HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 61726CSC No. 61726 FORT WORTH CITY OF FORT WORTH SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE AGREEMENT Thjs Sole Source Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Tipperary at Tara, Ltd. ("Seller") and the City of Fort Worth, ("Buyer"), a Texas home-rule municipal corporation, individually referred to a "party" and collectively as "parties". The Sole Source Purchase Agreement includes the following documents which shall be construed in the order of precedence in which they are listed: I.This Sole Source Purchase Agreement; 2.Exhibit A:Terms and Conditions; 3.Exhibit B:Conflict of Interest Questionnaire; 4.Exhibit C:Seller Contact Information; 5.Exhibit D:Verification of Signature Authority; 6.Exhibit E:Seller's Sole Source Justification Letter; and 7.Exhibit F: Seller's Quote. Exhibits A, B, C, D, E, and F, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein, arc made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. Any materials/goods that have been omitted from Exhibit F that are clearly necessary or in conformance shall be considered a requirement, although not directly pecified in Exhibit F, or goods of the ame general category that could have been cncompas cd in the execution of this Agreement, and that arc not already on the Agreement, may be added based on the additional quote provided by the Seller. The amount of this contract shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) annually. The undersigned represents and warrants that he or she ha. the power and authority to execute this Agreement and bind the respechve party. Seller and Buyer have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly-authorized representatives to be effective as of the date signed by the Buyer's Assistant City Manager. This Agreement may be executed by electronic signature which will be considered as an original signature for all purposes and have the same force and effect as an original signature. For these purposes, "electronic signature" means electronically scanned and transmitted versions (e.g. via pdf file or facsimile transmission) of an original signature, or signature electronically inserted via software such as Adobe Sign. [Signature Page Follows] [Remainder of Thi Page Intentionally Left Blank] 1 TN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have executed thi Agreement in multiples. CITY OF FORT WORTH: By: William 9:58 CDT Name: William Johnson Title: A istant City Manager Date: Jul19,2024 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: By: Name: Title: Ro�l 17, 202412:55 CDT) Robett A. Alldredge, Jr. Executive Assistant Chief ATTEST: By: ame: Jannelle S. Goodall Title: City Secretary SELLER: Name: Tom McGrath Title: President Date: 1/i �{?vJt/ CONTRACT COMPLJAJ\CE "1ANAGER: By signing 1 acknowledge that l am the person responsible for the monitoring anu aclmini tration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirement,. By: Name: Loraine Coleman Title: Administrative Services \1anager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 2 By: Name: Andrea Phillips Title: Assistant City Attorney CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: M&C: None Required Form 1295: NIA EZHIBIT a► CITY OF FORT V4'URTH, TEXAS STA�IDARD PURCHASING TERMS AVD CONDITIOI�S 1. UEFII�I"TION OF BUY'ER The City of� For! Worlh, it5 of#icers, agents, serv�ttlts, attihor�rec� em�Eoyees, vendors and subcontractors �'ho act on behalf of vaeious Citv departmec�ts, boc�i�s or agencies. 2. D�,F1?�1'1'lON OF SEE�L�,[t Tl3e Ti�perary at Tara, Ltd. contiultant, su��lier. its olTicers, agents, seE�-a��ls, e�n}�loyees, venciors and subcontrac:tors, or othet• provider of �=oods and/or Sei�'ices u�ho a�t an behalf ofthe �ntity undcr a �ontract �vith the City of Fort Warth. 3. TERM This !\�reeinent shall be��in c�n 1he date signe� by F3uyer's Assistant Cily M�lna�,*er ("Effective Dat�") and shall cxpire onc year• from that date ("Expiratian Date"), ��nlcss tertninatcd c�riicr in accorda�icc with this Agrccmc;�t. Buycr sh�ilf havc thc option, in its solc disc�•ction, to rcncw this Agrccmcnt uncicr the samc tcrms and conditions, f�r up t� lour (�) one-year rcncwal aptions (caci� a"Rcncwal Tcrn�"). 4. PUBLIC 1\FORMATEOi�i �3�iycr is a�ovcnimcnt cntity undcr thc laws af thc Statc c�f Tc�cas an�! all documctits ktcld or mai�ztaincd by f3uyer are subject to dEsclosurc uf�dcr thc Tcxas PuUfic Ij3fo«nation Act. in llie event there is a req�test fnr it�far�natian r��arked Con{iden#ial or Proprietary, BLEyer �hall pro�nptly notify Seller. It will b� thN responsibili�y of Se�le�r to submii reasons objccting to disclosure. A d�t�nnination on wllcther s�ic1� rcaso��s are sufficic�it will not bc decided by �3uyer, hut hy tk�e C1ff ce af ti�e Atton�ey General of thc State �f TeYas or Uy a court of co�zipctctlt jurisdictiou. Tl�c Pa��tics agrcc �hat 11QlI1111�,T coittaincd v� itl�in tl�is A��reement i� considered proprietaEy or trade 4ecret inlonnatic�n a��d this a�ree�z�ent rt7ay be i•zfeaseci in the evznt that it is i-equest�d_ 5, I'ROHIBI`Tlnl� AGAINS`i' PERSOn�►L 1V'l��:REST lN COV"I'R�,C1'S No of'iicer or e�ilployee af �3uyer sha11 have a fit�anci�� interest, direcl or indirect, in any contract u�ith F3uyer or be fin�ncia4ly interested, direct�y or in�iirectly, in the saie to Liuyer of �ny l�nd, inat�rials, siippiics �r scrviccs, cxccpt on bci�al� at E3t�ycr as an o�fiiccr ar cm�lc�yc�. Any willful vinlatio« of thi� scction shall constitutc malfeasancc in c�fticc, at�d atay officcr or ernploycc found guilty thcrcaf shall thcrchy forfcit his officc c�r pc�sition. Any �'iolaEion of this tiection with the knowled�e, cxprc�sed or im�lied, of the �crson or cor�o�•ation conl��aciin� with �he City Council shall render the contrart in�alid by the City Manage�� or the City Cat�ncil. (Chapter XJ{VII, Sectic�n 16, City of Fort Worth Char�er). 3 6. ORDE;FZS C.l No employees of the �3uyer or it5 ofticers, agents, sen-ants, �°endors oi- S�b-��endors who act on behalf af variotis Buyer d�pa�•t��lents, bodies or agenci�s arz autk�orized to pl�cc ordtrs f�r goods a�ic�/or scrr; iccs with�ut pro�ic�ing appruvcci �ontract nu�nbers. }�urcfaasc �rdcr numhcrs, or rc(casc »umhcrs issucci hy' tkZc 13uycr. Thc unly eYcepiioia� are Purchasin� Card orders and einergencies pursuant to Texas Local Governinent Code Section 25Z.