HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 27116.�
'`�YY ��CREi►�FiY / j
���n�T�.ACT N� . a���i�� ,
• C�i�S�l�� AGR:�EI�EIlTT
. - FOR
THIS: AGREEMENT� is made and entered into by and between
the Ciiy of Fort `L�orth, a municipal corporation of Taz7rant Coun�y,
Texas, acting herein by and through its duly authorized Building
O�fzcial, herinafter refezrecl to as the "City"' anc� �
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acting by..and through its duly authorize.d���1��� �����-�F-�.
�� r"� �M I� , hereinafter referred to as
For and in cvnsideration o�'the payment by Grantee of the
charges set out below and the �rue and �'aithful performance of the
mutual covenan�s her�in contained, City hereby gran�s ta Grantee
permission �o �emporaz�ily e��.croach upon, uses and occupy portions of
the space under, on and/or above th� stre�ts, alleys, sid�walks or.other
public rights-of way as follows: � . .
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The location and description of sa�d encroachment is mare particularly
described in Exhibit `B" attached hereto, incorporat�d herein and made
a pai-t hereof for �ll�.purposes.
All use.and occupancy.of public streets,�alieys; sidewalks or other
.�.public rights�.of way..under,.t�ais agreement.shall be in stric�-compliance
with the Chaz-�er, Ordinances and Codes o� City and in accordance wiih
the dir�ctions o£�he Buiiding Official and ihe Director of Transportation
and Public i�arks o� Cit�.
Upan expi�ration� of this agreement arid the priviieges granted
hereunder, ihere shall be no encroachment by Gran��� in, under,� on or
abov� the sur�ace �of the public xights-.of-way.�involved.
Grantee agrees to pay in advance an encroachment �'ee �or the
temporary pxivileg� of encroaching upon a portion of �he public r�ghts-
of way as descrzbed in E�ibit "B". Said fee is calculated in the manner
and amounfis prescribed by the Building Code of the C�ty of Fort Worth
fo�• temporary use or occupancy of public property. The estimated total
amount of said fe� is � �« ��, � � ���� � � �"�-��
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Grantee, at no expens� .�o Crty, sha11 make proper pro�ision for
the relocatian and/or insiallation of any exisiing or future traifie control
devices or other impxo�emen�s aifected by, such encroachment, use and
occupancy, including ihe. securing of approval and consent from the
appropriate agencies of the State and its political subdi�isions. In the
event that any installation; reinstallation, relocation or rrepair of any �
existing or futur� traffic control device or imp�o�ernent owned ar
constructed by or on behal�' oithe pubiic or at public expense is made
.�.more costly by virtue of the existence of such encaroachment and use,
Grantee sha11 pay �to City- an� additional:amount� �qual to such� addi�ional
cost as dete�tnined by Citiy.
The te�ni o� this agreement shall be for 2 days, from �d' � �' � 1
�o t� °� -� prov�ded, howeve�, should the need for the encraachnaents
granied hereunder at any time cease, Grantee agreEs to im�nediately
n.otify Czty of such condiiion; and, upon receipt of such notice by the
Building Offic�al of the City o�Fort Worth, this agreement shall
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�� is express�y understood and agreed that this Consen� Agr�ement
is �or a temporary encroaclvnent in, under, over and.upan the pub�ic
property, as loca�ed and descxibed ��n E�ibit `.`B": :This agz eemer�t shall
not be construed as the granting o� a permanen� easement, encroac�uneni
or.lzcense upon Cit}r.'s�public.streets; alleys, sidewalks or o�her rights-of-
City, through zts duly authorized representiativ�s, shal� have ihe �ull
and unrestricted :right to enter upon ali public r�ghts�of-way for the
purpose o�'making insp�ctions to.determine.com.pliance with �he tern�s,
covenants and conditions herein. : In .fhe eVent that any, inspec�ion should
reveal.a�br�ach of any�terms, covenants'ox;conditions herein,:City shall
give Grantee-notice of such breach.�::Should such:breach not be
corrected b� Grantee within twen�y--�our (24) hours of receipt of the
noiice, or within such shor�er p�riod o�time as d�emed necessary by the
Building Official fox the proteetion of public health or sa�ety, City may
ierminate and cancel this agxeement. . �
Upon expiration or terminat�on of �is agreeznent for any reason
whatsoever, G�antee shall,.at no expen�e to City, restore �h� pu�lic
rights-of-way and adjacent supportin�; structur�s to a condi�ion
acceptable to th� Directox of T'ransportatian and Public Works or his - .
duly authorized repr�s�ntative and in aecordance with then existing �t�•^ �,� �j��u��
� � ?�"`���y ° ��
specifications, and Grantee shall remove all barricades, equzpment, �, ���c_��,� p�
- _ �._�.�--�_ .
