HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 60335-A1DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
CSC No. 60335-A1
This First Amendment is entered into by and between the City of Fort Worth
(hereafter 'Buyer"), a home rule municipality, with its principal place of business at 200 Texas
Street, Fort Worth, Texas, and ePlus Technology, Inc. ("Vendor"), Buyer and Vendor may be
referred to individually as a Party and collectively as the Parties.
WHEREAS, on October 19, 2023, the Parties entered into City Secretary Contract 60335
to provide expert guidance, oversight, recommendations and planning assistance to the City in the
management and execution of this strategic initiative ("Agreement/Contract");
WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to add a Projective Objectives Plan
(exhibit A) at no additional cost using the existing City Secretary Contract 60335 under The Interlocal
Purchasing System Cooperative 230105.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties, acting herein by and through their duly authorized
representatives, enter into the following agreement:
The Agreement is hereby amended to add the attached Statement of Work at no additional
cost using the existing City Secretary Contract 60335 under The Interlocal Purchasing System Cooperative
All other provisions of the Agreement which are not expressly amended herein shall
remain in full force and effect.
This Amendment may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be
an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument. A facsimile copy
or computer image, such as a PDF or tiff image, or a signature, shall be treated as and shall
have the same effect as anoriginal.
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 1 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
Name: Mark McDaniel
Title: Deputy City Manager
Date: May 5, 2024
Name: Kevin Gunn
Title: Director, IT Solutions Department
By signing I acknowledge that I am the person
responsible for the monitoring and administration
of this contract, including ensuring all
performance and reporting requirements.
By: 5�6 k0-"'g
Name: Jeff Park
Title: Sr. IT Solutions Manager
�4444R�� �Dui
ATTEST: � pF fo►;T�GaP By:
po�'..°d Name: Taylor Paris
Title: Assistant City Attorney
U �naoo44
Name: Jannette Goodall
Title: City Secretary
ePlus Technology, In . ed by:
By: LV6Vu �l G, AMi A �Vt,
Name:4Wjai1 i n
Title: SVP Contracts
Date: 4/25/2024
M&C: 23-0787
Approved: 09/26/2023
DocuSigned by:
Tina Cranmer
Contracts Administrator
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 2 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
Exhibit A
)DMa 8
Project Objectives Plan
City of Fort worth
Library Operations
POP# City of Fort Worth -Library Operations Roam Upgrade-142106
Dernorr.io Hamilton
-00 Texas Street,
ForE Worthr TX76102
DeMorrio_FEami ton LlDFartworthtea.as gov
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 3 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
OocuS0 Enuel•pe -D: DBCD4145EGE243CB-BD5.-1AADEFDC005B
City of Fort worth
This Agreement and Pro;ert Obvectives Plan ("POP"} is made April 12` 2024 {"Effective Date" by and between
Cityof Fort Worth ("Customer") and eP us Tedino off. inc_;"eftel leach of ePius and Customera "Party" and
togetherthe "Parties')_ This POP is grnremed by the TIPS 2301D5 Contract For the provision Df professional or
consu ing services bye Piii s to Customer jthe "Agreement"
Customer has engaged ePlusto upgrade its Library Operat;ons room using Cisco Hardware and Webex including
project management for constructafn drawings, matena. moordination shipping coord nation, and on -site labor
Deliverable: A measurable indicat on of progress within a gi-ien phase documentation in hard copy or electronic
form such as analyses reports manus s test res:LAUr or any other items as set forth n sect on 2.2_
Milestone: A specific goal ob ective or event pertaining to services described in this POP.
