HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 56080-CO1J PROJECT NAME: CONTRACT: CFA# CITY PROJECT II CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT/I Water Project Funding II Sewer Project Funding II X# FILE# INSPECTOR: PROJECT MANAGER: ORIGINAL CONTRACT EXTRAS TO DATE CREDITS TO DATE CONTRACT TO DATE AMOUNT OF PROP. CHANGE ORDER REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT PER UNIT REVISED COST SHARE TOTAL REVISED CONTRACT Revised: 12-17-2018 CSC No. 56080-COl DEVELOPER-AWARDED-PROJECT CHANGE ORDER Oak Grove Road Improvements CHANGE ORDER No: CFA18-0187 I CITY PARTICIPATION:! YES 101902 56080 56008-0600430-101902-001580 56008-0700430-101902-001380 X-26535 K-2675 Russel Rogers Khal Jaafrai WATER Developer Cost CltvCost $37,622.00 $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,622.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,622.00 $0.00 $37,622.00 Dev. Cost: Phone No: Phone No: SEWER Developer Cost Cltv Cost $113,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $113,900.00 $8-00 $0.00 $0.00 $113,900.00 $0.00 $113,900.00 $2,045,344.85 214 980 2068 827 393 7873 CONTRACT UNIT' DRAINAGE Developer 1 PAVING" STREET LIGHTS Developer Cost Cltv Cost Developer Cost Cltv Cost Cost Cltv Cost $105,737.60 $665,122.40 $1,503,424.75 $1 291,387.25 $77,250.00 $114 700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $105,737.60 $655,122.40 $1,503,424.75 $1,291,387.25 $77,250.00 $114,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $207,410.50 $230 226.00 $0.00 $0.00 $105,737.60 $555122.40 $1,710,835.25 $1,521,613.25 $77,250.00 $114,700.00 $660,860.00 $3,232,448.50 $191,950.00 City Cost: $2,191,435.65 $4,236,780.50 CONTRACT DAYS 275 275 0 275 Page 1 You are directed to make the following changes in the contract documents: UNIT IV· Private Pavino lmorovements CITY BID ITEM PAY ITEM# # QUANTITY UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION CFW Unit Price UNIT PRICE Develooer Cost Citv Cost 24 321313 (8133 .00) SY 9" Concrete pavement $58.00 ($471 ,714.00) 25 321313 (178.00) SY 7" Concete pavement $50.00 (S8,900.00) 28 3213 20 (1 6955) SF 4" Concrete Sidewalk $5.50 ($93,25 2.50) 29 3211 29 (8597) SF 8" Lime Treatment $4.00 ($34,388.00) 30 31 11 29 (206.0) TN Commercial Lime Slurry $1 9 0.00 (S39 ,1 40.00) 31 32 9119 (1 273 ) CY Top Soil 6" $24.00 ($30,55 2.00) 24 321313 8133 SY 9" Concrete Pavement $78.00 $634,374.00 25 321313 178 SY 7" Concrete Pavement $68.00 $1 2,1 04.00 28 3213 20 15662 SF 4" Concrete Sidewalk $7.00 $1 09,634.00 29 3211 29 85 97 SF 8" Lime Treatment $5.00 $42,985.00 30 3211 29 206 TN Commercial Lime Slurry $245 .00 $50,470.00 31 32 9119 11 93.00 CY Top Soil 6" $30.00 $35,79 0.00 Sub TOTAL UNIT IV: Private Pavement Im rovements 207 410.50 $0.00 UNIT v· Public Pavlna lmorovements CITY BID ITEM PAY ITEM# # QUANTITY UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE Developer Cost Cilv Cost 16 321313 (8564) SY 9" Concrete Pavement $62.00 (S53 0,968.00) 17 321313 (1 74) SY 7" Concrete Pavement $52.00 ($9 ,048.00) 20 3213 20 (1 9704) SF 4" Concrete Sidewalk $6.00 ($11 8,224.00) 21 3211 29 (9066) SY 8" Lime Treatment $4.50 ($40,797.00) 22 3211 29 (21 8.0) TN Commercial Lime Slurry $1 9 0.00 ($41 ,420.00) 23 32 9119 (867) CY Top Soil 6" $24.00 (S20.808.00) 16 32 1313 85 64 SY 9" Concrete Pavement $82.00 $702,248.00 17 321313 174 SY 7" Concrele Pavement $70.00 $1 2,1 80.00 20 3213 20 19704 SF 4" Concrete Sidewalk $7.50 $1 47,780.00 21 3211 29 9066 SY 8" Lime Trealmenl $5.50 $49 ,863.00 22 3211 29 21 8 TN Commercial Lime Slurry $245 .00 $53,41 0.00 23 32 9119 867 CY Too Soil 6" $30.00 $26,01 0.00 Sub TOTAL UNIT V: Public Pavement Improvements so.oo $230,226.00 REASONS FOR CHANGE ORDER: Change Order is in response to delay from Covid-19 and conflicts with Railroad permitting which has driven material cost to increase. Revised: 12-17-2018 •As noted in the Community Facilities Agreement, the cost split between Developer and City does not match the unit bid price delineation between public and private. All infrastructure is public infrastructure. Developer is responsible for a portion of the "public" pay items reflected in the unit bid prices. ••Paving items include Public Paving, Private Paving, and Railroad Right-of-Way Improvements as reflected in the Community Facilities Agreement. TOTAL ($471,714.00) (S8,900.00) ($93.25 2.50) (S34.388.00) ($39 ,140.00) (S3 0,55 2.00) $634,374.00 $1 2,1 04.00 $1 09 ,634.00 $42,985.00 $50,470.00 $35,79 0.00 $207,410.50 TOTAL ($530,968.00) ($9,048.00) (S11 8,224.00) ($40,797 .00) ($41,420.00) (S20,808.00) $702,248.00 $1 2,1 80.00 $1 47 ,780.00 $49 ,863.00 $53,41 0.00 $26,010.00 $230,226.00 Page 2 (Consulting Engineer) (Developer) C4wtra-t:tm(I>; p,,t,f-,: By: _,_•·-�---�-·-·•_""-�_, __________ By: Jk,Ofitlllr-.