HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 55206-A1 (2)DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A45B380-B162-4AO2-9BOF-6CC6BFB2EE76 TxDOT: I I Federal Highway Administration: CCSJ # 0902-90-172 AFA ID Z00001403 (index change CFDA No. 20.205 to the contract file) AFA CSJs 0902-90-172, 0902-90-046 I I CFDA Title Highway Planning and Construction District # Code Chart 64# 115000 Project Name Meandering Road I I AFA Not Used For Research & Development THE STATE OF TEXAS § CSC No. 55206-A1 THE COUNTY OF TRAVIS § ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT For CONGESTION MITIGATION & AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT AND SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Off -System AMENDMENT #1 THIS AMENDMENT is made by and between the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, called the "State", and the City of Fort Worth, acting by and through its duly authorized officials, called the "Local Government". The State and Local Government shall be collectively referred to as "the parties" hereinafter. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the parties executed a contract on October 13, 2020, to effectuate their agreement to reconstruct Meandering Road; and, WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend that contract in order to change the scope to include utilities phase work and to include the federal funds for CSJ 0902-90-172; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties, the parties do agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The parties agree that the Agreement is amended as follows: Article 1, Responsible Parties, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with: For the Project covered by this Agreement, the parties shall be responsible for the following work as stated in the article of the Agreement referenced in the table below: 1 Local Government Utilities Article 8 2. Local Government Environmental Assessment and Mitigation Article 9 3. Local Government Architectural and Engineering Services Article 11 4. Local Government Construction Responsibilities Article 12 5. Local Government Right of Way and Real Property Article 14 AFA Amend Page 1 of 3 Rev. 11 /06/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A45B380-B162-4AO2-9BOF-6CC6BFB2EE76 TxDOT: CCSJ # 0902-90-172 AFA ID Z00001403 (index change to the contract file) AFA CSJs 0902-90-172, 0902-90-046 District # Code Chart 64# 115000 Project Name Meandering Road I I Federal Highway Administration: CFDA No. 20.205 CFDA Title Highway Planning and Construction AFA Not Used For Research & Development Article 3, Scope of Work, is deleted in its entirety and replaced with: The scope of work for the Project consists of engineering, environmental, right-of-way, utilities, and construction for proposed improvements to Meandering Road (from Roberts Cut Off to Anahuac Ave) and LTJG Barnet (from Meandering Road to NASJRB east gate). Proposed improvements include the following: (1) reconstruct Meandering Road from four to three lanes (2) realign intersection at Roberts Cut Off Road (3) construct intersection improvements at Yale Street and LTJG Barnett (4) add sidewalks and side paths within the project limits (5) add bike lanes on LTJG Barnett Article 14.H. Right of Way and Real Property language is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Reimbursement for real property costs will be made to the Local Government for real property purchased in an amount not to exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the real property purchased in accordance with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Reimbursement will be in an amount not to exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the State's predetermined value of each parcel, or the net cost of the parcel, whichever is less. In addition, reimbursement will be made to the Local Government for necessary payments to appraisers, expenses incurred in order to assure good title, and costs associated with the relocation of displaced persons and personal property as well as incidental expenses. Attachment A, Resolution, Ordinance, or Commissioners Court Order is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment A-1, which is attached to and made a part of this Amendment. Attachment C, Project Budget is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Attachment C-1, which is attached to and made a part of this Amendment. The total estimated cost of the Project increased by $3.140.777.00, from $19,066,865.00 to $22.207.642.00, due to additional federal