HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 62482Texas Commission on Environmental Quality CONTRACT SIGNATURE PAGE Contract Dame: Contract Number: Performing Party Performing Party Idendficat[on Number; Mwdmum Authorized Reimbursement: Effective Date: September 1, 2021 Expiration Date: August 31, 2023 City of Ft. Worth - 105 582-22-30132 City o f Fort Worth 17560DOS286 S 124,800.00 CITY SECRETARY 62482 CONTRACT NO. If checked, this Contract requires matching funds, Match Requirement; S61*4.69-66 if checked, this Contract is funded with fedcral Funds_ CFDA Number. 66.605 Federal Grant Number, BG-90662722 This Contract is entered under: [] Gov't Code ch_ 771 (Interagency) Q G(3v ( Cade ch. 791 (Interlocal) ❑ Water Cade S 5.229 (In I e rgover nrn ental) Z Water Cade§ 5.124 (Grant) The Texas Commissiian on Environmental Quaiity (TCEQ), an agency of the State of Texas, and the named Performing Farty, a state agency a local government of the State cr Texas, enter this agreement (Contract) tD cooperatively conduct authorized governmental functions and activities under the laws of the State cf Tcxas. The Parties agree as follows- (a) to be effective, the Contract must be signed by an authorized official of the TCEQ and the Performing Party, {b) this Contract consists of aH documents specified in the list crContract Documents following this page, and (c) as authorized byTCEQ. Perf arming Part ywiil conduct Contract Activities as part of its u%m awhorized govemmental functions and TCEQ will reimburse Allowable Costs subject to the Texas Uniform grant Alanagemew Standards WGIMS) and this Contract, Texas Cnmrnissinn on Fnvircnmerital Quality Autborized Signature Rirhafd C. Chism Primed Name Deputy DireciDr, MDnitorinkfkiiidsIon — Nile 1/112021 Da t+; Procurements & Contracts Representative Samuel Davis M. CDCRt. CTCD —Printed Name 12/1/2021 Date OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX City of Fort Worth [ erforrrting J'arty) -mot, .Authorized Signature Valerie Washington Printed Name ASSIStant City Manager Title Nov 30, 2021 Date APPROVED ASTO FORM AND LEGALITY: * fir~` UNor &sivWnt t";ty AFib"wr- *r-Wm R. Lo"PI14ynalds ATTEST: ok!1DStr By: Jannette Goodall City Secretary RP TEAS COMNUSSIDN UN Pagc l of 145 592-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL fj.ilA> M CITY OF FT. WORT II - 105 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS LIST This Contract between TCEQ and Performing Party consists of the Contract Documents listed on this page. Documents on this list include all amendments. In the event of a conflict of terms, the Contract Documents as amended control in the descending order of the list, subject to provisions in the Special Terms and Conditions, if any. All Contract provisions, however, are subject to control by the latest amendment and most specific provision and by the applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. • Contract Signature Page • Contract Documents List (this page) • Special Terms and Conditions • Federal Section (Including Federal Conditions and Completed Forms) • Scope of Work • General Terms and Conditions • Cost Budget • Notices, Project Representatives and Records Locations • Attachment A - Financial Status Report • Attachment B - Release of Claims • Attachment C - Budget Revision Request Form • Attachment D - Level of Effort Certification • Attachment E - Personnel Eligibility List • Exhibit A-1 US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Requirements for Quality Management Plans (QA/R-2) (March 2001) • Exhibit A-2 EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/R-5) (2001) • Exhibit A-3 Quarterly Report Checklist • Form B-1 HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 2 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS These terms are defined as follows: 1.1. Acquisition Cost - (of an item of purchased Equipment) The net invoice unit price of the property including the cost of modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make that property usable for the purpose for which it was acquired. Other charges such as the cost of installation, transportation, taxes, duty or protective in -transit insurance, will be included or excluded from the unit Acquisition Cost in accordance with the Performing Party's regular accounting practices. 1.2. Cost Sharing or Match - The value of the third -party in -kind contributions and the portion of the costs of a State -assisted project or program not paid by the State. 1.3. Equipment- Tangible, nonexpendable, personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an Acquisition Cost of $ 5,000 or more per unit. A Performing Party may use its own definition of equipment provided that such definition would at least include all equipment defined above. 1.4. Nonconformance - A deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure that renders the quality or an item or activity unacceptable or indeterminate; non -fulfillment of a specified requirement. 1.5. Quality Assurance (QA) - An integrated system of management activities involving planning, implementing, assessment, reporting, and quality improvement to ensure that a process, item, or service is of the type and quality needed and expected by the customer. 1.6. Quality Control - The overall system of technical activities that measures the attributes and performance of a process, item, or service against defined standards to verify that they meet the stated requirements established by the customer; operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. 1.7. Quality Management Plan - A document that describes the quality system in terms of organizational structure, functional responsibilities of management and staff, lines of authority, and required interfaces for those planning, implementing, and assessing all activities conducted. 