SUP To the Mayor and Members of the City Council June 6, 1989
X Subject:
#0 7
In February, 1989, the City Council accepted a recommended
procedure for receiving input from citizens regarding the
conceptual idea of the Tarantula Train Project. The procedure
was recommended by a Council appointed committee that included
representatives from the League of Neighborhoods. Park and
Recreation Board, Cultural District Committee, and the City
Council .
The procedure approved by City Council included the
1 ) The Tarantula Corporation would sponsor four public
forums allowing citizens to discuss the concept, ask
questions, and offer suggestions;
2) Tarantula would also host a fifth forum to respond to
unanswered questions and suggestions presented at
previous meetings;
3) As an outgrowth of these forums, the corporation would
draft a Preliminary Proposal to present to the Cultural
District Committee and the Park and Recreation Advisory
Board in public hearings. Following the hearings. these
groups would make recommendations to the City Council.
The Tarantula Corporation has conducted the requested forums
and made presentations to the Park and Recreation Advisory Board
and the Cultural District Committee. Both of these groups have
approved a statement regarding the Tarantula Project .
Representatives of the Park and Recreation Board and the Cultural
District Committee will make presentations to the City Council at
the June 6, 1989 workshop regarding their respective action on
the Tarantula. Attached are copies of the statements made by
these two groups.
City staff requests guidance from the City Council regarding
what step should be taken next in the review process of the
Tarantula Project .
owwu Harman
City Manager
May 30, 1989
The Honorable Bob Bolen
Mayor, City of Fort Worth,
and City Council Members
1000 Throc kmor ton
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Dear Mayor and Council Members:
On May 24th the Park and Recreation Advisory Board met and unanimously
adopted the attached statement regarding the Tarantula Corporation's proposed
excursion train.
Bill Meadows drafted the statement and put the motion forward. Bob Adams
made the second. Reuben Vallejo was the only member of the board absent.
The Board invited public input on April 20th. Many questions were
presented, and the Board asked that staff, under the direction of Ramon
Guajardo, answer as many of these as possible. A copy of those questions
and staffs responses is Included.
Tarantula Corporation had the benefit of conducting five public forums to
resolve these issues and more clearly define its proposal. Staff's response
clearly indicates that these issues remain unresolved and the terms of the
proposal unclear.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. You
may reach me at 732-6676.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
M y Roge rs
CC: Ralph Emerson
Ramon Guajardo
FORT WORTH PARK ANrJ RFf kFAT1nW AnVMfIVV RnARn 7711 WFST Rn.gFI?di F MPT Wf)RT14 TFYAS 71,1111 R171M.7f1fM1
1. The Fort Worth Park and Recreation Advisory Board, an advisory board
to the City Council of Fort Worth
1. Has, in a series of public meetings, requested and received public
input, questions and comments concerning the proposal by the Tarantula
Corporation to build, run, and operate a steam train through Trinity and
Forest Parks.
3. Has extensively studied the questions and concerns brought forth and
has requested and received staff input and assistance with regard to the
issues raised concerning this proposal .
4. Has concluded that the construction and subsequent operation of the
proposed train through Trinity and Forest Parks will have a negative
impact on this park land.
5. The Park and Recreation Board takes no exception to the concept of an
excursion train operating on existing trackage that presently crosses
Trinity Park. In fact, we would encourage continued development of
that concept, as it appears to offer opportunities to the community as
an additional entertainment attraction.
6. Has concluded that City Council should take advantage of the citizen,
�► staff and Park Board research and study , and that, in its entirety, our
records should be made available to City Council.
870-6M / AREA CCC* 817
DATE: may 19, 1989
TO: Park and Recreation Advisory Board Members
FROM: Ramon Guajardo, Assistant City Manager
In the attached report , an attempt has been made to provide as
many precise answers as possible to questions raised at the Park
and Recreation board meetings on April 12 and 20 and from other
sources, concerning the Tarantula Train.
In a number of instances, City staff was unable to provide
answers because:
001h 0 more specific information about the proposal
is needed,
0 UM7A requirements for projects cannot be determined
with the limited information available at this time or ,
0 art environmental review of the project is essential in
o-oer to address some issues.
,he answe-.-. and questions provided in this re:)ort are not
intended trc, give an opinion or to ma.Ke any recommenoations about
the Tarant�. a Train project .