<IW11 .... WHl::..ll!COf} Name: _____ C�l=ayt=on�S�tr=o�lle�P�.E=·----Name: Rob Riner (Contractor) By:':?J'� Name: Adam Burns Title: P roject E ngineer Westwood Consulting Title: -�R�o=b'--R�i=n=er'--G�P=L=L=C _________ Title: Conatser Construction APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: CFW -TRIF Office J.!f:.1f!L+ By: a....H';ft>}T.IIIMDt..ll(IIII APPROVED: CFW -Assistant City Manager Pr-«4 .8,�g Name: ---�J�e�n=n�ife�r�R�o�b�e�rt=s_P �·=E�. ____ Name: Dana Bu rghdoff Title: Assistant Director , Development Services Title: Assistant City Manager RECOMMENDED: CFW -•contract Compliance Manager ATTEST Khat Taafari e £ r="� Name: ----�K�h"'a'"'I J,_,a"'a"'fa�r-'-i Pc..·c:E�·-----Jannette S. Goodall City Secretary Title: ____ P_r_o_fe_s_s _io_n _al_E_n�g�in_e_e_r ___ _ M&C Number: ------"2""4---'0-"8"'-04"----- M&C Date Approved: ----'9"-/"'17c.c./2=-0;.:2:..;4 __ _ Revised: 12-17-2018 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: CFW -Assistant City Attorney By: Name: Rich rad McCracken Title: Senior Assitant City Attorney • Contract Compliance Manager (Project Manager): By signing I acknow ledge tha t I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, include ensuring a ll performa nce and reporting requirements. ( There a re NO City Funds a ssociated with thi s Contract +I There are City Funds associated with this Contra ct P a ge 3 M&C Review CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Create New From This M&C � - DATE CODE: 9/17/2024 REFERENCE NO.. C TYPE: **M&C 24- LOG NAME 0804 Page 1 of 3 Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas FORT��'URTH ---�*'"�,r-- 06060AK GROVE RD N OF JOEL EAST CHANGE ORDER 1 PUBLIC CONSENT HEARING: NO SUBJECT: (CD 8) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 56080, a Community Facilities Agreement with City Participation with Rob Riner Companies GP, LLC, Increasing Developer Participation by $207,410.50 and Increasing City Participation by $230,226.00 for the Oak Grove Road North of Joel East Road Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances � -- RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: - -- � - _ - - - __ Authorize execution of Change Order No.i to City Secretary Contract No. 56080, a Community Facilities Agreement with City Participation with Rob Riner Companies GP, LLC, increasing developer participation by $207,410.50 and increasing City participation by $230,226.00 for the Oak Grove Road North of Joel East Road project for a revised contract amount $4,236,780.50 (City Project No. 101902); Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Transportation Impact Fee Capital Fund in the amount of $230,226.00 from available funds within the Revenue - Service Area X- Transportation Impact Fees project (City Project No. UN9926) for the purpose of funding the Oak Grove Road North of Joel East Road project (City Project No. 101902); and Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Government Community Facilities Agreement Fund in the amount of $100,000.00 from available funds within the Unspecified-All Funds project (City Project No. UNSPEC) for the purpose of funding the Oak Grove Road North of Joel East Road project (City Project No. 101902). DISCUSSION: The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to authorize the execution of Change Order No. 1 to City Secretary Contract No. 56080, a Community Facilities Agreement (CFA) with City Participation with Rob Riner Companies GP, LLC, for increased costs due to significant delays caused by utility relocations, and to appropriate available funds to cover increased inspection costs on an interim basis. On April 17, 2018, (M&C) (28660), the City Council authorized the execution of a Community