contractor's designated safety representative at the Site. 6.16 Hazard Gor�tmunication Pro.gt-ayns Cantractar shall be responsible iar coordinating az�y e�cha�age of material sa%ty �ata sheets ar other hazard communication info�naiion required ta be zx�ade available to or exchanged between or among employers in accordance with Laws or Regulations. 6.17 Erizergencies andlar RectificaCion A. �n emer�encies ��f�c#ing the safety or protection of persons ar t�,e ���*'k or ��operty at 1.I7e :.+�t� ��• ?�iiaoent thereLo, Cont�ractor i� abligated to act fio prevent threatened c��nage, injury, ar;oss. Cc�ntractor shall give City prompt written notica if Contractar beiie�es that any signi�ica��t CITY OF FDRT WORTH ST.hNTaARD CO�TSiTciiCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS Revision: �h9,2p2D oo�aoo-i GENERAL CONDITIOiVS Page 31 of 63 changes in the Work or variations frnm the Contract Documents have been caused �hereby or axe required as a result thereof. If City determines that a chazage in tlae Cantract Documents is required because af the actian taken by Contractor in response to such an emergancy, a Cnange Order may be issuEd. B. Should the Contractor fail to respond to a rec�uest from the City ta �ectify any discrepancies, omissions, or carrection necessaxy to canfarm with the requirements of the Coniract Docurnents, the City shall give the Cont�ac�ar written natice that such work or changes are to be perfortned. The written notice sha11 direct attention to the discrepant condition and request fh.e Contractor ta take remedial act�on to correct the conditian. In the event the Contractar does nof take positive steps to fulfill this written request, or dpes not show just cause far not taking the proper aciion, within 24 hours, the City rr�ay take such rernedial action vvith City forces or by contract. The City shall deduct an amount equal to the entire costs for such reznedial acfian, plus 25%, from any funds due or becorne due the Contractor on the Project. 6.18 Suhmittals A. Contractar shaIl submit required Submittals to City far review and acceptance in accordance with the accepted Schedula of Submittals {as requized by �'axa.gxapk� 2.07). Each submittal wi11 be identified as City rnay require. 1. Submit number af copies specified in the GeneraI ReqUirements. 2. Data shown an the Submirtals will be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performanc� and design criteria, materials, and similar data to �how Ciiy the services, maierials, and equipment Cantractar proposes ta provide and to enable City to re�iew the information for the linc�ited puzposes required by Paragraph 6.18.C. Submittals submitted as �erein provided conformance with th� design conc�pt sha11 Documents unless otherwise required by City. by Contractor and review�d by City for be executed in eonformity with the Contract 4. When Sul�mittals are submit�ed for the purpose of showing tbe insfiallatian in greater defiaiI, their review shall �aot excuse Cantractor from requirements shown on the Drar•vings and Speci� cations, 5. For-Information-Only submitials upon which the City is not expected to conduct review or tak� responsive action may be so identiiied in ihe Contract Docuznents. 6. Submit required n�unber of Samples specified in tk�e S.pecif cations. 7. Clearly identify each Sample as to znaterial, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalc�g nvmbers, the use for which intended and ather daia as City may require to enable City tn r��iew the submittal for the Iimited purposes required by Paragraph b. �$.C. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCO?�TS7'RUCTIdN SPECIFICATION DOC[TMENTS Revision: Maroh9,ao�o OD720U-1 GE�[ERAI. CONDITIQNS Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Submittal is required by �he Cantract Documents or tIze Schedule of Submittals, any related Work performed prior ta City's r�view and accepiance of tkze pert�inent submittal rvill be at the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. C. City s Review: 1. City will provide timely review of required Submittals in accordance with the Schedule of 5ubmittals acceptable to Ciiy. City's review and acceptance will be only to d�tarmine if the items covered by the submittals wi�l, after insta.11a.tian or incorporation in the Work, confo�rn to the info�rnaation gi�en in the Contract Documents and be cornpatible with the desigr� concept of �fhe completad Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. 2. City's review and acceptance rvill not extend to means, methods, techniques, �equences, or procedures of constructian {except where a particular means, method, tachniyue, sequence, or pracedure oi construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Dacumen�s) or to safety precautions or program.s incident thereta. The review and acceptance of a separate item as such will not indicate approval oi the assembly in which the item functions. 3. City's review and acce�rtance shali not relieve Contractoar from respansibility for any variation from the rec�uirements of the Contract Docurz�en.ts unless Cantractor has complied with the requirexnez�ts of Sectian Ol 33 00 and City has given written acceptanee of each sueh vaxiatian by specific written notation ther�of incorporated i� or accompat�ying the SubmittaI. City's review and acceptance shali not relieve Coatractar from responsibility for complying with the requirements of the Contract Dacurnezats. G.19 Continuirag the �ork Except as otherwise pro�ided, Cantractor sha11 carry on tha Work and aclhere to the Project Sck�edule during all disputes or disagreernents with City. No Work shall be delayed ar posiponed pending resalution of any disputes or disagreement�, except as City and Cantractor may otY�ervvise agree in r�vriting. 6.20 Contractor's General Wa�ranty and Guarantee A. Contractor warrants and guarantees to City that all Work will be in accordance witli �the Contract Doc�aments and will not b� defective. City and its o�'f cers, directars, members, par�ners, employe�s, agents, consultan.ts, and subcon�ractars shall be entiiled �o rely an representation of Contractor's warraxrty an.d guarantee. B. Cont�actor's warranty and guarantee hereund�r excludes defects ar damage caused by: abuse, modi%cation, or improper maintenance or operation by persons other th�n Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or any ofh.e�r ind'zvidual or en�ity �ar vvhorn Contractor is responsible; or CTI'Y OF FORT WpRTH STANDkRD CONSTROCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUNIE?NTS Revision: M�h9,202{) . 407200-i GENERAI. CONDITI�NS Page 33 af 63 2. normal rvear and tear under norrn.al usage, C. Contractar's obligation to perform and compIate the Wark in accordance with the Contract Docunnents shal] be absalute. None ofihe follovwing will consiitute an acceptance af Work that is nat in accordance with the Cant�act Documents or a release af Contractor's obligation to perf'orm tile Work in accordance with the Coz�t�act Documents: l. observations by City; 2. recoznz�aenda#ion or payment by City of any progress or fmal payment; 3. the issuance af a certificate of Fina1 Acceptaz�ce by Ciiy ar any payment related thereto by City; 4. use or occupancy of the Work or any part thereof �y City; 5. any review and acceptance of a Submittal by Ci�y; 6. any inspection, test, or approval by others; ar 7. any correction of defective Work by City. D. The Contractar sha11 rernedy any defects or dam�ages in the Work and pay for any damage to other wark or properry resultiz�g therefram which sha11 appear within a pe�iod of two (2) years from the date of Final Acceptar�ce of �he Work unjess a longer period is spe�ci�ed and shall fi�rnish a good and su�Ficient maintenance bond, complying with t�.e requirements of Article 5.02.5. The City will give notice of observed defects wzth z�easanable promptness. 6.2I Indemnificafion A. Confractor covenan�s a�d agrees to indemniiy, �old harmless and defend, at its own expense, the City, its officers, serr+anfs and emplayees, frorn and against any and all claims arising out of, ar aIIeged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Cantractor, its officers, agents, employees, snbcontractors, lic�nses or invitees under this Contract. �H7� iNrIEMNIF'ICA�`inN PRnVISTON L�_.�1',�;TFICALLY INTENDED TO nPERATE AND RF F.FFECTIVE EVEN IF �T�� ALLEGED OR. PRnVEN THAT ALL O_R_ SOME OF THF, DANLArF� �EING SC�2�JGHT WERF CATT�ED. IN WH(1T,E_ OR Il�T F�T. RY ANY ACT. ONTT��TnN OR NEGLIGENf.F. nF THE CITY. T�is indemnity pro�vision is intended to include, wit�eout limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by ti�e Ciiy in defending against such claims and causes of actions. B. Contracfor cavenants and agrees to �indemniiy and hold �earmless, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and ernployees, franc� and against any and all loss, da�nage or destruction of property of the City, arising aut of, or alleged �a arise ou� of, the work and services to be performed by �he Conixactor, ifs officers, agents, empioyees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this Contract. T�EII� INDEMNif'T(;'.ATT(7N PRnV�SION � c�rx aF roxT woxrx STANllARD CONSTRUCTI01� SPECIF�CA7TqN DpCTINI�N"I'8 Re�ision: Ivla�c1�9,2020 oo�2ao-i GENEF2,4L CONDITIONS Page 34 of 63 �PECIFi[':ALLY INTF,NDED TO OPERATE AND .BF. FFFF�C:TNE EVEN IF I'I' IS ,ALLEGED [lR PROVEN THAT ALL OR �OMF, f)F THF TIAMAf.�ES REING S�TJGHT WERE CAUSED. IN WHOTjE (�17 IN PART, BY ANY A[".T, nMISSIQN OR XVEGL�GENCE ()F THES;iT�. 6.22 Delegatian of Frafe,s�ional Design Services A. Contractor wi11 not be required to provide profassional design services unless such services axe spe�if'rcally required by the Contract Documents for a portion af the Work or unless such services are required to carry out Gontractor's responsibilities for construction meazas, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures. S. If professional design services ox certifications by a design professionai related to sysiems, materials or eq�ipixient are speci�ically required of Coniractor by tl�e Contract Documents, City will specify alI per%rmance and desi�n criteria that such services must satisfy. Cantractor shall aause such serrrices or certifications ia be provided by a propezly licensed �rofessionaI, whose signature and seai shall appear on al] drawings, calculations, specitications, certification�, and Submittals prepa�red by such professional. 5ubmittals reIated to tlte Wark designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others, shall bear such professional's w�ritten approval when subrnittad to City. C. City shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and campleteness af the services, certifications or approvals performed by such design prafessionals, provided City has specified io Contractor performance and design criteria that such services naust satisfy. D. Pursuant to this Paragraph 6.22, City's review and acceptance of desigz� calcula�ions and design drawings will be onIy for ihe Iiznited purpose of checking far conformance vvith performance and design criteria gi�en arid tb.e design cancept expressed in the Contract Doc►xments. City's review and acceptance oi Submittals {e�cept design calcula�ions and ciesign d�rawings) will be oniy for tk�e purpose si�ated in Paragraph 6.18.C. 6.23 Right to Audit A. The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until �he expiration of three (3) years after iinal payznezat under this Con�ract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, docurnents, papers, and records of the Gontractor involving #ransactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees thaf �e City shall have access during Regula�r Worlring Hours to a11 necessary Cantractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate �vvark space in order ta conduct audits in cornpliance r�+ith the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Contractor reasonable adva�ce notice of intended audits. B. Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts nereunder a pro�ision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shalI, until the e�piration of three (3) years after �nal payment under ihis Contract, Have access to and the rig�t to examine and photocopy any directIy pertinent books, dacuments, papers, and records of such Subcontractor, involving transactions to t�ie subconiract, and furtl�:er, that City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to aIl CITY OF FORT W OT2TT3 STAN3]AIti7CONSTRUCTTON SPECIFICATION DOCLTNJENTS Revision: Nlarch9,202D oo7zoa-i GENERAL CON�ITIONS Page 35 of 63 Subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate wark space in order to condvct audits in compliance with �he pravisions of this Paragraph. The City sha�l give Subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. G. Contractor and Subcontractor agree to photocopy such dacunaez�ts as may be rec�uested by the City. The City agreas tio raimburse Contractar far tke cost oithe capies as follows at the rate published in f,he Texas Adminis�rative Code in e�fect as ofthe time copying is perfozxned. 6.24 No�discNimination A. The City is responsible far operating Pnblic Transportation Prograrns and implementing tran.sit- reIated projects, which are iunded in part with Federal financial a�sistance awarded by the U.S. Departinent of Transportatian and the Federal Transit Administratian (FTA), withou� discrimina�ing against any person in the United Sta�tes on the basis of race, color, or naiional origin. B. Title VI, C`ivil Rights ttct of 1964 as anaende�• Con.tractor shall comply with the requiraments of the Act and the Regulatzons as fia�rther dei'ined in the Supplementary Cond'ztions for any praject recei�ing Federal assistance. ARTICLE 7— OTHER W�R�£ AT THE �ITE 7.01 Relerted Work at Site A. City may perform other work related to the Praject at the Site with City's employees, ar other Ciiy contxactors, ar through otiaer direct contracts thercfor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other wark is not noted in the Goniract Documents, then written notice thereof will be given to Contractar prior to starting any such other work; and B. Contractor shall aiford �ach other con�ractor wha zs a party to such a direct coniraet, each utility owner, and City, if City is perforzning other work witl� City's employees ar other City con�actors, proper and safe access ta the Site, pravide a reasonabls opportUn.zty for the introdUction and storage of materials and equipment and th� executian of such other work, and properly coordinate the Wark with theirs. Gontractor shall do all cut�ing, fitting, and patching of the Work that may be required to properly connect ar otherwise make i�s sev�ral parts come together and properly integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not andanger any work of others by cuiting, excavaiing, ar atherwise altering such work; provided, however, t1�at Contractor tnay cut ar al�er others' work with the rvritten eonsent of City and the others whose work will be af�ected. G If t�e praper e�ecution or resul�,s of any part af Contractor's Work depands upon work performed by others under this Article 7, Contractor sha11 inspect suck other woxk and prornptly report to Gity in. writing any delays, defects, or defieiencies in such otl�er work that render it unavailable or unsuitable %r the proper execution and results of Contractor's V4jork. Contractor's failure to so r�port will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration vvit� Contractor's Work except for latent defects in the work provided by others. CTI'Y OF FORT W�RTH STANI?ARD CON51RlJC'fI03�T SPECIFICATION AQCLTNiENI'�S Revisinn: Ma�h9,2020 007260-1 GENERAL CONDITiO�lS Pa�e 36 of 63 7.02 Coordinatio� A. If C'rty intencis to cantract with others for the perfor�aance of otl�er worlc on th� Project ai ihe Site, the foLIowing wiil be set £orth in Supplementary Condiiions: the inciividua� or entity who will have authority and responsibility for caordination of the activities among the vario�s contractors wil� be ident�fied; 2. the specific matters to be covered �y suc�. authorifiy and responsibility vvilj be itemized; and 3. ihe extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. S. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shaIl have autharity far such coordi�ation. ARTICLE S -- CITY'S RESP�NSIBILITIES 8.01 Communicatiorts to Cont�^actot� Except as otherwise pro�ided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall issue all comum�anications fo Contractor. 8.02 Furnish Data City shall timely furnish the data req►�ired under the Contract Documents. 8.03 Pay When Due City shall make payments to Conixaetor in accordanee with Article 14. 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests City's duties with respect to providing Iands and easements and providing engineering surveys io establish reference paints are set forth in Paragraphs �.�1 and �.QS. Paragraph 4.02 refers to City's identifying and making available to Contractar copies of reparts of e�alorations and tests of subsurface conc�itions and drawings of pk�ysical conditions relating to existing surface ar subsu�r£ace structures ai or contig�ous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing �he Con.�ract Documents. 8.05 Change DYders City shall e�ecute Change Orders i�n accord,az�ce wi.tla �'aragraph 10.Q3. S.Ob Inspectians; Tests, and App�ov+xls City's responsibiliiy with respect to certain inspections, tests, and approvals is set forth in Paragraph �3.a�. CTI'Y QF FORT WORTH STANDARA CQNST'RUGTION SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENI'S Rev i s�nn:lVlat�h 9, 2020 0072G0-1 G�NERAL CONDITIONS Page 37 of 63 8.07 Limitations on City's Responsibilities A. The City shall not supervise, direct, or have cflntrol or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means, rnethods, techniques, sequences, or procedures af canstruction, or the safety precautians and progra�x�s iz�cident thereto, or for any failure of Gontractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to tl�e pe�rfnrmance of the Work. City will nat be responsible �ax Contractar's failure to perform the Work in accardance with ihe Contract Documen�s. B. City rvill notify the Contractor af applicable safety plans pursuant ta Paragraph 6.14. 8.08 Undisclosed Hazar�dous Envi�anrtzentad Condition City's respansibility with respect to an undisclased Hazardous Environmental Condition is se� forth in Paragraph 4.06. 8.09 Compliance with Safety P�og�atn Whil� at the Site, City's employees and representatives shall compIy with th� speci�c applicable reyuirennents af Contractor's safety programs of vvhich City has been infoznaed pursuant to Pacagraph 6.14. ART�CLE 9— CITY'S OB�ERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTTON 9.01 City's Project Manager City will proeide one ar more Project Maz�ager(s) during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the iirr�itations af au�hority of City's Project Manager during con�truction az�e set forth in the Contrac� Documents. The City's Project Manager for this Contxac� is identified in the Sugplementary Conditions. 4.02 Visits to Site A. City's Project Manager will make visits to the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of consfruction as City deems necessary in orc�er to observe the p�rogress that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of Contractor's executed Work. Based on inf'ormation obtained di�ring such visits and abservat�ons, City's Project Manager �ri11 determine, in �eneral, if the Work is proceeding in aacardance with �e Contract Docurnents. City's Pro�ec# Ma�aager will not be requir.ed to make exhaustive or eontinuous inspectians on tk�e Site to check the quali�ty or quantity of'the Wark. City's Project Manager's efforts wil� be directed toward providing City a greater degree of canfidence that the comp�eted Work r�vill conform generally to the Cont�act Documents. S. City's Project Manager's visits and observations aze subject to alI �he limitations on aut�ority and responsibi�ity in the Contract Doeuznents including �hose se� %rth in Paragrapn 8.07. C1TY OF FQ1tT W ORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC�CATiON DpC[]NNFENT'S Ravision: Nimr,h9,2020 00 �z ao - i GENERAL COIVDITIONS Page38 ofB3 9.03 Autho�ized Variations in Work Ciry's Proj�ci Mana�er may authorize ixiinor varzatians in the Work from the requiren:�ents of the Con�ract Documents r�hzch do not involve an adjustrnent in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are cornpatible with the design concept of the campleted Project as a functionin� whola as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be acca�nplished by a Field Ordcr and wil! be binding on Gity and also on Contractor, who shall perform tl�e Work involved promptly. 9.04 RejeetingDefective Work City will k�a�e autl�ority to rej�et Work which City's Pro�ect Mar�ager believes to be defective, ar will not produce a completad Project that confornns to the Cantract Docurnenfs or that will pre�udice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contrac# Documents. City will have authoriLy to conduct special inspectian ar testing o�the Work as provided in �rticle 13, wheth�r or not the Wark is fabricated, insta.iled, ar campleted. 9.OS Determinations fo� WorkPerfornaed Cantractor wi11 determine the actual quantities and c�assifications of �Vork pe�rformed. City's Praject Manager vv�ll review with Contractor the preliminary determinat�ons on such mat�ers be�ore rer�derin� a written recommendatian. City's wriiten decision wil� be f nal (except as modi�ed to reflect changed factual conditions or inore accurate data}. 9.Q6 Decisions an Req�iremer�ts af Cont�act Documents a�rd Accepfability of Work A. City will be the initial inferpreter of the requirements of the Conlract Documents and judge of the acceptabiliiy of the Work thereunder. B. City will rendar a written decision on any issue referred. C, City's writte� decision on the issUe referred will be imal and binding on the Contiractor, subject to �he provisions of Paragraph I0.06. .ARTICLE 10 — CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIlVIS; EXTRA WORK 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work A. Wit�ouf invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, Ciiy may, at any time or from tirr�e to time, order Extra Work. Upon notice af such E�tra Work, Contractor shall prom.ptly proceed,with the Work involved which wiIl be performed under the applicable condi�ians of the Coniract Documents (except as otherwise specifically pravided). E�tra Wark shall be naemorialized by a Change Orc�er which may or may not precede an order o� E�tra work. B. For minar char�ges of Wark not requicing changes to Coniract Tima or Contract �'rice, a Field Order may be issued by the City. CTTY OF FORT WOA'�H STANDARD CQ1tifSTRUCTION 8YECIFICATION DdCUME1VT5 Revision: Mtsch9,2(1�0 oa �z oo - i GENERAL CONDETIONS Page 39 of 63 1 �.02 Unauth,orized Changes in the Wark Contra.ctor shall not be entitled td an increase in the Contract Price or an extension o� the Contract Time wii� respect to any vvork performed that is not required by the Cc�niract Documents as amended, modiited, ar supp�emenied as provided 'zn Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an emergency as pravided in Paragraph 6.I7. 10.03 Execution of Change 4rders A. City and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders covering: 1, changes in t�e Work which are: (i) ordered by City pursuant to Paragraph 10.� 1.A, (ii} required t�ecause of acceptance of defective Work under Paragraph 13.U8 or Ciiy's correction of defective Work under �aragraph 13.09, or (ui) agreed to by t1�e parties; 2. changes in �e Cnntract Price or Contract Time w�ich are agr�ed to by the parties, including any undisputed sum ar amo�ant of iiurz�e far Work actually performed. 10.04 Extra I�o�k A. 5hould a difference arise as to what does or does not canstitute Extra Wark, or as to the payment thereof, and the City insists upon its performance, the Cantractor sha11 proceed with the woxk after making wriiten request for written orders and shall keep accuratc account of the actual reasonable cost thereof. Coniract Claiins regarding Extra Work shall be made pursuant ta Paragaph 10.06. B. The Contractor sk�all fiunish the Ciiy such installation records of all deviations from the original Contract Docuznents as may be necessary to enab�e the City to prepara for permanent record a corrected set of plans showing the actuaI installation. C. The comp�nsation agreed upon for Extra Work whetlier or not initiated by a Change Order shall b� a fu1l, complete and final pa�nent for all costs Contractor incurs as a result or relating to the ehange or Extra Work, whether said cos�s are known, unknown, foreseen ar urzforeseen at that time, in.cluding without lirnitation, any costs far delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed ax unckanged rvork as a result of the charzge or Exira Work. 10.05 Notification to Su�ety If t�e provisians of any bond require notice to be given io a surety of a�ay change afF�cting the general scope of tl�e Wark or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time}, tl�e giving of any such notice will be Contractor's respansibility. The amount of each applicable bond will be adjusted by the Contractor to z�eflect the ef%ct of any such change. C1TY OF FQRT WdRTH 5TAI�DARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATION DpCL�NiEN`i'S Revision: March9,?.07_f) 00 �z no - � GENERAL CONDITI�NS Paga 40 of 63 10A6 Cont�act Clairns Process A. Cily's Decision Required: All Contxact Claims, exc�pt tl�ose waived pursuant to Paragraph 14A9, sh.all be referred ta the Ci�y for decision. A decision by Czty shall be required as a condition precedent to any e�ercise b� Contractor of ariy rights or remedies he may atherwise have Undar �he Contract Documents or by Laws and Regulations in respect of such Contract Claims. B. Notice: 1. Written notice stating the general nature of each Cont�act Claim shall be deli�ered by the Contraetor to City no later than 15 days after the start oi the avent giving rise thereto. The responsibiliLy ta substantiaie a Contract Glaim shall rest with the party rnaking the Contract G�aim. 2. Notice of �Y►e amount or extent of the Contract Claim, with supporting data shall be delivered ta tile City on ar befora 45 days from the start o� the event giving rise ihereto (unless the City allows additional time for Contractor to submii additionaI or more accurate data in support of such Contract Claim). 3. A Con�ract Claim for an adjustiment in Contract Price shall be prepared in accordance with the pravisions of Parag�aph 12.OI. 4. A Contxact Claim for an adjus4��nent in Contract "1'ime sha11 be prepared in accordance wi�h the provisions of �aragraph 12.02. 5. Each Conixact Claim sha.11 be accompanied by Cozatractar's written statement that the adjushnent claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Contractor believes it is entitled as a result of said event. 6. The City shall su6mii any xesponse to the Contractor wit.�in 3U days after receipt of the claimant's Iast sub.tnittal {unless Contract allows additional time). C. Ciiy's Action: City will review each Cantract Clairn and, witk�in 30 days after receipt of the Last submittal af the Cantractor, if any, take one of the fallowing actions in writing: 1. deny the Contract Claim in whole ar in part; 2. approve the Gontract Clairn; or notify the Contractar that the City is unable to resolva the Contract CIaun if, in the City's sole discretion, it wauld be inappropriate far the City to da so. For purpases of further resolutian of the Contract Claim, s�ch notice shall be deemed a denial. CITY OF FOAT W ORTH STANDARD CONSTR[JGTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEI�ITS Revisian: Ma�li9,202Q 0072OU-i GENERAL CQNDITIONS Page4] af63 D. City's written action under Paragraph I0.06.0 will Y�e final an.d biz�ding, unless City or Contxactor invoke tlas dispute resolution procedure set forth in Article 16 within 30 days of such action ar denial. E. No Coniraci Clairn for an adjustment in Contract Price or Cant�act Time wilI be valid if not submiited in accordance with this Parag�raph 1 O.Q6. ARTICLE f 1— C��T OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCES; UNXT PRICE WORK; PLANS QU.ANTITY MEASUREMENT 11,OI Cost of the Wor�k A. Casts Included.• The term Cost of the Wark rneans tkie sum of all casts, except those excluded in Paragraph 11AI.B, necessarily incurred an.d paid by Contractor in the prnper perFormance of the Woz'k. When the value of any Work eovered by a�hange Order, the costs to be reimburs�d to Contractar will be only tl�ose addi�onal or incrementai costs required hecause oftl�e c�amge in the Work. SUch costs sha11 not inciude any of the costs itezx�i�ed is� Paragra�h ll.Q1.B, and shalI include but not be limited to the fallowing items: 1. Payrall costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor in the performance of tl�e Work under scheduIes of job classi�'ica�ions agreed upon by City and Confixactor. Such employees shall include, without lianitation, superintendents, foremen, and nther personnel employed full tir�ae on the Wark. PayroiI costs %r ernploye�s not employ�d full time on ihe Work shall be apportioned on the basis of their �ime spent on the Wark. Payroll costs shall include; a. salaries vuith a 55% markup, or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefts, which sha11 include social security contributions, unernplayrnent, excise, and payroll ta�ces, workers' compe�ation, heal#h and retirement benefits, bonuses, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay applicable �ereta, The exp�nses of performing Wark outside of Regular WQT�III� HOUT3, Weekend Working Haurs, or legal holidays, �all be included in the abo�e to the e�tent authorized by City. 2. Cost af all materials and equipment fixrnished and incorpQrated in the Work, including costs af transporta.tion and starage thereof, and Suppliers' field services xeqUired in co�.ectian thercvvith. 3. Rentals of all consi�uctian equipment and machinery, ane� �e parts thereof r�+hetl�er rented from. Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by City, and the casts oF transpor�ation, loading, unloading, assembly, disrn.ax�tling, and removal thereaf. All such casts shall he in accordance with the terz�ns of sa.id rental agreements. The rental oF any such equipnaent, znachinery, or parts sl�alI cease when the use thereof is no longer necessary for th.e Work. CI`I"Y O�' �ORT WOIt'1'H S'T'ANI]ARBCQNSTRi)CTION SPECIFICATION AOGIIn�!"TS Revision: M�h 9,2Q20 047200-1 GENEF2AL CQNpIT{ONS Page 42 of 63 4. Payznents made by Contractor ta Subcantracto�rs for Work performed by 5ubconfiractars. If required by City, Contractar shail obtain competitive bids fram subcontractors acceptable to City and Contractor ar�d sha.�l de�iver such bids to City, who will then determine, which bids, if any, will be acceptable. If any subcontract pro�ides that the �ut�con�ractor is to be paid on the basis af Cost of the Work plus a fee, t�e 5ubcontractar's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined ir� ihe same manner as Contractar's Cost of the Work and fee as provided in this P�ragraph l l.pl. 5. Costs of speeial consultants (including but not limited ta engineers, architects, test�ng Iaboratories, surveyors, attorneys, and accounta.nts) ennployed for sezvices speciiicallq related to the Work. 6. Supple�nental costs including the following: a. The prapoi-kion af necessary transportation, tra�el, and subsisten.ce expenses of Contractor's �mploye�s incUrred in discharge of duties connected witki the �Vork. b. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials, supplies, equipment, maehinery, appliances, office, an.d temparary facilities at the Site, and hand tools not awned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cast, less rnarkefi value, o� such iterns used but not consumed which �remain the property of Contractor. � c. Sales, consumer, use, and other szznilar taxes rela�ed to the Work, and for which Cont�actar is liable not covered under Faragraph 6.11, as imposed by Laws and Regulations. d. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence o£ Contractorz any Subcontractor, or anyone directly ar indirectIy em.ployed by any of them or �or whose acts any �f fhem may be Iiable, and royaity payments and fees %r permits and licenses. Losses and damages {and related expenses) caused by damage to tk�e Work, n�t compensated by insuranc� or otherwise, sustained by Cont�ractor in cannection with the performance of the Work, provided such losses and da�nages have resulted frorn causes other ihaz� the negligence af Cantractor, any Subcontracior, or anyone directly or inc�irectly employed by any af thern or for whose acts any of fliem may be liable. �uch losses shall include s�ttlernents made with ihe writte� consent and approval of City. No such losses, darnage�, and e�penses shail be included in the Cost of the VVork %x tI�e purpose of determining Contrac#or's fee. f. Tl�e co.st of ufiIities, fuei, and sanitary iacilities at th� Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegrams, long distance telephone calis, telephone anci comanunicatian services at the Site, express and courier services, and similar petty cash items in coz�nection wi� �he Work, CITY OF FORT WOItTH $TA3YDARD CON#STRUCTION SPECCFICATI(?N DOCUMENTS Revision: N1ffich9,2020 007200-1 GENERAL CONbITEONS Page 43 of 63 h. The costs of premiurns for �11 b�nds and insuran�e Contractor is required by the Coniract Documents to purchase and maintain. B. Costs Excluded: The term Cost af the Work shalI nat include any of the following items: Payroll costs and oth�r compensation o:f Contractor's officers, executives, principals (o� parinerships and sole proprietorshi�s), general ma�agers, safety managers, er�gineers, architects, estimators, attarr�eys, auditors, accountants, purchasing az�d COI]'{�'�C�iTig agents, expediters, timekeep�rs, ci�rks, and other personnel employed by Contractor, whether at the Site or in Coniractor's principal or branch office for general adminis�ration of the Work and r�ot specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classi�cations referred to in Paragraph 11.d1.A.1 ar specifcally co�vered by Paragraph 11.OI.A.�, alI of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractar's fee. 2. Expenses of Coniractor's principal and branch offices other than Contractor's office at the Site. 3. Any part of Contractor's capital expenses, including interest on Contractor's capital employed far the Work and charges against Coniractor �or delanquent payments. 4. Casts due to the n�gligence of Contractar, an�r Subcontractor, or anyane direc�ly or indirect�y employ�d by any of t�em or for whose acts any of thern may be liable, incIuding but not lirr�ited to, the ca�rrectian of defective VW'ark, disposal of m.aterials ar equipment wrongly supplied, and r�aaking good any damage to propariy. 5. Other overhead or general expense costs of any kind. C. Cont�acto�'�s Fee: Wh�n all the Wark is perfoz�z�ned an the basis of cost-plus, Contractor's fee shail be det�rmined as set forth in the Agreemeni. When the va�ue of any Work covered by a CHange Order for an adjustzx�en� in Coniract Price is determined on the basis o� Cost of the Work, Co�tractor's fee shall be determined as set foz-th in Paragraph 12.fl I.C. D. Documentation: When��er the Cosi of the Wor�C far any purpose is to be determined pursuant ta �'aragraphs 11.O1.A and I1.b1.B, Contractor will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance �with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in a forna acceptable to City an iternized cost breakdown together with supporting daia. 1 � .02 Allowances A. Spec�ed Allowance: I� is understood that Co�tractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named an the Cantract Doci�ments and shall cause the Woxk so cavered to be perFor�ned for such suzns and by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. Pr�e-bad.�llowances: l. Contractor agrees that: C1TY OF FO[iT WQRTH STANDARBC6NSTRTJCTION SPECIFICATIONDOCUM�N'I'S Revision: N1��9,2D2D 007200-1 GENERAL CONDkTIONS Page 44 of 63 a. tl�e pre-bid aIlowances include tlae cost ta Cantractor af materials and equipment required by the allowances io be delivered at the Site, and all applicable taxes; and b. Contractor's cos�s for unloading and handling on �e Site, labor, installation, overhead, profit, and other expenses contemplated for fhe pre-bid allawances have been included in the allowances, and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing rvill be valid. C. Contingency �Illowanee: Contrac�or agrees that a continge��cy a.11owa�ce, if any, is for �he sole use of City. D. Prior to �nal payment, an a}apropriate Change Order �vtirill be issued to reflect actual amounts due Contractor an acco�znt af Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shaIl be correspondingly adjusted. 11 A3 Unit P�ice Work A. Where t�e Contract DocLunents provide that aIl or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, iz�itially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for aIl Unit Price work azl anaount equal to the surn of the unit price far each separately identified item of LTnit Price Work tirnes the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. B. T�e estiznated quantities af items of Unit Price VLTork are not guaranteed and are solely foz the purpase of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Detenninations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Wor�C performeci by Cantractor will be made by City subject to the provisions of Paragraph 9A5. C. Eaah unit price will be deemec� to incl�de an ainount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. Work described in the Cantract Documents, or reasonably inferred as required far a functionally cornplete installation, but not identified in the listing of unit price items shall be eonsidered incidental to unit price work listed and the eost of incidental worl� included as part of the unit price. D. City may make an adjushnent in the Contract Pric� in accordance with Paragrap� 12.01 if: 1, the quantity oi any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs maierially a�d signif�cantly from the estirnated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; and 2. there is no corresponding adjustmez�t with respect to any o�kl�er item �f Work. E. IncNeased o� Dec�eased Quantities: The City reserves fihe right to order Extra Work in accordance with Paragraph 10.01. 1, If the changes in quantities or the alterations do not significantly change the character of work under the Con�ract Docuz�aants, the altered work will be paid for at the Contraci unit price. C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARUCONSTKUGTION SPECIFICATION bOCiJMENTS Revision: N1�h9,2020 00 �a oo - � GENERAL GONbITIONS Page 45 nf 63 2. If the changes in quantities ar aItera�ions significantly chang� tlie character of work, the Contract wi11 be amended by a Change Orc�er. 3. If no unit prices exist, this wiIl be considered Extra Worlc and the Cantrac� wili be amended by a Change Order in accordance with Articfe 12. 4. A signi�cant change in the character ofwork occurs when: a. the charactar of work for any Item as alter�d differs materially in kind ar nature from that in the Contract or b. a Ma�or Item of �vark varies Uy rnore than 25% frozn the original Con�ract quantity. S. When the quantity of wark to be done undez any Major Item of the Contract is more than 125% oi the original quantity stated in the Contraet, then either party to ihe Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price on t.he portion of the work that is above 125%. 6. When the quantity of work to be c€one under any Major Iterz� of the Contract is Iess than 75% oi the origina! quantity stated in ihe Cantract, then ei�her parCy to the Contract nnay request an adjustment to the unit price. 11.�4 Plans Quantity Measurement A. P1ans Quantities may or may npt represent the exact quantity of work performed nr material moved, handled, or placed during the execution af the Contract. The estimated bid quazatit�es are designat�d as �nal payment quantities, unless revised by th� governing �action or this Article. S. If �he yuantiiy rneasured as outIined under "Price and Payment Proeedures" varies by more than 25% (or as stipuIated under "Price and Payment Procedures" for specific Items) from th� tatal estimated quantity far an individual Ttem original�y shawn in the Contract Documer�ts, an adjus�nent may be made to the quazatity of authorized work done for payment purposes. The pa�iy to tha Contract requesting the adjusiment wilI pro�vide �eld rneasuxements and calculaiions �hawing the f nal quantity iar whicl� paytt�ent wilI be made. Paynnent for revised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for that Item, except as provided %r in Article 10. C. When quantities are revised b� a change in design approved by the City, b� Change Order, or to enrrect an error, or to correct an error on the plans, the plans quaniity will be iz�creased or decreas�d by the amount invaIved in the change, and the 25% variance will apply fo the ne� plans quantity. D. If the total Cantract quantity rnultiplied by the un.it price bid. for an individ�al Item is less than $250 and t�e Item is not originally a plar�s quantity Item, then the Item may be paid as a plazas quantity Ite�n if the City and Con#�actar agree in vv�•iting ta fix the final quantity as a pIans qua.ntrty. C1TY OF FOItT WORTH STANDARDCONSTItUCTION SPECII'ICATION DaGUMEN`I'S Revisian: March9,202D 047200-1 G�NERAL CONdiTIONS Page 46 af 63 E. �'or callout wark ar non-site specific Coniracts, the p3ans quan#ity x�aeasurement req�irernents are not applicable. ARTICLE 1� — CHANGE OF CONTRA.CT PRZCE; CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIlV� 12A1 Chartge of Contract Price A. The Contract Price rnay only be changed by a Chazage Order. S. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order will be determined as follaws: 1. where the Work in�olved is covez�ed by unit prices cantained in the Contract Docu�ments, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to the pravisions o�Paragraph 11.03}; or 2, where the Work in�olved is not covered by unit prices contained in the Contraet Doeurnents, by a mutual3y agreed lurnp su�n or unit price (which may includ� an allowance for averhead and profit not necessarily in accordance vvith Paragraph 12.OI.C.2), az�d shall include the cost of any secondary impacts that are foreseeable at the time af pricing th� cost of Extra Work; ar 3. where the Wark inv�lved is not cavered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum or unit price is not reached under Paragraph 12.Q1.B.2, on the basis afthe Cost oithe Work (deternvned as provided in paragraph I 1.a1) plus a Contractor's %e for nverhead and profit (determined as pravided in Paragraph 12.OI.Cj. C. Cont�acto�'s Fee: The Contractar's additional Fee for ov�rhead a.r►d prof t shall be detez7mined a� follows: 1. a mutually acceptable fixed f�e; or 2. if a fi�ed fee is not agreed upon, then a fee based on the follawing percentages oFthe various portions of the Cost of the Work: a. for costs incurred under Paragraphs lI.O1.A.1, I1.01.A.2. and 11.Q1.A.3, �e Conixactoar's additianal %e shall be 1 S percent exc�.pt for: 1) rental fees far Contraetor's own equipment using standaxd rental rates; 2} bonds and insurance; b. far costs incurred under Paragrap�i 11.O1.A.�4 az�d I LO1.A.5, th� Contractor's fee shall be five percent (S%); 1} where ane ar more tiers oi subcontracts are on the basis of Cost af t�e Wark plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent of Paragraphs 12A1.C.2.a and 12.OI.C.2.b is tY�at the Subcontractar who actually performs the Wark, at whatever CT£Y OF FORT WpRTH STANDATZ]]CflNSTA[1CT10N SPBCIIICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: Marc]�9,2p20 00 �z oo - i GENERAL CON�ITIONS P�ge 47 of 63 tier, wi11 be paid a fee of l. S percent of the costs inc�rred hy sucb Subcontractor under Paragraphs 11 A 1.A. I and 1 I.01.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and Coniractor will each be paid a fee of five percent (S%} of �e amaunt pai� fio the next lower tier Subconixactor, hawever in no case shall �he cumulativ� tatal of fees paid be in excess of 25%; c. no fee shall be payable on the basis of costs itemized under Paragraphs I 1.O1.A.6, and 11.O1.B; d. the amount of credit to be a.11owed by Contractor to City for any change v,rhich resnits in a net decrease in cast v�ill be the amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in Contractor's fee by as� amount equal to #"ive percent (5°/a) of such net decrease. 12.02 Change of Contract Time A. The Contract Time may anly be changed by a Chat�ge Order. B. No extension afthe Cantract Time wilI be allowed for Extra Work or for cIaimed delay unIess fhe E�tra Work cantemplated or claimed delay is shor�vn io be on f.he critical path of the Praject Schedule or Con�ractor can show by Critical Path Method analysis how the Extra Work or cIaimed delay adversely affects the critical path. 12.Q3 Delays A. 'Where Gontractor is reasonably delaqed in the performance or completion of any part a£ th:e Work within the Contract Time due to delay beyond the cont�ral of Cantractor, the Contract Time may be extended in an amount equal io the tixn.e lost due to such delay if a Contract C1aim is ma�e therefor. Delays beyond the cQnira! of Contracior shali include, but not be lirnitt�.d to, acts or neglect by City, acts or negleci af utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contempla�ed by Article 7, fires, flood,s, epidemies, abnoz-r�al weatkzer condiiians, or ac�s of God. Such an adjustrnent sha11 be Contractor's sole and exclusive remedy for the delays described in this Paragzaph. B. If Contractar is delayed, City sha�I noi be liable tn Contractor for any claims, costs, lassas, ox damages (incl�ding but not limited to all fees and charges af engineers, architects, attorneys, and nther professionals and all court or arbitration ar other dispute resolutian costs) sustained by Cor�ttracior on or in coz�z�ectio� with any other project or anticipated praject. C. Contractor shall not be entitled to an adjusiment in Cnr�tract Price or Contract Time for delay� within the con�rol of Cnntraetor. Delays attributable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shall be c�eemed to be delays within the contral af Contractor. D. Tha Contractor shall recei�e no compensa�ion for delays or hindrances to the Work, except when direct and unavoidable ex�ra eost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide informa�ion ar material, if any, which is to be furnishe�d by the City. Cli'Y �F FORT WURTI-I STAN�ARD CONSTRUCI'ION SPECIFICAT'TON DDCi]MEN"1'S Revision: Ma� 9,2020 OD 72 00 - i GENERAL CONDITIONS Pege 48 of 63 ARTICLE 13 — TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTI4N, REMOVAL OR AGCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.01 Notice af Defects Notice of all defective War�C of which City ha� actual knovwIedge will be given to Contractor. Defecti�e Worl� may be rejected, corrected, ar accepfed as provided in this Article 13. 13.02 Access ta Work Cit�, independent iestzng labaratories, and ga�ernrnental agencies with jurisdictional interests will ha�ve access to the Szte and the Work at reasonal�le tiines for their abservation, inspection, and testin�g. Contractor s�all provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and ad.vise them of Contractor's safety procedures and pragirams so that �hey may comply therewith as applicable. 13.03 Tests and Inspections A. Con�ractor shall give City timely notice of readiness of tl�e Work for all raquired inspection.s, tests, or appravals and shalj cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilita.te required inspections or tests. B. If Cantract Dacuxz�ents, Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any of the Work (or part thereo fl to be inspected, tested, or approved, Contractor shall assume full respansibility for arranging and obtaining such independent inspections, t�sts, re�ests ar approvals, pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish City the required certi�cates of inspection or approvaI; exceptizag, however, those fe�s speci�eally identi�ed izz the Supplementary Conditio�� or any Texas Depat�ment of Licensure and Regulation (TDLR) inspectians, which sl�ali be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditions. C. Contractor shall be responsible for az�razlging and abtaining and shall pay alI costs in cannection with any inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals required for City's aeceptanee of materials or equipmant to be incorporated in the Work; or acceptance of rr�aterials, m�x designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor's purchase thereof for incorporation i�n the V�ork. Such inspections, tasis, re-tests, or approvals sha11 be performed by organizations accepiable to City. D. City may arrange for the services of an independent testing Iaboratory {"Testing Lab") to perforrr� any inspections ar tests ("Testing") for arzy part of the Work, as determined solely by City. 1. Ciiy wi11 caordinate such Testing to tl�e e�ent possible, with Contractax; 2. Shoulc� any Testing under this Section 13A3 D resuit in a`°fail", "did not pass" ar other similar negative result, the Contractor shali be responsible for paying for any and all retests. Contractor's cancellation without cause o� City initiated Testing shall be deemed a negative res�lt and require a retest. CT'fY QF FORT WORT�i STANAARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONDOCUMk;PiTS Revisivn: Mffich9,?A2U oa �z oo - � GENERAL CONDI710NS Page 49 of 63 Any arnnunts owed for any retest under this Sectian 13.03 D shall be paid dicectly to the Testing Lab by Contractar. City will forward all invoices for retests to Contractor. 4. If Cantractor fails to pay the Testing Lab, City� will nat issue Final Payment until the Testing Lab is paid. E. If any Work (or the work of others) that zs to be inspected, tested, ar appro�ed is covered by Cantractor without written concurrence oi City, Cnntractor shall, if requested by City, uncover such Wark far observation. F. Uncovering Work as prnv idad in Paragraph 13.03.E shall be at Contractor's �xpense. G. Cnn�ractor shall have the right to make a Confiract CIairn regarding any reiest or invoice iss�ed under Sectian 13.03 D. 13.04 Uncovering Work A. If any Work is eovered contrary to the Contracf Docurnents az specific instr�actions by the City, it mus�, if raquested by City, be ►ancovered for City's observation and replaced at Contracior's e�pense. B. If City considers it necessary or advisable that co�ered Work be ohs�rved by City or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at Ciiy's request, shaIl uneaver, expase, or otherwis�e make available for observation, inspectian, or testin.g as City may require, that portian of the Work in question, iurnishing ail necessary labar, material, and equipment. 1. If it is found that the uncovered Work is defective, Contraefor shal� pay all cIaims, costs, 1Qsses, and damages {including but nat limited to aIl fees and charges of engir�eers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court ar other dispuie resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such uncovering, exposure, ob5ervation, inspection, and testing, and of satisfactory replacenaent ar reconstructian (including but not lirnited to all costs of repair or raplacerr�ent af work of others); or City shall he entitled to accept defective Work in accordance wrth Paragraph 13.08 in which case Contractor shall still be responsible for a11 costs associated with exposing, observing, and testing the defective Work. 2. If the uncovered Work is not faund t� be defective, Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Priee ax an e�ension of the Contract Tirne, or both, directly attributable to such unco�ering, exposure, observation, inspeciion, testzng, replacernent, and reconstruction. 13.05 Ciiy May Stop the Wa�k Ii the Work is defective, or Contractor fails ta supply sufficient skilled wor�ers or suitable materials or equiprnent, or fails fo perfarm the WorIc in such a way that the conapleted Wark will cnnform to fihe Cantract Documenis, City may order Contractor to stop the Wark, or any portian thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliininated; hawever, this right of City to stop the VVork shall nat give rise io any duty on �e parE of City to exercise this righi for fh.e benefit af Contractor, any CTI'Y OF FORT WpRTf� STANDARDCONSTRUC7'TON SPECIFICATiQN DOCUMF,N7'S Ttevision: March9,202D oa�zoo-i G�NERAL CONDITEQNS Page 50 of 63 Subcantractor, any Supplier, any other individuai or entity, ar any surety for, or emplayee or agent of any of them. 13.Ob Co�rection or R�rrtaval of Defective Work .A. Pramptly aiter receipt of written notice, Contractar shall eorrec� aIl defective Work pursuant to an acceptable schedule, wh.etb.er or not fabricated, instalIed, or coinpleted, ar, if the Wark has been rejected by City, z�eznave it from the Proj�ct and replace it with '�ark thai is not defective. Contractar sha11 pay a11 claims, costs, additional testing, losses, and dama�es {including but not limited to all fees and charges of en�neers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals arkd al� court or arbi�ration Qr other dispute resoIutian cosis) arising out of or relating to such correction or reix�.oval (including but not limited to alI costs of repair or replacement of work of others). Failure ta requir� tI�e removal of any defective Work shall not constituie acceptance of sueh Work. B. �7Vhen carrecting defective Work under the terms of this Paragraph 1�.06 or �'aragraph 13.07, Cont�actar shall take no action that wauld void or oiherwise impaiz City's special warranty and guarantee, if any, an said Work. 13.07 CorYectio�a Peri�d A. If within iwo (2) years after the date of �'i�al Acceptance (or such lon�er period af time as may be prescribed by the te�nns af any appiicable special guarantee requixed by the Contract Doc�aments), any Work is found to be defective, or if the repair of any damages to the land or areas �nade avaiIable for Contractor's use by City or pexxzaitted by Laws and Ragulations as conte�nnplated in Paragraph 6.10.A is found to be defeetive, Cont�actor shajl promptly, without cost to City and in accardance with City's written instruciions: 1. repair such defecti�e Iand or areas; or 2. cozxect such defective Work; or 3. if the defective Work has been rejected by City, re�nove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective, and 4. satisfactorily correct or re�ai�r or rezx�ave and replace any damage to other Work, ta the wark of others or oti�er land or areas resulting therefrom. B. If Confixactor does not promptiy comply with the tezrns o� City's written instructions, or in aai ezxiergency where delay would cause serioUs risk of loss or damage, City may have the de�ective Work corrected or repaired ox naay have the rejected Wark removed and replaced. All claims, costs, losses, and darnages (including but not limited ia all £ees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other prafessionals and all court or other disput� resolution costs} arisitag out of or relating to such correction oz• z'epair or such removal and replacement (i�tcluding but not Iirnited to all cosis of repair ar replacement of work of others) will be paid by Confiractor. crr5r o� �oRTwnxTx 5TANDARDCONSTRi3CTidN SPECTF'ICATIQN DOCi.TMENT5 Ite�ision: March9,2420 047204-1 GENERAL COND{TIONS Page 51 af 63 C. In sp�cial circumstances where a particular itern of equipment is placed in cQntinuous service before Final Acceptance of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to z�un from an earlier date if so provided in tl�e Coniract Documents. D. W�ere defectiva Wark {and da.rnage to ot�er Wark resulting therefrorn.} has been corrected or removed and replaced under this Paragraph 13.07, �he cox�ect�on period here�nder with respect to such WQrk may ba r�quired ta be extended for an additional period of one year after the end flf the initial corr�ction period. City shall provide 30 days written notice to Cantractor should such additional warranty coverage be required. Contractar may dispute this requ�rement by filing a Contract Claizn, pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. E. Cantractor's obligations under this Pa�ragraph 13.07 are in addition to az�y other obligation or warranty. The provisions of this Paragraph 13.Q7 sha11 not be con�true� as a suhstitute for, or a wai�er of, the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation ox repose. 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work If, instead of zequiring correction or removal and replacernent of defective Work, City pre�ers to accept it, Cii,y may do so. Contractaz shall pay aIl claims, cost�, losses, and da.nnages {including but not lirnited to alI fees and charges of �nginears, architects, attozx�eys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution cnsts) attributable to City'� e�aluation c�f and determination ta accept such defective Warlc and for the diminish.eti vaIue ai the Work to the extent not otlierwise paid by Contractor. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Order wiIl b� issued incorporating the necessazy re�isions ir� the Contract Documents with respect to tl�e Work, and Ciiy shall be entitled ta a�n ap�ropriate decrease in the Contract �rice, reflecting tl-ie diminished value of Work sa accepted. 13.09 City May Correct Defective Work A. If Contractar fails vvithin a reasonable time after written natice from City to correct defective �Vork, or to reznove and replace rejected Work as required by City in accordance with �'aragraph 13.06.A, or zf Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, ar if Contractor fails to comply with any other pro�risio� af the Contract Dacurnents, City may, after ser�en (7) days rvritten nofice ta Cantractor, correct, or remedy any sucI� def ciency. B. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City shall proceed expeditiously. � cor�nect�on with such cozxective or remedial action, City may exclude Contractor from all or part af the Site, take passessiaz� of a11 ar part of the Work and suspend Coniractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in �he VVork aIl materials and equipment incorporated in the Wark, stored a� tb.e Site or far which City has paid Cont�actar but which are stored elsewhere. Contractar sha11 aIlo�w City, City's representatives, ageni�, consultants, ernplayees, an� City's other contractors, access to the Site to enable City to exercise the rights and xemedies under ihis Paragraph. C. AIl elaims, costs, losses, and damages {including but not limited �a a11 fees and charges of ez�gineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolu�ion CITY OF FORT WQRT'H STANDARD CONSTAiTCTION SPECIFICATI03Q DOCi71vIENTS Ravisinn: Ma�h9,2()20 Od 72 00 -1 GENERAL GONDITIONS Page 52 of 63 costs) inaurred or sustained by City in exercising the rights and rernedies under this Paragraph 13.Q9 will be c�arged against Contractor, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary re�visians in tl�e Contract Documen�,s with respectto the Work; and City shalI �e entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Pr�ce. D. Contractor shall not be alinwed an e�tension of the Contract Tirne because of any delay in the per�or�ance of the Work attrihuiable to the exercise af City's rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09. ARTICLE 14 — PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND C011�IPLETION 14.OI Sched�cle of I�'alues The Schedule af Values for lump sum contracts established as pravided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve as ihe basis for progress payments and will be incorpara�ed into a form of Applicaiion for Payrnent acceptable to City. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based oz� �he nuxnher of units completed. 14.02 Progress Pay,�nents A. Appiications for Payments: L Contractor is responsible for praviding alI information as required to become a vendar of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Requiremen� for eacn progress payment, Contractar sh�Il submit to City for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the VVork completed as of the date of the Applicatian and accompanied by such supparting docum�ntation as is required by the Canteact Documents. 3. If payment is requested an the basis of mate�als and equipment not incorparated in the Work but delivered and srxitably stored at the Site or at an��her location agreed to in writing, t�e Application for Payrnent shall aiso be accompanied by a bill of sale, invoice, or otkaer documentation warranting that City has received th� materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence t�iat the materials and equipment are covered by apprapriate insurance ar ather arrangements io protect City's interest therein, all af vcxhich must be satisfactory to City. 4. Beginning with the second Application for�Payment, each Application sha�l include an afiidavit of Contractor stating that previous progress payments received an account of the Wark have been applied on account to diacY�arge Contrac#or's legitimate obligations associated with prior Applicaiians for Payment. S. The amount of retainage �vit.� respeci to pro�ess payments will be as stipulated in the Cantract Docum�nts. CI'I`Y O�' T�ORT' WORTH SI'ANDARDCONSTRUCI'lON SPECIFICATION DOCiJ1vIEISTS Revision: March9,2020 Ofl7200-1 GENERAL C�NpITfONS Pege 53 of 63 B, Review ofApplications.• 1. City will, after receipt of each App�ication for Payment, either indicate in writing a recammendation o� payment or return the Application to Confiractor indicating reasans for refusing payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary coz7rectsons and resubmit the AppIication. 2. City's processrng of any payment reqvested in an Applicatian for Payment wilI be based on City's observations of the axecuted Work, and an City's review of the Application for Payrnent and the accornpanying data and schedules, that to the bes� of City's lcnowledge: a. the Work has progressed to �e point indicated; b. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Docume�ts {subject to an evaluaiion o�'the Work as a funct�oning whole prior io or upon Final Acceptance, the results aFany subsequent tests cailed for in the Coniract Docurnents, a finaI deternninatian of quanti�ies az�d classifications for Work performed under Paragraph 9.05, and any other qualifications stated in ibe recarnrnendation). 3. Pracessing an�y such payment will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: a. inspee�ions made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work as it has been performed have been exhausti�e, extended ta every aspect of the Work in progress, ar involved detailed inspec�ions of the Work be�and the responsibilities speeifically assigned to City in fihe Contract Documents; or b. tlaere may not be oth�r mattars or issues between the parties that might entitle Coniractor ta be paid additionally l�y City or entitle City to w�thhold payment to Cont�actor, or c. Contractor has camplied with Laws and Regvlations applicable to Contxactaz's performance of the Wozk. 4. City may refuse �o process tha whole ar any part of any payment because of' subsequently discovered evid�nca or the resuIts of subsequent inspections or iests, and revise or revoke any such payment previously made, to such extent as rna� ba necessary to protect City from loss because: a. �he Work is defective, or the cornpleted Work has been damaged by the Contractor or his subcontractors, requirir�g correction ar replacement; b. discrepa.ncies in quantitses contazned in pxeviaus applicaiions for payment; a ihe Contract Price has been reduced by Change Orders; d. City has been required to correct defective Wark or com.plete Wark in accordance with 1'aragraph 13A9; or CTT� OF FQRT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOIV DOCUMENTS Revision: March 9, 2p2p 60720U-1 GENERAL C0�[DITIONS Page Sa of 63 e. City has actual lcnowIedge of �he ocaurrence af any of the evenis �numeratad in Paragiraph 15.p2.A. C. Retainage: 1. For contracts les� than $400,000 at the tirne of e�ecution, retainage shall be ten percent (1 Q%). 2. For contracts greater than $400,Q00 at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (S%). D. Liquidated Damages. Far each cale�dar day that any work shall remain uncompletad af�er the time specified in t�-ie Coniract Docurnents, the sum per day specif ec� in �he Agreement, will be deducted from the monies due t�ie Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages suffered by the City. E. Payment: Contractor will be paid pursuant to �he rec�uireinents of this Article I4 and payrnent will become due in accordance with the Gantract Documents. F. Reduct�o�c in Payment: 1. City may refuse to m.ake paynn.en� af the amaunt requested because: a. Liens have been f led i�t� connection with t�e Work, except vvhere Contractor has delivered a specific bond satisfactory to Ci�y to secure t�e satisfac�ion and discharge af such Liens; b. th�re are �ther items entitling City ta a set-off against the amount recommended; or c. City has actual knowledge of tl�e occurrence o� any of �he events enumerat�d in Paxagraph:s 14.02.B.4.athraugk� 14.Q2.B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A. 2. If City refuses to nnake payment af the amount requested, City will gi�e Contractor writ�en notice stating the reasans for s�ch action and pay Cantractar any annount remaining after deduction of the amount so withheld. City shall pay Contractor the amaunt so withheld, or any acijustrnent thereto agreed to by City and Co�trac�or, when Con�ractor rernedies the reasons for such action. 14.03 Contractor'�s. Wurrc�nty of Title Cor�tractar warrants and guarantees that title to a11 Wark, materials, and equipnnent covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, �vi11 pass to City no later than the time of payment free and cleax of all Liens. CITY OF FORT WbRTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATI�N DQCUMLNTS Rev isi on:1VT�rch 9, 2D20 oo�zoo-� GENERAL CON1]fT1QNS Page 55 of 63 14.Q4 Partial Utzlr.'zatian A. Prior to Final Acceptance of aIl the Work, City may use or occupy any substantially completed par� of the Work which has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or wkich City, determines constitutes a separateIy functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used by City for its intended purpose without sign.i�cant interference vvith Cantractar's performance af the remainder ofthe Work. City at any time may notify Contractor in writing ta permit City to use or necupy any sucn part of the VJork which City determines ta be ready fnr its intended use, subject to the follawing conditions: 1, Contractor at any time may notify City in writing that Cnntractor considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use. 2. Wi�thin a reasonable tune after notification as enumerated in Paragraph i4.O5.A.1, Cxty and Confractor shall make an inspection of that part of ihe Wark io detezxt�ine its status of campletion. If City does not consider that part of th� Wark to be substantially cornplete, City will notify Contractor in wiriting giving ti�e reasons therefor. 3. Pat�ial Utilization. will nat constituie Final Acceptance by City. 14.OS Finallnspectian A. Upon written nQtice fram Con�ractor that the en�ire Work is complete in accordance with the Contract Documen#s: 1. within 10 days, City will schedule a Final Insp�ctior� with Cantractor. 2. City r�vi13 noiify Contracto�r in writing of all particulars in which this inspection reveals th.at the Work is incomplete ar defective. Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary ta complete such Wark or remedy such deficiencies. B. No time charge will be made agaizast tk�e Contractor between said date of notification of tl�e City and the date of Fina� Inspection. Should the City determine that the Wark is not ready for Final Inspection, City will notify the Con�racior in writing of the reasons and Contract Time will resu�ne. 14.06 Final Aeceptance Upon connpletion by Contractor to City's satisfaction, o� any additional Work identified in the Final Tnspectian, City will issue to Con.tractor a letter of Final Acceptance. C1TY OF FORT WOR'T'H STANbAl2D CONSTAUCTIQN SFECIFICAT`ION ]70CUMENTS Revision: Mai�3�9,2020 oo�zoo-z GENERAL CDN�ITkONS P�ge 5b of 63 14.07 Final Payment A. Application for Payrrtent: 1. Upon Final Acceptance, and in the opir�ian of City, Contractor may malce an application for final payment following the prpcedure for progress payzn.ents in accordance vvith the Contract Documents. 2. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied (�xnept as previous�y delivered) by: a. aIl documentatiorz called far in the Contract Documents, including but not limited io the evidence of insuraz�ce required by Paragraph 5.03; b. consent of the surety, i� any, to final payment; c. a list of alI pending or released Damage Claims against City that Contractor believes are unsettlad;and d. affi�avits of payments ax�d complete and legally effecti�e releases or wai�ers (satisfactory fo City) of a11 Lien rights arising out of ar Liens filed in connectian with ihe Work. B. Payment Becomes Due: 1. After City's acceptance of the Application for Payment and accompanying documentatian, requested by Cont�actar, Iess previoUs payments made an.d a�ny sum City is entitled, including but not limited to liq�aidated damages, will become due and payable. 2. After all Damage Claims have l�een resol�ed: a. directly by the Contractar ar; b. Contractior provides evidence tbat the Damage Claim has been reported to Contractor's insurance provider for resolutian. 3. The mak'vrig of the final payment by th� City shalI not relieve the Contractor of any guarante�es or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifieally corztinue thereafter. 1.4A8 Final Completion Delayed and Par�tial Retainage Release A. If final completion of the Work is significanily d�Iayed, and if Ci�y so conf+irms, City may, upon receipt of Contractor's final Application for Payznent, atid without ierminating the Contract, nnal�e payment o� the balance due far that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted. If the remaining halance to be k�eld by City %r VG'ork not fully completed or carrected is 1�ss than the retainage stipulated in Paragraph 14AZ.C, and if bonds hav� been furnished as required in Paragraph 5.02, the writte� consen.t af �e surety to the payanent o� the balance due for that CITY OF PORT WORTH STAIZDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPEC�ICATION DOCUMEN'FS Revisian: Mmeh9,2020 00 �z aa - � GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 57 af 63 portion of the Work ftally completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to City with the Application for such payz�nent. Such payment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing final payrnent, except that it shall n:at constitute a�raiver of Contract Claims. B. Partral Retainage Reiease. For a Contract tk►at pravides for a separate vegetative establishrn�ent and maintenance, and test and performance periods following the completian of all other consfxuetion in the Contract Documents for all Work lacations, tkte City may reIease a partion of the amount retained providecl tY�at all other wark is completed as deiermined by the City. Before th:e release, aIl submittaIs and f nal quantities must be completed and acc�pted iar a11 other work. An amount sufficient to en.su�re Contract campliance will be retained. 14.09 Waiver of Claim,s The acceptance of fmaI payment will constitute a release oF the City from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything dane or furnished or relating to the work under the Contract Documents or a�ny act or neglect of City related to or coraziected with the Contract. ARTXCLE 15 — SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERIVIINA'I`ZON 1 S A 1 Ciry May Suspend Wark A. At an.y time and withaut cause, Cjty znay suspend the Work or any portion thereof by written notice to Cont�actor and which may f�x the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume ihe Work on the date so f�ed. During temporary su�pension of the Work covered by tl�ese Contract Docurnents, for any reason, the City will make no ex�ra payment for sta�nd-by time of construction equipment ancl�or construction crews, B. Should the Contractor not he able ta complete a portion of the Project due to causes beyond the cantrol oF and without ihe fault or negligence of the Contractor, and shouId it be determined by mutual consent of the Con�actor and City that a solutian to a11ow canstruction to praceed is not available within a reasonable period af time, Contraciar may rec�uest an extension in Contract Ti�nn.e, directly attributable to any such suspension. C. Tf it should became necessary to suspend the Work for an indefinute period, the CQntractor shall store all materials in suck� a man�er that they wiIl not obstruct or impede �he public ur�n.ecessarily nor become danaaged in any way, and he shall take every precaution to pre�ent darnage or deterioration of the wnrk perf�rmed; he shall provide suitable drainage aboUt the work, and erect temporaty structures where necessary. D. Contractor may be reimbursed far the cost of inoving his equipment off the job and returning the necessary equipment to ihe job when it is determined by the City that coz�struction may be resumed. Such reimbUrs�rnent shall be based on actuaI cost to tY�e Conixactar of maving the equipmen� and no profit will be allov,red. Reimbursement naay not be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construciion project for �he City. C1T1' OF FORT WORTH STtINDARI7 CaNSTRLTCTIOIV SPECIFICATION DOCUMEi�'tS Rewision: N1�h4,2020 00 �� aa - i GENERAL CQNDITIONS Page 58 of 63 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause A. The accu�rence of any one or more of the following events by way nf example, but not of limitatian, may justify termination for cause: 1. Contractor's persisten.t failure to perform the Work in accordance wit11 the Contract Dacuments (i�cIuding, but not limi�ed to, failure to supply suf�cient skilled warkers or suitable matexials ar equipment, failure to adhere to tbe �'rojeet Schedule �stablished under Paragraph 2.d7 as adjusted frorn titne to time pursuant to Paragraph 6.04, or failure fo adhere to the City's Business Diverszty Enterprise Ordinance #2042U-12-2011established under Paragraph 6.46.D); 2. Contractor's disr�gard of Laws ar RegulatiQns of any public body having jurisdictian; 3, Contractor's repeated disregard of the autharity of City; oe 4. Contractor's violarion in any substat�tial way of any provisions of the Contract Documents; or 5. Cont�actar's failure to promptly make good any defeot in ma�eriaIs or workmanship, or defects oi any natura, the correction of which has been directed in writing by t�►e City; ar 6. Sabstantial �ndication that t�e Contractar has mad� an unau#�orized assignment of the Contract or any funds due therafrom far the benefit of any creditor or for any other purpose; ar 7. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has becarne insolvent or bankrupt, ar aiherwise financially unable to earry an the Work satisfactorily; or 8. Contractor eommences legal actian in a court of competent jurisdictian against the City. B. If anc or more of the events identif�ed in Paragraph 15.02A. occur, Ciiy will provide �+ritten notiee to Coniractor and Surety io arrange a conference with Contractor and Surety to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. Confere�ce shall be held nat later than 15 days, after receipt of natice. 1. If the City, the Cont�ractor, and the Surety do not agree to a11ow the Contranior to proceed to perform the ca�struction Con�ract, the City may, fo the ea�tent p�rmitted by La�s and Regulations, decIare a Contractor default azad forma[ly t�rminate the Contractox's right tg complete the Contract. Contractor defauli sha11 nat be declared earlier than 20 days after the Contractor and Surety have received notice of conference to address Contractor's failure to perform th.e Work. 2. If Contractor's services are terminated, Surety shalI be ab[igated to ta.ke o�er an.d perform the Work. If Surety does not commence performance thereof within 1S cansec►ai'rv� calendar days aflter date of az� additional written notice demanding Surety's per%rmance of its CITX dF FORT WpRTH STA3�IDARD CDNSTRUC�OI�I SPECIFICATION DOCIIMENT3 Re�'tsion:lVla�L� 9, 20�() 00 �a ao - i �En���,�coNaiYiants Page 59 af 63 obligations, �hen City, without process or action at law, may talce over any portion of the Wark and complete it as described below. a. If City campletes the Work, City may exclude Contractor and Sureiy from the site and tafce possession of the Work, and all materials and equipment incorporated into the Work stored at the Site or for v,�hich City has paid Cantractor or 5urety but which are stored elsewhere, and finish the Wark as City may deem exp�dient. 3. W%ether City or Surety cornpletes the Work, Cantractor shall not be entitled to recci�e any further payrnent until the Work is fmis��d. If the unpaid balaa�ce of the Cantract Price exceeds aIl claims, costs, losses and damages sustained by City arising out of or resulting frorn completing �e Work, svch excess will be paid to Contracior. If such elaims, casts,losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance, Contractor shalI pay the difference to City. Such claims, costs, Iosses and damages incuzred by City will be incor�arated ir� a Change Drder, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under t1�is Paragraph, City shall nat be required to obtain the lowest price far the Work performed. 4. Neither City, nor any of its respective consultants, agants, officera, �iirectors or employees sha11 be in any way �iable or accountable to Contractor or Surety for the method by which the cntnpletion of the said Wark, or any portion thereo�, may be accamplished or for tkze price paid therefor. 5. City, notwithstanding the method used in cnmpleting the Contract, sha11 not forfeit the right to recover damages frorn. Cantractor or Surety far Conl�actor's failur� to timely cozxiplete the entire Contract. Cantractor shall not be entitled to any clairn on account of tk�e method used by City in completing the Contract. 6. Maintenance of the Work shall continue to be Contractar's and Surety's responsibilities as provided fnr in the bond require�nen�s af the Contract Documents ox any special guaz�anfees provided for under the Cantract Docum�nts or any other obligations otherwise pre�cribed by law. C. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.fl2.B, Cont�actor's serviccs will not be ternainated if Contraetar begins within seven days of receipt of notice of intent to terxninate ta correct its failure to pexform az�d proceeds diligantly to cuxe such faiIure within no more than 30 days af receipt of said natice. D, Wh�re Coni�actor's services have been so terminated by City, the termination will zzot affect any rights or remedies o� City against Contractor then exis�ing or r�vhich may thereafter acerue. Any retention or payrnant of moneys due Cantractor by City �vill not release Contractor from liahility. E. Xf and to the extent that Contractor has provided a pez-�ornnance bond under the provisions of Paragraph 5.02, the terfnination procedures of that bond shall not supersede the pravisions nf this Article. CITY OF FORT WORTH �TAM?ARD CbNSTTtCTCTION 5PECIFICATION DdCiJMY,'NT5 Revision: Marc1t9,2�.D oa�zoo-i GENERAL CON�ITkONS Page 6G of 63 1 S A3 City Ma�y Terminate FoY Convenience A. City rnay, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or re�ned� of City, terminate the Contract. �ny term.in.atian shall be effected by mailing a notice of t1�e termination to the Contractor specifyin.g th.e extent to which performance of Work under the contract is tennninated, and the daie upan which such termination becarr�es efFective. Receipt af the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the letter is placed in the United States Postal Service Mail by the City. �urther, it shall be deemed conclusively presumed and estabIished that such tez�mination is made vviih just cause as therein stai�d; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the City regarding such discretionary actzoza. B. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the City, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop wark under the Contract on the date and ta the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2, place no further orders or subcantracts for materials, services or facilities except as may be necessary� for completion of such portion of the Work under the Contract as is not terminated; 3. tenninate all oarde�rs and subcnntrac�s to the extent that they relate to the perforn:aance af the Work te�ainated by notice of termination; 4. transfer titie to the City and deIiver in the manner, at the times, at�d to the extent, if any, directed by the City: a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, Work in progress, completed Work, supplies and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection wit� the pez-formance of, the Wark terminated by the notice o� the terniinatinn; anci b, the eompleted, or partially coznpleted plans, dravvings, inforrr�ation and oth�r property WI11C11, if the Cantract had been compleied, wauld have been required to be fizrnished to the City. S. complete perfartna�ce of such VVork as sk�al] not have bean terminated by the notice of terminatzon; and 6. take sucY� action as rnay be �ecessary, or a.s the City may direct, far the pratection and preservation of tlle property related to its coniract which. is in fihe possessian of tl�e Contractor and in which iche owner has or may acquire the rest. C. A� a time not later than 30 days after the termination date specifiec� in the natice af tennination, the Cr�ntractor may subrnit ta the �iiy a list, eertified as to quantity and qualsty, oi any ar ali items af termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive af items �he disposition of wh�ch has baen directed or authorized by City. C1TY OF FdRT' WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 5PECTFiCATTON BOCUMEN'i5 Revision: Ma�h9,2020 Q0 72 00 - 1 GENERAL COND]TIONS Page 61 af 63 D. Not later than 15 days ther�after, the City shall accept title to such items provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verifica�ion by ihe City upon eerzaoval of the items or, if the items are sinred, within 4S days from the date of subnaission of the list, and any neeessary adjusttnents ta correct the list as subrnitted, shall be znade prior to f nal settlement. E. Not later than b0 days a�ter the notice of termination, the Cont�actor sha11 submit his te�ination claim to the City in the foz�rra and with the certification prescribed by the City. Unless an e�ension is made in writzng within such 60 day period by the Contractor, and granted by fihe City, any and all such claims shaIl be canclusively deemed waived. �'. �n such case, Contractor shall be paid for (without duplication of ar�.y items}: l, campleted and acceptable Work executed in accardance with the Cani�act Docum.ents prior to the effective date of terrriination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and pro�t on suc� Work; 2. e�penses sustained prior to th.e effective daie of terminatian in performing services and fi.�rnishing labor, maierials, or equipment as required by the Con�act Docurnents in cannecnon wiih uncompleted Wark, plus �air and reasonable suzns for overhead and pro�t on such expenses; and 3. reasonable expense� directly aitributable to termination. G. In the event of the Failure of the Caz�tra.ctor and City to agree upan tl�e whoIe amount to be paid to the Contractar by reason of tile terrnination of tl�e Work, the City shall determine, on the basi5 of information available ta ifi, the amount, if any, due to the Cantractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contracior the amounts determined. Contractor shall no� be paid on accounf of lass oi anticipated profits or revenue or other econornic loss arising out of ar resulting from such termination. ARTICLE Ib — DI�PUTE RES�LUTxON 16.01 Methods and Procedures A. Either City or Contractor may request meciiation of any Contract Claim submitted for a decision under Paragraph 10.06 before such decision beco�nes fmal and binding. The request for rnediation sha�l be submitted to the other party ta the Contract. Tirnely submission oF the request shall stay the effect of`Paragraph 10.06.E. B. City and Contractor shall participate in the mediation process in good faith. The pracess shall be corrunenced within 60 days of filing of tk�e request. C. If the Con�ract Claim is nof resol�ed by mediation, City's action under Paragraph 10.d6.0 oi• a deniai pursuant to Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 10.06.D sha11 became final and binding �0 days af�er termination of the mediation unless, within that time period, City or Contractor: CTTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTRUCTION SP6CiFICA'I'lON UOCUMENTS Revision: N1a�h 9,2020 . 00 �z oa - i GENERAL CONdITION5 Page 62 of 63 elects in w�riting to in�voke any other dispute resolution process provided for in the St�pplementary Conditions; or 2. agrees with the other parly to subrn'rt the Cantract Claun to another dispute resolution process; or 3. gives written notice to the other parly a� the inieni to submit tiie Cantract Claim to a court of competent jurisdictiQn. ARTICLE li — NIISCELLANE�US 17A I Giving Natice A. Whenever any provision o� tl�e Contract Dacuments requires the gi�ing of writt�n notice, it will he deemed to ha�e been validly given if 1. delivered in persor� to the individual or to a member af the f�n or to an of�cer of the corporation for whon� it is intended; or 2. delivered at or sent hy registerad or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address knawn to the giver of the z�otice. B. Business address changes must be pramptly made in writing to fhe other pariy. C. Whenever the Contraci Documents specifies giving notice by electronic means such electronic notice shall be deemed sufficien� upon confirmation of receipt by the receiving party. I7.d2 Computatton of Times When any period af time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days, it will be computed to exclude the first and include the Iast clay of such period. If the last day flf any such period falls an a Saturday or S�nday or on a day znade a legal holiday the next Working Day shalI beco�e the last day of the perioc�. 17.03 Cumula�ive Remedies The duties and obligatians irnposed by t�ese General Conditions and the rights and rernedies avaiiable hereundex to the parties hereto are in additio� to, and are not to be construed in any way as a lunitation af, any rights. and remedies availabla to any or all of tfiem which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations, by special warranty or guara�tee, or by o�her pro�isions of the Con�ract Documents. The provisions of ihis Paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Gontract Documents in can�nection with each partieular duty, obligaiion, right, and remedy to vcrhich they apply. CITY OF F�RT �+OftTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECg'ICATTON BDCUMEF�fTS Revision: Macrh9,2(710 oa�aao-i GENERAL CONDITIONS Page63 ofb3 17.04 Su�vival of Oblagations All representations, indemnifications, warranties, and guaraniees nnade in, r�quired by, ox given in accordance with the Contract Documents, as well a� aIl coniinuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents, will suxvive final paymen�t, completion, and acceptazace of the Work or termination or completion of ihe Contract ar termination of the services of Contractor. 