For the sake of clarity and brevity, related qUestions were
combined in this report . If additional assistance is needed,
piease contact me at 870-6191 .
Ramon Gua -ardo
Assistant City Manager
May 19, 1989
Prepared by City of Fort Worth Staff
1. QUESTION: Although recipients of Urban Mass Transit
Administration (UMTA) funds are required to comply with certain
public accountability provisions , specifically with regard to
fare and schedules, etc. , how does the City and Fort Worth
Transportation Authority (FWTA) propose to regulate the
1. ANSWER: The operation of the Tarantula on City owned land could
be regulated through the terms of a contract between the City and
2. QUESTION: Are Urban Mass Transit Funds available to private
2. ANSWER: The applicant for UMTA funds must be a public agency.
The City of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Transportation
Authority are eligible grantees in Fort Worth.
3. QUESTION: Do Urban Mass Transit funds cover all parts of this
project - tracks , trestle, stations , turn tables and clean-up?
3. ANSWER: Until an application is prepared, submitted and reviewed
by the Urban Mass Transit Administration, it is difficult to
determine what might be requested and funded.
4. QUESTION: Does the granting of UMTA rail funds to this project
have any negative effect upon FWTA or the City's ability to
obtain funds in the future?
4. ANSWER: UMTA has two potential sources of funding - for a
project of this type:
Section 3 Discretionary Projects: These funds are competitive on
a national basis and would compete only against other Section. 3
applications across the country. If Fort Worth had another
Section 3 grant under review, the two applications would compete
against each other. Factors that affect the evaluation and
likelihood of approval include the dollar amount of local
participation, particularly if the grantee exceeds the required
amount of local match.
Section 9 Formula Assistance for Planning, Capital and OperatJmq
Assistance: These funds are allocated among eligible recipients
in an urbanized area, based upon a combination of population,
density, revenue miles , passenger miles and fixed guideway miles.
Because the Fort Worth Transportation Authority presently
OF utilizes all the funds allocated annually, any funding of an
additional project would reduce the funds to FWTA.
5. QUESTION: As it appears that UMTA funds play an important part
of the proposal , what contingency plan does the proposer offer if
such funding is denied?
5. ANSWER: Tarantula officials have informed the City they will be
able to explore alternate financial sources, either public or
6. QUESTION: Will the fact that a large part of this route is used
for freight have an effect on the acquisition of UMTA funds?
6. ANSWER: Without knowing more details about a potential
application to UMTA, it is not possible to answer this question.
7. QUESTION: What is the approximate cost? What is the approximate
request for grant money? If urban mass transit funds pay 80%,
who will be responsible for the balance? No answers given by
7. ANSWER: Without more details about this project , staff is unable
to estimate the cost of the project or the amount of the grant
application, if any. The grantee would be responsible for the
local match (at least 25% of the project costs) .
8. QUESTION: How many hours per day will Tarantula liability
coverage be needed? Is the city liable for accidents/tragedies?
Would a family be prevented from damages by City participation?
Will larger attendance make an impact on the liability of the zoo
and the park?
8. ANSWER: More information Is required before answers can be given
to these questions .
9. QUESTION: Will the fact that the train is operational or
:-.on-operational affect the insurance needs?
9. ANSWER: The terms of a contract between the City and Tarantula
would determine the level c4- -- rsurance coverage .
10. QUESTION: What will be the financial impact on Park and
10. ANSWER: More information F-bout this project is needed before an
answer can be given on this question. A contract between the
City and Tarantula could define the financial terms of this
11 . QUESTION: Is there any feas-Lble financial mechanism to insure
the financial obligations of the train operator to the City (or
FWTA) including restoration, reclamation or financial liability?
(Performance Guarantee)
OPOk 11 ANSWER: Performance bonds are sometimes required by the City.
A contract between the City and Tarantula could be negotiated to
include financial issues .
12. QUESTIONS: Are all the proposed destinations necessary to
achieve maximum economic benefit? Is the cost in line with mass
transit costs? Who will bear the cost of maintenance of the
tracks? Who will bear the costs of trail repair and tree
replacement? Will the loss of revenue from Forest Park Rides be
replaced? Can we afford not to have this railroad? How much
money can the train bring to Fort Worth's parks? Who will pay
for the train? Will the train compete for bond funds? Who would
remove the railroad if the train fails?
