HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 61741CSC No. 61741 T , CIT O ORT WORTH, TEXA Crime Lab F 11 Building Generator Replacement PMD2023-10 PROJECT NOs. 104327 and 105215 FORT WORTH® MATTIE PARKER DAVID COOKE AYOR CITY MANAGLR Marilyn Ma ·vin In eriin Director, Property Manage111en Departtnent Instruction to Offerers Baird Hampton Brown Engineering and Surveying SDB, Inc. dba SDB Contracting Services July 2024 Crime lab ull Building Generator Repiacernerit -Proj. #10'1327 and 10S215 J ly 2024) Page 1 of 12 ���y �f I��r� VY�rth, �exa� I��yc�r �nd ��ur��il ��mm�r�i�atian DATE: Tuesday, Jur1e 25� ��24 Ft��ERENCE NO.: '"M&C ��-05�35 LDG NA1�1�: 2` P�LiCE QE�ARTM�NT CRIC�E LA� ��NERATOR �C3NSTR4JCT�ON �ON�RAGT �UBJEGT: {C6 ��i) Autharz� Exccut'ran r�f � C�ntraet +uilh 5��, Inc., in the Amou�t of $813,98�,��, Ir�cludinq an Owne�'s Conslru�tion Contingency AIE�wance, for Consiru�Gon and Inst�ll�lion ❑f ihe P�fic� ��partm�nt's Crirn� L�a ��n�rat�r RECOMMENQATIC}N: It is recgmrne�ided tf�at the GEty �auncil a�thorize executic�n of a contract with SDF3, In�., in the amour�t of �813;983.00, i��ludiny �n c�wn�fs c�nstruction conting��rcy allou�ance, f�r constru�tior� as�oc���ed with the inska[Iat��n of thc Pohic� ����rkrrt�nt's Crime L�b ��r�erakcr. o�seu���o�v: Tf�e purp�sp �f this Mayor ar�d Ca�ncil Communic�li�n (M&�� i� tp �u#horize �o��s�ru�iion canL�acE wilh S�B, Inc. for the anst�ll�tic�n �f �h� c�e�er�for fc,rthe �ali�e D�partrr��nt'� Crime La� lacate� at ����i E. Lancas#er Avsnue. Th�� cantr�ct will prav;�ie for all auxili�ry equipmeni, materia�s and iabar far th� iilst�liak�on of tt�� baCk�p generato� for the f�cilily. �n July 27 and A�agust �, 2D�3 ir� th� Fort I+l�arth �t��-��lec�r�m, the Gity publis�e� notic� �f a Requ�st fc�r C��n��titiv� ��aied Propasals ar�t� a� �lugust 24. 20�3 r�c�ived two pr�p�s��s. �t7� was th� only r�sponden� thaE prvvi��d lfi�e required Po�t Prapas�l•Pr��A+nl�rd Sub��itt���, �n J�nu�ry 23, �O��l, A�&C 24-QC�53 �uthori���l SE]B �c� {�roce�c� wifh advance proc�rerr�er�t af the g�n�r�[or. �Fhis contract wiil inciude the m�teri�ls, �ai��r �n� �r��illary �quipt�€ent re+�uired t� �amplete the se€�p� of u�r�fk ar�r� insiall ti7e generatar. Funding - F�,�ding is ��dgeted in th� ��n�ra] Ca�it�f Pr�jeet� Fund for ff�e P�aperty Management bep�rtrnent For the p��rpose of fu�ding ih� Crirne L�I� G�nerB#�r �r��i ti�e �Y�4 �r'��r G�nerator Repka�e praj�ct�, �s a�propri�t�d. 1Naiver o# Building ��r�it F�es - In accord�nae with th� Cify �ode �f Ordin�nc�s, Part II, Ch�apte� 7-fi Fart 1l4forth �uildinr� A��r�'rnist�ativ� �r��t, Secl;ar� 1C39.2.1. �xception �; ��Vllork �y n�n-City per�or�nef an properly und�r t�i� cartrol �f th� City �f Fc�r�t VJorth �h�ll �� e�erript �rom t�e perrnit {�es only if th�e w�ark is far aclir�n under a�onEracl will ts� or has b�ei� �ppt'�ved �y �ity �ouncil wE�h not�s in the contracl pa�k��es siating the fee is waived." Office of E�usines� �quity - A vrdiver of f}ie goa� for Bu�ir7ess Eq�ity su�co€�1ra�t�nt� rer�uir�rner�ts was reque�ted, anc� apprav�:d t�y tf�e aVl�i, in ac��rdar.�� with the applicable Ordinance, because the Th� �ver�li pr�j��t Cos#s expeci�d �s des�ribed in th� ��ble belvw: purchas� oF ��ods a� servic�s i� frorr� �aur��� where �ubconlr��ting ar ��appl�er opportunfties ar� r�egligibl�. Th� Pol9ce ��par#ment G�ime �ab i� located ir� C�LJNCIL DI�7E��CT 11. FI�G}#L 1NF�RMATIOh1 ! CEFtTIFICATI�N. TY�� C7+r��tQr of Fin�nce �ertif't�� tf�{�i fund� are availa�le �n lh� currer�k c�pik�1 b��get, as previausiy apprapr�ated, in the Gener�i Capitai Projects Fua�d far fhe �rime La6 Ge�erator a�d ti�e �Y2� �m�r ��ne�ator R�place projects to s4i�part ihe �{�prov�� aF IE1e ��bve recalilmenC�atinn �r�d exeGutiarl of th�e ��ntr�cl. Prior t� ar7y expendiiur� heing ir�curr�d, th� Property M�n�gem�nt O�p�rtrr�er�t has the r�sponsi�ility to validate th� av�ilabilily of f��nds: FUiVD IaENTIFI�RS �FIL�s): TO Fu� C�epartmer�t ccvun praject .Prvgram ctivity Bu�i�et R�f�ren�e # moun l� ID Year Cha�-t€ield 2 FRflM �un �epartrnent ccc ID Praj�ct !Progra ID � vit Bud eE R��er�nc� # r�au ]i 9 Year {Chart'Field 2� CEFiTIFICATIDIV�: Sub�itt�d for City Manaaer's Otiice b� Oriqinatinq Departrr��nt F��a�: Additi�nal Inforrrsation �or�tact: C3ana Qur�hdoff �8018) h+1��iEyr� M��"vin (�ii38) Brian ��ass �8088} Nikita 1Nalis {2�72$} JATTAC H M€hlTS 7_ 1�2986 1+Vaiver CrimeLabFuIl���iidinqGenera#or�l_a�e AI•qdf jCFIN I�tern�l) �. 2�P� CRIf�9E LAB GEh�ERAT�F� �DEV5TRLICTI�N C4NTRACT FID TABI.�.xlsx {CFW In��rnalj 3, �1PQL1�� D�PARTMENT �f�IM� LAB GENE�ATOR CO�I�TRU�TIQN COi��RA�T,daex {CF+N lnternak} �4. Ciky af For# UVorfh Certificate 101�11 �20 Executed.pdf (CFW inEern�l) 5. SAlvi �GB_Gc�rSti'���ir�q ServiCe�.pdf (�FVJ Inlerr�alj PR�P�RiY MANAGFM�NT ��PA�����T FAClLII'fES ! ARGH[TECTI�F�A� SERVIGES �ID TABULATip�l Prajeti: ProJ4 ei �: PP,fa Pr4}�Ct?1 Bld €]ate: AdMgrtised: Cf21M� I�A$ FULL �[JILDZNG GEhIERATOR R�P�qC�ll'l�NT 3676 � 1�A�ICASTEf� AVE FQ1�7 Ul�R'�H TEX�1� 102996 PIVJC�2423-14 SEPT�MSER 14t �{��a3 .�ULY �7, 2�23 $ AU�U$T 3, 2��3 ��SCR9Pr14H �ase Pr�p�sal �wnets Caniinp�ncy Aliowarasa �3�� Propasal Plus �wner`s Cantinger�cy AH�+u�nce Tab�latet[ by: Enp. Estim�to: Addendums� � hl�rCom Ir]tegfated 5ysterns, IE�c. lficki Mc�ana�d $�44,440.44 2 2 5��, Inc. dkra 5�� Cnntracling 5erv�ccs e�� rt�dg� ��, ste �oo Keller, Te�sas 7�248 917-�ii-86d5 paul�NosTech5ololldns,rt�m oa�s � �ao,aoo.�u � S 36.260.�0 $ $ 80�,2$U.O� 3$6 $ 81�1 LB�3 Fieeway S!e 766 Dailas,, Texas 75z5 t 4G9-B19-3763 angie,scltmldi(�tlb.tdm anrs 89�,727,88 57.25�:69 $��,98�,+{7 AQO nQu€rauur��s; a x NOTIC�'�OOFFERORS f�rnpc��als fc�r kh� �rime L.ab Full �t�ilding Genera#c�r R��lacement Jor�t�d �t 3616 �. ��nt��tar A�re. Fort Wbr'kh, T�xas 7'fi14� will �e r�c;�iv�d �t th� Pu��hasing O�f�ce. City af F�rl V+lor#1�, 2Q(} �exas Stre�t, FortVlJorih. 76'i02, until 1;3� P.M �n �"hur�day, Aug. 24, �U23, and will be opened art€� publieay read �laud �p�raxim�t�ly thiriy rr�inuk�s lal�r ii7 p�e �ot�ncil Cliambers. Afier eval��ti�g khe Prapc�sals suhmitted, th� Gity sh�ll �el��t the C3ffe��or that af�ers the Best Ilalue to t�e CiEy and enter into n�gotiati�ns w+tF� th�at O�feror. Th� City rnay discuss v�ith the selected O�fer�r options fiar � sco�e or tim� rr�o��ficatiar� and �ny pric� change associal�tl wii�s �uch m4dific�at�on. The lasl day for quesli�ns irom pros�e�#ive �fferars is ak 3:40 P�ui an Friday, Aug�sk'I'1, 2p��. �4 Pre-Pr�pasal Cenfe����e wiil t�e held �t "�4.3p A.M., Wednesday, A�gust 9, 20�3 �t Aichitec�ur�l S�rvic�s Canferenc� Roorrr ai 4�� V�, 1;���� St. Fc�rlV�+t�rth, T�. 761�2. A gui�led tour c�f the site wi11 Fa4�w t��e Canfcrence. �he offers wiEl be vaJid for ahJE HUNDR�D TWENTY {'�2�� ca�endar days, Es�im�ted oor�stfuc[ian co�k is �ppCoxirnately �9�{3,��U.D�_ �'he C�f#er�r �+iEl add a 7.5°la �w��er's C�ntin�ency lkltbw�i7ce �n a sep�ral� iin� iE�m �+� tf�e Proposal farm �nd only fh� C�wr�e�' �ill a�,pr�ve the �s� of l#�is allawanc� d�rir�g �nstructior�. A�ry AR1otiU�nce rern�i�ing al t�e e�d �f rora�kru�tion �rill he retair�ed by t#�� Cfty af Fort 1Na�th. This Aflnu+ar�ce i� noi to be inciud�d in #he ��se ProA�sal and wifl not �e us�d in th� Best V�lue s�lection process. R�fer tfl fhe c�aluation rs��kri�c far th� s�E�cf��n �af th� �esl U�fu� ��f�r�r in the fr�stru�tiarrs ta �ffc�ars. Refer to the ReqUest for Propo�a� dacurnents far t�e �u�iness �quity pr�vislnn lnformaEior�. Th� BusfRess Equ�ty;��rti�ip�kion will be ev�luaied �n awarding kh�s Co�7traci. The �usir�ess Equiiy goal requirement is WAIUE� and s�t at 0°Ig, Al�r�, Reier to Sec#i�n 2. �liSff�E�� ��111TY PF�OV��IONS FOR BEST VALUE PROp��AL S�k kh� Instructians to �ff�rors_ dfferars rrsust sU�+�nit a bid �o��d w�ih their prap4��a. Q#f�ror��j to wh�rr� �n award of GQnkrack(s} is made will b� r�quEre� to provi�e F�ayme�t and Pe�farmar�c� I�o�ds and prc��llae Canl�a�iors �enerai Liability and Statutory Workers Co�npensation �av�ra�e. If yau inte�d to subrt�it a�rv�4�al, request you infv�m kt�e Prajec# Manager or Architect��ngine�r who can then i�ifarm tFl� intereated sUbcon�ra�t4rs. �eneral Co��#r��t�r's art[i S�pplieT� m�y r�a#sa c�pie� r�f the Instrucli�ar�� ta �fierflrs, Gener�l ��r�diki��5, arati�uings, ar�d 5pecif�eations thraugh their �tii�t�r. The canstructi�� dacu�ent� �re not ��ailable at the Clty hut may be vie�red ar�d prFnted on-line �y cuttiny a�rd �asiing th� tt�lCawing k.IN1C int� youf bro�vser; h,ttos;l+d��s.b�60. a �kodesk_cornJshar��l��3aet�67-24�7�f44-aa31-1 �$7diJbb�a�0 �ont�c� khe F�oject Man�ger, Dan Is�acs, at ��17� 392-8498 or �maii I)c�tiaid.(s;€ac4�ce�.l_ur�4�_47rtli�cx�74.�n�� iflr �ssi�i�r�c�. For adciiliranal in�ormation c�ntact Sh�� Project En�ineer, f�aul Morris, at �6S2j 3�8-079� or �mal! 1111is.�Yl'ltiti C���1�7141�.Cirll l Adv�rlis�ment: July �7, 2�2�, August �, �D�3 InSEru;t�{m t�i r,�iF9rpf5 F'€�[�� 3 n? 33 Crlme Ls�� Full �u�kllrig GeneCalur R���Iace�TieN - Proj_ �1029F�� $c�pt. t4�:�J iABL� DF G�NTEf�75 • Pf��JECT �Q11��� PAG� ■ f�OTICE T� �FFEROR� ■ �A�LE D� CONTE�ITS ■ I�iSTRIJCTIGNS �C� 4F�ER4i�S • PF2�3P�SAL F�RN1 � CONFLICT O� fhl��F�E�I' r�F�IDAVIT * �QNFLICT UF fN7�F���� Q1���1�E�1�All�� ��]QJ + GQ�JFLICT C�I�Cl��SU#�E STAT��v1�N� {CIS) + TE�1�� �AL�� AND U�� TAX EX�M�TICPub CERTiFICATE + 2�13 PREVAILI�� 1NA�E RAT�� • U'JEATWER TABLE * G�f�ERAL G�NDiT�0�18 OF TH� CCf�TRACT FQR �O�lSTRUCTIO�] �Sap�r�te Ait��hm�r�t} • GO�t�TRU�TIdN CONTRAGT ; PAYII�EN7 ��f�Q : PERF�RMAE�G� �30�q . �ER-fIFiGA�E OF iNSURA�C� . CC}f�TRACT�E� C�MPLIANCE VV��'H IN�I�K�RS' �Qf1�PEN�ATI�I� LAUV • PROJE�T S�GN InsCruclion to C�ffcrors Page S oi 33 C�rn� Lah Fuli 6���ld��g ���zeratQr Replacernent • ProJ. #1��9##G S�pk. 20z3} INSTRUCTIONS TC? [3F�ER�1�� PROPOS�L REQUIREMEP�T�: The: follpvuing re�u�remer�ks sha[I b� us�d irr th� pr�p�r�tian vf the respons� ta this Ret��aesk far Seal�d Propasals: • lJse the pr�{�osal Farn� p�ovEded belaw. • Entries an #h� Praposa.E Form rr�ay �e hand�nrri�ten �r typed. . Writ� in �c�ntr��l dur�fian if noi sp�cofi�d. a A,^.knowk�cl�� �Il addenda �n the Pr�posal �'orrn. + Wave a F'rineipal s��n lhe Pra�as�l. If fhe Offeeor fs a carporaEiorr, kh� pr�sid�nt or a vice- pre�i�i�nt �us� si�n ihe Propasa�_ IF k��e afferar is a paRnership, th�n th� person�en#ity who is the ma�aginglq�neral part�er mus# sign the proposal. r Camp�ete ar�d submi� #h� G�n{iicf of Inter�sl Af�daviR iQrm. (Alsa sul��niE asso�iate�' F�rrr� C}G! �nd Fbrm CI� if requi��d,� « Inclu�e cashi�r's check flr a� acce��tal�[e biJder'� bhnd wriite�i by a cor�orafe surely paya6le t� #h� �ity of �ari 1�+�r1�7, ir �n �maue�t af nat less th�n five (5%} p�r ��nt �f th� to�al �f 111� bi� subrnitled. + In �r��r for a s�Fe�y ta he ac�epiable t� the City: lh�� s�r�ly rr�ust �iJ t�ald � cert��icate �f autharity f�ar� #h� U��1#2d �t�tes Secretary o� #he �reasury to quafify as a�ure�y on �bli��ti�ns �rmilteri o� required under fed�ral law, ar (2j F�ave ob#ained reinsura�ce for ar�y Iiab�liLy in �xc�ss o�$1CJ�,{7(}{� fr�rn � rei�ls�rrer that is authori�ed and �dmi�tetf �s 2� r�ir�s��F`er in lh� sEale af Texas �nd is the hoider oi a C�riific�ie �6 �ulh4riiy f���n t�e United 5tates Sec�etary of k�� 7reasury t[� quaGFy �s a sue�ty Qn oY�ligaliar�s �rmitC�ci or ret{uit'ecl unde� f�deral law. S�tEsfac#ary �roo� �# nr�y �;�c:l� �el�su�a�c� shall b� pro�ided lo the C�iy u�an r�quest. ��� Ci�y, in ils sole discr�tion, will de�rrxtine t�� ad�quaey �f #h� �ra�f required herein. 1A. SELEGTIO�f C)� COh�TRP,�TOF�: Th� Gity sh�ll select khe �[ferar !hat ofFers the �iest value bas�d up4i, th� f�Il�kNinc� ��it��i� a�d o� its rank��g ev�l�aiion. In det�rrrrinir�g t}�� �est Valu� O.fferor, the Ciky wiEl eansider: 1. PEo�osed Price ��0 p�y;nts} — Tftie l�west priced resp�nsive Pr�p4��i ti�+ill re��ive fiQ �oint� for thi� r2tinq �ril�rion. Hi�her p€ic�d p�upasafs vs+il3 r�cei+�e praqorli4n�fly I�w�r score�. xlt�h�r1 c�m�ate�i t� !he lowe�� �r��e, ihe higE�e� price� pro�osal will have its scor� reduced �y ane p�rc�nt of t�e available poinfs for �very percent it is higher th�n khe I�w�sr p�ic�. �he scarc v�riA b� rt�unded L� Ihe ne�res# wh41e number. 2. R�f�r�ncesfExperi�i�c� (2�i pointsj - F�eferences �nd experi�:nc� p# il�e Offerot �s demonstr�t�d by iis�ing pa�t a�d ��rr��l prc�j��is in�l4�dinc� reFerenees with narr�es an� c+�rr�nt i�l�phona r�unibe��; 2�nd, lis# af su�contractors if �p�licaE�le, instr�cllor; ta ��fero�s Paq� 4 t�t 33 Grime La� Fu�E Bufldir�g �en�ratorfZep;ae�rment- ProJ_ tF14�8Fi 5ep�. �d23) 3. Propos�d pr�j�et s�h�dul� ��D points} — Pro�o�a4s shauld fncl�de a c�enAr�l sc�edule �hou+ing ihe �r�ount of iirne ne�essary to camplet� tY�e pr�ject, crific�i ;�a�ft, inajor phascs of lhe v�rark, 2nd m���r imp�c€� �n t}te pm�2el. This is to demonstrat� an understanding ❑i lhe p�oj�ct �nd th� mc�st �f�icie�l j�stifi��le time. '�i7�: l��st s�l��dula derr�o�s�ratin� th7e most compl�te �n�eFstanding c�f tYse �raj�ct �+ill rr.ce�ve f0 �ai�its, 1�11 ath�r�� ��+ill be c�r�ded accordingf�. �k Past 3N�rk in lh� �i4y �� F�ri 1��orlh (� €� p�ints) — P�irlfs �I��II b� �w�rded fbr ex�e�i�r��e workir�g on similar projects within khe city limits of the Ci�y �f Forl 1No�ih, CQntra��ors wikh lio expenence in ihe C�ty oF FQrE 1Narkh will receive � painis. C�r�fractars dernar�slrafing Slr�n� �xp�Fi�f�C� will r��i+r� mare €h�n ���inls. Gontrac4ors wilfn po�r examgEe� may receive I�ss than 5 point�. 5 lf kh� scar� #or any individual ra#ing crik�ria is rat�d as zera, this wlli res�lt in the aver�il scor� f��ing zera r�gardl�ss o� f�a�v manY p�in� �v�1d have �aeen �arr,�d in th� �ll�er categaries. ��om�ll�nce u�r�th the Busine�s E4uity �{1+1lWBEj �a�ticipation and �rdinance is Responsive ar f�on- Responsi�+e. Th� Busin�ss E�u+ty p�r���ipa���n will nol b� ev�lu�led in award�r�g this Contract, The BU�iness Eqtsify gn�l RE�UEREMEN� is 1NAiV�C�, ai�d set at 0°l0. AEI�r rankin� th� respons�� �o liie f��cuesi for Pr�p4s�l �f�F1'), lhe �:i#y shall first atk�rnp# t� ne�oliate a contracl wikh #he selected Offerar. The City and iks arch�t�ct �ay dis��ss with �he selcct�d Offer�r apti�ns for � scope �r time mo�ificaii�� and ar�y pri�� c.��nc�e assaciateo with the modificatian, If the City is urtablt� ta n���tiate a contra�t v,rilh the s�lected Dfi�ror, #�ie City shall, form�Ay �n� ir� writln�, e�ri negatiakior�� wi:f� lh�t {]f[erar and pr�ceed ta ih� naxt Of��ror in t�e order of ih� s�lectian r�nking �ntiM a c�nt�act is raach�d ar a!I praposaEs are rejected_ ,�, �€JSIN��S �QUI�Y p��V15loN5 �oR BES7 VALiJE �Rc]P] c��JS.L H4}SEN�SS �QilliY OR�iiNA�J�� PRflV�51U�i5 �usiness �q�ity �ravisi�ns Bu�ine�s Equf#y Goal: 0°�6 A. AIG Fyr���sef� sh�El n�xt� kh�k 1he �u�in��s Eq�ity �r�iir�ance f��. ���a5-�0-z41' (�odifi�d in Chapter 2b, Article �i af ti�e Fort Vl+�rtn Gode af Ordin�nces, as amendsd}, c�f�� e�Cljr F�iBV�fl� �]q�ICj/ OI` �U1���1C8 dacurnents, was �dopted to ensure the fukl and �quitable particip�tion of certifi�d �linarity — and Won��n-owr�e� business ar�terpr���s �MlWBE�j, �eo!lecEively, "���in��s Eq�ity Firrr�s"j in Cilyc�n#racks f�r ih2 pracur�ment �f g��ds and servi��s w�ere ��or�kracF � tnl�l dallar va��e is greater th�n � 10�,OOa, as detaiied �elaw_ �� a p�imary �on�r�ckir�� divisior� �aS th� City, tF�� �r�per[y M��2�g�m�r�4 CJ�p��[r��r�k �splres ka lead ir� the �ity�s effo�ts to pror�o#e d#versity an�i incCuslan �n �esigr,, engl�e�rlr��, and canstrucG�n project wark. No hAMIB� gaal� have been set c�n ihts proj�at_ B. f�esponder�ts shall n4te that gca�ls are sstablishe� as a MINiMUM startd�rd �r�d that efforts, commitrnents. and success�ul results wh�ch dernor�strate an� maintain th� Oepa�lrn�nt`� le�dershi� statu� fQr div�rslky�nd ir��lusron in cantract�ng s�iall be considered to contribute to the best �n#er�st and ov�ral! v�lu� o� the Cik�. ihe pro�edu�es autli�ed beir�w wiN �pply wi��n � sel��tia� is mad�, that spacifk� �rork k� ��op�d, and th� �usiness Equily �ivisi�an e.�ta�N�43es � goal. �n.t�ucl!4n la dffer�� P�gQ 5 af 33 Gri���� Lah Full 6uildin� C�enera#or �ep�acen7eni - Pro}. t�102998 �ept. 2U23} C. P�eas� n�te th�t the certified MfW�E firrr���} m��t rneet on� or mar� �f the fall�w�r�y #hre� optians: {� ) h�v� its prir�cipal place �f hus'tness loc�ted insid� the �Aarketpla��; or �2� show praof It has its principal plaC� af busir�ess �a��ted ou[side th� Mark�tplac� and verif�d ko b� in exiskence far a rnlnimum af 24 rnanfhs and fro� wh�ch a# least 24°Iti i�f the b�s�ne��'s worki�rce is based in lhe f�arketpface; or �3} a firm whieh can show praof iE has eumulal�ve business rec�ipts gre�ter than $1,0��,000 f�� +�+iork done In ti�� Marketplace since Janu�ry 'E, �C113. Tt�� City's ge�graphic M�rketp�ace incEu��s slx (6j courrt[�s:l`�rrant, D�li�s, Dentan, Johr�son, Parker, and 1��IEse. The �ity af Fart Vllortf� accepts c�rt�fications f�orn th� �orth Ce�lfial Texas ftegional Cerf4fi��iion Agen�y �f�C�'RCA}, a�lla5l FQrt Vtilarth Minarity S�pplier Develapment �o�ncil ��]1F1N 1U9S❑G}, ��d t�� Vtilpmen'S Business �o�ncil 5outhurest {U'JBC�}. Q, Offerors must slsa comply with all [acal, �tate, and iedera� laws ar�d reg�la#ion� rel�#ed ta c�rti �ed Mr�rVBEs. ihe Ciky resenres lhe right to V�rify ��rn�l:ante by exarYsin�tior� �f r�cards, dacuments. or ather infc�rrn�tian as may �e raquCred by tha City. ihe Bu�i�s�s� Equily Firrr� rr��st be certified before ti�e re�vrrFm�nd�ti�n �f �n award fQr participation to be caunted lawards th� ��#abii�h�d goal. If sn O�eror is ce�tifi��f as �n M�E or WB� firm, �I�ase 6e aware th�at #he �it�'s C}�d�n�n� ��5�55-ii]- r���1 does allaw a B�siness Equiiy Firm to �unl itself trnnrart�s the est�blishe� ga�l. 3. PROPDSAL �EG�lR1TY: Cashier'� cneck �,r an �cc��if�l�le Of��r�r's �ar�c1 payable to th� City of �c�rt 41+r�rth, in ari am�ur�t uf fiv� {�j per cer�t bf th� Prapasa� sub�r7itt�d ���� paragraph 'l abovej. The Propasai 5�curi#y musl accompany the Propos�f and is subj�ct ta F4r�eik in tf�z event tha suce�ss�ul (�fferor fails lo exec�te lhe eantract docur��en#s wiih3n iee� (10j days afker !he cqnlra�l has be�n a�,�arded. The Prc�pasal SecUrily s�i�IG be in�l�de�! in the �nvelope �nlainif7g the Proposal_ Fail�r� to s��rnit the Prc�pnsal �ec�irlty wlll Cesulk in th� Pr�pas�l n�,t b�ing �ohlsi�ler�d iar th;s peaje�t. Dffer�r's 6and will b� retur�ed �E tf7� Ci�y fails to award the contraci wikh�ir� 9D �aiendar days of r�c�E�! af prop[�sals, uniess the Offeror �gr��s to an exi�n�i�n. The surety r��sl b� licensed to do busine�s ir� if7� st�te of Texa�. �_ I�AYMEN� BDND A�1Q PERFORMA[VC� B�ND: Fa� pr�jects In exee�� o� $�5,D�0, th� succ��si,�l �ff�r�r eni�r�nr� ir7t� a�nZracS far lne w�r€� will he �e4u�red to giv� tl7e Gisy sufety in s sum equal lo the amoun� �f the cantract a+n+arded. Tf�e #orrn of the bor�� shall 6e as herein pr�vided ar��E t#ie sur�ty sfnall b� �cceptabl� ta #he City. All bond5 furnished hereunder �h�ll meet lf7e requirements �f T�xas G���rnment �od� ��iior� 2253, �s arri�nded. In �rder for a��r�ty ;a �e accepta�sle lo khe Gily, lh� surety rnu�t (1 j hnld a cer4ifc.a�e a� au�hnrity fr�m t�e Unileti States S�cret�ry oF th� Treasury t4 quaiify as a�u�ety on obligat�ons permilt�d ar r�quired t��lcier fecier�l law; or {2} 17av� obtained reinsfiranee f�r any li�billty In ex�ess aF �'�40,��� from a reinsurer tl�ai is auEF�rize� arr� a�lmitted �s � rein�urer in Ihe �t2t� of 7ex�s �nd is th� h�Ed�r �f ��erti�ic�t� �f �,uthority fr�ri� t1�� Uni��� States Secr�tary of th� Tr�asury ta qu�lify �s a sur�ty n�� oblE�a�ians permitted or required under fede�af iaw. Satisfactory �raof �f any su�h reansuranc� s�all t�e pr�vitfed Eo lhe �ity u�on requ�sl. Yhe Ciky, in i#s sol� disCr�tion, wial d�kermir�e the �d�qua�y of 4t�� prv�f r�quired her�in_ Nc� surati�s v,+�ll be ace�pt�d by ihe City l�raE art at 1he time Ir� default or deliC�q��r�! t�r� 2�r�y bbnd� ar whi�h �r� �nteresked ir� any litigatian againsl ���e Cify. 5i�ould �ny sUrety ofl th� c[antr�ck �ae de�eririar�ed �nsstisfactt�ry at any time by [he City, no�fc� will t�� s�iven �� th� �oe�[r��tc�r l� tE��i e�fe�t and �he contrada� shall immedi�[�Ey proUicfe � new surely s�ti�f�cicsry to Che �ity. If th�� fotal cantrac� �r��e �s �2�,QD� ar less, payrrm�nE t� lh� cnr�lra�tor shall be r�i�;1� in cr�e lurrti� sum. Payma�l sh�ll t74t be r1y�r�� For � p�riod of 45 calen�Ea� da�s frort� th� date the w�irk ha� b�en c�mplel�d �r�d accepteci hy !he City. In�lruclian IQ �ffe�vrs Page b c�t 33 Crlme L�b Futl Bulldir� GeeiHraiar Re�lacair�nl - Prnj. #162'�86 �ept. 2023j If thp ��r�ir��k is rn excess af �25,��q, � P�ymenl C�and shall he �x�u#ed, in Ehe �mount of t�e �onlrae#, sal�Iy For the pr�#��#ion of all clair�rants supplyir�g labor and rnatar;als in the �rasecutian �� the wark_ If lhe contract ar�i��r�l'IS In �xGess a� �10�,�00, a P�rfarrr��ra�e �3�nd shall also be pravid�d. in t�e �m�ur�t of ihe confract, cnnditior7ed on lli� i�iihFul performance �f lh� wcrl� in accor�aflce with khe pl�ns, s����ifi�ation, �nd contracl docun�ent�. ��id band shall h� sole�y fnr #h� pr�1�Gt101� Of th� City of Fc�rt V5lprtl�. �. I�RE-PRC]���AI. �ET�.INVESTi�ATION: Priar to filir�� a �-es�ns�, th� Dffer�r shall examin� the sike(�J af k�e �vor� �nd !h� e�et�ils 4f ihe re�ulrofr�onts s�C �ut ir� these specificatians to sat�sfy iEs�l# as to khe candikians which u+ill 4e encounEered r�lating to the chat2€;I�r. q�iality, and qua��iiiy af the w�rk ta #�e per�orrrked ard rr��teriafs and �quipmenl r��uired. Tha fil�ng af a re�p9ns� by the C]�f�ror sh�ll be consider�d �vid�r�c� th�C il has camplie� with El7ese ��quir�r�enks_ fi. AEI�BIGL�ITY_ Ir� ��se ai arr�bfguily or la�k nf el�afr�e�s [n slaiing p��s in lhe �ropa��l, �he City reserves the right to ado�7t tf7� most 2dvarrtag�o�s e�n�iructic�r� thereo# to the �Ity or ta reject th� pr9�osa3. 7. �NACE RATE�; �fo# I��s #h�n t�� prevalling �v�ge ra[e� set fer�ti in th� Cont�-act �ocumer�ts musl h�e paid on .his praject. �. P��T P��POSAL - F�f��AWAR❑ SIJBMITTALS; OfF�r�rs �re r�quife� lo s�,hmil s�ven �i) h2�rd �opies �nd on� �1 � elecfror�ic copy pi lh� (�1lovring in�orrr�tion f� tf�� Ar�hitectural 5�rvices ��fice, 401 UVesf �3th �lr�e�, Forl Vtilortl�, �ex�s 7�102 fpl7on� r��imb�r a17-392-2�86j. w.itF�in_thre� #�usiness days su6s�quent [� bid openin� {narrnally by S:OU PM 1he n�xl �hursday fol���ving � �h�irsd�y bid �oenin�j in order i� �s5i�t City st�ff �€� d�t�rrrtini�g tl�� Cc�ntr�ctors cap�6iEity of �rfr�rming #he wark and fn in�eting Ctty contraci requirem�r�ts: + Contractar� Qu�lk(ic�Eir,n Sza��ment (A!A Farrr� A30�), including cl�ent re#erertice� ■ List Uf curreni pr�ije�ts & r��st pr�j��ls built withir� �t�e I��t ;0 ye2�r�, inc�u��ng awners and ar�hitecl�� f1�9R1�5 WI�Ii CGTl��C1 I�l��ffl"k�IlL�fi f4F �]4tF5 CUff��7t $s ���t pfpJEC�S. • Pr�posad 5ubcontr��tors �nd �upp[iers • �roject �chedule * �cn�dule of Values {Br�a4caut by C5I Divisions) • �foai o� i�surability far 5�atutory N1ar�s��s Com�ensation Insurance Note: �u���e�� �quity Docurrient�tion is r�ot required 9_ PR�F�D�E❑ Si�B�O�Tf�ACT�RS: Accaptaricg of €h:e Pr�pnsaf in no w�y r�quires tl�� Gi#y to a��ept the quali#ica�ior�s o� t�� �ut��ontr�ctars. The Subeontractor li5#5 �re f�r use by fha Gi#y in �r�p�ring r��corr3mendations for award pi th� �9ntr��#, Th� �ontr�vzor mu5t �r�vide a�d �se sUbcant�aetors I�sted unle�� ih� �iiy ag�ees ta �ll��r a�u�stitut�. 1 a, fl15���PAN���S �n�� Aaa�N�A: �I��UI� an CJff�rQr find any d'€scrap�r�ci�s in the �lrawings �rt� s�ociiica�ior�s, or�ho�ld it be in daub# as to thoir m�aning, ii shall notify lh� C�ty al ar�ce_ !f r�quir�d, [he Ciiy wlll lt��n prepar� a w��tten addendum il7at will be av�il�bl� E� �I� DF�erors at �he �lace �e�i�nafed �or distribution of thc: R�q���t fo� �raposal 6n�urnen#s by lhe Notice t� �lffer�rs. Tf,e �ontractar �s respor��iql� far d�termir�ing if add�nda are avail��l� �n�i fr�r secutin� e�pi�s pri�r tc� subm�#f�ng a respor�s� �� this req���t far se�led proposaks. araf ins3ructions �r decisians unaess confrmed by wri#te� addenda will nr�i b� c�nsrdered vali�. Eegal ar bi�dirrg. No exC��� wlRl be �uthsrized h�caus� ofi fai��rr� trf lhie concract�r- io irrclud� wr�rk �alled for iG7 Rhe addend�, InSV��[icn [a OF�ervrs P�ge 7 of 39 C�imP L�q Full Buikiln� {��nerslat Re�lvccmcnl - Prpj, #1029�fe 5epl, �{323i af��ror must �,�knowJedge a�idenda in the #�rdpo5�k. �allure ta a�knawledqe addend� r��y cause the Propasal ta �� rulec� n�n-r�s�[snsii+�. Il is the �onkr��to�'� res�]o�si�ility Ea obtain Adde�sda and includ� it� info�rn�iion ir� Ehe Pr�p�s�l. '!�. �JVC}�}{�RS C�h��EhiSATIC�N ff��iJRAf��E: Offera�s wilf be req�ire� ta derr�4ristr�te kh�at c�v�rag� �s in �ffecl at Eirr�e of Awar� ❑f Contrac�i. Sample Certif�cat� �f Insur��e�, �r �il�i�r �ro�f l�a� INork�rs Camp�n�afi�r� In�uranc:� �rill be obt�in��l, �us[ be su�rnitle�l �n+�tltiin fiva work��g c�ays of hid o�er�ing. 12. TA�C�S: E�ui�ment ar�€J rr�a�er�al� nc�i cor��urned ��y ar 1nc�irperated �nta th� vuark ar� subject !n S#ate sales t�xe� und�r Ho�se �ill 1�, er�aeted Aug�st �5, 19�1. 13. P�,RMIT�: �a�1ti���l�r �h�ll �pply for all City of Fort lNorkh P�rmiRs and for any o�her �Mrmit� r�quirpd by t�€s praj�ct. Ci#y af �prt Wotkh ��ulding a��d Trad� Pe�rnit fe�s �re vaaiv�d. Sep�ra#e permifs may be r�quir�r� for each �uark �oc�Gpn. 1d LhTILIT'I�� ANp Ih4PACT FE�S: Tfle �ity waEl �ay �n+aE�r �nd s�wer utifikie� lap fees and impact fees. Un1e�� shovdn atherwise, the City wkl! r.onrdinat� and pay for water anri s�wer laps �nc! met�rs la t��: property line, ihe Gontractor will include all rem�inrng fees irom lhe electri��l ��7c1 g2+s Companies �n th� Base Propos�l. Tr►� �antractar �vill �e �e5�onsil�le far cQardinatEng vuilh City ar�[{ i�tillty COr7ip�nles far insEallakion of utilikies_ The Contraclor will !ae re5p�E15ible for all fees f�r ele�tr�e�l, gas, an� �Ehc3r uiilili�s within the property lin� of the projec�. Unles� indicaled otherwis� on the �lans, th� co�tra�t�i• rnril! b� res��nsible for casts anei installations frarx� the �uilding sid� of the w�tet� rr,�ler �ind s�wer kap. �15_ BIC� []f}�fJ�ll�fd�5: Hard �a�a€�s �( bid�ing docurr�ent� rn�y f�e doW�`�lo�ded and prinred �y lh� O��eror. 1fi. MA�l�fFA�iURER'S REFEi��EVC�' Cat�ldg, br�nd r,amcs, an�i m�nt�#�ct��re�'s ref�r�rces are descrip#ive, n�t restri�iive. Use oi 6rands af likr� na��re 2nd yti�lity witl b� �or��id�r�d. Up�n r�q�fest of the archik�ct �ir cor�#�ct�r, the �ontr�c[ar will �uhrnit a iull sized �a€�ple aridlar ��t��led infnrm��ib�i as required to allow Ehe �rchikect ta determine !he a�c��s�abiliiy vf �ro�osed substitutions. bl+here equi�ament has bae� lis[ed a5 °n� 5u6�titu�� sc�ept�d", the �ity vt+ill �cc�p1 r�a alterr�aEe� ta l[�� sp�cified eqti9�ment. Also, re��r to speci�iG�ki�n's pr�duc# requiram�r�ts. 17. TESTI�G S�RVtC�S' T}�e City shall pra�id� fc�r, ind��eiidently a� the contrac�pr, th� ir�spec�ia� servi�es� the t�stir�g af Gonsiru�ion rr�aferials engineering, ar�d lh� veri�caiinn tesiir�g ser�fic�s n�ee���ry f�r th� acceptance c�f tYle consfru�#ian work. ��. �ROJ��T SC�IE❑ULE: The Project 5che�ule to be �u�mitled wiih 4h� Quaiificatior� St�#�menl will, �t tf�e mini�iurr�, include ih�e Folloaaing; quality �or�tral subE�ix�als anrl approvals, mabiliz�ki�sn, site pr�paraiion, under sl�b uiilities, foun��ti�n tn+ork, s#ruc:�ral erectic�n, inlerior finisfn, Co�7im�ssiar�ing, arrd ci��ec�u[. The S�heduie may be subr�nittetl 2s � table or PEF�T diagrarn, 19, ST�T� FC7RM 1�9� "CERTIFICAT� �� IEVTEREST�Q RARTfES"; Tex�s Ethi� �omm��s�an regukatians requfre th�f th�e �usiness �nlity mu5� �II out the F6FiT1 129� an �n el�trt�nic fiii�� applfcstic�rti on the 7e�c�s Ctt�ic� C��nmis�ion 4�r�hsa�o {��,rtiv.eth�es.state.tx.usj. 1!}� business en;ity that wi�hes to �nt�*r �n10 the �ontract must su�piy #I�� co�pl�ted, sigr�ed and nolari�ed Form 12�5 t4 �f1E �1��. �0. A+�y ora� �mmuni;,a�ions ar� car�si�fered �n�fficial ar�ci nan-binding wit� regard to lhis �fioposal. Ir�structfa3 fo ar�emrs Pac�a a af a3 �r-rrve Lr�s f=�dil L�pildin� uener�tor Re�l�i�rnenl - ProJ, #i�$B�Fi 5�p�, 2423] I�aacs. �ar� f� Fr�rn: Watts, Nlkita h� �ent� Frid�y, �Ic�v��l�l�e� �7� �4�3 i�:26 RM '�o: Miles Wilsar�; Isaacs, Uo� fx1� Cc: Jones; J�ck�nn tir1, Madi�vi� Ashcroft Subj�c#: RC; Ger�cr�l Scope �ro�]osal with pro�urei�nent ar�ci sEl�gduRe u��clates--City af Ft. LVortf7 Criine L�b Tfi7�71c yoii Mll�s! I�vilf �et this inov�r�g �rom: Miles V4fll�on �fl+liles.�,V�lsonf�sc�6,com> Ser�t: Friday, �av�ml�er 17, 2��3 21.36 AM T�: Is�acs, �on fv� �a�nald.ls�a���afnrtworthtexas,ga�+� �t: J�anes, lacksan M�Jacics�nJones cx fo��tuvartf�te�c��.gov�; UVatt�, I�il{Ita N[�1�ItIta.Wa�ts�fQ��WOi'C�7k�XaS.g�V>; M�r�lsan Ashcroft �Madi�on.Askicroft@s€tb,com� 5u�jeckt �eneral 5cn�� prv�o3al wikh procurerner�t anfl .�ch�dt�le �pd�tes-•City af �t. Workh Crim� l.�b lrnpartanc�. Higfi CA�1TIoN: ii�is em�ll orl�lnat�d From oulsl€te af t�e Clty vf Fe�rt 1+�+�rth �r�ali sy+stem. �a �1at tlitk �ny Ilnks ar open attachmer�ts un�ess yau recagnlze th� sender �nd knaw #he canteni ks s�f�� Q��t Peryou requ��t, I hav� �tt��he� � g�n�ral pro��s�l upd�t� th�t ��dr�s�e� th� kead �t�ms required durir�g th� pr�cur�mer�t pracess far t�e Ci�y Cr`im� Lab an �an�as�er Avenue. Alsol this attachm�rtt addr�ss�� tl�� �hasin� of th�e p�oject ��pon receipt tc� th� I�r�g ��ad �r��►�ret� it�m�. INe h�ave r��+i�we�l a�! worl� t� be corr�pl��e� wi��in thi� scope wit� flur sub�antr��tQ�s, lNe have not includ�d �r� vw�er ��t�trolle� c�r�#inggr�c�r„ in our I��se prap�sai pric�. `�he d�p�sit per�en�age was �ased Qn o�r base �ra�a�a1 �nd n�t inc�usi�re �f the �wner praje� �antin�ency. D� not hesitate g�tting i�a�kc �a m� �,viih any qu�sti�n� ar �larifiications. Respec�f�l�y �ubmi�'ted, �llii�s 1Nils�r� SE�JIUR PRO�ECT MAMAG�R �FFI��, {469� 61�3�3753 � CELL; � 214� 65�-��7� 8131 L�� �r�ew�yr �ulte `195, ��klas, T�( 75�51 Niil�s.V�Mison�sdb,com � www.sdb�eam � �CC�IVTI�AC; I ING ���VIC�:S �����'�� Th� con[tinL sit lt�ls ern�ll IS �gllfidentlal lor llie use oF thr_ reclplr�l�s} �o[tfy, Notttlr�� Iler��lt may k�t �ansLiued Ea etcalc, a�nend, or ����� Ck1�k�l�e 3ny conlr zclu�l rcEall�nsl�l� #�ciw��+z SI]I�, II}c. ai��l ��y p�rly�, Kw'.5lfMnlYrtr+Y IlZ R4C 4105b9r IU]C 17507_2 j CJ4 1DJ�qyl � QR 1954�i� � Wq SP€3[N113FifslfJL � � CC)N1 f?}1C f IPiC� ��� I SEkVf(��� � �art 1N�rth �rim� Lak� ��n�ra#ar Repl��ement S�B R�p�esan#atl�e: Nliles Wils�i} Se�lar I�r�ject Manag�r �D$, Inc. miles v,rilsan[a�sdh,cc�r17 M: �74 �5G9.937� Praject L�c�kl��: Cily af' Fort WQrlh ���imo Lab �G 18 E L�iticAslcr Avenus; i�o�•l �Yas�th, T�x:�s 7G1{i3 �foverr���r 17. �023 J�cksc�z� Jon�s �011til!'l1C[iUCI {ii4�]9�'ll]L�[1C�CItiI Pro���riy MKtt��t�,c�iic,i� �e��rt���cnt Ci�y 1-[�sll—`l'LiIl11�I-�ZQC31Zl T�QS 2Q0 '1"ex:�� 5lrect I`nrl VJQ�•lh, T�xas 7�1�2 Cetl: �E7-2G9-fi57$ .�.lL'F�tiC1fW.1S)�f�_4i�r'31i�[}I2�1'�4'i)fL'I�l] ll�.�r��.fiC1V 2}41l �4�1i1C� Re�;isi�.red A�•elii��c� 1'ro����ty lv��'lk1El�,1:171C11� I�C�7��r�i�►�nt City 1-lall--`ftu�a��.•I—Z��ni�z "I"]�S 2�0 '1'�x�s �t��c�l Porl 1�'oelh, T�x.�s 7C}] {)2 P 817.3{)2.8�198 NS 817.�3��,Q3�?� �)41111 �C�. �S�I.i C'�f2f:_�l3i'11411!'l�1Ll'hilS. '�V4 , 4937 Air�3nrl f'sikway, 5ulte �4 Acidis4i�. TK 150U1 �48�-679•3753 +,vww.adb.t�rr� S�a�'e�t: Crii�� �ab �eMierat�r F�e lacem�n� GenSl�n�en, �1�� Cgr�trac�'rng �ervices, I�c, r�sp�e#fully s:�hr�il� a��r I��mp sw7� pro�rt�s�l, All Wo�$s w�ll �3� perfnrrned in ac��rdance with r+�g�ilations as �ire�CQd by �SFIA, Federai, St�t�, a�d Lo�al cocl�s, Wprk will be pe�fo►m�d Gn � r��h�e� #haC is acce�itable by inci�islry standards, a�d as i�tianda#e� 6y ihe flnal &IA conlr��t agreernents �i�lwaen S�� �ontracEin€� S�rrices, Ir��. and the Pr�p�rly M�nagerrt�nt ��p�rkrr��nt (CiCy af ��rt 1�lorih]_ S��PE OF UV�RK: I'rc►YI�le all �Sia1sl, lab��l, �t�tilpm�iil E�Esd mi��:riul� siitd parfrrrio nH �r�icr��ilor� i�cc4ssary In �erinrtt� IE�v be:�7�v �cnpe [�1��4rxrk. W��rlc 5I1ilI� 113CCi1[�� �ISC t{1�If31Vll1�: I. �:enaral C'���iditlac�st �1, I'Ine�s a��� specifl��llio�ls k�y 13nii'�1 I�nnii�tnn Eirutvn___Ln�i�7ecring�ncl 5tirvc�in�. l�. luelirsiti�c �I'tl�� fnlla�v��igsliceis d�le�! A��i'i1 1Q, 1423: i:'oVcr sliacl, Sl.d, 9i{�.Ul, C�1,61, �'Ui:Ell, Pl.U] c. !IN ��3�Gi�c�r�ions for lltiis ;sinj�cl :�ro ieiclus�ve iii lft� set nl'��lan�cin p�iges refcrcl�cctS i�7 Iliis Efamtliu�, 5c:,�l�d �Ifl2(l(12:+by I',�ul I��lo�'ris d. I'f'I�CCI 141I� I!C tiL7f13]1�L'EL'iI [Illl'lll� 11i11'I��,�l liu�i�tas� I1nuCs. �. �1ii ►vice��:�t�! t��ksl nfi=l�t�i�r ivor�c wifl Isc �narJin�ilc�� Ilu'op�,h Il�c I}rtap�.rly 1VIilliilb'�[ilL'1�1 I)��il., f', L)iily �1I1d �II�I Cleriil u�i ii��:ludr:il. $, �tt�i't iriuc �nd crns�t�'��cli[xn ��Civ1IIC5 IC� EYC 413141'(Illiil�Cll 14EIkS C_'ily nf' f�l. Wp�lh I'P[�jti4t :49:�utt�*c1'- !i, 1'mvidc nnd it�stull cl��s1 �rulcclaotti .lE3i� Cittllcc:lll3T1 ilf ,i�I�iYC`C{1I III11$IIL'S� �l�ilc tivnr�; is in p3•n�;r��,K, i, {�aulr�iciaria pravicicd���it��slcr,:+ti i►���Itrl. i.ac�licirl �u lti4 e��otc]lll.l�CC� lVIiI1 �IlC {IL'�}:1fIIlYL'f1I. j. i'i!y of P�arE �Vc��t11 �vill w�rt�vi�9c; �� "f��,r�rJQu� E„�tc� ic�l ii�wr�ti�ak€v� r�:pait" ����ic�• ln 4cti�ttlllCncci7ien� nl'u�1y cr1t15t1'�l�[ICF�1 lfcliviiy a�1-�i10. �. �4�a1>l�i.�ti�s� a�nti Scle�tive.3i�3in,litiuu: u. P'41111 ISII [I1UTl�]5�41'� �C�t��7111'ii]'� ]'CS�IY7S}Ill ItiCllll]+j :I�l{� �GlTi�3i}I'�ll-� fCIlClll�.ir��md cquipni4ml, ns nccd ecl. L►. Ad,j,jc��il tinisl��:s �vi�� bo prutc�lesJ r��� desitiol i#in�� a�icl 6nn�irt��liar�f, u. Ilc�no uxis#iRtg c�nkcfela �ii�tl sl�ld I`eli�le� z�i��tiuils nnd fccds Io vxisti�tg (ien�5et lluil. �. rr{jll€Jlllk�'It�� .�. NL'4V l4�[1 a�up circEiil l�r�akcr. b. Ncw 121]{1 r�lllp JI"f'S si�ritth. c. fVGtiv ��a11c1 l:�i5f3 cl. E+law clncki���, stllioi� ni«� h��:l] ci�ti nulside tivoll }rCr pl`itil, e. Relr�c:lli: C.l']Silll�' CII'CIIIIS �DT �}1iICP�' CIIEV�Ci'�j�4cket #�eatar.u�d:Euiiut�ci�tar p�nel. f. 1'rovi�c tvirc far n�vv �;ct�•Sat unai lemj�����ry Cis:tl-Sel. •1 -0�51 l�lf�}�}�l �8114FV's]jj, :�ui�� #3�4 Acldl�oi7, 1 K 7500� �1G9-�i�J-3753 VIuYW.s[!�i-GO�i� L �1. C'ni�rrr#.�: �s, F��riii, ��I�cc, ��rtd linisl� �:ou�rcic F�l if�tiv iinr� #e�it��n�'�iry GL�rS�E �o�ulio��s. �. I'I��n� �t, 1.X{�pqi� �.ryti C0111lCCIt9!]S Cti �1���I1 �74fln�IllClll 41�1[� ICIi]�1Qk'a!'�+ [iC�7-;i�� 1i1111$. �7. Ci.15 {i1Y�(1r111CC1lSillti �S t'c��llll'4.SI. G, I��r�i��liieaiRtd l�{i��cs�tiu�s: u. It�ccivt: ��c;tiv [ ic+t-�cl ��nEL nnd �alace {,�ti uew ��i��rctc Far�€1 b, Ei;:l�sc�4l� Is��1i�y❑r�,ry t�nil c. '�'r.�is���ctirl c�islll�� iHtil ld It�ti� Inc�lirnt ti4ilft:� IiRcc�i { 15} i�tijle �tdiu� {croMtil}b e;ccl�uEe�x�, 7. i:ln��elicni'lnii�; f�. �'c�uU'.11:iil�' SI41II �}l1VG fil II �ICG�S� Iq HP��l IO C{}]llj]ICti [IS�, #S�ICC4'�. I1_ I�l'[?�}C�S��I 111CIlliIC4 k`4'�LII�u• l�usii7css I7nu��s li��� w�rrkir��_ c. A�tlicip�led clur�lio�t �f;tc�u�l sile u���sir�ic�in�a— i�;n ( Ifi} sve�,s li�c3oi� �i�r�c aE'wf#c r�c��ilix�ti�ri�, ��l[ iilclut�i�l� i�1.il�rial Icsiri Eiittis d. f'u�r�n� ir�id limc nf ti�RMCcri��l� a�ler s�i6�ti�i��ul al�p3-nv�sf� {,-S �vtol:� c, Alf �mf❑res�:cn �Icutiu �rr �onditi�y�s� il��t� r��ed �o Eac rcm�3ved ar �iiodiii�d ►vifl rcq�tirc iEic 44riiten ,�p4�rav�l �7f'llic tlesigGi,ilcd [:ity uf I�r��•J l�orih I'��?!'CSCk�I�lEi4c ��rior irr �€��iams�nc�C3t}C11i Uf SYU�'Ii. f, All ftsknritE�lffl ilen�s ia l]e review�El ;tncl ;i37��rc�vrcl p��i�r I� r�l[��s� I�a� ftel�rieF�lici�Y, g. t;d�iidiirjlivii qnx:l't�g �iil 4�c rec�ui«;[I �rriur �nnny e�cc�rir�l nnd ��IumEz�iM�; shtilsla�wvns. I�. i�o t4al p�E7c lire s��riitkl�r systei�j ntn�lif cn�iur�s IitiC���tictl i� tEiia s�capc a} �v�f�k, �`3. 1�� scl Yssi ��i�s: a. f?xc:lucies any slllnlv�rlCGS �iol wp��i(j�llly pro��nsocl 114'�'C. lt_ 1'�:rinsl cc�s1 C, ISII�IIICL'I'kll�', Uf Il�ly' l}+�le d. ls'�cl�icies Utiirci p,oGiy ct��is�illa�tii ar air i�innilori�tg I'o� dt�s# erntitit�ls. e. lix�lw�al�s �qy abitlL'fl�Gil! pl' C1;Ri�[Iiali0�1 flt1�l Ir:SIEn�. �'� �S4'll�i' li�ifl ad[I�'css c�7nccalcd cor�I:i111111fl1Cd I1Sill��'jiki 4Y4lIll]3 lY[L�IS. CCI�I[Yj;S, G�1H5C$� e�e, �. ���Istdcs rtew nr rciac�iio�, of �;xi�:�i�:�, �val pG�c fn�� sp��inf�loi•. li. Isx�h�rl�s I{�;v vnClseg� eiii�l�ti� ���id ��uiEsnrc�ti �u�l sp��ui lieci o�� drn}vin�s. i, N�, �vurli i�i e;xixling I�iciliiy Arc;,is nat specilic,Glly ��cldi�es�cd ❑r� r�:f�rc�tic�cl d,•awin�s, j� I"I�s#cr ccili�nbs, Indti. 5tya�xar� fran�in�, �ti� rclu�c<< iienis rnuccafed :�bo�c �Itic ssi�E�encCcEE y�icl c 4i G ng. h, I��lilllVill Li�� 11tlllll}1Ie IR}+C]'S r1I� WEIII, cciliiti�, ar f]uofiu6 malca`:�1s� �'ricin� is E€�r sii��;i�: k�yw�s u�iEy, I_ i�emnvs�l nr rclnc�li«ti c��`�ny owne�� tiu�itiis]iings� Ilf:l��i31l�II f�C111.4, rsr m��nita��s� rn. iVatv securily anm�ris ��. i�dditiann! fi��:�I�uEi� d�viccs u. f}ni�tliitg n��ii�citvts� 1i (�jl",�5�'1'dk1I5 114i 5�]CCtIlC[I IiE1 [II'€l1VII1�S) �s, 14+urk a�� I�V�!(' I+ I�I1�I�CLI �C� fCf:1135 SIIU►Yll Oi1 dCflWlll�ti. ]V{7 kl[�L€!CI[7?HiI 1Vi)I'� II�CIIE{IC[j. y. {"a�ts oe eoiicicissflli' IIISCS I]€]l :s�}CL'jlji:illl�' �'{'�6�Cd �{7 I.i(il-��� {Ifl�i�. r. r4qy cn:7l�'�sls, riycE'gy �r.F���.��er�7c:�St rec�tiii���iei7ts, fire alflriri ti�•ii��, or iq��r�d��. s. Rcf}�i��s {�i� p7iz��in� of6�i•��,i51, coilir�g de4}s, exisiin� cCoo�� �nr! G��r��es. t. �ZC}���iCL•111L'Ii�C��C7tilyIIll�;l:�1111UPHS k1� IZC[114YI1i Uk' YC�{}Ck1�IVf1 lFPilll]� ItCJ1iS Iloi 1l[�[�I'�tiSCi� Ili ��1L' �C��CCI SIt'kl�Vlt}�;5 �]I` R�34C3�]C�l#ED[;,5, u, �:oordiu��io�� stE��ly � ����� l�Iry3arl P�rkw�y. �uile �o� Addison. 7� ��i?�1 4G9•G1�•3753 sr,rww,sci�a,c�m �%. ��I'h.�L'CI M1'�j�i°S�lil14`.S; Ntrocisrrm�itt l'3���x4 l�ixi�qy; ?d?�1— Jitnsitsr►° `�i1�5 �1�i1�,c ��r I'roetc�tl 51Gl�ini�talslSE�isp� I)rutiviu�w licie�Esc uf P�ifrri4ai�t41 l:c���i��ncitiR f:u��ria�t�6li�k�i Plrisc Sc��lemlrcr 2f12�1 - I��t�r�l� �4�� 5ilr €�enciE�g "�'ei��p� Cicn��al }���tl C'�rdit�alia�}; h�l�clie��; ��ilki C'rim� I.�ib ���iJ P€���iurly MEii�n��j�cii� E�4IEiC1tl' 4;�CI�1111k; �iC11-�C1 #U IIC4Y �ud I�calKan f7emu altl [icn-`iel ratl f�n��ii�,ltnu�;f�•i�ti, PS>kM�� new Ue�x-Se� p��i �ix�crid Ci�� aioicl Pc�wci� Ji�s4� fnr i�etirr (iar►-Sc� 5ci clock�ng tl.tiEa�o�, Uref�k�rs, A'I'S {:caa�'din�Uia��:neclirlg ��riai t�i litial swi[ch nver �ti4il�ii �yor* � � I i'1 �' li �S��Si] 1111711 R 510f1717�,' I�i�ss5n r,c�ll'I'�.tn4�rn�'l c�ltl CiC�-�ul ��n ii E��tueh U�mohilire; 10. Pre�rui�slrur�ie}�� Pr<}rur���iiCi�E ]lea7s: �E. �I) Nt,�-5i][� ��}IikW �:11iIPFfI L�ik� [�itiv�iti I.3 E'or��tr Gcr��rt�knr Ia. �I) �;tecl, l5fl`�1F[l I���tial, tiound �lticnii�icd I;n�lc�ttir[� �ISl�ir�les� 5lccf lfpck;�i�Ec l���rdw:tre, Sli�il[Iill'S� I,CVs'I � LIiCI(�stll'e, 73d1�i� � 23f� c. [I) SI�[]� Ki10 A�r�p Sil�ble 13����kcr, tlu�l I'ur�nsc llocki��� �taliui7 d. �I) A'1'S l�flD Am��,13yp;�kc !sul�ali�it �4'I'S in i�1emR :�R 1:���los���'� �+f�tcl7ii��; Spcciticatio�l5 +:. Wiria�� 11. #'1��}1'C]4AE,5Ui�Ii�IAkLY f'C�1C'ING. [9nsc �3ici �:asi f�r I'��rsjecl: 'C�9�,727,R� 111E�31V��I�e — C7�,v�ter �aE�slPi�elioati Cot1411]gCl1Cy: !� (i7.25�1,59 `L'otn� nAsa [3ifl Cnsi fnr I'�•�,��ri: �f163�9�#�.�#7 l2. !'!