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Special Contract Documents
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Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
Sewer Project No. PS46-070460300060
Prepared By:
Halff Associates, Inc.
Engineers • Scientists • Surveyors
4000 Fossil Creek Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76137
(817) 847-1422
AVO 14459
July 1995
~ /()/t 45
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
09/26/95 . **C-15044 60SLUDGE 1 of 2
It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with
Oscar Renda Contracting Inc., for the further Processing, Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from
the Drying Beds at Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant on the low bid of $1,350,930.00.
Fort Worth has had a continuing policy of beneficial reuse of sludge since the 1920's. Changes
in EPA policies during the 1970's and 1980's discouraged land application of sludge without
extensive additional processing. In response, the City developed a plan for sludge burial at the
Sludge Only Landfill (SOL) as a long-term solution. However, EPA's policies evolved during the
1980's to encourage benefic ial reuse over landfilling of sludge. Fort Worth responded to that
shift in policy by modifying plans for the SOL to include dewatering , further processing and
beneficial reuse on agricultural lands which is a more cost effective process.
In 1 989-91, a short term contract for the privatized operation of dewatering facilities and
beneficial reuse of sludge through land application processed approximately 40% of daily
sludge production. The success of the program led to City Council approval of contract
extensions with increasing sludge amounts in 1992 and 1993.
In 1993, a contract was awarded to develop for a five year operational contract for dewatering
and disposal which included construction of a permanent facility for dewatering. The project was
completed in early 1995 and since April 1st, 1995, 100 percent of sludge generated at the plant
has been dewatered, processed and beneficially reused. No sludge has been pumped to drying
beds since April 1, 1995.
While the amount of sludge being placed in the drying beds was greatly reduced since the
dewatering and reuse contract in 1991, the drying beds continued to accommodate some of the
sludge not handled by the contract.
There is approximately 500,000 cubic yards of sludge remaining in the drying beds and adjacent
stockpiles. The Water Department plans to beneficially reuse the remaining sludge by issuing
a series of approximately 100,000 cubic yard contracts over the next 5 years.
City of Fort Worth, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
09/26/95 . **C-15044 60SLUDGE 2 of 2
On January 31, 1995 (M&C C-14661) the City Council authorized the execution of amendment
#3 to the engineering contract (M&C C-13000), City Secretary Contract No. 18675 with Halff
Associates Inc., for the development of contract documents for "Further Processing, Removal
and Reuse of Biosolids (sludge) from Drying Beds.
The project will involve further processing of the stockpiled sludge which will permit it to be
hauled to permitted sites for land application.
Bids were advertised and opened on August 31, 1995. Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. was the
only bidder to submit a bid which was $1,350,930.00. The engineer's estimate was
Oscar Renda has complied with the City's M/WBE Ordinance, by committing to 35.6% M/WBE
participation. The goal established on this contract was 30%.
The Director of the Fiscal Services certifies that funds required for this contract are available in
the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Water and Sewer Operating Fund.
MG:a '
Office by: (to)
Mike Groomer 6140 CITY COUNCIL Originating Department Head: --
Lee Bradley , Jr. 8207 (from)
SEP 26 1995
PE45 539120 0705002 $1 ,350 ,930.00 ~~~
For Additional Information City Secretary of the
Contact: City of Fort Worth, Texas
Lee Bradley, Jr. 8207
PROJECT NO. PS46-070460300060
Robert T. McMillan, Water Pollution Control, Water Department
SEWER PROJECT NO. PS46-070460300060
August 7, 1995
The Special Contract Documents are hereby revised to as follows:
1. Measurement and Payment for Further Processing and for Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from
Drying Beds has been changed from a cubic yards basis to a dry ton basis.
2. Use of Biosolids as a landfill cover is not acceptable.
3. Add Part D, Table of Contents and revise the second paragraph of Part D, Item D-9.
Accordingly the following modifications, clarifications, additions, or deletions shall be made to the
appropriate sections of the specifications and plans and shall become a part of the Contract Documents.
Item 1-1 -PART B -PROPOSAL, Pages B-1
Delete Pages B-1 in its entirety and replace with revised "PART B -PROPOSAL" Page B-1 attached to
this addendum.
Add Part D -Special Conditions, Table of Contents to the Specifications and Contract Documents.
Delete Page D-9 in its entirety and replace with revised "PART D -SPECIAL CONDmONS" Page D-9
attached to this addendum.
ADDENDUM NO. 1 -Page 1
Delete Section 13001, Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds in its
entirety and replace with revised "SECTION 13001 ", Pages 1 through 10 attached .
City of Fort Worth Water Department
1000 Throckmorton Street
P .O. Box 870
Fort Worth , Texas 76101
(817) 277-7591
ADDENDUM NO. 1 -Page 2
TO: Bob Terrell
City Manager
Fort worth, Texas
PROPOSAL FOR: furnishing of all materials and equipment and labor and all necessary
appurtenances and incidental work to provide a complete and operable project designated as:
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of
Biosolids from Drying Beds
Project Number PS46-070460300060
Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders, the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly examined
the Contract Documents, including plans, special contract documents and the General
Specifications for Water Department Projects, the site of the project and understanding the
amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions hereby proposes to do all the work, .
furnish all .the labor, equipment and material, except as specified to be furnished by the City,
which is necessary to fully complete the work as provided in the plans and contract Documents
and subjec·t to the inspection and approval of the Director of the City Water Department of the
City of Fort Worth, Texas; and binds himself upon acceptance of this proposal to execute a
contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and such other bonds, if
any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the performing and completing of the
said work. Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sums:
2 .
Approx .
118,000 D.T.
118,000 D.T.
Description of Items
With Bid Prices Written in Words
For Further Processing of Class "A" Biosolids from
the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Drying
Beds, Complete for the Sum of;
______________ Dollars & $ ___ _
___________ Cents per Dry Ton
For Removal and Reuse by Approved Means of Class
"A" Biosolids from the Village Creek Wastewater
Treatment Plant Drying Beds, Complete for the Sum
Dollars & $ ------------------
___________ Cents per Dry Ton
$ ____ _
$ ____ _
TOTAL BID $ __________ _
Item I Description Page
D-1 General D-1
D-2 Project Description and Location D-1
D-3 Project Coordinator D-2
D-4 Definitions D-2
D-5 Specifications References D-4
D-6 Physical Conditions -Surveys and Reports D-4
D-7 Interpretation of Requirements D-4
D-8 Interpretation of Phrases D-4
D-9 Equal Employment Provisions D-4
D-10 Wage Rates D-5
D-11 Modifications to General Conditions D-5
D-12 Payment for Sludge Removal and Reuse D-8
D-13 Adjacent Facilities and Properties D-8
D-14 Proposal (Bid) Prices D-8
D-15 Subsidiary Work D-8 -D-16 Time of Completion and Liquidated Damages D-8
D-17 Final Acceptance D-10
D-18 OSHA Standards D-10
D-19 Discharge Permits D-10
D-20 Right of Access to Project D-10
D-21 Access to Drying Beds and Project Site D-10
liiiiil D-22 Use of Owner's Premises D-11
D-23 Coordination of Contractors and City D-11
D-24 Notification by Contractor D-11
D-25 Resident Engineer D-12
D-26 Project Superintendent D-12
D-27 Subcontractor Experience D-12
D-28 Contractor's Office D-12
D-29 Sanitary Provisions D-12
D-30 Project Sign D-12
D-31 Contractor Modification Request/Proposed Contract Modification D-13
D-32 Project Information Request D-13
D-33 Record Documents D-13
D-34 Existing Utilities D-13
D-35 Worker's Compensation Insurance D-14
D-36 Addenda D-17
D-37 Termination D-17
D-38 Hazardous and Toxic Materials D-17
D-39 Age D-17
D-40 Disability D-18
D-41 Indemnification D-18
D-42 Project Budget D-18
D-43 TNRCC Rules D-18
D-44 Funding and Non-Appropriation D-18
A. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor , materials , equipment, and related items
necessary to perform all duties, including, but not necessarily limited to further
processing, loading , transporting, and reuse of biosolids. This work will be completed
in accordance with the specifications , drawings, contract documents , and the regulations
of all state, federal , and local agencies having jurisdiction.
A. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for determining his method of biosolids loading ,
transporting and reuse. The CONTRACTOR may reuse the biosolids using any method
acceptable to the OWNER and in compliance with federal, state and local regulations
1. Disposal in a landfill or use as a landfill cover.
2. Any type of commingling with any other sludge.
3. Filling of gravel pits, rock quarries or excavated pits of any type.
4 . • Marketing and distribution of biosolids to the general public .
5. Any method with the potential to contaminate an aquifer.
B . The CONTRACTOR shall compile an Operating Plan and submit to the OWNER
within ten (10) days after the Notice to Proceed. The Plan shall be a complete and
detailed description of his proposed work methods, including but not limited to:
1. Listing of all areas, individuals. or entities to receive biosolids and landowner's
written consent to use land
2. Traffic Control Plan (on-site and off-site)
3. Emergency Spill Response Plan, and Spill Prevention Plan
4. Insect Control Plan
5. Dust Control Plan
Page 1
G. In reusing biosolids, the CONTRACTOR will only be allowed to apply, incorporate or
dispose the OWNER'S biosolids and will not be allowed to add any other biosolids or
waste material to the land. •
H. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that site where the OWNER'S biosolids are applied,
incorporated or reused has not received any biosolids or waste material prior to
applying, incorporating or disposing the OWNER'S biosolids .
I. Upon completion of the project, the CONTRACTOR shall demobilize, blade the site
of the stockpile to a smooth finish at the pre-stockpile grades and otherwise restore the
stockpile area to pre-construction conditions . The slopes of any portion of the stockpile
not removed shall be dressed to uniform slope by blading.
K. The CONTRACTOR will not be allowed to commingle, mix , and/or combine any solid
waste/sludge or biosolids with the OWNER'S biosolids, except for OWNER approved
non-putresible material and non-household wastes such as wood chips or other similar
L. The CONTRACTOR shall observe the rules and regulations of the State of Texas and
agencies of the U.S Government prohibiting the pollution of any lake, stream , river, or
wetland by dumping of any refuse, rubbish, dredge material, or debris therein . The
CONTRACTOR is specifically cautioned that disposal of materials into any waters of
the State must conform to the requirements of the Texas Natural Resources
Conservation Commission and applicable permits from the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, the City of Fort Worth, the County of Tarrant, or any government agency
-having jurisdiction.
M. The CONTRACTOR shall abide by the Texas Air Contro_l Board and _shall obtain all
applicable permits required· by the Board. Air pollution shall be minimized by wetting
down haul roads for dust control, and by requiring the use of properly operating
combustion emission control devices on construction vehicles and equipment used by
CONTRACTOR, and requiring the shutdown of motorized equipment not actually in
use. All unpaved streets, roads, detours, or haul roads used shall be given a dust-
preventive treatment or periodically watered to prevent dust. Applicable environmental
regulations for dust prevention shall be strictly enforced.
A. The OWNER guarantees that the biosolids to be reused:
1. Are not subject to any special disposal requirements under state and local law
comparable to the disposal requirements prescribed by federal law for wastes
within the terms of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or
Section 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act.
Page 3
2. Conform to numerical criteria for metals listed in Tables 1 and 3 of paragraph
503.13 of 40 CFR 503 .
3. Meet the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements for a Class "A"
A. The OWNER has the right to take samples from the CONTRACTOR'S operation at any
time an place. This includes sampling at the stockpile, from vehicles transporting solids
and at the final disposal sites.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER all information in accordance with
procedures set forth in Section 01300, SUBMITTALS.
A. All biosolids shall be further processed before transportation such that all rubber,
plastic, glass, debris, or trash is no larger than one-half (1/2) inch in any dimension.
Further processing will involve grinding or shredding and screening through use of soil
shredders, particleizers, hammer mills or other appropriate equipment and screens.
B. Details describing the means, procedures and equipment to further process biosolids
shall be submitted as part of the Operating Plan in accordance with Section 01300,
A. All biosolids shall be transported from the project site in a manner acceptable to and
approved by the OWNER.
B. The CONTRACTOR's construction traffic shall not obstruct or interfere with
OWNER'S operations. Trucks shall adhere to all posted bridge load limits and other
requirements as specified in local highway regulations and shall travel on state and
federal highways as much as possible. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain written
approval from county authorities, a minimum of seven days in advance, prior to using
county roads for biosolids hauling.
Page 4
6. Odor Control Plan
7. Schedule of Operations (hours per day, days per week, whether work will be
conducted outside of normal working days and estimated time of completion).
8. Public Relations Program
9. Overall Project Management
10. Equipment Requirements including Truck Scale
11 . Steps to achieve regulatory agency compliance and listing of regulatory constraint
12. Biosolids transport methods
13. Biosolids reuse methods
14. Means, procedures, and equipment to further process biosolids
15. Safety Plan
16. Plan for distribution and marketing.
C . The CONTRACTOR has the sole responsibility for maintaining the biosolids in a
condition meeting the requirements for pathogen and vector attraction reduction for a
Class "A" sludge throughout the CONTRACTOR'S disposal operation. The
CONTRACTOR shall provide the OWNER with written information setting forth
verification of this responsibility. The CONTRACTOR shall abide by all requirements
of 31 TAC312.4 7 Record keeping and provide copies of all records and certifications
to the OWNER prior to completion of the Work.
D . The CONTRACTOR shall familiarize himself with all applicable State and Federal
flood plain regulations and how they relate to this work.
E . . Biosolids shall be considered reu sed of when they have been placed or spread in their
final location. Stockpiled or stored biosolids shall not be considered as "reused".
F. Temporarily stored or stockpiled biosolids at non-project sites must be reused within
a thirty (30) day period from the time of transport. Permanent biosolids storage or
stockpiling will not be allowed . Payment will not be made for temporarily stored or
stockpiled biosolids at non-Project Sites until the biosolids have been placed or spread
in their final location.
Page 2
Completion Schedule
The CONTRACTOR accepts this Contract with the understanding that within three hundred
(300) calendar days from the date set forth in the Notice to Proceed for the authorization to
start work the CONTRACTOR shall complete all mobilization and installation of eqwpment,
complete all testing and startup; and shall begin work, which includes, but is not limited to,
further processing, transporting, and disposing by OWNER approved means of Class "A"
Biosolids from Sludge Stockpile No. 12 located in the drying bed area as set forth herein and
as set forth in the Specifications.
Upon completion of said mobilization, installation of equipment, etc., and testing and start up,
the CONTRACTOR shall provide a written notice to the OWNER, for OWNER's approval
and signature, that the CONTRACTOR is ready to begin the said work on the date set forth
in the written notice.
The CONTRACTOR accepts this Contract with the understanding that the CONTRACTOR
shall continue said work and disposal of all sludge in stockpile #12 at the drying bed as set
forth in the Specifications for 300 calendar days from the date set forth in the written notice
provided to and approved by the OWNER indicating the CONTRACTOR is ready to begin
Upon completion of the project, the CONTRACTOR shall demobilize, remove and repair all
fences, eqwpment and items not to be owned by OWNER, utilities, paved surfaces, etc., and
as designated by the OWNER, to restore on-site (Project Site) and offsite (non-Project Site)
properties to original pre-work conditions within 30 days after final acceptance of the further
processing, transportation and disposal by OWNER approved means .
Liquidated Damages
Recognizing that further processing and disposal of biosolids is a responsibility of the
CONTRACTOR incurred upon acceptance of the biosolids from the OWNER and that
temporarily storing biosolids at non-Project Site(s) would cause the OWNER to incur
additional costs in the event of CONTRACTOR default, the OWNER will deduct the sum of
two thousand dollars ($2,000), not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for each day or
portion thereof during which the CONTRACTOR maintains the temporary storage of biosolids
(whether for further processing, safe keeping, stockpiling, etc.) at non-Project Site(s) which
exceeds a total volume of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards of biosolids, for all combined
non-Project Sites. The OWNER may elect to verify the volume of biosolids stored for
processing and/or temporary storage at non-Project Site(s) at any time . Should such
verification indicate a total stored volume to be in excess of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards,
the OWNER will charge to the CONTRACTOR all costs for such verification. Verification
by the OWNER of volumes less than five thousand (5,000) cubic yards shall not be charged
If the CONTRACTOR can completely dispose of those biosolids stored (whether for
processing, safe keeping, stockpiling, etc.) at the Project Site and/or the non-Project Site(s) for
which liquidated damages were imposed, then the OWNER will return eighty percent (80%)
of the monies deducted for liquidated damages for those biosolids upon complete disposal of
those biosolids.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and be responsible for the means of reuse including
developing all markets, securing and obtaining all approvals for land required,
responding to all complaints, and all else necessary to reuse the biosolids in an
environmentally sound and satisfactory manner acceptable to and approved by the
B . Biosolids reuse shall be in accordance with applicable City, County, State, and Federal
regulations, and any other authority having jurisdiction over the project.
C. To reuse biosolids by the land application method, the CONTRACTOR will be
responsible for the following:
1. Assist the OWNER in submitting a complete "Notification Form" to the TNRCC
Permitting Section of the Watershed Management Division of all registered and
. proposed land application sites by providing the following information in a timely
a. Name, address, and telephone number of all persons who receive biosolids.
b. Methods of distribution, handling, and transportation of sewage sludge.
c. A description of any proposed temporary storage and the methods which will
be employed to prevent surface water runoff of the sewage sludge or
contamination of ground water.
2. Obtain all land application agreements from landowners .
3. Assist the OWNER by providing information for the preparation of an annual
report to TNRCC on September 1 and/or at the completion of the project. Such
report will be prepared on forms furnished by TNRCC and will describe all
activities described Paragraph C. l.a through c above. The report shall include an
update of new information since the prior report or notification was submitted and
all newly proposed activities. The report shall also include a description and the
annual amounts of s~wage sludge provided to each receiver.
4. Preparation of a form showing the next week's projected hauling schedule
including site identification shall be submitted to the OWNER seven (7) days in
advance. An updated final form showing the next week's hauling schedule
including site identification shall be submitted to the OWNER no later than the
afternoon of the preceding work day or by 8:00 a.m. the next regular work day for
that week 's application.
5. Preparation of Progress Reports and quantity charts shall be made on a bi-weekly
Page 6
basis at a regular day and time to be specified by the OWNER.
D. The CONTRACTOR shall submit all certification statements required by EPA and
TNRCC rules and regulations .
A. All haul roads, temporary or permanent, at the project site and reuse sites shall be
maintained by the CON1RACTOR, and at completion time be returned to a condition
equal to or better than original condition , at the CONTRACTOR 's expense.
B . Haul roads shall be watered down for dust control as needed using potable grade water, or
as directed by the OWNER.
C. The CONTRACTOR shall control traffic and maintain traffic safety in accordance with an
approved Traffic Control Plan, and shall post temporary speed limit signs onsite .
D . Prior to commencing biosolids transport, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare a traffic control
plan and obtain OWNER 's approval for onsite traffic and obtain the appropriate agency 's
approval for City , County, and State, where applicable , for offsite traffic. The traffic
control plan shall as a minimum address :
1. Onsite/offsite circulation showing the use of existing onsite and offsite roads ; any
temporary roads to be constructed by the CONTRACTOR.
2 . An overall traffic and vehicular safety plan and a specific method to control traffic at
the entrance to each project site .
3 . Control traffic off site .
E . Traffic plans shall be in accordance with applicable City, County and State laws for offsite
F. The CONTRACTOR shall take precautions to prevent injury to the public due to his
operation both on an off the project site . The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible
for damage or injuries associated with his operations .
G . The CONTRACTOR shall schedule hauling times to avoid times when major industries
along the routes, such as Bell Helicopter, are undergoing shift changes.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating and maintammg good public
relations . All informational meetings, public notices, hearings and relations with the media
will be in cooperation with the OWNER. Before actual hauling and reuse operations
commence, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare a public relations program plan and shall
Page 7
3. Agricultural Liaison -Provide a detailed description of methods to ensure the
support and cooperation of farmers in the land application program.
4. Implementation -Describe in detail and provide documentation of the techniques
for developing and maintaining a successful public relations program geared
specifically to agricultural land application.
E . The CONTRACTOR must provide a public relations program which includes the
technical resources necessary to provide long-term community acceptance for the land
application program .
F. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the Public Relations Program Plan to the OWNER
for approval as part of the Operating Plan.
G. Before the CONTRACTOR proceeds with any phase of the plan, and parti~ularly prior
to conducting any meetings, media relations , hearings, public notices and publishing an
distributing any literature, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain the OWNER' s approval and
determine whether OWNER desires to accompany CONTRACTOR while conducting
any public relations .
A. If a conflict occurs between this CONTRACTOR and the daily operations of plant or
drying beds, the plant operation and/or drying beds shall have preference .
B . Prior to completion of Work, the OWNER may begin stockpiling operations on portions
of the site adjacent to Work or in portions of the stockpile area that have been removed
by the CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR shall therefore remove biosolids
completely from top to bottom of the stockpile, progressing from south to north.
A. Measurement for both Further Processing of Class "A" Biosolids and for Removal and
Reuse by Approved Means of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on a per dry ton basis .
Measurement shall be accomplished by measuring the actual weight of wet stockpiled
sludge and then determining its equivalent dry weight of solids.
1. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a certified truck scale for establishing empty
truck tare weights and for weighing every loaded truck.
2. The weight of wet stockpiled sludge shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR.
The CONTRACTOR will establish a validated empty tare weight for each truck
and a weigh ticket will be issued for that tare weight. The empty tare weight for
each truck will be periodically verified and adjusted as required. The OWNER
will have the right to require the verification of empty tare weight of any truck at
any time.
Page 9
SEWER PROJECT NO . PS46-070460300060
August 24 , 1995
Item 2-1 -PART B -PROPOSAL, Page B-1
Delete Page B-1 in its entirety and replace with the revised "PART B -PROPOSAL ", Page B-1
attached to this addendum.
Item 2-2 -PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS , Item D-4, Definitions , Page D-2
Revise Paragraph 2. of Item D-4, Definitions , to read as follows:
2. The term(s) "Biosolid(s)", Class "A", Class "A" Sewage Sludge", or similar words
are all one and the same and shall mean sewage sludge meeting Class 'Ji"
pathogen reduction requirements set forth in 40 Part CFR and 30 TAC Chapter
312 .
Item 2-3 -PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS, Item D-16 , Time of Completion, Page D-9
Revise the first paragraph of Completion Schedule to read as follows:
The CONTRACTOR accepts this Contract with the understanding that within three
hundred thirty (330) calendar days from the date set forth in the Notice to Proceed for
the authorization to start work the CONTRACTOR shall complete all rrwbilization and
installation of equipment, testing and start-up ; and shall complete all work, which
includes , but is not limited to , further processing , transporting and disposal by OWNER
approved means all of Class 'Ji" Biosolids from Sludge Stockpile No. 12 located in the
drying bed area as set forth herein and as set forth in the Specifications.
Delete the second and third paragraphs of Completion Schedule.
ADDENDUM NO. 2 -Page 1
1. The CONTRACTOR shall limit the use of all equipment to prevent the equipment
from exceeding the load limits posted as acceptable to roadways used, whether
onsite or off site or public or private. Where it becomes necessary to improve any
roadways to accommodate CONTRACTOR' s loads , CONTRACTOR shall either
provide such improvements at his sole expense without additional reimbursement
from the OWNER or restrict his loads to within acceptable limits. Any expenses
for roadway testing, investigating, improving and repairing will be considered
subsidiary to the CONTRACTOR' s work and must be included in the Bid
C. All transportation of biosolids or other material shall be done in vehicles or equipment
which contain the solids or other material in a manner to preclude the possibility of
dripping , spillin g, scattering , leaking or blowing . Biosolids shall be transported in
sealed tank bodies or in open trucks with watertight beds and sealed gates , and fitted
with splash covers and baffles to prevent spills resulting from wave action in the event
of emergency stops. The gates shall be fitted with a minimum of four manually
operated turnbuckles to avoid accidental opening while in transit. For trucks that
facilitate unloading by dumping through a tailgate, a continuous one piece rear mud flap
shall be installed the width of the truck to prevent sludge from flowing under the truck
and accumulating on the tires and undercarriage during unloading . The
CONTRACTOR shall be totally responsible to see that no truck shall leave the site in
an overloaded condition with respect to both weight and volume.
D . Cleanup of spilled biosolids and/or end products shall be provided by the
CONTRACTOR at the project site, anywhere in transit, and at the reuse site . All spills
or tracking of biosolids af the project sites , in transit to reuse sites or at the reuse sites
are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and are to be cleaned up immediately.
1. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish necessary equipment such as a water tank and
spray truck to facilitate the cleaning of hauling and spreading equipment and
cleaning of roadways. All hauling and spreading equipment shall be washed down
before loading and also at spreading sites, if necessary, to prevent tracking of
E . Should mishaps occur for any reason, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately put into
force the emergency spill response plan. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
cleaning up any such biosolids or other materials .
F . The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all necessary permits and pay all required fees of the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission or other federal, state, or local
agencies, as required, for the collection, transport and land application of a Class "A"
Page 5
3. All loaded solids hauling trucks shall be weighed by certified scales provided by
the CONTRACTOR. A weigh ticket will be issued and copies of the tickets will
be provided to the OWNER, with each pay estimate.
4. The CONTRACTOR shall have an independent laboratory certify the scale's
accuracy, and provide OWNER with copies of the written certification. The scales
shall be certified at the site after installation at the beginning of the work and once
every three months thereafter for the duration of the project. The duration between
certified tests shall be at least ten (10) weeks.
5. On Monday of each week, a sample of wet stockpiled sludge will be obtained from
one of the trucks by the CONTRACTOR in the presence of the OWNER and the
solids content determined by the CONTRACTOR using a microwave solids
analyzer. The Microwave solids analyzer will be provided by the CONTRACTOR
and analysis performed by the CONTRACTOR or by an OWNER approved
independent laboratory. Solids Analysis will be determined by Standard Methods.
A print out of the solids analyses will be furnished to the OWNER weekly . The
solids content resulting from this test will used to determine solids content for all
sludge removed during the week of the test. The OWNER reserves the right to
split the sample and to independently verify solids content.
6. At the end of the month, the weigh tickets and solids content analyses will be used
to determine the dry weight tons of solids further processed, removed and reused.
7. CONTRACTOR shall obtain OWNER'S approval of a sampling method to assure
a representative sample.
B. Payment for "Further Processing" of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on dry ton basis for
biosolids further processed.
C. Payment for "Removal and Reuse" of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on a dry ton basis
for biosolids removed and reused. Such payment shall include loading , transporting and
reuse of biosolids as well as all required fees of the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission or other Federal, State, or Local agencies, as required, for
the collection, processing, transport and land application or other beneficial reuse
options of Class "A" sludge (biosolids). Payment will not be made for temporarily
stored or stockpiled biosolids at non-Project Sites, until the biosolids have been placed
or spread in their final location.
Page 10
make this information available to the OWNER to show CONTRACTOR's means and
methods to educate the public concerning the methods of transport and reuse to be used .
This may include but not be limited to: pamphlets, newspapers , seminars, public meetings ,
meetings with private interest groups, and demonstration projects. The CONTRACTOR
must also provide documentation of successes in developing and maintaining public support
for biosolids reuse programs . The CONTRACTOR shall work out problems with the public
on a cooperative basis, and there may be occasions when the CONTRACTOR shall change
management aspects of his system as needed to maintain good public relations. Public
relations will be of top priority through the conclusion of this project. The OWNER will
cooperate with the CONTRACTOR in providing contacts with local groups and
organizations .
B . As a minimum, the CONTRACTOR and OWNER shall make an informational visit to
provide local residents with educational material about land application, organization
involved, and respective phone numbers to call as a problem develops. The OWNER
will maintain a record of the residents visited; when, where, and which could not be
C. The CONTRACTOR represents the OWNER through this Contract and shall conduct
its affairs with the public likewise. The CONTRACTOR may be called on in public
meetings to answer questions and work with the public.
D . The elements of the public relations program to be addressed by the CONTRACTOR
shall include the following:
1. Overall .Strategy and Goals -The CONTRACTOR shall set forth a plan to address
public concerns and negative perception of biosolids in the recipient communities.
2 . Proposed Communication Methods -The CONTRACTOR shall describe the
methods for providing information and communication about the project, including:
a. Media relations -Specify methods used to develop liaison with local media.
b . Published material -Describe written and audio visual materials (including
slides and video) which will be used to support the public relations program.
c. Public meetings and tours -Specify methods to be used in interactions with
the general public and local organizations to establish a positive image for the
land application program.
d . Regulatory liaison -Describe methods by which the regulatory permitting
process will be linked to the public relations program .
e . Coordinate with OWNER' s public information personnel.
Page 8
Item 2-4 -PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS, Item D-34, Existing Utilities, Page D-13
Add the following paragraph:
The OWNER will not provide an y electrical power. The CONTRACTOR shall extend and
obtain all electrical power from TU Electric (TUE) and pay all subsequ ent costs to TUE.
The CONTRACTOR shall contact TUE directly for all questions concerning power
availability, ex tensions and costs. (Contact Mr. Terry Fl ynn at TUE (817) 882-6887.
Item 2-5 -PART D -SPECIAL CONDITIONS, Item D-44 , Funding and Non-Appropriation,
Page D-18
Insert the following sentence before the first paragraph.
The OWNER will determine the yearly appropriation and sludge amounts for the second
through the fifth terms of the Contract during the City yearly budget process.
Add the attached Items D-45 OPTION TO RENEW CONTRACT and D-46 UNIT PRICE
At the end of the initial Contract term, the OWNER, at its sole option , has the
right to renew the Contract for an additional period or periods not to exceed a
total of five (5) years. The OWNER must exercise its option to renew within
ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the primary term of this CONTRACT.
However such option shall be subject to City Council approval of the annual
budget for the project. Such approval normally occurs during the month of
September. The CONTRACTOR agrees to execute a Contract under the terms of
this Contract at the same unit prices for operation as set forth in the proposal and
as adjusted pursuant to the "Unit Price Adjustment" in Part D . Item 46 to this
Contract. The total remaining quantity of biosolids for Contract years two through
five is estimated to be approximately 300,000 to 500,000 cy . The yearly contract
amount will range from approximately 75,000 cy to 125 ,000 cy. Contract years
two through five will run from October 1 through the following September 15th.
The unit prices which may be charged by the CONTRACTOR for the second and
subsequent years of the term hereof shall be adjusted upward or downward to
reflect changes in the cost of operations, as reflected by fluctuations in the
Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (All Items
unadju sted) and the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical
Workers , Expenditures Category "Gasoline", both as published by the U.S.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. As of the last month of the first
ADDENDUM NO. 2 -Page 2
year of the Contract and every twelve months thereafter (the "Rate Modification
Date") the fees shall be increased or decreased for the ensuing twelve month
period in a percentage amount equal to 40 percent of the net percentage change
of the All Items Index (U.S . City Average) plus 10 percent of the net percentage
change of the Gasoline Index. All percentage changes are to be computed as the
difference between the index value for the first full month prior to the
commencement of the Contract and the index value for the Rate Modification
Date divided by the index value for the first full month prior to the
commencement of the Contract.
As soon as possible after a Rate Modification Date, CONTRACTOR shall send
to OWNER a copy of the Summary Data from the Consumer Price Index News
Release, for the month prior to commencement of the contract, as available from
the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics and a comparative
statement setting out for both the All Items Index and the Gasoline Index: (i) the
index value on the first full month prior to commencement of the Contract; (ii) the
index value on the Rate Modification Date preceding the date of each statement;
(iii) the net percentage change; (iv) the composite percentage change equal to 40
percent of the net percentage change in the All Items index (U.S . City Average)
plus 10 percent of the net percentage change in the Gasoline Index; and (v) the
increase or decrease in the unit prices which may be charged by the
CONTRACTOR. On the first billing date after renewal of Contract, the unit
prices charged by the CONTRACTOR shall be modified to reflect the change.
The modified unit prices shall be charged until the beginning of the next Contract
Adjustments to unit prices will only be made in units of hundredths of a dollar ;
fractions of a cent will not be considered in making adjustments. The adjustments
shall be limited to three and one-half percen t (3-1/2%) per year over the most
recently prevailing unit prices .
The Contractor hereby agrees to accept payments adjusted in this manner as full
compensation for services rendered.
The City may , upon reasonable notice to Contractor, examine the books and
records of Contractor that relate to the calculations of fees of Contractor.
Item 2-7 -PART E -TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, Section 13001 -Further Processing ,
removal and Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds, Page 2, Paragraph C
Revise Paragraph C. to read as follows:
The CONTRACTOR has the sole responsibility for maintaining the biosolids in a
condition meeting the requirements for pathogen and vector attraction reduction for a
Class ''A" sludge throughout the CONTRACTOR'S disposal operation . The
CONTRACTOR shall abide by all applicable requirements of 30 TAC Chapter 312.47.
ADDENDUM NO . 2 -Page 3
-Item 2-8 -PART E -TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS, Section 13001 -Further Processing,
Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds, Pages 9 and 10, Paragraph 3.9
-Delete Paragraph 3.9 and replace with the following Paragraph 3.8, MEASUREMENT AND
A. -
Measurement for both Further Processing of Class "A" Biosolids and for Removal
and Reuse by Approved Means of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on a per wet ton
basis . Measurement and payment shall be accomplished by measuring the actual
weight of wet stockpiled sludge. The equivalent dry weight will be determined
only for the purpose of determining the annual sludge fee owed to TNRCC b·y the
The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a certified truck scale for establishing
empty truck tare weights and for weighing every loaded truck.
The weight of wet stockpiled sludge shall be determined by the
CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR will establish a validated empty
tare weight for each truck and a weigh ticket will be issued for that tare
weight. The empty tare weight for each truck will be periodically verified
and adjusted as required. The OWNER will have the right to require the
verification of empty tare weight of any truck at any time.
All loaded solids hauling trucks shall be weighed by certified scales
provided by the CONTRACTOR. A weigh ticket will be issued and
copies of the tickets will be provided to the OWNER, with each pay
The CONTRACTOR shall have an independent laboratory certify the
scale 's accuracy, and provide OWNER with copies of the written
certification. The scales shall be certified at the site after installation at
the beginning of the work and once every three months thereafter for the
duration of the project. The duration between certified tests shall be at
least ten (10) weeks.
On Monday of each week, a sample of wet stockpiled sludge will be
obtained from one of the trucks by the CONTRACTOR in the presence of
the OWNER and the solids content determined by the CONTRACTOR
. using a microwave solids analyzer. The Microwave solids analyzer will
be provided by the CONTRACTOR and analysis performed by the
CONTRACTOR or by an OWNER approved independent laboratory.
Solids Analysis will be determined by Standard Methods. A print out of
the solids analyses will be furnished to the OWNER weekly. The solids
content resulting from this test will used to determine solids content for all
sludge removed during the week of the test. The OWNER reserves the
right to split the sample and to independently verify solids content.
ADDENDUM NO. 2 -Page 4
B .
6. CONTRACTOR shall obtain OWNER'S approval of a sampling method
to assure a representative sample.
Payment for "Further Processing" of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on wet ton basis
for biosolids fm ther processed .
Payment for "Removal and Reuse" of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on a wet ton
basis for biosolids removed and reused. Such payment shall include loading ,
transporting and reuse of biosolids as_ well as all required fees of the Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission or other Federal, State, or Local
agencies, as required, for the collection, processing, transport and land application
or other beneficial reuse options of Clas s "A" sludge (biosolids). Payment will
not be made for temporarily stored or stockpiled biosolids at non-Project Sites,
until the biosolids have been placed or spread in their final location.
Add the enclosed "Attachment "A" to the TNRCC Permit.
City of Fort Worth Water Department
1000 Throckmorton Street
P.O. Box 870
Fort Worth, Texas 76101
(817) 277-7591
ADDENDUM NO . 2 -Page 5
TO: Bob Terrell
-City Manager
Fort worth, Texas
PROPOSAL FOR: furnishing of all materials and equipment and labor and all necessary
appurtenances and incidental work to provide a complete and operable project designated as:
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of
Biosolids fr om Drying Beds
Project N um ber PS46-070460300060
Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders, the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly examined
the Contract D ocuments, including plans, special contract documents and the General
Specifications for Water Department Projects, the site of the project and understanding the
amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions hereby proposes to do all the work,
furnish all the labor, equipment and material, except as specified to be furnished by the City,
which is necessary to fully complete the work as provided in the plans and contract Documents
and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director of the City Water Department of the
City of Fort Worth, Texas; and bin ds himself upon acceptance of this proposal to execute a
contract an d furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and such other bonds, if
any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the performing and completing of the
said work. Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sums:
Item Approx.
No . Quantity
1. 14 7,000 W.T.
2. 147,000 W.T.
Description of Items
With Bid Prices Written in Words
For Further Processing of Class "A" Biosolids from
the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Drying
Beds, Complete for the Sum of;
Dollars &
Cents per Wet Ton
For Removal and Reuse by Approved Means of Class
"A" Biosolids from the Village Creek Wastewater
Treatment Plant Drying Beds, Complete for the Sum
Dollars &
Cents per Wet Ton
$ ____ _
$ ____ _
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Table of Contents
Notice to Bidder
Instructions to Bidders
Contractor 's Compliance with Worker's Compensation
Minority and Women Business Enterprise Specifications
Table of Contents
Cl-1 Definitions
C2-2 Interpretation and Preparation of Proposal
C3-3 Award and Execution of Documents
C4-4 Scope of Work
CS-5 Control of Work and Materials
C6-6 Legal Relations and Public Responsibility
C7-7 Prosecution and Progress
C8-8 Measurement and Payment
Table of Contents
Submittals Section 01300
Section 13001 Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of
Biosolids from Drying Beds
Table of Contents
Performance Bond
Payment Bond
Certificate of Insurance
Page No.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Location and Vicinity Map
Drying Bed Area
Stockpile Area No . 12
Appendix A NPDES Permit
Appendix B TNRCC Permit
Appendix C Rone Engineers Report -
Sludge Stockpile Sampling Stockpile Area No . 12
Appendix D EPA & TNRCC Correspondence
Page No.
Notice to Bidders
Sealed proposals for the following project:
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of
Biosolids from Drying Beds
Project Number PS46-070460300060
Addressed to Mr . Bob Terrell , City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, will be received at the Office
of the Purchasing Manager , City of Fort Worth, located in the lower level of the Municipal Building, 1000
Throckmorton, Fort Worth, Texas until
1:30 PM, Thursday, August 31, 1995
and will then be publicly opened and read aloud in the City Council Chambers at 2 :00 PM that same day .
Prequalification of Bidders according to the Fort Worth Water Department Contract Specifications is
Special Contract Documents, including site location map and detailed specifications , may be obtained at the
office of Halff Associates, Inc., 4000 Fossil Creek Boulevard, Fort Worth, Texas, 76137 for a deposit of
$20.00; such deposit will be refunded if the document is returned in good condition within ten (10) days
after bids are opened. Additional sets may be purchased on a non-refundable basis for $20.00 per set.
General Contract Documents and General Specifications for the Water Department projects, dated January
1, 1978, with amendments, also comprise a part of the Contract Documents for this project and may be
obtained by paying $50.00 for each set, at the Engineering Office of the Fort Worth Water Department, City
Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 .
The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and waive any or all irregularities . No bid may be
withdrawn until the expiration of 90 days from the date bids are received.
In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinance No . 11923 , the City of Fort Worth has goals for the
participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises in City contracts. You may
obtain a copy of the Ordinance from the office of the City Secretary. In order for a bid to be considered
responsive, the AFFIDAVIT STATEMENT included within these bid documents must be completed and
submitted with your bid. Failure to submit the completed AFFIDAVIT STATEMENT shall render your
bid non-responsive. In addition, the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM, M/WBE GOALS W AIYER FORM,
and GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM, as applicable, must be submitted within five (5) business days after •
bid opening. Failure to comply shall render your bid non-responsive.
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held in the Conference Room in the Administration Building at
the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (VCWWTP) at 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 15, 1995.
Publication: July 27 , 1995
August 3, 1995
Robert Terrell
City Manager
Alice Church
City Secretary
1. PREQUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: A current financial statement, an acceptable
experience record, and an equipment schedule must be filed with the Director of the
Water Department at least one week prior to the hour for opening bids. The financial
statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant
or independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate state
licensing agency, and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the current financial status.
This statement must be current and no more than one (1) year old . In the case that a
bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous
statement shall be updated by proper verification. Proposals submitted by a prospective
bidder who has not fulfilled the above requirements shall be returned unopened .
Prospective bidders whose qualifications are not deemed to be appropriate to the nature
and/or magnitude of the project on which the bids are to be received will be notified
before the date of the bid opening, and any proposals submitted by them shall be returned
unopened . Liquid assets in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the estimated project cost
will be required .
For an experience record to be considered acceptable for a given project, it must reflect
the experience of the firm seeking qualification in the work of both the same nature and
magnitude as that of the project for which bids are to be received, and such experience
must have been on projects completed not more than five (5) years prior to the date on
which bids are to be received. The Director of the Water Department shall be the sole
judge as to the acceptability of experience for qualification to bid on any Fort Worth
Water Department project.
The prospective bidder shall schedule the equipment he has available for the project and
state that he will rent such additional equipment as may be required to complete the
project on which he submits a bid.
2. BID SECURITY: A cashier's check or an acceptable bidder's bond payable to the City
of Fort Worth in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the largest possible total
of the bid submitted must accompany the bid, and is subject to forfeiture in the event the
successful bidder fails to execute the Contract Documents within ten (10) days after the
• contract has been awarded. To be an acceptable surety on the bond, (1) the name of the ••
surety shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury, or (2) the surety must have capital
and surplus equal to ten times the limit of the bond. The surety must be licenses to do
business in the State of Texas. The amount of the bond shall not exceed the amount
shown on the treasury list or one-tenth (1/10) the total capital and surplus.
3. BONDS : A performance bond and a payment bond each for one hundred (100%) percent
of the contract price will be required. Reference C3-3 .7.
4 . WAGE RATES : Not less that the prevailing wage rates established by the City of Fort
Worth , Texas, and as set forth in the Contract Documents must be paid on this project.
5. AMBIGUITY: In the case of ambiguity or lack of clearness in stating prices in the
Proposal, the City reserves the right to adopt the most advantageous construction thereof
to the City or to reject the Proposal .
6. ADDENDA: Bidders wanting further information, interpretation or clarification of the
contract documents must make their request in writing to the Fort Worth Water
Department Engineering Services , at least 96 hours prior to bid opening . Answers to all
such requests will be bound and made a part of the Contract Documents . No other
explanation or interpretation will be considered official or binding. Should a bidder find
discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Contract Documents, or should the bidder be in
doubt as to their meaning, the bidder should at once notify the Fort Worth Water
Department Engineering Services, in order that a written addendum may be sent to all
bidders . Any addenda issued will be mailed or be delivered to each prospective bidder.
The bid proposal as submitted by the bidder must be so constructed as to include any
addenda issued by the Fort Worth Water Department, prior to 24 hours of the opening of
bids with appropriate recognition of addenda so noted in the bid proposal.
7. BIDDER LICENSE: Bidder must be a licensed Contractor in the State of Texas.
8. NONRESIDENT BIDDERS: Pursuant to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statues , the
City of Fort Worth will not award this contract to a nonresident bidder unless the
nonresident's bid is lower that the lowest bid submitted by a Texas resident bidde r by
the same amount that a Texas resident would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder
to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident 's principal place
of business is located.
"Nonresident bidder" means a bidder whose principal place of business is not in this state,
but excludes a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has a place
of business in this state.
This provision does not apply if this contract involves federal funds .
The appropriate blanks of the Proposal must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in
order for the bid to meet specifications . The failure of a nonresident contractor to do so
will automatically disqualify that bidder.
9. PAYMENT: If the contract amount is $25,000 or less, the contract amount shall be paid
within forty-five (45) calendar days after completion and acceptance by the City.
10. AGE: In accordance with the policy ("Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal
Government, the Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers, members ,
agents, employees , program participants or sub contractors, while engaged in performing
this contract, shall in connection with the employment , advancement or discharge of
employees or in connection with the terms , conditions or privileges of their employment,
discriminate against persons because of their age except on the basis of a bona fide
occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement.
The Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers , members , agents ,
employees , subcontractors, program participants , or persons acting on their behalf, shall
specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this contract, a
maximum age limit fo r such employment unless the specified maximum age limit is based
on a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement.
Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend , indemnify and
hold City harmless against any claims or alle gations asserted by third parties or
subcontractors against the City arising out of the Contractor's and/or its subcontractors'
alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination
in the performance of the contract.
11. DISABILITY : In accordance with provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 ("ADA"), the Contractor warrants that it and any and all of its subcontractors will
not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the
general public , nor the availability , terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants
for employment with , or employees of the Contractor or any of its subcontractors. The
Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA' s provision and any other applicable
federal , state , and local laws concerning disability and will defend , indemnify and hold
harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractors
against the City arising out of the Contractor's and/or its subcontractors' alleged failure
to comply with the above referenced laws concerning disability discrimination in the
performance of this contract.
12 . M/WBE : In accord with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No. 11923 , the City of Fort
Worth has Goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women
business enterprises in City contracts. You may obtain a copy of the Ordinance from the
Office of the City Secretary. In order for a bid to be considered responsive , the
AFFIDAVIT STATEMENT included within these bid documents must be completed and
submitted with your bid. Failure to submit the completed AFFIDAVIT STATEMENT
shall render your bid non-responsive. In addition, the M/WBE UTILIZATION FORM,
must be submitted within five (5) City business days after the bid opening . Failure to
comply shall render your bid non-responsive.
13 . QUALIFICATIONS DOCUMENTATION: The following information shall be submitted
to the Water Department by 5:00 PM within five (5) business days after bid opening in
order for the bid to be considered responsive. Failure to comply shall result in the bid
being considered non-responsive to specifications. The information shall pertain to the
work for which the bidder submitted a bid , which shall be for further processing, removal
and reuse by approved means of 111,000 cy of biosolids from the drying beds. The
information submitted must be specific and clear.
A. Certify that the person submitting the bid will enter into a contractual agreement
with the City , and will serve as the prime contractor performing at least 50 percent
of the work.
B. Provide financial information indicating that the Bidder , who will serve as the prime
contractor has financial stability , and as such can acquire the appropriate bonds and
environmental impairmen t liability (EIL ) insurance required for the projec t.
The financial information shall include a financial statement prepared by an
independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding
a valid permit issued by an appropriate state licensing agency , and shall have been
so prepared as to reflec t the current financial status . This statement must be current
and not more than one (1) year old . In the case that a submittal date fall s within
the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated
by proper verification.
The bonding and insurance information shall include certifications from :
1. An acceptable bonding company , as set forth in the City of Fort Worth 's
General Conditions , certifying that if awarded the contract the bonding
company will provide all necessary bond coverage. The successful bidder
must furnish a Performance Bond and Payment Bond , each in the amount
of one hundred percent (100%) of the total contract amount within ten (10 )
days from the date bids are opened.
2. An acceptable insurance company , as set forth in the City of Fort Worth 's
General Conditions , certifying that if awarded the contract the insurance
company will provide all necessary insurance coverage, including but not
limited to environmental impairment liability (EIL ) coverage in the limits
of at least $1 million per occurrence and $2 million annual aggregate for
sudden and accidental contamination or pollution, liability for gradual
emissions , and clean-up costs , within ten (10 ) days from the date bids are
opened . The EIL coverage shall be written on a per project basis and shall
include a two (2 ) year completed operations coverage (See Supplementary
Conditions , Item 8.5).
C. • Certify that the Bidder has entered into , and · satisfactorily completed , contractual
agreements within the past five years to dispose of sludge by land application or
other means.
D . Provide a Preliminary Operating Plan. The Preliminary Operating Plan shall clearly
and specifically demonstrate the proposed means and methods to be used to
accomplish the Project. The Preliminary Operating Plan shall include certification
that Bidder either has sufficient equipment and personnel to perform the services
required under this contract, or has the financial capability to obtain sufficient
equipment and personnel to perform the services required under this contract.
The Preliminary Operating Plan shall address each item described in the
specifications for the final Operating Plan (see Section 01300, Submittals). The
Plan shall include a description and list of sites for the reuse of biosolids .
E. Provide a list of at least three (3) solids , processing and disposal projects
experience references with telephone numbers and mailing addresses , which shall
include specific client references .
F . Provide fifteen (15) copies of all information submitted . Information for the
Preliminary Operating Plan shall be limited to 15 pages .
G. Provide a Preliminary Public Relations Program indicating the means and methods
for educating the public concerning transporting and reuse of sludge and control
of health and environmental impacts from these operations .
A qualification committee will review the information submitted by each Bidder, and
determine if the bidder(s) are qualified for award of a contract. The Director will review
the determinations of the qualification committee and make a recommendation to the City
All information will be held confidential .
M/WBE. In accord with the City of Fort Worth Ordinance No . 11923, the City of Fort Worth
has Goals for the participation of minority business enterprises and women business enterprises
in City contracts. You may obtain a copy of the Ordinance from the Office of the City Secretary .
In order for a bid to be considered responsive, the AFFIDAVIT STATEMENT included within
these bid documents must be completed and submitted with your bid. Failure to submit the
completed AFFIDAVIT STATEMENT shall render your bid non-responsive. In addition , the
EFFORT FORM, as applicable, must be submitted within five (5) City business days after the
bid opening . Failure to comply shall render your bid non-responsive .
TO: Bob Terrell
City Manager
Fon worth, Texas
PROPOSAL FOR: furnishing of all materials and equipment and labor and all necessary
appunenances and incidental work to provide a complete and operable project designated as:
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of
Biosolids from Drying Beds
Project Number PS46-070460300060
Pursuant to the foregoing Notice to Bidders, the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly examined
the Contract Documents, including plans, special contract documents and the General
Specifications for Water Departtnent Projects, the site of the project and understanding the
amount of work to be done, and the prevailing conditions hereby proposes to do all the work,
furnish all the labor , equipment and material, except as specified to be furnished by the City,
which is necessary to fully complete the work as provided in the plans and contract Documents
and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director of the City Water Department of the
City of Fon Worth , Texas; and binds himself upon acceptance of this proposal to execute a
contract and furnish an approved Performance Bond, Payment Bond, and such other bonds, if
any, as may be required by the Contract Documents for the performing and completing of the
said work. Contractor proposes to do the work within the time stated and for the following sums:
Item Approx. Description of Items Unit Total
No. Quantity With Bid Prices Written in Words Price Amount
1. 147,000 W.T. For Further Processing of Class "A" Biosolids from
the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Drying
Beds, Complete for the Sum of;
Eight Dollars & $ 8.30 $ 1,220,100
Thirty Cents per Wet Ton
2 . 147,000 W.T. For Removal and Reuse by Approved Means of Class
"A" Biosolids from the Village Creek Wastewater
Treatment Plant Drying Beds, Complete for the Sum
No Dollars & $ 0.89 $ 130,830
Eighty-Nine Cents per Wet Ton
TOTAL BID $ 1350 930
Within ten days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned will execute the formal
contract and will deliver an approved Surety Bond and such other bonds as required by the
Contract Documents, for the faithful performance of the Contract.
The attached bid security in the amount of 5% of the total amount bid is to become the property
of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract and bond or bonds are not executed
and delivered within the time set forth, as liquidated damages for ethically and additional work
caused thereby. If the total bid is less than $25,000, the bid bond is waived.
The undersigned bidder certifies that he has been furnished at least one set of the General
Contract Documents and General Specifications for Water Department Projects dated January 1,
1978 and all addendum thereto, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the
requirements and conditions of those General Documents and the Specific Contract Documents
and appurtenant plans. The undersigned assures that its employees and applicants for employment
and those of any labor organization , subcontractors, and employment agency in either furnishing
of referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited
by the terms of City Ordinance No 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No 7400.
The Bidder agrees to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order,
and to complete the contract within 300 calendar days after beginning construction as set forth
in the written work order to be furnished by the Owner.
All work will cease on September 15, 1996, no matter how much work is completed, due to
fiscal year budget constraints. Final payment for the work completed at that time will be made.
State of Residency: (Complete A or B below, as applicable:)
A. The principal place of business of our company is in the State of Texas.
Non resident bidders in the State of _____ _, our principal place of
business, are required to be __ percent lower than resident bidders by state law.
A copy of the statute is attached.
Non resident bidders in the State of------our principal place of
business, are not required to underbid resident bidders.
The principal place of business of our company or our parent company or majority
holder is in the State of Texas.
I (We), acknowledge receipt of the following addenda to the plans and
specifications, all of the provisions and requirements of which have been taken
into consideratio • preparation of the foregoing bid:
Addendum No. 1 (Initials)
Addendum No. 2 (Initials)
Addendum No. 3 (initials)
Signature of Principal
Oscar Renda, President
Title or Position
Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc.
#7 Benson Lane
Roanoke, Texas 76262
City, State, Zip
(817) 491-2703 (817) 571-9391
Telephone Number
If Bidder is Corporation
Date: MJG 3 1 1995
... -.. __ -..
... ....... ":--✓ , . . ..... -
Pursuant to Article 8308-3 .23 of Veron's Annotated Civil Statues, Contrac tor Certifies that it
provides worker's compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on City
of Fon Worth Project Number PS-070460300060
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ....::::::~=..c."'---..i....+a......._.=-
____________ _, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed
to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and
deed of -~'"'CT¥,.''~ for the purpose and consideration therein expressed
arid in the capacity therein stated.
19 q5 .
My Comm . Exp . 9-16-99
City of Fort Worth
Minority and Women Business Enterprises Specifications
If the total dollar value of the contract Is $25,000 or more, the M/WBE goals are appll~ble. If the total
dollar value of the contract ts less than $26,000, the M/WBE goals are not applicable.
It ts the policy of tht Ctty of Fort Worth to ensure tht full and equitable participation by
Minority/Women Business Enterprises (M/WBE) In the procurement of all goods and services to the Ctty
on a contractual basla. The objective of the policy is to Increase the use of MiWBE flnns to a level
comparable to the avanablltty of quallfled small M/WBEs which provide gOOC:s and services directly
or lndlrectty to the City.
The City's MBE/WBE minimum goal on this project Is 3 O % of the total dollar value of the contract
On City contracts of $25,000 or more, bidders are required to comply with the Intent of the City's
M/WBE Ordinance by either of the following:
1. Meet or exceed the above stated minimum MIWBE goals, or,
2. Good Faith Effort documentation, or,
3. Waiver documentation.
The applicable documents must be submitted by the bidder to the contracting department, within the
time allocated , In order for the entire bid to be considered responsive to the specifications.
1. M/WBE Affidavit Statement submit with 1he bid documents on bid opening data.
2. M/WBE UtillzatJon Fonn submit by 5:00 pm, ftve (S) City business days after bid open~
3. M/WBE Goals Waiver Form .. submit by 5:00 pm. ttv. (5) City business days after bid opening.
"· Good Faith Effort Form submit by 5:00 pm, five (5) City business days after bid opening.
Any questions. p&e,ase contact the IIJWBE Office at (817) 171~1.04.
City of Fort Worth
Minority and Women Business Enterprises Specifications
Affidavit Statement
Project Name ____________ _ Project No. __ _
The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that It/he/she will comply with the
City's M/WBE Ordinance and the specifications of this bid In the following manner:
(check the most appropriata numbefi•)l
1. __
2. __
3. __
4. __
Authorized Signature Printed Signature
Title Contact Name and Title (If different)
Company Name Contact Telephone Number(s)
Address Fax Number
City/State/Zip . Code Date
City of Fort Worth
Minority and Women Business Enterprises Specifications
Affidavit Statement
. ~e.-t2-'f~tui0t, ~ . fh 4b.o104 063
ProJect Name A. >O 12:ku?C-or-ez,,., 6c,::L+e~ ProJect No. ~
/U -
.. r· ,~_:{;; .. ,~~~ .:•-;~ ... ~f'-~-. --:.·r~J;/.j~;~f/~\: < • /\ ~:r-
The undersigned bidder hereby certifies that It/he/she will comply with the
City's M/'NBE Ordinance and the specifications of this bid In the following manner: --. •-:::~fl~fr :s¾6i·j --
(check the moct appropriate numbef{s)J
2. -".THE ~~~-~l ~TJflPATION Will BE LESS THAN .THE STATED GOAL. Wilt ••
COMPLETE~ FAtnl EFFORT FORM. : , : ,. . -
:-·_ •• _._.it::,.)/::i. .. ~:t-. ~-
I _..
k ~/
Authorized Sig ~ ture ~ ~ -
Printed Sig~ture <~~\ • _
~ P7~~ -0.-¼,~ °"'!'
Title _ • . }!\,.
OS.Mt? (L6-Do £·i~~ l~?q k~_..
Company Name
Contact Name and Title {If dlff erent)
( 61-r} c:;1 ( -~?-;ri, 1
Contact Telephone Number(s)
,B=-7 ~h:f?C\-.J G-J
~t--we7?-6 TY , '21-kiZ
City/State/Z i p _ Code
. .
~a,~~A~1~1 t~ ~/I?\ /4~
Prime Com~ny N.irr-.. Bk! Date
Fv-pq~~tH:fu, CZcti~stAL-P=24k· Ct1o4'2012t:o?b D
A~~~ .c?r p_;,~«J 0 "'? Project Numbef'
The uode~ned biddef' ~rees to e-ntei' lnto a fomw ~reement with the UBE and/or WBE firms
f0f' work lbted 1n thls schedule, condltiooe-d upon txtcution ol a contract with the City ol Fort
Worth. The winfuf ~ ol bets is grounds for cooskSeration of dlsq~ and
wm result In the bid betng consldeA<f non.ffSponslve to ~
Company H.Mr.e, Ada-n:a. Tewphoc• No. Ollcl.ona Cen-(1 &.opedW<rl: ~ Oobt Arnourl.
and Contact ~ lfBE WBE AOlttnCY .. ~ dWott
P7i.o~w.O 115 ~. fStz..ic l 44)1 ~ X W~ T:6. , ~ l t2-v t,lc.,~~ rnz, ... .,..
"$,(·1) '5"'3 '=, ~ 6°"S~A 1/JDG -,Dt.nllf: ~ ~
L.,n L...(Gq: ~ U::::Z-~~+ I
lS11ZA-t\....v..lcoD W-v ,Jt.~ rua.. l t:q-a::o td:D'll-q~ -z be)t;r;
t1·-2.k:>&· ~ t,D
("') Accepbbie c.rtifylng ~ ~ sf»clly : (>+CTRCA) Hocth c.otnJ T~ ~ c.rtffic.:;~ A&il'HlCJ
(TXDOi) T•x.as ~ d T~porbtSor,
?7~0 -l 20 I tt?Jo
H/w~ Jo -o/5, G
Pa~ 2 of 2
~~-,·;.,,,A~, T~ No ChK\ ora ~ Scope ol Won ~ Ooo\a.rAmou,t
and C¢o "l''!d ~mw:..:..:· :::.._------+---="=Bc=+-..:...:.W'BE~~--'"JO'~=:.i....+-----+---'-n«=-4--°'=-=-w!.!:on=-=--
The bkide1' furt:h« ~ lo provide. d1redty lo the City upon request. comP'ria and ~ Wonna1Son
~ actual woo:~ by al au~. inclu<fing WBE{a} and/0< WBE(•) on U\lil cootrxt_ the
~ment !he, ef.x. and arr, propoMd ®OQ" to the origlnal MBE(a) andJO< WBE{s} amngemeob wbmlt1ed
'Mth this t>.d... The b+dde(-also ~ '° a!Sow an audjt and/0< e:um~ of any boob, recoroa and files ~
• by their company that w\l subctJ.n11.rle 1he actual woc1c pe<fonned by 1he UBE{a) a.ndlo< WBE{a) oo Uva
• cootract_ by an ai uthooz8d offk« 0< em~ ea. °' the C1ty. Any willful m~tSoo will be grounds fo<
terml the ~---~-, from CJty woc1c fO< a period of not lea Oun ttV'M (3) YN.rS and fo<
ln. • Sbta 0< l,oQl b"ld coocemlng f.l l:s.e S'btementt.
General Conditions
Cl-1. l
NOVEMBER, 1, 1987
Definition of Terms
Contract Documents
Notice to Bidders
General Conditions
Special Conditions
City Council
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of Public Works
Director, City Water Department
Sureties .
The Work or Project
Working Day
Calendar Day
Legal Holiday
Change Order
Paved Streets and Alleys
Unpaved Streets and Alleys
City Streets
Gravel Street
Proposal Form
Interpretation of Quantities
Examination of Contract Documents
and Site
Submitting of Proposal
Rejection of Proposals
Bid Security
C l >
Cl-1 Cl)
Cl-1 Cl)
Cl-1 (2)
Cl-1 ( 2)
Cl-1 ( 2)
Cl-1 C 2)
Cl-1 (2)
Cl-1 (2)
Cl-1 (2)
Cl-1 (3)
Cl-1 (3)
Cl-1 (3)
Cl-1 (3)
Cl-1 (3)
Cl-1 C 3)
Cl-1 (3)
Cl-1 C 4)
Cl-1 ( 4)
Cl-1 ( 4)
Cl-1 ( 4)
Cl-1 ( 4)
Cl-1 ( 4)
Cl-1 C 4)
Cl-1 (4)
Cl-1 (4)
Cl-1 C 5)
Cl-1 C 6)
Cl-1 (6)
Cl-1 (6)
Cl-1 C 6)
Cl-1 (6)
Cl-1 C 6)
C2-2 Cl)
C2-2 Cl)
C2-2 (2)
C2-2 (3)
C2-2 ( 3)
C2-2 (3)
CS-5.l cs-s.2
CS ·-5. 5
CS-5 .18
Delivery of Proposal
Withdrawing Proposals
Telegraphic Modification of Proposals
Public Opening of Proposal
Irregular Proposals
Disqualification of Bidders
Consideration of Proposals
Minority Business Enterpise
Women-Owned Business Enterprise
Equal Employment Provisions
Withdrawal of Proposals
Award of Contract
Return of Proposal Securities
Execution of Contract
Failure to Execute Contract
Beginning Work
Contractor's Obligations
Weekly Payroll
Contractor's Contract Administration
Intent of Contract Documents
Special Provisions
Increased or Decreased Quantities
Alteration of Contract Documents
Extra Work
Schedule of Operations
Progress Schedules for Water and
Sewer Plant Facilities
Authority of Engineer
Conformity with Plans
Coordination of Contract Documents
Cooperation of Contractor
Emergency and/or Rectification Work
Field Office
Construction Stakes
Authority and Duties of Inspectors
C2-2 (4)
C2-2 (4)
C2-2 (4)
C2-2 (4)
C2-2 (4)
C2-2 (5)
C3-3 (l)
C3-3 (1)
C3-3 (1)
C3-3 (2)
C3-3 (2)
C3-3 (2)
C3-3 (2)
C3-3 (4)
C3-3 (4)
C3-3 (4)
C3-3 (4)
C3-3 (7)
C3-3 (7)
C3-3 (7)
C3-3 (8)
C4-4 Cl)
C4-4 Cl)
C4-4 Cl)
C4-4 (2)
C4-4 (2)
C4-4 ( 3)
C4-4 (4)
cs-s cs-s
cs-s cs-s cs-s
cs-s cs-s
( 1)
( 1)
( 2)
( 2)
( 3)
( 3 )
( 3)
( 4)
( 5)
Removal of Defective
Substitute Materials
Samples and Tests of
Storage of Materials
' cs-s
cs-s cs-s and Unauthorized Work
or Equipment cs-s cs-s
cs-s cs-s
( 5)
( 5)
Existing Structures and Utilities
Interruption of Service
Mutual Responsibility of Contractors
Final Inspection
( 2 )
. !
( 6 )
( 6)
( 7)
( 7)
( 8)
( 8 )
( 9)
Laws to be Observed
Permits and Licenses
Patented Devices, Materials and Processes
Sanitary Provisions
Public Safety and Convenience
Privileges of Contractor in Streets,
Alleys, and Right-of-Way
Railway Crossings
Barricades, Warnings and Watchmen
Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, etc.
Work Within Easements
Independent Contractor
Contractor's Responsibility for
Damage Claims
Contractor's Claim for · Damages
Adjustment of Relocation of Public
Utilities, etc.
