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Ordinance 16162
ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FORT WORTH BUILDING CODE, BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE FEES CD`rIARGED; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SIIALL BE CUMULATIVE; PROVIDING A SEVER.A.BILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN PAMPHLET FORM; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION IN THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City ofFort Worth has determined that it is appropriate to increase the fees charged for permits and other services performed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TENAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 7-47 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986} is amended by replacing current Table No. 1-A, Table No. 1-B, Tables 1-C-1 through 1-C-4 and Section 3210.5 as follows: 'Table 1-A • re lace with a neu~ table to read as ollows: TABLE N®. ~-A REMODEL BUILDING PERMIT FEES INCLUDES FEES FOR PIEW CONSTRUCTION WITH iv0 SQUARE FOOTAGE (Fences, swimmingpools, retaining walls, etc.) T®TAL VALUATION Permit Fee'' a, a $4 to $2,D00.00 $69.88 ($41.92)* (a} $69.88 (a) for first $2,OOD >$2,000.DO to $2S,OOO.flO {b} $13 97 {b) for each additional $i,000.OD, or fraction thereof, to and includin $25,DOO,DD {a) $391.38 (a) far first $25,000 >$25,000.00 to $50,000.00 (b) $14.49 {b} fnr each additional $1,000.00, or fraction thereof, to and includin $50,000.00 (a) $643.77 (a) for first $50,000 >$SO,OODAO to $144,000.00 (b) $6.98 (b) for each additional $1,004.00 or fraction thereof, to and includin $100,00D.00 (a) $993.21 (a) for first $100,004 >$100,000.00 w $500,OOOAO {b) $5.43 (b} for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and includin $500.OO0.00 {a) $3167.58 {a) fnr the first $500,000.00 >$soo,ooo.ao ro $l,ooo,ooa.oo {b) $4.65 {b) for each additional $1,000.00 ar fraction thereof, to and includin $1,000,000.00 {a) $5497.29 {a) for the ftrst $1,000,000.00 >$l,ooo,ooo.oo {b) $3.10 {b} for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof *ltemodel work associated with existing 1t-3 Use Group or their existing accessary U Use Croups shall be charged the fee in (). When ,plan review and f etd inspections are performed by Third Party, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 25% {0.25), The resulting amount will be calculated ko the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. ZWhen plan review is performed by Third Yarty with field inspections performed by City Staff, the permit fee shad be reduced by multiplying the sum by 7t)% {0.70}. The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with na rounding far the tenth of a penny figure. 3When plan review is performed by City Staff with field 'ins ections erformcd Third Par ,the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by SS% {p.SS). The resulting amount will be calculated ko the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. Table Na. 1-B; replace with a new table to read as, ollows: TABLE 1®TO. 1wB 1. CFPBOA Application Fee (1st item per address} . $1 15.00 (Each additional item per address} 25.00 2. Permit Application Fee 20.00 3. Delmtolitiaxl a><ad Moving Fees Square Footage 1 through 1,000 61.00 1,001 through 2,000 124A0 2,001 through 3,000 231.00 3,001 through 5,000 347.00 5,001 through 10,000 464.00 10,001 through 20,000 620.00 20,001 and above 1240.00 4. Change of.Occupancy Permit Fee . S. Ordinance Inspection Fee (per inspector) 6. Encroachment Variance Letters 7. Zoning Verification Letters 8. Retard Change Fee (per record ar permit} 66.00 27.50 28.00 20.00 20.00 9. Plan Review Deposit* those requiring circulation . .(30.00) 200.00 those without circulation .(15A0) 75.00 10. Contractor Registration (valid for one year) I20.00 11. Residential Master Plan Registration . SS.00 12. Vendor Certificate of Occupancy for Temporary Vendors 55.00 ~Depasit is not reciuired for additions and remodels to existing Group Tt-3 Occupancies, and far additions, remodels or new construction of their accessory structures. Where the plan review is preformed under the third party option, the deposit shall be the amount in (). Other Ir~speeli©ns and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum of two hours) 2. Reinspecfian fee 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge -one-half hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans (minimum charge -one-half hour) fox 3'~ party Building, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing & Energy 5. Inspections outside of city limits (commercial) {residential) ' Or 830.00 per hour, whichever is greater. $3SA0 per hour $25.00 $35.00 per hour $35.00 per hour $15.00 $45.00' per inspector $60.00' total *Tables 1-C-1 through .l-C 4; replace with new tables to read. as,~ollows: TABLE 1-C..I A, B, E, H, I,&MUSEGROUPS NEW CONSTRUCTION OR .ADDITION BUILDING PERMIT FEES NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE Per>:nnit Fee'' x, a 0 to 30 $69.88 ($41.92)* {a) $69.88 {a} for first 30 square feet >30 to 400 (b} $0.868 {b) for each additional square foot, to and including 400 (a) $391.38 (a) for first 400 square feet >440 to 790 (b} $0.647 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 790 {a) $643.77 (a) for first 790 square feet >740 to 1365 (b) $0.607 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 1365 {a} $993.21 (a} far ftxst 1365 square feet =1365 to S8S0 (b} $0.484 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 5850 (a) $3167.58 (a) for the first 5850 square feet >5850 to 18,000 (b) $0.191 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 18,000 (a) $5497.29 (a) for the first 18,000 square feet >18,000 (b) $0.174 {b) for each additional square foot '"New square footage associated wi#h existing R-3 Use Group ar #heir existing accessory LJ Use Groups shall be charged the fee in (). ° When plan review and field inspections are performed by Third Fartv, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 25% (0.25). The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with no rounding fnr the teeth of a penny figure. When plan review is perfarnted by Third Party with field inspections performed by City Staff, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 70% (0.70). The resulting amount will be calculated ko the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. When plan review is performed by City Staff with field in ecdons erformed b Third Fa ,the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 55% (0,55}. The resulting amouttt wilt be aatcutated ko the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. TABLE 1-G-2 & S USE GROUPS NEW GONSTRUGTIOI®T OR ADDITION BUILDII®IG PERMIT FEES NEV6r SQUARE FOOTAGE Permit Feet' x, s D to 75 $69.88 ($4192)* (a) $69.88 (a) for first 75 square feet >75 to 1080 (b) $0.319 {b) for each additional square foot, to and including 1080 (a) $391.38 (a) for Ernst 1080 square feet >1080 to 1980 (b) $0.280 (b} for each additional square foot, to and including 1980 (a) $643.77 (a) for first 1980 square feet >1980 to 33GS (b) $0.252 (h) for each additional square foot, io and including 3365 (a) $993.21 (a) for first 3365 square feet >33GS to 24,675 (b) $0.102 (b) far each additional square foot, to and including 24,675 (a) $3167.58 (a) for the fast 24,675 square feet >24,G75 to 50,050 (b) $0.091 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including s0,as0 (a) $5497.29 (a) for the first 50,450 square feet >50,OS0 (b) $0.088 (b) far each additional square foot *New square footage associated with existing R-3 Use Group ar their existing accessory U Use Groups shalt be charged the fee in (). When lap review and field ins ections are erf rmed b Third Pori ,the permit fee shalt be reduced by multiplying the sum by 25% (0,25). The resulting amount will be calculated ko the penny with no rounding far the tenth of a penny figure. 2When plan review is performed by Third. Party with field inspections performed by City Staff the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 70% (0.70). The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with na rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. aWhen plan review is performed by City Staff with field inspections performed by Third Party, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 55% (0.55). The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with nn rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. TABLE 1-C-3 R USE GROUPS NEdV CONSTRUCTION OR ADIDITION BUILDING PERMIT FEES NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE Permit Fee', x's 0 to 65 $b9.88 ($41.92}* (a) $69.88 (a) for first 65 square feet >65 to 700 (b) $O.S06 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 700 (a) $391.38 (a) for first 700 square feet >700 to 1400 (b) $0.360 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 1400 (a) $643.77 {a) for ftrst 1400 square feet >1400 to 2700 (b) $0.268 (b} for each additional square foot, to and including 2700 {a) $993.21 (a) for fu-st 2700 square feet >2700 to 11,800 (b) $0.238 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 11,800 (a) $3167.58 (a) for the first 11,800 square feet >11,80o to 24,soa {b) $0.183 (b) for each additional square foot, to and including 24,500 (a) $5497.29 (a) for the first 24,500 square feet >24,500 (b) $0.135 (b) for each additional square foot *New square footage associated with existing R-3 Use Group or their existing accessory U Ilse Groups shall be charged the fee in (}, When plan review and feld inspections are performed by Third Party, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 25% (0.25}. The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. 2When plan review is performed by Third Party with field inspections performed by City Staff, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 70% (0.70}. The resulting amount wilt be calculated to the penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny fcgure. 