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Contract 60585-AR6
CSC No. 60585-AR6 City of Fort Worth Construction Allowance Request Project Namel Keller Hicks -Lauren Way to US 377 Client Project #(s) l 100146 I City Sec # 160585 Project Keller Hicks - Lauren Way to US 377 - Roadway, Drainage, Illumination and Traffic Improvements Description Contractorl McMahon Contracting, LP I CA#I 6 I Datel 10/11/2024 City Project Mgr.I Mitch Alton I City Inspectorl Curtis Hollingsworth UNIT or DEPT Original Contract Amount Extras to Date Credits to Date Current Contract Amount JAmount of Proposed Allocation Original Allowance Available to Allocation Allowance Funds Previously Allocated Revised Allowance Balance Unit I - CFW $5,685,582.88 Unit II - Keller $1,041,186.09 Unit III - Signal $477,855.28 I Totals $7,204,624.25 $5 685 582.88 $1 041 186.09 $477 855.28 $7 204 624.25 $4 099.00 $6 717.42 $0.00 $0.00 $10 816.42 $200,000.00 $79,271.26 $170,250.00 $370,250.00 $79,271.26 $116,629.74 $163,532.58 $0.00 $0.00 1 $280162.32 JUSTIFICATION (REASONS) FOR CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE REQUEST, THE CONTRACT SHALL: Width of the retaining walls is incompatible with the bottom width of the T552 rail on top. Retaining walls A, B, and C are 12" wide, while T552 has a 17" base. Steel and forms to build the T552 rail were already obtained and ready for construction. The engineer recommends keeping the proposed rail for maximum vehicle crash protection. The contractor proposed a solution to build the T552 rail as intended. For retaining walls with an adjacent sidewalk, a 6" curb will be added to construct the T552 Rail as intended. For retaining walls without an adjacent sidewalk, a 2' wide mow strip with a 6" curb will be added to construct the T552 Rail as proposed. Retaining Wall A will need 155 LF of curb and 100 SF of mow strip. Retaining Wall B will need 78 LF of 6" curb. Retaining Wall C will need 129 LF of 6" curb and 258 SF of mow strip. Changing the wall design would require compensation for new forms and steel. The proposed price for the 6" Mow strip is $9.99 / SF, similar to the cost for the 6" Concrete Driveway on the project. The proposed price for the 6" Concrete Curb on the back of the sidewalk is $20.00/LF, same price as on City Project #103281 Park Vista Boulevard. Staff deems the proposed prices reasonable. The City of Fort Worth will fund the cost of changes related to Retaining Wall A, $4,099.00, while the City of Keller will pay for changes associated with Retaining Wall B and C, an additional cost of $6,717.42. It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Construction Allowance Request by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full (both time and money) for all costs arising out of, or incidental to, the above Construction Allowance Request. The Project/Program Manager signing below acknowledges that he/she is the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. McMahon Contracting, LP I Andrew Marquez Oct 17, 2024 JIFffortinspection Supervisor Date Oct 17, 2024 Project and Contract Compliance Manager Ld�-- Date Oct 17, 2024 r °ar Date Oct 17, 2024 Senior Cg2bl Project Officer L6 Date Oct 18, 2024 Director (Dept) Date Director, Contracting Department (Dept) Date Pat is L. W"J_' 1ncir1 Oct 18, 2024 � Oct 22, 2024 stant City Attorney Date 3W0Fm'stULQy Oct22,2024 Manager CJ Date Oct 24, 2024 P O� FORra 4 ATTEST: v'>o ° ooyod o Jannette Goodall, City Secretary �aaaay�Xo5a4 p OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Construction Allowance SUMMARY Page 1 of 4 FOR_ _ T WORTH. City of Fort Worth —��— Construction Allowance Additions Project Name I Keller Hicks - Lauren Wav to US 377 pity Sec # 1 6U565 1 Client Project # 1 100146 1 Contractorl McMahon Contracting, LP I PMJ Mitch Alton Inspector) Curtis Hollingsworth Construction Allowance Submittal # ® ate I 1UI1112U24 I ADDITIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT Qty Unit Unit Cost 1-85A 3213.0322 Conc Curb at Back of Sidewalk Unit I - CFW 155.0000 LF $20.00 1-85B 9999.0000 6" Mow Strip Unit I - CFW 100.00000000 SF $9.99 11-138A 3213.0322 Conc Curb at Back of Sidewalk Unit 11- Keller 207.00000000 LF $20.00 11-138B 9999.0000 6" Mow Strip Unit 11- Keller 258.00000000 SF $9.99 Unit I - CFW Unit 11- Keller Unit III - Signal Total Additions Total 1 $3,100.001 $999.001 $4,140.001 $2,577.421 $4,099.001 $6,717.421 $0.001 $0.001 $70,8 Construction Allowance Additions Page 2 of 4 FORT WORTH. City of Fort Worth Construction Allowance Value Project Name I Keller Hicks - Lauren Wav to US 377 I City Sec # I b0585 Client Project # 1 100146 1 Contractor McMahon Contracting, LP I PMJ Mitch Aiton I Inspector) Curtis Hollingsworth Construction Allowance Submittal # ® Date 1 10/11/2024 1 CONSTRUCTION ALLOWANCE VALUE BEING USED ITEM DESCRIPTION Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Unit 1 Item 85 9999.0000 Construction Allowance 0.054082 EA $200,000.00 $10,816.42 Construction Allowance Value 3of4 M/SBE for this Construction Allowance Request M/SBE Sub I Type of Service I Amount for this CAR Total $0.00 I Previous Construction Allowance Requests CAR # DATE AMOUNT CA #1 2/20/2024 $1,252.90 CA #2 3/25/2024 CA #3 5/9/2024 $11,747.71 $49,514.43 CA #4 6/26/2024 $13,429.22 CA #5 7/9/2024 $3,327.00 Total 1 $79,271.26 1 Construction Allowance MSBE Data Page 4 of 4 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION REPORT (RFI) 6.1 Keller Hicks - Lauren Way to US 377 60585 Andrew Marquez Project Manager I McMahon Contracting RCP Restocking Fee POTENTIAL• NO CHANGE INCREASE IN COST $ DECREASE IN COST NO CHANGE 10,816.42 INCREASE IN TIME DECREASE IN TIME McMahon Contracting, LP 817-908-2704 # of Days = # of Days = 10/01/24 Width of the retaining walls is incompatible width the bottom with of the T552 rail on top. Retaining walls A, B, and C are 12" wide, while T552 has a 17" base. Steel and forms to build the T552 rail were already obtained and ready for construction. For retaining walls with an adjacent sidewalk, a 6" curb will be added to construct the T552 Rail as intended. For retaining walls without an adjacent sidewalk, a 2' wide mow strip with a 6" curb will be added to construct the T552 Rail as