12. ANSWER: Staff does not have sufficient information to answer the
above listed questions .
13. QUESTION: Number of trips per day and time? Is this dependent
on demand and left solely to Tarantula? City control? What will
be the frequency of trips?
13. ANSWER: It is not possible at this time to determine a proposed
schedule for the train. A contract could assign authority to
regulate the schedule.
14. QUESTION: What impact will this have on zoo attendance and park
14. ANSWER: Although it is difficult to estimate without a firm
proposal and estimated usaae from Tarantula, it is reasonable to
expect attendance to increase at the zoo. An increase in
attendance could cause an additional workload on Zoo personnel
and an increase in people using other sections of Forest Park.
Likewise, increases in zoo attendance could have resulting
revenue increases .
15. QUESTION: Can the zoo and the parks handle the added visitors
the train might bring in?
15. ANSWER: The zoo can handle larger crowds with the planned
expansion of zoo exhibits .
16. QUESTION: Can the train bring attention to the zoo?
16. ANSWER: Yes. Promotional opportunities might be available.
17. QUESTION: What will be the impact on the Botanic Gardens?
17. ANSWER: The impact by the train to surrounding areas would have
to be identified in a detailed environmental review of the
Tarantula project .
18. QUESTION: what about fire protection?
00"k 18. ANSWER: All construction of facilities and operation of the
train would be required to meet all codes pertaining to fire
19. QUESTION: What are the potential fire hazards in the parks?
19. ANSWER: Any description of potential fire hazards would be
speculative. However, trains currently operating through the
Park on the existing route have caused no known fire problem.
20. QUESTION: What are the potential hazards to people in the parks
(such as people going from Trinity Park and the Botanic Gardens)?
20. ANSWER: People going from Trinity Park to the Botanic Gardens
would have to cross the train tracks (if the Tarantula project is
built) and University Drive. Care would have to be taken
crossing both. Train operations through the park now operate at
slow speeds and expanded operations could be subjected to
regulations specified by the City government .
21• QUESTION: Safety precautions. Little information has been
given. Unprotected tracks, especially in the parks where tracks
are depicted below ground level . No specific safety precautions
have been presented. Impression given is that people will stay
off the tracks . Street crossings in some areas are not
op", adequately protected at this time. Will these safety concerns
necessitate the building of fences along the tracks? What safety
measures will be met through the parks?
21. ANSWER: Safety measures will be required to be included in the
design of the project , if approved.
22. QUESTION: Where does a similar train operate ( for comparison of
provisions for safety and operations)?
22. ANSWER: The train at Six Flags has been identified by came as ar,
23. QUESTION: What will buffer the train from other rel--- eational
23. ANSWER: Space, distance, and landscaping are effective buffers
which would not intrude on the aesthetics of the parks . The use
of these methods would be determined at the time the project is
24. QUESTION : Does the train eliminate or preclude unplanned,
unorganized park use? (family outings , unorganized softball ,
etc. )
24. ANSWER: Recreation activities could take place near to the train
tracks, but not on them.
pk25. QUESTION: Are there possibilities for additional green space
outside of Trinity and Forest Parks to come back to the City?
Will green space be returned to the parks? What will be the net
change in acreage of green space?
25. ANSWER: Without detail plans of the project , it is not possible
to answer these questions . However, it is obvious that the
current train route opens up to visitors of city open space which
have not been traditionally experienced
26. QUESTION: What will be the impact on visual and noise concerns?
26. ANSWER: This information would be obtained in an environmental
review of the project .
27. QUESTION: How many parking spaces will be needed? Will the
train increase the parking demand at the zoo? Does the train
provide the opportunity to eliminate the need for additional
paved parking?
27. ANSWER: Tarantula officials have indicated they would be willing
to agree not to sell boarding tickets in Forest Park which could
keep people from parking there to board the train. Visitors
coming to the zoo on the train would park elsewhere. Tarantula
officials need to identify their operational plan including
parking provisions .
r28. QUESTION: Will people use remote parking and ride the train?
28. ANSWER: It is difficult to answer this question with the
information we have.
29. QUESTION: What will be the impact on the existing roadway
systems and bike trails?
29. ANSWER: The design of the project would be needed before we
could answer this question.
30, QUESTION: What is the peak use of the hike and hike trails?