�[]�:11R1s1+I�i�'�' �:U�'f UF 1'I'[:�IS 1�[�`C`Lfl �� 5LL"I'1[lh! �I4 (Afi��ve} [Jc�nsii fo�• In��� le��cl it�m p�'OClkt'CIl]Cllt: (ii,'S°lo Drrn�il� �;I 12,I1��I.IIU Sincerely, ��� ���� Se�iar Proj��t Ma�ag�r ��e, Ino. � 4�5'k llirporl Padcway, SuICe 8Q0 hd€Ilsoi�. T?C 75841 46J•fi79-3i!'y3 vrww.sdb.car;l ��i 31 L�j FW� #78� Dalla�, T7{ 75��1 � ��.TH� ai.i�� ����RACTING S�R1fICES 1l+IVV►+�.s�b.c�tr� P��PDSAL T0: f�R. DAVID CC]OK� GITY MANA���t ATTN: PiJRCNA�IN� CiFFl�� �ba T�}CA5 STRE�T �dTY �F �(]RT W�RTFi, T��Aa F4R; �rime La� F�II Buildir�g G�r�eralar Replacemenk 3616 E, Laneaster Rv�, Fa�# I+V�rt�� Tex�s 76iD3 Pro�eet PAliD2Q23-�0 ��ly F�roj�ct # 1029&B �Ursu�ni �o the for�gain� `9r�struct�ons lo �iferors,"' �he undeFsigned has thoroughly examfned ihe �lars, speciflcatians ar�d tha &ile, understa�7�is th� arrtioUnt af work to be darse, �nd heret��r p�opases tv da all kl7e �+ark and t��rnish all lab�r, �qulpm�nt �nd m�t�ria�s nec�ssafy to fulky cdmplet� �II ihe wark as provida� i�+ the �lans and s�ecifica#ions, and subj2�1 i� the fnsp�ction and approVal of il7e Di�eclQr af Tran�portalio� �nd f�ublic INarks csf the Clty of Fart Ulfarlf�. Upon �cce�kanee af this f'��posa! �y the City Caur�c�1, th� bidder i� �aund to exe�uke � c4nlract and, if the cc3ntract amaunt exc�ds $��,OQO.nD, Furnish aeeep#abi� P�riorm�nce andf�� Paym�n! �ar��s ��pr�v�cl bythe �ity �f For# lhiort� f�r �er�or�ir�g and cvmPletln� titi� Wark 4vlthin khe kim� skat�� and f�r th� f411c�+Nin9 �um, ta wit: D�SCRIPTiC1N QF lT�MS $ f2�#�.777.iiR gase Propasal 400 Cal�ndar Daj�s $ 57,254.5�3 �wn�r's Canti�genoy A�Ir,w�nce (7.5°la} add�d t� B�s$ Prop���l ��his Al�awanc$ �rna�frlt Is r�at Inc�uded In the ��se F�roposa! but �s 2dd�d ta khe ��se Pro�os�l. anky t�e Owr�r will �pprav� ihe use of this Allowance d�rir� �an�t_ructivn, l�ny A1lovaarsc� remaining ak th� end oi con�trucki�n wiil be rst�in�d by khe Cily of Fori INor�hj� ��63.9�2.47 .���sa Prop�aaf Plus Own�r'� Conting�n�y Aylawar��s AL�EF�NAT�3 -- N�7 iJ�ED L�NIT ��IC�� � NC7T L1��� The ui�ckarsigned agrees lo compl�te khe 1Nork wi�atiln tf�e caler��ar days s�e�ified above afier ihe r�ata of Nalice to �roG��d_ A Pr❑]��t sch�du�e vrill b� s�bm�kt�d �� r,�quirQd in the In�tru�tl�ns to Off�ror. Ths �i4y r���rvea ih� right ta �ccep4 $r re�ect ar�y e�id a!I bids or any cornblr�ak�c�n thereaf praps�s�� fc�r #�e above work. �he und�rsigned assures Il�a# ils e�playees a�d appii�ar�ts far �mplayrnent and thas� of �ny fab�r or�anlzakion, s�Gb�ontr�ckors or er�p�ayment ag�ncy in either i�rnisl�i�g or referring amployee applic�nts la lhe u��ler�igne� �r� nat c�isc�imin���� �gai��k as �iOIII�I�$CI �3� S�i�' I$Pl7i$ �?f C���+ Qfi�fflSilCB �i�� as amen�ed �y �iRy �rdinar�c� 7d�� (Fart Worll� City C�de Sect�on 1 JA-2'� Ihrp�gt► 13H-2�). R��idancy aF �}f#erors: Th$ 9��5 S$sslar� �f the Tex�s Leglslalur� �assed hou$e Bil{ 62� r�l�kiv� ta #h� award of cor�lraets ta nan-ras��enk bidder�. '�ne lavu prauides fh�t, in ard�r lv b� awardsc! � conkract �s low b�dder, n�n-�esident bidders (oul v( slate conlr�alars �vhos� corpvr�l� vffic�s vr prEn�ipal ptace of business are outsi�� of 4f�e State of T�x�s} lh�t bld projects for c�rukriiction, irr�prov�mvnts, suppEies �r services I� Texas ax �n am�un4 I�wer than khe lowest T�xas ressde�! �icld�r by the �ame ar�ount [hal Texas r��id�nl bidder would be requir�d i� underbi� a non-rasEd�nt biddar in or�er to ohl�in a camp�rab�e �or�tr�ct in !he Irt�lrucllpn 14 �fier�fs Page 9 0l 82 �drno Lab Ful� 6ulldkl� ��rt�r�rEOf F�oplacemeql €,�u4y2R�3j stst� �n wh�ch Rh� nvn-r�sf��nf's principal place af bu�lness is I�caied, Th�e approprisk� bian4cs in S�clia�i A must �a �ilfed nut by all non-resid�nt bldders in order ior your bid 1a meet specitie�tfo�, Tt�e fa�l�re of out oF skale ar non-raslden# bldders to cample�$ tha forms t�ay �isq�safify khat b�dder. Resfd�qt bidd�r� must check th�e bax in Sactiat� B, �4. I_I Non-res[d�n4 v�ndors In (give staE�j, aur princ{pal p1�ce of busines�, �re required !o ha perceni lawer than r�sid�ni bidders by st�te law. I�I �on-resldent u�3nd�rs In A����n� (giv� sl�ke�, ara n�t re�ulr�d t� und��bld r�s�dent biddats. �• I..I �Ur pr�nclpa! place of busine�s orcorparate affic�s ar� in th� 5tate af Texas, W�thln ten (10� d�ys �f recefp# �f notice of ece�ptanc� of this l�id, the successful loidd�r wikl e�ecute the fa►rr��! contract a�d v�rill deliver appr�ved �erfarmance and P�ymsnk �ore�s for the failhf�oi pe�a►rr�ance �f tlils cnntact. Th�e akt�ch�d �eposlf che�k In 11,� si�r� Qi f�lA �allars (� [�I�A ----- � �s to become !h� pr��erly �sf khe Gfky vf F'vrt �+Var1h. �exas, or th� aitached �idd�r's Bo�td is #o b� forfeiEed in tfiie e�rer�1 fh� conlr��l �nd b�nds are r�o! execuked within kh� tima set forfh, �s liqtiidsted damage$ for delay �nd addltional w�rk cat�sed the�eby. �llSIiJ�S� �C�UITY �'ftOVISIC7hl ior pr�pasals in �xc�ss of �1�0,O�O.Q�: Susiness �qu1ly Provislon� are not r�quired, Respec#fui�y subrrtiiRea, SDB. Inc. dha Sb� By: �ture An eiiitie Schmfdt Ch�ef Ex�cut#ve OfNcer Printed IV�me of �rinclpal Tikle Address: 8x�1 I.BJ Fre��n+aV. 5uit� 785 Str��k Dalfas. T7C 75�51 C4ly �ip Pho�e: �4�9� 619-3753 ��x: 1��_ , . Ern�€I: �ngi�.�chmlc#t[�nsdh,ev�� R�c�ipt i� ��knowl�d�sd oF #ha foliawirs� sddanda' Addendum No. fi; ��1 2��3 Ad��ridum No. �;_�J2512a2� Ad�$ndu�n Na. C� Ad��n�l�rn No. D: In�ir�tetlors !o �fierors ��� � � pt �� Cdrt1e I.a� Full �ul[�ingGen��alar�e�lscernenl (JulyF8�8j ��fVFLI�i` �F INT�R�STAFFIQ�1lIT �ach faidder, afferar, or �aspar�an� �I�ere�r�after al�r� re4err�� to �s "you"} ta ��9�y of��o�-� VJo�tl� (also r�ferred #� as "C1ty'�� p�OCUfBfTiG'{]� ef� I�qUI(F3d �4 cafil�}IC4C C4Gl�l�1 U� �1itCl'LSC ��iCSl1�i113Ek1]'L' ���15: klllBCll�ii C:1[� ��oo�iftij Ax�� L��nl CavernGricni Qf�ic�r C`nnl]icts �isclas���°e Slatcrnc�i� {t1�c u�l��licd CIS f�rizti] balflav purx4«nl la tit�tc ��w. ��hi� r,ffitEavi� �wi11 eerfify tlf�l il3c Biddcr lins on fifv'NI!IL II1�; Cl�jf SL•l'.I'�181'}' iI�C fC{�llli'Ci� �O�LIIIiC17l0i101i �11eI IS C�I�;I�IC l� I�ici s}�ti C'i�y War�t. 'I'Isc referericed �nr�FiS u3��� l�e ticswiilnndcci fix�+i� l�tie wels�i�a links provided k�elaw. i �l �•fltiv ti�►v. �l ti�s.,�����.�x.�islli]n�ti�('fc).��c1.1 h,�:J1w��w.ctl�ics.5�;�1e, x.�slFor�et+lC'I� df � C1Q Fa�in is t�n file �iiElf Cily 5��3•el�ry � � C'1Q !'flrnti is being prQvide� ta the �ity Se�r�tary x[] ci� r-�Fn, �� o� r�ie ��i�n c�ty ����r��'Y � C�S }'61'117 1ti E1P.�1��' �ll'aVide[! lQ the �'iiy $ec1�el��y ��d���� SD�, I��, clba 5D6 C�ntracting 5ervices ay; �r�g�Eine 5[hmldt C�mp���y 8131 LB� �r�e�+ay, 5tiiit� iS5 Address (plcuse l'rint) � f I .��1 '. � � 1 � _ � €�al�a5, T� 75�51 �`i 1y151 atc1Z i p �ri�le; ��ief Exeeutfv� afficer {Please P3�lnt) Ins4ruCllfln lo C71�erors Pege �2 ai 33 WRMC Ama�S Ca►It+rC7o}11b11 lia�l boal Replaeem�l�i (Jnnuary 202�} CQ[�FLICT �F INTEREST QUESTI��1NAt�� F�RM �I� �ar v�nd�r doln� business witF� I�e�i �o+rerr�r�ental �nti�y 71ifB quvsllonnalro rcllact� �hsn�as mada ta ihe low hy H.�. ��, H4t#� l..eg„ Ragul�r 8�aalan. 4FFICE�l5EQhJLY Y��Is quss�6vnr�alre is he�np pled In $cco±dance �vEtlti CI►apler iT9, Lacal �overnmenf ���, hy a vc�nder who p�io Racol+�od has a 6u51na35 f��llnnshlp �� deilf�4d by 9�oUbn 17f�.001(i•aa Wllh a Eocal goVa►nnt�nlal [+nlily &nd Ih� vendc�r rnesis r�q€alraments io��er �ecllor� 178,�4G(a). 9y law Ihls questlannatrc mt�s! be �ied vailh Ihc records admknlslr�l4r at !he lacal pervarnrn4nlal e�a4y nat Intar 1h�rt Ihe 7!h huslnflss d�y afier Usa dohe iha ►�a�dor l�ecqmes bwarc� ol f��is l�s�! roqulle t}te stalemenl lo ho fllecl. 5ae �ecllon 178,009�a•1j.l.ocal Govammonl CatlQ. A v�ndor camrnk[a an ffffenao II il�a affens8 undqr 1�1�Sflctl�ti Is a mist # iVam$ afv�ndarv�ho h�as 2 - � Clieckihls�axifyou ,lhaiyo+�fi��a�updated �or��Ceted questlonn� �f#er I�e daEa Qn wkaich yau �ecarne aware th. Name af locsl gav�rnman# orricer aoous wnnm zne mrorma�can }s oair�g �is�ia$�a, �!a►i�o ofOfficer [�e�crit�e eaeh empl�ryment or nfher hu�lness rela#in�shlp wlth llfe f�a�l gowarnmer�t c�ificar, or a i�mlly mnm6�r of ihe offi�or, as t�aacrib�r� ioy Sectlor� 17E.��1(aj��t(A�. Al�fl d$scrl�Oa anyiamlly relallonsh3pwltt� t#�e loca! gavernrrle�tnifrcer, Cbmplot�subp��tsAar�ABfoseachamplayrnenterbuslnes�r�la3�ran�hipdescribecl, �lttact�addltlanalpsgaslothle�arm C1Q �� nec�ssary. A, Is Ihe fnca� Qo+�ernmenl offlcer �r a famiry m��ber at t�e o�c�r re�f�ing ot Ilkely lo recefve taxab�e �r�oarne, olhef than Invesl�nent incwne, ir4m th� v�ndo�7 � Y95 � N S7 B, �s IIti� vendc,r recelvl�g vr 19k$ly to re�afva tax�bfa {neoma, olher tai�n Invastrnentinearn�, from orat tha dfrecllpn of }ha loeal gayer�m�n� 4ff�er �r q famaly merr�ber of lh� offic�r AlV� ll�e taxabEa incarne 9a not re�$11+ed frorn lh� lacal govarrsrn$nt�l entlly7 � Ye� � �lo s []ascrlheaacha�n�laymantarbii�ln�esr�fa#ionat�fptha#khev�r�dornarnodlnSeclion7 maEntalnsvtirith�corporatlor�or oth4r #�uslna�s aflt�ty wlth ros}�ac! to wh1cF� iho Incal �avarnm�nt aFiic�r s�rv�s �s an offle�r ar dlre�to►, ar hofda �r� o�vnershlp Interest af ana par�ent orr�or�. 8 ❑Che�kEhGs�aKlfthev6�dorhasgWenl�relatalgov$rnr�ento�i�eraraFa�r111yrnam6a►ofll�aifFceror��rmor�gi�s ss c#�scdhed In 5�ctfo� 1?B.�a3(aj{2j{Bj, excludinQ glft� d�scrihed }n 5ecllon 'i7B.003�a-ij_ 7 �I�na�ure of veFidor do ng hus�noa+vr7lh !he gover�man��l enllly a IrA�u6CjapmSQl��gD�xas E[hIC9 Cornrnlsslon Wu�m.9tlilcs.slal�,lx.us Page 93 of 83�&yi9ed 11f3�20t5 WRM� Amon C�rEer �xhi611 M��I �oor fiaplacarr�enl (J�inuary �23} c��fF�ICT aF INT�REST [�U��TI0�INAIR� For v�ndar d�il�ig �usi�ess vulth local g�vernm�ntal �ntfty �4r�omplete �opya# Chaptec'I7� af the �ocal Goverrrn�nt GQr�e maybe fa��d al http;flwwvv, statut�s.legls, atate.tx.�s1 f]ocslL���tmJL.Ca.1�6. h1m� For easy reference, below �r� sorn� �f 1he sectia�s cii�d 4n ilus farm. 1���2�1 Gover�tme�htCode fi 97B.OD'li"1-a1; "Buslness r�lati�nship.�rtteans a co�nec�ian holweankwo �rmaare �ar11�� based on comr�eecial aatlV�Cy af aneof the pan�os. �I�o term d4Qs nol include a cannecllan baaecf on: {Aj a iran�aGlioh I?��tis su�J�c4 tor�t�4�fo9 re941aGontiy a fed$ia�, s1aGe, orlvcal g�vernmenlal eniily or�n a��n�y of a fedaraf, sl�le, or lo��l gavernmentaientity; {B} a Cre�ae,�tl�n eon�ucCed a! a prico �r�d su�jact ta ksrirs 8aalla�le io lFie public; nr �C) e p�rchase nrlease aF�nods �� s$rviC� frorn a�er�ors ihat Is chartered by a stat� ar fa�orel ag�ncy and tha�ls subj�Gtto res�ularexamina�lo� by, ��d re�or�i�l�} io, lh�t �igeney. LaCAL GQVEy�NNI�NI" ��IJ� � �I T�,���iAli2liAl Al�D �Bl: (a� Alncalgauerr�mentaf�eer shall fik� sconf�lets dlsd�sura slaE�men3w+lh respect ta a v�ndar fF •#i �2) 1h�V�ndor: (�q} hasanempfDymenlorofhe�bUsin�ssrelalkanshlpwiththeao��l�oti+ernm�ntoF�cerora f�m4iy m�mber s�f �h� o�r.�r tl�al results in the o�lcer ac iamlly r�emhar r�c�f�rang taxahl� Incnme, ol�er rhan inY�slment Ineame, I�1El� 4]{CBB{I3 ,��,�0� durin� t�� 1�-rn�r7th p��iod preceding the date #haC !�e af�eer b��om$s aw�re thak 4i) acantrac�i�ehn+��nt��e�localgo�tarnmentale�kilyanr�vandorhasbeen �xecuted:ar {If) tf�e l�eal g�w�rn�s�sntal enll4y Is �onsf�aring enlering In�a a cantract w�tn tl� v�endar, {B) hasc�Iven�a�helo�algove�nntQr�lafflc�rnrafamllyrnembsrotfheofflceraneormoregfFls � hat �av� an a� r�reg a Ra vat�� �f �n pr� tlian $ t QO I n ih � 12-month peri0d praceditig 1 he da�� !he �ffic�� bacomes�ware Chal: �i} a eontr��t balw+een !h� I�aal gavernrn�nlal edtily end vendo� h�s hs�ri ��Clal�d; or (iiy Ih� �dcal gouernrnenkal enliiy �� con�ldering ent�rfng Inlo s contrac! with lhe +�endnr. .� L4C#1f� {�C�VERNMEN7 GQ�E � �7$.�O�IA] AlVC�{A•9} {�} A vendor shall llle a�oinplefed c�nBick �f �nt�ir�s[ q�asllortMakra If kha vendnr has a buslness relationshlp wilh a loe�f c�averr�menlal �nti�y and: ('I} has an emp�oymank or ot�at bus�ness relaklonship wf#h a lacal glov'�rnmant aFFce� of Ihat tacai gov�rnmanlal enl�ty� �r � f�mllY mamb�r afth� cftfc�r, �escr]b�d by �a�tlan 4�6,(}U3{�j(2j{A)� (2} h�s gkven a lqcal Q��+ernrnenl offi��r of ihak lacal gaverr�rnenk�l enllky, ar � famlly rtse�nb�r af �he ol�cc�r, one or maregfflswllh lheaggre9atewal�� gp�ciAad by5ecllon i79.403(�){2)��).excludir��ny glit d�scribad by Set�9on � i6,003�a-i}; ar [3j has a farnily re�$tlanship wlth � Iv�al gov�rnmant o�l�er ofith�t Eoc�f governmantalen�ity. (u- I) �i`I�i: coi4ti�,JLt�Ei umil i�l ��fin1��+�x! qiicwlimui�iiiti ini�! bL filcr] wilh tl�c:�ppaxipri�l� r�Gt�rds u�inxi�wi�krolnr �40! kEil�r tI1F�l1 �I71' SCS�rull� a+ik;sii�rs� tl���� nl�cr Ilae lalcr of: ('Ij Ch� dai� thak the vend�r {A} �egfns dlscusslons �r na�otlsllons ta ent�r f�t� � r,onitact wfth th� local B�vernmer�t�l erelaty: flr {�} s��rllfl�talh�ld��g�ver�rr�8n�$lentltyan�p�fc�tloqti.f�spart�et�arequestfarpr4pos�la or blds, corr�sp�nd�ce, a� arf�lh9r V��€tlrlg fel�ted ta a potenlfal cantr�cf w�lh the �4cal �overnrt�en�al �nGty;ar f2j the date k�a v�r�dor L�ecameg a4�arA: (Aj af an employment or olhar busi��e�s ralak+onsfiip wll�� � lacal govemmenk offic�r, or a far�iay memU�e ofth� ofGce�, d�cribed by Subsec�ian �a}, (B� lhet Ihe versdorhasglven�ne ar r�ar� giCk$ described 6y Subse�llon{��; �r (G� ofafamflyrelatlonshlpwllhalocalgovernmenkofficff�. Inslruck�an ka Q�lerars p�r� �p p� g� WRMC,4mor1 C�tie[ �xhlhll i�fatl Doar Repl6cement �January 2�23j L�C�L GC�V�RNI�AENT �FFICER FORM CIS �o�]FL�cTs �������l�R� s�T�TEM�Nr (Insiructlohs for c❑�pleting �hd �Ifng khis (arm are pfovided an the n6xk p���.j �h1$ queatlonn�lry r4fleals ohenpea m�de la iNa law dy H.B. 23, �dkh Lep., Regul�r SessCan. OFFICE U�E[�NLY This is k�� natice t� tha �ppropr�ate lac�l governmental entiiy #hal 3he ivllo�iing local g�vernm�ntafil�r�asbscomeawer�aff�ctsti�atr�qulreinevifi�srtofileil�isst�tament p���Q �9CRI4CSI ir► a�cordance ►vith Cha�ter'� 76, La�al G�v�rnmer�t ��de. � �#arr�Q af�voal Governr��ntOTflcer 2 C}itic� HQId � Nama �f vendar deacribec # ae�crlplian @# #ha na#ura and €�xkeiit af eseh emplaym$nt or otiter bu�ine$s relatlonahlp antJ each farnllyrelatlonsh�p wlth v�ndr�r nameti In I#�rt� 3. 6 Lls� glfts accept�d by the lacal ��vornmant oifleer ��d �ny tam�iy memb�r, if a�gre�at� v�lu� oi the g4�ta accepied frorn vendar �amed In Itam 3 exceads �7�a dur]ng !h8 92amer�#h perlad deacrG6ed by S�c#ion 'I�fi.0�3�aj{��I�l• ❑at� C�I#t AGcapt�d_. . De�crlptivn af Gi(i �ate GIR P�cce�ted De�crkpti�n af Glfl Dal� Gift Acca�ted--- ❑esc�lpti�n r�} Cilt (atlach additlbnal �orms as heeessary} s A��EaAVIT I ewaar �nd�r pBr4aEly af p�rJury Ihat Ihe above statemenl Is {rue a�tid corraol. h acknflwiedge tI��C Ihe �laclosur� a�rpUes !a eech famfly �nem4er (as defn�� by 5ecllon 17S,9fl1(��, Locst Gouarnmoni Gude} o� lhks I�eal governrr�anl ai;ir,�r. i�I�a acknov�iedfle Ihal l�ls als�emanE 9overs khe 12-manih periad d�ecrlbsd by Sectla1176.0��(s)�2}(�), I�bc�l Gouernrnent Cade. �Ign�ture af Locaf ��ver�mpr�C 4F�Cer .a���x NOTARY srnnnr r s�a.� na❑v� Sworn4aandsu[�acrinadq�forcmo,4ytlseanld ,shls tfiv dny vf . 20,�, to canlf�r whlch. va[h�toss rnY har7d e+�d an�18f 4fflea. Slq�ia�ur4oiaKloeredminlalarktipaelh PrinkeJnamsafafflceradminlsleringaelh TfllootoNlcoredr►�Iri9ei9rin�aalh IRS1�4�"��on {o cairer4rs P�gC 7� 4f 3� V�?�•Affl��,��r�@���F1��11�[�c�f�f�mvi�i[Jpnuary2423} vrww.emi�s.siate.tx,ua Revlsed 1113012fl15 SQoklan 17�3,L103 uf tlle �ocal ��varnrr�an! �od� requires �ertakn local governmer�l o��cers la Ille lfi�ls lorm, A°Ia❑aE �av�m�n�nta#�eer' Is darned as � m�mbar of t+�� govemin9 body �f a aocal �overnmenka� �nli�y. a�ir�e.or� supedntender�t, adminislratar, presldenk, or other person de��g�aied aa the ea�ecu�av� offlcer of a lacel gavernm�nlal entiky; a�an ag�nt of � Iocal gavdr�rnen#a4 antitywho exerclses discrelia� krl the planning, recoin��nd�ng, sel�cling, af ca�l�acCing af a vendar. Thrs farm Is {equlred ta bs+fded wilh Ih� �ecords �dminfslr�tor �f kh� IQca1 g�vernrnen#�I erftily nal leler ihen 6 p,rn. �n 1ii� s��re�l� bu��nessdayai#er [firecl�ieon wfxlcnthe aiflc�rbacor��s aware af �ha f�ct� �h�t�e+�u�retlti� filing otth;sslatem�nt. A I bC�I g oVe �n ni9n k nificer comm l �s a►1 offen se lf 117� off �[!� n��ui ngly Yloi�tBs Section 175. � 03, Local GoVarnrftAt� k��de. A� ❑ffe�s� under t��ls se�llon i� a�i�demeanor. Refe r l� ch �ptaF 7 i6 o I ih e L�a I Gav�r� ment Co de for d�#a�f ed i n farm � t�on re�ardi ng #h� requi�ern�n t la f�1e f h is f�rm. pART 2 - INSiR1]C71tJN8 �4RCOMPL�TiNG'�HIS �DRM 7he fo�lowfr�g r��rtrbers corraspor�d ta the n�mbe��� bax�s orf ���� �tlaar s�cf�. 1. �kame af l.ocal �ov�rnm�rt# �fflcer, �nter I�o name �f tha �acal governrnenE o�TiQarfiifng th3ssto#arnent. �. Oi�lce Neld. �n#e�tha na�i� ot#he�ffice held by the loc�1 gavamr�enlaffi�erfiling #h�s st�lerrk�nt. 3: Namen�vendar descrlb�d by �ectlons'i76.44'I{7) and 776.043�a�, Locaf �ouernment Cod�. E�larltte i�am�of th� vendor doscrlbed by 5ecllan 078.04�(�], Locsl Gav�rnmant �ocle� Ef �h� vendor a) lias �n �mpt�yrn�nt or olh�rl��sin�s� relallanship wllh lha lacal governmant offc�r or a fa�nf�+ ntiem�er of !he afFicet �s descr��ed �y SecGoti 17B.�03(aj(2J(Aj, i�acaa Govarnm�nt Gode; �rj has plv�n �o khe loeal gov�rnm�rit d�Gcar o� � Farn�ly m�mb�r 4f khe ofiicar an� or m�r� c�ifl� as describ�c! hy ��cUfln 17i3AG3�a}(2)(B}, I.ac�l Governrnent Gode; ar c) h�s a lamily relatEanshlp w�#h Iha locai pnv�rnm�ntoFFc�r �s d�f ned by Secilon �I FB.a�i{2-a}, Local G�varr�mar�l Gada, 4. �e�cri�,tion oE #he n�Eur� and exten# o[ ea�ch empfoyrnent or other bu�ln��� r�l�l�vn�hlp ��rd e�c� f�mily relationshlp w�th ven�or n�mc�i �n ltern �. �escrlbe k+t� n�lure and extenk of lhe emplayment or ather ��siness �e'atlonship lti� vendo� ]��s witli R�i� IoGal govarr�mBnt [�fllc�t or a[arnlly rriernher o# ih� afii�er �s descri�e� by Seciion 17B,d{7��a j{�j{A�, L�cal Governmer�! Gode, and e�ch F�mily relatianship lha vendar has with th� loeal govornme�l a ffie� r�s cle �n�r� �y S��G�n f 7B, p R1(2-2j, �peal G ov� rnm�nl Cads- 6. Llst gl#ts accept�d, fF the aggregate v�lue Qf the ��fts accepted irorn v�r�dor narr�ed in it�rn 3 ex�eeds $14a, i.lst ��hs a�cQpl�c� durir�g ll�� 12-r�ar�lh p�rlod (�la��ri�ed �y ��clfon 178.OD3[�}��}#81, L���l �oV�mmen! Ca�ej by kl�e �pcalgavernr�enl n�ficerorfar�fly mem�oroEthe o�ce�from t�7e uendn► named In llem 3 that in lhe aggr�ga��excead ���0 In val�a, 6. Affidavl#. �I��eature oi ��ca� gova�n��n�aft�r�a�- Lo�ar �ouernrne►�t �ad� f�176,Q��f�2-al: "F�rnily r�lationshlp" meesis a�e�ali4n5hip baiween a�er5on and anolher persan uailhfn tfja lfjird dogree by consan�uin�ty ar Rhe s�ca�i cEeg►ee by afflnit�, as Ih�ae t��as ara �efnad by Sub�hapk�r B, Cha�ter573,Ga4�rnm�nt��d�, PA RT 3- L�CA� G� - {aj Aloc� gov��nment afAcc�f sha�l file � c�rt�fl�cta dMscf�sure slater��r�t with r�spect t� a v�ndor If; f►3 k (2) th�vend�r: �A) has an emp�ayrnent or oiher bu�i�re�s rel$il�nshlp wl#h thQ �ocah �ov�rnment affl��r ar a iamlly mem�aar �f th� off�car thai res�lls in t�f� vfficer or family rnember receiving taxable Incam�, okk�er t�an invesErnank ineom�, t�at exceeds �2,5�� during the 92•month period �recedir�gth.e date thak lhe officarbe�omes aware ihak: {ij � c�ntr�ct b�tw�Q� Il�e tflc�l gpvarnmenkal enl�ty and ve►�d�E i�as b�en exe�uk�d; �r (iij ih� I�ca! governm�nkal enti#y i� �ons�dering entering into� car�kraolwilh the uendvr_ IrlslrUellon t4 �3n����$ i��ge 78 0� a3 WR�1� A�on Cur1�r €x�IbR Hall aaar Replec$mer�t (January 2a23j �M„�i- E1 sY39 R�xk� '�s' Illev+.l�1 Texas S�les and U�e 7a� �xernptinn CertifE��tion rfiis c6+tNitata does raof nequire a r�r�rri�er to �a v�lyd. �aRam�rer�ser. �mfcrape+xy C1ty a� Fart 1Nnr�h, i�xalS lWdirtss jSbeC! R numhvr, �.� tluzwfiu� p{}Q T8X8$ �utC9ei ap�.�o�,a,ai�wae - Fnrt warth, �ex�s 7fi102 Ph6nc $17-39�-$36� I, tE�a purcha�r named abav�. cha�m an exe�Ptlar. Irom P�l+m9rlt of Se� �I�tl uge t�� (ioe (h� purcha�$ at IaxatsE� i�flms dese�lbad be�Ow �r nn tha adaeh�d orderor invair�] �rp�, AIf Vendn►s Selior, -------- -- - - _ ._ Sireet BddPess: --- - — fi.��y, �tale, 21� Deac+fgt+on of i� lo be purchased ar cn ihe allacfied aad�r ar im�aFsa: AI!_iter�s,�M�� �ekroowled9�� lhat thks Gertlfi�ata �anrwl 6e t�s�d ior C�e vurehase. lease or rQnta! o# � mgEvr ue�lcle_ .— - ---� Purchasar c�ehns Ihls �temption for ihe iollowing reason: Mun}cl�asllty, Gov�rnrrEen�f EntG�3r I i7nd2ed16n� lh�ii I�q b� �I8EI6 fpr Es&ym�er�t � el1 aFelg �rYd �u�a1 aales arvse taxasv�fdt mpy �etame due ior Fatlure to eanqplywi[h !he piavislons of tha Tax Code �f�dlor al� appl�blc iaw. Fwrdersland�hefr�i� e srimin�lclfensefogive�nexen�on earli�c�elolh$seJlerfvrtexahlaile�l�1 a�rlurow. &�f�re [i�eotp�,r�htrse, willbe usedin amarn�eralA��lh&n U7klsxpv8ssedr'nlhis ce�Acat�, snddapsrrdurg o�rlheamountoFraxav�,d�d, Lh� affansa �yr�nsc fram a IXass C n�Jsc#emeannr �b 6 lelotay tll M@ S9eARd d�+�. Y�$ga � I�ilT�; Thi9 Cerl�qGale e�nnot he issued farihe purchese. [esse. Or r�nlsl ei a rt1e[er vehPde_ TH15 GEfi77FfGA7� AU�3 NQ71#�GlIiREA Mflh7�€R Ti��€ VAl.lR, �es and Us.e ��ac "�xempCan Num��re" or'Tax Ex�mpt" 3�umbers da rwt exlst ihls ee[tfFicatn ahould 6e �rnl�hed to ChE guppller. I]o � s end the c om ple lud ca�ti��ate t� iN� Camptra fle r af Fu��i� A�cou nts. EnstrucliQn tv CsFierQrs Page 1B o! 32 �rim� Lat� Full �ullciing [',enc�tor Ft�_�I�cr�mnnt �Ju1y2023} ���.3 PREIIAILIM� IAIA�E f��1TE5 C�mmerci�l Constructi�n Rr�j�ct� AC Ulc�t,a��ie A� Mechanic I-lelper Acp��tical Cefling Inst�fler Acoustieal Ceilfng In�taller Helper 8rickl�yerj5.one �1+lasor� SritkkayerfStone M�son Tralnee 3riCklayet�/Stone 3V1�son F€�Iper Carpentcr Car}�£nter Hc�qer GLlneret� Cutterl5awer ��nCfe#e Cutkerf5awer Hel�er C�ncret� Finlsh�:r Caneret� Flriishler Help�� �4rtC1`�[� Forrin BuiEder Cancrete Farm Builder Helper Drywall Meth�rliC Drywafl NQl�er I3rytinrakl �aper �rywal! 7a�er Welper Electrician �1�rurneyrnan} Electrician Ap}�rentite tHe�pe�j Electronic 7echi�i�ian � Fiaor Lay�r � F1aor �ay�r Helper I�skr�lCti4n to �Harnts Grimc Lab Full Building Generalor Re�l�cemenl - Pro�_ #1 ��988 8e�s. 2023h � � � 25.�� � 13.67 � �5.$3 � �2.TQ $ 19.�5 $ 1�.31 $ 10.�1 $ 17.F5 � 14.3Z � 17,�� $ _ 11,90 � 15.77 � 1?.fl0 $ 15.�7 � -. i1.OQ - � - — .... 15.36 $ 1Z,5A � 15, �0 � � 1. �0 � 19.5� � 15,6�1 _ $ 7a,00 _ � 18 fl❑ - - $ 1�.�0 Psg� 17 of 33 �lazker �1.03 GlazierHeEper � � 12., 81 Iniulatflr � 1G,59 Ir�sukator Flelper ` 11..�1 LabaEer Ca�mfln � iD.89 � Labarer 5killed � i4_l� �ather � 12.�9 Metal Bu+lding Asserl�hler � 16.40 Nl�tal Buildfn� Ass�mhler Heiper � — 1�.Clfl Mef�i Installer �fvliscellaneous} � �. _ � ._.. _ . _ 13.�0 h�et�l Installer H�lp�r ��vlisc�ll�n�ot�s1 110� Me[al Stud FfameE � 16.12 Metal 5tud Framer Helper � 17,5A Painter — — � 16.44 P��nEer Helper $ �.98 Pipeiilter � �f.22 Pi�efitter Help�r � 1a.39 Plasterer � 1G,17 Plasterer H�Iper �� $� Pkum6er � 21.�8 Plurnbee Helper 15 85 Reinforcing St�e� 5e#ker �� �� Reinfarcing Ste�l 5ett�r H�el��r � 11.08 �oof�r � 16.90 Ra�fer H�Iper � _ _ I1_15 5heet M�tal WorEcer � 1F.35 Sheet Metal VJorker Help�r � 13,11 InsEructl�n ta fl(�err�rs P4ge 19 qf 33 Grime Lab Fu91 C3ukld6ng Gr.n�rat�r Raqlaerre�nn� =�rnj, #10�98fi Sept- 2(133a Sprinkler 5yste�n �nska�ler 5prinkler 5ystem Installer H�1p�r Steel Work�r 5truckural Steel W[�rke�5#ructural Welper Waterproafer Equiprnent Opel�atar3 C�ncrete Pur�s� Crane, Clamshell. ��ckha�, �erriek, t�'LlneSl,avel Forklift Fqundati�n �ril! �p�ralor FCart End L4ader TruCk Orivei w�€d�� Wel��r Help�r � l9� 17 S i�.15 � 17.00 � 13.7A � 15.0� $ 1�.5[] �_ 19_�1 _ � 16,45 $ 22.5fl � 1fi,97 � — i6.71 S ' 19.9fi $ 13.OU 7he preaalling wage rates shnwn 4ar [ornm�rci�l construetion prejects sueve based �n a salary suruey eanducteri �nd pulakished F�y Yh� Horth i'cxas tonstruct�on lndustry [faif 2012j Independently cornpil�d by #he Lane �vrm�n Truhltt, PLLC Const7vctlpn G�aup, 7he descriptionsfer the c�assifieations listed are pra�eided an the TE}{��5 �TMI� C4i15t�GCtlpfl ASSQCI�IIOfl� W�651f@. W4VW,YE�1C0�559LI�YE41i.6Y�f CIi3}iiCiflM�gQY�t�S.asp lnslructic�n I� Of�erors Pa�a 19 o! 33 Crin� L�kti Ful� f3tilldirx� �en�r�lor Replacerj�e�t - Praf. #f��985 Se�l. 2�23� CITY OF F�RT V1�OR�F� 1N�ATHER TABLE (1� Mean number of days p�acipilati�rr af i}.� i� or rnor� or 1!2' sno�vfice (2� Auerage nortna� prEc�Ftati�i�, u� inche� mis tabt� i� based or� inFarmation r�arted tr+am aa��a�fart wo�h �rnerna�ar�at Airport, 7exa�. Latitude 32 d�g 54 min nar#h, lor�i�ude 97 deg U� min wes� eleuaiian (�round} 551 Averag� number aF days o1 rain, serav�, ar� ice days are based on �eca�d� cnwering 2i yea�. Pr�e�apit2�ion is �a�# [� re�orded fntarmation �rnm 19961h[ough �tl16 perip�. Thi� t�e i� to � use� as a ba�sis for cafc�ation o� exce� r�irt ar w�ather days �or proje�ts +xith duraG�n in ca[en dae day�S. If i�e s�ft� records �tcate 1t�a# lhe �Iracta�vr�s una��� t� �rry o�t �peratl�ns due ta weather, f� is counted as �+Ar�afher daY.1f ih� ru�mber af vueather da7t� �xceeds tt�� rt�mber ot aver�g� ra in �ys pius #t�e anowA� d� for the can�raol dura�ian, the conVact wriai t� adjusted �r Ghange Dr�er. F�t Wortfi ANeati�r Tsti e 24 April 7617 Inslrudk�n to O(feror� F'age 2fl �f 33 Gr3me Lal� Full [3��ilding G�neralar Replacemenk - Proj. #1029�6 Sept- �{]�3j City �f Fort Vllor�l�, iexas Properly 141a:�agement DeparittlQnt �acil+tie5 lV18118+��1712l1L GC4u��rcftitccl�ral �enfiGeS C1iV151$n �EN�RA� C[�NdlTEO#�iS OF FH� C4NTFtACT FOR GOAl�iRIIGTIf]N LU3�lR SUf�f COI�7RA�T SECfi14N A Q�FIHtTIaHB. PROGEdUREB AN� lh1T�RPRETATI�NS A-�i CONT�A�T hOCUhlIE�17°S: �y lhe term Conlr�u:! Qacumenis is mea�7l akl at Ihe wriil�n ar�d draWn db�urrenls seuln+� i�rt?� or �ffeCCai:g Cfte rl�}I-::s c,f l�tie partios, incl�ding hui r1o: rstcessarily im�+ted tQ, thn Gor�tract, Nr�iic� tu Bldde�, Propasek, Gener�l �:ondillons, S�eciK�l �.�r�■�Ei�ior��, S�ecificatiar�s. Plans, �0�4�3 and alI A�dB�ld'a, Arnendments �I��ed by �t! p�r�es, Change QrdarG, w€iEt�tl ii7t�iprel7lini5s azd ��ny �,vrilten Fiel€# Orde� For 8 mlf�or�hange in iha 4�fark. A-2 E�ITIRE A�RE�MENT: �i�4 Conlr�r,l E]acurne�sr; represa��l Ihe v�silry �gr��+nent beiwee�� iF�e PaREes, anri �A p:iar cr contarnporan�ous, ar�l ar vrriite�: ayreerneryts, li7strum�nts � n�:golialions shall bb u�nsErued as altering the lerrns and gf�e-c[� oF �n�, Cdn1t3CL ��Curl�8fll5. A�t�f b�I�iJ �3e�culed, !I�e CanlracL Dccu�nenks eaf � cE�an+�ed ar�ly uy a wsil�sn AmenCrr��n� sisnc� by !h� Cnn�r�dar and llie �nrrl�f, br Cl+ang� Or��r. r�r lsy a w��le�t Field Order for a rninar �Itiango. A.� V'JpRF[� Fiy 1nt� l�rm Work is mea�l afl lat�r, supervlsiar, mater��ls ar�d aqe�ip���nt r�ocassary lfl h� �s�d or in=�ip�rat�d �n ordar aa G3raducti l�su cflnstru�ti�n mfluir�d hy Con[r:rcl Ducuma�ls. A•d EiC�C�ITIbN �� `rH� CON7RACT a�CUi�IEh�TS_ The Cnnlr�ck �curttie�ls ��El ��r �xe�uE�d in fot�rOriginaEs,'N4tf5 r�f r�+r��iir�d altachmenls, aru;hrding require� �onds and insurance oerlifrcates. 6y th� Conlr�lot �nd the Owr�er in su�h fam� as rnay �� piescl Ib4d '[sy law ar�d reiurrted io Iri[a �vui'�erwikhin ;an 5usine,� �#ays of r�t�Gf�alian CQ �onkrs�ctcr. F�Ilure lo �xecute �-on4racEs and �xov;d� req�3red �nclry�ur�s w111 h� �rounds for revoealion of award and i�klnq o! Bid 8on�. A�5 FAl�ItiARITY WITH �i�OP�SEb hh+ORK; B�fore fl;n� � Pro�sal, the C�ilrr�elnr sha�l e��niin� car�fully the, plar�:, speciFcaiions, speeiaf pravisions, snd ihie fo�rn t3f [onkrac3 k� � cnlere� Inia iar the srmrk c�n�or��lal�,d. }ie sF��ll examine the sFte oi wark and sat�sf}+ f�imse�! as [o ihe r.andili❑:�s lhal w311 ha encounter� relating s� the cftaracter, quality and quaniily of +vc•rk l❑ be perEo�rnsd and nhai�rials [� �� fuml�hed, "Thq fi�lr� ei a t7id by the �idder shsll ha �nnslder�d evide�c.e tl�a! lie lias c�mplied willti these rgq��irPrnenis and ha€ 3Cc9pled �it� sll? �S sk111eb10 fnr Ihe work. Cl�irn5 for �ddllioh8l Ghfi"V��I15d�iQ.� dU9 t4 Vaflati0ns 6��w�¢n t�ndif�ons acivaAy encounl€sred in enitislrucLian a�d as Indi�at�ci hy tFe plans w�lf ral be �fl�wed. A-� Of�� UNI�IEd CDT+iTRACT: Ir�sof8r 3s po�slble, lhe �onkrac4 do��,�nen�s will be bo�nd Cog�fher and a�r,uled �s a single t�nlfi�d �=❑n�saci. The i��'enlio�� r�f ihm �onUacl i�acur+ienis h�ring I�, pravlde Fnr al! €��bar, su,�ervisiaii, rnaterFals, equipn►eni and oli�er ikems necr�ss�ry for 1ha nFoN�r executian and campC�livn af tF�e +Nnr�c. LNords Ihat I�ave� well•re��gr�+�ed iechnlcal ar Irade rnea�}ings are userJ h�r�rein in �rr:�edancc r�ith such reeognfzed me�nings, A-7 �lVISIDH DF WDRF{: Tr�e �rrang�r€ten[ vF ar8vlii3�s 8rldlof Sp�CffiCaElons inlo Oivisi[�ns, 5ectio�s, ARldes, or olh�r Subc�i��siUns shall naf �e binding u�on iha Gon�rselvr in dividing ihe work �rnong Subcanlracior� or "frades. A.g ENT�RRRETATI4N5; In lM�� Qt+�nt �` �n�orislstenay ir� tl�a e.onlraci dac�menis, the fullowing sequenue for ii5le�pretaYipn sh�ll be used i�i 4P{�Ef OF �i�CEdERC'� �1t�n�e orders andlor �i�ld �ders {4y date or i�.suan�e}; Addenda �by dat� aF 3ssuan�ej�, drawtr�s; Flo[+�s an�� siun�nsicsns an E�rawing�; Teehni�l Speeifi��iieir�; SRecial E�rc�isi❑ns; S��pf�rner�ary �eneral �nnd3lians; G2f1Ef�1 �;��dFk�9n5: and Ci�rlStfUc:il4��3 C�5151t"�� The ArchilacL uuill IuiniSh SL1S�1 If1�6�pfO[��iE4ng o! lhe �I�nS and Specificatipns as may 6e nerxssary far ihe prap�r r�xQculimn or pragr�ss aF !ha work, S�cn 1�3ierpr��at�an, Sh`s1ll �4 ��I�nishg� 3t U1� 1�151�IiC9 OI lhC AfC�11l2C1 Of 8S !he reqk�esf af lhe GonlraclqT, �r �wn�C, arid �sll be issu�d with rceson��e prorraplr�ess ar�d a! such Ilmes ancl in 8CG7rd�i7� wilh SUC.h �sGhedul� as �n�y +�e 8gre26 ��qn, �u� IniEr�SY�laEions Sfl�ll I)e �[�n515lenE wiCki lhB (x1d�OSES BflCi If114fF1 OI �hC Pl�ns �ir1d SpBCif+C81ipF15 2fld Rlay 4(' �fi�Gted 6y Fel�l �rdc�r, fn ii�e �varsl of a�y d�spk�t� b�[we�n :�ny of lh� Fr,atties lo �17e G�ntract and lhe Arthiiect or oach ot*�e� Invo.ving !h� ,nterpr��iian af #ht� Gontrz�ct �acumenls, the evalualinn of �s�ark or maC�rlal� pe�fcrmed or 1urr.F�h�d hy lhe Arch�tert �onsraetae, �r any sut�cantra�lar or maaeri�isman, ❑r �nfol,ririg any qu�sflan flf fa:�lt cr liak�jlty oF �ny party, if�e dee�sic�n ai tho Own4r shall �e Final antl hindins�. A-9 CORREL.�TIO�! AN� .INTENT; In g�neral, ilte drawl�gs ir�dicale dEr�er�si�, I�iions, positiar�s, ��13:!lIIIPS, 9flt� i[I11[I5 �E �QnstFuc�ior�. li�e s�e�=fiG�l19f15 i+l[il�:�itc Ih� q��li[y �i�d cor�lruclir�r� prqco[li.ires rc�uired kNark indi�alecl or+ Ihn drawings and n�t specified qf vicca++er�a, sfi�all be furn.sneo as ir►aunn ser fnnh in �iothG. Wark c�at detaiied, rnsr€ccd c�r s��lfied shal� be th� sarn� a� sirnil�r �a�:s �hat are delailed, marked r�r s�ecif�e[l, If Ihs dr:,v,�in�s aee in c:�flicl nr conflfci wi�h tF�e s, �ci�c�i�❑ns ih� tyener i�ualiiy Qf grealBf GUSnilly Of k�F�Pk 4f rr�ierial� 5h211 tlt eSilrtlBtfd �ild Sh��l �}� Elif3iiSI1{,'C� 6f if1GIUC4EC�. C}IiT1EIlSK7R5 �fl df:lYJffi��u $F13II �s'1I:$ preced�n�� ovor srnalFscele drawings. C1r�,v9ngs show�ny luealiurEs ai ee�uinmoait, p��ing, efuch,vorEc, el�c�cal apparaius. �tc„ are dt�c1tamrnat� an�3 �04 cond�liqrss may nol allc�w insSalsaEi�n i� tha axact I,�cet�un shawn, ��i�lcc�iian sheli hot acc,�r witt�a�t the J1rcE�ite�.�ts ap�rov�l. Geh�ral Coneliur�ns �f the �:ontrael far Car7sl�ua[ir�3 Lump �um Conlraci � P3g� 7+�� �$ CFW PM❑ — Criine Lab rt�kl E�ui�ding Gener�lar Rep4ae�meni — ProJact #i�29�sE`s Aur�st �023 A-10 COP1�5 OF W(]RKIN� bF�AWIN�S.ANO SPEGIFICATIONB� 7he ArChitect �liq turniaR to GonEractar �ae.lranfc work�ng Grawings and apeciCealions. i.ontracl� shal� pay lhe cosi of rcproduelian far all ol�er capies ❑f arswings and Speciiieallons �urnished io nim. All �r�wing�, Speclfir�tlnna and e.tr�i[�s ihorars� furnifihn�l hy 117e C1�r,�ner or ri�e �lr�171#ecl are �rtitl sha�� remaSn t�e proEserly oF lhe �tan�r, 71iay �r�, n�1 t417e used �n ���y oRh�r pe����l ��ld, v�th tf�� �x��pl��n �f one C:�1r�!racl sei for eaCii 4a�lw lo :he i�onlracl, are i� be re'urned 1U ih�e 4wv��r c��1 req�esl :�[ lF�e Campleliar. af ihe wflrk, A-1 1 MI�I[]I217Y BU�GNES� ��ITERPRIS� tMB�} P��ICY; As of J�mQ 9. 2412. The Cily aF Fort +Norlh has implem�rile� �u�inE�9 DiVers;lv C7tdi�18n�e (QaOJ to refl�CL !h� Cily's at�'�il�bii;�y 2nd dispsrily sludy Fmdings �n�! recomrnanrla'i�,ns. purin� lhis iransitlan {�er�aci, ii�leresled C}ifercrs rr�vs( ohtaEn an Adg� llsl�ng fram lhr_ M�L�+�� Oiii�e 8i S1 f-�t2•2fi74. �I718 +,uell e�Fsute [MeE th� MBE lislings ceEleci a�h� ihnsc currrn{ly corl�fied by sho North {;entral Texas f�ec�ional �eelifivalinn �ganey (Ev'�.T�CA} I�cailer� fn Ihe �ix {�l�nlv geo�rapl��fc i�arke�place t1�ai have �e�n acce�'•.ed �y ihe fiiEy. The �ily'4 ge4graphlc +narkt�ip€ace in�lud�s if�c counlias of: Tarrand, G:�Ilas, benton, Johnsnn, Parker s�nd k�1'ise_ {7ifo-rors �fe slrnnt�ly Cnppuf84�Cf lo ConflR7i lhai �Ch MB� kh�i li mlends ta u�� is ler.;�led in !he goar�raphic m�k�lpl�ce ilia{ will 6e couRked ic+.a�ards �he �slaClisf�eef goal- 7h� Gl�y ef Fort W4Rh h3s C�rals [�r Rlie p�fliCipalldn �F Adi�ltsrily 9usiness Enierprises (E�1g�) in City C�nkr�Gls. C4rnplf�nG�a +�v�th the prikf�fas designad t� mael Ihos[� Jor`�s is mandatory in ard€+r lo b�: co�s�c��red a tespansiv� 6irltler. The City �aflcy and pro�edures to Ue FollrnvEad in subm�I�in[� pr�posals arelncluded. Tl�.e Cl�y aF Farl +�larth ��BE Pragram wlll t�k� precn:lerecr ov�r �1her ;,upcor�tfactar ulllszalion �rograms on �Icck Grant �nd oth�r F�der�slly fk�nde� Pr���cYs, A=fi 2 ACg: In aecor[iance t•tilh [lie p�1€cy ("Pollcy"J of ?he Execc�live f3ranch af +he fcdr�r�l govcrrtm�nt, ��nlr�r,;Af G�}Y9r�nlo lhat nn9ther it nur ���y of i4s of�ice�s, �i�em�ers, agAnls, einploye�s, p€agr2m partrci�anls ar subcanlra�lors, whlle engae�ad in pe�f[�f�ttrlcj 4h95 cDrltr�iCi, shall, in canneclie�� vulElti lht� �im�l�y�rent, adv�ru:em�rl� ❑r di��hhrge of �mpl�y�es ar in cannection ti++ilh lhe leims, condlllons or pri�rilegas of fhair ernployrnenR, disrrirninala a.c�a�r�sl persrns beca�se o� thelr a�e except on tftie ba;ts af a �ria llde oc�upstional qu�lkfication, r�kir€7neni plan ar s431ulory requirc�menl. C�nlracfor furlJier eavenanis C�7at neilher I! rtar ils o6£ocrs, men�bers, a�ersE�, empiny�ps, suk�ntrac[exs, pfot�r�m p�rtiCipBn��, or pefs��s acGng a� ll�eir ����alf, shall spcciFy, ir, so�icifaliflns nr �d;�nrlis�:men�s f��r cmplr�yr�s to w�r�s ❑n lhis cantracl. a inaxi�num age 1irnEk for sud� �mpinymA+�t unlnss tl7e specified m�ximum a±�v I�rnil is k,�s��l �p�:� a�a�sa fide oct.upalioral qu��ifcal�ori. retie�rnent plan ar stalulory eyufpment. Cantr�c�pr waRan� �4 wiil fully comply ��klli [h� P�licy and wll �1r�fentl, inrJ��nn�fy ���c1 holJ City 1�arn7le�� ayains� any �aims or allec�eti�ns asser#ed by lfiird pariles or subc�nlraetar a�alns� �ity �rlalll� OiJ�. O� �Of1IP3iCI�f�s �rbdior IlS subcnntraclars' allaged I�ilura to cfl�n�ly wlth Ehe ah�ve refer�nced Peliey �o�cerning aye disrrirni�jatian In lne par�ormanre ef ihi� �r�re�ment. A-73 OI�aA�II.ITY: In aceorda:�r� wi�l� lh� p1'�l�isioati9 C�f Irie +4,�1etiCalls VS�ilh disd�ill[��� A�I Gf �9�0 (�•AdA"), C�nlraclGr r�arran�s lhal it and anY arid �H oi 9is suhr.a�t���Iors will nnr unlawiul�r dis�riminate nn iMe basis of di��bilily In ll��' jif4YI514f5 6f serui�es tn lhe genefal �ublic. nor m il� avalla��lity, lvmis ardfer c�ndilians af entploym�ni i�r applscants For ar�iplayi�ent v,�i�h, ar �m�laye�s of Ccnlracaor ar an� oi lis sub�o�sra4lors Goniractor urarrar�ts It wRl iull� corr�pl}� wiih A�A pro+�i_-�on� �nd any o�h�r ��pkicable Gederaf, slale anrJ Eo�al law:s ao3se�rning ci�sa6il�ty and wi�i defard, kndemr�iiy and hold Cily h�r��oss aga�nst �ny clairns or alieg�lfons assa+tad by lhirti pa�ti�� ar sub�nnlraclors aga�n,l Giiy a�esing flt�l a� Gnntracia�s andr�f Ihs �ubcon[Raclars' aliege[1 lS�fllire E�} +:omply �,�,'ith l►� �tb4vi;-��far�nct� laws con�em�rx� dis��kity discrwnunaGan �n lhe �er�c�e,n�nc:� aF thfs a�re�.�nenl. A-14 IMEu1lG�iP�TION_fV14T.1{3NALlTY AGT= Cily acllvely su�pnfl� tha Imtnkr�ratfon & Naiion2iily Acl �INA; whic.7� in€I+�dQs �irn+�isi�ng a�c�re5sang �nzp�ayn�ent flGgila�llty, e�m{�iayment vcnf�caR�on, and nondiscriminatian. Vendar slvall ti�eiiiy :17e Iderllily 8nd emplayr�enl oligi�llliy af a� entiplayees �,ho periorm wark un€i�r ih:s Pu�ree+nen[. Var}dor sh�lf c�nplete si►e Ernpf4y�ent r.i�glbiiity Verific�liorl �orrr� �I-9), rnainiai� pf�o�aco�ies ❑f all supp�rling employmenl r�l.gihilify an� idenlEtY o3rc�imentafion ior alE erngtayeas, and u�on r�q�re�C, provicie City wilh c�pies oi all �-9 forms and sup�aitinr� e!�_�a�:fily �iocumenlalia�i ier eacfi �mplayee who parForm� wark unQer It�is A�re�manl, V�ndor shall �&«hlish �Rpropr�ate prac¢dures �,'rJ [;s;nlrol� 56lh�Sl r1� 5ervlt�s will 15e �erform�d hy any employee urhn is nol iegally eliglhle tn per#arm s,�e3i servi�es_ Vend�r �h�ll prnv�dn City urilh .� ��r�ifiiec��'spn IBilOf ihat It h2s c4mpli9d �v�th the vc�ifi�aEio� r�quirements re�uired hy 4his ,�grsoment, Vendor shell fndem�i�Fy �fly �rom aray penalifes ar li�bi3iiios due td vinlalio�s oF Ihis provision. Cily shaA heva lhe righl !a irnrn�diasely t�rminate Il�s Agre�mer�l for viola�ions of tNEs prnuision 6y 4'ei�rJar_ A-1§ HbUS� BILL $9- Cqnlr�ciar a�irr�q+��,¢ge, lha� irl �GCqfd�rc4 wilh Gh�plef 2�7G Gf lhQ Tex�s Gc�fnm�nl CDtle, Clle �ity Is prah�i�,ited Frorn enierinq in�o a contracl wflN a cQrn�any for gaods ar sersrices unless rt�e conlr�cl �onk�ins � wrlil�rn vev�Ft�c�on fram IYie corn.paeiy lhal ii: {1 j dQes �al 6oyooll l�r�al. and {2} will noi boys:olt Isra�+� d��r�ng lhe lerm af the ce.nlraet. Tlie l�rms "boyc�tl lsrarl" and "campany' �r�all havo II�^ �ea�ing� ascnbad la R�ose tarrns ir� �eclion 90$,001 of Ihe Texas Govern�ien� Ced�. By si�ning l"iis ��n[rari� Canlra�tor ���ifi�s tha! C'�nnirs�.[br's sir�nat�,re prnwid�s wriile� ver�F�catkan E� ihe �ily lhaE Gonlr3ciaf; {1)cJVes net boyc�ll 15Yaa1; and {2j w��1 n41 bQycolt fs�ael during 1he lerrn af lho cnntra�l. Generat �ondliions of !lie Ganlratt for �a�slruclian Lurn� Sum �or�tracl� Pt�ge 2 ai 28 �FW p�1U - Grirce Lik� �=ull E3uilding Generaler Replacern�nl -�ro;sr,t�#1p��96 Au�ust2023 SECslc3� B IQENTITY �7F Rf��HIF�GT 6-1 CONTRACT k�DMIi415TR14TIDN= Tne Archilect ts 11ie persan or petson I�wfully 41�ei`iSBd E€] �a�sc11C9 2fChFleCEUT� adenllFied as such� In 1he Ag�eernent. Tha Architeei i5 retained by ihr� Qwr7v_r l� pr+mpars Iha mns#nac#�on docz�rwenis and Fapr�senl lh4 �wn�rdurinc� t�r: c�ae�_alrr�r.Gr.n ;sf�a �e, as dltected 6ythe Clwn�r_ l3-2 DUTi�S 4F TH� A��hIITEG�: A� used �r..rcin. .iio term Archilr.ct m���s [ha Rrchiicc� or his eu[harized ��pr�senta4��e, M1loihin� C[�nl�ined in t�Fsc� �flnlr�cf C3dc�men!s shall creale ��iy�rivily af Ca�lrar; bdlu�e�� Ihe Are,hiEc�e,t anrl lhr Ccnlra�sor. �-3 ARGHI7EC7 A5 }Z��RE$�hEYA71V� OF �HE OhNNER: T�1e Ar�fiileC! will pt�yi�� yerieN�l 2depinlstr�ii4n bf ih0 �on,rarl un hehalf o� �h� L��n�net and will h�ve aull7otlty la a�ct as lf7e rc�pr�sontaliva af Ih� �wn�� to k�1� �xl�nl peovided In the Canlrac.t ❑ocurnents unless chanqod i� wrilinp hy l�ie Owner. TRe Rrcn�tect wll! be a�allable Fof conferences an� consul[�tions wiih �he Ow�r�r �r the Cnnir�ci�c al all reasanable tim�s. �-4 ACC��S i� JO� SIT�S� The Arehft�c! shs�l ai all IinEes haue access ta Ihe Wnrk whQr�ever i1 is in �reparaiinn aitid pr�gress: Th� �or�lratko� shall pr�vidc� F�ciEili� f4r s4��h ,�c��� so ille Rrchjtect r�ay perforrn its ass6�ner] func[+ons under lltie Contt�et doCeim��lls. The Arci�itecl will n�ake �ariodic visils ta thv 5i#e la Familiarine hirr�sel� wiih tl3e piogress and qualaty of 117e wark ar�d to Ce4erinfne if lhe wark is proc�etilnQ m ac;�ard��ce wilh lEtie G�nlract docum$nta. �n ili� ly�is of ¢n�ile �4sr�r�alions, lhe �rchitee� v,il9 keep the Owner infnr�n�d �! ihe �rrx�ress oi #he Wori! �nd will er�deavar Eo guard ihe Owner agai�ist deEects an� d�Geiar�cies in liie Vk'evk df the GontraWfor, Qased s�pvn such obser�slior,s ar�d il�e Conlraciflr's apaMcalio:3s !ar paymeills, lY�e Archfter,� wlll mak� rie,errnir�ai�ans and recomrr�endallons concemins� th� amour�t5 awiag Eo lr�e Cr�nlractor �nd wi3r r�sue �enifl�ares fr�r pay,r�enl ar�punts- �-� INTEI�PR�TATG�HS; FIs� At�hilce,� will b�, kn ihe f,rst ir�s!ar�, lhe Ini�YpfeE�C Of I}i� requirerne�,l� af tf� pEans ar�d Specifca�ions �nd lfi� ju�lg� �af lF�e perf�rrn�nCr� LI1erEundt�r by lhe �onlract0[. Su�jeck �o ahn final de�ls�nn oF the C��rner_ Tl�e Arck3ite:.l's c#acisions iR matke�s r�laiing t4 a+1is4�c �ifsct �!I 4e flnaf s( ccr�istent wi:h jhe Insarri af �h� C�nlraci C�oeurr,erfts. $-6 Al�THORIFY T� 5TC}P UVQRK; The Arcl�itecE wi11 havM a�thorily ia rejeci �r�ork Ehat daes rroal corifo�n� 1a the Plans and 5�aec:Fea:ion�. �n ad�il���n, x�he�ever, in il& r�asan7ple ppinion, lhe Ar;�ltitecl conslde�s Il r�ecessary or a��+i�a�le i� o••d�r lo ins{ue lh7e proper �aal�x�lion oi 1f3� tr�[ent af ;h� Qlar,s �nd Spe�Ifi�;:HiqnE, the JlrchilEct uill h�va �ulh�rily to ��quir� tF�e Con[rac�o+ Ifl sto¢ lh� Vdorl{ tir any porlia� th�ereoF, €�r le rey�fre sp?S:13I I�����C�iGl1 �7Y EL'5[IIl{j C]T ff3P. WafIS WI!