HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 35504-CA1 MY SECREURV
L0 , VI �"�,� 'H) � S m G� , sum"
CUANK FARNI t( , +f; -,AND Pt,'' L.J '1w"1iE1 1NG G1ttEVNNIF1 T)
This, CONSENT TO, .AS,S1GN.N11KNT' OF (7111( N0.
355114 ( 'C.trnsenVI) A rate and emmA al o by and barrwacri thic CITY 10:x'° 1"O'RT
IE)EA ("Lessor". a Thus hoonror rub rortrnkipal cot-Imtotton , wtorttNt, orricl tltr'oot;t ,lr Forrrando
1:;"oMa, As ddy w;uffic,,i,i,�vd Assi s ank Cky Wmga; T , JEN "11.1 GpCI V UPP(,) "1" L.P, ,rt1)a
A°"1 LAA11C A 1AJIl ^ ('4° ssjg nur'* oi' � sr"i� tac .ng by, arid through LOLIB Y,
PEPPER, its ddy otrihotized (71"lur~°°1" Execuli °e Officer', marl F18' wkMFM' K ,'" AF,,`, 10,
OVERAT'I1'a°1,.1 CO3N]V ANY Lill t'w,lAwMi r°ee") a Ww wry ttrrtutwool litrlril.aty c(,,)Drtpair,Y Pict, tt
by and t r'o gu if 1 A 1.OS,1'1 O,, its r trly °rrtth,(',v i e(J 'wit`, Pnt Wdcnt;,
The,, rtrtrN�,4,rcl,o'M t9rNwnvr°s�r n)"s afje true 1w "."a'wyTevt oirldl tuivrnj, R t1ri ' ant rt16,s
„t;rtt ant
o 1a,es"ova° and Sto,trlr g-F• orl, L44.- previously M,a."md Wow Qy S a°;,r&ar°,w° Urot.t"aro 1,
l"`1,' ""'l o, 28388. a We owl" seal pro4apcily at Ffm %V(sih, M aclinu,un irjtlo,o rt
(KAQ )kuown F ucl Farm, o"rCott Nowo,, t t"a11. ssvd Pro, xrl e",.%"). The l ease A n public dnewament�
on Colt: na.Less°o°or"'s City Office.
K On ocor about ut "lorrtt"roo,ry 14, 2001 (NJ&,(° L-1,1 9: ') Sterling-Far,, t WcG,rdi VC l„ P
aNglieo1 aH of l:..oMoeds t'rglo.t, We and Warm in the l xaww"ed 'Pro ni!s s 4) Traj e n Flight �-rrl;,olwoo t
LP. and Lotmotor`t'"atrrstttrind to such, ss',i ,6"Vi"I citt l°tao"ed on aH hams =L'l t oond,ir.iowius �,'et forrrkr nrr We
(% t':"trt or �'I^�o"arrr N40rch 4, 2t,KB f N1&C t'i° l 9504L I,owt scu coorrsel"ttox] t.a:) draw: extwo Ut_000tt po l" a
Deo,d ol`` Trutt C imi l;to °ual l xom and klert°ull Lynch "-altatal" a division, (,, wlcnill f_"iw"nch
'Wsit,wwis l tM,t,incial !Services. Inc- an:i ant(%] on July 25, 2005 by I.,essoe arid, NiterTi.11 1, ,yrw .
, On Or about Aptil [7, 201')7 (K4, C' ( 22t`lt"°i9l, a rorrtrne, t~I'tttrigc t-Qtltnuc!wst tw°trtt rZ:trttur„l Ilt°°oo'rl
lurll"Ien, Flrillut up 1powr t" to A.viatrorn" ("Lessee") its Trqjen,, Holdings Inc, the parent:
comparcy of Trojen Hight "otrpwx rt,, L-P, tlorowrigh tit miows of WHy =w%,ne , t,to npanies, �vars
M.Alivirt l t irtotr ltu a IN loo t't'errlt l I W%) mock Iyansa34;t id"n by Atlantic nt is „ vir,r,t:iorr F'1 "°wH Me. an
