HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 61352CSC No. 61352 FORT WORTH., CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTR W rl N OF WATF[.R AND SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT C NTi RA T 2021, W M-C PART I UNIT I : WATER IMPROVEMENTS U NIT 2: SAN ITARY 8 F ER I M I'ROV EM E NTS UNIT 3: PAY I NG I M PR V EM ENTS dell i-c Parker Mayor f. f 8RYM 1=, SHERRIE:E9 L, _ bR-Q.&OT EHdINE!ER 011-0,10pl u P_ Rfordvf, P_r. Di rucior, Water Deprimem P repand f( i• The City or Fort Worth Water Department DUNAWAY 2023 David Cooke City Manager Cc 4I(k NY �4bi:�1E i%..f A Kimley)))Horn Dun way Associmc& ] .! _C BUI UE1eery Si., We 1300. UnA 11, FI, 4fbrbh, TX 70102. 817 = $611 550 13miley AvolkLe, %wILu 400 Texes Ragistomd ErH�inewiV Firm FY928 1--cm Worlh, TX 76107 .I'X Rog. P-1 1 14 y.6. OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX WATER AND SANITARY SMER REPLACEMENT CITY TY PROJECT NO. 103500 Shuihy Warchesik, P.E. Kimley-Hom. aivd As iat-cs, Inc. TM W # f=-298 801 Chem Simet, Unit 1 I Suitc 1300 Demnber 203 1 12024 ,6%Nv lit OF 06 t.�t,tt....*�rt.f�+t�*.� � �I��LBY 1�1�1�1-I�SIK a 99, For NSign c3 C F.art 1; n1p WWj-9 'Water I1sypr0VCM M1.1t 01 36 00 - Pipe Laying l vc-Out 3105 21 —Tunnel Lim Mato J105 24 - TkistaI Catkin of Carrier Pipe in Casing or ] -mvicl Linte J31= 3111 10 - laud* 1von Wipe 13 11 11 - Ductile Iron Fitting� 3 11. 3 - r ire P' c �r-w Sirml Cylinder 1'yp;: F p. FORT WORTH. City of Fort Worth Standard Construction Specification Documents Adoplod*541moanlitr 2011 uo urn uo 57a4laDARDC0N5T4 LX7FKW S;f.C1FtCAT1fJR+l 1] 'VMFNT% pW J loft SECTION 00 00 0O rA BLC OF C'ONTEN-IN Di sbm 00 - Geuerai CondlOws Lass Revised Dg g5 10 ---Mayer end C15ulkoll C_onmunienliun G71011,201 IJ 0005 IS Addc_�kda --- a710I�01 I 00 11 13 Inv7l-lion to Ridders _ OFl1 021 1 00 21 13 lnqJr>mAi Dm to Ili ddcn - 1 I 4 1 00 35 13 Conflict -Df laterrR? I tni{ti�1cn1 _ 02n4nM 0041 00 I' [aid Form _ 09)3(V2021 00 42 43 Proposal worm 11nit MCC 0*43 1-3 iiid I3ukkd 004337 Vcudur Cam 1�1a� ra Stars Low Nonrridenl BICI iur 03100 1 0045 11 _Biddrr5 PrOMM2CAtiOns _ 0913r2021 1 0045 12 Pr 1kalilieariokl Slilenienl 045M021 0045 13 lit qitaliflea#iun Apali ali�1� _ 0w1U202 1 004526 Comr-ador Corn-pliar wilh Worker&' Com pmiswium iAvu � I1 0 ] t 00 45 40 Business Equ ily Couil 10f F l 1 00 52 43 -Aomncnt - 11123rMl 1 Q0 61 13 Perrw mance Dmid 07m i nD i Ii 006I 14 PaymemBuM - 07 p1 0I1 0061 19 F,+Iairlie �n e I txlsd 07AW2011 0061 25 CC"j FJe9Jt-9 O in 4lranco I 0f 112011 [lU 72 00 Cenlcrai Lo�diriolis 03� k Lebo 73 00 �u lcmrnlary Londhion DIAKQ020 pivi.iorl 01 - Gerterm Rzgldmr enU Last Fk"ksed 1100 Summary of Work _ � 1212W20-12 �01 0125 00 Subm itution M'mcerJ urns _ 0wo L12011 1 0I 31 19 _ I'rtxullsrruelion MWH1�_ i-- oy1712092 1 31 20 13r;0jMJ M&Min t� 07{01 11 01 32 16 ConRlruaion Schedule R{13 I 01 32 33 Frecollmnict" Vi&o 07MV201.1 101 33 0e Submi(faw _ 12�2nU 12 01 35 l3 4peei-211 Feel PrslcCILurus 0311t2022 I F NON-5-1-1] lb 1 45 23 T.Lmi iL mnd Inspl: ion Smicds I 3 09 020 o i 5000 Tenit ry is wili[ies and Con -Ws 7f41f201 �� 01 55 2G SlTeer Use f rn h and M dii`rMkmnis bo Trairre Conlral — _ 02 6 01 :57 13 Slomi WKtC_rpo1111r1011 J FrV0nfIOn 131Vn 07MM01 1 $ $ 13— Temporar3- 11ruim _01 01 00 PradLiCt I CQViFC171ffW1S. 0 � 0 01 6600 Pmducl Sionage mm] Ilandlinm iRzquire ents --� 01 70 00 il+lpbilix�tiolr R15[k }�rinail i�ilia� 11 01 6 4t 71 23 SlAiD-R and SurVcV_ 0l 7 23 _tr�nstruCh011 Clcaninf� -- - _ 07101 I 1 1 1 77 l9 Ci 41t k uirr-mclus r1 " art ion and M.R m cfibnca Cola _ _ I zr2ww 12 01 76 35 _ Project R000rd Ekw umems — - 07M 1 0I I {iTYl* FOkT WORTlI Wma l?.TkLIC'TION .W' X PVK'*'PfZIN DCCUNIik S and*SIMr9" tifxxrRepkhmimm CONTRMIT 3921. %1%mr ' .'gTANDARlit-O kev&d SuM111bgr 1), 201 cfr PmiT"r mk m W C4 II) STANIMkr) CgDMTRl"M �K.-CIFIL+ATK)N rxx'JMI!N r.% Pam 2 or `reehniea} SFngi16eaiirjw; iyhiclM hAve been nNu ifiKI liv II lie Engh r iLpecilicalir fur Ws Project; harel enpicg iim lik-0 ua9 ed in the I'rr1li-mi's G ntrHt 1 Doc LIJIIC Liu Dal-c Divi-mon 02 - Exfwtinit CipmI it iu ns 1 Sre� ++ Mail i Gcll ['J Gye ![C I14ym RIIT,f___ _I Division W - C*ncretc tiTwvrmrMtlglTa j4 S il!il la■sv417414G4 �71,1■01cl Ikf I Division 26 - Elcar"I 00 — CQ■11111411 11 Q�IL'"RS4�■ou i �bY- C ii lit 09 itili "W"Vj-i olio vai;Fa ■;n ■ I'ec!elgoit C-1'M'CI}}a DMADn 31 - ElMlYwork 7'TFFT� sa■ro■�lll rt�sl i..tscnrr�1�Y — NI, JT bd - �H - F3 - — R— - - L7M vision a2 - Exledor lmnra+'emeno I 7.37i�1�1�- }�7 �, Tv.._..■..r1 it' ... - f�-........... 't-! 42 2 16 L A A.,i..Eli VIII.-- 132 "R —1 J j x2 - 1 T� � �q �}� spp:7�,J��'1��4,�1��i��t�F s 111 s9 1!I lil (Aill I e I� ono ■ n��i - 1 alT1rF.� pffi- V A IQ� (T _ J'SL3TFMJ-khpmd - - CFrY ilk' I -MT WORUI Welar wA S3Ylilwy 4; avr k,GPlatem"11 4TANIMM)VMMIRIJt'l1iiL4SMUEI['ALTKNLXX'tlMFNII.t f-LCMRA r2021,u"til�i�' IteMi�l �lnbfir 0, 2a22 CIT PMRLIF Nth I WSW o4 oQ * 5TANk],tixL)COMTR.1K11 N PHC I F I C ATK) N L]f7C'LIHFNT,-� I'>�r 3 ora I 92 4- II F� I l - DiylMoo 33 - [Vilifies ;9 a7-U-R'TT �41�4TT41I cl>til�iliJ l--? Z�iioi Islliia — �,,� J<t .. JL �k 1■0 ■dei*QR*Jvii a` aoa i �;i. �5-� _ Tr7QR 1■9 ITI■11■ ! SCI QQG9 �'�I t 4 4� � 33 N S ■coil ii9■ 1 ee";Ek ;vb !�amjw B Waiev Mailii F 7 --- - 77-49-"10 WAY r{fir I of ISI■■ avl�'' Ri-4'I I 6WkGQITTr.■■r tr■ry 01141L7TTr frFmikk --- OpPolovr�v11014 Sly 13- W 2 ] TUD-00 1 rMUcr Flaw i .3i 45 24 Imt-al latioir of (:w rrier Pipe lik (:-lsi ag± T umAc1 L FMv PiRle ry7'J"7 v�tR�l�lol leoe QGQ Rtcal� •7-U-�'74' - - - — 33 l 1 10 1)Uctilc 11'OL1 P117i.1 � — 33 11 It Duclile l k n Flu ings — WIRIOPMCIeV— — — aA .,., a -..L f Rie ,r. 1,.. irar.� �r �I�� c 1 Bowl — - 731 7��T£ I�'k � 11� r'-I �'o■lva7 4CRRC1- ■ l4i l wi Rty*—i `�e i I 4 A■ I■■ovnc rS+ 4■ ■*eo I Mom ■ou■o '77_ - - - -- - --_ - 1p —._ ti i L"F CR RA I _ �-P4T�_ c}cliii4R1+■ ■alrl li' 41I 1'IR■■C Ai -- - 47 Ch a iiiTlr iro �ipa SVIrRIT! �- -J7"�>� 'tirry I� 17Tsi riso�-r � * 1! 4� 1-'liar clTY fly' 1:nRT W()$Mi Wdkir kW Rmdmy Smvr H4pk4xonllt STANCXARD(Y #TLkLjI.-fL<W fLi'EY717AMN IX)LI)Riq:%f i-(-wll?AfT2@21.IY5W- KeML%cd knie•+" ?, N22 {TF Mi )I-A'T NCL IOW IK on on %TANL)Akr) OCMTRt J H W API: II'ICA:I'I[]N DOC'4#+IF•KTS Pw i of _.IMPWRDIII ` ?�-TI--�Q ovrll�ETI"^�c +�ei �Pl �t�o Qo�v.711� G��44�0 `e■■o Q4r�TC��alllo P4■ii R7fL9 QTI 4}■ A ii i`i1I;re r€I{ C+IlI91W4Vi■ oc F*■ P Mal _ _ QRRi cis d4V4 (�cn■rM*91i•74r1■■viQv — — rY�..,. ■ r 1� �,...I...ti1.4.. 7.7 1 ! CC7itrt$eraV'Fi�■II'14a �-Tr�i i ■i Tr�s�"7a1 «�� I ■�ii i)1i:1 l��ti�o ■ice! 4lfR4i of o I -- P-41 . !.W SPO - tT ,�1i L-11 J. _- 1117414w ■ O'Y4111'TIe1■o (e1TM —r. )r�77c' _ — -- 4 1 !�41rLreaH 7 EI C- a 1'M L.Jn+— �. - .. ?77f ci'��{aiv'Trirr■�14 3a 40 �4 I ti F . _ T M .ills r:: � ... m46 llivisiun 34 I`e mporlmion a r t I r;mb_II ... ,. � — 34 - Ifelifl7!!i1C AC .,■ . i ���19419 .. 7-+-4r7"lPeC4'r rrr14 r1111 ■ I � ra-r i VIl it ++ 4Tam I I I n11 T4 - - Tmillpioal SPLel icutiom listed 11daw are 4Pdudcd for thk S'lr-cle a by refurme a nd ea rs be view edildawitloadiA Frokn Ihe Oiy's wctmitc RI; IY#Ir�:�� rlrF+�vnrlhl5 a,.��Jl��'�+ar',�1t1•f�t�� or LFtV.s. ak m !l-f�,rtri•ut P�N)jticlRc*aurvrmf DlvWmi 02 - 9xbting Conditimh 0241 14 _ 7.kcnl--"fhhfl uLl�aYnM� ItiI L02 41 15 PA -Virg RCMI Val LONI Rerimd OV] 1 W22 I'2b1 . 0I}Ib f,TTY Or- FT'r WORI Yq A F3AFtD(3 W. I FLU • I` ON .tial-'A'FrK ATUA I] XLUMEWM hl)DI`.f;17� IM Nn. 3 WSW NJ Smilffl� Fyn -or kcpinftnK-0 f,7 L' MUMIX'T NJ 1W.Sa M 0VOOM S I ANDARD r`'1711R TKtX'f * SM-CIMAI K}' 00CUMUNTS Paw 5ui6 Division 03 - Coxcrgc o3 3{I00 a�Rleiti'11�L�LyI �3a'1If� 03 d 1. to-ntroflcd Low Slrvngth Mluterid(CL.SM) I OM12 C Or.419f .7717 QC� .7�nI�I T�IF 74QI14li i�ReQ Art �--�' r�.�r.�e�sr4rla I;s �rrss5ti DiAhioll 20 - F1ecti-irial 2605 1 r5M1114es nkJ14rEb44."7�Pi4l1 IIV2 rM471212&2012 �, a — a.1.a�l+n R4�vi i�1gQ�I ItiGRfI RLTa;�l1 >=tl-Rrr74 ,r�rntn 4�1'F��G4tii.i i i Yh�I l Oti4 r�iilco`7c - � �ii{M�rY I� 1Jlvisiun 31 = EarthwurkE 310000 site Clearllre ] y� 3 i 2j i ii i r.. ,i .�rLi as c... ,...:.... n W 112500 PF(35' fi Mild %C&MCM COU"I i fl I y.ad�i Division 32 - Exterim- In!pro►iummits _ -- - 01 19 Ternary Am)hml1 Pavi ng R j 12 O1' I 1320129 lkerde Favint! Roit 1 I2Q12 .321123 FICXIble IWO'Cflarises a `�1}I 32 1 1 29 l,i,r�c Traded Rmv saes Wk&2 _32 1 Ord TVWed liwSe Cwt'f.s I D6r14 � 3 1 13 � i uid 1�: uL Soi I *;#abiliwr p 1 0I.S .32 U if Ast4k Paying — --- 1212MO12 j 32 13 13 r-rtLc i?WAnit 32 on � concrow Sidewalks. Zrivtwa-"- and Bsrrier Free Romps 32 1373 on r�[e 1�srirm Joint $1�fl1s 1�1 1 — -� -#1 C&Krd Cub and O,tters and Valle.Y-Gntt= _ W1 D22 132 1723 1 Pm-smv)f Markings _ _ _ _ WI 022 .121725 Curb Address Paimling 111�1�013 7Y-A-X WYJb Teri +� Findi mw ... I11 r •.�Y "Y�.d7i-4n i•... a .a . .,. 5if LL- 1 ii�r -T I r�r�rTrTIc14S it'LA IA Q R1j11�Alu1'� 3�1;i 1;�vifl**Berri.,�;f*g�L -Igirl:hi��e;*r RQ n:..i Y -14 MYcrr R&I own W*crmad gym.k" RCPIKCffhXfl +trANDARIIVONTIli[X'TKJN 5PF4l K-ATlilld M'IJK11-.Nl'i trOTIVACY Nil. W-SMA' ��1�f,1uu�Fu�{�ikt�sTR�LIL�l1�1 sr�+:��i�'.�T+[ar� rxx�w�i•�rs PRpr 6 lrr G Division 33 - U111kim _ 33 01 31 _ Closed Orckk Tr avision (CCTVI Iimcclion - Smimi-v Scar 03117 Z19 3303 1-0 Byim!s inPiitg FAisli"A SeWCr S Slems — -- liddCO12 330490 -- dolut Romille►P- ant) Ele0ritAl 1801R6a>i — _ i2 4 1 33 41 1 _� l�mmian Control Test 81mian _ _ _ 1� i2 33 L)'4 12 � M ium A Cathodic PnAec1i� S�r�nl 3J �' •Iurryp ry 1�.4Q_r vbeei _ l f4l +DI1 3304 _ L 1Gerairlg and AcCep411ce Testing of WA r Mains ROOM � 3305 10 Ufalily •I r4114M F, vmliafl,'Emb4"Ow, m—nd linkf'i11 4 1 3305 13 1 Frame. Caverand Qmdc Rius 33 U f� A7djusl1119 nhDl�es, Weis, Valve fluyxs, an'd Othcr SINCIMLres to 0311 lr202 33 05 16 £:vnan-le WOCr VffUJIs 33 05 17 rt6P1CretC Wiar>} 17 RC � 1 -- - — - - 7�Mib'►'m 1 OS 2 13�i111sr [ �r�rearnfl. t s - - — wzbF-mi, 33 05 30 Utalion of lxla 33 11135 13DIts, Nuts, wid (asskels 133 1 f 10 ilwwtileIron Pipe 1 3 i 1 l a Ih ar, lr�n 1+ittirl�a 1 17 33 It 12- IolN+riinyrl Chlrwi& (11VCI Pramwc Pipe _ 09A"22, `I 33 11 13 Conirm-C Preas m NO. 11ar-Wrmmmda SI"I Gyl6kr-Fype_ - 12 12 33 11 14 — Suriud Swel Pin mnd Fittir -- - — L2120N. 12_, 33 I 10 arcr vices 1-it��h Ira =incLs _ — �114,f30! 7 33 1-2 itesilie❑1 Se od. Gale Valve 0��6�D I S 33 1221 �k'4 WA I�.abbw-Sealed Butterfly Val�c_s - — - t2019 33 1225 i OPIWCti4Pn MAIM -- —_—0206M13 ; .13 1230 Corr birmiion Air- Ai- Asmoblies for Pota'bic Wmier Syge ns Inum 2� 33 13 4b Firc f-lycirairt s- — i+ +2Q14 33 12 (w] Simudud Slm_�ssae frVallm A_ON 39-31 - - 33 31 13 FiberF,lm Rcinromcd Piic for Ciravily Smilary Sihters 1� 3 Polyvinvf ChkclriVC) Grauli ' Al11.gry -wer ON 11M9M. 2 LA 333123 I Sitimar,' Smear Pile klarvolkent CITY 4 w K CT W (MxTkl iYN�r e,d titluln 3icwrt+ kq>�tiYKi�t .V1'j,Ni)hfki)I'ONkT1RlK'rkiN!%Pi,.ciricA oN C'KaN411�5CT 19:1. W.Uf C 000000 MTQ AMID MM f" UC TION WEf.lk3L7ATW nOCUMI'.Nis L'av 7IUES 3331 So SanIlary mowerS iOe Connect icons And Serve Ice Line oa r 13_ 3139 10_ CODC# p mmkhoies ...-.1 012 �3 30 20 PFCCA51 CmCfeo Mrlrf' A5 12j=O 12 33 6D I.LneFs for SILIlitally I�qwer Slnud-UME fib „ - --f --- ..i G( ,.�.w e C'.OFIA SE M .E.a. R N �1111.. M I':'ti n @ Fat L'a, mn 13irai,. — pip fee-94sm-Dmi AM ,'-7 7 �E —. hrt.Fti I Y�f5 i i 334920 CLA and Drop InIcis OUt it Diuisbon 34 -'rram-parml bnn- 3414 -- r-9rSSI -- - i�rii�}� SOA*�i'� rv+r+.. 4444-44 �J'Y�hTT7 4!'MI - CIYTTY7o'71�7 3It 41 20 R allwKw lilu mIrMion Assuillbl beg 121#O11l}I 3 -3 .tom kyi-e.W 14 - i 1 c_ I t Readyiflw : 11.„:.... Ypan '�-1�iii�if�A�1� ilp F l- -- w Appendix CC-0-1)t AvmilabiI4 iD#immds C iC.4.03 S1F mkrFace and 111 ii-Cn I C'O"Ail iNIS GC4.06.D Minority alld WMFkC13 Owned Dusinc-N Vnlerpris* Compliance CC16,07 Wajge Rialesr 2013 PREVAILINCJa WAGE RATES �"ewy and Highway Con5truction Projects) C',C-6.09 pennils and Utilities GC-6.24 Noildisurilniroion- Nviw GR,Ql 600 Prodlmt Roquirenmis EN OF %FCC' ION JIFY01;FOR (}Rill Rsparandcm,k4lySeerRcowmd G rAHIMRD-IT l+ TRlC1'1 iR -4P97C'IF1CA1 WN I3 C'LNAEWM C A N I RACl' 'M1. W}rML' RAmF"-O"MbOrq-Nn u I 1 1, R C kJ F.C'T ml I W me City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE: Tuesday, M@(ch U. 2024 LGG NAME-, MWSSC.� 1WShkr.`:-C I RCL k C U, (CD.3) Aulhori4A Execull n of a (,'0nt1MG1011 M53M J. S&U117, Irat. d1L8 Circle C C-DAf&1fUGWrL Con7parrY, in the Amour rt of $10,a 57,458,Qa, for WaMr and S�wllaryr Sewer Roplacerrient, Conlract 2021 VVSM- C Proj nl, Amend Trarispxtotlen & Pubile Warks Depart a's Fiscal Y'.(�ars 2024-2024 CA pItal ITnprovemenq Program qnd Adopt ApprDpriatiba Ordin;mcs to E $Ecl a 'PuTtion of 1valar's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 20?4-2026 Capltal Improvemeni Pfcgram RIEC NAMEND It is recomlmndAdl that the tfity Counelt: 1. AuftriZg execulion of a corafacS with William J. Schullz. Inc. dha Cirele G Cons{ruction Company, In tlxa arnourA t f $10,1571 ,4 a8..00 fq)T W5ter slid Sanitary Sir Raplacemene, Conlract 2021 'VSM- C project., 2. Adopt die attaulied appropriali-on vedinance incroasinq o5tLlmate€i raceiple and appropriations in. ir1� Wakar arrd Samr Capital Proleds Fund in the ammml of $10,186,221.00, lranslerml d frorrr mallatrle funds wilhin the Walor and Sewer Fu-nd, for the purpose of furndincq ilia VJbier EkM Sani#ery Sewer Repliacanlenl, Canlmct 2021 WSM-C plrojE�tl (CAY PrUjact ND, 103800) aril to effeo a portion of VVatef's oorAribulion to [Na Fiscal Years W24-2MB Capitni Improvement Program, . Adopt th?a altaohed appmp6atiorr ordinance adjusting estinlaled ret43Iptg and appropsialions. in th.P. 6wiafal Cal"tal Projects Fund byincrea-sing estimatarl receipts -andapproprialions in Wator aAd Sanitary Scaer Replacement, Contract 2021' M-Cproject (City Proje-ct No, 103WO) in the arnotini of and derreasing t%tlwated rfmA�ipts and apfKopdalions in the ContracL 81reet Mal lenance pregrnmrrnable prc�ect (City 13roj&ct No. P00020) 4 tine samo aiwunl, and 4. A vend the Tran:�pertatlori & Public Works Daparinwfh Fiscal Years 2424-2026 Cepital Improverw3 ni Fhrogram. > N: This Mayor Coun-cil Comtnuni-caLion (M&C) is to FtWiorize execution of a conStrvnLion contract for the replacernent €( cast iron wilier acid deterlorabed snnflary smwr maim as indic algid on the following atreets and easements: Street Msfrid€ge Avenue E- g-ell ill Road Ridgeway 'Street From Camp Bovine Boulevard Sea lx nds Lane destridge Avenue Easernenl norllll 1S0 feet south of the of R idgeway Rklgeway Sweet I -street Westridge 11aeilua _ 11r1_te.F5eCt60F1- - To SCOPe of Work Vickery WaberiSewer 134uievard #ridge ,ko rl ewer Avenue VlAnlhrop E. Wager 550 feel 'Aral-r soulbeast 1PK.,:Awr.t orgfe WLnrsl#hvr v 4i5;r?kJ-:31 i.Wdprh71-11U,41 w_ay"^" I N M&C-Cwur3ha*irfe Ari�ditiiunaFy. a4pfkalt peuonionk will ba condrrd -ed tn) all the roadwsy5 wb-sogu em 10 Cie waler and sanliaryr steer I-nairw r43p1200k5lerkt. The Water Deparlrnent's shiaro of this vwir�-ot i $ 0�, . 3- �. artd lh-a Transporlaii-on & Public 11kbrkr, t etrminrs sharp of the eonlraot is $t,049,2g5,00. Tlto project was adwartlsed for bide on HovembCr 30, 2CI23 and December 7, 2023. In the .F-od WN101 &or- Tefe.graam. On Jarruary 11, 2I)24, the following bids were reed; Bidder Nwil Liam: J. Se hu I tz, Ine, dha Ci role C Coristrur-floe Company, liyc, i Uac son Constfuchoin. Ltd. I ste ra M un ioipal Gonstruct[on of Texas. LLC -Venus constri.aCll�rrF Iris. Amount Th-ne -of Completion $10,357,458 M -00 ;Calendar 411.44 4, 33$.00 In additiw 16 Ibe entreat 2imount. $632,03.00 (Mier; $445,932.00. Selwer: $422, 5,00. Peeing: $62,996_00) Is r7qulred for project managerrtenl. matadal t,esiling and inspesli0r. and "61,851.00 (Watec $234.033.00; Sewer; 375,358_06; Paving; 152.4,00) is provided for proori ecm ingercies, The sanilery serer camper aw -of This p eject is psrl of the Watw Dopartarlolnrs Sanitary Sewer Ore*w I'nitialrve Nogram_ Approximately 1 D,O37 linaar feat of cast iron waler pipe will be removed and replaced as pare of ibis proje0- This pmj t will have no impact on the Tfalpspbdatlon & PuUlc Works' or the Waler 9apfirtrnnnV& operatIng budgets when ouMpi - Funding for t#' s pMeot was riot included in the FYZ024-20 :8 C.*tA Impra ement PFnFRM (CIP) bwause Transporation & Fublic V'wk& Nparlmont amounts far the project vmFe orrknown at the fine of CIP development. 'M-e adion in tNs M&C will amend the FY2024-2028 -Capital Improwenleiit Fmgram eis app vod irk cunn&ctlon with Ordinance 21545,9r-09-:2023 as Blows- 6OWSSC21WSMC-C I RCLr-C CAPHal Project FY2024 -CIP Fund Name A;ppropriationS Authority Name General; -Contract CapitalE �tr�el r . Maintenance Fried 9.126,492-00 ThiS MSC i Rev i seal Bridget Adj u stment F Y 2024 Budget It is the practice of the filer Depallkx'lent to appropriate itv, CIP playa Throughout the Fiscal Year, instead of wain the aminual budget ordirkame, as projects owmance. addilianal fMdIng needs OF-e 4enlitlad, arid 10 corrkply w11h hand covenants. The aetiorm irk tM M&C wYl appropltieLlo hinds in support oI! tho Wateips ponlon of the Oty of Fart Vvail 3'S FlwW Ygars 2024-2028 CaprteI Improvement Program, as follows. 6OWSSr-2111 SMC-EIRCLEC capital Pr.oject Fly 20 4 CIP P I D u d g et Change F�li+�lso d Fund Name Appropriations IA. ut horl (V I n crease�Bac raa se) FY2024 Name Budget ,VV& 103500- M$. C $10 J 86.2 21I ,00 $10,186.221.0 iCapitel Vass 3pms.dtimmm.aMkf-uwiInr"—.asp7id^3i034lpdnt-Irui!&DftT}yj-1)iiA #Jw M7A. 28+1 FAQ MrLC - C&AW kgcm1a Projects Reps' I Fund Fontract 50002 2021 � Fiindirld is buds bad in IN rtiraCt Gtreek MiainWance pruo�rrirrhrnal!le project wlihir7 the 13Hnerat GapRal Projects Fk3rid arvd iri Me Tran0ar to WatarlSewer aaeWnl of the Wmtar and Smw operatIng bud!lel for the pur ;o of furiding the' V)SS Repl Conlrac,12021 WSM-C prnjeol wilhin use Wvl-gr & Sewer e.;�pllal Projmts Fund, 1propfiahon.5 for the %Haler and Sartiitary 6emr Roplacerr%M, Conkrgtt 2021 1 kk-C pr oct are as depicted wow.. FFund Exlstl ng a }ro pritl ores Additional II Pry j$ot 7�k�rl. ,F,p PQl}rl StFI� 'toter & Sewer .Capital , P rojecls Fund $630,403.00 - $10.186, 221-00 $10,81I Ci,f324_f}0 5600 1 General - l�a ptk�1 Projects Fund $4.�G Ii 7o1�1:P3Orojeoct Total $630,403,00' $11.351,782.00 $11,982,i83.Ot1 'Murnbers roui)d-ud for Vm3entollon pu es. 8us4rres& Pq rrGty; William J, Schultz, Ina. dha Circe L Con-5trrvlrlion Company, is in tornoianco4thti the Uy's llusinesa gutty OrdInance by committinEl 1-0 14 pemeill MWBE parii6paliol on this prnoKet. The 011;Vs MVV8E goal on 1hia projeok,s 14 perr,811t. The pra t is Dated in COUNC IL D181 RIOT 3, ELWAL I _MATIQN r CE 11FICATI w; ITLa t]ireclar of Finarlw oedifift Thai frundS are currsnIly aval:W& In dhe 11,-anlract Str"t MainteneI)GO prograrrrmable projact *thin the General Capital Nojeots Fund and in ilia Water & Sewer Fund, and upDn approval of the above reri� animendatiow and adoption of the attgched ap�xopria6m ardirlanm. funds will keg awailaW In tho W&S -Capital PlrojefAS Fund and the GeTWW CoRal projects FuM for the WISS Rapt (racl 2021 WSM-C project 10 mipport execuliiorr 6t the oaoltacit. Prior to ony expenditure beirio incurred, the Water and Trans pur Wion 8 PuNir, Wxks Departments han the respon5ibillty of verifyktig the av-siliahilityr cf tunds. �LN-D 1p ENTIFIER5 TO 'Fund Department CCO u n ID Pr-0j ect 1'r-02ralr� �tG�1t�r B rid�ct 1 lD I I Yoafi Refere rti ce # (Ct3$rtfielid 2) �uiyl� ry" FRC�1wL _ l u ndi Do pa.rttt ent GCOUn P et ram' r-1 iv'ity l3 U rivetRefire 1DIRr-og Year _ _ (Chartffildd 2$, r7f - _ y ji M tr r . 1ty ���g . s }Ifir~ fly_ Fernando Ooiila �6122} Head; Chris Harxfer (5020) ,7 r � r.$/r1 YOB, Of Q rL�l r14 IYjllili III C. dlpPl�o310�'k 1R rN tYI�G � L�CT'}�f �C-SIN II V24M, 2:64 Pri UILS- f`AKKw Ji A�tMb Addit J Iiiformatlon Coai#a-pt; Dena Johnson (7866) A$J CHMENTS t, IVIS 1C- QVRQ _EQ Gomplim-re Memo 1.22.24 Al.lxff (CFVV Irttornal) 7. 69W,c,S211 1U1C,CIRCLEC MAF},! d 3. OIh� �U� M �C1R L£ _�dD T f r (tiMCF .1 ,xJs c �CfW Inwnal) 4. 1 W &IRGL= Fundsavail-pbiw-y{Wj (CFWInlarnadj 6. Bn2y In'ormatlori WIllam J..Sohult , Inc. 4a Oda 0 CoiAtivakNi.0ern Y.W (CFI Intaimq 7. �'r . 21 SisA I R LE � �1 �tl A ;d�cx (Ptftc� 8, ORD.APn 60VVSSG 1 MC-CjR L.�-C 5QOQ� A024 ERU_Ag± (F ulg&e5 Y. M CAN 103HO.mg (CFWlnlornal) .�mMe.r. 54rAti �+•nnirialtpriuirnr ar kl Ifl�IRµrml=di�akl}x7yrpe F4ed 4M Illb Tz!Or L 2 1 -owax --T L --T 'a -6EM-1 -Lgv= T-P=o wou Ai mumn 2M ----T- A- T4 64M-1 su= L -umeap -F4ncmLj i --M" VMI I Nd-K-- S740610 -MM I OD17BD a sawswomw -Fom%* I lcz�-L- MmA—T-"""j = - I31m-so -F imm I - -0 -017U I is -L I T- -T —F-sm I -IF-- F—i- J T-- 0017M 5-5= om T— Ism= T mosoo I onm I T- mmi f—px4w -F 3740%0 1 NOW OUM *n I 07CQo- I MOM "29 I -Am 2 W&M cc F wwal—f --sw—mm Omm J OMLW- tdO Lib Cw� swmm Sol Lab TPW $off can Warcr kwxcti*n "Lumo IWC= SC& cbm 57,.V. , m -mm co Cmua= smn= C.M= s3im000 Slot Lab Gornw= Man noTS-01 Lab WW SaffCm 1 am,m#Ma nu WATER & TPW DEPA14TMI?NT ADD NUU M NO. 1 To I he �peci f3 ca I i nim a iid C'crntriic1 1}ike u in ents Riw Wmiter 91iid Seriitary S.Ower Itcplac-enicnt Croliti-act �U21, WSM• ' Ciq Project No. 163500 PAWr I: UNIT ] •- V4 A J"Y.R U N]1' 2 — SANITARY SYMER UNIT3— PAV1Nr, rr4tPR0VYMEN'3 FART 2" 1,AMP BOWIE WATER IMPROVEQ1+LI::M'S Addendum No. 1 lsgued: J)ecember 22, 2023 Revised M aponing; Janaary 11, 282:3 T3iis addorukuin fan1118 G�aii of 1110 SlrcciricAliMJS and C011114Mt [)WL13sMwJ fOr IhC 13ba c rcicrc3XM1 PVOjW andMadi-ries the crilginal Sp ificatil)"s and C=omi-act Docutnents, Cfiddor shall ack iiowl 4c r�emipt -of lltim a,ddendtirn irk the space prrn+ad��l Ia Eow aril r k �ti wledgc rcmV on tilt 5utt.-r envelope in yowr bid- Faijurc Ia ockwwlcdgc rccelpt of III is DddCPd"Lvk Could subjwt the bidder to di6quahfiaati-on, Titre pwpmr, OfIliis xWC110um is to: I . Add 350 Iiacar Jkmk of 36" waler line replacemcni oil CaMp Bowie Blvd. 2. CKwige the f ild opening € mile lu Jrdsuaq 11. 2023 irkcraasa 111c cul-qiular clays frw the pqOctto 690 ys, a3id caablixli a Brad liisc far 111e 11ew WUrk describcd abeive, Ar )ounce u secomi virtual prc2bad Ro be lield err Jaiiiiaiy 4 h a1 9:00 AWN. Regislc" PI$n lknidiers wi I k be pwv1d&i a link w the pre -bid mcotlq. The Specilir.atiloitis gild Cronirml u,ttiemr. lbr City Pmjecl No1035DO aia Hereby rvolxcd 6Y Addelirlum No- I as folhaws;: Ccomracl E)miinv,l s one tvv iced as f-ul lows: E- -Mic R='rrnirm Drzwings, (rLm 1rac1 13nok and Bid Proposal form in Ex4xk i;3rM31 ligive bcGn ulxlcmded io the Mdonrdums Voksl-nr iiti 131M3 , U9C these Mas iiti iiev grille rues in tk raid Docuinem 1'ack-uV FGMpr- 2. #rki liokul wa14�r line lNuvc Lx l iucorr�ralcd beginil ingunShoel 80. A-1 Addendum No 1 Contrail 2021 Chw Qr44ect No. IG3 500 3, AT&T duds and GENWO'P$ 11-OW slWwn an th0 0414141 Projcc-1. 4. Additional spree fea ien mt1om lumvc bmii 34911MI and 1101 d per the MW14 Ah'Qd of the mvisW Comraol Book, 5. Pvv-KEmis to the 5landard Traffic GaFOOI speci ficatiom 11mc bmi pwkw in order to cm1j;harivg tlke need to keep Ihr(Yugh trafrkC nit all mkU on thie. prgjocl. 11is Ad krodum No- I foFkng Iml of 1W Sl3ee3'ErLrtiW1.9 Akki Cokitracl DcHmiTiolliv!Fur tlLe above ruft=mcd Project and 111431fifies ilte original hXijaol MWj"kWl arrd Control DOOLIMOMS 4f 11W Sa1a1C. Acknmvlcdge your receilA of Acl&[WUM No- I her coMpleting tine MgMIa9 ialfotm ion of the fotlowilke locialions: 1. hi Ilw spue provided ER ectiori 00 41 01), Wd liorm. Pag-c 3 of 3 2. arul i-gall m kijw iev case imiers ark the owsitic of your coaled bid vivv1ppc "RECEIVED SI Nil A CKNOWLEDfr`L'D APPEil11 NO� I P- Cn%:jNm e a sFgmcd copy of Acklaidtini N1X E in the scaled bid myelape -no Rht tugs Prbicl mkibmilial. Failure la jLckikawWge rvollm of Addcndum Nar 1 bclaw cGkrld caLmv 11kc ailb ed bi+lda to be cD nsidcred "NUNKESPONSIVP", jrAidiing in disqumlifcatim. RL'CC1 M' AC -KNOW LdiDU fP - -r-J A-2 WXrER DEPA RIW PNT Tarry SWola. FF Assitimil T)imcwT Addtnd1jM No. 1 Cantrad 2021 Cltyr Project No. 103500 WATER & TPW DEPARTMENT ADDENDIUM NO2 T il�c � �i i �rti�ua anti Cant rrrcl WiCIrmcnt s Forr Water And SwkiislrY St'Wet' ReplaerilICI t Con ltact =l' WSM-1= oily Ily0 rt Not 103500 PART L UNIT i - WATFR LJN1T 2 — SAN ITARY SEWEH UN 2 —PAVING IMPRilVEMENTS PARR 2: Ad-drndum Na, 2 Imee ber 28, 2023 '[Isis 8&c1tduik) farms pFkrL of the SpecifcAtions mcrd Corrtracl 1'*cu=nt5 for the above rercrvAlced Plujoct and rnndifes the ilri01na] SPfxirFcQ1i'Dns end C`-arrtracl Ihncunicnts- iliddcr Sfsull *nkraDwl*e rccr'ipi of this addendum ip t1le sPpe�d provided below urpd acicirowled�e rcccip4 g1l tIle oLgcr envc1ope in your bid- Failure to ack iu wiedgc =61A of (11is addellsduin c Ould subjcet llte bidder is disqualifcntian. 11ae pul-pose vFAddondum No- 2 is to jrsodify the notes 6 Ad4codwii No. I a; fellows irk bolci= I . Add 140 1 iF+r fceLor cast iron 16" W41WF line rvplaceinent nit CFlnip 130wwo Blvd, 2. ('iraitigc the hid openirkg -data to JfSuary i I. 2023 3. 1 ncrense 111e cutcixi:&r days for the jnvj"l fdr Pa rt 4 to 6;)a days, and estdblisll a time 1 ille fnr lire peg+ work descrribcd abDve' 4. AljjjorntiGe a s nd virtual , _bid to be held c�lj jalluary 3rd ell 9-00 AM. Rvgisterod plan IruGi1 lwi111 frrovidGd a link 16 Ilae pre -laid !ni"Aing. The pecif'cad-Ong and ConLraet l)naursticnt:s for City pmjccl No, 103500 am llmby TtvjsW by hddrajdjjm No. 2 as follGws; I_ C(m, et 1X1e+0ments ijiv p;viwd as rnillows' 1, Tllc slid PrOpasul fL11111 ill Excel format hlmvj� L,*.iti Impi-nAed ru the Addeitiduin5 molder in 131 W60. 2_ Q13afitil ie,5 frn- �vaw eery icc4 and iWFUN 1C MCSS89C sWi fisvo been updatcd. A-1 Ad "dum 4D. 2 Contrxt 2021 WSAA-C City Rrajeci No, 203509 -I Us AddendMwni No, 2 r(�Jllkx EMrt llr([W 3CCirlcaLiUQl& lind''rneirltct Dwimmenis fir the abow wraffPced I rgjw mid mclkFies 413C nl-igiMMI h-0j=L MIHILU91111191 CrgllMt D0dM WlllS Of lk crime. Ackatiowh+xlg-u yLmr meipt cal'Addekiduni No, 7, her mmpfeaing lhc: mlilcvzd ini'crmnlian W the foil ring is=teons; 1. 111 the 4 pivy Idi!cl In Sottim, 00 A 1 00. J I W Farrti, NI;.'. 3 d 3 2, 1 itislircM-u ith apper cpse lellers on she cmiLAicle. nrynur mik-{I Laid mi-rclapC InelLlde: f6SIRJIO I wpy of Ad&ndwlwls Not 2 in the mzlcd Mwid e4nv6Dpe A tim Linic or bid Whaniilyd.1-;hIhim m nckgwowlcdgc mceilm-a(AddeMuln M. 2 bvk;w cuuld Catipe die. subject Wddei o k ccwmicltrad "Nt}1+ M1 51'C.]K I Vil". MMU1 11B in dissl mW rlcMlam A1T9?IPT ACKNnWL13DGE �'urlIpkU l crime 'r O rah " "6'1 Chris f lavrder WATER DEPARTMIM' aM �: 'I'my �ftlola. pG AnhthM Mrtlarr A,2 Addeiidwm No- 2 Contact 2021 WSM-C C`Ly Prajmt No- ]� CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS WATER & TPW DEPARTMENT A DD 17 ND1Jki N0_ 1 'I'n ltLc SIPOU111CA[ions anEl �'r)K1racl Dotim ients Fur V4'a1 U it n (I S;tDitHP-y 9 rer Replacemrii 0 Cow ract 2021. SM City Projem No. 103500 PART 1, UNIT 2 — SANITARY SEWER UNST3—PAVING IMPROVE f41ENTS PART 2: Bid Opening Wtc Jawwary 111, 2024 This addendum fomns port of the Sped fioaticros and C -ontivol D umciits for the above rcfmoced Pmjw and modirics Me original Spmillieuiians arW Dontrwt Doc nmil-S. B!Ucv shall acl€nowlcdge reecip4 of this addondum in the spare pFov1drd bclaw And a1nkhdwledt0 rcxwppt on the outer envelope in your hid_ Failhire to ackliowledge rccci j)t of dais addanalim ccniw sjjb�Cr.R the �ijddt tO 4 isq«ali fiCatifl. Tlic purpmo of AMcndum No_ 3 is 10: 1. Movc tk bid cprning dale la Jmnwry 11. 2024. �. 1~Ao�Ce cif'�c adj��stin�ul� t� E1�7�.' end �ss�lcr i�e�tits irr 1�511+1•�: 3, Add SpeQiat PFDVINR191s iu Standard Spec ificaticpM 34 71 13 TFUffie Control 4. Rrnov steel la i a i��9 pips hli ke fr�,rrr Part �. S. Mel -pari ng reportR for tlse Part 2; trantip �#o++�ac water I�np 3�els . Thy SpccGficaticm and Cmilxoct Documms fir City ngjw No, 1021500 are hcrcby r vi:scd Vy Addendum No. 3 ar. frillows' I_ C oniivct Doomidiltx -69c wims ed m follows; l_ Tim revised 13id 11rop"al fmnr, in 6= 6 formal haxlmmli uploRdud ra rike Artc mdum No 3 Subfulder iik the Addmsdum Fpklcr ii1 IRIM360. 2_ Plans tumid Sjw6fical ions hnvc b=n rq}lcoded to the Addondmit Nil 3 Subfol+ler in iltic� At1draydum Folder in BiM360, 3_ Slur; 2 — j'ablC Qf CMCC1313 Im hcem updimed d_ Sheet 1 IA has bmi numbered ocmwly_ A•t A,dd"drurn No.3 coth[fa1 2022 WsNk•c city Propet No, lwmm 5. S114xt 13A heig bwi rcMg5'VeLl _ sheens 14 45:.9C3,+ic12s gird MON' iabkS SVC b'N13 u[VdaW. Loca"ons of 4;a!�il , by olher tharj +)pan cut, and exploratory excavatiur!s have been irmodl M4. Lxl)lorai-a� vxcnvaLion Ilocoliuns Iravc burr 1101103. 7. Added 5pcc3;l Pwvisiairs io Si mndard Sped I icalion5 34 71 13 8_ Mod i Fvx13'eblo of nlcal;q t« Gowracl Book 9, Updated Mari 2 Covor Sheat, 10. Purt 2: Seelion 33 11 14: RM0vt ""Odirod Fltucl NPmirlcali'd5 L 1, Part 2 C.om Sheet 11 Parl 2 SiNeel 7 —Added v6ilba y d label for vam ilti : OF T1,11 by J)j GICr ll,pilr Open C111 f xmil Sia..04 48 to Sts- 2+ 14 13. Coring Repvri:5 for I'nrl � ceded to GC-4.0 Sabsurfacr, and F 4511Pa1 CO" 41on5 This A{ldodwil. N e. 3 f6vills pail of ilsc pci;i frcaiions wid C -Comet Doerr wras for lhv, imbove -OfCi-eiu�ed Prvjco[ w1d mudiiie5 Ilse orMgiirn1 Projcel WommI ;Illd C(Ii1Lxt.L DooMkrj1ert14& of the K�lll1� Acknowiedg-0 your rccuipi of Addouduns No. 3 by J1ffljJjjleting 1114� 3*tlUostcJ iUfo[Mal iO3] at litre fol pwilsg Iocalippis' l _ I n iltc spnac lwLA-idcd in Seel IorM 00 41 00, Did FUM, Page 3 Of 3 104icale i» jjprmim' c isc Icltor. an the oulsitie of yorrr waled bid cnvvLVa tncludc a signed copy of Addend mti No. 3 in Llse �alcsl bid orlwclnlxe a1 11kc lime of bid SrhnirEal, 1'ailMbrl� 10 aekij0v9cdgc rcmjjg arAd mkdhM1 ND_ 3 bclow mid r-allse jhc sut}jccL biddor [a br. uw1sWorcd "NC7NR$sP01%F511VP". rmifiLig i�1 dasgt�aiifcaiws, RK7,81 PT ACK1+ OW L.F.DG f golixgerr �_ _ { C, rj A-1 C.f riR I'JaaF-dor, PH. DIRhXM)R WA'TFR DCPARTWP41' L.YL/0. T.Ony 5lwlo pE, M4iscnw Dircdov Adderbdum No. 3 COMMA 1021 M-C r,1%v w0jett Ho,10MOD eg 11 13 iNYnwnowronwoi-#6 Ike t oi3 mcnGN 00 11 13 iNvITAIJON M 111I]DERS Sealed beds for the construction QfP—AI AN 13 SAVITAELy :1 I.t RE, C, ACFMENT g,ON'l'RAQj2UI. W-C.1=ilt',r RBI NO. 1035QQ. M"o 'l wilt be received by the Cily of Fort Woalh Purchasing0frice until 1; P-ILL CST, 111YIrsdaY�an1aHrY IIlhas Further4�escribcd below: City OF FOM Vi+Cr114 PUF'U A&i1kg ])lvisi011 200 Texas SIFtet Foil W urih, Teas 76102 Lids wil I be acceplW by; US M mil, Ccmrier. FcdEN or 1japd actiwery at the address An-ve:; liids will'be oTsaned ptlblic4- arld read alMld ild 2:00 PM CST iT1 the Ciky Cmincl I Cltiiam kffs- GFNV.RAL DMRIPT10KOF WGJZ1K I -he inaj& work Zvi I I rOin isl of 110 OPpr�Ix€1"ale) fr�kCclw~rirlg: l fNl3 I : W41U r 11TkPRkw mm1LrK 3850 Ll, 30-L11c!h Dater Lire �y OPIM Cull 0313 LF 12-lFwle Waler Line hY Qpen Cut 93-D LF of $-lnclti't'lealer Lim By Opm Chit 61 Waler Servk= (2-1:1C11 end t.lndtr) 4,145 Sy ofm*lr paveln' em (POL) ISO LF of rmoc"Ac ck +-h and gimiler 600 Sr r«fmlrmc drivewhy INT 2: SmWarY SawcT. IPPrOYCRI+ U 1 F01G I~F Gf 6�i11ch-1u-8-Mch 5onitary sewmr Pipe by P1p4 cntar IT10FIll 2.343 1.F or8-tlleh-Io-8-inch smkitary sewer Rip* 4 Pipe c118rgcr11cr1 6l5 LF 8-Inch slnl-Ilary 5cwcF bg pPCa 0"t 2 i EA A -Fri sari itmy s[.nwer mmllotes 2k F; . Setaice }fie{insliffle 1C1 8 EA Sonitary fir Sc1viaos NLT ' PaVin1! ImM?MMj0l ' 3.6,850 Sy of aspllail pav-omeI (VOL) 259 LF q3f concrete €urb mid gUMF ,2, 9 2S SF of col+crctc drivcway 3 1 Q-Fool I Mets PaW114eUL Ma1`101gs 1114EQU A Ll11ICATLON CITY i}F Fl?1[Y tik+}RTi I wacr"Podgy}' 3;uer kcplpmw7w 4-TA DAR1}4x�0 VRUCTItINSfl7�'I791'h'rlrM 1XX: 1-N ��iSN1RQJI f 2 1, I•C 1p �adF iTC�`lnk [{'TN�� I � b 711w2 W 11 13 1NV1'IAi't{]h rOR1DDERS iWX 2441 Pik r Z;..C'.axWlS RONO-0 V4'iL�r�,[#�plrlca 711$n1% 740 LC of 36-inch WiWe Ling 1Gy Dpek$ -'Mrl 166 LF of 5 4" Skd Coslog or 60" Twime] IAni r 11INte by (}I her thvz Ten Cut 8%5Y of Brick Ilavinimnt Repair f I� LF Tenipai-ary Aspllail Nrviiig 11i gmir Cormin iinproverneats iimludcd Gn this project must bc performcd b}' a vaniraclor or rksigaWed submn1 raclrkr who is pn�-qus I i I icd 1by the Cite a1 the II ilne of bid open i ng. The procedures for gkmlificancmi slid 15irrquidific4olon ar-c vialined 111 lire Seel ion 1 of 21 i3 — INSTREX11 NS TO 131DDCRS. W)l`UMENT BXAMINA'r[ON AND PROCUREMENTS The Bidding wid Cowr11cl Docwiienls rainy be caamimcd er c3bLaiw d an -line by visiting the City 01 Fart WOWs P'llwAk i ing 116 iAcm wcbsiae al ti I IP: r'ti} 3ti 3z: �i1r[titi M tkriti VIS �i 11 .:11t11 L;NPitsWg:' end clicMngcm 41w pink la the ad-ver(Lsed paOjacL foldcs on the City's electronic docknueni ina3tagerri-inl1 -ftasd cu abormlion syslern site. The C ontrav Dn imcros may be down loaded, a iewed, and printed by intcrcwd contrapors Frm& r Nuppkavrs. Bid Duumews fOlder Lank: hi;LDS ddms 060 atkbade!5k -gDlnrshareEJ5i01 lagJd b l -4 "-W84-W!�3010 + Addendum folk' ikk1 : I I I% .IfOcS. �3 ��C ? . c ry,� h ! h da5e-25d7 -7 5d1 A �1 MbBe Copies of Me Bidding 4ind Coll nct FWkilicnIs I ivy he purclra$cd From f)unavvay Associates. L.L..C. F,1141il Bryan SlicrrirK Hi 'Jaorri& durrawayxvuI. to make alrrbaig,nk MAS to pick Lip plaits. Plans will be available ai 550 Bai1p-}, Avoriue, Stole 400, Fors Worth. TX 76107—Co-1 fear tlac Bidding and Conlrart D CUIRenlS is; $1 DO-00 FrXI'RX4.;.40N OF INTEREST TO CR-Mire p;At-jinal biddersare kept Lip w &w or Arlo rLew inronmmirm pertlncw t-D this pru.0, all unerested parties ai-c mgticmd to email Exprrssonn5 -of Interest hi HIM PFOC MF11011 Kh like City Pm 1 Mainagcr and the tksii ,u I?nj,iahccr. '175e-OfthiI a:lloultl iiKILI& Ole cMPAny'S name, c011120 pMU13 iknd filial indiwidUhl'S einail address a1d p1 cmQ nkiiaiher_ All Addcada will be dislrihied Aiv; dy io these 3w11c1 llawe expressed ail inwcst in the prx+currvtilwt aiNd wlII bIw be jmtcd in the City -of I -cm WorlYs purcllas,lig 1web51tt` at 15111P',: r0l I%% 01117gL'.,;I�,I:I }4 F511CL 11: 11117 A prchicl conference will be h :ld as diseusmd in Section 0021 i1 - IN TRII(TI()NS 'I'0 BIDDERS at the f)l lowing dike. and lime via a wth z ufPrcn-DinR aflplicatinn: DATE. 1211841 TJME: 0:00 AM lnw iiai ions w idl links to the +weL ccrnfcmkcing appik atican wi I I lac &MTibLac l dired ly to ilkD ivbu lurwe subni iitesd an F.xp x5s" of lntcr=. A SECOND �mh d confervice will. be Feld as discilgscd in 9=6c<al 00 21 I; - JN%1,RL5C1]ONS 70 DIDDL?RS al like following 41c, and Lime via a m-ch cnnferrncilrp npirliention: CfrW OF FORT WORTH wfikr aw *smvi &} 5tyl rr Mprak-CIMul 1AM)ARDCON;r]RL}t'rlLWtiPECIFICA `IUN emrkhLr xP2i, 14w—c DIM 4 0 INVII ATWM 3 [i kIDDERS rW 3of3 DATE; a jffl O24 TIM E, �:[f AM I llvilatial,s wilh 1 i11ks 10 tkrc wob coll(Ormai llg ;pWjcrilian will be distributed -di redly to tklo5c wh* have RAH111tW W1 I _NPnvssi(m Of I111c $t- f a larch id twiLremane is held. the prescn+al ion and wly questkNks Alyd amwers pr idal .0111Me prvbW cailfer w %wil9 be issued as an Addendum to the wtil for bids, If a pmWd confFr ne is noM being held, pro4%clive Wdders-can c-Mail qucsxions or coinni I11r, in accar+Lance %with li" 6 of the In51r>uc jaw t-n Aiddas r4crollced PbDve 1011'e WOjccl w nmVr(s) m tho e-mail addmssoin limed below. Fnlailed -4UWkM& will sofiice As "quc&t Ofis Gil writing." If nmcssary, Add-cI)df} will bC is5ubd palr';uarll to the 11]5tt(M"S to BWders. City rc.�iws the Fi`gjkt in wa!Vt: irI 1L1$rilic51 anal tea t *T raj"' wny or a1k bids. AWARD c ily Will wvvci a vdfitrw 10 the Bld iur Ncscntillg The 1ouOsl prico. +1:311 f 1;atirins Ha ❑iampeencics considcTed. All inquiries relat-pvc to 114m Nmurunle.iMt shrull[d lv a&res 1 l-D she fullowing: PART 1: Attil: [)Cna JokllrRMI, P.E.. C-Lhy of I -or' 1h onll Er11ai1: 1)errsjohimon FortW(%r1l1T-cxas.pv Phcme= (817) 3(12-7866 AN[ R Attn: Hryull Sherricb, Dana3vmy Associams En1ai k: I3Shcrr6dwFmwa}'- Fhcm,c: (817) 632.-47 k d Part 13, U rill 4: Pucriv KC, P. E„ iCoy of Forl Worth PurvlL KCCP Ortwartld1r--( SLL OV 80-M 467 An&Dr ,,l1cl by 1�+arches1k, Kiurley-Hero iiihid As.wvhlteR, 111v, allrlh)-LWlr'chv0ii kimiq-11orn.com 1917-7-69.61,11 .AVVpRTI13F lENTi 1'~.+kTF.-S, Novcillber X 202� DLxvnibcr 7. 20D END C)F SEC71FION C1�'1' 1]F rcatr7 V1'DRTF1 wain OW S Wuar}� Stwa drt�lakxrxiu IC STAWL'�,i,RD COKSTRAK711O t q f�'IF'IC �4VON E�lXUMFK' I -jVy j R"1':kACT Nri. 4�'� S �IFY a��f1J1:CT Nr] 1�3� RR-fLrcd 7j19FxH S11LIL`TION 0D 21 13 IN S•i•RUMON S TO 1131 WEIRS 1, Defined Term OD 21 13 IN.'IRUC'TIONSTURIMERS pwIdie I.1. Capitaliacd wrms osod in Muse IMSTRUCMONS To 311T)F.RS arc defined in etaan 00 7� 00 - G ENERAL CON LATION S. 11_ Ccrlain add ii uouai ira-rrls used i 11 these ] N S If RUCT INS TO IM i DERS have 11to rni"nirLip iudicaled Wow which are -applicable to l�nlh 11kc singul-ar and F llknoI 1hNereor 1.2,1, Biddcr, Any pvri4m, firm, parinuship, contijAny. aswcialion, or corpDml ion flCling directly throvgli a dLl ly ;girMhcrEncd reprc9MkEat1W, subxn tiirgp a 16A for pvfawm ins Mhc 3-Yuvk c uteniplated under the Conlraict Docwncnit I , , N0Ilre5i6M11 13iddet, Any parson, f nn, partnership, wmpamY, association. or corp0rnlialt Wing diMCINY through A �191lv aialiprized repTesentaitivc, submidingu bid for per manning Lhe %wk coiklempaatad under the Contrflcl VnCumrnts whose principal PIRCe Of•baisiness is not in the Slab orScatas- I. . Su essful Ltidder: The Ja r ro!�pcmu iblLc xnd rospomivc 13Wc:kr ID whom City ( the hasi5 OrCil ' aju;fllion as ht�ruan.ftEier pr4wided) makes an Awor+d. 2, capin-arBirldimgI7KunicnIs 2,1.Neilher City not Eaigkmr slrrrLl assunru 4u:y responsirDilitY fklrermn Krr Misini-crprelailions resu Nox liroan the R iddcrs use of incomploc sr1r. of B idding DOCLlmcn+s, 2.Z,City;ond Ergrin in- inalcingcvpic-� of Bidding DKitlnenls Fmoileble do N CHOY fair the purpaw of obinining Bids for the Fork and 40 »ot authorize or coljt�T a L%Mrse q1r grffi11 for drry 0111cr +Isc. 3, T1'equytirrcaqun cat 13i&1c,.m (Prime Curitraclocs mind Suheoalrat lors) .1. L _ Bidders Or tlgeir des ignaled subcontractrnrs arc rN'uiWd to he p"iml i iicd for the work lypcs raquirinsg f+mloalilicalion as per Scrcliow 00 45 11 0IDDCRS PRUQUALIFICATION!S�and 0045 12 13FFQLPALIFECATION STATE MENT. Firths ftcking pre-yralirocali-art, Fmusl submit the duruirr malion W131if'md in &&1I rL 00 45 11 on Scc1 ion 00 45 1 � PREQL1 A i.1 FICATION A PP1.Ilr "10N at Ie. i -seven (7) colendau drrxs briar tg Rid opQuirip, for TCOM-' and, if Wild ifled, lslZace_' Ile submilrB�-ors li54cd by a Bidder an CO 4$ 12 inust be G-,requalir" for the RpproEuWe work lypts. Subconlractors mLasl follow the same liniclirles as gidd4ers tar a'braipiur' pecgpalMudi ii review. DWdcrti or SW1 iitraeM0rs WJ10 ar4 11o1 the 111110 bids ere opeiwd and rcArm-d Itiaay calve the bid 10 be fej"Wd. Prcqual i Scatirnti "10 remem u&wk iypes and cinumewalion Rru av-affable LTY accessing al I rcqu,rcd fibs Lhrough The Coy s wcbi�lte AIM; �ii�s; :i Ir}I��.Irr11�3KarIhR4xa�.�tr�•� I'�IF1�4tlt£���Cr�;4� 138VI14g R Requirement documeal locallod a1: ('It1'CW FMTVKIRIFr ulawInd sML4rux fix* MgPlamnint S-I'ANEi 4AD C%O 4'(RkIL-n[ N SPi• O FbCATION 1]OC'L]IKWT CYO hnlFL 5C-r Xai . W%M-L' Rr•ixxJ11iNmANimrmhn 2, 2021 CRYPROJECi•NO. Ilnx'.9M toII Ij mplRlK-k )N� TOmWER-1i I'm F of 10 7F11�i.�_'•.�J�ti,�n�..l����-[5�� •'�k I�AE4'i�4M.L�.�Y� I�L�i4i�irtiL'k+'�ii417Y1I�Cti}F�i' °r�0('anY�1rLI4 tiLNY�Si, i�t�L� unii gtsr'{: alnlr7le117�°�'a?� 1��1uuM�13�i+,►�1?1 I}��� +�" UIRIWE'N_9 +1� 1-rr r�. lr i 'rYll (l +l r1 h["zx I .ntlr 3.i,2- RiMdW.Ry tknd PrdltstriruM Lrgbting - Requiremails dociLn10n1 14WAA AL; Jill m' iyivt.Rgow r chIR o somi -JIM21 ie:?� I_ %MC'misl ruo LiniL%2()Dmun]rpptsSC.olit I acRikr'fb2I*gkL4kI I Fay Ln7lYfTl'14'° r�i�R� iIi4{I ti UIItl%10,L. SSLv--LLWft2.. t V,%q ql Ic"I1 0 c 5GiI)IrrcNmknllS"['KI-.I-T�'b N i(Pi r ,+ip f:C Lill"11Y8 iiu r7o ii ' i 3, ].a. WEler arld SoniUry Stmer - RequiFemeam docipment Iota l arty �tittt> ��Ik }s.li�li��cd1111E�ti;uc.t���3''rtICV1hkt-StwE'Ct'^YREK111rr4.00 4 ° aL'aiM5lrucEi[�i�S�a�[]I]vcutfi i�Cs�C:�luLraL tarp , ]`� D!jj!jFA OhNiJOYAl L�'ILrlkA Wmnll;I ''°= � � �tinl� 1 4�L tk�`. 11�81i�ie�EicYnSe�al'ru !nYn���'4'4tirYo���]Fhrti ilLGxl°f#'�fl��: Ii;r��Yrcnas,l}dC' �.2, k':WAI 13idddr, Lini ss curreYYlry prequalifie& mull submil to City jELi Masi seven (7) caleittiard:lys prWr lk Dill opening, Lhe dnryLmcntatirm identifl-A iu Smr-Un1 45 1 rBIDDERS FREQUALIFICATIONS- 3.1 LSubm is-sioll of mWor cued ium relalyd to pug uslifcatirm shOU Id lic mid res3rd tru illc CAly coniam as pirDvided in Par ph G_ 1. 33_Thc Cy rewrve& the right to i gL1iTU fti1� PVC -qualified Crnlractflr WhD is thr. 43ppareni law bidder for -B projm to subm it such sddil ianal infarmal im as like City, in ils sale I kcrra ian may m qu ire, i ncludiog brut not rim filed t8 Wmilpower and q1Yip emi m-k-MR, infonnalion af}ow ka)r purS4d1ml to bg migncd 1a thq pmject, and caIMIFUelion sC,1YL71i1trfL' to msisl jhgc City in cvjLluxiing and assessiu�, dw ubiHiy of thr-apiurtmi low bIdder to (cower R gLI211 ily produm aml sucwssfu I ly mrlplete #rojccls F#i tho amount bad Wil MCI the stipulated li ne fri-nne, Bmod t1pon the Cily':s i15 SR1 41 Oftl1C S1LbmitWd mformalion, a recOmmendalion rcprding The award of a uuntr4im will be mrlde to SI1V City C oimcll. Failurc io sLAnnig 161, addilionzil ill--DMIM10 . If TCquested, mn)' k gmumdK f`rlr rejedi31& the app Fee lot-r bidder as n€ D-fC iksiv.C. AtkWA Canlfactan %Fill be Ytrxl I Berl EIS *A1 ing of a recom1 idw inn 4a the C 13' C OU IWO. 3,4- In ;pdd�inn to prequalificmlioF4 addilimil mepir mink for qua]ifiealion may hr Fequired wilhin va6uus snel Was of the Co141mi r Llmcnls. +L_ FIXAnYinalLL331 C&fiiidglirIg ,rnd C011f1ad DOC11YYYeYYI5i, fitl103' lteliktc-d IIRM, and Mir 4. I. Refaro !sMGbrm fining a 13 id. conh Bid&r: CMY OF I'ORT y OKI I I Waltr and Samwy Staef Reft rxiil STA7;I)ARDCUNYrKEIC'TK)N SITC-IFICATum ix.ri•imil h'r UMTRAUTZ92I. WSM-C Rm-iw&Lp aed Na;tnher 2, 2421 CITY RRfVl:('r140. HA500 C0 71 1 � I?q. tiX-i MNS TO iUDIPER5 4.1. L_ Shn11 examine and caMfa]1y sLLIdy the C-urltraCl Duckillkeas end oihar reLatcd dalm ide.lktitlod in ihC Bidding Docklincills (including "Icchnicak data" ro(erted to iir r-"ar;rgraph 4-2- below). No inpormatioaa given by Oily or airy rpreWnlalive ofthr- City other Ilion lhR1 conligine l in ilia Comklrack I)Dc umeirts and of!kial ly �rajnu igawd atodcridR iherdo, sliall kw binding np,un dw C ity- 4i.1.2. Should visit the site Icy becodne familiar ;v 1111 alld sai isfy [bidder as to die Rneral, 3ocal arid sile condil iopr, Ihal array affecl cost, progress, pufixmanm or fureiishing Of Ilse Wark- 4, 1_.3, NWI consider fedc,ral, stria acid load Lam and RtarlptimtLt4al nay affocl e.usi, progrc", perrpnYmumc or funill ping oftli Work- 4,1,4, Is adw istA thala Cily, in accardaiiu with Title V I Df the Civil R ighls Act of 196-4, 7 B Star. 252, 4Z U-S-C, 20001 to 20OOd-4 quid 111 le 49, Cock of Fcrlural RegLI Iafiorls, Drpartnlelit of T�ansportatiorl, Sitbi itbc A, Offwc of ilie SiXTOMY, Pali A N{md iscriminalion in Federsl1r ussistiA 111109rR,m9 of the Dep¢IrtMCM Or -rrarrsVw-Ia1io11 ir�.suod lrursirE111I1 M shell AM I3erehg notifies all NMCF9. Ihal it will udirrnriativcly insure: Mat ill ally CIDL11TSCI entered into pilrsuant to this fidwertimnwiil. Ini rY lausiu t"H 3Wikl he afforded fuII opportunity to suhnail bids in respall Io Ilii& invilgtiDn and iv1[1. iw be disciirtltnow-d against OVr the. �ruurrds of nab, color, or nmional adgin in consi.derfrrion of a3 AM- �, G�d_ Shall study all, (i) rcpnrts ofoxpForatiollr and Iesis DE subsUrface sorwirions Al or eom iguous to the Sim ,tad fill drawings of phys icaml condillon5 relating to ex isting surtke rirsu$surfrlce StITICIU rs aI the Site (except IJp*W and Faci[Gtics)1h3t (lave kxti ai iMitified In the C:onlrad DocuI110MR m conlaiiling reliahlo "i-whuivul dais" 2fid (ki) reprrrls 01l:d d(AWiHg9 of hazardous EnvironmDnial Conditions, if arry, at the Sile thm havr: bmn idmiiied iri llae Colitrxl Dmunicnis as coirtainiTk& rclifi.t,le "technical dala." 4.1--6- k adYisod That the COntrUl DWIFLICnls rill fake �V ilh 111e (""Y s11011 eo,i$"'Ute fLLk of 111a Informal ion which nc-v I•~ ity will f irnis i. A it wMilione I iriformoftion and darn jvjIir.h Ilia Cif will slLpply afivrt prol11i11go1 ion of the forma I Contrarrl Dmullients :shfil I be 6sucd ili Ih,u l;)(tll cif written ffiddcrula and s1mll bcr=rn31r pert of JhC CLP131FOCL Doci rmilis}usl as 11wit8b such addenda were anially lyn'110li Llllo 19tc oriPifral ConlTmel Doekl inenls. IVD informal 1oI1 givcn by 1110 Ci Ly otlaer 114an ihal rronlia liked in the Contmct Docnlriedis aIld ol`EiciAly prWndIgialed *ddenda rherdo, Shall be binding upon file Cily. 4j-7- Should perfi)rrn irrdcpM;i l ;i; rc rch, in�resii ali�ais, l k�, aria ,. �rrLd �ckWJN.01hcr ineans a5 mad, be iwcessarY 1c, gniar n cuniplete know1Wgc of 111c crldilioI15-which Mil be envourttered dolfinb Lilt! -oriSIrLIC(iorl of ibis proj Dt. 1=or proints with reslricled nccem, kiprlla rcyuesl, Oily May pro -Vide mutt [udder #kccr=ss iv [Ile sile W m duet Stich exallilli i1 ions, illiv �tiplions_ exP1i�r#II10I1s, lcros lard M ies as cash 9 iddv( rim nis rieeessary %F suhm is5-10I1 of a Bid. flidder r16us't 1111 all he lcs and clean kip alld lesion the site 10 N fornlercondilions upon 4emptclion of sash cxplol-pions, imcmigalioik&, IcsN and sludies, CITY OF1'OKT WOR'III wdlcrand %nnkL } tiawsr R.pIrvm; lW1 %-TANDARD C'OW01H I It • t 10N .W.- l l9{•XF UN t)( C`LUAM- T CONTRACT 2@21. W"14' Vjct 9lp ird KPnriibrr & = I CUT VI?DJ&Y1' N{). 11113500 003113 1 N M LKI PLRA TO FNIDDIAFr 4.1.8, Sholl ddennisle the dif1 Q111kS Of 411e WUrk alkd all �t[�n�irl� �ireunti�lanc�� affuIilkg the ost of duing tlic Hrnrk. IIme iegnared for RG eorrlpletiOn, and obtain all Iiifor111A(i3n rcgLl ITNI I¢ make a proposal. Bidders shall MI:y exclusiwly amd sollaly upprL Ihcir mvil estimRics, i334-fl3tigalion, rescmech, W15l expkwali011s, aw niller dale u'Ijich are IiceeWary rar full and compicte illtbrnlfilion upon wl%fCb the proposal is to be bated- It is understood Ihat ilac subviiiv;ion DF'a pFcpml or bid is P6111a-fag;ie ea idencc tile[ the Bidder has made Ills i Ikaresi igpli ll , e IrkiFl�lions 1d I�stS Iucr�ln reglored. 4-1A Slkall promptly notify Cat} of AI eollfiicts, mom ambiguitics or dim. pancics in or beIwCen the C-DILirma limumeiits and such ocher tirkntW drw.umea s. The C.nntraelor shall unI lake ad+aictW —of-ally lmqs error or orP isai0n in lilt± COnlrw DoCLnnerllIS. and the Ciiy NhA I be pennittcd la TIMA-0 Well carrax.Liwis Of interPTT! jM6011& itS MAY be dolnod Fwamnry for tulrkllmern c f f1 c inlcnL of 13ke Cnn 1mg:1 Ducumils. 4.2. '.Retu awe is iva-dc to 5cc11on 04 73 M — Su"kincrLiairy C441il Ions ror idm)l i L300ti011 Of' 41.1. throe reports of-exploratiOMS ens] kCrts of subsurface wrndit6om at or Cvriiiguuus to the ti�* whkh have been utifind by Cily ill PFCparatioal Of 111C COntre01 Uocu11101tS- Tlw 3ogs ursoa [3.ofring,% ifany, oil tow plans are for generai inrbunatloll oniy. NeilhGr the City nor the Engineer $uasnlcc that the dRta shown is repFuRcntative of condilions whicli ael ually exist. 4-2.2. those drawings of jAyr-cal conditions in or raslkrting to cki5tinj� Surface and r,uhsLI&Ce SirUclures (Mq)l 1_lnd4crVmi -ad F;ncililics) wh iclk ate F9 Or 4;en1i9dLxus 10 lie site that 13ave bull 1.10i 11 bY City in PMParatinrk of the ('{,Hemet ulrie - 4,23, Copies of goell rcpris grid dry%v ings wi I I be lmdc available by City in oily Bidder am, Tequesl- 1- rose repots and dmivirngs wV nol be PM Ufthlu (-nn4TAcl D[rClkmuds, but the "Icchnical datur conlaimA therein ltpon whiell Bidder is emilled 1n roly iNs pluvjdc�d in PlnTagpapb 4-02- df the 47jencml Condil inns has bccn iidentif" and 4miaW6hed iu Par rtilth %C 4.Q2 oftllc Skipp6rubunlary C.ondiiiions. Bidder is responsible kwjiriy Lnlcrpro[a[Moak 07 Conclusion drawn from auv "[+xllkkkaL data" or mk+y other data, intupFe:LaLiuim opin inns or ififornlal ion. 4-2.4.Skandard ili5urailCe fCgUirrn7c111%, coverages and Iiaikits, 4,j, ,pc submk5 1€all of Bid 3wi 11 convitule m6 Muar�l revertible ropr�ell by b idler; (i [hm D Idder I1as oompl ied wM cvcry rcqu is elllerkt of ihiS 3ymra$ripli 4, (i i) thm willhoul cxcepli01r thn M is pl-cmised upon perforjningaald fumishlis9 the Work tcqulrad bar the Ccn2,a.1 Doculmills wrd applyi1tg the s ibs 1710 1�a�,ne[hods, teChni�tics, M uellces or prnoMures of cmNiniel ion (if ally) thil l 24111y be 5bskwrk or i Ill koled or exprescly mr gjjjrcd by like Coktract Ducoments. (Lei) lime Ridder has Ziven City writWn MA Ice of pill "rill icls, crtors, anlbigaulies flod &crc anc icy, ill 11le Con[rucl 1)" urK lids and Ihu wriucn resoltltlnns 1heraof'by Clef eras acx:ep%ble to Riddcr, Oikd tylicn said conflieis., ntc., hrlve no becn m olved thrn,Llgh tlw Hilerpmal ions bg City as desc ibod in Paragmph 6,, and (iv) Ihat the Cc MINCt 11 ILIMMIs .1re gUMMIly snffic iciM1 to indicAie iRmd cunvcy undc wand ing of n I I tcniis Rnd co3Md k1 ionK for prrrforai i Ilg aikd ttl nki3lking the WCIFk- CI�Y[tl FORTHS]R3ki W141riaiikLsw0in SrviEgksplrKsn1rA STAWLmRDC TF!kK-1FLIMSMKIF1L"�413 d13'19M13kT k'OKrir {'r D}I.5k k1 ' Rt i" 1pJlpll20 t CITY MkVI:{ • I. Kg k I d3-%K� (621 t3 INSTRU' ViONS, T4 FHi)i*Jk.1 r'qx 5urio 4,4,E prowisnons of this f mgrsph 4, incli sivc, do iWL apply ter Asbesliw, Pfllyi�hlorilii$td bipfr ql s (PCRs.), i CIM10u1rt. El;R�,Brdnux W:Ble, or Ridinaclive MfLlcrial w'V'Crcd 1y paragnp 4.00 of the Gc,3§aMl (r anditioll8, Lllllc5s snacifa;;fi I Iy idcntifoed in lhn Contriul Dorurrlellls. 5, Avai Lability or taillis for WDrk, Eic, -['Ile iuilds upon which The Work is 10 be JXFfornietla rights_Qf 3vay mild 4giscinudis for au;cess 1herrio aj3d cltl r lands deiignmcd for tIse by CGnLMU10r ill PCrfunriillg ibe WcFk are ikilitiprd 1 uments- A I t addilional lands akin ass thcF.0 n rvynircd rat lenlpumFy cmisinreliort faeiiities, consLructIM cquipmenl Or 51cFa9c Or nwi.vrials and cgvipinent l-P be irtiCat'i>Qrattmd in 111e WcA are to be ('Mairr�d and paid fOT by Conlraciur- C,,mmQuiis for penmancill ginmturts ar penllanwnl zhsAges in exislhkr�, facililics are to be nblanied and paid for by City tnd&,�s otheMisc prow ided in 9w CDnlracl pccumr0115, S.2.OLlls+ nd in$ rigl11-Qf-3*aY. eascincnls. andfor perm its to bL- aequir[tid by the C.4y am liMed in llarAgmph SC 4A1 of ills tiupplemCmary Conditioos. in Ole rvrnt ills ncMSUTy 4111- c,f•tiray, easemtrlls, andfrr pertinits arc nal obtained, iLC City merwc4 tho 69111 to canceI the award of coral rac1 at aily i i n1c WOW 114a BiMr-r betgirls ally ccnslrurrlaall u,nrk an kiv prOM , 5.3. Tire Biddkr shall tic prcp TVd t.D *pminrn" GOOSIruclion 'Will"It ftl I ex0culed rlghl-6f- kvay. easemcnls. sndicr PCNI ils<, acid s11011 Rklimit a "llecladc 1A3 'he City of h0w comtruclion wi91 proceed in the other mmms of the pfoj"l IhaL do Jkk�j roquir& permits an dforcmwineIILs, 6, 1rkt-rrPFVIS1101111.11 and Adtienilla 6.1. A] I tlurslians abort Lhc mc;nniiqg DF imeni of lho E3idding Mciainenis are to t�c dimoed to C' by in wrGtinr, cin or befcrc 2 R.m„ the MandAy prior In 1lie aid cpminj�_ Que560115 r4acalyc4 aft r This dvy njav not Ix resparrdad lo, 1I1t elitiolti:; Or c]ariRta iew considered nece5mrY by City in response t-D -940 cIticstiaals will 6L iS5ued by Addenda deliv rid io all VoEties recorded by Cily 85 having mcciv d thc kidding I)Qcuillenls. Only gijCstinns an&W=d by FahrtiBl turietcn Adddellda 3viLL br hitlding. Orbl ar>''d �lher iralqTpr-cla110115 Or clarif :R1iA0M will br witlloul legal effect. Address gum d ivos t�; lily of Fort 1Wcwih 200 Texas SIrixt Foil Wordi, TX 7-6102 Arm; Vvia IchiIsan, P. P_, Cily of Fall Wurth Email: Mna.dt)hllaon FgwlWurLllT"x k5- v firm_ (817) 39�4S615 G.:!-Adderl<1a may also be ksMtd 10 7uUdkly tllc I#idt1log DmIl lielits as �icem,Cxi Avisablc I}Y uy. CITYGF FTWrW()RT11 vwarcr l �.X sc i RopL•aQ►K+� .s1'ANF5AR1KCM.'FWl_K 9UN s13Fx'LFICJITBM9] XNJML•.h I• co"1 AC72021. WSKC RarMdrtipLFalyd xi►itmbu L 2021 {I1'Y NII0*1 T No. i91.4" 0421 13 IN&'MLW"nCHYVJ1D€ EDEFtS P4pSat10 6.3.Addaida or clarifications may he polled via TIN OVE e190F011ic d&LAIMrkl ntanfiVrMill and ni Isiburalion sysiam al ji i J n rk fry �Jlcrt'rrrrr�'�rrx , 6.4. A probid oonfcrcnce Flirty be ilke1d a1 rho I ii" and p 1wk irid iealcd in [he Advorl i5Cmarrt ar INV1'rATGGN TO BIDDFR%. Ite�reSer1184Yc5 0f I;` V will kK preselrt 10 4iwuss die f'rojaQl. Bidders am cnr.nurri�od Io aticnd end parkicipaic in the oonrcrcnce. Cily will Iransn111 10 AIL pras{lixLiyu Bidders OfrCCWd Mich Addenda el& C.ily considers ni cMFkr-y in rasponse In qurstineis arWng al ihG conference. 0rnk &dttol-Dents ri3ag nol k relird ulrmri &W wi I I rral bt binding or legally e(rcc[ivo. 7. Biti SeCkhl"'y 7. a . Ca di Bid must be wconipan iud by a B ici Lund mapde payah Ic to C4 in an wrounl of fig (5) Tj�rCent of BiaCeS 11kjjx iiiiklln laid prise, 011 the form a11i3chod -Or CLgUir+alenl. i551Jnd by a surey rFKxting 11ke re(luirolucrtts -of Pttagraph 5.01 of the {ierICM1 C0111clitioars- 7_2. Tlie Back Runrds provWcd by a Bidder will be retailled vrktil the owWil ions of the blalioe -Qf Award lkave been sltLisfiWd. 1f11ic *Su s&5al. 51d&r fails 10 e=vullc alld Mkirp 1h-e 1 wilrW Deck uerlls wilhin 14 days of er the Nititre of Award miveying sair e, Cily may "nsidor 13 idder w be in default, rc9cind th,e notice of AwnM and ricl o11 thic B W Bono_ Such inclimi shall be Co's exclusive rcDwdy ill the eve111 Riddar is J"I-MCd 1u ha3rr,d&,rakl Itod- EL C al rKI MMea The P)umbCr afday$ Witiiiri Whirlb. �Wthe dales by whi�ItF Iwlil� t s arc [ be A hicvrd in pca3Tdajjce with 1hr Gelkeral Requirements f+d lhr, Work is to be ctwipk W amd rcurdy for Final A pl3FLce is set 1`otih u: the Agrcnlcnt Or iac0porat-cd dwrein hw rrferellce to the .aiia,ciicd U d Form. �}. Uq uicl911441 damages 1'wotiisiorls for Iigki�jaled dg11ka am *et folllk in The Agreerraelll, 1m -substitute and "or- Egkiall" jlnms 'C'lie Conlrac.L, If IMMOcd, WLII be ark 111G basis of wtqzrials rural equipment cimuribed in 1 he Bidding C7+DcLlirrcn9s wiklioul oonsidmiMn of possihlc SLIbRI i1-Utc -or "or-e( uali" items. Wbr,n-ever it is indi Idd ar spccifiwd in film Ridding Mcklmunts HIM R "51*Vitule" 'or "or- etluinr Gtcm of mates ia! or oquipfiwnl niAy be fur islmd or tlsexl by C nlractflr if plabbr Io Cif, ap�Jic�lion tbrstle!r aCee"Ca r will Ji(l bC considereld by ci1y until after the FfTedive Dult of like Ag ciliertL. The procdure for submissiorF of any such applicritiM 1a.' I`oirtraclor a11r1 "Mideratiun by ('ily 4 XL rurllk in parmgraphs 6J. M., 6.0513. and 6.05C.. of the Iti'i¢DMI Condil ions zind is supplemcowd in Il ion D I 2,% 00 of dke Gencral "HirernCOM i I _ S Li 1pk u n II rWd)r-9, Suppllerq pjid 01 h-Drs 1 n 9K%ordarkco wills the G ily's BLISi111e95 Fguily Grdillaxc Na.25 L 65-1.0.7-021 1lte city It;Ls gMIS For 111c pArtic 061311 I)f n1 i"'Y bLlsilj0F4 MEUUF "'OAltrik I4r€incss ck`tcgprsei id City crmlrAds S100,000 or grValcr. SCc SediOl1 00 45 40 fat` the MjWBE project c;ual!� mnd poddit1wiai mquimilietils. Fail= to J oMHPly shall roaldtr i11e Bidder as noo-rcspon5ivr_ CITY OF FORT W M 11 V4'3kr and Sainuiry k — R PhDtP nt S7'oWIARDC(M1RlK-VI iN 91PEC1FECKFION DXVMI'NI MFl AX-r2KI.WSM-C RryboWouiall NinvrtlM 110 CITY TRWE0 W). MW 9921 Ix INFFK;MlLM TO1511)IIERS Inge 7 of 1{l J5u5ine94 PgWty OFdinai1cc No.2�1 5-1i�-�021, m amended (repiwiligDrclinauc No. M534-1 I-2020 , codMcd at, I I-?- No Cnnuaclor shall k KgILGr� Ip cmpL .ally IJubmntrpctnr, Stipplier, -pThor person of 0"d17.2rl Ion agpinsl whom Conlrw= or City has reasrntablc Objecliuh. 12-1, The Bid Fonrt is invi nded %vilh ilrc Bidding 1DwwrLenis. o ddhiontI eag.ies Way be obrtaine�l from TheChy, 12.2. ALI blanks un a13e Bid Farm mUsl be rroonpleLtIi am3 the Bid Fwra siglM i in i3Yk. Erasures or alterm ions shall be initialed 1n Enk by 11Yc person signing the 13id Fin. A Ilid pri *0 be inffi led ror oxcb Sid ilern. illICUIaliVC, and uniR print iWIP listed Theron- Id IhC case of optional BlhcrnaLitreS, the rYurds "Nn Bid," "No CIWMIIc," or "Not ApplieasbV may bi. tmiercd. Bidder shall stale ilm prices RW which Lhe Bidder proposes 10 drt llic work calltenlplatcd c r fkim6h materials rogrlimd. All entries sbail he kc ,iblr. t2.3. Bids by corparalims shall be execuled in the corporate name try Iltr presidelwt or a vice-presidon OF nthcr acwper;Lge orriocr aacaornpanicd by e+rWertac nfaurthorily io signr The earpar-wer mlbarl shall be affixede The E:orlWrfiIe oddrus tmd state of incorporation sh;nl l be shown below Into signalure. 114. Bi&- by purl nurships sIYu11 be ex led in the: purlriership name: and signed by a partner, whom 1111C mast appear under The signciye .uxom[mn led by evldeiKq of Outh111lTy TO sign, The -DL'fwiR[ aMw:s4 of Thy partncrship Nhrtl F he shown ht- aw the silgnalirre. G 2,.5, Rids by I Ginilcd I i;qhilily conYlurnies shaYtl be cxxe;Utzd in 11Ye rYarrlc rYf [ht rIrrn by a mcmbe±r avd aDwrnporYied by cvidcaac of kwlhorily go sipai- They sialc offarntialion of the t frith -ftrtd Oke ofEc is I iidress of ille fr rm sha 11, be shown. 12.6. Hills h-Y indiViCILra15 LAMAII Shoo- ilic l#rddces nnrnu mid nl1lCial address. t 2.7. Bids by joint ve noores slmil he exceuted by eL 1hjoiaiI venture i 15 the mmuler iFidkaW on 1 he Bid Form- '11w official addrrss of the joinl ere alm sha IJ hr shown- k2-8, All names shall be typect or printed in ink below The sigrature, 12.9, i-fir, Bid slaall conixi n Hn aukrYow1cdgerrle nI of recc igal of all Adderrrla, I he: n urnbrrs of which shell be+ iillod itM on the 13id I'arM. t �, ] �. 1'nsr�+l 8I� c����id �ddress� �Yd Icicphone nurxr her for �arnniUn i,c�L� inr� rcgrrrcling �lYe Wd shall he 5ho wn. U.1 I, Evida tee of aurhorily t� mkduct btishicSS 8S a Non•reL idenl 13id dcr iin 11k sla is of -FcxrK she l l he prouidrd in sceurd4nY4e v,'i th Sew ion W 4.117 - VcaYdor C Crop I iancc t-a Slate lAw H,Nt Res1dokl yielder, orvorrrm woR-n1 WWr*0 Smkbrx FkwM Rvilincrimml %7ANnAm) cuwt rR CTIUN SPERIHC'ATION IXK'LE91:NT IM14 FLAC'Tb02l, ti -SINI- ' ACVWCMlpd" AM-4 6W 2,1W r {CITY FRc IRT Nib. 1100M OD21 13 Mrrsr ix'tpc s'ry HIIii] RS iam 11 JSUhmi%iqn of uids Wits shall be submilled Oft 1k prescribed Did form, pmvidrd with the Riddin# U�UCtuIIIUUS, aft llie tinte -mid place indkaled iii thq AcIvizitisculkni or INVITATION TO BIDDERS, arddre-%W to nkrchrrsing MAnagCF ofthc -Cily, wick s3aall be enclosed ire air ONCIUc KTICd ennlnpc, nlar" with the City I}rojeel T*f wiber, Project Title, the Hahne and addre�s of Bidder, 9rbd mixowpAuAed fly llie Did Wcurhy and nihnr required do,_.unia7l1s- If l lie Biel is Ser11 it rough the rnaiI or adder -defivcry syslan, Thr- welcd criwelupt sh-ftII be enctmd Gn a separAce envelog<t wish Chc polelimi "RtD L•`NCU)SCD" On the face aril. 14. Wilt1iiiIrM1h1-5f 13146 141, aW% addrc:sscd do 1 he Purchnsi ng Minitagef And Mcd wilh 11NC I'urr,has irtg WfiCc may be Witl3drewn prig to the tannic sci for bid openin- A rcque:si for willidrawal Illust k MFbde iD writing Mild ftliVMd lu t1]c l'urrl6ir OMN 10 reCeivC a time SIMP prior In the open ing of H ids_ A ii intdl vy ANdrawn bid wa I I be retunrW to the 13 iddcr ar, i f the reyuesd is wil]iin one houf of bid openin& will not tm reed aloud and will iller0l.fier be rclun HA Unopened. t 4.2- to 11ic cwcni wky Bid for which R withdmwol Fcquest has bear tknrclu filed hms beco madyertelil ly -opmed, said Did and any record tliercof wi I I s rbsquatig be 1riakrked '`WilWr1)wn" and wi l l be givLm no furl her C011SOUS! fOD For the awaM c f -centracl. I.S. opcaing c�f Bids Bids will be oponed mid read aloud pubkiuty- A n Abstrael -0 f the Allloauits of the NW R ids and molar allemsics (if any) will be Illade available to Biddars aftr the opening of Bids. 16. ]Bids to Remain Subject ca AErapinner All N1ids will remain subject tv aceepoiKe for in niinirr wm ol'90 ctit}'s Dr the lime period %Vice i1kc! for Nuke of Awal'd and -cx" ld iorr grid d6iveey of s eolrlplcte Agrtarrwrll by S�ao+~ssfL�1 Didder, �;i#y ma�� ai ��ity'� s�lr dis�reliraLi, rel�as>r Ally f�id a� nullif}tik� R� 5"Illr y pdor to iloet dale. 14. Rv:hlum lion of 1309 a Ad Award of Cuncract 17.1. City reserves the right Lu ml-reA Grip or ali Bids, incli:Wing withow limitaitirm the 601r. ie rejeci any -or al I nolw nforinin& nonrcSprF Ove, rnrbalanctd w condilaonal Bids ajrd to tejeel the Dad of any Bidder ifCiiy beliGwcs ihal A wou A iiol be in the best iljler RR #ftijc Pr.Djact ha mike all award to lliat.Bidder. Ck r rKrg thin right t* 3vaivr informarli1ks i4ol fiiV01vi11g pried, C011111-K1 IiMkC -Dr c11a01rs in the WOFk mid a33 and , 000tr410 to suclk bidder- Miser;�mmirs b cwmii Lhc rrlultaprkal ion of tin its of Wo11k and wnil priers will k r-rsoLvcd lit fxv&oFthe Whit Prices. Mcrcpaneics bclwren the ind icaled $:L M of arty colklinn of Aprci mbd the rnrrecl sum ifrmof w i I t he rciialvid in 1-awor of the COrreck stun_ MRCMfvBncies bdiveerr words kind figures will be res+naved in favor of the words- LITYi3r FORT WORTi i Wf l""Unlinry-4Ci&Vr k+plgccn" s'I'ANLIu4RUC-1.MYRUL-F" %PECIM-AMN Ikit`LIKU-NI CONTKA(72WIl. WNM-C RCv llpdmrd Nnvimba 2. Z02L CITY MMIEXT NO. 10.5 I 0021 13 JN!0K114' VJ0NV1Y0111113MRS r4W9t4lc 17.1.1 Any or all bidswill be rejected ir(:iIv Jim reason. io belion ihat colliminn cxist5 among the Aiddw, IR idder is an inicresicd early to any II[iO ran against Ciry, City or 13idld€r inay haws. a -hallo agsiml the Nhvr ar bd; engagcdl in liligmion, BWdor is iii.;ntrftm on any -exiati ng emiumt or ikm defatulled oVi a PrCVKM conlract, fickler his perl ina a pricwcmatrul iq an ilriwisfaciary Umliper, or RWder W pn omplGletL work whieh all Ole judigfatait of the City will prevenil mot' Hinder Ilse pmmpl ernilpluLioti of addilional work if awitmU, 17.2. kn addilion Io Bidder's m1avant prcgualireadon mgL1iTC111C11t5, 01y may consider the gnAliLrlicmions and cxpel-iesKe of Subcolilrul_Avni, SupPlid:rs, slid O[hd.7 p+ icons paid arKaniXJaidan5 PFOPOMA for UNM PCFAiMIS of iltc Work whofe 1he idemily ofsLlch SLll iitmelot% Silppliem, and al I= persons and orgmizalions mUsL bG submitted ss pimvidcd in the Comract Docun Enbi ur upon the rer{uwsl ixfekbe City- City 2LIM May imikAdcr the Qperirl hip 12OSb. M:H imenaiT a mgiPirejnen1s, WonmaAce Baia and gU0rAPub09S of Ina* ite111S -Of J%AtQriV I5 and cqu ipn3cnt prOpowd rOr indAOrpQrat" rn the Wort wlicrt such dwLa Ls rcquirod to be submiiaed lariar to the Mutiae afAward, 17.1 Cily Ina ' mid uel sivJi invem igaticmis as Cily dmms rmccuary to assisl in ihr. awaivai nn of any aid rind to csmhlish the respansib�iIily, quAlilicalions, end fingmiial abiIhy *rI#iddara, pmposcdl 5ubraxlkLmclors. Suppliers slid other perscnm Rind Wga,iitatiNi3 to perform gild Fitlnish lh-a 11f-Ork 1i1 accoTdl#1iCO With ibe COD;1`8CI un mi-s to CGIy's sal isWlimi wiihim She prescribed time- 17A- Canlraotor steal I perform with his own organ izrl ion, work of a valise mot less than 3 5 of the value eaIbram] om iho Qomract. vnk Lvq -Qihor~wise aP.PFovcd by the City- 17-5- 1 f life Ca1LLrml is lu be mYlljxW, ft %k I I I k awarded to Iowasl i'Lspoiisil.�-IL* ain-d respDDmsive Bidder tiw im evalm ion by C'Ay inOii mcs 1haL the aw.Krdl will be in the bcst inicre$tq DLL the Ci7i}'- 17.6, Parsuant to Tcxm vcrnmiml Cade Chapticr 2252-1101, thdr C'ily will not award coilowt ids it Alomnidcifl Bidrk r LIHI H the Nonrc.sidem Biddler`x bid is lowwrr iiiall dlr lvm-- t bids -slob >'ti i LL. d by a restmiibLe 'texas Biddcr by the same amount Ilkv a Texas residem bidder +Dula be rcquimd t-n k11ldcrhid a NonrcOrtmil R idcr to abiain a complrablic coniracl in the scale in wlkk h the nonresi&-ni `s princip4i I p1a1:d; of lausincss is lovaLvd- 17,7. A coaitracl is no awarded uni it formal. � ity -Council a„thoriril ion. If the C011CFM1 is Ila be a werdcd, City wi I I mwardj Ilse Conlreer with ili 90 days after i11e d Eky of the Bids aptiiing unk ss exlended iqk wr61Ng. No Miler inu *Mly or whus will conmiluic acceplaw of a Ilia. Upon the contact award. a NDI ice o-f Award] %vill be i9sued by 111C Cirp, 17.7. k - Vic tom lt'avlorr is req u lim4l to fill alit midi R I-aa I he l; _om ificale of I a ttirENtrd ?Fkrtks Rnrm 121-5 and t11e f pimi m uxl h- m u Imi a1 trd lu I h{ JPrajeel M a ®HRrr heir -are lllc mmIrael will be lll•ci'irnlcil to the Ciiy Connell. The form ('Ian he �F1}17LIlid 71�liI I J 1%.::.'kl - P.. LA I I I L'%. tiU IV-I%.u%il:i1Wki01).%11211R1295.i)dE 171. F-Ri I UW or F fusal W COMIAxv wii11 Ih4 r;:CLLIirCmCr1IN may rCSOL in FLjcellopi-cif Biel, Ia. S gift ng at Agi'e4NrWP11 x, I .NNuAki)VONY.TRUCTIM MIDMUIf ATION IX)C'S1MFMT -Q'l1l+5CT 210E1. V45WL' a.ff,K4n iIk1.1 q ldo►xmhec 2, 202 i c'rry PRfk1UI W5. 101M (M 2113 jai RtKrn m) ml n)3:k5 page ioarw 1$-1, Wilen City issues a Nolicc of A3vni%d 10 the Successful Didd-Dr. ii 3vll l IK acrainp4mied by the rcquiirod numbi�r of kimigned counterparls ofth a Prcj&l iV afflisl. WMIlin 14 days 11,eretner, Caniraclor €iml I sign Wild deliver the rcquimd mkinber of 000111erpcIri4 afthe Projecl Malmfti 10 Cily with flhc rcgklifcd Rends, Certiiicwt-Ds of lowranee, Ind A alher Kcgnired dxuFLIMMlialt, k�2, City 811all thULMAer del ivcr IM30 fully SGgnKd CzuniffgMrl to coo mew. FN 13 OF SECTION i'a M V 439' FM'I' W 13R'I I WN and smwkmr kwo McNrc�mrw 4TJ4Nh��►kDCi3Na1R�l[-110U 51'l t'FI FCAllel l k�{7�'L]MIW CiWTRArF Gta. lov -H-C LRe►�e Ip4mj �d WwLcml� I iW 1 Llti Y I IJdl:CT AIL}. I�SRUU 00 3 � 13 DOWLICT OF NTFK$T UATFIME#T SECTION 00 35 13 CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEME IAT Each bidder. offtdor or respondent to a CIty of port Worth PrOWrament i5 regrllred 10 complale a Conflicl of Irltarest Oiloslionnaire ar cortl(y that one is curre:it Brod on file With the City Se rolaryS Office pursuant to state law. If a m-arnbar of the Furl ftrlt'1 fly CourrcAl, any -one ew more of the City Manager Or AssisUInt 01y Mana r:S, or an @kpn1 of lltie Cily who sx4mlw d1scmlion in tale planning, Tecornmend.ing, selecting or oontracltrip wltli a bidder, offeror or respondent is affiliated wllli your corrlp�kny, there a Local Govomni-ant Offimr Conflicts Disalasure 5talem$I}t (C13) may h-4 regvinW- You are urged to consult with COUnS01 f)6gaFdi" thO ioppllcabillty of iheso forms -:and Local Govemment d ei Chi3pliar 176 la your oornpan. J'he r6f6Fon-ced forms may ba dewnyoadc d from t#ie Iknk:5 provided 600W. �jl,;f�'1'VYt,�ili,lt;�.* a4a9�.�x.�k5�[WlaJform�fc,S�r7�It�U�I$�FIi� I I CIO Form does not apply I -a CIO farm io on file with City Sacrota ry 11 CIQ Form is being provided to the -City ecrelary o Cif Form does nol apply ra CIE Form Is on Flla with Clly Saoralary n :I I SarRti ifi I]l9I . provided Ic Uie City Seciallary BIDDER., William J Schultz Inc dba Cutts C Conslrmtbn By: 500 VVTrammell Ave ftnbLure.- � Fort Wurtlw, 'Cex s 76140 C END OF SECTION Title; Pros r'Il V (�F FORT 14CiRTI 1 s1woARD rONSTRLrCl ION SPr=0IriCATr0" 00MMENT;S 44 AZ At RrgPQ-W F4MM - k6donndnm 3 a- 004100 4111] reow P#W4di4 BECTON 00 41 bD BID FORM TO: The Pur0I)P*g Mbnager do; -IM Purchabft DIABiDn 200 Taxes SLAM CIll 01 Forl. Worth, Una 76102 FOR! Walur and 5anitay 1Amw RaplsOoraont Caoirad 2021. WSfdr C CIRy Prujw.;t No-; 103500 U1111VSowlon2: UnIL 1: WaRor lrnprovemenis Unit 2: S;�rijarV $$war Imprmrorleht-s U3i.j ;t: Paving Irnprovemants 1, P-nier Into A�ro0RT IDFVt Thou LuWarsIgned f314C1ar propagss and ugrOOS, If Itwe Bid ii a0060160, t-D onLeF iniq 04h Afirggernen1 with City in 1110 form mdodad In 1he 15ld D4arumarAl , to peAcm and furnlah III Work ea spgdcIMW of Inr&aled In Lire CoNraot Documents for Lho Sip Pace and vr!V in Me Comracl. Timis Indicated in lhls Bid and in ecmrdenca )V4h the ot#ier le, m:s and =p diliona of the ijracl Documents. 2. 01DDf' R AeRnowkBrIgor 3orrts and C Brtlli r otion 2.1. Ln submlUing Vo:s E]Id, Bidder accepts all of Me leans aM oondrilanri of the I ITATION TO EHDDERS aM INSTRL UJOWS TO BIDDERS, Wwludkrrg wrlhoul IIIriILa1aDn lhasu 6eu5ir +,f YIIh t#1e diripas-Norl UT fold 1�30nd. Binder Is aware ar.0II COSIt 113 provido irm regdrired insurawo. will cro so pendlnl 1. mnifmv aw-ard, anc; will provide a Vulld bwlrww-9 cerllrlC010 meBIWQ ell regwir-monlirp. wfl m 14 days cd noLdicabon 0l iLmrd. 2.3. Bldd-or Mrilfim that 1hl8 Did Ie ganuina hrtid r1o1 made In Sho IntCJogR of or on buh;Pll of any urt-disclosb(l Individu I or unIALyr ortid la n61 SubMgLed Lrr conformlLy V1'dh any colluCwg ogfooment or rules ibr nrly gr04rp. asr�aciaVKd6, M.%iiI !Ion, of ew-poratian- g.d. Mdor Iti&s not dire ft or lnd,pect*inducod of wilclted any othor Cy r to subm R a raIse- or sham Old. 2.5 13Idder hss nd so11o*Iecr-Dr ir-rduwd any fndl"uel or wjlilyr t-o rerraioffom blddlrQ, 2.6. Bldduf h.as W eNaged hti currupl, rraudulurd, collusive, or coQrciMiff praciloes In oalniaolin j for the ContrsGL. For 1:110 purpas,os of WS Peregr*h; a. 'per,upl pran ica" in(Nans Ihe offering, givin, raaolying, or salloll of any Uft Of wiDWig likely 111auff Lf�c: �jcjic`,n of a pubis. olfipal In the bidding pmtes�. D. 'Iroudulont par_t�W mokins ran Intantlonal rrhisropfmWEkIlan of ind!5 rrtiA& (s) to Innu4nC49 Ihe bidding process 10 ih(t detrimonl or CILy b) to eslablisn Bid p k $i artificial JW11-OWPH, lllva IevAe, aq (c) to deprKre CILV of lhoberrgftkrtfll fmv -u4 open compe111.4on a. 'ticnllusryo pracke' moam a 5chame or arrWV0M@nt between tire* or rngie Bidders, wllh o< Olhor,M She knrawlodge of CILy, a purom of which is Lo ostabll$1) ld prices al-mlif1cim, mn- oompelitift levels. 7ATV OF FMT WOatf7i SlANOMW [ h T R VM 14W 8PEG11 r�Jii KW oOi:iJkRHYM DO 4e 43 FtWal m Farm - po�arr"i 3.dsK rhs.�iod R�dQ�'dpi og At" hin FUM Pago 3 al 14 jj. "coamclye precko" means h;wick p or thraalonln0 to harm- diradlyf or IndLt cthl. peronri or Ihek properly Lo Irrfltionca 9hok porllclpution In the bidding procass or ilffeot the $ngotltlan ol'tha- -coail&rk, $. proglialI1LDalln1• The Siddor ookmwle aF� dhat M ighovAng work tyrpss rrrUSl be perrurwd only by prequellriod oonCraclors and subwolrm!ors: a, Wow Transco r slaA, UrtanlRenprwal, -Inches ona s-•nal'or h. Semor allecllw SysLem, UcbDrdROFM'twar , 1�-Inchr}e and gmaller r— c-,ewm Plipo �rlargsmollt, 12-kwhos 43nd smallar (I. Convoke Parma nslruchun?ll llruc11op (lems Ltiw11 15,000 sgLljir-b yards) -e. Asphalt P;JYID9 GonsirucilorVReoorISVWIon (grantor than 15.000 wareyarft) 1 Tunn0ng - 36-1r1C11$s -.60 - lunc0e2, and 350 LF -nr tess 9. , h - A. Thnfi of Corr+Pettan d-1. The 4vark wlll be carnplot-e far F4M Accep+lormu %Whin 0 ea1•eradar crop after the dale wtHM lhQ the C�Dn drTlrno c;cmmences Lo run as provided In Parlpraph 2.03 dr the Ganeful Condillons. d. Bidder ;x pts the pMvI:qlons o4 lh� Agreernoni ers t-D lirgarWKgd demoQ(rs In qhe 8"nt or lalluro tv oomplale Zhu Wnrk {aoNM ;9chlewernont of MIIe51.0I105) wiffilrl rho Ilrn-as vpv)lled In Lhe A�reern$nl.. g. mached tv this Bid Tue ri)llowing rJcr-.ur jWR er* jqjWWhad to enrl mede n pDrL of fts K+ t- a. This 0Id Furrn, $-edlan -00 4100 b- Requlrsd 811$ Bond, 3Kkn 00 43 19 Issued 1)V a surety mesting Lhe re4�ulr$rnant-s oA Ppragrapll 5.01 of the Genural Dondltions. c- PropDsA Farm, Sarlion 00 42 43 d- Vendor C omp'lience to Slat'a Law Non Rusldont 91d6er, Soolan. 00 43 37 . KtwBE Forms (opllonal fit Unle of bids f. prequallf3CsAlon SI;►larnant, Socllon 1*45 12 . Conficlflr MWegA AMdrA, Section M �a 13 '[r naoessU'rY. CIO yr CFS loans aro to he p ovidO dlrealhr 10131y Secretary h, Any odUlanz 1 docurnenl.s m-ay by naquired by Sadll)n 12 431' I;IW InsLf-udionS to Bidders C;TY of I= w0mTH WyyMWD0D04TWJRC•TkUHt3DKlRCATPf*t M�CL41ENE:6 Ul +42 41 pmpoulrQ,ni • (9MlKkMi;kEhl PAWWW KXM 21 00 4 % Ob IND FORM PA0a 4 of 1* -G. Tol,,ki Id Id Amokini S.1. Wrier wtA complivia Ih@ wor:k 1n acoordsrm wlFh the Cfon[rscl Docurnamr. for the fullowlrl+g bid amount. In 1he spaw rgov W bolow, please erI[er the Iola tad amount for lhl;: p uloul. 4Irily Ails Iigure will be dread publick W ohs C y at the hid oper ft. G.2- II 1s q)nrkuvaad end egroed by Lire Bidder lv5 VI rrlrig Mls proposal that 1ha fatal bid ol:nourrt anterod bo1ow It, alai}Jnu 4o vor]fr0abun andkr mocl[11oation 4 mulllply ing the uFW bid prices tar twtM pay Aam Ixy 1he raepecUw0 istlm¢lecl flusn[Ilies sho m In ihis proposal and then 104;AIIrI5I all of tile-@Monded amounts. 6.3. Total old F, Bid -30bmltlal 7h4 f3jel Is submiDed -on By: A t-�D�fO3 (PrinWd Name) Tim: Pre®ident 1111.1`24 Company; WUffam .J uKz InC.dbe Circla C Cons1+u6m 1p� Adam: 500 W Trammell Avu Furl. Wurlh. TX 7040 S1atb of Inomparallam. Taxas Email: t,sl+Ilyr�awfuGot531lol�arM.oam Phone: 817-293-18G3 a XR04 fly &S 7, d 4S, byihe enttly named beluw. Reoolpt Is ecknawladged qoF the lallawing Addenclu: _ ZI Moonddrrrr N-D. 1: A,ddenciLmi No. 2: � A,ddenduwn No. 3; r Aukldhdufkl �+b. �: C .nrote S$sl: Cr3 a OF FOKF WL'afl H SIAN AIW CgwdSTRuCYM KESICht70C,l MK4A WNFS LI a7 I L rwra,'1■ IMIN10ND944- PACPgD= TQW UNIT PFUCE END Bidder's Ap1pllc atl on IINI YfwTFIft _ 'eY�rid11L� - - pmldflYk I 3�Ia,IFIW..s+�,N& U"Irbc rlr• ;klYA411 t#l7 bIFRILLeI■ - — U31ID _ - li I ]d(,1 Iilw�d wogal ■Y6 511.An me �41y'14'8{,54� lYrrtr Pam+ 33 117! _ ! _LN _ 0 #1"2.*Om '74r 3 11 �1LLea�1�t�Itn,cl�L■ 13 U I1 1 iUN I lk NO Em ■ 3JI Y X ' — _�3 11 I-1 �L7 I_ I i 1 1 i# W MR L LF+3h 3111 7Y crJ�+� rlalJni�Y+ i111Y} ' LF aLSS Iy■ y+ Ilr�nKIt1�Y' 3} I1 1 �� l� _ �Y� its 1!u!!•d 1 ' i'a+rranr la p wrA WM PikoOM lkbp& dwefk% Awa doWakup0hp br'hri 1, 2. X aL min rtwrW s71 rkd3 i Rw wkPA mi 1+; }}]8mocic s_L"oaV pIINrur _ .— 334122 _ U ik iG1.UP04p } S]I � �o-ofil ri�aFrr�i nF�14R4i �+t�t --3a f11 _ ION 14 xi — �ia�laoaaa �A14� i WATER -- — Si a lO 13• m � t4SAs7M; f 5�1 7J' i+V �411TER PIrr 33 111# Li' E49a $1 �pidlals� R S"!¢J 17'131P WATER EYYOTHFIt THMOPAN Mrr(11DClr*im _ � Il w LF I _2# #raD #ta7AM� 4 371 M - IU' Pi'c %v.ATu rRJI _ �# 11112 I IF i _ 31A!. Cc � t0 3111.. 1I 7'rr5K:1YiL718i !•1rE 3} 7l la _ I LJP I JQI_ p In rsc # j Rmw J I 311 ].Ph41 L-F WAi'LiR FIFE - - --'Ja I1 if LJF' V4 I sL% _ 17 35n J�Mi� W'11tidCYrh�GR Pt+F -=—ii 12 111' } MI.I Vw i17 TU 12" RIRf! F}a fiErlillJr19N1F 3 #7 b - - _ ip - 7'47 _ SISS ##ibJD4 r#-- }] 52J}I44 i7[iT17{I3CkPS�1P s�1Q�E_]/f {� ti' �,�FE1L Md�{IN 1� PS HJ1 I ilak)4 , Id 7JOIN MIN11I3L IMM itY anl,lii W VATEK iwAN M _ � 14 113A,17 KL� txw � FJILSTJ1ati �'.1?" tiiGt'i� �I�IN — � - J} .12S �—� 2G #yq 1-1 CWT 19 YL11W V 1 #.'I hG IP3mi r 4iitb ?ALVF -- }y Yl7s>' FA iQ 2.2[� i Anhui 21 issma ' aa,,_i++ .vR q .a+ -FLA — 1w i3 ! - i�OFI tosHYi7RAw _ 3} 1240 _ t 2i ! 7.1[Ih5 �_ I I 'Swill, INN i�.PF1F�L�11F�4k,MR _ !b I id L L A 5 aim _f to ow -ow VALYR 33 11 __w 6% _ .1 04 m 1146m 49 !� 5 W -T" ldl ffft 1il�lN[3__- _—}1 al 1� _ -- Fh i 'r,�w is"099 �i;'�r1.4i ' r it wi47 W _— kl o6 . KA by I 1!*M fM U 5 21 LF kI& I i s d0 SC■k"11)31 33L17.i IM_ uA$I" i Y Gram __ gas 22 — IJF 51 _ #7� bw G} _ 311?.X}I_ WhTLlk%FJ;YiLT hi6j'13RMPD5 ,TKW I 3] 13 W _ EAR 41 DiLMW 16 WAt �k'BRYKA: _ _ J7 E� IG _ EA 4} — 73ACV 2" J>� 3} 9MYUIGk. 1 1&WA6TM:RE M htft RFC mIo(:1 vw rJum _ _ Ek +I fYA47 ulem B1 �1122In 1 r-jY7*h'11 0WA&. 1210. _ FA # AS )5I2.2MI 2' VATEA i lL i1FTF]I $ 7�irlr®L774X __RA ii L 38 klJ23JA11 10.'fLi®Li1!1L - � Luk I� [ �.JBG $+1 Ed �'tJPJi I' W3t1#9L•fYVICL MFJ4�1 HT]I [rCdf11'i'1117h1- r7i417} I3flAFbM IIJ11T_3k I7 IG 1R 1tIJL1 +-4�44 Yw. SIEMnAIX k�iJr+r�57� [}L}m-141!tF G1�trti 0L 4)i7 d+l 4I � 3RJkQIl Si �rr4�1,KU] y4h7i�t1]HFcmµ11Iml _ 0241 i�� 1,Y111 L'-12-mo !&IK1:r W - O2�1 I� L,i I 1 42: 1 7;P.12W N- WAI UIL ADAM IMMWFIFLOU L MAI 14 _ 43 741. ?t 3 � ' SY�4FF3M iIE k1 frR llKk _ I:_ .0241 N k 44 211 I OVUM — I- at i4 if A 43 JS11_I`�� F71 AAX1'Fe_OAiL• VALVE _ �T 4Y 1+ 46 b11.1}W VCIAn- ALVf1 _ _ 043114 4.1 2I1_130 3117 P A FVA1.VH _ 624I14 _ Ott-24r.fm ILijeir,fl! leUATFVALVr - - I CEL41 14 49 j �LI.C10S NOW r� iI VALVE - - 1 -1 Y4 Leh Eh 30 [-?rYY.I;Sf tMAGE2rWAIFILVALYL 22JL-0 ---FJL 14T40 fa■ L1411N Sj 4NM1L11*LIY1, lhr+r+IS dMbGFM1�Mlh *mw % Him iti61 m Sw cc �![ 0t 4 'IL.R44 i;1�AMJ34, i' u i1fA{UA4 t~il IUCLIN l #tmw i 1.J1diLy. 4 skpp 00 136mi Wom AFAXOM LR1L1 VA"b uai■uar.it WULMH.,L■mmi i1hN1L.L4 ]+P{n4" imleW LrPw mm" id vl■k Mil`.. bad ill••. 'a'I!'TIIY I eti•h•IIr W WnOH 44 M r l 4/�1%r4 Fam UNIT PRICE BID sl-I is *ad 1 SIR �Cw bi1.IS1 • L'##I bmwom rib 11erY�1r Fa�MicA�l�tttihfTidlL I �#�}_��_ I_'lhiiiEPIIkIIIE]'11Rhif�- _ � I'1 1, WWI IL(1 - wow P� Wrngi� Ty Sk ' � ALVA(M I' WATMUET -- i PI I. P1 74I.�}f} � N)UT I FQ'VI[ d-d 14 55 21I.1%1 { L.YIRQ° 3' w Goal 1d .% 241.IMZ I�A L41!M[)MI ' V,�LI(_I 024114 - — aT -1wimill iv wI. xxl'ii , _ 320I 1 Sk !tb'1�IS h"SI'llA. ] ]'4RIY � � � of 17 lia1.{4 FYI ARRJUXT► vlKIofr murmmm#c- ]1�S 1R• 74 FYIDMASEF=C WOKE 40 3mi.04 T iMI,a(t AT ASPIIA.IX F,SYIHC 1111"Alk 9' IIIINIIAC. 9*24A 32 M LL nFJ nAsE'M-rwjuli it ]]iM15•F 1(Ek111 mm-i rtSPim.TF.SYING RFPAIR �' ILWAX M s1n17� FIk7LW4� U p.j�7'!�?ill__ 82 1 il¢.i2. ,� _ 31Plt471JLL 33! a 2g 83 -,k 3 ' ALL Sil t} a 81 a I.1T II-PAVI7NEI 11'P1.-VE7tUATM-R113fl1-WAY57RWT C1241 b MUM 1:1XIBIRL ROALI 1' h9I7LAtT ilYMT TYM! a - criKi1lfriV m Ri!1!T. J2 LI IR .0 '1XiFllll l• i OAW bW UMEji@ 3,23MVj-KIUUI!n '7t1':O-RM-T, d* 41�I1 ERiit#"HOAO -i7 r �> i I t1] ul L.fxllvfiwiN" 12 m -ea �rl#b� raru�!�nV- n 1 VOMM'YhLLEYCLITTEILPMIWJ4TGIL -- ��1 FrIA�1�1 a1 ]mall T# 3� tilll3iMs I'HSihlil I#L44xfilhi 1�11lIMp { 7� �]� n�ca�I rluYllx`l7 44h�T�4Vf �►`111 I L(xril Oi 12 -u"Vol jP�FKA�iLy w 1EK-saY k! W M 7fi ]2imbfu1 SLCh3P1'Pa MA ANjti �8 i7 iuml 9l� kfT R9+�H+7. 4 t 3d 1} 4 u If Mal RI_RJ<I 11.1-Y M TY• &k.A 3-2 14 21 32t4 21W �FLK,i19Ea11MIKER TP 19C.R 7* 1121 4117J3701ji 'SIF]rYhflb111i1K 1 {WJ »)I� }}. 92 lAa� p-- M 141IL1T V litlill-I IMF S;I1NYFYL_ 37! I3 -stm1d1 ihll'{'hk I ICE i12S aD Ill !*i7 10ti IH m 1rar�LL aslb n1,tLCf la 11 U ��a7 Y�L'j�.N Ill S117# � H ll ai• HI;I UVEA 11SAI. 1V01OWipFr 43 rr 7 PMMI 741d1OW R99V OVIf WJ1; WTI%E17 M tK n JulAxiwAw:n Il q 9JllLL+ l r NPJ-IM11M M I - Vl'nlcr 6wpIrnN"dh Pidd a is App1IG atlo n 11-0J�ft �II¢41 Ji RS' y{ dal }� I3A I fi fit. laI LA um lw lhw Ilt�rr 1!K } HK } 1 9p LA } 11• 14 I.F 419 IT 739 LF 1415k 1? 1 4145 u 41.7 19 1 LF 1 L13i LF 3M LF FA 1 tS 1 I3 1 LtR V- -�, wic III E EA Lily rrmc Fi Wlm JZN -M-00 im 42M SI M03 !tZDNDR Si12,b6L w $Him iiA#da s #1 #74� #, $mw 44 1121 StdJ* #1 iFiMJ3F 7�4�q ��7r17�8dIS i'l5 I� d D4 ;ya�o Ad �iab44 44 91Bmno swim " 44 LOW 444 D} skAMO"o T S F164r� #7 1.W�4� A111717ASI4i1 i1 rvYl■ 1mY dMiLin 11 &WLl Uti IYIq iPAl AW.1 Y.i IF*10q FfXy1't vq- T- " tiltF iwwlewtRr mmouwxuryl WMA .1 %wrrFih�i0IGY 31QlM 9ECTH MITI-4� UNIT PRICE BID Pid 1.1�fT11 d C f I. Vni Xi �' • Sic•nrc iflVi�'4{Ir�r�41 I 1"1 ml 4rMt. I'M AtC111;m WT- .�..' i1[Si—Y161 !�'#�IhdLJL*ir _ - ! aF ffi _ 4 ja I IEW]7€5 LINUK - } /Y MAhaOW 6 i 4_1 }DRMWJ MI IME - f 7 �JWJQDI fF.XTFAnLMI1NWMWMF r t oNAM Fdodow.4?MEMMMAMIb1.1: — 9 JX"112 CCIbMT.F.DO LAIN Sfp!wt EH"PaT,ti7lJ`1W,WEP41Allf{i•1 E-ml, Y8 33}I.L7p1 MdL'IJ AYIhdLF4'�,1i AY M.MGLRS � n ���a+ iiiiJfiHal.liYJ4L��1�I r���+� — 1! C 3FwSL RMVtC'F ICJ t�iilJllfD �'F�QFSYISIJC IW Oh11.1Q-'��Ip4E{VAiS: C:URM �1 IIU f kl'J� �i O�II.I �OPiS:FA[.LL•Y+HI��IH - IL II.tOGI IT,Yl�Y1Jl,�:{iFL4YIJ11wp F7 III Y41fi51F E' SIEYIFAC l.lhil! kt 3NIA112 WIbli A.RW ALT RwMT'RIFArR. �S�jf I fh17L11 Fk -1 hjI 3110 W, T I'M I RHPAIH. S1iwRR� i� nW Y VLSI Rhl.l PJSYIrd4 e�f!M,►11��' IFAA�Q�;• JAI AM RPMA90 R7 31111ligm Ir 511WMAI K ?! jawel01 G" jW J imiijUr1 t11 3133&M .r L.'41` AJI :g lJH 1L_ KLMMW1 Ail, I'flin 2 ' G�180d1 74 I IMAM �E+L -7VI 9 44C: f:7H3N 4x:1v MA l7 3V16�m IT kL! emSh JY 11Y #J 3MV113 T1kEWH VA11!R 9T -- " 30JW 33tf}Iecomm PmA l-rklPaAIILA 30 )o Iwk 7x pprCoNjkM .Ih&TA"AmkdJJN5r51h' 31 Oil IMI)k fM_)HST9LK-7TW % I' M"I _ 32 GIJIMtq k9-IaL9I.T%1HVF..Y 3} i4� SM $MI8LAMMIST - " yj : }-. om-soLkI AL I (iW& rlF 1'6rl 1 . So-Yd,1 I"rl• S.n11tir51 kLrrlrm:F+% II ra 1 RfiI hA 3y 1■ Biddo:r's Application ipol K{r�'iwo-s�Ki LSLkd kk— di'- _ LN-61% — 1 * �kJlwl Sf 31 111. 1.031 40 } 5737 tS 13 ??Ai P25 III PU33132.YLI ta I I-- 1111 1125 _ n AP4% YM � klr E3CA1 W --})*ML33397V VA _�¢_ FFllk 1130AMD4 )139143339213 HA 1 _ J 1Nl, mI)? ;))4'q,J3393* VT — 31$16000 f04l ki RA 1► 110 i19tM RD -J)OL IT EA 21 ## _ 41imilD 3131 fJ EA 2G 1 bW 33 W xJ _ is31 5D _ ism MAIM99 ME 13 k?N _f #Ex*m =41 kS If1 -_ JOLS M41: III siF � — p } 91,&DA �p i �� LJ 0 SMI)o #k LR M 44 92.MbDo aol 17 LF r.14 - iL :LICL DJN ]20i It Ir 713 yt i417riDOD #]- SF �9i �i. — 1325am 0 1s1« i ie.746M H toil aY is -- 25000 id92la _� s1' Us 10 }34G A _ LF NVA � it JacS m LF Glf ' 1 3105 FF --' RA 2 ]dam i a -- 347113 - Hh I 1 RM 3+I7F J} W7 4 Itm #-11.3 6 �1 71 n 1�_ _ - UM "M �712Ir-. Ifi WPM i M Ls F 1_ al s U%Ir Iv7q`INIX Zijuua.i jtdihI IcrII rvai "IMJw •4• y..rJYK,11 AIKk-. M 94r MJ Yill ! &Mbwl�y;u WI ■ 11 Imm%mmi I iymms Tan,&v I. �11T M-W I@J 11T 1 i���l+� ho+N L� •ar4r:+�,�• t0ilil � 1 rlJ•1 n .. rAr CWII SECTl ab 413 t! Wj WY�1 r 1314m UN17 PRICE BID FMrcI I70.I LriiT�J� I-UNKWerAli 1.YLSSi-C wF 0001 lix. Em;r.. hSk 4 Oliti 01 LxM1iLK:IIUNS'rAllP I 2 o1olJM100 RLIWtl1'kllsIf1P+►AiiK I 3 ni#IJl7W REMSl AIM JLA Nr I E ujmJ iM� 1 mEmF'4f_CL=%L.i1.7YWr5iF. I 5 ONIAM #E340WEASMLOLL Ill I d ONLIXG- I)HIMLI lEoulwcu 1•$f3L31•rim I � oalli.i+va t�nie`Y+SI-L.�xaL1'rF1et F— f 11.d9� PYPJ1>l�IWT3+IaLV0lliATIM F-9 ! i A—m I Pil 3 df ci 11I llll,IjT l — L� 1200 x 7YIlF�� I 1+ IV414h �J 9GI, �4�5TM — I IG 323J O401 1! NRIVPgOAY 17 ]27� a CXN$C�L�II!ImIS'P-Ay 1Is 321IIJ)UP Fm.1!Rd;651�TYP1! H 1 WOO r1 14 32i'3AX16 jY,h/IILIIRI FM1: FAL1IP. TYFI: I'A Will� m 3216A101 ¢'CME: S'11.1l IQ tan TER _ tI 3AfiAXU ll Ki:w 7' {'OhPi7 EW VAILUY UPI 14k ff 3137A3811 ¢" SLI3 PYMT MJSHXl IIhS{>NF 23 3217jDaz FEW P?'MT MAHxl 1051Y7 3231.14D I: :llxi}S1IY,51lJkEIW - 51;17.Y40J1 WF. Lw1:KI5 S1NLY 26 3317A! 11 PMLITsk 511.1 I I IaI.HKICU4 Al fXH41FWAffF WINI€IWIR - irSI1J1YI t7 } i7J3114,HH11YA%11.111I1I.H;6KWI1.ikfWl'MPCA'%i74A'N MM, §-IJAu1F1r1rI BIldders Application iict Km om it l6m F%p Wmb al na t LW Foie e all 7Yi3 Ut AI ai itY 1229 02 Al 13 SY 2TJAG 1fi,75 0244 14 ILA t Isla 0343 14 EA 11 CC2 4114 EA 7 331216 SY xpjm Xv alliR low fill -4w - : '$15 }F 7] 36 CY ACI �S ]a kill SP 7 I Is 1] A0 - RP 2 1 30 AF ] Y w IFL m" 20 P i 7 it 3 * 172) ---LJF--- S * 172) I!A_- O 70 * P723 If w i JQ 1721 Lo 2.90 5 A 32d7ml �' %1 13 PWM F MA143y1 kx� 104M_ I 32 117 71 L.F - w I* W 3-217-11D , Rl`I I PJIUI:P F1h14K PA. FY IWl 17,a EA 42 Al 3-2173101 I,�l!I I. K�5J�111 RIhItKI!AiY Ih _ z 111 PA 36 jt ROAM 7'Its' SiD�Srif MMKING LI1+1itt�wJ J}� LF In � �i7a� irrl=nPvrrt�l SM MM L11�tIV ?7 �! u r LJF m 13 `12 3! Md7Al44 32ITZ1 111 Im aF ta37MI 'PMADIXIMNPAINTIMI _ yr��T_i IM 347 yo-i Ino TiKim II AfI-Iip ry 3p. IMAIN . µI ff'1L Stir Rk> .A[X-•Mh:Xr 12 R I ] sy. Nm }J MEd H JIN }u III" 3,VJ711 PTUA1 Y AI]QLQLh/F!NTi1IFFMill hF USIll LA. F I,4Tm VA�Pcg #P.sow Sou k7r.2w.w f 7, i# U51 LTA3JMI)d F231smil d 60Ai�4 a,4.M 4* in 3i1 IMJ3411 1Y dm€ h17N3S1i4[IEhiTWl77l UOkI�ELI � 05 14 IM m 54 lb RV�� sfx3 �o }j.jq pilrem IMLET f11 142a CIA _� . _� Amgx fl 9 1 CL M PittaTil l3P1 3d A4 W 4� 4—: A41IP4 13 4�OY_ 1� k aET 3.3 44 24 1l 0 * t17Ai.+FA4 a! J+1]I OLOI'.. 1R1►WWr[O f#CA-tilHkFrAKAION 3+T1 03 HA I l3fo sixiim JA WlJ) k *Lt1+jLAIbkmAIwl 31171 low 3*2Ai*.00 45 U71ASO �h11F- . �� 3-171 13 W.9 4 1 Wn aS 9mJXW I j4i�1:p LIPTlil7�Al HJW�5FtC'I: COT2 J 1 [ S I s 30D all 3� I 1 1- Sal t+ld UFII w • P>tvl�.me,me� �i S2,#� AINI1FMKill 1 AYa?j PM 1 ■IMIH lvhj i 111 MIOR 11 Nm 1-31 411�1+•ISM LI• FI•yFb Yea *hll C J1/10�4W IYTL n C CIJI Y 1 WWP IIRLJ• C ,+III, wwr 1 RCJYY I 1 tl1 "~ CM1i1 .J _ I � BECT1414 W Al ip UNIT PRICE BID BMTPON.N 4t ■7 i' I b9r4xAL row GiJ1AMARY OF 131DS �1'IrC] ii4=J-Q1pa Urh t-SYirir 1I�LrG J - k;A TOIO Unll i- fBtdl�_e Mmawn mft 14d 1 - Sub•Toldn"11�-k%-Irq�,6oJrr+�riYi� wu4p PPI"kvmsmjqL " 4MI■ Eldder�s Application J Sldd }#ppllcaticm T�i'�-Fwl•� I7b8VioRrwiIWTW14Wp-1dLb- a-u KEW 1&dwrfipo-u,imckra%da"dr"tOW2So'UnfdUtrADMVim I+PWIM1*1+uatd *k" bkMf of eWwTW 7 cr Trail ;L ]WdM NMI I*cLi1 6icb ftr 6Nh hru I wh1. PiILNa*z ibml oe ba'&plrb ■WaAlh 63 r+ Gti.wF rGi MW=klw M 1h4iks+1oY,-j6vlc+,M&MI" Ikba*dfmhA I raiPiIL2.lkJr1MICi"ILW16et4TilrreAIIIwl "p4wNra m [ M t w PpLh bul I N Y ruloL+a i{ML I I LIC I m pm r4 on--k LN 4M hl]I71M ILIM al 4L111Y Ar?HMl.b. Gi.i+ bi,r, ly"i -Lulli%%r m1.+"•F timpiom+q ul 4-0 M111ryti.,rrpA- AIW P-Zr- T T �y PRbpt" UNIT PRICE BID Bldd*Va Application FN- fY*v1 �J�QI• I �!4 �4! � EGaufe 3'1'Fhrr 111erormlrn7F - - I �• im5�oas1. JJolu dr �pa1i{niln'Jaf,+Nk r �� *-,w&¢ LAYhb. RdY�. IF.c 91 k=,U Jr, DIF WATMIWM-nLMWMJW[Y�,I' aJi 11 W if w 11p ..i Ho IIiJ u, �YJ4CfCF1K1'x, w*jh CM N'Alyjk PIPE, 1�' 'JSl1�If7� 33 fl 13 17714 W3 Shcb?,SQ4.G] OE!S,TG Amy..d ]t{�iTfi1 — IV M3 fig-'WCAMM]BYOTI(FIL7 AXOPm9MT mOi7N tP- ail' Wl L[�tRPLATBQY�iULTHMUFMCIIf 73WZI.3305n 7Ad +�� IMI WATM7FTTMfM W RESTRAINT 33 12 11 I bN 4i ib. FII ■ iw w pcdl Ilrr 7irlmimi vwmiw Ikres of iw ncmrard-tl iw c smq 1 ■mos IDO NDT 13ROVUM UM FKWE1M*VALME VOKFAUP1 A(-TR71KA'F1%'R 4 33al-mg j¢'7*J�iYtC,ci[kleX�IRY. _ --- ]aid � [J' IdF mu mlwj1 w i 3311A445 I+rw,; M WE. tom, bACCF11L WwMAW8PKWM N1 I L I 30 L I7 [J' SD 2S� nQQJIa' fi J.} MIU MKMATMY Y] CAYATIWI OF IX 370133 trnLTTrEJ P TA 3 2m -D 7 IMMID9 ThLK60 UPITd IG45Ia LP IN — ! k-331PlGa 31'GAUMALVE IN1270 -'HA 1 3iRw s7 fl GWILMOS A>Eli7W 1:&WAM WLV9 G 1 }jl� I18 - __i Y�xY[3r8� 15d` A,1s ka+Iw "72IS - I G? Ufa +I `[`a ,,tiw�w iA�T�lalsrin�o ��-,t �rateKir�llt' 131M Mh I hi ka17� F44] �,�I gRY�I vn M 12 id 6k..— I 14 p2+1.Em 92MU RJ4'+'ATMLu" WitH 1JF 7i�. 3� I 15 M*F.YZIO WWATBR �ILiWi F.k 2 11 I 16 00.IZIO e%I3-WAWKAFAPMC MFuT pJ.NH+ ae JI IE rx 2 tl0i I 17 ms1.1oQJ wATm LJh amrri.'h] p411�f'II � mailJ I 2SO I IE mv.o l4 R]ii ys 141w tie HtRIucrpm - 02 COD IN 1 25W f 17 MMJI910 JCWrOMD FD A EI.KT%PY.JSOLATM _ "N In ! 4 1 fHm wj 3 mmw CAHI mx rkOiECucV Tl56f8fAnm Him 12 VA 7 fHM COZ 21- 31441-M dM MAAP. RII}EF 11011E FM 71 4 s 75 n■��l frrl€� F7� 33100Itl I]�ii`TXeEi[J�#al. '� i4 4-i�f0 JO1 L '6 2w 51597D 'ti GA1, M i:ksYBird Oti WCdals A Q aItF!k-Pf0LIP IF Is 115 SS YJpI r-,�ali,«7h�'Jd1tlY11lI�u111�0_--, - Yf 76 %711 �kSF lCtiif779d.]st,►Jti-n ,�ti�1 34711) 20 M01 IJTII.TT1's — D"'a 19 1 S 24 d7711�? €4NS1H4FS'f19FISf+�R 4YT1� LS Iid� 34 O'71,9147 hk 731 X-TSMVrf D 79-M LE 1 2*9 2, -- 5YTk- x037311 32 T,.i F 22If.3mp &k W=nre I"c- 532 hW*-.gK7AR] 4acmm%wbNM4v UC1mM H4d#%&4W4C-:V4d14 w Wwejui *,ImF W1,91UPM PA41 FFXXFc4'ti3 0:MIaks Nl.,Lv4c (4vf wn 1:1 WP LmIdl4 OGJI JI Ik m km--k-rlem PAi 4 U NIX PRIG Et $ ID T"MaiJl Rp gr I I Ir I P LCPGS& F41W4 Bidder's Appilcation ft"M MOPOWFORM - Summmy OF BIDS BkkkWs Apipilcowflon Pmg 1- 5W&TS Y1 UNIL l r4� �o rmr� 4p SiJ rirrl 1- SUt�-TffiwUmit1.81rllhrrr Frrl_I- Sot-TrerMM-1-rA IPtWorrrv=Lrmh IaW {L�--mwir WifeiiJp"wpwaFr I 7[le III* Irpr M1XL IFt 3j& fa clrrliic ccrrIrKHY}*C} llSd IMw irR L mod 2 swLldr4U;MY[UM IY/1 M M#rkTA w b 0. knl' ro";4giU} 7flILL L s TuLA 2 Pid&m IPoig FMbm� bWF fwW&PmaL Y amd 2. Fii i 10iU lCdI M bApr4f WWron8., r 1>bsSbibid A rp3&Mp+ mhW 4 ibrncrif udiriSAJ comicL1 me iiPrdO fPr I'm Y ird Ys7 P, LL3e6{lA'EEWd f hbr Ll%f7 r+b p3r, KNItUF sit npM gmgW J13mfmW h pL---- "ft3 Yon{ I vm s n t 0 rld Rolm PKLM i4Jwwwl WhMLJ rldQ IMMUti slursf& MJI�MLM LIITrRbmdA& I mil rl r,... m■ IJrim L1Y1 fl04511-] MI DER5pYlVAML1VWAT100d5 I%Mi9# SFUT1014 045 11 31DDE- RS PV,['-Q JALTF1CATI S 4 1. Surninav , A fiddler nr iihoir dlrsigltialed wheanrrtciors ire required io be p equaI Ifiedor 5 havc appi ied ror pr qualifical ion by ihrr City For lire 3vor% tpfu5 mv, irirtg prequali(kAi iGn 6 priur to subltia flag hi-ds. To he consWercd for award Drcontmt the BidWcr MUSS subind 7 Scetimi0045 12, PREQU A LIF] CATION STATE- MENT fbr the work "(s) listed with $ lheir Bid. Any c00iraLrLT3r or subcontraclor who is ikN pTcgi %lifi:cd i'or ific work IypC{:s) li91cd 9 must subinii Sectioai (all 45 1., PRF.QUALIFiCATtON API'LLCA710N in xcmdentewith 10 dirs mquireinents twlc s%V- 7'lle snfurin%Lijon Iiiil4t b4a s1I trrFtii teLl >5MM (7) tirryA pTiar rib the I I d4#i� of tilt cpfwni og flf lr S. SUbecwhiravars MWt Fol low the Raw I iarielincs as C00141ri 'w—r,- 12 fQTObtlLiMiRg pgegLial.ificaliQn row imv. aids or Sulwantraciors wlw are no[ pregLIS I i ficd W I the rime. Uls ar-e opcood and relic%ovd may eauic the bid io berejecled. 14 15 16 The prnqu911ftuation pnr=gr- will mAzibii$Ii a bid i hnIr based on A tecliDiral cviLlmlion and 7 hrmnroW analysix of the cunlraaor. For C-xzmplc, h contractor }vLshiiIR io sUbm it bids on 18 projecrs io be upwUl iziIi Lhe 71b afApriI iriilsl fits llic inf*rm»lion by IkL 3 ls1 dny DfMarch 19 �p prdcr r-D efigible to %vow cin these projeCtS. III {1rdCr to fac i l ii.Lie i1w aplxrovpi -1 F a Bidder's 20 Pregtlalifli;Mion Appi"I ion, lire foli- vw ing 3nLIM acCOMpAny 1 11CUlbill iSsiall. Z[ $. A cumpl set ol'#rudLied 6r MYie Ned financial 51814LilCrits. 22 (]) Classifi d RvI#mac Sheet 73 (2) rnconlc 5iaicrrt N 24 (3) SiaiCarrv`Ili ofCMh FIOW5 (4) Btxtetrrcni of Retallicd Grrn iags 26 (5) Noirs ra rite Firmucial ritat-cmen -s. if any 27 h- A c rtif ied cola} of the firm's organ ial tonal dlacruncrils (Corporate Ctwlcr. Artioli.% 28 of I neoiporai inn. Articles of Urganization. Vcr14 FicaLc of Fovmwiol,, 1.1 RcgulatiGHL., .u4d C-A i ficale of 11.1miied RlT11iersliip Agreenmiki). 30 :P, A complered Bidckr NequaLifiengI-on Applkatinn- 3I (1) -11c firm's'Texas Taxp yvr IdentifidW ion Nliimkf m isF-uLd by the 1 exas 32 Colliptr011er -nf PLIblic AtievIh116. To Lain a T4�xiivi `Fftxpayer Ideml McMinn 33 Imil;bur visii nkc'I cm6 Cormpnikil' of PLIb1ir~ A"okuits -001liM ai the 34 following %x�b addTM uvw.window-,-%i1e.1-%.us la Mrinj Rnd RLI QIIL the 33 ;Rpl}i iceriiols to iflpply for your Tcxas tax I P. 36 (2) The 6rm's a-niai1 arldr@ss arict fFkx numbL:r. 37 (3) Tbir firm `s DUNS RURNI -F Fa issuwd by Lauri & BrMm=1- This number I it used by Ilie Ciiy for required i-cp Hig on FedvFnl Aid-irojecis. The VUN� tl mnberr may by abLuin1!d;l www.dnb.com. � - kesaTkies rengaing [Ile Ecrilsinrol kAl QXpqjriicrLc.c *F1jIe IMIMc IPICS Of ihC frrM fflr firms 41 sabmi[ling their initial pregiLal i Can ion. 'rhese msunits shoo Id inclode the six.e end +42 wopc ofiiie work pCrfbmied- -13 c. idler inforTnatimi ns rcytic�rrd by Ehe Cif', 44 4.1; 2.1'recillaWcalLon ltcilulrxvriicills 4 :I. !�' xrer��rr�T157ra�rt hh+.w. 1=insir4ial slry omens submissiun must be I}fovi kd bI 47 Acuordancc with the ful l0ky-ng. 4 � (t) '111w City req uin�s Lhsrl lire originfil FillanC Nil %larenlcrtr or A CW If ed copy 49 be siibminL-d For wosidervil ion. CITY OF kjWj' w{3H I I I WAw *mJ % mM n newer Fkphurwnl r Lwr ra c �1 i r�� M-1KW Sp[LIECA11[�r+r uc x L7hi��fTR t trrc Ix+�,1 M21. 1�' M-c RvMjW AtISLKI 13. 2W 1 ii I Y MM,:(' 1 lyre. 101100 bb41 L1.2 1111WERS PHE:QUACIF1L-A 114V4S- Pagc 3 t+r} t (2) To be satis NPRwy, dic finer cial SIWMP'ls mull bE Aud ilCd or rcti'iV%Wd 3 by art inctepcndc(<t, cerlifei Public accourtling fiM re&lemd a,3d i11 3 good Branding in @Dy vw, C urrenr 'r=15 SCrrtuC& al:a require thal 4 arC.Ulrrlling fr11r1s perform irig iniad its or reuiows on burin cm it ics within 5 the !Emc urT xas be properly iimnsed or rcgislerod w ilh 14c -1 imis SIcrlc 5 Beard ofPkcbdic Aowiuklancy, 7 (3) 7'he ac0*,rltGIjg Crnl should Mwe in Ilse and it report or etview INhIUIIKF I1 iillo carr1 raclor is ark i3kd MdOAP, Ci)rPMjiEM1, or iirniltod 1 iabilily colnparkY_ 9 (4) f irlmlkci.Rl S;towinunis 111w Ix p-TcKptcd in ULS, dMars al llre current rule 10 of exclkanga of the Ba lance g1amt dWa. I k (5) The City ivill nat rarogniYe $tag c ortified *1 is aoaoumlmkr as 12 indepcadcul why is iiot, in fK1, indepelkc1cot, 13 (6) The alccouniaut's opt Ilion nn 11he fluionciall Malerklcl1115 of tFW Volklrw ALZ 54 mrnpitoy shoo Id slam that the audit ar re'icw has b=11 MildWacci in 15 aetordlanoc wish erhdifirgslandards ge3irraIly -w-capted in the Umi" 16 States of Amcrkm- This niw he stmed in Illk accollrlfing rrnt's 1411ion. 1.7 II should: 1 } expM$S am urrqual1!rMA opiltiicrn, or (2 } express a clunW 0 1s opinion on Ihu sE$temenls Iak-en as a whole. 19 (7) Thlc Wily rescrvc-s the right to require a new std1telikent 81 aryl' time- (M) The irk nalrr itrl statement muss be prlrparcd as of the Last day -of any naarlk 21 nm more than one year old Wid Inu!l bc on rile with lbe Wily 16 1nonihs 22 Ilkercefter, in uc orcl.Itice vlrith Paragraph 1. $3 (9) Tbc Irhy wiII determine a conimutces bidding capacity for the pMLrposcs 24 of &warding cm5lmacls. Li idd i119 eapacily is dclow fined by m u ll iplx' i rlg t he 25 pasili ve iml wuk 131g cdpila I ( work inn cmOla I = CkITMRI assets - CUITU11 2A PhibiIitkm) b� a fa,clor ar 10- onLy those slatcmcrrts rolledtog ar Imsiliuc 27 net NcAing capital pusition -will be cgmsidercd sai.B ractofy fnr 29 prequalilicau" purposcs, 29 (l0) in 4hc case 19i&t a bidding dare fads w llhin the l knr a now fi nNgkci411 30 su einen1 is being prepared, the previous r1alemenl shall be updated with 31 pmpe-r veriticatiUah 32 b- ahk& A I#id&-r E`f1vqualiticM ion Appl ipud ion inui1 be 33 submillcd a6mig wish audited or r+ev rm d fintirlcial 51aaelnenls b� Firms wishing I5 hu 34 eligible to bid o N W1 classes rufc 0n91r W ion and rnni irtnaiKe projcels. IncumpleW 15 Appllcallons will be iviected. 36 (1) In those selic4olu whore there ix rlothiiMg to repurt, ilae nolation of 37 " MMIC" or "N(A' should be inserted. 33 (2) A nlinimuin office (5) rcfcrcnccLs of relalecl work niusi lac provided, 39 (3) Sublakission ofan cgniprilmll Schedule which ind"tcs cquiprrrena undiur 40 iho control of1he Contre,crur and kwhich is mlarod Ic the tgpc of%cork for 41 3v11ic[R the CimlaetaT is seeking prequalificali-DR. The schedule MUST 42 incite the manrlfa£rurre. model sriW gcalcml cunhlkkL�a -deSC riptiaai of 43 gmcil piece ofcgjlipFncnl- A bbtevial ions or means of dt!scribing 44 oquip4nem ather than provided ahaue will Aral be accepted_ 45 #b 3. P ig:Milly for AwArd orI 0I1t1'010 47 a_ The Lily sll.1l l be 1Ila kotc,lud.ge as to a Caltilractof'sprcquallific&tin. 43 h. The. City 11ti&±+ mjccl, suspend, orillodif} ally l3fttigr14111l101011 for failure by the ¢9 co luntor Lo dc,lloasMMic Mcptable Iillaneial atiIHY or perf0rrnxl1ce, so c, TPK City will i e a I01er as in 111t smitis afire pregLmlilicaliull AMOval- CITY 0r1:GRTW RIIII WaIrrond9akh0irf5c+vfM*pkL--nI %TAN I M R I ) (-ONSIRIK ION SP� I{ 1(-A'fM I) KUILiINPS €E)NU 7 to-# 1. VBrsMd` fte%igrd *tea 1 J. =I crrw 1'R[3jI•v 1 m � la]5w 9 -M-43 11 - 3 MIX)PR5 PKF)Ijq 1AI,IFICATIONS P&P l a13 d. If a onFaraclor has a v.51 d prequililifimiAina I -OW. the co11trulor wA1 be eligiblow perform thr. ualiCirtd yak types uISliI iho cxpiratioil �Iale sgmcd ill the h LLtr- EN13 OF SECTION CITY OF PURI WMTI t STANDARD (MMU'llLk•rioN SPRiFIL-JSnm IkCiC'1JAimrs lit, isedAUBW IX Wa f &W 5dnkr}' StKsr Rink L'CINTEL 1CT 2021, W.g L CITY PRWL7['F Mf711033M 013. d 5 12 ME(AlkII KATIM5TATEMENT SKT6ON 00 46 1Z PREQUALIFI ITICN STATEMENT Each E3h:Wr#cw a CILy+:ar=urvvn6M is regtir-ed to camplkMe Me 110FIMM10A b4low by Wontirying ilia pr"uallhed Conirscbws snddor eube4anlr;rlor& Mwrrr they inL-ond La uRlllz-8 f-Dr Iha vnapr wcwR iypej�s) 31slur.F. Major Work Type VY4]Lerr Tnu a MliNdon. - smelrerr Savmr CiAlwilln Spbw, smaller Swer Me Enlamoommi. 12- indma -end orn altar I 4�CY+�W NN5nl1�' CcnatrmknReoonal tK*m (less than 16.00:1) square ASpn IrI i onvrticuoilR +Mortm iiorr �grasler than t5,000 "upre xalj lc 1 Co111raul+3rfSubconiractor Compeny game Circle C i2onsircckiun Cirdlb C CnmIruc6Dn CLIAO 0 lrulrrilorl Cke b C Construalion Texan BI1 Pr'aquallfocetlon _ _E]Iplrahon Dale I IM1 4 111 1W24 WV2024 The undersigned hereby oer0e-q 1hmi the oonRr�CWrs A mWur!aubcar7brad DmdeEud5ipd In JhD JnUJo,,IWva;aft dLMwll} ora<u0liiied for [he work IWaa listed. Wiliam J Schultz lrK -db$ C+IF00 C Cmoruckri Company YV Rainmell Ave Fort Worlh, TX 7614G 0 By! Tessa S -Skully �sl�rr�rhasa Tille: Prealdenl _ Cale_ -- _ E NO OF SP0104 4:31YOF FrART LYORTH 9T. &M;tD C-CMTRUCTI[W WE{ KATkA LUENfS KM so d #h'1G'W 71 0842i5PiuiWp*FiNM-Gddfli M13BM FORTWORTH. PRE QUALIFICATION APPLICATION Dalu of 14alsw 5ik-cl Nam,c itu4k-r %vhlvh you wish 14-qualify Mbrk only mu: Indiwldtigi Lirlwcd 11mrinersh ip i ��cn�ral �i41�ii4l�lSip j �•t�r frtraRi�+11 �! 1.ii»>led Liability COMPall}' P'OSI Office B x city St5o Zip Cole SsroN Addrt`sx (rcquird) city 511le Zip C-U ���phaa Fix email Tvus Taxpayer Ideniific;njjo11 No. re4cral Employers Idamlrbbw iafl ND - IN 1 N 1-. No. (i f 4q)pliu� EnuliIhnail this-questinunsir-c Along Nviill #Gnifirtci;hl Oiients La the siTr-opri;R10 gmup b9lu)-r. A scporrrti� sqi bni i Ltul is requi" for wfllerlsewer, put' Wig. and I Lghffiig; We* Cahcgor) - Waier Lkpi - wa1LY Kwu WfHt Calmmy -1110W 1kavids We* O lcM - 17 W I a fl amT I Jolh re lriur l.i NA *6 N 1'441 tit 01111 L'r.rti&"4 � �Fid4' 1'f4+1141i1k��bl ii�u ar ly�rl K 411�G�a ��yF< diur.14n 1%cr it rurlu willaVv , yt l?ari ur, rH l W*ICFand CGy 4tFWWonb'rri iun and rbaMig Cf(} flfl'crL Woh 5'J W Trunspnftlian H.Wal twrY-b6Division 20VF4 xsu iL, Frcd 11 &kA . 3741 SW a cop M Fars Vl&* Mbd *trc Amen: rtilkq I W&cr� p.It. 5bol Woiih. l X 76102 TX 76 W A110: ALUA6 Garrin � 3n1n'c s Axe, FM WLmh, '1'% 761 1 S �Ninfwinl SUrMitil nis must be mailed_ Mark the QnVel VC: ILB' Eder "ualificruion Aplklicalion" 9045 121 -2 1lFINWIL PUQUAL IMCATMN AMICATM INV 2 ofs BUSI KF.SS CV ASSIFFICATION '[Ike follmving slumid be tompimbd in ordcr Ih$i we mILY prOPcrLy -eIassify yaLar flri11; (Check 11te block(s) which arc applicable - Block 3 is to be len NnaMk irBlock I an &w MDck 2 is Checked) F] Has fewer Ih,m ICU 01111510}'ecS ,nip ov ILis Ics* rhsn iIN alirlual gross Mccip" OR E] DOtS 001 rrtitel IbC tritCria; fcw beirL4 deS e»l iksmei I busi,ims t& provWad in SDI inn 2006.001 ofthc 'rcxm4 Gwtramcw Cade. The elas ifie lion! Of YOUP t'IFPM M It sma11 *r largo business i3 not a factor in delo nhin i 1s9 eligibi I i I u 10 bcoonw pMg1uiMkrjcd. Scdeca awriur work andes for which you +avid Likr in be tane� iudlfivJ �f`lly nirl� +�"� �0 L are nat gImllliiell forselected cAteitory or may ripproyt you at a lever OrdlenIZ11i and maxim nm size amy p-ot he [Lsted speckGcnilw umiler a major work cmegeryj= M AJO %V 0 k K CATECGIRM _ WFklcr btlrartriltlit _ Aiigttr Cuing 24-inth dianicier casing -fti)d k Aippr R-nFing - Omaler [Nin 24-iriell dirgneter CAFLil g and gmwAr T;wncl i ng - �6-Lnfbus - 60 --inches, tnd 3 ,H) IS cr 1Cs5 'N nel i ng - 36-Inches - -61) -inches. and gmaler Ilkan 3.50 LF TkmncLing - 66' and gmaler.1S0 LF and gmLer _ 'I-rfnrwking -- 66" acid greWer, �50 LF ar IA=5 _ Cwhadic Fivetlion _ Water Din-lTibUtianr Ocveltipmenl, 9-inch diaineLca' rind SFnfL[le7 Water Distribulion, Urban iiiNd Renewal. $-inch diamet-er and srrraller %lawr Diwibmi1 011, U VC1l0Pmenl, 12-inch dismelcr Xid &MMIer Water P istrihoWn, Urban, jued ftcarwai1, 1 2-11w i diamcicr wirl smal ler Wptci- Transmission. DewelcmPmeiiL, 24-irwlies and smaller WaWr'l' allunissioli, UjtML1Rcnc3va1, 24-indw& raid sMiialler Water i-ransJnisskin. LX-xclopment, 42-inches and smaller Wa1er'1`ransn33iss1031, U briIVR-Ulie yx# . 43=indrv4 end SIJI8110r Water Transilllmion, Development. All gi-Ts Wmer'Transmimion. UrhanlRenmal, All Sims S.wcr Hypass Pkimphig, 19-iriolleS nlld S111811cr Sm-er Uypuss inninprng, 18-inelies - 36-rnchrs o,er Dyp PNIllrping 42-incht4 and larger CC-iV. 8-inchar. and srttatltr CCTV, 12-imbes and smaller CCTV, 18. f nc1 aid sma I ter CCTV. 24. inctws and smaller CITY {]I: FTMT Wuwn L S BJCI MW SMAN) SCVWF ROPUKEMC r Yp'P NI}hFkik{XM j.T!tUC-TN�N %'j1J: IFjC'AI313N IxKL&Rl:NT5 lUOKMM-721021, y4S1 ,r Rclowd August 11. X 21 -CITY PMLC7 N0.104M qu41 U.D pw3Qrs 'OV, 42�ii1cbes and Vial ler _ CCTV. 4�-inches and srrmikf _ Se+o a (_I1.1P, 124nehcs find sivallcr 5rwer Cl PP, 2A-inches wid s111a11er Sewev Cl PP, 42-inrA1eS and smalicE SeNver CI PP, A I I SIzgs �' 4�r �al9oc[i�11 5y�1�na �v�lapnlent. �-i1]� A11L� srraaler _ Srw-cr Collection Sysb0l% Urb n+RcIk-u*4A 84mchs "d SMAIICr _ Sewer Col Icclion System, Ik%-cIDpM- I, 12411rhfs 40Id 5akaller Sewer Collxi ion syslcm. UrbanMencwal, I2• ilMctm s :uid s,alaaller Snvcr I3IlelCCptnTSs 1)uveloprvwnt, 24-iTiches and smaller T_ Sewer I niuceplurs. UrbimWR�ncwal.24-jDhes and srtnalkr Sewer Intustplors, DcvC1q3pI'MOI% 42-inchc- jU1d $11191ler Sewer Lnborceplorq. UrbfflMo ICwa1. 42-61CIres Mkd slrialler Scvti'cr 111tomcpLCTS, Developmcut, 48-joebe% and sntafler Se%aer Inlueepiws, Urban)Rt13t! val. O-iaelies arld sm8lter vcr Pipe Fnlar�emcn( 12-inchcs a»d sltiaal ICr Setiwr 13'ipe li nlurgOIIIORL 24-ifithes and 811121IeT Seer Plpc G111argemcikt, Al l Sizes `. Sc%vur Clea11ing , 24-inwhes and smal Ier '"Saver Clean iug , 42, inches and 3rnalter tivvr C Icaning , All %isms .''r m rr C toeing, 3-inches aW srzlk-,r �eLAvr Ckr kind, 12- i11C11e4 and smul let Sewer Siplwoir5 I2-inches or less I� . CWCr Siplkwm 24-inch or Icss veer Siphons 42-linchres Or Icss Sewu S iphons All Sim& TranoprMOn Pnblit Works A4phprll Paving ( MSIrrlclionlReeanstmutirrn (I. ASS THAN 15.000 sejuare Yard&) Asphall PRvingivWISIFtICIiordRecomirup6on k I 5LON Square yards plld(lRf-ATE-R) }4 haE[ p�uirtg l lt�v Mainler l+cc (UNDER I,I110,ON) _ Asphalt Paying Aravy Mvinernance W X00,000 A10 OVER) CQdMCr.CLt PI-Vlrlg-COds.lrutliunjR+xMrrslrUCI1011 �L E-SI; TAAN li 5,000 square yards* onomEL! PaviDg Con struc`iioWRECnusIrLICI ion (I5,MO 841tatc }'U6 and GREATFR)* Ro;wdvYfLy anld Ndestrimi L ighl hbg NOTE "n1cre is not m prcquali:rol Zion F-equircnlenl For ilkslallalivn -u f ConCTdr- si&Mlk, CII rh & gOINF, driVCvti'ags, Md ;anel I�epI:RCCrnenl, *aly O R Cnnertic Sti've I I IOW p31r'ing CITY OF F 1 WOR711 Won odXpwi+ySm. Rt#WXWMM rANIMRIK-4 *4%'1 KX FION 5"11-0I:ICXI VW I x CLJr MACT .2021- W5?+C 0045 U-a RIIHW-R FAVULPALIM AIICM APNLLCATlON ftV-k-0rO 1. List equip4mil you do nal -own bill which is avail:Wc by renting DF `41-PTION OF E#�tFIPmC-. tT NAME AND ].) - AILED ADS RE&S OP -0"ER 2, 13-Dw many yemrs Ifs yourorganizatioik bix1i it business as s WAwrld coialrtCL-Dr' U FWJV yOL3rprtSeFn lIA iw 3. How many pears ipfexperi"w in— — consortiviCn Work leas four OW11j7A1iOn had: (a) Asa Ce11eml ConLrrtclar; (fir) A� a SMiI�-c�v��lr�ctr�r; 4, *Wf m pm*ls has y t;r oppilifatim completed in Texas aid elwylaerer I J Cl -ASS - --� I A[N_ AT UM NAM AN D DI L'A ILED CC)N'rRACT OF I)ATF, CLJ'rY-00'1F- � At)DRHS OF OFPrCRAl, TO AMOUN'r WORK COMPLI=TED STATf? WHOM YOU REVE'R *if rCgkhe.libill$ 0111�' silyOW Work PCE110 Cd 56E-e IAst i131-0310W. -- — :5, Have yot1 mr failed to complery amy work axwafticik lid }-au?_ IF so, whm and W hy? 6., las any ortimr orowllcr of your orpi imvimi ewrbcm Ian o#7iCcr Of AnOt w 03-gafflation tho faiw Fo pnmlalm a comrW? - - If so, -Mc like iMon)c nftlie Irrdividupt, oiber orga nizeLflo f and rumoli, 7.1 lflg arty officer orOWFLCr of}•aur Orgffili.7alion ewer failed to wmpld-b a-c-ontracl rm"ut d in hilAler - L F -so, store Ii1C ammc of Lltie ftlividual, omno of mvieur and remson, CITY 01: IDRT %V4 NO I I Wow and 5.2nory LLmvr REVloww wl l'ANIIAIRD i )NLp'I' LL:4 -Ft N WELIFICAJ li}I; 4-XX'UMP NB C'(N'IKM'r Ual, 41 %)e6C NKt:iw d1 AVJV 4 I A, 2d21 CUT rR0)V4-T .1014!M 0@451i-S (11ITii K rREQUAIJF IC:.ATIIYK 01' JUATPUN 11W 5 oft S- 111 wlaal olher lines of busilles5 arc YOU f'1n3nci21113- in%T"ed?- — — — 9. Him you over performcd wLiky wc4 for like Oty� �.-- 1f w, wjjcn and b whom do } owl rc '_ - — — — I0. Sieie naawl and dWilcd addresses ofall pfoduccrs fv m wham you bnve purchmJ primipal nMtVi9115 dMiRS the Irk throe years. 14AMEOF FlR DR COMPANY ICI-TA1UV ADDRF�S 1 I- Give lho nowles -of any ut'fliA(" flr Nlati+Vs cvrrentlw tkbarredi by The City, lndii Ie yoor rc�6o rship 10 this person or Firm 12, what is ft consutiv Wn ex.periencc of the principall individuldS in }'our 0%gkizatioo MAGNITUDE P OSITION OR YEARSOF AND TYPE Of IN WHAT NAME OFFICE EXPERIENCE WORK CARACITY 13. If any owner, Wriuve, dirwor, or slmkhobder OrYOU lirm is VA e1fi[31OyeC of ilik! City, ar5li11res the san1e lionseheld whh a Cily eialpioym pl"se lis1 111c mime of Ilm City +aniplayee and The relatiomhip. In addilioll. Gist ally City employee who is qIW Spnuso, child, prp.amnYt of an owner, officer, stockholder. or dircelor whG saes not lire in the Same 110ki-ichold btwt u'ho receiwcs sari: and a-slsl!ance f mn rhal Pelson as a dimll resillf ore �Qlallnail1Cd comical miditim. This includes fostot children DflI 6C relkited Ir}' Adoplioll LW marriage,_ CM OF FORT %'11Mr] I W.grand 5011"'smwr RLm1PKolwM STANpAftL5tXTK.%mLXTKM %jjX1FI A71A IN L7[ IIMENT� KIONT11AC L' -1011, WSW' CwlekW Aagprl H. W21 {'IYV PROJf UI N0.16345pM OU4s U.6 13JDL'9-t PkrtO lALIFI('AIICNATF'9.IUAY74)N f*c 6 4iS �. OItf ORAT(ON UL 'K PARTMRRSUIP BLOCK II f a imrpormlion: MR parirkcnl1ip: 11FAC Of 11100Y1?{tirR1 iVik � ' S181e 5F 0rg0n L'LW ion C-hpirt-,rffile No. Dale ofo%mizatioll PrCSidUn Is pariiiership ScFwm1, 11m)iVd, or TOgiS14mml Iimiled IimbiIily pf1(l kip? i.` P�+ , Mcnis — Fite No. (iftimiledTrvaSiffor fawr111�r�ltii�) - — — Cicncruf Pntllkt[lr'Lio�ls Ftl#�y � Li�rliled P`a�lncrs (il' ��M1i�a�ie� — II 'LIMITED LIABIMTV COMPANY BLOCK fS carpontium: - - $Rate aF1ft0gVFa1in11 17at-C a rurgaitiatipn — — ;; F i le No- Ind ividuals aullrori7ed Ise sii!.n for P-+rkncrAip oriracrs -or managers (NV i111 lillcs, if Ally) J Fx-eepl for liar Ilcr1 im rme r-% thr IR111V W HAS 13s1ed Ilk I be 13Wkx m kywc- are p u mrLi lu h nvfi Poll sigiffil JUT aul hority fa r yourfirm Li nlr•Ss Dthe wkst advi��, Stmu Id you wish to gni in I sign11iurc s111111orily fur Actclitional hidIN-Muals, picaw off ach a cerlifled m1}y OE (Ne corpotwle malution, corpora[-v minrrlcs,pnrfvwrshhip wIp'rt4'mm1, power-oF#+tlornry orolher IcFmI41oeunwnlalivrl which granls This itothdrri!y. UITY 1w'FORT W(Wil I W 2 1 L r end *m0ry Smsr RephoftftnL STAND RI) Ej19:Car1CA`IIbN 13ck"'UMEN IN LONTRACT IUD 1_ WS - Aprmcd A*" 13. W I ILTI-Y PMA"1W r'h4a1O.MM CO4513-7 DIU )f.P! l,RF.ULiAUFICATK)WAVPIJCj%TK h! !Put 7Pit 14- 1=-q41ipq1tcI11 T(YrAL SiP1 filar rypes Of eL tkirllM11 Way be I:L3 M µid lug0har, If your firm has inn= Iha14 30 typcs of oquip+rllr~ro, you awy show thcsc 30 iypes an4 Shniv dwv remain&-r es "Y-.TI4tis"- 'E71e City. by allowirkg you to sliow w ly .�-O lypes of oquipinem, rcw vcs 11w right to rsrpeal a campIde, dctailcd ILa of all your *gvipmenl. iiK equipment list is a rcpiesemai ion of cpipinent W&F the omtrnl of tht firm aixd whkl, is mlatO [a 1lie type of weirfcr vMhkh the tirin is swk inn qualfflicatiom In the descripil oD h1dkidC,1IIe 11101FL Wturer, mods I, wd gcncral eommDn dcrcesiplQod of each- ITEM I U AN71T Y I-fEM D IZ [1YTION l VA LUE 2 } 10 — - - - 12 -' 15 I - 17 Is 21 22 73- - 29 F- TOTA — CITY OF F A'F 1P4'cW 11 Wolorwd:Swlwr 1mrVep1wmwm R'i'AMM RI)- .0N!;TWA-J10N:SPrLVIFK:A:11[IN DOC'L04FNIrs C01+F A-L7 2W 1 H %M-C Rev- ced Aupra 1$. MI VIlY rWMF'r NO I034SO4 DU4513-p Mjj Tie MWIJr II-JIF :ATON APPLICATION pvtcacFR BIDDER PREQUAMITICATION AFFIDAVIT STATE OF C-()laN'1'Y OF The un igncd hereby dcolares thAl The roregairg fs a ITLIC s1;R1r.1FrG111 of 111C financial 0011ditiOP'Of the cngiiy hcreith first ❑d, as (f Ille dmlc herein Drat given; that ilkis slalem-cill is fur 11K. QXPTcss PwrpmL` of irlductltig the pnrly Me whom i1 kq Sulunilied to mward the subm ittoT n ccmirmt, and Ilml The amckn'ianl whO prepared the balance shM RcconipanyiF19 this repurt as well im any depositor', Wildur .0r au other agency herein flamed is hcrc�y 41ulhorived 40 supply' M b P4UIx Wi111 u11Y inforweicm, w1lile thk sEatcrne ' is in fore IMomRaFy la verify said statement, being 4uly swuril, depows and says thal helslic i4 the -, _ — 11M rwily dcwribcd i35 and wWDh nxccuted the 1�mguing s[atentierrt thal hr)slbi� is fflMiliar wiih the boas of the said entay SJWW ing its 11130ncia I porrd ii imew. drat the furcgoing 1ima,Mcial simem nt loWn from 1 he beaks of Me s-1 id entity as of Mlle Talc 111creof and IhRi the mnswers ko the questions of Iher, f6regoing B idkr Prequalilication Application are cohort acid hurt as of (he dale ofthisfl Mavil, Firm NM M . Si jy�'1]91UM ,Sworn 10 before me this day of NcUry PW k Notary PuNk 111vs1 nol be ArG -Off4v ri dirceior, err siockhuldcr ulr 1-01ative 131crc0f, ('ITV !W FORTWORYIN Wdn MdlftrW# UR-M NCeplrKewrM SFAK17I KIA NSTRLK-1 c(w spr.€ iricATioN m't1kiEN TS CONTRh(-F M1I. WSM-C kc-isrd hs+i 1.4. 2421 CITY I'll; MA'[' I- NG. I W45DI) -qo� _MERCHANTS _ BONDING COMPANY. NLI I1�4r*�S �' ytdI�Ir�!(� .�?hKl'AN1d µLJ�Ultitf P.O. SoX 1411. LEES MOINES. IOWA 54 •-498 F'1 ior4 E: �30G) 678-5171 FAM 615) 24M854 113M B O D PUBLIC WORK KINOW ALL PERSONS BY THEE PRE:SENT$: Mr4d No. NSA ThbY 1J llam 3. St'hkft trr. dha Ckdo C Cgn9rwrr tl n Ip_ynw. P. O, j.ax M132-8, FOrt firth- TX 76140 Ovainelber r Weed the P�jrwjpEA) as pdnCipal• and Me , KrlcrchnnL� 11-h ifir. CO3MponY tok3hUallj (haereinafier caUd Skkreky+). as Surely, are held and frr-nlyr t ound to CK-v el fCtlt,,Vorth. Pumhavna WsioD, 29Q Taxis Street, Fort Worth. TX 76102 (hereinaf[ar r:0tled the Oblig ) In 1h,e full and jUW Pkm of_— iva Per Cent of Grey Amount Bid —_ — Dowars good arYd Lavifwl money of the Unlled SMIes of ArnariCa, to tha paywaril of W1101 skim of money well and InIty to be made, the Rrirroipal and Sur-egyt bind th6hnselver.. then hells- executors- 9datiniskrat-0m, sLmmessor5 @rid ageigrm, IoIn1Yyr and seyerally, 1jun11+ by the p�re�senlrs. SigAed and doled IhIS 111h d of _ danumv— 2M - THE CONDITION OF 7HIS OBLIGATION LS SUCK InaL If ibe OY l*e Sho ma" ;RItiy award 16 L11e Principal for rnstructloch 4f Wular Mod Sanitsry :3*"r ReplscenWt C ract 2021. WSM-C CiLy Prof No. 103600 V,cordin la the Ivrrtil3 Of the pzt po&al or b W rrtade by+ Me PrMel0011hereforo, acid the Prinelp l shay ddlY W&O sod 01-4or inbb a corrtract with the OlAigae in acoxdarF3a vAdj khe [elms of Said proposal or bid and Ord, end shall -give bored for bhe falthful performawe ther3al with the is��Lx19151x t+'I nl as Surely, a+r H+dIS other Surety or Suratles approved by 11he Obligea; of it Ilie Princlpal shalt, iq cate Of f0urG ld do 8% Pa�r 101he 0blkleo 1ho damage welch the 01]hgee may suffer by reason of sko failure, rid exceadin I#1e penally 01 IhIIR toad. Merl This obligalion shall M null and +mod, 01herwise it shall �e and mimin in full rh1'te and ailed, 114 7ESTkMONY -I EREGF, the Principal and Surety bare Caused These prasenl610 be dully signed and saw, WAIjarn J. Srhullz, Inc. dbs P'LrAm i" r' meFrlifiFirm i:r MAM witnew By--. � t �8211 AXM n aS tG S.Uf$t f; rricrLhAIII5 Di X $w. hn A. MMer. Sham + MER-CHANTS"!�, BONDING COMPANY... POWER OF ATTORNEY Know Afl Nmont. Dy-Thm Pfeionki_utial k1Cf{C MP5 HL1t3L11NGCOMPANY lkkiWALj and MER01r1AWFywA.TIQP]At 00fabwG.INC., boTII hoh16 [*Mporjillom 4 Qw &alo dl Iowa. d+YD RhMcharllS p%lldf191 Indeml-W C31rp61I4 oh CellrOrnLp 4*M OmeM aAKWI!A� tSNed Lhe `CWpopko dIq{rrbr*• make- aantiltult MO M•polnl, IadrrrdL01Y. Iheil Irue hnd LmrkA Alluneyadn-Forl, lit tWIN - uolna *s frdrsly los-p and Lo oxotuW. *011 And nck,aouledpe ArV onU oN bonds. Unh$#Uw^ t01dea,Aj #nd Whnr wrKian 64ULv rd$ 4n the neflure 11`19e001, aq boltaN & IhL, i;,Dnlpsnl°s lu oosil•oss or qudeol*DULnD Itrc Ord# rA4rons, gimrorteeing 11,w IlgtrWIWIA of eoril,itli and r.Yecubryl of 0fjFrDnLdim9 bonds and umjel ing-L Iequgred 1)r pCerWILed In orrlf.IWW� of proeaedlnptdbtad 4Ihw• TNt Rower-ol-Aftway n Qraraod errd- Is i4nad ;IIW seslad byr ippslrrVJe vinfe• 4kIXI " 8%dnVAV or 1he rolkepr4rq Sy -Lows e4Dpld4 by the Roacd or N-Dcsorj. of wrchenLS &ardln4 CGnVniry (Mute nIl 4n Ape11 Za, 2611 and MIDILftd "usl 14. 21315 and orlepled by IND Floyir aI Oreclw ar klarLhonLs NaIianal $aud+L}. III0,_ On 0Elubaa 16. 