Temporary Sewer Drain Connections
Arrangement and Charges of Water
Furnished by City
Use of a Section of Portion of the Work
Contractor's Responsibility for Work
No Waiver of Legal Rights
Personal Liability of Public Officials
State Sales Tax
Assignment of Contract
Prosecution of the Work
Limitations of Operations
Character of Workman and Equipment
Work Schedule
Time of Commencement and Completion
Extension of time of Completion
Time of Completion
Suspension by Court Order
Temporary Suspension
Termination of Contract due to
National Emergency ·
Suspension of Abandonment of the
Work and Annulment of Contract
Fulfillment of Contract
Termination for Convenience of the Onwer
Safety Methods and Practices
Measurement of Quantities
Unit Prices
( 3 )
C6-6 (1)
C6-6 Cl)
C6-6 (1)
C6-6 (2)
C6-6 (2)
C6-6 (3)
C6-6 (4)
C6-6 ( 4)
C6-6 (5)
C6-6 (6)
C6-6 (8)
C6-6 (8)
C6-6 (10)
C6-6 (10)
C6-6 (10)
C6-6 (11)
C6-6 ( 11)
C6-6 ( 11)
C6-6 ( 12)
C6-6 (12)
C6-6 (12)
C7-7 (1)
C7-7 Cl)
C7-7 ( 1)
C7-7 (2)
C7-7 (2)
C7-7 (3)
C7-7 (4)
C7-7 (4)
C7-7 (4)
C7-7 (5)
C7-7 (6)
C7-7 (6)
C7-7 (7)
C7-7 (7)
C7-7 (9)
C7-7 (10)
C7-7 (13)
ca-8 (1)
ca-a c1>
'k . '
' ,. .
,, .
~ -J ..., +· .
~~t4 r? . ~~ ~
"' '
' I
Lump Sum
Scope of Payment
Partial Estimates and Retainage
Withholding Payment
Final .Acceptance
Final Payment
Adquacy of Design
General Guaranty ~~
Subsidiary Work
Miscellaneous Placement of Materi-al
Record Documents
"'... r .,.
( 4 )
CS-8 ( 1)
CS-a ( 1)
ca-a ( 2 )
~ ca-a ( 3 ) . -' '
CS-8 ( 3 )
CB-a ( 3 )
CB-8 ( 4 )
CB-8 ( 4 )
cs-a ( 5 )
ca-a ( 5 ) .-J <.t ., CB-8 ( 5 )
' •r ~ ~· ,,. ~ ~-, ] ' , ~-
~ ,.
Cl-1.1 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS: Whenever in these Contract
Documents the following terms or pronouns in place of them are
used, the intent and meaning shall be understood and
interpreted as follows:
Cl-1.2 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are all of
the written and drawn documents, such as specifications,
bonds, addenda, plans, etc., which govern the terms and
performance of the contract. These are contained in the
General Contract Documents and the Special Contract Documents.
Documents govern all Water Department Projects and
include the following items:
Canary Yellow
E2-Golden Rod
Documents are prepared for each specific project as
a supplement to the General Contract Documents and
include the following items:
PART A -NOTICE TO BIDDERS (Advertisement) Sarne as
PART H -PLANS (Usually bound separately)
Cl-1 Cl)
Cl-1.3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS: All of the legal publications
either actually published in public advertising mediums or
furnished direct to interested parties pertaining to the work
contemplated under the Contract Documents constitutes the
notice to bidders.
Cl-1.4 PROPOSAL: The completed written and signed offer or
tender of a bidder to perform the work which the Owner desires
to have done, together with the bid security, constitutes the
Proposal, which becomes binding upon the Bidder when it is
officially received by the Owner, has been publicly opened and
read and not rejected by the Owner.
Cl-1. 5 BIDDER: Any person, persons, firm, partnership,
company, association, corporation, acting directly or through
a duly authorized representative, submitting a proposal for
performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents,
constitutes a bidder.
Cl-1.6 GENERAL CONDITIONS: The General Conditions are the
usual construction and contract requirements which govern the
performance of the work so that it will be carried on in
accordance with the customary procedure, the local statutes,
and requirements of the City of Fort Worth's charter and ..,_
promulgated ordinances. ~
Wherever there may be a conflict between the General
Conditions and Special Conditions, the latter shall take
precedence and shall govern.
Cl-1.7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Special conditions are the
specific requirements which are necessary for the particular
project covered by the Contract Documents and not specifically
covered in the General Conditions. When considered with the
General Conditions and other elements of the Contract
Documents they provide the information which the Contractor
and Owner should have in order to gain a thorough knowledge of
the project.
Cl-1.8 SPECIFICATIONS: The Specifications is that section or
part of the Contract Documents which sets forth in detail the
requirements which must be met by all materials, construction,
workmanship, equi p ment and services in order to render a
completed and useful project. Whenever reference is ,made to
standard specifications, regulations, requirements, statutes,
etc., such referred to documents shall become a part of the
Contract Documents just as though they were embodied therein.
Cl-1.9 BOND: The bond or bonds are the written guarantee or
security furnished by the Contractor for the prompt and
Cl-1 (2)
faithful performance of the contract and include the
a. Performance Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7)
b. Payment Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7)
c. Maintenance Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7)
d. Proposal or Bid Security (see Special Instructions
to Bidders, Part A and C2-2.6)
Cl-1.10 CONTRACT: The Contract is the formal signed agreement
between the Owner and the Contractor covering the mutual
understanding of the two contracting parties about the project
to be completed under the ·contract Documents.
Cl-1.11 PLANS: The plans are the drawings or reproductions
therefrom made by the Owner's representative showing in detail
the location, dimension and position of the various elements
of the project, including such profiles, typical
cross-sections, layout diagrams, working drawings, preliminary
drawings and such supplemental drawings as the Owner may issue
to clarify other drawings or for the purpose of showing
changes in the work hereinafter authorized by the ·owner. The
plans are usually bound separately from other parts of _the
Contract Documents, but they are a part of the ContrJct
Documents just as though they were bound therein.
Cl-1.12 CITY: The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a municipal
corporation, authorized and chartered under the Texas State
Statutes, acting by and through its governing body or its City
Manger, each of which is required by charter to perform
specific duties. Responsibility for final enforcement of
Contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by Charter
vested in the City Manager. The terms City and Owner are
Cl-1.13 CITY COUNCIL: The duly elected and qualified
governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas.
Cl~l.14 MAYOR: The officially .elected Mayor, or in his
absence, the Mayor Pro tern of the City of Fort Worth, Texas.
Cl-1.15 CITY MANAGER: The officially appointed and authorized
City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly
authorized representative.
Cl-1.16 CITY ATTORNEY: The officially appointed City Attorney
of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized
Cl-1 C 3)
Cl-1.17 " DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The duly appointed official
of the City of Fort Worth, referred to in the Charter as the
city Engineer, or his duly authorized representative.
Cl-1.18 DIRECTOR, CITY WATER DEPARTMENT: The duly appointed
Director of the City Water Department of the City of Fort
worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative,
assistant, or agents.
Cl-1.19 ENGINEER: The Director of Public Works, the Director
of the Fort Worth City Water Department, or their duly
authorized assista~ts, agents, engineers, inspectors, or
superintendents, acting within the scope of the particular
duties entrusted to them.
Cl-1.20 CONTRACTOR: The person, persons, partnership,
company, firm, association, or corporation, entering into a
contract with the Owner for the execution of the work, acting
directly or through a duly authorized representative. A
sub-contractor is a person, firm, corporation, or others under
contract with the principal contractor, supplying labor and
materials or only labor, for work at the site of the project.
Cl-1.21 SURETIES: The Corporate bodies which are bound by
such bonds are required with and for the Contractor. The
sureties engaged are to be fully responsible for the entire
M and satisfactory fulfillment of the Contract and for any and
all requirements as set forth in the Contract Documents and
approved changes therein.
. ,
Cl-1.22 THE WORK OR PROJECT: The completed work contemplated
in and covered by the Contract Documents, including but not
limited to the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools,
equipment, and incidentals necessary to produce a completed
and serviceable project.
Cl-1.23 WORKING DAY: A working day is defined as a calendar
day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, in
which the weather or other conditions not under the control of
the Contractor permit the performance of the principal unit of
work for a period of not less than seven (7) hours between
7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with exceptions as permitted in
paragraph C7-7.6.
Cl-1.24 CALENDAR DAYS: A calendar day is any day of the week
or month, no days being excepted.
Cl-1.25 LEGAL HOLIDAYS: Legal holidays shall be observed as
prescribed by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth for
observance by City employees as follows:
Cl-1 (4)
4 .
7 .
New Year's Day
M. L. King, Jr. Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Friday
Christmas Day
Such other days in lieu of
holidays as the City Council
may determine
January 1
Third Monday in January
Last Monday in May
July 4
First Monday in September
Fourth Thursday in November
Fourth Friday in November
December 25
When one of the above named holidays or a special holiday is
declared by the City Council, falls on Saturday, the holiday
shall be observed on the preceding Friday or if it falls on
Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday, by those
employees working on working day operations. Employees
working calendar day operations will consider the calendar
holiday as the holiday.
Cl-1.26 ABBREVIATIONS: Wherever the abbreviations defined
herein appear in Contract Documents, the intent and meaning
shall be as follows:
Asph. -
Blvd. -
American Association of MGD
State Highway Transportation
American Society of Civil
In Accordance With
American Society of
Testing Materials
American Water Works
American Standards Association
Hydraulic Institute
Avenue •
Cast Iron
Center Line
Galvanized Iron
Linear or Lineal
Cl-1 CS)
-Million Gallons Per .
CFS -Cubic Foot per
Min. -Minimum
% -Percentum
R Radius -
I.D. Inside Diameter
O.D. -Outside
F -Fahrenh~it
C -Centigrade
In. -Inch
Ft. -Foot
St. -Street
CY -Cubic Yard
Yd. -Yard
SY -Square Yard
L.F. -Linear Foot
D.I. -Ductile Iron
Cl-1.27 CHA NGE ORDER: A "Change Order" is a written
supplemental agreement between the Owner and the Contractor
covering some added or deducted item or feature which may be
found necessary and which was not specifically included in the
scope of the project on which bids were submitted. Increase
in unit quantities stated in the proposal are not the subject
matter of a Change Order unless the increase or decrease is
more than 25% of the amount of the particular item or items in
the original proposal.
All "Change Orders" shall be prepared by the City from
information as necessary furnished by the Contractor.
Cl-1.28 PAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS: A paved street or alley
shall be defined as a street or alley having one of the
following types of wearing surfaces applied over the natural
unimproved surface:
Any type of asphaltic concrete with or without
separate base material.
Any type of asphalt surface treatment, not
including an oiled surface, with or without
separate base material.
Brick, with or without separate base material.
Concrete, with or without separate base material.
Any combination of the above.
Cl-1.29 UNPAVED STREETS OR ALLEYS: An unpaved street, alley, ·',.,
roadway or other surface is any area except those defined
above for "Paved Streets and Alleys."
Cl-1.30 CITY STREETS: A city street is defined as that area
between the right-of-way lines as the street is dedicated.
Cl-1.31 ROADWAY:
parallel lines two
(4') feet back of
The roadway is defined as the area between
(2') feet back of the curb lines or four
the average edge of pavement where no curb
Cl-1.32 GRAVEL STREET: A gravel street is any unpaved street
to which has been added one or more applications of gravel or
similar material other than the natural material found on the
street surface before any improvement was made.
Cl-1 (6)
C2-2.l PROPOSAL FORM: The Owner will furnish bidders with
proposal form, which will contain an itemized list of the
items of work to be done or materials to be furnished and upon
which bid prices are requested. The Proposal form will state
the Bidder's general understanding of the project to be
completed, provide a space for furnishing the amount of bid
security, and state the basis for entering into a formal
contract. The Owner will furnish forms for the Bidder's
"Experience Record," "Equipment Schedule," and "Financial
Statement," all of which must be properly executed and filed
with the Director of the City Water Department one week prior
to the hour for opening of bids.
The financial statement required shall have been prepared by
an independent certified public accountant or an independent
public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an
appropriate state 1 icens ing agency, and shall have been . so
prepared as to reflect the current financial status. Tn-i,s
statement must be current and not more than one Cl) year old.
In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new
statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be
updated by proper verification. Liquid assets in the amount
of ten (10%) percent of the ·estimated project cost will be
For an experience record to be considered to be acceptable for
a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm
seeking qualification in work of both the same nature and
magnitude as that of the project for which bids are to be
received, and such experience must have been on projects
completed not more than five CS) years prior to the date on
which are to be received. The Director of the Water
department shall be sole judge as to the acceptability of
experience for qualification to bid on any Fort Worth Water
Department project.
The prospective bidder shall schedule the equipment he has
available for the project . and state that he will rent such
additional equipment as may be required to complete the
project on which he submits a bid.
C2-2.2 INTERPRETATION OF QUANTITIES: The quantities of work
and materials to be furnished as may be listed in the proposal
forms or other parts of the Contract Documents will be
considered as approximate only and will be used for the
purpose of comparing bids on a uniform basis. Payment will be
made to the Contractor for only the actual quantities of work
performed or materials furnished in strict accordance with the
Contract Documents and Plans. The quantities of work to be
performed and materials to be furnished may b~ increased or
decreased as hereinafter provided, without in any way
invalidating the unit prices bid or any other requirements of
the Contract Documents.
Bidders are advised tnat the Contract Documents on file with
the Owner shall constitute all of the information which the
Owner will furnish. All additional information and data which
the owner will supply after promulgation of the formal
contract documents shall be issued in the form of written
addenda and shall become part of the Contract Documents just
as though such addenda were actually written into the original
Contract Documents.
Bidders are required, prior to the filing of proposal, to read
and become familiar with the Contract Documents, to vis~t the
site of the project and examine carefully all local
conditions, to inform themselves by their own independent
research and investigations, tests, boring, and by such other
means as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the
conditions which will be encountered during the construction
of the project. They must judge for themselves the
difficulties of the work and all attending circumstances
affecting the cost of doing the work or the time required for
its completion, and obtain all information required to make an
intelligent proposal. No information given by the Owner or
any representative of the Owner other than that contained in
the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda
thereto, shall be binding upon the Owner. Bidders shall rely
exclusively and solely upon their own estimates,
investigation, research, tests, explorations, and other data
which are necessary for full and complete information upon
~~ich the proposal is to be based ~ It is ·mutu~lly a~reed that
the submission of a proposal is prima-facie evidence that the
bidder has made the investigations, examinations and tests
herein required. Claims for additional compensation due to
variations between conditions actually encountered in
construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents will
not be allowed.
The logs of Soil Borings, if any, showing on the plans are for
general information only and may not be correct. Neither the
owner nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is
representative of conditions which actually exist.
C2-2.4 SUBMITTING OF PROPOSAL: The Bidder shall submit his
Proposal on the form furnished by the Owner. All blank spaces
applicable to the project contained in the form shall be
correctly filled in and the Bidder shall state the prices,
written in ink in both words and numerals, for which he
proposes ·to do the work contemplated or furnishe the materials
required. All such prices shall be written legibly. In case
of discrepancy between the price written in words and the
price written in numerals, the price most advantageous to the
City shall govern.
If a proposal is submitted by an individual, his or her name
must be signed by him (her) or his Cher) duly authorized agent.
If a proposal is submitted by a firm, association, or
partnership, the name and address of each member must be
given, and the proposal must be signed by a member of the
firm, association, or partnership, or by a person duly
authorized. If a proposal is submitted by a company or
corporation, the company or corporate name and business
address must be given, and the proposal signed by an official
or duly authorized agent. The corporate seal must be affixed.
Power of Attorney authorizing agents or others to sign
proposal must be properly certified and must be in writing and
submitted .with the proposal.
C2-2.S REJECTION OF PROPOSALS: Proposals may be rejected if
they show any alteration of words or figures, additions not
called for, conditional or uncalled for alternate bids,
incomplete bids, erasures, or irregularities of any kind, or ·,
contain unbalance value of any items. Proposal tendered or
delivered after the official time designated for receipt of
proposal shall be returned to the Bidder unopened. ~
C2-2.6 BID SECURITY: No proposal will be considered unless it
1s accompanied by a "Proposal Security" of the character and
in the amount indicated in the wNotice to Biddersw_ and the
flProposal." The Bid ~e6urity is r~~uired by the Owner as
evidence of good faith on the part of the Bidder, and by way
of a guaranty that if awarded the contract, the Bidder will
within the required time execute a formal contract and furnish
the required performance and other bonds. The bid security of
the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract
is awarded or other disposition is made thereof. The bid
security of all other bidders may be returned promptly after
the canvass of bids.
C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered
unle s s it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid
Security, to the City Manager or his representative in the
official place of business as set forth in the "Notice to
Bidders." It is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver
the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere
fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered.
The Bidder must have the proposal actually delivered. Each
·proposal . shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the
word "PROPOSAL," and the name or description of the project as
designated in the "Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be
addressed to the City Manager, City Hall, Fort Worth, Texas.
C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with
the City Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for
opening proposals. A request for non-consideration of a
proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City
Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the
opening of proposals. After all proposals not requested for
non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the
proposals for which non-consideration requests have been
properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned
modify his proposal b y telegraphic communication at any time ~
pr i or to the time set for opening proposals, provided such
telegraphic communication is received by the City Manager
prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further,
that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly
authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication
over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the
proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received
within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time,
no further consideration will be given to the proposal.
C2-2.10 PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSAL: Proposals which have been
properly filed and for which no "Non-consideration Request•
has been received will be publicly opened and read aloud by
th~ City Manager or his authorized represeritati~e at the ti~e
and place indicated in the "Notice to Bidders.• All proposals
which have been opened and read will remain on file with the
Owner until the contract has been awarded. Bidders or their
authorized representatives are invited to be present for the
opening of bids.
C2-2.ll IRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals shall be considered as
being "Irregular" if they show any omissions, alterations of
form, add i tions, or conditions not called for, unauthorized
alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. However, the
Owner reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities
and to make the award of the contract to the best interest of
the City. Tendering a proposal after the closing hour is an
irregularity which cannot be waived.
disqualified and their proposals not considered for any of,
but not limited to, the following reason:
C •
Reasons for believing that collusion exists among
Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is
interested in more than one proposal for work
The bidder being interested in any litigation
against the Owner or where the Owner may have a
claim against or be engaged in litigation against
the bidder.
The bidder being in arrears on any existing contract
or having defaulted on a previous contract.
The bidder having performed a prior contract in an
unsatisfactory manner.
Lack of competency as revealed by the financial
statement, experience record, equipment schedule,
and such inquiries as the Owner may see fit to ma ~e.
Uncompleted work which, in the judgment of :the
Owner, will prevent or hinder the ·prompt completion
of additional work if awarded.
The bidder not filing with the Owner, one week in
advance of the hour of the opening of proposals the
Financial Statement showing the financial
condition of the bidder as specified in Part
"A" -Special Instructions.
A current experience record showing especially
the projects of a nature similar to the one
under consideration, which have been
successfully completed by the Bidder.
Ari ~quipment schedule showing the equipment
the bidder has available for use on the
The Bid Proposal of a bidder who, in the judgment of the
Engineer, is disqualified under the requirements stated
herein, shall be set aside and not opened.
C3-3.l CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS: After proposals have been
opened and read aloud, the proposals will be tabulated on the
basis of the quoted prices, the quantities shown in the
proposal, and the application of such formulas or other
methods of bringing items to a common basis as may be
established in the Contract Documents.
The total obtained by taking the sum of the products of unit
prices quoted and the estimated quantities plus any lump sum
items and such other quoted amounts as may enter into the cost
of the completed project will be considered as the amount of
the bid.
Until the award of the contract is made by the Owner, the
right will be reserved to reject any or all proposals and
waive technicalities, to re-advertise for new proposals, or to
proceed with the work in any manner as maybe considered for
the best interest of the Owner.
ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE: Contractor agrees to provide to Owner,
upon request, complete and accurate information regarding
actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise CMBE)
and or a a Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) on the
contract and the payment therefor. Contractor further agrees,
upon request by Owner, to allow and audit and/or an
examination of any books, records, or files in the possession
of Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed
by the MBE or WBE. Any material misrepresentation of any
nature will be grounds for termination of the contract and for
initiating any action under appropriate federal, state or
· local laws and ordinances relating to false statements;
further, any such misrepresentation may be grounds for
disqualification of Contractor at Owner's discretion for
bidding on future Contracts with the Owner for a period of
time of not less than six (6) months.
C3-3.3 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall
comply with Current City Ordinance prohibiting discrimination
in employment practices.
C3-3 (1)
T h e Contractor shall post the required notice to that effect
o n the project site, and, at his request, will be provided
assistance by the City of Fort Worth's Equal Employment
Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have on
.. , file in his office to the Contractor. Appropriate notices may
; be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer.
~ '-1. •' Iii'
• '.I,: i~ ~<E,.~
•'• ,.
C3-3.4 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: After a proposal has been
read by the Owner it cannot be withdrawn by the Bidder within
forty-five (45) days after the date on which the proposals
were opened.
C3-3.5 AWARD OF CONTR~~T! The Owner reserves the right to
w1thholdf1nal action on the proposals for a reasonable time,
not to exceed forty-five (45) days after the date of opening
proposals, and in no event will an award be made until after
investigations have been made as to the responsibility of the
proposed awardee.
The aw~rd of the contract, if an award is made, will be to the
lowest and best responsible bidder.
The ·award of the contract shall not become effective until the
Owner has notified the Contractor in writing of such award.
C3-3.6 RETURN OF PROPOSAL SECURITIES: As soon as proposed
price totals have been determined for comparison of bids, the
Owner may, at its discretion, return the proposal security
which accompanied the proposals which, in its judgment, would
not be considered for the award. All other proposal
securities, usually those of the three lowest bidders, will be
retained by the Owner until the required contract has been
executed and bond furnished or the Owner has otherwise
disposed of the bids, after which they will be returned by the
City Secretary.
C3-3.7 BONDS: With the execution and delivery of the Contract
Documents, the Contractor shall furnish to, and file with the
Owner in the amounts herein required, the following bonds:
.. ~,. '!; .. 1:¼
PERFORMANCE BOND: A good and sufficient
performance bond in an amount not less than 100
percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced
by the proposal tabulation or otherwise,
guaranteeing the full and faithful execution of the
work and performance of the contract, and for the
protection of the Owner and all other persons
against damage by reason of negligence of the
Contractor, or improper execution of the work or
the use of inferior materials. This performance
C3-3 (2)
bond shall guarantee the payment for all labor,
materials, equipment, supplies, and services used
in the construction of the work, and shall remain
in full force and effect until provisions as above
stipulated are accomplished and final payment is
made on the project by the City.
b. M A I N TEN AN C E B ON D : A g o o d a n d s u f f i c i en t --
ma int en an c e bond, in the amount of not less than
100 percent of the amount of the contract, as
evidenced by the proposal tabulation or otherwise,
guaranteeing the prompt, full and faithful
performance of the general guaranty which is set
forth in paragraph CS-8.10.
PAYMENT BOND: A good and sufficient payment bond,
in an amount not less than 100 percent of the
amount of the contract, as evidenced by the
proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the
prompt, full and faithful payment of all claimants
as defined in Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes
of Texas, 1925, as amended by Bouse Bill 344 Acts
56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959, effective
April 27, 1959, and/or the latest version theraof,
supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of
the work provided for in the contract be'ng
constructed under these specifications. Payme nt
Bond shall remain in force until all payments as
above stipulated are made.
OTHER BONDS: Such other bonds as may be required
by these Contract Documents shall be furnished by
the Contractor.
No sureties will be accepted by the Owner which are at the
time in default or delinquent on any bonds or which are
interested in any litigation against the owner. All bonds
shall be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and shall be
executed by an approved surety company doing business in the
City of Fort Worth, Tixas, and ~hich is accepiable to the
owner. In order to be acceptable, the name of the surety
shall be included on the current U.S. Treasury list of
acceptable sureties, and the amount of bond written by any one
acceptable company shall not exceed the amount shown on the
Treasury list for that company. Each bond shall be properly
executed by both the Contractor and Surety Company.
Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory
at any time by the Owner, notice will be given the Contractor
to that effect and the Contractor shall immediately provide a
C3-3 (3)
1-. . ..
new surety satisfactory to the Owner. No payment will be made
under the contract until the new surety or sureties, as
required, have qualified and have been accepted by the Owner.
The contract shall not be operative nor will any payments be
due or paid until approval of the bonds by the Owner.
C3-3.8 EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: Within ten (10) days ~fter the
Owner has by appropriate resolution, or otherwise, awarded the
contract~ the Contractor shall execute and file with the Owner
the Contract and such bonds as may be required in the Contract
No contract shall be bicding upon the owner until it has been
attested by the Ci t y Secretary, approved as to form and
legality by the City Attorney, and executed for the Owner by
either the Mayor or City Manager.
C3-3.9 FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT: The failure of the
Awardee to execute the required bond or bonds or to sign the
required contract within ten (10) days after the contract is
awarded shall be considered by the Owner as an abandonment of
h i s proposal, and the Owner may annul the Award. By reason of
the uncertainty of the market prices of material and labor,
and it being impracticable and difficult to accurately
determine the amount of damages occuring to the Owner by
reason of said awardee's failure to execute said bonds and
contract within ten (10) days, the proposal security
accompanying the proposal sh a ll be the agreed amount of
·damages which Owner will suffer by reason of such failure on
the part of the Awardee and shall thereupon immediately be
forfeited to the owner.
The filing of a proposal will be considered as an acceptance
of this provision by the Bidder.
C3-3.10 BEGINNING WORK: The Contractor shall not commence
work until authorized in writing to do so by the Owner.
Should the Contractor fail to commence work at the site of the
project within the time stipulated in the written
authotization us~ally termed th~ "Work Order• or •Proceed
Order", it is agreed that the Surety Company will,-within ten
(10) days after the commencement date set forth in such
written authorization, commence the physical execution of the
"' C3-3 .11 INSURANCE: The Contractor shall not commence work
under this contract until he has obtained all the insurance
required under the Contract Documents, and such insurance has
been approved by the Owner. The prime Contractor shall be
responsible for delivering to the Owner the sub-contractors'
C3-3 (4)
certificate of insurance for approval. The prime contractor
shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in the
documents for execution wheth~r or not his insurance covers
sub-contractors. It is the intention of the Owner that the
insurance coverage required herein shall include the coverage
of all sub-contractors.
maintain, during the life of this contract,
Workers' Compensation Insurance on all of his
employees to be engaged in work on the project
under this contract, and for all sub-contractors.
In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous
work on the project under this contract is not
protected under the Workers' Compensation Statute,
the Contractor shall provide adequate employer's
general liability insurance for the protection of
such of his employees not so protected.
Contractor shall procure and shall maintain during
the life of this contract Contractor's
Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (Public
Liability and Property Damage Insurance) i ~. an
amount not less than $500,000 covering e ~ch
occurrence on account of bodily injury, inclu~ing
death, and in an amount not less than $500,000
covering each occurrence on account of property
damage with $2,000,000 umbrella policy coverage.
ADDITIONAL LIABILITY: The Contractor shall
furnish insurance as separate policies or by
additional endorsement to one of the
above-mentioned policies, and in the amount as set
forth for public liability and property damage, the
following insurance: •
1. Contingent Liability (covers '' General
Contractor's Liability for acts of
2. Blasting, prior to any blasting being done.
3. Collapse of buildings or structures adjacent
to excavation (if excavations are to be
performed adjacent to same).
4. Damage to underground utilities for $500,000.
C3-3 (5)
J ,J
5. Builder's risk (where above-ground structures
are involved).
6. Contractual Liability (covers all
indemnification requiiements of Contract).
DAMAGE: The Contractor shall procure and maintain,
during the life of this Contract, Comprehensive
Automobile Liability insurance in an amount not
less than $250,000 for injuries including
accidental death to any one person and subject to
the same limit for each person an amount not less
than $500,000 on account of one accident, and
automobile property damage insurance in an amount
not less than $100,000.
insurance required under the above paragraphs shall
provide adequate protection for the Contractor and
his sub-contractors, respectively, against damage
claims which may arise from operations under this
contract, whether such operations be by the insured
or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by
him, and also against any of the following special
hazards which may be encountered in the performance
of the Contract.
shall furnish the Owner with satisfactory proof of
coverage by insurance required in these Contract
Documents in amounts and by carriers satisfactory
to the Owner. ( Sample attached.) All insurance
requirements made upon the Contractor shall apply
to the sub-contractor, should the Prime
Contractor's insurance not cover the
sub-contractor's work operations.
insurance and bonding companies with whom the
Contractor's insurance and performance, payment,
maintenance and all such other bonds are written
s h al l be represented by an agent or agents having
an office located within the city limits of the
C3-3 (6)
City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Each
such agent shall be a duly qualified, one upon whom
service of process may be had, and must have
authority and power to act on behalf of the
insurance and/or bonding company to negotiate and
settle with the City of Fort Worth, or any other
claimant, any claims that the City of Fort Worth or
other claimant or any property owner who has been
damaged, may have against the Contractor,
insurance, and/or bonding company. If the local
insurance representative is not so empowered by the
insurance or bonding companies, then such authority
must be vested in a local agent or claims officer
residing in the Metroplex, the Fort Worth-Dallas
area. The name of the agent or agents shall be set
forth on all of such bonds and certificates of
C3-3.12 CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS: Under the Contract, the
contractor shall pay for all materials, labor and services
when due.
C3-3.13 WEEKLY PAYROLL: A certified copy of each payroll
covering payment of wages to all person engaged in work on the
project at the site of the project shall be furnished to i he
Owner's representative within seven (7) days after the cl p se
of each payroll period. A copy or copies of the applicable
minimum wage rates as set forth in the Contract Documents
shall be kept posted in a conspicuous place at the site of the
project at all times during the course of the Contract.
Copies of the wage rates will be furnished the Contractor, by
the Owner; however, posting and protection of the wage rates
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
whether a person, persons, partnership, company, firm,
association, corporation or other who is approved to do
business with and enters into a contract with the .City for
construction of water and/or sanitary sewer facilities, will
have or shall establish a fully operational business office
within the Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area. The
Contractor shall charge, delegate, or assign this office (or
he may delegate his Project Superintendent) with full
authority to transact all business actions required in the
performance of the Contract. This local authority shall be
made responsible to act for the Contractor in all matters
pertaining to the work governed by the Contract whether it be
administrative or otherwise and as such shall be empowered,
thus delegated and directed, to settle all material, labor or
other expenditures, all claims against the work or any other
C3-3 (7)
matter associated such as maintaining adequate and appropriate
insurance or security coverage for the project. Such local
authority for administration of the work under the Contract
shall be maintained until all business transactions executed
as part of the Contract are complete.
Should the Contractor's principal base of operations be other
than in the Fort Worth-Dallas metropolitan area, notification
of the Contractor's assignment of local authority shall be
made in writing to the Engineer in advance of any work on the
project, all appropriately signed and sealed, as applicable ,
by the Contractor's resoonsible off i cers with the
understanding that this written assignment of authority to a
local representative shall become part of the project Contract
as though bound directly into the project documents. The
intent of these requirements is that all matters associated
with the Contractor's administration, whether it be oriented
in furthering the work, or other, be governed direct by local
authority. This same requirement is imposed on insurance and
surety coverage. Should t h e Contractor's local representative
fail to perform to the satisfaction of Engineer, the Engineer,
at his sole discretion, may demand that such local
representative be replaced and the Engineer may, at his sole
discretion, stop all work until a new local authority
satisfactory to the Engineer is assigned. No credit of
working time will be for periods in which work stoppages are
i n effect for this reason.
C3-3.15 VENUE: Venue of any action hereinunder shall be
exclusively in Tarrant County, Texas.
C3-3 (8)
... .
C4-4.l INTENT OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: It is the definite
intention of these Contract Documents to provide for a
complete, useful project which the Contractor undertakes to
construct or furnish, all in full compliance with the
requirements and intent of the Contract Documents. It is
definitely understood that the Contractor shall do all work as
provided for in the Contract Documents, shall do all extra or
special work as may be considered by the Owner as necessary to
complete the project in a satisfactory and acceptable manner.
The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specifically stated in
these Contract Documents, furnish all labor, tools, materials,
machinery, equipment, special services, and incidentals
necessary to the prosecution and completion of the project.
C4-4.2 SPECIAL PROVISIONS: Should any work or conditions
which are not thoroughly and satisfactorily stipulated or
covered by General or Special Conditions of these Contra,ct
Documents be anticipated, or should there be any additional
proposed work which is not covered by these Contract
Documents, then "Special Provisions• covering all such work
will be prepared by the Owner previous to the time of
receiving bids or proposals for such work and furnished to the
Bidder in the form of Addenda. All such "Special Provisions•
shall be considered to be a part of the Contract Documents
just as though they were originally written therein.
the right to alter the quantities of the work t~ be performed
or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and
as found to be necessary, and the Contractor shall perform the
work as altered, increased or decreased at the unit prices.
Such increased or decreased quantity shall not be more than 25
percent of the contemplated quantity of such item or items.
When such changes increase or decrease the original quantity
of any item or items of work to be done or materials to be
furnished by the 25 percent or more, then either party to the
contract shall upon written request to the other party be
entitled to a revised consideration upon that portion of the
work above or below the 25 percent of the original quantity
stated in the proposal; such revised consideration to be
determined by special agreement or as hereinafter provided for
"Extra Work." No allowance will be made for any changes in
anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as
C4-4 Cl)
waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the
Contract Documents.
variations in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes in depth
categories, shall be interpreted herein as applying to the
overall quantities or sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe s i ze,
but not to the various depth categories.
Owner reserves the right to make such changes in the Contract
Documents and in the character or quantities of the work as
may be necessary or desirable to insure completion in the most
satisfactory manner, provided such changes do not materially
alter the original Contract Documents or change the general
nature of the project as a whole. Such changes shall not be
1 considered as waiving or invalidating any condition or
provision of the Contract Documents.
C4-4.5 EXTRA WORK: Additional work made necessary by changes
and alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or
for other reasons for which no prices are provided in the
Contract Documents, shall be defined as "Extra Work" and shall
be performed by the Contractor in accordance with these
Contract Documents or approved additions thereto; provided,
however, that before any extra work is begun a "Change Order~
shall be executed or written order issued by the Owner to do
the work for payments or credits as shall be determined by one
or more combination of the following methods:
a. Unit bid price previously approved.
b. An agreed lump sum.
c. The actual reasonable cost of Cl) labor, (2) rental
of equipment used on the extra work for the time so
used at Associated General Contractors of America
current equipment rental rates; (3) materials
entering permanently into the project, and (4)
.actual cost of insurance,. bonds, and social
security as determined by the Owner, plus a fixed
fee to be agreed upon but not to exceed 10% of the
actual cost of such extra work. The fixed fee is
not to include any additional profit to the
Contractor for rental of equipment owned by him and
used for the extra work. The fee shall be full and
complete compensation to cover the cost of
superintendence, overhead, other profit, general
and all other expense not included in (1), (2),
(3), and (4) above. The Contractor shall keep
accurate cost records on the form and in the method
C4-4 (2)
suggested by the Owner and shall give the Owner
access to all accounts, bills, vouchers, and
records relating to the Extra Work.
No "Change Order" shall become effective until it has been
approved and signed by each of the Contracting parties.
No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed unless
ordered in writing by the Owner. In case any orders or
instructions, either oral or written, appear to the Contractor .
to involve Extra Work for which he should receive
compensation, he shall make writt~n request to the Engineer
fo~ written orders authorizing such Extra Work, prior to
beginning such work.
Should a difference arise as to what does or does not
constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment thereof, and the
Engineer insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall
proceed with the work after making written request for written
orders and shall keep an accurate account of the actual
reasonable cost thereof as provided under method (Item C).
Claims for extra work will not be paid unless the Contractor
shall file his claim with the Owner within five CS) days
before the time for making the first estimate after such work
is done and unless the claim is supported by satisfact o ry
vouchers and certified payrolls covering all labor a nd
materials expended upon the said Extra Work.
The Contractor shall furnish the Owner such installation
records of all deviations from the original Contract Documents
as may be necessary to enable the Owner to prepare for
p~rmanent record a corrected se~ of plans showing the actual
installation. •
The compensation agreed upon for 'extra work' whethEr or not
iniitiated by a 'change order' shall be a full, complete and .J
final payment for all costs Contractor incurs as a !result or
relating to the change or extra work, whether said costs are
known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at that time, including
without limitation, any costs fot del~y, extended ov~rhe~d,
ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or
unchanged work as a result or the change or extra work.
C4-4.6 SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS: Before commencing any work
under this contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner
and receive the Owner 's approval thereof, a "Schedule of
Operations," showing by a straight line method the date of
commencing and finishing each of the major elements of the
contract. There shall be also shown the estimated monthly
cost of work for which estimates are to be expected. There
C4-4 (3)
shall be presented also a composite graph showing the
anticipated progress of construction with the time being
plotted horizontally and the percentage of completion plotted
vertically. The progress charts shall be prepared on 8-1/2" x
11" sheets and at least five black or blue line prints shall
be furnished to the Owner.
FACILITIES: Within ten (10) days prior to submission of
first monthly progress payment, the Contractor shall
prepare and submit to the Owner for approval six copies of
the schedule in which t he Contractor proposes to carry on
the work, the date of wh i ch he will start the several major
activities (including procurement of materials, plans, and
equipment) and the contemplated dates for completing the
same. The schedule shall be in the form of a time schedule
Critical Path Method (CPM) network diagram. As the work
progresses, the Contractor shall enter on the diagram the
actual progress at the end of each partial payment period
or at such intervals as directed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall also revise the schedule to reflect any
adjustments in contract time approved by the Engineer.
Three copies of the updated schedule shall be delivered at
such intervals as directed by the owner.
As a minimum, the construction schedule shall incorporate
all work elements and activities indicated in the proposal
and in the technical specifications.
Prior to the final drafting of the detailed construction
schedule, the Contractor shall review the draft schedule
with the Engineer to ensure the Contractor's understanding
of the contract requirements.
The following guidelines shall be adhered to in preparing
the construction schedule:
a. Milestone dates and final project completion
·dates shall ·be developed to conform to time
constraints, sequencing requirements and
completion time.
b. The construction process shall be divided into
activities with time durations of approximately
fourteen (14) days and construction values not to
exceed $50,000. Fabrication, delivery and
submittal activities are exceptions to this
C4-4 (4)
c. Durations shall be in calendar days and normal
holidays and weather conditions over the duration
of the contract shall be accounted for within the
duration of each activity.
d. One critical path shall be shown on the
construction schedule.
e. Float time is defined as the amount of time
between the earliest start date and the latest
start date of a chain of activities of the CPM
construction schedule. Float time is not for the
exclusive use or benefit of either the Contractor
or the Owner.
f. Thirty days shall be used for submittal review
unless otherwise specified.
The construction schedule shall as a minimum be divided
into general categories as indicated in the Proposal and
Technical Specifications and each general category shall be
broken down into activities in enough detail to achieve
activities of approximately fourteen (14) days duration.
For each general category, the construction schedule shal ~1
identify all trades or subcontracts whose work is
represented by activities that follow the guidelines of
this Section.
For each of the trades or subcontracts, the construction
schedule shall indicate the following procurements,
construction and preacceptance activities and events in
their logical sequence for equipment and materials. _
2 .
Preparation and transmittal of subrnittals.
Submittal review periods.
3. Shop fabrication and delivery ..
4. Erection or installation.
5. Transmittal of manufacturer's operation and
maintenance instructions.
6. Installed equipment and materials testing.
7. Owner's operator instruction (if applicable).
8. Final inspection.
C4-4 (5)
9. Operational testing.
10. Final inspection.
If, in the opinion of the Owner, work accomplished falls
~-behind that scheduled, the Contractor shall take such
action as necessary to improve his progress. In addition,
the Owner may require the Contractor to submit a revised
schedule demonstrating his program and proposed plan to
« • make up lag in scheduled progress and to insure completion
of the work within the contract time. If the Owner finds
the proposed plan not acceptable, he may require the
Contractor to increase the work force, the construction
plant and equipment, the number of work shifts or the
•.• overtime operations without additional cost to the Owner.
Failure of the Contractor to comply with these requirements
shall be considered grounds for determination by the Owner
that the Contractor is failing to prosecute the work with
such diligence as will insure its completion within the
time specified.
C4-4 (6)
' ' .
CS-5.l AUTHORITY OF ENGINEER: The work shall be performed to
the satisfaction of the Engineer and in strict compliance with
the Contract Documents. He shall decide all questions which
arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials
furnished, work performed, rate of progress of the work,
overall sequence of the construction,' interpretation of the
contract Documents, acceptable fulfillment of the contract,
compensation, mutual rights between Contractor and Owner under
these Contract Documents, supervision of the work, resumption
of operations, and all other questions or disputes which may
arise. Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's
means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of
construction, or the safety precaution and programs incident
thereto, and he will not be responsible for Contractor's
failure to perform the work in accordance with the contract
He shall determine the amount and quality of the work
completed and materials furnished, and his decisions and
estimates shall be final. Ris estimates in such event shall
be a condition to the right of the Contractor to receive money
due him under the Contract. The Owner shall have executive
authority to enforce and make effective such necessary
decisions and orders as the Contractor fails to carry out
In the event of any dispute between the Engineer and
Contractor over the decision of the Engineer on any such
matters, the Engineer must, within a reasonable time, upon
written request of the Contractor, render and deliver to both
the Owner and Contractor, a written decision on the matter in
CS-5.2 CONFORMITY WITH PLANS: The finished project in all
cases shall conform with lines, grades, cross-sections,
finish, and dimensions shown on the plans or any other
requirements otherwise described in the Contract Documents.
Any deviation from the approved Contract Documents required by
the Engineer during construction will in all cases be
determined by the Engineer and authorized by the Owner by
Change Order.
CS-5 C 1 >
' "·
Documents are made up of several sections, which, taken
together, are intended to describe and provide for a complete
and useful project, and any requirements appearing in one of
the sections is as binding as though it occurred in all
sections. In case of discrepancies, figured dimension shall
govern over scaled dimensions, plans shall govern over
specifications, special conditions shall govern over general
conditions and standard specifications, and quantities shown
on the plans shall govern over those shown in the proposal.
The contractor shall not take advantage of any apparent error
or omission in the Contract Documents, and the Owner shall be
permitted to make such correctio~s or interpretations as may
be deemed necessary for the fulfillment of the intent of the
contract Documents. In the event the Contractor discovers an
apparent error or discrepancy, he shall immediately call this
condition to the attention of the Engineer. In the event of a
conflict in the drawings, specifications, or other portions of
the Contract Documents which were not reported prior to the
award of Contract, the Contractor shall be deemed to have
quoted the most expensive resolution of the conflict.
CS-5.4 COOPERATION OF CONTRACTOR: The Contractor will be
furnished with three sets of the Contract Documents and shall
have available on the site of the project at all times one set
of such Contract Documents.
The Contract shall give to the work the constant attention
necessary to facilitate the progress thereof aQd shall
cooperate with the Engineer, his inspector, and other
Contractors in every possible way.
The Contractor shall at all times have competent personnel
available to the project site for proper performance of the
work. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times
at the site of the project a competent, English-speaking
superintendent and an assistant who are fully authorized to
act as the Contractor's agent on the work. Such
superinten~ent and .his assistants.hall be capable of reading
and understanding the Contract Documents and shall receive and
fulfill instructions from the Owner, the Engineer, or his
authorized representatives. Pursuant to this responsibility
of the' Contractor, the Contractor shall designate in writing
to the project superintendent, to act as the Contractor's
agent on the work. Such assistant project superintendent
shall be a resident of Tarrant County, Texas and shall be
subject to call, as is the project Superintendent, at any time
of the day or night on any day of the week on which the
Engineer determines that circumstances require the presence on
the project site of a representative of the Contractor to
cs-s (2)
adequately provide for the safety or convenience of the
traveling public or the owners of property across which the
project extends or the safety of property contiguous to the
project routing.
The Contractor shall provide ~11 fac i lities to enable the
Engineer and his inspector to examine and inspect the
workmanship and materials entering into the work.
opinion of the Owner or Engineer, a condition of emergency
exists related to any part of the work, the Contractor, or the
Con~ractor through his designated representative, shall
respond with dispatch to a verbal request made by the Owner or
Engineer to alleviate the emergency condition. Such a
response shall occur day or night, whether the project is
scheduled on a calendar-day or on a working-day basis.
Should the Contractor fail to respond to a request from the
Engineer to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or
corrections necessary to conform with the requirements of the
project specifications or plans, the Engineer shall give the
Contractor written notice that such work or changes are to be
performed. The written notice shall direct attention to ~he
discrepant condition and request the Contractor to t ~ke
remedial action to correct the condition. In the event ·~he
Contractor does not take positive steps to fulfill this
written request, or does not show just cause for not taking
the proper action, within 24 hours, the City may take such
remedial action with City forces or by contract. The City
shall then deduct an amount equal to the entire costs for such
remedial action, plus 25%, from any funds due the Contractor
on the project.
CS-5.6 FIELD OFFICE: The Contractor shall provide, at no
extra compensation, an adequate field office for use of the
Engineer, if specifically called for. The field office shall
be not less than 10 by 14 feet in floor area, substantially
constructed, well heated, a i r conditioned, lighted, and
weather-proof, so that d~cumen t s ~ill not be damaged bi th~
CS-5.7 CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The City, through its Engineer,
will furnish the Contractor with all lines, grades, and
measurements necessary to the proper prosecution and control
of the work contracted for under these Contract Documents, and
lines, grades and measurements will be established by means of
stakes or other customary method of marking as may be found
consistent with good practice.
CS-5 (3)
These stakes or markings shall be set sufficiently in advance
of construction operations to avoid delay. Such stakes or
markings as may be established for the Contractor's use or
guidance shall be preserved by the Contractor until he is
a u thorized by the Engineer to remove them. Whenever, in the
opinion of the Engineer, any stakes or markings have been
carelessly or willfully destroyed, disturbed, or removed by
the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cost of
replacing such stakes or marks plus 25% will be charged
against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted
from payment due the Contractor.
Inspectors will be authorized to inspect all work done and to
be done and all materials furnished. Such inspection may
extend to all or any part of the work, and the preparation or
manufacturing of the materials to be used or equipment to be
installed. A City I n spector may be stationed on the work to
report to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and th~
manner in which it is being performed, to report any evidence
that the materials being furnished or the work being performed
by the Contractor fails to fulfill the requirements of the
Contract Documents, and to call the attention of the
Contractor to any such failure or other infringements. Such
inspection or lack of inspection will not relieve the
Contractor from any obligation to perform the work in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor and the
City Inspector as to the materials or equipment furnished or
the manner of performing the work, the City Inspector will
have authority to reject materials or equipment to suspend
work unti l the question at issue can be referred to and be
decided by the Engineer. The City Inspector will not,
however, be authorized to . revoke, alter, enlarge, or release
any requirement of these Contract Documents, nor to approve or
accept any portion or section of the work, nor to issue any
instructions contrary to the requirements of the Contract
Documents. He will in no case act as superintendent or
foreman or perform any other duties for the Contractor, or
inter_fere with the management or operation of the work. He
will not accept from the Contractor any compensation in any
form for performing any duties. The Contractor shall regard
and obey the directions and instructions of the City Inspector
or Engineer when the same are consistent with the obligations
of the Contract Documents, provided, however, should the
Contractor object to any orders or instructions of the City
Inspecto ~, the Contractor may within six days make written
appeal to the Engineer for his decision on the matter in
CS-5 (4)
.. .
CS-5.9 INSPECTION: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer
with every reasonable facility for ascertaining whether or not
the work as performed is in accordance with the requirements
of the Contract Documents. If the Engineer so requests, the
Contractor shall, at any time before acceptance of the work,
remove or uncover such portion of the finished work as may be
directed. After examin a tion, the Contractor shall restore
said portions of the work to the standard required by the
Contract Documents.
Should the work exposed or examined prove acceptable, the
uncovering or removing and replacing of the covering or making
good of the parts removed shall be paid for as extra work, but
should be work so exposed or examined prove to be
unacceptable, the uncovering or removing and the replacing of
all adjacent defective or damaged parts shall be at the
Contractor's expense. No work shall be done or materials used
without suitable supervision or inspection.
materials, or equipment which has been rejected shall be
remedied or removed and replaced in an acceptable manner by
the Contractor at his own expense. Work done beyond the lines
and grades given or as shown on the plans, except as herein
specifically provided, or any Extra Work done without written
authority, will be considered as unauthorized and done at the
expense of the Contractor and will not be paid for by i the
owner. Work so done may be ordered removed at the
Contractor's expense. Upon the failure on the part of the
contractor to comply with any order of the Engineer made under
the provisions of this paragraph, the Engineer will have the
authority to cause defective work to be remedied or removed
and replaced and unauthorized work to be removed, and the cost
thereof may be deducted from any money due or to become due to
the Contractor. Failure to require the removal of any
defective or unauthorized work shall not constitute acceptance
of such works.
Specifications, law, ordinance, codes or regulations permit
Contractor to furnish or use a substitute that is equal to any
material or equipment specified, and if Contractor wishes to
furnish or use a proposed substitute, he shall, prior to the
preconstruction conference, make written application to
ENGINEER for approval of such substitute certifying in writing
that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the
functions called for by the general design, be similar and of
equal substance to that specified and be suited to the same
·use and capable of performing the same function as that
specified; and identifying all variations of the proposed
CS-5 CS)
substitute from that specified and indicating available
maintenance service. No substitute shall be ordered or
installed without the written approval of Engineer who will be
the judge of the equality and may require Contractor to
furnish such other data about the proposed substitute as he
considers pertinent. No substitute shall be ordered or
installed without such performance guarantee and bonds as
owner may require which shall be furnished at Contractor's
expense. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner
and Engineer and anyone directly or indirectly employed by
either of them from and against the claims, damages, losses
and expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of the use
of substituted materials or equipment.
CS-5.12 SAMPLES AND TESTS OR MATERIALS: Where, in the opinion
of the Engineer, or as called for in the Contract Documents,
tests of materials or equipment are necessary, such tests will
be made at the expense of and paid for direct to ihe testing
agency by the Owner unless otherwise specifically provided.
The failure of the Owner to make any tests of materials shall
be in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility of
furnishing materials and equipment fully conforming to the
requirements of the Contract Documents. Tests and sampling of
materials, unless otherwise specified, will be made in
accordance with the latest methods prescribed by the American
Society for Testing Materials or specific requirements of the
Owner. The Contractor shall provide such facilities as the
Engineer may require for collecting and forwarding samples and
shall not, without specific written permission of the
Engineer, use the materials represented by the samples until
tests have been made and the materials approved for use. The
Contractor will furnish adequate samples without charge to the
In case of concrete, the aggregates, design minimum, and the
mixing and transporting equi p ment shall be approved by the
Engineer before any concrete is placed, and the Contactor
shall be responsible for replacing any concrete which does not ~
meet the requirements of ·the Contra~t Do~uments~ • Tests shall
be made at least 9 days prior to the placing of concrete,
using samples from the same aggregate, cement, and mortar
which are to be used later in the concrete. Should the source
of supply change, new tests shall be made prior to the use of
the new materials.
CS-5.13 STORAGE OF MATERIALS: All materials which are to be
used in the construction operation shall be stored so as to
insure the preservation of the quality and fitness of the work.
When directed by the Engineer, they shall be placed on wooden
platforms or other hard, clean durable surfaces and not on the
CS-5 (6)
ground, and shall be placed under cover when directed. Stored
materials shall be placed and located so as to facilitate
prompt inspection.
dimensions shown on the Plans relative to existing utilities
are based on the best information available. Omission from, or
the inclusion of utility locations on the Plans is not to be
considered as the nonexistence of, or a definite location of,
existing underground utilities. The location of many gas
mains, water mains, conduits, sewer lines and service lines
for all utilities, etc., is unknown to the Owner, and the
Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all
such structures and utilities on the plans or to show them in
their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure
will not be considered sufficient basis for claims for
additional compensation for Extra Work or for increasing the
pay quantities in any manner whatsoever, unless an obstruction
encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines and
grades of considerable magnitude or requires the building of
special works, provision for which is not made in the Contract
Documents, in which case the provision in these Contract
Documents for Extra Work shall apply.
It shall be the Contractors responsibility to verify locations
of adjacent and/or conflicting utilities sufficiently -in
advance of construction in order that he may negotiate such
local adjustments as necessary in the construction process to
provide adequate clearances. The Contractor shall take all
necessary precautions in order to protect all existing
utilities, structures and service lines. Verification of
existing utilities, structures and service lines shall include
notification of all utility companies at least forty eight
(48) hours in advance of construction including exploratory
excavation if necessary. All verification of existing
utilities and their adjustment shall be considered as
subsidiary work.
a. Normal Prosecution: In the normal prosectuion of
work where the interruption of service is necessary,
the Contractor, at least 24 hours in advance, shall
be required to:
1. Notify the Water Department's Distribution
Division as to location, time, and schedule of
service interruption.
cs-s ( 7 >
2. Notify each customer personally through
responsible personnel as to time and schedule
of the interruption of their service, or
3 . In the event that personal notification of a
customer cannot be made, a prepared tag form
shall be attached to the customer's entrance < i
door knob. The tag shall be durable in To'
composition, and in large bold type shall say:
Due to Utility lmp~ovement in
your neighborhood, your (water)
(sewer) service will be inter-
rupted on___,,,------~ between
the hours of ____ and
This inconvenience will be as
short as possible.
Thank you,
Address Phone
Emergency: In the event that an unforeseen service
interruption occurs, notice shall be as above,but
acts or neglect on the part of the Contractor, any other
Contractor or any sub-contractor shall suffer loss or damage
on the work, the Contractor agrees to settle with such other
Contractor or sub-contractor by agreement or arbitration. If
such other Contractor or sub-contractor shall. assert any claim
against the Owner on account of any damage alleged to have .,,
been sustained, the Owner will notify the Contractor, who ··
~hali indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any such
CS-5.17 CLEAN-UP: Clean-up of surplus and/or waste materials
accumulated on the job site dur i ng the prosecution of the work
under these Contract Documents shall be accomplished in
keeping with a daily routine established to the the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Twenty-fours fours after
written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on
the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the
Engineer, if the Contractor fails to correct the
C5-5 (8)
unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action
as the Engineer deems appropriate to correct the clean-up
deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice,
and the costs of such direct action, plus 25% of such costs,
shall be deducted from monies due or to become due to the
Upon the completion of the project as a whole as covered by
these Co~tract Documents, and before final acceptance and
final payment will be made, the Contractor shall clean and
remove from the site of the project all surplus and discarded
materials, temporary structures, and debris of every kind. He
shall leave the site of all work in a neat and orderly
condition equal to that which originally existed. Surplus and
waste materials removed from the site of the work shall be
disposed of at locations satisfactory to the Engineer. The
Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment and materials
installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and
equipment in a bright, clean, polished and new appearing
condition. No extra compensation will be made to the
Contractor for any clean-up required on the project.
CS-5.18 FINAL INSPECTION: Whenever the work provided for in
and contemplated under the Contract Documents has been
satisfactorily completed ind final cleanup performed, the
Engineer will notify the proper officials of the Owner and
request that the Final inspection be made. Such inspection
will be made within 10 days after such notification. After
such final inspection, if the work and materials and equipment
are found satisfactory, the Contractor will be notified in
writing of the acceptance of the same after the proper
resolution has been passed by the City Council. No time
charge will be made against the Contractor between said date
of notification of the Engineer and the date of final
inspection of the work.
CS-5 (9)
\ '
C6-6.l LAWS TO BE OBSERVED: The Contractor shall at all times
observe and comply with all Federal and State Laws and City
ordinances and regulations which in any way affect the conduct
of the work or his operations, and shall observe and comply
with all orders, laws, ordinances and regulations which exist
or which may be enacted later by bodies having jurisdiction or
authority fer such enactment. No plea of misunderstanding or
ignorance thereof will be considered. The Contractor and his
sureties shall indemnify and save harmless the City and all of
its officers, agents, and employees against any and all claims
or liability arising from or based on the violation of any
such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, whether it be by
himself or his employees.
C6-6.2 PERMITS AND LICENSES: The Contractor shall procure all
permits and licenses, pay all charges, costs and fees, and
give all notices necessary and incident to the due and lawful
prosecution of the work.
Contractor is required or desires to use any design, device,
material, or process covered by letter, patent, or copyright,
he shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with
the patentee or owner of such patent, letter, or copyrighted
design. It is mutually agreed and understood that without
exception the contract prices shall include all royalties or
cost arising from patents, trade-marks, and copy rights in any
way involved in the work. The Contractor and his sureties
shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner from any and all
claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such
patented design, device, material or process, or any
trade-mark or copy right in connection with the work agreed to
be performed under these Contract .Documents, and shall
indemnify the Owner for any cost, expense, or damage which it
may be obliged to pay by reason of such infringement at any
time during the prosecution of the work or after completion of
the work, provided, however, that the Owner will assume the
responsibility to defend any and all suits brought for the
infringement of any patent claimed to be infringed upon by the
design, type of construction or material or equipment
specified in the Contract Documents furnished the Contractor
by the Owner, and to hold the Contractor harmless on account
of such suits.
C6-6 Cl)
C6-6 .4 SANITARY PROVISIONS : The Contractor shall establish
and enforce among his employees such regulations in regard to
cleanliness and disposal of garbage and waste as will tend to
prevent the inception and spread of infectious or contagious
diseases and to effectively prevent the creation of a nuisance
about the work on any property either public or private, and
such regulations as are required by Law shall be put into
immediate force and effect by the Contractor. The necessary
sanitary conveniences for use of laborers on the work,
properly secluded from public observation, shall be
constructed and maintained by the Contractor and their use
shall be st r ictly enforced by the Co n tractor. All such
facilities shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition,
free from objectionable odors so as not to cause a nuisance.
All sanitary laws and regulations of the State of Texas and
the City shall be strictly complied with.
C6-6.5 PUBLIC SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE: Materials or equipment
stored about the work shall be so placed and used, and the
work shall at all times be so conducted, as to cause no
greater obstruction or inconvenience to the public than is
considered to be absolutely necessary by the Engineer. The
Contractor is required to maintain at all times all phases of
his work in such a manner as not to impair the safety or
convenience of the public, including, but not limited to, safe
and convenient ingress and egress to property contiguous to
the work area. The Contractor shall make adequate provisions
to render reasonable ingress and egress for normal vehicular
traffic, except during actual trenching or pipe installation
operations, at all driveway crossings. Such provisions may
include bridging, placement of crushed stone or gravel or such
other means of providing proper ingress and egress for the
property served by the driveway as the Engineer may approve as
appropriate. Such other means may include the diversion of
driveway traffic, with specific approval by the Engineer. If
diversion of traffic is approved by the Engineer at any
location, the Contractor shall make arrangements satisfactory
to the Engineer at any location, the Contractor shall make
arrangements satisfactory to the Engineer for the diversion of
traffic, and shall, at his own expense, provide all materials
and perform all work necessary for the construction and
maintenance of roadways and bridges for such diversion of
traffic. Sidewalks must not be obstructed except by special
permission of the Engineer.
The materials excavated and the construction materials such as
pipe used in the construction of the work shall be placed so
as not to endanger the work or prevent free access to all fire
hydrants, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, water valves,
C6-6 (2)
gas valves, or manholes in the vicinity. The Owner reserves
the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor
as regards to public convenience and safety which may come to
its attention, after twenty-four hours notice in writing to
the Contractor, save in cases of emergency when it shall have
the right to remedy any neglect without notice, and in either
case, the cost of such work done or materials furnished by the
owner or by the City shall be deducted from monies due or to
become due to the Contractor.
The Contractor, after approval of the Engineer, shall notify
the Fire Department Headquarters, Traffic Engineer, and Police
Department, when any street or alley is requested to be closed
or obstructed or any fire hydrant is to be made inaccessible,
and, when so directed by the Engineer, shall keep any street,
streets, or highways in condition for unobstructed use by fire
apparatus. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Fire
Department Headquarters when all such obstructed streets,
alleys, or hydrants are again placed back in service.
Where the Contractor is required to construct temporary
bridges or make other arrangements for crossing over ditches
or streams, his responsibility for accidents in connection
with such crossings shall include the roadway approaches as
well as the structures of such crossings.
The Contractor shall at all times conduct his operation and
the use of construction machinery so as not to damage or
destroy trees and shrubs located in close proximity to or on
the site of the work. Where~er any such damage may be done,
the Contractor shall immediately satisfy all claims of
property owners, and no payment will be made by the Owner in
settlement of such claims. The Contractor shall file with the
Engineer a written statement showing all such claims adjusted.
RIGHT-OF-WAY: For the performance of the contract, the
Contractor will be permitted to use and occupy such portions
of the public streets and alleys, or other public places or
other rights-of~way as provided for in-the ordinances of the
City, as shown in the Contract Documents, or as may be
specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer. A
reasonable amount of tools, materials, and equipment for
construction purposes may be stored in such space, but no more
than is necessary to avoid delay in the construction
operations. Excavated and waste materials shall be piled or
stacked in such a way as not to interfere with the use of
spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed
and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property.
If the street is occupied by railway tracks, the work shall be
C6-6 (3)
carried on in such manner as not to interfere with the
operation of trains, loading or unloading of cars, etc. Other
contractors of the Owner may, for all purposes required by the
contract, enter upon the work and premises used by the
Contractor and shall be provided all reasonable facilities and
assistance for the completion of adjoining work. Any
additional grounds desired by the Contractor for his use shall
be provided by him at his own cost and expense.
C6-6.7 RAILWAY CROSSINGS: When the work encroaches upon any
right-of-way of any railway, the City will secure the
necessary easement for the work. Where the railway tracks are
to be crossed, the Contractor shall observe all the
regulations and instructions of the railway company as to the
methods of performing the work and take all precautions for
safety of property and the public. Negotiations with the
railway companies for permits shall be done by and through the
City. The Contractor shall give the City notice not less than
five days prior to the time of his intentions to begin work on
that portion of the project which is related to the railway
properties. The Contractor will not be given extra or
additional compensation for such railway crossings unless
specifically set forth in the Contract Documents.
carried on in or adjacent to any street, alley, or public
place, the Contractor shall at his own expense furnish, erect,
and maintain such barricades, fences, lights and danger
signals, shall provide such watchmen, and shall take all such
other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or
property and of the work as are necessary. Barricades and
fences shall be painted in a color that will be visible at
night. From sunset to sunrise the Contractor shall furnish
and maintain at least one easily visible burning light at each
barricade. A sufficient number of barricades shall be erected
and maintained to keep pedestrians away from, and vehicles
from being driven on or into, any work under construction or
being maintained. The Contractor shall furnish watchmen and
keep them at their respective assignments in sufficient
numbers to protect the work and prevent accident or damage.
All installations and procedures shall be consistent with the
provisions set forth in the "1980 Texas Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued under
the authority of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating
Traffic en Highways", codified as Article 6701d Veron's Civil
Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 and
C6-6 ( 4)
~ • l ,~ft ,I; :;t
.• ;.•
The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign,
instructional sign, street name sign, or other sign which has
been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign
must be removed to permit required construction, the
Contractor shall con t act the Transportation and Public Works
department, Signs and Markings Division (phone number
8780-8-075), to remove the-sign.-In -the case of regulatory-
signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a
temporaiy sign meeting the re~uirements of the above
referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed
prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary
sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the
required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in
place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When
construction work is completed to the extent that the
permanent sign can be re-installed, the Contractor shall again
contact the Signs and Markings Division to re-install the
permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place
until such re-installation is completed.
The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the
work or the public due to failure of barricades, signs,
fences, lights, or watchmen to protect them. Whenever
evidence is found of such damage to the work the Engineer may
order the damaged portion immediately removed and replaced by
the Contractor at the Contractor's own expense. The
Contractor's responsibility for the maintenance of barricades,
signs, fences and lights, and for providing watchmen shall not
cease until the project shall have been completed and accepted
by the Owner.
No compensation, except as specifically provided in these
Contract Documents, will be paid to the Contractor for the
work and materials involved in the constructing, providing,
and maintaining of barricades, signs, fences, and iights or
for salaries of watchmen, for the subsequent removal and
disposal of such barricades, signs, or for any other
incidentals necessary for the proper protection, safety, and
·convenience of the .public during the cont~act period, as this
work is considered to be subsidiary to the several items for
which unit or lump sum prices are requested in the Proposal.