Normal Business Hours: The hogs of Monday through Friday 810 a-m. to 5:00 p.m local time, excluding any
Federal and ePius observed holidays_ A list o� ePius observed holidays wili be provided upon request
Prod ucts:Third-pa rty hardware and/orsoftware products are sold separately and are not deliverables
The Services that eflm and{ar b; subcontractor shall provide tail Inc tide:
ePius wil conduct a kick-off meeting
• Introduce the project team and review roles and responsib! mES forthe Customer and ePius
• Review project objectives and scope of work
c Review task list and which tasks will be delivered on site is. remote
Review project delis-erables and key milestones
dentify acceptance criteria far project milestones
Review delivery method and acceptance criteri=_ for dE iverables
Review project bill of materials
• Identfil tical pro ect deadlines
• Identify and secure rsitical dependen s/constraints, which may include:
Work b ackout dates
Customer ma ntenance windows
Review project change management procedures
• Siscuss inival requirements needed by eP us from Customer
^:emote access to existing environment
9 Existing documentation
• Deve op plan For key or regularly schedu. ed tastomec project meetings, which may n ude:
Schedule clEsign meetings)
Schedule project state S meerinds) and freq uency
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 4 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
DowSW Enuetope,D: RBCf)4141--EOE2-43CB-s757-1AA06FDO0056
V a Cky of Fort Worth
Training Room Design
The conference room willfeaturea video conferencing setup featuring an owner -furnished Cisco Roorn Kit Pus
codes. A Cisco PTZ4K camera will be ceiling mounted towards the rear of the roam to handlevideo pickup of s
presenter. Audio pickup wi I be managed by (4) cei ing microphones, and cell ng speakers well facilitate playback of
content and far -end audio
+ One (1) owner-furn shed lOG" fixed -frame projector screen va be installed at the front of the room on
the North wal I to show content and far -end video
+ An owner-furn shed Sony projector wiij be insta ed using an owner-furridshed ce rg mount kit to
pro ect on the above screen
+ An owner -furnished Cisco Room Kit Pus will be instal ed and configured to faciltate video conferencing
Note Customer ts responsib a for providing the Web ex rcense
+ Up to one (1) OFE disco 4k: PTZ Camera ref Ing-mounted towards the rear o` the room to provide v-rdea
Pickup of presenters at the front of the room
+ Up to (1) OFE DSP and four (4) ceiing microphones wiil be used for audio p ck.up of corferencing
partidpants- It is understood additiana microphones would be necessary for wa -to-wall coverage-
+ Six js} ceilin speakers will oc instat ed for content and far -end audio playback
+ Up to one (1) HDMi input Mfl be wa mounted on the Uiest wa I for a laptop connection to the system
+ Necessary audiovisual equipment wit be stored in a wall -mounted equipment enclosure location TED
+ Up to one Ilj Cisco wall mount Navigator wil be mounted above the laptop connection and %v present
tha native Webex GL to the user
+ Up to (1) pair of mount•ng hardware wilt be provided by ePlus for the DFE Cisco Room Kit Pro to be
mounted above the drop ceiling
+ Up to (1) brush plate for the Budd a and Boardroom are ncluded in the BOM and rstal latenn is rot
eQlus will provide remote engineering support far the following:
+ Assist in registering Cisco deo coders to Customees Control Flub
11 Generate 16-DLnt Activations Codes
- Configure Workspace parmeters
_ EnableCustomer-defined requirements
CIA erablament
Project Closeout
+ Conduct ctogeout meet:rrg(s}
Project Management
Standard Project frlanagernem is utilized when the management requirementsfor a project of mid to high
complexity- The expectation is rtiatthe Project Mana4e will he working on tasks which may include meeting
plann-ng, resource schedu ing, equipment confirmation, and issue tracking, within a project workbook. The Project
Manager Will also be respons ble for project closeout and satisfaction surveys.
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 5 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
Envei•pe 0: C9CF4r45E8E3�3CB-BC�r-1rLa09FDDOQFB
Cary of tort worth
ePlus will provide Services on yr and no De verables will ki�e provided PAcept as folsows
• AV a evations detail F&C ecations of A.V devices (PDF)
• AV video f ow (PDF)
• AV audio flow (PDf I
• AV contra' flow IPIF:
• Equipment fists as spedfied (EXCEL)
• System nfrastrurturerequire mentsIPOF)
Unless otherwise specified elsewhere n this POP, all on-s to services will be performed at Customer's facitities
I Dcated at the fol 0 wing oration (sj( CustomerSite }:
• 8628 Camp Bowie West, Fort Worth, TX 71MG
During the rrourse of th s project ePlus wi' l require the support of Customer staff and computing resources rf the
required Customer resources cannot he made avai eble, the scope of tfie Services, estimated schedu$e (see section
5.1), or both may he affect&d. Customer agrees to proride thefollowirg:
• A work area suitab a for the tasks to be performed and arty requrred software or documentation_
• If Customer directly procures any hardware or software required for this project, Customer agues to
provide the hardware softwarer and any accompanying support documentation or nstructions.
• Ensure sufficient rack space, power, a ectric, cooling, etc for new hardware is in p ace prior to imp eenentati
c. Note: The Customer is resporaih le for moving epsting equipment within a rack to make
suf ent spate for new hardware. ePlus resources are not responsible for moving existing
equ pment duffing the physica nstal ation of new hardware.