supplies, mat�rials ar o�:laer property from said location. Ci�rantee furth�r
` 1 covenants and agrees�that for a period of orie (1) year after the
te�ninatian o�this Coinsent Agreement, Gran.tee will repair all condi�ions
or damages .too the streets and sidewalks �..or.other: rights-of way that
have resulted from�Grantee's use ox.occupancy of tl�e streets and
sidewalks or other rights�o� way, as determined by the Di��ctor oi
Transportation and Public Works .or his designee. :.Grrant�� ag•rees to
begin such repaizs within thirty (3D} days of receipt of notice fram the
Director of Transportatzon and Public Works ox his designee. AIl
zepairs shali be pear£oz�med�in an exp�ditious and workmanlike manner
and shali comply with aIl applicable�laws,.code�,�ordinanc�s and City
�Tn th� event that.�Grantee:�ails to'comply��with the covenants hercin
contained with�.r�spect..to�such:removal:or.,'xestoration, the ,CiLy�shall�have
the right ta remove or dispose o� any baz�icad�s; �equipment, supplies,
materials or other property and repair any conclitions which in the
opinion of fihe City aze necessary to bring the publ�c rights--of way to the
condition prescribed herein, and Crty shall not be r�sponsible for
trespass ox any other damage o� liability in connection with such removal
or restozation, Grantee shall reimburse City �ox the cos� and expense of
sucl� zemoval and/or repazrs imm�diately following billing for same vy
Ciiy. .
Nothing herein shalt be construed as a waiver by City io enforce
penal sanctians prescribed by the Code ofthe City of Fort tiVor�h and �•
�he laws o:Cthe Siai:e of Texas �'or GZantee's continued encxo�chinent
upon ihe public rights�of way following terrn.inaiian of �iis Consent
l. 0.
I� is fi�rther und�rstood and agreed between the parties h�reto that
Ciiy, holds the city. streets, alleys, sidewalks and other public :rights-of
way, including the partzons of such streets �used, and encroached upon as
described herein, as trustee for th� public; iha� City exerczses such
povcFers over the streets as have b�en delegated to it by the Cons�itution
of ihe State, of Texas ox by the Legislature; and that City canno� contract
. away..its .duty and rts legislative power.to �control the stre�ts �ar.the use
and.benefit o�the public. :It is accordingly:agreed ihat Xf the govez�ning
..body of City;�to wit;�.its City.Council,�should:at any time.�during the-term .
hereof:dctermine�in its�:sole: d'zscretion�to:use.ox°�cause>or.-permit.to°be �
used for any public purpose the said eneroached portion of�he streets,
then tlais agre�ment shall be automatically canceled and te�ninated.
Grantee agrees to comply fully with all applicable federal, state
and lacal laws, statutes, ordi.nances, codes or xegulations in connection
with the constructian, operation and maintenance o� said encroachinents
and uses.
Grantee agr�es �to pay pro:mptly when due all fees, taxes or rentals
provided for by this agreement or by any �ederal, state or �ocal statute,
1��! o_r �•e�;r�lation.
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Grrante� co�enants and agrees that it .shall exercise all xights and
privi�eg�s granted -hereunder as an independent caniractor,� and not as an
ofiicer, agent; servant or�employee.o�City; that Gxanfiee shall have
.- exclusive control: of and the.e�clusive right to control the details o� its
operations and activities on said described public prop�rty ancl all --
persons performing �ame, and sha11 b� solely responsible for the ae#s
and omissions of its o�f cers, agents, saxvants, employ��s, cont�actors,
subcontxac�ors, licensees and invitees; thai the doctrine of respondeat
::. superior :sha�l not apply. as between � City, and :Grantee, .its officers, , agents,
� se�vants, employees; contractors and subcontractoxs, ; and nothing h�rein
-..:-.sha11 ��be construed .as .creating- a p�ar.tnership:.or: j oint enterprise .between
� � Ciiy and Grantee.
Grantee covenants and agrees to indemnify, and do�s hereby
indemni�y, hold harmless and defend Ciiy, its ofiicers, agents, servants
�nd employees, �rom and�against any and all claims or suits for property
dainage or �oss and/or p�rsonal injuzy, including death, to any and a�l
persons, af whatsoever kind or charac�er, whether rea� or asserted,
arising out of or in cox�ti�ction with, direc�ly or indixectly, the
ma�n�enance, occupancy, use, existence or location of said '
enc�oachment and uses granfed �hereunder, whether or not caused, in
whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officErs, agents, �servants,
��� '' employees, contractors, subcontractors, lic�nse�s or �nvitees of City;
and grantee h�reby assum�s a�l liability and xesponsibility of City, i�s
oi�icexs, agen�s, se�rvants and employees;.for such claims or suits.