Contractor elect to use explosives, drop weight, etc., in the
prosecution of the work, the utmost care shall be exercised at
all times so as not to endanger life or property. The
Contractor shall notify the proper representative of any
public service corporation, any company, individual, or
utility, and the Owner, not less than twenty-four hours in
C6-6 ( 5)
advance of the use of any activity which might damage or
endanger their or his property along or adjacent to the work.
Where the use of explosives is to be permitted on the project,
as specified in the Special Contract Documents, or the use of
explosives is requested, the Contractor shall submit notice to
the Engineer in writing twenty-four hours prior to commencing
and shall furnish evidence that he has insurance coverage to
protect against any damages and/or injuries arising out of
such use pf explosives.
All claims arising out of the use of explosives shall be
investigated and a written report made by the Contractor's
insurers to the Engineer within ten (10) days after receipt of
written notice of the claim to the Contractor from either the
city or the claimant. The City shall proceed to give notice
to the Contractor of any such claim. The use of explosives
may be suspended by the Engineer if any complaint is received
and such use shall not be resumed until the cause of the
complaint has been addressed.
Whenever explosives are stored or kept, they shall be stored
in a safe and secure manner and all storage places shall be
plainly marked "DANGEROUS EXPLOSIVES" and shall be under the
care of a competent watchman at all times. All vehicles in
which explosives are being transported shall be plainly marked
as mentioned above and shall, insofar as possible, not use
heavy traffic routes.
C6-6.10 WORK WITHIN EASEMENTS: Where the work passes over,·
through, or into private property, the Owner will provide such
right-of-way or easement privileges as the City may deem
necessary for the prosecution of the work. Any additional
rights-of-way or work area considered necessary by the
Contractor shall be provided by him at his own expense. Such
additional rights-of-way or work area shall be acquired for
the benefit of the City. The City shall be notified in
writing as to the rights so acquired before work begins in the
affected area. The Contractor shall not enter upon private
property for any purp6~e without having previously obtained
permission from the owner of such property. The Contractor
will not be allowed to store equipment or material on private
property unless and until the specified ~pproval of the
property owner has been secured in writing by the Contractor
and a copy furnished to the Engineer. Unless ~pecifically
provided otherwise, the Contractor shall clear all
rights-of-way or easements of obstructions which must be
removed to make possible proper prosecution of the work as a
part of the project construction operations. The Contractor
shall be responsible for the preservation of and shall use
C6-6 (6)
every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrubbery,
plants, lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types
of structures or improvements, to all water, sewer, and gas
lines, to all conduits, overhead pole lines, or appurtenances
thereof, including the construction of temporary fences, and
to all other public or private property along adjacent to the
work. ---
The Contractor shall notify the proper representatives of
owners or occupants of public or private lands or interest in
lands which might be affected by the work. Such notice shall
be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the
work. Notices shall be applicable to both public and private
utility companies or any corporation, company, individual, or
other, either as owners or occupants, whose land or interest
in land might affected by the work. The Contractor shall be
responsible for all damage or injury to property of any
character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or
misconduct in the manner or method or execution of the work,
or at any time due to defective work, material, or equipment.
When and where any direct or indirect or injury is done to
public or private property on account of any act, omission,
neglect, or misconduct in the execution of the work, or in
consequence of the non-execution thereof on the part of the
Contractor, he shall restore or have restored at his own cost
and expense such property to a condition at least equal to
that existing before such damage or injury was done, by·
repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise replacing and restoring as
may be directed by the Owner, or he shall make good such
damages or injury in a manner acceptable to the owner of the
property and the Engineer.
All fences encountered and removed during construction of
this project shall be restored to the original or a better
than original condition upon completion of this project.
When wire fencing, either wire mesh or barbed wire is to be
crossed, the Contractor shall set cross braced posts on
either side of permanent easement before the _fence is cut.
Should additional fence cuts be necessary, the Contractor
shall provide cross braced posts at point of the proposed
cut in addition to the cross braced posts provided at the
permanent easements limits, before the fence is cut.
Temporary fencing shall be erected in place of the fencing
removed whenever the work is not in progress and when the
site is vacated overnight, and/or at all times to prevent
livestock from entering the construction area. The cost for
fence removal, temporary closures and replacement shall be
subsidiary to the various items bid in the project
C6-6 (7)
proposal. Therefore, no separate payment shall be allowed
for any service associated with this work.
In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore
such property to make good such damage or injury, the Owner
may, upon 48 hour written notice under ordinary ~circurnstances ,
and without notice when a nuisance or hazardous condition
results, proceed to repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such
property as may be determined by the Owner to be necessary,
and the cost thereby will be deducted from any monies due or
to become due to the Contractor under this Contract.
C6-6.ll INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: It is understood and agreed
by the parties hereto that Contractor shall perform all work
and services hereunder as an independent contractor, and not
as an officer, agent, servant or employee of the Owner.
Contractor shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive
right to control the details of all the work and services
performed hereunder, and all persons performing same, and
shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its
officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors,
subcontractors, licensees and invitees. The doctrine of
respondeat superior shall not apply as between Owner and
Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and
subcontractors, and nothing herein shall be construed as
creating a partnership or joint enterprise between Owner and
• Contractor. ·t
Contractor covenants and agrees to, and does hereby indemni f y,
hol d harmless and defend Owner, its officers, agents,
servants, and employees from and against any an all claims or
suits for property damage or loss and/or personal injury,
including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or
character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in
con ne ction with, directly or indirectly, the work and serN ices
to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents,
employees, c.ontractors, subcontractors, licensees or invitees,
wh~th ,e .r or: .not caused, in -whole or in part, by alleged
negligence on the part o f officers, agents, servants,
employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees and invitees
of the Owner; and said Contractor does hereby covenant and
agree to assume all liability and responsibility of Owner, its
officers age nt s, servants and employees for property damage or
loss, and/or personal injuries, including death, to any and
all persons of whatsoever kind or characte r , whether real or
asserted, arising out of or in connection with, directly or
indirectly, the work and services to be performed hereunder by
Contractor, its officers, agents employees, contractors,
subcontractors, licensees and invitees, whether or not caused,
C6-6 (8)
I '
in whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers,
agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors,
licensees or invitees of the Owner. Contractor likewise
covenants and agrees to, and does hereby, indemnify and hold
harmless Owner from and against . any and all injuries,loss or
damages to property of the Owner during the performance of any
o£ the _terrns_and conditions of _this Contract, whether arising .
out of or in connection with or resulting from, in whole or in
part, any and all alleged acts or omissions of officers,
agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors,
licenses, or invitees of the Owner.
In the event . a written claim for damages against the
contractor or its subcontractors remains unsettled at the time
all work on the project has been completed to the satisfaction
of the Director of the Water Department, as evidenced by a
final inspection, final payment to the Contractor shall not be
recommended by the Director of the Water Department for a
period of 30 days after the date of such final inspection,
unless the Contractor shall submit written evidence
satisfactory to the Director that the claim has been settled
and a release has been obtained from the claimant .involved.
If the claim concerned remains unsettled as of the expiration
of the above 30-day period, the Contractor may be deemed to be
entitled to a semi-final payment for work completed, s ~ch
semi-final payment to be in an amount equal to the total
dollar amount then due less the dollar value of any written
claims pending against the Contractor arising out of the
performance of such work, and such semi-final payment may then
be recommended by the Director.
The Director shall not recommend final payment to a Contractor
against whom such a claim for damages is outstanding for a
period of six months following the date of the acceptance of
the work performed unless the Contractor submits evidence in
writing satisfactory to the Director that:
1. The claim has been settled and a release has been
obtained from the claimant involved, or
2. Good faith efforts have been made to settle such
outstanding claims, and such good faith efforts
have failed.
If condition Cl) above is met at any time within the six month
period, the Director shall recommend that the final payment to
the Contractor be made. If condition (2) above is met at any
time within the six month period, the Director may recommend
that the final payment to the Contractor be made. At the
C6-6 (9)
. ,
expiration of the six month period the Director may recommend
that final payment be made if all other work has been
performed and all other obligations of the Contractor have
been met to the satisfaction of the Director.
The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept
bids on -other Water Department Contract work from a Contractor
against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of
work performed under a City contract.
C6-6 .13 CONTRACTOR'S CLAIM FOR DAMAGES: Should the Contractor
claim compensation for any alleged damage by reason of the
acts or omissions of the Owner, he shall wi~hin three days
after the actual sustaining of such alleged damage, make a
written statement to the Engineer, setting out in detail the
nature of the alleged damage, and on or before the 25th day of
the month succeeding that in which any such damage is claimed
to have been sustained, the Contractor shall file with the
Engineer an itemized statement of the details and amount of
such alleged damage and, upon request, shall give the Engineer
access to all books of account, receipts, vouchers, bills of
lading, and other books or papers containing any evidence as
to the amount of such alleged damage. Unless such statements
shall be filed as hereinabove required, the Contractor's claim
for compensation shall be waived, and he shall not be entitled
to payment on account of such damages .
In case it is necessary to change, move, or alter in any
manner the property of a public utility or others, the said
property shall not be moved or interfered with until orders
thereupon have been issued by the Engineer. The right is
reserved to the owners of public utilities to enter the
geographical limits of the Contract for the purpose of making
such changes or repairs to their property that may be
necessary by the performance of this contract.
sewer lines have to be taken up or removed, the Contractor
shall, at h l s o~n expense and cost, provide and maintain
temporary outlets and connections for all private or public
drains and sewers. The Contractor shall also take care of all
sewage and drainage which will be received from these drains
an d sewers, and for this p urpose he shall provide and
ma i ntain, at his own cost and expense, adequate pumping
facilities and temporary outlets or diversions.
' ' ,.
The Contractor, at his own cost and expense, shall construct
such troughs, pipes, or other structures necessary, and be )
prepared at all times to dispose of drainage and sewage
C6-6 (10)
' ,
received from these temporary connections until such times as
the permanent connections are built and are in service. The
existing sewers and connections shall be kept in service and
maintained under the Contract, except when specified or
ordered to be abandoned by the Engineer. All water, sewage,
and other waste shall be disposed of in a satisfactory manner
s O t h a t n o nu i s an c e i s created . and so ,that _ the work under_
con struction ~will -be a dequately protected.
CITY: When the Contractor desires to use City water in
connection with any construction work, he shall make complete
and satisfactory arrangements with the Fort Worth City Water
Department for so doing.
city water furnished to the Contractor shall be delivered to
the Contractor from a connection on an existing City main.
All piping required beyond the point of delivery shall be
installed by the Contractor at his own expense.
The Contractor's responsibility in the use of all existing
fire hydrant and/or valves is detailed in Section E2-l.2 USE
OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND VALVES in these General Contract
When meters are used to measure the water, the charges,-if
any, for water will be at the regular established rates. When
me t e r .s a r e n o t u s e d , t h e c h a r g e s , i f any , w i 11 be as
prescribed by the City Ordinance, or where no ordinance
applies, payment shall be made on estimates and rates
established by the Director of the Fort Worth Water
the opinion of the Engineer, any section or portion of the
work or any structure is in suitable condition, it may be put
into use upon the written order of the Engineer, and such
usage shall not be held to be in any way an acceptance of said
work or structure or any part thereof or as a waiver of any of
the provisions of these Contract Doctiments. All necessary
repairs and removals of any section of the work so put into
use, due to defective materials or workmanship, equipment, or
to deficient operations on the part of the Contractor, shall
be performed by the Contractor at his own expense.
written acceptance by the Owner as provided for in these
Contract Documents, the work shall be under the charge and
care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary
precaution to prevent injury or damage to the work or any part
C6-6 (11)
thereof by action of the elements or from any cause
whatsoever, whether arising from the execution or nonexecution
of the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore,
and make good at his own expense all injuries or damage to any
portion of the work occasioned by any of the hereinabove
C6-6 .19 NO WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTS: Inspection by the Engineer
or any order by the Owner by payment of money or any payment
for or acceptance of any work, or any extension of time, or
any possession taken by the City shall not operate as a waiver
of any provision of the Contract Documents. Any waiver of any
breach or Contract shall not be held to be a waiver of any
other or subsequent breach.
The Owner reserves the right to correct any error that may be
discovered in any estimate that may have been paid and to
adjust the same to meet the requirements of the Contract
Documen'ts . .
out the provisions of these Contract Documents or in
exercising any power of authority granted thereunder, there
shall be no liability upon the authorized representatives of
the Owner, either personally or otherwise as they are agents
and representatives of the City.
C6-6.21 STATE SALES TAX: On a contract awarded by the City of
Fort Worth, an organization which qualifies for exemption
pursuant the provisions of Article 20.04 CH) of the Texas
Limited Sales, excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor may
purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment
used or consumed in the performance of this contract by
i s suing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of
t h e tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State
Co mptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate
i ~s ued by the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject
t o and shall comply with the provisions of State Comptroller's
Ruling .011, and any other applicable State Comptroller
rulings pertaining to the Texas Limited Sales, Excise, and Use
Tax Act.
On a contract awarded by a developer for the construction of a
publicly-owne d improvement in a street right-of-way or other
easement which has been dedicated to the public and the City
of Fort Worth, an organization which qualifies for exemption
pursuant to the provisions of Article 20.04 CH) of the Texas
limited Sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor can
probably be exempted in the same manner stated above.
C6-6 (12)
Limited Sale, Excise and Use Tax permits and information can
be obtained from:
Comptroller of Public
Sale Tax Division
Capitol Station
Austin, TX
C6-6 (13)
,f l;~l--
1!'" 4 ,~ ~-'I. M:::ii:iertt~&.i"'_,,, .... ·~"-"
. -c7 ~,. ·suBLETTING~: -°The Contractor shall perform with his own
organization, and with the assistance of workman under his
immediate superintendance, work of a value of not less than
fifty (50%) percent of the value embraced in the contract. If
the Contractor sublets any part of the work to be done under
these Contract Documents, he will not under any circumstances
be relieved of the responsibility and obligation assumed under
these Contract Documents. All transactions of the Engineer
will be with the Contractor. Subcontractors will be
considered only in the capacity of employees or workmen of the
Contractor and shall be subject to the same requirements as to
character and competency. The Owner will not recognize any
subcontractor on the work. The Contractor shall at all times,
when the work is in operation, be represented either in person
or by a superintendent or other designated representatives.
C7-7.2 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: The Contractor shall not
assign, transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dispose of the
contract or his rights, title, or interest in or to the same
or any part thereof without the previous consent of the Owner
expressed by resolution of the City Council and concurred in
by the Sureties.
If the Contractor does, without such previous consent, assign,
transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dispose of the contract
or his right, title, or interest therein or any part thereof,
to any person or persons, partnership, company, firm, or.
corporation, or does by bankruptcy, voluntary or involuntary,
or by assignment under the insolvency laws of any state,
attempt to dispose of the contract may, at the option of the
Owner be revoked and annulled, unless the Sureties shall
successfully complete said contract, and in the event of any
such revocation or annulment,· any monies due ·or to become due ·
under or by virtue of said contract shall be retained by the
Owner as liquidated damages for the reason that it would be
impracticable and extremely difficult to fix the actual
C7-7.3 PROSECUTION OF THE WORK: Prior to beginning any
construction operation, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer in five or more copies, if requested by the Engineer,
a progress schedule preferably in chart or diagram form, or a
brief outlining in detail and step by step the manner of
C7-7 (1)
prosecuting the work and ordering materials and equipment
which he expects to follow in order to complete the project in
the scheduled time. There shall also be submitted a table of
estimated amounts to be earned by the Contractor during each
monthly estimate period.
The Contractor shall commence the work to be performed under
this contract within the time limit stated in these Contract
Documents and shall conduct the work in a continuous manner
and with sufficient equipment, materials, and labor as is
necessary to insure its completion within the time limit.
The sequence requested of all construction operation~ shall be
at all times as specified in the Special Contract Documents.
Any deviation from scuh sequencing shall be submitted to the
Engineer for his approval. Contractor shall not proceed with
any deviation until he has received written approval from the
Engineer. Such specification or approval by the Engineer
shall not relieve the Contractor from the full responsibility
of the complete performance of the Contract.
The contract time may be changed only as set forth in Section
C7-7.8 "Extension of Time of Completion" of this Agreement,
and a progress schedule shall not constitute a change in the
contract time.
C7-7.4 LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS: The working operations
shall at all times be conducted by the Contractor so as to
create a minimum amount of inconvenience to the public. At
any time when, in the judgment of the Engineer, the Contractor
has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a
portion of a street or public way greater than is necessary
for the proper execution of the work, the Engineer may require
the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are
in progress before the work is commenced on any additional
section or street.
be used by the Contractor is available. The Contractor _may
bring in from outside the City of Fort Worth his key men and
his superintendent. All other workmen, including equipment
operators, may be imported only after the local supply is
exhausted. The Contractor shall employ only such
superintendents, foremen, and workmen who are careful,
competent, and fully qualified to perform the duties or tasks
assigned to them, and the Engineer may demand and secure the
summary dismissal of any person or persons employed by the
Contractor in or about or on the work who, in the opinion of
the Owner, shall misconduct himself or be found to be
incompetent, disrespectful, intemperate, dishonest, or
C7-7 (2)
otherwise objectionable or neglectful in the proper
performance of his or their duties, or who neglects or refuses
to comply with or carry out the directions of the Owner, and
such person or persons shall not be employed again thereon
without written consent of the Enginee+.
-Al i -~~r~men _shall _ha~e _sufficient s~ill, abil _ity, and
experience to properly perform the work assigned to them and
operate any equipment necessary to properly carry out the
performance of the assigned duties.
The Contractor shall furnish and maintain on the work all such
equipment as is considP.red to be necessary for prosecution of
the work in an acceptable manner and at a satisfactory rate of
progress. All equipment, tools, and machinery used for
handling materials and executing any part of the work shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer and shall be
maintained in a satisfactory, safe and efficient working
condition. Equipment on any portion of the work shall be such
that no injury to the work, workmen or adjacent property will
result from its use .
C7-7.6 WORK SCHEDULE: Elapsed working days shall be computed
starting with the first day of work completed as defined in
Cl-1.23 "WORKING DAY" or the date stipulated in the "W b RK
ORDER" for beginning work, whichever comes first.
Nothing in these Contract Documents shall be construed as
prohibiting the Contractor from working on Saturday, Sunday or
Legal Holidays, providing that the following requirements are
a. A request to work on a specific Saturday, Sunday or
Legal Holiday must be made to the Engineer ·no later
than the proceeding Thursday.
b. Any work to be done on the project on such a
specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday must be,
in the opinion of the Engineer, essential to the
timely completion of the project.·
The Engineer's decision shall be final in response to such a
request for approval to work on a specific Saturday, Sunday or
Legal Holiday, and no extra compensation shall be allowed to
the Contractor for any work performed on such a specific
Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday.
Calendar Days shall be defined in Cl-1.24 and the Contractor
may work ~she so desires.
C7-7 (3)
I,$ ill4
shall commence the working operations within the time
specified in the Contract Documents and set forth in the Work
Order. Failure to do so shall be considered by the Owner as
abandonment of the Contract by the Contractor and the Owner
.may ~proceed as _he sees fit.
The Contractor shall maintain a rate of progress such as will
insure that the whole work will be performed and the premises
cleaned up in accordance with the Contract Documents and
within the time established in such documents and such
extension of time as may be properly authorized by the Owner.
C7-7.8 EXTENSION OF TIME COMPLETION: The Contractor's request
for an extension of time of completion shall be considered
only when the request for such extension is submitted in
writing to the Engineer within seven days from and after the
time alleged cause of delay shall have occurred. Should an
extension of the time of completion be requested such request
will be forwarded to the City Council for approval.
In adjusting the contract time for completion of work,
consideration will be given to unforseeable causes beyond the
control of and without the fault or negligence of the
Contractor, including but limited to acts of the public enemy,
acts of the Owner, fire, flood, tornadoes, epidemics,
quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, or delays
of sub-contractors due to such causes.
When the date of completion is based on a calendar day bid, a
request for extension of time because of inclement weather
will not be considered. A request for extension of time due
to inability to obtain supplies and materials will be
considered only when a review of the Contractor's purchase
order dates and other pertinent data as requested by the
Engineer indicates that the Contractor has made a bonafide
attempt to secure delivery on schedule. This shall include
efforts to obtain the supplies and materials from alternate
jourtes in tase the first sourde c~nnot maki delivery.
If satisfactory execution and completion of the contract
should require work and materials in greater amounts or
quantities than those set forth in the approved Contract
Documents, then the contract time may be increased by Change
C?-7.9 DELAYS: The Contractor shall receive no compensation
for delays or hindrances to the work, except when direct and
unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the
failure of the City to provide information or material, if
C7-7 C 4)
any, which is to be furnished by the City. When such extra
compensation is claimed a written statement thereof shall be
presented by the Contractor to the Engineer and if by him
found correct shall be approved and referred by him to the
council for final approval or disapproval; and the action
thereon by the Council shall be final and binding. If delay
is caused by specific orders given by the Engineers to stop
work, or by the performance of extra work, or by the failure
of the City to provide material or necessary instructions for
carrying on the work, then such delay will entitle the
contractor to an equivalent extension of time, his application
for which shall, however, be subject to the approval of the
City Council; and n~ such extension of time shall release the
Contractor or the surety on his performance bond from all his
obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until
the discharge of the contract.
C7-7.10 TIME OF COMPLETION: The time of completion is an
essential element of the contract. Each bidder shall indicate
in the appropriate place on the last page of the Proposal the
number of working days or calendar days that he will require
to fully complete this contract or the time of completion will
be specified by the City in the Proposal section of the
contract documents.
The number of days indicated shall be a realistic estimate :9 f
the time required to complete the work covered by the specific
contract being bid upon. The amount of time so stated by the
successful bidder or the City will become the time of
completion specified in the Contract Documents.
For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted
after the time specified in the Contract Documents, or the
increased time granted by the Owner, or as automatically
increased by additional work or materials ordered after the
contract is signed, the sum per day given in the fqllowing
schedule, unless otherwise specified in other part~ of the
Contract Documents, will be deducted from monies due the
Contractor, not as a penalty, but as liquidated ~amages
suffered by the Owner.
Less than $ 5,000 inclusive $ 35.00
$ 5,001 to $ 15,000 inclusive $ 45.00
$ 15,001 to $ 25,000 inclusive $ 63.00
$ 25,001 to $ 50,000 inclusive $ 105.00
$ 50,001 to $ 100,000 inclusive $ 154.00
$ 100,001 to $ 500,000 inclusive $ 210.00
C7-7 (5)
. -'
$ 500,001 to
$1,000,001 to
$2,000,001 and over
The parties hereto understand and agree that any harm to the
City caused by the Contractor's delay in completing the work
hereunder in the time specified by the Contract Documents
would be incapable or very difficult of accurate estimation,
and that -the "Amount of Liquidated Damages Per Day", as set
out above, is a reasonable forecast of just compensation due
the City for harm caused by any delay.
C7-7.ll SUSPENSION BY COURT ORDER: The Contracto= shall
suspend operations on such part or parts of the work ordered
by any court, and will not be entitled to additional
compensation by virtue of such court order. Neither will he
be liable to the City in the event the work is suspended by a
Court Order. Neither will the Owner be liable to the
Contractor by virtue of any Court Order or action for which
the owner is not solely responsible.
C7-7.12 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION: The Owner shall have the right
to suspend the work operation wholly or in part for such
period or periods of time as he may deem necessary due to
unsuitable weather conditions or any other unfavorable
conditions which in the opinion of the Owner or Engineer cause
further prosecution of the work to be unsatisfactory or
detrimental to the interest of the project. During temporary
suspension of work covered by this contract, for any reason,
the Owner will make no extra ·payment for stand-by time of
construction equipment and/or construction crews.
If it should become necessary to suspend work for an
indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in
such manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public
unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take
every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the
work performed; he shall provide suitable drainage about the
work, and erect temporary structures where necessary.• . . . -. ---.. . . . .. .
Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the
project due to causes beyond the control of and without the
fault or negligence of the Contractor as set forth in
should it be determined by mutual consent of the Contractor
and the Engineer that a solution to allow construction to
proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time,
then the Contractor may be reimbursed for the cost of moving
his equipment off the job and returning the necessary
equipment to the job when it is determined by the Engineer
C7-7 (6)
that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be
based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment
and no profit will be allowed.
No reimbursement shall be allowed if the equipment is moved to
another construction project for the City of Fort Worth.
The Con~ract~r shall not suspend work with6ut written notice
from the Engineer and shall proceed with the work operations
promptly when notified by the Engineer to so resume
Whenever, because of National Emergency, so declared by the
President of the United States or other lawful authority, it
becomes impossible for the Contractor to obtain all of the
necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the prosecution
of the work with reasonable continuity for a period of two
months, the Contractor shall within seven days notify the City
in writing, giving a detailed statement of the efforts which
have been made and listing all necessary items of labor,
materials, and equipment not obtainable. If, after
investigations, the Owner finds that such conditions existing
and that the inability of the Contractor to proceed is not
attributable in whole or in part to the fault or neglect of
the Contract, then if the Owner cannot after reasonable effort
assist the Contractor in procuring and making available the
necessary labor, materials and equipment within thirty days,
the Contractor may request the owner to terminate the contract
and the Owner may comply with the request, and the termination
shall be conditioned and based upon a final settlement
mutually acceptable to both the Owner and the Contractor and
final payment shall be made in accordance with the terms of
the agreed settlement, which shall include, but not be limited
to, the payment for all work executed but no anticipated
profits on work which has not been performed.
CONTRACT: The work operat1ons on all or any port1on or
section of the work under Contract shall be suspended
immediately on written order of the Engineer or the Contract
may be declared cancelled by the City Council for any good and
sufficient cause. The following, by way of example, but not
of limitation, may be considered grounds for suspension or
a. Failure of the Contractor to commence work
operations within the time specified in the Work
Order issued by the Owner.
C7-7 (7)
b. Substantial evidence that progress of the work
operations by Contractor is insufficient to
complete the work within the specified time.
c. Failure of the Contractor to provide and maintain
sufficient labor and equipment to properly execute
the working operations.
d. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has
abandoned the work.
g. -
' .
Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become
insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially
unable to carry on the work satisfactorily.
Failure on the part of the Contractor to observe
any requirements of the Contract Documents or to
comply with any orders given by the Engineer or
owner provided for in these Contract Documents.
Failure of the Contractor promptly to make good any
defect in materials or workmanship, or any defects
of any nature the correction of which has been
directed in writing by the Engineer or the Owner.
Substantial evidence of
of illegally procuring a
fraud on the City in the
collusion for the purpose
contract or perpetrating
construction of work under
i . A substantial indication that the Contractor has
made an unauthorized assignment of the contract or
any funds due therefrom for the benefit of any
creditor or for any other purpose.
j . If the Contractor shall for any cause whatsoever
not carry on the working operation in an acceptable
. .
If the· Contractor commences legal action against
the owner.
A copy of the suspension order or action of the City Council
shall be served on the Contractor's Sureties. When work is
suspended for any cau ~e or causes, or when the contract is
cancelled, the Contract o r shall discontinue the work or such
part thereof as the Owner shall designate, whereupon the
Sureties may, at their option, assume the contract or that
portion thereof which the Owner has ordered the Contractor to
discontinue, and may perform the same or may, with the written
C7-7 (8)
consent of the Owner, sublet the work or that portion of the
work as taken over, provided however, that the Sureties shall
exercise their option, if at all, within two weeks after the
written notice to discontinue the work has been served upon
the Contractor and upon the Sureties or their authorized
agents. The Sureties, in such event shall assume the
Contractor's place in all respects, and shall be paid by the
Owner for all work -performed by them in accordance with the
terms of _ the Contract Documents. All monies remaining due the
Contractor at the time of this default shall thereupon become
due and payable to the Sureties as the work progresses,
subject to all of the terms of the Contract Documents.
In case the Sureties do not, within the hereinabove specified
time, exercise their right and option to assume the contract
responsibilities, or that portion thereof which the Owner has
ordered by the Contractor to discontinue, then the Owner shall
have the power to complete, by contract or otherwise, as it
may determine, the work herein described or such part thereof
as it· may deem necessary, and the Contractor hereto agrees
that the Owner shall have the right to take possession of and
use any materials, plants, tools, equipment, supplies, and
property of any kind provided by the Contractor for the
purpose of car~ying on the work and to procure other tools,
equipment, materials, labor and property for the completiorr of
the work, and to charge to the account of the Contractor of
said contract expense for labor, materials, tools, equipment,
and all expenses incidental thereto. The expense so charged
shall .be deducted by the Owner from such monies as may be due
or may become due at any time thereafter to the Contractor
under and by virtue of the Contract or any part thereof. The
Owner shall not be required to obtain the lowest bid for the
work completing the contract, but the expense to be deducted
shall be the actual cost of the owner of such work.
In case such expenses shall exceed the amount which would have
been payable under the Contract if the same had been completed
by the Contractor, then the Contractor and his Sureties shall
pay the amount of such excess to the City on notice from the
owner of the excess due. When any . particular part of-the work
is being carried on by the Owner by contract or otherwise
under the provisions of this section, the Coniractor shall
continue the remainder of the work in conformity with the
terms of the Contract Documents and in such a manner as to not
hinder or interfere with performance of the work by the Owner.
C7-7.15 FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT: The Contract will be
considered as having been fulfilled, save as provided in any
bond or bonds or by law, when all the work and all sections or
parts of the project covered by the Contract Documents have
C7-7 (9)
been finished and completed, the final inspection made by the
Engineer, and the final acceptance and final payment made by
the Owner .
NOTICE OF TERMINATION: The performance of the work
under this contract may be terminated by the Owner
in whole, or from time to time in part, in
accordance with this section, whenever the Owner
shall determine that such termination is in the
best interest of the Owner. Any such termination
shall be effected by mailing a notice of
termination to the Contractor specifying the extent
to which performance of work under the contract is
terminated~ and the date upon which such
termination becomes effective. Receipt of the
notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and
established when the letter is placed in the United
States Mail by the Owner. Further, it shall be
deemed conclusively presumed and established that
such termination is made with just cause as therein
stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit
shall be required of the Owner regarding such
discretionary action.
CONTRACTOR ACTION: After receipt of a notice of
termination, and except as otherwise directed by
the Engineer, the Contractor shall:
1. Stop work under the contract on the date and
to the extent specified in the notice of
2. • place no further orders or subcontracts for
materials, services or facilities except as
may be necessary for completion of such
portion of the work under the contract as is
not terminated; •
3. • terminate all orders and subcontracts to the
extent that they relate to the performance of
work terminated by the notice of termination;
4. transfer title to the Owner and deliver in
the manner, at the times, and to the extent,
if any, directed by the Engineer:
C7-7 (10)
a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts,
work in process, completed work,
supplies and other material produced as
a part of, or acquired in connection
with the performance of, the work
terminated by the notice of
termination; and
b. the completed, or partially completed
plans, drawings, information and other
property which, if the contract had
been completed, would have been
required to be furnished to the Owner.
5. complete performance of such part of the work
as shall not have been terminated by the
notice of termination; and
6. take such action as may be necessary, or as
the Engineer may direct, for the protection
and preservation of the property related to
its contract which is in the possession of
the Contractor and .in which the Owner has or
may acquire the rest.
At a time not later than 30 days after ~he
termination date specified in the notice of
termination, the Contractor may submit to the
Engineer a list, certified as to quantity and
guality, of any or all items of termination
inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of
items the disposition of which has been directed or
authorized by the Engineer. Not later than 15 days
thereafter, the Owner shall accept title to such
items provided, that the list submitted -shall be
subject to verification by the Engineer upon
removal of the items or, if the items are stored,
within 45 days from the date of submission of the
list, and any necessary adjustments to correct the
list as submitted, shall be made prior to final
TERMINATION CLAIM: Within 60 days after notice of
termination, the Contractor shall submit his
termination claim to the Engineer in the form and
with the certification prescribed by the Engineer.
Unless one or more extensions in writing are
granted by the Owner upon request of the
Contractor, made in writing within such 60-day
period or authorized extension thereof, any and all
such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived.
C7-7 (11)
j •
AMOUNTS: Subject to the provisions of Item
C7-7.16(C), the Contractor and Owner may agree upon
the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to
be paid to the Contractor by reason of the total or
partial termination of work pursuant hereto;
provided, that such agreed amount or amounts shall
never exceed the total contract price as reduced by
the amount of payments otherwise made and as
further reduced by the contract price of work not
terminated. The contract shall be amended
accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the
agreed amount. No amount shall be due for lost or
anticipated profits. Nothing in C7-7.16(E)
hereafter, prescribing the amount to be paid to the
Contractor in the event of failure of the
Contractor by reason of the termination of work
pursuant to this section, shall be deemed to limit,
restrict or otherwise determine or affect the
amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be
paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph.
FAILURE TO AGREE: In the event of the failure of
the Contractor and the Owner to agree as provided
in C7-7.16 (D) upon the whole amount to be paid to
the Contractor by reason of the termination of work
pursuant to this section the Owner shall determine,
on the basis of information available to it, the
amount, if any, due to the Contractor by reason of
the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the
amounts determined. No amount shall be due for
lost or anticipated profits.
DEDUCTIONS: In arriving at the amount due the
contractor under this section, there shall be
deducted (a) all unliquidated advance or other
payments on account theretofore made to the
Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of
this contract; (b) any claim which the Owner may
have against the Contractor in connection with this .
6ontiact; and (c) the agreed price for, or the
proceeds of sale of, any materials, supplies or
other things kept by the Contractor or sold,
pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not
otherwise recovered by or credited to the Owner.
ADJUSTMENT: If the termination hereunder be
partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated
portion of this contract, the Contractor may file
with the Engineer a request in writing for an
C7-7 (12)
equitable adjustment of the price or prices
specified in the contract relating to the continued
portion of the ~ontract (the portion not terminated
by the notice of termination), such equitable
adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in
such price or prices; nothing contained herein,
however, shall limit the right of the 0 0wner and the
Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to
be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the
continued portion of the contract when said
contract does not contain an established contract
price for such continued portion.
NO LIMITATION OF RIGHTS: Nothing contained in this
section shall limit or alter the rights which the
Owner may have for termination of this contract
under C7-7.14 hereof entitled "Suspension of
Abandonment of the work and Amendment of Contract"
or any other right which Owner may have for default
or breach of contract by Contractor.
C7-7.17 SAFETY METHODS AND PRACTICES: The Contractor shall be
responsible for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all
safety precautions and programs in connection with the work at
all times and shall assume all responsibilities for th e ir
enforcement. ~ l
The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, and local
laws, ordinances, and regulations so as to protect person and
property from injury, including death, or damage in connection
with the work.
C7-7 (13)
CS-8.l MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES: The determination of
quantities of work performed by the Contractor and authorized
by the Contract Documents acceptably completed under the terms
of the Contract Documents shall be made by the Engineer, based
on measurements made by the Engineer. These measurements will
be made according to the United States Standard Measurements
used in common practice, and will be the actual length, area,
solid contents, numbers, and weights of the materials and
items installed.
CS-8.2 UNIT PRICES: When in the Proposal a "Unit Price" is
set forth, the said "Unit Price" shall include the furnishing
by the Contractor of all labor, tools, materials, machinery,
equipment, appliances and appurtenances necessary for the
construction of and the completion in a manner acceptable to
the Engineer of all work to be done under these Contract
The "Unit Price" shall include all permanent and temporary
protection of overhead, surface, and underground structures,
cleanup, finished, overhead expense, bond, insurance, patent
fees, royalties, risk duet~ the elements and other causes,
delays, profits, injuries, damages claims, taxes, and all
other items not specifically mentioned that may be required to
fully construct each item of the work complete in place and in
a satisfactory condition for operation.
CS-8.3 LUMP SUM: When in the Propo~al a "Lump Sum" is set
forth, the said "Lump Sum" shall represent the total cost for
the Contractor to furnish all labor, tools, materials,
machinery, equipment, appurtenances, and all subsidary work
necessary for the construction and completion of all the work
to provide a complete and functional item as detailed in the
Special Contract Documents and/or Plans.
C8-8.4 SCOPE OF PAYMENT: The Contractor shall receive and
accept the compensation, as herein provided, in full payment
for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and incidentals
for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these
Contract Documents, for all loss and damage arising out of the
nature of the work or from the action of the elements, for any
unforeseen defects or obstructions which may arise or be
encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time
ca-a n >
before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided
in paragraph CS-5.14) for all risks of whatever description
c onnected with the prosecution of the work, for all expense
incurred by or in consequence of suspension or discontinuance
of such prosecution of the working operations as herein
specified, or any and all infringements of patents,
trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, and for
completeing the work in an acceptable manner according to the
terms of ·the Contract Documents.
The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to final
acceptance of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute
an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, or
equipment, nor in any way prejudice or affect the obligations
of t he Contractor to repair, correct, renew, or replace at his
own and proper expense any defects or imperfections in the
construction or in the strength or quality of the material
used or equipment or machinery furnished in or about the
construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances,
or any damage due or attributed to such defects, which
defects, imperfection, or damage shall have been discovered on
or before the final inspection and acceptance of work or
during the one year guaranty period after final acceptance.
The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defects,
imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable
to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided t
5th day of each month the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer a statement showing an estimate of the value of the
work done during the previous month, or estimate period under
the Contract Documents. Not later than the 10th day of the
month the Engineer shall verify such estimate, and if it is
found to be acceptable and the value of work performed since
the last partial payment was made exceeds one hundred dollars
($100.00) in amount, 90% of such estimated sum will be paid to
the Contractor if the total contract amount is less than
$400,000, or 95% of such estimated sum will be paid to t h e
Contractor if the -~otal ~ontract amount is $400,000 or greater
with i n twenty-five (25) days after the regular estimate period.
The City will have the option of preparing estimates on forms
furnished by the City. The partial estimate may include
acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work which
are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part
thereof, but which at the the time of the estimate have not
been installed. C such payment will be allowed on a basis of
85% of the net invoice value thereof.) The Contractor shall
furnish the Engineer such informatio~ as he may request to aid
C8-8 (2)
him as a guide in the verification or the preparation of
partial estimates.
It is understood that the partial estimate from mon t h to month
will be approximate only, and all partial monthly estimates
and payment will be subject to correction in the estimate
rendered following the discovery of an error in any previous
estimate,and such estimate shall not, in any respect, be taken
as an admission of the Owner of the amount of work done or of
its quality of sufficiency, or as an acceptance of the work
done or the release of the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities under the Contract Documents.
The City reserves the right co withhold the paymeht of any
monthly estimate if the contractor fails to perform the work
strictly in accordance with the specifications or provisions
of this contract.
C8-8.6 WITHHOLDING PAYMENT: Payment on any estimate or
estimates may be held in abeyance if the performance of the
construction operations is not in accordance with the
requirements of the Contract Documents.
C8-8.7 FINAL ACCEPTANCE: Whenever the improvements provided
for by the Contract Documents shall have been completed and
all requirements of the Contract Documents shall have been
fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall
notify the Engineer in writing that the improvements are ready
for the final inspection. The Engineer shall notify the
appropriate officials of the Owner, will within a reasonable
time make such final inspection, and if the work is
satisfactory, in an acceptable condition, and has been
completed in accordance with the terms of the Contract
Documents and all approved modifications thereof, the Engineer
will initiate the processing of the final estimate and
recommend final acceptance of the project and final payment
therefor as outlined in C8-8.8 below.
CS-8.8 FINAL PAYMENT: Whenever all the improvements provided
!or by the Contract Documents and all approved modifications
thereof shall have been completed and all requirements of the
Contract Documents have been fulfilled on the part of the
Contractor, a final estimate showing the value of the work
will be prepared by the Engineer as soon as the necessary
measurements, computations, and checks can be made.
All prior estimates upon which payment has been made are
subject to necessary corrections or revisions in the final
CS-8 ( 3)
The amount of the final estimate, less previous payments and
any sum that have been deducted or retained under the
provisions of the Contract Documents, will be paid to the
Contractor within 60 days after final acceptance by the Owner
on a proper resolution of the City Council, provided the
Contractor has furnished to the Owner satisfactory evidence of
payment as follows: Prior to submission of the final estimate
for payment, the Contractor shall execute an affidavit, as
furnish~d by the City, certifying that all persons, firms,
associations, corporations, or other organizations furnishing
labor and/or materials have been paid in full, that the wage
scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort
worth has been paid, and that there are no claims pending for
personal injury and/or property damages. •
The acceptance by the Contractor of the last or final payment
as aforesaid shall operate as and shall release the Owner from
all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done
or furnished or relating to the work under Contract Documents
or any act or neglect of said City relating to or connected
with the Contract.
The making of the final payment by the Owner shall not relieve
the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the
Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter.
CB-8.9 ADEQUACY OF DESIGN: It is understood that the Owner
believes it has employed competent Engineers and designers to
prepare the Contract Documents and all modifications of the
approved Contract Documents. It is, therefore, agreed that
the Owner shall be responsible for the adequacy of its own
design features, sufficiency of the Contract Documents, the
safety of the structure, and the practicability of the
operations of the completed project, provided the Contractor
has complied with the requirements of the said Contract
Documents, all approved modifications thereof, and additions
and alterations thereto approved in writing by the Owner. The
burden of proof of such compliance shall be upon the
Contractor to show that he has complied with the said
requirements of the Contract Documents,·approved modifications
thereof, and all approved additions and alterations thereto.
CB-8.10 GENERAL GUARANTY: Neither the final certificate of
payment nor any prov1s1on in the Contract Documents nor
partial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the
owner shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in
accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the
Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties
or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The
Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and
C8-8 (4)
pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which
shall appear within a period of one year from the date of
final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is
specified andshall furnish a good and sufficient maintenance
bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the
contract which shall assure the performance of the general
guaranty as . above outline. The Owner will give notice of
observed defe~ts with reasonable promptness.
C8-8.ll SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically
governed by documentary requirements for the project, such as
conditions imposed by the Plans, the General Contract
Documents or these Special Cc~t ~~ct Documents, in which no
specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal,
shall be considered as a subsidiary item of work, the cost of
which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal, for
each bid item. Surface restoration, rock excavation and
cleanup are general items of work which fall in the category
of subsidiary work.
allocated under various bid items in the Proposal to establish
unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These
materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer,
depending on field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous
placement of material will be made for only that amount of
material used, measured to the nearest one-tenth unit.
Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be ' in
accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of
the actual amount used for the project.
CB-8.13 RECORD DOCUMENTS: Contractor shall keep on record a
copy of all specifications, plans, addenda, modifications,
shop drawings and samples at the site, in good order and
annotated to show all changes made during the construction
process. These shall be delivered to Engineer upon completion
of the work.
CB-8 CS)
Supplementary Conditions
June 1, 1995
Paragraph Cl-l.2b SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and add the following:
"b. SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Special Contract Documents are
prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the General Contract
Documents and include the following items:
PERMITS/EASEMENTS (Some Permits are Multicolored)
PART H -PLANS/FIGURES (may be bound separately)
2. PROPOSAL FORM : In Section C2-2.1, Paragraph 1, revise last sentence to read as
follows: "The Bidder shall furnish a Financial Statement, Equipment Schedule, and
Experience Record, all of which must be properly executed and filed with the Director
of the Water Department two weeks prior to the hour for opening of bids . Information
shall be on forms provided by the Bidder and acceptable to the City.
C2-2.3, Paragraph 2, add the following to the last sentence: "except for changes in the site
conditions caused by factors outside of the control of the Contractor which occur after the
Contractor's inspection and prior to installation."
Conditions, Section C2-2, exchange paragraphs C2-2.7, C2-2.8, and C2-2.9 with the
C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is
delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security and other required material, to the
Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and stated time set forth
in the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The mere fact that a proposal was
dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered.
Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL"
and the name or description of the project designated in the "Notice To Bidders". The
envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort Worth Purchasing
Division, PO Box 17027, Fort Worth , Texas 76102 ."
C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing
Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. A
request for non consideration or a proposal must be made in writing, addressed to the City
Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all
proposals not requested for non-consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the
proposals for which non-consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the
option of the Owner, be returned unopened.
his proposal by telegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening
proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the Purchasing
Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City
Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic
communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening
time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight ( 48) hours after the proposal
opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal. •
COMPLIANCE: Delete entire Paragraph C3-3.2, and replace with the following:
COMPLIANCE: Upon request, Contractor agrees to provide to Owner complete and
accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise
(MBE) and/or a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment
therefore. Contractor further agrees to permit an audit and/or examination of any books,
records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work performed by an
MBE and/or WBE. The misrepresent?-tion of facts (other than a negligent
misrepresentation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds for
termination of the contract and/or initiating action under appropriate federal. state or local
laws or ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such misrepresentation (other
than a negligent misrepresentation) and/or commission of fraud will result in the
Contractor being determined to be irresponsible and barred from participating in City
work for a period of time of not less than three (3) years.
6. C3-3.5 AW ARD OF CONTRACT is modified to read as follows:
"The Owner reserves the right to withhold final action on the proposals for a reasonable
time, not to exceed the period stated for the duration of the Bid Security stated in the
Notice to Bidders or 90 days, whichever is shorter."
7. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING : For Paragraph after Paragraph
C3-3 .7d OTHER BONDS, which begins with "No sureties", on the sixth line of the
paragraph delete the words "the City of Fort Worth".
8.0 INSURANCE: Change the following portions of C3-3.11 Insurance as shown below:
8.1 INSURANCE FOR SUBCONTRACTORS : At the end of the first paragraph of Section
C3-3.11, after "and for all subcontractors", insert the following sentence: "The General
Contractor may require all subcontractors to be insured and submit documentation
ensuring that the requirements of C3-3. l l are met for all subcontractors."
8.2 INSURANCE LIMITS: In Section C3-3.11, after the word "occurrence", add
the word "Comprehensive" with "Commercial" Add the following to Paragraph C3-3.l lb:
"Certificates of insurance shall state that Insurance is on an "occurrence" basis."
Certificate shall also contain a statement that no exclusions by endorsement have been
made to the Commercial General Liability Policy".
8.4 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE LIMITS: Revise Paragraph C3-3.1 ld so that the insurance
limits are as follows:
Bodily Injury 250,000 each person .
Bodily Injury 500,000 aggregate
Property Damage 100,000 aggregate
Additional Liability, by adding the following:
"7. When required by the Contract Documents, Environmental Impairment Liability
Coverage must be provided in the limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000
annual aggregate. The Environmental Impairment Liability (EIL) must contain coverage
for sudden and accidental contamination or pollution, liability for gradual emissions, and
clean-up costs. The EIL coverage shall include two year completed operations coverage
on a per Project basis. A separate insurance policy may be needed to fulfill this
requirement. EIL for damages incurred in the course of transporting sludge shall be
covered under the contractor's insurance policy(s)."
8.6 LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING: For Paragraph C3-3.1 lg, delete
entire paragraph beginning "Local Agent for Insurance and Bonding".
9. LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL CHARGES (Reference C4-4.5c): The Contractor
agrees that should any change in the work of extra work be ordered, the following
applicable percentage shall be added to Material and Labor Costs to cover overhead and
1. Allowance to the Contractor for overhead and profit for extra work performed by
the Contractor's own forces shall not exceed 15%.
2. Allowance to the Contractor for overhead and profit for extra work performed by
a subcontractor and supervised by the Contractor shall not exceed 10 %.
Contractor shall be reimbursed for direct field overhead when the change requires an
extension of the Contract period . Contractor shall not be reimbursed for indirect overhead
or indirect costs related to changes to this contract.
10 . TESTING COSTS : Section 5-5.12, revise the first sentence to read as follows :
"Where , as called for in the Contract Documents , tests of materials or equipment are
necessary, such tests will be made at the expense of and paid for by the Contractor unless
otherwise specifically provided for in the Technical Specifications."
LAWS TO BE OBSERVED : Section C6-6.1 , delete "or which may be enacted later".
After the word "exist" add "at the time of the Contract or may be hereafter exist during
the performance of the Contract."
12. BUILDING PERMITS: Paragraph C6-6.2 Insert the following at the end of the paragraph ;
"Contractors are responsible for obtaining construction permits from the governing
agencies. Contractor shall schedule all code inspections with the Code Inspection
Department in accordance with the permit requirements and submit copy of updated
schedule to the Engineer weekly. Plumbing, electrical and mechanical building permits
are issued without charge. Water and sewer access fees will be paid by the Water
Department. Any other permit fees are the responsibility of the Contractor."
BARRICADES , WARNINGS AND FLAGMEN: In Paragraph C6-6.8 , replace the word
"watchmen" wherever in appears with the word "flagmen". In the first paragraph , lines
five (5) and six (6), replace "take all such other precautionary measures" with "take all
reasonable necessary measures".
A. Delete Paragraph C6-6.21 STATE SALES TAX in its entirety .
B. • This contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant ••
to the provisions of Article 20.04 (F ) of the Texas Limited Sales , Excise, and Use
Tax Act. All equipment and materials not consumed by or incorporated into the
project construction are subject to State Sales Tax under House Bill 11, enacted
August 15, 1991. All such taxes shall be included in the various amounts on the
Proposal Form. The successful Bidder shall be required to submit a breakdown
between costs of labor, consumable material and other construction costs and costs
of material incorporated into the project construction prior to execution of this
C. At the time of execution of the Contract Documents by the Contractor , the
Contractor shall complete the "Statement of Materials and Other Charges" which
15 .
identifies the project costs anticipated in the Project into "Materials Incorporated
into the Project" and "All Other Charges". The Contract shall be a "Separated
D. The City of Fort Worth will issue appropriate Certificates of Resale to the
E. All Change Orders to the Contract will separate charges for materials and labor
and will contain the following statement:
"For purposes of complying with Texas Tax Code , the Contractor agrees that the charges
for material incorporated into the project in excess of the estimated quantity provided for
herein will be no less than the invoice price for such material to th e Contractor."
PARTIAL PAYMENTS: Change Paragraph C8-8.5 to read as follows :
Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor 5th day and the 20th day of the
month that work has been is in progress . The estimate shall be processed by the City on
the 10th day and 25th day respectively. Estimates will be paid within 25 days following
the end of the estimate period , less the appropriate retainage as set out below.Partial pay
estimates may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work place
which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the
time of pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a
pay estimate; payment shall be based upon 85% of the net invoice value thereof. The
Contractor will furnish the engineer such information as may be reasonably requested to
aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay estimate.
For contracts of less than $400,000.00 at the execution , retainage shall be ten percent
(10 %). For contracts of $400,000.00 or more at the time of execution , retainage shall be
five percent (5%).
Contractor shall pay subcontractors in accord with subcontract agreement, within five (5)
business days after receipt by the Contractor of the payment by the City . Contractor's
failure to make the required payment to subcontractors will authorize the City to withhold
future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is
accomplished .
The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the
Contractor fails to perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other
provisions of this Contract.
16 . RIGHT TO AUDIT : Add the following to Section C8-8:
"(a) The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after
final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy
any directly pertinent books , documents, papers , and records of the Contractor involving
transactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access
during normal working hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided
adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the
provisions of this section. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of
intended audits .
(b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to
the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall , until the expiration of three (3 )
years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the right to examine and
photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents , papers , and records of such
subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have
access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities , and shall be provided
adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the
provisions of this article together with subsection (c ) hereof. The City shall give
subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits .
(c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested
by the City. The City agrees to reimburse contractor for the cost of the copies as follows :
1. 50 Copies and Under -10 cents per page.
2. More than 50 copies -85 cents for the first page plus fifteen cents for each page
thereafter." (5/25/93)
17. SCHEDULE OF COSTS : Add the following to Section C8-8 :
C8-8.15 SCHEDULE OF COSTS: Following the completion of all work on the Project
and prior to submittal of a request for final payment, the Contractor shall provide a
Schedule of Costs to City for approval which lists all equipment systems , structures ,
building electrical and HV AC systems, overhead and project related costs . The items will
be grouped into categories using the Owner's list of category codes which will be
provided by the Owner at the Preconstruction Conference.
The Schedule of Costs will be used by the City as input to the Capital Assets System , and
will not be considered in preparation of modifications to the Contract. Costs associated
with the preparation and processing of this schedule of costs shall be
subsidiary to the price bid .
The Contractor will also provide a projected payment schedule tied to the project schedule
and the schedule of values which projects the monthly payments through the end of the
Project. The Payment schedule must be submitted along with the first
request for payment. This information is necessary to arrange financing of the Project
by the City.
Special Conditions
D-1 GENERAL: Subject to modifications as herein contained, the Fort Worth Water Department's
General Contract Documents and General Specifications, dated January 1, 1978, with revision through
the date of initial advertisement, are made a part of the Contract Documents for this project. The
Plans, these special Contract Documents, and the rules, regulations, requirements, instructions,
drawings or details referred to by manufacturer's name, number or identification included _ therein as
specifying, referring or implying product control, performance, quality, or other shall be binding upon
the CONTRACTOR. The Contract Documents are made of several sections which, taken together,
are intended to describe and provide for a complete and useful project. Any requirement appearing
in one of these sections is as binding as though it occurred in all sections. In case of discrepancies,
figured dimensions shall govern over scaled dimensions and Special Conditions shall govern over
General Conditions. The work or materials called for by one and not shown or mentioned in the
other shall be accomplished and furnished in as faithful manner as though required by all. The
CONTRACTOR shall not take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the Contract
Documents , and the OWNER shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may
be deemed necessary for fulfillment of the intent of the Contract Documents .
The order or precedence in case of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the Contract
Documents subject to the ruling of the Engineer shall gene~ally , but not necessarily , follow the
guidelines listed · below:
1. Special Contract Documents
a. Special Conditions
b. Plans
c . Technical Specifications
d. Supplementary Conditions
e . General Conditions
2 . General Contract Documents and General Specifications
The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this project and shall govern over any
conflicts with the General Documents under the provisions stated above .
D-2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION: The work to be accomplished under this
Contract and these special documents shall be performed under the Fort Worth Water Department
Project Designation:
Sewer Project No. PS46-070460300060
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds
and consists of furnishing all materials (except materials specified to be furnished by the OWNER),
equipment, and labor for the Project and all necessary appurtenances and incidental work to provide
a complete and operable project.
The area for further processing and loading biosolids (solids) for the Project shall be located at , and
limited to, the designated areas shown on the Plans at the Drying Beds which is located 0 .8 mile
northeast of the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. The areas designated for use by th e
CONTRACTOR at the Drying Beds for the Project are referred to as the Project Site .
D-3 PROJECT COORDINATOR: The CONTRACTOR shall contact the OWNER 's Project
Coordinator concerning access ing the Project Site . obtaining available dat a and other information
concerning the Project. Th e Project Coordinator is :
Mr. Robert T . McMillan
Assistant Director
Water Pollution Control
Village creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
P .O. Box 870
Fort Worth, Texas 76102
FAX 817-548-1344
D-4 DEFINITIONS: The following definitions are provided in addition to those set forth in the
Contract Document:
1. The term "Biosolid (s)" shall mean an y sewage sludge which has been processed
(stabilized ).
2 . The terrn(s ) "Biosolids", "Class A", "Class A sewage sludge", or similar words are all
one in the same and shall mean sewage sludge meeting the Class A pathogen reduction
requirements set forth in 40 CFR 503 and 31 TAC Chapter 3 12.
3. When the words "Construction", "Construct", or similar words and combinations are
used in these Contract Documents, it shall be understood to include all work and
services to be provided for completing the work and shall include but not be limited
to work necessary for furnishing, installing and operating all equipment necessary to
complete the work, and providing all services to complete the work required under
these Contract Documents and Specifications .
4 . The term(s) "Construction Contract:, "Contract Agreement", "Contract" or "Agreement"
are one in the same and shall be accepted as having the same meaning for the purposes
of this document as set forth in the General Conditions .
5. The term "Further Processing" shall mean the shredding, grinding and screening of
biosolids to remove or render unrecognizable any large pieces of rubber, plastic, glass ,
or other trash.
6. The term(s) "non-Project Site" shall mean any site which cannot be characterized as
Project Site , such as, but not limited to , CONTRACTOR 's sludge disposal sites , and
CONTRACTOR 's processing and storage sit es not located at the Project Site. Non-
Project Site(s) cannot include any property owned by the City of Fort Worth .
The term "OWNER" or "CITY" are one in the same and shall mean the City of Fort
Worth, Texas.
The term(s) "Part A", "Notice to Bidders", "Notice to Bidders and Instructions to
Bidders", "Instructions to Bidders" and similar words and terms are to be understood
to be all a part of Part A -Notice to Bidders, and shall include the same definition as
set forth in the General Conditions. The Instructions to Bidders shall be understood
to be part of Part A -Notice to Bidders . The Instructions to bidders are those
conditions, instructions, documents, etc., which include some of the duties and
responsibilities of Bidders during the bidding process and provide instructions for
completing and submitting bids , and also include, but are not limited to ,
Prequalification Requirements, Completion of Bid Form (Proposal), Award of Contract,
Execution of Contract, Wage Rates , Bonds, Age Discrimination, M/WBE Bid
Specification Item, and any others set forth in Part A. Part A -Notice to Bidders shall
be understood to be part of the Contract Documents.
9. The term "PFRP" shall mean processes to further reduce pathogens as set forth in 40
CFR 503.
10 . The termts) "Project Site", "On-Site", "OWNER's Premises" or similar words are all
one in the same and shall mean the specific area at the OWNER's Drying Beds which
is designated for use by the Project's CONTRACTOR. The Drying Beds are located
0.8 mile northeast of the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
11. The term "PSRP" shall mean processes to significantly reduce pathogens as set forth
in 40 CFR 503.
12. The term "Reuse" shall mean land application, beneficial reuse or other means of
disposal not prohibited by these Contract Documents or by current applicable Federal
and State statutes, regulations, and permits.
13 . The term(s) "Sludge(s)", "Solid(s)", Sewage Sludge(s), or "Sewage Solid(s)" or similar
words are one in the same and shall mean any solid, semi-solid, or liquid residue
generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works. Sewage
sludge does not include ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage
-sludge incinerator or grit and screenings generated during preliminary treatment of
domestic sewage in a treatment in a treatment works.
14 . The term(s) "Storage", "Storing", "Temporary Storage", "Stockpile" or similar words
are all one in the same and shall mean the temporary placement of solids in a specific
area for storing until the solids can be finally disposed as required by the Contract
15. The term "Operating Plan", shall mean the specific plan which sets forth the
CONTRACTOR's schedules, means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures
for performing the required work and for safety at the Project and non-Project Sites.
16 . The term TNRCC means Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission.
17. The term(s) "Transport" and "Transporting" are one and the same and shall mean the
collection and conveying of biosolids by truck or other means.
18. The terms "Village Creek WWTP ", "VCWWTP", or "Plant" or similar terms shall
mean Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
D-5 SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCES: When reference is made in these specifications to a
particular ASTM, AWW A, ANSI or other specification standard prior to the date of these general
specifications , or revisions thereof, the latest date of the referenced specification or revisions thereof
shall apply.
ascertain the nature of soils is the responsibility of any and all prospectiv e bidders. The Owner has
made test borings of Sludge Stockpile No. 12 and extracted samples of material for the purpose of
analyzing and classifying sludge . This information is included in Appendix C to these specifications
and Contract Documents .
1. Interpretation : Any questions as to interpretation of drawings and specifications or any
quystions arising after examination of premisses must be referred to the ENGINEER
in writing . Neither interpretations nor instructions given verbally by the person will
be considered valid.
2. Lack of Understandimr: Lack of understanding of Drawings and Specifications or
failure to secure information concerning all conditions will not justify any claims, and
extra compensation will not be made simply because of lack of such knowledge .
D-8 INTERPRETATION OF PHRASES: Wherever the words "Directed", "Required",
"Permitted", "Designated ", "Considered Necessary", "Prescribed ", or words of like import are used
in the Plans or in the Specifications, it shall be understood that they are intended as prerogative of
the OWNER ; and, similarly , the words, "Approval", "Acceptable", "Satisfactory", or words of like
import shall mean approval , etc . by the OWNER.
Wherever in the Specifications or in the Plans for the work the terms or descriptions of various
qualities relative of finish, workmanship, or other qualities of similar kind cannot, because of their
nature, be .specifically and briefly described and are customarily described in .general terms, the
OWNER shall be final judge as to whether or not workmanship so described is being performed in
accordance with the intent of the Plans and Specifications. The work shall be completed in
accordance with his interpretation of the meaning of such words, terms, or clauses .
requirements of the General Conditions concerning equal employment provisions, such as, but not
limited to, City Ordinance Number 7278 as emended by City Ordinance 7400 (Fort Worth City Code
Sections 13-A-21 through 13-A-29) prohibiting discrimination in employment practices.
The CONTRACTOR shall pos t the required notice to that effect on the Project Site , and , at his
request , will be provided assistance by the City of Fort Worth 's Equal Employment Officer who will
refer any qualified applicant he may have on file in his office to the CONTRACTOR. Appropriate
-notice may be acquired from the equal Employment Officer.
D-10 WAGE RATES: See attached schedule of wage rates within these documents . The labor
classifications and minimum wage rates set forth shall govern on all work performed by the
CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor no the site or the project covered by these Contract Documents.
In no event shall there be paid rates less than the rates set forth in the schedule. Where there is a
conflict between the wage rates provided, the CONTRACTOR shall use the higher of the wage rates.
Conditions are made a part of this Part D -Special Conditions, and modify the General Conditions
by making additions., clarifications and/or deletions. In cases of conflict between the Supplementary
Conditions and the General Conditions, the Supplementary Conditions shall govern.
CONDITIONS shall be completed to read as follows:
"By Change Order or Field Order, the OWNER reserves the right to make changes in
the Contract Documents and in the character or quantities of the work as may be
necessary or desirable to insure completion in the most satisfactory manner, provided
such changes are consistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents .
A Change Order, as set forth in the General Conditions, is a written order to the
CONTRACTOR signed by the OWNER authorizing an addition, deletion or revision
in the Work, requiring an adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract, Time issued
after execution of the Contract. A Field Order is a written order issued by the
OWNER after execution of the Agreement which authorized minor changes or
alteration in the work that do not involve changes in the Contract Time or Contract
Modifications to the contract can only be authorized by a Change Order or Field Order.
Such changes shall not be considered a waiving or invalidating any condition or
provision of the Contract Documents.
If CONTRACTOR believes that a minor change or alteration authorized by Field Order
entitles him to an increase in contract amount or contract time, he shall not proceed
with the. work and shall, within 10 days after receiving the Field Order; so advise the
ENGINEER in writing and request that a Change Order be issued."
SC-2 -PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS: Paragraph C3-3.7 Bonds, the paragraph after
subparagraph d. Change the paragraph to read as follows:
"No sureties will be accepted by the Owner which are at the time in default or
delinquent on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the Owner.
All bonds shall be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and the surety shall be
acceptable to the Owner. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, (1) the
name of the surety shall be included on the current U.S . Treasury List of Acceptable
Sureties [Circular 870], or (2) the surety must have capital and surplus equal to ten
Asphalt Heater Operator
Asphalt Raker
Asphalt Shoveler
Batching Plant Weigher
Batterboard Setter
Carpenter, Helper
Concrete Finisher (Pav)
Concrete Finisher Htpr (Pav)
Concrete Finisher (Strs)
Concrete Finisher Htpr (Strs)
Concrete Rubber
Electrician Helper
Form Bu ilder (Strs)
Form Builder Htpr (Strs)
Form Liner
Form Setter (Pav & Curb)
Rate Classification
$8.565 Asphalt Distributor
$8 .255 Asphalt Paving Machine
$9 .371 Broom or Sweeper Operator
$8.920 Bulldozer, 150 HP or less
$9.447 Bulldozer, Over 150 HP
$7.695 Concrete Paving Curing Mach
$9.345 Concrete Paving Finishing Machine
$8.146 Concrete Paving Form Grader
$9.058 Concrete Paving Joint Machine
$7.494 Concrete Paving Joint Sealer
$7.733 Concrete Paving Float
$12.761 Co n crete Paving Saw
$8.436 Concrete Paving Spreader
$5.598 Slipform Machine
$8.717 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick,
$7 .550 Dragline, Shovel(less than 1-1/2 CY)
$8.913 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, Derrick,
$8.686 Dragline, Shovel (i -112 CY & over)
Form Setter Hlpr (Pav & Curb) $7.787 Crushing or Scrng Pit Opr.