201-5. `Tbia Peolid9rtil, �rBlary, Tra3aurdf, Or Plrf A%saLa+II Toaai�+Ir or army Asthuril 5acrr.Iory D eng V" Px&iwc l ASH I+hu9 pors+el arm louplow OD $ppgw Alhornaysrhld3i#. Arg Ip oulhpollra dulls IQ e.mr Ile oll. aeli;0 or'R14 �-onVoiq, altd DIIR4h utia sea* yr 0,� CMrY 31v Ihelele. bopd¢ anQ WOWW VIM, raulpixenam wrilrarls or IuderAiilly ;ind alliv wlillu95 gihtgainrx n Rio rmdro Ilu"ged, -1 he slpndlure of 1N►]• 011116 Iced elfloal ■rW 11wr *o*k al Lyre Compelsy Fnayr be BlUed by facA*IF 0+ orezbo4G ipa.Awftl Lo orfe Power 01 AJLcdni!Y or Cerlirrcel�* IhDrf•ot Mldtrarlxing Iho brGawilon and Crekr+dV 01 any bond, la-Iderga", rocrrgrraalxa, of Wbor MlrralkMhip ob%#lkms al the lranlpareir.AN$*kWh slgn2Wie mild W61When r.a used shall Ildva 4m son -re forry ind ONOO as Iha 16rnarrLrirly .' In fonnea.4ets wrh OaI:UAII*n$ in rm" oI are 11­113I+1iii Mlinrinvenl cl Tlaiit-p0aG+Y+ orb, IL Is, eutdad IK461 Lha pewee ■rrd 61# holllyr toe'6by L*An 161IIr. A%muticy-in-Fact Any and A eanie!rtlb rDr the rolaase c1 relDlnod pgraenlsgai NiKW anal cMTnoI@a On pNlnecrmp rrd 041;$Ir,lclian zi-rcnlracM sequiled W IKC Slate ell FcdidB Ddpprt+.nrN. of Tror+lpoll#%an. b Is fully urjBrJlppd thal cxm&vnllllu 10• the Sloke adfloi4F dr.p ffinenl of lrranspa161hms mmking peyfinenl or IN pail oslhnaLe 10 Ihd Cffdiaraor alydkf h5 BCVTtiaa, shat W jeSDye ails Macke tQA'&p$^Y o1 any of Its eltilpa4Xill. gnWr Ar.bond. tn cGrili-WiffmM wNhMIIQBIlMs III fa" 0 IIId "rilulrkyr Uepollrgeml of Nlglnvaps Omjy. h I� pgrCna Mal 8re p4WOr Berg audxuilp hero" Divan. [a Iht Afflurrwpimi7kc] connol be-nad*od Or +04*kad w;Lss Ali& parsonal noliee 01 oa h InluYl h,as bbbn gPan Lo the COcmaulAoianer- CLAWnlgr5l eg Hfighw&po1 II'* 0.5MnwwTw M dlY, AIXHp P1 Ignsi IhIr1Y pC0 .VAks pna to the :no4rjOPlialm" rewc.6I1,00 1nw%IIftrcsj f18m!Rlill,On 214-.118Ve r.OWW Ihls Lnsbu ail 1%W dined elyd IeAdlid$ 701h duy of Wr h 2021 •{,b`li1p•+ , �•y • • .P • MERI�HANT5 9+KNL5ING CpCWPAKLY IMLITUAL] ryY lh%OfM,�rr'rP+, �F±i ti+{a.. t* MERfrHANY9 hRi4Tl�}F#AL'9CbOIkJG, INC. i +• S�.` �{Pft i fl�hfal7�RChLi4fFTS NATIONAL IhIMMNITY CUM#ANY M.4 . STAVE. [IF VM �� . �• F*''t� � • •'�� CU NTY OF CALLA Z T4 FW- Iuc d4ri' Q�.'Il Cn Ihls 2ft UY of Morch 2021 b6dv s pLo appeored Larry TAVW. LD me Megrgdy known w1h9 IOln g bf did say *lei hO i$ Fraildenl 01 Iif .RCHANIS 130NOING COMPANY MUTUAL) Pnd MER[CHANT5 NAtGLWAL SOH0I1,113_ INC:.: and iml Ra scalF office I4 kilo toropoft hulk rnoW era pla Ouporain Soals o+I Lhe UrvViiNns; wId Mal Ill* Mild InsirumerN wet r.lgrroa oII*seaI64U%hoh39f of Ilyd r pnpon►cs b4 4IILW dyr of IIIer ItD hC Flnards al OtetLoe4. iF ff iirrdsrx%NurMr ?R?iT Kly ONR6S;rL�s Eli les iL 1L April 4,2M� {Fxpuatarl adia kiy's.aamrpftId4 door. notU%adda*o INe luirwirn41wl 4 wdir2mWsw*r,ar—SoercLtlV-Ol MERUANTS 80N1Dwn k1PANV NUTUAL�and' MERGFrl4HfS WATIOhM1, 13LIN a NG, INC.. -do horaby ceroyr Illat lhd above -OM rologning Is a llut #I64++4rmDi copy or tw POY&A -OVATTORNI*v erxeul9A Cyr " Ump3111es, %ffurtk lx -;IIH in hid doipe and efleij and Iws ml beonsmonded'orrm%M, Ilk Vjnjrs� V*cirmr. I have IICrow E9 16 Ml'f 4brld VW grumd Ile asap 4f Ih.0 CwNpanIes ati This 1 % da v oijanuarY. 202A bd I la.. I., , • . I ` 19332003 S°"rror ''•„ �y, MERCHANTS. BONDING M N Y_ ■WMANIS00AnMNG(OPAP-%W(MRRwll .■(rd:HAr4[%NALTLONm 00NDI Elm: r_0.&M @gym -nt S j6AOINES- IC«KSD3fVjJ&g - 48M) OZ-51 a -U55, M-355-1IAY Please send aLl n of cu 0[ -cl■]ilk 0nt li■s bm] d to MaChRAB nfjl dingEQrNny(mLithlEll)IMercliamsNmbnmi afil¥h1g,lfie. 11.0.Roiz14499 M&llcmIowa S030 98 (515) 243 -8 171 70 8111 phydL-alA ddft6700 Wcmwn ParklVAY, WC DeS Wines, lowa SID266 SUP 0073 YX P11-5) DO 41 :5? VCNr CUk*LIVKE TO STxYE LAW Pogo lad Ia SECTION 00 43 37 VENDOR CGMPLIANC�E TO STATE LAW MOO I�IiSIDENT BIDUIFIZ To"x , G rnmenl Codo Cll;Rpler 2252 was edoplod for Llw @ward -oi acnlracis Lo 114nre! lI&nl bidders. This law prcmdes Ihsi, in or -der to be arwerded -a ocasbaCL $s law bWdei, nvwaEldenL bIcld.prs (Out-ot•slale obnI.r300M whose carpDrals offim or prinripal place of business are oumbde the �kjile of Toxos) MCI projecU for 51ruCllan. amprouertienk., supplies or service3 In Tmc3s aL 3n 3moun1 lower Than UN9 loweg Texas resident bidder by Lbo sorllr nmounl Hwl. a Texas resiftni biddw wQubd be rsqulred Jo un,dsrbld a now$sidlmL kidder in order to clblain :m oomparabla wntract In Rio Slaia vdklM die nonresId-0MV5 p1rnoipal place 0 businucM Fa Ioceled. Toe appFoprlele Npnks In Sac!Jun A must h4� filled oul lry 3La nonresidiont bldders in ordor OF your bird 10 Inaea speciiiaallerls, The faalurc of now-asldenk bidders is do W wilL euL0M:&j �*Ily+ ¢ISquaWry LIti31 bidder. Ra$IdenL bbdd9ft nW51 i-,beck the J)ox kn $aMmn B. A. NionMS100M bWdm In the S1R1d Of , our prim6p@1 fAaCE of business, nre required Lo be p enl lower than residont bidders by Slale Lbw. A copy-ot the sLatule Is 010ohed. Nonresldonl bidders in Ille SIsM -Of , our prrrl*el plRoe of UmWioss. are nol nEagj W Io undorlald re-9Idam Wftr5. 8, The prinaipM Place of buslvros5 of our coinp3ny or our pa fern company -or rnej4riLy1 owrlor Is in the Side of TeQaar.,'A DiP15HU WIui3m J Schult2 In[; dba Caftlo -G CGIISUutlicn 5001N Trammell ME Fort WVorLh. Texas 76140 I{ND (7V M:77()N Tereap S Skolij TWe; Proubd3hk 0FY of Foe r W01RTH $TAN13 ARU *GWRtiel%5N:SPEC IFICAI RA DOCUMEM1FFA 00M243rnopYAF43Vm• :15kti 0045D-1 CCHrR,iIL-KIFL 11'LkY4W'J; Wj'131 "39KERH3 MWIEI+SAVON LAW pw I ar 1 I SECTION 00 45 20 2 CONTRACTOR COM PL,IANCE W1 TH WGIR KP R'S COM III-'NS ATI ON LA W 3 pwrwant to T"m L inkr Code Section 406,096(a), as emendW, C mlractor corti lies Ilkat i1 prow ides %%urkcf's compemalion insk"nee ccmcraV for al I of i19 cmployccs emploM *n Cily d Frojecl No, 10341 I- Conlractrrr furllL#r certifies dkbt, PLIFRUanl 10 Tcxas Lmbof C=odc, Sm-1ion 7 4p6_096(bj &R mrnrnded, it will pRow ida W Cil�r its Syk'11coiS1r&Ct-0r15; ccrlificates 0fC4MkrPI i8a9s with :9 w+erker's CprrlpeVISMimon eorcT&ge, 9 to r—ONTRACT( 11: w � r al •ft II 12 f ' 4OV%f /%# a /* J') �f : a� 13 company � (Pi rim) f 0 r _ orr�r�tGatLarc�,' 1.6 Addrt�r, 19 C91y')0amic 1p (Please prilkO m MMMMLE S LANKYCWD :2 1 +FR 22 THF, ; xx STATE OF TEXA, +`'�F� aTATB OF TEXAS 2A COLWY OF TARRAN ]` 25 7,6 Hl:;VCR1- ME, the 1indcrSiVI6d 011it'hWity, 01h 110% day PCr0110lY aPP"r d '21 , knrnil w my io �' the I�crsorL Wl1rO� nali�e is 29 5.ulmuribed 10 the Bare ofj1$ ii siruyllent, end acknowledVd to me 1haa llc�slre cxtculed likc Som ors 2# 1l,c 00 ;OTO dccd Of fOr 111C prposes and 30 comiacmi ion lhcFciu ex�r s�cd x,id in the cil+� l o in slaled, 31 32 I; VEN 1,,]NI)LILEA k MY HAND A140 SE OF OFFICE this. day of 33 34 35 36 36 N04my 1 UHQ ill gild Fnr III Sia1c FTexas )8 39 END OR SFA-r] N 40 �'1l Y �N' I' 'I ihu7RTl6 Won N d'-4'�vy Srxrr sbcr4oeimnl 4-1 ANLIAKU (:M-N1 RUUTPW SiKOFICKI'Ir IN CxWLWn-Nl r: kip I k±tit'T 202 I, CITY 11REIPUT NO. ED35 : R;:mod Ju�- 1, 2011 09 45 *0 • r Minm EquILVERml Pna 16f 3 SEC DON 00 45 40 ausirless EgLdly -Gual 4 5 APPUCATION OF POLICY F3 Tf lie tolal dnl lar YRILIC Of [Ile k'altilr is $t00,000 -ni InOir-, tlLen IL BLISiness I:gijily goRl. is applk.lble- i? A Ausinm5 (Equity Fiirn refers to certlfirtd MlMOMY-r and/Os Wumerr•, awned fusinM Eni.-upVISM 9 10 POLICY S NT 11 It is the policy of tl3e Clty of Fart VJbrtll to enwre the full and equitable participation of bwi ne55 Equity 12 Firms wile n appli�.pbEe, in the proc4Erernent of III gmds and secwkes- All r"ui rerrrents and regulatlorr5 13 stated in the Ci:tw'S ;8u s1nes6 EgrjLty Ordinance (repFacing Ordinanc(! No. 24554-11- 14 2020 tcodlf led at: l tp—r-2-8roduhilmory�iS�mleeal.carTr#cort�c�5 fk r + llatest itworlh--Lm Q-- -Z 51 3) apply 15 to this bid. ]6 17 BUSlg5 EU LIITV PROAUSLMAL 1$ The Cily-s gtl51-mess Equity goal -Dn this project is .2,; of the tots l bid Mal Liv of the corrtratt ISale fvd 13 opp�1es Co Parks and Conprrwnixy-ILervines)- 14 1 METHODS TO COPAE[Y WLTH THE GOAA U OA City contfarUs where a Bu ines5 Equity Goal ij @pplled, pfierors sri� required to comply with the City's 23 Susl ne5s E: ij ty Ordfna n{e by mi�etlrlg or exeedf ng the abOVe stated Roat ar other wise corrm piw with JhE 24 ordinance through One of the Following method6; i. ComnigUially useful servlrA5 QeFfarrrred by a 25 Uvslne5s E-qulty prime contracivr, 2. Suslness Equltw su'bconlractin pwrticipation, 3. Corril�inatian of 26 Business Ecivity prime s.erwie-OS MCI Business Equity subcontracting participn6on, d- Business Equity 27 jolnt Ltentur.EfMentor-Pfaft-6 partielpation, S. Gund FaItih Effort dorurnentaklorl, -of 6. Prime 2a -contractov Walver documentatl-on. 29 30 WBMITIrAL OF RinUTAED DOCUMENtj, 31 Applicable documents (ilsted belDw� mutt be recelwed by the Puff-hasing Division, OR tFm oftorar Shall 32 EMAIL the Business E-quity documentation to the assigned Cltyr of Fort WQFLh P fo�eck Md-nager Dr �3 ()epar tment D-Uign-ee. DEcurrhettts are t-o be fece4ved no later than 2:01) p.rn., on the ht ]rd City 15usl!ness 34 d vlr eter the bld op enErtg date, exclusive ad the bld Dpenl ng date, rITY OF FQfKr wV4pTH *91?r and UrtAsrle Sawer Rep ;iEemvnL STANpAnocosisis crKwSPE{Irl[ATliW WXUMENfSCONTWI 2021, WSM•t Revis4 0chaher 27, U21 MY PRCNFfl M. ]a15 D p 8 I� II 1� 1 lx I7 18 I� 20 -)I 22 �3 24 25 26 �7 2� 21? W 45 Ad. 2 iILMim.a% Pgtj11Y t]inaI rm 3-vrt letter of I niew III ;MPk.li3rlM3rihltisuvs.j-mvA'rt+jedf#L�x�ur s?l tsttLlMAMfr[E- Al W I CAI III rL*fI1MR9MwI_I7 1 2412 Rusiaess Fquily Good r aith EfFi11 dam _ IYttpki:i�l1�1 �ti �f7T15k1171f11Lit�.�41�aTLY L��:i.lafC455 I�L'4S��f IF - �_1",4�iirl � 'L' 1 1}rlll MIN 21.12ZIK 1" El1Ik i 1h`5ti Fq 1111)• P113FLO C .'rFlStralG or WA i 5'Cr 1': ii Ill ."N114lil• %,IkkIiI-- I'riE>i 13inimuss Fqu by bim Vcnlu= Form J11 m Winwis• 1 hl'L• i 114 eM -111 L L 14 ti'nl ILI I ti %'ti1VAP - M W [ME KiW11F ]Dint .h1.1{akFky_"" 91?1j, FAJLURI-,1'0 ACHIEVE THF. GOAL OR OTHk RWISE CONTPLY WITH THF.- QRDIKA ('F. W I L RFML1I rT I N TH E 131 I>M R 5 F.Fkp-,QJF,BFFEI U, nECLAR EI) KOP • [# 4'.%Pt M S. IV E AN WI.111: RIM 3#w'. YCTED, FA I LURE TO L� U R.M IT TH E REQU] R ER DEIS1NT.S$_IE4.U1X_120CU M F-Or rATION OR (1111 F.uw Itir. CO141FLY WITl1 "FI I E: i1E# M IX ANC . W1101, XESI # T IN TH P RID BEING DELI A RE.D NON-, ANSI V T11 F R ID REJ ECTF D A f�R. * 90IMEC'T THF�@ IDDER10FFF,ROR To N-MONS A5 PF.SC KII II II I N SP V.J3J 01; 'IA 1 F ORDINANCE F'u r QU-VS.1 i U71S. Plems (L C'un lad 'I' f iL Business FA idly Div isiou of Pile Depa rtmew of IDiverAy a lad I RelllSi011. m (917} 592-.2674. 141 L N 11 OF SECTION CITY 01: FURT WORTH 9'ANI],+ R11('(}N%TR{1€ 1L)N SFI.C'119ChTIC)N I)1X'VMF..N1•'F I CYbNW rkimbu 27. ZD31 titi xu and Sail.) 5vnT Rap1oornicm (WILAACT 2021, Wi M-C' (•ITy PO)iP "I N[], loxw OOS243• 1 Agmeawfi Paw 1 V $ AGREEMENT THIS AGRFPAENT, etithori&d ron Mgrch 19,Z iZ4 is made 4 sftd WAwcn ilte pity �+f Fart WQs rth, a Tuxz% horno rulU 1111111icilutl'4, Xthig I' and thTintgh its duly at0ltc4 .7zd City 1',+lau t, ("City"), awl. Willimm J. Schidiz, ine.41m Cittl-e C Corts.1ruction—ConiamikY, a„ zhori l lui do bmsiness in 1'tasas, acting 6,y alld IhFIDa its dA1( 1-, lho67.cd tcpTr„untativc, (OConinw1 '). City and Contractor may jointly be referovd w es Parties. City and Coetirnclor, In consideratkwi of the inutvftl cr►vcnelnts IlercinafLcr Set f dh, agrce as follaWS; Article 1. WORK Conlracior .shall complete all 'fork as Mxcilicd or indic-alW in Nhe Coat"WA DOCUmen" fir [he FFQjeel idancified ho'cin. Ardele 7. moncr The pro*[ for which Ibc Work under the ('oniract Ilocwr enU MAY 'bc the wboba or only a pwi is gencrally described as fol laws.; WA f FR AND SA MITAR Y SEWE' R JREPI„A t"l'Mfs)'I T CONTRACT 2,0.f. SM-C — -- CI,TY-P'ROJE-CrNa 103500 Arlide 3. CONTRACT PRICE City egrces to pey'CWltmact, for peebrmanm of ilNe Wo* it1 accordancc with the t'antrWA DOCLIM0111-S an awount, in-:wnwtt fut4r, of yen Mijlbanr Tkr a 1:11rndr Fifty -Seven Tbousand. Four liundmd trifiv-Eigh I and Nc4 100 Dol lers (St 0�&57ASR.Md. Cwktwl prim way 6c adiingicdi by orange mkrs duly au prized by Lilt )'ernes. — 4.1 E�inal Acccp+t iwe. The Work will 11 r: krlp9clr, for Final ACCcptanN twfthin calcrhrlar daysa.11cr 11Trt date when Ehc i adtrtKt Thne oomnritam to run, as provided in C''AfRgraph 2,02 of [Ri1r I:icneml CcHnditiorK, phis FWY ext cnwo11 themuf allowrd ri n acocxr mKa rwilh Article 12 of the Gemnfll Condit ions. The work. for Past 2 +rill be i;[,mplc;zc for Final Acccpance wilhiu L20 calWar clays air ilhe dat- wl m the Gnn1raa Time commcnees. 1* rurt, or by t.nd of lure Z-024, whiciiever is earlier, as prnwided iat Paragraph 2.03 of the General Condkiaias. 4-2 ['19uldated NmagCS CantnWA0r 11i7es that 110.9V is of f14t r-uffa v for completion of Milesiones. if any, awl to a6icve Final Acceplancia+of the Work and City and Nhe;mjblic: c*ill suffer from I= DFUse ir199C Work i-v not , MIFFlcicrl' Within tlhe 4im4_9 spccificd in Paragralpli 4.1 ;flbovr- The -contmetorr al r4 WIIiM 1110 &IIRYS, CXNJIse aTkd dilflcullies inuolwcci in IpruWing itt a legal proctcai,rg, IIaG imwal loss q tcrod by &he City if the WOrif is dual rvn11PICICd art time. A=rdiagly, inv["d of requiring and+ such pwof, Conarll►Aor agmClj phut as ligllidalUd tlRntEIEeN for ikft (but iNai aS b (MVI IV), Garrtra01017 s17e11 PRY C ity .Y& 11U0Fd?e4 F1ft !]ol Irlrs 6Y ) fkr coed clay That tmpires irfltf the lime :5prcIr4 d in llav graph 4.1 for Final AcuptrliNw witlI 41kc City ispits th-c 1-inal, E. oleF of Accepftncc. OTY iW VORT Wr RY1111 wtoer"SWKWY °.axe+' RtipUxemsvl WANDARD COM:;lrkL CTJON'iNl�[:ITK_'ATION D(7 UM1?hTr,S OFFICIAL RECORD ai PHI1Rd Nun1w 1-03500 RtvikutowNXI22 CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX G,oU43-2 hqrixir W 2 d G Arllele & CONTRA( ' DOCUMENT6, .5.1 CONTENTS, A. The Contra. Ocicvnleni,s which mapnwe thtr 4m irc-nbovimm Wiveen (:4y L10 Crmirwor cowmi-Ping the Mork comisk or she fallowing: I � `1yri� l4grcem�nl. 2. Aninchmmils to Ilmi A.SrevikeRI: a, Bid Form 1 ) Proposal Farm 2) Vender Campla*n" 10 State Law Non-R-tsidcni Bidder 3) P"tkatilication Statemcnr 4) SUMic and Wand c Koniciftis I�. Concur PrewAMUr, Wage i .te TrLb1e loma ce AC OKI) Furm(s) d. PWYMMIN 11und L, p-criormancc Bond I', MRiFftIeart= UnIl L g. POwcr of Attorney for the Bonds I,. Worker's Oampeensetion AMmdav4 L MBE AR&W SBF C001131 itrAeFid Form 3, Ccnerai Candid-ons. 4. Supplememary Cnji[IIi om. 4. Si cciflcarialgs 9p:415GARY mcdc a party aithe anirmt i cumicnls by allachmcIt or, if n,ol attaphed. as incorporated by r6mmat and descrilmA in the Table or anWals or the Pmjwl's Cmi"t 1)ocvnticnts. 6, Drawings, 8. D(mkmcnt0cm subnlmod Lvy UuntfvIctor prier to Nogicc 4f Award. '9. 'De, fidlowinX wh.idi may he delim-ed or issuccl of 4.r Mr! Effocilve Dale of the Agmemeol wid, if issumd, kcmne an incorpmlod pen of the Goal Dmkiments= a. Hatiw to I`mmed, b. Field Ord s. .c, Change Or&rs. d, LelNcr Of I"Mal A0MPtanC1:, ictYY of Fok,r v cm-rl I w w and S-M" Wx sopm RKplMm m STANDARf3CON511KLX'TION tihl:L'IFK-ATI444 IM)CUMFNTS ca,gl1iajedr wmtQ [DINO xeYxed r4rnrm7 N5243-3 ,6jremvr r t Pam 9orf. Article 6. I N DEM N I VICATWN (i.l I u]ltr'L1clgr cGvrllSlmt% mild agrccs to Irulrmlri% hoid IlRl'lalem and d-feald, at itx owl, expc-11121k, the city, its UfPce rs, sicrvanIs Allsl tlflkloye" front mm4 il,pinat jkkky fLnd all tlr lmL. arising Plal of, ov aliicgec to mi.w rout of, the work and mrvim to be pwrf�rrned lay the cantroctar, its otYcc m. age n Es, unployeea, su h-4-A,lltractum. ii mnsca or ilrvilee_ti U nil -Or thjs eun I r3Lel . Thh indullu iriealion p.rovimiou is sm-cii iraf I v -i m leaded to onrrsbe and he erfcel ivc evcn 4r JL—h j j fed or- I� very_ - Ihal all�r -mine ipf -� b dnrfia= W sou! wcrc "Irsecl. in w r is p@rt, by-anv act. ont n or Fwlhgencu Or Olecil . Tlli2L lnikninity Vrovisiom iA Intended to include, wi#ILUul U141111alion' iridemlliiy for c4."s, cxpvmses and legal itfis incurl-ed I1Y the cilY ilr rler�.n&lll; 4lK4lj Ill y acfl eh11 m.k u A cnrrsys of actions. 6-2 Contra"orcglrcmuRs aml agrccN tv indemnIfy atill hold'hA1-InleS§-RI 113Ilw7l CXIlell3W, tht elty, its ofFieers, wrwmmis and enlplUYen, fr.Lml µill agninit any aad all jo%A, flarnqpe or llextruction or properly a Ilse city, wrisilrg urlt 14, or LlilluL! to A"-w ulat 0r, the work Rind services io perrurm-ml by tlls wittracLar, its r,€rIMP5. 21pQMc, erl�lllo} F suIPOGNIM-Clrlr-N, liten9ccs or in,vjtrrx u n d cr I h i;s CaIrtroct. 'Ilia iudc nl n irjPion ni-Qy ion- is smL-eVCally inlell LLe[l to o"!L d be -e feelivt even if iI -is aje ged ur rit'o+cn IhNt all or aolrre of the d �s 13CjM P snu hl wera causes, In whnie orim rarl, by:1gx act. orai€ on or ntdifemm orthtLty, A rlicle'7. M J SC F l,LANl+ OUS 7.1 Tprms. Trrms m" HN Lhis Agrcrmrmt Aich are defil7ryd in Articlo L raf the Uencr'al C OI'diliolls w'11 have t1le [lleal7ifk-$ irldicmlod ill the f icncral Conditions. 7.2 J -ssi;p ,nlellt nr L_ol1lML- 116% AgrccmuM, inc.lLid I ig eat of 11rc com(sct I LImrCnls malr Fmi he assiglrad by tlic €'onlrarsC+ withouL die idvanead cxpm9 wri Li -en ;()DWAIL of the City. 7.3 Ski=c .,Lar and Assigns, City Alld (:CmlraAor eai;I} hinds pakICI-s, 9LWXeSS0f, assigllS arrd legul Mprcuw1ltaSavW td lh{: wher icy IMMAI D, in msPea W a11 urvenon'Is, agr emcnEs and aibl19860m colrtainO in the ntract DUCHmnI15. pA Claims - Any prc wi-Sioll rlr part oribc cbdtmct I7ocuments held to k uncm9lilil001`3115 VCM �w U 111:11 fOrrcmblc by R acid of c.6MJ)etent jurisdiction 5"11 be dccmtxi stricken, and all remmini ng pff3v Wcmai AM4 continue ti� be vatid and binding upoil City and CoR ta>rEar- Thri railurc. of the City or-Canlraotor to jusisl uRon ft porrWname Of Mny torah Or pro3risi0n Of this AgI'emllent or 10 CxerciS0 Ally righl grtmA 11cmin shall not collMiiulr o v*ivCr Of City's -Ur Iraw't }. resprxetiwa right Io iI15I5;t L3" tppropriam pvfanl &Rcc. or Lo as -pm ony s1I01 righl on .any fulurf, CITY {0I: FORT V1rMM WNW EW SunIlsly Viewer RcI*;4WxrLL tithNl}![R1k❑f1dS'fRLJLY ISIV_jVjCATKWLXX1JIMLNT5 CityPm)tdWwrkkcr1035M RCviced Mn?A= m5243-i A.q-eement (rage 9 of 6 7.5 DcrVemiog Law -Und VCrIL10- This Agretrm viii, includifig 811 Of Llie CuMr3ei DoMInicl"r- IS pCtibrmable ill 1hG ltatu of Texas, Vc-.14uc sltall be Tarrm Covmy, T6xas, or the L luijccd SLIjws. Dir.lrict CWn for the Norilm ml Nmrici of Texas, VorL 1Wogth Dimvision. 7.6 Authority io Sip- C:0I11tag(OT shall atlmui rvidenCt of BAD* to sign AgI-ceFmcni if sipped by sonleolle Mhcr skma the dolly mahufife[1 sigmtory of the Ccmtn*GW- 7.7 Mcpn-apf,"riatiori of Funds, in dw evvnt no funds or 43sufficiem fundr. are dppropri;PI0 by Cwty in any fiscal prFi YJ for ally pgynacnis due ionder, City will Folly Vcndar or pia Occur: F= and this A$iPwilleat shall tcrmiiratC OR the 1354 day arthe rim --al period for which approp♦riaticros were Mmiydd witlaoul penai[y or expenm to City of any Kind whalsoomr. -axctpt as. is the pudlens of ihr p4tj ment5 herein iIgmA upoir fnr which funds Mawr kreen appF(Ypriaitd. 7.8 IlMhibition on CCa>Ilracts with Compfrnics Boycotting Israel. C10ntractor. vr11e89 a so1F- praprielor. aoknowledgm [hat in accardnnee with C:hapier 2271 -nf ihL 7-Caa3 COMernmcnt Ctide, ifCnntraCiur IMS It] rn- MOR FNPII tin7o-employec4 and the eonir Ut VA1%e k j 100.000 er rnbre, the City is prohibiled rrmik erftrang info a ttrM WiLh a company for gem or servim unim lk conutcc *DnlCins a wridten vorilicmkion from the compuy Ilia[ it: (1) does I" buyoXt Ismol- Bnd (2) will not Etbyo 1 Israel duridg the Mrm of ille caat=t, T'h-D ierMS " Loycvl lsme1' and �npaiiy" shall have the mcanings anribad 10 t11m terms im Ilion 80$.001 of lire Texas Governmem Lodc- By sIgning tiiis canimcl, Ci}mmetor mTiffin llknt ContnActur's signRl a re pi'Ovides wriltm vcritira [irrn 1e the CRY tlral it Chmpter W 1, Texas Ciro rm MOW I~ adc irj7[F[jc-,q, iCantr9Ctor: (I) Auer. rtul Jmycoit Lsr ky antl (2) will not boycolt Csrarl atiring the it rift -0 11 he cofit"Ch 7.� Prohlbilian jyn [iraycitjDg Energy Compan6f&L Eor[trarlor awkoowWRm thayt ilk accordaikee with -Chapter 2274 of [he T"m Dowerltimcnt C0de•(qL4 acWed by Acts 202 L, 67a' [Ag., R-S- SLB. 13, � 2)1 the Clty is prollibilMl Fruin ciktorh)s iaito a cpntraa:t for gomis or servim.that has a W ltte pf$100,0K cw mom. which will he pFkW whWliy or partig From publir, funds oFThe Cily. with a compaily (Wilh 10 r+r inctre fmII-LiMC empinyces) utiic4s the contract c-onlains R written v{cri ficalim Fmm the company thal il: (2) d¢e& W boywtl cricTp cornpa-Mcs, and (2) will taut boycott enrAgy companim duriaig thc Lrnri of Om 0mrtrLW- '1110 WmFm '%boy*Ai cnormy npLusy'` alld L*oni pang' have the. Fftanii� asrcribed t[� those ier�ans by C'.hapter 2274 oli the Texas iao+rumment Code (as tAdad by Acts 2-D21, gr Ling., k;S., 9.13. ] , 2), Tn the fixle"t that Chapter 2274 of iho GovernMeR I Cade is :kppliea ble to this AMr-evni eni, liy reigning MW Agrccmimt, UgatratIor eer6fits Il at Cuntractor`s signature pxO+rf04 wrilt-im veriGe#illnn to the iCUY I h*rt Cent mdar, ( 1) 00" "01 hnycotl eirergy Cum pa Aiesa mid (2) will lint huyntl enegy corn p oks. 41 r1 ri ng I We tern +pf 1his Agrwnleo I. F- i 0 prch i bil iun on T,]incrimirm(ion APLiilsl 1=harm I Ammum idon Crulustri�. C num,Ltor mckm3wledges ihxt sceepi as otllorwi-x PPWWO by Ch$p%cr 2274 nF lire Tcxas i;uvcramen1 CM0 (ass ;Wcd by Avis 2021, 97' Leg,, R,5-, 3.11, E9,, § 1), t'hr- CitY ix prOhihaled Fry l i ring inter a C6111faet ter VXAS or sL�TV M 133at has a value for s i 0000 or more %wh iclr wi 1i be pa i+l who! Iy or pertly frmn publin funds of Lhr- City, wish a COMPA11Y (wi11r f 0 or more f"ll-Lirltie C4TYf)l: fCWT WonjI WNcrwW.ri.WIliary&wgi R9PIECOHEM *STA3 1MRD0ONSTRtIr1lClh#NUMIFI{:A110" IKK�Jfxti315 Ci>y f'ro}gclNumft- 1 101Sr>{1 k L-VhrdDWW02� oo�243.5 aeryLent Paw 5 of 8 efli ployccsj MIIi0S3 the conlMl c01i11aina 0 writwp vcrifiW_&ti0FL frorrr the 00mpany llrAi It' (1) does 41CO haws.9 praclicc, Palib�+, Pic4a�. or directive Ural disorLinlnat agAi-nm a 1�r�tm cntily or firearm ag rroia[ioi1; ci ( will 9IUi G. orirnilr�lt-o r�prir� t;14 WnYlk of lire 0�lttra,ct ah,:ri "S' a firCBr]tl enlity or firt%rm trade wuclation- 'I'lu: its "lirti Brill CFL1 " and "llreanrr truth ati ial;oo' have ll%c niemiling pscribtA to Ilto�c lambs by Ctimpler 2274 of ilit: TeXaa I,_10ve9ilMQVL Cocky (as ;n¢cicd by r'ti-ts 2,021, 87" Leg„ R.S, S.[i- 11), 4 I.). To the exlerrt tlral Chapi�l' 2274 *r the C overnnlcn1 ('o{fie in spplleRbIc to Chia Agreement, by iiizrdng t1la�L ARreemcfll, CiDdFrHelo-r cerlifics 111n1 (=o iM-actur's XWiim u re pirovitim writ(011 VUH1 WH60Jr In I ht Cily th" {;Uri tr► -lor: (l) duvN ilnl vkrvt a llrmctiec. LrrrllcY,9111dance.Or glireclive illsrl dk4cl-iuritralesKguirl:S(.0 frcarm -tllity oj' fir-L- rin Ira4le a2au-01 liru; and (2) will mrl di4crhidnato -ngrinsl K 11mrm cnifty or Firearm IratLe AR#acisrlion during the wrm of this Agmnlcnl. F,1 ! immi�MLi[rlt N-Kti,nn 1i.Ly Act. "un[ru�:toR shall verify the jjAmtil} am4 cmpk)ylnent JilgEbility nC LN �:rllploy�s +�'� pQrforsn worl� LrlwJur Ilsj% AV=110M, imiudulg wmpleung the Employment i;ligifxilily VCnficalimii Firm 0-9). Urvin regLic:�t by ('ity, f unLmclor sFrt<II provide CitY wilh MVies of 811 1-9 f 4 silo supporting eligibility JKUnlcrltkjt1U14 tier erx:h WAplr,YCLO %V110 perfaritils work unikr this AFrccmcrik, Cuntnxftr sha I I �dhern Lo all Fedual and Stimtc laws A& *01 as establi9h -upprsrlxriatc procedure. ar�d eonitr�Is s� that 110 Sere ices ~will be, perform-ed by jAny C:untnclor cmploycc who is Rol IcUsilY eligi bla io perform sucks wvius. foPrrRACTIOR SHALL INDE M N I9Y CiTY AND HOLD CITE' FARM LE,S,%i YFJOM ANY I'FNAj;r[F l.lA BI LITW'S, OR LG,&SESP DUE TO i V IOLA'nONS OF Tl IIS PA RAGRAPN By Ci �iVTRAC'i'[ 11, CONTRACTOR'S EMPLDVEES SURC_CINTRAF-71'01 . AGV-NTS, OR L[CENSBM City, upcm wriu-nn wA1 c 1(3 -:()n1r31310t, A0111 h$vt tilt riglll to ilxllrpedialOy laminate this Atrwillent for violalions of illis prOvkiw Contractor. 7.12 No 'Rj_1W_l'arly BODC iciLMUS. 'iltiis Agmmi1etPt gives m rights or bcm its L-6anrnnc 10110r 115rrn the Cily "Ll ille C01111.1-Wor and Ihcrr, we it& Third -party bpmfilihriM -7-13 No (:auw of Action Agail)la E'ngineer- i'�nlruotoPF its subconuaciurs and equipment mid materials Shil)pl'iWs on Ih4 f'RQ�FCr"f rxr ilteir surrties, gall f-A rMlain 110 diin cm bction agaillsl the Calgiowr, its WicbM empL w. ;Knd scb nlrfwt , fQr say claim arising Out of, in conFwaicio wilt, or msultirrg i`mm t11e enginoeriog MrvicMs perfirine.d. (Mly the City will be- The bcm-ficiary Of uarY "ndarulking by tlrc [rngi"Cor, '1110 prc.S:itice OF dukes of the Engin ':S personnel aL a 4oitisl111wiioll site whether w oa-sit-0 repre=Ialim or rAltierwisc. do Ila umkr- ille J_;nSilloer OF its pamilncL in any waY r+�ponsifale for those duties Thal belojtig io 1h� Ciiy and�or iho City's consi-rudion qoljjrjKjpFy of other crtitrtiw, and not relicva the oxisiructioa conlrachws or 0my rAlier aillity -of i trir abiiplions. ducks, mid resp nsibililies, i-nuludirg. 1-]gilt IKA iMmited lo. all slru,clion inafficulac, meuil8, techniquc% sogUenccs, and prndedums necesswy For eoordiikatkig aim[ epmpluliil�, all lxotlioiis of the pQjlmirkL 6aiir work in i&cord[kljee wilh like Conloni lrad cucats and MY 1401th Or SRrcty OreeatrL'mkr' Mlai" by sueh caHtsltuctLoM wOk. Ttw FngjFk T and its pprvanrlel lkfiwc llu "thurity to ex-orci sv vny euntfo1 awer Bay, wrisinw an work. 'floe Engincar and iLs per-sonii0l havo rio Pkaboriiy i0 exertiso fly cotrtrul ower any Irucliokl oomtrador or othcr crdity rr Lheir eulployO.s ilk r;Wy Lion wilb their work Orally heEl1t1L or �fet} p cautions W*Lv;mid SMWNY -ti MtPLKcmcip CITY Of PORT WORM City p4m,ra N=W kuiSW S'rAN1)ARD {,u{,rLakLPLTirjN %mRPUALM N DXL*AvJM- Aai9ej MVJIFIW 2 005E+13 -G Awl+ Image 6 offi IN WITNESS WV E,RIOF, City and Coil mover have exelod tWe Agrea Mkt u0 lx UMMlivc as GF Ibc date %bstrriled by 11bC Ciik 's 4si$mawd Assiwtnt City Mailagv ('Wrective DZW"), K►IMC[�I C R; Cky of Fort WcA Willimm J. Somlla, Iat. dba CI Mole C ComalvoctipwCont ms Py I 13y' — �— PUModo Costa +" Assi=w City Manapr ig�wrll,�rc Apr 26, 2M Termer & drolly Dat$ Fueir° (Prim 1. ° O9�d �i IIi�S: PY'�CSII�C Rl � f }Q — rt _.. Ov8 820 A .J►v.zSsmxy Ppaa nq�� V 4O44n 301.1m to GoodAlr, City Sccretfiiy t'. Q, Il�ra �Ik3 fk (smi) 5DO W TI'mm nkc]I M&-U: HAW [�rl War[kjLejms Di%te' Mprrli ] �, 2024 76M _ Fumi I�95 No.: 2024-1114404 cii � mtemlpi cAm(r&l Corrlpiiante MRikecRcr-, By signing, I Wcmc wlmL p Lh et I aryl t1w 1mrs}ou ro-Wnsihle far Ibc rnonitothig act administration cif this wmew, _ /P. zoz including, ensuring all perfammuc ;find reporting l]ile: rbglklfclnca�ts, � f ti Dow fir- fi v Appravod Is to form Gild LAp y: SC. e%ssistam Dly Attoiwy crrY []I. 6ORTwOIr171 STANI)Alkl (JI'Mil K L'1 M 5PIniwATION EXK'tIMRM' It-Eyb P wnao)2 Chtis(*ker I i;anks, 11JE- OFFICIAL RECORD Dim'ctor' Waite Dclmftmun9 CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Yeast rod1 sonkwy Serro kpincenmd CiLy I16*cA )*m' sr I'Mm DU61 «• t P ki-URMAWE It ND pac I of BOND NO.10016SSlid 1 SECq]ON 00 6113 PERFORMANCE BOND A THP "A'rk''F, OF TKX0L4 � S § KNONV AU, BY'fS11F%V 11:>ltl?5CINTS; 7 11IlIl Iwo- William J. Schafc. 41bW Circle C Qfl.4t1"UVd.91I CBMP�o 9 "Pril+cipal" hercin and Nk-rcFiflas Bumjling C�!mu iM11luAl�' _ -- ,$ Cprpnr141-� 9 vurvly(sllraies, if TAM IhDirl one) dltLY autllari=d 10 Cb busid&K in 111W Sate of Tem. knowrE as 10 '$urn" 1weirt (wheI18r ane or mum) we hold !md Grmly I mixl u1110 the Ciiy of Forst YMnril . a 1 rnw�6cip�1 rp l �KMan _ creased1' ur uanl m Ilse lows of Tana;, hpw wn as' Cily" heroin, iri 1ho pciipl Ten Milliai1, '�ilrirac undred lrllil $even Thaumi3d I2 murn of, our 11tL t;., RL4y-Figh1 �%1 1}*k-**�••*t ll� 13 ($ i 1,{l, 7'4%v.UO` Irmful nkancy of the Umi1W Slalt*r Its k paid In Potl Word_, k 'farrmil Crwnry, Tcxw for lltc pay+metll of w1kich stilly wall and Irwly tit be rrmdx. we biio 13 aursOves, a4hr hcim mcckllm. mdminiSLralors. suDu 0rsailld anigm, juilttly jAid s verfiily, 16 firmly b3 chew pT IML'€. 1 T WH RlsALS, tk PriRCipaM 1185 *61Crcd Nltfl 41 u4ttai)" Wfitlgll V,0r1IrnGt Wkr the City 18 awe dcd Ow 19th I My of March _ _, ;«M_, which ConlFad kR Ila eby rel'empd Lo -nmJ 19 made a #u1 hcrWf fbr all lrurpmg as if hilly =I 1`urth7 croMn, lid filmi b loll utgurialrs, 0AHil"AIIC01 20 labor and othor aQueJ«wri-asilGline4 by L%W, in ft pr ti0rl-Of11he W&k, iMQltfft� AIV ChAllgC 27 Or&m, as MckvidQd few wr' said UoMyac4 denigniftd! as WATLIR AND SANITARY SF'k ER -a RULACEML'J'+L"E L C1N7'VAC T 2071,WSM-C', CITY PROJIB 71• NO, 103500 NO+r'4', T111.F'REFORE.limmidition of Mr. oblIgmirm is smolt lbt if dke "id Pr:in-wapal -7A $stall flithfully pm-forin i1 W lgafkM Undcr rile CcmtrvA and -shall in all mvgcts-duty and 2s faithfully perform lha Wmk, includlup, Changc Micrs, undo 11w Canir "t, .n, rding In tbi� Flm� 26 c wrad d(wtuninktA lhcrvin rel'rmRd lo, and as wall du0ig' nrYy+ Paw of 27 exmiision ooft eCOatrmeA that may he gmrtsd an the pxd oftt icily, thrrl t{kis obliobm shall be 2a mid bvcmus rivII mid void, othorwiso to remain in fulL form artcl�l�tel. 7.9 is111!v11)v'ii vIFk,rHEk, ti*t idany I emi xlkO he filed un 1his Bond, vettMtc Shall Iin in 30 Thkiiuil Co1WIly, Tcmu or dic Un&d Slatts LN511F0 C "rt fiu isle Nodhern Dlmvicl of'I'amm. 1"Oct 31 Wardh DiVi9i0 t, CITE' Of PMT W(*TI1 'A nai mA Ungar• 5cmi 14vpWtj2 l R7`Ai�C A���OOQSk9#L1 710NSI'FJL'L+'li"AllyMKIJ ` VM CaWIiIA 1 Mlr'45t6W KC4:ihrd Mly 1.2411 CI I'w IrAbW F bKt , IMN OVSII112 rvnuoRw h*-JE 10CM lapel .00 This bend ie, made MW CXCUUICJ uY CLIOWliaaW with Lkle provisiUdY$ of Clmpl*, 2253 or0K. 'l' �i aW l`r1n1CrlLt C OdC. a6 emery. Its all Iiabililks 01; Ihia bond Shalt bg datumilled in RCra4 F4L'YlYM wcilh 1150 prpwiminm orvnid 91owe. 4 W WITNF*v,WIiFRF01r, qie Plincipa! 4"Ild MLic -umly Gi;avc SIGN and MALED 5 N5 inSlrliL ain by dimly ffighorired 211901 IkJ'Pf =rs M �brs the Ind ry+ of _Arlril is 12 . T IG 11 1� 13 a� 13 lb 1? 1S �.0 r"f 37 19 79 10 )L 12 13 14 33 3� EEG 41 42 43 Ad 45 ATCC P r ��i�l� Sc�Ix1oA'� 1Vlithel� � Wilaaes rrs10 Prin ipnl PR1'1C LVAL- W MfLrn J. S-chully., I n-c- �Ilari - MY+C1Ckii'ML4 L,LI 17 �. IFIdl1}il}' �I��Lrrc T rrtsa S, 5kAY,.PG'fislkLuml j4anja piOJ TUC' Addrm: 5W W. Trar1111kCL1 P. IOL Bnx. 4032� . . Fort.Wfjrihh -TYL '76 L41I ,svW T1 M-Orchi OY.- — Shgry l �4. KIutlsr Atfurncy-W-F:R1I Nmra raid T it IV Ad* s' 009 V4'O#i wn P-arkwax wc5il Dev h1gYinrt�,1 A M261G-M4 + _' It1c h�v lurn},rr: (�4 ) 678.1$'171 ss Wimcasta Sorely dAH A. h r n -N-01c= If $iwied hyr an rafficer of Cha ';L3FC1Y 470111pEYL}, be LAti 1 Llr- a WE"Kd {xlraet frorn Lqw b-lkkwx s1wwiHld Ilwr! Mix pCf4 Mk hinS eOM3r4 to iiQ,iti SIJQh UGiPMkaY- lE LIL}+�s pl,jr&YC�1 adraf� YS d11�erCm �LI,s ils rLti;Lilimg �iJdsF idl must bra 1ewlded, Tlac dILjR np L11a bind s16,11 I" b.L' pTiQF 10 1he dile ilYlr C.CMI aCI 15 aWrdO. CITY (PF KW WORTH gT tKII �-UMTRI S �1ClV SY'L'{7E�ChT +1 I7rh7C S %rI t PCri,eiI* IL2@[Y WKerwl Sow ryN-Yar Itoccurrm[nl -'I-I Y r'RWJ:C7' NLi I0).K} MER_C14ANT?� B D1 Ci COMPANY. - POWER OF ATTORNEY myw All t'rtlsar:L IW Thww Prioad"Is. lhall MERC AWTS EgNLW4G CfWpA y [MU f1JALI MW M€Ft-C AIVI[S NATthI.%L 00c,Il7M ID. bathlbping carporelloro dl11itSWU oe%W*.dlbfa MerrllPnL%Nullo►ukIndviernk's:ornpanryr1111ii CVIvnis &*j ft4erelntOIL4{MArmillodthe -GwVnnles•I dohnreby nrgtloa. mnalfdln and aWOPA. WhitWATI'. John A MlIer. Shetyrl A Ibis their uuo and Ie+ bii Aawir*oi in•rarl. to srpu Ks name as ikuu{a ) prrd w eiw_Lft. #". ■m1 BC1nv *dge bny mA on one dlidl4rSakr''►d6, widwis and curer srrllan rnsUL—OnLs n :n9 natue• Uwmof, M WhaH 0 ft C4rrm?+nle5 In Ihek lbueMaNs M %JMraoleelr%g fkm ikieldY 4f pwsana, 0deranlc+aAg Um par li)4nunm al CerYaacLs *no awetuling or gvw;rdnenig Imnds 31+4 uMerCa"F- requlrlKI 4r Puftn IE'a kr aaly iKu ns ar pr0C4R96rgS. al"9d bX 1111++r TI4 Rorirr-04Wcrrrreg ib grarged uj49 is sgrled ona seowor by fa;�8lmrlo Lidift And by ALj:harily & Ihwe tdlotyN gr-Lows adood(P " Rho $nerd ¢r uirecuxr, or MercNilinls Bortwoa qr' 4MLftall on hprri 23. 2Df i SeW orneipdtd ALg.rsl 14. 2015 *rid adopW tyr Lhe D*Wd of [yvi? dors vA umi:ILW&WaI hoivzBan ding.1nq, on.#Jxftr 1t7. 2015. -tiro Pre57dlurl, aeu-elory, Treamirrcr. or top hssiswi traewier or " AsslsfanL ,r�ncntfaDr yr anX V4* fireki611t shall hp h power Aid aruutiarlLp Lo 9ppD" Awrrroys-ir•Foci. and W arlCrorue Mom La eYCcule Lilt "hall & 1he -CarpoMny, and *119ch',hu See or 1he Cernparry Onrclo, NuwAs and 4inderlbkiliQx, rewpnlrnnua. rgr&;Lcds 614NOCmritx VA mer yAmrkpsalrli¢plary rrinq rsfure VW".' 'flra 518nsfura 6I oisy oL hWlrrd often rind ille Gem eR Ille- GnmparrX rr*y be 0f6;Ce1% by iat:�iinoa or 10 Any F'¢we GI ilfforii" or c*rlrfrratil 1hamcui e{Erronchry 1hv aroebuIO and deuur!rj of oriy bond. srndc'Iaknrg, mccano um. de 41hor atil9;ys.h-P 1309Rlrm6 of %hn r)mp", olyd such slrpnplgro arld wI wheh as mad 3hMM hove ft sarne %reo Frra elred is Ihaugh mnry ajt Rnod.- IM camui'.Irem with oblptiont is War of lhi) frlordo Depariink- 1 al Iran Porlallon hilly, rl vs aijrr+nd th3L41O fiowar tad ALA hwilp hmctef diVr,r. Io Pit! Allornay_lr!,Faa ridµdes arVy end off C4r&eri s ror lho- nel8dsa of reMBlard per"minge. *n:lfar final urummles On rr►aiiherrig and oonxlrutli9Li oanvaclo rerqulied W 1he 519te- or FIOrWA Liep8Mmard of Toorksp-mufficm. IR It rully underil,14d Iha9 Co umminq Lo the Slow MirlolHuLe fyrpar"Out a4TrsASpWI;-14* r m9king payment 01 'Ih4 frrah 9ellrnWM fe tl5a Ccwdr6t W arrdkd IIr: attijnre, sh&H not roIW* this "Oty ca:np*1 b' of 31Trr 01 i Is hbllgahorrs wAar da bV4• IR Donmecfri l wnh ohligbuura in rsAnw of FM K**urtx DoparlmenL of Hghmayrs o", rl it agread MM titre powdt 4nd WAORCY herew glwen Lo 1I* Alhtarney_w'Faa c-tmat be *nod or waked whie" pr+ wddan WOMM noIICU al srKhr Inlmnl hras 1iow yh+trn 14 Ilne D mmaslor�rr- CDrpa,Ln'MM og 1 iipi Wwpys of vio t,.�arnffkx vtjn or Kitrntucky el Id*sR `MhLg (9%dnyt. pdor Ra LP* madficaGei+Cc revftb%r- In f,Vminu Wharrd. Rlre GomW*S ftwde r_8tfled this LiKtrurrreuL 4O tse sl"O 8rrd se81el tea 200' 'day of M*Idh 2M h"" I F"d"d. F . • • • •'+ I MERCHANTS QgN'DING COMPANY IFOUTUAL) �+ � i;0,p1'q{r ''r� ++fy+ *F M'.C-RC HANTS VATLOMM, WINDING, LWC.. ditbfxMERGHANTS RATIQNAL RNIII;MNRTYCOMPANY [� r AL MATE OF IOWA .;� i • + 1'f �' COUNTY OF DAh R.As e& ''• �.�.•+�'' i3m Dom Wh dair i;YI MzWdh W21 . mfcme m* z"red:Lowry T*O r, le rr* parwuallk Vrrawn. who beirib I,p me C,rh' s,,arn did uyr LhM Irw -i% 134eRikrrI of MEICI"T5 J1ON0Ihq CONPANV MtlrTIJ AL) and ML ffiCl tANTS NATIONAL GDN%'iINf, INS.. and flirt the e805 affzx!I la 1hoTa oinPirrWurrauL*ra Lhe;.erporele Su4n of Ihd Urngmnlas: sad Wren ihvsao inmwi!rrk wm5 signed onA sealed iri hmaH al the CDmpanlue by 4puirodLy V 1e*P&OuLL BOuds Of 17hard01c. Rim L.o corritrikurrrrrL�,xhkam pi" maw). pirblr tibp(ralroil of naitwq'1.{jy%rnisylondoes ruylk'n'afrda b IlMs ina1 uePpnA) I, YMFLm Wtimer, Jr., 4eCnp'lare of WIRCHANI & OONIMNG C)4RPAWV IMILPTRUAL) ar d 114RC ANUS NATIDNAL BONDING, INC., tp heshb'y cargy ihaLlha obaVe end fareDON is a 0190 and GamV:[_Lc43" ill isle P0V* rGF-ATTCX N€V @-ppculed by SWOC¢mpRWts,wNghes sr0In11jid 1tK*irid aiIa0 and has noLbLLrr+arm erid 0 arrevok9d Ir< Sf4rrf:rl•5B Mefj�of_ I hat* Ir$r�unRD SCrL my hand end *dlimol Lhe seal of the DCrnpanrt9 on 11110 2nd day of Apo. 2024. 4 j4 rCrbp t -All 2003 PDA 0018 (1 Z) QUA? It •F BOND NO. 1110161SR4 SECTION a0 fill 14 PA'Y MENT U0141) I A THE STA'M of TLxAS 5 KNOW ALL UY Tf3VSH iffRFSE.N"l'%: 6-CQIlJNTY Op TAURAt+ T 7 I I+st we. 'Vwilli�TMM ,i_ ti ll�di� ItMc- MII-a Ci.�'mle C + nxitgtlunt Ct mn�r�Y� kMawn �s 8 "E'tir'ciPMP IW6111, 004 l CVChr1RJ3 13pmllill}L C n11101hy �h11M1wIj� 9 wrpoisto :surcq Oureliio X duly authwiead to -do 4osinms In the Slaw of Tars, kftvwn ws 10 "St1rrtY:" IWOITl (Wklencff 011E6 or MOM). ire hcld Ad firmly hound unto the Ciiy of PM V GT1h, M 1 i 1nurlieip-M wrporeiimi oiled pursuant Mn Iho Laws orthe s(w afTc=, boom as "Ciry" Itcrcint Ten Million. Thmc llunclnsl F10-y-Seven Thousand, 32 in the pcoal win of Foor Hundred Fift-XiL'ht xrW N&100"I''tw.111.;t* Callan '13 f$ *10,357j- S.d1F- }, Iawfal mancy of the l.lrOrd Slow, to 1t! paid in Fur# Worgi., 14 'Terrmrll counly"rexa-% for lilt pay14Mor11 -01' Whio1i Mirk wicIl vid truly btr mWe, %w bind cmexlyes, t 3 our heirs, cxe. ws, admi,3ialraWrs, 31rcc1 cs mA imsignIs, jaid �r an.1 severally. firmly by N-'%c 17 WH FrlWAS, ?I Incipul INn cldcred into Ek ccrlaaja wr iffen C-Emdrav with City, 4%vur+kd 11,e Ll 19# !$}' of _ L mrrLh ! _ -- 1 h-Q 74 . witich CDnirnU is hcftty ref0itul ILP mid i9 111110C n parl hcrcckf for Al pUrPOSCR ere if i'u14y set fr;r1h herciN w Purnish all viiaterjuls. equipawlt, 20 labor and 0111ar scat-mrlei :Ls do romd bk law, in the pT utiod of zhC 'M Ork EkS fps' idyl ror 61 21 said (`anl v and desigrnated as 1`lKrt- K AM) SAN1'TARY rEWkk Rf;I`LACE;M.IRM' (Y)NTVKA(J202I, WSKC, CITY >aROJEC-1' W-3. Mao. z NOW. TFiEREFORE, THE hff Mo N OF THIS 0I3LIGA-11ON is Sash Md If 24 PdflicMMI AWL PR) r1L1 Mon" vwfmg 10 *ay (s>l d nil) pI rwTbr brwd benePt+:. aFy (as d✓ riniz in t5 C'hVlar 2253 of llwr Texiiis 0,nvetmmenr L cxbx ., as mrianndrxl)1n llue pTawRNion 4f the WIA; under 36 lb-P commot, lhen this Oblig16011 shall be E1JW Slid-e I1u1I *111d Void. rfti;`rWWj1SC tO 7rlMin ift fj& Z7 forw and-efrccl, 23 'I'hi5 harrrd L5 Tawc 2n14 o.Nccurod lit emnPHRUV wilh the PMV3S.10175 Df ClkRpMt 2253 Of ft 29 Tevm Gil vrrT1Melil Vvde, as ankerld d, and All ii bililies on this buoW slioll W dckmiincd in 30 amordmko kvith dw pruvisions of sat! slacklic. 31 S1 A)MA 011- C43isIS7'R IXTIM SM101 ATM r0"ENTS r' WIR C'I 1. WSW ltericrd Jute 1. 7011 01Y P"EaC`T "a LSD oa�l a�• � P�k1'i�l�►fT pal} pap 3 4# I lid WFTNFSS Wl]Fl f()lR,111c t fH,oipaI CIeld ;ursly have coo'h SIGNED mkd 81-Al-EC? 2 Llri.q inslfUrnCFLI by duly att11G.0rizLd gggnLr, iagd Lr[%"rs on 01S i Ore $nd dey or I Aiprk1 2d Zq_ 4 ATTE'S7: mv� 5crclr'ii� h'Ir Li�k d-' -ILIJBsS 41s Ik) PFiircip.1l A'i`r. r- { ;alrcty -wj;�M m qp Surd1y JIrho . [liillty ]IRINCII'AL: By SG$natu� Tcrr%a St kCjlyy Pry A-10 Nmrne mrd Title A res; 501) W. Tr.PMFM-al N'orllw gb,.TX 7049_ SIB LAITY' BY: SiPiam SFfcalA. Khatjs, ACWFACY-a ct N.Pmc :aYrd Ti[k AddT B- fi70U WcHtaiur k*hV Y. -- %VCSj.6n MQ1..6'I h 1A.,9266-77-d Tclvoonc Number: S 6 1Va1c- ] f siguvd by on QIf wxf Of The S�Il41y. Ihler�e rnusl be Q41 f3ile �cliilled txhYWT the tly1m.5 showing 1ha1 Lhis perwn has Bulhorily to sign SLIC11 abHgUiom If SLIFOY's Ph)%k-ul 1 d amss is dilfcre.AL from its maijutig addTesa, Wh muSt Ira piuvidkcl. 10 Tht: date ul`tile bond SibalI Rol ltit 1)rivr 1(i Ih�e dew Ile Ce ftaQr is a41"a1 . i I FN D (lF Sl 710N L2 and 54,14 ry Sewtj pcL$eemen I S1',i1J[3ARr1C{XNSjRIaC'PI[31 WE.I=IFlce%'fcrfY Pwm-A., 103M RCWW4 July 1.301 1 ME H NTSq� POWER OF ATTORNEY ?rirp AllParedrrtV4 Iheet No$onls.t)ial MFRCIrJtikdT5 f30I% WIVIP✓~NY WVTLl1htl4!rird 1EIiCa ANTSHOL1101AM. H❑NDINC. 6od-ik+elW wrporalioinol Ih3zS7alc b1 Iawm. WWa f• Kjwd& KMionol lndeeTrnlly CompaMgkl CAI'arnI6 ONJj ��eikvi{ >r'�liuelyt tc�7he -Cw Vpnfcs`f dober,0 yrmaAa, uop5lrlulr and oppolnL,indhMmity, jow A MW Bheryl: A DAB Ilri!�r Iruc and IM111 Alloruej(b)-rrrFesl, Lo !Agn ILs now as 5j.FEKvps7 and to egacut, cuel *nd aauxro~ sny 3ffEl #a kmnde. VnErtAAirFv!�. corfhatte en4 [{her wrMn rreA-uffWIp In Lha uppjre tkmrUor• on i3vNM oil the Op■,Wlas in Orrolr Wwrot& ON guaranledfng Lhe 5deblycf pcia�&4.�_..j3ara rarfFbeiru} iron psrkwir Ke of WnLep{I$ d @Vc Wling d+ quercnlleakpd ¢iult ands nd uudmakin! s aeqtd a 1perrnricd ar &V ■chons c r pwce dera a sKvmtd by law, Shh PtrMW-lf Allamey M grareed and• rc sL n ;n¢ scakd by Lrsrmie hi'K1or and by brdhorfj or lho irs kn%finQ By-L+ws addp4Cd try Lhe HQW-S d M04M ad MermerMF Uandury Carr%vanlr OMuWll on Aprt 23, 21ai end omtrrded Awgusl 14. 2I}1h and adonlem bX the ward of G4eQcws of A1er€h"lNabohal Pnnclinp, luc,. oq Omuher 15. 2d1S. -ltse Pfeeidt:nl• SerceCFrp, lreaaLwer• or any 046wLani Teo wor or hiLy ArsL;Iar?. Smnlary oy nn'f Erma f1m4weni shall, have power pnd w7i.arily Ip appoml Ailerneysdn^r&#. and to rruftn.7o 1hfiM Ip o► erL t Cn tcimll of lh* Comparyrr_ art oltach Iho soul e1 ft DDrnp+any ftrelo, bonds hnd underlukings..coidfoc%-of iudemiruly ar.4.60I +%inrfiingu uUi06lpty in Hie ripliac uwieor' Me 1u nzftrt of erfy aimcmixea nldccr wV M sell urma tmpulyrmay be at6e4 tyriu[sifrialD car clencrlr-tramsmi50A to an)rf"bw+er-0f Atloirtep Or Itrtreof rrlhoroing the cxacufioiE $n(I deliw" Cd ■ny bx4 uniibrlakfill. iea gnraallrxi• or clhj:r eurrilynhip 011paL-ons of 1ri4 Ci}mpany, Birdstxh s'rpnelwe and "al vAwn,saumid snarl ha■eZhu #ame r" antiaRrcJ 8SLhough+nbnoBilyUrd' cn cauM6w wAh AlgiFllons in levor ririhr rICron 13epriamenl of Tranap0lalion wly. II Ix agreed !ZeI 1hepower end Akl holily Nmfty plyen io 111ie Allomey•la-Fact nx Agos ony wA da cceaarde Po! II're rdb6Asa of rt+leilrad peramalleg" andke rural eslhr+4*G on aflr�iii9#hp grid bDn$irvd xm. aonlfai�;b rtgnimd by 1h4 Stele Ur 111m r DaDer1nu5nl of TransporldW, 11 Lt hAy unda,slcod IKM cnraenllfffl to Iha Sw *1Flofkl8 Ppparunrall Df Trar':;perWaban Mgkkrg p'ayT+H+nk err 4h& ifs psbm8le� W ttm OanlrvAar andko M$ assigrkl0. r.hall not fVHKM IKE iLtf* VW"M f M onq e+I 1% ob I -op hens unftr ks4oud. 4h;,,rmcliorr Wbkh obkgollope In foyer -or the Mariwicky [Wpar4nerd 01 Fughwaya dam, II is egf-oeo anal Iha power and adillpNty heroW WYgn to the dllcrney-rWo 1 carnal be modified *r ravokad WU46s prior wdlfppn pe+caoo rwrite of such inlarw lin bren plvari to }tro CWnrob ,ranef- porpar+fnerxol H;VtwuySU1 the Cflmfr!x+Dakr-or Kxpfur-kk al. lefi I7hktfJ10j UWps priN 0lhr6L rnWj0IWrhor ieve-e lian. InVAInrss SNherft, the Go-parnlee love vusrd flit�rrW rncM10 N-signed arQttaltd flue 2¢Ih daY of F wOk - IM3 - �''r''� �4r'+•rr F ■' • • • +{ IMERCHAHTS 94N04NQ COMPANY IFAUTI AL) y� � �f F*+..t ,a, • �r MtIL{`Fk NTI] NATIONAL 90Ha111Q, INC- i r Y� ■ drbae MERCHANTS NATl Ail. 1f94EWN11V COMPANY .y . .# a . , STr476OF IC1SrA 'r�r{F L7�` i+F■+Fir■+ CQuhfTY 1aF r1ALLAS ir3 err INs 201h dby pr Mach 7M berm via eppeurcd Lori T*Vlar, In ma irR opfw y %fmm, 7npru L•eln; t.v n:t *,,N wrc'rn 01cl soy 11ret ha n Pin6en1 0 MERCHANTS H{1NDdG GCWANY tMUT4ALj and IyIRR IMPS MATK)M OUNDING. Imo'.; and Thal iha $aals affU0 In 11r12- rcrrgoirk3 iiiV,uLn�enL ar-& Ihb Carper &4.& ar Of9 Curnpadlaa; Ord Lhal the svd inrs1ionlenk wns elprwpd and seaIt(Iin tic hag M dw ilrimpmle6 W oWho+ily Oflheir reW[E+tGoerd!) 07 L71rc*M. -11 1'{f l Lee Ph Cy-1Il+kertsr rfl2P37 J4bfag'• r�r,h� 4Erpkaum ojryplarrfs caweamsloadose noan'alddlo Iris rnslrra+frentj r. tiWi#m V& P*r. Ar,• Stvekpry or MERCHA4TS &DHDIt4�i C 0 M P A N T tMWrUAL } and MERITS hIATIIf ihhr ALL SON 17A 14G. INC.. 0 imrobk "ridy IF.9 the obaue arkllixrgc- 1V isa true aW rprrccl rope or1he PGSNEIR-DFATTC'RIEY eUCUMICbk Bold Cefrnpanres.-rWCtsl4 sllHipr rt,a i0{G4 utdelrWarrd Ina fcd been err*Wad a PavoNad. Ln VftcgaftereM, IblRrim hbmnW W my hK4 orld animijihe&eal the Ckfm;inie7• rill Lh2M day cif p{¢rd, 1024. k■■■7 r■4 4. 01 IRE a M `ja* 1 ; T '• '�#i '7�3 A F* I-OA0018(10 ) ppp■■.i■ D.()ND NO,. 1PO1615R4 f SECTION qQ 61 19 2 MAIN TENA1w CE B0ND 3 4 5 7 }Sap 1 Orr I 1-1IE ISTATE 01+ TEXAS a LCN{�V1 ALL BY TIi'ESN VRRUNTS: Tlig wt Willimn J. Sc13 AW.� Ln Ljhn Cirde C CnnNlT11Vluaj Conlli:o ny , kilemn U "`I'>iftlpil" $tvm t1W MCrchYrnl &r�1�ijl, �[:u�rrlr;rn� t<'r1ul _, a cosprait saklct} (swlctiet. if more ilran one) -drily urrfiorizrd to -do businms i o tits smw orT-+xBS, knDIA-11 X� "SDI " h in (tiSrWw -onc ur roarc), w helcl arld firnl ly be low alpla Iho City of ftwl V4'0rtk ar IRLIniViltf+l CUr arnliolt Crcolod -purnvow la $c laws -of the l' ;sic -of Ttws, knowq as {'City" herein, cu UUon. Thrcc HardIred Fi11)- vcn 3Tnfousillid irr ow -mon of Four 11juadred FlfV-E ht.MUL NQ3 IO.d- �*� • `ew�4ll�ars f-S -1tw. 97 +S N01r -K, lawNI rnctiicy af13x D1n'w $Wcsy W be paid ur Fort W-wili, 'I arrant C-uulkiy, T-vxus, for payttlenl of which slim w+:ll and Truly lac ra>ak um the Oily wid its .%mceswus. we bH4 -amelv=. "r hcim. -exiLculots, admiplisirtLjoK sjneccs 6rs and ass9vK.joinily find SMOrally, f1MD1y t5)the9e lVM"ns. W11CREA S, Lhr 1'rincipAR lrgs cntmd inla s cerlmin wrillon do ilnol Wilh the City Awarded the 19(h day Safi_ -_ M&fjL_ — , 20, , w)d-eLl Conlltie t is hereby mfcTmd to and a ma& l' oet iier-c- +f for ail ptMrj-�oscs ;Ia if fully set forth herewiy, to famish at1 malrials, egaipffwAkt I&bQrand ellncr Dmesso-rigs as -defined by taw, in Ih-t prasmiktian of tltt Work, includi" any Work r,�sultilig from a dilly aulhorlFcd 01inge ()rdcr {ecAlcrLivcly lumiu, ,Ile "111ork'j w prowidcd fflr in said cmi=L rnd dne gmmled Rs WATER ANDSAMITARY SEWER RFEPI.r'li~ SW ENT CrONTRACU 2021. WSM-C, CGTY PROJECT N(k 103500-L and W]IEREAS, Pdwilpsl binds iBelf to use Such maruuAls and io w coostriLd Idle Wo* in ACC6ft41 C Wilh IbC 111R1M9, sf+ccifi*ationFL Anil C014[rBCi 060ttn.C49% Thal the WUdk is attd will reme ift fnry licin del;lSL in mawrialc or workmovi Ahip for and during tht period -of t%w (2) yeibm alter the Ole of Final ACceplowu of the Mork by the City CL-Mahktvi Rtrac Parivd%, anti, WIFE'REAS, P(incipal bends ibcIF90 mpoir rr raC00.94ruGt 11K Work in;wllol0 k9 in pall ulson rc#OiViug nolicc k0M 1111C OV OrLIM 1rcd 1110Mfi r nl My 161k w411111 Lllc Nfitirrtc olice peri . tan 1' (w Kwi WILT 114 ww wd S%nnarF sG,w Nplaacwm VVAWDA;K1) 'CAJ57P:kKT1CP4 W-41FICATWM MKLJMI:NTN CINTRACT bG}KW.W-L ftVorLb J41} 1, 21A 1 C 1 ti' L'kWOL L NQ Ifi IQMo oo(pl IS?-3 MAJN iENAIXR MM1) R'" I O3 I NOW TKEREFORC tlm €onditiwk of Ihis O�"Plkdk i!� :muc:h OIRL if MOCipl1 SIMI I romedy gni dcfccLivo Wes, f�rwhich tiny* MOM wins. pfovickdby CAA. w a mnpktion RM kfacmry to 111c C.Hy. Own MS abliplian slIalk twmnir, null surd vuiA,-,Ilicewise io rel al k in 4 full farrmond eNd- S 7 8 4 10 IL 12 13 14 1s K 17 L8 34 pRovilm R,1 i ice' Ev RR. i f Frineimd AmIll f*Lii rU tQ ropair -�ir eecoTtstma MY liffie[Y nroiic+all darmAivc %V43rk, it is ;ngea l illat the CRY may cau% uny Arid mil SLI4b ¢crcctiyc Work W ltic rcpxiirrd RnAIarTvWII$1rncrW vMilh all asscc�cd cash 1lrarcofbeing hcmic by the I"ri�ipak mnil IkM !3alFDIY UDdOr Ih is MAiMenal"')"d; 'MW FRO VI kER FLdRTFtRR, lllat if any legal artioll he riled on IhE RCnd, Ventw SNIk lie iTk T�HRmt C011Fmy. -fgxm cfr the 1 h%ilad �tmcrs Fi +qj iCI court for the mrdwM 13NIHot flf TC-Na& FoEt Wwk L Lviiioo; ukd PROV I DF F) F1J RTFFF.R" IhM tliis -AI4 e M SAkI 11 be cunt 1mmus ifl Ilalurc uv.ceS-.iva amwerics m4 ba FM hercun EQr 15umvsspvc brcw-Ws. (.r1Y r3F FORT i4 MTII STANUhfkp q'( UTWuIr" SPk41FICATJUN ROC1M MI-5 3�f 6ad J* IL bal 1 Wnit" mdSamlPr Nl!kkmrE'.lC,�kCffF�nl CMI PACT 70N, WSM-C -ULI Y PRolucTmI. 1039M 5 LO 1L 12 1� 1� IS 16 17 18 L9 20 �1 '2 4 25 26 27 28 29 3E 31 32 34 3� 30 37 M 39 do 41 LpO -bJ 19 - } M.%paj--NANCE HON13 µAv:3arI IN wITNE:.i!i WHFKV)F, the Principal and 11kC SUMV Itia�re ea�1s LL;T4'-;Dand S1iAt.L�D Ihics IJtStMTFW111 by dkiIy ariOwrirxd t4,Un1x AI'd Officers Lrit 111iti C"v —!Lml_d4'y uf- 6pril _y 20 ATIT-SP. (P al) SCCFCtBrY h1 i01itk 4. 1 1 Lk WIld#9� M 10 YAILCiNi .L'rTEST: (14u I tart' 1V,Lwmm jOncty Jobm px1LgCW-&I-- Williaih J. SchrL114 SnC. LLba3 a: Ti�rc%a S. 5kOv, Freiidcr.t lQmkp wid Titlo MkifeW 5041 W,TranWC11 _ Fnvt WOrlhM 76 0 MCKCM tfl5 na Cont pail)-,AMII tuial) �+ 131F- _ _ - 5� r ryi A. KIulo. Aiterimr-il Fmcl mar" and Tit-W Addre . 6760 Wes"n PihrkwNy weyl Des MOiFK-Z L VZE&17-iid Te1cpblumtkEik1xr: M' O� ITL otu: if51rIYLA Lpy ,uk oilixr E.f dic SktrcLy Cuo7lwky, lheriv must 1e oil filc A-CW'ficd ea " rronk 11t,c by-kiws sbo%y q thM AS pemsrL has Aulhorily go 940 suvh ohliguion. If %-Urcjy`s pl,ysi al &MMSS 4 dilflomat from Ns mailing address. L*Mh FnOSL be pmvlded. -Ire dale ni'ahtbnnd xllall rLct be prlOr 1-0 tlac date the-OIMacI ht ih"wdDd. CITY (w PORT WOFT 1 STAAlafti>uOKmkLCil[111*�L CiFtC'+�7hs}Nq�[x�Is�I:311X Rcrkd lay I, At E weer a.a Wnvr %cLw, "KcMCO ernr �.>��xr�❑. IOI ME CHAN -7, 4%� BONDING COMI'ANY.- POKER OF ATTORNEY Know A2 Pumvilm Fly Thesa P4"eM+ .1hal. MCnGMAT 0 ROMEMF I-, f'( 1■1PAUY JW rILAL) arml MEFU>PANT B N+ATI"L BOMlwi, INC., bco beirV mg;Pni2&ms,ol We SIP[* al laws. a Mee ardi Winnal Irdunv:i'ji'GompAny IilLCnL&rr-imavh(l Marain cDHd&%esly railed IN -Co+eper►-s-) do I'ereW Mika, oort3Glat& find appoint ii%Wdualy, John A Mdagr_ Meryl A f{UN Rvi- trr4 on IffmkA AtIurncy(Lj•Irarf#d. Ifi siW [it mmn as surnryijW and m apecula. saat datd *{Sala I0dQt erly Find all Ixr+145. iindtrkakrru)S. wrrliacts and oftr wriMen vi711trnwas In 11" rrQlism LF'elftl. on bcN f 4d the CampwrtF In dheh of nu*srrincln$ LF+e F&Ilyi QI persons, quBranleelnT like perrarmrrrror ar *Dnlr-201 ar4 oeWN a gde+9n14arr4 1 lift and underiakings ecqureu a peimiltd rti orq nuivris or p oteoVFngs allowed by Ipw. Voss F'gwer-of-Allu ay is $iamd *no m sigmel " !;cabad by l9cmi fa LkWar Rndi by Aulh" of Ore b%wing By•LaYoi Wnr ed by III PoAed of LUm7ctvia rl MgrriunL3 EWY 11ng CompNry RNJIu24) mir ,pol 23, 20 P 1 Brad omended AWgUs1 14. 21115 -rrrd ad"d by on Board Ur macmis o+ LlerdhMAN Motional tNmrdlfg. Inc., on rld.�oWr i & H$ k 'Tlrg Fresideml 3auolary, Trti6dr4)r" er any Aulsinnt Freacordicr a ally ASiI512nt Sets-BI9r}' or any V4e F'rrsder4 3ttlo hallo puW4r WW ihth4nLyl Lo appoint ALbaff ay!P-Wi-Fo,1 and 7o whoraa Irwin ra cumm co bf'}RTI of Iho- Cofn wqu and 6llerrh, 1ho seal rid iho- Company Kmrrroln b*nds and underlRkngs, rebnnirmus, uaYr mlR arncleffwW idul eMerxt4+FpxaShlrpaloNiel$4 ndure Ilw■eeoi.- 'rhe 3ilji -- io ed any auUwvlTrsd ortfroei aiid the seal 4 Ilae O mpany nUy tM affixed uy i1wimile or eder unilc transrfftsWri to any ftwv-. of Mornay ar CerlPf abon IhermQJ BUlharizrrp 7li6 &Wecubon iia4 rleliuery fir" hand, ulydUrinking, reuigen4once, or aftr aumt5- ilp ppllgnLons or ft CarnpL� . and such :Sldrhx%ire on* a*M wkin za usdd ViA liana JV "me dorce and e'f rcl as IFK.,I jh monuaMy lirvbd,' Irr 4jmriiedom Kith o ft:iLior!. iM remX cd Lila F la'I-la Uepar6nCrA od Transpw3Bllon oval f rl la L"y0ed Lhal Lh►e p wibr and adt " Irerebv 13Iwdn da the AIhwrAq-ki-FW Lndudos ftrW ymrl at! rvimiitL '.%:ir Lila i*16FIx4 od +e+,i!iiW pauoentagea Bailor fnal 46lrnnLes on -fingincmitrg aruJ {3;rqr0rucLpn c mmcb► Fda1Wodi by the StW o! FhvIdi Dnp2mrneul of TranspocinUom It IL laity LdWirµood Ilia( j�pmmnLlrigl Ila IM €falir of Fkuld*k Deparlmenl of hanlpDrWk3r; am*oq paymerN of LK@ frad oer -ble to the Cbri i0cm endw M osxlgnee. V'ril not ik-Uem Ulm surely foirrppny ad My or hLs oWg4on+ Finder at, Datid. hr 0vmW chm WHh etr GLrons In WhW of 7ho- Fie'rArlriq Lleparamvii 4)I Htgl Mao only. IL in aprit!W IWt lilt powvrr #nG aulhor:he hmeq+grven Ir [M ,aM may'In• ram[ c,.innot ba Tflogftd ai mmkod unless pilor vAlon persceW nWloe 0 3vch Lnbua hat U*n ptvorr Lo II* Cor►enirvorw- l7ppaeUmm1 u'I Highways ur vm UommarrvimikM of YenlaCky of 7ens1 Ihtrtp tN) cloys prior w M mccliGcaW ea r¢vocatIh& �7 k' nos Whereat. tilt. { am ditF h��.r [owed Ihlr, d uhurnerd fie Oa xspned �ryh Apaled Ltxs 301h tlavr or F"n;h 21X23 ,,.,� '+■■�} ' ' • • } ■ ■ MIEW1 ANTS SONVINdi'COMPANY �1yti1 rVALj ± ' ■t (}'N'F..,, r"F*'+ FA�EtR+;M'IAWr%H�I rlldlTI�FIrirL Q0ML7INC�, 14iCi, _ _5 a h�51CtI4Mlf S ha 4T10Mi aL I2IaEMNfT+MFAhdY = ' • f? i ■ : A■ 03 16 By STATE Or IUUYA +•}• •, . ��r`'� •*F,' +``*• CWNTY0F DAXLA1 ss. Fr■■■., On V" NLh aliayal 14 Ch M23 bi!" ma op¢e&r$ri Larry Ta*e. la ante peronelly imoom, who hoing by trpb duly xwcm did 414y That m 4 Pr"dedrl of W-KI MTS F3 JNDIHG f.OUP IVY (POUTUAL) and W-KH ANTS MA71{]F A1. rJONDR+Ii,. INC.; w4 7h-M the agRIL atfaed to Ifir ioregW k4 uawmLweItim-Corpor6(e Frak orore CcmpaNes; 2M Ihal 1heUN H*rrnerl wa6 sQnc4 and "a'0 Ln b" ed Lhe Dorrrpafnlas hyr-aulhirihy of IhiiF Pnimlrwe Flaa+dR ar f3mectm. �rrnyatF�'i�x■��7�7 � %W my pume 4}tpraUOn 41 na�ar�d +,�mmrssio� dUEi rwl Invn4�BlP t>h� u�7urFiltiM.j I, 41iliarn vilmer, Jr.. 5ugalwa' ul MFR1'k4AIVTS 13CNOING CMPAMY 11AIRI TALI "MERCHAKI & NATI A. 130141 14G.1hdC•_ da hereby carofy Mal. Ilia ubw4 and for Ding Is a Nue end cimedt wpy 4;1 Lilo- PC'MR-OF-AT7ORNFY axemArd by sW famp6lAs. whiCh Is alfi rn IrJI fvr�,e and eNerl �f4 han not beon amondeboi rrluolaE& In Vl Meh5 Wnemrif, I Ii eve haru�Lnnto Srel. myr hie5d wid effnmcl the MLW of 014 C "r ptilmp m thla 2rd dwy d Apid. 2124 �.77 ri■rF■i �.§+- ■ -� ti0N r'■r +� ■ : diid •, 1133 �; �ialBrF 13_ rL a +ti■ ■ �•y �+, 'M�� ■�+ + YL ',!�'' ice,,+t +r��ilf F�■■■��tiL ■OFF■tF■ PDAOUIe (IW22) �qw ME H C TS BONDING COMPANY m FIK—rl1 yNTS WNDING CA)MrANY VAtJ I "Al I + MERCHANTS tiAT][71 AL „++RDING. I NC- F.O. IIDx 144"Y3 • OF 5 JAOI NES. IOWA 5O-M&3.198 - j=1 457&3171 - (513) arl -Mid FAX p lc�$:je send ail n otices o f claim o n this bored to; MVOanls BaRaMg C.OMpsny (M utkJ:aj) I Merchfir t3 Natimai Bondirtj?, Irrc. 11,0, Box 14198 L)rs Lv u3fics. Iowa 50306-3493 (5 L5) 243-9171 ($ ) 676-8I 11 ;Mysical Address: f 700'WeslOwn park%-v.1y. West Iles Moinus, Iowa 50266 8LJR 3 �X 015) POLICY HUMBER' GPI}100051 Ufi4 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LLABfE y GGL 121 W1 TtiIS ENDORSEMENT cmANGES THE POLICY. PLEA35 READ IT CAREFULM ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS - AUTOMATiC STATUS WHEN REWIRED IN CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT - ONGOING OPERATIONS AND PRODUCTS -COMPLETED OPERATIONS (TEXAS LIMITED SOLE NEGLIGENCE) This-Vndor-�ement madifiot +rltdranCe pfovidea under the follawizig COMM F FACIAL GEN ERAL LFAB IL ITY COVERAGE FOR KI SCHEDULE (OPTLONAL� - Hama of AddiliDnal In scrod Pm-o'14 or 0 anizati o n s {As mquiroa by written canlrarl or agree-mborlt par Paragraph A. herow.� LovatIm's of Cove"A R rslfFat,� �As per 1he wrRben vontract or -@omenk, prgvided the lfocaklon is withift the %merap rerrilony .) - I Vtion required to compkMo Ihlf SGherdufa, If rlol sho" above. viAll te shown in tha NclaraMns,) A, Serticin 11—Who is An Insureol Is $manded to include as ars addlllonal In:surrad`: 1. Any perrion w cgatlizadon for w+horn Voii are peftrmi:nh op$ra11ons when yrarr and such ptosoll or grganixalion have agreed In wri lnq in a contract or agmemont in effect during the term of Lhis policy 1rwl swop person of owgaraizadiorl be adde-d a s an addiLional insurod 00 ?Wr pow. and 2. Any ogher parson ior argami2,3Wn yr-au era FagWred 10 add at arb 00ional Irraured under DNS 4=ntroct ar egreernant describ-od in Fwa�r@ph 1, abayG and 3, The particular perscrl or orqanizfLjIw. if any, schedLrJed aWYCG. Such per -m(r.) -or organIs ran addltbnal insured only wish r pecl to liability for'taodr+ly Irouirf. 'peopoy dsmage' or 'pemorral and aomrtising in jurV' occurring 0or tljor exeadmn M 1ha ronlract or a$ro"wnt descrihPd in Faragraph 1. above arud caused. in whole or irr part, lDy: 0, Y-DW acts or omkti i3; Os' b, The acts ar omissions of 1hoge Wing On your hehall, ion the performance of y+)uf i)ngNng operations for 1ho add4onal insl IreO; of c, 'Ycw-Ir work' perrurmed for 1he arddiaional insurod and iMuded on Me'produclo-compleled Operaloom hazard" if s,ur_.ly coverage Is specifically requirod inn Irho Yffiiiton cor&@rA or agMement. Wilh re9pect 90 liability of thc` srddilional insured for 't�odily I*ry'*l an ,Pmpiayree or spent. of a nomcd Insured or the employee oA a nary &d insured's-9Lfboonlramr. coinage $hall apply fnr the partial or sole mgFigenw -of the additin nsl insursd, hul only ii %Uch cova rsge is specifarally n�qulred oil Im -6wItlen oontrw or sgr+eemiwt. JjCwower, 1he insurance adforde(l W -qtKb; dd0ionel insiured(s) -d@SCrItHM above: ia- Only applies Jo t1jo extent permitted by law; h- WiE ml: ba br"der than that w -Och you are mcludrod t'yr the corllFac1 or agre+emon.1 Lo pravirde for swr-b eddiElonal irsuetrl; C�Qli_ 121 �02 21Incldsa c iNgdghhed rrreWarol the Inswmrtco Sork4% Odfia6. Irrc„ w{tM ale Pemdsskm. Flogo 1 �t 2 Copyright 2020 IFGCI limuramGG Qy%p, 11CLICw NUMBER C"10 051DM CDMMERCLAL in NERAL LIABILITY c. Mil not be broader ih.an oral which Is afforded to "U udder this ppllpyr; and d- Nothing hwai+7 SWIl extend the germ of Plis Voft{- B. The insurenco provided to 1h$ addiLion:A insured Ooos not apW W "bodily injury', 'propwLy aarnage -Dr 'perscnnal end sdwi�rb*Oig injwr arising cul DI! lhl� rendering -of, or the laiPure to render, ally prolossional Brchlieclurrel, engineerirtg of wrveying services, includifio: 1. The preparing, appdowing, of fairing• rc prepares or -approaet, rmaps, 5k%op drawings, opinions, rep05. survey&, field orders, ohorrge Or-lers or dlrawings and spe�r�atioils: oM 2, :$upai-Mery, inspeclion, whileOturall or engirreerirrg adiWie&, O. This insurance is OH,cass ower fmy der wend and 4o14eciJbIcL Insurance available to the additionkal inswed whal.ber on a prrmaryr, ftcvsS- contingent or any other luasis; unioss the '•nitlp.�n contrecl or agrow"t requores Lhat L-his insuranrA bo primary and noncontributory, in wliit:h Case JW5 �nsurance will be primary and norl-pnlrlbulory rsl&L m 1n irrsLganc , on which t-he additional insuVud Is -a R-Dmel Insured. 0, With rospecl. to Lhe insuralioo alforded to these addbUaml insurods, the folkwing ies added lu Sot-tlen Ili - Limits of Insu ran-ca_ Tlie niml we will pay arti tohalf of Vha additional insured Is the orrY unt of insurance: 1. Required by the conlrW of o�reemanE described irx ParftWaph A. 1,: U 2, Available under the :applirable LImlts avf Lnsureno-oa; whlchaver is less- Th:s endotsamenl. shall Slot increase the applicable Limlks of Ms-urar}ce- E- S ectIO14 EV - Gpltlr*rclal Dane ral Llabffity C"011illomp Is amended as Follcwn: The Dutios In Tho 5u&n1 of Occurrence. OfFenso- Clalm or Suit condition Fs amended Lo -Md the fallcuing srddiiional condrlionS applieRble to the addilional insurod: An edditionot irwsured Lmdeir This andarsemsrA musL as, Soon as practic.abre: 1. Give us wriLlon i1ollo of an "accurrsncer or an Mforise wh" relays r l in a claim or 'suo- under thi8 Insurance, and of andpirn o< ~soil' Thal. door. result; 2. Send us copios of all Iega1 papars racei,*d in torl"clJon wlf the claim or'suil om"rate with us In the lavesi,igaliw or sotllenienl of the claim or defane.0 a4 5ahl5t the 'Su41', and otherwise eoMply )MIrL a1 po&-V conditions; and 2. Tender No -dulunso and In,demniLy o4any claim tw %uM'tc DRY provider of other insurance. which would ever Lhe addiLioreal idlgum4 I ft r a +ors we cover under Mid endu%ernent and agree to make Elva labJie all such cLher ins:uranco. Kowelrer, th15 candbGon does not afiecl Pam -graph C, above. We have no duty to Wood or Inclernrrrfy an additional ineumd wt�dot this encimemfienl unlit we MC#N43 fforn the addilional imiured wrinerk rhobiGa -of a claim cr "suit'_ TFw% endoasemeait do@s not app4y to any additional insured ua OrwiGl that is weciftGallY idenIffliod M anyo1heir additional insured endursolt ml atiached to 1he Commercial 0orreral b+abiWy OoMerage Form - COL M t02 V p InClL:Kka tapyToied material el lri4 Jn*wrW4& 5erAc s Cf e, Irx., Y61h II$ parml6sion. Pao& 2 of.2 Cepvdght 2420 FCC; Imureme Crow. eLir FIRST CHOICE COTORS UABILITY ENDORSEMENT TARL;E OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION PAOE Md6Qnw1Unsunod CovmwV»...... .....,.~,.-.',~"~^^.'^.^.~^^~~.~~~~~.,~,~_., ......... ^'.^.^.^^.^.....~~,~~~.,,.,_~.,,_.'-� 'Bail 0wnds.................. ....... ...,.-.,.---,._---^~''^'^~^~^~~^~~^^~~~^^~ .............. ^~~^~^^~^~~^^~^~'`~`~~``~`~-----� 0anket Waiver Ell Sublww6110D........................... ~~~'~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~'~~~~~~~~~----'14 Bodily |x�urymnd PrwMmy Opmmge ....................... ...^~~.~.~.~...,.,,.-.___-.^.^~.,,~,~,~,^~~~~,~.^~,,__'-,_'^.'^~^ / GomnGumWywvCmnuo|............................................. .~,..^~.,'-`_---._.~,,~~.~~,~,,,',`,- ----------- ,.,,^3 cmmwwewErrors and -OmitokMm.......... ........ ............ .--------- .^.^^.^^.^~^^~.~.^~.~~.~.,.'. ............ .......................... w CmwLcwcbwo| Uabi6ly [Pomona|& Ad hJumo...... ............. .......................... ........ ................... ^.^.^~.~.~.~,^~2 E|w*tumic Da19 LiebihLy..................,.----'--^-^^.^~^^.^~^~.~.~.~,~~,,,,,,,_.--_-.-~^~.~.~,~,~~,~~.,,.`, o Gwnwm�»�ohdiiy�nm�i�mnw.......,...~,'`-_---__~.^.^~.~^~.~,.,~,~.,,'__---.-.~.~~.~^~.~~,~.~,~,,`.__' �� Inci4leniall ������.__~~...~~.~�����`__. o �w�d ----~.~~~~.�~~~~.�~_.~._'.^~~^..��~~~~~. ~~~~._---~.- ~~.~�~.~~~~~.~~~_--- � LinnivocP PpodotiVV|thdraWW ............ ,...,...................... ^.^^~..^............ ,.,........................... 3 LixmirlsmyUnwuwnnce................ ~.............. )^.^^.^.^^......................... .,.,,----~.'.^.^^.^^.^~.^~.~.,~..~-.------.--. 11 Lossu4 ....... ~~~.~~.-_-__--~^^~~~.~~~.. .............................. ~m Lwsi Key Cwweirage.,.,.`__--~~~~.^~~~,.~.,............................. ^~^.~~.~~~.~....-----_...................... m NewtyFwrvmed -or Acquired {}rganiz;Aonw.................................... ^~^^.^.~~..~~.,~,~-.__---.......................... .11 Non**.ned VVauerxrott................. ........~.,.'.--'--_-~~^.^^.^^.^.~~,~~~,~,,, ... _................... ^^... ^.~~^^~,,,~.,~ n P/W-,xyDarkiagetiobi|iiy-l9mrrmwad Equ|pmeno........ ..'.......................... ....... ............... ^.^.^^.^.^^.^^..... ~~,~,~,~,,, n Irenoni'sPropottyand Promises RenmdTmYom.......... ~.~.~~~.~_~.^~_--_--___~,~~~~~~,~,~~—� QME Policy NCPP100051064 COMMERCIAL GEINF FWL LIABILITY CQL 086 �152 21 ] T111$ EHIDORSEMENT CHANGE$THE POLICY- PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY - FIRST CHOICE CONTRACTORS LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT This endorSeOW1 I6" Inwurzinoe prow dad W1der Iha following: COMMERCIAL GErdERAL L IA131LITY 001fERAGE FORM NOTE: The faking are Oddiklom, r@plaCemerrla and erwndmoMls to utia Commercial General Lifbllily Cow-rav FCrm, and wd apply unless i�x $d Ixy+ "parate endcimwnwoti s) to 1lle Comnwclal General Lia1}Wy+ Cu%;4 rfa z� [:(hill, The COMMERCIAL GENERAL. LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM Is ;mmonded as follows. SECTION i - GI VERAGIM MVERAGE A. BODFLY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Is amended as follows; 1. Exkendad "Pnporty Damage" Exchlsion 2,$,a Expeoied ar IntsrWed, In)ury, Is r-+pl#i--ed with Lne Following: ih. ' 04yr Irgury' or 'prcperlyr dareage OMMWad -or iniended rrflrn Lho !tMandpoIn1-oE 1ha insured_ Ti7is &xclusion dues not apFllyr io 16611Y Injury' or'prnpertyr damego' resell" from the use rsf reasonable rerco to prated persons or prgvllyr. 2, N4Dr1•[rimed y4 ORMrSft Exclusion 2.g, (2} (a) is replaced with Ile follow N: (a) Loss than 51 feel long, and $, PMperty -Damage Uabillty - Borrowad Egu Iprnent TIip following or. added Lo Exclti$1on 2,J, (4): Paragraph (g) of fails i3xclusloll dges rmt apply Lo 'propsrty (Jorr,age to borrowed equipment u lO 01 a Ji)hslte end not beizig used in pertom operations. The rnost we will pay for-prapertyr demago' ho ail? one borrowed equlpmeni icam urbdof this oowerage Is $25,DDG per " � C�itr$rye ', The in. sura4ir.e affords undor this pir-ovislarr is excesN VV13F My CiMer YOW and oollertLble prvp*rly Irrstoance {including dsdudiblu} jlvail;able to Lhe inswed, whelher pifiMary, ekomss. contingent cir an any other bo&%, 4. LiunitaO ElactronfG Data Liabirlt+y CxrIldmn 2.p. is replaaAd with lire f-0llCwJn!T_ p. Elamrnnfc_ Data Damages arising crat of the loss ot, lar.s of use vi, damage 1o, corruptiDn of, inubililyr io des#, or ineWiLY Lo nrmnipffale "elsoranic dale" Mal dares nil full from physical injury Io Ian-giblo properly. The moat wig *ill pay wrider Ooverne A for-properLyfdaInD96' because Hof all lass of "-uI€CItafgC rjOr49F ar ii;nq ouL of anOrly 'Kicuffence is $10.000. We have no duty to inYWIgato or defend claims cir'suils' 4;.owered by fts L knelled EWrGltiIC dalj l,lo>cIIIIyr Cawerage. The followintij Je1In:1ion is addled w SECTION If — OEFiNiTtONS fll 1hhe C-Uwvr , 0 F15rm' 'Elecirunlu data" means Informeiion, facke yr poyca is clan-d as -or on. crbaL Ur Used on_ 4)r iransmixed Lo or from c¢r "ter sofmmre (mclud+ng systems grid applications saftvware}, hu€d Cr fIOFVY dio:s, CO- Fl OMS, la;pbs, drives, ePlls, date processing devicks w any cAt*-r media which aro used wllh eWronieallyr conircilled .9wipmolt. G W JC2210 IwIt4ics capyrighled nui;NMIIof the Ineurarwa SQrvlces 4Ilee. Inc., wllh Lis pernikzsion, PUXJU t 0I �4 GoWeght MO FCCk Ir mirarua i'roup duai6 CIk IRCIAL GENERAL L"ILITY criL ow {az 21) For purples ai Lhir. LImII6i F-10drorkil Data Llabl]ltyfi cmmrage, 1he delinitim. of -Properly Damaga' In SECTION V - CEFiNffIONS of 1hko �pWerage Fo►m Is rDpl wed by 1ho f0owing: 17- 'Properly -damage' mria115: a. Phi Icat injury to to"it* properly, including Ou resuhing toss Of use cA Mail property. All!wch Wvs oI WS9 -,hall he dearned Lo ijocUr $L the lime of thin paly:gLcal Injugy thtl catised IL; h_ L05S al use flf larrglt properLy%Bl: is not p4loimlly jnJured. All swclti I s al u&e shall bO doemed So� OCCUr al 1he 1Imii;r or limo 'oOojrrenca' Lhek Caused 4; O, LOS& of, loss cf use of, damage w, cofrup+I it of, InQb,ility to accm&&, of imbilit,r to Properky manipulate 'aleclrorleG d;aLd-F resulting Irorn pby MCF1I Inlury to kangiblo prrrperiy- All auch loss of 'aWronlo data' shekl W doomed lit occur at Lba tlnle of Lhe JoccurrenGC th¢L oawsad It. Ifor purposes ort this Irlsufonce,-ekuliruneG daW i& inapt langFble properL+ . SECTION I - U OVERAG ES, COVE Ra C34 B- PERS ONAL- AN R ADVERTISING IINJ U RY LkABILLTY is wmr4ed az follows.- iPsrAgraph 2.e, Exclusir+ns - Ow ContrKlual Liebrlityr ExciuMon Le -clelulsd- SECTION I - COVERAGES. tho following covoragos are arddsd= COVERA-GE C- VOLUNTARY PROPERTY DAM AQE 1. 111s u ring A-gToo 1oint W@ val pay, at y�wr r-egr.esL, FDr 'pr-uRorly CIOMBge caused by an 'vpurrenae-', to pfoperty of oL:hers CaLIS0 by you, C-r while in yrauF passe&MOr1, arI.S619 -DUI of y6ur btjWnes!3 cpers1ians. TW amunl we will pad for d$rneg$s is doseribed In SECTION III LIMIT$ OF INSURAN CIE. -2, �xoluslons rnig Insursrice d4as nN -MpfAyr Ivr "PropsrLy Damage' Lo; a, ProPeFLy at premises ownad, orMeO. pe !!ed or oocupaed by you- h. Prope*Ly whlle in Transit; c. PropoiLy ovvetied by, reniled io, lwed Lo, loaned Lo, borrewad by, or usad you; -d- Prarklises ypki will. give avayr, or abandon, if Ilia "properly damage' arises out of any pert of lhos$ prerrml.�; ib, Properly caused by ar aFising out df tha 'produrols•oomplele-d operaLio hazard"; F. Mot -or vat&; 9. "Your producl' arising out -of 11 or a17y+ earl d It, or K 'Your waek" arising oW of iL or any pArl ofik, 3, DeducIable We will not. pay for IoB& in any Ono '00G41rf-@live until the 2oloutil o1 loss exceeds $250. We %WI then pay 1 amount of La&& In e�ss ciF 5C qap Lo 1he appticabbo limn of in!llirarce. 4, Coral Far kor In Ilan nvemi. *1 n fired loss. Pki s17a ll. if rsquoswd tj tn. repince Lhe damas " property or furnish Me labor and maa8tials necessary+ fur re�peim 0113reLo aL ymr @OLuai Cqq. Qxck dirbp !profd or ave{head rharges. C:-3L 06B l02 21 � InCludas Wpyfrighl!Ed nMtertol CO pm 1155a W101a 8MVIC.es Q'IL , lair„ YAIh Its "rnsWinn. Rage 2 of 14 CoMighl �Q70 CCCF Insummv &mp Go rr 0DIUMP. RCIAI 4�.ENERAL ILL0111, lit+ CGI 08 fG2 211 Tf a gnsurancim afforded under COVERAGE D is Emuggs Mr ark other valid and imllediblc propmty ar intend m*rino i mufanre (including tha doductlbke app icable to tho props%% or Inland marine wvwage) avall4ble is you whother primnary, axcass, ccalUngenl or anyz1her basis. Coverage D oaw-ars unintentional djToege or desRructia5, but dovt rnol ,war dis$ppearanco, I"h, or logs of iise. The irrtwrinnm under COOVERAGE D does not appjy ii a loss is paid kinder COVERAGE E. COVERAGE E. CARE, CUSTODY OR CONTROL_ 1, InslirLng Agreement VVe will play those suirns Lhaq the Irrattred Lammas leplly -ob4aled to pay a:i damage$ hecaUse of 'pro Lys damage' "ured by an "occurrence', to properly of iAhrars while in your card), cusrfldy, or ourxlrol or prop-erlyr of others as t-Dwhirh you are axer- is rig physical conlrol if the "properly cl;) ee arises oul of yruu; 15usiness i perationa. The emmini we will pay for dames i3 de3crihPd in SECTION I1f 4.IMITS Of INSURANCE 2. lExc Isis long TItil3 wlsursrnoa does not applIV to 'Property Darrine' tG. a. ProperLyr ea premi&" OwnPLd, renled, leaaod 4�r occi.Oefi by yaw b, Pro"ity wMe in trarLsh; Q. Pxemi6es you soo, gWe away, or abandon, If IihP. -properLy darn-ag&- arls" QML cd any pant ad Lhose prerrrises; d. Property GaLIsOd dy or prising oul of the 'ptoftcl-s-compkMed uperarliofis haZarCl% e. ?"Cif wr WK;Ws; f. 'Your prodi.l' eriging out of iR or any pit -of ii� -or g. 'Yotir work":wising out of iI or anV V5rt of II. 3. DDducllbro Wien will rwL pay for loss iri any one `occurrence' ur4il tho ;meow [ Q1 less exreedls !�250, Wo will Lhan pay Lhs mmouni of lo-m in excer..& ut 5250 tip Rp the applicable limit of mmir - 4, Cu!;l Paetor in jita #ivtiem o4a rcvare-d loss, �ou ehell,;f requested Coy w, replace the damagod propefiy ar furnish the IaWr ;5116 matenels necm;ary fcd repairs 1hersto at your letual cast, exckidirrg pro6l or owerheed uhar4�os. The irwsurance afforded undor CCYVERAGE 1= h excess o"r any Wh,er valid and oollocLible properly or inland marine Irmr (including ifrd-deduct'ble ppla"ble t-o Ll,o propenyor Ir&nd marinp, 4-vwor*,9e} BM;pIlable io you wheMat prlmer~y. exoaas, corEliogont cc any oLl mar basis. Thy mguranca Lindar COVERACt, E loon not apply if ri loss Is paid under COVERAGE D- COVERAG F F. LI M ITE D P RODUCT WITHDRAWAL EXV214SI= -1, 1nauring Agrertmortil a. If you are -a S0110r`. we will reimburse you I&'lprcduct wilhdrawal expenW!3' aesacialed wish 'Scour product' incmrrod becovse *f a "prodwA willtdrOLw-01' to which Lhis insurance applies. The amour of such reimtwrt smant Is IlmIted as described Ih SE Tt0N LII - LIMITS OF INSURANOE. No cilher cbligaLiun oC rLabiMy to Ry sums or purloon wle +or services is covunod- (op 2j) rnclidus cf3pyrigmed material of Lw Insurmioe Sormm Office. Inr: , YAh Its parmimp Rr. PtIgrt 3 nr 1d Copyrighl 200 FDI�I In!murerha$ Grog QUO% COMf,+l=RClAJ. GENET AL LIABILITY a, TZII& Insurance epplies Lo a-pfoduo Xwilhdrflwel" only if Ih& "prcduel withdrawal' is inNialed In I he `eoverage leritorr during lino y poriod grouse: (1) You deLermine 1haL the'J)nAurt wAthdrawar is necuissa+yr; of (2) An awhorixad gbmwilwnl 1-,rdi1y has ordered you La wndvr l a 'product withdrawal' C, We viral reimbxursa only throe "Vrc�wduot wFihdrawal expuiti*os" V+hkh afa incurred and mptA Lod Lo os wllhin Dne year of tho dato i"'pfocroo withdrawel' was 011181e0, a, Tina InNalion of a "PrMuct wilhdrawal' will he deer'rt[ad to have bean made only at the CarP@51 Cd 1h0 fcalowing Lianas: (1) khan you hawo ;innotincBd, in any men-ner, Lo 1ho general pubhc, your Vendors or Lo ywr employees (oltrer Llion Ohm iarnptaynaas direcIly Irxvolwod In m0ing the dwlorminatkrr} your Oadsion w mnduGL a "product W,rllhdrpwar This aprpli" f ofdlass of whathar the dalormirlaWn to conduct a "product WPhdfawal' Is "de by wov or is rcgwsted ayr a third party, (2) When you rsiaived. 1r hor orally or in writing, nobkalion ail an orderff-Dm an authWZAd gwie.,nmew enlilyr 10 co-nducl a 'producl w,riffidrawsk. -or ( ] When a ihird pady ha-s InWaLod a "produce withdrawal and your ogrrununicata sgraemanL Wth the 'pr.oddcl withdrawal", or you onrmunce 1a die general putft, yrcAir "noQrs or to your MoplvyWS (other 1han those ga0oyoos difKtl1 iiny%QIMed in making 1h.0 4oOrrrlbimii)n) your decision to pwIw,mpale in the 'predUGL wilhayawar, beaver comes fast. tp. 'ProduV withdrawal expenSigs' In rred 10 wiRhdraw 'your products "ICh wniaim. (1) The same "d$fecl' will ho deemed 10 Ihewe arisen uul. d the same 'prnotict wilhdrawal% Dr (Z) A a fferani 'defect' y iM kw doomed to have arisen out of a soparelo "product veiihdrawar Id newly dotrirnivnet1 or ordered inw aucd4aace wish paragraph 1.b of till% Co'efage. 2, excw:51.011s 111$ Insurance doer, ftiot app#y+ W 'produd withdrawar axpIfhSeS` a rlsing owL od_ a, Any'producA vAhdraw-al' Inrliml,ed due qo: 11) The failure of "your prod4F,1e" m eCCompl,iSil Ilm)lt IrMeniled purpose. including any breach of werranly of fibwss, whelherwritten -or implied. This oxolLmion does not appLy if SVC;h (Aura has caused or is reasonab1V expeGied to ceuaa 'bodily Irqur�" or physical damage lu tangible propwy. { Copyrfghd, patent, irade Soorel or Liademaa infringernorils: (3) Transformatiaro of a CherrripRl nature, dolorlofatlon of d"omp sltian of 'your produd", except If It �5 caused by: (a) An err -or in mar ufmcturing, design, prowssino or 1ranspofL91on of 'y ur product"; f r (b) 'Produd lagU fine. (4) Expirakn of the daslgnered shelf lino of '" product b. A "product wrilhdr�ti+re1'. inkiefed trortaUse o4 a -defect+ In Nour product' known 10 eKi4J by the !lamed Insured or 11ic Narile.d In.wred's "ex-+uuLiwo of Boers', prior is the inr..eptiorr dilto of 1t`s Coverage Parl or prior 14 the Ui,po ywrr prcducl.' Ieawes yoLpr control of possessioD. c. Recall of any .5V"rio producLs fgr rwllich 'body Injury"' or'properLy darrr$ge' Is escc*udgd under liovoraW A • boolyr Injury And Ffoporty Comege Liability by 6nd6r eMWM. d. R(rGall of "your pnaduds' which have been bcmne,d from M mArkel by an ntrlhorl-zed goverrnmonl enLiLy p•ior• W 1kw poG period. e. Tlw dofen-w -of a claim or ".&uit' araln:st yau for 'produrn withdfawnl oyponge:S", I;GL ON (oF 21] bnchldVS-MIVP:Jr1rfx.I inaionnl of Iho ku+anW9,h ek*t OMIM, Ina, YOM its pasmi$5xx1. Page 4 of 14 Copyrog 2-D30 FCCI Ir,$urar�e Group cwle COMMERUP L GENERAL uMiLITY CaLon 02 21) 3. Foc the purposes of Me irlSdronco ailorc ed under COVERA6:E 1^, 111e tollumng is added io 2_ Logs In Too Swent Of Occurrence, Oidorrse, Claim 0r 5uM OvrKlitin under SECTIO14 IV — COMMEIR41At. OENEFOAL LIABILITY fiONDITION , o, Dulles I-n The Event Of A T-ofect- Or A' Product Mhdrswal' f1) lfvu mum see Lo iL Mal wo afe ncAified ars sworn as pruaicatAle of any Ugtuel, suspeclad or 1hrealernad "defects' Irw "y= OroduWs' , or any gmPernmenial 4mWigation. thBL may r" rll In. $ 'produc.1 whdrawsl'. To the ex1on1 pQssibla. notice should ln6ude: �a) HcFAr, when and wFWro the'dafsrW vas dim�awvrud; (h) TFae names and acFC re-;Ses of any in,,urod persExis and wiln"aes; and {c} The naluro, roratior, end circummances of any InWry or damage arising out of use or con&umplion of "your pwoducty. (a) Ile 'product wilhdra we!' Is Irdliated, you must: {e) Immediai4iy record lhe 4peciFics d ft "peodue1 MthdrawaV" and the daw II was Initialed; (b) Send us-vrilten rinlice of the'produoi withcwnwo as soar: as prarArAblo: Gild (e) Not (olea!3e. Consign, ship or dlslrit)uLe by any otitiar method, any prcducl, or like flr slmllsr produ s, wllh en acluei, strspecled op threaterbed derec'L (3) You anij any other inwlved insured must' (a) Irnmediately gand us copimi 4d perllrmnk Corra4pondence rowiuid kn connection WiLh 1h$ 'product +wilds++ al"; (b) Authof10 us Io obtain rewrxls a nd outer Lnformalion; and (c) Copperale wish us in our inviastigaIion of 1he "prcdu i vwithdrawaW% 4. For IN plfrpmes of Lhis Courage F, Inc fo owing diehnitiuns aro o(Wod 10 the DELfinidon-s l?e(1i0n: a_ 'Cl$fecl~ means a idEgecl, c(�divi G:+ or Inadequacy Thal vrei3qw a dangerous condilion_ b_ ^prnduct lamperMg" is ae 3ct c4 Ifflendinnal alie:ralian of'your predmi" which may causo or has caused 'i Ddilyr iryur f' or ph; cl0a1 Injury to 1aalglb4a proparlk. Wh" "product Rempvr " is known, suspecled or lhreal.-OnO, a "product Wihdrawal' v411 not be united to iho&e balch$r. of ur pmodu01" which: ara known or su"orWd 10 hRV6 been Lampored with. o. Trioduc1 withdrawal" moans 0tie recall or withdrawal of 'Vo4r+ pr0clui;M", oK products which c:wlaln " Yoor products", From tho MOYkek or from use, by any ul"r poeson V organization, because 611 kehown or suspecLed `doforX In ur prorluet", m a known of suspected `product lampering', which 17as caused or i5 reasonably tmpoutod to mouse 'bcdilyr injury' of phwslcal Inrury Lo iafigible properly. d. 'Pr u01 withdrawal; expanses" meem throe reasamb4e and rw-msary extra expanses, Haled bclow paid arid direetlV ralaled Loa 'prodLKA wkhdrawal" (1 y Costs af nohf alion; (2) his of stationery, envelopes, prrxiuctinrt cA enrioufimrnenks end poslege -or foesimlf ; (3� fosis of averLimej paid Lo rLw regular nor salaried ei"ployeas and cods inc:urfod by your employees, intluding t,3 of Iranspartesion and =0orr =da1ions; (4) Casis of C"Lrlef llme; (!5) CvsLs vF Wria I InclependeM contractors and 01twr Winporery employees'; Cosls of lransportet+orw, shipping or pao4to!�ing; �y} OOSL:s of warehouse car Mora Ga. or Ca Go@ �02 211 Pndudo$ -Leppoted rupacrial at Pw Inourvnc* 54.-r%ices Office. Inv. wrlh iN pnrndl SiD6. Image 5 of 14 Copyrighl 2020 FCCI Irtiturhms Croup UArE comes_RMA1_ GENERAL I, IAI&IL.ITY CGL 069 (0� 21) ($) Cistrt of proper drsptasal M'yDur producW, & prc�duats thal conlaiA "yokir pfi:4uc&', Ihel oan{noi toe reusocs, nol 0xceeding your purchese pram or your cost to produco Tho products. hul "product withdrawal uxpC1150s" trees nol include cosLs of 1.I1e replacemsm, repair & reaslgn of'dour produr i", nr the costs of re!palninq your marker share, goodwill. revenu8 or petit, o. 'feller' maanr. a p-wwrx rw organizallon that manulacfuros, sails or disiributuS -goods or PCNV0s- ' Ilef' does not include a'ConUact-or a:% defmned elsewhere In 1hi-s en&raom4§nt. The insurafiCo cinder COVERAGE P does not AppA} If a loss is paid llfhder COVERAGE G. GOVIRRAi3E G, CONTRACTORS ERRORS AND GMISSEDRVS 1_ Insuring Agr*PMORt If you are a 'co11LfacWr'. we W11 pay llhose sums fl l; you became legally obligated to pay as darnager, I P_Cffine of "pmporty+ darmacre' to "your product", 'you wmrk' or 'impaired prodorly�, due fo faullyr Workmanship, material of deslgn, or producLs irrrAuding consequwnlial Ions, 4D whi_l lbls Inrmirsnne apoos, The dwagas rmust have rosulled ff-om your "gligoM W. errar ar orni&lio 1 'while ao1L+1g In your busino!;s c$pscity as a oonlraul& or WI CM -anlor or from a do!LW In mslerial or a product soid er install&d by you white ac-iing in I?q& capacity, The an-munt wq wiff pay fm damages Ps d-owibod ml SECTION Ill LIMITS OF INSURANCE. We have no duLy to inmsNale of defend claims or "culls' 4�overed bw ihis Conlraactors errors or Qlnls-lions OOWerage• This cvwuiarlo appbas only if the 'prop-orlyf Iomega' occurs ira dftie "cov$raga LerriW duriN Lhe G011py period. This cworo�e does nol apply to WdOlonal Insureds, It an _ Supplogneniipry Payments — Cov4mage A and B da nol. afa* to Covffae a G. Cnnlraulors 1irnws and Omissiom. 2. E:xc418b0nS T11i:s IIlskirance does not apply Ro g. 'BQdily injury" or'pcvon;M and w1varrising injury. b. Liability or per"all.4s aiislriz; ffom a delay w JaHufe Io wrnplslo a aonlracl Or projerf, or 10 CDmpl$Se a ,,nntracl or projocl on firne. o_ LIehiligy hacause cf an errotor omission: (1) In [he proparaLiorl of -aslimetes or jolb CM15; (2) 14 hero cost 00mokes are axcdad0d; (3) In thr3 ptopwaUon of astimatus at prollt or return on capital; (4) Ir% a&isirlg oF tQllura to advise ell fmrr-ing of iha work or peojocl; or (6) Irk advIsIng or Pairing to advise m any legal work_ 111le chacl:�, form Qf insUranCO Of sur$ty3f IP. d_ AnV ILabIlitV which .ises out-of,iny wauBI of alleged irwftinge wni Df orygrigh✓I or Lradomark nrbade dkess or palorrl, unW =npaliRion or Owy, w theM or wronglul 1o'xinr of wnrepnis or inliandual prop$rcy, U. Any Ileblllly fir dsmegert; (1) From the Inisrdional diopnerfl, freudulwil, r110bous or criminal acts aQ Lho NarnN IrrPrrred, qr by any partner, nvemtmr ad $ limited Iiabiliiyr wn}p,-jily+, 0t a cullve officer, ar aL the dir-ackon of -any of Ihem; or {2) Which is in fact (tk!pCCted of Intended by IN 117!3ured. $vein if t7-re injury 0r damage Is of a differard degree flr Lype 1hart Utu?Jly eapeclgd oe ini.-wded. CGL 065 (-02 21 } Induces u,)nYrlgNed rnatupial of HM Insurance !&mires C ki). Pft.. volh N& parn lssloa. P:uJn 18 Or 14 pyaighl 202o FCCr Inuranro Group QWK UOMMI=RCIAL GENLRAL LILITY CUL 2.1 j f. Any liaballty arrs+ng aot of manullWurer's warrarniierr or guarardeas w4jalher -express or ImpEod. q. Any Iiabill y+ wlsing from "propony darnage Io prop"tyr Uwnad by, FenAecj or lea: ad 10 the Irksix4ad, h. Any Ii�Lbllily i nGtrrred ox "prcrpCrty rJagw9e" 0 ch OccurS. ill w1jole pr in pert, before you INDYe {.omptoLed 'your work-' 'Four work' will be -deefned complvled at IN e;arliesi of Lhe roller ng I,m"= (1) Whocr ail of Lhe work cabled for in ywr contract or Ywrk orWr files tear` complule-d- (2) When at eh$ work Lo big done- M L#re Jab site ha& beork ComMaled if your OOrltracil eMls for work at morn than one Jab silt; O( f 3) When 1hat pert Of the work done at a dab site has laeen pu l to Or. intended LISO l:)y any person cr or�ert pdion other then iino4her (.ontrsctur -or subcontrSC10F working on the some woiem, oak khan may rased service or nwintanance. tCsrection, repair cr fapdacemerll, but WhIGI) is oih+erwrise �ompjet% will be ireeled as complele% I. AAy Nal;Ably ,9d:91 rg frflm 'prapOrV damage' Lo paoducls that ire skill In your physaral owsession. J, ApIV tlDbjliLy efising *uL of La1tr rendering of cr Ieilure Lo f$rLder my professional Solvices I)Y you or on your bfilhAI1, bed mly YALh mspW to -Pither or boLh -of Via f0MQWlrug opererionK (7) providing enginaerirbg, arGnpequral or surveyingserw1ws iv others; and (2) Providir4g or hiring Ind"ersdeni. pfof-qssjon;aIS to provide engineering, aroilectured or surveying services in oon4inctioo %Wh cansLruckn work yOLI p ffn PrQfe5nionar serviws include the lamparing, +lplpr jjy r g or failing Lo prep;1ro -or appmva, reaps, shop -dre'1+'0ga, -Dpinicins, rvp0r1S,,9kdrVR.ys, Ne6d ofdfti€, 4�1eNfp orders, or drawirl!gs ;3h(lspecificahians_ Prof.OS! Ilono services also ir�djAdo 8r4,ervisory or InAlooctiort mlivities performad -as part of any related ervdiltoetwal of engineering ACLWRies. But, prgfessuonal services -do riot lzr�clude services within eonsUuchan means, rFWLhGds, !;*I;Itin'ques, sequei)ws ;rnd procedures employed by yDu in fann"Wn wild cQnrtruction work you perform. k. }'ou, Posg of profil or expout-ed pe-oli; and any Iiabilidy �irislrr� 1herefrom. I. "properly flamagv" to poopertyr oliher then 'your pro4uCt." "your work' cc "impturcl propeny+." rn. Any Ile hilily arising Irom Cfalme -or 'soils' m4iere tho righl of acff*n egrainst Uie Itrsrxred ME been tdlmqua9hud of waivod. in. Any 1 golliiy far "praperiy damage' to your work' if the (lemaged wark oT 1hoWON QW of which 1ha -damage aariseri was pvrltmrned on your behalf by a *LPbcoMr@cdoc. v, Any` Lability arising frorn the sutvilulion of a rllateri.ol or produce for one tpecIfled nn blueprints, work ord$fg, i-,antrects 6t ibn�ln&ertng speclficalicns ux4ass there her. been wriMn aulhorix;piion, or unleris Lho blueprints, work ordCrx. CoMmUs or engineerkrg S4willcetiam w w-9 writLen by your and Vcm have errL}101iwd I" chenrgss. p. UabdlILyr u�-DL#rers as5wr1 d by the Insured under any COMM or agreement, whoMe+r Qrol or In wriling. 'This ewcW5ian de+as nod apply 10 llinbitily for lama -gas ilk the insured woukd 1ik've in the a bA�eme of tho Contract or agreerrlonl- J. For Iho purposes of Cov4rjAgo G, 1ho foll*rin13 delirrltlerl Ig added Cu 11he DeflinItIodis Q$elion a_ 'i-onlraetarr means a perk`` or -arggnizalion cngag in eolrviliert of buildii)U. clearing, filing, exemeDting or improvenleal Irl die size, uEa or appCEjfanW Of any slrucLuro or load. "Cantrectcr" d-Dos not anclude a "sellrrr' �js deiieefs eiriewhefa in Lhis i,` ider rneni. 4, Cleducllble We will ndl pay for less in any Qne'oucwrmiW until Ilia amount -of 16S6 ek-�E►efJs $tag. The limils of inSUrenCe will nol. bi) ro0tmecl by the appication of I11e ideduclNe amourLl. CGl MO �02 21) IndudBS co"ightgxl in;)lerial or Lila Insurance $eryic" C)iri a, Irrc.-w0h Its prirnk AkA I'ago 7 cl 1A CopyKigly12020 FOCI Imwoelta group tM,t COMMERCLAL GENERAL HARIL.ITY CGL 006 02 21) we may pay any part x al 01 tree di>dur.tibpe amounL Ro elleCt nle,mnnt of wiy claim or'SLA'. and upon mtifk add cff the action lakovh, yoLp sh;Ml prmgAIyf reimburm us for wxh parl -of the dcdUCGl)Ir+ amourri es 'has been pwd by ur.- 5. C net Factor In the eYea1 0( a wvared GQ&G, y%ou sh9. II ri�gwi3ted by us, toplace the damaged proporly or furnish 1he labor Emd rnaleri$Is necessary for fWAIM LI)ereLo at your ackujil CO I. excluding prolil or oaerhead charges. The insufanc:e und+ai [r-OVERAGE G does +fiat.Opply If.2 �Ms is paid ufldor 00VEFILAGE F. COVERAGE 11. LOST KEY CCVERAOE 1, Ins urine Agreement We wIIL poyr rhos$ sums, LE I to 1he fmniLs of liability described in SECTLON III LIMME OF INSURANCE in this -oMor-gemerN and the d-edWible mown belo%v. Lhei yOLI t} me legally Obligaled 10 l%Ryr damag+i�, caused by an `6cwrrunn' and due to L-he lu%N or mysterious disappearance of keys entrusted !a ar In fto care. euslodyr or control 04 you -or y our "employ cgs' or anyone $cling on your beriall. The damages reran by lhis 9ndonumwini are lirriiie+d to iihe: e- Actual CM1 of the keys; b- Cost 10 fLdjust lacks tc avwpl eieW 6�y s; of e. COSI of new locks, if r&gUiired. Including the ooYl N! insLallalion. 3. Ex-clu:51ons This Ins-urance dues riot 901y 10; a, lays owned by any insured. employet;s of a,tiy i skired. or anyone a?SirQ on behalf of any i it&urk, ib. Any resulUng low -0+ u3c; rrr Q. My & L1id tollvwq aCK by any irvMMAU, 6HMkiyraes of any insurbd, eff anyone aoling ors Whalf of any insured: 1) Misepprwrialion, 2} Guaiobalmenl; 3) Convorslon; 4) Fraud; Ur 5) (45hono5ly. 3. oedvolbliff VV.o vpAl not pay for Ions in any one "aocurrenc4�' urklil the.,mount of lass excuaos $1,000. The lkp'iLs 01 insurbilCe will noL be radut&d by the appkaLion 13.1 Ir+e dedL1C ibP@ emaunl. We raay pay any part cf W of 1he "dwdibW amount icy effect e.eLLl.emarA-of aq ciBIm -Dr 'suil';ir*d, upoll nNi+ICLallgn of the a€Aian 1iaker1, yw shall prompliy relmWrse us for such parl 01! 1he deduclible amount as hes be -on geld by us- EXPANDE D COVERAGE FOR TENANT'S PROPERTY ANb PREMISES RENTED TO YOU The fAl paragraph after subpar raph (6) in Exclusion f., f]amag-e io Propenyr is wftnoeV reed as fvIlum Paragraphs (1), (3} alld (d) of Lhls exclusion M not apply lu'properlydarn&ge (alher Ihim darllage l)yr frre) to premism. inducrIng the coriaems W. sWi preroly q, reribed to you. A strparale bm1L of insurance applies to Damage To N-amises Reriled To You as described in Section IIII — L- mILs Of Insurenao. CGL ON (W 21) includes wpFigNpil iricterleil of Iho Imko fim Seances Otfic4�. Inc.. wilh ils perndaskm Ps gp a tW 14 Copyrighi 2020 FOCI insurance i3rorIP VY>lf COMMERCIAL GENERAL tM81I ITY CGI- 0" {02 21) BEC71O V M - C(YVERAGE&, SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS—COVERAUE A and B is am"- led ar+ follows; fill roforanoe% to SU PPLEMENXARY PAYMENTS — COVERAGES A and B are ante nded Lv SUPPI E MENTARY PAYMEMT .. COVERAGES A. € . D, E. G. and N. 1, Cost of Ball Bands Par.agr$ph 1.b. is replaLvt} wllh Lhe folLvwi : Upio $2,550 for tot of W bolls requifM 1ecaLme of aoeidenls of 4WLC lawuiolaliotns -Litls,ng out of the use of %nyr vahiclo sb willo the �adlly lnjury Liablldy Ccwarsga applies. We do nol hme to tutrtsh Ihese bonds. 2. Loss of E arming Paragraph I.d. Is repkKtod with the follawing; d_ AH riqigsonable expenses. incurrbrf by the insured al okrr request Id essist us in Lhe immin ligaiton -or defense of Lhe claim or ' 4��1`, including aclii;BL Jos% of eainingS up to $500,9 dey because of lime riff fFCM wore. SECTION II —1r HO1$AN INSURED Is amended as follows. I. Incldtrdal Malpractice Peragroph 1 j(d) is mplacad W111h the following: (.d) Arising qa,t of his -Dr:her pjoylding or failing to pipovl(Ie priaFes.aiorsal h6afth ore e$rvk-as.. Nia"Mr.1his uxelumn does not apply to a nLjr%a, emergeeke'y dlc?i Rechnician W parafnedic employed by yOkl to prowldo ff�dlc4l. sarvica:t, unle!m; (i) Yw are engaged in Lhu oewpalion of business of providing or ulfarMg medical, surgical, da Ma1, x-ray fir nursing services, irealmenk, advice or Instruct4on; or {ii) The 'ernpl a' has amotlier insurance that would a1Fo cover claims af�Sijg ur�!er (his. pg�nvl:�100, whether the -other irnriuranco Is primary, exses.s, con0gent or -Dn any u1her bps. 2, Braadenec] Wllo Fs.,fin In6LLrOC1 The Fullowing ate added Lj PkaeaOraph 2.: subsWiaries ct, Your subsidlarlo5 il: (1) They are l gliky Incorporeaed vnlilies, and (2} You flwn more 1111arl 5 of the voting stock In such tubmdwles as of the oifoCtive dare Qf Ihk pAiCV. If euch subaldmarle* gre not shuwr1 iri the DaClaratiorrs, you 11jusL repot them to us within Q11 days of the iweptivrp o4 fur ¢riginal policy. Addltkonal Insured$ f. Any person of organization descried 1n paragraphs 13. Ihrougi1 R. beLow whom you are required to add as en add=iG,anal irtisureri on Ihis polk;y under a "Ilan corrlrad �y agreemarrl in elf#teL dW6ng tha term of ihms polleyr, provided 1KO "Lien concracl -or agrmmena was. execukod pfoor Io 1he `bodily InjioV. "properlyr 4.DIllaga' ar'perserMl and advertis.ing ie jury' for which the addition,Nl insured soaks Mycoge. I[JM%%awer, the irlsutatlixi effarded to such BOdltiprral insuredfs): (1) only app%s to t4is exlerA pormilted by low; (2) Wig not "broader Rhan that which you are required by the centieat or agreement ao provide fry su-�Mh addilioual Insured: (a) W011 not be breader than HIM which is effcrded t,6 yft Linder IN& pdieyt; (45 is *ubjeo io the ooAdlklons described In pariagtapol3 g.1hrovgfX k. below, and (5) NoLhlrlg herein 0lall extend Lhe Lernh of this policy. GLon (02 2t) bdr &B cofayrVwd m,iuelal w 1ha Inaurarrn AcLc omice, Inc., will+ Irs perM19MM. Pago 9 4 14 Cnpynight = FGCI: Insiini cu GrouR COMMF RCIAL GENERAL LMILITY g, Owner, Lett& oe ManFLqer al Premfrerf 11 the addill0nal Imkrrarl is an owner. iasrtor or mowgor of prorni;os, such pervirl of orgallizallm shall be oovered only Math n ,ect la liahiliay for "bad ilyr injuFy-. 'Iroperty damage' or '"rSunal add adv*rUsinR Irjury' caused, in v0ioile or in pafl, by ym or (hose eating on your lbeh if in connedion walh Uifl� awn&sbip, mainter►ence or r of Thal pit of any premiwr;5 teased io you arW subje-k 1-D the folti wing addiliWal a crkd!iorw: (1) Any `occurrero' tilat Inkes pLaoa titter you cease CID ntcupy lho:W premises, IDr (2) $Intdlural alRoialiors . new Donsrructiarr or demoldwri opgfaLions pefformed by yr on beltall Of 5610 per&on or organizall". In. State or GOVO MMOMCII Nencyr or ubc h4sion or Political SrubcWvlslon ^ Perrnda or Aulburizalions If the addUlonal Inswed Is the -staLe or any politicaP sub4iwislon,11W %isle or political subdivitIOA S"II be ppYered cdy with f eat lc� oper#dl?ns pericrmed by you or on �out beliail far which the staL-M Of pbli l-all swkoivision has i cS ;1 Pamil or aulho:rizatlan. TIME insurance do" not Ekpply ID' -Bodily injiury",'properly darnage', or "personal and advortlslrh_� injui{ arising out of opbrilkioatis Performed for the f@d@rol gowpmrYient, state or murricipahLy; or j2) -Bodily{ injury' or 'I)raperty d rnege' Included wrthin lho'prodWs-completed oporaliun!s hu2aod'. i. Leswr of Leasod �.goFprnenl Il the additiorml Instif-ed I% a Mrfs.or IDf teased equipmenl, -suchr Iea:%or shall b$ coyerod oa1ly %%nth Imypapt Io liability for Lbo" iqury",''pf-opert� damage" or "perwai an(r Mvefli:!�irg injury' causal. in whM or in park. by your r'naiotorlanoe, op ffetion of use off equlpmwnt leased to you by such person(s) or orWnizakn(s). With rasped to Me Murance aFfomded to th"o addlGonal mnurec!E. this Insurance duos nol appIV Io any "-occurrence" WWI lak place Stier IM e+quiprn-ont Kano ax&as- Mprlgagee, Assignee. or Runiver tl the additional Insurvd is a ofartgagee, easignea, or TeGQiv-Uf of preffil5e%, Ruch mw1geg$e- assigitioe Of r$GeM�r ed premises is art-rtidikrral 6n%ured only with wspeo.l 10Mole ILDbllily 84 mortgagee, as-si:gnee, or rtpcCiwwr and erisirng nut of tM ownff3hIp. maintenance. or use of Me prefolsea bV you. Thi3 insurance does not apply to structural aflter&ono, new eonryirucl.Lon and damdi lioil opvatlon% per -armed by or for lhol person or c rganizalion. k. 5,+onclor Il 1he addllional insured is a vendor, skirh vendor is an addition& i+7sured 0111y vAlh respec., is habilAyr for "bodily injrlfyP Qr "property damsgu7 UW d bV rynuf products' which Jeodi�lV3l)ride-,1 or &old In the regular czufso of I)e vendor:% business, subjoot to the following additional exc:lu:ions: {1) The snwrariae afforded to the awtidor does not apply lo: (a) '13odily injury' or "propbrly damage" for which the vendor is obligated to pay damages LYV Teawil of the assumption of Iielailltyf Ina oonlfacl or agreement. This oxolusion �nas not apply LID liability for darna,ges that the vendor woY[d hove in absenrti ul Uio eontrW Or R gfeenient, (b) Any express warranly Urmuthodzed by you: lc) Any physical or d%Brnlcal chftrtge in "gour prodi_mf made InlenknMyr by the Ysndor: ld) RIDparkaging, unless -urlpaoked solafy for Lhc purpose of inspeclinn, demonslralion, tbsL+ng- or Uio RubstituLiorr of pamts uMer in-91ructioras front U10 that of aclurer, and Lhen raps kagW in the prlylrnal oonteiner, fej Any failuro to make such Inapecllom, adiUSWWrrl% tests or servicing as Lhe wen-dor his agreed to make -or norrnalPy Urkder alb Lo mako in Rio Usual coUrs-e -of business, in connoliOh wrilh the distribution or sa10 -of the pro&02; CGI_M j02 21] rnatan@I 4f Ihn hiwanm Sorwr€*s Gffi.e_ Ins.. tenth iW porml _ Ixage 10 of 1q CapyriglM 2DF4 FCCI Insurance Group OP01r AM9!RCIAt GENE . UAR110TY CGL 08002 21 j (I� EknYm3n9l.ratim irsialLaWn, servidng of repair operaburrs. oxoeptsuO operslions performed al the vendors promises In connection with the sale 01 ih,e product; (g) PrCWJLIGLS which,.after dlstributlon or sale by yvu, have Court I;jbeIOd or ri;la"Ied Of USed as 9 c.onloiner, part or ingmdsenl of any o4her Ilr ing or subdance by or far 1bo "r4or; -or �h) 'Dodily injufy' ur "prope+ty dafflaga' arhOng out of th-B sole negllgwiro of the vandor for ils own acts or omissions or those of Its onyn Acts cr omissions or thome o1 it Qfflvloyees or anyone else ecGng on tls hehall. blow r, lkW% ewchmian doss rat apply to: i. The excapllons con[alnad In Subparagraphs d- or f-; or R. Stich inspecWns. ,a0Kjstflmnls, IesGs ar sexvioing es M vendor h85 a)reed to make ar normally undertakes W make in the usual couran of lxusiness, in n"Opon wilh the disL{ibu;iorl yr sale of the pr4Dduct-P- {2) This insurance does not aWyloany B"Ur d F on or orgenizobon, V40M whar6you:1ave acfj Fed such products, cw eny ingredient, ptirt or eonUhinor. arltanng Lma, ecaonjpanyring or cwta"ng such pradMs. 3. Newly Fnrmed or Acgtdrod 0r4p IzMI-0+1:& Peragrsph 3. Is arr�n&d as fellows' e- Cuverage under ;Fus priNlsion is afforded until #* end of tliu policy p*tiod, d. CDvaraga A sloes not apply in product recall exponsO &iSiliq out of any wilhdr.0rwet Of recall Ihs1 OCCUMA beGr-ij you jgf-Lquirod or formed the organrzaticim SECTION III. —LIMITS OF INS URA -ICE Is amended as rollows: h. P,aragrapF1 7, Is lopl1'cvd with the followlrng; 2. The Oonara1 Mgregaie Limit is bhe moai we will pay for the Sum of; & NI$dtc4 expensEg under CoverAget G; D, IDarnp9ea ander Coverage A, -oxoapl. d:Dmages Ncziu9e of `bodily injury or'pr+opWrty darrrge" ii1eluded in the ` prod *Us -c4>mp;oLtd opwalsons hazard'; e. C)arnwiges render Coverage B; d, V4ALinlsfy'fxoperLy damage' payrrrenls under C-overrags D; e, Cnre, Custody ur Cdrwlrol-iamagez under CQVara-ge E.; and f. Lost Key CvvBrag0 uroar Coverage R. 2. Paragraph 5, Is ebpC ce4 wiIii the fellDwfng: Subject to Fara!�raP ;�. nr ,�. abDve, which.Dwar applies, 1.I10 E�acIti OOodrwoe LImL1 is 1he most we will pay for t43 sun! of; m- :Dai3)jjges ueoer Cmerega A. t�- M dlcal expenrfea under Cumrargu G: G. %+elunory "preperly derriage" 0iiym1Dnt3 Under aqa D; d, Cara, Ckislady or Control dnm*qies undef Corsage E; a, Limited Produce Withdrawal Exl)en%a under Caysrage F; F, Contract43rs Errors and ornisslcrts rknder Cowrage G-; and, g_ Losi. K-ey lw rec" tinder Ccweragr3 H. because of all 'hodlly+ injrtq and 'praperLy damage' srisirtg out -of ;911 r Me -occurrence'. 3, ParagrAph U. i!q replaced with the k4lowar3R; L 00 f 02 21) Indudm mpyrlghted rrraeeiial or iho 1n5ur,wQo S-oN Orllts, Irec.. wlm da parmtssion. Page 11 of 14 Copyr;qN 20?0 FCCI lnsurA"t& Gr" I�IE COMIVIF.FtML GE"ER+iL L 1Ad ILIT)f CGL OBB (02 211 6. SAact Jo PArsgraph 5_ ttbc" the �Iarnsge To Premises RenWd Tot Y u Limil ie the nwst we wiii pay under Co'Vvpge A for davri4os bo-2&use 0 "pro arlyr demaige- to ainV onr` premises, whlll& r+E+ntod W yLQU. or in thq case of cr$rnege by lire or axpNw11, udills rental Ea you sxr 1enpo arfty -Dccu*d by you with peTmissiorw of the imner. The Damage to N*mises Rafted Lo You YWL Is the hig'hor of the Each CXgurrenqa Limit shown in Ifio Declaralions or 1110 aniGum shown in Ihei Dedlai atlo a-s Damage To ProMLSDented To You Limii_ 4. Paragraph 7, F$ replaced with Iho F. 5ubjw:l Lo Paragraph F5_ above, th€r Iligllor of $10,W0 or Ih,e Medical'Cxponsa Limit shown in IN? Dadlaratiom j!, t he vwsl,ve v ilb per} urger CcNwage C gar aH madder oKpenses 152-c4Bu5s Df 'bodily injury rmsisinad by any+ me parson. 5. Paragraph U. IsL Bedded as follows: B. Subject to P8fagraph & abowrr, ltW WSt We Wlll pair utrder Gov-sraege D. Volhuniary Properly Datringe for loss arising Ott of pny 4rte'otcur?AftW i& $1,5.00. TIC moat we will pay In �n{ one -policy period, regardless of tM number of claims mad6 of turiS OnwghL, is $3,000_ iS, Paragraph g, is aClfled as follows; g. SuLxject to Plafargrsph 5. abrwo. Lhu MOM we will pay under Coverag-C E, Caire, Cus;odyr or Control for 'properly damage' arising aul of any -or1e "oocrxre ' is $1-ON. Tho mmt we will pay in any one-ptilioy period, regarddCss of the number of claims made or suits hroughl, is $5,-UGd1, T. Paragraph 10. Is Added ats faltows; 10_ Subjiqd Lo Paragraph S. ebDve, IYto mos-L we will pey under Covarag& F_ l,imired Pradud Wilhdrawal. Expense for 'pr-oduct wiandrewzd eapor roes- Many ons-policy perkd, roprdless of Lie number• Of In9uracls. "prodod wdlifirawsls" IniNeited ur number ref 'your praducls' wi!Nlrawn L5 $1 G,000. & Pa rap ra ph 11, is $cIgod as fal lows; 11. Subjecl. to POwaVapb 5. above, Lhe moll we wIIL pay under Cuvaragtr G, CoVfWorr. Errons and OmissaonG f-or d aqe in any*ne-policyr period, reggrdlessoi the number of Insured, claims or'Euils" broughl, or parsons or oeganiz,alions mOkino CINM or hHnging'sulls' Is $10,000. For errors in -contracl -orA spe€.ificaliorl6 Or In recoirnimnodations of lxroduds -or materiels Lo be u d, Oils policy rill not pay+ for or &tonal cortr} of products, mnd mEneriels to ba unO if~al would ncfL have been incurrad had the correct reccimme:tdaliorrs oy specifKA11ons he -an made. 9, Paragraph 12, Is adaoO as follows: 12. SubjelcL tV PaQWlPh 5. above, Lhe most we will "y under Go arago H_, 1-091 KCY Coverage for damo�pes nr­tng our. Of any ortio oocurrance is S!50. 00, 1 D. Paiagra ph 13. IS J1008d as follows: 13. Tho +choral AggfegaW Llmll applios WDOMMlY 1D: a. r�aCh of your prods away from peenrisas ow ed by & Pvn1W 10 yom; or b. Each laoatiorti owned by or roared to you. 'L allnn' as used in ihis parugroph maane prertilsos lnvo+MJnq the wane 4ar conneidiiig lots, of promises whese conineotion is inlerrupLad -brtry by a sireat, rDadway. waterway or rlghi-of-way -of ai Kailroad, 11. Paragraph 141_ Is added as Iotlows, id. With respect to Lhig Insure pffcrded W arvy W60A151 insured provided oOvOrA�o yinderihls endarsemerd: If -cowarage pfflvidod Lo ih+e $d&lional insurtd is roguir+ed by a oorriracl air agrouloar71.1he m+osL we will pay :on behalf of Lhe adMiti0na1 lmkved is Lhe arnowt of Inquience: CGL ON 02 21) Inoudes vDpwrighwd malarial at Lhe immoonrxa $eirwltes ofrMo, Inc, 4w1h ILa pKMias:an. Rage 12 or A Capyrighl 20M FCCA k Aht* Grp UuONE O IMERGIAI, GENERAL LIABILITY CGL agg (02 21 � & kegt,lreqi by the conbact u a $ment; 01 G_ AvallWbla under Lhm appllooble LLrrriW od 1MUrranc4: whlehewer is less. Thtg endwsernsm shall r10L I".ease th,c applioahlu Linilts of 1n$tirenre~. SE-CTM N WV — CONINIERS IAL OeNERAL LIABILITY CON d1TIONS is ame nded as fo Il*W:B-: i _ S ubparagraph 1n, of CNplies In T hfi Ewent OI C�Coyjrrrence, Off anst,, CPaf m. -or SuEt Is rep la cad with I ho fofEowlin{y: a. You must sect to it 111a1" are notified as soon as prRVicabla of ari -or.-uirow' -or an offense which may result iri a aloA. This eeq-uIr&mPn1 Rpplie3 urllyr Ywilen the Foaourrence' or alfaw-b Is knrAvn to the following: (i) An in&v dual *IN0 is the sofa owner; (2) A parinw, if yfou are a pprin,eri�hip err jtHAL v$iY M-8, (3) An '-aKoculive officer' or insurance manager, df youare a cncparakn: (4) A 1,nianageq. 11 you area IimiL6d iiabilily company; (5) A f}prgon or rvganizal.ian, hawing prpppr temporary ovstudy c4 56our pcoporiy if yo'u die; (5) The fuel represenlal.&@ of you d you die; or (I M A person (other L1iari an " omploweg,) or an organitollon while aciing as yaur real astato Ilan-Dger. 7.0 Ilya oxtent possible, n6ko should Include: (II IHcw, when and wh&fo Lho ' irrenaa' os offrrrrsa Cook place; (2) The names and addresses of Rny injured persons and witnesses; and ) The naiurt+ and bum jn 0 any injury or damag?a $rl:si 1 aril 04 Lhe "4.-�ccurren ' qr MFnss_ 2, The followfng I!& added lQ 8ubpara'0raptl 21b. 0f bullea hi The Event Of OCCU"rnCer Of`fensB, Claim, or cull: The requirement iri :2.b,appitea only when the %=urrence" +or offense is known to Me 1`01101ing: (1) ,4n uidiuiddal who L43 Lhe ride ownef; (2) A pari ner or Wauranoe msnargev, 10 yoki are a paranership or Jofrrt vanlufe, (3) Ain "oxeoullva i�lficer' or in:wra1co marmger, if you are a tmrporadotry; (4) A nionager or inswant-a m;iwp r. H you ere a I IlAbilily Company: p) Your Qflici:11s, ir�st e, Warq mernberrt or insurarloo managor. if you are a nV1-4ob-Pf0fiL oroarwzatiarr; f6) A person or -orparliza11)r5 hawing proper lemporai y etWooy of you-r pr*perty it you doe; �Fj The loga,l a3pmserrlallve Of YOU if you dire; or J-8j A Qefson {v111Cr than an "ernployue') or ar; of-ganlaation whHe ecLing as your real estpta manager- s, The fallow,rhig Is added to paragraph 2. *f Di+lies In the Event of Oe"eR-ance, Oflense, Claim or Suit: e. If you repofl ail-Qrcurrenee' to your work-ers "mpensalion carrior lint "wa i;nLo a IistMiLyr claim for which c�vwof o Is prcwided by Me C4wotage Fnnn, failure to reporl WC11 ;)n 'Occurrerrr.e 10 k9& el 1.1112 tinIC crf the `ci"rcom' 9Aall riot be deermBd! a violatlon cff pamgraplis a., b., aW 0, above_ However. you shell give wMlork nat+4�e of this 'apccuF(arm o" Lo us a% saon as you bec:om aware that this Jflccurrence may b-a a liability claim r$Lher than a wbrkors c;ompens;pJIpn claim. CGL 088 �137 21) Includox ocplyrighlad rna4effl-91 df 1hn Ikl*WrnM Solvloes alrrce, Irrc,_wlthft purrrPdM8n. Page 13 of 14 Coiwinght 2M FCGI MaLeArrea [froul) OWIe COMBERCIAL GENERAL LLWILIiY CGt OWM 21} 4, Paragraph 6, is raplacod with 11he foil-Dwl n g; $, RepresanlelioA: Byr rgrApepiing ifr+s polloy, you agree: a. The slaivmnts In The Declaralions ore ui;,s:uraw and cornple'le; b. Those sLal,emanls are based upon ruprtrs4�i 060Wr y out march to LDS, ;ai7d c- We have IS$rr+-d this policy in raiiwrrce upop your rapreserdalions. Any error 0r orrrlsslon in Lhe doscrlWn oil. or failure 1a completely doscrilys or d4S rose anr pT�mlSesF operaliuns oe products intended to be conred q 1he Coverage Firm will npl Invalidate or 43111od +rage for those preys, oparab-nns -Dr pmduds, ptowloed m+ch error or omission or f$il{.rre la vomplat-eCy describe or di!sclm premises, flpermions or ptoduek-s "--� not Int,enNorwal. You must ropofl such err -Dr of errri#ion to us as swn a% practicable after Ike oinraaery. However. Lhas pmoqiHm does no+l nffoo o~x righl Lo collem addiGnnal pronAim rherges or (Ixorclse our right of cen,caklalicon or nonroAew l• The following I!9 aiaVd lO paragraph B. Tunnsfer Of Rkgt its Of Re-muvery Against Other$ To Lea; We waive any rj�Cii oor recovery against any person or organization, buca so or my pnymenL we MAko uilint this Coverage Part, to. -whom the insured Maas weivud its Ohl -o! recowery in a walker` co-nIraoL ar agreement. Siach waive( by us applies only 19 the exlenl. rhal Lho lnsu+i3d has ws;ar$d iLs right Of FeWyOry 39RIMI sa.irlb person M prganizali6n prior 10 110M 6, Par: agreph 1 g, Is added a!) fall-nws: 10. Liberslizakirin If we revise Ihics Co waRe Form is provi& Wre coverage wilhouk addili;0r'OI p ramium charge, your l)(4Ky will eulomakicalLy prarlde the addiii6n l rra &age a #tS al the day the r-ouislon is eff%sirkfva in iih�a applicable stales}_ GGL 0e0 02 21) IncludoF VWrighted martenalorih¢ bisurz)MM Sarwims C*r!ce, lrK,- Wthils purr+; lion. Pago 14 of 14 C,DnrIQINMGfCCl lrysvranca Gcoup OPOIE "Icy h-CPIP 1D0051C64 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LI,4BILRY CG 20 01 12 19 TM 15 EN DORSE MENT C HA N G E 5 THE P OLICY. PLEASE READ IT C ARE FU LI,Y- PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY - OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION This endwscrtlent modifies insurance provided under the f4AO+ ikg COMMERC14L GENERAL LMILITY COVERAGE PART 1.I0tQR LIABILITY CGVV-IZA f PART PRGDUGT ONIPLETIrC OPERATIONS LIABILITY C0VERA-GE PART Tne €alrcfWmg is [he Olher lmsw rorlGa Oondilion and supersedes any prov,! i¢r. 6o Lhe -r.olitrary; PrImary Ant[ N0DCQFrlrL.ti'1J(ory IMPLE r•C4 71tiis insurance is prifflaf} Jo and will nol. S"k contrihulion J(OM any cWher insurAnci) awaidatum Lo an @WjiL al insured under + Our palky provided Imt; 11) The qcl�dItianal insusrod is @ Named Insurod Under such dalher insurance; and t.2) You howe agreed in writlhp I�11 0 COnVQat as agfee gent ihdt thLs Insurance would Co primary and would noL soak CmLf bUlipn ffm any other in:5UFanCe ayallnWe to Lhe additional insiumJ. Ge 20 01 12 141 0lnsueavAe $ervices Office, Inc.. 201$ Page 1 of 1 POLICY NUMBER' CAWW51065 AUTO FIRST CHOICE COVERAGE ENDOR EMF-NT TABLE OF COWENTS oFOORPTia+++ PAM Alrbpg Ciwerago_,,.,....,,.,,.,,,,,-..--._.,_.,_,..................... .,............ ...... -....... ...... ...... .,................. ........ ........................ A ULa L.oenlLooW Cap COMM96 ------- .,_.................... .... ,......,.,.,......,......,.,..,..,..,...,,.,,.,,.,., &roedFayrrn,,.,.,,...........................,,....................�,..�.� Iresmtatina Oar Fraud,.,,.,,.,,-,,.,.,-.,. .......................... ..,............... ............ .,..... ---- ................... --- ,--•-•--•--•-� U)uLi$s in 1h0;Ev@W of Aedd&A, G{&Irn, Suu cir Lea..,....,..,.....,..,....,,.,,...,.,,,,..,.�.....,.,....,..,..,..,,., - - .._,._,.�..,,.,. FollowE+w ........................ -..,....... .................................... ...................... .,............ ---.._.._.............,, 2 FireDepartment SON10e Charge .............................. ................ .,.... .,... ....................... .,................................ .......2 QKer Insurence fax HhWd Augn R49I081 [Mmage CoM@rage ....... ................................................. .,......................,..4 Lossof ....................2 Loeeur Use Fxp mkwi..,,.,,.,,.,,.._.._.__,..,....,..,...,.,,.,,..,,,,,_.._.._.__._.,..,.....,..,.,..,,.,..,..,..,..,,.,-._...,................,...,..,.,.,,.,,,,_2 :Bup:pIerh6r1L$ry PgYMMLs.......... --- ........................ ................. ..,......,.,,....,.,,,,,-....,,.,..,..,..,..........,,.,..,_._2 Tmnstor oil RlgN!s of Recamry ageinK 01here 10 Us ............, .,.,..,..,................ Trmsporkadon F*eraaes . ................................. ".,,.,,.,..,.,..,..,........,,.,-.,--,-.._,..,....,.2 Policy RCA1O0D51065 COMPA2 RCu4t AUTO CAU 058 {1 I} 22) T I i I$ In KIORSE A? ENT CHANGPZS THE POLICY, PL EASE READ IT CAREfILILLY, AUTO FIRST CHOICE COVERAGE ENDORSEMENT ThLa endorsement rrrodlfles ir7surance pm%eifled indar the Mlow, h!l DUS INESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM N[)Te: Thefollowwingare oddlhions, replacium nts and amendmonls 14 the Business AuIo Coal"aga Form, and wilL apply rknless ex€3ud" by seper$Le sndarserftnii(s) in the Su:sin&St AULO Coverage ForM. Wish respect to cr?refa s prnvided by LIilt oFWo"ernenl, thq pwyiRons; Of l he Susinss:G Aldo Covsr-age Form apply iinle:Rs modified by Lhit erroorsarment. Th-a Business AuLo Coverage Form is amor do -L-s follows: $ECTION 11 COVEFtED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE is mended as f411or A-. A. Parag•aplr 1, Who fs An Ifis iidd lei s"Ion A. COweTagd� :S aniended by the addrllon of iha folla*inp: d. Any Ie!p11y :ncorparsled subsidiary or youm in vwhloh y ou quern more ifmn 50% of the wollng tt-bek " the effectiw4� bate of lints coverage form- Hrwdever, 'insured' 6oes nal include �my+!&ijbsldlaiy that is arb 'Irr$UfeCj' under any other lh3W rty pvlioy of would be Rn "insurisd' Urrd$r ch a policy bul for 4s terminalion of the exhaLeskion -of Ms IlImI # of insuraAM In order for such suoslrfr$riee la he corpWered Insured under Dkm policy, you must rLOVy us of such sLA)sioi$ries within 60 day& of policy efdectivs dale, $. Any organilalion you newly aoquk43 or form during iho p9i;j period, achy lhor5 $ partnership or joint Menhir$, and ovof which you mainlairt sW ownership ur a majorily In1aresi.. Howeoar, eovarage under lhs peovision: (1) Does norl appiyr d lh,e organizah0rr YOU Ocqulra or form 15 an "Inwrodr under arlolher Ilal,dity+ poiiicy or wnuld be an "Irisueed' under mub a porey huR for dr, tormFflallon ar 1he exMLrM1on od Pis Li nKs of insurance; 12) Dias nol apply Io-ocdily in{uryr' -ur "properly dsmags" that mcurred before you aoquireO or formed the onpni2aiion; and (a) lcq afforded anlyf t-or the first 90 day! alter you acquire or form the orgenizaiion or until the and of the Wcy period, whitgiower cis iirsh- f� Any person or arni7.ation who is r&grdred unnr a writtmr'r contract of egmemuni. b lween yhau and Lhat person oc organiaalion, 11141 is signed arrd 4mc4rled by ycu b8fam 11 a 1)ndily I*ry' or "pfoporly damage' Ufs and ihal. is in edf-ecL during 1he pa*ty period- io he named as an. -addMional insured is an 'is%urFW for LWIFLy Cowerage, but on y+ dor damages to v4INIO this inaurerws -apples Rnd onty to ih4 Uxtot1I That perstr%-or iorganlxaioon quakrias as an -insured' under 1he Wiho Is An Insured provtigion €ontalned in000n R- g- Any -urn loyee" of yours w1q[: (1 a a 4,,pvered 'Sub' YOU d4 nOt oWr 1** or form+. or a mvemd "auLC" +lot owned by -an 'employee' or e member of his or her lhoLksehoW, whie perTWmino dLiliP& relati3d Lo the oanducA -of your bugioess ar your personal affairs: of �2) err "aU1e hired w roiled undef a coniracl or agreement in that 'employee's' name, with your permission. while porforinIng duties ralaied tGIhe concklol.of your b4alrless. However, your'trnployec" does r-ot qualify ae an iinsLired tindfrF INS paragraph ;2) while uslne a ocNwed -nulo' renLed frtrf 1W oT from any member or Me--oinploy ee's' household h, 1fvur m6rrUL W. If you era a landed liability company, white usipg a covered '�r (. ' you dla nol u n, tvire cc mrrow, white performing dul.ios related io 1h,e conduol of woUf bLrelness of your perzonal affairs. U ON (1.0 22) IrwltrUes wlakri jlded n awrlal of lho Irrsuraric* Urvlom Oflice, Ir%., Wrl Ila piw nlswn. Pigo 1 or 4 Comm9ht 2W1 Fc:m Insurame Gaup COMMERCIAL AUTV CAU 05B (10 U, Paragraort (2) and (4) under se4lIon 2. Coverage Extvrtisioe%s, a. Skgrplemontmyr payrA*rlls ara delated and re-place-d bk the RAIOYr fi g: (2;1 Up to. $3,Doo fu Est of bail I)ond9 (irrc.1u6ng bonds for relckLed irafli-� Yiolalions) r"uaecl because of an ';�r,cIttam' wo rer. Wo do riot haye, to furnish lhoso bmels. Jxl� PiI r"s?nn;able oxpmqas in red by I1he "insured' "Inky al our requests, Including aclual Ws& of earnings Ltp to $500 a day because of limo off from work. C. P;afogreph 5_ under -!