HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27195-10-2024Ordinance No. 27195-10-2024 AN ORDINANCE INCREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE PUBLIC EVENTS CAPITAL FUND, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $31,735.00, FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS, THE RESIDUALS FROM PREVIOUS STATIC PROJECTS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FUNDING THE ARPA WRMC STALL PANEL REPLACE PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 104397); PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That in addition to those amounts allocated to the various City departments for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 in the Budget of the City Manager, there shall also be increased estimated receipts and appropriations in the Public Events Capital Fund, in the total amount of $31,735.00, from available funds, the residuals from previous static projects, for the purpose of funding the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397). SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance, which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance 27107-09-2024 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant City Attorney ADOPTED AND EFFECTIVE: October 15, 2024 Jannette S. Goodall City Secretary Funds Availability 9/23/24 ii. Export Detail Data ExpandAfl Collapse All 101437 ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair [t130205 Public Events Capital p 31001 Grants Cap Prefects Federal Total Revenue' B Grant Catolal d Operating 631001 Grants Cap Projects Federal EM0639 WVRC_DESIGN LA0240450 CultlTour Culture.+Rec E35110105 Design Labor 135210101 Group Health Insurance E EI52iOdOi Group Life Insurance EI5220101 FICA -Medicare EI5230101 Retirement 05290101 H SA Contribution 135330201 Other Contractual Services El 5136500 Consultant ¢ Othr Prot Service E1000580 WMRC_CONSTR O 20 40450 Curt?our CuNwe.Voc U5110101 Regular Employee Salaries 85110107 Inspection Labor 852S0101 Group Health Insurance E B5210401 Group Life Insurance 85220101 FICAMIedicare E35230101 Retirement EI5290101 H SA Contribution EI5740010 Cap Out • tmp Other Than Bldg% El New Capital Project Funds B 30205 Public Events Capital M0240450 Cvlt'Tcur Culture'Rec Total Expenditure FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 2 GL0019-07 - Project Budget Summary Run Time: 09f2312024 02:35 PM S145.91185 $145,0t1.85 30.00 100,00 $758.548.00 $708,771.86 1.540.775.14� N? 44 3904.459.85 $854.683.71 IS49.776.141 �14 50 3758,548_00 $0.00 59,539.03 3709,910.13 339,098.84 94.W 58,548.00 SO.r S9.539-03 VW910.13 939,098.84 44M 351.802. 99 50.00 soDO540.914.60 310.888.39 78 98 S51.802.99 S0.00 $0-00 W 914-80 S10.888.39 7808 551 713. W 50.00 $0 00 $3713,50 MOD 1COM S273.21 50.00 S3.00 2$73 21 S0-00 100.D0 33_85 50.0 S3 00 $3 $5 S0-00 100.DO $47. 02 3D.00 $0.00 $47.02 30,00 100.DO S881-15 S0.00 $3.00 $961-15 50.00 100.DO $2341 30.00 3000 523.41 soOD100.00 SOW 90,00 30 DO S0.00 S0-00 000 S4$.780.85 50,00 30 DO S15&72.46 St0.688.39 7a 71 $708,745.01 S0.00 59.539,63 5068.995.53 S28,210.45 98D1 5700,74501 50,00 58.539.D3 $t;P,-A. .53 S28210.45 06.01 54.089.85 50.00 S0.00 $4,089 65 S0.00 100.00 7931.1 50,00 $0.00 7$,079-17 i$47.991 1G7.51 t 05 10.BQ $0.00 $0 DO 5101485 M 551 1 W.36 $11 �12 50.00 soDO$11.30 (y:l Doi 1D0.35 1$4a 65 50,00 $0.00 1$47 25 (" w 1 DO, At S3.102.72 50,00 SO.D0 53LI15.37 ($1255Y 1D0.41 56 T5 50,00 30.00 $0,75 3040 1C^ C.) 5690.445.54 $000 S9.5UQ3 5852.631.23 