30. ANSWER: Peak periods are weekends during good weather .
31. QUESTION: What will be the capacity of the train?
31. ANSWER: It has been estimated by Tarantula officials that the
train could handle from 80 - 500 people per trip.
32. QUESTION: The train depicted in slides is small - 100 tons .
Tarantula has stated it is to be used here unless a larger engine
is needed. Is this determination of the need, size of engine ,
and length of train to be left to Tarantula? Does the City have
any control?
32. ANSWER: The City has not received a specific plan and, therefore
detailed terms regarding control have not been discussed.
33. QUESTION: What about the double tracks?
33. ANSWER: Tarantula officials have informed the City that double
tracks (600 ft . long) would be required as a passing track at
each depot site.
34. QUESTION: What about the air pollution concerns? Who will
address air pollution? Have the engines on the train been
modified to burn cleaner? What damage can result from use of
fuel oil?
34. ANSWER: The answers to these questions could be obtained with an
environmental review of the project . There is a great deal of
train activity which already takes place throughout central Fort
35. QUESTION: What are the proposed fare and schedule structures?
35. ANSWER: The fares to be charged have not been identified by the
Tarantula officials.
36. QUESTION: Is the park spur, or spurs , the added miles of track,
necessary to receive urban mass transit funds? Tarantula has
changed position on whether they will pursue this project if
opol parks are not included - from yes to no.
36. ANSWER: Without the preliminary preparation of an application
and having some discussion with UY.TA, it is not possible to
answer this question at this time. We do not know if Tarantula
will pursue the project without UMTA funds.
37. QUESTION: F.ow will Tarantula train affect the little train?
(Extra question: The contract has been available for weeks . Why
was Council not provided, or, why did Councilmembers not request
copy prior to meeting 3/21? This action has led to suspicion and
rumor - something this Public Forum process was to help overcome.
With the curreint conflict of interest probes now in progress, the
motion by Councilman Steve Murrin mentioning the other train in
the area has also led to negative comment . )
It has been suggested at the Forums that the 'tittle train
transport people from Tarantula to the Zoo. Tarantula has not
pursued this suggestion.
37. ANSWER: The contract for the little train has been received by
and approved by the City Council . Without a detailed plan for
the Tarantula, the staff is not able to determine how both trains
would operate in Trinity and Forest parks.
38. QUESTION: What will happen to the mini train?
38. ANSWER: The City Council recently approved a seven year contract
for the little train to operate in Forest and Trinity parks .
39. QUESTION: . What will be the dollar loss to the city if the
rides/miniature train don' t operate in 1989?
39. ANSWER: In 1988 , the payment to the City from the concessions
agreement for the rides and train was approximately $134 ,000 .
40. QUESTION: What dollar impact will the excursion train link have
on the rides/miniature train payments in future?
40. ANSWER: Staff is unable to answer this question because we do
not know where or if the rides and the little train will operate
if the Tarantula project is approved in Forest Park.
41. QUESTION: Very little has been said about the spur into the
Cultural District . 1 ) Has Tarantula conferred with EDAW? 2) A
year, funds and public participation has been spent on the EDAW
plan. It would seem that the Tarantula addition to the Cultural
District plan should undergo the same process .
41. ANSWER: Tarantula officials have made a presentation to the
Cultural District Committee . It is this committee that has
contracted with EDAW to develop the plan for the Cultural
District . The Cultural District Committee adopted a resolution
regarding the Tarantula project .
42. QUESTION: It has been suggested that a tourist train from the
West End in Dallas to Fort Worth with spurs near the Cultural
District and into the Nort-hside Historical District would greatly
benefit Fort Worth. Tarantula has not responded to this
42. ANSWER: Tarantula offiCials have expressed an interest in
running a train between Fc.-16 Worth and Dallas at a later date.
43. QUESTION: What is the impact on tree removal? How many trees
will be cut down, and where are they? What will be the impact o.-.
the large, old, historic tree:?
43. ANSWER: Some tree removal may be required for the tracks ,
station, and turntables , but without specific plans staff is
unable to determine how many or which ones.
44. QUESTION: What effect c: '_ I the train's vibrations have on the
surrounding trees and other vegetation?
44. ANSWER: An environmental review of the project could provide an
answer to this question. However, the train now operates through
OW Trinity Park and there has been no reported environment
deterioration reported due to vibration cn vegetation.