(}22(a){ 1}, (z), or (3). In �he case ot' emer�encies, the Buyer's Purchasin�� Division will place st�ch orders. h.2 Acceptancc of an ordcr atld dclivcr�' on thc part of tl�c ScElcr withnut an a��rnvcd cotxtract number. purchase t�rder Equmber, or rcicasc numbcr issued by the Buycr may result in rejection oi'deli�ery, rettirn ol'goods at tlie Seller•'s cost a��dlor noil- payment. 7. SELLER T(3 PACKACE GOODS Sel{er wili �ackabe �aods it� aceardance with good c�m�nercial practice. �.ach shipping containcr sl-►all bc cicarly and permatacntly n�ar�Ccd �s foilows: (a) Scllct�'s E�SC11C and address: (b) Ca��signee's naone, addE�ess and �s�rch�3se order or purchase change order nutnber; (c) Cantainer number and total number of contain�rs, e.g., box 1 of 4 boxes; and (d} Numbcr of thc containcr bcartn� t�� packing sl i�. Sc31cr shall bcar th� cast of packading ilE7�CS5 OI�1CM�isc provrdcd. Goods shall he suitahly packcd to sccurc lo�vcst trai�spc�rtatioti costs and to conform tc� r�C�l1lCCE77C[1t5 O�COITii2701] C1IT1C1'S 717� 8I'!�j a}I�lEC1f7]l' S]7CC1FC�it1ElE35. F3uycr's caunt or «ei��ht shall bc �inal and conclusive oi� shi�tnei�ts i�ot acconipa��ied by pacicin�� lists. 8. SHIPMENT UNDEN RESERVATIOV PROHIBITED 5c11cr is nai aulhoriied €o ship the `�oods unc�cr reservation, and no tende3-�f a bill of'ladin� ���ill t�perate �s a Eender of bood5. 9. TITLE A�1D RISK OF L�SS Thc titic and risk of loss uf the goods sliail not pass to Buycr u�iti] Buycr actually rcccivcs and takes passessEan of tt�e �oods at �he point or �oints of deli�ery alter in��ecEian artd acceptance of the �oc�ds. 10. D�:LIVERY TERNIS .aND `I�IL�NSP()H`I'A"1'1(�V CHARGES Frei�ht ter�ns shail be F.O.F3. 17etilination, FreighE Prepaid �md Aliawed. 4 11. PLACE OF DELIVERY Tt1c piacc of dclivcry shall be sct forth in thc "Ship to" bluck of thc purchasc ordcr, purcl7��se chan�e order, ar release orcier. 12. RiGHT OF INS�ECTION Buycr �hali }lave ihc ri�ht to inspcct thc goods upon dclivcry bcforc acccptie�g thcn�_ Scll�r ;hali be re�pos�sible Eor all char��es far the retu�-n lo Seller ai�any goodti reject�d as bzing n�nconfon�ing under the specifc:atio�s. 13. 1NVOICE:S 13.1 Seller slz��ll submit separate in�oices i« d��Plical�, on each �urchase order or purchase change arc�er atter each d�livery. In��oires shail indicate the purchase order or purchas� c�angc ord�r numb<r, Invoices shafl bc itcmi�cd and trans�ortation charges, i#�ai�y, shal! Ue listed scparatcly. A co�y of thc hill of ladiil� snd thc freight wayhill. �vE�en a��licahle, shc�iild bc attactted ro the fnvoice. Selfer shaEl mail or deliver invoice� ta Buyer�s Deparl�ilent and adc�ress as set fortli ii1 the block of�the purchase orc�er, purchase chan��e order or reiease order entitled "Ship ta," Paym�nt s�all not be made until thc abov� �nstri�ments have been sub�nitted aftcr dclivery and acccptancc of thc goods at�d/or scrviccs. 13.� Sclicr shall not �ncludc Fcdcral C:xciSe, Sta�� or City Sa1c5 T�x i» its im�oiccs. Thc Ruyer shall I�urnisli a tax exe�nptian cer�i{�cate upon Seller's requetit. i 3.3 P�ynlent. All payment terms sha11 be "Net 30 Days" �nless other�wise agE'eed to in � riEin�. Eiefore the 1 st paytnent is due to Seller, 5elier shall register for direct dcposit paymcnts priur to providing goods andlor sc�viccs usin� thc funns post�d an thc Buyer's wchsitc. 1�4. PRTCF WARRAI�T�' �4.1 Thc pcicc to bc paid by Buycr shafl bc that containcd in S�ilcr's proposals �vhich Seller warrants ta he no higher than Scller's currcnt �rices on orders hy others for products a�id services of tl�e kind and speci�cation cov�rcd hy tl�is agreemcnt for siE�nilar qt�aE�titic:s �inder like coi�ciitions ai�tf inethads afpurchasc. In tl�e eve�zt Seller breache5 lhi� warraniy, ihe prices ol' the itei�ls sh�tll be rediiced to the prices containcd in Scllcr's propc�sals, or in ihc �ltc;rnafive upon I3uycr's uption, I31�ycr si�aEl have the right to canccl this cantract wttliaut any liabiiity to Scller for brcach or for Scl�cr's actual cxpc�isc. Sucki rcmcdics arc in adclition to aud not in licu c�f ai�y otf�cr rcrr��dics w�hich Ruyer may havc in law� or cqu�ty. 14.� Selier w°aE�ants that na person a�- selling agency has been emplo_yed ot- retained to soli�it or sccur� this co��tract �Ep�n �r� a�:rccmcnt or sindcrsia�idi�lg for cominission, ��ercct�ta4=c, hrokcragc or ec�3�tingent fee, c�ccpdi��; enipioyees �f an cstabiished 5 commcrcial or sclling abcncy that is n�aintaiiicd l�y Scilcr #'or thc purQosc of securing husincss. N�r hrcacE� or violati�n of this warranty, Buyer s��all l�ave the right. in addition t� any �tllcr right or ri�hls arising purse�ant tc� said purchasc(s}, to cancei this contract w�ithout liability and to de+�uct fro��� th� contract price such cvm�nission percenEa�e, brokerage or contin�ent fee, or otherwise to re�ov�r the full ��no�t�t thcrcof. 15. PRODUCT V�'ARRANTY 5eller 5i�a11 nc�# limit o�- exclude any express c�r ir3iplieci �van��nties and any attempt to dc� so si�all rci�dcr 41�is cantract voidablc at thc option of f3uycr. Sellcr �varrants that thc goods fun�isf�cd will cn�ifor��l to E3uyer's speciticati�ns, drawings a�id descrij�tic�ns �istcd in thc pra�osa! invitatit�n, and thc sat�lplc(s) fumishcd �y Scller, if ai�y. In �[3c c�cnt of a conflict bei��veen �uyer'� ��ecitications. dra��in,�s, ar�c� deycription�, B�yer's s�ecifica�ion� sl�all go��ern. 16. SAFETY WARRANTY Seller warr�nl> that the prac3tict sold to Buyer shall canforir� to lhe stanci�rds promulgated by the U.S. Dep�rtment ol�Labor under the O�cupational Sa[ety and Health /1ct (05HA} c�f 1970, as amenc�rd. In the cvent thc product da�s not confont� to OSHl1 standards, Buyc:r may ret�irt� the product for eorrectioi� ar rc�laccmcnt at Scller's cxpe�sc. In ti3c cvct7t Seilcr fails ta rr�akc a��ropriate corrcctian within a rcasonak�lc timc, any corrccti�n madc by Buycr wiil bc at Scllcr'� cxpc��5c. Whe�-c no cor-rcction is or can bc n�adc, Scllcr 5haii rcfund all E��onies received tor s��ch boods witl�in thi�-iy (30) days al�ter re�uest is niade by Buyer in wi-iting and eeceivea by Se�ler. Notice is considereci to have b�e�n receivec� ttpe�n i�and dc3ivcry, or othe�wisc in accordancc with thc Noti�:c to Parties Claust of ti�is Agrccn�c;nt. Failure to make s��ct� refu►�d sE3all con�tit�tc brcach and ca��se th�s cn�itract t� terminate iEnmediaicty_ 17. SOFTVVARE LICENSE T(} SELLER Ifthis purchase is for t�e license of softvvare products and,�or ser��ices, and u��less otherwise abrced, Sel�er hercby �rants to Suycr, a petpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusivc, nontransferable, roy�ilty iree [icei�se to use tl�e soi'tware. This sof't�vare is `'proprietary" to Seller, and is licensed and provide�d to the Buyei• far its sole use for purpc�ses unc�er thi� A�.rt'cc�ncnt and any attached wark orders or invoices. Thc I3uycr may not �isc or sharc this sottwarc �vitho«t pertnissioti of tilc Scller; hawever, �3uycr may Enake copies of thc softwarc cxpress[y for hackup pur}�oscs. l8. VI':�RR�NTY AG.�INST INFRINGEVIE``T OF INTELLECTUAL PRQPERTY 18.1� T�e SELLER r�'arrants that all Deliverables, nr any part thereof, furnished hereunder, including but not limited to: programs, documentation, so�'tw•are, analyses, applications, methods, v��ays, and proc�sses (in this Section each individuailti� refcrred to as a"Dclivcrabic" and collcctively as thc L "Deliverables,") do nat infringe u�on ar ��iolate any° patent, cap�°rights, trademarks, service marks, trade secretc, or any intellertuaE property rights or other third party° pruprietary rights, in the perforrnance of services under this ,�grecrncnt. 18.2 SELL�It shali be liable and resp�nsible far any and a!1 elaims made against the Buyer t'or in#'rin�ement nf any patent, copyri�ht, trademark, ser��ice mark, trade secret, or other intel�ectua! propeMy rights Uy the use of or supph'ing of ar�y Delivcrablc(s) in tht course of perforrr�ancc or compiction of, or in any way connectcd with providing #hc ser��iccs, or thc Buycr's continued usc of t��c Deliverable(s) hereunder; 18.3 SELLER agrees to defend, settle, ar pav, at its awn cost and expense, any claim or action against R�yer for infringement of an`- patent, cupVright, trade mark, tradc secret, or similar proptrty right arising from Buycr"s use of thc safn��arc andlor doc�ine�tation ir� accordance n ith this Agrcernent, it being understood that this a�reement to cfefend, settle or pa,y s&all nat appl� if Bvyer madi�es or mis�ses the sof�ware andlor documentation. So lc�ng as SELLER bears the cost and expense a#' payment for claims or acfions a�ainst Buyer purs�ant to this sectifln, SELLER shail har°e tl�e right ta conduct the defensc o� any such elaim or action and all nc�otiations for its setticment or compromise and ta settle or cc►mpramise any such claim; hovr�e��er, Buyer s�all have the ri�ht tn fully �articipate in any and ali such settlett�et�t, negofia#in�s, or lawsait as necessar� tu prutec# Buyer's interest, and BuYer agrees tu cooperate �vith SELLER in doing so. I� the c��enE Bavcr, Tor w�tatever rcason, assumcs thc responsibilitr' for payment of costs and expenses for anv claim ar action brou�ht a�ainst Buyer for infringernent arisin� under this .Agreement, Bu,yer shafl have the sole right to conduct the defense �f a�_y sucl� claim c�r action and all negat�ations for its settlement c�r compromise and to settle or comprorttise any such claim; howcver, SFLLER shall fullv �art�cipate and �ooperate with Buyer i�i defense of sueii claim or action. Suyer agrees to gi�•e SELLER timelv wr€tten notice of any such claim or action, ���ith copies of ail papers Sur�er m�a�� recei��e relating there�o. Votwithstanding the fc�re�oing, Buyer's assurnption of pa�rment of costs ar eagenses shall not eiiminate �ELLER's dut3� to indem�ify Buyer under this ?�greement. If th�s software and/or documentatiun or any part thc�•eof is hcld to infringc and thc usc thcreof is cnjoined or restrained or, if as a result of' a settlement or compromise, such use is mlterially �d��ersety restricted, SELL�:I2 shall, at 'tts o��•n expense and as Bu�-er's sole remed�, eifher: (a) procure fr�r Buyer t�e right to continue to use the software andlor documentatic�n; or (b) modify the softw�are and/or doc�mc�tation to makc it non-infringing, provided that such moditication docs not matcriall`� ad��crsci}� ai'fcet Bu<<cr's a�thori�cd usc of thc software and/c�r dacumentation; or (c) re�lace the soft►+�are and/or documentati�n with equally suitable, compatible, and functio�tally equivaleRt ne�n-infringing softtivare andfor d€�cumentation a� nv addit�onal charge to SU��er; or (d) if nc�ne o�'tl�e torc�oing altcrnatives is rcasonably available to SELLER terminatc this 7 Agreement, and refunc� aIl amounis paid to SELLER by� Buyer, subsequent to which termina�ion Buver may seek anv and all retnedies available to Bu�er �r�der la��; and 18.4 The representations, r►'arranties, and co��enants of thc part�es contained in this .Agreement will sur-���ve the termination andlor eapiratlon of this Agreement. 19. OV1'I�ERSHIP OF �'ORK PRODUCT Selli:r a���-ees that any and all analyses, evaluations, repo�ts, mernoranda, letEers, icieas, proc;csscs, mcthods, prograrns, and manuals that ���crc dc��clopcc�, prcparcd, conccivcd, madc or su��cstcd by the Sc1Ecr for thc Buycr �ursua«t ta a Worl: C3rdcr, incl�ac�in� all sucli devclopmcnts as arc originated or conccivcd duriE�� tf�c tcrnl of thc Contract a�id thai arc ca��apleled or reduced to ��+'rilin� thereafter ("Work Product"} and Sell�r acknowle��es that 5uch Work Proc�uct �tzay be considered "v�rark(s) made far hire" and ��ill be ancl renlain the cxclusive property of thc Buycr. To the extcnt t�at tE�e Worlc Product, under applicabEc law. �nay nat h� cansidered work(s) inadc fnr hirc, Se11cn c�reby a�rec� that tl�is Agreement effeetivcly transfers, gr�nts, con�cys, and assigns exclusi��cly to Buycr, all ri�hts, title and o�vtlershi� interesis, i«cluding copyright, which Seller m�iy ha��e in a��y Work Praduct or any tan�ible media embodying s�ch Wc�rk Prod�Ect, without tl�e nec�ssity of any further considzratson, �nd i3uycr shail be entitled to obtain and hotcf in its own r�ame, all intcllcctual Pro�crty �rigl�ts in a33d to t}�c Wark �'rociuct. Sclicr for itsclf at�d on bcllalf of� its vcndnrs hcrcby waivcs any propc�ty intcrest in such Work �'roduct. 2Q. CAVCELLATION F3uycr shall havc thc right to cancc! this contracE immcdiatcly for dcfau�t an all or �.ny pa�t �f the e�ndeii�ered p��tic�n c�f this c�rder if Sel�cr hreack�es any of ti�e tcrtns ltcrcof. incl�dii3� warra«tics af Scllcr. Such ri�ht of cai3ccllatio�� is in addition �o and noE in licu oiany c�thcr i-emedies, which �3uyer c3�ay ha��e in law or equity. 21. TERM[\ATION 21,1 Writtcn Noti�t'. Th� purchasc: of �oods under thi s orc�cr rnay bc trnninatcd ir� �v�alc� c�r in }3�r# by Buyer, v��ith or witf�aut ca��se, at anv time u�on thc dcli�cry to Scller of � �vcittc�� "Notic� of Tcnninatian" spccifying tl�c extcnt to wl�icl� thc �oc�ds to bc �uE•chatied under the ordcr is tern�inated and the datc lf�an N-hicE� such tern�inatioE� becoe�ies ef�lecti��. Such ri�ftt oCter�nination is in additicm to and not in li�u of�any other ter�nination ri�;hts of guyer as set fiarth herein. 21.? NoE�-A��ro�sriatio�i of Fufids. ln thc cvcnt �io fu��ds or i��sufficicnt fii��ds arc apPropriatcd by Ruycr in any fiscal pcnod for any paymcnls duc ficrcuncicr, Ruycr wil] noliiy 5e�ler ol�such occ�rE,ence a«c� tf�is A�reement shalt tern�inate oz� t�e I�st day of the tiscal pesiod tor �nrhich appropriations �Je�•e rt•eceived without per�a�ty ar �xptnsc to F3uycr �f any liind whatsutvcr, cxccpt as to thc pUrtiuils of thc: payEnc��ts herein agrec�i i�pon fc�r wliich f�ncis ]lave hcc�� ap��ropriated. 2I .:3 I�utics and (�hliaati�ns of the Partie�. Upon terminatic�n of this A�'eement f�r any rcasan, Sclicr shall o«ly be campensated for itcrns rcqucstcd hy thc Suyer aiid delivered prior to the �f'fective date oI'ter�ninatic�n, and B��yer shafl not be liable for any oth��• costs, includin�; any clairns for ]ast protits or inciciental da�na�es. Selter shal! provic�c Buvcr �vith copics of all con�plctid or partially co�l�plctcd doct�mcnts prepared under fhis Agrecmcnt. ln titc event Seller has receivcd aceess to Buyer Information or data as a rcquirc�ncnt to perfortn scr�iccs hcreundcr, Scllcr shall return �11 f3uyer Provided data to Buyer in a n3a�hine-readabEe lorm�t or ol]ier for-�iiat ciee�neci acceptable� to F3uyer. 22. ASS1GN11IEN'I' 1 UI:LL+'GA"I,IOV No interest, obligatson or right ol�Selier, incl�ding the rigl�t to receive payment, under tlli5 contra�c shall be assi4rned t�r delegated [o another entity « itho�tt the express w'ritten �onsent of B��Ver. Any atten�pted assi�nmcnt or delcgation of Sclfcr s}�a�l be whol9y void and tc�taEly i��effecti`�e for all purposes ut�less tt3adc in conformity witl� t[�is para�aph. Prior to Buycr �ivic�g its cc�nscnt. 5cllcr agrccs that Scller shall �rnvidc, at no additionai cost to Buycr, afl ducu�ntnts, as cict�nilinec� by 13uycr, that are reasonablc and n�ccssary to verify Sc:lEcr's �cgal status a���i transfer of rights. intcrests, or ahligatiajls to a�lnthcr c►ztity. Tl�c documcE�ts that inay be requcstcd include, but arc iioE limited to, Articies of Incorpo��ation attd relattd amendmetits, Certi�cate of Merger, [RS ForE�� W-9 to verif'y lax identilication nu�nher, etc. Buyer rese�res the ri�ht to �vithhold ail p�ytnents to any entity other th�n Seller, if Seller is nat in compli�ncc with this provision. [f Scllcr fails tu pruvicic ncccs5ary i�if��Rnation in accorda��cc r��ith this scction, Buycr shafl not �c liahlc fc�r any pcnaktics, fccs nr i��terest resulEin� thercfrom. 23. WAIVER No claim or riRht arising out nf a hreach af this contract can hc dischar�cd in wl��ic nr in part hy � waivcr or renunciation of the claim or ri���t u�lkess tlie waiver c�r renuEiciatioE� is sup�sorted by consideratio:� in writi�lg and is signed by the a��rie�ed party. 24. MODIFiCATI4�iS This co�ltract can be modified or rescitidcd a�tly l�y a writ#en agrcen�ent si� icd by both parti�s. 25. THE AGR�Eh1E�T ln thc ahsence of an otherwise ncgotiated contract, or tulless stated othenvisc, the A�rccrnent Uctween �3uyer and Sellcr shall consist �f �hcsc Sta�dard Terms and Conditions to�ether with any atiacl>>7lents anc� exl�ibits. This Agreement is intencied by �l�e par�ies as � tinal expressian of their a��reement and is intent�eti akso as a completz and exclusive st�tcn3ci3t ot thc Ecnl�s of tE�csr a�rccmcnt. No cc�urse �f prior dcalings b�Cw��n thc parti�s and ��o usagc of tradc s11a11 bc rc[c��ant tc� su��lcnicnt �r cxplain any tcnn uscd in this A�rccincnt. Acccpta�lcc of or acquicsccnce ��� a coursc of perfornlancc u�idc� this Agreemet�t shali not he relevant tc� determine the meaning of tkzis A�reement even thoug�� thc acceptin� or acquicscin� party has knowlcd`�c of �l�c perCorrna«cc aE��i oppor�ui7ity for objection. Whenever a tern� delined by Ihe L;niiorm Corni�ercial Code (UGC) is used in t1�is n�ree3rtznt. the c�efinition contained in t�e UCC shali cont�-ol. In tlle event of a contlict bot�vcc�� tl�c co�itrac;t duc:umcnt5, thc �rd�r flf prcccdcncc shal! bc tk�csc Standard Tcn�1s a��d Condiiions. and the 5cl9er's Quotc. 26. APPI,ICABI.E LAV1' 1 �'FVUF, This agrc:�mcnt shall }�c �avcrncd by thc U�ifor�� Commcrcial Codc whercvcr thc tcrn� "Uiliforn� Commercial Cocie" or "UCC" is used. [t sl�all hc consErued as mcanii�g tf�e L'i�iforin Con�inercia! Cudc as adoptcci anci amci�ticd in tlzc Staic nf �'cxas. Botl� partics a�ree that venue [or any liti�_ation arising f'roin �his contract shali be �n Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas. T�is contract sha11 be governed, con5trued and enfor�ed under the iavvs of the Statc of Texas. 27. I�IDEPEVDE]�T CDNTRACTOR(S} Seller shall c�perate hereuncier as an independent cc�r�tractor and not as an officer, agent, scrvant or cmployec of I3ttycr. Se3ler shall havc rxclusiv� cantrol of, and the excltisivc rigllt to cc�ntrol, thc dctails of its operations licrcundcr, and all persans perFnrmin� samc, and sltall bc solcly resP�nsiE�lc fc�r the acts at�d otr�issions of its officcrs, agcnts, em�loyccs, vcndors and subco«t�'actor5. Thc doctrinc of'respo«dcilt 5uperiar stlall no� apply as bc<<vccs� F3uyer and Seller, its ol�ficer�, a�ents, employees, vendors and �ubcontractors. N�}thing f�erein sha�l be constnied as creating a partnershi� or joint ent�rprise between [3�iyer anci Scllcr, its officcrs, ��cnts, cmplu�,-ccs, �-cndurs a��ci SEib�uiitr�cca�-5. 28. I,T.IBILITY ANn INDEMNlF[CATIQI�. 28.1 LIABILITF - SELLER SHALL BE LIABLE AND RESPO.'1'SIBL�' FOR A�VY AND ALL PROPERTY LOSS, PRQPERTY DARIAGE A�'VD/OR PERSO�'YAL INJ�'K�, INCLL'DING DEATH, TO ANY ,�ND ALL PERSONS, OF Ar'Y�' KI�!'D OR CHAR�lCTER, N HLTHL-`R REAL OR ASSERTED. TO THE EXTENT C:4 USED BY THE rVL'GI.IGE_NT ACT(S) OR OMISSION(S), 111ALFEftSANCE OR I.'1'TE��'TIDNAL �tiIISCONDUCT OF SELLER, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR Er�IPLOYEES. 28.? G�<<'1'ERAL I1�DE�'�i�'�'IFIC,-�TION - SELLER HEREBY COT ENANTS AND AGREES TO 11�'DEMIVI�'Y, HOI.D HAR.MLESS,4ND DEFE11'D BUYER, ITS OFFICERS, AGE.NTS, SBRV.9IVTS AND E:'I�PLOYEES, FR�M AND AGAINST A1VY A�YD ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS OF A.NY' KIND OR CH,9RACTER, WHETHER RE'�1L OR r[SSERTED, FOR EITKER PROPERTY DA��AGE OR LOSS (INCLIiUINC ,4LLECLD DAM,4CE OR I.OSS TO SF.LI.TR'S BI,''SINF.SS AND ANY RESITLTING I,UST PROFITS) AND/OR PERSONAL I�1'.IURY, INCLL'DING DE.�TH, TQ ANY A11'D <4LL F[�] PERSONS, �R!'SI11'G OUT OF OR IN CON��'ECTION i�'ITH THIS ACIdEE�IE.�'T, TO THL�' EXTENT CAUSED I�Y THE I�EGLIGEN�T ACTS OK O��IISSIONS OR M.-�I.FF.ASAIVCF_ OF SELLER, IT5' OFFICF.RS, .AGE:�'TS, SERV,91�'TS OR EMPLOYEES. 2K3 I:VTELLECTt�AL PROPERTYI'NDEMNIFICATION—SELLER AGREES TO DEF'Ei1`D, SETTLE, OR PAY, AT ITS Ol��IV COST AND �XPENSE, ANY CL_,�I:'VI OR ACTI014" AGAINST BU3'ER FOR I�"FRI.�'GE1NL:�4'T OF Ae�'Y P,9TEIVT, COPYRIGHT, TRADE M,9RK, TR,9DE SECRET, OR SI,�YfILAR PROPERTY RIGHT ARISING FRD.rYI BL�'}'ER'S USE OF THE SOFTWARE Ai�'D/OR DOCt`A1E�V'TATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS ACIf�E�IE.'1'T, IT BE(NG U11`DERSTDOU THAT THIS AGREEI4?�!VT TO DEF�1�'D, SETTL� OR PAYSHALL ,'VOTAPPLYIFEL'�'LR M4DIFILS OR ,�IiSUSES THE SOFTW.9RE AND/OR DOCi1MENTATIDN. SO LONG .9S SELLER BEARS THE COST AND EXPENSE OF PAYMENT F4R CLAI_�IS OR ACTIONS AGAI.�'ST BUYER PURS'UANT TO THIS SE'CTIDN, SELLER SHAL L HA VE THE RIGHT TO COND UCT THE DEI Z'.NSE OF ,9 �'�' SU CH CLAI�YT OR .-�CTI011' AND ALL .��EGOT7ATIONS FDR ITS SETTLEMEl�'T UR COMPROMISE AND TO SETTf.E OR COMPROM/SE ArVY SUCH C,L.-�I:�f; HOWE� ER, BUYER SH�LL H.4i'E THE RIGHT TO FLrLLY PA,RTICIPATE IN ANY AND ALL SUC�I SETTLEMENT, 11�EGOTIATIONS, OR L� 1�'SUIT ,�S ,NECESS�iRY TO PROTECT BL�'�'ER'S I11rTEREST, AND B U}'ER .� GHEES TO COOP� R.� TE 14 !TH SEL LL R I�' DOLNC SO. 11V THE EYEIVT RUYER, FOR �'HATF, {�'R RE,�SDN, ASSL��bfES THE RESPONSTBILITY FOR P.-�YMENT OF COSTS.A11�"D EXPENSES FOR .QNY CGAI.�N QR ACTION BRDUGHT AGAIIYST BL'YER FOR INFRI�vGERIErVT ARISlNG UIVDER THIS ACREE�IE,NT, BUYER SHALL HA vE THE SOLE RIGHT TO CONDUCT THE DEf�'EIYSE OF' A.Ny' SL CH CL�IM OR ACTION AND AI.I, N�`GOTIATTONS FOR ITS SF_T7`LL'MF.1VT OR COrL1PROMISE A11'D TO SETTLE �R C4MPROMISE .4NY St'CH CLAlh�l; HOWEVER, SELLER SHALL FL'LLY PARTICIPATE AND COOPERATE WITH BU�ER IN DEFENSE OF SUCH CLAI�'�1' OR ACTION. Bt�YER AGI�EES TO GIVE SELLER TI�IELY WRITTE�' 1VOTICE nF�t.NYSUCH CLAIM ()H ACTION, Fi'ITH COPIL'S OF ALL PAPERS BUYER M-�Y RECEI� � REL.9T.iNG THERETO. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREG�ING, RUYER'S ASSC�NIPTION QF PA YMENT OF COSTS OR EXPEh'SES SHALL 1\'OT ELItIiI.N.qTE SELLER'S DUTY TD INDE�l1.NIFY BUYER C�.NDER THIS ACREEAI�_NT. IF' TH� SOFTli;4RE AND/OR DOCG'�fE�'TflTION OR ANY PART THER�OF IS HELD TO INFRINGE .�ND �`HE �iSE THLREOF IS Er\'JOINED OR RESTRAt�'ED OR, 1F:4S .� RESUI,T OF .� SETTI_EMENT OR CO,'l1PROMISE, SUCH L'SE IS :31ATERIALLY ,�D�'ERSELY RE"STR/CTED, SELLER SH.ALL, AT ITS OWN E.YPENSE AND FiS B U�'ER'S SOG� REMED }; EITHER: (�1) PROCUR�' FOR B U} ER TKE RICHT TO COiVTINGFE TO USE THE S4FTH'ARE` AND/OR DOCLIMFNTATION; O,F� (B) .MODIFY THF. SOFTYi:qRE A/VD/OR DOCUMEIVT,9TI014' TO M.4KE IT .�1'ON-INFRINGING, PROVIDED TH�T 11 SUCH �fODIFIC�1 TI�I�' DOES NOT .M�iTERI�lLL �' ADVERSEL�' fIFFECT B(I} ER'S A UTHORI "LED USE OF THE SOFTWARE ArVD/OR DOCUMEIVTATIDN; OR (C) RF_PLACE THE S�FTW�IRE AND/OR DOCLIMENT.9TI011' WITHE�LI4LLY SUIT.�BLE, COMP,-fiTIBLE, AND FLINCTION,4 LL Y EQUI VALENT 1\'�1i'-INFRINGI ryG SOFT jf�ARE A1VD/�R DOCUMENTATIQN AT ND ADDITID.��AL CHARGE TO BUYER; OR (D) IF NONE OF TH� FOREGOING AL TERNA T! VES IS REASC)NABL Y AL'AIL.�BLE TO SL"LLER TL'RMIIVAT� THIS AGRLL•'ME:'�'T, AND REFU11'D ALL ,911�Or:'NTS P.41D TO SELLER BYBUYER, SL'BSEQtIE�'T TO i�HICH TER1l�lINATIOiV BUYER MAY SEEK ANY AND ALL REMEDIES AVAILABLE TO BUYER t'NDER LAW. Z9 SEVERABIL[TY In case any an� or more of the pro�isions co�tained in this agreeinent s�all for any reason, bc held to bc invalid, iflegal c�r unenfarceab{c in anv respeci, sucl� invalidiry, ill�gakity or utic��forccai?ility shali �iot affect aij�� ather proeision of this aarc:ctnctat, �vllich a�rzem�rit shall h�: co��strued as if stic� invalid, illegak or une�forccable �rn�ision l�ad ncvcr heen contair���i he�-ein. 30 FiSC�►L �'UNDIVC LIMITATION !n thc cvcnt no funds ar insuffieient funds arc appm}�riatcd and h�idgctcd in any %scal �crioci for �aymcnts tfuc under this cof�t��act, �hcn Buycr will 1111111C�1�LC�j� 311]L1I�y SC��C� l)f such occ��rrence and this contract shall be terminated or� the lasi day al�the fiscai period ior wf�ich fi�nds I�dve been appropriate�i witE�out penalty or ex�ense to Buyer c�f any Kind whxts�c�cr, exccpt tc� thc poetit�iis of aiz��ual pay�nents IZcrciEi a�rccd upun for wllick� ft�nds shall havc hcen a��►-c��riatcd antE budgctcd or arc othcnvise availahlc. 3� nOTICES TO PARTIF.S Noticcs �-cq�iircd pttrst�ant to thc provisior�s af this A��'ccrr�cnt shall br conclusivcly detenni��cc€ t� ]�ave lieet� deli�ered wlieii (1) ha�id-delivered ta tlie othcr part_y, its agents, c�nployccs, scrvat�ts of rc�resc�itativcs, {2) dclivcrcd t�y facsimilc w�-iih clect�-o1�ic co��firiz�a[ion o1�t13e transmission, or (3) recei�ed by t11e otl�er party by United State� Mail, re�istered, ret��rn r�ceipt reyttestec3, addre�sec� ��5 f�llo�vs: TO QUYER: City �f F�ort Worth Att�t: Purchasin� Marta�c�' lUU Fort Worth Tr�iii �'ort VVairth, TX 7{� 102 Fdcsimilc: (R17} 392.-R654 �O SELLER: Ti�perary' at Tara, Ltd. Atln: Tom McGral[�, President ;y56 State Highway 2 Trov, NY 12180 51 R-?79-R272 12 With copy to Fort Wor€h City Atton�cy's ()f#ice at sattrte address 32 NON-D1SCR1Vll�ATION Seller, for itself, its perso�ai representatives, as�ig»s, sub-�ei�dors attd successors in interesi, as pa�-t af t�e cansideration herein, a�rees that in the pertormance of Seller's d��t�es and obligations h�;rcttndcr, it shal] not di5cri�ninaE� in tk�c t�-catmcnt or einploy�ncnt �f any individ«al or grou}�r nt` indi���dt�a�s r�n any hasis prc�hibitcd !�y law. IF AVY CLAI11� ARISES FROM AN ALLEGED ViO�,ATInN OF TH1S NOV-DISCRIII[IVATION CUVENANT BY SELLER, ITS PERS011AL REPRESEtiTT.aTI�`FS, ,4�SSIG15, SUBVENDORS OR SUCCESSORS IN I1lTEREST, S�LLER AGREES TO ASSl1NiE SUCH LIABILITY AnD TO INDE:VINIFY :�ND DEFEND BUYER AND HOLD BUYER HARMLESS FROM SUCH CL.�IM. 33 iMVIiGRATiOn AND V'ATiONALiTY ACT Sellzr sh�il verify th� ictentity ar�d e�n�aloysnent �li�;ibility of its empl�yers wha perfonn work tinder this A��rccmcnt, includir�� completitt� the �:rr�ploy�nent �,ligibility Ve�'ifie��tion Fonn (I-9). lJpon rcqucst by 13uyer, Scllcr shall providc �3uycr �v�th copics at all !