528,278.38 $145,911.85 5000 .70,00 S108,552.04 539,350AI 73 CE S145911.85 SOW $0.00 1100,55204 $29.359.81 7302 $145,911 85 50.00 $0-00 5106.552.04 524 259 at 731: $904.459-85 30.00 39,539.93 3818,482.17 578,45a.85 91.33 GL0019-07 - Project Budget Summary RunTfine: 09'23'2024 02:44 PM Export Detail Data Expand All Collapse All 102447 ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation 13330205 Puhlic Events Capital $11.982.6fi $11,082.65 SOAO 100,00 FI]MOD1 Grants Cap Projects Federal M.74,750.00 $372AI4.87 (3142.34t.13I 7235 -sIai RwetlLe. S526,738.65 S394,397-52 Ista2,3a1.13) 72.98 B Gra nt Capital d Operating $514,75a.03 SG.DO $0.00 $481,OG9.48 S23.856.54 W46 E3 31001 Grants Cap Projects Federal $514,756.00 SO.00 WOO S481.099.46 S33.5W.54 03-48 000GS30 WMRC_DESIGN $2_1.270.55 SO.00 33 D0 4$.32e.6r7 516.943.89 2034. p 02,4,M CulVTourCulture.'Rec 521.270-55 MOO so. DO S4.329,67 S16„843.88 20.34 85110105 Design Labor $2,650.18 SO.00 S0.DO S2,666,18 SOOD 100,DO 85210101 Group Health insurance E 2S 01.80 50.00 SD_00 2$01_M SO-OO 10000 E15210401 Group Lire Insurance .79 50.00 50.00 $2-79 50.00 10D.00 E3 225 0101 FICA.Wediwre 3$3.68 $0-00 $0 00 3$3,89 S0,00 100.00 E35230101 Retirement �P88=3 50.00 SO DO $608,23 SO.00 100.00 95290101 H5AContribution $3_34 $0.00 S0.00 $3,34 50-00 100-00 E15330201 Other Contractwl Services L105 64 50.00 $0.00 1$05.54 50.00 1D0.00 [7 5330500 Consultant A Othr Prof Service $17,558 88 90.00 $0,00 3825.03 SM943-68 3.50 E1800680 WMRC_CONSTR ,403,485.45 30.00 SO. DO $4-M.772.79 516,712,85 Ge.131 El0240450 Cultrrour Culture Ree $493.485.45 30.00 $0 00 3470.772 7$ S10712 68 POW e51t0161 Regular Employee Salaries -2954.67 SO-00 $0.00 2S .964.67 SO.00 100.06 e5110107 Inspection Labor $7,055.71 S0.00 $0.00 73 .655-71 SO-00 100-00 95MI O1 Group Health tnsurance E 5871.69 SO-00 $0.00 $871.99 $0.00 100.00 e5210401 Group Life Insurance so117 50OD $0.00 $987 SO-00 10000 E15220101 FICA1Medicarc 3110,16 WOO $0.00 1$30.18 S0.00 100,DO e 5230101 Retirement 52.750.15 MOO $0-00 $2,7150. t 5 SO.00 100-00 E35330102 CorAnct-Lab Analysis SO DO S0.00 $0.30 $0.00 SO.G0 0 DO B5740010 Cap Out - Imp Other Than 131tlgs 5479,097,00 $0.00 $O 00 $402,364.34 S10.712 08 96.52 IRNew capital ProleetFunds S11,W2..55 $0.00 S000 571.1 365 50.00 .7iq.(If► Told Explinihvr: S526,736 65 90-00 s0 DO $493,082.11 S33.656_54 93-61 FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 2 C.. FORT WORTH,& GL0019-07 -Project Budget Summary RunTirne: 09123rZ024 02:47 PM Export Detail Data Expand All Collapse All 104369 ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs p30205 Public Events Capital Q 0, 00 D0 1299.00 99 SO.00 100.D0 4920103 Transfer From CAT Hotel S300.000 00 S300.000.00 S0.00 100,00 E131001 Grants Cap Projects Federal S1 600 OU0,00 $1,599,13054 {S869.46) 99.95 4921001 Transfer From Grant& Op Fund S1 600 OOa 0a 51 599,130-54 (5869.46) 99 95 Total Revenue: 51.90D,000.00 $1.890,130.64 {S869,46) 99,95 CurrenI Budget E7GrantCepiW&Operattng 31,600.000,00 3000 5000 $1,599.13054 $969,46 �9S 0311101 Grants Cap Projects Federal 51.600 GOD 00 SO.00 50.00 51599,130.54 5869,46 99.95 000063a CONVENTION CENTER -DESIGN �l 000.00 50.00 56.00 513a 54 5569.46 1305 B0240450 CultlTour CutturetRec S1.000.00 50 00 SO 00 S130 54 $869.46 1305 E35110101 Regular Employee Salaries S963,15 50.00 SO DO 9$3 69 3869.46 973 B5210101 Group Health Insurance E 510,63 SO 00 $0.00 .510.63 50.00 10000 E15210401 Group Life Insurance K-1-0 50.00 SO 00 50.10 SD.DD 10000 p5220101 