17.05 Headings Article and paragraph h.eadings are inserted for eonvenience onIy and do not constituie gat-�s af these General Conditions. C1TY OF FORT W012TN STANDAILU CONSTRUCTI�I�? SPECIFICATTON DDCUMENI'S Revision: Mmnh9,2020 00 73 00 SiJFPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 1 of 6 SECTION 04 i3 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIOI�TS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Supplementary Canditions These Suppiementary Conditions modify and supplement Section 00 72 00 - General CQnditions, arrd otE�er provisions of the Contract Documen�s as indicated below. All pravisions of tha General Canditions that are m�dified ar suppjemented remain in full force and eff'ect as so modified or supplemented. �.11 provisions of t�e General Conditians which are not so modi�ed or supplemented remain in full force and affect. Defined Terms The terms used in these Supplementary Conditions whieh are defined in iha General Conditions have the meaning assigned to tiiem in the Genexal Conditions, unless specifically noted her�in. Modifcatians and Supplexnents The following are instructions that modifiy or supplernent specific paragraphs in the GeneraI Couditions and other Contract Documents. SC-3,03B.2, "Resolving Discrepancies" Plans govern over Specifications. SC-4.OIA Basement limits shown on the Drawing are approximate and were provided to establish a basis for bidding. Upon receiving the final easements descriptions, Contractar shall campare them to the lines shown an the Cantract Drawings. SC-4.01A.1., "Availabi{ity o€Lands" No ea,se�errt acquisitiortSG4.01 A.2, "Availability of Lands" Utilities or obstructiona to be removed, adjusted, and/or relocated No required franchise utility cortfiicts�r'elocatior�s. SC-4.U2�A., "Su�surface and Physical Conditions" 'The faIlowing are reports af explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Woxk; A Geotechnical Report No. lU3-I9-332 dated Januaty 9, 202D, prepared b� CMJ Engineering, Inc a sub-consultant of Kimley-Horn and Assoeiates, Inc, a aonsultant of the City, praviding additional information nn sail condi[iuns and pa�ement recomnaenda�ions. (Refer ta Appendi� GC- 4,U2 Subsnrface and Pl�ysical Cnndztions) A Environmental Memo dated Tebru�ry 21, �4��, prepared by Larry Clendenen, C�', PWS of Kimley-Horn and Associates, Tnc, provides additional infarmation on cu[vert improvemenis. (Refer to Appendi�x GC-4.02 - Subsurface and Physical Conditions) The foilowing are drawings of physicaI conditions in or relating to existing surface and suhsur€ace structures (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contigunus to ihe szte af the Work: Nane C1TY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC'I'ION 3YECIFICATfON DOCiTMENTS Shareview Brive Culvert Improvements Revised March 9, 2U20 CPNs 101820 & 1b3051 on �3 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDTTTQNS Page 2 of 6 �C-4.06A., "Hazarcions Enviuronmental Condutious at Site" Tha following are reparts and drawings of e�cisting hazatdous envitonmental condinons known to the City: None 5C-S.Q3A., "Certi�cates of Insurance" Th$ entities listed below are "additional insureds as their interest may appear" inc]uding their respactive o£�icars, directors, agents and employees. (1} City (2} Consultant: Kimley-Horn and Assoeiates, Inc (3) Other: SG5.D4A., "Contractor's Insurance" `ihe limiis of liability for the insurance required by Paragraph GC-SA4 shalI provide the follnwing covetages for nat less than the following amounts or grester where required by laws and regulations: 5.04A. Workers' Coznpensation, under Paragraph GC-SA4A. S'tatutory limiis Employer's liability $100, 000 each accidentJoccurrence $I00, 000 Disease - each employee $500,000 Disease - pnlicy limit SC-5.44B., "Contractor's Insurance" 5.04B. Commercial General Liability, und�r Paragraph GG5.Q�4B. Cantractar's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GGS.O�B., which shall be on a per prajecY 6asis covering the Cantractor with minimum limits of: $1, 000, 000 each occurrence $2, D00, 000 aggregate lirnit The policy must have an endorsement (Amendment — Aggrep,ate Limits of Tnsurance) making the General Aggregaf� Limifis appIy separately to each job site, The Commercial General Liability Insurance policies shaIl provide "X", "C", and "U" coverage's. Verification Qf such coverage must be shown in the Aemarks Article of the Certificate of Insuranee. SC 5.0�4G, "Cantractor's insurance" S.04C. Automobile Liabifity, under Paragraph GC-5.04C. Contractor's Liability Insuranae under Paragraph GC-5.04C., whiah shall be in an amount not less than the falIowing amounts: {I) Automobile Liabrlity - a commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "Any Auto", cEefrned as autos owned, hired and non-nwned. $1, 000, 000 each accident on a cornbined single limit hasis. Split timits are acceptable if limits are at least: $250, ODO 13odily Injury per person / C1T`Y OF FORT WORTH 5hareview Drive Cvlvert Improvements STANAARD C�TI5'IRi7CT10NI 5PBCIFICATION DOCUIvIENTS CPNs 1D1820 & i030SI Revised March 9, 2020 00 73 00 SUPPI,BMENTARY CONDTT'TONS Page 3 af 6 $500, 000 Bodily In,�ury per accident / $I00,OQO PropertyDamage SC-5.04D., "Contractor's Tnsurance" The Contractor's consiruction activities wilI reyuira its employees, agents, subcantractors, equiprnent, and material deliveries to cross railroad properties and tracics: Non� The Caniractor shall conduct its operations on railroad pmperties in such a manner as nat to interfere with, hinder, or abstruct the railroad company in any manner whatsaever in the uss or operation of itsltheir trains or other prnperty. Such operatians on railroad praperiies may require that Cantractor fo execu�e a"Right of Entry Agreement" with the p�rticular railroad company or companies involved, and to thzs end the Contt�actor should satisfy itself as to the requirements Qf each railroad company and be prepared to execute the right-of-antry (if any) required by a railmad company. The req�irements specified herein likewise relate to the Contractor's Use of privai� and/or constrUction access roads crossing said railroad company's properkies. The Cantractual Liability coverage required by Paragraph 5.04D of tt�e General Conditions shall provide coverage for not iess than the following amounts, issued by companies satisfactory to tkie City and to the Railroad Company for a term that continues for so long as the Contractar's operations and work cross, occupy, or touch railroaci property: {1) General Aggregate: {2) Each Oceurrance: Required far this Contraci $Confarrn Limits wath liaidroad ,$Corrfirm Limifs with Raalrac�d X Not required for thzs Contracf With respect to the above outlined insuranee reyuirernents, the %llawing shall govetn: 1.. Where a�ingle railroad company is invalved, :he Cant�-actor shaIl provide one insurance policy in the name of the raiIroad company. Hawever, if more than one grade separation or at-grade crossing is afFected hy the Praject at entirely separate locations an the line or lines of the same railraad compazry, separate covera.ge may be required, each in the amount stated abo�e. 2. Where more than one railroad company is operating on the same right-of-way or where several railroad companies are involued and operated on their own separate rights-of way, the Contractor may be reguired to provide separate insurance polici�s in tiie name of each railxoad campany. 3. If, in addition to a grade separation ur an at-grade crossing, other work or acf�viiy is proposed on a railroad campany's right-of-way afi a location entirely separate fram the grade separation or at- grade crossing, insuranGe covexage for #his work must be included in the policy covering the grade separation. 4. If no grade separation is involved but other wark is proposed on a railroad campany's rigilt-of- way, alI such other work may be eovered in a single poiicy far tha# railroad, eaen ihough the work znay be at two or rnore separate locations. Na work or activities an a railroad company's property to be performed by the Contractor shall be commenced until the Contractor has furnished the City with an original policy or policies of the insurance for each railroaci company named, as required abor�e. All such insurance must be appro�ed by the City and each afFected Raitroad Company prior to ihe Cantractor's beginning work. The insurance spec�ed above must be carried until all Work to be performed on the railroad right-af-way has been compIated and the grade erossing, if any, is ao langer useci by the Contractor. In addi�ion, CITY OF PQRT WORTH Shore�iew Drive Cul�ert Improveanents STANDAItD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC[TN�NTS CP3Vs 1�182p & 103051 Ravised March 9, 2020 ao �3 ao SUPPLBIV1BNfARY CpNT3ITIONS Page 4 of 6 insuz'ance must be carried during all nnaintenance and/or repair work performed in the railroad right-of-way. Such insurance must name the railroad campany as the insured, tagether with any tenant or lessee of the railroad company operaiing o�er tracks involved in the Project. SC-6.04., "Project Schedu�e" Froject schedule shall be tier 3 for the project. SC-6.D7., "Wage Rates" The following is the }�revailing wage rate table{s) applicahle to this project and is provided rn the Appendixes: A copy af the table is alsa available by accessing the City's website at: https:llapns.fortvti°orthte�as.;�ovlPrai ectResonrcesl You cat� access the �le by following the directory path: 02-Construction Dbcuments/Specifications/DivqO — General Conditians SC-6.49., "�ermits and IIfilities" SC-6.09A., "ContracEor obtainetl permits and licenses" The �oIlowing are known perrnits andlar licenses Eequired by the Contract to l�� acquired by the Contractar: None SG6.09B. °�City obtained permits and licenses" Tkte foltowing are known permifs andlor licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the City: None SC-6.Q4G "Outstanding permits and licenses" The following is a Iist of known autstanding permits andlor licenses ta be acquired, if any as of Novem6er 242(i. Outstand"rng Permits aAd/or Licenses to Be Acquired C�W]�iER ?'ERNIIT OR LICENSE ANTa LOCATION TARGET DATE G�F POSSESSI�N TCEQ Stormwater Permit May 2421 �C-6.245., `�Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1464 as amended" During the performance of this Contract, the Contraotor, far itself, its assignaes and successors in interest (hereinafter raferred to as the "Contractor") agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: The Contractor sha.tl eomply with tha Regulation relaiive to nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportatzon (hereina�ter, "DO'T") Title 49, Code of Fed�ral Regulations, Part 21, as they may be atnended from iime to time, (hereinai�ar referred to as the ReguIations), which are herein incor}3orated by reference and made a part nf this contract. 2. Nondiscrimination: The Contractor, with regard to the wark performed by it during the �antract, shall not discriminate on ihe graunds of race, color, or national origin, in the seIection and retention of subcon�actQrs, including pracurements of materials and leases of equipment. The Contractar shall not participate either diractly or indirec�ly in the discrimination prohibited by 49 C�'R, sectian 21.5 of the CiT'P OF FORT WORTH Shorer+iew Drive Culvert improvements STA�fDARD CONSTRUCTTON 3PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS CP1Vs 1Q [ 820 & 103051 Revised IVlarc{� 4, 2020 �0 73 DO SUPPLEMENTAI2Y CQNDITIONS Page 5 af 6 Regulations, including employment practiees whan the contract corrers a pmgram set fortFi in �ippendix B of the Regulations. 3. Solicitat�ons for Snhcontractors, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipmenf: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the contracfor for wor� to be perforaned under a subcontract, including procurements of. materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontactor or suppliar shall be nofif ed by the Contraetor of the Contractor's obligations under tlzis contract and the Regula#ians relativa to nondiscrimin.ation an the grounds of race, color, or natio�al arigin. 4. Information and Reparts: The Contractor shall provide all jnfortna#ion and reports required by the Regulations or di�'ectives issued pursuant thereto, and shalI permit access to its books, records, accounts, nttier sources of information and its facilities as may be determined by City or the Texas Deparhnent of Transportation to be pet�inent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required af a contractor is in the exclusive possession af another who fails or refuses to furnish this infarmation the contractor shal� so certify t� ihe City, ar the Texas Depart�nent of Transportation, as appropriate, and shall set forkh what efforts it has snade to obtain the informaiion. 5. Sanct'sons far Noncosnpliance: In the event of the Contractor's noncompliance �vith the nondiscrimination grovisions oithis Contract, City shall impnse sueh contract sanctions as it or the Tex�.s Department af Transportation may determine to be appropriate, including, bat not limited to: a. withholding of payments to the Contractor under the Contract until the Contractor complies, and/or b, canceIlation, termiriaiion or suspension af the Coniract, in whole or in part. Ineorporation of Pro�isions: The Contraetor shall include the provisions of paragraphs (I) through {6) in euery subcontract, including procuremants of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by t}te Regulations, or direc�ives issued pursuant thereto. The Conit'actor s�all take such aciion with respect W any subcontract ar procurement as City �r the Texas Department of Tranaportation may dir�ct as a rneans of enforcing such provisians including sanetians for non-compliance: Provided, however, �at, in the e�ent a contractor becomes invol�ed in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier �s � r�•s�zlt af such direction, the contractor may r�quest City to enter inta such litigation to protect the intereszs of City, and, in addition, the con�ractor may reques# the United States io enter into such litigafion t� protect fihe interests of the Unfted States. Additional Tiile VI requirements can be fo�nd in fhe Appendix. SG7.02., "Coordinatian" The individuals or entities �isted below have contracts with the City for the performance of other work at the Site: � Vendor � Nona Scope of Worlt Coardinat'ron Authority SC-S.OI, "Communicat€ons to Cantrac#or" No�e SC-9.U1., "City's Project Manager" CITY OF F�RT VaORTH Shoreview Drrve Culvert Improvements STANDARI} CON3TRUCTION SPECIFICATTOAi DOCUMENT5 CPNs 10182Q &]0305I Revis�d Mareh 9, 2020 DO 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 6 of b The City's Project Manager for this Contract is Michaei WeLIbaum, P.E., or his/tier successor pursuant to wrifiien natification from the Director of Transportation and Pvblic Works. SC-13.03C., "Tests and Inspeetions" RCB Tnspection Report (Refer ta Appez�dix GC-1303C-Tests a�d Inspections) SG16.QiC.1, "Methads and Procedures" None END OF SECTION Re�ision L.og DATE NAM� 1/22/2016 F. Griffin SllMMARY OF CH�lNG� SC-5.01., "City's Project Representati�e" warding changed to City's Project Manager. 319I2020 [].V. Msgaria 5C-6,07, Updated the link such that files carr be accessed �ia the City's website. CTTI' OF FQRT WORTH 5horeview Drive Culvert ImprovemenYs STANDAIill COI�FSTRUCT(Ol� SPECIFTCATION➢QCUM�TiTS CPAis 101$20 & 103051 Revis�d March 9, 2020 611l00-1 SUMMARY OF WORK Page ] of 3 !a 3 PART 1- GEN�RAi, SECTIOAT bl Il. 00 SI)MMARY OF WORK 4 1,1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Ineludes: 6 1. Summary o� Worl� to be perforined in accordance with th� Cantract Documents 7 B. Deviations from this Ciiy of Fort Worth Standard Speei�ication S 1. None. 9 1� 11 12 1.2 C. Relaied 5peci�ication Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 3. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Cantract 2. Division I- General Requireme:nYs PRICE AND PA'S�MENT PRUCEDURES 13 A. Measur�ment and Payment I4 I. Work assooiated with this Item is considered subsid tary ta the �arious items bid. 15 No separate payment will b� allowed for this Item. i6 1.3 REFERENCES CNOT USED] 17 1..4 ADIVIINIST`RATNE REQUIltEMENT� I8 A. Work Covered by Contraet Docurnents 19 1. Work is to include furnishing aIl labor, materials, and equipment, and performing 20 all Waxk necessa�y for this co�astruciion project as detailed in the Drawings and 21 Speci�'ications. 22 B. Subsidxary Wark 23 I. Any at�,d alI Work specifically governed by documentary requirements for ihe 24 project, such as conditions ir►aposed by the Drawings or Cantract Documents in 25 wkaich no specific item for bid has been provided far in the Proposal and the item is 26 not a typi�al unit bid item included on the siandaxd bid item list, then the item shafl �7 be ct�nsidered as a subsidiary item of Work, the cost of which shall be incIuded in 2s the price bid in the Propasal for var'tous bid items. 29 C. Use of Premises 3� 1. Coordinate uses of prernises under direciion af the City. 31 2. Assume fu11 respoz�sibility for protection and safekee�ing of materials and 32 equipment stored on the Site. 33 3. Use and occupy only portions of the public streets and alleys, or ather public places 34 or other rights-of-way as provided for in the orciinances af the C�ty, as shown in the 35 Contract Docunnents, or as may be specifically authorized in tnrriting by the City, 36 a. A reasonable atuount of taols, znaterials, and equipm�nt far construction 37 purpases may be stored in sucla space, but no more tlaan is necessary to avoid 3g delay in the construction aperations. CITY OF FpRT WOTLT'13 Shoreview Drive Culvert Lnprovements STANDARD CONST'RUC'�iOiV SPECIFICA7'IQN DOCUMEiVTS CPI+is 1018�D & 143Q51 Revised 17ecember 20, 2012 oi iioo-z SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 of3 1 b. Excavated aizd waste materials shall be stored in such a way as not to inter%re 2 with the use of spaces that may be designated t� be left free and unobstructed 3 and so as not ta inconve�ience occupants of adjacent property. 4 c_ If the street is occupied by railroad tracks, the Work shall be carried on in such 5 mat�ner as not to interf�re with the operaiion of the railroad. 6 1) All Work shall be in accordance �ith railroad requirements set forth in 7 Division 0 as well as the railroad permit. 8 D. Wark within Easements 9 1. Do nnt entez upan private property for any purpose withoui having previously 10 obiained permission from the owner of such property. 11 2. Do not stoz'e equipment or mater�al on private property unless and until the 12 speci�ied approval of the property owner has been secured in w:riting hy the 13 Contractor and a copy furnis�ed to the City. 14 3. Unless specifically pro�ided otherwise, clear a11 rights-of-way or eas�ements of 15 obstructians whieh must be removed tn make passib�e prnper prasecution of the 16 Work as a part of the project construction opera�ions. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 4. Preserve and use every precaution to prevent damage to, all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and aIl other types of structures or improvements, to aIl water, sevver, �n.d gas lines, to all condi,�its, o�+erhead pole lines, or appurtenances thereof, including the construction of temporary fences and to all other public or private property adjacent to the Work. 5. Notiiy the proper representatives of the owners ar occupants of the public or private iands of interesfi in lands which might be affected by tl�e Work. a, Such notice shall be made at least 48 hours ir� advance of the beginning af the Work. h. Notices shalf ba applicable to both pubiic and private utility companies and any corporation, company, individual, or othez', either as owners or occupants, whose land or interest in land might be affected by the Work. c. Be responsible for all damage or injuz'y to praperty of any character resuliing froin any act, omission, neglect, ar misconduct in the manner or method �r ex�cution of the Work, or at any time due to defeetive work, r�aaterial, or equipment. 6. Fence a. Restore all fences encountered and removed during constrt�ct�on ofthe Project to the original or a better tl�an original condition. b. Erect temporary fencing isi place af the fencing removed whenever the Work is not in prQgress and when the site is �acated overnighi, an.d/ar at all times to provide site security. c. The cost for all fence work within easements, inc�uding xemoval, temporary ciasures and re�Iacem.ent, shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in fi.�ke projac# proposal, unless a bid item is specificaljy pxovided in the proposal. . C1T"Y OF FORT WOItTH STANDAI%]7 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATf0l1 �OCLTMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert Irnprovements CPNs 101820 & i03051 011100-3 SUMMARY OT WQRK Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 1.� SUBMITTAL� �NOT USED] 1,6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/�NFORMATIONAL S�T�MITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLDSEOUT SiTBMXTTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MA.TERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT U�ED] I.9 QUALITY ASSURANC� [NOT USED� 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND FIANDLING [NOT USED] ].1� FIELD �SiTE] C�ND�TIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [N4T USED] 10 PART 3- EXEGLTTION [NOT USEDj 11 12 DATE NAlV� 13 n END OF SECTION Re�ision Log SUMMARY aF CHANGE 0 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRLTC'FION SPECIFICATION DQCUIVIENTS Revised December 20, 20I2 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements CFNs101$20 & 103a51 012500-1 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 1 of �} 2 SECTION 0125 OQ 5UB5TITUTION PROCEDUItES 3 PART 1- GENERA [.. 4 11 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 1� 15 The �rocedure for requesting the approeal �f substitution of a product that is not equivalent to a product which is specified by descriptive or perfortnance criteria ar defttaed by reference to 1 oz' mare of fhe following: a. Name of manufa.cturer b. Name of vendor c. Trade name d. Catalog number Z. Substitutions are nat "or-equals". B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. 16 C. Related Specificatzt��a Sections include, but az'e not necessarily limited to: 17 1. Divisson 0-- Bzdding Requirements, Contract Forms and Coaditions of the Contract 18 2. Division 1— General Requirem�ents 19 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDiTRES 20 A_ Measurement and P�y:ment 21 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 22 No separate payment wi3S be allowed for this Item. 23 i.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 24 1.�4 ADMINISTRATNE REQU�REMENTS 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A_ Request for 5ubstitufion - General 1. Within 3Q days a$er award of Contract (unless not�d otherwise}, the CiYy will consider formal requests from Contractor foz' suhstitutian af praducts in place of those speciiied. 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in Specifications by means of references to names of mantz�acturers and vendors, trade names, or catalog numbers. a. When this method of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude from consideration o�lier products bearing other manufacturer's ar vendor's names, trade names, ar catalog nutnbers, prouided said products are "or-equals," as determined by City. 3. Other types of equipmeni and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions under the following conditions: a. Or-equals are una�vailable due to strike, discontinued production of products meeting speci�ed requirements, or other factars beyond control oi Cantractor; or, CITY O'F FORT WORTH STANDARD COIVSTRi1CTION SPT�CIFICATION DOCUIvI�7dT5 Revised Suly V, 2011 Shoreview Drive Ctilvert ImprovemenEs CPNs101820 & 103051 012500-2 5US5TIT[lTION PRdCEDURES Page 2 of4 1 b. CQntractor propases a cost and/or iime reductian incentive to the City. 2 LS SIIBNIITTALS 3 A. 5ee Request for Substitution Form (attached} 4 B. Procedure for Requesting Substitution 5 1. �uhstitution shall be considered only: 6 a. After awaxd of Contract 7 b. Under the canditions stated herein 8 2. Submit 3 copies of each writ�en request for substitution, including: 9 a. Docu�nentation la 1) Camplete data substanriating compliance of proposed substitution with l.l Coniraci Docuinents 12 2} Data relating to changes in conslxuction schedule, when a reduction is 13 proposed 14 3) Data relating to chaalges in cost 15 b. Far products 16 1) Product identificatzon I7 a) Manufacturer's name I8 b) Telephone number and representative contact name 19 c} 5pecifieation Section or Drawing reference af originally specifed 20 ptoduct, including discre�e nazx�e or tag number assigned to ariginal 21 product in the Contract Docuznents 22 2) Manufacturer's literature clearly rnarked to show coinpliance of praposed 23 producY with Cantract Documents 24 3) Itemized comparison of origznal and proposed product addressing product 25 characteristics including, but nat necessariIy Iimited to: 26 a) Size 27 b} Compositian or materials af constructioil 28 c) Weight 29 d) Electrical or mechanical reguirements 30 4) Product experience 3X a} Location of past projects utilzzing product 32 b) Name and �elephone number of persons assaciated with referenced 33 projects l�ovrledgeable concerning praposed product 34 c) Available field data and reports associaied with proposed product 35 S) Samples 36 a) Provide at request of City. 37 b) Samples become the property of the City. 38 a. F'or construction lnethads: 39 1) Detailed description of proposed methad �+0 2} Illustration drawings 4I C. Approval or Rejection A�2 1. Written appro�+al or rejectian of substiiution given by the City �43 2. City reserves tha right to require propos�d product to com�ly wifki. color and pattern �4 of specified praduct if necessary ta secute design intent. 45 3. In the ev�nt the substitution is approved, the resulting cost andlflr �ime reduction 46 will be documented hy Change Order in accordance with the General Canditions. CI'�Y OF FORT WQRTH 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CO]VSTRUCTIOAi SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS CPNs 1Q1820 & 1Q3D51 Revised duly 1, 20! 1 OI 25 OQ - 3 SUBSTI7'U'ITON PROCEDUAES Page 3 of h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L': 4. No addzfianal cantract time will be given for substitution. 5. Substitution will be rejected if: a. Subxnittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp o�' approval b. Raquest is not made in accordance with this 5pecification Section c. In the City's opinion, acceptance wiil require substantial revision of ti�e origittal design d. In tke City's opinion, substitution will not perform adequately the function cansistent witla Yhe design intent 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSl1NF012MATIONAL �USNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1Q 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [N�T USED] 31 1.$ MAYNTENANLE MATERIAL SUBMTTTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSiTRANCE 13 1� 15 16 17 18 19 aa 21 22 23 24 25 26 A. In making request for substituiion or in using art a�praved product, ihe Cantractor represents ihat the Con�ractor: L Has investigated pz'aposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or superior in all respects to that specified, ar�d that it wi11 perform function for which ii is intended 2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified 3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, to include b�zilding modificalions zf necessary, making such changes as may be required for Work ta be complete in all respects 4. VL�aives all claims for additianal casts related to subsiit�ztion which subsequently ari5e 1.1q DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] l.11 FIELD [SITEJ CUNDITIONS [NOT USED] I.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED� 27 PART 2- PRODIICTS jNOT USED] 28 PART 3- E�CUTION [NOT USED] 29 30 DAT� NAME 31 END OF SECTION Revision Lng SU 1VIMAItY OF CHANGE CITY pF FbRT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR[]CTION SFECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised 3uly 1,2011 Shareview Drive Culvert Trnprovements CPNs 1Di820 � 1Q3051 012500-4 5[IS51TTilTION PROC�T7ilRES Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 l] 12 13 14 I5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Z7 2$ 29 3U 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �k1 42 �43 � �4 �5 46 47 48 49 EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR SUSSTITi7TION FORM: TO: FROJECT: DATE: We herel�y submzt for your eonsideratian the following product instead of the specif ed item far the ahove project: SECTION PARAGRAPH SPECIFIED ITEM Proposed Substitution: Reason far 5ubstitution: �taclude compleie information on changes to Drawings andlor Speeif catians wlvch proposed substitution wi11 require for its proper installation. Fill in Blanks Be1ow: A. Will the undersigned contraetor pay for changes to the building design, ineluding engix�eering and detailing casis caused by the requested substitutian? B. What effect does substituiion have an other trades7 C. Differences between proposed substiiution and specified item? D. DifFerences in product cost or product delivery tim.a? E. Manufacturer's guarantees of the proposed and specifiad items are: Equal Betfer {explain on attachment) The undersigned states that the function, app�arance and quality are equivalent or superior to the specified it�m. Submitted By: For Use by City �ignature as noted Firm Address Date Telephane For Use hy City: Approved Citj+ Recommended � Recommended Not reco�nmend�d Received late By � Date Remarks Date C1TY OF FbRT'WOT2TH STANDARD CON5TRi7CT10N SPECI�'ICATLON ROC[JMEN"I'S Re�ised duly 1, 2011 Rej ected 5horeview Drive Culve►t I�npzovements CPNs 10182U & 103451 oi 3r �9- � PR�COHS'TRLICTION MEETING Page 1 of 3 1 2 SECTION 0131 19 PRECONSTRUCTTON MEETING 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: b I. Provisio�s for the preconstrr�.ction meeting ta be held prior to the start of Work to 7 clari�y construction cor�traei adzninistration procedures 8 B. Deviatians from this City of Fart Worth Standard Speeiiication 9 1. Nane. 10 II 12 13 1.� C. Related Specification 5ections include, but are not necessarily liznited to: 1. Di�zsion 4— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRxCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A. Measurement and Payment 15 1. Work associated with thi� Item is cansidered subsidiary to �e various items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 17 1.3 REFERENCE� [NOT USED] 18 1.4 ADMTNISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT� 19 20 21 22 23 2�F 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 A. Coordinatian 1. Attead preconstructian zneeting. 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending mee�ings shall be qualified and authorized to act an behali of the entity each repres�ents. 3. Meeting admin�stered by City may be tape recarded. a. If reeorded, tap�s will be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for future reference. B. Preconstruction Meeting 1. A preconstruc�ion meeting will be held vvithin 14 days after the execution of the Agreement and before War� is started. a. The meeting will be scheduled and �dmin�stered by the City. 2. The Project Representative w1I1 preside at thc meeting, prepare the notes of the meeting and ciistribute copies of same to all partzcipants who so request by fully completing th.e attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of tlle tneeting. 3. Attendance shall include: a. Project Representative b. Contractor's projec# manager c. Contractor's superintendent d. Any subcontractar or suppli�r rapresentativas whom the Co�tractor may desire to in�ite ar the City may r�quest CITY O�' Fa1ZT WORTH STANI}ARD COI�STRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 17, 2012 $horeview Drive Culvert lmprovements CPNs 101820 & 103051 p13119-2 PKECONSTRUCTION MEETTNG Page 2 of 3 I 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 14 I1 12 13 14 15 I6 17 I8 19 2Q 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 �4 45 e. �i�iEl' CI� iepT'6SBIltatiVeS f. Others as appropriate 4. Construction 5chedule a. �'repare baseline cflnstruction schedule in accordance with Section D1 32 16 and provide at Preconstr�iction Meeting. b. City will notify Contractor o�any schedule changes upon Notice of Preconstruction Meeting. �. Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Introduction of Proj ect Persorulel b. Genera3 Description af Project c. Status of right-of way, utility clearances, easements or other pertineni per�nits d. Cont7'actor's work plan and scheduie e. Contract Time £ Nntice ta ]�roeeed g. Co�strucfion S#aking h. Progress Payments i. Extra Waric and Change Order Procedures j. Field ()rders k. Disposal �ite Letter for Waste Material I. Insuratzce Renewals m. Payroll Certification �. Material Cartifications and Quality Control Testing o. Public Safety and Conveaience p. Dacumentation of Pre-Construction Conditions q. Weekend Work Notification r. �.egal Holidays s. Trench Safety Plans Y. Confined Space En�ry Standards u. Coordinatian with the City's representative for operatians of existing water systems �v. Storm Water Pollutiarl �'z'evention P1an w. Coordination with other Contractors x. Early Warriing Sysiem y. Contractor Evaluation z. Special CQnditions applicable tQ the praject aa, Damages Claims bb. Submittal Procedu�'es cc. �ubstitution Procedures dd. Carrespondence Routing ee. Record Drawings ff. Teinporary cons�ruc�ion facilities gg. M/WBE or MBEISBE procedures hh. Finat Acceptance ri. Fina1 Payment jj. Questions or Comments CITY QF FQRT WOIt'�'H STANDARD CONSTRiICT10N SPECIFICATION I�OCUMENTS Rer+ised August 17, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert improvements CPNs 101820 & 103051 a� 3� ig-3 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.5 �USMITTALS [NUT USED] l.G ACTION SUBMI'TTALSIINFORMATIONAL SiTBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMTI'TALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SIIE1Vli'�TALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSYJRANCE [NOT USED� 1.i0 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLZNG [NOT IISEb] 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] I.12, WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT iTSED] 10 P�iRT 3- EXECUTION [NOT U�ED] 11 12 DATE NAME 13 END OF SECTXON Re�ision Log SUMIi�I�1RY OF CI�ANGE CITY DF FORT WORTH STANI}ARD CONS'I'ItUCTION SPEGIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 17, 20 ]2 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements , CPNs 101 B20 & l Q3051 Oi3120-1 PR07ECi' MEETINGS Page ] af 3 i 2 sECTzoN o� �i �o PROJEC`I' MEETINGS 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Provisions fnr graject meetings throughout the constructron period to enable orderly 7 re�iew ofthe progress of the Work and to provide for systematic discussioii af 8 potential problems 9 B. De�iations this City of Fart Worth 5tandard Specificatian 10 I. None. 11 C. ReIated �pecificatian Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 12 1. Division Q— Bidding Requirements, Contract �ornos and Conditions of the Cont�ract 13 2. Di�ision 1— General Requirements 14 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PRUCEDi7RES 15 A. IWleasure�nent and �'ayment 16 1. Work associated with this Item is cansidered subsidiary #o the various iterns bid. I7 No separat� payment wi11 be allowed for thzs Item. 18 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 19 1�.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQi7IREMENTS 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 A. Coordination L Schedule, attend and administer as specifieci, periodic progress meetings, aand speclally called meetings tl�roughout pr�gress of the Work. 2. Representatives of Conlractor, subcontractors and suppliars attending ineetings shall be quali�ed and auil�orized to act nn behalf of the er�tity each represants. 3. Meetings adtninistexed by City may be tap� recarded. a. If recorded, tapea wiIl be used to prepare m:inutes and retained b� City for fut�.u'�: reference. 4. Meetings, in addition to those specified in this 5eetion, may be heId when requesied by the City, Engineer or Contractor. B. Pre-Construction Neighbarhood Meeting 1. After the execution ofihe Agreeznent, but 6efore canstruction is aJlowed to begi�t, attend 1 Public Meeting with affected residents ta: a. Present projected schedul0, including construction start date b. Answer any constructzon related questions 2. Meeting Location a. Location of ineenng to be dstermined by the City. 3. Attendees a. Contractor CTTY OF FORT W pRTH 5'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECTFICATiON DDCIINf�NTS Revised 7uly 1, 201 l 5hareview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 1�1820 & 203051 01 31 20 -2 PROJ�CT MEE"I7NGS Pags 2 of 3 ] b. Project Repres�ntative 2 c. Oiher Ci#y repr�s�ntatives 3 4. Meeting Schedule 4 a. In genaz'al, the neighborhood meeting wi11 occur tivithin the 2 vNeeks following 5 the pre-cpnstruction conference. 6 b. In na case will construction he allowed ta begin uniil this meeting is h�ld. 7 C. Progress Meetings S 1. �ormal project coordination mee�ings will be held periodlcally. Meetings will ba 9 scheduled and administereci by Pro�ect Representative. 10 lI 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 �4 �FS 46 47 48 2. Additional progress meetings to discuss specific topics will be conducted on an as- needed basis. Such additional meetings shall include, but not be lim�ted to: a. Coordinating shutdowns b. Insiallation of pipin.g axad equipment c. Coordination beiweerz other construction projects d. Resolutian of constructi4n issues e. Eguipment approvai 3. T�ie Project Representati�ve will preside at progress meeti��gs, prepare the notes of the meeting and distribute copies ofthe sarue to all particzpants who so request by fully completing t�ae attendance fortn to be circulated aY the begin�ing of each meeting. �. Attendance shall incl�de: a. Contractor's project manager b. Contractar's superintendent c. Any subcontracior or supplier representatives whom the Contractor mxy desire to invite or the City may request d. Engineer's representatives e. Ciiy's represe�tatives f. Others, as requestec� by the Project Represantative 5. Prelizt�inary Agenda may include: a. Review of Work progress sinc� previaus meeting b. �`ield observations, problems, conflicts c. Iferns whieh irripede construction schedule d, Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules e. Re�iew o�construction interfacing and sequencing requirements vvith other construction contracts f. Corrective measures and pracedures ta regain proj ected schedule g. Revisions to construction schedule h. Progress, schedule, during succ�edzng Work perlod i. Coordination of schedules j. Review suh�nit�al schedules k, Maintenance of quality staneiards i. Pending changes and substitutions m. Review proposed chazzgss far: 1) Effect on construction schedule and on campletion date Z) Effect on otlxer contracts afthe Project n. RevieW Record Documants o. Review monthly pay request p. Revievw status of Requests %r Information CTTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD COAiSTRUGTION SP�CTFTCATTON DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2Di 1 Shoreview Drive C�lveri Ifnprovemenfs CPNs fO182Q & 103Q51 01312Q-3 PRq.fECT MEETi1�GS Page 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 6. Meeting Schedule a. Progress meetings will be held periodically as determined by the Project R�presentative. 1) Additional meetings may be held at the request of the: a) City b} Er�gineer c) Contractar 7. Meeting Location a. Tl1e City wiIl estahlish a meeting Iacation. 1) To the extent practicable, meetings will be field at tha Site. 1.� SUBMITTAL� [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTIDN SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL �USMITTALS [NOT USED] 1'� CLOSEUiTT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MA.INTENANCE MATERIAL SL]BM�TTALS [NOT IISED] 1.9 QUALITY ASS[TRANCE [NOT USED] LIO DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 T�IELD [SXTE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART � - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2� PART 3- EXECU'I'ION [NOT USED] 21 22 DATE NAME I � 23 END OF S�+ CTION Ra�ision Log SCTMII�IARY OF CHANGE C1TY OF FQRT WQRTH STANDARD CON3TRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENI`I'S Revised 7uly 1, 2011 5horeview I}riva Culvert Improvements CPNs101S20 & 103051 013216-1 CON5IRUCTIdN PROGRESS SCHEDUI,� Page 1 of 5 1 2 3 PART 1 - GENERAL SECTION 01. 3216 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS SCHEDULE 4 1.1 SiTN1MARY 5 A. Section Includes: b 7 8 9 1Q 11 1. General req�zireinents far the preparation, submittal, updating, status reporting and rnanagement of the Constructian Progress Schedule 2. Specific requiremenSs are presented in the City of Fart Worth Schedule Guidance Document B. Deviations from this Ciiy of Fort Worth Standard Speciiication I2 C. ReIated 5pecification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 13 1. Division Q— Bidding R�qui.reznents, Gontract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Division 1— General Raquirements 15 1.2 PRICE I�ND PAYMENT PR4CEDURES 16 A. Measurerneni and Payt»ent 17 1. Work associated wiYh this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 18 No separate payment will be allowed far this Item. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.3 REFERENCES A. Definitions 1 2. 3 I. None. Sch�dule Tiers a. Tier 1- No schedule subrnittal required by contract. Small, brief duration pro,�ects b. Tier 2- No schedule submittal required by cantract, but will require some milestone dates. Small, brief duration projects c. Tier 3- Schedule subanittal required by eontract as described in the Specification. and herein. Majority of City projects, including aSI band program projects d. Tier 4- Schedule submittal required by contraet as described in the Specification and herein. Large and/ar complex projects with long durations I} E�amples: large vaater pump statian project and associated pipeline with interconnection to another goverru�r�ental entity e. Tier S- ScheduIe sub�nittal required by contraet as descrihed in the Specification and herein. Large aiad/ar very complex projects wiYh long durations, i11�I1 pU�I1C VIS1�I�1� 1) Examples might include a vaater or wastewater treatmant plant Baseline ScheduIe - Initial schedule submitted before wark begins that will serae as the baseline for measuring progress and departures frona the schedule. Progress Schedule - Monthly subtnittal of a progress schedule documenting progress on the project and any changes anticipated. CTTY QF FORT WORTI� STANDART3 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION 1lOCUMENTS Re�ised July 1, 2011 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 16I &20 � 1113051 013216-2 CQNSTRUCTION PROGRE55 SCHEDiJLE Page 2 of 5 1 4. �chedule Narrative - Concise narraYive of the schedule including schedule 2 changes, expected delays, key schedule issues, critical path it�ms, etc 3 B. Reference Standards 4 1. City af Fort Warth 5chedule Guidance Document 5 1.4 ADM�NISTRATIVE REQUIltEMENTS 6 A. Baseline Schedule 9 ia ll 12 I3 l4 rs 16 17 18 19 1. General a. Prepare a cost-Ioaded baseline Schedule using approved software aild the Critical Path Method (CPM) as required in the City af Fort Worth �chedule Guidance Docu�nent. b. Review #he draft cost-loaded haseline Schedule with the City to demonstrate understandsng of the work to be perfortn ed and knawn issues and constraints related to tl�e scheduIe. c. Designate an authorized representative (I'ra�ect Scheduler} respnnszble for developing and updating the schedule and preparing reports. B. Frogress Scheditle I. Update the pragress 5chedule monthly as require�i in the City af Fart Wnrth 5chedule Guidance Doctunent. 2. Prepare th.e Schedule Narrative to accom.pany the monthly pragress Schedule, 2p 3. Change Orders 21 a. Ittcorporate approved change orders, resulting in a change nf contract time, in 22 the baseline Schedule in accordance with City ofFort Warth Schedule 23 Guidance Documen�. 24 25 26 27 28 29 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 A�Q 41 42 43 44 45 46 C. Responsibility for Schedule Compliance 1. Whene�'ez' it becames apparent from ihe current progress Schedule and CPM Status Report Yhat delays to the critical path have resulted and the Contracf campletion dat� will not be met, or when so directed by the City, make same or all of the fallor�ing actions at na� additional cost to the City a. Submit a Recovery Pian to the City for approval revised baselizze Schedule outlining: 1} A written statement of the steps intended to take to r�tnove or arrest fihe delay to the critical path in the approved schedule 2) Increase construction manpower in such quantities and crafts as will substantially eliminata the backiog of work and ceiurn current Schedula to meet projected baseli�e completion dates 3) Increase the number of working hours per shift, shifts per day, worldng days per week, the amount Qf constrt�ction equipment, or any combi�ation of the fasegoing, sufizciently to substantially eli�x�.inate the backlog of work 4} Reschedule activities to achieve ma�mum pra�tical concurrency of accomplzslvnent of activities, and comply with the revised scheduXe 2. If no written statement flf the steps intended to take is submitted when so requ�sted by the City, the City may direct tha Contz'acfor to increase the level of effort in manpower (trades), equipment and wark schedule (overtime, weekend and holiday work, etc.) to �e employed by the Contractar in arder to remove or arrest the delay to the critical path in the agproved schedule. a. No additional cosf for such woric will be considered. C1TY bF FOTtT WORTH STANDARD CQNSTitUCTION SPEC3FICATIpN DbCi1MENTS Revised suly 1, 2011 Shoreview Arive Culvert �nprovements CPNs 101820 c� 1D3fl5I otsz�6-3 CONSTRUCTIdN PRDGRE53 SCHEDULE Page 3 nf 5 1 D. The Confract completion time will be adjusted only for causes specified in this 2 Contract. 3 a. Requests for an e�ctensian of any Contract complefion dafie tn.ust b� 4 supplemented with �he following: 5 1) Furnish justiiication. and supporting evidence as the City rnay deem 6 necessary to determi�ae whether f3ie requested e�ension of time is entitled 7 under the provisiotts of this Contract. 8 a) The City wiil, after receipt of such justifica�ion and supporting 9 evidence, �zal�e findings of fact and will advise the Contractor, in 1 p varifzng thereof. 11 2) If the City �'inds that the requested ext�nsion af time is entitled, the City's ] 2 d�terrnination as to the total number of days allowed for the extensions 13 shall be based upon tite approved total ba.seline schedule and on all data I4 relevant �to the extension. 15 a} Such data shaIl be included iz� the next updating of ihe Progress lb schedule. 17 b} Act�a1 deIays in activities which, aecording to ihe Baseline schedula, 18 do not affec� any Contract caxnpletion date s3�own by the critical path in 19 the network will not be tha basis for a change therein. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 �1 42 �3 �4 �5 46 � 3. Submit each request for change in Contract compietian date to the Czty within 30 days after the beginnin� of the deIay for which a time extension is requested but }�efore the date of final paynient under this Contract. a. No t'vne extension will ba grant�d for requests which are not subtnitted witlun the foregoing time limit. b. �rom time to time, it m�y be necessary for the Coniract schedule ar completion time to be adjusted by tha City to reflect the effects of job condifions, weather, technical difficulties, strikes, unavoidable delays an the part of the City or its representatives, and othez' �afareseeable conditians which may indicate schedule adjustments or completion iime extensions. i) LTnder such conditions, the City will direct the Contractor to reschedule the work or Contract completion time ta reflect the changed conditions and the Contractor sha11 z'evise his schedule accordingly. a) No additional compensation will be made to the Contractar for such schedule chatt�es except for una�oidable overall contraci time e�ensions beyand the actua.l complation af unaffected work, in wiuch case the Cantractor shail take all possible action to �ninimize any time ext�;nsion and any additional cost to xi'ie City. b) Available f�oat time in the Baseline sch�dule may be used by the City as well a� by the Contractor. Float or slack tim e is defined as the amount of tizne between tl�e earliest start date and the latest staz't date or between the earliest finish date and the latest imish date of a chain of actzvities on the Baseline Schedule. a. Floa� or slack tr�e is not for ti�a exclusive use or benefit of either the Cantractar or the City. b. Proceed with work according to early start dates, and �e City shall have ihe right to raserve and apportion flaat time accarding to the needs of the proj ect. CITY OT' FORT WORTH STANDAR1l CONSTRUCT30N SPr�IFICATIQN DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2011 5horeview Drive Culvert Innpravements CFNs 101820 & 103051 D13216-4 COTiSTRUCTIQN PKOGRFSS SCf�DULE T'age 4 of 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI 12 13 14 I5 I5 17 c. Acknawledge and agree that actual delays, affeciing paths of activities containing float time, will not have any effect upon contract cotx�pletion times, providing that the actual delay does not exceed ihe float time associated with thase activities. E. Coordinating 5chedule wiih DtY�ez' Contract 5chedules l. Where work is to be performed under this Contract concurrently with or contingent upon work performed on the satne facilities or area under other cor�tracts, tlie Baseline Sehedule shall be coardinated with the schedules af the o#her cQntracts. a. Obiain the scheduies of the other apgropriate cantracts froin tne City for the preparation and updating of Baseline schedule and znake the required chaiages in his schedule winen indicated by changes in correspanding schedules. 2. In case of interference between the aperations of different contractors, the City �vill determine the wark priority of each contractor and the sequence of work necessary to expedite the conapletion of the entire Projeci. a. In such cases, the decision af the City shall be accepted as final. b. The temporary delay of any work due ta sucla ci�cumstances shall noi be cansidered as justification for claims for additional eampensation. 18 1.5 SUSMITTALS 19 A. Baseline Si;hedule 20 1. Submit Schedule in native file format and pdf format as required in t17e City of Fort 21 Wo�rth Schedule Guidance Docuznent. 22 a. Native file format includes: 23 1} Primavera (F6 or Prim�vera Contractor} 24 2. Submit draft baseline Schedule to City prior to the pre-construction meeting and 25 bring in hard copy ta the �eeting for review and discussian. 26 B. Progress Schedule 27 1. Submit progress 5chedule in native file fortnat and pdf formai as required in the 28 CiTy of Port Worth ScheduIe Guidazxce Document. 29 2. Submit progress 5chedule manthly no later than the lasi day oitlte t�onth. �o 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 C. Scl�edule Narrative 1. Subrnit the schedule narrative in pdf farmai as required in the City of Fort Worth ScY�edule Guida�►ce Document. Z. Submit schedu�e narrative manthly no later than the last day of the month. D. Submzttal Process 1. The City adininisters and zx�at�ages schedules through Buzzsaw. 2. Contractor shali subrnit documents as required in the City o��ort Worth Schedule Guidance Document. 3. Once the project has been completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the City, na further progress schedules are required. CTTY OF FORT WORT!-1 STANDART� CONISTRUCT`ION SPEC�ICATiOl�i DbC�IMENTS Revisefl 7uly 1, 20I 1 5horeview Arive Culvert Tmpro�ements CPNs IU18�0 & 103051 ai 3a is - 5 COI�STRIUCTION PADGRESS SCHEDULE Page S af S 1 1.6 ACTIQN SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUSMITTAL� [NOT U�ED] 2 l.q CL�SEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT U�ED] 3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The person preparing az�d revisingthe construction Progress Schedule shall be experienced in th� preparation af schedules oi similar comple�ty. B. 5chedule and supparting documents addressed in this Specifica�ion shall be grepareci, updated and revised ta accurately reflect the performance of fi11e construction. C. Contractor is responsible for the quaIity of all subrnittals in this section meeting the standard of care for the construction industry for siznilar proj ects. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1,11 FIELD [SITE] COND�TIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] I5 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 16 17 DATE N�.[v�. I I 18 END OF SECTION Re�ision Log SiJNIMARY OF CHANG� CITY QF F�RT WORTH STATIDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFCCATION DOCUIvIENTS Revised JuEy l, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvart Improvements CPNs 161820 & i03051 013233-1 PRECONSTRUCTION V!1]E� Page 1 oF2 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION 0132 33 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO 5 A. Sectian Includes: 6 1. Administrative and pracedural requirements for: i a. Preconstruction Videos S B. Deviations from this CiLy af Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None. 10 C_ Related 5pecification Sectio�s include, but are nat necessatily limited ta: 1 S 1. Division 0— Bidding Rec�uirements, Cantract Forms and Cozaditions of the Contract i2 2. Division 1- G�n�ral Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYiVIENT PROCEDLFRES 14 A. Measurement and Payment i 5 1. Work associaied with this Item is cQnsidered subsidiary to the various i#ems bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 17 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USEDj 18 1,4 ADMINISTRATIVE R.EQUIREMENT� 19 A. Preconsiruct�on Video 2a 1. Produce a precanstruction video of the sitelalignment, including aIl areas in fhe 21 vicinity of and to be affected by construction. 22 a. Pravide digztai copy of video upon request hy the City. 23 2. Retain a copy of tlae preconstruction video untiI the end of the rnaintenance surety 24 period. 25 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 26 �.6 ACTION SUBMTTTALS/INFURMATIONAL SiTBMTTTALS [NUT USED] 27 l..i CL�SEOUT SUBNIITTALS [N�T iTSED] 2S ].$ MAIl�T�ENANCE MATERIAL SUBMI'I'TALS [NOT ZTSED� 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 3� 1.].Q DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 31 111 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 32 1..12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 33 PART 2- PRUDUCTS [NOT USED] Cl'I'Y OF FORT WOR173 5horeview Drive Culvert Tmprovements STANDARD CONSTRUGT[QN SPECIFICAT'ION DOCUMENTS CPNs IOI820 & 103Q51 Revised ]uly 1, 2011 Q13233-2 PRECQNSTRUCTION VIDEO Page 2 of 2 PART 3 - EXECUTXUN [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revrsion Log DATE NA1V1E SUNIlI�ARY OF CHANGE CI7'Y OF FORT WOR3'H Shoreview Drive Culvart Impravements STANI]AItD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFiGATION IIdCl7MENTS CPNs 101820 & 1Q305I Revised July 1, 2p11 013300-1 5Y1BMIiTALS Page I of $ 1 2 SECTIDN 0133 00 SLTBMITTALS 3 PART 1 - GENERA.X. 4 11 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 I3 14 15 16 17 1.2 A. Seciian Includes: I. General methods and requirements of submissions applicable to the following Work-related submittals: a. Shop Drawings b. Product Data (including Standard Product List submittals} c. Samples d. Mock Ups S. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificaiion 1. None. C. Related Specif�cation 5ections include, bu� are not necessarily limited to: 1. Di-vision 0— Bidding R�quirernents, Contract Forms and Conciitians of the Contract Z. Division 1— General Requirements PRZCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES IS A. Measurement and Paym�nf 19 1, Work associated with this Item is consider�d subsidiary tn th.e various items bid. 2o No separaie payment will b0 allowed far this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 I.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 34 4Q A. Cooz'dination 1. Notify the Gity in writing, at the Lzme of submit�al, of any deviations in the submittals from the reqt�irernents of the Contract Documents. 2. Coordination of Submittal Times a. Prepare, prioritize and transrnit each submittal sufficiently i� adva.nee of perforn�ing the rela�ed Worl� or pther applicable activities, or within the time speciiied in th� individual Work 5ections, of the Specifications. b. Contractar is responsible such that the instaIlation will nat be deiayed by processing times including, but not Iirnited to: a) Disappraval and resubmittal (if required} b) Coordinatian with other submittals c) Tes�ing d) Purchasing e} Fabrication � Delivery g} 5imilar sequenced activities c. No extension of iime will be authorized because of tl�e Contractor's failure to transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of the Work. CITY QF FOR`I' WORTH STANAARD CpNST1ZUCTIOIV SPECIFICATION DOC[JMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impravements CP]Vs ] 01820 & I Q3051 or 33 oa - z sugn�-�-raLs Page 2 of S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO I1 I2 I3 14 15 16 17 18 14 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 35 3'� 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 1. Fold shop drawings larger than 8% inches x 11 inches to 8%2 inches x 11 inches. 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets together. 3. l�rder a. Cover Sheet 1) Descr�ption af Packet 2) Contractor Certiiication b. List of items 1 Table of Contents c. Product Data IShop Drawings/Samples /Calculations 45 E. Submittal Conten� 46 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions d. Make subinittals prorriptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in the Wark ar in the work of any other cvntractor. B. 5ubmittal Numbering 1. When submitting shop drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character submittaJ. crass- reference identification numbering system in the following manner: a. Use the first 6 digits of the �pplicable Speci� catian Sectian Nunnber. b. For the next 2 digits numbar u�e numbers 01-99 ta sequentially number each initial separate iiem ar drawing subn�.ztted under each specific Section number. c. Last use a]etter, A-Z, i�zdicati��g fha resubmission of tl�e same drawing (i.e. A=2nd submissian, B=3:rd sub:cnissian, C=4th submission, etc.}. A typical submittal number would be as fallows: 03 30 04-Q8-B 1) 03 3� 00 is the Specification Section for Conex�te 2) 08 is the eighth initial sub�nittal under this Specification Section 3) B is the tl�ird submission {second resubnnission) af that particular shop drawing C. Contractor Certification 1 �� Review shop drawin.gs, praduct data and sa�nples, including those by subcantractors, prlar tp submission to determine and �erify the following: a. FieId measur�ments b. Fie�d construction criteri� c. Catalog nuznbars and si�ailar data d. Confnrmance with the Cantract Documents Pro�vide �acl� shop drawing, sample and product data submitted by the Contractor with a Certifica#ion Statement affixed ineludirig: a. Tha Contracfor's Company nazne b. Signature of submittal reviewer c. CeRification Statement 1) "By tYus suhrnittal, I hereby represent that I have determined and veri_fied �e1d measurements, field construction criteria, materials, dimensions, catalog numbers and simifar data. and I have checked and coordinated each itern witla other applicable approved shop drawings." D. SubxnzttaI �'orrnat CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON5IRUCTION SPECIF'ICATlON DOCUMENTS Revised Dacember 20, 20I2 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 1fl162U & 1Q3051 Oi 3300-3 SUBMITTALS Page 3 nf 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. The Froject title and number 3. Contractor identification 4. The natnes of: a. Cantractor b. Supplier c. Manufacturer 7 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification Section number, page and 8 paragraph{s) 9 6. Field dimensions, cIearly identified as such 10 7. Relatia�. to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials 11 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specifica�ion numbers 12 9. Identif ca�ion by highlighting of deviations from Contract Dociunents 13 10. Ideniification by highlighting of revisions on resubmittaIs 14 11. An 8-inch x 3-inch blank space far Contracior and City stamps 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 P. Shop Drawings I. ,�1s specified in individ�al Work Sections inciudes, but is nat necessarily iimited to: a_ Custorn-prepared data such as fabrication and erection/installatiox� {workiug) drawings b. Scheduled information c. Setting diagrams d. Actual shopwork mariufacturing instructio�s e. Custom templates f. 5pecial wiring diagrams g. Coardination drawings h. Individual system or equipment inspection and test reports including: 1) Aerfonnance curves and certificaiions i. As applicable io the Work 28 2. Details 29 a. Relation ofthe various parts to the main mernbers and lines of the structure 30 b. Where carrect fabrication oftlae Wark depends upon fieId measurements 31 1} Provide such measurements and noie an tlae drawings prior to submitting 32 for approval. 33 G. Product Da#a 34 1. For s�abmittals of product data far products included an the City's �tandard Praduct 35 List, clearly identify each it�m. selected for t�se on the Project. 3b 2. For submittals of product data for producYs not included on tlae City's Standard 37 Product List, su�mittal data may include, but is nat neeessarily limited to: 38 ' a. 5tandard prepared data for manufactured products (sometiines referred to as 39 � catalog data) 40 1) Such as the mazaufacturer's proc�uct specification and installation �4I instructions �42 2j Availability of coIors and patterr�s �43 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of complianees and applicability 44 4) Roughing-in diagrams and templates 45 5) Cafialag cuts 46 6) Product photographs CITY OF FORT WOKTH Shoreview Drive Cblvert Improvements STANDARD COAfSTRUCTION SPBCIFICATION DOCl7MENT5 CYNs 101820 & 103051 Revised December 20, 20i2 oi 3�ao-a susm�rrrA�,s Page 4 of 8 1 7) 5tandard wiring diagrams 2 8) Printed perfQrmance curves azad oparatianal-range diagrams 3 9) Production ar quality cantrol ulspee�ion arid test reports and certifications 4 10) Mill reports 5 l I) Product operating a�td naaintenance instructions and reco�nmended 6 spare-parts listu�g ai7d pz'inted product warranties 7 12) As applicable to the Wark 8 H. Saznples 9 1. As specified in znd'zvidual Sections, include, but are not necessarily limited to: I4 a. Physical examples of the Work such as: I1 1) Sectzons of manufactured or fabricated Work I2 2) SmalI cuts or containers of materials 13 3) Complete units of repetitively used products color/texturelpattern swatches 14 and range sets 15 4) Specimens far coordination of visual effect 16 5} Graphic symbols and units of Work to be used by the City far independent i7 inspection and testing, as applicable ta the Work 18 I. Do not start Work requiring a shop drawing, sample or product data nor any material to 19 be fabricated or installed prior to the approval or qualzfied approval of such item. 20 1. Fabricatioii perforined, materials purch�sed or on-site construction accoinplished 21 which does noi confarm io approved shop drawings and data is at the Con#tactor's 22 risk. 23 2. The City wilI noi be liable for any exper�se oz' delay due to correctipns or remedies 24 required ta accomplish confarmity. 25 3. Complete project Work, ma�erials, fabrication, and installa�ions in conformance 26 with approved shop drawings, applicable sampl�s, an.d product data. 2'1 zs 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 4� 45 46 47 J. Submittal Distribution 1, Eiectronic Distrihution a. Can�irm develo}�ment oiProJect dz:rectory iar electronic submittals ta be uploaded to City's Buzzsaw sit�, or anather external FTP site approved by the City. b. Shap Drawings l) Upload submittal to designated praject direetory and notify appropriate City representatives via etnail of submzttal pos�ing. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies far all subrnit�aJs b) If Contractflr requires ;more than 1 hard c�apy of Shop Drawings reiurned, Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above. c. Product Data 1) Upload submittal to designated project directory and notify apprnpriate City representatives via email of submittal pnsting. z� x�a co���5 a) 3 copies for all subinittals d. Satnples 1} Distributed to the Project Represeniaiive 2. Hard Copy Disfixibution (if required in lieu of elecironic distribution) CITY OF FORT WORTEI Shoreview Drive Cu1veR Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUNIII�IT5 CPNs l0f 82� & 1D305I Revised December 20, 2012 013300-5 ST}BMITTALS Page 5 of 8 1 �. S�lOp �I'�W1t1�5 2 1) Distributed to the City 3 2) Copies 4 a) 8 copies for mechatucal submittals 5 b) 7 copies for all ot�ter submittals 6 c) If Contractor requxzes more than 3 copies of Shop Drawings returned, 7 Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above. 8 b. Prorluct Data 9 1) Distributed ta the City 1� 2} Copies 1I a) 4 copi�s i2 c. 5amples 13 1) Distributed to the Project Representative 14 2) Copi�s 1S a} Subtnit the nuinber stated in the respective Speciflcation Sections. Ib 3. Distribute reproduc�ions of approved shop drawings and copies of approved 17 product data and samples, where required, to the job site file and elsewhere as 18 directed by the City. 19 a. Provide number of copies as directed by the City but not exceeding the number 2a previously specifed. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2. 30 31 32 33 34 3. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 �2 43 �44 45 46 47 48 K. Submittal Review The r�view of shop drawings, data �d saznples will be �or general conforrnance traith tt�e design cancept aiid Contract Documents. This is not to 'be co�astrued as: a. Permitting any departure from ihe Cantract requirements 1�. Relieving the Contractor of responsibility for any err�rs, including details, diznensions, and materials c. Appraving departures from details furnished by the Cjty, except as atherwise provided herein The revietv and approval of shop drawings, samples or product data by the City does not relieve the Contractor from hislher responsibility with regard to the fulfillment of the terms of the Cont� act, a. All risks of error and omission are assumed by t�e ConiracYor, and the City will have no responsibility fherefore. The Contractar remains responsible for details and accuracy, far coardinating the 'Vdork with a11 otller associated wor�C and trades, for selecting fabrication processes, for techniques of assembly and for performing Work in a safe ztaanner. If the shop drawings, data or saznples as subrnitted describe variations and show a departure from �he Contz'act requirements which Ciiy fnds ta be in #he interest of tha City and to he so minor as not to involve a change in Cantract Price or time for perforntance, the City may return the reviewed drawing,s withaut noting an exceptiQn. Subinittals will be retu�-ined ta the Contractar under 1 of the following codes: a. Code 1 1) "NO E�CEP'I'IONS TAKEN" is assigned when there are no notations or comnaents oi1 the submittal. a} When returned under this cade the Contractar rnay release the equipment andlor material for manufacture. b. Code 2 1. 4. CTfY OF FORT WORTEI STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA'I'ION DOCiJME1VT5 Revised �eceinber20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Cul�ert Improvemepts CPNs 1D1820 & i03051 Oi 33 OD - b SUBMITTALS Page 6 aF 8 1 1) "EXCEFTIONS NOTED". This cade is assigned when a confirmation of 2 the notatiox�s and comments IS N�T required by fihe Contractor. 3 a) The Contiractor may release the equipment or material for manufacttitre; 4 however, all natations atad carn�nents must be incorporated into the 5 final product. c. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 2U 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 d. Code 3 1) "EXCEPTT4NS N4TED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is asszgned when notations and comments are extensive enough to require a resubmittal of the package. a) The Cantractor may release the equipment or material foz' rnanufacture, hawever, all notatians ant� cor�unents must be incarporated izato the final praduct. b) This resub�nittal is to address all comments, ornissions and non-canforming items that were noted. c) Resuhinittai is to be received by the City withir� 3 S Calendar Days of the date of the City's trar�smit�al requiring th� resubmittal. Code 4 1) "NOT APPROVED" is assigned when the submittal does not meet ihe intent of the Contract Docurnents. a} The Contractar must resubtnit fne entire package revised fo bring the submittal into conformance. b) It may 6e necessary to resubmit using a different manufacturerlvendor to meet the Contract Docuar�e:nts. 6. Resubmittals a. Handled in �lie same manner as first submittals 1) Corrections otl�er than requested by the City 2) Marked with re�+isian triangle or other similar method aj At Contractor's risk if not marked b. Submii�als %r each itezn will be reviewed no more than t�vice at ihe City's expense. 1) All subsequent revievvs will be performed at tiines convenien� to the City and at th� ConYractor's e�ense, based on the City's or City Representative's than prevailing rates, 2} Provide Contracfor reimbursement to the City within 30 Calendar Days for aIl such fees invoiced by the City. c. The need for more than 1 resub�nission or any o#her delay in nbtainizlg Gity's review of submittals, will not entitle the Contractor to an extensian af Coiltract Time. 7. Partial Subrnittals a. City reserves the right to not review submittals deemed partial, at the City's discretian. b. Submittals deemed by the City to be not complete will be x'��cu�aed to the Co:ntra�tor, and will be considered "Not Approved° uniil resubznitted. c. The City m�.y at its aption provide a list or mark the subnnittal directing the Contractor ta the areas that are incomplete. 8, if the Contractor considers any correction indicated on the shop drawings to constitute a change io the Contract Docurnents, then Written notice must be provided thereof to the City at least 7 Calendar Days prior to ralease for manufacture. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCCIMM�.:IVTS 12evised December 20, 2012 Shoreview I3rive Culvert T�nprovements CPNs 1Q1820 &z I03051 Ol 33 OQ - 7 SUIIMI7TALS Page 7 of S 1 9. When fihe shop drawings have been campleted tfl the satisfaction of ihe City, tha 2 Contractor may carry aut the construction in accordance therewith anci no further 3 changes tl��rein except upon written instructions from the City. 4 10. Each su�mittal, apprapriately coded, will be returned Wvithin 30 Calendar Days 5 follawing receipt of suhmit�a� by the City. 6 L. Mocic ugs 7 1. Mock Up units as s�ecified in individual Sections, include, but are not necessarily 8 �irnit�d to, complate units of the standard of acceptance fnr that type oi Work to be 9 used on the ProJect. Remove at the completion of the Work or �vhen diracted. 10 M. Qualificatios�s 11 l. If specifically required in other Seciions of these Specifications, submit a P.E. 12 Carkification for each item required. i3 14 15 16 17 I8 19 20 2I 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 N. Request for Information (RFI) 1. Cantractar Request for additianal informafiion a. Clarification or interpretation of fihe cantract documents b. When the Coniractor believes there is a conflict between Contract Dacwnents c, When the Contractor believes there is a conflict between the Drawings and Specificatioils 1} Identify the conflict and requesf clarzfication 2. Use the Request far Informatiota (R�'I) form provided by the City. 3. Num�ering of RFI a Prefix with "RFT" followed by series number, "-xxx", begirvvng with "Ol'° and increasing sequentially witla each �dditional transmittal. 4. Sufficient information shall be attached to perrnit a wr�tten response without furth�r inforFnation. 5. The City will log each request and witl review the request. a. If review of the proj act znformation reyuest indicates that a ciaarige to tha Contract Docum;�ttts is required, t1�e City will issue a Field Order or Chat�ge Order, as appropriate. 30 l.S SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATZONAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1..7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED� 33 l.8 1VIAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMXTTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 35 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 36 7..11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 37 1.�2 WARRANTY [NOT USED] CI'I'Y OF FORT WpRTH Shareview Drive C�lvert ImprovemenYs STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPHCIFICATId1V DOCUMEWTS CPIVs ]0182d & 1U3051 Re�ised Decemher 2U, 2Q12 013300-8 SLTBMITTALS Page 8 of 8 1 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2 �ART 3 - EXECUTION [NOT USED] 3 END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAIVIE 12120/2D12 D. Johnson SIJMMARY OF CIIANGE 1.4.I�.&. Working Bays modified to Calendar Days CITY OF FORT V4'ORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert ImpravemenEs STANDARD CONSTRUCTI�N SPECSFI�ATTON DOCLtMENTS CPNs i0182D & 103Q51 Revised December 20, 2UI2 013513-1 SPECiAL PItOJECT PRDCEDI�IiES Aage 1 of 8 2 sECTzoN ai �s i3 SPECIAL 1'RQJECT PROCEDLTRES 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 I..1 SUMMARY S A. Section Includes: � 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 i8 19 1. The proceduz'es for speczal project circumstances that includes, but is not limited to: a. Coordination with the Texas Deparhnent of Transport.ation b. Work near High Voltage Lines c. Confined Space Entry Program d. Air Pollutioz� Watch Days e. Use af Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc. f Water Department Notification g. Public Noti�ication Prior ta Beginning Cansfruction h. Coordination with L3nited States Arnny Carps of Engineers i. Coordinaiion within Railroad permits areas j. Dust CantroI k. Employee Parking B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification I. None. 20 C. Related Specification Sectians include, �ut are not necessarily limited to: 21 1. Division 0— Bidding Requiraments, Contract Forms and Conditians afthe Contract 22 2. Division 1— Genera� Requiremen#s 23 3. 5ection 33 12 25 — Connection to Existing Water Mains 2� L� PR�CE AND PAYM�NT PROCEDL]R.ES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Coordination within Railroad permit areas a. Measurement 1) Measurement far this Item wi11 be by lump sum. b. Payment 1) The wark performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Itein will be paid for at the iump sum price bid for Railroad Caardination. c. The price bid shall includa: 1) Mobilization 2} Inspection 3) Saf'ety training 4) AdditionalInsurance 5) Insurance Certificates b) Other requiremenis associated with ganeral coordination with Railrnad, including additionaI employees r�quired to pratect the right-of-way and property of the Railr�ad frarrz daznage arising out of and/or from the construction ofthe Froject. 2. Railroad Flagmen CITY OF FOR�' WOTt1H STANDA.RD GQNSTAUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS 12evised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvemeets CPNs10I820 & 1D305I 013513-2 SPECIAL PR07EC"T' PTtOCEDi7RE5 Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 A. Coordination with the Texas Deparhx�ent of Transportation I. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction ofthe Texas Department of Transportation (T�O'I'�: a, Notify tl�e Texas Deparhnenf of Transportatlon prior to commenci�ng any work therein in accardance wif�: t�e pravisions of ihe permit la. All wori� perfnrn�.�d in the TxDOT right-of-way shall be performed in campIiance with and subject to appraval from the Texas Depart�meni of 'Fransportation 14 1.3 REFE�.�NCES 15 A. Refere:nce Standards 16 1. Reference standat�ds cited in this �pecification refer to the current reference 17 standard published at the �ime af the lafest revision date logged at the end of tlais 18 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 19 2. Health and Safety Cade, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safe�y, Chaptar 752. 20 High Voltage Overhead �,ines. 21 3. North Central Texas Council of Go�ernrnents (NCTCOG} — Clean Constz'uctian 22 5peci�ication 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQUIREMENTS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 �4 �5 B. Work near High Voltage Lines 1 2 3 4. a. Measurement 1} Measuremeiat for this Item wi11 be per working day. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for each working day ihat Railroad Fla�nen are present at the Site. c. The prica bid shali include: 1) Coordination for scheduling flagmen 2) FIagmen 3) Other requireinents associated wi�h Railroad 3. All ather items a. Work associated with these Items is considered subsidiary to the various Ttems bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. Regulat�ry Req�airem.e:nts a. All Wark near HigIa Valtage Lines (more ihati 6�0 valts measured between conductors or batween a canductor and the ground) sha11 ba in accordance with Health and Safety Code, Title 9, Suh#itle A, Chapter 752. Warni_ng sign a. Pravide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA. requirements. Equipment operating within 10 feet of high voltage lines will require the fallorving safety featuxes a. Insulating cage-type of guard about the boa � ar arm h. InSulatar Iinlcs on the lift hook conmiections for back hoes or dippers c. Equipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and tk�e safety requirements of tha ownar af the high voltage lines Work withii� 6 feet of high voltage electric lines CITY OF FORT W08TH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIDN SPECIFICATION DOCCJMEIQTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shorevie�v Drive Culvert Imprflveme�s CPNs10182U & 1D3051 pi3S13-3 SPECIAL PTZQ.TECT PiLOCEDURES 1'age 3 of 8 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 i4 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �41 42 43 44 45 a. L� c. Notification shall be given to: 1) The power company (example: 4NCOR) a) Maintain an aacurate Ing of all sucIi calls to power c�mpany and record action taken in each case. Caordination with power company 1) After notification coordz�nate withthe power company to; a) Erect temparary meclaanical barriers, de-energize tha lines, or raisa ar lower th� lin.es No personnel rnay wark within 6 feet of a high voltage line before �he above requirements ha�e been �net. C. Confined Space Entry Program 1. Provide and folIaw approved Confined 5pace Entry Pragram in accordance with OSHA requireraaents. 2. Confined Spaces include: a. Manholes b. AlI other confined spaces in accordat�ce with 05HA's Permit Required for Con%n�d Spaces D. Air Follution Watc� Days 1. General a. �bserve the following guidelines relating to working an City constructian sites on days designated as "AIR �OLLUTION WATCH DAYS"_ b. Typical Ozone Season 1) May 1 tiv�oug� October 3l . c. Critical Emission Time 1) 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 2. Watch Days a. The Texas Commission on En�ironmental Quality {TCEQ}, in coordination with the National Weathez' Service, will issue the Air Pallution Watch l�y 3:00 p.rn. on the afternnon prior to the WATCH day. b. Requiremenis 1) Begin wark after 10:00 a.m. whenever construction phasing requires the use of motorized equipment far periods in excess of 1 hour. 2) However, the Contractor may begir� work priar to 10:00 a.m. if: a} 17se of znatorized equiprnent is less than 1 haur, or b} If equipment is new and certiiied by EPA as "Low Bmitting", or equipme�t burns U1ira Low Sulfu�r Diesel (ULSD�, diesel emulsions, DP altenr�ative fuels such as CNG. E. TCEQ Air Permit 1, Obtain TCEQ A,ir Permit for cons�ruction acti�ities per requirernents of TCEQ. �'. Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc. 1. When Contracf Documents permit onthe prajec# the following wili apply: a. Public Notification 1} Submit notice to City and praof of adequate insurance coverage, 2�} hours prrior to carnmencing. 2) Mini�nuin 24 hour public notifieation in accordance with Section O1 31 13 46 G. Water Department Coordination. C1TY OF FORT W012TH STANDAR]] CQ7+�5'1'KUCTION SPECIFICATIOTi DOCiIMEAI'I'S Revised IJecember 20, 2012 5hore�iew l�rive Culvert Improvements CPNs 1018z0 & I0305] 013513-4 SFECIAL PR07ECT PROC�DUl2E5 Page 4 of 8 1 1. During the construction of this project, it wi31 be necessary to deactivate, for a 2 period of iime, e�isting lines. The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with 3 the Water Department to determine the best iirnes %r deactivating and activating 4 thQse lines. 5 2. Coordinate any event that will require connecting ta ar the operation of an existing G City water line system w�th the City's representative. 7 a. Coordination sha11 be in accordar�ce with Section 33 12 25. 8 b. If needed, obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use 9 during the 3ife of named proj act. i0 c. In the event that a water valve on an existing live system be turned off and on 11 to accommodate the constrt�ction of the project is required, coardinate this 12 aciivity through the appropriate City representativ�. 13 1) Do not operate water line valves af eXisting water system. 14 a) Failure tn coix�ply wi11 render the Contractor in violatian of Texas Penal 15 Code Title '7, Chapter 28.03 (Criminal Mischief} and the Conira�tor 16 wi11 be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I7 b) In addition, the Contractor �vill assum e all liabilities and 18 respansibilities as a resuli o�these actions. 19 H. Public Notifcation Priar tv Beginning Consttuctian 2D 1. Friar to begin:�ing construction on any block in the project, on a biock by black 21 basis, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending constructiai� to the front 22 daor of each residence or business t�tat will be impacted by construction. The notice 23 sha11 ba prepared as follows: 24 a. Past natice ar flyer 7 days priar to beginning any construction activity on each 25 block in the project area. 26 1) Prepare flyer an �he Contractor's letterl�ead and include th� fallowing z'7 information: 2g a) Name ofFraject 2g b) City Project No (CPI�T) 30 c) 5cope of Project {i.e. type of cQnstruction acii'vity} 31 d) Actual construction duration within the b�ncl� 32 e) Natne of the coiitractor's foreman and phone nurnber 33 � Nante of the City's inspectar and phone number 34 g} City's after-hours phone number 35 2} A sample of the `pre-constr¢ction notiflcation' flyer is attached as E�ibit 36 A. 3� 3) Submit schedule shawing the constr�ction sta:rt and finish time for each 38 bIock ofthe pro�ect to the inspector. 39 4) Deliver flyez' ta the City Inspector for revz�w prior to distribution. 4p b. No construction will be allowed to begin an any block untiS the flyer zs 41 delivered io all residents of the block. 42 I. Public Notiiication of `l'emporary Water Ser�ice Interruption during Construction �3 I. In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water ser�ice to �9 residents or businesses during construciion, prepare and deliver a notice oz' flyer of 45 the pending inYerruption to the frant daor of each affected resident. 46 2. Prepared notice as fo�lows: 47 a. 'I'he notifrcaiion or flyer shall be posted 24 hours pr�or to th.e temparary 48 interruption. CITY OF FORT W(iRTH Shoreview Drive Cul�ert lmprovements STANDARD COI�}STRUCT[pN SPECIPTCATION D�CUM�fTS CT'Ns 1Q182� & 103451 Revised Deeember 20, 2012 �1 3513-5 SPECIAL PRQSECT PROCE�URES Page 5 of 8 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1a 11 12 13 14 1S 16 b. c. d. e. f. 17 .T. Coordination with United 5tates Army Corps of Engineers (tiSAGE) 18 1. At Iacations in the Proj ect where construction acti�ities occur in areas where 19 USACE perrnits are required, m�et all requirements set forth in each designated 20 permit. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 41 42 43 44 K. Coordination within Railroad Permit Areas 1. 2. 3 Prepare #lyer on the contractor's letterhaad and include the following information: 1) Name of the project 2) City Pro}ect Number 3) Date aft�e interruption of service 4) Period the interrup�son will take place 5) Name ofthe contractor's foreman and phone number 6} Name of the Cit}F's inspector and phone number A sample of the temparary water service interruptian notificafion is attached as Exhibit B. Deliver a copy of the temporary interruption itoiiitcation to the City inspector for revi�w prior ta being distributed. Na interruption of water service can oceur until the flyer has been delivered to all affected residents and businesses. Electronic versians of the sample flyers caz� be obfained from the Project Construction Inspectar. At locations in the proj ect vvher� construc�ion acti�iiies occur in areas �vhere rail:raad permits are required, meet al] requirements set forth in each designated railroad permit. This includes, but is not limited to, pravisions for: a. Flagnen b. Inspectors c. Safety training d. Additional insurance e. Insurance certiiicates f. Other employees required to protect the right-of vway and property ofthe Railroad Company fxa�n damage arising out oi and/or from the construction of the project. Proper utility clearance procedures shail be used in accordance with the permit guidelines. Obtain any supplemental infarmation needed to comply with the railroad's requirements. Railroad Flagmen a. Submit receipts to City for ver�ficatian of working days that railroad flagrnen were present on Site. L. Dust Control 1. Use acceptable rneasures to control dust at th� Site. a. If water is used to eontrol dust, capture and p raperly dispose of waste waier. b. Iiw�t saw �utting is performed, capture and properly dispose of slurry. M. Employee Parking 1. Pro�ide parking far einployees at locations approued by #he City. CiTX pF FORT WOR'T`H STANDARA CONS'I'RiTCTTOTi SPECIFICATION ]?(}GUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Ctilvert Irnprovcments CPI�Is ]01820 � 10305] pl 3513-6 SPECIAL PR01�CT PROCEDURES Page 6 af 8 ] 2 3 4 5 6 � 8 9 1.� SUBNIITTALS �1VOT U�ED] �.,6 ACTIDN SUBMXTTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBIVIITTAL$ [NOT U�ED] 1.7 CLOSEOiTT SUBMXTTALS [NOT USED] �.$ MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT IISED] 110 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND FIANDLING [NOT USED] ]..11 FIELD [STTE] CONDxTxONS jNOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY �N'4T USED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT U�ED] 14 PART 3 - EXECUTYON [NOT �TSED] 11 I2 DATE NAML 8/31/2012 D.]ohnsan 13 END OF SECTION Revisinn Log SUNIMARY OF CHANGE 1,4.B --Added requirement of compIiance with Health and �afery Gade, Tit]e 9. Safety, Subt'rtle A.1'nblic 5afefy, Chapter 752. Sigh Voltage Overhead Lines, 1.4.� — Added Contractor responsi6ility for obtaining a TCEQ Air Permit C1TY DF FORT WOR7T� STANDARD CONSTRUCTTON SPECFFICATIQ]V I]OCUMENTS Revised Decemher 20, 2012 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements � CPNS 101820 & 1d3051 O13513-7 SPECIAL PR07ECT PROCEDiIRES Pagc 7 of & 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 lo il 12 13 1h 15 16 17 I8 19 20 2I zz 23 24 2S 2b 27 28 29 3a �i 32 33 34 35 36 37 Date: CPN No.: Project Name: Mapsco �ocation: Limits of Canstruction: EXHIBIT A (To be prinfed on Contractor's Letterhead) �, _ _ , � � � '� � I � � ,� � i 1 � i iK[S IS i0 INFORiV� YOU ��1Ai UPl��R A CflfViRp►C�' 1dVli�1 ib� CIiY OF �ORY INO�iH, OL1� COIV��AAlY W[LI� WORK ON Uil�i7Y �IIV�S OR! OV� A�OUN� YOUR �RO�I�RiY. COWSiRUCiIDN 1MiL� ��G[N A���OXIFi�Ai€�Y S�V�N DAYS ��ORII iH� Dr4T'� o� rais �oTic�. 1V� YOU FfAV� QU�S�IQNlS A�OUi ACC�SS, S�CURI�Y, SAI�FciY OR �4f�Y D f H�R ISSU�, ���AS� CALL: ��-. C�ONTitACT�R'S Si1P�FtINITENIDENT� AT CTFLEPHON� NO.� OR igllC. '�C1TY IIVSP�CTOR� AT C TELEFHONE NQ.> AFT�I� 4:3Q �� OR O� 1�l�€K�P1DS, �L.�AS� CALL (817) 39� 8306 PLEASE KEEP THlS FLYER NANDY WHEN YOU CALL. CI'T'Y OF FORT'VirQRTH 5TA1�fDARD CONSTRl7C'T'TON 3PECIFICATiQN DQCC]ivl�N'I'S Kevised December 2a, 2012 Shoreview Brive Cixlvert Improvements CPNs 1U1820 & 1fl3D51 013513-5 SYBCIALPROJECTPROC�DURES Page $ of 8 1 2 �+ �HIBYT �3 OR'T �OR'T � � �� ��. � �� �: r��'c��� �� ����o�►��r �w�°�� s����� �r��r���°�o� ]3UE 'TO i7T�ITY IMPROVEM�NTS 3� YOilli NEIGHBORHOOD, iiOIIR �YA'�ER 5ER'VICE WILL'BE INTERTi1]PTED ON BETWEEI�T 1'�E HOT]RS QF A� ' IF YOU HAVE QT.TESTION$ ABQ[JT TAIS SH�7T-OiJT. PLEASE Ct�.I.E.: m� AT (CONTRACTORS S'UPERiN'€'�fIDENT) (T�LEPHONE NLTN[$ERj OR MR , AT (C� INSPECTOR) <TELEPl3QNE N[71ViHER) TIiIS INGON'V�iYLEiVCE'WILLBE A5 3HOTtT A.S POSSISLE. maa,�v� �ou, , ca�rm�cTott � 3 4 CTT'Y OF FORT WORTH STAN17Ai2D CO�TST�iUCTION SPECIFICATION DDCi7NIENTS Revised Dccember 20, 20i2 Shnreview Drive Culvert Improveraen#s CPNs 101&20 & IU3051 014523-1 TEST1TiG AND INSPECTION SERVICES Yage 1 of2 1 2 SECTION Di 4� �3 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.I SUMMARY 5 A. Seciion Includes: 6 1. Testing and inspectian services procedures and coordination 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 10 11 12 1.� 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 25 1.3 C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily Limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Cantract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT �'RUCEDUR�S A. Measure�nent and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the r�arious Items bid. No separate payrnent will be allowed for this Item. a, Contractor is responsible for performing, coordinating, and paymeni af all Quality Control testing. b. City is responsible for perfnrtt�ing and payinent for first set of Quality Assurance testing. 