-9 foniis and supporting cligibility dact�inentation for each em}�rloyee wha perforins �vork under tilis A�reei��ent. Sefler sh�ll adhere to all FedeE-al and Siate law, as well a, e�tablish a�prc}priate prc��ed��res ar�d co�trols so that no sen�ice5 wili be perfc�nned by any S�ller �E�iployee who is not lccal�y �ligibl� to p�rfurn� su�17 serviccs. SELLER SHALL iNDEMNIFY BUYER �VD HOLD BLIYEK HAKMLESS FI�i01�1 A�IY P�:VAL"I'[ES, LIABIL�TIES, Olt L[}�SE� DUE TO �'[OLATIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY SELL�R, SELLER'S FMPLUYEF,S, SURCOVTR��CTORS, �GFtlTS, OR I.ICENSFES. Buyer, upon �vritten notic� to Selter, sf�all have fhe right to i�ninediately terniinate ttiis A�reem�nt ic�r ��iolations ofthis �rovision by Scl�er. 34 HEALTH, SAFETY, AND__ENVIROI�N1El�TAL R�QUIREMENTS Services, products, mat�rials, and suppEies �ro�ided by the Se[ler rnt�st n3eet or exceed �tl� applicablc h�altli, safcty, and thc cnvironincntal laws, rcyuirc�ncnts, and siandar�fs. Ir� addition, Sc11cr avrccs to ohtain and pay, at its n�vn cx�cnsc, for all liccnscs, pcnnits, certi�cates, anc� inspeetions necessary to providc thc products or to perfonn tkzc s�rvices hercundcr. Scflcr shall indci�lnify Ruycr from ai�y pcnal�ics or liabilitics d��c to vio�atioils c�i� this pravision. Buyer shall ha�e the ri4.;ht to iTnn�ediale{V ierminate ihiti l��ree[�Zeni Eo�� violat�ons af tl�is p�-ovision by Seller. 35 N1GH"I' `T(} AUllI'1' Sei�er a�7rees ihat Buyer 5ha11, Ui�flY Ltl� �X�7E["'ciLIUF] of three (31 year5 alter iinai pay�1}eilt unc�er this contract, or the tinal ronclusi�n of any auclit comTz�enreci d�Erinb the said three 13 ycars, havc acccss to and thc right to cxaininc at rcasonablc timcs any dircctly pertin�nt hoc��:s, documencs, papers and records, includinv, hut not Eintited to, all cl�ctr�nic records, of Scllcr involvin`� tc•ansac�ians rclatifl� ta tliis Agrccmcnt at no additio��al cost to Buycr. Seller agrees that t���yeE• shal] have acces� c�«ring nor�nal �vorkin� hours to all necessary Sell�r facilities anc� shall be pravidec� adeq�i�te and appE-opriate wo3�k space� in order to cunc�uct audits in compli�tnc� with thc provisians of this s�ctiac�. Buycr shall givc Scller rcasot3ah[c advancc noticc of intcndcd audits. Thc B�ycr's ri��l�t tn audit, as dcscrihcd I�crcin, s�a�l survi��c th� Eer«�i�7ali�n and; or cYpiratioi� of lj�is Agrccn�c�7t. 3G DISABILITY l�s accordancc with thc prc�visions �f tlic Amcricans With Disabilitics Act of 1990 (ADA), Seflcr warrant� tk�at it and any at�d all of its subcontractors will nol unla��fully discrii���natc on ti�e basis of� di�abiiity iE� the provision af� �er��ices to general public, nor in tlie availability, ten3�s anef/�r conditi�ns of employi�ent for a�plicant� for e�nployment with. or emplo_yees of Siller or any of its s��bcontractors. Seller warrants Et W1II fC1�Iy COill]7iV with ADA's pro��isio�is an� any oEhcr applicablc fcdcral, statc and iocal Ia�vs conccr��ia�� disahility and will dcfcnd. i��d�m�iify and hold Buyer j�3i'i11ICS5 a�ainst any claitns c�r a11e��tions asserted by ihir�l pat'tiz` or subco�tr��ctors aUainst Stiyer t�rising oul of�Selle�'S and/or iis subcontr�ctar's alle�ed i'ail�zre io con�ply� �� ith the �tbove-re(eren�ed la��s concerning disabi�ity di5cri�nination in th� p�.�-f'c�rmance of this n��-cement. 37 DISPU'E'�, RE50LL1'I�ION li�eitE3er Buyer or Seller has � clain�, dispute, or other maiter in quesiion !or breach ol�duty, vbli�ations, seiti ices rendered or any �vat7�anty that arises t�nd�r this A�reerr�ent, the parties sha11 first attcmpt to resolvc tf�c �nattcr thrc�ugh this dispute res�lution proccss. Thc dis�uting }�arty shall nc�tiiy the �ther �a�cy ii� writi�ig a� sc�on as practicable after discovcrin�� l�c claim, disputc, or breach. Thc noticc shal! sta�c llic �laturc: of t��c disput� 1nd lisi the party's speciric reasans for such c�ispute. Within ten (10) busir�ess day� ol' receipt of the notice, both parties shalE make a�,00d faith effort, either throu�;l� e�nail, ma�l, phonc canferencc, in person n�cctings, ar ot��cr rcason�ib�c n�eans to resolvc any claim, dis���te, hrcach or oklzer n�atter iiz questian that may arise �ut of, or it� connection with tltis AUrccznci�t. If thc partics fail to resulvc tl�c dispute within sixty (fiUl days of thc datc af recei�t of the notice of'the dispute, ti�en the parties n�ay �ub�nit the �nalter to r�on-binc�i�ig inec�iation upon wri[ten cc�nsent of authorized i-epreszntatives of bc�th par€ie� in aceorciance with t��L Inc�ustry �rbitration R«!cs of thc Atncrican Arbitratiun Assoi;iation or othc;r ap��licahlc rufcs goveming meciiation tE�cn in e#'t'cct. If'tl-►c parties Subn�it thc disputc t� tion- hindi��� mcdiat'snn and ca�i��ot r�solvc tftc dispute througlt tncdiatiait, thcn cithcr pai-ty slla[1 ha�� ihe ri`�ht to exercise any ai�d a�l remec3ies a��ailable ui�der iaw re�arciij�g the dispute. 38 PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTI�C W'ITH COMPANIES THAT BOYCOTT 1S1t.�,EL If'Seller has fewer than l0 emploYees or this Agreen�ent is f'or less than $1UO,UaO, this section does not agply. Seller acEcnowledgea that in acco�•danc� with Chap�er 2?7] of the 14 Tcxas Govcn�mc�it Codc, Buycr is prohibitcd frotn cnteri�7� into a contraet with a compa»y for �oods or services u��lcss thc cnntract contains a writtcn veriftcaticm from tl�c com�any that it: {[) docs ►�ot boycott Isracl; and {2) will t�ot bc�yeott tsracl d�arin� thc tcr�� of thc contract. The teri��s "k�oycUtt Israei" and "cor���any" has the ineanings ascribed to tllose tenns in Chapter Z271 of th� Texas Go�•ernmznt Code. By signin� this .-#grecment, Selicr certifies that Seller's signature pro��ides v+'ritten verification to Buver that Seller: (i) does not hor�cott lsrael; and (2) �+�il! not �ovcott lsrael during th,e term of the Agreement. 39 PROHIBITION ON BOYCOTTIVG ENERGY CUVIPANIES. Ii' Seller has fe��er than 10 employees or this Agreement is %r less tt�an $100,000, this section d��es not app�y. Scllcr acki�owlcdgcs that in accor�lancc with Chaptcr 227C of thc Texas Government Code, Buyer is prohibited from enteri��g inlo a cor,trac� Ear goods or services that has a valu� oFS 1 Q0,000 ar more th�t is to be pai�i ��vl�olly or partly fron� public fitnds c�f tht City t�ath a company with 10 or tnore fiil!-time rinpl�yees unless t�e contract contains a written veritication from the cotn�atjy tl}at it: (1} does not b�ycott encrgy companics; a�Id (2} will c�ot hoycott �ncrgy comp�tnics durin� thc tcrnl of tE�c contract. To Ehe exteilt Ellat Cha��er ??76 a!'the Govern�rt�nt Code is a}�plic�able �o lhis A��-eemen�, br signinb this Agrecment, Seilcr ccrtifics that Scller's signatur� provides rvritten vcrif�catian to thc Cit� that Scllcr: (l ) does �ot bo��eott encr�y campanics; and (2) will not boycott energv companies durin� the term of this A�;reement. 