Form Setter (Structures) $8.427 Form L oader
Form Setter Htpr (Strs) $7.356 Foundation Drill Operator
Laborer, Common $6.402 (Crawler Mounted)
Laborer, Utility $7.461 Fou nd ation Drill Operator
Mechanic $10 .658 (Truck Mounted)
Mechanic Helper $8.345 Foun dation Drill Operator Helper
Oiler $8.698 Front End Loader (2-1 /2 CY or less)
Servicer $8.104 Front End Loader (Over 2-1/2 CY)
Piledriver $7.500 Hoist (double dru m & less)
Pipelayer $8.509
Pipelayer Helper $7.037
Blaster $11.333
Blaster Helper $7.250
$7.908 -$8 .7 03
$8 .213
$9.042 liiii
$9 .290 -
$9.000 -$9.513
$10.517 -
$10.000 -$11.138
$8 .823
$9 .311
$8.917 -
Rate Classification
Milling Machine Operator $6.650 Wagon-Drill, Boring Machine
Mixer (over 16 c.f.) $9.000 Reinforcing Steel Setter
Mixer (16 c.f. & less) $7 .913 (Paving)
Mixer -Concrete Paving $9.500 Reinforcing Steel Setter
Motor Grader Operator $10.346 (Structural)
(fine grade) Reinforcing Steel Setter Helper
Motor Grader Operator $9.891 Steel Worker -Structural
Pavement Marking Machine $6.402 Sign Erector
Postbole Driller Operator $9.000 Sign Erector Helper
Roller, Steel Wheel $8.339 Spreader Box Operator
(plant-mix pavements) Barricade Servicer Zone Wk.
Roller, Steel Wheel $7.963 Mounted Sign Installer
(flatwheel or tamping) (Permanent Ground)
Roller, Pneumatic Self-prop $7.403 Truck Driver-Single Axle (light)
Scraper (17 c.y . & less) $8.138 Truck Driver-Single Axle (heavy)
Scraper (over 17 c.y.) $8 .205 Truck Driver-Tandem Axle
Side Boom $7.793 (semi-trailer)
Tractor-Crawler Type $8 .448 Truck Driver-Lowboy/Float
(150 HP and less) Truck Driver-Transit Mix
Tractor-Crawler Type $8.873 Truck Driver-Winch
(over 150 HP) Vibrator Operator
Tractor-Pneumatic $7.735 Welder
Traveling Mixer $7.615 Welder Helper
Trenching Machine -Light $8.188
Trenching Machine -Heavy $12.298
$8 .067
$7 .816
$9 .000
times the amount of the bond. The surety must be licensed to business in the State of Texas .
The amount of the bond shall not exceed the amount shown on the Treasury list or one-tenth
(1/10) of the total capital and surplus . If reinsurance is required , the company writing the
reinsurance must be authorized , accredited or trusteed to do business in Texas."
SC-3 -PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS: Paragraph C3-3 .11 : Delet e subparagraph a .
SC-4 -PART C -GENERAL CONDITIONS: Paragraph C3-3.ll: Delete subparagraph g.
D-12 PAYMENT FOR SLUDGE REMOVAL AND REUSE: Full payment will be made for
biosolids that have been loaded , transported , and reused by OWNER approved means . No partial
payments will be made for biosolids that are stockpiled or temporarily stored.
Project and non-Project Sites as set forth in the Contract Documents.
D-14 PROPOSAL (BID) PRICES: The "Unit Bid Price" for each and every item, as set forth in
the Proposal, shall include the furnishing of all labor, tools, materials, machinery , appliances, and
equipment appurtenant to and necessary for the construction and completion in a first class, workman-
like manner of all work specified in strict accordance with the Specifications and accompanying
Plans. The "Bid Price" shall also include any and all kinds, amount or class of excavation,
backfilling , pumping, or drainage, sheeting , shoring, and bracing, disposal of any and all surplus
materials , cleaning up , overhead expense , bond, public liability , and compensation and elements, and
profits unless otherwise specified.
The bid price shall also include all other incidentals not specifically mentioned above that may be
required to fully construct and/or provide all work for each and every item complete in place in
accordance with the true intent and meaning of the specifications and accompanying plans for the
proper execution and completion of the work associated with the Project.
Any part of any item of the work which is reasonably implied or normally required to satisfactorily
complete such work shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR and the expense thereof shall be
included in the applicable unit price bid for the work. All miscellaneous work items that are
incidental to meeting the intent of the Specifications shall be considered as having been included in
the unit price bid for the work even though these items may not be specifically called for in the
D-15 SUBSIDIARY WORK: Any and all work specifically governed by documentary requirements
for the project, such as conditions imposed . by the plans or the general contract documents , but for
which no specified bid item has been provided for in the proposal shall be considered as a subsidiary
item of work, the cost of which shall be included in the total price bid in the proposal . Surface
restoration and cleanup are general items of work which fall into the category of subsidiary work.
all work under this Contract be completed as set forth herein (see paragraph C7-7.10 .). In the event
the CONTRACTOR fails to complete the project within the time and/or conditions set forth herein,
the OWNER may withhold permanently from the CONTRACTOR 's total compensation the sums set
forth herein, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages , and for added expenses for engineer
services, inspection, loss of revenue, etc., in connection with the project.
Completion Schedule
The CONTRACTOR accepts this Contract with the understanding that within three hundred
(300 ) calendar days from the date set forth in the No tice to Proceed for the authorization to
start work the CONTRACTOR shall complete all mobilization and installation of equipment,
complete all testing and startup ; and shall begin work, which includes , but is not limited to ,
further processing , transporting , and disposing by OWNER approved means all of the
VCWWTP's sludge discharging from the OWNER 's discharge points as set forth herein and
as set forth in the Specifications . -
Upon completion of said mobilization, installation of equipment, etc., and testing and start up ,
the CONTRACTOR shall provide a written notice to the OWNER , for OWNER's approval
and signature, that the CONTRACTOR is ready to begin the said work on the date set forth
in the written notice.
The CONTRACTOR accepts this Contract with the understanding that the CONTRACTOR
shall continue said work and disposal of all sludge in stockpile #12 at the drying bed as set
forth in the Specifications for 300 calendar days from the date set forth in the written notice
provided to and approved by the OWNER indicating the CONTRACTOR is ready to begin
Upon completion of the proj ect, the CONTRACTOR shall demobilize , remove and repair all
fences , equipment and item s not to be owned by OWNER , utilities , paved surfaces , etc., and
as designated by the OWNER, to restore on-site (Project Site) and offsite (non-Project Site)
properties to original pre-work conditions within 30 days after final acceptance of the further
processing, transportation and disposal by OWNER approved means .
Liquidated Damages
Recognizing that further processing and disposal of biosolids is a responsibility of the
CONTRACTOR incurred upon acceptance of the biosolids from the OWNER and that
temporarily storing biosolids at non-Project Site(s ) would cause the OWNER to incur
additional costs in the event of CONTRACTOR default, the OWNER will deduct the sum of
two thousand dollars ($2,000), not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for each day or
portion thereof during which the CONTRACTOR maintains the temporary storage of biosolids
(whether for further processing , safe keeping , stockpiling, etc.) at non-Project Site(s) which
exceeds a total volume of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards of biosolids, for all combined
non-Project Sites . The OWNER may elect to verify the volume of biosolids stored for
processing and/or temporary storage at non-Project Site(s) at any time. Should such
verification indicate a total stored volume to be in excess of five thousand (5,000) cubic yards ,
the OWNER will charge to the CONTRACTOR all costs for such verification . Verification
by the OWNER of volumes less than five thousand (5,000) cubic yards shall not be charged
If the CONTRACTOR can completely dispose of those biosolids stored (whether for
processing, safe keeping, stockpiling, etc.) at the Project Site and/or the non-Project Site(s) for
which liquidated damages were imposed, then the OWNER will return eighty percent (80%)
of the monies deducted for liquidated damages for those biosolids upon complete disposal of
those biosolids .
Upon completion of the project , if the CONTRACTOR fails to restore the Project Site and
non-Project Site(s ) to original prework conditions within 30 calendar days after final
acceptance of the processing and disposing of all of the biosolids from the OWNER 's
discharge points , then the sum per day set forth in the General Conditions (C7-7.10) will be
deducted from the monies due the CONTRACTOR, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages
suffered by the OWNER until the work is completed .
Liquidated damages assessed against the CONTRACTOR shall be deducted from any
compensation due to the CONTRACTOR prior to payment of outstanding invoices . If funds
due to the CONTRACTOR are insufficient to offset the damages assessed , then the OWNER
shall have the right to recover any unpaid damages from the CONTRACTOR, his sureties , or
both . Assessment of liquidated damages in no way relieves the CONTRACTOR of any
responsibilities to perform in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.
D-17 FINAL ACCEPTANCE: After the Project 's work is satisfactorily completed, the OWNER
shall make a final on-site and off-site inspection of the Project. If the Project has been satisfactorily
completed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications, the OWNER will issue a written statement
of final acceptance in accordance with C8-8 .7 FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the GENERAL
D-18 OSHA STANDARDS: All work performed under this Contract shall meet the applicable
requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to be come fanuliar with the provisions of regulations
published by OSHA in the Federal Register and to perform all of the responsibilities thereunder .
It is the CONTRACTOR's responsibility to see that the Project is constructed in accordance with
OSHA regulations and to indemnify and save harmless the City and Consulting Engineer from any
penalties resulting from the CONTRACTOR 's failure to so perform .
D-19 DISCHARGE PERMITS: The Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant currently operates
under the following wastewater discharge Permits :
1. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) -No . TX0047295
2. TNRCC -No. 10494-13
Copies of each of the permits are contained in Appendix A -NPDES Permit and Appendix B -
TNRCC Permit. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for abiding by the conditions and requirements
set forth in both permits which apply to sewage sludge and its beneficial reuse and utilization and
incorporation into agricultural land.
D-20 RIGHT OF ACCESS TO PROJECT: Representatives of the OWNER, Environmental
Protection Agency, Texas National Resources Conservation Commission, Texas Water Development
Board , Texas Air Control Board, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration shall have
access to the Project wherever and whenever it is in preparation or progress , and the CONTRACTOR
shall provide proper facilities for such access. This includes the right of said entities to take samples
at any time and place, including but not limited to stockpiles , haul trucks , and reuse sites.
must be maintaine d at all times . Prior to the start of any work on the Project, the CONTRACTOR
shall meet with the OWNER and develop a construction schedule and a sequence of operations which
will permit full, normal access (ingress and egress) to the Drying Beds and Project Site during the
Project, and such schedule and sequence shall meet the approval of the OWNER.
The CONTRACTOR shall be required to maintain the roadways utilized in his construction and
operates in a reasonably clean condition . Weekly roadway cleaning , sweeping and scraping by the
CONTRACTOR will be required as directed by the OWNER .
Roadways shall no t be utilized for storage of materials. Gutters and drainage areas shall be kept clear
of construction materials at all time.
Temporary roadway closings and lane closures will only be allowed if approved and coordinated with
the OWNER . The CONTRACTOR shall be required to maintain traffic at all times for all roadways .
There may be times during the duration of the Project when weather conditions and/or flooding
conditions exist in the vicinity of the Project Site which could interfere with the CONTRACTOR 's
normal ingress and egress to the Project Site .
D-22 USE OF OWNER'S PREMISES: Confine operations at Project Site to those areas permitted
by :
1. Site limits shown on drawings.
2. Access roads and locations shown on drawings. The only allowed access to the Project
Site is through the south entrance gate to the Drying Beds from Green Oaks Boulevard .
3 . OWNER's written permission for all other locations .
Do not unreasonably encumber site with materials or equipment.
The Contractor is permitted to work in the Drying Bed area from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, seven days
per week. No work will be allowed outside of these times.
Coordinate use of premises under direction of the OWNER.
Obtain the use of additional work areas at the Drying Beds as needed for operations, if available and
with OWNER's written approval. It shall be noted that the OWNER anticipates having no additional
areas available at the Drying Beds other than that shown on the Plans and designated for use by
CONTRACTOR for this Project.
. Where. surface drainage channels, terraces or pipe drains are disturbed or blocked during construction,
they shall be restored to their original condition of grade and cross section after the work of
construction is completed . The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for alternate drainage methods
during this period .
D-23 COORDINATION OF CONTRACTORS AND CITY: It is expected that during the
construction of this Project that other contract work may also be in progress in the drying bed area.
The CONTRACTOR shall be required to cooperate to the fullest with the other contractors, in
eliminating conflicts with work or personnel at all times. In case of conflicts, the OWNER shall
determine the responsibility or priority of work and OWNER's decisions shall be final.
D-24 NOTIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR: Written notification of the need for testing ,
observation of work by OWNER or the intent to work outside of regular working hours.
D-25 RESIDENT ENGINEER: The General Conditions Section Cl-1.19 ENGINEER defines
various persons who may be designated as the ENGINEER. For the prosecution of this Contract, the
term ENGINEER shall mean the Resident Engineer as designated by the Director of the Fort Worth
Water Department, together with members of the staff of the Resident Engineer who are assigned to
the Project. Any contacts the CONTRACTOR may wish to make with any City personnel, including
the Superintendent of Wastewater Treatment and Pumping , members of plant operating staff, members
of the City Administration , or Consulting Engineers, shall be arranged through the Resident Engineer.
The CONTRACTOR shall not act upon any requests or instructions he may receive from any City
personnel or the Consulting Engineer, nor shall he give instructions or directions to such persons
without the approval or consent of the Resident Engineer. The CONTRACTOR must obtain specific
approval of the Resident Engineer before removing any existing facilities necessary for plant
D-26 PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: The CONTRACTOR shall keep a competent project
(resident) superintendent at the project site at all times during the progress of the work. A resume
listing the qualifications and experience record of the proposed project superintendent, as well as
references from similar projects shall be submitted to the OWNER prior to the award of contract.
This project superintendent, if found to be acceptable, shall not be replaced without written notice to
and consent form the OWNER except under extraordinary circumstances . Qualifications of a
proposed replacement shall be submitted when a request is made for the replacement of the
superintendent and shall be approved by the OWNER proper to withdrawing the superintendent.
During the construction of the project, the project superintendent shall demonstrate an ability to
properly execute the work outline in the contract documents in a timely manner and shall consistently
produce work of an acceptable quality and in accordance with the contract documents . If the
OWNER shall have a reasonable objection to the performance of the project superintendent, the
CONTRACTOR shall replace the project superintendent upon written notice from the OWNER. The
project superintendent is to be replace with a superintendent acceptable to the OWNER. No extension
of time will be allowed for delays caused by the replacement of a project superintendent.
D-27 SUBCONTRACTOR EXPERIENCE: CONTRACTOR shall have the right to subcontract
portions of the work whenever necessary to facilitate performance of the Contract and as set forth in
the General Conditions. The CONTRACTOR shall provided, to the OWNER 's satisfaction, sufficient
information demonstrating that all subcontractors are capable of performing the work to be
office at the project Site at a location approved by the OWNER.
D-29 SANITARY PROVISIONS: As set forth in the General Conditions Section C6-6.4
SANITARY PROVISIONS, the CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary sanitary conveniences
for the use of workmen at the Project Site. Specific attention is directed to this requirement since
construction personnel will not be permitted to access or use sanitary facilities, dressing rooms, lunch
room, etc ., that have been provided for Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant staff.
The CONTRACTOR shall also provide adequate drinking water facilities for construction personnel.
There are no public sewer or potable water lines in the project area.
D-30 PROJECT SIGN: A project sign is required for all projects where construction exceeds 30
calendar days or $25,000. Project signs shall be as illustrated in Figure 30 of the Fort Worth Water
Department General Contract Documents and Specifications . Any and all costs associated with
construction, placement, maintenance and disposal of the sign are incidental to the Contract and no
additional compensation will be allowed .
MODIFICATION: Any change in the contract documents will be initiated either by the
CONTRACTOR issuing a CONTRACTOR's Modification Request or by the Owner issuing a
Proposed Contract Modification on forms provided by the OWNER. Proposals will be reviewed by
the OWNER and if found acceptable will be incorporated in a Change Order in accordance with
Section C4-4 of the GENERAL CONDffiONS, or by Field Order as set forth in this PART D -
The CONTRACTOR's Modification Request shall fully identify and describe the deviations and
associated costs, time factors and impacts, and state the reason the change is requested. Any savings
in costs related to the substitution is to be stated in the request for consideration.
Cost of the ENGINEER's evaluation of any substitution or deviation requested by the
CONTRACTOR shall be charged to the CONTRACTOR by the OWNER.
D-32 PROJECT INFORMATION REQUEST: When necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall request
additional information, clarification or interpretation of the contract documents or when the
CONTRACTOR believes there is a conflict between the drawings and specifications, he shall identify
the conflict and request clarification using the Project Information Request (PIR) form provided by
the ENGINEER. Sufficient information shall be attached to permit a written response without further
The OWNER will log each request and will review the request. If review of the project information
request indicates that a change to the contract documents is required, the OWNER will issue either
a Field Order or Change Order.
of all Specifications , Plans, Addenda, modifications and submittals, in good order and annotated in
erasable red pencil to show all changes made during the construction process . These shall be
delivered to ENGINEER upon completion of the work and before final payment is made.
D-34 EXISTING UTILITIES: The plans show the locations of all known surface and subsurface
structures. However, the Owner assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these
structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location . It is mutually agreed that such failure
shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work or for
increasing the pay quantities in any manner whatsoever.
The Contractor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of and protecting all existing utilities,
service lines, or other property crossed or exposed by his construction operations. Contractor shall
-make all necessary provisions for the support, protection, relocation, and or temporary relocation of
all utility poles, gas lines, telephone cables, utility services, water mains, sanitary sewer lines,
electrical cables, drainage pipes, and all other utilities and structures both above and below ground
during construction. The Contractor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a
result of his operations and any and all cost incurred for the protection and or temporary relocation
of such facilities shall be included in the unit cost of sludge removal. NO ADDITIONAL
Where existing utilities or service lines are cut, broken or damaged , the Contractor shall replace or
repair the utilities or service lines with the same type of original material and construction, or better,
unless otherwise shown or noted on the plans, at his own cost and expense. The Contractor shall
immediately notify the Owner of the damaged utility or service line . He shall cooperate with the
owners of all utilities to locate existing underground facilities and notify the Engineer at once of any
• conflicts in grades and alignment.
In case it is necessary to change or move th e property of any owner of a public utility , such property
shall not be moved or interfered with until ordered to do so b y the Engineer. The right is reserved
to the owner of public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project for the purpose of making such
changes or repairs , of their propeny that may be made necessary by performance of this contract.
A . Contractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance: Contractor agrees to provide the Owner
(City ) a certificate showing that it has obtained a policy of worker's compensation insurance
covering each of its employees employed on the project in compliance with state law. No
Notice to Proceed will be issued until the Contractor has complied with this section .
B . Subcontractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance : Contractor agrees to require each and
every subcontractor who will perform work on the project to provide to it a cenificate from
such subcontractor stating that the subcontractor has a policy of worker's compensation
insurance covering each employee on the project. Contractor will no t permit any subcontractor
to perform work on the project until such certificate has been acquired . Contractor shall
provide a copy of all such certificates to the Owner (City ).
C. Worker's Compensation Insurance Coverage :
1. Definitions : Certificate of coverage ("certificate"). A copy of a certificate of insurance ,
a cenificate of authority to self-insure issued by the Texas Workers' Compensation
Commission, or a coverage agreement (TWCC-81 , TWCC-82, TWCC-83 , or TWCC-
84), showing statutory worker's compensation insurance coverage for person's or
entity's employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project.
Duration of the Project includes the time from he beginning of the work on the project
until the contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted
by the City.
Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractor" in Texas Labor Code Section
406.096 ) -includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the
contractor has undenaking to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person
contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether that person has
employees. This included, without limitation, independent contractors, subcontractors,
leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any entity which
furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include without
limitation, providing, hauling , or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor ,
transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include
activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply
deliveries , and delivery of portable toilets .
2 . The contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes
and payroll amounts and filing of an y coverage agreements , which meets the statutory
requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all employees of the
contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project.
3 . The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the City prior to being awarded
the contract.
4. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends
during the duration of the project, the contractor must, prior to the end of the coverage
period, file a new certificate of coverage with the City showing the coverage has been
5. The contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide
to the City:
(a) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so
the City will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all
persons providing services on the project; and
(b) no later than seven days after receipt by the contractor, a new certificate of
coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the
current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project.
6. The contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the
project and for one year thereafter.
7 . The Contractor shall notify the City in writing by certified mail or personal delivery,
within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have known, of any change that
materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the
8. The contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner
prescribed by Texas Worker's Compensation Commission, informing all persons
providing services on the projects that they are required to be covered and report lack
of coverage .
9. The contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide
services on a project, to:
(a) provide coverage, based on .proper reporting on the classification codes and
payroll amounts and filling of any coverage agreements, which meets the
statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its
employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project;
(b) provide to the contractor. prior to that person beginning work on the project, a
certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees
of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project;
(c) provide the contractor. prior to the end of the coverage period a new certificate
of coverage showing the extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown
on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project;
(d) obtain from each other person with it contracts, and provide to the contractor:
(1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning on the
project ; and
(2) a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the
end of the coverage period , if the coverage period shown on the current
certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project;
(e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for duration of project
and for one year thereafter.
(f) notify the City in writing by certified mail or personal delivery , within
10 days after the person knew or should have known , of any change that
materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing
services on the project ; and
(g ) contractually require each person with whom it contracts, to perform as
required by paragraphs (a) -(g ), with the certificates of coverage to be
provided to the person for whom they are providing services .
10 . By signin g this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certificate of
coverage, t11e contractor is representing to the City that all employees of the contractor
who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's compensation
coverage for the duration of the project, that the coverage will be based on the proper
reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, and that all coverage agreements
will be filed witll the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured , with
the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission's Division of Self-Insurance
Regulation. providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to
administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties or other civil actions .
11 . The Contractor's failure to compl y with any of these provisions is a breach of contract
by the contractor which entitles the City to declare the contract void if the contractor does
not remedy the breach within ten days after receipt of notice of breach from the City .
Posting of Required Worker's Compensation Coverage .
Toe contractor shall post a notice on each project site informing all persons providing services
on the project that they are required to be covered , and stating how a person may verify current
coverage and report failure to provide coverage. This notice -does not satisfy other posting
requirements imposed by the Texas Workers' Compensation Act or other Texas Workers'
Compensation Commission rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold
type and text in at least 10 point normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any
other language common to the worker population. The text for the notices shall be the following
text, without additional words or changes:
REQUIRED WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE: The law requires that each person
working on this site or providing services related to this consuuction project must be covered
by workers' compensation insurance. This includes persons providing , hauling , or delivering
equipment or materials , or providing labor or transportation or other service related to the project,
regardless of the identity of their employer or st atu s as an employee.
"Call the Texas Workers• Compensation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information
on the legal requirement for coverage, to verify whether your employer has provided the required
coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide coverage.
D-36 ADDENDA: Bidders wanting further information, interpretation or clarification of the contract
documents must make their request in writing to the Fort Worth Water Department Engineering
Services, at least 96 hours prior to bid opening. Answers to all such requests will be bound and made
a part of the Contract Documents . No other explanation or interpretation will be considered official or
binding . Should a bidder find discrepancies in , or omissions from, the Contract Documents, or should
the bidder be in doubt as to their meaning, the bidder should at once notify the Fort Worth Water
Department Engineering Services , in order that a written addendum may be sent to all bidders. An y
addenda issued will be mailed or be delivered to each prospective bidder. The bid proposal as submitted
by the bidder must be so constructed as to include any addenda issued by the Fort Worth Water
Department, prior to 24 hours of the opening of bids with appropriate recognition of addenda so noted
in the bid proposal.
D-37 TERMINATION: It is understood and agreed that this contract may be terminated by the City
without obligation to the Contractor, in whole or from time to time in part, whenever such termination
is determined by the City to be in the best interests of the City . Termination may be effected by
delivering to the Contractor or his designated representative a notice of termination, specifying to what
extent performance of the work under the contract is being terminated and the effective date of
termination . After receipt of notice of termination Contractor shall :
A. Stop work specified in the notice on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of
B. Place no further order or subcontract except as necessary to complete work already
C. Terminate all orders and contracts to the extent that they relate to the perlormance of
the work terminated by the Notice of Termination .
D-38 HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC MATERIALS: Insofar as permitted by law, the Owner shall
indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor from and against any and all liabilities, losses, cost,
damages and expenses, arising out of use of the materials at the Owners site which are not under the
direct control of the Contractor, including, but not limited to, any and all liability resulting from
personal injury, including death, property liability , at any time, however caused, due to the presence
or release of, or exposure, whether to the person of property injured or otherwise, whether to the
person of property injured or otherwise, to any hazardous or toxic substance, provided, however, that
the City liability shall be limited to that established in Article 6252-19, Texas Revised Code and other
applicable State statutes and Constitutional provisions .
D-39 AGE: In accordance with the policy "(Policy") of the Executive Branch of the Federal
Government , Contractor covenants that neither it nor any of its officers , members , agents , employees,
program participants or subcontractors, while engaged in perlorming this contract, shall, in connection
with the employment, advancement or discharge '<f employees or in connection with the terms,
conditions or privileges of their employment, discriminate against persons because of their age except
on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualification , retirement plant or statutory requirement.
Contractor further covenants that neither it nor its officers , members, agents, employees , subcontractors ,
program participants , or persons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements
for employees t o work on this contract, a maximum age limit for such employment unless the specified
maximum age limit is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification , retirement plan or statutory
Contractor warrants it will fully comply with the policy and will defend , indemnify and hold City
harmless agains t an y claims or allegations asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City arising
out of Contractor's and/or its subcontractors ' alleged failure to comply with the above referenced Policy
concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement.
D-40 DISABILITY: In accordance with the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of
1990 ("ADA"), Contracto r warrants that it any and all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully
discriminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in the
availability , terms and/or conditions of employment for applicants for employment with, or employees
of Contractor or an y of its subcontractors . Contractor warrants it will fully comply with ADA 's
provisions and any other applicable federal , state and local laws concerning disability and will defend ,
indemnify and hold City harmless against any claims or allegations asserted by third parties or
subcontractors against City arising out of Contractor 's and/or its subcontractor 's alleged failure to
comply with the above-referenced law concerning disability discrimination in the performance of this
D-41 INDEMNIFICATION: To clarify Section C6-6.12 of the General Conditions of the Contract,
it is the intent of the Owner that the Contractor indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Owner, and
the Owner's officers, agents , servants, and employees from and against any and all claims as listed
herein, even though causes by the Owner's sole negligence.
With respect to the last sentence of the first paragraph of Section C6-6.12, it is the Owner 's intent that
the language be site specific to the general area where the work to be performed under the Contract
is being performed . It is not the Owner 's intent that the Contractor be required to indemnify the
Owner for damages to property other than that caused to property located in close proximity to this
project, unless such damage is caused wholly or in part b y the Contractor's negligence .
D-42 PROJECT BUDGET: The OWNER has budgeted $1 ,500 ,000 for this project. If the low bid
exceeds the contract budget, the Owner reserves the right to reduce the quantity of sludge further
processed, removed and reused by an amount necessary to reduce the contract amount below
$1,500,000 and to execute a contract in that amount.
D-43 TNRCC RULES: The project will be governed by the proposed TAC Chapter 312 rules due
to be approved in August or September 1995 .
D-44 FUNDING AND NON-APPROPRIATION: In the event that no funds or insufficient funds
are collected, appropriated and budgeted or funds are otherwise unavailable for payment of amounts
due hereunder by City to CONTRACTOR, City shall notify CONTRACTOR and this agreement shall
terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were made without penalty or
expense to City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the payment of amounts due and payable for
which appropriates have been made for said fiscal period . Provided , however, that this Special
Condition paragraph D-44 is not intended to grant to the City an independent ground for termination
of this agreement separate and apart from an y grounds for termination for nonappropriation or non-
availability of funds which would be provided to City by reason of Tex . Const. Ann . Article 11 ,
Sections 5 and 7.
Technical Specifications
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A. Submittal Submission Procedures: As provided in the General Conditions, as
specified herein, and as may otherwise be established during the pre-construction
conference .
B. OWNER'S Authorization: At any time, Owner may authorize changes to procedures
and requirements for Submittals, as necessary to accomplish the specific purpose of
each submittal.
C. Timeliness: Make submissions in accordance with the requirements of individual
specification sections, and in such sequence as to cause no delay in Work.
D . Identification of Submittals:
1. Complete , sign , and transmit with each Submittal package , one Transmittal of
CONTRACTOR'S Submittal Form attached at the end of this section.
2. Identify each Submittal with numbering and tracking system approved by
a. Sequentially number each Submittal.
b. Resubmission of a Submittal will have the original number with sequential
alphabetic suffix.
3. Show date of submission and dates of previous submissions .
4. Show project title and OWNER'S project number and contract number.
5. Show names of CONTRACTOR, Subcontractor or supplier; and manufacturer
as appropriate.
6. Identify, as applicable, Contract Document section and photograph to which
Submittal applies .
7. Clearly identify revisions from previous submissions.
E. Incomplete Submittal Submissions :
1. At ENGINEER' s sole discretion, ENGINEER will either (i) return the entire
Submittal for CONTRACTOR's revision/correction and resubmission, or (ii)
retain portions of the Submittal and request submission/resubmission of
specified items or as noted thereon .
2. Submittals which do not clearly -bear CONTRACTOR 's specific written
indication of CONTRACTOR review and approval of Submittal or which are
transmitted with an unsigned or uncertified submission form or as may
otherwise be required under Contract Documents, will be returned to
CONTRACTOR unreviewed for resubmission in accordance with Contract
3. Delays, resequencing or other impact to Work resulting from CONTRACTOR' s
submission of unchecked or unreviewed, incomplete , inaccurate or erroneous ,
or nonconforming Submittals, which will require CONTRACTOR' s
resubmission of a Submittal ENGINEER's review , shall not constitute a basis
of claim for adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Times .
F. Nonspecified Submissions: Submissions not required under these Contract
Documents and not shown on schedule of Submittals submissions will not be
reviewed and will be returned to CONTRACTOR.
G. Transmit Submittals in accordance with current accepted schedule of Submittals
submissions, and deliver as follows:
1. Submittals to OWNER: Robert McMillon
Assistant Director/Water Pollution Control
Fort Worth Water Department
P .O . Box 870
Fort Worth , Texas 76101
2. Submittals to ENGINEER: Jerry F . Roberts , P.E.
Project Manager
Halff Associates, Inc .
4000 Fossil Creek Boulevard ••
Fort Worth , Texas 76137
3. Submittal routing will be finalized at the preconstruction conference.
H. Disposition of Submittals: As specified herein for administrative Submittals.
ENGINEER will review, stamp, and indicate requirements for resubmission or
acceptance on Submittal as follows:
1. Accepted:
a. CONTRACTOR may proceed to perform Submittal related work.
b. One copy for ENGINEER ' s file .
c. Two copies returned to CONTRACTOR, one for onsite records.
2. Rejected as Noted (Revise/Correct or Develop Replacement and Resubmit):
a. Revise/correct in accordance with ENGINEER ' s comments and resubmit.
b. One copy to ENGINEER 's file.
c. One copy returned to CONTRACTOR appropriately annotated .
d . Remaining copy will be destroyed .
I. ENGINEER ' s Review: ENGINEER will act upon CONTRACTOR ' s Submittal and
transmit response to CONTRACTOR not later than 30 days after receipt, unless : (i )
specified otherwise or (ii ) accepted by ENGINEER as set forth in Paragraph
ENGINEER ' s Duties below and identified on current accepted schedule of Submittals
submissions. Resubmittals will be subject to the same review time.
J. ENGINEER 's Duties:
1. Review Submittals with reasonable promptness and in accordance with current
accepted schedule of Submittals submissions.
a. No extension of Contract Times will be allowed due to ENGINEER's
review of Submittals, unless all of following criteria are met:
1) CONTRACTOR has notified ENGINEER in writing that timely
review of Submittal in question is critical to progress of Work, and
has received ENGINEER 's written acceptance to reflect such on
schedule of Submittals submissions and progress schedule. Written
agreement by the ENGINEER to reduce the above Submittal review
time will be made only for unusual and CONTRACTOR-justified
reasons. Acceptance of a progress schedule containing Submittal
review times less than specified above or less than· agreed to in
writing by ENGINEER will not constitute ENGINEER ' s acceptance
of the review times.
2) ENGINEER has failed to review and return first submission of a
Submittal within agreed time indicated on current accepted schedule
of Submittal submissions or, if no time is indicated thereon , within
30 days.
3) CONTRACTOR demonstrated that delay in progress of Work is
directly attributable to ENGINEER' s failure to return Submittal
within time indicated and accepted by ENGINEER.
b. No extension of Contract Times will be allowed due to days in progress
of Work caused by rejection and subsequent resubmission of Submittals ,
including multiple resubmissions.
2. Review, return for correction, reject, or accept or approve Submittals
submissions only as set forth in applicable paragraphs of General Conditions.
3. Stamp and indicate requirements for resubmission and acceptance or approval
of Submittal submission.
4 . Return Submittals to CONTRACTOR for distribution or revision and
5. Transmit to CONTRACTOR without review Submittal submissions received
directly from Subcontractors, Suppliers, manufacturers, and nonrequired
submissions from CONTRACTOR.
K. Only the Operating Plan will be reviewed and all other submittals will be retained in
a non reviewed status .
A. Description: Submittals required by Contract Documents that are not Shop Drawings
or Samples, or that do not reflect quality of product or method of construction.
Administrative submittals may include, but will not be limited to those Submittals
identified below.
B. Copies: Eight (8)
C. Operating Plan: The CONTRACTOR shall compile an Operating Plan and submit
to the Owner within ten (10) days after the Notice to Proceed. The Plan shall be a
complete and detailed description of his proposed work methods, including but not
limited to:
1. Listing of all areas, individuals or entities to receive biosolids and landowner's
written consent to use land
2. Traffic Control Plan (on-site and off-site)
3. Emergency Spill Response Plan, and Spill Prevention Plan
4 . Insect Control Plan
5. Dust Control Plan
6. Odor Control Plan
7. Schedule of Operations (hours per day , days per week, whether work will be
conducted outside of normal working days and estimated time of completion).
8. Public Relations Program
9 . Overall Project Management
10 . Equipment Requirements
11. Steps to achieve regulatory agency compliance and listing of regulatory
constraint compliance.
12 . Biosolids transport methods
13 . Biosolids disposal methods
14 . Means , procedures , and equipment to further process biosolids
15. Safety Plan
16. Plan for distribution and marketing.
D. Applications for Payment: Meet the requirements of Section 13001, FURTHER
Paragraph 3.9, Measurement and Payment.
E. Progress Reports and Quantity Charts : Meet the requirements of Section 13001 ,
DRYING BEDS , Paragraph 3.3 Biosolids Reuse .
F. Schedules: Meet the requirements of Section 13000 , FURTHER PROCESSING ,
Biosolids Reuse.
G. Submittals Required by Laws and Regulations of Governing Agencies :
1. Submit promptl y all notifications , reports , certifications , payrolls, and otherwise
as may be required, directly to the applicable federal , state , or local governing
• agency or their representative. •
2. Transmit to ENGINEER for OWNER'S records one copy of correspondence
and transmittals (to include enclosures and attachments) between
CONTRACTOR and governing agency .
A Not applic able
A. Progress Photographs:
1. The CON1RACTOR shall take photographs of the project site and solids reuse
sites prior to construction, monthly during the project and after completion of
the project. Photographs shall be taken with a 35mm camera, equipped to
-photograph either interior or exterior exposures, with lenses ranging from wide
angle to 135mm. Photographs shall be taken at locations as designated by the
2. CON1RACTOR shall video tape all roads and work areas to be affected prior
to starting construction and furnish a copy of the video tape to the OWNER.
3. Two glossy color three by five (3" x 5") prints and the negative shall be
provided for each photograph taken. Each print shall be marked on the reverse
side to indicate project name, date and time, location, direction of exposure, and
a description of what is being photographed. Prints shall be clear and sharp
with proper exposure. If prints of adequate quality are not produced from
exposures, additional photographs shall be taken immediately.
4. The CON1RACTOR shall provide six (6) photographs of the site prior to
construction. Starting one month after the date of the preconstruction
photographs, and continuing as long as the work is in progress, at least six (6)
monthly photographs shall be taken to accurately record the work that has
progressed during that period. Photographs are to be submitted with the
monthly Partial Pay Request in plastic binders.
Page 6
A The CONTRACTOR shall furnish all labor , materials , equipment, and related items
necessary to perform all duties , including, but not necessarily limited to further
processing , loading , transporting, and reuse of biosolids . This work will be completed
in accordance with the specifications, drawings, contract documents, and the regulations
of all state, federal, and local agencies having jurisdiction.
A. The Contractor is responsible for determining his method of biosolids loading ,
transporting and reuse. The Contractor may reuse the biosolids using any method
acceptable to the Owner and in compliance with federal, state and local regulations
1. Disposal in a landfill (use as a landfill cover is permissible)
2. Any type of commingling with any other sludge.
3. Filling of gravel pits, rock quarries or excavated pits of any type .
4. Distribution of biosolids to the general public.
5. Any method with the potential to contaminate an aquifer.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall compile an Operating Plan and submit to the Owner within
ten (10) days after the Notice to Proceed . The Plan shall be a complete and detailed
description of his proposed work methods , including but not limited to:
1. Listing of all areas, individuals or entities to receive biosolids and landowner's
written consent to use land
2. Traffic Control Plan (on-site and off-site)
3. Emergency Spill Response Plan, and Spill Prevention Plan
4 . Insect Control Plan
5. Dust Control Plan
6. Odor Control Plan
7. Schedule of Operations (hours per day , days per week , whether work will be
conducted outside of normal working days and estimated time of completion) .
. 8. Public Relations Program
9 . Overall Project Management
10. Equipment Requirements
11 . Steps to achieve regulatory agency compliance and listing of regulatory constraint
12 . Biosolids transport methods
13. Biosolids reuse methods
14 . Means, procedures, and equipment to further process biosolids
15 . Safety Plan
16 . Plan for distribution and marketing.
C . The CONTRACTOR has the sole responsibility for maintaining the biosolids in a
condition meeting the requirements for pathogen and vector attraction reduction for a
Class "A" sludge throughout the CONTRACTOR'S disposal operation . The
CONTRACTOR shall provide the OWNER with written information setting forth
verification of this responsibility . The CONTRACTOR shall abide by all requirements
of 31 TAC312.47 Record keeping and provide copies of all records and certifications
to the OWNER prior to completion of the Work.
D. The CONTRACTOR shall familiarize himself with all applicable State and Federal
flood plain regulations and how they relate to this work.
E. Biosolids shall be considered reused of when they have been placed or spread in their
final location . Stockpiled or stored biosolids shall not be considered as "reused".
F . Temporarily stored or stockpiled biosolids at non-project sites must be reused within
a thirty (30) day period from the time of transport. Permanent biosolids storage or
stockpiling will not be allowed. Payment will not be made for temporarily stored or
stockpiled biosolids at non-Project Sites until the biosolids have been placed or spread
in their final location.
G. In reusing biosolids , the CONTRACTOR will only be allowed to apply, incorporate or
dispose the OWNER'S biosolids and will not be allowed to add any other biosolids or
waste material to the land.
H . The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that site where the OWNER'S biosolids are applied ,
incorporated or reused has not received any biosolids or waste material prior to
applying , incorporating or disposing the OWNER 'S biosolids .
I. Upon completion of the project , the CONTRACTOR shall demobilize , blade the site
of the stockpile to a smooth finish at the pre-stockpile grades and otherwise restore the
stockpile area to pre-construction conditions . The slopes of any portion of the stockpile
not removed shall be dressed to uniform slope by blading .
K. The CONTRACTOR will not be allowed to commingle , mix , and/or combine any solid
waste/sludge or biosolids with the OWNER 'S biosolids , except for OWNER approved
non-putresible material and non-household wastes such as wood chips or other similar
L. The CONTRACTOR shall observe the rules and regulations of the State of Texas and
agencies of the U .S Government prohibiting the pollution of any lake , stream , river , or
wetland by dumping of any refuse , rubbish , dredge material , or debris therein . The
CONTRACTOR is specifically cautioned that disposal of materials into any waters of
the State must conform to the requirements of the Texas Natural Resources
Conversation Commission and applicable permits from the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers , the City of Fort Worth , the County of Tarrant , or any government agency
having jurisdiction.
M. The CONTRACTOR shall abide by the Texas Air Control Board and shall obtain all
applicable permits required by the Board . Air pollution shall be minimized by wetting
down haul roads for dust control , and by requiring the use of properly operating
combustion emission control devices on construction vehicles and equipment used by
CONTRACTOR, and requiring the shutdown of motorized equipment not actually in
use . All unpaved streets , roads, detours , or haul roads used shall be given a dust-
preventive treatment or periodically watered to prevent dust. Applicable environmental
regulations for dust prevention shall be strictly enforced.
A. The owner guarantees that the biosolids to be reused :
1. Are not subject to any special disposal requirements under state and local law
comparable to the disposal requirements prescribed by federal law for wastes
within the terms of the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act or
Section 405 of the Federal Clean Water Act.
2. Conform to numerical criteria for metals listed in Tables 1 and 3 of paragraph
503 .13 of 40 CFR 503.
3. Meet the pathogen reduction and vector attraction requirements for a Class "A"
A. The owner has the right to take samples from the CONTRACTOR'S operation at any
time an place . This includes sampling at the stockpile , from vehicles transporting solids
and at the final disposal sites .
A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER all information in accordance with
procedures set forth in Section 01300 , SUBMITTALS .
A. All biosolids shall be further processed before transportation such that all rubber ,
plastic , glass , debris, or trash is no larger than one-half (1/2) inch in any dimension.
Further processing will involve grinding or shredding and screening through use of soil
~redders, particleizers , hammer mills or other appropriate equipment and screens .
B . Details describing the nieans , procedures and equipment to further process biosolids
shall be submitted as part of the Operating Plan in accordance with Section 01300 ,
Submittals. •
A. All biosolids shall be transported from the project site in a manner acceptable to and
approved by the OWNER.
B . The CONTRACTOR's construction traffic shall not obstruct or interfere with Owner's
operations. Trucks shall adhere to all posted bridge load limits and other requirements
as specified in local highway regulations and shall travel on state and federal highways
as much as possible. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain written approval from county
authorities, a minimum of seven days in advance , prior to using county roads for
biosolids hauling.
1. The CONTRACTOR shall limit the use of all equipment to prevent the equipment
from exceeding the load limits posted as acceptable to roadways used, whether
onsite or off site or public or private . Where it becomes necessary to improve any
roadways to accommodate CONTRACTOR ' s loads, CONTRACTOR shall either
provide such improvements at his sole expense without additional reimbursement
from the OWNER or restrict his loads to within acceptable limits . Any expenses
for roadway testing, investigating , improving and repairing will be considered
subsidiary to the CONTRACTOR' s work and must be included in the Bid
C. All transportation of biosolids or other material shall be done in vehicles or equipment
which contain the solids or other material in a manner to preclude the possibility of
dripping, spilling , scattering, leaking or blowing. Biosolids shall be transported in
sealed tank bodies or in open trucks with watertight beds and sealed gates, and fitted
with splash covers and baffles to prevent spills resulting from wave action in the event
of emergency stops. The gates shall be fitted with a minimum of four manually
operated turnbuckles to avoid accidental opening while in transit. For trucks that
facilitate unloading by dumping through a tailgate, a continuous one piece rear mud flap
shall be installed the width of the truck to prevent sludge from flowing under the truck
and accumulating on the tires and undercarriage during unloading. The
CONTRACTOR shall be totally responsible to see that no truck shall leave the site in
an overloaded condition with respect to both weight and volume .
D . Cleanup of spilled biosolids and/or end products shall be provided by the
CONTRACTOR at the project site, anywhere in transit, and at the reuse site. All spills
or tracking of biosolids at the project sites , in transit to reuse sites or at the reuse sites
are the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and are to be cleaned up immediately.
• 1. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish necessary equipment such as a water tank and
spray truck to facilitate the cleaning of hauling and spreading equipment and
cleaning of roadways . All hauling and spreading equipment shall be washed down
before loading and also at spreading sites, if necessary, to prevent tracking of
E . Should mishaps occur for any reason , the CONTRACTOR shall immediately put into
force the emergency spill response plan. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for
cleaning up any such biosolids or other materials.
F . The CONTRACTOR shall obtain all necessary permits and pay all required fees of the
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission or other federal, state, or local
agencies, as required, for the collection, transport and land application of a Class "A"
sludge .
A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and be responsible for the means of reuse including
developing all markets, securing and obtaining all approvals for land required,
responding to all complaints , and all else necessary to reuse the biosolids in an
environmentally sound and satisfactory manner acceptable to and approved by the
B . Biosolids reuse shall be in accordance with applicable City, County, State, and Federal
regulations, and any other authority having jurisdiction over the project.
C . To reuse biosolids by the land application method, the successful bidder will be
responsible for the following:
1. Assist the OWNER in submitting a complete "Notification Form" to the TNRCC
Permitting Section of the Watershed Management Division by providing the
following information in a timely manner.
a. Methods of distribution, marketing, handling, and transportation of sewage
sludge .
b. A description of any proposed temporary storage and the methods which will
be employed to prevent surface water runoff of the sewage sludge or
contamination of ground water.
2. Obtaining all land application agreements from landowners .
3. Assist the OWNER by providing information for the preparation of an annual
report to TNRCC on September 1 and/or at the completion of the project. Such
report will be prepared on forms furnished by TNRCC and will describe all
activities described Paragraph C.l.a through c above. The report shall include an
update of new information since the prior report or notification was submitted and
all newly proposed activities . The report shall also include a description and the
annual amounts of sewage sludge provided to each receiver.
4 . Preparation of a form showing the next week '.s -projected hauling schedule
including site identification shall be submitted to the OWNER seven (7) days in
advance. An updated final form showing the next week's hauling schedule
including site identification shall be submitted to the OWNER no later than the
afternoon of the preceding work day or by 8:00 a.m. the next regular work day for
that week 's application.
5. Preparation of Progress Reports and quantity charts shall be made on a bi-weekly
basis at a regular day and time to be specified by the OWNER.
D. The CONTRACTOR shall submit all certification statements required by EPA and
TNRCC rules and regulations .
A. All haul roads, temporary or permanent, at the project site and reuse sites shall be
maintained by the CONTRACTOR, and at completion time be returned to a condition
equal to or better than original condition, at the CONTRACTOR's expense.
B. Haul roads shall be watered down for dust control as needed using potable grade water, or
as directed by the OWNER .
C. The CONTRACTOR shall control traffic and maintain traffic safety in accordance with an
approved Traffic Control Plan, and shall post temporary speed limit signs onsite.
D . Prior to commencing biosolids transport, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare a traffic control
plan and obtain OWNER's approval for onsite traffic and obtain the appropriate agency's
approval for City, County, and State, where applicable , for offsite traffic. The traffic
control plan shall as a minimum address :
1. Onsite/offsite circulation showing the use of existing onsite and offsite roads; any
temporary roads to be constructed by the CONTRACTOR.
2 . An overall traffic and vehicular safety plan and a specific method to control traffic at
the entrance to each project site .
3. Control traffic off site.
E. Traffic plans shall be in accordance with applicable City, County and State laws for offsite
F . The CONTRACTOR shall take precautions to prevent injury to the public due to his
operation both on an off the project site . The CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible
for damage or injuries associated with his operations. •
G . The CONTRACTOR shall schedule hauling times to avoid times when major industries
along the routes, such as Bell Helicopter, are undergoing shift. changes ;
A . The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating and maintaining good public
relations. All informational meetings, public notices, hearings and relations with the media
will be in cooperation with the OWNER. Before actual hauling and reuse operations
commence, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare a public relations program plan and shall
make this information available to the OWNER to show CONTRACTOR's means and
methods to educate the public concerning the methods of transport and reuse to be used.
This may include but not be limited to: pamphlets , newspapers, seminars , public meetings ,
meetings with private interest groups , and demonstration projects . The CONTRACTOR
must also provide documentation of successes in developing and maintaining public support
for biosolids reuse programs . The CONTRACTOR shall work out problems with the public
on a cooperative basis , and there may be occasions when the CONTRACTOR shall change
management aspects of his system as needed to maintain good public relations . Public
relations will be of top priority through the conclusion of thi s project. The OWNER will
cooperate with the CONTRACTOR in providing contacts with local groups and
organizations .
B . As a minimum, the CONTRACTOR and OWNER shall make an informational visit to
provide local residents with educational material about land application , organization
involved , and respective phone numbers to call as a problem develops . The OWNER
will maintain a record of the residents visited ; when , where , and which could not be
C. The CONTRACTOR represents the OWNER through this Contract and shall conduct
its affairs with the public likewise . The CONTRACTOR m ay be called on in public
mee ti ngs to answer questions and work with the public .
D. The elements of the public relations program to be addressed by the CONTRACTOR
shall include the following:
1. Overall Strategy and Goals -The CONTRACTOR shall set forth a plan to address
public concerns and negative perception of biosolids in the recipient communities.
2. Proposed Communication Methods -The CONTRACTOR shall describe the
methods for providing information and communication about the project, including :
a. Media relations -Specify methods used to develop liaison with local media.
b. Published material -Describe written and audio visual materials (including
slides and video) which will be used to support the public relations program.
c. Public meetings and tours -Specify methods to be used in interactions with
the general public and local organizations to establish a positive image for the
land application program .
d. Regulatory liaison -Describe methods by which the regulatory permitting
process will be linked to the public relations program .
e. Coordinate with OWNER ' s public information personnel.
3 . Agricultural Liaison -Provide a detailed description of methods to ensure the
support and cooperation of farmers in the land application program.
4. Implementation -Describe in detail and provide documentation of the techniques
for developing and maintaining a successful public relations program geared
specifically to agricultural land application.
E. The CONTRACTOR must provide a public relations program which includes the
technical resources necessary to provide long-term community acceptance for the land
application program .
F. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the Public Relations Program Plan to the OWNER
for approval as part of the Operating Plan .
G. Before the CONTRACTOR proceeds with any phase of the plan, and particularly prior
to conducting any meetings, media relations , hearings , public notices and publishing an
distributing any literature, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain the OWNER' s approval and
determine whether OWNER desires to accompany CONTRACTOR while conducting
any public relations.
A. If a conflict occurs between this CONTRACTOR and the daily operations of plant or
drying beds, the plant operation and/or drying beds shall have preference.
B . Prior to completion of Work, the OWNER may begin stockpiling operations on portions
of the site adjacent to Work or in portions of the stockpile area that have been removed
by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall therefore remove biosolids
completely from top to bottom of the stockpile, progressing from south to north .
A. Within fifteen (15) calendar days after award of the contract, the OWNER or his
representative shall provide a Texas Registered Land Surveyor to perform the following :
1. Set permanent bench marks and horizontal control points
2. Cross-Section the stockpile at 50-foot intervals and at significant intermediate
grade breaks to adequately determine the prework stockpile surfaces.
3. Provide plotted cross sections of the prework stockpile for use in determining
quantities subsequently removed .
Such plotted cross sections shall be submitted to the CONTRACTOR for review. If in
the opinion of the CONTRACTOR discrepancies exist, these discrepancies shall be
brought to the attention of the OWNER before any work begins. If the
CONTRACTOR does not notify the OWNER in writing prior to beginning work, then
the CONTRACTOR shall accept the cross sections as accurate representations of
prework conditions.
B. Pay quant.It.Ies shall be calculated employing the average end area method as the
difference between the prework cross sections and cross sections obtained after
biosolids removal. The Contractor shall submit all measurements and calculations on
a monthly basis . The OWNER or his representative shall employ a Texas registered
land surveyor to check quantities on a bi-monthly basis and at completion of the
C. Measurement and payment for "Further Processing" of Class "A" Biosolids shall be on
cubic yard basis for biosolids further processed .
D . Measurement and payment for "Removal and Reuse" of Class "A" Biosolids shall be
on a cubic yard basis for biosolids removed and reused. Such payment shall include
loading , transporting and reuse of biosolids as well as all required fees of the Texas
Natural Resource Conservation Commission or other Federal, State, or Local agencies,
as required, for the collection, processing, transport and land application or other
beneficial reuse options of Class "A" sludge (biosolids). Payment will not be made for
temporarily stored or stockpiled biosolids at non-Project Sites , until the biosolids have
been placed or spread in their final location.
NOTICE: The following blank spaces in the Certificate of Insurance , Performance, Payment
and Maintenance Bonds , and Contract are not to be filled in by the Bidder at the
time of submitting his proposal. These forms are included herein to familiarize
the Bidder with such forms which the successful Bidder will be required to
execute .
-~ TO: CITY OF FORT trORTH, TEXAS Date 10-6-95
NAME OF PROJE.CTs Further Processing, Removal & Reuse of Biosa) ids frqm prying Beds
PROJECT NUMSERz PS46-070460300060 -----------------------------
THl S 15 TO CERTIFY THAT Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc,. #7 '!;Jsoo Iaoe Roaoqke, Tx 7626:
(Name and Aodreu of lnu.r .
ls, at the date of th.is certlfic.ate, lrw\.red by th.ls Comp,&r1y wlth res~ to ihe busiM:Ss operations
he~ln.&..!ter dcsc-lbed, for the type of lraurance and 1n accord&nce with ·the provaions of the
au.n<fud pol.icies UJed by this Comp,&ny, and fun.her herein&..tnr descril>e-d. Exceptions to ,unda.rd
policy note-don reve~e aide hereof.
Polic No. Effective Ex ires
omprchcnsive tiler
Liability Insura.nce GLU016041 3-1-95 3-1-96
(Public 1.i&bility)
o 1p5e of Suildir\&s
or atrvctures adjacent
to excavations
ama.gc to r.oergroun
Comprehe~i ve
Contr.:tur&l ULbility
Other Umbrella
3-1 -95 3-1-96
GLU016041 3-1-95 3-1-96
BAU016042 3-1-95 3-1-96
GLU016041 3-1-95 3-·1-96
HAUU016068 3-1-95 3-1-96
Limits of l.i&bilit
rence: S 1 , ooo, ooo
E&. Occurrence:
E&. Occurrence: .
&od.ily lnj ury:
E&. Parson
Property Damage:
urrencc: . .
nee .
$1,ooo ,boo
, --•: -~ Further Processing, Rerroval & Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds ~ ~ons COVerCY! --:------::-----,.==~~~=-"""""..._.""""""""""-""""""'"""" _______ _ Description o! operatior1' covere~ ProJect Number PS46-070460300060
The above policies either in the body thereof or by appropriate endorJement provide that they may
not be ct.&nged or c:&neell~ by the nurer 1n Jess ~ five U) days after the insured h&s received
written notice of such ~e/or e&ncellatlon. •
'1here applie&ble loc&l la'tw'l or re&ulatlona re-qulre more than five (.5) d.lys r.ctua.l notice of c:hangc
o-r ~l11.tion to be as.sured1 .the Above policies c:o-naln such ~ re,,qu.lremenu, either in the
body th-ereo! or by appropriate endo~ment thereto attAC:hed.
f,reocy lv.iondics/Greenhaw Insurance Agencies _1_0_--\---9_5+---J."'"!"""--+4--------
Address 8235 Douglas Avenue, Suite 828 Title
Dallas, Texas 75225
SEN T BY:Mo .•
;f ;
~~~:,;r.:,g~~~~~~W')!.~i.:j;!:l:t.:1:1 ":~~
Mondios/Greenhaw Ins. Agencies
8235 Douglas Avenue, Suite 828
Dallas, TX 75225
(214) 739-4800
Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc.
Renda Environmental Svcs.,Inc.
Agronomic Management Group
7 Benson Ln,Roanoke, TX 76262
817 57 1 6783:# 1
,J~;, 0•n •~· ;'"''''!;~ .,. ..,.,.,,
r·r 101 1;199s
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05/31/96 Bach Loss
, All Losses
3, 00,000
3, 00,000
Further processing, removal & reuse of biosolids from drying beds
Projeot number PS~6-070460300060
1t~1?.B'i:~nltiU!ihfb}: ,t, .1Jt~i:~11sJtM!J~E~%il~Ji~]fahl!fu]t.!lf
City of Fort Worth Water
Attn, Gary Rookerg
1000 Throckmorton St.,
Ft. Worth TX 76102
Dep I t.
ij(AUTii ATIV! ';! ~
• .:s:•~~,·~S:'>l>'f'•~8'fij ''"'"'·•··,r,•·'~·•·,~·•·""·11'"''':jj)l'~'~·•;;,;"•;i;.~•····,,·.~~· ·•"'·~., ~•·~:~l'.i ~;-.. ~:i~t~:~;~~~~~t;~ftf:~i~-~~;l;f~!;~Jt¼~:~~i~~~;Nl~~ib·':~if~~~.tJaP.Jf~ro.mi: QaM~:;[ ...
~HOW ALL K'EN !Y THESE PRtSEl-iTS: That ve (1) Oscar Renda Contracting, ·rnc.
____ , • ( 2) Corporation of ~A.::::: 2 ,
hereinafter called Principa l , and (3) Insurance Company of the Stat<: of Pennsy l;ania
a corporation organized and existing under the law, of the State and fully
authorized to traneact bu1ine11 in the State of Texas, u Surety, are held and
finnly bound unto the City of Fort 'Worth, a 11:11.lnicip&l corporation organited and
existing under the lava of the State of Texu, hereinafter called Ovner, in the
penal eum of:
One Million, Three Hundred Fifty Thousand, Nin e Hun dred Thirty Dollars and No Cents
(S 1,350 ,930 ) Dollars in lawful 1D1.>ney of the United States, to be paid in Tort
Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of vhich 1um vell &nd truly be
cade, ve hereby bind our1elve1 1 our heir,, executors, admini1trator1 and
1ucce1eor,1 jointly and severally, firmly by these pre1eot1.
TRE CONDITION OF THIS OSLlGATlON i1 such that \lhere11, the Principal
entered into a certain contract vith the City of Fort Worth, the Ovner, dated
the _____ day of SEP 26 1~ A.D. 19 ____ , a copy of vhich is hereto
attached and made a part hereof, for .the construction of:
Further Processing, Remo va l and Reuse o f Bi osolids frgn Dryin~ Beds
deaignated •• Project Ro.(1)PS4 6 -0 70 46 0 300 0 60 , a copy of vhich
contract ia hereby attached, referred to, and made a part hereof•• fully and to . ..
the same extent a, if copied at length herein, euch project and construction
being hereinafter referred to•• the "work".
NO'-THEREFORE, if the Principal 1hall vell, truly, and faithfully perforru
the work in accordance with the plan• 1 apecificationa, and contract docu~n:a
during the original term thereof, and any exten1ion1 thereof which may be
granted by the Owner, vith or vithout notice to the Surety, and if he shall
aati1fy all clai~s aod demand, incurred under auch contract, and 1hall fully
indemnify and save harraleu the Owner frora all coet1 and damages wh ich it may
suffer by reaaon of failure to do so, and 1hall reimburse and repay th e o .... ntr
all outlay and expense which the Owner may incur in ukiog goo-d any defaul:,
then this obligation shall be void; otherviae to re~ain in full force and
PROVIDt:D FURTREk 1 that if any ltga1 action be filed upon thi1 bond, veoue
1hall lie in Tarrant County, State of Te~••·
AND PROVIDED FURTHER, that the 1aid Surety, for value received, hereby
1tipulate1 and agree, that no change, extenaion of tiae, alteration or addi:ion
to the tenu of the contract or to the vork to be perforaed thereunder ·-or the
1pecification1 acco111p1nying the urae 1hall in any vi1e affect ita oblisation on
thi• bond, and it doe• hereby vaive notice of any 1uch chaase, •~ten1ion of
til"De, alteration or addition to the tenu 0£ the contract or to the vork or to
the 1pecifications.
(Surety) Secretary
Witness aa to Surety
( DC-5 / 21 / 7 0)
Roanoke, Texas 76262
Insurance Carpany of the State of Pennsylvania
~-)';J~~,, -A.~
!Y:Arnim I. GCs'=-~
(Attorney-in-f•ct) (5)
8235 Douqlas Ave., Suite 828
Dallas, Texas 75225
NOTE: Date of !ond au1t not be prior to
date of Contract
• •
Correct name of Contractor --__
A Corporation, a ~artner1hip or
an Individual,•• case 11.1y be
Correct name of Surety
If Contractor it Partnership alt
Partner, ahould execute iond
A true copy of PO"'er of Attorney
ahall be attached to !ond by
The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvani a
Principal Bond Office: 70 Pine Street, Ne w Yor k, N .Y . 10270 No.09-B-33766
That The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania corporation, d o es hereby appoint
---Arni m I. Gerstenmeier, John L. Mond ics: of Dalla s, Texas ---
its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full au t ho rit y t o execu te o n its behalf bonds, undertakings, r e cognizances an d other
contracts of indemnity and writings obligatory in the nat ure th ereof, is s ue d in the course of its bus in ess, a nd to bind the com pany
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Insurance Co mpa ny of th e St ate of Pennsylvania has execute d these pre sents
On thi s __filh_ day of Nove m ber , 1993,
before m e ca m e the above na me d officer of The
Insurance C o mpa ny of the Sta l e of Pen nsylvania, to
me personally kn own to b e th e ind ivi dua l and officer
de scribe d he rei n , and a ckn owl e dge d th at he execu ted
the foreg o ing in strum e nt and a ffi xe d th e seal of said
co rporati o n th ereto by a uthority o f h is office .
t his..fil.h. day of November
William D . Smith, Pre sident
~AULt11E K. Will' i-J).5
Notai y Pu blic , Slate of New York
No. 3i-4972 6 06
Qualifie d in New York County
Certificate Filed in New York Co unty
Commission Ex pires October 1, 19'11
Excerpts o f R esolu tion adop te d by the Board of Directors of T he Insurance Company of the State of P ennsylvania, on May 18, 1976:
"RESOLVED , t h a t the Chairm a n o f the Board, th e P resi d ent, or any Vice President be, and hereby is, au thorize d to appoint
Attorneys -in -Fact to represent and act for a nd o n be ha lf o f the Company to execute bonds, under takings, recogniza n ces and other
contracts of indemnity and writings obli gatory in th e na ture thereof, and to attach thereto the corporate seal of th e Company, in the
transaction of its surety business ;
"RESOLVED, th a t the signatures a nd attesta ti o ns o f s uc h officers and the seal of the Company may be affixe d t o any s uch Powe r of
Attorney or to any certificat e r e la tin g th ereto by facsimile, and any such P ower of Attorney or certificate bearing such fa cs imil e
signatures or fac s imile seal s h a ll be va lid and bi n d ing upon the Company when so affix ed with respect to a ny bond, und e rt a kin g,
recognizance or o ther contract o f ind emnity or writing obligatory in the nature thereo f;
"RESOLVED , that any such Atto rn e y-in -Fact de livering a secretarial certification th a t the foregoing reso lutions still b e in effect may
insert in such certifi cation the dat e th e reof, said date to be not later than the date of d e li very th e r e of by such Atto rn ey-in -F act."
I, Elizabeth M . Tuck , Secretary of The In s ur ance Company of the State of Pennsylvania , d o hereby certify that th e fo regoing ex cerpts
o f Reso lution ad o pted by the Board of Di r ectors of th is co r pora t ion, and t he Power o f Atto rn ey iss ue d purs uant th e re to, are t ru e and
co rre ct , a nd that b o th the R eso luti o n and the Power of A tt orney are in full force and e ff ect.
I~ WITNESS WHEREOF , I hav e h e re unt o set my han d an d aflixed th e facsimile seal of th e co rpo ration
this ___ day o f ________ , 19 __
·"'·"'~ Elizabe th M . Tuck, Secretary
~NO~ ALL KEN !Y ntESE PR.ESfNTS: That ve (1) Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc.