funding approved for CSJ 0902-90-172. The additional federal funds increased estimated costs for: environmental, engineering, ROW, utilities, and construction. All other provisions of the original contract are unchanged and remain in full force and effect. AFA Amend Page 2 of 3 Rev. 11 /06/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A45B380-B162-4AO2-9BOF-6CC6BFB2EE76 TxDOT: I I Federal Highway Administration: CCSJ # 0902-90-172 AFA ID Z00001403 (index change CFDA No. 20.205 to the contract file) AFA CSJs 0902-90-172, 0902-90-046 I I CFDA Title Highway Planning and Construction District # Code Chart 64# 115000 Project Name Meandering Road I I AFA Not Used For Research & Development Signatory Warranty Each signatory warrants that the signatory has necessary authority to execute this agreement on behalf of the entity represented. Each party is signing this Agreement on the date stated under that party's signature. Do°usigned by: THE STATE OF TEXAS D°cusi9nea THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT by - Signature Signature Kenneth Stewart Typed or Printed Name Director Contract Services Division Typed or Printed Title 5/2/2024 Date William Johnson Typed or Printed Name Assistant City Manager Typed or Printed Title 5/2/2024 Date AFA Amend Page 3 of 3 Rev. 11 /06/2023 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A45B380-B162-4AO2-gBOF-6CC6BFB2EE76 TxDOT: CCSJ # 0902-90-172 AFA ID Z00001403 AFA CSJs 0902-90-172, 0902-90-046 District # Code Chart 64# 115000 Project Name Meandering Road Federal Highway Administration: CFDA No. 20.205 CFDA Title Highway Planning and Construction AFA Not Used For Research & Development ATTACHMENT A-1 RESOLUTION, ORDINACE, OR COMMISSIONERS COURT ORDER A RLSOitiiiuu N€7. 5871601- ZO24 A RESOLUTION AUTFTORTZING VXB;iv'lt'1',tON Or AIblVNI)MZNT 91 TO AN ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT WITIl THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO REVISE THE SCOPE OF WORK AND To INCREASE TILE ESTIMATED PRO.1EC'T C0STS T+i ONI $19,066,l467.011 TO V2,241'7,fi41 D()E TO ADDITIONAL FEDERAL; FUNDING AND INCREASE CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE FORM OF 111FG10NAi. TRANSPORTATION DEVh'LOPMs:NT CREDITS FROM S3,463,963.0I} TO $4,249,6411.1130. WIIEREAS, LEie City r3f 1'vri Worth and the Tvxas Dgparimcnt of 7ran5p10rtdti0n ("TxDOT") miured into a Local Project Advance Funding AgreemernE (-AFA") (City Secretary No. 55206, Cs1i! 09t12-y6-Orlb Hid 0902-90-172) on Octohor 13, 2020, to effectuate their agreement to reconstruct hteanderinr Road; and WHEREAS, there's a need to amonif the existing Coll Era 0C to include; U Ti tities ph❑ss: work as dereilyd in Article $, t avirairrrrcn#al ,AsscssmPnt and Miligal3on as pe}r Article 9. Architectural and Engineering Serwices as described in Articie l I. C❑nsrructian Responsibilities Rs refcrrnrcd in ATtiCle 12, Right of Way and Real Property responsib iIiIies as highlighted in Article 14; and VMEREA% the scope of war# For Ule Projet:t now oarlsiAo of the F01l0wing= Additiomil On pinGGriTig, c13viranmrnto1, nigh€ -of -way. uIiIities, and construction improvements la Meandering Road (from Roberts CLit Off to Anah13au Ave) $nd LTJG Riirnct (from Meandering AD4td to NA S3 RD gist gate). Spocific improvements include the reconstruction of Pleandering Goad From four to three lanes, into"crIipn reaIignmrut et Roberts Ctit Off Road, interscetion iinproYemeni a at Yato Street and LTJ G Barnett, reconstruction of water ]fines, addition of sldewi5I1cs orld Tide paths wlthiIII project litnit4, and bike lartra on I,TJG BarnL-it, and WHEI(LrAS, the estimated cent for the M-oject increased by $3,140,777.00 due to additional federal funding, takigg the tote] fmin $19.(K,fi.Bfi5,00 to $22.2A7,642,00, with city ptirk1p4tion in the form of regional transportation devel opawnt credits increasing from 4.3,463,963.48 to S 4,249,b41.00_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TTTE CITY COUNCIL OF T14K CiTY OF 1'he City Manager is authorized to execute. Amendment 91 tD tie Advance Funding AgreErilent with the Torras Department Of TTanSpori&tion rbvising the scope of work and increasing the project casts due to additioniil federal funding, fru,n $ 1 9,666,$65.00 to $22,207,642.00, with City participation in the fOrM of regional transportation development credits increasing from $3,�453,46J.Q0 to $41,249,641.00. Tbr City acknowledges Tire terms of reimbursement for real property costs. and a II other provisions of the origieel contract shall reirtairt iri €uII force acid effect, Adopted this 23r'i day of