40 PRQHIRITiON ON DISCRiMiNATiUV AGAI�fST FIRE�IRM AVD .AMVIUI�ITIUN INDUSTRIES. If Se[ler has fe�ver than lU e�nployees or t��s A�reen�e�t is for less than $lOQ,000, this sectian does not apply. Sellcr ac�Cnowledges that except as otherr�fise provic�ed l�y Chapter 227� of tlie Tcxas Govcr��sr�cnt Code, Buycr is prok�ibitcd fram ciltcring iilto a coi3tract far gond� or services that l��zs a val�►e of S 100,00� or more that i� Eo be �asc� v� hoily or �artly fi�on3 public funds of the Ciry with a company wit}� l0 or more fuli-time employees unlzss thc co�tTract conTai��s a w�-itten vcrification from ihc comp�iny that it: {1) docs not havc a practice, �Solicy, guidai�ce. or directive tliat ciiscrin�inates a�ainst a�irearn� e�jtity or tirearFn tradc association; and {2) w�ill tzut discri�ninatc duri��tg ti�c icrm c}f tiic coiitract against a lirearm �lliiiy or firear�n �r-ade associ��tion. To t�ie extent tk�at Ck�a�ter 227� at� li7e Go�ei�inent Code is applic�►ble to E}iis �lgreement, by signing this Agreeinent, Sellcr certifres that SeEler's si�nature pravides w�ritten verification to Buver that Sel�er: {l} does not ha��e a practice, policy, �uiciance, or directi��e tha# discriminat�s a�ainst a �rearm entity or �rearm trade assoc�atiore; and (2) will not discriminate against a firearn� entity or itrearm trade associafion durin� the terre� of this agreement. �11 iNSU1tANCE REQUING'�7EVTS 41.i Covcra�c and i,ija�its {a) C«mmercial Gcnerai Liahility: 15 S 1.DO(1,()flfl - �act� [)ccurrcnce 52,0{10,00p _ A�`�regatc {b) AL�tomobile Liabilitv: S 1,()O(1,00{) -�;ach oceurretzcc on a comhined si���le limit ha.�is Coiera�;e shall be on a��y vetticle used b}r 5e31eE-, its eil��loyees, agents, repr�sentatives in the course of pE-oviding servic;e� uncler this ngr�ement. "Any v�hiclr" shall be any vchi�lc owncd, hircd and non-o�vncd. (c) �Vorl�cr's Comp�nsation: Statutary limits accordin� to the Texas Workers' Compensation Act or any other state workers' coinpcnsation laws ��v�ere the work is being perionned Emplaycrs' liai�ility 5100,000 - Fiodily �njury by accident; each accident/occurrence SIOO,Q00 - �3odily f�jttry by c�iseas�; each employee 5500,000 - �3odily I��jury hy ciiscasc; po[icy limit {dy Prolcs�io�lal Liability (rrrors & Ot3�issionti): S ! ,000,000 - E�ch ClaiEn Limit 5 i ,0()�,000 - A��rc�atc Limit Professional Lial�ility covcragc may bc providcd ihrough an cndorsc«�c«t to the Camn�ercial General L.i�bilitv (CGL.} policy, or a separate poiicy specific to Professio�al ER.O. Either is acceptable if coveragz meets all othcr rcyuircments. Covcragc shall bc clainis-mad�, and maintaincd for thc duration of the contractuaf agreement and for tu�o {2) years fallowing con�p[ciion of sc�viecs pravidcd. An anniial ccrtificatc af insurancc shali bc s�6r�iitted to Buyer to evic�ence coverage_ 41.2 Gc:neral Requirem�nts {a1 Thc co�nmercial gcncral liahil�ty a�ld automohilc liat�ility palicic� sliall nanie Buyer as aj� adciitional insured thereon, as its interests i3�ay appear. The term Buyer shaii include its z�npfoyees, ofticers, offirials, a�cnts, and vol�mtccrs in respcct #u thc contractcd scrviccs. (b) Thc workers' compcnsation policy shall includc a W�ivcr of S�ibroga�ion (Righf af�Rccovcryj in [a��o�� o�Ruy�r. 1b (e} A��inimum o��Thirty (30) c�ays' noticc of canccllatio�l ar rcduction in lin7its of covera�e shal� be �rrnidcd to Buyer. Ten ([ U) days' �ntice si�all bc acccptablc i�� thc cvcnt of no��-paymct�t �i�rcj7liun�. Noticc shall bc s�ilt tc� the Risk Mana�er, F3uyer of' �'orE Worth, 200 Texas Sire�t, Fart Wa�fi�, Texas 76102, with copies to the Fort Worth City nt�o��ney at the sa�r�e address. (i�) Thc insurcrs for all po�icirs mus� be liccnscd at�d/ar a�provcd to do business in the Siate of�Texas. All insurers m��st have a minimum ratin� oi� �1- VII in the current A.M. Best Key Ratin� GUiC��, Oi' t1�V� i'��SOI3�i��� cqiiivalent fnancial strcngth and sol��cncy to thc satisfaction af Ris�C Mana�c�nc3�t. lf the ratin� is hclaw tl�at rcc�uircd, w�•ittc�l a�pr�val ot REs1: Mana�cmc�ii is rcquircd. {e) My failure on the part of Bt�yer to r�c�uest rec�uired insurance doc��meniation shall not cor�stitute a��vaiver ofthe insura�ce reyiiirement. (f} Certi�catcs of Insura��cc cvidcncin� tE�at Scllcr has c�htaincd all required insurance tihall be cielivered to the Buver prior to Se[]�rproceecling �vith any ��ork pursuani to this �lgree�nent. 17 EXHIBIT B CUnFLICT OF IVTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE Pt�rsuant ta Chapte�� 17G of� lhe Local Government Code, any persc�n or a�ent of a person w�o conlracts or seeks to contract for the sale or pi�E-chase o1' property, goocis, or se�ti�ices with a loca� gnvernmcntal cntity (i.c. Thc City �f Fort Worth} must disclasc in thc Q�cstionnairc l�onn C1Q ("Qucstionnaire") thc �crson's affiliation or busii�css rclatianship that might c;ausc. a canfli�t of intcrest witt� tl�L local �ovcmEn`��tal cntity. I3y I�w, thc Questionnair� int�st be fled with the Fart Worth City Sect-etary no lace�- tf�an sev�n days alter tl�e c�ate tl�e �er�on begins contract di�cussiona or negoEiatiom �� ith the F3uyer, or subinats aE� a��lica�ioi� or res��nsc �u a rcq�scst far p�•aposals or bids, c�,r�-cspondcncc, or an�tlzcr writing rclatcd to a�otcntial agrccmc�it with tl�c Buycr. Updatcci Qucstionnaires must he tilcd in confortnance with Chapter 176. A copy of lhc Q�scstionnairc Fonn C�Q is e��closcd with thc sub��iital documcnts. Thc forni is also a�°aiiable a# http://►v�v�r.ethics.state.tx.usf�'nrms/Ci4.pdf. I[� you have ae�y questions about con�pliance, ple�se consult yaur ow�i legal counsel. Con�pliancc is the i��dividual res�onsif�ility of cacli person or agcnl uf a person whu is sul�jcct to t��c filin� rcquircmcnt. An offcnsc undcr Cha��tcr 17fi 'ts a Class C misdcmcanor. NOTE: If you are not a�vare of a Contlict of interest in any business relationship #hat y�1u might have with fhe Bu��er, state Seller name i� the # 1, use n/A �n each of the �reas on the fc�rrrt. Ho�r�ever. a signature is required in the #4 box in all cases. i8 CONFLICT OF INTEREST �UESTIONNAIRE � Far vendar doing business with local governanental entity FORM CIQ � Thi� q�e3tionnaira reliecss chartgea mede la thr Isw Gy H. S. 23, 81th Leg., I�gular Seasbn. I OFF1C� liSfi ONLY T��s questionnaue ss being filed in accordance with Ghapter 178. Local Government Code. -,:__ _,,_._ _,;., by a vendor who has a�usEr�ess reialionship as d�fined by Section 178. (301(1-al wit� a local govesnmen�al ent�ty and 1he vendor meets requrremenls under Sectron 976.006(ai. By iaw th�s questionna�ra mi�st 6e iiledwith ihe recards administrator of the local govemrnenlak enl�ry not later than the 71h bus�siess day after the date the �endor becomes