____ , • (2) Corporation of __ ::t::5,6~-==;._..iA~7-0.-c.. ______ _
hereinafter called Principal, and (3)Insurance Canpany of the State .of Pennsylvcililia
a corporation _org1ni%ed and exi,ting under the lava of the Sta:e and fully
authori%ed to transact bu1ine11 in the State of Texa,, a, Surety, are held and
finnly bound unto the City of fort Worth, a DJnicipal corporation organi%ed and
existing under the laws of the State of Texas, hereinafter called Owner, and
unto all person, firms, and coporationa who 111ay furnish &ateriala, for or
perform labor upon the building or improvements hereinafter referred to in the
penal sum of:
One Million, Three Hundred Fifty Tbansaod Ni oe Bnndred Tb; rty D?JJ ars and No Cents
($1,350,930 ) Dollars in lawful m~ney of the United States, to be paid ic Fort
Worth, Tart'ant County, Texas, for the payment of vhich sum vell and truly be
made, ve hereby bind ourselves, our heir,, executors, administrators and
successors, jointly and severally, fir~ly by these present,.
"l'HE CONDITION OF' THIS OBLIGATION is such that \ihereu, the Principal
entered into a certain contract with the City of Fort Worth, the Owner, d Hed
the day of SEP 26 1995 A. D., 19 • a copy of vhich l.S hereto -
attached and made a part hereof, for the construct ion of:
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from D£i:in9: Beds
' .
designated as Project No, (1) Ps46-070460300060 , • copy of vhich
contract is hereto attached, referred to and made • part hereof as fully and to
the same extent aa if copied at length herein, 1uch project and construction
being hereinafter referred to aa the "work".
NOW THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that, if the
Principal ahall promptly make payment to all claimants aa defined in Article
5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Tex••• aupplying labor and aateriala in the
prosecution of the work provided for in ,aid Contract, then this obligation
.-ahal l be nul 1 and void, otherwise it shall remain in ful 1 force and effect.
/ ... '...,,;,;f -~ " THIS iOND IS KADt AND ENTERtD into 1olely for the protection o! all claiffiant1 aupplying labor and material in the pro1ecution of the work provided [or in ,aid Contract, •• claimant, are defined in ,aid Article 5160, and all 1uch clainant1 1hall have• direct right of action under the bond•• provided in Article 5160 of the levi,ed Civil Statute,. PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed upe>a thi1 bond, venue ,hall lie in Tarrant County, State of Te~••• that the ,aid Surety, for value received, hereby 1:ipulate1 and agree, that Do change, exten,ion uf time, alteration or addition to the tera, of the contract or to the -~ork to be performed thereunder or the 1pecification, accompanying the aame ahall in any vi1e affect it, obligation on thi, bond, and it doe, hereby vaive notice of a0y 1uch change, exten1ion of time, alteration or addition to the tera, of :he contract or to the vork or to the 1pecification1, 1ROVIDED FURTHER, that no final 1ettlement betveen the Owner and the Contractor ,hall abridge the right of any beneficiary hereunder vhoae claim may be un1ati1fied, 1H WITNESS WHEREOF, thi1 one of which ahall be deemed an A.O., 19_ ATTEST: r i-n', - -·t. .Si.;,,,,,.-1:-0 cf-t 7~ ~) ...._ . ._.,. ~ WitMSS as ~Principal l;-i:Jt,J/ltf(D€ '//JC/J,IJ ~?6"r,..1r,,Jl4:-r &</~,?--; (Addre,s) I A.nEST: (Surety) Secretary (SE AL) Witness as to Surety {Addreu) (DC-5/21/70) in1trument is executed io ____ coun:erpart, e~ch original, this the ___ day of S£P 2 6 J~95 Roanoket Texas 76262 (Addreu} Insurance Canpany of the State of Pennsylvania ·~✓~ :BY: Arnim I. Gerstenmeier 82¼tBbhgi~~ii;~~;t~uftJ 828 Dallas, Texas 7 5225 :-.....,-._' .:: (Addreu) , :~--:--:. NOTE: Date of !ond ■uat not be prior~ . • da:e of Contract • (1) (2) (3) (4) ( 5) r-t. Correct name of Contractor A Corporation, a Partner1hip or an Individual,•• case ruy be Correct name of Surety If Contractor ia Partner,hip all Partners ahould execute !ond A true copy of-Power of Attorney shall be attached to !ond by Attorney-in-Fact . • --··-· --· ------···• ···-· ------••• --.. -----------·-··-·-· ··-•.. ···--•· ----··--.··-·.----------, .......
The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvani a
Principal Bond Office: 70 Pine Street, New York, N .Y . 10270
That The Insurance Company o f the State of Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania corporation, does hereby appoint
---Arnl m I. Gerstenmeler, John L. Mond lcs: of Dall as, Texas---
its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in -Fact, with full authori ty to execute o n its behalf bonds, undertakings, recogn iza nces and other
contracts of indemnity and writings obliga to ry in th e n at ur e th e r eof, is s ue d in the course of its bu siness, a nd to bind t h e company
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Insu rance Com pany of th e State of Pennsylvania has execu ted these presents
On th is __filli_ d ay o f November , 1993,
before m e ca me th e ab ove n a m e d officer of The
Insurance Compa ny o f the St a t e of P ennsylvania, to
me person a ll y known to b e th e ind ividual and officer
describ e d h e rei n , a nd a ckn owl e dge d th at he executed
the foreg oi ng in st rum e nt and a ffi xe d the seal of said
corpo rati o n th e r eto by a uthor ity o f h is office.
this..fil.h. day o f Novembe r
W ill iam D . S mith, Pre sident
t'AULtHE K. Vv1Ll 't.M!5
Notaty Public, Stale of New Yor~
No. 3i ·49726 06
Qualified in New York County
Ce rtificate Filed in New York County
Co mm ission Expires October 1, 1971
,199 3.
Exce rpts of R esolu tion ad o pted by the Board of Directors of The Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, on May 18, 1976:
"RESOLVE D, th at th e Chairm an of the Board, the President, or any Vice President be, and hereby is, au th o rized to appoint
Att o rn eys-in-Fact to re prese n t a nd act for and o n behalf of the Company to execute bonds, undertakings, recogni za n ces and other
contracts of indemnity and writings obli ga to ry in th e na tu re thereof, and to attach thereto the corporate seal of th e Company, in the
transaction of its surety busine ss;
"RESOLVED, that the signatures and a tt estations of suc h officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such Power of
Attorney or to a ny certifica te r e la ting thereto by facsimile, and any such Power of Attorney or certificate bearing such fac simile
signatures or fa cs imile seal s ha ll be va lid and binding upon the Company when so affixed with respect to any bond, undertaking,
recognizance or other contract of inde mnity or writing obligatory in the nature thereof;
"RESOLVED , that any such Attorney-in -Fact delivering a secretarial certification that the foregoing resolutions still be in e ff ec t ma y
in sert in such ce rtification th e dat e th e r eof, said date to be not later than the date of delivery thereof by such Attorney-in -F ac t "
I, Elizabeth M . Tuck, Secretary of The Ins urance Company of the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that the foreg o ing e xcerpts
o f R esolution ad o pted by the Board o f D irectors of thi s co r poration, and the Power of Attorney issued pursuant th e reto, are tru e and
co rr e ct, a nd that b o th th e Reso luti o n a nd the Power of Attorney are in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I ha ve h e re u nto sci my hand an d affixed the facsimile seal of the corporation
this ___ day of ________ , 19 __
THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into __ """"$ ... fP _ _.2...,6 ........ f_Q95 _______ _
_____________ by and between the City of Fort Worth, a home-rule
municipal corporation located in Tarrant County, Texas, acting through its City Manager
thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part, hereinafter termed "OWNER", and
Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc., of the City of Roanoke, County of Denton and State of Texas,
Party of the Second Part, hereinafter termed "CONTRACTOR".
WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter
mentioned, to be made and performed by the Party of the First Part (Owner), said Party of the
Second Part (Contractor) hereby agrees with the said Party of the First Part (Owner) to
commence and complete certain improvements described as follows:
Designated as Project No. PS46-070460300060
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of Biosolids
from Drying Beds in the City of Fort Worth, Texas,
and all extra work connected therewith , under the terms as stated in the Contract Documents, and
at his (their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery,
equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, bonds, insurance, and other accessories and services
necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with all the requirements of the
Contract Documents, which include all maps, plats, blueprints and other drawings and printed or
written explanatory matter thereof, and the specifications thereof, as prepared by the Engineers
employed by the Owner, each of which has been identified by the endorsement of the Contractor
and the Engineers thereon, together with the Contractor's Written Proposal and the other parts
of the Contract Documents hereto attached, including the Fort Worth Water Department General
Contract Documents and General Specifications, all of which are made a part hereof and
collectively evidence and constitute the entire contract.
The Contractor hereby agrees to commence work within ten (10) days after the date
written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete same within
the time stated in the Proposal.
The Owner agrees to pay the Contractor in current funds for the performance of the
contract in accordance with the Proposal submitted therefor, subject to additions and deductions,
as provided in the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof, and to make
payment on account thereof as provided therein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties to these presents have executed this Contract in
quadruplicate in the year and day first above written.
~Alice2 hurch, City Secretary
(SEAL;,.,..,.. , ,
r r r , ,
Lee.Bradley, Jr., P.E. }
Acting Director, Water Department
• '
Q-1~0 ~
Contra~·c liuo.,.uv ..... "-'c1.i:.1 ~
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1-u :z:
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l/) >-.
<( <(
:r:~ u~
1--a:: (/) <( •
<((L w
a:: w
0 _,
w >
216 22
20 7 208 209 210 211
281 282 283 284 285 286 181 182
125 126
117 118 119
110 111 112
183 184 185
NOa 12
129 130
121 122
114 115
187 188
50 75 100
20' -50'
20' -:JO'
10' -20·
10' -20'
10' -20'
O' -10'
NO. 12
NPDES Permit
DAUAS, TEXAS 75202-2733
June 24, 1994
Mr. Mike Groomer
Assistant City Manager, City of Fort Worth
P.O. Box 870
Fort Worth, TX 76101
Re: Application to Discharge to Waters of the United States
Permit No. TX0047295 -Village Creek WWTP
Dear Mr. Groomer:
Enclosed is the public notice of the Agency's final permit
decision, a copy of our response to comments, and the final
permit. This public notice describes any substantial changes
from the draft permit.
Should you have any questions regarding the final permit,
please feel free to contact Laura Stankosky of the Permits Branch
at the above address or telephone (214) 655-7525. Should you
have questions regarding compliance with the conditions of this
permit, please contact Astrid Larsen of the Enforcement Branch at
the above address or telephone (214) 655-6454.
cc w/permit copy:
Sincerely yours,
Myron o. Knudson, P.E.
Water Management Division (6W)
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
!1.ECEIVED BY : Qp:1_ DATE:~-~-~~
FILE: -----------
COPY TO: ----------
Permit No. TX0047295
In compliance with the provisions of the Clean Water Act, as amended by
the Water Quality Act of 1987 (Public Law No. 100-4, et. seq.), hereinafter
called the "Act",
City of Fort Worth
P.O. Box 870
Fort Worth, Texas 76101
is authorized to discharge to receiving waters named Lower West Fork Trinity
River; thence into the Trinity River in Segment No. 0841 of the Trinity River
from a facility located southeast of the confluence of the West Fork Trinity
River with Village Creek in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas,
the discharge is located on that water at the following coordinates:
32° 45' 00" N
97° 16' 30" w
in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other
conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof .
This permit shall become effective on August 1, 1994
This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire
at midnight, July 31, 1997
Prepared by:
Laura Stankosky
Municipal Permit
Signed this 24th day of June, 1994
~~)???c~ k✓~~ ✓~. Knudsoh~ :¥.
Water Management Division
( 6W)
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 2 of Part I
Final I Effluent Limits
During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting
through date of completion of the 144 mgd facility, the permittee is
authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001.
Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified
Effluent Characteristics
Carbonaceous Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (5-day)
Total Suspended Solids
June l -November 30
December 1 -May 31
Dissolved Oxygen(Minimum)
Malathion 2.3
Diazinon 2
30-day Avg.
3178 (7006)
6809 (15012)
908 (2002)
2270 (5004)
0.005 (0.01)
N/A (N/A)
N/A (N/A)
Discharge Limitations
30-day Avg. 7-day Avg. Daily Max.
7 mg/1
15 mg/1
2 mg/1
5 mg/1
6 mg/1
0.0119 µg/1
11 mg/1
25 mg/1
6 mg/1
10 mg/1
and Report
and Report
0.0253 µg/1
* Flow must be monitored and reported as million gallons per day (MGD).
The effluent shall contain a total residual chlorine (TRC) of at least 1.0
mg/1, prior to final dechlorination and disposal, after a detention time of at
least 20 minutes (based on peak flow). The TRC in the chlorinated effluent
shall be monitored daily by grab sample.
After dechlorination and prior to final disposal, the effluent shall contain
NO MEASURABLE total residual chlorine (TRC) at any time. NO MEASURABLE will
be defined as less than 0.1 mg/1 of chlorine. The maximum TRC in the
dechlorinated effluent shall be monitored daily by grab sample.
Permit No. TX0047295
Effluent Characteristics
carbonaceous Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (S-day)
Total Suspended Solids
June 1 -November 30
December 1 -May 31
Dissolved Oxygen
Malathion 2.3
Diazinon 2
April -September
October -March
Toxicity Testing
7-Day NOEC 4.5
ceriodaphnia dubia
April -September
October -March
Pimephales promelas
24-Hour Static Survival 6
Daphnia pulex
Pimephales promelas
Influent Characteristics
Diazinon 2
April -September
October -March
Page 3 of Part I
Monitoring Requirements
Measurement Sample
Frequency Type
Continuous Totalizing Meter
One/6 Months
One/6 Months
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
Monitoring Requirements
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
The pH shall not be less -than 6.0 standard units or greater than 9.0 standard
units and shall be monitored by grab samples collected at the frequency shown
above for Total Suspended Solids.
There shall be no discharge .of floating solids or visible foam in other than
trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above
shall be taken at the discharge from the final treatment unit except the
sample requiring a minimum chlorine residual which shall be collected prior to
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 4 of Part I
Final II Effluent Limits
During the period beginning on the completion of the 144 mgd facility and
lasting through date of expiration, the permittee is authorized to discharge
from outfall serial number 001. 1
Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified
Effluent Characteristics
Carbonaceous Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (S-day)
Total Suspended Solids
June 1 -November 30
December 1 -May 31
Dissolved Oxygen(Minimum)
Malathion 2.3
Diaz.inon 2
30-day Avg.
3813 (8407)
8171 (18014)
1090 (2402)
2724 (6005)
0 .005 (0.01)
N/A (N/A)
N/A (N/A)
Discharge Limitations
30-day Avg. 7-day Avg. Daily Max.
7 mg/1
15 mg/1
2 mg/1
5 mg/1
6 mg/1
0. 0118 µg/1
11 mg/1
25 mg/1
6 mg/1
10 mg/1
and Report
and Report
* Flow must be monitored and reported as million gallons per day (MGD).
The effluent shall contain a total residual chlorine (TRC) of at least 1.0
mg/1, prior to final dechlorination and disposal, after a detention time of at
least 20 minutes (based on peak flow). The TRC in the chlorinated effluent
shall be monitored daily by grab sample.
After dechlorination and prior to final disposal, the effluent shall contain
NO MEASURABLE total residual chlorine (TRC) at any time. NO MEASURABLE will
be defined as less than 0.1 mg/1 of chlorine. The maximum TRC in the
dechlorinated effluent shall be monitored daily by grab sample.
Permit No. TX0047295
Effluent Characteristics
Carbonaceous Biochemical
Oxygen Demand (5-day)
Total Suspended Solids
June l -November 30
December l -May 31
Dissolved Oxygen
Malathion 2.3
Diazinon 2
April -September
October -March
Toxicity Testing
7-Day NOEC '-'
Ceriodaphnia dubia
April -September
October -March
Pimephales promelas
24-Hour Static Survival 6
Daphnia pulex
Pimephales promelas
Influent Characteristics
Diazinon 2
April -September
October -March
Page 5 of Part I
Monitoring Requirements
Measurement Sample
Frequency Type
Continuous Totalizing Meter
One/6 Months
One/6 Months
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Compos i te
24-hr . Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr. Composite
24-hr . Composite
24-hr . Composite
24-hr. Composite
Monitoring Requirements
24-hr . Composite
24-hr . Composite
The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard
units and shall be monitored by grab samples co l lected at the frequency shown
above for Total Suspended Solids .
There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than
trace amounts.
Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above
shall be taken at the discharge from the final treatment unit except the
sample requiring a min i mum chlorine residual which shall be collected prior to
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 1 of Part II
a. The permittee shall operate an industrial pretreatment program in
accordance with Section 402(b)(8) of the Clean Water Act, the
General Pretreatment Regulations (40 CFR Part 403)and the approved
POTW pretreatment program submitted by the permittee. The
pretreatment program was approved on July 1, 1984 and modified on
April 3, 1992. The POTW pretreatment program is hereby
incorporated by reference and shall be implemented in a manner
consistent with the following requirements:
(1) Industrial user information shall be updated at a frequency
adequate to ensure that all IUs are properly characterized
at all times;
(2) The frequency and nature of industrial user compliance
monitoring activities by the permittee shall be commensurate
with the character, consistency and volume of waste.
However, in keeping with the requirements of 40 CFR 403.8
(f) (2)(v), the permittee must inspect and sample the
effluent from each Significant Industrial User at least once
a year. This -is in addition to any industrial self-
monitoring activities;
(3) The permittee shall enforce and obtain remedies for
noncompliance by any industrial users with applicable
pretreatment standards and requirements;
(4) The permittee shall control through permit, order, or~
similar means, the contribution to the POTW by each
Industrial User to ensure compliance with applicable
Pretreatment Standards and Requirements. In the case of
Industrial Users identified as significant under 40 CFR
403.3(t), this control shall be achieved through permits or
equivalent individual control mechanisms issued to each such
user. Such control mechanisms must be enforceable and
contain, at a minimum, the following conditions:
( i)
( ii)
Statement of duration (in no case more than
five years);
Statement of non-transferability without, at a
minimum,prior notification to the POTW and
provision of a copy of the existing control
mechanism to the new owner or operator;
Effluent limits based on applicable general
pretreatment standards, categorical pretreatment
standards, local limits, and State and local
Self-monitoring, sampling, reporting,
notification and recordkeeping requirements,
including an identification of the pollutants to
be monitored, sampling location, sampling
frequency, and sample type, based on the
applicable general pretreatment standards in 40
CFR 403, categorical pretreatment standards,
local limits, and State and local law; and
Permit No. TX0047295
Page 2 of Part II
Statement of applicable civil and criminal
penalties for violation of pretreatment
standards and requirements, and any applicable
compliance schedule. Such schedules may not
extend the compliance date beyond federal
(S) The permittee shall evaluate, at least once every two years,
whether each Significant Industrial User needs a plan to
control slug discharges. If the POTW decides that a slug
control plan is needed, the plan shall contain at least the
minimum elements required in 40 CFR 403.8 (f)(2)(v);
(6) The permittee shall provide adequate staff, equipment, and
support capabilities to carry out all elements of the
pretreatment program; and,
(7) The approved program shall not be modified by the permittee
without the prior approval of the EPA.
b. The permittee shall establish and enforce specific limits to
implement the provisions of 40 CFR Parts 403.S(a) and (b); as
required by 40 CFR Part 403.S(c). Each POTW with an approved
pretreatment program shall continue to develop these limits as
necessary and effectively enforce such limits.
The permittee shall, within sixty (60) days of the effective date
of this permit, (1) submit a WRITTEN CERTIFICATION that a
technical evaluation has been demonstrated that the existing
technically based local limits (TBLL) are based on current state
water quality standards and are adequate to prevent pass through
of pollutants, inhibition of or interference with the treatment
facility, worker health and safety problems, and sludge
contamination, OR (2) submit a WRITTEN NOTIFICATION that a
technical evaluation revising the current TBLL and a draft sewer
use ordinance which incorporates such revisions will be submitt~d
within 12 months of the effective date of this permit.
Upon approval by the Water Division Director, all specific
prohibitions or limits dev eloped under this requirement are deemed
to be conditions of this permit. The specific prohibitions set
out in 40 CFR Part 403.S(b) shall be enforced by the permittee
unless modified under this provision.
c. The permittee shall analyze the treatment facility influent and
effluent for the presence of the toxic pollutants listed in 40 CFR
122 Appendix . D (NPDES . Application Testing Requirements) Table II
at least twice per year and the toxic pollutants in Table III at
least four times per year. If, based upon information available
to the permittee, there is reason to suspect the presence of any
toxic or hazardous pollutant listed in Table V, or any other
pollutant, known or suspected to adversely affect treatment plant
operation, receiving water quality, or solids disposal procedures,
analysis for those pollutants shall be performed at least four
times per year on both the influent and the effluent.
The influent and effluent samples collected shall be composite
samples consisting of at least 12 aliquots collected at
approximately equal intervals over a representative 24 hour period
and composited according to flow. Sampling and analytical
procedures shall be in accordance with guidelines established in
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 6 of Part I
1. see Part II, Section A., Item 3. -Notification of Construction
2. If any individual analytical test result for Malathion or Diazinon is
less than the minimum analytical level (MAL) listed below, then a value
of zero (0) may be used for that test result for the discharge
monitoring report (DMR) calculations and reporting requirements.
Monitoring and reporting requirements are effective on the effective
date of the permit.
MAL, µg/1
3. see Part I, Section B., -Effluent Limitations Compliance Schedule
4. The No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) is defined as the greatest
effluent dilution which does not result in lethality that is
statistically different from the control (0\ effluent) at the 95\
confidence level. See Part II, Section B. Whole Effluent Toxicity
Testing Requirements.
s. The lowest NOEC test result for the reporting period shall be submitted
on the DMR.
6. See Part II, Section C., 24-Hour Biomonitoring Requirements: Freshwater
a. Final effluent limitations for Malathion were based on the Texas
Water Quality Regulations for Surface Water Quality Standards for
Toxic Pollutants.
b. The permittee shall achieve compliance with the final effluent
limitations specified for Malathion within thirty-five (35) months
of the effective date of this permit.
(1) The permittee shall initiate and continue ongoing activities
designed to achieve sustained compliance with final effluent
limitations for Malathion no later than thirty-five (35)
months after the effective date of this permit.
_ (2) The permittee shall sul:>mit a progress report .outlining the
status of the activities during the months of January,
April, July, and October until compliance is achieved.
c. No later than 14 calendar days following the date for compliance
for Malathion, the permittee shall submit a written notice of
compliance or noncompliance.
1. The permittee shall effectively monitor the operation and efficiency of
all treatment and control facilities and the quantity and quality of the
treated discharge.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 7 of Part I
2 . Monitoring information required shall be submitted on Discharge
Monitoring Report Form EPA 3320-1 as required in Part III, 0.4.
a. Reporting periods shall end on the last day of the month.
b. The first Discharge Monitoring Report(s} shall represent facility
operatio~s from the effective date of the permit through the last
day of the month.
c. Thereafter, the permittee is required to make regular monthly
reports as described above and shall submit those reports no later
than the 25th day of the month following each reporting period.
The annual sludge report required in Part IV of the permit is due
on February 19 of each year and covers the previous calendar year
from January 1 through December 31.
3. If any 7-day average or daily maximum value exceeds the effluent
limitations specified in Part I.A., the permittee shall report the
excursion in accordance with the requirements of Part III, D.
4 . Any 30-day average, 7-day average or daily maximum value reported in the
required Discharge Monitoring R~port which is in excess of the effluent
limitation specified in Part I, A. shall constitute evidence of
violation of such effluent limitation and of this permit.
S . Other measurements of oxygen demand (e.g., TOC and COD} may be
substituted for five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS} or for
five-day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBODS), as applicable,
where the permittee can demonstrate long-term correlation of the method
with BODS or CBODS values, as applicable. Details of the correlation
procedures used must be submitted and prior approval granted by the
permitting authority for this procedure to be acceptable. Data reported
must also include evidence to show that the proper correlation continues
to exist after approval.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 3 of Part II
40 CFR 136. Where composite samples are inappropriate, due to
sampling, holding time, or analytical constraints, at least 4 grab
samples, taken at equal intervals over a representative 24 hour
period, shall be taken.
d. The permittee shall prepare annually a list of Industrial Users
which during the preceding twelve months were in significant
noncompliance with applicable pretreatment requirements . For the
purposes of this Part, significant noncompliance shall be
determined based upon the more stringent of either criteria
established at 40 CFR Part 403 .8(f)(2)(vii) [rev. 7/24/90) or
criteria established in the approved POTW pretreatment program .
This list i• to be published annually in the largest daily
newspaper in the municipality during the month of July.
In addition, during the month of Julr the permittee shall submit
an updated pretreatment program status report to EPA and the State
containing the following information:
(l) An updated list of all significant industrial users. For
each industrial user listed the following information shall
be included:
(i) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code and
categorical determination;
(ii) Control document status. Whether the user has an
effective control document, and the date such document
was last issued, reissued, or modified, (indicate
which industrial users were added to the system (or
newly identified) within the previous 12 months);
(iii) A summary of all monitoring activities performed
within the previous 12 months. The following
information shall be reported:
* total number of inspections performed;
* total number of sampling visits made;
(iv) Status of compliance with both effluent limitations
and reporting requirements. Compliance status shall
be defined as follows:
Compliant (C) -no violations during the
previous 12 month period;
Non-compliant (NC) -one or more violations
during the previous 12 months but does not meet
the criteria for s i gnificantly noncompliant
industrial users;
Significant Noncompliance (SN) -in accordance
with requirements described i nd. above; and
(v) For significantly noncompliant industrial users,
indicate the nature of the violations, the type and
number of actions taken (notice of violation,
administrative order, criminal or civil suit, fines or
penalties collected , etc.) and current compliance
status. If ANY industrial user was on a schedule to
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 4 of Part II
attain compliance with effluent limit•, indicate the
date the schedule was issued and the date compliance
is to be attained .
(2) A list of all significant industrial users whose
authorization to discharge was terminated or revoked during
the preceding 12 month period and the reason for
(3) A report on any interference, pass through, upset or POTW
permit violations known or suspected to be caused by
industrial contributors and actions taken by the perrnittee
in response.
(4) The results of all influent and effluent analyses performed
pursuant to Part II(A)(l)(c) above.
(5) A copy of the newspaper publication of the significantly
noncompliant industrial users giving the name of the
newspaper and the date published, and
(6) The information requested may be submitted in tabular form
as per the example tables provided for your convenience.
e. The permittee shall provide adequate notice of the following:
(l) Any new introduction of pollutants into the treatment works
from an indirect discharger which would be subject to
Sections 301 and 306 of the Act if it were directly
discharging those pollutants; and
(2) Any substantial change in the volume or character of
pollutants being introduced into the treatment works by a
source introducing pollutants into the treatment works at
the time of issuance of the permit .
Adequate notice shall include information on (i) the quality and
quantity of effluent to be introduced into the treatment works,
and (ii) any anticipated impact of the change on the quality or
quantity of effluent to be discharged from the POTW.
Permit No. TX004729~ Page 5 of Part JI
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Permit No. TX0047295
Payn 6 ot Part II
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 7 of Part II
The mixing zone is defined as a point 100 feet upstream of the point of
discharge to a point 300 feet downstream of the point of discharge.
The periittee shall notify the EPA and the State Agency in writing
within 14 days of completion of the treatment facility modification or
expansion. (_d av. e,_...}
Whole Effluent Toxicity and Chemical Testing Requirements and Frequency
The provisions of this section apply to Outfall 001. The permittee
shall biomonitor quarterly during the period of October through March,
and monthly during the period of April through September, for
Ceriodaphnia dubia inclusively and once per year for Pi.mephales
promelas. The permittee shall conduct influent and effluent diazinon
monitoring concurrent with toxicity testing. Influent samples shall be
collected approximately one treatment plant detention period prior to
the collection of the effluent samples for the required toxicity test
and diazinon analysis. The permittee shall also monitor the influent
and effluent for any other identified or suspected pollutant(s) which
contribute to or cause effluent toxicity.
Scope and Methodology
The permittee shall implement all toxicity tests utilizing the test or-
ganisms, procedures and quality assurance requirements specified in this
section of the permit and in accordance with the EPA manual, "Short-Term
Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving
Waters to Freshwater Organisms", EPA/600/4-89/001, or the most recent
update thereof. The permittee shall repeat a test, including the
control -and all effluent dilutions, if the procedures and quality
assurance requirements defined in the test methods or in this permit are
not satisfied.
The permittee shall utilize the Ceriodaphnia dubia chronic static
renewal survival and reproduction test (Method 1002.0). This test
should be terminated when 60\ of the surviving females in the control
produce three broods.
The permitt~e shall utilize the Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow)
chronic static renewal 7-day larval survival and growth test (Method
1000.0 or the most recent publication). A minimum of five (5) repli-
cates with eight (8) organisms per replicate must be used in the control
and in each effluent dilution of this test.
The permittee shall use five effluent dilution concentrations in
addition to a control (0\ effluent) in each toxicity test. These addi-
tional effluent concentrations shall be 30\, 41\, 54\, 72\, and 96\.
The low-flow effluent concentration (critical dilution) is defined as
the 96\ effluent concentration.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 8 of Part II
Required Toxicity Testing Conditions
Test Acceptance
The permittee shall repeat any toxicity test, including the control and
all effluent dilutions, which fails to meet any of the following
(i•) The toxicity test control (0\ effluent) must have survival equal
to or greater than 80\.
(ii) The mean number of Ceriodaphnia dubia neonates produced per
surviving female in the control (0\ effluent) must be 15 or more.
(iii) The mean dry weight of surviving Fathead minnow larvae at the end
of the 7 days in the control (0\ effluent) must be 0.25 mg per
larva or greater.
(iv) The percent coefficient of variation between replicates shall be
40\ or less in the control (0\ effluent) for the young of
surviving females in the Ceriodaohnia dubia reproduction test;
the growth and survival endpoints of the Fathead minnow test.
(v) The percent coefficient of variation between replicates shall be
40\ or less in the 96\ effluent concentration, unless significant
lethal or nonlethal effects are exhibited for the young of
surviving females in the Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction test; the
growth and survival endpoints of the Fathead minnow test.
b . Statistical Interoretation
(i) For the Ceriodaphnia dubia survival test, the statistical analyses
used to determine if there is a significant difference between the
control and the low flow effluent concentration (critical
dilution) shall be Fisher's Exact Test as described in the "Short-
Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and
Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms", EPA/600/4-89/001, or
the most recent update thereof.
(ii) For the Ceriodaphnia dubia reproduction test and the Fathead
minnow larval survival and growth test, the statistical analyses
used to determine if there is a significant difference between the
control and the low flow effluent concentration (critical
dilution) shall be in accordance with the methods for determining
the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) as described in the
•short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of
Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms",
EPA/600/4-89/001~ or the ~ost rec~nt tipdate thereof .
c . Dilution Water
Dilution water ·used in the toxicity tests will be receiving water from
Lower West Fork Trinity River collected as close to the point of.
discharge as possible but unaffected by the discharge. The permittee
shall substitute synthetic dilution water of similar pH, hardness and
alkalinity to the closest downstream perennial water for;
(i) toxicity tests conducted on effluent discharges to receiving water
classified as intermittent streams; and
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 9 of Part II
(ii) toxicity tests conducted on effluent discharges where no receiving
water is available due to zero flow conditions.
If the receiving water is unsatisfactory as a result of instream
toxicity (fails to fulfill the test acceptance criteria of item 3.a.),
the permittee may substitute synthetic dilution water for the receiving
water in all subsequent tests provided the unacceptable receiving water
test met the following stipulations:
(i) a synthetic dilution water control which fulfills the test
acceptance requirements of item 3.a. was run concurrently with the
receiving water control;
(ii) the test indicating receiving water toxicity has been carried out
to completion (i.e., 7 days); and
(iii) the synthetic dilution water shall have a pH, hardness and
alkalinity similar to that of the receiving water or closest
downstream perennial water not adversely affected by the
discharge, provided the magnitude of these parameters will not
cause toxicity in the synthetic dilution water.
Samples and Composites
(i) The permittee shall collect a minimum of three flow-weighted
24-hour composite samples representative of normal operation from
Outfall(s) 001. A 24-hour composite sample consists of a minimum
of 12 effluent portions collected at equal time intervals
representative of a 24-hour operating day and combined propor-
tional to flow or a sample continuously collected proportional to
flow over a 24-hour operating day.
(ii) The permittee shall collect the 24-hour composite samples such
that the effluent samples are representative of any periodic
episode of chlorination, biocide usage or other potentially toxic
substance discharged on an intermittent basis.
(iii) The permittee shall collect the 24-hour composite samples so that
the maximum holding time for any effluent sample shall not exceed
72 hours. The permittee must have initiated the toxicity test
within 36 hours after the collection of the last portion of the
first 24-hour composite sample. Samples shall be chilled to 4
degrees Centigrade during collection, shipping and/or storage.
(iv) If the flow from the outfall(s) being tested ceases during the
collection of effluent samples, the requirements for the minimum
number of effluent samples, the minimum number of effluent
portions arid the sample holding time are waived during that
sampling period. However, the permittee shall collect an effluent
composite sample volume during the period of discharge that is
sufficient to complete the required toxicity tests with daily
renewal of effluent. When possible, the effluent samples used for
the toxicity tests shall be collected on separate days if the
discharge occurs over multiple days. The effluent composite
sample collection duration and the static renewal protocol
associated with the abbreviated sample collection must be
documented in a .full report as described in the "Short-Term
Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and
Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms", EPA/600/4-89/001, or
the most recent update thereof.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 10 of Part II
a .
b .
Reporting Requirements
The permittee shall prepare a full report of the results of all tests
conducted pursuant to this section in accordance with the Report
Preparation Section of "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the Chronic
Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms",
EPA/600/4-89/001, or the most current publication, for every valid or
invalid toxicity test initiated whether carried to completion or not.
The permittee shall retain each full report pursuant to the provisions
of Part III.C . of this permit . The permittee shall submit full reports
only upon the specific request of the Agency.
The permittee shall submit the results of each valid toxicity test on
the subsequent monthly DMR for that reporting period in accordance with
Part III. D. of this permit, as follows:
Ceriodaphnia dubia
A. If the Ceriodaphnia dubia NOEC for survival is less than the 96\
effluent dilution, enter a "l"; otherwise, enter a "0". Parameter
No. TLP3B.
B . Report the Ceriodaphnia dubia NOEC value for survival, Parameter
No. TOP3B.
c . Report the Ceriodaphnia dubia NOEC value for reproduction, Param-
eter No. TPP3B.
D. Report the\ coefficient of variation (larger of low flow and
control dilutions), Parameter No. TQP3B.
E. Report the concentration of Diazinon measured in the raw
sewage/influent, Parameter No. 39570.
F. Report the concentration of diazinon measured in the effluent,
Parameter No. 39570.
Pimephales promelas (Fathead Minnow)
A. If the Fathead minnow No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) for
survival is less than the 96\ effluent dilution, enter a "1";
otherwise, enter a "0".
Parameter No. TLP6C.
B. Report the Fathead minnow NOEC value for survival,
Parameter No. TOP6C.
c. Report the Fathead minnow NOEC value for growth,
Parameter No. TPP6C .
D. Report the\ coefficient of variation (larger of low flow and
control dilutions), Parameter No. TQP6C.
c. The permittee shall submit an annual report to EPA Region 6 Enforcement
Branch of the Water Management Division (6W-EA), on all activities
associated with eliminating or reducing effluent toxicity. This annual
report shall include the toxicity testing results, influent and effluent
testing results and any specific chemical testing results.
Per~it No. TX0047295 Page 11 of Part II
The due date for the first annual report will be one (1) year from the
effective date of the NPDES permit, and annually thereafter.
5. Environmental Public Education Program
a. The permittee shall develop and implement an Environmental Public
Education Program which targets diazinon and any other identified or
suspected pollutant(s).
a .
The permittee shall develop quarterly publications (e.g., brochures,
fliers, newsletters and/or notices) for city wide distribution to inform
and educate the public on use, disposal, potential environmental impacts
and treatment issues associated with pesticides and any other identified
or suspected pollutant(s).
The permittee shall submit an annual report summarizing all activities
conducted in accordance with the Environmental Public Education Program.
The due date for the f irst annual report will be one (1) year from the
effective date of the NPDES permit, and annually thereafter.
Best Management Practice
Within one year of permit issuance, the permittee shall complete a
comprehensive city wide survey to identify user groups and sources of
diazinon and any other identified or suspected pollutant(s).
The permittee shall evaluate this information and determine needed
follow up actions which will effectively reduce or eliminate diazinon
and/or any other identified or suspected pollutant(s) entry into the
sanitary sewer system. .
b . The permittee shall submit to EPA Region 6, Enforcement Branch of the
Water Management Division (6W-EA), a Best Management Practice Report two
years from permit issuance to describe the survey results and subsequent
programs developed and implemented to address the survey results. The
report should also describe benefits derived from implementing the Best
Management Practices.
7. Reopener Clause
This permit may be reopened to require effluent limits, additional
testing, and/or other appropriate actions to address toxicity.
Accelerated or intensified testing may be required in accordance with
Section 308 of the Clean Water Act.
a .
The provisions of this Section shall apply individually and separately
to Outfall(s) 001. No samples or portions of samples from one outfall
may be composited with samples or portions of samples from another
outfall. The provisions of this Section are in addition to other
biomonitoring requirements in this permit.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 12 of Part II
24-HOUR ACUTE TEST SUBSTITUTIONS -If any other tests conducted under
biomonitoring requirements elsewhere in PART II of this permit include
the 100\ effluent concentration in the dilution series, the mean
survival results at 24 hours from those tests, for each species, may be
submitted to fulfill the requirements of this Section. See Item 4.b. of
this Section for acceptable test substitutions.
b. The permittee shall test the effluent for lethality in accordance with
the provisions of this Section. Such testing will determine if an
effluent sample meets the Texas Surface Water Quality Standard listed at
31 TAC S307.6(e)(2)(8) of greater than SO\ survival of the appropriate
test organisms in 100\ effluent for a 24-hour period.
c. The permittee shall initiate the following series of tests within sixty
(60) days of the effective date of the permit. The permittee shall
submit the results of these tests on the Discharge Monitoring Report
(DMR) due in the month following the test. The toxicity tests shall be
conducted two (2) times per year, at six month intervals, for the life
of the permit.
d . The permittee shall implement all toxicity tests utilizing the test or-
ganisms, procedures, and quality assurance requirements specified in
this Section of the permit and in accordance with the EPA manual,
"Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving
Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms", EPA/600/4-90/027, or the
latest update thereof. The permittee shall repeat a test, including the
control and all effluent dilutions, if the procedures and quality
assurance requirements defined in the test methods or in this permit are
not satisfied. A repeat test shall be conducted within the required
reporting period of any test determined to be invalid, in accordance
with Item 2.a., below, of this Section.
e. The permittee shall use the Daphnia pulex acute static 24-hour defini-
tive toxicity test. A minimum of five (S) replicates with eight (8)
organisms per replicate must be used for this test.
f. The permittee shall use the Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) acute
static 24-hour definitive toxicity test. A minimum of five (5) repli-
cates with eight (8) organisms per replicate must be used for this test.
g . In addition to an appropriate control (0\ effluent), a 100\ effluent
concentration shall be used in the toxicity tests.
h. This permit may be reopened to require whole effluent toxicity limits,
chemical specific effluent limits, additional testing, and/or other
appropriate actions to address toxicity.
a. If any toxicity test at the 100\ effluent concentration demonstrates 50\
or greater mortality, the permittee shall conduct two (2) additional
tests (retests) for each specie that demonstrates mortality and report
these results as required in Item 4 of this Section. The two additional
retests shall be conducted monthly during the next two consecutive
months. Five (5) dilutions in addition to an appropriate control (0\
effluent) shall be used in the two (2) retests. These effluent concen-
trations shall be 6\, 13\, 25\, SO\, and 100\. If one of the retests
indicates 50\ or greater mortality at the 100\ effluent concentration,
the permittee may suspend additional retesting for this period and
Permit No. TX004729S Page 13 of Part II
shall notify the EPA in writing within five (S) days. If none of the
retests indicates SO\ or greater mortality at the 100\ effluent concen-
tration, the permittee shall continue testing at the original frequency
(two times per year, per species, following the original schedule).
b. Within thirty (30) days after submitting the original and retest results
which demonstrate SO\ or greatei mortality at the 100\ effluent concen-
tration, the permittee shall initiate a Toxicity Reduction Evaluation
(TRE) in accordance with the procedures stated in the TRE Section of
Part II of this permit. The permittee shall continue biomonitoring
quarterly (as a minimum) during the TRE, using the affected species,
unless otherwise authorized by the permitting authority.
c. Within three (3) years from the date of completion of the test confirm-
ing SO\ or greater mortality at the 100\ effluent concentration, the
permittee shall demonstrate greater than SO\ survival of the appropriate
test organism in 100\ effluent for a 24-hour test period for all
subsequent testing.
a. Dilution Water
Dilution water used in the toxicity tests will be receiving water from
Lower West Fork Trinity River collected as close to the point of
discharge as possible but unaffected by the discharge. The permittee
shall substitute synthetic dilution water of similar pH, hardness and
alkalinity to the closest downstream perennial water where the receiving
stream is classified as intermittent or where the receiving stream has
no flow due to zero flow conditions.
If the receiving water is unsatisfactory as a result of preexisting
instream toxicity the permittee may substitute synthetic dilution water
for the receiving water in all subsequent tests provided the unaccept-
able receiving water test met the following stipulations:
i. a synthetic dilution water control was run in addition to
the receiving water control;
ii. the test indicating receiving water toxicity has been car-
ried out to completion (i.e., 24 hours);
iii. the permittee includes all test results indicating receiving
water toxicity with the full report and information required
by Item 4. below; and
iv. the synthetic dilution water shall have a pH, hardness and
alkalinity similar to that of the receiving water or -closest
downstream perennial water not adversely affected by the
discharge, provided the magnitude of these parameters will
not cause toxicity in the synthetic dilution water.
b. Control Survival
If more than 10\ of the test organisms in any control die within 24
hours, that test including the control and all effluent dilution(s)
shall be repeated with all results from both tests reported as per Item
4. of this Section.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 14 of Part II
c . Samples and Composites
The samples shall be collected at a point following the last treatment
one flow-weighted 24-hour composite sample representative of dry weather
flows will be collected from each outfall, and a discrete test will be
run on each composite sample. A 24-hour composite sample consists of a
minimum of twelve (12) effluent portions collected at equal time
intervals and combined proportional to flow or a sample continuously
collected proportional to flow over a 24-hour operating day.
Samples shall be chilled to 4 degrees Centigrade during collection,
shipping and/or storage. The toxicity tests must be initiated within 36
hours after collection of the 24-hour composite sample. The 24-hour
composite sample must be collected such that the sample is representa-
tive of any periodic episode of chlorination, biocide usage, or other
potentially toxic substance discharged on an intermittent basis.
The permittee shall have the sample dechlorinated in the laboratory
prior to installation of dechlorination systems. However, upon opera-
tion of dechlorination systems, the permittee shall not allow the sample
to be dechlorinated at the laboratory.
The permittee shall prepare a full report of the results of all tests
conducted pursuant to this Part in accordance with the Report Prepara-
tion Section of, "Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents
and Receiving Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms", EPA/600/4-
90/027, for every valid or invalid toxicity test initiated, whether
carried to completion or not. The permittee shall retain each full
report pursuant to the provisions of Part III.C.3. of this permit. The
permittee shall submit the information contained in any full report upon
the specific request of the Agency.
The permittee shall report the following results of each toxicity test
on the subsequent monthly DMR for that reporting period in accordance
with Par~ III.D.4. of this permit:
Daphnia pulex
Enter the following codes on the DMR for Parameter No. TIE3D:
"0" if mean survival at 24 hrs . is greater than 50\ in 100\ effluent
"1" if the mean survival at 24 hrs. is less than or equal to 50\ in
100\ eff1uent.
In cases of test substitution (See 24 HOUR ACUTE TEST SUBSTITUTIONS,
Item 1. a., above), mean survival results in 100\ effluent from the 48
hr. Daphnia pulex acute test or the 7 day chronic Ceriodaphnia dubia
test, determined at 24 hrs., shall be reported on the DMR under
Parameter No. TIE3D.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 15 of Part II
Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow)
Enter the following codes on the DMR for Parameter No. TIE6C :
"0" if mean survival at 24 hrs. is greater than SO\ in 100\ effluent
"l" if the mean survival at 24 hrs. is less than or equal to SO\ in
100\ effluent.
In cases of test substitution (See 24 HOUR ACUTE TEST SUBSTITUTIONS,
Item l. a., above), mean survival results in 100\ effluent from the 48
hr. acute or 7 day chronic Pimephales promelas tests, determined at 24
hrs., shall be reported on the DMR under Parameter No. TIE6C.
l . The permittee shall institute a program within 12 months of the
effective date of the permit (or continue an existing one) directed
towards optimizing the efficiency and extending the useful life of the
facility. The permittee shall consider the following items in the
-a. The influent loadings, flow and design capacity;
b. The effluent quality and plant performance;
c. The age and expected life of the wastewater treatmer.t
facility's equipment;
d. Bypasses and overflows of the tributary sewerage system and
treatment works;
e. New developments at the facility;
f. Operator certification and training plans and status;
g. The financial status of the facility;
h. Preventative maintenance programs and equipment conditions
i . An overall evaluation of conditions at the facility.
2. The permittee shall complete the follo...,ing evaluation of the sewage
sludge generated by the facility:
a. An annual quantitative tabulation of the ultimate
disposition of all sewage sludge (including, but not limited
to, the amount beneficially reused, landfilled, surface
disposed, and incinerated).
b. An assessment of technological processes and an economic
analysis evaluating the potential for beneficial reuse of
all sewage sludge not currently beneficially reused,
including a listing of any steps which would be required to
achieve the sludge quality necessary to benefic i ally reuse
the sludge.
Permit No. TX0047295 Page 16 of Part II
c. A description of, including the expected results and the
anticipated ti.ming for, all project• in process, in planning
and/or being considered which are directed toward•
additional beneficial reuse of sewage sludge.
d. An analysis of two sludge samples collected prior to
ultimate re-use or disposal on two consecutive days shall be
performed for the pollutants listed in Part IV, Element l,
Section III, Table 3 of the permit.
e. A listing of the specific steps (controls/changes) which
would be necessary to achieve and sustain the quality of the
sludge so that the pollutant concentrations in the sludge
fall below the pollutant concentration criteria listed in
Part IV, Element I, Section III, Table 3 of the permit.
f. A listing of, and the anticipated timing for, all projects
in process, in planning, and/or being considered which are
directed towards meeting the sludge quality referenced in
(e) above.
The permittee shall certify in writing, within three years of the
effective date of the permit, that this information is available. This
certification shall be submitted to:
Environmental Protection Agency
Attention: 6W-EA
1445 Ross Ave
Dallas Texas 75202-2733
PART 111
1. Introduction
Jn accordance with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 122.41,
et. seq., this pen11it incorporates by reference ALL
conditions and requirements applicable to NPOES Pen11it1
set forth in the Clean ijater Act, as amended, (herein·
after known as the "Act") as well as All applicable
regulations. •
2. Outy to Conplv
The permittee nust c~ly with all conditions of this
permit. Any permit nonc~liance constitutes a viola·
tion of the Act and is grOl.rods for enforcement action;
for permit termination, revocation and reissuance, or
modification: or for denial of a permit renewal appli·
3. Toxic Pollutants
a. Notwithstanding Part 111.A.5, if any toxic effluent
standard or prohibition (including any schedule of
con-pl iance specified in such effluent standard or
prohibition) is pr0111.Jlgated under Section 307(a) of
the Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in
the discharge and that standard or prohibition is
more stringent than any limitation on the pollutant
in this permit, this permit shall be IIIOdified or
revoked and reissued to confon11 to the toxic
effluent standard or prohibition.
b. The permittee shall c~ly with effluent standards
or prohibitions established ll'lder Section 307(a) of
the Act for toxic pollutants within the time
provided in the regulations that established those
standards or prohibitions, even if the per111it has
not yet been modified to incorporate the
4. Outy to Reapply
If the permittee wishes to continue an activity
regulated by this permit after the expiration date of
this permit, the permittee nust apply for and obtain a
new permit. The application shall be slbmitted at least
180 days before the expiration date of this permit. The
Oirector may grant permission to slbmit an application
less than 180 days in advance but no later than the
permit expiration date. Continuation of expiring
permits shall be governed by regulations pr011L1lgated at
40 CFR Part 122.6 and any subsequent ameociDeots.
5. Permit Flexibility
This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or
terminated for .cause in accordance with 40 CFR 1-22.62-.
64. The filing of a request for a permit IIOdification,
revocation and reissuance, or termination, or a notifi·
cation of plamed changes or anticipated noncon-pl iance,
does not stay any permit condition.
6. Property Rights
This permit does not convey any property rights of any
sort, or any exclusive privilege.
7. Outy to Provide Information
The permittee shall furnish to the Director, within a
reasonable time, any information which the Oirector 11ay
request to determine whether cause exists for IIIOdifying,
revoking and reissuing, or terminating this pemit, or
to determine c~liance with this permit. The pennittee
shall also furnish to the Director, upon request, copies
of records required to be kept by this penait.
CrlMinal and Civil Liability
Except H provided in permit conditions on "Bypassing"
and "Upsets•, nothing in this permit shall be construed
to relieve the penaittee fro,n civil or cri•inal
penaltlH for nonc:~liance. Any false or Nterially
Misleading representation or concealment of information
r~i red to be reported by the provisions of the
peralt, the Act, or applicable re9ulations, which
avoids or effectively defeats the regulatory purpose of
the Pennit Ny subject the Permittee to criminal
enforcement pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1001.
9. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability
Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude
the institution of any Legal action or relieve the
peraittee f r0111 any respons lbi lit i es, liabilities, or
penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject
ll'lder Section 311 of the Act.
10. State laws
Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude
the institution of any legal action or relieve the
peraittee fr-0111 any responsibfl ities, liabilities, or
penalties established pursuant to any applicable State
Law or regulation ll'lder authority preserved by Section
510 of the Act.
11 . Severabi l i tv
The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any
provision of this pennit or the application of any
provision of this perait to any circunstance is held
invalid, the application of such provision to other
circunstances, and the remainder of this permit, shall
not be affected thereby.
1. Need to Halt or Reduce not a Defense
It shall not be a defense for a permi ttee in an
enforce111ent action that it would have been necessary to
halt or reduce the per111itted activity in order to
Nintain c~l iance with the conditions of this peMDit.
The pen11ittee is responsible for maintaining adequate
safeguards to prevent the discharge of i.ntreated or
il"lBdeqJately treated wastes dJring electrical power
failure either by means of alternate power sources,
stanct,y generators or retention of inadequately treated
2. Duty to Mitigate
The penaittee shall take all reasonable steps to
Mini•ize or prevent any discharge in violation of this
perait which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely
affecting hunan health or the envirOM1ent.
Proper Operation and Maintenance
a. The pennittee shall at all times properly operate
and Nintain all facilities and systems of
treatment and control (and related appurtenances)
which are installed or used by permittee as
efficiently as possible and in II marvier which will
11ini111i ze upsets and discharges of excessive
pollutants and will achieve c~liance with the
conditions of this permit. Proper operation and
11aintenance also includes adequate laboratory
controls and appropriate quality assurance
procedures. This -provision requires the operation
of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar
systems which are installed by a permittee only
when the operation is necessary to achieve
c~liance with the conditions of this permit .
b. The permittee shall provide an adequate operating
staff which is dJLy qualified to carry out
(REV. 12/8/93)
operation, 111aintenance and testing flllCtlons
required to insure c~l iance with the conditions of
this pennit.
4. Bypass of Treatment Facilities
a. Bypess not exceeding limitations. The permittee NY
all ow any bypass to occur which does not cause
effluent limitations to be exceeded, but only if It
also is for essential maintenance to assure
efficient operation. These bypasses are not sli>ject
to the provisions of Parts 111.B.4.b. and 4.c.
b . w.m
(1) Anticipated bypass. If the pennittee knows In
advance of the need for a bypass, It shall
submit prior notice, it possible at least ten
days before the date of the bypass.
(2) Unanticipated bypass. The penaittee shall,
within 24 hours, subnlt notice of an
unanticipated bypass as required in Part
c. Prohibition of bypass
(1) Bypass is prohibited, and the Director may take
enforcement action against • pennittee for
bypass, unless:
(a) Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of
life , personal injury, or severe property
Cb) There were no feasible alternatives to the
bypass, such as the use of auxiliary
treat111ent facilities, retention of
untreated wastes, or 111aintenanc:e d;.iring
nonnal periods of equipment dol,nti•.
This condition is not satisfied if
adequate back-up equipment should have
been installed in the exercise of
reasonable engi neel"ing judgment to prevent
• bypass which occurred d;.iring nonnal
periods of equipment dol,ntime or
preventive maintenance; and,
Cc) The permittee sl.bnitted notices as
required by Part 111.B.4.b.
(2) The Director IIIBY allow an anticipated bypass
after considering its adverse effects, if the
Di rector determines that it will lllfft the
three conditions listed at Part 111.B .4.c(l).
5 : Upset Conditions
a. Effect of an upset. An upset constitutes an
affirmative defense to an action brought for nonc0111-
pl iance with such technology-based penait effluent
limitations if the requirements of Part 111.B.5.b.
are met. No determination made during aanlnistra·
tive review of claims that nonc~liance was caused
by upset, and before an action for nonc~liance, is
final aaninistrative action subject to judicial
b. Conditions necessary for a demonstration of 1.p5et.
A permittee who wishes to establish the affinaative
defense of upset shall demonstrate, through properly
signed, cont~raneous operating logs, or other
relevant evidence that:
( 1) Ari "P5et occurred and that the penni ttee can
identify the cause(s) of the upset;
(2) The pennitted facfl lty was at the time beinv
properly operated;
(3) The pennittee 11.bnitted notice of the upset as
required by Part 111.D.7; and,
(4) The permi ttee c~l led with any remedial
111easure s required by Part 111.B.2.
c. 8urden of proof. In any enforcement proceeding, the
penalttee seeking to establish the occurrence of an
upset has the burden of proof.
6. Removed Substances
Solids, 1ewa9e sludges, filter backwash, or other
pollutants removed in the course of treatment or
-tewater control shall be disposed of in a 111arner such
as to prevent any pollutant from such Nterials from
entering navl9able waters.
7. Percent Removal
For publicly owned treatment works, the 30-day average
percent rtfflOval for Biochemical Oxygen Deaiand and Total
SUspended Sol Ids shall not be less than 85 percent
1i1less otherwise authorized by the permitting authority
in accordance with 40 CFR 133.103.
1. Inspection and Entry
The penai ttee she! l el low the Di rector, or an authorized
representative, upon the presentation of credentials and
other docunents as inay be required by the law to:
•· Enter upon the pennittee•s premises where a
r'9ulated facility or activity is located or
conducted, or where records IIUSt be kept under the
conditions of this penait;
b. Have access to and copy, at reasonable tiines, any
records that 1USt be kept U"lder the conditions of
this perait;
c. Inspect et reasonable times any facilities, equip·
111ent (includinv monitoring and control equipment),
practices or operations regulated or required \nder
this perait; and
d. Saq:,le or 110nitor at reasonable times, for the
purpose of assuring pennit c~liance or as
otherwise authorized by the Act, any substances or
parameters at any location.
2. Representative Sanp~ing
S~l es end ineasurements taken for the purpose of
aonitorinv shell be representative of the 111onitored
3 . Retention of Records
The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring
infonnation, including ell cal ibratlon and 11aintenance
records end all ori9inal strip chart recordinvs for
continuous IIIOl'litoring instrunentation, copies of all
reports requl red by this permit, and records of all data
used to c~lete the application for this permit, for a
period of at least 3 years fr0111 the date of the slllll)le,
ineasurement, report, or application. This period uy be
extended by request of the Director at any time.
4. Record Contents
Records of IIIOl'litoring information shall include:
(REV. 12/8/93)
PERMIT NO . TX004n95
a. The date, exact place, and time of Sllll'4)ling or
b. The individual Cs) who performed the sarrpl ing or
c. The date(1) and time(s) analyses were performed;
d. The indivldual(s) who performed the analyses;
e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and
f. The results of such analyses.
5. Monitoring Procedures
a. Monitoring ll'USt be conducted according to test
procedures approved ~er 40 CFR Part 136, u,less
other test procedures have been specified in this
permit or approved by the Regional Administrator.
b . The permittee shall calibrate and perfora
maintenance procedures on all lllC>nitoring and
analytical instrunents at intervals frequent enough
to insure accuracy of measurements and shall 11111in·
tain appropriate records of such activities.
c . An adequate analytical quality control prograr1,
including the analyses of sufficient standards,
spikes, and duplicate Slll'l)les to insure the accuracy
of all required anal yt i cal results shell be
maintained by the pennittee or designated conrnerclal
6 . Flow Measurements
Appropriate fl ow measurement devices and 111ethods
consistent with accepted scientific practices shall be
selected and used to ensure the accuracy and reliability
of measurements of .the volune of monitored discharges.
The devices shall be installed, calibrated, and
maintained to insure that the accuracy of the
measurements is consistent with the accepted capability
of that type of device. Oevices selected shall be
capable of measuring flows with a 11111xirrun deviation of
less than 10% from true discharge rates throughout the
range of expeeted discharge volunes.
1. PlaMed Changes
a. Industrial Permits
The permittee shall give notice to the Director as soon
as possible of any pla!Yled physical alterations or
additions to the pennitted facility. Notice is required
only when:
(1) The alteration or addition to a pennitted
tacit ity may meet one of the criteria for
detennining whether a facility is a new source
in 40 CFR Part 122.29Cb); or,
(2) • The alteration or addition could signific.,;tly
change the nature or increase the quantity of
pollutants discharged. This notification
applies to pollutants which are subject neither
to effluent limitations in the permit, nor to
notification requirements listed at Part
111.D . 10.a.
b. Municipal Permits
Any change in the facility discharge (including the
introduction of any new source or significant
discharge or significant changes in the quantity or
quality of existing discharges of pollutants) nust
be reported to the permitting authority. In no case
are any new connections, increased flows, or
significant changes in influent quality permitted
that will cause violation of the effluent
limitations specified herein.
2. Anticipated Nonconpl ianc:e
The peraittee shall give advance notice to the Di
of any plarv'led changes In the pennitted facil
activity which 111y result In nonc~lianc:e with
3. Transfers
This perait Is not transferable to any person
after notice to the Director. The Director 11ay r
IIIOdification or revocation and reiasuance of the I
to change the name of the peraittee and incorporat
other requirements as 111y be necessary U'"lder the
4. Discharge Monitoring Reports and Other R~rts
Monitorin; results nust be reported on Dis,
Monitorin; Report (DMR) Fona EPA No. 3320·
accordanc:e with the MGeneral Instructions• provic
the fora. The permlttee shall slbmit the origini
signed and certified as required by Part 111.D.1
all other reports required by Part 111.D. to the I
the address below. Duplicate copies of DMR's ar
other reports shall be sl.tnitted to the approf
State agency(ies) at the following addressees):
ihiter Management Division
Enforcement Branch (61J·E)
U.S. Environnental Protection
Agency, Region 6
1445 Ross AverA.Je
Dallas, TX 75202·2733
New Mexico:
Progr• Manager
Surface Water Ouality Bureau
New Mexico Envirorment Department
1190 Saint Francis Drive
Santa Fe, NM 87501·4182
Oklahc.a Clnci.istrial Pennits Only):
Di rector
Olclahcaa Water Resources Board
P.O. Box 150
Oklahcaa City, OK 73101·0150
Assistant Secretary for ~ater
Water Pollution Control Division
Louisiana Department of
Environnental Ouallty
P.O. Box 82215
Baton Rouge, LA 70884·2215
5. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee
If the peraittee monitors any pollutant more frequE
than r~ired by this perait, using test procec
approved ~r 40 CFR Part 136 or as speeifled in
perait, the results of this aonitoring shall be incl
in the calculation and reporting of the data sl.trni
in the Discharge Monitoring Report (OHR).
increased 11101'\itoring frequency shall also be indic
on the DMR.
6. Averaging of Measurements
Calculations for all limitations which require avera
of measurements shall utilize an arithmetic mean un
otherwise specified by the Director in the permit.
7. Twenty-Four Hour Reporting
a. The perai ttee she t l report any noncoq>l i ance w!
11111y endanger health or the environaent.
infonnation shall be provided orally within 24 h,
froa the time the peraittee becomes aware of
circY11Stances. A written sul:nission shall
(REV. 12/8,
provided within 5 days of the time the permittee
becomes aware of the circunstances. The report
shall contain the following Information:
(1) A description of the nonc~l lance and its
(2) The period of nonc~l lance Including exact
dates and times, and if the nonc~l i ance has
not been corrected, the antic i pated t i me it is
expected to continue; and,
{3) Steps being taken to reduce, eliminate , and
prevent recurrence of the nonc~l yi ng
b . The fol lowing shall be included as infon11ation which
must be reported within 24 hours:
(1) Any unanticipated bypass which exceeds any
effluent limitation in the permit;
(2) Any upset which exceeds any effluent limitation
in the permit; and,
(3) Violation of a maxill'UII daily discharge
limitation for any of the pollutants listed by
the Director in Part II (industrial permits
only) of the permit to be reported within 24
c . The Director may waive the written report on a case·
by-case basis if the oral report has been rece i ved
within 24 hours.
8. Other Nonconpliance
The perm i ttee shall report all instances of
nonc~liance not reported under Parts 111.D.4 and 0.7
and Part 1.8 (for industrial permits only) at the time
monitoring reports are submitted . The reports shall
contain the infonnation listed at Part 111.0;7.
9 . Other Information
\/here the permi ttee becomes aware that it failed to
submit any relevant facts in a permit application, or
submitted incorrect information in a permit application
or in any report to the Di rector, it shall pr~t l y
submit such facts or information.
10 . Changes in Discharges of Toxic Substances
All existing 111anufacturin9, comnercial, m1n1ng, and
silvacultural pennittees shall notify the Director as
soon as it knows or has reason to believe:
a . That any activity has occurred or will occur which
wou l d result in the discharge, on a routine or
f r equent basis, of any toxic -pollutant listed -at 40
CFlt Part 122, Appendix D, Tables II and Ill
(excluding Total Phenols) which is not limited in
the perm i t , if that discharge will exceed the
highest of the following "notification levels ":
(1) One hundred micrograms per l i ter (100 llg/l);
(2) Two hundred micrograms per l i ter (20 0 1'9/l) for
acrolein and acrylonitri le; five hundred micro ·
grams per liter (500 jlg/l) for 2,4 ·dinitro·
phenol and for 2·methyl·4,6·dinitrophenol; and
one milligram per liter (1 mg/L) for antimony;
(3) Five (5) times the maxi111.111 concentration value
reported fo r that pollutant in the permit
application; or
(4) The level established by the Di rector.
b . That any activity has occurred or will occur which
would result in any discharge, on a non-routine or
infrequent basis, of a toxic pollutant wh i ch Is not
l lalted in the penni t, ff that discharge will exceed
the highest of the following "notification levels":
(1) Five hll'odred aicrograms per liter (500 1'9/l);
(2) One •illigrani per l i ter (1 ing/l) for antirony;
(l) Ten (10) tin:s the maxill'UII concentration value
reported for that pollutant in the permit
application; or
(4) The level established by the Director.
11. Signatory Requirements
All applications, reports, or information submitted to
the Director shall be signed and certified.
a . All pennit applications shall be signed as follows:
(1) For• corporation· by a responsible corporate
officer. For the purpose of this section, a
responsible corporate off i cer 111eans:
(a) A president, secretary, treasurer, or
vice-pres i dent of the corporation in
charge of a principal business f111Ction,
or any other person who performs similar
pol icy or decision 111king f1S1Ct i ons for
the corporation; or,
Cb) The manager of one or 1110re 11&nufacturing,
production, or operating facilities
~loying lllOre than 250 persons or having
gross arn.,a l sales or expenditures
exceeding S25 million (in second·q.Jarter
1980 dollars), if authority to sign
cloc1.111ents has been assigned or delegated
to the manager in accordance with
corporate procedures.
(2) For a partnership or sole proprietorship· by
a general partner or the proprietor,
respectively .
(3) For a 111.Jnicipal ity, State, Federal, or other
publ l e agency· by either a principal executive
officer or ranking elected official. For
purposes of this section, a principal executive
officer of a Federal agency includes:
(a) The chief executive officer of the
agency, or
Cb) A senior executive officer having respon·
sibility for the overall operations of a
principal geographic l.l"lit of the agency.
b. All reports required by the pennit and other
-infonnation r~sted by -the Director ·shall be
signed by e person described above or by a duly
authorized representative of that person. A person
is a duly authorized representative only if:
(1) The authorization is made i n writing by a
person described above;
(2) The authorizat i on specifies either an
individual or a position having responsibil i ty
for the overall operation of the r egulated
faci l ity or activity, such as the position of
plant 1111nager, operator of a we! l or a wel t
field, s~rintendent, or position of
equivalent responsibility, or an individual or
position having overall responsibility for
environnental 111atters for the COOl)lny. A duly
authorized representative may thus be either a
(REV. 12/8/93)
PERMIT NO. TX0047295
named individual or an individual occupying a
named position; and,
(3) The written authorization is SI.Ollitted to the
c. Certification. Any person signing• doe1.1nent U'lder
this section shall Nice the following certification:
NI certify U'lder penalty of law that this doe\.lllent
and all attachments were prepared \rider 11,y direction
or supervision in accordance with a system designed
to assure that qualified personnel properly gather
and evaluate the information sutmitted. Based on "'Y
inquiry of the person or persons who manage the
system, or those persons directly responsible for
gathering the informtion, the lnfonnation sl.bnitted
is, to the best of 11,y lcnowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and c~lete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for sl.bnittlng false
information, including the possibility of fine and
i~risorment for lcnowing violations.•
12. Availability of Reports
Except for applications, effluent data, pennits, and
other data specified in 40 CFR 122.7, any information
submitted pursuant to this permit may be claimed as
confidential by the sl.bnitter. If no claim is made at
the time of sut:mission, information Ny be made
available to the public without further notice.
13. Archeological and Historical Sites (Texas Permits Only)
If during the life of this permit, new construction or
land acquisition or any construction related activity
where previously U'ldisturbed grOU"d is proposed for
disturbance by the pennittee, which is related to an
activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall
send the following items to the Texas State Historic
Preservation Officer (SHPO): (1) a description of the
new construction and the potential i~ct that this
activity inay have upon the grOU"d (including sludge
application methods, if applicable), and (2) a copy of
a uses topographic map outlining the location of the
project and associated sludge disposal areas or other
ancillary in-pact areas. The address of the Texas SHPO
Texas State Historic Preservation Officer
Department of Antiquities Protection
Texas Historical COl!fllission
P.O. Box 12276
Austin, Texas 78711
This information will be used by the Texas SHPO and EPA
to consult according to the requirements of 36 CFR Part
800.4·800.6 on methods to minimize hana to historical
_ properties. The applicant will be contacted within .30
days about further actions that may be needed to meet
the requirements of 36 CFR Part 800.
1. Criminal
a. Negligent Violations
The Act provides that any person who negligently
violates pennit conditions i~lementing Section 301,
302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the Act is
sl.bject to a fine of not less than S2,500 nor more
than S25,000 per day of violation, or by
i~risorroent for not more than 1 year, or both.
b . Knowing Violations
The Act provides that any person who lcnowingly
violates permit conditions i~lementing Sections
301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the Act Is
sl.Oject to a fine of not less than S5,000 nor 110re
than S50,000 per day of violation, or by
i~ls~t for not 110re than 3 years, or both.
c. Knowing Endangerment
The Act provides that any person who k.nowingly
violates penait conditions irrplementlng Sections
301, 302, 303, 306, 307, 308, 318, or 405 of the Act
and who mows at that time that he Is placing
another person in inminent danger of death or
serious bodily Injury is subject to a fine of not
1110re than S250,000, or by i~risorvnent for not 1110re
than 15 years, or both.
d. False Statements
The Act provides that any person who k.nowingly 11Blces
arry false Nterlal statement, representation, or
certification In any appl !cation, record, report,
plan, or other doeinent fl led or required to be
111lntalned i.nder the Act or who lcnowlngly falsifies,
t~r• with, or renders inaccurate, any monitoring
device or aethod required to be 11111intained lrlder the
Act, shall l.4)00 conviction, be J:ll.l'lished by a fine of
not aore than s10,ooo, or by irrprisorment for not
1110re than 2 years, or by both. If a conviction of
a person is for a violation c011mitted after a first
conviction of such person lllder this paragraph,
p,..nishalent shall be by a fine of not more than
S20,000 per day of violation, or by irrprisonrnent of
not aore than 4 years, or by both. ( See Section
309.c.4 of the Clean Water Act)
2. Civil Penalties
The Act provides that any person who violates a pernit
condition iqilementing Sections 301, 302, 306, 307, 308,
318, or 405 of the Act is sl.bject to a civil penalty not
to exceed S25,000 per day for each violation.
3. Acininistrative Penalties
The Act provides that any person who violates a pennit
condition iqilementing Sections 301, 302,306,307,308,
318, or 405 of the Act is sl.bject to an acininistrative
penalty, as follows:
a. Class I Penalty
Not to exceed S10,000 per violation nor shall the
1111xin.a amix.nt exceed S25,000.
b. Class II Penalty
Not to exceed S10,000 per day for each day during
which the violation continues nor shall the inaxiaun
11111011\t exceed S125,000.
All definitions contained in Section 502 of the Act shall
apply -to -this penait and are · incorporated · herein ·by
reference. Unless otherwise specified in this penait,
additional definitions of words or phrases used in this
perait are as follows:
1. "Act" 111eans the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et.
seq.), as amended.
2. "Acininistrator• aeans the Acininistrator of the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.
3. •Applicable effluent standards and limitations" means
all state and Federal effluent standards and liaiitations
to which a discharge is albject \rider the Act,
including, but not l iaiited to, effluent l i111itations,
standards or perfonnance, toxic effluent standards and
prohibitions, and pretreatment standards.
(REV. 12/8/93)
4. "ApPl i cable water gual lty standards" ineans all water
quality standards to which a discharge la 1\bject under
the Act.
5. "~" means the intentional diversion of waste
strealllS from any portion of a treatment facility.
6. "Daily Discharge" ineans the discharge of a pollutant
measured during a calendar day or any 24·hour period
that reasonably represents the calendar day for purposes
of sa,rpling. For pollutants with limitations expressed
in tenns of mass, the 11 dai ly discharge" Is calculated as
the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the
scllll)ling day. For pollutants with limitations expressed
In other units of measurement, the "daily discharge" is
calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant
over the scllll)l ing day. "Dal Ly discharge" detennination
of concentration made using a con-posite •~le shall be
the concentration of the con-posite sarrple. IJhen grab
scllll)les are used, the "daily discharge" determination of
concentration shall be arithmetic average (weighted by
flow value) of all sarrples collected during that
scllll)l i ng day.
7. "Daily Average" (also known as monthly average)
discharge limitations means the highest allowable
average of "daily discharge(s)" over a calendar 1110nth,
calculated as the sun of all "daily discharge(s)"
measured during a calendar month divided by the nuiber
of "daily discharge(s)• measured during that inonth.
IJhen the permit establishes daily average concentration
effluent limitations or conditions, the daily average
concentration means the arithmetic average (weighted by
flow) of all •daily discharge(s)•. of concentration
detennined during the calendar month where C a daily
concentration, F = daily flow and n = l"IU!ber of daily
scllll)les; daily average discharge=
8. "Daily MaxillUII" discharge limitation means the highest
allowable "daily discharge" during the calendar 1110nth.
9. "Di rector" means
Agency Regional
the U.S. Environnental
Ac:ininistrator or an
10. "Environmental Protection Agmy" means the U.S.
Env i ronnental Protection Agency.
11. •Grab sanpleN ineans an individual sarrple collected in
less than 15 minutes.
12. "Industrial user• means a nondomestic discharger, as
identified in 40 CFR 403, introducing pollutants to a
pub l icly owned treatment w~rks.
13. "National Pollutant Discharge .Elimination System" means
the national program for issuing, inodifying, revoking
and reissuing, terminating, monitoring and enforcing
permits, and irrposing and enforcing pretreatment
requirements, under Sections 307, 318, 402, and 405 of
the Act.
14. "Severe property damage" means substantial physical
damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities
which causes them to become inoperable, or sl.bstantial
and permanent loss of natural resources which can
reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a
bypass. Severe property damage does not ,nean econoatic
loss caused by delays in production.
15. •sewage sludge• ineans the solids, residues, and
precipitates separated fr0111 or created in sewage by the
~it proc:essn of a J)'bl I cl y owned treatment works.
Sewage H used In this definition ineans any wastes,
Including wastH fr0111 h1.11111ns, households, comnercial
establishments, lrdJstrles, and stor11 water runoff that
are discharged to or otherwise enter a J)'bl icly 1
treat111ent works.
16. •Treatment works• ,neans any devices and systems used in
the storage, treatment, recycling and reclamation of
n.riic:lpal sewage and industrial wastes of a l i~id
nature to iirpl-,t Section 201 of the Act, or necessary
to recycle or reuse water at the most economical cost
over the estimated life of the works, Including
Intercepting sewers, sewage collection systems, purrping,
power and other equipment, and their appurtenances,
extension, l111provement, remodeling, additions and
alterations thereof. '
17. "~" aeans an exceptional incident in which there is
unintentional and t~rary nonc~liance with
technology-based pennit effluent limitations because of
factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee.
An upset does not include nonc~l iance to the extent
caused by operational error, iffl)roperly designed
treat111ent facilities, inadequate treatment facilities,
Lacie of preventive maintenance, or careless or iffl)roper
18. For fecal colifonn bacteria, a sill1l)le consists of one
effluent grab portion collected during a 24-hour period
at pealc loads.
19. The tera ~• shall mean million gallons per day.
20. The ter11 "!!9ll.• shall inean 11il l i grams per liter or parts
per ail lion (FJFD).
21. The tera •!Slb • shall 111ean 11i crograms per Ii ter or parts
per billion (ppb).
22 . Municipal Tenns:
a. "7-day average", other than for fecal coliform
bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of the daily values
for all effluent sarrples collected during a calendar
weelc, calculated as the sun of all daily discharges
ineasured QJring a calendar weelc divided by the
l"IU!ber of daily discharges measured during that
weelc. The 7·day average for f~cal coliform bacteria
is the g-tric mean of the values for all effluent
•~les collected QJring a calendar week.
b. "30·day average", other than for fecal coli form
bacteria, is the arithmetic mean of the daily values
for al I effluent sarrples collected during a calendar
inonth, calculated as the sun of all daily discharges
measured QJring a calendar month divided by the
l"IU!ber of dai Ly discharges measured during that
inonth. The 30-day average for fecal coliform
bacteria is the geometric mean of the values for all
effluent s~les collected during a calendar month.
c . "24·hour conposite sanple" consists of a mini11U11 of
12 effluent portions collected at equal time
intervals over the 24·hour period and corrbined
proportional to flow or a s~le collected at
frequent intervals proportional to flow over the
24-hour period.
d. •12-hour conposite sanple" consists of 12 effluent
portions collected no closer together than one hour
end COll'pOSited according to flow. The daily
(REV. 12/8/93)
S&lll)l Ing Intervals shall include the highest flow
e. 11 6-hour conposite senple" consists of six effluent
portions collected no closer together than one hour
(with the first portion collected no earlier than
10:00 1.m.) and c~sited according to flow.
f. "3·hour conposite sanple" consists of three effluent
portions collected no closer together than one hour
(with the first portion collected no earlier than
10:00 1.m.) and c~sited according to flow.
(REV. 12/!
Select only those Element• and Sections which apply to your sludge reuse
or disposal practice.
If your facility utilizes more than one type of disposal or reuse method
(for example, Element I and Element II apply) or the quality of your
sludge varies (for example, Section II A.fil1 Section III of Element I
apply) use a separate Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for each Section
that is applicable.
The sludge DMRs shall be due by February 19th of .. each year and shall
cover the previous January through December time period.
Tbe sludge conditions do not apply to wastewater treatment lagoons wbere
sludge is not wasted for final reuse/disposal. If the sludge is not
removed, the peraittee shall indicate on the DMR "No Discharge•.
Page 2 -Requirements Applying to ill Sewage Sludge Land
Page 5 -Requirements Specific to Bulk Sewage Sludge for
Application to the Land Meeting Class A or B Pathogen
Reduction and the Cumulative Loading Rates in Table 2, or
Class B Pathogen Reduction and the Pollutant Concentrations
in Table 3
Page 9 -Requirements Specific to Bulk Sewage Sludge Meeting
Pollutant Concentrations in Table 3 and Class A Pathogen·
Reduction Requirement•
Page 10 -Requirements Specific to Sludge Sold or Given Away
in a Bag or Other Container for Application to the Land that
does ·not Meet the Pollutant Concentrations in Table 3
Page 12 -Requirements P.pplying to All Sewage 5.ludge Surface
Page 16 -Requirements Specific· to Surface Disposal Sites
Without a-Liner and Leachate Collection System
Page 18 -Requirements Specific to Surface Disposal Sites
With a Liner and Leachate Collection System
Page 19 -Requirements Applying to All Municipal Solid Waste
Landfill Disposal Activities
• Paie 2 of Pan rv
A . General ReguiremegU
I. The pcrminee ahall handle and disp<>K of aewaee aludic in accordance with Section '405 of the Clean Waler Acl and
all other applicable Fcdcnl reJUlatioru IO prote.tl public health and lhc cnvironm.ent from any reasonab ly anl icipaled
advcnc cffecu due IO any 10xic pollut.anu ..,bich may be prucnt in lhc aludJt .
2 . If ~uiremcnu for aludee manaeemcot practice, °' pollut.ant cri1eru become more lllrinicnt than lhc 1lud1c polluun1
limiu or accept.able manaeemcnt practices in lhi• permit, or control a ponuun1 no( tilled in lh is permit , th is permil
may be modified or revoked and rc iuucd IO conform 10 lhc rcquircmcnu promul1a1Cd al Section '40S(d)(2) of lhc
Clean Waler Act.
3. In all cuca, if lhc penon (permit holder) v,ho prepare, the ecwaie aludie 111pplic1 lhc ac..,a,c 1lud1e IO another
penon for land applic11ion uac or IO the owner or lc.aac bolder of the land, lhc permi1 holder shall provide necessary
informalion IO the panics who rece ive the ,Judie IO auurc compliance with thuc rtfU)atioru .
4 . The pcrmil\cc ahall Jive prior notice IO EPA (Chief, Pcrmiu Branch, Waler M1na1cmcn1 Division, Mail Code 6W-P,
EPA Reeion 6, 1445 Rou Avenue, Dallas, Texas 75202) of any planned chan,u in the scwaic sludie disposal
practice, in accordance with '40 CFR Pan 122 .41(1)(l)(iii). Theac chanees may juatify the applica1ion of permit
conditions thal arc dirTcrcnl from or abacnl in the existilli permit. Chanec in the aludec use or disposal prac1ice may
be cause for modification of the permit in accordance wilh '40 CFR Pan l 22.62(1Xl).
B . Testing Reguirememts
l . Scwaec aludec ahall be tclled aMuany in accordance with the mclhod apecificd at '40 CFR 268, Append ix I (Toxicity
Characteristic Luchini Procedure (TCLP)) or other approved mclhods . Slud,c ahall be lested after final 1rcatmcn1
prior 10 lcavi"' the POTW 1i1e . Scwaee 1lud1e delermincd IO be a hazardous ..,as,e in ac.orJance with 40 CFR Pan
261, ahall be handled accordi"' to RCRA sundarda for the disposal of hu.ardou1 waste in accordan;;e with '40 CFR
Pan 262 . The disposal of uwaie aludic deLcnnioed IO be a buardoua wall&, in other than I ceni ficd hu.ardou1
waste disposal fatil ily &hall be prohibi1ed. The RCRA lnfonnalion Manaiemcnl Sec1 ion, t.:lcphonc no . (214) 655-
6750, and the appropriate II.lie aecncy shall be ootified of Lest failure within 24 boun. A wrinen report shall be
pro~·ided IO th is ofrace within 7 day, after failini lhe TCLP . The rcpon will conta in lest ruuhs, ccnific11ion that
unauthorized disposal has DOI occurred and a aummary of alternative dispoaal plans thal coinply with RCRA standards
for lhc disposal orhu.ardous waste . The rcpon shall be addresacd 10 : DircclOr, Hazardous Was1c Mana:emcnt
Division , EPA Reeion 6, Mail Code 6H, 1445 Rou Avenue , Dallu, Tcxu 75202 . A copy of lh iJ n:port shall be sent
lo the Ch ief, Enforcement Branch, Waler Mana:cmcnl Div iaion , Ma il Code 6W-E, al the same strccl addrcas .
2 . Sewaec sludec shall not be applied to the land ir the con.:cntration of the polluunu cxce.:d the pollutanl conce n1ra1ion
criteria in Table l . The frequency of lestine for pollutanls in Table l is fvunJ in Ekrno:nl I , Se ction LC .
Ceiline Con.:cnlral ion
. (milligrams per kilogram)•
Ni c kel
• Dry wc i:ht buia
hie 3 of Pan IV
3 . PathOJCO Coouol
All 1ew11e 1lud1e lbat ia applied IO 11mulninl laod , forell, a public colll.lct 1i1e, or a R-Clamatioo 1i1e aha1l be ll'Ul.ed by eilbcr
the Clua A or Clua 8 patho1eo ~uiremcou. Scwa1c alud1c that i1 applied IO a laWll or bome aarden aball be ll'U\.ed by lbc
C1111 A p1tho1co ~uircmenu . Scwaie tludae that ia 101d or 1ivco away i.o • bar ab&ll be uul.cd by Clua A patho,e11
a. Six a.h.emativea arc available IO demonllnle compli&DCe with Clau A aewaie aludac . All 6 opl.iona ~uiR either lbc
dcrui1y of fc,;al coliform i.o the 1ewa1e 1lud1c be lcu llwl 1000 Moll ~blc Number (MPN) per 1n.m of \Ol&I
10lida (di')' wci1h1 bui1), or the dcnaity of Salmonella tp . bac1eri.a i.o the 1ew11c alud1c be leu than lhru MPN pet
four 1nrna of LOW 101id1 (dry wciJht buia) al lhc umc lbe 1ewa1c lludae ia uac.d or di,poacd; at the time the acwa,c
aludJe ia prcp&Rd for Mic or JlVCD a..,ay in a baJ or oehcr conu.incr for appli~tion IO the land. B<low arc lbc
1ddi1jopaJ ~uiremeou °"eaauy IO meet the dcfinitioo of a Clua A llud1e. A11emativca 5 and 6 arc not authoriz.e4
IO dcmonatrale compliance ..,jib Clau A 1ewa1e slud1e i.o Texu pennil&.
A)1ema1ive ) • The lempcnnirc of lbc 1ewa1e llud1e Iba! ia uacd or di,poacd aha1l be mainLaincd at a tpecific value
for a period of time . Su 503.Jl(a)(J){u) for apociCic inf~
6,ltemative 2 -The pH of lbc ae..,a,e lludJe lb&t ia vaccl or di,poaccl aball be niacd IO above l l aod ahall remaill
above 1 l for 72 boun.
The lempcnnirc of lhe 1ewa1e llud1e lhall be above 52 dcirua Cclaiua for l k houn or lon,cr du Mi the period lbal
the p~ of lhe acw11c lludac ia above 12.
Al the cod of the 72 hour period dul'\lli wbicb the pH of the acwa1e aludae ia above 12, the 1ewa1c 1lud1c lhall be ait
dnc-d IO achieve a per1:elll t0lid1 i.o the 1ewa1e tlud1c 1rc.a1er than 50 perccaL
A11emativc 3 -The acwa1e alud&e aball be an.alyz.cd for eo&.em viNKI prior IO palho1eo UUtmclll. The limit for
entcric viniaca ia o~ Plaquc•fonnina Unit per four ,nma of IOW 10lida (dry wciibt buiJ) eilbcr before or foUowiDe
patho1co \l'Ulmcnt. Soc 5~.Jl(aXS)(ii) for 11pOCif'lc information. The acwaie llud1e lhalJ be ao&.lyz.cd for viab~
hclminlh ova prior IO patho1eo trc.almclll. The limit for viable helrninlh ova i, lcaa than ooc per four 1nma of \Ol&I
10lid1 (dry weiaht bui1) either before or foUowuii patho1en trcatsnclll . Su S03 .32(a)(S)(iii) for ,pe.;ific informatioca..
Alternative 1 -The dcnaity of eo&cnc viNaca in lhe acw11• lludae lhall be lcaa than orie Plaque-formia& Unit per four
Jn.lN of IOI.II 10lid1 (dry wei1h1 ba1i1) at the ti~ lhe 1ew11e ,ludac i, uacd or diapoacd or 11 the time: the 1lud1e ia
prepared for ulc or Jive away in a b11 or ocher contamcr for application IO the laall.
The dcnaity of viable hclminlh ova in the 1ewa1e alud1c abalJ be lcaa lb&n ooc per four an.ma of toUI aolida (dry
weieht buia) al the time lbe """"I' llud1e ia utcd or diapoacd or al the lime lhc 1ewa1c alud1c ia prepared for ulc oc
aivc away in a baa or other contamcr for app6catioo IO lbc laall.
Allcmaljvc S • Scwa1e lludae lhall t>. trca\.ed by one of the Procn1ca IO Pu Mer Re.duce P1tho1ena (PFRP) dcacrib.4
in 503 Appendix 8. PFRPa ~ludc compoa,tiiia, hut dryi"i, hut trc.almcDI, and thcrmophilic aerobic di~ellioa..
Al\.cmalivc 6 -Scw11e 1tud1e eb.aII be trcal.cd by a proce11 that ia e.quivalcnl IO a Proceaa to FuMcr Reduce
Palho:eru, if individually approved by the P1tho1eo Equivalcocy Commia..:c reprce.:ntin, the EPA.
b . Three ahcmativu arc available to demoDllnlc compriaoce with Clua B 1ew11e alud1c. A11cma1ive1 2 and 3 arc DOt
aulhoriu.d l,J dcmorutnlc compfl&DCe with ~11 B acwa1e alud1e i.o Tcxaa permila.
Alkmative 1 -
Al1ema1ive l ·
(i) Seven rudom 11mplc1 oflhe acwaae 1lud1c lhall be eoll"\.ed for ooe monitol'Uli cpiaodc Ill
the time the acwaac llud1e ia uac.d or diapoaod.
(ii) The 1eomctric me.an or the dcoaity of fecal colifonn i.o the umplc1 colleclcd lhall be lcaa
than either 2,000,000 MPN per iram of total 10lid. (dry wci1h1 b11i1) or 2,000,000 Coloo7
FonninJ Uoiu per 1ram or LOW aolida (dry weijbt baau).
Scwa,e aludee lhall be trc.at.e.d i.n ooc or the Procue.:1 to 1i1nificantly Reduce Pathoecna
dci,.;nbc-d in SOJ Appendix I.
Scw11c 1lud1c lhall be trut.e.d in I proccu that ia c.quiv1lcn1 to a PSRP, if ind ividw.lly approvc,d
by \be P1tho1co EquivalcDCy Committu reprucntia& the EPA.
Pate 4 of Pan IV
1n addition , the foUowin, 1i1.c rellrictiona mull be met if Claw B alud1c ia laiid applied:
i. Food crop, wilh han,elled paru lb.I IOUCh lhc 11ew11c lllud,e./lOil llllltllJrc IJld arc IOIAlly above lb& laDd
aurfa" aball DOl be ban,clll.cd for 14 IDC>Ofh• 11\.cr apptiutioa of-••• lhidp.
ii . Food crop, wilh han,clled paru below lbe 1A1rfaca of lbc land ahall DOl be ban,clll.od for 20 moOlha al\.cr
appli.:ation of IIC""IJC aludsc when lhc acwaic 1lud1e rcm.aina oa lbc laiid aurfa" for 4 montha or loaicr
prior IO iDcorporation in10 the IOil .
iii . Food cropa with haNelled paru below lhe 11Urfacc of the land ah.an not be buvelled for 31 mooth, al\.cr
application of aew11c aludJc when the acwaic alud1e rcm.aina oo lhc laiid IUrfKc for lew lhan 4 molllh,
prior IO inc:orporation UILO Iha eoil.
iv . Food cropa, feed crop,, IJld fiber crop, aball not be harve«od for 30 day, 11\.cr application of aewa,-c
aludJe .
v. Animah &hall not be allowed t.o JT&U oo lb& land for 30 da1111\.cr applieation of aewa1e aludre .
vi. Turf pwn on laod where KWaJe alud,e i, applied &hall DOt be han,cllled for 1 year al\.cr application of lb&
aewa1e aludrc when lhc han,eatcd curl'ia placed on either laod wilh a hirb p<>'Cntial for public cxpoaurc or
a lawn, unlcu otbcrwi1e sp«ified by lbc pennittina autborily.
vii . Public acccw t.o laDd wilh a hirh pottntial for public cxpoairc abaI1 be rcllricled for I yur al\.cr application
of ICWIJC alud,e. •
viii . Public accew to laDd wilh a low potential for pubf,c expoairc ab.all be rcllricled for 30 daya al\.cr
application of 1ewa1e aludp.
4. Vector Alll'lction Reduction RequiRmcau
All bulk acw,re 1lud1e !hat i, applied IO a,-riculcural land, forell, a public cootact rite, or a reclamation 1i1.c ahaJl be llULcd b1
one of !he followin, 111.cmalivea 1 lhrouJh 10 for VeclOr Alll'lction Reduction. lfbulk .,,,,,e 1lud1e i, applied IO a bome
1arden, or bai,ed acwa,e aludac i, applied to the land, only ,~rnatin 1 lhrouzb ahunalivc I ahal1 be u.aod .
Alternative ) •
Al1.cma1ive l •
Altcmativc ) •
Alternative 4 •
A11.crnative S •
Altcmativc 6 •
Ah(malive 7 •
The ma» of volaliJc _10lid1 in lhe acware aludie ab.all be ~ b,-a minimum of )I percent.
If Ahemative 1 ca.nnot be met for an anaerob~y cJirelled ahidie, demon.slntion can be made
b,-diaestin, a portion of !he previoualy di1ell.ed aludJc 10Krobicall1 in the laboraiory in a
benc:h-ecale uojt for 40 additional daya at a lcmpcnlUrc betwoui 30 IJld 37 de1rcc1 Cclaiw.
Volatile 10lid1 muat be rcduce:d by leaa lb.an 17 pe~m t.o dcmoo.stnle compli&Dcc.
lf A11.cmative 1 cannot be met for an aerobic.Uy di1cll.ed aludrc, demonstration can be made b:,
dircllln& a portion of lbe prcvioualy di1eated alud1c wilb a percent 10lid1 of two percc01 or lew
aerobically in the laboratocy in a bcnch-llCalc unit for 30 adJitional day, al 20 dc1rc-c1 Cclaiw.
Volatile 101id1 mu• be rcducc.i b,-lew 1h10 15 pcrcem lO demooatrale comp~e.
The apecific oxncn uptake ntc (SOUR) for 1ew•~ 1lud1e lteal.cd in an acn.--bic pro-:eu ahall be
equal IO or leu than 1.5 milli1rama of oxnen per hour ~r ,nm of ioul aolidl (dry wei1ht
buia) at a temperature of 20 de1reca Cclaiva.
Scwa1e 1lud1e aball be lteal.cd in an aerobic procew for 14 cla,-, or lon,er. Durin, lhat time,
the temperature of the 1ewa1e alud1c ahaJl be hiJher lha.n 40 dezreu Celaiu1 and the avenre
t.empcralUre of the acwaie 1lud1e aball be hi,bcr than ◄S de~u Cchiw.
The pH of acw11e 1lud1e &hall be niaed lO 12 or hl1ber by tlbli addition and, without th•
addition of more alb.Ii ahall remain al 12 or hiJhcr for two boun and then at 11.5 or hi1her for
an additional 21 boun.
The percent aolida of 1ew11e 1lud1c that doe, DOt cowin unaubiliud ,olida 1cncral.cd in a
primary wutewatcr trutmenl proccw ahall be equal to or &realer than 75 ~n;ent buc.d on lb&
muiat ure content uld tolll aolid, prior to mixin& with other matcri&Ja . Unrubiliud aolida are
defined u O(itnic mat.trial, in 1ewa1e 1lud1c thAt have DO( been lteal.cd in either an aerobic OC'
anaerobic treatment procea.
Al1emative I •
Alt.cmative 9 •
AJ1ema1ive 10 •
C. ,1onitorin,2 Reguirymeots
Pare 5 of Pan IV
The percent .olid1 of ,cware alud1e lhal conaiN un.ubiliud .olid1 1eneraled in a primary
wut.cwa\.cr trulment proccN ahall be equ.al IO or 1ru1&r than 90 percenl bucd oo the moi.iurc
contcnl and tol&l .olid1 prior IO inixin, with oehcr matcriah . Unst.abili.ud .olid1 arc defined u
Ol'Janic materiah in ,cwa1e 1lud1e thal uve not b«o trc.aled in either an aerobic or anaerobic
trc.a line nl p roc eN .
(ii )
Sewa1e 1lud1e aball be iDjccled below the aurface of the land .
No 1i1nificant amouDI of the ,cwaae 1lud1e shall be prc,cnt on the land surface withia
ooc hour al\.cr the ,cwaae 1lud1e i1 injocled .
(ui) When ,cware 1ludre that i1 injccled below the aurface of the land i1 Clas.s A with
rcsp«I IO pathorena, the ,cware aludrc ahall be injcclcd below the land aurface within
eirht boun al\.cr bcin, diachar,ed from the pathorcn trc.atmc111 procu,.
(i) Seware 1ludge applied IO the land airface or placed on a surface disposal 1ite shall be
iocorporat.ed inio the .oil within ai.x houn al\.cr appl ication IO or placement on the
(u) When ,cwaae 1ludrc that i1 incorporated into the aoil i1 Clau A with respect IO
pathoacN, the aewa1c 1ludre aball be applied IO or placed on the land within cirht
houn al\.cr bein, diachar,cd from the pathoacn trutmclll proccaa.
Toxicity Charac1cristic Leachina Proecdure (TCLP) Tc• • Oocc/You
PCB, Oocc/Yc.ar
All Olher polluianu ahall be_ moruiored at the frcqucocy shown below:
Amount of ,cware slud1e•
(metric Ions pu 365 day period)
0 s Sludrc < 290
290 :S Sludre < 1,500
1,500 S Sludrc < 15,000
15,000 s Sludrc
Oncc/J'wo Month•
Either the amount of bulk s-eware 1ludrc applied 10 the land or the amount of acwarc 1ludrc received by a person who pn:pares
scwa~~ sluJre that is 10ld or riven away in a bar or oilier con1.ain.er for applicalion lo the land (Jry wcirh1 bui1).
R.:p_rescnt.alive sarnp)es of scware sludre_ shall be collccled and_ an.alyz.cd in accordance with the methods referenced. in 40 CFR S03.ll(b).
For thos.: p~nnittccs mcct inr Cius A or B pathorcn reduction requirements and that mccl the cumulative loadinr rat.cs in Tabl~ 2 below, or
lhc Class B palhorcn n:du.:tion n:quin:n~nu and cont.a in concentrations of pollutanu below those !isled in Table 3 found in Element 1,
Sectio n m, the foll o "'·ifti condi tio ns apply :
Pa1e 6 of Par, JV
l. Pollut.ant Limiu
Table 2
Cumulative Pollut.ant Loadini Ju1.e
f2!l!il!n! (tjlognm.t per he(:t.are)
Ancnic 41
Cadmium 39
Chromium 3000
Copper ISOO
Lud 300
Merc:ury 17
Molybdenum 11
Nkkcl 420
Selenium 100
Zinc 2800
2 . Patho1cn Control
All bull:: sewa1e 1lud1e that iJ appl ied to a1riculwral land, forelt, a public contact site, a reclamation sil.e, or lawn or
home 1arden shall be ll'Cal.cd by either Cina A or Clasa B patho1en reduction rcquircmcnt.s as defined above in
Element I, Se.:tion l.B.3.
3. Manaiement Practice,
a . Bull:: sewaie 1lud1e shall DO( be applied to airiculwral land, forest, a public contact site , or a rcclamalion 1i1.e that iJ
fiooded , frozen, or anow-<ovcrcd ao that the bull:: acwa1e sludee ent.en a wetland or Olher waters of the U.S., aa
defined in 40 CFR 122 .2, except II provided in a permit iuucd purauaol to acction 402 or 40-; of the CWA.
b . Bull:: s.:wa1c sludee shall noc be applied within 10 mcten of a water of lbc U.S .
c . Bull:: s.:wae¢ sludee shall be applied at or below the aeronomi c rate in accordance with recommendations from the
followin1 ref.:rcnce,:
i. STANDARDS 1992. Standards, Engineering Practices and Data, 39th Edition (1992) American Society of
A1ri ~ultural En2ineen, 2950 Niles Road, St. Jos.:ph, Ml 49035-9659 .
ii . Nation&I Engineering Handbool:: Part 651, A2ricultural Wast.: Mana2emcnt FiclJ. Jl3ndbool:: (1992), P .0 .
Box 2890 , Was.hinflon, D .C . 20013.
iii . Re c ommendations of local extrnsion services or Soil Conservation Scrvieu.
iv . Rc.:ommcndations of a major University'• Aeronomic O.:partmcnl.
d . An information sheet shall be provided to the penon '!'ho receives bulk sewaie 1luJ1e sold or Jivcn a11,•ay . The
information sheet shall contain the followini information:
i . The name and address of the penon who prepared the acwa2e 1lud1e that is aold or iiven away in a bae or
other container for application to the land.
ii . A statement that application of the scwa2e 1lud1e to the land is prohibited except in accordan.:e with the
instructions on the label or information llhect.
iii . The aMual whole sludie application rate for the sew11e sludie that docs nOI cause any of the cumulative
pollutant loaditli rate, in Table 2 above to be exceeded, unless the pollutant con"ntrations in Table 3 found
in Eh:mcnt I, Section ID below arc mcc..
4 . N01 i ficftlion rcquircmenu
a. If bullc scwaie slud2.: is applied to land in a St.alt Olh.:r than the State in which the slud2c is pr<p3r.:d , "''rillen notice
sh•ll be provided prior to the initial land appl i.:ation h.> th.: pcnniuing authority for the SlAI~ in whi.:h the bull; sewage
sludie is proposed to be applied . The notice shall include :
i . The location, by either street addrc" or latitud.: and loniitude, of each land appli,ation site .
P11c 7 of Part JV
ii . The approiumal.e ti~ period bulk te"'IJC aludrc will be applied 10 the li1.c.
iii . The name, addrna, telephone number, aod National Pollutant Di1ebarie Elimination SyRcm permit number
(if appropri11.e).for lhe penoo who prepare• lhc bulk eewarc aludJc .
iv . The name, addrcu, telephone oumber, and National Pollutanl Di1eti.rie Elimination System permit number
(if appropriat.c) for lhc penoo who will apply lhe bulk IIC"'IJC aludJe.
b . The permiuu aha II rive 60 dly1 prior notice IO lhe DireclOr of any chan,e planned in the ac-..·arc 1lud1c practice .
Any chan,e shall include any planned physical al1.crationa or addiliona IO ~ permin.ed lreatment ..,om, chanies in lhe
pcrminu'1 1lud1c uae or dispoaal practice, and abo al1.crationa, addiliona, or 6eleliona of dispoaal sit.ca. Thuc
chanrca may justify the application of permit conditions that arc different from or absc111 in the ex.istini permit,
includin, notification of addilional dispoaal 1i1.e1 oot rcpol'\Cd duno, !he permit applicalion procua
or abacnt in the eiulllin, permit. Chan,c in the aludre uac or disp<>MI pr.cl.ice may be cauac for modification of the
permit in accordance with 40 CFR 122 .62(1)(1).
c. The penniuu lhaD provide Ibo locatioG or Ill exiltioi 1ludrc dispo11Vuae site, IO lbe Slate Hist~al Commission
within 90 day, or CM efl'octivc date of du, pcnnil. • In addition, lbe pennincc ah&II provide lhe local.ion of any DC"'
di1po111/u,e 1ilc IO lhe Stale Hi11.orical Commiuion prior \o Ute or lbe Iii&.
The pcrmiri.ce shall within 30 dly1 at\cr ootificalion by the SI.Ile HillOrical Commission that a specific sludre
dispo111/usc area will advencly effect a National Historic Sile, ccaac uae of .ueb area.
5 . Recordkcepinr Rcquircmcnu • The aludre doeumcnu will be retained on 1ite 11 lhe s.amc location IS other NPDES
The puson who prepare, bulk scwaie 1ludre or a acware aludre material ahall d~velop the followini information and u-iall retain
the infonnation for five years . If the perminee supplies the sludre to al)Other penon who land applies the 1ludre, the pcrmia.u
sha II nolify the land applier of the ~uir,:menu for recordkupin, found in 40 CFR 503 .17 for penona who land apply.
a . The coneentralion (mr!K&) in lhe 1ludre of each pollutant listed in Table 3 found in Element I, Section m and the
applicable pollutant concentration criteria (!ni/Ki), 2[ lhe applicable cumulative pollutan1 loadinr rate and lhe
applicable cumulative pollutant loadin, rate limit (q/h1) lilted in Table 2 above.
b . A docription of how lhc palhoien reduction requirements arc met (includinr aite restrictions for Clau B sludres: if
c. A deacriptioil of how lhe vector anraetion reduction require menu ire met.
d . A ducription of how the mana,emenl practices listed above in Section II .3 are bcini met .
e. The recommended 1rronomic loadinr rate from the rcfereo,;cs listed in Seel.ion II .J .c. aboH, IS well as the a;tual
12ronomic loadin, rate shill be reuined.
f. A description of how the site restrict.ions in 40 CFR Part 503 .32(b)(S) are m~l for each site on which Class B bulk
scware sludrc is applied . •
I · The followinr certification atatcmem:
"I certify, under prnalty of law, that the manarement practices in §503 .14 have been me! for ea,h site on which bulk
s.:warc sludre is applied. This dctennination has been made under my direction and supervision in a.:cordanee with
the system dcsirn.:d to ensure that qualified personnel properly rather and evaluate the information US<d to determine
that the manaicmcnt practices have been met. I am aware that lherc are sirnifieanl pcnalti~s for false certification
io,;(udini fine anJ imprisonmcnl. •
h. A certification st.atcm.:nt lhat all applicable rcquiremenU (specifically listed) have been met, and that the penninee
understands that there arc sirnificant penalties for false certification ineludinr fine a;id imprisonment. See 4-0 CFR
503 . l 7(a)(~)(i)(B) or 40 Cr-R Part 503 . J7(a)(S)(i)(B) u applicable to the penninus sludre treatment activities.
i. The pc nnin~c shall maintain information that descnl>ea future reol,!raphical areu where sludrc nuy be land •rrlicd .
j . The pcnninee shAII maintain information idenlifyin& site selection criteria rc,ardinr (and application sites Mt ident ified
at the time of pcnnit application submissiOCL
Pare I of Pan rv
k . The penninee ahall main&.ain information rc1ardin, bow future land application 1ile1 ..,iJI be mana1cd .
The person who prepare, bulk acwaie aludie or a 1ewa1e aludre malerial ahall develop the followin, information and ahall reuin
the information indefinjle]Y . If lbe penninee "1pplics lhe aludJe Lo aDOlber penoo 'Who land appliea the 1lud1c, the pennia.ec
ahall notify the land applier of the requiremenu foe reeordkocpi.ne found in -40 CFll S03 .17 for peno111 who land apply .
a . The location, by either llrut addreu or lati111de and lon,i111de, of each 1ile on which 1lud1e i1 applie.i .
b . The number of hectare, in each aile oo ..,hicb bulk 1lud1e ia applied .
c . The date and time alud1e i, applied Lo each Iii&.
d . The cumulative amouot of each pollutant in 1:ilo,nms/bectarc Ii~ in Table 2 applied Lo each 1itc .
e . The IOlal amount of aludre applied Lo each 1ile in melric IOG&.
f . The followini certification 11.alemeat:
•t cenify, under penalty of law, that the requircmenta Lo obtain information in tS03 . I 2(e)(2) have been met for each
tile oo which bulk acwa1c 1lud1e i1 applied. This detennination baa been made under my di~tion and supervi..oo in
accordance with the system dcai1ned Lo ensure that qualified pel"IOnncl properly rather and evaluatc the infonnatioa
used Lo dctcnnine that the requircmenu to obtain information have been met. l am aware that thcrc arc ai1nificanl
penalties for false cenif,cation includin& fioe and impriaonmelll. •
I · A deacription of how the requircmenta Lo obtain information in tS03 .12(e)(2) arc met.
6 . R.eportin, R.equiremenu -The pcnninu shall report &nDU&lly on lbe DMR the foOowin, informatioo :
a. Pollutant Table (2 or 3) appropriale for perminu '1 land application practice&.
b . The frequency of monit.orin& Ii~ in Element I, Section J.C . which applies Lo the pcnninee .
c . Toxicity CharacleriSlic Luchina Proce<:lure (TCLP) resulta (Pua/Fail).
d . The cooccntnition (rn&fK&> in the ,lud1e of each ponutant listed io Table I (de(UlCd u a monthly avcra1c) as well a,
the applicable pollutant coocentration criteria (rn&IK&) lisle4 in Table 3 found in Element I, Section m, or the
applicable pollutant loadinz rate limit (k1/ha) listed in Table 2 above if it exceeds 90$ of the limit.
e . Level of pathor~n reduction achieved (Clas.s f! oc Claaa ]!).
f. Alt~mat ive used as listed in Section l .B .3.(a . orb.). Altcrn1tives dcacnbc how the palhorcn rcduction n:quircmenu
are met. If Class B slud1e, include information on how site restrictions were met io the D?-1:R comment section or
artach a acparate sheer Lo the DMR .
. 1.-Vc.:tor attraction reduction altern1tive used u listed in Section I.B .'4 ,
h . Annual sludzc production in dry metric Lons/year.
1. Amount of 1lud1c land applied in dry metric Lons/year.
j . Amount of ,!udze transport.ed intentate in dry metric tons/year.
t.. Th( certification 1tat~ment list.:d in 503 . I 7(a)(4)(i)(B) or S03 . I 7(a)(S)(i)(B) ·•,hi,h~ver applies to the pmnincc5 5ludie
treatment activities shall be attached to the DMR.
I. V.'hen the amount of any pollutant applied to the land exceeds 90$ of the cumulative pollutant loadinr rate for that
pollutant, as d~,cribcd in Table 2, the p(nninec shall report the followin& information as an attachment to the DMR.
i. The location, by either llrcct address or latitude and lonzi111de.
ii . The number of hectares in each site on which bulk scwazc sludi:c is applied .
Pare 9 of Part IV
iii. The da1.c and lime bulk aewa1e aludJe is applied lo ucb lil.c.
iv . The cumulative amount of uch poOullnl (i .e., kilo1nmalbecllrc) lilled in Table 2 in the bulk aewa1e
1lud1e applied lo ucb ai1.c.
v . The amoul'II of aewa1e 1lud1e (i .c ., mclric loru) applied lo uch si1.c.
vi. The foUowini certification lllal.emcat:
•t certify, under penalty o f law, that lhe rcquircmcnu IO obtain information in 40 CFR 503 .12(e)(2) have
b«n met for each 1i1.c on which bulk aewa1e 1lud1e it applied. Thia de1.cnnina1ion has been made under
my dirulion and aupcrviaion in accordance with lbc 1yllem deaiJned IO ensure that qualified penonncl
properly 1ather and evaluau the information uaed IO dcicnnioe that the rcquiremcnu IO obtain information
have been met. I am aware that there arc •i1ruficant pcnahiea for falae certification includioi (me and
impriaonmcnt . •
vii . A description of how lbe rcquiremeata lo obtain infonnation in 40 CFR 503 .12(e)(2) arc met .
For those pennin~cs with 1lud1e that containa concentrations of pollutanta below lhoae pollutal'II limita listed in Table 3 for bulk or baued
(conaineruod) sewa1c 1lud1e and alao meet the Cius A palho1en reduction rcquirerncnta, lhe followini conditions apply (Nole : All baued
sew11e sludic must be treated by Clu, A p1tho1en reduction rcquiremcata.):
I . Pollutant limita -The concentration of the poOutanu in the municipal aewaze aludze i• at or below the values tilled.
• Dry wciJhl basis
Table 3
Monthly Aven1e Concentntion
(milligrams per kilogram)•
2 . Patho~en Control
All bulk IC"''aJe slud1e that is applied lo airicultunl land, forest, •·public contact ,ite, a reclamation site, or lawn or
horn,: Jarden shall be truted by the Class A pathoren reduction rcquire~nts u defined above in Element I, Section
I.B .3. All bagrcd sewazc sludzc fil!ill be treated by Cius A pathozcn reduction requirements.
3 . M1na1ement Practice, -Nooe.
4 . Notification R~quirerncnts -None .·
5 . Rccordl:c.:pinJ Rcquircrncnta -Th_e pennincc ahall d.:velop the followini information and sholl rct..in the information
for five y.:.rs . The slud1e documents will be retained on site 11 the same Jo.:ation u other NPDES records .
a. The concenlralion (mi~ in th( slud1e of each poUutant !isled in Table 3 and the arrlicahk pollutant
con.:(ntntion criteria listed in Table 3.
Pare IO of Pan JV
b . A cenification .utcmcnt that aU applicable ~uiremenu (,pecifically lisle.d) have been met , and that the .
pcrmitl.u undc"'-lnds that \here arc 1i1ni6cant pcnaltic1 for fabc certif,cation includin1 r,nc and
impriaonmcnt . Su S03 .17(a)(l)(ii) °' S03 .17(a)(3)(i}(B), whichever applies IO the pcrmiaees sludrc
l.lUtmcnt activitic,.
c . A ducriptioo of how the Clau A palho1en reduction ~uircmcnu arc incl.
d . A deocription of bow the vec\Or aaraclioo reduction ~uircmcnu arc met .
6 . Reportilli Requ;,,menu -The pcnnia.ee shall report annually on \he DMJt \he followin1 information :
. Chromium
2 .
c .
d .
e .
Pollutant Table 3 appropriatc for permia.ec'1 land application practice&.
The f~ucncy of moniiorini listed in Element I, Section I.C. which applies IO \he penniau .
Toxicity Charutcristic Luchini Procedure (J"CLP) rcwlu . (Pua/Fail).
The concentntion (ffli/K&) io lhe 1lud1e of ucb pollutant !ill.Cd in Table I (defined as a monthly avera1e)
found in Element I, Section I. In addition, \he applicable poUutant concentration criteria listed in Table 3
should be included on the DMR. •
Patho1en reduction Alternative utcd for Cius A baized°' b'urk 1lud1c ru lilted in Section I.B.3.a .
Vector aanclion reduction Altcmalive used u listed in Section l.B.4.
Annual 1lud1c production in dry metric tons/year.
Amount of 1lud1e land applied in dry mct.ric tons/year.
Amount of alud1c \ransport.cd intcntatc in dry mct.ric tons/year.
The certification statement listed in 503 . I 7(a)(l)(ii) or 503 . I 7(a)(3)(i)(B), whichever applies 1.o the
pemiia.ec1 1lud1e lrcalmcnt activities, shall be attached IO the DMR.
Pollutant Limiu
Table 4
P1tho1en Control
Annual Pollutant Lo1Jin1 Rat.e
{lcilograms per he,larc pu 365 day period)
0 .8S
0 .90
All s-.:wa1e sh1J1e that is sold or 1iven away in a ba1 or other contain.:r for application to the land ~h3!1 be treated by
the Class A palho1en n:quircmcnt.s as defined in Section I.B .3 .a.
Pa1c 11 of Pan IV
3 . Manaecrnenl Pnctiua
Either a label ahall be atfued ID lhe baJ or other con1.aincr io which acware aludee that ia .old or Jiven a11,·ay for aprlication 10
lhe land, or an information ahcct ahall be provided ID the penoo who rue ivea acwaee aludJe ,old or J iven away in an other
con1.a iner for applicatioa IO the land . The label or information aheet ahall con1..a in the foUowin, informa1ioo :
a . The name and addreu of the penon who prepared the ,cwa1e alud1e thal is sold or riven away in a baJ or
Olher con1.aincr for appl ication IO the land .
b . A 11.at.emenl that application of the acwaie aludJe ID the land ia prohibited except in accordance with the
inslIUcLiona oo the label or information lbeel .
c . The annual whole 1lud1e application n\e for the ,ewaee 1lud1e that will DOI cause any of the annual
poUul&ot loadin, ntea io Table 4 above IO be excccdod .
4 . Nolilication Requirement&• Nooe.
S . Recordkcepioi Requiremeota • The aludee documenta will be retained on 1i1e at the &arne location u other NPDES
The per,on who prepares acwaie 1lud1e or a acwa,ee aludJe material ahall develop the foUowinJ information and shall re1.a in the
informat ion for five ye.an.
a . The concentntion in the alud,ee of c.ecb pollul.lnt lille-d above io found in Element I, Section I, Table 1.
b. The followini certification sl.alemcnt found io SQ3.17(aX6)(w).
•1 certify , under penalty of law, lhat the manaiemcnt pncticea in §S03.14(e), the Class A patho,en
requ irement in §S03.32(a), and the vec\or annctioo reduction requirement in (inscn vector anractioo
reduction option) have been met. Thia det.ermination bu been made under my direction and wpervision in
accordance with the system duirned 'IO ensure that qualified penonnel properly 1ather and evaluat.e the
information used IO determine that the mana,eement p..-.cticca, patho,een requircmenu, and vector anraction
reduction rcquiremcnu have been met: I am aware that there arc aiJnilicant penalties for false cenilication
includin, the pouibility of fme and impri10nme111.•. •
e . A description of bow the Clua A patho,en reduction requirements arc mel.
d. A description of how the vector ■nnclioo reduction requirement& arc met.
e. The ■Mual whole ,Judie application nt.e for the acwa,ec slud1e that doe1 not caus.: th~ annual pollul&nt
loadioi rat.cs in Table 4 ID be excuded . Su Appendix A 'IO Part 503 • Pro.:edure to D.:t~m,in.: the Annual
Whole Sludee Application Rate for a Sewa1e SludJc.
6 . ReportinJ Requircmenu • The pcrmillee shall report annually on the DMR the followinJ information :
a . List Pe>llutant Table 4 appropriate _for rcrrniuce'a land application practice,.
b . The frequency of monitorine listed in Element I, Section I.C . which applies to the pcrminee .
c. Tox.ic ity Characteristic Lcachinz Procedure (TCLP) rcsulu (Pass/Fail).
d . The concentration (mJ~ in the sludee of c.ech pollutant listed above in Table I (de lined as a monthly
1vera1c) foond in Element I, Section L
e . Class A palhozcn reduction Alternative used as li st ed in Section I.B .3 .a. Altema1ivcs de s..:no~ how the
p1tho,etn reduc tion rcqui_rcmc nu arc mc:t .
f . Vector anracti o n reduction Alt~rnative used u li51ed in Se c tion I.B .4 . •
,e . Annual slud,ee produ,;tion in !IC)' metric tons/ye.er .
h . Amount of sludzc land applied in dC)' metri c tona/ycar.
Pare 12 of Pan IV
i. Amount of aludie transpon.ed int.erstat.e in dry melric IOna/yu.r.
j . The followin, certification IUt.emcnl found in I SOJ.17(aX6)(w) lhall be aruched IO lhe DMR..
•1 certify, uodcr peo.ahy of law, lhat lhe rnanaremcnl practice in ISOJ . I 4(e), !he Cina A pathorca
rcquiremcnl in IS03 .32(a), and lhe ve.:10r allnclioo "-Cl~tioo rcquiremeot (iruen appropriat.e option) have
been met. Thia delcrminalion has been made under my direclioo and ,uperviaion in accordance ,.,;lh lhe
ayst.em deaiJoed IO ensure lhat qualified pe...onnc:11alhcr and cvaluat.e lhe infomu,lion uKd IO dci.ermine
lhat lhe rnanaremcnl pnctice, palhoren rcquiremcnu, and ve.:10r allnction reduction requ iremcou have
been mel. I am aware lhal lhere are aiJniftcanl penaltiea for falac certification includiD& lhe powl>iliry of
fine and impri.onment. •
A. General RNJUiremeots
I . The pennillce shall handle and dispoae of scware aludre in accordance wilh Seclioo '405 of lhe Clean Wat.er Act and
all other applicable Feden.l rei'Jlaliona 10 prot.ect public beahh and lhe environment from any rcuonably ant.icipat.ed
adverx elTecu due 10 any toxic polluunu which may be preaeal .
2 . If rcquiremcnl.s for aludJe manaeemcnt pnclicea or poTTul.aDI crit.eria b«omc more llrinrenl than lhe sludre poDut.aOI
lirniu or accept.able rnanaremcnl pncticea in thia permil, or conlrOI a poDut.anl oot list.ed in thia perm.ii, lhia permil
m&y be modified or revoked and rciuued IO coo!onn to lhe rcquiremeou promul1aled al Section '40S(d)(2) of lbe
Clean Wat.er Act.
3. In all cue,, if the pcr,on (perm.it bolder) who prepare, lhe scware aludie 1Upplie1 lhe sewae~ 1ludee to anoehcr
per,on (owner or open tor of a scwaie 1lud1e unit) for dispo11l io a a,rface disposal aiLe, the permit holder lhall
provide all nece5$&ry infomu,tion 10 the parties who rueivc lhe 1lud1e IO assure compliance ·11,ilh lh~s.c rciula1ions .
4 . The pcnnince ahall rive prior notice 10 EPA (Chief, Pcrmiu Branch, Water Mana1cmcn1 Division, Mail Code 6W-P,
EPA Rciion 6, 1445 Rosa Avenue, Dallas, Teua 75202) of any plaDDCd chan,ca in lhc Kwaic 1lud1c dispoaal
practice, in accordance wilh '40 CFR Pan 122 .41 {l)(l)(iii). These cMn:ca may justify lhe application of permit
conditions thal are different from or abscnl in the exillinJ permit. Chan:e in lhc &Judie us.: or cfisposal practice may
be cause for modification of lhe permit in accordance wilh '40 CFR Pan 122.62(aXI). •
.S . The pcnnince or owner/opentor shall submit a wrilkn cloaurc and post closure plan to the p~nnininJ authority ISO
days prior 10 lhe closu~ dat.e . The plan shall include lhe followill& informatioc:
(a) A discussion of how lhc leachate collection system will be opcnlcd and rnaintaiocd for thn:e year-5 a !\er the surface
d isposal site cl<'~s if it has a lin.:r and leachale collcclion 1y1&cm.
(b) A dcs.:riplion of th.: system used IO monitor continuously for methane 111 in the air in any llru.:turcs wilhin lhe
surfa.:e disposal aite. The methane 111 concentration shall DOI exceed 2..S ,t of the lower explosive limit for mclhane •
•. JU for "three ycara a ft.er the scwaie 1lud1e unit clotcl. A do: ription of the 1y1tcm us.:d 10 monitor for mclhane 1a1
in the air at the property line of the site shall be includc4. The methane ju concenlnlion al lhc surface dispor.al 1i1e
property line lhall not exceed the lower exploaive lirnil for methane i" for three ycan after the sewage sludre unit
cloaca .
(c) A discussion of how public access to the JUr!ace dispoaal site will be restricled for three ycan aner it close,.
B. :'>l :l.ll:l1?,emt'1ll Practices
I . An a ctive sewage sludec unil lo<:ated within 60 mclen of a fault that bu displacement in Holocene li me shall close by
March 22, 1994 . •
2 . An a.:tivc s.:wage sludg e unit localed in an unstable area shall clos.: by March 22, 1994 .
3 . An active scwarc sludee unit localed in a wetland, except u provided in a perm.ii ~ed pur5uanl to s.:ction 402 of lhe
CWA, sh all close by March 22 , 1994 .
Pa1e 13 of PU\ IV
4. Surface dilpoa&l ah&ll DOt re~l \be flow of \be buc 100-yuc Good .
S. The ni!H>ff coUec:tioo ryaum foe &JI active 1e..,1,e IIIM!1e unit ah&ll b&vc \be capacity lO b&Ddlc IWl-<>rf Crom a 15-
yc.ar, 24-bour IIOl'1ll cvcu.
6 . A food crop , fcod crop , oc a fiber crop llh&ll not be JT01VII oa • aurf.cc diapoa&l Ii.la.
7 . Animall abaU not be 1rued oo a aurfacc diap<>Ml ....
I . PubU' acceu ab&ll be re~led oo lhe .ctive 1111rface cfu,poaal a.ilc ud for lhru ye.an 11\er \he ailc cloeu.
9. P\acerneol of 1ew11e alud1c ah&ll DOt colll.lminalc an aquifer . Thja ah&ll be dcmoDlllaled lhrouJh ooe of lba
foUowuii :
(1) Jluulu of a JTOWid -walcr monitorina propm developed by a qU&lified ,rouod·..,alcr acica&ut.
(b) A certi6catioo by a qU&lific.d ,rouod•waltr acicDWll may be llac-d lO dcmoo.atnlc lh.al 1ew11e 111.ldJe placed oo ·u
active 1ewa1e alud1e unit d~• DOt coot.urunalc an aquifet.
10 . 'Wbco I cover ia placed oo an active 1Urf1ce cfu,poaal ailc, lbe cooccDUatioo of methane 111 ill air in aoy IU\ICIW't
within lhe .urface diJ,poa.al ailc ah&ll DOl cxccod 25 perc:cDI of lbc lower cxplo,ive limit for methaoc i" durina lba
period !bat the 1ew11e alud1e wlil ia active . The cooceotntion of mclh&Dc 111 in air at the property lioc of the ,ur{au
d iapoaal 1i1c ab..U DOl exceed lbc lower explotive limil for methane 1u durina lbe period !bat the 1ewa1e 1lud1e unit ia
active . Moo.itorin& ah&ll be cooti.ouOIU.
c. Testing Requiremeats
1. Scwa1e 1lud1e ah&ll be luted !Llill!!!!Jl'. ill Kcordance wilh the melbod apoc ificd at '40 CFR 261 , Appendix I (J'oxicity
Ch&ncicrittic Luchini Procedure (TCLP)) oc o<hcr approved mclhod,." Slud1c ah&ll be teaed al\er fl.D&! \rut.mer:&
prior lO lcavioi lbe P<:1TW liic . Sew11e 1ll.ld1c dcltnni.ocd lO be a haz.ard01U wuu ill accordance ..,ith 40 CFR Put
:2.61, aball be bandied accordini IO RCRA suodanu for the diapoaal of b.uudoua wuu in "co~e wilh 40 CFi.
Part 262 . The diapoaal of ,ewaae 1lud1e delcrmi.oed IO be a b&urdow wall&, in o<her than • certified b&urdoua
wa.u diapoNI facility aball be probibilcd. The RCJlA Information M1.11&1emeD1 Section, 1.clcpbono oo . (:21-4) 6SS-
67SO, and lhe appropri&1c · .u1c •aeocy aball be notified of lcll failure within 2-4 houri. A ..,rinco report aball be
provided lO lhi1 otr~c wilhin 7 clay, 11\er faif1111 lbe TCLP. The report will conlain lcll re,ul\.&, certificatioo· lhal
unauthoriud diapoul b&a noc occurred and a 1U1tUDat)' of all.cmativc diapoaal pl.ana that comply 9'ith R.CJlA auod&rda
for the d iapoa&l ofb&urdow waiu. The report aball be 1ddreued to : Di'"tor, Haz.ardou1 Wuu Mana1emer:a
Divi,ion , EPA R.ca ion 6, Mail Code 6H , 1-445 R.oaa Avenue, Dalla ■, Tcxa, 752.02 . A copy of th i, report ahaU be aelll
lO the Oucf, Enforcement BrLOCh, Waler Man.a1emclll Divi,ion, Mail Code 6W-B, al the wmc llZUI addre ■a.
2 . Scw•e• 1lud1e lhall be lelted al lhe frequenc y abow below in Elemeat 2 , Scclio11 I .D . for PC&. Any 1lud1e
cx ceed illi a con.;enlntioo of SO mi/Ki ab..U DOl be .urface diapoeod.
3 . Palho1en Conlnll
All acwa:e 1lud1e 1h11 ia diip<>ICd of in a 1Urf'ace dispoaal 1i1t ahall be lrcaled by eilber the Clau A or Clau B pathoae11
rcq uiNmenU unlcu ,..,..,,e alud&( u pla ce.cl on 10 active aurface diapoa&l t ile ud u c:overed wilh ·aoa oc other mtleri&l al ~
.end of each opcntilli day . When rcportifli on th e DMJl, lilt p1tho1eo reduction level 111.ti.ncd ia A,~. oc c · (da il y cover).
V.'heo reportin& ~ compl iance wu me t, lilll Alicma~v• 1, 2, 3, -4, S or 6 for Clua A, or Alternative Number I, 2, or 3 foe
Clau B, oo DMR.. •
(a) Six 1l1emalive1 ■re 1v1 il1blc lo demoOlllt'lle comp liaoce with Clau A 1ew11e alud1e. All 6 all.cmalivca rcquiff
either the denai1y o( (.:cal colifonn in the 1ew11c alud1e be leu than 1000 MPH per Jl'IJll of lol.al 10lid1 (dry wei1bt
bui1), or the denaity of Salmonc!J a ■p . bacleri& in the 1ew11c aludJc be lcu 1h10 lhrcc Moat Probable Number pct
four 1nm, of total tolida (dry wc i1h1 bui,) al the ti.me the acwaae alud1e u uoed or di.spoK,d ; 11 the time lhe acwaic
1lud1c i1 prepared for wlc or 1ivcn away in a baa oc o<hcr coouincr for 1ppl ic1tioo lO the Lu "'. B<:low arc lbe
add itional rcquircmcnl.l °"caaary lo rnul the definition of a Clau A alud1e . A!1tro.ativca S and 6 arc oot authoriu.d
IO dcmorutnle compliance wilh Clau A acw11c alud1c i..o Tex.a, pencil&.
Al te rnat ive 1 • The le mpcratun: of the 1ew11e alud1c th.Ii, uacd or dispoeed ahaJJ be mai.nl.a ir.ed 11 a ap«ilic value
for a pcnoJ of lime . S« 503 .32(a)())(ii) for ap«ific informalioo.
Alternative 2 • The pH of the aew11e alud1c that iJ wed or diapoacd aball be railed 10 above 12 and ab.Ill remaiD
above I 2 for 72 houn.
The tc~Al>Jrc of lbc .. ..,,,c alud1c abal1 be above 52 dcJrK• Cclliu, foe 12 boun oe loaicr durui, !be period 1bal
lbc pH of lbc ec..,a,c llud1c ia above 11 ."
At the cod of lbc 71 hour period dunn, ..-hKb lbc pH of !be .. ..,,,, alud,c ii above 11 , the-••• 1lud1• abal1 be air
dried 10 ach ieve a pcn;cot tolida in the tc..,a,c llud1c Jff&l.cr lbAn SO p.r,;ca.
Ah.ernative 3 • The tcw11e 1lud1c lhall be analyz.od for cDleric vinleea prior 10 pa~ll \tcalmcot . Tbc limit foe
cnt.cri c vinuu i, ooe Plaque-Connin, Unit per four JnJN o( IOW 1101id, (di)' w~,t>t buia) either before or foUowi.11&
p1tho1cn U-UlmcDl. SM SOO .32(a)(S)(u) foe ~i6c infonnalioa. To. -as• tludr lhall be aG&lyz.ed for vi.able
belminlh ova prior 10 palho1e11 \l'c.almcDl. The limit for viable bclminlh ova i, lcu th&A ooe per four fBm1 of IOW
tolid, (dry ..,e i1h1 bui,) cilhcr before or followi.ni p11ho1c11 \tcaUDcDl. S.. SOO .32(•XS)(w) for ap«ilic in.formauoc .