{'iI1FF Of f1aL .4l1CIt Vi��FF', bB �IlEfl IaI}�i�ated. insia!led ofrx�m�Er��ed, B-7 [hAfSCELLA1d�OUS Sh7ur�_ draw�inas. 5uhdrtltlal� a�x1 Sampl�s; ihe Afcl3ilec4 w1iE raviaw Shap D�avei+5gs, Sulrmillals and 5arnples. Twa eo�ies aF eac� appeoved Shop �rawing �nd subrnkt!al will �i� pravidetl [o ilxa Oumar by tlia Ar�hita�i. Three caplss will be ralurned tn tii� ConlracEar. Chanqe Qr+�ers; Chrar�r�e drder�, awfiers Gantingence Allawance forms, and �Icld i�Cd�'s for hAirtior �hangas in Che wark +n.ill �n issuat! by ihe Clwner thrau�h lha Arc�9tacl. Guar�nl�es: The A��ftllecl will racedv� all �n�rit#�n g�aranlcsQs an[i re��t�d d4cum�n� rAq,�ire�l o! lk�� Cnntraclor. Upan cnm��eiion c;F ihe prnJae! lh� Conlrae�or shaRl pr��iae tha Ownar three copies of each guarantee. In�,EeE�Eorls_ TYi� ��el�IteGl will �1duCl Inspe�l3ons €�7r ih� pufp4s� o€ d�tO�Tnini�g and mading hls re�omrr�anefalions �oncemir� ihe dal�s csE subsl�ntial �orn,�lelion and fln�l eornpletian. The Archlted will condu�t the final accepl�neu inspection ar�d issue 11tie �erliiicate [�f 5ubsiartt'ral Gr�tnpin;ion. �ppra{epn and N,ain�en�nce IsA�r�uals: 1�ie Rrchltecl witl receiVe on behaEF ai lha �vner nna hard ��py and two dlgltal cnpie� r�f �II applicable ar��iiprr�enl insiallaiion, ap�railan, anc mamler�a�7ce �r[�chures and man�uals requlr�d of thB C�ntr�ctor. B-9 TERIufINATIQhS OF T4iE ARGNITECT� I'� c�fi� af khe l�rmEnslian af !he employmeni of lhe Archil� t�y ti:e �wner, lf�e Ownor �haU eilher assume 11ie �utie5 cii !!�e }4r�15�R�cl lf7rcwgh [I7e dfre[kor af 117e PrQpart}� twlanagemenR Ompartmeril, ar s#��I1 app�lrti a SvcCe55o� ArChil2Gt �g�i��1 wh�m ihe (�onlr3ctar makes no r22S€7n�i61� dil�@CEiOn. S�CTION C QtlUi�lE R �-� I�E�J7IFICATIOH: By the lerm Own�r is rnear�l ihe Gly o# �crt �,Nc,rth �cki�,g h4�cin �y �k� duly .iut�7oriaed represeni�llues �n ,h� m�nner provided bv law. A�shor'rz�ci r��roscnlaliv�s i€��!ud❑ Ihe Cfly Msnaqar, Assistan: Cily h�4an:�c�cr. and Direcfar ai tlie Pro�erly M�na€�e:ne�il fJ�parlmenl and members �i Ih� Fa�l�h�� FJfanagerTierl! a�Vasidn. !1 desiqn�le4 repre5e�5E8iivA lnlill � icfen�ified Irom vnk�in lhe FaciliGes �rlar�ags�enl aivisi�n lo ac! as a poini o� conlaci f�r day-lo-day consract admin€slraiion. Gen����l Cdndiliailfi Of l�lB CO#'�t�Ci fq� ���4iUCtiqn Lum� �Um �Onlract Page 3 0[ �� C�6'V Ph1� - Crim� k�� Fuil Building G��ierat�� Repf�cmmant —�rnj�r! �� i12�$8 AU�us12023 C,2 �LITIE3 OF TNE �WN�R: Th� Own� sh�l� fumish sunreys describing Ihe pY�ysical ch�ra�lerlsli�s, legal limits an� uiilFly lc�G�lip�ss Far lhe sile 4f lh�9 Wotk; provl�ed, hewev�r, Ih3l ih9 CGnlrBesot het�bv t6wenanls llia� he h� inspect�d �he prem�sas and familiarire�# hlmseiF �her�urilh snd �ha1 C�e loG��3ons oi u;��iNcy and �l�r a�g,t�r,:1�� iv I��n {�rns�cui�an o� ti•�a� Work �� snawn an t�e �vrncr`s survey �r� far infcumalian only, are nnl hinding upon Ihn �wner, antl if�e Owner sl�all nol Incur sny liab;lily for loss ar cl�mae�Q by virtuc 41 any imc�urac�e5 �r dflfGlS�.c:es �n such sun�eys_ The Owner sha�l securc a=�d pay foe Gtle to tl�� siia �nC ell nccessary perrrianent ar eansEnaclian easemenis_ 'fhe Dwner wlJ! cr�operaC.e �xilh !he Gnni.f�Ctn� in ihe pfQ��7Cu4ion �? !h� tiN�rk in suih rnae�ner and io such exten! a� may t2e reas��ahie and shall f�emish Informa!ian ur•drr iis conlr� wi!#i reasona6le prompiness al ah,a requ��loF lhe Conl«�tpr. C� INSTFiIJCTIOfVS: The Owh�r shaU iss�e� sll �sirlt�tions la Ilie Canlracfar ihmugh II�e:.4eri�itecl. G-d A���SS To J�� �IT�� The Qw=��r sha11 at aai times hav� access [a LF�e l�V�r'�t +,wkxer�ever I� is fr� �,ra�arstion a�d �rogress. Tia� Cantracirsr shall prav�de facilllbes f�r �u�h �ccess so lhc Owne� may per�arm fts assian�� fuitic�io�s und�r t�� CGr1�raG� C7pcurt�enls. �-5 PF2f]GRg�S IfiJSPECTI4N�- 7he Owner �nt! ,�'ichil�cl wlll make wislls to lh� Siie lo f�millari�¢ lt�ems�ive� wllh tl�e pros�res� anrJ qu�lily ol Ihe W❑r� and to def�rminc if 4h� wer� i� pr❑c,ceding in acccrdance wilh !ne Can[�act dacu�nen:s, On tne n�s=s c�[ ¢n-site ob�ervatians end r�,orts cs�ncer�ring the �rogr�ss and qudii[y �f �E�e wark, px� �wn�r ancs Ar�f�lie�l w;ll approve an� auihaiire lf�e Coi�lrazlor's appllcai�cns ioE pavrnenls_ C� ,4LITHC]RITY Y� S70p VUORM: TFc� City +srilF hav� ���lhr5rily ta rej��l wdrk thai doe5 no[ cor�fo�ifl lo �I�e Pker.�s aixl Speeiiicalicns_ LVh�.never, Ir� ils re�s�iabl� apinion, �hie Gi�y consldeF� Il necessary ar advl�abie ie� flrdar la insur4 ih� proper reali2alio�7 af 11�a �nlenl ai 11��; Pla�s ar�d Speclfitaiinns, f3se City will have au�harity la raqu:rc �13r. Cantr�c6ar ta sl�p fhe w�rk ar any punian ther�af, �r 1p r�r�lFir� s�ci�l ins��ckip� or;esli�r� r�1 �na Wark tvheih�r or nal such Work t�e ihen fabr�[ed, inslaile� or c�npl�k�d. The Con[ractor �hafl be responsitle for ;ne �a�! of specE�9 1nsp�ctEons �nd E��ling for wc�rk lhal Is found no! kts cornp�y w�,li Ille pl�i�5 and Sp�Ci[ica':ians. �-7 SuaS7Afur�A� CohlP���IOFa INS¢EGTi4N� �Jp�n a�re�rn�nl o� the �antraclor and Architeel Utia� the 1h'pri� is subslantialEy ear,a���;a�:, N�e O�uraY� wlfl scfieduie � Suhslanilnl Cainplelian Inspectiqr� �a h� c�rn�iu�led by t+�o Archit�ck anti alE�nd�d lay repY�senl3Civns of llie Arr.liit�cl, C?wnrr �nd C�:rnr��l[�,, I€�:�ns id�ni�fi�d dtiriaig �h�s inspection as t�i�rg incort�pC�le, defec:Gve c,r deiicienl shall hc ��.cofparal�� i�vl+� � p�inch lisE and atiac��ecl Eo tn� AfR daaimern G7�4, wnfcft is ta b� pr��r�� oy tha Arehi:e� and signed fry Ihe C�l�clor, and ace�p[ed, approv�d and signed 6y Ihe Gwner. C�9 Rt�HT �Q Al161T: Cnnirac�,ar a�rees th�i ehe �Ity shall, unlll lhQ c�qairation of #hr�s� years alter fir�a� pay�nent urrder [#�is canlraci, have ac�ss lo and lhe righ! io examine any dPreUlly per#inenl F�aak�, doerimenls, �apers and records af 1ha �nntracl� invalw;rtg �r�rtsaclio�i� r�laii��g lo ;h�� tonlr�l. Ccjrilraclor Itrrthe� agre�s to Include in all f�ls subecx�lracls h�reunr�er a pro�r�sion �a lhe ef�ecl tls�i t1:e suhconlractar agrens Ntif�l !he City sfi�all, u�7lil 1f7� efisir2loaf5 of Il�fise ye3€s 2fler final payrr.enl undar lha st3hr,�nir�c1, haue ac�sss io and E� e�ghl in axamine any diteCliy �rEin�n� boak�, d❑cument�, papers and recc}rd� oi such �ubcxxa€ractor, invo�+rtng L�ansactians ta Rhe su�can[�act, The terrn "fiubr,ontrac#� � usod h4reln in�udes purchase oeders. C�nir�etar a�r�2s io pltatocopy �uch docurnenls as may 6r requ�sted }�y Ih¢ ckky, ThQ �ily agrg€�� ta reimt�urs� Ca�Sractar {ar ihe �as?s oF�opi�� a1 th�g r�t8 publi4hpr! i�1 th6 TQx�s Admini5lral�v6 CCde. C=9 TERP111NATI0?J AfVO �liSpENSI�N �F W4Rf(: The Own�t h5�5 !]'ie rigl�t !o l�rrnin�le lhe RrQjecl iar $ny ra�san, If llte pF4j�Ct Is le��nalFd, ihe Cp�trar..snr siall� a} SEc�p w�ric under tl�e Contract on t�tie dele and to ll�e sxlenl S�ecifi�d on Ihe r�aii4� af terrnin�l�on. b) Pface na iur�her arders or subconlracts except as n�ay t�e �ec?ssaey foc tire cnmpleii€�n af Ihe w€�rk nai iorminaEed, �j Torminaie aq ordars ar+d sub�ontr��ts lo the axionl �I��i thcy rel�+�e �o lhe per�ormance ❑F 1hi� ,h-ark l$r�slnater! by ths Frolica c�i larminafian, I�FlE� ke�rninalion as a�o�la, !he City will p�y Ihe Gantractor :� profrorlionat� pFrt of the conlract price k�s�d an the wrirk sampleled; pravided, hov��ver, t�at the amouni of payment an termination sna� noi exceed a��e tolal �ontr�ct price as r�educed �y tne poriicm. lherep! 211�Gable Co the wffrk nol Co�npleted and iurihef r�duGet� by lh� 2mounC Df p�yr���r�ts, id, a�y oEharw�se vn�oe. Conlractor shall sulxnil ils e':�im fnr am�urts dua afler l�rm�nation as provided In thi5 paragr�,�h within �0 d�y� afl€�r rec�igl of such �fairn. In LI1� �"�i�6fFt Of ��jf dISC}�tg Of C�f��+'4VC�j1 �S t0 th� {J14�}f10��+ 4€ AII�WBbllil�+ GT 8II Of B�4y j79{IIOri �f SIJ:.l7 c{�irn undee this par�gra;�h, :�uch disputa or �ontrnversy sl�all 6e resolved ai�d 6e dec�e�ed {�y ihe C+ry Ccuneil of th� Ci[y a( Forl Warltl, snd the dec�:;�on t�y lMe CiEy Coui7cll of thi� Cit� r�f For� 41for�h s}iap be Mal dnd ��n•:lirx� upun all parlic� ta �his c.pntrir.9. 3ECTIQ�1 p CONTRACT{]R D-1 li]ENTIFICATIQN: fhe Conlraclor 4s ik�e parson a� or��ni��iinr� idenlifirsd as such in tl3e Gonlract. T}�� t�rin �on[racini means tl�a �anirackor or his euCh�rized raprescnlalive. Caan�ra� Condilions t� tha �antr�ct fnr �;anakruciinn Lump �€�m �vnUacl P�ga 4 a� 28 C�W PM{7 - Crime lab Ft,ll fiuildir.g �en�rainr Re�laeemer�l - PFoject �l1C}298�5 Augusl 2+��3 a-2 1NOEPENdENT CONT�ACTDR: Conlractor shall perform all u�rk and �rv�ces hereunder as an inde�,end�n; cn�til�actor, not a: a��,nl, � empl�3yee nf 11ze �ily. Co�lr�ct� �had ha�r� px,cku5ivc c.an�ral oi anci Ihe exclu��ve ri�hL lo eantrol lhE d�t�ils af thee ti�+ark �nd servlc�:c p�rfbrr�ed #�eeeur��er, an[! a!i per�nna perio�rning s2n7$. and G+7nU �Ckor �h�ll �c snlelyrespartisibl� for �h� actfi pf i�; nffirr.rs, �c�rt�, an�i rmployees_ No�hln.c� h�rein shall �re cs�nsirued as crealing a�arinersFiip or jaini e:nier�arise belurean Gi4�r and lhr, Gontrac4cx. •4s off��ers. 7g�inl3 �nd ernployee5, and �he da�irine �� �espar�dent suparinr snalC r,ol ap�S:y d-3 R�IIIEUV [}F ��hkTRACT D�tCII�EFJYS; Thtie C�ntractor shall cae�Eully sludy and eern��<�r� 1he Agmomvrid, C�ndilions �f thc �nntr�ct, Ura�,srings, �;��eificati❑ns, Add�ride �nd motEiii�ll�n� �r�d shaH �1 or�c� Report f€� U�e Owner �n4 to th[t Ar�l�ii�ct any er�pr, Inc�r�s9stenuy or 9misslon he may di���uer. Yhe Gpnirze�ar s�lall da no �rk svlthaul apFsroved 8uhmiitals, Qra�nnnrs, Spe�i{l��lians anr! Inlcrpre��lions. d-4 SUP�F2Vl�lOfJ: T'�� ��antrszc[ar shall s�perv:se and �lire�l lhe Wc�rk, uslrly ��5ol���ife 5fE111 8nd aftenlidr�_ He 5�'��hl qe soi�ly resFor,si�:a r�- all c❑nstrucli�,ra means, rnalhads, saFely, lechn�ques. sequen�es and pracadur�s and iar coDr�inalhsg all pnrtions oi l�e V1+ark under Efie (:on�ract ��Guri�erlf6. a•5 LABC]R APiO MATERIALS: Urlless A[harl+�lse speci�i:.�i�y n���d, the �[sntraetor shai� provlde and pay far all I��o-, rr�ala�iais, equipment, to❑Is, eonstruci€�n e€�uhprnenl and ma�Y�inery, water, heal. �lilllies, t+�ns�or�[io�e and athor FaciliEies �nd servic$s n�cessary f�r ifne proper exoc�Ftian and campletton aF ihe Wark. T1i� G��Ir��t6F y.�lA tis� Eis re85$n8ble t5a.�1 �If�sY[5 ko f7lre 14C21 labor�r�, workmen and rnateri�lmen, ihe r��nsral conditlan �, noi ta �e conslruct�d as limilirx� ,ha rlqivl oi tije Conlraclor to er�iplayee la6nre�, w�rkmen nr rr�alerialr�on from n+alsidc lov�� �r�a Tha Cor7lraclor snall at a!f 11rt�� enf�ece s#rlcd diseip!ine and �ood ardRr �emnru,� h�s £mplayees, and s�all noE �m�oy ar� lrr� �+�ar1c any unllt person or anyorie n�E skilled in lhe la�k ass:c�r�ed to f�im_ D� �fiMF'L.�A��� 4NI�`li ,AND �hl�OR�EMENT OF P�EVAILIN[� L1�AG� RAT� nutv !o nav Prr.�ail;n;�.Vva__;�c F�ai�s, TI,� C�ntraclor Shiall Corilpl�l Wilh 311 f6Q��YEr�}21�1� ai �hrapter 225�, Texas Gov�rnnkeitil �o�e (Cl�a�E�r 225#�1� �ncl:�dinr� Ihe Payrner,t af not tc�ss ihan Ih� r�tes deler:nineQ by lh� Cily Co�rbcll �f zlt� C€�y �f �aR !�L'�Xh iC be lil� prev�illn� urage r:�tes �n aoc�arr;a�yce wit3� Cnapie� 2�5�. Su�� pr�vaiflnp wag� ral�s are ineJudad Ir� ihese canlrac! dac�m�nls. P�rbaitY f�r 11i�121ip�. A cpn�raclor or any su6conlrvctor who does nol p�y !h� �rev2illrti� w�qe siaalk, up�» dernan�i made �y Ehe City, Pay to lhe Gity �fiD for eaeh wcsrk�r ern�lay8d i�r �;�ch e.als:ndar day ❑r p��,rt af fhe day th�l I�e worker � paid less Ihan tf�e prevaiEing vra�a rstes sl'ipulaled in [h�se �on�racl da�urnenls. Tliis penally shall be retalned �ay 137e �ily Es ofiset iis adrnfnislr�tliie c.o515. �wrsiianl tn T�xa:� �overnment Co�e 2258.923. Camplaln�s. o� 1lfnlaHons an€� Ca"tY �eterminalioi� of G�d Cause fln rooeip# nF infrFrnialion, indu�ing a c�iinpkaint hy a w�rker, q�n��r�ing �r1 ��leged +r19=�Ci�r� of 2�58.023, Tex�s Go�r�rni�enE Code, by a corrlract�r �ir suUcflntracFor, Ihc Cily shall m�ke an irtlifal delerminali�n, tief�re lhe 31" d2ly �IROr Sno d�'�Io 1re G��y re��kv�s lhe InFormafinn, as lo vrhelher gec�d e�cise e.xl�ts !o believe lhat 1he �rl��iidn a�c�rred_ Tfse Ci�y shal! naliFy ln vufRir:g !he c�ntraclor or stF�^or�tractor and any aff�clnd wnr+�ar ❑F ita lnVl�a1 dctrrininalion. Upof� tho Gily's de�errninaflun t�ia� il�ere IS �90d C�USB i4 bEI1�VB lh� Cp�1r�'�Cl� 9r SU�C4�f�aClqr fi��$ Voolal�d Gitiapkar 2�58, N}� City sh�ll r�la�n !hr Eull t�mrx�nls �iam�ed ay khe ckaim��t er cl�lrnar•ls � lfie d;Iierenc� he[rv�en ��r�ages {�id and vr�ges due ue�efer Iftis prevallie�� wage rate�, su�F� arrtoun�s tfeEng sui�ir�cfed from sucr,essiv� progrfl�s paymenl� per�ding � fin�p deie�r+iinalian af Ihe VioEdlion. Arl�llr�lian RE�uired if Violaliary Not Reso�vod. An iss�e resiaC{ng to �n all�ged vinlalian of Seetfan 2�58.�23, Texas Goverriment C❑de, includ��g a penav€y awed la If7e City ar �n attect�d wearker, sha�l n�r s�+bmiHed ia binding �rh;Iralifln fn s�ccordanre wiiN �itie 7exas G�noral ArSiieaii¢n A� {nrt,c�e 224 �R se�., Ravised 5[awies) if fli� contrac�ar or �b�ontractrx and �ny at�e�ted wror�cer d4 noi resolv� �i�e +ssu� by agr�a��ni t�for� Eh� i5lr, �ay afusf !I�� Cl�f� �i�e Cli}� makes ils In�lia! detar�lnaii� purs�ani ta p�ragrap� (c� �h�ve. li !ha persa�s reyuir�d to arbi�rate un�c�r i�is sc�c�lon dq n�l t'1�]r�G n�t �n s3rlr�ir�l4r b�I�r� illp 11 Cil elay dfldr 111e [1:ilB ll�ak arbikration is r�quired, a di�rict coun �hall appolnt ar� arbitratar on Ilte �lilian of any csf lh� p�rsorss. T}�e C:ily i� noi � p�rty in the �r�ilr�Gon, 7he deci�ion and au�ard of th� artzitrator is iinal and bind+ng nn aFl parlies end may he er�far�ed in any eovrt oi campetant j�risdiclia�. fZecar�s to be h9a;nl�irroed. The Contras;tor �nd each subGan�raclnr shall, fnr a perlad n! lEsree {3J years fn]lrr�r»g tlie �ale a1 �cc;eptan�e oF th� 4Vork, rnainl�i3� records tl�ak show {i} lhe nama an�! accupa:ian oF each ve�risAr �mpl0yed ��+ lI1B C41lrcCioi lil 1I16 cons�uclion nf lF�a 1Nork praVlded fot Iri tliis Gixllr�Gl; and (i�j lhe actual pe.r diem wafle� paid [a eacl} wor�rar, �fhe rscords shall be apen alall rsasanable hours farinspeclion by lha �ity. .he pra++�s�ons a� ii�e Audil sect�on oF lnese canlrsct d4�umen6s sNall pertain la lhis irtis�eclian. P8y Esf+rn�aiez, VSllth [��Ch p�lii�l paymen! esklmale dr payraik perl�d, w113C#l�ver is 1e55, lne Canlra�tor shall snhmil an at�dau�i Si��ing ;haE f1-�� C:r�nir�ai�r I�as C}�I1PIi4d S+JIlI7 ti74 [4{jUlfi'.men6s nf Gt�ap�er 2258. Taxas Go�ernrner�� �dde_ Pcaf+�o ni IN�n� R�tes- The Conlradoe shail p��[ ��e pr�v�lling wage rstr� in a cor�picerous olace sl the sile a! lhe proj�ea at alf [�rnes, SLlb�Antr��Ear CfafflpNan�e� TN� C6f11YdC10Y ShSII 1�1GIUf�B iF1 ifS 9u�70r]fYil`3CI8 811��8f S�Safl Q�I��ryVIS4 �9fjl�IC� r7II �f iifi �ui�iSQpnC�$C��fS �p car�ply wlth paragr�phs (a} Shrqugh (g} ahov�. On proje�ls where spe�81 +r�[#tge f�tes 3pply {9,g. DavEs-13acan} Ih� �onlraclo� �gr�� Eo m��i al� r�c�u€r+�ment� o( such prQgr3ms. fisneral C�+rdi4ions af t}�e C;a3lr��l lor Canslr�clion L�rrip Sun3 �vnt� �e� Pag� 5 of �6 C�W Ph1C} — Cflnte L2b CuN E3iiil�ing G€nrralar ftepiac�rnenl - Pro�ect #1�29$� Au�]usl �C1:�3 �-7 WARRA1VtY: �he Cant.actor wa�ra�ls lo �htie Ovmer and th$ Ar�hiE�ct ihai a!I �7��C�nalY �nd equipr��nl furnlsl7�d under #his Ct�n[raci will Le new unles,� ot�erwise spnci(i�d, and lhat all wnn�; wl�l be af qoa�l qualily. fr� Irorn faulks and d�lecls, an� In C�nf�rinant0 +uilh Sho Canlf�Gt CJ�Gumenls, Alk 11r�rk �oi 50 ot��forming !d 1he59 stand�rrls ntay �i� cr�nsidared dEfectlue. IF requlred hy Ihe Arrhit�l or the Cltivner, ihe Conlractor sha91 furnl�h satisiaci�,ry �v+¢�nce as #o lhe kln� and qu�llly ai rnafd[iaEs �nd r�yuiprnc[�t, Prior in oocx,pancy ❑f tne prc�j�ct by ihe O+unor, the Canlrac�ar �.�arran�ies and c,hligai�o�s to aareacl d9[ective WnEic ��clusl� remedy far damagP er de[nci caused 6y {ij ��use by It�e �}wner's separa�e c�ai}1r�r,trar�, or (iij r.tiadiiicatEons m�de L,y the Owner or rh� b;�ner's so�a�aie ear�ttaclors_ lliler occupancy nF I�� Rr4iecl �y Ihe 4,�m�r, �rF$ �`r{]flYfoGIOF W�f7r�f1{IES �rd n�efigalions tb correcl daf�ctive 1+4+arx exclude rr:mtr�y !ar da�nac�e or siefec4 c�used ksy (ij abu�a, {�f} moc�ificaliartis nat Qxeculed Dy ihe ContraG�r, {iill ni7pr9per or Insuffieaenl maintenar+ce, �ivj impraper operal�on, (v} nannal we,�r �nd ke�r, or (vl} rtorntiat usage, Tftie w�rrar�ty provided in sh�s �acl�an shaN ho i� addilic,n to �nd noi irl lirnflails� af ar�y nlhor u�anan4y ar r�medy previae�i �y law or ihe Conlraci aar.vrnenl�. �?-� TW{E5. The �ontrar.lor i� ax�,rr3p1 frarn $tatc 5a�es Tax on inal�rlal hnaxporated inla ihe iinished canslru�li�, Excise and Llse Tax. Cquipme�l a�d malerials nr�i �r�rtsumEci by or inr�rpa�aEed �nlo Ehe work are subjecl ta 5kate sales laxes und�t House Bill 11, �n�c tod Augus: 15. 19� �. �-9 LIC�N��St NOiiCES AN[� ���s� The Conlraclar shaif obi�ln �il Permils, Lkcens�s, G�ni�cates, a�d I+�spc�tiar:s. wheEher perma�nnt or lemporary, requir�cf hy I.sw ar lhese G�nir�cl p�iimenLs. 7he Cily of Frr�! S�Ilartlw �uilclir�g ancl Tra�P P�.rmil feos �r� wa3Ued, Sep���[e permils r�ay he r¢quirr�d fw ��ch wcrk loc�lio�t. If the Cololr�elc�r �Ilaws any penn�l ln oxpir�, he sE�all t�a respansihie ior aEl re��ewals inc��ng any assoeia#eU fees. The GonlracEflr shall give aEl Nolices and comply wilh aEl E.au�s, �rdinances. Rules. R�yulaifnns 7nd 9Klers oi any pu711e aulhoriky 6earing on Ihse perforrnance pF the Wot'�c. 1f lhe Go�tlr�UtoF �b��n+es or l�ecom�s aware tha4 any oi ilze Ga�lrael Oocu r�en4s are d� �an�ncQ iherewiih in any respect, fie shall �rn:n�tiy r�olify !hc Itrehll�r,f �nd C�wnor i� �+ir�lln(� �nd a�y ri�ee�s��jr ct!ange� tuill be rnad�. If 1he Gonlraclar peri�rm� �ny Work knowing l#�ak iE is I+� �ial�tion af, or oanlrary [o, �n�� c�f Su�h Lau.m, Sl�l�i��s, �h��ter, C�rclinar7c�s, Orc€ers a� piracln+e�, Qr r��g�il�iion� w+l�ipul fumisl3sng t���icg lo ihe Avcliilaik and Ovmer, th� Con[racior will assurne full responsih:liiy Ihneflfore anri i�ear all cosls atlri[�ulak�le �her�lr� �-1Q C,4:�11 A�L4U1�I1NCES: �h6 �rllracloe gha�l incl�[iQ In ��s �ofiU2Cl 5lirn all r�ll�wances slaied ln l��s �an[ra�l Doc�menEs. These �IIQ+�+anccs sf5al! cave� th� nel oosl of lhe materlal? �r,d eq�Epr�en� delivered ancl �nlaaded a! liti� s�te, and alf appllcab€e taxas, 7ht� �pnlraclo�s han�lln� cc�sls �n ih� sile, 3ahor, inslaHafion cosls, nveriiead, prafit art� o�her ex�erue� coniempiaaed for ihe ariginal a�lojr�ne� sfiall he inckuded in ShA Contractar S��m and nai fr� Iha alld�+�nca. TI� ConlracJlor sisal! eause ��e ihlork covered hy lhese �Ilowan�s ta ba perfarn7ed for such arr��unls and by sU�h perspna ae lh� Owner rnay dir��:t, b�,t lie wiH rrot h� r��;uired lo ornploy p�rsnns agair�sl wharr� F�e rnakes � re�st�n�ble ohjeclion, ff lhe eoss, wt�en oelermi�eri. Is m�r'9 than ffr less 1h8n A1e �IIp�N��Ce, lhe Gor��facl Sum sh�ll b3 �djUSt�d �GG4fdll7�ly I]y Gh2nge O�ide� whi�h u�ill IneEud� a�fdilional handling casts ❑n Ihe sE«, I�kxs�, insts fl�i�on co�ls, field o�erl�e��, pro#i! �r�d o[he� dEreci expr.�sas r�sultinr� to the ConlractoP frorn sny incraa�e a��r Il�o ori�inal allowanee. �-11 SUP£RIHT�N9EHi: The C�nlra�Ea€ shall crnploy a cornp�tenl sups:inlendenl and necessary assistanES who shall bQ In aktendan�a at tha Prajecl sil� rkiring lhe pror�ress d ll,e L'Uork_ The superintendenl shall bo safisf�ciory Ca iktie Own�r. T#�e sup�rin[e,ndQnt s�ali represent khe Ga7iraelor and all cn,nmun�c�li❑ns givAn ra !he su�arin�andent shall 6e binding as If givan la kMa CoreErac,ar. Irnport2�, caPnmunlc:�tions ui�l h� c�nfirrneC� In w�lling, Dtl'�r �r11U+11��tEC3i1u will be so confirrnvd pr� wr�ilrzn reqc:ast in ea�Eti cvse. []-12 R�S�DNS]BILITIES FD_R EM�LOYEE3 AN� SIJB�C}hfTRACT�RS: Ths ConiraClo� sh311 �e resj3orrsf�ile la the Ou�er far fhe aels and csmissians af a�! Itiis �rn�Ioy�es and all Sub-caniractars, Il��ir �gsnls �nd employe�s, and �li oEhar persons {�arfa��ni�,r� any of ths Wark undera cL}n�,,;ct v,�ilf� lf�e Canl��ct4r. ❑51� FAIL!]R� TO �OMM�MCE 1h1DRF[� Should !he Cantracior faEl to begEn lf�e Werk herein �rov:dc�d Fn� w+IhEn !he tim� h�reiiy fix�d �r !o r.arry on and cei�pfcic: Ilje 4aine �ecording tc 1halru� meaning qflhe Gntent �nd t�rms oFsal� Pl�ns, 5peciFrcalion5 and Gc�nlr�cl Do�au'ne�3l�, l��sr lhe Owr�r sha�l i7avR 1hR righl 10 €eilh�� d9rndnC ti�� 5ur�ly t� lake aL�er the iNork and cnnipleCe sar��� En aceorrfanca wlih lhe Gonlract Cl�ic�ments or �n tnks �t��rg� qf and �ompiele lf� 1Nc�rk in su�h a rnanncr a; i4 may Ceem proper, and iE, in Ehe csrrpY�tion Iheraol, !h� cdsk to Ihe said Cily shall exceed Ihe cenirsc� pri�c� or pric�s sel [oilh in �he said pE�r�; s�r1d s��c:€�cal+or.s rnade e paW hereaf, ihe Gan[raclor and�nr iis S«rcrty sF�a11 p�y said City on demand in vr�i�ing, seliir�g forth a�tl ��;eciry�ng an i�ernlzed sialement nf the ±otai �ast ther�€�. ;aid axcess cost. p-1�4 �1�9G1��5§ SGH�EIU!-�: i he Cor�fra�.tor, ir�timedi�lely ��lar 6eing awardQd ilui r,onlracl, shaJl �+rep�re and sutimil for lhe Architact's 2nd Ouincr's �ppYovaJ, �r1 ��tirnaEed prvgrass �ci�edule For t�e Work. Ths progress schedule si7all be �laled !o lhe en[irc I'ro�ect and in�icat�; cntical �a[h. T3�is schedule shall indi�ele ttie dates for the startin� and r�m�let�on oi khe various �laies af Co�lSfru�lion �nd �h2�11 qg €B4+5ec1 as requit�d by llte 4flt�ditEtins Q[ Ihe Wark, suhjact !o ihn Arr.hilecl's approval_ It shall also indlc�te IhQ Oala� f�e �ubr�il�s�en �nd approval ❑f �lsap drawings �rnd subrnis�a�€ as �vel! as Ihe deflvery s��edule f�t majar pis�s of eq�p�nEnl a ndfor ma terials. Tll� �4n�raG#i�F 5�16 il �ut�tr�lt ar� updaied prar�ress schtadu�e I� the Arcnitect and C�+vner at �aasl monthfy far approvel along wilh lhe C:nniracRor'� rnonlhiy pr�qrass payment requosts Ger�erat Can�llii�ns a[ tha Conl�cl for Conslruetlnn Lump Sum Conlract p��� � c{ �g GF1�! Ph,ia—Crime Lab Full #3uiltling Ge��r�lar R�pl�cemenl - Proj�r�#102986 Aug�asl �42? b-15 6RQWIHGS Ahf6 SPECIFECAfI�NS A7 TNE SIT�: Tfie Can�rarlor �hali r*�alniain al ihe siie far !he Owner r�ne r_�y of all Grau+inr�s. Sper,ificatit�rts. Ad: crda, �pprpv�d Shnp �rawsn�s_ C�at�go O'r�er5, and �ihcr Ch�n�as aexi Amr��dm�nls in g66d order arid mark�[; �a re�on! all cY+anqe� r7►ade durfr� conskruclfon, 7h�se sl;all al�o be avallab�c� la !hc 14rchftec#, The C�raw+ngs, rlearly m�rked lo re�ord �II chann€:s made durErig eanslrucllor�, sh�ll he deli�+�r�d la �he Arclii[�t uu�i� c�mpl�li��i a� ihe Work. The llrr�iiilcci will preparc, �nd pravide fa tne C3wnCr, ane ccinpi�l� se� nf rEpeoducible rEeard tfr�win�� QI Che WC�rk. D.iB SHO� �RAWifVGS AHD SAMPLES° 5hap pr2v�tinr�s ar� dravuings, dl�r�rt�rms, Illuslrati�s, Sr.�edciles, �EffGrman� ch�rts, ❑rnrh�lres arxi olhcr data r�E�i�h are pre�ared hy lhe C�ralra�inr or 3ny Sui�ro�itr�clor, rnanuF3clurer� SL14}f]IIBr pf di5ifi�]�llpfi and whi�+� II]t�s�r�t� so=ne ;�ort+an af k�� V�Fork. Th�rse rray �� nrovid�ri in �n �leckm�ic forrnry! �ccapla�!a la ih� ArchliecE, 5arnp�es a�� physi„al e:�nples furni�hed 6y !he C.flnlractar 1� �Il�stra�e rt►�t�rRals, equipmenL t,r warkmanslvip, ard la e5labGsh standards i3y w[�ich �ha +Nork wlll he judgcd. Three capies oF all physlcai examp�as �hall �e pro-vld�. TF;e Contr�ct�r shall rev3�sv, epprove, 3nd submft, willi reasdE�ai�l� pre�rnpiness and in ard�r9y sequence sa as lo cause nQ delay fn Ch� iAJork ar in ths; wari� of any alh�r ,onirackar, rarmally •uitfii� ik�e Fir�! 90 days of I�e work, Chree e�pfas of all shop arawings aniJ 5amples rec�uired by the Cai3lraci Documenis or subsequer�ily by lne �.rchileel as cauered by chang�,s or arnen�mc�n[s, �np� arawings and Sarnp�es sfwnll �ie properly itlentified as saee�iied, ar as �he Architecl may require_ At the iiine aF suhmi�i€�e� lhe Gontra�i�r sf��ll infomi t�e +4r�hilpct i� v�rilir�� of ar�y de�+i3fi�n in tha Sl�o� �rawings ❑F 5arnples irom lhe requi�r�enls �# ll�e ConCrar.i Do�umei74s. By ap�aving and suhrriUir�g SY�op �rasvin�s and S�mples, lhe CariiracEor tlSereby represer�ls t}�ai Fie iias cl��ermined anc! verified af] [ield rrQasurernonl�. flold oQnsi�uciton cr�l�,ry�, m�,l�ri�l�, �atalag rc.�mhcrs �end simElar dala. ar�cf thai h$ IS�s c�ecked �nd r�o�.+dinal�d ��ch shap drawi�g g«�n In tfie Cc�nlract f]���aments. th� �t{cfiii��t's approv�l �f a so��+reie ilem snal� +srsl �ndic�te aFpro++al oFan asse[r�t�y In which the rt�m funclinns, 1f}e ArG�isfc� will review and a�prove �hop l7r�yrings and 5amples w�1ii reasonabfe peampiness sa as lo cau�e no delay, but anfy f�r cnni�mance wihh the desec�n concept oi lha Projeet and k�ilh liti� inforrnaiiun giv�n i37 the Corlract �aca�r�ents_ The Arc��ileci's appmv�l n[ a separal� �lorn shala npl Indicate a�p�vai af ari 9�seml�Ey jn which t�te F�erri Fur�clions. The Coniracl❑r �3iall ntek� ar7y carr�ek;ons requirad by the Architecl and shal� ras�br�il ihe �r�uirod rtumberof corrccle.i �PIeS Of 5hp�s CJI�v.�lrfc�s �� F��7w:��rnpl�c until s�p¢ro+�e�l_ TI� Contraeleu sF�ll r�ireei speeific atE�r,�ion in wnling r�r on resu�rni�ler� 5hcp Dr��r�ings to reuisions cther lhan the ovfr�ctiarts �eq�e5led ta+�iiie Archilaui 6n prdviauS Su6riii65ic��5; T�« Ar�hi[eci's app����+�1 �ii 5�•op L�rawlitc�s or Samples sh�ll noi relleue ihe Gontract�r ol responslbllily for any deaiatian from tha r�au�remera!s of �J'�2 Canh'at�t Qe�:u�nenis unles� ikse Ci�nttac:tcv }�as +�5f011119d 1h� AfCf1lt�Cl ifl N+i7tl�q Of SIJCh dEVl2ll70l1 2t Ih@ t1n�5 6� sUb�i���an 3nd tha Arr.fiiter.l �i�s ni+�pn writk+n ap�rotieal la 13ia specKc devi:�ilan. llrc�hiileC�'s �pprn+rai shall nal feil�ve lhe C�i���i� act�r fram responsibi�iiy f�,r errar� c�e enrissions m tlae Sh4p tirav+tngs oe �am�lc�. No portian of trie Wnrk �equiring a Shnp pr�wln� ar Samplr s�,hmi9�lnn sl�all 6e �mmenced until liie �lr�hl�ect F�s �ppr��ed lfre 5k�l�rn+tl�l. Ali SI1Gh �Ortlt��iS i�� 119e W4�k SI1311 kFB if� 2�v+',�ir��nG� wiEh 7RA�v�r1 $h4p �t�v��lf�gs Snd ��ntij�l�:5 P3ylneF�1 ior �hr�p Qruwirc�s wlll nat be rn�cie uniil st�.ey ar,� appreveri �y titie Archilecl rxr Gity. �-iT $17E U5�' Th6 �6�titf�4lt� Sh2lil C4nf;ne o�er�tion� �t lhe �Ita t❑ aress permilt�d hy law, �rr��nances. pennF#s and lhe Canlracl Qocurnenxs ;�ncl slFall na! unr�asonabl;� en�urnt�or the s�te wilh a►�y rnaieri�ls or equlpjreent. Uniii a�ceptance of Ifie Vt�or�s Gy tF�� C�Ey, th� oniire silc al ing L�1a•k �lixil h� uj�d�r ille �x�:lu�iva �Ciillydl. :ar� and respon�L�ilily o# il7e Cc,nlr��iay. CanE�ac.UP SE1all lake every prec�ufinn againsi rnj€rry or dar��aga lo �f5�P5 Qf jJ;O�}�h]f 6j� I�i� SGCi4Fl af khe elernents ar fro:n any alh�r rause wf�alsc��ver. The C�nlro�loe sf�alE rebulld, repair. restore and make goad at his own expanses ail injurir�s c�r dam �geN ko any porYians oF t#�a'allork ocC�s��ned by Anyuf ih1� 3h[�Ve, ���u;,ecl hefore aec�ptance. �-18 Cl]tfiING ANb �A�GHIP�� �� V4fOC�kf: 7ha C,onlractor sh�il da aH cuRing, f�ltfng ar patching QE his Xh+ork ilt�i m�y re,qsFire rnaking ils sevaraf p�rls f41 [oga[h$r pr•:aperly, �i7[I ,hall nol enda�g�r any Work hy cuttl�g, excaaaE�ng ur oiherrvise niterinc� lt,e wnrk ar �ny �art ot it. �-�9 CL�AH U�: Tf�e Conlra�tor al alf lir+�es shall k�ep f��e premises #res fram accumulaGan �f wasla rnake� �ls or n�hb�s�. Ai lhs compl�t��n ni lhe'N[�rK he slu�ll �moti�o a+� hi5 was!e. ma!eeia[� �nd rubtsis}� Frmn �3n� 3Coul ihe ProJeet as weil �� all hl4 loa§s, cur�strucRioi� equlpn�er�l, machlnery as�d surplus m�leriais. an� shall cl�arr all gl�ss �urf,co� and feav� she Vt+ork "Sr�r�m•c�can" ❑r its equivalr�nt, exce�l at oifwe.rwise speckf�ed ln additlan lo reniauai of ruhbish and leaving ihe fo�ildings "bfc�am-clean", Co�airactQr sha11 clea� all glass. raplac� any brok�n g�ass, roma+ra �lains, spevs, tnarks and zfirE irom dec�rated wn�, cl�ar7 hard�vsre. removs �aint spr}ts and sm�ars frcm� ali sRrrf2e,.�s, c��?an f�stlure5 and wash alf a�ncr��, tile and le�ra�xa flaars, ff li�e ��ira�lar [ai15 la e�ean up, th9 Otanar r��y do �o, and lY�e c�st tlierer�# sha11 b� cher��� #ti ih� Conlracior. �-20 C9MMLINICAl1C5hlS: Tlr� Canlractor sl;afl Cerward �II cammur�€cali€�nS ta Ihe �wn�e thr�gh li�� Ar�ijecl. �-�1 G4NTRa�TOR R�GlUIR�€�ENTS CF�I FED�RAl.LY fUNQE[7 PR4J�GTS: �nlraciar shafl ahsenr� and comply v�lth t�3e requir�ment5 0� Il�e Ci#y af Fa#'Alorif� Fiscal �ep��irn�r�t, Inke�gav�rnrnenl<�I Aif�irz and �ran�s Managt�msnt afi at�IGrtod �n iho $uppleanenl�I Cundilion� containe� i�+ tl�e PtuJ�ci Manual. Gon€�r�! �ondilia�t� of !ha Conkd�e! f8� C4n5lruCliorl Lump Sur�i Cor1�f2�1 P�y& 7 of 2B C+-W PMO - Crime LaG F��Ik Buildirx� Genera4or ReplBceRTten� - Proaetl #102986 Au;�ust 2023 S�CTTON E &USGDNTRA�TORS E-1 a��lhllTlOhl: ,4 5u�[iniraC"at is a peFsorr o� crganE��lian th�t has a direr,l ,onlracl with lhe Cottlractor lo perft�rm �ny Qf lhe Work 2l Ch� s�le. T#7e i�rm S�hconlea�jr ig r@f��r$� SO ChlpUghCrul Il'�B Contr�cl D[iCuments aS if slnc�uizr in n�,rr�bcr arid mass:ullne fn gc:�der :�nrf r�rr.ans a S�6c�nk{actor o: his aulhd*92ed repres�n�ailvc hFalhing cantaln�Q in ti�a Cohvaci, Documcnls shall cre.ate any canir�cival refalion oetw�er. Ihe CY�mer �nd thr� Architr+r.l and anv suUcor,�r:�cto-�r any a� his suh-suk�conlra�iors nr n4�terialmeti. � E-� AhNAFz�i D� 5�I6CONTRAGTS� TI+� Gc�nlr��t�r sh�ll furnish a I�sl of lhe name� of �he su�carEractors o.� other po��ns or c�r{��niraliars (Ine11!cing tha;e Wh❑ ��4 tp j�rnisll maaerlals or equlprr,ern iabrica�ec� to a�pcaci�+i d€�si�n} proposad fnr such pc�rlions nf !he Wnrh as may be des�pr�ted in the t�idding requfremenls, Qr If nrxie i� so desi�rteted in l#fe bitkJir�g requirements, the narnes af tF�e �uheonlraekors proposed far �l�� ��rinr.�pzl p•�rlian� oi Ih� V�fark, Priar t� lf7e award of the Canir�ci, lhe �Irchilect sha�l ncti�ylh2 s��r�ssFul 6idder m vyriting E� t�ilh�r ,hc C�wne�ar p.rchitec:, �i�erdus In��siig�li❑rti, ha� roas��able abJect cn [o �ny persbn ❑r �ganiz�Gon on sue}� lisl. failure of lhe �wrier �nd Archkreci la make an qhj�l�4� lo �Fly pB�Sof! �r Org�ti22ilOr1 On lhe I�Sl pricr Ia lhe aY,nfS� �# t�ks �anlra�t s�al� nv! cortslilute acceplan�e �f such persn-� ar nrc�aniraliari. I!, pr�o-r !� lhe �ward af li�a �rxitracl, lhe �wnaF or Archliacl has an nhJeclive tn arsy �rs�n or�ir��ni�a[lon nn 5uch Ilsl, �nd refuses �� accc�� suclt �er�on or ar�7ai7�aalian, kltie 3pp2�erlt liwr blddeF m�y, prior la Iht� award, wviliidraw itiis bid wi[iiaul iorfeiiure of 6id s�cusiky. IF sue� tiidder sui�rniRs an occep[able s�l��tilul�, th� Qwner t�zay, a4 iks �iiscy�llon, accep! tl�e bid or 2ia may disqua�i}r lhe lo[d. IF, r��ter lh� �wSrd, Iha �wn�r ar Arr.hitecl flhfof:ts in wrillr�c� ica any parsan or argar�izet�an ar� s��ch tiat, [afe Co�iraUlor shafl pro+�ide an accept�ble �ubat�iu�e. The Cc7r,r��lc�r shall na# mak� any s�bslllutian for a�y Sut�cantraclpr �r per�on ❑r qrg�ni�aiion lhal has heen accepEed by Uie Oumcr and khe It�hitFr.i, ltf�l�ss �h� SutYtiiulio�l 16 3tso �CGepEgE51e [v !ha f]wn�.r and lh� Archi[ecL ��3 TERMS �F SL�BCC}hETR#CTS: Akl urork per#�rmed fpr lhle GfiniraClc]r {]y � �ubCnh�rseior shall h� pu€��an+ i4 an �pprapnaE�: ��rre:ise�il 4r�iwi�r �a�cr Grzr5lraclar ar�[f ifte �uhe�5n[racidr ��nd w�,arG appr4pri�le b�tv�ee�1 Sut�aonlrae�ors ar�d Sui� ss��eont�aetn�s) u��i�37 so-Yafl eontafn pruvi�i�s thal: 1. Pres�rre and pec�tecL the ri�f�ts QP tha Owner and tl�e Archite�i t:�yder lhe Con[racl wlt� respect Co the Work to be peri�eri under t�� sut3cQa-it�ct so th2� tl�e subcorrt�ecling ihetaai+r�dll nat praJudtcca such ricitits; 7. Require tha�such �+ork he �erfprtned in �c�ardance wlth �he eequ4�enients of tNe Ccunra�t E]Qcum�nts; 3_ R�;quir� subrnession Ea lhe Caralra�lor of applic�ti❑n� For �raym�nt �mder Qach suhcor��raat ta w�icl� the Cn�tr�clor �s a party, In reason�ble lirne to an�ble !I?r C�intractor i�s appty for paymenl; 4. F��q�ir� 1h�t �II Gaims for add:licrr+aE tosts, c�xtensfans oi iim�, d�mac�e�s far delays na� ail�erx;5� wiH1 r�e�peCi !fl sut�s:anErar,ietl pn�iions af �Etie W�rk st,ald be ;uem�kl� l� !he Gon2ra�lor (via any �ubcrx,tF�ctor tr Su�-subc�ntr�r.tr�r wh�� appmpriaEe} ln Ehe �nanr�r providr� in Ihe Gnnlrael �acx�manls for like claims by tn� Con�ractar upon ih� C]u,ner; 5. Wai�e all rlt�h[s ihe ciarilrc�-ting parlies may hau�a t�gainsl onc �nathc� far darnages causgcl liy fire or afher p�r3ls �e��+rad t�y II� prsperty insur�nco, �xco�t s�ich ric�ARs, li any, as i�ey may h�ve to pr�ceeds of suth ir��veanc€� hdd by llae Owner, and, �i_ �7l�ligale eaci� Subcenlraainr spec�ic��y dn consanR Ro ihQ prrrvislons oF this S�tlion A1� nf lhc provisi�n� set oul In thi� seck:on s}SaiR he deerr�€�cf to h�+� 6�en sncludr�d in overy sul7conu•ac[, �rsd ev�ry s�xhzanlract shall �e so c�n:�krr�ed and appfed a� !a lile Ou�ner and fhe Aec�i;ecl, wh��}�pr or ilot su[�5 provi�io�s �r� �5iiy3ically �ndu�fed in kh� sub- conEracl. E� MINORIiY aL151i51�SS EhiTE'RPRISE MgE ��huald lh� basa p►¢pasal be �5a,�0 or iess, th� requir�mranl5 ai �t9s secllo� do noi a�ly_ As �i June 1, 20�2, Th� Cily af Fnrl Worlii Is Implerrtented a new BUSir�ss 67ve�sity Ordln�r�ce {��Oj ta reticrt kr� Grty's availal�lliiy �rtid dispa�iiy siudy findings and rr�cammendaliQns_ �urin� this Iransiliors peried, inieresSed Of��r�� rnus� o6[a�n s M[3E listing fram the �l'��r Ofiic<;, 7his t+rill �naure lhaL ��1BE lislir�gs reflect un tho�e cu�rEaril'y cerlifi€�d 6y 1�e Nortfti Central T�xas fie�llnnal Ger;ificak�ar Age�cy fNCTFtCp,} �oca�ad in kh� six f��cntu��v r��agra#��ic ma�cel�la�e tl7al laave iaeen a::cepCed hy ln� C�ly 7he Cily-� geo�rapl7ic in�rk�lplace ir�ludes lhe counli� of: Terrar�t, �ailas, �erttsr�, Jaf�Ttsen, Ps�rker :,nd V1+Isa, Off�ror� a�e slron�iy encaur�qed to r.on�Fm �ha{ �aeh MB� lhai it inlenCs la use is IocaEed in llu� geographiG markeiplace Itial wisl 6e ceur.E�d lovaards the esiabflsfied €�as[. - In �co�d�nce wilf� C�ly ❑I Farl L5la.�#h �f�Qrsily Busin�ss Qrdinance {E�DOj N� 20020-12-20i1 {Ih� "Ordlnance"}, lhe Gity af Fart INorl:� sets goalfi �or the particlpa�ion aF hAinarily Buskn��s Enlerpnses (h�IH�) in Clly c�nlracts, �ndinance A�o 2{��20-1�-261t is incr,rparated Ir+ lh�se Genera� C,ondili��ss by r�f�rencr:. A ccpy of th� [j�di.nanr� r�ay Ge t�btaine� irorn !Y� ONi�e af th4 City 5ecrel�ry. ��llur� lu coniply wiih lhe Ord��ance:'i��l! l�e 4 naterial breach o€conlrara_ F*inr t� Award: Tho N6E3� dacumflnlaf�on requir�d �y U�� �ro��-ement solicltal�n m�rs: be sutamitl�d d�i+lfi�n f��e ofly Busins�s days allar llye aro�iasals are opene�. FaUure !u ca�r�ply will� lh�e Cily'g I�t75�n05S OIVEfSII'�I �i�If1aT1G�, Of tts de�nor�iralr� a"gaod Fait�y �ffort", s}�:i�i IEsull if1 a�Id balFlg cof141d8�ed no:a-eb�parsive, C�n�ral Condition� of 1he Ccnira�� For Car�slruct�on Lump Sum ���l�ack Paga 8 ui 28 CFW PI�fE3 — Crirrie Lai� Fr�ll Building GAnerhlar Ftepla�;�meni — Proj�ct �i102996 AtEpusC �023 C]ufli�y �oYt5lruCtlU�1: �Of11te�GtDl' Sh811 pPOVld� C4p�B5 bi Sul]C9�li'BCES 0� COSigf3B[j IEC[�f5 O� IfEkE�f�[ VJil�l ap�sr4ve� MBE suhc�ntrac:lors �nd or sup�l�ers �rtor to issuance aF lhe N�tice tn ProcEed_ Contrarlar shafl al�❑ prnvidc monthly rc�oris on utilizaticn a! the su�eanirac�a�s la Il�o NIMIBE �t#'�ce and 1h� dntiigr�atc�: zenresenSat�U� Idcr�Rif�ti Iroin within 1he Facitities M��kagem�nt �ivisian, �ornr��tor �nusL �ra�+ide ih� Gity wlth compl�t� and ar�urat� �erFormat€an rag�rd+rx� actuai w�rk perform�� h}+ an F.d�E on th� cantract � nd prcnf af payrnant lhereof: Goniraclor iuriher agrees lr� perfinit ar� af�dii a�dfar �xam:ii�lion o� any i�ooks. recnrds ar file� iri i!s �ns�c�ssivn CN�E will suhslanli�le the aclu�l u�rk peritin»ed by ai5 �1E#E. Tiae n�isrepresentaRian of fa�[s anclfor If7e cornrnlssir�n �si tf�ud 4y lhe �nn[r�ctar wssl b� g-ounds Fpr f4�rtilin�{ion ni ihc� con�ract andror ini[iaGrtg ��lion e�nder €,ppro�ria�$ fEd�r�l, stat�, br !oe&I I� or t�td:rl2nGE�& felaUrt� io f�IsE St�teRi�nL 1+n �Jffprnr vehn inl�nlianally andlar knov,r,ngly mi�r�prssenls rr*ateri�l Iacis sh�ll 6a de#errnined to �e an itresp�ns�hl� Of[��or and b�rr��i #roin parii�i;yt�iin� �n Cily work for �s p�ria� of lime oF nat less l�aan �I7ree {3� yaars, The Iaii��r� a� an {7it�r�r #o c❑mply +�ntf� thl� cr,�inar�e NASe�� SUCI� nUrl�eornpN�n�� constilutes b m�[erial hreaciti of oontracl �s siated hPr�ln, may r�sult in R�e Off�,rar heing dolerrn�ned la be an irresponsih{� �}ff�rnr and haered irom p�rtk�ipalir�g irt CIEy wnrk [nt a�erlod af t;me of a�al less liian ore �1 j yeaF. Th,e Cont�detar m�y cbw�t taward �he go�{ any li�r nf faiE�E ��oh�on4ractor� an�ilor �u�pliexs. l�hc Con�racl�r m�y count l�ware� iis �.�C � partion qf !he tokal dall:�e a�rtounl af lhe c:a��r3c! wii�� a juinl venlure equal �o IRtie oereeniage c�f lhe MBE par{icipalion [n the jnin� v�nlure Fora clearly €�e�ined poriio� oi tl�o v:s�� ta bfl perfornaed. All sumoonlrackors used in �ieet�7g tiie g�ials musR �re �$rtifiied priar Ea the awarcl aE lha C�nf�ad. Change �rctar�; Whenover a r�hange vrder afteds lho wflrk ❑f an MHE suboontr�cftrr or supplaer, tltie M6E shall be [�iven �n apparturuly !a �e�iorm Ih,� woek, When�r a�Ft�ng� ardar i� �54AQ� flr r+1o�, the MI+N@E Oifirt� Cb�tdltlBtUr stlall de[��r�lfne lhe gn��5 applicahle io lhti� v�r�irk ifl �� ��rFacr�ea un�er lTtie change order. l}�ring ihe terrn cf th� conlra�k ihe Canlraclor si�ali' �. I�iake rta un�usilE�ed chang�s ar delellar�s In Its MBE p�rkl;:lpatlan comniikmer�;s submiik�d wi#h ihe 6ir�lpropqsal ar dti�ng ne�l�t46n. w+Ehaul pnar submissie�n of Iho {�rp�r �rs[,a!rnentauon ��r �eviear antl ap�r�ueE L+y �he i�lBE �ffiae. 2. I� subst�niiaa se���,anlraclir}g �ncilur sup�lier upporlunities arise durin� !he !errn af any �onir�ct wh�n ih� Centractpr reprgsenE�d Fn ils hacllpr�aos��l tv ihe �ity Ch�t It alang would perfo:m t�,e s�rtyconlrac4i�rs��,p��r oppartunity wor�, tne C�ntr�c[or 5r,all n�i[liy iftie Gi�y befor� su�ca��racts i�r �,r�r� andr�r su�p�l�s ara aw�rd�d anC shali be re�uired lo cr�mp€y with suhseetx3ns of El�e �r�inance, £xclusi�e ai Ihe time fequfaer�erals st�Eed ir s�teh subS�ciinns. 3. Tfte Con�ractar shail s�ubmitic� th+? fvUW�� 4ffi�e FQr ap�rov�i an M�E f��OU�ST F�R APF'ROVAL OF CHR�GE F�RM, if, duriny ,f�e [c:rrn c�! any eantra�l, lfie Consiactarwisfne� [o ck�a�gr. �d+�ie,le one armora l4i�E su�c�,nlr�ei��s ar�up{.,liers. J�slificati9n fa� cnan�c 4f sutr�onlracE�� m�y dc gran�ed for t�� foFlav,�r�g: 1 An l,r18�' : Feil�.re to �t��ide "Nurkers' Cornpensation Insursnce evid�nce as requlred �y+ s�t�te iaw: c� 2. AMti M�E's fallure to prQt+kda eviciance o� gerz�rra! Il�bll+ty c�rolhar �surance under �he sarna ar slmllarlerrns as cdnta�rt�d in the Ganlraca Dc�umcnts vYitrl lirt3il� af r�ver�ye na �reale� lf»?� 1f16 IOW�f �f �) the il'S111S f�q111�45� 4f tht� �rq��rt'i�F4f Gy G3e �ERy; �r 2� [hB IIInIES CQf1t�][�ad i� lYiq �pnkrc'�GIt7r's sa��rl�rd s�bcorllract tir SUp�ljr S�reeir7e:�ls used on othel pf4�E�ls of sIIT�IJBr 51�g �nd s��e a��tl tivilltiin tne Canlracior's noemal �usint�ss �F�rrkice wilt� non-MB� su6�o�trr�ciors��ub cQrtsull�,ni's or sup�llers; ar 3. An �iE�G'� f�il�ra to rs���te #he CanEr�ctars slandard sukx�nlracl form, if entenr�7 a s�Gcomract is re�u�re� by lhe Gc�ntract4� kfl !lS PlOf17181 CAUfSB 0� �FUSI�fgS, unlass s�e,�� faila�rc is du� t+�: aj A ch�rx�e in IFte amnunt oF lhe �lously agr�a0 lo bld ar scapa ol uFork: or b} The coniracE present�d prov€des for payrnent anr� a rn�n11i or longer and l�e Contr$dar is te�eivi�g paympnt from lhe Clty lvtince a mc�ilf7; or c� Any Efrnits�iorl beiny pEaced c+n [}t� abili[y aT the Mf3k to eeport vl�lai:ans o! iha ��+nanc� or �ny akh�r ordi�ar�ce or vi❑la;lans �F any s1a1e or feder�l lairr or oklisr in7prc�prieties I� !he CEiy or t� �+r�vide� t}atir.e+ of any cEairn Ra kh� ��nlraciflr's surely ��mp�ny ar insur�nt� �ompany. d} Mediaiirm shall he a conslderalion f�eFore the requesl for ct�ange i� appmvcd. 