January, 2024 Janrmw S- Quodlal1. City Svcretaty f Page 1 of 1 AFA LongGen Attachment A-1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A45B380-B162-4AO2-9BOF-6CC6BFB2EE76 TxDOT Federal Highway Administration: Z00001403 (index CCSJ # 0902-90-172 AFA ID change to the contract file) AFA CSJs 0902-90-172, 0902-90-046 District # I Code Chart 64# 1 15000 Project Name I Meandering Road CFDA No. 20.205 CFDA Title Highway Planning and Construction AFA Not Used For Research & Development ATTACHMENT C-1 PROJECT BUDGET Costs will be allocated based on 100% Federal funding until the federal funding reaches the maximum obligated amount. The Local Government will then be responsible for the cost overruns. Description Total Estimated Cost Federal Participation State Participation Local Participation % lCost 1, % ICost % TDCs CSJ: 0902-90-046 Engineering (by Local Government) $1,393,763 100% $1,393,763 '0% $0 0% 278,753 Environmental (by Local $140,250 100% $140,250 0% $0 0% 28,050 Government) CSJ: 0902-90-172 Environmental (by I1$317,335 100% $317,335 0% $0 0% 63,467 Local Government) Engineering (by $1,272,662 100% $1,272,662 0% $0 0% 254,532 Local Government) Right of Way (by Local Government) $1,060,000 100% $1,060,000 0% $0 0% 212,000 Utilities (by Local Government) $1,100,000 100% $1,100,000 0% $0 0% 220,000 Construction (by Local Government $15,000,000 100% $15,000,000 0% $0 0% 3,000,000 Subtotal $20,284,0101 $20,284,0101 $0 4,056,802 Environmental Direct State Costs, $9,750 100% $9,750 0% $0 0% 1,950 0902-90-046 Environmental Direct State Costs, $17,215 100% $17,215 0% $0 0% 3,443 0902-90-172 Right of Way Direct State Costs, $20,000 100% $20,000 0% $0 0% 4,000 0902-90-172 Engineering Direct State Costs, $40,247 100% $40,247 �0% $0 0% 8,049 0902-90-046 Engineering Direct State Costs, $106,986 100% $106,986 0% $0 0% 21,397 0902-90-172 Utility Direct State Costs, $20,000 100% $20,000 �0% $0 0% 4,000 0902-90-172 Construction Direct State Costs, $750,000 100% $750,000 0% $0 0% 150,000 0902-90-172 Indirect State Costs $959,434 0% $0 100% $959,434 0% 0 TOTAL 1,$22,207,64211 $21,248,2081, $959,4341 4,249,641 Page 1 of 2 AFA LongGen Attachment C-1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2A45B380-B162-4A02-9BOF-6CC6BFB2EE76 TxDOT Z00001403 (index CCSJ # 0902-90-172 AFA ID change to the contract file) AFA CSJs 0902-90-172, 0902-90-046 District # Code Chart 64# 115000 Project Name Meandering Road Federal Highway Administration: CFDA No. 20.205 CFDA Title Highway Planning and Construction AFA Not Used For Research & Development Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) in the amount of 4,249,641.00 will be used in lieu of the Local Government's 20% Match. Payment by the Local Government to the State: $0.00 Total Project Reimbursement Costs = $21,248,208.00 Total Local Reimbursement Costs = $20,284,010 The final amount of Local Government participation will be based on actual costs. Page 2of2 AFA LongGen Attachment C-1 M&C Review Page 1 of 3 Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas CITA COUNCILAGEND FORT Create New From This M&C DATE: 1/23/2024 REFERENCE **M&C 24- LOG NAME: 20MEANDERING ROAD NO.: 0038 AFA AMENDMENT 1 CODE: C TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: (CD 7) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Execution of Amendment Number 1 to an Advance Funding Agreement with Texas Department of Transportation for the Meandering Road Project to Increase Total Advance Funding Agreement Amount from $19,066,865.00 to $22,207,642.00 with City Participation in the Form of Regional Transportation Development Credits Increasing from $3,463,963.00 to $4,249,641.00, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Adopt the attached resolution authorizing execution of Amendment Number 1 to the Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (City Secretary Contract No. 55206; CSJ # 0902-90-046 and #0902-90-172) for the Meandering Road Project (City Project No. 100873) to increase the total Advance Funding Agreement amount from $19,066,865.00 to $22,207,642.00 with City participation in the form of Regional Transportation Development Credits increasing from $3,463,963.00 to $4,249,641.00; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Cap Projects Federal Fund, subject to the receipt of the grant in the amount of $2,964,198.00 for the Meandering Road project (City Project No. 100873); Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Capital Project Other Fund, subject to the receipt of the grant in the amount of $785,678.00 for the Meandering Road project (City