Ntcrnatin '4 • The deoaity o! eo1.cric vi.nuu in the -•r aludr lh&.ll be lcu lha.n ooc P\aquc,-formin, Unit per fOW"
arama of IOu.l tolid• (dry ..,eiJht bui•) 11 lbc time lh• NO..,,,. alud,c i.a ueocl or lfl.lp09Cd oe 11 lbc time lhc 1lud,c ia •
prepared for Kie or Jin ,..,,y in a baa or ocher coal&incr for app~tioa 10 1bc lud.
The denaity of viable belmiDlh ova i..o 1bc -•ae alud1c abaU be lea, dwi ooe per four pma of IOl&l 1101.ida (dry
w ci1ht bui1) at the time 1bc ecwaac 1lud1c i.a IUOCI or dilpoecd or 11 lbe time 1bc ecwa,c 1lud1e i, prcp&n>d for Kie or
1ivc away in a ba1 or ocher conLainer for applicatioa 10 !be lud.
Alternative S -Sewa1c alud1e abA!l be lluLcd by ODC oflhc P'rocHtcl 10 Pul1bcr lled~ Patho,c111 (Pf'RP) de ■cn"bc,d
in SOO Appcodix B . PFRh include co!llp(>lti.o&, be.at dryina, beat \tcat.mclll, and thcrmophilic aerob ic di1ell.ioa.
Alternative 6 -Scw11e 1lud1e ahall be trc.aLcd by a pro<:cu that i1 oqu ivakot 10 a P'roceu to Further Reduce
P1tho1ena , if individually approved by the Palho1e11 Bquivakncy Comminu rcprcacotiaJ lbc EPA.
(b) Three 111.cmative, arc available to del'l')OIUlRi. compliaoc• wilh Clau B tewa1c alud,c . Altcmative, 2 and 3 arc
not aulhoriud 10 demollltnle complilJllCc wilb C'1UI B acw11c alud1c i..o Tc:ua pcnnila.
t,hcrnatjvc J •
Ahematjve 2 •
t,Jlernative 3 •
t,Jternative '4 •
(i) Seven random Mmple, of Ibo tcw11c 1lud1• ahaII be eoDcclcd for ooc moni10rui, cpitodc at
the time the 1ewa1e 1lud1c i.a uecd or dupoeed.
(ii) Tho 1oomet.m IM&JI o! lho dooait)' of fo<:al colilotm in ~ Mq>lc• coDo<:lcd lhalJ bc lc11
than eilhor 2,000,000 Motl Probabl• Number p.r 1nm o(IOC&l tolid1 (dry woi~hl b•li•) or
2,000,000 Colooy flonn.in& Ulliu per ,-nm o! IOl&l tolida (dry wciJht buil).
Sewa1e 1lud1e ahall be treal.Od i..o one o( the P'roccaac1 10 tiJni(ic&Dlly Jleducc Patho,cna
ducribod in SOO Appendix a.
S<w11c 1ludjc ahall bc treal.Od i..o a proccu that i.a equ ivalent IO a PSRP, if ind ivid111lly approvod
by the Patho1c n Bquivaleocy Commiau rcprcacntini Ibo EPA.
Scwaic 1lud1e placod 011 111 active 111rf1cc di,poM! ,ite ia covered with 110il or Olber material at
the end of uch operaun, day .
◄. Vector Attnctioo Reduction Requ ircmea&a
Al l 1ewa1c ,ludJc that ia d iapotcd o( in a IRlrfacc diapoM! 1ite lhall be trc.aled by ooe o( the followi.oi altcrnativca I throup 11
fo r Vector Aunctio n Rcductioa.
Alterna ti ve 1 •
Altemativo 2 •
Alurna li ve 3 •
The mu, of volatile tolida io Ibo 1ewa1• 1lud1e ahall bo ~11ced by • minimum of3! pcn:ellL
If Altcmativc 1 cUIOO( be met for an anacrobie&Jly di1e,tcd alud,c, dcmol\llntioo C&t1 be made
by diicstina a portion of lbc prcvioualy di1cllled aludac anacrobie&Jly io the laboratory i..o a
bcoch-tcale unit for -40 additional d&y, al a temperature bct,,,oco 30 and 37 dc11rcc• Cclaiua.
Volatile tolid1 m 111t be ~uced by lcu 11:wi 17 pcn;eOI IO dcmoll.ltnte compl.wic4 .
If Altcrnative 1 canoo( be met for III aerobically di1eated alud1e, demoDJtntio n C&Jl be made by
diJ eat ini • portion o( the prcviou,ly di1cll.e<! 1lud1e with a pcrceDI tol.id, o f two pcrccDI or lcu
aerobically in !he labora!Ofy in a beoch -tcale unit foe 30 ..Witiooal dly, 11 10 dc1rua Cclaiu,.
Volati le t01id1 must bc reduced by leu lhan 15 pcn:cDl 10 delnOOIUIIC coq,li.aDc.c .
Allcrnative 4 •
Al ternative S •
Alternative 6 •
AJtcmalive 9 •
Alternative 10 •
Alternative 11 •
Pare 15 of Pan IV
'Jbc IP"ific OXYJen upt&ke rate (SOUR) for ecwarc alud1c treated in an aerobic proeeu ahall be
equal to or lcaa than 1.5 milli1rama of oxy1co per hour per 1ram of iotAI aolida (dry weiJht
bans) at a 1empcra11.1rc of 20 dc1ru1 Cclaiua .
5c..,,,e 1lud1c ahall be treated io an aerobic proeeN for 14 days or lon,er. Durin, that lime ,
the temperature of the ecwa1e 1lud1e ahall be bi1her than 40 de1ree1 Celsiua and the avera1e
lell1)Crature of the ecw11e 1lud1e shall be hi1her than 4S de1ree1 Celliu,.
The pH of 1ewa1e alud1e shall be ra itcd to 12 or hiJher by alkali addition and , without the
addition of more al.l::ali shall remain at 12 or biJher for two houn and then at 11 .5 or hi1her for
an 1dditional 22 houn .
'Jbc pcrccDI aolida of Nwa1e alud1e that doea DOl coot&in unJUbiliz.ed aolida 1eoeni.d in a
primary wutcwaler lreatmcDl proeeN ahall be equ&I to or 1ruter than 75 percent bated on the
moi.iure content aod \olAl aolid1 prior to mixio: with other material,. Unslabiliz.ed aolid• an
deliocd aa ortanic maleriala in aewa1e alud1c tbat have not been treated in either an aerobic or
ao anaerobic treatmelll proccaa.
1bc pcrc:eol aolida of ecw11e alud1e that coot&ina un11.abiliz.ed aolida 1enented in a primary
wastewater treatment proeeu aha!! be equal to or 1ruter than 90 percent bated on the moi5ture
cootcnt and IOIAI aolid1 prior to mixin& with olher ma1eriala. Uos1.abilizcd aolid, are defined 11
orianic ma1eriall io ecw11e alud1e that have DOI been treatad in either an aerobic or an anaerobic
treatment proeeu.
(i) Scwa1e aludae shall be inje.cted below lbe surface of the laod .
(u) No aianifieant amount of the ecwaae 1lud1e rhall be present on the land aurface with.in
one hour al\cr the ecwa1e 1lud1e ia i.o,je.cled .
(w) 'When acwa1e 1lud1e that ia inj~tcd below the aurface of the land ia ClaN A with
resp«t to patho1ens, the acwa1e alud1e rhall be inje.cted below the land surface within
ei1ht boun al\cr bcin, diaeharied from the patho1en treatment proecu.
(i) Sewa1e 1lud1e applied IO the land surface or placed oo a ·aurface disposal aite shall be
in.:orporated ioto tbe aoil with in ai.x houn al\cr application to or placement oo lbc
(u) V.'hen 1ew11e 1lud1e that ia ineorpontcd into the aoil is Class A with respect to
patho1ens, the sew11e 1lud1e ahall be applied to or pla.ed on the land within ei1h1
houn aft.:r bein1 di,.;ha11ed from the patho1en treatment proecaa .
Scw11e 1Jud1e placed on an active acw11e 1Jud1e unit shall be covered with soil or olhcr
mat.:rial at the end of each opcnlilli day .
S. Methane Gas Control Within a Struewre On Sii.
V.'h~n cover is pla ~ed on an active surface dispo_sal 1ite , the methane JU coneentntion in the air in any . strucwre ahall not excccd
25 % of th.: Jow~r explosiv ,: limit (LEL) for m~thane zas duri11£ the p.:riod that the disposal site is active .
6 . M~thanc Gas Control al Property Linc
The conce ntrati on of methane zu in air al the property line o( the wrfa.:e disposal site shall not exceed th,: LEL for methane zu
durinz the period that the disposal 1it.c is active .
D. :\fonitorina Regui~eats
Toxi cit y Charact.:rist ic Lca chini Procedure (TCLP) Test • Once/Year
PC& • Once/Year
~!a th onc Gas in covered structures on site • Continuoua
Meth ane Gas at p ro pcny line • Continuous
Pase 16 of Pal\ JV
All other pollutant.a ahaU be moniiored al lhe frequency ahowD below:
Amounl of ecwaie 1lud1e•
(metric tons per 365 day period) frequency
0 S Sludie < 290 Once/Yur
290 S Sludec < 1,500
1,500 S Sludie < IS ,000
15,000 S Sludie
Once/Two Moo&ha
• Amount of a,ewaie 1lud1c placed OD an active a,eware aludre unit (dry weipt buu) .
Repruent.ative sample, of a,eware 1lud1e ahall be colleeled aod analyz.ed in accordance with the mclhod1 rdercnccd in 40 CFR. 503.&(b).
Unit boundary 10
propcny line
distance (met.en)
0 IO leu lhaD l5
25 10 less lhan SO
SO 10 less lhaD 75
75 10 less lhan 100
100 to less lhan 125
125 to l.:ss lhan 150
~ 150
-• Dry weii:ht bui1
Pollutant lirniu • Seware ,Judie ahall not be applied l.o a 1t1rface cfispot,al 1it.c if lhe concentnlioD of lhe lilled
pollutant, exceed the correspondin, values baaed OD lhe surface disposal sit.c bound&ry l.o the propel\y line disw,cc:
follutant Concentration,•
Ancnic Chromium Nickel PCB',
~ !m.&.!Y) -~ C!!!.t!tc)
30 200 210 49
34 220 240 49
39 260 270 49
46 300 320 49
53 360 390 49
62 ◄SO 420 49
73 600 420 49
2 . Manaiemcnt practices• Listed in Section J.B. above.
3. Notification rcquircrncnu •
a. The pcrrnittu shall aswrc that lhe owner of lhc 1urf1cc disposal 1it.c provide wrincn notification l.o the
subsequent sit.c owners that sewaie 1lud1c wu placed on the land .
b. The pcrmince shall provide the location of all cxistifl& 1lud1e disposal/use sites to the St.ate Historical
Commission within 90 days of the effective date of lhis permit. In addition, the pcnnittec shall provide the
location of any new disposal/use site lo lhe St.ale Historical Commission prior 10 ux of the sit.c.
The perminee shall within 30 days a!\.cr notification by lhe St.ate Historical Commission that a specific
sludi~ disposal/use area will adversely a!Tect a National Historic Sile, cease use of such area.
Pa1e 17 or Part IV
4 . Rccordkupia, rcquircmcnu • The pcrmiuec ahall develop !be followi.a, information and ahall relain lhe information
for five yun. The alud1e docurncnu ..-ill be rclained oo ail.e 1t lhc Mme loc■tioo II Olber NPDES record,.
1 . The dillWICC of the 111rf1cc diapoaal ■ile &om lbe property line ud lhc coocentntioo (m1fK&) in lhe aludp
of each pollul.lnt liflc4 above in Table S, 11 well II lhe 1pplic1ble pollulalll concentl"ltion critcria li.ud in
Table S.
b . A certi6c1tion ~tcrncnl Iha! 111 applicable rcquiremcnu (apccific ■lly tilled) have been met, and lh ■t lhe
pcnnia.ec understand, that lhcrc arc •irni6caot pc11,1ltie1 for ralte ccrtif1c1tioa i.ncludinr fine and
impriaonmcnt . Su S03 .27(a)(l)(ii) or S03 .27(1)(2)(u) 11 applicable IO the pennia.cca 1lud1e disposal
c . A dcacriptioo of how eilbcr lhc C'lua A or C\■ 11 B p ■lbo,en reduction rcquircrncru arc mcl, or whether
aewaae alud1e placed oa a ,urface dilpOMI tile ii coverccl with aoil or other material ■t the end or each
opcraun, day.
d . A dcacriptioo of bow 1hc vcctoc 111nCtioa rcduclion rcquiremcnu arc met.
c . Re,ulu of a 1roundwatcr monilOrifll pro,nm developed by I q111lified ,round-waler ■cicntill, or 1
·,crtific11ioo by a qualified 1roundw11er acientilt m■)' be uted IO demonstnle th11 acw11c aludae placed on
1n active 1ewa1e 1lud1e unit doc, not conLarninatc ID aquifer. A q1111ificd 1roundw11er scientist is an
individual with a bacc&l ■urutc or poll 1raduatc dc1ru in the natural science, or enrinurin, who hu
111fficient trainin, 1od experience in 1roundwatcr hydrotov ud rcl■leel field,, u may be dcmo.nstratcd by
State RJilll"ltion, profe15ional certification or completioo of accredited univenily pro1ram1 , to make aound
professional judaerncnu rc1ardi11& 1rouodw1tcr monitoriDJ , poDuunt (ale and transport, and corTCctive
5. Reportin, Rcquircmcnll • The penniu.ce wli report IJWllll)' oo lhc DMR the followin1 information:
1 . Report~ for oo liner and lcach11e collection sy9'Cm al 111rf,ce dispoaal lite .
b. The frcque04')' of moni1orini liatod in EerncDI Il, Section I.D. which ■pplica 10 lhe perminu.
c. Toxicity Chara~ieristic Lcachin, Procedure (TCLP) rc111lu (Pua/Fail).
d . The concentration (rnrlK&) in the aludJe of each pollullot tilled in Table 5 ■s well u the applicable
pollullnl concentration critcria listed in Table S.
c . The conc:entralion (rnrlK&) of PCB'• in !he aludp.
f . The di11ance between the propcny line and the 1111rl'1ce dispo11I site boundary.
,. Level o( patho1cn reduction achieved (Clu1 A or Cius :ID, unlcsa Vector al1raclion reduction allemative
no . 11 i1 utilized.
h . Lill Al1erna1ive uacd II listed in Section I .C .3.(a . orb .). Altcrnativu de&eribe how the pathoj~n reduction
rcquircrncnu arc met.
i. V eclOr aaraction reduction Alie ma live uacd as listed in Section l.C .4 .
j. Annual aludjc production in dry metric wns/ycar.
k. Amount of 1ludje surface disrosed in dry metric wnslyur.
I. Amount of slud1e tr&nsponed intcrsutc in dry metric IOnsfyca.r.
m . A narrative descriplivn cxplaini"i bow the mana1crncnt practices in !S03 .24 arc met r.hall be atlached IO
lhe DMR.
n . The certifica tion slltcn~nl lisltd in S03 .27(a)(l){ii) or 503 .27(1)(2){ii) as applicabk Iv th ,; p.:rmill<~s sludie
disposal aclivi li<s, shall be att.1,hcd 10 the DMR.
3 .
Paic I I of Pan JV
Pollutant limiu • Nooe.
Manaiement Pnctice, • Lill\.e.d in Section I.B . above.
Notification rcquiremenu •
a. The pcnniau shall auurc that the owoer of lhe .urlace dispoaal 1i1c provide 1"'ritlen notification to the
,ubaequent owoer of the 1ile that aewaie 1lud1c wu placed oa the land .
b. 'The pcnniau lhall provide the location of all cx.ilUJll lludse dispoaaVuae 1it.e1 to the Stale Historical
Commiuioo within 90 day, of the etfoctivc dale of lhi, pcnnil. In addition, lhe penninu ah&II provide the
location of any new disp05aVuac 1i1c to the St.ale Historical Commiuion prior to uac of the ai1.c .
'The pcnniau shall within 30 day, al\cr DOlification by lhc Stale Historical Commission that a 1p«i6c
1lud1e diapoaal/uae area will advel"ICly atfe<:l a Nation&! HilltDric Site, c:uae uac of n,ch area.
•· R«ordkeepia, rcquiremenu • The pcnnitlce ahall d.evclop lhc followini infonnation and shall rcllin the infonnation
for five ycan. The 1lud1e dcx:umcnu will be rclliocd on si1.c al the ume location u other NPDES ruord,.
a . The followin, certification sut.emenl fouod in 503.27(aXl)(u):
"I certify, under pcnahy of law, that the patho,eo rcquircmcnu (defioe oplion used) and the ve<:IOr
at1nction reduction rcquiremenu (define option uaed) have been me1 . This determination hu been made
under my direction and supervision in accordance with the 1ystem deairncd to ensure that qualified
pcr50nnel properly 1•ther and evalua1c the information uaed IO det.ermi~ the (pathoren rcquircmenu and
ve<:tor aunclion reduction requircmenu, if approprial.c) have been met. I am aware that there arc
1irnifican1 pcnaltie1 for false certification includin, the pouibility of fine and imp~sonmenl. •
b. A deacription of bow either the Clase A or Class B pathoren reduction requirements arc met or ·whether
acwaze aludze placed on a ,uriace dispo"'I tile i, coverc.d with soil or other material at the end of each
opentin, day.
c. A deacriplion of bow the Ve<:tor attnction reduction l'Ciuircmenl.l are met.
d. Ruult.s of a iround-wat.er monitorin1 pro1nm developed by • qualified 1round-wa1cr acienti,l. A
certifi~ation by • qualified 1round-w11cr acientiSI may be uaed IO demonstnte that ~w•ic sludg~ placed on
an active aewa1e slud1e unit docs not conllrni11,1t.e an aquifer .
5 . Reportin1 Requirements• The perminee shall repol'I aMually on the DMR the following in(ormation:
a. Report~ for liner and leachate collection 1y.icm al aurfa.:e dispoaal 1it.e.
b . The frequency of monitorilli listed in Element 2, Section I.D. which •ppliu to the pcrminee .
c. Toxicity Cbanct.eristic luchi~ Procedure (TCLP) resu!ts _ (Pua/Fail).
d. The concenlnlion (m1/Ki) in the 1lud1e of PCB&.
e. uvel of p1tho1en reduction achieved (Cina~ or Cius ID, unlesa Vector anraction reduction alternative
no. 11 is uaod .
f . List Ali.:mative used as listed in Se<:tion I.C .3.(a . orb.). Alt.emalivc1 deserib.: how the patho1en reduction
requiremenu are met.
I • Vector anraclion reduction Altunative used u listed in Section J.B.4.
h . Annual sludge production in dry metric tons/year.
i. Amount of 1lud1e surface disposed in dry metric tons/year.
2 .
3 .
Paic 19 of Pan JV
j. Amouot of alud1c tnn,,portcd i.olcnui.c ill dry~ IOulycu.
k . A oamtive dcecription cxplainin, bow lbc 1n&NJcmcnt pr1ctice1 i.a 1503 .24 arc met ahaU be aaachcd IO
the OMR.
I. A ccr\ifieation llltcmcnt thal all appliublc rcquircmcnll (■peci(ieally lilted) have bun met, and that the
pennia.oc under■und1 that lbcrc arc 1i,ni(iean1 peNltiCI for falx cer\ification includin, fine and
impri.onmcnt (Sec 503 .27(a)(l)(u) oc 503 .27(a)(2)(u) whichever applica IO the pcnninc.es 1lud1e disposal
activitie1) ahall be aa.achcd IO the DMJl.
The pennitlU Mall handle and dispose of ■ewa1e alud1e in accord&nce wilb Section 405 of the Cle.an Water Act and
all other applicable Federal rcrulation, IO prolec;t public: hullb and the environment from any reatoNbly anticipated
advenc efT~u due lO any toxic pollu\lnU that may be prc ■elll . The penninc.c aha II ensure thal lhe scwa1c slud1e
muu the rcquircmcnll in 40 CFR 258 cooecmin, the qu&lity of the slud1c disposed in the municipal .olid waau
landfill unit.
If requirement., for slud1e rNNJCmcnl practice ■ or pollutant crii.cria become more strinJ•nt than the 1lud1c pollutant
lirniu or acceptable rNnaJemcnt pr1ctice1 in this pennit, or control a pollutant DOl listed in this pcnnit, this pennit
may be modified or revoked and rciuued IO conform lO the requircmcnu promul1atcd 11 S«tion 405(d)(2) of the
Clun Wal.er Act.
If the pcnnitt« 1enera1.cs scwa1e slud1e and supplic1 that ■ewa1e alud1e lO the owner or operator of a MSWLF for
disposal, the pcnnin« shall provide lO the owocr or operator of the MSWLF appropriate information occdcd to be in
compliance with the provision, of this permit.
-4 . The permin« shall 1ivc prior notice to EPA (Chief, Penniu Branch, Water Mana1cmcn1 Division, Mail Code 6W-P,
EPA Re1ion 6, 1+45 Rou Avenue, Dallas, Texu 75202) of any planned chan,es i.a lbe scwa1e slud1e disposal.
practice, in accordance with 40 £EB Pan 122 .4l(J)(l)(iii). These chan,es rNY justify the appfiealion of pennit
condition, that arc different from or abscnl in the existin1 pennit. Chaoie in the slud1e use or disposal practice rNY
be caus.: for modification of the pennit in acconlance wilb 40 CFR Pan !22.62(aXI). •
S . The pennittee shall provide the location of all existinJ slud1e disposaVusc sites to the St.ate Historical Commission
within 90 days of the effective cute or this pcnnit. In adJition, the penninu s.hall provid~ the location or any new
disposal/use site to the Stale Historical Commission prior to use of the aii.c .
The pcnninu s.hall within 30 days after notification by the State Historical Commission that a sr,:cific slud1e
disposal/use area will advencly afT"t a National Historic Site, cusc use of aucb area .
6 . Sewa1e slud1e s.hall be tested annually in accordance with the method specified at 40 CFR 268, App<:ndix I (Toxicity
Characteristic Luchini Procedure (TCLP)) or other approved methods. SludJc shall bc tested after final treatment
prior to leavilli the POTW site . Sewa1e 1ludie detennined _lO be .a haz.ardous waste in accordance with 40 CFR Pan
261, shall be handled acconlioi to RCRA ■tandard, for the disposal of hu.ardou, wast.c in acconlance with 40 CFR
Part 262. The disposal of scwa1e 1lud1c d,tennincd to be a bu.anlou, wute, in other than a certified haz.anlou•
wast.: disposal facility shall be prohibited . The RCRA lnfonnation Mana1cment Section, t.:lcphonc no. (214) 655-
6750, and the appropriate st.ate a1ency ,hall be notified of test failure within 24 hours. A wrincn report shall be
provid~d to this office within 7 days al\u failioi the TCLP. The report will contain test rcsuhs, certification that
unauthorized disposal has not occurred and a summary of alternative disposal plans that comply with RCRA st.andanl1
for the disposal of hu.anlous waste . The report shall be addressed to: Director, Hazardous Waste Mana1ement
Division, EPA Re1ion 6, Mail Code 6H, 144.S Rou Avenue, Dallu, Texas 75202 . A copy of thi, report shall be sent
to the Chief, Enfon:cmcnt Branch, Water Mana1emcnt Division, Mail Code 6W-E, at the same street addrcu .
7 . Scwaic slud1e shall be tested as needed, or at a minimum , oncc/yeu in accordance with the method 9095 (Paint Fill.er
Liquids Test) as dcllCribcd in 7.:st M,thods for Evaluatini: Solid Wastes, PbysicaVChernical Methods" (EPA Pub.
No . SW-846). •
Pa1c 20 of Part IV
g . Recordkeep in, l"C(juircmeau • The permillec &hall develop the followina information and shall relAin the information
for five ycan .
a . Tbe deecription, includi.J'I& procedure, followed, aod rcaulll of the Paint F"iltcr Te.u performed.
b . Tbe deecriplion, includ ioi procedure, followed, and reaulll of the TCLP Tc•.
9 . Reportin: l"C(juiremeoU • The permittcc ab.all report anoually oa the Diecbarie Moaitorina Report the followin,
information :
a . Rcaulll of the Toxicity Chancterillic Luchin& Procedure Tell conducl.ed on the 1lud1e IO be dispoaed
b . Annual 1lud1e production in di')' metric IOoal)'Mr .
c. Amount of 1lud1e disposed in a municipal 101id wast.e landfill in di')' metric iooa/year.
d. Amount of 1lud1e lnnsported intcrst.ate in di')' metric tooa/ycar.
c . A certification that 1ewa1e 1lud1e mull the re(jUircmcnll in 40 CFR. 258 concemin1 the quality of the
1lud1e di,poaed in a munic ipal 101id waste landfill unit &hall be auached IO the DMR.
TNRCC Permit
John Jull. Chairman
~ Reed. Ct,mMissio"n
fCUY C&r-Mr. Cor,uiiJuk>ft,r
Anthony C~. Exmti"" Dir•dor
' . -. . • . .. '• ' .. _ .. . •
Proteclirt9 TuaJ bv R•du.cing alll/ Pr:sttrnJin; Pollution
December 21, 199 3
Jeff cfvins, Attorney
Susan G. Zachos, Attorney
Kelly, Hart . & Hall.rr.a.n .
301 Congress, Suite 2000
Austin, TX 78701
HIN/AfID; Permit No. 10494'-13 -~
100.0 ·
Akins~ City _Atto~ney
Steinberger, Assi~tant
of ·Fort -Worth
Throc)anorton .-'
Worth, TX 76102
City Attorney
Enclosed is a copy of the ref.e~nced·_ ~-~t ,f-or .;a wastewater. -Jre~tmerit facility issued
pursuant to Chapter 26 of --·the-'J;'ex.a:s ·,Wat.er.<-Qaoe-'>.The ~pe.rn1it,~-was •::granted on Decelllber • 8,
. . • . -. .. . . ~
ln order that compliance ~s . me~-:3 ~-• :_~t,tpi;-~ ·• ·requ.i~emen-E'5 ~ of,, the . waste discharge
permit, self-reporting forms _:_an~·,: l:1J~-~t•~o~ • ~µ} ,d:~ ~-~~a.i::&.d .from the ~.Watershed
Management Division. The rise (?f . any ol~_ae_lf f report.1ngf:forms' should be discon:t-inued ahd
forms should not be filled out until -neia' ones ve r~ei-qed fr.om TNRCC: which will· reflect
new monitoring requirements.· Fo:L further :::in,fprmat1on,. please contact Mary Taylor at
(512) 463-8244 .
When -a facility is placed ~in operation or goe.s-.i-~to a ,ne'W phase, the attac}:led .,Report of
Progress of Construction . of .. Wastewater Tre~~t. :Facilities''. Form should ~:used. This
for1n will advise TNRCC and the regional '.':of}tci}.~. -the • completion or placement in
operation of proposed facilities in accordance with>the special .provision incorporated
into -the permit.
Gloria A . Vasquez, Chief _Clerk
cc: • TNRCC Regional Office 4
~ •• Bonni~ Rubey, Staff Attorney, TNRCC
Kerry D. Sullivan/Deborah Thomas, Hearings Examiners, TNRCC
Grace Casstevens, Attorney; Casstevens & casstevens; 1601 Rio Grande, Suite 400;
Austin, TX 78701
P.O . Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711 -3087 512/90S-1000
Tex&• Natural R■•ourc ■ Con••rvation Com:ni••ion
Attn: Enforcement Support Unit, Wat ■r•h•d Management
Today' a Oat ■
-----------------,.-----------WQ....,,--,-------------Na.me o! Permitt•• Permit No.
R••ponaibl• Official: ___________ ..,.,.. ______________ _
Ti.t •
Phone Number
Facilities are operational/a.re estimated to be operational
Date (month/day/yeu-)
The volume and phase in operation (Interi.m/Final)_._,......,,........----,..,...-------
(million gallons per day)
Operator of this facility will be
Cl••• of Certificate _______ social Security Number ___ _
Employed by (.if applicable
(Name of Operations Company)
TNRCC Enforcement Support Unit/Watershed Management/P.O. Box 13087/Austin, Texas
78711-3O87/Area Code 512 463-8244
Region Location
1 Amarillo
2 Lubbock
3 Abilene
4 Arlington
5 Tyte·r
6 El Paso
7 Odessa
8 SanAngelo
9 Waco
10 Beaumont
11 Austin
12 Houston
:------~~ : : ;
• I : -
13 San Antonio
14 Corpus Christi
15 Harlingen
Stephen F. Austin State Office Building
1700 N. Congress Ave.
Austin, Texas 78711
under provisions of Chapter 26
of the Texas Water Code
City of Fort Worth
whose mailing address is
P.O. Box 870
Fort Worth, Texas 76101
PERMIT NO. 10494-013
(corresponds to
This minor amendment supersedes
and replaces Permit No. 10494-013,
approved September 09, 1993 and is
reissued pursuant to 30 TAC
is authorized to treat and dispose of wastes from the Vi 11 age Creek Wastewater
Treatment Facilities
located southeast of the confluence of the West Fork Trinity River with Village Creek
in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas
to the Lower West Fork Trinity River in Segment No. 0841 of the Trinity River Basin
only in accordance with effluent limitations , monitoring requirements and other
conditions set forth herein, as well as the rules of the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission ("Commission•), the laws of the State of Texas, and other
orders of the Commission. The issuance of this permit does not grant to the permittee
the right to use private or public property for ~onveyance of wastewater along the
herein described discharge route. This includes property belonging to but not limited
to any individual, partnership, corporation or other entity. Neither does this permit
authorize any invasion of personal rights nor any violation of federal, state, or local
laws -or regulations. It is the responsibility of the p-ermittee to acquire prop~rty ••
rights as may be necessary to use the herein described discharge route.
This permit and the authorization contained herein shall expire at midnight, September
9, 1998.
City of Fort Worth
outfall Humber 001
1. During the period beginning upon the date of .issuance and lasting through the completion of the 144 HGD
facility, the permittee is authorized to discharge subject to the following effluent limitations:
The daily average flow of effluent shall not exceed 120 million gallons per day {HGD); nor shall the average
discharge during any two-hour period {2-hour peak) exceed 196,000 gallons per minute (gpm).
Eff] uent Cbaracterjstjc Oiscb~rge Limitations Minimum Self-Monjtorjng 8~gujrem~nts
Daily Avg 7-day Avg Daily Max Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Max.
mg/1 (lbs/day) mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Measurement Frequency Sample Type
Flow, MGD Report N/A Report N/A Continuous Totalizing meter
Carbonaceous Biochemical
Demand (5-day) 10(10, 008) 15 25 35 Daily Composite
Total Suspended Solids 15(15,012) 25 40 60 Daily Composite
Ammonia Nitrogen
June -November 2(2,002) 6 10 15 Daily Compos 1te
December -May 5(5,004) N/A Report 15 Daily Compos He
Diaz i non Report{Report) N/A N/A Report One/month Grab
2. The effluent shall contain a chlorine residual of at least 1.0 mg/1 after a detention time of at least 20 minutes
(based on peak flow), and shall be monitored daily by grab sample after the chlorine contact chamber . The
permittee shall dechlorinate the chJorinated effluent to less than 0.1 mg/1 chlorine residual and shall monitor
the effluent daily by grab sample after the dechlorination equipment. An equivalent method of disinfection may
be substituted only with prior approval of the Commission.
3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be daily by grab
4. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of
visible oil.
5. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location(s): Following the final treatment unit .
6. The effluent shall contain a minimum dissolved oxygen of 6 mg/1 and shall be monitored daily by grab sample*.
* See Other Requirement No. 1, Page 8.
Page 2
~ i v, t w . ..,,,
1. During the period beginning upon the completion of the 144 HGD facility and lasting through the date of
expiration, the permittee .1s authorized to discharge subject to the following effluent limitations:
The daily average flow of effluent shall not exceed 144 mi .llion gallons per day (MGD); nor shall the average
discharge during any two-hour period (2-hour peak) exceed 256,250 gallons per minute (gpm).
Eff]yent Cbaracterj st ic Discbarge Ljmjtatjoos Mjnjmum Se]f-Moaitorjog 8egujrement~
Daily Avg 7-day Avg Daily Max Single Grab Report Daily Avg. & Daily Hax.
mg/l(lbs/day) mg/1 mg/1 mg/1 Measurement Frequency Sample Type
Flow, MGD Report N/A Report N/A Continuous Totalizing meter
Carbonaceous Biochemical
Oxygen Demand {5-day) 7 (8,407) 15 25 35 Daily Composite
Total Suspended Solids 15(18,014) 25 40 60 Daily Composite
Anvnonia Nitrogen
June -November 2(2,402) 6 10 15 Daily Composite
December -May 5(6,005) N/A Report 15 Daily Composite
Diazinon Report(Report) N/A N/A Report One/month Grab
2. The effluent shall contain a chlorine residual of at least 1.0 mg/1 after a detention time of at least 20 minutes
(based on peak flow), and shall be monitored daily by grab sample after the chlorine contact chamber. The
permittee shall dechlorinate the chlorinated effluent to less than 0.1 mg/1 chlorine residual and shall monitor
the effluent daily by grab sample after the dechlorination equipment. An equivalent method of disinfection may
be substituted only with prior approval of the Conrniss1on.
3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored daily
by grab sample.
4. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts and no discharge of
visible oil.
5. Effluent monitoring samples shall be taken at the following location(s): Following the final treatment unit .
6. The effluent shall contain a minimum dissolved oxygen of 6 mg/1 and shall be monitored daily by grab sample*.
* See Other Requirement No. I, Page 8.
Page 2a
As reQuired by Title 30 Texas Administration Code IT AC) Chapter 305 certain reQulations appear as standard
conditions in waste discharge permits. All definitions contained in Section 26.001 of the Texas Water Code shall
apply to this permit and are incorporated herein by reference. Additional definitions of words or phrases used in this
permit are used as follows:
1 . Flow Measurements
a. Daily average flow• the arithmetic average of all determinations of the daily discharge within a period of one
calendar month. The daily average flow determination shall consist of determinations made on at least four
separate days. If instantaneous measurements are used to determine the daily discharge, the determination
shall be the arithmetic average of all (nstantaneous measurements _taken during that month. Daily average
flow determination for IntermIttent discharges shall consist of a mIn1mum of three flow determinations on
days of discharge .
b. Instantaneous flow • the measured flow during the minimum time reQuired to interpret the flow measuring
device .
c. 2-hour peak (domestic wastewater treatment plants) • the maximum flow sustained for a two-hour period
during the period of daily discharge. Multiple measurements of instantaneous maximum flow within a two-
hour period may be compared to the permitted 2-hour peak flow.
d. Daily maximum flow • the highest total flow for any 24-hour period in a calendar month.
2 . Concentration Measurements
·a.· Daily average concentration • the arithmetic average of all effluent samples, composite or grab as required
by this permit within a period of one calendar month, consisting of at least four separate representative
measurements. When four samples are not available in a calendar month, the arithmetic average of the four
most recent measurements or the arithmetic average (weighted by flow) of all values taken during the month
shall be utilized as the daily average concentration. •
b. 7-day average concentration • the arithmetic average of all effluent samples, composite ·or grab, within a
period of one calendar week, consisting of at least three separate measurements.
c. Daily maximum concentration • the maximum concentration measured on a single day, by composite sample,
unless otherwise specified elsewhere in the permit .
d. Fecal Coliform bacteria • the number of colonies per 100 milliliters effluent.
3. Sample Type
a. Composite samp·le • a sample made up of a minimum of three effluent portions collected in a continuous 24-
hour period or during the period of daily discharge if less than 24 hours, and combined in volumes
proportional to flow collected no closer than two hours for domestic sewage. For industrial wastewater a
composite sample is a sample made up of a minimum of three effluent portions collected in a continuous
24-hour period or during the period of daily discharge if less than 24 hours, and combined in volumes
proportional to flow collected no closer than one hour .
b. Grab sample • an individual sample collected in less than 15 minutes.
4 . Treatment Facility (facility) • wastewater facilities used in the conveyance, storage, treatment, recycling,
reclamation and/or disposal of domestic sewage, industrial wastes, aoricultural wastes, recreational wastes, or
other ·wastes including sludge handling or disposal facilities under the jurisdiction of the Commission.
5. The term ·sludge" shall mean the solids separated from wastewater by unit processes which have not been
classified as hazardous waste, as defined in 30 TAC Chapter 31 2 .
1 . Self-Reporting
30 TAC §305 .125 ( 17) Monitoring results shall be provided at the intervals specified in the permit.
Unless otherwise specified in this permit or otherwise ordered by the Commission, the permittee shall conduct
effluent sampling and reporting in accordance with 30 TAC § §31 9 .4 • 319. 1 2. Test methods utilized shall be
sensitive enough to detect the constituents at the Minimum Analytical Level (MAL). Constituents not detected
shall be reported as • < (MAL value).·
Unless otherwise specified, a monthly effluent report shall be submitted each month by the 20th day of the
following month for each discharge which is described by this permit whether or not a discharge is made for that
month. •
Page 3 TNRCC 9193
30 TAC §305.125 120) As provided by State Law the perm,ttee is subject to administrative. civil and crimina l
penalties. as applicable. for negligently or knowing v,otat1no the Clean Water Act, the Texas Water Code.
Chapters 26, 27. and 28. and Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 361, including but not limited to
knowingly making any false statement . on any report or document, falsifying, tampering with or knowingly
rendering inaccurate any monitoring device or method reQuired by this permit or violating any other reQuirement
imposed by state or federal regulations
2. Test Procedures
Unless otherwise specified in this permit, test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall comply with
procedures specified in 30 TAC H 31 9. 1 1 • 31 9. 1 2. Measurements, tests and calculations shall be accurately
accomplished in a representative manner .
3. Records of Results
30 TAC §305.125(11) Monitoring and reporting reQuirements are as follows:
a. Monitoring samples and measurements shall be taken at times and in a manner so as to be representative
of the monitored activity .
b. Except for records of monitoring information reQuired by this permit related to the permittee·s sewage sludge
use and disposal activities. which shall be retained for a period of at least five years (er !o.-:ger as reQuired
by 40 CFR Part 503). monitoring and reporting records, including strip charts and records of calibration and
maintenance, copies of all records reQuired by permit, and the certification reQuired by 40 Code of Federal
Regulations §264.73(bll9l shall be retained at the facility site tor a period of three years from the date of
the record or sample, measurement. report or certification. This period may be extended at the request of
the Executive Director.
c. Records of monitoring activities shall include the following:
i. date, time and place of sample or measurement;
ii. identity of individual who collected the sample or made the measurement.
iii. date and time of analysis;
iv. identity of the individual and laboratory who performed the analysis;
v. the techniQue or method of analysis; and
vi. the results of the analysis or measurement and Quality assurance/quality control records.
The period during which records are reQuired to be kept shall be automatically extended to and through the final
disposition of any administrative or judicial enforcement action that maybe instituted against the permittee.
4 . Additional Monitoring by Perminee
If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location(sl designated herein more freQuently than reQuired by this
permit using approved analytical methods as specified above, all results of such monitoring shall be reported.
The results of all analyses shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values submined on the
required monthly effluent report. Increased freQuency of sampling shall be indicated on the monthly effluent
5. Calibration of Instruments
All automatic flow measuring and/or recording devices and/or totalizing meters reQuired by the permit for
measuring permit limited flows shall be accurately calibrated by a trained person at plant start-up and as often
thereafter as necessary to ensure accuracy, but not less often than annually unless authorized by the Executive
Director for a longer period. Such person shall verity in writing that the device is operating properly and giving
accurate results. Copies of the verification shall be kept at the ptan.t site for at least th.~ee years.
• 6. Compliance Schedule Reports
30 TAC §305.125( 18) Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on, interim and
final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of the permit shall be submitted no later than 1 4 days
following each schedule date to the appropriate regional office and the water Quality enforcement staff.
7 . Noncompliance Notification
30 TAC §305. 125(9) Unless specified otherwise, the permittee shall report any noncompliance which may
endanger human health or safety to the Executive Director. Report of such information shall be provided orally
(to the Regional Office) within 24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware of the noncompliance. The
Regional Office may require a written submission of such information [to the Regional Office and to the
Enforcement Section of the Watershed Management Division) within five working days of the time the permittee
becomes aware of the noncompliance. The written submission shall contain a description of the noncompliance
and its cause; the potential danger to human health or safety, or the environment; the period of noncompliance.
including exact dates and times; if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected
to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance, and
to mitigate its adverse effects .
Page 4 TNRCC 9/93
Not withstand ing any of the above any noncompliance of daily average values w hi ch deviates more than 40%
from ·the permitted effluent limitation shall be re0oned orally and in writi ng to t he R99iona I Office within 5
working days of becoming aware of the condition . Pursuant to this section, any exceedence of minimum .
maximum and/or grab requirements shall be reponed in writing to the Regiona l Office within 5 working days of
8 . Signatories to Reports
30 TAC §305. 125(14) All repons and other information reQuested by the Executive Direct or shall be signed by
the person and in the manner reQuired by 30 TAC §305.128 (relating to Si gnatories to Reports).
1 . General
a . 30 TAC §305 . 125(191 When the permittee becomes aware that it fa i led to submit any relevant facts in a
permit application, or submitted incorrect information in an app li cation or in any repon to the Executive
Director, it shall promptly submit such facts or informati on.
b. This permit is granted on the basis of the information suppli ed and rep r esentations made by the perminee
during the appl ication process, relying upon the accuracy and completeness of that information and those
representations. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, this permit may be modified , suspended, or
revoked, in whole or in part in accordance with 30 TAC 305.61 • 305.62, during its term for cause including
but not limited to , the following :
i. Violation of any terms or cond it i ons of this permit;
ii. Obtain ing this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully alt re l evant facts; or
iii. A change in any conditi on that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or eli minati on of the
authori zed d ischarge.
c. 30 TAC §305 . 125(6) The perminee shall furnish to the Executive Director, upon request and within a
reasonable t ime , any information to determine whether cause exists fo r amending, revoking, suspending or
terminating the permit. The perminee shalt also furnish to the Executive Director, upon reQuest, copies of
records requ i red by the permit.
2. Compliance
d .
e .
f .
Page 5
30 TAC §305 .124 Acceptance of the permit by the person to whom it is issued constitutes
acknowledgement and agreement that such person wilt comply with alt the terms and conditions embodied
in the permit , and the rules and other orders of the Commission .
30 TAC §305 .125(1) The permittee has a duty to comply with alt conditions of the permit. Failure to
comp ly with any permit condition constitutes a violation of the permit and the Texas Water Code or the
Texas Soli d Waste Disposal Act, and is grounds for enforcement action, for permit amendment, revocation
or suspension, or for denial of a permi t renewal application or of an application for a permit for another
30 TAC §305 . 125(3) It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an en f orcement action that it would have
been necessary to halt or r educe the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the cond itions
of the permit.
30 TAC §305 .125(4) The permittee shall take all reasonab l e steps to minimize or prevent any discharge
or sludge use or disposal or other permit violation which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting
human health or the environment .
30 TAC §305 . 125(8) Authorization from the Commission i s required before beginning any change in the
per m ined fac il ity or activ ity that_ may result in noncompliance with any permit r equ irements.
30 TAC §305 . 125(15) A permit may be amended, suspended and reissued , or revoked for cause. The filing
of a reQuest by the perminee for a permit amendment, suspension and rei ssuance, or termi nation, or a
notification of planned changes or antici pated noncompliance , does not stay any permit condition.
There shall be no unauthorized discharge of wastewater . For the purpose of this permit an unauthorized
discharge is consi dered to be any discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater which flows into
waters in the state or whi ch exits the permittee's facil ity adjacent to waters in the state at any point not
permitted as an outfall or otherwise defined in the Other Requ irements of this permit . Situations ·requ iring
a temporary d iversion of wastewater around a unit or units to a permitted outfall for the purposes of
maintenance or repair i s not a violati on of this permit as long as the wastewater complies with all other
standards , terms and cond it i ons of this permit and pr i or notification is provided to the Regional Office. Not
withstand ing the f oregoing , the Commission may require that an appli cati on be submitted for forma l
authorization .
TNRCC 9/93
h. The pe<mIttee is reQuired to notify in wri ting each patron of its responsib i lity to notify the Commission of
unauthorized discharges in accordance with 30 TAC § 305. 1 25 (91 . • A patron is defined as any entity acting
as a customer or waste conmbutor, separate from the permIttee, who maintains a wastewater collection
system tor transport of their wastewater to the permittee' s facility .
.J. Inspections and Entry
a .
30 TAC §305 . 125(101 Inspection and entry shall be allowed as prescribed in the Texas Water Code,
Chapters 26, 27 , and 28 , and Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 361 .
The members of the Commission and employees and agents of the Commission are entitled to enter any
public or private property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions
relating to the quality of water in the state. Members, employees, or agents acting under this authority who
enter private property shall observe the establi shment's rules and regulations concerning safety, internal
security, and fire protecti on , and if the property has management in residence, shall notify management or
the person then in charge of his or her presence and shall exhibit proper credentials. If any member,
employee , or agent is refused the r ight to enter in or on public or private property under this authority, the
Executive D irector may invoke the remed ies authorized in Texas Water Code Section 26. 123.
Permit Amendment
a . 30 TAC §305. 1 25(71 The permittee shall give notice to the Executive D i rect or pr ior to physical alterations
or additions to the permitted facility if such alterations or additions would requ ire a permit amendment or
result in a violation of permit requ irements . •
b . Prior to any facility modifications, additions and/or expansions of a permitted facility that will increase the
plant capacity beyond the permitted flow, the permittee must apply for and obta in proper authori zation from
the Commission before commencing construction.
c . 30 TAC §305.125(2) The permittee must apply for an amendment or renewal [180 days] prior to exp i ration
of the existing permit in order to continue a permitted activ ity after the exp irati on date of the permit.
Authorization to continue such activity will terminate upon the effective denial of said application.
d . Prior to accepting wastes which are not described in the permit application or which would result in a
significant change in the quantity or quality of the existing discharge, the permittee must report the proposed
changes to the Commission. The permittee must apply for a permi t amendment reflecting any necessary
• changes in permit cond itions, including effluent limitations for pollutants not identified and limited by thi s
e . Texas Water Code §26.029(bl After a public hearing, noti ce of which shall be given to the permittee, the
Commission may require the permittee, from time to time, for good cause , to conform to new or add itional
conditi ons. The Commission shall allow the permittee a reasonable time to conform to the new or additional
conditions, and on app lication of the permittee , the Commission may grant additional time.
5 . Permit Transfer
a. Pr i or to any transfer of this permi t, Commi ssion approval must be obtained . The Commission shall be
noti fied, in writing, of any change in control or ownership of facilit i es authorized by this per m i t. Such
noti fication should be sent to the Permit Application Team in the Watershed Management Division .
b. 30 TAC §305 .125(131 A permit may be transferred only according to the provisions of 30 TAC §305.64
(relating to Transfer of Permits) and 30 TAC 305.97 (relating to Action on Application 'for Transfer).
6. Relationship to Hazardous Waste Activities
This permit does not authorize any activity of hazardous waste .or solid waste storage, processing or disposal
which requires a permit or other authorization pursuant to the Texas Health and Safety Code. ..
7 . Relationship to Water Rights
Disposal of treated effluent by any means other than discharge directly to the waters in the state must be
specifi cally authori zed in this permit and may requ i re a permit pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Texas Water Code .
8 . Property R i ghts
30 TAC §305 .125(16) A permit does not convey any property rights of any son:, or any exclusive pr iv ilege.
9 . Permit .Enforceabi li ty
The ~onditions of this permit are severable , and if any provision of this permit, or the applicati on o f any provi sion
of this permit to any c ircumstances, is hel d inva lid , the application of such provis i on to other circumstances, and
the remainder of th is permit, shall not be affected thereby .
Page 6 TNRCC 9193
30 TAC §305. 125151 The permittee shall at all times ensure that the facility and all its systems of collection,
treatment, and disposal are properly operated . This would include the re9ular, periodic examination of
wastewater solids within the treatment plant by the operator In order to maintain an appropriate Quantity and
quality of solids inventory as described in the various operator training manuals and according to accepted
industry standards for process control such as the Commission's "Recommendations for Minimum Process
Control Tests for Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facilities.•
Upon request of the Executive Director, the permittee shall take appropriate samples and provide proper analysis
in order to demonstrate compliance with Commission rules. Unless otherwise specified in this permit or
otherwise ordered by the Commission, the permittee shall comply with all provisions of 30 TAC §3, 2.1-§312. 13
concerning sewage sludge use and disposal and §319.21 • 319.101 concerning the discharge of certain
hazardous metals.
Domestic Wastewater Treatment facilities shall comply with the following provi sions:
a . The permittee shall notify the Executive Director in writing of any closure activity or facility expansion at
least 90 days prior to conducting such activity.
b. Closure activities include those associated with any pit, tank, pond, lagoon, or surface impoundment
regulated by this permit.
c. As part of the notification, the permittee shall submit to the Municipal Permits Team in Austin, a closure plan
which has been developed in accordance with the "Closure Guidance Documents" available through Record
System Services for the Office of Waste Management & Pollution Cleanup .
4. •The permittee is responsible for installing prior to plant start-up, and subseQuently maintaining, adequate
safeguards to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastes during electrical power failures
by means of alternate power sources, standby generators, and/or retention of inadequately treated wastewater .
5. Unless otherwise specified, the permittee shall provide a readily accessible sampling point and, where applicable
an effluent flow measuring device or other acceptable means by which effluent flow may be determined. '
6. The permittee shall remit an annual waste treatment inspection fee to the Commission as required by 30 TAC
305 (Subchapter Ml. Failure to pay this fee may result in revocation of this permit.
7. Documentation
For all written notifications to the Commission required of the permittee by this permit, the perminee shall keep
and make available a copy of each such notification, upon the same basis as self-monitoring data are required
to be kept and made available.
8. Facilities which generate domestic wastewater shall comply with these provi sions; on-site domestic wastewater
treatment facilities at permitted industrial are excluded .
a. 30 TAC !305. 126 Whenever flow measurements for any domestic sewage treatment facility reach 75
percent of the permitted average daily flow for three consecutive months, the permittee must init:ate
engineering and financial planning for expansion and/or upgrading of the domestic wastewater treatment
and/or collection facilities. Whenever, the average daily flow reaches 90 percent of the permined
average daily flow for three consecutive months, the perminee shall obtain necessary authorization from
the Commission to commence construction of the necessary additional treatment facilities. In the case
of a domestic wastewater treatment facility which reaches 75 percent of the permitted daily average
flow for three consecutive months, and the planned population to be served or the quantity of waste
produced is not expected to exceed the design limitations of the treatment facility, the permittee shall
submit an engineering . report supporting this claim to the Executive Director of the Commission. If in
the judgement of the Executive Director the population to be served will not cause permit
noncompliance, then the requirement of this section may be waived. To be effective, any waiver must
be in writing and signed by the director of the Watershed Management Division of the Commission or
an authorized agent, and such waiver of these reQuirements will be reviewed upon expiration of the
existing permit; however, any such waiver shall not be interpreted as condoning or excusing any
violation of any permit parameter.
b . Domestic wastewater treatment plants shall be operated and maintained by sewage plant operators
holding a valid certificate of competency, at the required level as defined in 30 TAC 325. 1.
c . The plans and specifications for domestic sewage collection and treatment works associated with any
domestic permit must be approved by the Commission, and failure to secure approval before
commencing construction of such works or making a discharge is therefore a violation of this permit and
each day of discharge is an additional violation until approval has been secured.
Page 7 TNRCC 9 !93
d. Permits for domestic wastewater treatment plants are granted subject to the r:,olicy of the Commission
to encourage the development of area-wide waste collection . treatment and disposal systems. The
Commission reserves the right to amend any dome;at1C wastewater permit in accordance with .applicable
procedural reauirements to reQuire the system co ... ered by this permit to be inte9rated into an area-wide
system. snould such be developed; to reQuire th~ delivery of the wastes authorized to be collected in,
treated by or discharoed from said system. to such area-wide system; or to amend this permit in any
other particular to effectuate the Commission's policy. Such amendments may be made when the
changes reauired are advisable for water Quality control purposes and are feasible on the basis of waste
treatment technolooy, enoineerino, fina_ncial, and related considerations existing at the time the chanoes
are required, exclusive of the loss of investment In or revenues from any then existing or proposed
waste collection, treatment or disposal system.
9. Facilities which oenerate industrial solid waste as defined in 30 Texas Administrative Code (TACJ §335.1 shall
comply with these provisions:
a. Any solid waste generated by the perminee, as defined in 30 Texas Administrative Code (TACJ §335. 1
(including but not limited to such wastes as garbage, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment or water
treatment or air pollution control facility, discarded materials, discarded materials to be recycled, whether
the waste is solid, liquid, or semisolid) must be manaoed in accordance with all applicable provisions of 30
TAC Chapter 335, relating to Industrial Solid Waste Management.
b. Industrial wastewater that is being collected, accumulated, stored, or processed before discharge through
any final discharge outfall, specified by this permit, is considered to be industrial solid waste until the
wastewater passes through the actual point source discharge and must be managed in accordance with all
applicable provisions of 30 TAC Chapter 335.
c. The perminee shall provide written notification, pursuant to the requirements of 30 TAC §335.S(g), to the
Corrective Action Section of the Commission's Industrial and Hazardous Waste Division informing the
Commission of any closure activity involving an Industrial Waste Management Unit, at least 90 days prior
to conducting such an activity.
d . Construction of any industrial solid waste management unit requires the prior wrinen notification of the
proposed activity to the Waste Evaluation Section of the Commission's Industrial and Hazardous Waste
Division. No person shall dispose of industrial solid waste, including sludge or other solids from wastewater
treatment processes, prior to fulfilling the deed recordation requirements of 30 TAC §335.5.
e. The term ·industrial solid waste management unit· means a landfill, surface impoundment, tank, wastepile,
container storage area, land treatment area, underground injection well, or other area where the processing
storaoe, or disposal of solid waste occurs at a industrial wastewater treatment facility.
f. The permittee shall keep management records tor all sludge (or other waste) removed from any wastewater
treatment process. These records shall fulfill all applicable requirements of 30 TAC Chapter 335 and must
include the following, as it pertains to wastewater treatment and discharge:
i. Volume of waste and date(sl generated from treatment process;
ii. Volume of waste disposed of on-site or shipped off-site;
iii. Oate(sl of disposal;
iv. Identity of hauler or transporter;
v. Location of disposal site; and
vi. Method of final disposal.
The above records shall be maintained on a monthly basis and be available at the plant site for inspection
by authorized representatives of the Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commissiqn for at least five
10. For facilities to which the requirements .of 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 335 d·o not apply,
sludge and solid wastes. including tank cleaning and contaminated solids for disposal, shall be disposed of ·
in accordance with Chapter 361 of the Health and Safety Code of Texas.
Page 8 TNRCC 9/93
City of Fort Worth
1 . The Interim and Final effluent shal l contain a m,n,mum dissolved oxygen
concentration of 6 mg/1 measured after the cascade structure and prior to entry
in the receiving stream, except when the cascade structure is inundated as a
result of high river stages. When the cascade structure is inundated the
effluent shall contain a minimum dissolved oxygen concentration of 4 mg/1
measured prior to the cascade structure.
2 . This Category A facility shall be operated and maintained by a chief operator
or operator in responsible charge holding a valid Class A certificate of
competency issued pursuant to 31 TAC Chapter 325. All shift supervisors and
other plant operators shall be certified in accordance with the provisions of
the Chapter therein. r -J..o ,-I '1,-r I f-t. ~ > t<fvt_
3 . By September 9, 199 the permi ttee sha 11 submit to the Texas -Natura 1 · Resource
_ ·conservation Co1T111ission, Wastewater Permits Section, Watershed Management
'i~Division and the District Office of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
~\<.c,;.¼<>--Corrmission a study that .investigates the possibility of substituting reclaimed
. water for potable water. and/or freshwate,r _where ,JUC~" substitutton would ·be both
appropriate and cost effective pursuant to Chapter 31 TAC Section 305.126(b).
At a minimum , the study shall include:
5 .
a. a water supply and demand assessment for the area served;
b. an inventory of potential areas where reclaimed water may be appropriately
substituted for p6table water and/or freshwater;
c. an inventory of potential uses of reclaimed water;
d . an analysis of the market for reclaimed water and the conditions necessary
to serve that market (eg. quantity, quality, selling price, distribution
system); and
e. a preliminary cost-benefit analysis for the treatment and use of reclaimed
water compared with the continued use of potable water and/or freshwater,
water supply augmentation, water conservation, and/or cost of treatment
and disposal of treated wastewater.
Forty-five (45) days prior to implementation of an :approved .,Use ~of.•Reclaimed
Water program, the permittee shall provide written notice to ·the· Austin Office,
Watershed Management Division, Enforcement Support Unit and District .Office of
the Co11111ission .-The sampling and monitoring required under Chapter 31 TAC
Section 310.10 to 310.13 shall be submitted by the 25th of each month.
. The permittee shall notify the Austin Offjce, .Watershed Management D_ivision,
Enforcement Support Unit and the District 4 Office of the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission in writing at least forty-five (45) days prior to the
completion of the new facilities. •
The permittee shall obtain approval from the Watershed Management Division,
Plans and Specs Review Unit of an engineering report and/or plans and
specifications that clea r ly show how the treatment system will meet the final
permitted effluent limitations required on Page 2a of the permit prior to
construct ion.
By ownership, the permittee shall maintain a minimum buffer zone of 500 feet
from lagoons with zones of anaerobic activity (eg. facultative lagoons) and 150
feet from a 11 other wastewater treatment pl ant structures or process units,
excluding lift stations, to the nearest property line .
Page 9
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
7. The City of Fort Worth sha 11 keep records of a 11 s 1 udges removed from the
Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant digesters. The records shall include,
at a minimum, the following information:
i) Volume of sludge removed (in gallons)
ii) Percent solids of sludge removed
a. The City shall sample and analyze the sludge generated at the Village Creek
Wastewater Treatment Plant in accordance to the Sludge Monitoring Schedule found
Total Nitrogen
Nitrate Nitrogen
Anlnonia Nitrogen
Sludge Monitorjng Schedule
Standard Uni ts
Sample Frequency
month _ly
Two/year ,,
A. Records of analytical results of the sampling performed shall be
maintained on a monthly basis . and shall be reported to the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Commission in September of each year. AdcHtionally,
any other analysis that may _ be performed ·on the sluqge (i.e. TCLP
toxicity, priority _pollutant_s)_ ~-~-~11 ~~ maintained on a quarterly basis
and -· shall -be ··· reported to the 1exas Natural •• Reso~r~e _"::Conservation
Conrnission in September of each year. •
B. Analytical procedures for sludge testing shall be in accordance with the
extraction methods specified in Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater and American Society of Agronomy's Methods of Soil
• Analysis. Sludge test results shall be reported on a dry weight basis.
9. The · City of Fort Worth is authorized to dispose of sludge at the City-owned
dedicated disposal site located approximately one mile north of the Village
Creek Wastewater Treatment-Plant. The dedicated disposal site consists of a 156
acre "Sludge Only" landfill and sludge dewatering/processing equipment. The
operation will include the landfilling of digested and dewatered sludge in a
series of 60-foot deep, 7-foot diameter pierholes. Disposal practices shall be
in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Sludge shall be anaerobically digested prior to being transported to the
dedicated disposal site.
B. Sludge shall be dewatered prior to disposal in the pierholes.
Page 10
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
C. The City shall keep records of the number of pierholes filled with
digested and dewatered sludge. The records shall be maintained on a
weekly basis and shall be reported to the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Co111T1ission in September of each year.
D. The City of Fort Worth shall have recorded in the deed for the •sludge
Only• landfill site that the land was used for dedicated land disposal for
municipal wastewater sludges.
E. The City shall maintain the seven existing groundwater monitoring wells
outside the slurry wall. Groundwater from each monitoring well shall be
analyzed according to the Groundwater Monitoring Schedule found below:
Groundwater Elevation
Total Nitrogen
Nitrate Nitrogen
Anrnonia Nitrogen
Groundwater Monitoring Schedule
Standard Uni ts
Sample Frequency
One/3 months
One/3 ':iionths
One1/3 ~months
·One/3 ·months
0ne/3 months
One/3 months
One/3 months
One/3 months
0ne/3 months
One/J :months
One/3 months
0ne/3 .months
F. Analytical procedures for groundwater testing shall be as specified in the
• most current edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
G. To ensure a representative data set, samples shall be taken such that the
time between two consecutive samples is equal to at least one-half of the
sampling frequency (i.e., quarterly samples shall have at least 45 days
between consecutive samples). The date of each sample and its location
shall be recorded and included in the monitoring report.
H. ·Records of analytical . results of the sampling . performed shall be
maintained -0n a quarterly basis ~nd shall be reported ~t6 the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Co11111ission in September of 'each year.~
10. The City is also authorized to distribute sludge at the areas identified (See
Attachment •A") for use as a soil conditioner. The City shall not distribute
s 1 udge to the general public. Di stri but ion sha 11 be in accordance with the
following provisions:
A. Prior to distribution the sludge shall be;
Page 11
i) Anaerobically digested fir a minimum of 15 days at a
temperature of at least 95 F.
ii) Anaerob i ca 11 y digested sludge sha 11 be dew a tered prior to
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
iii) Digested, dewatered sludge shall be stockpiled for a period
of at least six months.
B. When sludge is applied to parkland, public access shall be restricted for
a minimum of 30 days after application.
c. A minimum buffer zone of at least 50 feet shall be maintained from sludge
application areas to any residential property.
D. Sludge disposal rates for sites where application of sludge occurs more
than once every 10 years shall not exceed 10 tons dry solids/acre/year.
Where application of sludge occurs less than once every 10 years, the
disposal rate shall not exceed 35 tons dry solids/acre.
E. The City shall keep records of all sludge distributed for use as a soil
conditioner. The records shall include the following information:
i) Volume of sludge distributed.
ii) Date distributed and date applied to site.
iii) Location and size (area) of disposal site.
iv) Method of disposal (i.e. spread on surface, disced in, etc.).
F. Sludge application methods shall be designed and managed to prevent the
occurrence of nuisance conditions associated with the disposal areas. ·
11. Should the City conduct any demonstration projects or pilot studies, the City
shall notify in writing and receive approval from the Corrrnission and the Texas
Department of Health prior to implementing and such project or study.
12. The permittee shall comply with the following sludge requirements:
A. The permittee is authorized to dispose of the sludge at a co-disposal
landfill or convnercial land application site _Qermitte{i by the Texas /
Natural Resource Conservation Corrmission. The final disposal of sludge
by land application on property owned, leased or under the direct control
of the permittee is a violation of this permit with the exception of the
156 acre dedicated land disposal site and the sites identi'fied in Other
Requirements Item No. 10. (See Attachment A).
B. The permittee shall use only those sewage sludge disposal practices that
comply with the federal regulations for landfills and solid waste disposal
established in _40 CFR Part 257 and 258 and in . accordance with a 11 the
applicable rules of the Texas Nat .ural Resource Conservation Corrmission.
C. The permittee shall handle and dispose of sewage sludge in accordance with
all applicable state and federal regulations to protect public health and
the environment from any reasonably anticipated adverse effects due to any
toxic pollutants which may be present.
Page 12
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
D. If an applicable •acceptable management practice• or numerical limitation
for pollutants in sewage sludge promulgated under Section 40S(d){2) of the
Clean Water Act is more stringent than the sludge pollutant limit or
acceptable management practice in this permit, or controls a pollutant not
listed in this permit, this permit may be modified or revoked and reissued
to conform to the requirements promulgated at Section 40S(d){2). In
accordance with 40 CFR 122.41, one year following promulgation of the
technical sludge regulations (40 CFR 503), the facility must be in
comp 1 i ance with a 11 requirements regardless of whether the permit is
modified to incorporate these standards.