• Customeris respons bleforthe remoa and disposal of hardware being replaced as partofthis project.
• Provide kx:ati on for disposal of packing m ateria Is_ ePlus wi I disperse of debris {cardboard, plastic, wood
skids, Sryr•fsam, and other miscel aneous packing materialo in customer -supplied dumpster
• Customer will provide patch cables related to project un ess otherwise specified in this POP.
• A secure storage location for a I equipment delivered to the Customer Site until the scheduled eP us
insta ation date, if applimh e
• Contact personnel to escort the eP LIS Fesource(s] throughthe Customer Site
• Access to the Customer Sits during the work hours required for this project.
• Current network topology
• Elertrkcal power out ets to support requ rnents of the installed network equ pment
• Provide a single technical point of contact, whois fam I arwi!h the IT environment and requirements, to work
with eP us engineering resources) throughout the project and act as a liaison between the Customer's staff.
• Provide requested network diagramsjinFormationto ePlus resource w th n two (2) days of the in tia request.
• Customer represents and warrants that it has all right, title, and merest in and to any data Furnished in
connection with the Services andjor that it has -obtained all ne-nessary consents, permissions, and releases
necessary for ePlus to perorm irs obligations under this POP. Customer shal ndemnify defend and hold
ePlus harmless from anydaims or aN ies arising out of Customer's breach of the foregoing.
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 6 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
CocuSW. Enuelope'D. DBCD04E-E8E2 43CPs-GDc7-1FAWDD00t9
City of fort worth
• In order to acoimplish the out ined goals of this pro ect, Customer will be respons ble for making
necessary modifications to the space as directed by ePlus_ The costs associated with these mod ficat ors
are not included n this POP
• Customer a ectrical and data placement completed per eP usspecification.
• All work areas should be dean and dust free prior to the beprin ng a, on -site ntegration of electronic
equipmerrt. Site preparation may be verified by sP us Project Manageror representative before
schedu ing of the installation-
• Customer is respons ble for pruacl-n.x, all software and associated licenses.
• Unless otherwise agreed bythe f arties, Customer shall respond with n rwo j21 business days of eFlus'
fea uest far documentation or information needed for the project.
• Customer shall ensure that contrcu with its own vendors and third parties are fu':ly executed and enab e
Customeesbusiness requ rementsto be met inful Customersha be responsib.eforall paymentsto,
and he performance of a' non-eP us entities ass gned to orworking on this project_
• ePlus will notbe responsible for data lox. Uackups shou d be performed priorto work starting_ A I data is
the responsihowly of he Customer
• Should a manufacturer prowde Customer with special zed or custom software unique to Customer ePlus
will not be responsible for any delays orfailuresto perform related to use oisuch software_
• ePlus sha I not be responsible for support and mai menance ofproducts-
* Unless otherwise spedfied n this POP, ePlus shall not be responsib a for any customization Of. or abor to
insta software (exceptoperating systems or firmware pre-insta ed by the manufacturer _
■ Services do not ndude resolution of software or hardware problems resu Ling from third party equ pment
or services or prob.ems beyond eP us' control.
• Services exrW& any hardware upgrade re-qu red to run new or updated software.
The to lowing assumptions were made to reate th s POP_ Should any of these assumptions prove to be incorrect
or ncomplete then ePlus may modify the price, scope of work or'vldestonespursuarttothe Cfhange'vlan.agement
PrDcedure set forth herein_ eP us assumes:
■ Where app. icab e, Customer's Site shall be ready prior to the date scheduled for ePlus to perform the
Services- Costs associated with Customers inabi ityto {l) make the Customer Site ready or 12) m"t any
of the other responsibilities specified in this POP shal be oil led at eP us' then -current time and materials
rates plus travel and other related expenses- Any additiona costs incurred by Customer as a result of
delaysshal bethesole respa nsibilityofthefustomer_
• This PCP defines e>"Lsivelythe scope ofthe Services. This POP shall not apply to any purchase, support
or maintenance of products, which are purchased separates
■ In the event eP us is required to provide third party materialsunder this POP the_ cables, racks, etcf
Customer shall be responsible for any costs, maintenance, and jor warranty obli&ations therein
■ Acceptance tests conducted in respect ofthe Services shal apply only to such Services and shal not
constitute acceptance or re ection of any Product purchased OF licensed separately by Customer_
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 7 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
CccuSir. Envelope D: DEICD4 4E.ESE2-43C6-6D57-1AAO3 FDD0059
clity of fort worth
• The schedule sha I be extended up to th rty (301 days for any peraonne change requests made by customer-
■ Customer acknowledges that at any tim a during the project, if progress is stal =dr b no fault of ePlusr for
more titan twenty 120 contiguous business days, ePlus reserves the right to slue a PA lestone Completion
Cemfiote for work that has been ccmpleted_
• If Services include any assessments of Cusumer's network, systems, or security protoco;s Oustomer
understands that no guaranty is made by eTlus or Ill; subcontractors that such assessments will detect a I
security weaknesses, potential security prob ems vu nerabilitiesr or potentia breadies. ePlus does not
guarantee that recommendations oractions undertaken pursuant to this POW1 wil camp etely address a I
issues identified or not identified
f an ePlus. Subcontractor is used to perform the security assessment/audit se es the data will
be shared with ePlus for gap analysis and recommendation purposes_
• If Services include the implementation of arty system dealing with Emergency D11 (E411) Services
incluc+ing but not inked to phone systems the Customer is responsible for ensuring its 911 d afng is
Compliant with al applicable aws, including but not fmited to "Kan's Law' and the "Ray Baum Art".
ePlus encourages customers to consult with their €ounce regarding this matter_
• Documents are created using eP us temp ates (structure and format) and delivered to Customer in
softcopy only. Customization to de iverable docu menu (structure, format, and/or o-her non-standard
conten-+ must he handled via a Change Request iCRI unless explicitly stated in this POP.
• ePlusDOwerableDocumentsincludeuptotwo(2)revisions,perdocument,basedonCustomerfeedback-
Subs.egi ent revisians will require a CR or separate POP.
■ The final source code, if within scope, forthe Customer's system is available as a de iverable at the
Conclusion of the project System files will be stored on eflus servers Attempting to rJiodifyr compile,
restore, or upload to any ha rd ware during the warranty period wi 14Did the syst&rn warranty- Shcu d the
Customer desire the Fina source code asa de verab e, ePlus wRI no longer be he d Iiab a for any changes
made to the Customer's system or the code it3e f_ This includes any system fa lu as that would nDrtnaSly
be covered under the existing warranty agreement.
• Calis and meet n.gs will be sdhedu ed at a mutually agreeahfe time between Customer's and ePlus'
resources. The calls and meetings will be s4dheduled through ePlus' Project Manager
• Notrain ng is included n this POP
• Services schedu a re. ects work effort based on non-contiguous business days and dues not include a full-
t nee ePlus Engineer for staff augmentation during the project.
■ Owner urnished Equipment (OF£S
.D it isassumed that owner -furnished equ pment is in good working order and functions as
ePlus is not responsile a for owner-fumished equipment deemed -:o be d efsctivt
rmware w be updated on owner-fumished equipment only as requiredforthe system to
c Some owner -furnished equ pment may be requ red to be sh pped to eP us at Customer's
expense for the assembly prDcess to verify integration w th the system and to avoid delays Din
• The following work is not included in the scope •f work:
71 AO condu3 h gh uotage, wiring panelsr breakers, relays, loxes, feceptades, wire pathways, etc.
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 8 of 11
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Docu3igr. Envelope .D: CBCD4545E8E2-43C6-BD:7-lAArXFDM5B
City of ron worth
Concrete saw cutting and/or core Dril ling.
o I re Aral , ceil ng, roof and floor penetration.
Necessary gypsum hoard replacement and/or repair_
Necessary ceiling t le or T-bar niodifications replacements, and/or repair_
Anir mi Iwor* jmo dings trim cut outs etr-).
Patching and painting.
Permits (unless spedficaliy provided for and identified within the contract
Off site trash disposa , unless Customer sp&Uhalty requests and pays al associated %ees_
• The room(s) matches) the drawings provided by the end -user or partner.
• The room has the €ol lowing attributes:
Ceiling space access ble 2ft x 'ft or 2ft x Oft drop ceiling t e.
1'-h_ inches oidear ceiling space above grid_
Room wa Is are constructed with sheetrock attached to stud framing spaced 16-inch or 24-inch
on center_
t. ar Wiring paths from displays to connected furniture (tables, credenzas).
Standard room height of between C Et and 10 ftfrom finished floor to finished coaling.
• There is ready access to the buitding/facility and the room(s) for equ pment and mate als.
• There is secure storage for equpmentdurin}a multiple -day ntegration
• -Plus will deliver packaging materia and refuse to an on -site receptac a ar location chosen by the
Customer Add tional fees w I apply if -Plus provid es haul off or container services.
• If Customer -furnished e4uipmen. and exi g cabling is to he used, these items are in good working
condition and wi I integrate into the designed solution_
• All network configurations, -n ud ng IP addresses, are provided operational, and functional before ePlus
integration Itegins. eP us s not responsible fortesung the LAN connections
• Cable or satellite drops are in plan with converter boxes Operational before thecomplEtion of
• Document review and feedback on drawings wil- be comp eted by Customer within two (2) business days.
Customer communication of readiness wiil be considered accurate arnd executable by eP us
Project Manager
• The rooms) should have an aooustia enxironment conducive to in -person meetings as well as audio and
video *onferencing. H gh ambient noi-ve and Dr h gh reverberatmn may result n a diminished meeting
5.1 EsnmALTEn TIMEt1rlE
The estimated timeline for the SerNces wi'I begin within th rty (3411 days after execution of this !OP and continue
for not more than six (0 months_ If Services have not been scheduled at the execution of this POP, a timeline
should he developed muura lyby the Parties and agreed to before each phase ofthe Services begins. The actual
start date will Depend an thefo owing considerations:
• Sdhedu ed avai ability of a qualified systems engineer
• Receiptof Product and any necessary equipment
• Receipt of signed POP from Customer prior r* proposed start date
• Receipt of purchase order from Customer
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 9 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
DocuSign Envelope 0: D8CD4' 45-E E-1-43CB-BD57-1AA0°2FDD005B
City of Fort Worth
5.2 TERMlw i-oN
E her Parry may terminate the POP far any reason on thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other Parro-
Upen any such term nation rep us will be paid all fees and expenses which have been incurred dreamed in
connection rvfth the performance of the Servicesthrough the effective date afsuch termination_ Additionally, in
the event Customer canceSs any Services with less than two 12 weeks prior notice, Customer shall reimburse ePlus
for any non-refundable expenses ncurred in pre.pa ration forsuc h can cell ed Services.
For the Services performed under this POP Customer agrees to pay ePius a fee of $29 113.00 itthe "Fee" j.
M leston es. are as `ol lows:
Milestone POP Acceptance and Signature $14,556.50
Milestone 2 Prq ect Compie Cron $14.556.50
The Pricing n this POP isvaiid for sixty (601 daysfrcrn delivery to the Customer. Fees include reasonab e trave to
and from the required location up td a maximum of fifty (501 miles and incidenta expenses. Customershall issue
a purchase order adequate to cover the Fee prior to commencement of Services. Fees for additional services
re ated to but not defined in this POP will be on a time and materials basis at a rate set forth in a written
amendment orMhange Request. All tasks under this POP Noi be comp'ated during Normal Business Hours.
Payment is duepurslianE to the agreed -upon terms nthe Agreernerrt referenced in section 1.0. Customer
acknowledges that ePlus may participate in and retain the benefit of incentive plans or other programs with
among others, its travel providers wherein eP us may receive benefits, such as frequent flier miles or other
consideration fortorparate trave volume. Feesr expenses, and other charges for the Services do not include sales,
user e)ecise, value added, or other app likable taxes, tariffs, or duties_ Payment that may be due on such amounts,
andshall betresole responsibility ofCustomer (excludinganyapplicab etaxes based on e`lus' net income or taxes
aril ng from the employment or independent contractor relationship between ePlus and its personnel)_
Upon ePlus' completion of a h7 lestane or Semce performed ePlus shall notify Customer by pro ding one of the
following forms of acceptance
• Signed work order or time sheet or
• FilesdnejService Completion Certificate( MCC' or
• Pro ect completion documefrt
Customer has five (S) working days from thQ comp lebon of the Servioes or Mi estone, as applicab e, to accept the
vrork performed as being complete Signing of the MCC approving the time sheet or Custornerrs fa lureto
respond to the appfnral request with n the designated five J51 work n., day period signifies Customer's acceptance
of the M lestone ort;me sheet and that Serncc-s have been performed in accordance with the POP In order to
refuse acceptance of the Services, Customer must provide ePlus with fu I details that show that services do not
conform to the POP. ePlus sha I address such non-conformance in a timely manner and shall compile an action
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 10 of 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 735A6803-4C07-46C9-951F-04757E6AB40D
DocuSpgn EnvelDpe D: C3C D4?45-EBE24XFEDoir-lAALCMD00:B
city of Fort worth
plan to correct any deficiencies- The acceptance process shall be repeated unti all deficiencies have been resolved
and the Services meet the requi rements of the POP_ Acceptance may not be w»hheld due to defects n Services
that do not represent a material non-conformance with the requa-emerru of the P&P
Any change to the scope v Services or the obligations of the Parties under this POP sha I be set forth n a mutually
agreed change request s gned by both Parties ("Change Request) The Change Request may be drafted by either
Party and w II describe the nature of the change the reason far the change, and the effect o' the change on the
scope of work, De iverables and/or the schedule. The Parties will negotiate in good faith the changes to the
Services and the additional charges, if any, required to implement : he Change Itequest.
ePlus warrants the nhstallation to be free of defects in matef4s and workmanship for a period of ninety (90J days, commerx ir>c
upon receipt of beneficial use of the equipment, or upon completion of the installation, whichever comes first the "warranty
Period ] If, durin-- the warranty period customer notifies --Plus that the system fails `o perfortn as specifien ePlus shall
correct the problem at no addition ai cost tc the owner. The foregosn=_ warranty emiudes damage or inab:Azy to use the system
due to defects in thra equipment, loss or fluctuation of AC pa6er, interruptions in network service, or Customer misuse.
Equipment components in the system are covered by manufacturers tiarranty of %crying lengths asdeterrnrned bi each
manuacwrer should those equipment components fail ePlus evil I pro a support cervices io diagnose, repair, and replace
components under manufacturer's warranty for no charge during the warranty Period a nd may continue to provide such
support services after the Warranve Pemd as a billab-e service, using a new or existing BSA agreemerit as the biding method.
Costs for repair Or restoration of service caused by conditions listed above shall be billed on a lime and Materials basis
Throughout the warranty Period, ePlus steal I provide tal--phone and emain support, on a best effort basis, chain, normal
business hours, MondayLFriday &:00 a.m. EST to 5:00 pm. Esc
This POP 4 City of Fort worth4ibrary Operacions Room Upgrade-142106 is acceptab e. P ease sign and return to
Steve Hughes at texas-services-manaacment@ep us. com_
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the du authorized representatives D4 the Parties hereto have caused th s POP be
May 5, 2024
First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 60335 Page 11 of 11
M&C Review
Page 1 of 3
Create New From This M&C
Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas
Fo H
SUBJECT: (ALL) Authorize Non -Exclusive Cooperative Purchase Agreements with Designs That
Compute, Inc. d/b/a Visionality, Digital Resources, Inc., ePlus Technology, Inc., Graybar
Electric Company, Inc., and GTS Technology Solutions, Inc. for New and Replacement
Audio/Visual Hardware, Software, Technology, and Maintenance and Support Services for
a Collective Annual Amount Up to $1,500,000.00, with Four One -Year Renewal Options
for the Information Technology Solutions Department
It is recommended that the City Council authorize non-exclusive cooperative purchase agreements
with Designs That Compute, Inc. d/b/a Visionality, Digital Resources, Inc., ePlus Technology, Inc.,
Graybar Electric Company, Inc., and GTS Technology Solutions, Inc. for new and replacement
hardware, software, technology, and maintenance and support services for the installation of
audio/visual equipment in City facilities for a collective annual amount up to $1,500,000.00, with four
(4) one-year renewal options for the Information Technology Solutions Department.
On June 22, 2021, City Council approved Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) 21-0459,
authorizing non-exclusive purchase agreements with four vendors to provide audio/visual (AV)
equipment and services. Authorization under those purchase agreements expires November 30,
Therefore, the Information Technology Solutions Department ("ITS") is requesting authorization for
additional non-exclusive cooperative purchase agreements with the vendors listed below. ITS will use
these non-exclusive purchase agreements using cooperative contracts to purchase new and
replacement hardware, technology, and maintenance and support services from five vendors:
Designs That Compute, Inc. d/b/a Visionality (Visionality), Digital Resources, Inc. (DRI), ePlus
Technology, Inc. (ePlus), Graybar Electric Company, Inc. (Graybar), and GTS Technology Solutions,
Inc. (GTS). These agreements will be used for AV equipment including projectors, screens, displays,
digital signage equipment, sound and amplification equipment, and audio/visual controller equipment
for installation in all City -owned or leased facilities.