45. QUESTION: How will litter from the train and near the train be
45. ANSWER: The responsibility of cleaning along the tracks could be
addressed in a contract between the City and Tarantula.
46. QUESTION: Tarantula says it will provide a greenbelt through
the city. They have also said they will improve only their
right-of-way. The view of Fort Worth from this train is less
than flattering to the City and, in fact , the code violations
should be pursued whether we have the train or not. Will the
City be responsible for the clean-up? Will Tarantula share in
this expense?
46. ANSWER: The City is responsible for cleaning City owned land.
In cases where code violations exist on private property and the
City abates the problem, a lien is placed on the property. A
contract with Tarantula could address liter pickup.
47. QUESTION: Is this a mass transit or an excursion train?
47. ANSWER: At this time City staff does not have sufficient
information to provide such a definition.
48. QUESTION: Can the times of train operation be coordinated with
peak park use?
48. ANSWER: City staff has not had any discussions with Tarantula
001" regarding schedules , bvt it would seem logical to consider peak
park use.
49. QUESTION: What plans are in progress regarding expansion - a
second track on this rc-.;te';' An extension to Cranbury?
49. ANSWER: City staff Ms not received any specific det-ails-s
regarding an extension tc Granh)i:ry . We are aware -that the
041 Cranbury and the Granh-.--ry C_',_1a7.ber of Commerce has expresses,' a._1
interest in such an
50. QUESTION: Does TarantL.-* z Nave --f eminent domain?
Tarantula plan to eye___ se the c-Ant to eminent domain,
so, where?
50. ANSWER: City staff dcnes- not hs%-e specific information whe`%-'_-.er
the Tarantula has power cf enninent domizin and if it does : : : 1
they use it and where.
51. QUESTION: Is there a -:A.an to address/comply with chapter 26 . 0,' 1 ?
51. ANSWER: It is the indicated intent of the City of Fort Wor--Z*-. -.' o
comply with Chapter 26. 001 as required and as interpreted by ;.* .--e
City Attorney.
52. QUESTION: Do we (Fort Worth Citizens) actually need the train in
the park? Why should the city relocate people and wildlife in
the parks for private enterprise? Is there a prudent alternative
to a train in the park? Is it the proper function of Forest and
Lrinity parks , as major inner-city parks, to provide "free" open
recreational space to city residents?
52. ANSWER: These questions deal more with policy issues . Staff may
be able to give a recommendation on these issues , but only after
more information is available.
53. QUESTION: What will be left to plan in Trinity and Forest Parks
if the train goes through?
53. ANSWER: A considerable amount of -Trinity and Forest Park will
still require some development in the future, even if the
Tarantula project is approved.
54. QUESTION: How does this proposal relate to other planning
54. ANSWER: The Tarantula project , if approved by Council , will be
included in any future plans of Trinity and Forest Parks.
55. QUESTION: What other park land will be affected? How many net
acres of park land will be lost to the train? Will a train
station/terminal be located in the parIA-11
55. RNSWER: City staff does not have sufficient information to
adequately answer these questions . A more detailed proposal for
the Tarantula project would have to be reviewed to determine how
such park :and would be needed.
56. QUESTION : What kind of promctlon can Tarantula offer for Fort
Worth and the park areas , zoo, etc.?
- !though there are no specific pla-.-s for promotional
56. ANSWER: r.!though L. -
activities , the Tarantula project does seem, to offer the
potential f.C_- special; activities .
57. QUESTION, :f Old University Drive is closed, what wi.11 be the
impact on the access to Trinity. park?
57. I.N.-SWER: L traffic study of the current use cf Old University
Drive would have to be conducted to determine the impact of
closing this drive.
58. 0"11:STION: is Old University Drive a park road? Can it be
58. ANSWER: 0-1d University Drive is a park road. Yes , it can be
eliminated, but the impact of closing the road should be
determined first .
59. QUESTION: How safe are the joggers/bikers in the tunnels?
59. ANSWER: Not knowing the design or locations of these tunnels ,
staff is unable to answer this question.
60. QUESTION: Has the Six Flags train operated safely for 25 years?
60. ANSWER: The City staff is not aware of the safety record of the
Six Flags train.
61. QUESTION: Who will own the park improvements/trackage/rolling
62. ANSWER: The ownership of improvements , tracks, and rolling stock
would depend on the terms of a UMTA grantee (if one is approved)
and the requirements of a contract between the City and
63. QUESTION: The visual impact of the Tarantula train in the parks ,
a trestle across the river, destruction of the bike path and the
calm and serenity of the park are concerns of the public along
with increased parking and traffic problems . If this train
should fail , who is responsible for removing the trestle and the
tracks? Tarantula has not been specific .
63. ANSWER: The responsibility to remove the tracks should the
project fail would depend on the terms of a UMTLA grant (if
approved) and/or terms of a contract with the Ci4-1 and Tarantula.
64. QUESTION: What balance does the Park Board recommend between the
parks/zoo as a resource for area residents, and the parks/zoo as
tourist destinations?
64. ANSWER: This question is asked specifically fc-- the Park and
Recreation Board.
65. QUESTION: Are the visitors to the stockyards different from the
visitors to the zoo? Will an excursion train z,-c link detract
from marketing plans to attract increased sper,--*-- --,g at the zoo?
Do the possible tourist benefits offset the risks ar-d changes
that are necessary fLcr the one !ink? Will there be a tourism
policy recar(i.-Lng Forest- Park-, Wi"I I demo:;---zpMcs reflect
different behavioral pa terns?
65. ANSWER: A detailed proposal of the Tarantula prc:•ect would have
to be carefu' ly reviewed and analyzed before the above listed
questions can be answered.
66. QUESTION: Who owns the little train?
66. ANSWER: The little train is privately owned by Forest Park
Rides, Inc. and Eames Amusement, Inc.
67. QUESTION: If it is privately owned, how is the city compensated?
p. 67. ANSWER: The City received 25% of gross revenue from the rides
and the train and 15% of the revenue from the food and beverage
sales . Currently the City only has a contract for the train.
68. QUESTION: If the City is compensated based on cash receipts , how
are those receipts audited?
68. ANSWER: The City receives monthly sworn financial statements and
an annual audit report .
69. QUESTION: Who owns the engines, passenger cars , track, buildings
and bridges?
69• ANSWER: All improvements related t-o the little train including
rolling stock is owned by Forest Park Rides and Hames Amusement ,
Inc .
70. QUESTION: Who paid for the construction o` the bridges , railway
and buildings?
70. ANNSWER: Forest Park Fides and Hames Amusement , Inc . paid for all
improvements .
71 . QUESTION: Who pays for maintaining the road bed and bridges?
71. ANSWER: The owners are responsible for maintaining the road bed
and bridges .
72. QUESTION: What are liability considerations fcr the little
trz.:n? (Who mai tE-' s the liability coverage, and what is the
amc .<nt of that Cove--z -,-e?)
72. F*'Sr,--M The City _tares the operator to mainta_= a $1 ,000 , 000
1 _ a�ility cove:a e .
73. =`^ ION: Does =arl: Board reau: at
engineer t� a_r�ing for '*-e
s-z.E.. train?
73. 1_I':="7-R: No.
74. r-77:._ 'ION: At ea c.; ^- oint where the little trai=. crosses the
-_ :•:%' jogging tra_1 - and pedestrian walks, are these crossing
a:: -s properly -,ar::e: with automatic electric signals'.
74. A'':
76. QUESTION: Who will be responsible for moving or taking up the
track and gravel/rock road bed should the little train not
continue to run by decision of the owner?
76. ANSWER: The operator will be responsible to remove the track.
77. QUESTION: Does the owner/operator not desire to run the train
until all concession rides are moved, or was this decision of the
Park Board?
77. ANSWER: The City Council has approved the contract to allow the
little train to operate for the next seven years .
78. QUESTION: What safety measures are taken by the Park Board or
the operator of the small train to assure that small children do
not get on the track or do not fall from one of the passenger
cars of the train?
78. ANSWER: The operator operates the train at a slow speed as a
safety measure.
79. QUESTION: What are the environmental (air) effects caused by the
gasoline exhaust emissions from the little train?
79. ANSWER: A study has not been conducted to determine the
environmental effects of the little train.
80. QUESTION: What regulatory entity provides safety rules for the
small train? Are safety guidelines established by the Federal
Government , State government., City government , Park Board or
other regulatory entity?
80. ANSWER: T*.P-,e State Board of Insurance provides guidelines through
Hames ' insurance carrier regarding the safety standards for the
little train. City staff- also periodically inspects the
condition of the train and tracks .