Project No. 100873); and 4. Amend the Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to adopt a resolution authorizing the execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) (City Secretary Contract No. 55206; CSJ # 0902-90-046 and # 0902-90- 172), increasing the total project cost to $22,207,642.00, with corresponding increases in the Federal participation amount of $2,964,198.00, State participation amount of $176,579.00 and City participation in the form of Regional Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) in the amount of $785,678.00 as well as to adopt appropriation ordinances to accept additional federal grant funds for the project and to track usage of Transportation Development Credits. The City Council approved an AFA with TxDOT in the amount of $19,066,865.00 on September 22, 2020 (M&C 20-0722) for engineering, right-of-way (ROW) acquisition, and construction of the Meandering Road project, including Meandering Road from State Highway (SH) 183 to Anahuac Avenue in the Cities of River Oaks and Fort Worth and LT JG Barnett Road from Meandering Road to the Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base (NASJRB) East Gate in Fort Worth. Amendment No. 1 is for additional engineering, ROW, utility relocation, and construction costs for the project. Additional federal funds in the amount of $2,964,198.00 were approved by North Central http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=31746&councildate=1/23/2024 5/20/2024 M&C Review Page 2 of 3 Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) on 2/27/23 for this work and will be approved with this M&C. TxDOT will absorb the additional indirect costs of $176,579.00 for providing statewide support services to this federally funded project. These state indirect costs will not be appropriated in our finance system. The City's required additional local match is being made with Regional Transportation Development Credits (TDCs) in the amount of $785,678.00 which are appropriated and tracked as a non -spendable item in the Grants Capital Project Other Fund. The following table displays what the revised Federal, State and Local particiation amounts will be after approval of Amendment No. 1: Description Total Estimated Federal Participation State Local Cost (Excludes Participation Participation Non -spendable TDC Local \% Cost \% Cost \ TDCs Participation column) Environmental $457,585.00 100 $457,585.00 0\% $0 0\ $91,517.00 (by LG) \% % Engineering (by $2,666,425.00 100 $2,666,425.00 0\% $0 0\ $533,285.00 LG) \% % ROW (by LG) $1,060,000.00 100 $1,060,000.00 0\% $0 0\ $212,000.00 \% % Utility (by LG) $1,100,000.00 100 $1,100,000.00 0\% $0 0\ $220,000.00 \% % Construction (by $15,000,000.00 100 $15,000,000.00 0\% $0 0\ $3,000,000.00 LG) \% % Subtotal $20,284,010.00 $20,284,010.00 $0 $4,056,802.00 Environmental $26,965.00 100 $26,965.00 0\% $0 0\ $5,393.00 Direct State \% % Costs ROW Direct State $20,000.00 100 $20,000.00 0\% $0 0\ $4,000.00 Costs \% % Engineering $147,233.00 100 $147,233.00 0\% $0 0\ $29,446.00 Direct State \% % Costs Utility Direct State $20,000.00 100 $20,000.00 0\% $0 0\ $4,000.00 Costs \% % Construction $750,000.00 100 $750,000.00 0\% $0 0\ $150,000.00 Direct State \% % Costs Indirect State $959,434.00 0\% $0 100 $959,434.00 0\ $0 Costs \% % Total $22,207,642.00 $21,248,208.00 $959,434.00 $4,249,641.00 The following table displays the appropriation history for the project: Fund 31001 -Grants Cap Projects Federal Fund 31003 - Grants Capital Project Other Fund 39408 - Street Rehabilitation Fund Existing Funding $18,284,010.00 $3,463,963.00 $500,000.00 Additional Funding $2,964,198.00 Project Total Notes $21,248,208.00 Federal funding $785,678.00 $4,249,641.00 Nonspendable - TDCs $0.00 $500,000.00 City funding for project management http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=31746&councildate=1/23/2024 5/20/2024 M&C Review Page 3 of 3 Project Total 1 $22,247,973.00 $3,749,876.00 $25,997,849.00 Additional Federal funding for this project was not included in the Fiscal Years (FY) 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program because the availability of the additional funding was unknown at the time of the development of the Capital Improvement Program. The action in this M&C will amend the FY2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program as approved in connection with Ordinance 26453-09- 2023. Business Equity: TxDOT has set a DBE goal for this project. Approval of this AFA Amendment Number 1 will not affect the DBE goal. This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 and the City of River Oaks. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations, execution of the amendment, and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Cap Projects Federal Fund and the Grants Capital Project Other Fund. The Transportation and Public Works Department (and Financial Management Services) is responsible for the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. This is a reimbursement grant. TO Fund Department Account Project I Program Activity ' Budget Reference # Amount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department Account Project ID ID Submitted for Citv Manaaer's Office bv: Oriclinatinq Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount Year I (Chartfield 2) William Johnson (5806) Lauren Prieur (6035) Monty Hall (8662) 0902-90-172 0902-90-046 AFA Amendment draft rev.pdf (CFW Internal) 100873 FID Table.xlsx (CFW Internal) 100873 Final Resolution Meandering Road AFA-Clean.docx (Public) 100873 M&C Map -Meandering Road AFA Amend 1.pdf (Public) ORD.APP 2020MEANDERING ROAD AFA AMENDMENT 1 31001 A024(r3).docx (Public) ORD.APP 2020MEANDERING ROAD AFA AMENDMENT 1 31003 A024(r3).docx (Public) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=31746&councildate=1/23/2024 5/20/2024 100873-TXFA-Meandering Road AFA Amendment No. 1 Final Audit Report 2024-06-06 Created: 2024-06-03 By: Andrea Munoz (Andrea.Munoz@fortworthtexas.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAALx1fXiPOow7OV_KTYgh2eV6LeDNbgQcX "100873-TXFA-Meandering Road AFA Amendment No. 1" Histo ry Document created by Andrea Munoz (Andrea.Munoz@fortworthtexas.gov) 2024-06-03 - 6:41:50 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Jaylyn Harrelson (jaylyn.harrelson@fortworthtexas.gov) for filling 2024-06-03 - 6:43:55 PM GMT Document emailed to Chad Allen (Chad.Allen@fortworthtexas.gov) for signature 2024-06-03 - 6:43:55 PM GMT Email viewed by Jaylyn Harrelson Qaylyn.harrelson@fortworthtexas.gov) 2024-06-03 - 6:44:25 PM GMT- IP address: Form filled by Jaylyn Harrelson (jaylyn.harrelson@fortworthtexas.gov) Form filling Date: 2024-06-04 - 1:00:52 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document e-signed by Chad Allen (Chad.Allen@fortworthtexas.gov) Signature Date: 2024-06-06 - 7:29:41 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2024-06-06 - 7:29:41 PM GMT FoRTWORTH, I P—e'b' Adobe Acrobat Sign FORT WORTH Routing and Transmittal Slip Transportation & Public Works Department DOCUMENT TITLE: Meandering Road AFA Amendment No. 1 M&C 24-0038 CPN 100873 CSO # 55206 DOC# DATE: 6-03-2024 TO: 1. Jaylyn Harrelson 2. Chad Allen 2. Lissette Acevedo 3. Patricia Wadsack 4. Lauren Prieur 5. Doug Black 6. Jannette Goodall 7. TPW Contracts 8. INITIALS DATE OUT - review JH ?� Jun 4, 2024 - signature Jun 6, 2024 - review Appvd via A�ilnft_ m: 1087 - review - signature Jun 14, 2024 - signature 1 Jun 14, 2024 - signature Jun 17, 2024 1 DOCUMENTS FOR CITY MANAGER'S SIGNATURE: All documents received from any and all City Departments requesting City Manager's signature for approval MUST BE ROUTED TO THE APPROPRIATE ACM for approval first. Once the ACM has signed the routing slip, David will review and take the next steps. NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED: ❑ Yes 71 No RUSH: ❑ Yes ❑ No SAME DAY: ❑ Yes ❑ No NEXT DAY: ❑ Yes ❑ No ROUTING TO CSO: ® Yes ❑ No Action Reauired: ❑ As Requested ❑ For Your Information ® Signature/Routing and or Recording ❑ Comment ❑ File ❑ Attach Signature, Initial and Notary Tabs RETURN TO: TPWContracts@fortworthtexas.gov and/or call ext. 7233 or 8363 when completed. ADVANCE FUNDING AGREEMENT: AMENDMENT NO. 1 CSJ.• 0902-90-172 and 0902-90-046 PROJECTNAME: MEANDERING ROAD ADDITIONAL ROUTING SIGNATURES CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Chad Allen / Name of Employee/Signature Title: Engineering Manager Email: chad.allen@fortworthtexas.gov APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: _A....,? BY: Lauren Prieur (Jun 14, 202414:07 CDT) Lauren Prieur, Director Transportation and Public Works Email: lauren.prieur@fortworthtexas.gov CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION M&C: 24-0038 Date Approved: 01/23/2024 Form 1295: N/A APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: BY: Douglas Black (Jun 14, 202416:26 CDT) Douglas W. Black Senior Assistant City Attorney Email: douglas.black@fortworthtexas.gov ATTEST AS TO CITY MANAGER SIGNATURE: inn BY: 7Cio o2G Jannette Goodall aana���°65g4 City Secretary Email: jannette.goodall@fortworthtexas.gov OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX