HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 62226FoRrWoRTH. CSC No. 62226
Yottl' tnultlfatnlly 01· single family buildlng(s), as appllcable, is undet• considel'ation to receive sel'vices from the Weatbel'izatlon Assistance Pl'ogram ("WAP''). The City of Fort Worth ("City") is unde1· cont1-act with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affall's ("TDHCAn) to administer the WAP in Ta1•1·ant County. The WAP ope1•ates under Pedei·al and State rules which have ce1•tain 1'.equlrements of which you, as a multi-family building landlol'd, ahottld be aware, At the bottom of this page is a PERMISSION TO ENTER PREMISES section gt·anting your pe1·mission fo1· the City of Fol't Wol'tlt to entel' yout· bulldlng(s) to perform energy audits, collect eligtbillty documentation from yottr tenants, and complete applications.
Before wo1·k begins on yout· buildlng(s), you will be t•equh'ed to sign a Landlord Ag1-eement, a copy of which is attached fo1· yom· review. Please be awa,-e that only residential �nits may be weatherized. Meeting rooms, game 1·ooms, laundt·y rooms, maintenance rooms, daycat·e centers, office areas 01·commercial business at•eas, and non-t-esidentlal facUitles are not eligible for weatherization se1·vices. The City may 1-equest a financial commitment from the building's landlord(s) based on the estimated cost fo1· each building containing multi-family rental units. Exceptions to this req\lirement can be made whe11 the owner ls an income-eligible applicant 01· a non-profit entity. The financial commitment may be in the fol'm of monetaty contributions (checks 01· money orders), materials, 01· labor pl'Ovided to install eligible measures. All monetary contributions pt·ovided by landlords will be used for labor and matedals. The estimated cost of each building will be based on an energy audit that ls performed on each individual \mit within the building. When the enet-gy audits are 001npleted, the City will contact you to discuss the proposed weathel'lzation measm-es £01• each building and yow· financial commit1nent to the p1·oject and the Landlord Agreement.
Aftet· weathe1'ization se1·vices have been pt'Ovided, the City is l'eqttked to condi,ct a quality control Inspection to ensu1·e that work was completed in accordance with the standards set forth by the W AP. It is yom· l'es onslbility to assist the local City staff in gaining entt·ance to yout· prope1·ty.
x Owners x Celia Alvarado ,, Artemio Alvarado Title P1'int Name of Landlo1•d/ Agent
WealltorlznUon Assl111111co Program• l.nndlord Pcnulsslon and Plll'tioipnlicm Ponu nnd AlfllClUenl tor6
-- — -- ---- — _ _ �
It is �gi•eed by a�id Uehvecn: The Citv of F'o►•t Wortl► ("City")
Celia Alvarado
(L�ndlord/Authorized Agent)x Artemio Alvarado
L�ncllord o�• Authorized Agent of the premises loc�ted �t:
x 5170 Paris St , Fort Worth TX 76119 (��Premises"1
], The Landlord agrees to cooperate with the City by assisting the City in gathering all records and
documents necess�ry for the City to determine if the tenants residing at the Premises are eligible
according to the US Department of �nergy guidelines foc weatherization services. The City shall gather
and keep confidential the names and incotnes of tenants living at the premises, to the e;ctent allowed Uy
2, If the City, at its sole discretion, determines that the premises are eligible for weatherization
services, the City agrees to weatllerize the Pi•emises in accordance with applicaUle cocles, laws and
regulations. The City agcees to forward a summary of the proposed worlc to the Landlocd after the energy
audits are completed. In exchange for these services, the Landlord agcees to be bound by the terms and
conditions of this Agreement for a period of 24 months, commencing on the date the weathei�ization worlc
is completed.
3. A tenant's lease may be renewed for successive periods during the period of the Agreement. If an
eligible tenant's lease ends during the term of the Agreement, the owner is not obligated to renew the
lease, as long as the dwelling tmit is subsequently rented to an income eligible household for the
remaining time period of the Agreement, The Landlord shall not increase the rents during the term of this
Agreement unless tlie increase is demonstrably related to matters otller than weatlierization worlc
performed. Landlord shall not evict tenants for the time period of this Agreement, except for just cause
and for mattei•s unrelated to the weatherization worlc performed. A list of units and agreement amounts,
and a copy of the lease agreement must be provided to the City, as well as the Deed of Trust to the
Premises, pi•ior to the execution of this Agreement. A failui•e to pi•ovide such documentation prior to tlle
execution of this Agreement will be considered a material breach of the Agceement.
4. Weatherized units that become vacant ducing the tertn of this Agreement must be rented to
income eligiUle households.
5. The Landlord hereby swears oi• affii•ms that the Pi•emises is not presently being offered for sale
anci furthec agrees to give the City thirty (30) calendar days written notification of the sale or conversion
of the Premises. At least ten (10) calendar days prior to the sale or conversion, the Landlord agcees to
obtain, in wciting, the pucch�sec's consent to assume the Landlord's obligations under this Agreement, or
if this consent is not obtained, to pay the City thc full cost of weatherization pro-rated by the number of
months left under this Agceement. The Landlord agrees that this document may be filed as evidence of a
lien (§53 of the Texas Property Code) against the propecty in the municipal land records.
Wentherizntion Assislance Progrnm - L�ndlord Pcrmission and Pt�rticipntion �onn Emd Agrccmcnl 3 of 6
FoRTWORTQ® ·,-entity. Each party is fully entitled to rely on these warranties and representations in entering into this
Agreement or any amendment hereto.
15.This Agreement cannot be modified or amended without the written consent of all the patties
hereto and attached and made a part of this Agreement.
I 6. This written instrument constitutes the entire Agreement by the parties hereto and obligations of
the parties and any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement that purports to vary from the
terms hereof shall be void.
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Landlord / Agent Signatme
>< Owners
>< 10/23/2024
11 Celia Alvarado
)( Artemio Alvarado
Print Name of Landlord/ Agent
City of Fort Worth:
By: k?
Name: Kacey Bess
Title: Director, Neighborhood Services
Approved as to Form ancl Legality:
By: rw� .
Name: Jessika Williams
Title: Assistant City Attorney
By: ri�
Name: Jannette Goodall
Title: City Secretary
Contract Compliance Manager:
By signing I acknowledge that I am the person
responsible for the monitoring and administration
of this contract, including ensuring all performance
and reporting requirements.
By: ,�=��f�
Name: John Cain
Title: Neighborhood Development Manager,
Neighborhood Services Department
Wcnlheriznlion Assislnncc Program -Lnndlord Permission nnd Pnrlicipnlion Form oml Agrcemcnl 5 of6
State of Texas
County of Tarrant
for me �
��on this� day of , 20�, personally appeared
� � + (Title)
la�own to me or proved to me to be tl�e peison described in and who executed the within and foregoing
instrument, and acluiowledged that he/she signed the same as his/her voluntary act and deed, ior lhe uses
and purposes thereiu i entioned,
(Notacy Public)
My Commission Expires: q,—��- �
(Notary Seal)
.� �►A Le'�
_ a; '� : �? Notary Public, State of Texas
;��+�? Comm. Expires 09-10-2025
°'n°;,�`° Notary ID 3307022
Weatherizalion Assist�nce Progr�m - Landlord Permission enA P�rticipulion Gorm und Agreement 6 oF6