HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 27196-10-2024Ordinance No. 27196-10-2024 AN ORDINANCE ADJUSTING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GRANTS CAPITAL PROJECTS FEDERAL FUND, BY A) DECREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA AMON CARTER DOOR REPAIR PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 101437) IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,098.84; B) DECREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA JUSTIN GARAGE VENTILATION PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO.102447) IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,943.88; C) DECREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA FWCC PORTABLE ROOM CHAIRS PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 104369) IN THE AMOUNT OF $869.46; D) DECREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA WRMC AUDITORIUM ROOF REPLACE PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 100238) IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,000,000.00; E) DECREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA FWCC STAR TOWER FACADE PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO.102515) IN THE AMOUNT OF $69,131.00; F) DECREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA RICHARDSON BASS SYSTEM UP PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 101740) IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,472,688.00; AND G) INCREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA WRMC EMERGENCY GENERATOR PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 102634) IN THE AMOUNT OF $250,000.00; H) INCREASING ESTIMATED RECEIPTS AND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ARPA WRMC STALL PANEL REPLACE PROJECT (CITY PROJECT NO. 104397) IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $2,348,731.18; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; MAKING THIS ORDINANCE CUMULATIVE OF PRIOR ORDINANCES; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the budget of the City of Fort Worth for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, as enacted by Ordinance 27107-09- 2024, as amended, is hereby further amended to make the following adjustments to estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Capital Projects Federal Fund, by decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the multiple projects as below in a total amount of $2,598,731.18 and increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 102634) and the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No.104397) by the same amount. Project # - Description Appro2riation. Increase/Decrease 101437- ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair project -$39,098.84 102447- ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation project -$16,943.88 104369- ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs 2roject -$869.46 100238- ARPA WRMC Auditorium Roof Replace project -$1,000,000.00 102515- ARPA FWCC Star Tower Fa ade project -$69,131.00 101740- ARPA Richardson Bass System Up prqJ1ect -$1,472,688.00 102634- ARPA WRMC Emergency Generator project $250,000.00 104397- ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace 2roject $2,348,73I.18 Appropriation Adjustments - SECTION 2. That should any portion, section or part of a section of this ordinance be declared invalid, inoperative or void for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision, opinion or judgment shall in no way impair the remaining portions, sections, or parts of sections of this ordinance, which said remaining provisions shall be and remain in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of Ordinance 27107-09-2024 and all other ordinances and appropriations