1) Ii the first Quality Assurance test performed by tlte City fails, the Contractor is responsible for payment of subsequent Quality Assurance testing until a passing te� occurs. a) �inal acceptance will nat be issued by City wntil a31 required paya�ents far testing hy Contractor hava been paid in full. REFERENCES [NOT USED] 26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIV'E REQUIREMENTS 27 28 29 30 31 3� 33 34 3S 36 37 38 A. Testing I. Completie testing in accordarice with the Contract Docurr�ents. 2. Coordination a. When testing is required tp be performed �y the City, notify City, sufficiently in advance, when testiz�g is needed. b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contt'actor, notify City, suf�iciently in advance, that testing will be perforrned. 3. Distribution of Testing Reports a. Electronic Distribufion 1) Conium de�elopment of Project direct�ry for electronic subrnittals to be uploadad to City's Buzzsaw site, or another external FTP site approved by the Ciiy. Cl'iY OF FORT WORTH STAN➢Al2D CONSTRUCTTQN SP�CIFICATIONf DOCIJMENTB Revised 7uly 1, 2011 Siioreview Drive �lvert Improvements CPNs 10]&2Q & 103QSi 014523-2 TESTINCF ANf? INSPECTI4N SERVICBS Page 2 of 2 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 2) Upload test reports to designated praject directory and notify appropriate City representatzves via email of suhmittal posting. 3) Hard Copies a} 1 copy far all submittals submitted to the Project Representative b. Hard Copy Distribution (if reguired in Iieu of electronic distz'ibutian} 1) Tests performed by City a) Distribute I hard copy to tl�e Contractor 2) Tests perforined by the Contxactor a) Distrihute 3 hard copies ta City's Project Representative 4. Provide City's Froject Repre�entative with trip tickets far eaeh delivered load of C�ncrete or Lime material including the fallowing information: a, Name of pit b. Date flf delivery c. Material delivered 15 B. Inspaction 16 I. Inspection or lack of inspection daes not relieve the Contractor from obligation to 17 perform wark in accprdance with the Cantract Documents. 1 S 1.5 SUBNIITTALS �NOT TT�ED] 19 1.6 ACTION SUSNIITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT iTSED] 20 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.8 MAINTENANGE MATER.IAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 i.9 QUALTTY ASSURANCE [N�T USED] 23 11d DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLXNG [N�T USED] 24 25 26 1.11 FIELD [SITE] C�NDITIONS [NOT USED] 112 WARRANTY [NOT IISEDj PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 27 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT LTSED] 28 29 DATE NAME 30 END OF �ECTION Revision Log SUMMAItY OF CHANGE CITY OF PORT'L�OATH Shareview Drive Culven Improv�ments � STANDARD CONSTRUCTIdN SPECIFICATI�N DOCiJMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised July 1, 2011 OISDDO-1 TENiPORA12Y FACILITIES AND CON"I'ROI,S Page 1 of4 2 3 SECTION 0150 00 TBMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART1- GENERAL 4 LI SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 5 7 S 9 1Q 11 I2 13 14 Provide tempor�ry facilities and controls needed for th� Worl� incIuding, but noi necessariIy limited to: a. Temporary utiliti�s b. Sanitasy facilities c. Storage Sheds and �uildings d. Dust control e. Temporary fencing of the canstruction sit� B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth StaYtdard Specification I. None. 15 C. Related Specificatian Sections include, but are nat necessarily limited to: 16 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Con�act 17 2. Division l. — General Requirernents 18 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A. Measurement and Payment 2a 1. Wark associated vaith this Item is consid�red subsidiary to the vario�s Items bid. 21 , No separate payment wiIl be allowed far this Item. 22 1..3 REFERENGES [NOT USED] 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQUX.REMENTS 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 �40 A. Temporary Utiliti�s 1. Obtaining Tempoz'ary Service a. Make arrangem ents with u�ility seivice conapanies for temporary services. b. Abide by rules and regulations of utility service companies or authoriti�s having jurisdictian. c. Be responsible for utility service casts until Work is approved for Final AccEptance. 1} Included are fuel, power, light, heat and other utility services necessary for execution, campletion, testing and initial operation of Work. 2. Water a. Contractoi° to provide v�atar z'equired for and in connecfiion with Work to be perfarmed and for speciiied tests of piping, equipment, devices or ather use as required for the campletion of the Work. b. Provide and maintaitt adequate supply of potable water for domestic conswnptiQn by Contractor personnel and City's Prajecf Representatives. c. Coordination 1) Contact City 1 week before water for canstruction is desired C1TY OF FORT WORTfi STANBARD CONSTRtiCTION SP�CIFICATION DOCIJMENTS RevisedJuly 1,2p11 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs143826 & 103051 015000-2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND COi+fTROL5 Page 2 oF 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 I3 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Z5 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 35 37 38 34 4Q 41 d. Contracior Payment for Canstruction Water 1) Obtain construction watar meter from City far payment as billed by Ci�ty's establish�d rates. 3. Electricity and L'zghting a. Provide and pay for electric powered service as required for Work, including testing of Wark. 1) Provide pawer for Iighting, operation of equip�nent, or other use. b. El�ctric power service includes temporary power service or generator to maintain operations during sch�dulad shutdown. 4. Telephone a. Pravide emergency telephox►e service at Site far use by Con.tractor personnel and others perfarming work ar furnishing services at Site. 5. Temporary Heat and Ventilatian a. Provide tempQrary heat as necessary for protect�on nr completion of Work. b. Provide temporary heat and ventilation to assure safe working canditions. B. Sanitary Facilities 1. Pravide ar�d maintain sanitary facilities for persons an Site. a. Comply with regulatians af State and local depart�r�ents of health. 2. En�arce use of sanitary facilities by construct�on personnel at job site. a. Enclase and anchar sanitary facilities. b. No discharg� will he allQwed from these facilities. c. Collect and store sewage anc� waste so as not to cause nuisance or health problem. d. Haul sewage and waste off-site at no less tlaan weekly iirtervals and properly disposa in accordance with applicable regulation. 3. Locate faciliiies near Work 5ite and I�eep clean and rnafntained throughout Project. 4. Remove facilities at completion of Project C. Storage Sheds and �uzldings 1. Pravide adequately ventilated, watertight, weatherpraof storage facilities with floar abo�e ground level far materials and equipment susceptible io weather damag�. 2. Storage of materials not susceptible to vveather damage may be on blocks off graund. 3. Store mat�rials in a neat and arderly trtaru�er. a. Place rnaterials and equipmeni to perrnit easy access fQr identification, inspection and inventory. 4. Equip building with lockable doors and ]ighting, and provide electricaJ service �Qr equipmenf space heaters and heaiing or ventilation as necessary to pz'ovide storage envirorunents acceptable to specified :naanufacturers. S. Fill and grade site for temporary structures to provide drainage away from temporary and existing buildings. 6. Ramove building from site prior ta �'irzal Acceptance. 42 D. Tenaporary Fencing 43 1. Provide and maintain for Y,�ae duration or consiruction. when required in contract �4 documents 45 E. Dusi Control CIT'Y QF FORT WdRT[� Shareview Drive Cnlvert Lnprovemenfs STA3+IDARD CONSTRGCTI41�i SP�CIFICATION llOCL1MENT5 CPI+Ts I01820 & 103051 Revised Ju[y 1, 2ti11 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 � pI5400-3 TEMPOAARY FACII,TTIES AND CONTROI�S Page 3 of4 1. Contractor is raspanszble for maintaix�ing dust control through the duratian of the praject. a. Contractor remains on-call at all times b. Must respond in a tiinely manner F. Temporary Protection af Construction 1. Contractor ar subcontractors are rasponsible for protect�ng Work froin damage due to weather. 1.5 SUBMITTALS �N�T iTSED] 1.6 ACTION SUBNIITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 16 1.7 CL��EOUT SUBMiTTALS [NOT USED] 11 L8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMXTTALS [NOT iTSED] I2 1.9 QUALITY ASSiJRANCE [NOT USED] 13 1.10 DELIVEAY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 14 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 16 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 17 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] i 8 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT U�ED] 14 3.2 EKAM�NATION [NOT USED] 20 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 21 3.� INSTALLATION 22 A. Temporary Facilities 23 1. Maintain a11 temporary facilities for duration af construction activiti�s as needed. 24 3.5 [REPA�R] 1 [RESTORATION] 25 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION 26 3.7 FIELD [vRj SITE QIIALITY CONTROL iNOT USED] 2i 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 28 3.9 ADJUSTING jNOT USED] 29 3.10 CL�AN�NG [NOT USED] 30 3.11 CLOSE�UT ACTNITIES 31 A. Temparary FaciIities CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CQ]YSTRLTC'1TOA1 SYECIFICATION ]]OCUMEI�TTS Revised July 1, 2Ql 1 5fioreview Drive Culvert Unprovements CPNs 10182Q & 1Q3D51 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ol5Up0-4 TEMPO1tARY PACTLITIES AND CONTRQLS Page 4 of 4 1. Remove all temporary facilities and restoz'e area after completion of the Work, to a condition equal to or bet�er than prior to start of Work. 3.�2 PROTECTION [N4T U�ED] 3.1.3 MAINTENANCE [N4T USED] 3.�4 ATTACHMENTS [NOT iTSED] Eivn oF sECTTorr DATE NAME Re�ision Log SiTMMARY OF CITANGE CiTi' OF FQR.T WQRTH STANDARD COTISTRUGriON SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENT5 Ravised July 1, 2011 5hore�iew Dri�a Culvert Impro�ements CPNs 10182Q & 10305] O1S52fi-1 STKEET U5E PERMIT ANA MQDIFICATION5 TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 1 af 3 1 2 SECTION Ol �� 26 STREET USE �ERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 l..l SUMMARY 5 A. 5ection Tncludes: 6 1. Administrati�e pracedures for: 7 a. Straet Use Permit 8 b. Modification of approved traff�c control 9 c. Removal of Street Signs 10 B. De�iatio;ns from this City of Fort Worth Standard 5pecification 11 1. None. 12 C. Relatad Specification Secfions include, but ara noi necessarily limited to: I3 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contrac# Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Di�vision 1— General Requirexnents 15 3. Section 3� 71 13 — Traffic Control 16 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PR4CEDiTRES 17 A. Measurement and Payment 1S 1. Work associated wifh this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Ite:ms bid. 19 No separate payment wiIl be aIlowed for this Item. 2a 1.3 REFERENCES 21 A. Reference Standards 22 1. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard �3 published at tlle time nf the latest reuisiaii date logged at the end of this 24 s�eeification, unless a date is specif cally cited. 25 2. Texas Manual on Uniform Trafffc Control Devic�s ('I`1VIUTCD}. 26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 3h 35 35 37 38 A. Traf�c Conirol 1. General a. Whentraffic control pla�as are included in �Iie Dz'awings, provide Traffic Control in accordarzce with Drawings and Section 34 71 13. b. When traific cantrol plans are not incIuded '1n the Drawings, prepare traffic control plans in accordance wiih Section 34 71 13 and suhinit to CiTy far review. 1) Allow miniznuin 10 working days for review of proposed Traff�c Contral. B, Street Use Permit 1. Pr'ior to installation af Tra�fic Control, a City Street Use Permit is required. a. To obtain Street Use Permit, sttbmit Traffic Coni�ol Plaaas to City Transportation and Public Woxlcs Department. CIT'I' OF FORT WOILTFI 5TA]SDARD CON3TRUCTION SPECfFICATTQN DbCUMEA[TS Aevised luly 1, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 101$20 & 10305] 015525-2 STIt�ST U5E PERMI'I' AND MODIFICA7"IONS TO TRAFFIC CaNTROL Page 2 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1) ASlaw amin'vnum of 5 working days for permit review. 2) Contractor's responsibi�ity to coordina�e review of Traf�c Cantrol plans iar 5treet Use Perinit, such that construction is not delayed. C. Modification to Approved Traffic Control 1. Prior to instailation traffic contrQl: a. Submit revised traffic controi plans to City Depar�ment Transportation and Public VJorks Deparhnent. 1) Revise Traffic Control pians in accordance with Section 34 71 13. 2) Allaw minimum 5 worlflng days for review of revised Traffzc Control. 3j It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate reviaw af Traffc Control platis for Street Use Permit, such that construction is not delayed. 12 D. Removal of Street �ign 13 1. Tf it is determined that a�treet sign must be removed for construction, then contact 14 City Transpartation and Public Warlcs Department, Signs and Markings Division to 15 remove the sign. 16 17 18 14 za 21 22 23 24 E. Temparary Signage 1. In �he case of reguIatory signs, replace permanent sign with teinparary sign meeting requirements of tlte latest edi�ion of the Texas Manual on Uni�orm Traf#ic Control Der�ices (MUTCD}. 2. Install temporary sign befnr� tlae removal of permanent sign. 3. When construction is completa, to the extent that the permanent sign can be reinstalled, contact the City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division, to reins.tall the permanent sign. F. TrafFic Control Standards 25 1. Traffic Control Standards �an be found on the Ci#y's Buzzsaw website. 26 1.5 SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.6 ACTION �UBNIITTALS/IN�ORMATIONAL SiTBMITTALS �NOT USED] 28 1.7 CLOSE�UT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 30 1,9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 31 11d DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDL�NG [NOT USED] 32 33 I..Z1 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USEll] 1..12 WARRANTY [NUT iTSED] 34 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT UBEDJ 35 PART 3- EXECUTION [N�T USED] 3� END OF SECTION GIrY OF I'ORT Vt�ORTH 5TANDARD CONS7RUCTI�I�I SP�CIFICATION DpCUMENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2fl 11 3horeview Ddve Culvert Imprpvements CPNs i0182D & 103051 015526-3 STR�E1' U5E PERMIT AND MODTFICAT10N5 TO TRAFFIC CONI'1tOL Page 3 of 3 Revisian Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY �F FbRT WORTH Shoreview I3rive CulveR Impravements STANDARA CQN5TRUCTION SFECIFICAITON DOCi[TMENTS CPNs 101820 & 163051 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 ais�i3-i STORM WAT�R YdLLUTION PREVENTIQN Page ] of 3 1 2 SECTION O15i l.3 S"TORM WATER POLLUTYON PREVENTION 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 Ll SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 4 10 11 z2 13 A. Saction Includes: 1. Proc�dures for �tortn Water Pollutzon Prevention Plans B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard 5pecification l. None. C. Related Specifcation Sections include, but are not necessariIy li�x�ited to: 1. Division D— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forins and Condiiions of the Cozztract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Sectian 31 25 DO — Erosion and Sediment Cantrol i4 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 16 17 18 19 20 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Constractian Acti�ities resultzng in �ess than 1 acre of disturbance a. Work associated w�th t1n�s Itern is considered subsidiary ta the various Item� bid. No separate payment wilI be allowed %r this Item. 2. Construction Activities resulting in greater than 1 acz'e of disturbance a. Measurement and Payr�aent shail be in accordance with 5ecfion 31 25 OQ. 21 1.3 REFERENCES 22 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 23 I. Notice of Intent: NOI 24 2. Notice of Termina�ian: NOT 25 3. Storm Water Follution Prevantion Plan: SWPPP 26 4. Texas Commission on En�viro�unental Quality: TCEQ 27 S. Natice of Change: NOC 28 A. Aefarence Standards 29 I. Re�erence standards cited in this Sp�ecification refer to the curren# reference 30 standard published at the tirne of the latest revision date Iogged at tiie end of this 31 Speci�cation, unIess a date is speciiically cited. 32 2. Integrated Storm Maz�agement {iSWM) Technical Manual for Construction 33 Controls 34 1.�4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. General 36 1. Contractor is respansible for resolution and payment of any iines issued assoeiated 37 with compliance to Stormwat�r Pollution Preventivn Plan. CITY OF FORT WOR`CH Shoreview Drive �tveR T�nprovements 5TAI�IDARB CONSTR[7CTTON SPECIFICA'I'iON DDCi71vIENTS CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised7ufy 1,2011 p15713-2 STORM WATER POLLi7'f10N PREVENTIOIV Page Z of 3 1 B. Construciion Activities resulting in: 2 1. Less than 1 acre of disturbance 3 a. Provide erosion at�d sediment control in accardance with Secfion 31 25 00 and 4 Dra�ings. 5 6 lU 11 I2 13 14 i5 16 17 18 19 2a 2. 1 to less than 5 a�res of disturbance a. Texas �'ollutant Discharge Bliminatian System (TPD�S) General Constructian Fermit is required b. Ca�taplete SWPPP in aceordance with TCEQ requirements lj TCEQ SmaII Consiruction Site Notice Required under general permit TXR150000 a) Sign and posi at job site b) Prior to Precon.struction Meeting, sand 1 copy ta City Departznent of Transportation and Public Works, �nvironmenial Division, (817) 392- 6088. 2) Pro�ide erosion and sediment co�trol in aecordance with: a} Section 31 25 00 b) The Drawings c) TXRI 54040 General P�rmit d) SWPPP ej TCEQ requirements 21 3. 5 acres or more of Disturbance 22 a. Texas Pollutant I]ischarge Elimination System (TPDES} General Construction 23 Fermit is required 24 b. Complefe SWPPP in accordance with TCEQ requirements 25 1) Prepare a TCEQ NOI form and submit ta TCEQ along with required fee 26 a} Szgn and post at job site 27 b) Send copy to City Department of Transpottation and Public Worlcs, Zg Environmental Division, (817) 342-608$. 29 2) TCEQ Notice of Change rec�uired if making changes or updates to NOI 30 3) Provide erosion and sediment contral in accordance with: 31 a) Section 31 25 00 32 b) T4�e Drawings 33 c) TXRi50000 General Permit 34 d} SWPPP 35 e) TCEQ requirements 36 4} Once the praject has been campleted and al1 the closeout requirements of 37 TCEQ have been met a TCEQ Notice of Tennination can be subnaitted. 3g a) Send copy to City Department of Traz�sportation and Public �Vorks, 39 Environm�ntal Division, {817) 392-6488. 40 1.5 SUBMITTALS 4I 42 43 44 45 46 47 A. �WPPP 1. Submit in accordance with Section O1 33 OD, �xcept as stated herein. a. Prior to the Preconstruction Meetin�, submit a draft copy of SWl'PP to the City as folIaws: 1) 1 copy to the City Project Manage:r a) Giiy �'roject Manag�r will for�ard to the City Departinent af Transpartation and Public Works, Envirorvnental Dieision far ret�iew CI'TY OF FOR'T WORTFi STANAARD CONSTRUCTION SP�GIFICATTON �OCi]MENTS Revised 7u{y 1, 2011 Shareview Drive Culvert Improvemehts CPNs 101820 & 1G3a51 01 57 13 - 3 S'TORM WATEIi POLLUTIpN PREVENTION Pa�e 3 of 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO lI B. Modified SWPPP 1. If the SWPPP is re�vised during construction, resubmit modified SWPPP to th� City in accordanc� with Section OI 33 00. 1.6 ACTION SiTBMITTALSIIN�ORMATIONAL SUSNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.'i CLOSEUUT SUSMITTALS �N4T USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERTAL SUBMITTAL5 [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, STORA.GE, AND HANDLING [NOT i1SED] �.l l FIELD [SITE] CONDZTXUNS [NOT USED] 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED� PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT iTSEDj I3 14 DAT� NAM� 15 END OF SECTION Revision Log SUMMARY OF CH�INGE CI'1'Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARIJ CO�fSTRUCTION SPECIFICATTO7� DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 2U1 l Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 101820 B I03051 oi s8 i� - � TEMPORARY PR07ECT SIGNAGE Page I of 3 l 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION 0�. 5813 TEMPORARY PR4.IECT SIGIVAGE 5 A. SectiQn Includes: 6 l. Tea�porary Project Slgnage Rec�uirernents 7 B. Deviations fraz�a this City ofFort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections ineiude, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Divisian a— Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms and Conditions of the Canfract 11 2. Division Z— General Requirernents 12 1.2 PRICE AND PA'X'MENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 1�} 1. Wark assaciated with this Item is considered subsid�ary to the variaus It�z�ns bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Itena. 16 ].3 REFERENCE,S [NOT USED] 17 �.4 ADMINI�'TR.ATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 18 I..S �UBMiTTALS [NOT USED] 19 1,6 ACTION SUBNLXTTALSIINFORII�ATIONAL SUBM� I'TALS [NOT US�A] 20 l,q CLOSEOIIT SU$MITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBiVXXTTALS [NOT TJSED] 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 23 1.1Q DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLXI�TG [1�TOT IISED] 24 1.1I FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US�D] 25 1.1� WARRANTY [NO'I.' USED] 26 PART � - PRODUCTS 27 21 [3W1�TER-FUHNISF�ED [ox] OWNER �UPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 �.� EQUIPMENT, PRODi1CT TYPES, AND MATERIALS 29 A. Design Criteria 30 1. Frovide free standing Project Designation Sign in accordance with City's Staz�.dard 31 Details for praject signs. C1TY OF FORT WOTZTEi Shore�iew Dri�e Culvert Impravements S'I'ANDARD CONSTRUCT'ION SPECIFjCATION DOCUMENT3 CP%Ts 10182U & IU3051 Revised ]�ly 1, 20] 1 o� ss ia-2 TEMAORARY PRQ7ECT STGNAGE Page 2 of3 1 B. Materials 2 1. Si�n 3 a. Constructed of 3/a-inch fir plywood, grade A-C (exterior) ar better 4 2.3 ACCESSORIES �NOT USED] 5 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 6 P�4RT 3 - EXECUTION 7 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 8 3.2 EXAMINATYON [NOT USED] 9 3.3 PREPARATION �NOT USED] 10 3.4 INSTALLATION 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 za 2i 22 23 24 25 26 A. General 1_ Provide vertical installation at �xtents vf project. 2. Relocate sign as needed, upon request of the City. B. Mounting optians a. Skids b. Posts c. Barricade 3.5 REPAIR 1 RE�TORATION [NOT XTSED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATZON [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [o�] SITE QUALITY C�NTR�L [NOT U�ED] 3.$ SY�TEM STARTUI.' [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED� 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTNXTIES �NOT USED] 3.1� PRUTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE 27 A. General 28 l. Maintenar�ce will include painting and rapairs as needed or directed hy the City. 29 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 30 31 END OF BECT��N C1TY Q� F{?RT WO1tTH Si'ANDARD CONSTRUCTION SFECIFICATIpN DOCUMEIVT3 Revised July I, 2011 Shoreview Dri�e Culvart Itnprovements CPNs 10182D & 103D51 015813-3 T�MPO�2ARY PIi01ECi' SIGNAG� Page 3 of 3 Re�ision Log DATE NAME SUNIM4RY OF CHANGE CTI'Y OF FOTZT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTI03�T SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 1D3651 Itevised 7uly 1, 2011 oi 60 00 - � FRODUCT REQT.]IKBMENTS Page 1 of2 ] 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI 12 1.� SECT�ON U1 60 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS A. Section Includes: 1. References for Product Requirements and City Standard Praducts Lisi B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1 _ Nane. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessaz'ily limited io: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Coniract Forms and Conditions af the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requiraments PR.�CE AND PAYMENT PR4CEDURES [NOT U�ED] 13 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 14 1.4 ADMLNrSTRATIVE REQUIIiEMENTS 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2Z 23 2�4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 A. A list of CiTy appro�red products for use is located nn Buzzsaw as follows: 1. Resources102 - Const�ttc�ion Dacu�nentslStandard Products List B. Ozxly products speci�ically included an City's Standard Pradu.ct List in these Confract Documents shail be allawed for �se on the Proj�cf. l. Any subsequently approved products will only be allowed for use upan specific approval by the City. C. Any specific product requirements in the GQntracf Documents sugersade similar products included on the City's Standard Product List. 1. The City reserves fhe right to not allow products to be used for certain proj ects even thaugh the praduct is listed on the City's S�andard Product List. D. Although a specif'ic praduct is included an City's Standard Produet List, not all products from that manufacturer are approved far use, iz7cluding but noi limiied to, that manufacturer's standard product. E. See 5eciion 01 33 00 for submitial requirem�nts of Yroduct Data included on City's Standard Product List. 1.� SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] �..6 ACTION Si7BMTTTALSIINFORMATiONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.'� CLOSEDUT SUBMITT�LS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL Si1BMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QiTALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED� CITY OF PORT WOR.TH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO]V SPECIFICATTO]V DOCUMENTS Revised Decemher 2D, 2012 Shareview Drive �lvert Hnprovements CPNs 101820 & 103d51 016000-2 PItODi3CT REQiJIRE1VI�N'1'S Page 2 of 2 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND I�ANDLING [N4T USED] 2 111 �'IELD [SITE] CONDZTIONS [NOT USED] 3 112 WARRANTY jN�T USED] �F PART 2 - PRODUCTS [NOT USED] S PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 6 7 DATE NAME 10l12/12 D.Johnson S END OF SECT�ON Revision Log SUMMARY OF CHANG� Modified Loeation of City's 5tanda�'d Product I.,ist CI7'Y QF FORT WORTi3 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements STt1hTpARD CO3J5TRi3CTION SPECIFICATIQl�i DOCUIvZE1�T5 CPNs i0182Q & 10305 ] Revised Aecember 20, 2012 016660-I PRODUCT 5TORAGE AND HANDLING REQUTAEML'3�TTS Page 1 of4 1 2 1.10 DELIVERY AND FIANDLING 3 PART i - GENERAL 4 I.I SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 � 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 1.2 SECT�QN �1 66 4Q PRODUCT STOAAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS A. Section Fncludes: 1. Scheduling of product delivery 2. Packaging of �roducts for cielivery 3. ProtectiQn of groducts against damage from: a. Handling b. Exposure to elements or harsh environments B. Deviations from this City of FQrt Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C_ ReIated Speciiicaiion S�ctions include, hut axe nat necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Condiiions of the Contract Z. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAYMENT PR�CEDURES 17 A. Measureinent and Paymant 18 1. Wark assaciated with this Item is considerred subsidiary to the various Items bid. 19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 20 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 21 1.� ADMIl�ISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 22 1.5 SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.6 ACTxON SUBMITTALSIIN�ORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS jNOT USED] 24 1.i CLOSEOUT SUBMLTTALS [NOT 17SED] 25 1.$ MAINTENANCE MATERXAL SUBMITTALS [NOT IISED] 2b 1.9 QUALTTY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 A. Delivery Requirements I. Schedule delivery of products or equipment as requiz'ed to allow timely installation and to avoid prolonged starage. 2. Provide appropriate personneI and equipment fo receive deliveries. 3. Delivery trucks will not be permitted to wait e�Yenried periods of time on the Site for persannel or equiprnent fo receive the deli�very. CITY OP FQRT WORTH +STANIiARD CONSTRUCT'ION SPECIFICATIO]V DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 Shareview Drive Culvert improvements CPNs t01820 & 103051 016600-2 PRbDUCT STORAGE AiVA HAI�FDLING REQUIREMENTS Page Z of A 1 4. Deliver products ar ec�uipment in manufacturez''s ariginal unbraken cartons or other 2 contain�rs designed and constructed ia protect the contents from p�Zy�ical or 3 environmantaJ damage. 4 5. Clearly and fully mark ar�d identify as to manufaeturer, item and installation 5 location. 6 6. Provide naanufacturer's instructions far storage and har�dling. 7 B. Handling Requzrements 8 1. Handle products or equipment in accordance with these Cani�ract Doc�zments and 9 �anufacturer's recommenc€ations and insteuctions. 10 1.1 12 13 14 15 I6 17 is 19 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 C. Storage REquirements Store materials in accordance with man�tfacturer's recoz�amendations and requirements of these Speczfications. 2. Make necessary provisions far safe storage of materials and equipment. a. Place loase soil materials and rr�aterials to be inct�rporated into Work to prevent damage to any part of Work or existing facilities and to maintain free access at alI times to a11 parts of Wark and to utiliiy service company installations in VIC1111Lj+ Qf WOP�. 3. Keep �naterials and equipnnent neatly and compactly stared in locations that will cause Yninimum incan�enience to ather contracfors, publie travel, adjaining owners, tenants and occupants. a. Arrange storage to provide easy acaess for inspection. 4. Restrict storage to areas available on consiruction site for starage of material and equipment as shown on Drawings, or appraved by City's Froject Representative. S. Provide off-site storage and �rotection when on-site storage is not adequate. a. Provide addresses af and aecess to off-site storage loca�ions for inspection by City's ProjectRepXesentative. �. Do not use lawns, grass plats or other grivaie property for storage purposes without written permission of owner or other person in passession Qr cantrol o� premises. 7. �tore in manufactu:rez's' unopened contain�rs. 8. Neafly, safely and compactly stack rnaterials delivered and stored a.long Iine of Work to auoid iaaconvenience and damage ta propei°ty owners and general pubiic and maintain af least 3 feet from fire h�drant. 9. Keep public and private driveways and street crossings open. 10. Repair Qr reFlace damaged lawns, sidewallcs, streets or other impxovements to satisfactian of City's Project Representaiave. a. Totallength which materials may be dis�ributed along routa of constructioii at one time is X,QQd linear fee�, unless otherwise approved in wri�ing by City's Project Repr�sentati�e. CTTY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDAIZD CflNSTRUCTIQN SPECIFTCA'I'IOl� DOCUM�fTB CPNs 101820 & 103051 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 0166QQ-3 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLTI�tG REQiJ�ME�iTS Page 3 of 4 1 l..l.l FIELD [SITEI C4NDXTIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY �NOT iISED] 3 �'ART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USEDj 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 5 6 7 8 9 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Za �1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3.1. INSTALLER� [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT XTSEDj 3.3 �'REPARATiON [NOT USED] 3.4 ERECTION [NOT USED] 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT i1�ED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.'� �XELD [ox] SITE QIIALITY CQNTROL A. Tests and [nspections L Inspect ail products ar equipment delivered to the site prior to unloading. B. Non-Canforming Work 1. Rej ect all praducts or equipment ihat a.re damaged, used or in any other way unsatisfactory for use onthe projeat. 3.$ SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 AI3NSTING [NOT USED� 3.10 CLEANTNG [N�T U�ED] 3.11 CLOSE4UT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.1ti PROTECTIQN A. Proiect aJl products or eyuipment in accordance withmanufactua'er's writt�n directions. B. Stor� pz'aducts or equipment in lacatian to avoid physical damage to items while in starage. C. Protect equiprnent fram exposure to elements and keep thoraughly dry if required by tlte manufacturer. 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT IISED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTI�N CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARB CONSTRUCT'SON SPBCIFICATION DOCT �MENTS Revised 7uly 1, 2011 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 10182p & 103051 01 b600-4 PRODUCT STQRACrE AND HANZ]LiNG REQUIREMENTS Paga 4 of 4 Aevision Log DATE NAME CITY OP FOAT WORTH STANDARD CaNSTRUCTID�f SP�C�ICATIpN DOGi]ME1V'FS Revised .Tu[y 1, 201 l SUMMARY OF CHANGE Shoreview Drive CulverE Impravements CPNs ]01820 & Z03051 o��aoa-i �oaa.�z.aT�n�r asm x�n�oBu.jzn�oN ra�� i �fa z 2 rc� �r;�llf�l�]�1 �l7:\�JI 4 11 SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 l0 I1 12 13 14 1S 16 1'7 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 2$ �,9 �a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �I 42 43 44 45 sECTrorr ai �o 00 MO��LI�ATZON AND REMOBILIZATION A. Section IncIudes; 1. Mobilizador� and Demobilization a. Mobilization 1} Transparta#ion of Contractor's personnel, equzpnn�nt, and aperating supplies ta the 5ite 2} Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation at the Site 3} Premiums paid for perforrnance and payment honds 4) Transportation of Contractor's p�rsonnel, equipment, and operating supplies to another location within the designated Site 5} Relocation of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's aperatian from 1 location to another Iocation on the Site. b. Demobilization I) Transporta�ion of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies away fram tihe 5ite including disassembly 2} Site Clean-up 3} Re3noval of all buildings andlor other facilities assembled at the Site for #his Contract c. Mobilization azzd Deta�.obilizatzon do not include activities for specifc items of wark that are �'or which payxanent is provided eisewhere in the cQntract. 2. Remobilization a. Remobilization for Suspension of Work specifically required in the Con�ract Dacuments or as rac�uir�d by City includes: 1} Demobilization a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies frani the Szte including disassembly or temporarily securing equipment, supplies, and oth�r facilities as design.a�ed by the Contract Documents necessary to suspend the Work. b) Site Clean-up as designated in the Contract Documents 2} Remobilization a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipmez�t, and aperating supplies to the Site nacessary to resume the Worl�. b} Bstablisl�ent of nec�ssary general facilities for the Con�ractor's operation at the Site necessary to resume the Work. 3) No Payments will be made for: a) Mobilization and Demobilization from one Iocation to anather on the Site in the norinal pragress of performing the Wark. b} Stand-by ar idle time c} Lost pro�ts 3. Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects a. Mohilization and Dezxaobilizafion CITY OF FORT WQRTH Shoreview Drive Ciilvert improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATION DOCIJMBNTS CIsNs 101820 & 103051 Revised November 22, 2016 p1700Q-2 MdBILIZATION AND REMOBII,IZATION Paga 2 of 4 1 1) Mabilization shall consist of the activities and cast on a Work Order basis 2 necessary far: 3 a} Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating 4 suppiies to the Site for the issued Wark Order. 5 b} Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's 6 operation at the Site for the issued Work Order 7 2) Demobilization shall consist of the activities and cost necessary for: 8 a) Transporta�ioli of Contractor's personnel, equipmen#, and aperaYing 9 suppiies from the Site including dzsassemb�y for each issued WQrk I4 Order 11 b) Site CIean-up for each issued Work Order 12 c) Rernoval af aIl buildings or afher facilities assembled at the Site fflr 13 each Work Oder I4 b. MobiIi�ation an.d Demabilizatian do not include activities for specif�c items of 15 wark far which payment is provided eIsewhere in the eontract. 16 l7 18 19 20 21 22 z� 4. Emergency Mobilizations and Demohilization far 1�Iiscellaneous Prajects a. A Mobilization for Miscellaneous Projects when directed by tha City and the mobilization occurs within 24 hours of the issuance of the Work Order. B. Deviaiions from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificatior� I. None. C. Related Specif"ication Seetions include, but are not necessarily limited ta: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contrac� Z. Division 1— General Requiraments 2A 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 �1 4z 43 44 45 46 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Mobilization and Demobilization a. Measure 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the variaus Items bid. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnislied in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the various Iteins bid and no other eompensation will be allowed. 2. Remobilizatian for suspension of Wark as specifically required in the Confract Documants a. Measurement 1} Measurement for tlus Item shall be per each remobilization perfarmed. b. Payment 1) The work perfas�med and rnaterials funushed in accordance wixh this Tte�n and measured as provided under "Mea�urement" will be paid for at th� uxiit price per each "Speci�ed Remobilizatian" in accordance �ith Contract Documents. c. The prica sha.11 i�clude: 1) Demabilization as described in Section 1.1.A.2.a.1) 2} Ren'�abilizatipn as described in 5ection 1.1.A.2.a.2) d. Na payments will be made far standby, idle time, or los# profits associated this Item. CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoxeview Drive Culvezt Improvements STAN➢ARD CONS"1`RUC`I'TON SPECIFICATION DOCUhIENTS ' CPNs 10182Q & 103051 Revised?*favember 22, 201b 017000-3 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZA'TIpN Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 IO 71 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 2� 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3. Relmobilizatzo�l far suspension of Work as required by Cify a Measurement and Payment 1) This shall be submitted as a Contract Claim in accordance vvit�►Article 10 af Section 00 72 00. 2) No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost proiits associated with this Itern. 4. Mobilizations and Demobilizations for Miscellaneous Projects a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Itexn shall be for each. Mobilization and Demobilization required by the Contract Docume��ts b. Payment 1} The Work p�rfornr�ed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measut'ed as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price per each "Work Order Mabilization" an accordance with Contract Docuznents. De�nobilization shall be considered subsidiary to mobilization and shall not be paid for separately. c. The price sha�l include: l) Mobilization as ciescribed in Section I.I.A.3.a.1) 2) De�nobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.3.a.2) d_ No payments will be made for standby, idle time, or lost profits associated this Item. S. Emargency Mobilizations and Demobilizaiions for MisceIIaneous �'rojects a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shali be for each Mobilization and Demobilizaiion required hy the Contract Documen�� b. Payment 1} The Wark performed and materials furnished in accordance witil this Itenn and measured as provided t�ndar "Maasurement" v�+ill be paid for at the unit price per each "Work Order Emergency Mnbilizatzon" in accordance with Contract Dacuments. Demobilization sha11 be considered subsidiary to mobilizatian and shall not be pai.d for separately. c. The price shall include 1} Mobilization as described in Section 1.1.A.4.a} 2} Damabilization as described ii�. Section 1.1.A.3.a.2) d. No paymenis wiIl be made far standby, idl� time, or lost profts associated fhis Itern. 37 I.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED� 38 1.4 ADMINISTRATNE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 39 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 40 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 41 1.7 CLOSEOVT SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 42 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SCTSM�'1'TALS [N�T USED] 43 1.9 QIIALITY ASSURANCE [NUT USED] 44 1.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT IISED� CITY OF FORT WORTH 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIEICATION DOCLIMENTS CPlds 161820 & I030S 1 Revised November 22, 2016 oi 7aoo-a �+rIQBII,IZATION AND 1?EMO$II,IZATIOlv Page 4 of 4 1 1.11 F�ELD [SZTE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 L�2 WARRANTY [NOT IISED] 3 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] 5 6 END OT SECTION I�evision Log DAT� Nf1NME SUfvIMARY OF CHANGE 11/Z2/16 Minhael Dwen 1.2 Price and Payment Procedures -12evised specification, uncluding blue text, to make specification fle�ble for either subsidiary or paid bad item f�r MobiIization. 7 G`ITY dF FOAT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvemants STANbARD CONSTRIICTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCUM�NTS CPNs IU182U & 10305] Revised November 22, 2D14 o��ia3-� CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page l of 8 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL SECTION U17123 CONSTRiTCTION STAKING AND SURVEY 4 1.1 SUMMARY S A. Sectian Includes: 6 7 8 I. Requirements for cflnstruction staking and construction survey B. Deviations fram this City of Fort Worth 5tandard 5peciiication 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections incl�ade, but are not necessarily limit�d to: 10 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Farms and Conditions of the Contract l l 2. Division 1— General Requirements I2 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4a 41 A. Measurement and Payment 1. Construction Staking a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by lu�np suno.. b. Paymeni I} The work performed and the rnaterials furiaished in accordance with this Item shall be paid fnr at the Iump su:m price bid for "Canstruction Staking". 2) Payment for "Constructio:n Staking" shall be made in partial payments proratad by work completed campared to total wori� included in the lump sum item. c. The price bid shall include, but nat be limited to the fallowing: 1) Veriiication of cantral datapro�vided by City. 2) Placement, maintenanc� an.d replacement of required stakes and markings in the �ield. 3) Preparation and submittal of construction staking documentation in the forna of "cut sheets" using the City's standard template. 2. Construction Survey a. Measurement 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the �arious Items bid. b. Payment 1} The work perfartned and the mate�ials furnis�ed in accordance with this Ite�an. are su�sidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be allowed. 3. As-Built Survey a. Measurement 1} Measurement for this Item shall be by lump s�,un. b. Payment 1} The work performed �nd the materials fu:rt�ished in accordance with this Item shall be paid f�r at the lump sum price bid for "As-Buzlt Survey". CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview I]rive Culvert LnprovemenEs STANI]Al2D C�NSTRUCTI4I�I SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMEIYTS CPNs 101820 & 1Q3031 itevised February lA, 2418 � 01 71 23 - 2 GONSTRUCT[ON 5TAKING AIVD SURVEY Page 2 of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2} Payrr�ent for "Construction Staking" shall be inade in partial payments prorated by work completed coinpared to total work included in ti�e lump sum item. a The price bid shall include, but nat be limited to the following: 1) Field measurements and survey shots to identify location af complet�d faeilities. 2) Dacumentation and submittal of as-�uilt survey data oz�to contractor redline plans a�ad digital sw-vey files. 10 1.3 REFERENCES lI 12 i3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 A. Deiinitions I. Constructian S�urvev - The survey measur�ments mada priar to or whsle constructzon is in progress ta contro] �levatzan, harizontal pasition, dimensions and canfigurati�n of strucfures/impro�vements included in the Project Drawings. 2. As-builY Sur�ev The measure�nenfs made after the construction of the �t�.provement features are complete ta pravide position caordinates for the fea#ures of a project. 3. Cot�struction Stakin� — The }alacement of stakes and markings to provide offsets and alevations to cut and fli in order to locate on the ground the designed structureslimprovements included in the Proj ect Drawings. Construction staking shall include staking easements andlor right of way if indicated on the plans. 4. Survev "Field Cnecks" — Meas�rements made after construction staking is cornpleted and l�efore construction work begins to ensure that structures marked on the ground are accurately located per Project Drawings. B. Technical References 1. City of Fort Worth — Construction Staking Standards (available on City's Buzzsaw website) — O1 71 23.16.01_ Attachment A Survey 5taking Standards 2. City of Fort Worth - Standard 5urvey Data Collector Library (fxl) files (available on City's Buzzsaw website). 3. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Survey Manual, latest revision 4. Texas Society of Professional Land Surveyors {TSPS), Manual of Practice for Laud Surveying in the State of Texas, Category 5 34 1.4 ADNIINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. The Contractor's selection of a surveyor must comply with Texas Government 3d Codc 2254 (qualifications based selection) for tf►is project. 37 1.5 SUBNIITTALS 38 A. Sub�nittals, if required, shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 Od. 39 B. All submittals s11a11 he received and reviewed by the City prior t� delivery of wark. 40 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL �LTBMITTALS 4I A. Field Qualit}r Control Submittals CITY OF FORT WORTH 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUC'FION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS CPNs 10182p & 1D3p5I Revised Fe6r�ary 14, 2018 O17123-3 COTf5TRi3CTION STAKINCy AND SUAV�X T'age 3 of 8 1 l. Doeumentatlon verifyiiig accuracy oifield engineez'ing wark, i�acluding cooxdinate 2 canversions if plans da nat indicata grid o:r gound coordinates. 3 2. Submit "Cut-Sheets" cotlfotx�ning to the standard ternplate provided by the City 4 (refer to O 1 7I 23.16.01— Attachm�nt A— Su�r�vey Staking Sta.ndards). 5 1.7 CLOSEOi7T SUBIYIITTALS 6 B. As-buiIt Redline Drawing Submittal 7 I. Submit As-Built Survey Red�ina Drawings docuinenting the locationslelevations of S constructed improveinants signed and sealed by Registered Prafessional Land 9 Surveyor (RPLS) responsible far the work (refer to O1 71 23.16.OI -- Atiachtnent A 10 — Survey Staking Standards) . 11 2. Contractor shall submit the proposed as-built and completed redline drawing 12 submittal one (1) week prior to scheduling the project final i�spection fo:r City 13 review and comment. Revisions, if necessary, shall be made to the as-built redline 14 drawings and resubmitted to the City prior to scheduIing �he construction final IS inspection. I6 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL Si1BMITTALS [�TOT USED] 1'1 1.9 QUALITY ASSUR�iNCE 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 A. Construction Staking 1. Construction staking will be performed by the Contractor. 2. Caordination a. Contact City's Project Represeatati�e at lea�t ane weelc in advanca notifying the City af when Construction Staking is scheduled. b. It is the CQntractor's responslbility to caordinate stakzng sueh t�at construc�ion activities are ndt deiayed or negativeIy impacted. 25 3. General 26 a. Contractor is responsible for preserving and maintaining stakes. If City 27 aurveyors are required to re-sta�e for any reason, the Contractor will be 28 responsible far casts to pez�orm staking. If in tha opinion of the City, a 29 suf�icient number of siakes or markings have been last, destroyed disturbed or 3fl omitted ihat the contracted �ork cannot take place then the Contractor wi11 be 3I required ta stake or re-stalce the deficient areas. 32 33 34 35 36 B. Cons#ruction Survey 1. Construction Surv�y will ba performed by the Contractar. 2. Coardinaiion a. Contractar to �veri� that harizontal and vertical control data estaUlished in the design surve� and required for construction survey is available and in place. 37 3. General 38 a. Constructian survey will be performed in order to construct the work shown 39 �n the Con�Yrt�ction Drawings and specified in the Contract Docuinents. �}Q b. �or cansfruction methods other than open cuf, the Contractor shali perform 41 canstructian survey and verif3r control data including, but not limi�ed to, the 42 follawing; 43 1) Verification that established benoYunarks and control are accnrate. C1TY OF FORT WDRTH Shoreview Drive Cul�ert improvemenFs STANDARD CQ1v5TRUGTION SPECIFICATIbN DOCUIvI�i�TS CPNs 101820 & 10305] Revised Fe6ruary 14, 20I8 ai7�z3-a COIVSTRQCT[DN STAKING AND SUT�V�Y Page 4 of 8 1 2) Use afBenchmarks to furnish aa�d maintain all reference lines and grades 2 for tunneling. 3 3) Use of line and grades to establish the locaiion of the pipe. 4 4) 5ubmit to the City copies of field notesused to establish all Yines and 5 grades, if requested, and allow the City to check guidance system setup prior 6 to beginning each tunneling drive. 7 5) Provide access for the City, iirequested, ta vez'ify the guidance system and 8 the line and grade of the carrier pip�. 9 6) The Co�itractor remains fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and IO correction of it, as required. S 1 7) Monitor Iine and grade continuousIy during construction. I2 S) Record d��iation with respect to design line and grade once at each pipe 13 joint ar�d submit daily records tQ the Ciiy. 14 9) Tf th� installation does not rneet the specified tolerances {as outlined in 15 Sections 33 05 23 ancUor 33 aS 24), immediately notify the City and correct 16 the installatian in accordance wzth the Contract Documents, 1'i 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C. As-Built Survey I. Requzred As-Built Survey will be perfarmed by the Contractor. 2. Coordinatian a. Contractor is to coordinate with City to confirm which features reguire as� built su�+eying, b. It is the Contractor's responsil�ility to coordinate the as-built survey and required measurements for items that are to be buried such that construction activities ara not delayad or negatively impacted. c. For sewer mains and water mains I2" atld under in diameter, it is acceptahle to physically measure depth and �nark the location during the progress of construction and take as-built survey after the facility has been buried, T`he Contractor is responsible for the quality control needed to ensur� accuracy. 29 3. General 3o a. The Contractor shall provide as-built survey including the eIevation and 31 locatian {and provide written docurneniatian tn the City) of construction 32 features durin� tE�e progress of the construction ineluding the follawing: 33 1) Water Lines 34 a) Tap of pipe elevations and coordinates for waterlines at ihe following 35 Iocations: 3G 37 (1) Minimum every 250 linear feet, including (2) Horizontal and vertical pnints af inflection, curvature, 3 8 etc. 39 (3) Fire line tee 40 (4) Plugs, sfub-auts, d�ad-end lines 41 (5) Casing pipe (each end) and all buried fittings 42 43 44 45 46 �47 48 2) Sanitary Sewer a} Top of pipe elevatians and coo:rdinates for farce mains and siphon sanitary sewer lines (nnn-gravity facilities) af the following locatians: (1) Minxnnura� every 250 linear feet and any b�ried fiitings (2) Hprizontal and vertical poin�s af inflection, curvature, etc. 3) Stormwater — Not Applicable C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARU CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS GPNs 101820 & 1U3051 Revised February 14, 2015 D17123-5 CONSTRL3CTION STAKING ANS] SURVEY P�ga S of 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 I� 15 16 17 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 b. The Cantraetor sha11 provide as-built survey including the elevation and location (and provide written documentation to the City) of construction features after the construction is completed ineluding the foIIowing; 1) Manholes a) Rim and flowline eler+ations and coordinates for each ulanhole Z) Water Lines a) Cathodic proteetion test statior�s b) Sampling stations c) Meter boxeslvaults (All sizes} d) Fire hydrants e) Valves {gate, butterfly, etc.) f} Air Release valves (Manhol� rirn and vent pzpe} g) Blow offvalves (Manliole ritn and vaive lid) h) Pressure plas�e val�res i) LInderground Vaults (1) Ri.m and flowline elevations and coordinates far each Underground Vault. 3) Sanitary Sewer a} Clea.nouts (1} Rim and flowiine elevatians and coordinaies for each b) Manholes and Junctian Structures {I) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each rnanhole and junction structure. 4) Stormwater—Not AppIicable 25 1.10 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 2G 1.11 FTELD �SITE] C�NDZTIONS [NOT USED] 27 �.1� WARRANTY 28 PART � - PRODIICTS 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A. A canstruction survey will produc�, but vvill not be limited to: 1. Recovery of rele�ant control points, points of curvature and points of intersection. 2. Establish temporary horizontal and vertical control elevations {benchmarks) sufficrently pernaa,z�e��t and located in a manner to ba used throughout construction. 3. The location of planned faczlities, easements and imprpvements. a. Esiablishing ftnal Iine and grade stakes for piers, floors, grade beams, pari�ing ar�as, utilities, sYreets, highways, tunnels, and other constructian. b. A rec4rd of revisions or correctians noted in an order�y manner for reference. c. A drawing, when required by the client, indicating the hQrizontal and verticaI lacation of facilities, easements and improvements, as built. 4. Cut sheets shall be provided to the City inspector and Survey Superintendent for aIl construction staking projects. These cut sheets shall be on the standard city tempIate whzch can be abtained from the Survey Superintendent (817-392-7925). 5. Digital survey files in the following formats shaIf be acceptable: a. AutoCAD {.dwg} b. ESRI Shapefile (.shp) Cl'I'Y OP FORT WQRTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements ST.AATDAAD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOTI DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 1p3pS1 Revised February l4, 2018 OI 71 23 - 6 CONSTRUCTION STAK�fG AND SURVEY Page 6 of $ 1 c. CSV file (.csv), forrnatted with X and Y coordinates in separaTe coiumns (use 2 standard templates, if available) 3 6. S�rvey files shall include vertica.l and horizontal data tied to ariginal project 4 control and benehmarks, and shali include feature descriptzons S PART 3 - EXECiJTION 6 3.1 Il�TSTALLERS 7 A. Tolerances: 8 1. The staked location of �ny improvement ar facility should be as aecurate as 9 practzcal and necessary. The degree of precision required is dependenf an many IU factors al1 of �vhich must remain judgmental. The tolerances listed hereafter are I 1 based on generalities ar�d, under certain circumstances, sha11 yield to specific i2 requirements. The surveyor sha.11 assess azay sifuation by review of the overall pians 13 and throu�;h consultation with responsible parties as to the need for speci�ic 14 tolerancas. 15 a. Earthwark: Grades fox eaxthvrark or rough cut shoufd not exceed 0.1 ft. vertical 16 tol�rance. Horizontal aIignment for earthwark and rough cut should not exceed 17 I A ft. toleranca. 18 b. Horizai�ta.i alignzx�ent on a structure shall he w�thin .O.ift tolerance. 19 c. Pa�ing or coi�crete fo:r streets, curhs, gutters, parking areas, drives, alleys and 2o walkways sha�l l be lacated within �e confines of the site boundaries and, 21 occasionally, along a boundary ar any other restrictive line. Away from any 22 rrestz'ictive line, these facilities should be staked with an accuracy grodacing no 23 more than D.05ft. tolerance from their specified locations. 24 d. Underground and overhead utilities, such as sewers, gas, water, telephone and 25 electric Iines, shall be located harizontally within their prescribed areas or 26 easeznents. Within assigned areas, these utilities should be staked witli an 27 accuracy producing no more than 4.1 ft toIerance from a specified location. 28 e, The accuracy required for the vertical Iocation of utilities varies widely. Many 29 ttz�derground utilitias require only a minimum cover and a tolerance af 0.1 ft. 30 should be maintained. Underground and overhead utilities on plaxu�ed pro�ile, 31 but not depending on gravity flaw for performance, should not axceed 0.1 ft. 32 tolerance. 33 B. Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adJust�nent according to maz�.ufacturer's 34 specificatians or in cflmpiiance to standarc�s. The City reserves the right to requcst a 35 calibration report at any time ar�d recommends regular maintenance schedule be 36 performed by a certified technician every 6 months. 37 1. Field measurements of angles and distances shall be done in such fashian as to 38 satisiy the closures aud tolerances expressed in P�rt 3.1.A. 39 2. Vertical lacations shall be established from a pre-established benchma�'� and 40 cheeked by clasing to a different bench mark on tlt� same datum. 41 3. Construction survey field work shall correspond to the clianYs plans. Irregularities 42 or conflicts found shall be reported prannptly to the City. 43 �. Revisions, corrections and other periinent data slaal� be lagged for fufure reference. 44 CITI' OF FORT WORTH Shoreview I7rive Culvert Impravements STANDAI2D CONSTRUCTION SPEC'IFICATION ]aOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 703051 Revised I�ebrnary la, 2018 017123-7 CONSTRUCTION STAKING ANA SURVEY Page 7 of 8 1 3.2 EXAMiNATION [NOT USED} 2 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT US�D] 3 3.4 APPLICATION 4 3.5 REPAIR 1 RESTORATION 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 IS 1� 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 3j 32 33 34 A. Ii the Contractor's work daxnag�s or destroys ane or more of the control monumentsipoints set by the City, the monuments shall be a�iequately referenced for expedient restoration. 1. Notify City if a�ry control data needs to be restored or replaced due �o damage causec� during construction operations. a. Contractor sl�all perform replacements andlor restorations. b. The City may require at any time a survey "Field Check" of any rnonutnent or benehmarks that are sat be verified by the City surveyors before further associated work can move forward. 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [N�T USED� 3.i FIELD [o�] SXTE QCIALITY CONTROL A. It is the Contractor's responsibiIity to ma�ntain al� stakes and control data plac�d by Yhe Ciiy zn accordance with this 5pacification. This includes easements and right of t3vay, ifr nated on the plans. B. Do not change or relacate stakes ar contral data withoui approval from the Ciiy. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Survey Checks 1. The City reserves the right to perform a Survey Check at any time deemed necessary. 2. Checks by City personnel or 3xd party contraciad surv'eyor are not intended to relieve tne contractar of hislher responsibility for accuracy. 3.9 ADJUSTING �NOT U,SED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT U�ED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED� 3.1� PROTECTION �VOT USED] . 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACIiMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Re�ision Log C1TY pF FqRT WC?RTH STAi�fDARl7 CQNSTRUCT[bN SPECIFICATTON DOCCIMENTS Ctevised Febru�►ry 14, 2418 Shareview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs101820 & Tp3051 Ol '71 23 - 8 CQNSTRUCTION 3TAKINGr AND SURV�X T'age $ of 8 I DATE NAN� 1 I 8/3i12012 D.7ohnson STTMM�RY OF CHANGE Added instructian and modified measurement & payment eu�der l.2; added 8/31/2017 M. Owen definitions and references under 1.3; modified I.6; added l.7 closeaut submittai requirements; modified l.9 Quality Assurance; added FART 2— PRODiJCTS ; A.dded 3.1 Installers; added 3.5 RepairlRestoration; and added 3.& 5ystem Startup. Removed "blue text"; revisecf ineasurement and payment sections for Constzuction Staking and As-Built 5urvey; added reference ta seleciion cQmpliance with TGC 2/14/2018 M Owen 2254; revised action and CloseouE subznittal requizements; added acceptable depth measurement criteria; revised list af items requiring as-built survey "d�ring" and "affiex" construction; and revised acceptabie digiYal survey file Format CITY QF FORT WORTH Shoreview Dri�e Culvert Improvements STAI*IDARD CQNSTRiJCTION SPECIFICATION DOCiJM�NTS CPNs ]01820 & I03051 Revised Fe6ruary 14, 2018 � � I�^l � se�t�or� o� 71 ��.01- �ttaChr��n� �e Sur�ey ���kin� S�a�d�rd5 February 2017 O:�Specs-5tds Gaver�ance Frocess�Temporary 5pec Files\Capital belivery\Cap Del9very Div 01�0171 23.16.01_Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Aag21 nf 22 These pr�cedures are intended to pro�ide a standard method for canstruction staking services associated with the City of Fort Worth projects. These are not to be cansidered all inclusive, but only as a general guideline. For projects on 77lDOTright-of-way or through jaint TXDOT participation, adherence to the TXD07'Surv�ey Manuol shall be follnwed and if a discre�pancy arises, the 'TXDOT manr�al sholl prevail. (http://onlinemanuals.txdo�.�ov/txdotmanuals/ess/ess.pdfl If you have a unique circumstance, please consult with the project manager, inspector, or surv�y de�artmenC at 817-392-7925. �'afole o� �on�en�s I. City of Fort Worth Contact Informatian II. Construction Colors III. Standard 5taking Supplies IV. Survey Equipment, Control, and Datum Standards V. Water Staking VI. Sanitary Sewer Staking Vll. Storm 5taking Vill. Curb and Gutter 5taking IX. Cut Sheets X. As-built Survey q:�Specs-Stris Governance Pracess�Temporary Spec Files�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div Q1�0171 23.16A1_Attachment A_Survey Stakfng Standards.docx � Page 2 of 22 � � � �ur�eV Department Contact Informa�;ion Physical and mailing address: 8851 Gamp Bawie West Boule�ard Suite 300 Fort Warkh, Texas 76116 Office; (817) 392-7925 5ur�ey Superintendent, direct line: (817) 392-5971 Construcfiion Colors The following colors shall 6e used for staking or iden�ifying features in the field. This includes flagging, paint of laths/stakes, paint of hubs, and any identification such as pin flags if necessary. Utili�y PROPbS�D �XCAVATION ALL EI.ECTRIC AND CONDUITS POTABLE WAT�R GA5 OR O!L TELEPHONE/FIBER OPTIC SURV�Y CONTR�L POINTS, BENCHMARKS, PROPERTY CORNERS, RIGHT-OF-WAYS, AND ALL PAVING INCLUDING CURB, SIDEWALK BI�ILbING CORNF'�� SANIiaRY S�WER IRRIGATfON AND RECLAIMED WA7'R � Standard Sfial�in� Supplies Item I Lath/Stake I Wooden Hu6 (2"x2" min. sq�are prefErredj I Pin Flags (2.5" x 3.5" prefe�rredj JGuard Stakes I f�i: nr ��ag nads � Iron Rods (1/2" or greater diameter� ISur�ey Marking Paint I Flagging I Marking Whiskers �feathers) I Tacks (for marking hubs) Calor � WHITE b � � J L � �'FLL4741� i�fi#�h1�� PEf�K f'�f�i.5i ��}s;� .` ' a� ' '_'- � flllinimum size 36" tall 6" ta I I 21" tong Not required i'' long 18" lang Water-based 1" wide 6" lang 3/4" lang O:�Specs-5tds Governance Process�Temporary Spec Files�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Riv Q1�0171 Z�.1fi.01_Attachment A_Survey 5taking 5tandards.docx Page 3 of 22 IV. Sur►sev Eauipmer�i. Conicrol. and �a�um ��andards A. City Benci�marks All city benchmarks can b� found here: http:I]fortwarthtexas.�o�/itsolutions/GIS/ Look for'Zoning Maps'. Under'Layers' , expand 'Basemap Layers', and check on `Benchmar[cs'. B. Canventional or Robotic Total Station Equipment I. A minimum of a 1Q arc-second instrument is required. II. A copy of the katest calibration report may �e requested by the City at any time. It is recommend�d that an instrurr�ent be cali�rated by certified technician at least 1 occurrence every 6 months. C, Network/V.R.S. and static GP5 Equipment I. It is critieal that the surveyor verify the correct horizontal and �ertical datum prior commencing work. A site calibration may be required and shall cansist nf at least 4 cantrol points spaced evenly apart and in �arying quadrants. P,���tional field cf�ecks af the f�orizontal and �ertical accuracies s�al[ be eompleted and th� Clty may ask for a capy ofthe calihratian report at any tim�. II. fVetwork GPS such as th� Western Data Systems or SmartNet systems may be used far staking af property/R.O.W, farced-main water lines, and rough-grade only. !Vo GPS siakin� for concrete, sanitary seurer, storm drain. final �rade, or anvthin� that needs +ver�ical �radin� with a tolerance of 0.25' or less is allowed. D. Contral Poir�ts 5et I. All control points set shall 6� accampanied by a lath with the appropriate Northing, Easting, and Elevatian (if applicablej af the point set. Cor�trol points can be set rebar, `X' in coner�te, or any other appropriate item with a stable base and of a semi-perman�nt nature. A rebar cap is optional, but preferred if ihe cap is marked'cantrol point' ar simikar wording. II. Datasheets are required for all control points set. Datasheet should inelude: A_ Horizontal and Vertica[ Datum used, Example: N.A.D.83, North Central Zone 4202, NAVG RR Flavations B. Grid or groui�d clistance. — i# grou���, provide scale factor used and base point coordinate, Example: C.S.F.=0.9991Z5, Base paint=North: 0, East=O C, Geaid madel used, Example: GEOIE]12A 0:�5pecs-Stds Governance Pracess�Temporary 5pec Files\Capital Delivery�Cap beli�ery Div 01�0171 23.J.6.01_Attachment A 5urvey Stakin� Standards.docx Page �€ of 22 E. Preferred Grid patum Although many plan sets can be in surface coordinates, the City's pre�erred grid datum is listed belaw. Careful consideration must he taken to verify what datum each project is in priar ta beginning work.lt is essential the sur►reyor be familiar with coordinafie transformations and haw a grid/surface/assumed coordinate system affect a project. Proiected Coardinate System: NAD_19�3 StatePfane_Texas_North_Centraf_FIPS_4202_Feet Projectian: Lambert_Conformal_Canic Fa Ise_Easting: 196854Q.00OOD000 False_Northing: 6561665.66666667 Centra{ Meridian: -98.50a00000 5tandard Paralle[ 1: 32.i3333333 Stancfard Parallel 2: 33.96666667 Latitude_Of_Ori�in: 31.66666667 Linear Unit: Foot US Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_Norih_American_1983 Datum: D North American 1983 Prime Meridian: Greenwich Angular Unit: Degree Nate: Regardless nf what datum each partic�lar project is in, deii�erables tn thR ��ty must be convertec�ftranslated into this preferred grid datum. l copy of the deYi�erable should be in the �roject datum �whate�er it may bej and 1 tapy should be in the NAn83, TX North Central 4202 zone. See Preferred File Namrna Canvention below F. Preferred Deli�erable Format t�ct .cs� .dwg .job G. Preferred �ata Format P,N,E,z,D,N roint Numher, ��arthin�, Easting, �levation, Descriptian, Notes (if applicable) H. Preferred File Naming Con�ention This is the preferred format: City Pro�ect lVumber_Description_Datum.csv Examale for a nroiect that has surface coardinates which must be translated: File 1: C1.234 As-built of Water on Main 5#reet Grid NAD83 TXSP 42Q2.csv O:\5pecs-Stds Govemance Process�Temporary Spec Files\Capital Delivery\Cap Deli�ery biv 01�fl171 Z�.16.01_Attachment A_Sur�ey Staking Standards.dacx Page 5 of 22 File 2: C�.23�_As-built of Water an Main Street_Project Specific Datum,csv ��ample Contr�l Sta�es 0:�5pecs-Stds Governance Process��emporary S�ec Files�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Div 01�0171 23.16.01._Attachment A_Survey Staking Standards.docx Page 6 of 22 � � � � � � � � � � � m � � � � � a � � � d � � � �C �.I CJ7 W J tT] � L� � �a�� � w_ � L �i � Cfl � �� : 7: � � � ry 7 - � _ . (J � "'r LL L-a f�� r 1 —' -„j,i � w m � � � � � � � _J �.' �X � � � � l.il � � � � _ {}] � � �� � � LJ� � �:� IJ �� � � � � � li1 J W EL,= �o�.aa' 4lri w �- � � � �L` rJ � �-� F`�-'�f�i'�f�, �fJ �:-.SL�L��'i� ��l � W � ~ � W d � � � � � � _ � � � � — T L I � i� � � � J � � W � � � � � � V. l�a�er Siakin� Standards 0:�5pecs-Stds Governance Process�TemPorary Spet FII�s�Canital �SeliuervlCap Dellv�!'v �iu n�ld1 �t 23.16.01_Attachment A Sunrey 5taking Standarcls.docx Page 7 of 22 A. Centerline 5taking -� Straigf�t Line Tangents I. Offset lath/siakes e�ery 20�' on even stations ll. Painted blue lath/stake only, no hu� is required IIl. Grade is to tap of pipe {Tf P) for 12" diameter pipes or smaller IV. Grade to flaw line (�/L) for Z6" and larger diameter pipes V. Grade should be 3.50' belaw the pra�osed to� of curb line for 10" and smaller diameter pipes VI. Grade shauld be 4.00' below the proposed top of curb line far 12" and larger diarneter pipes Vll. Cut Sheets are required on all staking and a copy can be received from th� survey superintendent Optional: Actual stakes shall eonsist of a 60D nail ar hub set with a whisker B. Centerline Staking - Curves I. If arc length is greater than 100', QOC (Ptiint of Curvaturej offset stakes should 6e set at a 25' interval fI. Same grading guidelir�es as abo�e III. Staking af radius po�nts of greater than 100' may be omi�ted C. Water fi//leter Boxes I. 7,0' perpendic�lar offset is preferred to the center of t�e bax If. Center of the meter should be 3.0' behind the propnsed face of curb III. Meter should be staked a rninimum �f 4.5' away from the edge of a driveway IV. Grade is to top of box and shauld be +0,06' higher ihan the proposed top of cur� unless sl�own otherwise on the pEans D. Fire Hydrants I. Center of Hydrant should be 3,d' behind praposed face of curb IL Survey offset sfiake should be 7.0' from the center and per�endicular to the curb line orwater main III. Grade af hydrants should be +0.30 higher than the adjacent top of curb E. Water Valves & Vaults I. �ffsets should be perpendicular ta the proposed water main fl. RIM grades should only pe pravided if on plans �xa�nple'Uilater S�a�es f,�;��oecs-Stds G•,:v��n?nc� pro��=„�Terr+porary Spec Files�Capital Delivery\Cap Delivery �iv 01jr�1 ?1 Z3.16.01 d�tta�hment A_�iurvey 5takln� stanrlards.ducx Page 8 of 22 � � � :� ra. 7 +F _7 w �u �� +� j� +L fii � Ci � � �� � ;� � n � � �� � �� � � r+' �m � I� � � -c � « W � � m O rp T � K . N � � � i'� � �� �� �v d a +6 o. +�v a �a x � � ro � i7 0 u H � � � � � � � C �/} � � � ^'S � as � 3 � FF�C�NT FR � N T t��a� F�,���� �� �IO FLAGGI�IG REQUIRED � IN L]Ell OF BLUE PAINTED LATH ���DE FACII�G �� n � f�l1 ���%� o � F R� N T (SmE F.4�INC R_6_W j V�'1 � ti � ('�ID� �'1�CI�1� �� — � sn P � SDENTIF'( ANY I E1ERY 240' �KIhfG � - o�sEr ois-rar�c� d � FH �s, a���s �l��E� o � , � �SI�S F�SCINC Rr,_y�f.� � � E�F� GATE V�LVES, � CRpSSES� ETC. o � T�' �Gwr � �� � CEh[TERlii�€[. L7F y � 'NAiER CJNE � r" � ,c�c � N Ht;B EL�A7ICN e � w �I b �v, Tf� � STr��o�iMc � -�_� 1 + � 4 � �� — �_ �_,_�_ � t51' iTjP ' ��F,;,t�1FlEa JP �r' P!`rE � �41�i���g�f �� c� �� 5�a��� —�.,.._-^.—_ c�,� ll?Ef�fTdleS'��T— � � aR ��LL + �y �y �R � o" � �~ ti� �-� - � ��x -� ���KU'� �h�"i�E� '3U3E, FL�lSH 1MTH �y s�4TJN[). WRF! 7ACK OF! 6LAGK QOT �� 5 � ��� � �r (+?P =1uh+.�LJ ti�.� �� � f� M� P�;�MiEC 6l.uk �r��rH .�� �� �LUE 14HISF<r�S tIR ��b � r¢�,IL VtlTrl BLUE 'NNI54�E�. �� A. Centeriine Staicing — Straight Line iangents I. Inr�erts shall be fi�ld �erified and campared against the plans before staking II. Painted green lath/stake WITH hub and tack or marker dot, no flagging required 1[I. 1 offset stake betWreen manholes if manhol�s are �400' or ]ess apart IV. Offset stakes should be located at even cEistances and perpendicular to the centeriine V. Grades wifl be per plan and the date of the plans used sh�uld be noted VI. If multiple lines are at one rrtanhole, each line sha{I ha�e a cut/fill and direction noted VII. Stakes at every grade break VIII. Cut sheets are required on all staking Optional: Actual stakes sha11 consist of a 6R0 nai! or hU6 set with a whisker B, Centerline Staking—Curwres !. If arc length is greater than 100', PQC (Point of Cur�ature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval II. Staking of radius po9nts af greater than 100' may 6e ornitted C. Sanitary 5ewer Manhales I. 2 offset stakes per manhole for the purpose of pro�iding alignment ta the contractor II. Flowline grade should be on the lath/stake for each flowline and direction noted III. RIM grade shauld only be an the stake when pro�ided in the �lans O:jsoec�•S;�s �o;'�:'!'!8f1Ce PiO��55��TL'i'Y1pL�rarV 5�?E[ �IIe51Ca�itat p�IfvPrvlCaq QPllvetv �;v U111717: .?3, t6.41_A'tCa�nment A �un�ey 5taking 5tandards.donc P?.�e 10 of 22 0 � �� � @ �+ � � � � r, i� a d �3 n �� � Q, � r � t � �� o� � n rp � -� m� � '� � iu � � -c � li:, 4n � �' C n �+ d � � v `i � iL �, �a � iy. � Q ¢, i4 O. �4 �" ,� o �7 .��t � L' 0 so � a 4' � � a r � r ���NT ���r�E ���;��� � �2nd OFFSEf STAKE 1�7 FAR ALIGNF�ENT a Fn� ssr�H� � F F� � �I T �� {���T � cn (SIDE FA�1NG �) (,�II�� FI�;�Ii�'J �}� � . ..'- :isVG RE��'-1F- � — I'J . _. _ ' -�1 PAI#�l�T;.:l ---,- ..—� �H � 9st OFFSET S7.NCE �^�� 9F'F�T SfAaK �,=�"- - - � FY7R Al1GN5AEN7 F'"u`K WJGMMfENT ( ti� � � FflR 5SI�H"5 FOR a5F1F+�3 `� � W s� + � � ���`� I � � �, +;a �na t�r�sEr sThf;� F!r- — �" {,�'iL�t FA�;P�G ��� � ea�mmu"e s N[li. � � Mh; �� 7�: �m��r sr�,�ce f- � 4J I V� � a � ,a�c�+w�:r�r s�u s r� � I •g�'e = r;� a "� +��1Dt FACIfvG � Fi►- � ;'�r� ��,�1��i�� r.s o � � . _ aE �'IRSf ❑FFSE'!' Si.+�iE `}' r� ' � F/L oi � srr 9AHITA�sr �f�7i fJNC � w Ui 4 � 5 � F�4 � - Cl �{ �oFrm�es Mnahz��� � Rlld � r � � � � �� `�� �' � �A — " I b'TAili7Filii� — � !'JL 6 ry S ¢ r � � � � '�/�, Id2N�f1E9 �'�w+v�1R� CF � '2�, _ � hIaR7H PiF� +�taraE � eera�use sro.noNiN� RI�I " ��iliEEhi SS?AH'5 WAS �`�"�. � I �r� N 4R FIL� F9rt I;CCih1 �IPF �� LESS 17-IAN �F00'. SPLIT 1 � 'YHE DIFFERF3dCE AN� S�i � � 7 STAtCE IN i}1E MII�EE �`�,� �g �, huENll�iEa r��v�UNE �� .r �� 5 SOLE73-I Plr"E i,Rbi.lE �9 '�� �* � r'� s,y�t-,� �� i' s��tr;a€� Cl!T - �� a������ �� ��" �]R Fli;. } F� :idiiiH F7xc' �� „r^�' �' ' �� i ���' ��n �d�ner�� � sRbUe � �� Fi�JC r3+ii+� ;'€��N� r�I.LISk sHTH ��+�`�'k � I I��.F7viiFl�w �;4�T — �� ��� _ . � ~ r�tou�+�u, �7� i'ACF€ OR BL�C� DQl' �4 d f�� �-� r�a r,�� _� �� ��. t)F MANH � �;��� �� r ,��' ��P° �� � � �� � f� �Tr3r�.�1 �' �;119 nnGlIFG GR�`I 1V�TH /��� �„ 9L'lF uYi14KEFL� �]P �iflP I '�,'"` �dPJL Wi�R1 BLiJE 'rtH1�C�R5-�^"�-� � � d B R1 � 0] 3 d � L/1 f6 � �6 � � � �7 � � N llll. Storm Sewer � {nlei Stakin� A. CenterCine 5tak'rng — Straight �ine Tangents l. 1 affset stalce every 20Q' on even stations II. Grades are to flowline of pipe unless otherwise shown on plans II1. Stakes at every grade break IV. Cut sheets are required on all staking �ptional: Actual stakes shall consist of a fi0D nail or hub set with a whisker �8. CenterlineStaking—Curves I. If arc length is greater than 100', POC (Point of Cur�atUrej offset stakes should be set at a 2S' interval I I. Stakin� of radius points of greater than 10�' may be amitted C. Starm �rain Inlets I. Siaking d9stances should be measured from end of wing II. Standard 10' lnlet =16A0'tatal lengtf� II I. Recessed 1a' fnle� = 20.D4' total length !V. Standard dauble 10' inlet = 25.67' total length Y', Recessed dauble SO' inlet = 30.67' tatai length �, Starm �]rain Manholes I, ?��Fc_et stak�s per manhole for the purpose of providing alignment ta the c�ntraeCor 11. �lowline grade shauid be on t1�e lath�stak� fflr each fln�+vline and directlon na�ed lll. St1M ara�p should only be on the s�ake when pro�ided in the plans O:�Specs-Stds w�M�er�:�nc� �ra�eS��T�mporary Sk�� FIIps�Ca�itaf i7eYiverylCap Delivery I7iv�1�'J� 71 �3.? �_�1_Attactiment 1� Survey wiekln� 5tandards.docx ?age 12 of 22 Example Siorm Inlet Stakes FR�NT {SIi�E F�GIN G �) 8��� (9�E F1d.1HG A.O.W.j rarrt # � �! HIJ9 FI..EYk11Ai � � � � � � i �� n � m � i � -i � IaEN71RES ViHIC#i l�JD OF THE WING � BEING 8TW(£� � iW�er srt,na�u � [IF N47EL1 �N E�LANSj !-� i�nfl�s c�ao� r�1,�.� Ta so� � cuRe � + n G � p������ERnue � � �� rJ�J Fl��'�.GGIf�l�; F��,;�UI, �� � �f�U L1F� PIhJI�: �'ltlhll�� ���� �GE FIIRMC R.QW,� �Hr � ��� HU8 F11�1A'R4M o —„ I-�:�, �.�� �S"fANGES FOR INLETS ST,4NflARD 10' - 16' REiCESS�D 1YY - 20' ��Ho,v�o oau� tia' � ze.e�' ' �E55F�'} l7CniBLE 10' P '.,4.67 H'mY."!4 r:�!r i �,.1�—..«r----�-----_,_____ a T � � ^ �{ ua�t �F �N�� I_:�. .�G.��:• ',e^.. .. r� • � .. ? .. � �': �� 3', ��I ' m��N41f5Y� � I : , � ,;+k, �� F• � � �A R.i� �� WI'� •• � �' � ���NT ��fDE FAGII�� �) 0 `° � � F� � � r � y�}, "I�*I IUEN'�FlES WfiICH � EN[} CF THE 'h1N6 ,� Lt7NG STAKEQ � ,� � � � �� ,� + 0 �I � L � i'"' � _....__—��_ ------�, .,�.� i � �°."' ' . �.•' �i i �� �� �`,'` �l �`� f -I � ,. _ 13N:�# i7!' Cj!�'�— — — _ _ _ � _ __ _ __ .... _ _ �.�'i�; ��',,.;C .��4 _-� f � .',4.• -. : i i�{ X_ . � . . �k ~! I� + � +"Il1115}� :�.�t• _ _ � .� r T �..,�!�LLuti FAL� dF INLET . F+4CE OF+INLET f-L�_+�1�� --E�T'w P� Rn;�,�-�4E!:t � 3:�w 4� P.is�.iE7dT 1 EPC�E LiF P?kVE�KNT EO:=: OF aAVE{��L`Nr — 0:�5oecs-5tds G���?rnan�r,a p�,,;CE�55�T�±??p+3�1'8ry Sper: FilaglCanital �ieli�Pr�lCap L�efivery �i�,+U�i0171 Z3.;.6.Q1_.�tt�c�ment A �urvey ���akir7g Standards.dacx Pa �e 23 af Z2 VIIl. Curb and �u��er S�akin� A. Centerlir�eStaking—StraightL.ineTangents V. 1 offset stake every SO' on even statians VL Grades are to top of curb unless otl�erwise shawn on plans VII. Stakes at every grade break Vlll. Cut sheets are required on alf staking Optio�al: Actual stakesshall consist of a 6RD npil or hub set with a whisker B. Centerline Staking -� Cur+res III. If arc length is greater than 100', POC (Point of Curvature) offset stakes should be set at a 25' inter�al IV. Staking of radius points of greater than 100' may be ornitted ���SoeCs•StdS Gvllern�^CL gr4r�+c�;T.�msyo�3�-Y �per Fi1eslCanital i��'livar*lr ;3�7 DEaElV2!'* �I� L1i101 '71 �3,�.5.01_Attachment A_�uEvey S:akin� Standards.dncx °,„e14of22 �xar�ple Gurb � �u�ter Sta�es FR�NT (SIDE FACING C�) 0 �I'11�f\ N IDEMTIFlE� OFFakT 19 TE1 (Sli?E FAGINb RA.41.j 6AClL Cf' C[1R9 �i! F/C r-cR FecE oF curm POfNi �! HU6 E.LEVR1lON � � n 0 FI� C� N T (SIDE FACING �) 0 �� � IGEF!'ttf3�5 97Ak'C i'P PS7YJT GF CURVAIURE,,� � � T% FRONT �s�a� Fac�Nc �} 0 Y 0 � a F���� in�nFles R+o (SDE FACINC �j pdINT OF �, r e�r � : � HC � t� r/c � c�i 4, � � � � iri i � � e/e � � III I � fll I �' i�roP�oF ��E is �--�---- � I I 1 I � Ntt G@lu1E ON + �,���s P��� �— � � 4 l � � �I�t fdl� r�,�uc,IL�L.�i�� ��1 P_EJ! -- — f� ti i IPI LIEII t�F FI��!!C. F?,l�JTE[1 LA.TN_ _ '-' --. ��� � I t ��,� f, + ; , `�` �c� ! l i � j � +�� I r { J � ��'9r�� ! 1 1 � r .f / f � � -�_ �`� y �� � �� � }I : 1 { r�,C� C�F �LE�iT� � �' I -�- � -� w �} ! �;�s��_ti�.�s k�C;°„�L�ni` � En�£ �iF� FA��I=MENT � r � � r I � ^ � r `�, f +F J � � � T�JP +:F sLiuR � _ �� " J� fr� �� �}x, � '--�-� ��� �. r y _ -- .�.--�,. � f f � � � t4fj., .^ � � � �ph _ y�� • xi - __ - y � y �8i�k r, 4 = �~�"`� �� i.,_ r CLI}:Fl ��`�. �-� - ��._� _ ��� �� � Y�^�� ' _ _ r r 2-- � i k�" �~� u� � r� ' ` �l ti �' �xampfe ��urb �� �ut�er �ta�es at �ntersection V�5lrPr�'�T(�S �LL��r:n�;?Cq Praces�lfemporary5p�� f-iles;CapitaV Dellv�rylCap Uelivery D;+x��1141 7� �i,�C�:CI�_attaehR�ent/�_��: ;��y Staking 5tandards.docx Paee �5 af 22 � �- �„ 'D � n � � .�'.' Q CS 0 rn � -3 � iU W �7 W � � � G � O ��" �7 � � �t � �� -� � � �� 3 4 r. p'�q � < rn ��, et N � y� � C n O � 3} N iI'� i7 � M J :� C` 'y' m Q'J p �� 67 � � ro n, — � ,r�o �i � Ca. � X T,�] �D � � Q 1� ! O � .--� io �.'s :�}x: ro' t7/5 STAKE '�a��:kpi1E a,i WfQ2Al7E A7 =VEN 5?AnON Et�hl S7A114N --- f ' t C t � �t �, sv r�ra. ��r}��vr � s� ��ax. csvuxE �{w• �r�. �s;.a�cF � sa ��w�. e.�T,;r�c�€ � sc° wr�ax, n�sr�cE ��' r�as. nis-r.�ce I,. ...+ � � I � � �� _ _� � _ I 1 I _ 1 I _ E�tK �JF R..w� rt.ns aF c�,�e ' I ^ � 5�`' F„hY B15Y+51J� I �� -��1 •- � � ^-� c �� ` i i SrJv c � 4Y�GR�OE T7 7./5 .47 PC }. ST/;rl£ � �� ,' Ni ��R�f€}E A I ' �, �+iEN SfAIICrI �,,�*� .� F.a„?c. J�dt iri � BACK OF Cl7RB _ O�ik.+STkI' TIiA.N 946', { I r PC[ _�rt�5ET aiRKE sHc,'LILD � SET o� Sd' �IAX. AI5TANCE I n �J �� ��� ^U Ur � '� W%E�tR6E AT PT � ��� ��`��' Yl�GRkoE A7 \ �S EYEIi STAT{�N �'�� I`3TAFCF ' y� 1 5V/�`of4iCrE a7 F'' 1 � • ��-----� 9� RAL•�w� 4v Ftmqr � tiN�b4 Gft:�4 �� � n K7 V n � � � u �� � , � S�F F — — _ Wf�hAOt r.r _t� SWEN 51 ryT1�J � iu' C�./= \ `��S' 97AY Yfi%cr�pC� � - _ci-,�4y�s: ��, �"�3�' R.hDtl15 Pf71Nf � VVfNd GRAf�E � � �j � �iT ; rJ7! � � 1��s�,s Ai:f � �i � ��� r# ft�EN s7n71�i TYP . FRQNT (SIDE FACIN6 �) QI O 0 @ENiIF7E5 OF3Ef lS � BAp( OF rcur� �i a T/G + 0 �i _ ,� � IX. Cu� shee�s A. bate of field work B. Staking Method (GPS, tota{ stationj C. Project Name D. City Project Number (Example: CQ1234) E. Location (AdcEress, cross sireets, GPS caordinate) F. 5urvey company name G. Crevu ch�ief name F�. A blank tempiate can be abtained from the sur�ey superintendent (see item I abo�ej S�andard Citv Cut Sheet City �'roject Qate: Number: Project Narree: ❑ TDTAL 5ta[�ir�g Method: ❑ GPS S7Ai'ION � OTHER LOCATION: CONSULTANTICONT'RACTOR SURV�Y GREW INITIALS ALL GRADES ARE TO �L.OWLINE OR iOP �QF �CURB 13NLESS GTH�RWISE f:10T�D. RT # STATIDN OF'�SE7 pESCRIPTION pROP. STAKED _ CUT + FILL -LTI�+RT GRAaE ELEV. I 1 � � I , � ' � �_ { C I � ..� � � _ _' � I I , - I I �1�- _ � I -- -- ---- -- � � _ �_ I i , -' - � - ' � �. � �_ ' � . . � i` _ i �I �;j�nPcs-5tds Governance Pracess�Fe�::�Dra�'� �j'�P� ��+a���a�j�at �oV��rorf�l"yn �allyP�tf [,1;p� �]��1 �j i-' �3_'16.t3�,fi�+*ach�ment �L_��ur�ey �taking Standards.docx . �3�@ 17 Uf �i �t. As-buil� 5ur�re� A. De#inition and Purpose The purpose of an as-built survey is to verify the asset was instafled in the proper location anck grade. Furthermor�, the information gath�red will be used to supplement the City's GIS data and must be in the prnper format when submitted. See section W. As-built survey should include the �ollowing (additional items may be requ�stedj: Manholes Top of prpe elevations every 250 feet Horizontal and vertical points af inflection, curvature, etc. �All FittingsJ ��,rthnnl;��pr�tection teststations 5am�iing stations �'i/IvtPr �oX¢s�vaults (Alf St.i.'��� Fire lines k,�r�e hy�►,rants �G'::' 4t71�+�+5 �flm nn� t��] �s�� �tJ�� Flu�s, stvb-vuts, decrd-encl lines A,r F�Plansa vnlves (Manhale rim and vent pipeJ f�lo�u off Ua�v�s (a14�nh�1e r�m G�n�f v�tve �i�� �r��ssure �!cnP valves C#panlna w�res �Jean o!�ts Cosrny �ipe (e��ch end] �n;,erts nf pi�aes Turbo Meters �;�SFacs-5t�+s Gouernante ��re���sc�;7�ernporary Snec Ffies�C��ital UeliverY�Cap l��li�r�:y E��v G�: ;n1 T1 r3.:�.f�i_D�itcachment A_;ur.�ey Sta'�cing 5t?n�fards.dacx Page 18 of 22 B. Example Del�verable A hand written red li�e by the f9eld surveyor is acceptable in most cases. This should be a copy af the plans with the point number noted by each asset. If the asset is missir�g, then the surveyor should write "NOi FOUND" ta notify the City. C�:�vp�*cs-Stds �n�iarn�rt!'� PtOC�ss;Te^,por�ry S�sec f�il�s��_apit�i �e5luer��lCap ��iive� D1v01�01 71 23,��.01�,�itachl�te�1C A Survey Stakin� 5tandards.dccx r^a�e 14 of 22 I� .._.. ,_..._ _ -- - � � 9$NS-X wl'mWAPAI' 4 q'dV OCSO oN J:131QW .V!'} +�h5hl fNid J.'h'N1 ('7 _3ri.7Jd'b3H lI3.N35 AWAYS CY N311"N � ���� �� � @ `� � � !@ �� ��� � � � e � � ��� �� ��'� � ���� �� e �� �� � � � � � �� � � � � �� � ' , ��� �' � � _ � � � �� �,1� `� OS•i V 3N? 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This is just an example and all this informatian sf�ould be nated when delivered ta the City sv it is clear to what coardinate system the data is in. POINTNO. NORTHING EASTING ,:;�V, 1 6946�57.189 2Z96U79.165 2 6446Z60.B93 2296062.141 3 fi946307.399 2296a38.346 4 fi946220.582 2296Q11.025 5 6945I95.23 229&615.116 6 69A6190.528 2296022.721 7 6945136.Q12 2295992.115 S 6946002.267 2295919.133 � fi946�03.656 2295933.418 10 6945984.677 2245880.52 �1 �un�osrgp;ra i295869,�92 1i �9�l58og.n77 t2�5Bb4-967 13 L-a:c�euy �uj ��a5$fi2.S!{{ Yw bA�ISa?�.�i:«a r�i°fi�%i3.4�4 �r �y4caz� »7 �»Sn3r� �da Y6 6945635.078 2295799.1aT 17 GyQtiR1J 4�R 2295827.011 � b9�5759.??6 2�95J5R.e43 19 BaaS'?5.9.iu3 229577n n�� 2D b9a5i43378 Y:457g$_352 �i E9=5?23w19 2�9575d.394 z� 'o�456S3.7] 32y579A�2F i3 f.'��:`:�:1.���� uyQSI]•J��.i�� �� 49d5�43.fii:? �295?35,D3 75 ESAsSif ^59 .295655_]9S �ry' �4r�4S3g 19g 22g5667.l3U7 27 *-�%4t5iast34 �I95E1�.49 7A 6^:45A-17.479 :'�4558'�.27 Y4 G9q:,656.�`5� �95:043.1#5 �� rrgt5��7.35h ?aRti597.1G1 �7 {o,nxg�:i.li� 2Th55L+��TY3 3� i.41§3$3.�3 ��++56Y0.'s59 33 {�45977,�?9 ��og555.1t45 3� ��:4�Zia3�5 �2o�c39.?:E 3,5 i:$-."ST47.�{:g 774F5?�.ItS �5 f,a-."5:3#.�4 �.7`955r,4.�C4 za 4anc�n5,4S3 7�95;79.305 38 G9GS1a2Al.rr 2285��7,&66 35 I;a�".5i 7 i AAi ?�?SSYO �$S .iJ �9h5L�nga��. 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Y;'A1 R!�+1 736.a5i t� RIh4 7k^.�55 1:1+ 131r.� i r,(�r1 i b iiv �� :a 7aKxdaB FN T4ti3� VVh+� Fi!M 7-0'"777 {0 ftIP< Tq2 �t5�1 +N#'A Ff�n;; 7A459 !ic�;;u ai►h �zs.osa wn+i �t�� rso.er,3 wvr�+t�an 7'i�,R: 1 L":F.7 i:ii.i 7.47.7 ,7 SStJIH R!M r5o 3� wr� s�lr.� FSI f8 4VM R!*A 35A,K:5 Y.'M PIN! a::.;C: tArM ;?;r.� 75�.1�h 4+.+rr1 I?!�A 757 A$5 �:AfL ulh9 K „ r . , . , � t'�+.;- � ��� fi ;.J �{ t ! , j .. �.! �;- °��¢ F� f . 'I. .' � . � i , ;-1 t � i_{.¢.�}r�i'ij�'� �> t n-� �,_I � . I ' - - � -- �- r-�LIA, � � i . .�r{ , r` i qJir+' ' ' , ' - i � ��'T'}�,.� {..,� �! F i �- � �. ��'7 � rFf- f'L'Inr".+.�{ f.. r _ � .°.t �� �, .�fi:���i�i_ I,;C`` ��y�� �T, � •>�'i,�f��� � '1k# W Y� {a� #Ja�� {' y ' , -. � '"�-� +x' i I � l � � i i i +'r, D;�`necs-5�td5 Gn�ar�yanc� ProCe55�7em}70�Biy SpE� F�JC'S�C��7[#�[ �'�alj�tr�r'�lCar� E��Iileort� �,iv �11�J171 Z3,1.�.�Ri_A�ttachment A_.�urvey STykin� Stantiards.�ucx Page 24 of 2A C. Other preferred as-buili deliverable Some vendors have indicated that it is easier to deliver this infiormation in a different format. Below is an example spreadsheet that is also acceptable and can be obtained 6y request from the surUey superintendent. 0;���jE'C�-St[i5 G64��!1�fY�� I�f6CP5S�Ttr[lOOY$i� ��P[ F;!=;1�'?rita� �eMfvery��;� �4Y;�ior', n��1 �1��� ]1 �3, t�r�,p;�_�±±��hmen� A_5urvey 5!a!�9::g �t�ndards.docx �°aee E5 of 15 ���:" � � � � � _ —� � . ��. � � o � � .� ���;������ �I A F - � � � �� �, � � �� � � � � � � � � I� � �� � � � � � z �I � � � ��� N � � �l � � � � �Y � . � � � � � � � � ` � , .����������lg,� ,, � 7 � � � � �`� � � - �,� � � z � � � �I� I m � � � � � I � � GV � . � I . --- .. _ ., ..__....— — I I i I � � � I � 17 I b � � � � � � � - �r � � � � p � � ..yy x E � r �, � i � '� & � � R4. � � � �� � C �� y' � � � � � � a � II F � c ! �I � z � i I � � � � � ' � � !7 � ?`. � , • � .y � a � � � � , �.� I ;, , I ,. r l � � . � I 3 - . . � R � C 5� I y � . I i I �� � ' — r I * fi . ��� � � � � ;� � I � � I e r� ' � ; x H .t 4 I � � � `� , s � F� `.i� ; J „II _ � '� � � r ' Y � � E � � � ,, I � � � �I�.s � � � � � .� � ' --, I � I � cl I� f � � � � � F3 r �? � �! J r � � � � fT I � I • r 'Ji - � � � � R � ,, ;;6������.���`� �� _ ��� _ � � J�C-, .� �� � __' z � r. 6 i c � f �. ���ppp i � � _ � � } � 19 � � � 7i . iii i � -. 9 �. :J :J � R � 7 �:j�oecs•5#�s G;ov�rnance ���:ess�T�^:��rary �rer hiJe5lCauital �eiiuerytiCa� a�l�venr d�v 01��1 71 Z3.16.U1_�ttachment f�_5urvey Staking 5tandards,�Qcx I�age �5 af 25 01 74 23 - 1 CLBANING Page 3 of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 �iTMMARY 5 6 7 8 4 �a 11 12 I3 I4 SECTION 01 i4 �3 CLEANING A. Section Includes: l. Intermediate and finai clsaning for Work not including special cleaning of closed systems speci�ted elsewhere B. Deviations from this City ofFort Worth Standard 5pecification 1. None. C. Related Specif'ication Sectians �nclude, but are not necessarily Iimited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Coniract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 32 92 13 —Hydro-Mulcning, Seeding and Sodding 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT I'�?nrFptJ�� ] 5 A. Measurement and Pavment �{i 1_ �O:K a�•�����t�� �s���h thi� Item 1!i CntlS1��T�{� 1Ui15SC�3c�,?Y l0 Il`F!� v�.ri�us [�i�i3�s 1}id_ ] 7 �!o senarate p�vm�rar vri Il f�w al4awe� ���r ��vs �iPrri. ] �t 11.3 1l��FE1.tENCES �1�TOT L�r,SF,Aj i� i.4 A9?M��I:�T12�tTF�� KF[�L����.��I!'.lE�;�I'I`ti 2L A. �4hedufin� �� 1. 5�f�ec�t��e �.���lir�}� r�}-r4,`li::c�ns ��+ il�ai c�ust a:,� Oiil�I' C��tAI17t11antc �Estu�h�d l�v 22 c�a�nin��race� �4ill ���� f�fl �.�n newly a���!�ter� c��rtac��, �; '} Cr.i��rliil� t117S� C�v3T11Q1�T ;:j7�Y1 Gw:!?�}�BiiOri Of ��Inrl� �u:!� Yl"i�il�?�'4�iatP1V �rin7 Ci? tifl'�� �� LCLSD�Ct10Ti, �� �.� �r.rBNn1�r�L� ��voT vsEnl �� p.6 b�r~rr'T[�;1rF�IIB1VlITTA11�/INF�IltriYA'�IU1vAL;�Ul�MITT4�[F�:�`i'L':�]FD{ 27 1.'� �:i.[�4�;€�l.l'��tr�hnrTT��l.f.�5 �I�iU'i� },!4���N ?u 1.�3 l���Il��!'F.N��CEMATERY�.��JI�M�TTAL�If��Trr��n� �{� �� 31 �� 33 �,� �iurLLi�'Y .f�aSUR�NC� �U��'u- ���:n! �.1 �1 ��r!'nRAGE. !�.ND JHA.IYDLINt� �1_ ��*.�r�e ais� F�andli�g ��e:�uirwn�en±s �_ �[L�?'