Passed Unanimously by the Cultural
District Committee , April 28 , 1989
The Cultural District Committee supports the concept of a
tour train as an entertainment attraction for tourists and
citizens as a potential connector for some of the city's
other attractions. The opportunities presented to the city
by the Tarantula Corporation are exciting, and we applaud
the efforts being made by the city staff and Tarantula to
integrate the train with the needs of the city.
Currently, Tarantula corporation's existing trackage runs
through portions of the Cultural District. At this time, we
are unable to recommend any use of public land for
additional routes within the Cultural District until we have
better information, such as comparisons of the benefits and
costs for the various proposed extensions within the
District, ridership patterns , schedules , parking demands and
patterns , and public obligations and funding participation,
As this information on the tour train becomes available, it
will be incorporated into the Master Planning analysis of
circulation system options both within the District and for
connection to the city's other attractions.
The Cultural District Committee suggests that the Tarantula
Corporation begin operations utilizing existing trackage,
with each addition examined as appropriate.
3545 WEST LANCASTER - POST OFFICE BOX 4227 - FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76147-2227 • 817-763-5355
DATE: February 7 , 1989 870.6143/AREA CODE 8V
At the January 17 , 1989 Pre-Council meeting , informal Report No.
7345 was presented to Council drafting recommendations for
outlining a review process of Tarantula Corporation's conceptual
plans . This I .R. would then be considered in an M&C for adoption
by City Council .
Based on a positive response from Council , M&C G-7900 was placed
on the January 24, 1980. agenda. In response to comments from
Councilman Estil Vance opposing the recommended process,
Councilman Garey Gilley moved that a committee be appointed to
develop an acceptable approach.
As a result of this decision by a majority of the council , a
committee was appointed to develop an alternate process for
reviewing the conceptual plans of the Tarantula Corporation for
an excursion railroad. A four-member committee would include
Mayor Bob Bolen, and a representative from the Cultural District
Committee , Park and Recreation board, and The League of
Neighborhoods .
The above named committee met on Monday , January 30 , and
Wednesday, February 11 1989. The following process was
recommended for receiving input from citizens regarding the
conceptual idea of the Tarantula Corporation's Rail Excursion
1) Tarantula Corporation will sponsor four forums to allow
citizens to discuss the concept , ask questions , and offer
suggestions. These meetings will be held every other week for a
total period of 60 days .
Pace 2
Tarantula {cant . }
February 7 , 1989
2) Tarantula will also host a fifth forum to respond to
unanswered questions and suggestions presented at previous
3) As an outgrowth of these meetings , the Corporation will draft
a preliminary proposal to present to the Cultural District
Committee and the Park and Recreation Board in a Public Hearing .
From the hearing, these groups will make recommendations to the
City Council .
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It is recommended that the City Council establish the following
review process for the Tarantula Train Project:
1 . Invite written comments from interested groups regarding their
reaction_ to the conceptual idea of the Tarantula Corporation's
Rail Excursion Project. These comments should indicate whether
the group is for or against the concept, and whether they believe
specific rail extensions should be given consideration.
2. Set a time frame of 60 days from today's date for receiving
responses from these groups and set a public hearing on this
topic approximately two weeks after receipt of comments (April
�3. Request that City staff prepare an analysis of the train
_proje-at- and make appropriate recommendations regarding the
concep'tltial approval and the possible individual line extensions.
At the January 10, 1984 Pre-Council meeting, the Tarantula
Corporation presented its conceptual plans for a Railroad
Excursion project in the City of Fort Worth. Their plans involve
making four entertainment and cultural areas of the City, the
Stockyards, Cultural District, Fort Worth too, and the Central
Business District, accessible by rail .
On January 17, 1989, I.R. No. 7346 (attached) was presented to
Council listing recommendations from staff of a process for
receiving input from interested groups and other citizens, and
the identification of related issues Council should consider.
The purpose of this MSC is for City Council to refer the
Tarantula Train Project's conceptual plans to community groups,
other citizens, and City staff for comments and recommendations
to be given to the City Council at a subsequent date.
JAN 24 1888
CONTACT: W. Lister 6111 1 DATE
Referred to a Committee composed of the Mayor, Chairman of the
Cultural District Committee, Chairman of the Park and Recreation
Board and the President or designee of the League of Neighborhoods.
The Committee is to report back to City Council on February 7. 1989.