amending the same except in those instances where the provisions of this ordinance are in direct conflict with such other ordinances and appropriations, in which instance said conflicting provisions of said prior ordinances and appropriations are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Assistant City Attorney ADOPTED AND EFFECTIVE: October 15, 2024 CITY SECRETARY Jannette S. Goodall City Secretary Funds Availability 9/23/24 Export Detail Date Expand All Collapse All 101437 ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair ®30205 Public Events Capital M 310G1 Grants Cap Projects Federal Total Rerenue: O Grant Capital 6 Operattng El 31001 Grants Cap Projects Federal 6W%30 riMRC_DE SIGN e0240450 Cultfrour CulturwRoc E35110105 Design Labor B5210101 Group Health Insurance E B5210401 Group Life Insurance B5220101 F1CAQedicare B5230101 Retirement EI5290i01 HSA Contribution E35330201 Other Contractual Services H 't Q Consultant A Othr Prof Service 2000680 WMRC COHSTR P02404541 CulVTDur Culture:1iec 1351101101 Regular Employee Salaries 8611010T Inspection Labor 85210101 Group Health Insurance E E152IG401 Group Life Insurance B5220101 FICAMedieare 85230101 Retirement B529_-01gt HSA Contribution 85740910 Cap Out Amp Other Than Sloes BNew Capital Project Funds E130205 Public Events Capital E13240450 Cul6`Tour Culture7Rec Total Etpendrtwe FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 2 GLOO19-07 - Project Budget Summary Auntimei 091231202402,35 PM 5145.9/1.85 *145.911.85 $0.00 100,00 S758.54S OO 570&771.$8 (549776-1= 93, 44 S904,459.85 $964.683.71 1$45 776.141 94-50 ST58,548.00 $0.00 SIR.g31103 S709,1110.13 539.M 84 94.0 5758,54$.DO S0.00 50.530-M 5709.910.13 $39.028.34 N.80 551.8D299 50.00 30.00 540.914.60 $10.888.30 78.98 551,SG2-99 50.00 $0.00 540.914.50 S10,888.39 78-08 $3,713.50 $0.00 $0.00 $3,713.50 $0.00 10000 $273, 21 s0 oo m.00 ,27,-3_2,1 50.00 100.00 ;<-95 $0.00 $0.00 V3;85 50.00 100.DO 547 G2 $0.00 3D 00 547.02 $0.00 10D.00 $981.15 $0.00 30-00 W81.15 SO.00 100.130 523.41 3000 SO W 52341 So 00 100.00 $0.00 50.00 WOO 30.00 S0. W 0.00 "e.75085 S000 SO-00 335.872.48 S1G:S88.39 75.71 5'06.745. 01 $0.00 59,53903 S608.995.53 5_3.:1C 45 95.01 $701,745 Cl $0.00 50``39-n' SO4Ti.995M S:o.210 45 95.01 54,089.85 SO.00 SO.W $4,080,85 SO.00 100.00 7 31.18 30.00 $0.00 73.079.17 1$47.DOI 100.01 1 010 90 30.00 SOW $1,014.65 ($3.45) 10C.3m 511.22 S0.05 S0. W 11 M ; $0.04) 100- 35 1$4685 S000 SO GO 1147.25 (to 53; Mal P. 102.7Z $0-00 SOAO 3 1S 15.37 5 • _ '.5: 100.41 58.75 S0.00 SOAO 38.75 50 30 100.00 S690. 445 64 $0.00 $0,539-03 5052.031.23 328 -16 32 95.90 $145.911.85 50.00 $0.00 3105.552.04 539.359.51 734 5145.911 65 SOW $3 00 $106.552.04 $39 359.21 73.02 5145 911.85 150.00 So CO 51 D6,552.04 $30350 81 73-02 $904.455 65 50.00 $9,539.02 3816,462.17 978.459.65 91.37 Export Detail Data Expand All Cniiapse All 102447 ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation (F30205 Public Events Capital 031001 Grants Cap Projects Federal Revenue: RGrant Capital & Operating S 31001 Grants Cap Projects Federal M000630 WMRC DESIGN EIG240450 Cult?our CulturerRee B5110105 Design Labor El5210101 Group Health Insurance E E15210401 Group Ldo Insurance B5220101 FICAIMedicare g5230101 Retirement E15290101 HSAContnbution E1533020t Other Contractual Services B63 5 0 Consultant 8 Othr Prof Service B000680 WIMRC_CONSTR 60240460 C1dtrrour Cuiture!Rec E35110101 Regular Employee Salaries BM10107 Inspection Labor B&210101 Group Health Insurance E [35210401 Group life Insurance S5220101 FICA1Medicare B5230101 Retirement 66330102 Contract -Lab Analysis B574GO10 Cap Out - Imp Other Than Bldgs Q New Capital Project Funds Total Expenditure FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 2 GL0019-07 - Project Budget Summary RunTime: 091232024 02:44 PM S1t.982.65 S11.982.65 MOO 100.00 $514 750.00 $372,414.97 (3142..341.12) 7; 35 S526.738.65 $384,397-52 ($142.,34IA3I 72.98 5514.7% C9 VM00 30.60 S4R1,0w.45 S33.W5.54 03,46 $514,750-OQ S0,00 $0 CG $.481.099.45 S33.650.54 03.46 321,279-55 S0.00 30.00 $4,32687 5M.D4388 20.34 521,270 55 SO.OD $0 00 54.326.87 S 18..943.88 20.34 25 .t156.18 MOO 30.00 $2,6m is 50-00 100_00 2$D 1 80 $0 60 $0 00 $20,1.80 S0 00 100 DO S2_79 MOD 30.00 $2.79 $0.00 10D.D0 35 3-99 SO.00 30.00 3,F 3.59 S0.00 100.00 Sag8.23 S0.00 $0.00 $609 23 50.OD 100.00 $3-34 S0.00 $0.00 53,34 SO.00 14D,00 1$05.64 SO.00 SO -DO $106.154 50.00 100.00 S17.508.88 SO.00 $0.00 �P25 tail 510,043,88 3-N $493,485.45 50.0D $000 5470.772.79 S16.712.0 D6.01 $493,485.45 S0-00 $0.00 S476.77271) S16.71280 00.01 $2,954.57 WOO WIM 32,964.67 $0.00 100.00 7S 855.71 SO 00 $0 00 27,M571 $0-00 100-00 S371.89 S0.00 30.00 $871.89 $0.00 100.00 $9.87 5000 soDo$9.87 S0-00 100.00 130.16 50.00 $0.00 1g 30.18 50.00 100.DD S2,750.15 SO.00 SO -DO $2.759.15 50.00 100M SO.GD SD.00 30 DO SOAO $0.00 0 DO $479,097.00 SO.00 $3 00 $AV.384.34 S10.'12.60 Od 51 S11,982M 90.00 30 00 311,982.55 S0,00 100.DO 5526,738.G5 $0.00 30 00 S493,082.11 $33.656.54 9.161 FORTWORTH,: Export Detail Data Expand All Collapse All 104369 ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs [330205 Public Events Capital 4920103 Transfer From CST Hotet 031001 Grants Cap Projects Federal 4921001 Transfer From Grants Op Fund Total Revenue: OGmnt Capital S Operating F131001 Grants Cap Projects Federal OQOQ530 CONVENTION CENTER_DFSIGN B0240450 CultJour CulturefRec ❑51101011 Regular Employee Salar!es B5210101 Group Health Insurance E 05210A01 Group Life Insurance 95220101 FICAfMedicare E15230101 Retirement BCAPEXP Non Capitalized Expense 00240450 CultlTour CulturelRec 95610109 Minor Equipment ❑New Capital Project funds 030205 Public Events CaWal ❑D244450 CulUTour CUlturelRec Total Expenditure : Project 10434111 FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 1 GLO©19-07 - Project Budget Summary RunTirne: 09123,2024 02:47 PM U0,00D.00 S30D.0D040 $0-00 100.00 5300000 00 S3DO DOD 00 SOOD 10000 $1 600,000.00 S1.5 .9.130.Si (5869.46j 9995 51.600,000.DO 51.599.13.0..$4 (S869.46 99.95 S1.900,00O.00 $1,899,130.54 (5864.46) 99.95 Encumbrance Actualls. (LTD) S1,600 000.00 30.00 $0.00 S1.599.130.54 S869.46 92_95 51.60¢.000.00 SO.00 $0.00 $1,599.130 54 S869-46 99 95 �Li44.0,OQ $0 OD S0 00 15 30 54 S869.46 13 05 S1.000.00 $0.00 50 00 $130 54 S869.46 13 OS 5963.1 5 50.60 S0 00 593.69 S869.46 973 $10.63 SO. DO $0 00 510 63 SO.00 10000 $0.10 SO OO 50.00 so.10 SO.00 100.00 51.16 50.OD SO 00 51.16 So_00 10000 524.96 50 DO $0 00 524.96 SO.00 1DO 00 51.L". 00.00 30 OD $0 00 51.599.000 00 SO.00 1 DO 00 51.599 000.00 50 'OD SD 00 $1.599 000 00 SO.00 100 00 51 5% 000.00 50 D0 $0.00 51.599.000.00 SO. DO 100 00 S300.000.00 $52,800.00 $2.836.48 S238.777.54 55,585,98 98.14 5300 ODD 00 SS2.800.00 52,836.48 $230.777.54 S5.585,90 98 14 5300 000.00 �52 803 OD 52,836.46 5233 777 54 S5.545 98 98 14 S1.900,000.00 $52,800.00 $2,836.48 $1,837,908.08 $6,455.44 99.66 0 H. (;L001 "7 - Project Buduot Summary 14u ti— OW2112024 02r52 PU I•.ar7Dt 13"011 Deta E"nd A.a CcAlnp a All 1028,11 VWKNtC Security Camara G830 fi Pr ift 15—fa Carlfal .._dR 140 04 400.aa E931f197 S0 00 s000 So 00 0.00 nr;eii ,,rnnun 6HE,FAO.pU 3ry+4.1 +a.00 pv.9n 1n0,aa ti3i111111 fti adpittli i Operalbn4 so. as S0.00 saxla _ 4a,aa- I;o.ao : .a a0 1n ptsis cap nm r. rt Fwids 3,346,140 00 30 Do $0.00 93, 121f+2 a]+�,o10 lie o lf0 Pw61ie Frto Gvital al.Sts _114..Qi` SO 00 SO_a0 j i?p i'f s34.01a Sat 0 90 F.102+na6e ❑.M'TM— Cul",WPee si+^ 14;1)1_ :Do0 Sa UO uj I'04? 1p5 .90 rfl ;.'yl4U 149 C' -, 5000 " 11'( AA J a 4Z V3043 ()IV 50 050 f-3aSOQ4AQ PACE CultUMIRSCrestwn so oc 30.00 50.00 SO 00 S0.00 000 r Mei F'f[aiw nn m�rw : f.>t+F.++0.00 solve 9"o s'J,17a.�7 63+3,910.6a 0.00 Pe��enf 1U4b11 F SCM 92 ?tvducilon Pace 1 of 1 FOR' WORT [, GLOO19-07 - Project Budget Summary RunT4w 09123,2024 02:57 PM ya RQrt QOtiil Data Expand Ail Collapso All 106076 WRMC Future Master Plan SM205 Public Events Capital 5r�54.D94� �3.50.Q944� SO DO 1Eq,00 49201US Iranitar Front [1Fw Revenue Spar S .2S2.u3o.uv 5�l3li t1JU.Ua _u 00 100.0(1 Total Revenue: 5350.000.00 S350,000.00 $n.00 100.00 fiM Cap�l Plojeet Fwiids s35i1,000, 00 40.p0 y` OU .C.00 S350.000 00 000 H].3=Publtc Events Capital 5350.040.00 $0_t83 $0.6U 50.0o 5350,00MO 0.00 E30240450 Cu1t'Tour CultuwRec 53�Q �' 0 no s0 M 50 an --0,00 $350,000,o0 000 Total ExFwwlltuie : S3s0.o00.00 SO.DO SO.aO 50.00 1350,000.00 O.Oa pt,"Ct 1 e5076 IFS CM 92 Production gee 1 of 1 GL0419-07 -Project Budget Summary RamTima: 09r23r2D24 02.53 PM EX>Sol1 Detail Data Expandall C�nepso AN 102515 ARPA FWCC Star Tower Facade H S0M IDubft Exerrh Captts7 $Knm $KOCID, $0.00 100.00 4520103 Trar.eterFroTCS'HaW 560,[Q702 -WOM.10 SO.00 10000 G 1,10D1 Grande Cep PrOleate Fetlerai S565,DOD.OD ,P8 SJ S4, 13538 505,3 7 1 +?2 4821COI Cont11D Frafr Qp Grante SA 4f S3 00 SD 00 0.00 4521001 T"n9W FrOm Grants OP FLM S565<037.4C S_16IMA m ls:.IS -i5!. I $225,DMOD SS6,9G U [S53 M5.371 13.87 CUrrMTt OLK690t P"r I f3murr"a Adl > IL114 bid %of ❑c4a3mc.3p*I&OPWa D S5W10t1DW $3.00 S M3f BA5 S5'F9„i7K655 SbR.131.Gt3 - 87.T6 031001 Gm ft Cap Pr*ct3 Fadml 55EE.ODO 5o X. 5278 W 45 S219,47G.55 Sffi.131.00 87.76 13OW530 CAN'"WrION CENTER _L'ESIGl. S24,f9i1.7.07 SaW 51,rf t.06 S2� 396.C7 50.001%00 002AD450CultJTawCulturs,fze,: 524.W33,07 SO,CQ $1,2CLL.00 s2iyA W Saw MOO 051101101 RegularE,TpicyaaUa±ISB 5125.70 SOM S0.0D 125.70 Saw MOO 05110105 5ealgn LOar $1,215.90 s.00 S+3.00 €1,215_.40 SOOO 100.00 E35210101 Group Haelnl lln!urar me E 5107.70 SOAR Sr3.00 S107.70 50.00 L]0.00 0521040! Group Llfe Insurance S140 s1 m SO,OG St^40 SO.DD MOO 05220101 FICA'AtaMms ria i.t'4'i SIM SO.Q6 S17_Da SOX() 100.00 052311101 Retlrvmnt 5-353.f!6 Som 50.40 5353.M SLUT] 100.00 0529D141 HS:. COnt lXftn 531.43 93.m SO.00 SM 43 Sfr.Oq t{}aD0 135MOSW Ccnsult3M&OttvPmf Sprits S2_2,745.CU SOM S1.20.1A0 S21,541.01) j0.00 100.00 C30DOGNCOWE?4nONCENTER GONSTR S540,M_03 Sam 5275,191AS S19 D74AR S&13100 87.21 130240MCulVTpurCulturaiRic S546,3%.93 50.00 S275,194A S19r<.07440 sUl131.00 8721 135110101 ROQUIlar EcrPIV,4 s 1313195 SUM 87 S1.CC SOW 52,530.87 S1100 MOO 135110107 Mapecuon Lanr Sd43.S0 50.00 SOW WI SO SO.00 100,D3 135210101 GrCUp MOM cA8urar+;.a E S296.90 sa.00 S"D S296.90 S0.00 10000 0521D401 Group Lira Inecaaree S3r29 S0.00 S0.00 53_29 SO_DD 10000 0SUD301 FICAJStZtlnrs S3820 S0.00 S900 SA20 SO.00 100.00 E35223D101 Retirement 57&5,40 W,M SOAD SMAD Saw inaw E35MO101 n3ACM1'_'[Aar S8_75 S0.00 5000 S8.75 50.00 100.00 0571CB10 Cap Out - ITp CC1er 71:31 91¢ge S5 F 357 G W,OC S275,144.45 S192-{331.57 IS 131.w 87.11 Wei C3E'NNLS WI.Je d Fc-ntls Sd0."rOC 93AEM t 80-00 49 ToWExpnftan: 5625,434.GQ lim S279.3MAS SZ'dimog 31,25.757.45 7SRt F SCM 52 Proaucl3on Pape 1 of 2 FORTWORT", Export Detail Data Eltpaticl AN Collapse Ali 100238 ARPA WRMC Auditorium Roof Repl GL0019-07 - Project Budget Summary RunTime: 09!23'2024 02:59 PM B3(1205 Public Events Capital $74,021.92 574,021.92 $100 1D0.00 4920103 Transfer From CRT Hotel 574 021.92 $ r4 021.92 $0.00 100.00 4920105 Transfer From DFW Revenue Shar 53 3C SO 00 S3.00 0.00 031001 Grants Cap Projects Federal $1,225 978.08 `$0,722.07 (51.565,256,91 j 3.15 4921001 Transfer From Grants Op Fund $$1 925,973.08 SBO, r22.01 1.S1,865.25P-.31 i 3.15 Total Revenue, 52:000,000.00 