? Gl�dllldl-`�'. �7Ttl�eir.t5 �:�7t1 c:1��,7in� �waSTeS i4�: �:.n;,ra;ner4 wnecil��:i�lly ci�Si�'1]�[� �[}Y trnse materials. �TTY ()F t�()�7 WQRT�f Shoreriew �rive Cu]xe:t lmpro�emen[s 5T�^�T�.4RU CCi1yS•r;�ri rr•r��,iv �pFtsrtcirJlT1;]N f7(;r!ln�FNTS �P*Js �QI�?r� k i03051 �e •; ;;,� ��;f y I, 2{I1 I D17423-2 CLEANING Page 2 of4 1 1.1� FIELD [SITE] CONDXTX�NS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART � � PRODUCT� 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [ox] OWN�R-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 2.2 MATERIALS G A. Gleaning Agents 7 1. Compatibla with surface being cleaned 8 2. New and unc�ntaminated 9 3, �`4�r :-:;anufactured :>>>rfaces ip a_ ;.v�[ateriai recnmmended by manufacturer 11 2.3 r�t'f��SaCi�TES �NO'T� IISEDJ i� 2.4 F*Cyll�?�'F �t1.41,1'CY �r?W"�T_?O� �UT L'SEU] � a ����� � - �x�;cu�c�r� ] :J� 15 �� i� I� �� ��� �J �,? 23 �� �� �17 �7 �� �9 3{7 31 32 3.1 �vs�a�,�.!�u� ��C�T rTfi�n] ?�.2 �XAMINAT��i�' i1v(ti'r L.SLU] �,� p72�,Ti.Pq1R;�►T1flN (1VO�r �r:��r_�� �..� �r�?����r��rN �r�c��r ���x�� ?F.s` `1�F.pA� I R��'!•[�.Rr�'!-1�'?N [NOT USEDj �.6 R��I�i�'!'��1.f�:�Tlii�� (�c�T �J��:ly1 ;s.�' I;7�'.� � �nsl �Y`!'1� (3�T�,lav'rV (?[ttv'r��lt �Nt}T iL�F.i)� �,$ ;��Y�'�'EM �Tr�12TUF ;NC3T IJSFp� 3.� l�1�_lIl�T1�fG l�f� i� �L+S]E➢1 3.�f1 [:f..�Ai'1��vr #� _ �`r�71e�'d.l 1_ �F�Y?r!� ti�ek�rr,�,l�,�t�pit irE' w�s*.?5 tll.�.? C:�dfL �:illa9i'Ci[)Ll� �=0ilSjltl0713_ '�. �cn�duct c:?eanv�� �n � disp�sal r��erations res comply ��:�]fi�1 �?W$ c�nri cafPjV b�f�BIS Cl�� governiiig authorities. �. �i�.� ^e:� ��::���se o1'vr��ati�e �r��.stes such ��s mineraf :>�ir'its, �3i1 �:�.� paint �i�inner in �t{,::?1 t±{ c,�iiitary 1i��i1tiS 4C SE���TS. 4, I)is��s�: n�'r�e�rad�Ule �iebris �t a.� ��nrnv�c� g��lid vtr�Gt� c�3spUsal s?tP, �, i�i�oose of r�an�eg��adab�e �el�ris �t �n �pprv'ved s�lic! ►�va,t� disposaY site or i�l a� �liernatP n,�rn�Pr ���,rcrvti� hy i;ty :�t1d r���ulatory agencies. CE�f"+' �;z rnR'1- �4'�C7RTFI Sl�oreview Unve Cutvert lmprovements s7kr3��aR� �u:w�Tu��rc��ric��v �r�c�rt�aTa�o: r�rC�Jnn�v�r� �pN� 7n�R?n � io�psi 12e-�.�d IL;y ] , �i E I ! 017423-3 CLEANING Page 3 of 4 1 b. Handie materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possib]e. 2 7. T�oroughly clean, sweep, wash. and polish aII Work and equipment associated with 3 this project. 4 8. Remove aII signs af temparary canstruction and activities incidental to construction 5 of required permanent Wark. 6 9. If project is not cleazied to fhe satisfaction of the City, the City rese�ves the right to 7 have the cleaning complated at the expense of the Cantractnr. 8 I0. Do not burn on-site. 9 �a 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ?1 2L �� �� �� a� v7 �xg Z� 3� 31 3� 33 �4 B. Ixitermediate Cleazung during Construction 1. Keep Work areas clean so as not to hinder health, safety ar canvenience ol" personnel in e�isting facility operations. 2. Ai m�imum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbi3h, 3. Confine cons�ruction debris da�Iy in strategically located con�ainer(s): a. Cover to prevent blowing by vvind b. Store debris away from construction or operational activities c. Haul fram site at a minimum of once per week 4. Vacuum cleat� iinteriar areas when ready to receive �nish painting. a. Continue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, until FinaI Acceptar�ce. 5. Prior to stor�xz events, thoroughly clean site of al.l laose or unsecured items, vvhich may become airbarne or transported by �Iowing water during the storm. C', TnfPrinr Final Cleaning !, '�te���hve �rease, inastic, �dhcs;v�:�; �i�ast. dirr, st�;ns, t3e�gerprints, fab�ls a�ri�3 n�l«r foreign materials frvm �?i�ht-exposed �:uriaces. 2, 1�%i}��e �li lightin� �xture ret'!�r_.tc,rs, lanses.laln�as �a1d t:im5 �I��n_ '3., ;�+�ch •and sY�ine �lazing �;:�d ��Err�rw, �. Palislti �lossy surfaces to � Clear ,�?�??P_ �. �CY:tila�]]'�Q 5+/c4Pmy :�_ �laan permaneni h1Lar�:�nd a'eplace ��s�os�blW fi�i�;'v if u:�'lt� wC*� {'�� !�rarefl c?>>ring, construction. b. �I�ar* duc�s, blc���uers 3^t! �cs�i� if urtats wer� u�aeraie� ��•�ih4rnl lilter� cluri:�g �:t�t�.struction. 6. l�e���c� �kl buined �r::l �aa?�ps- 7. �room G1ean process area �7oors, R_ ��!�r �ce. ��n�l cc�ntrr�E ro��n� fi�;c�rs_ �5 j�, I?xr_e,X��� tSite ;??' ki?.�hT nf' �7�� ��:1„al �.��anin�+ 3� I_ €�emo�� #; a�h ��nsE t�P��� c:s, :i:;::��rs f��m s:t�. �7 a_ Ra-seed tare :s �lisiurbed bv Ic�cation of tras�l ��,�d c±e�ris c�nnE:�fnerM un �,vr.v,r�anc� 3� ��vith Sectian 32 92 1�_ ��3 Z_ v,�;;P.�p l�,ariway tn �e;*t.�vF �Sl ro�!�s, piec�s of t:spl�al�. ��nncrete or ����+ otlter oLje�t #��,� tF�=a? n�ay h;n��r e�r c�i�rupr r}7e tl� �{ of tr�f��!e• aIong 1��? Cl'�rl�aaa�,, �}� �. �t,".�!1 itlll' Int�rjt}� �:�'iIS !.�?Cjl�riin�, �Llt p�0? �i3illi�i� tll� ���t4t;�, �*S:�nhoY�s, �I�LUS:��r�5, 42 �L'I]Gtit,n hnxp4 �ii� li1�ECS. C!'T"Y O�F FOItT WOR'rH yhnrev�ew I7nvt C;rlv�rt ]mpro�ements 57:4Ni7r�Rn rnivc�rarTrTIO:V SPECIFICA�iQN L?C�^L��I�NTG CP'�� In IlSrb � 103051 f?ev: �^d Ju1v I, 2U! I I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 017423-4 CLEANING Page 4 of 4 4. If no longer z'equired for maintenance of erosion facilities, and upon app�ov�l by City, remove erosion control fram site. 5. Clean sig,ns, lights, signals, e�c. 3.11 CLOSEOUT AC'.i'XV�TIES [NOT USED] 3.1� PROTECTZON [NOT i�SED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHiVIENT,� [NOT USED] F.N� nF c�r��TnN DATE NAIvIE Revision Log SUMMARY OF CHANGE 10 L';Ty C�� F�OR`P WOkTH �i',ywiiARL1CIJ'�c-rorrrTTQ1�! BPECff•iCA'lION T'it,r�! 1MEN"E':� Re:3zs.�� �,�lk a. �i111 Shorev�ew G)nv� i:utver.laiprovements ('nr� �p1 R7p & Ia3051 917719-1 GLOSEOi7T REQUTREMENTS Page 1 of 3 � 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 L1 SUNIMARY 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 I2 sECTzoN o� �7 x� CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS A. Section Includes: I. The pracedure %r closing out a aon�act B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standarc� Specif cation 1. None. C. Related Speci�cation Sectior�s inelude, but are not necessarily Limited to: 1. Division 0— Biddi�g Requirements, Gontract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1-� General Requirements L2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCED�CJRES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Ttems bid. 15 No separate payment will be aIlowed %r this Item. 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQU�REMENTS 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1.S 26 A. Guaraniees, Bands at�d Affidavits 1. No application far fnal payment will be accepted until all guarantees, bonds, eertificates,l'icenses and affidavits required for Wor�C or equipment as specified are satisfactori.ly filed with the City. B. Release of Liens or Clai�ns 1. No application for �nal payment wilI be accepted un�il sati�factory evidenae of release af liens has been suhmitted to the City. SUBNIITTALS A. Submit all required docttmentatian to City's Project Representative. CITY OF FORT WO�tTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS Revised July 1, 201 I Sf�oreview Drive Culvert Improvements CFNs 101 &20 & 103051 ai���s-a eLosEovs x�Qur�MErrrs Page 2 af 3 1 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 �.7 CLDSEOUT SUBMITTALS [N�T USED] 3 FART 2- PRODUCTS [N�T USED] 4 PART 3 - EXECLTTION S 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 6 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 7 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USEDj S 3.4 CLOSEOiTT PROCEDURE 4 A. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, submit: 1Q 1. Projec� Record Dacuments in accordance with Section OI 78 39 11 2. Operaiion and Maintena�ice Data, if requixcd, in accordance with Section 41 78 23 12 B. Prior ta requesting Final Inspeciion, perform fir�al cleaning in accordance with 5ection 13 O l 74 23. 14 15 16 17 i8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 C. FinalInspection 1. Ai�er final clea�ung, provide notice tn the City Proj ect Representati�e that the Work is compSeted. a The City will make an initial Final Inspection witl� the Cantractor p�esent. b. Upon cnmpletion of this inspaction, the City will no'the Contractor, in writing within 10 business days, of any particulars in which this inspection reveals thai the Work is dafective or incomplete, 2. Upon receiving wriYt�n natice from the City, immediately undertake tlze VJork required to remedy deficiencies and cozaaplete the Wark to the satisfaction af the City. 3. Upon completion of Work associated vvith tha itez� s listed in the City's written notice, inform the City, that the required Work has been corn�leted. Upon receipt of this nc��ice, the CYiy, ut the presenca of the Contractor, wil1 make a subsequent FinaI Inspection of �he project. 4. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equipmeni in full operation. These special accessozy items include, hut are not limited to: a. Specified spa�re parts b. Adequate oil ar�d grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment c. Initial iill up of all chezn.ical tanl�s and fuel tanks d. Light bulbs e. Fuses f Vault k�ys g. Handwhe�ls h. Otl�er expendable items as reqtured for initial start-up and operaLiori of all equipment D. Notice of Project Completion CI'i'1' OF FORT WpRTH Shazeview Drive Gulvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTI01+1 SPECIFICATTdN DOCj.IIvIEN`i'S CPNIs ]01820 & 103051 Revised Ju1y 1, 2011 Q17719-3 CL05EOUT REQiIIRFMSNTS Page 3 af 3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S 16 17 18 I9 20 2l 22 23 24 25 26 27 za � IDATE NAME � I 29 1. Once the City Proj ect Representative finds the Worl� subsequent to Fina1 Inspectio n to be satisfactory, the Ciiy will issue a Notice of Pz'oject Co�npletian {Green Sheet). E. Supporting Documentation 1. Coardinate with the City Frojeci Represeniativa to complete the following additional forr�►s: a. Final Payment Request b. Statement of Contract Time c. Afiidavit of Payment and Release of Liens d. Consent of 5urety tn �'inal l'ayment e. Pipe Report (if r�quired) f. Contractor's Evaluation of Czty g. Performaiice E�aluation of Contractor F. Letter of Fina! Acceptance 1. ilpan review and acc�ptance of Notice of Project CQmpletion and SupportFng Documentatian, in accordance with General Conditions, City wiIl issue Letter of Final Acceptance and release the Final Payment Request for payment. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION �1VOT IISED] 3.6 R.E-JNSTALLATION [NOT USED� 3.; FXELD [ox] SITE QUALITY C�N`i`ROL �N4T USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT [TSED] 3.9 ADJUSTING �N�T T3SED] 3.10 CLEANxNG [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.1� PROTECTION [NOT U�ED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT T7SED] END OF SECTION Aevision Log SUMMAR�t' OF CHANGE CI'I'X OF FQRT WOR'I'�T 5TAI�DARD CONSTRUCTION SP�CIFTCATION DOCUMENTS Revised .TuEy I, 20ll Shoreview Drive Ctilvert Improvements CPNs 101820 & 103051 01 78 23 - i pPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 1 vfS 1 2 �ECTZON 6175 23 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.� SLIMMARY 5 6 7 8 4 14 11 12 I3 14 15 16 17 1.2 A. Section IncIudes: 1. Product data and related infarmation appropriate for City's maintenance and operation of produc�s furnished under Contract 2. SucYt products may include, but are nat limited to: a. Traff'ic Confrollers b. Irrigation Cantrollers (to be operated by the City) c. Butterfly Valv�s B. De�iations from this City of Fort Wortli Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Speci�catian Sections include, buf are nnt necessarily �imited to: 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements PRICE AND PAY1VlENT PROCEDUR�S 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 20 No separat� payment will be allowed for this Item. 2f �..3 REFERENCE� [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATiVE REQUIREMENTS � 24 25 26 1.� A. Schedule 1. 5ubmit maatuals in fi�al farrn to the City wiitnin 30 calendar days of product shipment ta the project site. SUBMITTALS 27 A. Submittals shaIl be in a�cardance with Section O 1 33 00 . AIl subrnittals shall be 28 approved by the Ciiy prior ta delivery. 29 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMTTTALS 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 A. Submiital Form 1. Prepare data in form of an instructianal manual for use by City personnel. 2. Farrnat a. Size: S'/z inches x 11 inches b. Paper I} 44 pound ininimum, white, for typed pages 2} Holes reinforced with plastic, cFoth or metal a Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatIy typewritten C1TY �F FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTIiiJCTION SPECIFICATIdI�117dCUMENTS Revised December 2D, 2Q12 Shoreview Dri�e Culvert Improvements CPNs ID1820 & 103051 O17823-2 OPERATION AND MA.LNTkNANCE DATA Paga 2 af 5 ] d. Drawings 2 1) Fro�ide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text 3 2) Reduce larger dxawings a�d fold to size of text pages. 4 e. Provide fiy-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating 5 equipment. 6 I} Pro�vide typed deseription of product, and �najor component parks of 7 equipm.ent. 8 2} Provide indexed tabs. 9 f, Cover 10 1) Identify each volume with tyged ar printed title "O�'ERATING AND 11 MAINTENANCE IN�TRUCTIONS". 12 2) List: 13 a} Tit1e of Project 14 b} Identity of separate structure as appIzcable 15 c} Identity of general subject mat�er cnvered in the rnanual 16 3. Binders 17 a Commercial quality 3-ring bi��ders with d�.rable and cleanable plastic covers 18 �. When multiple binders are used, carrelate the data into related consistent 19 groupings. 20 4. If available, provide an electronic froz�z�a of the O&M Manual. 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4Q 41 42 43 �4 �5 �5 �7 48 B. Manual Content 1. Neatly typewriiten table of contents for each voIume, arranged in systematic order a. Contractor, name of responsible principal, address and felephone number b. A list af each product raquired to be included, indexeci to content of tlie voluz�te c. List, with each product: 1} The natne, address atzd telephane number 4f the subcontractor or installer 2) A list of each producf required to be included, indexed to cantent of the voTume 3) Tdenti�y area of responsibility of each 4) Local source af supply for parts and replaceinent d. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documants. 2. Product Data a. Include onIy thase sheet� which are pertinent to the specific product. b. Annotate each sheet to: 1) Clearly identi�fy specific product or part installed 2} Clearly identify data applicable to installation 3} Delete references tQ inapplicable information 3. Dra�vings a. Supple:n�ent product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: J) Relations of component parts of equipment and systen:�s 2} Control and flow diagrains b. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure correct illustration af eompleted installatian. c. Do not use Project Record Drawings as maintenance drawings. 4. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: a. Organize in eonsistent format under separate headings for different procedures. b. Provide logical sequence of instructions of each procedure. CITY OF FORT WOkTH STANDARD CONSTAUCTION SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS Revised becembar 20, 2D12 Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 10i820 & 103051 017823-3 OPERATION A1VD rhAINTEATANCE AATA Page 3 of 5 1 5. Copy of each warraniy, bond and service cantract issued 2 a. Pravide information sheet for Ciiy personnel giving: 3 1) Proper procedures in event of failure 4 2) Instances which might affect validity of warrantaes or bonds S C. Manual for Materials and Finishes fi 1. Submit 5 copies af complete manual in final form. 7 2. Content, fox architec�zral products, applied materials and finishes: 8 a. Manufacturer's data, giving full information an products 9 l) Catalog number, size, camposition 10 2) Co1ar and texture designations 11 3) Infarznation required for reordering special manufacitared products 12 b. Instructions for care and mainte:nance 13 1} Manufaciurer's recomxnendaYion for types of cleaning agents at�.d xnethods I�4 2} Cautions against cleaning agents and methads which are detrimental to 15 produci 16 3) Recommended scheciuIe for clearsing and mainte��ance i7 18 19 zo 21 zz 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 �F2 43 44 45 46 �F7 48 3. Content, for moisture prot�ction and weather exposure products: a. Manufacturer`s data, giving full infarmation on praducfis 1} Applicable standards 2) Chemical co�npositian 3} Deta�ls nf installaiian b. Insfructians For znspection, maintenar�ce and repair D. Manual far Equipment and Systexns 1. Submit 5 copias of conrsplete manUal in final form. 2. Content, for each unit of equiprnent and system, as appropriate: a. Description of unit and camponent parts 1) Function, noz7nal operating characteristics and Iizniting conditions 2} Performance curves, engineering data and tests 3) Cornplete nflmenelature and c�mmercial num.ber c�f replaceable parts b. Operating procedures 1) Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instruetions 2) Regulation, control, stopping, shut-down and emergency instructions 3) Sun�er and winter operating instructions 4) 5pecial operating znstructians c. Maintenance procedures 1) Rautine aperations 2} Guide to "trouble shooting" 3) DisassembIy, repair and reassembly 4) Alignment, adjusting and checkin.g d. Servicing and lubrication schedule 1) List of lubricants required e. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructioas f Description of sequence of operation by cantrol manufacturer 1) Predicted life af parts subject ta wear 2) Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts g. As in5ta11ed control diagrams by contrals manufacturer h. Each contractor's coordznatian dra�vi�gs 1} As installed co�or coded piping diagrams CTI'Y OF FORT W4RTE� 5TAI�IDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECTFTCATION DOCLIML'NTS Revised December 20, 2012 Shoreview Dri�e Culr+ert T�nprovements CPNs IOI82Q & 1p3051 O1 78 23 - 4 OPEI2ATION AND NiAi1VTENANCE DATA Page 4 af 5 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 rs 19 20 2I 22 23 24 2S 2b 27 28 29 3 4. i. Charts of �valve ta� numbers, with location and function of each valve j. List t�f ariginal manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturer's curreni prices, and recommended quantities ta be maintained i�a starage k. Qther data as required under pertinent Sectians of Specifications Content, for each eIectric and electronic system, as appropriate: a. Description of system and component parts 1) Function, normal operating charactexistics, and litniting conditions 2) Performance cur�es, engzneering data aiid tests 3) Complete nornenclature assd commercial number of replaceable parts b. Circuit directorias of panelboards 1) Electrical service 2) Controls 3) Communicatians c. As installed colar coded wiring diagrams d. Operating procedures 1) Routine and norrna� operating instructions 2) Sequ�ncesrequired 3) Special operating instructions e. Maintenance p�ocedures 1) Routina aperations 2) Guide to "trouble shooting" 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly 4) Adjustnnent and checking £ Manufacturer's printed operating ar�d maintenance instructions g. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, manufacturex's current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintais�ed in storage h. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of 5pecifications Prepare and znclude additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent during instruction af City's personnel. ` 3Q 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMZTTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT U�ED� 32 1,9 QUALITY AS�URANCE 33 A. Provide operation and maintenance data by persomtel with the following criteria: 34 1. Trained and exp�rienced in maintenance and operation of described prod�zcts 3S 2. 5killed as technical writer to the extent required to corn�municate essential data 36 3. Skilled as draf�sman campetent to prepare required drawings CITY OF FORT WOATH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvemeuts STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECTFICATI013 DdCUMENT3 CPNs 101820 & 1U3051 Revised i�ecember 20, 2012 01 78 23 - 5 OP�RA'I'ION AND MAINTE]+iANCE DATA Page 5 of 5 1 LIO DELNERY, ST�RAGE, AND SANDLING [NOT USED] 2 1.11 FIELD [STTE] CONDITXONS [NOT USEDj 3 l.i� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2- PRODIICTS [NOT USED] S PART 3- EXECUTION [NOT USED] s � DATE si���aai2 s END �F SECT�ON Revision Log NAlVIE SUMMARY OF CHANGE D. Johnson 1.5.A.1— tit[e af saction removed CITY QP FORT WORTI-� Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOi�C 170CUMENTS CPNs 101820. & 103051 Aevised I]ecember 20, 2012 01 78 39 - 7 PRO.IECT RECQRA I70GUMEl�iI'S Page I af 4 1 2 3 PARTI- GENERAL �4 1.1 SUMMARY SECTION (}1 '�S 39 PROJECT RECORD DOCUM�NTS 5 A. Section Includes: 6 I. Work associated with the documenting the project and recording changes ta praject 7 documents, including: 8 a. Record Drawings 9 U. Water Meter Service Reports l0 c. 5anitary Se�ver Service Reports 11 d. Large Water Meier Reparts 12 B. Deviations from tlus City of Fort Woz�Yk� Standard Specificatioia 13 1. Nane. �4 15 16 I7 C. Related Speciiication Sections include, but are not necessarily lirnited to: I. Division 0-- Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms and Condit�ons of the Contract 2. Division 1-- General Requirements 1.2 PRiCE A1�TD PAYMENT PROCEDURES ] 8 A. Measurement and Payrnent 19 1. Work a�sociated with this Item is e�nsidered subsidiaty io the varinus Iterms bid. 2p No se�arate paymeut will be aIlowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 23 1.4 ADNiINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENT� [NOT iTSED] 1.� SUBMITTALS 24 A. Prior to submitting a request far Final �nspecYian, deliver Prpject Record Documents ta 25 City's Project Representative. 26 1.6 ACTXON SUBNIITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTAL� [NOT USED] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G i.'� CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MA.INTENANCE MATERIAL SIIBNIITTALS �NOT USED] 1.9 QUALXTY ASSCTRANCE A. Accuracy of Records 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within. the Record Dacuments, making adequate and proper entries on each page af Speci�cations and each sheet of Drawings and other pocuments where such entry is required to show the change propez'ly. 2. Accuracy of records shaIl be such that future search far items shown in the Contract Docuxnents may rely reaso�zably on information obtained from the approved Project Record Docunnents. CTT'Y OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Cuivert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUiJIENTS CPNs 101820 & I03051 Revised luiy 1, 2011 017839-2 PR07ECT RECORD DOCUNIENTS Page 2 af 4 1 3. Ta facilitate accuracy of records, make e:ntries vvithin 24 hours after receipt o� 2 information thai the changa has occurred. 3 4. Provide factual inforination regarding alI aspects af the Work, bath concealed and 4 visible, to enable future modiiicaiion of the Wark to proceed without lengthy and 5 expensive site measurement, investigation and examii7ation. 5 1.10 STORAGE AND HANDLING 7 8 4 10 11 12 I3 14 15 i6 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 1. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deteriaration and from loss and damage until cocnpietian of the Work and transfer of all recorded data �o t�ie final Proj ect Record Dacuments. 2. In the event of lass af recorded data, use means necessary ta again secure the data to the City's appro�+al. a. In such case, pravide replacements to the standaxds a:riginaily required by tlie Contract Docurx�.ents. 1.11 T�IELD [SITE] CONDXTXON� [NDT USED] 1.1ti WARRANTY [NOT USED] 1'1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1& 2.1 OWNElt-FURrTISHED [ox] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USEDj 19 20 21 22 2.2 RECORD DOCiTMENTS A. Job set 1. Promptly followin� receipt of the Notice to Proceed, secure from the City, at na charge to the Contr�ctnr, 1 coxnplete set af ail Documents comprising the Contract. 23 B. Final Record Documents 24 1. At a time nearing the completion of the Work and prior to Fi�al Inspectiot�, provzde 25 the City 1 complete set of all Final Record Drawings in the Contract. 26 2.3 ACCESSORIES jNOT USED] 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT C7SED] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMXNATION [NUT USEDJ 3.3 PREPAR�TIDN [NOT US�D] 3.� MAIN'TENANCE DOCUMENTS A. Maintenance of Job Set X. Immediately upon receipi of tite job set, idea�ify each of the Documents with tha title, "REC�RD DQCUMEN`I'S - JOB SET". CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARI] CONSTRUCTIOIV SPECI�'ICATIQN DDCiJME1VTS Revised July 1, 2011 Shoreview 17rive Culvert Improvements CPNs ].Q182� & Ifl3051 41"7839-3 PRQ7ECT RECORD AaCL7MEN"I'S Pa$e 3 af4 1 2. Preservation 2 a. Gonsidering the Contxact completion �ime, the probable number of occasions 3 upon which the job set must be taken out for new enfries arid for examinaiion, 4 and ihe conditians under which these activities will be perfortned, de�ise a 5 suitable meihod for protecting the joh set. 6 b. Do not use the job set far any purpose except entry of new data and for review 7 by the City, until start of transfer of data to fnal Froject Record Dacuments. S c. Maintain th� job set at the site of work. 9 3. Coordination with Constructian Survey Id a. A� a minim�n, in accordance wifh the intervals set forth in �ection fl 1 71 23, I 1 clearly mark any de�vzatians from Contraci Documents associated with 12 installation of the znfrastructure. 13 4. Making entries an Drawings 14 a. Record a�y deviations from Contract Documents. 15 b. �1se an. erasabie coloi•ed pencil (not ink ar indelible pencil), clearly describe the 16 change by graphic line and note as required. 17 c. Date a11 entries. I 8 d. CaII attention to the entty by a"claud" dravcrn around tl�e area or areas affected. 19 e. In. the event of overlapping changes, use different colors for the averlapping 20 changes. 21 5. Can�+ersion of scl��matic layouts 22 a. In sflme cases on the Drawings, arrangenaents of conduits, circuits, piping, 23 ducis, and similar items, are shawn schennaticaliy and are nat intended to 24 portray precise physical layout. 25 1} Final physical arrangement is determined by the Cantractor, subject to the 26 City's approval. 27 2) Hawever, design of futttre madif cations of the faciIity may require 28 accurate information as to the iznal physical layout of items which are 29 shown onIy schematicaI�y on the Drawings. 30 b. Sl�ow on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within l 31 inch, the centerline of each run of items. 32 1) Final physical arrangetnent is determined by t�e Contractor, subject to the 33 City's approval. 34 2) Show, by symbol or note, the vertical location of the Iteffi {"under slab", "in 35 ceiling plenum", "e�posed", and the like}. 36 3) Make all identiiication suffciently descriptive that it may be related 37 relia6ly to tha Specifications. 38 c. The City may waive the requirements for conversion of schematic Iayauts 39 wvhere, in the City's judgtnent, conversion serves no useful ptxrpase. However, 40 do not rely upon waivers being issued except as s�eciiically issued in rr�+riting 41 by the City. 42 B. Final Project Record Documents 43 1. Transfer of data ta Dz'awings 44 a. CarefulIy transfer change data shawn on the job set of R�cord Drawings to the 4S corresponding final docurnents, coordinating the changes as xequired. 4b b. Cleaxly i��dicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a full description of 47 changes made d�ring construction, and the acival lacation of items. C�1"S' OF PORT WOATH 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDAAD CONSTRi7CTION SFECIFICATIONi DpC�JMIIJT5 CPNs 10182fl 8z 1G3051 Revised7uly 1,2A11 017839-4 PKOI�CT RECORD DaCUMENTS Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 & 9 10 11 12 13 I4 15 I6 17 18 19 20 zi 22 23 24 25 DAT� NAME 2b c. Call aftention to each entry by drawing a"c3oud" around the area or areas affected. d. Make changes neatly, consistently and with the proper media to assure langevity and clear reproduciion. 2. Transfer of data to other pocuments a If t�e Documems, other �an Drawings, have been kept cIean during progress of the Work, and if entries thereon have been orderly to the approval of the City, the job set of thosa Docutnents, o�her than Drawings, wi11 be accepted as fttal Record Docume�ts. b. If any such Document is not so apprQved by the City, seaure a new copy of Y.hat Document from the Ciiy at the City's usual charge for reproduction and handling, a�d carefully transfer the change data to the new copy to the appraval Qf the City. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION �1VOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [aR] SITE QIIALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED} 311 CLO�E�UT ACTNITIES [NOT USEDJ 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT iTSED] END OF �ECTION Revision Log SU1ViMAitY OF CHAI�IGE CTTY OP �'012T WORTH S'PANDARD CONSTTtUCTION SPECIFICATiON DOCUMENTS iievised duiy 1, 2011 Shoreview Dris�e C�lveri Improvements CP1Vs 101820 � 103051 3123 16 - 1 UNCLA55IFIED EXCAVATION Page 1 af5 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SUNiMARY 5 A. Sectian IncIudes: 6 7 8 9 ]0 11 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 14 20 SECTZON 3123 16 UNCLASSI�'I�D �XCAVATION 1. Excavate areas as shown on the Drawings ar as directed. Removal of materials encounter�d to ths lines, grades, and typical sections shown on the Drawings and reznoval £rom site. Excavations may incluc�e construction of a. Roadways b. Drainage Channels c. Site Exca�ation d. Excavatian for S�ructures e. Dr any other operation involving ihe excavation of on-site materials B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificatiou 1. Modified Section 1.2 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division D— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions af the Contract 2. Divisio� 1— General Requirements 3. Section 31 23 23 — Sorrow 4. 5ection 31 24 00 —E�nbankments 2l 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDTJRES 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 39 44 41 42 A. Measurement and Payment 1. �xcavation by Plan Quantity a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the cubic yard in its final position using the average end area naethod. Liinits of ineasurement are shawn on the Drawings. 2) When measured by the cubic yard in its imal position, this is a plans quantity measurement Item. The quantity to be paid is the quantity shown in the proposal, unless modified by Article 11.04 oi�he General Conditians. Additional measurements or calculations will be made if adjustments of quantities are required. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furn.ished zn acGordanc� wiY1� this Itezn and �neasured as provided under "Measure�nent" will he paid for at �e unit pric� bid pez' cubic yard of "LTnclassified RQadwavlRamn Excavation" and "Unclassif�d Chanu��l E�cavation". No additional compensation will be aIlawed for rock or shrinkage/swell factors, as these axe the Contractor's responsibility. c. The price k�id shall inelude: 1} Excavation 2} Excavation 5afety CITY OF FOI�T WORTH 5horeview 17ri�e Culvert lmprovements STtaNDt1RD CONSTRUCTIDN SPBCiFTCA'7'CON DOCUMENTS CPNs 141820 & 1Q3�51 Revised January 28, 2013 3I23 ]G-2 UNCLASS¢IED EXCAVATfON Page 2 of 5 1 3) Drying 2 4} Dust Contral 3 5} Reworking or rep�acing the over excavated material in rock cuts 4 6) Hauling 5 7) DisposaI of excess material not used elsewhere onsite 6 8) Scarification 7 9) Ciean-up 8 ,'�. �..,,...,.,+;,.�. ��, o„w:,,,..oa n,,.,., i �. 9 . r,r„ r,- 10 1) I'n�� ��n� ir. i� �"�arf 11 • 12 • at�e `.� Si� ���a ✓r� 13 ,•• ,•sv-v�'accsiir�l;izt✓.I:�, . 14 G�.'4Il1.�7:: 3i�'$j� 1S �) Tlr C,,.+...,,.+,,.. �,.rs �.,. :a �,. ��,,, „w;,. ..a„ „�-�� f a ���t �e's`v uw�s uiu��.iiva A� �CV+1 �i� Ll�iL: .1;�� ..n...,.. l..,f,s...r..,-. /-1.., 4,.... n � % �'&3'�1� F7u.�:,.,,+.. ..11 L.., �...,.,,,.7 ,. ,...f:.,.. �+„7 ,..1.�., .. �nf�fr� 74 «4n nn�n..�n4r.rf ti.�> i-ti.r. T`-.r.rr A 19 L. � �'.L��.i� 2� i�%ie-���t �ix�£o�:°.�., 2.1 "�xniitmocr8"ccr�c"�rcrs�irvi'zu2E�=rmQ@i' "��Biii��� ` °:11 1,�,.ni.7 F ,. .,r ti.., , �'r*r. �2 ��i11 i./�c1: .1�U1� . .,...i ..-F�iTT,,,..f.,�.,;�;erl �.....�...�FL�� G, L:i:� z3 . . 24 1 � �1i�� � 25 ���ti.`�� ca�� 26 �) I?i��in� 27 �� r�..�+ r,..,+..,,t 28 S) P�✓r,�rlr.�g-a��fl�la���t:�� � � � ,�+�a �.,�«��ia1 �� ro�a 29 �) T Taul:�g 30 �esa�a��a.r� r..,.4e,.:.,y �,.f „�e,� o�o„�n,.,. ,. ,,.+,. 31 32 $}--� 33 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 34 35 3G 37 38 39 A. Defuutions 1. Unclassified �xca�va#ion — Wfthout regaxd to materials, all excavations shall be considered �znclassi�ed and shall include a11 materials excavated. Any z'eference to Rock or otk�er n�a aYeriais on the Drawings or in the speci�ications is solely for the City and tlie Contractor's information and is noi to be taken as a elassification of the �xcavation. 4Q 1.4 ` ADMINSTRA,TNE REQUIREMENTS 41 A. The Contractox wiIl provide the City with a Disposal Letter in accaz'dance to Division 42 Ol. CITY OF FORT WORTki Shareview Dri�e Culvert Imprpvements STANDARD CQ]+ISTRUCTION SPECF�'ICA'I'lON DOCUMBNTS CPNs 10182U & 143051 Revised 7anuary 28, 2p13 31 23 16 - 3 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION Page 3 of 5 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 l.b ACTION SUSMITTALSCINFORMATIONAL SUEMITTAL� [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLO�EOIIT SiJB1VIITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAIN'tENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 6 A. Excava�ion Safety 7 1. The Cantractor shall be solely responsible fQr making ali excava�ons in a safe 8 mans�er. 9 2. All exca.vation and related sheeting and bracing shall coz�r�ply with #he requirements 10 of OSHA excavation safety standards 29 CFR part 1926 and state reqt�irements. 11 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 12 13 1� I5 16 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 A. Storage 1. Within E�sting Rights-of-Way (ROVI� a. Soil may be stored within existing ROW, easements or temporary construction easements, unless specifically disallowed in the Contract Documents. b. Do not black drainage ways, inlets or driveways. c. Provide erosion control in accordance with Section 3I 25 00. d. When t�e Work is perfarmed in active traffic areas, stare materials only in areas barricaded as provided in the traffic contro! pians. e. In non-paved areas, do noi sior� rnaterial on the root zone of any trees or in landscaped areas. 2. Designated S�orage Areas a. If the Contract Documents do not allow the sforage of spoils witivn the ROV►r, easement or temporary construction easement, then secure and mainfain an adequate storage locatian. b. Provide an aff'idavit tYaat rights ha�e been secured to store the mat�rials an priv�te property. c. Frovide eraslnn contral in accordance with Section 31 25 00. d. Do not block drainage ways. 34 111. FIELD CONDITI�NS 31 32 33 �4 3S 3b A. Existing Conditions 1. Any data which has be�n or rnay be provided on subsurface conditions is not intended as a reprasentatzon or warranty af acc�racy or continuity between sails. It is expressly understood that neither tlie City nor the Engil�eer wi11 be responsible for interpretatioz�s or conclusions drawn tllere from by the Confrac#or. 2. Data is made available for the convenience of the Contractoz'. CITY OF F012T WQRTfi Shareview Drive Culvert Improvemenis STA1d�ARD CONSTRUCT14I�i SFECI�'ICATi01� DOCUMENTS CPNs 141820 & 103051 -Revised danuary 28, 2013 312316-A UNCLASSiFTED EXCAVATiON Page 4 of 5 1 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 2 PART 2- PRODUCTS [NOT iTSED] 3 2.] QWNER FiJRNISHED [NOT iTSEDI 4 2.2 PRODUCT TYPE� AND MATERIALS 5 A. Matarials 6 1. Unacceptable Fill Material 7 a. In-si#u soils classi_fied as ML, MH, PT, OL or OH in accordaz�ce wit11 ASTM S D2A 87 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 10 3.�. INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 11 3.2 E�AMIl�TATION [NOT USED] 12 3.3 �REPARATIQN [NOT i1�ED] 13 I4 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 ]. 32 33 3.� CONSTRUCTION A. Accept awnership of unsuitable or excess material and dispas�e of material off site accordaaice with lacal, state, and federal regulations at Locations. B. Excavations shaIl be performed in the dry, and kepi free irom water, snow arrd ice during construction wit11 eh exception of water that is apglied for dust controI. C. Separate i7nacceptable FiII Material froin other materials, remove from the Siie at�d properly dispose according to disposal plat�. D. Main�ain drainaga in the excavated area to avoid damage tn the rQadway sections and proposed or existing structures. E. Correct any datnage to the subgracie caused by weather, at no addiiionaI cast to Yhe City. �'. Shape slopes to avoid loosening rnateriai bela�v or outside the proposed grades. Remove and dispose of s�ides as directed. G. Rock Cuts 1. Excavate to finish grades. 2. In the event of over excavatian due to contractor error below tite lines and grades established in the Drawings, use approved embatikment material eompacted zn. accordance with �ectian 31 2�L 00 to replace the ov ar e�cavated at no additzonal cost ta City. H. Earth Cuts 1. Excavate to finish subgrade CITI' QF P�RT WOR'�-I Shore�iew Drive Culvert lmprovemBMs STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT'ION DOCLIME[�fTS CPids IUl$20 d'c 10305I Revised 7anuary 28, 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO I1 l2 13 1 �F 15 16 I7 18 19 20 31231b-S UNCLASBIFIBI] EXGAVATION Page S of 5 2. In the event of over excavation due to contractar error below �he lines and grades esta.blished in the Drawings, use approved ernbanlrrnent material co�npacted in accordance with �ection 31 24 QO to replace the o�er exca�ated at no additianal cost to City. 3. ManipuIate and compact su6�rade in accordan�ce with 5ectio�z 31 24 00. 3.� REPA.�R [NOT USED] 3.6 IZE-INSTALLATION �NOT USED] 3.i FXELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Subgrade Tolerances 1. Excavate to within 0.1 %ot in aI1 directi�ns. 2. In a�eas of over axcavation, Contractar pravides fill material approved by the City at na expense to the City. 3.$ SYSTEM STA�tTUP [NOT USED� 3.9 ADJ-USTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED� 3.1� PR�TECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] DATE NAME END OF SECTION Revision Log SUMMARY OF CHANGE I12/20/2012 IJ. �ohnson 1.2 - Measurement and Payment Seetion modified; Blue Teat added for clar'�£rcation � 1128/13 D. Johnson 1.2 — Madified Bid Item names in payment sec�ian to diiferentiate between Payment Methvds on bid list. 21 CITY OF FORT WORTH 3T,4NDARD CONSTR[7CTION SPECIFiCATiO3+T DQCUIVI�NTS Revised ianuary 28, 2013 Shoreview Drive Culvert Impro�ements � CPNs 101820 & ]03051 312400-1 EMB.ANKNIEN"I'S Page 1 af 9 i 2 s�cT1oN 3i za aa EMBANKMENTS 3 PA.RT 1- GENERAL � I.I SUMMARY 5 6 � 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 A. Section IncIudes: 1. Transporting ar�d placement of Accepfable Fill Material within the boundaries of the 5ite for construction af: a. Raadways b. Embanl�ents c. Drainage Channels d. Site Grading e. Any otLter opara�ion involvi�g the placernent of an-site materials B. Deviations fram this City of Fort Worth Standard Specificatian 1. 1.�.� Embanktnents bv Surveved Ouautitv 15 C. Related 5pecification Sections inciuda, but are nat necessarily limited to: 16 1. Division Q�- Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Co�trac# 17 2. Division 1— General Requirements 18 3. Section 31 23 16 — Unclassified Excavation 19 �. Section 3 I 23 23 —�orrow 20 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PR�CEDURES 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 �41 42 A. Measurement and Payinent 1. Embanktnents by Plan Quantity a. Measurement 1) Measureinent far this Itern shall be by the cubic yaxd in its final position using tI�e average end area methad. Lirnits af ineasurement az�e s�own on the Drawings. 2) When measured by the cubic yard in its fmal positiota, this is a pIans quantity measurement Itein. The quantity to b� paid is the quantity shown in the prapasal, unless modified by Article I 1 A4 of the �eneral Condifions. Additional measurements or calculations will be made if adjusfinents of quantities are required. b. Payment l} Tk�e wark perfonned aud rnaterials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "MeasuremenY' will be paid for at the urtit price bid per cubic yard of "Embankment by �'lan". No additional compe��sation will be allowed for xock or shrinkage/swe11 factors, as these are the Contractor's responsibility. c. The price bid shall inc3ude: 1) Transporting or hauling material 2) Placing, compacting, and fulishing Emba�kment 3) Construction Water 4) Dust Control CITY OF FORT WORTH 3TANDATiD CflNSTRUCTI03J 3PECIFICA�'ION bQCiJMErii'f'S Revised Ianuary 28, 2013 5horeview Driva Culvert Impravements CPNs 1�1820 & I03451 312h00-2 EMBANKMENTS Page 2 nf 9 1 S) C1ean-up 2 6) Proaf Ro�ling 3 7) Disposal of excess materials 4 8) Reworking or replacement of undercut material 5 2. �iYranl�r:i., 6 �a--A��,����� 7 1) nlou�zr., 8 . 9 x: a xrfr,mr, „ '4.f k�ac Yr� �� 10 r�iti:ro. 11 a ft�l r 12 ^�'����rt�E�e�=�i11 ba �.�z� .�^.r t1�r�x�i� ��-�age-a��r�b�.'r,rse�� 13 e�a#��c ��li� ..,,r..., w„+,.,,,.,»� t�,,, +..,,, „ 14 i� ba',�aa����r_ z�a:��! 15 . I6 � I7 z` T��c�e�f�rrn�? �.tid �rr�1,�:�� fun�ic�'�c�rae��rd��r.�vrrit'� +n-�-T�n a a •a a a « ,� <,•iy i.. . I8 �n����Qe�A4ea$ttr�e��ad � r at � I9 e �.;a ,. ,.�..;,.. .,,.,r ,.�«�Yn.'r���tv� �a�r:� 20 s. rr�.a ,. e i-.;a �7.,.,t, ;�,.y,.ae. 21 :) `�'�cr��g-e�.1u!�� �.�ia� 22 �T�,=��e�;�E't�g, �3 f�r.-«l:ir���� Z3�1 r���+..,,�+:.:�. �x�.,+e,. 24 ��--�xs�-E��t�e� 25 c� r�� ���a��_r�p 26 E) I'�r�af Itallin� Z7z � �1G�'��..� ,.F ,,..,....... ,.....�,...:,.�., 28 S} �ev�rl�rr -� r., 29 1.3 REF�RENCES 3o A. Referenc� Staridards 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4U 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 1. Reference standards cited in this specifi�aiion refer to the current reference standard published at the tune of ihe latest revision date logged at the end of this specif catifln, unless a date is specifically cited. Z. ASTM Standards a. ASTM D43i8-ID, Test Pracedure for Determining Liquid L'unit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Znd�x of Sails b. �1STM D4943-08, Standard Test Method far Shrinkage Factors of Soils by the Wax Methnd c. ASTM D698�Q7eI, Standard Test Metbods far Laboratory Cor�pactio� Characteristics of 5pi1 Using Standard Effort : d. ASTM DJ SS7-09, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Carz�pactian Characterist�cs of Soil Using Modified Effart e. AS'TM D7382-08, Standard Test far Determination of Max'vnum Dry Unit Weight and Water CQntent Range for Effective Compaction of Granular Soils Using a Vibrating Hammer f. ASTM D1556-07, 5tandard Test for Density and Unit Weight of Soil In-Place by the 5and Cane Method CITY OF FOR'i' WORTH Shoreview I]�ive Culvert Improvements STAl\DARD COIVSTRUCTION SPECIRICATIOi�I DOCLTMENTS CPTts 10182D Xc 103051 Rsvised 7anuary 2$, 2013 3�zaoo-3 EMBANKMfiNTS Page 3 of 9 I 1.4 AD1I�INSTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 2 A. Sequencing 3 l. 5equence work such that calIs of proctors are complete in accordance wltlt ASTM 4 D698 priar ta cammer�cernent of construction activities. 5 7.S SiTBMITTALS 6 A. Sub�nittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 7 B. AII submittals shall be ap�raved by the City prior to construction 8 1.6 ACTION SUBNIITTALSfINFORMATZ4NAL SUBNIITTALS 9 A. Shap Drawings 10 1. StociCpiled material 11 a. Provide a description of the starage of the excavated material only if the 12 Contract Documents do not allQw storage of a�aterials in the right-of-way ar the 13 easeznent 14 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMXTTALS [NOT USED] 15 1.S MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SYTBMITTALS [NOT IISED] 16 1.9 QilAL1TY ASSURANCE jNOT USED� I7 1.1D DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 29 3 E} 31 32 33 34 35 A. 5torage 1. Within Existing Rights-of Way (R0�7} a. Soil may be stored within existing ROW, easements or temporary construction easements, unless specifically disallawed in the ContracY Documents. b. Do not block drainage ways, inlets or driveways. e. Pravide erosion control in accordance with Section 31 2S 00. d. When the Work is perfo�med in active traff'ic areas, store materials only in areas barricaded as provided in the traffic control plans. e. In non-paved areas, do not store maierial on the root zone of any trees or in landscaped areas. 2. Designated Storage Areas a. If tlle Cantract Documents do not allaw the storage within the ROW, easement or temporary canstructioil easement, ihen secure and maintain au acfequate storage location. b. Provide an aff'idavit that rights have been s�cured to store the materials on private property. c. Provide erosion control iu accorda.nce with Sect'ton 31 25 Q0. d. Do not block drainage u�ays. 3G 1.11 FIELD CONDTTIONS 37 38 39 40 41 A. E�sting Canditions 1. Any data which has been or rrzay be pxovided on suhsurface conditions is not intended as a repres�ntaiion or warranty of accuracy or continuity betweeza soils. It is expressly understood that neither the City nor the Engineer will be responsible for interpretations or conclusions drawn there from by the Contractor. CITY OF FORT W�RTH Shorer+iew Drive Culvert [mproveinents STANDARD CQNSTRUCTiON SPECIFICATIQNDOCi7MIIV"I'S CFNs 10182U &]03051 Revised January 28, 2fl13 312400-4 EMBANKMEIVTS Page �4 of 9 � � 2. Data as made a�ailable for the convenience of the Contractor. 1.1� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART �. - PRODUCTS 4 2.X OWNER-FURNXSHED �NOT USED] 5 2.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS G 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 2fl 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 A. Materials 1. Acceptabla Fill Material a. In-situ or imported soils classiiied as C�., CH, SC or GC in accorclance with ASTM D2487 b. Free from deleterious maierials, boulders over 6 inches in size and orgaziics c. Can be placed free from voids d. Must have 20 percent passing the nunnber 200 sieve 2. Blended Fill Material a. In-situ soils classiiied as GW, G�', GM, SW, SP, or SM in accord�ce wzth ASTM D2487 b. BIended with in-situ or irnpartad acceptable backfill material to nneet the requirements of an Acceptable Backfill Material c. Free from deleterious rnaterials, houlders over 6 inches in size and organics d. Must have 20 pereent pass:utg the number 200 sieve 3. Unacceptable Fill Material a. In-situ soils classi�ed as ML, MH, PT, OL or OH in accordance with ASTM D2487 4. Select Fill a. Classiiied as SC or CL in accordance vvith ASTM D2487 b. Liquid limit less thau� 35 c. Plasticity index batween: & and 20 �.3 ASSEMBLY OR FASRICATI�N TOLERANCES [NOT USED] 28 �.4 ACCESSORIES [N�T USED] 29 2.5 SOUR.CE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT IISED] 30 PART 3 - EXECUTION 31 3.1 INSTALLERS j1�TOT USED] 32 3.2 EXAM.iNATZON [NOT USED] 33 3.3 PREPARATZON 34 A. Protection af In-Place Conditions 35 1. �'avemer�t 36 a. Conduct activities in such a way �at does not damage existing pave�nent that is 37 designated fo remain. CI'fY QF FQRT WOTL1'H Shorevtew Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECiFICATION DOCUM�NTS CPlZs 101820 & IQ3051 Revised January 28, 2013 312400-5 EMBANICME1dTS Page 5 af 4 1 h. Repair or replace ar►y pavement damaged due to the negligence of the 2 cantractor outside the limits designated for pavement removal at no additional 3 cost 4 2. Trees 5 a, When operating outside oi existing ROW, stake permanent and teznporary 6 consf:ructian easements. 7 b. Restrict a11 construction activities to the designated easements and ROW. 8 e. Flag and protect a1l trees designated to remain in accordance vvith Section 31 10 9 00. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 �7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 d. Conduct embankments in a manner such that there is no damage to the tree canopy. e. Frune or trim tr�e Ii�nbs as specificaliy allowed by the Drawings or as specifically allowed by the City. 1} Pruning ar trimming may anly be accompIisl�ed with equipment specifically designed for iree pruning ar trim_ming. 3. Above ground Structures a. Protect all above ground structures adjacent to the canstr�zetion. �. Traff'ic a. Maintain existing traff c, except as modifzed by the traffic control plan, and in acco:rdance with Section 34 71 13. b. Do nat block aceess to dri�eways or alleys ftor extended periods of time unless: 1} Alter�ative access has been provided 2) Proper notification has been pro�ided to the proper�+ owner or resident 3) It is specifically allowed in the tx'affic cantral plan 25 3.4 INSTALLATIDN 26 A. EmbanlQnents General 27 1. Placing and Compacting E�nbankiiient Material 28 a. Perform fill aperanon in an orderly and systematzc rnanner ussng equipment in 29 proper sequence to meet the compaction requ�rements 3Q b. Scarify and loosen the unpaved surface areas, except rock, to a depth af at least 31 6 inches, unfess otharwise shown on tlae Drawings 32 c. Place fill on surfaces free fro�n �re�s, stumps, roots, vegetation, or other 33 deleteriaus materials 34 d. Bench slopes before placing material. 35 e. Begin fi]ling in the Iowe�t seciion ar the toe of the work area 36 f. When fill is placed directly or upon oider fill, remove debris and any loase 37 naaterial and proof roll e�sting surface. 38 g. After spreading the loose lifts to the required thickness and adjustiz�g its 39 moisture content as necessary, siziaultaneously recompact scarz�ed material 40 with the placed embar�lcix�.ent material. 41 h. Roll with sufficient number passes to achieve the minimum required 42 compaction. 43 i. Provide water sprinkled as �ecessary to achieve required moisture leveIs for q4 specified compactzon �5 j. Do not add additional lifts until the entire previous lift is propei•ly compacted. �6 2. Surface Water Control 47 a. Grad� suriace horizantally bui pro�ide with suificient longitudinal and 48 transverse slope to allow for runofF of surface water from every point. CITY qF FORT WOATH 5horeview I]rive CulverE �mprpvements STANDARD CdNSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCiJMENT5 CPI�s 101820 & 103�51 Re�ised January 28, 2013 31 24 00 - 6 EMSA,NI{ [NENT3 Page 6 of 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ia b. c. d. e. f. Conduct iills so �hat no obst� uction to drainage from any other sections of iill is created. Tnstall temparary det�vatering sumps in low areas during iilling u+here excess amounts of runoff cnllect. Connpact uniformIy tk�t'oughout. Keep surfaces of fill reasonahly smaoth and free from humps and hollows that would prevent proper uniform compac�ion. Do not place f 11 durzng o:r shortly after rain events vvhich prevent praper work placement of the material and eampaction Prior to resi�ming compaction operatians, rerraove t�auddy material aff tha surface to expose firm and compactad materials 11 12 I3 I4 IS 15 l7 18 19 20 �1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 34 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 B. Embanklnents for Roads 1. Only Acceptable Fill Material will be allowed for raadways 2. Embanlcmen#s for roadbeds shaII be constructed in layers appro�nately parallel to the finished grade of the street 3. Construct generally to cox�form to the cross section of the subgrade sectzon as shown in the Drawings. 4. Establish grade and shape to the typical sections shown on the Drawings S. Maintain �inished sections of embankment ta the grade and campaction requirements until the project is aceepted. C. Earth Ernbai�ltxnents I. Earth embankment is mainly eomposed of material other than rock. Construct embanknients in successive layers, evenly distributing materials in lengths suited for sprinkling and rolling. 2. Rock or Concrete a. Obtain approval fram the City prior to incorporating rock and broken concrete prociuced by fhe consfruction proj ect in the lower layers af the embanlunent. b. No Rock ar Concrete will be pennitted in embankinents in any location where future utilities are aniicipated. c. When the size of approved rock or broken concrete exceeds the layer thickness place the rock and concrete outside ihe lunits of the proposed structure or pave�nent. Gut and remove all exposed reinforcing steel from the broken concreie. 3. Move ihe material dumped in piles or windrows by blading or by similar methods and incorporate it intQ uniform layers. 4. Featheredge or mix abutting layers of dissimilar material far at least 100 feet to ensure there ara na abrupt changes in the inaterial. 5. Break down clods or lumps of material and mix ejnbaukrnent until a uniform material is attained. 39 I�. Rock Embankments �Q 1. Rack embanlaxieni is mainly compased of rock. 41 2. Rack Embankines�ts for roadways are only allowed when speciiically designated on �2 th� Drawings. 43 3. Canst�uct rock embar�ents in successive layers for the fuIl width of the roadway 44 cross-sectzon with a depth of 18-inches or less. CIT'I OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Dri�e Culvert Iinprovements STANDARD COIVSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICAT[pN DOCUMF.I�TTS CPNs 14182Q 8c 103051 Revised January 28, 2013 3124OD-7 EMBANKMENTS Page 7 of 9 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 lI 12 13 1� 15 I6 17 I$ 19 20 21 22 23 2.4 2S 26 27 28 2� 30 31 32 33 4. 5. The layer depth for large rock sizes sliall nat exceed a depth of 18-inches in any case. FilI voids created by the large stone matrix with stnaller stonas during the pIacement and filling operations. Ensure the depth of the embankment layer is greater than the maximum dimensian of any rock. 6. Do not place rock greater than 1 S-inches in its maximum dimension. 7. Consfruct the iinal layer with graded material so ihat the density and unifo:txnify is in accordance compaction requirements. 8. The upger or final layer of rock embankments shaIl contain no material larger than 4 inches in their ma�itnum dim�nsinn. E. Density 1. Compact each layer until the m�imurn dry densiiy as daterrnined by ASTM D698 is achieved. a. Nat Under Roadway or Structure: I) areas fo be connpacted in the open, not beneath any structure, pa�ement, flatworic, or is a rninimum of 1 foot outside o f t�ae edge o� any structure, edge of pavement, or back of cwrb. a) Compaci each layer to a minimum of 40 percent Standard Practar Density. b. Embankments under fu4.izre pa�ing: 1) Compact each layer to a minimum of 95 percent standard proctor density with a moisture content not to exceed � I-4 percent or -2 percent of opiimum rriaist-�.tre or as indicated on the Drawings c. Embankments under structures: 1) Compacted each layer as indicated on the Drawings �'. Mainte nance of Maisture and Reworking 34 3.� REPAIlt [NOT USED] 35 3.6 RE-INSTALLATXON [NOT XTSED� 3b 3.'� FIELD QUAILITY CONTROL 37 38 39 40 4I 42 43 44 A. Field Tests azad Inspections 1. Maintain the density and moisture content once aI1 requirements are met. 2. �`or soils with a�'I greater than 1 S, maintain the moisture content no lawer than �l percentage ppints below optimum. 3. Rewark the material to obtain the specified compactian when the materialloses the required stability, density, moisture, or finish. 4. Alter the compaction methods and procedures on subsequent work to obtain specified density as directed by the City. 1. Practors a. T�e City will perform Proctors in aceordance with ASTM D698. b. Test results will generally be available to within �F calendar days and distributed ta: 1} Contractor 2) City Project Manager 3) City Inspector CITY OF FQILT WORTH S'T'ANDAI2T) CONSTRIIC'I10N SPECIFICATTON DOCUMENTS Revised danuary 28, 2013 5horeview Drine Culvert Improvements CPNs 10 ] 820 & 163051 312400-8 �MBANKMEMTS Page 8 of 9 1 4) Engineer 2 c. Naiify the City if the characteristic of the soil changes. 3 d. City will perform ne�v proctors for varying soils: 4 1) When indicated in the geotechnical investigation in tlZe Appandix 5 2) If notified by the Contractor 6 3) At the conveniance of the City 7 e. ��nbankments where different soil types are present and are blended, the 8 practors shall be based on #he m�ture af those sails. 4 2. �roof Rolling 14 a. Emba�akments under Future Pavement 11 I} Cify Project Representative must be an-site d�ring proof rolling operations. 12 2) iJse equipment tbat will apply sufficient load to identify soft spnts that rut 13 or pump. 14 a) Aeceptable equipment includes fu11y loaded single-axle water truck 1S with a 1504 gaIIon capacity. 16 3) Make at least 2 passes vvith the proof raller (down and back =1 pass). 17 4) OfFset each trip by at most 1 tire width. I 8 5) If an unstable ar non-uniform area is found, carrect the area. I9 6) Correct 2fl a) Soft spots that ru� or pump greater than 3/4 inch. 21 b) Areas that are unstable or non-unifor�n 22 7) If a npn-uniform area is found then correct the area. 23 b. Embank3nents Not Under F�ture Faving 24 1) No Proof Rolling is required. 25 3. I?ensity Testing of Embankments 26 a. Density Test s�all be in conformance with AS'FM D2922. 27 b. For Embanl�ents under future payemen�: 28 1) The City will perforxn density testing twice per working day when 29 compaction operations aTe heing conductad. 30 2} The testing lab shall take a minimuzn of 3 density tests, but the number of 31 test shall be appropriate for the area being carnpacted. 32 3} Testing shall be representative of the current lift being compacted. 33 4) Special attention should be placed on edge conditions. 34 c. For Embai�nents not �u�der fiature pavement or structuz'es: 35 1) TY�e City will perfQrm density testing once �va:rking day when campaction 36 operatians are being conducted. 37 2) The testing lab shall talce a mininaum of 3 density tests. 38 3) Testing shall be representative of the carre�at li8 being campacte�. 39 d. Make the area vcrhare tlle e:tr�banknaent is being placed available for testing. �0 e. The City wzll determine the lacatian of the test. 41 f. The City testing lab will provide results to Con�ractor and the City's Inspectar 42 upon completian of the t�sting. 43 g. A formaI repart vwill be posted to the City's Buzzsaw site within 48 hours. �44 h. T�st xeports shall include: �5 i) Location. of test by station number 46 2) Time ar►d date of test 47 3) Depth of testing 48 4) Field moisture 49 5) Dry density CITY OF FORT WQRTI-1 Shoraview Ilrive Culvert lmprovements 5TEINDARD CON51Ri7CTION SPECIFiCATION DaCU1VI�IVTS • CPNs 101$20 & 1U3051 Revised.Tanuary 28, 2013 sizaoo-s EMBANKMENTS Yage 9 of 9 1 6} Proctar identi�er 2 7} Percent Practar Density 3 B. Non-Conforming W�rk 4 1_ Ajl non-canforming work shall be rernaved and r�placed. 5 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 6 3.9 ADJUSTaNG [NOT U�ED� 7 3.10 CLEANING �N�T USED] 8 3.1]. CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NUT USED] 9 3.1� PROTECTZON [N4T USED] IO 3.13 MA�NTENANCE [NOT USED] I1 3.14 ATT�CHMENTS �N()T C7SED� 12 13 DATE NAME 12/20/2012 D. Jolvason 112$113 D..Tohnson I4 END O� SECTI�N Revision Log SUMMARY O�' CHA.NGE 1.2 —Added possible measnrement and payment procedures and Blue �ext for instructions on how the methods shoul.d be applied 2.2.2.a added GW and SW material classifications �.2 — Modi#�ied Bid Item names in payment section to differentiate between 1'aytna�nt Methods an bid list. CI'T"Y OP FORT WOK1T-I Shoret�iew Drive Culvert Improvements STANi3ARD CONSTAUC7TON SPECIFICATION DO�Ci1Tvl�NTS CPAfs I0182a &] 034S1 Revised January 28, 2013 323213-1 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRET�R�TAINING WAL1.S Page i oF6 1 2 SECTTON 32 3213 CAST-IN-�'LACE CONCRETE RETAINING VJALLS 3 PARTI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SII1V11VIARY 5 A. Section Includes 6 1. Cons�ruction o� cast-in-place concrete retaining wall adjacent ta canoreta sidewalk 7 (3 foat maximum height) of the size an�i shape detailed on fhe Drawittgs and at the 8 location shawn on the Drawings. 9 2. Canstruction of'I�:DOT standard cast-in-place, spread foat concrete retaining wall 1 p af the size and shape detailed on the Drawings and at the location shown an the 11 Drawings. I2 3. Construetion of cast-in-nlace concrete retainin� wall as shown in the Shoreview 13 Drive Culvert Improv�ments Proiect. 14 4. Construction af renurnosed wa11 as shown in the Shareview Drive Culvert 15 Imt�rovement Proiect. 16 B. Deviations from this City of Fart Worth Standard 5pecification 17 1. Modified Section 1.1 18 2. Modiiied Section 1.2 19 3. Modified �ection 1.3 20 4. Modified Section 1.5 21 5, Modified Section 2.2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1.2 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 4D 4I C. Related Speci�cation 5ectiQns iiicIude, but are not necessarily Limited to: I. Division 0- Bidding Requirements, Cantract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- General Requirements 3. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Flace Concrete 4_ Section 3I 23 16 — Unelassified Excavatian 5. Seetion 31 23 23 - Borrow 6. 5ectian 31 24 DO - Embank�nents 7. Sectian 32 I3 24 - Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 8. Section 33 46 00 - Subdrainage PRXCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDiTRES A, Measurement and Payment 1. Cancr�te Retaining Wall Adjacent to 5idewalk a. Measurement 1) Messurement for this Item shall be by fhe square foot ofthe front surface of the wall (face} from the tap Qf the adjacent sidewalk to the �op of the wall. b. Fayment 1) The work perforrued and �naterials furnished in accordance with this Ttezn and measured as pravided under "Mcasurement" will be pa�d far at the unit price bid per square �oot of Concrete Retaining WaII Adjacent to Sidewalk construcied. CIT'Y OF T'ORT WORTH 5hareview Drive CuEvert Iinprovements STANDARD CONSTAUCTION SPECIFiCA7'ION.DOCUMENTS CPriTs 10182fl & 103051 Revised 7ui3e 5, 201$ 323213-2 CAST-IN-PLACE CqNCTiET'� RETAiHING WALLS Page 2 af 6 1 c. The price bid shall include: 2 1) ExcavationlEmbankment in back of Retaining Walls (to top of wall) 3 2) Furnishing and placing footings 4 3) Leveling pads and copings 5 4) Furnishing, placing, and cflmpacting backfill (except in embankinent areas) 6 5) Furnishing and placing concrete, rein%rcing steel, waterproofing material, 7 filter material and drain pip�, joint xriaterial, water stop, and filter fabric 8 when required 9 6} Fabricating, curing, and �inisllin.g wail includir�g special coaiings when I O specified il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Concrete Sidewalk Adjacent to Retaining Wall a. Measurement 1) Measureinent for this Tte:m shall be by the square fpot of completad and accepted Concrete Sidewalk Adjacent to Retaining Wall in its imal pasition. Measurement shall be taken from face of wall to edge of concrete sidewalk. b. Paym�nt I) The vvark perfo�xned and materials furnished in accordance with this Item a�nd measured as provided under "Measuremen�" will be paid �or at the �nit price bid per square foot of Concrete Sidewalk Adjacent fo Retaining Wall iz�stalled. c. Tk�e price bid sball include: 1) Excavating and preparing the subgrade 2) Furnishing and placing aIl materials 25 3. Retainin� �alls Shown in the Shore�iew Drive Culvert Inn�rovements Proiect 26 a. Measure�nent 27 1) 1Vleasurement for this Item shall be bv the sauare foot of the front surface of 28 t}�e wall. UnIess otherwise shown on the Drawin�s, measure area from top 29 of foatin� to the ton of the wall incIudin� anv conin� reQuired fnot 30 incIudin� raiiin�). 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 b. Pavment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accardance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measuxement" will be paid for at the unit price bid ner sauare foot of "Maintenanc� Ratnn Retainin� �alI". "LTnstream Retainin� WaII", and "Downstream Retainin� Wall". c. The nrice bid shall include: 1) Excava#ian in back of Retainin� Walls from bottom af footin� tio top of waIl and the an�led hackslone of excavatian.. A11 axca�atian necessa�v to construct the backside of the wall (adiacent to Shoreview Drive) is included in the nav item. 2) Excavafion for the undercutlover e�cavation 3) Flexbase material for the undercut/over exaa�ation 4) Furnlshin� and nlacin� footin�s. includin� exca�ation 5) Levelin� pads and cobin�s 6) Furnishin�, t�lacin�, and corrapactin� backfill {faiz�.r,t 'r.. u.�r��.�:,~z�; 7} Furnishin� and �lacin� concrete, rainforcins steel, watertaroofn� material,. filter zrnaterial and drain pit�e, ioint material, water ston, and filter fabric when required 8} Fabricatin�, curin�, and finishins wa11 includin� suecial coatin�� when sneci�ed CITY OF FbRT WORTFi Shoreview Drive Culvert Itnprovements STANDARD CONSTRTTCTION S1�CIFTCATION DOCUMENTS CYNs ]01820 & 103Q51 ltevised 7une 5, 2018 323213-3 CAST-IN-PLACE COIdCRETE RETAINING WALLS Page 3 of6 9) Placin� draina�e `leave out' in the wall. 4. Renurposed Wall Shown in the Shoreview Drive Culvert Irnprovements Proiect a.. Measuren€� ent 1) Measurean�nt for this Itern sha11 be hv a linear foot basis of com�lete wa11 installed. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 b. Payment 1} Tha work nerformed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as nrovided under "Measurament" will be paid for at the unit t�rice bid ner sa�aare foot of "Reuuroased Roek Wall". c. The nrice bic� shaSl include: I) Salva�in� sufficient material from the ex�stin� rock wall. 2) Cleanin� and nrenarin� the existin� rock a�aterial for renurnosin�. 3) Rormin� and �Iacing the existin� rock material and mortar on the vronased retainin� wall. 4) All mortar and other sealin� and relevant material combounds necess�ry ta nrovide a secure rock wall on the retainin� wall. 5) Placin� the rock wall to the dir�ten.sions shown in the t�lans. 6) P�acin� the rock wall to mimic (aesih�ticallv) tha existin.� rock wall i9 1.3 REFERENCES 20 21 22 23 24 2S A. Deiinitions 1. Perma�eni Wall - Retaining wajl with a design servicc Izfe of 75 years. All walls are presumed ta be permanent walls unless otherwzsa specified in the Drawings. B. Reference standards cited in this speciiication refer to the currenf reference sta�ada�'d published at the tlme of the laiest revision date iogged at the ��d of %kais specification, �nless a date is speciiically cited. 26 l. ASTM Intemational (ASTM): 27 a. D4491, Standard Test Methods for Water Peria�eability of Geatextiles by 2$ Permittivity 29 b. D4533, Sfan.dard Test Mefhod for Trapezoid Tearing 5#rength of Geotextiles 30 c. D4632, Standard Test Method far Grab Breaking Laad and Elo�gation of 31 Geotextiles 32 d. D4751, Sfandard Test MetY�.ad for Determir�ing Apparent Opening 5ize of a 33 Geote�ile 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2. Texas DepattmEnt of Transport�tion (TXDOT), Standard Specif�cations for Construction and Maintenance oi Highways and Bridg�s: a. 1 I0, E�cavation b. 132, Enabankment c. 400, Excavation and Bacl�filI for Structures d. 420, Concrete Structures . e. 421, Hydraulic Cement Concrete f. 423, Retaining Wa11s g. 440, Reinforcing Steei h. 445, Galvanizing i. 458, Waterproofing Membranes for 5tructures �. 556, Pipe Underdrains 3. TxDOT Standard — 5pread Footing Walls a. RW I(L) A— Low Fooiing Pressure, Design A Retaining Walls b. RW I(L} B— Low Faoting Pressure, Design B Retaining Walls CITY OF FdAT WORT`H Shoreview Drive Culvert ImprovemenYs 5i'AND.hRD C�7+�STRUCTION SPECIFTCATION DOCUMBNTS CPNs 10182U &]03051 Revised 7une 5, 201$ 323213-4 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE RE7'AI�fING WALLS Page 4 of 6 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 I3 I A� 15 16 17 18 c. RW 1(L} C— Low Footing Pressure, Design C Retaining Walls d. RW 1(I� A— High Footing Pressure, Design A Retaining Walls e. RW 1(I-� B-- High Footing Pressure, Desig�a B Retaining Wa33s £ RVI� 1(H} C— High Footing Pressure, D�sign C Retaining Walls g. RW 2—Retaining Wa11 Miscellaneous Details 4. Texas Department of Transportation (`I'XD4T), Manual of Testing Procedures: a. Tex-61 b-J, Construction �'abrics 1.4 ADNIIN�STRATNE REQUX:[tEMENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. See Sectian 03 30 40. B. Submittals as reauired for th� renurnosed wall-see Plans. 1.6 ACTYON SUBMXTTALS [NOT U��D] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBIYIITTALS �NOT USEDj 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBM�'�'TALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QLTALITY ASSURANCE A. See Section 03 30 D0. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDL�NG A. See Sectian �3 30 00. 19 1.11 SITE CONDITIONS 20 A. Ambient Conditions: See Sectaon a3 30 �0. 21 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 3D 3I 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 PART2- PRODUCTS 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 MATERIALS A. Concrete and Reinforcing Steel 1. Concrete Retaining Wa11 tivith 5idewalk a. 5ection 03 3Q 00. 2. TxDOT Standard — Spread Footing Walls a. 420, Concrete Structures b. 421, Hydraulic Cement Concre#e c. 440, Rein%rcing Steel d. 445, Galva�izing e. 458, Waterproofing Membranes far Structures B. Backfill 1. Concrete Retaining WaII with SidewaIk a. Section 31 23 23 2. TxDOT Standard — Spread Footzng Walls a. 132, Embankments 3. As shown in the Plans. CITY OF FORT WORTkI 5hareview I]rive C�lvert TmprovemenYs STANDARD CO1�I5TRUCT`IO]Y SPECIFICATION D4CUMENTS CPNs i01820 Bc ia3051 Revised June 5, 201 S 323213-5 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRESE RETAINIi+IG WALLS Fage 5 nf 6 1 2 3 � 5 6 7 S 9 10 ii 12 13 ]4 1S 16 I7 l8 19 20 21 22 23 C. Underdrains 1. Concrete Retain�ng Wa11 with Sidewalk a. Secfion 33 46 00 2. T�OT Standard —�pread Footing Walls a. 556, �'ipe Underdrains 3. As sl�awn in the �'lans. D. �'ilt�r Pabrzc 1. General a. Pra�ide standard weight fabric for retaining walls and soil sepatation. b. Provide flter fabric rated as UV-resistant when used as part oithe e�posed facing for a temparary waIl. c. The fabric consists exclusively of manmade thermoplastic fibees, is a nan- wpven geote�ile fab�ic, and forms a mat of uniform quality. d. Fabric iibers are continuous and random throughout the fabric. e. The fabric is mildew resistant and rot-praof, and it is sa�.sfactory for use in a wet sail and aggregate environment. 2. Filter fabric shall be ner described in the Plans. 3. Physical Requirernents: The fabric must con%rm to the requirernents listed in Table 1 when tested in accordance with the test naethods specified. Tabie 1 Fil�er Fabric Requirements � Physical Properties Fabric Weight, an an ambient temperature air-dried, tension free sa�nple � Permittivity, 1/sec � Tenszle Stran�th, lbs � Apparent Opening Size � Elon�;ation at yield, percent � TrapezQidal Tear, lbs 24 25 z6 27 28 2.3 29 2.4 Test Method Tex-b 16-J ASTM D4491 ASTM D4632 ASTM D4751 ASTM D4632 ASTM D4533 VaIue 4 a7Jyard 1.0, min 10� lbs 7p-100 20-100 35 lbs �. Renurnosed Wa11 Material 1. On-site renuruosed rock from the existit-�� rock wall. Rock sha]1 be selected ar►d shaved to meet the dimensional reauirements of the renur�_os�d wall as shown in the nlans. Coniractor to urovide mortar, �'out, and all masanry needs. ACCESSORIE� [NOT USED] SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USEDI 30 PART 3 - EXECUTION 31 31 IN�TALLERS [NOT USED] 32 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USEDj 33 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH 5horeview Drive Culvert Iraprovements STAN�ARD COTISTRUCT`ION SPECIFICATTOI�I DOCi1MfiNT5 CP3�Ts 10182U 8c 103051 Revised ]une S, 2618 323213-6 CAST-IN-PLACE COTICRET� RETAINING W1�LL5 Page 6 of 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1� 1S 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Construct retaining vvalls in accordance with the Drawings and to the pertinent requireir�ents of the following Sections: 1. Concrete Retaining Wall with Sidewalk a. Section 03 30 00 b. Section 31 23 16 c. Sectian 3123 23 d. Section 31 24 00 e. Section 33 46 60 2. TxDOT Stattdard — Spread Footing Walls a. 1 ID, Excavatian b. 132, Ennbax�iczxzent c. 400, Excavatian azid Backfill for Structures d. 423, Retaining Wa11s e. 420, Cancrete Structures f. 458, Water pxaafing Membranes for 5tructures g. 556, Pipe Underdrains 3.� REPAIR A. See Section 43 30 00. 3.6 RE-INSTALLATxON [NOT i7SED] 3.'� FIELD QUALITY C4NTRQL A. See Section 03 30 4D. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USEDj 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED7 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.I1 CLOSEDUT ACTIVTTIES [N4T CJSED] 3.I� PROTECTION [NOT IISED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] DATE NAME ENv oF sEeTTON Revisican Log STJMMARY OF CHANGB 12/20/2012 D. 7ohnson 1.2.A — Payment Item for concrete xetaining wall with sidewalk wss broken info two Items; one for the face of wall and one for the sidewalk. 615/1 S M Owen Revised Summary and Measurement and Payment sections. CITY OF FORT WORTH STA]�4DARD CONSTRiJCTIOAI SPECIFICATION DOCUh�IEI+iTS Revised Iune 5, 20I8 5horeview Drive Calvert Impravements CPNs1Q1820 & 103051 336310-1 BYPASS PUMPING OF EXISTING 3EWER SYS'TEMS Page 1 of6 sECT�oN �3 0� xa BYPASS PIJMPING OF EXISTING SEWER SYSTEMS PART 1- GENERAi, i!f F`11�►�l��=�\�`I A. Section Includes: 1. Bypass pumping of the existing sewer system, required on 18-inch and Iarger sewer lines unless otherwise specif �� in the Contract Docuznents. 2. Implementation, aneration, and maintenance of a system to mana�e the temboraz-v force main system. B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Speciiication 1. Section 1.1 2. Section 1.3 3. Sectian 1.� 4. Section 1.6 C. ReIated Specification Sections include, but are nat necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditians af the Coniract 2. Divisio�n 1— General Requireinents 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDiJRES A. Measurement a�d Payment Measurement a. Measurement far this Item will be by Iwmp sum. 2. Payment a. The work perfarmed and materials furnished in accorciance with this Ttem will be paid for at tlre lump sum price bid for "Management and Implementation Plan for Force Main". 3. The price bid shalI include: a. Mobilization b. Development af bypass, containment and disposal plans c. Submission of bypass, conta.inment and disposal plans for City approval d. Coerdination with sewer f�eld operations and preshutdown meeting as required in the drawings e, Transporta�ion and storage f. Frotection of Lake Worth g. Setup h. Coniuzed space entry i. Pingging j. Temporary piping and connections to masntain fully aperational system througl�aut construction CTTY OI' FbRT WOI�'TH Shorevievv Briva C�lvcrE improvements STAN]]ARll COM5TRCTCTION SPECFFICATION DOCUMENTS November 3, 2U20 CPi�Ts 10182p �] D3051 000aaa-2 MANAGEMENT k1vD IMPLEIVIENTATION PLAN POIt FOTtCE MAIN Page 2 of6 k. Bypass pumping throughout construction 1. Natice to residents/agencies m. Removals n. Clean up o. �urface restoration 1.3 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards I. Reference standaz'ds cited in this Specificatian refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revzsion. date lagged at the end of this Specificatian, unless a date is specif cally cited. 2. Occupational Safety and Health Qrgaaaizatiaz� (OSHA}. 3. Taxas Commissian on Enviarnmental Oualitv (TCE07 4. Citv af Fart Worth Enviornmental Department �.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coardination 1. DeveloA bvnass, containnaent and disnosal plans and subjnii to Citv for review. 2. ScneduIe meeting with Gity to review sewer s�utdawn prior to replacing or rehabilitatzng any facilities. 3. City reser�+es the righi to delay schedule due to wea�her conditior►s, or other uzie�pected emergency within the sewer system. 4. Review bypass pumping arraz�.gement or layout in the field wiYi� City prior to begiru�ing aparatians. Facilitate preliminary bypass pumping run with City staff present to af�irm the operaiion is safisfactory to the City. 5. After culvert impravements are complete with the new force main, coardinate the reesta�lishment of sewer �law with Citv stai�. 6. Provide ansite eontinuous monitoring during all bypass pumping operations using one oithe fallowu�gmethods: a. Persannel on site b. Fortable SCADA equiprrkent 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals sha11 be in accordance with Seciion O] 33 00. B. All subz�aittals shall be approved by the City prior �o deli�ery. 1.6 ACTION SUBNIITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SIIBMITTALS A. For 3" HDPE low press�re force main, submit a detailed ulan an.d descriqtian outlir�n�; a11 nrovisions and nrecautions that wzll be taken with re�ard to the iia.ndlin� of sewer flows. �ub�nit the plan to the Citv for anuraval a miniinum of 7 days nrior to commencin� work. Inelud� the followin� details: I. Schedule for installation and maintenac�.c� of Y.he bvnass numnin� system 2. Sta�in� areas for nwnns CI`T'Y OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvart Improvemenes S I'kNDA12D CONSTRUCTI01� SPECIFICATTON DOCiIMEN"I'S Revised 1Vovember 3, 2020 CPNs �0182p & 1Q3051 000000-3 IviANAGEIv1ENT AND IMPLE[vIENTATION PLAN �OR FORCE MAIT! P�ga 3 af 6 3. Pumn sizes. capacitv. number of each size, and �ower reauirements 4. Calcula�ions fox static lift, friction losses, and velocitv 5. Purnp curves showin� operatin� ran�e and system head curves 6. Sawer plu��in� methods 7. Size, len�th, �aterial, joint ivne. aud method for installation of suction and dischar�e nit�ing 8. Method af n�ise contral for each nwnp andlar �enerator, if reauired 9. Standhv �ower �enerator size and location 1p. Suction and dischar�e niuin� vlan 11. Emar�encv action t�lan identifvin� the measures taken in the event of a punap failure or sewer snill i2. Staffin� plan far respondin� to alarm conditions id�ntifvin� trzultinle contacts bv name and p�one numbers (o�fiiee, mobile) l 3. A contin�encv nlan to implement in the event the renlace�nent or rehahilitation has unex�ected delays or broblenns l.i CLOSEOiFT SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUSMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSi7RANCE A. Contractor shail be responsible for ensuxe the proper operation of the temporary force rnain system ar�d ensuring Lake Worth is protected feoin the sewage at all ti�nes. 1.1.0 DELNERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FZELD [SXTE] CONDTTIONS [NOT USED] �.1ti WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART�-PRODUCTS �.1 OWNER-�+'�JRNISHED [ox] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USEb] 2.� EQUIPMENT B. Pumping 1. 1'rovide equipment that will convey 10�} percent af r�ei weather peak flow conditions. 2. Frovide fully automatic self priming puta�.ps. Foat-valves pr vacuum pumps are not permi�ted for pz'iming the system. 3. Pumps must be constructed io allow dry ruz�ning for �eriods of time to aecount for the cyclical nature oi sewer flow. 4. Provide I stan.d-by pump far each size to be maintained on site. Place backup pumps on tine, isolated from the primary syst��x�. by valve. CTI'Y OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTIpN SPECIFICATTOTi DOCUIVIENTS Re�ised November 3, 2024 CPPIs 101820 & IQ3051 00 00 00 - 4 MANAGSIVIENT ANb IIvIPLEMENTA"i'lON PLAN FOIt FORGE MAIN Page 4 of 5 5. If multiple pumps are required to meet the flow requirements, provide the necessary fittings and connections to incorparate multiple discharges, 6. Noise levels of the purnping system must follow the requirements of ihe C11y noise ordi�ance for gas wells. C. Fiping L Install pipes with joints whlch prevent the incident of flow spillage. D. Plugs or Stop Logs 1. Piugs a. Select a plug that is made for the size and patential pressure �ead tlaat will be experiencad. b. Provide an addition�l anchor, support or bracing to secure plug when back pressure is preser�t. c. Use accurately calibrated air pressure gauges fnr monitoz'zng the znflation pressure. d. Place inflation gauge at location autside of confu�ed space area. Keep the inflation gauge arnd valve a safe distance from the plugs. e. Never o�rer inflate the plug beyond its pressure rating. 2. Stop Logs a. Us� stap log devices designed for the manhole or sewer vault structure in use. b. If applicable, obtain stap logs from City that znay be us�d on specific structures. 2.3 ACCESSORXES [N�T i1SED] 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL �NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.i IN�TALLERS [NOT USED� 3.2 EXAMINATIf)N jNOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION A. Locate the bypass pipelines in area to minunize disturbance to exisiing utilities and obtain approval of illose locations from the City. B. iWlake preparations ta caznply with 4SHA requirements when working in the presence of sewer gases, oxygen-deficient atmospheres and conf'med spaces. C. Do iYot begin bypass preparatioz� and aperatia�l until City approval of the subir�ittals requested per this Specifieation. 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Install a:nd operate p�unping and piping equipment in accordance to the subxniiials provided per this Speci�cation. S. Sewer #�ow stoppage CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANAARD CONSTRUC'FION SPL�CTI'ICATIQN DOCUMEIVTS Ra�ised November 3, 2020 CPNfs [0182p & 1p3051 OOOD00-S IvIAT1AGEMENT AND IMPLBMENFATION PLATI FQA FORCE 1�AIN Page 5 of b 1. Plugging a. Use con�ined space procedures and equipment during it�stallation wnen necessary. b. Thnroughly clean the pipe befoge insertion of fhe plug. c. Iilsert the plug seal surface completely so it is fully supparted by the pi�ae. d. Position the plug where there are not sharp edges or protrusions that may damage the piug. e. LTse pressure gauges for measuring inflation pressures. f. Mininnize upstreaYn pressure head before deflating and removing. C. Sewer flow can#rol and manitoring 1. Take sufficient precautions to ensure sewer flow operatians do not cause flooding or damage to public or private properiy, The Contractor is responsible for any damage resulting frorn bypass p�unping operations. Z. Begin continual riao��itoring of the sewer system as soon as the sewer is plugged or �lacked. Be prepared to immediately start bypass pumping ii needed due io surcharg�e conditions. 3. Sewer discharge may be snto another sewer manhole or apprapriate vehicle or container only. Do not discharge sewer into an open environment such as an open channel or earthen holding facility. 4. Do not construct bypass facilities where vehicular traf�ic may traveI over il�e P�P�€• a. Provide details in tk�e suc�ion and dischaxge pzping plan that accommodate boti� the bypass facilities and traffic without disrupting either servic�. 3.S REPATR 1 RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-XN�TALLAT�QN [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [oe] SITE QUALITY CONTROL A. Fielci [ox] Site Tests and Inspections I. Perform Ieakage and �ressuz'e tests of the bypass pumping pipe and equiprrient befare actual aperation begins. Ha�e City staff on site during tests. 3.$ SYSTEM �TARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUST�NG [NOT C7SED] 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTNITIES A. Once plugging or blocking is no longer necessary, remove in such a way that permits the sewer flaw to slowly reYurn to normal — preventing surge, surcharging and major dow�tstream disturhance. 3.12 PROTECT�ON [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USEDI C1TY OP FORT WOItTFI Shareview Drive Culvert Improvements STANDAI2D CONSTRTJCITON SPECIFICATION DOCUII�NTS RevisedNovember 3,202p CPNs ]0[820 & 103051 oa000a-G MANAGEMENT AND TNIPLBMENTATTOIV 1'LAI+T FOR FORCE MAIN Page 6 of 6 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log 12/20/2012 D. JQ]�SQ� �•6-Clari�ed submittals required for 1$" and larger lines C1TY OF FORT WORTFI 3horeview Drive �lveri Improvements STANDARD CONSTRUCTIQN SPECIFICATIpN DOCUMBNTS Res+ised Novem6er 3, aoaa CPNs 101820 & 103p5] 33 p4 30 - 1 'fE1vIPORARY WATER SERVICES Page ] of 4 1 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 1.1 SiTMMARY CSECTION 33 04 30 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICES 5 A. Section Includes: 6 ]. Temporary Water Service ar bvnass need�d to nnazntaul ser�ice during water main 7 replacement project 8 B. Deviatians from this City of Fort Worth Standard �pecificatian 9 1. 1.1.A.1 10 �. 1.2.A.3 l I 3. �.�.A & B& C 12 4. 3.4A & D 13 14 15 16 17 I8 I9 20 21 22 23 1.2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 36 37 38 39 C. Products Installed But Nat �'urnished Under This Section I . Fir� Hydrant Meters D. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limfted to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requirements, Cantract Fonns, and Conditians af the Contract 2. Di�ision 1— Ganaral Requirements 3. Specif cation 32 12 16 — Asphalt Paving 4. Specifrcation 33 OS l0 — Utility Trench Excavatian, Embedmer�t and Backf'�11 S. Specificaiion 33 04� 40 — Cleaning and Acceptance Testing of Water Mains 6. Speci�cat�on 33 12 10 — Water Services 1-inch to Z-inch PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCED'CIRES A. Measurement and Payrnent 1. Measurement a. Measurement iar Temporazy WaYez' Ser�ices will be measured by: 1) Luinp sum or Z) Per linear foot af Tempo:rary Water Main %r Miscellaneous Projects only 2. Payment a. The wark performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured under "Measurement" wi11 be paid for at the unit price bid for "Taznporary Water Service" of the type specified. 3. Th.e price bid sha11 include: a. Temporary water service line or b�uass line b. Cannections c. Fittings d. Valves e, Corporation stops f. Temporary asphait for crassings C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive CSilvert Impravements CPNs 5TANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF'ICATIQN DOCi]MEN"I'S l01820 & I03051 Revised 7uly 1, 20ll 334430-2 TRMPORARY WATER SEItVICES Page 2 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 1�4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 g. Trafiic Cantral h. Disinfection i. Reinoval of temporary services or bvrsass line L3 REFERENCE� . A. Reference Standards i. Reference standards cited in this 5peciftcation refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of t.�is Specificatian, unless a date is specifically cited. 2. NSF Interna#ional a. 6I, Drinking Water 5ystem Components — Health Effects 3. ASTM I�lternational (AST11�: a. D3035, Standard Specifcation far Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based oi� ControIled O�tside Dia;neter 1.�4 ADMII�TISTRATIVE REQUIItEMENTS A. Scheduling 1. Provide advance notice for service interruption an d meet requzrements of Division 1. 1.5 SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTXON Si1BMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBNIITTALS [NOT USED] 1.'� CLO�E�XTT SUBMITTALS [NOT USEDj 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED} 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USEDI 23 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, �ND HANDLING [NOT USED] 24 1.1� FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 25 1.I� WARRANTY [NOT USED] 26 27 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.l OWNER FURI�IISHED PRODUCTS 28 A. Fire Hydrant Meters 24 2.2 EQUIYMENT, PRODUCT TYPE, AND MATERIALS 3Q 31 32 33 34 35 3G A. Description 1. Regulatory Requirements a. All Te�nporary Water 5ervice components or bvnass lines in contact with patable water shall conform to the requirements of NSF 61. B. Materials I. Service Couplings, Fittings, and Carporation Stops a. Conform ta Section 33 1210. CITY OF FORT WORT%T STAIVDARD CONSTRUCTION 9PEC�TCATTOTI DOCi1MENTS Revised 7uly I, 2011 5horeview Drl�e Gulvert Impeovernents CPNs 161820 & J03oS1 33443D-3 TE14lPORARY WA'FER SEIZVICES Page 3 of 4 1 2. 5ervice lines and Bvnass Lines 2 a. Polyethylene iubing 3 b. Confor� to ASTM D3035 and SDR 11 4 3. Temporaty Waier Service Main 5 a. Galvanized steel pipe 6 b. Conform to Schedule 4Q. 7 4. Dri�eway Approach 8 a. Asphait 9 1) Type B Asphalt in accordance with 5ection 32 12 16 10 C. Design Criteria 1I 1. Service lines 12 a. 31a-inc1� ininimum pipe size 13 b. Minimum flow rata of 5 GPM at a dynamic pressure of 35 psi 14 2. Temparary �ater Service Main 15 a. 2-inch minimum pipe size 16 3. Temnorary Bvvass Main 17 a. 4-inch minimum nine size IS 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT IISED] 19 �.4 SOURCE QUAL�`Y CUNTROL [NOT USED] 20 PART 3 - EXECI7TTON 2I 3.1 IN�TALLERS [NOT USED] 22 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 23 3.3 PREPAR�TION [NOT USED] 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3.4 INSTALLATION A. General I. InstalI Temporary Water Services and bvnass Iines in accardance with provisions herein and in accordaa�c� with City Standard Details. Z. Perform disinfection test of temporary water sar�ice main. a�-water services, and bvuass lines in accordance with Section 33 04 40. B. Temporary Water Servzce Installation 1. Connect to existing water supply a. Fire hydrant 1) Co:nx�ect ta fire hydrant with hydrant meter and 2-inch gate valve. b. If a fire hydrant is not available, tap existing water main. 1) Connect to water main with 2-inch service tap and a corporatian stop iu accardance with 5ection 33 12 10. 