4. An lNaE def2ulis it� tltie p�:f[+rm�nce oi the exer,uted �iahGonlrac4. !n lh�s event, Ihe Canlr�cb3r shall: a} Request a�ds irom all �+18E suUcaniractors �re�iousiy submitling bids fo� lha wn�it, h} IF reasenabty praaica�{e, requesk 6ids fmm previously narrbidding M�Es, artd cj Yrnvl�ie �Q ihe �+i1W�� d�ice dacument�tion o} c�mpHance wi�h (ej �nd {aj al�ave. 5. +�ny re�snn fuund to Ix� �iecep�aGl� I�y lhe P�M�BE E}ifi� in i!s sole di�crstian, 1�Ith:�� tea7 cla��s af#er llr�al p�ymonl from #he C�ty ihe �o�lrsc�or shail pr�wlde �I,e hr1hVBE Oifce wilh rloa�mentatiun ta r�flecl fii�ai partici��ia�a of eacli su;�sonl�ac�or and supplier, in�ud�ng nan-h���s, USCd an the projer�, �nor�!I Cer�diticns oF �he fi�niract ror Censir«ct:on Lump Sunw Canlracl Page ��f 2$ CFW Ph�iD - Crin�e � ai� Full Builtling �enevslor Repi�cei�ierll— Pro��cl #142Q�6 Aur�u�R �02� �-5 PAY�I4�NT5 TD SL18��NTRA�TC�ii�: Tha �ntractor shall pay ea�h Subcontr�clbr, u�n recei�t oF pa�xn�n! Ffvm lhe �wnir� a� arn�unt eraual !;� lrie p�rcentage Qi ca�npEetion altowed Ic� tFe Cnnleacior nn �ccount of su�k: Suh+:nnt���;�o� i Work. Th� Gnnsi'2CtaF5h211 3f5o �'equlri� ���li �ul5t[rrilraC��r !o r�ake sintilar4raymenfs lo his su�r�nlractors_ If lf}e Ownor �ef�ses !a i�sue fl�ortiiirato fnr ��ymorbi For any �use �u�7ie1� i� lhe f�ult ❑i ihc Cnntnr,�cr .�nd not �ho �aull of a par��clil�r suh�c��lra�for, ihe Conlraclor �hali pay l��ai 5u��on;rectar on derriand, rnadn at �ny ilm� afiet N �L Certifcale irx Paymer�t woUld OxhE�[ti€�e 11�Ve t�ee�t iss�ted, for liis Wdrk 401h�, exlant c.�rr�}a�pled, less Ihe retained t�ercenlage. Tkxe Cpn!ra,�or �haq }��y s�ach ��ibe4ntracit�r a jusl sliare o[ �ny lnsurance mtrnies r�e�ived hy t�P �nnlracEnr, and he shatl requlre �rGa S[�br.cntracldr Ifl rnake simll�r �yinenl� ta h4s Suhconl3�acaors. 7�tie tJ+�rner ma�, an requesl ar� ai its diserelton, f�emish Er� any Su6centract�r, If praclica�le, in(orrrtakifln re�ardir� perc�ntage=- af c�m�leiian c�rtisi�d ta 117e Car�iracSor oi� �ccou�l of �,Vork �€on� hy sti��fi� 8ubc�an�ract�rs, Flbfti7er t�ke �wner nor if�P #�chiln�t sl�all i��ve any rr611galion En pay ar Ea �ea la tha paymsnl oi ��y m�rr�i�� tp �n+� Su�Conkr��t�7f. �-8 SU�COh1TRAGTOR RE4�iJIREMENTS FQR ECON4MIe U�V�LQ�M�hfT AAMI�FSTRAfilO�l ,(�DA�FU[VQED PROJ�CT�. 7ha Gant�actor vnll c�us�s �ppr:�p�iate pro�+isions t❑ i�e InseriEd in ali subcanir3��s ta �Ind suboan#nciors l� F0� r�m.r� ,? r�quir�rrleil[E Bs Co�3t81f�e+d h��ell? �nd Eo 15 GFR �4 ar i�b4B Gircular A-11Q. as ._�prapriaie_ Each suhccn�raclor musi a�rrso 10 oanply vrith �II appl�csble Federai, SRaae, �nd 1oc31 fequiremenl; Ir1 addillon kn tho�e s�� fp�kh in lhis �acifor�, R!o su6a�r��r�ctof �r�il� be en3p�n}red on �'�is Prpj�3�t, r��pE as sp�eiRcally appraued sy lh�e �ity, u�h0 i� conl�in&d I�t lh� lisling �f oontr�r!o�s debarred, incli�i�le, suspended ❑r indef�led lo !he lJnif�d Sl��es frarn c.ontr�ctEk�l deaiin�s wilh rederal qav�mmer�l d�pzrtmanis. Thr� avark ps�farrned by a�jy such conirsc{or qr suboar�4r�or t+�ll tz� inoligibE� fnr r�imbursem�rl whal€y dr psriial�y from EQA gra�u flutds �1! ��tbGoniraoks in ax��ss o! $90,Q4D SEtafl inGude, ❑r Ettico�parate �y rs{seencQ, fl3a eyua! aRpr3rtunlly elause af ��era�ilve Order 1 T2�i8. �N subcentracls must corrlaln a no�d�scriminalfo:� clause, �ac#7 subconE�Ut must can�ain � requiremant For campUanee w+l3� Che �avis 13acan and relaled acts. �ach subr.�ntra�toe fls�s� submit weekly esci� w�ekly �y€oil rec�rd and �;veekly slat$menl Qf C�m�iEaslCe: Tf1�se dt��rlt�nls will 6e su��itled ta ihe prima conlr�clUr whp will cornp�le lh�n and submii ia lhe Gity. 7ha sube�inlraclar can sat�siy lhis reyu�rer�s�nl hy suhrnii�i�sg a pfap�:�y Gxocuted aepartnaenl al Labar Farrn WH-3�7. Each s�bccntracl w;thi ev�}r su6conlr�ctor rnusi eon#ain � cl�Use �arx�mltting khe su��a�tFaclor #o ernploytnent af lac:�l I�bor to lhe m3xitii�rn �ix�enl p��si6•�. Ali sui�cQn€r�ictars who emplcy mnre lhar 50 empicryees, and Is a prlme rr �irsd tier s�bconlr�ctor, �rxl h2s � 5e�llcorltr��i ❑r pur��ase rird� af 5�fl,00D ormarr� mu51 �ubmo! a campleted Slandard Furm 'E�� (Canplianc� {tepoh} lsy Mdrefi 3G o! pacli y+�ar S�Ihc�ant€actors perfoeming wark in are�s �aver� by pukrlished r�a�s fnr mlr�arities will 6c r�quire� ta reporl rnonth�ly ar� Farrn GC- 2�7. SECTI�N F SEf�A�AT� CQNTRACTS �-7 O�lP1ER'S �tIGHT: The �Jwf7er ra5erves Iha riylil to avr�td sepsr�Ie con�racts in conn��l�pn rsriih oEl�er pariixe� �f 1��e Waek. 4Vlien s�parate c�sntr�cl=_ ar.; ��y�rsied Far t�thpr ponions of the 4Nark, `[ftie Ganlra�lor" in lF�e Cor�trae� Da�umr�nis in oar,h r�5e sh�li he th�: r.antra[:!i�r urt1� s��n; aa�n s�pa��1l� �;uialYa�t, F-2 htUTUAt R�SP�NS19iLl7Y OF G�Pi�RA�T�RS: 7ha {:aMra�tor shall allord al#�er canira�tors re�sonabl� oppOru+nf�y for lh� inEroduction and siorag� ef lhoie mal�riaEs and squipin�nl �nd tl�e exsci�lian ui lheir work, ard shall p�ppr�ly oonnecl arx� oonrd�nate his work vrtlh tFt�trs, if any part of Ihe Cnn4rscior's 41+ork dapends for pr�per exeeution or rasulls upnn ���e v,rork of any afhee separai� pa�lr2c#or, 4he Gc�nlract�r �h�li ins�eci tlnd prampSiy repa�l Eo !he Ovvner arry appare�31 ��scre�ancRe� nr de[��s in such work !ha[ render i! ursu�Eak�6e tcu such pra�er execulion arxl resulls. Faifur� ot li�e C`.ontractor ta inspect and report shall conslfkate en ae�eplar.ee af ihe alhsr conlr��tor's wark as �il ar�d propor tv rec<aiti•� his Vdork, exca�l �s to defecls wfiich may develop ire tha aihor s+�fk�rat�s canlr�cior's +�rc�rk after tEte ex�ut�Ofl pr Ihv Con4raclqr's 1Nork, Should the Conlr�•,lar c•suse dan��ae la the w�rk or propor�y of �ny seryarate csanirac�or an �I3e sile, Ute Conita�lor s'tal�, upon d��e no[ic:e, Seide u1�th suCh olher conlr�cinr hy �greameni, �f he will sa selll�, ii sucn separate contr�c�or sues I��e ownar on �GcaunE �T ary clr�ma�� all��ed ta hav� heen sa sustaineci, tne Owr,er sl�all no�ify tl�e ContraczLr v;ho shail dei��c againsl sur�i suit a� lha Gontra�tor's ax�nse, a€�d if ai�y ]ude�rnent sqa�st lhe O�er nPises :har�ircm, ths Contr�ctor sl�all pay ar s�tisfy s�c:h jud�li}�n� �enaral Candfllans oi tha C❑nlracl Ipr Canstructlon �.4rrnp 5uin Gontracd ��c�� 1�0 of �8 �FW PM�7 - Crime Lah Fl�ll Bu�ldint� [;�ner�tor f�eDlac�rt�eryl - Pro,�cl't�1�2�8G Augusl F�23 and sl3sll relin�ursQ ifz� C}wr�r {ar ali ailorr�e}{s F�;, G'€]41f� Cf751S 8fid f',]ipP�SRS i�/�jlC�l ��l$ C�MR'j�F Ij�$ i�SC��Ij[�� in txa[�nRc:l6on wifh sucn suil. �-3 G�JTTIN� A�p Pp,T�H1hl� UNpER ��RARA�E CONTR,a,C7S: Tl�e Conlr�clor sl�ai! ds a:l cvtliricl, fil�fng or �dt��M� oF his Wark i€��t may �� required to fl it l� rec�i�a �ar b� raceivsd by lhe,�rorss �f ❑Ihe� nnniracla�s shawn in th� Cnnlrac! Llsr.urn�nts. Ths� �onkraclor �hall r�a1 endangcr any work or a�y nlhor cp�4ractors by cutling, excai+aling or oil�erufso a1Rer�r�g any wor� and shall r►oi cut ar elter the w4rk oT any mthe r car�traei�r �x�ept uri�l7 �iie vrritten c�an�e��l r�F ti7e Arehlieei, Any co_ys craus�d by defe�li+�e Or k!I-limed wark �hali b� tx:rn� by Ih8 p2��y rCS�SnSibl� theFr�fpr. F-d flWN�12'5 RIG4•lT T� GLEA�Y LIP; If a dlsp,�lQ arises Getween Ihe se�saral� contr.��lors es lo lheir res�onsik�il[y f�sr cle�ning up, lhe Owner rn�y clean up 2i�d chart�e !he i:osl lherevf ics Ih�s sPv�raq conCta�tnrs as lh� C]irerdnr of ih� Projecl �,i�nagemen� Departmcnt shall dnlermin� ta �e just, S�CT14F! G IyIS��tLAN�0U5 PRPV�$�NS G�7 C�NFLICT OF L,AWS; Th� I&w ol lhe �daCe wliere l��e 5ite Is 3ocaled �hall yavErn 1he Conlracl. �lie �or�tr�ci�r rnusl famili�r+z� l,im�eli and �lrlr,4ly cam�ly �vill, ,{I r�cieral, Stale, ar�� �auniy a�7c1 Gily Laws, St�[ules, Glaarter, Ordinan�,es, Regulali�n�, or pirect�wes contmHi�r� ih� a��ion ar op6r�tion o� lhos� eng2r�ed upon !he work af[er�ing �he r��terials �sed. He �t7aU Inder�nify and save #iar�r�less the Cily and a�l ai Its oF�cers �nd ege�ils a�irts� sRy [;3�Im u� I�aSiilty ariseng from ar tiased an the vi�la#lon af any �ueh Laws, SE�iu[es, �hr�r[re, C7rdin�n�es, I�e+�ul�t��pn�, pr �irec�iy�, whBthgf hy h+ms�f, t�is �iti��!oy�s, at�et�ts or �u4rontr�cTars, G�2 GaVEIZNI�fG LAWS: 11 is mutually ar�reed an� u�adeesteod Inat lfzis a�reerne�tl is ;ziade and enlered inEo ay Ihe part9es l�ereC� x-lf7 reF��r�ncc� le� II�� �:a�sli�g �h�rk�r �nd Or�ingn�es pf khe Gily �1 Fbrt Wor1h and lhe Idws al lh� 81a1� of Texa with r�'�fencc� in �rrj govrmin� a�f matter� aFi�ctin� ihis Con�ract, and the Gar�tractor a�reas io flilly c�imp?y wi�i7 all �he prov�siorx� of the same, G-3 P€R�ONAL LIA@]LITY CSF �LIB��C ��FiC1A�S; In perf❑m�lr�g r+tieir dul3�s und�r thr� Stal��ies oi Ihe Stateof Texas and ihe f�lsar��r a�3� �rdinar�ces ai lh+: Clly o-f �ort th'arlk� ;n c:crvieetion wilh q�ls CanCr�ci, or in exercfsfng any of the pcwers granted ihe Owi7er Yf�reai, [he ai�c�rs, �3yza,lr: ard e�npiaye�s �F lf,e Ci1y af F�l Vlfnrfn are eis�a�ed in lhe perforrnane� af a gos�eri�rrsenC�l funcfE❑n and shaii noi incur an}�� pe�anal liabilily #y ���{�� �f SUCh p6rf�rm�f�e� h4�(31�f1dC�f, c�xce�t ��r gross n�c�fic�enca a• wi�lFul wrn�;�. G-4 ��Nf�LlAh10E WI7H iA+h+S; C�nlraclor �gfees to camply v.�lh €�!I faws, Fedev�l, slal� and I�cpl, including �Il arriinane,�s, nfles and rogulatlo�s af tfye Clky 4f �ar, Worth, Texas. Mo[�rlaLs incorpor�Eed into [Y►e finished Pro)esl ara no[ su�Ject Co Slale Saias 7ax. Th� �Jwnar Is re�ponsibl� far oh#alninr� 1he ��eild�n9 Per►,�it. The Gan4raclor and the �ppropriale subconaractor ar� respc��is�blc ior a6laining all olher cr�nsEruction per�nil� Erom !he �jovErnin� �gerxr�_ Cotilr�clar s�al� sr}iedule all code fr�pdc[ions wItFS �h�e C�de ir��pectlun �visaon In �ccoruan�a u,ilh U1� p�nitiil req�iremw�ris, Huliding, ptuns�ing, e�eclr�Gak �nd mach�ical avdding po�nits c�ra issk�r�d withos�R cl�rga. W�14r anr� s�wer t�p, En,p��c.t $��r�ss f$�rs v+lH �e �aaid ny the Cily. Any ather perrn�t fe�s are tl�e respansibilily n! �ltia Ccntraclnr, G-5 I�10E�1fNIFiCATi�N: Ca�iractor �ovenant� and agrecs ta indflmnify Cily`s enginoer and �rchit4*Ct, and th�+� personnol at #he prv�Q�E site for Go��iractvr's sflle negligerice. In additian, Cant�acEor co�e»an4s a�d agrees ta indem�tiFy, I��IrJ iiarrnl�ss and c�eferxd, at its avrki expe��se, t�a� Owner, its o�cers, servarnts ar,d er�pEoy�es, iror�, arsd againsi any anci aEl tlaim5 or Suiis f�r praperty los�, pr�nperty tlarnagc, personal injury, tncludiRg dca1F�, arisir�� oui of, nr allegcrJ Sa arise out of, thc vderk and �erui�c� to �c perfarmrd hercur�d�r #�y G4n#ractor, 4t5 P�{ICC�G� a�er�ts, empl�yee�. subeoaa�rac[ars, IIG���5C�5 4f IrivitBBS. 4Y11�t��r 0�'rlOt 3�h St�Gh tt7 t� Gi2t�� B O� #B�1il i5 6aus�d rn wli4i� Orrri aff b Che n� !r �r�cc or aJlec�e� ne�figsn_ce uf Owrfer, i!5 olficers,_servart€s, nr ompioyet�s. Cnnttactor likewise cnuenant� a�d agrce� tn +r�demni#y and hold h3rmles� �he OwRef from and again�l a�y and all injuries �o dwner's of#icers, s�rvanEs aE�d �mpioyees and ariy �i�rnage, Idss or destn�ction to �rdperiy of [he flwner arising frarn lhe perF�rmattce oF any 6# tiie I�rms and condation� af tl�ls CQ11tr4t�. whelheY tlr no! any s�CFt injury ur da�r�rt�e !s tau�ed in whalc ar in par[ by thc naqliqence or allaqed ln [fte e1r�t (}wrlar r��eives � urriik�n ciaim fUY d�n�ages 3�galnsf th6 Gontraclor or its sv6cantractQrs priar to fFnaa paymenf, flnaE payrncnt sha�l not he m�de untll Conirac#ar oithcr (a� su6mits ia Owner satiafact�ry �vid�ncs that ih� ci.�im has 4ec+n �iQltled a�dfar � reGcase irpn� t�e claim3nt 1n►�alved, ar {bj prqvides �wner wilh a I�#!er from Cantractsr's liabi�ity insuraEice �arr�er tl�ak the csai�n Itias �e��i relerred !� tfye �nsurarfce carrier. Thc Elirecfor may, if I�Q dcarns is apprapriate, reiuse to wham a claim for damages is outskanding a� a result ef weri� per[orrned under a ��ty Cor�lr�cl. C�-� �l#�CE55E]�� ANd A�SEGtJ�- F�cept as pro�rided in f�aragr�h E-2, lhis r,�r�inct sh�ll ha h�n�iing upon �r�d ansur� lo IY�� L]5317�I1i 9� tF16 j7��1�'S Il£'rBiQ. 1�f61f SLICGBa$arS 4f A�SI�n5, G4nt�Yl�r shal� r�oi assign or sub[a# all vr any p$rl of this �antract ar r,is rigf7ls or dutkos htereuncler wilhou! lh� pr�or wriiRen ca�se�u oi �I�� 4wrier. Aryy suck� purp�rt�d �ss;gnrnen� 8� s�bl�tl9ng wi�#��ut ihe peiorwntien c�nsent of Owner shalY be�a:d. G�neral G�diiloTis L�f fl� Gont�a�l f�r �or�stru�tl�ri �urnp Sum Cor�kra�4 Pago � 1 of �8 CFV�! �M� — Crime L�b Full 8uifdfng Gertier�tor Raplac:��nenl— Pr�jeti�i9U2$$E Augk.��l �Cl�;� G-7 WR3TT�N N�TI�E: Wrltk�n hlotic� shall tie deert��c� lo h�ve hc�e� duly �rv�[i If deliveeed Fn parson ?o the iadivide�21 ❑r mer�'r�g� of if�� F�rl or lo �n �fF��er af IhE Lorpnr;.iion inr wham �i v�as inlendect. or if dellvered at or sent t�y regisiered ar cert;F�ed m�ii t❑ lh� i�sa husine ,G �e�r�r��� kn�sure �� hiri wha gives the notic�. G-8 SIIR�iY BpNl3S: SU��ty Bands 8�� ���UIY�d 6n 811 C�ly c6f�lras:ls i� exces: nf $�5,[li}0, Thr �ntr�clnr �c�rees, ar� the sul�nillal af hks Prnpns�l 10 mak�, �xecutr and rlel v2r to sa�d City of Fort V1�r�17 [�oDtl 2nG suflitienl sur�ly �Gnds for ,f�e Faithiul per'farmanc� �! Ihc lor.'ns and slipulaiians of lhe Cantracl a��d far lhE paprnent to ail cialms�rns �pr���ar ,�nrsror n,a#�:ria�s fu►nlsh� In lhs� prose���tic�7 of ih� UVo:k, such b4rEds Geing �s yr[�vided �nd requir�d In 1lrliclg .s1F:Q oi Elie Re�s€�d Givll �Ea4i�lcs of Texas, as ar^��nd€�d, in lh� fovrn ir.ctuc�e� in tha Gnnlract �oo�unenls, ar�d such honds shail �e 10� peree�i af �he to:al conlr�cl price, ar�� lh� sald surety�.h�ll oe a sur�ly company duEy and I�€�ally aielfiorized le da 6usfness in lhe Slate nF Tex�s, and aa�:e�l��hJc io the �ify �ot+R�il od �.h� Ci1y nf ��rl t�+arlh. Sonris shall 6e r�ad� an th� forms furnisti�cl ay or othenvise aace�tabte la tt�� C]!y_ Eaeh hand sfial� be prnperly ez�cuted by 641hi the Gcntr�:lar and !he �ur�ly Gor�i�any_ �onds reqt�lred t�y Ihe CILy sHall 6e in r.omp;iance with all rel€wanl It��a, slala arad federal sEsEu[es. Te b�s �n aeccpta4l�; s�rely an R!�e trand RI}e name oF 1#�n sU►e�y sho�uld 6e inciuded an lhe currenl U. �. 7rcass�ry Li3t of Aeceptihl� Sec�ri�as [CFreulsr 570], an;� ��usl �e eulh�ri�ed to do husine�s an TQxas. Sure;i�� nol I+sted [n ��rcuk�sr 57� rndy wrlle p�r��rman�a ar;d p�yrnen� bands ore a pmjecl M�ith4ut rainssirance to the fimil af 79 peree�rl of iEs e��,iia� and �urplus- Sucl= a surety �nusl rx�ir�i�rc any 4bhi�.�lion aver 1� percen!_ The a�nflunl in excess af 14 perceni musl be reinyured by reinsuF�fs wi7o arc duly avthori��d, sc�red�l�d, ar irusteetl !o do husln�Ss in Ih� �kata �f T�xa�. 5hauld any surely for !h� canlrac.ted pr�ject he d�t�rminod unsatis#actery at a�y tiann de�ring same. th� Conlractar �I�all ]mR1edF�tely �rovi�e a new sureky �rrd cas�sfaci�ry #a t�ie Cily- fitha cantr�c� arr�oiink is ��5,[i{1J ar lass, payn�enE to lhe �or�lraclor shall t�e made in ona lurnp s�[m_ Paymenl shalin4� hP made fcr ��e[iod of 45 G�lend�r d�ys frti�l � tf7e cFsle lEie w�atk 11�� �iEe�r carnPloied and aceap!ee by Iho City. G-9 OWNER_'S..R[.C�HT Td .CAF�F�Y O�J7 TH� V4C]#��#; lf lh�e �'�nlr��l�r defau!!s d� negf�G'Es fic� C�rry Uui lhe 4V[xk ��� accardance witf� !he Gontra;,l �o�wti�enis ar iails lo per�or�n a�7}� pro��s;on of ihe {:ant� ael, ihe f�wncr m.�y, vrilh��il ryrejudice lo �ny nt`S0F fCI11�L�y h� fr78y I;�Vrt!, �r1lBt 1f10 S;le �rld rTiake yaed such d�hcEenciCS. Ir: suCh ��sn 7n a�Propr;ate Chan�e ❑rde� shall b� issued deduGing frorn Ihe payrne��s lhen ar t��er�+after rk�� li3e Contrackor l�ae cosl crf �orrect�ng sueli CeFc��encles, inr�ludinc� lhe �osk ❑f lll4IiFGIiilB ;t's atitlitiortal ser4ices made necessary by sucM deTauli, rti�r�l�et or iaiiure. Ef lha paym�nis ih�n ar ihr��aker d�tA }ha ��r�7trar,tor a:e not s�iirrc:e�tii �o cover such� artitira��yk, Che Gar�lraci shalr p�y ifae dffier�nce ta li�e �vm�r, G-7{i ROIfALTlES Ah10 PATEF�TS: � I+4 ConlraciAr sha',•I �x�y ail r�ya�lies and license Fees, He slialE deFend 311 sulss dr e��ims fo� inirin�emens o� any �a:ani r�c�his and s�rall save the �wn�r harrnless frarn lo�s e�7 acc��n1 !l,ere4� �nc1 �haCl �a� «s�t�rkskbl� fQr all s�uh �oss wh�n � o��rlic�lar design, prac,ess or ihe �rodvcl oi a parllr,ul.�r maR4ifaeturer or,:��rraifaelurees Is spe�][ied; hrawesr�r, if 113� Cflnlraclor h�s rQ�son ln belicva Ihal Ih� desi�n, pror_ess or produet specafled Is an infrinyerneni ai a�alani, he s+��ll be r•�sp�sih!c� foe such loss i��l�ss h� �romptVy gives such Iniurmatfon �a�urner. G-71 T�SiS, fF lhe Contr�ei �ac�.�monts, Laws, �:�rd�nances, Fiiiles, R�;gulations or drders of arry put�lin authnrl�y Iti�vin� j�risdi�k�Pfl r�t��i�a �n� Wpl'%[ 10 b0 �nspecled, t�,ilE� 4i a�QP�1+?d, U1E G4111E'�GL4r Sh3�l [�iV� t17� Osidn�rr lirl»�y roEice DF Ifs f�a�ineSS and ih� dase arran�ed sn �k�e Arehitect rr��y obse� such I�s�ec�ioa,, tes�ing or appro�a�, xl� C�wner si��ll 1�ear alE cosls oi such Inspe�llan, �r�si:; and approvals unl�ss �th�rvuise provkded. If �f,�r tfne ��mrx�e:�ee+�ner�t c�f ih� L'Uork, t�ie C3w�er d�i�rrninas that sny work requires �peci�� �:��p�c�ioR, 1�sting or approval nol inc;ludetl a6owe, ti3e �1rt:hiteci, upon wnlir�n aiiiho�i�allqn Ir4�n Ihe �wner, wlll instruCi tf�e C:rSfllf�Ctor [o ord6a 5uch spe�l�l in4peclibrt, tes��ng or apFiraual, arui ihe Cai7lractor shall �ive natice as required in lhe precediny paragraph, li �ud�s speci�k inspecYion nr lasllnc� re��eals a F�il�ra b[ 1#�e Work t❑ c4:n�ly (1]+r�ilh lhe r$q�eire.ments of 1hr� Con�ract poct�man4s o� (2}wilh r•�spect !a lf�o perfarm�rcc nF 1he V1r€•rk, w:1h La�,vs, Slali,lps, CI��Yl�F, �f[IIn�f1r��, F�egulatrans or Or�rs of any �uhlic aulnorily h8ving jurisdichon, ih� �onfraeloe shall hr�ar aH cos�s If�eraof, including lha Arehile�i's ae4dilio�aE servi��s rnede neces�ary by such €��ts; Gth�e,�t5e lite Owr�9� ShB�I ��r SUC}i Ct�sfs, 3r1d �r1 �p�lr�priale Chartge �r�9r shall be issue�J. ihe �.ontr�c:t�r �h�l! secu�n ccrti�ic�:3t� of ins�ccEian, �esting ar approval, and Ihree copies will be NromN��}� daitvered h�y him la Ihe Archi;��l, ��e +4rchiteclwill r��i�w4he oerti��stes and f[�rvti�rd ane topy oF ��ch wilh his recrxnmQiida��on{;;� tr� lhr� Ownor. ff Iha Owner wisfia� ia �bserv�: U�a fr•speclions, losls ur appravals rc�uir�d by if+is Seclirvi, l��ey wii] clu so prc�i�ipily and, whera pr�ticabl�� �G ih� ssrurce afsupply. Pleiti',ee fhte r�hserv�kicns �+i lh.e Archflecl or lh� t�wnor Ir� ingir adminisiratian af khe C�nslFucti4n Conlract, nor in�pectin�tis, tes�s ot a���r4�+��s k:y p�r�ans v1h�r khan tfie �v^CracCor s�►ali re1idvc the Cantrack�r from his ofaliqalions iu perfor�n llia Work In aceardanr� wlth lh� �onlracl Dacu�►enls. �,-'I� Ih�T�R3�UgTIDN O�_E7Sl5�ING L1TI�lTIE3 SERVI�ES: l he Canlractor sflal. perfoim the Wexk under if�s GanlraeC uriE� a m�nimum of out�e liine Eoe al� :�tilittes. Inlarnrpli4n sYwll �e hy �pprc�ued secilar�� �,i Ihe utii,ly. In s❑rnc �ases, kh� �4nl�lor may i�e required 1a p�rFdrm th� tiNark whil� !!�� exislin�j ulilily is in sanrice_ The e�sting utilily sorv�ce rnay t� Inierruple-�i �ry wf�er7 �p�[a�+eri 6y the Owner. WFlen il is necc�s3ry lo insorrupt lf�e exisling ulilili�s, lrie Car�tra�ar ssiall notify tfie �tiYn�r in �Vrl[ing al leasl len d1y� in advance al ihe �imP t!ial he �esires Irie e.x��li��t� �eivica lo �e Ini�r�u�l�d. Tiie mlarrup�i�n Cim� shalf ha kepl lo � minim��m. Depandinc� u�an tf7s• a�iivlties at an exisiin� i�c��lly Ih�i req�,�ees cc.nlir�uL„s s��uice from tlie� €�tiictang i3li�ity, �e� ;rn��r�p�i�n {'sen2i'�! CDtltlillonsof Ehe C�oY�tr�Cl for Co!tstru�tlor� Lu�r1p 5um Con;f:]CC Pa�e 72 012� CFV�1 Ph�1� —[:fime Lat� Ful1 Buildir�g Generat�r R�plae�in�nl — F�roleck �l102!•1�36 Au�}usl 2023 rn��y nol b� suk�jec� io scl�edule a< <he iFrne desired 6y Ihe Canlrae[�r. In s�cfi cases, �he inlerruplion rr�ay h�va la he schedulad at a tfine oP minlrnutn r�qulr'er�en[s of [iamand far l�e u[�lily, The srnas�n[ nf lFmn r�ieslnd hy Ih�# Cprsqfactorof �xisting uliliiy sFn+kc.cs shail 1�� as approved 6y �he dwme.r. G•�3 LAYIM1lG �l�T Vv�RiC: Th� Contractor shall verify dlmersion� arid �laystions iridicat�tl ir� layoul af exi5tin� work_ �7isc�epar�e.ias herueen C�r��win�s, 8per�fieallans, a�d exisling eqndilions Shail �e fef��rr�d i[� Che M+r,hit��t for �j�lrnBni be�oFO vvorEx aiFec�ed is Perfari�s:R. Failuro la make suc�; rxilific�ti�n �lval[ place respenaibihJly u��n C�nEractor la carry r�u! w�rk In �tisf��qry wprkma�+llk� rr��nn[fir �t Rh� G�nkraeior's s4#le �xpeals�. Tkte �Q�Eracior Shakl be hel� res�ans�ble for khe t�ocalinn �nd nlevalion flf all ihe ccns[ruclion oo-nlemp�aled by ihe Gonslrudinri D�Cumen t�, Prior ln cammen�€ng urark, lhe C;oniract�r �h�i� �rcSt�lly eompar� and ci�ec� e�ll Ar�i•�€tecE�eal, SEr��ural, FAech�nicsl an �leclrical drav��►sr��; ea�h with ih� �kh�r ihat �F� �?fly ���GfS IFlfl I�C��IL}f15 or el�vation o[ tFte w��k l� fxe execute� by I�im, and 5f7tiuld any discrepancy b� found, h� shall irr���dla�ely report �i�e �ar�e ta the Ard�itect for ver��i�ati�n and adjuslmant. �ny dupiic,�tinn of wurk rnade necessary uy i�il��re ar e��6�c1 on hfs part Ea c-arnply with lhis €13ncll€�n shall b� dona �tl lhe Canlra�iar's sale +�x;aenae. G-7�d htlEASLl�EM�f�TS� I�c�ror� oadering �ny rnatarlal ar doing eriy �uork, l��e Contrsclor sria11 tirerify aIR m�asurernenls r�t �rie site ar at tl�e 6uiklinr� and sf^a!I bL w�,oily responsl6re i❑r ��ti� �rreGkn.��� r�f same. h1a exlra c�t��e or c�snpensatiQn will �a alfew�e� en accounf �F any differ�nc� �Eween actual dirnensinns and d'finensl�ns tneicat�d ar, lt,c cir�wfne�s, Any difF�renc� Ehat n�a;� be Found sh�!! Ce aubm{�1eJ to Eh� Arch3l�ct f�r c❑nsider�[ian a�d adjuslrnenl 6eFore ��xeetfi�g vvilii lhe �raject. �-�5 �3fiS71tJG QVEl�H�A� �R UND�RGRa�1No W�RIS: Tiie C�i7traclnr sl7all car�€uEly ck��ck ttie s�€e whera 1h7e pro}�c! is to h� erect�� and dt�sert+e an��r �xi�liiti� c,ver�iea� v�ir€�s ��r3a eyuf�rr�eni, �kr�y �uc�f wcrk shall be mav�d. replac�c3 or pr�l�cied, as rsquired, whelher dr nof �howa� flr spR.cs€�ed a! .�;e {;oni��clais st�� e�ansc, q�#�nsi¢n is d�recled to th� possible ekkst�nee af pipe and ❑Ener uni�argrewnd ilr�prOvernents lha� may�r m�y not b� Shoyrrn on �he Elrawi»ys, All reasanable precaullaris shal3 h� laken Ea presrj.v� and pr��.�l arty su�h [r��roveinsn€s wheth�r or nol fiharvn on the Dr�v;ngs, La�a�ion af exislirtg und��raurtid lines, shrnvn ihe 6rawing� aee 6ssod an lhe bes� �valla�le souroes, twi art� tq �e rot�ard�u aR a�pi'nximate a:iiy. �xe:cise e�tr�m�: cara in Incating and ido�tifyin� Ihe�se iines beiaresxc��ali�n in adjaeenl areas. G-7S A�IGhFhEENT OF JCiINTS fh1 FIIVISH MATERlALS: Il sheil he lhe r�sparslk�ility af ti�� Contractar lo make certaln in the i�l5tall�3ft�1 bl j�li`�i�d flrl6t, w�ll �+nd cei�ing �ialorials lhal- �. Preserue snd pro�ee� ti�e n�his o[ �rxe awn�r ar�a �ne ,�rcr�i�ec4 undar �he �onir3ct uviu, rexp�t lo ih� V�i4rk Ip he� �sri�rmc'd urtder [he SuEscenlrac, so (hat �he c��eonlrac�ing th�r�a� w+li r�qt pr�judic� ���ch righls; 2 Place lc9rois Y� rel�ie io alf openan� and hreaks In Ih� siructur� �nd be symrnelricaily plaGed tivher� v�r Rn�sF�e �'his inr:ludes hea,ing re�isEers, ligl�t fl�ures, equl�naenl, e�c. li 6ecaUse af the non-r�lated siaes trf Ci� +rarious inatcria{� a€id I�r:alions oF ❑panfn�s, eic„ i! as nol p�ssihle !p �scc�mplish ihe 8b�ve, ihe �'4:�ir3Clo� 5i1211 Pe�ue&C llie ACCI}It[� t0 CIB��FfT11fiE' �I1E m�s! SAIIS��iCI{3F� arr�ngen�enL The Con�racio-r shall Est��i�iis`� cenl2rli:�e5 for ��� Ira�es. �-i7 fN7��RATING �XIST�h1G WOR�S. 7�t� Gantraclor sa7ali prdlect afl existirx� slreei a�d efher improvefnflnls f�m damageg. Car�l�ac6ar's operx��ions shal! be �onf�r�ed lo !he Imr�edlsl� vicinfly cl l#tie n�w w�orx and shall rrot in any inierE�ee wiCh or o6sln�ci the �ngres5 or en{�ss to a�d i�om exislin� adj���nl F��ilili$s. tif�+Mer� new site work is la be cor�neci�d l� exislint� w�rk, speciel c�r� shi�l4 �.�e �xereis�d by #he Contr�cto� no{ ���Ist�rh ar da+rt�ga the existih� waric mare Ihan n�cassary. rall damaged work shall b� re�lac.e�i, r�pair�d anr� reslnr�d to t[s �sri�lnal candiliar� a� n� cost io lhe CJwner_ Cr-'i8 HA�A�OOLlS MAT�RIAL C�RTIFIGAT�4N: II is th� intent of lfte oonlraG drrc�irnent�, �nllieihn� ax�ressly stalnd nr nn,, Ihat noif�nc cantzining h�zard4us +�a#erlals, such as as�askos, �hall he incorp4re�ed i�� to ihe pr�Ject. The Conlraelor shall �xerclse c��rpry rQasor�ahi�; praca�it9c�n to ensufe lhal asbest�� e,onlaining ma#eria�s ar� nal ineorporaLed Iri1a �riy par�ior of lhe projec!, II�C[udl�5(� 3tivlslrk� all n��[�ri�ls SupplEers �iid su�Curltt3rdofs of Chis requiremenl. Tkze GonEractor sh;�ll varify lhal Eamponrntz COnlllftirtt� la'�d cf� npt �onl�Cl Ih$ �4l�kll� w��lc�r SURP�Y- G-i9 IA�ATION �F EQLfIPMENT Ahl� PIRING; brewing showirx� 3otalion of equtpmenl, piping, duct�vark, atc. are G�agrarron�:ic arsd jab c7ondi;ions •nay nnl �Iv+�}� pc:rmil tai�rir i.�sl,�Ila�ion in ihQ I�c�ticn s��vm, 1Mia� ihis sifuallon acturs. i1 s�sali be bro�gh! iu !he Archilect's a#I�rnion Intmedi�#ely' onri thR relo�a�ion dsterrnir,ed in a Joinl conferEnca Tl�e Gai7tr�e4or wIN be heid rsspo�sibl� F4r ih� relo�aling of an�� Itsms vri`tltiout fr�i ��iain�ng Ih� Rrcl7+iec!'s a�praVal, !-fe sitiall r�mava and �elocale suci� items at his own expense if so diree4� �y the A�iEecl. Wliere p�s�ib3�; uni�6rn m��in,� shaU he ma�nl�ined baiween par�ll�l lines andlor adjacent wall, ilaor oe c�iling sur[ar.e5- Ge�erzi ��sndi!ioa�s of the Caftract for Car�iruc#fon �u�nE� �um �a�:l��c{ P�ge l3 ❑t 23 CFV�! Phid —�riine Lab FuH Buildii�g �eneralor Repiaceman� — ProJeci �#162�38G At�g�+st 2t]�� G 20 bVER�OAdf�tG� 7ha Cor�t►ac�or s�iaEl be r�sponslhle for laadi�g cF �y p�rf rx paris� �f sfru�furas heyond lhelr safe carryir�g ca�aci?i�s 6y pl�e�ng af malevials, eyuipmenE, toals, ma�hinery or any other �tern ther�on. N� loads s�all t�e pl�Ced on flrx7rs oC roofs beff��e ti�e:y hav�: atEa�neci kheir ��a:rvr,anenl �nd safr slrettgih. G-21 14tAF1L��AG7URER'S INSTRL�GTIQNS� lN�ere i! is reqialred in lhe Specaficatson� tha! m�k�rf��ls, Prod�cts, Dmcssses, ����pnt�nl, or the Ilkv i�•3 krislllled o- as�plic;d in accardanc� with manufaclurefs i�slruciinn.�, dir�ellon �r spec;FFca�ions, or�.��crd.fi !o �h�is elFe�l, i! sha I be �ffn=-tn,ed to rrean [hal saic� ap�iscation or kr�kallatian shall be i�r sldci ao�rdaneo wilh prinled ins�rucli�rts furnisht.d hy t�,c rnnni�`r�iu�r of the m�[erl�l ConcerF��d fUr u5� under eandiiions slrnil�r ar lhoa:� �1 1�1� j4b Sil�. �ix CopieS qf su�l] .n�lruclian�shall be furtiished io ahe Architectsnd his �pprnval lhercaf oht�inc�d �aFore wark is t��un_ �-22 GLEANiNG 11P� Tht� �anlraclar shall keep th4 �rc�mises fre� fram ��cumulsllan oF wasie maleri�� nr ru�;bish cau��cl hryl amp�aye�s or as a resull ai ihie bl+ork. At Wrr�?Icllon oi work, Ih� [;pnera� GpntracWr sirall, Imrnediate[y prl�r t� f�n�l ir�spe�liao� o: �pmpleie b4�ilr�inr�, �xecu,� the foll�ing fln�i �leaning woric uriih lrained janl�arial pers�rinel and tiyih m�lorial mr�hods recomrner�ded by !he rnanu[�clures ai Ir,stahed material�. 1. Sw�p and bufi ic,siEient floars and base, and vacuurn carpeling, 2. du�t ali melal a�tl wu�po lrirn and s�rnilar finish�d rna�e�i�i�. 3. �Iflan all c�b�r�ets end �as�wo�k, a. ❑usl �II relli�gs aTMd ur�k�. 5. ausi, and it r�eces3ary uvash, a�l plumbing and electn�allixEures. B_ 'Nash �II glass �nd similar npn resilient inaleri�lS. 7_ All hardwar� and ol��r unpainietl malals shali be ef�as�d �nd �:�ish�d �nd t�ll aq�ipm�nl arrd pafni qr dacor�ted watk shall be U4e�n�d a�d tv��wd-up iF ��ecessary, and all tempnrary laE�els. #ags, and pap� cpvprings remove� thraughout !he bui[ding�, ��rfaces thai are waxec7 sY�adl be palishe�i. S_ Fl�e sxtenar oi ihe building, lhe grounds, ap�rna�as, �quipmeril, sid��h�alks, straels, r.l�. 5h�ll �S� r,Er�,r�+�d S7rniler tD 1�112fiOt' 6f 4ullr�ing� and Ic�#1 �n good c5r�er at �I�� trrne ef fhial a��eptdr�a. �11k piEnl sur�ar,as s�ie{I �e �ean arid un�raken, ftiardw�re shalY Is� efe�rl end,�olished, all required rap�irwork shalY t�p c:cntipleS�d ��i}cl di�[ areas 51:�11 bo SCr�pr�d ��d dearad af v+r.�dgrnwth. 9. �lean all c�lass surfaces arsd rnirerars of �uliy, p£ilhl r[1Alerial�, eic.- witi�pul scratcliing �r injuring ilie giass ar�d lea�s tJ�e wor�: Isriql�l, �I�a�t �nd poli�#,ed. Casl ❑# lh�s �Ipin�ng wa��c �h�ll bc �ome by Coirtractor. 1[]. Cleaning, palis�i�g, scaA�c�, waxin� and al1 othar fiiiish ap�rations indicatr;d on ili� prawkngs ��r rcqtarefi in the speeiiica�torxs shal� be taken io ir�dlu��e 1h�e required cAndidor� ai thc lim:� ❑{ ��pi�r�.r. �f ail +,vark vnd�r lkie Canlr3c�. i'1, B�rning= Burnin� nI n�hblsl7 nn 1he prernises urill i+at �e �emtillled_ G-23 QL�Si CANTR�L: Pr�caut�on shalE he �xerc�s�d �i zll t�rnes �� cantral dust crea#ed as a resvlk oi any operali❑n� �urEng tha eanslruction pQr�od �f seri�,us problems or �on�p�ainls ari�e due lo alr-t�ome d�st, qr when dlree#�d oy lh� ArchTteel, o�+sr-allor7s cat�s�ng s�r•h p�eblarris sltall b� t�mpbr�rfky di�contir�ued and nac�ssary sir��� i��a� !o conimf the dusl �,-24 FIRE PiiOTE�T#�N: Tho �anlracEar shall at �Il llines r�a�rilain g�,od ha�seker+pirx� prac#icfl� In reduce lhe risk of fire dant2�e o: inju+y lu wc�rkii���:. A14 scr�� matetisls, rub6�h arxi irasi7 shall tsa ran�ova�# daily from in �nd ab�i llse hullding and sn�ll r�6C t5� pefmltE��i lo b� se::�lered on ad�acenl propo�y. ��ilaGbe siarage s�ace shall be �+rr�vlded oul�=de [It� ir�rr:edlala bulldfng ar�a 10: �loring i�amm�ble materials antl pa�nls; no slaeage wil� be F•ermined Its lhtie builcting, �xcass [kamrnable Ilq�tds b€�ing �sed in�icte khe b�+�fdin� sh�ll !re kep[ [n �ios��l r•tiet�r conlaineF and remaved fram lhe building during �nus4d perirads_ A{re exfinguisher sh211 be 9u�ill2ble S! escY� �a'alian where cUliing 9� w�ldir7g iS bein� �r#offl�Bd. �IVh�f� B16Gl�iG oY �as wEaldir�g ar c:�Hing wark is done, �nler�ased shi�ids af Mr�ccmb�stlble n�elerial snall be use[! to pr�le�i �ysi�si fee damage due fo sparks and hor rnc�lai. 4fdhen iemperary heatirt� deui•:es are used, a walchman sFaall he �ras�nl Eocpv�r#Qriods+�uhen olher,�vorkm�n are ne� an Ihe preniisos, i�c {:anlracEw shall prflvido Gro exGn�uishers in accanJdnce wiikti the reccxnrnendations and 1���A aF�qelins Nos �D and 2qt. �owev�r, in a!I �as�� a minfmum of Ew� fr� �a€linquish�rs shatl be a�rafla6le f❑r flach f�r qf r,orrsirvcilon. G-25 GLITTINC ANQ PA7�HI�kG: lNhem+�er c�[ifng a� re�€oval af partia�7s ai the eKls�3ng v.brk �s Irtd�r��d. such work sit�ll �c� r�e�ilp .".awed a� cul by Conlractor in a n�anner tnat wil! �ro�uce a ne�t stralghl lin�, panii�l la adjacenl suefares ar plumn far verl�eaE surfaces, Care sho�ld be exert;sed nvt Ea darnage:�nywork Zh�k i� tc� r�rnain. Al no tima sf�kl �ny stru�tur,�l rnembers be cul withoul writlen c�risanl irorn llte Arch�#eci_ G�ner�l �anditions oi !h� �anlrat:t ior Gonstructlan Lurnp 5u�, Ga��rnct Par�e 14 0l �� CFW �P�1IJ - Crime Lab Full Bui9cFfng G�neralor R�plac�menl - F'rnJecl �1029H$ qugust 202� G-25 P�OJECT CLOSEOUT Final �r•sot�:t�an, Recard �rawlii�&: AC[�nllon is i:�llecl io General Cor�dilions �eclinn rsnlilfr.d, 'Suhslanlial Cnn�pfet�nn and F�n�l Paym�ni". Maintsan�nce M�ntial: 5he�ls shall L� �'!s" x 11 ", $}(CE.'j}C �IJN Ol1L SYI���S Rl�� �9 f1p��I}r �4If�Od E4 �':5 "x 1 t". Marnials siiall �e l�und in p���t��: ���+����, 3 ring, loes� leaf 6inder wlil� lllleflf pr❑Jer..l lol�ored an fronEand sk�ell conlair�: 1) Namc. �ddr�s; and lrarla o# all �uh-cans{aciors_ 2j ramptdie ma�nlenance insinec4lons; n�me, address, and lalePhone number af Instalkn� Caniraclor, ma�uFaciurer`s loca� rap�-esen[aC1We, for �ch piooe of nperativa Pquipmonl_ �) Calalnq dala vn plumhirrog Gxiures, values, anl�r h$aE$rs, hea�ing and raoling equlpmenl, �emperaturs eorslr�l, f�in. elaclri�al ¢artels, s�rvlce entrance [aquiprr�eatl and lir�ht �xl�res, �) h�ianufaci�rer's nam�, typ�, color designatEen Fer resiliant floars, w�ndor�, doors, con�r�:$ bfock, pa+nt, rao ��7y, ar4d alf�e� i1�81$r�als. S�brnll two d!€�iial efecltai�lc co�les and one liard eopy �f Mainlenanca Manuals, Pn�r to request for f�n�l pay�nenl. �A�=�li��ai Insp��likn r7[1d ILi�1�14�r7�G� Instruclian: Th� ���lr�ctar sh�ll prov,de al his expensQ, camp��ani ma�Ei€ac:«rrer's r�res�nSallves io c�rnpEe[ely eheck aul a11 �neek7dnic�l �rtd 21e�[rir.�l sysEems arsd flems �oveeed by ihe �r�alin+�s ��d 5p�c;fir�la�ns_ Tiiis requlren�c�l si�all be sch��d��lc� Jusl �rior k4 �frd dtlri��c� lh� iniil�l 518M•up. ARe� 811 sys!eRiS are Sunctianing �}fQRP.rIy lh� rC�r���nK�livcs ;�hal� Insin�ck m:.�in��nance p�rs�nn� �f tl�e Owner in �lia prope€ nppr���on and mainler�ai7c� of each it��. G-�T GUlI�ANTEE_AN� E7CTEN17ED GilARAN'�E�: lJPan camplelian of Il7e �rajeci. prior �a An:�l payrnent, ��rani��s rc^quir�,� by tecnnic�l divisians of �peclficat�ons shal; txe properly eaecul�d in Guarin,pll�aia ny sub�fl�t�acto�s a�� submilted throug€� lh� CarilrBctor tu r�rchitecl. QeGvery nF guarantees sh�ll nal r�i�+� �o�l�a�tar iram any o�li�atit�ii assu+n�� under C�niract. ihc �nn�racEar shall 9�iar�nise ihe entire Projee� for one ye�r_ En �dd3Uan, where sdparaEa e���r�nkecs, fnr ccrtain p�rlions oT work, are f�r langer peryor#s, �en�ra! Contr�l�rs guarar�tee shall he e�keno�� In Go,rQr such lbnger R�riocis, fV'a,Fufacture�s exteiAsiad w�rrantees sh�41 do i:�cli�dstl+r� Ih�� eontract, GuaraMees �hall �ocar�e �+abd and operaiive and tannrnence u¢on issuance oi Certa�i�te o� Inspectio�, anr� I�cceptance 2�y �wner. Guar�niees shad nol aPp1y la werk w#�are d8mag8 19 r�sUlt oi �hu.�e. n�gleot hy �wner ar hia su�eessar(s} ii� :n�eres'- 7he Cantraclar agrees la uear;3itil klls u�c�rk �r�[E rY1�l�rials piY�vicied in accardance u�i�h �has contracl ana iha ksrms af ll�e lecl�rlfcal Sperriiee!}nns conlained herein. lkr�less sup��ern.e.nle� �y iltic "fechn�cal 5paci�ieal6ens or ii3e fnan��a�turer's nonll�l BxLe�td�d war�antees, khe Ganlraelor sl-�all warranl �II �,vork rnaterials, and equiprnent aqainsi defeess for a period a( bne year ir�m !hc �ate c�f fnal acceptanc�. The Gantracior furihsr 2�rees la t�eflr all custs of rn�pcing good a.l work �h�i E� fcrurd t4 be ���sc�ive or no4 �rovided in aecardance vuilh lh� Gr�nlracl G�ocum�nls. Additl�nally it ih� iar�lkl}f ar eon!c�nt� �re darnar�scl due !a de,'ecli+re melerlafs UY 4V�fIGfl?8fi$Ili�7 fli fhe Gonte�lfl-, the ConlrlcEnr :urif�er agr�s to bear alt r+ast nf repairii�g ;�ndlor ee6l.�ear�g darnaged ilems :�nc� �pmponents lo tfring s�rGh iie:r; back tn as ieasfi �he�r orig�r�ai consiiliar�. G-2B R�CORD �RAtii�JlNGS; Up�n cnrnplelion o! !hP V�+ork :�nd p�or !o appEicati�n far fnal paymenl, orse prin! oF aa�h dF the dr�wings a�c=�m��r,y;ng Ifri� spr3ciFicaCion s�iall be r!�at9Y and cJearly marked fn rerk by tFie Contractar t❑ sh❑w varia��sns b�twoen Ihe consiruc���r actuelly pr6videQ and [h�t Ind3caE�d or sp�df�d In the Cvn[ra�l €}o�umen[�, Tha annolated dacum�snls shall be deiivered lv Ar�hilec�. 'Nh�na a e�ini�� nf rnaierials a�d{ar matho�s ls permllted F�er�ir� dnd where v�na�ior�s in ll�e scrrpe or C11c�Fc'�Gt@t QF �I7$'NfliiS trom Efi� c�r�iire wt�r�t iiidic�tec� or speciFed are ��rm�Rl�d e3liiee �y awa�•d ❑f 6idd±Rg items specife� fpr I�al purp4se, or i�y �ub�ep�.►e�! char+ge to l�;e dr�wings. tna ��ecord dr�,�rirsgs �h�ll de!i��s tho c�Rslru�llon �ctual1y prowded. The represenlatian of su�h va�ia�ion5 sh�tll c�nf�rm t4 stanrl�rd dr�ltin� �7[�CllCe a�d sh311 inel�de sup�lem�ntary noigs, Eegerds an� ��ta�k� which may be rx�cessary iar �a�i�ibly as�d clear �or[rayai of la3e aelu�l �or�sfruct�on, Tha re�ord drawin�s shall indi :ate, in addilion. !he �clual lar�..aliar� of a!I sua-s�r(ace utilily Ilne�, avera�e depth be€o,n� lhe �ur[��� �nd nthr�r �}�urie��ancas. C�-29 CQ#�l5TRUCTiO[� FENCE: The Cnntraclnr s,ftall provida a s�bsfaail�al clia+n-aink �ortistrucllo� fence araursd a�� gr a�ar� pf l�7e silt�. Tr� I£arc�s a�c` �a[�� n:�ast I� mainla�ned l�'fS3iJ�ild1l� III� C�19SCtl1CII031 b@fiQd. RE'7P1QVC �Fl% foncos a�d gales t��on c�mple.lic�rti af tkse Rr.��rt;E artd reslr�rF ih e si!o to ihe rcquired a�ig€n01 or contr��i e,pndkki4fi. ��D PF�ODUC� DELIVE�Y, S70aAG�. FiANpl.4NG; Ti�o Can�racttyr sf�l! handle, store snd p�teci rnalerials and prvdu;ls, including iatuica[ed r.�pon�a��s, hy r�3e�#,ads �nd means whict� v�:ll pr�v�n! darnage, det�{ioration and loss, ineluding tl�Efi (and resulling da��ysj, Ih�►aby ensuring hi�ttesl q�ialiiy resudis a� lhe work prot�resses. Contral del€very sc�sedules s❑ as tcs rninimi�� vnnA�essary Cong•tarrn slnra�a �� pr;y�r,l �+lo priorio ii}s��llatiun, G-31 R�f419VA� OF �ALVAG�D MA7E�IAL: Tlrte Cflntra�ta� shafl rerr�ove sal�aged matc�laY �nd equlpmenl froni �hs Pra;�cl s��e and dfsp�s� of jl �n �r.cordan�� wiEh �ho law, �qui;ym�nt br rnalarial idenlifiec! in l�e� S�ecifc�lio�s or Plans f�r Owreor salvage s�all be �arafukfy ren�oved ana d�iivered io tltie Ouvner at ai�y I�ealiar� ir� u�itlqin lhe �ily kimit� �s dir��led by ths Giky, Gener�l �ndit{�r�s oP the �onlrael far C.onslruclian tump Sum G�in�rae.l P:�� 15 pt ?S �F4V Pf�id —�rirr�e Lah Ftall �3tdlding Genera[or Rt�p12�C�7rner�t — PfC�jeGl #1{1298b Au�[isi 2D23 C,-32 MAHl1FAGTl1l�ER'& RE�EFZENCE' Calalog, txNand nane;, s�n�J tr�nuia•,[urr:r'� ref4r�nt�a are d���:ripfiivc, nr�t rest�fc�hre, 6ids on 6rands ol Eii�o naWr�: anc qu�fily will h� c:nersidnrnc�, Comraclflr shail Inforrn lhP Cily cf any �ubsftcullons ir�len�iexl For ��,v p€ojee,t v�i«:�n 5 qu�incss tlays of 4�ci openir�ry, Fa�lure ta FnFarrn ihe Gity of su�sl�4ul� uraJeCl5 V�II� oBii�ai� lt�e C6r�Eracl[�r lo prnvide lhG s�cifi�d rna[�r�al if awardetl lr�e coMRrSCI. V'lilhln Td d�ys siler hi� opening and up�n frqll4s# of lhp �t�nLrac�pY, ih.r. �c�niracRar will su�mil a fufl si�ed sample and�or deiailed Infartr.�l�n as rcquier,d to a�!rnv LE�c �rc�i�ecl ln determi�e #he accap;ahillty �i pr❑posed subst�Eulicns, Wh�r¢ squipmenR has 6ac�n listvd as "na `a1158���U�4 SC���I��"; [he Glly will �ccept no ail�nal�s !o t17�; apr:c�#ied r�c�ui�menl, SEC'�ION H COh1TRRCT T1ME H-7 QEFIiStITI(3NS Tho Gor�'ra�i Time is 1���+ perlad of iirne allr�ite:! In tltie Conlrs��1 L�oeuments !or campietion af Ihe VJark artd is U�� numbr.r r,F c�lend�r +�ays alsps�g bel�x��n Il�e dale qf e�mr.i�ricerner� and 1Fx; dale ��f SuU ;lanli�l CnrnplPCir,n �I�is a�dillonal days assessed far lailure lv c❑mpl�io puneh lisl �1s�ns from ths FEnal anspecliar� in a tlrrse[y manner and addii�oi?al +��.h�F Cid�j� ���OI-f{I '�A"18� IS d�I��I$d Iil �Ft� �rsn trac l. Tl�e C�a�@ of �ommencemar�t of the V�ark is the dele �s�abl�hed in Is�e Noiice to Frr,�eet� 5e� at!�cl7men4 ",A' for s sdmple N�Ne� �o PFor,e�d. TF,e Dale ❑f Subsla�lial Cornpl��ian of the 4Vark or d�si�r�aled poriian ihereoF �s [he Oale cerlifed by tNe Ar�l7itecl wlih lfia a�rr,val ❑f the 4vm�r thas conslrucGn,l is si,ffir��,�tt� campl��e, in aceorCance with u�e Gonl�acl Cracurnen[s, sa lhe �w��er may occupy th� W�k or desi�na.ed perrtlun �i�r�F far �he �se F�r tivl�l�lr ii Is inlended, Fln�l accept:�nce �f lh� c2mrler�ci rwrk r�r a�ny panian lhefeaf �an be n�ade only f�y 1ha CYw,�eE, zrui no nlher �ar� oi acceplance will he 6indirx� �pon Ihe �wner_ A Gale��dar Dav car3stitutns 2� h�ours ai tim� and Is �ny nne oi Che seve� ci�y� ai � w�ek, including �sAndey, r�gardl�ss of ��rhrih�±r a `Warlsin[j Qay'r�rnot, �nd regardless�f urealtiercondiiiansar<�nysituaii€xiwhi�h mi�ht de�ayconslruc�ian An �x�ans�on oFr.ontraci Gm� :hau �� in accor�anGs with this ��iEpn. ��Cens+��� �af R�me wilf hv as rbc�mme�ded hy ll7e Arsiii+ecl witlz fraal app�oval by Cil�t o[ Fort Warth A U1+nrtcirc� �7:�y is def�ned a� a c�Fcr�siar day, not Incl�dinr�. Salurdays, Sundays. ar�d I�gal haliday�s. In wluc�f w�eat�er tir al�er �:4nd�tl�� noR llnd�f Rlle Can[�GI 4f Che �a�lifaCkat peRnii !he pe�otill�rie� aF w�o��c for a Cantinuous periad of rlal less Ihan se�+en �tc:lirs k�e9wae+r� 7:U0 a,rr�, and fi:44 p.m. However, rroihlnq hz lhe�e Canif�t Qocut�ents s1i311 he corjslru�d as prohihiiing the Co,�lractar irom warkinc oM1 S�t�rdays +i h� s� d�sirr��, Laga� halids�ys ior khe Ci1y a; �n�t lA+arih are deFr��d as t�ing M1lew Yea�s ISay, Independancr+ f�ay, lat�or pay, m�n�rs�lvinr� �ay, ancl the day ar�er Tnsnksg9vinq, Chrlslmas �ay, M�mo�i�l Gay �nc� M�rtin Lulhar i�i.