S134,743.99 IS1.885.256.01) 6,74 0 Grant Capital 3 Operating 931001 Grants Cap Projects Federal p000G30 WMRC DESIGN B0240450 Caltrrour Culturel7ec 96110105 Design Labor a 5210101 Group Health Insurance E B5210401 Group Life Insurance B522 101 FICAModicare 95230101 Retirertunt B5290101 H SA Contribution 8533050 Consultant 6 Othr Prof Service 9000sl310 WMRC_CONSTR d6240459 CultlTour Culturt'Rec E35110101 Regular Employee Salaries E35110107 Inspection Labor 85210101 Group Health Insurance E S15240401 Group Life Insurance a5?20101 FiCAiMedicare E35230101 Retirement E35330201 Other Contractual Services B474Q640 Cap Out - imp Other Than Sldgs I7 New Capital Project Funds ®30205 Public Events Capital Total Expenditure FSCM 92 Production $1125.970 08 10.00 5395,081.7 $40U84.12 St.128.332.10 S1.925,978.08 .. 80.00 5395,5fsi.77 $400,984,17 31,128.332.19 41.4F. $104,728 83 SO OD 537.132.87 071.86 (S475 90) 100.45 S 134.728 83 5000 $37,122 87 4�,,50.07188 (5475 90) 100.45 34,225.70 SO.00 $0.D0 S4,575.07 (S350.971 1C8.31 S31275 $0.00 30.1100 533934 (520.W 1Ds. 50 $3_91 SO OD S0.00 S4_23 (SO.321 103.1a 55 04 SO 00 SO.00 5$8.67 (54.53) 103.35 1$,125.72 SO.DD $0L00 $1?19.23 (Sg3.50) 1D8.31 "5p SOW $0,01 5.09 $0.00 1D0.00 599.000 00 30.01) $37,132.87 S61.867 13 $0.00 100-00 S7�82f,24925 S000 $250,528_l14 5332.91220 S1.128.808-00 3802 S1.822 249 25 $000 S350.$28.90 S337 a12.25 S1.12S $% 09 38.02 5564.81 5D-00 SOAO 5564.81 S0.00 10D.00 S15.470.27 30.00 50.D0 S2,7e5.00 $13.705.18 1079 S187.83 $0.00 50100 5296.59 I5108 00) 158-07 $107 $000 1"00 $301 (51.04) 152.79 $7$_579 $000 $500 4$003 r51424y 155.22 54 78 50.00 SO.00 $849.55 (5300.77) 15481 4$.400 W $000 50 00 15 17 OS S41IN 02 2-55 $1,799050 DC) $0-00 $259,528.90 $328,270.10 3823 S74.02142 50.00 50.00 333.201.92 140,8211M 44.85 a74.021.92 $0.00 $0.00 $33,201.02 540.820,30 44AM1 S2,000,U09.99 S396,661.77 S134,186.04 $ 41.51 WORTH, GLOO19.07 -Project Budget Surnmary Rf1rlPrw 49�224024 C3:01 PM Exrclt Detsli Oats EXRWAAX COWS6AN 101750 ARPA Richardson Bass System Ua HW205 PUbNCEvent9Csprtas 3C3.25�..�: woo 10O.W S92C'U Tr3n9tacFrcerOP Raymu3 Sny SE225-2.: SOOO 100Ix 021D91 GMnt* Cap PrOpCt3 FK*ral - - S $2 :S1 ;i&."�`�'.#I�; CI-12 152'CE1 COMM FrorOp ;rants 5_03 so 00t' 1321CC1 TranW From. Granta Op Fund Ee,ft `2. Ist .. .,. -ota Ra'ranm 51 WA 2Wh 34 SE8,337.BG Is I 57I.S1 7.4EI 4 15 CCurtCapft8Opwattng $I-'as700.L0 $0.00 Sepx i1,751IS S1,57TARL15 L49 ❑ 51DC1 Grants Cap Pr0o.t9 Federal S€,3En �-r:r:',.L{; S3.DO sw�x F,751 91.57< 15F.!5 C.49 ❑030GSO WMRC_DE9C-N _ S].ti S ]OC .5L! 5-:rx Z:,q�.42 GA0 ❑024D450CurL7CurCurturaRec SCLIX Sw0C s3ffi.5D 5°6 WSA2 GAO 135110105 DeeIgn Labce 5! 0", so X. 500.1 =198 S7 .D2 23,40 0521C101 Grcup Hsaltn Inaurar.a E a .::: SC.CG SO,JC S1J.;; 0521G401 Grmtp tlrs Insumce Sr1.00 S], 0 5+3.0£ SO.21 Srk21 • 5 .0 [35220101 fiCllhi9=3r9 Si166 9ii70 50.QG S3Ci 'S�CO• :. f 0523001 liettrervM 90,00 SO.CO %- .00 wZ5, .92 OS3 OO) G]neulcaM d Oth a-•,r Service :' CA."? 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GL0019-07 -Project Budget Summary RunTime: 09/2312024 03:04 PM Pxport Detail Data Expand All Collapse All P00053 FWCC Minor Renovation & Repair Current Budget Actuals ILTD) Bud" Remaining 030101 Culture & Tourism Cep Projects $0.00 SO.00 $0 00 0 00 4611010 interest Eamings $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 0 00 48DO400 Miscellaneous Revenue S0.00 5000 $o 00 0.00 4929101 Transfer From Culture Tourism $0-00 5000 So 00 0.00 4920105 Transfer From DFW Revenue Shaf $0.00 SO 0o 5o GO 0.00 B30205 Public Events Capital $295,407,16 $313,954-36 357,547 20 122.44 4920101 Transfer From Culture Tourism SON 4,� 1 75 S7.341 75 0.00 " 4920103 Transfer From C&T Hotel 5256.4D7.16 5306 612.61 $50.205.45 119.58 