2) Recard water usage with a hydrant meter. 3) Do noi tap exis�ing water main, unless approv�d by the City. 2. V4'ater service a. Connect �/4-inch water service to 2-inch temporary water service main. CITY OP FORT WOR'�'H Shoreview Drive L�ilvert [wprovements Si'AI�[DAItD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIQN DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 8c 103051 Revised 7uly 1, 201 ] 33 Q�l 30 - 4 T�MPORAltY WATER SERVICES Page 4 of 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 I1 12 13 14 15 16 3.� b. Remove eXisting meters, tag with address and pravide ta City Inspector. c. Connect 3/a-inch temporaty water servi�e tn existing private service. d. Cover domestic meter box with protective guard ar barricade. C. Intersaction and Driveway Approach Crassing for Temporary Water Service L Crossing for Temporary Water 5er�ice Main a. Cover temporary seraiee line with sufficient asphalf to protect service line and to pro�ide a driveable crossing. b. If required tQ bury temporary service line due to higli vnlui�ne traf�c, ar other reasons required by� the City, excavate, embed and hackfill in accordance with S�ction 33 OS 10. D. Temnorary Water Bvoass Line Inistallafion 1. Cannect to eai�tins water su�t�qlv a. Fire hvdranf 1) Cannect io fire hvdra�nts with 4-inch gate vaIves as shown in the Drawings. REPAIR 1 RESTORATIUN [NOT USED] 17 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 18 3.7 �'XELD Iox] SITE QIIALITY CONTROL l9 A. Field Tests and Lnspections 20 1. Check;.��'� ������-- �aM,��� the water bvpass line instaJlation for leaks with full 21 flow � N:f�f�G �t RGw �:~~� ",.� -~ �`��+�� in accordance with 22 Section 33 Q4 40. 23 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 24 3.9 AD�i7STING [NOT U SED] 25 3.]0 CLEANIl�TG [NOT USED] 25 3.11 CLO�E�UT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 27 3.1� PROTECTIQN [NOT USED] 28 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 29 3.14 �TTACFIMENTS [NOT USED] 30 �ATE NAME � I 31 END OF SECTION Revision Log SUtv1NiARY OTr CHANGE C[TY OF FORT t�VOlt'CH STANDAI2D CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUIvIE�+]TS Revised 7uly 1, 2U11 Shareview Drive G'�ilvert lmprovements CPNs 101820 & 103051 33 41 10 - 1 REINFORCED COl+3C1tETE STQRM DRAIN PIPEICULVERTS Page 1 of 14 1 2 SECTION 33 411p REINFORCED CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE/CULVERTS 3 PART 1- GENE�Ai, 4 11 SiTNIlVIARY 5 6 7 8 9 ia 11 12 I3 I4 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2A� 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3z 33 34 A. Sectian IncIudes: 1. Furnishing and insialling reinforced concrete storm drain pipe and culverts, including: a. Pipe or bax fittings b. Connection of dt'ain lines to curb inlets c. All jaints d. All connections ta new or existing pipe or headwalls, mat�aoies, etc., to the lines a�d grades shovvn on the Drawings 2. Tz'at�snartin� aud instaliin� reinforced cancr�ta box culverts pravided bv the Citv, includin�: a. Loadin�, transportiiis, unloadin� and storiza� boxes b. Installa#ion of the boxes c. Minor repairs ta boxes d. A11 connectians to new headwalls and retainin� walls, at the �rades shown on the Drawin�s B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Siandard Specifica�ion l. Modif ed 5ection 1. l 2. Modif�ed 5ection 1.2 3. Modified Section 1.5 4. Modified Section 1.10 5. Modified Sectian 2.4 6. Modified Seciion 3.5 C. Re3a#ed Specification Seetions include, buk are not necessarily limited to: 1. Division 0— Biddi_ng Requiretnents, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Coniract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 3. Section 33 O1 31 — Closed Circuit Televlsian (CCT'V) Inspection 4. Section 03 30 00 — Casi-in-Place Concrete S. Section 33 OS 10 — Utility Trench Excavatian, Embedtnent and Backf'iTl 5. Section 33 OS 23 — Hand Tunn�ling 7. 5eation 03 34 13 - Con�rolled 1.ow Strength Material (CLSM) 35 1.2 PRICE AND PAYNI�NT PROCEDURES 36 A. Measurement and Payment 37 1. Reinforced Concrete Storrn Drain Pipe 38 a. Measurement C1TY OF FORT 1YORTH Shoreview brive Culvert lmprovements STANDARD CO3VSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIOI�I 170CLFMENTS CPNs 141820 & 103051 Rer+ised ]uly 1, 2017 33 +!1 10 -2 REINFORCED CqhICRETE STORM ]]RA1N PIPE/CULV�RTS Page 2 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �� 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Q c. 1) Measured along the langitudinal centerline of the pipe from the initial beginning point as sY�own on Drawings �o the end of constructian as shown on Drawings, excluding inside dia�neters oiany rnanholes encountered Payment 1} Tha work performed and materials furnish�d in accordance witl� this Item and measured as provided under "I�Ieasure�aaent" will be paid for at the urut price bid per linear foot af "ACP" installed for: a) Various sizes b) Variaus elasses The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and insta.11iiYg the specified diameter pipe ar►d appurtenant fittings 2} Mobi�ization 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Dispasal of axcess �nateriaj 7) Furtzzshin�, placement and compaction of embedment 8) �'utx�islaing, placement and compaction oibackfill 9} Gaskets 1D) Clean-up I1) Cleaning l2) Jointing 13} Cannections to alI drainage str�zctures 2. R�inforced Concrete Storm Drain Cul�erts a. M�asurement 1) Measured aSang the longitudinal cent�z'line of the pipe from the initial beginning point as shown on Drawzngs to the end af construction as shown an Drawings, excluding inside diameters of any manhales encountered b. Payment I) The work performed and naaterials fumished in accordanee with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per Iinear foot af "Box Culvert" installed for: a} Variaus sizes c. The price Uid shall include: 1) Furnishing and insialling the specified diameter pipe and appurYenatat fittings 2} Mobilization 3) Pavement removal 4} Exca�ation S) Haul�ng 6) Disposal af excess material 7) Furnishing, placement�and compaction of embedriaent 8) Furnishing, placement and comgaction of bacicf'tll 9) Gask�ts 10) Clean-up 11 } Cleaning ] 2) rointing 13) Connections ta ail drainage structures CITY QF FORT WORTH S�'A]�DARD CDNSTRUCT1013 SP�CIFICATIQN DOCi1MENT5 Revised Suly 1, 20ll 5horeview Drive Culvert Tmpravements CPNs10182U & l03051 334110-3 REINFORCED CONCRETB STORM DRA1N PIPEfEi3LVERTS Page 3 oF 14 1 3. Starage Box Culverts -Box Cul�erts Provided bv the Citv 2 a. Measurement 3 1) Measured aloz�g the longitudinal centerline of the bax fra�n face of box. 4 b. Favmeni 5 I} T'he work nerformed and materiais furnished in accardance with this Item, 6 and measured as nrovided under "Measuraziaent" wi3l be naid for at the unit 7 t�rice bid ner linear foot af box culveri transborted and installed for: al 8 "Transport and Install Citv Provided 10'x10' RCBs " 9 c. T'he nrice bid shall include: IU i) Eauinment and vehicles needed to load and transnort the boxes 11 2) Loadin� and securin� of the box se�rnenfs to transnort the boxes frozn the 12 Citv of Fort Worth sto:ra�e vard to the nroiect site. 13 3) Coordination with local and state aeencies to transnort tll� boxes 14 �4} Pre and nost loadi:ne/wal oadin�, haulin� insuection of the boxes i S 5) Coordination with C1fv staff re�ardin� box culvert selection 16 6) Haulin� �h� boxes tQ the nroiect site (includin� ail nermits, re�istrations, 17 insuranC�, nilot car, etc.�, 18 7) Un.load'ua� and sta�in� hox se�men�s for installation 19 8) Installin� the snecified size box culvert 20 9) Mana�ez�nent of �round water and hackwater Erom. �ake Worth 21 10) TesYin� and Post TV of tha bQxes 22 11) RCB Minor Repairs-See Sectian 3.5 23 12) Mabilization of eauipment 24 I3) Excavation for the bo� culverts 25 I4} Dist�osal of excess material 26 15) Furnishinr�, nlacement and comnaction of e�nbedment material 27 16} Furnishing. nlaceffient and cotx�nactian of backfill material 28 17} Gaskets 29 18) Cleanin2 30 19) Jor, •ntin� 31 20) Connections to all ciraina�e structures and headwalls 32 1.3 REFER.ENCES 33 A. Reference Staudards 34 l. Reference standaxds cited in this Sp�ez�icattion refer to the current r�ference 35 standard published at the time of tne latest revision date logged at the end oithis 36 �}�ecification, unless a date is specificaIly cited. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Offieials (AASHTO}: a. Till, Inorganic Matter or Ash in Bi�.utninous Materials. 3. ASTM iiiternational (ASTM}; a. A185, Standard Specificatzon for Steel Welded Wire Rein%rcement, l'lain, for Cancrete. b. A447, Standard Specaf cation for Steel Welded Wire Reinforeeznent, Defarmed, for Concrete. c. C75, Sfandard Specification for Reinforced Concre�e Culvert, Starm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. d. C361, Standard Speeification fQr Reinforced Concrete �.ow-Head Pressure Pipe. CITY OF FORT WORTH S'CAIV�ARD CONSTRUCTIDIV SPEGIFICATION DOCUMEIZTS Revised 7uly l, 2011 Shoreview Drive Culvert Tmprovements CPNs 161820 & 103051 33a1 ro-a RE�NFORCED CONCRET'E STORM DRA1N PIPEICULVERT5 Paga 4 of 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ifl 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 i� 20 21 22 23 24 25 e. C443, Standard 5�ecification for �oints �or Concreta Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets. f. C497, Standard Test Methods fot' Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections, or Tile. g. C506, Standard �pecification for Reinforced Concrete Arch Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. h. C507, Standard Specification for ReinfQrced Concrete Elliptical Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe. i. C990, Siaridard Specification far Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Fleasible 7oint Se�lants. j, Ci433, Standa�'d Speeification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Monali�ic Box Sectlons foe Culverts, Storm Drains, and Sewers. k. D4, Standard Test Method for Bitumen Content. 1. D6, Standard Test Methad for Loss on Heating of Qil and Asplialtic Co�pnunds. m. D36, 5tandard Test Method for Soft�ni�tg Point of Bitumen (Ring-and-Ba11 Apparatus). n. D71, Standard Test Met�od for Relative Density of Solid Pitch and Asphalt (Displacement Method). a. D92, Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Op�n Cup Tester. p. D113, 5fandard Test Method for Ductility of Bituminous Materials. q. D217, Siandard Test Methods for Cone Penetration of Lubricating Grease. 4. TxDOT Test Procedures (Tex): a. Tex-704-I, Making, Curing, and Testing Compression Test Specimens for Precast Concrete 26 1.4 ADMIi�IISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 27 I.� SUBMITTALS 28 A. Submittals shall be in accordarace with Section OI 33 04. 29 B. All suhmittals shall be approved by Yhe City prior to delivery. 34 C. Coardination efforts with the City staff and a transportationlliauling sckedule/pIan.. 31 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATION SUBMITTALS 32 33 34 35 3b 37 38 A. Certificates 1. Furnish manufacturer's certzficate of cQmpliance that their product meets the physical tesling requirem ents af tius Specification for the materials r�f�renced including, but not limited to: a. Reinf�rced conerete pipe b. Concrete box culvert c. Jointing materials CITY OF FORT WORTIi 5T.4NI}ARD CONSTIiLiCTION SPSCIFICATI4N DOCi3Iv�NT5 Revised JuTy 1, 2011 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs 1D1820 & 103451 334110-5 REQfFORCED CONCRETE ST�RM ARA3N PIPEICULVEltT3 Page S af 14 1 L'� CL�SEOUT SUBMITTALS [NDT USED] 2 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SIIBM�TTALS [NOT iiSED] 3 �.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT U�ED� 4 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDL�NG 5 6 7 8 9 1p 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 A. Storage a�id Handling Requirem�nts 1. Secure and mainiain a location to store the material in accordance with Sect�on � 1 66 40. 2. I�eep pipe clean ar�d fulIy drained during storage. 3. Transport, handle and stare pzpe and fittings as recammended by rrfanu�acturer. 4. Repair or replace any darnaged pipe before installation per the manuiacturer's recommendation. 5. Contractor shall be resnonsible for aIl dama�es caused to the box culvert durin� transnort and installation. 6. Renair anv dama�e as needed before installation as referenced in #he RCB Insnectzan Report dated I1114/2Q19. 1.11 FLELD [SITE� CONDITIONS [NOT USED] i.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 18 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 19 21 OWNER-FURNISHED Eo�] �W1V�R-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT U�ED] 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 �a 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 2.2 EQUII'MENT, PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS A. Fabrication 1 2. Precast Reinforced Concrete Pape a. Provide precast storm sewer pipe that conforms io ASTM C76, AS'X'M C506 or ASTM C507 for circular, arch or eIIiptical pipe respectively. b. LTtilize a machine made process or cast by a process that will provide uniform placement of a m.ixture of cement, aggregate and water proporkional to pravide a homoganeous concrete meeting the specified strength requiremants, c. Mix concrete in a ceniral batch pIant or other appraved batching facility where the quality and uniformity of ihe concrete is assured. d. Do not Use transit mixed cQnerete tQ manufacture precast concrete pipe. Concrete Bax Culvert a. Cast-in-PIace 1) Go�arm ta Section 03 3Q 00. b. Precast 1) Furnish machine made precast boxes in accordance with ASTM C1433. 2) Utilize a machine made process or cast by a process that will provide uniform placemeni of a mixture of cemen.t, aggregate, and water proportiona! to provide a homogeneaus concz'ete meeting the specified strength requirements. 3) Concrete water to cement ratia npt to exceed 0.53 by weight C1TI' OF FORT WOR'tH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements STANnARD COI�STRUCTION 3k'ECIFICATIO�T DOCUMENTS CPNs 101820 & 103a51 Revised 7uly 1, 2oZ 1 3a ai ia - 6 REINFORC�D COAiCRETE STORM BRATN PiPE1CULVERTS Page 6 nf 14 I 4} Utilzze minimum 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard of concrete unIess 2 �a�ix designs with lower cement content demonstrate that the quality and 3 performance qf the sectio�ts ineet the requirements of this Specification. �F 5) Mix cancrete in a central hatch plant or other a�proved batching facility 5 where the quality and uniformity of the cancrete is assured. 6 fi) Do not use transit mixed concrete tQ manufacture precast concrete box 7 culvert. 8 7} Utilize welded wire fabrie steel reinforcement canfortning to ASTM Al 85 9 or ASTM A497. lQ ll 12 13 14 IS I6 17 18 19 24 21 22 23 24 25 2b 27 28 24 34 31 32 33 3� 35 36 Jointing Materials a. Use any of the materials descz'ibed in, this Section for tl�e making of joinfis. 1) Fu�r►ish a manufacturer's certificate of eompliance for alI jointing materials. 2) Cold Applied �refartned Plastic Gaskets/FIexible Joint Sealants a) Provide flexibl� jaint sealants that mee# the requirements of ASTM C990. b) Utilize I conYanuaus gas�et conforming to the joint shape for each joint. c) Plastic gasket shall be produced from blends of refined hydrocarbon resins azkd pJ.asticizing carnpounds reinfarced with inart mineral filler and shall contain no sol�ents, irritating fumes ar obnoxious odors, d} Use �exible joir►t sealants that do not depend on oxidizing, evaporating or cl�ernical action far its adhesive or cohesive strength. e) Supply in extruded rope form of suitable cross section and size as to �iIl the joint space when the pipes are joined. f} Provide a size of the pre-farmed flexible jaint sealant i� accardance with the manufacturer's recommendations and large enough to properly seal the joint and obtain the squeeze out as described under consiruction methoc�. g} The gasket joint sealer shail be proiected by a suitable removable 2- piece wrapper, and the 2-piece wrapper shall be so designed that % may be removed Iongitudinally wit�otrt disfurbing the other %a ta facilitate application as noted below. h) The cheinical composition of the gasket joint sealing compound as shipped shall meet the requirements oi Table 1 wh:en tested in accordance vvith the iest methods show:n. Table 1. Sealin� Compound Chemieal Compositxon Composition Test Method Percent by Wei�ht Bitumen ASTM D4 Bitumen Content 50-70 Ash-Inert Mir�eral Malter AASHTO TI 11 30-SD Volatile Matter at 325 degrees F ASTM D6 Loss on Hea#ing o� 2A Max Oil and Asphaltic Compounds 37 38 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 45 i} Gasket joint sealing compound when im.mersed for 30 days at atnbient room temperature separately in 5 p�rcent salution of caustic potash, a mixture of 5 percent hydrock�loric acid, a S percent solution oisulfi�ric acid and a saturated lrydragen sulf�de (H�S} salution shall show no visible deterioration. j) The physical praperkies ofthe gasket joint sealing compound as shipped shall meet fhe requzrements in Table 2 when tested in accordance with the test inethods shown. CITY bF FdRT WORT�T 3TANDAR]? CONSTRUCTION SPECTFICATION DOCIIMENTS Re�ised .Iuly 1, 2011 5hareview Drive Culvert Tmprovements CPNs 101820 & f 03051 33 41 10 - 7 REINFORCED CON�RETE STORM DRAIN PIPSlCULVERTS Page 7 of 14 Table �. SeaUng Compound PhysicaI Properties Praperty Specific Gravity at 77 de�rees F Dactility at 77 dagrees F 5oftenin� Point at 77 degrees F Penetration 32 de�,rees F` (300-�ns) 50-seco�ds 77 degrees F{] 50-gms) 5-se�onds 115 de�rees F (150-�tns} 5-seconds Flasl� Pai�at C.O.C. Fire Point C.O.0 Test Method Typical Anaiysis � ASTM D71 1.20 to I.35 � ASTM Di I3 S.O CeritlYri�tarS minimum � ASTM D36 320 degrees F minimum � ASTM D217 ASTM D92 75 minitnwn 50 to 120 1501nax 504 degrees F 525 degrees F 2 3) Rubher Gaskets 3 a) Provide gaskets that conform to ASTM C361 ar ASTM C443. 4 b) Meet the requirements af ASTM C443 for desi�n of the j oints and 5 permissible variations in dimensions. 6 B. Design Criteria 7 8 lfl 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 20 21 22 23 24 2.3 Reinfarc�d Corncrete Pipe a. Unl�ss otherwise indicate$ on the Drawings, fiarnish Class III concrete pipe with sh�ll thickness, circumferential reinforcement and strength conforming to the requirements of ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507 far circular, arch or �;llip�ical pipe respectively, except as modiized below: I) Ma.nufacture pipes larger tha.n 6�-inch diam�t�r by using 2lines of circular reinforcement. 2) For Class III pipes larger than 60�inch diameter, xnanufacturer may, at its option, fiirnish pipe manufactuted with either Wall "B" ar Wail "C" miivmum thicIcnesses and the applicable minimum steel area as listed for circular cages in Tahle II of ASTM C76, provided test strength requiremants for Class III pipe are satisfactorily met. b. Jacking, Boring, or Tunneling 1} Design pipe for jacking, boring or tunrieling conforming ta the requiremenis of 5ection 33 OS 23. 2) When requested, provide design notes and drawings signed and sealed by a Texas licensed professional engineer. ACCESSORxES [NOT USED] 25 �.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 26 A. Tests and Inspecti4ns 27 1. Reinfarced Concrete Pipe 28 a. Acceptance of pipe will be determined by the resulYs of the foIlowing tests: 29 1) Material tests required in ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507. 30 2) Absorption tests in accordance wiYla ASTM C497. 31 3) 3-edge bearing tests in accordance �vith ASTM C497. 32 a} Testing Rate 33 (1) If tested for O.Olancl� crack only: 34 (a) 'I'est 0.8 percent af pipe sectians for each size included in order 35 (2) Iftested for O.q1-inch crack and ultimate 1Qad: CITY OP PDRT WORTH 5horeview Drive GuEvert Impravernents STANDARD CONSTItUCTIQN SPEC�'ICATiON DOCUMENTS � CPNs 107820 & i03051 Revised �aly [, 2011 a� 4i io - a REBYFORCED CONCRETE STORM T]RATN PIPEIC[JLVERTS Page 8 of 34 I (a} Test 0.2 percent of pipe sections for each size zncluded in order 2 b) Pipes that have been tesied only to the formaiion of a 0.01 iach crack 3 and that meet the 0.01 inch iest load requirez�ents shall be accepted for 4 5 c) 6 use. Failed Pipa (1) Test 2 consecutiv� joints inthe same mix series if a specimen fails 7 ta meet test requiremen�s. 8 (2) Entire pipe series v�+ill be rejected if I of the consecutive joints fai.ls 9 to meet test requixemenfs. 16 d) Fipes larger than 1 inch in dzameter may be accepted on the basis of 11 material tests and inspection of campleted product as an alternate to 3- 12 edge bearing test, at the option of the manufacturer. 13 {I) Accept��ce of pipe will be determined by the results ofthe material I4 tests as required in ASTM C76, ASTM C506 or ASTM C507. 15 (a) Perform cz�shing tests on cores taken from barrel of carn��eted 16 and cured pipe. 17 (b) Perform absorption tests on samples from pipe wall. 18 (c) Inspect fiaished pipe including amount and placeme:nt of 19 reinforcement. 2p (2} Manufacturer will furnish facilities and personnel for taking core 21 samples froin pipe barrel and far determining coinpressive strength 22 of samples. 23 {3) Maziufacturer will plug and seal core hoies if sampl�s zzieet strength 24 requirements. 25 (a} Plug and seal sections in a manner that the pipe section vvill 2b meet all test requirements af ABTM C76, ASTM CS06 or 27 ASTM C507. 28 (b) Pipe sections plugged and sealed as described above will be 29 accepted for use. 30 4} Inspect ihe fmished pipe to determine its con�ortnance with the required 31 design. 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 39 �Q 91 42 �43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2. Gast-it�-Place Concrete Box Culvert a. provide test specimens that meet the reguiremer�ts of Divisian 03. Precast Box Culvert a. Make test specimens in test cylinders at the sazne titxze and in the same manner as tha bax sections they represent. b. Make a minimum of 4 test cylinders far each day's production run and each mzx design. c. Cure test cyiinders in the same manner and for the same times as the boxes they represant. d. Test the specimens in accordance with Tex-704-I. 4. Box Culverts Provided bv the Citv a. No tests are reauired for the hox culverts that are tra.nsnorted to ihe site. A pre� and nast- tra�isnort visual insneotian of the box culverts wili be reauired as outlined in the nlans. b. Contractor shall visit �e stara�e vard site nrior to transnort of the box culverts to datermine which bo� culverts will be hauledlused at the prolect site. `X'here are soine boxes with defects at the stora�e vard tliat will not be used for this nroiect. Other selected bo�es mav need minor repairs which is described in Sectlon �.6. CITY OF FORT WORTH 5TANDARD CONST[tL1CTI0N SPECII'ICATION DOCUMENTS Re�ised July l, 20I 1 � 5horeview Drive Culvert Improvements CPNs10182D & 103Q51 334110-9 REINFpRCED CONCRE"T"B STORM DRAiN PiPEICULVERTS Page 9 of 14 2 10 zx 12 I3 I4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 B. Sizes and Pennissible Variations 1. Reinfarced Concrete Pipe a. Ensure that variatians in diameter, size, shape, wall thickness, reinforcement, placemeni ofreinforcement, laying length and the permissible under run of length are in accordance with ihe appIicable ASTM Specif'ication for each type of pipe as referred to pre�iously. b. Whera rubber gasket pipe jaints are to be used, the design of joints and permissible variations in dim.ensions shall be in aceordance with ASTM C443, 5ections 7 and 8. 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box CuIvert a. Ensure that preeast sections of either type meet t3�e fallowing req�irements: 1) The inside vertical ar�d horizontal dirnensians do noi vary froin Drawing requirements by xnore than 1/2 inch ar 1 percent, whichever is greaier. 2) The horizontal ar vertical plane at each end of the box section does not vary fram perpendicular by �nore than 1/2 inch or 1 percent, whicher�er is greater, measured an t�e inside faces of the section. 3} The sides of a section at each end do not vary from being perpendicuIar to tha top and bottom by more than 112 inch or 1 percent, whichever is greater, when measured diagonally between opposite interior coriler,s. b. Ensure that wall and slab thicknesses are not less than shavwn on the Drawings except �ar occasional deficiencias �ot greater than 1/4 inch or S percent, whichevez' is greater. 1) If pz'aper jairtting is nat a�fected, tlticknesses in excess of Drawzng z'equire�nents are acceptable. c. Deviiations from tbe above tolerances wi13 be aeceptable if the sections can he ftted at the plant or job site and the joint opening at any po�nt does not exceed 1 inch. 1) Use match marks for proper instalIafiion on sections tl�at have been accepted in this manner. C. Workmanship and Finish 32 I. Reittfarced Concrete Pipe 33 a. Ensu:re that pipe is substantially free from fractures, large or deep cracks ar�d 34 suz'face roughness. 35 b. �nsure that ends of pipe are normal ta the walls and c�nterline of the pipe 36 within the limits of variations allowed as stated previously. 37 2. CasY-in-PIace or Precast Box Culvert 38 a. Fine cracks on the surface of ihe member fihai do not extend to the plane of the 39 nearestxeinforcement are acceptable unless the cracks are numerous and 40 extensive. 41 b. Repair cracks that extend into the pial�e o�t�ae reinfarcing steel in an approved 42 manner. 43 44 45 46 47 48 c. Excessive dainage, honeycomb or cracki�g will be subject to struc#ural review. d. The Cit}+ may accept boxes �ith repairs that are sound, praperly finished and cured in canfonnance with pertinent Specifications. e. When fine cracks on the suz'face indicate poor curing practices, discontinue further production of precast sections until carrections are made and proper curing is provided. CITX QF FORT WOR1'Fi STAI�€DARD C�NSTRUCTIOT[ SP�CIFTCATION DOCiTMEAITS 12evisad July I, 2011 Shareview brive Culr+ert Tmprovements CPNs 1Q1820 � 1U3051 3341 ]0-10 REINFORCED CONCRCT� S"I'ORM DRAIN PIPEICULVERTS Page 10 of 14 1 D. Curi3�g 2 1. Cuz'e pipelbox in accordance wi�h the app3icable ASTM Specification for each iype 3 of pipe as referred to above. 4 E. Marku�g 5 l. Reinforced Concrete Pipe 6 a. C1early mark the faIlowiiig information on each section af pipe: 7 1} Classofpipe 8 2) A�TM designation 9 3) Date of manufacture 10 4) Identification of pla�t 11 5) Name or trademark of th� inanufacturer 12 6) Pipe ta be used for jacking and boring 13 b. For pipe with elliptical reinforcement, in addition to ahove, clearly mark 1 end 14 of each section during tha prac�ss of rnanufacture or immediately aftar with the 15 following: lb 1} The locaiion of the tap or bottom of the pipe as it should be insta�led, I7 unless the �xterna.i shape of the pipe is such that the conect position of the top 18 and bottom is obviaus 14 2} Mark th� pipa section by indenting or painting with waterpraof paint. 2a 2. Cast-in-Place or Precast Box Culvert 21 a. Mark prrecast boxes with the following: 22 i) Name ar trademark pf the producer 23 2) Date of manufacture 24 3) Box size 25 4} Minimum and maximum fill heigh�s 26 b. Far boxes without lifting holes, tnark ] end of ea�h box section on the inside 27 and outside wa11s to indicate the top or bottom as it will be installed. 28 c. Indent markings into the bflx section or paint thezt� on each box with waterproof 29 paint. 30 �. Pipe/Bo� Rejection 31 1. Individual sectians of pipelbox may be rejected if a.ny af the Specification 32 r�quirements are not met or if any of the follovving exist: 33 a. Fractures ar cracks passing through the shell, wifh the exception of a single end 34 crack that does na# exceed the depth of fihe joint 35 b. Defects that indicate i�nperfect proportioning, mixing and molding 36 c. Surfaca defects indicating honeycombed or opan texture 37 d. Damaged ends which would pre�ent making a satisfac#ory jaint 38 e. Any continuous crack having a surface wzdth of 0.41 inch or more and 39 extending for a length of 12 inch or rnore A0 2_ Mark rejected pipe/box with painted "�2E7ECTED". 41 3. Re�ove rejected pipe/box irnmediat�ly frosn job site and replace with gipe/box 42 meeting the requirements of f.his Specification. �ITX dF FDRT W012TH Shareview Drive Cul�eft Improvements STANDARf3 CONSTRUC7"ION SPECIFICATT�N DQCUMEIVTS CT'I+Is 101820 & 103051 12evised 7uly 1, 2011 3341Z0-13 REfi�lFQRCED CONCRETE STORM DI2.AIN P[PE/CULVEItTS Paga 11 of 14 l PART 3 - EXECUTION 2 31 INSTALLEI�,S [NOT USED] 3 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 4 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] S 3.4 INSTALLATION 6 A. Genera! 7 l. Confonn to the requiremenYs of Section 33 OS 10 for excavation and embedment for 8 open-cut type installation. 9 2. Confonn to the requir�nnez�ts af Section 33 OS 23 when jacking, boring or tur�nelir�g IO inethods ar� specified on Drawings, 11 3. Establish and maantain linas and grades. 12 B. PipeBax Laying — Trench Installatian 13 I. Ensure that pipelbox and fittings are laid and jointed i� firm trench bottarn 14 conditions. 15 2. 16 17 18 19 3. 20 21 22 23 2�E 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4. 5. 6. 7. $. 9. 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 4a �1 Start laying pipe/box on �he bedding at th� autlet or downstream end with the spi�ot or tongue end o�the pipe �oint pointing downstream, and proceed toward tlae inlet or upstream end with the abutting sectiflns properly matched, true to khe establisbed lia�es an.d grades. Prnvide appropriate facilities for hoisting and lowering the sections of pipelbax accoxdzng ta manufacturer's recommendation. Lift and Iower sections of pipe/box into trench without damaging pipe ar dist�'bing the prepaxed bedding or sides of trench. Carefully clean pipelbax ends before pipe is placed in trench. �'rotect pipe/box apen end to prevent entrance oi earth nr bedding material as each I�ngth of pipe/box is Iaid. Fit, match and lay pipe/box ko form a smooth, uniform conduit. �hen elliptical pipe with circular reinforcing or eircular pipe v�+itk� elliptical reinfarcing is used, lay t�e pipe in trenclZ so that the markings for top or bottom are nat more than 5 degrees from the vertical plane through the langitudinal axis af the pipe Rexnove aaad re-lay, wifliout extra compeiisation, pipe/6ox that is not in aiignment or that shows excessive settlerr�ent after laying. C. Multiple Barrel Bax Culvert Ptacem�nt 1. FiII th� annular space beiween multiple boxes with crushed rack ox' CLSM according to 03 34 13. a. Water jetting will not be allowed between parall�l boxes. 2. 5fart the laying of boxes on ihe bedding at the outlet end and proceed toward the inlet end with the abutting sections properly matc�ed. 3. Fit, maich and lay boxes to %rm a srnooth, uniform conduit true to the established Iines and grades. D. Jointing CITY OF FORT WORTH 5horeview Drive Culvert Imgrovements STAI�TDARD CONSTI�UCTiON SPECIF'ICATI07�1 DOCUivTENTS CPNs 101820 &]03051 Revised 3uly 1, 20 i 1 33 41 10 - i2 REINI'ORC�.D COI+ICRETE STORNI �RAIN PIPE/CIULVERTS Page 12 af 14 4 6 7 9 i0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 b. c. Q f. �• Cold Applied Preformed Plastic GasketslFlexible Joint 5ealar�is a. Brush-apply a suitahle primer, recommended by the manufacturer afthe gasket joint sealer, to tongue and groave joint surfaces and end surfaces. 1) Ensure that surface to be pri�ned is clean and dry vvhen primer zs applied. 2) Ensure ihat primer is not applied over mud, sand, dirt ar sharp cement protrusians. 3) A11ow primer to dry and harden. Attach plastic gasket sealer around tapered tongue or iapered groove near the pipe joint hub or shoulder, befare layi�ag pipe in trench. Remove paper wrapper frnm 1 side only af the 2-piece wrapper on gasket and press it firmly to the clean, dry pipe joi�t surface, 1) Do n�t remove the outsida r�+rapper until immediately before pushing pipe into its final pasitiaza. Align the tongue correctly with tlae flare of the groove. Remove ouiside wrapper an the gasket and pull or push pipe home with sufficieut force (back hoe shovel, chain hoist, ratchet hoist or winch} to cause evidence of gasket mate�ial squeeze-out bn inside or outside araund complete pipe joint circur,�ference. I} Re�ove aaay jaint �naterial that pushed out into the interior of pipe. 2) Ens�,u'e that pipe is pulled haina in a straight line with aIl parts af pipe on line and grade at alI times. Proceed with backfilling of pipe laid with plastic gasket joints as soon as joint has been inspected and approved by the Engineer or Inspector. 1) Take special precautions in placing and compacting back�'zll to avoid dainage to }oints. When tk�e atmospheric temperature is below 60 degrees F, stoz'e pre-formed flexible joint sealants in an area warmed to abave 70° degrees F or artificially warmed to this temperature in a manner satis�actory to the �ngin�er. I} Apply gaskets to pipe joints immediately prior to placing pipe in trench, foIlowed by con�tection io previausly Iaid pip�. 31 2. Rulaber Gaskets 32 a. Make the joint assembly according to the recommendatians afthe gasket 33 manufacturer. 34 b. When using rubber gaskets, make joints v�atertight. 35 c. Backfill after the joint has been inspected and approved, 36 37 E. Backfill 1. Conform to the requirements af Section 33 O5 l 0 for l�ackf'�lling pipefbox trenches. 38 F. Pip� fittings 39 1. Paured �oncrete Pipe Collars 40 a. Provide coIlars for locations shown on Drawings. 41 b_ Collar cost is considered subsidiary ta bid price fa� fut�.ishing and installing 42 reinforced concrete pipe. No ex�'a payznant will be made for installation of 43 concrete pipe collars shown on the Drawings. 44 2. Shop and Field-Fabricated Wyes, Tees, Crosses and Bends 45 a. Furnish and install sl�op or field-fabz'icated wyes, tees, crosses or bends as 46 indicated on Drawings nr requir�d by the Engineer. 47 b. Shop-fabricate iit�ings faz' trzaximum pipe size Iess than 24-inches in diameier 48 far the larger pipe. CITY OF FORT'WOTZTH 5hore�iew Drive Culvert Impro�ements S'I'A.N]aA.RD GQI3STRUCTiO�f SP�CCFICATION DOCUMENTS CPNs i01820 & 1D3fl51 Revised 7uly 1, 2Q11 33 A1 10 - 13 REINFORC�D CONCTLE'PE STOIRM DRAD+I PIPE/CIILVERTS �age 13 of 14 1 c, Field-fabricate fittings with 24-inch or greater diarneter for the larger pipe. 2 d. Field-fabricate �ittings for box culverts. 3 e. Take care in fabrication that concr�te walls of pipe are broken back onl� 4 enough to provide the required finished opening. 5 f. Join reinforcing mesh or bars by bending, twisting ar spot welding to prQvide a 6 rigid connectian. 7 g. Cancrete or mortar (as speci�ied in this segment} shall be wiped over the $ reinforcing wires connecting the 2 pipe joints, compacted by light blaws, shaped 9 fa the contour of the pipe barrels, lightly brushed for finish and cured und�.r �vet Ifl burlap. 11 3. Poured Conc�ete 1'ipe Plugs 12 a.. 1'lug pipe ends with a fabricated unit as showii on Drawings, when canduit lines 13 termina#e at locations with no connection to drainage structures. 14 b. Cancrete pipe plug cost is considered subsidiary to bid price far furnushing and 15 ins�alling reinforced concrete pipe. No extra payment will be mada for 16 instajlation of cancrete pipe plugs shown an the Drawings. 17 3.� REPAIR / RESTQRATION 18 19 ao 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 A. General l. Cantractar shall perfartn renairs as descrihed in the RCB �nsnection Re�ark dated I1/14/2019. A descrintion ofthe renairs is described belot�w: a_ For surface cracks, per TxDOT Item 78�, e�oxY and seal. the cracks where applicabie. b. For minor snalls alanE box edEes. �er T�OT Item 429, natch snalled areas. Where boxes will be connected to another bax, the �z'outed or �asketed connection wili address anY e��e spal� eoncerns. c. In order to address the exdosed sieel, ner T�tDOT Item 440 and 429, clean the stee� nrior to installation bv removin� the rusted laver. 28 3.6 RE-]NSTALLATION [NOT USED] 29 3.i FXELD [oR] SITE QiTALITY CONTROL 30 31 32 33 A. Field Tests and Iuspectians l . Videa Inspectian a, Perfonn post-construction TV inspection of a11 installed reinfarced concrete pipes/boxes confornting to the requirements of Section 33 41 31. 34 2. Ensure that pipes/boxes are installed correctly and are fr�e of significant debris. 35 a. At the City's discretion, replace any pipe/bax that is determined to have 36 jointing prohleins, cracking or significant dehris. CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview brive Culvert Itnprovements 5TAIIDARD CONSTRUCTIO�T SPECIFICATION AOCUMF.1+1T5 CPNs 101820 & 103D51 Revised 7�ily 1, 2411 33411�-i4 REi%fFORCED CONCIZETE STORM DRA17� PTP�/Ci1L'VERTS Page 14 af 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NUT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING �NOT USEDJ 3.10 CLEANING �NOT IISED] 3.1� CLOSE�UT ACTIV�TXES �NOT USED� 3.1� PROTECTION [N4T �SED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE �NUT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USEDj 8 9 10 11 DATE NAME 12 END OF SECTION Revision I.og SiJMMAAY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTI� 5horeview Drive CuEve�E Improvements STANDARA C�NSTRUCi'ION SP6CIFTCA7'I01� DOCUMENTS CPNs 1�1820 & 303051 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 �e�ivn 3� 3� �0 AquaDam Aqua�am Speci�catxon� Inflated Controllable Dimensions MudlWater Depth* 1' i� x 2' �V �" ��1. �177 Id�]} ��:� �mj 1..�' H x 3' W 14�� (O.�Sm tall} (36 cm) �' � � 71 � T ��� � �' � �[1.��1m li��l�� � �-��{�rka1 2.�'Hz�'W �4" �0.76m tall} (61 c�) 3' Ff x 7' ��7 �I�+. {�,�)ii� [��N1 ��� t;ti]� 4'Ha�9'W 3�" (1.2m tall) (97 cm) Specifieations of �nner and Outer Tubes Capacity�* Dry per linear ft Weight per iinear ft fa�k���IF1nr�: i pay, T1 �u�i, A«i�+athya��i< � I? �,p�,�l-� ��� Z��.�'I [�ar�r ��c�: I �xty. �41tr Ibnr,'tsunz atrcr��rl� PP �� �u�v�.# ��.3d �,��.� �� Inner �bing: 1�ly, 12 mil, Polyethylene 25 galn,� �.951bsrr u Outer Sleeve: 1 ply, 3DO lblin2 burst st�ength PP g5 Iitersli.F' �,43 kg�.F Jr�i��r'Sut�ikwg: l p1y, I: uti51 f'rilyc:liyr�,jc �Q ���1� f 1.��ba4.I U�sl�r �1ec�r� l Ei1Y. 3fNx Ih��n''llll#1 FFtFi�iI4�P � l$$ tlkcrs'LF �{i��?�kSr4F , Inner'lubing: 1�ly, 12 Friil, Polyethylene $$ gallL�' 1.g5 1�SII.F Outer Sleeve: 1 ply, 300 Ib/'xn� burst skrength PP 333 liters/L.F Q, $� kg�� r��������lrtn�: i p:�: t;;�„1, f�r�3yUrl:�irtnc I�{f ��i.i.� ?.� 11�s.t� i���te��� fitr�Vrs R��t}: ���011ffsr.;�l�a�rst �I�a���tl� P�' a��3 ll����.� �1, l l��ri.� Innerl�bing: 1 p�y, 12 mil, Polyethylene 210 gal�.x � 4.31bsa.� Outer Slee�e: 1 ply, 3001b1in� b�rst sh�Ength PP 7951iterslL]F J� kg/I,F �� �i � � � + �� ,�;�'i � �RT1t�r tut�l�i�: l plY� �! �u:l� :'cil��cili4lrrsa ��{� ��,�.F � �r.� ��]�L@ e}i�trr �l��rvu: � �lyf ri� �iJc� Ils.va,' �awu��,+unpld PI� .� ( 9,�,�� ta 11 �'; r I�? cr�� } i.ti � ��+�,���:F � �.� I�g�� 6} H x 13' W �Q�s Inner 7hbing: 1 ply, 12 aul, Polyethylene 450 gal�,F �.S ibSILP Outer Sleeve: 2 plys af 300 lb/inZ burst strengtb PP 1,7Q3 liters/L�' 3,9 ��,� (1.8m tall) (137 cm) g �� �l � 17' 1�4,� � 7+�,i I�,e�a•� I��hfny�; I �ly. I # �ik. �ky'r,yl�}�l��r��, ;'{�{j g�1lfi.P � l� ��?S�.F {:.'���i L#3I E� I �. i�,� ctt1� i SiGt�� S1oc,e: � �rk�s af]{}u 1tY"rlu�� buc.'t suor,g�Li l'I� $;�50 �utarr[.F w 5,+� �t��i:e 10'FIx21'W {3rri tall) [ .'.' [ 1 t � �' Vk�� � �,7��, t�li} �6'Hx33'W {4.Sm ta11} g$» Inner T�hing: 2 plys, $ mil, Polyethylene �hraud: 1 PP woven shroud around both inner tubes (223 cm) puter Sleeve: 4 plys af 3001b/in2 butst st�•ength PP � ��+'` ]ntt�r luh1���� ? �rly.ti. � -iiil, PrFly,�ih�'lrtne 4hr��Gtil, I PEF stis�uw� H�1[�uJ n,��atv�:l.:a�1i uutp iii�ac �. �'ti-� C�lt 1 Cluir� 53ce��r: s pi�� �f 300 Ili�iu' U�u��l. ancugkh f'P 126'� �����' ���ng: 3 plys, 5 mil, Polyethylene Shraud: 2 PP woven shrouds Uetween inside tubas �32� Cm� puYer Sleeve: 7-plys oF304 Ib/inz hurst sh�ength 1'P 1,000 ga1�.F 25 1bsn,F 3,7$5 IiterslC.F 11.3 �f�2F E,�f4t1 gA�iT-F �� f �h9iC,F � �5,•3 i� Incra�l,� � �-{� �{�i.F 3,000 gaIILF 51 1bs�t.F' 11,355 lite�slLF 23 iCg2F *This num6er is based on the friction of a rocky bottom. Slick mud, poly pond Efners, and other slick surfaces may require tlle use of a talEer peimary AquaDam andlor a support dam installed 6ahind the primary AquaDam. ** Cayaciry is Uased on installation ou flat graund, Slopes will reducc internal volusrte oFAquaDau�. Aqua Dam 1nc "Water Controlliizg YtFater" www aquadarn.net 3.R00.6$2.9283 T1.7fli,7ti4,1999 n�iatthewQaquadam.net Revised 212018 I�o� It �io���: AquaDarns� are lightweight, easy to handle, and can be used in virtually any locatron. Dn-site requirements are just a portable pump, and the usually abundaz�t local water supply. This means AquaDams� are ideal far wafer control projects such as stream or lake bed constructzon diversions, coffer damming, or enviranmental pollution cox�Snement and silt control. They also provide fast, effective relief for tougher applicatians such as mud slides, hazardous waste contrrol, and flaoding. They are also ideal for preventing the overtopping of levees, the number one cause of levee fail�xre. Design & Concept: AquaDams� a:re envzranmentally safe and specifically engineered to provide rapid deployraaent. They are a stable barrier of water to cantain, C�IV'ETC, and control the flaw of water. The AquaDamW concepf combines multiple i.xane� tubes within an outer tube to provide an effective partable darx� to control fihe flow of water. The unique, patented design consists of four basic com�onents: I. Multiple imperrneable inner t�ubes �vhich are filled wiih watex �o provide the rnass needed for stiability 2. A strang, woven outer tube whicl� contains the inner tubes and provides the struc�ural integrity of the system 3. Water for mass weight �. Collar for joining two or more AquaDams� together � All materials used in the constructioza of the AquaDams� are flexible to allow th�m to conform to uzaeven terrain. This provides an effective seal between the ground and the AquaDams�. Twa or more AquaDams° may be joi.�.ed to form an AquaDam� af anq workable lengrh. A co�zpling collar, zn.aziufactured from the same high-strength woven naatezzal as the outer tube, aligns the AquaDams�. The unique combination of properties of AquaDam� make them ideal for a�cvide variety of applications. A few of the znore cornmon uses include: 1. Water dive�rsions during pipeline installation in and around rivers or s�anding water 2. Water eontainment du�i.ng repairs on bridges, sewage systems and power plants 3. Easy, rapidly depioy�d flaod control 4. Erosion cantrol through diversion or cantainrnent of flowing water 5. Tempora�y rreservoirs for water storage 6. Temporary containrnen� of spilled naateraals 7. Silt cantainment and sediment collection The standard AquaDam� systeix� is filleti from one end only via twa inner iubes. The closed end is fitted wTith a coliar that allows ttivo AquaDams� �o be linked together. Utilizing the linking collars allvws the AquaDarn� to be cus#oxx�ized to meet the individual needs of the jab site. The open-ended system can be filled from either open end, This systern is appropriate when placing one AquaDam' entir�Ip across a riverbed or tanal, �vhere both ends caz� e�rtend up the apposite bank. �R�DU�T S�����1C��I�N � � Ml� VyAi�R �IN��S I..�4Y�1L[�� ���xi�[�� �,�c�c,��r�� ������� ������������� 1 � miB v�a��r [in�r� Sfipuctur�e �iaa�am 17 mil PF V�ilm �roperEy Unit �ypica! Value iest iVYethod Caug� mia �� Tensile Strength N�p ��� 11 �STrv1 C]i382 7`Q C44�$ 9 ASTM �€�8� � - = �longatinn �^•� °/o i�]70 r��"Tlvi 17882 �17 °1n ��,�� A�TA+1 D88� �ear 5trength nlld glmil �,�5 ASTM L�1922 Ta gl�iyll 4�5 A�i'� E]19�� �{i) Typleal �aiues represent average faboratory �,ralues and aru intended as guldos only, rtol as specifications. (2) Properti�s designated have heen deierrrEfned in accordance wlth the current issues of the specified tast methads. TOTdL FLE�IBLiE PI�C�eGlipl.l� S06�iI8t�S r��ve�►.la�i�l� r� oup.eom I�A,�`�RIA� SP�� ����� � ���� ���,. �; � [TBlE �`�Il�"i� 1V��I�,b ��Il��' �P�O��7C�': At�-l�JSLF C�N�TRZ1'C�I��N: Waven geotextiie �t'consisting of strong, rat resistant, chernically stable long c�ain syn�Yietic pol�mer materials, dimensionally stable with each other. Th.e pIastic yarn �r fibers used in this geotextile consist of at Ieast 95% percent by mass of polyolefms, polyesters, vr po�ymzdes, and contain s�abilizers and in��ibitors added to the base plastic to make the filaxnents resistant to deterioration due to ultravio�et and heat e�posure. C�L2'I`IF'��D �V V.A,%�Nka. GRAB TENSII.,E hRD (ASTM D=�63�}; 11�5 PU�L'NDS GRAB TENSII..E CD (ASTM D 4632): � l5 Ya��'�TDS ELONGAT�ON NID {ASTM D 4632 j' ] S% ELONGATION CD {ASTM D 4b32); ] 5% PUNC1'U1iE (ASTM D 4833): 140 PUL7VDS TRAP TEAR NID (ASTM D 4533j: 135 POUNDS 'I'RA.P'I`�ARMD (AS'I'MD 4533}: I�� POUNI]S AOS* (AS'i1VI D 4751}: 40 US SLEV� PERMTTTTVITY (ASTM D 4491): aA� PER S�,C �.OW RA'I� (AS'TMD 4441): 4.2 G��I/SF UV S�'RENGTH AT 254Q HOURS (.�'i5T1V1 D•l= �5 j: 8U% * ASTM D 4751, AOS is a MaSci�rium Openin� L��zei� �';aue l�][ane��t�c�ur��-s Naa�ne: VANT,=���� Pf�RTNERS, LLC ����: 1Vga�exff�c�a�¢�'s O�ci�.d: Rana,� Dell�lao Tutde: President 386 East Plaza Arsve * Moores�ille, NC 2$ I 15 ' 1704) 871-8700 *(704) $71-9700 Fax i��H S��C ����r����� � �r��r�rr� �r.� Aqu�Dains� are e�ivironm�ntally satc, st�ble 4v�ter liarriers cised ta coiatair�, diver[, �tntl cor�tral tE�e fipw af w�ter. TI1C C��Sl�II C�1351St5 O�lWO �3(lljfethyfene liners co��t7ined L�y a sii��le wovc:�1 geo-tec11 outcr tub�. W�1ei1 tfrte t��va in�ler tubes are filled witla water, 1�1L' I`�5UIf1ll� �1'�Ssill'� 311CI I'EIiISS Ct'�c�i� �i SC'c1�)E�, r�on�rollin� wall af w�t�r, A sirt�;le lu�e kille�i widl �vater will nnt prc�vide a stable wall nr �. .. ._.. c�am. As t��e w�ter f�uilds up an ane side o{'il}e tul�e tEte pressure nn tlie �F�rll oF tli� tuL�e 6egi�is to 'r�ic�•casc. ;' ������'�� As a restilt af the buil�ling �ressurc, ihc ��vate�• is puslted fra�j� <�:;� side nl'the tube to the oil�er sid� ��I1ere tl�e p�•�ssure ��eniai�ls luv�. As 11�: w�t���• cc�ntinue� tn mc�ve trc�m cane cic3� tn tf» �rl��r, the t!�h<< betii�zs l� t'�,ii- Two �t�atc:r--til��� [�hc� {sr ct3!�irn�� �iac�c� �i;:�—ei,�-si��� xx-;1! 7ssume tt�cir ������:'::I �J�apes. 11� {?�-�ti�:!�r� i� ���plic�! I;5 ��are �ide. 11��� W�IiCS' 15 a15�3Ia�C� 111 III� tir�k 1���,� .�M;sC �:?���t� Il ��r C4s1�. +�� �rj1� � II•ti� tu�C iQIIs, it pt1511es �et1 laati ��.css�i'ttil [�nc��• ��fyt�►•:I'� Ci1k 4;��irl` aYsrTi1 �rl�� side to tl�e oti�er ancl :i�:• ktu;y �u�1»� rt�ki t.���etlwCr. TiYe Ac�ulDamC� is �1�4� t�, �xl'��r �a ���h{c' ti�1f! i�: �:4}iat�i�tin� �x.-�} �il�El' Cl7IUTIlI1S 117 'cl SlIi��C' 43R1ir1- �LlI7i'_. p�}'� 4'IJ11�C:C�i]C4I �:' :IL'I� C'kFltY:il1�S t�re un�tble to assume tl�eir �7�t�u•izl �usiti�yn ��r�Ki i�rar�n :� ���rric�! �� eall in ll�e middl� as t1i�y }�i�ess a�ain,r t{tclx 4,:���r�, r f�� �:�css�i;t� i���«I�• liie hihes �pplies � substaiitial I�orc� tt, �c��l, ,ic+� .�:i' il�i, ;�t r,a�•�! W�l��. As w�ter p�•essure begi��s io build on �r�:� �icl�• +., I� �1��� :�4pG�F:I�.�:1��f: , tl3e iiuier tube na�urally tries to rnl l. H�F�; :•�� r. r�rc ��rici i�}�� U�iW�Cil tlt� V�l'kIC�I W�iIIS �E1C� �1C1'1VCC1] C11C' IIl11�1";r1t41 t�F�Ftrr �<<�i4 q�}�oses tite r�l�ing l�ndency �E7� iI1C 5E1'litV!le�fi r�„��t,,,� �i.rw�cl. ��.� -- -.�� �,�-�� � � '- � �, -� P��551' CF ��. _ � . �, i � ,- 1��TN4; - l� 14E'l,A!,`�:f� .�y� ��'� � _ ��`���� .'- -��"�� �A..1� ' ' 1'��'k III �«;i'I u I+J;:I'J 40 � �5�., � i'{ ;ry .�� �r�. +`�i{ ;#}�4FF � . v� r. ,� 5 . ��.� R{y+' — _ '��' r'{. k� l�. M1 `�� .�.� � " . ;�' � � � 'k �,r � A, � � - .. _ �-_�: . - , '7;�t]'tEtiti M'NI{':'liV�i A5 1�VcR��I' �)l'C55LIPe L)�l1IC�5 019 Ulll' SICI� O�CI1C r�iaF!i1��Jr�l����, Ti1C' �, 5, a � � PVH tir «ll I pressure displ�ces lhe w�iu• �ti thc, inner t��l�c;. 1�3��ti;� ,_r. l, ti�..�ww tlie imjei• tubes nr� unal�le cn move, the Ac�u�U �,r�k. ;a�s�{n��� �� � � � �'���'.��`+�'�w�: position c�f Eqwilibrium �nd behaves as � salid t�ai��, � � ln ordek� ta ir�ave or tip a f illed Aqu�tD�t�nc�, ill� IliilXil�ZlpTl recominetided worki�ig d�pch w�uld hav� to he exceed�d, 'I'Qo inG�clj water p�•essEire ��aii�st tl�c side i�3�y cause tl�e entire AquaDatZ�� lo s�ide ar tip sideways, c�e�e�iding o�} tki� �iat�ir� c�l' the s��i°Facc anci {��°[Ci101i f�1G�01' }1 lS �.lIc1C�CI qll. Ik �V�LEIC� ilC teclulically im��ossible far o�1e tul�e ta roll coi�ip[ete�y over �notlier ii� a tified Ac�u�D�m, � (� � � � I ��` � r' � }� .�-- .�. - � _.��.._ �'I�F��URF 14':ti'� i'n 4{��4�� � � [j l�I, � � l,f l�L l�� [n ocder foi� a�i AquaDamC� to tt�uve �s a result of tlt�e ��ressure cae��le�i �n c�ne side. it i��Est sfide acrass I Iti� s��rrace a�� ��vhich it rests. IEt c�rder tn tip, tlie wa�er ���esstu'e ]i1�lfi� Ilil EI]C' f ll'St i1lI1L!' iLIU� tl�] i�I1C� QY(:1' �I1C Srti[�i�c�. 'flt� {'ollawuZ� calculatioE�s show the AnuaDams�� resistai�ce ta ti�pii��: Assum�tinns: To Facilitate the calct�lalini�s, WL' 1V11i i!ti�llrtii�s vJ�;�t jf�N j«s)•�l" E.J�4k.�1!"e k'.�11�'.�al{` 1"i.'?:11T�.'i���1' 91��11':� iii�rl.�, ��� I�i�: 4�Qr�� �ii�.�si..' $G��7Y1Q_ VVL LVIII �CS11111C (IY_kt 9I}� isi7tL'k' Ik"L'�'� 11,? Llf�'C il,�r� �I';�\ I��ilC-1��-C{ I�l� �!:�7 4+���'j�' �'l��i:[�L�[`1i�:i.4�k� � P = �ressur� 17 = �Nater de�tlt D = widtll of �1q�raDan��,� [ � 1e�t�tli o1' Aq��aDairy� �� =� nlass c�ensity of water g =gravitational acceleratiot� Y = speciPsc ���eieltt of wat��• ��_ �i,�� �xti�rtz�i �,�ti !hti �i:ll:l: 4iI Ill'4 ;��i�I'tkI J$I�J�I�' L�!?C �ll ��1`��w�ure � I'1 A - :�rea w��'�!;ti �i4�• lac�: crr����s� �1�p:;:it1:::r�it �� 1�C[�yl� 41��\Vi12C:f 1.11�tC IlSiitl �S9�i4 �% = �'47�L¢s?�k aT� t��e G�;]f1Ci' til�t � = �)�j� _ �'G1 �a+•! �r�i7l�I �-►,91 f� = PA =i; �'� ��! _ �r�r T�7C �rA�::'�" L'_!�3'�'l�G'L� PF:7 tii4t �w�l�i' f.� �f7C� � rf��!{;i);,111� II i,4' I�7t��J1; J� } �� �� J�� �r[��ir�� +�.�t�r�mn�r��d �hr f��r�� ���� the ��d� +�f al�ue �qtn��.rr��a, ti�ve ��c� e��l�a�e fhe �er�c��c�cy c�f�1�e �qa�a[�a�� to t��. ��'�, �ssu�rr� ��i�-�� .•'1 �� t�i� �i��c�t �c�i�t �r�d su�rn ��rm���� ����i� ��ii� pa�n�. `�'l�� ��rrr�r�� ����t�� �g� �a�h �'o��e. i:; � ����u�-e ���` f������ m����l� [�I�c� I��rcz ��rtit���«��s ��� rotati�y GI�� �.rst �o����� �f v��at�er a�r�es��C �o��t .�,. � r�l�:� ! ��Y � � =6�� =� w 3 �� � � _�i�-plr�I�� -�� �� �� =fii � � � � `.�in�pli�E��i��� zl�� �*�;pr��si�•n ��� s�� tl�a� tl�� st��bi�ic�- af' �Iz� ��qu:�f��tm�� i.� de�p���darat �m r.�e r�el�t�o��L��p b�ea���er� i�.s ��id1��t [l�� and th� depxl� o�`������ i� rn�i�t re��}t:! #J=��?�!r �i�l1e ������i��r;��ip �.��c��� ���d�cat�; �I��' Ti'1It11C1��IRl ��.�I��E��i �t ��1� .�.t�lliiD31�'I��� �� �1C��''�:�� IL jFCi]1'6"'I. �fl�lp�Cll�'WC'��l'd r��is�`srr�a v�,�azer ���it�7 � ����t�� (I�� �q�����1 ��� tl�� i������� �r �E�� �� c���al�a��x���; i�_self �9i`�'1� c�esi� ���i�l�� ��a� tl�� l�qu�C��.r�-� � �� p�������t [�ppi��� ����,��I�:� b� ��;�r���� ;��: D�� �l��fi� l'r� o,�der ��� c�uanti��� ��� �€���lii� �r t11� �.q��a[�a��� � ���: ��1���t���1�� �I��: ���t��� dlirr�er�sio�rss of��e ���nd���Q �'�qu��a��� � for I� a��d l� ia•�ta �17� e���krat����� ����� �. -T'���� �����it� �r� �y�r.�.Y��s�d i�i ��,a-ra�s ��� saf�t� �'�ct�r, �f'i�� �afi�t� ��K�+cto� ind�.�.a.�es li��� r���t�, �im�:s �r�at�r �;�� �� ��t�� ��cs��re c�� ��-�ter ��pt� �r.as� i�� rr� �rder to �-QI� tlte Ac��al�a��:_ I����,d ��n il��; c�irr���i .������D����� �i�;����_ �I�� �af�t�� la�ta�� a����s� t�ppE�g «�[7��� �i�e v�rate�- �eveCs ��r� ic� rt.l�� t�p ot'll�� ��uaD��n'�� ��-c; �� ���1������: ��'�= L.�"1'�l� E��.�:1�'rl�-i� (in i���:h���;i l '' ,� ;� �� 1��=L.�3►-I-�1� ���'l�`)-�-�i lir� i��c��c�l �� �� ��f`ET�' F:�� ��'�1� .����li'���. _[.�I'l��7`d� :�.�� '. �-� � ; �� I f�8 I �� � � .-�� T��e seca�id t�iethod far ino�ring the Ac�uaQ��n�� is tn slide the e�ltire da�n. The resistance ta slic{iEig is provided by khe Fi�ietion b�iwe��i thc g�•ciu�td anci th� st�•ucture. Altk�ou�h any type a� barri�r caGild slide alc�ng tl�e �•aui�d if the �i�shin� fni�e were great enou�h, we wilt �resej�t the caleulatic�i�� for slidin� i�ie Aqu�Dai�� in ordcr Lo qu�rnify its tendei}cy to slide. I � �I� •..� �,•�•�..�•• .Q..�.ti—.��. ��� _� ���IJ ���1J � ��-_.a._ �.r,ti—, ���_ - - �� �� � � � � �� [ii addition to tlie �ari�bl�s already t�elii�c:d «�e ad�: }�=c�eFficient of friction between AquaDam+� and its si�pporting surface f ii•ictioj� Pnrce N=normal Eorce (eq�i�+ale�it to wei�,l�t) �� - -� I Assumptio�s: We are assu�nin� tl��t the s�ipporCin� s�irface is smoc�th ai�d fl�t: A�7y d�viatin�� fi�oin a smaoth suri��c� ���!! u�cj �reater oppositian to slidii��. Agaii�. ���4 .���.:me that t1�t� i�7�acr tt�hes ��re �enerally rect�tn�ulai• to facilit.�te tl�r calc��laiioiis: ,����lV—;rrW � �*=� �- �_� {,� � �� �' �F= �� � � �:,�y�� - � � ��r-� �� rr �-��� i)C'1'113117� p rL1'1?�, fUl" l�?t' C'()ef'1'ClBl1I O�.�J'1t'fJElJ! !'�i'���ti'- �'C]!' L'�li'YG�771.�lJ'l1L�I�CfI%J��t� 6�L�51,�r17�1, I�7L' CUC�C7C'!Tl Of f!'IC�lU1�! (�(!� ��:[If N'f�� rf��rrfi-,ti��f;�ff{� r.+`[' r�.w'.ir.��t::�r,t�: � � I��� I _1'l I�I :i} I-�6;4ti}-i7� � a,r i►i�ltcsl �� I I � C'�1 I� l,�� l[� 1) ";� Cl•.�1 I I �tlt i:ar.�1�Y.1 ��� ��G � �:� 3r> > ft�S w� � i2{� 7� ; I �!, �,d _ �..— ��� � � �'I-11�_�l V��.1 f[-E� l_1.�f1.1_ =- ���i1f�L�?�h�1 . �-y�-w�_F� � � � � ,�� , 3 +�1 _?{M .� .I� .1 �► T1�e coe f cic�nt vj.fi're�ir�n Il7crt ���rJ! rrll��}t� .sliclr�7g i1'llre i•c�rv1►1��a�itdecl �iacrxrrntijrr �s�alerr clep�la.s crr•e c�hsc�•ti}ed; INrLATED INrLA7'ED � H�IGHT 1WIDT1-t . (i�i inclles) I (iii inches) f� .... l�. ; 7�t ;'� _ 24 C �t�,— �� 36 �� I L}� 1� � r � � 48 � 1'�U i� �2 ��86 ;� 84 � 282 RCCOMMENDED MAX1MlJM UEP'1'H (in inches) _ _� f�`'_.L -.`_ --� — � k� �& � 3G 4� 7� WI-lEN R�CUMMGND�D � 'WATER L�VLLS �R� i l9SCD y� �� .l I � ,I� --- _ �. .��, - - - _ � I - � ,II �^ _ I I Coef�ci�iats n�' frictiat� ran�itt� Cro�n .1 U-.�I} Til(�1Cdii r�,s� i1,�• �i1:'t:'iC� 37i?1 �1�� L.�11�iC �f ��Qp���� ,�-�s,• e�:��r�pl�-. s�t c�efi'ieient oF f i•iction I�e; :; ��#1 I1��Cs ;!;'Ct`.5 l?I- �t`�F15i:44 UI' {s! I't��I y1.4I 3ti , I�7 -..�U. I�4�dlf1 k�l Ip?!/� 'r7ti+Uli1�[I ii �'rti ti�r st�rface i�ndei'the flt�uaf�;;at��x: �+�ill I�c �a+i;,�y�rc��it��i) :-nuL�kti :���J ;� iJl ��5��� :w���� ��E�iw}a' s,�;�;►��li<;�;: I�� *Ij41�r:k �ti�n indic�ted itt the calculation� ����:�x r, I�,� p��in��ipje� ���ecl �c� ����r.a4r tk�E� �1��a�,��-�a��7��� :}�w_ �i,�,�1�, ��r•t e��ec[i�t. I E�ti� StS�7�B 11bI1�roElin� wall of w�tc'r w'4r�::.;:1T1S Iil 1�i4" �4P1'��i��� k7;'!��_';5(�j {�, L'I'�:l��il� :l �ii�7� *�'G".;C� � �lL r�Cj..?,.fi)�}-l�ik;� k't,'::?'rllll StE,fiIQI]AI'y �V�Il 1��'V�t�l' IeVeIS 1'�dC�i [I7C; t1]El10El�1Ut11 i't4:�L?t11111dili��Ci +�a[�I' k��!�1i}iiii►t�l1t �I��ili. r�4aUilUc'i17351�31 provide a lig��twci�ht, reusable attd ecolo�iea�ly safc m�tktod n1'tea��urt�r�� tik•;:.tir 4���t»•csl, 31 39 00 ENVTTtOFLSJ�� Page 1 of 6 2 3 4 5 6 � a � io SECTION 3139 04 ENVIROFLEX� PART 1- GENERA.L 1.1 DESCRTPTION � t L� 1z 13 14 15 16 i7 1.3 is i9 20 zt 22 23 24 2s 26 z� 28 24 sa 31 32 33 34 �s 36 37 �? i._ du �i �z �� �ha i'J 46 A. Work shall cousist of furnishing all maierial, labor, services a�7d related ite�ns to complete ihe installation af Enviroffex� tapered, vertically interlocking articulating concrete block revehnent system. B. Work i��cludes installing the materials in conformity with the lines, grades, design, and dimensions shown in the construction drawings. RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 31 10 00 - Site Clearing B. Section 31 20 00 - Earth moving C. Section 32 91 13 - Soil Preparahon D. Section 03 30 00 - Cast in place concrete REFERENCE DOCUMENTS A. ASTM C 33: Std. Spec. far Concrete Aggregates B. ASTM C 42: Test Method for Obtaining and Testiiig drilled Caras and 5awed Beams af Concrete C. ACI 201: American Concrete Institute- Report on Durability D. ACI 2I 1.3R�02: Guide for 5electing Proportions for No-51ump Concrete E. ASTM C140: Sta�dard Test Methods for 5ampling and Testing Concrete 1Vlasonry Units and Related Uni�s F. ASTM D422: 5iandard Test Meihod for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils G. AS'TM D698: 5tandard Test Methods for La�oratory Compaction Cha.racteristics of "�oil Using Standard EfEort H. ASTM D2487: Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Furposes I. ASTM D4355: Standard Test Method fnr D�terioration oiGeatextiles by Exposure to Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatus J. ASTM D4491: Sta.ndard Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Perrnittiviiy K. ASTM D4533: Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Streng�h of Geoiextiles L. ASTM D4632: Standard `I'�st Method far Grab Breaking Lnad and Elongation of Geote�iles M. ASTM D47S 1: Standard Test Methods far Determining Apparent Opening Size of a GEOt�X�Ile ht. ASTN 1]�4�33: �tan���� �"�st Niethod far Index Punctu:re Resistance of Geomembranes and RLlated Products n: ASTM D6241: Standard Test Method far lndex Punctur� Resistance flf C���ymemhranes and Related Products �, A�'.r�'v.r L��6g�.; �;tandarrd ilpecification for Materials and Manufacture of Articulating s�oncrete Blaclt �t1CB}]€Zevetmenl �,ystems �. ��S'I"�'I D6884: Standard Practice for Installation of Articulating Concrete Block Revet�nent Systems CITY ON rOR7" W012TH 4t�ureview llrive Culvert Impeovemenu STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION BOCUMENT5 iPNs 101824 & L03D5{ Revised Decemher 20, 2012 35 31 19 E�VIROFLSX� Paga 2 af 6 47 48 49 so S1 52 53 S4 55 56 57 ss 59 �o 61 62 63 64 6s 66 s� fi8 64 �o �i �a 73 74 75 �� �� 78 79 �.� 1.5 R. ASTM D7276: Standard Guide for Analysis and Iuterpretation of Test Data for Articulating Concrete Black (ACB) Revetment Systems in Open Chanr�el Plow S. ASTM D7277: 5tandard Test Method for Perfor�nance Testing oi Articulating Concrete Block (ACB} Revetment Systems for Hydraulic Stability in Op�n Channel Flow T. FHWA-RD-89-19�: Hydraulic Stability of Articuiated Concrete Bloc�C Revetmez�t Systems During Over-Topping Flo�v SUSMITTALSIC�RTIFZCATZ�N A. Product Data: 5ubmit manufacturer's product data, including installation instrucfians. B. Testiz�g: A re�ort of testing for the �nviroflex� in substantial conformance with FHWA RD-89-199, at the same time as the Enviroflex� and Gaote�ctife Data submittal. The report shall clearly state if the critical shear stress associated with the stability threshold of the EnviroflexW system was derived frotn labaratory testing that included a sub- block drainage layer as a component of the tested system. C. 5amples: 5ubmit manufacturer's sample of tapered, overlapping artioulating concrete block revetment system (if required). D. Warranty: Subznit nnanufacturer's standard warranty. QUALITY ASSiJRANCE A. Installer Quali�cataons: An experienced installer who has svccessfitlly completed installafions of reve�tnent systems on projeets of sirnilar or larger sco�e and magt�itude. B. Single Saurce Responsibility: Obtain one color, type aryd variety of interlocking and overlapping articulating concreie block revetment system fraln a singla lot manufacfured by a single source. Materials shall be avai.lable az�.d be consistent in quality, appearance and physical propertles without delaying progress of work. C. Priar to coinmencing the wor�C of tkus sectian, verify the accuracy of layout and grading. Verify that aII sub-grades and base and/ or drainage coarse aggregate conditions are as specif ed. Notify t11e Engineer of any discrepancies and coordinate the cox'rection of those discrepancies with other trades as necessary. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE Al�]D �A.N7DLING so si sa 83 84 ss 86 87 $8 89 1.'� 9a 91 A. Delir�er matez'ials to site in manuf'ac�urer's ariginal ��alietize�! canfigurauon �,�ith labeis clearly iden�ifying product style number, eolor, name and rnanufacturer. S. Check aIl mafcrials upon delivery to assure that the praper type, grade, color, arid certification have been received. C. SYore materials in elean, dry area in accord�nce with manufacturer's instructions. �, Yrotect �11 tn_dl:eriais Tr�m e��rnage ��ie to jobsite conditions and in accc�rdance with unanufacturer's recommendatio�s. Damaged materials shall not be incorporated into ihe work. PROJECT CONDiTiONS A. Review installatio:n pracedur�s and conrdinate Enviraflex�' instal lation with other wark around insfallatian area. CITiI Ok' FQRT WpRTH Shoreview Drive Cu[veit Improvements STANI]ARD C�NSTRUCT303�f SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS CPNs 1U182Q Sc ]03051 kevise�j ['i_r.crmher 2Q, 2Q12 35 31 19 EI+IVIROFLEX� Page 3 of 6 92 93 94 95 '�,h 97 98 99 i00 101 �az io� 304 B. AIl adjacent hardscape, pavir►g, and cut-offwalls, requirad by construction docu�x�ents shall be c�inpleted along with the insYalIation of the �nviroflex�paving :�x�ats. C. Grad.iez�ts far �n�iro�lex� ir�terlocking articulating concrete block ravetment systein can vary from flat to L5;1 m� slopes. For steeper conditions, consult with a qualified e;ivil and soils engineer. JD_ h'rotect p�artially completed installation against damage from run-on or ather construction traffic when work is in progress. E. Areas suhject to vehicular driving on the articulated concrete block sl�all be evaluated by the geoteck�nical engineez' for subgrade and road base r�com�mendations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS �.1 MANUFACTURER 105 iod 1D7 108 ioa 2.2 lI0 II1 Iiz I�3 li� A. Corporate Heads�uarters: Soil Ret�ntion Products, Inc., 1265 Carlsbad Village Drive, Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92008. Phone: 760-966-6090 and 800-345-7995, f�: 76d- 966-6099, website: www.soilretention.com, e-mail: saies�}a,soilretention.com. INTERLOCKING AND OVERLAPPiNG ARTICULATING CONCRETE BL�CK REVETMENT SYSTEM A. Tapered, Overlapping Articulat�ng Concrete B1Qck Revetment System sha11 be manufactured with fiber reinforced concrete and not be capable of having one block protrude against direction of flow relative to another block. I � Property � 5peci�'ic Wei�ht I Compressive Strength Water Absorption Nominal Diznensions Unii lbs./cu. ft. psi lbs./cu. fi. Tnches {1 x w � h) Net Coverage per Blo�k Tota.l Block Wei�;ht Unit Block Weight Open Area (nominal) Fiber Reinforceznc�zt Cas� i��. �lock Allowable Unit Frotrusion Minimu�n Vertical iiYterlack sq. ft. lhs. Ibs.lsq. ft. Percent lbs.lcu.yd Inches I block Inches / hlock 3.21 122 38 zi.s 2.5 a .5 3.2I 174 54.2 zx.s 2.5 a .5 115 i i� B. Base Aggregata (if req�zzred for subgracie izn�provem�nt or bearing capacity} — Crushed 11 � pezm.eable base, crushed miscellaneaus base (CMB), crushed aggregate base (CAB}, 4" ENVIROFLEX 6" ENVIItOFLEX I VaIue Value � 13Q— ISO 13Q- 1S0 � 350D (individual) 3540 (individual} A�000 (average Qf 3} 4000 (average af 3) 11.7 max {individual) I 1.7 max {individt�al) 9.1 (average of 3) 9.1 (averag� of 3) , 21.5x21.Sx4 21.Sx21.5x6 C1TX O� FOIt"I WOKTH Shnseview Dri�e Culve�t Improvemeqts STANDAI�D CON5TRidGt10N 5PEC1�I[:A-[iON bbCTJM��I"I'S CPNs 101820 &]03051 Re ,.._ . :'ee-.P�her 2(y, zP1 z 35 31 19 EMVIROFLEX� Page 4 nf 6 t t s crushed rock or simi�ar structural material normally used as a base caurse for pavement 1ta syste�s and meating the gradation and or permeability requirements shawn on the tzo drawings iz1 C. Fiiter Fabric — Appropriate filCer fal�ric by Teneate or equal speciiied atid approved by t2z the engineer 123 D. D:raiy�ag� Lay�r (zf required) — Appro�siznately 4" nniniznuzn thicl� layer af angular 124 CXUSYl�a Sf011� OP aS S�1�G1f1EC� �� ��1e E17.glX]CEt'. �2s E. Biaxial Geosyiithetic (if required) — Flaced between drainage layer and articulated �26 concrete block in areas with turbulent flow (major grade breaks, bridge piers, pipe i27 outlets, e#c.). �zs F. Infill {if required) - Top soz� witla sead or gravel as specif ed by the landscape architect iz9 ax engineer. i�o G. Cui Off Wall (if required) - As required by the engineer and specificatians and included 13� on the drawings. i32 PART 3 - EXECUTION 133 134 3.1 135 136 137 138 i39 i�o 14I 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 1S1 15z 153 154 155 1S6 1S7 158 159 ido ibl rsz l63 SIIBGRADE PREPARATION A. Siable and compacted subgrade soil shall be prepared to the Iines, grades and cross sections showzY o� the contract drawi��gs. T�rn�iu�ation trenches and transitions between slopes, embankznent crests, henches, berrns and taes shall b� compacted, shaped and uniforml� graded to facilitate Yhe developmEnt of intimate contact between the Enviroilex�' sys�em and the underlying grada. Termination beiween the En�vzro�ex� conorete black revet�ent syster� and a concrete slah, wall or similar s�z't�ctwe, shall be secured in a manner which prevents sail migration. B. The subgrade soil conditions shalI zneet or �xce�d the xequired material properties described elsawhere in the docuxnent priar to place�nent of the system. Soils not meet�ing tlte requirennen.ts shall be re�noved and xeplaced witYz acceptahle mat�rial. Unsatisfactory sails, soils having e�cessive in-place moisture cantent and soils confaining clods, roots, sod, brush, ar other organic materials shall be removed, backfilled �vitla appro�ed materiai and conapacted. It is r�ca�nmez�ded that tha subgrac�e be firrn and unyieIding and unifanr�Iy compacted ta a minimum af 90 pexcent af Standard Practor density (ASTM D 698} [8S perc�nt of Madified Proctor density (ASTM DI557)] or as directed by the engineer of record. Should the subgrade surface for any reason become rough corrugated uneven textured or traffic marked prior to En�iroflex� installation, such unsatisfactory portion shall be scarified, reworked, re- campacted or replaced as directed hy the Engineer. Excavation of the subgrade above the water Iine shall not be more than 2 inches (50 mm) belovv the grade indieated on the contract drawings. Where such areas are below tiie allowable grades, they� shall be brought to grade by placing and compacting apprQved material in layers nat exceeding 6 inches (150 mm) thick. Where such areas ara above the aIlawable grades, they shall be brought to grade by removing material or reworking existing material and compacting. The subgrade shall be raked, screeded, or roIled by hand or machine fo achieve a smooth compac�ed surface that is free of loose material. C. Care shall be exercised so as not to excavate below the grades shown on the contract drawings, unless directed by the Engineer to remove unsatisfactory materials. A1�y excessi�e e�cavation shall be filled with approved backiill material and compacted. CITY OF PORT WORTH 5horev�ew Drive C'uJveH.lmgrovemenL� ST'A]VDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECINICATION DOCUMENTS GPNs ; OI S2� �_1 �3051 Revised Aecembez 26, 2012 35 3i 19 ENVIIZOFLEX� Page 5 oF 6 1s4 D. T'he areas to receive the Enviroflex� system shall be graded ta establish a smooih i�s surface and ensure that intimate confact is achieved between the subgrade surface and i66 the geotextile, aud between the geotextile ar drainage layer and the bottom surface of 167 the Enviroflex block. tbs 3.� 169 i �o 171 172 »� 174 ��s x�s i�� i�s 179 i8o 18] i sz 183 i84 3.3 185 18G 1s� tsa 3.� ig9 190 191 �9z 3.S 193 i94 PLACEMENT OF GEOTEXTILE A. Immediately prior to placing the geotextile and Enviroflex� system, the prepaxed subgrade shall be inspected. The geotextile shalI be placed directly on the prepared area, in intimate contact with the s�zbgrade and free of folds or wrinkles. The geotextile shall be placed in such a manner thai placement of the overlying materials will not excessively stretch or tear the geotextiie. After geotextile placement, the work area shall not be disturbed so as to result in a Ioss of intimate contact between the concrete black, the geotextile, and Yhe subgrade. The geotextile shall not be left exposed longer than ths nrzar�ufacturer's recomm�ndation to minimize potential damage due tn ultraviolet radiatian. B. T�ae geotextile shall be placed sa that upstream strips overIap downstream strips and so that upslape strips ovarlap dau+n slope strips. Overlaps shali be in the direction of flovv wherever posslble. The longitudinal and transverse joir�ts shalI he overlapped at least 2 feet. The geotextile shal] e�end beyond the top, toe and side tennination points af the revetment, If necessaz� to expedit� canstruction and to maintaa.n the reconazn�nded overlaps anclloring pins, "U" — staples or weights sha1I be used. PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE LAYER A. Drainag� layer of granular rnck shaTl be spread by rubber tracked equipment and ! or screeding. A uniform level surface shall be achieved be�'ore placiang the black. '�e depth pf the drainge Iayer should be 4" minimum. I � 1I[il���f�[I�;�1 � l�:i-!\S!�_�L13.�`I\�J�:_I_�1=�=[� A. Biaxiai geosynthetic is placed with 1-ft overIap in the direction of flow with apett�se size eaual to or less than the drainage rocl� gradation size. PLACEMENT OF TAPERED VERTICAL�.Y INT�RLOCKTNG EN'�'xROFLEX� ARTICU�LATED C4NCRETE BLOCK SYSTEM �9s A. The Enviro�ex� Concrete �]ocic System shall be plaaed on the geote�ile 1 dr�inage i96 Iayer in such a rr�anner as to produce a surfacc that achieves intimate contact wi�Yi the t v� geotextile. 196 149 zoo 2nr 2Q2 2Q3 204 2Q5 2Q6 za� B. Placement of the Envuoflex� system whether done with a grappling device mul�iple units at a time or individual units placed by hand shall be perfortned to ensure that the individual blocks ha�e intimate contact and are verticaily interlociced. In areas of curvature or grade change, alignment of an individual bIack with adjacent blocics shall be oriented such fhat in#imate contact between the block, gravel, geotextile, and subgrade is mai�itained and bIock to block interconnection is achieved. Same block cutting and/or reinforced poured conerete of irregular transition sections may be required. zos C. Care shall be taken during block installation sa as to avoid damage to ihe geotextile or zo9 subgrade during the installation process. Preferably, where t�e geote�ile is laid on �he CI'I'Y OF FORT WORTH Shorevisw Drive Culvert Improvements S'FANDARD CONSTRUCTION 3PEC�ICATIO1rI DOCLiMEAiTS GPNs 1D1820 &]03051 Revised Decemher 20, 2012 35 31 19 ENVIRpFLkX� Page 6 of 6 z�o 21I 2�a �is 214 21S zib 3.6 ground prior to the Enviraflex� installation, the Enviraflex� placement sha11 begin at the downstrea�n section and proceed upstream. On sloped sections where practical, placement shal! begin at the toe of the slope and proceed up-slope. Vertical averlap shall be maintained and n4 protrusians allowed against the directian of flaw. Where required by the specifications, jaining of structures and adjacent bIocks can be accomplished after the blocks have been set in place. TERIVTINATION TRENCHES �i� A. Termination of blocks sha11 be against concrete struciures, cut-off walls, or in zis excavated trenches which shall be progerly backf"i11ed with approved material £lush �t� with the top of the finished surface of the blocks. The integrity of the trench backfill zzo shall be inaintained to ensure a finished surface that is ilush with the top surface of tl�e 22� articulating blocks. 222 3.7 FINISHING 223 A. The open area of the articulating concrete block systaz� is typically either backfilled 22a with suitable soil for revegetatian, with 3/a inch diameter crushed stone, ar Ieft bare. 22s Backfilling with soil or granular fiIl within the cells of the system shall be eompleted 22& as saon as practicable afier the revetment has been installed. When topsoil is used as 227 a%Il material above the normal waterline, overfill by 1 to 2 inches to �ccount for 2as backfill material consolidation. 229 3.S FIELD QUALITY CONTR�L 23fl A. The Owner shall engage inspec�ion and testin.g s�rvices, ira.cluding independent z3j laboratories, to provide qUality assurance and testing services during canstruction. 232 This does not relieve the Coniractor fro�n securing tlae necessary canstruction control 233 testing during consYruction vvhen required by the contract dacuments. 234 235 236 237 23% 239 240 241 B. Quali��d and experienced technicians and engiaaears shall perform testing and lIlSp�G�101]S SBI"V1CBS. C. As a minimum, quality assurance t�sting should include subgrade preparation, geotextile placement and Envira£�ex� systern installation, and o�erall �nished condition including ternxination 4renches shall ba inspected. PART 4- MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT aa2 A. Payment will be on a per square yard basis. ClTY �F FORT WORTH Sl�oreview Drive Culve�t Improvements STANDAI2D COidSTTiUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCiJME]V'F5 • CI'Ns I Q182d � 103051 12evised Deeember 2D, 2Q�2 APPENDIX GC-4.02 GC-6.46.D GC-6.07 GGI3.p3G Subsurface and Physical Conditions Nationwide Per�nit (NWP} Geotech Repart Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Cazaapliance Wage Rates Tests and Inspections Existing RCBs Inspection Letter C1TY OF FbRT WORTH STANI?ARI) CONSTRLiCTION SPECIFIGATIpN DOC[INfENTS Revised 7uly 1, 20] I Shoreview Drive G�Ivert lwprovements GPNs 101820 & i 0305I 334950-1 MANAGEME1dT AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAI+! FOR FORCE MAIfY Page 1 of6 SECTION 33 49 50 9999.0023 Management and Implementation Plan for Force M�in PART �. - GENERAI.a 11 SiJMMARY A. Section Includes: I. Bypass pumping of the e�sting sewer system, required on 18-inch and Iarger sewer lines unless otherwise specified in the Cozatract Documei�ts. 2. Implementation, operation, aiid maintenance of a system to manage the temporary force main sysrtern. B. Dev�iations fronn this City of Port Worth Standard 5pecification 1. This specification has been modi�ed. C. Related Specif"ication Sections include, but are not necessarily limzted to: l. Division 0— Sidding Requirements, Cnniract Forms, and Co�ditions of the Contract 2. Division 1— General Requirements 1.2 PRYCE AND �'AYMENT PR4CEDURES A. Measuremant azzd �'aymanl 1. Measurement a. Meastuement for this Item will be by lump sum. 2. Payment a. The vvork perforn�ed and materials furnished in accflrdance with this Item will be paid for at the lump su�n price bid for "Mataageinent and Xrnplernenfation Plan for Force Main". 3. The price bid shall include: a. Mobilization b. Develogment of bypass, cantainment and disposal plans c. 5ubmission of bypass, �ontai�ent and disposal plans for City approval d. Coordinafian with sewar field operaUions and preshutdown �neeting as required in ihe drawings e. Transportaiion and stor�ge f. Protection of Lake Workh g. Setup h. Confined space entry i. Plugging j. Temporar}r piping and cannections io maintain fially operational system throughout canstruction k. Bypass puznpiz�g throughout construction I. Notice to resid�nts/agencies m. Removals Cl7"Y pF I'OAT WOR7'H , Shoreview Drive C:ulve�t Improvements STANDARD CONSTRi3CTION SPECIFICATION DDCEIMENTS November 3, 2U2D CPNs 101820 & ID3051 ooaaoo-2 [vIA1+�AGEMENT A]VD IMPLEMEI�7'ATIpN PL.AI� FOA FQRCE MAIN Page 2 of 6 n. Glean up o. Surface restoration 1.3 REFERENCES A. R��erenc� Standards 1. Reference sta�dards cited in this Specifcation refer to the current reference star�dard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this Specification, unless a date is specifcally cited. 2. Qccupational Safety and Health Qeganizafion (4SHA}. 3. Texas Commission on En�iarnmental Quality {TCEQ} 4. City oiFort Warth Envaorrunental Department 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination l. Develog bypass, containment and disposal plans and submit to City for review 2. Schedule meeting with City ta review sewer shutdown priar to replacing or rehabilitating any facilities. 3. City reserves the right ta delay schedule due to weath:er cQnditions, or ofiller unaxpected emergency within the sewer sysiem. �. Review bypass pumping arrangement or layout in the field with City prior to beginning oper�tians. Facilitate preliminary bypass g�.unping run with City staff present to affirm the operation is satisfactory ta the City. 5. After culvert improvements are comple�e with the new force mai�, coardinate the reesta�lishment of sewer flow with City staff. 6. �rovide ansite continuaus monitaring during all bypass pumping operations using one ofthe following inethods: a. Personnel on site b. Partable SCADA equipment I.� SUBNIITTAL� A. 5ubmittals shall be in accordar�ce with Section O 1 33 00. B. All submittals shall be appro�ed by the City prior to delivery. 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALSIINFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS A. For 3'° HDPE low pressure force main, submit a detailed plan and description outlining a11 provisians and precautions that will he taken �ith regard to the handling of sewer �lows. Submif flae plan to the City for approval a minimum of 7 days prior to commencing tivork. Include the following details: 1. Schedule for installation and maintenance of the bypass pumping system 2. Staging areas far puznps 3. Pump sizes, capacity, number of each size, and power requirernen�s 4. Calculations for static lift, frictian losses, and velocify 5. Pu�znp curves sl�owivag operating range and syst�m head curves C1TY OT' FORT WOKTH Shoreview Drive Culvert Improvements 3TANDAR]7 CONSTRLlCTION SPECIFICATION DOC[TMENTS I�evised Nnaemher 3, 2020 CPNs 10I820 & 103051 ooa000-3 MANAGEMCN'I' AND 3dVlPLEMENTATiON PLAN FOR I'ORC� MAiN Page 3 of G b. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Sewer plugging methods Size, length, material, joint iype, and method far installatian of suction and discharge piping Method of iloise control for each pump and/or generatar, if required Standby pflwer generator size and location Suction and discharge piping plan Emergency actioii plan ideniifying the measures taken in tha e�ent of a purrip failure or ser�ver spill 12. Staifiag plan for respanding to alarm conditions identifying multiple contacts by name and phone numbers (office, raobile) 13. A contingancy plan to implement in ihe event ihe replacemeni ar rehabilitation has un�xpected delays or problems 1.'� CL4SEOi]T SUBMITTALS [P�TOT USED] 1.8 MAiNTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 QUALITY AS�LTRANCE A. Contractor shall be responsible for e:nsure the p roper operatioii of the t�m.poraty farce main system and ens�zring Lake Worth is protected from the sewage at a11 ti�nes. 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND Hti1VDLING [NOT USED� 1.11 FIELD [STI`E] �ONDITIONS [NOT USED] L12 WARRANTY [NOT U�ED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS �.1 OW1�iER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2.2 EQUIPMENT B. Pumping 1. Frovide equipment that wtll c�nvey 100 percent of wet weather peak flow conditions. 2. Pro�ide fully auioinatic self-primin� pumgs. Foot-valves or vacuum pu�nps are not permitted for priming the system. 3. Pumps xz� ust be constructed to aIlow dry ru�ing for pariods of time to account for the cyclical nature of sewer flaw. 4. Provide 1 stand-by pump for each size to be maintained on site. P�ace �aekup pumps on Iine, isolated from the primary system by walve. C1TY OF FORT WORTH Shqreview Di�ve G�l�ert Imprpve�ents STAt*lDARD CONSTRUCTTON SPECTF'ICATION DOCUMEN'f5 Kevised Novemher 3, 202Q CPNs 101820 & 103051 ooaoao-4 N1AI�AGEMENT AND IIvIPLHMEI�TATIpN PLAhI FpR FpRGE NIAIN Page 4 of b 5. If multiple pumps are required to meet the �Iow requiremenis, provide ihe necessazy fittings and coi�nections ta incorparate multiple discharges. 6. Noise levels of the pumping system must follow the req�zirements af the City noise ordinance for gas vwells. C. Pipiitg 1. Install pipes with,joints which prevent the incident of flow spiIlage. D. Plugs or Stop Lags Plugs a. Select a plug tk�at is rnade for the size and potential pressure head that v�ill be experienced. b. Pzovide an additinnal anclaor, suppart ar bracing to securre plug w�aez� back press�are is present. c. Use accurately calibrat�d air pressure gauges for monitaring the inflation pressure. d. I'iaca i�f7ation gauge at location outside of conf'ined space area. Keep the inflation gauge and valve a safe distance from the plugs. e. Never avar inflaf� the pIug beyond its pressure rating. 2. Stop Logs a. Use stop log devices designed for the manhole or sewer vauIt structure in use. b. If applicable, abtain stop logs from City that may be used on specific struciures. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT i]SEDj 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 3.2 EXAMINATIQN [NOT USED] 3.3 PREPARATION A. Locate the bypass pipeiines in area to minimize disturbance ta existing Utilities and abtain approval of those locations fram the Cit}+. B. Make preparatlons to comply with OSHA requirements wken working in the presence • oi sewer gases, oxygen-deiZcient atmospheres and conf'med spaces. C. 'Da not begin bypass preparation and aperation unfil City appraval of the submittals requested per this Specificaiion. ��! i�`��k1;\ il-1�11�_C�J�I A. Instail and operate pumping and piping equipment in accordance to the submittals provided per this Specif cation. CI'T'Y OF F'OTZT W012T'H Shoreview Drive Culveri Improvements 5'FANDARD CONSTRUCT'IQN SYECIF'ICA`T'TON DOCUMENTS Revised Navember 3, 2020 C�Ns i01820 & 1Q3051 00 QO QU - S MAAfAGEMEN7' AND 1MPiEME]+I'T'A`1'TON PLAAf POR FORCE MA1N ['age 5 of 6 B. Sewer flaw stoppage 1. Plugging a. Use coniined space procedures and equipment during lnstallation when necessary. b. Thoroughly clean the pipe before insertion of the plug. c. Insert the plug seal surface completeIy so it is fully supported by ihe pipe. d. Position the plug where there are not sharp edges or protrusions that rnay damage the pl�g. e. Use pressure gauges for measuring inflation pressures. f Minirnize upsYreazn pressure head before deflating azad removing. C. Sewer flow control and monitoring 1. Take sufficient precautions to ansure sewer flow operations do not cause flaoding ar da�mage to public or private property. The Contr�ctor is responsihle far any damage resuliing from bypass pumping operations. 2. B�gin conYinual monitoring of the sewer system as soon as tha sewer is plugged or blocked. Be prepared to immediately start bypass pumping if needed due to surcharge conditiorss. 3. Sewer discharg� rnay be into another sewer manhoie or appropriate vehicle or cantainer anly. Do not discharge ser�ver into an open axlviro�unent such as an open channel or earthen halding facility. 4. Do nat canstruct bypass facilities wher� vehicular traffic may travel over the piping. a. Pro�ide deta�ls zn th:e sucYion and dischaarge piping plan that accon�.tiaodate both the bypass facilities and traffic without disrupting either service. 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT �[1SED] 3.6 RE-XNSTA.LLATI�N [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD roe] SITE QUALITY CONTR�L A. Field [ox] �ite Tests arad Inspections 1. Perform leakage and pressure tasts of the bypass pu�nping pipe and equipment befflre actual aperation begias. Have City staff on site during tests. 3.$ SYSTEM STARTUY [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USEDI 3.10 CLEANING [N�T USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. Once pluggnig or bIocking is na longer necessary, remove in such a way that permits the sewer flow to slowly return to normal — preventing surge, su.rchaxging and zz�ajar downstream distiarbanee. CITY OF FORT W�RTf3 Shoreview Urive CStivert Improvements STANDARD CONSTRIICT'iOHI 3PECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised November 3, 2020 CPNs 101820 & 1Q3051 ooa000-6 MANAGEMEN'I' AND IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR FORCE MAIN Page 6 afb 3.12 PROTECTION [NQT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE I NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1112020 I KH Specification Modified for Shoreview Drive Culverks project CITY OF FORT WORTH Shoreview Drive Culveit Improvements STANAARU CONST'I2LJCTIDN SPECIFTGAI'[ON DOC;UMEN'['S Revised 1+Tovemher 3, 2p20 CPNs 101820 &] 03051 �C��o�2 S��s��°f��� ��d ]P�ysi��� �omd�ti�ms 'I']H[�CS P.��E I1]E�'� �l�T'I'EI�'�`��I��.I�]LY ]�L�11�� CITY OF F�RT WO�L'TH 5hareview Drive Culvert Improvements STADiDAR17 CONS'I'AUCTION SPECIFICAT[ON DOCUMENTS CPNs [OI820 & i030S1 Revised July 1, 2011 �c��l�y�)�H���� February 29 , 2024 Michaei VVellbaurrt, F'� S00 Monroe Streat Suite 240 Fort Worth, TX 76102 RE: Shorevrew Culvert lrrrprovements Nafionwide Permif 94 — Linear iranspartation Project JVlemo �ort Worth, larrant County, Fexas Dear Mr.lNellbaum: Kimley-Horn and Associates lnc. (Kimley-Horn} understands that the proposed culvert replacement project is necessary due to the currently undersized cul�erts. The crossing is located on Shoreview Dri�e appraximately 200 ft west a# its terminus at Bomber Dri�e in Fort Worth, 7arrant Caunty, Texas. The project is located in the Live Oak Creek-Lake Worth (Mydrologic Unit Code 120301020104) watershed. Appendix A provides projeci defails relative ta the prapased culvert rep[acemenfs and protection. Bo#h field observations and review af the USGS Topographic map indicate that the cul�erts cross an intermiftent stream immediately aba�e its confiluence with Lake Worth. In an attempt to protect the proposed c�lve�t replacement, tF�e stream abo�e and the lake below the crossing will be armored with riprap treatments to the stream and lake bed. Though mast of the area of prot�ction is in the plunge pool dnwnstream of the cu[v�rts, the total area will nat exceed 0.1-ac, and is anticipated to be closer ta 0.04-ac in total. This woric is the m[nimum necessary to construct and protect the culvert str�cture. Additionally, water and sanitary sewer relocations will occur within the area necessary for cul�ert replacement. Ther� is also an accesslma�ntenance road on the south sid� of Shor��iew proposed. The facus of t�is memv is to addr�ss th� proposed culvert replacement and protection acti�ities at one single and c�m�lPtP stream crossing relative ta U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE or Corps) permitting. Kimle�y-Horn conducted a site visit to the proposed project area (site or st�ciy area) on January 29, 202d. The purpose of our site �isit was to conduct a preliminary l].S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE, or Corps) jurisdictional assessment, initiate Kimley-Horn's Section 40A� review of the proposed proj�ct and make observafions necessary to develop an analysis af Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting requirements. Kimley-Horn recommends utifizing an existing 2017 Nationwide Permit {IVWP} to auihorize the aetivity. It should be noted that existing permits issued under the NWP program expire on March 18, 2022. Furthermore, activEties ihat ha�e commenced, or are under contract to commence, in reliance an a Nationwide Permit will remain authorized provided th� acti�ity is compfeted within 12 months of the date of th� Nationwici� P�rmit's expiration, modification, or revacation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case-by-case �asis to modify, suspend, or re�oke the authorization in accordance with 33 CFR 330.4 (e} and 33 CFR 330.5(c) or (d). Continued cvnfirmation that an acfi�ity complies with t�e s�ec�fications and canditians, and any chang�s fo the Nationwide Permit, is the permittee's respansibility. ;N�:�� . "° � � f f E��'i�:', .',�� ' f � a C _ �� � -_ -_.,.uc:= �' � �� iiei,. f _'u�4'. U �Fq:�k. s r �5� � q'� y 7 d iL•7i� i�� i ,i �., ,i� ��i,''r:'ik�._ �'� _ _ .r.r. _n �' � ������>>;� �-i���� �pp��aach: Page 2 This memo serves io briefly describe Section 4D4 permitting relative to the proposed project, to briefly describe and dacument pre-construction condiiions, and ta recommend an approach far 5ection 404 permitiing. Se�eral permitting options may be available for the proposed work. Nationwide Permits only authorize "single and complete projecis." For linear projecis, the Corps defines a"single and compiete project" as all crossings of a single water of the U.S. at a specific locativn. For linear projects crossing a single water body several tirnes at separate and distant lacations, each crQssing is considered a single and complete project. This memo addresses one single and complete crossing of one likely jt�risdicfional feature, with its associated impacts in the immediate vicinity of the project. �Ila�ppin�: 7he USGS Topographic map was reviewed online and indicated that the existing crossing is on an maopped blue-line tributary to Lake Worth. The Federal Em�rgency Management Agency (F�MA) online map indicates that portions of the project area may be in the ma�ped �OD-year flood plain. We also re�iewed a soifs map from the United 5tates Department of Agricufture (USDA} which can be useful in ic�entifying soils fypically associated with wetlands. The mapped soil in the project area is Maloterre, Aledo, and Brackett soils, 3 to 20 percent slopes which is not on the Tarrant County list for hydric soifs, suggesting wetlands would not be likely. ihe USFWS Web page lists twa bird species as endangerec! for Tarrant County; Least Tern (Sfema anfillarum), and Whooping Crane (Grus amertcana) for non-wind energy projects. ��$�r� �'� ��1� V.�.: The Corps regulates the discharge �f dredged and fill mat�rial into waters af the U.S., which can include open water, streams, and wetlands. Generally, wetlands are identified by the presence of all �hree wetland indicators: hydrobgy, hydric soils, and hydrophytic vegetation, In other words, t�ere must be saturated soi[ condiiions during the growing season, the presence of soils that forrr� under saturated canditions, and �egetation that has adapted to grow under saturated soil conditions. Generaqy, jurisdictianal streams are identified by a clear, natural line impressed on the banlc. This line is referred ta as an ordinary high water mark (OHWM). The Carps generally asserts jurisdiction to the no�mal pool ele�atian for lakes and ponds, if those features are considered jurisdictional. �he Corps' aufhority to regula#e these activi#ies comes from 5ection 404 of tf�e C[ean Water Acf and Section 10 of #he Rivers and Flarbors Act of 1859. 