Grantee sha�l likewise assume.all�liability and �responsibility.and shall
� indemnify City for any and �all injury or darnage to City property, arising
aut of or in connection with any. and all acts or omissions o� Grantee, its
o��icers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors,
licensees, invitees or trespassexs.
1 �.
Grantee agrees to furnish City with a Ce�riif cate of Insurance, naming
. City. as certificate.holder,. as.prnof.that it has secured .and paid for a palicy o�
�.public Iiability insurance �coVering �all public risks xela�ed to the propo�ed use
:.�.and occupancy.ofpublic;property_as.located and described in_Exliibzt "B".
The amounts of�such insuxance�shall �be no� less than th� following:
Praper�y damage, per accurrence - $100,ODD
Bodily injury, pex pexson
Bodily inju�^y or death, per occuirence $50Q,000
With the undeistanding of and agreement by C"xrantee that such insurance
amounts shall b� revised upward at City's option and #.h.at Grantee shal� so
�evise such amvunts immediately fo�lowing notice to grantee of such - ��.�
requirement. Such insurance policy shall provide that it canno� be canceled
or amended wiihout at least th.irty (3 Q} days' p�ior written no�ice to th� �
Build�ng 4fficial of the City of Fo� Worth. A copy of such Certifieate o�
�nsural.lce is attached as Exhibit "A". Grantee agrees #o submit a similax
-• �' �er�if cate of Znsuzance annually to City on the anniv�rsary date of th�
execution of this agreement.
Grantee agrees, binds and obligates�its�lf;:its�successors and.�assigns,
to maintain and keep in farce such public liability. insuranc� at all times
during �the.texm o�.this agreement and until the�rexnoval of all �encroachments
and �he cleaning and xestoration o�#he �city �streets. � All insurance �cove�age
r�quired herein shall include coverage of all o� Grantee's conirac�ors.
Grantee cavenants and agrees that it will not assign all or any of its
rights, piivileges or..duties under ihis contract without the prior writ�en �
approval o�City,��and any.:atiempted assignment without such�prior written
approval sha11 be vaid.
This agreement shall be binding upon the parties her�to, their
successaxs and assign�.
Should any action, whether real or asse�rted, at law or in equity, arise
out of the tenms and conditions of this agreement or out of the use and
occupancy o� City property as permitted hereunder, venue for sai.d action
shall be in Tar�rant County, Texas.
In at�.y action brought by City for the �nf'oxcement of the obligaiions of
Grantee, City shall be entztl�d ta recover interest and xeasonable attorneys'
EXECUTEb This� day of nern I�-�.�'
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Contract Au�hosiz��n � � �-----
Date ,� �
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� Plofary Ru61ic
My Carf'llrl. E�qf.12-07-�OG3 '
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�EFORE ME, tlte i�nrlersigfier� raiathority, �.lVotary Pirblic in a�d
For the tcrte o�T'e as, o�� tltis tItry�etsn�trrlly appem'ed
��r� �F'1 ,knotivrz to me to be the person tivhose
11[tii2� IS SllIISCYl�7�CI LO fI1C,fOY@blidlla instj•timent, anr� r�cknoivledg+er� to me
tl�at Ite/slte ea:�cacte�l tlte srime or tltej� tar qs s c�nd corz i� ratioj iJaererrr
expresseti, as tlte act rr�id �lee � .1'���F1t�r k�� ��4- i ci'o��
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Notary public
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For tlie S�ate o�T s, on t1it� rlay personnCCy rrppeuretl •�-� -
��� � ,knn�vn to me to be tlte pet�.�,� rinose
name is si�bscrabed to tlie foregoinb instrurrtent, and acknorvle[�ge�l ta me
tltat l:e/slie execaaterl ihe same,f�or tlie pacrposes nnrl considet•ation tlierein
expresse�l, as the act artrl deed of ���.i �� �"��`� r�° �
r�nd in the crtpr�city thereitt stated
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ConizactorsNam�: �1��� l�'
Point of Contact: �
Phone Number: m
Buildirig I'ermit Nu�nber:�� � �!�
Purpose for Closure;
Segin Date; ��• I �� C)1 �nd Date; � i •
No �vork pern�itted during peak hours: '1:OOam-9:OOam
aud �k:40pm-G:OOpm. Required to have pedestrian signs
during �vork at ali times
Type of Taper accar8ing to posted speecl limit:
Tapers �,a} 34 N1PH l�ft Offs�t 30ft minimum
Tapers @ 35 MPH 10ft Offsek 35ft nninimu�m
Tapers Q 40 MPH l Oft Offset 40ft minimum
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