4920105 Transfer From DFW Revenue Shar $0 00 $0 00 S0 00 0.DO 4939201 Transfer From CuIVTour Cap Pr SO,OO $0 00 $0,00 &DO. 3 Total Revenue: S256,407.16 $313,954.36 $57,647.20 122.44 ❑New Capital Project Funds $256.407,16 SO DO $0.00 SO.00 Remaining Budget 5256.4071.16 Spent 0.00 []+30101 Culture S Tourism Cap Projects 50 DC 5000 SO.00 $0.00 50.00 0,00 p3Q206 Public Events Capital $256,407,145 SO DO SO.00 30.00 $256,407,16 0.00 ©ma CultrTour Culture;Rec 5256.407,16 50 00 SO.00 $0.00 5256.40TA6 0.00 p0240601 Cultrrour Pub Event Technology 50 00 51100 S0,00 $0.00 $O.DO 0.00 B0246000, Cutt'Tour Ft Worth Conv Center ;0.00 50 DO SON SO.00 5000 0.00 Total Expenditure : $256 4�2, 16 S0.90 Saco $0.00 $256,407.16 0.00 Project P;0'63 FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 1 F,gport Detail Data Expand All Collapse All P00054 WRMC Minor Renovation & Repair [fligm Culture & Tourism Cap Projects 830205 Public Events Capital p79007 Specially Funded Pro)ects Total Revenue: E New Capital Project Funds 0301II Culture & Tourism Cap Projects 030205 Public Events Capital El0240450 CuIVTour CulturelRec E1024N CuILTour FWCCARRMC Maint & Im p Q246000 CutLTour Ft Worth Conv Center E0246010 ColtTour Will Roger Mein Ctr 9CHd Capital Project Funds 11139007 Specially Funded Projects Total Expenditure FSCM 92 Production Page 1 of 2 GLOO19-07 - Project Budget Summary RunTime: 09123l2024 53:07 PM H 00 SO.00 SO.00 0.00 $5$ 967.39 51192 559-58 5115.692.19 27276 U 00 $O. DO SO.00 000 366,967.39 S182.659.58 $115,692.19 272.76 6N,957.39 $0 00 SO.00 $0.00 566,967.39 O.DD 50.00 50 00 $0 00 50.00 SO-OO 0.00 S66,967.39 $0 00 $0.00 SO.00 S66167.39 0.00 sU 967.3g 51) 00 $0 00 s0.00 S66.967.39 0 09 $0 00 5000 s0.00 SO.00 50.00 0 O3 SO.00 $0 00 SO OO $0.00 $0.00 O 30 1000 $0 00 $0.00 50.00 SO.00 0 OD SO.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 0-00 SO OO 5000 $0 00 S0.00 SON 0.00 $66.967.39 $0.00 SO.00 KIM S66,967.39 0. DO FORT W{]j im. .... _ 01.00110-07 -Project BudF7el Sunxmary rtu"Tirns &Si2v.2,0 rf OJ orM �plkti pBCdil CIRiA rxp WM aq Gougpee a,a UNSFEC UNSPEICiFIED -ALL FUNDS 101$001 ibsMFsls1ar n wtCamLwia ,Jry,.�i1.5k�0t6 �,1@�T,971.wt3 !1.3]7;K�3�0e 3..3'1,74 allum r9Orwral ErwaenncrrtCaf LaaFa s�.i6E,nA.rE 4t13G.Wr:27 966.76 M21001 Orarke Opmveng redara 90,.X 41,WA.T7i1.19 ii,054.7m is 040 ICZLQU Gran1A0pwf11ap Sterba 30a]C 0..0a gT2-10 3 C+r*llsCp@fgynrfu ritrw soIr 9,11.111.7n 000 W I. Ml GL SU Pd[ S LiVoomwd C,40 LISP 3] ftA4J 1l1-'1 4ii.:Y; .p - I L..'.:.>. 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C£olan'AWb a SRF MWftS Drr#Gnq'-PMrW2RF M 30-Ma CPM4 M: WV Ratlalrn Wetvr 83WW3 1+V8lwla-rapta1 Prop"d W j WOW CaPt91 LW3L-Y 111 SSCM S&AW Cs pit>tl projocto m6*451 lt"mwQbwcbpproj 8ancs m58+C52 8k9vmtw4r C°p"L&Gpzy w 39639 lift fm mbw Cep prcj ZNT pit AN1flt t�.p Prol Cf1NiYB9'llorl ML010C Fri GpR al Projoetn SEICOMI FloatCdf" PnqvOts FlC1d 911Production Page 1 Of 2 saA4zr.r9 $35A21'.19 30-W loom t2ft. 1W.? as m yy1,'s.!t W de 10000 t8'�10 ry4R,1�.iR 90_00 100.fi0 P9,119L08 9 79, I'm BOL00 100.00 3tl.tNi iS l.t)]1,F:[1C5_�atf} i51 ,di; 1.0Ut.rx`t '3,L£;: lam' 1514 --19Q (11 S.ti7_'af5e,3Mf'.h'} 5'af_OCI 1 Cq.t30 121 &7A I ?A.[U�{lil 1GCICK] Sam sbw sn txt Dean 30.W MC-0 DO.,00 OLD 90.01# 50.010 50.00 Ow I AZ5 13L3r 519.184.52 1=14 yfatl1T7i Utl.tn7 7'h Sow 10000 9n tm saran M W coo 51_00%fa-43 9y.Og0,&iaGAR fio..00 10CA0 ww W-W SO..Ot1 OLD 3u.m S xcc 50-00 OLD 5?Ia'"0.R.36AIS ILtL'r.ar11L4 }rlhill Sabi icn,fitd'f AO 49,.'G40 7 4 RA ' Sit:= • .i 7 ^ +,- 2AL94 SaW woo 30.00 am 20 W BOA 50.00 p.OD I'me32,6qu. 56,67;Z,+3i'4 41J1 S11.4111-42Y'11i 2=1i1.75 { G6fi (}Cy,1Ll Mdb 52AQ%IR7M Si.S_1Lmnfm,Oa8 (9Ill t_7D7A1F11'1 5134 51640.1.509.57 moo 640 3�1.0G F0.00 W-00 OLD saw SOM 50.00 0.00 Sisk, SOIX $0.00 0-00 90.00 - 5: A7Y.d0 M477AID 0.00 �Cte: rkw�rn�e_ $417.15e,Od5.83 SSS3,412,83i.t2 'tvI 357,M3.41) 00.