�� Jr_ �ay. H-2 pi�OGF��SS AN� CC�MF���TI�iN; hR Ih� tlrrre limit� s#�ted in I�e �:onlracl Documenis ar� �F���enee ln �i3e C$ntraci. ille �:ae�tre�,ltir 5�1311 �iegirl [I7a t�foris vn tl�e daEa of comrneneemenf as do�inad in [I�is 5gcti4n, 3-�e ��il c.arry lh� Ui�'nFk Forwarci ��Qdiliously wlih adoquaEe f4rce� and sl7all oamplete �t �vlthln t��e C.onkr�clTlme. H-3 COh1STRUCTi4M1! WORK: l+laise crealerJ by canslrucii�n work wvithin three huridred {3�4) ieEt of �n occupiad residanti�l slr�clure in�lal+++�g the erEt�tERn, �xcav�Rian, d�+ri4liG4r, elterati�n, nr repair oi e�y buil�i�g, sirucEur�, ar fialv�ork �s pralri�lted as �p�f4WS= Bc'arfl 7:p0 a,m. ar afler S:O6 p,m- h�nday-Friday Fs�{ora ��O[� ��,m. or a�lar 8:00 p.m_ 5atur,�ay-Sui7�ay H-4 bELAY� AN� E}(TEN�IOhI� 6F 71M�: IF ti�n �on1rac��� Is c�aiayed ai any afmo In ih� pm�r�ss af I#�e Va`o�ic byanyact or ner�l�ct of lhe �3wn�r ar #ha Archfteet, or by any ern�loyee ai ihe Owner, �r by any separa#e corti�ractcr ern�loyed by tlie ��u���r, ot by chanqes ord���# ir� llie Wcr[�, or hy Eahor d9sp�te�, frre, �enusual dplay in lran�portat��n, unavbidabla ea�ualli�s 4r any Ca�15e� heyand Eh� �ontra�to�s aanRral, ar by any G�use whicl, t1�� qrchito�t d�tsrrn�nes may justify kii� d$iay, Ihen l[�� �on�racC tir�e rney �e �xterd�d by Gh��g� �dgr fer sue,n re�sona�jia C�rne as r�c�smmendtid !�v lt�a A�tihi�e�t and approved hy lf�a Oti�mer. Wh+en lhe Gantractor is delayed du� tr� abnormal wealli�ror condiliar�s, ihe 4.+�alher labie prawided as 1N7-1 in ih�se �on�ract bacuments sh�il he used as ti,e aas�s fqrpm+eiding a f�ir a�d e�uilahla �djusErnant of Pio �enlra�l lima, AL �:lalms for exicnsion r�€ liirbe shall be rnadi iii wrilir�g ia lh� Arthiteel nn more tfian fiReen days ailer {h� aceurrence ef th� delay, olheronrise they s11311 i5r� +,v�ived. if r�o sc:tiedule c+r a�reement i� rr,atle stating If7e t�atas upaiti wlikci3 wr��len I�ierpFeialioris sf�r�ll be iun�isl5ed, Ihen no claErti for deE�y Sh�ll t�e xlldwe� on aC�Ount Oi f8il�r9 ta Et�riiiSf� s�ch rnlerprelaliar� unlil fitecn days �fler damand ;s n�ade for lhfl�r+. and nnl lhcn urless such � cEaim is r��,onatx�e. H-5 NO �AMA�� F[3Fi D�LAY: NQ paymenl, cornperise�ion or adjuslmenl ar any kEnd {ather ih�in llie extensians af lime provided far} sf�all he n�ade [o lt€� Canlractar �ar d�mages 6e�a�se of hindr�nces nr de�ays frnm 3n caus�a in [he ��rpgress r�f �he w+�rlc, whrthcr sa,c� hindranc�s 4r de]ays b� �voiC�61e t�r un�vq�d�ble, and ih2 �iraelar agreas Ehal he will make na cla�Fn i�r oainpensa;i��, dansages or r��i�igaiian c�f Eiquidaled dainages for any suc?� delays, and tivill �c�ept in ful! saligf�lifln for sucli dek�ys 58id t;){tP.r151fl� df EirY39_ General Candllicns �F Rhe Catttrad far Cansiructron Lump Surn Corllraci PBge 16 df �8 G�W �'141� , Crinie Lab Fup BUildin� Gsn€�r�Eqr Replacem€�nl - Pr�jv4k�10798fi Aur�st �423 ���714�[ I PAYMENTS A�l� COMPLETION I-'I CONTRACT SUM: Tli� CrxilratE Sterts Es stalecF ih Shr: cnn�eac� a�in i� ih� k��.t�� Am�u+�j p�y�#I� hy lh� 4+v��r Ro Ihr.. Canlract� #� �he perfssrm�nce afi Rhe 4Vork undari�e Coni.racl ��cumen[s. 1-� S�HE�UL� OF VA€.UES: Befote IhC firsi Afi�liC�]t]3e f�r P�ymont, Ihe Contra�t�r �hall SubmiE lo Eh� ilrr,hi�nGt a 5cl�iu+.� ei V�ilues ❑f lh� uF�riaus pr.rtir�ns af �ho Wnrk, inr.ludrrx,7 r�,jantG�r:; if requir�d by lhe Archit��l, ar�gr$�7al�ng th� i�ta! Carir�� .����, di�,�d�d s,a ;�s i:� �aciiiia[e payinenis ta Sub-��ira; lors, �r�p�'ed ln such lurrrt �s s�eeified oe as !hc Archllec, and 1he Conlr��tpx rai8y 8��ee upo�l. �nd Su�ipoH�d tr�+ st�th dala I� sub3l�nliatz its cpare�in��s �s Ihe Ar�hiie�i rnay r�q�iro. � ach item in lktie Schedule �f 3.lalues shall Inc:iude iL� ryrape:r shar� oF �vert�ead ancl prpfii, 7hig $Ch�d��49, w+��fs spp�4ved by the Ar�hlieCk �nd ihe OYmar, sMall F,e usrd ;�s a azsEs fcr Iho Cantraclar's Ap, lica�ians fur Paymenl, I-3 PROGRES�?AYMENT5• Ot� lfie TIr�Lday oFe.�ch inanlf� �fter lha fir�t mon".h's v�l�f� h�s FS�n rQYnp9eEed, I+SC Gon4r�Clpr w�ll r��k� c��rr� nt r�slimaies in w�iGnr� iar review k�y She Archilecl and �w€�er of n;ateriafs in �:�r:e r:arr��iete �nd Ihe amaunl nf wark pc�rfa��3fed cl�r�nq S1a� prc.cr�;:�� ri�vnlh ar periad a:�d Ihe value lhere❑f al Il�e pr�ces Conlrae,ied lar as shown on th� apprQved S�he�ule of Values ancl Pr�gress �t�edule, If pa}an�i�S9 afe ta be rlk7de o� 2CCGUnt C�f rnalen8ls aC eqUlp�ilent i�i iilCarpUt2t�d in lhe Vtilark bul dPliueeed and suilabCy siereYi al lh� site sucfi� payr�er�ls st��11 be condili�,ned upo�, subrr�issFnrti by the Con[ra�ior �f b�fls af �ale o� s�ach plh�r �rocedr�rss saEis�acl¢ry lu tlae �wnnr Iv establish 4�e Dwner's titie Eo s�:ch malori�ls cFr equipmenl or r�lherxise pral�c[ the Owner's in��resl ii:cludin� �pnlic�blo in�urance a�d transpoita�irm ta tk7e s�ie. TI'.e Goniraclpr +xaeranls and gu�ranle�� u,�! l.�tie ba :�I! �V�rk, mai�rials and afluipm�nt cav�red qy an A�pli�allon far Psym�a7i, wiielhPr inco€porslad ir� Iltia Proj�ct or n4i, vdiN pass lo Ih� �wner u�an the recPFpt of s�ch payrnent try sht� {',��7lr�,rinr, Fnee �nd �le�r of all Ilens, claims, s�urlly Ir�aeresls or ��7��un7brarrce� herea�3afler referred to �; "f�en� ;�nd that na +Nor�, Rl�i�?ry�I-�`i �� @CjllIpI712Rt covzred hy an JLppli^a3io� for Payrn��nl vrill h�v� prsen ac:quir�r� �y Cha Gc�n4r��tor, or by any olher persor�s perforrnirig lhe V++otk �t [he �aie ar F�mishing rnaEr.rials arid ey�aiprmm�l inr tha 4�nrk, s�bjec# lo an agreerne,�l unsie� wtiicfi an in€=res1 iherein ar an anciimGrance l�7efe�n is retalned by l�� s�lfer orolEl�nulse Imposcfti by lktia Cor�lra�tor n�suct� o�her person. TY:e Conlraciffr �:�all prepaee eaeh r�p{�li��liaro lor R�ym€�n� an AIA bvcumenl CTb2, "Appl+caRion aizd Ceriificata far Paymenl", �nti ailachpd Eh�r��a AIA [}ovur�ent G703, `ConRlnu2tipt'1 S11e81', 10 Ir1d{Cale ihle progfess ��ade !a [t�Le �rl�l 1�1a pt�nod or n�onth Far w'�i�h paym�nt i� r�quested {or each Item lisled in lhe Sohtiedule vf Ualuas. A capy oF Ih$ r�v�s�d rnonlhly w4rk prog��5s SGhedul� r11u�i !aE alt�chec! hef�re �fie pay Fequesl can be ss:ceplpd. I� ���TIFIC�T�� FOR PAYNIENT: Ir t�e GanVaeta• has rnacfe APplicellon i�r?�yrne�E as ab�sv�, lhe Ar�h�ect will, wtlh reason�6le �ro��tr�ess htii n�t mare thar� seveR �'�rs ;ifte� ihe rer,ai}�i of li�� �ppll�lian, prep�re a Ctrtitica€e of Paymeni, wiEh a r�py i� Ihe �onlractor. for such arno�nt dalermsn�d Eo be pr�perly due, or SI�Ee ir314�i1mq reasor�s fo� wilhl7o�[Eing a�erllf�aEe, 71rye i�suari�e af a Cert�f�aie far i'aym�nt will co.�ssliiute a representat�an Ey [ne {]�vnaF, l�a�ec� an 1�7e Archlieat�s abse�al�ons 21 �Y►e slle and EF�a d:�ia cnmprising !ha A�plir�kfnn ine Pzyrnr:r�t, thaf the V'Jork has pragressed to lhe painl iivdi€salad; [hai Ihe Gu�liiy ai the Wofk Is I+i �CC4fd8nCe wikl� 1f1� Cor+:f�Ct �oGuinet,ts {�ulsj�s:t EC� �n Qvefu�lion of R�1e VJork �s a functinning N+�sole upon �uh�lantl�I Con3plellon, !a th� resuits oi anq s�bsequeEtil tesls rEc�ukr�i hy the �onitacl Dpcuments, ln fnin4r dq+ri�11P�S ff0iT1 ih4 Gonirac! dflcurn�rlls earreclabl� pFior lo evmplat�r+n. nnd #o any s�:n�fi� €�uakif'tcafior}s stal�;�1 in t�e Cerlifie�Ee); and ra,cornmend�lians [a [hse O++�ser ihat Rn� C��tracl�r b� �+aid in Ri�� amounl certified. In �ddi�i�r�, llw� Arch�t�c�P� ap�rc��ral �Sf firiaJ paymerit �ssuro-s «e ()wnar lhal Ehe condtlions pree�edentta ih� �arjtrac�or'� being €nliiled 1a f nal p�yr��ent as sel Fae1h in lhis Section hati�� te�n fuifiltod, Aftor tha Arch�lact has is�ued a Cerlificake For PayrnenE, th� �lwiier �haN approwe or disapprr�ve same rvilfsln len days a[ler 4i ]�as �eer� dei�+ered �o �f�e c7v,�r�er. Fa, cflntrac�s IQss the�i 5���,000, �nrn�r �hall pay 90�, at ihe �pprow�d esiimate lo Ih� �;ontr�clar wilhir� s�uan days aftQr i1s �pproval, and tho rem�ining 1�J�lo- ��f Qach such eslima�e wi11 6e reRained by the �wner uniil Su6slanti�l Gr�n�pl�ii�n, ror contra�is in axc�ss of $�OC�,�[}, tl�� Ow�16r V�ill r913it1 oi11y �% oi e3Gh e5ti�nal9 ur11i! 5uh5lar1Ri31 ��m�ie!�on. �ln GeNifsea�e far a pr�grass payrnent, nr�r �ny prag�oss ��ymanl, n�r �ny partiel ar ent�r� us� or occugancy of Ihe Frojecl by the 4wner, shall �or�tif�is an �r.�plan�o 4f any UL'ari: not fn ac�cardar.c� with Ihe Con�ract Doce�rnar�t.s, or reli�ve the C�nir�ctor ❑f fIa4�Hty �n respect to aitiy� tv�rentles ar re�poitisibiiiky for faulty malerials or wo►krndr�sNip. TY+e Giniraelt�r sha�l prompt�y ren�ecly any deFacls in lhe 4�!❑ric arrd �by !ar any ciarn�gfl 1❑ olh�r wcrk resulting �here�rom rhat shall appear wilhin � period o1 one year Fr�,rr7 !he d�[a �f fin�l ace,c�larx-e �f iho 1�Vwic unfcss a longer pe�iod is sp�sciFied. I-5 RAYl41€M1IF� WITHHELD: Tiie Arcfiitecl iT�ay declln� t❑ app;ove an Appllcai�on for f-�ymenE and may w�kitinnld I�is Ccrti�ical� ln whnlc or in �art ii m fiis opin�on ]an i� un�hl€� tn rn�kQ Ihp ropresunt�Iians lo tl�e �wner as provltfe�l In l}iis Setli�n. Thte Archilecl may a°=a dec�in� 4o kpprov� any A��{iceRiarts for Payn�ent or, because af subseyuei7lly disc�v�xad �vltien�e cr su65eque�li 1�1s15eCEi[ar��, rt��ly �lullify 1f3� wh1�e or 8ny �rt nf �ny Certifcate fo� Paymaril proYipuslY I�SUecl Eo 9UCh �x4efli �s 1718U be r�ecessary �n Itis �pir�i�rr 1a praleEt !ne Owrter frum loss hc����so of; 1 j �ef�clive wark a�o! raned�ed; 2j �laims �Eat# or r�asa�ablp �vidrnc.� indicabng protsa�3e f�ling of claims; 3j F�ilure oF the �n�rsr�tar te m8ke payrnenis preper�y in �hcon�racla�, ar far �hor, rnatarials or aqul�am�t, dj ReasonahEe rfaubi khal lhe lNork e�n be com�leled far t€�e �npald t�alance oi tl�� �eRitrsct �urr�; Genpr�� fiondlt�ns��lhp Contr:�c# far ConStr�Chon Lump Sum CDr1trSCl P�ge 17 pF 28 CFIN P�e1p — Crime Lab Fuil #3uildina �o�r�ra�or R�plar,.pm4nt — Pro=ecl �€1�298fi Augusl �Oz3 5) O�rnagalaanotherco�lFd�lor; �] R�asa�ah±¢ tndic.ali�� th�t Eh� Work w�tl nas � c�rnplsl�d within #ftie �r�nEract �ime: or 9j U�setisfaetory �ros�cullan of ihe Work by !he Gortlraetaf. Wh+3n sur,� g�t�iir�ds tor C�B refus�! nf pByRl�ll 2re �etnoV�d, paymenl shall b� made for �i�iavnls x+ri�hheld bacause cf lhettl. TFi� Owner reserves Ihe rf�ht te wi�hhnYd the p�ymen� aF any rr�anlhly estlm�te, wl��nui paymen; nf inlrre;t, if ;hr �.r,r.tr.�r:tnr i�iEs la periarm th�l+4nrk in �cs�,c�rd�r.r.e withlhuspcc�Cca3ia�s. I-B Lk�UlOATEQ �AMA�ES: The pert�es ac�ree and ackier�wlerlg� ihal actual +l:�n��yus atr, urti�;t=-�ii�e ,��vJ �ifFc�IL Iri 28Cerl8kn b�caus[: lhe �rn�crl relatE:4 iu r.onslrucG4n lor a rr�unicipalify, fVnrmal dam�es n` I;�si rcr-! r.r Rirniii �rci nn! ��:�li�a�€e in Ihrs 4irc��m�tanrc 4�caus� Chr� City �� a muriicipalily and 4hcs Prr.�j��1 will nc�l r�reive r��t ���d the �ily v�ll �ti�1 I,ave !ast profils. 7n�sre[�ire, 1h� panies �gre� t�7al ���cause Gity'S aclual rJar�ag�� are too difficuH la ascertain lhal lhe fiqi�i�i�kcd d�mag� sEalcd b214w �ee re2snr�ahfe and a carrecl eepr�senlalior� ol actual damagrss lo kh� City. Thfl ga�iias alsn �grec ihal il�c_ 4iqr�idated d�m?ges calt�� #or m!I��s con�rael are nol � pernlly �.�I an agr�ed u�on damages ea�culalian by [w� sophislical�d partl�s. The deduction far I�quidated €iart��ges slu�l b� as iolPows A�nounl ai Gnntrart tle�uidal�d C�amag�s per I�ay �S7 5,O�U nr l�ss $45 $15,d�11❑ �25,pa0 �G3 $�S,OD110 550,ad� $165 �5�,00110 51�0,00� $15d $1�O,UU�O [€� 356Qp�a �2�0 �SDO,UQ9 Ea $1,40�,LD0 $3�5 $],bd0.d4� lo �:�,6L�C.f�6� �l?f] 5�,fl��,�(}1 la �5,Of}C}.000 �iF�3{] �S.[7Q4�A�)1 to 9i1�3,L144,0a0 ?�8��� G�rer �1 d,�00.�C�0 w98� I-7 FAILU�E �F F'AYh�1�l�i: I`, wilhE�ul Faul[ on ih� pa�i of Shr. Cpnlr:�clor, Eh� Ar�hileGt ShoS�ld I�i1 t[� Gssue a�y GDrilfir,�fe iar p�ym�nl wElhin sc�ven days attcr r�ccipt of Ihe C:r�r��faclar's R�ti�lica!�on !ar Payrr�enl, if II3e Ganlraclor's A�i�icat+on Foe P�y,r;enl, or ii, vrithoUl fau,l s�rE 4he pa:i af :he Gonlraulor, Ihe 4wn�r shaulc� fall Eo ap�ra�re such estlmaie ar Ea p�y to lhe Conlractar 96� or 954'� (as a{�plic�hie] oF thc am❑uni 4heret�f v�rithin ph�a ryeri�i of iirrti� s#�eciiied, k�4n 1Ft@ �4�it�CjO� �►kd�+, u}�on s�v�n {7j days rdditkon�4 u�ri!#en nnticc 4o khe Owner and in Ihe Arehikeci. slap 1he V+rork �miil pay�nent af lhe smo�int c�wirx� h2,s b�er� rec�:ved. I-8 SUBST,4NTI.AL C9MPLETION AN� �INAL PAYMENT: Prlor la lhe requ��� ior fin�l paymar�i, Iha C�ntr��l�r m�St rr��! �EI provisions For �rojecC Cbs�oE+t- When llia Cor�frsclar determines lhat ihe tilVark Ys suastantiafly r,arr�plele, the �ity shail ffrspor.l iha projer.l wilh Ilae Canlracln� and tha r.onlraclar wi�l pr�pare a"Praliix�i�ay Pt�nch LisR". Ui+lien ihe Arc.�i�eGl, an ihe basls �f a suY�s�quenl irsoec4avn, determinc�� ihal thc UVo�k is suost..nlialfy c�r:pleie, hu il�Rn svd� pre�are a C�rti#le�le a! S��sl3nfial Complelion (���l�j SwhaCh, �nih�fn �pp€qve¢ py ihf �wner, sh�lf �llo�+v ih0 �ntr�ClO� l4 f4qu�5� � Certifi�ate of Cr�c��p�n�y which tvlli establi�h khe fJate ai Substsn�lal Campl�t�ir�_ The G�rliiicale ot Su�sianti�l �ompleilo�r shiall st81e lfle resp4n5ib�li�iEE Gf Ih2 4wn5r �i;d ifse C�nlr�Glvt ror rnainlen�ce, hea� utililies, arod Insurance, sh8ll s�l farth ihe remamin� wc�rk as a'fn�l puneh li�t", �hie Cnntract❑r shalk c�npl�te tl�e remai�ing u+vrk lisled Iher�i� Wilhin �U ca�rld�r d�+�„ 1'Vficn ii7w Gertifiicate aF �;,�upancy h�s �ieen issuod. !ha rotalr�age may be raduced la d�5. 4Jpon cof�pl�tio� o� ih� wo�c listed an lhe fi�a� p�nch IisC ta lhe sa;isf���ion o� Ih� �ity o� For1 Worth, tr►� r$ta�nage rraay ba redu�ed f0 2.5°}a, 5huuld Ehe Conlrsclor fail lff �omplets all c�rilraelusl reyuiramanls nf lhe conlraci, ire�luding suhmiltals �nd fnal p�y requasl wiihin lhe ��ed �imo, lhe conir�ct lime w+14 again commence. Shauldl�+a Cantreelor fai� Ro camp�e#e #he �++�r1� within ih� rarstracl duralia�, lieuida#ed darliages will 6e assessed Upon r�c�ipl nf wrilten nol�c.� that the til+ark Is rea4y for fnaJ �nspe:.;�an, she C�iy tviJ[ c�nduct � jo,ni Inspectian and ce�ify c4�e7p�elio� � af li.e flnal puneh lisl t�y �:oso�ning it with �he Conlraciar. *hce �ontr,�ci�r 5nall subrn�t the fo�kowin� ifems ta th� Cily priUr t4 rmql�esCing lin�f paym�nt: ij Conlr�ctor'� Af�id�vlt of P�yrn�rtt of Dehts �nd Gl2inti& �C37�) si�ting lE��! ali p�yrolls, hills !or r�al�rials and eqvipment. and ❑ther in�tebicdn�ss canne�ic:d wilh [fti��'1�ark Foe w�iich t�rc Oyun�r nr hls �,rnperly mi�l�t in �ny v��ty l�e rf�s�nnslh�d'-, hav�3 b�`�� �7�id C�F9lhC��i�n S�tkSfi�d, 2j Gons�nt r�f �iireiy 1n Firial P�yr.ienl (G707j, i€ any. lc� ilnal �ayiner�l, 3j ConErKctor's AIf4c��vii ai Refeas� of Liertis (G7�nA}, a:id, �) �lhor dal� esi�nliqhkng ��y�n�snl or s�lisfac9icn rrf a!! G�lch oh'�ga#inns, st�ch as rc�eip#�, a�ele�s�s. ��nd waiVers ot Ifens aFfsing ❑ui of the �ontra�l, to ihe exfr.ni znd in s��:h �orm as may bc cesic�na�rch hy !I�c Ov�ner. 5} Conlractar's W�rKanly fi� S=_alement lha! all nutsland�nq Y;brk I�as he�n [:�3mplctec! s�Erlerat Cundillan� qf il� COntraC' fG�' �6r15l���IlGri LlJ�1�i SUn1 �arl[raC4 FagE 1� of �� C�Y'J Phi❑ -- Crime tab Full Building Gener�tot R[�la�ernent — Projec€ �rtQ2<#BG A�gust 2623 7j lssu�n�e af ".h� �inai Gertifi�ate ai �ubstantiaE C�impleiE�n 8j Fina� ac�e�tance by ihe Clty af �orl 4Vorth. if �t�y S�hnpn�racjpr, rn�t�r�-�Iman o� iabor+:r r�iuses t4 furnis� a G�rtia�tor's Aflici2vlt �i Relar'�s� of Lieris, Ihe Cvn�raciar may, � !he eleclion af tha dwr�er, Furnish a bond satis`aelc�^,r Eu lFre Gwner to Inder�i�ify hirn �gainst �ny r�c�ht, claim c�r lion wrhi�h r�Er�hl 6e asse�teci �y SUCi7 5ubC6r1tf8Gl4r. m�letiafman ur la�r�e. I( any su�fl rig�l, �laim �r fian re�nains iinsalisfed aflnr al� payrr�nl� �re �r5�da, The Con�raclor shaji r�f;�nc� [c� the �wn�r all morues lhal tr�e laitar may �e cor�+�ieiled la pay [� dis�hargi�ig �ucY� raght, clalrn or lien, Induding af� cpsis artt# €n�spna�le allorney's iees_ Th� Canir�eior msy IY,er� requesl fin�l ��yr��nl. 7hs a��9an� of Gn�l �ayrneni shall cr�r�etittR�e � waivar �f all �9aims by lftie Contrad� exeepl thase prcatii�usly rns'sd� in wriiirag �nd slill �nsetlied. The Co:�lr�cl�rs �1e-yeat �rr�rlfy v�ill cnrnmence u�o-r� �u�s!anlial Car�pl�liqn of lhe Pr4jeci. Friot la 1he �xpira�lar� af Ihe ane ysar +uarranty Ghere wiYl C7e a w�lk l}1�ough t�tt�ndetl hy Ihe Owner, �reEiitecl, �ntl C.�r�;raciar ta iaeniify ��y ilarns tlti�,� n�$ci io b� arklrrassed. These Items w+�l :oe agr�:ed u�csrti 6y all pa�iies and 113e conlra�torwilE eom�lakr. kh� work ►withln 34 days. The de�ignated represent�ii�,e o( titc �ity o� Fort l+�orth ru41i make �inaa acceHEance and r� otl�er forrn nf aceeula�lce will b� L�Indirig upon Iha {3wnor, ]-8 FINAL PAYMEHT FOR UI��OlWbE� PRO.fE�3S; Fin� paym�n� �C! r�44 be rn2de far a pe�iod of 3Q calsndar �ays and vreti! :�H req�iiremc�ufi h,v� be�n rnet, wilh ih� �xcealion �f Gx�n�enl oFSutely far Flnal Paym�nl, �E�TI�71+1 J PR�T�GTldhf dF PERS�hES ANfl Pl�dPERTY .1-i SAFETY PRECA[Ji'IONS .4Ai� P�i�GRAM�' Tn� Gontrae[CN 5�+811 t]e respo�lsi�f� Fdr inili�lirlg, rffainl�ln,ng and supe�isin[� all s�feiy precauii�ns ar�d pra�:a��s En cunnec:i3oi wiih lhe Wc�rk. 713e �arrlraclr,r �h�ll dQ��gn�tF � r[�sponsi4E� rt�vFnb�r a� �7�s orpanizallo� a� tne s��� whos� duly shall � Ili� prevanti�,n �! accadenis, 7ftis pe-scn �alf be �he Contractors sup�rinlerde�i unless otherwi�e de�lgnaled rn writing by iha �or�iractorla ihe Archi[ect. J•2 SAFEI Y DF PER50NS AN� RR�P�RTY: Th6 �anit�ela�r s#121i iake all reasanable pr��auRlo�s fQe the �a�eiy nF, and sha31 prali�e all reason�ble proieellp� io pF�ypni damage, inj4Fry or�oss to; {11 A11 ernplayees cm [+�e Vvo�k and all other parsons wl�a rnay !�e a�fecled 4h�reby, {2j AU lt�e 1Nork �nd al1 msler��is and equlpm4ni to 6e inr�por�l�d ther�kn, whefher in siorage �n or�a#I lhtie �f�e, under il7e c.�r�. �_Usl�dy or c�nlraE saf Ihe Co�lrsclar cr any of hi� SubcantracEflr� vr Suh•conlraclo►s; and {3i C�Eher prope�ty �E �he s+l�, ❑r t�d�ac�nt tr�ar�to, �r�eludinfl tress, s��ru� Eawns, wafks, �aaer��n�, r�dw�y�, strucwres and ulililies nnl dcsic,naied icr rPm�ra3, relflca��on or repfar;emenL In llze r.ourse of conslruclion_ L�nlil acceplance of lhe VJ❑rk, jf s�,all he unriQr 1he charga and care of the Conlractor, ar�d ��e sfiall Iake euery �recaulbon agairl�t injury ar damago Ic� fh€� Vdnrk 6y the adian of !he eker�zenls cr from ar�y fllher cQuse w�aEsoever, wheiher arisinJ Iram th� e��ur:on or fYorll Rhe r�Ciii-exet�l��r1 �xf Ih� V��Yk: The Cortlr�clar sh�ll re6uild, repair, rctstore an� maSce gnt�d, al Y�is own oxpartis�, �II injuries ar darnages Eo any poriJar, n� lhe Work o�c�sianed hy an}+ af th�s above, r.aused k�fora iks coinpfetion end aceeplanve. fhe Canira�:tor shall �nm{aly wiCh ali applicahle Laws, f?rduyancPs, Rules, Regula[ion� �nd Ord�rs of any puk�lic aut±�nri�y h�ving jucisoictio� far li�e sais;y oF persans or �raperty or l� pralec:l tM�m irarn dama�e, in�u.y ar Iflss, a-le shal� arevC and mainldin, as req�lr2d by exist�rt� cor�tl�ilan� and pr�gyr�sS af �h4 Vt'ork, s�l r�asonabl� st�rfa�uarda for saEeiy and pea[ect�on, +ncludmg pos9in� �angmr si�ns �r� ather warnin�s aga�nsl hazar�+s, prorriulyafing safely regulatians and nolify�na flwn�:vs and user� ❑f adJ���rt UtII�Ues. VUhon iha us� ar starage of explosi+res or alh�r hazardous nkateriais ur �qul�cnent is necessary for ih� execution ❑f t�e Ul�ork, t1,a �a�11raG#a� s}�ali ex9rcise Ihe ukm�]st care #i�i� silall �3rry or� such 8cllvities �nder the supervis�vn oi pr�perly qu�li�ia�! pe�s�nnei. All damage or aoss i❑ �ny �rn�crty roferrc� tu in ihe �r+�c�dln� oara�7rap15� eausec Ir7 WFi4IL' af In p�rt by lh� Con�rac�or. ahy Su�e.antraclar, ar ariyan� directly or i=idireelly ern�lr�yed I�y r�ny nf thtern, er by �nynne for who�e acEs a�y of thnm may hc IG�ble, sftall b� r�med�ed by lhe Corrtsar,lof, iF�cludfriq d�n�age �F I�ss altriaut�hlr lo aauliy Dr�wings ar 5�rr.Efrcalians �nd t'�[:ts c�r ornifisions af lhc l�rcl,ilc.,� or s�nyon�� r�mpla}�d �y hi�n or irsr whnsi: ar.*,^, he i�3y h�3 li�l]IC, and noa ��Ir,uu[aisie to ti5e fauit flr neql:ger�e af tt�e Cnnlract�r nr anynne t:l:�imin� thratoph ihr. Contrar.ior far such dameqe ar loss_ f he c;onEract�r shall nat 6narf ar p�rmii any part nf lhc Work m b� in�do[� �a as to ertdang�r Its s�fely. j=3 HAl2o }l�.�S: Hard Hal= wi11 ha req��ired a1 all conslrurliar� si�es i�tclu�ieci in EI7�� Conl�acl frarri sl��l t❑ compl�lton af ,kuYx. E8ef1 CanitacEOr, �m��lo�e0 �rt� vislldr �R any cpriSlfU�110� 5��� iflG'�li4J� �n IhC �OI}ll'�4�1 Y+II� �7� P(�{��IEPQCI 14 W��f a fY�Pd Fi�l. 'f ho ConlracEn� shal3 enlo� lh� wcaring of hard ha[s by �o�traclor, employ€�es and �+isitar�. C�ntrar;lar sh�all �roiide hard nals far �isc* by 4r�, c.ansu4ing Arr,hllecfs end �ngfnc�ers and v�sitoas, �aner2l �onditi9ns af INe �antract Ir r Cons lr�oiian Lump S� Can�raci F'age 9 9 ai �$ CFW P�v4D — Crime �ab �ull �uilding G�tee�tar Rr�pfacer�teiil —Projec:t #i0F986 Aeigusl 2�23 .!� �NEE�G�N�IES: In arry ernergency a(faetir�r� ihe �afety a( persons or praperty, ihe Canir�ctar shall ae� at hls discrelion l� 3)reve�l �hr�atenec! darnag�, injury �r loss. Any a�idilinnal �DrrS�ensaiiarl nr extertslon af timat c!a�m�d I�y th�: �nnfr�Clor nn act�ounl aF �merqency w�rk shall nr� �£termir�d �s �r�vlrled in G�tia�g�s In Fh� V+fork_ J-$ 5+�� W�RK PFiAGiI��S: 7hE �015i�vtQf 5#7BII C�fl'lj�lb� 58I£ p�BClIC95 1h �lafitllll5� rt}ci{�C�IS 811i1 BC�L{I�i11Lrt1 Lk�Ed lfl �eriar+nlrr� e�t;uircd wark sn a� l� ins��re !h[� satr.�y sf h�s vunrkrncr, Giky r..R,;�lpye�� afl�7 l.hr� �UbI+C. Th� Go�1lfaCfo�' sh�ll �teap lhe prarr�ise irer� �t all iim�s fmm acciimula+.inn c�l wasle maierials o� ruhbksh_ AI lhe cam�lelian af tYse u�ork, fi�e Contracior shall remnv� a!I has w�st�s and rubb�sh #rom a:��l abaul liie wark acea. as weli as hf� loais, eqt�ipme�t 2�ti�3 s►�rplus �tt�teri2ls �r�d sh�ll I�aue �h� a±'eS �� CiP�r� sRtl free �f 3phC, Sldins, cit_, �s b�Fore !he work was undert�ken. .�-G T€2ENCH SAF�TY: 7h£ Cnriir�cR4r Shall h� rc�pnnsl�Ne fnr 2II cas�s�r�n and �rnplementsR+on oF LrencM sl•�oring arxi stabil�x�lit�n lo rn��t roc�ulalory requ�r���e3tiLs. If ihe Arop�ssl req��lres, lhe �antr3�tor 5hall Enclude a per-Unit �as� far tren.^.h 5�fe�y meas�r�s in his 6id, If nat ir�cluded In t��e �'ro�ass! 11�� C�nir�f�or shall inc�utle a c�aat far �rcnch s�f��y ���s�res far all lr�ntihes dUer S t��� in d�Rlh in hps $�heciul� of Values. 5��'�Idhl K - INSUf�ANG� F4-1 lHSlfrzqruG� R��]UIRED; The G�I1trSClOr 5118lY n�l C��nrnr nCe vJcatk u��des i}sis C�ntr��: until itie R,a� ah�a�r��d �II ir�sur�3r�r_e requlred under Ihix Secllan and 4ueh in�ur�n� M�� b�rn SZppr4v�t� hy Ihn �;ity �f r-�rt WarSh, nor �itiall ihv �antr�nc�cr �IIavM 3ny 5el�eor.lractvr ls� ear�r�enc� urar�€ la he R�rFa�rncd under lhis Conlracs �ntif all similar insurance of the 5u6c�nlraelor has 4¢en s� obl�in�d and app�ovec€. The C;ty of Fcrt +N4rth will G� Ifsled �� �n "ad�lti�nal insured" d� al� nQlicies e�pt Wark�rs Corripeaisal;an. 3{-2 WO�FfERS' COfu1PEN�ATI�N ESVSURAHCE 11 Gen4ra�: 8j C�f+li8c[dr'S WO�4tCrs COm}i9r+saii�n Ins�rar�ce. Conl�CL�r agre�s C4 prr�vid� lo lfie qwnor (C;ify} ��riiFc�te showFng tha[ il has c�hqalneci � poiiey c�f we�rkr.r� r�smpons�li�,n i��u�a�+c� �4VQr�ng �a� �f iks �mplay�e� emplayed an lhe pra�e�i In camp{lance wilh slale law. No NoCice to Procoerl will �e issuerl unl�l [he Corslraale. has cart�pGeci wi+fi lhis sec�len, �� StEbC6�il�$GiGfS 1NoYkev'S Cvmp[:n3alian Irts�lra�cc, Con#raclor �grq�� Rp res€�ui�� qa�h a�1t7 �a��y �U4�qnlr��tpr ayf7q �,yjl� �6�i6ff�1 w+c;fk prl 1�5R pr4f �Cl l4 pr01+�(IB tp 1{ 8 C�f[�Fc�te [rorn sur_.h subeontraclar statir�g ;Fial Ihe �uboQniraelo.` f�a� ��aN�y ❑F vnarkers corn�ensation insuianr.e eo�eerin�� each ernploy�e eritipl�yEd on Ihe proJoel. �on�ra:.tnr �aitl nat perrrlil any subconlr�Cl(�r Ro �SerF�rm Wor�C on lhC pr�jecR �nlH sl,ch eertifica[� 11�s heen ar.quirad, Conlractc:r �h8ll prnvirJc, ,� capy nl all su�h certiilc�le5 ka Ih� Ownrr (i;i4yj_ cj By sir}nlr3g ihis Carflracl nr pret�ding �r ca�sing lo he provided a�arlific2le af covr.€a�e, thr. CnnlraC4+�r is rC�7rr_.�onting to Ch•o City I#�.�1 all crr,�loyer:.� af Ihn [',�nlF�Gio� whc� will prr�vide svEvic�^s c�n Ihv pr4jeti•l wy61 bc �av�r9d by workers car:�pens�lion ctsveragc fflr iF�e �uratkon 4f Irie praJecl, lh�t ilie �overage wilf F5a bas�d on prap�t r+euorlin� �i cl�sslF�aUon �odes and p�yroll arn€�un[s, ard titat all eaverage agree�rrenl� will ne fileti ur�h #hp ap�rnpri�te in5t�r�nce �arrief ar, in lhe cas� cf a self-insu,ec4, wiih ihe Texr�s 4Va�ker's Carnpensalian Camrnissian's Givisian of �e1#-Insurance Regulation_ �mvid�n� iais4 or misl�ading inf�rm�liQn rnay subjecl ikie Caniraclar ka adrnlniairafkve penallles, criminal p�na�ues, c,u•I penailies ar other clvll aclion�- d} Tho Cantractnr's FailurQ Ic, cam�fy wilh any aF tl�ese pmv�sirxis is a 6mach af conlraci by ihe �oniracior �whi�h �nlilles lhe C.�ty [a �ac[�re l�� canlra�t vairl iF li,e Conlr�cl�r d��s �ot rem�dy li3a hr��ch wilhlrti �en days afl�r rec�pl ❑f nutiee c� 6r�aeh irain lhe Cily_ 2j Definilions: a} C4.+rtifir�to of �bvarago ("cr�ri+iicato"). A copy ai a c�rtificate oF insurance, a c�erhficaEe ni aulharity to self-insur€ �ssued 6y I#�e �ex�s �orkers' Can}pensa�ior� Cominiss�on, ar s�v�rac�e sgreerr�ent [M+CC�81, TW�C•A2, TWCC•83, or T+�VCC- Sd}, showi�g sfaEulury wc�vkers' corrip?nsalion fnsu€ance ern+aragc For Ihe p+�rson's or r�siliy'S r_rrapinye�s pmv�dJng s�vvrc�s on a prpject, f�r ln� duraiion of lh� pro��l- 15} �ur�tion df fh� ProjE�l. Iricl�des Ilie lime Ffo�� !he t,eginnin� Qf I�tc w�rk Gn ih� prrJeEt Wr]lll lhr� ��nt��CloF's1pCr54n'S w�rk an !he p�ojr,c4 h�5 b�en eernpl�icd �nrl acr,optRrd �yy Ch� �:i�y cJ Persans prou]dFr�g sEnrlc�s an 113e �ir��ec! ("�u6canlracle�" in ser.tirrn 40�,Oa6) :ncJudes ahl perscins or entiRi�� p$rjorrning all r.r p�ri ❑i t�a service� lh�± Cnn;ractar F�as undorlakcn in par#orm on Ih� projo�l, �r�ardF;ss csf whe[h�r thal persan e�fl[r�cte� c1i�e�r.11y wilh Fhr-. Cnntr�lor and rng�rdla�s e�f wheil7er tnat p�r�nn has �mplc�yees. Thls Ir�]ud�s, w�lhoul Ifmilalia�. �nda�e:�rfenl c:c:!raclors, su6contraclors, le�sing carnpanEes, maiar carriers, rnvner-operaiors, errs�l�rees c;F �riy �uoh entily. }r �niplayrns of any enlity ti�,hich fur�isl�es pe rsons ln prorice servicAs �n ihc prajacl. 'Scrviees" ir.clude. �vlthr���! +imilati�, �mviding, hauilnr�, or dc?��d�rinn aqul�menl or rnal�nals, or pr�viding labcsr, lra�sportalian, er oliiee serW�:es relaled t❑ a projael, "5�rric�:5 �'�es r1:i? ie1r�U�{e sati4ill�s Unrel���d la lhe prnjecl, s�ich �s f�,dlheverag� u2r��ors, �fii�� supply deliveries. and ��l�ver}� o{ porfahla toilels. 3] F:�4ulr�ments: �} The Cnntracior shal4 provide eavPr€�ge, �fi�ed on �sropor r�porting r�[ �12tsslR�alir,r� cpd�s and �yro11 arnounls and [iling oi any caverag� agreamonts, whicai rnee4s Ihe staiulory r�quirem�nis eF T2xas tabor Cod�; 5edion d�3.bi�i{dd� Fe[ alf err�ploye�s of iF� Curnrac[or�rt�vidirtg servicas af tj�e project, ior ihe durail�n af [lae projecl. Gen�rat Corrdiliff�as o� lhs Canlracl for CQnstructfarr L�imp Svm �c,ntracl Page 20 �f 78 CFtiN PM6 —Crlr�e Lah Ftill Buildinq Generatur Replaoemenl — Prajec� i�4a�9$� A�gus! ��7� b] The C�nitactor must prrn�de a eartJFl�at� �f eaverags ln Iha gavernmeREal enl�ry priar lo being �w�r�e{i li�e contracl. cJ If [he cover�ge paria� shar�n on ihe Gontractor`s curreni cerli�icale of cr�verat�e �n�s during l�� d�r�t�on ef Ihe pr�ecl, the Contrae�ar rnus�. �rf�r �a the �nd nf th� �avers�� ueriocl. fl� a n�uvi ceni�ica�a of cn+r�rage �uith lhe Clty showEng ihc�t c.�vcraga I�s hc�n �yl�:ndc�. d� Tne Cnnkacror shal! anla�n from eacl3 persc�n proaidr�g services on � project and �rovide to I�+e Ciiy: I� a�srt�fiCat� �f ��v�rag�x. p+i�r ka tku�S �r�4n b�ginning w4rk Qn k�� pr��ect: s� tE�e gav��nm�nkal �rR4[y utill ha�c +an ff� c�rfificstes of r,osrer�ge sfiowing cav�rage Tor aEl persans prouiding �rvices er l�le profecl, and ii) na fatr.r lhan snvon rlays ailcr r�c�ip! !�y thc Crxilr�:lar, a nnw c�rtsfic�ln nt r,�verage shoK�un� ext�nsinn o,` c�ucrag�, if the ��v�raga p�rfod shawr� an !he �urr�ni cer�fiicate a� r.c�vera�e �ncl� during the dural;�rn aF tT�e projocL aj tl�e Con�racFar sha�l retain eGl requir�d cerli�cat�s �f cnv�raga F�r tf�e duratfan of thc pro�ct and for one y�ar theroafk�r, f} The Canlrar.trx shall ncitiFy tMe Clly in wrflirzg tvy c:erlifiad rn�il or persarral deiir�ary, within ten (1fl] day� �fierthe Cqr�lr��ic,r knaW or should hawe known, af any aha�gr� tnal m�fari�Hy aNQcis th� prflvision of �os�crag� n# ar�y persr�n �rrnVidiny sennces an I#�e pruj�ci. g} The C¢ntr�ctpr sl�all p¢st an �aph pr�J��i sit� a notice, ln Iho tn�t, fam� and mannc�r p��scri4ed �y the 7�cas Vs+arker� Cnm�c�satior. Comm3ssiovi, infarrreing ail persans �envirling sorvices an Ila� pro��€:i kI��S lhey aea requir�d lo ba ca+rer�d, �r1A siating Ilotiva person ns�y v�rlfy wverai�e �n4 r2�Csrt I�ek 4S Coirers�e, h} The Con#rec�ar shall conlr�c#ua11y require each p¢rsaR witli whor�� it r�ntrack� t4 Rrovide sen+ices an a praject, !o: ij �ro�lde c�+�Gr�ge, ha�� on propr,r repprting o� ih� �1ass�Gca�inn ea[C�� and p€�yroll �rnpunl� z��d f�l�ng oF a�y �q+�cr�ge agreemenEs, which meels the sf�ilu�oi}r rcquirer�ents oF Taxas la�or Code, Sectian �l(}4.0'E1{A4] far all fff i;� �:nployees provfdirig se�viea� u�i �he p�cjeC1, fcw lhe dur�t+an c�F the pfajeet; iij �irov�de to lhe C��Iractor, priar R4 t#�ai person ber�innine wark 4f1 Ih� prpJeck, a cartiFicele oF covae�g� sh�wing 117at cov�rage is f�ir�y prerride�4 for �Sl ernplay�es of Ihe p�s�n praviding servlces an [lee proae��, Far Ihe duration of I#�� prajecl; ilij p�ovf�le Ihe Co�traytar. �r>or �o ihe en� oi th7e cn+rerage pei7ac4, a new ceniAe��e af c�veraye shawnng extension af covernyo, ii lhc caver�ge pc:rlad sl�awn on the curren�r�-ilfr,r�to oFcovar,g� and� during thc� durc�tk,n ❑f tha praj��t; ivl ablain From �ach aiher per�n wi�h ��hc�m i� canjraGts, and pmvide to ihe Contraciar; ('I j a cerfjfu;alp �i{ cGvSrage, pror lt ihe bther persan beginning 4wark on the praj�cf; �nd (2j a new terlifcate af eoverage sha�ing exlens�on af �avera�a, prior la the end af the cos,�erage p�iod, li 1ha eoveYa�o penod shawre an t�e eu�'enl ce�tiii;.�te o� cq�+eragg ends durinG ihe due�ii�n of lhe �raject; �+} refain all require�E c�rli �c�les �[ c�ver�e an ffe fcr lhe �luraltai► �i Ihe pro}e�i end fcir on� yre�r lhereaiter. af] n:}t[4y Rhe �3fy In writing b�+ c9r�lf�tl m,il ar p�rsanal dalivery, wiah9n ken (�0} d�ys �+fter th� person kn�v,r ar sho�il� have knrnwr�, af any c�l:ange lhz�� mataiially af[ecls taie provision o! cnyeeage of any persar, praviding senrices ori lhe prnject. and v�i} conlraetually requir$ �acn parswn u,EEh whom ik conlracls, to ��rform �s r�qulred by pa�graphs h-i} -�ff), wrtl7 tfYe cer3ifieates af c�vere�e lo be provide� io lne person for +n+��t,m lhav are pmVldlrig servlces_ �j Pr�siin� of R�ulred Warker's Cor�pen�al�nn CoveragQ: aj i-#je C�niracl�r shail p�sk �� nof�r,e; en ea�h �roje�l s'rk� �n�arminc� all �eFspns prpu�dir�g s�rvi�os vn Ihe p�j�cl lhal lhey �re r�quired t� Y�� c�v�red, and s�aling I�ow � p��ar7 n,ay verlfy ��rrr�nl cav�rag� and e�par� fa+lur� to �r�de eov�ea�b. This notice daes nat salisf}� nlher p�sling raqulrem�nts im�xrsa8 �y l�te Texas Wurkers Campensaiton Aci or flthe� ��xa� VJvrkers C;an�pensal�o� Gommds�ion ruCes. 'fhls nolica rttusR be Frinied wit�t a ill�e in a1 laasl 3[1 painl hald ly+pe anc# text in al leasl 9�pr>inl norma� Eype, a+�� shall be in balh En�lish and 5panis:� and any olher lar►aua9e c�nrnon #olhe wQrke� p�pul�ll�n. TI7a ter.t For lk�e not�ces shaU 6e Ihe fc�ll�nving t�xl, wkli�o:�i a�iy addi�lana►w�rds orchanges: I�EC]Lif�tEb WC)f�}tCR'S GOfNP�NSAiI�N �CJb�RAGE The Is�1�' �aquires ihat esc}� persorl wt�tk+hg Un lft'r�s si4e or pru�it#ing 56niices rel�ted lo kliis [anslruclion proj�i rnusl be cu�+eTec� hy w�orker's cnm�e�sation insueanQo, thi� FncludQs �>p�s�ns pmvidin�, h��i:�g. or delkverin� equiprnern or materials, or �raviding labor ar liaresportation ar olher s3r�lce relaied ta iha pr�jeci, regar�Jless of �;e idenliry oF I�ieir err�plc�y�� ar siatus as an empErtzyee". Cap ihe Texas Worker� ��anpensalion Garrim�s�ian �� 512aa��3789 lo rec�ive infarm�tio�� ar� U�� I�gai r�qulrement far c�Ucr3�e, lo +rc:rify wtielki�r your em�lvyer Y�as prnvided ihe requir�d covera�e, r�r ta raport an emplayo's faiFitre ta prn�ide �overage.�� ff-3 LlA�1L1TY_1NSLIRdEUCE: �he Cflnirdcfor s#�all pr��s�re anc! main«in d�nnr� the t��rri oF ihl�. Cantrant such Liablliiy Irtsuranr.f� as shalt prQE�f hirr�, �h7e City oF Fpif 4Vorlh �rnd any Suk�canira�tar pertorming wark covt�rcul by Ihis Conlract, frnm e.l�irrrs af ds�nsge;ti�lveh �n�y arfse Iram o4erat�ons u�lder tl;is ConlracE, fnwlusfi�g blastkng, w�ien l�laslmg ts da�e on, or In c+;n��eclior: with GQnor�1 Cor,dilkons of lhe �onlydol fdr C�itsliucUdn Luing 9um Co�lr3Ct Page 21 af 2$ G�Vd p��1[? -- �rlme 1.3h FuIE 6uild9nt� G�nor�lar Fxeplac�ment —�eojeet #1425€iu Augu�t �[]�� thr.+ WorE[ at ihe pro�e�t. whether suc� apera[iarrs � 4y i�iinse€E ar hy �ny �ubcc�nlraclnr �[�y �r�yon4 �iir�clly �r i�dir�cl�y o�npinyr.:� ay eilher pi �heRn anrl tti� limiis of such lnsurance shall he :�o! k:ss lhan ihn EQ�Pnunng� 1] Autamnhii€: 4i�hility: �1.Qbl}:4Q4 each ac•�ident ar reascinabfy equi+�slar�# split limlis #cr E�odlly ir�jury atsd pro�ertp damag�_ Gavera� sh�ll �o Qn "��y BuiQ" In�aucisng SeaS�cl, h�red, rnvriecl. nr�n-aunad and 4orr�wcd uelaides used in �nnnecfion wit?� ih� Cr�nlrael_ 2) Ca€nmerr.i�l C�eneral Li�olliiy- $�1,dOfl,00f} each �urrenr.r�_ �overac�r� unc�er Ihe polfcy sha11 be �s compr�h�n�iv� as lhal pa�aaklEd �n a curreni knsuran�e Servie.�s �fC�� fl�Qj pollcy f4�rr� apprnwe� ior u4€: in Tex�s and ihe pglicy sf�all havo nv �r�lusiarl� t�y endnrscl�ent unl�ss suCh �er, ��prov�d by Ihe Cfly. 3j Ast�esfos Ahakernent L�ahllily fnsurancr.: 41�he:s �he ?roje�t �pr�ciflcally r+�c�uires #�,c remflv,�i ol Ash�SEos Gontaini�c� t,�aiefi2ls, the Canlra�lor, or suE•conlrac4cx peirforrrrn� kh� renTnv�l, shafl he rnr��ire� to vnaintain Ast�estos At�alemoni Liaf�illty Insur�nce as �ollows: $t,C10iJ,404 per o:rurr�;n�;e; S2,0[30,000 aggre.gat� limit. Tfia coverage s�3il Includ� �rjy �5ollutian exposuf'�, indurlin� env�nnmenlal impalrtnem Il�hllii.y, assnci�ied wIElS !lie senricrjs �nd �ncr�tlnns prrfarmed �nd�r khis conlfact ir� ad�iifion la s�ddcn :�nd �ccEd�:nl�k rnn�arrun�linn or�nllulin� liahiliiy Fnrgradt3al emissions �nd r.Cc�rs-up e�s�s. I[� �UIL�E�'S RIS14 IN�UFtA1�GE: Unless staEec o9�ei�wise in lhe Prc�iosal �r li7vilalian, lhe �ontracice shall procure, �ay Fdr antl mainl�in xk all I�mns during thf� �n�n ni this Conlrae.l, Builders I�isk Insurance apainsi the p�ri� of fir�, IightniRg, windstorna, h�urei�ane, h�il, rRot. exnlo�+on, r�Vi� G6mrTipllo�, smoke, aircraf�, land veh[cles, vandaNsm. ancl ma�caous inisd7lef, at a 1�rrrll equal t� �[la�, af lhe C�nlracE Surn. The �Iicy shall incl�de ca�reragQ for matt�ri�ls antf su�plies wfuls irr lra�sk �nd vutrile being stored on or uFr site. If speciRr�ily r�quirno In the Jnslruciions ta �ictder�, ihe po9icy si�all Incl�de c�vera�e For flaad ar�d earlltiqu�&e. C�ifferersl sut�-limlls for I�es� �overages must k�a approved Esy It�e C�ty. Goc�equenl�al darrsd�je d��e ta faulEy wnrkr�anship a�dlardesi�n perionrv�d �y Ihe C�r�lr�tornr lois a€,�enis shall hecover�ed_ kJpon .:c�rnpielion ar ihe Work, Ihe Canlraclnr shall nallfythe Cily af foTt 1Narth In w��inr� b�fore lerrnlnatinr� th�s insura�ic�, F(-5 P€�OUF OF �A�F:iAGE �� 1N$l1RAhfC�; Th� �����a�ts�r sh�A provide a certircale of �ns�irance c�uc�rnenlir�g lhe Proper�y fvlar�apernent Oeparl�rienl, �i;y nf For� WorE�i as a'�Cerlifia��� He�der", and naling ihe sper.afic p�jecl(s! cc�vicead by ilti� Cor`�lr�dor's :r15ur�nC� as docurnen[ed on lhe cerli�cate Qf i��sura�c�, Mar4 lhan one eerl�Ticat� rriay be reguir�d nf Rl�e Conlr��ir�r dep�nt�inq uppn Ih� : genSs andfar insurer� I�r tiia Conlractor's ins�ir�nce co+rerage� spa:lfled far the projecl(sj. Ff� �THSR 1NSURAhlCE RE�AT�D R�4UIR�NJENTS 1j Tha C��y 4f f❑rs',Narih shall ka� an addilianal irssured, by ondarsemant, �n ��! appl;ca171e �nsurance polic�es. 2} A�plica6le insurance policies shatl eaeh �e e�zdarsed wilh a w��Ver of suhrog�iian in iavpr oF khe C:Ity of �orJ 1North, 3} i�isurers at poli�;i�� mairia�tted �y �ontrsctor and fks subconlra�tor(sj, �f appl�ca�le, sl7akl be sulhanrad l❑ �o bus�ness ira the �taCe �sf Texas, oF ctli�+u�isP appr�ve4 Gy �fi� Cily af Fort�V�rtN, snd su�h 517a11 be ac�eptsbla la lhe Ciky of For? Worin insaf�r ,3s lheir 1lnanclai ulrengih and solvency are concerned. Any Gpmpany ihFOU�h WfiICh (h� �ng�r�nC6 i� pl8��o mUSI ��Sve 8 ral�rx� �I at I�ast A=VI1, �� �tafed iry cu�r�ni edilion of 1�. M_ �esl's K�y R�ling Gufde. A� tf� Cil�{s ss�e disuelirx�, a lass Eavc�rat��e rale may be aocepGec �y ihe Gity. 4} �ed�r;iibl� limils on insuranc❑ pa�i�ias andlor s�K insurcd rolanlions exceedinr� $ib,QOb requirc ap��raval o± the Ciiy r�f Fah Wnrth a� ras�acts this Coniracl. 5} ThQ City ❑f Fvrl Worlh sFra41 #e nalified ir� tivriting a minimum aF lhir:y ciays pr}ar to an insurer's aciion in the �Uenl r3i .�aficallalion or n�n-rortawaf i� cov€�rag� rr�gard�rr4 an}+ Rolicy �xaviding ir�surar�ce Yrn+erag� required i� tfifs Co�4racl. fi} F�ili IimIE� oC insuran�o ghail �a �v�ilabl� for cEaims aris€ng aut oi ll�is Conkract wili7 Ihe Ci�y af Forl Valflrti�. 7} Tfie Canlr�cl�r sf�all pravide cartifieates af in�urance ta ihte C�ly pnor ln car�,mencernent qf pper�t�ans �t�rSUBnI 10 khlfi Coniracl. Any Failu�e an part of thn CiCy nf Farl 4h�arth ta raquesS such aocumenialian shall not he coitislru�d as a,uaisrer of �nsurar�ce roqEiirem�nts s{:e�ifiud haroin. 81 Thg Gity a� �art Warth sh�ll he an�i�led, up�n r�quesl ans� wiit►au# incurrinc� ex�er.se, to revlew Ihe insurance palicies ine�uding ��dnrsemenls l'neraia srrd, a[ i[sciscretioe�, !o r�Rui�+� pran� af p�ymcnl t�rpnlicy premiurns. 9} Tk�e Cily crf Furt'Jt�orilG sha� na[ be r�sportsEk�le far �aylny ihe eo�t o[insuraneet�4ur�rag�S r�quirpd hrsr�in. 14} NQ1ice of any aclual �r Fotential claim andlor kiiigaiio� Ihat wauld affec€ insuran� c�veragss req�lred herefn shaH E�e pr❑vidacl ta ih� Cily In a�irtsely manner, 19 }"�tlier Insurance" as rQf�rQnc�cG +n ti�y padic.y of insurance pruvidanc� coverages r�qu�red nereEn snan i�at �pply to �ny lai�urance poticy ar pra�r�m rnafnlaineaf tsy tY� CEIy of Fort Warihi. 1�} Con�rar.ior �h311 agre� to eitk�er mquire fps suhcont��c�c�rr, €o rna�ntain 1h� samr� insu►�nc� coverages �n� Ilrs7ias tf�ereof as speciG��# #r��e4n or lh� �nkta�t�F shalf p��a+�i�i� sE.��h ca��r�ge �r; lF� �'�nir�4oi s suhcrz�tRaol�rs. C�n�ral Gonditians of l�� G�ntra�l �or Cr,ns�ruct�on Lump S�m Gan[raci Page �2 aF 28 CFW PA+�� —�nme Ldb �ull Bullding �aeneratar Repla�em�nt — Pro�ect #1�7298fi Auc��l 2tiz3 SECTI�N L CHANG�� IN TW� W�RIS �•S CHAMG� fsRdER: Th� Ov�mer, wilh�ut invalidaNr.g lhe Gontrar..�, may Qrcl[N Ghan�c�s �� lh� �JVork. wl'h�n 1h4 �+��cral �cope aF ihe Grnlrect c�nsisiing oi adt�isian�, deleiians ar ather revisio�s �he �oniracl 5�r�o ��r�l the Cdr7tr�c� Tir,r� h�i�h ��Jjusl�d ��ccord�ngly, r`tilf 5u�lti �hanges i� [he Work shall b� aulhar�zed by �f�ange Ordrr, and �hall be exr:cuccd urrdar lf�c �p�1i;,a6E� cnndf�iorr� �F ir�e Cun[racl Dacur�eri�s, A C!