FICA.741edicare Si.t6 S0.00 MOD S116 SO.00 10000 E15230101 Retirement S24.96 5000 SO.OD S24 96 $0.00 10000 9CAPEXP Non Capitalized Expense Si_599 000,00 50,00 SO.00 S1,599.000.00 50.00 100 00 00240450 Cult;'Tour CutturetRec �1 U9 000.00 S0.00 SO.00 U.Sss,aao.aa $0.00 100 oa Z35610109 Minor Equipment il. i owoo S000 50.00 S1,599.000.00 SO.00 10000 0New Capital Project Funds $300.000 00 S52 800.00 $2,836.48 $2238,777.54 S5,SSS.SB 9a.14 S30205 Public Everits Capital 5300.000.00 S52.800.00 52,836.48 523g,777.54 S5,5135.98 98.14 001404 Cult,TOur CulturelRec S300 DOD 00 552 300 CC 52.836.46 SM -LI 54 S5.585.98 98 14 Total Expenditure : 51.900.000.00 $52.800.00 $2.836.48 S1,837,908,08 S6,465.44 99.66 Project 1a43&a FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 1 .xpg T, Detail [.late Expand An Coltarw All 102511 WRMC Security Camera ®2.1.DOI Grants Can Prolpcta Fedcr4r r3L001 "T - Proi*ct Budget summary RunTinw. W23t2024 02:52 pM v0 00 r nrol �n�a none a34e.14o.nq 5-34!1 140 OO 1500 DODO 1400 S000 0.00 .000 tn.gn 1ne,00 mix~* ceplW a Op.arenna Wee Saba Mae t0.96 sa.06 0.04 tJWCW GapMN PraWl FwWa S340.140 DD as a0 - Sa.00 59 123 42 5343,01D 54 gap RuNie F—t. epp1ltlr ,1aald1 _l,afk„QQ Sit oa $0-00 , 1= 12 5343 010.Sa 090 1 107404M 1.111r-r0tlr C..W .IPar_ Sew 10.00 'yj 14? $141 010 VS 000 Itl i'J4rr 1ii1..L5: 96 [YO JO. UD �Ig60g1S0 PAti5 CulturoR4aGfeaaOn 'S000 SO.Otl $000 to Oa SO Oa tlM r nlnl Fapn rM 1p�rn : L34F.140.00 SO.Dtl 50.00 53,17A.42 63431010.aa 0.00 r.-r.r tai6lf F SCM 92 Produrtlon Page 1 col 1 GLO019-07 -Project Budget Summery RunTime: 09123/2024 02:57 PM f_�s part data 11 Data Expand All Collapso All 105075 WRMC Future Muster Plan Ei 30205 Public Events Capital 51%10" $350,Q" $0.00 10000 44207U5 iransterFromt)FWRevenue Sitar UN NoU yam) ow 5000 10004 Tatar Revenue: S350.000.00 S350.000.DO $0.00 10040 MOW Eapaal Prg4V i Dllil6 Encumbrance i350,000.00 $0.00 Sti.t40 54.00 $350,Oi10,U0 D',Oti 0,39M PUM Events Capnai 5359,w0.90 $D.00 50-Vp 5-Mo 5350,O00.00 0_00 E1024043aCult,'Tou1Cuaure;Rec 5350,g0000 1003 5000 --a00 3350.000.OD 00f, 7010 Ert>enditura: S350,000.00 $0.00 S0,00 30.00 5150,000.00 0.00 Prolact f05076 FSCM 92 Production Pape 1 of 4 UIN IPWOO­ Export COUP Dots UpOrd AD Collapse AR 102515 AR PR FWCC Star Tower Facade e 30205 PuDW Events cap to 4520105 Transtsr Fror tar Flats. E3 31001 Gwb Cap Pr*cts Fadsral J021001 Corlult From Op Grar" 4521001 Trsrrsrsr From Grvh Op Funtl GLOO19-07 -Project Budget Summary Ru nme: QSf23f2024 02_S3 PM stiD.CO= S%5.040 00 Sa, 55650DMOO OM Revenue, SCI6,OKOO $60.Oce.00 $DAM 1fl0A0 MriOrk.CC S0.03 100DO $MAM.63 55N4335.371 472 56 4c W 03 0.00 �rs4� 064 b3 lvIr �:;� �': s ; 555.M.83 i5598.335.571 13A7 &*W hr {LTM I Waf- I % I boa a , , ll-soot Epak E Grant C*U S OPKItN - SSM080.00 31k-QO S2WWAS 3215.4M 55 f84.131W 87.7E DMOC1 Grants Cap Pr"cts Fetal SSf.`.,CfYJ uQ 511.M u2_ F&398 s5 5219.474.5.5 W1.13, 00 a7.7a CkIO SUCOMENTtOHCENTE3i_CESIGN 524.6m.07 Sft.i70 S1.201.0C S23,3%.07 3(100 MOO OO2404M CuWTaur Cuturs-Rec S24.805.07 TM 51,204 0 S2%YA 07 S0.00 100.00 E35110101 Regular ETpVc)w SaWas 5125.Ml so CO WOO $125.7t? Slab MOO 051141106 Detlgn La31or 15 .215.90 SOM S0.00 1$.215.9p 50.00 100.00 05210101 Grcup lim to :nsurancs E 5707,10 SOM SOAO 1$ w.7U 5Q00 l4O.OD 05210401 Group LIT9 Weurance Si_4O M.00 50.00 Si_40 S1100 M.00 ❑5220101 FICAAWcare 517.08 $0.00 S040 517M SO00 19p.00 E35230101 Ratlrsmsnt 5353,F8 MxV SOLD S35186 SUDD MMO 175230101 HSA Cantrttutlon S39.43 S0.00 sn.ao = 41 :SA170 IWOO 0533M COnsultsrft & 0" Prot Service 522-745A SA.CO S%2D4_0fl 521,541.a? MOO 1®Q00 ❑3WWOCOMaL-3IMONCENTER-Cot, STR S540.3M.93 SOAR S275.194A5 StX074.411 W111.00 87.21 ©024C45O GultlTour Cuturs,Rec 5544399.93 5000 S275.194 A5 S19CO74 4 Sfb.131.00 87.21 ❑5110101 Regular ETpl:.Y" Salaries $2.537.87 S7.t0 W.00 52.590.s? S5.00 100A0 Q5110107Inspect4mLa= 5403.50 SO -Cc SON S40]_50 S0.00 100.00 05210101 Group h "th nsursn a E S296.90 W.CO 50.00 52%.96 50.00 M.00 0521C4C1 Grw: IL#'s Insuraice S329 S0.00 S0.00 S9.29 MOO MOO [15226101 F',C«si3fl' are S38.20 W-00 $0.00 sm20 Sb.6G 100.00 135230101 Rstlrw*rrt 5765.40 S0.00 SOM 5785.40 SOAO IWOO 11 0101 MSACcn7ttullon SMi_75 50.C4 W.00 s9�35 Saco moo dCap Out - E'T114z Omar 17W. 5dge 55M,Y.7.1, W.00 S279.194.45 5192.031 5' SIM 131.00 87 11 M NOW C"M Plupr.'t f un t sa( AO .00 'E0.00 58.00 13IM51 MBJM49 5.81 Total Exy WMure : 962E.W3.00 $0.00 SM3WA5 S22ZISU 09 S125.70AO 79.8E F SCM 92 Proclucttoll Page 1 of 3 FQR'j'wQRTH GL00I9.07 -Project Budget Summary 4 '`-'- RunTime: 094312024 02:59 AM Export Detail Da ka Expand All Collapse All 100233 ARPA WRMC AuditOdUm Roof Repf 830205 Public Events Capital S74.021.92 574,021.62 30:00 100.00 4320103 Transfer From CV Hotel S74LG21.02 $74 021.02 S000 100.00 4920105 Transfer From DFW Revenue Shar 50 DO SO.00 $0.00 000 Q 31001 Grants Cap Projects Federal ,925 $, 78.E �80„722.07 (S1,m,256.01) 3.15 4921UOI Transfer From Grants Op Fund $1.025,PIE _08 y60,722_C+' (57,E55.250.01) 3.15 TotalRownue: S2,00000r).0o S114,743.99 fS1,865,256.01i 6,74 pas EaraaatrtYrasoe ,M6laals �LTdj Eaa�get % M E+s�++rrM=saes YrrnaMilus Gadget Spent El Grant Capital &Operatinq - St.925.078-08 - S0.00 5223. el77 S4�;Ja84.12 S7,128.332.19 41-42 e31001 Grants Cap Projects Federal 51.025078,138 $0.00 S396,851.77 54C0,984 t2 $1.128.332.10 41.42 p000630WMRC_DESIGN S10472393 $0.00 $37,132.87 $88,D71.59 (S475.90) 107.45 E10240450 Cult(Tour Cultureliec S104 728.83 $0 00 537.132g7 Ex__.", 37 t 66 (5475 00) 100.45 E15ft0105 Design Labor 54.225.70 $0.00 $0.00 S,1.57G'.57 (5350.97) 10E.31 E 5210101 Group Health Insurance E 5312.76 $0.00 30.00 380 34 (526.65) 108-W E15210401 Group We Insurance $3.91 MOD $,7.00 54.23 (3032.1 108.18 135220011 F1CAuWdicare 35 -04 so CIO 30.00 SM_5- (34.63) 103.38 65230101 Retirement $1,125.73 soDD S0-00 S7.21923 (S03.50) 10,321 El529010! HSA Contnbution S9 SO $000 30 DO so 5b $D.00 100.0Q 05330500 Consultant 5 Othr Prot Service 5K KO 00 SOW $37,132.07 �,51.8t 7 13 50.00 100.00 M000680 WhrRC_CONSTR $1,821,249 25 S0.0D $150.528.90 5322.912 25 51,128.8w 09 38.02 0024.0450 CuWTour Cutture:Rec $1.821,249 25 so DD $350,522 00 8332.9i2.2d 51.128.SMOG 38.02 85110101 Regular Employee Salaries $584.81 $0.00 SO.60 584.91 $0.00 100.00 8511D1o71nspecti"Labor $115.470.27 30.00 30.00 $2,755DO 513.705.18 M79 85210101 Group Health insurance E 1$87 63 SO.0D $0.D0 2$0 59 ,S1CS-94) 158.07 F3 25 10d01 Group Lit Insurance 51 07 SO OD $0.00 S3 01 (31.04) 15274 95220101 F1CAAlledicare S25.79 $0 00 S0 00 MQ,03 (S14 24i 155.22 952301101 Retirement S548 78 $0 00 $0.00 5949.55 S300.", ) 154.31 195330201 Other Contractual Services 54.400 DO $0 OD $a 00 1$1 i 08 $4.292.92 266 p 574001D Cap Out - Imp Other Than 81d9s 31 JWAW 00 $D.DD $359.528.90 $328,270 10 $1,111�245.00 3823 Q New Capital Project Funds - $74,021,92 SET.00 - - $0.00 538.201.02 540,620.00 44.E m 30205 Public Events Capital $74,021.92 $0.D0 $0.00 553 �f, 540,820.00 44.06 Total Expenditure: $2,000,000.00 $0.00 S386,661-77 3d3A,166.04 51,169,152AII 41." FSCM 92 Production Ea p-rt Detst! Data Expand 41r Collapse kp 101740 ARPA Richardson Bass System U.0 e W205 P1baC EVSM Capft 392005 rr3nbr63 Frprr. DFIh Re4ealua SMV 0 310D1 Grant* Cap FiFC]M b{ Foe" 48210C 1 ContrM, FrCM Op Grout* 4321C01 TT3naW From Grant* Op FIB GLOCIS-07 -Project Budget Summary RunTlrns: M234024 03:02 PU .34 °G'DO loam- W,255 34 3gr .2�2_1 SC, 'A 1CO.