�eClion B. Excluslons is deleted and roplooed by 1ho Following: :5, FelIow Employoe '$c+dlly Injury- 1.0; a, Any follower }emplGyea' -bf the -insured' ariaimg oul of end in tl11: course of a follow-errrplayee'sr emplvyrADnI cv while parforrminr dunes related 10 M Conducl of your business. Howt-Ver, this exoluamn does not apply to your `ernpl"ees" Lhal are offimrs or managers ill Lhe -Wdily injury' results from the tlse oo a wVc-red "aula" Wu qwn, hire Dr borrow. Nwpfsge is ox e5% 4�Yar any whet collerlibte Imursnce; oG b, The r}pouse, ckrrltl_ par$ra. hr Ahw or S5%1er of chat fellow "ernWys as a comaquence of Paragraph 4%, onaue_ SECTION III — PHYSICAL pAMAGE COVERAGE I:5 amendi9d O u 1`0110%: A. P maq fapl7 4_ Couora+ d Extensionis ulictpr sectfan A_ CGlr*r;irge is del$tod and (@placed by Laic follo wwng: �. �cvereg$ Exloil;�l�rtis a_ Transportollen Expenaos tiVe will pay up in $5Q per day to $ halal maxerr n d $1150 V lempo€ir'y poiailion expeme incurred by you dus Lo covered loss Lo arvy cmered aulo. We wM pay o* for lho!w cowered 'etAoe (of which you carry affor tompr %enr.We or Spedfied Causdt Of Loss Co�,erago. We vA pay 10r ltmPOMY irom,;,,dws6orr ex ilae:5 inm red dritir o IN period b�qgimoOQ 24 hours aIlor :a bms PM ending, mgardless of me poesy's e)Lpir.Wion, when iM mwsr-od "$uW' is returned to Use or we pay for 43 "kms'. Eos!% of Use Experrs03 Froc Hared Aube Ph�slcal Demago. We will pay WOMO% for Which Fia ''ingurec!" bemr7le: legOlky re%ponaible to poyr for loss of urge of O VeI7icfe rentrad tw Nred wllhoul. a 4rlvff urrdar a writt-un fardal uoWreok err agreemorfl. We will pay for Ions cf use expenses li coused by: 111 CIher MD G4Nhsi4n it iho Declafak is indicate tbal CAmprehonsiwe Coverage Is provided. for hared'aulos'; �$ $psciCed Causes 0'f Loss only Ifthe Dei-Esralions irb lGals Lhal 5pe1ed C*tirg$s of Lmt Coverage is pfwided for hared "4�ks'� ar 13) Calllsicn only if Iho Derlarat+ons irWic,.im Lhal Gollislorl C4ywerage is prowkled for hired "autos', However, lha rrxostwe will pay for any wpe!"ea fbr lots of use to any one w0hae i5 $75 per d;ay,10 a 10110 rr mimum of $1, 54C, 8, The GOlRming Is added S4 patAgEDph 6. C rSn f,%ge £xten s.La s uncler secLtr}n A. Goweroge: Fire Depadmanl $-crVlce C:hargo When a lire daparlrmeOk is caiMsd to:save or protedl a �0%?ered-aular, ILa eQkmpme nt, its car b6Lnt%. or occLipan9s frum a crrvCred caru&a of 109% we wild pay up ko $1,00LD for Vuur Il;DNlltyr for fire doortmA► nR NrvKe charges assumcd byr conlrscLot -or a!�reenrmrlk prior 1a loss. No dedLKII a applies 10 INS addidonal coVeraga- CpJ,a 058 {i O 221 Irrn:lu&8 mpprlpMO mmairial of Lhe $n'ska mOB 86PA e•6 Ordit4. Inn., wrlh Its pwffr;* �ifm t'ega 2 of 4 Ci)pyriglil 1 KEt Irtispirance Groin COMMERCFAA_ AUTO [:AV 058 � 10 22) d, Aut-oLo;) n? .{3a &0 G;P P Coverage The following provisions apply: (1f II a loan) term lemed 'soda', undvr an origlnro lease agreement, is a wvurlocl 'Onto' under Lhis coverago form and ifto Ies�,or of Ihe cover-od 'aWoO Is named as an edlditioilral mISUrod Lrnfjer this policy, in the event of a Mal lass La She ieaso-d cow-o l we will pay any urLpaid anvxhnt rfiia on the lease, lass the arnoupi paid under the Phy&ical IN rage Coverage Seclion of I.-ho polir_�; aMd lass any: (a) Overdue leaso 4Dt loan rmyfnuents including poriallie , itntore%l_ or outer charger, resuPlioN Irorn overdue peymenls al ille Jim of the-Iaas"; (b) Financial parialtlos Irnpo%ed Linder a leave ror exwssnre tile. htmarm.al wear and loaf cw i igh fmisage; (t) Security deposiN rtiot r-efuruded by the lessor; {�} CosLs dow -oxtended vmrranlles. Credit lice 111wrarice, Hearih Accident or Disatalily lnvra!nce purchsriad wish tho loan or lease; and (e) Carry r batAUM Irom prieWiour. loans -or Im6s, {2) If an owned 'sulo- is a cm-Dred -auto' under this vor a form and the lase payee of tho ooaor-00 Wti' Es named a loss payeo Ue4or this policy, In the overwl of a Mal ass icy the cowered 'a". wo will pay any unpaid amount dtie 00 the boPn, less Cho a ui)L OW urtider the Physical Damage Coverage- S.eciion of the pokT; arid Iles any: jaM CUerdtia laarn paym(nLs a1 the liar$ of the jib) Cosis for exlondim;! 4, NRntles. Credil. Lida Insuranuu. Eleallh Aoodersi or D-sabildy InsurariCk purchased wiLh Lite Ian; and Carry-over balancos f4-orn pfevrbus Iaans. -G, Poragreph 3. under ssclion B_ Excitcljo ti# Is deteled and v3placA�d by 1" follah&dN: 3. VVo will Rol pay fflr 'Io s" due nr�d oo0lrw5-d W: a, gear arrd tear, Ireezing, mindkoinical 0r eler-irical; breakdcf wrn b. Blow o4iiM., punclures or Ohm road damage to 11res I exolu:91on does not apply to s "loss` reswlting from L:ho toLel 11jodk of a ooYered'etrto'. Ilowover. Ihie exdlusion does W 6iolude the di5, herge &aF1alrWg bn acovered'suiV ynubwnIf1:!0oflates due to a cause othw than 0 oa41se pf 'Qss' set forth in Paragrzhphs A'1.b and A.y.-c.bul only: ;P. If that 'auto' Is a covurod -aulo" for Comprehansivo C[N&tage under Ihls policy; b. The elrbegs are wiot covered under any werranly; awtid c, The airbags were ml cntanlinnally inflated e wdl pay up tv a maxlmUrn of $t,WG far any one . eol ion D. DchductibilI is debeled and ieplecsr] by t110 followmq: 0. Dedrk6fible For each aum4r d '$+�Lo`. 4Ur obligaibon to pay ror, rep0a, rowirn or replace dawnagud car stolen pfi�perty wlli be reduced by Llio appNoablia deductible shown in the Deolarali�ons prior to Rhe applic:oiloil of Ow I.+ Q of Irtwrarwce provided that. 1. The Carnprthanslva or Specirped Causes of Loss Coverage dedk&1ibl3 appiivs only 10 ' emed by: a. Tfteft ov chief or vandallem; Qr b. All perils, CAU 050 �1 D 22� Inciudos ool►]+ighLed malerwal of the k4sLora nco Servicv:5 000L, Inc., volth da R$musslr}n. P;mjo % e3r d Copyrlgiv 202; FCCI Insuranpr pup COMMERCIAL AUTO CAU 058 j 10 22) 2. Regardless of the number of coverecF "F1.1109" damaged or SWIell- 1hiR maxirrlufrr deft0ible app6c.ahle for eH loss:' many arxe uwanl f ausecf t'y - a. Tholt & zWsChief or varl11311S : 8r h- Pa PefilS_ wifl ISo Squat la Frve 11mos Mho hlq'hssl deduabble applil:able to any one oowarod "auto" on the Policy lo{ CompmIjensius orSpeciliod Causes of Logs CaMerage. Tho appllrelian of 11-is higbmf OeduNible u&8d io cslrulale the maximum ajec uditllo wall be rna-da regardless of "ich covered `aubes- wore clam$9ed or stulen in D10 "lass`. Any Coinpr0116 9JVe Covsrngv dockiellble %hen in the Declaarmllom!; floes nol apply lo= a. 'Lass' arislrr9 out of theft or ym weh6r if your vehicle 0s egvipped wish an mWe GPS Iracking sysLom, b. Gfasa dai118ge if repaired r0twr 1har< replaced. SECTION IV — BLFSINF-SS AUTO GONDFI`I#NS is armendod as ruiio +.� ,A_ Than followingi Is coded L* paragraph %.,under seslion A- Loss C or1 d ilians, 2. Duties in the Evant of Accident, Claim, Suit or Lom Thi% ctuLy applio& when the `ardderrl', claim, '!jjW or Ims' Is firs; Mlown IQ' (a) You, iF VCKA $rie- an individual; (h) A Paltrier, t you are a parlewrshlp; fie) An exc--ulJive officer or insurwm rrrenager, if you ark a oorpor$haon; or jdj A member or manager- if you are a 6n*Led iiahililyr uumpa+hy. 13. Corrdibm S. Tvansfsr of Rights of Reravory agalast Dthors to Lis under sui0ion A, Loss G*ndilians iS deleted and replgeed by L;he followft :5- Trantlor of Righis of Rutoweryr agalner Dthers to LJ4 If a p$fSoo or organixedcni to of iorwhom we make Payrment lir der Lhis cover43ge loan 11M rights to rACYM damages lfow another, rhaas raghks are Ir$nsfarred Lo us. 11lut person or flrganPLWiw must di? everything necessary Lo secLve our rights and must 4o Whing after `aatlderW or'yGsg to Impair MOM. Hcwv wsr, if Vhe insured lids walwed rlghis Lo raeodwor through a wripen tact, of 6 yaur work was c:orlmm"ced under e letterflf Wont ref work oEtlei, subjecl to a:svbsefbjentrsductibn in vMrlllnq of such a waiver with cw1nmers uyho! a customiVyr nArMs require a waivor- we w8iwe earl Tight of recovery rue may have :Under This ooweirege form. C. The fg1'}owing is addod to Condition 2. Concoalrvi�-nt, Mlarepresen4atiorr -8r Fraud under seoliort 1B. Oe"rsl conalfions: +ir e�rer, if you urLintorrllpneflyr fail hG ciisdose anhazards al Shy i-nuuplmn of your polky, wad %III -n01 dany coverage tinder INS cvmrage Iorm because of such failure. TWis provision don mt $Ffec.d our right Ro ooMCL addilzina l premium of wQjNrcj&o our right of cencOatlon or non -renewal. a. Paragraph b- of Condition 5, Oliher Inaurance under "otaon 113- Gen ornl Condilllon5 is dereted and replaced 1 by the IW*nq: b, For Hkred Auto Ptt Icffl DWYLAge Coverage, the folrcwong arg de ME410 be coweraad "autos" YM own: (1) Any coverred'.DUlo- yoLi lease. hiiro. rent or tuxrrow; and 12) Any cDvemd 'auto' hired or renlisd by your `empluyde under a contract in khal individual 'employee's` nerve, wilhs your permission. while performing duties rc!lated io Lhe rond;uoL of You r business- Hbwvmr, Aitiy 'Eiuio ilhat is leased, hired, ri3nl&d or bonfowed wish a driv& is nM a cowered. 'aulo", nor IS any "aw you hire from any od your 'OmOOyrees-, pamera (0 YOU ere, -D "rtn ip), members (If V Mr f9a a limited IlaI)iLily cnmpany). or monitors of Mi:-u hmusehol&.. CAME 058 (10 221 IndUdpx CBI3'righW rrAtEcf ar cd Ih a IrtisUrar111ca SOMW!W 0Iri", 1M., W1h ila Perrni&VI0n. p'q& A 01 a Copyrirot 2021 FL'Gi Msufaani;a iwicip COMMERCIAL AUYOMDBILE 1}oli�� NCA10O051085 17AU O (01 15p THIS ENCOR EMEWr CHANGES T:H'E POLICY. Pl, EASE READ 17 C:ARE FULLY. AUTOMATIC INSURED - BUSINESS AUTO POLICY PRIMARYINON-CONTRIElUTING WHEN REQUIRED BY CONTRACT This endorsemanil rrrpoltles Insurance peovIded under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE F0 This andomemard is su4eol. 60 Ille Scans, *plticldlons. enlugiOri$ and any othlat prowlsions of tho ELL)$INEGS AUTO COVERAGE FORM of any sndwwmen1 $llacmed lhCre1a LINES5 rhang s v additiDnrt are Irudlcmad Wow_ For the purpmo of this endame►rhor11, ian IkA.1. VVIr } Is Ain Insured is amended by adding Lace fall ng: 1- Any persW of C+r9a:niaesi4n when you and such person have agrued In writing In a contraC1 signed and exenuh3d * yoti pr6or t-D the lobs for which m)v,�ta Is :5oughl ihLaL sUck1 per:�cn yr argaAizak4i�rr The added as an "insuru+.i" on your auto 1 I :3uch person -or ofgan+iz$liion shall 0 an "insured' t-b the! -ekL-ent your diegligent aclion& or pmi5sfons impose Ilability on sue11 "Imtrred" w0ivui Paull on Its pari- 2. 711is In:sufance is piim@ry and noe�-eOnlrIhulory 10 flthoi Ii,90ilhly coverages of the parson of orger►wLion being added to this pow} As an 'Irlsuted" when sn r"uired in a wriuen uonlydct or agreemolL 1hal i!� &);awted prior io the fps f4)rwhich covoraoe is sought CLAU N2 �O 1 15) Irrlr"4�± cGpkHgMed rmareeial dl Rw Insuranuo -519rvices Office- Wc;,. wilh Ns perrrissinn. PAge 1 at 1 {,Ppyrlglrl 20:5 FCGHnsurunce Group. Texasmut.z WORKU& CCMPENSATIO N INSURANCE v ORKER& C Ors PE NSATION AN D WC 42 03 04 B EMPLOYERS LIA 0ILIT Y PO I, ICY �11SL1 *d t DP-- TEXAS WAIVER OF i UR MOOT TO RFCOVEn FROM OTHERS END0REEMENT This endorsomorki appIres mly 10 the insurancs provWd by the poliq baca um faxes is shown In Item 3.A- of the InformaliQn Page, We nave 1hia rlgg)t la recover our peymlarlt& Irom argwe liable for an wjLvy pared by this policy, We will MCA MibrCA OU right against the P19rsOr1-or ooganiz.1tlon nerned in the $chgdule, but thlti weiMer appims -br11y 1wlth 149E ftl to k oD ft ikNUff y aiWng wt of Me operatkm dewnl�� In Lyle r;thMula WhM you ara mqulr@d bV a wltl.6n vanlrnt ID nb4in this wnIwox Irom us. TW mdormment :shall nol operate Bird lly -or In 6r4oetly to bonoiil anyone not named is the Schedule. -rho prumiurn for tills erworse„3enl is shown in thig S dula- Schadule 1- () Speciric Wehror blame V per%orb 4r 4r-ganixelion (X)Blankel WOIVer Any pem n or vr!�Larllza4o 1 for whom the EJpmed Insured has agreed bywrWtA;5n5traW to Nrnksh Ihl!q wal%w. 2. Operaiions: All 7oxas oporalions 3. Premium: Tlia premium charge for this eaidurs8r'nrmtit sha1l'be 2.00 percowl of the premium developed W payroll if4 connection with work pax1ormied for ah-a aUpm p@rson(s) or erkation(a) ariVinp out of the 09$ral.10r1s d crlbad, 4, Adwisnce Pierrllum: Included, ssa lnfmmahm P�tq& irrs endummant th~6 UL404UY irr ~ II 1#AWK§1W ffffWL b an llw weVRou du1a ri1 11LU Wgy n,VL�&i :) 4,1j0Mn1 "Iq Iq InLLtaLid btiuh. (Trw kAowrng'ad I mchknj dk uf0' de" W *&vC WW Oil' Whfjn th c $,... .-.. . — - L IS iswcdI subseWjL'ru 78 ptL!001WOkM 0 ft WW.Y.} TIh ffxwsameniLarfecdva bn V I W 3 a L 12WI ■.1 -rA;rkUrd limo, loans a earl d Pdky c r- WYK61005 or T*bms MuIu*1 k4ur CbmNvq arfecAhm on 8012M issued W. VWrLLIAM ISCHULTZ INC ❑ A: CMI-E C CONSTRUCnON COMPANY TM Is r4m B hill NCCI Cirrrwrr Code' 2M9 AulhorizO r$praeer140lliv* IM11*3 VO flfm 1205B. Augt*1- 7X 7$711- 1 oil texer;nlulmr-corn ! (WO) a59."95 I Fsx (9G12} 3594XW STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CITVOF FMT WMTIJ 5,r NDAR1}cxmti UttION F ICAMO ' ANTS ocvF km-*&Ml �7� ��%�0���D��� ��� 7-D�� ��u�u�v�x�u"�+� ^�^~"""~"���"^ CONDITIONS �`" ^""�� CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS ArgAcle I-IDeUikifthmvmmd^U'm1'|-ninmka.................................................................... -.-.-,-----_-----1 1.01 DrFawd'i'crim............. 1.02 TeTnn' ,.-,...,.-^~'~~^'^^^'~^^^~~^~^^'^^~^^'~'~^'^~'~'~^^~'~''^`^^`''`'~`^~'~~^`� Axtick2- l'nmk-Lary Matters ................... .,...,.-,....,.,,..,.....,,..,..,~,,......,..,..,.---.-^~^^^'^^'^~'-'~-~-'7 10 1 Copics ofDmcmxwilUs.-............................ _--_----_-....................~....~...~.............7 2'113 Carnmmmncmmmem8ofCwmtmcXT-inic -N«licr.Uo Pmocccd...................................... ,...... ~,.,,.,,...-7 I0alhc ----------------------------------------- ~-^^~'~~~~~~^~~.~'~'~~~^~�� 2'04 Slar�iftg Ccmvskrm:tion..................~.......^^.^.~~^~..~.~.~~.~.~~,~.,.~..,.'...,.,..,..,.~.~� 105 Pm:Cwn5tFu:timn COdCm:mW.....-._.--....._._.-____--_.~.^....~.~~.~.~.~~.~~.~.~� 2.06 PnhUiu Y"U' -..-.-._'---^---~-'~^~'^~�~�~~~~^~~'~~~~~~~'~~~'~'~~^~^^^'~~^~~~^~''� lNftnU, A0emm-......~.......~........~.....~...........~.~~..,~.� 3.01 ............ ......~............ ~~........ --- .......... ....._-.'`'----.... ............ -......... 0 3.02 Rcfcr(r-mcc gUftmlard$..... ....,.--.-.-`........... .............................. ^'^~'~'^^~^~~^~^~~^~^~~^^^^~^~~9 3.03 amDiscrepancies- ...~~^~...~................. ~~~.~..~.~~..^.~.'..~~~_...~9 IN Anr-ndi|cg and .9mp*mlniNing CoWFaW Pmewmas............ -°-0 105 RctL,.,v of PWocummcn�%--------- ------- ..._.....^°~.........~................. 10 A dicle 4-Avwllabiky orU~mid»; Subiur�acmand Kamikbia -, HmaandnmoEnviromiczWal Cmmdi[kw Refonwmce Pninir........... ~...~........... ..,..,._-..-.--__---__--__---.^..'........II 4.01 AvaillaUily Uf ULNK�5.--.'--'-....... -_-._------^~^~~~~'~'~^~. 11 4.N SvKsuxd'mcemnd PhwmkalCua»dkiomm ................................. ~........ .~...,...,..,.,,.,..,,...-.-,........ U2 4.03 Diffefirig Smbsurfacc w UCorvR inns .~.~�~.~12 4.04 Undrrgmund .--'__^......... .~.~~.~.~.~~~.~....~...~~....~~..~.~...~~~~,.~-13 4.05 Re femme Pw"m.......... ~.............. ~....... .,,......,..-.-...... ^^^^'^^^^~^~^^^^'^~'^^'^^^'~^^^^^~^~~^~'~~^^^14 A31IL: L, 5- BmoAvamd Umumcmnce ......... ..........................~.~..,..,.,,.,,,'...... --_H_-'-...°-.~,.-"..-~...U6 101 Licemwd Srum:fics wmd [mwLirrmv,..'~~^^^^^^~'~^~~^~'~^^^~'~~^^^^~~^^^^~^10 5'02 PVCl l3pinJmCe,Payment. and Mm�ftwM:*zmBmwXiS............... ........ ........... ....... ........... .......,..]6 5.01 Cmr6fiCaWw5mf IMUmMC..... ... ..........,......................... --^^'~^^^'^^^^^^^^'^^~~'~^'^~^^^^^'^^^~'^^]6 5.04 Cw*lwNdor`-iJru=we........................................... ~^~~.~.~~.~.~~.~.~.''... ~..... '~~...~~.'........... ]8 ,�LTYu+VOR'rnYMxu mn*wmAmmpumTxlrCrm* VwVI,|cAmnN 6.02 Lmbar, ~ ' Ulqvmcm.~~.............. ~._~~~~,~~~~.~.--- ..^^._.'__,__n ng 6-03 Swrvirno.Maimriab and .~~.~~.~.~~... ........... .~.... ... ... ... .... �...~.. 20 6A %c]wduU.-,,,.,,~,,,~~,,,,^.^~.~^^____`___'~_',.~,''~.~~,~,~~,,^~^.^~^^,_^,__,,,,.',.,2 1 6.05 Smb����o mmd°C���U�L� k"_.'.,,,_.~,,~,~.,~^~,^^^.^^.^~._^._^°__.-,..,,~~,~,,,~.~^~,,,~,~~..,.,^_�� 6L6 cmui:erm'ig S4xwnLmmc1cmw, SuppHws, and othem,..',.''~..~^~~'~^^'^^^'^~~^'^^^^-'^''-`'-'``'~^^^''~N 6.07 Wage ll�lat»m........... -_-.,~~,.~~,.~,~^~,~~^____~~,~~~.,...^,^�_^^__�� 6'09 PAtcnA Fccmomd Royalties ........................ ~.,.~^,,.^,,~^...~,^^,^..^._^_,.~,~,,,',~'~~^~,,^~.~^26 6.M Vecnuks and 0L0diL!m~,............ ,~~~1-~~~~,.^_~____._.__~_~~,~~~.~.~,,~.~.~.~~^___._-��� 6.10 Laws and Regulatkom...'.....',_,~,,'~'.-~,..~~.~......^..^~^~.~^^.^.~,^^°-^,~,~,^.~..~^ ...... ^.27 6.11 Taneo.......... -`-...-~-............~......_.__~,__~.,,~..~~.~..~.~~~.~^~^~--.'____�� 6.12 Uwwof Sim and Otter Amam............. 6.13 RmcmrdDmcuxmem$................. ..... ....~.....,....--.-',.',_,,,,~.....~~.~~^^..^^~..^.._',_29 6.14 Safin/omd N'Mmo1bn......... '_'~_,.'~'~,,~,~^~,,,^.^^^,^^^^.. ....... ,__,.'~,~~,~,~~,,^~^,,,^^~~^^^~.,^_�� 6.15 Safety Rv~^'~~~~^~~~~^-~--~'~`~~~~~~'~^'~^~'~~~~ ~'~~~~~~'~^^~'~30 6.16 ' ���������mmu|mo�x��K�mm � MvgMr"S'^^~'^^^~^^^^'^^^'~'~^~^^^ ---- ^.-.`...................... ....... .........-]1D 6.17 wmd/Gr R=tjficejjcn............ ",'-',,...~............. ~..~^~^^^^^^^^^'-'-°-.,.'..'.,..,'.....^30 6.10 SmbmnNKalm........'...'..-.'~'-.-.-`'..'.,''~~...~~^~.~~^~^.^.^^.-.--_-.-,... ............~...~.......'31 6.19 C�o�iwing the Work .,,.^~,~........... __,_,,.~~~~,~~.,.~,~,....................... _.~_~.~.,~.,.~,32 6.21 Umdemum&pwm ......... .....^..~^^^.^.......... _.`-`'^~'~~'~^^^'^~^~~^^^^'~^'^''^'^--'-`''`'~`~~^~^~'~~^-3,3 6-22 Delegation of Pnmfeamiawum|Des ign Scrvim...............^..-..-.-.-'-..~..'.,...~........~........-34 &23 Bi�kh1 UoAkLdk...... .~..~~........---_-_~...~~~'~.~~.~~~~~...~-U Axtiak 7 - Other Work at the Ske.^.^... ^... ^^......... ^-'^`-.'~'~~^~^^^~^~'~~^~^~~^^^'-^-----'~`'``~~'~'~~^~^~~^�� 7.01 Related Wcrkat!;itt -.'',,.~....~....~.~.~^^.~^^..^-^.----.-.,,..~....,'.,.~~.^..^~^~.~^^.^.^~^`---�� AMICL- 8-iCkY'm '',,.',,,..,,,,,,,^,~~,^^,^.,.^,�._,___~._.',,.'~~,~,,^~,,^~~^~..^.^^^_____.`,'36 9-0 Pay Nvhcn Due .-~,^~~,~~,.^~.,^^,.................. ~',._~~,~~~,.~36 0,04 Lan&mnd hmwrmmt;. ReportsaW Temtm............._^"---.-.-,_....^..~.~~.~.~~...^^^^^.'-'--'�� S-]5 Qwngc Oomcro........'.^^^.__-'`.-...~`^^~^^^~'~^^~^^'^^'~'~^-~^'--^~'``''^`'~'~^^^'~'~'^^~^~''�� B-06 In.5peclkwa, Tevm Und Approva 6 ......... 8-07 IjmOwfimnm on City"m ...... '~~~~.~.~.~~^~~~^__._~~.,._~~~............. .....~.'17 8.09 Undk lased UUiamrdoz Enviffmomcnitol CoMhbm 3? .8-C9 Carnp&ncc wWh Safety Pr Aufic la 9-C�«y"s During CmmmNru«t^n........................................ ~^.~^^_-..',.'-..~37 9]01 City'.5 Proicct Manag»r-----,_,.~...~.~~.~.~~.~~~~.~_-___-~..~..~~...~.~....�..-1T 9.02 VL-t�- to Siw .~..~.~^.~.~.~^.'.^__---~^~~~~'^~~'~^~~~'~~~~~~37 -9.03 Awhoxbmd Vmrial!m11mLmWO(k... ''.... .......... ~^..^^^^.^^^.^^............ ~~^^^^^................. 30 19J]4 Reje-clog Dcfcccivc Work .^,,~.^�^`_.'___~'~.~.~~�~~,.~^.~,^.^,^..39 9.05 for Work ------ -------- '','.,.'............. ..^.^^^^^~'~^,-__.-J0 CFTYmpIFCAT WMTH .tnA1Nr3A6Ftjjcn'%ruou7j0m WnmcAT|mm x)c3tn/MFHT5 Article 10-Changes in Ufic Wio�^ EvT% Wxrk...........,.~..,.....~~.,..,..,..',.'..---.'~-^^^^^^-.~^^.^38 10]01 A �"rk-1 Changes in lxe Work ........ ......................... .�-^.~...~.....~........~....~~.�� 10J02 U]mmuthorLmd Chmogcmin U]ic Wtwk-._,'_'..................~....~~~~.~...~...-,''~.,.,.',..,-.'^.--'39 10.03 EncutionmfChange ... ~.~~.,'.~~^.'.,'.,_-'------^^^^^^^^^^~'^^^^^~~^~^^^�� 10-04 hvma Wmnk~..~........~.~..~~.''---Y) 1016 NmtificaUion to SumoUy...... ......... --^~'^^'^^^^^'^~^~~^~^~~^^^`^~'~^`-`^`'~^-`'~'~`''`'-''-^'^........ ~�� 10.06 cmml(mcUCla�m pmocymm.___ -...~~~.~.~~~~.~.~,~....-.__________~.,~~.~~^~^.~.,~'~�� Article I ^^CoML ofthe Wof k:A lbwanws, U]k Pr' e Wark� Plans M1:mwmFVTnmkd......... ..--,._'4U 11.01 CosUof ftWnrk---------- 41 11.02 A1lowumumm... .....^........ ^........... ~..,.'~....______^_^.^.^^,~,~~,~,^^...... ~.^,~,~~,~,~,,,,''~~.,._._,Q 11,03 Unk Pficc Wwrk.............. ................ ~,~~~^~'~~'~^'^~'~'~~~^'~~~~~'~~~°~~~--~-^-'-^^^~��� A rticle 12 ~ ChaiiW of CmwmmwC Pricc; Change of Cowract T[IM ............,......... ....... .... ..... .............. ~46 12,01 Cb:u,gc ofCoamu1Prime-_..... ...... .......................... '... .,,.,.....'-.^-_.-"'~_~-^^^.^.^^.^.^~~^~.~�� 12'62 Uhmogtm ofCoz(jartTim. ...,...,..,..,.`.-.-'^-'~-~'^^'^^^'~^~^'^~'~^^~^~^~~^~^~~^^`~`^~^``'``'^`'--47 Animiw 13-Tux,-iaomdUnspmo%imnm; Cmwiom. Rcmoa Imr ActmpLammof DefactimWiNk.................... 48 13,01 Nut'roof DefccUm.~............................ ~~~~~~~^~'~^'^^~~~~~~~`~~~~........... ___ ----------- 49 13, Q2 Aocm%uUmWork...____ ..~............... ...... ...... .................. °~~~~~~^~~~~~~'~'~~'~~~^~~^^48 11,01 Ycots and 1o3mCr'tjkM........_-----~~'~'~~~~~~^~~~'~'~~^~'~~~~~~'~`'~'~'-��--"~~^^~�� 1a.04 Um .~.~. . ,~,~~~.~49 1a.05 Uy May Slop the Work ............. _.-`____^~~..~.~~^~~~.~~~~~~~._~~~~~._.-_~~-'49 1 J.* Con=tjxmorRONNWna1OfDCfP.CLvM WOFk...... ....... '.~......'',.~,.-,-.'..-.-~^^..^^^^.^.,,,^.^~^......... :% 13. 07 CtMCtbmPCnkA........ '~..,~~..................... ~.,^^._^^^,,^^.^^,~,,~,~^~~,,,~~.~,~~'~._.',,.,,.__._.50 13.0 AcuJ4ancu of DeWl&...... ..........................~,......~,-,-,.-.--~'-'~^^^~'~~^'^^^^^^5 1 Art* 14. Paynwnts UmCmnMr. Im-whi ^^~'~~~'~~~'~'~~^~'~~~~~~'~`'~''--~----- ------ ^-^-'^52 14rO I mfV"mm'........... ................. ....-.''-`-~-^°~'^^'^^^^~^~'^^^^^~~^^^'^~'~^^^^^^~~^~^~^~'`^`^52 14L02 Progmmm Paynicnis ~...~_-_-'--~~'~~~^~~'~'~~~'~^~~~'~~~~~'~'~. 52 14.03 ComtwCor"s W-0tramtymfT& ......~.,M 14-04 Pmrlial UAUu36111 .....^~~^^^^^^~^~^^^~'^^~~'~'~~``'^~~`~``'`^~^'`-`'`'--55 14-05 F�m] I _ ___._~.~.~~.~,~.~~~.,~.~~~~,~.,.,~~~_~_`___-_.^.~^~.~~~.~^~~~~~~55 K06Final Acceptance ............... ~...,..._-..,.......... ^-~--'^^^^^^^^^^^^~^^^~~^~^~~^~^~~^`'^~~``'``'~'~'~''55 14-IG7 14n1 14.08 F�ml Ctwnp|c1i)n belayed and Pwri�w]Retmiwogo R-C]ew-.'--'^'~.....~.~.~~.�� Anic]e 15-Swwpcmigo p[wmrk and Tc|lmirmUlon... ... ,..~...,.-''-..,,-.'-.-^^......... ^~,^.^,~,~~,~,~~,,,~~,,57 ]5.0} City may Smm[e|vd Work ........... ...___ -...'^^^'^^~^~^'^^^~'~'^^^^^~~^~^~~'~^^^''~'~''^~'~~`~`''~'~'-V 15-02 Chy mny'rcmnlnnCe F(wCmume....~~~~................ ..~.......... ..~.~.~.'--._.~�~~~..~.~^~�� Ari ic le 16 - DispLft Rmaw*lUkm ......... lo ry r* 1FnRT*ORTIn !STANDARD mWrxwCr|uw VKuM!Xr|mm mWUwsmw.S AJrl-KA,17-Miswxllanmous....................... .....~~^^^°-._,~.'~.~~~~~~^~.~~~~-~.~~~~~~~~.....~..._�2 17J02Computation .,,,,,,..... ^^,^,_^_,~~,~,~~,,^^^,..^~^^,^',,._.~'~~,~,~,.,,_^_.__ 17]03 Cmmu6Uivm Rmrnmd;mm--..,,~...~.~~^~.~~..................................... ^.^^.~~,..-.-,'.......~...~~.^.�� 17.04 Survival mf0/ mo ............ CI F«mrp(WTw*oKn| x/Axum*nnCim»jrRoCromu WIMAr|ou 1"'wMewTm Wzw-i GENERAL CONDIT 100 S Foie 1 of61 ARTIC LE f- DER N ITIONS A N D TF I M E NOLOEN 1,01 Woomd Terp m A- Wherever used 65 these Gra rLCFa1 Corrdkms or in other CorJtract Documcnts. the iLrms limcrll beLrw ham the mcailniilp incti uicd wWch are iaprl"ble w hegh the-q-%L]ar and plural thereof, and lvrsrd�' dcTt il-mg gender shag itic9ude the mascufm, femini x and neuter_ Said t-aniz are generally capitalised or wrken in Oaks, but Fx4 always. When used in a context o"islcnt With the &fmRw' of a 1131mWrFwd term, the term shall hays a nwaning as dopined bolow wh,ctlscr capita lized or r abcized or dhc rwisc. In ad,dhion to temis spec ifically defined, terms with init is I r.apitaI letters iR the Contrast LmvnLs ineImde re for-rrce:� to Wentiijed arIicler. aned paragraplu, ami the trtics rj sJk,-r docul mnls or Earns, 1. Addenda -Written or grakpbic irWnwivots issued prier to th,c ni% or R* which ChriCy, COTWrt, c,r c.k ngrre tlty I3id&ng Requ[remnts or Ilse pmpa&ed C.mtraci DmmiaM. I Agre&im rj.-The written instmarrlcni which imi e vWcnuc of the agrecrmt be twcc rn Cry and Cor1lTAc1017 eoVcring Ihr, W13fk, _ Appjkrr1;va fba- Payo emr. EU foam acceptable to Cky wjch is to be used by Corknetor du rig the course of the Wcwk in r qm-iting firogm-nis or fimd imynirnt:� and wl*h is to be aveo poLaW weft supporting doewwntation as is re-qu6md by flic Contraet Doi ununts. 4. Asbeslcu-Any material Ihat cortlaiims nmre Ifian me pmorg *she- w saul Ls friatk kv is relm!�* aqb sms Fikrs dtito the air alcove ckmnt action levels established by tJtc Unked States Occupational Safety and Health Administratirxn. 5, Avmi-d- Aulh tivn by the Qy Cokm 9 For the City W eater into an AgreemenL 6. Pid- The offer or proposal of a Bidder submitted 4mi the pi-cscrlkd form acttsng fcoh the prices fvr the Work Io b-- perf 7, Bidder -The individual or entity who submRs a Bid dixxliy w City. 9, BOding Docrrvmms-Tile Bidft RcquiTcrracnts and tlu jV1)fX3 td Conirkwi Doommets (imehdirg all Ad*rKU), 9, Bf ding Requ rewnis--111c advertiacnical or Invitation to Bid, Iminmi 3; to Bidders, Bid security of acccptabk form. if any. and the Rid T'CrM +,v h a r%y Sure filcmer1rs_ aOL Reubie_ry Div - A hLEinesys day is defluied as a day that the City caiducts normal bm-hcss, pnera lly Monday through Friday, except for fu&rol or sWtq, buWayti oKwirid by tl� City. 11, CgjendgrPay - A day crosi;ting or 24 bows measured from nrd&Lht to the next mikn'W. c-rr r (W -FXKF tit ,VAN lWDC=TtkICTJ0N SPECIF ICA T IGN lM-LIMENT4 In.isiom: &OM1 Hn44-I GENERAL CGwDI40M8 Pqx29(a 12. Change OFdw—A docurnont, which is prepet%Lbd gild apMwd by the City, wltkli is -cited by Conlractw and City aifd awkwims art addition, dcictiamt; or jrvig;on irk the Wyk or aii adjusimenit In the CorATact Price or the Conlract Tim, riisucd on or after the EA -Active of the AgEcement. 13- Qf),— The City of Fart o,tf14 Z'exa, a 1onw-rklk n1fL1F&*a] -curparatinr, aLOwri d and chaLlered ukxiar the Teaks Ststc Statutes, acting by its gtyKnuing body throuei its city Marwgcr, hi% deskrree. or agents aw6oriwd da+r his behalf, ea,cli of wltich iri rcquicd by Charter to perfami �.pcc-Cc dwlks with mpalsihility 14 fwal cnPorccnicra-of the corrtrauts invdhing the Chy of iioo Mrxlti is by Charler vcstcd in the City Maiugur and K the-Uncity 3wah whom Conkractor M5 entered into the Agrerticr� and for whom die Work 6 to br'- performed, 14. Chy A(larney — The offxially appointed City Alta rcy -of the City of fort Worth. Texas, ❑r hir, duly authoria-d representative— S. Cify Catim:# - Tlrc dwa y Oceted and gLiaIil ied 8(wtrrnmg body of the Chy of Fort 1 cxjh, Texas, 16- City Mrdna r —The offciaRy appointed and uukhluaMd City ?Manager of the Cfty ur I'orl Worth. Texa%or his duly AlLdlipri; d rcprcS=10(iVC- IT Coalrarl (`fcohn—A deixrsnd w assertion by l;'.xty tw Csmtractw seeking an ld�L"rr nL of Contract Price iN Camrac.t Tim, or loth, or other relief with respcvt to the L-erns of the CcmlraiA. A d-aInd for mancy or services by a thir{L arty'N not a Contract Claim. 18. Conlrac —1 entir-e a rvJ irkkckcd writlen docurne t between the City and Contracttrr concernirg Me Wurk. The Contract con aivK the AgeLcmcut and all 0mitract I fc curr ws- arhl supersedes prig itegotialk r&s, rup xntations, or awe rncnL%.. whetter wr�tc rn (w oral. 19, t".cmrael D-rwwnems—Those peens so deSkpMted in Lhc A inent, AV fte rM listed in tk- Agrocniant are Coi tract Doeu -mris- Appvowd Submittals, other C-Untraelor subs itta Ls, and 0hef M poOs and drawiRgs of suhsnrfhoe and phy!sk:al condilkws are not bract DSx ujmnts, 20. Corrfract like Alm xr omys rryabie by City to ConlraeUW f❑r vompMeon of the Work in ftoIirduncc wilh the Comract Dacurr v1,i as silwvrl in the AgiuerrwjA (st.Ih*t W the provisicnS Of Para$m0) ] 1-03 in lire mw of Unil price Work), 21. C.'unirgef Buz—Ttrc nudnber of days Lw ik- dates stated in lie Agreenvot to; (� achieve Milcslone%. it arr and (ii) coniplete the Work so that iG in ready for Rimai Acceplar 22. Corrfracw—'fhe irrdk-idual -or a-r* wilh whom City has enured irM ft AgxcnTenC , Comafthe Work—&c paragraph I JAI of -these General Fond ticxv for deflidtion. MY of FoR'r vmRT11 STAidi?ARD [X.Ciit AI I CT 10 N IWFFICA TIOW CI)C'MENTS RVrolon My"I W7200•1 GENERAL Da1T10R 6 Fop301T63 24. Wnuge Claims - A demand for rnomy or servkcb ari�ir% lrom die I'rojecl or Sake rrml a thud pany� City or Ounirmoor e3mkalve of a Corttroct C Laird, 25_ Day or day - A 46yr W�ess otherwise & Firwd, shall rnca n a Cu h vdar Day. 26, Dirtievoi- qf A vlafiam - The offiowlly appoimcd D-urletiw of Jim Aviriflun T)k�Lrt11121. t of the Chy of fort Wurth, Tcxam, cw lftL� duly appointed mpm rrtadv+e, assi5tmu;, W Duffltits_ . Diovvror of Parka and 'ur wiffniol &rVicey - The officially aPixxiO'tod I)irVctor of the PUrLs and Comriumiiy Scrviccs Depprlrllerit of the City of Furl Worth. Texas. or hivi d4 appointo d repmsentadve, sssigom, orr age Ltts. 28, Dfivelororf Plarral and L)e O{MWrrl - Tlla officially appalled Director of the 11131111 ig and Developm ra Dcparlrmfifi of the Oily of Fort Worth, Texas, Or hi% d0v aPpolillcd re.pfescnta tryc, RANiStant, or apUM5, '29, Direrlor el' D'.amspoirterfiviT Prrblc rl'oAs - Tk nfrrnialiy appaimcd 17hector of the -Evansponation P ie Works DcpallmcTlA of the lily of Fort Words. -Texas, or hiL; dWY appvinjtekt m esentativc, ami.Ljtmnl. of aphis, 30, Direetarof Wow?,1)�'_pflrlpne i - Thy offlcia4 appointed Dirc.:Mor of the Water. Dcpatlltx,rd of the C ity of print Worth, Tv xas, ur his duly appointed re se restive, assimni, OT agents. 3t. Derrivi:TgN. -Mat pan -of ft. Contract Documerilzi prepared or appr#+rd by Erkomor which graphica l sh(Av% the scope, cxlcna. aml cl cter of Ific Wi)rk to be performed fry �'iV Mc tor, Subm talc are riot Dra+ V%li is m defined. 32. EflecillyDyo;e -of theAgmerrreW--ThC dftte irI&ated in the Agmemeal on vv ich 4 Neoms effcct-KC, KA i#no such dale il. klitikaLed, u nwaTE ft -dale on whkh the Agreerrrent is sued and de iiwred by ik. Iasi of the two parbu!� In sib and Mml r, 13_ gineep—Ilic licensed professional en inecr or cngincurirr}; form rc&tcruO N' tCL� State of Texas perfomiji-l& pmfus6m al services fur the City_ �4_ &irn WoA - Additional wtJrk 1114cle necOssar)r bay Qbanges {v alleratiorl" of the Contract D�ockjuncnl_4 cr or quantities or for odic r rcasom for whicb m prices aE-C provided uti t1t,e Contract pwimmnta. Extra tivcA shall be pat of 11K Work, �5_ jdOrder -- A written order iiswd by City wk:h re4t&.es changes in the Work btrt wJ&h does snot in hT a uban c in the Contract Price, Conduct Tines, or tlie intent of lbe Engirw". Field Orders arc paid from Fieki Order Allowances inc(xrxrraled irrtD the Conlrao by fwided work type at the ti= of award. 36, Fiwl Acceplonce - The Wfhen nolkc Weir by Ills Chy 10 ft 1:fa11raCW Shal 11W WWI spec aj 'm the Corktrac li Docunymits has bccll c m pk ied to the satllsfavl ml of 11W t= ily_ CRYOF FORT W❑R ai srANmum"i NU MOR !tECIP ICA T IG x 1x1CIMAINTS 4973UQ-1 GENE RAL DaNDPTJO N 3 Pap 4Bf(LI 37. PI.Hat br-Yj;e-c fan - IitspCcl9n ca"d ntd by the coy 1,o verify That the ContL&actor 31a:5 ermWicled tits Work. and eachwij cycry part or appurtenance thm:Dr, fully, enlire}y, and in codtfrtrrrMrrce with the CMtract [.)oc LlrsSe,jl-,_ 38. G-enev of Rt'wdre myris - cams of 1) ivisian } of sk Contract Dmumcnts. 19. ffazae-dons Presence at the y of Asbestm, PCBs, Pe-U-01cum. Rarardaas Wd4ic, kadinactNt' Matcria4 Qr otlo-r "terials in such qulantilieri. (Kr ciNutrratance3s Umt imay presciA a sulma Rtia I danWr to I 'soots or property agxmed thcrcto. 40. Hazargoxy Wave. I am pLi akrs waste iq tdcl-ate as nrly solid waste listco us 1wLzardoLls or rKy5scmeson,e ve mm hazamtom uhHrmcteriaties as dcrlmd in the fc&raI wastereg0lations, as alnwwcd rmn One to lam. 41. La"-s and ReguIeWons-.. Any and ml[ appiicablo laws, rules, regolajioajs, mdir mccs, co&sr and ix*rs of any ar4 all gownummmi bodies, apincics, aiutharuios, and cowls }tavbg jua: isdiction, 42, ]Jens —Charges, wcurity else rests, oa' OM MINH nl OS uPM Pr*ct furad�;, n;al prolx rtrr, c-r Versvrml property- 41. li gjor Rem- An Item Of work inefixied in the Conjunct Df aunt that has s local cost equal to or meter than afthe rrEgaral Cax�tract tic 0r S25,006 whichcvcr is less_ 4C Affiesorrr—A protci al vvcnt specified i5 klrc Contract Mxrnrrents rckitiitg to an imercrtudialc Contract l Otte 1pr-W to Final Auv:c "ncc oft1le. W(xk. 45. Nafibv of .ltiwiYar The written notice by Coy to the &,'u0car5sfW Biter sl mling t]tat ugx3 n limcly oaattplimc by the 8L1cccs!;frll INdkr wr b the ca,nditkm prece&-nt liMed Ihcrcirs, City +kill so amddckver Hk AgrccaitcnA. 46. Notice Ire f'a-emeed—A Written itcasic:c given by �_ ily to Cimilrac tnr fixing tIm date ern whiich Ilse Conlraot Ti m wiil convmrwc to roil and im wh-Kh troritrf,CIar Shatl sta3l 119 pcTforM the Wr3rk spccirrA in t OMFact Ncunwnts. 47_ N.'Av--pohychlor natcd biphenyls. 48. LmT, i7tCbxbrtg cnlde oil j-m- any fraction thL.raof wlticlt j-, li4rjid Jrt standajA co Wlons of temjkrraturc and Mss= (60 degrees Faihmimit a3ld 14,7 p0tLnd% reir Square irwh abso}wc�), such as oil pckrolcmin, fuel rail, (M-I slaudpe, oak TcfitwF Casofirs:. Iscr ram, and nimcd with other norp-HamnkoLL� Waste atrrd crudc.�oib, . Mang e do 116 ion of Drsw'mg5, MYflFFordr SkYlRTjj s'rAMMRD CCMTRUC1fWM M CIF ICAT1ON tWUMEMTS W72OD-1 GiGNERAL CiMUITION S FMv Snrh3 5D. Projec(LTe#4drare- -A sc11c-duk', prepared and 1tadsMai wd by CMTaLetOr, us a0c0rdRnee W 11 the Genera I Rcqui %e wkls, describing the scqLW=C aTKI duration of 117C aQtiviti4s rfini JrLss-Ing the Contrawur',: plan to accomprliph']ti Work Willrei the Contract Tines. 53. f rrojeel IlieWork lobc perforrned under tlicContract I]+ Lmitrrts. 52. project Monagef -The autthovimd repitscnlalivc of the City whG will be assrgncd tip ille siw. i3_ Publie Meeting - An armiounced juming um duclud by Aire Cky to facilitate public pariicipatiion arW laxat&ist dwc pubk im go-mmg *in inforrmd view of the Pro*t. . flud oaeliw Mrs uiai ice, special mcli ar, or bvprodwt rmtiolal as dcfmd by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et ri:q-) as aWICII ed from cimc is lime. 55, Regular Wiwi ffarau—Hour,5 be0aLig at 7:G0 Li.rn. and cvdirk, at MIC p.m-, Monday I]tru kriday (exchrdblg Icgel hofidlays), 56, 8aorg4e_Y—PhyiicaI examples of Mteriak, equiplient, or wGFkTtrRMd'iil'i that aro p0prvseraalave of &u= pudion of the Work and vwhiclt cstmbLI;h the st n&Fds by which such portion of ft Work will bej4ged. 57, Schadode Of SubmNab—A scKAU e. prepared arid maintakwd by Crintractor, of requited submittals and the linw Toqudrtrwats to support schc&W perfori mnceof mhled cumlmctin n aclkdlks- 58. sehedh4e of Vahies—A schedule, prepamd and nminial by i`onivactor, alkxating prplions of the Owilract Price to w rium po kw of die Wark and uscd p* the hisis for reviewing Contractor's Appkalkms fir Paynwnt_ S9. 9rre—I.;Lrxls +9 areae. 6idica(ed in the IYrgTlrart DucLonents as bcffig furnisWd by City upon whkh ihtie Work is to be perfcrrWd, irI0_fpdft r�ghlS-of-WRY, permits, amd easenwnis Igor aced thereto, aaW such whcr lands furAshed by City which are desipmtcd for the u4 of Cantrac.lor, . Tat pall of the Gunlrant 1)ocnrrieTlls cvnsisliirg of written requirerliern for materials, equipment, sys$ri s, gtarrdar& and wodnianship ;is; eLM41ad to die Work, and ccrlttia admmi in-Lovv regL&ements and praceduca I matters app kablc th rc tv, Smo itkal io1is 1nay be speuifi Ify ninde a parl of 19ic CmIract Doc Lkinuft by aftchmeni or, if riot altached, may be yr wpcwutcd by referellecas indicated in lilt ' aige of Conilen s (Di mi km 00 00 UC) of ea-cli ?I-(*L:I. fit _ Siohvawre Ioo—Art in divdm l or errtky havi ig a Llirecl contract whit Conn kc w ur w0h airy &CT.9ubr,ctod- for the perforrna;icc of a part Or the Work at the Rtc, crry ov relit 1+ rrr 5TAjVImIZL)CMTIVCTIGN 1WALI F%I DOCRAINTS ItrriskWL: NUMI W 12 00 . GENERAL OMDITJOJ# 9 PW48ad63 62. Stibmilledr. -AU drawirrp. di3gmtnk� Glwlraillons, schedules, aiixl other dam or 4kmnalion Which ar-C specifically Prepared -if a cmbled by or tm Contractor and suhmilled by C'omvafd lcw to it stratc 5w porlism ofIlm Work_ 6]_ .41tb.sf infial Cann4ethrm - The stage in the prqgrcw of dic Prt e[ when the Work sutiicien* cum*tc in acoordaruc with the C 00traCt DMU!'ttelrts for I�il Ll l r�SpWiM. 64_ Sj+tce-uful1? er—'fhe 33ir..ldek gjj�nnatelg The k)wc.gt and rrm-sz mspmsl Risl to whom Cky makes an Award. . S Up 0 + in 1r rr! -The reps �l I of [he C�'bntr�cUv who is availably Al ill (irF�s and ahk to receive h=m1km from the Ury aad Enact Fnr the CGntrat:lvr. 66. Smirfumomrery Co difiamy—Thal Pti r[ of the Conrad Docula ems which amends or suppkna nt,; [F&xp Ouns:ral Corrditikaltis_ 61 Smi)PiFer—A nminufactwy, Fabricator, supplier, dititrih;il r, malcrialawn, or vendor havin ;R dkeL comet with Coil MOOT or WOh aTry Subcontractor to l -Milsh it a[eriik {W cgUipmam try he incurpormcd ii IJm Work by Coraractor r r Sohcan[raclor. . Um-dergr-ommd f'uea wes--All uH&ggruund pq ebesti conduits, &cts, �obk�, wires, Lti anh*-5. vaults, ranks, tonc4 or other suc h i'anililics or aMehillems. and any eneasement4 comabibig such Fl,cnitics, inclu&8 bill not linked la, lhmw Rhat comay aL�curjjly, paws. strirn-, Iis16d peLrOlftj" producls, IeleOh ne f3r Acr com ffiLli catiOns, cable televiS1011. water. wo-Mewater,.5turm waler, a111er lir.*s or chemicals. tr lralrx or usher comM Vsicnis. 69 Und Poke Work, See.Pmrognpb 11.03 of tlt,.,jc CrvwFa l Condhiorw 10T & f3nition. 70. Wet-kend Work r'ng flonr,-r - Hotlr& h go,ning at 9;uD a, m. ajW urrd!Mg at 5M V. era.. Saturday. SuWa)r ur legal holiday, a3 uppmvcd iu adti-atrcr by the City. 71. Work. -Me erkirc comintokmi fd, tFte vgrims scparatef jdenikrjabk parts [heretwf rvgtiircd to be VrQvWcd tmdcr Ilse L'.amract Dmuments. Wtwk M"s and is IISL: 1�suk of p>CrfoF 1ti 1; LST provid6g 0 lobw, services, aiv] rducurnenlulion neePsissry to produce -.=h comtrtaclioll ire ILdi 19 slay C11D 11W Or&'T or Field Order, and Fumishing,, installil,g. and s ico% m-aliryg ull nia[eriaE and cquipmnl into gush ct,minminn, all as ,vgklircd by the Cokitr.10 D climellis_ 72. Hnr-king Day - A waLrking day Is dcFmd m a {.lair, riot Incluldbtg saturLjayS. )days. LW lCgal IkAdays uolim imd by [he City FOF conimct purpme_s, ai which weatherer other conditions Nit uMcr the control of Zhu Contractor will pLmlh the performaive uF [hc prixipal Lli,Ll Of work ► ndd !rway For a cauilhLIMS period of not lfes,� than 7 hoary betweeq 7 n.rn. and 6 p.m. A, Ilse %wwL and terms discussed M Paragraph I.02_13 dhrokigh E are iml deArwd but, when uwd In the B Win PNklbtml%ift or Ctmtracl Chit w i nts. ha x.r the Wicamd nwanit MYOF F{iRT 11ti]d M %TAN1)ARj)MTRUC'FMM VV.rIrICATpX D41cumuNrs Rcvi�-iaR ram, na7#@p-1 GENERAL C NDITION S Pop 7 aF63 1_ "11c Contiact Ducuawnis kx]We the 1GFFFL5 "a3 41)WVd," "as as pRwW' 'Las or&red," `1m dirlXta' ❑r lernis of like of eel cw i"wirt to authorLm an exercise of j Agniieni by City. In addkiori, the ad fivas "real W." `surlabt>~,' "auceptabde," "pr r," adjcclivc,i (if We effc4tor imps ark itiH to dmcrke anacii mi w determi mli M) of 1`ky as to tlu' Work. It is iraended that swh emreiw iafImofessioriad j idgincnt, action, OT dvtcrrrkination w ill be sole ly to eva luale, in Sencra k The WorR For ev 'M rwx with the iribrnralioa7 irk 6v Contrael Dock3 wnis mrtd web Ille design concept of the Pn*ct as a functioning whok as shnwn or irkdicated in dv Contract Doc wnents (wkss there is a spccifx Mutvnwne indivatirlg 041wr,r-isu), C. Dvfevive: l_ "IU word 'defee im," when modifying the mN d "WorV Wfers 10 Work Oal iR kM91isfaC,lkary, f.0u4y, OT 40 CIC irY thAI rt� .,. dccx no& conr'arni to the Oxi1lraot Dmia klents, 0r b, does wx mcd the rcqukemenrs of aillr appli abbe kupectiOT4 reference standard, test, or qp, "I mferred to ak the C nttact Docume rits F or c, has been darnagcd prior 10 City's written av;4pljrrxr. D, Farnish, Irrvak Nifvnm Prrrvitik: I. 11lz word `Varnish'' -or the word "Iuslad" or the "Pcrfcx` W' t* Ihe word `LPFIOV rJe" M Slic ward u9imrVy," or any ccmba iatbn or Anfi r d1mr-tive or inFige thereof, shalt nwan iurniOtin and emu-porating in the Wovk iwluding aA ncccssarykgkxx, nmteria Ls, 6{uilmnelil, and cwcrylhmg ncve�;try to pvrfc3fni ttK- Wark JMicated, wslesa specirkagy lirn&d vt Ilse context kNed. F— Unless staled 04herwk iri tkp-- Cu Mracl Ow mvMLL. wonLq or Owasys that have a wellrkrkawn tcchniuil or ca01,rrL1C1kMs hdusliy or crade meaning are LISCd in the Cudmi;l Domn+ ;05 in a or& lug with such recognivIcd meaning. A RTICLE � — PR ELI Al [NARY ill A'i~IERS 2.01 Cepirx of Dacjunenli City shall fnm'sh t0 Cuailracim ❑rK' (1) Or4i ur l e er-eked toff and om (1) cicctroi> c cM of Ellc CoraTA t Dmkarua-;, and fain (4) additional copies of lie Drawings. Addili 91 I cook* will be furnished upon rquest at the cmq of TvvRidwili Thc CmlTact Tinw wah eown-&i ee to rwi on il7L day indicated 'n the Noticc to Prucvcd, A NMicc 1c1 I'voceed may ba ginn ne earL-r ialmn 14 i,6y.-;af n— tlx: Effcc6w Date -oflhe AgFeenivnA, unless agived t-D by built parlics in wri ing. C 1 r T 01' FORT WQR Tr R tiTAN1MK1MXPMTR414TJO?t OU—IF ICA T1G 2 L)C CLIME NTS Nevrison• P&MI Imno-i GENERAL C(Md ITIOH $ PEFC 844B 103 SI-VrHng Me Woo* Ccimitraetor shall RwTt iq perFuni qhc Work on the &qe when 111c COMM t Tirrre CQVUk nQVj 10 roan, Ne Work shall be done al the S]Lt p i v w Ilic dktc on wlueli the L'ral mol Tmic cotinnWnces to run_ 1(14 .6otni-e Swrfrng CorJ;rtvvre&w f &Tcft"e VchedUleW Sulxmit in vicumlamc vAh the Cost% Por mmnts, € ild Fiou. to Its lling Ibc W%KrL 2, h-econstmahm t' anfevvive Before any Work at tl- Ske is started, 11171C Coa-MWtUT shall 3tICIVJ a Pr"onSIrm(km Conf'ereJxre as spocifled in the Conrad D%-urrpums. 2-GG Pirblre MCeRno Contractor may mA nwbEm airy eguiNmerdt, malerintisQr resourcem to the Sipe 1viur 10 Con[FRclor HIlencLirig dic Vublk Meeting as scledulcd by the City, 107 1fiifia�-ceFlilawe r}f Svhe&des N-n Mrgm$s payment sJiaf) be made to C¢nlraciw until acceptable sc6dulcz arc s&mnkted to Cky bi accoju dance w6 tk &kdkilc Spec ir�cation as; Vrt*, Iud Tfl the Contract Doe.urmimLs. AWrIC LE 3 - CONTR ACT DOCU MENTS, EN TENT, A M EN D LNG, REUSE a, 01 ,*mew A. The Conlracl Dmunwrwr. are vPn'Ypl-Pmmary; whal is required by Pm Is as bind irig as if mquired by ON. A. It is the inters[ of the Cor TJXt F*X-kLIIIC= ILG describe AL fuWkilc3naliy I;CM ete p mject (or part thereon [r) ht: r, 0miructcd in accordance with Ibr 17-umtract L muiments. Any labor, ikacilmeroalion. wcrViccs, Inalerials, or Nuwrmv rl taut rcasombly may be inil� ed fpDm the Coramct D-Deumuills or fmin preva ibig mmu n or trade usage as boil mqui cd t-D J. "LrA the br jLUEEA NN-Uh mill be pwovidcd whether or:nvA �pc4aua1�, called for, at n0 Liddk6ial aost to sky, U. Clariikati)m ,arch iinkii-prctations of the Coutra-ut I'Nwmicims sWI be issm-d by Uy. D. '11w *cirjcalimr : my vary in Foam, Fonnat and style. Smw Spocificatim section rswyhe WFIUCII 311 V9 tying degrees of rareami-Mad or der. bralk sryk a ad nano wctiuns may be m la tine ly narr$t VC by omparbon. OJiriysian of sued word& alsd phrases as -the Corrtrac-tor sh�iIV" "in amforrnky with:' `as --;Iowr�" rjr '`os specifrcd" are intentiurml -in :strcamliased seeflim s. Umil(ed wands mrtd phrascsshall be supplied by ills OMICC. Similar types ofprauki m nivy appear im varkcs parts oaf a &eclkm rW artic�ca whMi a pail depemling on 1he formal of the CJTYOF FORT WORTR 0AN tmRI)C T&uc7x)x SPEC'IF rCA T I&N DMUMENFS R-Misim :22= j 407204-1 WWRAL VA01T ION S r%V9Gr63 section. The C cmiractm shalt not takc advarwlsge of any varialkm of form, fo mat {ar in nwikirg Corrlract dim, - The cry refcrcmiing of spccNcatiorl, suctioals under the subparagraph leading ail ubicd Scct ions include kill arc noq nuc a siardy lr ;" and a lsew here within cacti Specification �,cctim Is Fovkk-d ,Hs art' did atxi canvenience to the Gantramr_ Tlie C=%ilractor shall not rely on the cry referencing "Wed acid shall be Msponsible to coordialati; tIW WvFk atndcr ilia Contract Documen4s mild pfovkle is crrrrgkle Pn*0 whether or vot 1f a cross referenciiig is provided 61 carh fection or w1m1her or sot the cross referencing is cmm*tc. 3.02 Reference Suind 4YZY Ar Standlar&. Specificatioiis, Corps. Laws, and Rep6lioffi 1. Refemnee tostandards4specilications, rminumis, or codes.of any technical swicly, orpn�atiorl, or associrtt ion, or to Laws of Rr,g I -Kn% whelher sm h re fereTwe be spec irx: or by irr*al ion. shah mean the standard, spec fflxatkn illanua4 code, or Laws or Rcgulations in affccl Al the tkix of opening of 13ids (or on the E-lYL!-ctive Datcof tbz Agr"31 Ilit it there were no M&), cxccpt as rtamy kae oL1imvLw specifrcall� gated irL fliz Umiract DKckwums. 2. No provision of any such swndard, apccificatirni, rnumral, or cock, or any iattruclion of a upplier, shall be vff-cutlw to change tlx: d,aties w respoa5-4MIies of City, Cowractor, or any of their subcontractors, comskilta ius, agms. or cn pkTccs, from thos- set f*TI.h in ft Cordrao DocunicnY b. No such prove,Lion or in&1m Wrk iW[ be affective to assiVi to Chy, or any of its officers, &ectm, inembers. panncrs, crrrplvyccs. agues, cons ilnnts, or antiy dLAy or authority to stgvrvi= 4w dacvt QLLL, pq;irFsrrr Fwe of the Werk or any duty or alltbor-ity to wbdertake responsibUky irrecolsistenit with the provisions of fFic Coillrac t l urmnts, A. Peprrr'Org Diwrqr€ wirnv 1. Conti -actor 's Revkii- qj'Cantracl Docunrow.y Before SfarfiiW 111160_ Rcefnre WWr rra kntig et 6 part of llic Work, Corr mcww slam II care fully study and -compere 11m C'otstract Doe Lwie tAs and check aiA wrify pertinent fW es t11ery in against all applicabk tic id rnca:5vi-v nlI;nls and could' kw. Comraclor shall prornplly mprarl n1 wri!Lng 1A) Qy any ennfkt, error, ajnbiguity, or oiwecpaercy wiich Contractor dis,rat+r+ers, or has actual know 1cdgc of, and shall oblam a wr'rittcrr inWrprctatbn or clariil'rcativa from City Wum pro -:"ding with airy Work affoxiled thereby. Reiliew oftLann-ael Doeimpews Du)-Fng Perforurunre of JVork. If. reining Ght performance of the error, ainbiguky, tv discrepancy wit1jit tits Coivtract Docwnenls, or between the ConiTact Documc= and (a) any apiaacablu Law or Regulatlan , (b) any standard, spccificakim air-IrWUL of Coyle, or (iz) aT 6L,;te 1;M1 Of u-ny SupplierT then Oxiiractcr slsall praniptly report it to City in wridiw, Carrtractor shall nut proceed with the Work affect-ed thereby (cxccpl irr are orrxrrgcney as MxItlimd by Paragraph VIT)' (W FORT ATA T11 Sl'A7�r5+hKry r r a i'c 7 pMk #dsFU ITATION CUCLKWEXTi G072CO-1 GENERAiLC MDITION$ 6.17. A) until an a r mAilent cw svppk-:ilxal 10 IN Corrtrael Doc, uttertilq hmi bccu Issue by one oftlicBrietl svAq ind-wowd in Paragraph 3. . }. Contractor shall not ix: Lhh� W Chy for faihu-e to report arry oorlffx;l, error} arnbkuky, or disc relm rw y in thg,- Ccinteact floc rnticrrts wtless CoFIIrawor had actual knowledge thervnC P. RerpflFrng Discr wi l_ Fxccpt a may bav c4her wise specirica9liy slaied m [he Conkract DncuoN!Tk, tirar groviskwa of dlc C0111met I?wgrrwnts rihal1 Inkc prec-odcnee hi ir*-%a4ing arry conflict, crnar, arsll}�Ll y' or SIirscmpamy bctwecii Ilse provisbris a}f the Contract Docuirr ms and 1W p-ovisions iDf any standard, v5o ifirzati)m alyanua4 or the instrimim of any Supplier (wkther or not spec &a Ily mmporated by refereme irr ft COWract Docku nents). 2. its case ol'iAtepancics, flrgumed dimensions shad gwm iy%cr scalcd dinwrwk mt, Piaui skrztll g vcm over Spec fr-ations, Stgvk Y ntary Conditions sha0 pvtrrt overCcnci-al Condhions and S ifirudiAmis, and quantities shown on t* Plnns, shall gowrn over Ihose 4*wr} in the proposal, 3.04 Amending riaxl. 1;pf mFjj�g � o�tr ��c� �actux�rrfti A_ The Contract Doowswm s may he :Irrrerrde-f Io provide for addil i:&, & Ic t-tom, and revisiaatis i It the Work Lv to ftx4ify the lcmla and ccmidkims IN:ivof by a Changc Order. 13_ The rcquircnnclnls of the Camraet FXiclimcnts may be suppkinented, arW [?l-WMT variali nis and Nriaibm in thL WLWL rail in -Awing a diarge is 1='_mlract Frivc or CodllMct -Ci,sx, ra,aY uutluQF-wd, b}' Oulz or nxNm of Ili i16110wing Wuyk L: 1. A Fj Id Order; I City's review of Submtaj (subjccl to the pmvisions arParagraph 6.1 B.C), or I C Ili "S Wtht el) ollPrprVl4jl�r1 or c larific ation. 3.l}5 Ream of Ncionreiin A. Caaitraetor a orly Subcontraclor or 'L�ilpplic.r sltiall nul, I. have or acquire any Wit to or owwncrsiup rivals in arvy of lbc Dmwifflgs, Spec if eatims. SKr Wh2r diwiiinwnts (or copies of any therenf) preparcd by or bearing 111� se-Rl of R,lghwcr. ilwludbin a leolr onle itx:dim editions, or 2. rt me; ;iqy such DFEIW r , SMC 610EL60r T copks. mofm cxtcrlskm of the Project or any trtberT"Y-Tt w�hout WAten -COMMI 13f City and specific writteitverikk3tUrl or ad�hptation by Erigkmer_ MY OF FORT WMTI I "TANDAROOMTAVCTION SMA IFIC'ATrOM i3f3c Ih iTirs Ruriswo XZMI 110 T2 0o' i GENERA'S CORD M01t 5 fperIId63 B. 11e prolu'b bas of tha Para Vil 3_05 wig swwivo fua>al Emyuiont, or tennination of the ConLract. WdWng 1wrain shall prcekide CcnLraaulot frorn retahting copies of the Cordract INK: WIleritS for record purp45ri. 3.06 aecfron a Dwo A� Unless other wise stated u1 the SLfflenl,critary CollcloMi, the data furnished by Chy or EngIMCF in Conwactor, or by Contractor to Coy Lv 1 4iaer, that my bc rclicd upm we finite-1 to the printcd copies isluded 6 Ilm Ccaitract DocwuTcruls (alp ktra+wn as hard copses) and other STvcifscgLtions referenud and kicatcd carve the Cillr's our -rule a1cctPm1c. decurmAt nWk1vW'rWnt and collaboTa Tian sy m silo. Fibs in electronic media kfmwt of teX13 data, gralihics, or other typc:FL arc fLLrlutihecl oo]lFf for the eornvcrrience of the rcc 6vitig [salty, Any conclusion % infornmijon ohteu�ed or dcrfvcd frorai swh electronic des will be at the users bok riglr_ Iflbery is a discrepancy botw=1 ll,v ileetrmiie rites and the hard dies. the Ia>',J nt il. Whorl trianlsferr4 documents m eleodre}rt'W niedb format, the tramsri;�rring prly nialces use ropMsenta tK,rls ax to km)g terry, conTatibhy, usabihiy. or reo4abk of documents r;suking from the = of flware application packages, ofcratimg #"Ltenis, or eoriputcr hardowarc Jiff-crirrg frons those used by the ditta'4 i;wacfir_ A RTI CLE 4 — AVA I LAB] LITY 4F LANDS; SU B:SUIR AC.I AND PH YSICAL CON DI'` IONS; IIA7AIWOUSE,NV1RONMFNTALCOND1110NS} REFF.RF:NU PO MS 4_01 A vaileib fify of lxpaf A. C sty s1a11 funiish t3er Site. 0y shj0 nrAify Corntractorof arty cmknnt rwic. & or restrictions nU4 of general application kart jpCejfca1iy related to use of JhC Site With W1'6Ch CM[ractcr must comply in Nefiorrning tlic Work. City wild ❑ktkat on a tiluel unanner Fuld pay fair for perl-nanom stru,c[ures or perniarrourt L, tL ur xistir facilities. I. The City has obtaiired or anfk� ul;s 4Lquisition of awVor access to ri�111-oi=+��}�, atwfor easenlerlts, Any outslandinrkbt-af=way armor cascn rvl.sore antiei alcd to be acglraVd in aceordanc-u with the schedule set forah it the Suppkvcrtury Conditions, The Pro) -=I %hcdl* subrriked by the Comacwr in acccwdance with the l=.'oa-I[racl Ducw&Ws knLigt consider any oDatst -n&g righ14 way, aavdfor eaaerncnls, 2, The C Wy has or antidotes rum irq andliaxr relocathg utilit-M. ;Muxl to the Site. Any outsta ang rcFn l or relocation of utditics or CA*;Tuctb;3MH iS 21fstic�patod in acca Tdaw wilt the schedule se[ forth in thc, Supplenw-ntary Conditions, '111c Project �'r Fnr dL& ski6llrtte d by t1w Coiametor in aecoWanee wNh 115c Contract Ducurtients mthsl o nlisl& r any outstanding trlilki or ob,slrtk.tia % to be removed, attimled, andfrr relocated by otl us. B. UptlUl re3 ,'Unable written lcywicst, Cry shall furnish Contractor with a curr<t _gtmenmw of record legAl We and legal Jcw-rip k)rt of the ]ands ipm Which the Wowk tS to be pert amd. (' I t V CW VUSLT MURTJ L WANDAR!){1MULLI{' Y In s SPA EF WAT IO N DW UNEWr 1 Rqvi.rlq rapt 0072 o_1 CEVER AL C ND IT ION S C. CaMrarteu shall panicle. iM 8111 atddiLitom l JaIKIS aild ar w� s thcreto that may bu rcauirud for ColislTUCtion faaditi4S ur starage of rnalerr�I�i and cqu ipflncnt, A. -Repeirix uad Drmi-rngs_ The Suppkr} i lary Cmffltiom ideM ify; 1, those reports kmA n to City of -pxplorgti)m and Rests of suhsxX%cc; €ondkkms at a- L.r MPPOUS to live Site, and 2. thane drawing; krx ywn to Cky of "Vi al -con loans reladrig to cx!ISIII� surface or smWurfacc structures at tht Site (cxrcpt Und,ergmur4 FaciWics), B, LinWed Reifcdnee by Comforewor on n?chnicalAmp Awhorrzefl: Cf. in-vtor may rely upon the aucumcy of the "tecImical data" cantahxd bi stleh r pws and &awing, but rcpDds and drawings are lust Cu- ma Ducimnerds. Smh'`'l,ce"all data-i; idrrCAMx:d in the SuMlerrremary Condilmion& Contractor may mat makc any Contract Claire apbist City, or any ref thc-U officers, dkcclom mejtftr-L�, pannCr5, emp#oyees, roe cons-LIltalats, or sulx:oMmolors wdh FeSr ct 10' �- the vwr4*1cness of -twh tvrxA-1z and drawixtp kw Cmlractor's purpowes, ividuding, bw not kmited ion any aspccls of the tt am, methods, le iiiIL".. %qucnccs, and pnmedures of constnxtion to be errlplyyod by Contraiclor, -irid !�akly PFCQI1utiDft% land pMgMFns incident there-m-. or 2. COUT daEL9, iMMpffltatiOM. npinioais, and hiforl7r ckmi a{-mim-Mud iIi swli repvai.5 or shorn or indicated in surb drawirigs; or 3. ayny Coxltraclor overpr-OtAtu3n of or com}usion drawn from any " tcclutical ddia" {w $araw suc h 0I11ej- li Ia1 1n1CrprCt11"Drr&, opat"L;:, 10r infUrEM IIMI. A. Nofico: If C*ntractor Moves that ally arfa4;c or pirysiceLl caradilann drat is uncovered or rcvL;a 4d izilhcr. I- is of XL"k aj 11alurc as to cslablish that Uri} `Icchnieal data" on which Colrtfaotar is emltkd Lp M1Y as }wovided in Paragmpli 4.02 is nmteriaily irwacciaratc: 0Y I is oi' %L h a n mwc as to requir-e a c lkan6rrc in the ContLLae.r Drcunic rms -, or I differs Imleriallg Frmn iliac shown or indicated irf llic Cuailract Documunla; or 4. Lq of mn wmual natt.m, and differs maternity frcast in itian4 xdviarily errrounimd and gencraly reccvi d as inliemm in work of tllc character priraidcd for vi the Cosilract Doi Ljrrlenls; VFrY OF FORT WDRT11 S1hN(3Akt34WTRL'CTL0M VE{IFICATIDN L]fK:LJMFW5 Roraim AQMMI a072UG• 1 GEWRAL OWD ITION S I"-Mv r} OF61 then Contraclor stall, pmmptfy after bccumig aware lbereof and befom further dkturbinp, the subsurface or physical c; r itFL3mq -or performing any Work ir~ �xruleelicxri Ihcpewilh (rx.= fA pti all emergzncy as rcqu" by Fiaragiraph 6.17-A). rualify City iii wrhing about Liimh condkiolt. 0. Pax.-frhjvr Prkf? aml Ynw Adj Jw1nreN.v Cmtraictor shall not be cr"kd to a ivy ad�wsttnc!13R in tlit-r ('vNrwct Price or Conkmet Tim if; 1. CM11ractor k]icw of the a xistence of smh cr ndr iLMN a L the tirrre ilrai;kw made a f ula I c.orrhKitrrwent to Cky with respcwt In Camract Irricc acid CCard Time by the submission of a Bid or becoming bawnd aides a acgoRialud cordrac4; tw 2. the vxLtteme of such corLdit -uquld masanab� have been discowred w reveakd as a resuk of the examination of the Curamot Doc unw lots or the Sits, or 3, k`wTac tvr fa*4 to g[ve i e wrRlen mtK c as required by Varagraph 4.(r.;.A- 4.04 Undurgr cwnd irariML-1-S A- Shia ivn or Indfc red. The infonuation and data sfiawn or indicated in the Condract Mxflrrrrent. with rc �.pcct to existdig Undcrgrerund Fpc J16--s at or corrtigkKm to llv 130o i4 ba.wd on infoniv doll $rid data furttiished to Cay or I,rk1wer by the ownem of such Ortdergrokiind Facilities, vtieludkg Coy, or others. Unless it iK 4AheTWLW expressly provk —0 irL the SUp*rncntery C9)rrLiitier►S I- Cky aTid E.ngiiver shall not be wspumsiblL: for ille accuracy or carnpleloikess of any srlch informatioe or data pa wick-d odwrs, and 2. the cosL of ELp Of tltic l;llowIng swill be ->Wh*d in 69 Contract f INL;. end Ciffltractor shall haw fu, resporLs bIry for; a. rc�wing and Oleckilg A such inforr m6un wtd data; b. kcntig a0 I Irdergmirid Facilities �ltr,wn tit indicated in Rlar CkvilreLiA Dwurwntg, -c. vo+d6mi mi and adjwlnic rt of the Work wO� dw cr yners of such Underg ovad FarWie& 10AA% Cky, during coTimlrtsttk3n, and d. the wfety and pcotcclkm of afl smh Uixl Mround Favkilc�� arLd repairin8 any &Nniagc thereto resuflira9 from lbe WaA. fr�t�rrfrW.' 1. if an U dergrmn-KI Taca4y which conflkis with Rlx Work i% Uncover or rev+eakd at rn comiguUMS to lltic Ode which was imc shown Cnr indicated, or nut slxyw t t4 'Nklcated with remiwialrle ace-uracy M ft Coillmtt Docnrmnts, CWV.RQlor 811A Mrrspity 8fi,er beeorriing awam thereof and Nfcre fLrrLlmr disturbing-wrdtiow alfected thercbyr or pcTfomillig any cn-yOFFLIRT 47i'[ VIA 130MIMI TS }[�•ai,on• 32�1 607704-1 011ENEF L COND IiIpN $ I'VU 140176.1 'fork of c1mubecii4n lhcrcwith (except in an eniergexy a5 rcquiivd by Paragraph6.17,A)1 61en ify the owner of such 11fackrground FaciNty and give Mice to that owner and t¢ Cy, City win review the discovered Uh&rgmund lraciky orW dctcrnurl,e tires "icnt' if any, to whi- j6 u charge tray 1e- mquircd in the Cadre.[ Document% I* ry f[w and &auaicrn the consequemes of the existenm or kscation of ilia Unik-rip-ourd Facibly. Carrtractoe .0120 be responsible for the fny and prwic tk)n ofsuch &%cmmred TJWs rcnlnd FacWty- 1 If City C s that a chafV an lflc Contract Docurnews is required. a Change Order 3MIY be issued to reflect and doculrient such L:nrkRc-qucri z& Vq2rLfcAtbI1 of existi"O 1ltilitk , structures, and sere c fries shall iwh* notMCM"i of 011 utility ca) ao-ML. a mi-li-nuln of 48 hnw-s in advance oaf oumtnviana hwlujing cxpkoratory cxcavalion if ricccssary_ 4.05 R'�fc 'ncv 1x0rrrls A. Chy sba1 povWc ergiweririg glrwys io esWb6-h rcfercnce po-It� for cors[ructiorL. +,r]iich in C4's judgtmm am necessary to ejiabk Conlractor to ix0eccd w� h the Work_ Coy will pl.-Ov de conskrixtion stakes or (AY e r � uslomary rictlicid Of markup Co -e.&tabksb low and fides for rkodway and iAiiity coin%vwriun, centerlinses MW bt.wh=rks for lwidgcwork. Contracur Aa0 protect ar6d pre-wrvc ibc established reforcTrcc pobils and pti5pcFly nia Lwneiit%, arrd shall snake no chaiigcs or rrkxaikmis_ Conti -au for 4hrall report to CIty whcncver any refrrcTwc poinl or pmperly munuanerit is kIst or di,--,lrnycd or rcquiwc r>rkwalion because of mressary changes in grades or kxatiow, The City shall he respomblc for the repliccrmnt or r'Clocakti A3 of reference pninrl:� or property rnMlaMC11115 riot carelessly Or wihf dly destra)rej by the Cealli-aULar• T]w Omilractor shall im-Ify Chy in advance and wOh suflic ie m tune t-P avaid days, B. Wk-110 vcr, pi the oPwva11 of the Cky, any ref-ercnce point or monwtwnt his wit care k ky or Alfuly desti d, dislurbed, or rienovcd by the C.ontraeliw -nr any of his eit*3yce5, the !full cost fff MPLIC03g such points pkii % will be r-harped ugaW the Contr?acrcr, and the felt anuawtt swill be deducted frrmw payrrten! due the Cimtrirctor. 4.06 Hazoo-doris cop41i�Orr ill Sire A. RepowsmidDrmpingy 'fhc Sup*knerilary C aiddioiia :�krrtkfy those. repousm ul dmwin p known to C ty minting to Ha7arW fnvkarmicmal CuWltians that have bren idcwif'ied at the Silt, R, Dopi tcd Reliance bj, Cofmyrirxr rep Trehiiieul D eej Aii(h oHzed, CoaUrac kw n1gy r el�' LWLI 111 acrzimy 4W the "technical Jola'F contained in scwh rcpcm and: dray uw, but KI;It raisins and drawls pfC 3jot Contract Docamciiis, Such "tcchriieal data" is iderntirxd in the Suppkiiie story Conditions. Carxract-nr nary aiot imice any CorAract Clabm agar City, or arry 1511' thc,-ir officers, directors, ri-emkicrs, partners, enipbyzcs, agents, coatsphants, or subcantroo ors wqh resrxet to; ] , thrc c ompicte riesb i3f such mparts saki &awirzgs for {_cir tacos purposes, imli.rding, but lux tvtiitu-d W. -Aaiy aspects of liv coca s, rrielllods, lcchriiques, Regwmcs and prooedvms of CtFY-0F FORT U1MA I STATIDAR P TR UCTO r D£CIF ICATION r}WL WEN'FS RLVisk L W21A `�J O0 72 00 •1 GENERAL UMPION s rw 15 OLM Corrstr V.Um to be emceed by Contrac[or and safety pwaarl�and prfVants slieid A thete[o; or other dawn, i &-rpv�talirl s. vp�mo )m and uidorrrtation corrtairwd in sxh wjKwtq -or shown or indir,�alLd k sue Li draw bjr s; or d, at*y Corrtrae.lor interpretation of or conclLEAm awn 17"1 ally "techrocal dala" or any P.Wh outer data, i krpr-cW kwts, r5pir im:Ls it otformal ion. C. Comlra-ulcv %Irl itDt be respoatsiblo for any Ha-ra3lydo�� Envirorarrr wal CoFKUtion uncovered or revea6d al the Sk which was Tiot Sfun+nj or indicated in DFamrings, or ,5pceifical -c fir identMed in the Colllra ct Dc%unwnts to be within tha scope of thu Work. Camractor shall bc respDFL5ibL for a Ilaymrdou s Eliviroiuiicroal CcMiilion creatled with [My rrrateriah brought to the Sits by l aatlra-Ctor, SUbk'w4r;At:t , SUPP iers, er ar<yme c be for %vhcnrt Cmtrac or is respamible. D. If Cori aulor rncourrtcrs a IiazardrnLs Ern-ronrtvitlal ('ond&n or if Conlractor Qr arWone for wbOM [fader is respomihk creates a Hazardovs En-konm4ntal CwWitirns, Cowra,etoa- shall imill.;jUal,cly; (i) secure or otherwise bDlatc such ndilim; (6slop a Il Work in cLYnnccl KM wM such caaxdiliion and ii any arcs a3ffccicd lherchy (except in an enwrUncy mi requiif4d by Paragraph 6. t 7.A)r and (in) riotd Y City (and promptty lhcrrcaflor -worrm such 1106ce in wrilirl . City nmY wnsidc tr the necesiAy to relam a € ualii ed expert to evaluate such ccaidOlun (c toke cgnrective aetionF if amf, E. Comraonr -MmN not be rcquilrcd [o reswie Wnrk in conwctioa with such eorlcl kffl Lar in lany affected area 4nlii a fwr f'4y has obla 6wd ally FCgUired permits wkted thereto and deUvered wrhlun nottwe to tr�clor� (i) specifying Thal swh ctmxlili i and any affecled area i$ or Ims Ivor renderedsuhble for [he r tkimjAlon of Warp or specifying any %peni1l condiil6m wNicr which such Wqrk may be resumed- F . i f a €ter recx ipt of such writicn no ice C. mitjactor dons not ap,--c to rescrrx such Work based on a rcasomabk bclic f it 14 Iui,,.rfe, cr does not agree to rusuuw RUC IL Wodk under such spec is i c-ondil ion s, lhcn Coy owy order the portion of llu Work that U in tlw ana affccicd by 4cwh von& rpn to be, deleted from the Mark. Cit:y may have suchdcktcd pution pfih�- W&k perl`orrrrcd by Cdy's own for -Cos or Othevi. q 'Fa the f diesr evEnnt pwo-pprined by Laws and Ragpdaf ions. Caanfrarmr ,xa aft fndeop 6 umd Md hal.rrarews Cfy rron? and agafrasar all Gioinw. cov.Y. Irr.m-e x, eOnd drd ila8ew (ilrelodi?w #Ifr nuf HU- ram ra} Ofifee.q and chargevOfexrgipwel.-T. arrhO rrsr edilornei-s, and all -cr cal or arbUrerriann ar arher dkl)ajre resolvfjon VON14 Or isi ng orrr of or P-elaring to u Hazard= EnOrappnwnrod ( on ninon: erwfed by by anyo pefoi-whon? C'onfr acfvr is r.Pq- ntr'fk- Nwhinlg in fbis Pao-agraph 4.06. G shraji abligetfe Congo-elaor rrn rnde<awjj1 an), latdiiidrrii or enrr�y .iron and agerfnnsf the con-Negjoeowvs of fhal lnndiNdiful s or a njffy _i -own negfigennce, H. Thy pmv'P;-K3w of Parawaph5 4.014.03. and 4.04 do nat apoy to .0 ifazarc mis 1"nVirannx:311al C ordiii k uncovered or revealed ai the 9uc, CITY{}I' RMT WORTH 5TANDAR IjgMi RLIC I MN fM Ir IVAT IO) MAiA INTS kevrmw� P-Mr W1200-1 43EdERAIL OMITM01F 6 ARTICLES — DONEG AND INKI RANCE AH [rinds and ittsliralrce vequkrd by the C.tailract [ tmicnts to he pumhswd and niainla )ed by i Ontractor sloll he oNa" from surety or irwvrancc companies tha[ are duly iiCCF=d 4r aulhor'Lmd Ln ft State of" Texas to IRsuc bonds or insuramu Volicics for Ilse livas and cowrapes so ".U-"J. Such sumly araa insurance companies shall also nwetswh Rddil'Daal rcqukemmnis and qualifications as may be prov-Wed in the Supplenwwary Condiiikms, 5.02 1'ejfi)rn rncg. Pq.}varenj. rr"d M+r' denvowe Bomb A- Contractor shall fah perfor=nce and pyrucn[ bonds in acc+k-dancc with Texas CXMTT"TCn( Crwie Chapt,cr 2253 or swussor statute, each in 4r1 aTl unj equal to I11c Coniracl price ON security for lihe faalllfiAl perfamairce and payer nt of aN of C(mtra,ctor's obl bons under the C'•wvact Documents. D. Corrtraclor �[�11 furrti�lt nT��i[eitialu� I'xmds in art alSlotf,til e��al to the �aa�lra�t Pr�c �� sccur�} to prcP190 [hc City a6MiMl [ram roc fcc to in a Itj+ POrl-M of the Work degcnikd in tlic cojwMct L)ocwmrns, Muln1unancc bass& shall rcrnuni in effect fiv two (2) years after t* Alle Of Final Accct]ta rice by the City. C. Ad bonds ihaO bq, in the form prescrbod by the Conliza Doatw=Ttls except as prtwidrd Olkiwim by l,awi rx Regulatbu, and 4haU be execuacd �� such sureties as aft- warned in 930 11 Of 'CDivWities I loldirig CertAkates of AutlKwity as Acceplable Starutic's on Federal PJ-Ma 6- and as Aece blr Rcinsuviiig Comranics" m published in Circular 570 (an -aril j) by the I iliancial ManapinciflSur6mc, Surety Bond BrdTeh, U.S. [ partmeni of the Treasury. All tYmi l- sigiied by a It ages[ of attorney -in -fact muss be ucco nim tided lby a wakd atld dated power of a torte} whip h shall slw w that A is cfT-cctive on the daft! lhu agcna or attonmy-iri-fact signed each borr9. . If lbc surctrr on any bard fumished by Cxmitractor �t ryelarcd bard€rupt tr lx-c+arncs insolvera or it% Tiht bD do IlMi"ILS is lerrnkllabed h IIle StaLc of Texas cr K e"sps to meet the rquivrl-cnls of Poragraph 5.01C, C orwtroolor shall prcuroly tLcMI'y Cky a nd shalt within 30 6Ys after Ilse ewrwt gMig rise Lo --ax h noil!For, ticir, prcwik anathcrbond and surely, bolh of which stall -comply wish thc� rcxtuknwms of Para *- 5.01 and 5-02.C. 5-0.1 cerOk' afet fr�xra C001MOUF shall deliver to Cky, with copies to eadi aMt-vXM1 insured atwi k-*s payee Wit fled hi 11u: appleme"tary 174 gg clilialls, rxAMIlcates of imumncc (other CVLi lcc of'murance Eeque-.0 sl by Cky or arty other additional u d) at Cast Ilse rlis initmn ainount as si-m ilFTcd in tlic Sapp6tmntary Ccaiditloin which Contractor k mquirmd to ptWChasc a3ld ="H'7rL I. T11c certifkale of iuranac shall dneuwFit the CnYt ai'd all k1un icd entities nwnM(.I in the StLPPlcrlicttitary l=mditkr nN as "Additional Insured" oat all liability pn ieies. MY OF FURT %URT1 [ 5TANLAk IXXRs #TRU- T IOV SPECIE kA T ICED txX-L.WI-'NTi 007204-F GENERAL D M I:7101f K PW179M 2. 1 he Contrac k genera i tiabibty k;rTmr1cP- sha u niQ We :I, `Vr project" Or -Per locatim -i:Txlc-event, }vlikh ,ifio 0 be keni ifi-t in the cerl iflcate of in3uraiiloe 1wovided to ft OY- 3. 'Ilie certifrc.atc �1Taq be. signed by an agew authorized w birtJ coverap on behalf of the izurad. b4 cmn&tt! in iis-owircly, aild sliow corrrpk:kc ni,;=nce carrier ran7i.!4 as listed in the current A-M_ Best Property & Caii.why Guxlc 4. -1-ho insurers for ,all policies niust be itcensedi and/or apprrnwd to do koiruzss 6 the SWILe of Taus. E,xcelA for , kGr-t' compensation, :all irtqurem rTxast have a mesilnurn rating or A v11 nt the currcill A. M. Rcsk Key Ra(6% GuWlc or Flaw reasonably v*1.ivukn1 in7ancial strcWli and salvoncy lu the satisfaclion of Risk Maiiagenwiril, If khe 1-ating is bckvw flu- L required, written aprawal of City is mt{uired. 5_ All applicable polkbs shall irwN& a Wai,,nr of quhroptbn ftjita of Reeovery) in. favor of the City. In a,ddiilitan., t�e Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation agaimt the ai&iucr (if oiWkable), al-4 each additiaral irilrbarud &ntirjed in tlx: Suppk rnentary condlfimLs 6. h'aI`l ire of the City to d6mand such ccii0mates3 or other cvi nco of fish co npfiarcc Ah the insiwamc nxpi vniv als or falk u.e of the Coy to identify a defirziency frfmt evidence that pmv&d s3m 11 nut be niaistrued as a Ewa r of Contractor's QM101U) to maintain soh lilies Of irrSWarCe-:0%+eraPC. 7, If ns�urancc poikics are: = written for speeirred cov+eragu Times, an Umbrcga ctr Fxcess L aZy irrsuralwe for any differences is rquuvd, I: es s Liability sill folk-�w form of th1 r primary coverage. S_ Unless cthfi;Twjw skated, all rcy%urcd 6suraiTze shaA h- wAten on the I'mcumnee basis". If -covi;TaW is wtdenwrittcTi. gm o t-binks,- radc bass, t1w retroactive d$It --Sll" be cObxkbcnr wills or Prior to the rpte of tltc effective dAle of thO agrct:nlCM $]tid lire eertificatc of irr wance sha I I state that the eoveragc 15 cto-made and kite r-etraaetivc date. 111c iriLrurance coverage shdtt be Tni— itairred for The dui-ation of the C lract and for three (3) years folk3wimg Finial Ac ptawe prowkkd w-dcr lk contract Dacwmnt% rr for the wa rramy period, whi,cltievcr-Ri kmgc�r. An arrrml. vertMicate of insurRme sublrritted to the city shall cyidunrc ;wh uJSU[ancc c(ATM812, 4. Pokeie4 %Ilan have no rxclusiarre by cn&rss :wents, which. nc tt r jwliklfj or arwnd, the regtlimd laid (31' Loverap, nor dNwase 11K lilnils of said —; rage unless -�iwh andersenxnts arc aPpRIVUd iit writing by tho City- In the event a Comma has bccn hid cw ex-ecutcd and khv exelusian!; arc d4Lvrmiiwd to be iuy "vFA bie or tlic City detLires-odd'uimnal iirlsrw�lwr, cry,QINTa and t1Tc CKy desires the contrarw0eiiigiriec r to Wain smell 00,rnkgc, the C01Wmc1 pricc shalt be adjunted by khc cost ufk]be p injum for:5vch addkiional cQ%-cTaW plus t0°A, 10, An}' scFinstrud retention (SIR). in excess of 500-00, affecting (Nuked irlsural-wx c.(weragc -AA be approwd by the City in rcgHW-.; to asset value and swekimIkkrs' c iity. ITt MYOPPORT W0R'FH 3TANDARVVMKUCTION SRFCI>Ft ATIiIN IXXUMF.NT4 Ro bka MMMI 4Q 72 aG - I GENERAL C]MWTIONS rwr mnr,5} FCU of Ira{.r"BUF I �lswZIKt% alicmati►g Coverage nmfitla6rlud chroii?ji Lisurancc }pools Ur rksk mlentPou groups, rnusM also be approwd by City. 11. Any deducliblc in exce of $3.ODD_00, W any p&cy INLi: cis n(A pr( wide covers on a fit' Aallar basks nw5c be aceepta hk to and apprond by tltc Cdy- I2. City, at Rs sole &eretiun, reserves 11ac right to review the v>$unchrc Mquurdtit nK- a11d to Tnake reasomvbk a-djmtnlerrt� to imuance w rage's and Ill. it 16nis when dccnlcd nece,"wy and PrWcrif by dw; t<:ity based upon tbmws in staliltory law, court decision or liac clamis history of the irldustry as+ireU GIs-Df'the contmoling part} to the City. The City sh"R be rc*Livd to prtiu p6m natLe of 90 days, and Jhc insura lict adjlustrra ms slroll be hwcrp=ied into the WO& by C'haalgc Order- 13' ChY Khali bC ent�]kil, cL l WVhtern MgMst arrd WAV311it cxpenw, t❑ rcccivc eovis Qf pokier and endommcnts thereto and may imk,e prW rcma1ml)le Euqucsts far do I Sivn or revisi J or tr+WifaOallkm of parli char policy terms, rmnditimr,. IiQllitati m, Or cxcklsiom necessary to confoml liar Palley al-d e-JAwsermnis to the requirensents of the contrmt. DclwkMis, rev�gisms, c>r nxdificatimrrs shall not be roquircd where poky PmYisiom are a ablLs'Imt by imv LV TCgUlstk�Lns Nildbag upon 03LhOF PTIM or the underwriter ork alny sucPr palioics, 14- U4 shall not he respallisibie rm ft direct I ynwnl of insuramc pmm-Rim cash fir u>tractces insuralice- 5-04 Cam rueiar'-y lms -ar> A. Warkers 'rrqyeraaalr�our ra,d F ,*.kpbgij)) C amractcT qla l] punclsa�ITId mailstaiis uck insumnoc coverage well arrdts ca1sis1crat wnit stiatutsmy bem its outl-Mcd in the Tcxas Workers, f cmmPcnsat6t Act�Texas iahcw C odc, OL 4K as anwmleA and n*i mukn "Its for E pk"rs' LLNULy as is appwimc fur tine Work hcing performed and as vwiN pmvldi%� pitint,e€.t" frm, claa5t.% t forth h Lw wllic h may m ocrt of or re, tk1k from oasdr�� l is perfcm-ma ncc of the Work and Contractor's othm- Ohf tluns under the Contract Dineunwrlts, thcr i � to rwPT rued ley C onmractor, €goy Subcontrac. m ter Supplier, w by anyone diectly Or ind'veetll�• cnipbyed b' aaTly Of tbC311 tip Vc rfcrms any of the fork, ar by unyone fcw %Wtimc� aces any of Ikm nmy he fmblc, I- cLiii s wKit;r workers' ckvnpcnsatiork diyab-PMy bene its, and arther kotitirur arnp{pree bcncfat oats; 2, cla irm_ti :Fnr damages ber-gu&c of bod'i injury, mcuralimm I :s ickness [n- disease, or (Iva th of C'onlractor's oiti *ycc-T. Co mmr-Piol Gcoaeml Liethifrly, iCowemage sFmil iwJu& N't rrvt be limn vd to covering bbility Nfty injrlry �r prq3crty damage) arisiig from: p�miscs�aperailicu>s. urdepei*nt contractmi, prodhIc turf-compicted gmrm1UFrs, Persaaa t "LWY, a lid liahiliiIy under all irkmucd courraol , I nsura lice Am11 be pmvi&A earl an occurwncc basis, alter as crmipm hensiye as the curregl Insw8nee ryic'cs Offre (190) pact'. Tlkir; -mivarlec ftfl apply as lx4wry insurance with rospect lax ally other VJ F VOF road WORT11 STANFARP TRCCTI&N WIFJC.ATUN pMUMENTS R"J!Wm: F95mi o872Ob-1 GEiiERAL CONDITION $ 1'rq,c 19 or63 amirmftec or self-ansuranot IWOOMMS sffcr�od tO iN (-ity. 77ie f.`cumxrcial Ccavra1 [Aalxil'tty policy, shall have no exclusions by crrdor.wwwwLs that would {[M-;:r Qf nLklGfy pmvni&csIcperaI-M:S, pTodt !A-oanp6eted operai9xrl9, con ractuat permial *ry, or a&Grtisirrg FrULWy, which are nornial}y cor11aine [ with the policy. unicss 1ho, City approves such cxelusws in Writing. For ecnsirud Ion pmjmis That prescrll a sobcstantial compl Wd qWTLWi mt expasrare, the CKy WAY regkure :Ole cotV MCLUT to a'11air11av] -CO rllxlcled operuli�ois coverage for a rnian�nira-n of ro ksE tftian ihree (3) year# falowits the con lion Of Ili I)rOjeel (if id4rlliied it 1112 Supp rncniary C. A mrambrfc J.idbXV- A c(Miunic rcial 1wirM IN aulo PDky shall prcwide coverage on "any auV% &-f>atied as subs owned, hied and rorvowncd and pttwide iindcmnily for v-kL�� fi' daa1-nages because buJ4 irtaury or death of any p-unor1 arod or pmpc* dawwW arming out -of the work, "a kt-crarce or uSc of �Lrry MEiiV %-011kk by the Contraelor, any SubcoFdradur or Supplier, or by anyone d'a-ectly or a it-actly r.1-n y--d by any of 1heill to PQ rfbm art}' Of Ole Wart, or by anyone for whvge acts any of ihcm nrAy he liable_ i , RcrWroad Profeah-c Mabl If arty of ft work or any warranty work k� wiffh that luaus of raikroad Fight -of -way. the I�ontraclOr r�lrall ipiy with Ihv Mquire rrrents identified in Iho urr&meiimary Condih011s_ Noll�crrfroyrI.Pf f3 hryr Cancellawn. C(meraeW shall itr wdiatclx' notify Cky upon cancellalPwi Qr oLher kw of ansiwa m v enverage. Contrac tit shall work a m-11 replacx rWot d�wddance has been procured. Them %hall be Im untie credit fiv 4ays no+t work d Pkmw 3tAIjI tO Ibi% SWk)Ii, if (1ky has any cb*(c mi Io Ihn Coven Z� affOnkd by or other pm6iuns r5f the buds or 61surEme-C MgUbrd to be phased and srlaintaimd by the Contractor in avcordarLco wuh Article 5 can tk basis cif non -co formanec with Ow CoAnct DocLuncrrtsF 1110 Cky shall so notify the C-cm)tractor in wruing %%Thin 10 Bktsincss rhiy a fter roccipt of ily- vcrtir"tes (or other evidcncc ro{il.knted). Contractor shii I I }ffovK to (lie City such ud&iowl irfforaaation In aesNo of irrcutanc� pr�idc�L �s the �'ity Iw rta, omia Wy rcquc5C. I f CmAractof does nog purulwor iminlak all of I he lxm& and Luurarlc-c rcytkircil by laic C-11llractDaclut;lents. the Cy shall nctify the Codracbw 61 w6ing of mrh foikve Voke tLI Lhe Elzirt of the Wank, or of 3;mh fa 1ltLra to nia irata in prior to any change in ihP rtcluked. Ginvragc. A l TITLE 6 — CONTRACTOR'S 'S RESPl`> NS] 91 LETLES 6.01 grej)er vi-virml Wide fOPO rX-MOOM A- Contractor shall ."r&rvise, ilispccI, ord direct the W rk corrlpelurAly and -off'3cknily. dc%-Niitg smh aUe Mimi Ihercto and applying such sHis and exper0%e 0s may he accessary to ferfor„ l Ilie Wtmk in accordance is'aLh Ilie. Contract Docwien %. Contraclor slA '. Ly respaisibkc for the means, amilod,:F rei-,hn1gLLcs. suquences, and procedures of MISUruction. off of F(WwT W RA I 4'I'AMMRI) YFUTTID31 IFLCA'TIDN COCUMINYS Reviskim WXMF 0d724m-I UNERAL ODND IT IONS B. At all 6 rW-,R duriig the VMvgV,95 ULf jhC Ufa*. CoaUractar slsaE ausign a cckstireleall, ]+rL&lI- spcokmg, Superin en&-nt who slmg teal be repkced wilwu[ wrrkter4 tlla - tD CThe Superistemkm will be CormrautoT's r0presekkta1kvc a[ ahc Site and shaft have authurity Io act on behalf of CQ17iractror, !gyp r.-om uwvcatimin gi`Wil to or Mx:Jmd fnurt IN Soperimendent shall bind6g m Conlramr. C, Cmvit aclor ihall no ify the Ci y 24 hmrr, prig to ftwong areas du6ig chi, scquence of car*trm limn. A, COmvactor hall pravdc c0mp4 cK suitab� qualified personn i to perform cbTlLjjrjxtPDn as r'WIF-ed by Ihae Ccmllrael DmUnlents. Ctmlraketor shad at all limes nia�itais l discipline ana rat ft- Site, B. F`Xccpl as otherwise r:cqui-cd fcr the saCoy or proectirmi of persons or 1114 Work or pnVerty a[ Ille Site or adjacclrt therel,c, end except as cAl-H-,T-mi-tic slag irk the. CuPlaract 1loctu m;s, aA Work at the Sie ill Inc perfornied during regular Workirig Hotim, Cmlraclur will real rcrrrk t the perlannanue of Worm beycmd lRc"r Working IJours or Cor Wcukcnd Work% Romr, wRhout CitY's uwAta " c0+k�icn1 (whicli will rx-1 be umeasoivibly wWw kl). rule n rvqUest (by k Ilrr or cleclt � i;Qmnuudca1kmv) UP perfonn Work- I- for beyond Ivgaifar WorUV Ilours Tuquesl nuav he n-Rde by rw n w leans[ two Bumulc'9s 1)$ys prior I for Weekend Wkwking How ragmso irlust be rmde ky nixin of the Ixrx "ding Thmday 1, for legal hoklmys request mst be 1110.1e [-�' » ] Min BLI`SiMMS Days prmr tQ the legal holiday. 6.0.3 Burble-ee. Mager krk miv11wjadrjmxm A. I lrikms otherwise xpceiFxd in the Carinwi D munlelats, (,unGraetor shall prjrricic and assL�rir fall ws"'LshilOy for all serViLes, rrk ICFiah, egLdpa urnl, labor, 1rakv]x3r#aIjDnF ccaistrmlW NLdpencrjl nod nnclibiery, toil&' appl&inccs, fuel. FA"v4;fl 6,*r ]1a1} tclepl DLIe, we9cr, sanitary fUdilieS. tell1rWAry F01CM62.3, a3ld H11 tiller fMBiW and uke&k ah; Accessary far tlrc perforimiLe, cflntraclor requimd Ics[pig. start -Up a nd. co5mpkiart of tkrc Work. 13. AD 11101crials and cqulpkkLnl aTcofj mle�d i w lfac Wo;k shall he as spceffied e,r, if Lipol specifiert, ,-hall be of g-jud gvafiity Rnd new, Mtjx as otherwise pm-Yided in !Im Contracl I)o0Lh5krr1s, All spee LA I %era rraii[ies and gwran[ecs r+ uied by the Spec iflcal;DW; Ala 0 expxe&ss r nin to ffic benp. fry of City. If Mqui"l by Oyy CL-milrWor shalt funush satisfactory evkkncc Ric bud g reporLs of requimd tcsls) as to 111c source, kind, and qualify of nmterial� and cqu�)menl. tTry or Ff)k,r m sTA?fl)AID1Y%STRUM0?4 MECIPWATJON IxX-UMENTS Rockies n=j 0072w- 1 OLNEROLLVMDITIGN:5 I lie 21 0 C. All matc6als and o-{iynmftt to be imo anted into the Work shall be snared, appliad, bmlakd, punncrtec, eretted, pwtcclod. used, c"md, and condi[iiswd oti aecordarw-c wilh ir%.tIrW6)n& of the appiiicable S'upplior, crept as othcm-95c may IBC provkIed in Ehe Centmct Drxcunicnts, D. AU Renji of standard equipment to tie dicorpora[ed irao the Work ball be (be latest mWel at the time of bK unliew o[hcrMW 5px6f Ied- 6.04 PrvivcI �c A, Conn aotar shag adhere to the pro*et 5cl>edtile establishcd in ewcoIxJance with paragufAi 2.07 and the I nffal RcyuiFcrlXcrllN trs k May be a�justcd from tirm to tiiive a,% p lvkk� hekAY- 1. Cordrac(or Il submit to Ctty for %L-nuptance (to the cxccTA iMftated in Paragraph 2.07 and Ihr, (`+emral Requirmir.-n1) pmpmed adjustments in the Project 5chedulc that wiA Twt resuh in Chang-ing tk Corltrnct '1`irnc, Such ad�MIP IIIS ►viO comply WO any provisiais -o Ific rural RequiDenTe= applicable thereto. Contractor shad aubmA to City a m011111iy Project Schedule with a nxuAfily progmss paylmerrt for tihe tiwmtion of the Coniracl in ac coniance w th the wbLL uk specification 01 32 16- 3, Propamd adjustments in the Project. Schcdulir that wdl uhatrge the Carrtraw Tittle shaC be submOicd in accordance with the rcgaireme= of Arti.lc 12- Arljwte wills in Contract '1' " my mit be rrradc by a ChminW Or -r- 6,05 Seoh.fiffales uPPd "Or-4twlx.' A. Whcnc+vx an i[citn of material or equirAnet l t% spceif ied W &%Mbed in the Cataract D. mk r bohlts by 11sh1g 111e narm 4)fa proprietary Rom or IN wme of particOar Suppl-Mr, the specificati I kx dcscrIrA-K)n 'Lrb -I leaded to establish the IYN, fLuIctiarr, appeararwc,ard Pak 1vquircd. 1-'nk;sss EIW z;�ubcation or dcscriptiw corgains or is followed by words readoig that no &1 ,, equivak-nt, air `tr-ckiilal" rill or k10 stlbfititultign is pLrnvtted, other kcrns Of ITdkteral or equiprrrcnl of c0m' SUpplier� way be subMNICU U3 City for review under #Ire circusststancos &scrif d lCkww- " �•- rra� "l� n��: if in ky's sDk d rtticos an item of nialcrial ur equiprraeru pmposod fry Cantr4wtor is functionaUy cgtwl to tlmt rianied and suffioierAly sinlibr so that no C114ry in related Work will be requim4 q may be a Lmsidered by cy as an w-equar item. in Mluch caw mview and approval (if the prxgxmed item may. -M Q)es %a6 diseretimi, be accomprOk,d vxithout cornpliarwe with some or all of the rern,irenrems for approval of pmrfi sed s&s-tkulc kcrras. For the purpows of Nis paragraph 6-05.A.1, a Ixopowd Werra ofrnat,erihl or cquai�nt �A,01 be. coMid Md f0nciiOrralt equal la an itrm so komed if: a. 111e City dctcr ll ws Mat: 11 it is -Lt least equal in r,latedals of constTuct'IL quaky, durability, appca r-Huce. stri liVh. �LnKidei n characteristics; MY LW FORT VLURTH $TANDMMAMTkItCTION SRECIMATIOk 06MMEWS itcmlow 2AM1 4P7404-t GENERAL CrONDMOn& +mil! rclinbl�+ rn:rtam a# ]ease uqua[jy wetl tlse Func;km and ach-wvc the wsuhs imposed by the design eorw-cpl of IN compklci Project a..; oL fkpnctioa>nsg whak.; arfd 3) a has a pIVWC11 FL'uurd of perfarrssa rw c and a vmila}tili y of respools14pe �cr�- c; apd K C&11Ma Aur ecrtilies thal, if approved atxl i urpora ted iPAq P IN; Work, l there will * rev inemase in cot to the Cry or 'L NHSC in Cifflimct Turret and 2) it wid codnst sk'Wa r& ly to the &-tailcd requiren-ems of the ite rn mmnwd ni the COUA aet I}mumunts- 2. Subslilult- Ife-im; a, If in C ky's sulc discretion M itom of mataxia I or cquipmwnt pro""I by Cantraclur does Trott 444W as an `10r---ugWIf' ituni uut&-r Para pli 6-05.A.1, it may be subaititted as a pm4med su qutc keni b, t oWnwlm shall substiit su-FF'xkmi infonrotian Ins pcowidpti b*w to allow t-'Oy to delermbw If the heist of nwicriaJ or equips nt pm"vd i!i csscntially egk,Gvalent to 111at 11,is,a a rrd a" aOccpiable suK';t4u(u therefor. Requcsls for ro3rxhw of proposed spK-saitutc kenjS car rnatorial Or eyu-Fmcnt w!M hest bN,' acccpled by COfrom anyorw tither than t=oWra-; sour, c- Ilracb r shad MAW WFkWn $ppk0tia3n to City for IVuiew of a INDPK3scd substi]Lute Bern Of nl@terial tW c'quiprrsesu that CvrstfactOr seek~ to funnish or *c, The ap}Aicalkwi shall Comply wt h 5ecdm ID 1 2 5 QD and; l) shall certify [bal the �Woposed yubxtiitrate items WRI; JJ } perforrsl adegLMEU ty the functions and achieve the results eialled Fur by !hu acrieral design; h) be sirntilar i t subma I-= to tat spc if'"; 0 be surd to the same wk,- as that specii &d', anti 2) will Mate; a) the uxtcrA. if any, to which the use of the pmporsed slifiktyule aemr wil lrejjudicq ContraetoC'LL aivlaiev+enieryt of FOM1 eornpletiian coax ti nc: b) whether use of the prod PLbSCitUJC icm in dw Work will requiuc a change iit a"Y of 6W C0111ract Daesrrt MS ('Or in tJte PRYVisiorss of any Au direct ennirac t with CitY fbT c, h r wolk oat the Proicet) to adar4 the design to the ivopvud subrst6ult Rom; MY OF FORT mx-w STAND 1tDCMULU Q ON YKAFICxTiON IxX7kN4 JTS Rgvisiin 3 VMI 007100-9 GENERAL WNDIYIOM S e} %viviller ntcorparatkmi or use of the prowled suNilttk item in corm=ti n with the Work 6 to !a?'wtmt Of any ktc the fee or royahy; and �� wip xl� rti ifi�: a) all variations of the proposed substitute itcTT1 (Tom that spet:i1ked; b) available engineering sWs,maintcrr mcv. ruraw, a relilaeemem services and 4) Aiall contain on ftcmiwd osthot,e of all costs or cTedhs that wid resuh dinxtly or indirectly firm use of such ar1ltSIMAIe ilcrn. inOkIing i:attg of Tvde&igt :IrA Darmw C`W'rn-L,; of nlher enrArAclom a fruted by jariy resukin charge. B. S11bNeill Ole : onst"ILIhmAlelhodsor11�oceddres- tfa specific nicart5, rinr..i xlFicchnigm, scqucmx, or }wocedure of con stTuction is cxprmly rcqu" by the C-tirract Documents, Contractor may furnL,;h tv ut it m a subctit" weans, n wifi od, tec-6iieiue, sequence, or proccrhlre of corlstruclion approved by Chy, Cor>+lTactw AhaU submu sufficient info t-Wn to ails may, in € ky's We discrutiom, lo deterimiii a ftt tlm substitute proposed is quiwalont to that expressly calk-d for by ilia Corwract Documcnis. Contractor shall make wrgten aprkulinn to City for re+ lmv in tltie sanek,- TTwu nwr as tlkwc pividcd in Para of 6.05-A-1 C. City _ti City will be albiwd a rcasonab4c tine with-M Wlic t to ewlvaw Cwdl proposal or submMal umd-%e ptQ-5%wTTI to P ar p-ap 6, 0L5_A.031d 6.05-B- Cky m$y require Cmivactor to furne:h addit l data about the proposed subsikutc. Cky will be the sole Mge ofacCepl N14y, No "or-equar or substitute will be nr&md. imia fled cw UORaW until Oty's review is coliV tc, wh-K!h Erik] he evWem-ed by a ChO IIW Order in the caw of a substitute aTtd aTk a cpIcd :SulbmiKaI for an -or-equal" City wig adviss Corarac for is wri ing of ill rdtkcminatian. D. Special Chy my require C.ontmctar to Aunish at Contractor's expense s special performance gmrantea, warranty, of other surly with respect Ira any sub,4itile. F."denwify and hold h-7m pkm Cily and onw)pw car vedyar fhdireefI)- anployed bylheni rowand againsl emy rind all clod . day ragas, losws a de,?�Pemw.y fjPcIPrd�F?g a f wrmys, e0 orisFog imf r�f lho jrse of strbsfitraed "vier ufy or rr,rp xri. E. C-'r)r.5 C.Dari Re;n0w-,vP;war_ City wM rocord Cily's costs in a-wako rig a sub�stittatc propmed or submitted by Contractor p simrl to PaTagrti l 6.05.A.2 and 6, -t3- Wimther cw not City approves a subtA we so pro} used or stlbinWed by Contractor, Contractor nyay be required to reitnburw City for evaluat4 each sucli prqmPcd skrb�,t0c. CoU-plmctty nxLy Ptw he r>`goired to reflnburse CWy for the charges For anakn,g d31J31Pe, ul tlkc Coostract ID0LLe1vrws (or in the fwwisioiss Of PFky 4A>t�r SllrCetUr)rktt'ad Wh'hCRY) resuUirlg from ft acceptance of each propose subst ulc, F. Pape nse: Contraou sWI Qrt vkk a4 4ala ui %LLpExirt of dny pixrpmed sulMtitute or `br�cqua r at ConLmctoT's worm . {7 r M (W VOW' WDRTH STANDAR D(MSTRUCT ION 5PKIMA T IO N OXX'tWPM'.% 097200,1 EMN�RAL WHDiTa41# 3 RWC Z4orw G. Cily S'ubvIliole Costs(savil4s or charges)attrlbutaWe to acceptance aa -,m1bmMAc shall be irlempomtcd to the Contract by Change Order, H. nine Ex'iensrornx No add6Nu,l tirm wA be gTantcd for substaUik s- ti.b=r1,a�'ra�r kSi+h�e'+rf�rctrs, t5��r�'_4_ rrf flcr3 A. ConlracW shall PCrF43rr:s wily his own organ atkm, wodk gala makle nod kss thmn 15% of tlic vahrc crnbraced cn the Contract, unless oft-i wine approved by the City, CDistractOr sba0 FkVL empkay and' SUbC01tMCtX, Supplier, Or t3thL!r igKiivcJ ial or ergity, whelhar a-utia!Jy or as a replacement, ageimt whmi City nYay have ivasonable o*cL-92 k Cr3mraolor shall not be required to enV&oy any %kcentractor, S l *ber, or tither indivikiwi l m entity to furnish or perftxni army of the Wcwk a k;t whcmi Crmlractor has reamiable, ol�Letkm (e hiding those a i�-pWl* 10 City as indicated -0 Paiagraph 6.06.Q- C, The City may fmn latm to tirrx-- mquiry tk- uac of cerlain SubmaracWs, Sadie r,% gar of her ter Wua is car cnIR-mb on ihc. project, and win provMe soh ro�vircnw rills in the pleinerrta ry condaions, D- M rwr'rfY B11.7fness Enlerpr'i'c it LS Qy paDLy to cnsurae the full and equilable partk*m1 mi by Mirmity 13winess EFT*-rpri cs (MBE) in the proeurarmnt of &QWs acid scrv-PNS no a L! uA r tual basin. If thu Co ilract Dockutent; frrovidc for a MBE goal, Contractor is requim J to comply wick the kem of tlr- C�y's M1 F Ord-mi-we (as aniended) by tit. folk)wing.. I . C_'001Mol(r SWIL upen request by City, pmyWe cornpkie and accuratc infmniation regaf&lg actual wmc perfomTeect by a UWE cm tbt Cmiract aTtd payment tl5erefor. 2. CuNractor Fill nQt nuk additimis, dcletkm!L. or -, i-Aullviis of accepted M131; without written COJuem of the City- Any tlnjuslrfK!d change or deletion shall be a mur,eiai hrv-;ch of CeMtraCt ;i� mmy resuh in dclaarmcnt in accordame wOl-t the procedures outlined in the Ordhiamcc. 3, C{xitrEICICTShUl tipon mquesl by City, allow an aki& drlNor esaniination of aw bookS, recmds, or F&F. in the Ikmms.*n of lyre Cmimcbar that will substantiate the uetkw I work N rforlmd by an MI ". Nlatctial Inisa+oprescrrtaatian of any JlAtwe will be grounds for tcrin] atitmi or the Contract r i accfw&nc�U6Lh Paragraph 15.02.AL Any sueh mim-presentolion may be gFoLoids for 60gv4difrotion of Cmilractor to lrid On !LAwc cunuum with the City for a ,period oi` not less tltiait fluft yam. C- Corttracicw sW[ be full+ responsible to Chy for a4 uts and omiss�is of the Subcamratrm--L� Suppli m, " tlhe r i W-Jvidua]5 OF cntitics perforrn6ir, or furninhi g any of the Fork just as Comtractor is respoalsibile for C:ontiraclor's owa arts and orrlissions. Nothki8 in tho Cmitracl bocumerrLq: MY ()P FORT OM71H STAXEMD [KMT RUCTIO i SPF..CIF ICA TIO N IX)CUM r� krrisimw KVAW Do17C ,I 136MEFFAL1,` MD IT IONS 1, shag -rcal,c for t>e hem, fit of any such Subeon raelor, Supplier, cr otht r Wiwidual CW entky any corrtraclual Te6flonship li.-t"on City alid any ,,vch 5ubcommctar, Supplacr OF other indivkkm I -or 4:n[ily, aUar 2, ghaU r.reale any obl lion o3S llx part of Cily to pray (r to we to the paywerj of any mimcys due any such Subcooitrac tor, Siipr�liu r, nr rather irrdiVidua I or -entity emcp[ as may o hcrwi" bo rceiu" by Laws arKI Regulations. I-, roar-tur shall be solc3y resportsjhk for sclWdgAjg aW-:rx)rrliffi16ng the V4od'k ofSLIbcimilra.-cim, Suppkm, and other irxiiviKivaI,s air vrtlrties perfarrning or funihhibg any cf tha Work iimlor a c tel yr irrdardel L!o11tract -with cffiAmctor. t<r. All S bcontractors, Suppliers, and such Oher it ideals or entiitieq Imrfoaswig or furnishing arry of'tEw Work sha4 wrr mwiicatc w i.ih C ky through Cmracxw. 11. All Mork performed for Ccaitr$etor by a S4kW4,a-Qtpr it 5unJicr will be pursuant to an apprQpriMc agivc rFWA NOWCOn Camract-x and the Sub (tractor of Supplier which &pecil`wally biwls flip. Subcontractor cr Suppkr to Ilic ap]Aicabke tv.a3titi� and eoasditions of 11w Conlra4t IE�wuwnts for the benefit of 0y. &07 Wage Raferx A. fluty fio poy Prevailing Wage Rraee . Tbv Cr"ra-c.ttu shag comply with all rccluiirUmnu raf C"cr M& Texa-� Cinwrnntierrt Ca& (as amended), krch�ft tho PaYFM311 of imA IL, %s than the rates detera�wd by tic Chy Counel of the City of Farb Wort to be the prevailing wage rate in accordamc with Chapt-or 2259. Soh prevailing wage rates arc i 'CWWI id these COLiti O Dr1i2wnW nLq. S. Peppafry for r?p1v;r'eai A C04Irottor or airy SubooMM. r why dws i1131 M ft pftVailM.g WaW -ihnl :drxm de,imnd Trade by the 0y, pay to the CiLy W for each wtmter employed for each calendar day or part of the day that Me worker is paid less Than tlz prev-3 ililxg wage rates stPVUIlateJ in thm v{,ritraa docurreiits. This penalty shall be retained by The City to -offset �s adnvni&trative casks, pursuant to'r-uxas Gu=rnTncF9 Do& C. ('0Yxq)1(rwS Of Viviolpl rs and 01). Deferombiariorp of Good lYonw. 00 Meip!. of ilifuriMb n, is Juding a campbant by a weer, coFwc riling art aieped violation of 2259,023. Texas Girwriiiiiienm OAC r by a Contraclor or SubGmracm the Oy 5hR A mke an ire t is l dcli�rmllwtim, befow the 31 at day of r the date the C Ily Mccives the inforn at6n, as t,o whelhcr cau5c coxLstb. to kxlii<ve that dm violation occurred, The CMy -i1mR W Fy is WrRiItg ilia CoAraetvr (r Subrontractoq and any affmcdworlaerof is i-PI dew rrui mfuon. 11PAi I11c Cky's tiaterkninatiloui that there its gow uau�,e to helie.ve thre Conlractor or Subcontra-utor has vk)latcrd Chapter �, tii� cky sl-nll retort the filth amoumu claimed by ilia c Lj Maw or clai rants as the OM remx ktween wagcs pa id and wagc y Jur. under t!e pr> vai]ukg wage- rats: ."', suCh arrlounis W119 subtracted from so"eLgive rwog ass payrnents pending a Final dcl,crrliinatimin ciflhu violdtialti_ CJJ'Y S) rZAl W4ATNI s3nNn. RDamT.Ituci:jaiR WIN IOLTION a00.1Mrxts Rnisiun WZYM M72OU-I MURAL WNItIONS aace26afQ [1_ XF-br;rirfivn Rcclrririylif Krilydion JV(g Ro rod, An issue re) (mg to an alleged aioFacion of 9coKn1 M&M, Texas Ginmrmimnt Co&. imcludir3 p r k}' arw rJ to the pity ur f ect+cd +��OT ,tW]I be saibrrutted to bhling arhilratiart in ac-cordance with the Tcxas Gcrmral Arbkroti m Art (Arlick 224 o ,"., RcvLwd Statutes) i1` the CnrAT-a0vT i r Subcooilraux awf any a ff"tcd worker dots not resotw the i u Fry agr ermiU be Fore the 15th Jiq aflerilic date the Cky males its iailial &WM*mUnn pursuant to Para8mpli C abovc. if the perso3tis Lv-quircd to arbitrate udder INS scctioui do not agree im an arhitrmor be fore the 11 ill day aft -CT the dace dat w-WtratKait 6 r cquimd, a dkidel eouri shall appoint ors arMraiw on the pctitim of arty of the peFS 'l lre t=it}� is trot � party in the arMi-atium- Thy decision and award ofIhc: arlp4Tator is rffm[ and biAing on a panics aitd moy h, -cnforced in any caLmt of compctcut jurisdiciion. E. Recor ds fu fie Mvintcrrmd, The Contractor and ea;'-h 5rabcamiractor sia lL frtrrri+ad of thPW (3) om followirng the date of OL-ccq ancc of the vmrk, rnairai i rcr.Prds That show (i) die tionit: arxi pupation ofoaah work-cr cnwkTcd by d)e Cmtrartw -M the caisiructkn of tht Work provided fcr in ihis Contract-, and (d) tlb�- actual per diem wales raid to -each wor. kcr. The reeards shall he open 0:1 a0 rvaw4mble hours fOl' iri;pefttiiort by the City. 'I1e prauk6yn of Pwagmph&2a, FC hl le Audi. sha I pe rta in t[a 1hL-; 4s pcc ti�an, F. PrroKruxx Pujwwrim Wkh each prr s,: lxaynwni or puyi%A perkd, whicW*cr ii less, the Contractor sha 0 sulmnit an [lfroavit stating that IN U mlrackw has r.Qmpkd with the r0quiix:mCjA� of Chapter 225$, Toms Govenumni Cr . G. Posting �f Wage Rates. -11m CMkacitr shaft posl prevailbkg wagc tales in a conspicuam Phee Z,t A lhne!t_ 1i_ The Ccmilrar-lor shall 6 ]uric in its sarbcontrwu% all&f IIwL91 o1krwiw requim all of us Skrbconlractm to comply iv li llaragmphs A llimugh C above, 6,1M Pule-W Fres and Royrdties A. Ccnlractor slA U pay a 9 liccnsc fees and royakti - a rui assurrre all costs iv ikw to t Iic use of the perfformance of the Work or the incorpmatkmi in the WOrk of any inv:cnliom], desiM process, piuduci, x dev'Eir which is the sub*( of pate nt F*hts or copyrq hts he ld by c1th-rs, If a particular Inver iKM, rjc&l p1, mocett, iWoduct. or &vec is specjfw4 am the ContEaci Docim ews [hrusc ire that perfort noe uf r Iic Wark and if, to the actual kruiwk�dgc of Cky, �s true Lq stkiect to patent r'rgkrts -uT copyrighis callhk� Rsr IhL poymcirt of any license fee or Ta ralty to others, the exL'ttLT"QF LvWc4 thts shall tx, d-Mck,,ci by t_-Ey in [he C cmilrueci Docurnients. Failure of the City t-o disckuc such info Tmi kmi dries trot rc li _vu tlw Contractor from its obli "1 inns to pay for the use: of Said fees or Lxyyaklev to «ihers. B. To fire frrfftst a kin pgrrrutred by Lairs and RegifJ rlror%q, Covlrackw shall F"de :r+rrfy and hsH )UP(udezy Cloy' . frx m and-again4f 011.viainu. cwfr, fosse T. zond drmrges (rrlcfr ding bar nuf fflWfaf fo rill fees anti charges of engi eerx, archtf ,s, wfor'xr A andolher profirzimaelr and afl eow or ar•bio-afrarr or rrfher dFgPjdv ve.solidioncosts) arJs&g aNl (of or relating to any infringemwwor P,rrfaAlY'ikhjs or gapyrighfr Mckera to the irate OF 11re rfor omime ofihe Work or respf Ifingfrom cn,y of FoRT woRTH Sr AN13A P(MMR4 CT IU N PECIf rUT IO N M:UME1T5 Rtrrsiurc SCMW uDP2DO-1 GENERAL MNDITION S PW 21QM the incoTpejrWjmj in the WrA ufdn)r �nVa°xi ion, dosigR pr esv, ]MAId, W'device 1rorspeci led in the iv'irlriruo fJlrlcvNail oas. 6-09 Ped-nPA-rand d1dararie s A. Contract -or obra mdper'-PHN rind five srs- CudiiractuT shall OAa�1 and pay for all construction permits and IJIMIlses excopl those PMVkM far in the $4p10DMJ1tarY CWulRiiMS Or i:'nWao flocuma»ls. City Aan w"ist CnMrwtor, where necessary, in oMsiplimg such pen-nks and licenscs. Contractorsltarll pay all Pav+ernrrrenlal charges and i115pWliOn fees nec-essery for the pre r.LArun or the Work which arc sppiicubk al The tirrrc of »ig of Bids, or, at there are m Bids, on the Mective Datc of the Agmemni, except for permb prowidtd hy Ile City as specified of 6.09.B. City shalL pay all charges of udRy o nim for msrrea"s for providing perrione iR s<:rwice to dw, work. B , obtain :md pay for a Ll permits aixl li cores ws pmAAde d ffir bi Ilm Supp&-mcnmry Coati or Contract Ekicunwil4i. It win be the CUrtractOr's resporrsibaiiily to carry cIn the peowislong of the Fvmr it. I f tyre C.ontrairiQr irrflialir5 c kw� ;c Irk tlrc Ccmtracl an}d [he City appTows lbe L-KaWa, the Cmiractor is respiuml +}e for ol%an6ig clearances and cocndinmirlg w�h the appropriate regulatory mpnivy, T1e Chy v iH not rc imbrursc ific Contracw far any cost assmi hied with these reyuiremems of any Cry a ogLiired pe rrnil. -11c Nlowing are pc"-.. the City wK obtain if required: I, Toxos Depariisientof'rmnsWml-Kln I'Mrnrits 2. U-S. }army Corps of Fmgi ers llemvts 1. Tcxas Cmunissian cm L nAroa-lrrrema I Qwi lny Pe rrki�N Ptr.warraNg pevopdrr andltceme& 7liz City antio�r�� acquisition of and/or aci;esti lsa porrnils and liceems_ Any outstarldi;rtg parr os aril kenses. are anticipated to be acquired in accordance Frith the Shccdua L Nut f{wiR vt tlw SuppkcrmWary CondCrms_ -lire Pn*c.l Schaduki: smbmitlW by the Contrac Nor of accordance wkh the CmImot Docrl=nms must consider any uutstaatiding pern5 is and Licenses, 6.10 Lows and Regmiiv jmv A. cokttt` Lor shaji give afl natiocs rcyuired by and shall coiiiply %vimh all Laws and Remotions appEcable to the pc46a'a'kmme of the Work, Exrep4 where otherwise express4- rc-qrru'cd by appl1oj1,hle a.�LWAaid Ixeguiations, the City tl not be resporlsiA for nkmitUFelig Cord.raelor's canpUance w Oh any Lims ar I1e8rrlatia033. 13. IfI` cintrmoar perfofira any Work knowing or having reams to kmwr that a iS car1drJrr3- In laws or Regulalia m, Contractor aaq hCa l' A c la im% i;osls, kwcs, and vial wpo (6tcludhig bru not lilrli[c d to a II fees and cha rgc4 Of cklgLraem flm hilccjl ,, a rrrarmwys, and other professionals and an CITY OF FORT WURT111 STAM*Aj3 4MRT FUCr1GH INCIF ICATIDN r%j[II *N rS $cvicim NMI 4472QQ�I NERAL MNDFIGN3 Pop 3N of ¢a -court or arbitraEiXI or other dispine resnlofipm costs) srisi cmil of or rclalig to Bch Work, to aver, it sh8R not be Contr-AK;lrar's respnxmibilky 10 Twkc cerlaia lint the 9pCc6fiicaiiom and Drawil6ls are in decordame with Laws and Rcgukation&, but thin sbull not rcUe-ve ConYtraclor of Ccmitractor`s cbiLmikmis erRkr Paragraph 3, - C, Chailtns A Laws or Regulalkfflis &A known al 115e IdIlu OF o0caing of Bids JvLv4 an cffect on the -cost or bate 01" jXTfWn-MnGC Uff the Work may he the suticct of an adjustrrimic in CCAM=t Pricc or Contrael Tic. fir" t 1 Fuses A. On a eantmo awarded by da; :aty, an orgnnmlim whit h qualifies tar a xt rr" 'HDn ptivauant to Terms'fax Code, Sulvfmpter CIF SeeliorrL� 151.301-335 (as anieruta�cO, the Contractor way purchase, rent (r k:asc all matorialsa suppries and ecrviprmJt1 NLWJ or coasimied in the perfonitance of iN.;; contract by bmuing LP his supp&r an excnv6uu certiJ neate in k-u of the [ax, saij cxunlplion cerlCiieatc [o con* wkII SWIc Cornpuokr}s Ruling .f 7. Any such -uxr,mMiun -cerlirmte issmd 10 the C0111ract{xr in lieu of [he tax shall be subjcc t to and sla N cr reply wi h d)e pmvjs; n of State Cnrrr,P4m cr's Rini lg -011, and any other appkiib]c ekpkgs pertailting W the Texas "fax 1; , Subchapter Fi" 9. Texas Tax permks and i ifornxamin rrlay be olstaoticd from: 1, CORVrotlef i)f P%bblic Accousls Sales Tax L)Msion Capitol 'SIati(30 Austin, TX 78711, or 6.12 Use gfSile and Oihm-Areew 1. C011lractor shall coin -or vwscructkNi equoinew, the storage -of nuktcrial€ and equipjnent, mild the 01WMions of workeiLs to the Rc rrnsi other areas pernriticd by haws aixf Rcgtrlations, and shall not uwvasonably cuumber the She and oficr arcaswith c{m)st rftl' cqui�lnekit r,r other 1t7 feria (x egLdp rent. CO11traOW :5fia d assrn5ve tub EUTP1131bi6ty for any do Imgc 10 any sucli land or aIva, of to the uwmr or occupant II)cmof, or of aiiy adpmll lard or sre&q res-uhing fnNn the perforn-oime of the Work, 2. At any t6rie whcn, -11 the jLiV 5enl or the City, the C.orrtMelor has obstructed Ur cad or is c:srrying on opern6imts in a partivn of a strut, r 11-oflway, or ea5; Rmcnt ater than k accessary Misr proper cxecutiorr of fl)e Work, the City 11jay tcquo,c the CGntraclor Ip finish the W-c1i0r1 on Mdch Oper-RtioTu arc in progress ha'fom work is camrrwoctxi on any addicko ai area c,l' On Ric. CIT'YOF PMT LTH 00*-i 0ENE PAL aMITLON S PIF N of is) 3. Shoulkl any Dan -Imp Cla-Un krc nla& by any :�h {r -oer tw mcgwin 1,:Ct1L a of the pert i mia rice of the WoA, Contractor shall prornp4ly attcrnpt to resolve the Damage Claim, 4, Parr-suamf to Petragraph 6.2 f, Cowructo?- x ball Fndvraw fy-aiAd hold brarnde,w City, fr mPr rarei frgainsl all claims, costs, a te. COO donpages arrhalrg and ofor r ein iYW try an), doing rig• ael kir?, legal or agt liable. hramghf b), any mock mmer or chocup nt against dory, B. Ronxftval of Debris DioritW Pepy4v pwe of f{re Work, During the pmgress a tlrr Wo k Cnattr�ietra ShAll k-4p the Site nW other areas free from accurnublins of wasteiraterial,, rubbish, and othcr debris. Rem al and disposall Of such wa5tc nVLterials, rubbish, arrxl oilier ik+br13 Shall conform to appkablc Laws aMrx1 Rcgulat ng, C. Site Mainfena a L'keming- :2A hours after written Itatice is given to the Contractor that the A--an-up on the job sk is pi-mce ft in a n-wiw ur wmtikqfaotory 1p the City., if the C63"trMCJl ,r FELON to correct the umatisfactory procedure, the City may take such duct action as the City decnis appropriate to correct the dean up dcf'c3'crIc1c5 cited to the Contraclaar in 111c written ruAicc (by 1(Akor or -r,xlmnlo r� mimurtiutkln), and (hit casts Of Such Dulcet Wirni, GIs 25 9/6 of such casts, shall be deducted from the moat-s due or to bcconnc ague to the Codraclar. D, FnalSPe Cfeun; rg: Prior 10 Final AuepWnue 4T 1he Wok Coratroolor A1WH c.ean the SiLe arid Lk Work siA make n roady for Lulilalion by City or adjacent propertyr owner, At the comes-1011 of the Work Contractor As11 MT'C ve fruit Ulu Sit, all irxiLs, apr&trts, comtruclion equip iwitt ared machinery, and surplm mater" and shall rcawe to original eond'Mm of bcttcr all property discurbcd by the Work. I._ Ceu=ctor shall nal kod: nor permit any pert of any strwturc to be headed m any ffmnncr that will crfdanger tht, sirucw`, nvr bha9 Contractor sub t aary pNrrt oF11ic W131-k or adjacent p mperiy to stresses or prossw es that uwM endanger it_ 613 RecordDacrrrmafs A, CcATaartor s€ aU TwiMwn in a --:iafu p4rco at $e Site or in a place s r r cf by the- CaMractor and appimved by die Ciy, om (1) record coW of all Drawings, Spccilcaticuis, Addcnda, Changc OF&M, Field OFders,aaxl wrillon intvrpmla"s arrd k�Wlfil fit-93FN irl gnrad r 4ind atrial -wed to show chanes. made during oofstruction. 'I hest me rd docurmnts UWher wkb all npprovod Saniples and a -courdcrpart of aA a-ccpl,cd SUb-M lAh will k a%q11labk i0 City foir rcfcnnctr. UPM conVk-flon ot` the Work, these record documms, any operation and Tminianance manuals, and Submittals Wilk be do rcd to 0y prier to Final InspeeLion. Contractor Shell include accura W kxaL-KMr35 r41r bum' d and in*jed t:d itinm. 6,14 Srrfety rad.F 'ra{tFt h9n A. Con ractor shall be , resjx=Libk for rnu4titai+3i g Qnd -,U1xrV'Meig 41A 4.afC(y pm c a.LfL t;ns aixl lmigmnis in Gcuuwctiooi wish the WorL Soch wspaa7sibilky does not reli ve tiubcnantraclors of tlie-F responsibility for the safely of pCrMMLLL or prOprrsY in tkre pCrf0m1ancc of ilTk; it wrk, oLv For complicince with aoicabk safely Laws and Coatitractiw thrill urry nf Mar wary-nr STANDARD EUMTRU CT ION 3r41:F ]� 5 r I[F7� ]xx'� Ikir741 r� co7200-r GENERAL ONDITION 5 110F iGoi 63 tales all necessary, prcauxiart� for the saFcly of, and shall lmovido tiw jieces.ury pm�ectiort to pr-UVt:nl dallM g.Q, injLiry or lass to; 1. A Vers riN on lire Sito or -�ft nmy be affected by tlic Work, 2. all ;hc -ark and maicrials and equipment I❑ bx inctxpwatcd iliercin, whether in staraj�e Cal or off ih4 Site. alKI 1. other propeily at (lie Site Or A&Wnt lhcrctQ� iIlICIU&g trecs, shrutn, Ilawim, wakb, NVUF a AS, ro+id+Hys, stMtUMS, utilities, and U nde rpiund Fac! iluica not designated for reinovaL reloeatk3ik (pr rcpkL-,cite ni in Ilhc courw of ccnLstructhi. B. Qrir<tT 1-ztW sW1 ccomply wnh all applicable laws and Rcgututir,ns relating to the safety of persom or property, rw to the proWctirni of persons or pmperty fri.-miti do r wgu, Lljw-y, car Jess; and steal! crew and mai5ta in all Fv�cessm-y safeguard-s for swh so roy and pa-otcc tion. Conlracum $hall wify owners of add t'Ik iwoppdy and of Uil-dorgramid Facilities and whirr ulility owncra when pR r,L4K rr of the Work may affect Lheirk and shall c ia,persilc with t lucm llti the protection, remm,aL i-cloc.atioji, ami TcplaccrncTA of their property. C. C ontracw whall i;umply with the applicaMe reWirenwnts of Cy+'� soFcty progmms, if any. Li- C orwra ti r shall iriForm City of the specific Tcqui cnwi-us of C Lmitractnr'!j -"fciy program. if army. wnh which City's enapbyees and reps jtitaiiv" must rxvnTpl�- while: at the Site. R. Ad darns , iq�iq, nr % to any property rcfcrmd to of Paragraralti 6.14.A.2 ur 6A.A,3 caused, directly or indirectly, in wlv* or dt pail, by CnTmruw, ally Sub-ontrac tor, Supplier, or any otlie r iri&iduai or errLky direcil' uTWIrcctllr mupkrycd by any of there to perfoniw Amy of the Wane, or arry one for whose acts any of them Kri y b: kabk% tkw ll lac Tcmcd icd by C Qili-ac tor. F. Contractor's -duties arKI TespixLsibbics for safety and for protectkm of tltc l ufk shall vnwinuc tutt0 such Cimc as all the WG& is completed and Oily has accepted the Work. & 15 Srifery Repre�Pt►MefilT Curatractor shall inform City in writing of Csontraetrr's tv-sl6wwd safety rcprewbntative al Lkle ;ire. 6,16 Hazd?'d Conwiviricc0io r Progrmu Contractor shall be rerponsi� for eoordi viing -Pny cxchangi; of niaterisl safety data-ghucds q,r ether lix,lird r-OMUAa cation infwnliatimi required 101K Made aYa it blc IAk or t:YL4;�n�,,cd bctw04�11 or a nxmI . empkyrrs in accordance with 1.9wEr or RegutAtaar . & 17 F�r1,,rgencies aradfm- Recdrfoeynron A. I n cirierWncies aff twg the sa Fcfy or protccli n of persom or the Work rr prcq-acr y at the Site or ad}aceni tharcCo, Contractor is obligated tip acl Ik, pcevem tlmeatciled dainago, igwy, or IL*s- C=ontraclor shall 9re Cily prompt wrimmi notk e if C'ontr IAA Yclicwcs that any sjpLfica Ill �:ttY Lily' �Mlr WOR-M STANDARD IU CT IP-P SPFCIMA T 10 r r}ix mF.h m RTvftk Y: aQMI 007203L I CEWRAL U NDIT ION S Pop I nr6l ehaFVs io the Wcwk or yaNations from the CorltTav Doc wneais have been causcrd ftroby or are required as a result thwcof IfCiLy det-etrinines That a change ni the Cana act I_?a+eurrrcnis is rogtdr-cd bcca use of the action laken by Contractor in mspw1w t;3 SUCh an enwFgc]ie y, a Change Or*r may be isswd, I1_ Should the Corrtrae Iur rai] tax reslYM (G a request from tht f _ i Y 10 Met6 any discrepancies, omisskmn, or "wmation necessary Ic conform w6 the ruquirenwrAs of the Cordrar'l TRM= e1)ts, the City shall give the Curriraartr wAken twice th2l such work or -0finem are to i e perfomac€1, The written nptic a shall direct atlenl6ati to the discrepald condition and request the Cuntramw Lo take re mclial ac6mi to coTra t lhv condition. in the want the CanlTaL: trar daes rot take poa;itiye steps to fulf a Us w++r ten request* or does not show jusl caw: im not takvig the proper action, w0hia 24 ltiDm, the Chy nmy lake slaeh M MUdred Atti€yn with Cky fomtr-:k� i r by C"tr l- The Chy shall duct an ammnt uctw I to (lie entd+e casts for snc h rcrnedial aclior5, V, us 25 }'o, From a rry fiuWs due ew hecorne due the Ccmiraictor on the Pn*c t- 6.18 Nnhfnillabr A. Contractor slmll skikwni required 5uhni tta is to l`'ity for review arrd accepta acc in aeoordaruz with the tiocepwd *`chedulc- of Sulmmi tatti (A.s. required by Paragraph 237), N-ch sAnAL(al wiR be I , &ibm4 number of copies spccifcd 'M the Ockwral Requirenwnts, 2. Data shown on the Sabrniltmt4 will be cornpilete with respcoI to quaTikies. dinrc»siculs, spcaificd perfQmvmcc and degiglt criteria, nmjem- k1s, and si nilar data to show -COy Ilse services. rrratedaK and cquipmunt Corltraclar proposes IG provodc Ond W Mlabk: City to review the inf t far tk- limited purposes rcquind by Faragraoi 6.18,C- 3- 9-abiuti IalLK submitted as hcrvin provided by Contraclor and reviewed by Cky For conformance with 11w &sos concept shall be cwMed at confoniity wish the CovgTao Dic imams unless otherwise ru uoLlit by t=4- 4_ Mien SL&nittals Ire subul4t�:d ror the purpose of showing thm otistollalion vl greater detail, ihc'ur rcvK!w shall not excuse CoTAracW rmm mqukernem shown on tht Draw and .Specifications. For-In.formaliOn-()rltw %&mRtals kpm wlliO (be Chy is not expected to conduct ri!wiew or 1,lhe resrirMjVe action may be so jduriOiied in the Contract Docurrx.nl-5. 6. �ubn it required number ofSalnples spceif" �1 the SMcificafim& 7. Clearjy uknjify -c;Lclt Sajn* as to iimbir rink Strp*r, jv abbe nt data such as "jak; g numbers, the use for which intended aikl other data as Pity Fmy irqurire M enable Chy to review The srlbnuttaI for th- dirnkd Imi-paws rcq-w4LAi by Para aplti 6-1S- , cn,y cw t:wr wmni N1-AN1MRD C(MF11L1C1rPDN 5W.CIF FCA Y IO N bOC'tMENTS Rrrbim VZM1 oa 72 no . I: GENERAL C NDMI)k$ B. WMtV a SLI} I*La l is rcqLdmd 1w l-Conlract DccLulients tx ihr. Schedule of Submittals, any relMIC01 Work pe:rforimd rWr V 193 �Ws rcview arlci ai=plancc of the perlincrrt sirbrri ttal. will he at the sale exNrlsc and responsibjUty of Contractor. C. Cilj, s Rvviem- 1. Ci y wig pro+ridc tirr Dly rtivkw of required S,_Ihrrji tah in aocordance with the Schedula of Submirtais acccplable to city. C ky',t Teview acid acuplarrtm %yl be only to de-termim if the We rys uwxrcd by the whm4jujs wdl, aRcr im14tMxa or irr-orporatba on the Word, conform to the infor ul imi given in the Camrar-t Docurmnts alid be emipatM with the design comept of t1x a onrp>eted Project as a furze ilDn.4 wlrak as indicated by the C orlTae t 13oc rnirrrts, 2. City'g t v-ww mid ac-ceptame wilil Fm cmgild to rneaEI5, nwlhods, technqum sCquciices, or proerdLrncs of c0ns4T-uej-K3n (accept where a parlieular Fears, mnau4 wAiique, sequLbi)ce, OF prrx:ed= of CAX1SErucliM k specifically and v pmssl�, c$lled fda' by ihlc C:ontrarl D0c1ID10nW Or to -L�RfctY prcc8uliarrs Ot programs inc dent lhen,-W Thr rCView and acre Mar= Of a sepaFEjjC ucrn as such vo iq anal indicate apprcmal of the assm"Y in Which the item functions_ I City}s rmcw and accep r- shall not relieve Contractor fjum msp nbibibsy for any variation from the Ecquircilients of the Comracl Docianent_% aoloss Contractor Im comp]icd wills the rcquiuume.Itts of Seo.t" 01 33 00 and City Fms given written aeucploncc of each Mich +jai-iation bxy n=ipfic written nNation lbercof incorpiwatod in or amcnipanyirg the SubjWtlaL CO's reViOw anti acccptumc -shall] not rekvc Comraclor frodil m-;p4xi.Ljib&y for corrply4 wi�fi the tcquircnwnt&ofthe Conaract DocumarrLi. 