1.8. Supplies - Tangible personal property other than Equipment. 1.9. Surveillance - Continual or frequent monitoring and verification of the status of an entity and the analysis of records to ensure that specific requirements are being fulfilled. 1.10. Suspension - temporary withdrawal of authority to obligate Grant funds pending corrective action by the Performing Party or a decision to terminate the Grant; (2) an action by a TCEQ official to exclude a person from participating in Grant transactions for a period of time. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 3 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 1.11. Termination - Permanent withdrawal of the authority to obligate previously -awarded Grant funds before that authority would otherwise expire, or voluntary relinquishment of that authority by the Performing Party or subgrantee. 1.12. Third party in -kind contributions - Property or services which benefit a State assisted project or program and which are contributed by third parties without charge to the Performing Party, or a Cost -type Performing Party under the Contract. 1.13. Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) - means the Uniform Grant Management Standards promulgated by the Texas Comptroller pursuant to the Uniform Grant Conditions and Management Act, Tex. Govt. Code Chapter 783. UGMS is defined to include its successor guidance, Texas Grant Management Standards, the terms of which control for purposes of this Contract effective January 1, 2022 1.14. Work - the entire completed services or the various separately identifiable parts thereof required to be furnished under the Contract. Work includes and is the result of performing or furnishing labor, services, materials or equipment as required by the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT 2.1. The Contract Documents comprise the entire Contract between TCEQ and Performing Party concerning the Work. The Contract Documents are complementary; what is called for by one is as binding as if called for by all. 2.2. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project (or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the total Contract. Any Work, materials or equipment that may reasonably be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the intended result will be furnished and performed whether or not specifically called for. When words or phrases which have a well-known technical or pollution cleanup industry or trade meaning are used to describe Work, materials or equipment, such words or phrases will be interpreted in accordance with that meaning. ARTICLE 3. PERFORMING PARTY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1. The Performing Party is responsible for the professional quality, technical accuracy, timely completion and the coordination of all services and other Work furnished by the Performing Party under this Contract. Personnel 3.2. Performing Party will provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform the Work as required by the Contract Documents. Performing Party will at all times maintain good discipline and order on the Project. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 4 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Materials & Equipment 3.3. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, Performing Party will furnish and assume full responsibility for all materials, equipment, labor, transportation, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities, temporary facilities and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the furnishing, performance, testing, start-up and completion of the Work. 3.4. All materials and equipment will be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. All materials and equipment will be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Title to, Use, Management and Disposition of Equipment 3.5 Subject to the obligations and conditions set forth in this Contract, title to all equipment acquired with funds under this Contract will vest, upon acquisition, in the Performing Party. Performing Party must comply with all use, management and disposition requirements set out in 2 CFR Part 200.313 in connection with any such equipment. 3.6 In the event any funds provided under this Contract are in turn awarded to any subgrantee for the purchase or acquisition of any equipment, the Performing Party's contract with that subgrantee will include the requirements of this Contract. Substitutes and "or -Equal" Items: 3.7 Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent or "or -equal" item or no substitution is permitted, other items of material or equipment of other Suppliers may be accepted by TCEQ. 3.8 Substitute Methods or Procedures: If a specific means, method, technique, sequence or procedure is shown or indicated in and expressly required by the Contract Documents, Performing Party may furnish or utilize a substitute means, method, technique, sequence or procedure acceptable to TCEQ. Performing Party will submit sufficient information to allow TCEQ, in TCEQ's sole discretion, to determine that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Documents. Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others 3.9 All contractual expenditures using funds provided under this Contract will comply with all procurement laws and regulations applicable to the Performing Party and its subcontractors, including Chapter 783 of the Texas Government Code and UGMS. 3.10 The Performing Party will forward any proposed subagreement for the performance of Work required under this Contract's Scope of Work to TCEQ's Network Coordinator prior to execution of the sub agreement. TCEQ may, within 21 days of receipt of the proposed TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 5 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 subagreement, provide written notice (fax or email acceptable) to the Performing Party questioning whether the subagreement is for a legitimate purpose relating to the satisfaction of this Contract or has been procured in accordance with state and federal law. The Performing Party will not enter into a subagreement until TCEQ has withdrawn all questions raised in the notice. Neither TCEQ's failure to question a subagreement nor its subsequent withdrawal of any questions raised regarding a subagreement implies TCEQ's approval of the subagreement's purpose or method of procurement of the subagreement. Further, the terms of this provision do not in any way restrict TCEQ's rights under this Contract to subsequently refuse reimbursement for expenses incurred pursuant to the subagreement. The Performing Party may require a bid bond to protect the local and State interests by assuring that a bidder will, upon acceptance, execute all required contractual documents within the time period specified. 3.11 The Performing Party is responsible for the management and fiscal monitoring of all subcontractors and subgrantees. The Performing Party will monitor its subcontractors and subgrantees to ensure that the subcontractors and subgrantees are operating consistently with applicable laws and regulations, contracting policies, and these Contract Documents. The Performing Party will ensure that all subcontractors and subgrantees comply with all record keeping and access requirements set forth in these Contract Documents. TCEQ reserves the right to perform an independent audit of all subcontractors and subgrantees. 3.12 Performing Party, subcontractors and subgrantees must implement and maintain a Quality Assurance Program that addresses quality -related activities performed under this Contract and conforms to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) /the American Society for Quality (ASQ) E-4-2004 Quality Systems for Environmental Data and Technology Programs - Requirements with Guidance for Use, the EPA QA/R-2 and with the TCEQ Quality Management Plan. The TCEQ Quality Assurance specialists, or any of their authorized representatives, will have access to all such Work activities, monitors, records, documents and other evidence for the purpose of management systems review, inspection, audit, surveillance, peer review, excerpts, transcriptions and/or copying during normal business hours. The Performing Party will provide proper access. 3.13 Funds provided by TCEQ pursuant to this Contract that are paid to the subcontractor may be used by the subcontractor solely to satisfy the purposes of the Contract. Procurements 3.14 All procurements by the Performing Party of goods and/or services under this Contract will be conducted in accordance with its internal procedures and state and federal law. 3.15 Performing Party will perform a cost or price analysis in connection with all procurements in excess of $2,000 which are not competitively procured. A cost analysis will also be required when adequate price competition is lacking and for sole source procurements, unless the reasonableness of the price can be established on the basis of a catalog or market price. Failure to follow these requirements for providing the greatest possible competition in procurement is grounds for disallowance of costs for reimbursement. Subgrant Activities TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 6 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.16 All Subgrants awarded by the Performing Party under this Contract must comply with state and federal law. 3.17 Payments by Performing Party to subgrantees will be solely for reimbursement of actual allowable costs utilizing the same standards and requirements as the reimbursement payments from TCEQ to Performing Party set out in this Contract. No Subgrant will be made on a fixed amount of cost reimbursement unless this method is specifically approved by TCEQ based on supporting evidence of proposed subgrantee's actual costs. 3.18 All Subgrant agreements must be in writing and approved by TCEQ. The standards and requirements for reimbursements and standards for performance will be incorporated into the Subgrant agreements as well as other requirements of this Contract. Permits 3.19 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents, Performing Party will obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. Performing Party will pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the Work and all charges of such utility owners for capital costs related thereto, such as plant investment fees. Records, Documents, Data, Access, and Audit 3.20 The Performing Party will maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence reasonably pertinent to performance of the Work and requirements of the Contract Documents as required by the Federal Conditions and General Terms and Conditions of the Contract. 3.21 The Performing Party will pass through all record keeping, quality assurance requirements, and access requirements to all subcontracts and subagreements. 3.22 The Performing Party agrees to the disclosure of all information and reports resulting from access to records and quality activities under this Contract. 3.23 Records will be maintained by the Performing Party during performance of Work under this Contract, and for three (3) years after final payments, final expenditure reports and all other pending matters are closed. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, quality assurance assessment, cost recovery, or other action (including actions concerning costs of items to which an audit exception or nonconformance has been taken or identified) involving such records or corrective actions has been started before the expiration of the three (3) year period, such records must be retained until completion of the action or resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular three (3) year period, whichever is later. 3.24 Access to records or Work activity is not limited to the required retention periods. TCEQ will have access to records or Work activity at any reasonable time for as long as the records or nonconformance identified pursuant to an assessment are maintained. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 7 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.25 This right -of -access article applies to financial and quality records pertaining to this Contract and all subagreements and amendments. In addition, this right of access article applies to all records and Work activities pertaining to this Contract and all subagreements and amendments: 3.25.1 to the extent the records pertain reasonably to this Contract or subcontract performance; 3.25.2 if there is any indication that fraud, gross abuse, or corrupt practices may be involved; or 3.25.3 if the Contract or subcontract is terminated for default or for convenience. Data and Publicity 3.26 All data and other information developed under this Contract will be furnished to TCEQ and will be public data and information except to the extent that it is exempted from public access by the Texas Public Information Act, TEx. Gov'T CODE § 552. Upon termination of this Contract, all copies of data and information will be furnished, at no charge to TCEQ, upon request, to include databases prepared using funds provided under this Contract, and become the property of TCEQ. Except as otherwise provided by these Contract Documents or the Texas Public Information Act , the Performing Party will not provide data generated or otherwise obtained in the performance of its responsibilities under this Contract to any party other than the State of Texas and its authorized agents. Safety and Protection 3.27 Where applicable, Performing Party is responsible for requiring subcontractors and subgrantees to maintain and supervise all necessary safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Performing Party will take all necessary safety precautions. Performance Reports 3.28 In accordance with UGMS, the Performing Party will submit data completeness reports documenting all activities during a quarter pursuant to the Schedule of Deliverables set forth in the Scope of Work. In the absence of a schedule in the Scope of Work, the Performing Party will submit the reports not later than 30 days after the close of each quarter. The reporting periods correspond to the State of Texas fiscal year (September - November; December -February, March -May; June -August). Independent Financial Audit 3.29 By February 1 of each year, the Performing Party will engage an Independent Financial Auditor and conduct an annual audit of the Performing Party's financial statements in accordance with the Single Audit provisions of UGMS. The final report will be submitted to the TCEQ Contract Manager no later than 90 days following the completion of the audit. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 8 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.29.1 All terms used in connection with Audits in this Contract have the definitions and meanings assigned in the Texas Grant Management Standards and the Single Audit Circular in UGMS. 3.29.2 Provisions of the Single Audit Circular in Part IV of UGMS apply to all non -State Government entities expending the funds of this Grant, whether they are recipients, receiving the funds directly from TCEQ, or are subrecipients, receiving the funds from a pass -through entity (a recipient or another subrecipient). In addition, the Performing Party will require the independent auditor to supply all audit work papers substantiating the Work performed at the request of TCEQ or its designee. Exceptions in Audit 3.29.3 TCEQ is required to take action on exceptions noted in an audit of Performing Party's financial records. Therefore, Performing Party agrees to submit to TCEQ a copy of the report from any audit conducted of the Performing Party's financial records within 20 days of Performing Party's receipt of an audit report. At the same time, Performing Party will also provide a statement containing an explanation of the conditions giving rise to each exception in the audit report as well as a plan for correction of any significant deficiencies in Performing Party's operations or Contract performance. TCEQ may approve the statement or reject as insufficient. At the option of TCEQ the Performing Party may revise and resubmit. If the statement is initially or subsequently rejected by TCEQ with no further opportunity to revise, TCEQ may suspend payments or may terminate the Contract for cause and may undertake any other remedies or sanctions provided under this Contract. ARTICLE 4. CHANGES IN THE WORK 4.1. TCEQ may by written notification to the Performing Party, make changes to the scope of this Contract or in the services or Work to be performed. If such changes cause an increase or decrease in the Performing Party's cost of, or time required for, performance of any services under this Contract, whether or not changed by an order, an equitable adjustment will be made and this Contract will be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim of the Performing Party for adjustment under this clause must be asserted in writing within 30 days after the date of receipt by the Performing Party of the notification of change unless the Executive Director of TCEQ or his or her Network Coordinator grants a further period of time before the date of final payment under this Contract. 