�C S1.5ESikiO.El¢52`- 917 ar r fi 31 'otalievarrua St,S4623554 ii$SS7.8$ i31 5?8,517.dE1 i 15 Grant Case! & opecsling 113MCI (arantb Cap RgeZtb Fe46"I 0CF306SQ,%WRL CE&GN ❑024C45J Cu1L70ur CiiWa•Ra: 05110105 Deelgn Lsbcr 052I C101 GrCUp Heeltrr lzuranm E 052IMt Gr¢up Lira Ifleura•'1c8 O522001 FbC:..NWf .3r6 O523001 Portinw atrl O.53SC54J Gonbult3r11 & rM, ycr Son -ice 0554001 4M,9rtsing Q30Nw%VMRC GOriSTR DQ2*C450 CurLTour C.ulturs`Ra: O511piC1 Regina-Eropic;ve sasahea 135110107 inspKtIan Lanr C35130101 Flijular-C4rerilry L7521C1g1 GrCup Healm Ih3uren3e E 05210QI Group Lira Insum-ics 05220101 FI"Wteam 052SC101 fttiramrd 0528001 PISA,Ootneadon L757UC 10 Cac Out • 1Tp Oln6f'rhin 5fta T r4" C2p1t41 prcloct Fume rota1 Zraanctlura F.SC11 92 ProrluMon Page 1 or,, 515854]7.06 .CG Mao 37,751.a6 51,577,M15 C49 sJ.CO •.L'1i '�' "st,5�.1itE.15 C_49 S-06885.42 040 �3DO Sr3ctl_ =3.k. 57W,02 2140 S3.00 "sow SW.rZ -!' ?, 93.Ci' W.00 50.0c 93.2- 5310 SOM SO.00 S11:2 :S'� .V ..�X• 5o.00 S3.00 WOE 502:13 , SE2 a+ - :x, Alt2.00 SG.00 5134C St1CG S1931200 000 51,000.00 SOM MA SM46 tC.S3 S1;i78.689.oD 92.M SO or, 57,M5_7 51.M332.73 C50 51.376o98.00 SOM S013C 5l..345.i7 51.471.902.79 1_53 S4.rY33.CC SIX S13xlo 15_a39.7c ;11 : a,7 5 c. SMOG. CQ 50.E+0 500C 50.0C S20M.CO 1.10 W.Ct} 50.:0 SOLOC so DC se.CO G CO Sc1.9C• SO.M. Soo[ 542T E 3"-, to- S0.00 50.00 SO!3o 55.6C _> 33.00 SC.CO 50.30 SBZ SW '%3 i i 53:1:N0� s0.t:0 5 s ,42- nC0.6c S1 .72r8.9,rr.. s3_X C4J•3: Y_.',. 51.47263E CC, : CO 5fa255.34 90.00 542,1a7.% SV,W7.94 '11R• =0 tp(100 S1,949,255.54 w1c 562.247.5C $23,M.95 51,577,18315 A«1 FORT WORTH. Export Detail Data Expand Ail Collapse All P00053 FWCC Minor Renovation & Repair U30101 Culture & Tourism Cap Projects 4611010 Interest Eamings 4800100 Miscellaneous Revenue 4920101 Transfer From Culture Tourism 4920105 Transfer From DFW Revenue Shar ❑30205 Public Events Capital 4920101 Transfer From Culture Tourism 4920103 Transfer From C&T Hotel 4920105 Transfer From DFW Revenue Shar 4939201 Transfer From CultrTour Cap Pr Total Revenue: []New Capital Project funds EE30101 Culture d Tourism Cap Projects M30206 Public Events Capital 30240450 Cu lff rou r CuttureiRec 00240601 CutVTour Pub Event Technology El0246000 CuIGTour Ft Worth Conv Center TOM Eapen, tyre Pr -I -I P0005's F SCM 92 Production Page 1 of 1 GL0019-07 - Project Budget Summary RunTime: 091231202403:04 PM $0.00 SCOO SO,OO 0.00 S0 00 $0.00 S0 0D 0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 O.DO 50.DO $0 00 $0 00 O.DO $0,00 S0.00 $0 DO O.DO $256,407.16 S313.954-36 S57,547,20 122.44 $0 00 5Z 4,3 1.75 $7.341 75 O DO 56.4 7.16 $306.612.61 550.205 45 119.58 S0-00 $0 00 SO 00 0.00 50,00 5000 5000 0.DO S256.407.16 S313,954.36 367.547.20 122.44 $256.407.16 SOW $0100 $0.00 $256,407.16 0 60 SO-00 SO OD $0.00 $D.00 SO -OD O 00 5256.407A SO DO MOD 50.00 S256,407.16 D.00 sS56 4D7,16 5000 SO.DO S0.00 $256.407,16 D 00 SO-OO SO 00 $D DO SO.00 5000 D 00 50.00 $0 00 50 DO SO DO 50.00 D 00 S256,407.16 SO.00 SO.00 $0.00 5256.407.16 0.00 Export Detail Data Expand Ail Collapse All P00054 WRMC Minor Renovation & Repair F 3_0101 