proposed. Retaining Wall A will need 155 LF of curb and 100 SF of mow strip. Retaining Wall B will need 78 LF of 6" curb. Retaining Wall C will need 129 LF of 6" curb and 258 SF of mow strip. Changing the wall design would require compensation for new forms and steel. Mitch Aiton I Sr Professional Engineer 682-715-9424 10/01 /24 1 10/02/24 The engineer recommends keeping the proposed rail for maximum vehicle crash protection. The contractor proposed a solution to build the T552 rail as intended. The City of Fort Worth will fund the cost of changes related to Retaining Wall A, $4,099.00, while the City of Keller will pay for changes associated with Retaining Wall B and C, an additional cost of $6,717.42. The proposed price for the 6" Mow strip is $9.99 / SF, similar to the cost for the 6" Concrete Driveway on the project. The proposed price for the 6" Concrete Curb on the back of the sidewalk is $20.00/1-F, same price as on City Project #103281 Park Vista Boulevard. Staff deems the proposed prices reasonable. No Schedule Impact Mitch Aiton, Sr Professional Engineer n;;P-- e--� 1 10/10/24 7,a"oAx�•n_ Y"•oa C E. FO J 60+00 61+00 ——��——�-- -=ivy- ✓ KELLER HICKS ROAD FO _ PROP TYPE T552 Curb and Mow Strip Needed LlPAVA I L69= 70BIA6♦63 U]235U' N 7026643.1 E 235030412 RETAINING WALL "A" f SEE DETAILS THIS SHEET I Curb Needed PIRET WALL "A" TA-1+7 20= PAV BIA — END RETAINING WALL"A' END TXDOT TRAFFIC RAIL T552 N 7026539 85 E 2MO30467 1 I I I I III UPRR NOTE j CALL BEFORE YOU DIG G 1' Wide Wall I 1-800-336-9193 —•�� — 3NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: CONTACT TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. T RI -COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO BE _ ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 5•a" 12" 817-444-3201 SIDEWALK I _..._ - W4"CHAMFER 1-314 CHAMFER 1 +( 2%MAX - >, �° m o - ------ BARB "S" Oc j 4" THICKREINFORCEO � o' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 314" PREFORMED EXPANSION MATERIAL FO— e PROJECT coNrtzoL POINrs CLASS "C"CONCRETE � claxl clams u x ____—__—_ —--- BARS 'A-Y'@"S"OC� • 23 E 2352UH]49 51 E 2348T588 19 NO I LONG BARS @12. OC A' EL=]rasa EL=]o08a 2" PVC PIPE 8" WRAPPED LONGITUDINAL ° 0 1U O C. cPp4 ceps PREFORATED PIPE NIR Nla 18"X18" DRAINAGE GRAVEL EN BW84642 8 E234B 1'V A o WRAPPED IN DRAINAGE FABRIC _ BARS "G2•@ "S" O C — FINISHED GRADE GARS "D-2' — 0 10 Np2 o •� i 0 -3` 20 40 60 3 CLASS"C" CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION JOINT TO GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET�rc _ BE CLEANED & ROUGHENED 1"- 20' ((22"z34" TO A FULL AMPLITUDE OF 1 • = 40' (11"Xi T� m� APPROX.1MNCH n -mow j orv-Era a NSOaaT " a �sJ� � ,+1W$'6,1'. �StY'sPA SR I Ak02 R^ssl1.ez.c"Y.El/ ¢xae .N045ao 2 soa 8"�i 4• , 5o 5 2 4.' 