5ince none �f fhe water bodies within the project are classified as na�igable by the Carps, under the Rivers and Harbors Act, a Sectian 10 permit should not be neede�. On June 5, 2Q07 (updated Decemb�r 2008), the U.S. �n�ironmental f'rotection Agency (EPA} and the IJ.S. Army Corps of Engineers jointly issued guidance inter�reiing the Supreme Court's June 20d6 split decision in the consolidafed cases of Rapanos �. U.S. and Carabell v, U.S. (known as the Rapanos decisian). The Court's split decision in Rapanos has caused uncertainty amang �PAICarps field persnnnel and the general public regarding the scape of federa] jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act. Additionally, the guidance is vague with respect to ephemeral waters and th� uncertainfy among ��' '-'-n . y�' :' o' �.=r ' " .- c . _ _... , ,�- �I���t�fl'f.��.:o � l ,:i�'S.�`qc`':i�i: _i,-.1i�4eoij?-�I�����iLc�� `�"rin:. llii='y` 00 p ir-::ii,�w:GtikiL-}r[o, .. _.�i:, . I' -.'xii.r . ,G-. . ._4- �.i��e��>�� H��� ��� Page 3 EPA/Corps field personnel and the general public regarding the scope of federai jurisdiciion under the Clean Water Act remains. FolloSnring the Rapanos Decision, the Corps issued a Regional Gu[dance Letter {RGL-08-Q2) on June 26, 2008 dacumenting the procedures for Preliminary and Approved Jurisdictional �eterminations. This guidance was clarified and superseded in Ociober 2416 by RGL 16-01. An Appro�ed Jurisdictional betermination (AJDj is a document that precisely identifies the limits of waters of the U.S. on a study area. A Preliminary Jurisdictianal Qetermination (PJb} is an unafficial document that indicates that there are waters of the U.S. present. Appro�ed JDs can be appealed while PJ�s cannot. Regio�al Guidance Letter-16-01 indicates that the reci�ient of a PJD can rec�uest and obtain an AJD if tMat later becomes necessary. A No Rermit Required letter is a Corps issued document that indicates that a specific project rrvill nof involve activities subject to the requirements of Section 404 or Section 'f0; there'€are, khat project w4uld not require a bepartment of Army permit, lJnder the Rapanos Guidance, there is a test for jurisdictian which is common�y re#erreci to as a significant nexus e�aluation. A significani nexus 9s established if the aquatic feature pro�id�s more than an insubstantial or speculati�e effect on the chemical, physical, andlor biological iniegri#y of a traditional navigable water (TNW). As an example, a significant nexus coufd be established between a stream ant� TNVW, if th� siream could deli�er pollutants to the 7EVW. It is Kimley-Horn's experience wiih the F'ort Worth District Corps that tf�e Rapanos Decisian had little impact over What this bistrict would assert jurisdiction. In other words, if an aquatic feature was considerecf jurisdictional prior to the Rapanos Deeision, it wauld be jurisdictional foflowing the Rapanas Decision. The Carps issued an "U.S. Army Carps of Engineers ,iurisdictional Determination Form Insfructional Guidebook," also known as the Rapanos Guidance, on May 30, 2007 confaining instructions to aid field staff in completing the AJD Form. The Rapanos Guidance discusses linear aquatic features as fallows: �o Ephemeral str�ams flow on[y as a response to rain and are not influenced by groundwater. Uncfer th� Rapanos Guidance these aquatic features may be classifi�cE as non-relatively permanent waters (no�-RPW). These aquatic features are described as non-na�igable fributaries that are not relati�ely permanent. These aquatic features require a fact-specifc analysis to determine whe�her th�y ha�e a significant nexus wi#h a TNW. The Corps, witfi EPA aversight, makes the determinatian based on infarmation subrnitted ta them by the permit applican#. If a significant nexus is de�ermined, the agencies will assartjurisdiction. Q Intermittent streams may be influenced by groundwater and flow for a longer period of time than ephemeral streams, but do not ha�e cantinuous flow throughout the year. Under tha Rapanos Guidance these may be classified as relatively perrr�anent waters (RPW). These aquafiic features can be described as non-na�igable tributaries of TNW that are relati�ely permanen# where the tribuiaries typically have cantinuous flow at least seasonally (e.g., typically� three mvnths). • P�rennial streams ha�e continuaus flow for most of a typical yaar. lJnder the �apanos Guidance, these may be classified as TNWs or RPWs. Relatively permanent waters can 6e described as non-navigable tributaries of tradiiional na�igable waters that are relafively permanent where ihe tributaries typically flaw year-round. j -- i :����;- i�'�ieY 'Vl _ 4 Oq"' o-. � ' ,:I' lic fc r p `1,i.:;Ffq,. ��� � -i'r- ���4;. I_� eRtr�ifi7iil,cc:al��! , I �C=_�'+ ... _ ��� �. t �+:��,`;A 'I... _i ,.�� _ �� ^y�r�r}{,.. �; �� ' . - ;;i� �1kw .., i,� � r. ,:�- �������y>>;���u�'�' fn addikion to streams, other features such as swales or ditches are described as follows: Page 4 �r 5wales or erosional faatures (e.g., gullies; st�all washes characterized by low volume; infrequ�nt, or short duration flaw fe�at�res), and � Ditches {including roadside ditches) exca�ated wholly in and c�raining only upfands and that do not carry a reiati�efy permanent flow of water. T�te Rapanos Guidance states that the agencies general{y will nak assert jurisdiction o�er swales and ditehes. �tudy AP�a De��rip�ion The proposed Shoreview Dri�e culvert replacement project is located close to the eastern enc[ of Sf�ore�iew Driv� in Fort Warth, Tarrant Caun#y, Texas. The approximate center caordinates of the study area are l.atitude: 32.777 and Longitude: -97.454 (1983 Norfh American Datum (NAD) Coordinates). Grounc{ level photvgraphs were taken during the siie visit and are attached to this rnemo in Appendix B. Phota numbers are refenced using the last fwo digits of the naming convention under each photo. Photo 43 is looking south and upstream of ihe existing cuiverts. Photo 44 is looking east across the stream. Photo 45 is looking at the upstream side of the existing culverfs. Photos 46 and 47 ar� west anc{ east views from the top of the existing roadway. Phofn 48 is looking downstream toward the lake fram the to�r of the road. Photo 49 is fooking upstream from fhe lake toward the existing cul�erts. HY�RO���Y The existing cul�ert crossing was abserved as a mapped bf�e-line tributary to Lake Worth. The stream had f[owing water in it ak the time of the site visif. Based on visual characterization the stream would have an intermiffent flow regime. Tf�e stream had well defined 4rdinary High Watermarfc of approximately 25- feet. The area surrounding fhe exiting culvert is well drained and wetland hydrology v�r�s not o�served in the �icinity of the project. It does appear, based an dn-iine FEMA ma�ping, thai the dawnstream channel is within a mapped 1 pq-year floodplain. ���lJ �$�: It is our analysis that the observed stream and lalce within the study area, are likely waters �f the 1�.�, because they appear ta have an OWHM and a downsfream connectior� to a 7NW. Thereiore, these features would likely pass a significant nexus evaluation. �il'���C�.�: It is aur unders#anding thai #he impacts to the likely jurisdictional stream and lake are the minimum necessary to protect or construct the prapased cul�erts and impacts to speciai aquatic sites, inc�ucling wet[ands, ar� not proposed. Impacts include; grading, culvert installation, utility relocatians, and rip rap armoring. A review of the cancep# plan in Appendix D indicat�s fhat ap�roximately �.04-ac af rip rap treatments and could be considered a loss to waters of the U.S. Some of tha� treatment is replacement af existing treatments. These impacts are wel� below the Corps' Regional Conditions that could require notification fo them under the proposed permitting scenario below. This perrr�it stra#egy shauld also authorize temporary impacts necessary to access the project area and construct the project. Y15 AI �t�i.,r1.�1'�:L.4?.;iI��I iit���.}:�if�:�.:�;�I.i.la:�! .ii.;�L':�.I�: F�L�i�i,e,���i,,_Fry,_re ae o: '1�'1{'i?1� �.'t" t6 .�:�ii — � �t�n���y>�'������ ��4 �ermit Op�ion: R1A�l�f��l�� P�R[V[li 'i� � �IN�po� iRARlS�O�iAil01� PFtOJ�Ci� Page 5 Nationwide Permit (MNP) 14 authorizes acti�ities required for the construction, expansion, modification, or impro�ement of linear transportation projects in waters of the lJ.S„ pro�ided the activity does not result 9n the loss af greater than 0.5-acres or 300-linear feet of waters of the U.S at each singie and camplete project. The follawing discussion serves to address the analysis of Kimley-Horn on the use of NWP 14 under a non-notification scenaria. Nationwide Permits only authorize "single and complete projects." For linear prajects, the Corps defines a "single and complete project" as all crossings of a single water of the Li.S. at a specific location. �or linear projects crossing a singl� wat�rbody several times a# separate and distant locations, eac� crossing is considered a single and complete prajec#. Based on our re�iew of the proposed projecf and understanding thaf the proposed work is the minimum necessary to construct or protect the project, it is our analysis that NWP 14 Linear Trans�ortation Projects authorizes the proposed work as one separate, single, and complete praject. Nationwide Permit 14 authorizes L.inear T�ansportation Activities in waters of the U.S. pro�ided the fallawing: Proj�ct activities do not eause the loss af greater than 0.5-acres of non-tidal waters of #he U.S., Each crossing is a single and complete projec�, Corps not'rfication is required if: ■ Project activitiss result in th� loss of waters of the LJ.S, exceeding 0.10-acre ar 300-linear feet (Regional Conditions), and u Project acti�ities resulf in discharge in a special aquatic site, including wetlands. It should be noted that the NWP General Conditions {attached wikh NWP 14 in Appendix C}, as we{I as NWF' Regional Concfitions for the State of Texas (also attached in Appendix C} and State Water Quality Cer�ifications und�r S�ction 401 (aftached in Appendix D) must be followed to comply with the NWP program. It should be noted that perr�its issued under fhe NWP program expire on March 18, 2022. The followir�g are details on selected conditions. The attached perrriit should be re�iewec! by the Owner and �v any contractor conducting work on the propased project to uncferstand all of ihe General Condikions, General Conditian 1(7 rec�uires ti�at the activlty camply with ��MA appraved state or iocal floodplain management requirerrrents. T�� FEMA �load Hazard Map incEicates that there may be 10Q-yr flood plain located within the intermittent s#ream. It is the permittee`s responsibility to comply wiih applicable FEMA- approved state ar local floodplain management requirements. Ge�eral Concfition 12 requires that appropriate soil �rosion and sediment cantrols must be used and maintained in effecti�e operating condition during constructian, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the Ordinary High Water Maric, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. Permit�ees are encouraged to perform work within waters vf the U.S. during periods of ]ow-flow or no-flow. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPF'P) is required to be in place during �:il��,y� �* 'I�n��i��;�'� 1� `Sr::��q _����}S�°�'j� t'��'r'71�;j4{'iP�--_s,ll�zii�= :i� 9 ��`f.r'�'`"- �"�7''�j %��.'; ��i �Ili�� f 4�4 .. "'�'+�`i�' .. ,. . _ i . . i' 'r �- — . . _ A�. _� 1'' ,?%r — �� � 1 1 Il�� ��� �l 1��� Page 6 construc#ion for projects disturbing one-acre ar more. �or projacfs disturbing more than five-acres, it is necessary fo fil� a�kotice of Intent (NOI) for compliance with the 7exas Commission on En�ironmental Qualify (TC�Q) -Texas Pollution Discharge Eliminatian 5ystem (TP�ES) General P�rmit for Construction Acti�ity. A list of Best Management Practices is included in Appendix D. It is the permittee's responsibility to implemeni a SWPPP, if necessary. General Condition 18 states that no activity is authorized under any I�WP which is likely to jeopardize the cantinued existence of a threatened or endangered species ar a species proposed for such designafion, as identified under the �ederal Endangered 5pecies Act (E5A), or which will destroy or ad�ersely rt�odify the critical habitat of such species. The permittee has ihe option af r�qu�sting a r��iew of the proposed project from the USFWS. The Southwest Region of the L1S�WS (https:llecos.fws.go�lipacl, February 21, 2020) lis#s the foilowing species for non-wind �n�rgy dev�lopment projects in Tarrant County: Least Tern (Sterna antillarum), Endangered, and Whooping Crane (Grus amerrcana), Endangered. There is no designated criiical habitat for this listed speci�s in Tarrant County. Potentiaqy suitable habitat to sustain a population o# fhese species was nof obser�ed within the study area. This propased praject is not expected to have any effect on these species. General Conditior� 19 staies ihat the permittee is responsible for ensuring their action complies with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. Kimley-Horro's g�n�ral and I�mited site observations did not indicate the likely presence of nesting migrafory birds. If construction activities are not performeci during typica! foreeding seasons (generally cansidered to be between April to August, depending on th� species) it is unlikafy that an incidental take would occur. The permittee has the option for contacting khe appropriate locaf office of the LlSFWS to determine applicable measures to reduce irrtpacts to migratory birds or eagles, ineluding whefh�r "incidental take" permits are necessary and available under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act ar Bald and Golden Eagle Protaction Act. General Condition 20 states that in cases where the district engineer determines that the activity may afFect properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National aegister of Historic Places, the activity is no� authorized, until the requirem�nts of 5ection 106 of the National Fiistoric Preservation Act (NHPA) ha�e been satisfied. If historic properties are observed during construc#ion, work in the imm�diate area of the discovery should cease, and the contractor should natify th� appropriate Corps Contact: Mr. James Barrera (817-888-1838}. The Texas Historic Commission's Atlas map http:/latlas.#hc.state.tx.us/ was not ��({PCSIi1IA �t t}lt? fll'1'1P f1f tI'1A WI'Itlf1{� Ofi tI11S CT�BniO 7he permittee� has the option of requesting a re�riew of tri� �raposed proj�ct for knov�n f�i�±��ic propemes priar ta cansi�ruction from the State Fiisforic Preservation �ffiicer. General Candition 25 requires com�liance w+tn �tate WVater ��y?lity Certification. The TCEQ has certified that "the acti�ities a�thorized by Nationwide �'erimit �i.� �hould noi result in +.Yi�lation of established Texas Surface Waier Quality Standards as required by Se_r.tion �#01 c,f the Federaf Clean Water Ac# and pursuan# to Title 30, 7exas Adminisirati�e Code, Cf�apter 279," as long as ,Qest Managament Practices are followed (Appendix D). ,�.�� �i`�a=#��il�tt�" +��alra�,, :'i�� ��s2��;� `�;# � �i���y�>����� Page 7 fn some cases, coordination with the G�neral Land Office (GL4) and '�exas Parks and Wildlife Departmer�t (71'WD} fior a sand, gravel, and marl permit may be necessary. It is our analysis that this project will not af�ect a State-ownecE riverbed, because the stream is not a minimum of 30-feet wide and waufd likely not be considered na�igable. Therefore, coordination with TPWD and GLO shauld nat be necessary. The permittee has tl�e optian of requssting a re�iew of the proposed praject for known State- owned riverbed prior #o construction from the GLO anci TPWD. �ecor�mendafii�n: Based vn our re�i�w of the proposed projeet it is our anafysis that Nationwide Permit 14 Linear Transportation Projects aufiharizes fhe improvements to the ephemeral and intermittent stream, This analysis is 6ased on the understanding tha� the permanent rdad�ay crossing will result in minimal impacts (0.1 �-acres or less) tn �aters of fhe U.S., necessary ta construct or protect ti�e project at the singl� and complete cros5ing location. Reference Appendix A. It is our analysis that this project does not trigger notification under NWF' General Condition 32. Although nat raquired by NWP 'I4, projects discharging into tributaries and not causing the loss of greater than 0.10-acre, the permiitee has the aption fo request verificatian from the Corps to recai�e written concurrence with the Kimley-Horn analysis that NWP 14 authorizes the prvject, witMout pre-consiruction notification to ihe Corps, Kimley-Horn recornmends the following approach regarding Sectian 404 �ermitting: 1. Proceed with the proposed work under NWP 14 authorizat[on, withaut notification to the Corps; �, Place a note on the construction contract documents clearly stating that if is the confractor's :'esponsibility to comply with all terms and conditions ofi the NWP by refierence to #his memo as well as any other locai, state, or federal regulations noted or not; and 3, O�tain 4he apnropriate siorori 3.�Y#�r p?rmit f,Qrn fiCEQ, if annfirahle. �xistmg �ermi�s issu�d under the Nationwide Permit �rogram will expire on March 1�. 2�2?, !f #h� groposed project has commenced, it is our recorrimendation thak the proposed pEoject ;�r�l�n��s, �rovided that the proposed activity is comple#ed within '�2 rnonths af ihe date of the Natior�wide Permit's �;x�iratior�. �,c�ntinued confrmation thaf an activity complies with the specifications and conditions, and any changes to the Nationwide Permit, is the permittee's responsibility. �IS���fi1��P; F;imley-Horn has prepared this document besed on ��mitecJ fiel� nhs��rations an� a�!r !�ferrr?t�ti�n, �c �n+e#land sri�ri��sts, r�f the Corps' regulations �t 33 CF�2 "=28 �Jefinition of waters a# fha l�ri;:�d S¢�tes as welf as �o�ni Corps and �PA guidance regarding the �apanos De�.isian issued �yn June 5, 2��7 �r�vised in December ZD08). While Kirnley-Horn beli�ves our intarpretation to be accurate, Final authori#y '�a �;1tefpfet the regulations f[es with the Corps and EPA. Corps and �I'A Weadquarters accasionally issue guidance fhat changes the int�rpretatian of �ublished regulations. Guidance issued after the date af this report has the potential tfl invalidate our conclusian andlor recommendations and may cause a need to reevaluate our recommendatian. Because Kim]ey-Horn has no regulatory authority, the Client understands that proceeding based sole{y upon this document does nat protect the C]ient from potential sa�cfion or fines �� —�:. . / - -- �: - .� }� � � 4-� .�''._��';<;}-�r,�'�al t b'J��' ��f;��,�ia-�5`�'i�'�!�'�°� � =��T�,'�`�'S-' i''��i.$z')':1fP�s�� ae �-�'r' - — ���I�y>>� � � � r� Page 8 fram #he Corps. 7he Client acknawledges that they ha�e the opportunity #o submit a proposed jurisdictional deterrriination to the Corps for concurrence prior to proceeding with any work. If th� Client elects not to do so, then th� Client proceecls at their sole risk. If you have questians regarding this repor� or its findings, pl�ase do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, � _ '-� n , ��� Larry Clendenen, CF, PWS IC10AL EnviranmenlallProjecdShorevfew» Schoonoveri5horevlaw br. - NWP 14 Mema.docx I ' . , � , i - .. _�. �� .._ --.' - - .�.,f:...r� ., �,'�';i� lt�;'�zF�;�Sr;'g]iil�I 'r•, '� . � r ���:�,7.�'J�ii�-�lc`X:'�i'- '�4'I[� �o�+`.'%:J,�.':Y:;i'I?��';r,'�J'f'2M1�,s C #9 � . . '.i�-" ��_x' . AppendixA Pro��ct Pl�n �h��i F ' , ���il�r ,��.:�y`", �� . * � *���s 1 ,•'. ��s � � w f +� � « - l ' � • � - y �-_ - , L� Or =C�t I 'huRT_--� ' �` �, , .�x= rR.�Pr.F2�r _W�- �d�1 JMt v`�i, r=aCA- F�e3 _�•~ �ROP R�GK R'p RAP ; . ..� ''ti �.4.T.L T- - � . iF r � ' _ . � .. x '} 5�Y � ,��5 �� ',PF2:� .�.�i� 1!�}"17 f= ,G3i OK . _� ,�',-, "�ie� . � _ - ;},. ,`1=:', .� .'�. •3 �,. 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Activities required fnr crossings of vciaters of the Uniied States associated with the cons�ruction, expansion, modiiication, or improvement of linear transportation proj�cts (e.g., roads, highways, railways, t�ails, airport runways, and taxi,waysj in waters of t�.e United States. Fox liu�ear fxansportation proj ec�s in non-tidal waters, the discharge cannot cause the loss of greater than 112�acre of waiers of the United States. For linear transportation project� in tidal waters, khe disc�axge ca�nn.ot cause tile loss of g�reater tt�.an �/3-acxe of waters af the United States. Any st�eam channel modi�ica�ion, including bank siabilizatian, is iimited to the minimum neeessary to construct or protect the linear transportation project; such modifications must be in the immediate vicinity of the proj ect. This NWP also autharizes temporaiy structures, �i11s, and work, including the use of te�nporary mats, necessary to canstruct the linear txansportation project. Appropriate measures xnust be taken to mainY,ain narmal downstream flows and minimize flooding to the ma�imum extent practicable, when temparary stnzctures, worlc, and discharges, izxcludin:g cofferdams, are �.ecessary for construction activifies, access fi11s, or dewatering o� construction sites. T�mporary �iIls mu�t eansist flf materials, and be placed in a manner, that will not be eroded by expected high flows. Temporary fills must be removed in their enfir�iy and the affect�d areas returned to pre- constxuction elevations. The areas affected by terz�poxary fi�l,s must be xevege�ated, as appropz�ate. This NWP ca�n.not be used ta autk�..orize non-lineaz £eatuxes coz�nzn.only associated with faranspartation projects, such as vehicl� maintenance or sto�age buildings, parking 1ots, train 5�&t10X15j or airc�raft hangars. Noti.ficatian.: The pe�ittee must submit a pre--coiistruction notification to the �±�rrict en�ineer prior to commencing the activity if (1) the lass of waters of the United States �te�rr.�� 1110-acre; or (2) thare is a discharge in a special aquatic site, including wetlands. {See general condition 32.) (Autharities; Sectians 10 and �04) Note 1: �'�r linear tr�r,sportation projects �xo�sszzz� a siz��le waterbod_y moxe �az� or�e ti�a�e at separate and dist�nt locati�ns, or t�?,:�r;pie �v��erbadies at yeparate and dis�ant �ac�tiQns, eacln crassing zs considered a si�.gle an� ���m}�lete pr�hect for purposes of NWP au�orzzaticn, Lin��r transportatian projects must comply �vit� 33 �'FR 33{�,�r(u}. Not� 2: Some dischar�es ,f��r �he �onstructiorr �f fartn roaci� �,• fc�r�i �•�a�fs, or {�:�ripurary rnacl� f�r moving tninin�; equzp�x�ent, n�ay �cna���=y f�x �n Pxer„�t;r�n unr_1er,ection �{)�{t� o�°�he �'.�?an �VaCer :�',t ��?? �:� [-'FR. 323.4). 7��OLe �: E'OP i*���� I�# acti����h�s that r°e�uire pre-;���n�tructi�n !r+o�;f��rion, [�l� g� i� lii�4:�k i��.t„�I�; �ny {ather i�r':�P��), �•e.giona� g�nera' permitts), ar in�avidual r�ez�it[s} �se� ur i�tended to �e i�sed ��� �>>r�nri�� ar,y part c�f'tl��� uroposed project o�• anv relat�ci activity, 9i1GI11�1I►� Ot�eY s�parate and distant ��rossin�s that require Department o�the Army authorizatz�an but c�a nat require pra-construction notifi�aiinn �see ��raerap}� 4,) of �eneral condiiion 32). The district en�incer will evaluate the PCN in ac�ordanc� ��r�t� 5��+;r��?i ���, "?7iesrit�l L-._n�ineer's Decision." The; cii_5tricl engineer may require mitigation in ensure #k��t fh� authorized activity resulis in no r�ore T�+?r minimal j�ld'lvidu�l atld cumulative ��.�:r�� �ri�rit'n�mental effect5 (see general co$dition 2��. Na�ion�ide Pemut General Canditions Note: To qualif� for NWP authorization, the praspecti�e permittee must comply with ihe follawing general conditions, as applicable, in additian to an� xegional or �ase-specific conditions ir�posed by �e division engineer or district �ngineer. Prospective permittees should contact the appxopriate Carfas district office ta deiermine if regiona.i conditions have been unposed on an NWP. Praspective pei7nittees should alsa contact the appropriate Corps district office to determine tk�e status af Clea.n Vllater Act Sec�ion 4p1 water quality certificafiion andlor Coastal Zone Manag�ment Act consistency for an NWP. Ev�ry person wha may wish to obtain permit autho�ization u.nder pne or more NWPs, or who is currently relying on an existing or prior permii authorization un�er one or more 1VWPs, has been and is on notice that all of the provisions of 33 CFR 330.1 through 330.6 apply to every NWP authorization. Nate especially 33 CFR 330.5 relating to the modification, suspension, or revocation of any NWP autharization. 1. Navi�ation. (a) No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. (b} Any safety lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coas� Guard, through reguiations ar otherwise, must be installed az�d naaintain.ed at the ��e�irtee's ex�ense on authorized facilities in navigable v�aters of the United States, {c} T��t permiztee undarstands arid �gr�es that, iffuture operations by tMe Uni�ed ��tates requixe the xemovat, xelocation, or other alteration, of ihe structure or work her�irt �nrhorized, t�r it, ir� rh� npinion ofthe Secretary ofthe Army or his authorized representat'rve, said st��ict�n•� n� ���sr� ,,hall cause smreasonable c�hsrruct�on to #he free navigation of the navigable water�, t�i� �errrutt��.x ���1� be requzr�d, upon due notice �rom t.?ne Corps of Engine�rs, to remove, relocate, c���� a�t�r t�i� {;rructuxal work or obstructions caused thexeby, wzthout expe�se to �he United States_ �R�u �lai�n sha�] be m:��e a�ainst th� L�i�ni��c_i �ta_tEs nn accaunt of any such removal or al�eration. 2. �.�uatic Lift �4'Iavements. i�Tu ��:ti�;ty rnay substantially disrupt. t�±V iaeces�ary life �;ycle movemenis oFt�?�se; ��w;Ie;+ isF�k�ua��C Ii�e l�ltli�,enou5 �i1 ll�e watPrhnrl�, i�cludit�� tl�c�;� :��,��v;�� that normally �i�ate thrc�ugn the �rea, ,�ti4ess the activity's primary pui-pose f� to �mpau��id wat�a•. All permauent �nci t.emporary crossin�s ai waterbodies shal� be suitably culverted, I�� i�tgPd, nr otlaerwise designed a�nci �csn5tructed lo maintain low +lc,w� �� sttstair� tiS.e in�vem�nt iwf Fli�•�e ::�uatic s�eci�s. If a hottomless culvert cannot b� us�c�. then the cross�g �hould be desi�n.ed ��;� constructed to minimi�e adverse effects ��� �.qu�,tYc �ile �t�t�vemen�s. 3_ 4ua��v�in� �1r�as. ��tivi�ies i.n s��wning '�?rY.�.� ci»rin� ;;�.na W]'lii7� S::�SU�75 ZT1U:,t �`� �vcririeci i� the maximum ��tent �,r�.ctica�+��. .��:iivities �Y!at rPtiult in the physic�i destraction (e_ �., t�rnu�h Yv�a��a#;n�, fll# nr t,i{���vn�irraro'i �i711]�kiL'rin� h� 54I}�ST�FtiiY! 1111"hl�i��) c�f an i�r�nortant ;F�wninc �r�8 are nat t�u.tha��ized. 4. Mi��-axory Bird� Breedin� �reas. A�r;�ities �� �rwwPrs nf the C7�7ited Sr.a.�.es ti�at serv� �s �,�P��;n� aarer�s �'�T �n,gz-�tory birds must be avoicked tc} th� m��cimum �xtent prn,ctioable. �. 4�Ze�l�:�s� B�s.1�10 �.ct�vi�y m�}: �sc;cur in ar�as �f eonc�ntrateci �re11t,�F, �apul.:�it,,,,, t,►riless the aetivity is clirectly related to � she��fish harvesting aetivity auiharizec� hy fv ���Ps �1 �:nd ��� ��r �5 ��hPll#��h �PPc��� or habitat restoration ac�ivit_y autharized by NWP 27. �. L�uitable Material. :vo activity may E�s� ::nsuitab�e materiaf �e,g., �ash, �ebris, �a?' b��i�s, ;�s;�halt, �t: , j�, ���ter;?1. „�P�- for construciion or ci�scharg�d must be free from toxFc r;�lYu�nts �Y, �:?XQ� r'l:?'1��11]tS �SE� L:�:c;tii�n ?Q? ��� li,+v C��:a� �N�ier ���.�.1, 7. Water Sup�plv Intakes. No activity may occur in th:e proximity of a public water supply intake, except wl�ere the activity is for the xepair or improvement of public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilizat�on. 8. Adverse Effects From Iznt�aundments. Zf the activity creates an impoundment of water, adverse effects ta the aqua�ic system due to accelerating the passage of water, andlor restxicting its flow must be minimized to the nnaximum extent practicable. 9. Mana�ement of Watex Flows. To the zx�aximum extent pract'rcable, the pre-construction course, candztion, capacity, and Iaca�ion of npen waters m�xst be maintained for each activity, incIuding strearn channelization, siorm wa#er znainageznent activities, and tempara�y and permanent road crossings, except as provided below. The ac�ivit� must be constructed to withsiand expected high flaws. The activity must not xestrict or ixnpede the passag� of normal ar high flows, unless �e �riuz�aty purpose of the activity is to impound water or manage high flows. The activity may alter the C,�re-constructian cou.rse, c�ndition; tapacity, and locatiar� of open waters if it benef�ts the aquatxc �environment (e.g., s�ream restoration oY reloea�ion aetivities). �+i. Fiils Within 100-�r'��ar Floo�t�lains. The activity m;:st cc�mply with ��plicabl� FFMA- approved �?�f� ��r ic�cal �oodpfain managemenl ���c�uiz��mrents. i i. Lauipment. �Ieavy equzpnnent woxking in wetfands or ,,,�,��fl�i� n���st b� Y�a���' �*� r„�ts, or c�t��ex �neasure, ���.ust b� t�kP�, t+� .��nimi�e 4oil c�isturbance. �2. Sail Erosion �nd Sedim�nt �ontr�ls. Appropriate s�i! erasion and �eciiment contxols must b� usEd �;�t,i ir�aintained Tn effective operating condition during canstruction, and all exposed soil ar�d othez x�l1�, ras ���elk �s any v:��+rl� l�t�kuw ihe crrdinary l�i�l;water ma.rk ��a l�ugh �ide line; must be per�nanently stabilized at the earliest �racticable cYate. Pexmit�ees are encourage� r� ��_r_fnxm �u��rk w;il�;,n +,w�tPry ,��thP �Tn;tec� �t-ates ��Lrisig �,�r+nr�r of 1o•c�v-flow or no-flow, or durin�; i(}W �1�C=S. I 3, Jftemoval csi 7`e�nporary FiYls. �'�tupora�_y fills must �� remo���;� [� their 4ntirety and the affected .areas ret�.rned to pre-constructian eie���a*:�ra,. -I Pk4 affected �r�=�; tn�,st !?F� �-����etated, as �ppropriate, p 4, �}roper l�Jlaintenaaace. A��y authorizee� struc�ure �:;,,- -F'iIi :ShaYl �e properlv !�!aint�irE�d, i1L.�«t���1�� ATYa1ZY�eII3Ili;� CCi G']'1�11T� �1t!i?�!� ��fet� �rid cnmpliaal�P L*J11.�1 'dpl7�1Cd�7�� I\1'«7�' �wrY�rhY CQ11�1t10Il5, d5 W�I� �5 �i1� :iCtIL']1*�-s�7�CiL1G �.��nc�jtit7n�4 ht�c�e[j hy [i�1� �dtvtriri �-n�717��T Q� r^.''l ;��}y .�.1_1�1pr1Zat10II. T I�. Si,Y�21G anc! Cc�n7nl�te Proiect. 'T"ue acij��ity must �e. :� single az�d �.azzzpl�te project. T�ie ;�ame NV��' c_�nnot be used xr�ore t11an once for the same �ingle and ��?r!plete project. 16. VViId and 5cenic Rivers. fal 1�1+� �l!�P a��ivity r�ay nc�.,,r in a c�rr�porlent c�f the h��xiona�l ��E�d an� ��er�ic Riv�r Sy�ter��, or E�� �a;��er r�_f.ficially t!��ignated E�y �'.�+r��ress a.- A'`�t,��ty �i�var" for �os5i�71e 1�C1C�uS1U�1 1n ��?P •y�±�xn v;F�ili: rhe river is ��� an nj'ficia� ::!�u�y status, u�f�ss �.�?� aupropriate Faderal agency w�th direct mar�agement responsibr'lity for such river, l�as cietermined. in t:�ntin� that tl�e proposed activity u+i11 t�nt ,�;ivPrcpiv �;FfP_r.t th� W?lr� .•1�YI(I C(`.P3'li�, R]V{;]' [� ��,j`]�`d�1QT1 C�T r3h][�V StaT.uS, (,h) I�`a �yropoaed t*��P a�ti,�ii� ta�ijl c�c:c��� i�+ a��rr,Y�T��:nt r�t the Natianal 1�ild and �::�nic f����er �'�ystern, �'?r 111 A�svPi Of�7!':�,1�y C�Asignated h�� ��]n�'�55 :35;� "ntie[�V T1V0I" it�r �7U551�5i� in.cl.usion in the system while the river is in an of�cial study status, the permittea must submit a pre-construction natiiication (see general eondition 32}. The district engineer will coordinate the �CN with the Fedezal agency with direct management responsibility far that river. The permirtee shall not begin the N WP activity until notified by the distri.ct ez�gineer th�t the Federal agency with direct managernent respansibi�ity far that river has determined in writing that the proposed N WP activity will not adversely affect the Wild and Scen.ic River desigriatio� or study status. (c) Tnfarmation an Wild a�.d Scenic Rivers �unay be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency responsible for ihe designat�d Wild and Scenfc River or study rivex (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. �'arest Sezvice, Bureau of Land Management, U.�. Fish and Wildlife Service). Infor�ation on these rivers is also available at: http://www.rivers.gov/. 17. Tribal Ri�hts. No NWP activity may cause more than minimal adverse effects on tribal rights (inc�uding �reaty z�g�ts), pxotected t�ibal resources, or tribal lands. 18. Endan�ered ��ecies. (a) No activity is authorized under any NWP which is Iikely to directly or indirecily jeo�arc�ize the continued �xistence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such desigzaation, as identified under the �'ederal Endangered Species Act (ESA), or whic�i will directly or indirectly destroy nr adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. No activity is aufih.oz�ized uz�der any NWP which "may affect" a listed species or critical hahitat, uiiless ESA sectian 7 consultatian addressing ihe effects of the �roposed activity has been completed. Direct effects axe the izxamediate effects on l'zsted species and critical habitat caused by the NWP activity. Indirect efFects are those cffects on Iisted species and critical habitat that are caused by the N WP activity aud a�re latex zn tazne, hut stzll are reasanably certain ta occur. (b} Federal agencies should follow t.�ezr own procedures for complying with the requirements af the ESA. If pre-conslxuction notification is required for ihe proposed activity, ihe Federal permittee must provide the dist�ict engzneer wztb. the appropriate documentaiion i� demonstrate con�plianee with those requiremen�s. The district engineer wi11 verify that the appropriate docurnent.ation has been submitted. Tf the appxopriate documeniatian has not been submitted, additional ESA sec�ion 7 consultation rna� be necessary for the activity and the respective federal agency would be responsible for fuIfillin.g its obligation under section 7 of the ESA. (c) Non-federal permittees must submit a pre-construction notif'ication to the district engineer if any 1i�ted species or designated critical habitat might be affected or zs in ihe �icinity of ihe aetiviiy, or if the activity is located in designated critical habitati, and shall not begin wark on the activity uniil notified by the district engineer that ihe requirements of tk�e ESA l�ave bee� satasfied and tl�at the activity is authorized. For aciivities thai rnight affect Federally-listed endangEred or tl�eatened species or designated critical habitat, the pre-constr�ction notification rnusf i.nc�ude the nan�e(s) of the en�angered or threat�ned species that might be affected by the proposed activity ar that utilize the deszg7nated c�ztical habitat that might be affected by the proposed activity. The distric� engin�er wi11 detern�ine whei�er tke proposed activity "may affeci" or wiIl have "no effect" to lEsted species axad designated crifical habitat and will notify the nan- �'ederal applicant of the Corps' detern�ination within 45 days of receipt of a camplete pre- constr�ction noii�cation. In cases where the nan-Federal applicant has iden�ified listed specres or criiical habitat that might be afi'eeted or is in the �viciriity of the activity, and has so notif ed the Corps, the applieant shall not begzn work until t�e Corps �as provi.ded notification ihat tfie proposed activity will ha�e "no effect" on listed species or critical habitat, or unfil E�A section 7 consultation has been completed. If tlie non-Federal applicant has not heard bacic fram iha Corps within 45 days, the a�plicant must still wait far nntification from the Corps. (d) As a result of formal ar informal consultation with ihe FWS or NMFS the district engineer may ad� species-s}aecif�c permit cor�ditions to the NWPs. (e} Authorization of an activity by an NV�7P does nat au�orize the "take" of a threatened or endangered species as defined under the ESA. In the absence of separate auilaa�zai�on (e.g., an ESA Sectron 10 Permii, a Biological Opinion with "incidentaI take" provisions, �tc.) from the FWS or the NMFS, the Endangered Species Act prohibits any person subject to the jur�sdiction af tl�e United States to take a listed species, where "take" means to �arass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, lc�ll, trap, capture, ar collect, or to attei�npt to en.gage zn an.y such conduct. The ward "harm" in the definition of "take" means an act which actually kills or injures wildlife. Such an act may include signiiicant habitat rriodif cation or degrada�ion. wk�ere it actually kills ar injures wildlife by significantly impairing essen�ial behaviaral pattei�ns, including breeding, feeding or sheitering. (f} If ih� nan�federal permittee has a valid ESA section 10(a)(1)(B) incidental take pel�nit with an approved Habitat Con.servafion Plar� for a pxoject or a group of prajects that ineludes the proposed NWP activity, the non-federal applicant should provide a copy of that ESA section 10(a}(1 }(B} perz�ait with the PCN xequzxed by paragraph (c) af ihis general condiiion. The district engineer will coardinate �with the agency that issued the ESA section 10(a}{1}(B) parmit to determ.ine whethex t�e proposed N WP actavity and the associa.ted incidental take w�re considered in tl�e internal E�A section 7 carisuliation conducted for the E5A section 10(a)(1)(B} permit. If that coordination results in coz�cu�rence frorz�. the agency that t�e proposed NWP activ�ty and the assacia�ed incidental take w�re considered in the internal ESA section 7 consultation for the ESA section 10(a){1.}(B) permit, tk,e district engineer does not need to conduct a separate ESA section 7 consuliation for the �roposed NWP a�iivxty. The district engineer w�ll notify the non federal applicant within 45 days of xeceipt a£ a comple#e pre�construction noiificaiion whether the ESA seetio� 10(a)(�.)(B) permit covers the prap�osed NWP activiLy or �r,rhether additional E�A section 7 consultation is required. (g) Information on the �ocatian of thxeatened and endangexed species and their crztieal habitat can be obtair�ed directIy from the oif ces of the FWS and NMFS or their world wide web pages at http://www.fws.gov/ or http://www.fws.govlipac and hitp:l/www.nmfs.noaa.gov/prlspecies/esal respectiveIy. 19. Mi�ratory Birds and Bald and Golden Ea�les. The perrnittee is responsible for ensuring their action complies with ihe Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Ba1d and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permittee is responsible fox cantacting appropriate local office af the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to determine applicable measures to reduce ir�pacts to migratory birds ar ea�les, including whether "incidental take" pe��its are necessary and available under ihe Migratory Bird Treaty Act or Bald and Golde� Eagle Prot�ction Act for a particular ac�ivity. 20. Hisiaric Pro e� r�ies. (a) In cases where the distriei engineer determines that the activity may have the potential to cause effects to properties li�ted, or eligible for listing, in the NatiQnal Register of Aistoric Places, the activiiy is not authorized, until the requirernents of Section 106 of the National Historic Prese�rvation Act {NHPA) have been satisfied. (b} Federal pernnittees should follow their own procedures for complying with the requirements of section 106 of the Natio�al Historic Preservation Act. If pre-construction notification is required far the proposed NWP activzty, the Federal permittee rnust provide the district engineer vcri� the appropriate documentation to demonsixate compliance with those requirements. The district engineer will verify that tl�e a�p�•npria.te docurnentatian has bee� submitted. If the apprapriate documenta�ian is nat submitted, �e� additional consultation under section 106 may be necessary. The respective fed�ral agancy is responsible for fulfilling its obligation to comply with seciian 106. (c) Non-fedezal permitteas zx�.ust subm�it a pre-canstructian natificatian ta the district engineer if the NWP activity might have the potential to cause effects to any historic properties listed on, determined to be eligible for listing on, or potentially eligihle far listing on the Natianal Register of Historic Places, including previously unidentified praperties. For such activities, tb.e pi•e-canst7rru.ctzon zaoti�catzon musf state which historic properties might have tlie patential ia be af%cted by the proposed NWP ac�ivity �r include a vicinity map indicating the lacatian of the histoxic properties or tk�e potential far the presence of historic prpperties. Assistance regarding information on ihe location of, or poten�.al for, the presence of historic properties can be sought &om t�.e State Hzstoric Preseir�+ation Off'xcer, Tribal Historic Preservaiion Df�'icex, ar d�signated tribal representative, as appropriate, and t}�e National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)}. When reviewing pre-construetion notifications, district engineers will comply �vittt the cvrrent procedures for addressing the requirements af seciion 106 of the National His�a�zc �reservation Act. The dastrict engineer shall make a reasanable and good faith effort tn carry out apprapriate identification efforts, which may in�lude background research, consultation, oral histo�ry i.zrtezvzews, sample field investigation, and field survey. Based on �Yie informatinr� subrnitted in the PCN and these identificatian efforts, ihe district engineer shall detexmine whether the proposed NWl' actxvity has the �aotential to eause effects on the historic� �roperGies. Section 105 consultation is not required when the district engineer deiermines that �he activity does nat have the potential to cause e£fects on historic properties (see 3b CFR 8003(a}). Section 1U6 coivsultation is required wh�n �he district engineer determines thai the activiiy has the potential to cause ef£ects on historic pxope�iaies. The distxict engineer will canduct consultation with consulting parties identified under 36 CFR 80fl.2(c) when he or s�e makes any of the following effect detez�aai.z�atians for the purposes of sect�on 106 of the NHPA: na historic prnperties affected, no adverse effect, or adverse effect. Where the non-Federal applicant has identified historic properties on which the activity nnight have the potential ta cause �ffects and so notified the Co�ps, the non-Federal applicant shall not b�gin the actii�vity until not�fied by the district engineer either that the activity has no potent�al to cause efFe�ts to historic properties ar that NHPA section 106 consultaiian has been cornpleted. (d) For non-�ederal permittees, the dist�ict engineer will notify the prospective �e�nittee within 45 days of re�ceipt af a cars�plete pre-construetian not�ficat�on whether NHPA section 106 cnnsultatior� is required. If NHPA section 146 consultatian is required, the district enginaer will notify the non-Federal applicant f]aat b.e or she cannot begin the activity until section 106 consultation is cornpleted. If the non-Federal applicant has not heard back fram the Carps within 45 days, tlle applicant must still wait �or notification frorn the Gor}�s. (e} Prospectiae permi.ttees sb.oul�. be aware tkat sectian 110k af ihe NHPA (54 U.S.C. 30b 113) prevents the Co�ps frorn granting a permit or otl�er assistance to a�n applica�nt who, with intent to avoid the zequixements of section 106 of the NHPA, has intentionally signi$can�lq adversely a�'Fected a hisfioric property t� which the permit would relate, or• having Ieg�l power to prevent it, allowed such signi�tcaui adverse effect to occur, unless the Cor�s, after cansultation with the Advisary Council on Histaric Preservation (ACHP), deteimznes t�at cixcuz�stances justify garanting such assistance despite ihe adverse effect created or permitted by th� applicant. Tf circumstances �ustify granting the assistance, the Carps is xequzred to not�afy tlae ACHP and provide dacumentation speci�ying the circumstances, the degree oi dat�age to the intcgrity of any historic praperties affected, and proposed mitigation: This doeumentation naust i�clude any views abtained from the applicant, SHPO/THPO, appropriate Indian tribes if the underta�ing oceurs on ar affects historic prnperties on tribal lands ar affects praperties of interest to tUose tribes, and other parties known to have a legitimate interest in the impacts to the pertnitted activity on historic proparties. 2I . Discavery of Previouslv ilnknow n Remains and Artifacts. If you discover any pre�iously unknown historie, cultural or archealogical remains and artifacts urhile accomplishing the activity autl�orized by this permit, you must immediately notify �.he dist�.•ict engineer of what you have found, and to the m�iinum extent practicable, avoid construction activities that may afifect the xernains and artifacts until the required coordination has been compieted. The district engineer wiil initiate the Federal, Tribal, and state coordinaiion required to de�ermine if the items ox remaizas waz7rant a xecovery effort or if the site is eligzble fox listing in ihe Natianal Registex of Historic Plac�s. 22. Desi�nated Critical Resource Waters. Critica.l resaurce vvaters include, NOAA-managed zxiarine sanctua�ies and marine zxionuments, an.d National Estua�ne Reseaxck� Resezves. Tkae dis�ct engineer inay d�signate, aiter notice and opportunity for public camment, additianal waters officially deszgnated by a state as having pa��icular environz�ental or ecological szgzai�cance, such as outsianding national resource wa�ers ar state natural heritage siies. Ti�e district engincer may also design.a#e additional critzcal xesou.rce watexs aft�r n.�tiee and opportunary far public connnn.ent. {a} Discharges of dredged ar fill material inia waters of t�e United States are not autlaorized by NWPs 7, I2, 14, I6, I7, 2I, �,9, 31, 35, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50, 51, and 52 for any acti�ity withi�n, or dixectly affecting, critical resouxce waters, incluc�ing wetlazxcis adjacenf to suc� waters. (b) For NWPs 3, $, I0, 13, I5, 1$, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, az�d S4, notification is required in accardance with general condition 32, for any activity proposed in the designated critical resource waters inclu�irig wetlands adjacent to those waters. The district engineer may authorize activities under these NWPs onl� after ii is determined ihat the impacts to the criiical resource waters will be no more than minimal. 23. Miti�ation. The district engineer will cos�sider the following factors when deterini�ing appropriate and practicable mitigation necessary to ensure ihat the individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects are no mor� than mini,r,al: (a) The activity must be designed and cons�ucted to avoid and minimize adverse effects, bath te�xi.pora�y and pernrzanent, to wate�s o� tk�e Un�ted States to the ma�imum extent practicable a# the projeci site (i.e., on site). {b) Mitigation in aI1 its forms (avoiding, minirnizing, reetifying, reducing, or camp�nsating for resource losses) wzll be zequixed to the extent necessary ta ensu�re that the z�divzdual and cumulative adverse environmental eff�cts are no rnore than minimal. {c) Carnpe�satary mitigation at a ininimum one-far-one ratio w'r1I be required for all wetland losses that exceed X114-acxe and require pre-construction notificatian, unless the district engineer determines in writing that either some other farm of mitigation would be mare environmentally appropriate or the adverse envirt�nmental effects o£the proposed activity are no mar� than minirnal, and provides an activity-specific waiver of this requuement. For wetland lasses of 11I0-acre or less that require pre-consiruction natification, the districi engineer may deter�nine an a case-by-case basis that compensatary inikigation is required to ensure that the activity results in only �inimal adverse environmental ef�ects. (d) For losses of sireams or other open waters that require pre-construction notification, ihe district engineer may r�quire compensatory mitigaiion io ensure that the acti�ity results in no more than minirr�al adverse environn�ental effects. Compensatoty mitigation far losses of streazns shou�d be pro�rid�d, if practicable, thrt�ug� stream rehabilitation, enhanc�ment, or preservation, since sixeams are difficult-to-x�place xesources (see 33 CFR 332.3(e}(3)). (e} Campensato� mitigatio�. pIa� s�ar NWP activities in or near streaxx�:s or other open vvaters will normally include a requireinent for �lze restoration or enhancernent, maintenance, a�d legal proteciion (e,g., cansezvation easez�aents) af rip�rian areas next to open watexs. In some cases, the restoration or maintena.nce/protection of riparian areas may b� the on1�r camp�nsatory mztigatian requir�d. Restored ripariaz� a�reas should can:sist of nati�e species. T�e widtk� of the required riparian area �rill address dacurnented water quality or aquatic habitat loss concerns. Normally, the fiparian area will be 25 to SO £eet wide an each side of the stream, but khe district engineer may require slightly �wider riparian areas to address documented water qr�ality or habitat Ioss concems. If it is not passible to restare or maintain/protect a riparian area on both sides of a strEam, or if the waterbody is a Iake or coastal waters, then restoring or maintaininglprvtecting a rzpariau area along a single bank ar sh�reline may be sufficien#. Wlaere both wetlands and open waters exist on the praject site, the district Engineer will detern�ine ih� appropriate compensatory mitigation {e.g., riparian areas aa�d/ar wetlaaa.ds co�pensatian) based on what is best fox the aquatic environinen� on a watershed basis. In cases where riparian ar�as are d�termin�d to be the most appropriate form o� rr�infmi�ation or cozz�pensatory mitigation, the district engineer may waive or reduce the requirement to provide wetland compensatory mitigation for wetland Iosses. (� Campensatory mitigation projects �rovided to offset losses of aquatic resources must coznply wit�a the applicable pra�isions of 33 CFR part 332. (l ) The prospective pez7nittee is responsible for propasing an appropriate compensatozy rnitigation optian if cornpensaiary rnitigation is necessary to ensure that the activiiy results in no zx�ore thau xninimal adverse enviranmental effects. �or the NWPs, the pre£ezxed mechanism for providing campensatory rnitigation is mitigation bank credits or in-1i�u fae program credits (see 33 CFR 332.3(b)(2} and (3)). However, if an appxopriate number and type of mitigation bank or in- lieu credits are not available at the t�me the PCN is subrr�itted to �e districi engineer, the district engineer znay appz•ove the use of pe�nn.ittee-responsible rnitigation. {2) The atnount of compensato�y mitigation required by ihe d'zstrict engineer must be sufficieni to ens�re that the a�xthorized activity results in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adUerse en�ironmental efFects (see 33 CFR 33Q.1(e)(3)). {See also 33 CFR 332.3(�). (3) Since the likelihood of success is greater and the i�npacts to potentially valuable uplands are reduced, aquatic resource res�oration shouId be the first compensatnry mitiga�ion op�ion cansidered for permitiee-responsible �nn.itigatian. (4) Tf permittee' responsible znit�gaiian is �e proposed option, the prospective permittee is responsible far submitting a mi�iga�ion p�an. A conceptual ar detailed mitigation plan rnay be used by the district engiu�eer to zx�ake tkae decxsion. on the N WP verificatian request, but a�nal mitigarion plan tliat addresses the applicable requirements of 33 CFR 332.4(c}(2) through (14) must be approved by tlae district engir�eer before the permittee begins work in waters of the �C.Jnited States, unless the district engineer determines fhat prior approval of ihe final mitigation plan is not pxacticable or not necessary ta ensure iimely completion of the required coznpe�satozy �ztigatian {see 33 CFR 332.3(k)(3)}. (S} If mitagation bank or in-lieu fee pragrarn credits are the prapased option, the mitigation plan only needs to address �he baseline conditions at t�ie impact site and the number of credits to be providec�. {6) Cornpensatory mitigation req�irerner�ts (e.g., resaurce type and amount to be pro�vided as compensatozy mitigation, site protect�on, ecolagical performance standards, n:�onitoring requirements) may be addressed through conditions added io tl�e NWP authorization, instead of co�ponents o£a coxnpensatory naitigation plai�. (see 33 CFR 332.4(c)(1}(ii)). (g) Coznpensatory zniitigation will not he used to increas�e the acreage Iosses a�lowed by the acreage limits of the NWPs. For example, if an NWP has an acreage limii of 1/2-acre, it cannot be used to autkzori�ze axiy N WP activity resulting in tk�e loss of gireater tlaan. 1/2�acre af watexs af the United �tates, even if compensatory mitigatian is provided that re�laces ar restores some of the lost wate�rs. Howevex, compensatazy naitigation can a�a.d �hould be u.sed, as necessary, to ensure t�iat an� NVVP activity already meeting the established acreage limits also satisfies ihe no more than minimal impact requirement for the N W1's. (h} Permittees may prop�se the use of mitigation banks, in-lieu fee programs, or permittee- respansibia mi�i�;ation. When develaping a compensatory mit'rgat�on proposal, the permittee rnust considex appropriate and prac#icable options consisient with the framework at 33 C�'R 3�2.3(b). For activities resulting in the loss of �narine or estuarin� r�sources, permittee-responsible mitigation �nay be environmentally preferable ii there are no mitigat�on banks or in-lieu fee programs iri the area that ha�ve marine or esivarine credi.ts a�ailable for sale or �ransfer to the permittee. For permittee-respa� sible znitigation, the special conditions af the NWP verification must clearly indicaie the party ar �arti�s responsible for the implementa.tion and performance of the compensatozy mi�igation pxoject, and, if required, its lang-term management_ {i} Whexe certain fi�.�ctioz�s azxd sexvices o� waters a£ t�e United States are permanently advers�ly affected by a r�gulated activity, suc� as discharges of dredged ar �i11 material into waters o:f the Unzted States thaf wil� convert a foresfed oz sczub-shrub wetland to a herbaceaus wetland in a per•manen#Iy maintained utijity line right�of-way, mi�igation may b� required to reduca the adverse enviranrnental effects of the actzvity to the no more than �na.znizzaal level. 24. Safetv of Ifnboundment Struciures. To ensure that all zznpour�dnae�t structures are safely desig�ned, tk�e dista-ict engineer may require non-Federal applicants to demonstrafe that the structures eomplq vvith astablished state dam safety criteria or have been designed by qualified persons. The disfrict engineer rr�ay also req�ire dacumentation that the design has heen independ�ntly reviewed by similarly qualified perso�s, and appropriate modi�icatians made to ensure safety. �, 25. Water Qualitv. Where States and authorized Tribes, or EPA where applicable, have not previously c�rtified compliance of an NWP wif.h CWA s�ction 401, individua1401 Water Quality CerCifieation �nust be obtained or waived (see 33 C�'R 33p.4(c}). The district engineer or State or Tribe may require additional water quality management measures to ensure that ihe aut�orized activity does nat result in m�re than minimal degradation of water quality. 26. Coastal Zone Mana�ement. In coastal states where an NWP has not previously recezved a sta.te coastal zone manageinent cansistency canciu-rence, an individual state coastal zone managemani cansistency cancurrence must be abtained, or a presumptian of cancurrence must accur (see 33 CFR 330.4{d)). The district engixieer or a Sta.te may require additional measur�s to ensuz•e that the authorized activity is consistent with state coa�tal zo:�e rnanagement requirements. 27. Re�i.onal and Case�Bv�Case Conditians. The ac�ivity must comply with any regianal condiiions that may have been adc�ed by the Divisian Engineer {see 33 CFR 330.4(e}) az�d v�ith any case specific conditions added by the Cflrps or by the state, Indian Tribe, ar U.S. EPA in its section 401 Water Quality Ce�tiiication, or by the state in its Coastal Zone Management Act c�nsistency determination. 28. Use of Multiple Nationwide Permits. The use of rnore than ane NWP for a single and compleie praject is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the United States authorized by the NWPs does not exceed the acreage limit of the NWP r�ith the highest specified acreage Iirnit. For example, if a road erossing over tidal waters is constructed under NWP 1�, with associated bazak stabilzzation autharized by NWP 13, the maximum acreage loss of waters of the United States for the total project cannot exceed 1/3-acre. 29. Transfer af Nationwide Permit Verifications. If the perzn�ttee sells fhe property associated u�th a n.at�onwide permit verification, the perrnittee rnay �ransfer the nationwide permit verification ta tl�e nevcr o nvner by sul�mitting a Ietter to the appropriate Coxps district office �o validate t.�ae traz�.sfer. A capy of the �atianwide permit verif catian rnust be attached to the letier, and the letter rnus� contain. the Following statement and signatu�-e: "When the siruct�es or vc�ork authorized by this nationwide pex�nn.it a�re still in existence at ihe time ihe property is txa�sfe�red, t.�e tei�s and canditiions of this nationwide per�nit, inciuding any special conditions, will continue ta be hinding an ihe new own.er{s) of the property. Ta validate the transfer of this nationwide permit and the associated liabiliiies associated vcrith compliance urith its terms and conditions, have the transferee sign and date below." (Transferee} (Date} 30. Comnliance Certification. Each pez�it#ee wha receives an NWP verif cation Iettcr from ihe Corps nnust pzovide a signed certificatian documenting completion of the authorized activity and implernentation of any required comp�nsatory znitigation. The success af any required permittee-respan�ible mitigation, including �the achievemen� ai �cological performance standards, will be addressed s�paxately by t}se district engineer. The Corps will provide the permittee the cerrtification documen� with the NWP aerificatinn Letier. The certi�cation document will include: {a) A statement that tl�e a�thorized activity �vvas done in accordance with the NWP authorization, inclu�ng any general, regiona�, or activity-specific ednditions; {b) A statement that the implennentation of any requirec� compensatory miiigation was co�pleted in accoidance with the pernut conditions. If credits fram a mitigatian ba� ox in-Iieu �ee program are used to satisfy the compensatory r�itigation requirernents, the certificaiion must include tke docurrientaiion required by 33 CFR 332.3(1)(3} to confirm tliat the pezxnittee secured the approp�iate number and xeaource fype af credits; and (c} The signature of the per�mittee certafying �e coznpletion o� fhe activity and mztigation. The campleted certification docuxne�:t must be subzxiitted to the d'zstrict engineer within 30 days oi completinn pi the authnriz�d activity or the implementa�ion of any required compen.satory mitigation, whichever occurs later. 31. Aeti�ities Af�ectin� StnYciures or V�i�orks Built bv the United States. If an N�VP activity also requares permission fram the Carps pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 408 because ii will alter or temporarily ar permanently occupy or use a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers {U�ACE) federally authorized Civil Works project (a "US.�.CE projeet"}, tk�e prospective permittee must submit a pre- construction notificatian. See paragraph (bj(10) of general condition 32. An activity that xequzres section 40$ pernaission is not authorized by NW�' until the appropriate Coxps affice issues the sec�ion 408 permi�sion ta al�er, occupy, or use the USACE project, anc� the disirict engineex issuea a written N WP verificatioz�. 32. Pre-Construct�ion Notifzcation. {a) T��. Where required by the terrns of the NWP, the prospective pern�ittee rnusC no�ii'y the district engineer by suhrnitting a pre-construction not'r�cation {PCN} as early as passible. The district engimeer znus� detezn�i.ne if the PCN is complete wi�liin 30 calendar days of the date of receipt and, if th� PCN i� determined to be incomplete, notify the p��speciive permittee within that 30 day period to request the additzonal informatio� necessary io make tlie PCN complete, The request rnust specify t�i� information needed to make the PCN complete. As a general rule, distric# engineers wi11 request additianal information necessary �o make the PCN comp�ete only once, However, if the prospective permittee does not provide all of the requested information, then the district engi.neex wzll notzfy the pxospe�tive permit�ee that the PCN is still incomplete and the PCN review proeess wi11 not co�nmence until all of the requested information has been received by the district engineer. Tbe prospectzv� permittee shall nat begin ihe activity until eif.her: (1) He or she is notified in writing by the district engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditians unposed by the district or divisian engineer; or {2) 4S calendar days hxve passed from the disirict en.gineer's receipt of t�e c�mplete PCN a7nd the prospective permittee has not received written notice from the district or division engineer. Howev�r, if the perrnittee was required to notify the Corps puzsuant to general co�dition 18 that listed species ox crztzcal habitat mighi be affected or are in ihe vicinity of the acti�vity, or to notify the Carps pursuant to general condition 20 that the activity �night have the poteni�al ta cause effects to b.istoric pxopertaes, tk►e pez�ittee cannot begin the ac�ivity until receiving written noti�ication from the Corps that there is "no ef#'eet" on listed speeies or "no potential to cause effects" an historic properties, or that. any caz�ultation required under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (see 33 CFR 330.4(�j) andlor section 106 of the National Hista�c �rese�rvation Act (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)) has been corr�pleted. Also, work cannat begin under NWPs 21, 49, ar 50 until the permittee has received written approval fram the Corps. If�e propased activity requires a written waiver to exceed specified limits o� an NW�, tlie permittee may not begin the activity until the district engineer issues the waiver. If t�xe district ar divi.sion engineer not��ies the permiitee in writing that an individual perrnit is required wi�hin 45 calendar days of receipt of a complete PCN, the permittee cannot begin the activity uzitil an it�dividual permit has been ohtained. Subsequently, �e permittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or ��voked only in accordance with the procedure set foz�tb. ix� 33 C�R 330.5(d)(2). (b) Co�tents of Pre-Can�tructio� Notifica�ion: The FCN inust be in writing and include the following infoz�z�ation: (I) Name, address and telephone numbers af the prospeetive permittee; (2} Locat�on of the proposed activity; (3) Identify the specific NWP or NWP(s) the prospective parnuttee wants to use to autharize the praposed activrty; {�) A description of the proposed activity; the activity's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the activity would cause, including the anticipated amount of loss of wetlan�s, other special aquatic sites, and other waters expected to result irom the NWP activity, in aeres, linear feet, ar other appropriate unit of ineasure; a descrip�ion of any proposed naitigatian measures intended ta reduce the adverse environmental effects caused by f,he proposed activity; and any ot�er NWP(s), regional general permii(s), or individual pernut(s) used or intended to be used to authorize anq part of the proposed project or any related activity, including other separate and distant crossings for iinear projects that require Department of the Army authoriaation buf do �ot require pre-cons�ruction notification. The description �f the proposed ac�ivity atid any proposed mitigation measures should be sufficiently detailed to allow tl�e district ezagineer to detetmine that the adverse environmenial eifects oi the activity will be no mare than minimal and to determine the need for compensatory mi�igation or other mitigation rz-teasures. For single �nc� complete linear pxojects, the PCN must include the qua�tity of anticipated losses of wetlands, ofller special aquatic sites, and other waters for each single an.d co�rn.plete cxossing of tlaose we�lands, oiher special aquatic sites, and other �raters. Sketches should be provided when necessary to sho�xr that the activity complies witli the terms of the N WP. (Sketches usually clarify �e act�viry and when provided resulis in a quicker decision. SketcY�es should contain sufficient detail to provide an illustrative descriptian of tke proposed activity {e.g., a conceptual plan}, but do not need ta be detailed engineering plans); {5) The PCN must include a delineation oivvetlands, other special aquatic sites, and o�er waters, such as lalces and ponds, and perennial, intermitteni, and ephemeral streams, on t1�e project site. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accardance with the cuirent rnethod required by the Corps. The perinit�ee may ask ihe Corps to delineate ihe special aquaiic sites and other waters on the pxoject srte, but there may be a delay if the Gorps does the delineation, especially if the pro,�ect site is large or contains many wetlands, other special aquatic sites, and oiher waters. Furthermore, the 45 day period wiil not start untii the delineation has been subrnitted tn or completed by the Corps, as appropriate; �..(6) Ifthe proposed activity wi11 result in ihe loss of greater ihan 1/10-acre of weila�nds and a PCN is required, t1�e prospective pennittee must submit a stateme�t describing how the mitigation r�quirement will be satis�ed, or explaining why the adverse env�ronmental effects are no more than minimal and why compensatory mitigation sho�ld not be required. As an aliernative, the prospective permittee may subrnit a conceptual ar detailed mitigation plan. (7) For non-Federal permittees, if any listed species ox desigzaated cx-itical habitat might be affected or is in the viciniiy of the activity, ar ii the activity is located in designated critical habitat, the PCN must include tha name(s) of th.ase endan.gered or threatenad species that migh# be af�ected by the proposed aetivity or uiilize the designated critical habita.t that might be a�ected by the proposed activity. Foz• N W:P activities that requiz�e pxe-construc�aon nati£'icatian, �'ederal permittees must pravide doc�unentatian demonstxating cornpliance vvith thE Endangered Speeies Act; (8) Far non-Federal permittees, if the NWP activity might have the potential to cause effects to a historic property listed an, determined to be eligible for listing on, or potentially eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places, the PCN must state which his�oric prqperty might 1�ave the poter�tral to be affected by the proposed activity or inciude a vicinity map indicating the loca#ion of the histor�c pxopexty. For NWP activities that require pre-constzuction notification, Federal permittees must pravide documentai�on demonstrati�►g complianc� with secfion I Q6 of the National Histaric Pxeservation Act; (9} For an acti�iiy tbat will occux in a coxnpoz�ent of �e Naiionai Wild and �cenic Rivex System, or in a river officially designated by Congress as a"study �iver" for possible inclusion i� �lie �ystem while tk�e xivex is in an o�ficial study status, the �CN znust ide�tify �e Wi1d a�d Scez�c Riv�r or f.he "stud� river" (see g�neral canrlition 16); and {10) For an ac�ivity tbat requires permission from the Cor�s pursuant to 33 U.�.C. 408 because it wi11 alter or temporarily or permanently occupy o� nse a U.S. Az�y Corps af Engineers federally authorized civil works project, the pre-construction notification must include a statetnent con£'i_�a�nin.g thai the pxoj�ct prapanent has submitted a w�ritten xequest for sect�ion 4Q8 perrnissian from the Corps offic� having jurisdiction ov�r �hat USACE project. (c) Form of Pr��Constructian No�ification: The standard individual permit applicatian form (�'orm ENG 4345} may be used, but the complet�d applicaiion form must elearly indicate that it is an NWP PCN and must incIude alI o�the applicable infor�nation requi�ed in paragraphs (b}(1) through (IO) of this general condition. A letter eontaining t�e required information may also be used. Applicants rnay provide eiectronic �iles of PCNs and supporting materials if the disri7ct engineer has established tools and procedures far electronic submittals. (d} A�encv Coor�ination: (I) The district engineer will consider any comments from �ederal aud sta.te agencies concerning the prapased activiiy's compliance with the terms and conditions ofthe NWPs and the need for mitigation to reduca the aetivity's adv�rse en�uQnmental ef£ects so that they are na more than minimal. {2} Agency caordinatian is required fox: {i) all NWP activities that requi�re pre-constnxctzon noti�ica�ion and result in tl�e loss af greaier than 1I2-acre af waters of the United States; (u) NWP 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, and S2 activities that require pre-con�tructian notif cation and will result in the loss of greater than 3001inear feet of stre�n bed; {iii) NWP i3 acti�vities in excess of 5�O lineax feet, falls greater than one cubxc yard pex z-unning foot, ox i�volve discharges of dredged ar �11 material inta special aquaYxc sites; and (iv} NWP S4 acti�rties in exc�ss of S00 Iinear feet, or tk�at e�tend into �he waterbody more t�an 3Q �eet fram the mean low water Iine iz� tidal waters or the ordinary high water mark in ih� Great Lalces. (3) When ag�ncy coordinatiion is required, the disirict engineer wi11 immediately provide {e.g., via e-mail, facsimile transmissian, overnight mail, or other expeditious manner) a copy of the campl�te PCN to tihe appropriate Federal ar state offices �FWS, state natural resource ar r�vater quality agency, EPA, a.nd, if appropriate, tl�e NMFS). With the exception of NWF 37, these agencies will have 10 calendar days from the date the material is transmitted to notiiy the district engineer via telephone, facsimile transmission, or e-mail tbat they intend to provide substantive, site-specific comrr�ents. The comments must explain why the agency believes the adverse environmental effects will be more than minimal. If so contacted by an agency, the dis�rict engineer will wait an additional 15 calendar days before malcing a decision on ihe pre-const�uction notification. The district engineer will fully consider agency comments received within ihe specified time frarne concerning the pxoposed activity's co�npliance witY� the terms and conditians of the NWPs, including the need for mitigation to ensure the net adverse enviroz�.mental effects of the proposed activity are no more than minimal. The district engineer will provide no respanse to the resaurce agency, except as provided Y�e1ow, The distri�t engineer will indicate in the ad�inistraiive record associat�d with each pre-construc�ion noiification that the resource agencies° conc�rns were considered. For NWP 3 7, the emergency watershed protection and rehabilitation activity may proceed immediately in cases where there is an unacceptable hazard to life or a significant loss of property or economic hardship will occur. Tl�e distz-ict engineer will consider any comments received to decide whetl�er the NWP 37 authorizatiqn should be modi�ied, suspended, or revoked in accordance with the proceduxes at 33 GFR 330.5. (4) In cases of where tl�.e pxospective pez�mit�ee is not a Federa.� age�cy, the district engirieer wi11 pravide a resptinse to N1V.[FS within 30 calendar days of receip� of any Essential Fish Habita.t conservation recommendatzons, as requzxed by section 305(b)(4)(B) of tlae Magnusan-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. (5) Applicants are encouraged to provide the Corps with either electronic files or multiple copies of pre-constnictian not�fications fo expedite agency cooxdivation. D. District En�ineer's Decision 1. in reviewing t�e S'CN for the praposed actzvity, ihe district engiaeer wiIl determine �hetl��r the activity authorized by the 1VWP wi�l resuli in more tl�an minimal i�dividual or cumulative adverse envira�a.e�atal e£fects or may be co�trary tQ the public interest. Iia project propor�en� requests autharization by a specific NWP, the district engineer should issue the NW�' verification for that activity i� it meets the tern�s and conditions of that NWP, unless he or she determines, after considering mitigation, that tiie proposed activity will resu�t in more ihan minimaI individual and euznulative adverse effects on the aqua.tic eneironmeni and other aspects of the public interest and exercxses discretianary autharity to require an i�cl�vidual permit for the praposed activity. For a linear proj ect, this defermination will inciude an evaluation �f the individual crossings af waters of the United States to d�termine whe�her they i.ndividually satisfy the terms and canditions of the N WP(s), as well as the cuxnulative ef�ects caused by all af the crossings authorized by NWP. If an applicant �equests a waiver af the 300 linear foat limit on i_mpacts to streams or of an otherwise applicable lim�it, a� pxovided for in NWPs 13, 21, 29, 36, 39, 4D, 42, 43, ��4, Sa, 51, 52, ax S4, tke district engineer will only grant th� waiver upon a written detennrnatian that the NWP acti�ity wilI result in only minimal ir�dividual ax�d cunaulative adverse environmental effects. For thase NWPs tiiat ha�e a wai�able 3001inear footi limit for losses of inte�ittent and ephemeral stream bed and a 112-acre limit (i.e., N WPs 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 51, and 52), the loss of intermit�er�t and epherneral stream bed, plus any other losses of jurisdictional waters and wetlands, cannot exceed 1/2-acre. 2. When ma.king minimal adverse en�ironmental effects deterzx�inatioxis the district engineer wi11 consider the direct and indirect eff�cts caused by the NWP activity. He or s�e will also consider the cumulative adverse environr�aentaI effects caused by activities authorized by NWP and whethei �hose cumulative adverse environmental effects are no more ihan miniznai. The district engineer will also consider site specific factors, sucla as the en�ironmental set�ing irr the vicinity of the NWP activity, the type of resaurce that wi11 be affected hy the NWP activity, the funciians provided by the aquatic resources that wi�l be a£fected by the NWP ac�zvity, the degree ar magnitude io which the aquaiic resources perform those fu.nc�ons, the extent that aquat�ic xesouxce func�ions will be lost as a result of the N Wl' aetivity {e. g., partial or camplete loss), t,�ie duration of �Iie adverse eifects (temparary or permanent), the importauce of the aquatic resource fiu�ctions to tk�e region (e.g., watershed or ecoregion}, and mitigation required by the district engineer. If an appropriate functional or condi#ion assessment m�thod is available and practicable to use, chat assessment method may be used by the district engineer to assist in the mrnirnal adverse environme�tal effects determination. The district engineer may add case-speczfic special cnnditions io the NWP authorization to address site-specific environrnental concerns. 3. If the proposed aetivity requires a PCN and will result in a �oss of greater than 1/1�-acre of wetlands, the prospectzve permittee �hould subrnit a mitigatian prapasal vsrith the PCN. Applicants may aIso propose compe�atory mitigation for NWP activities with smaller impacts, or for impacts to othex types of waters {e.g., streams). The district engineer will consider any praposed compensatory mitigation ar otller mitigation measures the applicant ha� included in the proposal in determining whe�her the net aciverse enviranmental effects of the proposed activity are no more tban minimal. Th� compensatory mitigation proposal may �e either conceptual ar detailed. If tlae d'zstrict engi�a.eer deter�ines that the activity complies with the terms and conditions of the NWP and t�at the adverse environmental effects are no more than minimal, after considering mztzgatzan, the district engineer will notify the permittee and i�clude any activity-specific conditions in the NWP verification the district engineer deems necessary. Conditions for cozx�pea�safory znitigation requirements znust comply with the appropriaie pravisions at 33 CFR 332.3(k). Th� disf,rict engineer must approv� th� finai mitigation plan before the permitiee cammences wor� in watexs af the Uzaited States, unless the disia�ct engineer determines that prior appraval of t1�e final mitigatian plan is noi practicable or not necessary to ensure rimely comple�ion of the rrequired compensatory mitigation. Zf the prospective permitiee e�ects to submit a compensatory �nitiga�ion plan wit� the PCN, th� district engineer will expeditiously review the pro�osed compensatary �nitigatian plan. The dist�ict engineer m.ust review the praposed compensatory mii'rgation plan within 45 cal�n.dar days af receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the praposed mitigation would ensure �he N WP activity resulfs uz z�o more than m�nirnal adverse environmental effects. If the net adverse environmental ei'fect� af the NWP activity (af�er consideration of t�e mitigation pxopasai) are deterimzned by �he dastrict engineer ta be no m�ore than minimaI, the district engineer will provide a timely written responsc io the applicant. The response will state that the N WP activity caz� prroceed under the tez�rn.s and conci�tions of the NWl', including any activity-specific condiiions added to th� NWP authorizatian by the district engineer. 4. If the district engineer determines that the advers� en�ironmental ef�ects �f the proposed activity are more thaza zninirnal, the�z the disfrict engineer will natify the applicant either: (a) that the activity does nnt qualify for authorization utider the NWP and instruct the applicant on tha procedures to seek authorization uzader aa� iwdividual permit; (E�) that fhe activity is authorized under the NWP subject to the applicant's subrnsssion of a mitiga�ion plan that wou�d reduce ihe adverse environmental effects so that they axe no more tban minimal, or (c) �hat the activity is authorized under the NWP with specific modif cations or conditions. Whera the district enginear deter�es that mitigation is xequired ta ensure na more than minimal adverse environrnental effeets, the activity will be authorized within the 4S-day PCN period (unless additional titxae is required io comply with genexal conditions 18, 2�, andlor 31, ar to evalaate PCNs for activi�ies a�thot-ized by NVVPs 21, 49, and SOj, with activity-specific conditions that state tk�e m.itigatzon requiremen�s. The autho�zataan will include the necessary conceptual or de�ailed mitigation plan or � requirernent that the applicant submit a mitigation plan that wauld reduce the adverse environmental effects so that they are n� mnre tl�an mi�al. When com�ensatary mitigation is required, no vvork in waters of �lie United States may occur uniil tY�e distcict engi�ueer k�as approved a specific mitigation plan or has dete�rninec� ihat priar approval of a final miiigation plan is not practicable or not necessary to ensure tinriely Gompletian of t�ae zequi�ed coz�ape�sa.tary mitigation. E. Furtk�.er Infoz�ma�ion 1. Distc�ict Engineers have authority to deternzine if a� activity camplies wi�h the terms and conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPs do not obviate the need io obtain other federa�, state, or local permits, approvals, ar authorizations required by law, 3. NWPs do not grant any praperty rights or exclusive privileges. 4. NWPs do not authorize any injury to the property or rigbts oi ot�ers, 5. NWPs do not autharize interference with anq e�sting ar prapased Federal project (see general condition 31 }. F. Definitaons Best mana�ement praet�ces (BMPsl: Policies, practices, proced�ares, or stxuctures i�plemenied to mitigate t11e adverse enviranmental effects on surface water qualiLy resulting fro� development. BMPs are categorized as structural ar non-siructUral. Comn�nsatory miti�ation: The restaration {re-estal�lishm�nt or rehabilitation), esfablishrnent {creatian), enha�ceme�t, andloz in. cez�azn circu�stances pzeservation of aquatic r�sources for the purposes of of�setting unavoidable adverse impacts wlvch remain after alI appropriate and pzacticable avoidance az�d zx�izaimizatao�a lias been achieved. Cu�'entiv serviceable: Useable as is or with sorrie maintenance, but nat sa degraded as to essentially :require recc�nstruction. Direct efFects: Effects that are caused by the activity and occur at the same tirne and place. Dischar�e: The fierm "discharge" means any discharge nf dredged ar fiIl mat�rial i.nto waters of the United States. Ecolo�ical referenee: A model used to plan and design an aquatic habitat and riparian area restoration, en�ancement, or es�ablishmeat activity under NWP 27. An ecological refe�'ence may be based on the structure, functions, and dyna�mics of an aquatic habiiat typc; ar a riparian area type that currently exists in the region wnere the proposed NWP 27 aciivity is Iocaied. Alternatively, an ec�logical reference may be based on a conceptual model for the aquatic �abitat type or riparian axea type to be restared, enhanced, or established as a result of the pr�posed NWP 27 activity. An ecological reference takes into account the range of variation of the aquatic habitai type or riparian area type ir� tk�e regian. Enhancement: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, or bialogical characteristics of an aquatic resource to hei�hten, intensify, or improve a speci�c aquatic resource function(s). Enhancement results in the gain oi selected aqua�ic resource function(s), but may alsa lead �o a decline in other aquatic resource function(s). Enhancement does not result in a gain in aquatic resource area. Enhemeral s�rearn: An ephemeral stream has flowing water anly during, and for a short duration after, precipitation events in a typical year. Ephemeral streain beds are located abowe fhe water table yeax-�ound. Groundwat�r is not a source df water far t1�e stream. Runnff frorn rainfall is the primary source of water for strearn flow. Establishment (creationl: The manipulation of �he �hysical, chemicaS, or biological characteristics pr�sent to develop an aquatic resource that did not pxeviously exist at an upland site. Establishrnent resuIts in a gain in aquatic resource area. Hi�h Tide Line: The line of in�ersection af the land witl� tlie waier's surfac� at �h� zx�axizx�ur.r� height reaclae�. by a zis�g tide. The higla tide li.ne r�ay be detemained, in tk�e absence of actual data, by a lrn� of oi1 or scutn along shore ob�ects, a more or less contir�uous de�osit of fine sb.ell ox deb�is an khe fareshoxe or be�7x�., otk�er physical �n.arkings ar chara�teristics, vegetation lrnes, tidal gages, or other suitable means that delineate thc general height reached by a rising tide, The line encompasses spripg high tides axad otlaer high tides that occur wit�► periodic frequency but does not include storm surges in which there is a de�arture from the normal or prerlicted raach of the tide due to the piling up of wafer against a coast by sirong wind� such as those accompanying a hurricane or other intense storm. Historic Pronertv: �ny prehistoric or historic district, site (including archaeologicai sita), bualding, siructure, or o�her object zzacluded ix�, or eligible for inclusion in, tlie National Register of Historic Places maintaiMed by the Secretary af th� Interior. Tlus tertn includes artifacts, rec�rds, az�d xexn.ains that are related to ar�d located within such praperties. Tlie term includes properties of traditional r�Iigious and cultural impartance ta an Indian tribe or Native Hawauan org�nization and that xneet the National Register c�itex-ia (36 CFR part 60}. Independent utilitv: A test to dete�nine what constituies a single and camplete non-Iinear pra�ect in the Cnrps Regulatory Prograrn. A project is considered to have independent u�ility if it would be constructed absent the construction of at�er projects in the project azea. Parkions of a mulii phase project that depend upon oiher pha.ses of the project do not ha�re independent utility. Phases of a prajact that would be constructed e�en if the other phases were not built can be considered as separate single and complete projects wi�h ind�pendent utility. Indirect ef%cts: Effects that a�e eaused by the activity and are Iater in tune ar farther removed in distance, hut are still reasonably fareseeable. Intermittent s�ream: An intermittent st�eam has flowing water during ceriain times of the year, when groundwater pro�ides wafer for stream flaw. During dry periods, intermi�tent streams may not have flovsring water. Runoff from rainfall is a supple�nental source of water far strearn £low. I,oss of watexs of tk�e United Siates: Waters of the United States th�.t are permanently adversely affected bp �iiling, flooding, exca�vation, or drai_nage because of the regulated activity. Pexnnaz�ent adverse ef�ects include perrnanent discharges of dredged or fill material that change an �quatic area to dry 1and, increase the bottom elevation of a waterbody, or change the use of a waterbody. Th.e acx eage of loss of water� of the United States is a threshald mea�ure�ent of the impact to jurisdictianal �vaters �ar determiuing whether a project may qualify for an NWP; it is not a net tbxesb.old that zs calculated aft�r considering catnpensatory mitigation that may be used to �ffset Losses of aquatic functions and setvices. The los� of s�ream bed inc�udes the acres or linear �eet af st�'eam bed thai are ��led or excavated as a result o�the regulated aciivity. Waters of the Uni�ed States temporarily filled, flooded, excavated, or drained, but restored to pre-constructian coniours and elevations after construciion, are not included in tl�e meast�re�ent of loss of �vaters of the Unitea States. Impacts resulting :Frozxi aciivities that do n.ot xequixe Depart�nent o�t�e Anny �uthorization, such as activities eligible far exemp�ions under section 404{� nf the C1ean Water Act, are not eonsidered when calculating �he loss of watea•s of the United �tates. Navi�able waters: Waters subject to section IO of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. T�ese waters are de£�ned at 33 CFR part 329. Non-tzdal wetland: A non-tidal wetland is a wetland that is not subject ta the ebb and flow o� tidal waters. Non-tidal wetlands coniiguous tn tidal waters ar� Iocated landward of the high tide Iine (i.e., spring higla tide line). O�en water: �ar puzposes of �e NW�'s, axi apen water is any area that in a year with normal patterns of pr�cipitation has �rater flowing or standing above ground to the extent that an ordinary high watex n:�ark can be dete�xaained. Aquatic vegetation within the area of flowing or standing water is either non-emergent, sparse, or absent. Vegetated shallov�s are considered to be opeza waters. Examples af "open waters" include rivers, streams, Iakes, and pands. 4rd'znary Hi�h Water Ma.rk: An ordinary high water mark is a line on �he share established by the fluc�ations of vsrater and indicated by physical characteristics, or by otller appropriate means tk�at consider the characteristics of #�e surroundzng areas. Pexennial stz�ear�n: A perennzal stream has flowing water year-raund during a typical year, The water table is lacated abav� the stream bed For mosti of the year. Graundwater is the primary source of water for stream flow. Runoff from �ainfaIl is a supplemental source of water for stream fldvv. Practicable: Available and capable of being done after takrn� into cvnsideratian cost, existing technology, and logistics in ligb.f af overall project purposes. Pre-canst�.ction notification: A xequest subz�niited by the proj ect proponent to the Coaps for confirmation that a particular activity is autharized by nationwide permit. The request may be a permit applicatian, letter, ar similar document that includes information about the proposed wark and its anticipated environrnental effects. Pre-construction noti�cation may he required by ihe �erms and conditions of a narionwide permit, ar hy regional conditions. A pre�con.stxuction. noiification may be voluntarily submitted in cases where pre-const�uc�ion no�ficat�on is nat required and the project propanent wants canfi�rmation thai the act�vity is aufhorzz�d by nationwide permit. 1'reservation: The removal of a threat to, or preventing tile decline nf, aquatic resaurces by an action in or near those aquat�c resaurce�. This term includes activities cornmonly associated with the pzotection and maintenance of aqua�ic resources tl�•augh the imple�entation of appropriate 1ega1 and physical mechanis�s. Prc�servation does not result in a gain of aquafic resouxce area or functions. , 1'rotected tribal resources: Those natural resources and proper�ies of f�'aditional or custamary religious or cultural unportance, either on or ofF Indian lands, retained by, or reserved by o� for, Indian tribes througl� i�eaties, statutes, judicial decisions, ar executive orders, including tribal frust reso�ces. Re-establisl�nent: The manipulaiion of tlie physical, chemical, or biological chax�actez�stics af a site wit13 the goal af returning natural/histaric finnctions to a former aquatic resource. Re- establishinent results in rebuilding a forxner aquatic xesouxce and resul.ts iva a gaiun iuc� aquati� resource area a�d func�ions. Re�abzlztation: The manipulation of the physical, chemical, ar biolagical characteristics of a site with the goal of regairing natural/historic funcrions to a degraded aquatic resource. Rehabilitation resuits in a gain in aquatic resaurce function, but does noi result in a gain in aquatzc resource area. Restoration: The manipulatian oithe phqsical, ch�mical, or biological characieri�tics of a site with the goal of returnizag naturallhistorie funetion.s to a foz�nex or degraded aquatie resouxce. For th� �urpase of tracking net gains in aqua�ic resource area, restoration is divided into t-�vo categories: re-establ'zshnaent and rek�abilitatian. Ri££�e and bool camblex: Rif£Ie and pool complexes are special aquatic sites ux�der the 404(b){1} Guidelines. Ri�'fle and pool carnplexes sametirnes characterize st�ep gradrent sections of streaz�a.s. Suc� streanr� sectioz�s are recognizable by the�r hydraulic cha�racteristics. The rapid movement af water over a course substrate in riffles results in a raugh flovv, a turbulent surface, and high dissolved oxygen levels in the water. Poals are deeper a�reas associated with riffles. A slower stream velocity, a strea.ming flor,v, a smooth surface, and a finer subs�rate characterize pools. Ri�axian areas: Ripa�ian areas are lands next to streams, lal�es, and estuarine-marine sb.oxelines. Ripariaz� areas a�re transitional between ter�restzzal and aquatic ecosystezn.s, through which surf'ace and subsurface hydralogy connects riverine, lacust�ine, estuarine, and marine wat�rs with their adjace�at wetlan:ds, non-wetland watexs, or upIands. Ripari�an areas proeide a vari.ety of eco�ogical func�ions and se�-vices and help improve or maintain locaI vcrater quality. {See general condition 23.) Sheil�sh seedin�: The placeFnent of shellfish seed andlor suitable substxate to iurzcrease shellfish produc�ion. Sl�ellf sh seed cansis�s of immature individual s�ielIfish or individua� shelifish attached to shells or shell fragments {i.e., spat on shell). SuiiaY�le substrate may consist of shellfish shells, shell frag�rnents, or ather appropriate materials placed into waters for she�lfish habitat. Si��le and complete linear nraiect: A Iinear project is a praject constructed for the purpose of getting people, goods, or services from a point of origin to a tei7ninal point, which often involves multiple cxassings af ane ar mqre waterbodies at separate and dzstant locations. The tertn "single anc� complete proj ect" is define� as that portion of the toiallinear proj ect proposed ar accamplished by ane awnerldeveloper or parhlership or other associatian af owners/deveIopers thai includes all crossings of a single water of Yhe United States (i.e., a single waterbody) at a specific location. For lix�ear projects crosszng a siangle or multiple waterbodies several times ai separate and distant locatians, each cros�ing is considered a single and complete project for purposes of NWP authorization. However, individual channels in a braided strea�n or river, or individual anns af a large, irregularly shaped wetland or Iake, etc., are nof separa�e waterbodies, and crossings of such features cannot be considered sepatately. Sin�le and comt�lete non-linear �raiect: For nan-linear projects, the terrn "single and complete project" is d�fin�d at 33 CFR 330.2{i) as the total project proposed or accomplished by one ownerldeveloper or partnership ox otlier association of owners/developers. A single and complete non-lin�ar project must have independent utility {see definition of "independent utility"). Singie a.nd camplete non-linear projects may not be "piecemealed" to avoid the limits in an NWP authorizatian. Stormwater mana�ement: Stormwater manageinent is the mechani�m far contx�olling storrriwaier runoff for the p�.upases of reducing downstreasn eiosion, water quality degradation, and flooding and mitigating the adverse effects of changes in land use on the aquatic environrnent. Stormwater mana�ement facilities: Stormwater rnanagernent facilities are those facilities, iricluding but not limited to, stormwater retentio�n and detention ponds and best managament practices, which reta.in water for a period af time �o control runofi �.ndlor improve the quality (i.e., hy reducing the concentration of nutrients, sediments, hazardous substances and other pollntants) oi stormwater nuiofi 5tream bed: The substra�e of ihe st�eam channel between the ordinary high water marks. The substrate may be bedrock or inorganic pas-ticles that ra.nge in size from clay to boulders. Wetlands contiguous to the stream bed, but outside of ihe ardinary higl� waier rnarks, are not considered part of the strea�n bed. Stream channelization: The manipulation of a stream's course, condition, capacity, or location �hat causes more than minimal intemuption ofnormaI s�ream processes. A channelized stream reinains a water of the United States. Str�cture: An objact that is arranged in a definite pattern of organization. Examples of structures include, witliaut limitation, anp pier, boat dock, boat ramp, wharf, dolphin, �eir, bnam, breakwater, bul�ead, revetrnent, riprap, jetty, artificial island, artificial xeef, permanent mooring structure, power �ransmission Iine, permanently moarad fldating vessel, piling, aid ta �avigation, or any other manmade obstacle or obstruction. Tidal �vetland: A tidal wetland is a jurisdictional wetland tliat is inunc�atad by tidal waters. Tidal waters rise aud fall in a predictable and measurable rhythm or cycle due to the gravita.tional pu1la af the moon and sun. Tidal waters end where the rise and fall of the water surface can no longer be practically measured in a predictable rl�ythin due ta masking by other waiers, wind, or other effects. Tidal wetlands are Iocated channelward of t17e high tide line. Tribal Iands: Any lands title to which is eiiher: 1} held in tr�st by the United States for the benefit of any �ndian �.ribe ar zndi.vidual, ox 2) held by a�ay �dian �ribe ox i�adividual subject to res�rict�ons by th� United States against alienation. Tribal ri�hts: Those rights legallq accruing to a tr�ibe ar tribes by virtue of inherent sovereign authority, unexti�guished aboriginal title, treaty, statute, judicia.l decisions, executive arder or agreement, and that give rise to legaIly enforceable rernedies. Ve�etated shallnws: Vegetaied shallnws are s�ecial aquatic sites under the 404(b){1) Guidelines. They are areas tliat are permanent�y inundated and under normal circuznstances have rooted`��aquatic vegetati�n, such as seagrasses in marine and estuarine systems and a va�-ie�r af vascular rooted plants in freshwater sys�ems. Waterbodv: For purposes of tbe NV�i�Ps, a waterbody is a jurisdictional water of the Uzuted States. If a wetland is adjacent to a waterbody determined to be a water of the United States, that waterbody and any adjacent wetlands are con.sidered togethex as a single aquaiic u�aait (see 33 C�R 328.4(c)(2)). Examp�es of "waterbodies" include streams, rivers, Ial�es, pands, and wetlands. AD DITIONAL INFORMATION This nationwida permit is effective March 19, 2017, and expn•es an March 1$, 2022. Inforrriation about the U.S. Anny Cozps of Engineez�s regulatory program, including nationwide pennits, may alsa be foundat �,---- ---�r.�--�-;;,--------- _ __. R:H�lat�---.a___.and h�r .0 Yc _�i; miJM- ' ,r. 'Ci� 1C' ' T..e �ul � �rvl�� �t ----�drr :��i`- =T �0'{�' NAiIQfVl�19� P�Rfwii (IV1�4lP) R��I�Nr4� C�fV�IiIOR�� �o� ��� �i�.�� �� ��xAs ih� following regional condifiions apply w�fihin fihe entire Siate of iexas: 1. Far all discharges prQpased f�r authorizatian under Nationwide Permiis (NWP) 3, 6, 7, 12, T4, 18, 19, 2�, 23, 25, 27, 29, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 4�, 49, 51, and 52, into the following habitat types or specific areas, the applicant shall natify ihe appropria#e District Engineer in accor�ance with the NWP General Candifion 32, Pre-Construction Notification (PCN). Ths Corps of Engine�rs {Corps) will coordi�ate with the resource ager�cies as specified in I�WP General Conditior� 32(d) (PCN). The habitat types or areas are: a. Pitcher Plant Bogs: Wetlar�ds typically characterized by an organic surtace soil layer and �r�clu�e vegetation such as pitcher plants (Sarracenia spp.} andlor sundews (Drosera spp.). b. Bald Cypr�ss-Tupelo Swamps; Wetlands dominated by bald cypress {Taxodium distrchum} andlor water tupelo (Nyssa aquatic). 2. �'or all activit�es proposed for authorization under any Nationwide Permit (NWP) at sites approved as compensatory mitigation sites (either permittee-responsible, mitigation bank andlor in-lieu fee) under Sectian 404 of the Clean Water Act andlor Section 10 of the Rivers and Har�ors Act of 1899, the applicant shall notify the appropriate District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre- Construction Notificatian �rior to commencing the activity. 3. For all activities proposed fa� authorizatian under NWP 16, the applicant shal[ nofify the appropriate District Engineer in acco�dance with t�e NWP Generaf Condition 32 (Pre-Canstruction Notification} and must obtain an individual water quality certificafion (WQC) from the TCEQ. Waric car�not begin under NWP 16 until the applican� has received wri#ten approua[ from the Corps and WQC. NOTE: For all activities proposir�g to use e�uipment that has operated or besn stored in a water body on the Texas list of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymarpha) infeci�d wat�r IaodEes, equ�pment should be decon�aminated prior to relocatian in accordance with Texas Administrati�e Code, Title 31, Part 2, Chapter 57, Subchapter A. The following decontamination Best Management Practices {BMPs), as a minimum, are indicated: a. Clean: Clean both the inside and outside of equipment and gear, by removing alE plants, anima[s, and m�d and tharough[y washing the equipmer�t using a high pressure spray nozzle. b. Drain: Drair� a[I water from receptacles before leaving the area, ir�c[uding livewells, bilges, ballast, and engine cooling water on boats. c. Dry: Aflow time for your equipmer�t to dry completely �efore relocating in other waters. Equ9pmen# should be dried pri4r ta relocation. High tem�erature pressure was�ing (greater than or equaE to �4DF) or professional cleaning may be substituted fior drying time. 2017 �latioRwide permit Regianal Condifions For The State Of Texas Page 1 of 6 ihe following regional condition only applies wifihin �he Albuquerque, �ort li�orih, and Galdes�con �istricfis: 4. For all activities proposed for authorizatian under Nationwide Permit (NWP) 12 that ir��ol�e a discharge af fill ma#erial associated with rn�chanized land clearing af w�tlands dominated by nati�e woody shru�s, the applicant shall notify the a}�propriate District Engineer ir� accordance wit� the NWP General Condition 32 — Pre-Canstructian Notification prior to commencing the acti�ity. For the purpose of this regianal condition, a shrub dominated wetland is characterized by woody vegefation less than 3.0 inches in diameter at breast he�ght but greaterthar� 3.2 feet in height, which covers 20% or more af the area. Woady vines are not included. �he following regional conditions apply within fhe �Ibuquerque �istrict. 5. Nationwide P�rmit (NWP) 23 — A�proved Categoricai Exclusions. A pre-construction notification (PCN) to the District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 32 - PCN is required for aEl proposed activities un�er NWP 23. 6. Natianwide Permit (NWP) 2i — Aquatic Ha�i�at Restoration, Establishment, ar�d Enhancement Aciivit9es. For ali propased activities under NWP 27 that require pre- construciion noti'fication, a manitoring plan commensurate with the scale of fhe proposed restaration project and the p�tential for risk to the aquatic environment must be submitted to fhe Corps. {See "NWP 27 Guidelines" at f�ttp:llwww.spa.usace.army.millMissionslRegulatoryProgramandPermitslNWP.aspx). i. Channelization. Nationwide Permit (NWP) General Condition 9 for Management of Water Flows is amended to add the follow�ng: Projects that would result in permanent channelizatian fio pre�iously un-channelized streams require pre-construction notification to the Albuquerque District Engineer in accordance with NWP General Candition 32 — Pre�Construction Notification. S. Dr�dg� and Fiil Activities in Int�rmit��nt and Perennial Streams, and Special Aquat�c Sites; For all activities subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act Section 4fl4 in intermitfent and perenr�ial streams, and special aq�atic sites {including wetlands, riffle and pool complexes, and sanctuaries and refuges}, pre-construction notification (PCN) to the Albuquerqu€e District Enginesr is �equired in accardance with Nationwide Permit General Conditian 32 - PCN. 9. Springs. For all dEscharg�s of dredged ar fill material within 100 feet of the point of groundwater discharge af nafural springs located in ar� aquatic resaurce, a pre- constructifln notification (PCN) is required ta the Albuquerque Districf Engineer in accardance with Nationwide Permit General Co�dition 32 - PCN. A natural spring is defir�ed as any locafion where ground water emanates fram a paint in the ground and has a defiined surface water connection to a�other waters of the United States. Far p�arposes of this regional condition, springs do not include seeps or other groundwater discharges which lack a defined surface water connection. 2017 Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions For The 5�a�e Of Texas Page 2 of 6 10. Suitable Fill. Use of broken concrete as fill or bank sta�ifization materia[ �s prohibited un[ess the applicant demonstrates thafi its use is the only practicabfe material (with respect fo cost, existing technology, and logis�ics). Any applicant who wishes to �se broken concrefie as �ank stabilization musfi provide notification to fihe Albuquerque Districi Engineer in accordance with Natianwi�e Permit Genera! Condition 32 - Pre- Caristructian Notificatian along with jus�ification for such use. Use of broken concrete with rebar or used tires {loose ar formed into bales) is prohibited in all waters of the United States. ihe following regional conditions apply only within fhe �ort L�ilorfih �istrict, � 1. For all discharges proposed for autharization under all Nationwide Pe�-mits (NWP} into the area of Caddo Lake witf�in Texas that is designafed as a"Wetland of Interr�afiional Importance" under the Ramsar Con�ention, the applicant shall nofify the For� Worth District Engineer in acco�-dance with the NWP General Condition 32 -- Pre- Consfruction Natifica�ion (PCN). The Fort Worth District will coordinate wifh fhe resource agencies as specified in NWP General Candition 32�d) - PCN. �2. Campensatory mitigation is genera[ly required for losses af waters of the United States that exc��d 111 � acre andlor for all losses ta s�reams that exceed 30� linear feet. Loss is defir�ed in 5ection F of the Na#iortw[de Permits (NWP). Mifigatian thresho�ds are cumulati�� irr�spectiv� of aquatic r�source type at ea�ch singl� and complet� crossing. Cqmp�nsatary mitigatipn r�q�irements will be defermined in accordanee with �he appropriate district standard operafing �rocedures and pracesses. The applicanf shall notify the �art Worth District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Conditian 32 - Pre-Construction Notificatian prior to commencing the activity. 13. For all activities proposed for autharizafion under Nationwide Permits (NWP} 12, 14 andlor 33 that invol�e a temporary discha�ge of fi[I materia[ into 112 acre or more of emergent wetland OR 11� 0 acre of scrub-shrublforested wetland, the applicani shall notify the Fart Worth District Engineer in accordance with ihe NWP General Condition 32 - Pre-Construciion Notiticatioi� priar to commencing the activity. 14. For all discharges proposed for authorization under Nationwide Permifis {NWP) 51 ar�d 52, fihe For� Wor�h District will provide the pre-constr�ction nofification {PCN) to the U.S. �ish and Wifdlife 5ervice as specified in NWP General Condition 32(d)(2) - PCN for its re�iew and comments. Yhe �ollowing regional conditions appEy only w�thin the Gal�eston �istric�. 15. No Natior�wide Permits (NWP), except NWP 3, shall �e used to aufihorize discharges infa the habiiat types or sp�cific areas I�st�d in paragraphs a through c, below. The applicant shall notify the Gal�estfln District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Conditior� 32 - Pre-Construction Not[fcafion pt-iar to commencing fhe acti�ity under NWP 3. 2417 Nationwide Permit Regional Conditions For The 5tate Of Texas Page 3 of 6 a. Mangro�e Marshes. For the purpose of fhis regiona[ con�itior�, Mangra�e marshes are those w�ters of the United S�ates that are dominated by mangroves {Avicennia spp., Laguncuaria spp., Conocarpus spp., and Rhrzophora spp.}. b. Coastal Dune 5wales. F'or the purpos� of this regEonal conditian, coastal dune swales are wetlands andlor other waters of fhe Uniied 5tates IQcafed w�thin the backshore ar�d dune areas in tF�e coastal zon� afi Texas. They are form�d as depressions within and amang m�ltiple beach ridge barriers, dune complexes, or dune areas adjacent io beaches fron#ing tidal waters of the Uni�ed States. c. Columbia Battomlar�ds. For the p�rpose of this regional condition, Col�ambia bofitomlands are defined as waters nf the United States that are dominated by bottomland hardwoods in the Lawer Brazos and 5an Bernard River basins identified in the 1997 Merr�orandum of Agreernsnt b�tween #h� U.S. Enviranmental Pratectian Agency, U,S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Reso�rce Conservation Service, and Texas Parks and Wild[if� Departm�nt for botfomland hardwoods in Brazoria County. (For further informatio�, see htt�•'r, .,..�.;._ �,'N[1..lfs�Ce.at�r�y.l"�ill/�i::::;.lt"�E:;�-',IIII�:i- U�iR�a�latOC1/I�6i i i11��IN��IOI�WIL�P.-(..:c� �t . u-^r'� �� � llt� � 16. A Compensatory Mitigation Plan is required for a11 special aquatEc site losses, as defined in Section F of the Nationwide Permits {NV`IP}, that exceed 1110 acre andlor for all losses t� streams that exceed 200 I�near feet. Compensatory mitigatian requirements wilE be determined in accordance with the appropriate district standard operafiing pracedures and processes. The applicant shal! notify the Gal�eston District Engineer in accardance with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre�Construction Notification prior to cammencing the activity. 9 7. For ail seismic testing activities propased fior authorization under Nationwide Permit (NWP) G, ihe applicant shall notify the Gal�eston District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Canditian 32 - Pre-Construction Natifcatian (PCN). The PCN m�st state the t�me period �or which fh� temp�rary fiill is proposed, and must include a restoration plan for the specia[ aquatic sites. Far seismic testing under NWP 6 with�� the Cowardin Marine System, Subtidal Subsystem; as defined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ciassificafion of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the Llnited States, December 19791Reprinted 1992, the Corps will coordinaie with the resource agencies in accordance with NWP Genera) Condition 32(d) � PCN. 1 S. For all acfivities proposed under Nationwide Permits (N1NP) 1 Q and 11 located in vegetaied shallows and caral reefs; as defined by 40 CFR 23Q.43 and 230.44 respective�y, the applicant shalf r�otify the Galveston District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre-Cor�struction Notification. Exampl�s include, but are not limited to: seagrass beds, oyster reefs, and coral reefs. 19. Nationwide Permit 12 shall nflt be used to a�rfihorize discharges within 500 feet of ��getated shallows and coraf reefs; as defined by 40 CFR 230.43 and 230.44 respectively. Examples include, but are not limited to: seagrass beds, oysfer reefs, and coral reefs. 2017 �Vatfonwide permit Regional Canditions For The State Of Texas Page 4 of 6 20. �or all activities praposed for authorization under NationwEde Permii 12 that involve underground placement below a non-navigable ri�er bed andlor perennia! stream bed there shafl a minimum caver of 48 inches (1,219 millimeters) of soif below the ri�er andlor perer�nial sfream thaiweg. 21. Fflr a[I discharges and work pr�pased belaw the high tide line �nder Nationwide Perrrzits (NVIIP) 14 and 18, the applicant shall notify the Galveston District Engineer in accordance with the NWP General Condition 32 - Pre-Canstruction Notification (PCN). Th� Galvestan District wilf coardinate with the r�saurce agencies En accordance wEth NWP General C�ndition 32(d) - PCN. 22. For all activities proposed far authorization under Nationwide Permit (NWVPj 33 the applicant shall notify the Gal�eston Disfrict Engineer in accordance with fhe NWP General Condition 32 — Pre-Canstruction Notification (PCN). The PCN musfi include a restoration plan showing how all �emporary fills and sfructures rivill be remo�e� and the area restored to pre-projecf conditiflns. Acti�ities causing the temporary foss, as defined in 5ection F of the NWPs, of more than 0.5 acres of tidaf waters andlor 200 linear feet of stream will be coordinated witl� the agencies in accordance wifh NWP General Condition 32(d} - PCN. 23. No Naiionwide Permifs (NWP), except NWPs 3, 16, 20, 22, 37, shalf be used #o autnorize discharges, structures, andlor fiq within th� standard s�tbac�C and high hazard zones of the Sabine-Neches Waterway as defined in the 5tandard Operating Proc�dure - Permit Set�acks along fhe Sabine-Neches Wa#erway. The applicant shall natify th� Gal�eston District Engineer in accordance with NWP G�neral Condition 32 - Pre- Construction Notificatian far all discharge, structures andlor work in medium hazard zones and all NWP 3 applications within the standard setback and high hazard zanss of the Sabine-Necf�es Wat�rway. 24. No Nati�nwide F�ermits (NWp), �xcept 20, 22, ar�d 37, shall be used to autharize discharges, structures, andlor fill wiihi� the standard setback exemptions of the Gulf fntracoastaf Waterway as defined in the Standard Operating Procedu�'e- Department of the Army Permif Evaluation Setbacks along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The applicant shall notify the Galveston Disfrict Engir�eer in accardance with NWP General Candition 32 (Pre-Construction Notificatfon) for ail discharges, structures andlor wark within th� standard setbac�C, shoreward of the standard setback, andlor standard se�back exemption zones. 25. The use of Nationwide Permits in ihe San Jacinto River Wasfe Pits Area af Cancern are revoked. (Forfurther information, see hl , �.� �rm�.mil�Bu th�UslF aul �t� vIF ��,n ="� °-��v ��E � t- u 1 26. The use of Nationwide Permits 51 and 5� are revoked withir� the Galveston Disfrict boundaries. 2017 Nationwide Permit Regianal Ganditions Far The Staie Of Texas Page 5 of 6 27, Natianwide Psrmit (NWP) 53 pre-cor�struction notifications will be coordinated with resource agencies as specified in NWP General Condition 32{d} -- Pre-construction Notification. 28. For all activities proposed under Nationwide Permits (NWP) 21, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, artd 50 ti�at resulf in greater than 30� feet af loss in intermittent andlor ephemeral streams, as defined in Section F of the NWPs, require evaluation under an Individual Permit. ihe following regianal conditions apply only wiihin fihe Tu�sa �is�ric�. 29. Upland Disposal: Except where authorized by Nationwide Permit � 6, material disposed af fn uplands shali �e placed in a location and manner that pre�ents discharge of t�e material andlor return water into waters or we#lands unless otherwise authorized by the Tulsa District �ngineer, 30. Major Rivers: The prospecti�e permittee shal[ notify the Tulsa District Engineer for all Nationwi�� Permit �4 �erificatians which crass major rivers within Tulsa Djstrict. For the pur�oses of this condi�ion, major rivers include fhe following: Canadian River, Prairie Dog Town Fark of the Red River, and Red River. 2�17 I�atianwide Permit Regional Conditions For The Stafe Of Texas Paga 6 of 6 Appe�d�x � ���e �ila�� Q�a[i� C��i�i�ti�n �MP D��um�n��i�n i �� u�: z n±'( I�G ��� \�'I �,��� � ` � . �'�t�l /l�: 'I`EXAS COMM�SSION ON ENVYR4NMENTAL QUALYTY Descri�ntion of BMPs (Tier T Projects) ER�SZON CONTROL BMPs Temnox�ary Veeetation Descriptian: Vegetation can be used as a tenzporary or permanent stabilization technique for areas dis�u�bed by construction. Vegetalion effectzvely reduces erosion in swales, stockpiles, bertns, mild to medium slopes, ar�d along roadways. Other rechniques such as matting, mulches, and grading may be req�ired �o assist in the estabIishment of vegetarinn. Materials: � Tb.e type of temporary vegetation used on a site is a function of t�e season and the availabiliry of water for irrigation. � T�npotary vegetation should be selected appxopriately for the area. "��unry agncuYt�ral �xtenston �gents are a�n�L� source lor suggesti ons �or temporary vegetatiozi. � All seed should he high qualiry, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture �rtifi�ed seed. Instal[ation: • Grading must be completed priar to seeding. � Slopes should he m;n;mized. � Erosion control struct�res should be installed. • Seedbeds should be well pulverized, loose, and uniform, � FertiIizers should be applied at appxapziate rates. • Seeding rates sl�ould be applied as recoinmended L��° th� caunt;r ;�gricultm�al extensit�n ;i��nt. � The seed should be applied uniformly. o Steep slopes should covered with approgriate sail stabifizatiun matting. Blanlrets and Mattin� Apri112, 2004 -1� Description: Blat�kets and matting material can i�e �sed as an aid to controi erosion on critieal sites daring CI�e esta6lishment period of protective vegetatiqn. Themost cominon uses are in channels, interceptor swales, diversion dikes, short, stee�a slopes, and on tidal or streain hanks. Materialss New types of blankets and matting materials are continuousIy being developed. The Texas De�arunez�t of Transportauon (TxDOT) has defined the critical performance factors far ehese rypes of products and has established �ninimum perforn�ance standards which �nust be met fot a�y prod�ct seeking ta be approved fnx use within an.y of TxDOT's constructiQn or maintenance activilies, The ptoducts that have be�n appraved by TxDOT are also approptiate far general construction site stahiIization. TxDOT rr►aintains a web site at http://www.dot.state.tx.us/insdtdot/orgchatt/cmd�erosion/contents.httm which is updated as new products are evaluated. Xnstallatiaa: • Install in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendarions. • Praper anchoring of the rnaterial. • Prepare a fria6le seed bed rela�ively free froin clods and rocks and anq foreign m�terial. a Fertilize and seed in accordance with seedin� or other type of planting plan. � Erosion stops shauld extend 6eyond the channel liner tq full design etass-section of the channel. • A uniform trench �expendicular to Inze of flow may be dug with a spade or a mechanical trencher. � Erosion stops should be deep enoagh to p�netrace saiicl �naterial c�r below ievel 4t'ruling in sandy soils. o Erosion sto� ma�s s�oulci be wic�e enaugh to allow Curnover aC I�titCr�r:i f:F ire:^.c}i for srapling, while maintaini�g t�e top edge flush with channel surface. Mulch Descriptiont MuFchuig is the process of applyii�g a material to the exposed sozl surf'ace ta �arotect i+- �rc�m erosive farces ar�d to conserve soil �r►oisture until plants can hecome established. When seeding 4�Yi t.ical siLes, sites with adverse soil condirians or seeding on ather than optirnum seeding dates, mulch inaterrtai should be applied immediately afte�- se�f��n�. �eedin6� duzu�g nptinc�uxn. seeclzng dates and with favorable soils and site condirions will not need re be mulcl�ed. Materi.als: • lv[ulch may be small grain straw which should be t,�plied uniforxn�y. � On slopes 15 percent or greatex, a binding chemical mr�r;! I�e app�ed �o e�:P rt�J:'�4�'Q, • Waod-fiiber or paper-fiber muich may be applied �y hydtoseeding. AprzI12, Z004 -2- • Mulch nettings may be used. n Waad chips may be used whexe appropriate. TnstalIat�on: Mulch anchoring should be acer�mplished immediately after mUlch placement. Th.is znaybe done by one of the following methods: peg and twine, mulch netting, mulch anchoring tool, ar liquid mulch binclers. � Description: Sod is appropriate fnr disturbed areas which require immediate vegetative covers, or where sodding is preferred ta other means af grass establishznent. Locations particularly suited to stahilization Gvith sod axe waterways cai��yii�g i.nterznittent fl�w, areas araun.d dxop iz�lets or i.n. gz�assed swales, az�d zesidentzal or cammercial lawns where quick use or aestherics are factors. Sod is composed af living plants and those plants must receive adequate care in order to pravide vegetative stabilization on a disturbed area. Mate�rials: � Sod shauld be machine cut at a uz�iform. sail thzckness. • I'ieces of sod should be cut to the supptier's standard cvidth and length. � Torn or uneven pads are n.ot acceptable. • Sections of sod should be strong enough to support their own weight and retain their size and shape when sus�ended from a £irm grasp. � Sod shauld �e harvested, delivered, and installed within a periad of 36 hours. Installation: • A�reas to be sodded sl�.ould be brought to fznal girade. • The sur�ace should be cleared of all trash and de�iris. ° Fertilize acc�rd'u�g to soil tests. � Fertilizer should be worked into the sQil. � Sod shauld not be cut or laid in excessively wet ot dry weather. • Sod should not be laid on soil surfaces that are frozen. � During periads of hig� temperature, rhe sail shoc�ld be lightly irrigated. • The first row of sod sl�ould be Laid in a straight Iine with subseqvent rows placed parallel to and butting tightily against each other. Ap�'il 12, 20Q4 -3- a Lateral joints should be staggered to promote more unifarm growtl� and strength. ° Wherever exosion may be a prohlem, snd should he laid with staggered joints and secured. ° Sad should be installed with the length perpezldicular to the slope {an the contaur). • Sod should be rolIed or tanYped. � Sad should be irxiga�ed to a suffi.cient depth. • Watering should be performed as often as necessary to rnaintain soil moisrure. • The �rst mowing should z�ot be attempted unti� the sod is firnily roated. • Nat rnore rhan one third of tihe grass leaf should be rernoved at any one cutting. Erosion Control Coainost Description, Erosion control tompost (ECC) can be used as an aid to conttol erosion on critical sites during the establishment period of protective aegetatian. The most common uses are on steep slopes, swa�es, diversion dikes, and on tidal or stream banks. Materials: New types nf erosion control comppst are continuausly being developed, The Texd� �:���7aYiment C�� Transportatian (TxDOT) has established mani�num perforznaz�ce standards which must 6e met for at�y products seeking �o be approved far use within any of TxDOT's construction ar maintenance acxivities. Material used withiti any TxDOT construcrion or maintenance activities m�st meet material speci�ications in accordance with current TxDOT speczfications. TxDOT maintains a we6site at http:/lwww.dot.state.tx.us/des/landscapelcompost/specifications.htm thatprovidesinformationoncomp�st specification data. This wel�site also conrains information on areas where the Texas Commissian on Environmental Quality (TCEQ} xestricts the use of certain compost �roducts. ECC used for �rojects not related to TxDOT should also be of qualiry matexials by meeting perforrnance sean.daxds and compost specificatiox� data. To ensure the quality of compdst used as anECC, product� should �neet aIl applicable state and federalregulations, includingbut not limited to the UnitedStates �nviromnental Prntection Agency (USEPA} Code of F'edetal Reg�lations (CFR) , Title 40, Part 503 Sta�dards for Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commissinr� (nnw named TCEQ) Health and Safery Regulations as defined in the Texas Administration Co�e (TAC}, Chaptex 332, and all other relevant requirerrients for carnpost products outlined in TAC, Chapter 332. Tesring requireinents xequired bp rhe TCEQ are defined i.n. TAC Cb.aptex 332, including Sections §332.71 Samplirig and Analysis Requirements for Final Products and §33�.7z Fina1 Pz-oduct Grades. Coznpost specifieadon data appzoved byTxDOT are apprapriate to use for ensuring the use of qualiry com�ost materials or for guidance. Testing standards are de�ez�.dent upon the iz�tended use for the coiz��ost and ensures product sa£ety, and �roduct performance regarding the �roduct's speci�ic use. The appropriate coKnpost sampling and teslzng protocols included in the United States Con�pos�ing Cauncil (USCC) Test Methods for the Examination of Compasting and Coinp4st (TMECC) shnuld be conducted an compost praducts used for ECC to ensure that the products used will not impact publie health, s afery, and the envixonxn.ent and ta �rom.ote production ai�d Apri112, 2D04 �4- marketing of quality composts that meet analytical standards. TMECC is a laboratary manual that pxovides pxotocols for the eou2poseingindustry and test methods far compost analysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, mor�itor, and analyze materials during aIl stages of the composting process. Numerous parameeers that might be o£ concern. in compost can be tested by following protocols or test z�:�.ethods Iisted in TMECC. TMECC inforn2ation can �e found at http:ll�w. tmecc.oxg/tmecc/index.html. The USCC 5eal af Testing Assurance (STA) prograin contains ix►format€on regarding compost STA cerrification. STA program infoxmation can be found at http:�Jtmecc.org/sta/STA�zogram_description.ht�nl. InstaIlat�on: � Install in accordance with curxent TxDOT speci�icakion. • Use on slopes 3:1 or flatter. � Apply a 2 inch uniform la}�er unless otherwise shown on the plans ox as directed. ° When rolling is specified, use a lig�►t carrugated drum raller. Mulch Filter Berms and Socks Descrip�ion: Mulch filter berms and tincks are used to intercept and detain sediment laden run-off from unprfltected areas. When properIy used, s4Yulcb. $lter berms and soeks can be highly effective at cantrolling sedirnent from disturbed axeas. Thep cause runoff to pond �vhich allo�vs hea�crier solids to settle. I�/Iulch filter berms and socks are used during the periad of construetion rtear ihe petimetez df a disturbed area ta intetcept sediment while allo�wing water to percolate through. The iOerm or sock should remain in place until the area is permanently stabilized. Mulch filtex i�erms should not be used when there is a concentrarion flEwater in a channel or drainage way. If concenttated fIows occurs after installation, corrective action rnust be taken. Mulch �lter socks may be installed i.n construction areas and temporarily moved during t�ie day to allow construction activiry provided it is replaced and properly anchored at the end of the day. Mulch �ilter herms and socks may be seeded ro aijow for quicl� vegetative growth and reduct�on in run-off velociry. Materialsr Irjew types of niulcll fiiltet berms and socks are continuously 6eireg develop�ci. Th� '�exas L�€;�artment of Transportatian {TxDOT) has estahlished minimum performance standards which must 9�e inet far any �roducts seeking to be approved for use witl�in any o�' TxDOT's construetion or main��:nance acriviries, Mulch filter 6erms and socks used within any TxD�T construction or nnaintenance acti�ities must �neet rr►atez-ial specifications in acc.ordance with cuzrent TxDOT specifications. TxDOT maintains a wel�site at http://www.dot.state.tx.us/deslLandscape/composCJspecificatians.htrn �liatpxovides infox�na�ionon compost specificatian data. Tl�is website also cor►tains information on areas where the Te�s Comrnission on Envirorunental Quality (TCEQJ restric�s the use of certain compost products. Mulch filter berrns and socks used for projects not related to TxDOT shoulcl aiso be �f �uality inaterials by nneetiz�g perfozmance sean.dazds and compost specif'ication data. To ensuxe the quai�ry of compost used fa� mulch filter berms and socks, praducrs shauld meet all applicable seate and federal regulatians, including but naY limited to the United 5tates Enviranmental Pratection Agency (USEPA) Code of Federai ReguIations {CFR), Title 40, Part 5fl3 Standards far Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Comm.ission Health. and Safery Regulations as defined xn the Texas Administration Code {TACj, Chapter 332, and aTl other relevant requirements far compost products ou�Iined in TAC, Chapter 332. Teseing A�ri112, 2004 -S- requireinents required by the TCEQ are defined in TAC Chapter 332, includin.g Sections §332.7 l. SampIixag andAnalysisRequirementsfozk'inalProductsand§33�.72�'izzalProductGrades. Compostspecificationdata approved by TxDOT are appropriate to use For ensuring rhe use of quatity compos t materials or fQr guidance, Testing standards are dependent upon the intended use for the compost and ensures product safety, and product performance regarding rhe product's specific use. The appropriate compost sam�ling and testing protocals included in the United 5tates Compostang Cauncil (USCC) TeSt Methods fox the Examination af Corttposting and Compost (TMECC) should be conducted on compost products ased for mulch filter 6ernvs and socks to ensure that the products used will not impact public health, safety, and rhe enviranment and to prorr�ote production and marketing of q�ality composts that meet analytical standards. TMECC is a labaratory manual tl�at pravides protocols far the coanposting i.ndustryand test nzethods fox compost analysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, monftar, and analyze materiais during aIl stages of rhe composring process. N�merous parameters that might be of concern in compost can 6e tested by following protocols ar test methods listed in TMECC. TMECC in£armation can be £out�d at �ttp://www.t�necc.org/tmecc/index.html. The USCC Sea1 of Testing ?.ssurance (STA) program contains information regardi�g compost STA cerrification. STA pragrain inforination can be found at i�etp://trnecc.orglsta/STA program description.html. Installation: � Tr�stall in accordance with current TxDOT specificatio�. • MuIch filter berms should be constructed at 1�1/2 feet high and 3 faot wide at locations shown on plans. � Rauti�ely inspect and m.aintain filter berm in a functianal canditian at aIl times. Correet deficiencies imrnediately. Install additional filter berm material as dixected. Remove s�drment after it has reacYxed I�3 af the h�cight nf the berm. Disperse filter bernl or l�ave in place as directed. ° Mulch filter socks shouId 6e in $ inch,l2 inch or I8 inch or as directed. Sock materials should bc designed to allow for proper percolat�on tihrough. Cornnost Filter Berms and Socks Descriptivn: Campost filtet bezms and socks are used to zntercept az�d detai.n sedinnent laden run-off from �nprotected areas. Wl�en properly used, compost filter berms and socks can be highly effective at conerolling sedirr►ent from distutbed areas. They cause runoff to pond which allaws l�eavfex soIids ta settle. Comapast �iltet berms and socks are used during the period of canstructian near the perimetet af a disturbed area to interce�at sediment while aIlowing water to percolate tluaugh. The berm or sock should remain iii place until the area is permanently stabilized. Compos� filter }�erms should not be used when there is a concentration af water in a channel ox drainage way. If concentrated flows occur after installation , carrective act�on must be taken. Coznpost £zlter socks may he installed in construcrion areas and temporaliry inoved during the day to allow construceion aceiviry provided it is replaced and properly anchored ae the end of tihe day. C�mpost �lter berms and socks may be seeded to allow Eor quick vegetatiive growth and reduction in run-offvelocity. Matexials: New types of compost filter berms and socks are continuously being developed. The Texas Department af Transportation (TxDOT) has established rninimurn perfor�►ance standards which must be rnee fot any Apri112, .2004 -6- praducts seeldng to be approved for use within any af TxDOT's construction ar maintenance activities. Coxmpost filter berms and socks used withir� ar�y TxDOT construc�ion or maintenance activities must meet material specifications in accordanc� with TxDQT specificatipn 1Q59. TxDOT znaintains a website at http://www.dat.state.tx.us/des/�andscapelcompost/specifications,htm that provides information on compost specificatian data. This website also contains information on areas where the Texas Commissian oi� Environmental Qualiry (TCEQ) xestxicts the use of certain compost products. Compost £ilter her�ns and socks used for projects not related to TxDOT should aiso be af quaiiry materfals by meeting performance standards and compost specifica�ion data. Ta e�sure the qualiry of cpmpost used as compost $lt�x berms and socks, products should rneet aII applicable state and federal regulations, incluclin� butnot Iimited to theLlnited States Enviranmental ProtectionAgency {USEPA) Code of Pederal Regulations (CFR}, Tit1.e 40, Part 503 Standards far Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Cammiss'ton (nour named TCEQ} Health and Safery Reg�lations as defined in the Teacas Adminis�zation Code (T1�C}, Chapter 33Z, and aTl other relevant requi�emer�ts for compost products autlined in TAC, Chaptez 332. Testing requirements required hy the TCEQ are defined in TAC Chapter 332, i�cluding Sections §33 �..71 Sampling and Anal�rsis Requiremen�s for Final l'roducts and §332.72 Final Product Grades. Compost specification data approved by T�rDOT are appxopriate to use foz erisuring the use o� quality compnst materials or for guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended �se for the compost and ensures pzoduct safety, and produet performance regarding the �roduct's specz�c use. The appropriate compost sampling and testing prot�cols included in. the United 5tates Composting Council (USCC} Test Merhods for t�ie Examinarion of Campos ting and Comp osti (TMECC} should be canducted on compost prod ucts used fot carnpos tfilter berms and sncks tq ensure rhat the products us�d will nat i,mpact public health, safery, and the environment and to promote production and marketing of qualiry composts that meet analyrical standards. TMECC is a laboratorymanual that provides protocols far the eomposting indusery and test methods for compost analysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, manitar, and analyze materials during all stages of the conipasting process. Numerous paraxneters that might }�e of concern in compast can be tested by follovving protocols ar test methods listed in TMECC. TMECC informatian can be found at htrp://www.tinecc.org/�mecc/index.ht-tYil. The USCC Seal af Testing Assurance (STA) program cqntains infqrination zegaxding compost STA certi�.cation. STA program information can be found at http:/{tmecc. org�s�a/5TA_�rogram_descripti on.html. InsCallation: • Install in accordance with TxDOT Special Specification 1059. • Compost �.l ter bezxri.s s�.aIl be constructed at 1-1 /2 feet high and 3 foot wide at locar�ons shown on plans. � Routinely inspecx and maintaii� filter ber�m in a functional condition at ail times. �orrect deficiencies unmediately. Install additional filter berna rr�aterial as directed. Remove sediment aFr�r it has reached 1J3 of the height of the berm. Disperse f�lter benn or leave in place as directed. � Compost �ilter soc�Cs shall be in 8 inch, I.2 inch or 18 inch or as directed. Sock anaterials shall be designed allowing for proper percolat'ron through. SEDIlv�NT CONTROL BMPS Aptzl I2, 2004 -7- Sand Ba� Berm Description: The purpose oif a sandbag berm is to detain sediment carried in runo£f £xnm. distuxbed areas. This objecti�e 'rs accomplished by intercep�ing runoff and causirig it to pool behind rhe sand bag berm. Sediinent carried in the runoff is depasited on the upstream side of the sand bag betm due to the reduced flow velocity. Excess runaff volumes are alldwed to flow ovet the top o�the sand bag 1�erin. 5and bag berms are used only during construction acti.vities in stream6eds when the contrihuting drainage area is betwee�. 5 and 10 acres and the slope is less rhan 15%, i.e., utility construction in channels, temparary channel crossing far constructzan ec�uipznent, etc. Flastic faci�g s� oUld be insta[led oza the �pstrea�n side and �l�e bezm should be anchored to the streambed by drilling into tl�e roc�C and drivi.ng in "T'" posts or rebar (#5 or #6) spaced appropriatiely. Materials: o T�e sand bag material shauld be polypropylene, polyeehqlene, polqarnide ar cotton burlap woven fabric, minimum unit weight 4 oz/yd 2, mullen burst strength exceeding 300 psi and ultraviolet sta6ility exceeding 70 percen�. � The hag length should b� 24 to 30 inches, width shauld be lb to 1$ inches and thickness shauld be 6 eo 8 inches. � Sandbags should be filled vvith coarse grade sand and free from deleeerious material. AIl sand should pass through a No. l � sieve. The filled �ag should have ati approximate weight of �D pounds. a Outlet pipe shQuld be schedu�e 40 ar stronger polyvinyl chloride (PVC) having a nominal internal diarr�e�er of 4 inches. Installation: • The berm shouId be a minimum. height of 18 inches, measured from the top of the existit�g g�oand at the upslope eoe to the top of the berm. • The berm should be sized as shown in tlze plans but shoulci have a minimuni width of �8 inches measured at the 6attom of the berm and 16 inches measuxed at the top of rhe berm. � Runoff water should flow ove� the tops of the sandbags ar through 4-inch diameter PVC �ipes em.6edded below the top layet of bags. • When a sandl�ag is filled with, materzal, the open en.d of the sandbag should be stapled or tied with nylon nr pol� cord. � 5andbags should be stacked in at least three zows abutting each ather, and in staggered artar►gement. n The Uase of the berm shauld have at least 3 sandbags. These can be reduced to 2 and 1 bag in the second and thzrd rows respecti.vely. o For each additianal b inches of height, an additional sandbag m�st be added to each row vuidth. � A bypass pump-ai°ou�.d system, or szn�z�ar alternatzve, sl�.ould be used on conjunctzon with the berm for Apri112, 2004 �8� e�ffective dewatering af the work area. Silt Fence Desc�-iption: A silt �ence is a barrier coz�sisting of geotextil� fabric suppnrted by ynetal pasts to prevenC soil arid sec�imezzt loss firom a site. When properly used, silt fences can be highIy effective ae controllirig sediment from disturbed areas. They cause runoff eo pond which allows heavier solids to settle. If not properly xnstalled, silt fences are not likely to be effective. The purpose ofa silt fence is to vitercept and detain �ater- boxne sediment from unprotected areas of a Iimited extent. Silt fence is used during the period of construction near the perimeter of a distur�Oed area to intezce�t sediment white allowing water to percolate through. This fence sho�ld remain in place until the rlisturbed area is permanently stabzlized. Silt fence should not be used vuhexe there is a cancentratian af water in a channel or drainage way. Ifconcent�ated flow occurs after installation, corrective action must he taken such as placing a tock berm in the areas of concentrated flow. Siltfencing within the site rnaybe tempararilymoved during rhe day ta allow construction activfty provided it is repiaced and properly anchored to the ground at the end of the day, Silt fenees on the perhneter of the site or arou�d drainage ways should not be mo�ed at any time. Matexials: • Silt fence material should be polypropyiene, polyethylene ar polyamide woven oz nanwoven fab�ic. The fabric width should be 36 ir�ches, with a mir�imum unit weight of 4.5 oz/ycl, mu�Ilen burst strength exceeding 19a lb/in 2, ultraviolet st�ability exceeding 70%, and minimuin appaxent openiztg size of LJ.S. Sieve No. 30. m Pence pnsts shnuld be rnade of hot xolled steel, at Ieast 4 feet Iong with Tee or Y-bar cross section., suxface painted or galvanized, minimum nominal weight 1.25 lb/ft 2, and Brindell hardness exceedi.ng 140. ° Waven wire backing ro supporC rhe fabric sho�ild be galvanized �" x 4" welded wire, 12 gauge minimum. Installation: ° Steel posts, whirh support the silt fenc�, s1lould be installed on a slight angle to�vard the antieipated runoff source. I'ost mustbe emhedded a minimuzn. of I foot dee� and spaced not more than $ feet on center. Where water concentrates, the maxiinum spacing shauld be 6 feet. � Lay out fencing down-slo�ae of ci�istuxbed area, following tI-� contour as closelq as possible. The fence should be sited so that the rnaxirnum drauiage area fs 1/4 acre/100 feet of fence. • TiLe toe of the si�t fence should lae trenched in with a spade or mechani.cal trencher, so that fhe down-slope face of the trench is fiat and pexpendicular to tlze line of f�aw. Where fence cat�not be trenched in (e.g., pav�ment or rack outcrop), weight fabric flap �vith 3 inches of pea gravel on uphill si�e to prevent #low from seeping under fence. � The trench must be a minim�m a� b inches deep and 5 inches wide co a11ow for the silt fence fabric to be laid iz�. the groui�.d and backfilled with compacted material. • Sile fence should be securely fastened to each steel support post or to woven wixe, which is in t�m attached to the steel fence post. There should l�e a 3-fQot overlap, securely fastened where ends of fabric nneet. Trian�nlar �'ilter Dike April I2, 2004 -9- Desc�i.ptiont The purpose af � triangular sediment filter dike is to intercept and detain water-borne sediment from unptotected areas of limited extent. The Criangular sediment ifiltez dike is used where there is no concentratian of water in a channel or other drainage way ahove rhe barrier and the contributin.� drai�a�e area is less than one acre. If the uphill slope above the dike exceeds 10%, the Iengrh of the slop�e above the dike should be less than Sfl feet. If cQncentrated fiaw occurs after installation, corrective actinn should be taken such as piacing rock berm in the ateas of concentrated flow. This �ri.easure is effective on paved areas where instaIlation of silt fence is nat possib�e or where vehicle access must be maintained. The advantage of these controls is rhe ease vvirh which rhey can be moved to allaw vehiele traff'ic and then reinstalled to maintain seditnent Materials: • Silt fence material shouId be polypropylene, polyethylene or polyamide woven or nonwoven fahric. The fabricwidrh should be 36 inches, with a miniannum unit weight of 4.5 oz/yd, inullen burst strength exceeding 1.90 lb/in 2, ultraviolet sta�iliry exceeding 70%, and minimum ap�arent opening size af U.S. Sieve No. 30. � The dike sttucture should be b gauge 6" x b" wire zxGesli falded into triangular forn� being e.ighteen (18) inch�s on each side. Ynstallation: �`�ie fran� af the triangular sedim.ent �leer dike shonld be constructed of 6" x 5", 6 gauge w�elded wire mesh, 18 rnches per side, and wrapped with geotextile fabric tha same composition as that used far szl.t fences. • Filter material should lap aver ends �ix (6) inches ta cover dike to dike junedon; eacl� j unction should be secured by shoat rings. • Posi.tion dike parallel to the contours, wirh tl�e end of each section closely abutting the adjacent sections. o There are several options for fastening the £iltez dike to the ground The fahric skirt may be toed-in with 6 inches of campacted material, ar 12 inches of the fa�ric skirt should extend uphill and be sec�red wit� a minimum of 3 inches af open graded rock, or with staples or nails. If these two options are not feasik�le the dike structure may be trenched in 4 inches. ° Triangular sediment filter dikes should be installed acxoss exposed slopes during con�tructian with ends of the dike tied ineo existing gxades to prevent failure and shauld intercept no mor� than one acxe of runoff. • When m.oved ta allow ve�icular access, the dikes shou�d be reinstalled as soan as possilale, but always at the end af the �rorkday. Rock Berm Descrip�ion: The purpose of a rock bern�. is to sexve as a cl�eck dam in areas of concentrated fla�v, to intercept sedixz�ent-laden ruizoff, detain the sedirnent and release the water i.n sl�eet flow. The rock berm should be used when the contri6utzng cErainage az'ea is less than 5 acres. Rock berms are Used in areas where the volume ofrunoff is too great fax a silt fence tn contain. They are less efEect�ve for sediment removal than si.lt fences, paiticularly for fine particles, but are able to withstax�.d kugliez flows than a silt fence. As sucll, rock berms are often used in areas of channel flovcrs (ditches, g�llies, etc.). Rock berms are most effective at reducing bed load in channels and s�.ould nat be substituted for other erosio�i and sediment control measures A�ril 12, 2004 -10- furt�er up the watershed. Materials: � The berm structure should �e secured with a woven �vire sheathing having r�r�iiY,um op ening of 1 inch and a nninimum wire diameter of 20 gauge galvanized and should be secured with shoat rings. a Clea�, opengraded 3- to 5-inch diameter rock should be used, except u� ateas where high velocities or large �olum.es of flow are expected, where 5- to 8-inch diameter rocks may be used. Tnstallation: � Lay out the waven wire sheathing perpendic�lar to the flnw line. The sheathing should be 20 gauge waven w�e mesh with 1 i�rich opez�zngs. • Berm should 1-►ave a top vuidth of 2 feet mir�irnum with side slopes being 2:1 (H:V) or flatter. • Place ehe rock along the sheathing to a k�eigk�t not less than 18". • Wrap the wire sk�eathiztg atound the rock and secure with tie �vire so that the ends of the sheathing overlap at least 2 inches, and the berm retains its shape when wa.lked upan. � Bert�.-� shauld be built alo��g the contour at zero percenY grade or as near as possible. a The ends of the benn should be �ied in�o exist-ing upslope grade and the berm s�ould be buried in a trench approxzmately 3 ta � inches deep to prevent failure of the control. Hav BaFe D�ke Deseription: The purpase of a hay or straw bale dike is to intercepr and detain sFnall amou«ts of seditnent- Iaden runoff from relarively sma11 unprotee�ed areas, Strraw Uales are to be used when it is not feasihle to install at�er, mare effe�tive measures or �v'hen the construction phase is expected to last less than 3 months. Straw bales should not l�e used on areas where rock ot other hard surfaces prevent the iull and uniform anchoring af the barrier. Materials: Straw: The best qualiry straw mulch cames frazn wheat, aa�s ar barley and should be free of vveed and grass seed w�i.ch �nay not be dc�sir�d vegetation far the axea to be protected. Straw mulch is light and therefor� must be pxoperly anchared to the ground, Hay: This is very similar eo straw wieh the exception that it is made af grasses and we�ds andnot grarn stems. This farnn af mulch is very inex�ensive and is widely available but does introduce weed and grass seed ta ti�e area. Like straw, hay Ts light and must be anchored. ° Straw l�ales should weigh a minimuin of 50 pounds and should be at least 30 inches Iong. Apri112, 2004 -II- a Pales should l�e compased entirely of vegetable mattez and be free qf seeds. • Binding should be either �re or nylon string, jute or cottan binding is unacceptahle. aales shauId �e used for not nlor� than two inonths befare being replaced. Imstalla�ion; � Bales should be err�bedded a minimum of 4 inches and secuYely anchored using 2" x 2" woad stakes or 318" diameter rebax driven throu�h the bales into the ground a inuzitnum of 6 inches. � Bales are to be placed directly adjacent ta ane another leaving no gap between them. • All baIes should be placed on the contour. � The first stake in each bale should be angled toward the prevfausly laid bale eo farce the bales together. ErosioiY Control Co�nnost Desciription: Erosion con�rol compost (ECC) can be used as an aid to contral erosion on critical sites d�ring the establisl�ment period af pxotective vegetatian. The rnost common uses are on steep slopes, swales, diversion dike�, and on ridai ar stream banks. Maierialss New types o£ erosion contral compost are continuously bezng develpped. The Texas Department of Transportatioz� (TxDOT) has established minimum performance standaids which must be met for any products seel�g to be appraved for use within any of TxDOT's construcrion or mai.ntenai�ce activities. Materzal used within any TxDOT construction ar xnain�enance activities must meet matexial specifications in accordance with. current TxDOT speciiications. TxDOT znaintains a website a� http://www.dot.state.tx.us/des/landscape/composr/specificarions.htm that provides i�formation on compost specification data. This we�site also contains information on areas where rhe Texas Commission an Environmental Quality (TCEQa restricts the use of certain compost pxoducts. ECC used fox projects not related to TxDOT should also be of qualiry materials by meeting periformance standards an.d con�past sp�cificarion data. To ensure the c�ualiry af con�post �sed as an ECC, products should rneet alI applicahle state and%deralregulations, incl�ding but noe limited to theUnitedStates Envizanmet�tal Protecti�on Agez�y (USEPA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Part 5�3 Standaxds for Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservation Cotnm.ission (�ow named TCEQ) Health and Safery Regulations as defined in the Texas Admiilistratian Code {TAC), Chapter 332, and aII nther relevant xequirements for compost products outlined in TAC, Chapter 332. Testing requir�ments required by the TCEQ are defined.in TAC Chapter 332, including Sections §332.71. Sampling and Analysis Requirements for Final Products and §332.721 inal Product Grades. Carnpost speci.ficat�on data approved by TxDOT are appropriate to use for ensuzing the use of qualiry compost rnaterials or for guidance. Testing standards are dependent upon the intended use for the compost and ensures praduct safety, and praduct performance regarding the product's specific use. The appropriate compost sampling and testing pratocols included in rhe United States Composting Council (USCC) Test Methods for the Examinatinn of Com�osting and Compost (TMECC) should be conducted on compost products used for ECC to ensure that the products used will not impact public Izealth, saf'ety, and the environxnent and to promote prnduction aild Aprill2, 2004 -1.2- marketir►g of quality composts that meet analytical standards. TMECC is a labdratory manual rhae �rovides protocols for ehe ccnnposting industry and test methods for coinpost analysis. TMECC provides pratocols to sample, monitor, and analyze materials during all stages of the compostir�g process. Nume tous parameters that might be of concern in compast can be tested by following protocols ar test metihods Iisted in TMECC. TM�CC inf'ormation can 1�e found at http://www.tmecc.arg�tmecc/index.html. Th� USCC 5ea1 ofTesting Assurance (STA} program er�ntains infonnation regarding comp�st STA certificatian. STA program in£ozmation can be found at http:�/tmecc.org/sta/STA_program_description.html. Installafion: � Install in accordance with curr�nt TxDOT specification, � Use an slopes 3:1 or flatcer. ° Apply a 2 inch uniform layez- unless �thenvise shown on the plans or as direceed. • Wkaen rolling is specified, use a light cnrtugated drum roller. Mu[ch Filter Berms and Socks Description: Muleh filter berms and socks are used to intercept and detain sediment laden run-off from unprotected areas. When properly used, mulch �lter berms and socks can Ue highlp eff'ecr�ve at controll'tng sediinent from disturbed areas. They cause runaff to pand which allows heavier solids to settle, Mulch filter berms and socks are used during the period af constructionnear the periFneter of a disturhed area to in.tercept sediment vvhile aLiowing water to pexcalate throug�.. The berm or sock should retnain in place unt�l the area is permanently stabilized. Mulch £ilter berms should not be used wh�n thexe �s a concentration ofwater r.n a c�annel ar drainage way. If concentrated flo�vs occurs after installation, earrective actzon must be taken. Mulch filter socks may be installed in constructian areas and temporarily moved du�ing the day to a11ow constructian acrivity provided it is replaced and properly anchored at tk►e end of the day. Mulch filter berms and socks may b� seeded to allo�w for quick vegetative growtl� and xeduction i.n xun-off velacity. Materials: New rypes of n�.ulch flter berms and sncks are continuausly being developed. The Texas T�epartxnent of Transportation (TxDOT) has established mini.nnnm pe�r£orn�ance standards which must be met far any products seeldt�g to be appraved for use �within any of TxDOT's cans�uction or maintenance activities. Mu1ch fileer berms and socks used witk�in any TxDOT canstruction or maintenance acrivit�es must meet material specificarions in accordance with current T�cDOT specifications. TxDOT maintains a we}asite at hktp://www.dot.state.tx.us/desnandscapelcompost/specificatians.htm that provides info�matian on compost specification data. Th.is website also contains informatinn on areas whexe the Texas Commissian on �nvironmental Qualiry (TCEQ} resrxicts the use of certai.n compost products. Mulch filter berms and socks used for projects not related to TxDOT should also be of quality materials hy meer�ng performance standazds an.d compost specification dara. To ensure the quality of campost used for mulch filter benns and so�ks, producY� should meet all applieable state and £ederal reg�latinns, including 6ut i�ot limitied to t12e United States Environrnental Pratection Agency (USEPA) Code pf Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 40, Pazt 503 Standards for Class A biosolids and Texas Natural Resource Conservaaon Commission Health and Safery Regulations as defined in the Texas Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and alI other relevant requireinents far cornpast produc�s autlined in TAC, ChaPter 332. Testing April 12, 2�04 -13- requireznents reguzxed �Oy the TCEQ �e defined in TAC Chapter 332, including 5ections §332.71 Sampling and Analysis Requirexnents £ox Final Products arzd §332.72 Final Product Grades. Compost speci.ficationdata approved by TxDOT axe appropriate to use for ensuring the use of quality campost rnaterials or fox guidance. Testing standards axe dependent upan ehe intended use for the compost and ensures praduct sa£�ty, and product petforrnance regarding the product's specific use. The ap�ropriate compost sampling and tesCing protocols included in tl�e United States Composting Council(USCC) Test Merhods for the Examination of Cornposring and Compost (TMECC) should i�e condueted an compost products used far mulch filter berins and socks to ensure that the products used will not impact public health, safery, and the environment and to promote ptoductian a�d marketing of quality composts rhat meet analytical standards. TMECC is a laboratorymanual that pxovides prptocals forthe compostingindusrryand test methods for compost analysis. TMECC provides protacols to sample, monitor, and analyze materials during all stages af �lze composting process. Numerous pa�ameters that might ioe of concexn in comp�st can be tested by following protocols or test n:�ethads listed ir� TM�CC. TM�CC information can be faund at http://www-tmecc.org/tmec�ir�dex.html. The USCC Seal of Testing Assurance {STA) program contazns information regarding compost STA certificatzon. STA program information can be fo�nd at http: //tmecc.org/sta/STA�program_description.html. Installation: • Install in accordance with current TxDOT specificaYion. ° Mulch filter berrns shQuld he constructed at 1-1/Z feet hzgh and 3 foot wide at locations shovvn on plans. • Routinely inspect and n�.ainta.in filter bezm in a funcrional condirion at all times. Correct deficiencies immediately. 7nstall additional filter berm material as directed. Remave sediment after it has xeached 1/3 of the hei,�ht af the bei�n. Disperse �ilter berm or leave in place as directed. � Mu�ch fileer socks should be in 8 inch, ].2 inch az 18 inch or as direr.ted, Sack materials should be designed to allow for praper percola�ion through. Camnast Filtex Berm.s and 5acics Descriptian: Compost filter berms and socks are used to intercept and detain sedin�ent Iadenrun-off from unprotected azeas. When pro�aerly used, compost fil�er berms and socks ean be highly effectiv� at conttollnzg sed'unent fromdisturbed areas. They cause runaff to pond which allows heavier solids to settle. Compast filtez berms and socks are used during rhe period of construction near the pe�meter of a distur�d area to intercept sediment while allowi.ng water to percalate tl�rough. The berm or sock should remain in place until the area is permanently stabilized. Co�tz�post f7lter berms should not be usedwhen there is a concentration of watez in a ehannel or drainage way. If concentrated flows occur after insta�lation , corrective action must 6e taken, Co�x,.post filtex socks may be ixtstalled in construcCion areas and temporality moved during the day to allow consrructionactiviry provzded i.t is zeplaced and propErly anchared at the end of the day. Compast �.Itez bez�ms and socks may be seeded to allow ifor qwick vegetative grawth and reduction in run�aff velociry. Materrialss April I2, 2004 -14- New types of campost filter berms and socks are continuousiy being developed. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT} has established minimum perfattnanee standards which musC be met for any products seeking to be approved for use within any o£ TxDOT's const�uction ar maintenance activities. Compost filter berms and socks used within any T�cDOT construcrion or mainrenance activities must �.eet mxterial specifications in accordance with TxDQT specification I059. TxD�OT marntains a we�siYe aC http://www.dot.state.tx.us/des/landscape%ompost/specifications.htm thatprovides infnrmationoncompost specification data. This websiee also contains infarmation on areas where the Te,xas Commission an Envi�oz�tn:ental Quality (TCEQ) restricts the use of certain compost products. Composr fileer �erms and socks used for projects not zelated to TxDOT should also be of qualfty materials 1ay ineeting �erformance stiandards and compos� specificarion data. To ensure the qualiry of campost used as compost filter berxns and socks, praducts shauld meet all applicable state and federal regularions, including butnot Timited to the United 5tates Environmental Pratection Agency (USEPA) Code of Pederal Regulations (C�R), Title 40, Part 503 Standards for Class A biosoIids and Texas Natural Resaurce Conservation Caznmissian {now nazned TCEQ) Health and 5afery Regulations as defined in the Texas Administration Code (TAC), Chapter 332, and all other relevant requiremer�ts for compnst produces outlined in TAC, Chapter 33�, Testing requiremenr_s required by the TCEQ are defined in TAC Chapter 332, including Sectians §332.71 SampIing and Analysis Requireinents fox Fina1 Producrs and §33z.7�. Final Product Grades. Compost specificarion data appraved by TxDOT ar� apprapriate to use for ensuring the use of quality compost materials or for guidanee. Test�ng standards are dependent upan the intended use for the compose and ensures product safety, and product performance regarding the praduct's specific use. The appropriat� com�ast sam�ling and testing protocals included in the Llnited States Composting Council {i]SCC) Test Methods �ox the Examination af Composting and Compost {TMECC) shauldbe conducted on cc3mpost produets used for cotnpost filter bexms and socks to ensure that rhe products used will not impact public healtF�, safery, and the environment and tn promote prod�ction and marketing of quality composts that meet analytical stanclards. TMECC is a laboratorynnanual thatpravidespratacols for the tomposting indust'ryand tesrmerhods for compostanalysis. TMECC provides protocols to sample, monitar, and analyze materials during alI stages of the composting process. Numerous parameters that miglit be of cancern zn conn.post can be tested by following �rotocols or test zn.ethods listed in TMECC. TMECC information can be found at htitp:l�www.tmecc.org/tmecc/index.html. The LJSCC Seal of Testing Assura�►ce (STA) program contains u�£ormatinn regarding compost STA cerrification. STA pragram iniEozzn.ation can be found at k►tip://tmecc. argls ta/STA�program�description.htrnl. Installa�on: • Install in accordance with TxDOT Special Specification I059. � Can�post filter berms shall l�e consrruc�ed at 1-1/2 feet high and 3 foot wide at Iocations shown on. plar�s, ° Routinely fnspect and maintain fi.lter berm. in a functional condition at all times. Correce deficiencies immediately. Tnstall additional filter berm material as directed. Reinove sedzznent after it has reached 1/3 of the heigl�t af the berm. Dispers� fllter 6enn or leave in place as directed. • Coinpost filtei socks shall be in 8 inch�, l Z i.n.ch ox I8 inch or as directed. Sock inaterials shall be designed allowing for proper percolation through. Apri112, 2004 -15- POST-CONSTRUCTIQN TSS CDNTROLS Retention/Irri�atian Svstems Descriptlon: Retention/irrigation systems refer to the capture af runoff in a holding pnnd, then use of the captured water for irrigation of appropriate landscape areas. Retentiai��irrigation systems are characterized by the capeure and disposal of runafF witho�t direet release of captured flow to receiving streams. Retention systems exhibit excelIent pollutant removal but can requite regular, proper rnaintenance. Collecrian of roof runoff fqr subsequent use (rainwater harvestin� also qualifies as a retention/irrigation pracrice, but should be operated aad sized to pravide adequate valum�. This technology, which e�cnphasizes beneficial use of stormwater runo£�', is particularly apprapriate for arid regions because ofincreasing demands on water supplies fnr agricultural irriga�ion and urban water sup�ly. Desig� Considerations: Retention/irrigation practices achieve 100% removal e£ficiency af total suspended solids contained within the volume ofwater captured. Design eleme�ts of retentionlirrigation systems inc�ude runoff storage facility configuration and sizing, pump and wet well system conlpanents, basin Iining, basin detention time, and physical and ogerational components of �he irrigation systenr►. Retention/irrigation systems are appzoprzate foz large drainage areas with Iow to moderate slo}�es. The retentton capacity should he sufficient considering the average rainfall event £ar the area. Maintenanee Reyuirexn.ents: Maintenance requirements for retention/irriga�on systems include routine inspections, sediment removal, mowi�g, debris and litter removal, erosion contxol, and nuisance cantrol. Extended Deteution Basin Descript�on: Extended detent�on facilities are basins that ten:aporarily stpre a portion ofstormwater runoff following a starm event. Extended detentionbasins are normally used ta reanove parkiculate pollutants and to reduce maxnnum runoff rates assaczated with developinent to their pre-development Ievels. Tl�e water quality beriefirs ar� the removal af seditnent and buoyant materials. Furthermore, nutrients, heavy metals, toxic �natertals, and axygen-demanding materials associated with the particles also are removed. The control af ehe maximumrunoff rates serves ta protect drainage channels }�elnvv tihe device from erosion and to reduce downstream flooding. Althongh detentian facilities designed for flood eontrol have di�Ferent desigii requirements t�an thase used for watez quality enhancement, it is passible to achieve tk�ese two o�ajectives in a singl� faciliry. Desigzx Con.siderations: Extended detention basins can remove approximately 75% o£ the tatal suspended salids contai.ned wiehir► the volume of runaff captured in the basin. Design elemenrs of extended detention basins include basin sizing, 6asin con�iguration, basin side slopes, 6asin lining, inlet/outlet struetures, and erosion c�antzols. Extended detentifln basins are appropr�ate for lazge drainage areas with low to moderate stopes, The retention capacity sha�ld be sufficient considering the average rainfall event for the area. Maintenauee Requiremerits: Maintenance requirements for extended detention basins include rautine inspections, mow�g, debris and titter removal, erosion control, structural repairs, nuisance control, and sedimenr removal. Ve�eta#ive Filter Strips Description: Filter strips, also [cnown as vegetated buffer strips, are vegetated seceions of land similar to gxassy swales, except thay are essentia�ly flae with 1ow slopes, an.d axe designed oi�ly to accept runofF as Aprtl 12, 2004 -16- averland sheet flow. Tb,ep may appear in anq vegetated fornz fi�om grassland t� forest, and are designed to ineercept upstream �ow, lower flaw velncity, and spread water out as sheet flaw. The dense vegetarive cover facilitates conventional pollutant removal through detention, filtration b� veg�:tation, and infiltratian. Filter strips cannot treat High veIacity flows, and do not provide enough storage or infiltration to effectively reduce peak discharges to predevelopment levels far design stoxms. This lack of q�antiry control favors use in rural ot Iow-densiry development; however, they can provide water qualiry benefits even where tl�e impervious cover is as high as 50°/o. The primary highway applicarion for vegetative filter strips is along rural roadways where runoff that would othezwise discharge directly Co a receiving water, passes through the f�lter strip before enteru�g a conveyance systezn.. Properly designed roadwaq medians and shoulders rnake effective buffer strips. These devices also can be used on oeher rypes of deve�ap�nent where land is available and hydraulic canditions are apprapriate. Flat slopes and Iow to fair �exmeability of ��atural subsoil are required for effective perFarmance of filter strips. Althaugl� an in�pensive contral measure, they are n:aost useful in cantributing watershed axeas where peak runaff velocities are lnw, as thep are unable to treat the high flaw velocities rypically assaciated with high impervious cover. The most important criteria far selection and use of this BMP are soils, space, and slo�e. Desxga Considerations; VegetaCive fileer strips can reznove appraximately $5% oF the tiotal suspended solids contained within the vol�me of runoff captured. Design elements of vegetative Cil.ter s trips include uniform, sha�low averland flow acrass the entire filter strip area, bydraulic loading rate, inlet structures, slope, and vegetative cover. The area shouldbe free ofgullies ar rills which can concentrate flow. Vegetati�re filter strips are appro�ariate far small drainage areas wirh moderate slopes. Maintenance Requirements: Maintenance xequirements for vegetative filter strips include pest management, seasonal mowing and lawn care, routine inspections, debris and litter remaval, sedrrnent removal, and grass reseeding and mulching. Constructed Viletlands Description: Constructed wedands provide physical, chemical, and biological water qualzty tzeatment of stormwatex runoff. Physical treatment occura as a result of decxeasing #Iaw v�locities in the wetland, and is present in the form of evaporati�n, sedimentation, adsorp�ion, and/or filtration. Chemical processes ii�clude chelation, precipitation, and chemical adsoz-ptzo��. Bzological processes include �lecomposition, plant u�take and removal of nutrients, plus hiologiral transfortnati.on and c3egradation. Hyelrology is one of the most influential factors in. pallutant removal due to its ef€ects on sedixinentation, aeratian, l�iological transformation, and adsarption onto hottom sed'unents. The wetland should be d�signed such that a muzimum amoun� of maintenance is required. The natural surroundings, including such things as the potential energy of a stxeam ar flooding' rivez, should be utilized as rnuch as possible. The werland should apgroximaee a natural situatian and annatuxal attributes, sueh as rectangular shape or rigid cl�.annel, sl�ouid be avoided. Site cansiderations shouldinclude the water table depth, soil�suhstrate, and space requireanezzts. Bec:aUse the wetland xx�.ust l�ave a source of flow, ir is desirable that the water table is at or near the sur�ace. If runoff is the only source af inf�ow for t�e wetland, the water level ofeen fluctuates and esta6lzshnaent of vegetation may be difficult. The soil or substrate of an artificial wetland shovld be loose Ioam to clay. A perennial baseflow m.ust be present to sus�ain the artificial wetland. The �resence of organic material is aften hel�ful zn increasing pollutant removal and tetention. A greater arr►o�zn.t of space is required for a wetland syseem than is requrred for a detention facilzty tz-eating the sarne amount of area. Ap�il 12, 2004 -17- Design Considerations: Constructec3 wet�ands can remove av�er 90°/a of ehe total suspended solids contained withiri the volume of runoff captured in the wetland. Design elements of constructed wetlands include wetland sizing, wetland canfiguration, sedirnent forebay, �egetation, outflow structure, depth of inundation during storrn events, de�th of micrapools, and aeratian. Constr�cted wetlands are appro�riate £az large drainage areas with low to moderate slopes. Maintenance Rec�uirements: Maintenance requiremenrs for construeted wetlands zncludernowing, routine inspections, debras and litter reznoval, ezosian control, nuisanr.e eontrol, structural repairs, sediment ren�.oval, i�arvesting, and maintenance of water levels. Wef Basitas Description: Wet basins are runoffcantrol facilities that maintain a pexmanent wet poal and a stianding crop af emergent littoral vegetaeion. These facilirfes may vary in appearance from natural ponds to enlarged, bermed (manmade) sectians o£ drai�zage systems and may function as online or offline facilities, alth.ough nffline configurarian is preferable. Offlu-�e designs can prevent scour and pther damage to the v�ret pond and ininim.ize castly outflow structure elements needed to acco�unodate extreine runoff events. During starm events, runoff inflows dis�lace part or all af t�ie e�ting basin valume and are retained and d:eated in the facility unti� the next srorm event. The pollutant reinoval mechanisms are settling of solids, wetland plant uptake, and microbiai degradation. When the wet basiri is adequately sized, pollutant remaval perfarmance can be excellent, es�ecially for the dissolved fracrion. Wet basins also help pxovide erosion protection fot the receiving channel hy Iimiring peak flows during larger storm Events. Wet basins are often perceived as a positive aesthetic e�ement in a eommunity and offer significant oppartunity for creative pand configurat�on and landscape design. Participa�ion of an experienced wetland designer is suggested. A significant pQtential drawback for wet ponds in az�d climates is that the contributing watershed far these facilitzes is often incapable of providing an adequate u�ater supQly to maintaixx the pexmanent pool, especiallq during the sumrner months. Makeup water (z.e., well water or municipal dxfnking water) is sometin�es used to supplement the rainfall�rt�noffprocess, especially foc wet basin facilities treating watersheds Cl�at g�nerate imsu£fi.cient runoff. Design Considerations: Wet basins caxz remove over 90% of the ttital suspended solids contained vaithin the voluxz�e af runoff capturad in the basin. Design eleinents of wet �asi.ns include basu� sizing, basin conf`�guration, basi�n side slapes, sediment forei�aq, inflow and outflow s�uctures, vegetation, depth of permanent pool, aerat�on, and erosion. control. Wet basins are appropriate For large drainage areas vuith low to �n.oderate slopes. MaintenanceRequiretttez�ts: Maintenancerequirementsforwetbasinsincludexnowing,routineiz�spectioi�s, debris and litter removal, erosion control, nuisance control, structural repairs, sediment removal, and harvesting. April 12, 2Q04 -18- G�Oi�CbNICAL �PlGIWI�l��tli�G STUDY CULV�RI" F��PLAC�fi��NT SbO�iI�V11�1lU D�1V� �O�i INO�ib, T�XAS Presented To: Kimley-{�orri and Associates, Inc. January 2020 ��tOJ�C� {VO. 103�19-332 ����. l�1��.7`JL��1G��l��y 11�1�. �.� January 9, 2(}�{] Re�ort Na 103-19-�32 K�ml�y-Horn and P�ssociates, Inc. 809 Cherry Streef, Unit 11, Suit� 13DQ �'or� Worth, Texas 7�1a� Attn: Mr. Nichnlas �apko, E.I,Y. G���'��bi�1CA�. I��'CI�+l��RIPlG �T'11k7Y CtJL'�EE�T' R�#�l.,�G��II��I`� �b��EV1�1�1 Li�tV� F'QRi LAf�RTH, Y��A� Oear Mr. S❑p[co� 763G I�bble Drive I�ort Wortlz, T��s 7Gi 1� wtiVw.cmjengr.cam Submitted here are �h� �sult� �f � ca�otechn�cal �ngin�erir�g sluciy forti:a �efer�n��d �:�ject. TI��s �tudy was pe�arm�d in ae�erai accordane� +�,fith C!�:� �roposai ���77 � t cl�.+�� C�R�Amber 7, 2418. The g�oteGh�liC�l s�l'Vi��s vt+�r'� ��th�riz�ci vi� ]ri�ividua[ Pr'oi��1 C�►-r3�r {1F'�j h�_ 06��';83!�4 dated Novemb�r 7, 2D19, Engine�rli�g �I�alyses and recomm�r�dations are eor�tained in the text seetior� �f ��rP r�r?��k. #��s;.�lts of aur fi��d �nd I�boraiory s�rvic�s �re ir�clud�d in th� app�ndix of fhe r�por�. '�� �nuid �ppracrate the opportunity to �e considered for pra��ding the rnatarials �nginee�ir�g �n� geatecl��nica� observation s�rvices during th� canstruction ph�se af this project. W� appreciate th� oppartunity to b� af service to Kimfey-Horn and Assa�iate�, InG. Pi���A c���tac± us if you have any ques#ion� or if w� may �� o� ft�rth�r s�rvic� at this time. �.. ,. �� � _�- � i I I �exas Na, �2?�'�g i * }� - � ��' � � - . Jam P, Sappington, i11, p.� pr� dent 'Tex s No. 97402 copi�s submitted: ��} �Yq�-, Nichol�s �c�flko; �imley-�orn �nd /��sQCidtes, inc. lemail & mail} i�hvRe (�[� ��4-94p� C� ��1�} 5s�-3i�3 �'u�rr� rR�77 �>8{�-n99� TA�L� O� C�N��NiS 1.D 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Paqe INTROQUCTiON------_.._..._..___-----______--_-----------------------------�-___..........__-------------__......T_�------ 9 FIELD EXPLORATIDN A�iD I.AB�RAT�RY 7�STING-----------------------------------------_____M...... � SUBSLIRFACE CONDITiONS ----------------------------------------___------------------------------- 4 BOXCULVERT--____..-------------------------------------------------------------___.._-_------------------_- 5 PAVEM�NTS------------------------------------___�......__-_-----------------_......_.._------------------------------10 EARTHWO RK.�...-------------------_....�._.._..._______---------------------------._.__---_......___---------_....__.._..___--15 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS---------------_.._..__.._--------------__............_...--------------------------19 RE�ORT CtOSURE _.__�-___-------------------------------------------.._�_...._.._-------------......______----------99 A►PP�Nf�IX A Plan af Borings--------------------- Unified 5oil Classification System � Key to Classification and Symbols Logs of Borings -------____..........__----. Solub{e Sulfate Test Results------- L.ime Series Test Results----------� APP�RlDIX � Pavement Thickness D�sign Plate ------ A.1 .._.,_-_- A.2 ------ A.3 A.4 — A.5 �------ A.6 ._------ A.7 Plate 8.1 — B.2 �.0 IP�T�O�UCiIOIV 1.1 General The project, as currently planned will consist of replacing the existing cufvert beneath Shoreview Dri�e approximately 250 feet west of Bomber Road in Fort Worth, Texas. A new headwall and pa�ement rep[acemen# are also planr�ed. Plate A.1, Plan of Borings, depict the project �icinity and focations of the exploration borings. 1.� Purpase artd Scope The purpose of fhis geotechnical engineering study has been tfl determine the general subsurface canditians, evalu�te the engineering char�cteristics of the subsurface mafi�rials encountered, develop recommendations far the type or types of foundations suitable for the p�'oject, pra�ide pavem�nt design guidelines, and earthwark recommendations. To accomplish its intended purposes, the s#udy has been conc[ucted in ihe following phases: (1) drilling sample borings to determine the general subsurface conditions and to obtair� samples for testing; (2) performEng laf�oratary tests on appropriate samples to determine pertinent engineering proper�ies of the subsurFace materials; and {3) perForming engineering analyses, using the field and laboratory data to develop geotechnical recommendations for the proposed consfruction. The preiiminary des�gn is currently in progress anr� the locations andlor elevations of the cul�e�t and roadway could change. Once the final design is near campletion (80-percent to 90-percent stage), it is recommended that CMJ �ngineerirtg, Inc. be retained to review ihase porfians of the construction documents pertaining to the geotechnical recommendations, as a means to determine that aur recommendafrons haWe been interpreted as intended. 't.3 Report �ormat The te� of fhe repor� is can#ained in 5�ctions 'I through 8. All plates and [arge tables are contained in Appendix A. The alpha-numeric plate and table numbers identify the appendix in which they appear. Small tables of iess than one page in length may appear in the bady of the text and are numbered according to the sectior� in which they occur. Report Na 9 03-19-832 CMJ ENGiN�axi�c, I1vC. Units used in the report are based on the English system and may include tons per sc�uare foot (ts�, [cips {1 ki� = 1,Q00 pounds), kips per square foat (ksf}, pounds per square foot (psf}, paunds per cubic faot (pcfl, and pounds p�r squar� inch (psi). 2.0 �'I�L� �X�LORATION AN9 �ABORA'CORY ��S�IF�G a.1 Field �xplora#ian SubsurFace materials at the project site were exp�ared by two (2) sample borings drilfed to depths of 40 to 45 feet using continuous flight augers at tt�e approximate focatians shown on the Plan of Borings, Plate A.1. The baring fogs are incfuc�ed on Plat�s A.4 and A.5 and keys fo classifications and symbafs us�d on the [ogs are provided on Plates A.2 and A.3. Undisturbed samples of cohesi�e soils were obtained with nomina! 3-inch diameter thin-walled (Shelby) tube samplers at the loca#ions shown on the logs af barings. The 5heli�y tube samp[er consists of a thin-walfed steel iUbe with a sharp cutting edge connected to a head equipped with a ball vaive fhreaded for rod connection. The tube is pushed into the soil by �he hydraulic pulldown of the drilling rig. TF�e soil specimens were extruded from the tube in the field, [ogged, tested for consistency wiih a hand penetrom�ter, sealed, and packaged to fimit loss of moisture. The consistency of cohesi►re soil samples was evaluated in �he field using a calibrated har�d penetrometer. In this test a 0.25-inch diamet�r piston is pushed into �he relatively und�sturbed samp[e at a constanf rate to a depth of 0.25 inch. The results of tf�ese tests, in tsf, are tabulated af respecti�e sample depths on the log. When the capacity of the penetrometer is exceeded, the value is tabulated as �.5+. Disturbed samples ofi the noncahesive granular ar stiff to hard cohesfv� materials were obtained utiiizing a nominai 2-inch Q.D. split-barrel (split-spoon) �arnp[er in conjunctian with fhe Siandard Penetration Test (ASTM ❑ 1586). This test emp[oys a 140-pound harnmer that drops a free fafl verticaf distance of 30 inches, dri�ing the split-spaon sampler into the material. The number of blows required for 18 inches of penetration i5 recorded and the ►ralue for ihe lasi 12 inches, ar the penetration obtained firom 100 blows, is reparted as the Standard Penetration Value {N) at the appropriate depth on the logs of borings. Report No. 103-79-332 CMJ ENGINEERIi�IG, INC. 2 To evaluate the rela#i�ve density and consister�cy of the harder formations, a modified ��rsior� of the 7exas Cone Penetration tesi was pertormeti at selected locations. Texas Department of Transportation (TxD07) Test Method Tex-132-E specifies dri�ing a 3-inch diameter cone w�th a 170- pound hatnmer freely falling 24 inches. This results in 340 foot-paunds of energy for each blow. This methad was modified by utilizing a 1A�0-pound F�ammer freely falling 30 �nches. This results in 350 foot-po�nds of energy for each hammer blow. in relatively sofE maferials, the penetrometer cone is dri►�en 1 foot and the number of blows required for each 6-inch penetration is tabulated at respective fest depths, as blows per 6�nch�s on the log, ln hard materials {rac[c or rock-like), the penetrom�t�r cone is dri�en with the rest�lting penetrations, in inch�s, recorded for the first and seconc! 50 b[ows, a total of 100 blows. The penetration far the tatal 900 b[ows is recorded at the respective tesfing depths an �he boring logs. �.