Iwo sscn r drC11U)1()W1cdged 5ur"tlr lrr,mlmm
E. On or about AIrtt1 IT It"07 (, 1a C C ".1f,wit;u9)" a °xxrol' 1"zan , and,, f"ort"oh l-'1uejj;rrg A�gotoµ't,1ren1.
tr:rtl I u ,ttt 11t,twot Og°wttrattor Pertrttt %Vrte osxettrto°rl With tltt .Ut"m, ortlro~wrau se ltr°uo wn as C",S Nhow_
35504, a-u�nou�1 w„��otrt�ra�t�o�ar u�uo��r�A to.,l"ItYM"N.lrt t�t1 CSC 10, 2838; w,v.itat laterlir't ��u',rr°'t' Wortl"t ,1,,1-- I P,
oru nr Go a utw"ao"oov.°wwo a;HfC N , ",-Y,,„r
ray ArAN c Aamlaon to F%V A
logo I of 5
°" c to i"! ity
E Lessee now svis has to assign all cd"Lessee's Qn, tide and imerest tit the Leased Prcn:�Iises
lo , ,,sig ncc� Assignee v6shes to cwccpt such imsWtnneny and Levor is wilfing v,.,i C011SCIA 10 SUCII
asAgn=V, ali on thee; tc�nrts and conditions set fi,ail.h iri this Cotls',enl.
A, G R ETA1 F N'F:
wnwritEREFORE, Rr good and AN% conmidcr"'Ifit)n, the adeqjuacy of
"fich arc hereby acknoi0edged, Lessor. Assignor and Assignec apTee are fblWvvs:
I. Ussur WAY C011SCrIll"S' an assigninew by Assignor io Assippice of ad tight, tide anxi
intercst in the Ixttsec'] FIrcaijsesp
,p-,nved lynhc Lemc (Ae "A&Mgnment"), eft&tive as
of, the last dwe 1hat I es,sor, Assigpu.)r and Assigriec ha%,e cxecutc,d this, ("EffecOve
Date"), ttle Inase is Ax rpol-i"ItCd herAn by referentv for all. purposes. T'fic Assigiu-neart, date(l
., 20 2, is it pthfic dijeurrtent own file in, City
Seciviary's Offic(,.� and Nviafiori Dej,'izu as is inctmjx,',jraie,dI herein 1,')y -rcf+ rent,e I"o,T all
Im r7j)O'Se�'S.
3. Inswor docm not adRpt, isAy or approve any ol the p,trficular pf-(:)�isions of tho
Assignment and dcies nti,t gnmt any QU, p6vthge or use Ui Assigtr which, is dift6-ent frt')rn or
nu�irc exterisi%,,e Man any QN, PkilegC OT USC gValltCd 10 l uN rga y lie WW. W Ihe cm of
any conflict betkvccri the! Leame ti,nd flie shall ccnitrol' In dov Qvt!tv, Of,any
confliet benweev this C',onsenI atid the, Nss i tit, 't h s("lonse nt sball con 't"')L
3. Wwr annems to the exprowly upon the prondsc and coNvonni hy
AsNi, ;nee. ani d Assignee ticreb'y �'Imnlhws aud to 1"11'at as (,),f the L"J"I"eclive D-ate
Assignee %vill, 1411'tfii,lly 1,x6ontj, as an independent conti actor, all duties an,cl c,4',)Iigafiq,'nis of
Lrs'see ,"art forth ijn the Lkmasz,
1, Assignar ttaclerst,tncls and agrees Hat Assigntm,%W he INWr to Lcaor hm (0 any dull or
obligatick'n Of Lessce dwi Unee—was requkal by ilic,, uader'iake or Fxrfixrrn 1-Prior to, the
Ef"foctive Date a-�otdl 00 tbr, an"y da'111ages (sdNecl to the ten,rrs., ofihtn Leaso), including, hna, not
Whed to". prioperty llo"Ss. pmTcny damage aiul/or personal iqj ury ofar[y .kind, including death, to
the extent caused by AsMgnaq hS ORWIS. agully servanls,, erriployees or
S. AsQmcc taiderslandsand agmts dul Ass.ipee will k, hzbk-,, to 1,essc)T f6r, (0, any dat.) (n,
obligatk)n O'Lessce lb at Ussee is recitii.red by the Li,°a to unkn' -ile or perl'o,nu on o,',j- afierthe
Effectiv-V Date al"I'd Q Or any damages (subject to slra tierrris, of t1w Lease). including,
NOW to, property lows, pnnvmly darrmpe andbr persawl hQ3 of any khW. Aw1whng deaUL to
the extent caused by As,,,iip'iee, itW, officers, agents. senants, cQoyces or
C All terms in this Cori.wnt ih,,at, ame cr,,zipicflized but ni:.il &,firtcd shall have 1111[� nr(Nfl'nings
assig;nW to, th,t~iri in 'thc AW,� ecrnent.