�4 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE: 10/15/24 M&C FILE NUMBER: M&C 24-0892 LOG NAME: 25PED CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS REALLOCATION SUBJECT (ALL) Adjust Appropriations in the Public Events Capital and Grants Capital Projects Federal Funds for Public Events Capital Projects; Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance adjusting estimated receipts and appropriations in the Public Events Capital Fund by: a. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs project (City Project No. 104369) in the total amount of $5,586.98. b. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the WRMC Security Camera project (City Project No. 102511) the total amount of $210,000.00 c. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the WRMC Future Master Plan project (City Project No. 105075) in the amount of $350,000.00 d. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the FWCC Minor Renovation & Repair project (P00053) in the amount of $256,407.16 e. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the WRMC Minor Renovation & Repair project (PD0054) in the amount of $66,967.39 f. Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397) in the amount of $888,960.53 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Public Events Capital Fund, in the amount of $31,735.00, from available funds, the residuals from previous static projects, for the purpose of funding the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397). 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance adjusting estimated appropriations in the Grants Capital Projects Federal Fund (31001): a. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair project (City Project No. 101437) in the amount of $39,098.84 for reallocation to other projects. b. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation project (City Project No. 102447) in the amount of $16,943.88 c. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs project (City Project No. 104369) in the amount of $869.46 d. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA WRMC Auditorium Roof Replace project (City Project No..100238) in the amount of $1,000,000.00. e. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA FWCC Star Tower Facade project (City Project No. 102515) in the amount of $69,131.00 f. Decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA Richardson Bass System Up project (City Project No. 101740) in the amount of $1,472,688.00 g. Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the ARPA WRMC- Emergency Generator project (City Project No. 102634) in the amount of $250;000.00 h. Increasing estimated receipts and appropriations to the ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397) in the amount of $2,348,731.18; 4. Amend Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: The purpose of this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to swap funding sources among various Public Events capital projects. Approval of this M&C will re -allocate funds within the Public Event Capital Fund (30205) (PED) and Grants Capital Projects Federal Fund (31001) from the following projects: • ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair project (City Project No. 101437) - project is complete • ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation project (City Project No. 102447) - project is complete • ARPA FWCC Portable Room Chairs project (City Project No. 104369) - project is complete • ARPA WRMC Auditorium Roof Repl project (City Project No. 100238) - project is under construction • ARPA