� �abora#ory �esting Laboratory soil tests were performed an selected representati�e samples recavered from the borings. In addition to the classification tests (liquid fimits, plastic limits, and percent passing the No. 200 sieve), moisture content, unconfined compressive strength, and unif weight tests were performed. Results of the Iaborafory classiftcation tests, moisture content, unconfined compressive strength, and unit weight tests conducted for this project are included an the boring logs. Soluble sulfate iests were conc�uc�eci on selected soil samples recavered from the borings. The sulfate tesiing was canducfed to help icientify sulfate-induced hea�ing potenfiial of the soils. Sulfate- induced heauing can cause detri�nentaf �olumetric changes to a lime madified subgrade. The results of th� sulfate tests are presented on Plate A.6. One Eades and Grim Lime Series test was performed on a se[ected sample to identify the appropriate concentration of lime ta add to soils for stabilizatian purposes. The results of the lime s�riss test are preseRted an Plate A.7. The above laboratary �tests were performed procedures, or generally accepted practice. in general accardance with applica�le ASTM Report No. 703-19-332 CMJ ENG�N]�ERING, INC. �i �.o �u�su���c� cot��i�iows 3.1 Soif Conditions SpecEfic types and depths of subsurfac� stratigraphy encountered at the boring locations are shown on fhe boring logs in Appendix A. The generalized subsurfiace stratigraphy encountered in the borings are discussed below. Note tnat depths on ihe �orings refer to fhe depth from the existing grade or ground surface present at the iime of the in�estigation, and the boundaries beiween the vario�s soil types are approximate. Boring B-1 was driiled on the existing pa�ement. The existing pavement sec�ion consisis of 2�/ inches of'asphalf pa�ement underlain by 12 inches af base maferial. Sails encountered consisfi o# browr� and light brown sifty clays containing calcareous deposits and limestone fragments. TFte silty clays encount�red in Boring B-2 confain metal fragments and are noted as fill to a depth of 1 foot, Tan weathered limeston� contain�ng fractured limestone seams is next present at depths of 1 to 5 feet. The tan weathered limesfone is soft to moderately hard (rock basEs}, with Texas Cone penefratian {TND) test values of 2'/2 to 10 inches per 100 blaws. Brown and light brown silty clay contain�ng clayey sand and gra�el is next present beneath fhe tan weathered limestone in Boring B- 2 at a depth of '[2 feet, extending tg a depth of 'i5 feet. The �arious clayey soils encounterecE in the borings had test�d Liquid Lir�its (LL) ranging from 26 to 43 with Plasticity Indices (PI} ranging from �3 to 30 and are classified as CL by th� USCS. The �arious silty clay soils are generally stiff ta hard (sail basis) in consis�ency with pocket per�e'trometer readings of 1.5 to over 4.5 tsf. A tesfed unit weighf �alue was 10B pcf and a test�d unco�fined compressive strengtf� rrvas 3,49a psf. Tan sand and gravel is next present in Boring B-1 at a depth of 12 feet ex#ending �hrough boring termination a# a depth of 45 fee�. A 3-inch sa�dstone layer was encounterad at a depih of 24 feet. The tan sand and gra►�el is dense with a Standard Peneiration (N) value af 36 blows for 1 foot of penefration. Tan and gray sand is next present in Boring B-2 at a depth of 95 feet extending thraugh boring termination at a depth of 40 feet. A 12�inch sandstone layer was encountered at a depth of 20 feet and s�ndstone seams and layers were pr�se�t below a depti� of 26 feet. The tan and gray sand is Fteport Na. 4p3-19-332 CMJ EN�rtv�xuvc,INc. � very dense with Stancfard Penetration (N) test vafues of 21 blows for 1 foot of penetration to 4 inches of penetration in 50 blows. The At#erberg Limits �ests indicate the silty clays encountered at this site are generally slightly acti�e to acti�e with respecf ta masture induced �olurrze changes. Active clays can experience volume changes (expansian or cantraction} with fluctuatians in iheir mois#ure content. 3.� Ground Wat�r Observations The b�rings were drilled using continraous flight augers in order to observe ground-water seepage during driqing. Ground-water seepage was encountered during driEling in Boring B-1 at a depth of 23 f�et below existing grade. A ground-water le�el of 33 feei was measured at dril�ing completion in Baring B-1. Boring B-2 was dry during drilling and at completion. While it is not possible to accurately predict the magnitude of subsurface water fluctuation that might occur based upan these shart-term abservations, it shouEd be recognized that ground-water canditians will �ary wifih fluctuatians in rainfall. Seepage near fhe observed le�els shoufd b� anticipated thraughout �he year. Fluctuafrons of ihe ground-water let�el can occur due to seasonal variations in the amount af rainfall; site topography and runoff; hydraulic conducti�ity of soil strata; and other factors no� e�ident at the �ime the borings were perFormed. The possibility of ground-water le►rel fluctuations sho�fc� be considered when de�eloping �i�e design and construction plans for the project. Ground-water may occur in more granularlsandy zones. Due to the �ariable subsurface conditions lang-term observations would be necessary to more accuratefy e�aluate the ground-water le�el. Such observations ►rvould require installation af piezometers or observation wells which are sealed to prevent the influence of surfac� water. �.0 BOX ���V��i 4�.1 �ox Ct�l�ert Foundation 4.1.1 General Culvert Consicierations Two indep�ndent design criteria must be satisfed in the selection of the type of foundation to supparf the prapased culveri structure. First, the ultima�e bearing eapacity, reduced by a sufficieni factor of saf�ty, must nat be exceeded by the bearing pressure iransferred to the foundation soils. Second, Repnrt No. 103-18-332 CMJ ENGrNEexlNc, Txc. 5 due to consolidation or expansion ofi the underlying soi�s during the operafir�g life af the structure, tataE and differen�ial vertica[ movements must be wifhin tolerable limits, Based on the boring logs and fiield observations, a por�ion of the exca�ation wil{ be through sands and gravels. If ground-water is encaurttered care should be tak�n to dewater these areas and cause as rninimal disturbance as possible on sandy soils. If not dewatered, granu[ar sails can acf fike a "quicK" condition, in w�ich sail sfirength reduces to �ery smaA magnitudes when vibratory constructian equipment traverses this soil. If disturbance accurs due ta the soft soii andlo� ground-water cond�tions, �he box cul�ert should be faunded upan a minimum 1-foot crushed sione pad with a geotextile "separafor" fabric below the stone pad. Otherwise, with minimal disturbance, the box cul�er� may rest atop soils. 4.12 Desiqr� Criferia Fou�daiians for the box culvert ar� ant�cipated to be situated af a depth of approximately 17'/2 feet below present existing grades. These faundations may be a mat-type founded within the d�nse ta very dense sands and gra�els. Proper identification of the bearing material by q�alified g�ofiechnical p�rsonnel during eonstrucfian is �aramo�nt. Mat type #oundations shauld be a minimum of 2 feet in leasf dimension, but must be widened as required, based an allowab[e bearing capacity given belovv. The mat may be designed for a net a�lowabl� bearing capacity of 2,500 psf. This bearing �alue assumes tha# �he exca�ation base is dry and liftfe fo no disturbance of the soils is allowed, The allowable faundat�ori pressure given above �s for the rriaximum pressure induced �y the foundation loads, and not the arrerag� pressure unde� the fou�tdation base. Soils existing in a soft to Ioose state shou[d E�e e�aluated on a case-by�case basis. Close inspection of soils strength should be conducted by a geotechnical engineer to a[low designation and removal of sof� soils not meeting the bearing capacity s#ated abo�e. It shauld be noted that box cufvert foundatEon is typically subjecfed to non-uniform pressure acrass the foundation, and pos�ibly negative pressure (separation af foundation from soil) und�r a partion of the faundation, due to the overturning moment induced by the lateral earth pressures. The aflowable foundation pressures given abo�e are for the maximum pressure induced by the foundatian loads, and not the average pressure under th� foundation base. Repart No. 1p3-19-332 CM] �NGiTiEERiNG, INC. � The horizontal base of the maf foundatian will develap resistance to sliding by means of friction. Gi�en the nature af the founciatian materials, an ultimate friction facior of 0.�45 may be used to cal�ulafe sliding resistance of the footirtgs bearing on medium dense sand and gravel. Foundations designed in accordance with these recommendations will have a minimum factor of safety of 3 with respect to a bearing capacity failure, and should experience a tofal settlement of 1 inch ar fess and a difFerential settlement af'/Z inch ar less, after construction, providing all iill has been praperly pfaced and compacted as described in the Earthwork section. In addition, where proposed paWem�n# extenc�s beyond the edge of the proposed c�l�ert {approaehes), iF�e potential exisfs for differential mo�em�nt afi this interface. The culvert excavation b�ckfd� I�elow and three feet beyant� the approaches shauld consist of either flowable fill or properly campacted flexible base in order to reduce backFill settlement and the �aotentiai for differentiai mo�ementldistress_ 4.9.3 Foundation Consfrucfion Mat type construction shauld be rnonifored by a representafive of the geotechnical engineer to observe, among other things, the fol[owing items: � fdentification of b�aring material o Adequate penetration of the foundatio� exca�ation into fE�e bearing layer • The base and sides af the exca�atian are clean af loose cuttings � When seepage is enco�ntered, wheth�r it is sufficient amount to rec�uire the use of exca�ation dewatering methods Precautions should be taken during the piacement of reinforcing ste�l and concrete to prevent loose, exca�ateci soil fram falling into the �xca�ation. Concrete should be pfaced as soon as practical after cflmpletion of tha excavating, cleaning, reinfarcing steel placem�nt and observation. Exca�vation for a shallow foundation shouEd b� fiilled wit� concrete before the end of the workday, or sooner if required, to pre�ent deterioratian of the bearing material. Prolonged expasure or inundation of #he bearing surFace with ►rvater will result in changes in strength and compressibifity characterisiics. If deEays occur, the exca�aiion shauld be deepened as necessary a�d cleaned, in order to pro�ide a fresh bearing surface. lf more than 24 hours af exposure o# the bearing surFace is anticipated in the exca�ations, a"mud slab" should b� used to protect the bearing surFaces. If a mud slab is used, the foundation excavations shouEtE ini#ially be o�er-excavated by approximately 4 inches and a lean Report N o. 1 p3-7 9-332 CMJ ENGIIVEEItIN�, INC. 7 concrete mud slab of approximately 4 inches in thicicness should be placed in tha bottorn of the exca�ations �mmediately fol[owing exposure of the bearing surfac� by excavation. Th� mud slab wil{ protect the bearing surFace, maintain more uniform maisture in the subgrade, facilitate dewa#ering of exca�a�ions if required, and provide a working surtace for the placement of formwork and reinforcing stesf. The concrete should be placed in a manner ihat will pre�ent ihe concrefe from striking the reinforcing s#eel ar the sides of the exca�ation in a manner tha# would cause s�gregation of the concrete. 4.2 Latera[ �arth Pressures 4.2.1 General The be[ow grade walls, cul�ert wails, or wingwalls must be designed for lateral pressures including, but no� necessarily limif�d #o, earth, water, surcharge, swelling, and vibration. In addition, the lateral pressures will be in�luenced by whefE�er the backfill is drain�d or undrained, and above or below #he ground-water table. 4.2.2 Epurvalent Fluid Pressures Lateral earth pressures on the �arious walfs will depend an a uariety of facfiors, including the type of soils behind the wall, the conditian of the soils, and the drainage canditions E�ehind the wall. Recommended lateral earth pressures expressed as equivalen# fluid pressures, per foot of wall height, are presenied in Table 4.2.2-1 for a wall with a le�ef backfifl behind the tap of ihe wall. The equi�alent fluid prEssur� fior an undrained condi#ion shou[d b� used i# a drainage system is not present to remo�e water trapped in the backfiill and behind the wall. Pressures are provided for at- rest and acti�e earth pressure conditions. fn arder to allow for an acti�e condition the �op of the wall(s} must deflect on the order af 0.4 percent. For the selecf fiiil or free draining granular backfiill these values assume that a."full� wedge of the material is presenf behind the wall. The wedge is defin�d where tt�e wall backfill limits extend outward at leasf 2 feet from the base of the wali and then uprn+ard on a 9 H:2V slope. For narrower backfll widths ofi granular or select fill soils, the equivalent fluid pressures #or the on-site sails should be used. Raport IVo. 1U3•19-332 CMf �NGINEERING, Iri1C. 8 TA��� �.a.2�'1 — �qui�a[ent �luid �ressu�es At-Resfi Equir►alent Active �qurvalent �ac�Cfill Material F1uid Pressur� (pcf) �luid Pressure {pcfj Drained Undrained Drained [Jndrained Excavated on-site soils or clay fi[{ rnaterial Select fill 1 flowabie fill / on-site sails meeting materia[ specifications Free draining granular baekfi[{ materfal 1q0 110 75 100 55 90 90 '� 00 55 90 35 80 4.2.3 Addi�ional Lateral Pressures The location anc� magnitude of permanent surcharge loads (if present) shauld be determined, and th� additianal pressure generated by these loads such as the weight of construc�Eon equipment and vehicular loads that are us�d ai the time the structures are being buil# must also be cansidered in the design. The effect af this or any oth�r surcharge loac[ing may be accounted far by adding an additional uniform load to the fiull depth af the side walls equivalent to one-half of the expected ve�ical surcharge intensity for select backfilE materials, or equal to the full �ertical surcharge intensity for clay backfill. The equi�alEnt fluid pressures, given here, do nat include a saf�ty factor. Ana[ysis of surc�arge loads (if any) shauld be performed vn a case-by-case basis. This is not inc[uded in the scope of this study. These services can be pro�ideti as additianal ser�ic�s upon request. 4.3 !lVafl �ackfill i�aferial Requirements Or�-Site Clav Backfill: For wall backfill areas with sife-exca�ated materials or similar imported maierials, al{ aversize�I fragments largee than four inches ir� maximUm dimension should be removed from the backfill materials prior fa placement. The backfifl should be free of all organic and deleterious materials, and should be placed in maximum 8-inch compactet{ lifts at a minimum of 9� percent of Standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698) within a moisture range of plus fo minus 3 percenfage paints of optimum mois#ure. Compaction within five feet af the walls should be accomplished �sing hand compaction equipment, and should be between 90 and 95 percent af the Standard Pro�tor density. Select Fill Backfill: All wall sefect backfill should consist of clayey sand andlor sandy clay materia[ with a Plasticity Index af 16 or less, with a Liquid Limi� not exceeding 35. The select fill should be placed in maximum 8-ir�ch lifts and compacted to between 95 and 100 percent of Standard Proctar Report No. 903-19-332 � Cll� ENGZNESItzNG, INc. 9 density (ASTM D 698) within a moisture range of plus to minus 3 percentage points of the op�imum moisture. Cornpactian within fi�e feet o'� the wa11s should be accomplished us�ng hand campaction ec�uipment and should be compacfed between 90 and 95 percent of the Standard Proctar density. �lowable Backfill: Item 401, Texas Depar#ment of TransporEation Sfandard 5pecifica#ions #or Construction and Maintenane� of Highways, 5treets, and Bridges, 2014 Ec�ition. Free Drain�na GranuEar Backfill: A!I free draining granular wall backfill material shauld be a crushed stone, sandlgravel mixfure, or sandlcrushed stone rnixture. The material should ha�e less than 3 percent passing the Na. 20Q sieve and [ess than 3Q percent passing the Na. 40 sie�e. The minus No. 4Q sieve material should be nan-plastic. Granular wall backfil[ shauld not be wat�r jetEed during �nstal[ation. 4.� Drainage f�equirements In order to acF�ieve the "drained" candifion far low�perrr�eability walls (concrete, masonry, etc.), a vertical drainage blank�t or geocamposite drainage member must be installed adjacent to the wall on the backfill side. The drainage mus# �e connected to an outlet dram at fhe base of the wall. Drainage could be provided using a collector pipe or weep t�oles near th� base of the wall. Drains should be proper[y filtered to minimiz� the poterttial for erosian tnrough these drains, andlor the plugging af drain lines. Design or specific recommendations for drainage members is beyand the scope fior this s�udy. These services can be pro�idecE as an additional service u}�o� request. �.a �,AV�f��r.Mis 5.1 �avement Subgrade Considerations 5.1.1 Gerreral Pa�ement performance dapends upon several factors inc�uding: t�e characteristics of the suppor�ing soi1; the magnitude and frequency of wf�eel laad a�plications; the quaaity of construction maferials; the contractor's placemer�t and workmanship abilities; and the desired period of design life. The success of the pavemenf subgrade i5 subgrade soil strength and contr'ol of water. Adequat� subgrade performance can be achieved by modifying or stabi[izing the existing sails used to cons#ruct the pavement subgrade. Report No. 1�3-19-332 CM] ENGi1vEEli1NG, ITIC. 10 pavernent sections are susceptible fo edge distress as edge support deteriorates over time. Therefore, care must be taken to pro�ide and mainfain praper et�ge suppor�. In conjunction wifh a stabilized subgrade underiying #he pa�ement, it is recamrr�ended that the stabilized subgrade extend a minimum of �2 inches beyond the riding surface on each side of the proposed pa�ement. Maintenance should be pra�ided when edge support deteriorates. 5.1.2 Subprade Pr�t�arafion Anticipated subgrade materials generally co�sist of silty clays of iow to moderate plasticity. The moderatefy plasiic clays are subject to loss in support �alue wit1� the moisture mcreases which occur beneath pa�errceni sec#ions. They rea�t with hydrated lime, which serves to im�ro�e and mainfain their support value. Treatment af these sails with hydrated lime wiEl impro�e their subgrad� cf�aracferisfics fo support area paving. In lieu of a fime stabilized subgrade, a flexible base meeting TxD01" Item 247, Type A, Grades 1 or 2 may be utilized on an equa! basis and placed atop a praperly compacted suhgrade. Th� option of using a flexfble base in lieu of lime stabilizing the subgrade pres�nts a refatively quick, straight forward so[ution to preparrng the subgrade prior to pa�ement pfacement. �.2 �otential Vertical IVlovemenfis Estimates of expansive mo�em�nt potentiaf harre been esiimated using TxDOT Test Method Tex 124-E. Potential vertical movements on the arder of 1'/ inches are estimated. Mo�ements in excess of the estimated �alue can oce�r if poor drainage, excessiwe water collection, I�aking pipeiirtes, etc. occur. Any such excessive water conditions should be rectified as soon as possible. ln arder to minimize rainwafer infiltration through the pavement surface, and thereby minimizing future upward movement of ihe pa�ernent s�abs, all cracks and joints in ihe pa�ement should fae sealed on a rouiine basis after constructian. 5.3 Sulfate�lnduced beaving Soluble sulfate testing was cond�cted to check for suffate-induced heaving poten�ial. Sui#ate- induced hea�ing is causeci when hydrat�d iime is added to a soil with high sulfate conc�ntraiion. The lime reacts with the sulfates to cause patenf�ally [arge �olumefric cha�ges in the soil. Report No. 103-19-332 CMJ ENGINEBREI�iG, I1VC. 11 Saluble sulfate levels in soils on the order of 1,000 parts-per-million (ppm) or fess are usually of �ow coneern and warrant onfy observation af the subgrade during the stabilization process. The so{uble suifate �e�els of fhe tested sampl�s were less than 100 ppm. Since the samples test�d were below 1,000 pprr�., a single treatment pracess is recommended at this time. The single treatment is described in Sectian 5.4. In addition, if is r�commencled tFtat during the curing period of the lime treatment, the subgrade �e supplied with ampl� moisture to allow proper hydration, and it shauld be checked for any voiumetric changes that may indicate a suffate-induced h�aving conc�ition. �.4 �a�ement Subgrade Preparation 5.4.1 Lime Stabilizafion Lime stabilization is recorr�mended for all subgrade areas with piastic clays. Prior to lime addition, the subgrade should be proafralled with hea�y pneumatic equipmenf weighirtg approximafely 25 tons. Any sofi or pumping areas shauld be undercut to a firm s�bgrade and proper[y backfilled as described Section 6.0. The subgrade, stabilized or unstabilized pa�emenf subgrade should be scarified to a minimum deptF� of 8 inches and uniformly compacted to a minimurn of 95 percent of Standard Proctor density (ASTM D 698}, between minus 2 to plus 4 percentage points of the aptimum moisture content determined by that test, in accorda�ce with the City of Far� Worth Pa�ernenfi Design Manual, January 2Q15. ]t shouid then be protected and maintained in a moist condition until the pavement is placed The presence of limestone fragments in the surficial soils can comp[icate mi�cing of the soil and lime. [t is recommer�ded a minimum of fi perce�t hydrated lime be used �a stabilize the clay subgrade soils. The estimated arnou�t of hydrated lime required to sta�ilize the subgrade should be on the ordar afi 36 pounds �er square yard based on a soil dry unit weight of 100 pcf for an 8-inch denfh. The hydrated lime sf�o�ld be thoroughly mixed and blended with fhe upper 8 incf�es of the clay subgrade (TxDOT Ifem 26fl). The hydrated lime should meet ihe requirements of Item 260 (Type A} in ihe Texas Department of Transportation {TxDOT) Standard Specifications for Construction af Highways, 5treets and Bridges, 201� Edition. 5.4.2 Subc7rade Preparafion Consideratior�s It is recommended that subgrade stabilizatian extend to at least one faot beyond pavement edges ta aid in reducing pavement ma�ements and cracking along the curb line due to seasona[ moisture R�pOlt 1�10. 103-19-332 �MJ ENGINEERING, ZNC. 12 �ariations after cons#ruction. Each construction area sho�ld be shaped to allow drainage af surFace water during earthwork operations, and surFace water should be pumped immediately from each canstruction area aft�r each rain ar�d a firm subgrade condition maintained. Water should not be allowed to pand in order to pre�ent percolation and subgrade sofiening, and subgrade treatm��ts should be added to the subgrade af�er removal af al1 surface �egetation and debris. Sand should be specifically prohibited beneath pa��ment areas, since these mora porous soils ca� allow water inflow, rEsufting in heave and sfrength foss af subgrade soils (lime stai�ilized sail will be allawed for fine grading). After fine grading each area in preparation far pa�ing, the subgrade surFace shou{d be lightly moistened, as needed, and recompacted to obfiain a tig�t nan-yielding subgrade. SurFace drainage is critical to the performance of ihis pa�ement. Water shauld be allow�d to exifi the pavement surface quickly. All pa�ement can�#ruction should be performed in accardance with the procedures pro�ided in Section 5.6. 6.6 �avemen# Secfrons Pa�ement analyses were perFormed using methods outlined in the AASHTO Guide for Design of Pa�emeni Structures, 1993 Edition, published by ihe American Associai�on of State Highway and Transportafion OfFicials. The design Equations were sol�ed using AASHTO Pa�ement Analysis Software. In the AA5HT0 mefhod, fraffic foads are expressed in Eqt�i�alent 1 S-kip Sing[e Axle Loads (ESAL) over the design life af the pavement sfructure. Based on the results of the f��ld and laboratory investigation, soil plasticiiy properties, and requirements of tf�e Ci�y of Fort Warth Pa�ement Design Manual, c[ated January 2015, the fallawing design parameters were used in our thickness design calculations far the proposed roadway. Subgrade Soiis ........................................................ Silty Clay DesignLife ..............................................................25 years Initial Serviceability ..................................................4.5 (rigid) A�.2 (flexible} Terminal Serviceability ............................................2.25 RefiabiGtY ................................................................. 90°/n Overal[ Deviation .....................................................0.39 (rigid) �.45 (flexible) Load Transf�r CoefFicient ........................................ 3.0 Drainage Caefficient ................................................1.0 Design CBR (raw subgrade) ....................................3 Design CBR (lime treated)--------------•........................ �5 Loss ot 5uppo�t .......................................................0 Cancrete Modulus of �fasticity ................................4,OD0,000 psi Concrete Madulus of Rupture ..................................620 psi Report No. 9D3-43-332 CMJ �x����r�vc, Itac. 13 The folfowing rigid and flexible pa�ement sections are pravided for a Collectarclassif�cation per Table 3.1 ofi the referenced City of Fort Worth Paverr�ent �esign Ma�uai. Detailed pavement design calculations ancf assumpfions are presented on Plates B.1 and B.2. The follawing pavement sectians are suitable for the prer�iousfy mentioned assumptions. Any de�iation from these assumptions shvuld be braught to our atkention irnmediately in order ta assess their impact on our recommendations. �avement Section ihic[cness (in.� 8 8 2 8.5 S f�laterial Pvrtland Cement Concrete Lime 5tabilized Subgrade or Flexible Base HMAC 7ype D HMAG Type B Lime Stabilized Subgrade or �lexible Base �,6 Pa�ement I�flaterial Requiremenis Stre�t �rowth peslgn Classificatior� �ac�or ESA� Coflector '[.5% 3,006,302 Material and pracess specifications are required to be in accordance with the City of Fort Worth Pavemenf Design Manuaf, January 2015. These specificaiions generally include the follawing references to TxDOT Standar� 5oecifications far Construction of Hiahways, Streets and Bridqes, 2Q1�4 Edi�ion. Reinforced Portland Cement Concrete: Reinforcecf Portland cement concrete pa�ement sho�ld consist of Portland cement concrete having a 28-day compr�ssi�e strength of at least 3,6DD psi. The mix should be designed in accordance with fhe ACI Code 318 using 3 to 6 p�rcent air entrainment. The pavement should be adeq�ately reinforced with temperature steel and all construction joints or expans�onlcontraction joints shou[d be pra�ided wiih load transfer dowels. The spacing af the joints will depend primarily on the type of steel used and also ihicfcness of the parrement. Na. 3 steel rebar spaced at 18 inches on c�nter in both �he longit�dinal and transverse dir�ction is required for 8-inch thick parrerrtents, in accordance with the Ci�y of Fort Worth Pa�ement Design Manual. Report No. 143-13-332 CM f ENGIIV�KIIrIc, INe. �4 Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface Caurse: Item 340, Type D, Texas Department ofi Transportafion S�andard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance o'F Highways, Sfreets, and Bridges, 2014 Edition. Hoi Mix Asphaltic Concrete Base Course: [tem 340, Type A ar B, Texas Depa�tment of Transpo�atio� Standard Specificatians for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2414 Edition. Lime Stabijized Subc�rade: Lime treatment for base course (road mix) - liem 280, Texas Depar�ment of Transportation Standard Specifications �or Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Sfirests, and Bridges, 2014 Edition. F[exible Base: Crushed Sfone Flexible Base -- [tem 247, Type A, Grades 1 or 2, Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, 2014 Edition. �.i General �arrement Construction and Considerations The design of tl�e parrement drainage and grading shou{d cnnsi�er the potentia[ for differential ground movement due to future soil swelling af up to 1'/z inches. In ocder to minimize rainwater infltration through the pavement surtace, and �hereby minirnizi�g future upward mo�ement of the pa�ement slabs, all cracks and joints in the pavemenf should be sealed on a routine �asis after canstruction. 6.0 �El1�Tb1���K 6.1 Site �repara�ion The subgrade should be firm and able to support the construction equipment without displacernent. Soft or yielding subgrade should be correct�d and made sfable before construction proceeds. The subgrade shouEd be proof roiled to detect sof� spots, rrvhich if exist, should be reworked to pro�ide a firm and otherwise suitable subgrade. Proof rolling should be performed using a heavy pneumafic tired roller, loaded dump truck, or similar pieee of equipment. The praofi rolling operations should be observed by the project geotechnical engineer ar hislher re�aresentati►re. Report No. 403-19-332 CMJ Exc���rvc, IHc 15 6.2 F�lacement and Compaction F'ill material should he piaced in loose lif�s nat exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness. The uncompacted {ift thicKness should be redueed to �4 inches for sfruc#ure backfill zones requiring hand- operatecf power compactars or smal{ self-propelled compactors. Th� fill material should be unifarm with respect to material type and moisture cantent. Cfods and chunks of materiaf should be broken down and the fill materia! mixed by disking, blading, or plowing, as necessary, so that a material af uniforrn moisture and density is obtained for each lift. Water required for sprinkling to bring the fill material to the proper moisture cantent shoufd be applied e�enly through each layer. The on-site soils are suitable for use in sEte grading. Imported fill maferial shauld be clean soil with a Liquid Limit less than 40 and na rack grea#er than 4 inches in maximum dimension. The fill materials shou{d be free of �egetation and debris. The fill rnaterial sho�ld be compacted ta a mi�imum of 95 percent of fhe maximum dry cfe�sity cEetermined by the Standard Proctor test, AS7M D 698. In canjunction with ff�e compact�ng o�aera#ion, the fll material should be brought to the proper moisture cantent. The maisture content for general earth fill shauld range from 2 percentage points belaw optimum ta 5 percentage points abov� optimum (-2 to +5). These ranges af moisture contents are given as maximum recammended ranges. For some soils and under some conditions, �f�e contractar may ha�e to maintain a more narrow range of moisture content (with�n the recommendec� range) in order to consistently achieve the recammended density. Field densi�y tests should be taken as each lift of fill material is placec�. As a guide, one field density test p�r fift for each 5,000 square feet of cam�aacted area is recommended. For srnall areas or critical areas the frec[uency of testing may need ta be increasec! to one test �er 2,500 squar� f��t. A minimum of 2 tests per lift should be required. The earthwork ape�atians should be observed and tested on a continuing basis by an exper�enced geotechnician warking in conjunction with fihe praject geotechnieal engineer. Each lif� should be com�acted, tested, and appro�ed before another lift is added. The purpose of the field density iests is to pro�ide some indication ti�at uniform and adequafe compaction is being obtained. The actual quality of the fill, as cornpacted, should be the respansibility of the contractor and satisfactory resulfs from the tests should not be considered as a guarantee of the quality of the contractor's filling operations. Report No. 103-19-332 CMJ ENcn+r��ra[�c, TNC 16 Permaneni slapes at the site should ba as flat as practical fo reduce creep and occurrence of shallow sl�des. The following slope angles are r�cammended as maximums. The presented angles refer to the total height of a slope. SEte improvement should be ma�ntained away from the fop of the slape ta reduce the possibifity of damage due to creep or shallow slides. iA��� 6.4�1 IVIAXI�IfUIVi ��Rfl�AF��Mi S���� ANCL�S Height {ft.} Harizonfal fo Vertical 0-3 1:'f 3-6 2:1 6-9 3:1 � 9 4:1 6.3 irench �ackfill Trench backfifl for pipeiines or oiher utilities shoulc� be properiy placed and compaeted. Overly dense or dry backfill can swell and create a mound along tF�e campleted trench line. Loose ar wet backfill can sett[e and farm a depression along the completed trench line. Distress to o�er{ying struetures, pavemenfs, etc. is likely if hea�ing or settlement occurs. On-sife soil fill material is recommended for trench backfill. Care should be taken not ta �se free draining granular material, to prevent the backfilfed trench from becoming a french drain ar�d piping surface ar subsurface water beneat� structures, pipelines, ar pa�ements. If a higher class bedding material is required for the pipelines, a lean concrete bedding will limit water intrusion into the trench and will not require compacfion aft�r piacement. The soil backfifl should be placed in appraximately 4- ta 6-inch loose lifts. The density and moisture content should be as recommendec� for fill in Sectian 6.2, Pfacement and Compaction, of this re�ort. A minimum of one field density test should b� faken per lift for each '[50 linear feet of trench, with a minimum of 2 tesis p�r [ift. 6.4� �xcavation 7he possibilifiy �xists that water may flow in more granular zones, particularly after periods of significant rainfall. 5houfd deep excavatians be req�ired in the vicinity of sandy materials or known ground-water s�epage areas, due care will be required #o appropriately dewater the area well belaw excavation depths to pre�eni undu� caving. Proper s�oring of granular soils will help reduce caving �fFects. Report No. 103-19-332 CMJ ENGTNE�RING, I1VC. 17 The side slopes of exca►rations through ths o�erburden soils should be made in s�rct� a manner tn provide for their stability during canstruc�ion. �xisting structures, pipelines or other facilities, which are constructed prior to or during the curr�ntly proposed construction and which require exca�ation, should be protecied from loss af end bearing ar lateral suppo�t. Temporary construction slapes andlor permanent embankment sfopes should be protected fram surface runoff ►rvater. Site grac�ing sf�oufd �e designed to al[ow drafnage at planned ar�as where erosian pratec#ion is pro�ic�ed, instead of allowing surface water to flaw down unprotected slapes. Trench safety recommendafiions ar� beyond the scope af this report. The contractor must comply with all applicable safety reguiations concerning tr�nch safety and excavations including, but not lirnited to, OSHA regulafiions. 6.� Acc�pfance of lmpar�ed Fil! Any soil imported from ofF site sources should be tested for compliance with the recommendafions for the par�icular application and appro�ed by the pro�ect geotechnical engineer prior to the materials being useci. The awner should also require the contractar �o abtain a wriften, nofiarized certification ffom t�e landovuner of each propased ofF-site soil borrow source stating that to the best of the landowner's knowledge and belief there has newer been contamination of the borrow source site with hazardous or toxic materials. The certification shvuld be furn�shed to the owner prior to proceeding to furnish sails to the site. Soii materials derived fram the excavation of underground petroleum storage tanks should not be used as fill on tf�is p�o3ect. 6.6 �ail Corrosion �otential Speciftc testing far sail corrosion potenfiia[ was not included in the scope of this study. Howe�er, based upon past experience on other projects in the �icinity, the soils at this site may be corrosi�e. Standard canstrucfian practices for protecting metal pipe and similar facilifies in canfact wifh these soils should be used. 6.i �rosion and Sediment Control All disturbec� areas shoufd be protected from erosion and sedimentation during construction, and all p�rmaner�t slopes and otf�er areas subject to erasian or sedimentation sho�ld be pro�ided with Report No. 103-19-332 CM] EivGtIveE1�NG, Iric. 18 permanenf erosion and sedimer�i confiral facilities. AI! applicable ordinances and cades regarding erosion and sediment canfrof should be followed. 7.� C�FdS�'RUGiION OBS�ftV/�TI�N� In any g�otechnical investigatior�, the design recommendati�ns are based on a limited at�ount of information about the subsurfac� conditions. !n the analysis, the geQtechnical engineer musi assume the subsurface conditions are similar to the condit�ans encountered in the borings. Howe�er, quite often during construction anomalies in the subsurface conditi�ns are re�ealed. Therefore, it is r�commended that CMJ Engineering, Inc. be retained to abserv� earthwork and foundation installation and perform mat�rials evaluation during the construction phase of the project. This enables the geotechnical engineer to stay abreast of the project and to be readiiy a�ailable to e�a[�ate unanticipated condifions, to canduct additional fests if rec{uired and, when necessary, to recommend a[ternative solutions io unanticipated conditions. Llntil these construction phase services are performed by the project geotechn�cal enginee�-, the recamm�ndations cantained in this repori an such items as final foundation bsaring ele�rations, peoper soil moisfure condition, and other such subsurface related recommendations should be cansidered as preliminary. It is proposed thai construction phase observat�on and materials testing commenc.e by fhe project geotechnical engineer at the outset of tha project. Experience E�as shown that the most suitable mefihod for procuring these ser�ices is far the owner or the own�r's design engineers to contract directly with #he projecf geot�chnical engineer. This results in a clear, direc# [ine of communication between the owner and the owner's design engineers and the geotechnica! engineer. 8.0 ���OR� CL,OSUR� The borings far this study was selacted by CMJ Engineering, Inc. The lacation and ele�ation of th� borings should be considered aceurate anly to the degree implied by the rnethods used in their determination The boring logs shown in this report contains inforrr�ation refated tp the #ypes of soi! encountered at specific locations and times and show lines delineating the interface befinreen these maferials. The log5 also contain our field representati�e's interpretation af conditions that are belierred to exist in those depth intervals between the actual samp�es faken. Therefare, the boring logs contain both factual and interpretive informatian. Laboratory sail classification tests were also performed an samples from selected depths in the borings. The resulfs of these tests, along with Report No. 403-99�32 CNIJ �NGz�r�iuN�, Irlc, 19 visual-manual procetiures were used to gen�raliy classify each stratum. Therefore, it should be understaod that the classification data an the fogs of borings represent visual estimates of classifications for those portions of �ach stratum on which the full range af laboratory soil classifEcation fests were not pertormed. It is not implied that ihe logs ar� r�presentative of subsurface conditions at other locations and times. With r�gard to gro�tnd-water conditions, this report presents dafa on ground-water levels as they were observed tluring ihe course of the fi�ld woric. In particular, water level readings haue been made in the borings at the fEmes and under conditions stated in the text of the report and on the f�oring lags. lt should be noted that fluctuations in the level of the grou�d-water table can occur wi#h passage of fime due to variafions in rainfall, temperature anc! other factors. Also, this report does not include quantitati�e information on rafes of flow of ground water into exca�at�ons, an p�mping capacities necessary to dewater the exca�ations, or an methods of dewatering exca�afEons. Unanticipated soif co�ditions af a construction site are commonly encountered and cannot be fully predicted by mere soil samples, test borings or test pits. Such unexpeeted conditions frequently require that additianal expenditures be made by the owner to attain a properiy designed and constructed project. There�or�, provision for some coniingency funci is recommended to accommoda�e such potential extra cast. The analyses, conclusians and recammendatians contained in this report are based on site condi#ions as they �xis��d at the time of our field in�estigation and furfher on fhe assumptian that th� exploratory borings is representati�e of fhe suhsurtace conditions througf�out tf�e site; that is, the subsurface conditions e�erywhere are not sEgnificantly different from those disclosed by the borings at the time they were complefed. If, c�uring construction, diff�rent subsurface conc�itians from those encountered in our borings are obs�rved, or appear to be present in exca►rations, we must be advised promptiy sa that we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations wher� necessary. If there is a substantial lapse of time between submission of this report and the start of the.work at the site, if conditEQns have changed due either fo natural causes or to construction operatioRs ai or ac�jacent �o the site, or if structure locations, structural loads or finish grades are changed, we urge that we be promptly informed and retaiRed to review our repart to determine th� applicability of fE�e conclusians and recornmendations, considering ihe changed conditions andlar time lapse. Report No. 103-15-332 CMJ E1VGIIVEEKING,INC, 20 Further, it is urged that CMJ Engineering, inc. be retair�ed to re�iew those portions of the plans and specifications for �his particular �roject that pertain to earthwork and ioundations as a means to defiermine wh�ther the plans and specificatians are cansistent with the recommendations confained in this report. In addition, we are a�ailable to observe construction, particularly the cornpaction of structural f[II, or backfill and fhe construction af faundatians as recommended in the report, and such other �eld observations as mighi be necessary. The scope of our services did not include any environmental assessment or inuestigation for the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardaus or foxic materials in the soil, surtace waier, ground water or air, on or belaw or around the si�e. TF�is repo� has been prepared far use in de�eloping an o�erall design concepf. Paragraphs, statemenfs, test results, boring logs, diag�ams, etc. should not be taken out of context, nor utilized without a knowfetEge and awareness of their intent within the overall conc�pt o# this report. The reproduction of this report, or any part thereof, supplied to persons other than tF�e awner, should indicafe thaf this study was made for design purposes only and that verification of t�e s�bs�rFace conditians for purposes of defermin9ng difficulty of excavat�on, trafficability, etc. are responsibilities of fhe cont�actar. This repart has �een prepared for the exclusi�e use ofi Kimley-Horn anci Associates, fnc. for specific application to design of this project. Ti�e only warranty made by us in connectinn with the services providec� is that we ha�� usec[ thafi degree of care and s�Cill ordinarily exercised under' simi[ar conditions by reputable members of our professior� practicing in the same or similar locality. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made or intended. * � * * Report No. 403-79•33� CMJ ENGINEERIAiG, I1�IC. 21 - �:.���{,����: --= 7" ' � �''� � � . ' ' ` . . � [ � �.�i�1• �� �t ' . es [/�� V .. � �� �.ti1 �' ' .• �� �� i ; �.� . 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" ► ,� w""�'�' ' �� �:�. � ,,,' . v _ w � • „�� � . �, . . �, � ' ' Y�'� � Fi' . .r � � � . . ) � .. � , , "� � � , .� � m �� ►-�-= _ - �.. . �t .s5 ♦.�� �\ .- � � � � Major Divisions Sym: Typical Names N .� 7 Q1 .y 0 0 N 0 z � N � , L a +' � � � �� .[0 w � � � •� L � � � U � a� � w 0 m � C @ r 0 � � N .� 0 N 0 Z � w � m � 'o °� � � � � a� N c � .ro _ rnia c � It � E � 0 � L � .c ar O � � m �, � c`a m c N �w . � o c a> � c `' U N � � � y U m � N d � 9 [0 y N U t} C � O p � 7 � p � � � � C � � � N m � �� � r� � W 7 N O � � a c7 a `m y � � � � � � �n o m w c � -- � `a o m � � � N � �n U � � � � � � � C ` •� 4� � p � O � � y � � Z c o "� �- E G r�wc�� m c� tN � � � �U � � m � � � � Q 0 � C tA N �� L6 �"'� U N � N N � (�j iJ � � J a � � ca T � � ny U � � m � � � � in ;� .� � �I �' c m � � � 'a = a u� Laboratory Classificaiion Criteria Well-graded gravels, gravel- m d �p � GW sand mixkures, little or no � C� -�°- greaterthan4: �� 30�-- between 1 and 3 fines •� ��n �+o X p�a m V m � � � � � Paar[y graded gravels, gra�el •� � � � GP sand mixturas, litile or no ;� u� �+� Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW fines � a v � O � � � U � �; � � :L Liquid and Plastic limits GM 5ilty gravels, gravel-sand-silt N �:� below "A" line or P.I. Liquid and plastic limits mixtures °' ��' :� plotfing i� hatched zane GC .SW SP sn� SC z ; � greater than 4 U m u, 6etween 4 and 7 are a� �' `: °N' borderline cases N o ;� Liquld and Plastic llmits Clayay gravels, gravel-sand- ��+ N requiring use of dual c ;� abave "A" line with P.I. symbols clay mixtures "� z :� greater than 7 �� � ; L � � . � O � : O Welf-graded sands, gravelly '� ro '°� oBo t°30�2 sands, little ar no fines � y Gu p10' 9reaterthan 6: C� � X�-- between 1 and 3 � C �� B� 0 z� � : Poorly graded sands; o �° ': � ; gravefly sands, little or no �' � �°� ; Not meeting all gradation raquirements for SW �^p�+ L I I I 149 F�F Qf Q� � o QN Cq� N N � � L Silty sands, sand-silt �� �� a Liquid��and Plastic limifs � ��,; •- � c,� 6elow A Ime ar P.I. less �9�uid and plastic limits mixtures a� � 3 y� r than 4 p�otting between 4 and 7 � ao � o 0 n o°'-" ��' are borderline cases ��' -� L9quid and Plastic limits requiring use of dual Clayey sands, �ancl�ctay `�� abo�e "A" line with P.I, symbols mixtures � � �� greatar than 7 � 0 U Inorganic silts and very fne �L sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, or c[ayey silts with sligF�t plasticity Ir�organic clays of low to �� rnedium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, and lean clays OL MH CH t�lu' 5C Organic silts and organic siEfy ac clays of low plasticity x � � .�3n Inorganic siifs, [rilcaceous or � diatomaceous fin� sandy or a silty� soils, elas�.c silts . 2Q Enorganic clays of high plasticiry, fat clays OH Qrganic clays of inedium to high plasticity, organic silts p� Peat and other highly organic , soils CL 10 a~ I �v � 10 20 3D GH MH AO 50 64 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit Plasticiiy Chart UIV[�'I�� 501L, CLA,SSl�ICAifON SYSi�IVI �LA�� A.Z ML a id OL S�fL O� �OCK �Y��S � � GRAVEL %// LEAN CLAY �IMESTONE � � � / � � �� 0 • — � � � � SAND - � � SAN�Y — SHALE ��.. � ,� 51LT I SILTY . SANDSTONE �FiIGHLY / CLAYEY • CONGI.OMERATE ���I�PLASTIC CLAY /� Shelby quger Split Tulae Spoon Rock Cone Na Core Pen Recovery �'�Rfi�� q��CRI�IR�� GOA�SIST�[�CY, C0�4�IYION, AiV� S��U�iUR� �F SOI�. FIIlE Gr81nB{� 501�5 (More than 50°% Passing No. 20Q Sieve) Descripti�e Item �enetrameter Reading, (tsf, Soft O.Q to 1,0 F'irm 1.0 to 1.5 Stiff 1.5 to 3.0 Very Stiff 3.D ta 4.5 Hard 4.5+ Caarse Grained Soils �Mo�e cnan �o% Retained on No. 20o Sieve) Per�etration ResistancE Descriptive [tem {blowslfoot) 0 to 4 Very Loose 4 to 1 � Loase 14 to 30 Medium Dense 3� to 50 Dense Over 50 Very Dense 5oil Strttcture Relative �ensity 0 to 20°/a 20 to 40°/n �40 to 70% 7D to 9Q% 90 to 1 QO% Calcareous Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular S[ickensided Ha�ing inclined planes of weakness that are �lick and glossy in appearance Laminafed Campased af t�in layers of �arying color or texture Fissuret# Containing cracks, sametimes filled wifh fine sand or silt Inter�edded Composed of alternate layers of different soi! types, usua{ly in approximately equal proportions T�Rl4�lYS ��S��I�INCa PHYSICAL �hO��Ril�S �F R���C Hardness and �egree of Cementation Very Soft or Plastic Saft Moderately� Hard Mard Very Hard Poorfy Cemented ar Friabie Cemented Can be remalded in hand; corresponds in consistency up ta very stifF in soils Can 6e scratcheci with fingernail . Can be scratch�d �asily yrith Knife; cannot be scratched with fingernail �]iffiicult to scraich with knife Cannat be scratched with knife Easi[y crumbled �ound together by chemically precipitated material; Quartz, cafcit�, dalomite, siderite, and iron oxide are common cementing materials, Degree of Weathering LJnweathered Rock in its naiural staie before heing exposed to atrrtospheric agents Slighily Weathered Noted predaminantly by color change with no disintegr�ted zones Weaihered Cam�lete color cF�ange with zones of slighily decomposed rock Extremely Weathered Complete color change witht consistency, texiure, and genera! appearance approaching soii K�Y i0 C�ASSIFICAY1�Jfi�d AN� SY���LS �LAT'� Ao.3 Project No. Boring No. 903-19-332 ��� Location See �late A,1 Complelion Camplefian Depth 4�.0� Date 1 �-2-19 5urface �levation �MJ ENGtNEERING]NC � �roject Culvert Replacement -Shoreview Dr�i�e Fa�t Worth, TX Water Observations 5eepage aE �3` during drilling; water at 33' anr� horehole carre�in at 3,�i' at completion Type B-�3 wl CFA LL o a�'i ,G Q R o � � S�r��um �e�cr�iption p 0 U , � � �� �ASPHALT, 2.7� inches thick ` _ J �BA9E MA7�FtIAL� 12 inches fhiek %� SILTY CLAY Eight brown and brown, w! calcareaus - deposits and limestone fragments, hard -5 _ W�A7H�R�d LIMESTflJ+[�lan, wlfractured - - limestone seams, sofE -1� _ �� SANDAND GRAVE4tan, dense � �� - - �� � -1 �r � �r - �� - J"'i� �� - - `° � - � � -2�`�.a - - � � � - -.� - -� ��- 3" thick sandstone searrE at 2A' �� -25- �. � � �� �s. �� �� � - � � -3�� �-' _ �� � � � _ � -3� ��� - caue-in at 35' at completfon � - �o � - -� � .� - �.� �, � � � ����I � -4�-�� � �� o^ �� c� - - � � �� �_ � U �� � 0. �� �= � I [V � �. _ �-4 �� - ---- m W � � 0 � z � ml � 4 o LOG OF BORING NO. ��� 0 � N C u- `o .��- z o � u � ,o � \' LL � O)o o n ,�+' � C �.7 �F � N ° N�� C y 'O .. U � K .�+�,7 ❑%i Cp Q.0 ❑ � C y� '�^ VJ^� NN .NC "flJ U (� O� GJ � N O' � ��C IG '� O p C 9 C D P Q' COIL� �fA .-1.J dJ a c �U �J �UO.. � � � 4.5+ 9 3 � � 4.5+ 79 37 13 24 8 � � 4.5+ 8 146 3434 � I 4.5+ 43 13 3D 10 � � � � 144110" � � � 36 22 5 4 ��F'1�� FY.fi° Project No. Boring No. Project Cul�ert Re�lacement - Snor�vievw Dri�e �-1v1J ENGIN&ERINGINC_ � 'iO3-19�33� I �-� Fort Worth, iX Locatian Water Ohservations See Plate A.1 Dry during drilfing; dry at completion Campletion Compleiion Deplh �0.�' Date 12-2-19 5urface Elevation 7ype � B�S3 wI CFA t� O � .�G Q pj N G I.�l. � T � C O o ' � � °' u� � Strafum D���r�ip�ion � ro z� � w°; �u' � yv' p rn a o `� � c� � v� U � � �� e�,o d �'�Li '�7 � - :«...: �x �m ❑V c�E� (� C N '>.... y..� y� C. 1. GL1 � �(U� 46� �E �d� �'O OD CA COO R' � tloaF� �u) JJ d� 0..5 �U a.--I �CJa ' ' SiL7Y CLAY prown and light brown, w! fimestone 1.5 26 13 13 4 - - �fragmen4s, calcareous deposils and metal I fragmenis, sti�f (FILL) � � - WEATHERED LIME5TON�tan, wl iractured _ _ �imestone seams, maderately hard � 10Q14.5" I —5 � � � � � � 9 0012.5" 1 I � SILTY CLAY brown and figF�l brown, w! c]ayey � � - sand and gravel, �ery sti#f I � —� I 24 $4 'i 3 I � SAND, tan, very dense � _ �:::':'::::: - .-;�.�=.�.':':���; s� —2��"'' �'`. X - 12" fhick sandstone layer at 20' - �:`::"::�:`- — — ',R ;i'•.i:�.-.;,x —2''J--' . ' SAND, gray, w! sandstone seams and layers, very - '-`��'���'� dense - ��•.;::":�:�'���X —34--=:::;.::_.:.. - -;:;:l::`-~: - -- •:'::." R —3�r-';E'iE;�;:X - -�:i:i�i:i - -��ii...ii:. I �-40-��'" :� --------��--------------- o . c7 � � U a � N �c� di � � � � � � ci] � 0 o LOG OF BORI�[G NO. ��� � 5n«�� � � I 51 I � � � I � 52 56 ' � I � � 51 �4 ���i� A.5 S���I��� �UL�FATE TESY ��SU�i� Project: Culvert Replacement — 5hore�iew Drive F'or� Worth, Texas Proj�ct No.: 9 03-19-332 �oring Depth P�o. {ffi.} B —1 14.75" — 2 B-2 D-1 Note: Test Method Tx�OT Tex 145-�. �Aa��riai 5ilty Clay 5ilty Clay Soluble �ulfates (ppm} ��oa ��oo CMJ ENGINEEAING, INC. PLA�'� A.6 LIi4�� SERIES i�S� R������ Praject: Project Na. Culverk Replacement — Shore�iew �rive Fort Worth, Texas 103-19-332 Boring No.: B-1 Material: Silty Clay Percent Lime 0 2 4 6 8 10 Depth: �' to 2' pH 8.42 12.03 � 2.32 12.38 12.38 9 2.40 C�.VIJ ENGINEERING, INC. P�AAT� d.7 V�`i n �A� Pavement Thickness Design Accorciing M 1993 �SbTO Cuide �or �esign of �avernen�s S��'ucfures American Concrete Pevement AssoGiatiqn �igid DeSign l�pu�s Project Name: Shoeeview Drive Raute: L.acation: Fort Worth, Texas Owner/Agency: Design Engineer: Rigfd Pavement [?esignlEvaluation Concrete Ti�ickness Tota1 Rigid ESALs Reliab➢liiy Overali 5tar�dard Deviation Flexuraf Strength Modulus of Efast�cify 7.82 inches 3,006,302 9Q,0� percent D.39 620 psi 4,OOO,aoo ps9 Load Transfer Coeffclent Modulus of5ubgrade Reaation Drainage Coef�c�ent Initial ServEceabflity Termfnal Serviceability 3.aQ 283 psilin. '1. DO 4.5i1 2.25 Modulus of 5ubarade Reac�ion (k-valuel 0etermination Resiiient Modufus of tf�e S�bgrade llnadjusted Modulus of Subgrade Reactian Depth io R[gid Foundation � Lass nf Suppork Valr�� {Q,1,2,3} Modulvs of Subgra.de Reactlon Wednesday, ,ianuary 9, 2020 �0:58:�4QAM Engineer: 4,11a.z psi ��� psirn 5.00 feat D.0 283 psirn. PI�`�� �.1 VVi n �AS Pavement ihickness �esign llccording to 1993 ��SH�O Cuide �or� �esign of �avemenfs S�ruc�upes American ConcretePavementAssociation �lexible f�esign Inputs Project �[ame: Shore�iew Drive Ftoute: �ocation; Fort Worth, Texas Owne�lAgency: Design �ngineer: Flexib[e Pavement �es�gnlE�a[uation Structural Number Tota1 Flexib[e �SALs Reliabiilty OveraEl Standard aeviation 5.00 3,006,302 90.OQ uercent O.�F5 5ubgrade Resilient Modu[us Initial SetviceabiEitV Termina! Serviceabi[ity Layer Pa�ement pesigNEvaluation �ayer Material Asphait Cement Concrete Asphalt Cem�nt Concrete Crushed Stane Base Layer Caeff cient Q.44 0.41 o.ae .� ■.��� � C?rainage . Layer Coef�ic�ent ThicF�ness 1.00 2.00 'f ,00 8.�0 1.a0 8.00 sSN� 4,118.20 psi 4.20 2.25 Layer SN D.88 3.48 D.64 5.OD Wednesday, January 8, 2b20 91:08:2iAM Engineer. P��� ��2 GC�Go�6�D l���o�°�� and �Vomen ��ned ]�a�s��ne�� E����°px°��� �o�n����n�e '�'�IIS PAGE ]L]EF7[' Il�I'I'�l�TTY�N.r�.�L]L`� �Y1A1�TI� CI'1'X OF FQRT WQRTH Shoreview Drive Cu�vert Improvements STANDARD GON5TRi3CTION SPECIFiCATId1V DOCUMLNTS CPi�Ts 101820 &]03053 Revised Iuly 1, 2011 ATYACHAfl�NT 1C Page 1 of 4 �F���'�o��� OFFEROR COMPANY NAM@: PROJ�CT NAME= City's INg� Project Goa1: o�p �ity �f Fe� ll�or�h IP�in�ri�y �usine�� �n�erp�ise IV�B� Good ��ith �ffoe�r �orm Gheck applEcahle block to descrlbe QfEeror h ., I I u3E BI D pAT� Offervr's IVIB� Prpject Commitment: % PE�OJ�C7 NUMBER If the Offeror did not meet or exceed the MBE subcont.raceing goaf for this nro;eat; the �fferor must comple#e this � form. ff the Offe�ar's method of compliar�ce with the i��� goal is based upon demanst�ation of a "good faith efFort", the �fferor will have t�e burden of correct[y and acc�rately prepa�ing and submitting the documentatio� req�iPed by the City. Compliance with each item, 1 fh�u 9�I below, shall satisfy the Good Faith �ffort requirement absent proof of fraud, intentionaf andlor �Cnowing mfsrepresentaiion of ihe facts or in#entiona{ d'rscrimination by the Off�ror. ��l�UP4' t�J rmm�lc±ts� ±f}�c fnrm, ;;� I±c L�4iratv wiEh supoor�ing documentation, 7R[� �'�!'p!!rp'� �Y txl� Purehasi�tig ���;���n �:� I�*.�* t��!t 2;+��3 �.r*±. o� t�s �ec��+� t".:t�r �usinpss �Jay �fkeP bid O}�eril[tiy, �xclusive of hid opening �+�tp, x,;tt� i���»�!t i:� t�ha tuid G�e��g cans��e�gd n�r�-res���s��� �o I�6� s�eci�ications. 9.} Please list each and every subcontracting andlor supplieP opporEunity for the completion of tf�is project, r�egardless of whether ifi is to be pro�ided hy a filliBE or non-MBE. (DO MOT LIS7 NA14A�5 OF FIRRflS On al[ projects, the OfFero� musE fist each subcontpacting and or supplier oppor�uni�y regardCess af tier. � (Use additional sheets, if necessary} List o€ Sabconfiracting Opportun�ties List af Supplier Opportunities Rev. 2I10I15 AT7ACHNi�NT 'I C F'age2af4 2.j Oh�ain a current (not mare than two (�j mor�ths ald from tf�e bid apen datej list of M�E subcontractars andlor supp[i�rs from tE�e City's I�fIWB� Office. Yes Date of Listing 1 1 fdo 3.} Did you solic�t bic�s frvm NiBE firms, within the subcon#racting andlor supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days priar ta bid opening 6y mail, exc3r�si�e of tha cfay the bids are opened? YGS [If yes, attach MB� mail listing to include name of firm and address and a dated copy of letfer mai[ed.} NO 4.) Did you solicit bids from hIIB� firms, within the subcontrac�ing andlor supplier areas previous�y [ist�ci, at least ten ca[endar days prior to bid opening by telephone, �xcl�si�e of the day the bids are opened? Yes (if yes, attach list to incEude name of MSE flrm, eF rson aontacted, phone num6er and date and tlme of contack.j No �.) Did you solicit bids from MB� firms, within ihe subcontracting andlar supptier aeeas pre�riously listed, at least ten calendar days prior� to bid opening by facsimile (fax), exclusi�e of th� day the bids are opened? YBS (li yes, attach lfst to include name of MBE firm, fax number and date and time of contact. In addition, if the fax Is returned as undeliverable, then that"uncfe{i�erahle conf�rmation" recei�ed must be printed directly from the facsimile for praper documentaiion. Failare to submit confirmatfon andlor "undel9�erable confirmation" documentatlon may render the GF� nqn-responsive.j No fi.j Did you sol➢cit bids f�om MB� firms, within Ehe subcnntractirtg andlor supplier areas previously listed, at feast ten calendar days prioP to bid opening by email, exclusive of the day the hids are apened? YES (If yes, attach email carliirmation to include name of MBE firm, date and time. In addiiion, If an email is returned as undefivera6le, then that "undeliverable message" receipt must de printed directly from the email system for praper documentation. FaElure Co su6mit corefirmation andlar"undellvera6le message" dacumentattan may render the GFE non- responsi�e.) No NOTE: �he fa�.�r ��thad� ir3nntif�pr� ahgv� are ��Ge�tahle ��!` tSbl��itYn� �6!�S, Lnd etich ��+���p� r�asrh��` filU5f be anniiwc� �4 ��7E ar^.riir_aF�i9 C^�±'ra�t. Thd i.lffamr f4"CJSX L�nr�ympnt tF�at pit��rr?t I�*8�fl 1�ND '3�F@!Ylotg I were .^.:�de us�r�g 1�:� �� tha ��:.�: r::e!ho�+s r�r ��wt a# 6e�sl one �successfu{ contact u:as r:a�de ��Sing onti a# the four �^:ti±!�!A�� i:� c:�ar :o �e �+e�;^�� C����nsivp �O thE GODCF F�!#h �fF01't t•����irwme�nt, �NOT�: T�'�e f]fFa=nr m��efi ���,±?�t L•he �ntire !VlBE ii�± �#�ecific Uo L�ch s�tiu^^:rar_tin� a^d �:rpplier OP�OIiCllll�}I �t� �?� 1:1 COi71�9ian�a� +wit� �I1P_CYI[1►7� J �I7Pf�lY[J� '�`i. �.) Did you provide plans and specificatians to potential MBEs? Yes No 8.) 9id you provide the information regarding the locatian of plans and specifications in ordee to assist the MBEs? Yes No Rev, ?Ji01i 5 AT�ACHIVIC�iVT 1C Page 3 of 4 9.) Did you pr�epare a quatation for the AflB�s to bid on goodslssrvices specific to their skill set� YBS {If yes, atiach all copies of quotatians.) {�iD , 10.) Was th� contact informafiion on any af the �istings not �alid? YeS (If yss, attach the infarmaklon thak was not valld in order for the MIWB� Off�ce to address the correciions needed.) Na 11.j5ubmit documentatian if MB� quo�es were rejected. The documentation submitted should be in the foPms of an affidavii, include a detai[ed explanation of why the i�BE was rejected and any supporting documentation fhe Offero� wishes ta be considered 6y the City. In �he e�ent af a bona fide dispute conceening quates, the Offero� wiil p�o�ide for confidential in-camera access to an inspection of any relevant documentatPon by City personnel. (Please use additiona� sheefs, ifnecessary, arrd attach.} Company Name Telephane Contact Person Scope of Work Reason for Rejection � ADD17'IONAL INFORMA710N: Please pro�ide additlonal infarmation you feel wi[I further explain your good and honest efforts ta obtain N1B� participafian on thls project. Yhe Offe�or further agrees �o provide, directly fo the Ci�y Upon Peques�, comple�e and accurate infor�mation r�egarding ac�ual wo��t per�formed on this cont�act, fihe payment thereof and any propo�ed changes to the original arrangem�r�ts submi#ted wi�h this bid. 7'he Offeror a�so agr�ees to allaw an a�dif andlor� examination of any books, eecords and files held by iheir company that will substantiate ��e actuai wo�k per�ormed on fih'rs confrac�, by an authorized o�ricer or emplo�ee of fihe City. Any inten�ional andlor knowing misp�pr�esentafiion o�r �ac�s wiil be grounds for �epminating fihe con�racf o� deba�ment from City w►oPk for a period o� r�o� less t�an �h��e (3) years and fo� initiafiing ac�ion unde� �ederal, �fafe or Lacal laws concerning �ralse statements. Any failure fo comply wifih this ordinance shall c�eafie a ma�erial br�each of contrac� and may resulf in a defer�mina�ior� of an irresponsib[e Bffeeoe and debarmer�t ��om parfiicipa�ing in City rwo�� for� a period o� �ime nof less �han one (1) year�. Rev. ZI10l15 ATTACWM�NT '[C Page4of4 f he unde�sign�d ce�fiifies fihat f�e in�ormafion provided and the f4ll��(s) [is�ed waslwe�e contacfied in good fai�h. I� is unde�stood t�at any �V��(s) lis�ed in At�achmenfi � C will be con�acted and fihe �easons for not using them w`rll be �erified by �he Gity's f9I�IVV�� �ffice. Authorized Signature Title Corrspany Name Ad d ress CitylStatel�ip Printed Signature Contact Mame and 7itle (if different) Phone Numb�r Fax Numi�er Emai[ Address Date Re�, uloi�s Joinf Venfure Page 1 of 3 �O 1�.'�' �� RT lH Name of City groject: 1. Joint ventare i�afo�uatio�: Joint Vent�tre Na�n.e: Joint Venture Address: (If appd icable) l TeIephone: � Cellular: CITY OF FORT WORTH 1NIBE Joint Venture EIigibility Form �Il questions must 6e rrnswered; use "N/A" if nat applica6l� A joint �eniure form inust be completed on � prvject RFPBici/Purchasing Numher: Facsimile: I E-�nail address: � _ .� ��� Identify the firms that camprise the joznt venture: Pleasc attach extra sheets if additiona! space is required to provide detailed explanations pf work fo be perfomted by each firm comprising fhe jaint venture MBE f rm Non-MB� firm � name: name: Business Address: Eusiness Address: I Ciry, StaYe, Zip: Telephone Facsimile F.-mail Cellular Certification Status: Name df Certifying Agency: �. Scope of worK performed by thc Jaint Venture: � Describe the scope of work of tEie MBE: � City, State, Zip: '['elephone Cellular Facsimile �-mail address Describe the scope of work of the non-MBE: Rev. 2110115 Joinl Venture Page 2 of 3 3. What is the percentage of MSE participation an this �oiut venture that you wish to be counted toward meeting the project goal? 4. Attach a copy of the joint vent�re agreemen�. �. List components of ownership of joint venture: (Da not cotnpl�te if this rraformation is described in jnint ve�rture agreemen�j I I Frofit and loss sha�ing: } � _ � Capital eontributions, incIuding 1 equipment: l � � Other appIicable ownership interests: 6. Identi#'y by name, race, sex and �'iurm those individuals (with titles) who are responsible fox the day-to-day mana�ement and decision makipg o�the joint venture: Financiai decisions (ko include Account Payable and Receivable): Management decisions: a. Estiznating I b. Marketing and Sales c. Hiring and Firing of managernent personne] d. Purehasing of maj or equipment and/nr supplies 5upervision of field operations The City's Min�rity�and Women Business �nferprise Office will review your joint venture submission anr� will ha�e finaf approval of the MBE percenfage applied toward the goal for the project listed on this form. N�TE: � I From and after tha date of project award, if any of tMe partic[pants, the individually defined scopes of work or the dollar a�'nountslpercentages change from the originally approved information, then fh� participants must inforin the City's M/WBE OfFice immediately far approval. Any un�ustified change or deEetion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedures ouilined in the City's BD� Ordinance. I � � 1 � 1 Reu. �!'[ 0I15 Joint Venture Page 3 of :i AFFIDAV�T Tlae undersigned affirms that the fo:regoing statements are true and correct and include aI1 material i�lformaiion necessary to identify and explain the terms and operation ofthe joint venture. �'urthermore, the undersigned shaIl agree to pravide to the joint venture the s#ated scope of worlc, decision-t�aaking responsibilities and payments herein. The City also reserves the right to request any additiona! information deerned necessary to determine if �he joint venture is eligible. Failur� to caoparata andlor pro�ide requested infonnation within the tirrie specified is grounds far termination of the eligibilily process. The undersigned agree to permit audits, interviews witla owners atad a�nination of ihe books, records and �files of ihe joint �enture by any authorized representatives af the City of Fart Worth. Failure ta cnmpIy with this provision shall result in the termination of any contract, which may be awarded under the provisions of this jaint venture's eligihility and rnay initiate actioii under Federal, State az�d/or Local lavvs/ordinances concerning false statements or willful mzsrepresentation of facts. ------------------------ --------- -------- ------------- Nama of IVIBE f[rm Name ofnon-IvIBE firm Printed Name of nwner Signa4ure of pwner Prinfed Name of Owner 5ignature of Owner Title Date State of 4n this day of Printed Name af Owner SignaYure of Owner Frinted I�[ame of Owner Signature of Qwner Title Date Notarizat�on County oi , 20 , before me appeared r�nd i � me �ersc�nally lrnawn and who, bei�g dlaly sworn, c�ld l:]c�ri �rP r1�d #'[rreg�ing atfidavi� •a?:� c�:d st�*� 1Lat they were properly authorized ¢a execute this afF'idavit and did so as their free Poi ririd dee�, Notary Public Pr�nt Name Notary Public Signafure Cominission Expires (sentJ I�ev, 21101i 5 �F"o��' �����[ �Itjl Of �BP� �011°�CC�l f�linvri�� �u�ine�� En�er°pr�i�e �pecific�tions A77ACH MEN71 B Page 'f of 1 Pr�ime �onFr�c��r V1laider ���m OFFEROR CQMF'ANY NAME: PRQJECT NAME: Gity's M�H Praject Goal: % Check appllcahle hlock ta descrihe prime � I nnr.�.. � � � w.DN-nnr'..... BID flATE Offeror's fYlBE Project Cammitment: % PROJEGT NUMBER If both answers tv this fiorm are YES, do not compiete ATTACHMENT 1 C(Gvod Faifih Effort Form). All quesfions on this form must be completed and a d�tailed explanation pro�ided, if applicable. ]f the answer to either question is NO, then you must corrEplete ATTACHMENT 1 C. This form is anly applicable if,�th answers are yes. FQ;���rR t� ;�*::olete �Eh'j� �p�:t in itS enti�°ety a��� be r�ce�sr�d l�y th� Purc3�asi�r� 17�vasion i�o !ater tt�an 2:4Q �-m„ �n the ��cand i�itv b�siness d�v aft�r bfd ��ienin�, �xcl��8ue nf ti�� bi� o�eni�g d�t+�. wifl r��ult itt ih� �9d �g�*�� �cr�s�dered rt�n-r���onsbve #o �id s�.,ecif:eatians. Vifill you perform this entire contract without suhcontractors? ff yes, please pro�ide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this praject, this is your normal bus�ness practice and provide an operational pro�ile of your business. Will you perform this entire cantract v►rithout suppliers? If yes, please provide a detailed explanation fhat pro�es based on the size and scope of this project, this is your normal business praciice and provide an in�entory profile of your business. YES i�0 Y�S t�0 The OfF�ror further agrees tfl pro�ide, directly to the City upon request, camplete and �ccurate information re�arding actual work p�rtormed by all subcontracto�s, including MBE(s) on this contraet, t �e pavment trereoi and any proposed changes to the original MBE(s) arrangemants submitted with this bid. The C�fferor also agrees to allow an audii andlor examination of any books, records and files held by fheir company thai will substantiate the actual work perFormed by the MBEs on this contract, by an autharized ofFicer or emplayee of the City. Any in#entional andlor knowing misrepresenta#ion of facts will be grounds for terminating the cantract ar debarrrtent from City work for a period of nat [ess than three {3} years and far initiating action und�r Federal, State ar Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to com}�{y with this ordinance creates a material breach of contract and may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating in C[fy work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. _ Aulhorized Signature Title Company Name Address CitylStafe2ip Printed 5ignaiure ConEact Name (if different) Phone Number Fax Numher Email Address �7ate Rev. 2190115 �� RT �� l�'a' i I - Cit� of For� VVo�h i�Yinori�� �u�ines� En�erpr°ise �peci�c�tion� SP�C1r4L INSi�UCiIOi�S FOi� O���R�R� a���icaYiory o� �o��cv If the tatal dol[ap vafue of fhe contract is $50,OQ0 or more, then a MBE subcant�actirtg goal is applicable PO�ICY STAT'�IVI�iV�' It is the policy af the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority Business �nterprises (MBE) in the procurerrtent of a11 goods and services. All requirerr�ents and regulations stated in the City's current Business Di�ersity Enterprise Ordinance applies to this bid. l�➢B� F ��J�C �' GOALg i ne City`s l�iBE goal on thls pro�ect is % of the base bid valus of the cantract. Note: (f both MB� an SB� subcontrac�tng goais are establlshed for this proJac9 then an dfferor mu�t s��mk bath � M�E U�ilizatic+� �^�m and a SBE Uttlizaiion Form to be deemed �ssponslve. COfwPLIAIVC� T� �I� S��CI�ICA�IONS On City contracts $50,000 or more where a MB� subconfracting goal is applied, Offerors are required to comply with the infent of fhe City's Business T7iversity Enterprise Ordinance by one af ihe following: 7, Meet or exceed the above stated MBE goal through NiBE subcontracting participation, or �. Meet or exceed the above stated MB� gaa[ fihrough MBE Joint Ventur� garkicipation, or; 3. Gooci Faith EfFort documentation, or; 4. Prime Waivee documentation. SUBfliilTi�a� O� R�QUIR�� �OCU�NNI�RlT'ATIOf� 7he applicable documents must be recei�ed by the Purchasing Division, within the following tim�s allocated, in arder • y ,�; . .. .. ., r ;�, forthe entire bid to be considered responsi�e to khe specifications. �T�7t=��'�r���ur shall clt�!.�v�r I�•�• :JN� �i-k;�t�in�r�s�:�1�;=�r �r, 63-f�i�i'�-lo Ih����7P��oprF�R� r:m,l0 ?e {�f :t�e �tit[:�wr�s��1 t�i��is::�r� �ii�:i ot�s��i� � d�t4i�1��e r��:�ixk $ua;lti r�;G:�i i s�s�lt !.e ��� �' l' f• 9 �, , �-, �tv������e ilti�;1 l�,e �;iRY recewv�r9 ih+� rf;�cu�n�n��roon in ;�r� 11me �klor�led. A f�xe[! arid�or e�r3aited crspy w�ll n�t �a ��cc�ptc+d 1. Subcontractor lDtilization �orm, if goal is met ar exceeded: 2. Gaod Faith EfFort and Subcontractor UEilizatian Form, if partici�atian is less than s#ated goal: 3. Good Faith Effort and Subcontractor Utilizatipn Form, if no MBE participation: �. Prime Contractor Wai�ee Forrm, ifi you will perform a11 subcontraCfinglsupplier work: 3. Joint Ver��ure Form, if goal is met or exceeded: rec�ived no later than 2:00 p.m„ on the second City 6usiness day after ihe hid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. received no later than 2:�0 p.m., o� fhe second City business day after the bid opening date, exclusive af the bid opening daie. rec�ived no later than 2:00 p.m., on the second C9ty business day after tha bid opening date, exclusi�e of the bid opening date. recei�ed no later fhan 2:OD p.m., on the second City business day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. recei�ed no fafer than 2:00 p.m,, on the second City business day after fhe bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. FA[LURE i'g C[]AnPLY Vl{ITH TH� �IT�!'S BL�lwF�S D]V�RSl7Y ��lT�RPRISE �Rn��eNrFF �;r:L�L �?�G��� -� fN TWE BI� BEING ��A�cin�R�r� �Qw.�F�unr���vE TO SF��GlF��A'f�rJNS, � FA�L�Ji�'�w CIIRAI9IT TNF ?�f.11iIRFiI FiARF fl(lf'.IIMFNT�TIC�1�1 Wil I a�St_�� '� !!�;N� gIQ BElNG GOA�5IQEREQ RlON-RESPORf51V�. �l'��COND F,4iL�llR�'IAIIl�. Y?F�UL; i�! TH� �I�FE�?+n!? ��!!�� L�lcr��►�al IFIFE� �[lR � � PERIOD OF OP�E YEAR ��-YRF� FA�LI.�!?Fc �"J A F#�J� YEAR PERI�L� NVlLL RE��Yi Y 1'A# A�ISQ���� �Fir.1►TiC7N P�RIOD OF THRE� YEARS, _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Any quesfions, please canEact Ehe M1WBE Office at (81!) 292-26i4. Rev. 2/10/15 ATfACHMEidT 1A Page 1 of �3 �QRT �ORTH OFFEROR COMPpNY NAME: PRdJECT NAIVI�: Ci�y �� �orrf� V1ior�h Min�rifi� �u�ines� En��rpri�e f�i�f� Subconf��c�or�l�upplie�°� Utilizafiion �o�m 1 Check applicabie black to describe � OfFeror 1 I fR fl.-�1 � � . .AM`�� � � SID QATE �— City's MBE Project Goal: Offeror�s MBE Project Commltment: PR�JECi NLIMBER % % Id�nt��ry a[I �ub�on�rac�orsl�upplie�s �au r�ilC u�e �n �hi� projec� �allu�e #� Cnmplet0 titi� �t�!'!"!1, .1l1 Et� �!?tirat� 1'Vl�h rE���`rtPri �pGkdmPntatinr�� ?nrj i ss�rrvitiiP��l �,y th� �i�rchasinq � Dirrisian n� Iw:Sf ��I?'1 �_0� �}_f11. G:1 �h6 S�C��� �It`� �'U�-jn�sS ci�y ??�pf ��� O�enEf��. ��Gl;rci.ra Df b�r� Q�an�nr� ��#�, . wlll fesu}t �in fhe i]id t►eiri[� G�nsirl�rec� �,nn-!-¢c�0�151V� t� C7Id 55�?�cifcations- i Th� u!���r._e•ic.l�l�d OftrvrnP 3���BS 4� �Clt�� InEc� ;� f�irmal agreement ti���,+h ?F�� MAF �srm(s) C�sted �n tn�� �t��;Tar'��� SC�IeC�R.it@, �nnrlii�innar� L}70C1 2�ar��ti��� af ��„n,��trar� wlt� :1'!� Clf]I O�f �,`?!� Ln�Q1i�I7_ � i!6 In:aC1tIOC1r�I 4�C1L:IOC I:nn�niin� I misreoresentati�n �f �ac#s is grounds �far car�sideratior� cf �i$���lificatian and ti�.�:+1 ��Guf� in ��� �id be±ng i considered n�»-re�panSive ta �i� sner.ific�ti�n�, � --- - � ----•-- -. , Ni�Es listed toward meet'rng the proJect goal must he lacated in tf�e six (6) county marketplace at the time of bid ar the busin�ss has a Sign[�icant Business Presence in the Marketplace. Marketplace is the geographic area of iarran�. �allas. Denton, Johnson. �ar��er, and Wise caunfies. Pr�mp ��untra�tnrS fY1US� i,'�.on4jf'� h;� �;Ar IPtlP� �f a[I fi1i�j�nntrarv��reJc��r��iers_ T�er- mpa!�� �hE la�►a1 G� subcontracEtn �ielnuv th�'- rimr3 �w��r�c#prlCar�sUlt�nt ie_ ��]fe=7rt a+mpnt f,r;n„r�,'� t�a rimcf �p�ntrartnr t� � � �,,.� f� ���• SU�r�� ±rartnr i� C411ciri�?rarj "��t �I,.'�'�, a paym�n# b{ 8 YU}'C�rtitrartn� t0 I�S �U��ii�r rS ��r�sid�r�rl �nd tlp�, �I�� �}"+ Fi� contractar i� %?S�]OIISIC?ic.,' ��'� �ifOVf�i' �i u�� [�f �21'jli'YIBi�� Qf alE t;��� s�.:���ntrac��t�rs 1�a'ntifiRr� �S � �4JIRF ;3�(� COUfl�lfl� �'IuSQ C��?Ifarg ��;;r�rri� �r;aa�rin� {�h,�n �nn#rart �nmmittr,?t� �p��. ALL 14lll��s AIIUST B� C�RT[FI�� ���OR� CON�RACi AWA�D. Certificafian means those fiirms, located within the Marketplace, that have been determined ta be a bondafide minority business enterprise by tMe North Central Te�as Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA) or other certifying agencies that the City may deem appropriate and accepted by the City of Fort Worth. If haulin� Ye.^.�:�P� are E!±;�EiQ�+� the �fFarnr ';NIJI b�: �IIVen credit as fc�n� �� #hp �,'gF ,��tpd �;:■.^.s and � operates at least e^� f4ally ��c�I�SE� cil►d ot:?r�xiDt��l ktL!�k to L'y�* u�?� �:� t��e cor�tr��t, T�e �k►�R� may 1p��p fr�irkc frnrr� �npthe�r h,��F �i�rm, inr.-l���+�na NIEE OtiNllEr_.�rn,wr�Swr�. �Clti fGC�1y� t�afl P4��E �redi#_ Tri� F�,�!BE r�7aY ���5�' trUG�CS �COkiil IlOY7-�+���5� 3Y7Cf�J�lf1� uwr�er-nnerated, �Ut 1,:�ik1 �n1ti� 14?roi;e.�n ��prii� {C'r �fiE� �B?S t3tiC� �;nmmiG�inn� Parnati �jl t�lE.' �flBF d� OUCtir�pr.� ;�ry �1"!�S �B�SL' 3gf��l'T1�Cli. ----- -------- R!:v. �110115 FpRTWORTH ATTACHNfENT 9A �� Page 2 of 4 Offerors are required to idenkify ALL subcontractorslsuppliers, regardless of staius; i.e., 'Mlr�ariiy �nd rran-M���+, MBE firms are to be ]isted first, use acEditional sheefs if necessary. Please note that anly certifred MB�s +n{ill be counted to meet an MBE goal. NC7RCA N . SUBCONTRACTOWSUPPLIER ° Company Name T - n Detail Detaii Address I � w Subcantracting �uAp�1eS pollar Amount Te�ephonelFax f B � R Work Purchased Email E E Contact Person � � � _ � � � � � — � I � � — � I � � � i I � . i ❑ ❑ r �i'.i. ��'� d�� J �'ORTW�RTH RTTACHMENT 1A �''� Page 3 of 4 Oiferors are required ta identify ALL subcontractors/suppliers, regardless of status; i.e., �Yir��riky ar�� nor�-M��:. MBE firms are to be listed first, use additional sheets if necessary. Please note that only ceriified MBEs will be counted to meet an MBE goa1. — - u _ ..,_. NCTRCA " SUBCONTRAC70RISUPPLI�R `' Company Name T ". Detail Detail Addwess i ,��.ubcontracting Supplies � W F]ailar Amount TelephonelFax e g g � NVark Purchased Emai� � E Contact Person E . 1—i L�i � � � � � ❑ — � � — � I i � � — � � � ❑ — � Re�. 2110!'f 5 FoR� � Total Dollar Amouni of NYB� SubcantractorslSuppliers F. Total Dollar Amount of Non�M�� SubcontractarslSuppliers � TO�AL DOLLAR AiViOUNi OF Al.,G SUBCONiRAC7'ORS15U��L[�RS � ATTACHINENT 1A Page 4 of 4 The Offeror will nof make additions, dele�ior�s, or su�Gtitiitinnc to tl�is certified lisf without the �1'i�r unDr�v�1 o�f t�p; Minority and L�nrr,�n �i�cinr?cc �ntarnflS@ ��:C�' ���rr3�?�h �'!�E �!�hmifitaf {,i# a���u�sf far �pproval l'1t Challge/Additio� f�.+!'!*�_ 1�:r�;� ��njustifed �l�ar�ge �+l �?I�tinr� Vh�fl �� a rr�ter�a� �raarh nf �nnt�BC� �fiC� fll�y FEY�tt in debarment Ifl '�LGOfd L4�i1�F� �hha irnr.arli�rP_c �iitfinar� lil �h� �rrlina��r__a_ -�hu �fFerar shakl ;ill�?CF1Ft � �Et�JI�� �, ,.,.,.,�.., ,.v explanation �i F���u lh� :eq���fi?� c��,^.gelac�riitVon ar de]etic�n �n►ilk a;�ec! [�� �,-nmmiti�wr� �1�BE �oal li� t�� �et��l BXj3��liatlqfl iS �1^1 {3L�bCllJi��, it �+uill a,ff,pr} �h� 1�ina� �p:?':j?�jaT1G@ ��t�;mi�atinn_ By afFixing a s[gnature io this form, the ��ffPror t�rther wgrees ts� pro�ide, �irectiy �e t�e ��ty �pan request, complefe and accurate information regarding actual work p.er�ormed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) and any special arrangements with MBEs. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit andlor examination of any bonks, records ar�d files hefd by their company. The Offerar agrees to allow tt�e fransmissian of interviews with owners, principaEs, officers, employ�es and applicable subcontractorslsu�pliers partieipating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the MBE(s} on this contract, by an authorized officer ar employee af the Ci�y. Any intentional andlor �Cnowing misrepresentation of facts wilf be geounds fior terminating the cantract or debarment from City work far a period of not less than three (3} years and far initiatiRg action under Federaf, Sfate ar Local laws concerning false s#atemenfs. Any failure to comply with this ordinance creates a materia[ breach of the contract and may �esult in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and debarment from participating in City work for a period of t�me nat less than one ('I) year. Authorized Signature iitfe Gompany Name Address CitylStatelZfp Printed Signature Gontact Name�tla (if different) Telephone andlor Fax E-mail Address Date R?v. 2110115 �C�6e07 �age ���es 7r�IIS ]PA�]E 1LlCF'�' II�T�ENTI�I�A]LL� �ILANI� CITY OF FO1tT W�RTii �horev�ew L3rive C ule�wn !mpmveroKnts STAND.+iTLD CONSTRUC'IION SPFCIkZCAtIt]iV �a0�'1_�NTEN"1'S l�PNs I01820 Sc 103QSI Revised ]uly 1, 2011 ZU13 PR�VAiLING WAG� RAi�S (Hea�y and Highway Construction ProjectsJ CLASSIFICAYIOiV D�SCRIP�ION Asphalt Distributor Operator Asphaft Paving Machine Operator Asphalt Raker Broom or Sweeper Operator Cnncrete Fi�isher, Paving and Structures Concrete pa�errient Fin'tshing Machine Operator Concrete 5aw Operator Crane Operatvr, Hydraulic SO tons or less Crane Operator, l.attice Soom SO Tons or Less Crane Operator, Lattice Boom Over SO Tons Crawler irac�or Operator Electrician Exca�ator Dperator, 50,0�0 pounds nr less Exca�ator Operator, ��er 50,000 pounds Flagger Form B�tifder/Setter, Structures Form Setter, Pa�ing & Curb Foundation Driil Operator, Crawler Mounted Faundation Drill pperator, Truck Mounted Front End Loader Operatar, 3 CY or Less Frant End Loader Operator, Qver 3 CY Laborer, Common Laborer, Utility Laader/Backhoe Operator Mechanic Milling Machine Qperator Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade Motor Grader Operator, Rough Off Road Mauler Pavement Marking Machine Operator Pipelayer ReclaimerJPulverizer Operator Reinforcing Steel Worker Roller Operator, Asphalt ftoller �perator, Other Sc!'aper 4perator �d. �,i��t �mail SVipform Machine Operatnr �,oreader Box Operatqr �ruCk ul'iver ��whnV-FI08F 7ruck ariverTransit-Mix Truck Dri�er; Sin�le Axle �1'r�ek 9ri�er; 5sngle or "i �nr4err, AxlP Dump Truck �i r::ck Dri��er,1 �ndem ,4x1e FY.';.rt�r yuirh Semj T�"wrter V+lelder ��rnrk Zone Barricade 5ervicer Wage Rate $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � f � � $ $ � $ � 5 15.32 13.99 12.69 1.1.74 14.12 16.45 14.48 1$.12 17.�7 20.52 14.07 19.Sd 17.19 1.6.99 10.06 13.84 13.16 17.99 21.p7 13.69 14.72 10.72 123Z 7.5.18 17.68 14.32 17.19 16.02 12.25 13.63 13.24 13..01 16.18 a.s.os 1 �..51 12.96 14.58 1�.96 in_z3 �6.�� 14.�4 i�.31 712.�7 12, t�� '14_84 11.ii8 �he t�avis-@�v�on ,;Ct p:uV?!��hp N+aee rate; 5wawn fr�r W�+�yv anrt Hlghwav cnnstr�,rr�nn projects were determined by �hA �'^�±pd 5tates f;;�partm�nt of Labor ai�d �urrent as oi 5zptember �n7 �: ��ne 1�itles a�d descriptions for the i,lassifications i�:ted are detalled in the AGC ofTexas' Sfiandard Job Classifications and Oescriptions for Highway, NQav+�„ Utilities, arid 9ndustrlal Constructian in'Cexas. Page 1 of 1 ��-�30�3� Te��s a�nd �ns���iio�s 'I']I�[�S �A��E �C.�l�'"�' ��T�]E1�T7C1[Ol�A�L�LY ��Al�T� CITY OF FpAT WOKTH �Sur.view� i3rivr Culveri Im�ravemant� STANAA.RD CqNSTRUCTION SPNCTFiCATION DOCUNIL?3v f� i��'Ns �^; Q;SI & 1030S1 Revised 7uly 1, 2011 �i���y>�> ���� November 14, 20� 9 Michael Wellbaum, P� 90b Monroe Street Suite 200 Fort Worth, 'TX 761 D2 R�: Visual5tructural lnspec#ion of �'xistir�g RCSs As pa�t of th� Shore�iew 17rive projec#, the city has tasked Kimley�Horn & Assaciates with providing a re�iew of 262 LF of 'I O` x'f �' RCBs that ha�e been stored at 3225 Yuma 5t. Fort Worth, TX 761 '19 since 2009. lt is ou� understanding that the cify wants to evaluate the feasibi[ity af using the box culverts in the referenced project. Below is a summary of the results of the onsite teview that was performed on �Jovember 13, 2019. WSPEC�'[ON IN�Ok�MATION � Inspection Date: Novemb�r 13, 2019 e Where: City of Fort Worth Storage Facility (3225 Yuma 5t. Fort Worth, TX 76119) � Weather: Mostly clear with a Temperafure of 35° F � ]nspectar: Leslie P. Bruce, PE � Oth�r Pres�nt: Misty Christian, PE and Michael We[Ibaum, PE PRECAST BOX CULVERT {NF'ORMATION The precast baxes where inspectad onsite. puring the inspection, it was noted fhat all boxes have identifying stamps. 1t is nated that there are two types of boxes in the stockpile. There are standard boxes for placement in 2' and 9' of fifl and jac[c bore boxes. There are also 2 end connection boxes for each type for connection to wingwa{Is, SE�s, etc. Infnrmakion regarding the boxes is shown below; 1. Manufacturer: Rinker Materials D/FW 2. Manufacture Dat�: 5/26/2009 to 611 012 0 0 9 Qua�tity: 12 sections of —10' x 10' x 6', CI 433 2'-J' {total 72 linear feet) 36 section of -- 10' x 10' x 5', CI 433 E-84 {total 18p linear feet} ��� � �,. ,t= �f ��� ��.G;,,,,t.A�-4 .i. ''?�,,�f��U ''t_�EK.l.it•:; �,_,�'"c�'—�-�,.., "t =,,,,�`.;t;���.�;;.��P._;::t;.r�n:`;: — -- ����+����` '�.� ,� . - r , , , . ,,r . F�...� .� - - . ,. .. , . . ._.,:_ . �. ��.�r . .. -„ a-,:.,1 :.�'�:,_.,:J;,, ,r�l.. . ._ ..�`, .. , , i�' lt �.� .�;��.; ��� � 1���)�> ���� Page 2 INSF'ECTION DEFICIENCIES 7he box cul�erts ha�e been sifting in the stockpile far what is anticipated to be from a point in time beginning ai manufacturing. 7hey have been exposed to weather conditions since approximately midyear 2009, The deficiencies found are as follov�rs: 3. 4. Fire Damage (RE: Photo 7} -- One jack bore box section has fire damage on battom face. The fire damage has caused a surFace spall, but it has not exposed any reinforcing steel. Spalling is a depression ir� the concr�te that is a result of the surface separating from th� remainder af the cQncrete. ln this case, the heat from the fire expanded the surface concrete and caused it to fracture. 7he result is a shallow spalfed area. This area is small and most importantly the reinforcement is not exposec�. Exposed reinforcement begins to rusi and through rusting expands ar�d thus increases the area of spall due to the expansion of the cancrete encased reinforcement (this is not an issue at this locatian}. Hairline cracks, some with efflorescence (RE: Photo 11) — Most of the box sections ha�e HL cracks in comers and on connection faces. Som� of these cracKs have light efflorescence. These cracks are short in length and isolated. Cracks are linear fractures in concrete that may extend partially or campletely through a member. The two types of cracks are structura! or non-structural. In fhis �ase the, the cracks are non-structural and on the surface of fhe box sections. They most likely are the result of shrinkage ar temperature and have existed since manufaciuring. E'fFloresc�nce is the presence of leached out calcium carbonat� from the r.ement. It is a white surface deposit #hat occurs when moisture is absorbed in a crack. This is � common deficiency found wiih �raeking of all magnitudes. In this case it is minor and contained #o culvert ends where the HL cracks are in the surface of the concrete. It poses no structural concern at tnis fim�. Minor spalls {R�: Photos 3, 5& 9) — Many of the box sections have minor spafls along edges, but none identified haue any exposed steel. Rusting of reinforcement in.end connectEans (RE: Photo 6} —The four end connections avith exposed reinforcement have minor rusfing in this exposed steel. As meniion�d in deficiency 1, exposed reinforcement usrill accelerate rusting of the steeL Rusting not onfy decreases the strength of ti�e steel by corrading it, but it also swefis the steel and thus s�alls off surFaee �qnCre#e to expose mare steel. The exposed ends are manufac#ured for connecfing cast in pla�e headwallslen� tr�atm�nts that wo:�ld h�ave o�theruvise ���aosufated the expased steel �5oon after rranufacturing. The conditian of t�e steel in these c�!:���±s wac good and s�ould �f01 ba pf an� Tl��nr ��;,r.r,?rn whF*n �M�GBd 111 U$�. Sa11d�`]�2Sflf1� C�f �thar li3E?f!?gdS pf Cit3�t71f1� the stee! {�!.�rface should be performed to remove exisiing �urface �:or�osion prior to �lacing tMese end sections in the field. �':ki �;�.�A�l���...��',, � -�� - �i r - , * - - ��r���y>�> �I+��� SUMMARY Page 3 The precast bax sections that have been exposed to the environment were found ta be in good conditian with minor deficiencies. The deficiencies noted are typical of precast box cu�verfs in place. The deficiencies noted can be repaired with minimal effort during placement if thay are ta be considered for instaliation. I appreciate the opportunity to visually inspect the box cul�erts and provide the above findings for your consideration. Should you ha�e any questions, pleas� contact me at (940} 937-3423 or leslie.bruce@kimley-horn.com. 5incerefy, �Pd.�, � ��� Leslie P. Sruce, PE 12/31/2019 Atiachment: Photo Log � ��, o�'�+ rE��� .a P,,• xGs�' � ' `�'S'� 1 s�r �, , � ... . ...............�.,,.....:. .LESLI� P. BRUCE ,........... �;� 973f0......�� � �cc• �I��,�,I� S�� �ti,`�.►� ������ NAL���� �in �;��I���;, i"��+I�'���� � �, - -. �__�.---� - � -. _ -- -- �-� ���'� i��=��a` ���� • l� 1 �I:�'-� '' R --r�'. :' ��1 � 1_� E�f#� l� � ���-��T[��� . �� xf�� - � � � ��t. �.��a ���� ��� {�> . � ��r> � ����x�� i�� � � tior�: i a� x � n� x� �ox cu��ERTs 5TA1VI F' � BO.�C GU�L�E�TS END CONNECTIONS N�TE: TYk'ICAL F�� W�r#� �ox �ulv�rts -�to��d D2�te: IVo�r. 'I�, �Q1 J �fi��ley���rn � �4����i�te� ,(I� �**��) DO NOT DISCLOSE - IhfFORMHTION CONFIDENTiAL UNDER THE TEXAS HOMELAN� 5ECURI7Y AC7 ANb 23 LlSC SEGTION 41f9, S;���",''Y SEN5ITIVE INFORi4MTlOIV 0 � � • . "_ r..3 NOT�, M[htOR SPALL, TYPICAL I � �� � � �C ° - " ;��� I 3t � , � � , �� � � :'�-��; � F.�� � � � i ��' ���� =. f `w ,� . , ,�.� ��#������ �� ���� �� It. �;'i.� n�`il� i--��;���� L � BOX CULVERTS - � • . i G�� �l3LVERTS i �TA1�1 P � � '- ' ; ���'F.�p�IL ##�pi _ �I !i� rY' � r•���� b��� � �, . -, Nt77E: � 0' x 10' x 6' - JACK BORE . �a��t iu� � �� � �ort 1+Vortl7 Box ��Iv�rEs -�to��d Dat�: iwlov. 'f 3, 20'I 9 l��rr�Iey �%rn � .4����larte� (�-�28j i]G NU"f t71SCLOSE - ISVFORMATIDN C:nNF1OENTIAL 'JfV�E12 THE TEXAS HOMELAND SECURIN AC7 AN� 23 USC SECTIUIV 409, 5AFETY SENSITId� 1NFORMATION _. � T , .. � . _ � , • : � . • . 4 !+ , : � - �,i1►�1► NOTE: IYPiCA� � , �� I� r � +5 , NI�TE: �YPICAL ;� i_ Fort Wo�kh �, B�x �u�verts - �tor�d r �� BOX CULVERTS dV11NOR SPALL B��( ��J��dEF2�5 END COYVNECTION D�#e: Nov. 13, �0'19 �im1e'r l�e�n � .�41������t�� �� �2'�J �O NOT pISCLOSE -:NFOkMATIDN CONFIQENTIAL 11N�ER THE TEXAS HaPoiE�_AN� SECURITY HC7 ANIJ 23 [JSC SECTION 4lOB, �.4FET?' SEfJSITNE INFORMAI'lON �' y � i-�� 6 Y . ' t • TI �nx Ci�LVERT ���E G��M,t1GE �� For� Vl�orkh �� Box �ul�er-Es - �#or�d B�X �ULVER7S ��JXE� Dat�: Nov. �f 3, 2019 �K%�,1�� hs�r,h � �f��o�iat�s �,� �.���' �U NOl UISCLpS� - INFpRN1A I'{OM CONFI�ENTIAL UNDER THE TEXAS NOMELAND SECL[RITY ACT ANfl 23 USC SECTIOIV �09, �AFEN SENSITIVE INFORMATION NOTE: F[RE HIaS �AUS�D SPALL IN Bd7`fUM SLAI3 SURFA��. NO �XPOS�D 57E�L. �� ;� �r I BOX CULVERTS TC�r�� C�F BOXES NOTE: MINOR SURFACE G'F�A�KS AND SURFAC� SPALL'S ��-� - �-- � _ - - . � _ .;,,'- - ' '"�"�_�! _ j `� - -� �if��E � -, ----�� , ��� ���C �U�V.�ERT� Z OPS �� Si�?CES Fart �Vorth Ba�c �u�v�rt� - �#o�r�d Aa�e: Nov. �13, ��'19 �'i►�tle,*-,f�0a,r� � �4s��cia�es �Ii� ���j DG NOl t.^lSG:LOS� -1NFORti1A�f iUN CONFII7EN71A� UNDEFt THE TEXAS'HOMELAN� SECURITY ACT AND 23 USG SECTION 4U9, ��FE7V SENSITIVE IfVFORMATEON � - -- ��: � ..� BOX CULVERTS F'ACE NOTE: HAIRL.[f�E CRACKS WITN EFF�ORESC�NC�, 7YPICAL ��..rf j�lorfh 0 -` * r . �t . . e ��� ; ,.y�� . � �,n, &�x ��lvert� - St�red U�te: Marr. '13, 2�19 ,K�'i�,ley �Ov�x� � ,p��o�aa��� (� 92�J OQ NO'F �ISCLOSE - IN�ORMATION GQNFiti�NTIAL UNl]�R'fHE TEXAS HdMELAN� SECURITY ACT AND 23 LJSC S�CTIO�! 449, SAFETI( S�NS1TfVE INFOFtMAF�ON � � - - , -.,-� . _�=.