A,", ignrnt!i(ol CSCN( . 29384
by Manfic Avindonui F%' Asudon ArmClavIg Compny LU"
Page 2 of 5
IN T1 law "� EREO�Ih�, the Etta s 1tew ,taa Iia c �°t�ulcil Ibis aa�a. rt��:rrr°tt�attp fiat Ind'It'pp'a;�k' on dl'lis
a ta
BY � . ..........._„
era°iaral do t ttsm
Asismm 0"Y" lay na ger
-71�9�k . i ......... ...........
1 1ut't" tI 1 C I:.°m tllua tamtal t t ;tt�a' a ttt:hoi-ily. aa, NoRary Public in arid the Stele ofl-ox,asl, on
tli.is aaa appem°ed Fer°ntrrrrtra C`rntall, qua^aomm hi me to be the I° .iQsian xvli ass dsaarte is
SUbscribed, to the lbra p)irl a„ 4114/1 U1 1 arild, tau) c tlurta the allu: was th'ic acl a)I"the
°q or Farr Worth axxt that lie e,~"elc uteri 114c sus'w as the act awt tht 00 trt" Font Wt°rrlb, Ibri, the
ptat°°I.^sowq and co'I°tsi r,ttht IItr,Mr° in expmmud and ira ttie apjtci�y tptcrici.r"t sti
Gl �[ I.II I I' I! NIY' HAND AND S f Of,' 1-TIT this clay
' 2012.
!� � I Ai M "aim
,tt a ° E'trl6ia Ittattt fa the Latta oflex
V 4likJaril City s" ttWYIYMdI'brry t iWy S'cYu.rela y,
V _luim. .
b a d��Hic r`�vi tiw to FW t���awwatara �r�rut�t��°�asN..����� t:����at�a��r�„ t a�"
w i
'' Mr,
this a;,,.iy pmaaaaally, arppear d Lomis 15 p°appre ., Isanw:wmm to acre to be d°ac gaeason vvha ww-,t: Ilawtne is
saah ,alaRx,,,d ta,� tla � aw;°��"�w�, a w , gr� a� � aa�w cnicl acI :nowbNgcd to tnic that (tic, seine was Nhc ara of"
rajen IF ight Support I.P, aa>d 01 he execs uitica j flaaw� Same as thc uNct a.wl" ,r rzzjcn lHiigbi Support
UJI., kw the ptgxiscs aaaid ca:wnsaw,kaa°aat on (herein a tid iti, 1laaw a apiwhy thierein stwiic,d.