4.2. Performing Party is permitted to rebudget within the approved direct cost budget to meet any unanticipated requirements and may make limited program changes to the approved Project. Certain types of these changes require the prior written approval of TCEQ. Applicable cost principles set forth in 2 CFR Part 200.308 contain additional requirements for prior approval of certain types of costs and apply to all grants and Subgrants. Prior approval is required as follows: 4.2.1. Any change resulting in the need for additional funding; TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 9 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S 4.2.2. Cumulative transfers among direct cost categories, or, if applicable, among separately budgeted programs of projects and which exceed or are expected to exceed the total costs for the current year's budget by ten percent (10%); 4.2.3. Transfers of funds allotted for training allowances; 4.2.4. Changes in key personnel in cases where specified in an application or Grant award; or 4.2.5. Subcontracting those activities that are central to the purposes of the award. 4.3. Any request must be in writing to TCEQ and TCEQ will promptly review, approve or disapprove the request in writing. If a change requires federal approval, TCEQ will obtain that approval before approving the request. 4.4. Changes to the services or Work to be performed will be included as revisions in the Quality Assurance Project Plan for this Contract. ARTICLE 5. PAYMENTS TO PERFORMING PARTY Cost Reimbursement 5.1 The Performing Party has submitted a cost analysis. The Performing Party and TCEQ acknowledge that this cost analysis is the basis upon which the Contract Cost Budget has been developed. 5.2. Because certain Monitoring Division Program activities may not be performed in a given month, the Performing Party will perform a quarterly review of the Monitoring Division Program activities that it actually performs or expects to actually perform during that quarter. In this review, the Performing Party will determine whether the nearest practicable estimate of its actual cost of providing those services for that quarter is within the constraints established elsewhere in this Contract. 5.3. The Performing Party will make its review and determination available to TCEQ upon request. TCEQ may perform an independent review and make its own independent determination or make its own independent determination based upon the Performing Party's review. Duplication of Effort Prohibited 5.4. In addition to the funds provided to Performing Party under this Contract, TCEQ may provide funds to Performing Party under a separate Grant Agreement so that funds of two or more Grants are to be provided to a single activity of the Performing Party. Performing Party must monitor all activities to ensure that the Grant funds complement one another and do not result in double payments for the same activity. Payment Request Procedures TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 10 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 5.5. On a quarterly basis, within 30 days after the end of a quarter, the Performing Party will submit a Financial Status Report (FSR) (Attachment A) and a Quarterly Report Checklist incorporated herein as Exhibit A-3, in order to obtain payment for tasks completed under this Contract. The Performing Party will indicate the Match Amount in the space provided on the FSR. A description of the services provided by your Match Amount should be described in the FSR on the supplemental pages attached to the form. In addition, the Performing Party will submit either a completed quarterly HUB Progress Assessment Report, incorporated herein as Form B-1, or a TCEQ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program MBE and WBE Expenditures Report (see Federal Conditions and Forms section of Contract). 5.6. The TCEQ Network Coordinator will review the quarterly FSR and Quarterly Report Checklists for requests for payment of services performed as identified in Section A (Statement of Work) and Section B (Deliverables) and will notify the Performing Party that the requests are acceptable or will provide an explanation of why the requests or the Work identified in the requests are unacceptable. If the requests do not satisfactorily demonstrate the accomplishment of the required tasks, the TCEQ Network Coordinator will not authorize payment until such time as deficiencies have been corrected. 5.7. TCEQ will not issue any payment of an approved reimbursement request from the Performing Party until TCEQ receives from the EPA funds specifically awarded for activities provided by the Performing Party under this Contract. 5.8. Funding for the Work performed under this Contract is derived from Federal Section 105 pass -through funding from the TCEQ and will not exceed 67% of the Performing Party's Total Program Cost. If the Performing Party does not provide matching funds such that the combined federal and state share of the funding exceeds 67%, then the amount of TCEQ reimbursement for this Contract will be reduced so that this condition is met. 5.9 Nothing in this Article may be construed to prevent TCEQ or the Performing Party from exercising any of its rights under this Contract including but not limited to those relating to termination and remedies. 