•�ang� Order Es a wri#tcn orr�c�e �o [hc� CcyrttracAor 5�gned hy ihe GQntr�r,lar, Qwner and Uti$ Are��teet, issued aftee iNe ex�culi�n of lti� (;pnl��Gl, r�u�h�rizlnr� a GhaRge irj lha V�la�h or adjusUneni in lhe ��irac� Sum �r ihe �ontracl Tfine. �he Goolracl 8um a�d ihe Gt�n1�3C1 Tlltle rp8y bs Lil�rrtj�d �ly by Gha�9ye �Y[1�r. A�ty rl��nt�es it� tivorli required due ln ch�nge� 4r unForn�een c��+4i4n5, ar hy r��uesi of �ilh�,r lhe �onlraclo► or the Gity, 5h811 b9 caoccf+naleci wilh ihe ❑ir�ctar. Frc�perly Ma�iagamenl DeparV�er�t_ A chanr�e ard�r musl be wri►ten and du{y rseg�ifa�ed and exccule4 prior to peri�min� ch�nged wark. The c;�st or crfldii Iv lha �rmer ees�dling fr�xn a Cl�ange in tl�e waik sf�ll he deiem7ir�ed In or�e or rnore of !h� fa�nwirtg v�rays= 1} i�yrnulual acc�pt�nee ❑Fr� lump sum proper.y Itemized, Yr�c3uding Ihe $IIoV�nC@ tp �qn�CdGl� �Oi UV�rIT�#214 3Fi� p�4fll 5IIpU13i@�! in Iha orig9nalcon#raGl pmpasal; �) byu�sh pri�es sleted in lhe Cor,#ra�l ❑�turnents orsuasequenily �grced upon; o� 9j k�yco�t and � muluallyacceplable fixed ar percentag€� fee. Ef n�ne af lhe me;haods sel fnrtli hereir� abov� rs �r�Qd upon, tf� �-;�Nra�tnr, �]�'4YldQd F� f�'C�IL'BS 8 G�3f1Q� ��Of, shall prornplly �+ac�ed wilh Ihe �fark inval+red. t�te cQsi o� such u:ork s�taEl lhen t�e determir�ed on �he basic pf fltie {`�rsnlraeia'S r��spn�k,l? exp�i7diLures and s�vinr�s, ir7clu��ng s rea�on�ble allou�ence fur �sverhead and p=❑iit as ie�di�led in ��e c�ri�+n�sl [:drlr�c� piopny�l, Yn s�cli eases, lhe Conlravlar sh�ll k��p �nd �7r��n�t, ��7 guCh larm �s ihe Ar�:Y,i�.ec1 �hal� pre�c�lbe, �n +Sertliz�d B�:Co�entit�� Io�elFSeC with a�roµrialQ suNporlin�g dal�. Y��n€3ing linal d�t�r:n�nat�an a! eo�l to- �I�e fl�vnar, paymenls on acc�unt shall l�e made dn !h� Ar�h�Cecl's Ce�tiflcare af �'�yrnenl as �pproved by �!�e 4wner. iF afler Ihe Conteac! has tsion execuled, Ihe Architect, feQues�s � urlce prcfwsal frpm Ihe Clorifracinr #ar a proposed chanye in sca�e �f il7e work, Gnntractor shan procass such propos�l wltf�ii7sever� days af recei�x a�tid return If1e priCe quute 1v ihe An:iiilecl :n 1Vntiny. Ttle Ar�:}lil��[ SY]all C2view lile price c�uUiaLio� aEid �f �pp�av�i Is re�crnrnerded, fvna�rd ifi;; proppsod Gh�7ngfi crdar requesl ��n;� pt1C8 {�ro�o581 to 1he Owndr fer �pp�i��+al. IF a�pr€��al Is not re�ommendorE, thc ArchiEect w�lf aitempt !a n�ot3ate vr�th +�cnlr�ctor �a revise !#i� �ro�an�a� �� a fic�ure whieh is iaie and reasanihl� ��d faawani �1 on lv the CJwnEr far ap�rroval. li !h� negait�lions c�o r�ot �5ult Ifi �n �qi!!�C�19 SO�Ut10�, tY�@ APCf1�tL'CI 515911 �f�Q�IB a LOSI•�IuB !}�� Chan�s O�der wltEi a price=nal-to-exr.err.i figure +n� apprava! �y the Ciiy and r�qEiire sper.ifae dacurnani�linr� lo kye prnvided i�y Cnnir�ctnr I� �r.corcFarK:e with the �ar�geaph abovo. GontF�ct��sr is advlsec 14ia1 a�rding [o Cily oi Fort Lti1c�Ah Ch�arler, lhai, lhe CiEr Co�ncll mus! apprnuc all Changc Ord+.xrs and Wqek �rde�s whsch t�:sulls in an incrense in ecs�t e�f lhe conlr�et amouril b+� ux.+�r w1[7i1,Q0[}. Nnrrh�i prnr.e:ss��tir� lirT�� fpr t�3� i.i4y St;�ff ln abEain �ly �ouncil apprQ;rsl, anr.e Ehv r€�cc�riimcndnd ch��g�: orrir:e has benn rr�cciv€xi .it �h� Ci9y, is approxirnaiely Ihir.y elays. 4wner and Grxit*actor shall er�d�var ka ider,l�fy Cha�ige Order Items as ea�ly ln tfw� �vOfl.^s�fllCllO[1 �]tC]C@35 a5 passit��e ky rllinimize Slicir inipaci on Iha consiruciion schedule_ IF un�4 �rie.�s ar� s�akod in �I7c �tinlraci Oacum�r�[s ar subse�uently a�r�e4 upan, and if ti�e qu�n:i#i�s �riq;�7afly cunt�nFl�,��d aro �� ci�anged in a prapasod Chr�rge Order Ih�at applicaiion of trie agreed uni� prices in lhe quanllties uf Lhfr�lc prnFrns�l w�ll create a i1�f[15hl�ro�1 Ihe Ow�lhr ot lhe Con[raCl�r, lF�e appllca�ie unil �rir.es �hal� be equit�trly aojusted la prc�rnn[ Such har�:sfni� If the �:nniract4r claims lhat ac.siilir�nal c�st or ttme �s i�wt�lv�d b�cause of {1 y any writlen InlerprelaEia� issued pursuan[ !0 SeeiFdn A, {2) �ny Qrdcr �y� �h� ,d,rchitact ar Dwr+er 10 ��ap I#�e Vt�ork puesu�nt [0 5ectlnn B, vrhere Ch� C�ni��c� w�s n�l sI fauls. �r (9} any urrfllen orxl�� for � rnirit�r ck��r:�� in Ili� 4VOF{t, lhe Cnntrae.lnr sh�li m�ke such �la+m, L-2 �LAI�S FOR +A[]�ITION#I� GDST �#3 Tf�e1E: If ttye Conkractar Wisi�2s to n��k� s el8iril for sn ir�er���e iri lhe ConiracR Sum ar an ex'ensi�n In tn� t���iraf•E i�im�, hr. sl�ail gsvb Ch� Am,hll�ef writte� notiC9 [hen34f 4+Alhin � r���pn�bl� tlnse �#lB� lhe o�c.urr�nce r± !lie �v�nl ll�ek ��ve �ise Eo su�h cla��r. TI►is nQlic$ shall be givsn by tNe �bnlra�lcr bef�r� ptoc$�di�ig Ia ea�cul� ihe tiM1lork, $�[Cepi i�� an �,nsrgency �ndang�rfng IiFe or pr4p�rty En whicl i case 11�� Car�lra�ior sl5�ll procead Fn accardanca wii� ���#�n J, �o �uch ilairn s�,a1i 6e valid unless so made_ Iiny charrga in the C�a�lra�:E $um �r C�ontract fime r�sultin.� Irorn su�:h clairn, if apprz�vad I�y thn Qwni.x. shall bc a�il�3nr�cd by Changc �rder, L-3 �U€RH�A� ALLDVilANCES FOR CHANG€S: Sfinuld er�y change in Iha +uork or e�ra waek be ofdered. E�fi fplloWln� applicab'.� p�rc�ntag3 sliall he ad�eci ln !�1 �lorial and Lahor c€r&ts to r.ovnr cn+erhea� and praEiE: �_ Allowancd lu sl�e Coi3i�'aclor fcrr overtiwsd and peofii for exira wark psriorrnee� by [he �onlrackors pwn f�rces shali noR excaad Fli�c�r� pnrc�r�l 15�6 . ?, AUa+,vanee to !he Conlractar Fat avernead and prafit �or �x1ra w�rk �errarm�d tsy s S�,�c�,;iract❑r ar,d supe�rvtsad hy th�a Canlractnr s��til r.al excee� !en percanR {1 Q°�J. L� NllNd�a CHANGE� 11d 7{i� w�RK� �hF, ,4rchiteet shail havo ����horily ia artier m�narchar�g�s in lhe vUork naE lnaa4ving tin adjusii��enl in llie Cunlracl �um or �n C?[I�nSfOn fff N1C C��rack T�me srxi nat Inoons�si$ni w71h ih� Gm�ni a# Ihe Gantracl �Rn�ral �onditipng qf [he Cyontrae.l f�r �nn5lnaclion iump Sum ConlydCl PB�� 2� of 2B �F1N �Mb —�r�me L�b Full Buafding G�neralar F2edact�menl— Prajecl #1�2986 Augubt �Q23 Dn�urriz�nl�. Surh �hanges may be effe�d by Fieid Drd�r or by otl7er v�ritten order. 5uch ehanges sf�all Ge �or�finrae� In xwiling �y lhe Archiled and sha�l 6e 6indinp on the Owner and ;tie G�relrar.lor_ L•5 FIELD dROE�S: The Arr�-iiIQG� m�y ��s�� u�itEvn �i��d �r��rs w7���n ��Cer{rrc�l lho Grnlraci aocv�senl5 dT blfilCh �Fti�r rnlnar chanr�e� in Iht VYn:k w�Ri�r�ut d7an�e in GoflEract Sum af �ontraca 7�r�ss. The Grx�trazl�r shall cdrry aut sucke Fl�ki 4r�ers Pm�P�f;+- SEGTI�N M iJN�O11EF2iNG AfV[� COf�REC71�N ti� WORIi ��-� UNCQVERI�G flF 1NORK: If sr�ylM1lark should 6c cavcrcd canlr�ry lo the rflqvo5t of ih� �wn�r, i� musl h� Unca�+e�id 1�r nt�servaiian and re�Iarx:d. �[ R�r, ��nlF�Gt�'� ex[�e�se. If any o11�er �ark h�s �een ctrv�re� whfch llie t}wner ��s raot spe�fieally r�ques[ad tr� obs�rve priorta being cavered, the Arch��t�d flr ihe Ownar may requ�s! 4a s�� s��h wvarlc �r�i it sh�ll b� 4Rneovarer# by CM�e Cnnlr�ctr�r. If su�fti V+1arEc be found in accard�nee Sviih the Pl��s and 5pucifi�al{ons; EI3e e�t nf u�x;overirq and replacemersl shalk, by appropri�tg �kiange Ordes, he ciiarged la l��e i7wner_ If sucil vuork be found nal +n acca�danoe wil�i Llze Plans an� Speei��linn5, the Canlract�r shall ��y such e,o�ls u��less iS is f�und ihal [hEs eandilion was c�used hy a 5ep�ra�e �ontractor vmpl:�y+;d `�y tIT�' 0`�ner, M-2 G�RREG�I�N �F WOR}L; Th�e Gor}tr�etor sksall �St�rtlp�ly Car� eCS 211 urorts ��jected by Ene hrchlleci ar Qwner �s deler:tive Di 2s fa�'i�iy [o c�iyfbrm lo (he ��lans and 5necilic�tians w�seliicr pb�eru�d he;fnrc or afl�r Substanlia3 ��n�lelic�n and whether br n�l fabeir,alcd, insS�l�ed or campk�lec:. 7h1e Gonlractor sh�ll be�r ali �asls af correcling suG� r�jeeE�d V�lork, inr��,�inc� lFi� cosl oF la7e A�17i��ci's add+lional �ervi�;e Iher��q• r7i3de nece��ary. If, wF�r�in nn� y��r �,f��r th� bak� 4f �u�skankial Campl�Rfcn ar witl7�n s��ch lon�er peri�d oF iime as n�ay b� pre3erit�d #�y law or hy Ihe terms of any �pp13ea61e spec�al auaranlee requlred by �he Cpnlrect �oc�+menEs, any of Ihe w�r'r, Ig fnund tn L�e defcciive r�r no� In ac�ardarree wi[#� ilie G��1vacl Doeurnents, lhe �ontr�ctcr shall r�rreci ik prarr;�dy afl�r r�ipl s�[ a wati�n ntrilce fronti li�e �w�er lo �e sq, ur�ess t1�e. C�vmer has pr�vicusly r�iv�n 1he Cont.�cior a writlet� acceplariee oi sut:�� cuntllliort, dr3scril�ing 5artie spe�lf�liy �nd ��t +,�anerally. Tlie [�wner s[�aIJ give stich no�ice prornpt�y ailer €fisecrver�r a! 11,e c�ndiiion All such doF�cli�� ❑r ncan-confarming work under Che �rg�rujing p�Fagr��hs sh�ll be r$rnavad [rorn the si1� whera neee�s�,y ertd tl7e work shall he carr9clecl lg corn�ly with lhe Conlrac� Qacun�enCs withoul Wost ta ll�e �wner �efecliue or non�anfarmi:�a �.vatk shall �ts camplelfld in � limoty r.k�nnQf. ih� Conlraclor :,hall res�ond a�dJor r�pair any wark lhal is daern�d an amergency 6y lhc City wit�in �4 hours. iY�e Co��trac�or s�afl ras�rand and.'ar r�pt�ir any aiher deFecliv� ar nor� confartning work w+lh�n �hree warkirxl days. ihe C�ntr��lor sfiafl he�r lhe ct�t af ma�cir��} goad all w4rk �fi sopar�to c�rR�sctar� desfroyed ar d�ma�ed by auel7 ren7aval or Cprr�Cti o f�, if'lie �onlraclor does rsal removP suoh cl�f�ctivn ar nr�n-eor.form�ng w�irk wsllti,n � r�soa�able time �xed �y wriCtei� notice f�ony 11te �rvner, iht� pwner may ren�ave it and may stare ihe malarials or equtpmen� al lktir=_ experise oF Ihe Conlra�lnr. �i lhe Cant�a�lor d�es �ic�[ pay fhe cost u#sucl� remQvai and slurage ��Ilhln �en days the�eafler, Ihe �,+nier rnay upon tdn addil�anal d�ys' v+,�iit�n no�iC� seil sur�h v.�rk at auction � s�l pri�ala sale and sha[h aecoun� tor fhe ae± {7t4CBE��1S f��fCbf, afler d4duclinc� al' lhe ces�s th�l shauld have faeen h�arn� tFy the �nntractr�r in;.luding rarr:�ae�rsalion iar addi{lorial archil�clural �ervices_ If such prnce[r�s of s�E� dQ i�.ot caver afl cyasls il3al ih� Coitilract�r sF��u]0 f7a��$ borr��, tly$ dfff�r�r�c� shelf �� cfaaryed to �he Gonlra�ior and �n aapr��riel� C#��na�: �rdar shall !�e i�sued. If [he payrtitr„s If�en or Iri::rea#I�r due lhe Cur�lraitar are iiat SuIF6cl�nt fn r,a++�r suCh �mpunl tk;r� C:onl�cEor �7��1 pay tf�o �Tifiarenca to tl� Qwu�vr. lf the Contracior TaiYs ie, correet suc� d�fectivs c�r riarti-�r�tattt�r�g u+ark. li�� C�wner rEtiay corr��.� it Ih ar.�nrd�racewith Sar.klnn �, The a�ligakion of tltie Con�ra�tar un�er lh�s 5eclio�y sha11 be m eddik�ort Co and no[ in Ilrnifailan of ar�y abiiga�ions imposed upor� frirri tiys�Eiiolcii�arsn�c� reyuire�36y [heCortlr:3c[ Qu�ui�ie�i[�;�rlf�r�rNisc prescrihe�l byla+f�+. h7•3 AGCEPTA�lC� �F p�F�CTIV� �R N�EV-COh�FORb,lING W[3RK: ai lNe Owreer pr�fers lo acoapl derecS�ve o� r:cir�- c�n�rxrnir+g �,�ark, he rn2}+ do s� insleat� czf reyuiti�g il5 r�moval and Gor�eN�on, in which case a Ch�n�� Qrder wjN �ie issued to reFloct a�r ��prapri�le red�aciiQn in Ih4 C{��I��r,t Si��, �r, if !ne amnaml is delerrn[netl aP.�r final pa}mtent, I[ s�fall be p�ld ay the Con�racter. &€CT10N N T�RI4FICJA71{}N QF TME �4[VTRACT I�-'i TER1411�JATEiy�J BY TFl� �Oh1TI�ACTOR: Ir ire ���rt� is siopoed for a period af 3� day� undur an ordor ar any coe�rl or atlhor ��uhlie �utho;ily h�ving jurisd;cli�n, IhTough no acl or fault of the Contraclor or a 5ubc-0nlvaclar or Ilieir agenls os employees or ar�y alhor persQ�s �er��arming any of Ihe w4rk under a coniraF� w�kls Ine Cr�ntraclo�, or if llio work sfiauid be �l�pp�d ��r d�a€�ritid ❑f 30 iidy� b� 111� COn��el�r F�r Utie ����r`s f�i3s�re �a rr,�ke p�yr��nt therenn as pro�ided in Sect�❑n I, ihen Iho C,an�r�clor rn�y aH :r th� ond af such period aF 30 days�nd �epan s�vc�n addi�lor�af �ay�' writfen nol3ce la I�e �wner, terminaie Iho ��nlrac[. M-2 TERMINATEON �Y T#i� QYtilN�R: If i[�e �anirae[or is a�judc�ed �s bai7krupL, ar iF h� m�lses � g2nersl assig�r�ranl For ihe be�efl oF his erediCois, ar ii a rr,cei�,�er is ap��ainiad on apcoun! af 3�is insoEvency, or if ih� �on�ractor �efuses, e7t�`,.ep� Ir1 :�s�s fG�r �ich ��1�nsi� o� lims Is �rnuided, io suP�lY ennugl� Rropa�ly skilleci wvrkmen or p�oper rna[ariais. or if he fails ta rnake �irampl Gee�er�l Gondilions �F Ih� Gonl.raet for �t�nstrucll+yn I.ump 5u�77 Gc�lrecl Pag� 24 �f 28 GFW PMQ —C.�im� Lab �ull F3u�ding G�neratvr Re�ia�emenl — ProJeci �f1429$G As,gust ��23 paymeni [� �ub�a7iracLors t�r far maierial� nr lahr,c, ❑r laifs !o compFy wli�7 all 4�+�;+, S#�lu4�s, C���R�r, 9rdlnancas. Rogul�G��ng or Orders c�f �ny puhtic aulhnrlly havirt� jurisdi^ti4n, flr ott,nrvri�r, �s gulify af a�u�st�nti�� uiqlat�an oi a prrn�isian or �Itie Gfrnlract �oeumnnks, lhfln thc �wnEr, on its ewr, inili�Eirre khal s�lfcien� causs ex�sls [a juSliF�r su�l3 actian, njay, w��hr�u� pr€;Jaditi€ to any rp�htS Of r�Pr}9{1+� �Ild "efl�� 4�I�Ir7E� [h� Conl� actor an[i hls surety, If �rry, se�+en (7} days' wi'illen riolict�, I�rr��inato ihe �:�npla}"neril o� the Conar�etor ano lake �rr�ss�s�ien di � r5� sl�e anc a' alf rr��ler�el�, e��,ipme�;. Ec�ls, c�n�lrucl�c�r� cqu��rm�nt ar�d m�ch+n�;ry lhrreon ar�med Uy ih� Gontraciar and may f;nish #he wnrk hp whalnwor melhp[1 n� may dnarri exp�dien[, In such cas� Ihe Cai�trat.ior shsll nc4 h� enlill�� to �ec:civa any furtl7e: p�yn�ens unUl Ihe W�rk Is frii�i,etl. If lhie cosls of Ilnis�lr�q lhe W�rk, InclLdln� r.�mpe�nsa�ian far Iha }lrchilect'a �d�illianal serviccs �x�d ihe u�rpa�d balanr� o� the Canirac�, �h�C�nlraci�fshall pay II}� dlfferr�nc� to she �wner. �f�e Cily of Fart Wonh rnay termina_a lhls e�sn�raci Ir� v�hale, ar from time sr� tim�. �n p�rl, wht�n€�vor such tern��naElon is In tha besl irrtsr�C �f lhe �ily. T�rmir�alion will he e�fects� by deliverir�c� io R�e Ganir�clar a no#ice $i Lerrnlnalian spe�ifyirjg Ea w}ial exlenL perF4rrnar�ce� af l�e wrark af latie aanu��c� Is being i�r�ii�a�ed sn� �h� �ff�iive da�� of i�rmanatlbn. Afser rec�;pl of lerrt,lnaiinr� lhe C�nlraclor shall: a} �kc�p work undar lhe Conlr�ck on t�a de�e and io iha exten[ spacifi�d on ll7e ifolice ol termination. l�j Place na iurlher ardars vr su6eonlraets �xcepi as rnay be necessary [vr ti� comp;etion of the wark not temiina�ed_ �) Termi�at� a[I orders antl sub��r7treea5 Lo lhe ex.lt�r�l th�t �h�ey �I&t� Lo lhe p�rlor�ance of the ►uotk terminai�d by thr� n�li�$ qf termir�li�n. Afl�r le+tnina;i4n as abcve. lhe �ly urill pay Ehe �ontraclor a pv�sportiariate �ari oF i#�e eon1�.�! p�ice hased ❑n �hn w�rk c�npleaad; provided, fwwever, thas Il�e ar�ount af p�ym�n1 c�n lernzin�t�or� sha�l n4� �xco�d ih� laial conlra�l pr�ce �s reduc>>d hy ihe partion lhereof �Ilpc�hl� to ing wcsrk na� cnm;�let� �nd furtli�r rocluce� by th� amoun� o+ payme:�k�, if, any olti�rwia� rnade. Conlracitir �7inll 5lJbr17il Ii5 CIAinZ f{�r ��r�Ol1riC5 d�� aTl�' te19T}ir�8il�ri �g CiYci+lir��d Irl lflis pa�a�.r�ph tivitfiin 30 �ays afler re�pi;jl �� such �laim, In Ihe ever�! ❑' any dis�tule �r canlrowersy :�s tc �ha prd�xieryo ur �ilow�hlhiy of all oC �ny �r�mpn qf si.�� rl�jm un��f 4h1.s p�ra�r�ph, such �[�puSe orcanirnversy sh�71 he resolvad and hc decide�i hy lhe Cily Co�,ncil of ihe Gily ef Fort tiNorth, and the dec �ion F�y thtia City C�our�c�l e�f Iha Gi:y of Furt UVon�r s�all be Fin�l and bindlr�g upon all pa�tles to lh7i5 conEract. 5E�iI�N � $I�NS 1ha Ccni�actor 5fiall cc»�slrucl arul Install Ih� �7r�j�cE designatifln sign as re�uired in lhe Canfract Qaccim�nls ar�d in stri�l �?:Cotd�nc� Uu's�#� 1h[� SpeCi`I�3tl�s f�r "��ro��rt �osign:�tian Signs: Th�s sEgn shall b� a pan of lhis Gc�ntraat and si7all b$ ancl�led fn lhc Co�iracto�s 6ase Bad farthe F'ro�eet. The Cqnirar.tnr may install tht�ir �amC�ny sign and shald altow Ihe Amh�ir�c! ta Inst�l! khair carrtpany slgii. fVa dlher si�r� wil! t�e allnwed, SECiIbN � TEMPf]FtA�2Y FACILITIE$ �-1 SC�#�E� �El� GoE�kr�cic:r s3�ll f�rnish, erecl, an� mainlaln f�cilitses ard pariorm €omparary wark r[�c�[iircd in lhe pc�icrm��iecs nf i�ris �ortRrar..E, rnClUdirt{� 1hp�� Shrnvn �'sn� 5per:ifl8d. i�-2 €!�E _OF 7E147P4RARY F1lCI.LIT�E�: Ai! ternpnrbry i2ciliGes snai! �ie made a�ahlrabla tor �se Uy af� vr�rkmQn and subcenaraci;rrs a�i��I�y�d on lhc� �rajz�c�, uubj�ct lo r�5�nahlu d�rev�iort� by Iho Cenk�clnr as ia tf�ir proper a�d mos[ e�ficlenl u�iliza[s�an. p•3 M,41NTEiVANCE AhJD REC�ID'VAL: The ��ntr�cEar sh�ll r[�in;ain 4er�g;xary faciYiEias in a p�o-per, s�fx� vp5r�l�ng and sani!ary car�dil+an ror tha duralio�� or Ih4 Co���:��ct, Upoiti cumpl�tion af lf�e Canlrael, a�l suclti Eernparary wurk and fa�ili�ies �h�ll be re:nat+e� from ll,e prernisbs �nct cis;�ased of unless o�herv�so direeied rx s�eeafied hemunder_ P� FI�L4 ��FIG�S ANf] SH�CJ: �h�e Conir�ctor i� no# rriquined to proulde 2 iernporary fiold oflle+� or l�lppk�orl[� f[tr ptoj�tls under �1,�QO.00D_ Co�3�re�tc�rsfi�ll ayuip f�e f'roJecl SuperinEendr�ntwiih a pag�:rpnd �ravide 24-Aolir�p�lae�s lo Rh€ C1ly_ The �onlraetor sYtall provi�c� a lomporary Fel� t�f�iee bu�ldi�g ior �yimseGf, h+s s�i�an�rac[or� �nd us� by �he Artl�iteck and O�rr,er. For �rsnslruclia�ti cor}lracls wiCht a tsid ��riee in axcess of $1,�b0,66Q,06, lhe Canlr�ctor sFa�l prnv�de a s�p�rzE� fiei� oifce f4r the Cily�s F:�Id CBprE6L{1#�liVg (f��i llle S��i3r8iB 4�fiC� E113� b6 In lha;s�3rite Sirt�Cture;, 7he b�iildm�s s�all �ffarrJ pm'ection agai�sl the +n+�as�aer, ar+c� each off ce shaH have a lockable daor, a� �a�,st on2 windota, a�equate �lect�c;�l os�lkels and ligkt�u�g, a�3d a�laelf large enougli tr� a�ommocia4e p�rusal of il}e pro3ecl drawings_ G��nings shall have suila�le �oeks, Fial� offices shall he mainlaEn�1 for tltia full iiirie tturing lha o�tieraiian !.�f tfte wnrt of fhe Cbntra�l. Qurint� cokl wealhar mortth�, ih� �eld ofF�ees �h.311 �,c suil�ktly �i;�ulate�i and eGul,��ed v�ilh a h�ahng davica Ea m��nt�in 7� dQgree Fahrenhcil E�mp��alury during khe workday. Du�i� warn� w��'f�er th� afi�ces shall bo eq�i�ed wi�� an eir €aon�il�ar�in� device to rna�n�ain :en+peralure helow 75 de�re�s �. lJpr�n �tuy�pleli;m of �ne work af �he G�niracl, �i�e CunlracRar sha� remo�re lhe I�uflci��x� from IhtT prernlse�. tri �ddllion l� the drawinc� shelF, prAvid� fnr ,r❑ Ciiy Tield r'e�resanta�ives of#'�ce. one �iesk, f❑ur chairs, pl�n rack ar� a taur dr�wer filing c�h�nct (v,riih I�ckj, �ach c�i��ce shall conlain nol less Ihan � zD square f�et ot fioa+r spaco. G�F�era! Car�dfiiohs � ihe Cbr�tra�t f4r Car�stru�lla,7 tum� 5urn �ar�Ua�t �ar�e �5 0# �� CFV'J PM� - Gr�me L�b Full Bui�di�3g Generator Re�la��nerti - Prajecl #1�298£� f�ugust 20Z3 Th� CoR[raclor sF�alf pmvide an� n�alnlain slarage s�tecls and oifier ternprsrary buiidingG ar 1r�ilPes on iha �rpjer.l slt�3 a5 req�retl f�r his usr _ Lrcatton ot si�er�s sn�� [raile�s shall be �s a;iprovad �y ih� �m�ner. Rc►riavc shed, v�hen worx is cnm�lefad, OF �; {�IF�S���, P-5 WIRELESS COMNEG7�O�i: Thc Cantractor shz�ll �rnvide and pay for wireless {ntemel coa�necli� (SNIFiI for Ehe GHy and Ar�hil.�ck. P-G i�ILEt �ACIL#TI�S: Th� Canlrar,inr sF�all �xnvidQ proper, sanilary and adequale Eoilel #acilillPs for the use of all w;srkmen a�� :,t�b�nnk��t�rx �ni�l�ysd �n kh� pna}�ck, P-7 UTIL1TiE5� C�nir�ctor sh�ll rrlake arl nec,e�sary srran�amcnts and �ravide inr 1c�mporar}r vrat�r and efeclricily requireti dUrirrg lho e�nstr.�r,�ie�n, t;�n;rarlor �hall �rpv�ct$ �nd fnsfall tampatary uliiily me[�rs d��rin� the c�lra�! ao�slruclian porii�cl. These m�ters �vill ba ee��J and the Conlr�clor will t�� blll�d �« ihis �ctu�1 use, The C.�nlraclor �hall provide all �a�cs� and mat�rial� r�ciuir�ri la lap Inta the utflllla�. The faonEra�#or slr�tl make tnR con�ccEions and �x�[�nr� thc sen+lco 11nes ta !h� can�tructi� area [or use aF all trade�, Upan �n�aett� c�f 117� work all utiliky lines shall be ren�ov�d and rep�frs n�ade to tfi�e existtng Hr7ea, (}nly �GIiGe� at exisl�ny volka�es, pr�ssur�s, firequencies, @LC. wall b2 AV�f�dl51� i6 ll]e C�r1EfaCto�, i�13lBr, PfPYFde �� �r�tple SIfRR�Y pF Pff���71e W�l2P �4� �II pfJfpOS�S 4f CO�StfUCl1�7 �I 2�4i�� �[�y�r�lEfll l0 !�'12 PIOf EGt fl� �5 Sf191M1 Oli kh� praw�iti�s, Pip� w�[�r From R�� �a�ee of supply tcs al� :aoinr� w�er� w�ter ti�ill b� requ9r�d, Ptouide s�t[ilclenl hese to carry waier lc every raquir?d ps�n c�F th� r.��slr�ir.linn and a194w ih� us� of waler f�cililaes t� s�bcvniractors e�g��ed fln Che wa��C. f�ro�+ide pump�, t�nks and cnrn�ress�rs as rnay �e rcquEred lv prod��ce req+�irod pressur�, EEe�lri� Sen+ice, Previd� �der�uate eleclric senriee for pnNter artd lie�ht+ng [0 6II �If1S5 L4rSeF� f��UlF�d, TQI:l�]6F��, �leCifi� s���vir.t� shall be a! suffEaent capa�tty ar�d characler�slics lo suppEy praper cEirrenl 1ar sravious #ypes of construr;tian l�ols. rnatars, tivrlrliiir7 rn�chinns, lir�hk�, heatint� pl�nl. �ir Gondi�jpnin� syStsrlti, pu�np�, a�7d alher wark r�qu+red. Prffvide suf�cient n�r�rber of elecln� oulie:�� sc u��t 50 toot long e�alensir�7 r-c�rds w�ll reacf� ali w�rf: requlnr� :ight or p❑v,�r, 1,i4��l�n�. SuPPiy and maintain l�mpar�ry Ei��hlir�g so lfiat wo�k of a?I tra�es r�7ay be pra��rly �nd s�Fely paribmticc�, in �uch areas and 2� SUGh fR3e ihal d2y-Ilglll'Ing I5 7n2d��l�ale, Rr4v�lJe �I 1�251 0.75 w�i�s U( iti��i�de�Cenl li�liling per sq�:qr4e faot and rn.�ir�l�in a secket Uall�ge a� ai le�st 11(� volts, Lls� al leas[ 10�-wail larnp�. In any even;, Ihe iir�nli�r� intee,�iky shati no# he less lhan 5 toat ��ndias in ih� vicinity of wt�rk �nd iraf�i� ar�,s. �-& HEATING: H�a11nc� devlces requlred under lhis nar�,yr3ph shall r�t �e elecirfc, �ifi�e Contrackor sEiap pro�Jidc �7�aS, srentilaiiar�, luel ar�d servic�s as roquir�;d tn pratect all wr�rk and malerials and lu keep Ilio hiurnidity �own i�, lltie ex[enE requir�d la pr+�ven{ Gorfosi�n of any motal and to prevent darnpncs� or n�ildew whleh �s patenlially dams�3ing la rna[evis�s �r�d ffr�ishes. ,411 su�h1 healln€�, venl�latian and servir.es shall tre pra�lded and rnsintained unlil Final �cceptance of nli work. In addition, the �nnEfaGt4r sh�ll �rbvid� he�f verililaliori pt��r and dunng �l�e €olluw+ng Svork uperatipns as fqik;ws� aj AI a]I liEnes dt�rinrz the Fl�r.ing, seltir�� �nd cilri�ig af cnnrxate pr�nde suffcieni he�t to 9nsur� Ihe heating �,f Eho spacas inL�olved !d riol IeSs lhan d� F. bj From 1h� h�ginning af #h� ap�rl�cali�n caf drywalE and dunn� �he selling arxi curing �eriod, prrivlde sufficaenl heal to produce a tamperattrr� in iha spa�s involvec� of nol less lhan 55 F, cj FOF a�eriad nf se�n (lj �ays previous ia ti�� pladr�c� Qf inlarior finish mat�rral5 and tr,ro��h�iul tne olacing of il�aish paln[ing, dar.�r�king ��nd layinr� of rasllienl flaorEri� maierlals, pravi�f� sumcierit r�a[ lc� prarluoe � t�r�p�r��ure of nc�� I��� lhaiti &� F, P-9 TEMRORARY CO�15TRl1CTlOhI, EQU!?�IfEHT AND �ROT€CTIOf+1: The C:onlr���ar �lr�l1 p�c��ide. maintam. and romove �pon r.onipletlon of tf� wcsrk all i�n}�ar�ry rigging, scaffoldiRck. I7�Fstir�} eq�ipmenl, rula�isr� chu�es, Ir�dders ln rc�ol, t�arrlcades a�our:d apenings, and afl ❑Iher i.€mpc�ar}+ +r,�rh �s reqi�ired 1a compl�le all v��srk oF Ihb �nnlraCl., C4n�r�r� sh21i c�ordinale �I�e use and furn�shir� of sc�f��ld� wilh his sutrenr,lrac7�rs. 7he G�nlract�� sltiall peoviclr�, malnlain, ar�� rer�ovo u�n oarnpietlan nf I�� wark, or so4ner, iF a��Chc�rir�r� I�y !he 4vuPl�r, all fDilCe�, �arricades, lighls, shnrir�g, pedeslri�n wallcwai5, lern�rary fire �sca�Z�s, and Qlher pentecE�ve slructurPs ar de+,rzces necr�sary far 1hR saf�aty of v�F�r9�rnen. Cliy em�l�yces, aquipanenl. the publ�� af3d praperly, Ni �crlt{�o�ary �ons#�ucticn �nr] equi�i�nl shaEl �onform tn ali regulalians, ordinances, laws and fftF�6r ir.q�.tir�me�tts of the �uthoriti�� having j�rcisdir,tinn, including in��rar�c� ccrn{�an+es, with re�ards lo sa#aly pr��auiEans, operal�on and fre hs2ard. TY�e ��ntracloi shali pravidz and main€a�n p�ping faciliti�s, ineluding power, far kfleping the slla, all tin}e�, +wi�eli��r from und�rgrpund �eQp�g�, r�inf=+ll, draiFlagq Qi #�rok�n linq�, The �anlea�lor shall niainlain prouisian Fa� cl�sing and la�tiny tl�e l�uildiny oi suoh lirrte as passlhle �4 d4 so, If lhf� is not f�asibl�, mainia�n a nk�ht The Contraclor shall p•ovide .�ncl niainEain all hsrricarfes ur enclosures, rt�qui►ed tu QFOi�CI I}1@ w�r3c in prat�rfls4 frqrn puCsl�4 elements, dusls, and oifier clis[ur�,ances �s a r�sul4 u� rttu:k under E3��s �o�lrac�. 5uch prolectivr. shaR be r+asilitie, sht�ll rr3eet f�e �pprava� of tne Own$r and shall bo m. intain�d fo► t�e cl��r��iion Qf the cans�ructinn �erfod or as requfr�d !o provfde ior Ihe pr�tecl�on as specif�c. P=7U F'kClJEC7 BULLET�N gOAl2D: The Canlrscloe;hall Fiirnish. inata�l and r.taint�irt during Ehc� fife oi t�e prrr]ect awealhar- 1i�111 blllletin �Ca�rr3 �p�f�xi+n�li�Ey 3 f��! high by 5 teet w��fe i7��+ing na! k+ss df�an lvro hi�7��d or slidir�q �I�ss doors vriCn prouisirsns fcr G�17�i�1 COfHIIliOf}S 4f 111#1 �41�Ifc�Gi fOf �O�15CfU��IOn LuR1p �UI�1 CUn����i f�2[�e 2#i af 2�i �F4ti' P�4b —�rirT�e Lah �ull �t€ildi�rg Gsneralor Re�lacemeni — �roJe�i #�i029�8 A.ugust ?0�3 lockir�_ TI�� �ull�il� �aard 5hall �e malinted Wher� and as �f�Rrovnd by Ihe i��ner, in ��rryminent �hac� �o�es�i�le [o emplayees c.f the CfltlifaCldf and sub-ccnlrac�nrs, and �a ap�alicanis tor r;mpinyrr��l. The bullelin h�ard shaA remain �he �apeny oi 1he �onEract4r �ncl shal� be ren3oved by h�m upan co�npietion df lhe �4ra�1 wo�c. Trie faflow�nc� inlarrr�at�on whir:h w;ll bc fiurnisiicri hy the Ciiy to Che Canlra�lar 3hafl 6e �o�ted on Ehe bullelin h�ard �nd sh�ll �p mains,�in�a qy {h� �qn�r�G��r an ea.+lly rFsa�2ble coa,dition al al1 ilix��s for lhe duratian oF the Cantrz�r.C. a. "f#�e �qu,l pppark�rity P��EEr �n� Nat�ce IV�diacrimina�ion of E[np�nyrr�e�r� (�tar�d�rd Fomn 3�j. h. 4�lac�� Rate Intarri�2sian Pr�s[sr (Fnr�� SOL ia��, witfi �he C�orllrrlCl SehEdufe nf rniniml�m v�Fr�c3 C:�f�S 2I5 rt�u�rsd �y ih� ❑avi�-8accn Act_ e. 5�fefy f�osters, SECTlflN Q VEh�IJE Sh�ult} any�clion �Pis� d�l ol lhelcrms and Qandlll�ns nf t�is cc�n�ra�i, van�c� For s�id aciian shaii �ie inTa�ranl Counly, Texas_ �ensral �ondHf6ns of Ehe C-0r�lra�! [flr Gonstn�ciian Lvmp Sum Can#racl pa�e 27 oF �8 C�l� RN1D — Crl+re �ab Ful1 E�ildkng Gen�r��or R�pla��nani -- Prg;q�l#1 �2�8G Aus�usl �Oi23 �'� �x �� ��r x 1���t��i7t11C13t "�'' �}ale; �c��ric� To ��acG�� Confractar Ad�ress 1'h��iic; [xxxj xxx-x�xx Projcc� iyamc � Gcn[icnie�i: P�ir��ianl �u lhe ��rovisits��3 ttit City SG�t'ctary �onlrnec Afur�il}rr xx.xx�c t�ti� i� y��t�r tiutEtinrily ta �arareed on ti�e rcFc�•c�iced prir�cet un s�atc. f���ie��� to c❑Eurstiencin�, w�ork, s! �vill hr ncce�ary i�ur yc�u !u caryl�ct J<<mes [)icst�l, {.ni7sli uciio�i Suf�crintcrident, u��io will hc in ct��rgc of �uk�jc�:� }�rE�jccl, ai�d i���kc �ri:�n�,�mcnls wiiii hint is� ins�r,�i ��raje�€ cnn5lr��c�in,s. ] Ie t�;ay k5c cE���#acfetl ai (#i ]7] 3�2-R{l'7?. Si nc� rc I y, ]arrtes 1]iestel �onsiruclian S�iperinieitde�sl Cc: �491VV13��. Qi'�ce Pile ����oi���u�i-� n� ��rncrn�ir�'[' DI.E':1E����n�i,r��r !�,►e��i.�r[[�:� 1]tvi�i��� �`IIF: (:I"f4' f1�Tf)IiT ��`f![t�7{ � ��}I �Vl�:ti'f l.�'"' �Tltw.l�:l' * FC�ii'I' }�OE�'['IEy TF:7{r4S ifi1�� {���} �;}?_7��'{3 * N�A\ (� ��] ���-���'� Ge�t�al Gondilion; �f 1he �onl.racl f�a Gpnfilruction L�i+np �ui� Ganfract Pace 28 or 28 GFW PMa —Crima La4 F ull F3u�ding Cen��aS�r Re�!avement— Proj$c,� #l0���6 Aug�st ��723 CITY OF FQi�� Vl+�f�`i"H, TC�€A5 CD�iS�RUCTIDIV C�{VTRACT [LUMP SUM� 7H� S�ATE UF TE�AS § � fthlQV�I ALL BY THESE I�R�SEIVTS: COUf�TY C3F TARRANT � This Agre�rner�k is ma�e e�ia�tive as �f lh� d�k� signed �y the Assistani Ciiy Msnager ��Eow �etween the C17Y DF FORT V+fORTH, a rr�uri;cip�l corp�ratior� �# Tarrant ���rity, Tex��, nrg�r�i:ced �nd existing under and by virtue c�f � s���i�l c��rter �dapte� by ihe quaEified voters v�ri�aiin s�id City c�r� i�e � 1it7 day af D�cerrtiber, A.D. 1424, �nd�r tn� �uth[�rity �vest�d in �aid �oters by kl�e "Heme Rule" �ro�isionj of the Go�nstitution flf �exas, an� in accordance with a resoiulioa� r�uly ��ss�d �i � regular, rneeting af t�e City GounciE of sa�[I Gi#y, ��reinafter eall�d OWNER, and SDB Inc. dba SaB Cc�r�tra�#in �ervi�e� af the C�ty af �al�as Couniy of ba�f�s .�#�te �f Tex�s, here�riaftar calle� CO�i�RA��OR. 3Jti13TNE5�E7H: Thak f�r and in cons�d�raflon of [hc payr�le�k� aeid ac�r��R���iiS h�f�ln,�f1�� rn�r1#i4Y�ed #o be r�ade and p�r��rm�d I�y the �v�'+i�r, and uncl�r tF�� canditians expressed �n the �an� b�aring �ven dale herewith, tl7e �aid Gn�t�actor h�reby agr��s wi�h th� s��d �wn�r ta commen�e �r�d carnplete �h� c�nstructian oi c�rt�ir� irnprQv�menks d�scrik�ed as Fallows; Gi#y of FarG UVO�t� Crime Lal� �ull 8uildin� ��nerator R�pl�cert�ent 361 � E. L��caster Ave. F�rt V1fo�th, Texa� 761(}3 PMD2023-'! 0 Th3t l�� work k��r�irt c�3nE�rnpl�t�d sh�E! consisf af furnisl�ing as a� independent �ontrsctor all I�bar, tc�ols, a�plian�e� �nd maleriaEs necessary far tli� �onstructian and camp�eti��7 �f saf� pro�e�t in ��cordance with kne Pf�ns �nd Sp�;�ific�Eians and Cantracl Documenls adopted by the Ciiy �ouncii Qf th� CiLy Q� Farl VUorth, which Pl�ns and Speriflc�Iions and Cbnlr��l C]�ck�rn�llts �re €�eketo attachc� and made a pa�t oF �h�s aantra�t fh� sarne as if written her�ir�. �h� Cantraetar herehy agr�e� anc� bind� himse[f Eo �omrnence the c�nstr�cti�r� af saici wa� witEiin ten {90j days after b�ing natif��d in writie�g to do so by kt�e Owner. City �gre�s and t}irtds i#��II !o �ay, and #he s�id Cantractor agrees !o Te��ive, far all of lh� afar�aid work. ar�d for slatcd additic�ns lherela pr deciuGliqr75 khere fr�rrr, lhe p�ice sf�owr� on the Proposa� subrr��tt�d by #he s+.�ccessful bidd�e her�to aEtach�d ar��i m�de a p�rt here4f, Payment vuFll be rr��t�e in rnor._�hly insfall�n�nts upon actual wark cornpl�ted by contracipr �nd �CCepled t]y lhe Q�+un�r �r�t� r�Ceipfi of inv�3ce frar� th� Contraciar. The agre�d up�n tatal �ontr�cl �rr�ounl shali be �$13�983.(]� C�NSTRU�TlO� In�uranc� R�quirem�nls: The Contractor sh�lf not e�rr�m�ne� w�rk ur�der thi� �onlra�# unti� it t��s obt�in�d all insuran�e requir�d under khe Car�tract dacumen€s, and th� �wner h�s ��prqved s�ach in�urance. �he C�niractar �hall be respon�itil� f4r dcliwering ta th� {�wner the su�i-mntr�,ptors' cer;ifir:�tes of insvr2r�Ge f�r ap�rc�val. 7he Car�tractor shal! indicate o� its cer#if�cate of ir�surance �r��l��iP� in Ehe dacurrtents for axe��ation whether ar nat iks ir�surar�ce cavers suk�contractors. !t Is the Int���l€on c,f th� �+,vner tha! I�e ins�rance cnverage required herein shall incfude khe covefage of ��I subcon�ractors, �1F�RKER`S C�hAPENSATIOiV I�1$IJR+�NCE: • �fatula�y iimits. • Empl�yer's lia�iliky: • $� O�,DOD diseas� each emplayee_ + $S�O,C��� di�ea�e poCicy lim�t. + $1��O,Oad} escF� �ccid��t. Instntc�l�� io Olfarors E'�ge � of 7� Crime tab FuaE Builtilny �eheratt�rReplasement- �'raj. #9043't7 a�d 10�1� J�EIy 2U24} C4M@UERCIAL �E�iE3�AL LIA�ILITY fEVSURAfV�E: Th� Conk�a�lc�r shalf pr�cur� and shall m�ir�Eain during #he life af this cont�'�ct puhlic �iabililp ins�ranc� cav�ra�� it� the forrn of ���r�rrlet'�la� Ge��r'al Lial�iiily Insuranc� pol�cy to cav�r badily �njury, incl�din� death„ �nrJ pro��rly d�m�ge at lh� Foll+�winc� limits: $1,fl�0,00(3 each o�currenc� and $2,0{70,b0� aggre��te fimil. . The in�urance shall be p�avide�l �n a project sp��ific k�2s;s ai�� shall b� endarsed aecc�r�iriyly. * `C1i� jnsuf�nce shall ir�clude, 5t�t nol ti� limit�d to, �nntinr�enl li�hilily Far independenl contr�r.#or�, }C�U �over�c�e, �nd cor�tra�tua[ liabilily. c_ B�l�I�E�S ALlT�N90BiLE LIA�ILITY: f $'i3O��},QO� ea�h aceident. ■ �I�e poli�y shali ��v�r �ny auta use� ir� th� c�aur�e �f the praject. �. Bi11LI�ER'S R1514 �R INSTA�LA�ION FLOAT�R: �'hts in�ur�n�e sh�l� be a�pfi�able a�cor�ing �o the praperty risk� ���p�:i�l�d w+th th� prajec# and co�men�ura#e wilh the contrackuak oblir�ali�ns spec�fiPd �n i�e cor�#�•�cl dac�m�ncs: e. EXCESS LIAf31k�ITY UhA6RELLA: ��,DUC1,040 each oceurrenc�: ��,44[�,ODU aggreg�te limit. 7hi5 irtsurance �hall pr;,vide exc�ss �overage ovsr �ach lin� r�f li�bilily insurance reyuir�ci h�rQi�. Th� policy s��fl follr�tv the farm�sj of t�e underiyir,g palicies. f. SCOPE C7� I�I�URAiV�� ANR �P��IAL HA�ARD: TF�e ir�s�rance requircd under the above ��r�gra�hs sY�all �irovide adequate proEeetian #ar the �Gontract�r and ils subconEractors, re�per.,tiv�:�y, �r��insl �a�r7age clairns �vhich may �rise f�om �pe�ations tand�r #fnis co�k�ack, wh�ther suci� �peral�t�ns �� by the in. ��red ar tay �r�y�n� d�r�ct�y ar indirecily ernplayed by i#, agair�st any insura�le k�azards whieh m�y be an���nt�r�d 4n the per'formance af the Contr�ck. g. PRQDF C]F CARRIA�� �F INSIJF�AN�E: T#�e G�niracfor s��ll f�rn�sh 117� own�r will� sslisf�ctory pro[�f �f eoverage by insu�ance r�quired i�� th�s� �antr�ct Documer�ts in ti�e amc�uni� and �y ins��ranae carriers S�tisfactory to khe Qwner. �h� f4ri7t to b� �s�d sl�all be the cxarr�nt Accard ce�ific�ke of insur�nce farm ar su�h �lF�e� farm as th� �w��r may ir� Pts �ole diseretion deerr� acc�pta�ie, All ins�urar�ce r�qu�re�neni� made �pon th� Contractar shall �pply to lh� �u�-�ontractars, sho�lr�'_h� ���tr��t4r's ins�irar�c� nal c�ver the subcontracto�'s wvrk o��ati�r7s �aerior�ned in tt7� c.�urs� t�f Itli� ��nt���ted proaect_ AD�ITI�NAL 1�1SUF�AN�E REC�I�IF�£N1��1TS: The (�wn$r, €ts officers, emplayees and s�rvar�t� �h�ll b� e�dor��d a� an sddi�io-���l insured an CanE�actars in�urance polici�s Excep[ing erripl�yer's �latkilify EnSl�f�nCe cc�ver�ge und�r�anlractar'� wqrker�' campcns�tion �nsurar�ce palicy. CerlETicates aF insurarrce sh�ll �� delivered t� th� City af Fart U�lorlh, contract �dr�inist�alor ir� il7e resp�etiv�: dep�rim�r�t �s �pecified in the bid �ocumet�ts. 20� Texas Str�et, Fart bVorth, T� 761��, prior ta corr�rnentemer�t af w�r�c c� th� cantracted praject. inslrucEim lo Offer�rs Page 3 oi 1� Cr�me La� f-ull Bliikfirip ��i�eralo-r Replac�nenl - Proj_ #] 04311 �r�d �€��295 Juiy �029 � �. Any f�ilure on pait of t�e �wner tc� requesl reguir�d insurarl�� dacu�7iar�kati�n slv�ll r�ot eor�stilule a w�iver of #he tnsurance requir�ments �pecified herein, d. Eac�r Fn��ra�ce �oli�y s�all �e e�idorse� tn provid� the Gwr��r � r'ni+�irnurr'i lhirty d�ys' no�ice t�f e�ncellation, non-ren�wal, and{or ma#eriai �h�r�ge ir� �Qli�y �errns Qr ��verage, fl #en days' natice shalf be a�cep�able ir� t#�� e�ent of nan-�ay�enl oi pre�nium. e. J�i�t�rers must be 2�uthari�e� tn do htis[ness in the State of Tex�s and h�v� a current A:M. B�si ra�9ng af A�VII or �quivdleni measu�e �f �n�n��al strengt� and salven�y. f. ❑educt�blr� limits, �r self-Fur�cSeci r�t�ntion limits, �n e�ch palicy must �at exce�d $�0,0�10.0� per ac�urrer�ce unles� othe�wise approved by t#�e �wn�r, s�. In lieu of ir�ditional ir�suranc�, t�wner r�ay co��ider all�rn�iti�r� ��w�r��2 pr rISiC tre�tmer�t r�easu��s th�auc�h insura€�ce pools or ri�k ret�nti�� gr�ups. Th� pwner rr�usS 2p�rtsv� in vd�'Iting �ny allernstive cov�rage }�_ b�cr�`ker�' oomp�+lsatiar� insurance policy(s} cov�: ir�g �m�iayees ernpEoyec� c�n the prs��ecl shafl b� end€�rsed w+t�i a waive� of subrvc�atic�n pro�idinc� ri�hts af re�avery i� favor �f �h� Owner. Owr�er shaJl r�ot be responsib�� for the direct p�yme�t of ins��r�nce pre�r�i�m cosis far car�tTact�r's ins�irance. �ontr�ctar's insE�ran�e p�f�cies �hall eac� be endorsed t� prov�de that such �nsurarj�e is primary pr4tecti�n a�d �ny self-fu�ded or corr,mercia� cav$r�ge maint�in�d �y �w��er sf�al! r�ot b� ral4e� �por� ko c�rikr��uf� Lo lass re��+�•e�y. �n th� ���r�� �f lh� pr�j��l, �oilir��t4r sliall repart, �n a�imaly manner, la Owner's offkcially desi�rtat�d c�ri'.ract �dm+r�istr�tor �ny lcnown loss occurrence which co�ld glve ri�e to � li�bil,ty �I�Im �r I��n+suif [�r w�ich cauld resuit in a praper�y loss. �or�tr�c#��'s liabiii�y �ha�l r�oi be lirniled to the s��cified amo�n[s o� insuranc� require� I�Prein. m_ f�pon lhe req�esl of Qwn�r, C��tra�fc�r sitial! �rnvi�#� r.ompiete �pies of all insuran�e p�o[icies requirer� �y ti�es� contrac[ d4cur�enls. I* tf�is Cc�ntr��t 9s in �x��ss �� $25,�a�], the Cflnlractor shall provie�� a Payrn�r�l Bond in thc ful! �mvurti r�r th�e �ontr�c�. If th� Gc��tr�Ct i� �r� �S��S� bf $14�],0�0 Ct�htractcsr shall pravide both Paymeni �nd P�r#ormance Bands fr�r th� ful€ ar�iQunt 4f #he c:crntr��#, ��nstruciion sl�all nat skarl u�ith�ut a"Nal�ca to Pr�ceed". The Notice to �raceed shall nat be iss��d wit���k bands in place. ��r�fract�r shaq �pply for all Gity of F�rt �for�h Permits and for �ny ather �ermits req�ired I�y this �ro�ecl. City df For[ Warth Perm�t f��s are waiv�d_ Separ�te per�nits will be re[�uir�et! f4r e��h f��iiily. I` thfl G[�niraelr�r �f��uEd f�kl to coEz7�ilete ihe work �� set fiorkt7 in Eh� Pians arid �pecii�ca#ac+rss and Co�#racl Docurner�ts �ri�ijin the Frme sa sUp�fat��, pl�s �ny addiflOil�l t1r17� �IiOW�(I �3S �]i4Vid2� II� th� Gel7�r�{ C[���i- tians, 'here �hall be d�ducke� frorn a�y mc�riies �ue or which may lh�r�afit�r b�came �iue hirn, ihe liq�iti�t�d dam�g�� outlined in the G�neral �ondit��ns, r�ot �s � pe�alry but as liquidated darna�es, il�e C�ntr��#or and their Surefy shall be �iab#� ta the ��+rner for such �s�cie��cY- i�11h�IGRl�Tl�N f��1T�O�ALlTY ACT: Ci�y activ�ly supports th� frnmigr�t{a�i & Nr�li�na�ily Ac1 (II�A) wnich include� pravisions addeessing empioyrner�t eligi�ailily, empie�ym�nt veri#�ca[ian, and riondiscrimirra�i�r�, V�ndaf shall verify the identiiy and ��ploym�nt eligibi�ity of all emplaye�s wha p�rform wark under thi� A�r��men#_ 11e�rdor �I��II �ortiF�lete Ih� �m{5loymenl EGgi�i�ily V��•if�aiian �arm {I-9j, mainta�n phalac�pie� o# al4 sup��rfi�}g InslrV�tiort la f]ffta�rs �a€�e 4 Of 'I i Crima L�6 �ul! �uilding Generalar R�pl�cerrreni - Praj. �1104327 a��d 105215 ,�uly 2�2d) e�nplaym�nt eligibiiily and i�fentitydo�umenl�tion Par all �mploye�, and u{�on request, �Sravkfe City wath ��pies pi �U I-�3 �orrims and su�spa�ting eligi�iilily d�cument�lian �or each €m��y�� �,���o performs wotk under this Agreerr�ent. V�ndor sh�lF esl�blis� appropr�ate praeer�E�r�S �nd ��nlrol5 sa th�t no serv�ces will �� p�rfofir��d �]y �ny em�lay�e whn 4s nat le�ally e�igible #a ��rf�rm such s�rvi��� 1}�n��r �half �rav��� CE#y witf� a certifieatl�n �etier that it }ias c�mp�lec� wilh the verificz�ion rec�urrem�nts r�qulred hy #his Agreerr�ent. Van��r sh�ll indamniFy G[ty fram ��y penal#i�s tsr lia�ililie5 due +.o vio�alion� of tf7is �5�avision, �ity sh�fl have the right t� irnm�diat�ly� f�rrninaf� lhis A�reeme��! for viol�iions of ih�s pr�vision h�v 1},�nd�r. �ia 8aycott �f ksr�e�. If ��nkrac�or f�as Fexref kh�n �f� e►r�ployees ar ti�e Agreement is far I�ss than �� 0{},��Q, khis �e�tion do�s not apply. C�nlra�ta� a�kno��vledges lhat in aceordance �{��th Ct�apter �27� of the Texas �ov�rr�r�'ienl Carie, Ciiy is prt�hit�ited fr�rrm er�ler�rsg iC�to a cor�lracl with a coir�pany For goe�ds 4I' 5ervices unl�ss thc crntr�C! �nntadns a written veri{icai€on frprrr Il�e corn�any that it: �� ) docs nQf I�ayc4t# �srael; ar�d �2j v�rill r�ot boy�ott �sr�el during ti�e term of tl�e cor�tr��t, 7f�e lerrr7s "baycaLl Isra�l" ond .�com�any" st�all ha�,re th� rn��ning� ��cribed ia khoss terms ir� Sec,�i�n 8U8.Da1 af li�e Texas Gavernrr�ent Code. �y signin� this Agr�e�mc�f, Caniractor certifie� l�ak Coi�trsctar's sign�ture prr�vid�� wriiten r�erFfi���ior� t� �i[y lF�at �ankr�c�ar: { i) daes noi baycatt lsrael; and [2) �vili not boycott I�r��l �urin� the term of th� Agreem�ni. Prohik��RR�r� c�n Bavcottinq Enerav Camp��ies, Vendnr �c�nowl�d�es that ��r accordanc� wiih C�rapter 2�74 orf fhe T�x�s Government Code (as added hy A�#s 2Q21, 87th Leg., R,S., S.B_ 13, � 2), the Cify is �ronik�it��i from en�ering in�a a�pntr�ck far gaads or servic�s that hs� � v�k��e �f $i�d,�bb Qr mare, vJi�ich +uil! �ie p�id whally oT partly fr�en pub[ic fu€�d� bf tl�e Gity, vrFtl� a�ornpany {+�l1� 7Ci pr m�re fUll,li�ne em�loye�s} ur�kess th� �c}nlrac�i �s�ntains a wrilten �rerif�c�tio� fr�m the cr���pany lhat it: {1 j does r�at ��ycotk energy �ompa�ies; and ��j will nat baycoii �nergy �ompar�ies duri�g the ter�r� of lhe c�o��tra�l. �he lerrns "baycoti er•��r�y [:ornpany' and "cornpany" ha�rw !h� me�n�ng ascrlbed to fh�ase lerms by �h�p#�r ��74 af the Texas Ga�r��r�rnc:r7t �rade (as added by Acts 2�21� ST[h L��„ l�,�., S,B: �3, § 2j. To tHe +�xte�# th�t Chaptes 227d c,� the L;overr�mer�t ��de is �pplEeab�e tfl this Rgreement, by s��ning this Agr�ement, 1��r�dor c�rtifi�s thak Ve�tdc�r's sign�ture provities writken v��ificati�n #o fhe City #i�at Ver�dor: (9 j�iaes not I�aycott �n��gy �a�lpar�E�s; and �2j will not boycott ene�gy campani�s cfuri�g th� #e�r'r� of thi� Agreem��t. F�rohi�ritior� [�r l�is�rimir,atian Aq�ir��[ Fir�arrn �r�d Amm�i�iiian Industrins. 11�nd�r �blcn�u+ledg�s th�t except as athenvise pr�vlded by Cha�ter 2�7d of the �"exa� Gov�rnrr�eni Cade (as add�d by Acts 20�1, $7tn L.eg.; R.�., �.B, ��, § 1), the City is p�o�il�iled frQm �ntering irrto � conEr�c# tor c�oods ar services ti��t h�s � �ralue ni � ��p,0�0 or moE� v�+hich w�ill ts�. �aid wholip ar parkly fram public funds �f l�� Gily, wit� a �ompany {with 10 ar �r�or� ful!-#im� �mp�ayeesj unless th� ��nlra�t canla�ns � wrilten verificatior� ir€�rn ihe comp�ny lf,at it; (�) daes i7at ha�� � pr��kice, polscy, guidar�ce, o� directiv� lhat �i��r�minales against a fir�arnl cr�tity�rfir��l'm #r��le as�ociatio�7; ar�d (2} vdiEl ri�itdi��rimir��t� during tF�e terrn af fhe conEr��# �g�in�l a firearm e�tity ar Flr��rrl� tl'ade �s�oci�[ion. Th�e terms "dis�rimir�ate," "Fire�rm entity" aiid "firearm irade �s�ociation" have ftre m�ar�ing a�c�ibed :o lf�as� terms by Chapter 2�74 af lhe i'�xas �ov�:r�menf Code �as atid�d by Acts 2�21, 87th Leg., R_s_,- S.B 19, § 1) T� t�� gxtent that Chap#er 2214 �f the Gox��rnm�nt �ode is appli�ab�e tv #his Agre��nent, 6y signin� this Agreemenf, V�nd�r c�rtifi�s thai Ven[Eor's signattire provid�s writter� +►e��iie�tir�n to t�e Gi#y that Vertdnr: (9j d��� �ot have a�ractice, palicy, guicianc�, or direetive tl�at disc.riminates a�ain�# a�rearm �n[ity or firearrn trade associ�ti�r�; �nd (2� will na# �iscrixnir��t� agalns# a fire�rm ent�ty �rfire�rr� �rade associatio� durir�g ��e t�rrn �� k�zis Agree3n�nt. �nstruclion t� QfFerors Paqe 5 of 12 Crime Lab FuIC 8ui��Jing Gen�ral�r FteplaFQmc�e�t - F�r�j. +�10�3�7 and 14�2t5.luly 2�2qj This Agreement is made effective as of . e date signed by the Assistant City Manager below. FORT WORTH: 1 City of Fort Worth By; Dana Burghdoff (Jul 2 , 02417:23 CDT) I Name: Dana Burghdoff, AICP Tltte: Assistant Cily Manager Date: Jul 23, 2024 I Approval Recommended: I By: Name: Marilyn Marvin Title: Interim Director, Property Management Dept. Attest: �A� By: U Name: Jannette Goodall Title: City Secretary CONTRACTOR: SDB, Inc. dba SDB Contracting Services Name: Angellne Schmidt Title: Chief Executive Officer Date: Jull8,2024 I slrucii an lo Of(erors Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all periormance and reporting requirements. I By: � Name: Nik1ila N. Watts Title: Sr. Capital Projects Officer Approved as to :Form and Legality: BY; Douglas Black (Jul 23, 202411:55 CDT) Name: Douglas Black Title: Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: M&C 24-0585 Pa.ge 6 or 12 Crim� L b Full Building General r Replacernenl- Proj. 1104327 and 105215 July1024) B and # ��42��80g P�RFD1214�ANCE �UND `I'1-�� S�'A'C� ��+"�'��CAS GOi�1�TY �DF TAF�RANT l��kOW ALL BY TH�S� PRE5�NT5: �"hat we, �DB, Ine, dksa S L} B Contra�ting �e�vices . k�g�,rn as "Prin�ipal" herein and �.ibert Mutual �nsuran�e Cam an� , � �4rporat� �ue�ty (sneeties, ifmore than one] duly a��thuri�d to do business in t�e 5tate Qf `��x�s, icnawn as "Surety" lie�in (wf�ether one �r mUr�], �re held and f rmiy bound untv the City QfFort W�rth, a rr�u�sieipal �orporatioro cre�[ed purs�i�nt to ihe la�vs a#'Tex�s, known �s `'City" herein, in the penai sur�t of, �IGH7 HLk�fd�Ed 7HIR�E�N i�t�usANa niifuE H�1woREo EJGHTY THREE ���.LAI� AND �E#�4 CEh�TS �$813�5B3A�i, ]awful nia:�ey �fthe ilnited 5tates, to l�e paid �n Forl Werth, Tarrant County, Tex�s for the paym�nt uf wh3chsum well and truly to be rnade, we ��ad our�elve�, 4ur heiPS, �x��u�ors, a�ministratars, suec:essnrs and assigns, jaiRtly and s�veratly, �rmly by these pres��ts. WIi�R�AS, t#�e Prfn�ipa] has �nter�d into a cert�In written contr�ct.v;th ihe City aur�rd�d #l�e 25 day af _�J_u ne . 2024, whiciti Con#faet is here�]' r�fer�ed to a�d msde a p�rt hee�of far al ] �urp�ses as ii fiilly set forth t�erein, t4 furnish al3 m�teriats, eq�i�mer�t iahvr and ather acces�nries d�fir�e� by law, in the prosecuti�n of the VJ�rk, inciuding any Change Dr�ers, as provided far in s�id Cantract designa[�d as �Cei�rec La�O �`���I �uildiog Ge�erasor Revlacemeot, 3�16 E, La�c��ter Ave., F�rt Warf�i'Tex�s 761113 �PMIi2423�1b). �1�i�U, TH���F4��, ��C �Dfli�lt10f1 OPtIIlSO�}I1�8T1413 LS SUGh ��13� L�[hB S�1(�Pfi17Ci�5SI S�iBI� f�ith�lfy perfoi�n it obligations e�rsder #he Cantr�ct and shalf in alt respec�s d�sly and fa�th#'ull�+ p�rfarn� the 1�Vork, ir�cluding Ck�ange �rder�, under �he �or�tra�t, acc�r�ing ta the plar�s, specif �ation5, �d contract dt�cuments #t�crein r�ferred t4, and as wclE �uring $ny peri� �fexter�sion of the Cc�nttattthat may be grar�ted on the part of tEie City, then this abli�atian shall be ar�d becars�e null and void, otherwise t� remain in full force ar�d ef%et. PROYlL7CI! �'ifRTH�R, that if any I�ga! actiot� t�� frled �n tl�is $and, venue shai! lie in Tarrant C�u�ty, Texas nr the �Inite� States iJistriet Cau� for �he iklor[h� D;sEeict of Tesca�, �'�rl W�rtii bi�ision. This bond is mad� and ex�.cuked in carnpliancc with the pr�visians �F Ch�pter 2253 a#'th� Texas Gquernment Cvd�, as amended, and all liabi�ities vn thls bos3d sh�li �e determiner� ifl aecorCia�c� with [he prouisi4ns af said statue. Inalruclio-nio Offerorg Pegafl o� 12 �rime L�b F�9 0ul�ding G�ner�lor Replaeemen� - Proj. #tQ4327 �sd 14S21S Jul�r 2A�Aj IN WITIV��S� VYFfERF�F} the �'incip�i s�d the 5urety have SI ,f'x�ED and SBAi,ED this instruroent by d�ly �uth�rized �gents $nd �i�ieers an this the 1._S�lt day of duly. ��24. A'�EST: f �.��� �����-����_ �� � �,������ ���t�� �QCi� �C�11111C�t �, � WiinC�S a8 t0 �[3�1C7�&� Brian Pist�r, D�re�t�r �f F�r�ance PR�f�LPAi.: SDB, Inc. dba � D B ConUs�tir:g Se�rices , BY: `� €�.��t��`�t_t�, , �� � � .,-� 51g�ature ��,�a�� w. ������, c�� Na�v a�d 3'ide ,'1d�ress: 1{�bl �. �dv+�1'� DC1V� ��� �� ���$�: ���rty Mulu�llnsuranr�e Company BY: �i � _ � - -w Si�RB�� i FC �y 1wSV� � .�'4Q�a�}� � r i �912 a r � �� �cHu � �j7 � �,t� . 8or[ Hn. �i9Sy Ste�hsnie L_ �u�halx, ,'�l,�t01`�l�'Jfa1 Cl-�BGi ]►iamcand i'itl� �-�� � --� �.. _� W iirses� �s #0 5urety �ebra �. iNi11'sam� nddress: 175 B�rkelev S�reet H�#a�s, fVit� 4�11� Talcp�tanaNur�ber �$SG)6�8-6877 �`Nate: If si��ed by sn o#�aer af the Surcty Cornpany, lhare musi he on fiia � r.ertlfied ea[tract from the by.�aws shpwiag that this pe��son has autl7pr�ty fn �ig�� such ob3igatian. lf Surety°s phy�ic�tl addr'�s� is di#�'er�nt fi�m its mailrng addresa, }�ti must b� providcd. `fh� datc c�f thc �ond s�a13 nat be prior to tiie dale the C4ntr�ci ia &w�rded � Ir�tnidioR io �fferws Fa� �� o! �x Crimet9b Fuli BuIItlIAg[3en�t�t�r Repls�nent- Rraf, #1�23 and 1fl6236 July�{#24} �aG�d # 6�9�.06�09 ���r�i��v�r sorvu T�IE SiATE �]�' TEXA� �ClLINT'Y (lF fiAI�I�ANT K1VU1�4' ALL BY 'FH�SE �I�E�ENTS: Ttsa� we, SDi�,�lr�c;d�a_SD_BC�ntractsn�Serv_iee� known �s "Principa�" hexein, �nd I.iberty Mutual Ir��urar�ce Company , a carpor�te surety (�ureties�, duiy authorized ta d� hu�iness in the 5tate afTexa�, knou�+n as "5urety„ her�in {whether or,e ar mar�), �.rc h�1� and �nnly h�und unta t�� City af F�rt �Vart3�, 8 rYilltilGi�]�1 C41pOT�t14r� Cr��[�d purs�a�t to the l�w� of the State of Tex�s, �Cnown as "�ity" herein, in the penak sum Of, EaG�IT F�I�N�R�D �lil��€N T�i�lt�A�f� NI�V� NIJNC�F��� �i��ITY 'CHf��� o���n�s ANa ��€�� cENT� ;�813.��3,0�1, �awf�l rr�a��y vf the Unitsd States, ta �e paid i n Fort �Vorkh, T�rrar�t County, �'ex�s, ior thc p�ym�nt of u�ftiick� s�rr� well �1�d truly k�e made, �c bind a��elves, aur heir�, exeeutars, adminisCratoes, succ��r� a�d assigns� jointly and s�v�r�l�y, �irmiy b�+ th�se presents: �'���t� A�F Fri�cipal has ente��d int� a certain written �oiilraet wilh City, awarde� the �� d�y vf _- J un , 20�4. w�7��}i �oftitract is hereby eeferr€� !o snd macie a part her�offor �I] purpases as if fu] I�r set forth hereiii, �o furnis�i all m�ieri�ls, �qu�prnent, �abor and �ther access�r3es �s d�fin�d by Esw, in the pra�ecu�ivn af �iie Wark as p��vided for ii� saidC�intr�ct and designatedas �rime I�b I'ull $uild�nL Generatnr Rep��ccnyentt_361(� �. Lancastsr Avc.� Fart �VnrlhiTexas 76�03 fF'{�iD2U23-�b� N(i�Y,T�iER��[7RE, THE CC��aIT[OI�! O� T[�IS (?BLIGAT[C��*] is such that iFPrinci�a� sh�ll pay a[I �ionies owing #o any �and ak!) payment ba�d b��fici�ry (as defined in �hapter 2z53 of �h� 7exa� �overnrnent Code, as amended] i� #he prose�utto� af [h� Wark un�er klic Can[raci, lh�n this ohrigation shall �e and be��rne n�l� aod void; aihe�x+ise ta rcm�in irt �'ull farce and effe�t. This �ond is rn��e and executed ir� cornpliassce witf� thc provisions at' Chapter 2z53 of th� Texas Ga�ernment C�de, �s ars�end�, and alk fiabilicies an this �i�r3d shal! be d�terrnined in a�ardanee with thc pr�vis':nns af said stalutc. {nsUuclion hn 0#ferors Pac�s 7 of �� CMrne La� F�I &il.ding G�nerelar Re�a�ement - Proj. #14d3�7 artd iQ521S Jufy 202A) �Y WITNES� V4'HEREDF, the� Principa� and �ur�ty have e2�oh SIGNED and BEA�,�D chis instsl�rtient �y duly �uth�riz�d agerit� ar�d vf�€'i�eis c�n diis #he 1 S#h dey ��' Ju�1 r, ����. �l.lfi�?l. ��� %�� ,� � ,�.� � ��� -� �� (Prin�ipal� 5ecrerary ��[�j� �G�l { t r• ' �= �---- 1 � . ;• f f r - Witriess � tn PrinGipa! Brian Pistar, Direotor of Finan�e ATTE�T: ���sr�#y} Secre#�ry � ��-�--�� _ - - _ -_ - �. Wilr�e�� as lo Sur�ty I�ek�re I�. �illiums �]tFNCI PA �. �DB, ��i�. dt�a S D� Conh�aatin� 5ervices f�— -- - - p�� f � 4���_�'�/��il. r ��`�'�. � S3gnstur� Edward Vlf. Rtccio, GF� Nar�e �n� Tiile �ddr�ss: l0U l S. Ed�vard Dri�e '['etn�ef AZ 85281-5223 s��: Libercy Mutua! �r�suranc� �vm�any �Y: � r _ _ � r . :�`� �_ � sign�#�� Stephsttie L. �uahol�, A.lturt�y-in-Fact I�ame aad Title A�fcire��s: }75 8erkeFe�� 5tr�et ��stnn,l�1A 0� 116 Telephone �iurrik�r� �8��} 628-6877 �, ;xs�, ��` $�a+�� � �4 �a �'� � 19�� � w ��,� � � � ��CH�s a �'$f� * �,� �aa� No. r�1 ''Notc: If sig�sed by � af!'iccr of the Surety, the;e musf he �ts fiie a oerliFed e�t�tt fram ihE b�Ia�v$ showing tE3at t�313 �B3'301i �1�9 �USI1�r]F�1 t[� S1�f SSiCFI �17�I�Stl0�1. T� �'111'C�'s �hgslcal address is dfffarent from iE� tu�iling adtEress, bc�#� must bt pro�ided. The dato v�'lhe hond shail �i 1►e pr�vr to fhc dste the �antra� ia �w�rd�d. lnsinatuon ta Qf�rt,R Page 8 a� t� �r�rne Lab Fuul ��Etlinp �erseratar �tepfacement • Pra1. #1�t32T and 7�15� 15 ,�uly �4�4} I��b�� N�.ut�aa�. SURE7Y Th€s Rower o1 Attbrney Ifrt�ls ihe atQs of Iha�e named here:n, and Ihey ha4e no aul heelty 10 61�d lhe Company excepl In lhe menner snd !a !he exlent herein akalad. Liberiy C++fulu$I Insurance Comp�ny Tha Q�i� �a�€ialfy Insuranc��orrtpary �Nesl Rmerlcan Ir��trance C�rnpany Cerh"fi�to No:828U473-97�Z81 P�i�l��i� �F A�TDF�N�Y KN�WN ALL PF..R50NS 8Y i�iESE PR�$�NTS: Thaf ihe Ofuv Casually Insare�te Company Is a c�paralion duly a�garie�# under Ehe �awa ol 1he Stal� o� New H�mpahir4 kh�1 k�'6ariy Mulual ;nsurance Cgmpany is a capaalion d�dy ergan�etl under the lows ad#�e S1al� ol haassaehws�tts, and Wes� American in�urance Campany i� s corporetion �uly aga�ited underlhe fa�rs of tl�e Slate oi Indi�ns {heie� ��iwefy �a!rad !hQ'C�rr�aeniss j, pur�tani loand 4y suEharity her�an s� �, tlass her�y nsme, cur�smlohe and appanl. 3r�iahsnis L. Suol�lx, .hr�dr�w A_ Fnrr; �n E�_ Furr, G�r o. P_ GrifTuf�, vehra fC. WiRiama ----- ell �f the dty r� hi�e si�te a! nrizon� ezth ir,d�du811yi� lhera l� more Ihan one �am9d, I� Gs���d I�wful �u�sey�in•lecl ia rna�, execute. seef, �ckr�,ieclge and delivar, for and �n ils bel�el� as suceip and �s ils ee! ond deed. enr 8� aA uli�ert�kings, q�d�, rex�ynixanws and �er surety �hl�gali�ns, In psusuanw ni lheso pres�7t& and S�aA b2 as �ntling upon !he Cc+��l�a ea if Ihey hpwe I�art duty a��ned hy Ule Ares�den� and aSt9sted by t�;e seC#etsry 4f Cf19 Compenles ir� Bl�if [wrn �e�9t persa,s: FH �'V1iNESS Y4HF-�EaF, Ihls Paw�r ol AIl�rnay lias ha�n su�scnhed hp an �ul�qn;e�! 4�oer C� 4�flGie� 4Ft11B COPkp2�&5 8�1d ih9 COfpol�& 59�1� �I 1h� C4mpS1iie5 h9ve been affa@d fh4�siplhf: 7th dSyaF �cb�un� 2014 . 4� � � � � � � .� � -f'. (� � � � �� z� Ec �� O � Sha�e ai P�F+TlSYLVkf�IA Cour.ly ci F,�G�NTu"C h.SERY �s tlberty A�lual �nsura�+ce Campany ��t�$�q4 �y�v ias�� ,� tir+s4� 7iie {}hio Casuafry Ins�ranoe Cgm�ny �����'0jw>���,� ���Gda°¢�,fi�f,y� �¢�p��++,���� Y4as�Arnerr�enl��arar�seC�pany � 1912 � a t�79 � � 1991 s� ���� e. a a � ��'yi;d'�rrNV�� � �� �hµe+'n� � �ip �'whw* � � ��r * ��' �'�� . �� �,� . ►-�* �y. f3avul M C:armr Aacialmr firwrPlary �]n Ih�s 7d� d�y ai 1�chrvarA� , ifl I 4 he?ae me persr�nal�y app�rad b�+nd M. GxeY� 15�D8c�ro�N915dgB0 hl�lself lC Oe �heR55isC�iil �crElery �d LlbBliy Mutu�! irtis� Com�any, rn� �si� �ualt�• Camp�ny. and wast Wn�r�can Irr.�ra�c� CompanY, and 1h�t he. �s auc�. 4�ng aWirad:ed so la du arsewGe Ihe fa�going �nsttument for !he paal Ifrarein fla�l�lnsd �y s�gnEng m hehal(od1�4e mrpnra�ans hy �tansr�� as a duiy aulh�rixed �Kc�r. !H WfTNEBS WH�RE�F, l hd++e��r+euriR4su6acn6ed my n9mo �d affi�c�d my nataria' seal aR Kin� olPru�aia� Rennsyiuunle, an 1h� day �id yner �r�t abowe wn0.eu�. ,�n.s',�- /1���jj�����//�tt*y``��liy£ t�, CGh�l41FYVEAL7H8FPE1�18YL1M�FaA �f+r � rlh p F161E�1BEC'.l�E� SJ' 1bfR38�a9�l�J��10�1]'�I�TC t llPpifhlFfSdh1MJ..f.iLhlyj�ROEy�CIMLy �Y: �� MyCwnmltalontMpkesMarch2&�26F1 ��..�Sy�uf:; ��1f �{j I.Weber�PrrvuyirrisAe�,d1KrP�n9Wle� �a��d. N[7�H!�' This Pn�er or Ad�n�y is m�aa sti� exewled pursuant h2 s�d by �uUturi�+ ol Che lallaxirn� Hy�aws �nd Aullwrixalioae al Trie O�io C�sua1lY In�susnce Ceimpeny, LiNr,rh� N�Aual �sur�nce,�`.or �pany, a.tid Y�1�st Panenr�n insur��ce Gompeny wh�ds r�ciub� er� nax In tul! inrae �nd eilae# rcadng eslellcna�: ARTlCL� IV-OFFICE�S� S� 1'�-PvrrerelAthpmey. Rny niifrar or a1t€er oMdal ef tl�e C.offporatcn aulFiorizad frn lhal purpose tn wriling hy i►w �hmkm�n ai Ihe Pre�ldent, end subJeci Ia su�h l�6aban as Y�e Chaimien or ttis fres��k may presaihe, sha11 �ppd�t �ch elbair7eys�in•iac� as �n�y he r�e�sary io ad in �eha[i a� l�e CerpsxaUon lo rt�ka, eRecule, seal, admowledgasnd del�r as 9urey eny 6nd di lind&+lel�ng6, 4and�, rec�gr�erBnC� �nd othe��ureiy bb11�e1ions. SsIC?� atEtrn6yi-Irk�ett� Su6j�t118Ihe I'un�lalians SeR i�lh in Ih�if �e3pe4�v9 p9wer� of aH9�ey, sf�a� haue iuG pw+er Sc bina iMe Coipor�e� �y Ihelr sign�tura an� e�ecution oi any su�h a�st�meriEs and Ra a11acM 1t�ere�o kne s�el a� t�e :,apdration, Wt+�n :o �xaculed, su.h inSSrumenl� shall he es �inding s5 li sfgned by fhe Pr�sideni and atte�ted io by Ihe Seaalary. My powerar eulF�ority granied ta any repaes�nl�i4e ar atiomey-indae# unee� I+.e ��isla±�s of �ie �tie6emay bare�+oked et an� �me hp tha 6oar�, �e �ha°rma�, pre Fresidenl ar hp !he olficer or �6r.ers gren�n0 s�di ptnrerot euEhp'ily- kR71CLE MIN — ExeCuli�1 of CdnV�ttQ: �on 5. Surety Bands �nd Und9rt9k��lgs. Any nffioer of Ihe Cnm�,any authcxiz� for Ihat purpqse :n w+"sling by the d�airman or Iha p�esiden�, an� su�eC1 �0 9uC11 IimitBti� Bs !h@ ChdirErtan p� thg president m8y pre54'�hc�, shall a�a�! such elt�meys in i�el. as may 6e neeassary la ac! i� behe{I nl SF�e Canpany l� make, axepul&, aeal, acknowledg� arb �itier �s s�r�ty seyy and al� u�dertakings, baids, f9�IYli8E1p�5 �hd �ih2f Su� 2� dh��31N6h5. 5led� �o;ne�s-ih•(�L� Sub�ect lo Iha limile5qns Sel fp[Rh i� Iheir �g5peC6vegpw0l� �18Ef�m9y, shah hewe iu�l poarer ia hdnd khe Gornpany hy 1h21r signeturp end o�ac�tion a� �y s��ch �nsbumanla and !c a�tad� Ih�rela �:� sea� �f �kse Campany. When 5a �cecus�l such ina�rum�t� sh�ll bQ ag b�ndsng Qs II sg :ad by Ihe presideol and al6esled by Na eeerelery. CertERcateo��e�igna�fo� - The Pr�side�t of #he Go��Y. �1ing pursu�� ta lhe 8y�aws a` U►a CompenK. �Ilafi�ea david M. �ey. A�Is6anl �e�1ary ta ep�ain[such anomeys�+r fart as msy bo- necffi�y ta �d an heiiaH af lhe �ampany !a meke, exearle, s�l, admnxledge and dBliw�r s� a�e[yf a�+ snd e!I �nderekings, 4onda, recogn�nnae� er�d nUt�r wr�y obl Igauons. Authorixatfat� - Bp u�animaos coa�enl a! l�e Gam��+s BoarA af Oire�ibta, ViaCorr�y so�se�ls llial [er�anae orme�a�rally repiodue�d signah�refll�y assisl��s�ary of kne Canpany. wherev�c eppaarir,� upon e ce�ifsed capy 4� any parer af �ltn�ney issued by Ehe �Or�panr in c4nnecUon wi h suraiy hands. ahell be valid end t�'rn�i�g u� Ihe Compan�vritli lhessme fo-rce and affeci a.g �raygh m�nus�Y �� i. A�ee �. L�vetyn. the cm�rs�ned, Aaslstsnt Serratary, rl�e Dhlo C�suslty Insurance �ampany, Liberk�r �'.uluek lnsur�nae Cc�r►pe�Y, end Nfes! Arne�ican Insuranae �anp�ny da hereby ce� Ihat �Me originel porrer pF�ltar!ey ol whleh u►e f�eguing is e h,ll, Irua end va red eapy'vl Ihe F�wer af A11orn�y axewl�d hy sa� Ca�anf�s, is in �u� fflrca arid elfed snd h�s nbE b�en revcrked. aFl TESTIAiONY WF[ERE+]F, i h� her$U�nseE my han� a�d a�ixzd t�e sea� � aa�d Campanias Ihis 15sh day of 3u�y , 2�3d . 4Ksy t�i i�rs tNsu F.`ti�G'so'",��i 4}��o"'dq�� G��1op■6q�� � � ¢e tF 4 � �°a� W S` �o �� 191Z � 0 19i9 �, � 199i � — �.� � v � c � ���'gf.'f"'",'� #� �e;�, ","r`k�� '�s�'a°u"*;,�ab� �� R9neB C. LI9w�ll}m, Assi919at SeccBlary e � 1 x � '�! � 1� �� a d *3 �� � � L � c � � � � 0 � � � �x � � � kk45=1?.�13 LiAIC O�iC WF�C, �luyl [Q Of.2019 Krorri: To: Subj ett: p atet Akt�th me nts: ���+& r4caaral�. Vicki; NC75UR RF.: €iC�1D VFRIf[CAI�[3hi - #fiI79�D6f309 Uv��ne�day, luly 3, 2d24 1'OU:33 f+M COFl�1 RP &orid 5��92�68�9.odf CAUr[�N: Tf�Ps �m�il ari�inat�cl frorn r�, kside of th� City �f For[ Wortff emall �y.st�m, f�a r�oi click any I�r�ks �r rsp�n att�cl�n��nts unless you rec�s�n�z� the �end�r ah� knn�r !he content i� s�fe. 1 c�r� �ar��irm #h�t �ibe�ty fl��tu�l �vrote this bar�d. �han�s, Th� HasuT iearn � f From; MeDonald; vicki �1�icici,fU�c��na�ci�fartwork�texas.gov� S�nt: �rVednesday, July 3, 2iJ�4 1:Z1 Piti+1 Tr�: H05�JR �HDSUR@�ibertyMutuaLeorna Subj�c#: (F7�I F�,NI�I,} �C}N[� VFR11=1CATIC�IV - #6C)920�8�J �le�se verify referer��e hand # 6�9�0G�0] �or SQB, jnc. db� S D B Contr�ctian 5ervie�s. In the ama��nt of $$9.3,98�,0{} f�r Crim� Lab Full Buildin� Gen�rator Replacernent, 36i5 E Lancaster Avenu�, �art 1Narth, TexaS 7b103. Th�nkyou. �� ��� Administrative F45sislani Prop�rty �a��gemenk pepartmenE s��-��z-���� - are�� Ciky Hall - Tunne! 20� 'Yexas �treet Fort 1North T�x�s 761�2 vicki.�c�nn� Idca�forE��vo�h�ex�s.go�r �D �T ��RT H � VVorking io�et��er to bW�l�ta s#ror�g carr�rrrunity. �r�asg �otc�: o�Fd���nm��t w��� �� ��W��s �� � �e�� rae�rro� ir� ,�Wr� �o�d_ c�Wr ��� ad��ss ��rr � �r�a Fa� wo�r�� rfar�, Fort [Na�fh, 7exas 7fii42. PJease conti���a to se��d arry mar7 to t�e currar�! address lrsfer� al�ove e�rifr� r�otrf�ed athenvise_ �� � Pal's�y No: �IV4I�Y3p7�892�4 �DMMER�IAL GEF7�#�AL LIABtLIiY G� ��31 � �T O �f THIS EN[3DRSE�IE�1� CHAHGES THE POLIGY� RLEASE RfAD IT CARE�L�LL�. A��ITiOhf�L �N�I�RE� - �VI1�EI�S, �E��EE� �R ��NT�iA�T�R� � ���EDUL�D R�R��N C�R o���ru���ar�o� Thfs endarsement mo�ifies ing+�rance provfded underthe follouuing� CD�MERCWL G�AlER�1L LIA�ILITY �O1f�RAG� PART sc�eo��E Name �f Additlonal ir�sureci Person{s) L,ocatlon�sj �f C�v��d Dperati�ns �]r � �nJzati�n s ; A11 persar� ar o��nl�attana aa r�qulred aq vrrntan canUacE or a0ree�n�nt The I�r��lan� se s��clAed In Ihe wrf�fen conlracla ot eg►eemenm tnf�rrr��tlan uired t� c�rr� lete this �chedule, i# n�i sl�owrt abav�, vuiil be �hown in #}�e E?Qclaratians. A. 5�ction �— W#�a Is A� Jnsured is amended to irt�lud� a� en additl�rtal i�sur�d th� person(�j or or��nix�tion(�� �hGwn in lFt� Schedul�, but pnly w€th r��p�t to IiabiN#y �� "�dily injury" ��P�P�Y d�m�ge" or "p�rsan�t and advert�sing irrj�,ry� �aused, in wteole or in part, �y: 7. Your acls ar omi�sions, a� �. Ttie acts or amissi�r�s �F th�se ac#ing afl yaur �ehalf; in the per#�rm��ce af your ongaing �eratlans far the addilior7al insured(s) at the iocati��sj cfe$�g- nated abvva. B, Wit� ►espe�t t� t�� insurana� s�i�r�ipd #p these �dditidnal insu�ad�, fh� faklowin� add�tional excl�r sior�s ap�ly: T�is insuranc� does not apply to "��r�iiy Injur�{' or ��propertydgmage" occurn�g after� �I: ,41f �roric, inC�uding rn$teria�$, parts Ar e�uipr mer�t f�mished in car�eciion w�th such work, on the pro�ect [r�t�er th�n aer�ice, m�ntenartce �r ��B�rs} to be per�ormed by or on behaff � the additEa�e1 insured{sj at the lo�tl�n 4f Ih� �nv�r�ad apesatfans has be�en aampleted; or 2. That portfa� of "youf v�rork" out of whfch litie inf ury or d2�m�ge �ri�ea has baen put tn �ts irtP tende�d us� by a�y per�an nr orga�'sxation other thar� �noth�r car�tr$ctar or ��bc�trac#�r en- gaged in pe�f�rmEn� �p�ratior►� for s�rinr�pal as � parE �! the same P�j�ct. C� 2� 'I� �T Q4 � ISO �ropartles, Inc,, 2��4 Pa�� 1 af T P�Iity�Vo: MW�Y3�7��124 �4M�IlE�tClfkL GENERA� �lABI�[TY �� 24 37 �37 ci� THIS ENa�RSEMENT CF#AN�ESTHE PDLI�Y. PL.EA�E R�dQ IT CAREFU4.�Y. A��I����AL IN�URED - �1�VNER�, �E��EE� �R ��I�TRA�T��S - ��M�LETE� ��'EFiATI�N� This endarse�nent mQc�E#�e� ir�s�rsnee provi�ed una$r !he f�llowing: �C3MMER�IRL�EN�RAL LIABlLITYC�IF�RAGE PART S�H�QU�.� Na�me 0# Additi�nal fnsur�d �erst�n(s� �r 0 ani�atian s: Loaalion And �es�rl tfon O� Corn fe#ad 0 rafi�ns All �rs�tts �s otganl��tiUns �s �u�red by w�dle€� ContEeat o� Tha Eocallons as spaeHled 9n 1he wrillen ccrtitracia or a�raemer�ts a�reemez�t Infarmat�on r€�uir�d to cam lete #hl� Scheduie, if nat shawn above w111 be shown 1n th� p��lar�tions. 5ec#ian d� Wf�v Is A,n Insured �S amende� 60 ine�ud� as ah ad�iti�nal insu�d the person(sj or vrgar�ia�tivni�) shown in the �cfi�edule, ��t only v�+ith r�speck t� li�bilif� i�r "b�ily InJury� �r "pr��erty damage" eau��d, in whol� nr in p$[t, �y "'yaur work" �t the Cocat�a� dQsignaied and d�s�ribed In tite gchedui�s of #his endr�rsement p��form�d for th�E additianal Irisured �nd inci�ded in tha °'pr'od�c#s- �ornRl�ked aperdkio�s haZ��d". C� 2� 8T �� U4 � iSD Pra�ierties, InG., �0�4 �ag� 9�f 1 PaliGy iVo: MWT�3�T1$2�� IL 9 0�'1210�� �LD REPUBLIC tN�LlRA{��E CUM�ANY TH15 Ef�dORSEME�VT CHAf��ES TH� POLlCY. PL�,�S� REAd IT C,4REFLJLLY. �►����ic�r��►� ir�s��E� �a�v� p����a��,ar�o N❑N-��NTF2IBUT�RY Eh[DQRSEMENT Th�s en�o��ernenf madif'tes ir�st�rar��e pravic�ed und�r kh� following; �USI�E�S AU7O ���IERA�� FOR�� MOT�3R CARRI�R CC]VERAG� �ORf� S�H�QULE p��ign�#e� Per�c�n(s) c�r or�a�lxatior�{s}: All pers�ns a, prgar�iz��inris wh��re required by wrilken GQn#racE A. SECFIQN �I — COVERED AUFDS LlA�ILITY CE}VERAGE, paragr�p�, 1. Who !s An Is�sured i� �mend�d ko ir�clude the person��j or org�nizativn(s) shovti+n in �h� ab�ve S�hedule as an add'Ikianal "insure�"', but vnly with r���ec� t� "acciden#s" ar�ir+� �uk af yvur vrork whiie t�ing pe�arrrt�d f�r such person(sj or organiza�ian�s)- B. Th� follc�w�ng €� ad��d to tl�� Qther ir�surance Condition in the Busfnsss Auto Caverage Form a�d th� Other ]ns�rar��e — Prirr�ary And �xc��s Insurance Provlsians in the Mator Carrier Cov�rage For€� �nd sUpersedes ar�y �ir6visibri ta the contr�ry: This poli�y's C�v�r�� Autas �iability Covcra�e is prim�ry t� and will n�t see�C �4r�trsbu�ion irom any ath�r insurar�ee avali��f� ta the 'ir�sured"' pers�n(sj or or��niaetion�s) s��wn in th� a�ove Sch�dule provi�ed lhai. �. Such "Gnsuretf" is a Nam�d Ins�tred �n�er �uch other insueanc�; a�d 2. Yau have �greed in writing In a cantract ar �gr�emer�t that this ir�surance wauld b� prirnary and w�uld nat ��ek evntributi�n fram any otl��r insur�nce available to suci� "insured". P�A �48 �9 i9 Pa�e 1 of 1 includes copyrigfi�#a� materia! a� Insurance Sarvices Otfice.lnc.. wlth Its p�imis�ion. Pollcy Na: MVY�Y3�7 i �1 �4 CDMM�RGlAL ��N�f�AL LlA�ILIiY G� 2� 0�1 �12 �19 Ti�lS ENDDRSEI��NT CH�INC��� THE ���IGY. PLEASE RE�D IT ��iREFULLY. PRIMA�Y AIdD 11��N��I�T�IBUT�R� � �THER IN�URANC� G�NDIT��N �his �ndorsem�nt modifles insurance pravided under tfi�e fallowing; C�MM�R��A� CEfVEI�AL LiAB�LITY CQV�l�AGE PART �fQUOf� �IABI�ITY ��VEftAGE PART PROQLJ'GTSf��M�LE7E❑ OP�RAi'IDNS LIABILhT1� C4VERACE PAR� Ths fdElowir�g is addad to ihe 4t��r Ir�sura�ce �ar�ditio� a�d s�pers�des sny peovisian ta the contrary' Prirr��ry And Noncont�i�utary Insur�n�s This I�sura�c� i5 pri��ary to a�d will r�ot seek contri6utinn fram �ny aEher ins�rsnce avail�6le to a� a�diti4naf insu�ed under yo�r palicy provided th�t; (1} fhe additio�al insur�d is � H�m�d �nsured under su�h oth�r ins�rar�c�; �nd (2� Yo� h�ve �greed in Wr+ting in a cat�tr��t t�r agteerner�t tnat this insurance v�rauEd be prirnary and wauld npt see� con�ri�uti�n firom any �ther insur�r,�� �v�l���le t� the additio�al ir�sure�. C� 2� (li �12'f9 � Insurance Se�rarses Of�wce, Inc., 20�8 Page 1 of 9 �alicy NoF hhW�Y3�7�$124 C�MMER�IAL C�EiJERAL LIA�ILITY C� �� 53 'i2 �� THI� �NF��RS�NIENT �HANGES TH� P4LI�Y. �'L�A�� R�Ap jT �AR��ULI,Y. V11��11EF� �� TF�►4N�FER �F F���H�� �F F�E��11ER1� ACAIN�T [}��iER� TO U� �1�I�A11lE� �F �UBR0��4TIOhl� - �!J ci°D IU� l�T I� 7his endorserr�eni modifies fnsurance pravided under th� ial[awing: CC�MMER�JAL ��NERAL LIABILI�Y C�VE�A�E PART` �LECTRONI� bATA LIABILITY ��VEF�AGE �ART I.IQUDR LIABl�ITY CDVERAGE i'ART P[�LLUTIO� LIA$ILITY �QV�RA�E PART �1����NA��� S1TES P�LLUTIQf� LIA�ILITY L1�117�C� C�1lEFiAG� �AR7" D�SIGNAi�p SI��S PROQUCTS�COMPLETEg flPERATI�]N5 LIABILfTY C�]1l�RAG� PART RAILRflAQ PROTECTIVE LIAB�LITY C�VER,�CaE PART UNt�ERGE�OLfN� �TORAGE TAf��C F�OLi�Y dESfGNAfi�a TAh}KS The fallowing is �dded ta Paragraph 8_ Tran�fer {3� Rights �f ��eov�r�r Agai�st Oth�� To Us af Section f5i—Conditians: W� waive any rigl�t of rec�very ag�irrsl any persar� ar ar`ganization, �ecause o� any pa}�rnent we r�aEce ur�d�r this �bv�r�g� P�rt, t� wharr� th� Ir�sured has waived it� righ� of re�uery in a�rritten G�ntr��k ar agreement, Su�h waiv�� by us a�plies anly to th� extet�# that f�e in��red has waived �ts rFght of r�covary ag�inst such �er�on �r orgar�i�ation pri�r io lass. C� 2+3 �� "12 '!� C�] fnsuranca 5ervi�es �ffc�, Inc., 201� P��e 'I of 7 !'oki�y Nb= MWT�307i8�2�F CDMM�RGIA� AUTO CA �4 �3 9'f 20 THIS END4R5ENfEN'� �HAN��S TH� �C)L,.I�Y. PL�AS� RE�Q fT C�IRE�ULLi'. 11U�A1�lEF� �F TF�AN�FE� OF ��GH�� �F F�E��1l�RY' 1�1��IN�T QT'�-lER� TO U� �UUA111ER OF SUB#�C�G��'I��� - ,AU�'��lA►�I�'V1fHEN RE�UIRED BY VIIRI�TEN G��1TRA�T �R A�REE�NENT This �nd�rsement modifies ins+�ranc� pravided under the fo�lowir�g: AUTD D�A�ERS CO�ERAGE FQRM BU��N�SS AUTO C4l�ERAGE ��RM �1Q�OR CARRIEi� C��f�RAGE F�RM Wth r�spect io cov�rag� provid�d �y this �nd��ern�nt, th� pro,ri�ion� of tha Co�r�rag� �arm app�y un���s rn�difie� by tl�e endc�ss�ment. �h� Transfer �f Righ�ts �f Recovery Agains# �#hers To �s �on�itir�n do�� t�at apply ta �ny pers�n(s} ar organi��tion�sJ f�r wharr� ya� are r�quired to waive s��togatian wit�s respee# ta t�e c�verage prowid�d und�r this Cas��rage Form, but �nty to the �xtent t�at subra�aiian is waived: A, iJr�der a vdriit�n contaet ar agr�ement with such p�rson�sy ar organi�aron(sj; and B. �ri�r to the "acckde�t" or the "l�ss:'� �A �4 43 1'l �0 � In�uranae �ervices C�F�ce, Ine,. 2�9 � Page 1 of 7 W[]RKER� C�M�EI��ATIO�I AI+�� EMPLC]'fERS LIASlLIT'f II�SURAI+ICE P�t1CY WC 00 Q3 93 PO[ IC�' I�UP�B��: t�WC �071�� ��i v�r��v�� aF au� ����r rc� �Ec��E� F�onn oT���� ���a����n��r I+Ve hava #f� ri��# to recover o�r payrr�enks from anyane Gabie for an injury cover�€i by thi� pali�y. lN2 will nvt enforce our r�ght �g�nsl thie �ers�n or �rganix�tian n�r�e� in kh� Schedul�. �This agr�eir�nt ap�lies 4r�ly to the extenk that you perfdrm v,rork under a writtan con#ract tE��t requires yo� to o�rt�in tYr�s �greerr�er�t fr�m us.j Tt�is a�reement sf�all n�t oparate dir�ctfy �r indirectly to henafit anyane not ��r�ed in the Scheduie. Schedul� WI3�RE R£QC3�i�� ��f Wi�ITx��I CONTR�.CT i�R AGFtEEI��TT �H�S �'ORM �S NC�T APFLI�AB�� �N. �, �}�, U�' DAT� OF �SSUE: a4�25N24 �11963 Hn[i4n[+I C4u�cii an Campg�lsatlon Insuranca. �'F9�:[�■TrLe-3ii 1NOW{ERS C4MPENS�4`�10�4 AN� �N1PL�YERS LIABIL�71� 1N�URAIVG� POLI�Y P�LICY fVlJMB�R: MWC �C37��� �4 WC Q4 03 �B (Ed. Q�1-8�� 1NAIVE!`� O� �UR F��GI�T T� R�G�1l�R FR411� QTHER� EI�d�R�El�1EHT R �ALfF�I�IVIAI W� have lhe right to recover �ur paymen3s fram anyone liabl� for a� injury caver�d by this pc�icy. 1N� w�ll not �rtFarce �ur right against the �erson or argani�a[ion nar�� in ih� Schedule. {This �reerr�nt appli�s only i� t�e extent li��k you per�arm work ur+der ���r�kten contract that requires you ia abtain thFs �greerr�enk f��r�'� us.j Y�u mus# m�inl�in payr�l� records accufat$ly segr�ga�ng #i�� r�muneration of yaur emplayees whil� eng�ged Er� the work d�soEibed in the ��h��ule. Tf1e �dd'Ititlli�l pr�mium for thi� end�rserrrent s�all 6e D °{� af th� Californi� work�r�' c�rnpen��ion peen'�ium ❑#herwi� due o�i such remun�ratior�. SC�i EL1 Ll L� �ERS�N �!� DRGAN��ATI�I� A J�� ����I�iPTI�I� WHERE RE�L�IRED 8�C WRITT��1 C�13Ti��T �R A�R�EL4�N� DAT� QF �SSU�: 04-25�24 ?� 7998 bytlt� ih�d'kers' Cdn�ensaflonlnsur`attce R�tir�g &fr�au t�Callfarrtiia, A11 r�ghtsr�servcd. Fram t#�se W�C�B's Cal�forn�a lhlorkers' �orrtpsnsa#ion Insurance Forn}s Mao�al G 4999. OL� REPLfBLI� INSUl�AN�E GQhiPANY ir�€e crnr INbRK�l�� C04VlP��15ATIOEV WdD �MPL�YERS LfA�fLITY Ih�SI�RA�VCE f�4UCC� T�3G4S V�AlV�R 4� ��JR RIGH� T� REGQVER F�2014� DTFEERS EEVDORSEMENT WC��030+�� {Ed. 6-��} TE�is endnrs�rr�nt sppii�s anly to ihe In�uran�e pr�vided by lh� poli�y because Texas i� shown ln Ite�r 3.A, of ths ��formation Pag�. VVe hsve lhe rig�t to rec�ver �ur paymer�fs �r€�m anyc�r�� li�bf� far �n injury caverad by k}�is policy. V�e wilG r�c�i �nf�rr�e au� r�ght ��ainst khe ��rson Qr �rg�nizali�n named ir� the S�h�dule, ��t i�is waiver ��li�s anly x+rith respecl lo k�odily iniury �rising aul af l�e �peraUc�ns des�rib�d in the 5�hedu�e +xY�er� yau are required by a written contract t�o o�l�in �his w�iver �rom us, This endorser�r�t s�all no# ope�aUe dir�c#ay or indirecUy lo benefit anyone nat named Fn the Schedul�, Th�� premiurrz �c�r khas endorser►Zent i� sh�wr� ir� the �ch�du[e, �chedul� �. { ) 5{�ecif�c 1N�iv�r Neme of p�rsor� ar �rg�ni�ation (�C) Slanket 1Naver �u'Iy pers(�r1 ar arganizati�n for whom the fV�rri�.d �nsured #��s �yreed by wr�lk�n ea�tr�ci t� #urnish ihis w� VeC. 2. ��er�tians: �LL TE�CA� C7PERAT���S 3, Prerr�um: `�he prerrlium charg� for this endors��nent sha11 b� 0 percant af #he pr�mi�m dev�lvped an payroll ir� �nnecU�n wi#� w�rk �erForrned for t�e at��v� ��rs�n{sj �ir ��g�ni�atiar�{sj �ising a�i of the v�eraGons d��cri bed. 4. A�vance I�remium: INCLUDED This endarsernant char�ges th� �ali�y So wh`rch it i� attached �rtd i� af#e�tive an the dat� Issue�l unl�ss atherwise �kat�d. ��he fnf�rr�ration be Eow is rec��lred oniy +�en this endnl'se�lenk fs issl�ed su�equ�nt to �p�i'�tio� of the po�icy:} Endors�ment Efi�ctiv� 09—�1—�0�4 �dlicy No. MwC 3p718d 2�1 �f15Uf@Cj �'L38 � ��[.`. Insuran� Cornpany t]LIi REPUHI,�C TN�UI�A1���E CQML�ANY Counler�ign�d By V�fC 42 03 Oa B {Ed. s-��� �ap I ht �Q1d hhalionak Gauncil on G�m ansali�n Insuraner, Inc, A!I Rlghta [i�senrtcl_ ��fl ���ue��c iras���r�c� ������vv Endorsement �E�. �f�fYUUFfl � ���.'�. � ��� � �suR�Q c�r P�I.ICY Nl�l�IBER: M1MLY30719124 �OMM�FlC�AI. ��N�RAL LiABIL1iY t�G �6 49 05 4� TH�S �Nd�RS�NlENT �HAN�'aE� THE p�L1CY, F�l,E1�19E RE�Ap 1T �A�t�FULLY. DE�I�NATED ���I�TRUCT��N P[�#7,l��T�S� GENERAL AGGR�GATE LI�i1T Thls �ndar���n$nt �nvd�fi�s Ensursnoe provld�d underthefoltowin�� �OM�4AfRCIAL GEf��RAL LW�rLITY CQ1lERA�E PART SCHEDULE The prafaets �s �per�lied In tlte wrHten r.ontraels ar agreements Ir�f�rma#io� requireci ta campfiete this Sche�ule, if nat shav+�r� abav�, YVjII �B 5�'141[ifll IIl ��� C]E'Gldfi�EOii�. A, Far al� �uma whlch t�� insured bec�rnes le�ally ohligated to pay as dam�g� ca� by ,�accur- renLes" und�r SectEan �— Coverag� A, �nd far all medlcal expenses c�us� t7y sccident� under S�ctic�n I— Gov�rage C, whieh �h � attrihuted �niy �a angoing op�at��ns at a stngle desEgn�ted tx�n6trudlC�Ii projeCt shc�wr� in the Schedute abave: �. ,4 separ�te designaled Co�strucban Proja�.t Ge�reral P�gre��#e Limit applfeQ tv �ach des- i�nated c�nstn�ction �rajeol, and thsf limft is �qu�l ta �t►e �m�unt of 1�5e G�nes�81 Aggreg�te L.�mit sfinm► i� #h� �e�l�t[ons. 2. T#�e De�fgnat�d Construetia� Projec! �en�ral Aggre�gate l.imi# is ths rncsst we will p�y f�r the surn of all �amages un�er Gove�aga A, eo-E- cept darnages because of "bodiiy injur�" or "propsrty dam�ge" In�luded e� the "prvduct� comRf�te� op�raiiQn� hazard"', and for rne�i� �al expenses un�e� ��verage C r�rdless af t�e n�m5er of. 3. ,+lr�y }��ymertts �n��e u�rder �av�ra�� A for darn�ge� or ur�der C�ov�r2�ge � far mee�ie� �€pens�s shall redu�e the De�9gnated Coraa �tructfian RrojeGt G�rterdl �g�gate Lirnit far t�at designated �rtskruckion prdj€ct. 5uch �ayments shall �at �iuee the Ge�eraf A�- gr��ate �irn�t �t�o►�un i� #he oeclara#i¢r�s nor shall tfi�ey r�d�,c� any �ther p�s�gnakad Cvn- structian �roject �e��rai ►�gregate Ltmit tnr ar�y ather designa#ed r�ortslr��ti4n proj�t shown Ir� the Scheduie atiove. �. Ttz� lim�ts sl�awn irr th� �ec�arations for �ach Occurrence, Dar�age `�o �'rem�ses Rent�d To Y�u and Medit�l E�gnsa cantin�e �a appiy. H�r�v�r, Inste�d a� bein� su�jec! lo the General Aggregat� Lkmit shawn ir� tfne a� t�do�s, su�h iimits rrailr be su6j�ei t� the appl� cab�a Dese�nated Canstru�i�an Prci��ci ���- eraf A9gre9�t� Lfrni3. s. Insur+ads; b, Cl�ims �ade or "suiis" hro�ght; �r c. i�er�on� or arg�nlzatfa�� mak[ng caaims or i�rin�ing "s�alls". �Q 26 03 �l5 � � fnsurance �ervices ��ic�, Inc., 24�8 ��g� �I a# � B. �ar all sums wi1i� lh� i�su�d becomes le�ally obfigatsd to �a� �� d�mag�s causad by "c�cur- r�ences" under S���ort I— Cnve��9e A� �r�d �f �t3 med;cal expen�s eausec# by a��ident� und�r c# S�CilOf1 I�- �:�V�f�9 Ci Whld1 C�ryT1� L"!� �lII� �ted only to ongair�g [�per��i��is �# � sing�e de� Ignated canstn�ctian proje[x shown �n t#re �ched- ule ab�: C. 1fVhen caverage foF I�e�ill#y arisfng aut of th� "produds-�ampEebed operat+ans ha��d" is � vid�l, any payments far damag�� h��use ni "�adily In�ury�' ot "�-ap�rty d�rn�g�" �n��ud�d in tha "pr�d�cts�ca�pretad �pere�ians �eza�i" vr�f# r�d�ce the Produds-oomplete� 4pe�stior�s A�- 9�9ate 4.im�#, &nd �ot reduce l�$ Genera� Ag. 9r�gaka Lirr�� nor lhe �esl�nst�d Construc#ion Prflject ��nsral A�gregate Limlk. I€ the applicak�l� de5i9�at�ci �r�t��l�r� pro��ct h�s hsen at�and�r�ed, d�i�y�d, (�r a�ndUr�ed �nd lhen r��ed, �r Ff the �uthori��d cantrad- fr� p�rties deviste fro�1 �lans, blueprir�t�, de- �f��s, spe�ifcallons c�r #imet�dfes, ths pro��t wiU s�ill tre ��e�nc� ta be khe same c�nsR�a�tiar� �o- J�t, 1. Any payments m�4� und�� �u���� A fc�r ��mages or under Caverag� C For m�icel Q. exper�ses sha�! r�duc� tFte �mour�E a�r�ilabl� urtder tne �en��l Aggr�ga#e Limlk �r the Pr�ducfs-camp�eted �perBlEar�s 1�r�gate L�mlt, v��ich�veris sppkio��1�; �r�C� �. �ue� p�yrtten�s shal! no� r�u� �ny oesig- n�t�! Cor�structlan Prv�t! �e�gral Aggr� gate Limi#, E. Tlt� prr�visfans of Se�tlon I!1 �- Lfroi�s �f �nsur- �nc� r� �thervoise modified by !#�is ertdorsem�rtk �hall c��tinue Iv ap�ly as stipuf�ed. ��ge � af � � Insueanae �:rv�� �, In�., �0�8 CG �6 �� c}b �9 0 ��� D. C�verage �- KQy fmplc�yee ExcEusiona CNA �ararrrourtt �x�ess �nd Um�r��la l�iabE�ity E'�lic�,� 4Uith respect t� Coverage D-- K�y �mpl�ye�, this �nsur�n�e d�e� not �pp�Y to ahy �Cti��l or allege[E: 1. De�t#� ar E7issbiiity d�ath �r perrrtanent dssa�ility of a key �mplaye� re�ating to, 4r ari�ing out of. s. n�cl�ar r�acti�n ❑r radiation or r�dioacti�e contarninataon, hawever caused; b. sick�ess �r �is��s�, inctuding m�ntal iiln�ss or ���it�l in�ury; c. pregnaney, cf�ild6irth, m�scarria�� �r abortion; d. suicide, 2tt�rn�t�tl sui�ide or s�4f irtflicted bad�ly knjury, while �an� or insan�; �, ihe key emplay$e's intaxic�tian, ir���irment or �therwise being under the inf���npe fl� alcphol ar controiled su�stances; f. war, in�luding und��l�red �r civil w�r, g, wariiice action by a rnilitary fo�ce, i�c[udir�g action ir� hinderor�g or defand�r�g agai�si an actual or �xp€cted attac�C, by �r�y g�vernment, ��varQign or other suth�rity using military personn�l or ot��r agents; �r h. insurre�tion, reb�llion, re�raiution, usurped power, vr �c#i�n t�k�� by g�verr�rnenta� at�#horitY in hindering or c�efendir�� a9ains# �nv of t�ese. �, �th�r �xp�nse� a. �xpensc�� th� Named Ir�sured incurs wha�h th� Named rnsured would r�at have incurred if the Named �nsured had �sed ell reas4n�ble rriean� to: i. fir�d � p�rm�nent r�plec�men# tsr #h� k�y emplayeQ; �nd ii, reduce ar discontinue the k�Y etnpFaYae re�lacemer�t ex�ense; a� s4an as possible �f#�r the �amed fr�sured`s �ermanen# loss of the services �f �he lcey emplove� eaused bY a oovered ac�ident. G. addi#iar�al �xp�ns�� in�urred du� to th� N$rned InsUr�d'� loss vf ihe serv+�as af a p�rmanent C�€}I8C$iTl�flt 8p�}O3f1�ECI OF F1kF�d t�3 F�F3�8C� s'} �€��1 $ff1�1�0}�8�, how�v�€ caused. However, this ex�lusion d�es not apply if t�e repEacarner�[ ernpi�yee is inclu�e� in #he definition as a key employee a�d the Nam�d EnsuT�d's loss of the servi��s af the re�laeerrient �mployee is caused by � cnvered accident. IV, WHO IS AIV IN5UR�Q The f�l�pv�ring persons ar arganix�#io�s are Ins�reds_ � A. 1Nith resp�ct ta Gavarnge A- Exc�ss Follow Form Li�bility, the N�med In�t��ed ar�d any psrsar�s o� organiz�tions included as an insu€ed ur�dar t�e provisions af u�der]ying ir�sur�nc� are Insureds, ar�d then anly fof the same covera�e, exe�pt fQr limits of insura�ce, �ffor�ed under �uch �nd�rlyir+g 9n�uran�e. �. 1+Uith r�sp��t t� the �overage B- l3mbrells L�ahility: 7. ff the N�med lnsur�d is design�ted in the Qeel�ra#i�n5 ofi #h�s P�licy �s: s. an indi�rEdu�l, the Narned Insurad and the Name� knsured's spouse are Insure�s, but anly with respe�t tv the conduct af a bus�na�s af wh€c€� the Named Insurec� I� the sole owner. b. � p�rtrtershsip ar j�int v�ntur�, the lllained I�isured is sn Ir�sur+�d. �`h� Narned Insured's rr�ernb�rs, the IVarr�ed lnsur�d'� pa�tr��r�. �nd their s�uses arr� �ls� fnsu�eds, but only with r�s�$�t to the c�nduct of t�e Named Insure�l's business. �arrn No; cNA7�3uaxx 3os-2ar 51 �oiicy No: c�J� �o� �65P4oa Pnlicy p�ge: Poli�y Eifective bate: Q4J�i1 i202+4 Und�crwrlt9n� Carfnpany� The Continen�al Insurence Caropany, 151 N Franiclir� St. Cf�lcaga, IL 50908 Policy Pag+�: � Cnpyright Gh1A All RE�h3s Reserved. ��� CN� Raramour�t �x�ess ar�d Umbr�lla Lia�ility L'ofic:y c. a limif�d liability c�m�any, th� N�m�d Ir�sured is an Ir�sursd. The Nsm�d Insured`s merr�bers are als� l�sureds, t�ux anly wi#h re�p�Gt t�] th� �4ndii�# �f the l�am�[! in$ured's busi�ess. 1`Fie Named In�ur�d's rnana��rs are Ins�r�ds, aut an€y wit#� re�pac# to their duties as the Namsd Insure�'s man�gers. d. an or�ani�atirr� ather t�se� ��artnership, j�inl ver�ture or limit�d fi�br`lity �ompany, t�e i1S�re�ed Ips�red is �rt 4nsured- �he #�lamed In��red's exec�teve affic€rs and dir�ctars are Frr�ureds, �ut or�ly w+ith res�ect tc, thair duties as tha Named Insur�d's of#icer5 0� d+r��tvrs. �he Narnetl Insured`s stackhdlders are �Iso insur��is, �ut �i�ly w�th respect t4 t�eir IFability �s stac�holders. e, a trust, the N�r��t� Insured is an In�ured. Ti�e Narned Insured's trust�es sr� �Is❑ Insureds, but only with r�spact t�a their du#iQs as t�uste�s. 2. E�ch o# the following �re alsa [ns�r�d�: �. Th� Nar�eti #ns�ired's v�lunteer w9rlcers but only �rhile pe�forminr� r#uti�s rela#ed t� t�a e�r�du�t af #F�� Na.rned insur�d`s businsss_ h_ Th� Narned Ih�ured'� �rx�qloye�s, �t�ter th�n either the M1l�rned Insured's ax�u#i�r� offic�rs �ifi the �amed In��sred is an or��nization other than a partners�ip, j�int �eniure or I€mEte� Gat�ility campanyj ❑r tY�e Narned �nsured's rr�anag�rs itf t�e I�emed insared is a limited liabili�y ��m�sny}, but anEy far acts tivithin #�e s�ope of #heir �mployment by the Named I�sure� or while perForming d�ties r�lated #o the car�duc# nf th� Named fnsured'� business. I�awever, non� of th�se employees ar ualunteer w�rkers �r� Insur�c�s for: i. bodity injury or persa�al an� �dvgrtising f�jury: (a1 to the Narned In�,ured, ta the Named InsurEd's p2r#r�ers or m�rrzb�rs (�fi th� N�med lns+�r�d is � Parf�arship �r jvint Wer�tur�l, ta the Nerned �n�ured's mem�ers iif the �Ilarr3ed Insured is a lirr�ited liability c�mpa�y}, �� a cr�-empE¢yes wh�la in #he cvurs� of his or her empl�yrr�ent 4r p�rfOrming �uti9s r�l�ted #9 #h� �or���ct pf �he Name� In�ured's �usin�ss. or to the f��rr+�d lr��ur��`5 DthBi VOIEIfl�BO� iAt6��[�f� WF11I� QOff[ll'1T51f1� ��It1�5 rel�ted to the c4�duc# af the f�am�d Insured's 6�sin�ss; ib3 t� the spnuse, �hi1d, parent, brother or sister a# that co-�mploy�� c�r valunt��r wasker as a c�nsepuence o� paragraph fiilal above, icl tor v�t�ich there ss any abaigation to sha�e darr�ag�s with o� r��ay som�one �1se who must p�Y darr�a9�s be�ause �f th� injury d�s�ri�ed F� par�grap� i. {a1 Qr (h1 a�ove; ar �d] arising 4ut of his �r hsr �roviding or faifng t� provide professiona� he�l�h c�re serwices. if. prap�rty �am�g� to property: �al owned, o�c�pied [�r �sed by: ib3 r�nt�d ta, in th� ��re, cu�tady ar �c�ntro� o#, or aver whi�h physi�at tontral is being� exercised f�r any purpase by; the Named fnsured, any of the Nartjed Ins�rad's ennpl�ay�es, v�CUr�t86r ti++�orkgr5, any partn�r ar rr�ernb�r �if the hlame� fnsured is a partrters�ip or jaint ►�entur�}, �r any mernber �if �he Narra�cl Insured is a limited liabll9ty co�par�yl. C. 1Nith res#sect ta the Ca�ers�s C- Gr#sis Ev�nt lUlsnsgerr��at ��d th� Cc��erege Q- l�ey Em�loyee, the �1L�med Insured is the Insured. 