11'I671 T . Pn_uaLlz s. rrznozoziuA'� J7 18" 8�&y89s I o I s'-r 1aa' tl l 1'e" I 1Y xa as ps x 1• sI 1 RETAINING WALL SECTION NOT TO SCALE la o I 1 Is e I IO Iz o I j 24" x 314" DIA 314" REDWOOD I 1 SMOOTHE DOWELS EXP BOARD OR I o—E API av 1 @ 18" O C PREMOLD I —Islous Cj �TPWIR R PROW 0 K3 1 CPN NO 10t1148 � WATEoX j'I, „ SEWER BASEMAP, BASE — 203-088 22M 823JNO U I> 12" 12" 1" DOWEL SLEEVES 5" LONG CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS rc ! "WT•' = WALL THICKNESS I TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. J, NOTES SLEEVES FOR DOWELS SHALL HAVE AN INSIDE DIA OF Y 1116" GREATER THAN THE DIA OF THE DOWELS & SHALL ARTERIAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO USE. F 112•' REDWOOD OR PREMOLDED EXPANSION JOINTS W1 DOWELS AS SHOWN, SHALL BE SPACED 25' ON KELLER HICKS ROAD W CENTER, MATCHING SIDEWALK EXPANSI N JOINTS, j FOR FULL DEPTH OF ALL WALLS. (FROM LAUREN WAY TO US 377) I I RETAINING WALL EXPANSION JOINT RETAINING WALL "A" PLAN a j NOT TO SCALE ■ � j� ■ TIIPEReg9F351 p 2827 WEST 7TH ST, SUITE 400 Q FORT WORT H, TEXAS 76107 K �yT�• (817)8775571 p;P KF3078 800 K 12015\1521400 CFI_K"II",H«._CFI.00_CroICIILISHEETS\KHI 326 RET WIL A PLM 0119, Q 720 FINISH GRADE AT WALL FACE ON STREET SIDE 710 N 08 84 TW=707.45-� NO AT WALL FACE TF=70481� 700 0+00 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1_B00-336-9193 2 E IIAL SP d F UAL SPACES 25 'PANELS 88'PANELS 720 NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: a a$ CONTACTTRI-COUNTYELECTRIC 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TRI-COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO BE ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 817-444-3201 m� W 1045 W 70_ 950 -710 IccoNO TI WC.1 CL 073: CRCIR T\J 1=]0624 xLL PGL �.� Ei3��9i1 Eii0o691� _� �\ �KATY ROAD - _ _ E3rc \` CRC CRC 80 ---FINI6H GRADE - NZ026]4'95 N].6]34.93 TF=70481 EL=69946 EL=]0303] V17N 69 TF=703 70 _ - TF=70�22 700 BI25I2022 [¢y...PAULJ. PADILLP S �14 CENS. 6 1+00 2+00 3+00 Is o RETAINING WALL "A" o PE�I9ION6 PATE DPP a. g PR 111N 0 K3 1 48 U NOT TT RAF WA P FOR CIARINT 2 N. K CPN NO 1001 Y SEWERB...AP, 203-080 j2A,jgjjJNO U CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS rc TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Y ARTERIAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS N z KELLER HICKS ROAD w (FROM LAUREN WAY TO US 377) rc RETAINING WALL "A" PROFILE ILJj�•/ m 2FORTW WEST TTH BT,SUITE 76107 Q FORT WORTH,TEXAS 78707 ry.�"Tpm.am.� (817)8775571 y W P P;P K F3078 810 +00 —uva EXIST 0 ROW uFc PAV BTA 12t3416 R�SG� I - / BEGIN TXDOT TRARIC RAIL TYPE 552 N 7026697.06 E 2350578.32 I� Curb Needed SIAl112R+TTRAFICFU !� BEGINTXDOT TRAFFIC RAILTYPE 2 RETWALL-10.001.86— I';Ll N 7021735 0555 ENV 5TA T TRAFFIC 1 C RAIL E 2350575 2328 END 6735 0 TRAFFIC RAIL TYPE 552 i 11 N T028T35 0292 E 2350854 0292 RETAINING WALL F \ __ VF 13+00 KELLER HICKS ROAD 1 +00 -�-----F---PI RFT W- '$$T---- 0 --_- - N ]02669] 10 9.15 1N.5U KY E UP + - - — / E 2350658.3Z� / 92- -- 18 DEXISTROW — 1�E— --�� "Wiip"li r- �..�..� IPp RETAINING ALL'C' .— /.././/. ..r.