BL&Ary �,
' t
puw6 aw°t , 'ma�r6l� ° uYa atatra ',,�ww tau eat
X23, a
Con nl a o A s s4giirsancr a w l'Ct -S" ww. 2834
by AtLm Mu Aasaaaawa n tarn tl W AnvrJcan ,Acro Land t cingwaaray, 1A,C
loge 4o s
A u:1WS I M N F'F,':
Vice 6"-siden°i
FIFT0RJ i f., d�ic WhrAgned auttoriti ', a I` olary I`rnblic in and 1i,',t die State t f' 'I"e; as, on
Anus day pmzom&y q4wamd Bob A ,rnmwi us known to me to he 0'w jvr'soii whose nan ie is
subscm"bed U) the f6repc6ri , ins mgt meiv and ac nna 161ged to n ie mlJmt 0ic sainip wa dw sac of FW
Anterinc an kero Land (,,7om a,ny, LUT and thal lie mcmed 11m amne as thi act of" PW Am erica
Am [,smr d C'mmmpaup ILLC fbt the pwImses on d caraQuAcin 1hei-6.,n expressed and in th
CHRIS � mark ��L.hlic in and 11 � he uve of flMl'xas,:
N�" w
C onscut no of SC Noy 2838,4
1xi Arnerician Avro O,puming Ccmp"any, ]..I[ -'
Page 5 of 5,
City ofFort Worth, Texas
Mayor and' Countil Communication
COUNCILACTION': Approve do,n, 7110/2012
DATE: Tuesday, J u I y 10 210 12 REFERENCE NO.. "Cii-25702
Atdhor[ze Exeru1ion of a Corment lot Assifignment of a an IF raft U'.i and Pijbfic Fulefirig Agreeme,nit and
a Fixed Base Opeirator Perrnil by Atlanfic Avlation Serwoes to FVVArne,r[rzn Aeiro Operating Compwiy,
LL C, army Issue a Lessor Estoppel ("eledificate fiji Fuel Farm Site No, 'I ait Fort Worth, Mieaol'iam International
Airport (COUNCIL DSTR11CT 2),
11 is reccrT,=enided that the City COUncil authorize Um e ,exeaufion of a consenitto assignirnent of a tank farniii
lease arid public fueling Agreement and a fixed base operator pertnit by, Allatitic Aviation Services, to FW
Amedloan Operating Company, L.1C, *,,md issue a lessor eslot,),p0 ice rfifi Fuel Farrin Site No, I at
Fortftrff'i Meachan't lnternaljorW, Airport.
Atlantic Aviation Services (Attanfic) ciiii renlly ho ds a Irma mrmmtimr,umm m°mt for Fui(,,,N,1 Farm Site No, 'I, also
known as City Secreliivy Contract IN o, ,35504 and as assigned to Atlanfi�c by Mayor. an,d Council
Comm,tinicatibrt (L-13,495) approved on January 14, 2003, Ftml Fairm Ste I No 1 consims,03,600 Square
feet of, irnproved piroperty at, Fort Wart) Nleacharfl Initem,afioral Airporl,
Stall' has received a request from Atlantic ko assign 11)e tank farr,7,i kliase and pt;blic fueling Agreenlent mind
Fixed Base 0,perator (FBO) pemiit to FW American Aer Operating Company, LLC Upon City Council
,13pprovak FW A mom erican ,Aero Oiperr fir,q Company LLC, will assitane oveNsight of all lm ser,1101d interests
and obligafiorts, asso6iatnd with fl'ie leowse Staff [,,ias mv objection to thiiss request.
FWAnied",n Aera Operatfitig Caaipany, Ul.,,C, Dacus, requ(;%sted w6tten assurance from the it of Fort
Warlf-m Ira e fo(Tn of a Lessor Estrappel C(,irfifioa�eii the lease, is currently, in effeet and thal the City is
not aware Df any defaufts unider the Vbease-at tNs, time
Fort Worth Meacham Inteirriational XirpM is locate d, in COUNGII., D ISTRICT 2'
Ttte Financial Vainagernent SerOces Director certifies, thivat 0iis action wN have rto inalerial effect on C,It
TgfUD#jAqcounk ra,
Fernando C',01sta (612:2)
Loguamc, 5,51"TWASSIGN 0,PEI(A,r[N,G l I of
.................... ....... .... ......
,f....... cpubvr"")
Logamm 55FIIV ASS,K,;,N, FWAMENCAN AERO ORMATIT(",i Page 2 of 2