Facilities Agreement with Rob Riner Companies GP, LLC, with City participation and appropriated funds for the propject. The CFA was executed on July 23, 2021. On September 27, 2022, (M&C) (22-0732), the City Council authorized execution of a Roadway and Crossing Rehabilitation Agreement with the Fort Worth & Western Railroad and appropriated funds for the Agreement. The following table summarizes previous contract action and change orders: M&C I Developer's City's Cost Total Cost Number I Date Cost I I$1,837,934.35I $1,961,209.65I $3,799,144.00I M&C - 28660 I 4/17/2018 I http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acicet/mc_review.asp?ID=32510&councildate=9/17/2024 9/27/2024 M&C Review Initial Contract 56080 Change $207,410 Order 1 Contract $2,045,344 Total $230,226 $2,191 $437,636 $4,236,780.5 This M&C Page 2 of 3 Funding for the increased City participation is available in the Transportation Impact Fee Capital within the Revenue - Service Area X- Transportation Impact Fees project (City Project No. UN9926). The attached appropriation ordinance adjusts appropriations in the Government Community Facilities Agreement Fund - adding $100,000.00 to this project and reducing the Unspecified project by the same amount to provide interim funding for certain developer costs associated with Oak Grove Rd North (N) of Joel East Road project. This funding aims to cover inspection services expenses and ensure that the project does not face a shortage of funds. Inspections costs have increased, and the estimated fees previously paid by the developer are not enough to cover the increased costs. The appropriation ordinance is a temporary measure to provide interim funding for inspection costs until the project is complete. The developer is contractually obligated to pay these costs to the City once the project is completed and closed out. Funding for the Oak Grove Road North of Joel East Road project is depicted below: Fund Existing Additional Project Total Appropriations Appropriations Transportation Impact $2,100,000.00 $230,226.00 $2,330,226.00 Fee Cap — Fund 30108 Developer Contribution $257,881.90 $0.00 $257,881.90 — Fund 30104 CFA Developer— Fund $103,394.00 $0.00 $103,394.00 30114 Govt Community $0.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Facilities Agmt - Fund 30111 Project Total $2,461,275.90 $330,226.00 $2,791,501.90 Funding is budgeted in the Govt Community Facilities Agmt and Transporatation Impact Fee Cap Funds for the purpose of funding the CFA-Oak Grove Rd N of Joel East project. DVIN does not set a Business Equity goal for developer portions of Community Facilities Agreements on Change Orders and/or Amendments. The project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the Unspecified-All Funds project within the Govt Community Facilities Agmt Fund and in the REVENUE- SA X- Transp Imp Fees project within the Transportation Impact Fee Cap Fund and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the Govt Community Facilities Agmt Fund and in the Transportation Impact Fee Cap Fund for the CFA-Oak Grove Rd N of Joel Eas project. Prior to an expenditure being incurred the Development http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acicet/mc_review.asp?ID=32510&councildate=9/17/2024 9/27/2024 M&C Review Page 3 of 3 Services and Transportation and Public Works department have the responsibility of verifying the availability of funds. TO ��Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount ID � ID � Year � (Chartfield 2) �� FROM Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget __ ID ID Year Submitted for Citv Manaqer's Office by: Dana Burghdoff (8018) Oriqinatinq Department Head: D.J. Harrell (8032) Additional Information Contact: eference # Amount hartfield 21 ATTACHMENTS 06060AK GROVE RD N OF JOEL EAST CHANGE ORDER 1.docx (CFW Internal) 1295 Form.pdf (CFW Internal) FID Table Revised 8.2.24.xlsx (CFW Internal) GL0019-07 - Proiect Budqet Summary.pdf (CFW Internal) ORD.APP 06060AK GROVE RD N OF JOEL EAST CHANGE ORDER 1 30108 A024(r2).docx (Public) ORD.APP 06060AK GROVE RD N OF JOEL EAST CHANGE ORDER 1 30111 A024(r3)8-2-24.docx (Public) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acicet/mc review.asp?ID=32510&cottncildate=9/17/2024 9/27/2024