//..,, ° RETW°r_1'1i127 A9lN7= Curb and Mow Strip Needed t 1FFIC RAIL TYPE T552 L NOTE FOR RETAINING WALL DETAILS SEE SHEET 80 NOTES WORTWRNINUPRRROW f. R4&R0AOPERY1TREOUIREOFORANY HVRA' MN1N UAW N1O11T-OF-WAY 2 RNLROAOFLAOGERREW1NS9FORANY WORK I M1'LTH1N UFRR R1GNT#-WAY. 172NOURSPRI0RTOANYWORKWIT%1N UPRR R10NT OF -WAY CONTACT STE l EN TNOMAS AT B 17-353-7625 UPRR NOTE CALL BEFORE YOU DIG 1-800-336-9193 NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: CONTACT TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. TRI-COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO BE ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 817-444-3201 Wj 0 20 40 60 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1:= 20' 22^%34' = 40' 11"mr BI25I2022 i 7 [¢y...PAOLJ. PAOILLA S Rm9.O !Ty 11x CENS �m la o I� o 0 PE�ISIONs PATE DPP a. g IRPN111OXK51 CPI NO 105148U o MAPSCO A Y SEWERB... AP No ]0]2-088 >fu x>a.10 U CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS rc TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Y ARTERIAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS N z KELLER HICKS ROAD w (FROM LAUREN WAY TO US 377) RETAINING WALLS "B" & "C" PLAN a I��` a ILJj : 2827 WEST 7THBT 351SUITE 400 Q FORT WORTHEXA6 , T76107 K ry.�"Tpm • (817)8775571 y W p; KF3078 820 NOTES r UPRR NOTE: W6ff9Ty/NOPRRR0W CALL BEFORE YOU DIG f. R41ZROAOFERM/TREOD/REDFORNVY 1-800-336-9193 4YORKN97N/Nl/PRRR/GHTOF-INAY 2 RNLROADFIAGGERREOU/REDFORA41Y WORKW/TN/NOPRRR/GNTOFWAY J 72NOURSPR/0?TOANYWORKIN/THIN UPRR R/GNT-0E-WAY CONTACT D0(/GW005 SAT26A754763 730 730 730 730 NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: CONTACT TRI-COUNTY ELECTRIC 3 EQUAL SP 24• e4 ta' A az 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 262666' PANELS _ _ PANEC 2-32' NELS PAN PAN PANEL _ TRI-COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO BE ON SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 817-444-3201 mJp m8x b$'� vrccPal 3Ecic Po1�NTs -��'� m - N7326�519d N1)026688203 1. omJ FoNISH GRADE AT WALL ±fix E�x a"r"r rv�r EILTI ,. ei=ioo.9i 720 TW=71990 E�x E 720 720 /�718.92 .,u 720 G TW=]19.85^ /1W-71" FINISH GRADE AT WALL CPp4 cPM5 LL TW=]1760 \`' TyJ=7175g FACE ON STREET SIDE io TYV=]1920 \- LEFT TC - - �� TW=]i]21 RIGHT TC _ Eag�132 E702673493 �z ///KELLER HICKS KELLER HICKS �� / PGL EL=699465 EL=70303 _arc PGL �-�� 1 KELLER HICKS _ - " KELLER HICKS _ \-___-� r. �� _--- - NG AT WALL FACE - - \ Iurc TF=]1480 I �TF=71480 - - ------------ lVJ=71670 _ m.z `NG AT WALL FACE _ 710 12 710 710 710 �� \ - TF=]1251 \ B-2022 F=710rw `TF=]11.08 S�a TF=]11 83 - St or7�Ihyy PPADILIA S 148369 E� !�w .I, CENS. 6 700 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 700 700 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 700 1+00 2+00 3+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 I6 0 la o Is e RETAINING WALL "B" NoT.H"F1oa 1u 1RwETsz RETAINING WALL "C" i+ o "TE PPa I �1 '_ REg �TPWIR RPIEINOKK31 CPN NO 100146U I. N Y SEWERBASE MAP No 2072-080 j2MgjjJNO U CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS rc TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. Y ARTERIAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS N z KELLER HICKS ROAD w (FROM LAUREN WAY TO US 377) rc RETAINING WALLS "B" & "C" PROFILES a a 2TTTH,ST,SUITE m FORTWORT HTEXAS 76107Q �y Tpm�H (817)8775571 y W p; KF3078 83" Wingwall Length End of Br,dge 1 (Varies) Concre [eng[h Cgnrr Length 1pr paYmenl5-0" Mfn 4 