Culture & Tourism Cap Projects F00205 Public Events Capital ❑+ 39007 Specialty Funded Projects Total Reveeue: Q New Capital Project Funds 230401 Culture 8 Tourism Cap Projects E7,Q;t Public Events Capital aO240450 Cutt>Faur CuttureRec B0240600 CultfTour FWCCNYRMC Maint & Im E102460(10 Cute?our Ft Worth Conv Center F]D246010 Cult<Tour Will Rogef Me4n Ctr 7C31d Capital Project Funds tr]+ 39007 Specially Funded Projects Total Expenditure FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 2 GLOOI 9-07 - Project Budget Summary RUriTir ne: 09!2312024 03:07 PM ,:O 60 50 0J $0.00 0.00 W 66.967 39 5.M.659.58 S115,692.19 272.76 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 0.00 S66.967.39 S182.659,58 $115.692.19 272.76 566,967.39 $0 p0 SO OO O.LNi !l�66,967 39 0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 SO,00 0.00 $556.9 7.39 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 S66,967.39 0.00 S�6 . 69 7.3P SO 00 50.00 50.00 S66.967.39 000 SO.00 S0.4O 54.00 SO.00 SO.00 0.00 5O-OO $o DO 50-00 S0.00 So Go 0.00 S0.00 SO 00 60.00 S4.00 S0.00 0.00 tow $0-00 $0 00 $0-00 s0 00 600 $0,00 50 DO 50.00 SO.00 SO.00 0.00 S66,967.39 $0.00 SOM SO.00 S66,967.39 0.00 OLDOIS-di - Project Budoet Summary Rv-"nr,e 115r@a49Ta 03 05 PM r---r3LL ❑wrnll na ra tCtYo9lrt All co;wpee Als UNSPEC UM9Pi=-CIF11CD ALL FUNDS I!,ZQI PARDEnaoAv, C.mrLwsa 112� 11B1,277, 221.74 M315t102 COW MEraaoorontCar Loarm WIGE.MAJE 314.43Sr8EA_a!+ Sr1,081,^.E1a+ MS70 t ilwi TlrenteoporaCnorodars 90.0c 31.a6i.M.19 Et,OS't.:"t9.10 000 10L= 8rar1L-Cvoralanp Us* W-ac j;.7.i2. a: _ _ _•s Qlj,1 003 orNrn9C4mighpur" wor g,�'1.771_S! 5lJ :1 •^, 000 laa cc w PIGS! rrt04rrmWR s9r LIM AMMELA 12 2!5 �,pRS .."s '�-.-1 k,.IL :i.'��13�� ., FCv OF ft(W C-L sD Carl Enawrm" Gee LMto Lmg .awm $3 1 L"ti./. 44 'O-A fh'!a 4k1' mMMI tpeclal Rrvw1Lwvc WOO r--VA.;22S_30 92111x'a..s,Q 000 MISM tpeclalNtpaee sw'j'IGC it 100.2117r M ZN= SPecW 0vnauraea rrtpuq 96.4C 5G.G0 90.W 0.$p m 22QW L16rary Special Raranur �9C 927_0#'�L ±y'.Y 9t L6i 0oo 41 zww CL *D t aks Vlform TFUM rlara6 lain _ 1 rr i fr. t r r nr w trnwm of s EZO apac32+ t3rWIMO N Lro »tit: s�t7n w m non M 26100 cepo ac"VM iKY ossed iL> sC' Cl31.43f'�if� 6-KUI .49a2-w O.00 M 3011W owwo1 Ger mui t mem i l.� c. 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Q1S9M2 CW7r1'rYrtor 4FPF LA-ifi_I.lri'af1f14 4'S..'4ti9'3+Ih.$.! €'S.€1?-t ?'?ah51 2RR4 _ �S'idDS Rvtnitang',vatw 2RF �flO.0a woe Sam am MZD604 ARRA lXl 3Rr Reclaln Wabr 3C1.06 3iiC4 30_00 am ItlW4f11 'M1V[aY€ fwtal prv�t%o 14.031 ].e1ffi 50.tt<7�.°�i4,B8 €597"_•L..9t4.:.:tE 4134 E WOW CO" L®43CY 11141,442r85 ,�+.�(j,,j�,],,� i$:4L7-i8bG "L.: iW6L) WS!Nm 24WOW Ce pal P-mJec is QQRL,,IS7 So St4.1L'1a R9A .{:d! !i13,3?7'(ti 7`A2.fi'iE fir74 M694S1 ltarr�walwrCop" Bands 518..19+E, ]9_S7 Moe ;5 'Ail'i.a:1F3.5?1 000 m G9fLP flRot-%* Cap Prof Laga y k,O4 Moe} 1- 00 13.00 ai a.]633 3(ormwobw Cap Pt of i4O7 30 W SSDbe W-00 Qjm 10 52M1 MINA GW Cu Prol S:b vwsl on 13..i,W SfAm U)_Ot1 u.L11.1 M Cd1OC R 1 Grpltal pTnIacta %I ty, m W S4 00 0 ao MCWt FlmtC NW Mufoota saw PSA77Atl 23&477_4O 0.00 TatxSC €L.wlrRw 3417.1311,3.$3 3733.7Z2.:94_Z':2 j3G1.O77.:,3O.41i O*.R4 F SCU 9} Pioductilan �� Page i pr 7 City of Fort worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE: 10/15/24 M&C FILE NUMBER: M&C 24-0892 LOG NAME: 25PED CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS REALLOCATION SUBJECT (ALL) Adjust Appropriations in the Public Events Capital and Grants Capital Projects Federal Funds for Public Events Capital Projects; Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance adjusting estimated receipts and appropriations in the Public Events Capital Fund by: a. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs project (City Project No. 104369) in the total amount of $5,585.98. b. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the WRMC Security Camera project (City Project No. 102511) the total amount of $210,000.00 c. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the WRMC Future Master Plan project (City Project No. 105075) in the amount of $350,000.00 d. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the FWCC Minor Renovation & Repair project (P00053) in the amount of $256,407.16 e. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the WRMC Minor Renovation & Repair project (P00054) in the amount of $66,967.39 f. Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397) in the amount of $888,960.53 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Public Events Capital Fund, in the amount of $31,735.00, from available funds, the residuals from previous static projects, for the purpose of funding the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397). 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance adjusting estimated appropriations in the Grants Capital Projects Federal Fund (31001): a. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair project (City Project No. 101437) in the amount of $39,098.84 for reallocation to other projects. b. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation project (City Project No.102447) in the amount of $16,943.88 c. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs project (City Project No. 104369) in the amount of $869.46 d. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA WRMC Auditorium Roof Replace project (City Project No. 100238) in the amount of $1,000,000.00. e. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA FWCC Star Tower Facade project (City Project No. 102515) in the amount of $69,131.00 f. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA Richardson Bass System Up project (City Project No. 101740) in the amount of $1,472,688.00 g. Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA WRMC- Emergency Generator project (City Project No. 102634) in the amount of $250,000.00 h. Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397) in the amount of $2,348,731.18; 4. Amend Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to swap funding sources among various Public Events capital projects. Approval of this M&C will re -allocate funds within the Public Event Capital Fund (30205) (PED) and Grants Capital Projects Federal Fund (31001) from the following projects: • ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair project (City Project No. 101437) - project is complete • ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation project (City Project No. 102447) - project is complete • ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs project (City Project No. 104369) - project is complete • ARPA WRMC Auditorium Roof Repl project (City Project No. 100238) - project is under construction • ARPA FWCC Star Tower Facade project (City Project No. 102515) - project is under construction • WRMC Security Camera project project (City Project No. 102511) - project is suspended • WRMC Future Master Plan project (City Project No. 105075) - project is suspended Funds reallocated from the beforementioned