11. [.IMIiS UF 1N�lJRA�11C� A. �uitipla Insur�ds, ciaim�, clalmants TC�a iimits o# insuran�e 5�vwn in Li�� Decl�r�tions of #hi� Palicy and the ruies below fix the rt�4st th� Form Na: �NR7��a�4�7� {��-�016i Pollcy Flo: CUE 7[]1885i�g4 Policy Pege: Policy EifectEve pata; 4�jp112��4 Underwnring Cnmpenp; 7he �onlfnenra# Irssurance Comparsy, 15� N Frenklir� St, Ghic��a� {L BOfiaB Pokiey �ag� , - - - ---° Copyright �NA {11! Rights Reseevad. ��� ChEA Peram�unt Exce�s s�d Um6r�lfs Lia�ility !'ofir:y 4r organizatiort wFiE�h rn�y h� li�bfe to t�e Insured bec��ts� of injury c�r dam��� to vuliich #his insurance may also appEy; �nd vi. w�li �vt xraluntarily make a p�ym�r�t. ex�e�t at its ovti+n cost, �55Uii'1$ 8f1� 4bI1�8tIOflr or incur �r�y ��cpen$B, Dth�r t��n lor first �id� withaut the Irisur�r's prior consen�: �. Coop$rstian 1Nit� respect to 6oth �or�era�e �1 ��xcess F�II�w Forrn Li�bility and Co�ar��e � p Llrnbr�lis Lta�ility, t�e Narnad lnsured wil9 coop�r�te wi#fi� the Insurer in �ddressin� al� cleims raquired to he r�pcar�ed t� the �nsur�r in accordanc� with this para�rapfi {3. Natdce of CI�IrtsslCris� Ma€��gement EuentlCauered Accide�t, arod refuse, except soi�fy at :'ts awri cost, to voCuntaraly, w�thout the Insurer's appro�+al, make any payment, admit Eia�ility, ass�rrna any obiigataon or incur any �xp�nse retated f�nereto, P. N�tices Any n�ticas requ+r�d to b� g�ven by an �nsur�d ahall be suiar�itt�d in ►�vritin� t� tiie Insurer at tMa addrsss set forth in the Qe�laratia�s 4f this Poliey. �. �th�r Ir��ur�n�e if the Ir�sured is �ntitl�d ta be ind�mnified ar atfierwise insured in whaEa or in part ior any ��rn��e� or defiense casts hy any valid �r�d cflflecti6le othe� in�urance fvr which #Fse In�urQd p#herwi5� w�uld h��� been �n��mr�iff�d or o#herwt�e in�ured �n whol� ar in par# k�y this �oi�cy, th� lirn�t� ai insurance specifiec� in th� �eclarat�vrss g� #his Policy sMall �pply in ea�ces� 4#, an� sk►all not contribut� to a claim, incFd�n# or su�h event covered 6y such other l�scer�nce. With resR�ct to Coverage A— Excess Fallvw F�rm Liability anly, if: --� �_ ths Named Insured h�� agre�d in wriFing irs a contr�ct �r �gre�rnent with � pers�n ar entiLy t�at #his insuranc� would be prirnary �r�d woult� n�t seeic �or�triE�u#ion ffvrn ��y �#her insurance a�►aila�le; b. Under3y�ng �nsur�r�oe inciudes that persan ar entity as an �ddi#ianel insured; a�d c. Unde►3ying [ns�rance provides covar�ge on � prEmary and n�ncs�ntributary b�si5 as res�eCts #hat person or entity; #he� this insuranee is prirnary ta and will nat seek �or�tnbution frvrn any fn�urance p�licy vvh�ra ti�at pers�n or on#ity Es a namQd ��sur�d. R, Premium Afl premiurr� charges und�r this Policy will ba computed a�earding ta Yh� Insurer's rules and rati�g plarss that �pply a# the inc�pti�n Qf the current p��iay parind. �r�miur� ch�rges may �e p�i�i ta the Ins�{er Qr its authcsri�ed repres�s�tative. S. In Rem Ac#ions A��a�si ir� rem �ctian ag�ir�s# �ny u�ssel owne� �ar o����t�d by or fior � IUarr�et# Insured, 4r charter�d by or far a H�med Insursd, will be tr�a#ad ir� fh�e same manner as though #he aet�an wer� in perso�am agains! th� Name� Insured, i. Sep�ra#in� vf Insureds Exeept with respect to the limits af insUrance, and any rights or duties s�aci�ically ass�gned in this Palicy t� the F4rst Named �nsure�, this insur�nc� �pplies: 1. as if �ach Nemed insur�d were th� only Namad Ir�$ura�; and �. se�arate4y to �ach fr�sured a�ainst whvm � claim is rnade. U� '�ransfer��� #n#eregt F.�rrn Na: GNA75504}Cit [03�201�1 PoliCp P�gg; Lind�rwriXing Company: �ha �ontiner�tal Insursnee C�7mQ�ny, i 57 N Frsnklin St, Chitag4, IL [30808 Pdli�y �lo: CUE 7a186�2#4q PolicY Ei#�c#�ve �atr�:04ic��J2024 Paiicy Ps�e� ° Copv►'+9ht CNA AI! Ripht� RasarvQd. ��� �N� L'�ramoun� �xc��� a�d l�rnhr��la Lia�ility �-'u�i€:y �s�ignment of intere�t und�r this palicy sh�ll nat bfr�d the Insurer unless its consertt �s en�iorsed hereotr. V. Uninter�tlo�t$I Qrni�sion Basecf or� Ir�sur�r's relianca on th� N�rned Insured's repr��entstions as ta existing h���rd�, i# the Narn�d Irrsured sh4uf� unir�ten#iona€iy f�il ta di�cl��$ afl �uch h��ard5 2t the efie�tiv� d�Ee of this Poli�y, the �ns�re� wi11 not deny c�vera�e under t�is Policy becausa of s�ch fai{ur�, � i1V. Waivar of fiights af R�eovery Th$ Insurer �a�v�� any ri�hE of rec�very it may h�ve against any p2rson or ar�ani�ation because �� pay�nents th� lnsurer rr�a�es un�er this Pol�cy if the Narned Insured has agxeed ir� writir�g t�o waiu� such ragF�ts o# recav�ry in a e�ntract or agre�ment, �nd vnly if #h� c�ntr�ct vr agr��ment: 1, €s in effect or 6�com�s effaetEve dufin� th� palicy period; �rsd 2- +NdS �xe�l��d piipr t� ID55. vri. ��FE��zi��us For p�rpases of this P��i�Y, uv�r�� in bc��� f$�e tY�e, �+I�Q#h�r �xpr��S�� 1�1 t�1� Bi119uISr 4f ti1� pIEJs��, ha�e the rr�eaning set forth belaw. Advertisement me�ns a ndtice that is �rosdca5t er pubEished ta t�e general pu�lic ar specifr� rnarket segmer�ts abaut the Narnad lnsured'� good�, �rad��is ar services far the �urp��e af a#tracting ��s#omer� or a�ppo�ters� For the purp�ses �# th�is definitian; A. ��ti�es that are pul�lish�� inClud� rn�t�ea�l �I��e� on �he irlt�rnet or �n simil�r ele�tro�tie means of cornmunicat��n, and �. reg�rding w�b-sites, anly th�t p�rt o� a v�eb-s'rt� that �s about the 4Vamed insured's g�c�d�, Pr�ducts or serwices fvr #he �urp���s of atiractin� �us#orners ar s��povters is con�idered an a�vert#serr�ent. Aircraft rn�ans �rty m�ehi�� ar d�vie� th�t is cap�ble �f �tmos�heri� #�ight. Arbitra#ion praeeedin� rreear�s a formal alt�rnatirre �isput� r�solutior� proce�ding or admi�}str�#ive hea�ing ta whi�h �n InSured is req�+ired to su�mit by st�tute or �ourt rule or ta which an Insured has subrnit#ed with th� Inse,rer's consent. A�bestas means the min�ral in �ny form wh�ther or nat t�e �sh�s#os v+�as ai ar�y time air�4rr�� as � fiher, psrticl� or d�st, cne�tained in or fnrrned a part �f a praduet, structure flr other real or persnnal property, �arried 0�1 Glothir�g, inh�led [�r ing�st�d, or tr�r7smitt�� by �ny ather ►�e�ns. Autharixed 1ns�,red rrt�ans any exaeutiv� offrcer, rnem�er of the Name� Ins�r�d`s risEc mar�agerrient or in-ha��e general �[�u�is�K`s nffi�e, nr ar�y ernplayee �uthoria�� k�y #he Named Insured to giue or r�ceive r��ti�e of a claim. Auta m�ans: A. � land motar vaF�icEe, trail�r ar semitrailer designe� far travel on ��bfic ��ads, incEudir�g �ny attac#�e� rn�cninery ar e��ipmant, ar B. any oti�er land v�hicle t�at is suh�e�t to a compuls�ry 4r f��anciai responsibility law ar ❑ther motor rrehicle ins�tranca lew �nr��re it is licensed at principally g�raged. �Icrweverf �uto d��s n�t in�lud� mobile equip�r►ent. Br,dilp injury means 6odily injury, sickness or disea�s sust�ihed 6y a p�rso�, incau�fing cfea#h, humiliation, shQ�k, m�r�tsl anguish or rnent�l injury sustained �y that persan at any time w��ch results �s � cansequen�e of th� t�n�ily injuryr sick��ss or diseasa. Cfairr► mean� a� A. suit; �r Furm �lo: Gi5lA7T�5447(� {6�-2��51 Paliey Page: Underwriting �umpany: The C4ntinental Insurance Compa�y; 161 A1 FrankJin St, Chicago, I� 6080$ Q Cn�YrEghk C�IA AI� Fiight� Raserv��, Poliey i�o: Cl1E 76i985�dd4 Prafie,y Effective Qat�: �4J07 J2024 Pallcy P�ge, ��LICY hlLJiI�BER; ��6�49X1347�7�'IL24 C�MM�RCIAL If�l�AND 1�1A�IN� �, LIMITS OF INS�JRAlUCE The most we will pay for loss or darnage in any ane c�ccurrer�ce i� kh� applica�le Limik af Insur- ance �hawn in the beclsratians, Sched�le{s}, Gover�ge Form�s� ar Endors�menk(sj. But in ti�e ev�nt coverage far loss oe damage is provided under the Coverage Extension� ar Ad�itiar�al Cov�t'�g�s, khe �imit� o# In�urance for su�h Cov- erage Extensiar� or A��ihonal Cav�rage will appiy as additionai amounts af ir�surar�ce, unle�� at�- erwis� �tated wi�hirt t�e Cpverage Exken�ion ar Addita�nal �aver�ge. D. f]�bU��'I��� We wilE rsc�t pay for loss nr damag� in any �ne oc- �ur��nce �nti1 the amount o# t#�e ad�sied �oss or damage exceeds the a��licabl� D�clucti�l� sho�wn in fhe Decl�rakiarrs, ��E��dule�s}, �over- age Fo►m��) ar �rzdor�ement(s}. W� wiil [hen pay the amour�t �f the ad�u�ked lass or darr�age in �x- cess af ihe Deductible. �p #o th� app�icable I�imit of Ins�rance, Th� applicable Deductible shawr� ir� the Declara� ti�ns applies ta the C�ver�g� Exten�i�ns an� Ad- d�ti�n�l Gav�r�g�� �rn��ss othert�ise s;ated in Ii�e Coverage Exten�ion or Additi�nal Caver�ge. Ur�less otherwise staxed. if rndre iha� ane de dutt€bl� arn�uni ap�lies to la�s or damage in any ane accur►�nce, the tot�l vf fhe dedu�tibl� arnour�ts app�ied is� that nccurrersc� wdll n�t ��- c��� the amo�nt of th� lar�est �p�lica:�le De- du�tible, �. Coir�surar�ce If a Cninsurante P�r�ent�ge is shown in th� Decl�rations ior th� ap�li�abie pr�jeck, th� fal- ia+�ing ean�i[io� applies: a, V4�e will nat pay the �ull arnount o� any loss if the �ppli�at�� "kot�k proj�ct valu�'� ak tFi� �rri� �f 1455 r�1Ultipll�d f�� the 5t�ted �ainsurar�ce Percentage is gre�ter t}�at7 the applicahle Covered �r�perty Lir€�it �f In�ur�nce. Instead, uve will detefimine the rnosl we v,ril! pay �sing the following �teps: �tep (1} �ultipiy the "tota! project va�u�" a# kne t;m� of I�ss by the �r�ins��- ar��e Perc�nlage. St�p �2) Divide the Co�ered Property Limit �� Insurance by the figure det�r- m�r��d in 5rep ��}. 5kep (3) M�ltiply the tot�l �rnount �f th� eov�red I�s�, befare the applicatian of �ny d�du�l�ble, by the figure determined in 5t�p (�j. �tep �4j Sub�ract l�e deductibl� frorn the figure determingd in Step �3j. Vtile wilt pay th� amo�nt deterrnir�ed in Step {4} ar ihe Lirnit �f Inss�ran��, which- �ver i� less. �or the r�mair�cl�r, yaa� wkil eikher h�ve t� rely �r� oll��r ir��urant� �r �b�orh the 1��� yours�l#. b. ��insurance daes na� aP�dY to: E. HQDITI�IVA�. C�NDITI��� �he fallowir�g canditians appGy in additi�rl t� th� C�MM��CIA� I�1lAN� MARII�E CC]Nd1TfClNS and the ��M�v14EV P�I�f�Y C�Ni�1Tl���. � 1. r4tlditi�in�l �1lam�d lnsur��f The following �erson� ar erganiaations are inelude� as ��ditlon�l Named Insureds �vhen you �tave agreed in a wr�tken eontra�i or +r�rik- t�n agr�erre�nt. executed prior ka loss, t� name �uch persons or arganizstions as an Additional �larned le�sured, but only to th� ex= tenl of kfi�ir fir�ancial �nter�st in the Covered Pxo.perty: �1} Additian�l ��v�rag��; �r {�} Cav�ra�e Extensions_ �. Du#ies in the Event afr Loss The f�l�owing dut#e� ar� added ta tFte Q�ties In The �v�nk �f Lo�s LC]S� �QAI�IiIC�h! i� #h� C��+1P1+lER�IAL }IVLAfVE� �1ARiNE CDhI- dl�I�lNS, You must �ee tf�at t�e faliawing are dor�e in the event of 4os5, a. Yau rn�st make every �f#ort t� meet the applicab6e °pianned eampletion date". This ine�udes, a. Qwn�rs af CaVered Pr�perty; [1) f�esu�ning, as s��n as passible, all �r l�_ iVlortgagees or lass payee s; any par� af the c�r�struction or repair; � �. Contrac�ar�. sub c�r�tr�ctors and su�-5ub ca�traetors; and ��1 �sin� kem p�rary or substitute; d. l�essor5 �r le5see�. (a) F��iliEies, servic�s, s�ppliers ar CUStOm�rS; Or Page 1� �f 19 � 2013Th�Travele� Ind�mniRy �arr�par�y. All rights r�s�rv�f. Ci41 T� �1 �A 13 Includ�s co�yr�ghked mater�af af Insurance 5ervlces Of�ce. Inc. wit� its perrnisslon, I�OLICY {�UA+1@ER: C��63Q93C134737TI�24 COINMERCIAL iNLAIV� MARIi�E tF�eir financial interest in t�e Cavered Pro� er#y, 4. Vti1� rr��y sle�t to d�fend yau against suit� a►+sing fram ciairn� af ov�rners of praperty,lNe wilk do this a� our �xp�ns�, 5. 1Ne will pa�� far covererJ lass ar darna�e within 3t] days aii�r we re�eiv� the sworn propf pfi kflss if y�u ha�se camplied v�+ith all #.h� terms 4f this Gov�ra�e Part ar�d; H. Reca►�ered Fropert� �f eilher ya� �r we recover �ny prvFrerty aiter 1a�� �et�iemer�t, t�at party rrtust give t�e other prompt r�atice. At your �ptian, tF�� P��4�rty wili be r�- tu�'ned ko yau. 1'ou must th�en r�tu�'n ta us the amount we paid ta you far the property. UVe will pay retovery expense5 and fh� ex]sen�es to re� �air the re���er�� property, su�je�t to the �imi# o{Insurance. a. UVe hav� rea�hed �gr��ment with yau or� �• ��i����tement �fi Lirn�t Aft�r Loss ihe amo�nt of the ��ss, ar Th� �imit aF Insurance wili r�at �e reduted by the b. Ar� apprai�al award }�as ��en rr�ad�. P�Yment of any cE�irn. exc�pt for• total la�s or 6_ We will not be fiabl� for any park of a loss damag� a# 8 SC�eduled i[em, in w�ich ever�t we wii! refund the unearned pr�mium on t��t �tem. that has been paid ar ma�e go�d �y others. F. Oth�r ��surance � �• �ransfer df Righ�s �f Recov�ry Against �thers To 11s 1. �ou may have other ins�r�nce s�t�ject ta the same plan, terms, �ondi[�ans and proviskans as th� �ns�rance �nde� this Goverage ���t. If y€�u do. v�re will pay o�r sh�re of the �t�rered loss or damage. �ur share is the p_r�portiar� th�t lhe a�pfica�le Limit of Insurance u��Eer thi� CoWerage Parl. bears lo the Lirr�its of kn- surance of atl in�ura�te eoverin.g on the same ba�is, �. If th�re is athe� insur�nee �ov�r�ng tY�e s�r�e loss ar damage, okher thar� that describ�d i� rt. abaVe, we will pay �nly far the amQunt af cvuered ioss or dar:7age in excess o# the arriaunt du� from tha� other insur�r�ce, wh�#I��r y�t� «n [nlle�t �n it or r�ot_ But we will nai pay m�re than the applicable LirniE nf insuranc�, G. P�ir, Sets �r Par#s 1. Rair Or Set In case of loss r�r darnag� to ar�y p�rt €�f a pair Qr set we �a�y: a, Repair or re��ace any part t� rest�re the }�air or sek kc� it� value �efore th� I�ss� or damage; ar 6. Pay che difference between the v�lue �f t�ie pair or �et ��fore and aRer kh� loss or rfamage: 2_ P�r#s ln case af los� or d�rr�age Eo any par[ af Cav- ered Property cansisking 4f �everal parts wh�n campl�te, we ►�ill on�y pay Far the val�e af !he �ast �r d��t7aged part. �f a�y person ar ar�aniaatiari ko or for wf�am w� rnak� p�yment un�l�r this Coverag� Part F�as rights ta recover da�nage� frarn �r�ot��r, th�ase vig�its are transferred to us to the �xt�nt of our paym�nt, �hat �erson �r org�niaat�an mu5t da everything n�cessa�y to se�t�re ou�- right� �n�l must �� nakhing aher iass ta impair t��m. �ut. you may w�iv� your r�ghEs a�ainst anot�er party �n writing: 1. �'ri�r ta a loss to your �ov�r�d #�roperty. 2. l�fter a Joss to your C�svered Pr�perty only if. at time �# loss, t��t party is one of the follaw� ir-�g: a. Sorneane insured hy this insurance; �r �i. A business frrrn: [�) Uwr�ed or co�tralled by yuu; ar (�y 7hat awr�s �r cantra�s yau. This wil! nok restrickyaur ins�r�rree. G�iV�RAL C�1U�ITE�NS A. �o��ea�men#, Misrepresentati�n Or �raud �his Cov�rag� Pa�t is void in a�y c�5e of fraud, intenti�nai �or�ce�Errsenk ar misreprese�lation af a r�taterial fact, by you or �ny at�er insured, at any tirn�. eoncerning: �. 7hi$ C�v�r��� P�rt; �. TI� Cov�re� Properky; �_ Your interesi in the Cavered Prn�erty; or 4. A�laim under this Cav�rage Part. Page � flf 3 CM 00 0'I �9 0� ��LICY 3VU{'ul���t: C.�T63�9}C13�737T��L�4 C�MM�f�CI+4L 1NLAN� MAl�idVE ���������� N����� ������ ���������� �he follow+ng c�ndit+an� a�p[y in �ddition ta #he ��t the �arnaged property �sPde �nd in the �amm�r� �alrcy Canditi�ns and appliea�l� Addi#��r►al b�5� pQS51bl� 4��r iQr ��drrlln�[ i�11: C�nd�tio�5 in �ornrnerciai Ir�land Marine �ov�rage �. Yau will not, exc�pt ai �raur ��rr co�t, volun- F����� tari[y make a payment, assume any abliga- LOS� CUN�17���IS tion, �r incur ��y expense witi��ut cur ��n- A. Abandflnmen# se�t. Th�r� [�n be na abar�dar�m�ni of any praperty lo US. �. Appr�isal If we and yau disagree Qn the value ofi [he pf�p. �rty �r t�� am�unt �f I���� either rnay m�k� u�rit- ten derriand f�r ar� apprais�l af the la�s. Ir� this event, each pariy +eaili sef�ct a com,�etent anci fmpartial �ppraiser, �he iwo apprai�er� yv�ll �el�ct �n urnpire- If th�y �ann�t agree, eEtner may r�- quest #ha� selectior� be made by a judge of � �ourt havin� jurisdi�tion. The ap�rai��r$ will st�t� 5epara#��}� ih� �alue of tf�e praperty and am�u�t of Eass, I� they fa�l to agree, they will sr�bmit their dii%rertic�s to the �mpire. A c�eci�i�n �gr€ed ta by an� iw� will be binding_ Eaek� party w�ll: 1. Pay its �hosen appr�iser, and 2. Bear the ❑ther exper�ses of the app�a�sal and umpire eq��lly. ff there is an appraisal, we wiii st�ll retain our right to d�r�y khe claEm. G. Duties In'The Eve�# Of �oss Y�u mu�t see ti�a[ tlie f�llawing are dar�e ir� the ey�nt c�f 14�s or darriag� ta Couer�d Pra�erty: 'I. �lofify th� pafiee if � law may ha�e h�er� hrv- ken. 3. Give us prompt nakic� of the kas� or dam�g�. Includ� a deseripiian a# th� prop�rty in�olved. 3. As safln as pos�i#�I�, gi�re us a d�seri}�#iar� of hp+nr, wh�n and where the loss o� damage ac- curred. �. Tak� ��� reas�nab[e sieps to prot��t th� Cov- ered Property fr�rrM Iurt��r damage, �r�d ke�p a r�eord af yaur �x�nses necessary to pra- tect the COV�fQ1 PC4jJ�fI]f. for �an��d�ra#ion in the s�ttlem�nt of [he ciaim. Tl�is will nat in- creas� th� Limit of Ins�rant�. Nowever, we wik� r�ot pay fvr any suhsequer�k lass �r dam- age resul#ing fro�n s cau�e of I�ss that is no[ a Covered �ause of Loss. Afso, if fe�s€ble, 5. As a�en as ma� be re�san�biy required, pern�it us ta inspect tf�e praper�y provirig the loss or darnage ar�� examir�� y�ur I�ook� �nd r�COCdS, A15o permit u� to ta�Ce �ampi�s af dama�ed �nd unt#2rr�a��cl prnpertY for inspeckion. test- ir�g and analysis, ar�d permit us to rr�a�e top- ies fr�m y�r doaks �rrd recard�. 7. 1N� may �xarr�ine any in�ured under oakh, whiie noi in the presence ❑f any ather in�ured a�d a� such tirr�es �s rnay be r�as�nabEy re quir�d, about any rr3atter relaki�g ta thfs in- surance or the clair�, includir�g �n insured`s b�oks and �ecords. 1n th� event of ar+ �xami- n�ti�n, �n insurec�'s ansv�er� must 6e signed. 8. �end us a sigri�d. syn+�rn pro�f of Ios� cana taining t#�� inForm�tipn we request to sett4e �he claEm. ilau rn�st d� #hi5 v�ithin 6a d�ys �f- ter 4ur request_ 1Ne wili ��ppiY yo� w�th the �eeessary forms. 9, Immediately ser�d us copEes ot any derr�and�. notice�. summons�s �r 1�gal oapers re���v�d in connection wiih th� cl�im ar s�it. �4. �oc�erate with us in the inv��tigation or set- tlernerrt afthe ciaim, D. Insurance Under Two ar Mo�e Cnverages fi iw€� ar rnare 4F �FYlS �OI�G]f 5 caverages a�ply tca ihe s�me loss or damage. u� +�iil n�t pay m�re �� th�n ihe actual amaunt of the iass ar damage. E. 6�ss 3�aym�n# 7. 1Ne will give no�iee of our inte�tions kvithin 3D day� �fter w� reteive th� sw�rn proaf �f aoss. 2. �Ve will nat p�y you mo�e th�n yaur financi�l inter��� in the �.�ver�d Prope�. 3. UVe may adjust losse5 with �he vwners of lo�t �r dat�aged prop�rry if oth€r thar� you. If we P�Y ihe own�r�� s�€h p�yment� wiEE s�t�sfy yo�r cfai�n ag�ir�st u5 for th� owners' prop- e�ty. 1Ne wil! not pay the awner� �nare than CMT �� 01 �9 D+� P�g� 1 of 3 COM�VE�R��AL I�iLAf�la M�,RIh�E tl�eir fir�ancial int���st in the Cav�r�� �rop- erty. 4. 1N� may elect to defend yau against suits ari�ing frnm clairns of �wners of pr+�perty, Vt�e will da this at �ur expens�, �. uV� wifl �ay f�r c�v�r�d Ic,ss �r �arn�g� v�rithir� 3� daps �fter we recei�e t�e sv�orn proaf ot lass if you I�ave compFied w�th a!I #he I�rm� of th3s Coverag� Par� and: a. Vlfe have reac�ied a�reement with you an khe a�na�nt of the los�; ar b. An apprai�al awdrd has hee� nia�e, b. We w�l! not be tEable f�r any par� of a tass lhai has been pa+� or ma�e goo� by �thers. �. ather Insuranee 1. Yau majr hav� other iii5�r�nce subjeck ta tl� s�m� plan, terrns, condit�or�s an� �r�vi�i�ns a� tf�e in�uranc� und�r ihis C�verage Part. !f yau do. we wilE p�y t��ar sh�re �f the cavered lo�s or �+amage. �ur share i� th� pr�parkior� khat the applica�le Limit of Snsurar�ce under this Covera�e Part bears t� tfi�� LimitS of In- 5uranc� of �II in5ur�n�� e�vering on the �a�e b�sis, �. If t�rere is ath�r ins:�rance ca��rir�g tf�e sam� I�ss �r darnag�, other than t#�at descri�ed in 1. abo��, we will �ay onty for the amaun4 af cavered lass or damage in ex�ess � tFie �mounE due frorn ti��k oth�r in5ur2rxe, wheti�er yo�s can col�ect ❑r� it or �at. But �u� will nnt p�y rnare than �he a�apE€��ble Lir��l of EnSur�r�Ce, �, P�ir. Sets �r Parks 7. P�ir t]r 5et In c�se df loss �r dam�ge ta a�y part of a p�ir �r s�t w� m�y: a. R�pair �r replac� any parl tv r��t�re the pair or s�t ka iks vaiue be€are ihe loss or darr�age; ar �. Pay tk+� diff�r�r��e betw��n fh� v�l�� �f 1he pair �r s�i ��fiare and after t�e loss ar da�nage. �. Parts kr� easQ 4f loss o► da�age tn �rty ��rt �if Cov ered Property cvn�istin� af severaC �r�s wh�n �ornplete, we will only pay f� the va�ue �f the lost ar damaged pari. H. Reca�rere�! Pro�a�r#�r If eil#�er you 4r w� r�cover �ny pr�perly �fter las� settiernent, that pa�#y must give the �ther prampt r�ot��e, At your o�tior�. the prop�rty will be re- kur�red ta ya�, lfou musE then r�t€�r� ta u5 #he amaur�t we paid to yau far tF�� proper[y. 1Ne will pay recovery expenses and the expen��s �a re- pair the recov�r�d pro�erty, �ubject ta ihe Limit t�� Insuranee. L Reinstatement Qf �imi4 Af#er La�s Tf�e Llmit c�� Insurar�ce wiU not be red�c�� by the p�ym�nE �f any �laim, ex�ept for t�ta1 Ea�s or damage af a scheduled it��, i� avhicfn event we vrill r�fund th� ur�arn�d prezr�i��m on th�t it�m. 1. Trans�er i3f Righis Of Recsv�ry Against �#�ers �� Us if an� �er�or� �r organGzati�n ia ar for w}�or� v�� m�k� �aymer�f undee this �o�rerag� Part ha�s rights to recover damages frorri anather, tho�se rights ar� transferred to us to the extent o# aur payment. i}�at p�rson or orgar�ia�tion must do everytl�ing necess�ry fa secure �ur rights �nd must da nothin� aft�r �os� t� irn�air them. ��t you may waive your rights ag�ir�st anafher p�rty in ►+�riting: 1. Priar tv a I¢�� to your �ove�ed Praperty, 2. After � loss to your �avere� Prr�per� c�nly if, �t t�m� of loss, �h�t party Fs one af �he fallow- ir�g: �. Someone Fnsured by [his ins�ra��e: �r b. A 6usiness frm; {1} �wned ar e�ntr�Efed by yau; ar {2} Yhat c�wns �r c�nt�ols you. Thk� wil� ndt re�triet yo�r ir�sur�nce. ��r����� �or�a��r��n�s ,A. C�n�ealrne�r#, Mi�re#7r�sentation E3r �raud 7his Coverage Pa�t is vpid in �ny ras� af fraud, inien#iar�al car�ceal�nert ar misrepresentatian of a material f�ct, by yau or any other ir�surec�, at �ny tirr�e, canceming: 'I. ThiS Cpv�r�g� P��; �_ Th� Ca�ered Prope�'t]I: 3. Yaur intere�t in #he Cavered Prope�ty; ar 4. A�laim under tf�is C�v�r�ge P��k. Pa�� � of 3 Ch! OU 07 0� 04 �ol3cy No: �PP�SQ00�3���2 C�p� ��n� {�a.0� 1a� C� �E�ARA_Tl�M �F IN�UR�D� -�x�e�# with r�gard ta the Limits �F Liabi3ity. �eEf-Insured Ret�nti�n, �xcl�sior�s �ir limifati�ns that refer ta "a�y" iI�SLJFiE�, �nd �ny rights and duti�s assi�ned ko th� FiR�T i�AM�D INSUFtED, tf�is polkcyapplies as if ea�h I�1SllRE� were t�e only i�tSUFt�❑, and s�parately ta each IN��IRED against k�+horr� a CLAIM is rr�ade, Excep# as atheivuis� provided herek�, rnisre�r�ser�l��ion, c�n�ealment, breach af � terrn or condilian, or vi�Ealian c�f any d�ky under this Poiicy �y one INSL1RE�i shall nat, by itself, afFe�t �av�rage #or ano#n�r l�1Si�REd u�d�r this P�slicy. i�ravided, hawever, ihak khis CondiEion shali nat apply t� ar�y enti#y wha i� a paEen�, subsidiarY, sffr�iate, direclpr, offi�er, par#n�r, m�mber �r e�nployee of f�e IN�IJR�Q lhat misr�pr�5e+�#ed, e�nce�led or bre�ch�d a terr� or corxd�tfc�n, o� vialated a duty under k#�is Palicy. � i�. �LlBRQGATIO�I - If th� INSUR�D has rights ta re�€�v�r, from an entity other th�n an Ii�SU��d, any p�yment the Garnpar�y makes und�r this Poficy, those �ig�ts ar� tran�ferr�d to th� Campany. The 1�i�Uf�ED shall da �vha#ever is necessary ta secura such rights and shall dn no#hing to prejudice �uch rkghts. Any mnnje� r�Govered as a result of su�ro��tia�s procee�ings shall accrue fi�t lo [he I�1SUR�[J tn the ext�n! flf any payrr�ents it made in excess af the Lirnik5 �f Li�l�ility, th�n t� the �om��ny to t�3e ext�nt of iks �aym��t �rr�der th� ��li�y, and then ta the If�SI#f���t tt� the extenf of its payrrr�nt of tfi�� ��lf-Ir�sured R�tentian. vutirogatian expense� incur�ed ir� sUch prac�e�in�� 5hail b� a�pQr#iai�ed amongst th� INSUf2�� antf �t�rnparoy in the prapo�kion that �ach party`s share in the r�cn�ery bsars to the tc�tak recovary. NattinRiths#arrding th�e for�g�ing, th� C4mp�ny h�reby �xpre�sly w�ives such righEs of sub�og�t�o�r against ar� en#ity where such r��ht has been waived, in writin�, by t€�e IfVSUR�� prior to khe applicable CLAIM, POL�UTI(]IV ��Na�Tlqf�, I�l��]ClF� �QNTA�ViINA�I� CO�+#DlTl�hl or RI�OFESSk�#'+lA�. L{�SS. SECTI�N UIfE, DEFINITfOf�� A, ADDITIC3NAL IE�SIfREQ rneans; 4. any pers�r� or entity tdent�f�d as an A��1710NAL I�lSi�R�� in an er��orsement attached t� lh�s Ra{icy; and i 2, solely wi#h r�g�rd ta �overag� A., w�en required by a writt�n contract that is signed �y the FIR�i NAMED INSURED ar a� ADDI�IONAL NA�v4�0 I#��UR�� priaf to th� dake the app�ir,�ble P�]LLL1T10�1 C�NDI�3ON or IIVaQ�R C(]NfiAMINA�lT COE�plTION fir�# c�mrr�er�ces, A�C�I710NAL I�SUf�E[] �Isa incl�des: the �lient entity far wi�om the INSLJRED perf�rms �ONrRACTiAfG SEF2�fi��� pursuant tQ �uch wri##en �antraet, and b. any other �r��iky, unrel�ted ta ths FIRST NAME� INS�1R�� �r �ny A��iT"#�NAL fV,hM�❑ IN$URED p�rs�ant t[� su�h wrilten �antr�ct; 7h� sc�p� anci ximits �f c�v�rage o! such entity unc�er kY�is ��licy slta#I not exc�eti wii�t is required �y the writ�en contr�ct, Gvvera�� is provided svlely f�r ils liabiliiy arisi�c� oul c�f lhe �IR�T �A14+IED INSUR��'s or an�,� AC��i�lONAL �VAM�b If��U[�ED's ownershrp, m�in#enar�ce, use. or operation af s COV�RE� LOCATi�fV or vi�ari�us liability #ar �ONTRA�TIIV{s SER1110ES. Ca�erag� s�ail only be afforded iar �uch enkit}+ if it is nam�d in � lawsuik, pekili�n �r regulata�y actior� a� � co�e�end�nt wikh the �IR�T NAMED 1�1��REa or any ADDITIONAL �1AMEa INS4�RE� aElegins� thal it is liabl� a� a r�suJt Qf e�kher t�e FiRST NAME❑ Ii��IJ���'s �r any A��IYI�]NAI� NAM�� IA1�LJf�E�'s ownersi�ip, mai�s�nar�c�, use, or opera#+o� af a��]VEREd IOGATiDN or sucl� er�tity's vica�i�us liability f�r �4 CPQ� U� 01 [�d. 69 17� CC]IVTR�CTIP�� S��UICE�, hlo coverage will be pravided under thi� Policy For �n AGDl71C)NAL INS�JRE�'s ��vn negligence or stri�t liability. �. A[�i�iTIQNA�. NAM�D INSUREf� mean� ar�y enfity ideniifieci as sud� In an endor�ernent aktae�� io t�is P�licy. C. APPLiGABLE LAVIiS mean�; 1. ar�y federal, state, corr�mor�weal#h, loeal, �r prav�ncisl law�, includir�� but not lirr�ited i� sta#u#��, ru�es, ar�inances, guidance d�cumen#s, regulatipns a�d sp �rr�endmer�ts thereto, i�cluding ri�k b�sed ��rr�clive ��tfa�i �uidar��e, gt�vere�ing th� li�dfli#y or r�sp�nsibilities of the INS�.lF�E�; or in the �bs�nee af any�f the items Irr �. above, the recom�nendatiar�s af an �I�V3R[�NMEN�A� Pf20FES51DNAL. �_ AIJTQ�QBfL� m�ans a tand rnalar vehicle, Erailer, serni-lra€�er, rrza�i� equipmen#, or off-road mat�r vehicl�, iricl�rding any machinery or appar�t�� attache� thereta. E. �0!]ILY I[V.iUfiY m�ans: phy�i��l injury� dis�a�a, �icknes�, �r burltfing,reEaded ill��ss sustained by any {�rson. including dea#h resulting t�erefrorn and any medical or environ�enia� monitoring ��sis that �re inler�de�i to cc�nFir�m �ny such physic�l in]ury, �Es�ase, s3ckness or i{Iness; 2. c,�ur�-order�d medical manit�ring; or 3. me�tal ar�gui�h, �nokion�l di�#re�s, �r sh�ek. F. �[��II�l��S lNT�#�l�EJPTIQN L�SS mea�$: tF�e ne# proiit or I�ass, be�ore t�xas, thaf the Ihl�iJf��D woul� hav� �arr�ed or incurreQ du�ing the I�#i�RR�lPT1D�V bukfc�f the IN��RR�PT1C7i�, cansirfering the fr�a�c�al perform�nce of the �usines� befare #he f�IiERFtUPTIO�f an�l the financia! perfo�manc� khat most likely �+auld t��ve b�en eealized if�er�after had no fNT�RRIfPTI�N oc�urr�d; 2. the continuin� normal operating exper�ses, a# sucE� JC�B SI�'� or C�V�RE� LC3�ATI�N �s applicab�e, incurr�d hy the INSEJRED �urin� th�e INTERF�UPTE�N, �r�cluding the payrall expense fgr �rnploysas oi t�e IN�lJR�a exc�pt far affFcers, d���ctars, execut�ves, department mana�ers a�d coniract emplayee�; ar�d �, E7C�RA E�C�'�NSE incurr�d by the IN�URED during lhe IhlT�RRU�Tl�fV_ �. �AI��� �eans �oods, products, or u+a�te trans�oR�d for d�livery by a�AR�I��, �f, GARRIER means an entify, including an Ii�SURED, engaged by or on behalf a�the I�Si1REa to trartspo�t mat�riaC by AUTONfDBILc, aircraft, watercraft, ar r�l�ing stc�ck, buk anly if suc� entify ar IiVSUF�ED, is prap�rly Hee�s�d ko transpar# s�eh rr�aterial and iS in !h� bu5i��s� �f tran�port+ng �uch rmaterial, CARRiER shall not [ncl�d� pipefines. C�RTIFIE� ENQLISTRIA� HYGIEf�15T rrl�an� a licensed prof�s�ional �5 ��t�blish�d by tf�� Amerit�n Board of Ind�stri�l Hygien�. �he Carnpany �hall consult wath the FIR�T 3VAM�� IhiSiJREp in the �el��kio� of t#�� GERTI���D 1NDLJSTRI,4L �1YGI�NES�. T�e �ompany rnay �equfre that such prat��s€onal rr�eei c�r�aln minfmurt� qua�iiic�iion�, ir��luding axperience with similar MaLp MATT�R or methsr�ph�4�mine ramediation, anc# that they m�in[ain adequate eR�rs and amissions insurance in light �f the pot�ntial remediati��. 35 t�PL 03 I}1 iJE 0�6 €d- �4319� �r1d01�lll��lt I�O. � This endarsemer�t. aFf�c�kv� �1�12024, farm� a pa��t of P�19ey No: CP�L-5�0�23i3-02 is��ed to �DB, Ir�c. by �iriu�Polr�t Specialty �nsuranc� Corpar�tlon (The Compar�y) �HIS E�I�OI��EME�T M�C�I�IES i"H� INS�R�iIV�E �RO�rIDL� 1J�1��R YMI� Pc�LICY. �L�AS� REAG I� GAREFI�RLY. �4M�[��M�f�TS TO TW� D�FINITIC][V �F A(3D11'14NAI� INS�1R�l� A�1D TO T#�� �TFtER IN�i�RANC� C�NDITlO�! FaR �HIF�d P�ARilES — SEL���ED G�VERA�ES PRIhhARY ANi3 NdN-C�hE�RI�UTORY WH�� RE�U�R�[5 BY Cf��1TRACT In cansider�tion of the ���lo�r�ng �djustment pf pr�rnit�r�' $0 �he IN�UREQ ar�d the Compar�y agree ko the follpwing c#�ange(s): �41e1y �vith regard t� thase Coverage �ectians list�d below and when requir�d tsy w�iri�n oontrack: L �EC71��111111. ��Ff�17l�NS, A, Af�a171�f�AL INS�R�d is de�eted an it� �ntirety and repl�ced with the �ollov,�ing; A. AD�ITI(3NAI� IhlSUR��7 means: salely wikh re9ard to iF�� cpve�age se�tions IRsted belpw a�d wnen req�ired by a written cvr�tra�t fhat is sign�d by the F�f�S1` �}F1M�� IN�LJF��� �r �n ��DI�IOhiAL NAM�� E�ISUf��I� pri�r !a th� d�te the applic�ble ����U'�I�N ��Nf71'�I�hl or INC}O��t �ON�'A1�11NAhli ��N�17'I�hl fir�t commences, A[]DIiIONAL Ii�SUREa ��clud$s: �, the client eniiiy for wY�am the IN�UR�D parfarms C[)NTRACTING SERVIC�� pursu�nt t� �u�h wr�tlen cantrae#; a�d b_ �r�y ath�r entiky, unrel�ted t� the FIR�T NAME� INS�JRE�i or any A�bfTl�NAL iVAME� lN�UREd pu��uani to su�t� ►+�rfttet� car�kr�ct. TF�e scap� ar�d limits of eaverag� o# sueh entity un�er khis Policy sh�l! n�t exc��d what is r�quirad by the written contract. C��er�g� is pr�v�cie� s�iely for iis vicario�s liability f�r C�NTRACiIN� SERVICE� or a POLLU�'I�N CONQITfOi� as applicsble. Caverage shall �nly b� ai#arded far s�ch �nt�ty if it �s narr�ed �n a�awsu�t, petition c�r reg+�latory actian as a c�-�efendant with ti�e FI#��7 NAMED I�SUF�E[� or any A��CTd�h�AL NAMED INSURE� alfegin� such entity's v;carious I�ability far CONTFtAG7ifV� SEl�VI��S or � I�C3LLU`�i�EV COhiD�il�N as �ppli�2ble. N� caver�ge wi�l he provided �nder thi� P�licy foe an Ad�ITI�IVAL iNSI.iR�D`s own r�egllgence ar strict liability. Solely with regard to �n ADDITfON,4l I1��UR�� i� Par�gr�gh !�b�v�, SE�TION VII. C��1�lTI�1�S, I#�m N� OTHER [I�SEJRAhlCE I� d�f�ted ]n its eniiraty and replaced v�ith th� follcrwing: N. OTli�R iNSURANC� - T�is insurance sC�all �pp1y: '�, in excess ❑f any appl3cab3e Setf-1ns�red Retantic�r� ar De��ctib�e Period; 2. �rim�ry ta, �nd non-contrib�tory �u�ih, any a#�er i�surat�r� av�il�bie fo the AD�iT�Of�AL INSUR�D, $2 cPp� a� az aa os� �a. �va ��I The scape and i�mits af �overag� undsr this P�li�y shall n�t ex�eed what is r�quired by !he wril[en co n tr�ct, U�ron request of the C�rr�pan�, the it�St�REa shall �ramptky provide the C�+mp�ny with copies o� all such at��r in�urance p4li�i�s. Gov�rage Se�tic�n�s): ��IVERAGE A= C��E7'RA�i01�'� ��CUREN�� J�8 �ITE POLLUTkC��I COV�RA�� COVE�tA�� f� — CCINTRACT(]ft'S �1CCLtR��i�E �l4N-�Vti1NED tilSPOSAt� SITE ��VERAG� GOVERAGE I—CONTRAC��R'S C���UR�h�C� TRANSF'�R7AT`ION C��fERAGE All other t�rms and �onditians �emain kY�� sam�. 53 Fruan: Murohv. L�:inell� 1 To: t•ltbanald. Vicki Sulsjert: RF� CR1h1E LAB FU1.L 9UIL�iN� GEN�RAF4F�A�PI�A{�p�iEN� -CiJI Date: Tuosd�}r, ]u4y lb, �0��4 3;03;30 i'M Atta�hme�ts: 5D8 Cprtlficate ��r Ensur,;n�:� -�C]F1'�; Cr�me Lah.odf fma�eu02.dna {maff�003,ona irnaae�70�.oi�a MnSacei7�5_ana irn�ae0db.nna imaee00�.nna Cvlm�lah(;pn C.:�Irm1 - Sf]F3{�nnlF�r� 7.1f,.3q qj F�nal.ntif Hella, this is approved. Piease store � copy for yaur records. l)��tiette Nlul'�h�� N�� I��ana�c.r-I's�a��.�rl�� and �:��ualty k El�r'f�ish �+la�i�c�;c:i��c�t ?{�1ti'l`+�x�4 S��•c�L ���r�•t Wn�•th,'1'cx�s7€il(]2 ai���c; {817j 3�}2-778� C'ell: (G82� 7G�-G749 �:mE�i�: tloiiia�ftc.m��x�+[���lir.�fnrtk���,ri�i���a�. •� Cr�y n�' i•'u+•1 l�fo��Jlr — H'e�rfii���,f tc��ertJxea� tu f���ird rr s��•r�rr� c:a�rt��i rr►1r�wf ���� �V���� � � �{ Plerrs� ►�a�e.• (J�r�• de��r�i�lrrrertl ufill Jae rrro��i�rg 1a hrcr},r �'ifj� }�F��1 r�r� .S'e���cnr�ei- 13r�� 2�12� Cla��° f�eG�- r�dd���s:c �i�ii� ��e f0� �'oi�1 �ar�ilr T�-r��2, f'r���l b�`ri�-�1�, 7��rcrt �(i�l�_ f'Icrcrst �orrdr,�rrc �r� .,•��v��1 ura�, �:a��i� da !he c�ir•r•er�t rrcJdr�e�ss frsied r�b���� l��rti! �l�e �fcr�e �ar�le.�d ��•}�orr l�crti�c� d�e�rr rtcxtr"fr�:r1 ��lr��•��vi.s��. F3`orn. McDon�ld, Vicki �Vic6ci.McDonald[,�fo�tworthtexas.gov� Sertt: Tuesday, �uly 1C�, �0�� 3;Q1 PhA To: Murphy, [�onnette 1 �por�r►ette.Murph�y�#ort�►+orif�texa�:gav> �ubjec#: f��: CFiIM� L�IB �41LL BUILDIN� ��f�Ef�A��R REPLACEMENT - CQI Hefe is fhe current �ne_ Thanks_ �[�t �G��� Adf�inislratiVC AsSEStan� Prope�ty Man�gerr�ent D�partment 817-3$�-2586 -- �#f3G� �82-213-4fi33 — ��II �ily Fiafl - �unnel 2f�0 T�xas �ireet For1 Worti� iexas 76�42 v�tki, rn_r.eln n a Ir_i �fnrtu �nrth I�xa �_fi t��r F��� ����rH : 1+Yarhing toget�rer ta be�Ffd a sfrang camrr�unity. From: Murphy, U��nnette 1 ���c��7nr��F.f�,"€i���rC�fnriwarth�2X�5_�C11'> �ent;Tuesday, July l�, 2024 �;49 PN1 Tfl: P�c��nald, Vick€ <.1+'icki.l�l�pc�r�al����fc�rttivarthtexas ��s�f� Subject: R�: CRIME LA� fULL Bl11LDIEJ� �EN�RAT�R REPLI��EME�lT- Cal HeElo, C�1 in�ludes an cxpir�tion date t�rak has alre�dy p�ssed, �DLlCY �}�P N�I�lD QIYYYY' �l'11�a2� ��iI�Q2� 4� � I��l �� � 4f 'i1���4 41'[ I�D�4 �i�1���4 D�n��ette 1N�,�•���y� T1R i�i�tr3ager-1'�-n��crty a��rJ G�Su�kiy HI�Iltisk Mar���cn�cnt ��10 'fexas �lre.ct � oel 1�'�rc�t�tlti, 'Fexas 7G I [�2 Caffi ce: {�3 I 7� 3 J?-77�4 Ccll: �li�?] 7�}�-1574�} l:i�ail: ��ti]SIlCl[C.11lLiT�1IiS�i�l�to�-i��:,�]l!s'��y..y:c��• Grt}� �f Ta��� f3'o��tlr --- H'or�kiri�= tr��■€�J1er� i{� l�rriJd n��t�•or�g c������1u��i�j, F�R'� �ORTH� ��{ � � 1'!r�ra,tE ��r��e:: C��.a�� rf���arYr���ar1 ��rfl he. r�roti�irr�,r i� 11�etii� C'it}f flc�l� c�r� 5'crj�rr'�Ff�7t'�� I�flf 2�J��}. C����� ��e��� �d�{���s,� u4�rd� b� IOU f�o�'t 6'�'ar'€1t �'���ri�. �'r��`t !•�''c��•th. Texu.� 7�111�. f'J�t�.���� r:[�t�[i��ue fe� .s�t�r� crrFy �nrri� �r� Jd►�} f•i�r�•er�l rrrldi•ess lr,s•1er! abo�e i►,�lF� �hc� r�nrc' �1�ft'f� O]'�1f1lf JTLi1?� I)e€�r� rruli��cJ faiJf{���Ivd,F�, From: N1cC�anal�, Vicki <� � �•� I� f r• � �en#: 1�,r�sday, 1�,1y 16, 20�4 �:3� �'� Yai �vl�rphy, �annetk� 1 ��i�Lt?_�1u��hv�a�for�wortt�tex�s.�otif� 5ubje�t: CRI?v3� LAa F�JLL SIJIL�ING C��lF�ltTDR R��111�EME#�T - Cdl }�tt�ched is the c�ftific�te of in�ura��c� ��d c�nlr �� t€�r,r SCJ�, int. �ontr�tY i� Far $813,983.0�. Please verify. i hanks. �� ���� Admin�strative Assistant Praperly Man�gerr�ent �ep�rt�ent 817�39�=25�6 — �ffic� 6�2-213-�633 — Cell City i�all - Tunnei aa� r���s s����c F�rt wd�cr, r�x�s ���o� +�ir1��l..mr����-��{�Fn:i��vn�l I�_ax��:g�u iLJ�I T■��1�, kliforking i�g�lf�erlv �baild a str�ng corrrme�rrily. ��NTRACTDR ��1�L,IAN[;� WITI� W�R1��R'S C�M��NSATICliw1 LA�V P�rs��nt to Texas Labar Ca�� Sect'rori 406,�96(a), as amend�d, �ontra�tor ee�rtifics that it provides vvorker's cdmpen��tion insuranc� coverage fo�� all n�' it� emplayees ernpioyec� t�n City �rojecc, Cri�e Lab Full 13uild��� Genes��torRer�lacement, �b16 �.. Lancaster Ave., Fort V�'or•tii. T�xa�'7b103.(�'1VI��423- 1� Cont3-actar furtl3er cei�tifies that, pu�su��# #o `�'exa5 I,ab�r Code, �ect�o� 4f1G.0��i{b}, a� $��nded, it will provide trsCity its subcontr�cl+�r's c�rtifcate� aFcampli�nce witl� �vc�eker's �ampensatian aaverage. GDNTIL4GTOR: ��� ��, �� � Co�tpany -- f� �� l� �_ ������ �- ������5 �-�,�� �-'-�` , _ � � �� � � � � � Gityl�tateJ�i� THT STA�� C��" ►�f�I�C}NA � � C�UNTY OF MARIC4PA § ��' ��_ ���_ � c c �� ����'t�ase P�i�C� - . � _'���++ ������ �� ��r �_�� s ��,��u���. _� �= �: t r� _-- __ Tatle: ���,�'i � �'�-..��c�•�i °� �����"��1 {PZease Frint) I�.1V�W AI�L �V T'%��5� �RE��N7"�•. B FO�� ME, the ��dersi�ied a�tl�rity, afl this t�ay pers�nally appeared � � � � � iL�i� _ , knows� io rne to b� ths p�rson tivEtc,se name is sul�5cri6ed to t�i� f�re�;-� ��g instrurr�ei�t, an� a�kr�o.vledg�d t� tr�e #13�E i��l�he ex�c�ted tl�e ��rr�e a� the act and dee� n€ _ t j!1�� ��� f�r the purpQses and cansider�Eion there�n expressed an� in th� c�pa�iiy therein st���d. �f� CiIVEN UNDEI� MY �IANI� AI1�D SEAL �F �FF1C� th�s� day of _ ��� , 9F�ONOA [�#�ACMIUHTE �`���" �� � #lolAryPi�hllr ANFniin �rr. hAArlrr.��,LCilulil� I'�i��,t1�'��j CtFnifni3elor�A'�4$i4i \,:�_ I Mr erunm, fx�u«t r�.,+ ,a; i�lzi � Inslruclior� io Ofierars Cr�rne La� Full B�ilding G�ne�a#or RepEacernent - Prnj. #144327 and 1 a5215 Juiy 2�24j , Z42�. r��� r� Public in �nd for #f�e atat� of � � � � �� �&ge i� pi 12 �1_��� z �€' � � a� i � � � _ r � � � � ¢ �� ;��� _ �s �� �S 7 L rti +�p r r � CENTERLitJE �F ' SE�N, LOGO & � TE?CT If��DRA�ATfQN ��� I ����� �r�j��t Tl�i� �1�C�11 ���t: 1��'Ci�I��C�'� ��Cl'i� C�ntr��t�r: �on�r����r`� IV��ne FLFNDEQ 8Y {Llsk �ond Fu�d, etc_j S�HEQ�I�ED �OI�IPLETI��! �A7� Y�A#� �I�h! C��OF� � �OI�T; � � � 6A�KCR�LJN� -1NH�TE BO�DE� - 511�"1N1��, �"�AD[CJ� ��]F�N�R�, PN1� 288 �BLUE} T�7�T - hI�L11ETC��1 or A�IAL, PMS 2$8 ��LUE} F�RT 11V���'H LC]CC� ��L�I�S 8� �'�I��': F�RT 1N��T#i — PN�� 2�� (�I�UE�, �HELTEI�HANI �C�LD �o�v����n� �v�c� � ��ns ��� (��ow�} �Fi�JE�T L}��I���►T��IV �l��# Ins#rueti6n lo Off�roiv P2ge 33 nf 33 G�ime L�h Full L�uildFng Geroeratdr Replac�inerst • FroJ. #16298B Sr�t. 20�3]