Thr,e- Same as Slab I Same as blab Terminal Fare of It Opening Jt Otlening Canrecror(1--- Abut Bkwl medeoe afAb� Ba..,er ingwall Opening II Mln lt'nt (See BefaWJ Mao Form tp here. O gr [onlrplled lolnf INTERMEDIATE WALL JOINT DETAIL o� ccninged'>Pmt Provide at all Interior bents without slab expansion JN-. AT ABUTMENTS AT BENTS WITH SLAB EXP JOINT$ AT BENTS WITHOUT SLAB EXP JOINTS ROADWAY ELEVATION OF RAIL E. ax spa z' [ I 6" wax spa Sr 3 w B(") SJ3oIaUOainmnfIet#d OAa'wlps�,ean.nSt mla9b Y-0" (#01paant e6l. �M6a'-Ix B'I wN,In#aI) —I III 2-0"S(#a1) -a-n-d-I- lsual f _I-eyypQfM "5W MleMMneaiItan IxeB x r -mI ed1 lal WU(fa1 aih-LTOP Abut Us3-BeS-0" Mnl W,w Fed ed rel lml [e I 1"rcover aettamalntaln S-0" Ma. Slot Slof - Flin Slot S-0" Ma: - Pe ELEVATION SHOWING TYPICAL REINFORCING PLACEMENT 4 onc Crete Ran Footprint Outside Edge Mufsltle Edg� of Slab or of 61eb� A" "WE" Q Slah V~ C J must be ,I tF �pansion Joint. of rf Slab f Rail Expansion ExPansmn a t e /ntersertlon Expansion I—, Joint �� Q Ra,l Fao[pnnt antl perpeM,cular [p slab oufs,tle edge. 1 x I + a� r ss-hatched area must fiave 3j"aPrelormed Blrumuminaus F;Der Material antler concrete fail, a5 SNdwn i-TraFf,t Side of Rafl PLAN OF RAIL AT EXPANSION JOINTS o Example showing Slab Expan— lo,nfs without breakhacks ¢ 5 - I" Ola holes and I Vr" Ola x I deep recesses Form or rote holes and reresses. Percussion drilling is not permitted. Adjust placement of reinforcing steel as necessary mdlksbatrehaes [ tpba k of Braoil Tighten the s Termeinaul Eed ds,betl paell 11tp peent mgar d,stR,pn / the Thrll-wEhileanlm opnCeBdpeoslt[sr,N theMBainn a awMell Tr anin,pn Cut hol[s off after msfalla[ion so as fa exfentl no more than a" beyond nut Pamf ends of rut -off bolts w,fh Zmc-rich pan_ CIsR T 7 3 '3Sa" Q Thrie-beam \ _ Termrnal c nn n ® a F - z T Y I Top of Abut III O 6 TII Approach `Vert cal Taper 1 Slab or CRLP i4"�RPitt tl 3-p Ind of Sack of led tire rubber Roll Olfset 3-1 Termmaf Cpnneclars and asspuated hardware ro De paid for—.1 the Item —.1Beam Guard Fence°. Attach Metai Beam Guard Fence Tran t, p [he Dr,dge 1.11 and e long thesembankmenr less atherwlse shown In the plans. OIncrease 2' for structures with overlay. O Place 4 adddional Bars R(#W) — rn length inside Bars V,M) and reentered 1-1 from eequ 1 -1 wen erm nal ronnectlons are Oexk of rail offset may, with EngineeYs approval, be continued to the end of the rarling. SECTION ELEVATION TERMINAL CONNECTION DETAILS 5/2022 St...oFf�r rrc 3m J. PADILIA S [¢y...PAML r1A CENS. 6 SHEET 1 OF 7 DepTBIlWIIf tNTWmpbyblbon 5ledat0 l a p Ir d TRAFFIC RAIL i' MTE PPB. PFY�mnNa g �PR PROJmN Ox K30Tu8 CPN NO 1001ABU o � A Y TYPE T552 SEWER B... AP Ng 20T2-088 22M g23JN0 U I,.�- p,o-laam por I�.. r.pmiw ,r=. Txom CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS rc LO"00i y5epfeni°A' N19 "`� a '�""a n I TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. "I,ma ARTERIAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Y N F Z KELLER HICKS ROAD w (FROM LAUREN WAY TO US 377) > O K TxDOT TYPE T552 a 3 T'PE Reg SUITE IIJj�•/ m 2627WEO TH ST,SUI76107 Q I__I'�■ FORT (817)8 TEXAS 76767 ry.