3When plan review is performed by City Staff with Feld ins ectians erformed 't'hird Pa ,the permit fee shalt be reduced by multiplying the sum by SS% (O.SS}. The resulting amoun€ wilt be calculated to the penny with no rounding far the tenth of a penny f€gure. TABLE 1-C-4 U USE GROUP NEW CONSTRUCTION OR AIDDITION BUILDING PERMIT FEES NEW SQUARE FOOTAGE Permit Fee'' z' a 0 to 175 $69.88 ($41.92)* {a) $69.88 (a) for first 175 square feet >17S to 2500 {) $0,138 b {b) for each additional square foot, to and including 2500 {a) $391.38 (a) far fast 2500 square feet >2500 to 5200 (b) $0.093 {b) for each additional square foot, to and including 5200 {a) $643.77 (a} for first 5200 square feet >s2oo to 10,200 (h) $0.069 (b) far each additional square foot, to and including 10,200 (a} $993.21 {a) for first 10,200 square feet >10,200 to 46,500 (b) $OA59 (b) for each additional squaw foot, to and including 46,500 (a) $3167.58 (a} for the first 46,500 square feet >46,504 to 96,500 {b) $0.045 (h} for each additional square foot, to and including 96,500 (a) $5497.29 {a) for the first 96,500 square feet >9b,500 (b) $0.038 {b) for each additional square Foot "`New square footage associated with existing R 3 Ilse Group or their existing accessory 1J Use Groups shalt be charged the fee in (). `When plan review and feld inspections are performed by Third Party, the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum by 25% (0.25). The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with no rounding far the tenth of a penny figure. xWhen plau review is perfar€ned by Third Party with field inspections performed by City Staff, the permit fee shat] be reduced by multiplying the sum by 70% (0.70). The resulting amount will be calculated to the penny with na rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. 'When plan review is performed by City Staff with field ins ectians arformed b Third Pa ,the permit fee shall be reduced by multiplying the sum 6y 55% (O.SS). The resulting amount will be calculated to €he penny with no rounding for the tenth of a penny figure. *Section 3210. S • chars ed to read as ollows: 321.0.5 Fee. Along with the Consent Agreements the applicant shall pay a non- refundable application fee as follows: Fee $500.40 SECTION 2. This article shall be cumulative of all provisions of ordinances and of the Cade of the City of Fort Warth, Texas (1.986}, as amended, except where the provisions of this article are in direct conflict with the provisions of such ordinances and such Code, in which event conflicting provisions of such ordinances and such Cade are hereby repealed. SECTI®N 3. It shall be unlawful far any person to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure in the City or cause the same to be done contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this Cade. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a zx~isdexneanor and upon conviction thereof sha11 be punishable by a fne not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00} for all violations involving fire safety, ar public health and sanitation and shall be fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($SOOAO} far all other violations of this ordinance. Each day ar any portion thereof during which any violation of this ordinance occurs or continues sha11 be deemed a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable as herein provided. SECTI®N 4. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this ordinance shall be declared void, ineffective, or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or final decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such voidness, ineffectiveness, or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this ordinance, since the- same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation in this ordinance of any such void, ineffective, or unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section. SECTION 5. This ordinance constitutes a digest and revision of the Building Cade of the City of Fort Warth, as provided in Section 2, Chapter XXV, and Section 9, Chapter XXVII, of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth. The Development Department of the City of Fort Warth, Texas, is hereby authorized to publish this ordinance in pamphlet form far general distribution among the public, and the operative provisions of this ordinance, as so published, shall be admissible in evidence in all courts without further proofthan the production thereof, as provided in Chapter XXV, Section 3, of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. SECTION 6. The City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, is hereby directed to publish the caption, penalty clause, and effective date of this ordinance for two (2} days in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas as authorized by Section 2, Chapter XXV of the Charter of the City of Fort Worth, Texas and by Se~ctian 52.013 (a} of the Texas Local Government Code. SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect on October 25, 2004 after adoption and publication as required by law. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant Ci Attamey Adopted: `~ ~~ -U~ Effective: ,~ d"l~°'~~rC~~