6. l9 Confimullog llpe Work Ex-m pR as otherwise pl` virled. COntractor shall -carry an the Work and adhere to the prn�ect �c1�d«le &u i v, all &gputcs or disap-ev rmuLi wit I. Ckyt No work shall be delayed tx pmlpormd poudbig rL!sQlulX' m1 of any dis firrt,es nX disagmements, excV.01 as Cky and ComranoT may otherwise agree ill vVI- u 620 t onirroefor's Gemikri Worranfy raid Cimarwive-c A. Conir100V warrants alld guaranr ms to Cky That a WQrk gill be in accordamc ,with the Castrut Documcrlls al)d will mi be d6xiive_ Oy aTd its officers, drerlors. rmliben". partners, ernploytv%, agents, consubanuq, aLnd sUbconlraCtors sholi be cnt&d to mly on mpresenlatks of C0rLUW10r' %t warranty and gmi-anim- l'G_ C& #rpi;Ws warranty and pa Ianscc hercund,er ew"-s do fccls or da31jUg caused bv: l _ abuse. modi ficm ion, oi. Improper malir tCnanco Or cINM t-Kln by per is oftr than Cmtrainm, Subeorltractors, SLLITrers, or any otter -31nfiVidmI or enLiy fm whom C(Mtraox is rt�poi mR, or CIT M OV MiLl WMTH STAMAM DCUSIRUCT IQ K Siff it 1C&TIOX DCX-t".MT5 keWI L1A 1Fzymt Go720d.i GENERAL C7ONDIT 10 H S rwc 33 Oro 2, nomw l wear and tear under nwTmi wwp- C. C=antraclor's obWtkmi w perfivin and -complete the Work in a-ecordance wOh the CQnkF i DmuincrilsAaR he ;IK%dLxc_ None of the folkawing will constitute an acccpta nZc r3f W rk that is wA in accordance with the Cord F)GCLLI1 MIS or a MIVOSc Of COrdractur's obUgalini to perform tlic Work in accordari a with IItiL: l:'atttinct Dock wry= I. obsurvakk3ns by I recormuendation or paymcm by City of any progrcw or Fm1 jy;LyjYwnt; 3. Uic issw cc of a cxrlil ate or F6wil AccLrptan r, by C ily -or a ny payment rc ka tcd (10 by C'iry; 4_ use ca- occ-apnncy of the Wiwk rxr any part thercof by Cdy; S. Eilly rcVj' arVJ acce 0anec of a SulwnKial by City; 6- Orly 6nPe k ni, lest, DT apprmm I by ottwrs; or 7. any correcti m of dcren v fork by C y- D, T e- Cootraetcr shall rernedy any dvfettr. Or darnaps in the Work aTO pay for any damage to oihw work or FMIXAy regLdtk)g lherefrcrm alms %ball anvar wMin a pcTW of two (2) years fronj tFw date of Firal Acceplarrw of ft Work w&ss a banger period 15 s bed atw shall furnis h a &nd and sufficiWnk nia-Mle.rmnce bond. -complying Willi the requirenyents of Artick 5, -R, The City xvM &ive rvalicc -Of 0 KTVU1 de ferns whh reaaomtik pronalAtes_ 6.21 l ride mniiieal ion A. Conlr"rcfor covemanug and agmIre to hidrnmify, hold harmless and defend, at ih cmvi -v xpome. the City, if% a like rs, s e r vauts and a mplmyc rs, ftom ands against any an sl :LII c la iuty aria€ ing ow a � -or alit ge d io arise +k ul tj& the wo r k and s c n-iccs to he lie rfronrne d b% 1lie Contractor, its o fflcc rs, AgC rrts, a mpl0YeeS, s UlhC0nt r 1!1U1' i, RCCnaes or invite er, -undo 1- 1 his Contram THIR INMMNIFI('XI"tflN PROVISION US NVEI [FICIALIX [NTENDED TU OPERATE aN1)RF. FFIFFE-TIVEFVLN fP IT ES AI.I.M.F.11) Olt PH()XFN THAT AI.1, [1 Ff]FTFIr_ [7 1 I :F 1Po�ih1 ; [ ['(:FI`r�V[?ll`1:.�:,Al1%F;f�. 1N vvFj 7E,E ()Il [fti 'nis ivat-Mili1% provision is Tntenfl«3 is Include, without limitation, indemnity for cos ti,cxperiscs anal 1vk,d leg inc umd by tire Oily in Ilt•Fend In against such -cladwT and aausws ofActions. B. Co ntr ctu r co ve nants and agr# Lit tip hide minify and he hl h:hrrtilez 9, 11 ils own r: xPO11:90, the 0% YEs oWiiecTs, scry ants and employce.N, &um and agskinst any and all lees, jNFn:Mge OrdeadMV60n 43 f lire lie rly of the City, hri!�irig ow a f, or ahe geil l+a arise a kit a fa I lie wo rk and a e ry ices tv he pe rfo rmc d by the Co ntrorcto r, its office n. ag£ Os,, a rnployevs, s ubco ntr�tul-m, li{ t rrsges -or invile c s under -this Ci ritract. TH IXINJYMM Fl STANI)ARJp TFLPCjrDDN *;C1r1VkTNt X D CUMEWTS k,rvi3.iun. H IMP M F1 H 'I GENERALCOhrDFTMONS • ■ L �,TOXIA11h . a L T L ,MOM L IM F k 6_2 fc�fc,���o�arr�rr��r 4+ urn A. Cuntrewim will RK)t bc rcquicd tO VfOvik professioral &-519 r serwim% wdess such services .0m spec3r4ally requirrd by 1}1t� CumrarjDocwmnttq for a parrs of tkli,, Wofk Or nrtles!S simhSgrwi es �imre u" to camy wt Conlraclor'4t etsixinsibibties for ccros[ructkm mean%.nxibods, techits mR, seqpemcs and proeedurm 'B. If pe'olbR%i3rMI design SCr&-k of =Mrl-alums by a dCSO profcN1,193nal mbled tb sysicrw, materials or equiprnew are sp►ceificalty PO4*cd of CaMtraelOf by the Coatlract rhxurrients, Idly Wig spec.iry all FCFl5OFnimrwx ail dcaign criteria &et stab services mov satisfy, comirac#or shall catty such =vices or-wrlifieations to be pfovklcd by a pr r�y kalisM profcssiond whoa s"Fure and peal shall appear on all drawbs -i, ualculalimis, cenifMcatiVi s, and 5uNiOimis prcpared by wph pmfeasimial 29t,bfnittals misled to the Work desigmd or venified such plAvs--sismal, if prepared by a4hers, shalt btmr wch professi l's written ap val wlwn siArt'Ood to City. C, City MIA 1 cnlillvd to rely Ili the a&quaoy, accumy and wnVlocness of tlx` wriwes, certif-.atioris or imMaymbi performed by mwh design professiormis, provided city has spocif'ro d to Conti-actw f rfmTmnce and de -sign eriteriil that GkWh sefwiccs must WiSfy, Il_ Purrmantto t1tts PaE-ftgaph 6.22F l:: y's review and accepancc of design ce&uilatiolTs and desirp drawiW w'H lL only for Ilie lim-11cd purpaSc of cl'c.ki� for Mlforrr an= Wfth perfernjujjcc and &Swn crilefia &iM t and [he desOn &wrer4 expressed in thr. Cwilract D(xgj unls. Cily's rea�w and acceptaw-v qYF S1rrrtltlals (exccpl design caImUlaliIxz and design dmwkW) wa �* only for the Cx,r a slated in I'41-44grap11 b.l 8_I` . 6.23 R+$e1?11O Ajorfif A- The Contractor $ c* Ilm the Cky �],��ll, u111il 195e exPamlW of three (3) y"rs afer fmol payment kinder this CaMM% hOvu acem Io and ON-, right to examiie And photocopy -any ducctly Vvd Lncnt books, dw-urmnis, paperg, ami records of the f'oN moor aivaNing "wactiof►s relatm9 to INN 17-nnlract. Contracior Ir cs That the Cky -thal have acre%' during k40gular Wrm-king lours to all mcessa f+ Contfaclor fiacilkies and gha II be pmvidetE act jLMa[e and iapprgarialc mrk space in rw&kr to cadet audim in compliance with the provis6xB of lhis Pavagrepls. 'I11c Cjy shall give Corwacuw reu seta bk advance w4IrN of intended au jd & B. Cnigrstmw further a oz to include in all 05 scbconlracts hmurxfcr a proviwn to the effectthat the subcoiUra'�agFecs drat tlk` C9y sh814 until tEW cxphlim of On-C (3) years afttr final PMym cm under this Ctotracl, have access w and the rigIll io exa mine and p oc any direelly pci linent books, Axlf:rTcltts papers, and records -of %kxh Subcontractor, involving Irawacfipm to tk- skibcontram aml fur[hcr, that City shall have access dun-ng kegular Wvrking Hours to a Il UTYOfF{MT iyM 'I'lS IPV4R I} BT 4t T I� k iPE 17 MOLT IO N fix-uMjLWr5 Rnishan: HUM flu 12 00. 1 5ENEP.L MOM aN S S4ibcontraj:tm facj[hics, and shall be provided adequalc arud appmpriltc w ark spmee in order to conduct audiEs in compliancc wish IN, MvLsivim of IhLb Paragmph. "11,r- pity shall g vc Subcontractor rcas nabk adviAnce twlic-8 of intended audits. C . Cowractor and SvbconLraclor agme to photocopy smolt d0cuFnants ag Mmy he reque d by the City. 71,c City ads to reirnburse Contractor for the cost -of ihv co*s Us folJowws at the rate publ'5lted in 111e Tcxa�r Achiihistrativc Cixir. et effect as of the time copying is perfnmtcl. 624 A_ '1710 City _5 m%ponsible far opera,t-ing Puhk 'n-am satiation fa ants and in&-nicnking treirt#it- Ftlated fe els, which are funded in part with Fudurot fiotiancial assislarwt awarded by the U.S. ikeparinwnt of Transportation and [Inc Federal Transit Administration (YI`A), wilhout discriaiwtiatiq against any [)k-vxt in the United States on lute basis ofraec,color, or nati xdl origin. B. 7Yde: V1. Civil Right.-F,40 -of I �P64 es hers neled: Corktraclor shall eompl}' witll tlse requi cFmr0:s of the Act and the Regulalkm a:5 fr, lhtr r flefnsed of the Suppiewunlary Cndikus f❑T arty prgjact rc iv6ij� redcral asslAawe. ARTICLE 7 - OTJ 1 ER VK)R1( AT TIFF. Sl TE 7_01 Belated W-VrA ce S le A- cky nny perform oher work rellawd to khe Pri*cl at the Shc wOli Cky's employous, or oftr City ccrrtraclars,or'through tjhrr direcl corrtractsthere(m, or lrave other work pcefrmmd by Utility ctwwrs_ If such u;k-r wEri is nral iKWd tin elm Cum -act Documents, Then wrist-011 mice thOma will bL given No l:�memctor prior go darting any srr h tl r vsrrnk� ark 13, Cxmiraii tcrr sha d afford co0i adier contractor who as ;o pant' io such a divot cantrad, ea-ch utHRY owner, and Cigy. if Oy is perfo M'Pig other work with Caty's ,mpbyees or other City cu4ra-ctoM proinr and safe access totk Sk, praaidc a rca-s�W OniortuaY for the MlMdaclion and storage of rmt,erials and-uquirrrrent and the excretion of such oEhcr work, and property eoordirmM the Wufk wiih theirs. CflrrtraCIM AJA do all euttin Rteng, and patching of the Work that way be Tuquired to froperly cvrrrk-ct or othcrw6c woke [is several parts currrr= t,rgeth,r+r and properly int-ugratc with such clher wad. Cormmetor shaA n+rat. -crEWWr any work of c�hwrs cutting, CUOV811% or otllcrWLtic a Ue rusg such work; pea ,d, lwwwe�r, that Cro�Mmelor 111ay cut Or alter oth,ene work wiih ttm' - wrltte n �rn13e 0of City and the othcm whme work will be a fl��ied. C, If the PrCVr eMcutbrk or rc$lrll_4 Of any Pan of Currtractor's Work depends upon work perfor iCd ' others under that; Arlicle 7, ConlrnW shall 6np"t such gather Wn& and pr"WIY rust to Gigs 6 wFit ng any delays, dcfo-cts. or deficiencies 'M j h other vmrk that rcwJer d =vailabic or wisukablio for tho laruper er€ecution and -Df Cotvlmctor's W _ Comrsetvr's failure to so report will -uumstdute an acr-cplancc or such o1kr w1m-k as IiL and proper for irA- tip wit]t CQ"t(jaCtar's WO& cxccpt r0r laient defects in the work jmwwidod by others. rrryfff PORT WRM4 Rim WZMI 0072 0-1 GEhIERALCM1TIONS Ympr Mar63 102 CpordPfitafkm A. If i y intends 1-0 ccmtrad with others for the perforeswwc of other work cin the Proj2rt at the Site, IIT IiMf{nwing will he SEA fah in Su}lp6mcmry CondiCicm; I, 111C usdiV JJWII or entity WfI93 will have autkkwity and respomiNl�y far crM�3'flagil3n of the ijttivilics a mo1TS the various cajimc ton- will be identEfied; 2. the sp,mi k masters to 1-o Lwwrcd by suc]1 auLh city &nd resp ibIky will bi- plcrrair d; and I the extent of such aLghorgy aryd msporrilbilitics will be prs)vidcd, B. Urkkss otlw-Tu provdo.d ul rlx: &ppternenary cordhimis, City shall laye aWlloray for Stull caord'LFWCOM ACC' fCI Fr8,CITY'SRFSPONS]EftLITEI1' 9.01 cor+wwnicaframs to--arormfor Fxccpt as otllerw4sr, provided in tjw & pplcjllertlar}y cn1d' i0jls, ("ay ShAR iSSRe .9II U(MlinjUnicntiUN W C(9IIIF 1r.Cam, 9-02 Fla-0.51-r D(oli? CAY AaA liflmly furnish the data fequired under the Cor ind I umerats- 8-03 Pay when fire Cry shaA make paynkenis to Contractor in accordance vwi h Araicl- A 8. D4 IAmds and Ea-woermy, ftepat-isiwd Tests CkYzi dkrlics with req}"t to Plfav'idillg kinds and ea scums and providing cngineerjs8 Surmys to estabili. h rei�Fcnr,e points are sit Wh in Paragraphs 4.01 and 4.05- Paragralalt 4-02 avfcrs to Cky's ide W ifyir9 and im king a va,iiablc to l_'.OA raV tW CC&M Of MJW3 s of oxpkwalxxaS and tests Of SkIb3urfaee or�ditior� d drawinp of pls'al cordkknis mkii lg to existing surface or srlKti face structrar+f�; or ccrrtiPms to (11e Sirs ffim have been utaifed by City in prcparbig the CQwract DxU rrGrlls- 8-Old Change Orckm pity 3 a I executy €.'Mange Umlers 61 mucon is lKV With Paragrapll I0.03- C�y's mspomqihility wail aspect to in iL%pej:jka r,, tC5t5, and J§PIXQ RaIS jS Set i`tNIh in 13aaa�raph ] 1, 03- {' Y OF FORT WIWTri $TAMLLAAr] CMI rLUMON SITC F CA T to k WUUMENTS 00 72 90 - 1 1XNERAL IVON S PAa 32 of 63 8.07 fAjiffdf rxor7s on city .3 rRc� f�orss �hrfa�i�,� A. Tle Cify not anpermi c, direct, or ha-wc C0111r0l OF suthUFAY over, nor be wspLmIsible for, (-,t)rLliaotj3T`s nbcans,methads, technjgw!s, seywneca,of pnixedures ofc trwtk-wi, or IhC safety precautions and pmgrarns incidenil $ereto, or for and+ ra&nre ofConkrartoT trii comply wr h T.aw.% and Regulations applicaW Mai the perfonmoiKe, of the Work. City will not N: rt!-gy siL& for Comract,or's fa Aim u) perforni the Wo& in accordan with ilie Contract DOC Luti7unts, B. City Will TL014 the C'oMraOM of ap &b6- ti-fety pbns pursuant io Paragraph 6.14. ELOS ffrjkdixcro,tj!1 HdzardtMrs Fnvrrrrra mnf or condmon City's responsib y with mspcot to an Lmdrsckeed RvArd im Fnvilroi icni rl Condition i6s Wt l'trrth ill PiaTagraph 4-06- 8.09 a'_rrpr0,'ance m4lh.Wo Pr ogovin While at the Site, iiy's ampk"s and represuMalives shad cornply with the spccA: ;3Mb-'able rcquffri `nts of CorYtr�Ictnesi safer} proWarm of wWch City has bccn ukfcjrwd PuTsuarlt W Punta* 6.14r A RTICLE 9 W CITY' 8 OB WR#A'Irl ON STATUS DU ill NG CON gTRUC HON City will prr,+r& Cane cr FMrC P*C1 IvlM1191-!r61) dLlrirt9 llic comiruction peril. TIC duties and MVpWjsbilkics and khe linvtations oj-atiLhority of City's Pn*c1 ?Manager JLwing consiLvctm AM set forth In 6, Csemui= Documca7ls- The City's PrL,jCet Manager fear thL-t Co tract i 1*111ified in the .supplenwntary Coiir rtions- 9- VI` ifx to.7ife A. City's Projmt Ma11a8er%vjR rrml€c +risits TO tht Site 81 iIIJUVA aMmpriatc io the VVir)4Ls stages of comiructioii ris City deems iicccssuay in order to observe the lxro mss that has been made and the CPWRY of the varimj aspects off' Carr'Llra rntw's cxccuicd Work. klascd aaai itfrrrm[ion oNawd riming such virdLs and obs+crwai.", Cky's Pro'cct Wearer wll dctenmine, nt Pmral, if the Work i4; proceeding in ;ivourdaucc with tlit Contract Um tuncnl-E�, Comity's Project Manoge r will rKm be regL&ed to armke cxhau%tk or CURtinW= riISpCctiI0rV 9ft IIM Site I,o chcc k tFk' gLlality or quantity of the Wcwk. City's Pa eject majoger's cf urts will be dircrIM jaward fxoviduag City a gmatcr &-gLee of confrI-oance that the complaed Work wig c(mftwiii gencralf tax ft C imilinact f'ioemnenI& f#- City's Pr - r-t Mar�agcr';r v�i� arid observnjk L� are uL ct to aA 1he RnL jatians Ima a��b riy and respDji,,�0ity in Ihi; CocAract Docunicnis, i iclui]4 thosc set ('orih 61 Para garph 8.07. IUMY (W FORT 'fMl STANi]hRr MIRLiCTON 3PIKI ATLOk DOMM 04" Rxvj on, X= L (07300-1 0ENBRALOMITION5 POW 3Rard3 City '5 PFUj l M-0-noger may aulhorLm nlimr "a'iatiorrs in IhL. Work from lhc rcquimmenks of the Contract Mcurrucnts wh.iA do not kmk-c an adjuslinvilc in dre Cmtrim price or the contract 1'inic and are cdmP01ibk wi* th<' *-3c gn cUdi " of the compkled PraP4t as a functk)rting whole as irrdivated by the Ctml ract Docimier Li. These IYm+f be accomp6-hcd by a Fiekl Ordcr and will be hind'919 cml City and ako on Contractor, wW Aa 0 perform the Work irrwr)lvcd prokn fitly+. CitT wig iLuvc audx city to rvicct Work which Ciry's Prgjccc MarvVrbcbcvvs to be rkirectW, ar will nal prrNduce a complcl-d Prot 11ml carrfornjs try the Contract I)octiuncnq.q or tkwit wilt q} 1r1t1.'9rity Of <kskn M=pt of dip cumpkted l'FQ*1 as a fmcti�nmg whole as indicated by lbc Cmtravt UmLumms, inky wi l have authority 1p conduct Npecial bnspeat m or tcst4 of the Work as Pfovj&d irr Article 11, wk-1hr-r or F" tFm Work is falviemed, bistaka, or completed, 9.05 D06rMimedi+drrsfiv War-k Perfrh-rr:ed Concractiv vvifl dctermiie the actual quanlisics and dassificacions of Work perfoermd, Cky's 1 ro*t Mmnagcr will review with CoMractw the prc aj i mry determLfmlians on suuh Fmtters before rcndcrjnl IL Witten MrW131endation, Oy's wrktvn decision wW N %al (exovp as nlodii+red u, l-cfk`.ct chan8gd faptuai conditiorm ur nx)m aceuralc data. 9-06 Declsrmv an RegmirevkmoN vf('oNrrUVJ DfAcu e,"I€ UAWAccepab}lrfy of Wark A. City will be the ini(W interp"Rcr of die rquWCnmnts Or tlrc Contrad Doc unients a iid judlc of the ar-evtabiiliy ort[x. work drereuttd , 13, CitY mid renrdcr a writcerr vision oai any Li u= referred C. Cky's writcn deckilm on die issue rufcrredwill bo f'mal am] kid -mg an Me Contractor, subject 4R the provisions of Ira ra aph 10.06. ART ICLE 10 — C H ANGES IN THE ', CLAIMS; EXTRA WORK 0.01 A1 phor ized uha,,Wey ill the war* A. Wiflu o hm iodating jhc Corrtrae, aril wRhml 00-cc to a ny surcty, Cky nvy, at ally time tw frum untie 4D title. order F.xim Wait Upm T tic-i: of suclx Emu Work. Coaljra-ctor sl"al proutypcly pmCccd with the Work hvobeed which will he perforn ed undw the appJiubk colldiitims (I the Corrtracq Documents (-vx-ccpt as njhc rwLw spec-ifix l y pm itiv , E,xcra Wyk sJlali I'x mentorinhod by a Change Orr which May txr rmy rroc pe4 an ❑rdor ❑f Ewa work. BFor mmimx changes cif fork not change�'lo Contraci Tinic or Contra-c price, a F'iQkl Drier may be i�sucd by die City, MY(N FMF +wW-nI S7 ANV RP(WIVIOTION VEC IF IxAI14X C?DC UMrj4$ Rcvkskm ZZMI 00?2 00.1 GENERAL OF DMON S Papr NOW 10.02 UYPrrji1hofizcd-C-ftafi9eN In 1h9 Work C.onWaclor ;haU n(A bC crltitled to an i wWw in the CGnmul Price Dr or) L xYw lion of the Contract T'MjL; with respect to ai1y work peirft rnwd That is not rcquimd by the Ctrratract bor. U was as amended, rrmidificd, IDi 57,IPp]GISjejjWd :Aq J)FC3Vided bi Paragraph 3.04, CXCCpt in t JC caSC Of 431 eInCrgency as provk-d n1 Paragraph 6.17- 10.03 Exavullon of CAran w ()Nlco's A. Cky and ContracEor Nk4fl uxecutc appropriate {`11arlge rdcrs: aOwering; 1, 0wriges in the WUrk which arc-. {1) ordered 1w City pw-q ant to Paragraph 10.01A, (in) required bccakwr, of acccptamv of defective Warr urger Parag,rapss 11,E or City's eormcdDn of defeeli+e, Work v.ndC( Paragraph 13,09, r3r (ui) agreed to by Me parfies; _ ClIanges M' 11je Coat cl Price Or (:MAract Timm, which are aged to by the parti��, including any yr lis"ed sum or ammt of tair for Work ac-tualky perfeLrLmd, G_04 Exrra Work A_ Shoff a differekwe arise as W w91at does Or drams nOt car►�litlate I?xtra WvA- Pe to the }tiayrmrrl thcrcd, and Ehe Oy insists upon As P;rfem"an00, the C(x tr,retor shau PAILCUd W& the wok after ,raking wrilbeo request foT wrpllen orders and keep aceurhty account of the UCtL ai reasonabL- cor,t Ihcrmof. Contracl Clabw regarding Pura Work &hip be made purskwfnt to Paragraphs 10-06. 1B, The Coutraclor shall furnish the ClLy SUCK ins1;Mlati€M1 records of afl dayWiuns FTOM the original Con iracl Fmcurnents as try be iicc"Li"ry to enable the 01Y W pceparc f[ar perFnanCA rceurd a corrected set of pi{k" sjimt the actual 6istalla L'KM. C. The conypm4intion agTCMJ urx'ri foa' Exltm Work whether or RCA ind�ted by a Challge OrdCF AA 11 Lac aw RAI, corni*te arul 1kal paynicn+ for all costs COntractar incurs a4 s resat or r-Clatang to the r-ha a or Pxtra Work, whcftr said cimis apt, kr,(wra, unkrrl)Wn. forCSCCn or uoTOresecn at that tinrx, -Wilding + ftW 1i nuat". arty cam for delay, extended ovedw- . r4k or prlpact Qosl a' any olhcir ckTect on changed tw uar6angcd a� a resuh of the dIaFW -ur FXLra WiNk, Mkre prnvisi is of nny bor-d require wtica to be 9�vcn to a surety efany ekange FAcolingllle general ,:rape of the Work ❑r the pvw-Ci wis of jht Coma -act Dmuinuots (iinchft, bit not Cniiftcd tc> Carltraet Prire of CaFrtracl T-IM), the ghri% of any such kaAice +Fill be OW'IM-CtOes respam3bdlit f, The arr ant of �aeh appiicahle b lrrtl wM be adjusled by th- CMU vt�c to reflect the effect of arly such changc- t'1 r M [Z FORT Ili MI'ANDAR1}r 1PMON VECIFKAIION ECCU MM, 4k�'iknMl' 1t'�M�1 007aa0-L {3tISIBRAL MNDFTIONS Pal a 4+1) of 0 A. Uly'.s Decision ge(poired: AN Contract C.1airrt-. except tbMic waived pursL%nl to Paragsph 14,04, sho N be rc Caned JU IhC City for der, Isian. A dPoL'4 by City shall bi� wgLiIrc-d as a corrk ion pre"dent Io any exercise by Contraclor of any rights or remedies he may otherwtLm haVC udi&r the Co"Ieact DacunwiIts ar by La wrtand Regutatknu in respect ofsurh (,ontract elaantis. B- Notice. - I. Written malice slating the $cneral natum of each Contraet Claim sEk,ll h� deRvered by the Canimr-t,v IQ City no Wur Ihsn 15 days after the s(�m1rt of [lie �:vvalt giv ig rip;u ther eEo. TY, resFxM'S'b"y 10 StWEIniiate 0 CONFaotClai% shall I-Csl With the pall} making the Cuatrae[ Cb iris. 2. NCicc of t'U-- arraoa V or exteril of 111e CCMIrRCt Claim Wahl 5LPp8d'I6g data sha Il Ix- 4cfiverc d Io the City can or befom 45 days from the star[ of thv even) &ng rise tlierelp(kulkss Il)e day .0 lkiws addbxma1 tim For CUMIaC(or tk) %'U hrnil additi rill or "Sane aex�uralc dala at suppmi of such cimiract clai n). 3_ A Convact Claim for an adi,5Irnc37t iii Conlract Pri" slm.lt be prepuTcd in acr-i iarne with die p7'dV'4%itans aparagmph 1101. 4. A Contract Chain for an ad*stnrcn[ in Cun[racl -lirrI2 sha U be rwepaced in accorJance with the proviskC w of Parn&7aph 12, - S. late K Clair" shall N 010coaoPS11FI d IDY Calo[raCtor's writlr'n atateme t t I haI the adjustiTreW eiai lad is Ihr- crAire a4*1mcltl t+0 which the Ccn)IracWT bcBev-es it is entitled rig a r -lilt of said even. 6, ]'he sha I BLkbMR any rvgx�r= to the Cmrtraclor xwitltiin 30 days after receipt of the claarnant's last subiritttai (unl Contract allows addki rwt tiiw), C. C s 9c-lirM. City wig rcvicw -eac h Cuncram C L oo, and, within 10 days afte r rc ceipt of the IaSI s+bttillul of Ilm COnlraclor, if any, take one cell" rlac following act labs in wry 'i : 1, &n Y ft Conaracl Clair" iir wfol2 �T in part; 2. appTove Ilse Corrtrael Claim, or na1 ii Y Ibc CoWMMa ,r that t13e Coy is unable to resolve au-- c-oaltract cla irn if. aj. t1be City, I di9Creli i, a would b Ina}ppr'aP�Ic for the City to do sb, For purFmos of fdartlwr resoEu M of the C431dract Clab". 41=h natim qW fl be dcerr ee a denial. •CTCY (W FORT 1I4nRlil STANnAR13 0M fLLICUON SPEC IF IAA T IO N rx)C LiML--NT5 Illornldr:&2MI as7#00• 1 GENE - ITION$ r*c 41 o f fil D. City's ws$ten action under i'aragaA I0.06.C_ wA 4,- frfloi {tnd hind'Mg.. Liotegs C�ty tw Coralmw im 5�v ft di"te rc miwiolb procedure sot forth hi Article 16 vwnhil) 30 days of skrzh actiDn or dent L E. No Colitract Ckiwi For am adjustrrx:ot to Contract P&e or Loatract Thme wig be valid T not sAmilted in a (UjWjx:o With tlti_% Paragraph 1U6. ARTPCLE [ l — MST OF THEWORK; A1,1,[)WANCES; UNIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTITY M FASURFmFN-r 11. 01 Cast of Fhe Work A. Cgso Included The 1crm Cost of Ibc Wrrrk Medan [Ire: Ium frf.011 cM13, except those P-xck&d dt Parmgmph 11.01-T�, rmc-uL,urily incurred and paid by Contractor of the Meer porforrrtaaecof [he Work, Wtwn [he value of any Work rmmmd by a Chw3ge Onler, 1W costs to be teimtxursod to CuMra-utur ++gal b, Daly th«e additional rtr inc rejimmal costs required L ause of the change in the Work. Such costs sliaJl not inclu�dc any of i4 costs i cmr ?xd in Flo ra ph 11.01.B, and shall irr.ludc bul next be 11MR0 to tlu fbBuw4 iterrm 1 _ P ayrolil coats for ernpkxyees in the direct empby of Conlraelor in the perfomane O( the Work urr&f schedUles of jokb 4;W-,S1 ]Calkm Ilip6d upon by City and Corstraetor. Stich ertVhyees -l9111 111C9udu, witlroLN lirni atim, srlpefinlcndcIis, .forenvcn, and other perwanel employed Fiffi 1 ire on flit Work_ PayrrnHl c rats for enVloy+eLs not eirlp"d full tdtw orti the Wrxrk swi A Lie ajrl'xwtiin,ed {nl the 1msis 4 19icir time spent on the Work. Payr911 costs shall ix We, a. sabrlcs Mh a 55% Mrk* or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe bencrh, wNV h �14 ivk* -=0 security corriribu+tisms, uncmp10rmenl, excise, and lraymN taxe&, workers' compensnlion, health and r+et ireniam 17enef"rts, EMLl5C5, sic k leave, vacation and linklay phy :3 MA' :abk tL- reto. The cxpelkse�L of jx rfcrrming Work ours& oi` Regular Working Hours, W-cckcM Workh18 H ours of icga I ho]Whys, small be 1rr-h&-d in thr* abate to The exltrrt ELUAborirx d by City. 2, Cost of all rr icr4ls aiid egngnwnt d'w'ittil7ed and inoorporatcd in the Work, fiwhrdirg cmts of transportation and storage thcrtof, acid :Supplinri' liL:kl WTOCCs rCqulmd in cormieetion 111crcwilh_ 3. Rentak of aU convi Ilion equiponm ar.0 rnachirfcry. and tkre paftr, 1 reaf wNthm ire led from C.onLraclor or othum in ace;,malice wji mrilal iagmbments aptrroved by CsityT aixd dre e 1!5 Q1' LfUrESpuna1kHL lloa&g, ualaading, assembly, dismaullM& and removal llicreof. All such costs shell be in accurdance w0 the Wn-fls of said rvrklal agreenwwls_ The reirtol of any shrch cqul nwnt, rnacl�wry_ or parts small cease when dic iLw thcmof Ls r10 kWJgcr necessary for the WO& crrx+or. FoRT wmii I VFANj�Ak4MxMTkL1CT50M 'WEIFIC.371PN rxx'IIMI:NTH kcvinon. 92M I (6 YDA . I GENERALCONDITHMS PAp Q c463 4. Payffle R =&- by I~:MOEidor to Subcomraemn for Work perfhrrvied by Subcormac tors. If Mquffrld City, Uawmctor dtwa ift -compe,16K bids fFUM SUbcCHairautors accepahble to C4 anrd-Cort4J-armor and shall dclimr such bids to C i:ty, wfni� will 4hcn dcicrnvinc, which bids, if any, wil0 be aoceptable- ifany suhooUrt>'W jxpvdcs that i - Subcontractor i% to he Feld 13h Ike basis of Cosi of the Work plus a fee, the Suhcnmr - molur's Cat DC lire Work and fee shall be de10316112d 1A Ihi: same rimrincr as Contracior's Cost of d)e WL-rk and fee as provided in ih-pi P�LEagalk 1 I ,Ot. 3. CO-48, of --qN--c"ral �(ra 'interns (including but r*t Uiit ted to an&yxr�, o chilcct5, testng l-Owatoric5F 51lrWYors, attorrreYs, and acc=ilarri!�)-urrxplcfycd far aerviccs specLfrza* related w the WE)rk- 6. Stilpplcnic-nial costs iiK Wi% tee IiAl iryg: a. The, p yxvtion of nccessary transpartatior� traveL iind aukaistcncc expemcs of niractoes empVyees ifturruil is �i"L%:hargc of € utiies con eted with the Wj rk- h. CO-0, i alluding Lransponalion and waintosiance, ei `all nulvrib, supplies, cquip midi, mar,Wmry., applk ces, of` ee, and [C3)"rr4Lry F�I;cilisiCS at the Me, and hand ic&,; rwA rxd by the werkrs, wlikh a rc consru57ed Ill the pe H'CITT mwc of the Work. and cost, less market +value, of soh Kent aw-d but not concur ied w1Ach re main tlx: pnqXrjy of cemi"kv, c. Saks. consumer, use, and tAher xinrilar Ians rclatcd to the Work, and ftv which C01111 I.Of '" VirbC� nm r-ovcrcd render Piamgrapli & 1 l , " in d by Lauri and Regulatiom. d, i]eposi% kart for catil c KAU than neg*11U, Of' CoWra,c , any Shibc-Ontractor, or anyane dircct� im- 6 dimetly mvploycd h' aFky of tlicrn or for %vho%e aus aeky k3f 021,311 may be ]ial , Und A}yalcy paLymunis and fees for periniis and lieen.s- c. Losses and damages {and rehi cxperres) causad br damage to the Work, rwi r-mFxrnqatcd by inaiwance or atherwfise, ski;t"d by Contractor in corrrectban wkli the pvrforimnee of the Work, VLLwWcd sash kassc5 and danbages have resulted frame culics LO hW r Ihan th,c ncgligcnCC of Contractor, any Sub ,rkur, co , Ln- a Ryonc dkntl� or irrdirec fly im1pioy+ed by any of (11em &- frrr whom acts any of them my he I"le. SLKh kxi,-iC:5 tihaII WIPI;& setticmcnls made with the wrrkten -oor]seot davJ approwaI of City, No such bsses, danmgu, ar+d expewes s11an he inc.lud-d in iho Cosi of die Work iar rliv puixmc of del rmin4 Co1>iractor's fee- f The cast of utilities, L'ti, aril sa rasa r' fac i hies at lire Ske- g, b'linor cxpemes such as ielegralm, kog dtiawc tcicphom calls, t,eierinric and corturn.Irricatik'Kn services at the Sitc, expmss and courier s?:r4icrgF aw 15-91ii1ar PGIIY -Uash iwila in coLtiuectioai with the Work, [-JTYfW F(*T 5590MI &TANDARDMTAIrCTIQN MIFICXTION DOCUMENTS W7200-1 GENERALOMPiTIOw$ Pap 43-BF-0 }L 'file Gists of Vrmiti of m for aN bon . :mr4 nsi- rave COAT-urwr is rcqur cd by the ConLoAet Docurmnts to.Mzhasc and wm4taim B, Cosix rweluded, The lerm Uffilof[he Work shall not iKlude anY of 1111� f01lnkvi19 it -Crib; payroll coslb aald other conVuTkyalion of Contractor's uifr-ers, cxmitiays, I,rilwipals (of par[rrcrshi s and sole vgwiP-tor_ships), general rmnagers, safely "M firs, "ghxrs, amhReais, esfirrmiors, a[lort>er& auditors, acco iatartts, pkFrclra-.-ntg and c13jllractng agu0s, expcdam. tinmktopers, clerks, ato ollw Nrmmnel empbyed by Canimctin-, whether al tlic Sim pr in Contractor's prncipal or branch oflwu f(r gencral adirrirkLLAralimi of the Work and nat spcoirkulty 6cluded al tho agn!ed uN1 schcdulc of A classTrAtUm ivrarred to in Para ph 11.0LA, 1 or t fecLricaDy covered by Para ph 11.0I,A,4, ad of wiricli are io be considered adrniivstrative cmi5 covvrlyd by LIM Coniractor`S r . 2_ Expemcx of Contractor's p micol and branch offices xrther than al(racWS -Offi�c�c at the Sim. 3_ Any pain of Contractor's Ga* k ex fier-ws, inclWFrig Elte.rvst oil CcmtFM-V1*r' & capa$ l eukrkloyed for Ifrc Work and -charges ago&I €'rmmuctor for dcbnqWrat payments. 4. Cods due to the rt gkwicc of C-Cnj> mctcw, any Subcon rarmur, nr ailynrm dircclbr ur 11Ai ee t ly cmploy.d by Lq of lhcm r)T rur Miew acts any 13F theist my be kbl-, imchA4 bka Flat Fruited toy tlac emrectim of defeclim Work. disposal of Fira rims or equipment wrmw)y mrpplicd. -ond immking guKA :pny datmnW to propGny- 5_ Oilmv mreffi,cadty grwral expense cms of pny kind, W11ei1 all 411c Work iS perfori�rFed on the t�a-S of cos[-phu.�F �raitraetar's fo>r sl-mll too det,evn ned as -m lirrili in the Agcorrle rrL. Wham IITc va kmu of any Work c mcTcd by a Change ange Ordcr fur �cn adjusllric it in Cmtmei Price i5 dv lt�rmi and on thv bes3'5 of Cosl of the Work. CUkktraelor's fcc shall hL deteriTriwA as set forlh in Pamgwh i 2,01 _C- D, { ra irJ�iC�il '!l t,` WIhWFuvilr the Cost of tlx: Work for airy prime i% to Lie determ-FMd piquant to Paragral ft 11.01_A and 11.01-B, Conlractor will establish and Frwlinta-3a recgxds tlimof Iit aco#rdance wM generally Ewoepted aceouning practices m d mibmil in a form scceptAt to Chy an itemized cost br-eakdown uVdhur wily supportirkg dala- 1 1 _l2 Alivimyorves A. .4 etfied llfmwmce_ It Ls mderr-liw l that Contractor lms iWIuded 111 the CoMroct P&t ad allowances sts narmd in the C';3rKract Dmunle�-i ared shall causc 11v Work so caged to be pc rkun ed for suc h sum rind by such perMs ter em itics as nmy l� aece Table to C Ry, B. Fre-bW.4?1(mgcrmvv-' 1, Contmetor a es that; 4-rF V OF FtMT VhURTH %y NL)ARl} Ttj1:CjION 9�VFICATFDN DDCVMFWS R CV 1*iirfl' W21 1 0072 QG -1 �FNERAL 03NDITION6 P*s 44 of 63 0. the Ire -laid albwanccs irtielLLd4 lflc costto CoNrarA' of rrmler-Mis arrd equipmril roqui-ed by llr- alivwa aces to be r[efiv+ered at the Skc, and all appl-able laxes,. and k}, Con[ra,etnT'R' eOsls for unk'aW:1.119 and 121hr1sn9 011 the -RL, labur, ir►italk1kni, overfmad, pmfig, and oilier exixvws contenivEtud for ific -hid a Hovwances have been do Im, a in [_lue alk'Y"nces, and w deifxrtod for addilivnal pa}t'r nl an accotkM of any of 111c Foregaoig kw iO he valid. Q- 0000RMCYA110 Mwev, CcOtra-ulk,r agaves I1101 a corLiingency alknvance, if any, is for the solo r,w of C hy, D_ Prior to fuss) lxayrwnt, an nppn3pnate C1 MnW ()rdCr Win be ULMed to relkLi �Ielktid 811101 IN 110c Ci)r&aclor on evc"v t of Wark cowrcd by a a nec s, a rml Ilse C`oiltra-ct P ric-c sliall bu eorresp&xl6gly adjusted. 11,03 UnIl Price Work A. ire tlse Comma DmuF erlls provide That aJ1 or' }art of the Work i� to be t_ a Pr -ELT Work, ini[iully the C-011 ] ILL! [ Price quid be dLcrmd to inclL* for a a Unk P riec Work an aniouill equal to 11iesums of Rhc unit price FOr CaChWp8tato�y idenliNd iti-.m of Unit I'ricc (Irk toms I]tiL! 4gLrnaud gr ri[ity of each -Av ni as indicated io Rhe Agl oagm-nt. B, The estiwimcd quantiti�—,g Of R-CATS Of U1114 PT11Cc WcTk art r" gularaAerd and arc solely for [he pm c Of mPari�On of [aids arld de[crrninuig 0tI iri[W C011M.4 Price, Determ-Mliaw of the actual gmntilies and clussifK91100 of U31-3L Price Work performed by Ctmtraclorwill be nwde by C iJV _SL*Ct to dIC prQVR5v rls of l'ariMfrrapl] 9.05_ C. Eacl, ulsy prier will be reerrrrd [o irc110-. an anwurK cnwArcd by awitruulor to be lmdcqua[,c to c6w r Coramclar's ovcrihead and profrl for each wFmTatcly idenlif-rcd pew Work dcser&d in tic Contract Dcicwwnts, of reaziorlably inferrti as rLNuWd for a fune6mal+ eQnVble risstal�liorl, but no[ identifx:d in the liislvig ul-unit price Jteim shall be carskkTcd kxdental 1D Lo-IiL price wixk l�ted and Ili eosl of incidental wwk inelur-d as part ofter urtii[ price. D. -Pity may mak-u an adjusijuenL in the ContracR Pri�e pi a.Ceolxfil1Ir:c with 1'_3Mgraph 12.01 if: ], 11W 4kr.LnLity of any itQin of Uiih Prrtt Work perfonmd by Ctmurm-Vw dif'f'ors wiatvMi fly and s�iricanQy froril the estimated rlrlaill ;IV ofsueh keno hidicatcd in the Agreement-, and 2. Iltie rc 15 rlo-cowerpinrdillg adifflt"k 11L wah resimet to any other kew of Work. I,_ Increa-red ar Devreamd iiawrf es The f'iRy rescrw:s the rol to 43rtlCr Extra W{irk in accortionc with Pa ragraph 10. 01 1 f the the nges in quo n9ikws or the a ht rat-ws do Lim signif'rc:asslJ 0ha nge the c haFactcr of W13rk under llsc Cofit"ar-L Docuftwirrg, [he alterc4 wak will he puii for at th-� Conumer unit price. Crr YC* h7 *lr %URT11 MCOMM: h 0U?3MA GENERAL UNDiT ION $ Por 4S463 jf Om r.harVs in TLarg&s or akaratkvs sigrlifieaiilly changc dhu character of woFk, tlW C;ontracl will be amended by a Chfwv, Order. If W UMit prices cxi81, lhi!i W30 he considumd Extra 4]Tk arnd ;hc C'Mtraot will be UnCr4cd by a Changc Or[-r in acacorCljrlcc wO A,lick- 12. 4. A s19nMica rrt c hmisge iit the -chaFaetor of work occurs whCLY a, ilk; Owaoter ofvv.Drk Fur ony Item as altered Jarers materially ire klgw or nature frMi Ihal in thu Conimut or b. ;K T+ a[ w Item ofwork varies by nwre than 25 fr m the oral CQWwt quantity. 5, When the gmmlaty of work to be d,orre wider any Major ItcTn of the Contracl is nu]re than 125% of tflc urimil quanttily siatea 6 the Cwiraci, ft-n either paw to ft C=amract imy rcquest an adju$EFncnl io the "L price -Dn tlw paxrtion of thr- work ftt i; abow 1 %. 6" When the guarlti y Of wrk to be dorw wider any Major T1cm ofIfie Ca llra.ci u less than 75°rrr, of the rviginal quanfity stated in the CAailrg:t, then either party lk} 11u C_arrtra4�t nmy mquesil an ad*tnxnt io lice alit }xicc, A. Mans quantities My WMy not r+efxcscnkiklc oxan qumistky of work Nrfuiiiod or material mowd, haiidled, or placed during the c nc wtian d the CoTrlract_ "I1e mirmlexi ho quantucs arc &*4i rested as fou l paynwnt gmntk iink:ss rcviwd ` the govc rning 5ectioii or this A-r i le- P. If the quantity ux4swrd as outlirwd r Ulx&13 alid Paymc,-d 11roeedures" varies by more than 25(or u moulated undCT 'Trice and PaymciA PT dures" for pccal Reim) from tlrc tidal. e,rt:rlated quantky For an MivkkwLi it-e n aridly Shown in the Contract Dclounla ttsa an adjusirncot may be grade why quantity of wiA d nu for Fwyrmrrt pLnrposes. The party tip the Co ntracl rcquesling the adjirs9Tti'1 w will provide FrAl measurerncnls -mnd cA--dfatlons sluawing Ih4 bail quantRy for which payment wil be "de.. Payment for m wi%ed quantky will be MEJ& at the unit price hod for that ilerm pxcW as provkk-d for in ATILV- 10. I^, When gaanWrs are: revised b}- a -charge e] design appruvr-J by the City, by chainge Order, or to con -MI in error, or to corm vtanenw on Shc planx. tiv-� plans yuanLiIy w01 be increased or dccrtesfi by the @1Traml involved bi the uhapV, kiwi the 25°/a varMncc Will apply to t111c new PIAnS quin* D. if lice i *Al Contraci gcrant4 mtrhi*d by the cu i! prko hid for an jrxl16di1a1 Item is less 110rr $250 -0od 60 11= 344 'list or;On Rk fj phim qu;�nYtRy Item, Own tl-- Ile rn may lac paki Ei4 a pins gamily licm if Ilse City and Contractor agmx iR writ .g to fix the feral quan ity as pkn.6 quarllity, crTY ram' F*T WORT11 ti'r'Ammun CWT 91-C'T 14 k 3F WIVIC kT MN 1XICi1MENTS 0u7200.i GENERALOWITr0N6 Poe 46 of IA i?. FQr ea Daut mirk oT mxii si a spcc if is ecmlrad 4, Ih-c plans qo ref Ry mcasurenirm M fluiFe rrr,rit- arc 3N31 applic a ble. AR,rll``E.F. 12 — CHANGE OF CO NTE ACT PRICE; CHA NG E 0 F CONTRACT Tl M E; 12,01 Chujpgr ofCor Truce py-r`c,g A. TIT- Conlrac t price nmy only be c hanged by a Chu rbge oT&,. B. The valor of any Work covered by a "Dge Ordcr will be Icnnincd as roilvws; I. wlicrc the Work invgivod is r rid by wik prces corda0ed in the Coruract DrKuncnts, by ap00atKM of stick uuvt prices to the quaoWus of die hems involved (subjcet to the pm- of puragmpls 11.03); or 2, where t]ic Work inv+om4d s not cuvered by unit prices -Pomtai wd is The Cmiir= LNr-w lts, by a MfluJal� agTccd ImV F-wil Or unit po-iee (wkic}r map > wk* an aE4ywan 4 for uverhead arrd plat no[ nsece-.uaraty in 21ce0r6WO with paragraph 12.01.C.2). and shalll uiclude tt cost of any secondary inipaos [hat are foreseca * rlt the time of �xrie- Ig the cog[ of Extra '�f�J�k Or I where the Wank invos xd iS not COWFcd by wsi prices Gontained iF« 1k CorttraO Dccunwnts a rid agmcaiicrrt to a k"p sum or urr� pry ig not reaQhcsluin,dcr Paragraph 12,�1.[3. F Dn the basis a flie Cri5t of the Work (docrnriiied a-c r,}vidcd in Paragaph 11.O1) 014EL; a Contractor'r, fee for nverhead and profit (dctcrjnr Ied M:s provided di Nragrapli 12.01rQ, C. Cm7fr-aefo ' '.x FLJ,-- Tkh Cunlrwcwo `- Additional feO i`or wmhead and lmofrt shag be delenniied as folblvs- 1, a Munn* "oepmbLI fled fact Di. 2, if a Cixed fcu: is Rai agreed upon, then a rn ba.wd on tt.� following pcwcnlagus of the various PM i+ is of the Cost of the Wnrk: a. ror costs ineurned uwxicr Paragcaghs 11.0I.A.1. 11.0I.A.2, arid 11.113-A.3, 1he Contrac.[ov'.s a ddhiorr l fL%: shajl be 15 pereen[ caocept fnr= l ) rcntaI fus for C;Itraclor's own cquipment us: slar0ard relllal ra(es; 2) Kuts and irrsurs rug r; b- fpr-costs vr-urmd wider Paragraph 11.-01.AA and 11.01.A.5, rht n[ractor'$ f(!c shall be five purcm (5 ); 1) where tares or moot item of subecailm-cu NC on 493e hXIs-95 of COSI of lhC Mork pins a fft aiid no awed feu; is agecd rpxj, the inL.Lnt of I'arap7aph:s 12.01-C.2,a and 12-01.('.2,b is that ilic 5ubcorrtrac[or ".110 a trlally performs the (ark. a[ whatever C'rF YoF F{3ftt v"Ti I S7'A'1 MRi}tWWIUC t74M VECIF jC.j TJ0jr rM)rjaME.Nrg RrFirian: h¢MM oo7ioo-I GENERAL ODN91T INN 6 Miffd7afLl 6Cr, wid he paid a fct kaf 15 percent of the uwd L -Mcur d b� such Subcaanctor under' Paragraphs 11-01-A-1 and 11.01-A-2 and that RH. Ili�,-lticr tier SuhcontVaclor and Conirarmr wM1 each be p ii! a fee of fnrc perount (S'Ja) of 1 Ili aMmu Paid [o the rcxk lower Lier Subccartraclor, howcvur an ino cage FhaF the eurrrvllrrive total of feer, paid be in excess Of %T e- no fce shall he payable on the krksis of coats kcmvydl urtider. Par'agra* t 1.01 A.6, RTIJ 1.01-B, cl, the amm m[ of-:redi[ to be showed by colitlac tar EQ cky for any change which results in a net fk-o reasc in coil wig be the .Blount of lht actual = decrease in cost plus a ikd=tion in t:�xaractor's fie by aiianiount ugwl to Fm percent (, o) Of such net dccreese. A. The Conrtrag:l Tithe mar only he chaii.Wd by a CbaTW Order. B. -No !xt,etu;mi of the i~oititracrl'inic wX bo alowed for Fx;rQ Work -or for c.loked delay artless the tetra Work a ernPlatcd or cjaa meth delay is s 'n to be on 6: critical pall � 111��. 1}f t hc�lulc oe Coraractor can slrmw by Veil "I Path Wthod analiyse% i1aw the Extra Work or elakmd delay adverscty pfl M the crhir[rl r06L 12. -Delay-s A. Where Contra-tfar 6 reauxmbtY dollaYed in the perforrranca or coj-nj erigr+ of any purl of (1W Work wkNrL thu conimctTum due to dclliy bcyn A die con[rol of C'mraet,or, ihC CrjrrtracC T�nc nlay be ex[cndcd in an ant equal to the lithe lost due to -;uchdelay if a C'ottract Claire is nwide Ihe!rcfcr. D61yi heyood the utolml of Cao-ItraoW shall inclu&. 'hut 31LA be linihcd ;ui acts or nc&-r,t TV City, acts i3T oe&u of ul-IlAy OWWrs or other vontraclors perfb ming other work ats eaMemplaicd by Arlicle 7, lions, fbods+ cpWnlac,%, ril timoriml wcathercnndiiiuiss or acisof Gcd . Such *rrl adjustrslerrt Sha 11 be Colitmctwls sole and exec koim r-crued,,+ for the &Wys desert'kd in this Varagraph. Il- If ContTak:cor is delayed, Cry shag ixt be hable [u ContrarwT For airy claims, i;soils. losses, or �lvwges (irrehrding but wt lflrvtacd toall fees and charw--f,or engit ccm amhkecls. attoffic}'s, Un[l other prvfc wqah and all cow or arbiilra[iun ne Mier dispute resolution cos[s) sustained b:y Colijractor an or in =uvc[ion wih any *11wr pr*rl of anticipated pro*i. C. Coli rartor .5halll rmA he en[n Ic(i Lo at) adkistrnerat im Contract Prue c ur ('olttract Tirnc fcr &lays within tltie. corrtrol of Contractor- Delays attriYwtabk le uRd within the =11FDI r3f a Subcontrackw of Supplier shall fps deemed to be dcJr -,� within rite r-O dlrCA Of Contractor. D_ '11he Contractor shall mt-ceitir>r w e03110ens3tion Rf r detnyg or hindrances to the Wyk. cue rA Mimi diut and tnlavoidablIc extra cost to the CrAractor is vowd by the fahrc of thi: Cky to provide inforrrlai ion or iukteri34 if airy, which i8 to be fum6lred by the Cam. CFFV OF VORT WDKTrd STAMMADC=11U1('110%: VECIrLfATIQK k3 UMENTS 007200-j oEWRALOONDMONs Fie 4epr5a A RTICL 13 — TEST, A N D 1 N P1gMONS; C'l()M>R REC.yC' O N, RE MOVAL OR A CFPTANCE [) F DEFECTIVEWORK 13.01 Noike of Defects NotC', of 39 &FcctLvc W rk t)f w1k], (AY has actual knawle%e wOl be Viv+e3l to CMractor. Defeci ivc Work itiiay be r*.cted, rrc�-tc, cr-flM:rAcd as } vidcd in this Arl is le 13_ CRY. inacpcndvjit tes!ing laboratories, and govcrnmantaI ageivics with JvTjJWjctim-L-LI pitcxst<s will hav+c access to the Site arxi the Work -at reAs01mb6 6rtkN for their nNicrvatim, irmpcclkas, and is-stpig. CantrUW sJIiFL11 pr{vyide [Nett~ lxnlxr and safe conditbrm for such neccs4 and advi c flia n of CkIntracto s safety prwcdurc & acid rmivrams so that ihcy may emply therowr h as applic2Lbl, 13.03 Ri-vrxand jnspaegos A, Contraclar shall gi City timely rimice or rUad1nc:;9 of tlx• Work for aU mquied 6Kpcctions, tests, w approvals and sliafl cExVc rate w Mi IMPee. IMI and tcstEg PEM3und to futOita tc required inspeelkms or tests. D_ If Contra-ct Dmuriients, Laws or K-agulatoom of ajiy pubk bod)r ham jurisdiul-M require arjy of the Work (or part thercof) to he inspect tcAcd, or aPProvcd, CoArArtor shaft as!�umc full rvspDmibUky fur arranoV cod oNairi ig skich indepervjci,t iriapeelIN15. tcEts,relcqs-UT applwmis, Pay all "sta ire c0m)"tKM therawdh, artid furrtii�,h CkY the Nquiecd certifrcalcs of inspection or e piwokal; exiwping, haix-a vm-, those fees spc-cifica Ily kknlaf ied in the Supple n-wntq ry Con& ns or am Turns Departrricnt of Licemsurc a rid RNAM n MI (TJJL R) nislm6wis, which sJ3al] be pa id as ascribed in the SuppkmerAmivy Coujjok»q, C. Contramr shall be responsible for arrang* aMd oblairmie and shall pay ;iq costs in r.br,ncction with any viwcl i M. tests, t -tests, or approVa is mq"irks for CW S- acueptancc of nvite riab; nr cquiyocrm to be ine,uporaied i, the Wo&. air a"cplance i3f matcrials, m4 designs, or equip ern subuintcd for approval prkw 10 Coanctar's paidiase thcreof for iric0rpar-31kset bn 113V WCWk, Such inspcctians, tray, rc-tests, tv approvals SFmill be performcd by , Ii NIS a1,-0cptable to Ca Y, D. City nmy arrarrw fur tk serwiucs of an irulcpc ride nt tc�+l irig la"jury C r l"eai:qg 1rab") to perfomi aitY wispectiarrs ar tuts (LVI-estirkE„) for aq rmrL of Ow WuTk, as dewmimcl sckly by chy- 1. City will cUorriiliale SUVh Tcsting Icy 11ic cment rAnsibile, Nrrith Contractor; 2. Should anY Tcstyi� under l his Section 13.01 !) rvmrlt hn a ''fail", "dd nil Pass" or rather sifflilar ncgathLe rL,�.k lt, the C0411rtactor shall he respDn&& hk for pslri% fOr any aFid aU rct+ests. CVn1ract0T':5 ca FC0111alioH wit hoot CouSc of `it}� rr�itiatcd `t estit sha 11 b mod a ne li+rc re$�t1$rx1 r�giiire a r�lest_ ('ITVOFPMY MAM-pi -4,rA?4WDoamrtti.moN MCIFICAiiON rx)CUMFNj'.s Revisp•-i NUN -I Qr= IERAL ODMD IT IQN S N,&dq-arms 1. Any anxmal, o+rrvd lb(r any r4nest im&r this Seclian 13.03 D sha ll W, raid directly to the TarsLirtg Lab h' Conuactor. C ity wll! rorward all imwiccs ror rete qi~s to Carrara- r. 4- 1fContractor fails io pay the Testing Lana, CKy wJ1 iiot i9stle FbinI l'aYr7TCTtmW the Testing Lab is paid. E. If any (wk (or [Ire vuork of other-} that is to be iropcewk tt-.Med, iv approvcd 15 covered by Contractor without WFAwn ronrurrewo of City, Cowractor sliatl, if rcqucsIvJ by City, uncover such Work for c4iwryat ion. P, 1:_ nmver4 Work as pa-ov&-d in Paragrapli 1MG.R shall be at Cimilractor's cxpcW0- 0- Con[raclor shall hive the H8111 to rrrak ' tr Contract Clan, rogaardirrg; MY fetem or invokc 155wd wndcr S�vlkw 13-0 D. 13.04 Unewtering Woo* A. if any W(wk i� cowredcorr[rary to Ihr, Cnntract Doculuent5 or tqteifrc irstrwIiao by IN cKy' it must, if requested by City, be wico red Fix Oy'q olxsetvalion and wplared at Cartractor's cacpensC. B. If Ci y tmMers n iwes5ary car wh-isiah& that cowrud Work be cbserv+cd by Ci y or inspected or tested by others, Ci"ractor, at Chy"s rcgwA Ahall urcovOr, cxP03c, (w Otherwise rnako available for ObWFVatbIL �T pccticn. (w Icsting as City may rcqu-". Mat portion of the Wfrk -M gWsti0n, fwtis wig ap rwcessary labor, nwci-W, and equipment- 1. If u -P found that the tmgravcrtd Work is dercciim, Contractor small pay all clp:lW, cots, losses, and damges (inelud4 but wi liniwd to atl fees and charges af engiwrs, archiwccta, attorney, altd oilier pmfcssicma Is and a II court or other dispute re+D[&Alc11 costs) arising taut of or relating Io smh wcavering, exposk". gExNerva ion, inspcctu)rw ;awi testing, and of satsfEivory replacement or Fccowtion (iminding but i-mt "led to atl coats of Fep -3F Qr replQcernent of work of olvrs) F err City slam Il bc c MAW W to arxcpt do fcr-[i+c W-urk ir< accordance with Farm ph 13.09 in which i;w C'r3niractor sliiatl still be respo Bible for all cos[saswcirx M +ikl� ex am , obscrvkr & and tesL% Ilse dcf=dv>r Wurk. 2. If the uncawrcd Work is not found to b-� derectiv+e. Contractor sball he allowed an biercarsc ar the Cerr[racl Price or om "t-vasion of the ContractT-MC, or bml� directly attAUtA r bit! Ira -wh umowring cacp�yw-a, obser%atiun, inspcctiic3uw tese-u%, replaccmnt, anti =oiwruc1km. l 3.0� ofy may Stop the WVA If the Work is defoctivc, or Ctailractor fails to supply wf Kierrt A &d works rs kw!witaW rrnterbis or egkl pn crrt, or fare- to Vey rm [he Work in such a way that the ccrGipL tpd Work will conforms to the CaTitran Docurmnis, City i1my "WeT Continctor to stop the Mwk, or any portkm thereof, mil the taunt ror such order hay lcen elirninated; however, khki -ri la of Cky Io stop the Clark shall not give rise Io any duly -w the part of day to i --X Disc (his right for the l�wfiit of Coaatracior, icny CITY 1W FDRT WMTH STANWAra4WAUTIOR SFrMICATON WCr1MENT5 GD7204•t GV4CF(ALC NDIT101+& Subcontractor, any Supplier, any otlxrr Wivi luaI or -cn4iky, or ally swety lror, or CmFkye& (W agcn1 of ally 0( Chan, M06 C`orrcefioFF rkr- ReoPro Yal oflivv W(xi-k A, Prou-n %' o ltcr receipt of writito T cxlCu, Cwilractor 15h a Il corr&ct a 0 Ckfcc tive Work pL-suant to aii ac-Quptable schedule-, ML-IhcT or not fa h6_,weA costa filed, cwcumplcted, or, if t1w fork has been rcjecled by 17,4y, rcmve it fMr111 Ilk PF0*1 and rcpkTcc k with Wwk that is niA &fvcxivc. Canira.c v shall pay a IS claims, costs, atUtlaml Ecsti & k*dir, L, aT1d damageK (including but mA frn> ted to aq fcus artd charpes ofcngiiiaers, nrohitt"S, atton)eYs, And cllicr pmfessi I� -. and all cowl or arburation car e3thcr dispute resoo]htikrl costs) arisdsg 01A of or relailrlg to such oorrection or renxlval (ImAading brit ivit Grnhod to all LIL of repair or mplacernci7t of wvA of others). Failure to require the. TvFnoval of any &fevlive Week shall Ill constilute acctt4anceofsuc11 work_ B. When corrccling defectives W01'k under the Iem of this Paragraph 13.06 or Paragraph 0.07, Contractor shah Luke no aciiorl that would -void or officmic5c impair Cky',.i special warranty and guafarilee, if any, on said Work, 13.07 C_oro-vction lei-ird A. If wkhin two (2) year&after the elate of Firril Aeocptance (or slich 10II&cr period t�f (M as mdy be gibed by the trTrlt& of arg appl-K:4)blc Special Cuaravive rcquh-M by lltic Cimimct DxurrKntsy any Work is foubd to be deNrg , or if the mpar of arry daislugvs to the ialx{.I r�r ;$Mas made 4v;oilabk for lr tor's use by Chy of permimd by Lawsand Ke8i!Aa taMN a& contemplated an Paragaph 6, 10. A is fouixl to he defective, Cwtmcto r sha Il pr aptly, wi11•i= cM%t Ira Cky and in occ- rdance wily, 0(y's wfinen kt Lrueliom: 1, repWir such dcfeinive. Lrrd or a[Cas; or 2- correct such drfce=tiwc fork; ar 3. if llsc dtcelive Work has been roc" by City. reinove k from the Project pind replace it with Work thai 'LN rein dck�cdve, and 4, sawifactorb coMct Err repair or Fenxwe and Tcpkice any ddaitLgc bD o1l�er We1rk, to die work of others or ulher b nd or areai m-sv l ing them fmn. S. If Contractor does slot Promptly Colnply wah Rhc tcrrrrs 0C City`s writ-011 initrr�Cl ivaas, or in an crTtcrgency wherr, &-Jay �- +mld eaaw surkRz risk cd kiss or danMV3 COy niny have the de:fcc time Wock corrected or rupaircd or may have the rcjecled Wow Tcnmyed alld replaced_ AU claim, cQssls, losses, and damap_4 (including but not IMOud TO a d fe v 4 and charge% of vngincers, archltccls, attau=Ys, -And Other prafeissiona s and all court or c6cr dispute re �ILK!u -r costs) ariiin8 out c&ar relato-Ig TD such onrrecim gr repair e5r : ur. h Tenioyal arLd mplacciawni OwIlixling but not liMO94J Io all costs -of repair of rrplactmcnt of work of rrthLrs) will be paid by Caniracter_ CrTY OF FoRT WMPl SWANrIARD CIMT211 CT ION S?ffJF IC0LTdFk Ixx Wr:S Reviswn MnVX 'I W72oa-I GENE RAL OMD1T1O M $ 11.w I fit&l . In spccial r a,zLuslstanccb whG(c a rarticlalar keni of 001=0111 is plWc:Vd e5 caititienioz wrvKx before V'inal Acc Op nlec &fall the Work, fly_ correelkM1 pCrirxl fQr that itcrn T1NLy �1O0 t* rUii liroFil an earlier &tc if SO prLavklcd in the C'orrtraol Doc ulrlcros. 1). Wh-;�rLr &fectivc Work (and darnagc is other W-Lwk r-asuking th+:refrmi) has been r:rarmeWor removed ai'd replaced urger this PJjragMph 13-07, the corrcO Ml rVFk ! hrrcur14o>+ Wi ]' r+esped to such Work may be rcgtiiircd to be extended for an mddiliL ial period of ov year after th.c cnd of 111c 6iaial €.ormcti in ]xrW. City ahafl proms' X day& written 3106cc to Contraoor should such additkml warranty c-ovcmg-v be requked. ecotra,ctor way Asput,e this "kenwnt by filing a Coaltm-:t Claim, purstant it) Paragraph 10,06- 1 , Crn•Itractor`s cbli tinns w-ukr this Pam ph 13,07 are in addition to any c0m ob ieatkm or wa rranty. llie pmviskm &f hh6 Paragraph 3107 shall not be coilsim;(i as a substim for, Pr to W%iocr of, the provisim marry applicable statute orGrnbtion of repose. if, ar�tca�{ I& requiring correction or rlcnxwal and replac.emcm of dcfertivv Work, CRY PMitYS tO ac, ETAO, City may (10 IM. C'ortraetor Shb Toy altl claians, ¢m1.5, kisms, and damogw: [6)clud g but not bnxiccd to a]i fees arrd char6rres of en�i erx, amhOc4(saL11orLiays. anj other professiorIals and rLI] co�rLTJ {n- &t11er dispute r-elioWion costs) sttrihLrtah1- to Cky's cvakwtinn of arrd dctcrMiution to ac pt silch dofcm-T%,V Wo-rk and fur 11W diLrlinished vahae of the Work to the cxl- rnt riot otherwise puid by Conimtor. If aLry scich a;=~twice occUM prior to Firm] Acceptamt, a thaw Ordcr w[ be issued bcorporalin& t1v necessaryrcvis-; in ibe ConTacl Documerus with rasp tto the Work, lind OLy shall be omt led to an appmrrfiate deercaac in thp, Contract Price, rcikGteig the &r irii5hed Yalae of Wcwk so acccplek l i C ultra t r faits within a roasorwib ti jie after writtca natice frorn City t& operant defer-fi �c Work, or to rernow and TcpLL-cu re*tcd Work os requited by City in $"-Ndance +glib Paraq-30 11,06.A, or if Cvnira-cw faiLc to perform like Wiwk in aucorc183b wills the Cca11T94rt Drewxnts. or if emirLetm Fa`L-; to c-onTly with any other pruvLOon of the Co kTarz Doewwnts, CiLy Oloy, a 1icr sDnvn (7) days wrOwn nalke to Corlraoor, con ect, or mwdy any sLLc li de 11160 y. 13. in cxc rci it tho rVlsts and rear &s uadcr this Paragimph 13.09, Cky steal proccvd cxjw;I6xn+ - In oonneetaora with--mcheori-ccOvc or remedial actiprr, Chy Tray excklde Cowraelor frogn ale] or part of the :Site, mice possc:u:5i'Mi of altl or part of Ilse Mork and suspend Ccwitractor's services rcloted thereto} and incc to in the Wurk ail nfiatir 61S awnd i;�quipireatit he mlO 'It' the WLA, stoat the Site or for which ('ity harpaid Contractnr NIL which art storcdelsewhere. C�ont=tOT sb011 akW ChY, CRY' 5 represc rdaliY�s, &gaits, corrsalhants, etr'Iplo�+ees, a' City' - other cmiVactors, access 10 11K Site tv vDaMe CkY t& r-xG 1W the ruts and mriwdics thider this Paragraph, C. All cja rn& ts, lasses, and mmgcs (inr.1kv3 19 110L 'lot Unlilcd CO ALE 1;�er, aim charg-us of ortgineers, arclritecl�i, attimloys, aW c4her professionals mid alt UOU11 or mhcr depute resolution CITY OF FORT WMM STAj%g R1)C>MURU CTIUK RmF KA T IOR UXUME 74 Do7200,1 GENERAL 0DINIDITIOM S rWs2of61 cosil-0 incurred or -sustaincd by Oily in exercising AL rjOs and remiedies urmk-r Us Paragraph 13,09 witll be cbarpal agamist Coniraclor, anti a clrai,gc Clydcr will be imilcd anc ni-poratkS the n"cr,snryrrevi4itm-.� in Rhc C•orstrael f)erjijentx wbh m3pec, to she Work; aik COY shall he eniAled W an oppropriatt dectcuc in ffie C rmimc t Price- 1 _ C'onvactor shall 110t be allow-ud an externs"I of the Contract Tim heca4te of ally dthyr in the perfcwmanee of lhcc W(vk attribatablc to the exe rgiw of C ty'� r4 is and renwdics under this PUagrap]t 13.D9, ARTWLE 14 — PAYM ENTS TO CONTiILAtV''[5 R AND COMPLE I UY 0I . tfaerfrrfe f err s I �0: cdule of V21W3 for hW surtt c{,n[racts embbhcd as pr-o+iicd hi Parmgmpli 2.07 win acres as the basis for progcss paywvI1ls arrd win he Qreorpor2304 1FA0 a Of A at6n for Payment aoce"& to Ch}'- Pr�Tress PByk1M3t1!5 Un ar-co"of Unit Price Work w9l be basLd on the nmr&r of w�xil� cot57p�lc�[, 14M Progr a'-wPft ra enfti' A. Allpfir-olionyfor ]- Contraiew L; respc i4k- 1br providing UU 1nfk,fin8ti0r) as Mquifed 10 62VI nc a Veklde3t c,f the C- 2- A t least 20 drys kfom the ddJ4 csta blish,ed in laic a wra l Rcyuken ms for ea-ch progros PiaynXil, Contractor shrr]l submit to Cv Y for review an ApplicatkN3 Faf Paymenc hllcd oul and '*ricd by Corkiraeror eower4 [Erg W rk ctvTkted a'.; Of Illacr date of the App]icat"I and aMoMparJr,d by SLWh supportuig d1winFi cnlation as iS roqu" �V the C mtra-ct Dmurrrersts. 3- Tf payjrbefrt ki Tvqucsted on the basis ofilia tvmiS alid eyummCnt not pW(Irpvr$ted in ibe Work but du5vcrcd and suiiluby stoned at the Sitc or at q"hcr lxation agmcd to in writing, the App]icatinut for Payment shwil also be a-corr pai ied lyf a bil! of Talc, hMiceT «r othlrr Lkmentatian wia1'j%krtqg that City has roeeiucdtk' rrrateriials: and cgtdpanent frec arrdclear of all Liens arid cvkicnc.e that 1 Ix rns#eriah; aFKt equiparrer t are covered by appu q re in,krlarce or OUT arraWa ":5 to pr+n ect (70y'�L inteml Ibcrcin, all of which rjur_ct he satisfactm rD City, 4, Rega ni Ig with the sruond Appkaliffn for Payn-w 1. cac.IiAppkeitiun shalt vWkde anarrkLavi[ Of Crlontra:tnr stating, that rx-vvious Pr -C-is paym rLt� ru" kvd oat acc cun[ of 11m Work have bCUn aPPk-d On accoluM to 6K:h FgC Cmrdekir's kghhrvatL obligatkms ;&sFmia[ed wiih prior Applicaliins for Psymera, 5- The anti em Of rctahlge wOh respect W pmgrs& rxkymcnts wiD be as descrribcd in subseetim Cr. unless oMlcrwise sti�41ccl in [Ere Corilrx-CL i. wiainents. MY Or FOR,r WORT ra STANDARD ❑ ;NT R I)MOM ACIF WA T IO N D0CLEiwr:NT% kw4[m WZ 0R72O0•1 GENERAL t#h MMM $ Poe 53orfs3 13_ Fevre kr 1, City wR after rteegrt of each Application far Irayme- il, -vidwr imiicalp iiir writi g a reciymnwrldalILm of payrnenl. air return die Applitatimt to COLItrar.tDT irr9icativig rcusons rar rc I'u,,-irng p yllient, In thcr L3 trt r caw, ContrpcW imy make [he neeess u c0Tcc kid and resubmit the Applicafloati_ 2, crty`s pRwessd% of airy [Nryinunt r-eguestcd in min A}igrit mion for Payinerrt wM be b SLs tl CID City's ob=FVa11KX15 ref the exccutcd Wiwk, and on ChY's Tvviww of the Appbcalk-M kv i'ayment and tlic aucwTAny* data ands ka�dLll>vs, that w thu best of Oy'-5 knowle - a, Ibe Work has pmgrc red to the Onl inwiicated. h_ tlic gilaky PC the fork i& gcrr m5y in accordancc with the Contrael Dec nt% (!;ub*t IU .031 c Valuation of Ifie fork as a funct-wnir g Mole prior li ar v,perrl 1-wall Awcptan ,1113 resuhs of any st*AN flit tests caked for in 1he ContML Dmuniems, a flwal dLicrribTation of q=PtAes and classic ioalkm for fork pueftmuM M&F PaaagMrAl 9,05, acid avq other qkm frations sUted in dw- r0c0rmTTw0&1kA))- �. Processing any siicil payment wil TU thereby be JV InUd to crave r-0prC:Scn[ed that a, imsmctions niade to check the qualily or the quantity of Ibe Wtrk ash has bccn perfnrrned haae been ivxhauslive, cxlcndcd In every aspccl of the Work Ln progrewr or iitrolvcd r-tailed inspectiom orthe fork bcyxwFi Oje mspifflaili[ics sPeCHicaBy assigned to City �ti lifenlra�t 13oc�rri, : cr b. ihcnL may nal be other n1GRILers 01- issue betwecrtthe parties *0 might enlitic C-ixmactw to be paid addikiuwlly by City uF � raffle Cky to wNhhgkl 1»yinerk to iConlT�«toT; Or {:gjjtracjor Irascorrlp]" with Laws appllic$blc w CoMractcesperfmTname of tim 'Mork, 4_ I=hy my wFusu a to process Ilre whole or airy part of airy payrncnl beuefflse of subscquudy discern ercd evkkncc Qr Ilrc results of shil N1161rt inspectors {v Iests, and rcr-Lqc Or revoke any such payWol lweViolasly ]l , to sueIt cxtcnt a,5 nnhy he necessary kQ ert CRY frOM Iss Iceayse, u, ft Work is drfer.tive or ccTrgale 04 Work has bccn dRinaged by [he COTIAra for or sribcuVtVactors roquirlrLg e0rrecti001 or Mp4a-k:e rftelrt; b, d Mptino ics in gkW31lities Conta iI`10d iFt iM-CV 10LIS a lTIL MIM far payrnenr, e . Ow CormTaL: t Price liLgs b,-cn pedwed by C ha ngc 0r&fs; d_ C'ky has beeii rc Jaime d to greet de fccli+c Wart or compUc. Work in ucordancc w-114 Pa ragrap1i 1109� or MY OF F(MT YK*LT11 STA}{p,/*E3=5TlLVC1lGN ,yF)LIFaLATrON 1i47 UMIMLs I MPion:2MMI Q4 7Z DO- I GENERAL aWITION 9 F41C 34 of 0 c. City Iwrs actual Is OWltdgl% of the oceurmice of any of M., cv4zmeitiunw atcd in Paragraph 15,02,A. C.. Relainage: L For-CMIMCIS �294 tll�« $4W,000 at 111c tinw of r.AcculiaFt, retairragc shall be scn percent (lM/0), 2, for commas greaser than S4D0,0W at the tk* of Qxmuliw, reta inogc slmll be fwc percent ()• D. LJ04oled Darwgeq. For each-calmidw day that arry work sliall rcrnair] rls7cMIrk-Real after 11je 1Qm specified im tk- Contract Dt3clirlients, the %mi per day spouLfwd in thL- Agmcnwnt wJ1 he as-w-;Ycaiagainst the m nics due the CcRrlractor, rAw as a perrafy, k'+aal as daisia s �aftcrcd I]1� city. E, f coyura?w Cositraclur will be paid pursLiam as like "uienwisls of this ArlicGL 14 and payrnew wal bemile duc m accor6ftc with the CoMltfarcl Docurmnii— F. Redie- 'fiem in )'ayfr, ?V- I, City riay refuse to nkakc paymein t)f thm arrrount I%L1gwxtc-C bccaus?:: 'I- L.icris have been fikd �i aoclion with th- Work, except where Contra�:lcwhas Gvered a s Cc bond atkfwclof} to city lax secure the sat- faction and di charge o1, %ij h jrims; b. chm are oihrE Imm cntitli% COy to is set-ofl-againsl tlu1- armunt rccownwpi, d-, or c, Ci Y bas actual knawX-dgc of flSe ikt wrFcncc of any or111C. events errurncraled uti Pa Fagraphs 14,42, BAa 41vo* 14.02. BAe {Kr Paragraph I S-02. A. 2, If City reuses to make paYrneFFt of` ME airrMM negUeSICd, Cuy wN WC CUdlt ijul,r wriaton TI(itnc slal ft llic reasaiis lbr $each aCjj ads afid rMy Mj r> :w a,rky a ttl rcrTr�inm18 After detiuctkm of the ajimwiA withheld- City shall pay Comw tor the arwurd so witWieki, oraiiy a4juatnient thereto agreed Io by City arrd CAmilncwr, vdmn Contractor rerr, &5 the row.-«ly; for such acim' . 14.03 Confra-rf€ r � Warrmaj, ryf 770c Corrtract,or wa rrmla aitd gueradws that 101y Io all Work, mat -crisps. and eq:wipnwnt-cawrcd by any AWkarl ion for Raywxnt, whellier iru r3rporated bi tb4 P IDjcct or rnrl, wit pass to ('i y no Later than the fin w of paYrmnt free and c"r of all 1.6m. l'IYYUFFORT WMJFi Sr,4Nt3uyiFF]MTRUCTION YUPFTC'ATION fXXV41OM RqVisiun: 8LMI 00724a-r GENERAL COW 0116 Pie SS of 63 14-04 f urfial Ulfl vallan A, briar to Fla] Acc-eplarr of gill Ikb Work, City rmy w or txx_ulxy any part of the Work which has specificafly been WnliNd in the Caauract Dwunwnis, or which City &urrnawN riyiy=Miuvb a separately fukictiordng -and usable par[ of ft Work Ihat can be used for 4% intended purpme withOLA slgniFicanr alArfrrerWe With COpli $eww's perferatitarrce of Ike fernaarder of the Work. Oy at any Iirrrt' may ratify Contracior in writing to parnia City to use or occupy any s6ch part of The Work vvhkh Cky dcturn7a7es to be rea6y for il4 inteT*d low, to the followvig corrdiiticm- a , CQOIM W 4t ftny tifM MOY nUify Cky ut Wrkin thal Cc IMOOr consders any such part of the Work reedy for Rs I'MeWed vvc, 2. Within a rcasumblk IilM ;OMI nrAd-PIaWn 0 efiLmlerated in Pararaph 14,05.A.1, City and Cmilravtor shall make an bupection of thal pan of the od to 4ctermlFw R�h stolu.t of cornp4otion, If Oily JM-5 no; CCMrAkler lhUE pan pf thc) Work to be subaanllalt cEUnpleie, City wiiU Trot-Ify Cnntraclor ii wrkirg &ing tlic reasons therefor. 3, 13 &njal Utilization will not cor>41ilutc Find l Arcc}alnmr, by C4y_ 14.05 Ffnallnsjvvm A. Upon wriC[en police from Contrac[or Ihai the entire WoA is Stibst:�:1tiaLjy Complele ill accordame wdh Chu CQAtrip-ol Docills, I� WkWn 10 daya, City will whcO* m 15ral Irv;peetbn with Conlractar. 2r Chy ++gill Tviry Ccviga-mcw in wri[ing of all partkulars in which this oispcction rcvcak, thal the Work is incomplcie or defcctiD� �"P�u7ch Iri,Lt IterrjS"). Cpr,lr�cter stall ininwdiaiely take such rmasures as Ery nece , ry to coni*t,e such Fork or remedy such deficiencies, Q. NQ &m Gharge wig bo rnad-' ugairol the CoTAraiAtqr tween mild date of iKajJCation Io the City of'Substantial Campk-lkm arul the dEte of Final Irapection, I. Should 111c City dctcTr dw that Cho Work 4-t rxx fuady for Nievl 111%peet6wl, City wild notify tt CoWrtioayJrin writing offc rca.aisand Conmract TI w w0l resvmc, 2- Sboulid the City concur that Sibiiantia9 Crarkrp4 61m liar,bte.Jt achiLved wkh the exception of any Punch FA:A lea' , Ckinrtracr Tiit4e will resurw for the duratiDn R take.% for Contrae[or to acHeve Final Acceptance, 14-ID6 Final Acceptance Upon cmnpletion by CwirwW io City's u(isfhcIkm, of any additional Dort; identiNd in the raiaI his pectiom Cky will issue to Comractor a ]ettcr of F�vl Accep[arbi.e- Ci r V OF FORT WORT] I STJ1MMRD[1'l TRUCIPOx £F£ -g le AT ION JXX1JMFM N W7200-3 GENE RAr<0MD3T I016 5 Pop 560 &� 14.07 Final Pays eml A. pficaFionfiar- Pagwnr 1. Up= F irwal Accc plancc, and in the opb�u- n C& City} CantractGd' 131RY make an for finial paykl*nt fiPlInwin , the proccdrare for pmWe�� Nymcrus in acc-Ndai= will~ lip C❑Fgrapt Doc urnicnts. I -Ilia foal Applieat'"n fbT Paymcnl shall be accornpariW (except as previarrsiy delivered) by: �. all doMullientati,aai caUed for in 117C Cvtolrwt Docunwws, including hot rM 11rlM w the evidence 0('WL$urarKr. required by Parargaph 5-03; b. corScrst of 1110 SUMly, if $ny* W f]ir*l payTMIA, . a List of AN per ding or rely: a wd Damage ( `b into aga msi Coy that Cuwractfr lx ti--vv 5 ale unsettled; and d. at d4avils of pay rien[s and cowp�ete and k:gak cffectim releases or waiLNIM, (safisfieftwy ko CiJ1y) of on 1 r_KM rig4is arising oul of or Liervi I ifcrl in w1mcct ion WhIl 11IL? Work. 3, Frog wnl Deco ums 1)2w.- 1. After C ky's a;cxptmnrx of the Application for P;Lyrr :M and azcan"3iy6i& i trtx "tation. requcsted by Corrtraclor, less pmvious payments wade Find any stun Oily is entitled, hWILrdu18 bUt rkvl I:nk!d to 16gUldatcd damages, MU lemma duc and payable- Z A ftcr a ll Daningg [ lasts Iw%-c h u n r _sukd,, S. dkectly by iltic. DMIr'a-ctoror; K Contractar pruvUes eviJem-e that [he Darnav Claim lies bctn mportcd to Contraclor'� hlgUt2 rWe p3vi r for resolution. 1, Tk nmkinp, of the fmal payrncrlt b e the City sliA not rc 5o,+c tklc C.Uniractor of any &kW11Re31cis or cathcr rcquiminerrts of t316 COnIF00 Docunmills Aiich spmif'lea1ty carrtimGc Ilicreafler. A. U fmal conipl lDn of the Murk 1Ssi&uificau11y delayed, and if City so confonilis, City Irrayrr uNn ft,[!I:ipt [IfCOWFaetWs f'rmI Ap atxiil Fur Paynicn[, and witltoul terwir ating the Couitract, rmke payment of the haLLWe dUC fvr il19Lt portico of 113c Wcwk filly eornplctcd arnd accepted- If tfk wFna ining be b rLcc to be lie Id by City fur Work not fury completed -or a w= tcd is L-ss than tine relai iaW _,ttipoht-ud in Paragraph 14MC=., ;PW if kMn& ]lave hcon fILF11 sired aS regrLirCd ill Paragraph 5.02,ilia wrhien corLsr-A of the surety to Ole pay3ll nt Of ikle balance due for that CITY(W PC**%MTH STAMMRDC=TAtrCT I0R SPECIF ICAT 10 r DOC'LUENTS Klwiw n: iPZUM1 GC non • I GENERAL OOND ITIOM $ 57-da,a portion of the Work fWly comp4�d and wxepteai;%llali be subimitwd by Contractor to co with the Api Ai atia3n fc1- such paynm:n_ I,u lr p�ynlcrki shall made wider the icmt arld co ions gr vemksg final p yrnerrt. � xc ept thal it shall not ccldte kale a wa ivc r vF Contract CL9 irrx5. 13. ParMaf Refffi-Range Rieh'r se. For a CQfl(r;�Ct th2l proxk1czi trot a separate vegelatiwc eMahlL%limeni and mai vinorree, and is iit arrJ Verronnancx perivdi fallaw4 the cornet iwi -of of other Qui-nti xtimi in the Cowart Documents for all Work locations, the Ciy may rel-ase a Wion of tl1,c aTTrounil rcla.6 ed proviLd that o g (Amr work is completed as detiarilined by tW City. Before the release, atl subiniiiab aml final quarAhic5 mUst he Mirpleled and :Rpi;r-pted for all of cr w'6, An amount:vuffiwiC11t to ensure Cunha -;A eornp hi cz wig bC retained, KIYI if'arrer-of Uvi= T,he acceptTijx g1'finol payntient will cmj5tituae a rokaw of LkW Cy Crarn a cla" -Ew lkiKl ies under the Ctr1ra-et for anythangr rk v or furnished or rc lating to 111e work lln&E the Contract [hoc 4etiw als or any act or nrglect of City rclalcd JU [xr ConnecICd Willh late C_iiailract. ARTICLE 15 — SU SPENSION Of ARK AN D T1JRMWATT ON t 5,01 CM'A4qYSU,WdW6r1r A. At any Inv and WpIJLVat cause, Cry my wnd the Work sir any Ixostion Ihcrcof by written notLc to Cerrtmelor and which rrteyr fix the date on whivii Work win be resurmJ. Contracw shall NSULM the Work W The date so rumd. During tcnTomry si1sprr 41urL of the Work cover-c� by 11W.c Contract Documents, for ar3y TvaOM, Utie CkY will male W extra paymni: foT standrlry time of vomtruction cquip=rd arkYor constrrurcliru1. crews_ Fi_ Shaold this C-oNmottr not be able to unn*te a portion ul' the Project dl1c 10 carlw-S bcYc xh the co111rxa1 rif and without the fain{ or nedgcncc or the C6T11FaC10r, ;MFfd Shauid u be dctcrmlrrc+d t7 mutual vDiLwall erllxe Cowrac110r aTtd c,,Ry Ilxata solLi1jon tp u16w cansinlctwn jopermeed is not available within a real blc period of line, Cc11truetor may re ucs1 an cxcteilsian in COniTdg�l Tim, dircclly �IttrJWto& to any shwh snipe I1sicn, If it should be-oorrrc necessary cc, -,uspend the Work Rw oTr irrde f w pcTW. 111C CCHI tact -Or SM11 swa all Imlerials in KtKh ai rimmier that 4hey will not obstrLICt cw ingkde the public aamvc .wvjly trot become dwinaged in any watt, aftd 1K shall take vvery procautkin to pn!viz rrt daivaV of &-larricwation of the work perfxiived'. he shall VwMe sukablc dro p: about the work. anti OrW leffipwaLy ArmLkires whoa noccsxary- L . urrtra ,,or nay be ]-c ..e 1 Por Ilxar coat of mtM Iris eqiprraenl off the joh and rcivalft iN,- 1w cessary equonicnt in the jab whcn it ii Bete rnnwd by tlx: City that comtruc lim Why he Lvsuawd, gw3i reiriatnncirir Pit -JA be based on aclipal cast to the f oi-LiTaLtnr of nxoMig the cquovot and TTo profit will be albwed, Pv:i Or I)IaM may rug# kx alkiwed if flu: cituipmerit waved to anufficr consiructioii ptuil'cl for the City. Urry r* VORT WMT11 5T'ANjMRU0JjLV%:1M)N #1 MICATPON 0MUMUNTS Itavimmn RMI 007200.1 GEIERA�MhlDMCRS Pay See *3 I5, 02 CA y May Tarrnr'maig for Cause A. The novurrcnceofany ow arnwre ofIbc fullvwinS -evenl-!�by Mav OfuxarnpL-, but wt of lirnhation, may ja fy teTMir3al.i0n for CMM: I_ Contraictor'q Nrsistent failure la perfonli Ille Work in acc Tie wrth the Cm Iract Ll LUYV-nts OrMhWang, but not 1:1likd toF failur-c to supply sufricicnl Ailieaj wtwkcr:s or suitable rraaicrials or equilmim 1, MUM to adhcm 10 1he Pt ct Schedule eslabl-Fhled wUkr Paragraph 2-07 as adjUQ.r-1..d frtmn 101W IQ I-unc ptlrawnt lad Paragraph 6,04, or failuv to adhere to Ihlc Crty's Buskess D GvCraity Taste rlvm OrdimWe M9612-2011cstab&hed 4rndcr Paraagnph 6-06. D}r C ractw'-i d6regard of Laws or lteguiatumo of any public body 1javieg juri�dietinrl; 3. IITWOF's i-epealCd diSFegard Of RX authority Of City, or 4. C onlradty' x vi ialkNI vt a ny subslamM a L way of any Iron kjL0 Of 111e CmIract E�Cr U iT am, 4w 5. Corti. -autOr' 4 f9 lum to promptly make 6-oad any in n ialeriaL� to vrcr" reship, or *fccts of MY Wurc. Iihe corTer lion of which 1w. bear &-er ted in wrping by the CayF or 6L Suboantkkl it divatian thm thle Contrador has made an anauthoriw l altsOgwil,erm of the Conlract cm- any funds due them ITun for the terse Fr! of am creRor for a ny m her pruVWe, or 7. 51Qba-Iantial CV6�3Wc That the CEAjjmctcw has lK'caartc ittisoh�crrt or hsnlcrupt, �rl c�th r+a.iNr fTmncialt urmble to cam+ rm the Work sat-4facto,gy; or 6. CORITar. LOF C[1fr MIL:71C C.3 legal ac.lW -M a court of iboMpclent jur-� - Iion ap irria the arty, C'nC or' MOrd of llic cv+ehAs ktLrriifrcd in 13aMph 15. A. wr.; r, City WA 1xnvidc wrklel" rMolicC I C;3njraacl0r and Sruvly Io arrdrW a vDnfcrerKr a with C OMIMClor aril Skkety to address Contra r-Ec s Wh= to poi -form the woj.k. CohfcrCrmc shall ll. 110d not laler Ilian 15 day$, aftcp rcceol ur mice_ I. If1he (*' the ecm'Fuci(w, a11d CIS 9 = I Y do nN ag1V'%! 193 aUOw I I W Con Irsctor tro fxwwd I pUfUfrn the -C13wrr1etion CnWaav, the C'ky rrlay, to Iltic txicni pernMeO by Laws and Regulai'Ms. declare A Contrwetor *fault and forrllrally tcn irlale the CCU11 aLLW-s right to 0D.LWlcle+ the C tract, CIMI] ac for default sho 9 rwA be dec la red earlier Ilsan 20 days a fter rlic Cantraadur and Swely havc received Twtkc of emferenlcc to addrd,:.s Contra rIEVS fimikIN to perfoFm IIm Wark, 2. If Corrlravaes saer�i�-s nre levmimm�ud, Surety simll be 6bUgajpd to Fain Ow:r:irW PCrfonii the Work If 9=ty dOu 1101 erq m neer peffOrmmnce liarmof when 15 CMWQratiwn calendar4ys a]flcr date of wi mdjdi al Written naive denturr€ihig Swely's perforn-Anrx cif its Crl'Y OF FORT 1Pr *TH STAN IMXD CCMT RUE TION TUIFICATION r71Q4'umrwrs DO J2 44-1 G-ENERALMDUION 5 114V "0 0 ablkalims, 111ail City, wr MR txc)ccss ar action at LLW, 11iay lake over any paTtion of the Work wid complctc it A;5 & s-cril" belnw, a. if City coma letes the Mork, City may exclude CrantTac[or 4A3)d 4LIUUy frown Ole sk and take pmsassion of the WOW �113d lilt materiah and equipment incogx)ratcd Milo the Work dared at the Fite cw fix which City has paid tractor or Surcly lout which are stared cbcwkw, ared fbvsh the W rk as City nmy r-crn c Mpcdicot_ 3_ WIMUler City or &ucly -u-Pa 1es the Wior4, Gai tractor shall rKA be unlined to re"Ivu any furtherpayrncrA until the Work is frished_ If the unpaid bah rr=of 112 Contract Price exceeds and cleirrrq, costs, kisses and damper w5jainrcl. by Cuy arising rnu of w rc.mblt4ig fr.= ccmiipL-ting ilic Work, such excess wN be paid to C.onlraelor. Ifsue h e�rirma costs, lasses and dmTrr Vs exceedsuch unpaid bakrrc, CordraorT stall pay the difference to City. Such claim, oasts, lasses and damages i you red by City will be irrcorporatcd in a CharW Drier, pmvided tlbat what ex,cmLstl16 any r*s or rernedics under this Paragralik City shall rrat be resllaaxd tO &to in the lowest price for the Work performed_ 4. Neithu City, nor arjy of Os respective consultants, agms, officers, 4irec tars or emplayces shall he es any way liable or accotrntahk to Covitr$elor or Surety for tlic nrx l hod by which the completim of the said Walt, rxr furiy porikv) thereof, n-my be accrxnipl'slwx1 ew fior the pries paid thurofor_ 5_ City, nawkhstanding the rrrclhc}d tad in cmipleribW the Conlract, shall rwc forfeit Me right to rccovr-r rl IMEps froth Contractor or Surdy W C(miract&s failure to timely -coni ftnc the enti a Contract. Comi-actor shall nut li� ittidded to any clakil on a=ntnt of 11w- F"thm LLWd by Chy in compkiing the Contract. { MaiAerrance of the 'dark 511aA continue W be Contractor's and Burch .5 TCSPUrS�3i.Gtie't as provided fur in the ftmd require1nents of the Contract Doc; rrts or any special gttarantcss F3fnuided ibr ander the C.omract Chm tm-cor any other ob9gatiorrs Q1hCrW15c pres4rieXbd Ixy law. C. Notwkin-jandirtib PorrtgraptLq 15.0113, Corrtracm',%rykes will real be t,ermiriated if Ciontrador 6cg:L,: within seven days of rc€cip+l of weld r- of invent to t,erminatc to corrccl qs faRkm to perform aTtd proceeds 411ig nk 1(3 uLwe swh failure wnNn no a11ore than 30 days of receipt of said reotic-c, D. Where Cobstractor's services havc kcn se imibiated by City the tentrnatioa will not zrffcctany r�phts or remedies of f ply+ agaimt Cokrwaetor then cx-15ung or which may tlwreaAer accrue. Any reterdiun or rwyrt' m of mom eys due Contractor by City will. not release C.orttriacw from Iiahlft . f _ if and to the extent that Comracw has prawided a performance burr user ijlc� pwvisiolis of pamgraph 5.02, ftt termMwtion procedures of thal bored skill rror supersede the provisions of this Antic k,. crry cv iFLwr "711 5I'ANIM I)CMI RUMON 3FEC IF ICA T IU K tWUPAWT* Rem710FLWY2r12F GSKRALO ITPONS Rae morn l 5-03 Oly Afay Tarim nine For Cpnwnjgj7ve A- Cky may, wilhouat cause and wi:# mi prciudicc to any od*r right or renwdy of Cky, ternuna tc the CcAract- Any lermimlion shell be effected by mailing a notice the itmninatiQn to the Cr"mtzow spccifyi g the extent to which Pcrf rmaI= of Work w&r tk cortivact'M turrnicratcd. and the daie upm which -iuch wrmination heemws fffccl Ive. Receyi of Rhe notice shall he dcc rncd coaehmively pre!;umled-and cz(abUicd wheatthe I!tter is placed in the UnRed Stites Postal Service Mail by I�e City. Fwlhcr, r &hatl he d nicd cctnclusiv* pre iurmd and cstabliqJted Owl such kc rmimf iorr is made with ,mf cause as therein statcd; and m prwf in any dace, dcmmnd er suit slialtl he requited ref the City regarding such discretkniary eel r B. After receipt of a rtoti x of lermie 6ar4 and cxccpt as oherwLw directed by ilie CiLy, rhu Contraclorshag: 1, Stop work under ft C.oaiiractan thu drtt ftml tv the extent specified in l induce aft�rmin�tk3rr; 2. Plwu w further of derg or subconlracts for rn$leriaLs, services or facilities cxaepl as may be accessary mar compksim of siic11 portion of Ghc Wcu-k undu ilia C`cmlra-ct as is not lerniirra md; I Leuninale all orders and subcuntracts to ilk- emtejit I1 at lhcy relate t13 t4 Fr-TPxnaance of die Work ten-t�red by notice of jerminal-Whn-I 4. transfer brie in the City crud dcGwcr in the marmor, at fhc firms, Ind t« lhi;� cment, if any, dh-ecled by fhe City: a- Me fkbricamed or unfobricawd Gnarls, Work in pmgrcas, compleled W41FL'. �Lrllpk& ajA other iratrrial JVOdrrced as a liart of, ar acrluirod in cony& Ik3n w lj slim perfounralm;v of, the Work terntiriated by tk- notice of the tem-draim; and b. fhe IcC or puniaRy cornr&bted j inns, drawbigs, inrurn3agion and other fnnIR! ay which, if the Contrael hfut bcun completiad, wouU have beer` Mgtrired l❑ bd-' FlIrRishod to the G, 5. omipi: tc performimice LA %uvll WcTk as shall not h,vc b-en lerm6uted by f hL notices of toa�titit�il��; aa,cl 45L Cak,c Larch action as may Ix necessary, or as the Cky nmy dkectr far the prole jM3 awl pm-survali«rr of Me pu7o ny ri-Aiked to its conlrael which is a1 fk p W-"irn of the Coniracfor mM hi which ilia owncr has ar may acquire alic r4osf, C. Ai a iifflc MIt lalcr than 30 days AtlerITIL ternni m6oa dale speeified in the notice of l'4raninafiun, Comr;aclor may suhd'tA t6 tiro Ci Y a Est, cerlifiisxl aN toquaat y and quaili y. of'any or aM hrns of lermnta Linn invem ry nol prevEvitts V disposed o&, a xekLi t c of items die dis"hion of which hay bccii dv%ec ted or a wliori -cd by URy- €'rrY OF TORT WTA'm 5rr;+i3hti�caMt rtur raoIW M WICA r iO N oOeuMMS Kcmi0a S12MI od720D, I GEKRALODNDITION'd 11w 64 of 63 D. Nol IaWr Than IS day-, the reafte r, the City "ll ac-ccpt ft tip st�ci1 itcm% provWi ed, that the list subnAtcd shuiR be SLWI1-0 VCTI MiltiUil by the Cky upon rcnwm i of the keno or, if the k-TiIN ;ere slored, within 45 duyq from the date of submission of the 116t, and wny rir rosary adjuxtmeltils i,o comat the list as submitted. shall be 1nK* prig to final se ttlenle L-A. IL Not later Than 60 days a lh<r the rac}1 i:V Of re rnliimtkmi, 1h�o Caniractor sha 11 submit h-95 Wrrniratiarr claiirn to 11c CRy in the rilnn and with die certification Ow City. l lr Lss an extension is node in writing within such 60 day perMxi by the Cowraclor, and gran by the Oy, arry arA A such -clairm shade bu c onctu".ively+ deemed waned. F. In such case, Contractor shall be paid for (wkhott dlr kalim of a% its Iw); f_ completed and acccp1able Work exec, cd in accoMance whh the Cormact Dmuimnls prig to the cffaelive date of t,ern)i mtiaik i icluding fait nTLd (c;pwbk -qwtts Or overhead and profrt on such Work, 2. cxperiLws suvn irred Prior to the efFecti'aoc date of lenvi wtioD in perfnrr&s services and furnishft labor, materials, or 4;gUPMrrt as regw-red E�, the Contract Dwwwnts in connec6ori wilh unconTHi:d Wiorlk, plus fair arid rea-sonable sum for overhead grid profit o„ swh expenses; and 3. reaswolbic ea¢pcTBea dirgrAy mlribkilable to tern fflL n. C. Tri thu vvew rl' the fikikm of flm Cantractur and C4 io agx-ee umi the whole ar vx= to be paid to the Contractor by rc;n5ori of the k* 1kxi oftlie World the ClEy shall dclemiilTeT on 11w bwsii4 of ipirkor ilpi'Kin a vaitalrle to C the amo ni, if a ny, due Io ft CmIr$ctw by reasoliof the termination a31(i 1.118.11 pay to the Conractar the arnmwi delerrr 6wd. Comractor sliahl not be paid on aei-.-Du[A of Ives of arAlci%ted jwo'rrts or revemn- or o+thcr cewwrt ie kos ar'ing i1 , of or MSI.Ihing from soch to nr6iation, ARTICLE 16 — V [SPUTE R M)LU'I10N A01 old t €fix u 'rrat lrrtFR A, Either Cky or Con'L air rr ray requ�ed ilzdiatian of any COM.Wt Qtirii S"Oted 110K ft decision under ParagTaph 10_06 before such decision become-s fmml and bio6V. The request for mediation shall be su'l miacd to the 0111CT pwly io the Cemirart, 'Iimelyr subakimion of ilic rcquest sbafl slay flhc c ffcct of PP ro&mip;I I D. City and C'0rrtt3act1)T SFMU parXicipale in the TMLI'0t10111s prMess in &ood faith. The pfmr- sshrall be counnienced Within 60 da}'s of iilirsg of the request. C. if idle Cantragi Claim is not resolved by Irredimian, Ciiy's iwtiorh under Paragraph 10A.t_: of a denial pur-cuam to P;Rrag Mr43s lt}. .1; -3 or 10-061) dial becolitie fi ml anal binding 10 plays 119er tcmiaiawn of ii c nwdiftlion unless, wkiiiin 11ia11 erne perk4 Cky un- ('tmitra.tor: k7rY (* Ynk'I tiY RTI I 'U'ANF)AFLD CkMT RU CT ION TUFF ICAT ION II)OCUMENTS Rgviskm WIMI 4072o0-1 GENEP,AL OWD3T ION 8 Far 61ar&� 1, elects in writirq let ihvcc cc any other dispule r-9412jual prwccss provided for In 111r, SuppLn ntm-ry Conditions, or 2, agrees with [he rAk-r Ivrly to siabmu the C:mract Cilim to R mlher dispute mwM 1 plcel;b; sT 3, Ui►+es writtell 3116�Z W the other parry of the integl to sL nk I'lle C.ontr i Claim l(s a -;wud of CcWlpeten[ jaisdiclicui- ARTICLE 17 — M ISCELLANECRIS 1-7.01 Gh-irrg Noliae A. Wberreverany pmv4ian of the Conlract Docwiv.-niti IrtgtL-11-Cs tlic giving of tiro :ta rr4[- it with be cleaned to have been ualUly givcn if, 1. deliverer in jwrson to the Mvkhml or u) aL number of the fnn ew w an of kcr of the corIm8lian for whom it � intended; Or dAvere4 At ex Wnl by lcgistered & otrtifed niaiL postagc prepaid, tji the Jag buskvss address known to rltie giver (if 1he notice. B. llwt w%--,address chaws must be jwnmrkf41y nwk in wrAig to the other parl}. I=__ WhcncvcT the C.ontrael 1)OV'WWn1% t1pCCifles Oinig notice elccbmk nVants such elev'kUrnc notke AW the d=iwd skilriLJkat Lp3n ecu;Fw=tM3n ofmcco by the receiving party, 17-02 'rux��rra�rarf'r�a� l'Jcn an r perkd or I'WW its referred to in the CuptFacI T�wunwn[s by dayi, it wiA be eonimed to exeFrik 111c Firm and uT,ehlde Ilk! Iasi day of im h pe rbiL If the last day of any such perm faa4 up a Saturday or 9unduy of on a day made a iegal ]'%31+,imy the next Workhng Day sl=U becorm the last day of tit periud, 17,03 Oopwleaire A-vn edren The duties and ob tiort4 iitlxjO by Ihicsc neralC:ondRi ns iind the rUgs aw) raTrK4K s avaikiblc heMIUder tv the fxartks F-relo arc in addition 16,;1F�d arerlot CO be CLVElrued in -Any way as a hrnkalioll 4jif, arty roty, and renwdks avoila bic to arry or all of turn which are ollmi-whe impwcd rw avaitable by Laws tv Rcguiat-KM, by special warranty car guarantee. uT by trhlcr Wvj!jialxs of the f'.cJ-rr€ic.t DocunvDnts, 11w rftwi4xxis of this Paragraph ME he 0-!� effcctk as if repeated -,Ixcifically in IITe Cu raet f oculrrcnts in comwetion with each parlicular ddy, obligation, right, acid romody to whiub [heir apply ( TYOF FORT V#JRJla Sf ANMR1)CAST LItTIDN 21-CIF ICA Tap K LX2R:rjpAF.NTS Revl%im: WYADI 007200-1 GEW- AL COO ITION $ FVe 6}-del AA mpirestrdtaticm, ixemOrations, warraintios. am guarantees mmic nti, mqui-cd by, or giveIy in accf lance wah IhG Contmo Dma,jrr nis, as wed as all co diming indicated in tk, Contrar.l Ducumn-L�, wal skwvive fmal payment, completiork and accgp, pmc of tliv WOFk or le minatims ior compkikii7 of the CmFact % jvmri ml" a+f` the scTvkr:s ref Cimtractor- P.0S He -a linjp Artie and peragralh heading,: are diwrtcd fOT con+rceecajce cjjy and IR* COt> (hft parts Of tFr��ac Cie neml Condkims, CITY Or FORT 114 &TANUtiA OLMU UCDON M19Kr,TION rlWUM[NT5 Rcvgi n: ill SECT ION OU 4.3100 TO GENERAL CONDITIONS Sw plikuk rrwy C'oadlllans SUMLIMINTARY L 0117OP-N PW1cf7 11me Ierwntav�r Qeurdriions nmdif� and supplcrrrcnt Sti ticxrr 0r� 7 � ;enta a [ arrd3ti i4 and aihtr pormvisions oft➢rc C.on[racl Dmunrents ors iffidiclov1 Lde1 w. A1.1 fruvisk"oflhc CcnemI C.onditiom dul are inorliiitd oa supplemle eel refnRln in full farce andtMect as so inodiUd �w sappler'tiloftj. All pmvkians of The General Canditioarswhich arc nal s:o rrl d4ed f r slernenle amain in fall Fame and c5m. Deffaod Tenn& llie wrens used in tbesr Suppleinentary CundilivnE Which are deFirsed in UK T tmcral Candilians have The meaning assigned ru Ih¢m in tlae (;errcnl Comdiflarks, unless specifcalfy nobcd frcmiD, Modiflutions Rrid Seppirmtnfs The following am insinielims *;R1 rrr1.d'Lfy (w suppleriiLw spteifrc puagraphs in the C;eMMI Cof►dMIo rgtr ct vlher i'iu,[i-xi U*utrrene. SC,1031�,2, L1PAwIwJMR Discrepancies" Phins pbvcm oV" SPcrjfi:CMi0n4. SC-01 A Eascmcm limns shmm i)n the Drawing are approxhnaw end tivero prrridcx L-u Wablid a Weis for hddding. LFparr nprcivinZ the final cascnues dncripciows, Cnrlrracror shall compare them to dw I inn shmyn orr the CufflFACl DrrmWhkgS, SC-41,01A� I.,ILAY hiblillly of LAtk[ ' The following is a last of knower orrlSrarnding r]iglkt-of--wmy,;rndfbr cascrums to hL auquimd, If Tray as a Apr'il1:, ' 0Lj!Lstr4ljdimg Right•Of It ;Ry,:HiWor Dksemenis to Bu Auquire+d N41M IJEK OF POSSIMSION NCAIE TInt Contrarcbor mbdicramnds and alrrecs 1hal lire Metes I isted al W.-)rt are estimates cm IV. my ivA guiiff4rejW01, and dumm bind fhe Ch+y, f Con moor wusictrx dLv final carscinents provided to diF7er rtKnCCFi311� frvarrr Ilse mprturitaticirks on Ilse C-OrytrWt DMwinj�s, CanlradoF slrnik wq'11tFri jitiC.0 (51 HNI.Mnm Days aerd heFBre proceeding wish The W-urk. nolify City in writing j;Bwd willr the Wrering tasmiem lint l caAiorr�, LW-4-01 A.2F "AW10H hlli Ly Of 1416dr * C-11 Y ol. FBI Wr wirl r I V4 im ■nd %onirary Sena KrViKumnr STANDARIA('i)N57RIIC'r1[ SIPFXIFICA:I IDN fMPMENT4 (L1NIRAL71 IDA WS-M,d' Rer6ed Morrh R. 2021) L-Ij y pmm �'r ha) r11,1,Mmi DG7)00 -SUPIh-WIENTARY CONDITKA.S. Pogo 2 of'7 WiIF[ics orobsirrdefinim IQ 11K rein Dxcd,;Hdjilftedl, Mid1or rClinaled Thy Folfro+wir% h 1iS1 of u[i l i[ies am&cw coEmniel irvs Illar have not been remove, Adjumd, mld Dr rcimmed a of April 13. 2023 FXPECTEED I Al LITY AND LOCATION TARG Erl' DATE OF OWN ER AMUIUMJ�Nlr 140 W E 'rho ContractCrwimkrsYmkl} (wHl ugrms 11iat Ihedales lls1iuI nbum arc mlinYales only. arr nu[ guarantced, -end de col bird the city. SCA AZA,, "Su bsn rtacr end Phyidt4iI (,'olid 11 i+rua" T1w faollowing are mparrs of explol$IIoao% jardl MAN OF-MbEurfBcr wlsdhiuns at the sit-c of IlLe WL-mi; NCMF To fallowing Are drawingE of physical cmdiLiacs in or relaling to exiling StArce arrd subsurfur slr�cluras (except Ukider Llm) 9;1fi;Eli1irs) which arem fw CulYliguoais ro the 0e of the Work: HOME S[`-4-2f,A,' 41rgM3-&mtx Envlrain rnem:ml CondllIons al SJIc" The fal65 ug lire rgrYm u-nd drawing,: -of-exiYling hutanfous emriro meN4ial vundNions kisown 10 lilt t'ily; NOW E SC-S<03A-L4kr'erlll mim of I nsuranCe" The timirie$ IIst-ed bcluwnrc "additiauel ir&M-ds AS Ihair iMtCrrst MEL%r ROPCnr" including t1heir ne&peelive -Qflk=. dkCC1 Qs, Rgenrsamd mployccs, (I � Uy: Cih- of Par; Worlh,1'exas SC,'-5,04A., "C'oni rector's I aii jYrq Irrv^ 11Ye kialiLs of liabilily far t1w illsvrmw requite by PsragrarlslY [�� . �,� A 11 provide Ihfi %l lrr►+ irrg cavere�cs for wi4 toss Than [Ire fGJlo%v in& 904{)UMIS (W grealu jvherr requirnVE by lawN and rrgulatiom: 5.04A. Wir rkere Umpensal ion, under 1W41jnVh GC-5.04A. fswkwr�l Ur NIM, " C.onimclor'E I iks%i rail L 5.04K C'umm-ercial General LEWIIl y, vmkr Pan3paph GC4.04H. CiAlivio Q's LimbiIky thsarArlCo Linda Paragmph fi[ • ,Od[#., w1Yich shall bit "a per3tru�cd bnsis eowrrin:� [INC CumrocLorwhh Inim ilmum limimis of- CITY 0F FOR] MXL ATI I WiWr 4rij t ilr)• ". cwcF krplrremCnL -WhNI)AR1)(Ah mRL.t,rj�)N sn'.-cIF eArjcm IxK,l:*l•.Nss L't7Fr'IkA`C 2MI. W%M-C An-j e i M;irch R, 200 CI IV J1M0)R'Y NU. 11035DD on }1011 pop SMNAO'FOSP L.Tac'h M-,rrrrirri. 'tlgk ppliQY 1111.1st NVC an Lmd rwi—iivrit (A ineri-dwo - *ASPIC LimNs of Insurancc) making the Gcmrzi Aggrcgaie Linillf i Iw !tp 431cly 10cechA site, Thr, Cammffcial Gencral 1.1*iility lns&uranee policies shall pr.Dwiidc"X", "0. itrid "U" offl-wair's` Vc,Hj ie*[ion oil'si h-cowcrage must be shown in the Perlurks Arwitle of t1teCcri fiemm of Insurarrcc, SC &MC.. "Cantrwrtlor's hiY%Li rfLY coo i,i)4C_ Antodnabile LiuMity, wi*r Par"ph GC=-5.04-C_ C-oik T ctof's• Liabiliiy lucrairAc i idier J1nFap .np1a CiC-5.04C„ vebich shall he in am amount Fa kss ihm the 11041 wing arirp:u :L ( 1) A otornabl Ic Lhi.bllltw - a ccomeraial busincss polio}' sbmil provide Owmp M "Any Auto", &iirlead as aviosowncd, hired urwl rlof'I-wwivcl, each ;pccideno on a cmkn incd single limiI lwis. split limits are wceplable if limits areal Ie:asc: $250.SW BMM- [Krpoy prr pr-nArt / S50p.mw Nqzn�' hgnoyper fMrti' N� %C.5_04b., "CnlYlrsc2or's Inaur!Rnec" I lur 03ntractce5 ewstructian ucliviiKs will TVgglir0 its e'Inployccs. agcni:L, vibconinxiou. "worieliG, and niaccAal &fiveries 10 rruS8 r;tilmM properties and gooks now. The Contractor-Amil WIF LKC Rs 9fKMI.i6m9 on railroad 1woponies in mido * rlYMwl.r;!� a81 t-a inlerfereWiL3% hiri&r, or abkiepce 1hr railroad ewripany in any nimmw whaiinowr in the use or-aperation eri'itsliheir RnAins Of o1hL7 properl}'_ S1110 O+ei-01 i0fi!� Oil Miirand proprri ies nimy rryuirt d me C omirwor W weWe a -Right of grity A InclYt" wish thcperiicular milmmd eulnphoy rw opmpalYiics involved, and to this errs the ntrwicir should saiispy mor*is io Ile rcquhcm7ews43feach railroW carIp sky #r14 k pmprod as ex,cate: the rigiri10d•031i1ry (if airy) rcgiuired by a rmilrwid congminy. '11fe n�quiremcuts specil-wd heroin likewiso rctntc la 11w Cmirmwr's use of privane *ftlioroorS owipIY acecss Fords cramirYg sa6d ni vT ml+.Wnja1Y�,'4 properties, The C-mor.lnial J.illhilily coucrage required by Paragraph 5.04D VihcGawral C-onditianSshull prayide coverne forma kss than the follotir irlg unroulMl& Imind by mnWnies satisfRU10FY 14 IIN City trod 14 silo Railrmd Comporlk)- forrs ierrli Thai CoMinues for so long as the CurklrWtfi S r*[ions IMA weal: Uw, s, occimpy, -or tovelY railroad properly. l I j i�ewml Aggrabc: ') Each tkcurwice: Pcquir-c4Ffrr Ajiv CEm.NrnLv X Newreqelked f r fhk cdwowy Wiih rfipw 10 r1w Abe we aullined insurance requinanenM Ilse foliow ing sW911 govcm: ]. '�hcre a sill$fC r�l IY+r�ad enn7�lY}' is ilYralvcSdF ilrr C'�IYlr�d� siY�ll pr�YYdc Elie Insur�lYce pa11�y m the nine of the nlilrwd c-Dlnpany, litnyvver, if mare ihvin one gnvjc nparwiun or ;AI-.S cromilig is ;nfrccIcd �y the PiiY ccl a9 enliirely %Imr-. is 14X4aliSMI'r oil Ills I inn of 111kcs Df the same milroml empaiky. scpraw mwcrage Inay k rvclmirc4. each in the amount shied ulaove_ €STY-DF PUT bu(WiII WmlarmdSmr rk 5crti R.irp weive VANDARDfONS RUcrI 1N tio'1`CIF14-i3IH5N INWE1MIrXM [`[NlAACT M1, WWA-C Hcle�Morch4, 2520 L11Y IV1off, 1'N[}. W15W 007100 RSJPFI-LMFRTART C0NIN11'1ONS FkWa PVT 2. W11cft Inure than OILS railrn d Company is operating fm rlse mme righl-orwzy or whac sskCrnl railroad Conkpfigiex irre involwcd and QPCYRIM urM Lkir awu EeparMe riglft•uf way, the Cantrmtor nluy be rcquircd ro pruvide s"ratc insurance poli609 in She rlrune a-emb mil"d cm-mpmy. 3. Ir, iu addil ion to a gpde sqermim or an al -grade crossing, ullisr work or actiwii� is proposed un a railroad Lmmm"hy's Qhr-of-way al m Imnlion mirely mparale rmnp lies grBdc sgmration ne at. grade crossing insuranKc! ownp for ibis work nbusr k inulridcd in [he palic� CM'mirig 1hC grade mparslion. d- If mo grwrk sepurariom is imMve4 broil idler work is I5r%"&3 imn a railroad cmipamy's riglll-of way, all such other work i1my be oDwrad in a Eihe-I pUlity loribal railroad, tlrc Nvad may IK at miaornim separate hxmiuns, No work ow WiAi='On a railr0e6 e�MpQ111113.-s pMperty to INC perF0nn10J ba The C.ontracror Shell he crmi;1P 9rKzd until the Comracbaw has f'irrni�hcd the City wish ;Rn -ariginal policy ar pa 1i 3'u% of the insumnee rim cadi railroW cumpany rwmed, as mquiied Akovc, All such insuratim mul be approved by the ('11� :nmd h 41rlimlod Rs1" CnahpoV Itrpwlu the Conlram (wIS kginrting work. They insurance sWificd ehnW IMNW9 bs "uicd until all W-ndk 1u be pertorincd on the ra Fwd Tor -of -Way has been cam tcwd Rnd ibe gads ueissii%, ir;wpy. F5 no ImVr used by lilt CClntrmcur- In additim. imminin.r must he, carried dur:iq.a11 mainilenancc andfor mpoir %;?oTk perfonnGd in dke railroad riglrL-Df-Wily- 5nclk insurarloe a1 em nrr m Ific railroad Mrrj'Wkl as the insured, togelhe'liviih any Lcnani ar kmwe or1he rn ilrtmd csunpany aperatirrg ewer Imc s irruolwcd in t1be PedjR�a_ S • MM., "Project Schedule" Prc�iet nhahtle Thal I be Iier I ffir 1114 l,rx�iml., . 0�.. "'< WRC bates" The folhmiV is 1bc prcuo ii % "Au labic(s) oppl icabie rAm 1h;s pwu)w and is provided in Ilre Appendiaas! 2013 PrOhyPIRg IOWE Batas (1' edvy WOrl 01kIrw4r}• Consfmcraort PmAoW A copy -Df ncc lahlt is also aw- nble by acemino the C'iLy`s -wSebsire nl-, Ili I ON., flanm.forhvorIh(cLx9s.p-oY1Pm J"tRes0uric0J YOM can arcccss the fik by Following the dimcral�, palll; 0�-CCIDSIMC fiHilk DUCLrmc1315'`5pCCii-pcnli-aJrs9)iu00- ciCIJQfaIColldirimns 06.0., "Pcrm lis mW kFRilltkrs" SC-6.09A., `'Conirodor Qbl!Ninrcl perMils aMO Ipc901SC,• The followirk; are knawn pemifts arwliew 1kri Gs rtquircd b}, d,4 c'timi-xi. to be acquired by She C'omlraulou NOWE SC-6XIM 'lily abteinml p-ernlO and lkcas&' The fol lawing me k rWWn pernniis andfor li€grr."ti rcquircd by the Cnnimo Iv be rrcquirrd by ibc C'iEY; NON E CITY (W I -VET WORT11 M'LWe 41-4 S, %11Bn► Sfri-cr "iKeu�m STAl+ PARR C DMlrkUXl'bM SIFK7F ATDDR I7CCUMENts i"tXti I it A( - r M1, wswc 09 73 09 SUpT[.r-.'WW1'AkY UNDITIUN& FJgfSOd? .COOC.'10k3t€ Fknding PICH i lts Rind MccwAs" The kjkm-iug is a list olkinown milsifind-Ing Knikks mn&or liuca es 10 bC mcquired, iirzmy M of April 13. , Oulsfanding P-crmits xtkdio:r C.fceusys [a He Acq will d C}wNUR Pt:Ikl JT DR LICENSE A Nil WC A'1104 TARGETDATE OF POSSESSION i61rel�I SC&2411 "Till1r V1. CivFL Righis AM i0t IQ64 as m meride il" During Llre Wonname of this Carll."cl, the C-011 WOr, for i1ae1 f, iiS end SM005M 131 kVIE' A (hCrOinaltcr refMrraJ [Oak 11ke "Colkt%U0F" )sgreesA& I<ISllowS_ 1, Ivoinplilance with RegWallo+►s: The Conlrmwr 51mll cavaply wish the R,cpIvAim relaiiwc 10 nandisr.rhninmion in Fe&ralhy-assumed [mToXamsofthe Depar1MkP11 cof TME'spariatian {hervill ncr. "pCxT") Tilic 4-9, -Ccmk i)r F'elleral Rcgjuialkons, Parl J 1, FLs they may be Tlniermkd fmm i imr Lo time, (IxFcinAer iekrrcd Lo ri9 the Rnuladom), -which em herein incwpol aged by refemmuc and nib a pip Of 1h is Cantraell. 3, 14caWlserlmirkallon:11W C(miraclor, with reprd Lo 1he tyuk mrformed by it durlr+gihe canuac-1, shall riot diswiminmi: ¢n the Bounds of reKe, o1¢r, oe natianal origin. ilk 'NU WlMtianMW retenikm-of snl-mloracicrrs, including prC10jLfthkVF11lS of maicriuls.Ind k1seg pF apipmmL lire CI}rllrmlor Shall; not participau: cMicri dirutly or irkdiTw ly ink dke d�ietinfinalion prohibilod by 49 C'FR, 5reiem 21.5 01`111e Krplatlam irkcludirg ernplayokenl practi€es whrm shu vrLimd covcrs a p"rimn -4 fetth in Appendix 13 Pr ilhe Reglulelion5. So11cAsilIons for Skihooplraetor5, Inclniling vr"urcmenls or Nlwlsrials ORd Equlpmeal; In kkIl solithalim.s eilherby mnperil3'w4• b6drlirrg of negvlieAift lmde by the coa'Irioiex f(w Wqrk Labe 11Crrornied undcv i) soix ynlracl, inc hiding pmrkwaffits of materials-ur of Mu ipmml, eitsh poLsillihl w niaelar-Drsupplicr ihail be rkotifrcd by the Coikif"lW of the CemikM.iu% 00600ns Ul)dc7 Ibis camF:ngj and 11m Reguladons TrIMI ivC ItriipudiLcrinkirmliun an 09 gtoolk4g of MCC, CUkr. W national OnI.PiD. Znro1'nklklirin p id Raports: The Cuil1 attar sha11 pravi& #MC jrjFbwA ion mnd rr wwm r0qulried ¢ay the !Repl;Btirms. err dirctl;vv-s isred prurvu int lhcnim t4 W Shall permil Kress 100 ill l+wks, records, acoounLs, iAtf SMIRCS-Of irk�brn111iI IN altid its facilities era gray b-� Aelcrnkir�cd by C=iLy oW die Tcs:m Ikponment of Transpurlhlior labc periineni to jLwqrWlj mrnpliaricer witli miclk i1491lad 1an5, orders and irr mnMiM. Whatt any in(orm;btixn1 mquil-ed of a cWlractm iS in khe axclusiwc PDnsMiff'Of another who fails orrcfuses 10 furnish phis infarimmlion the eoatm or shell 5a vcrffy 10 119 CitY.crUk 'Texas Depoil eivi gf'frmksporl.Xicnk, irs $pprrVimR, rind shall �1 rOrtlk WML clforls it hresm�di W cbth in the inferrrEiaLian_ 5. 5anellons riir Noncomralirkw, It, I11Q cvcni orlhe CoIiwwr', ikorteornpliarkce wish the gondiscT4minimian pr-oYisionsarlhis CMIMIL C11y AFL" In7pose suck) cpnkrxt isimlions as korihe Teran Dgtprcilwnt oFTranspvnMlor may d0cm6nr ru be ¢priaie, iTkeludilkg. but FtiO�t lilnilcd W! a. w11bhmaig orparnit11s w the C`oiki arct-Drim&r dw Ca+.'Itrwil umil the C43ni"Clor complies, ;ond�ur b, cj�3I;t4Flialior%. "ninffli n -or-rspc1k&ion of EM {.;Or41MU. ilk whole or in Wr1. CVtY (3R FORT W URTi I t iVala eial SArniIm"L %'A-cr U[Pknrtm I I k STANpAkt)"k eSTRUETHM NWrIFICATIa1MR'11MIEKI's CC)NrKA(T2W1. ik' L' Rrvivrl M•vhpL-WM c lTY PA(URTNO 14154P *71-DD "UMLEMENTARY VONDITtOIS k0(7 _ 1k1f13rP4ra1ian of P"Jailonsr The CCM11mclor shall incur Iht P+ Visions Of par-Hpaphs(1) tlrroUgh (6) in every sglbounL act, i miud-ing procurcmcmii of malerials and k s Of oquipmcntF unk-n eaempl by lhs Rcgu lal irm.% 0r dircrliwes kmi-c 1 pursuw therein, 'Jjm (bnjrarAar .1hal 11Ac such mti¢1r wllh r gmcl J4 my suboearlracL or prdXurciucnl u C_el� or dlc T-nm Dalmrinryenl 4FTreni iatj0n mELy 4iVQo1 as mcmu of 6n furcft suclr %-isiom including KnFici ions for non- mplralnce: Priulddl, %ner, 111a1, in dhc even♦.0 ComrncioF heUM)M iriwolved in, or i& Ihrcalerked wills N galaon with a subovntractor cwJ+I4VIiet as a FesUIC Of 541ch dirccti01Y, r1w conrractUr maw refprest City tp cmGff incc suer !il I I ion to pmbret the Wers� i f Cily, aril, ir1 udd itirj�. I11c oontramr may nquest the Um ited Slates lacnitr IM&Kh liligmion tQ MLcM 'Inc inter -Cm ur1hr United 1;4a4cs, Addatiomal Title Vi requiruncnts can Nmd in the AppgiWix. C-7,02., "CocAlptlilloW, TJW individuals nrerliilics lisled below hm cA3ntrsets wittl the Cil}r far the PUFfWMarrce of (Whorwork at Me Sile: 50Ve dW rk _ �rdlria�fa■ Akithurily MCCUr ft. f'armp &PH.* 8frw4 Q�~43FMY Ewes 1lie I I pF$ f lafl�sC lisc�a� SC4,01, "C;'ommkomi€ulions lu Coarirpet-or" Al rrt'0.#t lwro{ weeu prirrr lc constrq tio* ihtsomlracWr:Ar411 inelc w8tvr line isallalifffil id mud down dais aW lirri# WHh the CiRy of Fat Werth, Cear Zawls, Asgiii4 a WuAcT :SYNttwlrs 1.4lperintendem. {i3J 475.2656. Comiraacq shaFl rwlifv "nyOwner at kt M 4S bows befro riqncxvinganv f 17�ing, s-9,01.. "CJiy`s Projecl Marmpe" The Cr ilk`s PFC) c1 M;3L)3ger for #Lis C'on Mol j* Dcoa Jalluiswi, or hisiaet sM s+cs+,�or }rwrsrrspr 1.D wOU&n MbliffCatlau ft+orn Ih+ m"mmrorthp Wnlcr DLWit,rkip for the C=iFY d-f FMC W011h. SC-13,03C•"_. "-F'cxta a nd Irlsprctk prjF" NON E -SC- I EUC A, m Mel hods ailed Progedurrs" NONE PN13 OF SEA: 01V t'e f CIF 1 41R'I' V4 {]RTFI WPM and �060M :!�5Lrs Rtplawnwni �'1AN1MR13C044i1'k114-0M_ 4 SP[C7FIc'Al'ioN i+ CK'iJF mrm CONTRACT 2.021. WNM-L- DG 73 QQ PRF } ail Rvwiisiply Leg DATE NAME SUMMARY OF C HANG5 V22W6 F. Griffin ' ,'tiCky'a Pr�jacl RapresWaNs' wordirlg (M;finged Io Ny a RrajwA '�lerl�ea, O20 U.V Mag@P;) 9 - . UpWW 1ho Imk stick klti$I files rAn te sccer.sed via the CiLw's wo. CITY OF F'IRT'Iq)k'LI4 Wmd od Swilmy 5Uwrt+ Flcplq<{ nhm .Q.'CANF)ARI)L-MHTRLKTIq)NtiI LIES 1ki1[}i4WL'UMENF5 cowrxAcrbo21.wsm-c lk4wiwh LIMMN 4. 2021) CITY IIU))I:C T NO. I135W *SECE101 f 01 11 Q4 MJM MARY OF WORK PART 1 - C.FNE A k. 13 SUMMARY A. Seclion Includes: 01 Lt 0D. l :SJ IMMARY QF WQkK I`x I of i k. Suminary of Wnrk to he Frerfurmcd iri MCoFdM iia� Wilh lite Catlraet D)cirlirents B, 11,cuia1inns frmn this Cily of 1 url Worth SlartdiArd .1;F+ecifikWion 1. None. C. Relat d .Sp-gcil`i,;wl:j m 9io" inchtdc, but arc not necessarRy limited to; 1, Division 0 - Bidding Requ imrrierr[s, Canlratt Fowls, and Conditiow OF the Cogiral 2. Division I - General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. MmkjF-crncn1 and ]hayinGna I- Work aSsa'L kilcd wiL11 this Elem is considered cmt"i iaFy In the Various it-0111s bid - NO PL4y17ti01R1 Zvi I I be ;j I IntiKLd fr1r Lh is I tam. 1.3 REF ER ENCEh SNOT kISED) A. Work Cowered hy Comw DKiklncnu 1, Work iS In i3relude burnishing all Iab0r. Fnaterials, EiM oquiNnenl, and performing a I I Work ner -SaFy for tlti is coutntetiori pwjecl as dclaiied in the Drawiup and SpawkficiN iolls. B. Subsidiuy Work 1, Any an4 afl WGrk spei:ifieel3y governed by docunienlvey reguir-Vl37cnls for the prilpvt, SUCIT as cond600s i1n" the Dray in s or U-bntr. d Do-2ur CII[s in witieli no spixIric Wn fir bid has hen pravidcd fur in dam. F`roposal and 11Me it-aln is not a typical unit bid ilcm iitvIL&-d rill the AwJinrdi bid hom IiV,11Men tlrr "cnt shall he cunsic1cmd as a subsidi�wy item of wak, tic cw orwhielk shall bC i31rludLd in I lie price bid in the I'ropo5a3 for various laid itriits_ C. Use of Nero ices I. CmardinnLe uws of Nelnises under dir li-nn ofltie C4- 2- Assuine full mspnsibitily bier Fwateciiun;sw1 safelcccph)g of niarerIals said equipmeng slorcJ on the Witc- o- Upa and occum- only por9 iom of the publ fc sLmels and alkys, - r crlhcr pUblir p1gwes or qnIlrer rokts-of-wny as providcd ror in the -01`$inancc5 of the City, as shown in Ilse Conimi Docunpenls, or Rs may be specifically authurikVd in �VrrilRig by 11heCily, a, A reasmhahle sm-auril of Luuls, malerials, and CquipMeDt for G044510KIion punpmes inag be stored in iwh Spam btll w more Ihm is neces my 43 wvoid delay ill the WnslructiCM nperatiooI-L CITY OF HAT U4'il]RM 4 4&a ate! 3,."i kmcr RolowwHl ST&NDhRDMISISIRLACTIONSFJXI7°F4ATJON IJfi€'L.UJ:NT.4.' CMTRA(72ML 4MSWC HV6;,,d Dmemha 21X 2011 CITY RROJECT WO. 103 01 11 9a - 2 SUM&PARY Of WORK f`q'2ar3 K FNcinvated and waster maacrisl% 4wil be steed ilk siwh a way as nol w inlerfery with the tw ofsptices Mat Inay bu dosignamd to be left free wid unvb91Fu¢lcd 00 W as not to iMOFL 0iclticIc ooCIAgMINts-Of adjacCnt f,rO,crY. c. If11he sired is flcullpied by railrrQ sacks. the Work shall be carried on its sw;li manncTas wA 10 i fflevfm will) the: opeulkm of the railroadL 1 ] Al; Murk shall he in mccordnace witli rni ll-cxad {uireliients gel for111 in Division b ss 3vel I as the railroad perinit, D. Work with ill rasanents I. Do rlul t:rrlcT upan pHvwt-c propedy for any purpaw wil"I havilig pmviausly lnhtained lrerillissilon from the owncrof sklch property- 2. Leo not sinrc ogtdpni-IMt or Inalerial on private property unless slid unii1 the spec; bed appm :3i elf iho property owiier iias been uFcd in wi-i1 i 11g by i lie Cooirwwr said a copy furnidwd to the City. I. Unless specifically provided otherwise, dear ati rights -of -way orvascinenis of obstructions wliioh must be removed to make possiWe proper pMSeCLIbUli Of 191c Way# iRs a parr Of UM pre}jccl 03MING111i0ij opM IjOns. 4. Premmm and we -every preCi iltiod to preverll di:iinage to, a I I trees~ sbrubbcry, plants, rinwns, fps, culvcris, curbing, and all other typus of %irwillres or iatipi"crlrw1ils, Io all waMr, sewer, find gas Iilms, 9a all conduits, ovallmd pule Imes. nr eppuFtenon es the f, biclkldlgg the i�nslniclion of w1POM3L' FS:IMXN alld ir, a1k other public or privaie pmperty ndjaceni to lbe Wcwk. 5. l latify the proM iOp4e3WIfil ivcs ref the mynar s ar upnitils of 1 he public or privale iawkis of iiacrest in lands which n; ighl be affected by the W(wk, a- Such ikolice Aiall be made al lcasl A$ hoilrs ill advanee of the bCginning of titre W13Fk. b, Notivas shall bC apf,liV;1b10 rir MIL public Auld priVakc utility CUMPanies Auld any carpxation, gxxopi ny, indix Anal, nr<Aber, eltheT&q owners nr accllplilits, whow land or interesl ilk ILLud mipja be aft`act*d by the Work. c. Be r-spon6ble for al] dwmpge or injury to pmpcirry of any chmnaer rvsakttlsg from any act, olnisslam Iwgkv, or mizwnduct i1) the manucr or mclh<d or executirm or the Fork, (Wal any time due 10 ddWive IWJFk, rnarteriel, fu OgUipoii0nt. 6. f vricc a. Restore slI fen,cx-s CR M11110re ]and rent -aged during construciion of the "W to the o6ginal or better 1i1sa cAgilnal conditioA. 1}_ I.:rmt 1tnipmry fenciiig in plod: of the i�Ijcang removed 34'laerre,rcr 111c Wort;, is IM M prDgmss snd when Ilie silo is waeated owernighi, ;%*dlor al all times ifl Pwide site Suurity. e. 11w cosh for all fc11ce work ,wtthin eminrmis, inclkldiirg re111oti" 1, tcnlp0mry closures xnd replaoc+111UPt, $1kall be SnbsidiarY is the IeArIOUS itokis bid in the project PdMP Fsal, LIHIC94 a hint ilea; is specifically pruuFdcd in The proposm1. MY (afr R3KT WMTJ r Wa9t; ao-d *Swilery �ewtr IkeMaiiiblll STAN )AIT1) L0N5TIRW IFION sFE(-1FICAT KW IXX-1IMF:N1% C LNl kAc -r 2Mp_ w.W- C $hnO d att"ibar 2OL 11)tI Oil V Plu aaI•c'r roll. iG3_= Di LI-DD-3 :90MMAKY fW WMK rw 3 vd 3 ],S SI_GRMITTALS INOT 'IFSEPI J k ACTION SIJBM ITT A I.SANYt AIM ATION AL S1 RM ITTA LS INOT USED1 1.7 CLO.SF IIT �101HI IIT J'ALS SNOT USED I ,S M A I NT E NANCE M ATERIAL SU BIB ITTALS [NOT USE01 9 OUALITi V ASSURANCE [NOT USI*al 1.10 IJELIVERY.5TORAGF, AND HANDLING INOT USED1 1.11 FIELD ISETE 1 C[jNnE'rioNS INOT USED4 YAWL- I r PRODUCTS [NOT USEDI PART 3 - EXECUTION [NoT 4fum1 DATE RA F l%rD OF SECTION Rc�visian Lag SlJ M MA RY Ul CHANCpF TAN E? C-(MTRlK' LlK 5MULAI 'ATICI Lam.Mg�.4i C)W7K C7 Ml- WW-C RCVW?d P 2D,2DI2 C'ITk' Pf✓ti{]1 rT hi). 103500 SEC710N 01 21; OD SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES PA kT l - C EN FRAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Scutirm lnciuc s: 4r 2340- 1 SUBSTITUTION EMIRE5 r*r I of4 I.. The pnwx eduru fur requesting the appi oval of subsOutiori of a product 111tit is nol. acliiiva lent w a producl wh icli is speci Fied by ckscripkive or p onixeaa a crileriatar k6r" hY reference Io I or 1norc -or0w fallowing: L NAM of rltinliilferuttrrcr k N,ri = of vokor G. Tm& namrr d. Calalog numlior ?. Sobstituk ions are jioi "or•� uaas", B. Dcvim iom rmin th k City Pr Fort Worth �kandard %pcc ifical6aFj I - HEMr.- C. R lased SpeciUicatia�rw clians iiaclalde. btlR �r� aaot ssriari Iirrli d to. 1, Divisimi :D — Balding Rogilircmcivs. C'notimrA Fc rua5 and Ccw0 inns -of 1 hr Cow met 2. Divisiom I — General krq uirennrnis 1.2 PRICE AND PAVYI ENT PROCEDURE A. Measkirenicok 911d Pa ynrara1l 1. WUFk assaciatcd with IIIis Item is rAinsidered sllbsidivy to chc various iicin-9 bid. NLk scpanele pa•I'r1ew will be alkmed for IliiS K01111. L. RF F ER ENCES SNOT US ED1 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. IZcgtecst fos Sub-Aiturion - GeFmeml I , WiRliiai 30 days after award ofConlew (onless notod olherw i.w), the City wi l t cGnsider form[ rq pr0r, ftm Cerrtracror fhr .wbstit4rl inn of prodncts in place of thaw 91welfied, 2. R ffftkin Iyprx Of U11.1ipmekit cnid khi& Dfiraalerial arr desCriW in SFXCificaatioais by inemky, of references ID riaamc� of nianitracli nu i. and vendor& IfFide names. or cakalog aawlibus` a_ Wlien dais rndbud of specifying is used, it is iRA intended to exe lode fmii consider-M fen othcv ImAticls bearing other maoufa0tiWs or er4vdor's namcs. It de nam s, Or ma log numhers. provided said pretdi are "cr-equals,° as rloermined by City- 3. Odwr typos of oquipa tanil and kWs of materi4 Iiiay be a(,wptable suWiwtio" Under lh.� fol lowing conditiow: a- OF -€natal% arfi unuVail111131c dues tG strike, dkcoalrinurd prcdurtimi of pruducis rncci tug s'pceified rrgi1 iNnIeIits, or e} IN01? FactoTs beyond conlroL of mkirfloor, or, 4'1 1 V OF }{ ]R J SMWil I V4'aecr cud iandart ic�rr Rt��e�l XIANDARD[x NSDLIWIIcn SPKIFICATON rXCUMIEWS {,(Wf KmrIotI, tiasmec Kv. isow lam}- 1. H I I c'i rY VRc}JECT NO. 1-0l Sale} ill 25 DO-2 51J%T 1T7JFKWFROUaURES ftV 2 0(4 b. Conicactor proposes a of mdlor I iine rcducl inrl Jr► C111 ive t4 Ilse City. US MJRMITTALam'' A. Sfc RUILUst for $ubstl9uijl?n Farm Otuwbed) B. Procedure for RCLILICS11111gSubsfliiin an I , �ub5lilutio+n shell be �aaaidcred on ly: Allen wum cpfenlilraot b. Under die 4:oiidiiions siored hcrcin 2. Submit.1 capieg preach written rcgtic l For suk&-tiihilicnti including: �, f�ocol'r3erttuEaon l) Colliplele dalm subs[ardieliiiiig mmpl iaj= -of propa&ed sulstiftlihau Wiib -CU111FAci VICKU rreaMla 2) Bata rclalijig la changw in CNISItilOiorti schedu1c, when a raduptiCM is proposed 3) DaL.9 rel8lin 14) cllarrgas iri cost b. for products Profto identi fim ion a) Msnufaetumr% agnic lk) T-eler0toike Itiuniber and represciiiitstive conkev rkanke c SpC4 iWK- Ilion Sed loll or Dr,miikg rcfcagncc oforigOmIly specified produei, including discrele ninino or number assigned Io cirigiiial pmd U01 ill lire Cwriracl Diacurncnis MJU]kLfaa:Ii1rc�5 Iifcr-MtklrC cl`Cfidg mar'kud io show tormplialace Ofpra"d pmdml with C`oniroct EXKjLlTkCnJS a) Itemized COHIPM15011 q.+Furiginal avd prcpcgcd prrordtici addressing prGduo[ cliw4mrisEics dricltitNig, �Lii nol nemsarily Iimiica 1-n-. a) Size Composilion or mmerials thNmns[ruc[ion ii) EI$ctri�rll r�r �riCt#idnic�ll reyLlirrmce�ts 4) Produel eaEpericl19e $� L�aa:aii�an of labs[ pr��ects niilixin� f7r41C1 b) Nani-e iatbel With (ofCftLjucd pmj k1wWlCdg,ca1Dle concem-Mg pruposm pprM wl c Avgitab It: bold dais and rzparts m5ocr#rled tiykh pro poscd praduci 5) 1%%mplcs a) Praxidlc al rogiWsl ofOry, 1�) Solllplfs kw1cr Fft lira pnaperty of iikc I;'4, o_ p�,r oorr�srilcl icrt rMwetl7od�; I) JIn i Icy! da_scriplian �f pr liiekhod 2) Musiralion drawings C. Appmv3l pr Raj=ion 1. WrI11o,i approvAl! OF r�gcokian {�i+�k11}sliluticdi �i��n by Lhe City 2. City rcs-Crves dig Tighl lay rcquirc propowd pnovck C& colnply wilh color and 1331[crn of specie-ud product if ooeessmry bu WOUrr, design intent. 3. In [he c*Gnk 11rc silbsl iliilion is approved. Ilse resul[ing cnsi andlcr tintie redilcl ion wil I be doculsya mvi by IrlmW Otdcr ill xcor-6flam NV i1h the Gmumi L_andilicm�. I'ITY( :FOlkl WURTIL Walmand 1;&n9@yScuvrRir"' i wl 5TANIMRIK13)A►TRUCTI N SPECIFI€AT1[]61 tafaG'LMl-NT% 7rkA(-T 2021. WSM-U Reid Job- I, MIJ CkTY9RWjX tNg. IM5M 01 5 00 - 3 mIA44i' 1 11111 rCN PACCEDURI-i pmgv j ara 4. No additional oonlral Iinn will hC Ewen for 9IMlrMiltlRaon- 5, S41b,51ilulipn will be rc*led if: a. Subrrtittal 'kb im dit"gli the Contractor vwilll his s mnp ofapprov;P1 b. Request is nut mopdc in amordmicc wi111 H5 �poclficaflon �;ecrirui c, I n the Co's ppinion. aeaeplance will esquire spbslanlia@ revcsioil of the aTigina] design d. I n the City's aqfinionl substilijlion will nol perform adequately flee furlcl ion tsitlem wills lbe deign imam 1.6 ACTION;xUSM[TTAL FNff)X A-1'J0P1A], %V9Mj'I`jA jN0T 0SrLDj _$ M AINTF NAND_ F? M A7'9l1[AL SUBMITTALS SNOT USED1 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE A- [n FnRking "IK-St for subslilUtibn Or in usiflg an mppr*vim! PVAUCt,11W Contractor mpresenis Thal the Cont=lcr; I , I las ilnvesiigaled propowd product, and haq docr,nincd tI10 it is adequRie or superior in nit mpe- tg ra limt sf acilied, and Thar it wil l pCrl`UrrM f LliNioll fOr VARieh it is inrvndc6d 2. Will pravidk salne paranjee For s absl ilure item ss for producl s�ccifknd .3. Will coordirmc inslal]alion of acccpltxi wbStilul i011 inW �' r+ ,1O MCI udf bL1 i IdiII9 modifir-at;Dur. if nmccsmmry, maPiMg such clkangcs as nay be roquired [or War* in be complele in all reels 4. WRim. ;P11 0:mims for add it kFm I costs rclaldd as stibsl ilullon wh ii2Il :Stib&egL10 l* migc 1,1 a IIE 1,1 VERY, S-YORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED1 1,11 FIELD ISITE1 CO U[TLCNS Nisi' LiSED1 1.12 WA R R ANTY INOT USED1 PART 2 . ?Ronucm IN (1F USED1 FAWJ- 3 - Jr X EC LITiON [NGT US E U1 DATE NAME END OF S FrCF[OK Bl isikln tog SUMMARY OF CHANGE ul I Y 01: TORT VrUK 1 I WffIor qnd Rangy 45mrr }tep4Dewnnt %I'A141IMM)t0V53 IXTli}N 6TRIFICATKN I] XII-IMEMFi CONTRACT N21. ffliMd' IR&rledJW} 1. MI I CITY IKai.M 4'j'Ni]. 110MI) EX HI BIT A REQUEST PORSUESTFrUTION FORM: TO: 41 25 60-4 %1JWTFrtmr.wPFUXIDURF.9 Rafe a ado 11koji•:ur; DATL- - We lkereby suhmil for 3(oar Coll side (at ioll t1* fiAlowing product ilislead of Ilse spceiticd item for the above pCoject SEC110N PA RAPH %1'0FCFFTED ITEM Proposed S 3tkstilmion: Fuson rw Substitol ion: hicluade eimnplcly illforination un changrE to DfAwiligs andlor Spbt:if ical ions, which proposed subM itul ion w i I I neglurc fir 4s proper i asla I Lal iou. Fill in 'Blanks Deicny: A. W HI the u31dersi�ncd cnnliactc�r paL+� for elm up.-s to the bu i Wing -design, McILidinb t ghir, uIirig and delliiIhig Cutts csuscd by llrc rcqueslod sAbstiludoil? 13, a doCS suhK614111 �04 baVIC UI4 & Ser lrodeSI C. DifPUtnces wren prnpose+1!swbs1i1Ution andspec•ificd i1vm$ 'D. Diff`r-w1]Ce$ In pradoor cost or product deffl—" One? E, +1:IIILI facILi rcr's: giraTtilF}im iof 8ke pmpomrd aFrd spec ibed itch& ate, ..Equal Fitter (explain an attaehnjgpl) The undcrsituacd schlep. Wal 11yr funcl ion, a RranKV and qLM Illy aye cquiiwp1Cnt or skiperior 10 the speci�w�tl ilerr�. Submillcd By: ror Use by Oily Sigilaturt K=mnierMded Remnnmeaded M 11010 IFirin Nol recolti�F eltid ! kcceivod [a[ Address. _ BY— Ni RiCFnVtS Far 0se by O1y; Approved PLrjcoted City I -ale 01Y {If FORT 7h'CRT1I W&Wr and iankmry .UwKr RCO&L- K STANDARI) CV-i SMLICIlc3m-lipR,IFICATICrN DOC UML M,_41- C KINTkAr-1 202 L. UC:SM-C RcOmA Ju1iy 1, NI I CITY MOVC71'NL3. 1935H %FAQ SON 01 .�l 19 PR ECONSTR U(=TI N M I-110INC PART I - GEN ERAL 1,1 SUMMARY A_ Suliun 11iclodrm: p1 }1 19- 1 VRr:C0NSTRLX7 ON kl�F ING Pit 1 ar3 i. Prouisi6irs for diopruconsirtMion n1e Wkg it) tm licid prior lO i110 SiO3-1 Of W01k 10 -;Iarif+y oolislruclion 1;0411F.►c1 RdITIink1F1 tiDlS prncedum E. CAeviirlions from This Cily of Fort Worth SuniLlud StwcillcaRi" 1, KMW- C- Fclnrcd Sp=ilicsfiom Sectioiks include, Lia1L are pal neccomril+y liarliltd 110: 1. Uir�isiml � — �iddiitig Rc�aiTerrlcnt� L`.c�lii��l P�r� cud �ondili�n� of illc�ouairacl 2, Rivisiara I — (irncral ku-quirc:muills A. Mcasumneni and Paymcni L Wod amr.Wcd will this IL-ml is Considered subsidiary to 1he vairioLlS iic likkS bid. No scpgrarr palyrreaslil twill be all1mved for lhia 1two- J,� ItF FERFrNC-1 JN0T USED) I FA A I)M I N ISTIRATIVE R FQiIPRF M E.N'I -�i A. CooMinaiiimb . Auend pFm-0nslructiO4l inuting. 2. Representatives 01'0nniTaotor} submuralct-ors and supplius pirtlendingHwd hip shall be gilalllicd And arutliorized to W on behalf of11,c coliii,r each WpF nls, 3. ic+ ccurlg a dM'i31IS1 rrcd by City arpoy kL Inpo raurded. if recorded, laps will be used 9cj prep 3v mintlles and mmi11c� by City fevr fiiliim rt CcFc;nr. s_ R. Prcconsinici ion h'Ieel i iti6 I _ A preoul3Slr#10 ion ITKT1 irar, WiJ I be 1irld Williin 14 dam+ S i ler 1lie-CXMILinn ai' 1hr A$ro Twn1 and 1xfarr, WLwk is ARF;ecl, & The mooting 3vilk lw &cl;aiklerl and adinillisicrcd by illet_aly, _ Clrc Projlxl1 ce 1ti1a11vc %will presidu wt 11ic madiog. prepfire I e noF �f Lhe niculipFg and di5lrihule cupics of saalile tO e1I IMI is llS.FI1l{ W40 NO MgU0 ! hy' FUllY coml)leling the atrundaince farad to be ciict4oi:cl at 1har hogilining of 1lieaneeting, .. Artendwimshe 11 include; U. Project ReprDsenlAo ive b. C0111FD41oes pruied a lmkager G, C01711-HUWeS superG111cridrni d. Any selbax iilLraclor Or supplia: r wpruNmUlliwex w11wrt 114C CCOIrfitmF mad' desire Jo i111'itc ow the Uily Iriay rvLlloazt MY CW fORT V00RT1 i Won ■nd Smd1w) Suwu Rena 4TA191MRI)CTTRUUTIONsIFFT111 r;�1iBi1NDUC'LdME FTti CO"4CT]0�9.1u5M MS k*vkgd Anpud 17. bG 12 CITY PML7L'F 1U 103500 D1 31 14.2 M F.'(TJNSTRU C7IC?N 3AFF11NC NV 2 43 e- 01hcr CGty repmsenLmivm f. Olh�.rs As appropriale d. C01IStrUC6013 5shook A. VrepAr- baseliim camiruction SCIK-dA,- iu accordaum Wiilti Seclion Qt 72 tb aald PMV ide ni F Mcuils{nratkn M=ring. b- City will nolify C:ontr MV of any �phedule i;hail€es upmk Noljec of I` "Irucliarl Mcc:Kirlg. S. Pi-c l iminary Agenda may Fnclude_ io. hurodud ion of Proicet Personnel h- Ccneml Descriplion ref PrgjW C- Status Of ri$I►1-0111--wgg, krl i I ity r,"ren , "sflilerLts Or jM11ar TKrtinent perm 11:5 d. C Mkirar-lueA %%, rk plmrl end sclledulu r- Contract Time F Nwivc t-D Proceed g. C011SIFUC60n -sta1£irkC, h. F-OgMSS iilYt C331Y, i- Extra Wcrk and C'11imliv: Cr&r ?R5Mdkfl'Cs j, Field Ojxlurs k. Disprl AI 5i1c I.91.1cr fear Waste Male031 I. 1 rlsurancc Rcmwals m. Fmyroll C&Airicalicin n. Matcria l Cci l i fical ions and QuaJ ily COM01 Testing 43. Pobliu Safety and -C.Lommience P- 13wknientalion of Pft-CUMIru4011 Conditions - Weakcard work Nolifiallon r- LA�ga111olidays 3- Trenclo Safety Plane. t. Cuaif;ned Spme Fiery Slandards t�. Caerdinatiun with the OV's repimseilml i Ye for OKMIlons ofe sisting walev systems Slams Wat-r ftHI t1411 PITWAtian Ilan w. Ceordinetim with 0Ihcr CORIMCI S X. J".arly W&MiRg.SY8a9jn y. CxF trmlor ElealW81 iprl Zr Special Conditinn5 spplicRt le to 11w ])rujccl aa. L73magC5 Chi[JIS big. 5ubm iltal Pr vdMlres cc. Substitution Precodums dd- Comsponde1kv Ruuting &0. Record brawhigs Tempomry WfiSIFUCI ign fu i I ities Mg. BF Or M BOSBE PrrOMdUrrs 11h. r»ra1Acncptal,ce 4. Final Payment , - Qmtkmia or Com meets CITY OF PANT woun I 1wa1rR�1 �NdIIIYr} 5s5m Fsrlacxureid ST LMRIi 4XR+ISTRuc-riON -WIR ,`IM-A'I X)N IXXUME:NTn KYAr 171 +�Cl' 2011.11'Smx 1.3 SURM I TTA LS I NOT UShl)1 1.6 AC I'ION StIBM lTTA LS/l N FOR MATSON AL SUBMITTA LS I NOT USFUI 1.7 C1OS1AIM-1 SUBMIT-TALS I NOT U%F D 1.8 MAINTENANCEMATERIAL.SifBMIT-rAI 4 IN!}T 11: ED1 l.4 QLrAL IT Y ASSU Il A NC`I? [NOl' USS .1.k1 1,10 F1El VERY,4Tf RA[.E.ANb IIAN1)LING SNOT USED] 1.11 FIEI,I) IsrrFi r-C)NDI'I'IONS INOTLISFI} 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USE11] PART 2 - PRODUCTS I NOT I �%EDJ PART 3 - EX FiCUT50N IN( FI' 11%Y 1)1 f- DATE. EN D OF S FCTION Revii ;o, W.R 'NAME SUMMAIEY OF C'H, MCiE -u1 31 19-1 rap 3 of 3 OTY (w FLW,I,%"mrlI Wmiprend Yonbur} 7iewrr k Fbuxmsnl STANDARD ixXH%'l'RLK'tiItW 9MIFIVATIL]N 00CIR` MES mNrRAll 20L. W-WIC ltav6M Awgw 17. bQ 17 {yl Y Irml:l T W). 1103sm SECTION 01 31 20 PRCUECT MEETENGS PART I - C EN ERA 1. I.1 $I1Q1'iiVLARV A. Secti&.n 141cludlcs: 013120-1 PRCUI- 'TMEETINOV. P*c t or x 1, Froviis ons ffir pro*1 1nC1r1i13jrs thUMIF)ID111 the consinI tlon period to cnahlcorde* Fuy imv -DF the rwomms of the Work find to prow idc For symcmal ir, discussim Of polenrinl prokkknis 13. Devi�vions this City of Purl WoFiJ1 Slandard 5pccifical-INI 1, None. C- Rckaitd Specifrcatkmi Seetim ir,clkrdc� bkli ;Or c'nQd n0=-'-Brily Iimiud to: t. Division 0 — Bidding RcguiFemcnis, Cxmirw FOFft; mild ComdktiNm of The Com met :2. Di-V!i%L0FL 1—0-MIUBI RLjk1i=n1Clk15- I.Z PRlCP AN0 PAYMENT PROCEDURES A- Me9xllremorll and Pay Incni 1_ Work wtlxWed %vlih This lierrr is consi idmd sabsidiary is llic wariims imms hid - No mparsie paYlrlcrtt rwiI I bO allowod fnr III is Ikern . 1.3 RVVEJ ENCES [NOT USED] IA ADMINISfRATlVFRFQtJIRKMFrNVS A. C'om-dillaiion I . SeMm It, att-end and adnkinisiv as Tecifw d, periodi[r, rmgress racetirigS. 811d spcei ly c;klW iMtd ings i Imughout pmmrm of the Work. 2. RcVrescmarivc-s of Caaitr, lor, subconlrac6om aFA S"pliCM allcr4ing3H=ring5 sJlall he qualified -and mithorind io xT on twhm If-nrthe cm ily "ch r-.presents. 3. Mectingsrrdminisrorcd by l -iiy may be tape mcoo-dod. a- 1r r rdcd, iapLn *ill be Lmd to prepa rem i mimes and rciai iced kv l;' y for firtow reference. 4.+leetiikgs, in �ddilar�n to Ilrosc slr�cilicd in ibis Slctinl7� aii�y h�: Intl ti�rhrt�ircytleslcl by itM City, J�Pr�inftF OF Corllr4WOV. A- Pre-cmisiruci ion Ne Ighlwthncd Meeting I . A4 ff flle ex0Cu11i0rl ofdw Agrccmvkl. bw hefare emstrurtinfi is Kll6wtd 10 begiii, allend 1 PLiikkrC Mieting' Nvkth affix:tcd rrtildlemils tCF; A. t rescnt pFiijccled scliatkle, iirclkiding COW lFuaion slam dale b- A33SWCF rally conslrikciiom mlatcd qw-stiams �. Mccliii� I.�cfitar�li �. I.oc Ri i�an of ukkx.lillg t� � �elerrli iai� by 11Mc �`Gl�+. .1. Altoidecs U11rY4)I• FC*Vl' W[WIli Waierand .Lzni mSiam kepbcmmnt .WrAN;3on('[MM114U�1IfN), 11PU- IFWATION piXuAf MIS CONURAVr M2I. wsM,C Irwrkd aulx' i_ 2011 c'i ry Incm.'f f r+ j. mma 4J 33F 2-D•2 Mum J EETINQ; Leo 2 odd A. CCHIIrmotor fJ�- I'r XCI Repro.Wjil*jllVe r,, O111er CAy raaprOsenrBttYCs 4. Welling Schedule ?I- In�ancral, the nwighboriklud nitxliji�+Fill 4yst1r3vi11tiij1 Lhe 23vcclk9 fallowing 1110 pre-€uWlrl.idicn Wafciciice, b. fn aoa em vMi11 cunsirimiian alWwed 10 bogus 1.111161 This meeli-ng is held. D. Pmgmss Mcetirip 1. Formal projmL €.oandirwion rkOMG1598 will be bc1d perWicaliy, b' lungs will be schediiilccl mnd Rdmio-Islere d by Prujcct Repr%miialivu, ?. AS diiiioml progrc!5,R mee1irlgs to discuss spe6lic lopics w i I I be u ductad Dn $14 ms. G7esdud bmis- Sucli additioINRI meafiW shall include, tmit 11ot be liirribcd lu: a. Coordinating sbutdowns b. I11siallatim nr Ri ping and eq oipliierLl D. Coordinintion iavrwcvi *drer €onm [Nwl ioii projocrti d. Rcsolutioli c4mNSMIOU11 isxacs e. ll.Nuiponrrni appmwA 3- The Projecl RepLestmalive wiII preside at #r#b-rcm Inc€Iin&s. pmpare 11ic males of Ibc mco hig niNd dial ribLlle oopin Qfthe Sarni: 1a al I earl is ipents who .so mquesl by fully dompieiing llir atkmdame folrrrl lu be c.irculwtcd RI the begliining of caeh n1C4R& 4. Aitendarlr`e shall include: a. Oadkimims projenr Inangcr b- 11rXjOes sap-aj-MLi:ad :iil t- Any swbmnjwjgv or stippllerrepreKntatjw-us %vhaiMi the Contras or inivy desire tO inVi1C Ur 1110 City may rQgjMCN1 d. Enj ihirvr's mpreic11 mt1vc5 e, City`s rePrtsCrlaliuCs r 014cm. as-mgtleswd by isle P jcci 11cprewilaiiivr: 5. Preliminary Agi�ndm If ill + inirlu a. Review of Work progress since previous mroi n.� h. Field cibscrw;qli'Orl.s. problems, con€liers C. IW.1135 Which iInWe constrLichon srklcclLl lc d. review Of Off -sire faMPa(iml, delivery WhtAukm V. RcviCw Of CODS1rL1C11011 inlerfaehjg anSj sequem i3ig rcLl uirLrmr Nk1s wills Olhgt' L:w11s1r1Jc1fork CorttMCJS f, Carrecrivv momsures and prxcilkims to Lupin prajecled wlicdule J�- R€vkjalls 1¢ 00miruc:tion scheduIc b. Petigrcm. sch€dule. �ilriog ai ding WDrk period R, Coons i 1191io11 of swIKtidu Ic% k. AbilIrcrlrl11110e Of"CIuality Still1j ills I, Pending changes end:EASli 004111E m. Rrw icw proposed c1ianpts for: I ) .Effec4 on cansi rlwl inn st heda lle acid on cSr nplel ioii date 2) EfTed on onccrcomram of the i opjeor n. k"icw Record D kilm-Mr. a. kcvicw monthly pay ticsl L-ITY Of FORi WM711 14+�r aa� *� RgVIwemcol STANDARD 11 N%1XL%• rJON %PEOFI€ATION EXX .W.N B a L(AVrkA-LT 344 L. Vt,'sm-c Rvrimd Jam}• 1. 2ili I {-1)11' F91JJECT NG. I D3.%O n3510-1 I'RQJF.CTMEMNU& pw l of 3 P- Kevk v rXim-us of Rcqucsis rar In rorlttation 6. MCT1 ing SCILLAUte a, Progmn mee itW will be klJ pub-odically udelormlFhA by the 3�rq RcprcS9D miWC. I Addiliols�l mcIi�tgs Ott+ be htl+J $i Iit� rctlursl nthe= a) oily W F ngincer c) COMMUEar �, [�d�Clinglatiorl a, TJte i�I1�' ��i I l ��Laba islti a �t�oc1 i Iti� In��l iDGl , 1 j To the rxicnt Fu acticFEWc, incel ingg will he held 04 ibc Sim 1.6 ACTION SUBM1TTA LSAN FORM ATION AL SUOM VITA LS INOT I_ SPD1 1.7 CLOtS£OUT SUBMITTALS INOT USED] 1,8 MA I NTFNANCF MATERIAL SU Bpr MAMS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUAL1'1'Y ASSURANCK JNin LJS Dj 1.] I} DELI VERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING INOT U SED] 1,11 FfELD f5]TFF] CONDITIONS [NOT USED1 f.11r WARRANTY INOTUSFDI ]`ART 2 - PRODUCTS JN(Yr USED1 PART 3 - EX FCUTION [NOT USED k I)A'[1= NAME KN 1) OF WCTEON ReviS;olk IAS SUMMAPtY ()F C1 M NG r crrY CIF FORT woRm Wzky mrd Smnilar}' %mmr 1 gANpem o1 STANr RDCOMTRUE-n(WsPEcJFICA-riaN Di)cu r..Nr% ccwrKACT M 1. WSM.0 Rcw6cdJLJ% 1.20Pt MYI'R()Jr.{"f NO. 10M. CIUNr'-fR�uC'FI4� f��ftl�;.'NF.L�Lf1.E I SECTIOIN0l3'216.1 2 CONSTRUCTION SCHED ]LF— BASELINF EXAM N.I .� PART 1 1 - GENERAL 10 12 13 14 15 Id IF Is 94 3G 21 22 n 2A 25 26 �T 2A 2,9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4k 42 0 44 4.5 44 UI 32 1& 1 NOC 100 Vic foHowing is mI example of& CoMrWor's #ropftl Sched[I le IIMM 111IIslrarCs tho ftu and axparA IL M for sclw dolle conlent depioling Iltc baselitK For 11w pwjcel. 3bi$ vmion ortk s.chodi k is icfvrFod [a ms a "WiC I i3ke' scheduir- llis i-,%SMPIC ix inW13ded tD 1NOYide guidance for dw C-Ont=Ior vwhirll {Icvcluailig 1141d S-uhttillhMg a IvscIitw; whcdulc_ S-MCFW %Ixmilication 0 132 16 Co"Cuelion Sr hod u le for deMails arid regkl i rcnicnts regard iitg 1 he C-untraclor's ppgiftl schedule, (-IT3' ew 1:1WI %4' A] I I V wmm Ind &mhn o W4j4Kv `P1 STANIMRpiL( WMf W'lNIN sIMFC-1�jC6A7M 3XXUMENFS �'S]I�fI�t�S�P�I�i, Wsm-c' RevisM Amg l 1). 201 C'IT: IPRU. WT NO. W III M A2 18.1 CONMlC'J N IWIC1{]RUSSCOV134A- : • HA'-F1.PNF EXAMPLE Ibwc 2 df 3 L +_ i � i I ��• r , - „ ... — l--� _ E j I t2. it � iE � ar Y .. •: •y n a � r 4 * � I� � 9 S � � � . I �: � •. ff{�a 1FI +r L Q ;o CL 3 1 • Ky t t Lm 3j C6 rw a e I M CQ g In 4 F fi Y b R■ r x r e R 9 t It t m n-■* r C 0 ;m - r-- 5 Qzr ff u C — R — S FF T: R V :P P. } ■ T IR F! !a 4 L; 40 9 t Y• ■ T R, C �• a Rra 1 1�3v9 Av 4w RFI9 c 07 pv ,FwR 1 . CI I L71• WRI WXIRII{ IInxd JLrgj LN.)wek MAN I R�rC��N4TII,LAL71CIN SPF.CIFJ€ A-n(7f1}l7MPAE.14N jC jlQjtcl .ywftrl Road Auguu I], 1U2-1 of 12 a1S.1 cxxNSixlx'LisNIPKLx11:1u! A% IIAs■:■.IWI•OfAM I. Fm � ds s I I I I f T 1 L _ T. iL I • � {d r I I Q6 {y i I y K I; r t i. u .:.s•d LS 4'L; L5 a 4 L' k (U F R K N 4 A N a I I V� .1 -a R Ir 0 V6 lumm�. r TI 7r ' LY R j y .. r v ' :P P 1, . r t Y P G I i CL I LL FR R } 0P - 9 R S, R ., Rrt-1BF!2 RJt-•A I 3 x{ K uX R a.. ..'n F;'r:10 f•Y M'.13F �f V Ic 4 Y y k MY OF FORI %N%L rlI jluaen PPL"gNnnKi NITANM RO C 43N STR L K"F I ON rb rRl Fl CA TIR W I Y,X LW1:NTS Nwft;i PgL"bFi■ri�7� RetiAupq jx.=] Dp 32 P& I -COMTRUT'110N M x iF4 0o, %A,iir.,.i 5ti i I- - BASELINE EXAMPLE. hav 4 ar� L. ... . ... ... . ..... ............. ... . ......... ....... .. . ..... .... ....... Fl � FL IB MP6 3!6 it IL ;E V CITY OF FURT WORT14 r ..TANDARDClDN%TlkLlc'TI(W-sri-c"i:l<'Arl()N ixx-ijmk1jr5 lRerk9d ALtjM 13, 2WP 6 * * I Incri irrajoci NblRj Lik5rWil Pe0jM N411kktp M 12 16.1 CMSPI ktIC'PION PROGIR1-34: SO IF.L;LN.1: LL NLL.INF. V.X MX.P. Pegs 5 0f5 N.KD OF SECT ION R�'rlitl�� 1x� July2C.2018 K ]mum 101fid lum MBy 7_ XQ I M C;W= ItM13*&ROM 0 &k-IEk 71t'ehiM tkC SC6MWl1!MW k:1RMi1O11 ('1'T1' (W FQ9'I' %WJRYl1 I Idwil INj Nc Nirdcl STANDARD C(WSTRIK-T fSKCaFICATION I} UIMF.NTS Elno-tri I'm ir-cLNun cry Tt-�v'srdAmgad IA.202I 01 u 1.15.3 MNMAL"ION PACRIIS $CIAFIAMIK - PRWREM EXAMPLE Pw I ors 1 SECTION -0132 16.2 CON S'i'RUC I` ON SCH F DE 1 [ 17, - PROGRESS EXAM PI.F PARI I - G EN ERA L I -FINe follmvinl� is an cxampk- of a Cootrador's pfqjeut sclradide flim Mustrales the dials amd 5 cxP�90a11ion fVF :!ichrdu1a aonwill dclriclir}g Me pmgrms for the pmjiml. This version of ffic 6 sl: hcduk is rcrmed II} as -a "progress" schc dole, This a mpk is hilutdod lu proy We I gkl idAr C12 f-OF tirr, C[MkIFrlcioF 3-Y]acr1 dcwea0J)irlg 4113ti SLIbMiH inp a 13MgressseiEad�6e. Stx 8 CFW SpL-eibCArion 01 12 115 Cram (NICIion SCIkedWe fordmails and m ylirelrr ms rogirdirl& 4 dmic Conllractor's project suhedu le_ 10 12 13 14 Is 16 17 14 19 20 31 22 21 N 25 2152 27 { " OF FORT VMRTM V41W *1 M*iiwr Scm a keplmnwi S-FANDARD CMWMLPCnL1N SPLTtFK7AJrJt n iix.XlaMI[.KM CI W I RACT 2021,W&M-C' OF 32 02 COW] RLIC CON PROURMKIIEWLL'-- P(Lf}4]RLS�EX1�7�}1'I,E' FaKe2ors 1 i I 31 1{ i .......-... 3- .... _..... .............. __. 1.......... . -r {+ C. -1 { .0 N .. .I ra .. .I f. fl s, r. .. '. /. r. ti i.l rdr IV ep i I, it st -- •• =1+ a'1 •'� .� ju L. r� f Y Fr M' i1 A .' 1F 71 Y - t* + .". + " Y - 5r !� 3 w 7•' 7 'v' v 77 •S �r k k tbita n I# zi3 a - :t 1!f+' � = et A! f !L - M V e•- r.1 4.0 - ff oola C L I+'tg 9 7CnTr• :C4P_Lr3�!P-C r -r A K+-�--lk$��F���c�'�Cr {'�, r j�^nitc•agYh � �f$ ��r u L P t A �» � C FTY Cr. FORT WORTH 111jkr w d Smilen Sean Rep6mrwcol -9TAND&,Rl; VORS fRUCTLON SPECInCATKDN CK3tTM 1'.z+l7S C5OR RACT M20.WSM -G Kimsad ,topki 0. N21 -'Il'Y IIKGJL'CT NU JOYA I I 0132 M2 C7❑NSTRUC-1 PON PKOrjRFciS SCI ll;LXJL�. - Mg IjiLHSEXA M.F. NP & as pe w2 F# ._� .� � '. .. ,. r. �, •, r, •.'.�.:...� ,* ri r. rr r. r. r. ��.•.�-� r� rw� r. r, .�.�, .. R'! 43 t 'Q LK i Q. 4� g n �J x � � ' Al I 1 -P kp or a l$ tr � e � � r ' r^j�4 C !}r t p kF R R R- It 51 w-- R v—. 9 R Le a 11 p,A pxfIN M M� RATC,j 0 -gw. f kIr PMR LD -13 mytw FcwrWORTl1 WAll;rend Saambn• icwtir RgM*Ond EnL .STANL;AiK +€ (MTRIX-11M tPFLjpjlr TjDN fk'}€ IlMr..N 1.41 C�]�+IiR C"] 2&qt M : RCvifi�d,i�vl I �I {11Y 101.411 01 )2 362 CONF.'TR LwnuN MKIPLI'l-iL %DKIWLE - FWXWC55rd7LAMPI-V- hiW4 OfS LV...... 31 A 19 0 r' o fP D Ot -4 411 4 p .9 t f A f dr CL I L) CFFT (W F()F'T WOU ki %V&Wr miW Sanitmry Sewu Rtowtim-m STANDA!Kn Ct*'P,, Fitl Wl ION SIPWWWATION D(XVPePLA"I S CONTRAf-7 2QQW%ikl-(j Revisal Augusl 13.2W 1 CJTY PROJIM-1 W IfLW I I 01 A2 16.2 CVMWMLK-r1i1N RR[} AM%�&HEDMI; - RRCGRwMb' ITXAMRLC pw 5o4r� END OF SVMON July 20. 201a M. jpn-di Jnlllai imuc M ' 7. I MCh"r1 RL:tiio-aNl nurgtdutl15 rtMW4 ftSChCdalc �qxtlfc;lLi¢II - CITY CM: FDRT ti1kIKM ST.mNIA,iRDi,ft1nli UC7N*FSPPCIFJCATISaN LW;CLJML•xI-,,. RCOQ0Avgmi IJ, MI WRIcFmW IIh114fir "-er ktpd&Ptwtu {'[]!', ILA-L-1 2029."M4 Ull Y 1'k❑jK-T W.). IG]411 0132 16A NAILROVI I YF, Page L-or F Reporriag Period: Project Name: City project Na: City project Man4 er: SECTION 01.32 16.3 CC NSTRU CTI ON PROMC'r SCRE DULI; PRIG RE SS NA RRATI V 8 Gix� Iisuid; Conuvaor Compamy Nerve, nVudar SdwWe CvrrtaI M k List of activitios chaF190 1 in the r0portiri � perioid. 1, (Insert text here) 2, (irw5ert text herv.) 3. (insert text hers) 4. {Insert text here) S. (irmw text here) G. {insert text her-E) 11. List any pate ntia l delay$ -and provide rn ij i9ation action % 1. (Insert wxt here) 2, (Ir*ert text herel 3. (1rerert text her%a) Q Ust any actual deloya a d provide recovery action � insert text h�r�� 2. jirlsert text M) 3. ftert texthere) C r W FOrl wnnl% leg" C&h n dkA Amted SIM31dule Nary ad we R[p,Yt rof I F W PrDXCL% A&Ased Au16I5R ill. Y inee 14)rt 01Uk5-I Pte 1 0r1c I SECTION 01 32 16 try ,1S1`J kJ l'Il i,1 S"IMULE, 3 PART I - GE, E 4 1,1 WAIMARV 5 A, Sccli-bn JLie lude$; 6 I, i3UFICFR1 rcquiFemcnis for like preparation. subirifila9, Ntpdathig, MIU5 rclpoll rrga nd 7 nnanaVrneikt of Me Conslnlcl ion Progrm Scliodik c 8 2, SpccGrie Fcyu innicnts arc presented in like City of Foil worth Schcdu lc C ilsidi3FKV 9 IlacA mcni 10 1i Davialiolks frodn this CiWof Fw Worlh Slandard 5pot ilication 1 1. Iona. 12 C. Rclalcd Spceifiw�atfon Seelions include, WN are n,al r-cc--sarily lirni" ta: 13 1. INvisinn a — Bid dinp. k,cqu irerrloills, Colllract ForiMFS wid C-Diif ilkmm rsf lire -(: nngraci 14 2, Diwisim I — (ienemil kcxgk6rcilluills 15 D. Purixm Ifs The -City of Fort Worth (C ) is mFoni ilted to dlcliwcriRg 4uKliry, coal-effeclive 17 liifrastructure to its cMizeiis in liuretY r mmer_ A key lWl 10 hulkigwe 111i51}11rposL is a 18 pp%operly sirkKturcd subediulc with occur -we updates. 'illiS SupporkR-efrective mrmdorin� 19 0j-j)FQgnM said is ilrpua t* crititAl deCi3i011 nsihkift by like prOjcci n1;0rkjhgCr1hMtLgh0L11 20 t11e Rlicofllke prcIca Isla !rKmn the LL]3&Rled f"DaCTA sdlrutiuk isUI-I ad ink Milks 21 rcparting to various lntlsof the Cil� organjeAlion $t+d lircarjtiM13F '_ 22 �-3 This Ducuokeni mnpoleFvwIN15 the ('70`s %ta udl and A ML:13 11 10 side the "isinwi ion 24 wntraclor (Confect-ar) in l re}xari iag and submill hug gemplable schedules for use by the 25 City inpmjov dclGvuy- The cxpcclalion is the perfummnce of the kmrk VfowsThc 3a6 Acccfta5d schedulc wEd adhere to like milrnclualtimcline. 37 28 Thq (:CinlVM1,Dr 3-vi.11 &-sigmate u qualified representalNe (Proj t 9cchcdulcr) r+c-xsnsiblc 24 fog` deaeiopfikg,likd Nrlxiatilrg the schrlduk. m id prcpliriakg gAILIS rupol'liskg ifi5 required b}' 34 lhre C-ily, 32 A. Nicasurement mid Pa}'we111 33 I_ Wurk asscpziutod w th lhis It�cro isconsid,crcd SUbSidiary tU the Varil] S IWIIkSbid. 3d No sep i-ale parr mcni will be alk nwA for th is I tem. 35 2, f*t(a1-ac,ml1l iRnce wilh lh6 specillcallon is growads for Cily to withNA payment of �& the -Conlractoes in1'ok 5 tv it Caailraictor ac hicm said cumpknricc. 37 1.3 RFFERE:NCFN 38 A. Pru*t Scliedules ST,4:II)AKV(-(M RIX-FKV vWFX'11:K;AlION GtiXUMFtM KImijRrtir'I'202I,WSWC' KCV60 Au" 0. X! I S'I'I N I+FI{7KCT W). 103IN 01nrfi-i CON&TRUCTION FRf%KF..%Lt SCHEDULE 2416 € Each project is rcpMcMeA by City's mRslor projeot sclweduk Ihal cnwmpas.� ttK e17lire scope of arvtiwitirs riaui!51011 d ti�y the City !o properly dcHvcr the work, WIlan the C:ily contracts with -t Contrmclor Io Perform vinsinKiion of The Work, ilie Caniramor 4 kwill &v lup attd nmiMain a schedure for (heir scope or work inahignnioal %Pith 11te 5 C11y'sslaradarri .wAtedule rcgtlircnieaM s. as dented hvmin_'Fhr dFkta and fnf-orrimlIb6 of 6 each siic11 sclirdul€. with bi; 1r Yerfiged awl become iellegmi inihc nliLSicr plojr J 7 szheditlG as dumed appropiime by the Cily's Pnojevt Conlro4 Sr i lixi undapproved 8 by the Cily's Project Manswr_ I i . Mmsicr Prgjcct Schedule I 1 11ia nTastcr projecl scltcdole is R 1�01 isiiv repF=nlal inin of I lie scheduled neliviiin 12 mid Inilesto= for the twal project mid be Cr1lical Palli Melliod (CPM) Wsed. The I� City's P�Djioct Mmnagcr isaccovra-able for-DVMigllt of1hr, reveloplt<lent and A Inafatoirrittz2 master project schedule for euh pmjwA- When the Cif+ comrXts fa4- I5 The -design :fl100rCMFk51tv0lio13 O1`ihe prd7jM, the iMMMIsler Pmjest sehcriulcwill 15 i ncorporale elotitctas of the Dmign and �'onipl roctiGn scl udules ay, dwiTtod 17 approMa c by the City's Project C'rsaiiral SpociRtist. The resigned City Project 19 Cw4vol Spcxaalist emtc*i $I,d mai]n%iw the +nx3mv ivojecM si hvdule in Flo (C ity's 19 sfhudulingsoftwarc)- 29 21 2, i onstmtion sdiedule 22 Tlkc C0111FACW is Monslble for drvelaping and niainlapsing a seheclrl lc fvr 113e 23 scope of the CuiniTsmor`s Dnnirx Rl 1+egiihmineins. The C*3h1F&rt0r will kssUCalJ 2A initial schod„Ic for f0YiCkV and eptorice by IIJc Cily'y 11MjQel Canlrol SpCUialis1 25 ai"J the C Ly's Projrei Moo3g r as a b liftschaduGc ear Coniraclor's sop+e of 26 wofk. Clain l-ar veEGI iisgw £grim-pl, acctlwate updaws rtf IhCir WhPdulc(Proi;t'ess 27 schedule) Ia the Clly a1 Me cttd of each month ibroiiighout 1lie lifb of their wDrk_ 28 h. Schedtl le Tiers 29 The Ciiy has a p ni Col io of projects thifil vaTy widely ns sib, complex ily aLid car ient 10 recluirift d i &rent sahcdtl ri IMg la effectively delirr~r c-sch;project. the City Mies e 31 —rpered" rlppru,aclt to align the properschedtlle willt Ilse eHicria for each pdojecl, Tiie 12 Cily's Projecl Manilger dcicmi rocs Itie appFcrpriate s iedWe tier for each prnjw, and 31 includes ibal desigmlion acid Inns ilssacimcd rcguim11cvits ilM ihr: Cw11ract*r's sanpeof 34 WOrk. The fol lmvilkg e€ a {umlllary of the "hers'`_ 35 x I. Tier I: $mail ';L�c Rid 29hort Doratioti Project (dmiigii real Foquired) �2 Thar City devv6nps and nviintaius ;n Master PrQ*,1 ScIllmduk fOr the project. No M schedule submittal 6 rcyuircd fr-ntrt Colliraclar. Cjjy's Project CQvillrDl gpceiitrisl 39 scgvir-r,.s Fkily accessary scjwdr ,le staters data or infer liar through discinsinrrsiviih 44 ilrc Msi+ccliV-C PdIly On all MIS -Medal besis. 41 42 1 'tier 2: ti135all'5 in and Shorl io Medirdih f]ureliou PMjcr't 43 The City develops and TmiDD ins a Kanter PFuiccl Schcdotc for 114e prc►jecl. The 44 Conl reclor ideI1l1frWL9I5rr1" and Ilknisll" milMom dales urt key e1Glnea5 of 1IMe1s 43 work as;Igrt*d with 11rc C'iMy'5; PpQjv,;1 MMi at llte kieknIT43f their kyork effoTl_ 46 The Contraclor issctrs to the Ciry, updates to the "stArl" and''liniS13" dates for suell 47 milesto m m ilic end of each monih IhroughOui the life of Ih(:ir %Veers on 11rcproject. 48 49 3_ Tier 1; M diUM alid IlAlfo SiMLWOOF 03FIR cx 3311`100ieels R-egardless-of Uraratiotr CITY UW FORT WORM WRWend Unary Sma RsplX-Currnl $r'AMMR1)0 TRiKT10N5PFARC'A7K)FFXX11Mk1VP ClONTaAr-f1Wi ,h krc Rer.AgPMd 1). M3 I CITY PRf t1R, I' \[ h. rlkl •i7D W 32 16.1 C MSTRUCTILWPI#{Xi#Fr`n*r S:19MM1. rw3af10 1 The Ciig develops and M;Rjni#iFM a Masi& PrOjett SctiedUle fOr like prOjcci- Tho 2 Corm -actor d, Wopsa J�&wlilie Schedk11c and imiiii4iim lhv sehodule nFiheir 3 tespvw ive scope of%vork on ilic pro t M a kvtl of detail f,,geiierally l,cvc13):pnd is 4 aligninm 4witli ilm W 41 rucl arc ili Seclionl NAM as agoW by Vic Project 5 Mariager. The ['untraclor issblcs to the City. Updates otiticir m5pcci ive schedu It G (Progress SOK&lc) al th& end OFeft6 nlolilh t111<M19hDu1 the IikofiliuirlvoFk 611 the 7 pNjecl, C. Schedule T� s Pooject delivery for the Cjq Alinns iwo iypLt of schedules as nosed belmv. The City 10 dcv&ps and mainlailis,t Mas4er PrajOCR Schedule of a " a&c1irW' schedllle end issue 11 nionllily updaws to the City Projcai Mm>l gge(end PFex� month) :os s "Progress" 12 sck4hLic. 'ncc Centreclor prcpares and sub4nitsceh what le type to flu If 11their 13 cons raclual requiremCnt-s. I4 15 1- Baselime Scliedide 16 The Coni raclor rf�Ioips xid skibm ils to the Cite, on initial; sohedule f; r their seopc 17 of work in aligrurwill with Ibis spec i rication- Once FvU is%ved aru! a"Apled by the is City, ii becookcs the "baseline" schcdu to and is the basis tLgOiikst which all prrvSK-SN 19 � mcm5u cd-'I'Jre bA stA-Me sclieclikie Zvi ll be UpJalad whcn llrerc is a C11909a or 20 addili(w to the c of work impAciing like durati011 of the wDN4. and onlyaftcr 2 L toc6pl Gf n Duly rruthorin-d 03aage order inued t�y the IY4. III ihlc cvclil progress i6 22 sigilikalilly behind schcduJc, the -City"s fqccl Manager may tmlhm�rin ml 1lpdht-0 23 ie the hasctinoschedute Io facililatcfk ITEPT praciiMi cVM1UE1 Md Of progmS. An 24 exomple or n amlinc Schedne is prow ided in Specification 01 32 I M 25 Cuilslruclion Projeei Scll rk� Flaseliue DkampG&. 26 27 2. Progress Sch dok 78 The Contmoor ikpdates tl]rrir .-kV IICdL1IC at U10 -mkd of each nrwnkh to repnc�.cnt the prpVmss achieved M the 4york which iWkldes any impart from iniMhorizod chengvs 30 in III.3Vor6 . Tile Updated nhcdLilc mast accffa'tcly WflCel the cUMIli status or OW 31 work ai ihat pGin1 in lime a0d is refcrrod to ar. the `'Pmgmss Schedule", The C'ity's '2 Rmjeci �4aii gcr aild Project i�7onlrol Special iS4 Miews and Mccpis each pr ogress 3 sclk idle. In 11ic event a progress selaedide isdeamed I40t aceltPO c,I:hr 34 unacceptable issues are idenlified by Ibe City wi� thin 5 work-ing days and the 35 C- nInRclor mLr91 po-owick All; 8C*eI5Q le PrOgM5-W�ndulrr with in 5 wuHking days .14 a Rer nKviC IA of non-srccePUMoe 3304if ienlion- hrk ex;fi Fple of p Pr%ngI S %chedulc is 17 provided in Sjwif"i� on 01 32 1 &-� Opnstracdon Rnjcot SAALI10 Pragmss A 1'carnple, 40 l'he ro1jovwing L-�an overyiew of llte WLhiDd-nlrrev ter rlcve6 Pj"g arwl liiaillukhRialg a 41 sehedMtle for 4elirmy ofR pro s. w,rANI mAD CCN&TRtI{TM .WLIIFT[-AI K3h 1A K,I NeIHgT.s CV N I HAVI 42I. 4'4M,C R4YISQd AmSllSL 113- M t t'L IV MMU'I' NO. I USW aF 32 16.4 I*r # od 10 1 1. ScW11le Fmilkewurk - The s lwlu le wile N l med on the defmod scope orwork 2 MCI follow Ilse (Critical P'a h MciIKA0109y) CPM incthud. The('5n1rF1C1oeS I RehedtlW will align with Ilic rccloiremenls of1his specifKaibnn mild will kbtw l 4 loaded to reflect their Plan for emeal ion. Corn PIN nre wit h ensl 10241 Ing cm IL be 5 prt►AlleA w1th trbilMIMI -0091 l"diag or Him itew OR p 1pk uj"lrtd eaml per 6 Itrkaal h fur 1 he project wlkeik I lkv in] HA se hcdnlc Js 31itjij j tI C'ti � tl past Isd On a 7 9ugrtel'ly birds is sign 111cant chmage i� gatickpolkd.Overall NdULLlnk-dalralion B will a1k6n1 wills the mmrraclual FeilWFerrlcrlts FOr the res"ivc scope of work uld be reft"W'd ill CJIy's Mas[rr PrgjW' cheduIL The Pru*; Numhu alai game o1Yhe Proj"t i5 req uiroti on McJ3 sclmidule and mull luMch 11w Ciiy's project4flu- II I2 E. Schedule Pile Nam 13 All sxdlodutcs wbmilled to the Cily for a prejcel wi 11 11;Hw ;fi file name I bat begins witli 14 the Oly's pro)eer number fol luwmd by IIIe r -mme of I& prejwnf follnivcd h� 1irrJ ige (if 1.5 a I=line scheftle) or the jwnr uFrdmwipjh Cia pr4gmss Sella 10l as shoWn hclw 14 17 . Bweling Schcdw re Filc NioiIrc fS Forrrv, Cily ProjcE[ Numkc—ProjectMme—Bmcline 19 Fxmmpie; 1013F.6—NcHnh Nlonigonlery Slmq IJMAC 1!z1iiw 2 21 } ]'xo r s SehMu le Ho Name 22 Form d: City ProfM Nwmber Prapael Cat Fft_VYYY,Tw M 23 Foam#le; t 01176 North MonlgmciT Suom IdJV AC 70 19 01 v 11r3ject Schcdik f rogres,,-?fanraiin FkNwne 26 FuFlilaI: t'Eiy F�ojcu lqumber—Prc jeeWsune PN YYYY-AIM 27 f:xampL 10t37dp_North Molligowery S[reel IAMAiti' PN 2018 01 29 29 F. "Schedulc Tcmoakes 30� llic C-okuraver mA dti1hr the wL-vaja smrions frojjG the Cily`s wmplFkms prorrWed ill 31 the r'11y'adockment muringument sysicin u5 Ihe bmt s far crooning Hicir m4xclive 32 p3vj= sclicd life, r,,,. i FiQi I ly, the C"flntrjtcior's .wkdvle will al ign %vi'rh the layow of 33 the € opisEru0li011 seuiion_ The iem1 ho" are ick-milled by type of project as imed 24 be low. 35 ■ Arleriirls 36 r Avio1 in* 17 Neimhbwfroe<d 41rce1s 3J3 * Sidcmiks €Ia[crj 39 * QiOct Zor—[MCC) 40 a Sireet Li®11s (laler} 41 1 MUM 10111111PEUVCIMC S(Jale1-) 42 f J'rkS 43 * Norm IWtef 44 SIrrxr MA111teisance 47 48 G. Sck-duke CLmkYrdar Ol't (VVORT%KMTI1 w4wrA Wl 5animr}' SaveerReplrctumm ST hNJ)ARJ) C TFktx"rK-w R1'WtFk'A i li ]4 1xM-kIM1:NTS :L% N rRAk7 2021_WSM.L: R.n.iwd AupN I x. 30)1 itiT3' Rlif O. -r NO. 1-935W 01 33 14-$ CMURUCT" I' OGRINS SCI11'.1}UI-r 1`0C$03G The C iLy's standard calundlar for sckdule dcveloplYmnt 1purpuses iS Wi9d D" aj 5-day workw=k auld aeoolinls fcr the C11y'seight standard haliday%(Now Years. h+lmtiu 3 1.1kt1icr Klikg, Mcinneial, liklel?elicjcnecF Labor, Tklu*,sgivhjp, day aftfir Ibank wiDg. 4 Chrishims). 111e C0111F motor Will COmbilsh a scWuIe calelkd,-Ir m Dart of 1110schedllle i devc1opnicnl process and pravide to the PrajM 1r4anLrul S�oiF list as pert OfthVtLmis 6 fear therf schcdulc- Varialliombclwcekl Ihe Cu y3s caiccdar'10 1h,e-Corilraetof's 7 calendar MIL-311 be resalved prior io the Ciry's aecepla lscc nF their ItwRine pmajecl 9 Schedulc- 1 H. WBS & M i immne Standards for ScheMc DowixappmMki 11 'I'hc SCOPC Of Work to be aucomplisL- by Ilie C'onaracior i5 mpresmicd iriIlie 5chcdufe I in Me forte of a Work ikr"kdown Siruellim (15 BS3 The WPC% is Lhc kesis forthc B drvellopinam of Me SdNrduie aadliwiRiesand s1i311 bu bnbeddW and tl*icled in the 14 -3oliedrilc- 1� i s '['hc fbllowing is a slniirtlaly of 11ic sLundards to be folltny4d W1 Extperiab Lind 16 L7 maimaiaini; vschedhde For pTojcv drliver* . Is 14) 1. ConIMMOr is mquirrd io WilizeThe C4y's WBS strUcturc andMpeetive 20 p*Jw lypc Iumplalc for "Conrimm;timi" asshown in Secl ion 1.4-Hb-claw. 21 AddiliouaG livit" " be ad&4 to Lcvels i • 4 to pi>mmmudalc thenoixls 32 of llye o%anizwion ex ling the work. S1ecifKmlly the Cold War will add 23 =11vilks urkdcr WBS 7{XXXXX-SO-63� "CoWrwe.taofl F.xocutim" 1ha l 24 deN m4es the aclivilies ajwciated wilh the ,carious e0rliPIKnls of like kvork- '25 26 2. Cmiira3ctor isroquired to adberc to the Cily's 1,;%nderd Milosloncs Rsslwrwrtl 2� an 9ec1ion 1.4.1 below- CmIrmclor will ineFide addrtionai millc-Stom, rnpreseming iift medigle delivmb16 ay, r+xquirrd tO anoriratoly riled ilrcir 21} scope 0fW43Irk. A 31 I, Scimdulc A01v0 32 Acti i+ l ics arc Ifni discrete Ormir lx of;*otk that drake up the m'hudule, T>hcy wi 11 be 33 otganizUl under the uFiibrclla Lyf the WFIS. Activity desctilA eons should qu3L6)' 34 describe I lie acliviiy, and in scomc cases the gx1mr of the a4'tWy, All acli4ifies arc 35 logically tied Nvil h a prcdcumor and a successor, I lln only cAcIOGIN to ih is rubs is for "pnrjcGt start" a� ''lxi�jexl fniish"E» i le�wr�es, �7 39 7`ilc u4tiYit}' d4LTal;oi, is lased all the physilcal Rrnnunl Of work io he pcTforrned fcrllre q -skated activity,1-yi111 a n imirnk-dormion oF20 titi trig days OR a oonlinaausmedwillY 40 in grit locntion. 1 f 1114 kvotk for SPY orW aC1 Mty cxcecds 20 dmys. break 1hM KI MLY 41 do3vil incrrtalx utaliy 10 achim Ihis durel ion ¢orlsdtA int. Any cxecoUrAl to lhi4rcqulrcl� 42 mvim anal arccA�PUII o t-�y the Cily's Projem CoMroISpecialisl, 4� 44 J. Change 1=br.k"m ¢5 Whak fk Chsn�c Order is issued by like 01i -. the ilrti IC1 irw urpornied i1110 the 46 pWiQlr$j' sccdpted bgLttllle sciwdlLic a5 On ikpdihte, to clearly s13ow i3DP;Rcl io Lhe 47 pji?j"i i imctinc_ The C-Pntm,clor SuhnI its 1111s UtX`l;aICd'hsmIhke solhed0c 10 i he City for CrFY03: PI MRT W 1*7111 1VLkrrom] 5anWry lower RrPIPKMWM MCTANL1hRr7t'{]► 9F1L1 '> I N R9. 1rJJ 'MnirN DE)CLaKA1:Ni� MNIRACTIOZi.K'S1I• R�i�d Au&urt 13- ! 1:1'J Y PR[7U[]C f f �. 141d�d CUMTRU TGMNPROGRESS5CHEDUEE FW -6 -Ur 10 I Mview and acUpllsllec As desj�ribcd in Swtimk 1.5 bd,-IDw, (Ipdared b&,X�line soh dlil s adhere to ihr Jblk Fring; I, Tiiiie oxtclisions -a33uir-Wed with approvod caaliract Inn•dificm[iMis sm limiter] to the 5 i dMit errlaunt of 1Imo the pro*L AcriAtiLs are allliciP[IIC4 to ba ddgccl, uidess 6 Mfierwise EIppr-QvCcl 15�- II3cFrogmnk hdanaRPr, 7 2. Tlhc is SUbMitte[ by IhC C01r1faCtnr I4�hjft Jgrr i44)w dfhr 113c dale of re ceipl of the bpprav�,Ld Cilang&Ordcr, I� ] I 3. The ehn❑gLS ill I "T dur-11ti0illis -upp,rQvcd bar llIc Cif ;R m wild ID 13FMIY7e the inll)acl 12 of ft carahba &0 i4 inc.!IAM el the Dlrangc Order. The carting for a new RctiviLy(s) 13 addl]d 1a the KWUkI ror 11M Changu Order includes the ClIartge Order number of she K Aclivily lid. tyn as MealY a91fviti sAs naodcxi to accuralety show the work of ilse 15 Chalkge Order_ Rcwisiolls la Ifir 'hMal litc sahcdtire are 11or eir"tiae unlit a pied by 16 lile lily, 17 K. Clty,s w0jk BrV.L41dowrl LsIrocture 18 19 }CBS Cade FILS Naille 301 X XX XXX Prnjecl Nome I xxx7+ xx.313 Pes lg ■ X X X X X X.30.10 Dksigli C I?lIIFK'tGr A nmjt 2� X XXX XX 10.2D Comoeplusl Lw%ign (3 ) 24 X3CXXXX.30_30 Prctirnijary Design (60%) 25 X7 XXX -: AGI Final c•sign 26 XXNX {X_3(]_50 CnvirolGlllefiW as XXXXXX-34.1O,10 Ptrali15 - Idelilificw nk 29 X X XXXX.317_60,20 Permils - R-CVk jA ppr0vc 11 XXXXXX.41) 'ROW & Rnso enis 3 r XXXXXX.44_ 10 ROW Negoi iili-KHM 32 XXXXXX_ O,20 Coilderm iWian 3 YLXX34XX.70 k11:11 HyRriacallion A XXXXXX.70,10 [J610 kcrocaaNl Co-orcltlwwn X X XX X X,$I} Construr.11mi xxxx x-80_8I 13kiand Award 37 XXXXXXSU3 Cunrilruaricli Execuflon 38 XXXXXX-90,K I nspnliolk 34 XXXXXVIS0 5 I,andsCapilhg 41D XXXXXX,90 Ck*ma1 41 xxxxxX,90,10 Co"Iruafloli CorllraclCkM4.oul 42 X XXX XX-90.40 Design Canlract Clusure 43 1., C's Slar►daecl A+lilesrarla 44 M WrOwIng nlitcstme au:livilics (i,a.F ilnporraill evelilr4 oil in pqojecl ItMI 11Mark erilical 4 pDiltiis BI lirr►e� ire of .1 icular intem.q 10 t1le Cir} a,qd jnjM sl be m0ected ill 117e prq*[ sch�dMtr� for all I)IMus of work. 47 CITY (WFURTWORI 11 W-Nit•rand imFur16 %v- r Rnpinscmrrj �'F A' ]])Altf) C TRUC-rHM IPWIFICAT11 iXX-kiMENTS CON i I� i' a 244 r_w ,[: Retired J ug I}.�ilrJ MY l,r4;YlE["7 No. 1635oo DI V Lo- 7 CWSTRUCIAM r'F.WEE55 5C'I11.134U1.P. Rw*of 1la AdIvilty I .4vilvilly Name � f�cadgll 3 3020 Award Dc-sigrl Agr+x-Iimil 4 3040 1SSUeNolicc to Pnwccd- Ucskpp Gip)neer 5 3100 Tksign Kick-off MlveLiF% 6 3120 SubiniE ConcepLuiB1 Pli tas to LAM16cs, ROW, -rabic, 11arks, Slorin Wager, 7 waftr&Sew $ 3 L50 ?Cer R.Cview mc tulWl siVRe4.isv nseeting (i*ebnical) 4 3160 Cmiduct U�csigjti PmAi; Mcctialgill I "wircd) 10 1170 0 Calaepluak C ign C:onlpGcac 1 1 32 :S Iub r, i1 ?mlimhhary 111 uFs slid Spy i Ficailions 10 fllilili li jW, TFaft ic, 12 Parks, Swmh Waller, W-Hicr & Scwcr 13 32.50 C=ooducl l sign Public W-cling H2(regliired) 1:4 3261) I'reiimir C.k:sip C-ompJcw 1:5 33 LO Submk Filial I igti W Utilnic-5, ROW, 3'Faffir_ Rorks, StormlWater, Ifs W;Rlcr & SrWCF 17 3330 Conduct Deign Nblic MMing N 3 if Fequircd) IN 3360 Finmi Design ComplcEe 14 ROW & FAWME111% 20 400a Kigl1L of Ward' SWl 21 4230 RigIll 0(wa+y (7-UmpirLe 22 ilfillly Rclo mtian 33 7000 Utiliies SUM 24 7120 Udilkm Ck-aFed;C*mP1elc 2S Calm ruclion 26 Hid and Aw:A rcl 27 8110 5tsirl Advertismmml 28 F. t 50 Cmiduct M Open in 2-9 8240 A%"rd CaikmructiailC&mlmt n Consirtictlim t:3rirnlhurl 31 $330-CondLICt Coi INClinn ViVic M cling 04 Pre-Cons4melion 32 6350 Consiructim SlArl �3 U70 Subsiwitial Cmnplld iol; 34 $540 Construction Cmipleflm 35 9130 Nr i ice of CvmpkA1oi teen Show 36 9 L 50 Coestraction Comrael 0=41 37 9420 Design ContractCJWEd M 40 A_ Schad ale Submi i1W & Rev iew 41 The C'iLy's Pmjecl Mmurkger is mspra0b1c for reviews and aceeptMice of the C'oktFac1or's 42 WKdji1c. -Elio LIiy}:s Projoe! Conlrol Simcialist is rcsparlsihlc for ensuring ntiplinvorof 43 111e Otm1C elor's bmeline and prcgrcss schedHIM wilh 1110 Masw Projecl 50w ilkle as 44 suppgri to I lw CiLy's Nc jec1 Mmoger. TIrc City Fcv iCws and accepts rxr rejeds the 45 w1weltale wfthim loop 1L'a4FJkdays of 1`aFi nwA0r%sul-arliLU1. 46 ul I Y ff FORT 574'OR119 11'2[trddd Saiionryr Lowe 9epbcv+1wW S1, MIARD LT=IR11C'T1M 5FR11F1VA DKUMMI N VON I MAr-I' 20N. A'SM-L' Fk isrd AogusL 13.2W1 NlY 103MO i 1} 9 30 it 12 13 14 Ii 16 IF tR 19 20 �I 26 �11 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 Ji dfi 47 48 49 6I 32 16 - $ COOT RIJL` LA Mk;FIM SCRIMMLE Pwaalo 5ulwdida Forcpnt '1'110 0�jil!Fxtor will soNu l Duel, schedlikk in t}+ro elecirallic forms, one in wive tide formal Cxrr, ,*mW, . vj and the .wMild �naPU'fornkal, fit the Cily s,doci1nicla 1nJF1�b Iricilt syslcrn in the location dedimk-d far rllis purpose and Amti f'1rd by the Proles I MallRger, rn the evcne the 1=antrsclor does oM 11 Prinlaveril 1316 oil -MS Pioj i Fur schoduling P11rPMCS, 1110 SCilCdule illf airmen n1ust he sublrliited 6.xisOF ,AfAN format 61 twampl isnpe with the SSInple k yOLll (SCe :�pcci rjcAtiQla 41 3216.1 UORSlructiOR N(W SellAuJu E3ascfirte Fx;mmplle), iilcludolgacliviiy pMJecesaors, succcssrr5 and W1;iI floaL, . 110ia1 & 6=11ine 5chchle Thr ('tu�lrWor Will dew 1up their sQhWlllc Iror their scope of wDrk and 50binil their initial -set dkibe in alcelrw)iu frrnn (in Ific AW Nrials IioiW shove), in the City's doctlmeni 1llaFwigemcul sysccin in 114c Ior-tion dedicaled for ahis purpose #I le l-f 16 irkipig di(pN pricer to Pff CauLwmrr;dw Mer#otp, The City's PF-Djccl Mpit r and Je01 1='UMIVl % inH911 review 1111s initial u31cdu3e In detruniFm aligmimit with dw Cite `s M;s1c-r Pwjecl Schcdu be, hiclud ing rorlual & W1311slrilk0tre. pollcx%wilrg iho Citpr'� rcvlCtiti. f Wbac:k i�pFlavidcd t-D the C01111ra tOF for 11wiruse in frnmlitirt8; their WWschedtlle. and iissui" (wy"fbfop fl1%r Imorkdajw)their I linc','Abedule for lirM] reuiew grid acceplaruce by theCily_ I Progress Schaule Jlic Caw raclor will update aiId iasu,r Ihoir prokct SChecl'ule (Pragrem Schedule) i{-r Ike MY1 dV of erreld majilh througholrt the IEfidf Ihrir work on 11101 jee1. The 1'r0$r $$ "chcdWe issitbrllirl d in cleclranic f0TM M I14t4d abVVC, bf the L11y'540cuinell manAZC:lllCJkt RYSIVIil M JJW ra+:alion dcdiiexW for 1llis purpox. T110 Cidy's E m!W CNI(rcd Mani rev it_nvs rmdl Progma Schedule fur dare and i llformaA iarl chat sLlppc,rl 111c assessrnerll of 111e updw-V to t11e schedule- I n 1he asrnt dERR Or kllforr W iUllk Lac missing or incomplete, ilia PFGjecl Controls ,r'SI)I4C Wig commimicate5 drrraly x�iih the 911r$ctor's schedtHer for Providingsamt. '1 1c Corrtrwor rlC-submit& the awymiod Frogrm Schedure n4ghln S mvr$f}w, fs&U-LVing The subrnftial prrxxss J3nwd above. The City's 12rrrjccl M-Fumgcrand ProjeucC-Ulkl. l Speoialist rewitrw the 1'OnkMOOV's p1'ugF%%& schcdtlIC frlr ao alflnitnr Irer5M171 I1ft and prVIZr�ss- The fi)lloiving 4isl of ilen,s are rpquir�bd to eiisure Proper sraius inrorinatpolti i5 mitained o1 the Pmgrem Schedule. • &twlinc Sri date + !1<UJAirM 1=irLish Dair ■ % Corrupleie Acrivq Tr gic(ftclidelirm) UWai ftt11 -6 Ael ivil" McW (wde Icd * Expert-L%d Hwa clues Finish date Variance to the Ba-wlfim Finish fate CITY (IF FUR 1 1u WrJi ..YANl,Aklir'rNt%74t4,,17gpL-Cli;r€NFION rKX.11MkNTN soloed Aukmt 11-2021 Y'PW RWI mils SsRrr ktpha=i9 C91 Y rxi xci Mir). 1019M 01 n 16 -4 pop 9orl4 1 11, M4plhly C'onstrucoul! StaILIS Reporl 7'Ike C4)111rW4r:5kLbFtits x Written sudus neporl (referred tch as a pmgmss nen-wLive) A She 3 mmillity progvss R14"C'ril]P :jFVhM--id)ar al llw ad of owl) mon11110 4 accompmny the Progmss Schcaik mibmillal, wing the slandard formal prow idW an 5 Sposif"tiori 01 32 1-6-3 Cronstructimi I°ruject Bch line progtrss Narwivc.The contulll f, of Lhe Construction Iftim Scheduic }'rogxcss Narrallve sliould be concIse;srod cgonpkeLt to i11cWdc only Omgrs, delays, and atricipmed problenm 9 C- Submit181 rmm-% 10 * 5chedu lcs and MIGnlh IV CU115tructi1a1 ShAtLls Reports are mtomittcd in in t he C_`ity's I I dea mmi manapmelil symem in the l lion dc5d iealed for llkis purpow, 92 Cpnic ilic pr*ci has bftn c[riupLWd and Flikal Accept ncc has bcai issucd by lice 13 City, no fum:hcr proEf-css scl dufcs orCOMI(LICIiOn anus mporis ar, rcquimd frum 14 1lre Cmklgactor, Is �- 1.6 1.5 ACTION Sk I R t411 TTALSVIN FOR MATIONAL 5URil+lET ALS I IYaT 1JMDj lF 1.6 13E, F.OkUT S13BMS'1'TALS INOT 1USEQ1 19 1.7 MAINTENANCE Ni ATKR Ilk L..MJ BM I'1" rA LS [RIOT USED[ 19 1.8 QLIALETYA.£NUFLANCE 20 A_ This Imrsim preparing and revising Ike conmr K-1inik Pro, mss . Lhcdul-e sfutl I be 21 experienced irit110 lwepaFAkjW Pf 9CMedu1cs of similAr iVlftt l&lily, 13. Sclt-lrtly and sapp&IinS dmhuncnls addrnsscd in Ilm sball: be pre d4 2� updated and revtl to RCCUMIely rCflCQI the Exr1110rnkaILCOOf the congmctim. 24 C- Cmiract,ur is respmts 1bk for ft qu lky of mill submiiiEaLs in 11tis sal ton meeting 111C 25 gandard nfcam for the =)SINCliNi iiidialry fcw-s uilarprrjrC1s- 26 1.9 DELIVERY, S fORAGF, AND HANDLING [NOT USED [ 27 1.10 FIELD I Sl'i E] ( )NUIT[ONS [140T I1,5ED1 28 1.1I WARPAANTY INOT L]EED[ 29 1.12 ATTAC11MENTS 31) Sfie-r, 01 32 16.1 a mlrticlion Project SchcduIc Haselhir, Example 31 4= 01 1216.2 C-0jjMtWCl I0I1 Prajccl 59hCdLI IC J'MgFeM C.MIMPIC 32 �qmc 01 32 163 ConslrkIetion Ptojoc1 SchcAule Pro Narrative 33 CITY OF tX3k 1101'x ml I I W31ar aA S`anibry -Sawa Itrplwltm m AImF)AKII I - I INN I KLX I W W4 N0Al rLCATION urx13nrr Ws coNTRA-cr mp .wk ptYhwd Aqu%L 0.102I CITY Mon: -r Kcx CWw 2 lkART :Z - PROI)UC`I'4 IN(YI' C. V.T)I 3 IPAR'T 3 - EXE=[0N j N0-I' 1 ti5FPj 4 3 is DI 11 16. 10 F 'F RLe-1,imn vP!(i +Rif57 sc ir.rAit.P. ENI)OF SF,,( [IDN Rovi5ico IAg DATE NAME SUMMARY OF C FIANGE IVIIU021 MIGhni Oy tm Rt+hd lip Ppadnom6w requiicrcmK *nJ CHI MAIL: du]Pli BLLL R tdufk i�Kaao� CFTYOF FORT WOR711 wdlctnhd 5anory Acuir Rep4wc4p m S T ANM R D amu ki ir r i c w s,pf..{'inrAilmL1[)NimFwn {'(WFKACT 2Nk-7h' M-4' R-IiWd Ate, 13, 2021 { ITY PROJECY NG. 1 o.15M ue P .11 . h FRF{GNSTRLCTION VIMP I`agr 1 orz SEC ION0F ,31,Y3 PIRk-'CONS I R L JILT ON V I DE ikA R,r 1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY ARY A. Stmimk hwludes: 1. Adl!fiinisl► l mi1 pmccduml requir-illeiits for; A, T3TQNME1UGliM Videos B, [)cviaritns from this City of 1:orl Wcwlh Slandard Specir tion 1. Non& C. E>-eW-gd include, but ATt not nemsinrily 1imiledlo; L. pis'jsion 0 — Bidding RequiFumcnis, CGlllW Forms and Condirinas of 1heCamraet 2_ Divisium i - Geikeml R- quircr eels 1.2 PRICE A N a PAYMENT PROCEDkI RE,5 A. bd4mqurorpcn1 a1kd 138Y1aVn1 _ Work msoGialetl with lhis Item is oumi*rcd subsid i:RFy lu Lhe ti ariuus Hems bid. No separale pinyment will be allowed for This 110m. 1.3 REFERENCES INOT USED1 1.4 AHM1 N LSTRA'ri ve. REQUIREMENTS A. I1r o5teuc6*n Video 1. Pradaree a proconstruction video of Ihle siW(kkig1hMC Mt. IliCIL1d111:p R11 MCBS In 1hr- vicinily -of and 10 Ike JLffeCW * canstnIOCO. a. Novide digilm1 copy of video umh requesi by the Oily. 2. Rebaiii a copy of IIrc prtcv rru cl i-on video i,ni i I Ilia tod of The mpifllcnamc ircly perio& 1.5 StI RM In-Al—S ] NOT USED1 14 AC-TLON SUI�MITTAL iriFORMAT)C)NAL %UgM rlTALS SNOT USEDI 1.7 CLOSEOUT SURMITTAI S INOT UWEDI 1.9 MA INTF NA KCP MA'r'R III AL 8 UBMITTAIS [NOT US FI31 1.9 QUA LITY ASSURA NCE I NOT USED1 I.1I1 DE Ll VERY. STORAG F. A N 1) HAt+ DIi 1 NC i N4),I` USED � 1.11 FIELD ]SITE] CONDITIONS INUr USED] 1.12 WARRANTY JNin' Ei. IFDI PART 2 - PROD1it-IS SNOT USED1 CITY (N F(*T k1 <*114 Wmkr and 5nnimA tirmr Rtpimimwd ISTAKL74 E DM#f57RKTION$VNCIRVATION1X)U1IMEN" CEMFRA4T20I.rrV&' RaviudJdF I,H11 (7tY I'pOve—t m} 1b)" PART 3- RXE UTION SNOT USPD1 END OF SFX7"0K IDAn NAME J_ 19I3233-2 ekI:0_ FRuc-not viDED Rap t a f 2 Revision I mg SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY DF FORT DTI I Water ad SjmLw5 .` "ti HcojjTjjjrrfl STANDARD. N49 P 1 x• I l(w SPFURCAl104 IXK'LIA+i:N IN CON]", r 2ata.wsul•� Rereed hdg 1, iai i CITY NOVET NO iW$W SI IvTION Ul 33100 SUBMITTALS PA 11T I - GEN N,KA L 1,3 SUMMARY A. Sul Ion 3 vicAu6 s: 01 �104 - 1 SLIBMI1-IMA N&C 1 14-11 I_ (icwral metho& and requireinenls ofs0missions mpplicabbe io the follo%yr ng Work -related submillal&: A. Shop Drawings b- Pr+odwel Dom (including Standud Product List subm11tR1s) �. Sarnp3es d, Mink Ups. B. Nvialinns from this City of Purl forth Slandard Soecificirtion 1. MIMIC- C- ReIaged Specificarticar Swions include, hul are urvi ueGesssrilg IItniled to: 1. Division 0 — l3idding Kcquirt ilenls, Cimkir l 1=orms mild COrAaan5 of tier "Irwr 2. Division l — General RequilenleFrtR lag PRICE AND PAYMENT PL O: EDU R RS A. Measikremem and l'ayineni 1, Work amcciaied „rillI This lierll is coils fdercd 9165 +diary la the varimis items bird. NO 3epatalc pcyme111 vy i I I he a I law-cd IbF this li5cm. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT LFSED1 1.4 ,d►DMINISTRA'TI VE RE,QU i itEM ENTS A- O mMinatinu _ No1 ify ilia C ily in writing. at the lino of sublliillill, nFany devia1 ions i n the submirtl1Al5 i+ppm the regoil'031C S of Ilse C01111rircl I urmnls, 2- CLKrr himion of Submittal Times ki. Pwpare, prioritize arKi Irap4anit each SLIbn1iLlal srlffi=lfftby in mdyanGe of performing the rclaied Work or o1ber ap[wli"ble wlNil ics, or within the lime spwifled in the indiyidtlml Wodk Section, of the Spec.ilicatinns, b- Cantnaclor is resporlsiblic soda Cho the iu-IHilalion will iioL be delayed by processing limes inclndiik& bait not Ihinied io: r} Disappmwal and Tusuboikiittal (i F req%tGrvd) b) C00rdi111G1 i-Otl w Iib -nlhrr sLlbm htals c) Tom i ng d) Puraha5iu� c) FKbFIMti0Ii Fl f livory $) Ijini i tar sLkgtwnccd act -IV it its c- Nn wensint fl f untie %will be aulhorizcd k-caugr ref the Cantracines failo m to Irantmit submillmis sufTiciently in sdwanu�e of 13W Work. {TrYOF F001TWE) RIII 4 4WandSsniLLm!imLelAcphrtinitnI YYAh DAFL1) UK 5TRI1{ i UN' iF1TJ1:K'A:J'JI N I x K - L 9A IN T.% CW'KMT 2G21.%"'MA' Ret•hA DercracrM,2012 CLFY PRC?JF.K7M1. lel15" -11k33DO-3 SUIlMITEAL'S Rafe 2 ni B d. Make skkbrn iLtals pmnptly in accoLylance. wilh approved schcdu le, alld -1n stab :scga]ckjCC aIs to Oatj5, un delwy in the Work or irl 115e tiw*rk- of arky -Ahrr cunLrnelor. FI, Surmiliilrtl N1kinbering Whcn stib sitting SUP drawirrps ar wniples, LlliIin A 9-cllaracler sLlhmijlar'rras8r ref =tcc idcnl i ricatioal nurnberhig !iyswm in ilic fa l lowing rrrauncr a. Use like flrsl b diip es cif the arTlicWe Specill"ian 11'ccrialr Nil IribCr. b. For 1lie nt:xt 2 digits numhcr u%R nLlmkefS 01.99 10 Stwg1tel5tially 11kinithereach i»id:BI KpRrale i[eni or draiwiug suhniiitcd under owil Spix1lic Srrrirm nquilber, e. Lam rrsv a Iciler. A-7 indicating 1lie resubmissirsn ofOc salne dra*IrLg (i.e. A--2nd subrriissloR, S--3r4 Mrbmisskmk, C=4th submi:Rsion, Vc,), A iypical subm iltal numkr would be as fad lows, 03 J10 00-H-B 1) 03 3O 00 is the Speci [Icalion %roion for Omkcrak 2� 0� is 11r� ei�{llih initial si,Ibltislll�r ulidcr kris r�ii-p�ttioli tiori 3) B IS 1.11C Lhird subukis9" (seJ�Orld dbmisTian) of ihRt pnij iculae s1lop drawiiMg C. COltilrau[CrCcrlif=tiOR t - Review strop drawing,% prodncl data and =kpies, in@luding tJ5ra� by subrmnlraown, prior tij� gubnsissimi L-D dMrmim and vcriry ihr fbIlawing: & Field ikke swmrrLcnts b- F ieid crush ction crittriat c- Colalog numbers aird siiiiilardais d. CallFOnha❑rr with [bc ['nnlrael E aXUI' kris I Mr vWc wh shop dmi-Y hk& sample and prodoct dala sufmniticd by the (�onlraclor with a Certifrcal ion SWIelrwnl affixwd irwluding; a- The Coliircwwes C<nnp$Iry wtnie b.iat4lrc c�fLlhntiiltrLl r�rdawer c. Certifical ion 5latcnient r) '`Ely llkiS NrLlani itta}I, ] ISer y ropres+eat tha 1 havc detcrinimd and verificd ficld n5casil reirwills. fwW rousa niwt6n criteria, n58leriah. dim- lnq ions. cnia log numbers and sini i Irrr dla and I have chocked and coordinnled c4wh iUmii with uthcF nppl icablr approved shop dr ings D. Sobrnir[al F*rmm I. Fold shop drawings larger iban 8 f7 i aches x I I hiON a lco R ' , inches, x 11 inel�cs. Z Biod shop drnwinl;s and pruduci dF41.t sheets tu r1wr- 3_ {Order al. Cover Shcel i) Descriplien ruf I'aekai 2) Contractor Ced I bcutin,s b% List oriionis l'I'aWc orConlends c, i'roducl lama �Sligp Drawings+%;inlples .fC$Iculaiions E. Submiu.R1 C'untcnl 1. Tlw date of sgll5ni Wcm rind the dAlas cif any prcviuu�-submissions OTT (* VLWT WORiH Waler and .rSaniury sem r kOpq 1pXrN !FrA:MDARDEX) #STRiI—WN fipkC'IiF19AjjUN JWLI74 INTS CON rRAVT102J,WSM-t' RevikdEkcember20,W12 t']FYIIKQ)1:C-TT#D 10JQ0 ill 33DO-3 SLAIMIIT'I'AUi I*e a DfII 2. The 1rr-ajccl lille and rlLlrnber 3- Coritraclor ic1,Lhltif c.; Gon 4, Tiic names J. a_ C orrtraw-ar b- Supplier 4;. MiarILI15murer 5. 1 17liFicatin ofthc, prodw, with tho Spc3'Fn�4Aioll SWioll auvaber. page and paragr8p�s� h- I-ivid dimersiorl3, cl4nily ldevitified -Rs such 7. Relation to adjacent or cril ical futures of the WrJrk or nlMlcriSIS g. AmIionblc.5landar45, such Es ASTM or Fe&rftl Spoeil eiblioll hoinbers q. Ideni i rcaiion by high I Wing of dev ial Pons from C mIuml Ilpcnincnts 10. Idenil ficmfion * h igh I igNing of rcvi3irrn4 an resrubmineir. 11. An 8.iiich Y, 3.iach hlank space for -C nlractor and Oily sl.niips F- Sump Drawings 1. As slxL:ilied ht individiml Wo(k Swions ilicludus, but is not nctm!i0rily Iirrliled 10; a. C11S.I m-pre"rcd dFjta Mich as rabrieaiiun and creel i0illins 11011alioll (work 11)9) drawinp,s b. SullmdukA i;n fo atioa G. SC ttlrtg it�LgFILMS, d. Aeluai shopvwork inOffil118K"LLlring, instroctiow e- CUMOP11 lei1 plAlCor it Spwlal iwirirydiagrkLms g. Coordination drawings It. Eudividunt sym-un -or *qitipincnl inslrcclian arrd tr-5i rcpons inc.ludi11g: I ) Pcrfarin;PnCC curers and ualiricab011s i. As epplicabk- to the Work 2- Ddails s, R.�I�rti�n of ilre werio�us earls 10 Lhe rnAi is rlserrtb�rs 811d [kl�es of Rho StRrG[L�TiC b- Whcrc corred fabric-ationofthe Mork depriids upon fioldmcmurcrrwl3ls I) Pmvide such itteasumnenis acid w4c nit the drowirigs prior to submill iilg for appf-UYFN1. G. Product Mia I- F rsttbmittals aPprodilct dam for produets included on the %landard NndtLcl List, clearly identity cpch i1cm scloc" for as€ imr the Pruicul. 2. For s1lbinilliAh of product data ror praducts nal Included 06 tale City's 81441d;Prd Proacl Lisi, submili l data lalag iilCltlde, bMk1 i Ik01 I1 ec c�ril Iimiiedtrr: a. SwLdard prepared data for maiwfaclumd products (sonrelimcs refcrrvd to 4LS c fLalog dffM) 1 � 15ibW3 as the rnmrufawureeg product speeificaliolw t11id installation iMtFUU110119 2} Av;n i labilily of colnrs are! patterns 3) Manufaclrrrcr'3 prl ined s1alcinenls of comphatim. and appl icabilitw 4} Roughing -in diagtaw and trinpkwtc:s 5} Calaftoo s 6} Prodwo pi ftgraphs CFYC F FORT "Alfl W.2 ic r ;i nd S4zOAF} 54mn kcpleocirxnL STAhRDAil1 0 A14V- Mk"M WKIFICATM a{ MI EN11Tr ODMEACT N21.ti'r'SM-C IkLviuA Lkmi&(7Q 2912 CITY PK{x]I•'4Y NU. lit s.'ilMl 013300•4 SUMMI'JTAI 2i Pope ntit ?) Simndard wiringdingrams $) Printed prforntimloe oorvs arpdacralinx�r�ltig diag�arn� 9) Nuducl ion or qua I ity ccailr xl inspecl ion and tesl rq)orls :Ralrj a-ld ficalions 10) Mill rcpmi4 1) Produel operatinr.and mainsenance iffiCrU 1011s and FtT{Ornlimided spnm-parls i isting -arid Primed producl wRl t�alll its t2) As applimble to the Work N_ 'Samples i. As spccif"d In individaknt SuctLuiks. hicindc, bki1 arc riot 1iou-SsERrily Ii11ACdlu; a. Physical examplcs of Ilia Work siwJi a&: 1) Sectioiks of dianufaclurcd or 1i bricmed Wurk 2) Sn5all cakts or oontalrwht of malcrials 3) Omnipleie un4 i�f repNilively used prnodiw4s color lc�€Ckrr potC1`rr1 sxralchcs i0lid cadge cuts 4) Spccimelis for io+urd iusticm *f Yiwal cj fw 5) Graphic itymbols And units -DC Work iu be =4 t)y the City fur independent nkspor.l imi and testing m 41ppiicable to the WnTk Df� nal marl Work rcgMkiring a 00P drawinb, swnpic or producl dale kWF Mly malarial to be %bric$k-,d or insiallyd prior to OK -approval ur quslil ied spprov;n I of su [ Rem. I- I'at�rlcal lali pvrfuTincd, nia;"alr, purc17ased or owsite construction aDcomplished which does not oalafoviii to nyprowed shop drawings and dala is al chic Canna lots risk. 2- -04c Wily will no[ be liable fuJ any csry 1 delay dk,c Ic e+�rrcclirns or rcrr dies rcyu iced IV WMIMPI ish M1f(3m1 Ily_ 3- C'ontiphvte pr-DjC'C1 WCFk, ulalcriale. fa'brkatiam and iasudlatioKk�R in copiforli5sihx With aplxoYax :Icpj� drawings, applicable 94imples. Lind product &tw �. Subinlitial Distribm" I. F.IedfOflliu DiSkibulion a_ (:o }ruin deyelaprrlew of?rDjcc1 dircomy fol' eIMMikw subiiiilials r� he t,plcmded 11) City's Buumw silt:, orar1cdher exruppil UP sipw ilppruved by the tidy. b_ shop 1)r4lwings t) Upload subanillal to design*led proicur di=tury Arid Rol ify apPeDpriate Oily reprcSallsilves wia email of Sublnillal posting_ 2) Hard copies A) 3 Mpie4 fur all s[ibknillals b) If Cuniracrn,r reynirc5 morel han I ]lard u Ty of %hop Draw iikgs relumed. Cunirmclur shall stilhm ii irkore Him ilie rlumbrr of cppic�s I Istod above. u_ Pro.dak�t �!a i) UpWd subinitcal ha dcsiguat-cd pm)ml dircclory alld 310tify appropriale 01y rcprfi FI rPaiycs via u4nall of skibnn E W pa5tiakg. 2) Hard copies a) � copies for all suNnildals 1) Dislribuled 1-a the ProkLci 1 it alalive 2. Hard C-n fy DistritNniwk (if rquircd 'u1 liar ofckmtronic disiribulion) C-JTY 0r- FORTi WMT1 I Wski .,d SaniImry 4A.%Vf Ktp#+XWTI I 4TANahRD{ON91R9i -rIoN !A'K I FK: A TK) N J)W tA#NIS Cf)NTRACT t421.'W%,m4, D133W-5 'SIJEMTrAL.% 14ee3ofR a. Slop Dm wings i Diairibulcd 10 111c Copies a) 8 copies for nlwolmikical submittals b) 7 copies for all olhcr sNtbm ittaEs c) If Contrulor rcquims muc than 3 Tapirs of Shop Draiwl ngs wumed Contraclor shall -gtrbm EL 3lroo-t: rhEn 11ia~ number or oaks H510 ab vr- b. Prvduast Ewfi. 1) DistribirA w the-Oly 2) gins R) 4 ca1ies l � f}611`ibffl" to ih c- Prof xl Rcpresenteriv+a �� Crxpi�s a) Submil Me ]imuNrsialed in the mspective Spocilicalion S bons. �. Di'slril t rcpr du f�p{}r�++cd shop-drawirL&% and mpia% oFakpprxdwed jxodlicl dm and samples, %when~ required, to day job sli,e file mid c l hcre as dirroti-,d by tla>v City, a. provide ruumber of eopics as direclod 4 slue C4y bui not execud ing rht ntnobw prCVjQNrsl.Y s .iGcrl. K. Subm i##ai Rcvicw _ INc review of shop dmwings. dada and samples will he for gufiml imnferanar= willr I lie design collcepi anCnnlraket Dmumtars. 'i'h is is inA 1u be mialrued as; a. farm it9 ing filly dcq,arLtlre Fran Me CoaNlw rcquinrrlcnls b. Relieviii; the Coniractwr of respoarsibilily For any cnvu-q, including dl&Aihs dimui oiri, and rnwrcrisls c. Appr-awing deryArlures fnorrt details ILrmsbed by ilia City, except as Gnccrw�qc pruvided 1wreliL 2. I'lle myjew ENnd ap"ill or-ghop drawings, samples or prod -del Bala by the Cily clod nnl Feliuvo the Conlraelor from hVier respodlsibilily N; fll regnM t-P the fuI illmena of lk- I firms ofthe Conlrwi. a. All risks ofeirof and omission arc assumed by the-Conlraetor, mid the City will lulve no MP0115ibifily 1h1!refGre. 3, '11w Corrxrarlor m❑,aims responsible for &In i Is and accuracy, for coo rdlnafilEg like 14 oA w lilt all athr:r associated work mrA tmdcs. For .w lecl iar� faa,bricatiou p messis, Fir lechikigwes orasserntdy Anil fOr performing Work in a safe manner. 4. rf 1 he :s1bop 4 rFfnviup, data OF srurkpk-s as sublitilled describe Yarial ions aFW shD;w a dloperlure from like CoirL=l WgLlIIOV111MIS whielk aril} rinds IQ be in the iirter[st of ilic City paid io be so rrrinor as nol to invinivr a elkange in Coal rant price oar di i-a Fbr perfONNrancc, trIC Cily may rolkarn thr, reviewed dr4l%vings without INN hig an cxixplion- S, $ubmilla Is tik i I I.1w reitinred to ibc CurrLrscior aua;kr I Uf Ille fbl1LmYi11g rode&; a- Qcidc I ip -Nn I-Xc1=P '[()NS TAKENH is usigiwd wkik Thum aye no no1#rliDm nF cunlllkcn15 ult the !iubmItial a ) Wiwi; r orned mukr lh is code lire CuikLmulor inky ftIleAw 1hre egNrGpww aniifor w8lerial for irmnufadurc. b- Code 2 STJE14t}MD C'S#+r6TRI K-HElhz #+PJ �Cla f 'A'I'It PN EYXNJMIL I {'{]1 IRAC'T M2I ,WSWC RLvisad LkTcd*,c W, 3412 C IFIT PRCHELT NU. 1035W 0133N,6 NUEN111 Jul S I�a6ke d ol'ii 1 ? 'EXCEPTIONS NOTED", Uis is w.9igncd when a coil Fir 111alion of Ilse Ilulntiurrs rind coIaamenis IS N101'required by the Coniraclor, a) 1'he Cor11mclur mAy rcicasc lire egoiplrkeni or ilraterial I'ar rranrbi Nclure: hnwever, al 1kaAMioiis arisd coinukenls nj-uM be i11OWPOruNd in[-D dlle fins I product, Code 3 I ) RF XCFFTTONS NOTE- D/k B L J BM Il", This IrtN liauon *f tudus is assGgned .whepi rrnMtions mid conlirlenis are exicn5ivc enough l0 requirr, a mkibin i11:a1 of 11w package. a) The C0111raetar may rcicas€ the cquipmcall or mR1#rial for mnnufQeliire; h-MCM. All nbolaliolis 811d commcnis I31u91 W j1leprp0rftjCd ip10 lire fltial producl. hj 11iis resobil iltal is Lo addrms all 00irrmeills, 0111izicu s and non-c ilifunning jteins thW were Fm4ed- c) Res kmildllal is to be received * the -City wilhin 15 {'alcti $w f-nys 0f the date 0f lix City's lransm hta 1. requ iriog like resubinills I. d, Code 4 r) "NOT h PPROVED" is gssRg" wkii tht subin ilia I dues m mecr 1lie immki ofthe Coikim6i LVjaumcnks` ar} 'Lire Coi]IralcloL Must reavbmil thie crllire pac kap revised l0 briipg drt silbm ittal i nin rmbfumiagm, b) Il may be uecessairy iu resubrrl�t 145ilkg -H SlRff�reIII LnamIrSCtrlrcFlvclldof W niccl 111e C-0il ijel Docurnenis. b. lk-NLibrn ittais a. f lalild[C l ilk tllc ssrrrrc manrKr #s first SUb111 itiuis 1) CPnvcliomolhcribmircqucrAcdhytIleCily 2) A+Iaarkcd wii1: mvis+on IriBilgle 0r -0111ier shnilar lnolbod ltj Al Conlraclor's risk ifnoimarked b. S-11INTli11;H15 foTe&dh it-eill will be ra'wickwd 110 more Mail Iwiae ai diG Cily's expense, 1) A I t stilmex r mil ruyirwr, will be p+erforriusi at times convcn icat W i w City ilnrl at the coill a !.as taKlme, l ccd 011 the City`s or CiLy RcprcSCI1I: li 's 11kcil phr V-ti ling rerrs- 2? PYowide Goniractor Eri131bur9cmclll 101Ile Oily W-1[riir3 -10 t=ailrndryr DayS fur all eueli fees iiiwiaierad by the City- q;. vit! need ror more lhwi ] resubinisgiun or any other-dclly i4l -obtairlflig Cil rowiew of5ubmiliails, will FIN entitle the [Sill mrior ko an "tonspork ofCoiji rat T 1piv_ 7. Pajri iarl Suhuiillals in. Cily res�rv" lJic right to n i r:ev im subou'linh; duumod Pgortial. al ihle Cit+y's d iwi-el i011, b- SLlhrnkttlak cleerned by lire City to be MCI aCompltic will be 9ib[L1ti4"d m like C01111`1ClorL end will be ick- cl "C*foi Approvcd" wili.1 resubnlftt*d� c- like City filay at its op[ivak prnvidc a list or m,erk the subminal directing she CnaIlrac100) the arras lhat an iikmirplcic, 8. If llie Coniraetur considers ally correeliw iirdicale,d on Ilic 00p draw iilgs i 0 constitute a tL14an9u to the Conlrse[ INNei mews, thlwk kirrilicn notice mkl$t Im providtd ihcrcof to Ilia Cil+y im lead 7 C.Rlendar Days prior to rel,(6-e for inmtiufikclum CITY OF FORT IJI! Wffkr wnd Nrnirary SCiAW f;ggMWfWq STAN DA RD CYA$r.KLKTM5PI]•L1FIC1i31DN LIOCUMFNn CONTRACT MI.1A.WC R"hm! L*gwftr 21)- ]012 UFfY PROJ[ T NU 1 G930D 01 noo-7 r4v 7 G(5 9. Wjjen ilia sltiop dff1wings have l#ccn completed to llic, of like Cily, The Cow moor play caarry wl the omw mcl. mh 'M imordanee Iherewilh and no funku cha ngcs fficwi n rxcepl ugwn %yFilt[tt) loslrucl ic11s form lie City, 10- Each submillul, appropriately "ed, will be rtturned ivilhin 30 Calewhiir Lays FotlMirig We ipt of StlbM itlail by the U its - L Meek kips I. Mock Up tinits as spmiFKtid in lodividuat Swim, include, bul arc n0l ncccss1trily Iim ilcd 1-0, complete units of the stmdud ofaccepianor far lhait lype of Work to be used on like Projecl, Remoyc V Ifee eompldi-orl of the Work or w1mi dimcled. M. Qualifcaliotrq 1 _ I f s�rci Ii�a�Ig r�quirod in caller 5�ctiot�a �f I�� �Isre.tlieai ions, subiriii � P, G, Lertifi=1 i0r1 for eaten item rega ircd. N. Request For laMfornlall ion (R1'] ) C_OELIMOmff Ilego0s1 fur additional infonnw oo a. Cke ri ficalion or ime"ctatkn of the aDninwA douurr1or11s b. When the C-antraclor bclirves 111me is a wflflicl bethvwk Colklra V ()0e1n1errt5 c. When the Contrular believes ljiere is in con licl I'ntwmm the DFaivings and Snecilical ions I ) Lenity Ithc =flirt and rcqum elarGbcawll 2, Use lac Rcywst for Informatioai (RFI) forltl't provided t5y Itw Cjlt - 3. Nurnberinlg of RFI Prefix Wi1h ,LFtFI" fol I.D%red by 'WHOs n urn r, "•xx x", beginrrkng 3Vilh'01' and kncm sing seywnfleIly wilh ea4h additional lransli1i19RL, I- SLIFfickiki Imforimtiori sll;nII be ;5tjaclrcd to permit %vwritien response withoul furl ter ilsfOr lalti0IM, 5- The City wi l l log r.-wh request a lid wi I I (ev i the r-cgiwst- ai. If rtriew -of Ilse pmjeel irMformalion rcymst in&catcs that a, e1ka11gv to the -COMACT iOcurrKIIIS i$ rc+40d, Ihr City % ill issw a field birder orChmige opkr, :j5 a ppropriaie. 1.5 Sly BMITTAL% i Nar USn 1 L6 ACTION SKJUM ITTA_LSJ]NFOR MATI ONA I. SU BM IT'1'AI S I NOT US EU1 L7 CLOSEOUT SURM LTT'ALWS I N OT I; S KDI 1,8 MAI NTr NA NC E M ATFRIA L SU BM ITTALS I NOT USED] 1,9 QUALITY AIMSUItANC'E [NOT USED] 1,10 1) EL IV E It V. ST€ R AU E, AND H A NDLING [NOT USED1 1.11 I;1 ELL) 6SLTE1 CON P I'i I DN S I N(rr S. S D1 1,12 WARRANTY l N oT usx0] t_'1IY ' PORT WORTH 1 axi wW-9FP1WgL smvr Kcrlxx" M Ix-r;seaIkccf" A �4rI2 CITY Irkf}JU-1,NO. 1`03500 [SATE NAME 0133 GO- R +SUBMITFALS Ihkp R ai# EN D OF SECTION Revision tog SUMMARY OF OIiAN45E 1.4.K.0. Work3Hg Days inn0i F;W 10 QIarrdrr Np — C 11-y [IF R*T WmTi I WmHT rand Roniwnr gr%W ft ,�ctkrH $ ANIMMLONSTFLUC'TION SPWWATKW WC LI MENTS CONTRACT 202I.WsM-c' PC.v&d Gkaraot n 2D. 20LT V TY I'ROJE.CT NO. IPDJSI it 11135 B. t SpJl�'IJ41. PROIFfT PkOCF.PAlkr.'-% I'Mratn S k?,t`r10N 111 .3S 1Z 2 SPECIAL PROTECT PROCEDURES 3 PAWf l - GFN ERAL !rills ���tiT� Iia IF1 t�7 A. SMioa WO -us; 6 1, 111C Pr0C4AWres far sPccial pcojmt circumsiamcs Tat includes, hLil is nol 14Mited Go: a. Co dirlalion wills lire Toxvs Departakent of Tvin&p4aed:fil lull 8 & Work war High Voltag 1,inc5 c. Confined Space Eniry 1 qr mm 1 d. Urc of Explwlves, Drop We fight, Ltc, 11 e, Wader Department Noliirkw ion 12 FuMic Notifiew ion Prier to Aq$inuingConstrmlimr 13 CuDAiinal ion vwilh CJuitod Sisley, ar FMY Corps of Lnginecrs 14 h. Coordirwl iort w ilhill Rai Irwid perm its areas 15 Ditsl Cnnlrot 16 8rnployee Parkin] 17 I3_ f)crri-slums f wn This Cily of Fort Forth Standard Specificmion is 1. Nolle. 14) ['_ Rc Isled Spec i ticatico Sm Bum- include, bul arc nul jleocsmirily I i ill Ned 10: 20 1. Division 0 —[Melding Requirements. Colllwi Forma. and Condilioni of the Cmracl 21 2. Division 1 — ncraE l egrEi er�e:tii& 3. Seel ian 1112 2$ — ConrKTl lore 10 EAA ing First r Mai ns 23 l.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCE:DIIRES• 24 AL Measoreineni and Paynkeril 25 1, Coordirmrkm wil hin KFEifi-oFtd perm it areas �L Messuremani 27 1) Mciisimm bent for ibis Item will be by lunifiawm, i & b, Pa}'mCnl 29 1) -1hL! tiwx,rk Pcri'flrmed end nrbawriials rrltriished in AccoQxlance with this New 30 will i_te pmid for at the lump sum price hid Aw Rai and Coord inm anti. 3t c, 71re price bill &]Mall include; 2 t) Mobitizalion 2) 1w4x%163n 34 3) Surely triailkwg 35 4) A4ditialsallwiitrawC 5} lnswenou Coriifrsatt 37 6) Other mquirements associated with gcoaral comki i nal ion wilb SBi lroM, 33 inclW Mg addiiional elliplDy requirrd in pm4cci 111r i ighi-orway a3rd prnP" ref the Railroad from` dmoftgr arising 011t of Msrl�or frLMh 111c c canslrticlion UNIX Prtx CCL 41 2, Railroad Ffrrlerr 42 in. MCM511rellrCnt efi1F tw FClyd'1' WOR➢1:1 lint lid Swriliis Stwti Rowtait," 51'ANrMillIt' TMA'rMSli'll'il•rd'hliclN1AXIik INTii {'UFKTR -rbD21.4 swlS C IktYixod Muth 11. 2022 CITY VROJEf7 M) JIBM III M D-A SPECEAL i1koici,r jiRm-4-im mus I I Mimsmemeail for this Item will be per %Y-ork i Isg day, 2 K pR Inenl a 1) TTie work perfomad Qnd maaicrials fiumished iti =cardwnae with Ehig 11CIn 4 will be paid for each working day ihm Railroad Flagmeik uTc p=scnt m ilic � Sale_ c, `nit prily bid shall include; 1) C000iiialtioil for "livi1u.1ing Flapnen 2) l`lagrnc11 3) Other requimments Fm-ociatcd Wilh 103'Iroad 1 3. A I L oftr iRenis ] 1 a, +Nark assxiaalcd tiurtli Ilhese Lieirts is consid1cFed $ub5Wiary Io llie various IW131s 12 bid. Hu:icpareic paym atl will be allowod for this licln. 13 1.3 REF ERE NCY,8 9.3 A. Rtforcricc Slandluds 35 1, ReFtrencc slandards ciicd in this Spec i Ficat-1011 refer to the eurmpil FCfmnr.0 Ih standk+rd p1tb1is'hCX1 Al the I!i1ne of the latesa rc j!i" dale 10�md at 11w cnd of dhis 17 Sp oifealion, len1c.ss a dale is slae+rifil:.uElly ciacd_ Is 2, FIcalllt hlid Safety Cede 'l'irlc 9_ Safely, Subtitle A. publir SaCcty, Chmpler 753, 0 [1igh Volrage Overhead Lim. �O 1 A ADM I N ll'STRATIVE It f U2I I REMENT.4; 21 A. Comidinaali-orl wily the `Ccxus F?CF31i' ment of Traansporlaticni 22 I_ Wlirrn werli in lhe riglil-Of eery w1lich is under the ji ri icliorl of dw Texte. 23 Depmrirnem ofTrarlspanmion J'x13C'n, a. Notify the Texans DOPrtnlelli r}f Transportation prior to wromumcing any wc4 25 therein bi mxoWaaiu a willt the prowiskHn -Df the permil 26 K Al I +pork perforrried in ihr -FxI T right -of -war shal I be pertbamio in 27 romprimime witli and snbjervr to approval kPin The Texas Dtlmrlmenl of 28 Trmispartatim 29 B. Work near High Volta &Q. Lines 31P L_ Regula ory Equiimmemis 31 ai, All WDrk 3]rar Righ VAnge Lines (rl)orc illmn -600 voILS nicagAired belweeik 32 cAaliductims Or beltivwn a cnnriucmr any the ground) shell be ili mxciF Pncc willi 33 1ic81rh and Srtfely Code, Title 9, Subikk- A, Choplor 752. 3A 2. WArn irig sign 35 A. i`MVWC sign 0f sufficirml size mcca ing all CSFA Muimmms. 36 3. Equiprm5l gxPAIJttg williin 10 fecl of kijlr wnitage IinK:s will resLui 1Fie fa11o3�irl� 32 safer• features 38 a. liisitlriting cagelypt of guard ribokil lilac b m or ann 34 h- imnloor Finks -On 1110 tiff Itook connecti-m fu buk his or di peers JIG u. Cq�l ilamcn[ ni l meet tEl 9#I Fe C+y req�ldr htien[s as scl Earth b} f�S1 f rnid llre 41 safely regiAiremeihts at the mvjirr of tlic I1igh voll:lge ffim% 42 4. W %V illoin 6 Feet -of 11Igh 4ollege aler=lrie 61IC5 •11 a_ Na1ifECR4iQFL s132111 k giVOR 40. -44 1) 71ae lmydr wrilpany (cxal31p1C: ONC0R) EA Y-01: FORT WORTIt %'aui and SanAir}' +tirisrkepIrrnmM STANDARD C; iNS. I kwrixm sm-�-i -Awm 1]C cumrws CA NTRAU I ]Mi, W5I%+ Rayhed Much tl 201 4'1I Y PIM]JFk-rNO 2C35 G 41351�-3 Iwgf 3 cart# I a) t41#rinlain an accurale iDg orall such ci1ls to power coinpany acid record wAlan IRk-url in caeh fi89e. b. Coor6nalion with power company 4 1) A flyer rlolffik atiun coprdinatr« whh iarw pimver win piny 10; S a) 1 rec1 ion nnruy mrchanial barriers, dc•erbergizo the linc!5, Dr FA&C ar (3 104-�rr Elie lir" 7 C. No pomol1C1 may work wilhin 0 fcct of R hior vol ftc line before the abort 9 roquircinenls have been inrm 9 C. Cunrimd SptWC i;ulry Prnpaill 10 l_ PrWide Mr1d f0l10w Approwcd C�131111lllCd 51) Fn1ry Program in accordenuc with i GSHA requirerrmn1% 12 2, Cunriord �pwcs iTmiude= 12 & Manholes 14 b+ A I I other confhw A spxcs in a�-ordanar with OSHA's PcTm it Requimd for 15 C-04rfrllc(l -SP 16 1). UW of EX-RIMiVes. J Weig111, D. C. 17 1 _ When Conlrw Dommenis p nmh on She prejoct a he follmyi ng will apply; 18 PL11illu Noll rinKii n 19 1) Subw' notice to City and pTwf ofMcquate iiiguraum coverage, 24 haurs 20 prior 1a comFDencing. 21 2) Min imirm 24 Iraur PUbfiu EVJ1 i fitatiNl ill aacordarM w 1111 SWiOn 01 3 t 13 23 L. Wa1cr Dcparfanenl C-awd1hRl i0rL 1. 13rlrirkg 11Le consitivion of Otis projN1, it wi I I be necessary to dlc=livrite, For a 24 pcYiod Of tjmC, -Cxi51.i13g tinu, Air, Conlmtor shall be 1ogaired to omrclinatr %vilfi 25 11w Willer DepHrtmerrL t,Y dderrt1File The bell limos W-deaclivating, and eclivaliug -�b lhosc Jiiws. 27 3. Co"dinale icily evrm That wi 11: require Cerraimling LO 4x the o Jp-ev Ltion of an exisling 29 City water Iine sysicin with like Cily's repdese111101 vc. ?9 a- CoDrdinaliort dmil lie i11 acoordnllcc with Section .3 12- 25- 3,D b. jr 11W&Cr, oblairE a hyd rant ivaler miler frail the Waler DkPartr3lent for I= 31 during the Ili f� of 11011ldd pfdje 1- 32 c- 1n like ev-uril 114t a water vaPvc on an existhng lire syslem be lurned Wand on 33 1a 4ecomino4ake Ihr CIMSIruclian of 11re proJecl is reclulTed. CwMinale lliis 34 jecl iviry ihmugh like upprupriote Cily repnsenta1 Ewe. 35 1) DO r]ut apCrnte Wal-9T Iirle valvvs of cxisling walcr sy51cm. 36 a) Fa i lure 10 o[rmpl+y will re3irier ncc C0111MOLUr ih Yiolmon of Texas 114;na 1 37 Ccwk TAle 7. Chapllcr 26-03 (CrInkinal ?L1ischr cf) atad the C-rintraclor 39 will be pro&xuled No the full exi+mit of The hL}v. 39 b) In add.il iorl, llw C ontraCtUF Witl assium al l liabilities and dQ rrTcmksihililies as a resu11 of likew aeliolls. 43 F. I`41bM� hlotifrra{iar� l'riur 1a 13epi�lniiig C�i1S1ri41�11{}11 42 I- Prior 1u begilift-Ing constr-uction on any bloc14 in the project. au a block by black d2 t�ASjS, pl'epaM and dcliM a naLiOC OF flyer of 1he pe.❑ding C0llSLrr1cti0n to the front d4 door of each scsidenco dr business Thal will bt illlprrclyd 1by e01Ixir1110ion, The nal;ce 45 shafI be prepared -.is Follows: 46 a. Pit ;lvdicc- or llyc and Oty of 1=orL We th boor 11aogcm 7 d:flys prior to d7 Wginning and' vrraigawtian nclivily Tarr each Wok in the pda*1 area. L-11Yf,3FMR1WrA114 WdffandSmiL13j Scar{Rcptmxmcnr 5TANIMR1) L 1IRI K'rIr7N .;111:C'IJ;ICATI(IN MX'LrMElM, d'cM2AC F NI L. 14'.4twl.C` RsSafd MbrrK 11. ZW2 {771` 1'wiMl1:L'1, fix'+ 10.ti�m 0L151.1-4 SRD€ IAA RfkCxJF.C"I' I+i�Ci -I a}i1R Pw a vFS I I p Prcpare tly r an iite GaitWOr`s Ieilcnccad alnd iirclkide the followiH.9 Info'nuaLia3r- a) Name of 11'ro*1 4 b) City Projecl No (CPIN) S Q-) SVWV of Prftgi! (U, type of C011Struutirn3 MIMly) d d) AelLial onnslriwfion duration within the blck 7 Name of the conitsetik's Comman aFiJ p4ono number 8 fj Name of ncc� (74y'.r. impeclor and plluix Mmnif cr 4) g) Cily's a Flcr-Jsours phone rmnsW 10 2) A -Amity of lane 'pre-ConsLrtwti:mk rlrrlriicallion' nyer Is amkcht cd rls I_xhibii 11 A- 17 1) City of Fort Dora Ii I kn«r l-lan}Ier:s wi I l be provided ID I]Ie OmkiFactor for 13 di-91rikli0n Willi their- not-MV. 14 4) Submil schedule sfypwi31g IhC C011ATUeii-]n start arrd finish time for each 15 block -of the pmject to ilbc iw9prcinr, 16 5) Dclivcr f1pr to the C Ily IriSpcclur For rcwicw prior la dislnibul ion, 17 b. No COr1!Lruclion will be ;RIlow d to begin on aoy block until tic flyer wind door Is haiigm am delivered to all residents ofThe block. 19 G. Public MA iGsadwi of Tent porary Water S twice lo[crrup4ion dtiring Construcl ion 20 1, In the emki! it becomes J3eccs5#Iry iO temporarily Aui down wotcr ni-Oce la 21 residcnM or bus iiiem4s dtkri ng coilstnict"k, prcpare and 4101 iver n not ice ar flyer of 22 the priding i131erruptiDi3 GPI the Fmrt dwr of each a ffectcd resident, 23 2- I'mpared notice as follows: 2A a. 'Uht! 1101if-1kM1 4M flyer shall be posted 24 haurs I�rjor to the Jcrripalary 25 in1t:rrup1i0n- 26 tF- I'mPare fly -or on the conLTactar's Icttt rrd and include the roltowiug 27 in f armation: 28 1) Nanic of ills prajcci 24 2) Oily i`rajecl Nkinibrr 30 3) I -We of the inicrm lion of wryiee 31 4) Nriod ilie inlerrupiion will take place .�'2 5) Na14Ie oFthe conlractor's fineinan arkd fdlcnle itiiin1bar 33 6) Nunie vrthe C74 's inspector aiA pliaale 37IIIT7bu 34 c- A simple of Or tvniparalry water ire iirttlmplion rxiiifmatian is $ila.;M as I i Exhibit li- 36 d. Dc I iver a copy of the icmlaorary intmkiption norifival ion to the C I y iiispcclor 37 fff review prior Ica bCinP�, di9i!641.110l, 1.9 c- No tnlcrmptioai -0Fwater ski 6ce can accikr wiliI Ilre ldyer Iwrs been deliverad to 39 ali affcelcd residents and Nksiriewes, 40 f; FleelroDic versluns of IIIe sainpt- flyerr, can be oM:u ined from ilie Rojecl Al Consgruclion 1nspeclor. 42 H. CootrRimion wiih Unil€d States Ariny 00" of FnjMinccrs (IJ -SACE) 43 1, Al local ions iii the p.r tut wlicm gongl(p ci ion inci iYitius occur ins rcag where L14 MACF. pcmi its are required, meet all rerluircnacnls sel forth in each drsigrmicd 45 perniit. 46 I_ QKWd i nalion with I Ii Fla i ln)ad Jrerm it Areas ("Yup PORT WORTH Walceon %milrti S-m-er Repincen" %TANDARRCONSYRUCT7MSPIMIMAT1(W1-M)CLIMINTS C%1WILW. I'JD27,W.%M-` R vivmi March 11. SIM etf v:P1c i-K-r N) iuw 01 h513•T til'V'('[A1. VR1?JF.0 I' FMM: F.DkPRF% No 3 or: 1, Al Deal iom in the pal wk= consiruclion aeliwii occu r in areas w1wre 9 railroad, prpmil5. are squired, rrie�-t a I I requiremanls set forth im each desigom*d 3 railroad permil. This incl«�Aes, but Gs not 1inkiled to. pmisions for, +1 a- FlAgmen b. I mpeclem } c, Sarcry Irsinhir, 7 d. AddilioikJ ilrxilmou 8 e- [mm-once ceriMcales 9 F, 01her mnployccs required to prated the right-of-%vjtu and prWerty of the 0 Rmilroad Company fronk -dimftoge krising out of iAlkdke from the WmIruclion Dr I the pro*(. Propef 0iIity cbg-mmce prxrdiims shall be usd in occnmdlrlur 12 3VFth Ihlc pCrmil guidcJinC$. 11 2, ()blaii) Any supplemcu[al i11f0i'MMion utc&d to comp1v iviili the railroad's 14 rcquir>vn)WIS, IS x. Railroad ElDgn 16 a. Submit rceip4s io -Cily far verification of working -days Iliad aailr(mrJ nagmen 17 wcrc present orh Site. I$ S. Dust Control 19 1, use am-plabbe measures 10 ann[roJ dust or ilic Sire_ 2p a. I f wa[�r is as�l toiitrKal dMkSt,8pture yard ProPeriY dispo of wads +� ater- 21 b If wet saw culling is palbrmled. captlarc acid pro" di.9mme of slum. 33 K. Employm Parking 2.� i_ Pmvidc parking for cmpluvev4 al buca[io3rs approved by theChy. 24 13 SUJIiM1[TTALS SNOT USED1 25 1.6 ACTION SUB M ITTA F.'911 YF}RKATH)NAL SUR M 11-FALS INO`i!' USED1 26 1.7 C1AiI�►.5'WLn' %EJBR11'1-l'A1.-N INOT USEDI 77 1.21 MAI NT>iNANC E MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED [ 2$ 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE INOT USED] 29 1.10 DE LIVERY, ST DRA i K, A N El HAN Ilj INC INOT USED1 3o 1. i 1 >; z Him is IT1.1 CON bl11ONS INOT USED] 31 1.12 WARRAN'ry INOT USED1 32 I}ART 2 - PRODUCTS SNOT USED M 33 PART 3 - EXRCUTION SNOT USPRI 3 4'w ision Lag ITANf ARI S C(%N'%TltL U K44 SPF('IF1('+:l'ltlN I x K'I I&II-N 1. OYWTRAt" r m i. wsm-c lievi-A Wrrb 11. XU2 V I'Y FlkiAla I hK) MG5fJt} a1331}-6 5PE{'IhL PRUI':C`F rl9X'V.t3Lpkr•_4 Ihftc 6 vre DAIM NAME M ARY OF CHANGE I .d.B — AddM UirL'MrtVr acumpliumm milt FICaldl and Sa�L} CodcF �'JI]a 4. &I M12 D. Johnsm Wimy, Su tide A. Publk .9n0ty. ChvVxg 757. lHdo VoIW 0Mtt aW taix:5 1..�. hddcd Casrlraow ftspmL Jbllhy rur alcmiaing a VCPQ Air R: m1L Item-uvc reimrr -es to A IUIludm wAKh Dm)n wI N C TCOG Ckin ccrtsomdem VI FnD22 M Chvm alfitmdmi mgwremimis. C.Udl� mood Far DiwFtangtr!� urKkvin mJjom m �artiln�c#or IwLlfl�riniu��f'�.h11t_ VJTY OF FORT WORTl1 w-m1�r arm SKMXwr Swwm 9iepbmrmnI STANDARD LUNSTRLKJ fN %WELIF14'ATIO 11XKUMF.NFS LX�i M CT bOlI. VAM,(' Re-Awd Merck 11. = {'I'I'VPikfi Vt rL[.Ii* 1a 15 lfi 1� 111 19 26 21 32 2) 2A 25 28 29 30 31 32 35 36 37 01 3# 13-7 NO;CIA1. 1'ftCOECT PROCLDLIRE9 Pope T ors (To be prinled orw Dontractw's Letterhead) Data. PN No ; Project Nama. - Mapsco Lacaiion: Li mils of Construction; THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH T'HE CrTY OF FORT 4VO RTR, OUR rQMi3A NY WILL WORK ON UTI LITY LINES D N OR ARO U N a Y O U R PIROPERT Y. CONSTRUCTION WILL SEC3IN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HAVE 0UESTFONS AElOUT ACCESS, SECLJRkTY, SAFETY OR ANY OTMER ISSUE, P -EASS CALL; Mr. �CQWFRACTQR'S $llPER NITENDEW5' AT <TELEPRONC: NO.5- OR Mr. <CrrY INSPECToR> AT < TELEPHONE NO> AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS. PLEASE CALL (817) 392 ;8 3 0 6� PLEASE KEEP THIS FL YEf? HA NDY AFHEfV YOU CALL rAb4irA1c1)omsrklK"HON VECIFICATION a[?CSNDM R-E'iSvjmara 11-2002 5tifnod and5nniler� SCner krplK nrebl i'i c i RAi' i 2nQ 1_'4ti'%Lm-{' Cl fY IVEXPI'.C'T No I 15m 2 4 BXH I BIT B FoRTWORTH. p•Wj L}N3$H•A SPLCIALPRuc•L r I 'I{LAINLI:� i'age A DFS a.ar, I+Li}_ JX= P�-Jw "Im NOTICE OF IrEMPORARY WAIMR SERVICE IRTZR31UP I KOK FbIJ V T (k I ITLI.F-F} ILlr VCIRJ R rVPCDUR E i}FIH IUD, is 1�1 WA,I'FtR SF RV NCR Wl" BE INTERRUPTED ON IF -YOU HAVE Q>I 10TIi'+N.r+ AHotrr-rHm smirTA)IJT, PLF,�F:F. (-ALI.-- m NI. AT jt:f)NTRAvrbits SIJIFER NTENDEn"iT� [i,r .ENFItONENUNNINYkl { Ft MR.AT _ 'Imis IpGi:{ILtivyncIEN-CE WdLL. BE AS $ItORT AS POSSIBLE. -rKAKK You, 01Y UP FDRT WORTI I STANVARG CC4NSMLPCTl0N %}'WF1(;ATKW POC'UMArNTS Reed Morc6 tl, 7M WKd rwd Sandory 5rl%mrAg&ceeregt (,ot4rRM 12021. 1k5M-- c-li y IwduYe, r No mm SECTION 0136 00 PI FE 1,A Y INU PROV E-OUT 3 PART I - GENERAL 4 1.1 StlM1MARY 61%Ue-i r'FvK L a}—z Nokv-QwF I,c 1 -pr4 5 A. Section Inchbdcs: 6 1. Tlrim see ian annlirs lu Part 2: Cmmn 9mir Water Imp meiaencs� '� �. Tho l�tirfg p�M��s Fir w�rifi�lion �f the �iahilat� �I~lhc cnnirsclorFs intci�d�d 8 inolhods to achicvc a rdiAlc and rcpealeb6c pipe vpmpm ion in 3Lmi- lance %wish 4 llrc pmjcci Tors kill ans lliwt%hoi,t the p,pellrie allgliment. 10 13. I)rwiagions from 1111s Cif} of Fart 'North Standard Specification ] I 1, TEIfS 1IS NOT A CITY OF FORT WORTH STANb,4,RD SPECIFICATION 12 C. RxImed 5pmirication actioar include-, bui Etre not nccmis.a Iy lirAcd to: 11 1. 1)�iviisian 0 — RiddIog RtgiFii mails, Conlract For nis amid Conn lilioas oflhc Cawnao 14 2. DiaisLon I — General Repimonnls 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCCI.)U1 L6 A- Mcaqurcmen1 And Peyrncnt L 7 L. Wwk mssuei-Aw*J with Iliis Item is + 5idemd g4Ksidiary In the v-RHOLis hems bid. No L8 sep pale payment will be e11ov,�W fnr this lton. t9 1,3 JRF.FFRYNi ES INarU'.grDI 20 1,4 ADM RATIVE RE1 UIREMENTS 21 A. 71ac proms oiiC SIlOk1Id LAC demcisErcxl a minim�iin of [wa joint_, of applir$�le pipe 22 mat-criel And size specified for llic projcci- II shall be places iih 1he projm Iitnils and 23 obstTved during insLuttwim by the City. 24 B- Testillg 25 I. lbe Coniractar 4kall schcdulc thedcincmr i ariun twich 1ho llie City at Jug 14-days 26 in edvencc. 27 2- Pcrfunki tlraiioiystmion iri 11ie pr see +]ftlle City And leslin& eorrlpany 29 rcpr nlaliv,�, The M:pnvfaMurcr's rcpresurlation FnusL be on silo doriag III first 29 pert Tcsl Procedure (3.4.A) review holiday testing, patching Cxw h1gR. 30 and tmyaltna slcewe 131slallalion. Failkire for one of thew ind ividusis in panic ipatc 31 may requ11 in ilie need to rc5C6WkL1V 111c pruvc-auq ur 10 rc-icnionsiraLe t140 32 Mnslallalion- 31 3. Hic City will notify ill- CuwracLorapprowinlInjWim or;1w errtb0rppit arbd 11K 34 poiential need Fvr a new tremit test. 35 1.5 SR1€ MITTAI S 36 A. Skibm htnis 9]Sa111ig in amcifdancc wAk 4LtLEUri 01 13 OO. -PTY IMF tUAT W DR714 Vr'A1: FK AM) NANITARY %1--WE:R Ki: KA4,E MF: n 5.PF•iim-A" nrx.,4 kwNr% CTNTFA171'�U I. WNWC CH PRi:JErTwo 103M IV1SGN-2 Lay inI Prareobi P289 1444 1 1, A I I submittals far pipic and backs I IJmnWmeltil In-aterial Mall he complcle and 2 apprc va ilI acordancc with Swinn 01 �100 PriW to p uforming lite pmve-m[_ 3 I k ACTION SU IIM IT'I'A 19d)NFORMATIONAL S[lBM ITrA 1.'i IN(IT USEDI 4 1.7 CLOSEOUTSUR1Irl-FALS 5 A. -ful and Twaluatim Repuri% is 1, AJ I tes[ rcporo geikeraled dMw ing lcsifn# (pass and fail) 7 LA MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SLIBMIrTALS INOT USED1 9 1.9 QUALITY ASSU DANCE 9 A. CeriifMimr, In 1. Erowa-our Testing t I a. Tulhig SerxIce —Engage a qualitied ilkdependcM ttstirng ag;"gy is pufiir111 12 density leak i k t11e embcdMcnt malcrLO ac appMved by I11e Cily. 0 1,10 DELIVERY, STOMA(-. E, AND HANDLING INOT UKE D� t4 to L FIELD [SMI CONDLTIONS INO T' USED] 15 1.12 WARRAI-TY [NOT USED) k7 PANT3- EXECUTION Is 19 24 21 22 23 �4 25 26 27 911 2q 3a 3] 39 n 34 3,2 EXAMINAITON JN(Yr USED1 33 PREPE RATION SNOT USEDI 3,4 INSTAL4ATION A. Truilelh Tom[ RcgLi1'F0I33Cnts L The d-cpnmslratioja shil I I be perfanrrred prior Ta any open-cul pipe iFkslailation. 2. TJic dcnsliy at IhG spring I inn may have to hv lii&r Ifian th-c 111 i11 nnum Ski Fed densily to aohie-ve the minimum *eeifW density In IIIc Ikaunclk arca- 3_ INC dcmily al IIIe spe-Ing Iine langaired to aphi"G ft mfairnIMFII speuifnxi [kilsiiy in the haunch area:shajI be Ilse target denshy m the Spring line bul shall bt no Icsx Ilan the minlinum spccificd &misity, 4- Additional test E tiong sh M be perfumiedl for al l dilcmkt imibedmeni nna[-orials, air if the Cflmtmclor propns4 No clungc rMcA Fodti of pt+r,.rMgkt and compocliun. 5. 'Tbe mcans, methods, and wchn iqm of plaeemvill and tram pactinn shRil k o the &olte respalsibilily of 131c Ccouncior, and IIhe trenel5 lest will b4n vonsidurcd only 35 a means to verify the COW rac[or's navLhods are capl:61e of aelkievi ng the sprciiied eom#awt1D3i thnyughol.il [Ile Cmbe�1a1en1 a011.0. VITYOFFEW Vh'MT1I WATER ARD SANITAnY SF.1G M RpFq ACEMEKT 5PNIFICATION LOCUMLNlS (A)K 'RAICT ZIM1-YF'D&C 01 34 90 - 3 Pipe L"igPraM1ML PW I ntd 1 6_ Tho swwtr giLRIity i?f Ike enlbodmeni Mid b fl11, as eoinpacled, shall be 1110 2 rcNperosibiliiy crf dirt Cadlhnw-Wr mid lite satisfactory mulls (min the (mich le s) 3 aikd field denb;' ' tests sliall not be c-onsidered as a SuaraFaw of ilm -quality 1a the. I CcmiraMF'$ wnkrimcnt rind brick fill operations. 5 7. Chmipm in the enlbedincM inattmal .Mier collipletiort of11le I'Mv -Oul 6 Dwriwnstrulian sliall req u Ire rr now Prow-Dkli Dcrn lml ion, wnlcm specifically 7 waived by the Cily. Sudi changes ;nftcv the Vrovc- }u1 lkin traliort will rrquire, a W111'p I apprWRI from ihIS Oily, 9 10 II 12 l3 A L3 kfi 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 2A '2S 36 27 28 '24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 B_ TmxA Test Praocclure I , Dis proems wl I I eslmbkish a N141 Fodiship beL-LAvv F the dlcnsily achivvcd A the sp-&LB line cod &isily kiovcd a1 1bc hawicrn a by the 1='mtrawar's proposed placrm-cm and wixpmction rlletlioxdAlie Conlratior sludl dMorlslrste the pips: enlbudmem pla4nocni and oCM)1jP k Ai4x1 apprMch in the tbllowing rnarnier, a. Employ all safety procedures lW spiny to true pernlanrmt work_ h, U1 i I Lw 1ho stone egMriprrDnl and c:rcws ihat wi It bu used to pc6umi perlm unent work, to the extort pntcti-aftl e. EXQVILW the 1 rcdl4k to I lie wi-d1h Md iaiirt MNITFk depth dhnwn on the di'MVings_ d, TWN11 and ernbvi rime com t-te "ofpipe, exienrding campacied fiI I up to flit~ -.pram, iirw of ilee pipe flsing The lnuteHals aW dintsily r1e{Tuarelricnl specified- Lrp ing s1 raflt.s shal I be rd in plaoc, c, Use bu 11c�rEs as ncc*d to aiJc w the sj i i find mnpe,c.1 ion w cxicnd to willkirt two fuel of cmdh end of the pip-e -SocticM, f. Teslilkg lab ghjiII Wfami density tests in tl}e cpik6meni insterial rumor the song lire¢ of Me pipe a1 tc+n locati{xis to he dez- :Isled by the C ity_ _ Careful ly nxriove the pipe from iltc Irer cb, lflesming 11ke caribcxdnient to The tem pmsible It. Check defkVion wAin the Ripe RAEF the baekfill is rrnmpkAe to ensure ii is within the menuFedurer's aoaVlabte range, (Pape wiiii wrodirncs f1col dim to ever eoitiNulion of The sides) Upon togalesl arthc City, wnllramF may be fisked 1-o f lc <101 #ion cm the pmfwr-cut pipeat 30-days 14 conf i rm the (3ripi aal f i ndhi�,s_ i, Testing lab shal I perfrnm a Second sail -of irk-lrlaee dcn5ily t-t4 Dn the comlwtod enibodmenl to verify 11rc lrmracior's nrc1130d bBS achieved 111e spec ifiod durlsity and uniformly ofembadmvitt. F:fiiI-M Of 1110 *0MP,W*d crnbe rncjii to ikold the slkape or xh eve like spetifrcd dcnsily wi I I bC a failure of the pipe clnMmcnl ¢ pri.r4rAtion_ In the Event of failluc, Cmil ur slmII clean The Iivrich to Subgrade, adjust rnwhods and releso, as needed. to &nionsttaie nwceplsble mulls. CITY OF F)L*rl' W13k111 SPFXIFIC'A Pr,N 1XIC JMEN1 N 'CONFRACT NZ IL ULSM-'U WATER AND SMFrAXYSFW#7l RFF1,Ar"I:1%iI:?I1 MV RRI)IM7 ND. ICU% N36m.A 1pipeLmrm,lm6%L,-ml llpo 4 kif, 1 15 REPAIR /REYWRATION[NOT U§ED| 2 3.6 RE —INSTALLATION [NOT V§FD| 3 3.7 F]Etp QUALITY CONTROL |Na[#NED 4 ]a SYSTEM - ARTIUP[NOT U§ED| S � 9 ADSUSTlNG|NOT USFD� f, .3.10 CLEANING|NOT USED] 7 ]|CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES |NOTunmi B 3.12 P■lr-YrICj-loN |NOT us D] 9 113 MMN'TEN&CE|NOT USED| 10 3.14 A'rTACH EMEENTS [NOT USED II END OF SECTION CITY or. FOR kA#1 Way%Am)SAmTA KY AMER FLE rbLMEMENT 9I-C m-CAi it 4'Lj m.K .% G*TRAL 1021, Wt"C 01VWAkF«9 NO- ■WW 4114523 GF-�'l l MN i AND INSPCtI FUN SERWFCUS Papr i or2 ECTION Il 145 23 TESTING; AND € SPECTION SERVICES PART I - GENF1RA). L l SUMMARY A. Seetion Ijiclu&&e 1, Tcsling and iaspcc60n sdkv1cM j)r edtlres find c4ardi0ntkM R. DeviRi.ians rrarn this Oily of Fcrl Worth Smodard S�cifr v"k I. Nona- C. Related Spec ification Sri 6ans include_ brat Jtrc not 1h 5sra6ly 1 imiled 1p: M_ DivisiarL 0 — Biddiup, Rt:quiremekkts, Conirw Forms anCondilions of 11wCimumd 2_ Dirvisi�un I , General f oquinenwam L 2 PRICE AND PAYMEKT PROCEDURES A. Mcasurfimcnt and P*Iiiefit I- work dated with iliis Item is ccrrsikrcd subsidiary 10 the VW-10u31LOMS bid No scparale poym$ni will br, A lows d for Th is €Iem. & Conlrawnr is responsible for perfonki-Mg, rt00[dilliplj0&.Mn(l 133VniGni ofall QIUA% Conitol 1esl i ltig, b. City is responsible 1�)r Ikrranrning and payme111 fiar FWM $91 of 0081ity Ayeprance tfi5iiq�- ) I f ihr. first 00ity Assurmkm lest perfnnmcd by The City fsi€s, tltie ContMCI-Dr is fc€pcTKibic for payment of subsoquenl Quality Assurance lcmting until a larssirg tell v=LIM a Filial ao&Lpliawa will not be issiked by City until rrli required payilkerllg for testing by CoplravDr lave bmn paid in FiiII, L.3 REFERENCES IN07 USED1 1.4 A DM INISTRATI V F. REQUIREMENTS A- Tcsl ilrg I. C.01;kplctc it-.lirig in -ttiflrdanca witti lice CcwiirAcI DNikniews. 2_ Cmrdinatico & WIken testing is roquired to be pertMned by Ijre Cirri* oulify City, sufhciengly iin adv,%rKc, what tcslirLg is mode-d. b4 When lesling i%mgviwd to k mikplocd lby ilic Codrlrmtor, 31CkifyOtY7 suffiiciicmly in Bdvari-r, ilml iesl mg will k puCarnbcd_ 3_ Dislrihulian of Tesling Rcpoal4 Fi, Ek-olron is l lislribulion !) Confirm dek-eloprn&ii of Projoct ddreet Fy i't7r Occimnic suEmnisieis 10 be kql loaded to the City's d(nunicer rnwgaV n,ertt sys1vn), rr Crrlucher e.UOI-11a9 FIT -sile appo d try the City. MY (W rGRT -M WnW rod �wIlm) Sentt keptamircm STANDARD lXMSTMK'TKVNK IFIL'S11UNIXK-1IMi.N]% CY}?#TRAC7242],Wr.5M-' 01 4 S �1 P42t l or2 �� �Llplead lrrsl f�R�rTS l� C��SIgi4ai� Qr��1 �MreclalY �il[I ilua l f� APpfi°f�+�Ic Dily rcprcmntativcs via vi%i E of submittal p agjRg. 3} Hard Copies a) I copy fw all submitlal!� !vhuniiled to the Ptojecl Represcntativc Hard Copy DIslribuiion (if mquired in lieu of electronic dimriblltioik) 1) Tesu perforjn� by -Cily u) Dislrit"bw I hard copy to the Cow ragior 2) Teak pvrFbrrnad by 14K- Contmdor a0 Ntribu?to � Jisrd epics Ire City's project R-zpEc`Sel,dHlivo 4. provWc City'5 Frctjcel Rep1' wnlalivc with trip tickels for eaub delivered land 4)1• Conercle oT Lllrle rnaleriaM includhig 0ke following inronnatiw5: a- Name 0f pit b. Dale crFdclivc7 c- MalerW del i weft d B. 1r15PCC1ia13 fnspecldon Gr Cack ot`in ectio,� d nil �eEir �r 1hq Contra clor fnarn OMgOQn 10 perform work In accordance will~ the CofiLnxi D cuunc s. L6 ACTION S15$MITT.+kL.5ANFORMA' 10XAI, SIUSMITTAL9 INOT I NF,131 1.1 CLOSEOUT T SUBMITTALS [NM USEDI 1.8 M AINTENANC E MATERI AkL S IJ.B VFITrAI S INOT USED 1 1-9 QUALITY ANSI]RANCE INCTUSEDI I-H 1)N.t.1VERY, STORAGE, AN1) MANDLING SNOT Ucig. j I 1 FIELD I ITE I CON DIT IONS I1V0'J` 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT V%E1)I PAk-r 2 - 1r4topucTS [NOT USEDI PART 3 - RXE'CUTION INOT USED] END OR SECTION Rcvision Log DATE' MAME: SUMMARY ON 011A 01E V%U2010 1 D.V. Mm9dw iterioLmOrdamnctio nlxflrsm4flkl IILWk 11ba1 C]oclFonjc nbfIv1119j%bCupl�-� - � �I�t1�j}FI�FC�iI}`s��i•�t7ltinl,neu��ein�rYl7f'�•7FI#IF. L'!TY OF FORT h%" XKTH *-A" F� �ktYi4#fk Semis Rep4uarrtl STANDARI? "% 17A4.(-n0N sruciricATioN Df1CLWj:,? I. k'() l AC'r N2 I.WSM C Qi is no. 1 TEMPDRARY FACUMU Ml}C�3WAN.%' 14V F 4t-4 SECTI ON b 1 50 IN If M13I~7RA R Y FAcit]TIES ANI> CONTROLS TAUT I - GENERAL l .l SUMMARY A- S&tiNh Iftitk6n: 1, Provide wnipnTary faciiil ic-, and cnnrmJs jim-ded for dmi; Wiz Joeluding, but Irol ncces-imriJy Inniled ID- a, Temgi orary ulililies b. Sani1MT farcilkin c. Morsp Sbmds and Buildings d. DLIS[ COMT-01 e. Ten;porary fenchig of11w cQnstruclion site B. DevWoms ltr�m this Cite of N wi Worth Slanderd SpKrci fieod-10di I. Nomr- C- Rolatfid Sj5ecditmtion S+eclions iaKlUde, bul are net necessarily limited to: 1. Divk ion 13 — 13iddia� Rcquircmenls. Coniffid Forms and Conditions of [heContrav I Division l — Gwwral Requimnents 14L PR]4r'E ANTI PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Mea:mircrrr nl and I'syFm i 1, W Subsidiary 101he vnFiolrs IMM bid. Nv sepmrate pagoienl will be ails}Vd Ibr this 1[cnl. 1,3 REFERENCES SNOT USE01 1,4 A DMFN IS'TRAETIVE R EX)VIN F A+ ENTS A--femparary Uli I it ids I- 0buining Temporary Service a, Make arFAnVmd(NS witl� utility sc(aiCC contipaIIiCS RW teITaf Iry Serviecs. A bide by MkS artd regu IN i-DM of t11 i I ity scrwicc MMP nkts orau[horiti,es hibrring j urisd iv ion, V. RC M"13siblc for utility service cosig unW W-01 is is ikppfoved for Final 1) Included are fuel, power, lig1i1, heal and nilker utilily axrviUtS 31 sSOFY fOr execolkn, ccnaft-rion, Icsling wid iiiiiial nwraiion of Work, 2, Walcr a. CanlreotoT to prnyidc waler rcquimc for and in r,"ncclion wi11i W*rk Io be p+erfornied and *wgwc fia lcsls of piping equipnlrait, devices or other use as mg6rcd ror the uounplc'ti-an of dw Work, b. 11rGrvida and Iriaiintaiii adequate sopply of pn+9b1e Ivalcr for dornuA k Lonsiimptioai by Con[racinr persumiel and Cily's Prujeci Rej)menlalim. c. Uo�rdinaiion L'omael Uily I week heftwe water fcr4 gWk5Arwiciion is desired CI I V [If RAT WORTI r Year; erR -NILh1 MY '16+xr Fvracmm s I hNfxARd C idSTRtx'noNr iWTKxw IMx 4 'mi. n 1. ci air rkAe? m 1,wwx- F likq Adyr I, 2011 ci I v r'kt]uL%rr NO. J ASM 01 50 00. 2 TEMPORARY FACILITIES ANDCOIMil.s I ad-i cl. CUntra MF pftyriWnl roa UonMi-ration Waler ObtaiP CO11Strucl iOM watrr meter from CiW fc)r pa ynwiii as bilied by Ciiy's es4alhijs11c¢ TRIM 3, Ekerricily and L.ig1i[irrg a_ Novide and pay for tk-�cLric powered sr FV ice as Mgjjired for W42rk, hNoNding 1CMi3Ig of WVrk. i) Proyl&b. power f!bT lig!hiin,g., operation of equipmcalt, or olher use. b� FIcctric pmver strw�ae imludcs tempprary power ser,ria or pike elor to maintain opormWm r Uring seliedulod simido3va- 4, Te"hone a. Provide emergelwy lC9tp4hamw servim 0 2ktc For il" by Comractirpersmmel and cAlmrs pQrrMl i Ilg jvork Of FUMiSbirlg strvicts $1 Si[C. 5, Tempontry ItlMlt and Vcrltila[iM a. 13FnViCk miiporary hCul as ncue&% ry far prolcclim or mapletim of Work. hL Pmvid,e lcinpnrary heal and ventiWim to assure safe workingcond601111S. R. Sanitary Find I ii its I _ Prc,ui; C 21114 111-0 i III* i+l Sall itUy I1116lilics fEr perspns on Site, a, Comply wil h rcgula[imIN of Slaw and local deparlmcnis iafhcrtith, 2, Fiifofce ase of smililary racili[im by "nsirtiaion personnel m job situ. a. Inclose mid mrkr san ilai rp fne i I ii iCs, b. W discrwrge will be al1mved rmm these favifitks. c, iralim arlid st` m &e wage and w$sie sp as not to -cause Ills isLoim m- bcallh problam. d, Haul sevragv Rnd wamc afr site aG na kms thfun weekly inlervaIs and properly dispose i1n accUrdmea wi[h eppiicable FeguLmioal, I Locate f36iilics near Work Site and k"p utewi and mein[aincd throughoul J)*jeu. 4. Remove facilities m comple[im of Pmject C. 5tw3ge Sheds;HFK1 BLJiId IGgs I- Pnuvidc adcquaacly ventilamA, wRierlighl, weLM[hc.-rprwfslorayc Coc i litics with Floor abowe prULllbd ievct for mstcrials and rgalipment SLISUplibk 1-13 wratherdwnagc- a- Stwage of Inat-pri;RLI 1101; mM )tible 10 wemllor deniagr n3ay he on blocks oil ground, A- Sty materials do 8 neat Mid urderly manner - A. Plain FnaicrWs and *quilmmki to pennil i�-my acccs5 For ideniihealion, irlgpertim and hvvcliaory. 4- Fqu ip I mild ing with Iockabie doors and li�bl ink, and prov ide ek%l Hem I service for cquipmem T:tm boalecs and hen irwg ur vcgllilalirn $s ncccsqmry to providestorszc e iv 1103M SMCIUFOM. S. Fill -nad gra& mile fur rV311p0rar)r struclive5 to provide dra lm3gc away riam lemporary and exisling b nfldinj�GL 6. Removc building from %hc prior to Fimmi AcccpiLmce- 1). Temporary Fericiag 1. Provide and maimaiaa for ilie durhllorl or cmicilmeli an rrlaerl required iri emirmra docu 1cn1 s E. Dilst Coolr-LA crry OfFURT 14YTRTIt i5*-and 1Wnl4ryU-crRrtpilmwm 4TAK17 1RT)cu45TRLx:ricN SPIENVIc'm Icc rx5CL]MIFNI5 C(M11TRM:f X12J. ► NI-C Rt -hcd J%dF 1. N I I CITY PRMF.Cr NO. HIM 41 54 4o - 3 1EMPMAR1' ANT)CON1ROI.S Ihke 5 nri 1. 0001=lor is vmp wik bk for main$ iWing dust ealilrol lhrouEb 111c 41kral ion ofncc projecL. a_ LantreclorrWAMS W1-011 Al alllidles h. Must respund Fn a timele nimmer )=_ TempaTary Proleclion of Uomstmtton I , C-ort!Lraclor or-Ulxemra,clors are rrspcmiblo fnr pmtcm ing Durk (roan dmimagedue 14) %%endirr. 1.5 Sri WA ITTA 1 S [NOT USED � 1.6 AC110N SU L3Ml` ALS.1NFURM ATIUNAL SUBM I TTA LS SNOT USF F1 [ L 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS I NCn IUSED1 l,$ MAINTENAN-CE t4 ATERIALSUBM1•I-FA1 4 1N0'r La%LI)l 1,10 DELIVE€ Y, STO AGL AND P1ANDLING. INOT [rSEF)k 1.11 EI F.IA) I SITE] CONDITFONS [N( Xr USE.D1 1,13 'WARRANTY INO T USE D1 PART 3 - EXECUTION IN(YI' USED1 3.1 iNSTA L L EF1.S [NW [)SE D M 3.3 PR I'ARAT10N [NC TUSEDI 3.4 INSTALLATION A. •I•cnUPnrary Pace i I iLics 1. M JF111in i1M all lemporary fac i I it its for djimkn of 4nnsi nrri ton Rel Ly it ics as mcded_ lS I RE PA I RM I I RFSTORATION] 3.6 R&INSTALLATFON 3_7 FlELa Iolt] SITE QUALITY CONTROL INUT USED Sh ADJUSTING I NOT USE aj 3.10 GLEANING; JNUT U*, ED1 3.11 CIA)SF [Y`l`AC'1''LVIVIES A. Te ponry FAcil it ies (:I'lV [jF FLIRT- WORT r Walcr and +ianimn• SMLOJ AcpL3"nkenl %VANIMRU€ WIRLX FION 5r9:19FICATXM DOCLJMLNT4 {'cmTlth('r MI. M-' xi+ iiktj hily r.201I {•11YINGJIATNO. ICI." fl15G0o•4 VW 4 44 I . Kermon all lomparely fwiii[irs and restore area aft -or cimpbeii*D Qfthe Work, to a corwilion Nimi to or bttrr 1hail pr+ir In stut of WIXk, 3A2 PRM-F)CT[ON [NOT USED] 3.14 r1TTACEIHENT Ci CYI'1]5k?ol END OF SECTION RcOvion LAS DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITW q1F Fi ELT Wtt r:H Y4'olcr nab Saui4%rjj SMer %cpborrKni STAP4bAK1Ik I�ZRIFC'GIQN SPUC'FJWATION h 1,Mrm-r.5 cm rF Ak-i # l_vesM-' fia•II RW ]ul� 1_ 2011 CITY NR(AELT NO, 1gM. Mii2b.i STREET U91 PERMIT Aj4jkM(M16F4-AaKYM� T[) r9A1+1['c'rW11k-r31. fte I od } SECDON 01 SS 26 '2 5�17 FFT [ NE F'F RM IT AN D M0131 FIC.A'f IONS TC TRAF FiC CONTROL 3 PART I - (;F1VP14AL 4 1.1 SUhiMAttY A. Smion Incindes: i- A4minisinuiwe pr000dures for: n. 51rev Oseftrwlt 2 b. Mo4fka ionof apprawed Iraflrie wilrol 9 c. Reniow d of Sum Sins 10 kit Ikvia[iuns from this Cily of Fort 1 oMh Sbindatrd Specificuitimi 11 I_ Now. 12 C. Related Speckfiealion Swilwks include, but = not necessarily J-1mitedto: 13 1, Division 0 — Bidd ft Requiremel> , Coulml Forms ;Prkd C-Mldi[HII45 of 11W CIM11rad 14 aiwisiorl I CenemIRNuirenienls k 5 S w ion 34 71 13 — Trafbr GAII(ol 16 1.2 IYRICIFANF)PAYMEN-I'Ktt)(-'FI)URFS t i A- Mcssumnical mid r ayiihvAl 1$ 1. WaFk as.,ciRGad with This ILc111 is cousir eftd subsi&ary to the wrioLI# LlcnisWd. 19 No wporeic psyment vw-411 W alkw"d for Ihis 1lem. 21D IJ UJ'Tf#ENCE: � l A- Rafcrerilx gLuildal-dls 22 I , Ft4cmlcc s[andards ei[od in 1his: sprxlfcaliorl refer to Ific currvoi referenceMandArld 23 poblished gt the linx n( ft Imst rovision da[r logged uI 111e elld of Ibis 24 c.iliva[ion, uiidesx a date isspcwGcally 0W, 21 2. Tcxws Mannal {]li UnIfficit Traffic Conlrol Dv+ic4s (Ti MU'I7,: D). 26 1.4 ADM I N IIi;TRATIVE RrI UIREMEN S 21 A. T ra f'Ic C0131FDI 28 1 � Cerrrclal 29 a_ Iv-Dn[rs CIF s13011 rnin inl l= lane closures and iallpnel tc veMcikIarVWc54lr Rn 31 b. WJIM1 IFIJIMc III1X�1 phmks ;HM Gitcl dccl 111 the Prifiwirjp, pTewide 1`rAffk 32 Cor1gw I In acoof4flw w M1 1?rawfllg.. anw % boar 34 11 13- 33 c, WIlen lrnffic corilfol $111s arr, not included ig the Drswing�i, prcpuTc IrldTic N control pkm in accordmice wi[h tivc€1 kiiii 34 71 1 # R11[1 subm it teci + ft? 35 rrvi mv. 36 0 Mow nlinirn11n1 10 working days for review of proposed Traffic Canlrot. 477Y{y1• Film tip'{A 114 I'd w Ldatir,tiubr} %tixri-ery6Kgnhcrrl 7ANr.)AK11(3N%h' 1 ki x'1 lfN4 &N :C'a11C'h7'IUN I)()CUMENTli c tja , I HAvT M24.YRM,C' kc-fLwd Mffmh ZZ. 2W L c'I1 V PROJECT NO. 100600 inI!U24.2 STREET USE PMMVI'ANDaM MWATKM To T AFVICC NTRek F%V2af! I 2) A Ir3frc control "Typi ar' published by OW ofPw Wort4, IlieTexax Mantml lhilfkyJTraEfi@ Control F)cvices (TMUTCD) Or 1`umn Departnlew of'1-rx3i5VortaTkn (T'xDOT) unbt Eiwd as -nn Riternaliwe to preparijig prujec[fsite specific 1riffic conlrob pbis iflhe typ�mi �%Wlic;nMe 10 file WCIFLC rxapCci�sile, 6 & Swd Use Permit 7 I. 9''riar ILI irrUllwtim OfTlaffic Culllrol, a City Lstrcel IL13crrrlit isrequired. 2 a. To otain Slrm L`se Permit, suhrnil Traffic Control Auns taChy 9 'TraiMporlalinn and h blirc Works Depa0mcni. 10 1) Allanva.13hiriiMUM Of working days for pt-i-mit rewiC%V, 11 2) II is IN. Caailraet*r's rinpom"lily to cwfd i Bate review ofTraffic Cowrol 1.2 Plans for Strut lose Permit. such that colialrtaeti mi Griot dtAayed. 13 C. Modificalion to Appmved fr8ffic C 17111` 1 14 I. PrioT to WallMion llaffic wntrol, 15 a. Sutmwil revised Iraf[ie omwul plrflvi tq City Lgparliaeni Tramspurrmion and 16 Public Works beparlweni- 17 1) 1gviw Traffic Conlro6 piers ii, a"ordnllee with Section 34 11 13. 14 2) Allow min itlX um 5 "opiutr g dnys for T-ov icw Of Fey iwd Truffic Control. 19 3 ]1 is the Contraclor's MsPonsibilily t-Dcoordinato rcYiew of Traflie Conlrol 20 plans for Stmo Use PeMiL mach IbBI 1XI MlrrrelLOD 6uot d+elkwed. 21 D- kanwval of Strw Sign 22 I_ If 11 is delcrmined that a $IrCC'L sign inusl be r'efilewd for canginlclion. flied contact 33 Cbiy Tru"al ion and NbNc Works Ocpa writ, 5igtrs aild Malkings MvL-arxrto 34 remove tlbc siiFA- 35 1_. Tunporriry likpiage 26 1- Ip 14,c cage of regidalory signs, mplaue purinancot sign Willi ttinporury sip mMing 37 rcquircnlCt U Qf llac latest CdRIOli of tCnc'Ita►as MRIjkIai oil Unifom Traffic Conlroi 38 [devices �M� T(My 34 1 Install icmporary sigh be f0ft the r6IribwaJ*Fpe MPucnl Sign. 30 3- WWi ounmia ion is corn flrie, l,u the emew that Ibc penliane III s ign cinl ix 31 mitistalled, COnLaul Iba City I-Faij.V nAliol5 And Public Works IkpFulmcnt. Sigm 3� and Markingti D3 vkeon, to rvinslalk ilia permaneIn sign- 33 F. Traffic Corurn1'IandaMs 34 1- Traffic Conlml Standards cion be Ilou»d an lire [_ ily'r, LA%Cj silc. 35 I.i SUBMITTALS [NOT USED[ �6 A. Mbmil all "tared ductlaiienlal fun la City' PmyW ReprMlllal iVrr. CITY (w MR r %W*tlrK Wirke wA sirniImry $4vir R qiwwmxvL STAN(MR11x Y 4mucTmsrorrricAyioNFICCUMENTi CIDWRACY202E. M-C KevEd Morrh 22, Udi CITY rRUL•L7NO. 10xi0u P1U26-A STRFt7 USH PERMIT AM) MUmmcATI{m TO TRA FFIV-U� FkM nBc � or) 1.6 AC Jr]ON SU L3M TTAL INFORMATECVAI. SUOM nTALS `NOT #PSF 01 1.7 CLOSJEOUTSURNIL'I'T INOT kl%FPl t-N �r1AINTFNANCE Ik+IATP' IZIAI. 4lJ]JMI'i rAL INN) ' USE.I}] 4 1.9 QUA L IT Y ASSU A[ti Cr I NOrl' USED] 5 1. 10 DELI V ERY' STORAGE, AND NAB DEJ NG I NOT USF Dj p G 1,11 F'IEI,Il INITE1 CONT)ITION:� j Ck7 USED1 7 1.12 WARI(A N'TY SNOT USED1 8 F'A k r 2- Jl'R0D UC-rS j N0'P USED] 11) 12 ENb OF SM-110N Revision LcT 1.4 A- Adtkd lagw" iD cvWh Slzc 1f11111rr ixft of hurC iclow.rcx rwd impno 19 1mrris. +� + � I Ni Owen1.4 A. L it. ALbod lnurui*t to ollm foir wx of FwNlsW lmffk enrol 4Typicnts" it applicable in spacific prujL!rrlxiDr- 1. 4 F. 1) RtiemAwJ rCfeimiCC L4 bkafS&W 1 i Ad&,;l lnj*ikW rr: swbmwod QfPCrmil CI -I V t7E I'()RT WMT] I wdirt dtw Sz#o lry 5xww Replwonm s t AN DA k 1) CONSTA LK7 PDNNPLJCIFICATKIN FKkUMPM (l(X0PA1- r �a�1 N sin-S orsi 13-i STMM WATU Px]i.i.SJ LINPR6WW7xv Par 143 SE CTI ON 111 57 13 STORM WATER POLLUTION PRI: V 1: NTION PART I - LIEN Elm# L l.! SIJJ%t 1+lARY A. Seelion Includcs; i- Pwizedures for Siomn Water Rolliliion Prevenlien Plays B. De-vialloim from dais Cloy of Fort Wojlh StandardSpocifieation 1, None, C. Rcl:%ZH Spec flieaiion %corinns include, bui orc Irul iw%:e&mr ly timited lo: I_ Division 0 — U' idrtiug Rcquirtftwk9& Lowf;ncl Farms and Corodilicns ofTx c ColtilrEict Diiviskm 1 — Cjanwral I(qiiForianls Scr.6w 31 25 Oq - L'FuNi .arp iniA Sedinieiit Control 1.2 PRICE: AND 1"AYMENI' PROCE1 URE A. Mi.Ircmgffl end F4iyrn"1 1, Caristruarial3 Activiiics resulting in less Ilion 1 uve of diswrtmncz a- Work wish 11iis Itcllk is eonsidemd 2511.hsidiary to 1he vFkriuLl*S 11UMS bid, No scpralc palyrnew Witt be ailawed for dkis Iwm. I;YnnsrrucliDn Adiviiies rewiting in grcaler tllinD I acre of distw1hancc a- Measurcowill and Payiweiil sliall be in acwr0 rlec w illy Sminar � 1 25 00- 1.3 REFERENCES A. Abbrcw im ions aid Acrony nix 1. No ioo of lnwni- NOI 2, Notice of Term icmtioak- NOT 3, Storm Walcr Pal lui ion Prowcrltion Plan'. SWPPP 4- I- as 03mrnissiun Sill Clivimllincilla1 Quaft,' TCEQ 5- Nolice of Cl aW: NO ' A. Reference Slandard4 k. f mpcc 4iarrdards cilcd hi Eli Us Specifii:4tkmi refer lo lire currm rekrcncc standard publ ished aI the I inw oi'Ihc hitesl mvisian date load at the -.nd of ibis 5pecifil: HtDon, ion less a dale i spccifiratly ciie d- S. Io1;cEia[:,1 *florin WlRma�alncni �iSWM) TeellinIcaI 3vlrrlaihnl for Constwtkn: commis [+A A]>rf4'CtN]Sl'fkA'Y' I V I�- It LI I Ri+ M PNT.£i A. Ce3ieral _ 47151311' .Lot iq reVonsible for rsal w ion awl pynicia of any fines i:s wcd Imsnc ialcd with GampUmwe to Slormtw er Pollim ion Prcwclslinn PIaiii. tj 3 Y i * k bk t 4Mi 114 Walrr and 53nilmy Srnr-r Rcprx rRwn1 .6'j'An13AkD1'(JN%A RtK-T10N HITTIFIE'ATlolw M€ i?Mr. n l: (�N r.RAcr zw I .wsm-i: Reykw 1Wti 1 �Uq i ['I FY #$UFC i W3 lit S M 013713•2 "Till M WATER I'OL LOTION RRF.YVWK N Prpr 2 u 7 B, Construciiun Astividcs resip4ing in: -<ts% iha ii 1 acre oFdMurbanee a. Prmidc emsimi iut sedinierli conlrrwL iit a£cQr4a4lcc Wijjj S47 EK311 31 25 00 anti DrMwings` 2, 1 10 kcss ihwl7 5 acres ofdisLurhsncc a- Tes;85 ft11MtWit Di�clinege L,Iiminatian SYSWM (TPDES) t.;en+THIC oslrylCIicq Permil is MgUirCd bL Complele SWPPP in accnndlmim witli TCEQ r4uirmilcnu I) TCEQ Small C:oilMnwl i, nt file Nat" 'Roq tired wider guivat puinji a) Sign 4114d PDSt a9 job 4i1c b� Prior l0 PrewnsLruerimi Meet ink, wed I copy to City Deparin vol or 7-runsporlalion and Pktblie Works, biviromncnta� Divi&i AhF (817) 392- 8. 2) PFGViCtc cr(Kicrla AM Wd1111VII "stool in aem rduce with; a) Semion.11 25 00 h) The Dravw-Ings 0 Tx 150000 (aorirral Poritiril d) SWPI>P c) TCEQ mquIMIMMts 3, 5 a0eg Of rhDM of Di%l�MbMMM a. Terms PotlL,liaiil biischw,.�e 1-IilnkT;wipi1 System (I'PDE-S) u3cnorgiC0115midioii Plelmil is rcquired b, C-Cmkipkte SWPPP in accordance with TCEQ rcquimnicnis. I j Prvpiim in T-CEQ NCI form and submit to'TC'EQ utaaug wiih rcq;lircrkfee uj sign arrd p'D.9f �t,�ols sits b) SL!iid tDp10 1=ily Depaflnleill orTrznsportatimi Find PiFblie Workcs. F-livironmental Division, (R17) 3(12.60B8, 2) MEQ Nolaue ofCtwnge rcqu i red i f making -changes or upda w io NO[ 3) Provide erosion mfid sediiirept cnn1ri>1 iii accordeogx %viilt: a) YwwiDn 31 25 00 b) Tiro Drawings c) TrX R 150000 Cieitund Pcrni h d) swPPP e) IrEQ n quireincrlls I � Once Me prod has been cnirkp CW Am) in l l Ilir t;tuwutLL fegn irenlIUlMMS Of 7VT' , have been met a TC'J-Q Nolioe of Term iimiluii can be submilicd. 0) Send copy W City ftarlineml 0f Transpmisliou and Publi-r.Works. Eiwiroltilir sal LNY isian, V17) 392-6088. 1,5 SUBMI-frAL% A. SWPPP E- Submit ia aiGC pd;hncry witl, Smiun 0I 1100. exoepl as slated herein, at. Priur to the PaVcolti9lfrteleuIP Mleeting, submil a draft cop} of SWPPP to lire (Ily as follLnvs: k) E copy 10 the City Pgrrt Msliag" a) Oily Projeel MaiNager weitM fartikard to like Cily Depar[meul *r Transpamlion Enid i U151ic Wufkr� L;nAmrunental Diwisimt forFeview ('ITV (V FORT WORTI1 W;%Itr 1kiL4 San Srwer R*@mrwnt SYARVARDCUNSTfIIX`TRWSE'EOVIVA-WN MC'LIMEN S 0NTRACTMIMSAd-C Rftbcd MY I. 2011 MY PIL AL7 no. 103500 of $713.3 SlURM WA7ER IK)LI.LflVDN rKl: FNFKXI P4Lr ) 03 13, m acl rcI S wppp I. I f the SW PPP is re►'isod doting-Cortslru¢li0M, rCsuhn3il n 4ir'icd SWPPP iO Ihd Ci y in aooudame wi111 ScuLinn 03 33 00. 1.6 ACTION SUBM ITT, LSIIN F[)RMA'']ONAL S IJ ktMITTALS ] NOT USED 1.7 UI,OSFOIlT WRKITT ALS INOT USED .R M AI NIT NANCK MATE R Ilk L SUBMITTALS SNOT USED1 1.9 QUALITY ASSU RA NC E [NOT El W-01 1.i� DELIYE1RY, STORAGE, ANF) 11AN1)LING IN(YF USEDI 1,11 FIELD ISITEI CONDITIONS I NOT 4rsF.1) [ 1,12 WAItItANI-V INOT USED] PART 2 - PRODUC7S I NOT USED M PART 3 - TXECUTFOK [N(YT UNE 1)1 END OF SEMON Revision Log I], ll! NAME SUMMARY01. € HANGr-.. i1!Vcd VokI WORT11 3'1miumdioniler}•tirntriLcy!ktAkmI I NLarJ[!��'�}ht�iiRS�{'T}�dtSPL Ifl4'hT14N f CU1411NT t,;KrkA( xQ#I,Vf M ' RgymJuLw1,201L C'FI'yA1NR-�f+k7.l(l).t l SEC.'T[ON 01.58 1.3 T EM N }RAk Y dsM ECT SICNA{3I� PART I - GENFRA Lr 1,1 SUMMARY ONaB.I TIMPORJSRY rRCMIFci,siuN iF No I Gn A. Seelion lncludes: b_ 7`arr�por�ry Pr�jccl Signal }�c�uiremuhil5 B. Ikvialions from This 01y of Fart WmIll Standard S,pccifmmtion 1, N<m. C, Rc1aled Spo, Mca 1iorl Seclion inciu*, bul are n04 a1O SSO MMY limi[fld to: 1. 1*visio111) - 3Wding Wrmcmis, Contmel Forms arrd-Conditioll& of IheCow recl 2, Division I - licneral kcrinkements L.2 PRICE AND FX1' NrNT PROCEM RES A- Me surcinenl and POLY nca1 I_ Work mcKj;nlcd wish this kem is eonsildcrod sulxgidiary to the mious rZems hid_ No mpar-ale psyniukt ry 11 l b4! iR110%%T4 tkiF th is Clem. 1.3 R FFERFrMMS I NOT USED] 1,4 ADMINISTRATIVE RF'QUI1;!>M_MENTS ]NIT USEDI E.i E) I3MITTAus ! IV()T usp l)j 1.6 ACTION S13 BMII-I'ALSA KFO,RMATI ONA L S4!BM ETTA L,S I N(rr USI: I) J 1.7 C I,05F OUT SU BM ITTA LS I NOT USEL)l 1,R MA IJ1 TEiti AN1v E MATFREAL S UUMITTAL.S IMM USPI)] 1�9 QUALITY ASSURANCE INOT USED1 1.10 DELI VEINY, �T rORAGE, AND KANDIJ NC I NOT USED1 1,11 FIFI.I} [NITE1 CONDITIONS [NUI- USED] 1,12 WA Itl?ANT Y I NOT USED1 PA E;-r 2 - I"RODUCTS 11 OWN F.R- FURN I %N ED [iaN [ OW N F It-5 UPPLI EDPROD ] JN(YT USEDI 21 F:QL) I I'KE.?r1T E'R0Dj;(-r 'rV PESy AND M AT ER1A1 S A. DLNigii Crileria 1, Provide frtc slanding I'mjccl lksignalioil Sign Ill -mcordahicc with Cites Standard T)CIE 1s far PrL�jeel Sign, CRY Of FORT WORM WwF and:Smfimo 5kwtf RphKohol .0-ANIMICDCSDMMU4�Hnd sPjr.C`JljCATMWJXXZlr�rrlrs RA C: I'��,4A'fi,M,C' PcViaadJu1j 1,2011 i'rrV pltjirT Nf3. 10330D 191 51 13 -2 TI-AKAAlkY L'R4XFCT+..,dGRAC,1: Nga2afJ 33- Malerialg 1. Sign a. Coasin rd of %-iinch Fin plywood, grActo A-L (exlfrior) orbojer 2.3 ACCESSORIES I NF41T USED] 2A SOU RCE QUA LrrY CONTROL I NOT USED1 PART 3 - FX EC UTION 5.1 INSTALLERS [?%'I }T T MEDI 3.2 EXAMINATION [NO'I USF. fl] 3.3 PREFARATION SNOT USED1 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Cicncral I , Pmvidk vortk-al inst0atian m1 cr;mrls ofprojecl- 2. Relocaw sign as mded, up -on rtrpuesr of tk City. B. WWII i3rgC)PIjOVIs a. Sk ids � Post& -2. Barricadle 3.5 RE PAl III RMT[�RAT ION IN{],' u9 KDj 3.6 RF,1NSTAI.LA1'I0N INOT USED1 3,7 FIELD Ina SITE QUALITY CONTROL INOT USED] 3-9 SYSTEM STARTUP INOT USw IXI 19 AWUSTINC [NOT USED1 3,10 CLEAN I NG I NOT USED1 3.1l C LOSEOUT ACT I VITI ES I NOT 1JS FDj 3.12 FRUTF,CTION E NO-r 1,FS DI 3.13 MAINTRNANCE A. General I_ MA-Pl1C11011cc will invItI& pairilHig srrd repaim as need- by 11iry_ 3.J # ATTACKWI ENTS I NOT USED1 PND OF SECTION CITY LW Ff )RT WO RT1 F Walo ai l 5au�urt sL!K'Cr Rc7 Wrimm WANI ARDCGN%TiFWC1i0N s1'1~4-111CATION DOClWNT$ UWRA(.] �lF�f.�4'S3�•(' A rrW)u� . 1,2011 i ITY PRuxur No. IIt.ijm DATE NAME I I o15613-} 7 E.MPq'*L&ILY PRO) FCr fiJ{iF,'ACI1: f ear isioI7 Lq oil, SUMMARY LAY -OF Cl IAN{rC jign 3 aCJ l'1I Y i ]I• }I )It 3 W4 HR'l I I Wmig and iawtar; kwer kzpLmmenl .b'1'�3NUARI} - NS I Fi 1 W 17ON S I-.0 lFlfATIDH TXi€'LHMI:N M C'ONI RACT 2N kWSM{' Rcyr-.v.d Ju4 I Ni I I C 11 Y 14ROPRII W�. 11935H SECTION 01 G-D 40 111Z01)t)C-1- A t;Qlll RE M ENTS PART i - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY -n I (r*( l VR(l )MT REQUIFJF.aiMI A. Scution InclU&S. I. iieferenoes ror Pra-dw Regtiircmc:wq and -ilk+ Standard Products List D.+riulis fnx� 11,is [=its afl orl irtfi, Standard SpeeifiealinFt 1. Nonr. G- Rekled Speci foul �om Sw ions i I1e14Ldc. bul JIM nD1 =VS9861y Iiinlb.ad to: 1. Division 0-13idding Rcquimmms, Cantrim Furm:5 Rnd-Conditifs Q& ih� C'ORtrAe1 ' . DiVisia)rl 1 - C3rueral krquiWM1t:I1LS 11.2 P111('K A N U PAYMENT PR -EIV RES I NOT USED R 1.3 k V1 ER FNC FS [NOT USED1 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVFltliUTOJRF?M):Ji'rS A. A fist or0iy appmw-d produels ror ime is ava9labbe tlinnugh file City's websileat: htlps:l�al>ps.lortwortlitekm.gov1Projer1R xsaurCes� and following 1110 <1iPCONY p b; U? • C0nsFruekiCffl 130cumrmis)SImi and Producig List n. Dnl}' pradiw4s spst.ifwally included on City"-s Sloindard PtTWu .l Lisl in ghost -Com ml Doculrl as shmll be a I lowod for use m the Project. 1. Any submgtickilly approved prolucls will Only be ailmYed for Nksc apnik sp€cifte iqppro*pI by the City- C. Any spf�uilic prodW requi€cment% in the -Cawrml Di3cumenk sLtpeve similar po'oduets included on the Chy'S Standard PrV11011 LISL 1. Thy 1~'q Kwrvrs tl,e right (O ISGt a11Ow PfC4jKU t0 bC 1 f0r cerlaiIk projeQtS -VweI1 llmu�h the pr5luert is listed on The City's Standard Produnt LisJl- D. Ali hough a specil-K p %odkia i5 iccludcd c5m City'! Slaild3rd Producl Liss. mol all producla from 114m1 manufaclum UM 41pprov+ed for use, including bull nol limited Ia, lhai Frmnilfeclurer's standard pouducl. 2. ke Secl ion h f 33 UD for sAmiml roquiFemems of Produce Data imluded on Ciy's SimiL ird Prodiicl Liv. L5 SUBMITTALS EN(YT tJSE% 1.6 ACTION SUBM ITTAI -SANFJAR MIATIO14A L SUO14 FrTA LAS I NOT USED] 1.7 f.1,0NEOUT N11UM1-1-ILALS [NOT USED1 i .tc MAINTENANCE MATERIAif S 011M I TA t.N i N (Yf' USED] 1.9 QUALLTV ASSURAN117F ! NJ )'I` UST U [ CJTY OF FTJRT WMT K Wmcr jm4 rar} Sti ucr Rgilmr-mrnl WrAN1]ARD-L0 aKMLK'1`0N SP"K 1YMN LiiUNFI TS (I*4TRAC'1 2001,WSM-C Reties Moir IV 9.2m 01 Y F'FiM:CT NO. I GJ5W 1)R so go PkU0114 RFQLnR--MFATS rp,w2 aft I.I0 DFLIVEkV, $70RAGF., AND HAMI)LIN(; INfK USEDI -I I FIELD ISITE1 CON F)ITION4 SNOT USED1 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USF.11I 1 ART Z. PRUUUCTS INOT USED] FART 3 - EXECUTION I NOT USED1 9N P OF SEcn (j.N DATC NAME S U M MA R Y OP CHANGE 1CV120L2 I). J41nmm Modifl d L alk,ii ofows glnndud hb"r LIM 62d BY. Mepnu �cir�c�c��rtic,su�e `� rgu��ar� and rrw�d �h� �h� �'i�� ��r�o,1 �rfod�,:is iisi is IIL'LVwiblvll•LNwRhI`L'r`iI}` wCL7o�le_ CITY (W FORT WORTH WaLer and %ommmy Urea Rollmo m ."'.TAN13A!Kr]('UtA RUCTJON'9PIX'IFIi'Altl)N V CUMF'M {ONI'FtAt•'j 2D�1. W%?4.0 Ik�•t iyt+cl %43cl•II 9. 2i]BD CITY I RSJIl' I' M k ia3S4X 81 fib 6b . 1 119 IAXT q;1,(mJ4uF AND HANnUNU Plt7e PREMENIS hCr 1 or+ Sf:CTION 01 66 00 PRCIDUCT STORAGE AND HAN M.INU REQUI REMENTS PART f - C EN ERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Smtifln IFW. u&%: 1. S-chedollog of prodilcl deli 2. PR aging ofpr-LIe1S Cordeliury 3_ NuIrclion of pmdu[ls agaiml dantiifige Prim' A. I fand irig b. ExposLire to-eklikena oF N%rsh envirpnments 13. Dcwimions A-mn this City of I on 14 unh Sumndmd Spcuirwa ion 1. i* mhe- C. RIled SI�LI�11otM C11�Ik8 MI1�IyIdF hul ark qni 3carif} lirrlitd tom: 1. fjiui:SiQjk f) — Bidding KCcjuiromenls} Contracl Furmr. and -CrnsdEtpnns of the eoll ad 2. Divisim I — Gamra I RegU iremen s 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. MemmemalR mild FFkymcnl Work assaciatrd vwi19i this kem is eumsAvred su'bsldianr to111e varicm�; Imins bill_ No separnic paymem will be allowed for 110s 11m. 1.3 REFER EN CFS I NOT USED1 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE RFjQ1IIREL4'JFNTS [NOT USED] 1,5 SUBMITTALS j NOT USED1 1.6 ACTI ON SUDM rHAI.Sd1 NFOR M ATIONA L SUBM I'Ti TALC [IV('T USED] 1.7 CIAM FOirr SIB Illy' JTTA LS [N(Y' 1USIZ01 LN M A FNT R NANCE MATERIAL S>LI> MI'ITALS INOT USE RI I.9 QUALITY ALQSU RANGE ENO IL USED] 1.10 DELIVERY AND HANJDLING J1_ Delivery Requiranums 1. IKtiII�[E: d�li+�: ry of pr,.�dL1�18 r�r �xlaiplil�l7t as r��li1 ec! io allow I ill�el�' i11STl�I K�fialw mnd to avoid prolonged clomp. 2, Novick #ipprgxii tc ptrsmincl end -C-qy1 ipr EMI to rt Le ive dulivcrim_ 3, 1]eliuery tnurks w i l e uoa bL immitwd 10 NYn it exLVnslUd ]afrid& 4f tirxle On 11he S11V fir penomiel or cqufpnl m to mceivo flee deliwrr. . ('rry (w I°[ m im xk n F Walu and 5adi ry 5c m Iapipmmirnl STAKPAIKI)(x7N%IRLX'IIM %PCCIFICAA N DOCL&O NT!.-CONTRA(7201_WliMW Rt4iwdhily I. RKI I CITY PI"F...C-FNO. IR35(* 016600•2 M(0I3AJ(7 STORAGE AND I AKAINC. RPQLJI$PM6iw1%, Pie 20ra 4. D6liver pruduels or etluipmeni in 1nnplLIfactuivv% origilial uitbroken cAFIDIM rrorher 4onta roles deslgntd and conslFUClcd t4 proloc[ the oontenis f"it polysival of -PnvirnnuKilia l dauiiiga, 5_ Clearly and ruPly mark and i-dentify as to inailtifmiatcr, ircm snr imm11mmio 1 locik[ioll� �_ Provide n1;finuf-Wtiter's illslrvc[ioils rnr storage ,and hFuidling, R. IA4uuil i ii� Re9ti i runciiii k, 1iai:IdIt: pruduvrN or L-quipment ill ocockRialice with 11WSk: C0111FIWL WC1.1.113cntti alid 11 anuf#G urer's rt comnleildW ions and insl rwtiali5_ C. 4marage 1iequircm-unis i. Stom rnalcriar,.na Is in au-dancc with manufacturer's romikmmidmions and rcquircments of Ihes-e Spt�c it lcx iflns_ 2_ Makc necessary proviskmix far -safe storage of dilat-criuls seed Izgaipincnt, a. Plw-e Iouse s4i I matcrisl Is s13tl +31MCF ala 10 N i 11G07p01`atwd iri[o WCIFk 10 PFUYCIII �awge to any pars of Work ar exis[iag fac it ii ks and to Ilia immin fry aucCss e,[ all 1i131c4l[i all pars of Woik and to wilily 5arvi-uc company insialk tkNo. in w acidity of Work_ - Kccp nsalerials and &jdipnleni Fwatly and corapactly slorcd in 10CM ions th;l1 rwil I U41.15C rn iniMW M G13Q,()nWI1aCr41e 10 aflier wrlitt'molwa, public tray{l, adjai,ling rnvIkers, t-`I161rils ai d UPIXupanis. a. Anrpllgc :5tmge to pmide erlyy a o6uss far hispeelion. +I_ ReslFiCt smrage to areas siwai is all for sluFage ormsterisl and Cg4iI)MCIl1 d5 StH)-1wFr OR DIRWicigs, i r appiravcci by C ity's projeci kepresc:ilratiwe. 5_ Provbde Off -site %10Fage Arid "wiwk wheir owsilc situagc is rent adequate. a. provede addresses orand Kccss to ofPsNo sdor;Rge rtxpiiions for inspeetoart by City's Frojeel R-Optescilt:611we_ f5_ Leo nnr use IMM, gFas plots CMr OCheT prirvarrc properly for st*Fag-c purNses wilhout wrillcaa -PeFI'MiSl�iMi *ravweirr or orh r perw)n io possessioa OF twiltrUl e*rprcniises. 7- 'SM ill matlirfaclivMrs'-unupcnud conlAiaicFs. 8. Nem ly, sare Iy .Rnd coll,pckly st k Ilmlesials detiwersd and sacred al ng I arm of Wolik 1(i avoid arti:oiFwettoclSae and dmwagc to properly owneft awd guivra I public And maintain al IeftM 3 ftel from fire hydranl_ _ Kccp Pitblic and priyale driveways Gild sin --el uosship flpcn_ k Q, Repo it of repLke danmg�A Iawn:sF sidcw Iks, AMOS or odit`r impruyemeit[s to Misf!Xl iun Of City's f` **l Rgiw3¢n1a1ivc_ a. Total Icngth which malcrials irr-a}' f5� disiri�ulud slang rpui� of c�+isln�c�ian a1 ou Iliiitc is 1,000 1hicar fbet. linkw Otherwise sppa-oared its %VFNn:� b�Y ci1y'S Projw Reprar eafttive. CITY OF F1PkJ'1V3K 4 WAIrfAnd Kanilery SLwerRgAagrueok 3T"IuKI) 4 um-yII:txTPUv4 SIiEL;F4cA-noN mcLF HLwm UUM'KA-UT M 2I, WSMLC kevk.0hl} r. 2911 C IITY 19DJ11',CTWk 1€35M 016600.3 PRCWAK-rb-RM&(iC Ar%H3 lAMt3LlNG"JikE.M PW ) IDU 1.11 FI E I.R I %iTEI (=C )N 131'1'i0NN J IY[l'l' L1SEDI 1.12 WARRANTY NTT Ili CY1` USSLLI l PA ItT 2 -PRODUCTS INOT USED1 PA R'C 3 - EXECUTION M INSTALLER15 INCIT USTD1 13 FRY 11ARATION I NOT USED 4 ERECTION INOT USED) 1.5 k9PA I R i RES'TORATMN [NOT USED] 3.6 RB-I NSTALLATION INOT USED 3.7 H IELII Irml SITF QUALITY CONTROL A. Tesis aiicHnslKvions 1. Impm all pTudiicu arc�quipincni delivcrrd to I;1e si1G pri€►r W ui1im.ding. 11. Nfln-03116O U'R11bg WOrk I. Reject all produces or cquipmcni 11hat arc 63na�cd, used or ill u13V Other way 4iwati-J'Actnry for gkse au 11ie prsrl'mt. 3.9 SYSTEM STARTUP I N(YC USE1131 3_9 AM O%T INC jl+ OT USED] 3.10 CLFANING INOTUSED1 3.11 CLOS.EOU T ACTIVITIES INOT USF B J 3.12 PlyOTIECTION A. prolccl all pgodmis or i'q11kj31M7,C111 in amnrdanw hviiih mamtfacuirves wrliten dimctims. B. Slow piuducls ow equipmul in lunation to evuid physical cNinqe Ib I4elns wh ire iD sinrfkAC_ _ J'rDLffA equipment from expowe Icy alemenls and kccp 1homughly if"Oimd by Ilse a110iiur8vilrm 113 ]M AINT ENA NCE [140 T USPI3i 114 ATTACHMr.1VTS J [4(Yr 11S.F I) [ END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT MMDRiFI WAU and sr w1 vCIAge R;Vlwrmm %TANDARaV( MSTRt CnKWNPECIFIC-A-01W bW1JfiW..Nn ( T19AAT;441. W;9M_C PLrwisad lulr 1, 2@11 CITY IML vwr uh i-mrp D166w--p PRODUCTSTERAGF. AM411}IIAN031.IN(ii EQUIREMUNT& Rap 4 of 4 Rc4-I5i'm �A DATP-1 I NAME -SU MMA RY OF CHANO F, CIFY OF: FOWPi1R714 reed whLar} scw r Rvplr sulaul 9TANDARD CY311'dijRLKll�W:S'PECPFFCATMN L' XUIVIENT{i CON r i, i ii;Q i. Rnked July c, 20p G MY 1444 U2 i' I '4c E I IP15W PSI. 71) 40 - I � III-I-IY.*IMN AM) RE-1v J311.17ATION PKe 1 mfb SEt<' IOK (It 71) 00 N10111 I rl ZA'l'lON AN D REMOBI Ll ZA710N 4 PART 1 - G EN VRAL 6 A. Salion Include: 7 9 10 II I� i3 9� 1� 18 14 24 21 21 2) 24 25 26 27 23 24 31 32 �3 3+t 35 36 .37 38 N do di 42 43 did I,. Mobilizalion and I�rir��fxfLit�liorl a. l�+lohilir3n1iurl 1) TransporTaTion orCcmirsctor`s prmenncl, cyriipnicill, cud operating SuppEics W the 5 itr 2) L'•stabl ishinvni of nemsary genva l kc i I iti-s raT the (�vntraclor's opr;r$tiwi at 1lie Odle 3) PFemi rnis paid ror perfimm;ance and payment bonds 4) 'I'ransportalloil of Conll-AcWr's per kwc 1, *gktipmt nl, and operaling suppiivs to onolher location within the desiValcd Si[,o 5j Rclocalkm of ncccsmry guneraL fagililies for t1le COIII(Ador's opersl ion from I lincalion go amps her local ion on Ibc Sim b. Deltiiolrilixalion I) 1-mri."31ion of Comrsci&-s permmukel, equipment. and + raAhig supplies away fwin the Silt incIudi119 dl Sassembly 2) sile cl"11-up 3) Rcmeirwal of all hnildings -kodlc+r ocher flic i I it ies emnibled at the S i1c fOr th i# b3ntrucl c. Mobiliratiwr and I]gmobili7mion do 31n1 includlo aclivities f6rsp4�cific items of Wnrk chat nrc far wh iclr poynivol is provided chcwhue in Ibc cants . 2. RcinnbilizAtion m_ Rerrlal�ili�ti�lti fir S[rr�iggr �f 14�flri� �ilicall}� reyuir�tl ir1 CI10 C�ltiirect I cKunlcrrlq nr R4 Mquired by Orr ifiel udev 1) t)cFmbiliza[ion im) Trangwrlalion ofCorrlracim-'s perouncl, r'quipn11Vrtit, and opuraling supplies frflon the Him including disassembly or itmpomrily $ uriIGg cquiprlleni, tiupplirs, aral oilier facklities as designalcd 13Y 111c (70111raet DOCLIm0111s 11cmsary to sur,pvnd the Work. b) S4c Clc-ai1-Ltp Fn der igimlind nr [lie COrltMI Docklinenls �� R,r{mohilixx�iflr� �►� '1`rar��w�aii�1 of Cvaltte�lor's p+cr�nncl. equipment, arrd aper�tn4g supplies tQ the i;lq IprccmaTy to rfsurrtc i11-, WaTk. b) fr.strtb1islurwn1 of nccess;i:ry general %cilildes for the Con1 Moor's uperaiion al lire S11.2 iwcosmy to resume the Work 3) No Pa1y merits will be made ror. aj Mobitir.%timi awl Dcwc � iLd ion from One 10W�on to 8110dier on like Situ » dw aun"; prugrcs,% of perf-arming the Wyk. W Stand-by or k1le tints c} Losl prorits CITY (]Fk3k3 MV 131 5TANDARI) Lams I MA I IiA !fi ITIPWATON DO [INN.-NTS Ag-fim d Nnrembsd 22. 2a1 i, WmW rW wdmr} Saner N phoerwni (Y*MA('1 M I . YAW LAITY PRQPIXT NQ I R4599 01 M 00. 2 140246 1 3, Mobilizalions end L�umobllizatiorr for Misctllan4Lmg ru3jceis a. Mobilization rind D4anobiIizakion 1) Mahilizaticul -Shah comisl of 111c acl iviilics and colt on in Wo k order basis 4 lgcccssary for-. S ap T1111H Ortatioar -Df Con lraclor's persovilA equ ipinvi1, and r,perating 6 gopplies Eo ilia Site for 11re isawd 1lfcrk Order, 7 b) C�tabl ishlncrnt 0f rkemsory KOMUal farvililiCs t�W t1M CORtracj0f'r, I opermli0n a1 the Siic for 114c issl4W Work Ord-r 9 2) Di;�m0iIivilion slim II cojkxist *f the aciivitiin find cost neco"ry for: 10 a) TranspartMion ofC0111ractor`s purwrinel. cquipnivkt. Bald OPOFLIting E I SUPPIE,rs frorn the Z�iir NIC1110ing rlistisseuGbly for each i:iRlcd Wol'lc 1.2 Order 13 b) Site Clean —tip for eHch issued Work Order 14 c) Removal 0f all bui ldin$; or wh-or facilll ies nssrmblcd a1 the for s each W4Xk Oder I (P is, Mobi I i xal ion and Icnlobi ixatiork do nut ii1olildr acti wil icy for spim to lit: is .0 17 work for w1kich pfiymcnl is pmvWrd Owhei+r irk ilic owwact. I a 4. Gncegrsncy MOM liml ions and Dainufxi I izal ion rns M tscollanewIs Pr4&L—; 14 a. A M-ubilifaticm f F A+liwilar3Cous Projech when direcied by the City and like 30 lnubilaFatioll occurs wil hin 24 hours of Me igsuifipwe of Ilkc Wtyrk (kdvr. 21 B. Nviatioiig from Ihis Oly 0f Fort W0011 Slandffd SFx�ci ficatiion 32 1. None, 33 C. Coated SpWfw.afti0n Sectiais include, but we nP4 n sarily IiiniLed io: 24 1. Division 0 — Bidding Rcquircnleikt&-CuiaTaal FmTns and CondNops Of the CUnaraLL 3S 2, Divkion 1 - General RcgkLircnwnls 36 1.2 PLAICE ,AND VA Y MFNT PROCEDU RF:S 27 A. Meffiluenicili mild Payrrlem ICL-mrirrlt ('11Y IX-ParmlprrUDIvimsioai for dim-cijoiij opi II' 38 MUlhitiMi(7n 1MY alrtrn 10 lV prK luLlcd or [he iwin sh lji.rd h,,- i irv. Ineludc 1fnc 9 ;rpprop iutr : eci irlrr 1.2 A. I I - ? Mobilization alid Dcmflhili;rati(lgl pf'Norhvidituy) I a. McMurc 3 1) 'Phis 11Crn 191- considered subsidiary to thr u;nriCMB Items bid. b, Rapinaill 34 11 The work perforrlavd and Tnsicrials fkimkhed f n a Mirrk-c *ilh th is Eden, I$ Orr subsid iMr f 19) 1110 WiRtiOLIS 1 tehls fj�id x-nd rrr} DI11cir C0jllpells.afti0n will be 36 iklloNmd. 37 jon f 32 MvbFrizAion auW DenlobiIGzalion ff hO ioeow rr0i0cfI fiie 34 ( 'rwm edivrrf lay Ily-o eA. to a012u•ha ern % e ffR�rrmrnl iwnptre rl 40 c0rrlrej)k ev+ Ivvihile''=rrrrrvF cFwx 1Rj I iriFi� ?INF 12arr2irrrl hhi rear iori,s ilem 41 n. Measure 42 1) T11kis licin will br mcwrred by The lump suin ereaclr as the wod d3 pr08rr.'s s. Mobilirelion is celcOwd oql rile bmse bid 013JY Mild will not be dd paid farscpaMMly ell any additive Mhernatc i1cros added to like Cmirmcl_ 45 2) Deinubili=ion steal I be consider-ed subsidi;HrX 10 Lhc Various bad items. 46 h. Playmclkt CITY rw FMT'MxFF[ Wj14r luj 5Cnmr Ikrplxcmnr %T-PU'4 AR111C(.WSTRMT1 N &M-CII3CATION IXX'1JMr.Fgr.5 Ma" 41'.UV- Ikvkj Novilaw 22.lots C ITY PRWRI rm) ra}jqo -01 won -I MG-rR1117ATION rSNU REMOB11.1KATE P i'"a 1 0(6 1 1) F''ar LIdt 1t'enl, the Adjllsled Controo m leGunn will be oalculaled M the tcoal 2 Comroci BiKI ill Icy ilm k3nlp sinn for I obiotiM on. Mobilifsiiron s11.111 Ix 3 111#14C ill partial paYlriorlls rir, fOlLOWE 4 a) Wbmk I % of llko mdjuswd Colmact Amount for conslrwcl im Devil s 5 ranked, S of the 1116il izalian Iklnlp suin bid or 1j+.1x.-r � r - 0h. 6 .1 6, , n ., a r'Yo ofthe taia I Cont art-UMUt1111, wbichvver is 1rss, wi I I be paid. 7 1h) Wken 5 of the siztj Lwed Calilk'act &1riount for cmulnlcl iori I lemis is 8 comed, 75 6f the mobil izfll ion lump sum bid or j h i wrl Mi • ur, i %ierjjrih of The 1olal f'mtracl aniounL whpelaem is �� will be paid. 10 Previoos paymepis under the Llern vMi4 tic deducled franti lids AMOL1M1. c) When LQ of the *idik1&ted Conirpol Rn10L11d fir o1511SAI'l ction Items is 12 a med, 100% of the blobiIizaliQn lump su111 bird oq : ".. .. ' .- -1r1j0w"'r1 13 .IFi-1%i -',?,-% of tho MCRI ConlravL aullol1aMl, w1lichcVC1' is Its,. will be paid - Id P 'imr4 payinealts Linder 11ke Hem will tic tLc6 ied fnn11 IIii' ArklrM11, Is d)A Nd conlnlnlag a Iotmi f;):-" PADMizatiun" Ill vxrk'xs +Ff fhr.serl 16 sera %jrlljrarr rrlfim .'ri; Y& Of MIR1 CUM11-a1e 1.41911 be comWered unbala need 17 and a rauw f*r can%ld-cralioik of Mj 13o11- 3 8 e) The Lu nkp Sktkkr N d for'Molkili3ml Lou — I`Avillig/D al11 e" sirs I L N( )T 19 1 pcl trdc any CPAI 1Dr s LI 113 ear mobilifill Lon iteons iI---L-%ne3*k1c11 wi ly 20 walerimewer items, 'I' busk *I)sFiL silml I bq Included i31 1114 Y:M rebus 2l walc74w-wcr bid 11errls. 01h-ar'wJse the bid I11cm 4 shall be mimidored 22 111hipm1mo and x catur for cunsid raktion of mjarction, 23 f) The F.ump qu n1 hid fo r m MobilFzalion — Favinp" shad NOT Include 24 any cost arsunt f�1` IMto1)IL12niinn items aswuistled wilt dk' 1114-9c hems, 25 Those costs shall be incladcd in the mMoblliral1lo11 — Ilrrainayc" Lum11 Suin b41 item. (Mherwise the bled fte1M18shall brcousideli-rd urit„IILkMcell 27 slid aiehusc fvt-,v-ui0d-DMalbark of rejection. 28 g) Tito Lamp Siam bbd For -f4 obilia'aIIon — Dralinage" sikFL11 NO l` 29 inol!pllc pad' coil ar surer fvr molplliRalion ifarrrrs as-wcialcd with 1rrkVlkkg 317 i#ems. 'l-LhQsc ctrsis sJ11411 he 111ciuded in the "MubilizMkak — Poviug" 31 1.0 rr11M Sill Ikt b141 item. Otlrcr'wisc llke bid It -rim slMall be conAdc-rcrl 32 u u baklanwi and a cs use tar comide ral loaf of r'cjecrion. �3 2) Th-v woA ]mrfontmM mid materials Turn ishcd E'or dtlitA-1113xaLion ill 34 nccord aoce with JbiR Item errs Ribsidilar} Eu 13ae YLgriaus hems bid and HD oilier 35 compemai i:on wi tt Fjca 1lowe11- 3c MR1 "rifr�firrifarr"�37 r Mobi 14W ion and De tobliaatdar Ifulafpl ifFKhr.% Lnv u.vf�d }$ r1ole fej arx. I Krfoev Und &lvi.'v farre� AfMegg rrud?� kr Dywr Fxag') - J�Y17.k%h- A.;4jil reftwh kof kern - Comieftemir trqi11`J6rfBfodfor vvC* jWc? kem 4D ml �v 1:Vul rl virer h'F 110fd A7rVJJ J!,Vi hr10jW 10115N 1A iih -41 f� Rid 1' S't"�ltr� i{' bO ifvrJrx ' PurijAK arrel DReiri ire i4ax. trr fiolrJr{ o. f 42 a. Me:BSUM 43 1) This ilem fir WiaerfSe imprrrYcn'Lela14 is considered subsidiary Ice 1he, 41d VA110LIS IIl:rals Ibid. 45 2) µMobilimit on — Pawing," "Mobi I i M1 ion — fora image." endAor K lobiiizfftioll 4l} P�y+ln�}17ran3a " x+'ill L�e 111ea-wDij by the lump sum {31' =11 8S like )YOFk 47 progrr--ws. MobiliViti-OD is ca1cILKwLVd Oil the base bid 0111y alld will rrol 1rc 48 paid fear se"Ffftl3' mr and addilive a ll-Drllalte limes aMod to 113e CDn1r4LC1- 49 3 } DeM11objJ44 l Lan shall be omsidc rcd $nbridiary in the eatriMis bid ilewrks. uFry ixF VM'tiW;RfII W$lcrand sanam 5rn«r Rtrdit'rnKT11 SThh11h1L1) C0M7, RCx' 3lt)N SIT(I1'I€A-nikg Ix)(VMF.NTS L.i MkM" 1 2L1: L. N N MA RmimdN'6�22-2(11$ €'rr7 rRop-c'r m) IU71{K1 DI 71) DO - d OLIzATILihP ANF) kridOU17.37A Flk l NW 4 046 t 1) Jlin work performed Mid malCriBj$ fur11iSlled in aol:nrdance With ill -IS i[rm for Walcrlkwer impmvemetits tut sAlbsid iary to the -various liei3ls bid rood rw oiber compensal fun w i I I he aJ lowW. � �� "Jl+lobf 6i�11 inn - P�uirr�" „Mnl�i I i�,l i�rt = bra i na��c,'° arldlar "`�Lt+laiJ izal icon 5 P-a-yingMrainage", IJIe adjutird Contnocl amoom1 will lac 4-,atruja1cd as IJte 6 101:11 CLOW1hc[ anlaunt for pawing, drainugr or rmvirLgldrainage. impFDVCt1iCa113 7 less the lllnlp -SL17tt for umbilizatioq;. Jvl01>1I iM k3n shal l In 111indlC iat partial PIrymrnls As t`nllOWS: a) Whclt t�� of the ad,luated Callimt mnDL3nr for construction ILang is rarnC¢. L%% of Ike mobiliMiGn lump $Lint bid or r iri . - e � : the ow.viJola ua alrf--Ii --JI % of The lotnl pavin& drainage, or j1,ft-VHw/dFahl:3F Contracl k amount, xwh ichever is Icss, W i I k be paid. B b) When 5% of 11w adjusted Coma -act a1 Small lo-I-MMIFLicliolk lcrms iS 14 mad, 7.5% of the nlobi I ilzu1 iiun I amp mim bid: or j 1j4 %,-r7 eh. - ljr,a % rrir+rror of the Total paviqg, dr-aiffilu, or pavingldlau;Iage Gaw ract 16 AMPL1141, wbilchevcr is less, will be paid. P(cwloLls jMY111eD15 L1lldCr Lhe IWin 17 will be dcdllcicd From lbig AFFLOunl- 1 c� WIken 10% of the odausled Cmirawi sinount For corl,lQICI!icm Ile 111H is ] carlre`d. k K% of IIW Illubilization IMP SLlrrt bid (Ir 20 .W,, - -., or the 10181 Nviltg drainagG, or palv[ngfireinai c Conlract 21 HIMO-W, Whichever is leis, will be paid- Previous pltymenls cruder die liven 22 wi I I #ae dr-dLlclM from Ibis Hinount- 23 d�A laid caalaining fL Iflial fin'" Maiailizlifion" ht excm aF{lrl,r -rr 24 rrr10 6lurrrrri ,,1101,'++ll 'ya or mt,41 rmkv I fig, ckl'N Cnage o r payj ngld rm inage 25 ImEd rare s4nil he "Itsldvrcd ua baIancell IA nil 41 sa u sr far IMaillerrll l3l 2.6 of rejsc 27 3) -113c wodk perfornked and n1alcriiMIs furnished for denl+obilifatilim in 29 aceot&nuc with IbN helm sire subsidiary to Ilse v8rious I Ims bid and no other 7nlp#1ts iiorl wi l l be 311M.V ;d. 30 2. Rea�lobiliza# if?nr SLIRpel4 ian �f work sprxifc;lIII required in the Gollarnel 3 I IoLurMellis 32 a_ Mcasilimmeni 33 1) +Leas mmenl For this llem sliall be per e8e17 rrmuhili?Rtirun perforined, �4 b- 110Y111CIt1 35 1) TIIC WOHk pivrfurinrd emd Inalerials fiirrlished in ;occordance with This Itc4rw 36 and Illmsare4 rrs provided under "Mcag1+r+alllerrl" mill bG pcid for aI the Binh .17 price per each "Sp=ified Rernobi limtf oat" in ace aner with Cow racl 38 McIlmeWSL 34 TU, price -91W[l iJ11;l;Idc: 4t1 f) DemobiLizaliunastl ribed 116 :lion 1-I,A.2,a.I) 4 L 2) RCmobiiIiiyaLIo]t as dr.wribcd [it SWioa I-1.A,2.&2) 42 d, No paynicncs will be made FUT sulndhy, Wk I i nle� or lost prarlIS assaeiatlyd IJ»s 4. Item. 44 3- RelnnhiiiMi0D For Sm spcnsinn Pr Work ;ns rei4riirod by (=ity 45 a, MeuskimIlienl and Payment C16 1) Th is shad I be submitted as at C..onlrar[ Clail" in arcooa'dance with Article 10 47 *F Section 00 72 - 48 2) No pnyure111s vwi I I be mule for 51-Rls[Llay. Idle time, or Jost profils a l.:imet! 49 W i Ill I Iris J Lt133- C11 V 4I' FLIRT WORM 1594r CM SMPUry titvier Roppmrmr -gl'AVJP4RI)CUN'STRLIi"71i]0 ',PI•x'I.I:K:AlrlUN DCCl]MENIs Cat INA1'1 2MI. W%M-C R-ftiS I Nwi amber A 2016 CLTY PlifUFA'T NU. I-935M 0170 00 .5 kMItl�K111W,kK43µ1:W)I1kL.1jA1b N Nec � ora ] 4. MobiIin lops qGd Pemabiliminm for Miscellaneous Pmj=15 at, McvRorcincn1 E) MeaSur'cmuhl fir this 11-ein $110 be for omh Mobi I im Ion and 4 Deilkabil121.06011 mgNPiircd by lk Conimcl Vwkmc b, Paym-aill 1) j'lw Work perrurnwd and nkallerWs furnishLl d in accordance wilh this IT-em 7 alkd me-05urbd As PWVidC(l DII&T "AA%Uremerif' will be imid for al the uni4 8 price per eaeh "Wrirk Order N oW.1 iza1ion" in wu>Drclenoc ivith Contract 9 Dmuinems. 17ernobillizaLiUn shall be considered srlbSidigry to mobilixalion 10 andshmil nvi be pukhd for sepamic ly. I I c. The plies sltiail I iiwitide; E1 1) Mobilijrotk+1 as described in 5;mchink I _ I .A3_b.1) 0 2) LkmK?bjlimdion as drseribe�1 ilk &ttlark 1.1.A3,a,2) 14 d, Ha 1+aymnenls will W arkade for AN11 k y, idle lime, or lum prailts msocislcd ihis 1� flem. 14 6. 1=mcFg;-ncy M-Pbilizath mJs snd Demo 5i llm iolls f`0 r M isocIIaileo s Projects 17 a. ?,-CMUrrmeid IS 1 � Measrlrcnielkt for IIIi5 Ram alrall bc for each Mrdallizaliun and 19 I?cmalaiIirnlion rcyuiMd by the Conlracr Docuakenis 7{l b. Paymeni 21 1) The Worlk PQrlbrniCd a15d materials furnished in axordancc with this Item 22 and measured as pffuwi&A Corder "Megs,krelrtielklF` will be paid tar at t110 unil 23 prier per eru:Ik "Work Order Emergency Mobiriz&T OO ' in amr4anoe %with 24 Co111raet Documents_ I hili��tiarl shAll Iyc cansoder�d salhsidi to 2$ rn(3bilifatinal Wad shil I I nui 15e pAid for Wurmely. 26 c. The price NMI inc.lude 27 1) Mob i I im ion as dcmribcd in Sect ion 1.1. A.4.n) 23 2) Dcmflhiliza6mi as dcmr!bLLd in SecriNk I, I ,A.3.&2) 29 d. No paymcnl3 ivirl be r m le for mandby, id le lime, oT Ickst rxcfils a rriated th is 30 lieu`. 31 13 R F FERF.MCF* I KOT IlSED1 32 J.-4 A1]1411NATRATI:VE RE-QUI REM ENTS SNOT USERI 33 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USFD] 34 1.6 1NFLOR +IATIONA1, SU13M11-TALS INOT IISF1li 35 1,7 CLOSEOUTSUBMITTALS INO'1` USEIak 36 1.9 MAINTPN ANC: E MATERIAL SUBM ITTA S I NOT LDS ED1 37 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE I NOT USED1 3$ 1.10 0ELIVERYh ST RAGFF ALND HANDLING [Nl'Yf' 1JSIED1 39 1.11 F l rl rIl I NIT EI CONDITIONS I NOT USPI)i 40 1,1$ WA RRANTY I NOT USED] 4"are (}I° Fi nt r W0k'J 14 Yvon AW --N'BhIjegV %Vr+xr)kTftaallkC-nl 57ANDARG}{NL-'1Rtl0tf%NPF€'IF1CA:E10NMCUMFNT5 CONTRACrZW1.WSM-' karisad Nonwi%fo 22. NIA+ CITY PKOJFC7 W1 1035DD I 3 4 s 4I 7404-6 MOOR.17-4TIOm Ai4p R F.W]111ijirATj0N F�lp8446 PAWI� I - PRODUCTS I NOT USEDI Rcvi9ior3 Log DATE CAM F SUMMARY OF CI1A NUI: 1112VI6 Iwliched Orrn 1` F4iac "' `isrxl# GCI iCBlium. irxluJi hlae he t I� mAr-mmilrw4rlW OrAblc Aff&btr wukdL&y or paid hid ilcm for Mobelizwkn. CrFyOf fORTWMiIh WiMm and $enkwm 4 Cmcf 4.Cpkmllbml -coN rk'7 mi i. Yrswc UITV PR{M:C7NO. I039H FORTWORTH. Section 0171 -01- Attachment .Surrey Staling Standards February 2017 O.1 s-5tds Governance ProcessVemporwrV $pic Files\Capltal aelVerylCap MIlyeryr D w 01\01 71 23.16,01_A 11whment A—WrwaV Staking Standar�dsAmm PVO I of 22 These pracedures a re intended to prowide a standard met hqd for eonst ructlon Staking services aswciarted with t lie City of FarE Vdarth projects. Tbese we not u� be r-flnsidered all irKlUSIVe, bUk only as �i 8tnq�ral guideline. iForprPiects on MOTfight-ofwayor thrawgfflofilf UVOTprrrtaripathma, a0wFance to the TXWT Seewey Man uoa sfrafO ibeMiowed and rf -a dtsrrep-uncV arises, the 77XVt arttr � s ate Ar�wea�t. cJQ saa t Kaot m.a,, l U A IN; F If yDu have a unique cif cumstanrt, ,Tease consult wlthM the projad MAnagerr inSpKti?r, or fur ey depimelmLmt -at 817-392-7925_ Tabla_cf Contents I, Ov of Fort WDrth Contact IfA-armatlon II. Can5tr1O1;#iQrj C910rs III_ standard SzakingSupplies IV. Survey E q u ipment, Cpritrol, and Dim m Stan da rds V, Water Stakir%s A Sanitary Sewer Staking Vill. Storm eta kog V111. Curb -and Gutter Staking lK Cut Sheets X A5�uimlt Surrey OAS tp rs-SkdsGovernance Process\Temp' vary Spec FilesWapital Uellvery\Cap (kilverx Div 01�01 71 2.3.16-01_Atlachment A_Sur' y 5takir�g 5tandards.d-Dix Page 2 of 22 11 11. 5 u rweV Dega rt mnn t contact information PFy#ii;al ano ma icing address, M.i Game 80wlc VVeat 80uleVard Suite Fort Wonk Texas n 116 office:1817)152-7925 SUrwey 5Vperint-E�ndent, dingy t 19r : J1517) 392-8971 Canstructron Colors The following coFors shall be used Fpr $taking or idmuNing Feetufes in the flel�. This Intl s na$Bin , paint oflaths{stakesr palint of hubs, and wy Idenxification surh as pin flags if r►ecessarv. Utility PROPOSED EXCAVATICN ALL ELECTAPC AND CON 1195 -- POTABLE ATCR_= GAS OR OkL TECEPHUM 0116V OPTIC SURVEY CONTROL RIDINTS, BENCHMAfiKS, PROIPERTY CORNERS, ERiGHT-OF-WAYS, AND AL L PAVI N G ;NCLU D ING CURB, SIDEWAIK 5U1 LVINQ CORN E4R5 SANITARY SEWER _ IRER11GATION AND RECLAIMED WATER Sta nda r d Staki tag Su p plTes Item Woudern Hula (2" x2" min.. sgvate orefermdl Pin FjagS �2.5" x 3,5" prelerred) G"r� Stakes PK or Mag -na li& Iran Rod!s � 1{2" or greate r dia m0er) 5u"V MarklrkR paint Flagging Marking Wh1skers (leathers) Tacks If or marking h1,bs) Color WH ITE YE LL-OW ORANGE PINK @Ale PURPLI DAInifflUM -rJZ@ :1S" tail B" tail 71" long W req uired V long 18" long water -based V wide (;" Iflng 3/4" Iona 0,Vpacs-5x.ds Gommmer proces5jTernporaryr spec FileslCap�tal Delixrrw\Reap De1hreryr Div91101 71 7�.1$.0LAltmEhmew A_SurwyStaking 5wn¢;1TrJS.dbCX Page 3 of 2 2 IV. 5 u rvev Ea ulp men#+ Control.- a nd Datum Sto ndards �4 aty Benchmarks All citVhencb marks can �e fou nd hera&; E�t[�.'{ fr rt4u rE �k,�s av i t olutaoFr ISa< Look for rZonirki; Maps'- iJ rider rtayexV ., expa nd '8aitmap t ry, -pnd deck on Tenehrnark�'_ S, Conwentloinal or RoboticTotal Station Equipment J. A Fminimurn of a 10 arc-seconif i nstriumertit is ft-quireql- ll. A cbpryr of the latest calibratlon report may be requested by the Clttr at any time - A is recommended that ari instrument be callbrated by Certified techMdan at least 1 4cCUKrence eveFy 6 Fnorrt�bS, C- Network{v,R,S, and static GP$ Rgvlpment It is cri#ilal that the surveyor verify the correct horizontal aind vertical datum prior cornm encirtg vmrk. A site r aHlVil 1pn May 1139 requlnel� and shall CoMiSt 01 at least 4 contml points spaced everwlyr apart and in va rylnj quadrartitg- jWdl#final Field checks cpf the horIzontal inn v+erucal accuracies 5] alll be completer) and the City may ask for a copy of the calmration rtport at anytime - II. Network GPS s as the Western Data Systems of Smartllet $ystenns may be used for staking Of PF0Per1w{A,0.VV, frock -main water Imes, a-nd rewgh-grade only- No GPS SO I rig der can{rete. SET"rw -vF, storm dral n, finul gmdi ,.01 4mythim that needs verticaI pLLW Lwjtb a t0leF3rtice of_a25' 4y.lrtg Is allowed. D. Control poirrls W I_ Al I 4;antM points set shall lae acwmpi)nl�d by a lath with the appropriate Northling, �astin,g, and �l watlon Of applicable) of the golnt set, Control paints sari be set ret;Lar,'r, In concr*tt, Or any+ other appropFlate item with a skahia base and of a serni•permanerrt nature. A rebae tap is cq3tianal, but preferred if the CAP is marked'coritr0l p01nl' or sirrrllarwunding, II. Da#as4ee#s are required for all wntrco poiols set. DatasheO thrould include' A. Horizontal and WrW.al Datum used, EKample; NA-11$3, NQrtb Gentia I Zone 42C2, NAVD &E Elg+atlons 0- Gricl or ground distance, — If grotint], provide Scala factor used and base point roordi"te, Example: C.S,F,=0399125, base Wirrt=North; 0,Easr50 C- GRoid model used, ExarniplP- Gf❑ID1 4 0_l5Pecs-W% GGywrnarm a ProcesslTernporaryr Fpec ffies\Capltal DeWerylC�ap CLeIivsry Div 01WI 11 23.16,01_Attachmerrt A 5umey St;)kn85tandards-docx P 4 of 22 E, Preferred Grid Mat -urn Although many O�an sets can be in surface coor4inatet tlia Citl(s preferred grid datum Is tinted byelaw- Careful consideration must be taken to verlfv what datum each proJet i5 in priiar to kginning work, Ik L-5 e5�enllal the -5prVE�VQr'bos- Fairrtltiag wlth coordinate Ilransfffrnations and how a gri�jsurlace/assumead coorclinat-eSYS-em affect a prgmt. Pr�-ected Coordinate System; NAD_1983_Stateplane_TeKa�_Nofth_CerrtraE_FIPS_424i"_Foet Projection_ tamhrert_CDnf*fmal_Canir Fa Isr_EastEng; 19�68500.0000O04 false_ Northing=-6561666.6666Hg7 C�antral—Merldiam -98. 500=00 Standard Parallel t, -37.13333333 5karPdar%d 11arallel 2: 3a.8666,6667 Lat1tu-le—()f_Origin: S1_515KK67 Linear Unit; Foot —US ographlc Coordinate System: GC_North_Amerirart_11383 Datum! D North Amq2rieaiM 2H3 Prim-0 Meridla 11; -i ree-nwlch Angular !Unit: Degff6e NAM. Regard less of what da Lurr« ea(h park IculOr Project i5 In. dellye�rahles to [lie Ci Ly rn m t be zionue rted{tfa ns latied into this preferred grid datum, i Copy of the ttellaerablk, shDuld be in the projecr datu in [whA;cYer It rn aw bp) and 1 capy shau Id The Ln (he NAD83, YX NuAls Central 4202 Torre. S�Pe Preferred Fi?e Nomina Ci3mrunlion bLe�w F. Preferred OeWerable Format A ,Csw AW9 ,Job G. FrOQrred DatD Format PAE,7,D,N Poi ni N uaiiber, N00111Agr E esti ng,, Elawatifl n, Description, Noll& cif applica Lyle) H. Pre4err-Ed Fine NaMIng Convention 1'41s is the Preferred format: City Plujact Nurmbe�_bescriptlorr_Daturnxsv Lmmale fox a r� that 1'w sur%ace mordle��t�'- lrJln 1- C1234 As -built of Water on MiPin $treat Grid MA-D83 TXSP 4202,-Csw : pees 5tdsGoveroance ProcesslT-Dmpcwarv50-tC FileACOPikaL PCINer67-PP 13wl1++ery DLw 01\01 71 23.16.01_Aitachmcnt A_A,ruy*$kaking Slandardsdocx Pale 5 Q$ ZZ File 2., C12 34_A5• bui It Of Wifl-Er cm Main Streel_Project Spodrii-c Datu m-c5y EXampie Control Stakes Q-\5Pm-5jW5 Governance Rrocess�Tcrnlsorary SPec F ilesWapital bellwerycap DeIrvrtry Div 01WI 71 73.16.bi_Aktachmem J1 --sur Slaking Stannids`-docx p"C601 22 Q �z � J cn Z � W � O OL j 1 of 6 EL. = 100.00' bi z z to LE z t4- U P #1 N = 000, 00 E 15000, 00 V. Water Sta One Sta nda rds 0;�$pecs•SC&-GrNr%C%e PAOCes9kFeMporarV Spec kes�C"Itel DeliueroCap Delhrery IDIv 01101 71 23-16.01—Attadamont A —Survey StakickgStandar&.docx Page 7 of 22 A. Ce-nterline Staking -Straight klne Tang -ants I. Offset lath/stakes every 2410' on even stations u_ Painted bluEg fath/stake only, no hLrb Is r-cquired 11.1- Grade IS tO top of pipe �TJF) (Or 12" dla merer pi pe5 -pr smaller W. Grade to flaw line Vllj for 16" and Iarg-ef diiavneter pipes V- Grade should be 3, 50' b@10w the proposed top of -curb line for 10" and srrrald@r CMiameker IpEpes V1. Gr.36e should be 4,00' below the Proposed top of i;urh ling f<�r 12" and laxger diarnewr pipes VIl. Curt 3h-eets are required on all stalling and a ropy can be recelved from the survCy Superintendent Option-0; Ain ra+ slakes shatf consist of o 60D trait or lwu set Orh o wNsker U. Unterilirm stakIng • iurms I. If arc length is greatef Nian 100'. POC I Paint of Curvature) offset Ntakes shoLrld be set at a 25' iriterwal rl. Same grading guideilnes as ab w Ill_ Staking of radlus pn nts of greatar than IM may be omitted C. Water Meter BONN i, 7,0' perpendicular offset L� preferred to the center of the box II. Unter of the meter show Id be 3# b-,-Filnd thin proposed fate of curb III. Mlew should )e staked a mlrtimum -of 4,5' away from the edge OfadrlweWayr IV, Grade is to toy 13f box and shauid be *0.06' hri&er titan the p )posed iqnp of curb unless shown otherwise on theplans D. FI rQ Hydrards 1. Cenler of Hydrant should �?e 3.W behind prVosed face of curb GI. Surveys offset stake should he TV from the center and perpendicular to the curt} line Gr water main III. Grade of hydrants should be #0-3([ higher than the adjacent top of curb E. Wat" VaWe!s & Vaule5 I. Offsets should be perpendicular N the p+-opowd grater male II. RIM gra�e5 should only be prwldk if on plans Exam Die Water_ $tpkes -W5peCS-F#d5 Cro4ename Process�Tenxporaryt Spec hkles�Caplral DPI QP) aelkertiF Dhe 01W] 71 �3.16,D1_4ltachmwA A_Surwey Staking Standards.dacm Page 9 of 22 vi W x 7' ❑/,5 (L wA FAT 3L Z Ln 4 Sanitary Sewer Staking ():\Spew SC& i3vwernNnCe Pr #-��lemparary Spec Files\Cupiwl VLlivvrw\lCap IP vlivvLy pla GlWl 71 ��JBXi_Attacismens A5urvi7y Slakir,$ #�r�dards.docx Page 9 of 22 A. Centerline Staking-Simlght Une Tangents I. Ir7was OoalI be field v+erifaed WE corrs ared against the plans tefore staking I.I. Painted green IMh/stake WITH huh and lark or marker fit, flu flagging requife-d III, 1 ofFso stake between rnaahiAes if markholes are AGO' or les-s apart III, offset ritakes should be located at even -distances and pevipantlicular to the fenki.-rllne V. grades wilts be per PI:arw and the data of the plans used thou Id benQtvd VI. If multiple liimes a re at o ne ma nhole,. each Mlrie shall #eavE a cut/fIII and d Irection noted VIL Stakes at every grade Ixreak VIl;. Cut sheep# p re regijl red orM a 11 staking Optjano+; Aetuoi stakes stwOf cortSrSf of -a UVD nail or Kub s,-[ with o whisker e% Centerl Ine Staking- Curves r. If arc length is greater tharr 100', IOC (rrf of Gurv.&lure) offset 51ake5 should be Set -at a 25' i nterwa I II. 5U*ing of fa iu� :Polnts of greatertpan too' may he omitted C. Sa n Ita ry Sewer man holes 2 offset starer, per rnainhale for the purpose of providing alig6Ment to the wnUzctor 11. Flowline grade shovld be on the Ila6jstake for earh Bowline a nd d irectio n noted III. RIM gfode should only be on ! he stake wh en providad ire 111e pla ns Gower-mance Pracess\l emporary Spt:S Fllc5Wapita I Veliwerw�tap D�liwry Oiw 01�01 71 23,1641-Atlachmeat A_5urvew 5t;)k�ng Standards.docx dm dm -Exa m pl a Sa vita ry Sewer Stakes 0 "1 � ft j�I JTJ.:�+70 J�,. ,- [:�W t-oll m P.O. w � W Y x�x w LL- J su',l►71VI .A c-*L I i CAI c,D X ly ' L, r Ld- rt+ a C3 T ' }J� lk 0--Vpecs-Stds Gcomr-namce Prpcv,�\Temporary Spec File& appal aelkerv) ap Dehlerw Fhv QI�W 71 ��.7G-C1_,attachmentA_Sumeyr Staking 5tandard5,du- Pav 11 of 22 V111. Storm Sewer & Inlet Staking A, Centerline Staking — StralgM Lln-e Tangents I. f offset 5tAe every 2013' on eV6en 5t@tlorps 11. Grades are to flowlltle of pipe unless otherwise shown on plans III_ Stakes -at every grade break IV. CLFt sheets are r-equlfed or) a11: sinking 09timo?. Actu-n0 sto kes sho11 conyfsf 0 a 600 nart ar huh $ft With a Whisker g- Ce-1terlin a Staking — Curves I. If arc length is greater [ban 100', P � Point of Curvature) offset stak4nx should k s nt :af a 25' i nterval I I_ -Staking of is d ius points of great-ed than IDO' maybe orni#ted C Storm Drain inlets 1. 5taking distances should be measune�f ff0M er►d Of wing ll. Standard 10' Irtlet 16,0U' totallemgth Ill. Rer:essed 10' Mn let = 20-01Y total length IV. Staridard double PY iniet t 26.-67 total leng[b V. Re{essed doril�le IV Inlet = �0,67' total length D, Storm Drain Manholes a. 2 offset stakes per manhole For the purpose Df provIdirtg alignment to tv�e contractor 11. Ff*wline grade should be un the lath stake for eac1h I'Iowline and direction noted [II. RIM grade should oilly be on tfxe stake whein pKovIded in the plans G'1SPees-5td- Governance ProreSATempwurw Spec File&\Capkali uelwery�C p Delivery-DIv AWi 74 23.16,R1_Attachrfrerit A_5u+wsy Staking Standards-do.ck Race 12 of 22 Exam nli2 Storm In let Sta ke s FRONT (E FACIN C FRONT aACK (g M P Aebke NIL W Foul 0 C1 tx AwbMs SL MWO OMMS *W-H EJOP 9; 1K -14 rftmr p 'IMN I OM NO W H tjb- W THE VhQ EU& STWfD- PUM 5T.4"0 %K t r LrA rtD 4 L=.C%kh 0 1 H il RDWO On jlqrNTMW,b 10 tw dp [.LIB 77 P. FL To njrqlM n WANS 14 �f MaM&SW tif - W Twkwo DMp&-f IfF 1&67r nia mam fAtp - - - - - - - - - - MuN Mai FI is -K� ur ww 2!-M2 cWto -d- FLMIG fA Elf -N L%Lt I .0ri 114tFt him ILWX (4 —Lh!p1H1 M M%M4Mf ELPX OF P%kAHErET jDqL Cc FLWWNr 0:1$pecs-Skds Governance :PracmTemporary 5ppc Ffle-��Capilall DeHn(AQp Del ypery Vlw0P41 71 23.16-01—AtCachrmcnC k5urwey Staking Sta-ndar&dacx Page 13 01 2 7 Vi l 1, Curb and Gutter Staking A. Center Hine Stakil"—Srral9M Une Tangents V. 1 off&et StAe @1Prk 510' DD ever .5tatlgnS vi, Grades are to tap of curb unless otbtrwiw shcmn on plans mil. �#ake5 at every grade btea s VIII1. Cut Sbaats are required on all slaking OpVprrp'j; rat ;stakes shaArumyi5[of a 60CP nai� or hub se[ with a 11Fbisktf B- Ce nterl Inn Staking — Curwes III- if arc "th is gTeater man 100', ROC (Point of-CuiwaftUro offset stakes should be Set at a Z5' intervipk IV. Staking of radius p0int.S Of greater than 10()' m;)y be omitted 0=A*pccs-514% Guywname ,pec F Irvs apltai Delf mr p MLiwtry ON 010171 23,16,01_Attachment A—SumW 5i.7king Sjandards.dacx Ex a m v I e Cu rb & butter Stu key FR NT (SIDE FACING CZ) o FRONT FRONT VF din FRON7 u Fowl a ttAwRn,r ,COPE rACM UL? Pf T LJ F'SCK rin moam7 inrat ld h � . AWE F FLaW-5 ■.,x to' oft CA Pip A ' 1 aIN1 ! li I hill lla I 119 14 Me Gr :Evm ti r _ e �f ---�—= TOP OF CURB X� 8c OF CU RID fAU CF CAJW I / - FLOM FNr EDGE OF PAVEUENT Examlole Curb & Gutter Stakes at fntersecti" Q;k5peca-51;ds 6 awwnanae Protess�Tempararyr Spec flles�Capllal Dellwery%Lap 8elivrr,r air 01\01 71 23.16.01 Atta-chment kSurveyrStaking Standard-s dixx Page 1�,of 22 r• Zh:.., Lk— '0:�5pCC5LS d5 Governance Process%Terllpwary 5pGr. File4\Gaplial aelim ap belweryawcl�oj 71 23,1G. I—Attachm-eat A_surveyr Swkifig5lu-ndards,doo pm-e 1-5 04 zz IX. Cut ShL-ets A. Date of IieId work B. 5kakIng Met hod (Gn, WWII:5tAonn C, praiKt Name D. City Pro}ect Plumber jimmple: C01 234) E, Limatlon (Addr r cross streets,13R5coordirobn) F. Survey COMPR"Y IMMe C, Crew [ISEvf nipw H- A blank templ-aMe cart be oblaln-ed from the sLifvey 5v1perintendent see item I above) Standard City Cut Sheet CIlyr Projevt Data: Number: PFojseik NUM 0 TOTAL StakinU W1110-d: 0 OP-s STATION El OTHEk LOCATION: CONSU LTANTICONTRACT OR SURVEY C REW 1NITIAL5 ALL GRAD ES ARE TO FL0WLINE OR TOP OF CORE UN LESS GTH ERWI SE NOTE 1). PT AL SIATION OFFSET DE$URIPT1.4�kA1 PROP STAKED . OUT +FILL -LTo+FAT GRADE E L LSD. C: s-5tds GDvernance Proress�Tempodarr *N FIIea\Capftal aellvery�Cep aellWeryr Div MWI 71 23.I6,01_AttacIhx 'rt A_$urvegstAIng5tandards.dcH:x -PaV 17 of 2� X As-buj It Su lvew A. Definitinn and purpow The purouse cif an as -built Survey i5 10 vibf;N the mfie was installed In the proper 1ptiatian and grade, Furthermore, the irkfar•matinn gathered w0l be used to supplemeril the CIL41S GIS -data and rrtusk be In the proper format when suhrnitted. Swe jif As -built survey should McUe the Pal lowling (addWonal items mayr be requested); Manholes Tara of pipe elevatians ev ry 250feft HVFY raf9j Oncf VC�rjkOf POhWs Uf hjjMJUF& CLWVOf We, trtr. (Ai? R( ngs) Calh6diepr ipn .5tatkm SUFrPMg sfCVOnS Meter beweWvauf rs (AP.54esj FOr-E finc5 Pre hydrUnts Gate uakwE jr�w and lop of rpul) PAigs, mb-ors dead-end lures Ale Release va�vg5 jmPaho�e ft crud vent pipe) WOW off volve5 (Mernhufu rirrr acrid vaOv,- lid) Pressure plane waives CleDnfng wyes Oeorr Orris C435irrggrpe feOCh el4d) 1nvFrl5 of japes Turbo MOm 0:1Specs-54ds'aVv4ernance Process�Terr►porary Spit Flrt%�C,Ppa[al DeliwerVlCap DellMeryt Div 01\01 71 UMM_A1tachment.k_sunreV *Staking 5mrAwds,r u" page 18 Of 22 B_ Exarn pie Deliverable A hand written rPd line by the field sumayror is accePlable in mast cases_ This should he a -copy+ of the plans %vilh the point number noted bw each asset, If the asset is missGnj, t#ien the sumey*r should write -NOT FGUNQM 'to notify the City. 0'5pecs Stdfs Governance ProressVemporary Spec Wes�Capltar uellVeryWap Celivery DLu 01\01 71 2116.01_Attarhment A_Survey StakingSlandards.dc€x page 19 of 2 2 r I DA50roL.Rds Governance pr4cess�Temporary Spec RJIes�Capital E7iweryr\C ip DCI:ysryr piw Q1�o1 71 33,1&01,.Atsashrnent A_Survey Staking Standards.dom Page 20 off 22 r�cj3rRvL� � �� �jrprL � irOLE .rdi-AA----------- ax6 IFS F J.C. t.r x•.-��.ti J{.il Iw.-n rl M1i- rayw, rp+,o w� . r:m4 Ir F� FA irF�? - it g Y�8 8�y GYL WYYL L WILWA, PAMAdTAeLF orWG WAW 1��M A ��' J. ax tiraJayA �FTdW. f aapr 1 k�CiRrerls. HUM ' fr404 r4 - CA ` � � ti•� iy dihrtrsi� r � Y L' F }udlv0 t o d? MPLM TU ry 2 - i�f fMA6��dsm iv � fi �1i7Y 4i�� YIir f Cdll Iffi �irIP64 rM Pm i� 4 f •ri r F Jjo �w 4OMMMM i ".1r 9S �_d.V� MYMf l Fit �',tir J f . 62� .7[RI10- r I4 • . 8au- - 4li o*j# - I W fF Clr &#Ant* fre 3� vvuftw 0AWa N tow,{rmar l �t�rJs ra "I{ - id APlum - fFI W rAUdi P O SEE Soff-P a ��_.k•E y '1' �� 1 'fin r..u�u - — . ��"'.� � j �� _ � I�� OASPuus-R6 GcwerwrnCie Pro �lemporaryr Spec Pks\Ca!plR;Al at e1QV DebivVyPlw01WI 71 24lis. l_Attachment A_sUrVVy 57.tki siamdards.dotx Rage 21 ut 22 L, i r y gar 3 � k.v 1 1p • Incr ��1 1 'fyy1��I k 1 4d, 1 i I1 S.0 May i! � Jk t k r..;p 7 I .1 f v..... _ 1 IMF ri 1-411 __:7 r}' y -'�}ham +,, I� •�t: t• . r:.: ,_� . IL' YF I4'' t }• ••� � h r r �: 21•14JOI-4lkachmept A-SurMe��tmFr{g 5 $rtidhrds,do�x Page 22,Df 22 J .......... Vff c . ..................... E-4 I L ............ .. F s Mx - all WWI LA r4 ....... . ....... . ... ..... 49 .............. :r ....................... . ............ CL ..... ................ P.......... g6 7 0 99 mA7-L UNE 050 ";r.H E STA P159 A. 0 UWE A CD µ Obvioushl the ,csv Dr .Txr fire can not be 5igried/sealed by a SurvP++rar in the forrnat requested- ThIs is just an cKample and aFl this irafarrnation shrould be nuti2d whein deliwere4d to the City so Kt Is dear f-u what 000r(Illnate Sgxt,?rrp th-2 Data is ifI_ FDLWT F* N4RYI-*G mTrNG ELEV W051.369 zr94m lam } WAfi KM )mm� 141 a ESKp3W.M lr*113r31% 4 VAMi729 M Wlf A 92% s 694&t9533 ?2" 5 ltl� i fi%*191}.S36 Zzfa0}z7j j mm4lMD12 22i3m.11s a ai+4fawis7 PM915L 131 9 8546NIfU k]"W-414 34 fi9t3914*77 2295iMS1 ]! #A'I59KAr3 Zi95aJ%mi 72 tyF+Iif14p.07} ""Oda m 33 VISHMS91 J115IM4.104 201 tl94S43c:2m 7395841.93E is 6#+ qy. )" 229501&441 76 €i9N583S G7B 2}95i".m; 17 iMM37.3B8 229S 27A71 7B "5rx974 JM7S Dlkil 19 6ASMIS6� 2k9$tP$A?01 7D GNS7413121 129sm.m Z� 04SkUZ19 3295754.°NM 23 6945 21.902 3}9SWA; L 2+ W4m43ljW7 2MS? XJ)3 75 S"55xlm 22M5.3% 2E 69.5S3gAm T}9i"YAW 2} I45S19•.834 ZmSmgAp xb 694Mi?Am 729SSIKU7 Z9 fiA5.4W51V ? Z.14} 30 d845197.ma DIMSIMIN 23 wds mk" assmL799 3? s4+SM-S• 2tsd !p Sig 31 G9 5371X2 ZM�i553 IOS 3+ 699WI;9.m6 Z?i 6"7?h 1S VA&,A4Z.m F2iJ'S5w.7I5 �s 0"D1 4 }rA$4449b 11 hD4S206A,33 ZJ76si ns JF rr94SI.4"l • 7MES)AU A 694}40.445 Z2M5Za335 410 fip"U Y4 0? J113 41?A3WJ 014 zm5u.67S 4P ri949DIO 76 r245552.1.47 jkx V !W.3 + �2§551&05 45 8%VI941A,32 2jismgLZ3'j 44 119A-0JJ[ A kE 229S4 AM7 13EURIDTd N P2*06 5SMH RIM 7n 60 W Sim 7ma5 W RIM 72IL35A SSW 4UM 7rz. LZ3 GV RIM 724 32S rir }maZR YAM HIM 713,111 Y%LM JIJPA r23.d5r ��� SSW "m ?IGLOO Wm QN 707.72 W OW }GCXS WM pow xMAU UMtort 71 OUD14 100 MA 7" MI SWHk- 731.z16 SWm RAII 71DA S G' RJhi ;144�1 ri,YRIM 71224g 6v RJRfI TIF39FU WM RSM 723L76W-RIM 14737 U} RIRd 737SYd SSMff RJK4 724.123 74R# WN 7jZjw9 Wm FgNk 700.531 WMRJIai TJ6u151 €kY HIM jn7144 WRIM 74rLy7d fiw RIM 7944DE In T43+ WM RIM MA 77T MAW 74dt4s4 WM kW M9.59 rKkLu mm },4a osl xm :NM 0:,-r'lmp ♦ -�, T522$7 SSMH Il YWCA R�+A`5 f rr 7S$$41cm RiM �+��J p 7S,2.fi75 MW k-im JL9390 PR.3'A WM NM � t.P.++ 4 t. I r,j IL A o I ' . c' 1 x AI . (t.,r-)j-q d. dnV_LF Ll .14�? % c-F It( r; 4_ f .0 ;- lb I A L) 15 c I., At I t-JV#I. r f A 7r + ii�• L_ fit.+ •i K F+ � e r rL. i i rel 0:bSpecs-Stdsi3oworrQixe Room: TcmpJrraTy Spec FIIes%Capital D+ellweiry\Cap DellwrY Div01�01 Ft 23_1 S-01_Allachment A Surmy SSaking Standards.docx Page 24 of 24 C. Other praferr6d as•bwklt dellverable Some vemdors have Indl-Mee #hat it i5 easler to dePvw this informatinrl in a different format. Behyw is an fxampte spreadshLl-et tFat is also aceeplable and can be obtalned by request From the survey super nlendent, D.�T.pees-$tdsGovemanre Fracess�iernporark Spec Fags\CVIUP aaRverACap DVFn FYlDiV03WI 71 23.16,01_Atiachment A Sueweyr 5tAingSIp ;Drds.d-oc% y L_ �.1 l 4 A F5 a r F P k ' ` � � �•� q� s t aTt aJ w •i i u 0 J 5 J 0.�S L-is-Stds 150vefM;�n" Prqc:Z�Ternpvrarw Spec Fde&�Capnail Grllwi7rY\-Cap UcliVe:ry alw-01�01 Yi I I.16--01_AIC2GhrftmC k5urwey Stakgng Standards.darx Page 2.6dI5 01 41 23 . 1 PAW IAE SECTION Di 7121 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY PART I - GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Scc[iai1 11YCI1.141C5: Itoquirenienis for co34 nkr.Limk stoking and o0111Sdrue6011 survey B. Devifid ium frmri this City of Purl Worth Slandald Specii(J rr Wn I , Nom. C. pCfaaed �pecifecxlian Scclians include, i]ut �r� i1�1 aiefi�ssoCily �irrtited t�; I- Division 0 -Bidding RequiFements. Coldraed Folio& and Conditiom *f ttwCowrw 2, Division I - Gerwra1 Rcqu irfinlcnts 1,2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PR0(7 F? D t I It E.% A_ Measurciati31 and PfiymeiMl 1, Cow1ruclion';Mkijig It. MCA511MINCnl 1) Meosureirwni for this ilem shall be by lumpswTi. b. Poy�n¢n1 1 � The �worlE p�rforJne� arrd the materials furnish in aeoertl:uru� 3�rit11 [F�is tlerrl slimil Isc paid for al lire Iump suns price bid for "Construction StAkiog" 2) Pa),v em for "Cow1rucl ion Stalking- s1i$q he made in partial pqnicn[s prwatCd by Work campiClCd cnmparad 10 to[al w rk iirelud&d in like I arnp sum Item, c, The price hid shall include, bud nol Fv lift kc4 la the following: 1) Wifirai ion of eonirol dais provided by City- 2) PlrrtOM131_ Irlainwri lkv.. mild Mpol;AM1e01 of requited slakes inarkings in the fiieW. 3) PrlepmlioH gtnd slrlar itlal afcoM[run[ion staki»� documenfatkml ill the form of "cut sheels" using lire City `g Slaibdard lernplade. 2_ Consitudion Solvey o. pVlMurtment 1) '[iris Item Is, NmMered sUbsidifiry to IIN VariOuS [terns Nd, I ) The work PC60Fmcd iMd IhC ITIalerink iiurni-03d in accordance with llris 111vn are mitisidiary [a the 4W411rs I1c]]11s bid and Rio o[Ilcr cumpen:�u[iwi tiwrll bu alCrnwed. 3. As• Su i Il Survey �, [�'1Casur�ment I ) Measurdikhelld fbT this Ileln skII be bar lump Su111, b. paylk11:111 I ) Tira work perrCIrmcd Mid 1110 ITIalCriatS fu❑ai-lnud in accordance wir ll th is Ilciri she 11 be paed f6r at the lump &am price bid for " As-Buill Sorvey ('1TY {]F A At 14 ORI fI 'Wawr 4114 %LdmwX UWO l(ColorCrOrnl .WAN IMKI1.1-CINSTR9M-IifWk,H:CAFJCATRW 130CUJAI-NT5 0 " 1-19 A L72 011. W!5M-' JkreJwd Frbroeix 14.21)19 UTY PROMPT W) allM (11 71 2 T3.2 [ r N% rx1.FL-" !STAK ING AN SURVEY PoSe 2 ers 2) Ilayalent for "CuMIrucliOn :Slakilag" shall be inade lit piartial Tmiymcnis proraled by work uomplL•teLi i;nerlparfid 10 tolal work iiiciwied fii the ILimp gum ircm. c. The prict bid shad I include Kil rbal W 1 irrkite-i 10 the fol to wirkg:: I ) Field IneftSO'errWIS 4111d surwc} shots ID identify Iocatioll of complrtfld faciIi#;m, 2) Waurmcnreflcm 3EW submittal of as•bwill survey dada nnlo eoniraelpr rpdIiJJC plays and digilal survey iilrvs_ t.3 REP ILIN ES A. Definiliow I . (]gns1FLlc1`iOR Survev • The MUrVe+y 111ILMSUruawarts nmodn prier 1n or }wliile eoilglrucliDn is in prt$rCNs tO cnlIMI elOW6011F IkOrlAri lid l5osiaiun, dtmenr,-inn!5 aril confgnrWiols OFSArLWurc-4iinpTcwements irichr d in like PrOjW Drawings C. As-huiIt Survey —The memumnk qns rnade $11tw the consgrimticm of the irnrp ovemenl R!Bftl res arc carrt,plete to prowide pusilion cnairdinaws fhr the kalures 1 ConcsirLlci don 29-ti4king — 7be placement of stakrs and nisrlk iii E to provWe ofFsels end elewgl iorrs to cut and Lill in -00er 10 Locale On 1lie gramiod it a designed SIM11CWTes�ijuprovenienis -Vic luded kn Ibc I'rGicel Drinvi11gs. C011SIructiml slakiq. shall inel ude stak ing easca tents midlor righl of way it` indiramd on the plans, 4, Zaae FiW fd OkLvkk" — MemaFemcnis nvgdc after cws1 ruLrtioli slaking iti completod and before Coltisl ruK:tiOrl % nark begins Ia ensure iltial slructum marked flrr 11w ground WC amuntoly located per Project Drawings, 1A, Tnhrikal Refea uricAm I. city aFQri Warlh — Construction Stuking Slandards (availaMc on ivily's 131i rttiv webbilr) — I I I n.16.01— A tt Beim A—Svrwey Suk'king Siandards 2, City of loll Worlll - S13ndard Surwey rasa Cphedor Libmiy (fxl) iikLs (Rvailahle on k'iiy's Him-7:5aw vmbsite� 3. Texas Dtparfilicnt GfTranspor-WDn (1'xDGT) SUrwey MsrrLlal, lak&l M-Visinn 4. T1 .,xas Socicry of ProfessioiimI L aiid Smeyers (TSPri� h+lomkot of Prael ice forbid Surveying i» Ilh-C -Slale of Texas. C~altgoq 5 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQU I RFM ENTS A.The Ccmiraciar'R seleclbon of a surveyor nuist vrnrply wish T?2iwG- wenkmeal Cork 2254 (quvliitteni!iums bowd sekmliall� lot lllis project. 1.5 5UBM5TTALS A. Srthrnitrolig, if r;oqgril*d, ahRil IV in Accordarrtc vwidr S i ion 01 �3 00. B. All submfi Rtarls shall bc rccrivcd and mvict%vd by the Oily prior io &Iivcry Oi xvork. A. Field € lkFLlity Control Sttbmittals CFTY OF foRT WORT14 14 &W vkl SakMW Stern Rtpbftnwnr STAN"RDCON%TRQM1i?v svFf,-wi"xririi+l DxmENT5 OU ORACT' 3V 2 1 W MfrC %riLrd F� rupry 1-,A13 t`ITY WVF.ET7O- 1033W 0171 D -? CMY1%UC71ON &TAIIrt U AND5UIKVFY Page ] GU8 Dociamerila3l ior« verf rying 9CCnracy of fivid cngiFirmring %work, i13cluding coordinale unwcrA ms if Mans do nnr irldicale. grid Dr grotmd;- 3oFdinu"-. 2- Submit "Cal-SheeIs" eadrforilliirg 10 the slmrulard Imp laic irroYj&.,] by 1140 Oily �Tefer to 01 71 2116.01 — Allachmcrlt A — Survey Stak ing Simclarck). 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS R. As -built ROdlinc I]rawin,4 Submillxl 9. Submit As-BuiIt Sumy Redline Druwings duewneilliil911re kc.rrlion5delmlionR cif comin1eled improvain-ems. signed and atled by Registered Pmfmiom!1 I4.nd Surveyor (RP1,S) reTonsihle for the wok; (rcii~r so 01 71 23,16-01 — AtiuelirrimitA — SUFVCy Staking Slanduds) - 2. Contractor shall SLIb rl it the prr powd as•b0t aid completc(I KAd l ine dwivili6 s+u millal one (1) wcck prier la sclicduling Iltic pmjcel final inspmliml fur Clly r-eview Fkpd mnl3keni. R€vigimir, if mmnsmy, shaE1 be ma& to tht as-barili redlitle drawings and rttlbrn illiA to The City prior to schedll I hig I lee colxstruckioM (iiial iir$pWilon. 1.8 MAINTENANCE HATE RFA L SLFUM ITTA I.� I NUT USED1 1.9 QUALITY A%51,1 RA NCE A. Cuirsirucllon ScAing 1. Cortalnlclion making will be performed by the Coniraclor- �, Irporxlirra'li�n a . Cordact City's Project Representative at kmt ors w k in advance notify hkg the City of whmi Cora miclion Slaking is %diedvled. b- II is the Congracrar's responsibibly to wordiimte Mt irrg s eh Ilrai consirui tkm aeliviiies art rl,ol delinyed cc negntively impacled. Uea em l a. Contraclor is resriUnsibkc fflr trra•.serVinP. Mild lnihlrrtaitl. rng stakes. I FCily surveyars are roaItired to re -slake For Any remn, the f'rrailmlor will he mporrsiltk I& cods to perform slaking- If t11 IhC Ol}il]613 nrIht C)ily. a uf rKi�Jit number of stakes Or markingt have boeir I W, ditlFoyed dlAurbed or omil" thAl lhC c0111rULL&A Work tJnrnot take plue Ih1en the Contractor will be requiFed to s1,Ae or ro•stake the dcfcicnt ales. B. Cooslmlel n Survey I _ CmirinwA kn Surrey will be perfbnkkM by tha: Coillrackw, 2- Card irlarti0311 a. Conlraulor to Yerify tharl horfnn Al and vertical imikrml ".H umaNisim:1 in Ilir duign mirwey and rCgL1iMd furumsrruclian surkley is available and in PkV. r~. 3- (;eneral im, Coir micl ion survey wi I I tic perroa-relcd in oNtu 10 eanslrLIVI lh,e wark-4knwn oil lire Coua1mv ion DFawtugs mid stw I -BA in lire Cu1llml L'kicm enIs. h. POF COMiruci ion I7iclho6s oilier illan opell cut, the Comrt for shall perform cun!s tmrtimk iwrvey .6nd verify conlmi data Grmclod ing, bL31 nr l lira iled try, the Fallowing; I) Vtri€icatimi thai csiablishud betwAtmatts and control are aiccomle. l I d Y q 71 Ft MT * RTIi Wnm mwl 4iumnm %mgr Xgp*rmgn1 s'1'ANn&RtaC()NN k{ICHuN SITCIFICKrION DOCUMDM C 4 1ilhd,r M1, W%M W kt%iud F rohry 14, 2SIa 0 1 w PROJEA-i hka 1Q%W GE71211A { EM-TRUC'TIONSTAKING AND%,LakVI:.V I 409 2) Use of Bmmchmarks to Rif klish acid 1hR1r1ruin all rrrerenae Ii1105 ak grades for tum;Ielin& �� �� �� iilae mad grades �� �slahlish l3rrr local iort of Ilia pipe, 4) Submi1 to the City copies of fieM moles Used qo +-,sEablish nil liras mid grades. if r¢qucs;ed, ;pud allow the City to Check ruidaucr sysrom So up prior to beginiiiiig enicly hunmling drive. 5) FFevide aCcss for Ilse Cily. if r*qpLes1md, to Vcrify the glii&iiCe S�SLe111 MIA the 3ime and RTade of The carrier pii e. 6] -nie Ctmitmdor remaims futly m5ponsible for the iaceoricy of the w*Fk- and Tiell of il, W re !!RA� 7) MIDP tur tFne and SWc oaai1iDU0LIS y dLlrirLgconstruction. d) RNOrd dewaolion wish re-�poct to "an line and Bride on-m at e"fi pipe jim mid s41 mil daily reoords lu the City- 9) If the installatigm 4os 1101 Illeel Ike sp+vcif'3ed loler4tl = (as ouiliiied Hi Sections 33 Tea 23 errdior 13 05 24), imrimlialelg notify Lhe City and eorrev the Wtfl tioQl ill &mot-1-aiice %vi Lh 11kc CO]tlr*rt F)OVIments. C, As -Built Surety RegWred As. Eau 111 SUFWCti, f w i I i Ise P-CII'lliDrmcd bT 1 he vy111'"I ar. 2. Ccordimiorr 41. ClOt11Trlctor is to coordilmaTc with City to milirm )Yhich fcrrLLlscs "Itil-V 8s- bui II sjurvey ing. b- It is the { CMI!rwler'� rcspoiisNIily go owrdi ime the agbwill amrwe� aild r gkl;ired rmLatsuremciiis fnr imms that are to be buried such iltat anmtruclion actin ities are mt delkiycd OF negaliwcly hi`kK Xd. . For ,cwr=r mains mid waler mains 12" avid Under i.13 dijiltlam it is ameplable tO physitlilly mtuSLITe depth and rmrk the 10-cmi iott du ring the pragrc4% of armsTruclloll and take as -built sur rzy after the 1kiIity has bee14 buried-'11m Comyorrtor is rcs330115ihle for the qumlily cordrul mccik-d tP gWkireWeUr4Wy. 3. (irr6L al ;. 'lac Comraetor shall provide as -built mLrrcy i3tcluding (hCel0waliOn mild location (and prevWc uritt ii C100111L` ULL'UNk t-D the friar) -afcominxiim RmluresdmriLit; the progrm nriheconatructim including thefolinwing= I ) 1 MCF 1.I lh`% r3) Top of pi Ix i4evaliomi aid cmtd Males fir Waterl im-s w 1 he fol lowing Io=t01m; ( 1) MWIT11u11) OVely 250 NI C"T JbM, ilrrIkWjFjg (2) rlON7.011118l aid werlloa9 puinh of iht1mctirm. cummure, eic. (3) Fire Eille tw (4) Plug, q I7h-okll!i, dmd4ild tines (5) CasiliB 13ipfi (each end) alit all burirad hlliugs �� 5aelii�nr �e+�+cr m) Top of pipe clevatims Bind 000rditi#ttes for forge mziir►s mid siMilmi salutary sewer 1 ices (non-gravily fa+of lities) Rt Ilie follow i31g Focal ions; (1) M i 11 im Lim every 250 liner feet Alld alk± buried fill i ap ��� �l�,ri�rutk�il glad �erti;:nl pvinls oi' i�tFl�c�irrt;, curwatiGr�, de, 3) 1�tmlivaler — Not Appl iunble L-I'IY OF I'ORT W-DR7 III 5k" WW Mnirbry Srwtr RellflaxQrm $TriNPAR D CX)N!t'RWI iMt %FI:43F7[-ATifIN 11K147UML-4p, 'UNT ACT M L. %LS 4 wC Rrrhe+d Frhrumn, I4.711iS CUT ERUJECTNO. I0.45UO 01 71 23 - 5 CUN r�R[. MON STALING ANRSk RVEY pup 3afd h, 11w Conl acaur shah l;wuyIdu u6-hallt survey kneluding 1lie eleval ion and location (mid provide wriuen documenialioii to the CiV) or consl nictlon realirms after the couilructian is completed including, the toll1mvirw: a) Rini and 11owline elevations and coxdinatu roe "Cb matrh01C 2� lilemler Lines #I) CW]i�Wiq, prro"I ion lest -1A1 i-]ns b) $aanpliNg xl11iiVIN c) Meier boxwNaulls (All sin s) 4) Fire hydrants e) Va Ives (gaw, bullcrfly, a w.) 11 Air Release valves (Manhole Tian and vent pipe) g) Blow CC Vaim (Manilplc rim and valve l id) h) Pressure plane VAl+res i) IJiid 6uIitl Vaulls (1) Rirn and Ilowliqw clevai pens Itinrl c Li i IlaleS far cAelk t]ndcrgroumd Vouli. Summary SeiNer a) cIeanouls (1 ? Dien and fl-mv I i Ise c Ievaltimn and o0ordinales far Oac11 h) Mmtholeg and Julietion Struclhres (1) Rini mmi 9Dw1hieclewrions atld u-nardhmlcs Fai-Laeh n]a11-110le And auneliean slruetum 4) 4tfrrni-%v91Cr - N im Ap�l icAble 1. 10 11F5-I V ERYF ETGRAG E. AND I IAN DUNG SNOT USED] 1.11 FIELD jSrrEj CONDITIONS INOT USEDI 1.12 WARRANTY FART 2 - 1tlt O11IXTS A. A cunsi!nKti�on survey will prodw=. birl will FKA km limiicd Ib: 1, Rei [ov rry rI f rrlvv;Rn[ camrol points, pairsIs of cul-V-0 rt rind p0ilits Ofirllerse C1611, 2. 1�srmblish ccni ]arary horizormal mod v¢rlicml k*nlrol elewmlions (kaollmark9) sufficierllly perltiiaileOt 811d �ocata i9 a manner lv 1C L35Cd throuSlknu[eonstrucrinn. y. 'I-hg! IK:RliQn DCplanl]ed 11wiliticrN -.asemeills and irhPn VUme:dils. m. F.stAblislking liikal line kind gmie slmkes for piers, floors, gmde boon;& parking anlys, Llli I it ies, stasis, I1 ighwinys, t ormis. and Aber 4xms1rur.1 icon. b, � r�por�l of rc�isie�r;Is or curl�erlic�ns �]o1,cd in an r�rxlrrly rrlhnitier f�rrefere�w:c, c. A dm w ing wheel re4uired hY the: ciieni. ad icai-Ing the Iiorixontal and verl ical Iflcalion orr2ciiilies, OUSM03119 Wd as huill. 4, Llit SIWMs shm II 1M prr}Vidcd IP 111c Cily inspmor mild Survey SUW1111CII&I31 rur all nwvclimi Slaking pnu eels. 1hew cut sia-e[s shuEf be ou the s ikdar� cilylempime w1iich cwk he uhtained fftmir 111C SL rmy Superinlendeal (817.392- 5). �I�IL'Itii1 �laR��y fly In IiIYC l'allo-�klll�' f`i�rntHiS Slea1l � AeeCIYIA��E: a. A uloCAD (,dwg) b. LSkt Shopciile {7jw Of FORT WMI I I W-wr dW ua4u3 scut* A4pumirienl ti reiHI] R0I:1INK I kLx'FIGP+1 &?W1 FWAT ON DDCUME ML CON 1 I:Af'T 20M. W%'HL i Iisrfx-1 1,r1WUAd5 la, to 1A [71Y fttjPR' [ NN � ]UPI I Ol 71 23 -d PAY iSflB c. C_SV the (,rr,.rr). Faamatled vwillt X arrd Y coorjitfflin Sepmeale "JukialM (rise slaiMilard IemplalcS, i f;HVailable) Norvoy files shrill 111Clude vrrlical and horizontal data tied to original project o1311Irr I aad bcnrl1ma6Ls., mind %M11 inchkde feaiurc doscripmims PART 3 - EXI;CllTION 3.1 INSTALLERS L The slaked kacatiQla arRU irr}WVelllCFk1 OF faciliiy should be as amirate us practic.ar and m%cmary- Vic dc:grcc of precision required Es depcndi m on many fieeiorS all of Which MLlSt MaLdn jndj;mcntal, The lolvancc:s Iiswd Iw~rcat1or are based on 4priMblitiCS rirA klildvr Cerlaan i:irrw3iis1;mn*-s, yliali ykw to sptcI5r requifermkis. The surveyor shill aSscSs ally sit11:01iOn by FCView of the ovetall plant acid 111MILgh c0115ullalioit wii11 responsEble psHhics as to llte ilml for sptcific tolerances, a. Enillmork, -Gra&-s for "rthwork or rough ell sliva6d nol isce4 0,1 ft, vertical loleraw. 1 lori2onlal m I ignmeni Fos r$rifiwod-k and mtgli c ui should rim e.%cccci Lo Iiit ID6�mnce. b. Hot'imnlal fifignuwni on a strucic M shall time withhk ,0.1 R tolerance. e- Paging or concrete fear streets, curfas, getters, parking ateas. Brim. alleys and twalkwnys slmll fc lac#gcd wkh ilk tile ,xnpliucy,oFthe Sire houndr*rii?s aitd, casiorwi I ly, u€flnp, m bound4ry or any olim reslrirtive Iinc. Away frixn iiny restrbulive line, theft faeiliiias sltiurlld be staked with all Accuracy producingrrao more loan 0.050. mlcrame cram 11mir spiftif ied Iocatinns- d. Undergr+ and tuid overhead niiIiiic-S, slAeh as SOWer8; gas, WaLcr, [dephQnc and vk�utric lims, shal I be I-ocated Iwmimitally vwjlhiii 1Wr prescxi Bettis or ea mmkLs. Willun asaigmcd arm, lime ul i I itki s show Id he giakd Willi -nIi mcuraq- pr NKIitg au inDm than 0-1 ft tolcr-once fr�,mn a spcuified location. u. -Cite accurKy mgkl ired for 11te Yeri i3Oa I local ban of iitilil ies va iIjes W idly, M:RFq undergmind ulilities rxgiiirc CNI'll f A aril]itnlliii c-oWr and a Iokrance OfCI.I ft. should be mailtilairwd. Llndrrground �md overliml irtiliiies 013 pdauncd pmriIC. but not depcndi,ig in gravily flow for perforinSncc, slkould nol exceed 0.1 ft. tolerallev. B. SLIrPC'yirl8 iFW[rUnleails s3sall be kepi in close adjiutmeail atccording lumixinkfaclurces specificatiaim or in cnmpIiarKv to slandards- The Cil f reserves The righl 10 i'eyuex1 a c;nIibimlion Mlrorl -1 ainy Iimr, and recommVICIS IQgLlIM mainitmen€r wkdipW lic prrroraiied by ;i rt i fiat twltn f641,11 t vmy 6 mioniW. I� field MCMUremems. of angles aitd dmtances shall be clone in such fasltiM M Lfl $alisFg 1114 C10SUMS quid 401MneesexprVSsed itt fain 3-I-A, - Vert ica I local ions slip I I Vac cstahl ishcd rreirM a pre-eslabEished bendmiark and chocked by clnsilig 10 ai diffeieni bench marl- on the %ame dolt-urrr. 3, 0misirmAi iun survey held tiwot !hall aurrespond io the olicW5 prmj!�. I MegUlpifillin or conllicis found shall be repined prorlip ay 10 the City- 4- Rp-Y iskms, correcl iovis and othcr pertinent data Thal I t}e logged fear future refer-cm;e, MY OF FClf4' f Milt i Fi Waler and } sti•ri#r Kq:plpr,:jjWM STAINIAP 1) C(WRUKILK,rI[wspr-Clfl{'ATIUN di}cumpwni t` 611RAI-I �1124. W.5Ni-� kwMlwj Rksid". 1 a. MR CiTY r>1cc xri:c -r mi I n3j I I 0I 41 "0 CUSIMUCTIGN WAXIlWi AND SLIMY rw I OfE 3�3 PREPARATION SNOT USED 3.4 APPLICATION 3.5 REPAIR I RESTORATION A_] f 11ba COHCrACIA)r'S work damrW& or �icwoys one or niorc of 1iko cnntrol fiklinjokerlls/points set by the City, the monumewL. mall be adequately referei -ed for expedieaal r49c4:10011_ _ Nolify City if miy conlmi data deeds to be reslored or mplrt+ccd 41w 1c dama;�e caused dklriilg cooslrirct ion -opmlions. a. CcmIIravGor sh.RI I perkirm r-cp]nccmcrits arldlc,r restorntioaiL b. The Cily may rcLgki1Tc ait ally 1ilfie a survey "field Check" 01'any 111011ument Or btft15rrlarks 1k arc sel be veHfW- by the City gurveyoN bcfuru frir11ker aSS0�Cj:atVd 4V{Irk Cain move farw-Prd. 3.8 FEE -I STA L1.ATIO-N I L 07 USE131 3.1 FI£LD i43k] Sf TF QUALITY CONTROL A.11 is t15c Comractor's msponsibilily to maiwain all stakes and a wOI tk% p6ed by the City wn AC00fdwoe Willi this 1�xeirlcalion. This hk0u&-s c4Lwnicnts and right of wny, if noled on the plans. 8- DD nui clinl4ge or reiocale stakes or conlrGI ciatA willmit appmYR1 from the Cily. .3.9 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Skirwy Clrvciti4 1. J� City ruscrves 11w right to pwfmi in Ski -Chuck 9 any Iimedlmnc�d 2. Checks tsy Wily persmvic] aT I' party conlrWed sm-y-error am, wl I I51endc�1 to rc1 icv-P Or contractor of hirdber Tt4xm sibility for accuracy. 3M A I)JUSTI NG I NOT USED1 110 CLEANING INOT USED1 3,11 Cl,(X'�FOk]T AICTI VITI E % INOT USED] 3.1:� RIAINTENANCF NOT USED 3.14 ATTACHMENTS NOT USED1 1rNk) OF SECTION Ruvision Log CITY QF FUR M*Dll 5TAN1MRP 0 NVI #t " KV MVIFICA110N 7] CU F.NTS IirshPd 9 rhrrary I�, >brs WwkrFnd'imilrra 4uwn kept rend CH WR[]W17 MX 101411 VATS NAME i 017 - F v. Jriln�pm U1 71 $}-A CONSTRUCUON 5TAUNGANDSUAVEY FW & Df l NUMMA RY DF CHANG E AOQM IWOUrncm aan rWO0K0 rwle&aircrncnI & p2y1ncrV wudtr 1.7; wider W]jFj017 M- (JIML'IN deCledlims nrrd gfpC XFUr&-r IJLinixLriLd Lk uddcd t_7 GIVADUL 50MINe1 rcgiumwiriki: inodina 1.9gmIMg AmIl2mmadded PART 2- PIWO L79 ; Adikd 3.1 llralallivxW1pd 3,5 Rgmir/Re:parBdimv bnd added 3A,.Ym m -I;iorcup. RCr ovO "b11ke iexi'� rcidaotd Ylk-- m mvniii and myn3cnc wdiDm i'ur C:oicwev jinn Slakin0 Did ids-Huill Su ey; nilda rctfurace toscre•ad¢Iktxm4plimrkm wish Tfl(' 7)Na070 M (1-1%rn 2254 -, rtriscd metipn and(,IoxiD l submIiiial wgL31romLmix; mdw wcqo'h1iG &PCII rilmmircincrd erileib: Ptvbcd lixi of i4ar* rcquiring mr bul mifwc5 —during and " R'fit F{brl„t r u d i n lu; III'm I Z- v i W d R1; Wpt WIt. 64 .Iid Su MUY?ik f'IMnL Ll UFFV Of FORT WOR171 STANDARDCON."RWX16N sNFr'1i:IUKFI(V4 DnCop&ENTS Rrrlmd Febraary rk la1m Wrdn and Sanilark• Sewcr Rgabptmxw WFIRAC'T N20. 14-W-ci C'ITV PROJECT NO. I101i I I SECTION 01 74 23 (:LV AN ING PART I - GFN ERA L L I SUMMARY MARY 01?+23•1 CLEANING Ngn I aF4 I. Ilrt an dime; a11d rjFMl cleaniDg rDT WOFk ruai including slx%� I cleeriiiig of closed systan5 spL-Ciiicd clscwhrro 13. D viatitmis froiii ihis Cilg of Fora W*dh St,aiidard S[wiFicatioi� I. None, C. Rela[od Spec i 5calion Smtiaws includc, but arc Fmi nceessmilg I nsiiied 10; I_ Division 0 — Sidding Ruquir meats, Comlrmek Forms and Condilaolls 0(lbecmllwo 2, Div 19a0 4 I — Golloval Requirements 1,2 PRFCF AND PAYMENT FEIi}C LMRE S A. lVloasurorrtent mbsd F'21�11ieitt 1, Work msociaped with this licni is considexcd subsidinn_r to 111C MIOUs Items bid. N-n.wparslc paymcm wit1 biz m I lowed for Ilkis Ilem, 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMFNTS A. Schedhdhilg 1, Schedu Ic clean i31g ratiNis SO 111m dam m Id o4her oi'H1#iim iaanm dig mtu� d by cleaning prc*m +Fill not F411 W ncIuly paintCd surfaceF, 2, ScWu Ic find cleaning upon minpk'tifln of Work and i1mi Tod 1wely prior to Final impeclian_ LS Sl]BL1 II-I'ALS jNOT 1USED1 L.6 ACTION SUBM MA LS11N FORMAT'Ia< NA 1, Sk1 ell 1T•rA LS [NOT USED1 L7 Cid)SE0IIT S>LjRMITTALS IIYOT UEI;1131 L8 KAINT F N1kNC.9 MATF R IA L SU BM ITTALS SNOT kFSEDj LAM QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] L ]1) STORAGE, AND ]HANDLING A, Stgrage and Hand ling Rr,qu-IMINUM t_ Story cleaning prodmts airld i:lemling w mics ill collMinrers ripml ically dcsigoedl fir flka2w onalei im Is, CIFY(M R KI'WORT}1 Walmi nl %animry S1-wcr Rcplxtuknl !�'I'JtNL Its{�iF�5Elk11C'37C%4SKOFIL"J4�'I M4Vf -1IM :NT {'i]#VTRAC"I'?4�i.'1'SM-C mcykm Juh i, JUt i {CITY M)Jll:c I' NO If) -LW 41 714 Z3 -2 EL"NINO J�tpr 10(4 1.11 RIPLl)ISITPJ CONDITIONS INO7`L151:1 I ;AZ WARRANTY IN[xr tr9F.Dj PARS` 2 - PRODUCTS 2A OWNI R-Fr URN I SH ED IuKI OWN FS-SLR PPI.1 C 131PRO1TUCIS I NOT USED1 2.2 MATERIALS A. C1+ mini Agents I . �:�1r�p�lil�F,~ ��krl� s�arfrlc:c k,ci,�g sloanccl 2. New and unconlamillimted �L. For ananufnamed hurfaccs a- MaleriB; recoil mlelti&d by maEkuf`acturcr 23 ACCESMMIR I KS jN0T€1:FE)j 2,4 SOURCE QUALII'Y CONTROL INOT USED] PART 3 - EX FCUTTON 3.1 INSTALLFRE INN T` USED1 .3_2 FAAM [NATION INO-r usF D1 3.3 PIIEPA 1; ATION [ NOT USE[ ] 3.4 API}Ll. A'I'J0IV I NOT USED1 3_5 RF PAI R � RESMkA'I'I QN I N(YT USED] 3.6 RE-1M%TA k,F ATI0N I NOT L19FD I 3.7 EI E LLB IoRl 5ITF [ill A 1.IT Y CONTROL ] NOT USE Il i 3,s RYSTEM STARTU P I N OT UNE 1) 3.9 AI)J]JST1N[: ]NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING A- (7iejwrfll I _ P TVCIII WC UMLI IRI i01M of SYi rkr-,' 1.I1a1 Creak 112711fdMIS 00rild f LiNis_ 2, Cuikduri cicenin and ilNIvsai ONI-ali0lls to cumnly willb laws and safely W&rs of goveraing aulbaniif5. _ DO "Ot dial of V01ahlp 3Wlsbm surik a-. minim! spirils. oil i1r p l im [h i nrrcr in SLOU'll Dr mni[ary -drains or St vers- 4. Djgxxw of &&r3dablc *bFiS at an approwed wlid %veslc &5". G Ltitq, 5. Dime of 11041 .9(imi able debris p1 an a[lpro rcd sol id kwam d isposal 4ilc or in m allemalc manncr Ri proved IDY Cily rillid rcgubdory Wndcy.. CITY Of FORT W(14L Fr Waki m d±9,oilel} XtLtV #Oink %-crxul 5TA14fjAIL1 CkiNt13tLK,1riej V sm;iF3C'AmN l}IxuidE is Ck79V.IIkA(' I MI. 5 sw, Rn*j bly 1. x I I CITY IPNGJE:L' I Ally 1oym 61174 23 , CIIANIWi Nraora 6- 1-12utdl-a i"crials in a control led nlirnner xvitl4 as It-%v hmidlings as possible, 7, Thoroughly ct"n. mvccpF Wash omi pWish all Work S14d equip icni J050ClRlcd %Yi1h this project- S. Remove ail sigdns of lemp*rarp consl1l1di0a and adivitius inciderllnl 10CGlislrLICIl 1r1 Of.requ irod Nunarmni WOFk. If projecl is a% cicanod to the salisfaotion or1he City, the City m-wrvn Lhe ri�hi 143 hava~ t1w cic:luingcmmr leled 81 [he rxpense of the CunLrmclor. 10. f4a not burn oai-rile. B. I�itcrinod iiefcaitiin {11rr11d�rlstntioal I, Koep Wori► Rrm Ocan so As not to hinder IrcallK mficty or conveniracc of pers0111WI EIS Cx isLIng fACililY !V01T,ti-UrlS. 2. At nkaximum weekly 1111er1';Pl1&, disPOSo afWaM 111211UPAS. ilUbl-is mid nph sh, 3. Confine conslnwirm dehris daily in strstcgicslly I(Kalr F emLLainci(s)! a. Cowen-} prcvcnl b1ming by wind b. Slora:• debfis awaY fnAlk oonSIVU 1 ion Or ClPerAtiOMI aotiw 11 iM 1;, lia111 from sitc 9 a ;j1jnin11JFR Of Qrrcc P-Cr Wcck 4- Vmuum clean inwrim nrtas when ready iu receive Finish painting. a. C0111 Elsue Vacuum clmin ng on an as -nee W basis. um i I Fi nal Accepts IMF, 5. Prior to SIOrm evems, thopoug rl,} clean silo ora11 kme or u1k.5CCund ilcim. lvtrich may hccomc ahLmrar or iranspxmcd by f1mvinig walcr duriarg Ihrsro m. ('- I111060r final O&Ullirig I, Reritaw gx-ewe, mmlie, adhcsNes, Blum, girl, slains, fingerprinM labels alidolhor foreign maleriala from surfkAs. 2. WipcalI Iighi-Iig lixlure refllruff, kmms. 15rr1I5s mod trims olearl. 3. Wash and shine glaring and mirrors, 4. Polish gl055� surfaces 10 ft cicl,r 5hinc- 5- V-0111 I Ia11 ng 5WStUns �, �I�ri �rrll�ri�Itil i'i1[�rs �r1d re�la� di�os�l5lo f It�l� If lli�il� Y5'�r� �p�raC�xl during comtruclion. h. Clcqn duets, blowers ant! coils it`LllYiN wrrc opuided wi[hauL 113I1crs during 6. Repirlce al I bL1MCd -0Ut RaltipS. 7. Elrvam c Icon PEOCC95 asca fllGOrs. S, [Flop ofrrec and mniro I ri m fiwrs. D. C'cle(i Wi$it-90r RigIll Of Wsy) I"ln2l CIMling 1, Rcmow Imo and debris col4maincrs from silo. a. Rc-seed mrra5 distur" by lomar"t of ITA li mid dkbris rboilaiiwrs iar mcur&nce wilh &-d inn 12 92 13. 2. Sweep roadway to remove all fucks, piece rsf asphatll, micmic or any orher obj"i Owl rrmRy hin6or or 6srupt the Pam' of traffic alarrg 1hr Fmd%vay- 3- (1can any intrkr orem includ hk& but not limilcrd to, vmLCILS, dmmnhok-ti. SLruCLLlFCS- JL111Ctiun bc-mLs and inlcLs. my or. FuRr w -ni W2Liz rmrnl 5aailmrySrwcr Rrrdrvrrmml; VI'AND, ND(LONURUCYIGN 4Pf.0F1(LA1 FCXf'r IXXLUMENUS ('L)NTRhi'T M 1. WSMA' ReVgrd Jr►y 1.201l {11Y MUNF(7N0. 103VU Di74Z)-+ OJ Af INC i Fir 4 4i i 4. 1f 1W 1013ger rcgkiired ror maimenance of-crosfon Fificil il ie&, and Lipou upproval by City, remove erosioih wmirol from Njk- 5. r-Iean signs. lights, SigI1iniS, tic, 3.11 CL[ iJ'i` Orr ACTPVIT1F5 jNOT VSEDj 3,12 PROTECTION SNOT USED1 3.i3 MAINTENANCE INOT USED) 3.14 A'['TA(.'HMFn.9 SNOT B CD] RN OF SECTION Rewi%l Log DATE NAM E SL1MMA RY OF CHANGE CITE' UFO ORTWORT14 WoIrrwid SomLorvNrwCr R .}i rkmw I? C+UNSTRUCl3ON SPECIFI{'A' ON IXJC'LWF-Nl x 1:019 11he9 m 11, w ;' Roiwa dir I, 2011 CITE' J1RKWF-CT GWXO SECTION 01 77 19 CL.OSDOUT REQUIREMENTS 3 1}A RT I - G EN EIi;AL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 10177 19.1 Vl^rOff RKlr1WA4.Nn Lori $ A. %rarim Inc I uilcs- b 1. The procedure Far closing o#It a contrm 7 D.Dmutlonm Frorii ihils Co of For( Forth SlmidardSpeciFlcalion 9 9 C. Maled SpOcifKA1l DD S90iOP13;nckade, bul are vot pmmssari�y lQnhad IQ-, i 0 1, Division G - Bidding Regiiirerr ms. Contmv Fonm and CoW&u of ffre l 'Onimr 11 2. Div ision I - General Regoi-mmenls 12 1.2 FRIl<'F AND l"AVIi YAYI- PROCEDURES 14 I_ Wwk essucialyd with this Ilem iscolisMered subsidiary to lase various hems bid. 15 No ax:punk PLLWmciit wil l be 'IHOtiwd for this Ilem. 16 1.3 R FFrRi+ NC'E% i r%10T 11SVDJ E 7 1 A ADMINISTR ATIVE R EQU R EM ENTS i$ A. Guamniccs, Bonds and Atridavils 19 1. NO applicalirnJ fipr rinR1 paymmil Wi11 hr Accrrp1Cd Unrii All gEISTWICCS, hond5, 20 certifica m lieerrsc*s and nI1rdnv* mquirQd ror Wnrl� {Or ccluilnrKrIL 0s specilicd ire 21 mllsficlordy flW with like L_ilj+_ 22 B. RelejHe of Limn or Chinks 2,3 I_ No applimino fbr final paymmIL Twill be mecprrd wilil salis&dory evidence of 24 rvk-ftw of Bars Gins b4mil siitInitled to the Oly. 2$ I.S U BM ITUA LS 215 A. Subrrrl[ 1111 requiNA documental ion to Cily's Project Repr nul iw. 27 28 1.6 INFORMATI OVAL SU BM ITTA L5 INOT (PSEDI 29 30 1.7 CLOSPOUT SU 13M ITTA LS [NOT kFSE DI 31 ]PART 2 - PR�1 UCTS INOTUSED1 32 0TVUFk1')RT WDRYII Wiwr-ikl Mmmiy So;- Rcplwoii�im ANI)ARDEXA:5TRLKTK)N .9'k4'IFIL7 4t 1 IJMi-.LNTX V(N I RAA' a P1F . W-IV ' Fcyx x4 mach 27. N)J E 11 V IPc uJ:4, I Nt r. E03, 1 IN 77 19=2 CLOMOUrRF.Q AREMEW-9 FW2aF] YART.) - EXECUTION 2 3.1 INSTALLII RS IN T I)SED1 .3 }.2 6XAMlINATION INOT USED] 4 33 FREPARAT(ON [NOT USED1 S 3A CLI EOUT PROCF.DtlltF b A. Prior to nque$lijig F-MEN1 Inspcclion,- gubmil- 7 1. llrojcgl Record Docuinmis iii atxordancc wish S4ci ion 01 78 39 8 2, Operalimn and Mahife iamc Dow. if required, irE Accordance with Section ill 78 23 9 13. Prior la rnqurL l ing F bi;H I 1 nspeclion. perforaii iLial CL' L11irr,A iIi rcoondance wi11r Eeafj)Ii EO 01 74 23. 11 C. F iruL1 1 nslicck ir+ll 12 1- A tkor firm I CN;nnhig } fovidc not ice to 11w Cily Fr-0jecl Represemol irro tlisi the Work- 13 is compleled, Id a. 11re City will mo c an initial final IMJKC 011 +EMI 0W Coiilract*r presall- 15 h. Upoal eemplCliOn 01'IM inspeeRion, tl)C City -rill JKAify 113c �'onlraosor, in 1-6 writ hug 3vithin 10 bwiri�gR days, of any ptr#1iculars in 3wh idI this h pcolion 17 reweaR Iliac the Work is rercr-tive or incomplete, a $ _ Upon rcmiviing wrillen notiee from the Cily, imniodWely undertake The Wotk required to remedy dle iciraaeics and complete the Work to Ilia SRli9faclion of the 20 cily- 21 3- T#re R iol-of way sliall be &Lamd of all constrm iami ntiaterials. tkatv1rW.Ic s,wid iempomry sigoage_ 23 4. capon complel ion of Work imocieled 3virli the ilculs 164od in the Cily'swrFlttiti 24 notice, inrorin the City MM dw required Work has been completed. Upon receipt of 25 this nolice, the Cily, ilk the pirwilce of The ConLrvclor, will nia ke a subse(kticM Fwi$I 2fi lnsI)ection of lhcprgjcc1. 27 S. Provide arll special acrosoric.% requirod to p14" each icein of egApacIrt iFLFul1 28 olMatiMIL'I11esc speeiAI acer-mmy dems IncltlCk. bw11 ire 1101 Hini"L-G: 29 a, SpixitiH spampam 30 t�. Moclimle oil and ueilse as required for the tii-s1 111kwpcatiori of 111e cquiprnem 31 c- Tnilial fill iip oFal I client Ic:al tanks mid tiwi tal:ks 32 d- light W1tK 34 F. Vimh keys 3s 1, I-Carrdwl �S 345 h. Other axFwiAablu horns es rog4rircd ror iniFil st i-op iwd woraiiuik ofall 37 cquipmit 3d D. N44 ice of Project Coonplerim 39 1. Chico the City Pr jcol R4;PV enlaliVV 511ds Ilia WVFk subsitiggtrnl to Mar InspWioll 40 tv be tft!.iGf�pvtwy,1 c City will imuo 41 Notioe of Prorj4t1 Cumpbrtion (6FMk KhVet), 41 11 support ing I?ocunicnialion cvey irw Pm 1tiYJILT EI WaM rr�d "G�nif•rt 5t.ti7�l 7ti��n[ Ri'AF,'1 " R b 0,*4TRUCFIt3N 51'ECIF1CAT tON O{}{'LCJ~iUM fiy'l J1M, I ;a 11. WNM�' e17719-3 C'IASFAirf REQLMIFMINTS Pia � 43 1 1. L_owdinatG wish 11r Cily Pwject Rcl;meiktutYwc to cuinpleLc ilie Fallowing 2 aMitiona1 forms: 3 a- VinA l2spileni Request 4 b- Stwvncht of CA1ltracl Time 5 e. Alfid$-0 of Payrx ew and Rc]we ofLiew 5 d. Cagisent of Surety to Firml Playment 4 c, Pipe Rcpart (if"uircd) � it Corltre�l�r�s Fwa�tcln�f�'ily t� g. Perforniancc FVFjlltslioncDf ('olilrxcl-Ds 10 F. Latter of Final Agxeptance 111 1, l)ppn rcwirw amd a=pdance afN01iCC DIPPrGje01 C133HP16011W50 SUpporling 12 Ducu❑,ciamiloi1, al&ccordance with Gericral Candiliow. Cily Skill issuc Wicrof 13 Final Accv 1mice and rclefrsc like FiDtl Pay111lenl 'Request ForpaynlenL. d 3.S ktPA1R 1)kF-& 0FLATION jN0T USElDj 15 3.6 11`EANSTALLATION I NOT 11SEUT 16 3.7 FIELD I(314T SITE QI)ALITY (_0N'l`lk 1L INOT USEbi 17 3-9 Wa�I M f.,rl'liHTUJ' INOT USED1 18 3.9 ADJUSTING INOT USE€ I 19 3.10 CLEANING INOT VSEDJ 20 S.1 I CLMFOUT ACTIV IT] ES [NOT USED] 21 3.12 PROTECTION INOT VSF Dj 2:2 3.13 MAINTF.Lti M C E IN OT USE01 23 3.14 ATTACHMENT'S SNOT USED 24 MD OF SECTION i� DA7 — NAME RUM M.A ICY OF CHANGE 3�2k Min i a,� �, A�� ��� hi�lniify nrHl fimisliuxire r�u6�d �* I� Ii�1Pr"- 2r? CJTY (3F F(191 %" Ni I' I L 4R ww ■ W'%wiby bevy RgAweiikn1 STAN11ARD[YH041KL.Y,-I'bMSpFX'p-ATk}.4I3c3('LaMMl f% vowrwT2"j,wt-m.f' kc istd March 23. )WA CHI PMFC'T Na 10M IDI 7N 23 . 1 130RATPI N ANra MAIKTF.N CV DATA Pops 1 ar 5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PART I -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 4cclion Includes` 1. Prud -L data and rclaled h1formal ioii ihpppropwiate for CiWs maintenance a -Rd operation cif froducls furnished airs-dcr Cnaitr a 3. '}Lich products may iikuKuck-, bul arc. nal I lukiled to; :fi, Traffic Ciailrollers b, [rrkaRivn iti o1SIro Ilcrs ate he r�peratt�d [ the Ci c. Builcifly Valve.9 B. tkviiatiams froth rhi�i Cily of Fort Warlb Sltui Sire-ci5c.ation 1. Nome. C. Rolawd includc, bnt &m not nccussarily l ignited ta: I_ biwis6an 0 — Ridding Requinniiews, Conlmt Formes and Conditions of 1hIeC ntrwi 2. Division I — Gencra I Requ i rements 11 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDf1RES A. Me;Rsurcnicnl and Paxmunl L Work arS-suc ialed Milli this 111CHI is Cori $Wefed s,ubski iary 10 the warimis Iq-NnF, bid. No seprwrale paynscni wi11 Iwr qfl1mmcd for this item_ 1.A ADRUNISIRA7 IVE RN:Qt II;rRf4'I:ENTS A. Sckltdule ], Suhni it inanuaks in final farm in 11ie 01y titi 0 h in -10 calendar days of produa shipincna to 11W Project site, 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Subw i ttn;s shal l be in accvdancc w4li Sew i€ ti 01 33 00 . All suhmitrais shakl lac appsnvcd tw ahc City prior to deiiYcry. 1-6 INFORM ATIONALSUFCMITTAL A. Sitbui-r ta,l Form I , l'repaw date in form of an instrlirLIalsal mnnua I ibr ash b)' Uity PMrnirrc 1. ?. i:nnnaL a, Sizes 9 % in ie x I 1 inehe h, Paper 1 40 pouad ni iatinlum, while. for typed pies 2 I [Ics raeln Forcod wish 1alnslie,Ici111 nyclal c. Text: M-noractumr's priplc4 datFk, or neatly t%r-vfillcn crri ❑P R3K r W4 iRT11 W4PkT aid Smow� ticwsr RQI► m-cnimI iiARlh Rii S� I[�I � I'}��if l�yhl C4F�i 1 FBC'h ION 1313CtaMEW11 C�" RA0' 1.QZl. W5H-C U1 INI 23 •2 CAPE RATION AND M41MIF-NA1•' K1347A Pw 36f5 d. Drawings I ) Pmvide rCillfflruC� purl,CW hin¢4r lab, bind in xwilb Next 2) Reduce Iinr�gr d1' wings oFtad f*Id Lu si7c *f rc%i pst g, c_ Provift fly -loaf for ouch separato pwdLIC1, OrCRC31 Picce of D.Pffhting cqu ipnlc311_ I ) A-ide typed ditcrip[ion of pmdw, and nmjor compesnom parts of cyclipmeIll. 2) Providu iiido cd lmb5 _ f. Cover 1) I dW4 each V01[lnik iNi 11 typed or Ix n*d ti,IC hO PERATINC; AND MAINTENANCE M'I'RU�.,'TION$", 2) Lint; 8) l-il k a proj"T b) Idenlity *f scparale s[rucivrc as apple abic c) ldelll ily of gcnrra l rAibjccl mailer i�Dvcrcd 111 the FnAiivaI 3. MP&Ts a. gTMomm=ial qualiq I-rint bWm wilh durable And e3eermb1c plals[ic cmcrs b. W lion 111aGltiple bidders art used, corrclale tftc dMa. into rclatai c:onsis[eAl gmupings. d. If available, pravidc an ckmtmnic form orlk G&M ManumL. 13. manual Comm 1. NcollU lypewrillen tulle r roatcngs For ewli Irokmr, ma,n&,mnd in systcnlalic�Qrder A. COW mdor. uftilkv of responsi b1c On6pal, vddtm and lelephone number h. A liq of caph prt+dud rt.goi red le be We Iudcd, i udcxod to contreul of the V(?ILJ e e. Lisl, wish tech pm&d: I ) Tk oamo, address bild lcicph-DEW nurrtbcr on l c mibconlra mr or iiislialler 2) A list of each pry Lio vegkHred lio be included, uadcxcc d la onnlenl of the 'V*luMC d) 1d-011ify area of fespLnlsihGpG[y of[ach 4) Local soltrec of mipply for parts and repiartemem d. Idelllify MC13 prod Lam by prcd;ucl norm and other pdenlifyikig &yntibuk as sut forth iu Commet Docultitiems. 2. Prc,dkid Lmle a� 1nchik only chase s1 wels ivikimI7 sm perlimmil to the spmlfic product. b. Amia ate each sh-vel lo; 1) Clenfly identify spec irm "km or pall i mia I led 2�) CWL*w1y idemify Bala aapplkab1e to instal I Bl Wo 3 � I]e1clr � Feronce� I� itlapplicable E1sf�arrull i�u 3. Drmvimprs a. Slrppiell ent pmgict data vyWk dFlk%Vin;�S as 1jCMS #Iry to oleatrly it lalskrate: I) Helm ions of oomponent parft of cgL1 ipn1e311 a}nd sVstr11k5 2) Dunlrol wind flow diagnuls , b, CODC61181C dTaWinkS With iuformral icon in FrgjW Re oyd Doowikhonls [o assure comm i I I a rag ion of compleled 131'SIBI lalion_ m IJo nm for Project Reemd Drawings m 111minteiiance drawilk s, 4. Wrillen lex[, as r quimd Io supplemal[ E NPrA daM ror Ilse p1111i4ular Filsial ltiicn: a. Or$aniyx in comislent foNnait udder aralc llr,adir>�;s frlralifF`crel�l f�r+o�ocl�res, � F�ru�idc 1a�gicai Scg4len�c c1� i�truetl�l4R �f e�clti procedtlr�. 1-11 Y 4}F F()RT WURT11 WoIET ■nd Samar}• 5cutr Rq*ppmM s'I'i%Ni3riLitI '(1NSiRLJIL71UN SJrECIFICAT1WECC'UMFNr9 -CONTRACT Mt. WEM-C Rg5•md [kccA*<P 24. 2M CITY NOXOT Nt}. 103X* Oi fb 23 -3 CITRATIM AKP "AINIFR+tiDJL`1:15u I A Prac s or S. C-Op}' OfcFrc13 warranty, bond nfid service c(Nilract issued P- I}rovide Fltifurrilimion Sheet for City personnel giving: I ) proptr praeedures in evens offailur, 2) Insl ncv; which might a fed validity r}f warroniic!; gar bands C. M;Rni1A1 I -or MAICrials and Fin islw 1- stibmi1 s copies of compleie akarlual in final form_ 2, Cameo, for archiiwoural prodLlcl, applied mace rials and finishes; �, M riirfactitrc�s�lal giving full inCorrmtioo oit products ) CsIAog n umber, size, eom f osilion 2) Color and 1aotre -dcsignaligns 3) 1 n roa m43n rcquimd fur reorderhig special n3011 of Ll(ed pd Aic+rls b, ilusiructimis for care alid ma Intenfloce 1) Manufactur e!s reamnuen,dmion for t)l ofc6miiing agcnl3 and ifil-AISAs 2) CSuli0na algAhI$I c lean i]kr,agC7lts and mdlkad,. wh ir.1r are &irintienital ich prCK[UG; 3) Recamincn&d sdiedule for -cleaning innd inninte4iance Coravil, Coo nw-istilre prot"11or1 and weal her cxposurc products- a, pnvfwturfir'$ data, giving f jII kif-broiniIUFI Urn PTOdUcM 1 j Appl ieable standards 2) Chemical coni przsiliaii 3) DQja i Is of insla 1181 ion b. Lns[ruelions for irkSp20lon. maikitcnanc-c and icpair D- MlarUual f-01' NLI ipmUsl and S}'slerns L_ SLlbmii � copics ofrwrnpirre ifianual in fins) forl]I. _ ('nm[enl, for each uniL oC"uVnew and systein. as npp ; a. U riplion of tniil and -compoi cm parts 1) Riaiptiall. nonnal opereling-.harMcierisiks And I ilkwing condll ions 2) lkDrformance GUIrvts, erkg-li eulilg dada and lasts 3) Complew iiumen0amm and ccmirnmial nunibrr of ri-,placcabIt paris 0peratiPig pr(�CctlurC'S 1) Start-up, break-iu, rmlinc and normid operaliilg immicl ions '2) Regulm ion, eonlrol, slopping, shwt a%vn snd cmcTgCnCV iMULlctions 3) 5ium wrr and winter vprraiiug iRSIFUC60134 4) Spcx.i$I 45p-2ralinj� insi ruc 61.0m M-91mlenckilee pr+.reedmw � F�U�i1til�e operall �� �} �itidc [rF 'tnaufrlc sh�in�g" 3} Dixassrmbly. wpwir aiid rimssembl� d) AIignrmr:crll, adju5iing, acid cfFmking d. Servicing and Iklbricatian schedule I } UMA of lubduanls rCyrUired e_ Manofaelumes primed opeFating a3irt rnainicrrance iusirticai0II% f DescriirM ion of xgibencc Of opmtiau by evrilrol rriaikkoff ewix:r I ) 1'rud icicd life of pxrls subject 10 Wear 2) 1 rem& rU'U'+?aimended to be Mockgl as spar ixaris g. As installed eomfol diagrams f„r conlrDl-& rrraltioDdarar 4. Exii flnar[raclur's octordinaiiorF c rmxwings I } As irislal led color mxk-d piping dlag,ra ms c'I I V [ iF I Uhl %MRTI I Waler zud Smilary stew" RrpIKTn*M r.,Ln'I U I araN FrkLJ{'rM5P1 FlChl7f1NC?[X'LI fIZ+rTMflTRA(72Ni_WSM-(' xi�t 1400 1 *cL!iuber 2Q 2412 CITY PK(V]:CT NO. 1035M QI 78 2} • 4 (]I.RAy KW AND MAI K TI NAN{'1: DATA I'ap. d i. chertt Of vILl VC tad, numbeFs, with localion and Funcl ion of cacti wa lve j. List of original inanufsV un;rs span parrs. ummullmurce4 CLITrenl prim, and KQ.0gnMM -P11(kd quanlil-KVS W br, mairLTgjriC l k11 St&agc k. 011icr dErts as mquirod onder iwibicml SwI luny of Sp0cificali0IMs 3. Cantem, forctch ticrmiii! rind OeCif0I)ic £ySidiki, as appiiropi- aV: a- NsC1JptimM ofs�sLcill and cumpanem Imas 1) Func6an,nfnlal olmratingcharaotvrisiirm, and Nil itingcoodihuns 2) N3-f1)rM231VV curet, -cngirm�Dg d.atk and iesls �) CO M11100 I101TIV islurc and minrnoneia I FMurnber of repl u-a:bl r parrs b. Circuit dirrCtflriCs Of Panelboards I ) Elrttric-ILI Se[ViM 2) Controls 3) Cummun ieul ions c. As insimiied cokirrzx cd wiring diagrAms d. QfwmliDg prchcadur 1) Routine Pingl norinml operal i ng humid k s 2) Sequetmm mquirtc! 3) SPWW opOrrrtiAg WSLructions C. mainicilance prmcdLITCF. 1) Routi lie oporial ions 2) GPLIidC tO -trOtIble shoolFltig" 3) D159SV01111bly, rrpsir f+sd FeanMbly 4) AAi Limmem aiEtl rh&king f. Mw:iufaclurrr's prinre4 olwating -gild 315aiHtCmmnc4� in#tructims g. List -of uigiami 113anL1f% tLlrers spfl{e Ndr,, Inu13uf3c4erqx,9 CLIfmnl prize& and o nimild d gLlapIti[iL% I:D bc inaintaincd in storage h. Othcr dais rrgalirrd �1Lidcr pCMi15enLIxiinrts r�fa�ecifLcaliIM+� 4_ lImpary imnd inc ludo: addil ions I drLi.R w1ken IIMe need fir siikcb dale omen appwrenj durfmg iuSIFNICl iOn Of C ity's per50n13e1- 1.7 CL[l:SE OUT NU BM ITTA PS INar usn I 1.8 MAINTENANCE MA'rERIAI, SUBLMITTAL'i IJV011- USED I 1.� QUALITY ASSURANCE A. F�rwiperatian and In$irFlcl�arlcc drLIL i�+} persnarnl +�rilh ll�c fndlingrtileria: 1. Trained and exjw6eimcd in mairrroliance and operatimi ofdescrib-d pmducts 2. SHl led as Icchnical-Lvriter to lh-c cane l rcquimd Io con7oMLIIaicat-c cswntiat-data 3. Skilled as draftsman ompoem bb prepare rtzlvimd donvilh CrrY OF FELT ti4MTH Walar and MinnIN. SvbWe R pL mucnL STAMDAFLC).(,'Y'iM+ IR k-ricw:SPE-•CIFICATION DrkLJMI.WIs ['L]h Ix+4i-T WZI. WISM-C A.eL•ipm Lt ~ iA 201:2 VE III ITt} IRT NU 10M 017323•s OPERATION AP4DMMN7LNAN?lEJMTA 1 A 0 DELIVERY, STORAG E, A N D J Ilk N G LING [NOT U-5E }] 1.11 FI EI,P ISETFI {'Off DI TIONS I NOT IPSEDI I.12 WA It It A NTV I %?(YY usy.1) HART 2 - HROIA:('TS INOT U;.YDI PART 3 - F.XE-CUTION [NOT USED] DATE NAME RnITM12 1). 3diman END OF q ECT FOR Rux ision Lag SUMMARY UW CHANGF T-$A.I —Bile d-knim eeTftvtd P�r#as el'I Y 01' FoR1 WWI I VOMV � ti�n+�e} ti{w�yr MKp1�+clM�rll F,SN�i�4R1} `LiN4'Il�ll 'Pli}N 5xmhl{'A71m Limikir>x1 t xJl[e 4'I 2W3.WsM•lL: keti iwed lvcomheF 21K 2W2 ['I I Y m 41•d' I m ) to}qw SEE -LION 01 79A) PROJECI' RE -CORD DOCUMENTS PART I - GENERAL IA SUMMARY Ok 7239, 1 PitrU -I H K A)KI;LxX'LJMFTpT� Page L mf4 A. 5ectiurk Includes: I, wo* ragoviatcd with die documerlling the pm*( mad recording changC510 prr'accl demunkems, il1CltldiW A. KecDrd Dawings h. 1' ma Me cr SerYice Reporls u. Son"ry Sewr Serw ice R rls d. Large WR1cr NI€Icr KCpvrrs II_ T)cvi;nii-pu rrnm This 0ryrof Pm Worth Slan,diArd SN61fii:4604L 1. Nonc- C. Re121ed Specification Sectim include, hui arc 31Dt noeMariIy limited 10: 1. Division 0 - Bi¢dinj� Rrquimmen#s; C(mlcrW Fonns and Conditions of The Cow IocI 2. Division i - cmmerat RegkPimments t,Z llk]C Irr AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measkommenl arrrl PAymnt I , Work a ialed with ibis Hem is C0113fdered subsidiary to 111e >, 3FkML5 11CIM bw. No -separate payment 3vO lie allokve4 for dais Itvm- 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED) 1.4 Af)MENISTFtATIVF REQU[RFMLN7'5INOTUSEDI 1.5 $1J13M ITTA L% A. Prior to subm it tying a rcqucsl for Phial Ingpcd bam &1 imvcE Projvrl ROLwd DOCURWIAS to City's Nqjccj Repr-xcnaal ive- 1.6 ACTION SU13M I ITA LN11 N FO }RMAT IONAL SUBM I.'rIFA LS I NOT USED1 1.7 CLOSEOUT OUT SILIflGNITTALS I NOT USE 01 ;.,S MAINTENANCE MATERIAL ,SLR f#" ITTA LS I N UT llSE'lj 1.9 QUALITY ASSU RA NCF, A. AMFF&Y*fRcmirds I_ ThurIbLlgh1 y *oordlikme elkangn wilhin the ER cord I uments, making adeLluElt-. mid pFqwr ciaries on €:qvh pgc of9poeiflrcdlions a,Ld emell sheet -0FDMNVings And al her I rmnunls wJiurc such miry 15 mq:ulred SO slid ;i The CIPF11199: pf-op'ily- a. Accuracy of mils slhmll be sLich 11Lat f tmre Seek b fOr it-CIMS shoWn ill [heC alkliTel DXuH)eiLta rrmy r0y remmably on informarinn rkairled from llk Approk-c l Rrojecl Kccord DOGILImpts- C1T1f fv f-DRT v4XMl m WoRT ■nd SReimn1 Frnd krtlFkurn-Kill S'TAN[lslMRI) L)BN5 jjtkK'r1;1fN 51'kC-4FJC'A'1313h' I x k-I IMEN 1.4 (:(X 1WM'r ZQZ I. "'SM-lU AgIcke i tom y I . 2-0 I I CITY VK0JFVr W). 141;.W DI a934_2 PROJEC7RDCnR1xX3Clr& l V40 3lAq 3. 'Ib fFKilitate aCC41My of re%orrls, inske enirks within 24 horlr% ufter Fmcipl 0f ilrfornaation That 114C Owigc has ouurred. 4. Pvowide fktuifl inforinstion ncgaN rl4g a l I aspeeir. of lhG Nark, tmh corict ra led Gild visibk,10 enmble Fulorc mudifx-a "orihe Work 10 proceed without Icirg�Ily FlIld expcnsivc .9 he r}lc'asureillent, Hkvt ilip1t 3n and cxw i wi iom 1.10 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Storageaa4t1 I Iarldl-1 ft Requireliicrlts I_ Mainisin rile job M of Rocurd Dacr ments complaell r prolected Cann deleriaralion d0d from liras and damage until *mnplhd-Lflat of the We k aad Iratl:51�1 of all rccur&1d data 101he fia lki Proimr Record MK-unwis. 2. In the r-vcnt of lk�s of retorxlad dais, rise nacsns riecessnry to up ilk sccum thcdala to Ilia City's sppin val. I. lit skwJ1 casrF pravWc replawiliviltsio the slalndards criPinallp roquired *the 1�:onlr%Ct f)DCJHJJeHN. 1,11 FIELD ]SITE] CONDITIONS SNOT U-,:III 1,17 WARRANTY [N(rr Lt%FIll PAIN 2 - PRO1)T'.C"T:S 2.1 OWNER- h'URN I SH FD 1„A R OWN ER-SU PPLit_ I? Mon l)-cTs I NOT U SED i 22 RECORD DOC U MENT..i A. Jflb sut 1. Promptly fotlawing rccgipt -of tile N'Olkt tO ProceCit, Necrir, frnvil the Chy, at Ilia charge 1i [he Contraclor, I ermkplcrt rct of all D00111401% Willprisin8 lhcConitxr. 13. Final Rcr.Drd Uoir lmcllls 1. Ai im tittle nc-lring the complX1ion -of the Work and prior tp r i4rRl 144spW on, prov ide Ilia Cll� I c-unipiete set of all Final R"ord Dvawrllgs r1a dw Cow mpt, 2A SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USF.D1 PART 3 - FXFCUTION 3.3 PR EPA 1� ATEON [NOT USE li [ 3.4 MA I NTE.NANCE DOC UM PNl':� A. Maintermpw of job Sel E. 1411rllediat- lY 1IPDI7 rcccipr of111e job sel, idedlify eaeh otthe Docunlentg wilh ilie title. "RECORD DOCIJJ ftm'S - JOB SLT-, k'rr a (V FWT WOR111 'won ad *Swilut• S%-nrr kepisr, o"t F"IMFR1) t{]Ihk'STRLIC'THIN SPR'1FICAI 'K3N TX]47aT3P COWIR, IT MI. wl..4Wc Roixd hl} I.30k 4 CITY PRCUIET hK) 10}5M 011 ?1", J PJH)JlA'r 191:fI)RL3IXI-UkJ M V. root 3 dLr4 �. �r�SCI'��11011 a. C-onsidcming dw Conk raet complei ion time, lllc prnimbic num kr of mmiom upon which thejob 5eI mu$I b-, Iak n oul fur 3Iew uktrics jurd For rxMminai ion} mid ik a cmiditiooks Irrkderwhich 1hrse ikGtiwilks Twill be purformrd, +lfrisc A sailable method For proteclfikg like stl, V. M Wn 145C tht joky sal far MY purpOae e�csFt WIF, OfI1C W dada 21111d IbF rCVLV;V by Ilre 1'' y, until start of lMnSrCF of dam to Fimi I P-rajeci kccord I)EW LIDWIT".. c, Maintain The job Sel at the Bile-rfwork. CmWir> ikm Willi CoarAnMion Sarrvcy a, Al a rllinimm, in accordmicc with the inlervaIs ml foah in Scmirin 111 71 23, G[Mly inar'k airy di w i9Iions f'rum CmIlFaLA 1 uimkts asweialed wil h ingaIlaliort of like infraslnlclar+e, Making 4Nilrk:s QD Drkwhip 4a. RoorcJ arty deviations firm Cor mom Docunkonb. b, Use art usable colwed pencil (not ink or i n(k I i b1e NrI 0 X clearly deuribe the changa by graphic, lire sod Hole as mquired- -. DOD Oil C11161;-, d. Fall ULLunl ion to the anky by a %loud" drawn aroond 11t4 J1red D3- a gas aMcted. .e. I1t the evertt of overlapping chariges. use differenl ealom for 1lie ove'rlapping e11f911 rq- 5, cunwmiulr of "hemp,iie Iayouls a, i 1t some cam on 114e Drawing& arnDgenimms of coarcluils, eircu ils, pipiu darets, fMd Similar iiejp5, arc OKywn schematimily and are not inbmdcd to porira� precise physical rayo+ul. I) Final physical afting movil is delermiiiia by the f'ommmor, sirbjcel t0lbe civs appro,ra I_ 2) Hmwizver, design of fulum n wdiFrcuiuons of the facility may require wt.c„rate Infornmion as to ilia Final physical layoul of items which are shown only -Rchewatically no the Maw h. %how on IIIe jab sLt of kc=rd Dmwil31�s, by dimerrsiiws accurate lu within i iftek IIIe centerl ine of eiacb mn of items. I) Final physical artanWilicnt iS delermilia by the Conlmlor, mbjccl taffic Ov/s approus I_ 2) Shuw, by symbol or nole, the weriieai I0calIon of the Jtam ((under slab", "iik "i ling plerkurn". " e�pcmd", iond lhc i ikc] 3) Makc s11 i4entiricatimi .91iiMcirnt6- desuifrivc that ii may berc1mr1 reliably to the SpkrifK,4di "- o. The Chy may waive The rogairements for conversion of sche mall layouts wilem, ill Ilie C.ilyks jiildgment, C*nVC"ian %CTWOs HO IMCfUl FxlrpCKe. Howewcr, dID lsot fCly qJpIorr waiVM- being issrrcd cxuepl as +yxLOirca'l ly isxllyd in wrifing by 1ho City- B. Filuil r1r jeel Recold Dockllrienls i, Trarksferc�i+d�la tr�9�rx�viu�ys a. Core AIII w Iransfer char" data show11 utl A a job set of Record Drawings lu 11ty c.arrespoild-Ing lillat docilmei ts, coordinal iiig like Clkhp fi gas roquired. b. Clearly indicate al each a�l�cled dctlril and alh� I�ra+��n� a 1�11 dcscriptinal aM` :ISanigu nl;R&-. during orn0trticlion, and the Ht!tLIi11 113ea91an of it,:n1&- ['I I Y 111 M W I WC Ifs 114 "Kr aml 53nrur} Nirwsr Kr-plarrmr-nl I .4L-I9rAktl I: c Nkii I r4I VIAM SPKIFICATKIN! DOCUMENTS C(INTkACT 2G2 L WS M-C Ii4tir5til Jurt 1. "MI urry mmvc rN((. Lgj5o} a17a39•4 FRGJEL7 RECORD LbWLIMINT9 Par 4-04 �aII MIGHIiUll tax � HU4 eltLry by dFkk%Ving a "Cin1td" ;irok111d Ihu arca or arras .kWeeted, d_ � and v uhangcs ncmly, causistently rind with Ilse prulx�r mrdi1L to m513rc Ioltge-vily Luid clear reprodim im. m , I f the Drcuivmms, other Eflail DrMlikg�,, ILRy hccn kept c Im (luving pragrm of Lhe Work, acid if cntrics llirrcon have been -01nkrl+y IU the apprnrraJ Of IhC Cily, 1 he job sel of Iltooe Doeuiiwmis, other than Drawings, W i I I be s el ced as final Rrr rd DOW111CIM 9. b, If airy -such Dmumem is nol saappmved by Ilte City+, sCcurc a 11-c3v copy Of llkRt Domment from like City sl the I=hy's usual charge for teprod Licl ion and hand Ii3N& and vkreru ly lraltisfev Ilse rhangc dm m Ise ilia pCI* ropy to likearVrOV411 of I11C oily. M R EPA I R I R ESTORATLON f F+ (T LJ: ED1 16 RF,1NS-rA1,II,ATION [NOT USEDJ 3,7 PI ELI) [mi -,JTF_ QLFAGITY CONTROL I NOT USE131 3,8 SYSTEM STARTUP jNC T Ux rl)] 1,-) AIMIJ.57I NG TROT USED1 3,I0 C LEANING E NOT US KDJ .3, t I C1.04 EOUT A€'TIV IT] ES INar vsxi?l 3,42 FROTF,{_TION INOT 11SED1 3,I3 MAll NTENANCE INur usFD1 .1.14 ATTACHMENTS SNOT USED] END OF SECTION Revisim Log DATE NAME. SkJMMARV (W C1iAN06 CITY OF FORT WORT14 5TANDAR1}CCh%L57RUCTION IFICAT )N JXXJ JENT5 Reed Job}• 1, 201 i 7 4*ff tW S&1i1ml Suwmt Rs*c+ mot ix1L'F]D9. 1NSM-' Technical Specifications "1052L-I TUbNF.L WNF.PtftA1:L PAC 1 95 SECTION 33 45 11 F0 N N 1:L- i,iT, VR PLATC PARS` L - (AN EPAL �J SUMMARY A. Strti0illoriudes: 1. This secliorl ainijka to Patrt 2- Qinp 11owle Water Imnrnvcmeutq. 2, Minimum requircnieiklsfCFJnanufae.lurtng, fiaTkAiny.41nd IfJllspolliltig'iunkkel Liner Kau to be" far excavaLian �iupW as irlstalINA By 011ter Man DpeD ChA 41 the locations shown on the Dra )vi 119-S B. u ewiali ions (L{Idll this ow or ism Woob Siandard �pxx.i ficatiuu 1. Madified 2.LCA.b.7 C. BelaAcd Sp ulficafion SW ions incllhi&4 butme iaat news- icily Iimilcd 1W, 1. Division 0 — Bidding Rcquirunanis, C-niktrae.a Farms, and Cnosditiom -OFthe ('ownpci 2. Division 1 —General Requiremems 3, S�ciiar�� 4� — lialad'l a�Is�k1 �ia�h 4. #i�IL S — In�lallalic�n of can irr I}ipr i11 CaSilfg r TLnln l Lines Pl�rta 1.2- PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Mcastimip -em and Paya kelli ai. Measorew-enh L) Measuivd horizolllaily along the surlace 1br the length of-Fnnncl Liner Plait i11�1a11�1! b. f aym-e MI i) Tfir -%yurk pwYf-onlied i111d cubit-erials furalisbed ill ac xi;Rnce with this item and mcasored as provided under " Mexmircmcni" w i I l b:c paid for as the knit price bid per lialea.r fow 4;W'SCmin&(1'uwkacl 1.inur 113alc, By Other Lhalil Open cur" inslatiad f(3r- 9) various dim 2) 'TJIe kork pafomacd aand mwwrials funiislicd in accordanac with Ilkis Item grid ni"shred as pravided under LAeamlremenVl w1I t be paid for al 1he unit pdcc bid per linear fort of"Tunnel Liner place, By Other ibFm ripen CisW'ins m1kd for: SN) Varic)us Sues The prig bid -sha11 inciode. I) Fnrni31�111g aild iimaillin$ Tunnal UngrPIWx a s spcciiFicd her the brmwings 2) mobiiizattion 3) i.RurLefii1ag Shah 4) Rcceiwi Ii� shall 5) Paveinelli imnoW 6) cxca-vmion 7) Hauling S) D-14>0MI Of CXC rnaieri4fl CITY OF FURT WORTi I WATI-2i AND SANITARY SE R RER1.ACEPIM IUAN❑ARDCONSTkUCTION Srr—EiFwATldN ta[1 milts CONTRACT b021-WShifi "Wo Nmb6 x o o(21 [ IVY MWL7' N¢} 1�1.15W J30521 -2 TUNN11 L K11i 11-AYE Ptiitt2ors 9) Furitishin,g, P141CCHI ci11, and compel icm of batik 611 10) Clwn-up 1.3 REFEEtF.NCPS A. Refwilcc Slnnduds l - Refemnce AwNdards chard in th is.4rcifFM lots refer to 11ir -LuFrVysr Ftfcr-ChCe starldud p Mislted at lily lime of I hr. IAicit revision Ale laggtixJ m cite ukd -of this 5pccification, unies a c6ft is speeificelIy cited. 2- Ameriem Asscialimi 6f Stor Highway and TrsitspMaLioo Official S (AASHTO) a. I�RFD. Bridge Design MmimaJ, Swim 12,13 b- MEW, Hi1umim0ws-Cm1ed C0mWcel Mcu] (�v1ver1 1'�ipe and Pipc A hes- 3, Americat Swiwty of '1`Est in& and Malwiils (ASTM ): a- A123, Slartdard Spr ilicativn f-ur fine (H01- Dip €'ialvmkiln-A) Coating an Fivit a3id Steel Products, b. A153, Standard Speci.licAom f�r Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iran and Steel Hmldwm. r-- A 1011, Standard Spccif" 60k1 For SLucl, Sheet and Mrip. Flat-Rool lead, C3rhna5r Structtlral, 1-Iigb-Strength Lcaw- licy and I I1.gh-Smnylh Lwi-Alloy wilt?, Improved Forlimbility. and UIrra-Aigh SImngk1F, 1.4 ADM IN [NTRAT I VK REQUIREMENTS [NOT 11 WA) J l S 5>,aIk M ITTA I.JS A. Suhmitish shall tw ilo awLurdahuu with Smiion 01 33 00. R- A13 simbati106shall be approvcd #by the City prig to delivery. 1.6 A4M'I N SI�19M1TTAI.WINEORMATIONAlf SUBMfl"TALS A. I'mduci Data 1. TLIunel Liiwrr Mmic and fasteno" a. Mwer'ial dwta 2. Exterior Coaling FR. gatvrial data h. Field 1-01061-11p prx aAkires 3, Grow Mix -R. MMeria I SIftLa B. Shop Lkewhigs L SLIbrnil calculations far the desitt orthc Tunnci t,incF PEptc seEkw by a Liucnsd E119hieer in the State of'1`um4. 2- Etai led plat f0t kmfift ncu vuid space on 16 exlerior of ihm Tu37RCI liner PF tie 3. Groul coupling Imal inn and spxhkg MY FORT WCIRTJL WA71PR AND SANUARY 5F.W!.kkEPiAC.UlWT STANDARD CONMLW.Y10 I %ft-1VICAT1UN DOC'LIKENTS-LLONrkM'lr 242Lwf C Rewmed ncsww 1942G23 0TY PROJECT ND. I1U5W 3�021 -A TUNNEL I.INFR R.A1F. Pogo } -of 5 1.7 CLOSl;OUT Sll 19MITTALS I NOT USE Dj L,S MAINTENANCE MATEMAL SUBMITTALS SNOT USF#i] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN(Yl' Vc-,rl)l 1.10 DELIVERY, S70118C.E, AND MAN I)LING A. Doliuer.1Nan,dir and -tunic 'runneJ LGner Plate in acc€rdAnw 541th Ow Manutwura'R mormkrendatiolls 10 "eel coal i ng sysiffffl. 1.11 FIELD ES1TE 1 CONYKTIONS I N( l"M.P 1 1.12 WARRANTY INOT USFDj PART 2 - PRODUCT-; j.No-i ` I]SED] 2.1 [' WNt.R-EL RNISHE]D Conl 13WNER-SUJP]PL1EU i ROIIUCTS INOT USEDI 2.2 MATERIALS A. Mail 1 AC141r-m- i_ t]uIy tlic manufacturers &S limed on the: City's Standard Producla LiSA will be C0119i&AX1 &$ S110WIl ifl Sed1011 01 -60 013, anWCW M spceirKA hMin. a. The ma n. wfRcumr mutt enrpply %vi1h tlsis Speoilicelion and rtJaled Sedions- b. Mzntlfor, turcd by Coritech Constr id"i Products, [tic„ American Comracmia1 liw.. or irpproved equal. 2, Any prcducl 111w is nrA Fisted an the 5landwd Products L151 is =Aidemd a suboiiii6on and sharil be submitted In iKxorrlarlce wills Seel ion 01 25 00. 14. Drsipa CHteria a. Mflg4tlL'acttLME U3 &Sign Tunnel I.iTgCr 13lase in aacmdan0V Witll like methods rood c iicria im 9prei€ied in AASI4I1D LRFDa 13n'dgc Dusigrk Meinual, SWIon IZ.13, b_ Soi I permneters .Skal l be detrnki-Ined by 11NC Tunnel LiIKT PlalQ Man-AVuw. c. Allow a niaximmo &tlreiion. of 3 perccnt_ 4_ 'MiC IMS& aPth 'runnel 1.1ner Katy specified liemin 19 the miniikkkim aeeeptable amd shall be iner{aged as rwcmary to obtain adequate joitrt stmrpt . MiMicss, bkreklirag ;srrerkglh and resistance to deftcticm. C. M:14crials 1. `L'umjel Lincr Plate aj. I�rv�vidc lietiti, co1n1$at�d 1r>:e1al 7-ullncl l.an�r Plates ns�edC rrarrt 5leel sl}c+ris conform iikg 1-n the repircrncnis nr A%TM A 10 L 1 _ i } Potable and Rcolainied Waicr carrier pipo a� �al�a�lsi�ecl (1) Plate to be gal wanized wilh zinc coating in awardance with A;�TM A 123 %villk Ilac rolinwingcxeeptiarr_ (a) Zinc shall be applied Al a rmle of2.0 oku m ivy squire fM ark och �itla (l) Rhine ae be., cusled with aL bitLllhir1UL15 C0WiI1g;11Min8 the perfNini llcc rcqu in incikt5 of AA SHTO M 190 CRY CIS KAF WORTH i1'AT]3g AN!} KANITAkY %.VwLk k1hIPL5C1•:kiEW !CtANLjAkI; L-0NYTRUCn0N F.r1ECIF1CATiDNFIMIhi1:NTS c RAr-r2atI, xIs&f�C R1;ris3 d {klokk+ I a. 2MI CITY PROJECT W)- 1935M J30521 .4 TUNM;k. URL•k 11.ArF. Vkhp d on (2) Unilbuilly Cml pipe inside and dui io minimum Ihickltum of 0.05 h3ohcs, rnr&SLLrod on oasis orco rrWiions. 2) Sarlilary Sewer carrier p ipe a) f3aivaiiized (1 ) Maw-9n be Alvan i zed with zhw coating in mcmf-dance wil h ASTM A 123 with the folknwing exception; (a) Zinc shal I be sppCi st a rslc -Qf2-0 mIi m per �iquarc fit flak cpch %We- b, TunneJ Lirwr Plems and festcucrs 5hmll aanply w+ h ih-o remquircmcros of Ark%HT0 LRFDF BrMgc CNzi�p Mamial, %mticm 12.13. I ) LincT plates shall INC pL1rkC11Cd for bolting an bmh Wgiludilial and circumfercmial wMM9 2nj JRMC.V d ic3 permil 0013kpletc creCti-an frrnn the inside of llke LWAI)el- dolls and n um sball be wi lean IzLA to cnnfcrm l+n A 13i'FM A 153. 3) Where �mundwslcr is allcoulltcM4 pskeled I'M& PJZICS Shall be usW- 4) Flimes shall be of uikiform r'abriealion FW 11w5c ialended fw I xi?& tunnel �hmll be intchangeWc. 5) ricld welding oCTunriel l.pncr Plate, jrLclUding gruut couplin;gsshall not Ix 6) The n,aieial used far (lie IslTW-KX1 of Ibcsc pkmws shall be new. unused and sidtable far chin pu pose i11(mikded. 7 ) Minillikkin 1h lckass of Turrnc] Lino P talc shall be as follmvs+; 2-Fk&MW Uner 4•r1magul Liner Tun nel F1rr6c Tbkkorss PiAle Th Icknem. DI1iisrreer DRV) (emw ) —(i9{1rrs) Bri rY mtklh` R f"t — 161'rrt 43 14 12 C,4** t 60 14 _1t 72 12 Greverlhm 7n PmJ sp"jfc Project SpcciGe si11q De. igri *T�m infmmpalion in the aboyc table is bmed orI 140 roktawlrkg assUrttigMichs: AASIiTO S�flon 16, "Stool Tunnel Liner Plats", H20InWing angle OF gild 'Wiy �cpth of 8 rom to 116 rev- For pmj"ls clot inectin tFtc�e assrn�rption5, a spccifrp dtmign s1lould bt pc:rfUrmed to dL:ti.rmkw thin appKvrfatc llkickness fir the liner phatc- '*The Lft bb- 1R1i-Urr 13ravidal for 5d-inch tunneL&meier imumes Jt hrLrT dentk of 15 fbLUY 15 feel, - 2, lv asffig limulatflrs a. Clising inskilatum shall br nwd for lirr5 l7m * t in accordmicc wilh r,"Iian 33 05 24- CITY OF MR r ti5r wrli WATkIF AND SANLTARY+SIMik ftr.h- t'VMFpJT STANUAkEl P PN.V jriL-nc1N SPECIFICATION LX) UMPffS CONTRAO m I. ". M-i Ftcy&# Lkiacr W. ZWJ MY FWJECT NO. JU3 3}0521 -5 I't)NNL•-I. LANF'R PLATE wee S Qf.S 2..9 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED 2.4 SOUIR4'E QIIA I,rrY I` ONTI OIL [NOI- U'iEDI 3,1 1 NSTALLE:RS I NOT USEDI .1.2 EXAMINATION INOT USED] 33 PIIPARATION 1 N UFT USED] 3: [ INSTA IA,AT10N A. 'funnel Liner PWe shall be installod In Acoordome %villi apprcprisre pnrtir ES Of Section 310523. B_ Larritt pipe shall be installed i Iaside Tulincl t_incr P I;Ptc in accorslWIVV 3wi th Scirinq 33105 24. U. Caimau $routing of th-c annulus okw3ide 1lie 'Funnel Uw Marc steal I lXu perfcmnlicd ill auvrda m" will~ Seaioo 33 05 23. 3.5 RI PAP R I RESTO�IRAJ-1(ON I N(Yr US£01 3,6 RY.IN TALLA7ION [NOT USED] 17 FIRIA) [oRl SITE QVAL[TY CONTROL I NOT USP.D1 18 SYSTEM'[ STARTUP [NOT DSED1 3.9 ,dtDJUSTINC I NUT V%)Z 11 3,10 CLPAN I NG INCIT USED] .3A I CLOSEOUT AC TIVIT[ES I NOT U1W 131 3.12 PROTECTION [N[)7' EJ91 ON 3,131 NTAIN11 TEN3l�I`}NCTEi, [ 1�,�Y?Y`[`�1EDI 1� 1F,ND {)F Sf,k.TIOLw IRcwizI Ir Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12rb DI 2 D. JDtrks 13-&l — �L1 L"TO raffencz umeded 0 cumvig r llmic*Dm CH Y OF 14DRT WM-n I WATF'R AND SAWARY 50YI--1 1tVK 4L: WFNT ti ChAmRt) L`CINSMUClJON 9PWFFFCAT r)MUMMM CTWMAVT 2W 1_ WFWL' 33 05 24- 1 1NNYAJ.jATII)N13P (AILRIF.R nj'h. IN r-JtitilNOUR IUNHU. iINLR MAT1: RIC 1 nr IG I SECTION 13 US 24 2 IN'3TALLATION OF CAR k i E' k M PE IN CAS LNG DR TLfNN EL LIN ETA PLATE 3 PAI T I- G EN ERA]. 4 1 A %:D11+ MAftV 5 A. Secilcm I ncluda; 6 1. This molu"_on"lles w ParrY �: Camn bowie Water Imni-mcrarnts. 7 2, IUtlLlircm-cili4 fcw the insmallorioa 4furrimr pipe into Meal-amings or runnel lister $ plxrt ai Iora0.kwi shavrii on lite Drawings 9 13. Dow Wtlon-s frwit ibis Cil} of Fort Wmih St817dud *ciflcm ion lG I. f4 odfriml Z2.13.1 I 2. M-aditied 2 C. Rel dod Sp i ficalim Seetions includts, krul arc rol rurccuarily lim ited to: 13 L DiVi5i0n 0 — Flldd inp. Rcquiremellts, Contmut f *m1s, and Condit iom of the 111 -`ol E nwi 95 2. Division I — Deftml RecLoini enis 16 3, Secl ion 33 01 30 — vermid Manhalc Tcslialg 17 4- &uAlan 33 11 13 - Ccoomw Pressom Pipe, Dar -Wrapped. Steel Cylindor Typc IS t.2 PRICE: AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A. Mos'omnenl ;finpd Paymcni 20 1- Insiallmion of Sanilary Sewer Carricr Pipe in CmingrRinnel Lifer Plate �I A. MeMMIMliel<t 22 1) Menmed "mkially along the surfaaG from eentcrlinc to CeMtVr11310 Of Ille 33 *inning i?F 1he easij%el iner lu the cn,d of dit c: a:;inkftfiet 24 Lr. pffly icni 2.5 1) Tlie wA perrormo 1 and malcrial9 furnished in accordance with this Licm 26 and m eagAiKd m prrr vidiLd undcr "Mcasurcino i" droll 1c paid for at Ihe 27 In7il price: laid per Rim fow for 'Sewer Farrier PiPc" cDmpktc L11 Place far: 24 a) Various Sines 29 c. Tlie Price 13id Rnfpll includa: 30 1 } Furnishing nishing and ilislarllilig Sanitary Smw' w M.Rhi (Pipe) in Casi1g9'unr3VI 31 Ling Plate im spwxihed by the Drawings n 2) mobilizalion 33 33 Grout 34 4} CHsi ng Spowts 35 5) End seals 36 6} ExcavM ion 37 7) Llau I hll m S} Dispas11 oF"cess IME-U al 39 9} C temn-up 40 2. 11341alration of Water Carrier Pik is in CHsiilly T UVInOI L.i1w Plate 41 a. 1dLt-IrsrIM1011 C17YOFFDRT 71RTii WATER AND SANITARY SEW M- $ EFLAC'EJ►iEM !ffA F)ARD{ON51Rll1C'E9ON 5fWFK:ATKW17MIIM11417.% VDISI i ACY20t1, W5M C Rc-L,%,jNdkwwr er29,2W3 (Iry mDja:TNO. lax ," [aZA-2 INSTAI,I•ATJON OF -CARRIER RIPE IT#r',i. INN C1;L71 NNFi. t•INER KATE I I M£mpil d horiwntally 81aii r[�' the surCaoc treR1 CC terl I Ile t0 centcrl Inc of thr 2 hc�innirkg -of the casingliner 10 the end of flee casing;dincr 13ayment 3 b. Paryillenl 4 Ilia ;work WotmiiA and rnaLerial:s furrlished all accoi anci2 wilh Lhis Vern and MC35klfcd vs provickd ml&r "MMSHmmcnt" shalI. be Paid for III the Unit price hid per I invir rwi For "WAUT Farrier Pipe" c*mplM i n plme i�r; F .11) VaJiOLI& Siam 8 c. Tire p6m hid shall ineJude: 9 1) Famishing MW ii ifilling WEW Will (Pipe) in CEINingrFURFMI IJimr Pla.le 19 m specified by Ilse Drawings 11 2) Mobi lizai low 12 3) Groul 13 4) J oi-ni mtrui l 14 $) CWng Spacers 16 .6) End suls 16 F) Ex"vatilm 18 9) Disposal afi;xccgs nti;nlerial I to) clmlmip 20 113 R FrFFliiI, N is 21 A, D*frl I ii i-urLs zz L_ Iri:trricr Fipe: Permanent pipe for opersliciml .w thm is Irsed to wnvey 11am 21 2. Cmingr A slorl pier; or mi-incl Iinlf iimml lcd by Irrnchkw mc4llc4s Ifint ski pports [he 24 ground mod pro5rides a stable unckrgr; Hind MaVO i-0I1. fw in5lallalicm] of the carrier 25 pipe 26 B. Refermcc Standards 27 f W9FOOCC standards chcd in ihiv5 Sp" ificelion refcrto IEhc Currml Fcfcrclree Ali st dm-d puhlii-bed at the Iiine of the lEnem rcvimino dale bagged a1 the end orilris 29 SPMific:alican, ILI31e5s a daic is spccificaily cited. 3D 2. Arm-cHcan Society of TdYling and Malcriais (A%"Fm) 31 a_ (219, �;iandfrd Tknl Wthod for Fompressivc StFength ijeCylindricid Oul t=r. �'2 9PGGLI73era5. 33 h, C109, StRIldVA T'esl Mc1110d Far CD111PPMiVC SIxCI1g[h Of I Eydraulic Ce irml MM101"i ( L acing 24111 or 15-0 mlinj Cuht: Spmi mens), I$ c, C 38, Slnndard 'I'mi Mi thed for Tensile Properties DFPla ks. 36 3, 9alernalional Crgam u tion For Sta3ichrdizatimj (ISO); 37 a. 9�O I,uadal}� Mar,eltitirl�+slcmx - kcq>airmerlls. 3a 4, CccupmJiunal SFLrCI arrd HvI4b Adinir mi-elion (OSRA) 39 a, DSiFIA RcgulaliurLs a3id Storliand5 ror UndergroLlild Construction, 29 (FR Part 40 1924, Subpar[ S, Undergmrld COn51FUCIiOn arul %Ihpfi t P. Equvatiull_ 41 l,4 ADM]N 1grRA'f [VE REQ111 RF NfENTS INOT USEbj 42 1.5 SUBMITTALS 43 A. SitL m i1t-als sha I I be is -flec ir(Lacc with S=iun 1) E 33 00, 44 3. All by 111e City prior to delivi-_r , CIT %, OF Ex wr W]RT11 WAM AND SAMWAR V SPWF4 KEPL ACEMEWr tiEAKDARD(T)MMUC1110N SITC11FIVAI KW 1X)CLI1MFN35 Wh7RACTM.1I4'&WC ilc­i" hbrrmhn 29. M23 Cnl' rROIECT MD. 1104W AA0524-I IN4 rAl .r-ATKW QR (-ARRITA PlfV, ON CrOLUM i t ix'i a it NFA . i INEIR MATT 1.6 ACTFON Si]BMI'rTAL.SlINI,'X)RrslA'r1I)NAI. titrl]M1']"IrALci 2 A- Ph --loci [gala 3 I, Cmil rg I solamcfsi5paceh 4 a_ Maleri p I Ua[a 2- I_irDul Mix e- moleriall)Ala 7 13. Shtpp Drawi np 3 1. Rcquimd ror �4Amh anal Im-ger Ikipe insUlIMicns 9 2, -�ubm it Work plan r ribing the carrier piprs i nst$I Iw iir i cqu ipmcirt. matcria IS amd 10 construc[iool mclhods [0 br, cgoploycd- 11 L Casing Spacers{FsoWors 12 & kkmit drimip)gs fmd mrUstrfaiMmr'-5 irpformali-pri. fpT Ih�-casing isr�la[arsls x 13 rhm will be mcd. 14 1) hrclude dirn-mision 7rlyd i. kkpopwai malcfials and c1mmerrtation of 5 marmf urcr's ISM} 9N 1:2WO certifiewicm. 16 AltPrnatkcs in cming spaccWisplaws may b-c al Imcd by the City ar a ease- 17 boy cm basis. I E C. FOOT comih-mim ar allerrm 11101 •ctid, whill i1 a &mi Icd dmriplacn of method 19 including dmiIs- 10 4- I=slid Sr id or bulkhead designs and bce -sons for cesireioers. 21 S. An mI-ar Spe (belwoen cming pipe and mii4Wtkirirrcl hw plalc) QrOtLtiug Work 22 PhR arid WthC& includirLg: 23 a. Gruuihig rrle[ho& 24 b, Details -Dfcg4kipmcnl 25 c. Oroul i mg prccc lures and aquci�cex inc Ivd Inf.: 26 1) 1 r3jectioul nIC113 MIS 27 2) IiIaectiorl pmswms 28 d) M nkoringAnd rccmdin�ryriiPMIM[ 29 d) Nmusure gAuge caliblimlioll 410A 30 5) Mlatcrials I d, Grout Unix details iFmludirls; 32 1) Pmpmiam 33 2) Admixtum ingluding; 34 a) Mampfactum's krtcraukrc 36 b) Labora[ory tesl dale %V ifyirrg lire sirmigth of the prowbv i grout rnr x 36 rr) Pmp&AA gT-oml demilies 37 d) lfigeosily 3S V) d real Ip I -xq 1 i3ne of }gnu[ 39 1) Data for lime mij ulmnielrts shall k drrivixd fmm trial batches from 40 Ell epPrrV d Leafing 10boMOTY. 41 C. 54jbin11:a rrGin imkriTk of 3 other sin3 i iaT PrnOarrts W13CFe 11rc pm D.-,C J gFflnt mix 42 design was uRcd. d3 f SllhNnit a,rlicipaltA wOlrunOS egroul to be JAlillped for each ApgAlCM101) Alld 44 lnmh grokitW. 45 g, For pipe insist lr;trrHks fir then 36-inches, With}rrt bold CIG%Vlk JBJCs *TIN 46 rc rfljFmd sfrrcer, RroVIdC I uUOYAut fOrCe celeulM Wills darriprge grouliiyg mad 47 mensu n; to prvvCIR fl-nia[im- 471rY t kF FOKT WOR'M WA FL• R AWO &ANITARY NEWER REPLAC UMLNT STANMNR11('(M. TRUC-nD SPECUNCA-MON I}kIrmI-NIs CONTRACT 202 1. W&M- Romwd Pwvvrr&i 29,IM (jTY PFfWFX TNO. 11035ea J} O5 M - 4 INSTAL LAYM Of CARRIER NI PF try c AMN[; OK TUNNU LrRE.-R PLATL rhe4of 1d 1 1) Culcu IM'Luns sca[Cd by a 1 iccn€cd Frlgiaaeer in thr- Siate of 7'mas. h. Descriptiota of rnadwds and dcviecs to prcwcnt buck Iing Ofcalrriq:r pipe during grmil illg of jimi lar space, if 1' ti i rcd 4 L7 CLOSEOUT S U 13M I-1+1'A L% INOT 1, i F F11 5 1.0 MAINTENAi1C.E MATEnIAL S UIIM I'I "I'.ALS [No-f USED I -6 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 7 A, C-crl iheal iuns � k. Gasiltig i�xl�tw��a�.r ma1�uE'acturer claall � c�rtiflr� el�Iinst �I�e pr��i4irn� o� 10 L 10 DELI V MT, :4 IX RAG E, AKJD HANDLING SNOT (J%E 111 I t 1.11 FIELD ISITEI CONDITIONS I NUT USED1 12 1.12 WARRANTY INOT USED) 11 PART 2 - PROMICTS 14 2.1 OWNER -FURNISHED InRI OWP+ YR-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS lNur1' 1l-,Flll� 15 2.1 MATERIAMS 16 A. ]dart1IfuetLIFCr3 17 1. Only the t anuf#Ielurers iks lined on Ilw City's StandaM Praduch List w311 be 18 considctrpd #R shown ilk Sed Ion 01 60 00. k# a. Tbc menufaetorcr'Rust comply wkli this SpMificarion and r-Dl d Sections. 20 Z Any prodwo Mixt is not listed on thu. SincWrci ?r0docts Li$I is eon6dued a 21 suFLliNtion and :3�lIall Im $ubnli?K-ed in swuFdanec wild Section~ 41 25 00. 22 3. Thr, Casing Sp3m-rAvArmsAall be vmw and the product of Ek mjuiti racturer 23 Fegularly ongrlgud in the insnufaduring of ing sp�cel iaxslalors_ 24 13- Des ign Crilt-aria end Malcrivls 25 1. C-5r der pipe 5[Ial I brr, Installed within like horizema[ artci vertical roll ranee{ ;v, 26 indicaled its PART 3 of this Spi.ilieation. incoFporm hig LqII supporYiusulatar 27 rcqu i ma, _ - Diann-ler Sjn�eifirntion innl�na] _ Malc rial Ref�vetiix Wnt-er Line & 12 DIP (1zmStral ncd) 33 11 10 16-20 DIP (RMtrai I)Cd) 33 11 10 AWWAC303 (Rcslrairnod33 111 13 DIP (R sLrai»r.,d � 33 11 110 34 and greaser AWWA C-303 (Restrain d) �3 11 13 AWWA C200 (ReslroinaM 33 1114 AWWA CM (Re incd) 33 _L 1 15 L4rini14 ry - 8-1 [SIP (with Omni is Fly) 33 t 110 5cwe1' Line PVCC900 I)k14 J3 11 20 18 and zrWer . D[P (wirrh CCM113is F,{ ) 33 11 10 UI ry FW FORT W OR714 WATER AN13 UNITAItY SF:W !F.R RERLJ10EMEW Mf~IMRS}COM5TRUCTtM C0NTRAC'T201-VMW Ret•isod HeveuAt! �4, M3 CIF ' i JR!-r Nrk k4}F4P 3105N-S aNSTALIATM 1!W CA#1tI114R F1 P11F. IN I .ASIMi 0K TILMNEL tJM' R PI-AT16 NBC: W It, 1 i. Lrrntil ol'annular span: 2 a.. Fnkrgmvily sMVCFciricrpipe illslalfation: 3 1) pill all voids LwI%wen ihr carrier pipc and the minb or liner with ZM1. 4 2) All tmeNor carTiCr pipe surfa1Ms and .1111 inle(i,or Iasi ng ur lilmer surram II he in er ntaca With liic ghoul, b b. I -or grater line irlstallaliw 7 1) No annular space CILI will be used. F �_ [ FURI MixCS 9 s- 1-tnw !]ensily Cellular GroLlt (LDCC) tO I ) Annular space (beLwmk sa weer ecmier pipe and easingAirier) gFml shall bc. I I 1.131cc, 1:2 2) 1U LUCC $Ball be pon land onneot lased growl mix willh ilie addition oFa I$ Chmning ajakt dAnivied for Iliis applica kxi, 14 3) Develop I or m we g it mixes deli. ncd io complct-oly fill ilw an nular 15 space bawd on the f*llowing requimmcnls: l6 a) Prov Ide a 1eyuale relardatical to completelg fill the amm lar spxc in 1 F iiiOn0iilltie pour. Is b) Prnvi& Inns ilion I pi.rceni shrinkage: by wolunw. 19 c) Cn13!1prCMS1VV Strength 20 (1) M i rn i,iiul�i slrcngtlj Of 10 Lei in 24 li"r:F, 300 pai iar �8 dsys 21 4) Design grout mix wish the properderrsily and use prqw methods to 22 pFcvcnt floating of the curriu pipl". 23 e) Proportion gmul IO Aavwid to coraplkftfy rill all vnjds licmccn ilic 24 Chrrier piPQ 8FW IhC CMin,g CW liW- 2S 4, End Scaf# 26 & Provide eiid seals at eadi erad orlhc casing or liw to cm laic the gmui baci ill 27 or to close 1 fie mine roar cn& to prcmki the inflow of water or sUi I. 2$ I) FQrwateT piping; Ices than I-iFLdk use Ihird rtibbcr seals., mcrdel 29 PL Link Seal as it uallacLured by the Thuacrlhm CoWraLion cw ap+provcd 30 equal, I I:cw water piping 24-inch diameter and }miter. use pull-oai: Iig Ilich Ihick; 32 synthetic, rubbdr 6111d seals, Model C. as maiiilFulured by Pipolitie SeAI acid 33 I1111sUlat0f. liaer Of appaVEd ega31- 114 j F(r-%cwr=r pipirig no errd sc$Is are. FUquired since the artiriafnr space betwoak 35 the carriaw pipe wid the tvsing w i l f be grouted, 114 b. Design eiid seals to withslaiid the ami4pas-cd soil orgmuting pressure and he 37 +►Merl ighl W prevent pmun,dwwW from entering the casing, 38 5. <:asing Spauc slln%u amps 39 a. Pr vide casing spacelsAnsulalors Ua support The earner pipe diiiring insaallailon dU aild grouting (w1lore groil1 is iisccl 41 1) 1�3r-+nnerck pressure pipcor nolVIn-irIh3ift coaled, mororecoL-_4] sILyI 42 IRS manor b ilds nmy be al lox%vcl iu lieu of casing spaocr'+iIISUI F& 43 2) Mortar baltids shall kw iri nowrdame wilh 1rx4ien 33 11 13 for cancre 11 r�ti fe 44 Mro mine or %t33 11 14 For nntyuneihaneeamled. morlar 45 enalell slecl pipe. 46 b. 122151136 gpaWis)l*luiora ntaiic al mid propertim- 47 1) Shall be In iiiimu m 14 gage 41 2) Vor water pipe, wilize Sviinlcss Siecl, CITY ff H)RT rrOR11d WATER AND SMITARY srwrR REPI.AC'E#I.T STANDAU3 coNvTRw-"nm sF]•x9 Frc-A lw n[xiF.1imrs C0NTFtA-UT 2Q3 i- WSN-C ktirm-d Noveinhcr 3%. M LI Y PRUJI14 MY 110J.00 "03 34 - 6 IN47'A1,i, TKW OF CARRIER PIPE IN CASING 0K IIJN I•]- JANER. FLA7E PEP 6arIO L 3) Fcwsmyr pip-, utilise CoalttA Siecl- 2 d) Su ita'ble fgr wpporting 3veighl of cmrritr pipavwithoul d+ oi-inRlian or 3 wilapsc during inrul lal Wn 4 c,, Prow ide mmminied-mylc rasing sp m to hold all pipes sialhle durinp, growing -a"riDn-- mod prevem f1mi11lg Or Iirrn'emcnt. 6 d. Prowide dir.JcclfGC Hl"gth SUffiCieflt J-u �:leirtricelly-Eolalc rieli ro11 pitem 7 rrow one :IIro+Iller and Cram 1lic Ming,, :R i- J sigtk rim , fOf ApprCoAle loadr, and, as a 113 i nine um: 4 L) provide 10 gagomeeI risers 10 ;n) PruvMe slaintess sAccl braids and ii%T& for Wutcr hul31Jadoiis. I ] Buind ISlaleriai and rritertu 12 L) I ide pc lyviriyl -oh loride inner I i 11CF Willi: ] 3 a) M 13tim um t Jick HE9$ OfO.N inches 14 b) 1uroirretcr "A" of $.5-4)0 har&,rrse ]� �� lwlirriatunl �ioleckrirc sti�ligth of �8,0� u�nhs 16 g. RLlnner II)AIeri81 and crilcria 17 1) pToMide pivswro�mndded glass mLn rcwc4x1 polynker ot UHM W wilh- IS a) Minirnuni -of2 inches in width And a minimwn of 11 imbes in length, 19 Z) Allaeh W the band or riser wilh Y8 i nch rr in linum %votded 3aml or slain low 2a VICVI $I Lids, 21 3) RLmnersuL4% W mils shall bu Fmesscd w-utl kJow 1lie wearing sLII'face of the ninikcr 23 3) Fill nodes Willi a Currinism inliffiking fill r- 24 h. }Ter height 25 1) ] lovide sufTlCielil heiOl wish attloelied runner allow int11 FIf irrimn elegance 26 Of 2 Endres I)CLWNII the ULIW&L of carver pipe i-oIia or c#upiirig& rand I he 27 Insid;e of Ilre casing iim sku'race, -�S 23 Alvl~'!PSMR]F..S SNOT USED1 2-9 2. J SOURCE QUA1,rrY CONTROL JNGT USED1 30 YAH,r 3 - L XECUTEON 32 3,2 EXAMINATION INOT>L,U.I>r1 33 13 MtEPARATION [NOT WiFIIl 34 M 36 37 3$ 34 40 41 4� 43 3.4 INSTALLATION A. Gcn ral l- Farrier piN insiallalion shall not ticgirL irllliI the 1561lowing tasks 13BVC bmi completod; ;p- AIL roquired submittals have been provided, mviewed and amWwd. b. A I I casiu&�ii Iirp joints are water'ligIii and na water is enlerhig cinsi I% dr h Iier From Moy fflur"s- c- All conlaot 9miliog i& curiptcw. d. CasiingAiwApn 3l reord drs%vingshave been suhntillt*d and ucvpicd by City IQ dncumcm dcuiimions due to c Ing{liru ins[allatinn. CITY OF F7, 7 VAXTJI WATER AND SANITARY SF.VVF.R xFFI-AC'EMENT s'I'ANLmrcboiNyivtrcnGmSPDCIF6CATION Eaia~Ur.1l:r,rr; CONTRACT2021. W&H-C Road Ko;mcr 29-1021 CITY PRWIFXy IND. 1011D!' 130534-7 INSTALL.ii" Od'CAWER R PE LNCh51110OR TUNNEL LINER KATE Page 7 a( jib e. vita safety reproscnlallye has prepared a code ol`gat piravtiecc and an cukergcocy plan in accc ;HFKv wilh applicable roquirenlokis. 2. The camcr pipe shall be inslaik-d within the eashigs or 131ners W-,L %wn the I unils indioaied on like Drowings. 10 the specified fines and grades and istiliRing rnelhods which include dice regard for s:n fetLy of workers. adjaccm Slruemrs and impl+ovemenis, 1El i lkkr zs and flic public. 7 8- Control of Line and Grade g I_ inslail Cam-er pipe ilkside the sLecl cooing ivith lit Ilse 11-o91oiviiip lolerarkcvs: a. N-DriZoAtal 10 1) ±2 indiu from design lane 12 1) #I imll from design grad-u 13 2, ('fleck line and grade set up prior to *inning calmer pipe instaltati�Dn. I4 Perform stirnuy chocks of Iiuo-and-glade of carrier pipe during instullatirn] 15 operaiiorl. 16 4, The Conifrkclor is fully respInnsiWe for Iho axumacy oflftie instailalion and the �? cvFcclion ofil, aq rcquira, Ill a. Whore the carrier pipc i3tslallation does not satisfy the sRecifi-A Laturanees, 19 uurrcci the irnsiallai ion, including if ncces&iry, redesigtl of ilke pipe or sltrkcl urea 20 at no add it ional cone ter C_ily. �I C. 1n51s1le1ion oFi arrter jpc 22 L PtFW I tSiallatiNt 23 a, Rcm"e al look soil fiiom casing or ling. 24 b- Qvi-nd sniodh all. rouk13 welds at casingloinrs. 75 2. htsft I b dn, of Casing S pacers 26 a, Priyvide casing spacers, insvillaWim or other apprayed device.s to pmveni �7 Rdalirn, movc{nrnt or dAmagc to the pipe dun'n instaltatiou acid groat b"- fill 78 plaeamta11- 79 b. Aswnble and xeQircly imten casing Waarrs to the ptpelinc to be instal 10 i n 30 caKings or lunncls. 31 e. Correctly asscmblc, av mly lighi n said prvrvent duninge during Lighluning of the 32 insLItai,oI�i and pllpt. i serlion_ 3� d, InmalI spacers i-n R cordrkxe wiili manklfecluires reconlmendation,%. 34 e. I nslal I carrier pipe sD I69 there is no metal I id eeaklact beLwmat the carrier pipe 35 and the rasing 36 f, Carrier pipe sha I I be i nMA11ad w iilumit sl iding ar dragguig it on like ground or in 37 ibe casinSA!ncr in a manner thaw could clamp 113e pipe ur coating U i � I F iguide rails art. A Iu„ ,-d. place cement inuriar on blxh sides of like tails. 39 Coat the ca-sing spacer ninviers wilit a kiosk•corrosiveciivircii menially safe 40 lktbriCtlll to miniini= fftiiam Nyhen hiskal I i ri , i he carrier pipe, d I h. The cfkrrerr pipe shall ba oleclrically isolnitxl from the r,.arricr pipe and frEANt the. 4z rasing, 43 i. GruJc Uie bottuan of the trviKJi adjacent to aacli and ofilka easilig to provide n 44 frnm, uni form Glad eons inu01.1% support leer khe pipe. Ifibe i rcach requ i res Wnle 45 1 kli 4 io cstatrl ish the Final Lrwiolr boitont grade, place Or bock hl I nviterial in 46 6-inch hfis and compact each ]ayes, CITY OF FORT WORT14 )WATER a N0 9ANITARY 5MK RMACVIVIENT STANFMADt'MRTRUCiiDNSPiCJI;ICA'nDN DDCUMENV� CONT:RACT X2I, VRM-C PA*k M r+WYMOW+ fig. 21323 NTY PP"EC'T NO. DDIM 130524-e INUALLAT114WOFCARRILk PM. INCA$1NEjOK TUNN11.1.11NER PLATE j. AOer the casing nr [u»nel Ii1kcr hm bin plaeed, pump dFy and inaiMaiD dry, urrtil the W irig spuCers and end $rats arc ilkstalled, 3 3. 1 nsu Iatar L;paCing 4 a_ Meximum disWicc bctwm spaceft is to be 6 fbot. 5 b. For IS mid 20 fit Inn.9 jninlsti inMaM1 a mini nom of 4 spacers- 1:) install 2 spacers rw ithin I fool nn raor 5idc of the bwel I or Flange_ 2) kcnlaining 2 TFKCTS Shall be *Kcd "nal.ly. e_ [f ilse vusinj� nr pipe is an&A or k nil, mIuce the spacing. d. 'the end spEwer M List b-- within 6 inchrs cif the and of the emiag pipe, regalxlless l I? of sink of casing arW pipe or type of spacer used. 11 e_ InsLall spacers oii PVC pipe al the imei l iorr I i3se to prewnl over-i nsertinn of the 12 spigot Jaw lhv till_ 13 4. Aftcr inglaIka}tholroflbecarrier pipe: 1d a_ Moraar inside and mtmde orihe jairtts. as upplkabie 15 b. Verify electrical dil!i ltinuky kiween the %valor rtarrier pipe and cujinl. Iince- 16 l [f lwtin11it3� a GsRs, rearlecl tltie slrar[, by a1I rnr�n nv ssary iitCtudin 17 rcmoving and reinstalling the C rfaer pipe., prior iu applying �VlIWAV giml, is C. TI'IkOW down j.Wks -Dr umi ngspacers we vsiA, nid or plug Ihu ends 4f the 14 easing, 24 d, If sLvt pier is u.wd mnd F" welded lvior to illhlxllali-n in casiingflincf. weWiog 21 of pipe w31I only be al k:rwcd after groiuting of annular space is wmpb c. 22 D. Instal l atifllrf Ord eels 23 I , Fad' Waler pipe 24 a. (jiviIt eod of mingeliner u mi uinwn of g inclic5 aud n maxilrlum of 12 inures. 25 b. place pul I -an gynihoic rubbcreisd se.aIs oR llic pipe mid pkill ovcT the end of tlic �6 CdsFrkg, Securely res[en %wills _91a1RIM steel bfinJs. 27 por Sewer Pipes 78 1. G iUC annular spwce hcl�wccn �arrJcr I}i ;urd casil�g as indira[t�d in this 24 Spacifieali�rl, 10 1, Annular Space Gmuting�For Sir Only) 31 I. propane pipe as nn"e ary try priuma Me pipe frun1 fluwla Inn during $rairtiing 32 OP01 1l iOrl a3S r'Iel'ssary_ �1 2_ Wxing of Gaul �d a. Mix rna[erim I in gjLiP rent Of Rkl fflCieIll SIYC Co pruvidc the dr-sinad amokIa1l of 35 grain nkaterial fur each stage in a single, upcmim. 3.6 1) 'fhc qi ipment shall he"pahlc of 1nlXhkr' I]Ie &foul at the "mired densities 17 fair the appmvW pmcrdiw and sliall be "pablz- of changing the densities 3B as mquiredby field conditinns. 39 Backfill An11111Rr Space willr GM1 40 a. Prior Co filling of the anmilarspace, Item the Carrier pipe in sccrwdwk-w witty 41 Swi�mk 33 O t 10. 42 1�Velrify 11he maxinitrnt allawabic pressnrr willk 1lie Carrier pipe njanUfWurcr and 43 dQ riot cd this pressure. 44 C, Aflar (be inslallaiion ofthc cm6cr pipe, the rcriraining space (al I voids) betweeai 45 the-ssirWI File( tend the carrier shall hr frlfud %vilh LDCG groLlt. 46 1) All sippram of lbe a teriOF calrricT pi lie wall mid Iasi ingflinet inwA rr shall .17 be in eonlacl with the grain. CITY OF MRT WORTI I 1kA'fT:R ANU+c,kN NARY Sr-.A+F.R REPLACEMENT STANDARD LxNi. 11UM-114 NY 13(KUMENTS L L*URALT 2021, Y1'3M-C keyked Nakeiidcr 29. xe;j CITY aRue� r iaX.iM ]3 4s ]4-9 ins'1'AL.tA7i1MOF(-'AkaII3LJ41ME IMEMMCR 7UNNELLINER PLATE Par 9 vi1* 2) Grout sihul l be puniM throug11 a pipe or how- 2 3) Use grouI pipe, or ollie r approprime Mnalerials, I avoid -damage in carrier Pipe during grouting- P 4, tL> wion of T. C Groul S a- [irolrt injeciion pi -inure Shall 001 a eQd lite terrier pil)u 1110fiLlfKt irc1'F$ 6 approvd raornmendations or S psi (wbieherucr is I-Dwer). 7 b, PumpiDg equipmeml shall he of a sizz suf orient to inied Rrout at a vulumc, R wkwAly and pre~ssiLrc crunpal iblu wu ffi Mho SlizetmIuM0 of 1FLo am tkitir ce, $ e, Once grukdLnU opGmi Wris begia, growl i ng shall proceed uni nle"p4cd, unless 10 grouting prxreed lar+S Mga11FC 131V1 1plc siE;gCS. i d, (3ml riot he lcnnivated until Lhc. eslimatad amniiitar volunm of 12 gmw I)ar4 bmk knjcczr. 1. 13 S. Block the vu-rior pipe- d Uilxg PI`LWUh" to pr wnl flotalim during gr vl; hiWLI Wicm- 14 .a- Protm and prv&me Ou inicrirw sikrf`srccs of the caking from damage. 15 3.5 RF,?A[R!RF,5TORAT]ON 1NO'r VSFl3I 16 3,is I+ r-INSTALLATION I NOT USEDI 17 3.7 FIELD JoRl SITE QUALITY CONTROL is A. Repor7s xad Rixm�s requiFed for pipe iiiismilslians grcarer 11ian 48-I rchcs aEid long-er 14 than �510 feel 20 1- Maintain fond salamil da i ly 1ogs of grolktiDg operal ions. 21 a, Include; 22 1) QCool ing Ineslians 2� 2) presSUMI 24 3) Volumes 2$ aj 0mat mix pumped 26 5 j Time. of pure Ring 27 2, Now any problems or unusual observatims on icy 24 S- Qmvi IsircnVh Tests 79 1- City Will perf0nrl IeSAi4kg for 24-hourmkd 28-day cornpmssive strcngib tcsis faT tine 34 cylinder molds or grout cubes AtEktned dudpig groulinggmrmliens. 31 2, Cily will Tx-r1'onn fECtd Limmpling during aianular spaiCC grCW11rkg, 32 a. City will col ILTi at (east 1 sd of d cylinder Eliolds or grout cubes for each 100 33 cubic yards of grout injeelcd ball viot Liss Than I io t`w ach grouting 5iMM 34 b, C0 will perform 24-h"lr and ZArC�B}' OrnprC9%iVC strength WAS pCr ASTM 35 C39 (i-,yJ indrical speckmens) or ASTMI C 109 (rube spuci i-W49), 3(i it. Rcnaining simples stealI be teAeA as dirwad bey City, 37 C- Safely 38 1, The Colilra row is re-spr nsihlc for safely on the job sitc. 34 a, 1'0rfol-M all Work in acenrdanee wilh the curmut applicable rtg katiaus of the 40 Federal, Slaw mid local agencies, 41 16, Ilk the CM11 01­00flfl iCt, eoraMP11Y Will) the MOM WIFiCl ivc appl lcablC 42 regal i rvm�m- 43 NO gasErl i ne PcMX-Md Cxlu i l]1n-0n1 sbalt be 11enllilled i n jacking shafts and receiv ing 44 sLAFJpA!;. ILITy1)F FuItr WORI1a WATFA ANP!SAPMTARY %F.liR RFII,M'FMF.Nl' 15TANP361M FONMEMCUOM KP1+7t'Ir:ICATION r)CCUMENT3 €x37fTP c7dMi. WFFP+€' Strand Nuraidirr 2%.242a CITY FrROJECT NO. 103SM BUS3#,10 INWALL&M N OF c.'AkKiF.R WPk:p*i 4A51*IOOR TLWXa LINER MAT 13 1 a. tics 1, c1l"t'al, 1lyi wlic -anal air POti$Vrfid ey[I ipmcul is aeccptable. N46*1 w z mppliczblc local, Mate and Fcderal regulalions. 3 J, Mcthocls Of MISIruCI iorr s130111 be such as to insure Ohl saki ' of the Works 4 CapWaGRWs and o0wr employees ork sitiv slid ihc pnblic. 4. Famish and apmEe a tclFIppsary WillilatigDD SyStein in &0L%Hd3MX Wil11 BP131icablc 6 Nfirty "uiAancas when personnel are imdlcrgrow5d, F ar Pedorm al I rgiIi[ed air and ras murtitrnin& 8 b. Vcnuiletica systern sha I I provWq a sof dent Supply IMF fresh air and maintain iin 9 PAMUl pll rc fret of Wx ic, or Oran, nsahlc pS i:n all underground irk arms. 10 Perforlu all Work in =corxlaiicc wilh all carrew applicahlc tvgulagions and s.1fely MgjIircrMMt8 OfthC f4deW, 9MO -trd Coca] agbnaiCS. 12 9_ Cemply tiwi;h all applicable pmviMons of OSI1A 29 CFR Fart 1926, Subpar4 , 13 UrtdergMnd CanSIFLAliva and Subpart P, ltxcavalicing. 14 h. Yn IIIe C+C.lt 01'c0nfli1;1, *ornply W11111111e MOM strinZCHL TxgoirriDents_ 13 6. 1f peTunnel witI cnun- the pipe duriag constmletim,11ke Cownxior shalI dovelop an 16 Werg Cy teSPLMSe P14I3I far mscuing persanrid lrapW kiadcigrotlllld i11 a rJial4 14 exC;P.V'%t +I Or pipC. 1I1 a. Keep pan -site all equipmcnE rcquinW ror crrrogiNicy respmisc is acwrdart[ u iwilil 1 lire agency hAV ills jurisdiction Z4 3.8 SVS'Tll;M STAKTUP [RIOT USEDI � 1 3.9 ADJ USTINO SNOT USE D1 22 .3.LG CLEANING [NOT USED1 23 3.11 CLOSED DT ACTIVITLES INOT USED1 �d 3.12 PROTECTI ON [NOT USED N 25 3. L3 MA I NTF. NA NCE INOT USED1 26 3.14 ATTACE] MENTS JNM' !LPSEDj �7 211 24 MP Of SECTION Revision Log 1kATeE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE M012 6y19W 3 G.3 mwrh 2.2.B.I — 4DdlSed MidikilmiHl *20cr lily_ diander Pram &irwAK-s 1o6-hicks }Sr1il d llILoTicA fix cWfte.e m 1�1.L'-• A11d4�di~'II�IL'r�'le �FrIrC'�"rj�C �IC7Yili�IFf#��CJItO. D. IDIWI ua 2.2-W •- A,hir.'d 17tk14liwmft FLW kmodar hwKk Qn cowdc pr mru pipe, 3A-C1- Iftined 1wignage rW*W 1ST swings of twirrf ifmc rs to etwrespbad La the 1=rly'9 S)mk6,d Wa;l_ My (31: ]{)H r WTIR'ni WKMk Sri wrrmy SE%4'Lll REPLACEMENT "F'I'JtiN[ahft[} [Y7NSTRlI[-r�Uhp 51PECI FICA TM I DUUMI:NT9 CONMACT bDZ 1. WSM•C 3 PART], GENERAL 4 1.1 IMMMARY 5 6 8 I� II 12 13 14 15 k6 17 lg E9 W 21 22 B 25 26 27 29 29 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 M 39 331114-1 I]UCME 1RCN PIPE I�mzrLod14 SEc im 20 I ] ] o DUCTILE [RON 111PE A. Sectiuo I1ticludes: I, TILa seelion mmlim is part 2: Camn $owie Water ]mnrovem"K 2. Dwite Iron Pipe 3-inch IhTough 64-inch fir potable water, waslewater and rokm appliCrit10119 B. I)OWWWAS (irmi this 01Y of Von North ctard Specificallan 1, DEleted 2,2.113.11h-ir 2. Added 2.2.B.144 3. Agl,lNl2.2.R.L4.h C. Relfted Spvci riewt ""vectking iruelude, bul arc not ncuessarily limited (]_ L. L?iviaian 0 - Bldd-Mg yniF4M!r1et1tsw Conlrwi Forms. aiiO f'al4tiQns of the Comma 2. Division 1-�'Fmicml Reguinane131S 3. ;Seclion -13 01 31 - C.losed Circuit Television (CCT'Y) IFISpcelion 4. S-6-d 101L 33 04 10 - 3oi1ii &cad kkg. Fond Fl"IrloK lmlaliom 5, Sco inn 33 04 40 - C Icsning and Acccplsrroc Testing of Watcr [alai ns 6. lion 33 05 10 - Milky 'rrenoh l;\"vation, Ditbadmelt and BxMill 7. 5eaion 33 05 24 - l mokl1ation of (LmiDr Pipe in Lasing or Tunnoi Lanor Nile 5. a"33 11 05 - 11o11s, NMrts, and Gpaskds 9, Swimp 33 11 11 - Ductilc Irorr Filtingb L 2 PRICE AND PAYMFNT PROCEDURES A. Measur+' fienl Mid Pftyfflent I. Ductile Iron Pipe .R. MC&rlrrMcnt 1) Mem:pu d kovimmlly along lire mirface from eent-Vr lure to ar1er liric-of the fating. nManhaie, or 3ppHr1crm3hDr kr, F"Incnl I j T13C 3Yurk Nrfomed micl 140ale WIS ('tarnish-Pd i0 a icc! with 1 his 1tan and measomd &-q pftwider3 andcr "Mrasrtrcmvm" will hr+ paid for ,rl tlr-: un 11 pries bid per I i near root for ".DJ P" iinslailad far_ a) Varlows sizes b) V$riums types okf barckflll C} V41riOLM 611 i11P d) Varioyis PJ pllxs, For m isa.lrarmrmr. w-wer prods only �} Various rte,IrAifitS fj Various -nm r3jrY i Mf wx]W 1A OR d WATER ARD 5AKUARY �L R V. P1. M -3 '20 3-N7 TAPjnAjKn+ '[Wsrler it-11ik $ PF, 0121 CAM ON DD€'L)ME14T4 t-(*MA T X11. WSM-' Pveimd Nnrmrli N. 2423 MY PKGJft,rNO. 1.035go 1 2 3 5 6 7 S 9 II 1� 13 14 IS 16 17 1s 19 2D 1311 Ib-2 DLPC t.11.11E MON PIPF Nkc2vF1# o. The prior bid sht I I iftelude: l ) RUmishi»g and ir►alallirig DWilc Jwn Pipe wAjoinls as sp -iFled by Ilse Dmwings 2) Mobi Iizatit m 3) MyethylM WK:HW3nM( 4) Lankkg 6) Ex awalion 7) Hauling g) Dispe siI of exccss molcrial 9) FUrnishiisg, PlKCme13l and mmnpacl ion of embe mom 10) FUmishing, plaecm-rill and ci Ipmolion of loackfill 1 1) Tfench w,atm Mops 12) Thiusl reslra-kni. if rcquirsad inConirecl Documails i 3)Soli-s and nuts 1 S) Clean -wig ] 6) Q_Icsnii% 17) Dis-Infection 19) Toiling 21 L.3 REFERENCES 22 2� 24 25 �6 27 29 30 3E 31 33 34 15 36 37 19 39 40 .4I 42 43 44 45 A- EXvfirtiticns L _ �; Land o{ F�aM++rrr it'rlalad $. Ncm- restFs h kcd, FmcchmnicaI joins fttir►g - Retainer Glelicl a. Mcclmniaay rostrailked Invelkonical joint finjini; 5. Refere nU SU3d Td!i L _ Ea<e nce standards oiited in this 9pecifrc.wW refer to the-Cmrent reftTencc 3[andmd pu hli-lX4 al ft Ti 1rie of the latest revisin,n EWc kl, d al Ilic 4m3d -of th is Spec iFiwtion, Unless a due is gwifically cited. 2. Amc6wn Asswimion of Slake Highway and Trmsp-DnRlioar Df ciak (AAS14T% 3. AMCFirnw1 Society of Mcchaniul EngirleM (14WE): a. B C6. I, Gray Imi Pipr F langas and Flringed Fillings (Classcs 25. 125 aDd 250iti 4. ASSTM Tnt-CmAtiaial (ASTM): a_ A 19), %londard Spec i ricertim for A I Iuy-Stccl and %Ie ildess S4ee1 BoIfil far First Te�iiporai�e or High Preourc livvice aiMd CMwr SpucraC (purpo ApplicaticPns b. A 194, 5pe4 icalion t4Carbori wid AIIvy Sbml Njw: for Bo is for EIigh PmssL[te or I ligh TeMPOMW rc Service, or Belli c, A242, Slarrdard Specifrra'l" for High -Strength Lax++ -Alloy SfrUutuml Steel, d. Aal)7, Slain-dard S ifr=Lm for L-arban Stml 13olis mid Studs, 60,000 psi TeMle SlrerJ�itr. c. A674, Simvidard PFadice IrCIF P(3Jyothyl0nc >}ncaftrnenl 116r DUCAiIC Jroll PiIi0 (oF Waior or 01bcr Liquids. f. 31 17, StmndaFd Jnrmlicc AwOperMing Solt Spmy f Fa�;) Apparatk1s. MY OF FORT Wit'M WAn:R hRDSAI iARY SF.WE.A IkL•PL.AiCP.6 F.r,Fr STANDAUIj C13N.VFj tlUln ON SPF.01-1CA-nON UUCUM[NTS t't]hoMMA 202i' W!iKL' !1 11 10.3 TAK'ULr-IMM KK F%F30" S, H633, Slandard SFx-z1fication for Elearcdeposilted Ci1lingsofZinc, on Iron an,d 2 Simi, l $- Amuiirm Water Wnrks Assotiutinrk (J414 WA): 4 a. CM3, Coal -Tar Prulectiw Caa1l11gs and Lining ForSt+*J Water Pipeliw. 5 Dkmmcl and Tam -I lei Applk d. 6 C600, l i1-antlVion of Ilucliie-Irm Water Mains and Ihuia- Apparltmm3ues. 7 c. M41, One.ilik-lrun Pipe and Fitting S 6- A111Cri= WaL r l iwks AwsocimliomfA neric*in NatiOlIAl SrAI1dards In.9titutc i) [AI WA)ANSI); I $, C I OVA21.4i Cement—MWw L iFLing Car 11m i Ic-Irm wipe and Fitiine-q. I I b. CI05IA21-5, Flo"hy mtc Uku6 11en1 for Duuq c-lron Pipe Systems, 12 s, CI I IIA21-1 1a RubbwGaskel ]oinis for 1 rtile•lron Pressure PRpc and Fitlinp, 13 d. C I I SIA2I,1 S, Flanga i iwi i kt=-1 ron MpD with t)uclalc-lrnar flr MY-trnrk 14 Thrmdcd Hompm. Is e. C 15OYA21.50, - hid n ss Design of Dactl pe-] rein Pipe. 16 F. C1 51IA21.5I, DLICIi10.1POn Pipe, CenteifugmlIy Ok9l, pear W;Rlerr, 17 g. C601), lnmallmlon of INKAft-lnm Winer Mains rind thuir Ap+purlmmires l l NSF I nrcmal ional (NSF): L9 a. 61, D inking Water S}sMoCompon m1r.- Hcv11h Irffccls. >k. Squicr f�r Frotoctive Cualinj�s (SSPL): 2k v- PA 2. Mcasurermem of DFy Comling 71iicknass wilh Magnetic Cages, 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS SNOT USED I 23 115 SURMITTAII* :74 A- SubMivals SIM11 he in artarda,laL•. wi11) SMiLwk UI 33 00. 2S U. All gubmillials 911011 be approved b�• the Cily prior tc, deliverymn&or NbTicaRaon fcw 26 speeiaK 27 L6 ACT1.0N S LI PNII TAI ,44 f IN N(l1i1`AtA7`IONAL SUBMITTALS 29 A- Pmdud F)Aa 29 1. I nierim 1 ining Si) a- if it is (3llher than c(mnenL modal` lining iei iMULrrdame wilh AWWAIANSl 31 C 104IA21 A. imiuding- 32 1) malerial 33 2) App] Wal im rcoomrnt ird411 i OILS 34 3) Fie<Id touch-up pronAkirus 35 2- Thrasl FAmtrsint 36 a. Rcuilier glands, il►nk51 ha1Pc9X" -,r any other means 31 3. Um kcts u a- If hydmearbon it ol1wr special gaskets are mgalimd 3 ii. 591Lrp Dmwings — FtlmGsh for rho i 4C I roll Pipe used i Ir the w dk51F jbuticn1 9 -ni or 41) for a was10wmu fnrcc mi.%i n for 24-inch aFW greater diammus. includiILj,: 41 I, Walt th6c. minis dV,9-11�13 calculatiuns YcaliA by a Lilmtsi.td Prafmiona1 Cr1ginoer in 42 Texas Mulmdukt. 43 in. Working Pt uTc OCY OF FORT VdILT11 WATER AND SANITARY SEWER REM.AvC UMT-NT ST,tMARD CONYMUCnON LW1j) kjj 'A i rd m r3(3C'k1W:NTH CC&IK C•r Iot1. Wf;m C f[evapal Yb reamer 29,203 CFrY ?Rr))KT NO 1075M J311 10-d DUCStI_E J1UM 1`1 aF abfI4 1 b. Surgv PFUS IT-C o, I7ei7eclion 3 2. provide thrust resl rjiat ukli Lions for all Fttimp, grid valves, scaled by a I ,iceiswd 4 Prof-ess iona I Enginccr in Texas, to verify illie reslraini lungllis shaven ill 1 he fi 3_ I -ay sc1kcdgr1cJdTaw1ng for 24-irteh and grlmlcr dianwlc.rsti seated by x Licensed F PFcIfmsional l ngiinoer in'FCNAR i"ICILid ing; 3 p, HPO claSS 9 b. .1ninls TyK L I d, Sul ion h g L2 Transilions 0 f. Joint deflcrl cm L4 C- Certifices f 5 I _ rurn sh art aWidavit OW i Eying Thal a 111�hvutilc Iran P'kpc nims the prM isipm of this 14 Sectiom} cash run Of pips fern fished has met SP9C1 ie.rLti[nrs~ all inspections hwtire LF teen matde. and thmi all t-ests have been prfomied in a0wrrdarivu willt 18 AEI WAJANSI lr 151IA21.5 I. L9 2, F41rr1ish in uvA1hcate swiinj� that kwriH hall_{ and nuts coJaform to ASTNI SI 17_ 2D S.? C1.0SFOUT SUBMITTALS INOT CTSE-Dj 21 1.8 MAI N,rV,.NAN ['Y M ATER] A L ,SUBMITTALS [NOT U.W..bj 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 23 A. Quslii;cirtims 24 1. manufacturers 2S a. Fin l-Shud pipe slmll be the pra�"pt of I niv im FACtklrer, 2)6 I) ChamF ordws, specials, w5d Sold clran�-L�s may be praviidcd by a dilT'eivnt �7 manuremurcr upon City appmva1. 29 h, Pipe rttanufadurijtv, equotinns (pipe, lining, 11Md Coalii ) shall hr: perFnTnied under the control of the manufwturer. V. DLIC111C Iran pipe 31 ] j Mu 1141 faetLIMIJ in a�eordance with A WWAlANST C 15VA21,51 32 a) lact-fnrrn quality commi tests tutd mitinlain results as oullincd will4hN 33 standard Ea assurx evinplilince, 34 31 Subjmc caIr pipe fie s hydre)sEailk kruSE nfnot tmr Ihmil 500 psi for duratio» 3.5 ref at ICasj E a $ nds' 34 B. I'mo tisirtwbort Testing 37 1, The Oly ntay, at ft-8 eNMI ixw. s+rbjeet random len$lbs -of pipe for leg log by art 39 independem Iaboratoty 1561' cui4tpliluK : wi1ik Ihis Spcciiftcalion, 39 a. '[fie conip4pncc lei shall be perfurokud Ilk Lhe Ulliled Staics. 40 b. A15} v-lsibla defccls ar failure to mt." the qualily standards IL=irL wiH he 41 gMund& for I-eintirk9 the entire -ardor_ 1,10 DELIVERY. STORAC;F. AND HANDLING 43 A. Stmgc and IImildII:% R-rquirulnents ICny 06F RMT W-0it r1 WATER AND SANITARY SEWUR FLLIPlACEMENr tiTAhlDARD 00113TRUCTMW 5PBCIF1CATKN fYX-Lim vwI,%, L 'J r.A47 2W 1. WNW- RQroE+d N aveff&z N.2621 (:ITV r'RWX11";4. 1W.W 33111a-5 TMJC-nLE IWM PIPE I �kv i nd 11 L_ ductile klak pirc z4wiII be slorcd mini bandied Ili 4k%oMaFice witli tht guidelines Its 2 eta c<! in AWWA M41. :2_ 19tvwe and maintaiis it �ocalion in score the Material in acuordmiur, with SmI'on 01 4 -6b -00. 5 1.11 FIELD IS]TE1 CONDMONS INOT USEDI F 'PART 2 - PROIXI'(75. 8 Z, I OW N F R-h'kll+ NJSFiV 1) jok] OWN ERti'' 1JVVL1 E Il PIx()j)VM [NOT USED I 9 10 12 13 14 15 36 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 20 31 32 �3 34 2.2 E E.111M ENT, PRODUCT `I'VI-ES AND MATERIALS A. M mufacturers 1, din ly Misled in the City's 4kan4wd Pradurar. List will be moons idued as shown in Sed iort 01 60 00_ a. The rrlallufucLurcr IFLLI:;t damply with this SpCcifiCI1110a1 101d r0ieted SCO0113, 2. Any pro4mt That is not listed oil the Slaitd ir-1 Vm-dwu List is wmidvPad a 51111klskiiwkin and slkall be submitted in acaardRnm wir ih �cctiorj 01 25 00. B_ Pipc Pipe shalI be in accoiTimcc with AWW� ?ANC l CI 11fA21. L 1, AWWA)ANLQ;I CI51VA23_15, artd A WAIANSI C151IA21_51_ 2_ All pips sILaII u«Ml 1Ile regL1ireltiwas ofNSF ill. 3. Pipe sll all 11mwc -a iiay kmgth of IS FM or 20 feet except for gmia l fill ings or pl[stlre pica% and ilemssary 1a cam -ply with the Dralwings_ 4. Asa mi 13'FR lm the follrrwing pressures cliismg apply. The DmMiNgs may specify a higilur pmnurc glass or the pressure mad dunection dwigAN criteria nvq also rcg;iirc A h ighff pressure class, but in no c39c sholkW they Inc 1es,% 1-han Ibc fpllowing: I }Ia rhetee M Lr1 Per.4niil * (:6is (inches) q)si) 3 lhro�]k 32 330 14 iha-01.3gh 20 25G 24 2W 3p 1IVOL3gh &4 150 5. Pip-r mask i Isgs shall nuad 11w mire Man requiremcnts of A WW AN S1 -C E 5 IIA21.5 l _ Muni nur l pipe Markings -ShAl I be as folkYws; a. `'DI" gar "DWi1.e" s]1aII be clearly labeled on each pipe b. W-6811t, #resswe class mild 170131i"al Ibickness of each pipe -r- Yr,ar anJ amnnlnf pipc was ca%l d. MeaufaciurCr's mark .6. Pm, wre mkd Delleetian Design a. l'lpe design sball k leased cin grenclk cundilions quid desi�ik pressure class TMjrjed in 16C [NaWilll�s_ CITY OF FOKT WORTI I MWI FIT jN13 HANII AR LOPLACIAII-A I STANDAFLOCOMTRUCTION WECIVICATION DOCUMENTS (A'*rr tA1.7 N21. RMM*O Ne"Wd * �§.1W CIT3' RROX-CT NO. 1q)3500 1k 1 tk 11 12 13 14 is 16 I� �8 1� 20 21 22 23 24 Z5 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 16 37 39 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 33 11 IQ-G EUCTILF I" FI K ftvi 014 b. Pipe shell be designad ameWing 1-o the 111cl IINS ilidicabud in A WWA,rANSI Cl 5WA21.5% AWWAfANSl C 15 l fA21. S l, and A14rWA M41 ror wncb mnsinmIrion, using the following peratrlelers, Lin it W-cighl of will {w) = I I0 pcf 2) Live Lod * AASHM H5 20 3) I'mlicli 0ep4h = 12 fnt Ini1tiinurrl, or as uidir:.atcd in [drawings 4) BcAding Corkdilions = Typc 4 5) WorMng Pressure (P,) = 150 psi %urge A110-%vence (N) = 100 psi 7� Dr -sign Jnlcma1 Fmsove (Pi) = P, t P, or 2=1 safely faclnr of the aclUM working presskkre plus the acival surge pressMGm, Whichever is went -or. I%) Tv Fmshkr* = (1) No IM then 1,$5 rninilliUM Iikkkes like stated workirl.8 PM-9slkr',e (1$� psi minirnuni) oflk pilvhne rnwsur4A all 1t; ikighesl ekyatiOrk allong ilse tcsL section. (2) No Icss than, 1,5 limes the sleled working pressmr (2�5 psi min imuen) al the Iowc51 dev;Rl IOD of ille tCSI ==Buis. $� �Lik7�ilnikl]1 CelcL�l�icd Ut~fiieclion �H�= � perccrtt 9) Resira i»ad Joint Sefvl}+ Fakct(w (Sf) = IS perce l e. Trenulk depths shall be veri5cd after exi.sling ulililies are loc.atcd- ] Berl ical al igltilncltil chavgc;s ray u irvd bccnusc �kf ex i911�k$ �Ittl Gt}�r �111er m3ifiicts shall be acctunm-rdatc-cl by an Ap"r irrte 1;11ang-C in pipe design rk�Clk, In FW case shill pipe bt WSUMlled dLVper than its, designallows, 7. Frewisions far Thma t e. Thrust at beads~ ices, p;np or wlier 111:11ings shell be mecherkkally k�atruined jainis when requ iced by dw lh-aw1w. b. 7lkmsi el bonds Hdjkmki to cas ing pig Ayall be resira-Md by meclisn"I rncam through cesiog and for a sufficient distance each side of casing, c. No tinrusi mstra hit ccontribulion shall buL allowed fflrthe restiAakkod lenglit of pi1W with lit the rising. cl. Kewaikked joinls, whckk required, shall be usod #br a sufricierkt distance fruoki each side -of the head. lev, plug, w;aLae cr enter filling to resist thrust Aich kvill be elopcd at 111c dcsii�n prrssuir, Of 11rc laipe. For The pLIFPOSc DC thmst, like Nilovring shal I apply; I ) Villves shall he c.Rkq]eled ias dead ends. 2) Dni&13 pressure shell he gremor 1 han lbe +woTking pr-cssum of the pipe or the inlemmi PMSUVe (R) WikirJ3evcr is greelIcr. Rcm mined jaiau simlI curlsisl orappruvrd mcrAkanical mstrained cW pusli- im restrained joi3I125 as laded in The City's SUItdbi'd €"rodw s List as shown ill Sci ion 01 60 00. e. 71ke Pipe MaflikfecWer 811811 ve,'ify the length of pipe %vigh restrainW joi!nls to resist chrusl in aeccr4ance with ilia DPBtvfflgsa AWWA M41, arrd the follovvijig: 1 p The "fight of earth (W.,) shal l be ce101111MW as Ilse wei�zFtii of 19kr~ projected soil prism ebo�ve like Pipe, fl runsatkiralrd snit conditions, 2) i L d c;nsity = 13-D pcf (IfIexpnoni viLlue to be used, ffW uMaturat 90il condil ions 3) If wndicaLed Do lake Drakwwirkgs Arid the Ceoteohnical Borings Ilkat ground ivmcr i% c led, wxcku tt for reddDW soil long ily- VITY (XF PJ)RT FORT] I WATr:R AND SANITARY Rf WER ftL• hr..-VCJ:M]:NT STAND,S DCONUKIJUTIUN {:r[C1II IC 7f rkf]C]L'11MF.Mrr coNTRA r2azI. M-C Re -eked Naycii6w 20, 29B CITY I'RMET"F NO. 1€ 350D 93 1 t 10. 7 pkkl [I--R MW PIPE F40791-P 1 8, dainty, 2 a. Ocner$l — Comply with AWWVANSI G I I IIA21.11. 3 Fa. Prsh-OH JOifih 4 c. mmliaktRZI joints 3 d, Nsh-031 RestrBGned Joilits 6 L 1#strainin 1�ush-oninls bar rt� Ufa serialskeC F a) Ord+y llwrx producle. that are I is6ed in Swioll 01 60 -00 9 b) The wo4irtg preoure raling orthe rc-.gminc+;'J pskel nlurt cx*cod tho 9 4est prrssure of 113c pilpc line 10 be Installed. 19 c) Appmvr-d feu lurr of resArainiarg DwAlL u Evan PI -pc in rminig Willi $ camor pipe of4,iaches. to 12-Indies 12 d) "envisc -only appmvcd if spxeially l isted fln ihn DEawinp 13 -2) l'axll-on kemmined Jolt]t bell and spill 14 a) Oady lihuae prWncu list in the staladard products list will be allouwd Far 15 the size lisled in the standard pm NWAS list per Seclion 01 60 00. 16 13) Pnymma sling shall exccod the w+urkingand tfist pnessure of lhs pig 19 liiae. 18 e, Flmikged Joinls r1WWAIANS1 C I WA2I . l6, ASME 316.1. Class 125 9 t N -mgc hall cim Lfis and halt ImIts shall malch thcsc of A&M E D 16. t, Cim 125, 29 ;V, Field fabriaaird flanges are pmhIbYiled. 21 9� Gaskets 22 & Prow ide Ooskew aiti pcardance with S ciinn 33 11 05. 23 10. Isolsiimi M ngcs 24 A. Fln,iges req Mired by like dratik iasgs to be Isolal ion Flanges shall oNitbrin to 25 Section 33 04 10, �6 IL . Botts and ?gluts 77 1t. i eckwnical J611115 28 1) Prow idc bA5 and num in aemrdance wilh SM ion 33 11 05. N 13- 11angpd r,n&s 30 1) MCM Mg1I'Lrerlleril5 4f At• WA C 115. 31 a) PMuije b0115 and R1115 in ?IXOWaFKV willh .tsar 33 11 05. 12. Range omilip 33 R. COMW 1 ions to Steel FIOnge& 34 1) Doried conmctions +wilh !Stwl Flmge5 I #e mated Frith a Felivlatum 35 Tapc ymcm in ppcpnAmM wilh q4XLiqp �3 r 1 Q , 36 13. Duclile Irm pipe ExLurlvrCaafinjs 37 u, A l l diicl i le iron sha l l howe an alsphall is oming, ni iikim urn of I im I lliick, oil 1 ha 39 pipe exterir, r, MIENS nihCTW1i5LC .Tm i f ied iah t he C'onir om Docrlmcnts. 39 14. Polyethylene Enrascm-vill AO a. All buried Druc,�L,1.Ie11-011 Pipe S11211 W Frkll�-26YIrale trtCA, 41 b, - T� i�i�PF�7.M:V § 1 +41 1 H +rTTOke �L 1 1im 43 i I IPML r1Yly Viitl'In•p9t-fr!ilViVIFU MI1•R€erwri. 44 tl e—Enumprrrrrnl 4o++) 45 p@ iye!1ng-cr1 _ k tom;-:n1-Iwj,lr 46 de*!400 t ER {}F 1' �rrc�ncrr enr{ut a++�rfirr��r r�#� 47 AVYWAiA NSl i' 1 A;I-,b atoll A.S' M A674, f-9TY(N FORT WORT111 WATER AND SANITARY7SEV&lt REF-ACTUMT ,VrATai3VLM)CL'�h�kSF1 U TION SP£{7FICAT1❑MM 1J1 MY& C rTLAC �I, �4"fiM,i RCYrslA744'1rvw" 19, 20Z� cirri iKiCFJF?�� Mr❑. {d rA0 SS II Iu�s DLCV11: WIN mrj: wry R -urld L -r, M M r4 im%4 A -Y4*ir j_ffN;_- RR i9-c kepi K4IY, 44r•-m-A� ilk IiI�� �Ilwiu+nLir��Nti�YYk; 4 6 4) MmRimmYE+rFLfI- lH -rl jMe" rrrkt4 IDDICriAe 54 im — omill-F'mrk%L-�IIIOn(r 1U �} I-- --J--- --Y ,�a.. filll4rnp-. 41�" i�14i �4iC4FLeIK411 YnrlpIlyd 4io rArt MF4)L W, 1'fEW 1 13 14---h 1Lra Aeq A,•m,NAMx cl u 11-11Ah. h.�. Y Y11u1 C�Y+i��rr 14 -te tIYr 1H4Yul:hYkLEW } 3j1 OFa1.e4oHn,*;rrg1 J 1kW4&LKkj 611 20 (L}--A NOALIi-Vmm !qla+41 j rl el +wkr�l�r vw �� 31 RaisetlYLl IeriQ'Fnfor use witlY duclile iron nine ss+sttMLjba 22 iynuisl of Ihre-e Javers of m-eKtrwlca linclrr IQw �Ic„fit-V p�Il+�-tIY� IrIYr 33 l IUD'''). fgv�cd irk lu H Anuir Ihickncmm -nI-nat I an �IYwg Iillf_hiilal. 34 b. The imide murl-pw of t1py_IaOYOhykni wrmp lu br i]I mulael wit11 joc rrirrrt 25 c-Alcrior A311 b-P imfused mi�h a bIcjkd a#.41D[i-Inicl-ubiId hiocillc 10 Tri iEale 26 m ICIVI4910ACRI13Wf_I.MIcnccd sari-mium and a vnIM Ue cr2rrmian WIN 117, wr w 37 central gAlvanic corrosioppr 2$ i, M-31Yinlam widths 21) PnNethykn-o Ti&r and Shcrl Sixes fi33- PlUlY-i H Jo4a1 PIDC NniYYImki Pipe D}a mc-trr Min. 14 Wlh — Pal '1'u15I• Min. Width — SImM ' (inche) (inulYcs) (inches) 3 14 38� 4 1.1 38 6 1 32 8 20 - 41a 14 24s 12 27 54 1 � _ 60 16 3iss 1$ 37 - 74 211 41 — 82 54 - 109 3-6 $1 - 162L 42 $1IQ 07Y uF iiwr wORTH WATER AND SANFTA FLY SEVER Feic"N ACM- FM Rsriscd Nui cni6a 39- 2023 Cam' PMECT NO. 1035W 4 5 6 a 9 ko 11 k2 13 ICI 1$ 16 IF OR 19 2D 21 22 23 N 2S 16 27 28 29 �)1110-5 WCME " PPPF rw9or14 48 q;$ 190 54 108 -216 64 121 242 1 s- Mclile Jrun Pipe Interior [.i3ring a. celnemt mortar Liali" I ) Dirm k Iron Pi pe for rn ;Rbia +paler shal I haYe a ocirnrill rnortar i ining in accrxdzwc willr A1# WA ANSI C r04VA2I_a4 and bu acveplablc scrarding to CI.6 1. b, Qnmic Elmy or Epoxy Linings i) Ductile I Pipe for we im waslirmici appikAlinas shall he IinLtid with a Cum ic, tp'axy or I�nxy Iinintz m dr%ignMed in lire Cit3''4 Standard Froduaft Lit -as shum in Secliorl 01 60 00. 2) Apply tin inn at a ininiallwn or40 mi i Is DFT. 3) [ue to the lollerames involved, file goWat Ms and spigot end up to 6 inches back From the end *fI lie Tigal end must he comtrd wilh -6 m i Is Molina[, 10 rnUs inaxiinunl Using a Joint Compound &s supplied by Ilac mumfa.clllrcr. a) Apply the joins caonpaund by brush tOeLuLire covC.Ya4e. b) Cave sllmald be lakeii thal Ilse joint comp and is mw)oth willroat exatrsa bilildlrp in I11c gasket seal or on the spignt ends. c� �e�1 the �askcl scab arrd spigot cntls alter the application of the lirrirlg_ 4) Surface prtpriratiou .shal l be ii5 accaKdance willt the mmufacliirer'a reco meadal ions. 5) ('heck 1hickiress wging a magnetic Film thicl-n"s g:WgO in acwrdance Willy the mcibad outlined is SSPC PA 2, 6) Tes1 the interkw linioLa orijil l}ipc harrels for pinlrrrlcs wllll a IK10- dem nKI ive ;,5(10 uoll Ic-1 . a) Kepxair rna+y defecis prior to slripancnt. 7) Mark each i ittiFkg with 0w darts' of appl sal iron of Ilse liming system along wkh ils nuirwericsl ,cg13c11¢e of application rnj that date and recn iq maint.Frined by the spRlicamr of his work. 6) Fcw &I [ Ductile I roil Pipe in waste er sear ice WhM 1 1}aPC 113E b L cul, coal the arrpmwl SyrrfJcc wilh the lough -up material 39 ner,0113mcndcd �y the mnafwurr-r. 8� 'FI3e tgrx.h-ti�3 m�i�ariuE mrd Ih� liisirt� s3lali b� ��the saititie rn�itiui��Ini'�r, RTANDARF)C%[W.STKU4TKffSF1jjF1CATjS3h2JX14'«1-NT% {:r}I+rRALeT W I,'dV! ML keyka hsa fflub" 29. M21 CrFY FMEL7 NO. 119350Q }p 1114- 14 DUK'TJLL IRON INK Pop [1) ad I Z '� ACCESSORIES I[tiOT USED) 3 )CART 3 - EXECUTION 4 11 INSTALLERS INOT USED] 5 51 EXA MINATEON SNOT USED) 7 3A INSTALLATION A. Gongni 1 . Install pipe, fitt1119,SF s1'14Sc-Mls and appurimmm cs Em riixGri o hel-`Ln. as SKcified in 10 AWWA C6W, AWWA M4 L and in stmordpince willk t1w pipe manufactorcr's I i kkkrri+A1d4 1cMI& 12 2. See SeclictE 33 11 11 ror iaslaliation MgUirieil ails for Ductilc Ircm Fillings. 11 3, Lay pipe W the liiws and l;radcs as indi�cAicd ir1 The DmNvtl5gs. 1.1 4. Excwate m5d barkfill 1FeAChA S h3 mx-mdancc wM Seckian 33 05 10. 15 5. L:mhcd DucliIc iron Pipe in ordanct: vwiihSeclim 3355 10. 16 6, For i31KU1IaL-KM flf carrier pipe within cooing, me Seeliion 33 05 21- 14 Il. T}ipc Ifandlilkg 1s 1. Elaal and disiribl.14C pipe &11d fll111gS M ihrt�' #f0jMj site. 19 2. 1lead lc pipi leg wi111 care 1* avoid daim9ge. 20 a. Tnspecl each j0illl Of Ph and rued OF rcpr{ir arty damaged pipe pricrto 21 Inwrrijlg inlo 111c Irencli. 32 b. Do iluL liaruilc the pipe in xueh a ivay thal wilI dimnage tlke iniet'ior IirtEA& 23 c- ilse only ikylon tupes, slingiiw olhcr l3fiFig devices liter will not damage the 34 surface Dr the pipe fx)r ilaildf in The pipe_ 25 3. Al like ckft of cosh orperalhil day: 26 a- Kcep the pipe clem :uk+f Fmft of &-bi`H. dirt, an'M S and trash - JMVILZ 411d afler 27 t17e IffyIng* opcmiun. �8 b. Effmli-+ely smi1 111e (31YC1 Cnd M'111r 15iPC pRidlig a pskwvd 4Iight'Uip. 24 (7- �Qint Making 30 1. moullsnicgL J11)ials 31 a- Boll like follawer ring im-n compT lion Against the &H-Skek vwiih the bolts 32 1 ightowd domk emkly tiled crass EwLtucd i11 accordailc� willk A WWA C600. 33 h. Cv'�r%tressing of 49frs to co111p lisaic ftwPwr l stallellon prarticc wiII jint be 34 prnmiticd. 35 2. PushLork doiiit5 36 a. 1 ns'tall Push-oik j0ilkt3 as -defined i n AWWA)ANS] �:1 11IA21,11, 17 b. Wipciplw 11m gmkel mil inside tilt bell uf all extrancous mEjur, 38 c, PI=e the gasko1 in 1I1t hell in ihr pasLtion ff"Cri 0 b�- 111C MAIM fEwLuFcr. ('Irk' CIF RWT Vt)RT71 WATER AM) S,4.* FAFtYSEVER REPLAC'EMEW s, AMIARD-CUNSTRUCTION SPECIFIL`ATIGN Di} LJMEWr CiDMIFLACT aoE, wont rtrvised t:rrtir 1'REMK7W ID53M B 11 Jo-• 11 INJI"ILr IRON PIPE Wr Lr94141 L d. Apply a Thin fi[m of noihl-oMic- vcWtoi rle %nnip likhrifiani to the insWo* the 2 gaskot -aisd the outside of the spigot prig tip cnlcriEig Lho SP4W inlo ille b-01, 3 a. When rising afield (MI plui3i end piece of pipe, ref ni;sh the Field Cut 8-na scarf to 4 conforms to J4WWA CW 5 3, Flanged doiiitsi 6 a, Use -orertion ho11s and drift pins to make Flanged cminections. 7 1) Do 1104 Use unduu (brrt or restraiiil cm the ond% orthc Aviv Fg.-L. a 2) App]y -ewen instil uniform Vrossure I-D the g&skci. 9 b. The fitting n1Usl W We io rnr vC in my d irecrion whi Le boll iug_ 10 i) Nstall 171mige, holes with all kit hazards favl_x] in one dircrtioll. 11 4. fofni lki criio,n 12 a. NfIlecl Ilse pipe only Aril riccersaTy to avoid ohsmrlry ions or to nac1 ihr IMCs 11 =W gradrs mkd slinwn in I he Drevw inyA. 14 h_ the de leci ion of each auini Misr be In auxvdai" wills A WWA C-6K Table 3. 15 e. The moximlln7 deflcelion allowed is 50 por}cent of that imlicAUd in A WWA 16 C600. 17 4, The mErnufaciurces reeonunendatiuol May be rise] with the apptot+al orthe is En�,iuxr. 19 1), Polyethylene Enca.wmenl ]nstnliatirnr 20 I_ PmperaliOU � 1 a. Remove al] lumps of clay, niud, cinders, elo— on p4PC sirrfiwe prior to 22 nis iilFatiai of po1}vlky1gNo vncmcincnt. 23 1 � Pmvi a sai l Pr rmbcdillen[ 3nalarial from bcrmn ing trapped betwmi pipe �A and polyeihylcnio, 25 b. Fit poly l�i+�'ifJ40 f GI in 10 C01110ar of pipe t* aff`cvt a snu& bui not ti;;ht cncALqe 28 with FriiniTnuin Spwe bt-LwDni paly0hytene and pipe_ 27 ] } Piovidle sufYicitmi slack in wnlonring to prmrem stretching polyethylene where it bridges irnu lar Sirtfa M s aoh as he11-9pigot illierfaces, bolled 29 joints or AWW and to pmvcnt damage W pulw+elhylt w due Ira biekfilIing 34) npa al Ions. �L 2} Secure overlaps and ends wilh adheeimvc cape and hold- 32 C. For installWons kinw water ishic andIor in areas subje=L ED i idol aui iwls, so,'rG 31 boh ends of pD[yorhy Icnr, tuba wide ridhesivc Caps at- olmt oycrlap, 2. Tubrc�ZIr Ty r: (MoLhod A) 3y ii. Cul polyclityl ple tape to 11erig1h apRKixlnw-fly 2 fcei IonFT Ihaii pipe scutloo7- b, �iip tubr, around pipe, vmtering it to provide l •fwl ov-edap an each adjFWC rt 3x pipe srciio,i and bunching it accord i07i-fashiadi lengthwise witil it clears pipe 3 ends- 3-9 C. l,pwcr pips info trench and make up pipe j01311 with pr'ecerl$ig Wdion ofpipe. 40 A Makc 9h811rnv betl hole Al joiills six facilii ate irLstallation of imlyelhyIc M Wk. 4M e- }Mier asstmbl111g pipe joint, snake everliip ofpolyelhylvic lubc, pull hunched 42 PolyiAlayWe from J)Mcding length of pi 110, slip iI nvrer end Df tlic now length 43 of pipe send wrap raniii it evcrlaps joint A cud fPFpl-61%A rg length of pipe. 44 f. Sccurc overlap in plucu. 43 fake up slack width al top -or pipe tip make a snug hilt PvI Iig1,il, fit along bmrrrl 46 of pipe, =uriing fold Rq quarter pnionts, 47 h, $lair cias, tears, PMCLures or Crthfr damage to palyelhylene. C;TY OF K1RT PVC PR-11 r WAT R AND 5ANF rARY svw* RPPJ.J4UMEWT 5TAN9MM 479]N F1XI WrigiN srkx'tPICATBM Df'KVh#-Nn CONTRA 'T ZIM L 'SM-C kcwiwA W x in cr 2§.20?1 CiTY PRUF..C- MO. I MOD AA 11 ID- 12 PW-nl,F IRON PIPE Pruowd with Fnsital lg km of next pipe hk same! rmmnncr. 2 3. Tubular Type (Molted B) 3 a- Cut polye1hylerke tube W Ilength approxinimbOy I tbot shots t"ii pipe soutiou. 4 b, Slip lubc around pier, eenlering it to poovide 6 i-mcfi&S of bare pipe Fit each ejttl, 5 c- Fake up r.Isk W-011 at Lflp clrpipc to Blase a sling, but iKA lighl, fit along bare1 15 of pipe, wCoriog fold at yuorbor paints; secure crids. 7 d, More making up joint, slip 3.15ml Iengtit of Plyethyllmic tube r end of procwdjikg pipe wdian, bunching ion•fashiwt Imigthwise. e- After comp1etingjoin, pull Maai Icngrh of plyrAyiene over jolnt, 10 ovedippping p(]ychylene previously instAW cm Uch adjaoelal =I ion of pipe 11 by al lea Nl l four; make ill cnd mig artd weitic, 12 4 - Sheet Typo i 2 i. Cul pa3) cthy1cng stint to in length appraximatcly 2 feq longer tijimn pieve 15 Gelder rength to pra r c i-rani overlap o14 earls i1djnocnt pipe section, buns lling 16 it unr i I it clean #tic pipr ends, 17 C, Wmp puiyclhylenc amund. pipe &o th;nl it Cimilnf mllaIly aweriaps loj 10 gk1ad I'Ant of PoiPe, 19 d, Saco re cul Cd8e of Fly-Othyletle slleet 4A ifiterwals of appwgkilalely 3 feel. 20 e, Lcmcr w.mppud pipe into Mmoh and make Lip pipe joins with pFmcling seaaon 21 arpipe, 22 f. Make adhallmy bell Mole w joints to facill-fim inAaflaiion of palyelllylerre, 23 &. After mniptel-Ing jai,11, Mekz avecrlap and sure om& 24 h. Repair cin, tow% pLI arcs or other dsmagc to pi>lyethytcae� 25 1, Pi-mrod; willr inistallation of nem mini tun of pi pc iu sanu~ nkatriner, _ Pipe•Sliapwad AVLAI.- raltoes 27 a, -Cover hcrWs, reduce, uffmAs and cirht7 pipe-3;h;npod a[VUr[unanues wiLh 29 p0lyctls}I1713C in smnc Fn4ukm.r as pipe and 516195. 6- {]dd- �IIOW A jell iftnailm 3 aj. Whcn it is ntA pracl ical to w,'ap value lees, Gras . aFW other odd-shilpcd 3 L piCce9 ilk tLlbc, wrap wriih Ant shcel or split kngrh poly ilkyle3kc tense l+y passi lig 32 AM udder appuFleaianccs and bringing It up around budy, 3� f}. Make scams Ivy bringitlg odges luullwr. folding overtwim arld taping dumi. 34 Tape poiyodYy [mr 9mumly I n pI�wC at the Vm Iva s1cm and w any olhfi 35 11cw I'mions. 36 7- kii pairs 37 a. Rgmilrmy cut , icars, policukres or damAgo to pulycilky1coc wills adhesive tape 38 Or wi1I1 d" Ie11gtli'Of PO1YC IIYyJerrc S13CCt {W CLII Opetl Ilibe, wrapped armind 34) filling le ODVCI' damifigt]d arm and secured ilr pbgm 40 S. Cpa11ings in Enco emcnt 41 a- Pew Ida open lap foF branches, wrvice lapis, blew -offs, air vjtivcs and %iFniilar 42 apl.-mi m eam ices by mak lag an X-shapW rul in and winprwari ly 43 folding back ftlln, 44 b, After appitrlmance is iJkslal fed, tape slack s urrly lu appurtenaneo and repair 45 cm. as;velI as uthur damaged area in pAywhylene velth tapo_ 46 C. Smicc raps may also be mride dimAly tl3F:DU 1r palyellry'Icne; Wilit aiiy 47 MLIliillg damaged amnev heing repaired as described above- 51'AN13AKD-C NSTRLrCTJON5FWtfrCA'lpt71M1XH'41MFZNT5 C N7<1lACT2021.WSM-C R.crotd Noremher 24, 20o] CITY PBacpJItL, r N13. 103 13 11 19 - Il ILYX FIJ. E IRnN PUT ftr k3 ad I a 1 9. Junctions belween WrApped and UnwraN)cd Pipe- 2 ;q_ Whcre pD1ycthylrne-%VraVped R3pcja3kks an adjaumt pipe IM1 is nat iwapw, 3 exLcnd jWtYC1hY1ekW Wrap 10 WVCF adja=kl pipe for di-A;qw or at I t I fW. 4 b. $court end with circLunfemrl(W turns of Mp L 5 c. Wrap service lines of di.%iInjI r mclaMls with potyaltylcne or suitable didlMtrio 6 lapc for minimkun clrar disuncc Df 3 fW awav from Cam or i7MKIile Iron pipe. $ A. PuLthing 9 I. Exmsiw field -pit -Ming is not ppumillcd of 11ninger CnaLin�, No 2. Patch ing of D ining or coating will be ullmyed whcrc DrVa to he repaired does not I I csca-d I00 square i cbes arA his imQ diitkcmiwis gtomer Man I� uncles. 12 3, lit geiherAl, tFlm AM I rm be mane t :Ian l match nn cither Ihi� I inIFLZ -or the u0M bkg of 13 ally I joGnl or pipe. 14 4. Wlkcrr-vcr ncccssary to patch !hc pill- 15 a. Muke patch ivith meet 1]MUIlaw w prewioWy spec-iN t for intrrior,joints- 16 b. Do not ioslall Nlch+;d plpc urktll 11w polch ha.9 hccn pmpcdy and adcyLl,ige13- 17 cured and approved for laylug by lhc: C31Y. is 5. MM"Ptlg MINOwe k jeded Pipe ROM I1W silt. 19 3.6 RF-INSTALLATION [NOT USED1 311 3.7 !FIELD jcwj 5ITE UAJ.1TY (7ONTROL 21 A. PcntabIC Willer Mains 22 1. Cif-mi-M , d Ibkltifxtion, 1kydros4a1 ir- testing Alld bcoui-klogical Ic A i rig of iva[cr naiads 23 in, CICRiI, �1U811k, ply �CIrKIGGtF Irj'droMalic [esl and bacleEi�lagical Ics1 laws 3sriMcr 24 main as spmilicd in Scelion 33 04 40. �5 0- Was[ u1er Lincs 26 1. CIS CiMLI ii Tole is1cm (C("I'Y) I n:93acLIM 27 a, provi4c ft PIn51-(:CTV Inspection In Awurdanfx wills Sec Oft 33 01 31. 24 3.R 'i'VS711 M STA]RTU P INOT USED1 29 19 ADJUSnN U I N SIT UEEDI ;lk 3.10 CLEANING SNOT USED 3 J 3,11 CLOSEOUT ACTIV ITIIF S [NOrr USM I 31 3-1 IN(rr VNE D1 �1 3 3,13 MA IN'TENAN CP j NOT USED] 34 3.14 ATTACHMENTS SNOT USED] 35 ]RfND OR SECTION LE. CITY of RMTW10KU1 WATF_R AND SAMARYSEWGR REFUkVF..M1F.M STANDARD {+474 YRU'Tld SIMIX-IFI 'ATION INK f-IM rRAiC7x2j. WSM-' 3.3 11 10 - 14 DUCTILE IRON PIPE Rbwis on Log LATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE I.#-A.i.hs - ljrdnLW P■yrr' m (Mm G MI �, �oirrmals 1.3 - Ad&d 4:11cliniliom of Wmd I}7k-& few deray 2.7-E1.4, 1$ I I and 12 - Added rdereikv Ib Sminh 33 11 05.nr4 rr moved maff lad 9rx-66e 'ri00 rw FxIIt� rm1rs ww &WL4S My EJF RAFT WRTH WATER ANf] ."Nil AFLY SFWF..R REPLAIZ61-MENT Si ASPJMS0 COMPLUMON SPECI FKA 11M I x K-1 wprTS WNTUCT 2021. V4' mx RcxiwdWo%vmitu 29. 202! CITY F7tME7C'TW. ici35M }T1111-I ERJUME I K(W FrMHUS Pale I of 13 ISir;CTION 33 11 11 DUCTILE IRON FETTi INGS .1 PART I - GICN)'RAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY S A. Seclian Tncludes; b 1. Thin section o nnlie.a to Nrt 2: Camp H0W.W s1t-wr 1m nr-avcaIrn l%. 7 2. chwil1c lank Fittings 3-illcls lhrongb 64-indi for polehle waler. waswvaly, aaad 9 otha liquids fur trse with Duclile Tron Pipe and Vulyvinyl ChIrride (11VC) Pirc 9 3, A I I mechan ical joi ni fitting.% .ball be nticchariirally rce.lrairled as Big rk.sttahled i wrdgc "a rctaimzr glaards. ! B- Dcviallmis from this Oily, of Fort Wadli Stdndrtird SpC1;ific3ti0n 12 ]. [1 0 211114b- 13 Adde ] 2.2.}1,14.� 14 3. Ad-drd 2.2,JM4.h 35 U. Rclowd Spmificatiull Sections includc, h4,l are ntl uccessarily limited tom: 16 I, Divisbn 0 — ridd ing Requircm-l3115, Contract F-ur ri s, and Coudilions of like 17 cnnlract Is 2. Myisioak i r Ge11Cr8I Requirements 19 3. 4ectirw D3 30 DO — least-in-I"laac Comrsrds 2,0 4. Somloal 33 04 10 Joilki BLmi -W19 mfid El'alrieal Iisolainn 21 S. 5n;tioak 33 04 40 — C[cmaing illid Aoceptivnce Testing of WRWT Mains 22 6, Section 33 05 10 — Ul i I ity Tr€nch Cxcavaljan, E nibcdmr ral and Back b 11 23 7. SMimi 33 t 1 05 — Mos. Nuts, and Gnskuts ?A 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 25 A. M4msuremew an+ Payrnmrt 26 1. [1t1cliEc 1rpn Walcr 1'itlinp ivith Restraint 27 a. WASIIMMULt 28 1) Sliall be per Cori of Ail W Suppl i ud 29 2) Filling wcigWs are the sum of the various types of fittlul s multiplied by 30 the %vcighl ptr iittir% as listed in AWWA ANSI U LS21M21,S3. 3 L 3) The Fitting k,viglkt& lis.40 in AWWAIANSI C i 1 VA2I _ 10 are only s IJo%%+ad 32 for spccials where an AWWAfANSI C1$VA21.S3 is real availablc, or if llkc 33 T)m%v ink spcci FwAly ca I I Fix an AW WA/ANSI C I I OfA21.10 f liings, 34 4) 1f 111C Ca71111MAOr dkvscs to supply AV WAiANSI C1 1WA21.10 (NIi 3 $ body) Ductile Imn Fill i ngs in liekl of A WWAIAN51 lr 153fA21-5 3 36 (aomil5act) []akctile Imli Fining at I1Komvcniciica Ihrm the wei�hl %lull be. 37 rrlcasured in acorn-ul¢e with AWWAfANS] C153iA21.S3. 38 b. Payiiivnt cur f SJ4 I:LIRT WWII I NVATF H AND SAP41 FARM tit=WER 7LE:Pi.h{'I:hd1.N I K-FAlM3y%M13 r4m%Ik1:C5ION 411: '111CATION LN)C'LIMENIS 1,UNTR 4('F201I, y0% Rvviud }:amlfti 2'). 2n3 CITY PR(Ul-.CT NO. 1035DO 7 I� 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I� 19 '20 11 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 M 31 32 X3 34 35 36 37 38 34 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49� 1)1111-I O u-ME IR(NnTrING5 Psge 2 of 1] 1) The work: pcifonned and nimcrials fumished in accordsrJ-ve wiL1ti 1114s It.L.J1i iftnrd Mftsullyd EN-, provided urWcr "MORSilrlemem" wit I be paid For at the I1.1fli price bid per lom of ` DucLilc Iron Water Fittings wish Restrai•1ll". o_ The price hi4l AMP iliclude: I ) Furnishing and installing DWile Iron Wa r Fitting us 9pwiF4cd �y ilie ArwviJigs 2) Pnlym1IIyke4ae encamient 3) Lining 4) T' veniew minova1 5) F.kcav;njioll h) Haw I iug 7) DispOul OF"ress material g) Fprnishing And GIlstalli[Gg lbal1r, nuisa and mAreints 9) Burnishing, placcnicia a" coikkpiaIon of enihcdnlcrrt 10) Furnishing, placemaui oind ccmipwlion ofh&.lcfcll 11 ) Yh waiter stop& 12) Clem -up 13) CkOking 14) Min ion 2_ I3u0i lc l ran S--nvcr Frilling& a. Mtasur1�Ig9Fn I } Shall be per tan Of lin[11gs swGppiied 2? Fillings weigbis $re Ihlc RIM OF the varirrus lypcs of fittings inul[iplrcd by the weighi pr_r fining ais IistW in AWWAJANSI lr I571A21.53. 3) The fitting wetg1rt41i5wl in AW W AiANSI C I L(VA21.10 are only alllowcd for specials where an AW'j MANS[ C I5YA21,53 61iot imailsl6k; or if Ow Drawings spcci fically os I I for infi A WWA,tAMS1 C 1 I OIA21.10 Fillings, 4) 1 f the C*n[racior chDogrs W sy1}tipl+y AWWAIANSI C 11(VA21.10 (hpil body) Ductile Iran PIIILIl3LVs in litu of AWWeVANS] C15VA21.53 (compact) Ductile Iron Fittings at his ixmiwilkirmcc, then the wolghl shaI I tm-b ni asumd in acuDrdaijcE with A WWAfANS1 C I SNA 2 t.53. h_ Pgyrr�pnl � Tflc 3vor1¢ pirrt�rn[td ar�'J m ri�ls filrnGslttxl in aeerordantc with lhks Rein amid measkircd as provided kinder"MmIgum-inen1" will be paid first tht mAl pries hid per tort of ``Metric Iron Sower F iCl ink" c_ 'Ills prig hid shill include; I Furnj:;h1 ig a16d irrsiollinp Dwtillc trip) Water Fittings us spexrfied by ilkc PrAwings 2) F pmxy Coming 3) POly-ethylwne cBcasUncnt 4) Lining 5) f' veniem removal h) Exc-avatinn 7) f IaWing 1&) Dispmw of'oxmg ikkwcriBl 9) Furnishing and instlilling bolls, rluts~.w)dTes4railnls I Di Furnishing, -pJacen-lem and vmpaction orenilodinem I I j 1-ikmishing, placeinunt and compaction Drbad III II 01-r t7F ART 94 ORTJ I WATER AND SANI'rA ltY LFWF9 RE-PJACEhiENT ANVARD comic rRIJCTICA s;PL-x,I hr4'xi lcNm [xpCUMENTb fLINT NUT 202 i. "L MLC Rniled idarewbcr 21P. 700 5 CITY M)jl.[` 1' 2IC7. raaioo 1311 114 131 C"M F I WON Ft7TINUS ] 12) Ck imip 3 14) DisulfMJtian 15) Teslirr$ 5 1.3 REFERENCES 6 A. Deflailiotis 7 1, GIarA uT VOI tav►•cr Gland a a. Hun-wsimlim 1, mccharliw[ joint fltb% 1) 2, R021.111er Gland 19 8�. ]�letklar>'�kMy �rll�ir�d m��l�nical jaknl flk�irkg, �I><aa�l i11g of mu 11 ipic 11 gripping wcdpcs incarperMICd info iL f-PIlowcr gii"d mccriing the applicnlale 12 mquil uenls of ANSIIAWWA C1 I OIA2 1.10. 11 B. Reference Slanduds 14 1, Rvrtrcuce slandards citrd in 111is Spaciricalion refer to 1he eurren4 rokMnCe Is stalydxrd p1cbJ fished at the time of llre latest rlrti•i sign dale Iogid[ therld of iltiix 16 SpeOfIC,tion, urI1CM, ;fi 4I.-IM i& :;Pet&Ca11y C'LW_ 17 2, American Sm icly of Mc iu ica1 Fngin (ASMU): I R a_ B 16.1, Gray 1 rr n 11ipe Mangcs and I' lan god J; ittings (Classes 25, 125 :hnd 2 SOY t9 3. ASTM i r]lea liml iorlail (ASTM), 20 a. A t 93, Standard Specifrcg iort for A Ploy -Steel and Stainless SMI Bol1irlg for 211 High I' mp ralum or High Pressure Service and aher Special PWrpuft 22 Appliutiiuirs 23 b. A 194, Specific-ni iort for Carbon and Ally+ Stwl Nuts for Bolts Jbr High 24 Prmwrc ar High Tunipersiwr Service, -Dr Both 2$ c_ A242, Standard Specifiry i-on fir I I 5p,11-5trc11g1 h L+ny-Alloy Strue111rA1 Sleet. 26 d. A674, Standard P171ctice for Polycllly late Eaciiscmclit lii)r D ile Iron Pipe for 27 Water or 01her Liquids. 2R e_ B 117, Standard Pre,eliCC fur Operal ing S4611 Spray (Fold) Apparsws, 29 4, American Water Worms Asswiation (AWWAN M a, C20, Caai-Tar Prot"I k Ccmlinp and k-finings fnr Steel Warr 13ipckincs - 31 IFAf3mw1 arW 1apu - Hot Applied. 32 b_ C600, lnmilaii,ran of 1D1LcliEc ]ron Water .Mkil is wed lbeir Apporluicknue.s_ 31 e. N141, Dug i k-11-0n Pipe and Fill inns, 34 Awrican WEI[er W rlm Assrrc.islionlAinurican Natiwrral $talldnsds 11r5111ute 3S (AWWA)ANSiy. 96 m_ C 1041A2IA, Cemeal... MOrUr Lining for Ductile-iroal Pipe 1lnd killings, 37 b, C I OVA21.5, Polyethylene Flacascalcat far Duoiic-1 m Pipe 1,,'�yrums 39 c_ -C I I (IIA21.10, l)rreti ke- Iron and Gmy-Iroar Fill 111gs, �9 d_ -C I 1 UA21. 11, Rubbor-Gusket Joints for DuctileAcon Pmsa1* Pipe alkd Rai ngs, 40 c. C. I 1 VA21.15. PJBngcd motile-1ro1>' Pipe with Ductile-Imi or -Gray-]ran 41: T'IVOWOd Flanges. 42 r. C 1511A� 1-51, Owlik-1 ron pipe. Cenirifugnl ly COSL for rater. 43 g. -C 15VA21.53, Dud 1be-1run Comi pact Fittings for Winger Service. 44 S, NSF lntenkuti mial (NSF); 45 a, � I., Drinking Waler Symcm I'muponenis - Rudih L• 1Tccts. CITY OF TORT 1ce1c](LT11 WAIVE ANr1 sANI'I'ARV %VWFA REp1.A IEF IENT STANDARD COP YM1.11MON &KC111CAT1{N WCUMINTTS Vj3Rr"cy roxi. Ymww Xmwiwd r4m-endmr 191, 2= CITY FRDJC{7 rya. 1019H 33 11 11 •4 DLX-fll.E IRON VITUNGS raga d of 11 1 7. SMiCly fOr Pmteel iVe C*Aii3Ig,S (SSPC)= 2 1. PA 2, Mcasurrmc-ikt of Dry CONTin9 114ickilm Ivi9h Moo -;ages. 4 LS VBM]TTA LS A. Submillals shalt be in acccmrdmm with San ion 0I 33 010. 6 R, All uhdrlinia shftll be, appmvcd by 14-c- City prier to�leliverp arKl ur f1rbF1L1Aii7Y fnF 10 1. DIK1 ile I= Filling$ i i a_ Pr uTc -GkRR 12 b. IncuriOF lining 13 G. JOH11 cypcs 14 2. 1ralywhylleme criascuml and tape 15 a_ Plan»cd mc1hcd aFigs(allatjoa 16 h. Whether the fitin is !cheat low dcusRy or high donsily cross iaiIkal p l!)-cihylenc IF G. '113e 1hiGVK=ofTbc flan proYided Is 3. The i meribr lining,, if it is ether thorn cemem BkOrUT Ii1L1118 ui Mcordance with 14 AWWA. ANSI C IWA21.4 24 a_ Malcrial 21 h. Appl,ocul ion recummurdal ions 22 o. Field t ueh-up p urm 23 4. T[uum i&straim 24 a. Rettilemi giznds 25 b, Thrum harnesses 2i e, Any other means 27 5. clasNes 28 a. Prowidc OiskeM in :ficc 1W* with Seca ion.13 05, 29 6. Isolnti+m1 f laagcs 30 �. Fl�r�ges �cj�ir�d il�e drawin�.� 10 #�o II�icNI �19d1�� sll�ll eolafflFnl t� 31 5eclion 33 04 10. F. [colts and Nuts 33 FP, MOCIIotnital JOWS 34 1) Provide !bcdIs mid 1Muls in ordmncc wish Sculion 33 11 Q5. 35 fx. Flanged E�IYds 36 1) Mtl el rt:qu3'Fdiients of AWWA 1* 1 G 5. 37 a) Provide balls md nuls id a=Drdan" whili Section 33 1105. 19 g. P lang+c CoMingr, 39 n. Comlechoils to Steel Flanges 40 1) 8ari+od eomce[icni5 wilh Steel IFLN19" shaIi be cOaled wilh m Pciralalum 41 Taly %ystem in irctiitc1mi x Nvilh ';=lion 33 1 105. 42 B. CtIraificalcs, C11-d IDF FORT WORTH WAI FR ANu SANITARY SIFTER ItEPLACEME-NT STANDARD CMc;TktJr-1 iV -5Fi-TIFICATIUN I) C'1JP ENTS CXMTknCT 2021. WSMfi 1ietiiKd -4w ?9. 2c2) el 14" 14ml3 hi:T MI. 11935M 331111.5 1 H I( 13L.F I MIN F1193r+i A Np 5OF13 E 1, The minj l facLurer:3kall fum isle inn of dFiv i1 eerl kfying tlial all 33klcti lc 1 nnn E i ttiongs 2 mcct the piavLsiw* of this Secrium mild n5ccL 115e ffigL13'mrA4AkN of AWWAJANS] 3 C L IWA21.10 orAWWAJANSI CI63lA21.53, 4 2, Furnish R cerl I fieai[e Sl IM9 Mat k tined balls and IwK cu15tbrm to A%TALI F11 17. 5 L7 CLOSE01UT SUBMITTAL.*' INOT USFD] 6 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATER I A L SUBIWLIT TALL GNU' 0MI 7 [,91 QUALITY ASSURAAICX a A- Qualilicaijuns � I , 1LA$nufaclur�r� 10 a- FiltingR nvonufamuring oppralinns tflttin�s, liiiiiing, and vaatiW) shell be ll perfixmcd unrdcr the cunlrol of llrc manufadunw. Iz b, Ductile Iron Fitlirlgs shall W mmnulaclkr in wcnrdanvc %with AWWAiANSI 1� CI IIYA21-10 or AWWAJARM CI53IA21-53- I 1 M) k&mii quAily unn[rol rc51s and maiirlain lire results asoutlirwd in slim 15 stmnslu l;3s [a 055LITE 11;ortrpli;1n v, 16 D, Ptnw1i irAiUFI TC5111kg 17 I_ The Oily rnayr, at !is oven cuss, bahjcot nurdonn fi[tin f;)rdestructive IcmiiIg by an Is indcpcndmil labomtory fmccInplia me NO this 5pceifiefitio11, 19 a. Tire coltikpliance less shall be perfmvic l im the Tjnitcd �wrs- 20 ti, Any viri;hk dcfccls or fsi lurk IO m€e[ tl3e gual4 standards heml�iu %vil I be 21 golnds for rejecting the entim order, 23 1.10 DEVIVERY, STORAGE, AND H1lKPLIN41� A, 4toraj�c and IH.FLukdIhij; kNuiranents �A I_ Store aiid Ikandiu in staled lit l4kVWA M41. 25 2- Sec.ury mid maintain -a locatim w slow lire mw-c ial in acccuWkcc with cvion al 26 fa6 00, 27 1-11 FIE 1,11 [%STN.] CONDIA- IONS I NOT USED] 2$ 1.12 WARI?ANTV C11 CYT USED I �4 MART 2 - PRODUCTS 30 2.1 OWNER-FUHNNHE.3D LEI OWNPR-Si,PPLIFBI PROD[ cTs SNOT USED] �] 12 EQUIPWNT, PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS �2 A. MAIDL1fumA ivr"s 33 I. Only 1 lie 115brt> fho urers vs li.led on Ilkc City's Slandard ProdLlcls Lisp vsi H he �4 considerod as �hpvvn in Smiirn 03 6000- 3$ A. 'Mr 130nufaelurcr must cuivvly 1Yi115 this Spccilit::l(ior< and related SmicniiL 36 2- Any produel them is wort listad on the Swodard Products Lisl is considered Ft 37 subm it ulian wid sha l l be subm fitted iFl accrW.alt with Cel ion o 3 25 X_ 38 13, Ductile l mn 3: iu ings L-ITY QF Ex mtl' 41 AIM WATER AND %ANITARY:SEWER RErl-AC'FJs NT YrANrAARiwr) 'tiTRrar-]1EN VC-LIF9CA'f ON 1)WWAPhM CONTRACT 21Qr-VF',5ii•12 Resod Nok-mibcr2A.IU13 CltV Pkt?jVi- )fn r0. 33 F1 rF--e KrIFILE IKUN hITUNOS ftp#fl(13 1, Ductile lm� Filiinigs small by in acoordzrhoe wills AWWAANSI c1 IWA2 t.10. A1At1h+AJANSI C E 53IA21.53. 2. Al l hllinps far pala#1Ir waiter service shall 111CCF [h, Mquir!ZM"is ofNSF 6I . 4 3, Ductile Iron Fillinp, m a mirkknionl. shftlI IrLaA OF exceed the, pressures class of S dw pipe wlilvh the RIM$ is oannecled, onicss sptoifw:l,l ly iodicatod in the 6 f)Fa%Vi 11g5_ 7 4, F11tings Markiw 8 a- Meet the in -in 1 n]um requirenleltts -aF AW WAIANSI C 151 IA2.1.5 I _ 9 b, Minirr1u111 iiiark hIgs shall nlcltule: 10 1) -1)1" or ILDUCIilel Cast or !nerd si,a,npcd n,n c$ch rill ing 11 2) Appl itAble AWWAIAN%l slan4ard for that the ftttin� 12 � ) pm,%sure vil hig 12 4) Nunsbcr of (trees for all bcttds 14 �) Noni Mal rdiluncicr uf [he opern i Itgs 15 (') Year and coutltrp fin illr� Wes casl 16 7) Manufaturer's mark 17 5, Joints 18 a, MixhaDkal !-Duns with mcdonical restraint 19 1) Comply wish A WWVAN!S1 C 1 1 1 iA21,1 1 and applicable parts of 20 ANST(AWWA C I 1101A2I-10, 21 2) The retainer gland shmII have [ha followi119 w rk*9 pressurc ralings bosed 22 on size and type of pipe-, 23 a) DiWile Iron pipe 24 (1) 3 -incli - 16+iiw 11F 350 psi 25 (2) i h-inch - 4�-i Ilch, 250 psi 26 b) ?VC C900 2uld C905 27 (1) 3 - inch - 12-inicll, 305psi 211 (2) I4-inch - Which, 235psi (3) 18-iikch - 20-H4ch, 20 psi 3� (4) 244FK11 - 34 -ine31 I65psi 31 c) RMings are f r water premum :ntA must include -a minilimmi '�arct� 3 floor of t Ira I in A I Si zM 33 3) Relainor gland4 shall NYC Rpal:if l; d�'ir�i1s For 13uCIIilC lmll '1lld PVC and 34 Aould be rnsily diffrwntialo k1woen the 2. 3S 41 Cland body. YAAgm and )vcdgc aaluating anmpollcrlts sltal I he ca_Sr fmin is $radc 654$-12 dtictile iron ntattwial in scoordancc wills ASTM A536, 37 5) MccIikkilical joint resireint shill mqu ire oonveniitmnal ImIs and h5slal40ion 33 prLxuJures p1Y AW WA C600i, while- MainiI% full mochanimI Joint 39 dcflcm ion during muni sly as %vel I as allowing jaitp detleclinji after 40 9.-�c+scmbly. 41 6) Proper a,AualiorL of0c gipping, wades shall be ensured wills trrrque 42 Wnililig lwim off nuts_ 43 ?) A minunum of -6 wodg-i�c $h;n I I N r goimA for g !itch diameter PVC pipe, 44 f usli-0% ReslTalmd J41fli5 46 1) R skraEnillg ?us]i-I joittis h� nicans of inSpoofal gasket 46 a) (dy thosc prcWvi s that are iisled in 01 60 00 47 b) Tllc Working pressure rxl[jig of like m1railled gasket must excccd The 48 IW pressure of the PTe Ii11c I{7 be inslalled_ CITY 171F1430 Wf3RTTi WATER AND SANITARY SFWFA RERIAL-F.MENT VAN(WOKONSTRU'TIONSTECIFICA 0WLrriF�ns C7,3 1-KAETHZG, WSM•C F&v.hcd'4 nRn&T29-, M] MyfI OXIC"I NO. I16151.16 3311la-7 Mk IUEIRON FITTINGS Pw TDrt3 I C) Appm*W for u.w i?f rcumining Micti le 1 mi Pipe In tiasi ng iwi Ilia 2 camcr pipe of 4-inches 1-o 12-ifflchc;s } d) 041kerwise only approved if sp ially bided on lbo drawings 4 2) Push-m Restrainc)d AM bell and spigot 5 aj Only I Sam products 10 in Ik standlud pfnducls I MI: 31+i]] be aliowied for 6 0c size listed Al 411e standard produels l ist per Sao ion 0160 00 9 b) Pressum ratil}g shall exceed the working and. felt pressure of the Pile � Gr1tie c. Flanged Jininfs 10 E) AWWA>*ANS] c I I-VA2I..15, ASME B16.1, Class M 11 2) Flunge boll cir-cles and boll holes shall nmalch those of ASW 11116_1, class 12 125. 13 3j field fabrimlctill 11zmges are prohibited. 64 _ Gaskms 65 a. prulvide GBACls ill mdancc with *iccl ion 3 05. 16 7, 130101lion Flmkgcs l� a. Flane4 required b} 1114 drriugs lea �e Ilalitllk Flar}a1y�llal�irrn� t l $ Scction 33 �14 1 G. I'} 8. Bolts and 'Hull 20 a. Meellar> kZ 13Qints 21 1 } Provide bobs lnd null in ficoDwapm Wilh swiguz 1 0$_ 22 b. HAIWd Fnds 21 11 Mcct ruqu ircnzenLs of AWWA is I I5. }d a) Provide t*lls and nuiq in accoNanm wiiia ScNion 33 11 115. 25 9. Range! Cmdinp 26 a. 0(inncclions IO &VOI Flanges n 1) Burird commiul ions wil h Steel FW1ges shall be coaled by i Ilia K l InkaLum 28 Tape Syslem in amordance with %cctiom 33 1105. 24 10. DkKtilc;Mk FillilIg16%ICF WCCLHAirlbs a. All NCLi1e trUR Kl.liin1 S dMU liaxe 311 aSplsailic GNtiII& MkIlImur4 of b Mil 31 Iltick, o11 Rho exicriorr, 1mkm o41krrwi.c specified in the cootrat.iL Dewma11s. 33 11, Polyethylene I,nC3150110Yt 33 a_ A I I ibu rigid Ductile lumi Fittings sbal k be! polyalhyleae awascd. �5 jn-8Miurl $1-611' 36 e. kj%e mly A mis p A Ye dim kv e-111 lt4r ul. 37 A. l41tcY1 a YelY r rrie*11 :614-ogo -41" I Re,, r WA 3$1 f►e4yA-hyleue q-4i1 L�rLL� A a iuu f C 1 IKE {A-rt+ n}II h 34 4l#4Hm-Ahy4uiw 191imY!Fumui11 t4F111'i i r[i i 140 40►IYf+yY,1�,-iT;�:s�1,5E C`18f1�r1r7",11�7,�; 41 e� 41srkii gm Aht __ jq,L j11iS1gY1 OFtloel iilY lYs I�Y�-IYifrkl'ti tlY� 43 HFkMe YF-1rmdv rk 46 4) Mj m 1 mi kill-P Im Ivim {THY WIF F LF %W)Hil l WATER AND,9-ANrfARY 3F31IF. R IR F FP AC EME.l1T ST i�I]itiRl? � Y�4tii [ IS1xYK ispF{'I I IE'A�7❑MI M-LIJAINT.4 CONTRAL7 MI. YH&K' Rcti•isLd r& rff"r 19.M23 CM Plt{7JECT Nib. 103M 33 11 j I • Jt DLACTLE IRON FyTTlh3' ior13 eIr4 4pl -W+itn., F., ..,.. onle 2 r ,N R r Fen...iflg7 IlH rA V •l'IILL'IF!i{'In^c4:,":R N.--,7ArM Fr[I S 44dI L. a skill Mil .6 -P"1A4V Wu1 W i#R-tii+Wflwn -(-'.vl+p4 &deG-�w 7 Ataneh I►I"Plet d4kiHl-al KH 1l(• 11U}yt I ID lk 'FVyl 6 V1�,+�T i t e1hyltvie in-,.m..,.l__ tie MA i N e + kiv W.Lwn 12 1P4rb'9t! W4 rkR-Apw .43n U IO forms G@4 &_ rt p I nilur k-1puEyel4vicim e-w�p 14 g. }'uJ*rtkLv1cne encR-mim l l f9i im with 41 urli le iron nine mystv4jIN zshsA tl 15 s111h4st aI dircr lavers of oa-:2%91-m OP.11 Iinumr Low &nsity polyethylelMe 16 L.1,I)I" F rig rI le Ihick a ss nr nai Itm INA 11 i�F Nht m ils. 17 h, The inside sorrFV OI'the 1I&'slh-yicnc wrHP 10 b'e ill MILEW W.4h Ih- niD 1 a exter r shall be i a fuser! Zvi Ili a h I -end -V.f amli-mk Mbiai W06LLe 10 A fl1 ;Lj 19 miCVfibi01i iCZ 11+' lk9jjUk1V1Vll -VIP J-asiGo And a VOICkTile 00rFYtSiOn inllib.iliFr IMF 20 Luntrol li lvanic cGrifmin� 31 i. Dill1-hN 11ICI rwliil hs 22 P01yelik lem0 Tithe mkd Shect Sizes for Push-()p J01■1 Fliliup Nam Em 21 F It1 LI1 gs Diam elcr Min. Width — Rlal Tube Min. W idtk 4 Shee (inChON) (Inchea) Qmbm) I � �a - j 12 - j 14 18 20 2A 36 42 54 60 23 93- Duetilp Iran Fitlinp Thieriot Li311n4 '24 E- Ccrmcm McrW LiaiDg 1� 14 1-6 N 24 dI _jqj 34 41 54 67 al al I� I U15 121 28 28 32 40 54 60 68 74 j v _ lug I3d _ 167 162 190 216 216 2 t7t3' 4MF EXERT VAMT1r ti, AIIPk AM NA1►ITARY $I:WER REPLhCEWNT %TANOM(I7 C•ONSTFLUC'TLON SPEORCAVION PIW MEM CUNTRACTR21. U1sm_4' RtrivA N reamber 20L 2013 iTJ Y It, KniI 3•>r N4. IQ3509 1 2 3 7 I� 9� 12 13 14 15 16 17 l9. 19 20 21 22 '23 24 25 27 219 29 30 3311 Li-4 DUC'TI11-11; lW #+1 FITTINGS Po- 4 oS L! 1) Oucti1G Iron FItfings fw polable wiser shall have a ucMent inoriar lining i» accordance with AWWAJANSi C 1041A2I ,4 b3kd b,-b aeeg5lab1t aeeording to NSF 61. Ccr0lnio I;prxx3+ Or Epoxy Lin iirg's 1) Duciilc Iron 1'ilti kgs for rise in waslcwm-cr applicaticori shall he liiir d Willi o Ceram itc Epoxy or Epoxy tininj� as dcsigllaLA in i1he Slartdard Pfo�d1K1.9 Lisl As sh-nwn in S�ion 01 60 00_ 2) Apply lilting at it rn ih imuill i)f 40 M ils DFY 3) DLw 10 the tolev antes iDvolued, the �o ket airea mrd Spigot end up to 6 11relieS Irk from ZhW end Pfthc sf,igot tMILI IrLUA be ix&W wilh 6 mi Is nominal, i0 mils maximum using -a JoIrd CorrlpoUird ns siwpplW 4 the manufaciurcr, aL) Apply the joins coanpi�md by brush to -013surc Coverage, b) Care should be talon 11W 1 he joist[ con pound is smooth wilhocrt cx=" bilildup in the gs k& wat or on Ilia spigot end-i. o} Com lire gasket mi and Tigul ends after the applivation of ilae Iinfng. 4) Surrue pmjmration shatl fie in accordance xvi1h the tn-nkm uver's mcnanniapdxi ions_ 5) CUck thickness using a niagnclic film Ihicknins& Vuge in aceudulce wil11 th,e rnctliod outlined in 5S pC FA 2. 6) fast the inierirlT lilrinr, of AIL fillWgS for pinholes with a non-dcstrucli-yc 2,500 volt test, a) RQpair any dcrx" pa3or to shipmcalt_ 7) Dirk =h filling with the. dal-v of application of the liniali; "stern almm wilh its .ninnerix:ul "imoce -of appl fml ion on LW date and retorts,. rr kilainwd * 11ic applirminr of h is work_ 8) PQr Pill D1;Kj i It lrnn Faun#s in 3v2:iL-awihler senriee whom lhc filling 113s bccn vui, o1]ai tlw- exposed surfacc ~villa &P roar-h-up malarial as recovn len&� by ft manufacluec-r_ a� Thy south -up material xrrd the liuiny��h�ll � �i1'Ihre dune n�ar�ufaetur�r_ 31 2.3 ACCESISORIM INOT USED1 �3 2A 801.11RCX QUALITY CONTROL SNOT >11S l? PJ 33 FART .3 - FXF:CUTION 14 3.1 INSTALLERS INUIr I1%F.1ij 35 3.2 EXAM IN ATI N JN[Y' USED] 36 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 37 3.4 INSTALLATION 38 A. 6-uncrai 1 39 1. I1iamil fltlirrgs, .Trims and specified Herein, xs speciflud iIr 40 AWWA C600, A WWA M4 is and iii aeor6ncc with the filtiriZ19 nSNIruf&tUWr'$ 41 raconrinendatioirs, 42 2. I..V fittings la the I iTNcS AM prudes as i nd icaled in 1 he 1 ]ra%wings. 43 3, Pxcauaie and back fill irenclres in acmdmkcc will 33 U5 l0. i'ITY IN FORT WIRT]L WATFR ANDSANITARY -V`'WFR k1:17 *MFN1 sTANi*Rii)txiN.k1RUCTION S1111111WA11tV Fxx-ljMFNT4 OMTKAUT2021. WfSM-(" Royised khavnhkr 29. 2f*3 UTY PROOCT NO. 10350 }}aall-10 01111II.E: IPA24 F r[ NUS hm Jeer 13 1 4, Embed DucLilc IrLm fill ings in amm4w wilii 33 1)5 10. 2 B. Joint Making 3 I. M-UhanK;11 Joints wilh required in barliwI msiraiol 4 K. All Ynodkan icy I juini s rcquirc ni"hAnical moraillIL a la. Roll the retaiw glaut] i Islo comprr-mim rigainsl the 1 kei, with 1hr. holly 6 11ghlcltcJ down cvelsly It= MSY, aoryued in amrdionce wilit l4W1r4WA C600. 7 C. 0Venl1SY 13Jg of bolt410 comper to for p)oT iltstallation praclice will 1w1 kre p umi Gttod, 2. Push -on loinls (mimined) 10 a, All push-unaoints shmIM be regra'imd push -en type. ! InsleyI Push -on juinrs asdcrned in AWWAfANS] C] I II 1.I1, Wipe clean 111C gaskel M1 I'mide llw hell ofoil exlrancoua matter, 13 d. Place I13e Faskel in 1911c bs1I ill 11ae position preseribCd by 1lie rnamofeelume. 14 e, Apply 2 Ih I n fihii of nm-tnxic wc90eble SNP lubricant Lo the innidc of the S gash iwid the owgideof the Tilrguz priar to cnteriag llte 5pigi into ilia Fill. 16 f. Whed using a field cut Plain elid pima of pipe, r-clinishW the held cul and S arf F to c mfcrni 10 AWWA M-4I_ 18 3. Flmk1 ed Joirlls 14 e, USC erection holly and drift pills 10 filar flarq* eminecliom, 2.0 1) Do i1-01 Ll-�t: undue force oT FWrvint cmi the endr, of IN, fillings. 21 2) Apply even and uniforrn 1we•ssilrr to the pa4. 22 b, Tlie fill i»g musl. be fma Vp inovc ill any diroAilun vebile boll i ng. 25 1) IOSIA a fli,ngu bolts with a]I W11 h"& deed ill I dimmi.ion. 24 4, Joint Dr lccl inn 25 a. 1Dcflm-L the pipe only wlicn iwmsary to avuid ub%Lrucl ion% or 1-n nieel JlW I likes 26 and greck:s and ,showlt in the Drawuaps. 27 b, Tlw du lcstion of cach_xNiot niusi be in amwdanao with AWWA i 600 fable 1. 2$ c. Tile inLkxlimpin def]ecrion BJ1nWd is 50 perond of lhat indicalcd in Jt1r WA 30 d, The nmnufaciurWs rcconmiendatiogi Irby b4,L used wish the approval of alic 31 Engineer. 33 C_ Polyethylene F.aic.as immit I1151ALI t8tilm1 33 1. Preparul ion 34 A. Remove all lumps of clad', mud, ci a LtC,, oil fi LLiltgs surface prior 10 31 inmallalion of polyelhy+lene encoscmimi. 36 1 present srIR1 orcaiahodlnnl m,�li:rial frx�n� hficq�i�g1� Irapj�od b4�tu1 34 f thinend poly why+lrmc, is b- Fit pnJyV ylene film 10 Contdor of fitting,&& to Oka a sang, bui =4 liphl ence-w 39 with min i Inuln TENM betwftn poil3rdbykilc and 1ilq i ligs, 40 1) Provide. sufficient slack hi corltcuriilg le pmYoni strcichi,ag polyctliyle1w 41 where it bricfgcs irrLL%u Iar surfacos Sueli W bell-spipoi lillufeccs, boltu9 42 mints or 1i0acigs, ir14rJ lu per. -runt cfalnage In polyclhylene dLlO to back fli ing 43 gallons, 44 2) Sxure Ovwiaps and -mids with adhesive gape slid hold. di C. Far iJ19U11AtkM15L betaw w.Qter IabEe BwVor in arem subject tD Iida1 I!Li-knn5, seai 46 both -Cods of palyrcthylcne lobe w th adhesivu tape jaloull overlap, Crr'V CH' 110M ii wT i WATER AND S WITARY %-L.WFK lRFPF,,SC'EMEHT sti A1,f1Ml?D r'(1 .TMLWT ON 5PEVIFIcArmm afx,r,wwrx c RA['T 2031, WS6&C 33 11 11 .11 I%i* 11 orJ3 2.-fubular TYFM (Mellki}d A) 2 a. Cut p*cfticm 10-c to kFigsh appmximpimly � feet longer ihiln rill Iikp 3 5eckim. a h, %1ip tubr- mound hiring5, eentv6ng it io provide I foot overlap on each adjaeem 5 pipe tiectiDik and (bunching it amir-dion-fashion le119111wi-W 0111i1 it chars i;llin&S 6 onds- I� IK I$ 20 '21 22 23 24 25 26 27 33 29 3D 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 M 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 49 G, jtVMCF rillh5p inlo Lrcnch with preceding sxxlian of pipe, d. Make s6llaw bel I holm- at J-ailkts to Fw:i lita[e I Iation of polylelhylenc lubc. e. After assembling rill higs make o+rcrlap of pollycibylena tube, pu I I bunched polyethylong 1u prccc4ing imglh ofpipc, 41ip it nvzrcnd of the fitting .,lid wrap kimi] ik wearlaps joint a[ and of preordiuf, lcmgUl of pipe, f- Seeare.arerlap in p1me, g. TAke iGp Sleek w ldl it Al 10Ja O d G11 ilIg 10 I1jf1kC;P "NL.& 171u not li;gl3l, fit along barrel of fitting, srcurinb fold at ciluer[cr poi ms. h, R-Cpak cuts, [u,s, pundures or Mier danjage to pukyeJ hyleme. i, Prm*d %vit 1 ilmtMiation of next Illiliig in sme Ir mor- 3. 'lobular 1'ypc (Mr1hn6 A) fi. ('ut potycthylenc [r1bu ter length approxirti mtly I foot shorterthan ritting smtImY. b- Slip lobe ar ind tilling, wir ng it to pmvidc 6 inches of bare fitlin,g at each Cad, c. T'rrka up st$ck wAlh m lop of filiirtg to mlw a smog, but not Tyrol, fit Along lianvl of fitting, securing foid el qukricr points; sacWre ends. d- Ftckm making up joint, slip 3-fbM length of polyothylene lube aver end of pmecedlug pipt seelaona bundiitig it Icnglhwisc. a, Al cr wrn plelilig joi lnl, pull 3-fort ba ph of poly ilkyk-no aver joi ni, overlapping pD1y-vthyk-nc prcviousky in5lalled on each adjacent smAiM of p11W by at least I fool; maku inicAl end sl eg-and secure, 4- Shftl Ty -pi: a, Cart polyelhyime shook los length approxlinamly 2 feet lungur llkali piece 5cc[IQn- b. C:cnter iengill to pmide I=focal overlap on each hlliaig, kMrlc9king it until h clears like rill Ing ends. e, wmp pct1y thyhLnc nmund filling so liiut It ozi mum Femitiaily oYcriaps i-+p quadrano of fill in}�_ .d, Secure eut edge of po;rclbykim -JkW m interests Df op rumnialely 3 feel. o. Uvwer vrfAl x, d fitting into trakoh vwikh pmx:ed rnj� sewtlm elf pipe, f. t4akc -lMllimv hell hole at jollies i€, fa-6litate insallalion oi'polyethylenc, 1�. After rNnpleting joint, make owcrlap and wcure Ends. h. Repair cias. tom pularllkres OF akhardzjmmlge 10 polyethylmic- i, PFOCecd Wills iet5191.1 patina of fill iug,% iu S91111t, m, MOr- Flipo Sl18p d A ppurrmis ecs a- Cavcv k-nds, rrxhrcers. r�Ffsets, a'111d f1th r pipe-Sl12P i alIlstI11CA1Rm' .k With po Iyethyiene is mm imonlmcr ns pipe and 01 rags. 6. t3dd-%hafad "micnances a- Whon is is i101 prae[ival cu wrap mnlm, lem cross and ohrr ordt-sl32pCd pj"c s ill tt be, wrap wikh Iial Am or split length paly thylene lubc by passi ng d iect under mp1mmurk Boca and brin;4-Hkj� it up avound budy- LITY OF FORT WORTJI WATLk AND SANITARY SEWER REM- C'EMMY V-ANDARD CMS-MffCT10N .W6CLr—K ATION tiOC13MENTS {'twl kAt r M21, WSMrC Rx4dKd No4Ki1Ew ANTI C rrY PJ4OMUTM IMM 33 ti rl • 12 pLUnLE IR hI FrITMUS Pam 12 prj ) 1 h. Make scanks by hringi ng edges #b eLhc:r. fold i»r, ogee twGrx and kapi ng down- c. Tape Iwlpe[hy1cnc securely in p1w el 111e valve stem and at }nly other � jacrFc�lfakioiis, 5 a. Repair any CUE% tears, puWures or dnnmge to pulytAhylcne wish ndhcsive lape It or vwilll shoit lenpih of palyehylGnc gkwt or ewl operE lubc, wrapped around 7 flling M eaaucT damaged aria, Gild sL%Ure in plam 8 9, Openings in Encascm,cra a. Provide opmiligs for b andkog, service leaps, blow -offs, air values and sim i Iu 10 app+Irtilances by (Making an X-shapcd cul in polymbylene send tenlporaril�r I frpldingbwk ftin, 12 1h, A Rer appirrlcniance is inslalled. Imps slack Securely to :fippurlc:nrurce and rc;e it 13 Cut, 9L-5 Ivel I as 01 her darnagad area in polycOylcne wilh nape, 114 c_ Source: Iaps nMy e1:�D be made dii-Lmly through polye bylcilc, vVi1h any 15 resAk tin,g demagcd Arcw kopiog mpai rod as des�ribLd abovc. 16 7. Auriak , belwecn Wrapped rued Unwrapped Fin iTigs 17 a, Wlicw pDIyu[hy1cnc-wF.Rppe,d f itting johns Ali adaaccnl pipe That is mx wrapped, 18 evitelld p01yell1YIdFM WMID 10 eOuer adjaCCRI pljW for di$Ibnce of At Ceasl � foN, 9 h. Smire end with a ii-C[i1iifta-cELtiifiE turrl_5 Of gaT,c, �0 c- Wrap service lines of dis4imilar mdaIs with pul}mthyk-ne cw skp4 Me dLerelric 21 lape for miniiiuiIII �;L%r disEancc nF3 rM away from Iasi or Duuti1e Inm 22 M161$5, 2� D. Block'nig 24 I _ 111MAIl role block Mg III arcordancc wilh SIM ran G3 30 00 for all tmnds, lees, 25 crossuS and pJMIg:� in the pipe 1111erias Hkdicaied In Iflc Dr$wings, 2.6 2, (dace [he eonarde blocking sal as to rest against fared undist-urb€d 1rcnwh walls, 27 norma I to the thrust, is 3- The .wprpooi ing area for esacb block &hmll be at lrasl as great " thm kW icated or[ llle 29 Draw inp,5 tind shih l l be suff icier[ to vwillanad 111e 111FLls1, Including 3vaicr hammier. 30 W11i0l m-ft}' (ievelop, 31 4. Etch block shall Icst on a 11m, undislllrbed (bLind$tivn or Ersnch holrratl, 32 5- 1f The Colllraelor elwunk-rs soil that appears to be diffeivol liban [hx vAkLDh was 31 used Its calculm the bilocl[ing A0WFd i31g tO the Drawinw. the Ck n1TMAVT sllilfl )4 isotify lllc iirrginwcr prior to the insWilativit of [hc blocking. 35 15 REPAERM ESTO RATION 36 A. Patrhing 37 L . EXOLLssivc fie Id- paE011 hNg is allot perMilled of tin 131B or ccml i mg. 39 2, i"McI iog of Ihiing-1rceating will be allowed whem area Ea be r€pai d4t7CS iim 39 cxvxd 100 Square iKdW6 and has DO dY137cll9i0Ij4 gMIL-f thJ81k 12 13101cs. 40 3, in R"WMl, thenc shall nol be mom than. I palch an cinder the lining or llw couLing of 41 ally fail i 11g. 42 4, Whemcer necesmi y Ica palch the fitting: '13 a- Make p2imh wills mvieni! in xtor as previrrusly spcc died for illtvior joints` ddl bL Do net hMall paWlicd rifling iilll i I like patch has baclt properly and edeyw0y 45 cured aiid approved far laying by lire City, WiTY OF FORT WORT11 WATL• rL AND SAMI ARY %FWE:R RI: 1't. C F.MF.1%7 5TANDA1tDCGNSTRLXC710N 4-W--tiF11-A-IFL7N Ixs4'IMENTS CONTRACT 2021- WS3&t' RerenedNwamkrZ4.=Q 01YPIMAH-L'1 M1 IDIW a 9 ID 11 12 13 14 1$ 16 117 33 11 11 13 DUC HLI_iR41N F7TTFNKIS PW IkOF0 c, Pmniptly femove rej-cled fittings from the 4itr, 3.7 F-I E I.I)- IrLKI SITIF QkJA Lrl'Y C'ON3';tO[. A. Ixwmhle Wmtcr MRinS I. Cie an iil& disin red "� hydrostatic larding slid bRotedoktgrcai Wstiq, Gf water nutiji4 a, Ck-an, Kush, pi:, d6infccl, hydmmmlic 1cm and baoterialogioal tesi the NvaloF miain its spcc_1 m:A irk Seel i011133 04 40. 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP I NOT US EDP 3.9 AE J LISTING; I NOT USE Dj 3.10 CI,EAN FN'G INOT VS FDJ 3.12 PROTECTION SNOT USED] 3.13 @►+MAIN -PENANCE [NOT USE1131 .3-14 ATTA4 H M EN -IS I rqo-r I,ls vu1 END OFSECTION R-mishon LDS DATF NAME SUMMARY OF 04A`I+ME 32FI1f2012 13, 3almik S12W13i 7 W, Nor"W d I,?-A.a,o - RWr*s indudod in moo bid 1:1.Al.c-R alai 5 indudcd In pri1N hid 0-,&k-ddeliniLums.ol'gjwWlypisrorolardy 262.3,5 - Rawwd rm i.FaincJ push-cca m4 r wbonioai join+ 7- 9-*M 9-Add,-d rLkro "10 Std;w 33 03 10 wW 33 #1 Elk rarr wcd umomimI %p:dIicaliorw; for ba 1:1% muds Mod p slevI�. ]A - Requ:rerrrtn fcr nil mutmnioal wd push -an jaims 0 be r-lrOncl 3.d.1J' {iIfRLZC�rrrleTeot[ 2.2.d.S.a.7 - Addad mgiimirrlu[ Jbr & wcdki ore MJ RtMMIM I' W # ilkdl PVC plpt {'FrV 131= Pnmlr t WLI I W.ATLR AND SANITARY SL•- IER RI:RLACEMENT STANDARD CON4MWION'WrI1L'IFWAFICN DOCUMI:NY-4 CK NT"CT2Dt1, WSM-' R1m&dW1nvrah1!r39-2W3 �'G'I'Y PFt{5�F]4�NU IQ." Jill 13.1 INWRETE PRESSURE VI PF. DAR-WRAPI 15-U P.H. CV I.]Nt5Pk 7Y19: pip 9 OF 19 SECTION 33 L 1 13 CONCRETE FRI,�5URFr YII'1-iiA[-VAPPI:[},7l.I:I. C1�LI1VJ);R TYPE PART I - GENERAL Ll SUMMARY A_ Section In,e.lud s 1. This WdiUn ay l % to fa rt Z, C-agnn Rawle Wsglrer Imur vewntm. 2. Goaterete 11ressure Pip€, Bnr-VVFappA, :stool Cylinder Typr (Curlertte Pressure Pipe) N-inch through 73-irleh for pu4able %VRCCr appHVA(iCUks in cointorinnnDc wi ii A WWA C303 B. DeviaLlons fr<qm thl:s iU4y of I:w worgb Istaildard specificAiiLon I _ Added L.3..A..3.H a_ Added 1.3,A.ix $, Ached L.3.Rlb & r 7. Added Tk Cr7-&j 8, 3' adiFv 1,4)_A.I.a 4_ Modifir 1.9.C2.ft 10. gel LID.A.d.cljii a 1_ Added I.I(I.A. A.iw 12_ ,added 1.10.AA d.w 13. Addcd 2r2. ,1i & 7 14. j1 adiffed 2,21lt1a I$_ Madired 2,2.M.9.a.1.j 1-6_ ModW.23,WILs 17, M0c1i 1v _ LLB,]" 19. M41A 2.2.C. Le.12. M & 14 1q_ ,added 2.1C.1.g 20. Added 2.2 C. Lb 21. Aclal-ad 2_jC.2.Ir_2 & 3 2)_ Add H I,r,S & 9 24. Addtd Z.2,C7. 25,, jUd eel 3_4,U �fi. Madify 3.4L'03 27. M-ad ire• 3.+L• c.-L . L MY OF I:ORT YrMU1 WATUR AND ANITAIEV SEWP1tKFP1.AETFAENT 4TAfi MU)CUNsT UCTIL7FFSFECIFICATIUNVMUMFNT� Ll;g%7k (-r2w],Yti'SM-C " L I *-2 -CONCRETE- PRESSURE P71MP- BABLL1WRAPPL:I). 51V14 CYLINMR TYPE Fagg 2 of ]V 28. Addad 3A.C.2A.6 29. tk+ odih 3.4.C.4.0 A Added 31IFL; C. Rcla[cd SpcsifiwwWn Sev ions iaiclude, but ire not ncrcmurily Iimitad [a: I . Div 191013 0 - Bidding R aquinemepls, Untmct Form s, :R[Md C-ondil ion of lhr COnitLact 2_ Division i - Ciawal Requimmiients 3. Section 331 1 31 - Closed Onwit Telc+rWon (CCTV) hispW ion 4. Section 33 {)4 tQ - Joint Banding and Flcmrical Cso]alion 5_ 4cctinii �3 iJ4 40 -Clear ift and Acceplaau Trsflq� of W ti-r Maims 6_ Sec[ion 33 -03 t Q - Utiti[y Tpcncli I-r? cmitk4li, EmWmwi and Back €il l F. Section 33 11 05 - BOIK Nuts, and C=kcls 1.2 Fl ICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. MeaSUran,cnt and Paypi.icn[ 1. C'OMre[e PrCSSLIM Pipes. R• MQD941 mill-O4t I MrasLITC[1 hnri7imtally slong the wrface lfom ce111tT lint lu tat[artine of Ihu F1lliltig or appurian.auac h. Pgp,ent I ) 11w vwnrk prrfmwLed and Inaleriah Almishod in aecoitLInce *klb 11315 1[em and mmored as pr�widt J under"Measurenient- shall be paid for at the unitprice bid per tinear fool fv-Cmierdu. AWWA C303 ]lire' io.gl;nIInd frlr: ;n) Various sizes h) V3rinel5 typo; or bmck Fi I I c. T 1L- price hied sh I I in l?udc: I ) Furr bbing Tact hosla l l ing Cora-mic PrrssuM Pipe wish joints !is specified by the 13rzwings 2) Mob] 1 it,311011 4) [.roil% Pflt+rlsieni removal Excav-m ion �j J`laafir�� 1# Jisp+,l of excess meicrial 9) Fumishing, placoli um, and oumpw ion ofcmWinicia 10) Tmwh water slaps 1 1) Joint reomnl 13) 3olls aFLd nuts 13) Welding 14) Caskzts, ifal1mved 1 S) FuriiiAingL plk#rrt"n and corn pseciion afhnkfill 16) Clean-up 1 F) Ck-muking ] $� 1isi,ifl ialti -CFTY OF FORT 1WOR111 WATFR AND+SAN17ARY FEWER RIPL A SMFNt 5TAN13AR1) CLON %7 Ril C TION SPa. I EiCKr3ON j W i R& rPM. ODUT RA(,'1'2W 1L W tK-C4; ReviwA Navembm M 2W C7fY K-TNU.ID3'5M )4>> 15-1 CONtBE1r 3'r ESSURE FJPI:- &AIK-WRA MD. STER. UY9,INDER'rYPk r�kgr3Qrtq 19) ,resLilig 2, Cunudt; Pressure Pipe Fittings R. MCA $1]Ft175CFja 1) Mensumneni frw this lim shall Ix by lumpsum �. Pa}�rneni 1) Thr ktivrk pfttbrined -mid JrialcFLFkhs fumi!d d in aconrclanac with thus 11cm {hall be paid rcw at I lie Imp sum prioV bid for "C3�3 Fittings" installed # ; a) Variaus siWIS b) Vivious types ofbackftll c. The price bij A41 include: 1) Fibmishing and insiallingCarr mic PFossalrr PIN Filtings-as sperifrtd by 1hC DFatwing5 2) Mobillzaliam 3) Cming 4) Lining S) Pavement removal 6) Ex=va6Pn F) Hauling 8) Disposal of emvss material 9) FUrnis'hiD& plAMMMt, and comp3rLioll *FcrnbcdnienL 10) TrcnQh watcr sloops 11) Jbil31 resLraiFYL 12) Bolts said nuts Q) Wcldi33g 4) Gaskur, if al I -owed 1 S) Form ishiog, pleeariieiMR. mid cntl, ractirnS -nf harkfill 16) Clun-up 1 7) Cleaning 18) Disinfectio1M 19) -1ming 1.3 KE F9 k IV('" - A. i 6,—rencc Swkdavdls 1, Reteremx siandmds c ked in this srwcl heanon refer ira Lho Curr'Chht reference 51anclard published at the f and Of 11w lalesi tee lsion dhL-C logged el the end of ibis Spccifisatir}n, unlem a date is spaiFically cited, 2. A11WFICfil1 Sociely orMcehanicol Engincem (ASME)- a, 1116.1 } Gm, Ircm Pipe Planpcs and FlmlVd [' itti Eti i (Charm 25, 125 And 250� 3. Ani rican S{ r,i-,Iy DCTCSIIMg and Materials (ASTM); a. A242, Similard Speclficatinla for HGgb..STrvngRh J,mv-Alloy Sirucruml Stml. b. ANT Standard SpMilivatian fur Corb-om Steel falls mid Sluds, KNO PSI 7-GnsiIc ti1rcnzlh. c. 14117, SIRUdmd Praetiee for Cpmling Sall 5pmy (1' ) A 1aPJlr mx- d. 1:3633, SImidud Spnificaliofi For FWmdcpoaitcd Crtin of Y-inc on I'Fon mA SICCII, e. 01, SaAndand 5pcolfiratim far Co, mae AggregaIM F. C144, SLmrdiud Spacifimion ror Agpvgale for Mpisoniry i eamr. g. C 15V, Spccifkal ion fcw 11ari]anrd 1=enrcnl. CITY OF PORT W0011i WA1hR ANM,St HARYSEWER REPLACEMENT 5tAWMRb CIE N9MUL't ON SrF]CI FIC&T10N [kK'kWV-WrS CWILAC'! 2K 1_ W SM -C ftvl4W r14,10D CFTC' PR11jft'1'N0. 1333m 331113,4 CONCRETE 19MSSURE F13'1-.JN R-VKAMFt-D_STEELCYLrftlKATYi'I: libm4d19 h, C595,, Standard "'PIN-irCRlifilY Aff_I{I4 h SMt'rl 11YE11-19dic temen i, CM, Standard TO Mcllrod for 1'ICXLlral SLjWkVh -GfC0jserec (Using Simplc BCELM + ilh cPlti�r-Ni1M [". 11g), j, CA97, Mcibc& afJ1 wing Concriate Pipe. k, (39K, Siandard Test Melllod for Bond 51mn O of Epoxy -Re, -:an Sysrcros IJSW With Cnnonw Ply Slant Shag, I, CI OW, Standard Ten Metliod for Measuring Changes in Height of Cytindrieil L;lncim-mm of Flydr-Ali is -Cement t;roul. rrt_ 1•:I Pracl ice for Liquld Penciranl Fx minatpail for Gencnhl Indtrst - 4. Amerir®rk Welding Sneicty (AWS); a. D1. I, Sirucluml Wctding c, Stull. 5. Anlcrivan WRwr• Works AH&OCIatiDn (AVdWA), s. C206Ficid Wclding of Swel Walcr Pipe. h. C207, Simi Pipc Plruiges for Walemosks Serwim - Sizes 4 IN T11'{111g�1 344 IN. r. CUM Dimtpsiolts ror. Sleel W:A ler NDC Fii#lQ d. C30, Cc ncnato Pmssurc Pipe, 3-tr-Wr-uppcd, SreeWyli order Ty . e. M9, Cqmwreic Prossurc Pi pc_ 6. Anicarican Water Works AswmiaLim/Amcrican NA011a1 S1911dards Cnslimir (AWWAYANSI)= R. C 11 I IA2I.1 1, Rubber-Gaslael kjm; for Dimetiie-im: Pn sure l"ipc and ]=iliinp_ 7, 1111ermatiunal Orpnif-arion fcr 4tandardimion (ISO). �. Fatina�al Sar;liCeliurl f't,u idalion (NSP): a. C�59� fit, I�ri�s6�pllg maker Sj'stfall C�mp�,r�1s - F1�111� Eff�cls 9,A myricun Coner-eic Jrrcsi4u ne Fine Agoclaeion (ACLPA). 1.4 AI)NIINI�VI'RATIVF. 1f FQUIREMENTS IJVOT UEF.DI 1.5 titltRMIATAt S A. Subrililluls simII bu in scL;cmijurae with Sectim GJ 33 00. li_ A l l SLI I]nl ittRIS s:batl be rrp3m1v- d �y tlae Cif* prim 1-n &ivery 11 001- febri?C111 i Ai fnr spcc:ials. 1A AC,' O SUBMIITAL4j'irN t)3tMATI[)ri 1L SU BMil-I'ALS A. 1?roduat Dai.9 Emurior Cm i mg A. M211erI01 -daIJ b. Appl iul i(11k recomirialidEltion5 c- Field much -up pmcedum 2. Joiilt %VrAppers a- Nialo6al darla b. Installation recomi eurJal ions 3, F3exiNc Joint Couplings a. Mi rlufatc:lurer h. !M'fnd41 CIVe -OF Wkt m[A111 2frA lr ARD f-(W9TRUC n0N RrorrFWATKW JXr.IJMF.N rS C"1AC'T 2OZ L. WSWC {'JTY PRWECTNO 10IN6 31 LE 13-1 tk1F,7[7+.E'_'IL• Nkw Rr: PIA'. FCA1L-45'MPW.1J. VJTEL CYLIN1311t'rYPk Nr 54 I; a_ Mortar for i111eriorj6nt1i-a13d palches b. Bwiding agem for palches 5. Gaskets (K appl icabkc} $'l, Sliofr DFfL)Vj3kP - Furnish f*r Canercle pre-isure Ripe and in the potable Water s),srcros i nuhlding: Wal I thickness design r;alcI.I lal ions se ded hy a Licenm A Prof�L��onal Giigi neer io Texas Enchiding, EL Inttrnal pi-ssurc 1) WuTking Prmure 2) TW Prmiire 3) Surge pmmum l}_ Extcmal pmssure 1) Defleclim 2) Buckling r., �l fi l pl3ysisal laadi»ig such as sury is or,jrim design d_ 'Normal rxpa mun andVer u miirai ion, i f applicable feu the propusiod inkallatioi 2. ThlrvM mglrainf calrai LM inns for all i ittinp ;m1d WaM+o Melling lhc 1wirAinl 1CIP4 srnalyd by a Lriccnscd Nofessicinal I nJ;inC'Cr in Twi s. 3_ Fubri-ton mid lay drawings sllowiilg a schematic loomilon with profile imad a tabollmod lay -ow selkedulc that is pealed by a 1.Imsc-d Noll�Wnal 1Akgi1k r in Team and includes: U. Pipe Glass b. Cylinder 111lcknc�ia c. Mir diameler and erring d_ JoililI}'pc�-' o. Fillings f, T1lrusl Resiminl SiallonIng (in a=rdarl[:e wiih the Drawings) Iti. Ttal�sili�nc i. faint d�Ilircli�Iti J. Outld Iar 10015 fiar welding, YeniI1-dI n, and awom Is, Welding regiliivnIents 4. Pipe wilhin Casing a. Provide drawing. dv1.iiling1krn-v laipe is reslrainod to pm vmA flaali ig wilhin the v4ksin.g and built uD mvi lm: rinip un'd far nint:Fumi4rts. CmirmXor"s vronosmi ll-eld %veld ure in numrc4o1 L e.wilh AVVWA 06 and AW+ RI A, - — C_ Cedilicaies and Tcsl Rcparts I. gubm imaN for ecrtificnies and lest i 119 ivilorls sha I I lye as imi 1i need GI1 A ri icle 1.9 of this vmm ion. Cmifted less rennrtm fir fsiclnrY we -ids of fillings from an indcpciidlEnt mri it ied iixld ing j n -meelur nut emoluved t3v the n iiit' m Hu iI fmcl u rer. 3. r1'flvdl less r-ripuris for rx1d AV Ids L1'om nip indvimmign1 kortiiRir�]..��hlllEp lom nem r lwii i l gv-Nl ]sV the idne rn u uu faclu rer. -- - i pi V i}]' FMT WGRT11 W.N'11:RAN13 4,r5WARY Sf'1ti'I'k REPLACEMENT Nil ANDARO (.UibMRUC'r1uN SPEOVI(WLION 134YAr tINn. CON IKACT20J, Wsh1rc Iksrn%-d hkive r29.42# crl'Y p"Lvr WX 10%W ]..4i111-6 C'UNCRETE FRESMI E PlPf- RAR-WIFLARK.D. 7c` IMI. CYI.INOR TYFE ruc6ort9 L7 CLOSEOUT SiPBMITTAL.S I1VO'C M131 1.9 ZMAI NTERAiYCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS INOY 13SVD1 ].� QTJAL11'V ANNURAIf-'F A. QuuGificalions 1. Mitnufw urea a- 0a11 be Amerman C011crele Prasswe Pipe Assmiminn (ACIPPA) Quakily Pra�mm Mtilied, 1,5.(), 43001 QVIAity Ctr(ifiA.2111ion Pra%ram certified, or equal, for Cowyete Pressure Pipe and aoc+csssry manurantfing. b. Pipe mfwku facturing s]pemions �pipr, lining, and c inp) shall k performed under 1ho cotilrol (if the 111HIRIfiWLIrer. C. Pipes Shall hit she PTALLrt Of t MariufWkIrer W11iclt 1101s had INk less Lhan 5 ym-, suceessfwlt experience rimoufkt❑ring;t4WWA C103 pipe -uf the Im-niciplar type xnd sire Wi0lyd. 1) T]lis expuicam rcaor� will lac tharoo1ghly invesLipted by the EnZinrcr, a3id; accepunce will be at dit sole disc relion of the 1 ngincwaud City. 2} Pipe mruwfai wring operal ions (pipe, hll inn. I mirk& amd caim i mg) slial1 k perfi+nTud of I Iocatimi, unless allscrrukse approved L like Engineer_ rJ - PipC rJkFkll be ananufmlum-d in ;hCCUI-duitiuw Willi t17e latest revigio :s 0( AWWA C'� 3- Ft. Cv"ihcalions Prior Pn shlpmr+ot ci�fthe Oi e, like Pipe; iM onufa,cturcr s1kall submit t he fW 10wi11g; a- A riifirat-c of Adr~quacy Df Design slatiog that the pipo to be furs ishO complies willh AWWA C'303 and thew Sr4cificalions b. Unpics «fresulls of factory hydms1Wk lc&s shall be pmvided w the Engineer Mditl certilicales, inetuding Omni kal and physical te.5l rl�&ull5 for cauh heat of steel l) The manufac41ru shall Inrfoint the lasts Lknx� ibed in AWWA lr 0, for all pipe, fittings, and sper`ials, csccrr Thal the nbsorptiori lest dd@ led i❑ this Specif01110h shall svpersedie IJ3e MgUiremonm of llic apJ)licabte pom Ion of d. Cei+l.ihel lest reports for welder c€rtif al" F)r factory and field welds in accordance wilh AWWA C303, Seclion 5 c- Uorliticd lest rcpnrts for eem-enj mortar lesLx f C -i1 i Fjud lust repc+rts for: stcvl cylinder "m C. Iio"tatie Pressure Testing Hydrostatic pwsghLTc t"ling r1kall kneel Ot I;eed like i-:guireurcats Of AWWA QQ3 Sce iciLl 4.6 — Fltlxivatiau- a. Each pipe oylindtr, witl, ring weldad Lv its crA, Shall be hydrosial ica I ly reslecl prior le spplical inn -nf l filing or i al ing. b. The intcrrwit test pressure shall Lic Thai which resulLs in a Gbcr sarrrss cguAl to 7.5 PCrC0111 of ilrc IM11iurun3 yictd mrcryglh of the sleel tud. c. rwli pipe cylindertesled sh811 be calrlplcLely worerli�M une.Ccr niaxinium tfint d. Test pressure: shall be hold for suf]iriCaIil iinn toobserwe the Id scams. Orr V iW Py,)RT m7RT1I WATIEF ANFI sAIIPIT CRY 5F..WER RMACEMEhTr MwmiRn {'UN5TRucirICN 51'L'ClFWATION rXX'LAMLlfls CON TRAC 7 tin 1,11 VA.4` Rtxivad NotiBrtkbl!F 24, 2WJ C'Ii1F PRDJIF�, NO. I R15W 331L 13-7 CONLI VMF SLURI,, P1 K, fmlAIl•WL%PM!11. s I EEL C� LJNDQR TYPE IAd 14 c- PGIw marwraeturer sliAl lvain[ain a recording «f [i« prcMHru xaugu rc:pud gild providc to 11W Erlgirwmr- 1 Fittings shall tic fabricated from hyclrork$tically IesiCd fifit OF fabricated nrwr-lded stecl shccts or irF.R1cs ner AWVVA CID 8, sittings shall he Lesird in arcardaftc& with A lei WAS i 303. All weldr. on is ltin LN shall be tnied bar hydro%talic lcm, ultra "We lest, air teslt or iiw n Particle le st...M."l ! lfi Al he ikkM a bw a:n riEYing air In 19ie welds al W Iiin o nil u ner so Ica re inelk ii res&u re artd chrvkin Z far leaks around :and Ill�h iNrlds tiri[h a sos,M sajuIion. Is sidditica. S ntreenl of welds on Ii[lkp allots lr1• ivikocked wilkl. -t,rls nr ultrwonic Ieming hs- aiii i3idenendeml ckrtlifW weld Ina i nsneclor vikild for lkv the nine Anon u famurer 3. Faclory Tossing EL Ccm-cml Manor Cci l ink - A bsurpl<i0n TMI Ij A watcrabwrplioft less shall be p Womed on samples dcumd 1arorw cling I:pWi bone eaph working qhA a) Vic mortar rros1111i3lg samples shall have Ott wrc-d in the same maniler as the pip& b) A tell value slkel I c[msist of the awcrn,�c of a minirnu in of 3 s.unplm Taken from the same mwcrh i uig shi CC. c) The [eA muthod shrill be In accoT&om willi ASTM C497, Mctklod A- d) Thu ayerixge absorption valin few any lest shall nnl exceed q fcnccrrt and no individual. semplu shall have an absorption exCft-diug 1 L perceril. e) T"s For caress wof k i ng sh i A shall bc Wrormed oa a daily hasis um i I cnnfflrrnanoe to the absorptinm rc4u3rt1rient5 ![as bftm vrAobl I shed by 10 crntisccutiwe passing tesi r4mu5ts, at whidi time le.s+ti lag may be perFormed on a %meekly basis for mh worWng MOft. (I ) L7saidy tesling Shatl he resumed for each working shill wish failing a6oTp1ILnj wsl rtSL1115 Amid small be minintained until contbrinarrix to 0e aborption mquiremenls is I+e-<MLRtslisilsd kvy I a wm5ECu1ivr- pmFLing lc:sl M5111t1, D- U-cincni KI{}1161T i.i»iuK L- Si"a-apptivd winerit vnorlu lin ijkp sha11 be Wst d En wc-uclanec wilh A V1 WA C303, E. Cily Telling and Inspccliun l_ The Ckyr Fuseryn [he cpllcrt No have as Hulclwndait testing laboratory, at the Ci1fa expensmv, ifsspert pipe and frttings at the pi pc mallufaclurce4 plans, a. Tito City's 1csting laboraloly and Engineer slsall luive Frcc. wtcrss to the manufmclur&s plaol. b. The pipe manufaelmwshalI woify the City, hk yelling,, ai keam 2 swcks prior ick pipe Fabrication as to MW of Nbrkal ion and fahr6i;-A4i og s6rdulc. The C ilyr Nvi I k ihcn sdsrise the insnufraurcr as try Gibs dvei lion rclyLrd i i% tuts to be perFndrnL�d Lay an indepmidai[ t�sling laboratory_ c- La llie Gwent llic lily ekes to relain an independent lesliag Iabomwy to make maturia I seal s amid weld tes[s, ii i4 the inicni [hat [he less k lim NAbd to I spot IWIng nFeach calc�u uilless the lads do not shuw � ampkl MOM Willi lire standard. ' .Try �w Erik I 'M,W11-1 ti' KrE-R ALNE) SANITARY !KFWFR KFP1J5OiMFNT ,;TANpARi? 4'{ rkl. llf SPIX IFICATFQP DOCUMENTs• CONTRAL7 31N1. WSM—C RevimA hioncuftr4.'9-2W3 CITY KMKCT NO. LW.SM 33]J 13-t COMIRETE M-MUki Pi PE, 0AH-WRAPPM). �MIFXL CYLINDER TYRE tof It 1) If 1how tL:s1s do nod shotiu Compliance, Lhe City rescryes the rigid to have ilia labor-alury make additimbal wsrq wd -obscrvations. 2- The inspcelion and lesting Uy lbe indepelti&A 1cslinp, labnram-nry anlicipates that prWntA'mi of pig shalt br- done wor a normal period of time and wilhakut "slaw downs" or oLhcr ubm mal delays. a, In khe evail lhat ao abnormal production time is roqviwd, and tht City is "Llired (G pay awcnive casts kr ins `ttonF Bien the Cfmir.Kilor sWr be MgLliMd to reirmburse the Oily rhT 9Lwb cM over spill aboyc the which would have 1 n iliCUFMA a %6w a normal schedUIC Of pri>iJkCJi0kk a.s dUftmiincd by the CII' inCCr. F. M;RhUfarULimr's Technician for Pipe 3nslallakion E- Pipc Manufwturer'& R�pre9en1zA'1Ve e. Miring the con!s1nuetican pwiod, the pipe I)3anufwAk3rcr Mien fwrnish kite seFy1urs of u factory trained, +141ifla, jOb experierited LcOmieian to adwisc and a1pstruck, as necossrwy, Gn pipe loving and pike jninting- I ) The tec-boician shiniI assi%k inid iadwtar ihr Cwracwr in his pipe layiikg aperm.i,ons and hail insmm constriction per;nnnel in punper joint P%smnlhly and jolml. Inspection p r x+edures. ?) '1'hc technician is not tequirvd to be pan -site FLLII t ime; he w ver, the wrlinician s13a11 be mgubrly on-sike during ilm firs! 2 -%Y=ks of pi:' 1$yiog ,M)d LhCMFlcr tks "Llested by the �Enghlcer, City or Cbniraalrjr. 1. 10 DELI V ERY, %Tk RA(;F, AN a HANDLING A. backing 1. RFCPLR rc pi Ise lbr sh ipirl'onk 10: a. �kF#'ard maxi�q�rLt1 pr�lectiar� ftiNii klerma] hafardso�lr�rL�p�r#�tlall b, �Ih�aw pipes to rc-ac� pm�jrq sjtc 111 RI1 k11��8nIS�G+� �tl�ld'IDn 2. Pipe darnap ctl in !�11iP1119 rt shal l rlol be del fwercd to the project sike unless such dumagpd pipe is propcdy repaired, 3. After the cuakph-LcA pig and fillings hRve ticen removed from khc final cumal 11io MOM plank; ;1- Protret pipe I in ing frnFn drying by paeans of plastic. end covers banded Jo foie pipe ends. b. Maintain cowers ewer die pipe t3ids al all tln]ci unk i l rewly to hu i no-u l W- e. MOiSIUre s13a11 he m aims inad inside the pipe by Pa:riadic adchLian at wnwr as. ta3ry. 4. Pipcs Jmll be c3mfu I ly suppulird during shipwvil and storage, a. P1 i)u, hltiugs and spccials shell be sepwaWd So thal they do not 1!war against each other and the vylRile load shall be 9ccurely fasken ell to p evom maVCJl10k( in kfanSit. b. Ship pip c on paddscd bL3nks with lie -down straps Upper K imately over 9k1111ing, c. Store pipe on pi ddM skids, sand ns dirt twmis, tiros or other:suiLable ni"ns to protal The pipe from darna�e, d. per, -Cnd and cult length of pipe. Fitting or spoeial (42-inches and hirg4Cr) and the middle of each Pipe jcinl Anil he internally suppaortrd and hractad wiilb VwI Is to wainla1A a hake circular sliapc, i. 1 n4cma l Stu 11s shall e0149ist of k iuibm- OT sled firmly wed fond wurcd m) LhM ShlIls reran in pkace during storage, shipmiml and installation. ITTY0P FCMTNV RTFI WAVER ANDSAMTARY s0wgk RFRAITMENT s'rANRAIRD C'DNSYFtUC710N 5d'ILs:11 pl:ATkW Ix74'11MJ:.N 4 U)m+fMA(7 XZ 1. WSM-0 Rsrisad N3VM*W n. 2W! -UJ Y rROM.f T M WISH as 11 1}-9 C13MI1-rF. TREMURE PIMRAR.WRAPPEa-STEEL f'Y1.1MW-R1 V11-= iii, Pipc sfmalt he mtg" sn Illat nalc s1L111 mmaim wertural during momgc, shipmnit and iltslall�Eir�n_ in- At a mimmm, Aulls shall be 111.Lced m uar.h L?n+Jt�r cll{I�Ir�pl -Ire r�l slid cenw- ii. PITE shall ibe slulted as rraui roil in maininin rnundnr!rs ol-41- i , or D 14.000 t trachcs], wh ichuyer is Ic-A, duri L mgshinniag Hnd bandlin V. Da 1101 MMWO $lull$ it in Ol PlDc ib barLkifillcd. F3- DO ivory, I fiwdting, and tit-ragc l- Oiicc the first shiprrrent of pipe has bran delis'crcd jo E11e sitA lllc rMginecrand Lhe Contmror sliaLl iiispea die pipeN intaiorcoaling, ffirexcc slwe urack111g. a. I f gmuessirre rocking is FLMnd, m cumling them I lowanuc in ar WWA C303- i ndi'fy shipping prxedwes to reduw or el iminve auking. 2- I3ctivor, handle mid sAore pipe in acmwdmnce %wilh tho nimu factura's rccwdmeitidotierts to p uhh'A cuud'L1)g sys7t-n5- U, Makhig for l4cMilic Mion i- rorwh jr}int of pipe and oach lifting, plainly mark on I Grid: a. Class for vwhA it is desigazItA bt Date of manidatifer c, Idem i licudirm nuniber d- Top ccnl rliiws shA l be marked can all specials. D. %ni of Dcliwcry I- Tilt Conlr x k re%punsihle W wcuring and maiwRinjug a Iocalion In swwlc 1lic malcriBl in aorordance with Z tCCI iun li t (16.00. FART 2 - P RIti}DIX! FS 2A OWNER-N`LlRNISHRI) S NOT US ED1 12 EQUIPMENT. PRODUCT TYPES. AND MATERIALS A. Manufacturw, I_ Only Lhe manLINCLurers ax listed in Ilse City's Slalldard 13rLxlue11, List wiIL lkL considgrtd ay shown in Sectiou Q 1 60 00. a. -nw manul`m1mvr mW comply wally Ihis SpeciAr-Mimi awl M] Mcd Seclions. 2- Any prudLicl Ihaf is nut lisicd cmk f11e Star,diad Prodlyds List is uwsi&a a sibylitulioil and shulL b,- suhaniticd iTI UeswnMihui with Section 01 25 00. B. miklerials 6mcnal a. Pipe shall bw mmnLll+alr aK4 ip accordance will1 the Islca ruvisinrm of ILWWA C303, AV1 WA tti % as well as 11w special ftquiromfims of Illis Spc�ific.�'t6�i, #r. All Vipc !sllall mi"I the mNj irvm-g-j1ts n(N%J- 61 2. Ct n1e1LL a- CL`incil[ for use in cmwrew anc1 ukurlar SIMll bC I'YPV I ur IL P01-1.15L❑d C u1L•m, ur` ('11 y11V14IRT VAAEIt sn'.s:rINLR13 c x}N% I Jdwi 14 m sPFr,IFi(-A71Kw1r4x,UMFNrs 4 AT01 AND S NIT&RY S� 4L'E.R xi. K-ACIPMEwrl LYK41RILL TMIL WIWA' Rariscd?4u»si•bcf:�P.2f}.1 CITY TMO)E.C'TND. M35w COWAM M'SSURF RirY, nJ4RoWR?SPIrED, M..E.L I-T1.1N1)F'I#TYM rpuG IU-of IQ & hggtegmes fur WiLcaotc 1-Ming and coeiinF, shall vonform to ASTM C33, 4. 'sand a- 'Sand used for inside and imtside joints slifill be of silica base, mif Tieing to ASTM C~ 1.44, 5. Special Cmitig (Mortar Rings) a_ Pipe to be ingalled in emin,gshail lim, 2 bUi1C-lip morim rims. each Approximmely 2 fn{.-i lorq� avid slighily higher than the pipe bell, to prevuii 111e pipe from being XL1lipOrt-xl by the pipe: bet 1. h. BUilt-Up MOF F r Fillgs arc lobe appliod al like quutor points of tht p'kPC scc4inn. :G. iNirkrtiir Iiiiinj-- shall 11e' ccntrifLLValivr cast 10 leave a smantiM liniiz_.AI# ry ugh st10tli s hall 11t- g taw wi diAv m m4V i tgb flg— slonu *r olktr swrwec� MCI hor1. -- 7, €'ow lin s1. Noma r cash I np sh oil be d j AN{ lisii . wi Eli im c rN-u ks hk r�!fir than li 0 i 1-1 in e {0.O10 inelkes) -- 8, Bash iiip, CokiplliiW a1nd Pick a, When nutlets or zaps are 111fe tded, furnkik and inuall brag Feducing hMlshings in larger stixL half eoLiplings4 far the -nutlel si?R indicated. b. 'Chided plugs steal I iw bn,ss- 9. mixcs a. Cvniu t h+ OKar 1) C=enierl:t mordr wuA for pouring joints Mall consist or: a] I Purl PMIIMFW f 7CMelll b) 2 paTes eleven, fine, sharp silica sand e) Mixed wills water d) No nlaikurocturod gild shall be perm iti-A e) Exteriur juini morur steal l he M ixcd to the OgnRi!MrrWy of Jbkk eMML 111terini- jOinl MAW s6alI L4; inlxcd wilh as Citik water as pmIlAc so that the rnwar is very sliFf, ball workable. g) Comerit sW I be ASTM C 150, TAw t or Typc d I or ANTN 17%95 Tyke 11, Cement. h) Sind shal l cc Jbi—I-n icy A TM C 141. 2) Coment miurur M1sW fur patch U% steal I be mixed as per cenleail m Lwt;)r for inside joints, 10, d{riAl WFIkPprrs in. Joi III wrappers shall be mamifaeturr+d by Mar-Msc: mar Awwring Corrkpfiny, ur appro r,d equal. b. For pipe wilhin casint, I-Isvc Protex joiaMl filler, or approved gidu1, nmy be used for pipes litot eiAn tie welded from the interior. 11, Fl"jbba Joint ('ouplilags a- Flexible Joint CaUPI ings shal k be DIVMr Style 3 B, Smith -Blair tity Ic I I 1 or $ppluvM c4ua1- 13, Pipe Ends a- The Mdud pipe end shall iiiehide Csrqsicci-joiFrtriiig:ind:ic-ontinikDug Solid rubber ring gasket as.Pcr AWWA M9. CITY OF FORT W%DRUI WATaR AM SANITARY SEWER R[FLACLMOn STANDARDCONSiRUC'IMN SPECt WA11ON rxM'1JMEW5 CUNTRAC_`T2022 . W11M L Rerlized Nenember N. M!1 CITY PKIjFx-T M3. I4)d5W 3111 13 -11 CONCRETE PRESSURE V1M. DAR�WRAPPI�STED. CY13NDER TYPE hBf J I a( 19 13. Cmkws 1) Flange iit xcordancc with AWWA C207- 2) Provide (ia5kcis in acc.ardenc-cwi13r Scetiom 33 1 1 Q5- 14. Dolis and N A, a, Mariged Ertds 1) Hange i11 accordance with AWWA 007, 2) Novide balls and nuts in aeoard mm 3vith Sectilm 33 11 05. IS. I SOIalti fi FL MPS at. FiaDges required by 1he dmk-�ings to bc Twlatioal Flanges aha ll cont�,m, 10 Swim 13 414 1 a, 6. Flange Coal ings a. f'lar%e Cmings in sl;wFdalKe wills Seetion 33 L 1 05, I?. Thmaded Outlets a. where oullcls or laps are threaded, -i'hn dcd with OU 'llkrcads and furnish and iuslall brass brishings Fvr the wi lei &i2t nidiemed. L 9. Weld End Outlets (if aplxl icabke) a_ U-w of 1hrcsdcd-nutiet4 4br access rar w0d leans is perm iited- b. Add iliorml ouilci aonfiprmiions shall be appmvud by the Engineer. e. Outlets mil be wtldud af1,w w-ge. E �, S,1iap R 11i�,S a. S11ap rinp shall be manufaclmed by Weir-ii-, T 1omnson Pipe Gmurr, or appr +. d egolit. C. Prfarltiatle f 3esigltiritcrir> L. Pipc 13csicil a_ Pipe steal I b; desiptied, rn-aniirfaeitwed mid tegwd in acoaadam willt the lalem revMRins of AWWA C=303. AWWA M9. as wall m the spoeial mquirmetlts -of 1 h74 :Spnsi rkatloul. b. Si ws and pressom classes (WOFkielg I)Frvsure) 0all ft as specifled in the c. For iihe pLkgXVWS of pipe design, Ivarkiug prmum plus iransicnt pressure shall bG as i33 Diu ticd below. d. pipe desiglt &]Call be bawd art trencli comdc iont5 mid design prvssmm c I specified in Ilse T)r vehigs, c- Kpa shal I be desiped ;iasuud'H1U to die methods Md icaled i n AWWA C303 arrd A WWA M9 for trenclt aonsiruei iait, using t1le follchwi 119 pammelm: C) Until Weigh! of Fill (w) = 130 pounds per cubic foal Live L-cmid = AASHM IA-20 [ruck For Wipa-rtd condil vans Live Loiid Cooper E-80 Ic)ird 1mg fk m i ITuad crosgiltp 4) Tvnch Depili = As indicalW on Dimcings j Cmflicacm K.' = 0. ISO ¢) I mach Widih (fib as ihdkmlcd out Drawinip 7) Bcddl% C and iliorts - as indiuted aLn Drawings 8) Pressure Cless = 15o psy min. k4wir i ng pressure 9) $urge Aikwmnco= 1l00psi niinimhuu a) wh=_ T-aial prussuro (inGI udii% surer.) - 150 pri + 100 Iasi — 250 phi 10) Dt5xi iorl Lag Factor = I ,� 1 1) Soil Kc&oirin Modulus (p;') < 1,M)b CrrV OF FORT WORTJI TA},' MEWCC%NSTRUCTION SPEOFWA1110N CXI?MFT7F* Kltvi*W' Yr 29.20K3 WAI ER !StilO NAK37ARY gLEWER k1!VLAC:FMPwr ;-M1rRA47M 1. Wk24A: CITY PIiMEC-r NO. 1I~354G 31II 13,12 CONCUT1. rnE.N o i 1F Ii FV.. ILAIR-WRA PP ED. STEEL CYUNDIER TYPE VIP I2 of d9 12) JU1I t inn u 1 n v4dcilihit-Ld d{ Ilee6ad, Dv-Dz=1 *A or Ii2fU00 U)i WhiehtV03- is Ic a 13) Coirflrsium k = IOL04 14) Me be iltAlned 163f till vacuum caudiiiona. f. Tr4mch du t�d ailcr cx fisting utililics arc I�uai�J_ ] � l�erticnl 7kI�,iIiCICn1 III-augcs roquin�d bccaLlS� ofexistwng illlli�}+ � �ilticr c013flint4 shall bcacoomm-OdMod by all 2PVMPr1M9 chagc- in dire design cleplll_ 2) TH Iirt case 914a1l pipe fxc insraRM decrrr than aR# design rillo4ys. P, V4 hOM Iih ' rt: y4N krirrS g4d Wunl[l cMernal -qu rpno rt in oclik-k-c fhb nrprrificd max imniu d-Mcc n. Re (too I u.I.l9+Ir {titi ith c-once rren m fi-nm the }a� ,rr4 n;Rnufarlurcrl will he ncuuired 41) furnis#L fur hire QnI hill ni elLl, - - i? Nip adilWiDnal aamrmm. t�lion will he the Cunlrselar by the City AhIL!j I h it me hod is rcaulred, II_ N'ttel PI111VIdk'LE 1) RA r rein fa rccmt-3I I = 40% or Che 1012I MM Of circumfcrcn hal !heel UVIikLAV=fill% of Ilia fctwl arciL nr viut!'amfereallal rCiD O'VCC CDt i. M inimu nI Lj u Lc thickllem fif slc &&r Fur jj rrr` m nil 511i n r1,a AsAl be as desker vjl, I3 M I illil lvm 1hslu Iilc fG11uwiuc — Na"Aft-al L'orr Min im um M inim Ilm (;3111p2 i Size QM) Thickness (In 1 9 fi - 24 0.047S 36 14 QLI"4'7� 42 1 5 �kjqi.. 48 12 0.1046 54 11_J9 60 _ Q 0.1 #4S bG 10 0.1345 9 0.1499 2. Pmvlsion s foi- hnim a, 'rhrtilst ut hc:nrls, ices cjr cthcr Cilliugs shall W miovd by titi'rided joints or snap rings, 1) T�Tipt at bards adjamil 10 casing sliall bG MSI.rained by welding joints 1111MLIgll tht casing and a sufficient 4a94Itch side of like GIsin#_ 2) No II)FLISt M'trMillt rMrrihilr ran shall he 31104VO for pillre ill -Mirk LUJIM 11ho 40111I1ar spue in lase -asi nu is in I Icd with gmLu. 3) 'ncc distance For lhrual rotor ilki shown -on IIIe DmwirL s i s the rain imiarr fidstruiiil i1nd dues nail rrlicre the nimmilMuTer ROM "IIA11011lig I11c resvaint rid& as slncii-wd fLE7" lln. 9) In 4D ca5g sliajl the rc IMillLxi dl5tanC-c he Jess khan iJSdi-rlCd M IIle Druwillgs. CITY OF F{xk r WE)RI Id WAT[R AND SAM7ARY $iFWIM REIR"EMENT STANaAMP (;13f,l5 FRS I(-rr[M SPF.�CI FKAI I(M EK)ClJMFNTS 1PDW FLA&'r DN 1, WSM -C kvkscil N1j eanrbsr 24. 2D2) CITY PR42JEM' NO. J-DISM 33 1 13 - 13 L'(IM:REIY IR M USLE PIM DAR-WRAPPED. STEEL CYLINMR TVVE b. Restmiimd joints shall he mA a suWicknil distance from each side tof111C twwl, Inc, plug or wlicr filling to retiist Ilkrust which deveinps at the design VwswrC of 11w pipe. I ) Tlke disarm rod thrust resltaint sl myn o11 the Dmwinp4 19 thU Will iNDLItMM rrslrainl and tine,. nut relieve 1hr inonufwumr from coloOsithig the rGV raint Toads as spcoifitA herein_ a) In 1)0 caSe s110I1 Ilse N&irSirkA disLailec be Icss Ilion indleawd (Nk Lhe Al a minimum, Al fiHinp and sne+cinin wish pullets a6M11 be welded to eannccl inff niri� rOgArEIlcss Of i � 1 he Gtli nWs HFV iadieekd l6 be resirsin.od Ilk 11h{`-DY14wiu 3) Weld all i ahiU all Berl Lcnl j nd tins-ixon IgI po 111s of iilfleellan I+c�Ilec Of if tlkOSE lncailnas :Ms-e is ikiiiierl i(k be reslrai wd in the Drewhi 4) Rcalffilned joints SM1 consist of vr6ded a613Is ar �nsi rims. 5) In areas when roArai nrd joints are: oscd for lhrmt mAraim, the pipe ABA have:q&,gvlccyliiidcr LhiCknM to jFalmMil ft 111ruco fps. c_ Thrug rrsiraiu1 dome 1) The leiiglh of pipe wilt reswained jcinis 10 resist thrust form shall be verified by the pipe manufrclM w in ac danm witli Ak'1 WA ! 19. TI DFI And, IIIC l'DIID4 hl3 : a) The W-righl of D- rth (We) slhalI be dalculated e51he weighl of Lhc projwed soi L prisin F6ovo tk pilx- I ) SDiE Nnsily = L10 pounds for cubic W (maximum valuc to ba usLA for unsutur+l: CA s011). 1}} Til r usl desivn nrewiure im ual Ca the workiu?. nrewure mils surd 11111c" Nure, c) Frictiu n faclor - 0.25 d. Throsl cul lars w i 11 vil ly be penwilled fur loin powy plugs. L) 'i-hruri collars may Fml he used fnr any other appEication, unless approvod in wniiaip by like f ngilwer_ 3. l nside Diameter a. The ins* diamcw, ofilic cement molar Hiking shwll be the nimina 1 diamcler specified, kmic-,s otherwise indicated -on the bmwineti_ 4. JuiikL BrAidfi, lawlm d Cullnecliuns and Flaltge Cimkels a- loinl Rondo, Insol-Ricd Cwkneclion and Fjolige {Cads sJhmill he in mccni-da r wi4h Sertirm 33 M 10. 5. ileud Fittir►g& a. All bend Fillings shal I ly-- ioiig rod itis fo PCNllii Passagc of PilXlilkC pigs. fi. Fillings wish 1- lsnges a_ FJange,d_�uhds shall be pFmi&d uI coniiewluns EU vulwes and whCW InJieeled oil IIIe Drawl1w. b. ]suds 10 be fated wish slily-aM ilangc5 shall ikwc the longO di,iai -Cx spiral wows grnLusri i U9h 10 aCCOInDWOM Ilke jjj C of flakes prowided_ c_ Plpa flruig" and field wcldmg of ilangh Lo Concrete Pressure Pipe shall cooionii 10 the rPL olmme11is of AWWA CFO's and AWWA C206. d. 13ipc it Mlges S IIall tW cif M1.ij1 fxc3: ire Cqua1 to or grcalcr �1�akr talc aM pipe Glass. e_ Flanges slkall umitch the fiabigs arakppurteltiimiru:es w1kich ark 1-0 be milmho-d_ (-i1ry ()F R)Rr WOR 1 la WAI FA AND SAMARY &KWF.R fL K-ACFM1•:err .JTANPek 3 L41N rRAUT M I. W.W' 4' Rarsed Nurani&O 29. 2R23 -U TY F'RQ1F(7 N0. 1113500 33 11 13 - 14 G�4]MmFTE Fusmm inrE, om-14'fJ rrm. MEL CYLI RM-A TYPE IFW 14 of 1f f. Flailges stall be Class E willi 275 psi warking pmssum in accordance with AWWA ('307 ak in mcordance wilh ASME BI6LI Class 125 for area dfmienamd Wilk 4t 2;5 Psi Igst pimssum. 7. Pith;. ttl [no Hnd mxvisls shall he d I ned loch that Ike maximumstirmes in the nine d1iP 10 thlrusl Iwlding will nol exceed 23,J)D11 45 'i'�p minimum rhicku of sh"1 or q3tli~ rtw 11Ii14r�L shalt be in with AWWA C30j. 2J AC-CESSORIESINOTUSF.D1 2.4 S0U rZ-(_ F. QUA L.n-y (:fi'r-r1R0l[. I NOT USED] PAW[` � - F, EC- t11 It m 3.1 INSTALLERS JNOT USED1 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED1 3.3 PREPARATION INOT USED] 3A INSTALLATII` N A. iniiml I . PZ iur trr i uslallaijon. coord inme aml conducl kii pittg1mylige row-uut Icsl in &LXyr11:A uC wa III Scctlhd 013 b 00. . 1 nstall C017cm10 l'ressLIM rips, F1 I Li 11gs- spL: is Is quid appaLrwnu:iaccs as rtyu h-cri for the proper f inctimiing ref the cmmpictcx pi Ile lirrir. 3. Install pipe, Filllll9s, ljwials acid appLirtunance-, as sperifW herein. &s -10 AWWA M-9, and in wordance wills the pipe momfeclurces recommeadmiorls. 4. Lay pipr lu ilia lines and �ra&m 9hawon the Drawings, acavatc, embtd mid biwkf'ill trtaichcs in amxwdmicc wifla Sactino 33 (15 10. 6. Al iiie tkise nf eatik -apcmi i,bg day; e. Keep Llie pip-o i_ lean a and free of drbrK dirl, an imAls and tmsli — dwing arA alicar the layialg OperWilml. la. Fffecliycly seal the epcak find of 1lie pipe using A &iskeled drill ate - 7. i f pipe is placed ill casivB. IMIFuiN pipe from finating a-, " WR4 in A rticle 8- Pipe Handling I . Haul and didribruie pipe fittings 11 the lmjecl Site Slid hLbildliv pipin# with +tare to avoid dinfrtBge. . Before lowrft into Ills Irench and itispccl r..nch john of pipe and rgj1W or nepeir erry daukaged piK 3. Pipc shall he handled al all rung with a mhiiimklm of I wide rwwabu-axivc sling, lelis gar;Aher quipmtmi: dcs4pxA [a PFCVCpl daanegc to 114c "ling or lining. Lung will not bill-wrd. 4- 11w equipment shell he Laps in such repair Isiah its cominucd Wye is -neat injurminkis io Ills imenn& 1-Y1 ' 1]F FORT 7h MUll w Ttk Am) -"P+rrhxy sfwF:K REMACEMENT 5TANVAFtDCCISTI#UC'TWNSPIECIF1 AIIII(WDOCUMENTs TonertrCT2@21,W&M-C Keriwill Nwmmkr 29,2021 Crer PROJECT NO. .1c�1oq U IL I! - II Gt71+IC P fF NKE:titilaRt I�irr ICAIL-WITAPIPECS. Va'F.1• (:Yr,1N171F.R TYFF Taw 15 of 14 S. 31vi, spariing *f pipe suppods rcquircd L4 handle the pipe -i'limil km mil cqualc W pwmil cracking or damage to the Iiisirtg or cxmliqg, C. Pkpe joi nl iog E. QCF14 I a- 111Hma ighily clean Ella broil and spiv rinf,s M- orr laying oath joi m ref pips by brushing and wipirLe, ia. if any dmntage to ilie P"Qcl ive Coating on Gha Illegal Ilan occurred. repair the daniagv hcfinm laying the pipc, c. Lubricate 111e aisle -EL and the i uside surfwc of lira hell with an approved lubricant ofix 909�) WhiCIL ~mil l fai;ifilale: the telicoping of the joiM. d, TighE My fit logelher "ions of pipe and emcise omm to meld re Im al wgnnlcrrt and gmda, er. Whui u JoML of pipe its km iiig laid, pimuc tht; gaskoL on titer, spigu+l ring mid uiLtvr 1lie spigot end of like fipc imo the bell of the adjoining pipe mtd F e info po5ilion- I) '[fie Ensidcjoint spera between cads of Ilse pipe seclions shall have an opening wilhiit the lolesrances as reoamm-mtded by like pipe nimmfaeluver. Use irllnt spacers &i aA incati6na In nriewent over-mabhiR a" 1 f_ No "blocking up" of pips OF joints will &, perm ittrd, and i r [he pipe is nrrt imiforinly salpporied oP aloe JLAH not made up properly, remow the jc'hit and properly prepa m the trench, Afler juinin& chock !h,e po%iloon of 11lc gs*ct wia1i a foetesr gauge_ I) lir[lle� �;lk5iGC1 IS oul ���5lI14rl, elrsanhle: [he joint anr� repc:a[ thi~ jeainl ' ing, promdure. 11_ F CW i nlcrirlr wcid€d juinis, complete hack r4 11 ing hcC= weld ing. i.. rex exterior fic:id-wedded joinls, pnavidc: adequnie 3vorkiug room tlrid& and ber,ide the pGpc, 2_ Ex[crior Joints a. Make the vxlericc joint by placing a jqDinL lvmppar orumild t he pipe and scctlm in place with 2 anetal straps. I) -Pic wrapper g3mll k p inches voile for pipe 36-inches and la r, sod 7 me imm w de for smAiller Pip, himmed am cash side- 2) The wmM)er s1Mall k fi oerglass reinfc d of burlap cloth, wO lengths eaicimling 6c pipe, leaving crmlgh opcliing Wwccn ends Eo Alow The nmmUr to be poumd inside the: wrappm MW the joirll_ 3) rill th,e join! wills monar tram I side in 1 codMlinuoLax opemlion oniil i has noumd enl i rely a uciond the pi pc. 4) 13LAng the; fil ting of llte j-nilrt, pat cw manipalalc the sides of the wF pM w se[lle the: nxii a and a xpal any em rappud air. S) Lciairq� wrappm in place LltkciastudW aldttil Lhe moilm hoe. sal -up. 6) FM ual emlled or hR-vkfi l over mile fav a minimum of two hours to allow ma P14r3- lip sd u P. Al they start of Illc Dru irei. -mai-m is Iwo ioints flit nitre lei vu6r2: inerta r Marrs trol h:%ve shrinkage trmc6. 3, Iribador Joints a, I)rA-m;ci i-Iclicli ofb;sckf llirig of llic pipe trcirKlt. rill the insides johil mmis wish a stiff commi mnriedh Wstre:ng0i jgmuc. CLTY OF FORT + 1uKT11 WATEFt AND SANTrARY SFWUK REPI ACF MINT SIALKFNIDA FION MCIFICA Y M DDCUMENS LXXq T RA-U 11 M21,WS14-t' Ric- hx0HoviWKr".2DU e;ITV ivRK1115L"YW3, 103im 1111 IA-34 4 4'RFTF. F RES5URE PI K. BAR-WRAM.17. 111:3:1. C VUNr7ER TYPE Poll; 16 of ISM h. Nor lea placinh of inrniarl"I, eleAn ml dint or lraslk whilah has aollectcd in the joint and moisten the MkGrde mirfa6es of [be jpfnl Tw by spraying or brushing with a wo bmsh. e. Ram ar pack the sLiff nicirtartgro;LT into llte joint space and take extreme csrc to iiisore hilt nr) Voids Tcolm11 iiti the joins sParC.. d. Aftt;r !hc jai nl bm been filled, lcVe9 the surfacex of the jainl martprigrow with the interior surfacc4 of 1l1c pipe wills a steel Irmel so Ihot the surface is sinnolh. c. 1 nle7ior joimg of pi pe srrlal Icr dmik 21-inches shall have the hvtlotn of like bell buitmd with groo, prior to uasertivig the �Igol, such that when 1Iw spigA is PLIS13ed inla posil ion it will immide smplus grout f(OM tIMPinl_ I ) TIn. surpEus ,rout shal I he struck off flush willt the insidt; of 191e pipe by psi [ling a ri I fed burlap bag or sin iuflalcd hail through The pipe with a rope. 4. Weldad Joints a. Weld juinls IF) a=rdance %xilh the -0VWA M9 and -A A C206. 1) I: orilraclor sluitl provide aduquatc vcFailackv for wel€]c1 arict for i lie Oily to ok crve welds. 2) [mesa ulllunvise spccIfEc d on the Drawings. welds shall be fu I I circle fi11e1 welds, b. Adequate pror+i ens for redimf lag tampermtLim Simsses sha11 he 115e rrtsNNibility Ofthe COr1(raEAflr. c, 110forc wcldIFlg: 1) TIVOI'nughly cleme pipc ends. 2) W-W pipe by mixlline or her [far rnmmal 4tielded eIecLrlc arc Frucess. d. Melding s;llalI he perfoomuxi so as 1k(A to danaagc fininf, or coatim$_ C. 1:unI_1JI lafsar, eglLiprripll, tools slid supplies, Im lud Mg shielded iype weVi iig rid. 1 j Frmimt wrkling PA foam mly deWhomli-un prior to its tKC. 2) 1 f log VDrl ion of a box or carton is dantiaged, reject the eni ire bcm or milon. f. In all band welding: 1) The mr'!al .6311 krc depasiled in sumgsAw la±rxrs. 2) Not MOM LI791L Ilg inch nrnielsl 5113111,10 deposited irf each pass. 1) Each pass: wxcopt dig fins 1 1, %whether in butt or f llel welds, shal l be lilrrmu ly �nbbcd or; pmmW 10 relieve 5116 f W siresms and to mDowe dirt, skg or flux beFbm the succmding tKod is applied. d) Fnh pass AM I be ilmm-imgldy fusrd imo the plairm al exh side of the %velding gmDve or M let and shal I IWI be pffm itt-rd ID pilm up is the center of like weld. 5) URdUCL111illg akmig the: side shall Fwl be pmiiticd_ g. Weld, sr11311 he fry fmi11 lain h411e9. min-11tiuLuili; imclLkskns. R1r packw, ~114kmLmIrLS mWor are} teller rk fcu I s_ h. Ifthe ends or the pipe are fA11111111EILLId, split nr da,rla&mil W IIIC OXIelkt Thal miisfacinry welding onvaw caniikM be obiaiinv]. rcmoyrc she pirx fmil1 Me Iine. i_ rurnish ca h wuldcr emp" with a stO01 SLCM I I fray 111ark Ing iLc welds W thal the work of each welder may be identified. 1 i Ha,re each welder menci t I lic pine ndjmx-in rD the rvcld with llic stmk6l atisignud in him. a) 111 13W ftellt anry %Venter leaves the 'ob. his Omeiii shal I b4 voided rued Fred dirl)lieatc[i iFmi(Almr welder is rmp"_ CIFY(W F1)AT W.DKTI1 WATIM Aifi}UNHARY SEWER REPLACUMEW S]'AMPAIKD C'{]hPIiTRUC7XV SFLOFiCAMN f]WUM�wrN C NTRAC 1' 2021. W. X RvfimA Nnrorthn 29. Ml LITV PRe1lR T NO. ID3509 13 I.l 13 - 17 CCNCRb7V PRF5SUF E R1PF- BLAR.WRJ IWD. STEIEL Ll7.l•'N13CR TVIF Ntr V ad-19 j. welcXm I j I Ach Nveldcr cm ploycd by the l` natraccor sllall be regnircd to satisfk orilg P®S'S A welding test ill acCor&ice wilth hW1i A C 6 befort being a lowed to weN on like I inc, 2} Afic'r =h %velder Ins grtal flied in the pre I iminn7 leafs r€ mc5d 145 xbave, impcclions shall be rrlade cf)'uints in the lane. a) Thu inspection will be donc by a Ct'mI 14r1 M;[Jing Iimpeclor retained by Ihr C ity- 3) Any wctdcr making dcfol_tive welds shmII real bc aIlowLd ro cominuc to vmld. k- Weld Telling I Dyne penelram toms in KcGr6mo wil h ASTM F. 1 Lr+.S. or mngwt o psrl ic.1e lea in xccnrdance with AWWA C`206 and set frsrth in AWS D.1. I- shall be peTfcwmtA by the ISM11F O-ar uridur 11m supervision and inspectiu ofthe C~ity's Represmkative or Ail indoNodont toting 5aboralory. ce al I fool weldo jrliul.-L. a) Welds That a= dafeotivc will be rcpl aced tx repaired, Akichmw is demed nocmiiry b�r ilie Digineer, at the Coill mctoves expenw. b) ff lilt Conlrxw dis$grccs with the F.ngiames inlerprcrxtian of Wclding lesu, tint seet"n may be cul frm n the jni»I far physkal Icsl R& The Carrtraclor shall bear the expense of repni rirkg the jaim. regardless of lbc r -mllr, of physical laming. (1 ? The proccdu= far repairing the joint sleall bhe a,ppmYrd by the Enginmr b fbm promxiirly, �. i'rotc�l ion of Expa�o[i Metak a. NTACCl cxpr Red remm Mein by a in inimuln of 1 i uch aaai hig of cemelrl InWIAr Ms pn-viou9i}� Apr.%i wet f,Ur in id jj�i1lt LI11IC 5 other +is SDI tied 1o1 111e D-awimV. h. rXPGSW IarFC flat SLIrfaccS 9UPI5 as f1Mlgei, halls~ caulked joini_s, illrcaded uu16CLb, closrrnvs, etc., S11MI 11RVC CO2111131ig rei.160 A %V1111r galvanived wire mesh. c. TlwmgIdy clear) Mild wet 111e SLlriirce receiving a cemem moailar cooking wild~ %ualcr j usi prior W plac iiq itm ecinent morrar eating, J. Aftcr plWh3g, ta]ce enrc to preveni ceni"I mortar from drying nut Lou rapidly by covering with clomp eardi or LurlHp. e, Ccikioni inoalari c�mLing shall Trot �C applied durilig Omzh5g m-cmh-Dr- (�. Palchin� a- Emmilve flidid-pmulung of lining or a} frog shall not be permitted- b. Ntelring of liming or uoeling will by al1mved w hom ma to be repaired idoes not cx d I GO gti= rocks and W no dimensions gremicr 1 han 12 Inches. c- la ;gencrul., 11iere shall not be i orc thm I palell on 63llker ilke liltiing err tllo Coating -of -Mly I juirrl 4f Pipe- d. Whcrc'cr ra mmaFy to ImWj 11w pip€. make pfetelr wish cement moriar m previnusly spccilied for inlcrirlrinims- c. DO nit i usiJd I patehed ,pipe until the pRich leas been pruperly a kit aslCgL1i1;v3v cured and approved for laying ti�y the Cily. f. PmlripslY F-e1110VQ r ocked laipc fmrrt Ilk(! site. CITY f,3F "T to g&rft 57i4iw1)ARk1 ")NSI7LLK'Tl4WJ .WT)L7FIC-An M UMUMFNTs WArl-MAND SANITARY STMERIMPL4CUMkM V0NritAt'T 201. %VWX NAnwd;1membcr24-3023 (TFYMAIRT109), 193500 j111 13- Ig -CONCRI-FIE rRE&SURP. PI PP- BAR-WkAPMX MM, CYJ 1NDEE T YFF. Pala 19 of 19 3.6 RF-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FI E W QUALITY CONTROL A- Field 111VOC&AS 1, Cleard-mg and Trscirg a, C lean i ng, dWnfeallo3i, 1iydr0s1a110 te•slinp,mend hacicri010.gicB I listing of water Ilud w 1) Clean, flush, pig, disinfect, hydnmaIie, iesl and Me l L 113e whiter m4iiit us .Twif3ed imi fiECUCMI �1 rK 40- 2- Dellecllnu T-mlimp. a. Prior In hwdrxuita#ir llu�. the Cifv'x ip tl-or mid (:unlrAdor sl[all purfurm_def odium Iealing zt a minimum rAte of Z rrt�{ljWRI7111 IN f-UY Mxy i-nilif -of nlnrrt 11. 0tv MHV Mierl MY oMs u+kt M4*114e kr, efled kin run uirunenis of 1W.-i hCCli-lJri. 1 ,. Cam Welk Wtyx"l welding of iuints. vwrld ink insneclionx and a.rnul elf 01..k ivaadc WrlIS nriikr Io 311"' urinQ 1lefletdnii. The we Iliri-inanerliuns sllalL bk clone b-' an indrill odent CWI am docrihed In Neeiion 01 &9. 3, d- Def➢ectia ma: ifltircrlkoli ,jsbaalk-tlk made by the Girv's iWiDertor nik11 Clan lrsicta r. 1) Welds h skLM i1cfe-Ptive wits h�c renha eel 03' 1+e"irexi!. Wh lqlkeYer i decprnLLL ReCMILM IkY t , C'il V. al% the Cunlraa<Iur's esnenw. 2) Method far to kinig meaakk relkkekku a h &ku Iku a 'ram 10 by I hr 0IV io W1,11 I M 1! vJi'mr u in;�4 lhgx the fir --it ioint of uLlwe 3) Measurements shall be rr.Lt&-L i by tht;-C'antreelui% 4) Makc drflcciion meaauremeata ern of nuer thaulch)ys mid no iatrr than 30 day-4 a fter trnckAlling on-urri lions a rc corn rilele. e. IMermiae deflecliun wish veril-clil llwn.siir>Criicnls IArn al fhe iaczlions inditzlyd below. I.orminns where vertical measmmenls-Ar ltlken Anil hL- cte;rriv mrktkrke 1 hr i nterior of I hr ]Dive. i] For_nine ioint! 36 feet i n �en2#Ir. or l ._+ i#irarl Fncmgi remeU Is 511;'La 11 13t larktn aI two Ioczlion.q. 'A -distance from each n]p �!-Dllil<]oiri!r*eketMiu&;36 fcri in k-ajg1hrver[ic5d nitkk5i u kviii k-ri 1% -Ai ii I I lac Inken lit 3 ImaliAns hick DiuQZ.4-4btp p-Ct f mnp 4,101 aim cnd and a I Ih- n i [I V mill FFQintr f; rcrrwdIdM( 1'1ir4 I+k1 C-omulvinu wiIli thr lirlleeiirirk Lteauiretq i) If The awrage ioinl deflerlinn o€a.9iii gle oinI of Nnxsince iticgLilkruFnonI fails to mrel xDecif ealicki theyw4t ejoi-al shwlk bc, T vu wkNl lit 4wo rdmicu with ]he mnnu1actarer'a rvenni ine_ftftl km Pi ad rEirccied by like C'ier al Bp- fiddili"At e081 t4 the C'iIV. This Tnay ilkslude uncover! FLU the _Dine. rr-camnaelioe of b ITlilot beililing mind 1Mrnit-.01<.Ihccuntin� It>AIhc '011dHtei0r'%MPEH)Iksibf p eniktirruriuRl ' 9iki lM1�• mnLl vilculalt nirma� delleciian to verifti' it kner lx sriccifr�cal�an. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST,iNDARDCX STfkkJMON SP13L7F1UAiF1)N17[y4'ImMiENT3 Re%iard]rovae K 4'bPx; WATUR AWID SANITA Y SEWER REPLACr LN-1 OTY Apr Na 1035M 3311H.R 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NM' USEDI 3.9 AD3USTING SNOT USED] 34I1D CLEANING: [N(Y ' t1SI;f1J ! .J I CLOSPOUT ACTLVITWS INOT 1 SY Dl 3.13 MAINTENANCE INCVT USED j 3.14 ATTACHMENTS SNOT USED I END OFSECT901Y Rcvision Lag DA TG NAME SL1MMAKY OF CLEANUE 1.1 .4A. •- W.c m%i25rm for stub ngquiFeFmFH "Ibm , 22E1,1k 11, 12and ra - Addndcmoc Lo¢SWiam 3. 1105 and 33 64 10; r[I4 *ed IMRI( d—speeh3cw3mi I8r balLs. ni,HNWn XUI& cirYf10' FORT W(WT11 WATFE AND SANITARY sEwFK !FLr-.n-AcvmvKr k7 AIyImkl) i+I NS rRXTIQN &rfXIFICATPDN L OCUME 11 CIs+rrrl ACT M 1. Yr SM-C Keypad tq0vtoberN,�v2lk CITY PR,rxMM.40. LWYM SECTION 347113 TRAFFIC CONTROL PART I , I~;F:IYF.RA]. 1.1 SUMMARY A. �wion Includes: U 71 13 - 1 TRAFFICCCHTROL. PSge 1 af5 I- Insiallel ion of'l"rafTrc Control lkuiccrQnd PMpAFEjtil)ls of TraiYic Control Plaw-L E3. []�istinns FrorFL if�is �ity�f Foci Vk+t�o-Ih �Iandan! �}iecilic�iion 1. SLv 3.14 below. C. ReMatod Spec Swims incluk bul RrC MA MCMElriIy Iiniiwdto: l_ biviskm 0 —]lidding Rcquirumcnir, Cantraw Foams and Condigions oaf thr-Caa uwi 2. Di v isim I .. Gerl&al Requirem-mis L2 PRICE A14D PAYMENT ]PROCEDURES A. Mes!gummem and Pavmeni 1. Iiislirllinl ion o1•'FraMc Comrol [Xvioes 1 j MCMUrcnitmi for Traffic C0mlFol Dcviccs shall be pur m,nnch for the "ccl dl,ratimi. a) A mcill 1 is d0mcd es �D calcrW:)r days. 1}_ PaymerLd 1) Tiie work perfonnecl and materials fmmislked in:ncemdance. wi11i 11iis Item and mcmmkoW m prk vLdcd qundcr "McamkrcFrl-vnl' 5hall fic pmid roT 21 the ulkil priCC bid for `rrmtTc CD131rDt". -Die prise krill shall rltic]ude� 1) Trafti is Control ilapicilncnial im 2) lwj.R I Ial Lun 3) MA-11tileltmIce 4) Adj usimmils S) Replr mnents 6) Removal Fj I'0i Ali$i.431MM duFing peak 1,rrurs 2_ l�r�rlahlc Messa�krei�;ns 1) Mrsskumment For i Ili& item shall he licr wcck ror 1hc dhlmlion ofuw. b_ Paymenl l) 'llic vmA- performed and morcr6iis funumhcd in eccordu Sce to Ihi& I(ftmsird ItitiVasur�el M willed Luider'`Measilr rMcrll" shall be paid for MO the unit [viim Wd per iveck For "Podtable MccLmgc Isip" nciit8l. @- The PFKX bird shad] inch c= l) Delivery of Ror:ftble Message Sign to Site �� h�l�sapo gllxt�Giyg 3) Sijpi movemml lhrou� haul constrocliml 4) R.alum ol'ohe P&iimblc Mcc� jw, Si&i laost•aonstruclion {'ITS' kW Fc µ'I'"111L t H WATER AND $AMITARY 5MWER RU!'LAC'EMENT STANDDARDUL3SSFRkK'1K3N-sFJ•('I#i(,Ajim%p15'krxdl 'I CONTRAt-72021_WSMd' Rcvhcd h"cmftr7L- 2DI elrY IcIr NO. LOAM 34 f1 1�-3 rRAFIX CONTROL rwzors - ilImparail" of Traffic Control Plan DdAils a- WpSurenicei; ] i' May.asnrenit 311 ror 1 his t1cm bc per each Try ffic Control Dail pftp®rcd. b. Pay incni ] j 17tic titi�uk perforlrred arrd rrlalteria I s furnixlaod in Aeec�rdancc wilt Illis item sltail he paid for at the unit price bid per tmch `Tr-Hf cu Cauwo1 DrAmi]" ppc. n- The price hid shal l include; ] ? PiMpariag the 'I'ra Mc Crmlrol Knu Details for closures of 24 Roues ur i0itig'-T 2) Adlscrence to C Ny and Texas Manual t o U niformi 'I'rjL[fic QM%jF($l [I+avic= ( I -NI LJ'1-c_t)) d) 01%1I11irrg Che gig"Llrtr and seal GfR Ilccnsc01-oxas Fr-oFe**lonal Gngineor 4) 1 worpmlion *f City cc miacnt!i 1.3 RPl1VkP',N-E'F-% A. Referelrce Slarldar-ds Heremalce standards -cited ltr this Sp-cI!Fk-otirtn rCCCF In the ekli-Mill F-Cf0 once Mn HMI pUbtishcd at the time -of lllc Ipresl rewisron date logged 21 11w card of dtis Speci`calion, unless a dae is specif-wallycNed, 2. Ti' xas Manual on Unil+om TrafFc Control D vkcs(Af l.1'1't`.I3). 3. 1 Lom 502, 13arriejtdles, Signs, and Tfa is Handli ng of lire Texas Department of TraaalsportaticdM. SmndiLd Spceifir-ations for Camstruct" fmd j, Airrteninwe of Highways, SjFCes.N -Mild Hvwges. 1.4 A DMI N[STF AT[Vr R EQI ; l It F.M NTH A. Cowdinalaan 1. Conlacl 'I'eaffw c:rvims Division (81 7-3 •7736) ry tnin iuiuni -of d $ hatirti pricer I dinplemenling Trafre Coniml within fca of a tragic sigr1a11. 1. Any deviartkms to the Traffic Contmi Plan inchidod in the DmwiW rr St tm firm approved by the Oily and design Dnginrff Wpm implernenlalion. 1.5 SE iti41 rl'A LS A. Provide the C by w!Lh a t4lrm l list of quit I i Fied nin&gars bef*ry bsf Timing ilaggiiig Wivitice, Use early Rogg s an ihE qualiir4 list, 13. Obloi,i a Slroel Use Pamil froin The S1reel Manngrn eni. S' €ligrt nFJItC TxafT-Jc NijgEnccriiah DiVisipn, .311 W. 1 WI' Streel. The TraMic Control Plnn ('1'CP) lbr lha Projecl shall be as detrilled cm the Truffic Conlrol Plan 11aiaiI. sheets of The 07mvil z set. A cop3+ *ri-his 1I`ra[f`rc Ccu31rol Plan sh lR be sitbrnitted with lire & reel 11w Permit. C. Traflle Control Plaamt stall bc signed and m W by a keffied Texas Ptofmiorral FAigineer. D- Cnolrect- RlielI prcpam Traffic Control platys if requkrd 4y iIic I}IAwiatg.-sotr Specifimuti mis- T1w CAxrtrwnr will �c responsible fir hawing n filwasod 'fi=a. Pr fo&ional 4ngf neer sign mid l llic Traffic Cpmrml Mi shins, E. I.atrc elemtres 24 holim or 1ollger sllalI rvgttiix: n silo -specific tmff-'c corlimlplait. ('t ry a }F FxQR r wmri I WATER AND SANITARY 3E".1 REPLACEMENT "TANI )ARD LMSTRXTION Urf.'I1:iCA HUN Ixx't IMFM 14 {x T ]+pJ;i.)V5a1fA{ Rfrixd Nurtmhrr22-2013 U" PRMLC'T NO. MIN 347I I3-1 1KA ITTC f.'0 FROL Pop 3 GES I'. Couiractnrrasponsiblo for having n Iiccnscd'I`c�sas Prufus3ingial ru1g'Iiicu sign and �ivaI hangs lu die Traffic Lwaml RlmiKs) developed by Me DesigaEnginew. 0. Desip Fiigi icer will fum isle s ndard deuik fior Traffic Ccknu l . 1.6 ACTION SU3M ITTA LSIIN FORIVIATIONAL SUBMIT -TA LS I N OT USEDI 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTAL SNOT USED1 LS MA IIV"i MANCY, MATY R IA L S1113MIT'I`A L.C� INOT USFII C L9 QUALITY ASSURANCE INOT USFDJ 1.10 DELIVERY, S`I HACM, AND HANDLING INOT USEDI 1.11 FIELD ISI-MI CONDITIONS INOTUSED] 1,12 WARANTY INO'r lvl. ED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,1 OW UR-FURNISriFD I-wKl OWNER-SUP1 .1EIl PRODUCTS [NOTUSED] 2,2. i SSE 111.1 ES AND MATERIALS A. Dc:5&-pL'RH1 I, Repllatofy RcgLiiveinems *i. Pmvidr l rafi rg Cmlrol fkvices Ifint -conform to dda i is shown on the Drawirkp, the TMUTCDa acid T'xDOT's Comlylisrin WaFk Zwe Trnffic CoMml Qevioe Lisp (CWZTCT)I,), 2. Maleriurls i. `'r�flic. Car«tfM Deviats iwut iiieel ali ra leclivity "o-Freinelsle, ilkeluded in like TMUTCD -RA TN IXA- Sp-Kif'1cMti0l1s — RlcrrL 502 at all 1 imc5 d Uring vwstrurcinn. b. Ekurwic massage boarxis $t7nll be pr+wided iii acooMApwe v,11b the TMU'rca 2.3 ACCES RI ES I NOT USEDI 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NO T U,SED ] i"ART 3 - kr}IFC UTION 3.1 EXAMINATION jNOTUSED] 12 ?r RE PARA'I` ON A. R"kxlioii of In -Place Cnndkiplls 1, P� exi5lin� trJlffir si�rr�lfiyiripnicnl_ 3.3 IMSTAMATION A. FallLn-v dry Traf is Comml iliac) (TCP) wid insia11 Tra Irf`ic Canlral Devices as OKvwn an ft [ern wings and u d iroctf d. 0AMMR11 Cx TRIKTP(M ti17!S'Ik WA J IC M IXX.IJMFhtN NATRAUr 2001. Uk gh+ju Rc%i d Nu, tinke 2ZMJJ CITY VR4 TUT NU. I D35W 3471 *-4 TRAFFiCIEWMOL r,w iI ors B. Ifislall Try fro; Ctniirol De-waxs slmiyfit and plumb. C. Leo not make eliariges 10 Ille 1xialioll rif any dcvk4-, or imphrwvnent;nny alher changes Io I hr '1'raffoe Onntm! Plan Nvithoul the apiii'ova1 of lie Engi letm I- M-knor adjUSIMentF. to rili£cr rcld mutruclabi10 and wisibiIiLy are allow -ad. D. Ma imain Traffic Conlro1 L viws by taking currW ive W" as som as pmihie. I. iwor=tiv-v acl ion includes bail is not IiIStiilrA tO oleaitiin& reply€ing,.Rtraigitcniiig, om i-i ngF or Femoving Dcvicm 2, M.1i17i61111 I Ile Dew iCA�S sLia:11 lliat they are prrrperly l�s it iancd, spaced. acid legible, and Ihal rctrorgneclive cliaramrisilics Ineet requiromcois during darknms imdrflin. C. If the Jirspaclordi.wxs lliet the CMmdar has Failed to comply willk applicahic fodm[ rind swiv fnvYs (leg fa i ling Lc+ furriish 11w mcemaiy ilafnxm, w flriling devkes, bimricimcles, lids~ -5igm,�wothcr pi-cmitionmy I11easums for [he pmwciinn r}f perssons Lrr ixnperh the Inspedor May oricr such addiiirural prcraukiinnary memures be tak-Ull 10 pnOceL per_tixins and pmporly. V SUbjact to 111Capprm W at the iiislXelct, portiam O 11iis Projecl} which arc neL sil' rd by or 11 G r:r�aidlici %viLli Lhe pM[MSC J method of handl in Irafii,c of 14I11ity MjuArr mis, caiu hC "nslructed duriaig any phase, '1. Ilp-i-Fico4m #d pigm Aall be placed iu such a manncras try iml intcrfirm with the xighl dislaimu of driv rs cntm-ing the highway %nj �rivcWaYS or side Mrr:otx H. To facilitate shift n& barricades and sighs mind in lane ciasum err traMic slagGngniay be-cFmkd aild Mountad can portmWc:5uppoils. 1. The sirppM {.It*ipi is subjeel to the approval Qfti1e Fnginoar. i- IAm clkww .s !�Iiflll be iii accmdancc wiO 1w appFu*LA'Craf x COMO P4UNS, J. Ifni any mim the exisiingimflic signals kconic ilinpm. bkk a5 x m6all of czmLstnK:ibei opml ions, the Cmmictar dali pruvide puriable slap sigm with 2 omlige hags, as Fkr4mT ed b)r the Dkgineer, to be use-1 for Traffr4CLorml. K. CuoiLra A- or sha11 nmlc arrgrig mcols fer pol ic-V arLsiMame 10 dirLet Iraffic iJ' ireff r, sigiml tum-0I15.. M(W ROM pride ingailal im, of 011ru cC7715LrYrQ km will be Mane dolling pwk ira Ffic timc4(AM; 3 am —9min. PM: 4 pm - 6 pm). L, Floggers 1, Provide a-'cnlractor reptesentm ive who hati been ccrtiAW as a Ilagging Lnsliwl4m ilhroLigh eOI]rScs offer O' the Texas Gngiilcering Exrensirm lwerYJcc, the American TrnkTic Safeiy Services Armaiatian. idle Rol jowI VAfety Counei1, or oLher$pprove d arganimliolls, a- Nuvide the cea-ificsilo indiIiwlaag come omplelion roqur�ecli. b_ This repm-imilaiive is; re%ppn5ihk fort1#Giniiig and a"fing Thai all flargfcrsRl-e grialifiCd to perform fl 'Lngdur-FC& A quRlGfied flagger m ust be ilidependeiilly cartifaed by I of the listed above or trained by the C:enlrrKt,or's CM!f*d ffftWjjg MI1s'Lro0113r. Flagers i11Us1 be courlenr�s ar�d abde l eiYicckiclw cairrnunic�rtc k�iClti 1help nialic, d, Wbcn dirufliig IrafTic, ftaggers must grse -�EandRrd all ire, Ra&,r,, -rigs, and sig als and Fullow lire flaggiapprow4urcs scl fbglli iai 1lie TI I UTCD. Ufff Of rMT WCRTII Y'A I E.M ANP HANrTAIKV SEWFA fkFRLAci-, iEMT kTANDARDC%TRLX`FION %FrW IFICAi IC713 t%`. MMXNT5 0Oh RACT Nit 1, WSM Resivd Nilwamhec 22, 2oi# €'tTY FRQIBC'T NO iass0O �473 r) - I TKAvFw-c(wrHcm. Fagr S u f s 5. I°ravidc and mainrain Jla rs al smh PLN-nti and par such perincls Df limC ON Bray be mjuircd 10 pmvlde For lhre safety and eO mitionom -of public Iravel and Contractor's [mrsorirrel. and as shown on the Dr vhipfs or m ducted the EngirLxr, a, Mew fT4Wm shall be lacalcd a1 each cnd of t he I011C Closure- M. lknroval 1. U pon ucuikpIvA'raar of Work, remove from the Silo all berriewks, 5ignr, =ws, ligbis and 01 r'I'mf1 c Caartroi Dcwim used for work-mn+e Iraftic tmikdkg in a Iimcly m;n Irncr. um Icss cN1MeRvLn shcrw,r on 1 he Orm-rings. 3A RFFAfR I R&S'M CATION INur usy.1i1 3.5 R -I N%TA I iA rtoN I NOT USED] 3.6 FIELD I0aI SITE QUALITY CONTROL SNOT USED 1 3.7 SYSTEM STARTUP j P+ OT USF.R1 3.9 rLF:ANIty-(-, INOT OSX111 3.10 CLOSEOUT ACTI VI TI ES INOT USED[ 3.11 PROTECTION I NOT USED 1 3. B AT-TAIv FEM ENTS I NOT USE DI 3.14 PROVISIONS FOR THIS PROJECT Contralcierr sMil swlbmit ii-Olie control plans forappmvill within tell cixy4 of remlifilcmiorr ofAwara of bi,d for mvi,cv and mppnuval. TreffLe c0rrrrel proecdurcr. Aka€I be d iSCLISSM d wring the publ is mudin� Iwrd 0or to coristructkmka Coritmclor sill rnainl#ti is om IRIW of tlir mgh tranic at III linen. No strew; elmures will he pumitted. Ali} Imliching mikst he eovemd by cnd orc6y to fncilitrrte iraftiic f mv. END OF SECTION Rev isim I.aR DATE NAME SUMMA RY -Of C11A K('pE 11+22J13 S. Anw941 Added patio a�,iislmve. mluhmol ror %vb4is n xilc .q XifTc'FCPisT gL1irsd C'i IT 4F i43Ry WOR.71i WATER AND SAN]TARV 51-VER UPI ACEMENT 5rhmmm)('(m%11dK-llf)NS PUE11 AIKAOIXXL04ENT!� CUNTRACT INi,WShy-' FlAnistd NLWu 32.201) CITY I4ig11 1pvr N0. LD34M SP 34 7E 131A1 j1RAFF1L` (t•1WM"- ftog1om SPECFAL PROVISION TO STANDARD SPECIFICATION 34 1 13 TRAFFIC CONTRUL For this Pm w, lk Slandar'd Spocificalion 34 71 13 for Traffic Ccwilrol (datcd I I=013) is mended wilh resp=t as the VIMLIS-M cited below. No rAlierckuses or Wquiremunls Ofthiir, Standarrd 5pecilfiwI lnu are iw iverl or changed. Ogxele scclinlii 1.1. from Sliqndard Spcci ficoltion 34 71 11 ;nml reptxe w illk! IJ SUMMARY B. I nalil lat" of Tmfic C odarol Deyicos and p i�p rnl ion cif Traff is Comrol Plans, including ma*ing, mplack% main!!Aining, cieauilig and Frllk ving upon completion of the, work. all 14CMP rMFY or pcnnaWltil SWUL:E iAasurc ban-iende-s, sipus, corrt--i,114hu or o4ber devices mquGred to handle traffic ill ON&VIllifiaC0 Wi1b I11C-wrivi41 edilion of The Texas hA FYnuRI of Unifann Traffic lrovirol I14�vicr:�s and as indurated m the Drawinp pir dimuwd by Ehe E,nVinecrur dc3IV3alyd City represcntaEive- C. Ucaim ons froln iltiis City of Foil Worf11 Slandard Specification I . As rnrtlimLj in 1W �pccial Provision in S1. lord Spcciflovion �A 71 13. 1). Inc laic 4pcuii icai ions Boat ions i aulmdc, but mm nu1 lira hed tom_ I _ Di vi lion 0 Bidding R gi,liFw.�sse�lts, Cr�nlrsct F�rntis ;Ir1d Corldiliorls �f liMe i~'t�tr�cl 2- Di ti ision 1 — Cel]cral "Li Delele par4gapb 1.2. fmin Slandard S ificaltiiom 34 71 l3 pnd rcplaee with, L2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. measkltvnit011 and ft)-m1c11t 1. GwMilpti" OrTrafc C'onIF-al I]cvltlos a. MeasuremcnE 1 � Traffic Conlml Do-viacs for like proms w i I I be measMnvd per month thmi.ighout Ow preset duf4li0ri. rcS,ardlcsS oftho niii-Acr of-cl-rrp, kw,m ions or sircras wider umi-lnwLiner. b, l'ayarrcnt (-IVY (# "? M Nell I l) 'G11C work pcd4nlcd aiad materi;A NFilished in accorduca with ibis hein anti rncastlrrd, Fu providod under " M-CAstlremCnt," shall be paid for al the umil Oce bid for "Traffic C onlrul" ruiderewh Unit of Work (Dater, Sakw. Pawing. etc), N!o add itiO nal co111 fensinlion is made for nyalerials. CILIiP1110Yt cw I$6nr mgl,ired (�rN% ]tells, ASID 3ANIN AA WA 11•x AN13 SANFrARY sr:u 1 x RFF'I AS •i`+f I-W 141 VI NI 1 141111 11+Ft�_' 1 K"OWIAM,11 2431. W;9M-C 4LITY r'WhWE 90. k0354d TRAVFPUtXMFW(1. Fw z orq SPECIA L P'ROV IMN TO STAN DA R f) S PECI lr [CATION 34 71 13 TRAFFIC CONTROI _ 2) No more Man 0410 I1i01111i inay bu 4:lfiarPcd (ILL ing 11W :9:An1q JU cl�ay period of s contraM, j'rojects with erlulliple =wr, perilbrininj, c013surncnl Uoipts of Work (Walcr, Sc+,wcr. hviFt ) will be paid For I (one) inumh lotal, undct the contraelor's volulud unit_ ']lre sck*tvd Imil PUI,15t 1mve had active work during that pcdod. 3) Tile inua & for each Unit of Worik will be appr xi11 med for bidding arrd caii be aaijgisled clu(irlgtOMMICIIioii as the Ivrark progmses fuxordiD to the Contrecicr'4 5che4uio, The Conlracl0r`s sI;,lirLtu1e shall refimt 1lie projecl bc'Hig compk-to wifldn ilia prnj"l (Pmtior1 sal by the 1:0114TEW _ c. The work performed under Mils lumi sli.01 includc, halt not be Iimjlcc1 10; 'rmffin Conlrol impleunnlalion �� 111st�illati0il 3� A�airrt�llaix� 4) Adjustmciag S Pxplacemoils �� I��nawal F) Police assis mm dkrrjnjZ puk hours 4. TnatTic Comrol Pl rut Chmig�_,s: I ) Conlrmotm drivelk changes 10 Ilia tiayuenc iug, rUsources, or In,ation at truff'ic twntrul uc.livilies do not mmmit add ilioiml coed Fw- traffic control, 2) C by rcqucstcd c1miges 10 like 5oopo or mNiticnciog can hE su hni itied as a diangc'UFdVr whh Nupportiag�lmu ienlatpon for revim by the chy, 3) [wring pCriods of inim wily Ilse oontmelor intrst PMV ide supparti ng d0Ct111iCG11:AIon Ihai additional IralYic, ouailro[ was required b&md oa evrreikl 54c cw d H ions acid was prrftbisl at the sile. 2, linkable Cl mWeble Mfsmpe BmW Signs �. �1�IIs�l�enle111 Poomble (7hangvabl-c Mcvmge BumTJ Sigois for the project shq I I be niLrmkired per week rcSardlem of 111e 11uIIIbCV ofSet-ups, kmatinals LW �11um. under V.idiYAM li1an. b_ P$yuken 1 I ) The wDrk perfoimcd and malcfW51'41mislied in mccor 6ncu tia Ibis It -cm mi 41%rayurW as proyridcd Lurdcr "MCIISU cniva, simri be paid few at the unit gripe bid per week For "Portable Message Sign'_ c, 'llku privc bid and 33rork perfg)rinc� midur lids Itenk shall knc ludc, bur not be I !III Ned tip; I ) Dr-h cry of ftnaWc Message Sign to Site 2) Mimmgr. updating 3) s1g11 m0wilkem tlirtk%holrt cenStglC�lrgS 4) Rea11Irn orRhc lrorlable Mezage Sigi4 POSI-cUIRAPI etirak 3. Pmpmration of Traffic -Control Plans OF details if 1101 pmvided imi the Draw iikp and applimble City Slaodard Tra frus Control L}rtRi I is awAi labte at; CITY OF FtWr Wr*ji H ADOLFU LAM 03 WXTUtr AN05ANFTA RYSEWERRERLAC9 MPVT CONTRACT M21.%I-C cups PRr�ja-r imp, m5m sip31 A Ia.0p MASTIC {OMR01_ par3afq SPFXIAL PROVISION TCII STANDARD SPEMICATION 31 71 13 TRAYFIC CONTROL k�liprl�f�w�rll�le?cx.�rfupl[x�dadNilf rani�mii�n_ar[�_I'ublin Wor kTJPcrmilsJI'rsfficC-uM1 roll}luns.p f a_ MVus[Irewcul 1 � Tra f-ic Conivol I'I$n; for the project S17;fi1I t�c mcaSjL-Md Ilkr*ughC+n lk �oniract timc period and fumisht� by 1lie Conlracrur_ b. I13yrnent 1) Th@ wo* pvrFonned and malerialls fumislred in m-wrducc with 1165 ltcni sliall he-,u6Lsidiary to ilm min price had fcr "Tradtie (:onamP`_ �_ The swork perfurm�.xl under. 1hi� item shall ittiei�de, bUi � br I uti�iied i�: 1) 111mporing the Traffic C arrtrol Mans } Adhmncc to Ciy and Tcxns Manual m llnifmim Traffic Conlm1 Devimq (TMLIrrCD) 3) Obtai l ng Ilse !sigrrature Ltd sal of a l iodksed Texw Prafissiorlinl E ngiow for akk 1-ralriv C'oulual F lviz �:ub n 4W 10 the City. 4) 1 naurpuratiun oaf C ily vom niunts Delele pnmgrx,ph 1.5.B. D, F ;nikd 6 fmrn Smodard Spv.EAcalicm 34 71 l3 arld veplgce wilh! 1.5 4[JRM CI'CA i..� B. Obmin a Strad Use Pmniit frm the Steel Management 'Ism ion of Mc Tuklyic . nSinc€ri 1g DiVisioar,11 1 W, I Och Strut, The 'Traffic Control Phan (k'-P) for the Projccl Tall he as deloI Ic-d tmk the TzAfYic Control Plim dlccls of 11W DrMW-49 S91 if prawidod, A copy ofthc Traffic Crartrol Plan shall 1-o subniiltad willb Iha Strccl Use FermN and nprrn approval uploaded m the B11w1MO projcut pRgE as a subini11a1. b- Com ractor sliall prcpum Traffic Control Plans if required by the Drawlikgs or Spocifical ions. The C onvaclor will be responsihIc for having a licensed Texas 131iok.�icrrmt Kngineer s41n ;onrl scal the l-rah%u CrmLral Plan sir &!L CDnlraCUW. at his or her esp unse, shall pmpnm and suhrnii fur xpproval Traffic Cuntrol Plans 3viiere Gorrlm der wi: ]Ies 10 doa if to 50M Ilia epNwed sd of'Fna Me Control plflm if prOvWed in the cnrlstniclion d(minient. F._ lane nlrrskirca (inc Iuding moving*peraliuns) Thal. Fcquinb Ai land to be edused t6 ffiruugh Iraffic fcr 24 hChUrsOr Iuatper shnII roquiry a-sde•specihc trefTK conlror plan. O. Dcsigia Fngiwcr will furnish mandud d,ctails for traffic ccnlrcl, 11wse me guidrncc and am not 90riicicnl ftwa vita 15pceifkc 4ru is mrtral plan fur lane elus+u[cs over 24 hours_ Dellew f im.ig aph L.S.0 farm Standard Spa- cicat" 34 71 13- tME-Ic JWLragnpl) 3.3.K FrNn Sumdard S�*ci34 71 13and h-pljMc-civAh: k'[ i v c4 H WL I %VLJRTI I ADDENDUM 13 WA i E.k r3N1 i %.,kNI I Aff sGUsm AI•J t.Acr:w:N r Itl by%I I „ I I i, I. '-, I mV PRwk-rNo. mexw SP 34 71 I3j8i TRAFFIC C1WW[. Pw 40(4 SPF('I At, PROV ISION TO 'STA N DARD SPF:CkJF1CA r10N 34 F] 13 TRAFFIC CONTROL IA INWALLATIONs K. Commoorshall make a"Ilgem I4ts, al his orlmrcxpcFl%ca fir pAim "mance icy dima h'affW if InLfTiC sWwl tumow; strct light pole immalim ion, atohsr inorrshvciig?n will k how durikig PeA Iriff c 11mos (AM. 7 ani —1) ani, 11K d pFn - 6 pill), UTY IV FMT WLMnl ARIA NVUMN3 WATER ANF) NrrAi wSEWi:RREMACUMENE KIN-Ni naigmrl0.d CU'h7KAC-r 2@21, WSM-C CRY PROJECT 1 n.:41M Appendix AIIIFNDIX CKA_01 Aaxi [Abiljj� of Lands CL'-4. ? Sm hmirfackr JlAd PIIVSK411('01 tl i l i Inks G -1 .06.D M incrily wd Womn D wncd Business Erftrpri Co 1ni rl iame OC-6.07 Wage Ream- 2013 P REVALLING WAQj.E RATES IHeawy ana Highway Construraivn Projects) GC-6.01) kani i Is ai nd Lllilil ics € C-6,2d Nlondiscrimjmal i-n - Nme GII-O t 60 00 Prodimn RegikircIr nft ullYOF FORTWORT11 W:Il ianalsvh }rUil'""aft wfli 4'rANr)AIKD(U%JNtM11(-lk 1 it 'ICI '+�'ri[rw I 'tllwl 7�15 V(wIRACT M21. "MIC ucvkad July 1, 2d11 CITY 1'ROUI'.L71%*. I-DMM -4.01 Availability of Lands THIS PAGE LEFT I I TLI TI NA L L BLANK {TTYCW FOFT ti1'(MT0 WwkrirdSim iIRm-'�"a RcTIxv xsd Sl ANDAW; CiMTUK: f KW SP]:€M€'AMN 1}WLF&W.Nn t'(WI'RA('F Mll. Wh, -C Rrvi"julx 1.2*11 ilfv llukil 'TNU. ld2k ql GC-4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions THIS PAGE LEFT 1 1TFN TIONALLY BLANK Adcknda. m No_ 3 CITY OFFOU y7y ORTU kValprand snnimjN-scu;Y ROW&-mtm St -.SpFL'iF14"14ti'i W jxx"l;.%AI-Nj .-p -CONTRAL`l' 1.W-W C Rc, m.J 104. 1, mj I CITY PRUIXT hYX 1036 M R o no Ertl-gi nee rin y ServIen r., U& Projea W.9ter and 3anitsryf Sewer Replacement Camp Bowie CP N: 105062 PC-F1Al1D20-0000Q10B 1 �i FID:56002,0 0430-53305W•105D62-001784- 90 Rune Project No.. 2328317 Rone Report ND.' 1 44 18354 Date of Service: 12)l31r2023 (1-10) — 12 I2�2023 {11-13) — 12114aM (16-32) — 12 M2023 ( 33-40) Report Dote. 1 l2-024 Coring On this date a representative of Rune Eflgineering Services, Ltd. arrived onsite, 8s scheduled, to perform Cores. Please See Below for Locations and Results: E�;Mvurtid C;Armp_ Blvd. Hole # 0 - 1 Location- Eas;bau rtid Camp Bowie Blvd. 2-5- Brick 5" Concret-e Pavi;n — Compressive StreWh test = 4600 PSI 7.5" —16' D-ark Brown Fal Clay Wgravei • Alierbefg Urnits. LL=43, F'L=19. P1--23 16' — 18' Dark Brown Fal Cl-ay w1gravel - Atierberg Limns. LL 1. PL=10, P1=32 r irrdl Cam# Bin*'& Blvd. HDIe # C - 2 Location- Eastbound Garrlp Bowie Blvd. 2, 6" 10r[ok 16" Concrete Pavirt-9 — Compressive Strength tas.t = 7 510 PSI EastbouncF Cams Bowie Blvd. Hole #C - 3 Lo tion. E;a$wokjr4 cia rip die elvd- Addendunt No, 3 %Yamr dud %�awler% .5Ler kg11w4iwPi 0 KVTItA(' 1 201-'WSMd' 4'I'IT PMX1IA: F NU. IPPKIR 2.5' Brink Y' Asphalt 7,5' Canr;-ate — Compressive Strenolh lest = 7486 PSI 10.5'— 16' Light B(owrJ Sandy Cray w1irrks-Allorberg UrnKr LL=17, PL=8, PI=9 16' — 1$F D-ar� Elrown Sandy Clay WLSF • Attorber$ Limils; LL=35. IPL=17, PIT18 E asibDund Cam D Bowie Blvd. #e - 4 Locafaon- E asi bound Camp B"ie DIv-d, 8" ConUete — Co npr-ossiae Strer g1h l-est = 4960 PSI 8"— 10" Light BfuWn Sandy Clays wig ravel & LSF-Ataerbeig Llrn4&: LL=25, Pt;-- 13. PI=12 16' — 18" Brown sander Clay - Alterbe rg Urnits. LL=36, PL=18. P I T 18 E asi bound Camp Porrie Blvd Mole #-C - 5 LQca11or1: E asi bound Camp Bcwie Blvd. 1" Aspn all $' CortcFete — Compressive Streriglh lest = 5750 PSI 7" — 1.6' Brown Sandy C lay wISF - Aiierbe rg L brill-s: L L=27, PL=14. PI m 13 16R — 18" Light Brown Sandy Clay w�gravel & LSF - Atierharg Urnits- LL=28, PL7-14, Pl-14 E�kQVbp Camp Bowie Blvd. Flop#-6 Location: Ea and Car1ip IPowie Blvd, 2.T Brick W Asphalt 7" Cori -crate — C-ftmpresmlve Streqgth test = 5731 PSi 1 T — 16' Brown wILirrrin - Attarberg Limits - LL=29.1'L;-- 13. Pit 16 1$" — 1W Lighi Brawn Clay MLSF-Attorbarg Limits: LL=31. PL=13. Pl=T8 Mdcixium No, 3 W;IC+ nad �•lnQr}' 'K-15iT RwpLxxmenl C'�1[YIsA.(-r mil. tiY`s'm-c Eastbound CMD-Dowie BIVA Hole #C - 7 Locafion- Eastbomd Camp Bowie Blvd. 2. 5' Brick 13' Concrete — Compressive Strength test = 621 G BSI 15.5" — 10" 6town SarLdV Ch$y wILSF - Atlerbarg Urnits; LL=;:37, PL=18. PI=21 113' — 21' Light Brown Sandy Clay - Agerberg Llrnh, LL=16, PL=18, PI-18 sound Camp Bowie Blvd, Hole # - 8 Location_ Eastbound Camp Sowie Blind_ 2.5" l3ddk 1' Asr halt 6.5' Concrete — Campreuive Str6n$1h toad = 6830 PSI IT — 16' Brown Fat Clair vdLSF, gravel & chalk -- Attorterg Llrnft LL=42, PL=i g, PL=26 16' — 16' Dark Brown vddxalk - Allorbug Lirnift= Lll. 5, . Pi_=23, PI=31 Eastbound GomD Bowie Blind, Hole#C —B Lucalion- La91b-uu rtd Camp :Ruwie Blvd 2.6' Skk T Concrete — Ccmpressiva Strength le-st = 4990 PSI g.Y — 16' Brown Sandy Clay w1graval - Atterbarg Limits: LL=34, PL=15. PI=19 1S' — 13' Br-rrro Fat -Clay w1gravel & LSF - Atterbarg Limits: LL=39, PL=17. PI-22 E asiboti cd Camp Bogie Elwd. Hole #t C — 10 L,00altlon; Eastbound Camp Some Blvd. 2.5m Bkk g' Concrete — C omPFe$siVe Strength test = 4 010 PSI Addendum No. I WoIgr ■nd tirrriIgry sor&CF MX*(Vurgid CCWFRAC'T bb! 1. VrSM.{' un V KA1A�ur No wj5w T - 16" Dark Brown Fal Clay w11,8F - Atler#er$ Limits: LL-53, Pt_=22, PI=31 10' -18" I8rown Clays - Atterberg Limits, LL=56, PL=!23, PI=33 Eastbound C arnn Bonn Blvd. dale # 13 -- 11 Location; rzastbcund Canip Bode Blvd. 2.5' Brick 7.5' Concrete - Compressive Streoi3th lest = 4740 PSI 1(' - 16" Dark BrownfBrcwn�Sandy Clay wlgrayen-1 & LSF - Attert>er+g Limits: LL=46 PL=17 pk-29 16 - 18' Dark Brown Fat Clad+ W10FOvel & LS - Atterberg Limits: LL=32, PL=18. PI-,14 E ambound CampE&PpioEyd, Hale # C - 12 LouLtigp; Eastbound Camp Bowie Blvd. 2.5" Bri-ck 7.0" Concrete - Compressive Strength lest = 3840 P1 1-b" - 16' park Brown Fat Clay Wgravel -& LSF - Atteeberg Limits; LLJ53, PL;;2tk, PI:�33 16' - 18" O$rk BroWn Fat Clay-AUetberg Limits: LLy60, PL=22, PI=38 EastbopgLd Camp Smie Blvd. Hale # C - 13 Lor-atian: Eastbound Camp Bowie IDIv(f IF Brick .75" Asphalt 7" Concrete - Gornpras$iaa Strength test = 4480 PSI 10.2W - 14' Brown Sander Clad{ w[LSF - Atterbarg Limil5 LL=2E, PLR13, Pl;--13 14' - W IDaFk BrornlBmwn Fat YASF - Alt-arberg Urnils: LL= , PL=19. PE=;40 Addeiid u ni No. 3 WOO Md *Arles} S"to Rg1Wc--nK" {Try i'Itoju"r No. ioisw Ejg!ound Comm Bovwi$ Blvd. Hole # C - 14 Location= Eastbound Camp Bowie Blvd 2.Y Brick .75" A!5phalt 6� Coricrete - Compressive Strength test = 6040 PSI 9.25" - 16" grown Fat Clay wJgraveR & L5F - Atterborg Urn its- LL=35, PL='Ia. P1=19 16' - 13" Dark Brawin Fad Clay w1gravel & LSF - Atterberg Limils; LL,32. PL:ni5, PI=17 ka�d C,,amio Barrie Blvd_ Mole # C - 15 Location: Eastbound Camp Bogie Blvd. 2' Brick 1 OF ODncre+.e - Corrnpiessiae Strenth test = 5D80 PSI 16'• - 18" Dark Brown Clay wigraval & LSP • Atterberg Urnits: LL=36. PL=14, PI=21 12" - 15" Dark Brown Flexbase - Atterberg LIMBS: LL;=25, PL=16, PI=S Pune 4M Tandv [give Mole # C -1 B Localtika): Burge Q Tandy Drive 14" - 15" oricrete - Compresswe Str&ngth lost- 4270 PSI ' rlcrel-a continued Paso 16' Gandw_A Lancsster Hole # C -17 Loc,atiarl: Gandy ,St. at VV. Lancasler Ave. T.5" Concrete- Cornpresswe Stre-ngth Lest = 6600 PSI 7.5" - 1 Dark Brown 6,9 ndyr CI&V w►rlUme - Attarbarg Limits, LL=43. PL*-39. P[-4l 12` - 18" Dark Brown Fat Clay - Merberg Limits: LL=52, RL=1 T. PI-35 Addcmdum No. ,3 Wammbd5ankuy Smer Kcp1PKc :-n1 Ck"A r 1,,ftmLv r'n v PRojm, No. iox sw Watonaa Street Hole # G - 18 I-Oci tioo; 2719Walunga St. 2.5" Aspha It 4' Gonorele- Cam pr-e$rrl1* 1-rength+ test 4-1390 PS1 6.5'- 1G' Brown Sandy Clay w�gra l & Lime - Atterberg Li mils, LL=19. PL-17, P1L2 16'- 18' park Drown :E�arndy Clay wigave1 & Lime- Atter#erq LimR3, LL=24, PL=24, PI=tD �+. iMinia Place Role # C -1 0 Location, 1416 Vi rgini a Place 2" A.spha It 2'- 14H Brown Sandy 09yr w�grzvei & Lime-Atterberg UMO,; LL=, pL=, PI=Q 14' -1B' Ughl BrowndG ray Pat Clay w urne • Atterberg Lirmiks: LL=29, PL=17. PI=h 2 Virainla glare Hale # C - 20 LOCatichn: 1222 Virginia Plate 3" Asphalt 3' - 18" Brown Sandy Clays wl!qfavel - Atterberg Lim im- LL= 36, BL=26, P I=j 2 Ciovy Hole #C=21 L-o tion: 1384 Clover Lane 4" Asphalt 4' - 10" BrD-.v ti Pal Clay w1gravel - Atlerberg Limits: LL-55, PL=1:$, PaR39 10' - 18" Dark Brown Pat Clay - Alterberg Urnitu: LLzB�3, PL=28, P1=43 Add Um No. I W,&r mod Samiun- Serer kepbomwni ('( f1,;RA -r 2U31. WSMd MYMAI IT NQ, EQW qer Lar e Hots # C — 22 Location-: 1422 Clovor Lane 2" AsphoIt 2" — 12" Bscwn Sandy Clair wigrffml - Mer4erq Limits, LL='IG[, PL=13. PM=6 12" — IF Tan Sandy Cloy - Attarberg Lirnls; LL=30, PL=1 S. P1=12 ash inatcn Terrace Hole # C — 23 L"alcom 1517 Wa4 ,hirigton T-Orrace 2" Asphalt 2" — 12' Brown Sandy Glair w1gravel - Atterberg Limits- LL-14. PL=12, PIS 12' — 1J' Dart Srown?Gmy Sandy Clay wigrDvol - Atterborg Unllss; LL=�9, PL=10, PI123 11 aNnalon Terrace Hdl�B #C-24 Locatium 1400 Ytila9hInglon 'rerrace 2" As aIR 2" — 12' Brown Sandy Glair w1gravel - Atterbarg Limits- LL-23, PL=13. Plz10 12' — 1-13' Dot Brown Tan :Sarndy r,lairwrgraVel-ARlerberg Limits; LL�36, PL=12, PI=23 WaWnulart Terrare H0118#D-25 Localion. 1209 Mshingtan Terrace 2" Asphalt 2' — 12" Lfghl :Bfmm ,dandy Clay - Atterbarg Urnits: LL=26, PL=12.:PI =14 12' — IF Dafk Browriffirown Fal Clay - Atterber-g Limits: LL= , PL=16. Pl=38 Addend wii No. 3 W-114r aw S#1akaff SCM R;J11 YlM MY PROJECT NO. 1W.W Thornes Flaw Hole # C - 26 Lacatiorr: 16-50 Thorrlas Place A" Aspha It 4.5" Conorete = 4990 P51 -B.5"- 13' Da;k Bruwn Pak Cl&y - Akterberg Limits: LL=27, PL=16, Pl=J2 Thomas Place +Hole # C -- 27 Location: 1420 Thomas Place 4' C oncr = 020 PSI 7, 5" - 1 S' Lighl Brown Ta a Sand y Olay wig ravel - Atlerbug Limits- LL=5!5, PL=19, Pi=3$ Thomas Plana }Hole # C - 28 Lor,atiort; 1224 ThGmas Place 4" Aspha It 4� Concrete = 4660 PS I S' -10' WN &own Tan Sandy Clair - Alluberg Urnlfks: LL;;27, PL=16, PI=9 t LHL.�,rreat Skreot HOW C — 20 Lotion: 1 M Hll� CM91 St, 33- As"t 21.7 - IT Oawk brown Sand} Clays wigraval - Atkerberg Units; LLl38. PL=19, PI=t9 IT - 18F Dark $roym Fat Clay - Akkerberg Limits, M-56. PL!`1$F Pl=37 Tramont AverLye Addendom Flo- VONTRA-C"! i,wSM--L- L ITY Eit{]lEL'T NO. 101MIO Ftol@ # C 38 Looatiorr: 1 520 Trernafl1 Ave. 3-5" A-spba It 3.5" - 18' Ori�yr Sandy Clay wigraael - Atterberg Limits, LL=25, PL=i3, PI=12 Wffslern Avenue Hoke #C-31 Lcicak n: 187 7 Wetturn Ave. 6.$' Cartcrete - Compressive 3trenglh test = 7940 PSI 6.5' - 14' Him of RedUght Brown 3arM* Clays - Atterberg Lirnits: LL= , fIL= , P1 =21 14" - 18" Brown Bak Clay - Merberg Limits: LL=66, Mr-22, M=4A esiern Avenue Hole # C -- 32 Location: 1620 Westem Ave. 8.5' C-gnUFekq - Compressive ir�!ngj h tosi m 2990 PSI 6,5' - 12" Dirk Brown Sandy Clay Mgravcl - Atterberg Limits: LL=53, PL=27, P1=28 12' 15" Dark Brown Fat Clay - Atterberg Limits: LL= , PLT18, PI=37 Eastl��u�1d � arrtQ Bid �IwCI Hole # C - n Loc-ation, 7153 Camp Bows` Blvd- VV.B Z' Asphalt 2' - 12" Gray [dark -13r�wn Fat Clay -Meirber-9 Limits, LL-57, PL-1B, PI-41 12' - 18" Dark Brown Fat Cley - Atterberg Limits: LL=6�, PL-20, Pf=40 Desert Pike Orive Hole # C - 34 Location: 3709 Desert Ridge Drive 3.5" Asphalt Ajcj-W.lxtt41p3 NL3, 3 f.f)b%- -1- -4I7I, ti5 whj� s 41 V Mc 01 t, I NO. 1MW 3.5"— 18" Dark 13rowti+ri SPiWy Clay wlLirne - Atterberg Limits: LL=�3, ILL=33. ?1=0 Ulhwesf Blvd Hole PC — 35 L-Dcalion: Souf vest Blvd, (SE side of traffic circle) 4,5" Asphalt 4,5' — 12" Dark Brox nJG--ray Fat Gray w1gravel — Atferberg Limits: LLm3O, PL=15, PI-1$ 12' —IS" Light Brown Da rk Btovwn Fa! DFay - Atterhorg Limils, LL=40, PL=1 a. P9=24 9Avnd_C,gmD Bowie lllvd. Male PC — 36 Lorcation: E. 8. Camp Bowie Blwcl. 130' W of ill arks Place 3-Sh Asphalt 3.3' — 12" Gray Dark !Rrowo F at CF$3r wfgtavel - Awb a rg Lirndts; LL=30, PLR 14. PI= 16 12` — 1 B" Dark a rown Fat Olay Wfgravel — AtterbeM Lim its: LL=42. PLC 18. PI �M EasibDund Cam[) 8-awie ElIyd. Hole # D — 37 L#cialial - ED Camp Bowar, 13W. at Marks Piave 4_3" Asphalt 4,5" — 12` Dark Brow-rIlLigtrt BrownlGrayW1gravel- AltNberg Limits: LL=31, PL=15, Pt;;.75 12' —18' 13a* Brown Fat Clay wfgrayei - Attofl�eeq UNis; LLw42, PL =i5, PI=27 Eastbound Damn Bowie Blvd. Hole # C — 55 Location- S. el3d of gene St. at Damp Bowie Bi4d. 3.5" Asph-2II 8.5" Concrete = 7460 PSI 12" —18" Light $rowniGfaylFah Clay - Allerherg Limits; UwN. BL=14, PI=14 Addendurn No- 3 Wa" and 6amtuv iryiKt RepkK4 Cql k-ONT14AC'T202J, WNIVI-C 01Y LPJU3J Xj'NE1. I-035DO Irene Street HM # C — 39 Locatlon; 3598 Irene Sl. 4. 5" Asphalt 4_5" — 12" Light Brown G{ay Sar dyf Clay wlLime - AUerberg l,lrOs- LL=32, PL=30. PI=2 12' —18' Dark Broym ral Uny - Atterberg Limils, LL=46, PL=15. P1=31 Irene Street Hole # C — 40 Loeatiort: 3520 Irene,5t. 6" Asoolt 6" — 1 T Lighl Brown Bandy Clay w1grawel & Lime - Atteri*rg LlrnRe: L L=, Pl*=, PI =0 1T — 18' Dark Brown Fat Clay - AllwWSL.lm tc L.L--42, PL=24, PI=22 Coring terminated at-18' See attached M l�p for locations Addendum Nia, 3 4 ML; rPW Snnilei} SrnLl•l fl#PMV9111 O Y PUMIC T NU ID}iaD ('N(--4.(14 Underground Facilities THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY f)I: V()KT WM11H Wau wed Srn&r}' %ewer Replommmu %T&N1)AIcb{'0W%TRI.?CTLIIN SPRIFIVATF17N fXX,I.r?vU.W B CONTRACTM1_WSM-" RKYiLed Jmly 1. X111 My Pk{7M,1• W5. Wgb GC-4.06 tiazardous Environmental 'onditiOD at Site THIS FAGS LEFT INTENTIONAUY B 1,A i CITY CW FEW M *OM j W?iln and 5angary Saute R plKmrcr SYAA DAkIJ CON ST RUC'TLON Srl: lF1C SX)nI IF.M5 L:k1NTKA -f Mp- )yA -C- MviftdAnlX I. wI I C17Y PROJECT hK). 101M IFgORT WORTH '11.,N'1K)RARY R FVINI()N 41612 20(('()VI D-19) City of Fort Worth Minority Business Eliterprise Specifications .SPECIALINSTRUCTIONS FOR OFFERORS APPA J1C A M M- Of- Pi 1C-Y 1f thatoW 65I11ar.value of th$ contract_W-W. OJ01 or HIM r9, then a MR immPorrlraiitirl 001 -f9 appticablft. POUCY STATEMENT It is the policy Gf 1he City of Furl Worth to enure lh* full and oquitable pafiaclIpaMlon tv Minority U-uslpess EMer-prlses (MBE} in the proLuremeim & all goods. and ssrvices. All rvqudfom o1s and ufalions slated in the Ciiy's current Business Diversity Enierprise Orchnance applies 10 this bid. Mar; PROJECT GOALS Tie C ay's MBE oval on this prr l is 14 % or mqY taw bKl %rawe o1 the convpel Note: If bt 'Ui MOE and SHE subconlracting goals are eslablrr:hod for thin project. than ap Orlu ar myrst swbmil Both 2 MSE tltilizatl-on Form and a SBE UIiloratraiia Form to be deemed Fimponsiwrr, COMPLIANCE TO 010 SPECIRCATIONS On City flonlrevts 3S0,000-01 or more wx7ere a MOE sul rltraolalg how is applied, Offefofs ofe required to wnipq wiLh the ifMani. 61 1he ci• ys ft!? ass uiversil} E ntewise Oraananre W one of the followir►g: h � MIA Or OkC114d the abiowe statacj M5E Baal through MSE su bconl rac tl ng partic Ip;ptlon, or 2. M106t Or oxteAd the abrawt 1ytated MSE goal through WtR joint Ve nq ure partlr'l pall -on, or; 1 Good Faith Effort documiWallon, or; 4- Prima Waiver-ocumionlail.16n, SUBMITTAL OF REQU IREU UOC U M ENTATM The applicable domments must W ruohved 0 the by Department Designee, within the Wowing ligpws all l*d, tha r;,paclliwMn:1- The Ogawr shall EPIIAIL 11W MBE Projent Manager or D@pmorhOnt Dosigrnaa A faxed ropy 1. 9L1b 0rlWrt0r UtI1126 -0IY F01M. ,f �001 16 met or 6wt iAdiltd: __ 2_ Good RaRh Eff orl and Su bcantracGr U1111rallon Form, i1 participalian is leas 1han stain goat, �- Good Faith Effort and Subofmtrac-0r Ulll1;zallon Form, if no WBE pariicipalwn 4. Prinw Contractoir Walvar Form- if �pu will peftrrm all subconi;ractingfstipp grWork, 5. Jodi# Vaninre Form. if goal in met or xweded: Ise assigned Cily -o1 Fort Worth Projeo Manager or 4n w3w for the antlre bld to be =31dered reaponelve to r.DOtuIY`en,;D'iCF5 10 !hem nsiq Yeei CitI of Furl Viff ;h ur1I1 601 b(11 aLcco rtecl remiwed rno la ler ihan 2:1* p.m., on she memnd Dilyr business day #rfif the bid opening d$1_exdusive of the bed opening dale. remixed no laler than 2:00 p.m., on tW s oond City busir%6ss 60yr afie, the bid oporring daft, mrtlusi" of the bid op"ing JaLe. reodiyed rio taMLer 1Nn 2:00 p.m , on the geGGpcil Oily bmiriie5s day alfler the Wd operkin dg 1,e, eaaolusIO@ of the t+-j opening dole rewiwed no raker then 2:00 p.m , on the second -Ody business day afief the Nd.F g dale, extlurziWe of the Laid opening date. mcaiwad no talor "n 2.001P.M , CM the Second -Crew bvsiftss day Wier the bid opmrring date, uclusioo of the Nd opening (We. FAILURE TO COMPLY W1TFl THE GkTY'S 13t71�INE$R DIVERSITY E-NTE1i ME OMNANDE. WILL RESULT IN THE BID BEING CON$ICIER.ED NON,R-ESPONSIVE TO SPECIFICATIONS. iFAILURE TO SU BM IT THE REOU I RE D MBE DOCVME REMLT WIL L RELT IN THE DID BEING CONSIDERFE ] *ON-RESPONS IVE. A SEDON D FAILURE Y41 L-L RESU LT I N TH E OFF EROR f 1 NO 011SQUAILIRIED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YE AR- THREE FAI LURES IN A FIVE YEAR PERIOD MnLL RtiE; I-Ir kN A p4SOUALIfIr'AmN 'PER100 OF THREE YEARS. An-y gimiAl-ons. please C-Qnlait the Of1ci;0 o1 Su!slraeas Diversity at0171 22-2674. Office ci Business Dkvei lyr Email. njwj)ftrjuQfDrl+rn dh1exas.gr}tr 7'tmperarity Reris4�l prll 6_ 2030�1uc io LIL]VIU6' I:Incrlyency Phone- (817) 392-2074 Fo R,r ()ri' Ii City of Fort Worth Business Equity Division INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ABOUT THE BUSINESS EQUITY GOAL Bid numbor. 103500 Euslnena Equ4y Goal, 14 It is the policy of the pity of Fort Forth to ensure the full and egt0tabio utilization of Business Equity Firms when appropriate, in the procurement of -all gc05 and services. VAen a Buakess Equity Goal is establish f for a bid, it means that the City of Fort Worth believes that there are Business Equity Firms available that can provide goods -or services requested by the bid. The Bus Ifoss Equity Goal for Bid nurnher 403500 i!� 14 0/6. This means thaw the r'IIy believes that theM are 00ilafale Business Equity Films that can Wovide goods or services required by this t� and 11herefore, 44 of the Bidder's awarded amount must be spent with a Business Egvily Flrrn, All requirernends and regulations; stated i r5 the C ty's current Busi n-ess Eq u! id din-H I ; �e. 925155. 1,0-2021 apply to 1hi5 bid. Ueilnitions are at the end of IN& documeral. Because a Eu$iress Equity Goal ttas been a!;tablished for th9!5 bid. in order for paur bid 10 be mnsidered, a $Idder rnunt satisfy one f I? of tho condi#ions helms -A, Commit to Meet or Excoed the Buslmar}s Equltyr i5oal H ira Busi mess Eq%i ity F irm(s) to provide goad-& or so-rvices and s pend at least the g-oal anm tt with the Business Equity Firm(z). j; Obtain a listing of Business Eqv ity Fim1s by completing t#�@ 'Request for Listing of ertified Piirrns Form' located at the City of Fort Worth's l6usir►ess Egli ity Diuiisron website. Bequest bids fmm Business. Equity Firrrr5 to provide goads orservIc:es at least 10 c.alandar days before bid opening. S1e.P 3- Submit the fclloMn 1wa �2) fawns: a. Utilization Flan h. I_etier(s) of I nterit E_ Prove a mood Faith Effort S how astern pt to hi re Ruriiness Equity Farms to meet or r3x-c-ned the goal, but was u n successfu I. This can ocr-uF ir) two (2) ways: 1) Sidder proposes a smaller Goal h : Obtain a listing of Business Egejityr Firms by -com pleding the dRoqtesl for UWnq of C artif ad Flans E-orm' located at the Cityr of Fctt ortb's Business EQui I y -Division websita. Skeg.2; Request bids tom Business Equity Firms to provide goods or seivires at least 10 Calendar days before bid opening. Sty: SuWit the following three (3) forms: a. Utilization Plan 4. Letter(s) of Intent c. Good FaiIh Effort 2) Bidder proposes a 004 Goal Sty: Obtain a listing of B4. mess Cguily Finns by cornpletinq the "Bequest for Listirl� of Ceriafied Firms Form" located al the City of Fort north's $usrress Eq=jy w websiie. Sty: Req nest bids From Du!ej tress Equity Firms to provide 960de or seryicesr at least 10 calendar days before bid oporiin�. 5ta ' If o evcc-essful, submit Goof Faith Effort Form Nea—se see Ordinance §20-3701 page for require,nr nis of an acceptable Good Faith Effort. C. Provo th at tihe Bidder Can Pe rfiorain ttm So rvice a rid P rovW D all Mater i{91 s on t he P rojoct as the Prime CantYautor Didde r m vsl shorw that Oe D idder is providing all of the goods and swvices through their OYM company and 1!hat there are no go&ds or sery-cum prcaidied by a itiird parry or 2n affiliate. Bidder Will not purchase any suppliies or inventory frcrn a third party. Step 1: Musi sufoflit Prime CunRraatWaiver Form D, Create a Joint VentuTe wrlh a Susin ass Equity Finn At least one or bolh of the firms rnLjst be a Business Equity Firm Step 1' Wisl submit Joint Venlure Form DEADLINE TO SUDD DOCUMENTS AND FORMS Siddem MList Svl rmij Seated hLIS 1.0 Ina Opened at the te, tifft, and pl;aoe! stated in the soli ftlon for the pubric opening of bids. Faxed cop los w I I I net he aocaplwl, FREQU E NTLY ASKED 0 UESTI ON E 1- if l am Business Equity Firm, can I taunt my performance of #ha bid? Answer A Business Equity Prime Contractor can ccu-nt its self -performance tcfwards meeting the Su$mes$ Equgy o:YI f-Pr the assg rued North Amocan Industry laysSit"liorl System (NAt ) eDmiricdity codes on its Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or Women Eusiness Enderprise { Ej certification. 2. Miat if I am a Business Equity Firm. but I am unable to sal# perform all work or provide all of the goods under the laid, Cain I count my porformancei under the Bid? Ans * If me Boslness Equity+ Prime Ga nnct If -perform all of ft work, it will be acwvrrtabl� for subcontracting vwith certified firms to meet the overall goal. Business Equity Firms that qualify tinder The 'Si in4cant Busine-ss PreseDce" definition may count in Ilhe Program uporn approwsl of UVIN•Q'E. S- This bid does not have a set amount prat the Qty will purchase from The Awarded Bidder. how do I oom plete the form? Aisivoys: a. Far a low bid procurement, the lowest bidder shall submit a Uti Iization Plan no fateF tha n 2, gg P M on the thrd business day after bids are aperned delailifig all Subcontractors rho Contractor intends 10 Litilize in its performance of o Contract. Cainliactors lhat are BU:sirtiess Equity Firms may-ccurnt their spelt -performed seFviGes ZOWaFds meeting a &uzines% Eq uity Coal. b. For a 13-est Val Lie procurement, ail bidders who wish to be considered for evalualion scoring shall Subunit a IJ1iIfzail,vn Plan by 2;00 PAS on thin thrrnl b+ smess day alter Rhe bids are open-ed Detailing all Subcontractors floe Contraelci intends to utilize in its performance of a Contract- Conifactors that are Elusir)ess Equity Firms mays count their self -Performed services towards rneefarg a ;Du!3ine!5-5 Equity Goal. r. Noii-comniian-ra. If the km*sl bidder for a low bid procurement or any bidder for a Best Value procurement does not limeN submit its Utilizalion Plan wrth the required dacuments, Mat bidder will be deemed Non -Responsive. For a low bid prowrer'reM. 1he Cily will nolify ibe next lowest biddi?f who shall I rs sikmit o Utilizeftlorl Plan trMh required docurr ims no rater than 2,00 PM an ll�e third businass day after the bidder receives rto'lification. This process will be followed until a bidder submitting the required documents is selected DEFINITIONS Business Eq u lty Firm rnaerti-9;arti I nclepender t Firm that is a Gertifled minority- andloi women -owned tm!, mess enlerprise (M BE) with a Significant Bosln-es5 Presence in the City's Marketplace. Bushless Equity Goal means a calculali4n prepared by the DVIN-BC that inVudes al-1 the fallowing factors: th o deaailed cost eslimale of the work to be peffctmed, or goods purchased; the 0- unly Marketplace: the availability of Business EqUV FirM a0d rion-Dusiness Equity Firms in tho Marketplace delerMined Qna Gc.Rtraut-by-Contract basis; and the suWon1factiftV5upplier opportunities of each project. Certified ideates those firms 4-entified k)y the N-@:rth American 1;ndus" Classification Systern (NAILS) tho1 h eve been determined to be a ba n a fide MBE or VV13E by 1 he North Gerltra I Texas Reg ional Certification Agertsy (NC7RCA), the DallasfFol1 Worths MimDraty Supplier DeQeloprnerEt Council (DFVV IMSDC). Women'& Business Council -SW C. ), Texas Department of Transportation (TxD07) or anol her ceTWyring agency that the O1fIN-BE Inay deem appropriate and acoepted by the City of Fort worih. DV1 N -BE means the Gik f s Department of Dive n5ity and Inclusion T Busine ss. EgUi lyr DFV1431*n 0bwl Faith Effort means the au iDns undertaken by a Contractor and approved by DVIN-BE as doscribed krrlhe Usiness Equity 0idinance q20-370 (g}. ,point Venture means a business antily formedby two or mare independent Persoas for 1#1e purpose of pur5lring a gammon obje-clive, such as a prime canunt The resullang business enlity has additional resources and capacity, enhancing its ability to compete for Iargef awards, A jaini venture is gene{allyr characterized by shared Dwnersliip. shared returns and ris4cs, and shared governance- In a joint veinture. the pnme {managing partner holds 51 % or more interest in the business. Partner(s) hoW less than 51 % interest but i R Md!o t rases, rnot less. than 20%. Marketplaiz$ means the gecgraphit ar�;o e$ defined by the Uy's mast current Disparity Slv4yr Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker and VVise caunlie$)- Responsive means thal a Pefsori i5 eormplrant with the requiremenis of the 2Usir1ess Egcity Qrdinance. Significa nt Bu sinoss :PresontA� rr ens a Pert wn (t) which has its pri nclpal place of buss mass louiled insid-a the Wrketplace; (2) which has its principal place of hvGirres-s located oulside the Marketplace but has been verified to be In existence !or a minim -urn of 24 months and frorrr which at least 20% of the business's workf€lroe is based in the MarkatptarA: or {3) which has cumulative business raoeipts groaler than $1,0pp-0Q0 for work dorLe in 1hie Marketplace since Jerwt,igryr 1, 2013. Utillzatien Plan rnaans thm list of Dumeas Equity Firms that a Contfactcr cornmils Oil utilized to meet lhle Business Equity Goal for a specific pr*011, the soepe-5 of the work and the dollar values or the poMArtilagag of the work to be performed. SLAT IONS AND SANCTIONS 1- FeWure to =mp_1yWRh the City's Business Ec[uity Ordinance WIIII re5ull in the bid being aansider d ''Non-Resp nsrwe,° 2. Failure to sukimil.the required Susirlsss Equity fVM9 arid dwumenlation will result in the kkd toeing oonsidered non-respransi%he and a "written warninq" letter ihall nft impact the OffercW$ evaluaiiari scoring on fXdture City bid opp¢rlLjriitles for up to 12 rrlths, irefet toi girhd me r 3 on V IQ Ire 1 .ANC t If)Jq L, for corNi need offenses or failures la Comply I r ya u h acre any q ue-stlona, COMUCl DOptrtmArrt Cof DW-Hr. i(V & Inc I union, 13IiS 11145 s t (plity Div Is1 ark Email: DVIN_13EAlaawvorthlexas.gov I Phone; 817-392-2674 ity of Fort Worth ArTACr-INIGH ,A FoT WORTH Business E �aui#v Utilization Form `�., �� Disadva n ka q" ukis I n ass Errto wr se utifiza#i-ort Form il Ao a Iic ig ble if Federally-Fu nd ed h P RI NIEl-OF FER O Rf-0VVN7E R COM PA N Y NAM E- PRCkJECT NAME: WATER AND SANITARY SEWERREPLACEMENT CONTRACT 2021, - PROJECT N u Mg:ERT BID DATE: ji�.Fws Bminesss Equity Goal; Offerar's Eusrrt�ss Eq uityf {oT D E E j LJ 103500 I IiChec!k ifaddressing a8EGoal) 14 ale�commknmenc °A CITE k all applicable boxto describe ❑ Not Gertz WBE �`. �DEE HU13 �1�'CSB �Se�an � PrirnWU1ferorf0Wnefs Ciass�ca,tion_ 11 El Certifying Agenny_ 11NCTRCA D.T-W MSDC �TX DCT F-1C .& F-] . Ethlrricity; ❑rtifriaanAmaricanHispanic; 1:1c E]Asian 0 NomAma,�= Gender; nmole �errai� ❑Nora-ginZwj 138f`inWOR&t BusIness Equity Firm: Certiilied 11113E Mn"ELm ine 5s Enterprise orVfflE Women I3.U5ine55 Enterprise DBiE= Disadwarr ed 5v5ine55 E rnterprise RUB: 44iEbbrically Under UbILzed Business VOS8; Vewan Ownffd &nag Su15 ms ginetiort 3: C4!tCifit!d Hhuting Urbah DE�aL!,I"ML%rlt V-Pnd6tt i AL L E U E4N ESS EQU ITY Fi RMS MAST E E C ERTI F1 E O SEF ORE CONTF CT AWARD Fjpirtre Eo oornplelg IN$ grin. in its entirety. and rerAivE d try ;he d3erchasqhp Division na Iaier ihan 2:00 p.m. on the third CYfy business day after bid oper atg, excAuwe of ibtd opening -date. vA nssult in the bid toeing corti�k&N&d 1* bid Ex-,apkavn: CFA, ICA. and CDBG proiecas. dosumen s will "submitted io the City Proied Manager if puLAi kd w [� She Ceveiom if privaieiv bd. The undersigned PrirnivCfferar agrees to enter into a fr,rrnal agree-ment wish ft 15usinm F-r inn (s) l in 1hi!5 ujilitAori schu-dulo. conditX*c31jl UpQn exrcution of a c-oritr with t * CAly -of Fort i+YAh E lion: Czevelaper vroieods[. The imenG ; andlar knawing rrv$r"raswM*kid of Facis i$ �ixno +, for oonsider-oVon of di&qjLjVACaji0 atrxd w& r.*MM in the bid being wrtsider0 to bid speoicaiions. Business K�qtiiiity grms listed [ward meiAng the pfojee.t guar must be Leaked sn the Ci!/s marwplaoe al the We of bd or the tyus,rsess has a &ynfficani Business pr�Lmnce in t." Marketplace Thr. m;Brk,elpla" is !hr- Qity of Fort'Vgrlh indudirn porkr►s of Demon. Parker_ ViAse acid all of Tarrant. Dallas. and John5m c cokes. CerLiied means lho $wsft # E40y Firms, I"ed rMthin the MarkBVaoa, that have been determined to be a bona-frda ininarity or women to sinews enterprise by the North Central Texas Regio of 1~ertifi my (N C,), CallasfFurt Wa"h Mi" Supplier DevelDPnWn1 Council ;D)FW MSDC) and Wonre:r s Busiiiivms C-DuneMoull-rwest (W13CS). If haukV s$rvi�Ges are uNeed, me PnmiVCjfferor will be given oMdj *S long W the Ousirwmrp Equity firm f lmd owns and apemles al k-arst one fully licensed and operatic mad trunk W tW3 and on the i; ntram The Business Equity firm% may le a irwos from snob lousiness SQ0Y rtm. iou3udin� Business Equi y owneir-oparaW. and rive fall BLWrtim EQuily V,, Q T is Business Equity firnx may 5easa trucks from ncn-Business Equity Srms, irodudim0-ner-opemk4l. bwt will only mctiyG per; for llha foes emed by Ind Eusinea% Equity as dullinti in she lease agreemerA. Federal&V rfumed Pinject& (ON LY), Countir*g DBE Pawticipation if maienais or riuWces are awBined from a DBE mandaclurer. Gaunt 10D peroant of the cogk of the materials or be-s b3werda the goal If HV m;MLa'ria1% gr !;rappJig:N arc puin;hased f-^o:n a DBE reau Iar dealer. Dm nl 60 Defeent a+f the cost al the materials and supplies !award the DBE goal %%hen rRa9erials or supplies are purchased from s ❑EE ritKhtr a m0nuFapCW@r rr4r q FjP9ular d43ler, aaunl dye entire amount 4f fees or vGnnr+sskx% charged fDr asrktanca in the pr*wreenent of the-aterials and suppr?e-a ar fees 43r tran s" oh aege!� * ** ddiye!rg v` ;h¢ materials yr supplies deli%eredl to Zhu jcab site. I:n aril cases. the PrinxVCfferor is re%xmible to idenRryr ft amounts la be used toward the Pnrnn neA C EWE gook. Nett: for DBb C4 Is, 60% of the wrvicm c-punt #-qwards the goal. Elbectitie DIAMM21 C} rFL 'D KV ( m -0 > m n M'0 )Pr CO O a c -=;r C6 c G a a- r:� r- M p, G -CL Vl 7 [a a a 'U •� m 7 � a 29 o 4 I dA 40 Z 40 Z in 0 j { } h C L'] 4 In +JD +-1 2 F f m C Q C 10 E100 ❑ � � a m ❑ m � fiI ❑ li Ej m �_ 0 a 3 _ r � Q P ©� ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ 3 rD a : ❑ 3di 3 r4 © ❑ El ❑ ❑ El Z I z z S -3 a 10 41. m 4m h2 0 4 w tD o ��9 �m -uUl C:Ul m mVi ;� f� 3] `q fll Ia rn Z {3 rA 4A fA m C � Fn Y eA m 0 3 M K R V ar-93 �_� 0A C rm rn ., ro {+ g C � Im M � -:1. g 0 C t r # ja C rl 5r P Ih TL m 133 ty Fn !3 M 3. rn rD Fr 8 7 Ifi U 1"k 04 3C LP 4 to m O J n rmm. 3 =pr ai = r 3 r 4D gi Foiz-i:- WoR-i-M Business Equity Utilization Form Please include multiple caopiE�s of this page if needed to list all contractors and �jupplier!�. NAMES ,AMD ADDRESSES OF CONTRACTORS? -SUPPLIERS Business Mama- ,4dcilress; ph-0nP; Email -. Como Person; lSu:51ne5%?43Fne_ Address; Pho nc 'Email: C pntact P-erson, Ruh ink Name' Acldm�: Phone: F-Ma ia' Contact P-erSon- B W sim"s t aML5n : A-ddfes5: Pharte: ErrMi I; C oniar-t Person: ATTACHREWT 1A Pne S qt -c TYPE OF SERV110ESISUPPLIES Sp*cifyr Tler Cer6fta an Amory Gender and Ethnicity; PROWDEV ' A:CS Ra-juvrd} Wpnyq IstTor Ty pt of Seruictrsuppli : Certif i8d By! ❑ male ❑ Female D ry ❑WFW lVlSDC ❑Afiij-,an ArftriC*n ❑Fiispenic ❑PICTRCA %.AICS Code: ❑TX00T [3NEr. 5 S ARDUNT: America `TypeofServicer5uppiles: CVriiFiW Male ❑female ❑Mc Bdwyr ❑€VFW MSD ❑Afrie$h Ar'nerimfY �H�p�ei� ❑NCTRCA HAaCS Code: Dp-r El ics I ❑Asian 710ther. ❑ Caucasian ❑ Na;ivs AMOUNT- 'd' n Type of ServicelSupplies: NAIC$ C*&: $ MOUNT: Type of $041k1' IQAIC5 C-Dde; $ AMOUNT! Cerirfrled 8V-- ❑ Male ❑Female []W&4rw� DDFti+1r MSDC ❑ Af-riran 4meri []Hispenic ❑N(-,TROA ❑ TY DOT ❑'.'GCS ❑ As"sn ❑Other. ❑�';Ruo$s4an ❑Hach AiftriCksM Q$eti ~d Qi= ❑ Mane ❑reinale ❑ w0n-F3ir jL-y ❑ DIEW IVISI)C ❑NCTRCA ❑ Aki n Arnehc.an ❑ H• spank ❑TXCOT ❑ VBG:5 0' ' ❑Other: ❑ Caucar�an ❑ ative American Efrecbve 111l fFXZI F R `r' WORT R Business Equity Utilization Form 7TOI—Vollar Amount of Certified PrimelOfferor Services towards contract goal $ Total Dollar Arnom nt of B us i ness Eq uity (or a B E if a pplicabf e) Subcoaitractors�suppliers Total Dol lar Amount of Non,Busi ness~ Eq d it} Suf contra-Cla rW upp€il? re TOTAL DOLL -AR AMOl1 Wr OF CERTIFIED P R I MEtALL S U BC01+rTRACTOMS U PPLIERS ,67rAC iMENT TA Fsgc A of 4 The Prime*rorwill not make additions, deletions, or sublstitutlons to this €*rtiFad listwitieut the prior approval of th►a Busiin&ss Equrty Division through the sv bmittal of a Request for Approval of CharigeJAddrWoo? ors&ne. Any unjustified change or -deletion shall be -a bre -h of contract and may resul in clebarmeni in ;�cc*rd with the Procedures ou;tined in the ordinance. The Prime eror shall 5ubrrmit a detailed explanation of havu the repuest 0;� ngeiadditn or defetion wall affect the comrnitted business Equit•yr goal. It the detail explanation is not submitted, it will affed tree final compHance determination. ;Ry :9#fixrmg a signeture to this k rn, tl1e PrimeiCf eror further agrees to prewi&, diractly to the City upon request, camplale and emirple Inform;91-ton regarding actual work performed by all sub-conlractors, 1rkclvding non -Business Equity firms, The PrnefOfferor elso agrees to allow an audit and�af examination of any book-s- reoords and files held by their company. 'Fhe Pdmel01feror agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners, principals, officers. employ 15 end applicable subcorrtractors�supptiers par6dpating on the contract that ,rill substantiate the ac#uai work performed by the Sustness Equity hems on this contract, by on authori officee or employee of the Chy, A I HMOOfferer who intentionally a rKYor knowingty rmi&represent!� marterial Note Shall be Debarred Apr a pefiEDd d tirr«e of not less than three (3) years. AuLh arized Sid na#ore Title Adti rest C'rtyr Statel3p Code Printed Signature Ca ntact Narne a ri 0 TftPe (if diftserenl) Ph1oni� Nurnb]ef EMAH Adcl`M" Date DeperinrM or biva+sitf and Incivsion - Business Equity Division Ema4: DVIN DE0Mie fartwnrlhWxa!; Clow Eft-r," DIMIe2C21 4wal od avZOW FORT WORTH if y of Fort Worth Business Equity (MME) Specifications Prirne ontral:ter Walver Forrn GFFFR(DR CIDPA 419 Q; PROJECT NAME' WATER AND SAN17ARY SEti+V"EMEPLACEMENT CONTRACT 2021. M-lam Cllx's MBE ProJ&dGDal: C'Horar'sMRE Projanr Corrnrrilinnbrik 14 a _ % ATTACHMENT 18 Pege 1 of 1 C?*CK dilimablwi 65OCK to amilde Rrfine LJWAM¢ n Ni)N- 11l k- D7p bf41E PRGJ2CT NUMBER 103500 If #c#i enewers tt1 Ihas Baran arse YE+S, d- not colmpiew ATTACHMENT IC (Good Failh Effort Fwm). A11 quevions on NS form must be oDm*[E�id and .0 delaile-d explanation provided, if applioaihl(i. If gho 1mn.Svmr to either qules?ion is NO, then you MM complete ATTACHMENT 9 C. This form is only applkaUe if both answers are you. F ollury l-o -qgmpli #e I#Ifl} tor-M- In III enlfr�yf d � bo ►e"W by t Ip u Punch Jq I[ Jan n Ip# than ��0 mrn., On M-0 vtcoild Citw hU!9rn-@e9 day aflor Wd 004min!R, excluralv* of th8 la-optrrlrtig Clete. W r r*6l11dt irk 11ho bW boring coaisldemd non-relionsive to Wd lrllle8110ns. Will you peftrm this eO re contract without subcontractors? 0 YES If yeas- p;GaH provicie a -dl!tailBd -expla n@wn that p oves based on the size and scope of 1l�Is � H� prole>ct, this i:�, wour nvmal txjsine5$ pracAice and provid-c an uperaiigrret profile of yQuf tmeine!�s. Will you ply rforin th i s anti re contract withou# su pplie r!57 Y If }yes, p!aaw provide a detailed explanation llrEl p"s bas&d on the size and Bowe of this project, this is your n&mal twsimss pradlice and provide an inoen eyt profile of yoLtr business. NO The Offeror further agrees w pmvide, direcllyF io the -CiN upon request. cwnpFet� and awuraG+v infornmilion feqardke g odwal wook pVr1WMEW by all subcarWartofs, irodudirog certilil3d IVAY M(s) an INN mniract, the payrmenl thereof and any propowd angel to the -ceigirial M +BE (%} arrangenwnts submitted with this W. The Oftror gIrip i;L9nM9 to allow anti aAd andibr -Axamiration of any bookg. rinds arbd film held by thNe prl� thait will sulaslamilam the aclual work performed tvy the M BEs on This con race, by an authorized officer or errtp"e Df the Cilyr. Any indenlion3l andfDr kntmAnq mitropr%tantalian of tadr;, wiil be grminds for teen w'latxng lhre contract or debarmanl from City work for a psrod of not less than three (3) years and for inilia4ing action under Federal, Mete! -or Lpoal IwArs i;gnaerniK faLs,e tements, Any failure io comply wish this aralnance crealfts a matwlal tweach of conlract and may rawlt in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and _barred Awn partiuipwirrg in 1:;ilw work for 4p period iDf OFF not le53 tan one l 11 year. .4ulh0nZ@d !Srgn.plUre r �w Co-pdrny Nen'rii Adoross F'rlirl� �ro C MBd P WA* f if di#feienl) Phom NL-ffnbLnr Fair Number o4ale OuOn4!m EquiLyft]r si— #tvr lwi U2022 EftwU: OAfIN_9EQirreeigrfwhmlhrexab.priv Phone, 1617E 393-21S74 FORT WORTH City of Fort Worth ATTACHMENT I Business Equity Division Pg�1 of 4 Good Faith Effort Porm COMPANY NAMr: WimarOffwoMC4rlAleat+on B�pirrssa EquMV �"-auLkk--m PMm 0 1gutyFlrm . WATER AN a SAN ITARY SEVVER R E PLACEMENT CONTRACT 2C21. MIV1-C END DATE buslrmsr Cqulty I: D ferom'a %mRmm4 EquRy 6M Owmmampml: P ROJ@CT NUMBgt 14 % I "� If t-ho 4rforWr did r oil meet or exceed the Bualnaaa Equity Goal for lhle proJe4;t, iltio Prih5801`1` Mf MUM corn pletle Ihle Foam. If 'the PrirneiOfferor's Method of compliance with the Business Equity Goal i$ based Upon dLMOMStration of a "Good Faith Effort", tfre PriM-ClOi''ferar W111 haVo titre burden of torreclly and acc u rate yr pre pad itig and s ut�m itlii ng the dtor{ume ntatl o n raq u i red by the City. Corn pI i a n ce with ea c ii itar11, 1 thti ru 110 bell ova, shall sarmfy the Good Faith Eff4 r1 requirement akbserl1 proof of fraud. intentional a ndOor knowing rn is representatlon of tho facts or intamlonal discrimination by the Prime? ror. Failure to c=Vlo'to Ibis form. In Its enVr wit#1 $uPporting dDaumentation. and f colwed lby 11he P u rt 11 as I n� Divl$lon no latef th an 2_G D p-m_ on the ttri rid C ityr bur. Inca a day alter bid olmning, e:eclvs ive of bid opening dale, will r@r.!Ul# 111 0110 bld 1whig coilsidered non�responsly& to bid speCiflCatl-Drys, Excaption,' CFAt ICA, and 0DOO projecm, doriu: lentil will he submitted to lb-9 Oily Pfojact Alanager If puh916y bid -or #o the developer If privately b6d. 1, M Plvai#e Ilit uac h and every submrdracOng andfor su plie r oppo rtiknIty for 1 he c ompletian &F ttrls pmjoct, rtgardlogs of wimelher It I� to be provided y a Businos-& E-quity firm or rion•9u3lness Equhyr firm- t O NOT LIST NAMES OF FIB On all projects, the Prima�Offe ror m-unt list each gulbe,onlractin�j aricl or suppller -opportunity regardless of tier, (Usa r�rt � h et r +f +�ecessarY} Ll�t of SUia�oritracling Opporwriltlee List OI Supplior Opporluilitles EIWAl +n 09ri V21)22 ATTACHMENT 1 C Page 2 of 4 2.) Obtain a vufrent Inol more tfian two (2M months old From Calls I -Ad Opon dato Ilst of Business Equity s u bconi ragtOM andf ar stipp I Iors lrUm I he Cilly's BUsi n o!s!R Eg u Ity :Dlaigl-orr. 0 yn 0 140 Dan -a of 11.1911m g 3.� B€d you s�li�lt bids f�� �LM�ili��� @�uit� ftrm�, wf#hip I#I� 1GLMb��Mitr�t:tfrf� aaldl�r supplier ar�$� prOVIOusly listed, aR least ton calendar Tags prior to Writ opening by toI-Dpheoo. oxt:lusive of the day the ifIcia arP opened? Yes IV -yes, alkael5 R91: Le IrlOLM& rlarne of Businrapp Egkldy+ 01mb, p PAW -COM acted, phona mifn nr,Pnd 0�I� dndUrli& of tiD1Mute.) L No 4.) I] id you solMll; olds from Su$MrMess Egu ity firms wil h i n the su tno ntraclarlg andlor s u ppti of a rea-s priDwioilslp listed, at Iewst tun calenda r daps prior to bid a pen ln$ tkg fax, oxclus lye -af the day the bi cis p re yet (if yao}Mach list tO 1helLMM narrla ai Ousanosi Eqult� firm, faN mpmbae awi dale and tlmo at cnmkart in addltlerl, 10 the 0" is r&Limedd* und*IlygFoWs, ItiRrr rMt "UndellYofahla cor7Rrmatlon" racRiyoll mist bB ptlrltOd -dIrrrr;lly Iram tits Incomlrs 14r lWOja*r dftUrV1brkla1l13n. Fallurm Ro sufpmlk Confirmal.lon 2Md»r "undethmrablo �w1k xnpj1"-- dOgUnldrS[fiRlari ina)r randorlihe ❑ N.0 GFI� ngn-r@6f*n*Iv@,j S.t aid yQU So11eIt WI& koin Buskiess Equity firms. wltillin the subcontracting andior supplier aroas preViaU!51Y llst0d. at least ten calendar days prlw to bld opening by email, excluely@ of tho clay the bid-& are opened? ❑ Yet III y96, atLach Geaall tonfirimillan to IJLcludo namq at RUok1r ag EgUltlr tlrm, dells and 11mo- rn pcioLj:pp, kf mn small Is mturng# as Unfth r9,ab1&, LIOn that "undallworaMO oti4S$LD&" r.R.&lIt inusl Iba printed dirar lly Irwn this rl small system tar proper daG%waentatlon. FaWur0 le suhmll cony rmimlgrl arbor "SIndeplyerahlu Message- uo OCLMMOiltatlaM rftW 4 andor Lha G F E Flan-n3spo"Iw] NOTE: Tb-A three malhods Idelitljile$ al Ovi3 are aoceplable for soliclthy bids, and eac#1 seFec-ZeO R1$Ihod MUM The a ppl i-ed la I hi� a ppl Ica l*10 COrMl rant. T-he Prl rrleOOf1eFQr rri4MEt -tlor sme nt that either at 1"5t WO 0100111ts yr-Pru made using two of thiD 111feQ methods or that of I"!t 0111D $ilecrossful conlact urea MOO U5Ing o110 01 the thFGa methods in ardor to deoMOU! F06panslve to the Good Faith Omit retFulrement- NOTE: Thy PrimaYO(fo-ror must contact the entire ftsinass JEglai!ly Rise specific to aach .:U.C.3 tractirlg ant! suplOer Opportunity to be in eomPlisn.ce wlth quostinns 3 ttwu S. 6.1 O id you Provide plans a n it spe Gil icati Dns t0 Isotenl IAt DUS 1 n OSS E4U ity rrrme? © YQ* 71 NO 7,l G1d yoU provide the inforrne#iDp regpOpaq tiler I-DGalicn *f pPans a114I spocilicatlans in Or{Ior to ai5jPi6Lt 111e Susirwss Equity firms? QYes O too EWVVOYa 03(1 W2 D22 ATTAC RMENT 1G Pale 3 of 4 i9,) Na you prepara a quotation for the Skis Iness Erjuily fInns to bid on goodslserwIces spi�cITir, to their ski I I set? US {I11 •0 ea, LOU1:11 a-1 Caplet of gUOL-BLlbi1t.] C Na '9,j YVas the cant;pa Infcrrrlalion on any of the listings nol valid? {� Ys:a [if ya, atiarh Ihm InrarmaGiDrk1hatwas not valid ini�r&rfor tlt8 RusWlts& Equllk Vivisibn rb atldrt55 L� li1+b ��8tli�rti i1&tdtd.E N� 10.1 Submit doeurrlentatlon If 8u31rL@s9 Equity firms 11LJo116s yr-Bre rejected. The docllmentatlon submiltsd sbou Id be In the f irrr« Forms of a rk Oft-dfkvlt, inc I ud e a deEa iled ex pla rfati a ii of why the B u-sins-sri. Equity firma was rejected and any supporling der-ornampflon the PrimefOff$rOF washes to be considered by the City. In The eve lit of a bona fI(Je dEspute coneeri11r1!g qu-Dtss, the PrlmelOfferorWill prowide for confidential in-oamera access !a a n Ins paction of any reteva rat id oc umentation by City parson riel- (Pt4Y.?sR 271,ndf:�. Of rhot ss�ry, 2khtr 01WAI.) Company Dame Telephone 'Conta(:t Per6q3rL SrDp9 of WOFk ADV I I I ONALMOYATION Ilea son for Rejection PI-aase proyIde additional knform;p#ipn you feel gill furthar aKplaln your good and honest isffdrtr to ob#aifl, Bvsinesis Equity firm parlioipation ort thir..�rojeut. The P ri mei'Offerur further a g runs to provide, directly to the City upon request, c om plat$ and accurate information regarding actual work pe rfc rm e d a rl this contract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid, The Pri rne)Offerer a9sc agrees to allow an audit a n dlor examination of any books, records and files held by their eernpany that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or isrnptoy oe of the City. A Prim NUfferor who i n to ratio na 1ly anWo r knoviii n gly misrop resonts material fa cts s ha kl b® Deb a rred fe r a p o rind of ti Inc of not les s the n th roc (3� gears, Eidecrlwe ¢ar1WN2 A7TACHM ENT I G Page ,l of 4 The under -signed c$ rtifio$ that the information p roviid eel and the Susi ness Equity firms 116ted WA-51 a rc contacted in good faith. It is understood that any Business Equity firms fisted sted in Attachment IC will ba contacted and the reasons for not using kh a rn will be verified by the City's Business Equity Division, AuthovI od Sipnatum Title COM IYany Name Add re!3:5 Q,Yj&s a p Bki5in,ess Equity DiVISiOn Email, DV1N-6EOfi1c&@kHtwOrlhbexas.gov Phime: (817) M-2674 Printed SIgnatum C Dwact f~ zime a 11 it TI 00 1I1 & rf*r-bnQ Phone Number l"mi ll Address Date Eliwive 0NWH22 FORT WORT H.: CITY OF FORT WORTH M/W BE Join t Veittu re El ixi bili ty Form N' jw +us mrdiI bi- ir.*iAwrrnd; r+sr "AYE "if rir.v.Ari4ic•aW. N's rne of iCHY 1I1,0jecl: .A W rroture fmuriwusl beeonWkled un 909h pmjCcl RFljhliall irchRsingNunlhef_ I � J Di ni v-cni are in furFailium J ni nl Vend I]rL Nminc.- la;nr Vmlrjre Pitt 1 Ora Jolill pupil uft AddrML 1'41�Laf�ar3r. Fasillnile! F-ninilnddram: C'�Ihldar. Iduntl fy ilic finlm Lhal voallprisG the joirA V-Pn1 urn: PAMM odr+ich pxJrp )Wj% d arkniu or npum is Amp* d frrpwmlVdle d L&ddd &xpMmtbq& of PeW tb Gd pdrfomG90 by esm km "Prfsiog Pm 4 MANOE fk m I NULL• AV RV. firm' Cimimm Adiri= hoa+am AII&Mv LSi.r, %". 75pc Tckphom NKe Pnilr Callubr ClArivil0ft gins: P;mpncifCcrWyling Ascocir; I:Jniad Tq*pllfmlc [ 0l uft I�rn��it �ddrsss F3L:iillhk 2, 'SC nne Of WOrlk Iilgrfarml<d bV IbCJoint V"Illr-r: brie ribs I hs 6caft a Wr,rk if Ih NIr14 a: lksc Khe 11ke scope of muk 44 the m-Du-NVINBE: Raw 201:+l � Pine � or � 3. Wha it is 11w Pero rllsllita ur MAYBE pnrlkipinion on 04 JoMnl venlure IhaMl yeti wi3h lu be counled tflw-ai%d Illectiug 111c R"Pja ..l wail' 4, Atl*irh a copy of t he jaunt venturr aigra-ruwnt. :5. Lis cfilnpaliei11s of owae.rsIIip o r i 0 i a I velure: (l.;qvoieveymyri4dr U'x+f; d►r&whroNw fg *A-rl&mdbr_ivbre rcrura�,r rr rruILroIee I'm it and lass sluicing: Cepi[R] eOmri1ii1310M*F including NuipLnent: (1hc!rapplkalair-myncrship imcicsrrs: .6, 141CnPity by name. race, sex wnd find Ihuse individunis (wWi flue#) who am responsibie roe- the dart'-tLHiIaY pnm uMgemtait Hnd do ision M511kiRg Df I hQ- fia6rll Wh I Li FIN Fin;)i5vi;)l d�. lswri# Ilu uKluJc AceanrwL PkIK m IittvrrldsM MaiLa"cml decisions; a. Estimating ..---- -•---------•—•-----•--.....-----..._..__........_...:I Its, Marks &Z and Saks ---------------- IV F firing and F irin of n�ena6�rltirnl perstal�lor'i ¢, I hasiar QI'maJCr�4Wn;Gat andfor suppgics S+tpenrlaiLtirr j ]sl-upwalauns The Cily's SusinesEr Equity Diwrsi%an will review your joint verrture SUbrnissaon and will hove flrml approvaI of tha MANRE p-ercentage applied toward 1:he real lot the projeot IlslecF on this form. NOTE, From and after the dat-e of pfoject award, iF erlyr of "he ParliClpani$r the ind-r14Cluallyr d4ined sc6pe$ of Wgrk prr dtie dollar OMOuntJpwmn;ages oh8:nge from the origlrs r approve-d inforrnalipn. 11he-n the participants must irvforma the Co's Busaa'Isss "city Drvisim immeclialely+ for approval Any unjustified change or d131Miiiarr shag 40 ip maleffial breach or oonlract and may rasult in detxwment in award wilh iha procadLires outlined in the CItyr's Business Equilyr Qrdinanr* I . _ ' . R&t. 2?1 V14) &Int VanLurre Page 3 or AFFIDAVIT Jlhc -AnrlCmiej" affirms Mhat 91ic fomgaing sratcmcnlsare inLe and COUcci artd include all material infurnim ion im-cmsary io identify and explain iIic terms and nperaiion of Lhejuint venture. I'Llrthemwru, Lhc un&rsivted iihnII isgru t-0 P-Wi& 1!0 the j0i3Il VcrllurC 111w M;Btcd & opt of work, decisi-on-making msporlsiM iM ics inud ""meals berein. -11kc lily aio reserves ilic righl Mo tcgL3cr4 arLy aciditicm9l informwLion decnied nccrsssry to dcicrmine if the joiul t'entum is oli�ihlc. Failure totmper$Lo snrVur pro -vide "tit -sled idforitkatlu i within the Iiine spccfliled is gmnds for Wrli hmiloo of the c119ibiliiy PRX*S!�- llke undersigned Agme to pm itandilsF i Merviem with owisc" and mrRioartIM Of the bWk.9, FPUWdS alJCl IilCS of tlic ,joiaa venwrc by any fLuihnriM,pd rcpr=niwivc4 of the Oily of Fart Wcwch, FalIurr, to cum -ply witll this provision shall rrsu11 in lire IcrM kuktimi of nrky moram, whi h may be awarded under the pruyIslions of this j-Dint venture's eligibility and nkay initiRtc act-Wn on -der Federal. State arld{nir Local Iawilordinances omceridn.& false slatcmUJIS W 3willIul WiSI'VErese t�tinn ni r,il rs. ;Wk. rrm........_....�,�._,. .......—. i iio�rMer rlrr -,.,,,,,.........,,,,,„-,,,.,,r„-,,,,-„-, PridedNm offmwr hiMCdNamruTOYmcr SOMM orcw&t 510MUMM{mil#+ PirmmN morcwnw 5r.- a UWCO %&n w dt'o%n r TI& TA It EWe 4twtC of Oil MIS LLI)' i7 f 7, Ids T�lul�ri`rffLlBail couilty of - 21) . Imforo ine appcarrxi Ln nir per-Aina I ly kiwwr1 miti xwho, being ditly sworn, d id exectite the Foa-eg-oing affdwil and did skate thal IlKY wem JIFU]aCrly 4WEILori7.ed to OWCO c lllig aiTICIPW it Mild did sa ax 1 heir rrrX act and d=d. Notary Public _ I`riul Nwc Notary Public tii�unurc fbr+o Office of Bum ws& D ivemity E"rrl�iM; InwC�r�frcc��Farl�xc�rllrtux�ls,b�'w Phone: (g 17) 392-Z674 Azw 2AXIS -6.07 Wage Rates THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK C'MY�WFURTWORT}[ S oIerand.4nbury7GMpRfpIbkt*a 5iTANfMRDf0N4Wj%P 'TWN SPtLlE1C,4TKMq [ OCLJMEMT- CUITRAC'T 2021, Mjhi-` rLveb" A*. a_ 24311 0TV F&LNUC'T NO. 103-= 2013 PREVAILINC3 WAGE RATES (Heavy and:HlghwayCorlstrvetloil Products) ICIASSIFICATIONDESORIPTION Wage R:bbe Asphalt MtrrhutarOpefataf $ 15-32 Asphalt flaking MachmeOperaRar $ 11% Asphalt Raker a, 12-61 $roam cKr Sweeper Operator $ 11.74 Concrete Finks -her, pa+nrrgand Struclures $ 14.12 Concreke Pavement Flnkshinp Machme-Opecator [oricre.re Sswpperatar t4 1$ CroneOprtraCOr, Rydr.iullC80 tOAS(3r I106S 1812 Crane (Dperat4r.laaLIWOC)M30TOM OrtM 17 27 Crane Operator, EalLicc Boom Chmr80Tons $ 2OL52 Crawkr TractairOGerecor 14.01 Elntr16an nim Excavalor Operator, 50,GW pounds or less 17-10 Ex{avalar Operamr,Over, 50,0W pounds 16-" Klaggar 10-05 fofrn Bullder, j5etter, Structures 13-M Farra setter, Rarying Lturh 5"0 fgndatban Drdtoperator, CrayAerMpUnte�d 37_" Fow Rdato n QN1 Opera tor, Trr,Ck PA oU %%d 21-07 Fedni End Loador Operator, 3 Gw ♦ar kt-�s $ t 3-69 From End Loodcr Operalor, Ou r 3 CY 14-72 Labom, Coin mon $ 10-72 Fabvrez, U til ityr 11-32 L-DaderjDackhoe Operator $ 15.18 Mechanic 17-69 Milling maichme Operator $ 14-12 Molar&add Operrartor, fine8raffe $ 11-14) motor Grader Opefator, Stough $ 1" Q!! Road Hauler xZZ.1. Pawemem Mar'ktrrg machine 1343 ReulaimilcrjMvcrizer Op&atw $ 1101 Reinlorizing Steel Worker $ 16.18 Roller Operator, Asphai R 11Of! Rail-er Opera tor,01her $ 11.51 ScraperOperatar 12.16 SerMlaer $ 14.58 5rrnall SlcpfcKni MFichlne0perator $ 15-0 i Spreader 13o5floperatod $ 14.73 Truck DriAp LowLVV-FI0.0L $ 1U4 Trutk Wive€ Ttzm5 it -Mix 14-14 Truck Ors+, SiVIi!AmFe $ 13.31 Truck Driver, Single cr Ta*)dern AKle DumpTruct $ 12,62 Truck Driver, Tandem Axle Tractaf with Semi Tiraller $ 12.86 Welder 14.8A Work Zoi* Wr r1c4ide 5cmivir ur $ ] ] -U 41j'V IV 7-I are 3 ih'Ut r I i WAn ad+;imilmy SRwcr (<gkKemcrd U TRAC-T 2021- WSM-C 4 rAMMH31(x N%r WLH 714 M %111: FICATIOR I-K-K- Iki1:NTS CITY PI#MEL`T INK). i�xiarr Rrrrard)A. J. BPI I GC-6.09 hermits and Utilities THIS FADE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK rllvol: Et al-WfIR3YI kFwrand'4n4" Fomo Mtplactiixul L-TANDMDC(MTRAK71LWSF'FTIFICAMP?91'""ACT &did1. %V%1-t - . 4 Nondiscrimination THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLAND, CRY OF FORTV1URT11 WaIvi and 5aniwySmRrRcVkccrwnI %,TANJMk[� MKMIXl IKM*SPIX11WATICIN 1]fx'11141['mils 4AINTFW,7 1. "M-" 4ka•icrdJU1Y 1r21)11 0 fY PROJECT NO k03so l -01 60 00 Product Requirement THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTI G wm;i Alml 5tnlwy %',mw RCpitltwwm SFANDARP-CO+SIAM"TI N NPF)VIP ATION LMUNDM UUNt'RACT 203I, WSM-' *nate}' 5,M]1 CITY FROA 7NO. 1035M FORTWORTH. CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER E PT E'r STANDARD PRODUCT LIST U pd a ted: September 06, 2019 Table of Content (Click on items to go di rertl+r to the page) A. Winer & Sewer 1. Manholes & Bases/:ompments........................................................... 1 2. Manholes & Wse&41bcrglass................ ..,.,................... ..,..................... 2 3. Manholer, & Base ranYes & Covers lRectangular ............................... 3 4, Manholes & BascsJF rarnes & Covi-.PdRo md.,..................................... 4 5, Manholes & Bas&Frarncs & Covcrs}Walcr Tight & Ncssure Tight .. 5 6, Manhaics & BasuOrccmil Concroc....... .,.,--....... .,.,.,.,.,.,................. 6 7_ 7 8- Motholir: & Bass vhah a 9_ Manhole I n.wrl (Field Operal Ions Use Only) -----. ................... _. _____________ 9 10_ I ve Casing 5pWer............................,,,....,,.......,,,,,,...............__......--_.._ 10 It- Piers/Ductile Ir-on..............................,,,,,,.,........,,,.,,.............................11 12, Utility'Line Markcr.................................,,,..,....,,,,,,.............................. 12 B. 4rS%1?r 13. Coatings/Epoxy... ....... ........ ................................................................... 13 14, Coatings lyurclhanc ,...........................,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,............................... 14 S, Combiaiamull Air VeIves ................ 16. Pipcs�Cmuivtu.....................................................,.,.. .,. 16 17- Pipe Enlargnl Sy-Umn (Metbod) ........ .,,.,,,,..,... --------------------------- 17 18, Reinforcud Pipc,,,,,,,.,,.............. 19, pipesil IDpE_..---------„,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,..,.................................... 19 20. Pipes)PVC (pressure Sewer) ,...,,,.,,,.,,,.,,.,..,.,,...................................-- 20 21- Pipcslpvc*,,,,.,.........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................................ ,......... .... ...21 22_ Pipvr�Rcha IPP..,........................................................................... ...22 23_ Pipe-dRiftibiT old & Fu m,,,,,,,,,,,...,....,........,----------------------a„a.,...........21 24_ Pipc, +Opcn Profilc L mo Dient cr ........................24 C. Waiel. 25. Appurlcnancxs..................... .,,,,,.,.,,,,--,.................................................. 25 26. Bolts, Tuts. and Gaskets ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,....... ....... ......................... .,.,... 26 27. Combination J ar Rcicmu VaIvc,,,,,,.,,.,,,,.,,..,,................. ..,......... 27 28. Dry 13arrel Fire I ly-dranis,„,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,...........................--.,_ 38 29. MCtcrs,,,,............. ...,,................................................................ ,............ 29 30, PIPCWPVC (PFCWUrc WaWr).,,..,..........................,................................ 30 31. Pipuaylvc`s & Filtin uctile Iron Fhtinp....................................... 31 32. Pipe-VV;olw & f Fltings(Rcsilient Seated (sale Valve .. ,,,.,.,.,.,. 32 33. Pipc%Nalvee & F't11-1ng3fR:ubbcr Scalod Butterfly Valve ---------------------- 33 34. Polyethylene Emc rr "t.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,........... ---- 34 35. Sampling Stadons -------------------------- ,.,,,,,,,,,,........ ,,,,,.I ....... ILL-. ....... ....__._ 3� F4RT WORTH. CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST wmer.& sewer . hlaoilales & utseocomobnew13 33.39* 1♦3 f Rrr• m 9234�- h �� la l'+kycH•�a�+, ti'�Cml�}g kv}� k cti R F GL3/8D >t3bSl�J 7Fgrredpr�''n �141 ]lifr�+I{�2P++dat�F DOWN 11 Z 13 1rWk_il3dx 16r4' Uuq 4171 r4rKvd.caI CkbLl ,r Vr.m Irme4 334573 fmPE'M=bwA AdrLE=mm Rmin Lidlrrh Irc lI. x! 4F 77 WmhMk FnUmk Wry C=r ., • CPS It AA=L3 49u.:_d P-bl H 2LK...S#umm;rr Ecr Wrm rC=J.Vw& lc FhbkmLd wv SY t b k•pdmRod: 9 ArrM =40 Dd llD'R hlaa+m�St rb ;ran ark-nsl5widwo Phh¢utrp kit. Click M Rtturn %6 the Table &f f_0r3len[ 3 FORT WORi'H, D": AlLraterorweer Chan i5 mth dlan-.11er sh&J Ve CITY OF PORT FORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST �kmd .lac F'ay=lc meaty 7 } 3F 1) 14wpAmu Mirk L A j1rbmfim2pYft t pd:ldEd: 4966�2019 b* 3-muircd fa,- same mnr.-m j h-M u3Mcm J7 tiar�*f+"rK xw ' frpm 04rrsl $gjrdirV A.*AmA LF0 ClisSs [a Return to The Table ai {intem CITY OF FORT IN 01RTH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Mohr_ All walcr or srwer ipel.3. rr Lhar_ ] 5 Inrh dLam eter shall be a p pm ved for usr 1hr H'ahrr De rUrlenL on a 't s il5t kmij. �.. - M:Pnbela & BascOFmwes& CawcF-JRecftmsmlw XWK43 4REw 7.M6 � �� dd I � 7ylar}�ok Franz srd C'a�st 54 odao h.�o SMry Li 8aak Hrti Fr�a�I •l•I Cvdadnd: R%Un.91 r,c- 0,•L.h4 §uadsrd ¢reduMild! Cli{k #q k4 Lan 19 %hQ Tp4[M qf CorvtRrrt FORT WORTH CITY OF FORS` WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Nate: Al wamrar scwcr pipe larper rhary ] 5 ixxh d.3'rn6S#r F#AII bt O MAW for m b *4 wawr S on a *d k b;aljL J bidOlM nM W mqulmd fqr-pRfF QIPM q .i 1 r tie ; rim;4 Vb4LlW" �rN tin 19{. u'rr1a. saLf�,C I F F,h iu }{rat+ t+ INL 33*fjj V.&*F- dCc. RIckLL6v1r %krAtlnac At-1AM i.1-nu 4srbu1F 33 UT 13 Fire�ml E'ov�v, �,,.3 F„ rak% x.1;72 ASTM AaU & -% ,IFT UYM TV Du [�Z+'!E 344! I3 :s=A F=m&v H&4-M cHimA AM A" & &iSM LW ..4LG+a —97.FF 30 4! 13 ►Yieie Fi mdCoym Nbb!i LF&mA& 3w.1t7'4 AUM M fi i►ARM UM6 SLl' 04L 3011113 "MAI& R� rWr&tr IF -1 fbndrY FA74)L&W iF&k&A AHTM A#A,►MWO ki34i 30"4FmL %bwwm omm endown sbmc-cg t hif1447R . mmawCImdcamw yams !4>Ffr1ARS "Gd i5 '.k="Fin=4c%pm a i TMPM-hie M 4! 13 %Lw&s a Fig "C&FM I 104110a - ° 11 Q7 13 Frawrr mdCffAR%abWdl I_ la ai 33 'rurar3W Fwc mcwt �J�1+44__� _. M w 73 3V dr M %wxmd C�— ! IAw1s 33 M 11 I. dmm1 3JRS13 WDYaSW mdLnm —*1 Wi M A:o v 3Q" Da mm pingar,l 6bwte 1f'k*lV-� -430511 WML2MF4.raandDI-woOfta!ALbrAmUA WW17 34M rx 18-04Im4F43:WCawfFfirWd Locb;~E7 IQ I 330513.1G I3R'Qb,.hmREM Maravy .Ncnmh CM&M ul lem F�ewnei! l�cd C5a h'k �a IbereLe ,�Li7V1 1L# I 7� 13s r. Pn..,i mw" Mmmftno-1 F�.-wr Len W4 6 s4olm �w 6ak kcda I= Wcc6 R,E .rR&F5 - in i aJ wk-ma dupim GG11;LLdfl PR'_r� � M{Fi1F3iR n lW lkx.. D rr,rrh amkg Rim 3- Eft O XL Asm" , &ea m ! mi svm Ted % : I AWM u 10$ # ASrA Al.W M, wa 3v Dim 3F' Dr w Q1a 3r Dim w Am ' N'Eim ' From OfWaM SrArgUed Prow`` VA Click co Return La the Tableof Conumt W CITY Y OF FORT WORTH FORTORTH. WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Noll- All wocv or tr i 12 r Ulan ] 5 imrib diameter shall bra ved for vs.- • the Water De rtme-1L on a rojerL rift basis. Smral b ma be - ulred ra: WaIrr & %Fwef. ;f blm k Rwwm Fkmss & Cever%Waux 7tiffbt & Pre=mre 15errt 33-M;-13 (REw 2rM161 ' a: •:?• 1 � tii arl�vle Frain and Cvcrt Pad �h �Ivuam I'srt¢r — ---JW 17 sIF*mk Ate mdcm+et N&AI+Crlrlt U45 11 Ma.J, Ffranfc -4 c'Qn w4A,A4W.A-F"JFCA *y ' 3105 13 Mmbhc4c Fr+,tiz and ec 31ck61n I Wai, be SL•PANA.M gymm 3195 L} k A&MIc Fr "Co uc RC,3100 ASTM A49 %Wnli k Frurw rd Cz-au 1sj7* Tel m hadn.FR&wLd VV.2L.23 -i RM mdcb*ff S" A 49 L pda led: 09." 20 P4 :+'I;u '4,- M. 0 rmih ork:0I $i-4s 4 prgmwts. Lw cikk to Ftctum to the Tahlic a contignt 5 FORT WORTH_ WATER DEPARTMENT CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD PRODUCT EXIST r shall be approved for ade b3.• CFer WaLer GeparLTert 61 s basin. 5"661 Updamed= 99 40019 lw:l r d't sws7rmomdo Prce� '�alterlc irx Z i t I ' 3s m 14 -hAw&Qtw- wlwcm rwc I-� .i al i'qmv _ 9P1. F= 44-4 ASTM C473 +i' * MOM ID 'wtaiG Tarrrlccftbmcrr t4ajtortae hw-Cv Inc ASTM Ir4U Cr v r: em " 14 %whl4L Amwcmw - -- ---C�rr�Pei i lac, 4r LV. Kwmw+w W-C*E Jtm" C'M IL52r-i+el W.V4'Il SS m Id N &.k Fri r 7w iww"rAu r tr- W 1 OL L&W63hIW n' COW ASM C 47A dr. W 74=TfiG �3 3� CG R{aE�1it Frr {15ibYlt mk.& " Yt 4r k13 KGwb@ iv?3C D1 h67M { 413 � tir3 RG411 OI.V4'19 liW IP �+h1%IC�. �JSiMtdf9��{ '. T�dl! L'F17+)r"11 FV F:,rnkorct Myrirr{owwt A:rrmr--* 1Ff3' 46K.. 9 31 LFA 1Uwamkk rr_md C�- Pane.. fta wd hti I aa-.A7i- It ra 1 Mr-M iG* ' F.L3T 0rtr al i'ar4arp F v~{ L lrp Cirk W fCum I d* i?V4'gi C4rylxrr FEAT WORTH 4ote. All watrr or sewer mpe Ufur Khan 3 5 r nrh d:3mwr thrill CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCE' LIST fur vs+e kfi' The wal-er Derurtmemt on a protect specific basis. X4 alai C - M1du&ga•• do Bausillelab Sxttemu•4 acnern[itiev; •L i-Ea ka r,•rTr4MN'; +'%4 % 44?i41 EI•54 �Laihok RsiohU%=s $m�_l��fma�'�im�i hL _ E144 %IzrJ k Rrk* 3tiync, it W Peummomm � #'br46 � � i�IMhN11�ET�i Svsrt« �w� t'� — VW03 EI.94 RPM ► ohminM WIfSw+m4LWTI Itmrir _ PahaLiArerTowww " W,L -.-usv irrooc r+d l.�t+l7lrii lrur� upa ed! 09,OG 7010 be uequlred rp= some .AMI DM 3 V-m * front Ge 6rL0U +wortboductsiw Glick to Return to the Table of Content 7 Amlob: Aft waerr at iew" Woe Lhralr err.a ti 15 _nch & CITE' OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST r rut by ih* wair_ heagr merx ma aranrd =ecdir 5asm.1wri21 he JW&W & k= m Matkb*Eexdc t asesMet1ab 5}f[ttH&rN t1Cmtatifift* 4644% EI-I-d NbrbL;C Fr+u=Sy A.K!r+ -.Lf-v I-y. EI-I+ MubowFdQu;iAtn • IWA-c f- 9 V L"L Cazbmc fmrC m ppdrcbmcEd=mrti LRTECH 41.31a Cacko Fee C&07L.!Fr f4� Ch�a" i+MA" Com wcE for Cerrowx Fnli% aon wKTen:U irgaer{nol t�ic iKlrComm mPgwinG�l fiiiAl_ �a }I 7a4! �TIGt OF"- So x {%mL+t N Osm Pon pmweDWEtitkd SFMr-- %5gyn.+ MY) &W 2IDP4A*6kgk Ewrrlaiac) Al; akiO tl P- II uad'.FSdI SU-W Value�t� XK&X LfmpdreofnF7�n#.Vr,.jS" tLLA — Emimm S:pdmIe+d= G9 MW'.019 +!ST%d f}d39 D'.F?Q rN EaNfWC[90(tl� sbud . char ••AFMMd3mioa Scff&—Tb6u — 5~ Af4AtKWm = -rro-0!iOnr3Wbdr4 PrAzrtP05L Clk* wReturn w the Talh-k *f Gontard CITY OF FOIST WORTH FORT oR-rH. WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST moit AU +vim 4)r dt tr Dic r la.-ftr Loan. 15 inch diametrr shall be ago-rrved `ar use by 4Fe Water bemutment on a aralert sDwf r bads. 5arr-31 heddirre ma4 be maui red fo-r same wam ills` r wfr-AELmb Ar Iwertr - F' IITC 31 13 ')d=hc c 1�1 Knuh.;Q %lack In 6rc{a - fi x AAM 0 1 W rW 2 dj3L I ] AlW4 Q ImScn Gera %hgutl PML6 %Lm& Id Ord- Pbdk ASTM D 13449 Sw3A &L BO 13 SimAwFk Icwn �IAt IG Onir. ASTM V 110 09'1AA 33w U %Lm JEl c ILLZI 1rr. 11 v.T.- 4111,__. parya Pwbl'diL MIN 11 %Lm*=4c I PAdkiiiiin t &CAL Ir 7d crlj* - UMJ9%L fuct 9�lr 21' 151111 4 Rnwti0M1L--*I%Vhd/r*PIadHCaLil;i i;lKk 1* Return to the Talaileof Content 9 FORT WORTH, MaLe: All water or sewer pim L2 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT TT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST than ! 5 lab diameterlha]L be avprovrd for use hutheWaRer Der artmrnt on a aroiect smdFsc basis. i 14'�IR� �r 5[++rt-F - �b� i�YS1�f',a4itlflF 33-ikr�# f�101J13� I I NOW 1 U.V4 { Mc f k,: N' i-�% --4 F prc p 74*-Vpm, s.c y'ahm $�oc1 °�ti •' mad 33 0lwlln A clmullc.ip� A:hm d A -41 .ti iil.fixml bd s3I "929T C111-ft4--pp Cwifih Ww -mm Mi wduhr4V3L Ste, _ 6&34016 ' S100 Cww! Pwc T a sm we Lauri S-ELM vw OW=9 09li4po :adci Ucd Ca= 9mccmo P*sfs3d ad Inudmzz Cetrtd 3m4 Cara 3ftrveeti W'7G't7 51wiejr smml[%NMI P&M I +IJ0R-d%�w4 Ow 9v l l �*j� �Wrw FA -I i rzmifcF o +Cwk:d -fobvn SIRI., fa' tion. Frr+i or P-pr wJ rl"tA t4in, Ur+dwd; M67019 [kp ld 4 UpLokr - IrQ'n GrkprW SW44rd -DWCt Uk Clkk W A"urn to tfnd3 Fatlg -pP Cpntgr t ip Foprr WaxTx. +Naxrrr sewer pipelansrtham 1Sinch dlanxucr CITY OF FORS' WORTH WATER DEPARTKIEN'T STANDARD PRODUCT LIST w I I�Y�firr & �yrwrr- 1'ipes.+!I} mle From 33A1-119(I)MI) * D 11 le Mkm� Iry Pvc { r.1I.r F' ,yr 4�!{FTrre 4h�h4 Ir{+F fMIRWI FIPC i i I IA �\ If Dniak Irer Prde D Ak Ilea Poc b.�lr Lm Pipc i'o -mncsov Bmuac Irm Co u 5 "and fc.dr — FM&c (w, F ---- Fj= liw 1fc�aaw ] F � u(1-0 tk%-4Irm PVr M41'A' rcCbI If"%P¢cCa 1 i?Am I IpdsDid! M 11vM39 AWVA C15k C451 'I`}' d AwSP'34,inCin aIIlAW urwkt39q vial AWd A C3%. CJSI ' F"Orti-al .-d.#M.Pradwt#um O-Kk t-D Return to the Table of Coment 3> FOiiT WORTH f{to-. ui shin bc ro CITY OF FORT WOP.TH WATER DE PARTM ENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Upd.r,�a: C%4&'Mi'9 btddi" rnoV be "mused far iaaryc ' FrCP-n Qrn6'4, Y.trdaN PMOKts lha Fick to Return to b-c Table of Content P F-A�RT WOrRTH. ■ CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STA .NDA D PRODUCT LIST than 15 . nth dianuier shag be aoarowd lam vse by the'Water tbiv artm ent -or. a oealett satclflc hams. S*GCial I.' pd* rcd • 09%W-019 be reovlrcd for some +5rwer • L'{rfffingoE Doxv [61 Aw 151 yF# 7s*!#c �aiY �JrL175i'L rR. _ i� � �d�7iFr4 3 -.4.. _ Er4%-c LinJlr S}i1rrm Eft:k2 M7d IRd Swkz IR+ew D cak Ifa1 Pdk C4wft bbkddd P M ASTM 2-1 IP Drwh 16M pwcb Y 4dfll,Ud t`miu�a.frr {�rr7upo f rRtiy _ f Cirwlnm Ads 741_ SIML51_ V A94 RekKAM 7e4*1-- M,gVmld Cy71on fm {'� 'Alin rn Fm9prR 31 � 11 fa {Y11 'i�FJ�w�crbr� ` FN;dM 0r g"1 UV41ro RrvdSK# Ud W Rir#yrn to khe Table at Gontenl 11 FORT WORTH 34 {�;rwrr • �:��fmhvr ��s CITE' OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST 'L-pd:Mw! "%Q43P ' F'rwn dr.C-aI Spa Aard F+.adwb� L4m Critk LQ Return [a Ole Ta bit! aF Comans J t FORTWORTH CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER b E FART[ ENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST i .!={ 14 �L1;•,.a %ckclrma%34kc Llrsk1K Wa3LTO7WoTmrm&4- I.paaaia: 0946.%19 ' From OrICOwI S amp!Urd RrodL= L}fr CN& to Retrim to tl* Table (rf COM%nt 15 FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT Y OF FORT WORT] I STANDARD PRODUCT LIST L pdwed_ 09AYWM19 Istwer - Pipcs�fU'-uncrefc _. • LI TL L�Qw hoc. kraI"w: waft roam* Pipc{b I= A&TM C M •• ' Cum Crrt rfoc. RkizWca cbmaba cwot mh Claw III T&G. 3Pt II= AMi11 C I* I I itw add[. . RMAM&.C-10- I � ;IL-0_ {'8nc Pam+. R.f-0ra,d .is33A C Im Pam 000rai iundyM Pn^cn Lim dick to Return W the T;bblr 61 Ctnttrlt 16 FORT O RTH . Malt. AM %%uhror ar fir almo W--.&Pr Cb*p 15 ii� Sewer - P9 r E larEmrint Swv kl{I'owr� Vvn� CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST sf bm. the wsr-pr ocasrrmrnr on r ereifer sorelf FIM CersdrrGA 7rmrJsa.� ?lac rti� � v� F�rtd7kts icnc a V"Icd . Og.+66� . 19 i]Y 6Q reaulred for some glues. pimcop.P�ai"n'n,�r .gel 1rcmWdjL }won Tc i Apm%r:d Pm 6 Ai sp ,%td Pfnvjqz�k • RrrXr}Qr MW S4rOd" prDAjgd HiF# Uick to kglvrn ca the Table of {intent �? FART WORTH. Name! A t v`-Awr er m-om- CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STALNDA" PRI)D CT EAST rlb2n 13inch ckiamgrerskAbe approucdforuseby4hprWabu Deparmervtoms basfs.5perial Cpdal d;OlwoulA Stwtr - P ptTibeQIam Krimfart ed ripe 33-31-33LIAM 7rtl r :s i- -: C'e-1 VLAF4r-y'••• r%ff V� w FrrBativ„rra lxcurc7 ,s5'rmmul62+mrAr bklt le fJ it Aj lbowl"n Few 71rr zan Bcat3 Lr=md RPt7 iiw ASTM EM63+wT + 903W J F�k`r Rm,lo4vd Pu2.racr��pc Fkpalm Jr'`T" W.4"KI � - - 4gaw mm1wd cwmt Pits !knee U5h Kr-- 'N+xna pl ASTU M A2Td. F477 3' b YG2'_ika V .41pk—vacr—Lm il4_� rhoc RmnrxcEd,PahrncrCVu=PYcc ASiYV% `r,arnGmyaraISnrda■4Pv-SwecsUn GIiCk k4 Ftetµrm tQ the TAW of Content I CM OF FORT WORTH FORT O RT H WATER DEPAFtTM ENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Up&bed: wv0fvn19 MOU- All water or sewer pipe Largrr rhin 15 190 d4rH1Ktr ShA bt 4rcuo--ed ra= use by the W;itrr Department un a waiect swift ba;m S 621 hrddi ye ninv ht rtaulred for iamf nim". • I4%2-dtabin o hs o P_ Um Duo Lk PtWefth « R�ft ASTM o 1'14 a. � r�bn�e#we�r+t I'k=xa Ix -- A T74 R lam-._ a- 1 r Pam. w- Ora a tw f �r ft'A+iy+i w*%tOnk= Ae M W" Cmd.%.d-w+j*aw MRC04ftm Pt-e WwonrtN Asnw a n-a • Ft 0 m 4 r 4:-a I:�hh-odm n$ P rc4 Y 03 k:51 Click to ReturA [b the Table or Concent 19 FORT WORTH. CITY OF FORT WOKTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST ihan IS inch dmrratrr shil be maproved for use hrr 7hr I x�- Prq!s&mF-e Stw 31-31-17. i4,1= 7��L'II I � � � _ 77R•'•+�'t'?�ww+c Pam• 74']7+1i — ?uii.r, _sarei►'L�1aaRr� 1 5Fc k�,v,5 Vti r No;% a P" RtyJ �� Pra�i,�u fW-a13�v I'� br L pdaird= U4 419 AWV.Lr9w +-%u iY ev, -Acm 'Su4 I r!em OftRw snrewd Fm&ai Lill aK# ID P4*Lsm RD the T;BbFe of CanzeM 21F FORT WORTH - them 15 ind li:arr tqe: sha l be Imo. PiDm 4" C-334T-TD{7J'IJ"M s�.�l•za �'4Y'scwerrrrr — - 441'10 F%.v +res RMpti 333t." P%vscwer Nm 1 334149 Pvc 5eier rke %kr fq'$er I 41 Il+la ` 33.3t lf7 rtrsc.rrptm 11�11+41 r 33.300 Pt'C.r� rive Airy? "MGM"41-N .041.70 FI'CSe+�ryapr Pk'f add ffj�J,,)�I poi. �M/t7bEa 3341.30 Pti'C %r Fmkw Pti'r'?1Fwnlp i7r17+5� t ��cd is. MT pqw �14�741� 3} }I i}D PYCScwrr ri4c m 29 p%,c weer plot 3•297814 31113•. tmfixic&FM=VLIP1Y1 g,:6.7014 33 31 20 3cwa Pfpc 4;7p1g _ 1yyl.0 pw CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST for use by the Wacer Depsrtmont en a Updared:09ID M14) I beddine mar be rea ilred for wmc r .-Tc4 vro,aL fi+n r4i' FM a}43d 13" *Ltev %Lxmfachr r Coro ASM DMM, D 17U Ir J,%[ Mftuhclm-m {b . lot CM Ertel ASrM D3M a' , IV bMMW w4 P4, nO CaNroolL maut-lid ASYM I t- AIM CP $06 a• drr is, L vmm t'Ylm w AST34 F 7t4 41' do 1 d' PurA Amid Sal o ' W ll riot 5DR16 35 ASTJJ mm S' dhrw IS' heA PS+C !Aril Cuntiflr ssw A.r*TM Dim Ir ? J•XI k1-••r_=h- Ca 1or, ASM F470 13" - 7Y Jieefte M Sbism ad S1cn33 ASM "6 t lr __��wi v i►Ra►oal FS 46A,i'rM F479 1r w4r - —5ml4_R4 3w)f C Pbaw Tra,Jr. In C6u&mkml PVCSower Mai& AST%I 1}31034 Nomihw*w1Carp ASTM ItaYFJQI IR rd�7• ' %M" Jcl',Imwn 3GR 1a "14 P%Vcbfe Jci S1rcun SDR bb ASl'1tt DM14 4'-15' GM Pfebrcl►. In: SIR 3* ASrA D343*7-671 4'• IS' !r�r.m t� e� 1 3�R ]i salt � I ,tsl'kc fi+lla4 I r 4 Fwa 41 Pwydwd Pmdmb Lw tikk to Return to the TMAe of Content a CITY OF FORT WORTH FORT WORTH. WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST '.dote: All waur¢rsewer ipab erthin 15inth ffiameurshAbe approved"or sueb - theWaw Dtpmmeman4k projm i fic RI k --Sewer - Pi 9'S.3I-12 m A4fF1V[- ' Cwrd u PLms hp: lecliimpw TG+JmLlm 05+4}4¢ Coal N FUN PON h1*mmpci Low. r3K3 tic= 01 d+Lr' dd f)L, n ML dcm Ic.mkk h=-Idi - Tackmakr [hrf d LIRA? k:Pdm1N_ 0V9"- 19 he rim ulrcd for same ASW F 1#I4 ASM F-IFWA340I `gram 04ewu *kn¢ard 4 rkI €1" to Return to th! Tahle of ownem 22 CITY OF FORT FORTH FoRT ORTIJ., WATER DEPARTMENT STANDAPM MODUCT LIST than 1S:nch d=ame4ae shaLl to soarmxd inQ use by the Wooer UP4.bed: 09. o19 5e1rr� • F'GP#,fR�ha�fb'al� etc �� � .�;,�,...,�� - r Fdid s�d:arvl i3 fd - _ c. rnmnI Pd* Sy mv, Ilk FiJI� • FdYmM Fir. Fim Ino ndam ro0wInc _ FItlN'9?CM` J4M-+ _.. • IUid Fill• FW A� Pwc do Pt%m5 yc E84i�t1 llrW�cr Ulattli�Y! «C d4itrPiddlr,d AM TARN. Ei71, IJG7 --. . 66; O FiSYrd o }.Wla l aelne Cars ] X lip(�qj A"m r-Imm FL441T dcnb rburp sml% I k 1i 1 � rY�wllhR -fle 0"I2mda•d VedmilLkRl Click to Rmunn to the iablit of Cantent 11 FORT WORTH dote: All vaurorse%-r-pipe CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST r lha:1 15 rnch &-ameler shall `sr appeased for ase by the .freers = Pi P'rafdc Isere DLamelrr ? 4-vI Elice'_ t".X' k mr Ptak: it i" Qwmat E I M 1 r WStwr inn RM" EIW2 PVC 3ertr Pike. Ri -M �+— _-IIMIJ NbV M-4MrPPS$.—R P4M. DVAW-411 a4rrla 1 Sbz:t Radvcad ToFrit = Ph= r E TwAw a %6cL Lye 4 c*w E71 itaww' f�p/d �iora�J4LtSl +5iwonil�c �,mmiJa�di {}�� Cardruo� Adado�Ji {wbm 4Y'd H C Clrd Frgfik AST'Af F VY �,l4rs�R�L 01,�5 FrgfJe 7LCyrrCP�R - - .. .�f aTwFl 4wti "dranroladl MTN FITX gmTdc if Tri* WidJ F= ASTH F 77M aMEM,X _ASTM r xM l'g1A10- COW) 4.'54i,9 ?A'+3D• 6r*r OtIgL-1$1a-44r47 0rod um Lm Uirk To RMrn [b lf* Tihlio of CoftMM M CITY Of POET WORTH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST tipd.lea209fVw 39 1nce! AIL lolme or L!"r lArler 113an L _ ir. =h diairreWr sksaTl be apmroved For use hsE the Wawr Upanengmw",p mrMg 'Ac tqsIi. S i-IF bikdlpih rAo be uirl�'4 �bf "me f,i r W -bi13KI IL i: 'ram 4rrc rams I�+i __ _-?�7$-�ieP.-Ca++e� h14"i'FL{8o4 I"r_"s4'i •,r Iv 3e-7iPr VAN1.2 3}dbLO SS=PSa++cc 9addk MVl�[COFPe& DRME6 & iM tSwp d1 Sbd& AWWALCM I%r,9k%C cm Is 31' pwr ? _ hASbelwAia iki= Yea Mrr#mw i%mm.6I0bwT 4k6i hir 3.4' W 7' F 7Ht, P�16E�7ti1�� FV"-M-W-M- _9Jl3f.A=d V h. mrw bwc-p. pry Ulhrraa AWWACIn Z' 5j3yx1t 33•FJ LO Swp. SWI11:ta V.I. Rw %k w sm Ua- IM r EWO AWSMA mod F8IO9WYL F81t01-rr- 011444-WO-WL i MC]ddJ Jl-0-10 'BdowrBill vml+ F-0 d!.djr BQc Ca I= BAL. M-aa r RkTkJFC� 1� - Si"Vil 33-I.1-0— Cork-&m& all Mew W%ti 6irdk zca. Lsd_ 1"IMM' . F41Ji�%L MIAIL " am6mf m F1.19S[■ M. B,?�iM3. W%M2 7}4 r& A7vW.%rJM.. W*I, 1 .s�7e,J _ �l-1�14. Cti� Sic{r.-S.L 7�r�d Yd„hl 7si.dJQ�. �..1 I#d�Mhi.lFlat7kL�.1rrl7S�NF .i1++�44�F �t l•1� - lllli v4"M i-kMX*K if AWN 4'U. AMO-1, i WYNIN 3mmd C,.h fww all IIJ<iw u.�hw- klrNkrCa. L14L AMMO ,E M 1' 014Am i C-MAT�mw Srm FM Ma t [Emus I+ Jc.m 116� OMMIP ik.4SS& MLF � G"�" #.w �, moo* rr � ��IA3 i 33.13-*� r�ara i�414a��+�l J{'4� Wr�ti Fae J 1� T�c3kt�s E3kS h�R'tiY,t�'�] L'a � �Y � 1 �• �r Pal F I TMW= Sliz.roeiA= % oIN Po%eN*pl 3MAS iFlwLl A 34NW J'.r rrd w Twww ske+e CC&Mash m kraut rf ;.o d C+?23 .1i NP- 11L QLwil T*mLcmSLk.r9cpniMSliti'. TSnrQ KSTram=51rd AWVAC-?�,4' Lrais I'silt'OY� ')L'iK2 3 1 *J Ti6kaL SkcYr45mimlzz'%acis �_ Fsrr w{ w In SakkLFA Skd A%VAC-M lrp Le MV tirr13' Or &VISML PteitCl�p L4�rv.d i a2 R�vx4?wF.— - .7F-SST' _ 1--i; Moen -Cieera m ud DEW P1kekz kk. 0F1A�l7L'-i REF r F F7T54 rrL3e Mubw Elivz%'i`rcr rx mwradt;n be. DFW3K%l's1EPAT- F rW — Plai,c a mX«.pc.ocLid Lr _ 1 153C +1EF,S-FTW {tkr"4' oft ALHVYM Camrm-w %Inrr Irlm F>itiYJE}iR14 C EWJ-M LM- UM re-4-Gree* MF4ar;r Produm L1sl crick to Rmwrn to tale Tale of C15Fml n 25 CITY OF FORT WORTH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST �Wawx- FWts. aed Grrkr M-31-05 11'DIhDA,rE.11 1 — 1 � t pdsdM: {19*"- 19 mz be uir&d foe some L s `FromOryaru:3urilrdRrcd iLat li#43MtLFrnwthe Table ofcunt-ent is CITY OF FORT WORTH FoRTWORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STA.NDARD PRODUCT LIST 1'pcp.*rN! 09MR - 619 Now All water a= sewer aloe ts.rarr than 1S _nch d.amrsrr shal] ar 2uvw red for usr by iAc waccr bacarrnarnr -nn a arolr{r sciWilc h2sis. S&recial beddmp nrx' he rea rllred for lame olm. '�►'*liif - C`�nbulall�a.�#A[.R[1[a� 3�31= 0 �01�?13] F.I-I_ r'avcH.n rpAawpm-- .nc ImrbmAiiaidk'a Wal%V.Mr4A9)1. .1,%FMA7:115<LUuFk471%,[i I'ik7'^ Roam I:I-7I f�brmaAukcic�4 frt��smdk'a�mif�rp`bkdd ]�. - — EI•11 C, O6 -";,, Au f►ckm& 19irt YAIre =1 NMWC&OL AFIMdLI43C I WJC Mil IIVC G'_ rky Fr4YM 014imI R& ihr6 P06LML kit1 Click to Return to the Tsble of Cor enk zx FORT WORTH otiose: All w3terorsew-r p1Qc Isrurth.3-, I :nch LimetcrshAbe CITY OF YORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST :or use bythe 4 ;kw VYa r arr 04mi F11rs Hvdrwt_7'. tZ= IfIa50M !rL41IS7 E4,12 DIV Nrni F1re H-Vj- G� 11ri1 _ -1.12 � � fI jVdEM* �k38f5 E t�-I2 Ekti Lar.L:F.H.d�� t I'13.4d &"2 My B1ard Fve H.del.rl E-142 jars ELM Fret Hsdr�1 Errri# WY &WnI Tmr H3d<w1 pA ari7 [-k--12 DIV Lmmi fLm H.dor 7 A'O E- W] GrM Bead Fvo Htido�l 61IMM EI42 GrY Ord fw H.&mr IDXW 7 E+W! Pw Bw%g Fiic Hs,serr C4'iyo _ Ir-1,17 r3gv @wTXI I i N HLh {i'Ir-.18 dra•FLmcI Fire Ifudry VpaAIto! qvfKoza1$ for some Am=i;im Dr&ft YWrt Sb&p C4Ar*ft 74 54.177v1 titer � dh,.-M-m- Star L:Fa"M %0 [�-1 Jk�raril {'-SEa - .fie hVVICM1lr A ms" y1[_L•i Yirc Comptrr — carp Drkpmw W� k mw M L+ _ SLW 1r* •'# d4EL kh9fte abomm A42 ] CtTOMM S&W OrWM pr+32 klo;scr{'=umt ,W 25 smfti Ccie*ift m hW'* C%M U3, rrm & F*eib 99" Qm-$L& swmA AWWAC M ww7- �— SSco omwim mcn SKT40tu Jti7PlYAOM E] f F� �d>• 4Ker� I N iCDlm _ Frans 0figW k.radaed lwedr,�U VA rI 1L % iv Rekurn to khe FaWe of Content 2B CMY OF FORT WORTH FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STA DA" PRODUCT LIST .Nc4 . AB -.at- gr w-er c�m timi ftM1 15 M& diameter xhalL be ampm%mil hr use bti'the Watrr dem-riment on a pmlvu smelt eh l`S I ' C47ack+r ChscL kid= [` 4 %*-w I WO LkicAer Cb&L. Y;In ir{rGSr7 L Iw-I- I}I.1 V4%nril T�.fK Nv�cy ]Llarrmc 8n+; L'fnN1 t prtiiad! 04,%ELr-DI9 ek:a-w ACS!a X. IU" ' 9,lpm CTrv-41 R*,4ard Prc4am ucl Eck to Retwm to the Tihl* pE CgnteRrt 29 FORT WbRTN. CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER IDEPAR M ENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST fay us* hv11heWater I _ . - .on a oralec7 MLi` wkil 33-tJ4 i PVC PrMma 3'rw Yeah m P 317 01 � 3a 11 + j Pvc rfwa l r F r i ;h2t 3P $-m 1�3PIy Il ]2 hYC'rYus�nc I'i_x ?5adi� m Strt� 'JU77s341� S1 L1 12 MC Pmr.Lr PTc Diw*DM 4%Miu-tarmadit 5Cff%rA11 33 11 a3 PT•'C Pmr PCr M—r" d "W&kC-Rag9w L U'N 13 " L 1 ]: Jam C P4rc vur I I W ! M Mmmcft" Cb6 ree dwk im Emm I�&%Ij 13 1112 PW17Prnmar PW J 1 M M3rirm rw.4 Co Itic d'Wh JFI Eajrk �'p�le4� D4.�fv7DL$ h VWA (LIW. Ala-W r. rh : A5TM DIT31 �'•F� DR:I AnLA Ma ;-�]- 'RRIF .yw%VA1" 0 LF-24' vi614 .y ww JL cSw +'• L Z' Ir M M WDR IF 11T7iyFd 1N la Li Ills VA"'B4weme Ai PT-V#I x54 .t 14 dtt 11 12.1295 I V, X �Ik 9nr1c" &,%#"#I FM t61-' 9LT^- It rKi i Fyn PtiSi h1hVA PM 1r •4' aN241#' }3 F1 1: 17 Prm w Pw MATT* GRI L rYt'4'A OW 1vh^OL9 Z! II LZ Crrpwgr F7Rc %iAPCG QRII r4W"L AC"W #'- 13' "COL* },M 14 0 IV, SMZL-- ft-{" EiRl d *lh''.4 }'- II' `FrofMC'i1ihaISLbOOUrdPr+dualLila Cliff k0 ffinurn latheTahly of Cantrnt 30 FORT WORTH Npw CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LISP' Updalyd: 0946,1019 WI� Piw�4rllhro�dtt FaltiYols��Uoetile Iro■ Fltlings�3-l1-11 (�?1�1 I �— -- 87a CF-ml: !ira St.1* r"uca. M th.►.o lkitd Fmi . .4WWACW&C116 • EI4T Data. Iran R*6p- [3�Ir� RiFi.odla�C¢ _ Mr�lad Jere F AWWAC 7 Ya • I9147 Gaiak 3me FWAW Nk-WM a'rAltrdW LwkaWWI& Si+�� mtih rirAl JZ Fdv cIsIF'3 7- �LWWA C FMC 1 ML.0 I I I L14'Ik-A LIST L1.t,iMiron"MlYu - YAM Ca TdeeYrlrl Jeri 558 €LaISI � ���C17�1S_141L�Ji1 '_wm+ E14I IA! FAWIL-- J1aac#M - i�rt 9ci.FIrIyI/I AWWACISi am4m — NIOT cbmmk bw Jam SM&Nis a I Fed F k" BaaCaAfhiFlrye Lh�iFF7at*e 9aaiea 14d8 — AWWA Cl I LOC133 RSr14" SJ, F;r kmd Rile $VxCurSlfFlwx UM-FIAW Salo l5Z Ctek•Lada IIrl?p4F El-0T DKOf %]9 h1PAM= {I1ef3dtIsy --OwBob ReMMUdTaitrmny tt7�aft{Flr�C1l�l�lff k%l 1.11 batik Lm Pkm wwhmaia J111a)1m1 EMA rm t= w -0ug ` Fn LIWgNo You nppl t1F�J� CFI IXI LGCU3 iI'll n1c T%bt. mbammw Aid 69.yAYMt ltt °1 scorn -ON (rclelV( pip) �4f�1F�1C111K7I�C1F5 G5*Y LIST - hitdr•e�elY alhe Naiiaer�ItdL>•5f�C7-- -- i5rprr4ac-lakSLC4-9�10 �4 +4M14 3w•I1•I1 k car,7o>tK�ersFC,�elrcnn alrjd Ci F"� A10ER7 AM'FYACl11JCJ53 moo& F 1.04r INe aYklwRcicakmsii pvc) S mLCa, 'tea' k� � — rSAWAC111C153 i iWiwN E14FT 69 p.wweflApP - 3�-col 5LQE ,lW'e A CIS - -- - E1,34 F�� Aoen*w w 5 t a TwAncid hwm;;4 #yF 4 Nwrmw IAli A tm ew1 - : J STM P-! d'4 3�Or — �a.(►► MFaelydr�lJeitfm� - 37Projcddkallaetftm*cl . � F� L AWWACL23 I tom 343-11 -- I momm a ja& Rmm& deal. *rr Prot Pwo$wtrw Iee, F9C Slter� S _. h}>74 *s'9►8 47I I I URHI/ 9 17.1! i %fob" G"s Saar p+a NT.*Ai{- rn: aIP Sralyfp 3aict 3oL]? AXT11 AsJA A' w.% C1J�_ A-11.11 9L? Indmin it ainpom i FY Ckv J— Xiura.v (=p 54" l%w [>1P [+d 417bJ17'rA A CY 11 �ie!!V'Fi 'J�IY•YI `mehNiv ift" RdbbtrQrmF SA? l dLau�.5=w7p=l Ef {eplo rrl n'raal CEM Bcdit CM J�T7.1 �473iAZ RJ4 CI7I _ LU. N P YC p. fq 5I-11.11 `J rNJ►fe<Wrd lbel Rdre.adla4 *st IMv,nn %=Mr"c) EZ Cdvlot 4EXM LW dprM A" MIG AWVA C11 I D FI I1 pvc v pi 4-4r 4'-IY lfil iw Rrgm00orWiSuMaed P,tdL4iv 4o; Cli€% I0 Return lei the Table. erf Content 31 FORTNVURTEi. CITE' OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST UpdalEd; 441D6�414 Note All water -or sewer i pprvv2l SW Nm la than 15 in6 Mowry ¢ball h* 2cArmed for use Classsifk2bon, h the Water Ih rtmrn[ on a arolm &&Ofic lists- bedal bedding mav be reomifM lot i4mt Pilm. it' firm 5otrd Gale NA&_ & 1AfidilC316SJ ;!CG_CM. WCd*W lr� 4aivc 74i 11[Ll m r Y--^ Dam Qi-41� Rs QmM x'ta CbM Yaht Arnim Rival Coal AWWA MS ]f,' R=Qicm wdrtGM Vane Amarieao YSo. Cre*�r1 f8 ¢► 23�e i ili+ LSG 9t-'4kld, �1WV1'AC3Es dllILS4 Rtunrns�'edrtG�wJl�_ — d4aaaai- Firm Orel #eia Ia1Rdi1-bS�YTI �_ h41WACS1} lib rou" E14* Yahv H" Cill*l 301033iM ONdib Merl A lfi,�1 -_ 4' w Ir RMIM M dmccdc valve Amfrblmm P%rm Cam" #Fnd4rAFC ZM _ AWWACSIS W ma4ir nuffil E 1-]6 9oils:f1 wdrtGrt Vahht Amum AVKVurm n "adw AwR3rbm 13V Ati{f1i'AM9 -_r*I$— O1�R E I46 R�'4r� - �reriea r4►'k C.)." - -- 41-:• rlm0Cz1Vd(laie valve tG•�a�• • - Ir • E 1,36 _ Roaiar 3erYaiSrrt Yrlve M&tl - V-1r • EI•�b Reiibm 5rrlr/GWvr" _ xlailci Cu _ pvPIE"ti1'"QWvahie - mw*srto a+�Z]8Yr�6d+141 AWW'AM— 16` adril+la Rm crd wdas:C♦rac vdlvt mw,nw.03 Ser>ot iir 1F'•�+'�Sa 6a4FF _-- AWWA015 W raF�lel I&MM llmtk,w Ve�W4t m Vrhw ktmlkr{ n 364i>t* 3V & W.S411 AWWA{5I5 — wmkd $*' O7� xa1, �a , .��r. cs[e_ tw*xofe firma ar Rcwhcft Wadlslamc Valve llw VrM Cy i4ri�Jr- #0 V - Yr tarsal Rmlow 91'adg=Q1k V*1W W R5 G1V651) 13.29 ) A1L WACHS I142144 EI•.6 RtsJt,e s'eict Gm VahT � [Iray4m m Cler` RYVam M D$Iiu# AWWACSIS WOW PsFhm WtOKSayvalva cup Vrlvtuk I {Im. AWC-115 AWWACSIS -WEq,&1*4rn>fl IMMf I[ w CWCVahm CU. V*mCo, _ 4,L14w 4'A,.%k4d VA r Mb-AVat 19M.] EI,M I+Ra,1m� Sere 1hhY -%mmw V k,$ l7E ra-V J WWAC'0. titt�l i2G •>� - 4' • IY ASTllt A M Sy*r3W . irNe * d,ii �pes+>M+r1a.wMC v.l,. usFwbeeFbm&b%r* %40,0,.p7tZ! .f , sat.ra I b'to16, 4 - . 3 � +LP■ &.Mae CO. valve E! VEm Milm Pi r6�,%.0 r- F Il�ncc QaeValor hrrto". Cd. Z21tMR f AWWAr0.%WC'Ll$?Am2l,3S +"w�!►- •i] "orwr w ftVW44Pmd lwup Click to iicturn to the Table a: Content 02 FORT WoRr14 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST NOV. AIS veaterar smtr DEDe ltrwt Min 7 5 In& dimmeEer shall l-r ampNved for ase 'the Wattr beLampM on a eat specift basis. S2tgA4 bcddlM ma' .VModel r_�iprti�ral,res & %!{�Yer St�1ed BadtF�Y'f� V>blvr �3-1��1 ��11 �l4] r 1?1�16 Valpbr24i�VAm Ifsflr b _ Ll7Lm EIM F*6w_NwIWV*m DMffww+bnCr id+kM -IL- VWmmk tm=tzLM~llwV*Au 1'alaalae Yjamod k4N&=riim-0M e. viirrv�,t� A+rr'%sMi_ — i 4F97 Et.Yb KjblW swd &dsrA Vdlvc — - FARM V.3h■ i{hl{3&b ON A I 3313 I s wd boom,* YYat � A. R�4a tGakLm .k dQow] _itr Cl4k MmUftb Yil.r t'pdarl d: 09.960114) far 3oeae AWWAC-3G1 --A " .c4"- WAmdmmbQ AlywAc-M ma tow -AVlWAC-.7+E L ois" fyr+ it A"AC-M* _ 3v+oar AWWJ�-40 3 r-w - I Fftooyi ;pAlUwmn dPradmaLin Mck I* Return tD Ehe Table of Content 31 C ■ • OF FORTWORTH FORT WORTH-: WATER DUARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST Up4mko: swaunig II kciror or ievm aloe Urver thaw 15 Eneh d:ammir shall be amoreved dar aue br thr want: Denarementam a arnisct sraeciFr basis- UK- lal heddrnx may be eftudred l4F "Png ' V r - Pa rmdnrlemr Y.mr*s.emnkn t 33-1 1-I (MVOWISN 1 _ VDIM ee-13 bxtbvl�cEmc in , I F-k.,,AFwAaw Fu)w E.�afvnw+ AWAY AC191 _ A=aLLD �F 01411.ed EI-13 �dbli4�ilN �rKaun�c kk+lnliN'�i�{i Inw a4zrmsm md A" bw 34RA+i ftz* K l 'wWAA 03131 :id LLD kl11M EIS IJ 74ana¢ticrr f AkP led, . �lkffaw6r Ca uu && & Cjk" AWWA Ms [ rw b4&v&vkmEemmrmtrg 4"1�PrU#IXe.l■c PEEhm�IsCO I AWWACIW r=1LLD ' From Rup4ard Products Lrd Vick to Return la ttm Table of Content 34 FORT WORTH. iTao: All water ensemm pl 1i if ChU 15 indh diamele7 shk l � I r S dr:oa I 121d, %An C ,Aire S=~. CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCT LIST the Wafer Deuarvmcni on a dr*kvK irre�cific basic. 'hicr VIW I R:13 lh'am SmvLmf ii1/ ba tlpd,ied:00"r 119 :nys ONO— inwd*rd *rums Um CHO to Return to the Table of CorAcrt 15 FORT WORTH CITY OF FORT WORTH TRANSPORTATION & >rIJBM WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION STANDARD PRODUCT LIST t pdritd: 04'M0l) 1 %Imhnks & RasaJFrasotd & CovejVSesndard RMund 33•U&13(Rev 11J.811 --- L— a�pst tl051! 1rpi M1[HRC'e-wMM - A$IrM A49 AASKM ILM "D+1), *%rA1k 13013 MWOLe1c Co•r Mwah V#04jti NF-I -vMTQI ASrM AA$ AASHT13 MM* 7. Gri '3�t# 330:3 wwaoc4IFr��£'a+vs Newr+tirl-ndn W.473.LV4011r rdF ASTMA4SM-91T1DMM drOrr 1M'rvMt& M 05 I? %bodw +R rnor Ngouh F-a� XF.K.W.115 iSTM A S AAPff4 M * 1! ZV 6v fAMML 31N11 %Lv9utcrraonxeC-cvv2 %,Qnu *-n d *ITE,YArf k5TM .4da AANrTO M I% arIhs do ;QIQ 00013 Amuck frm "4C4—a2 tIr L+Batrv�'-` '—"`.'9i1T hFF%i A44 J.AMlT] M}M IY1-j`AA 4!3 ;Olf 1) Qi IS 7llarb7wk fn+ncr Ni4 e&m SIP L-Amu sF ,. =K;7 A,SIIL Ass AASIIM MX6 3. 141 "lrrr: Aff ■m do Aopnrrr and •c+ io-Wirlwn mbO6 r 1W .i.r7 rvg w o rpctlllvEi4 {lry An} vr.illcr cperq Pin —4++h ;Yp bb—pd mgrirc rcp9vnq �1 Lfur+ Ard 4o- d+ . •- Prrl+rr+orLhr rr*duiwv+l &,bot.;rb"AmI'rndSiLrn •Fao-Ck'OnelSundartvroddmW Click to Returr+'ltrthe Table of ConTfinE