�.Tpm • (67716775577 y W p; KF3078 1e13 T-s z V^ 9YN 4W x• Chamir Fa[e°qf Rail � a' § 4) lI I 5t#4) 5 a Q - (TYP)O- Ry — m 4p 4e' QQ d b APProach wut#4) s°'ab CRCp ' al d}" R ndeo Relnfor<!ng Steel re[ytled [Ire mbaer ON ABUTMENT WINGWALLS OR CIP RETAINING WALLS 17" Wide Rail r-s 2I 9 IfI 4W p amAdj.bottom I" R r Nom a a (#4a as Chamfer Fate°qf Rail r aq�rred t lain r lj ;iota. °Y Rt#4) III 5(#4) - R(#4) } 5(#41 (iYPI 10" R a Ryp) 4 ,^ regolred al slots ON BRIDGE SLAB ON BRIDGE SLAB AT SIDE SLOT DRAIN SECTIONS THRU RAIL QIncrease 3" for structures wllh overlay. Q5 s" when vertical relnf 1i,, has closer clear c�ngwalls or°.etairn.g warts roa°9 hair sideoof all ©As an aid In si,...1ng reinforcement, atltlitfonaI longrtudi.al bars may he used m the slat with me approval of roe Englbeer. 1.1 bars will be fernished at the Conera[tor's expense OTpp longitudinal slab bar may be adlusted laterally " plus,' minus Ip tie r00l"ing. QRend or tut as required tp ..ear drat. slots. Q No". wires may ae In top renter al cage 9 C pm of Y 3 "Dia Q T Dia staflei bar x' Pmntlin9 0 3 a" 1,. Rending n Bending Installed WWR x' Pln g may a on top v7 O2 may rest on Copp oI sladsor wall ry 4 �" Pl^ a/ slay or wall1 ry 4 r" 1� . 4d" Min - i BARS 5 (#4) BARS U (#4) BARS WU (#4) OPTIONAL WELDED WIRE REINFORCEMENT (WWR) DESCRIPTION LONGITUDINAL WIRES VERTICAL WIRES mll Wium (Cmul re Areua[we I th, 5R In a— Sq In. per Ft Totaa NP. of Wires Spacing Maximum ]0 8" Maximum Wire The smaller wire must have an area Slbe Dllferenalal of 4- or more of the larger wire CAST -IN -PLACE PRECAST WATER BARRIER WATER BARRIER OPTIONAL WATER BARRIERS CONSTRUCTION NOTES wnen approved by the Engineer, with equipment approved by the Engineer Provitle sensor Control far both Ilne and grade Tack welding to provide I—— far shpform operations is o«.11aple, welding may be performed at a minimum spatiog f 3 It between Me tag. and the a.tborege If Is permisslaie rrcreased bra il, is needled, p wlnt add51a10^al a^rhorage weiaea areas ol� en ot`� taco analorl galvan zed [re nfor. ng with an organic n Ih paint m arm dance with Item 445 ' Nhhlzing'. If rail is slfpformed, apply an heavy epoxy bead I" L unfit ce of traffic I- 1 rail so concrete tleck lust prior to slip forming Pro.... a 35' wfdm x e" tall heavy epoxy bead with Type III, Class C pr a Type V ep"Y. The back of 1111,19 must be, vertical unless otherwise shown ° n the Planor app roved proved ay the Engineer. Water barriers most be provided at openings draining onto railroad tracks, ulder<rossi.g roadways and sidewalks. They MATERIAL NOTES: Provitle Class "C" Cgncrele. Provide Class "C MPCI f/ .egmred elsewhere. Erovtde Grade 60 reinforcing steel. poxy roar or galvanize all relnrorring steel It slab bars Deformed Welded Wire Reinforcement 6-1) (ASTR A1a64) of equal sIxe one spacing —yy be eubatituted for ears U aM wu e(ASTM A1114) m y besabsUtvted fpBars aeand 5, as shown Combinations If relnfgrcing steel and WWR or [anflguratlons 0 WWR gtner I— shown are Permllted If roneltlons In me table are ,axt,ld PrIv,de the same laps as rlquiretl for reinforcing