projects will be added to the following ARPA projects: ARPA WRMC- Emergency Generator project (City Project No. 102634) and; ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397). Current Available Funds for Reallocation Reallocation This M8C Project Name ----I P E D. Capital I Fed Grant/ ! ARPA LPED Capita! i —_ ] Fed Fec GrantIARPA i 30205 31001 30205 31001 101437 /ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair~ $ 39,098.84 $ (39 098.82a 102447JARPA Justin Garage Ventilation $ 16,943.88 $ (16,943.88)]2b 104369 ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs $5,585.98 $ 869.46 $ (5,585.98) $ (869.46) 1a; 2c IAPRA 100238 WRMC Auditorium Roof Rep/ ---- $ 1,000,000.00 $(1,000,000.00)2dn 11 102515 ARPA FWCC Star Tower Facade J� $ 69,131.00 $ fi9,131.00 2e ( ) ',� 102511WRMC Security Camera $210,000.00�—$�(210,000.0Q)i 1b 105Q75 ;AMC Future Master Plan - $350,000 00 $ (350,00000) 1c E Cancelled tJNSPEC'',� $ 31,735.00I $ (31,735.00)I 1d FO53 FWCC Minor Renovation & Repair 1$256407,.16II $ (256,407.16)I 1 e P00054 'Repair WRMC Minor Renovation & �$ 66,967.391 $ (66,967.39) 1f 101740 ARPA Richardson Bass System Up $1,472,688.00 mmmmm $(1,472,688.00)2g 102634 ARPA WRMC-Emergency Generator I $250,000.00 2h It 104397 !Replace ARPA WRMC Stall Panel $92D,695.53 1g, 2i $2,348,731.18 i M&C 21-0913 authorized the reinstatement of Public Event capital projects that were deferred and/or suspended in Fiscal Years (FY) 2020 and 2021 due to the loss of Hotel Occupancy Taxes as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. M&C 22-0789 authorized additional ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) allocations to Public Events that were deferred and/or suspended in Fiscal Years (FY) 2020 and 2021 due to the loss of Hotel Occupancy Taxes as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. M&C 23-0646 authorized the reallocation of Public Events capital project funds from the 2017A and 2017B Special Tax Revenue Bonds and Venue Capital Project Fund to ongoing projects. M&C 23-0792 authorized the issuance and sale of 2023A and 2023B Special Tax Revenue Bonds to make improvements at the Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC), which is an adjacent support facility of the multipurpose arena venue project designated by Council and approved by voters in 2014 (ResolutionsA327,QZ-2014, 4378-11-2014). The actions in this M&C amend the FY2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program for the Public Events Department as approved in connection with ordinance 27107-09-2024. A Form 1295 is not required because: This M&C does not request approval of a contract with a business entity. FISCAL INFORMATION / CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in various projects within the Public Events Capital and Grants Cap Projects Federal Funds and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the Public Events Capital and Grants Cap Projects Federal Funds for the various projects. Prior to any expenditures being incurred, the Public Events Department shall be responsible for ensuring funds are available and that only expenditures allowable under the American Rescue Plan Act are charged to the ARPA funding source. Grant funds will be transferred to the Grants Cap Projects Federal Fund for the project on a reimbursement basis. Submitted for City Manager's Office bNL William Johnson 5806 Originating Business Unit Head: Michael Crum 2601 Additional nfor a i Co Wu taet: Keith A. Chisolm 2525