FWCC Star Tower Facade project (City Project No. 102515) - project is under construction • WRMC Security Camera project project (City Project No. 102511) - project is suspended • WRMC Future Master Plan project (City Project No. 105075) - project is suspended Funds reallocated from the beforementioned projects will be added to the following ARPA projects: ARPA WRMC- Emergency Generator project (City Project No. 102634) and; ARPA WRMC Stall Panel Replace project (City Project No. 104397). Current Available Funds for Reallocation Reallocation This M&C Project Name�� PED Capital Fed Grant! ARPA PED Capital Fed Grant/ARPA Rec J 31001 30205 31001 30205 101437 `ARPA Amon Carter Door Repair��� A - $ 39,098.84 _ $ (39,098.84) 2a 102447 ;ARPA Justin Garage Ventilation $ 16,943.88 $ (16,943,88) 2b J 1D4369 CRa SFWCC. Portable Roam 7$5,-585-98 $ 869.46� �� $ (5,585.98) $ - (869.46 ) 1a; 2c 100238 WRMC Auditorium Roof-- �� $ 1,000,000.00 $(1,000,000.00) 2d RepIA J 102515 (Facade ARPA FWCC Star Tower $ 69,131.00'� $ (69,131-000) 102511 '11 105075 WRMC Security Camera T ! WRMC Future Master Plan- Cancelled I 1 $210,000.00 $350,000.00 $ (21 QOOQ00) $ (350,000.00) 1 b 1 c UNSPEC' _ $ 31,735.00: $ (31,735.00), _ 1d P00053 FWCC Minor Renovation & Repair $256,407.16I $ (256,407.16) 1 e P00054 WRMC Minor Renovation & Repair J $ 66,967.39 $ (66,967.39); 1f 101740 ARPA Richardson Bass System ; $1,472,688.00, 1$(1,472,688.00) 2g Up — 102634 _ ARPA WRMC-Emergency Generator .. -- - $250,000.00 2h 104397 ARPA WRMC Stall Panel $920,695.53! $2,348,731.18 19; 2i Replace M&C 21-0913 authorized the reinstatement of Public Event capital projects that were deferred andlor suspended in Fiscal Years (FY) 2020 and 2021 due to the loss of Hotel Occupancy Taxes as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. M&C 22-0789 authorized additional ARPA State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) allocations to Public Events that were deferred and/or suspended in Fiscal Years (FY) 2020 and 2021 due to the loss of Hotel Occupancy Taxes as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. M&C 23-0646 authorized the reallocation of Public Events capital project funds from the 2017A and 2017E Special Tax Revenue Bonds and Venue Capital Project Fund to ongoing projects. M&C 23-0792 authorized the issuance and sale of 2023A and 2023E Special Tax Revenue Bonds to make improvements at the Will Rogers Memorial Center (WRMC), which is an adjacent support facility of the multipurpose arena venue project designated by Council and approved by voters in 2014 (Resolutions 4327-07-2014. 4378-11-2014). The actions in this M&C amend the FY2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program for the Public Events Department as approved in connection with ordinance 27107-09-2024. A Form 1295 is not required because: This M&C does not request approval of a contract with a business entity. FISCAL INFORMATION ! CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in various projects within the Public Events Capital and Grants Cap Projects Federal Funds and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the Public Events Capital and Grants Cap Projects Federal Funds for the various projects. Prior to any expenditures being incurred, the Public Events Department shall be responsible for ensuring funds are available and that only expenditures allowable under the American Rescue Plan Act are charged to the ARPA funding source. Grant funds will be transferred to the Grants Cap Projects Federal Fund for the project on a reimbursement basis. Submitted for City Manage r's_Office b,1L. William Johnson 5806 Originating Business,Unit Head: Michael Crum 2501 Additional Information Contact: Keith A. Chisolm 2525