bars. Provitle all tops. where requ xd. as follows. Uncoated or galvanized Epoxy coatetl - #4 = 2-I GENERAL NOTES: This call has been evaluated all accepted to be of equal strength to r U,,gs with like geometry, which have been r.lb testae to meet MASH 1L-3 rrltefla, This rail can be used for speeds of 50 mph aM greater wnen a TL-3 rated lvard fence Transition is used, wnen a TL-2 ratee guard exe transmon is used, this ran ran only be... it for speeds If 45 mph and'; d e Do gas with expansion -Ill not use ms raging 4n nd providing more man S movement. Rail axflorage de[alls shown on this standard maV require details elsewhere in plans for these-dih,ahons. shop drawings will not be required for nits raft Average weight of railing wnareof bar with no overlay is III oil Cover dimensions are clear diossout /to -out e otrteinflar clog ear dimensions sn xLL ESE 0� eizbrzazz Sy orT�k �n J. PADILIA S [¢y...PAUL k11 CENS. 6 SHEET 2 Of 2 DepkH114iltfa lFWnaapbfGtlan nn b l4 p Ik o TRAFFIC RAIL i' DTe �PeY REq�R�gNa g MPROJEUOX K30TUR CPN NO 100146 NU o Y TYPE T552 SEWER DASE MAP No 03-080 2Mg jJNO U I,.�- plo-laaW our i^.. r.00riw m ii. Txom CIOF FORTWORTH, TEXAS rc anxlw ysrotm,Nr mla "`�( R i�a.� n I TRANSPTY ORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. "I,ma ARTERIAL ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Y z KELLER HICKS ROAD w (FROM LAUREN WAY TO US 377) rc TxDOT TYPE T552 a 3 ST 7TH T, 351 WESTSUITEQ IIJj�•/ m 2FORTW TTIH BT,SUI FORT WORTH,TEXAB 76787 I__I'�■ 76107 ryw�.Tpm • (817)8775571 y W pJe KF3078 1E14 FORTWORTH. Routing and Transmittal Slip Transportation & Public Works Department DOCUMENT TITLE: Keller Hicks CA #6 M&C: N/A CPN: 100146 CSO: 60585 DOC#: N/A Date: 10/11/2024 To: Name Department Initials Date Out 1. Jessica Rodriguez TPW - Review Oct 17, 2024 2. Mitch Aiton TPW - Signature 711W Oct 17, 2024 3. Andrew Marquez McMahon - Signature aAR Oct 17, 2024 4. Curtis Hollingsworth TPW - Signature Oct 17, 2024 5. Raul Lopez TPW - Signature Oct 17, 2024 6. Lissette Acevedo TPW — Signature C�v Oct 18, 2024 7. Patricia Wadsack TPW — Signature PL'W' Oct 18, 2024 8. Lauren Prieur TPW — Signature � Oct 22, 2024 9. Doug Black Legal — Signature DB'D$ Oct 22, 2024 10. Jesica McEachern CMO — Signature Oct 24, 2024 11. Jannette Goodall CSO - Signature sG Oct 24, 2024 12. TPW Contracts CC: Program Manager, Sr. CPO, TPW BSPAP Recon Team, TPW Records Room, TPW Contracts DOCUMENTS FOR CITY MANAGER'S SIGNATURE: All documents received from any and all City Departments requesting City Manager's signature for approval MUST BE ROUTED TO THE APPROPRIATE ACM for approval first. Once the ACM has signed the routing slip, David will review and take the next steps. NEEDS TO BE NOTARIZED: ❑YES ®No RUSH: ❑YES ❑No SAME DAY: ❑YES ❑No NEXT DAY: ❑YES ®No ROUTING TO CSO: ®YES ❑No Action Required: ❑ Attach Signature, Initial and Notary Tabs ❑ As Requested ® For Your Information ® Signature/Routing and or Recording ® Comment ❑ File Return To: Please notify TPWContractsnu,fortworthtexas.gov for pickup when complete. Call ext. 7233 or ext. 8363 with questions. Thank you!