E. Sewage s 1 udge sha 11 be tested annually in accordance with the inethod
specified in 40 CFR Part·•261,· Appendix II (Toxicity Characteristic
Leaching Procedure) or other method, which receives the prior approval of
the TWC. Sewage sludge failing this test shall be managed according to
RCRA standards for generators of · hazardous waste, and the waste's
disposition must be in accordance with all applicable requirements for
hazardous waste processing, storage, or disposal. Following failure of
any TCLP test, the management or disposal of sewage sludge at a facility
other than an authorized hazardous waste processing, storage, or disposal
• facility shall be prohibited until such time as the permittee can
demonstrate the sewage sludge no longer exhibits the hazardous waste
toxicity characteristics ( as demonstrated by the results · of the TCLP
tests). A written report sha 11 be provided to both the Industri a 1 and
Hazardous Waste Division of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission and the District Manager of the appropriate TWC field office
within 7 days after failing the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure
Test (TCLP). The report shal 1 contain test results, certification that
unauthorized waste management has stopped and a sunrnary of alternative
disposal plans that comply with -RCRA standards for the management of
hazardous waste. The report shall be addressed to: Director, Industrial
and Hazardous Waste Division, Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Conrnission, P. 0. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087. In addition,~ the
pennittee _shall_ __ prepare an · ann_~!J :· report on_ ·J~~-_results _of all sludge
.'toxi cj ty_ .testing•: ~Th..i.L-lr)O~_l l':T.J!P.Ort ··_ s_h_c\_lJ...;l!~t-!.Y~i,tt.ed ---to the Austin
. Office, .. Wate_rs~e.t .~ Management .J)iv_l,s_ion,_,..-Enforcement -.. Se_ction and the
Oistr.ict Office .in Hay:of each year.
F. Sewage Sludge Management Practices
Page 13
i. Sewage s 1 udge, if. 1 and applied, sha 11 not be spread when soil is
saturated, frozen or covered with ice, or during rain or when
precipitation ·is imminent. •
ii. Disposal of sewage sludge shall not cause a discharge to waters in
the State, including groundwater or cause non-point source pollution
of waters in the State. Sludge shall not be applied closer than 200
feet to any natural or artificial body of water.
iii. Disposal of sewage sludge shall not cause or contribute to the
taking of any endangered or threatened species of plant, fish or
iv . Disposal of sewage sludge shall not result in the destruction or
adverse modification of .the critical habitat of endangered or
threatened species.
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
v. Sludge sha 11 not be app 1 i ed under provisions of this section on land
within a designated 100 year flood plain.
G. The pe r m1ttee shall give 180 days prior notice to the Executive Director
of any change planned in the sewage sludge disposal practice.
H. Pollutant limits for sewage sludge applied to food chain crops. Only
sewage sludge that meet the following minimum requirements shall be
applied to land used for the production of food-chai .n crops.
Page 14
i. Cadmium -Facilities applying sol id waste on a site or within I
meter (3 feet) of a site used for the production of food chain crops
shall be in compliance with the following requirements.
a. The pH of the sewage sludge and soil mixture must be
6.5 or greater at the time of each application for
sludge containing cadmium concentrations greater than
2 mg/kg (dry weight).
b. Annua 1 app 1 i cation rate for cadmium in . sewage s 1 udge
shall not exceed 0.45 pounds per acre.
c. Cumulative application rate of cadmium from sewage
sludge for loils with a background pH of less than 6.5
shall not exceed 4.47 lbs/ac, unless the sludge-s·oil
mixture is adjusted to a pH of 6.5 or greater.
d. Cumulative application rate of cadmium from sewage
sludge on soils with a background pH of greater than
6.5 shall not exceed the values listed in the table -0f _
Cumulative Metals Loadings in H. (ii) below.
ii. Cumulative metals loadings of sewage sludge applied to land shall
not exceed the tot a 1 amounts listed be 1 ow. If background soi 1
metals concentrations exceed the loadings listed below, land
application of sewage sludge to food chain crops is prohibited:
Cumul~tive Metals Loadings
(in kg/ha (lbs/acre))
Soil Cation Exchange Capacity
(meq/100 g)
0-5 5-15 +15
Cadmium 5(4.4) 10(8.9) 20(17.8)
Copper 140(125) 280(250) 560(500)
Lead 560(500) 1120(1000) 2240(2000)
Nickel 140(125) 280(250) 560(500)
Zinc 280(250) 560(500) 1120(1000)
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
iii. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB's)
Sewage sludge used for producing animal feed (including pasture
crops) shall be incorporated into the soil when PCB concentrations
are equal to or greater than 10 mg/kg dry weight. Sewage sludge
with PCB concentrations greater than or equal to SO mg/kg dry weight
shall not be land applied.
I. Pathogen Contro 1
Page 15
i. Sewage sludge or septic tank pumpage that is applied to the land
surface or incorporated into the soil shall be treated by a Process
to Significantly Reduce Pathogens (PSRP) prior to application.
Processes to significantly reduce pathogens are aerobic digestion,
air drying, anaerobic digestion, composting, lime stabilization and
other approved methods as defined at 40 CFR Part 257, Appendix II.
Public access to the facility shall be controlled for at least 12
months. Grazing by animals whose products are consumed by humans
shall be prevented for at least one month.
ii. Sewage sludge or septic tank pumpage that is applied to the land
surface or incorporated into the soil shall be treated by a Process
to Further Reduce Pathogens (PFRP} prior to application or
incorporation, if crops for direct human consumption are grown
within 18 months subsequent to application or incorporation.
Processes to further reduce pathogens are composting, heat drying,
heat treatment, thermophilic aerobic digestion and other approved
methods. Such treatment is not required if there is not contact
between the solid waste .and the edible portion of the crop. However
in _this case the solid waste shall be treated by a PSRP, prior to
application. Public access to the facility shall be controlled for
at least 12 months. Grazing by animals whose products are consumed
by humans shall be prevented for at least 1 month. If crops for
direct human consumption are not grown within 18 months of
application or incorporation, the requirements of I.(i) apply.
iii. The permi ttee sha 11 ensure that a 11 1 andowners accepting sewage
sludge which does not meet PFRP shall restrict public access on
sludge treated land for twelve (12) months and prohibit grazing by
animals whose products are consumed by humans for at least one
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
J. For all land application sites the permittee shall monitor soil and sewage
sludge as follows:
Page 16
Monitoring Reauirements
Measurement Frequency
Parameter s.ill. Sludge Mixture
pH (S. U. )* Baseline 1/month 1/year
Cation Exchange
Capacity (meq/100 g)** Baseline N/A I/year
Total Cadmium(mg/kg)*** Baseline 1/month 1/year
Total Zinc (mg/kg)*** Baseline 1/month 1/year
Total Lead (mg/kg)*** Baseline 1/month I/year
Total Copper (mg/kg)*** Baseline 1/month I/year
Total Nickel (mg/kg)*** Baseline 1/month I/year
Potassium (mg/kg) Baseline I/month 1/year
Phosphorus (mg/kg) Baseline I/month I/year
Anvnonia Nitrogen(mg/kg) Baseline 1/month 1/year
Total Nitrogen (mg/kg) Baseline . 1/month 1/year
Nitrate Nitrogen(mg/kg) Baseline I/month 1/year
Total PCBs (mg/kg)**** Baseline 2/year 1/year
* Soil pH and sludge pH shall be analyzed by the electrometric method
in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste", EPA SW846, 40 CFR
260.11. Method 9040 is appropriate for determining pH. Samples
shall be taken to the depth of cultivation or solid waste placement,
whichever is greater ..
Cation exchange capacity (CEC} for soil shall be sampled at the
depth of cultivation or soil waste placement, whichever is greater,
and analyzed by the sunvnation method for distinctly acid soils or
the sodium acetate method for neutral, calcareous or saline soils
in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste", EPA SW846, 40 CFR
260.11. Methods 9080 and 9081 are appropriate for determining CEC.
The correct method is determined by soil type.
Analysis for metals in sludge and soil shall be performed according
to methods outlined in "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste•,
EPA SW846. Method 3050 shall be used for the determination of total
metals in the $1udge and soil-sludge .mixture.
Method 3540 or 3550 shall be used for the extraction of PCBs from
the sludge ·and soil, as appropriate. Methods 3620, 3640, and/or
3660 shall be used for the cleanup of the extract for PCB analysis.
Method 8080 shall be used for the analytical determination of PCBs
in the sludge and soil.
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
K. Reporting Requirements
The permittee shall keep records of all sludge disposal activities. Such
records will include the following information:
i. Amount of sludge disposal dry weight (tons or, if land applied,
lbs/acre} at each disposal site.
ii. Oate(s} of disposal.
iii. Identity of hauler(s}.
iv. Location of disposal site(s}.
v. Method of final disposal.
vi. Owner of disposal site.
vii. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Cormiission permit number.
viii Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Test: Pass/Fail.
ix. Level of disinfection attained PSRP or PFRP and a description of all
treatment processes used to achieve PSRP and/or PFRP.
x. Land usage to which sewage sludge has been applied, including type
of crop grown.
xi. Measurements of the required parameters listed in J. above for each
soil, and sewage sludge and soil-sludge mix tested.
xii. Annual and cumulative loadings of metals applied in lbs/acre for
each site.
xiii Maximum cadmium loading al.lowed (soil pH and ·CEC dependent} and
cumulative amount applied in lbs/acre.
xiv. Maximum loading allowed of Copper, Lead, Nickel and Zinc (soil pH
and CEC dependent} and cumulative amount applied in lbs/acre for
each metal.
xv. PCB concentration in sludge in mg/kg.
_The above records shall be maintained on a monthly basis and shall be
reported to the Austin Office, Watershed Management Division, Enforcement
-Section ancf the~'Di strict Office in September of each year. The permit tee
shall maintain the above records for five years and they shall be made
available to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Cammi ssi on upon
13. Chronic toxic criteria apply at the edge of the m1x1ng zone. The mixing zone
is defined as 300 feet downstream and 100 feet upstream from the point of
14. The Toxicity Identification Evaluation conducted by the permittee
indicates that Oiazinon is the primary cause of toxicity in the effluent.
Therefore, the ·permittee sha 11:
Page 17
Implement a public education and awareness campaign to control the
introduction of Oiazinon into the wastewater collection system.
Within 90 days of permit issuance the pe _rmittee , shall submit a
detailed plan describing the activities it will pursue to achieve
this objective.
Conduct an investigation into possible sources of Oiazinon and
submit progress reports on a quarterly (calendar} basis.
Pursue the adoption of ordinances or other enforceable prohibitions
to control Oiazinon. The permittee shall submit quarterly progress
reports describing the steps it has taken pursuant to this
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
d. Design and implement a program to monitor influent and effluent for
Diazinon to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions required in
dcv\c..-a.-c. above. Within 90 days of permit issuance the permittee shall
submit a detailed plan to achieve this objective.
All reports required by this section shall be submitted to Toxicity
Evaluation Team, Environmental Assessment Division. The Executive
Director will not pursue fonnal enforcement action against the pennittee
or involuntary permit amendment to add toxicity or numeric limitations for
Diazinon to the permittee's wastewater discharge permit for a period of
three years from the permit initiation date unless:
a. It is determined that the source of Oiazinon is not ubiquitous
and is originating from identifiable sources which the
pennittee is not adequately controlling, or
b. The Executive Director determines that the permittee is not complying
with the deadlines specified in this agreement or that the permittee
is not proceeding with due diligence in implementing the programs
. required herein.
Upon periodic review of the effectiveness of the above procedures, the Executive
Director may formally reconvnend to the Commission any necessary modifications to
this requirement.
Page 18
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
a. The provisions of this section apply to Outfall(s) 001.
b. The permittee shall test the efrluent for toxicity in accordance with the
provisions in this section. Such testing will determine if an effluent
sample dilution adversely affects the survival, reproduction, or growth of
the appropriate test organism.
Toxicity is herein defined as a statistically significant difference at
the 95% confidence level between the survival, reproduction, or growth of
the appropriate test organism in a specified effluent dilution and the
control ( 0% effluent).
Lethality, a component of toxicity, is herein defined as a statistically
significant difference at the 95% confidence level between the survival of
the appropriate test organism in a specified effluent dilution and the
control {0% effluent).
Significant nonlethal effect, a component of toxicity, is herein defined
as a statistically significant difference at the 95~ confidence level
between the reproduction or growth of the appropriate test organism in a
specified effluent dilution and the control (Or. effluent).
The permittee shall initiate the followin_g series of :tests within 60 days
of the effective date of this permit. The toxicity tests specified shall
be conducted once per quarter. All test organisms, procedures, and quality
assurance requirements used shall be in accordance with •short-Term
Methods for Estimating the Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving
Waters to Freshwater Organisms ( EPA 600/4-89/001) •, or the most recent
update thereof if not specifically addressed in this language. The TWC may
require the permittee to repeat a test, including the control and all
effluent di 1 ut ions, if the . test acceptability criteria, procedures, and
quality assurance requirements defined in the test methods or in this
permit are not satisfied. The following test shall be used:
1) Chronic static renewal survival and reproduction test using
Ceriodaphnia dubia (Method 1002.0). This test should be
terminated when 60% of the surviving females in the control
produce three broods.
c. Five dilutions in addition to an appropriate control {0% ·effluent) shall
be used in the toxicity tests. These effluent concentrations shall be
30%, 40%, 54%, 72% • and 96%. Low-flow effluent concentration · (crftical
dilution) is defined as 96% effluent. If more than 20% of the test
organisms in any control die, the toxicity test, including the control and
all effluent dilutions, shall be repeated.
d. The samples shall be collected at a point following the last treatment
unit. Dilution water used in the toxicity tests shall be the receiving
water collected at a point upstream but as close as possible to the
discharge point.
Page 19
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
If the receiving water is unsatisfactory as a result of preexisting
instream toxicity, the permittee shall substitute synthetic dilution water
for the receiving water in the retest required in item c. provided the
following stipulations are met:
a synthetic dilution water control was run in addition to the
receiving water control;
the synthetic dilution water had 20% or less mortality, whereas the
receiving water control had greater than 20% mortality, or the mean
number of Ceriodaphnia dubia neonates produced per surviving female
in the receiving water control (0% effluent) was less than 15, or the
mean weight of the surviving fathead minnow larvae in the receiving
water control (0% effluent) was less than 0.25 mg per larva;
the permittee submits all test results indicating receiving water
toxicity with the report and information required by items i. and j.
below and the Biomonitoring Report Forms for the reporting period;
the synthetic dilution water shall have a pH, hardness, and
alkalinity similar to that of the receiving water provided the
magnitude of these parameters will not cause toxicity in a synthetic
dilution water control that has been formulated to match the pH,
hardness, and alkalinity naturally found in the receiving stream.
The permittee may substitute other appropriate dilution water with
chemical and physical characteristics similar to that of the receiving
water if approved by the permitting authority. Syn th et ic dilution water
may be used in all subsequent tests for both test species provided all of
the above stipulations are met.
e. A minimum of three flow-weighted 24-hour composite samples representative
of dry weather flows will be collected from Outfall (s) 001. A 24-hour
composite sample consists of a minimum of twelve {12) effluent portions
collected at equal time intervals and combined proportional to flow or a
sample continuously collected proportional to flow over a 24-hour
operating day.
The maximum holding time for any effluent sample shall not exceed 72
hours. The toxicity tests must be initiated within 36 hours after
collection of the last portion of the first 24-hour composite sample.
Samples shall be chilled to 4 degrees Centigrade ~ during collection,
shipping, and/or storage.
The sample shall not be dechlorinated in the laboratory.
f. The permittee shall prepare a full report of the results according to the
report preparation section of "Short-Term Methods for Estimating the
Chronic Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to Freshwater Organisms
(EPA 600/4-89/001)". This full report must be submitted with th~
biomonitoring test results.
Page 20
City of Fort Worth
g. The results of
this permit.
all required toxicity tests -shall be reported on Table 1 of
Table 1 reports shall be submitted to the Research and
Assessment Division of the Environmental Assessment
h . The biomonitoring test results are due on or before April 20th, July 20th,
October 20th, and January 20th, for biomoni tori ng conducted during each
calendar quarter.
Page 21
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
a. The provisions of this section apply to outfall(s) 001
The permittee shall conduct a separate toxicity test for each outfall iisted.
b. The permi ttee sha 11 test the effluent for 1 etha 1 i ty in accordance with the
provisions in this section. Such testing will determine if an effluent sample
meets the Surface Water Quality Standards (31 TAC§ 307.6 (e)(2){8)) of greater
than S~ survival of the appropriate test organisms in 10~ effluent for a 24
hour period.
The toxicity tests shall be conducted twice per year. All test organisms ,
procedures, and qua 1 i ty assurance requirements used sha 11 be 1 n accordance
with •Methods for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving
Waters to Freshwater and Marine Organisms (EPA/600/4-90/027) •, or the most
recent update thereof, if not specifically addressed in this section. The TWC
may require the permittee to repeat a test, including the control and all
effluent dilutions, if the test acceptability criteria, procedures, and quality
assurance requirements defined in the test methods or this pennit are not
satisfied. The following tests shall be used:
1. Acute 24-hour toxicity ·,test ~si.ng Daphnia pu1ex :. A m1n1mum of four
(4) replicates with a minimum of five (S) organisms per replicate
shall be used for this test.
2. Acute 24-hour toxicity test using the . Fathead Mi~now (Pimepha7es
prome7as). A minimum of four _{4) replicates with a· minimum of ten
(10) organisms per replicate shall be used for this test.
c. In addition to an appropriate . control (0% effluent), a 100% effluent
concentration shall be used in the toxicity tests. The control and/or dilution
water shall consist of a standard, synthetic, moderately hard, reconstituted
water. If more than 10% of the test organisms in any control die, that test,
including the control and all effluent dilutions, shall be repeated. If the
biomonitoring, required by the Other Requirements: Chronic Biomonitoring
Requirements Section, dilution series includes a 10~ effluent concentration,
the results from those tests may fulfill the requirements of this section.
(Survival at the 24 hour period will be evaluated. for compl ·iance with this
.... ·• ... --. -
d. One flow-weighted 24-hour composite sample representative of dry weather flows
will be collected from Outfall(s) 001. The 24-hour composite sample consists
of a minimum of twelve (12) effluent portions collected at equal time intervals
and combined proportional to flow or a sample continuously collected
proportional to flow over a 24-hour operating day.
The toxicity tests must be initiated within 36 hours after collection of the
24-hour -composite sample. Samples shall be chilled to 4 degrees Centigrade
during collection, shipping, and/or storage .
Pag e 22
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
The sample shall be dechlorinated in the laboratory prior to installation of
dechlorination facilities. However, upon operation of dechlorination
facilities the sample shall not be dechlorinated in the laboratory.
e. If any toxicity test at the IO~ effluent concentration demonstrates 50% or
greater mortality, the pennittee shall conduct three (3) additional tests
(retests) for each species that demonstrates this mortality, and report these
results to the Research and Environmental Assessment Section of the
Environmental Assessment Division. Five dilutions in addition to an appropriate
control (0% effluent), as specified in item c., shall be used in the three (3)
retests. These effluent concentrations sha 11 be 6%, 13o/., 251., Sor. and 100%.
The first retest shall be conducted within 15 days of the laboratory
determination of 50% or greater mortality. The retests shall be conducted once
per week for three (3) weeks and all retests shall be completed within forty-
five (45) days. If one of the retests indicates 50% or greater mortality at
the 1001. effluent concentration, or if the pennittee demonstrates, using
toxicity characterization studies and/or chemical analyses (including the use
of the pennittes's existing toxicity data), that diazinon is the primary cause
of this toxicity, the permittee may suspend additional retesting for this
period and shall notify the TWC in writing within five (5) days. If diazinon
is found to be the primary cause of toxicity, the pennittee is exempted from
compliance with demonstrating greater than Sor. survival of the appropriate test
organism in 100% effluent after a 24 hour period within three (3) years and
shall continue testing at the frequency required in item b. If none of the
retests indicates 50% or greater mortality at the 100% effluent concentration,
the pennittee shall continue testing at the frequency required in item b.
Within thirty (30) days after submitting the test results which demonstrate 50%
or greater mortality at the 100% effluent concentration, the pennittee shall
submit to the TWC a general outline for initiating a Toxicity Reduction
Evaluation (TRE). ·The outline shall include, but not be limited to a
description of project personnel, a schedule for obtaining consultants (if
needed), a discussion of influent and/or effluent data available for review, a
sampling and analytical schedule, and the proposed TRE initiation date.
Within ninety (90) days after initiating the TRE, the permittee shall submit a
specific detailed plan and schedule for performing the TRE. The TRE plan shall
describe the approach and methodo 1 ogy to be used in performing the TRE. The
TRE shall be designed to determine .the general cause of toxicity, to determine
possible action to eliminate or reduce the toxicity, and to develop-a
corrective action schedule. The pennittee is required to implement the TRE
with due diligence and shall submit quarterly summaries to the TWC Wastewater
Penni ts Section concerning the progress of the TRE. The quarterly sunvnari es are
due on or before April 20th, July 20th, October 20th, and January 20th.
The permi ttee sha 11 demonstrate greater than 50% survi va 1 of the appropriate
test organism in 1001. effluent for a 24 hour period within three (3) years from
the date of completion of the test that confirms Sor. or greater mortality at
the 100% effluent.
Page 23
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
The permittee shall continue biomonitoring quarterly (as a m1n1mum during the
TRE, using the most sensitive species unless, after initiating the TRE, the
effluent ceases to induce 5~ or greater mortality in the 10~ effluent
concentration for four (4) consecutive weeks with at least weekly sampling and
testing. Such evidence shall be submitted to the TWC with a statement of
intent to cease the TRE. The permittee may discontinue the TRE requirements
and continue with the testing as required by this section.
Based upon the results of the TRE and proposed corrective actions, this permit
may be amended to change the bi omon i tori ng requirements, and to require a
compliance schedule for implementation of corrective actions and/or permit
limits upon completion of the TRE .
The permittee shall prepare a full report of the results according to •Methods
for Measuring the Acute Toxicity of Effluents and Receiving Waters to
Freshwater and Marine Organisms (EPA/600/4-90/027)" or the most recent update DoA u
thereof. This full report must be submitted with the first hiomonitoring test~
results, but need not be submitted for subsequent testing unless requested.
The full report shall be retained for three (3) years at the plant site.
The results of all required toxicity tests shall be reported on Table 2 of
this permit. Table 2 reports shall be submitted to the Permitting Section of ..f:-
the Watershed Management Division.
h. • If semi-annual biomonitoring is required, the test results are due on the sixth
(6th) month and annual anniversary dates of permit . issuance. The results of
the initial toxicity tests are due six (6) months from the perait issue date.
i. If quarterly biomonitoring is required, the test · results are due on the third
(3rd), sixth (6th), and ninth (9th) month and annual anniversary dates of
permit issuance. The results of the initial toxicity tests are -due three {3)
months from the permit issue date.
j. This permit may be amended to require effluents limits, additional testing
and/or other appropriate actions to address toxicity. The permittee may be
required to conduct further monitoring studies if biomonitoring data indicate
multiple numbers of unconfirmed toxicity events.
Page 24
. �
. a
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
Date Time Date Time
Oates and Times No. 1 FROM: TO:
Collected No. 2 FROM: TO:
No. 3 FROM: TO:
Test initiated: am/pm date
Dilution water used: Receiving Synthetic Dilution
water water
i:!i:::::r~::::::::::REP:I:::::i~:I~!iI 1;1:::•i:::::1:::::1:::=:i:'Q%:J~!:1:!::::1:::::i!1;:• 1::::::l~::::;::::::~~:l1:1::::1I::::, I:::::::::~:1.::;;,~::,:::,1:::1::j:::!lI •::;1::i:i:~~~:t :4-i::::f::::;:i::;1::::· ;:_::;:::::i:!:Wi?.i!\;:ii;:::1:::::11: :::11:I1i!l:1:::i :~i :::;lili:::1::I;.
:;]:;:•::;tl::=:::l:\i:A r:::;,:::I:::::::I::
1{:::::::::::•::i.-\}:{: • :·.• -: •
*coefficient of variation a standard deviation x 100/mean (calculation based
on young of the surviving females)
Designate males (M}, and dead females (D-x}, along with number of neonates (x)
released prior to death.
City of Fort Worth 10494-013
I. Ounnett's Procedure or Steel's Many-One Rank Test or Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
(with Bonferroni adjustment) or t-test (with Bonferroni adjustment) as
Is the mean number of young produced per female significantly less (p•0.05)
than the number of young per female in the control for the % effluent
corresponding to (significant nonlethal effects):
Is the mean survival at test end significantly less (p-0.05) than the control
survival for the% effluent corresponding to {lethality):
3. Enter percent effluent corresp9nd i ng to each .. N.OEC (no . observed -effect
• c6~centration) below and circle the lowest number:
a.) NOEC survival • ____ %effluent
b.) NOEC reproduction • ____ %effluent
City of Fort Worth
Time {am/pm)· • • Date .• •
• .•• Composite i>
t \·tJ :~f :j::C :•/\
lnitiated :.···.
1. Enter percent effluent corresponding to the LCSO below:
24 hour LCSO {Oaphnia) 2 ------~ effluent
95% confidence limits:
Method of LCSO calculation: _________ _
City of Fort Worth
(Pimephales promelas)
I . Enter percent effluent corresponding to the LCSO below:
24 hour LCSO {Pimephales) =
95% confidence limits:
Method of LCSO calculation :
______ % effluent
Rone Engineering Report
Hone t:.ngineers , Inc.
Fort Worth /Dallas
1 2 1 North Rayner Street 1e l. (817) 83 1 -62 1 1
Fort Worth , 1exas 76111 Metro (8 1 7 ) 429-4328
Fa x (817) 834-4833
May 22, 1995
Halff Associates, Inc .
4000 Fossil Creek Boulevard
Fort Worth , Texas 76137
Attn: Mr. Jerry F. Roberts, P.E.
Re: Report 513-5-529-01
Sludge Stockpile Sampling
Stockpile Area No. 12
Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
Fort Worth , Texas
Dear Mr. Roberts:
Rone Engineers ·-
Rone Engineers, Inc. is pleased to present herein the results of sludge stockpile
sampling at the Village Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant . The general work scope
for this project was performed in accordance with Rone Engineers, Inc. 's Proposal
513-083 dated December 5, 1994 and authorized by Mr. Jerry F . Roberts of Halff
Associates, Inc. on April 6, 1995.
Ten exploration borings were drilled within Sludge Stockpile Area No. 1 2 on May 12
and 1 3, 1995 at the locations identified on Plate A .1. Each boring was drilled in the
approximate center of selected sectors atop the sludge stockpile. Borings were drilled
to depths of 27 ½ to 29 ½ feet with results provided on Plates A .4 through A.13 .
Plates A.2 and A . 3 describe nomenclature utilized on the logs .
Sampling of the sludge was affected using 3-inch d iameter Shelby tube samplers at
the locations identified on the respective boring logs. Upon sampling, the respective
materials were provided to representatives of Halff Associates, Inc. for their
documentation and use. Steam cleaning of sampling augers and sampling device.s was
performed between borings . Upon completion, al l borings were backfilled with
cuttings in the exact area of the drilling.
Geotechn ical & Env ironmental Consultants, Materials Eng ineering and Env ironm ental Ex plorat ion
Halff Associates, Inc.
May 22, 1995
Page 2
·Rone Eng i neers , Inc . appreciates the opportunity to perform t his sludge stockpile
sampling and provide th is report of sampling procedures . Please contac t us should
questions ar ise on information contained herein .
Very truly yours,
Vice President
Texas No . 46088
Copies submitted : (2)
* * *
Rone Engineers -·-/
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Rone Ens::.:
Fort Worth, Texas
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Project No. 5 13-5-529 -01
r----------------------------------------------------RoneEnpln••n -·-
"' "go ~
Sym . Typical names
GW Well -graded gravels , grallel·sand
mixtur96. llllle or no hnes.
GP Poorly graoed gravels, gravel·
sand mix,u;es , knle or no tines .
Silty gravels, gravel •sand •Sllt mi x•
1ures .
-0 .,
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~! ·i £ .,,m ~--+--+-+-----------~5 ~
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~IIIOty daaalflClll,ona criteria
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o,o o,o"Deo
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L1Quid and Plastic hmits
beiov,< "A"' ~ne or P.1 . less
man 4 .
liQuid and Plastic kmils
aoove '"A" line with P.1.
preater lflan 7.
Liouid and Plastic limrts
p1011,ng between 4 and 7
are borc1erlme cases re-
o u iron g use ol dual
(0 )2
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o,o o,0"060
Not meeting al l gradualion reQuirements for SW
·en 'i a § j ~ ::l e ~ : 1 '-ur"d and "".asb'c 111n· rts' .::;.::; ::lo i~i~c.'5, '-"' r:,
f c:, ·.:;
0 z
C r,;
a i -~ i ~ SM Silty sands, ~sin mbaures u "" C. N -beioN "A" Wle ex P.1. less
.,; 'ls .:;; "' ll 8. ~ :l .,, ~ ~ lhan -<.
ls~°I~.§1----+-------------~~r~~l~1----------~ ~ ~]o e~f;~~ ac. ~~=~oB
en c. SC Clayey sands, sand-day mixtures 1li "' 'iii -' :::l:: "' $ OOw
Inorganic sills and 11ery fine sands .
L.iQuid and Plastic limits
80011e '"A" ~ne with P.I.
grea,er than 7.
Liouid and Plastic limits
ploning in halcned zone
with P.I . between -4 and 7
are bordering C8a6, re-
Quiring use o f dual
symbOls .
ML rock llour. silty or~ fine sands ,
or dayey sills with slight plasticity
60 .----,.----,---,---,----,---,---,---.---.---,,
/v Inorganic days of low to medium
CL plasticity, gravelly days, sandy
sanes, silty days, lean days
Organic silts and organic silty days
OL or low plasticity
50 1---+--+----,l--+--+----,-+--+-v~~
CH ·/
II> -'5 j 1-------1--+-------------""" ~ 30 ·u
~ .. /? OHandMH "'iii -o E -~;
ir: E
re .::;
"' 15
lnori;;anic sitts, micaceous o r diate>-
MH maceous hne !,Bndy or silly soils ,
elastic sills .
Inorganic days of high plasticity, fat
CH days.
Organic days ol medium to high
plasticity, organic silts .
Pt Peat and 01he r highly organic soils
' 0
0 ,o 20
. / I
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ,oo
LiQuid Limit
Plasticity Chan
Srtelby Auoer Sp111
Fine Grained Soils (More than 50% Passing No . 200 Sie ve)
Very Stiff
0 .00 to 1.00
1.00 to 1.50
1.50 to 3 .00
3 .00 to 4.50
Coarse Grained Soils (More than 50% Retained on No. 200 Sieve)
Oto 4
4 to 10
10 to 30
30 to 50
Soil Structure
Very Loose
Medium Dense
Very Dense
Oto 20%
20 to 40"/4
40 to 70"/4
70to 90%
90 to 100%
Contains appreciable deposits of calcium carbonate; generally nodular
Having inclined planes of weakness thal are slick and glossy in appearance
Composed of thin layers of varying color or texture
Containing cracks . sometimes filled with fine sand or silt
Cone No
Pe n Recove ry
INTERBEDDED Composed of alternate layers o f different soil types,-usually in approximately equal proportions
Hardness and Degree of Cementation
Can be remolded in hand; corresponds in consistency up to very stiff in soils
Can be scratched with f ingernail
Can be scratched easily with knife ; cannot be scratched with fingernai l
Difficult to scratch w ith knife
Cannot be scratched with knife
CEMENTED Bound together b y chemically precip itated material. Quartz . calcite, dolomite, siderite . and
iron oxide are common cementin g materials.
Degree of Weathering
Rock in its natural state before being exposed to atmospheric agents
Noted predominantly b y colo r change with no d isintegrated zones
Complete color change with zones of slightly decomposed rock
EXTREMELY WEA THE RED Complete color change with consistency, texture and general ap pearance approaching soi l
---------------------· ·- ··-·
~-----~------~------------------------------RoneBngineere Project. No. Boring No. ProJect. . VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ----513-5-529-01 B-1 Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Obeervatione See Plate A.I Dry at completion of drilling operations. C0111plet.ion Dept.h 27 .5' ., II.. ' ~ ., c.. II 0 -◄ I" 0 Ii .Cl -4 E C.. :JI E 1/) :;, ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ J -j__~ 7=~ ~~ J~ j§~· I :---::a..: • .--Sz ~ I co.pletion Date 5-13-95 Surface Elevat.ion Type Auger Stratum Description f\SANDY CUY. brown (Fll,L) SLUDGE (Fll,L) LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 X I 1.. ' () :l D w C 11'. ..... .., 'O Ill II.. II C '-II X ■ II.. • 11'. II.. :> 3 0 I.. 1/) 0 C II) CJ 0 -4 Ii 11'. ... ... ID Q. I-fl SI SI (lj . .., .., C ..i 0 :JI X 311.. 'O O II.. z ., ., .... X X X .... Ii ' :JI • C • [JI u u I..., I..::, ._, Ill 0-C ' 'O ' .... ' .... ::, C 0 () ~. II) ..... .... ., ., .., .,J X .,J II " C L '-., :> ::, .... 11 ·_, 11 Ii II,.; .., 0 Q. • II II tr E II E II 'O .-, C .-, II U E II ..... ........ -4 .... -4 C 0 0 C .Cl C O .Cl Q. 1/) .J .J Q. .J Q. .... I: () ::J .J ::J () .J I Plate A. 4
Project No. I BorinB:Z Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RoneBngineers ----513-5-529-01 Fort Worth, Texas LI Location Water Ob■ervations See Plate A.1 Dry at completion of drilling operations. Completion I Coa,pletion Depth 27.5' Date 5-13-95 Li Surface Elevation Type cs, X cs, . Auger L ' OJ (.) 0 0 .i.i C: .i .._J II w C 0 :, X 3 IL 1l OIL IL -4 0 II [t .... z .._J II·-< ' .0 i ' .i 1l X X X ... II ' :JI. C II • .r. E II IL II Di u u L ,._j L :l ·-< II er .._J :JI Stratum Descript_ion C • "\. II • C ' 1l ' ... ' ... :l C 0(.) --. (() 0. (() • X • IL II Ct IL ._. II ... .i +J .._J .._J X .._J II ' CL"\. II (() ) . 3 II ) ::l•-i II._. II II 11..._J .._J • 0 0. • 0 0 L to 0 C to II II er E IIJ E II) 1l •-i C •-i II U E II cr 0 • ""'II • 11)•-i ....... ...... ""' C 0 0 C .0 C O .0 u u \ [t I-I-m Cl I-Cl to _J _J Cl J Cl H I:(.) ::i _J ::i (.) _J --~ \SANDY CLAY, brown (FILL) r -j~ = ~I SLUDGE (FILL) -51~ -~ -~ I ~ -~ -~ --10-~~ --~ --~~ ~ -~ --~ I ,-15-~ I I I ~ --:__~ I ~-~ -~ :201=~ I I I I .. -~ ! I ~~ I I -~-... ~ . :-'--"" I ~-I ... -:""'-:: I ... .J~--25J~ I I I I -1~-I I I I ·.::: --~-~~ ---------------------------ij ,· . --.. LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 Plate A. 5
,---------,--------.-------------------------------RoneBngineere Project No. Boring No. Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ----513-5-529-01 B-3 Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Ob•ervations See Plate A.I Dry at completion of drilling operations. Completion Depth 27.5' ..., IL -4 " 0 II .D -4 ~ .c E D.. ..., :JI E a. (/) C DI If) 0 \ ~~~. ~ ~ 5 ~ r~ I-~ I .•• • [ = I • •. • _, -... , I :.:_ +~ ·., =r~ T~ {~ ~ 7-~ lt~ ~ ,· I Completion Date 5-12-95 Surface Elevation Type Auger Stratum Description ~ ~ brown (Fll.,L) SLUDGE (Fll.,L) LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 X I I. ~ C,) 0 [JI UJ C a: • •-t ~ +J ll DI IL II C '\. II X II IL Ill 0: IL ::> 3 0 I.(/) 0 C (J') C3' 0 . -4 II a: f,-f,-ID D.. f--r CS> CS> (\J . ...,..., C ,._, 0 :JI X 3 IL ll OIL z ..., Dl•-t X X X •-t II ~ :JI • C II Cl u u I...., I.::, •-t II er C ~ ll ~ •-t ~ ·-t ::, C 0(.) I,.. II (I) •-t II •-t ..., ...,..., +J X +J II ' CI.'\. Ill::> :J•-t 111•-t Ill DI 111 +J ..., 0 a. . II II er E II E C ll •-t C •-t Ill U E II C •-t ·-t •-t -4 ·-t -4 C 0 0 C .D C O .D D.. (/) ..J ..J D.. ..J D..H I: C,) :::, ..J :::, (.) ..J .j Plate A. 6
Project No. 513-5-529-01 Location 1 Borin84 Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Fort Worth, Texas Water Observations See Plate A.1 Dry at completion of drilling operations. Completion Depth 27.5' ..., .... t· II. 0 II .. .D .... E 0. .r: :JI E ..., (/) c:i: C. Ill 0 ~ ±~ j~-5 . -~ .........::: '-""'.°""-:-::?i.: i.........::: ~-~ ~ 10 ~-· :.:_ ~ --::: ~-~ ~ 15 ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 20-r-~ T~ T~ =t~ 2s-(~~-• •• • _J~-i~---~ ~ ,· I CO..pletion Date 5-13-95 surface Elevation Type Auger Stratum Description ~SANDY CLAY, brown (Fll..L) SLUDGE (Fll..L) /1 I ---------------------------X I CJ w ll'. .. II C . X " II. ) 0 L (/) cr 0 . ll'. ........ CP CP L .. (\J 0 D C 0 :JI ..... z ..., .µ ll X X X .... II. Iii D u u "II C .. ll .. .... ...... 11 ll'. U. . ., II .... ..., ...,..., .µ X 3 -111) :J .... II\ ·-I II II o C 1/l II II er E Iii E Ill ll --1 II ..... ........ ........ --i C Ill n. I-n. (/) ...J ...J n. ...J n_ H I I I j _I -I I I I l -j I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I RoneBngineers:L ~ ll a 2 IU ..., ..., X :3 II. ., .... II .. :JI • C II • L .µ L :J .... 11 er I . :J C OC.l ~ II 1/l u .._, II " C L , Ill.µ ..., . 0 C. • • .; C • .; Ill U E r, 0 0 C .D C O .D :c (.) =i ...J =i (.) ...J 1u I l ! I I I I I I I I LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 Plate A. 7
Project. No-I BorinB:5-Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Rone Engineers -~-513-5-529-01 Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Obaervations See Plate A.l Dry at completion of drilling operations. C:O...pletion I C:O...pletion Depth 27.5' Date 5-12-95 Surface Blevation Type CP X CP . Auger L "' N .. (.) 0 D +J +J C .._, ..., II w C 0 :, X 3 LL 1l O LL LL ..... IJ 0: • •-i z ..., 11•-i 0 1 .. ..., 1l X X X .,; IJ .. :JI. C Ill • .. .D IJ LL II Cl u u L +J L ::l •-i Ill tr J:. E ..., :, Stratum Description C • '-. II • C "' 1l .. •-i .. •-i ::l C 0 (.) "-II Ill • X C LL Ill 0: LL ,.; II •-i +J ...,..., +J X ..., IJ ' C L '-. C. Ill Ill :> • 3 WI:> ::i •-i 111•-i II IJ lll+J ..., . 0 C. • GI 0 I. Ill 0 C Ill WI IJ tr E II E • 1l .,; C ,.; Ill U E Ill 0 cr 0 • .,.. II • Ill ,.; •-i •-i ..... •-i .,.. C 0 0 C .0 C O .0 \ 0: I-I-mo. I-D. Ill .J .J Q. .J Q. H I: (.) => .J => (.) .J .... -~ r\CLAY. brown (FILL) r .... i~ SLUDGE (FILL) ~-:i;;;: -5-{~I .... -~-~~ --~-~~ --~-I --~ -10-k~---_-----~-.,.._ --~-1 --~ ---:._~ .....-.: . -15-~ -~~--: I -•• ~---I~---r;; c-=-201·~---:: -~ I I ~ --. _;.::, ! -~-~ . .::; ' --8~ -25 ~-.... $~:~ I:..~ .... -~-~~ ----------------------------~ ~~-· .. -· ·-.. ··-. LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 Plate A. 8
Project No. I BorinB:6 ProJect VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREA TMEJ\TT PLANT RoneBngineereiJ 513-5-529-01 Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Observations See Plate A.I Dry at completion of drilling operations. Completion I Completion u Depth 28.5' Date 5-U-95 surface Elevation Type CS> J X CS> Auger l. ' (\J .. .µ () 0 IJ .µ .µ C ..J LL -i II w C 0 ::, X ::3 LL ll D L. 0 II e:: . -~ z .., II-~ -i ' .µ ll X X X -~ II , :JI. C II • ' .0 ~ .r: E II LL C [JI u u l..j,J l. :i -~ II [T .., :JI ' Stratum Description C • '-II • C , ll , -~ ' -~ :l C 0 () .... IJ I() I 0. If) C X Iii LL Ill O:'. LL -~ Ii -~.., .., .., ,_, X .µ II ' C l. '-Cl If) :::, . 3 II:::, :i -~ Ill·~ Ul II Ill .J ..., . 0 0. • ~ 0 0 l. If) 0 C If) C\ II O" E C E Ill ll -~ C -~ II U E II CJ 0 • -i II • Iii-~ -~ -~ -i -~ -i C 0 0 C .0 C O .0 \ e:: I-I-II) 0. I-Cl If) ..J _, Cl J Cl.H I: () ::i _, :::> () _, --~ !\·SANDY CLAY, brown (Fll..L) r -=~ I., SLUDGE (Fll..L) --,-.---~· u -~-=-~ -5-. -:._~ --~· ~~ --~ ~ -~ ·L t:~ --~· I ,-JO-~ --~ --'?S I ~-L --~ I --~ I >-15-~ I L --~~I ~---t:~ ~-I I -f-~ I I :20]f~ I I I I L I I I i -~-I ! ! ~ I I I L ~25 ~~: ~ I ! I i I I -f~· I I I I -~ I L -:.~ I --?-::s::· ~..:......:-----------------------------A -· ,~ L .. .. . .. L L L L L LOG OF BORING NO. B-6 Plate A. 9 l
ProJec:t. No. I Boring No. Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RoneBngineere 513-5-529-01 B-7 Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Obeervatione See Plate A.l Dry at completion of drilling operations. C:O.pletion I C:O.pletion Depth 27.S' Date 5-13-95 Surface Blevation Type : I a, a, Auger I.. .. ru .. . 0 D .µ .µ C ,._. .µ II w C 0 :a X 3 u. 'O Ou. u. .... II Q'. . -~ z .µ ll ·~ 0 C. .. .µ 'O X X X -~ II ., :, . C Ill • .. Jl II U. II DI u u I...µ I..::, -~ II 0-.r. E E C • '-II • C .. 'O .. -~ .. -~ ::, C OU "-II (I) .µ :a • Stratum Description X • u. Ill Q'. U. -~ II -~ .µ .µ .µ .µ X .µ II " C I.. '-0. (I) II) ::> • 3 Ill:, ::, -~ II·~ Ill II • .µ .µ • D 0. • II D I.. (I) D C (I) Ill II O" E I E II 'O -~ C -~ " U E Ill 0 CJ D • -t II • •-~ -~ -~ -◄-~ -t C D 0 C Jl C D Jl \ Q'. I-I-m D. I-D. In ...J ...J D. ...J D. H ,::: tl ::, ...J :::iu...J I--~ r\~ANDY CLAY. brown (FILL) r ~ -~ I--~-SLUDGE (FILL) t:_..:::::: I--~ '-5-~-~. -~ -?-:s:: ~~ ~ -?>:s::·1 t:_~ I--~ I--~ ~ I 0-2-':s: · I--~ I--~ -""---I--~-:_15-3:~ = 1~ ~~ I-~ I ~20]~-J I . I I I I-~ I I-~-I-J~-I _B-~ I '-25 6?£ I I--~-t:_~1 ~ -~----------------------------,~ --i-:-"-. -LOG OF BORING NO. B-7 Plate A.10
. RoneEngineers1 Project No. Boring No. Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ----513-5-529-01 B-8 Fort Worth, Texas 1 .... Location Water Obaervatione See Plate A.l Dry at completion of drilling operations. IJ C0111pletion Depth 27 .5' ..., LL ' .r:. ..., a. DI 0 -t l: 0 -t ..0 a. E E :JI Iii (/) (/) ~ ~ ~ 5 -~ .... ·1~· ...... 15 :'"'.'.S,.:. ~ ±i 201g; ~ #;:: ~ f;::? 2sJ~ , I CC>lllpletion Date 5-U-95 Surface Elevation Type Auger Stratum Description ~ ~ brown (Fll..L) SLUOO~(Fll..L) , CLAY. with gravel, calcareous Ji \ I LOG OF BORING NO. B-8 X u w ct X 0 cr ct CS> I CS> I. ' (\J -□ a i lJ 0 [JI ...,..., C: 0 :JI X 3 LL • •-t z ..., 11 •-t ' ..., 1J X X X •-t II ' :JI. C: II II LL Ill Cl u u I...., I. ::J •-t II er C: '-. II C: ' 1J ' ·-t ' •-t ::JC: OU .... ., (/) Ill LL II ct LL •-t II •-t..., ...,..., .µ X .._, II " C: ~ ' ::, 3 II::, ::J ·-t 11·-t II II ll+l ..., 0 C. • I.If) 0 C Ill r, II er E Iii E II 1J •-t C: •-t II u: 111 1...1 0 -t II 11•-t •-t ·-t -t •-t -t C: 0 0 C: ..0 C C .0 I-I-Ill Cl. I-Cl. If) ..J ..J Cl. ..J Cl. H I: u :::i ..J :::i t: ..J ,~ I I I I I I I I l IU -L I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I ' J _I_ I I I l I u u . ' . ' LI Plate A.11
Project No. I Borin8:9. Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RoneBngineers ----513-5-529-01 Fort Worth, Texas Location Water Obeervatione See Plate A.I Dry at completion of drilling operations. CC>tDpletion I CC>tDpletion Depth 29.5' Date 5-12-95 Surface Elevation Type CP X CP . Auger I.. "' (\J .. (.) 0 0 ..., +J C +J ..., II UJ C 0 :JI X 3 IL "O OIL IL ~ II a:: ••-4 z ..., 11 ·-4 0 ~ ..., "[l X X X ·-t II "' ::Jl. C fl • .D ~ II IL Ill [JI u u l..+J I.. :J •-t fl er r. E ..., :JI Stratum Description C • '-II • C "' "[l "' •-4 "' ·-4 :J C 0(.) "-II Ul a. If) Ill X Ill IL fl a:: IL •-t II •-4 ..., ...,..., +J X ..., ., '-CI..'-If) , . 3 WI :, :J •-4 11•-4 Ill II Ill +J ..., . 0 a. . Ci 0 I.. If) 0 C lfl II II er E Iii E 111 "0 •-t C •-t Ill U E Ill 0 cr 0 • ~II• 111•-4 •-4 •-4 ~ •-4 ~ C 0 0 C .D C O .D \ a:: I-I-ID n. I-n. If) ..J ..J C. ..J Q. H I: (.) :, ..J :, (.) ..J --~ \CLAY, brown (FILL) r --~ SLUDGE (Fll..L) -]~ -~-. _;:: -5 ~-::--::: -~----t~ -i~1 -1~ -JO~ -~-= 1~1 -?-f -15 ~ -??:I -~ I -J2~ I < -~'"'-== I~ -20-r-~1 I -is-~ ----~ 1~-~ I I I -"'"]-; I I~ :_25-1"~ ! -JS~~·~ ~--...,~--S~'""'.:' --~ I ~ ----------------------------:---. . .. ... LOG OF BORING NO. B-9 Plate A.12
Project No. I BoriB-lo() Project VILLAGE CREEK WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT RoneBngineers ----513-5-529-01 Fort Worth, Texas LI Locat:ion Water Obeervacions See Plate A.1 Dry at completion of drilling operations. Completion I Completion Depth 28.5' Date 5-12-95 u Surface Elevation Type CS> X CS> . Auger I. ' N .., (..) 0 01 .., .., C +J IL .... Ill w C 0 :JI X 3 IL 1l OIL 0 II Ir ..... z ..., II·-◄ .0 i ' .., 1l X X X .... II , :JI. C Ill • J: E II IL C DI u u s...i I. ::i ·-◄ Ill O" ..., :JI Stratum Description C • 'DI • C ' 1l ' . .., ' .... :J C 0 (..) .... II Ill D.. II) II! X C IL Ill Ct IL ·-◄ II .... .., ...,..., ,.J X +J II ' CI.' Ill II) ::> • 3 Ill::> :i .... UI ·-◄ Ill Ill .,..., .., . 0 D.. • 0 0 1.11) D C Ill Ill II O" E C E C 1l ·-◄ C ·-◄ UI U E Ill C3" 0 • .... Ii • C ·-◄ ........ _. ·-◄ _. C 0 0 C .0 C O .0 LI u \ Ir I-I-ID 0.. I-0..11) ..J...J 0.. ...J 0..1-1 I: (..) ::i ..J ::i (..) ..J --~ \ Cl.A Y, brown (FILL) r --~-~~ SLUDGE (FILL) ~---~ -:.~ -5-ts - ---~ ................ LI --~--:.~ --~--10-~-~-----t=½:: -f~-I -i~ I -~ -15 --:-:--~-I -1~.•-_·.,s; i -.~ I ~ -I~ I I i --r:..~ I I -20-r~ ---r:.~ I -f~ -j§~ I -~ -25_J;J§~ I I I I -~-I -~ -~-~~ --~--~~----------------------------~ :.:-... LOG OF BORING NO. B-10 Plate A.13
EPA and TNRCC Correspondence
DALLAS , TEXAS 75202-2733
JUL 6 1995
Mr. Robert T. McMillon
Assistant Director
Fort Worth Water Department
P.O. Box 870
Fort Worth, Texas 76101-0870
Re: Sewage Sludge Class A Determination
Dear Mr. McMillon:
We are in receipt of the submittal on June 15, 1995, which
included sampling results for Sludge Stockpile Area No. 12. The
City requested EPA's concurrence that the stockpiled sludge meets
the definition of a Class "A" sewage sludge as defined by
Alternative 4 in 40 CFR Part 503.32{a) (6). The sampling plan
used was revised in accordance with recommendations given by the
EPA Pathogen Equivalency Committee as a result of the EPA Region
6 request of December 28, 1994.
The criteria used to define a Class A sludge under
Alternative 4 is as follows:
1) Either the density of fecal coliform in the sewage
sludge must be less than 1,000 MPN per gram of total
solids (dry weight basis), or the density of Salmonella
sp. bacteria in sewage sludge must be less than 3 MPN
per 4 grams of total solids (dry weight basis).
2) The density of enteric viruses in the sewage sludge
must ·belessthan ·1 PFU per 4 grams of total solids ·
(dry weight basis).
3) The density of viable helminth ova in the sewage sludge
must be less than 1 per 4 grams of total solids (dry
weight basis).
Since fecal coliform densities are low and the sludge has
been stored for several years, EPA has made the determination
that enteric virus survival is unlikely. Therefore, in
accordance with protocols outlined in the EPA Guidance Document,
Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage Sludge, and
your request, we have determined that testing for enteric viruses
is unnecessary and can be waived.
The results of all analyses performed in accordance with the
recommended sampling plan for fecal coliform and viable helminth
ova meet the quality requirements in the Part 503 regulations.
Therefore, we concur with your finding that the sewage sludge in
Stockpile 12 meets the definition of a Class A sludge as defined
in Alternative 4. If you have any questions, please contact
Stephanie Kordzi of my staff at (214) 665-7520.
Sincerely yours,
Jack ~~.)'-; son, -;;-
Permits ranch (6W-P)
cc: Paul Curtis, Sludge Coordinator
Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
I m
Fort Worth
P.O. Box 870
l 000 Throckmorton
Fort Worth, Texas 76101-0870
Wastewater Treatment Division 817/2n-7591
Texas National Resources Conservation Commission July 17, 1995
Permitting Section
Watershed Management Division
P.O. Box 13087
Austin, Texas 78711-3087
Attn: Dale W. White, P .E.
Re: Village Creek Wastewater Treannent Plant
Fon Wonh, Texas
Permit No . 10494-13
Dear Mr White:
The City of Fort Worth (City) operates and maintains the Village Creek Wastewater
Treannent Plant (VCWWTP) which provides service to over 750,000 people and industries
located in 22 communities in the service area. The plant has a capacity of over 144 million
gallons per day. We are writing to provide notice of cenain sludge handling and disposal
activities that will commence in the third quaner in 1995, following the contract bidding and
award process which will commence shonly.
In 1991, the City began using belt presses to dewater a portion of the plant sludge and
to beneficially reuse it through land application to agricultural lands. In 1994 the city entered
into a contract to have all sludge produced by VCWWTP dewatered and beneficially reused
through land application. However, approximately 500,000 cy of previously processed sludge
is contained in the drying beds or is stockpiled in the drying bed area.
One particular stockpile, known as Sludge Stockpile Area No. 12 (SSA#12) contains
sludge that was pumped into the sludge drying beds approximately 3-1/2 years ago. While in
the drying beds, the sludge was mechanically processed, in order to help dry the sludge, by
turning the material, breaking up the crust and -exposing new surfaces for drying. • After
approximately one year in the beds, the sludge was removed and stockpiled. The stockpile has
sat undisturbed for approximately 2-1/2 years. The dimensions of SSA#l2 are approximately 400
feet by 300 feet It is approximately 30 feet high. The calculated volume is approximately
111,000 cubic yards.
The City now plans to beneficially reuse the 500,000 cy of sludge remaining in the
Drying Bed area. The City's plan is to remove this sludge over a 5 year period and then to close
the Drying Beds. SSA#l2 will be removed and reused in the next fiscal year. Because the
stockpiled sludge in SSA#l2 appears to be dry and stable, the City sought to have the stockpiled
material in SSA#l2 classified as Class "A" sludge. In order to demonstrate that the sludge met
Page 1
City of Fort Worth
the requirements . for a Class "A " Sludge , the City sampled and tested the stockpiled sludge
according to a sampling plan approved by EPA. The stockpiled sludge was tested for total and
volatile solids, fecal coliform, and helminth ova. Sampling and testing was performed in May
1995. The results of the tests were submitted to EPA and in a July 6, 1995 letter EPA concurred
with the City 's conclusion that the sludge met the definition of a Class "A" sludge according
Alternative No. 4 of 40 CFR Pan 503. That letter is attached for your reference .
The City of Fort Worth intends to seek bids from qualified contractors for the further
processing, removal and reuse of biosolids from SSA#l2 at VcwwrP. The project will involve
further processing of the stockpiled sludge by shredding, grinding or sieving in order to achieve
size reduction of any large plastic, paper, wood or metal products that may remain. The
contractor will then load and transport the material to noticed, registered or permitted sites for
land application. These sites may include agricultural lands , reclamation sites, or non-City owned
parklands, golf courses or airports. Bagging and distribution of the sludge to the general public
will not be allowed, as authorized by the City's TNRCC wastewater discharge permit All
disposal practices will comply with current applicable federal and state statutes and regulations,
as they may be amended from time to time.
The project will be advertised for bids in late July and bids received in late August. A
contract is anticipated to be awarded by October 1, 1995 . If you have any questions or
comments about this notice , please call.
Sincerely ,
Robert T. Mc Millon
Asst. Director, Fon Wonh Water Department
Page 2
Regarding City Secretary Contract # 21401 for the Further Processing. Removal and
Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds which was requested by the Water Department
and approved by City Council on September 26. 1995 through M&C C-15044, the
Director of the Water Department, upon the recommendation of the Construction
Engineer. Halff and Associates Inc .. has accepted the project as complete. Final Payment
(Estimate # 7-1) will be issued in accordance with Administrative Regulation C-6.
Original Contract Price:
Approved Contract Renewals
Approved Change Orders:
Revised Contract Amount:
Total Cost Work Completed:
Less Liquidated Damages:
Total Contract Cost:
Less Previous Payments:
Final Payment Due:
Recomme ed for Acceptance
Contract Services Administrator
Date of Final Completion
$ 1,350,930.00
$ 4,150,000.00
$ 130,000.00 Number: 1
r ---·
$ s.630,930.00 ✓.I
$ 5,518,506.55/
$ 0.00 (@$ /Day)
$ 5,518,506.55
$ 5,328,253.98
$ 190,252.57
~ t
11 /:30/o I
Date of Estimate
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority ,
appeared Oscar Renda
on this day personally
, who being by me
duly sworn , upon his/her oath deposed and said:
1. My name is Oscar Renda . I am the -------------------
President of Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. --------------(Title) (Company Name)
and am authorized to make this Affidavit with respect to
City of Fort Worth Project No. 21401
hereafter referred to as the "Project."
2. All persons, firms, corporations , and subcontractors
furnishing labor and /or material on the Project have been
paid in full.
3. The wage scale establ i shed by the City Council of the City
of Fort Worth has been paid on this Project.
4. There are no claims for personal injury and/or property
damages pending as a result of the Project.
~ Name
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this /zTll
of Ab/~ , 200 I .
Notary Publlc
My Convn. Exp. 7-19-2004
State of Texas
11-29-2001 5:17PM FROM HALFF ASSOCIATES. INC 817 232 9784 P. 1
II Halff Associates
(617) 847-1422 METRO (817) 429-9875
FAX (817) 232-9784
November 29, 2001
AVO 17492
Mr. Gary Rockers
City of Fort Worth Water Department
P.O. Box 870
Fort Worth, TX 76102
RE: Further Processing, Removal, and Reuse of Biosolids from Drying Beds
Sewer Project No. PS46-070460300060
Dear Mr. Rockers:
At your request, we have reviewed the final pay estimate and the quantities of material hauled
between September 25, 2001 and October 17, 2001. We have found two small mistakes in the daily
totals for September 29 and October 9. The net result of the mistakes is an increase of 8.83 wet tons
of material hauled ($88 .38). ORC/AMG has been notified of the error and has declined having it
corrected. The value of work completed between September 25, 2001 and October 17, 2001 shown
in Attachment "A" and "B " is $140,680.64.
According to the previous pay estimates that you transmitted , the City has retained $49,571.93 during
the contract. We agree that the total amount owed ORC/AMG is $190,252.57, as shown in the final
estimate . ORC/AMG has met all other contract obligations. Halff Associates, Inc. recommends that
the City of Fort Worth make the final payment.
If you have any questions or comments, please call .
F. Roberts, P.E.
M & C NO :
522 Benson Lane PROJECT NO : PS46-070460300060
t--_______ R_o_a_no_k_e..;.., T_X_7_62_6_2 __________________________ ---IRETAINAGE NO : PE45-
Pay Estimate No.
For Period From:
September 25, 2001 through
Original Date Operations
Original Contract Duration
Original Date Contract Completion
Approved Time Extensions
Current Contract Duration
Current Date Contract Completion
Days Charged to Date
Days Remaining
Percent Complete
October 31 , 1995
____ 3_3_0 ____ Days
September 24, 1996
____ 2_0_0_5 ___ Days
-=------=_21....,5_,s......,....,....,....,. __ Days
September 24,2001
____ 2_3 ____ Days
157 Days
----6-_-3-0°-1/o ___ _
Current Scheduled Completion Date
Project is (ahead/behind) Schedule
March 23, 2002
The undersigned ~ontractor certifies that all work, including materials
on hand , covered 6y this periodical payment has been completed or
delivered in accordance with the contract documents, that all amounts
have been paid by him for work, materials and equipment for which
pervious periodical payments were issued and received by the Owner,
and that the current payment shown herein is now due .
By : Date : J$2M
July 19, 2005
October 17, 2001 CONTRACTOR PROJECT NO: 7500
1 Original Contract Amount
2 Approved Contract Renewals
2A Approved Change Orders
3 Total Contract Amount
4 Total Value of Contract Performed
(Attachment "A"+ "B" consisting of 1 page)
6 Total Value of Work to Date
7 Less Amount Retained at 5%
(Fixed -5% of $850,000 .00 )
8 Net Amount Earned on Contract
9 Less Amount of Previous Payments
10 Balance Due This Statement
11 Percent of Contract Paid
Pay Estimate Cost Summary
Earned: $ 190,252.57
Less Retainage: $ 0.00
Due: $ 190,252.57
$ 1,350,930 .00
$ 4 ,150,000 .00
$ 130,000.00
$ 5,630,930.00
$ 5,518,506 .55
$ 5,518,506.55
$ 0.00
$ 5,518,506.55
$ 5,328,253 .98
$ 190,252 .57
98 .00%
//f Jt>/6/
( Date
Contractor: OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING OWNER: PS46-070460300060
Pay Estimate No. 7-1 FINAL PAY ESTIMATE
For Period From: September 25, 2001 through October 17, 2001
Bid Item Quantity Original Unit of Total Contract Quantity This Value of Work This Quantity to Value of Work o/o of Work
No. Description Of Item Estimate or C.O . Measure Unit Price Amount Estimate Estimate Date Completed Complete
Subtotal Original
Contract 147.000 WT $ 9 .19 $ 1,350,930.00 131,609.50 $ 1,209,491 .31 89 .50%
1st Renewal 90,812 WT $ 9.36 $ 850,000.00 91,100.22 $ 852,698 .07 100.30 %
2nd Renewal 86,589 WT $ 9.47 $ 820,000.00 84,229.29 $ 797 ,651 .37 97.30%
3rd Renewal 86,898 WT $ 9.35 $ 812,500 .00 80,960.15 $ 756 ,977.41 93.17%
4th Renewal 86,298 WT $ 9 .67 $ 834,500.00 80,518.07 $ 836,629.73 100.25%
Processing of Class
1 "A" Biosolids (99/00) 83,635 WT $ 8 .30 $ 694,170.00 19,096.08 $ 158,497.46 92,309.54 $ 766,169.18
Removal and Reuse of
Class "A" Biosolids
2 (99/00) 83,635 WT $ 0.89 $ 74,435.00 19,096 .08 $ 16,995.51 92,309 .54 $ 82,155.49
3 CPI Adjustment (96/97) 83,635 WT $ 0 .17 $ 14 ,2 18.00 19,096.08 $ 3,246 .33 92,309.54 $ 15,692.62
CPI Adjustment (97/98) 83,635 WT $ 0 .11 $ 9,200.00 19,096.08 $ 2,100 .57 92,309.54 $ 10,154 .05
CPI Adjustment (98/99) 83,635 WT $ (0.12) $ (10,036.00) 19,096.08 $ (2 ,291.53) 92,309.54 $ (11,077 .14)
CPI Adjustment (99/00) 83,635 WT $ 0 .32 $ 26,763.00 19,096.08 $ 6,110.75 92,309.54 $ 29,539 .05
CPI Adjustment (00/01) 83,635 WT $ 0 .34 $ 24,254.00 19,096.08 $ 6,492.67 92,309.54 $ 31,385.24
Completed; ork Complete<! was understated tiy am~ Tit~ amou.n_ twas nli~e~~rrlejt ~~rough on Valu·e• of Wfrl<_.
$359.52 • • :~ .. th . ':'• ' • IH,,;i AF' Y, 0 .00 $ -0 .00 $ 359 .52
5th Renewal 83,635 WT $ 10.01 $ 833,000.00 19,096 .08 $ 191 ,151 .76 92,309.54 $ 924 ,018 .50 110.92%
Change Order 14,054 WT $ 10.01 $ 130,000.00 14,054.01 $ 140,054.01 14,054 .01 $ 140,680.64 108.21%
Total For Project $ 5,630,930.00 574,780.78 $ 5,518,506.55 98.00%
522 BENSON LANE • ROANOKE, TEXAS 76262 • (817) 491-2703 • FAX (817) 491-4483
Gary Rockers
City of Fort Worth
4500 Wilma Lane
Arlington, TX 76012
RE: Retainage Fee
Project: PS46-070460300060
Further Processing, Removal and Reuse of Biosolids from
Drying Beds for the City of Fort Worth, TX
Dear Gary, .
ORC/AMG is requesting that the Retainage Fee from Project PS46-
070460300060 in the amount of $49,571.93 be included in the Final
Pay Estimate.
The project is to be considered complete.
Should you have any questions you may contact me at 817.571.9391
ext. 223.
Project Superintendent