aware ot tacts that requ�re the statesnent to be filed. See Sect#on 176.006i.a-1), �oea� Governnient Code A vendor comm#ts an affense sf ihe �endor knovvingly �iolaies Seclior 176 �q8, �oca€ Go�ertrnent Code. A n ot�ense ur�der this settion is a misdemeanor. Nam� of vandar who h�s a i�u�ln�ss rPlationshlpwith focal qovPmmental �+n111Y- Tipperary at Tara, Ltd S�� Ch��ck tii3s box H you �rp tlling an � t� to a��iNvsously tilNci questlonnatrP. iThe law requires [haE you 1i1e an updated complated questionnaue Krrth !he appr�pr�ate tiiin� au[hor�if r�nt la[er than the 7th business day aher the date on whi�h you became aware thaE Sha or+g�naily Gled quesUoana�re was incompfete or inaccurate � Nd11TB 6f iOCal QOYEffIRIP.fl10ffICN� 1bOU� lYhOnl thN IfSlOfiFidtlOfl fil 11115 Sv4;lpi� IS tWllllj [ilSCIOSBA. NIA ';<�:.. ., .;�n;•�, �-- — --- Fhis sE+ci�an (dam 3 incic�ding subpar4s A. B. C. 8 D1 must be completed for each affitar with whom the vendor has an emplayment or other busmess relaiionship as defined 6y Section 476 OOlq1-al. LaGal Govemmern Code. Anach adcEAsonal pages ta lhis Form CIO as riecessary A Is 4ha iocal govarr�r�ent oflicer namad ire this sett�on receiv�ng ar IYlcely to receive taxabie �rtcome. olhes than investmen! cncome, trom the vendar� � Yes � No B. is the ver�dor reteiving av likeiy Eo recaNe taxable incarr�e. oEtier tha� invcshnent ir�come, hom ar at the direction ai tha bcat governmerit oH�cer named in this sediortAND the t�able �recome is rrot rece�+red from the kocaS goverrm�ental entity� � Yes � No C. is !ha i�ler of thss qUest�onnaire employed hy a corporatian or oFher business eMrty wifh respeCt to whEch The local governmezt officer serves as an oEftcer or director. or hotds an ownersfiiG tnterast of one pescent or moie7 � Yes � Na D. n«scrrbe aach ernp'�r,rmn�t c�r busi�i�ss a�d iamily relaSionsh�p w�rh rh? lxal Uevernmen! oR�,-ar named �n th�s s��cl�on ;.7nar��e ct .�rc:� 7:•.�, : :..sr.�;,: �: • N , . _ ,,:r': - „ 7� --- � �� ElHISIT C SELLER CONTACT INFORriiATION 5cller's Namc: Tipperary at Tara, Ltd 5cllcr's Loc��l Add��cs�: 3955 State h-fwy 2, �ray, NY 1218b Pho�ic: 51$-279-5272 ���i�: adr�in@tipPerarystares.com f'2lX; Nanie ofpersons to eor�tact when plaei»g an order or i��voice q�icstions: NamelTitle Margaret McLemare, Product Manag�r Phc�nc: 410-443-5Q65 f:mail: tartan@tipperarystores.com Name/TitleTom MCGrath, President Phone: �18-279-8272 Email: admin@tipperarystores.cam NameiTitle Phonc: �;t�zaiE: D � S ignature Tom McGrath Prinled Namz � ax: FaX: 1= �x: D � �a� Date 20 E?�CHIBIT D �'ERI�'iCATION OF SIGVATllRE AUTHUR[TY TIPPER�IRY AT TARA, LTD. 39�6 STATE HICHWAY 2 TROY, VY 12184 �.xccution of this Si�nature Verification Form {"Fonn"} I;crchy ccrtifics that thc fo�lowi�i� ir�dividt��ls and/or po�iti��ias ha�c the autlZority to l�gal[y bind Scller hnd tv execute any agreLn�ent, aintndincnt �r change ordcr on bchalf of Scf Icr. Such binc��ng ��I3tha�-ity has been �,�-antcd b}� prop�r orcier, resc�lution, ordinance or oih�r authori�.ation of Seller. F3uy�r is (�ully entitled to rely on the warranty and represe�3tatio�� set iof-th in thiti Fo3�n in e�iter�n� i�zlo aizy agreement ar amendme�it w-ith 5cllcr. Sellcr �vill submit a�i upda�cd Form within tci� {�0) business days ii tl�crc arc any changes t� the si�natory authority. I3uyer is entitled tc� rely on any currcnt cxcci�ted k�'c�rm ��t�til it rcccivc5 a r�viscd �orn� that has bccn prupc;riy cxccutc�d by Scller. Va�ne: Tom McGrath � �o�. P�esident . tJ� r�- Signaturc �lante: Po,ition: Signatt►rc � � Y(,- Sign�iture al� Presid�c�tlC'I:C};'Mana�in� Par�nc:r Titl���S y I7ate � Y � 2� EXHIBIT E SELLER'S SOLE SUURC� JUSTiFICAT[UV LETTER Tipper�ry ��:..� .�,, �: ,� -- ��•' ,_�tr z:�,�Y [ir�>nw�rcw NY I 3V�.w��� N3 I AM++�'�.��� MI� April 29, 2024 Officer Walter Watkins Fort Worth Pofi�e Pipes & Drums Band 200 Texas St Fort Worth, TX 76102 Dear Ofc. Watkins, It has been our pieasure to supply the Fort WorYh Police Pipes & Drums Sand with U. 5. Law Enforcement MemoriaE tartan k11ts and other uniform components for the last 10 years. As Irish Traditions is under new ownership, we would like to establish our sale spurce supplier status with the City of Fort WorYh under the acguiring tompan�/s name, Fpperary at Tara, Ltd. The U. 5. Law Enforcement Memorial tartan (plaid) is a design registered with The 5[ottish Register of Tartans with exciusive distribution rights in the United States held by Tipperary at Tara, Ltd {formerly Irish Traditiorrs, LLCJ. The fabric itself is woven in Scotland by a premier tartan weaver and kilts and other uniform pieces are made by tailors highly skilled in traditional kilt making techniques. We retaln specifications regarding ihe options selected by the band, including the specific piacement of partic�lar colors within the fa[�ric, to ensure that each kiit conforms to the others in the aand. Wa are aware there may be lower quality fabrics being woven witnovt auYhoriiy. Thls is difficult to prevent, but be aware these products are o# inferior quality i� fibe� coretent as well as production quality. in add�tion, there are'knock afY iabrics that appear similar to the design, but have alterations in the pattern. These may appea� genuine until viewed next to an authentic product, wnen the differences become ap,�arent. Th�s new unlfarm kilts wauld be identifiably different fror*� exisUng uniforms wnen �iewed together. I'm happy to provide any additional inforrnation you need. Best regards, /�l�RfGt /rf4�.EarO/'C Margaret lvlcLeinore Product Manager, 7aftans ta rta n[a�ti opera rystares. [om 3�76 5tate H�o�x�,ay 2 Qru•oyv�icic I�Y 121$0 ad��n[�T pPerarySto�es.coT 1 800-2�5-8?71_ F�� EXHISIT F SELLER'S QUOTE , '� �pper�ry �.. . ,s1. 3 8 yavd kilt5 2 5 10 10 9 yard kilts Fly Plaitls Rashes Kilt FbSc pa�a. anr2oza p�jQTE p 2d02 TO Wa1lar Watkins SHIP VJaltar Wdtkins Fort Worth Palke aipes ?O For� Wctth Poiice �pes & iJrums Bend & C'um5 Rand ; 06 Texzs S! 755 Shatry �rae Ct Fart Wortfi. TX 761 ff2 9ut1e5on, TX 76�28 SI7�537-37 t9 B37�fi37-3114 � , , .!-�i��� �� . �. . _ .- ' LJPS Law Enlorcemern Tartan, plea� to blue�azure stripe as per p^evious [Davis. Qawley, Windsar) Law EnForcemes�t Tartan, pfeat to blue�azure strfpe as per prev�ous IClova. Uyers) Law EnFo•cement Ta�an. 1 yard sel{.}h��gpd (36 x 56' eppfoz � Red Guards Flashes Navy Blue r� Payah�e uoon order ns aa z3zs.oa 825 d0 175_0� 5Q OU 36 W Thank you far yourbusiness� 465Q.00 875-00 50� �0 3D0 OE] -,�r ' ,:�: , � � : -,.. �iale':. : .. S.''i,6.50.00 50.00 0 60 55.7Q0.00 2