Installations under these agreements are needed for locations throughout the City such as office
spaces, conference rooms, auditoriums, court rooms, or other unique spaces. These installations
typically require the vendor to perform a walk-through facility review and advise on the needed
equipment, configuration, and installation services. ITS will monitor vendor utilization so that each will
have the opportunity to earn 10\% of the total business. No specific contract amount is guaranteed.
These agreements and spending authority will be made available for any City AV need. The
cooperative contracts to be used are listed below.
TIPS — The Interlocal Purchasing System
Omnia — Omnia Partners, Public Sector
DIR —Texas Department of Information Resources
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Vendor Name I Cooperative Contract I Cooperative Expiration
TIPS 230105
May 31, 2028
TIPS 230105
May 31, 2028
TIPS 230105
May 31, 2028
Omnia EV2370
January 31, 2029
TIPS 230105
May 31, 2028
June 23, 2027
November 21, 2027
COOPERATIVE PURCHASE: State law provides that a local government purchasing an item under a
cooperative purchase agreement satisfies State laws requiring that the local government seek
competitive bids for purchase of the item. Cooperative contracts have been competitively bid to
increase and simplify the purchasing power of local government entities across the State of Texas.
SUCCESSOR CONTRACTS: The City will initially use the DIR, TIPS, or Omnia contracts to make
purchases authorized by this M&C. In the event a DIR, TIPS, or Omnia cooperative contract is not
renewed, staff would cease purchasing at the end of the last purchase agreement coinciding with a
valid cooperative contract. If the City Council were to not appropriate funds for a future year, staff
would stop making purchases when the last appropriation expires, regardless of whether the then -
current purchase agreement has expired.
In the event a DIR, TIPS, or Omnia cooperative agreement is not extended, but DIR, TIPS, or Omnia
executes new cooperative agreement(s) with substantially similar terms, this M&C authorizes the City
to purchase the equipment and services under the new DIR, TIPS, or Omnia contract(s). If this
occurs, in no event with the City continue to purchase goods and services under the new agreement
(s) for more than three (3) years without seeking Council approval.
Funding is budgeted in the FY21 AV/DS, FY22 AV/DS, FY23 LIB AV Upgrades, and FY23 ITS Audio
Visual projects, within the ITS Capital Fund. Funding will be budgeted in General Fund and the ITS
Capital Fund for Fiscal Year 2024.
BUSINESS EQUITY: A goal is not assigned when purchasing from an approved purchasing
cooperative or public entity.
ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER: An administrative change order or increase may be made by
the City Manager up to the amount allowed by relevant law and the Fort Worth City Code and does
not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated.
AGREEMENT TERM: Upon City Council's approval, the initial term of the agreements will become
effective once executed by the Assistant City Manager and will expire May 31, 2024, with options to
RENEWAL OPTIONS: The agreements may be renewed for up to four (4) one-year renewal terms, in
accordance with the underlying cooperative agreement, at the City's option. This action does not
require specific City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds
to satisfy the City's obligations during the renewal period.
The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as previously
appropriated, in the ITS Capital Fund for the FY21 AV/DS, FY22 AV/DS, FY23 LIB AV Upgrades, and
FY23 ITS Audio Visual projects, and upon adoption of the Fiscal Year 2024 Budget by the City
Council, funds will be available in the Fiscal Year 2024 operating budget, as appropriated, in the
General Fund, and in the ITS Capital Fund for the Technology Infrastructure -IT programmable project,
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to support the approval of the above recommendation and execution of the agreements. Prior to an
expenditure being incurred, the Information Technology Solutions Department has the responsibility to
validate the availability of funds.
Fund I Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Fund Department I Account I Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount
ID ID Year (Chartfield 2)
Submitted for Citv Manager's Office bv: Valerie Washington (6192)
Oriciinatinci Department Head: Kevin Gunn (2015)
Additional Information Contact: Sallie Trotter (8442)
04 Audio Visual Coop Purchases Aareements.docx (CFW Internal)
FID Table Audio Visual multi-cooD.XLSX (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 2023-1062201 8-21-2023.pdf (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 2023-1062269 8-21-2023.0f (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 2023-1062282 8-21-2023.pdf (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 2023-1062931 8-22-2023.0f (CFW Internal)
Form 1295 2023-1063884.Ddf (CFW Internal)
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