5.10 TCEQ is not obligated to make payment until it approves a request for reimbursement. TCEQ may suspend payment for any incomplete, inconsistent or incorrect deliverable until the Performing Party completes or corrects it. Closeout 5.11 When TCEQ determines that all administrative activities and all required Work have been completed, TCEQ will close out the Contract. Within 60 days after the expiration or termination of the Contract, the Performing Party must submit all financial, performance, and other reports required must be submitted within 45 days after the expiration of termination of the Contract. These reports may include: 5.11.1 All Performance or Progress Reports required by this Contract. 5.11.2 Financial Status Report (Attachment A). TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 11 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 5.11.3 Final Request for Payment. (Including Form B-1). 5.11.4 Invention disclosure (if applicable). 5.11.5 State-owned Property Report (if applicable). 5.12. In accordance with UGMS, the Performing Party must submit an inventory of all State- owned property (as distinct from property acquired with Grant funds) for which it is accountable and request disposition instructions from TCEQ for property no longer needed. 5.13. Within 90 days of receipt of the reports set forth above, TCEQ will make upward or downward adjustments to the allowable costs. TCEQ will make prompt payment to the Performing Party for allowable reimbursable costs. Closeout of the Contract does not affect: 5.13.1.TCEQ's right to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a later audit, quality assurance assessment, or other review; 5.13.2.The Performing Party's obligation to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other transactions; 5.13.3.Records retention as required herein; 5.13.4.Property management requirements set forth herein; and 5.13.5.Audit, including quality assurance assessment, requirements set forth herein. 5.14. The Performing Party must immediately refund to TCEQ any balance of unobligated (unencumbered) cash advanced that is not authorized to be retained for use on another Grant. 5.15. Any funds paid to a Performing Party in excess of the amount to which the Performing Party is finally determined to be entitled under the terms of the award constitute a debt to TCEQ. If not paid within a reasonable period after demand, TCEQ may reduce the debt by: 5.15.1. Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursement; 5.15.2. Withholding advance payments otherwise due to the Performing Party, or 5.15.3. Other action permitted by law. 5.16. Except where otherwise provided by statutes or regulations, TCEQ will charge interest on an overdue debt in accordance with UGMS. The date from which interest is computed is not extended by litigation or the filing of any form of appeal. 5.17. The Performing Party will provide to TCEQ documentation showing all tasks that have been completed by the Performing Party. The Performing Party agrees that the TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 12 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 determination of satisfactory completion of any and all Work or other services performed or furnished under this Contract will be based on the judgment of the staff of TCEQ, which judgment will be exercised in a reasonable manner and in good faith. 5.18. TCEQ may refuse to reimburse expenditures for which the Performing Party submits a voucher more than 60 days after the termination date of this Contract. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 13 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Federal Conditions and Forms (GRANTS) ARTICLE]. FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS This Agreement is funded in whole or in part with federal grant money. All applicable requirements of TCEQ's federal grants; EPA grant policies and guidance; 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, including procurement standards; and any additional federal funding conditions that arise during the Agreement period, are incorporated herein by reference. (TCEQ will provide copies of applicable federal grants or regulations upon request). TCEQ has separately provided the current and available pass -through information required under 2 CFR 200.331 to the Performing Party with this agreement. The term "Performing Party" as used in these Federal Conditions means either Performing Party, Grantee, or Contractor, as applicable. ARTICLE 2. FEDERAL INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS In accordance with 2 CFR 200.315, EPA has the right to reproduce, publish, use and authorize others to reproduce, publish and use copyrighted works or other data developed under this agreement for Federal purposes. EPA may authorize another grantee to use copyrighted works or other data developed with EPA funds provided under this agreement to perform another grant when such use promotes efficient and effective use of Federal grant funds. ARTICLE 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FINANCIAL SUPPORT The Performing Party shall acknowledge the financial support of the TCEQ and the U.S. EPA whenever work funded, in whole or part, by this Agreement is publicized or reported in news media or publications. All reports and other documents completed as a part of this Agreement, other than documents prepared exclusively for internal use within the TCEQ, shall carry the following notation on the front cover or title page: PREPARED IN COOPERATION WITH THE TEXAS COMMISSIONON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement (number) to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document. ARTICLE 4. RECYCLED MATERIALS When Performing Party procures $10,000 or more of a designated item in a fiscal year for this Contract or did so in the preceding fiscal year, Performing Party will select the item containing the highest percentage of recycled materials practicable as required by 42 U.S.C. 6962 and 2 CFR 200.322. This requirement does not apply to incidental purchases that are not a direct result of this Contract. Designated items are listed by the EPA in the most recent Consolidated Recovered Materials Advisory Notice. If the item with the highest percentage of recycled materials does not meet performance standards or is not available in a reasonable time or at a reasonable price, or the purchase of the item would not allow a reasonable level of competition, Performing Party may select a different item. With its invoice, Performing Party will report any purchases to which this section applies to TCEQ and indicate the percentage of recycled TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 14 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 materials in the items purchased. If Performing Party does not select the item containing the highest percentage of recycled materials, it will also state the reason. Paper for Reports to EPA. When directed to provide paper documents, the Performing Party agrees to use recycled paper and double -sided printing for all reports which are prepared as a part of this agreement and delivered to EPA. This requirement does not apply to reports prepared on forms supplied by EPA. ARTICLE 5. ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1. Performing Party shall have an accounting system which accounts for costs in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or principles and complies with 2 CFR § 200.49. This system shall provide for the identification, accumulation, and segregation of allowable and unallowable project costs among projects. 2. Performing Party shall comply with the property management requirements of 2 CFR §§ 200.310 through 200.316. ARTICLE 6. RECORDS, ACCESS, AND AUDIT The Federal Government and its agencies will have the same rights of access to records as are granted to, assigned to, or reserved by the TCEQ under this Agreement. The Performing Party shall maintain fiscal records and supporting documentation for all expenditures of funds pursuant to 2 CFR Part 200, Subparts D and F, as appropriate. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.501(a), the Performing Party shall obtain a single audit if it expends $750,000 or more a year in federal awards. Performing Party must immediately notify the TCEQ of any audit findings specifically related to this award and provide the TCEQ a copy of such findings within three (3) business days after issuance. By submitting an invoice, Financial Status Report, or other financial reporting documentation, Performing Party certifies that it did not receive any audit findings specifically related to this award during the invoicing/reporting period, except for such audit findings Performing Party already provided notice of in accordance with this Section. ARTICLE 7. SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT Performing Party shall fully comply with Subpart C of 2 CFR Part 180, entitled "Responsibilities of Participants Regarding Transactions Doing Business With Other Persons," as implemented and supplemented by 2 CFR Part 1532. Performing Party is responsible for ensuring that any lower tier covered transaction, as described in Subpart B of 2 CFR Part 180, entitled "Covered Transactions," includes a term or condition requiring compliance with Subpart C. Performing Party is responsible for further requiring the inclusion of a similar term or condition in any subsequent lower tier covered transactions. Performing Party acknowledges that failing to disclose the information required under 2 CFR § 180.335 may result in the delay or negation of this agreement or pursuance of legal remedies. Performing Party may access the System for Award Management at: https://www.sam.gov/SAM/ or type "System for Award Management' in an internet. search. ARTICLE 8. PROHIBITION ON USE OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR LOBBYING AND LITIGATION 1. The Performing Party agrees to comply with Title 40 CFR Part 34, New Restrictions on Lobbying. The Performing Party agrees that none of the funds paid under this Contract will be used to engage in the lobbying of the Federal Government in connection with obtaining any federal contract, grant, or other award, or in litigation against the United States unless authorized under existing law. 2. The Performing Party shall submit to the TCEQ the EPA Certification Regarding Lobbying form and if applicable, the Disclosure of Lobbying Activities form. The Performing Party must file a disclosure form at the end of each calendar quarter in TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 15 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 which there occurs any event that requires disclosure or that materially affects the accuracy of the information contained in any disclosure form previously filed. In accordance with the Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment, any recipient who makes a prohibited expenditure under Title 40 CFR Part 34 or fails to file the required certification or lobbying forms shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such expenditure. ARTICLE 9. CIVIL RIGHTS OBLIGATIONS In carrying out this agreement, the recipient must comply with: a. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin, including limited English proficiency (LEP), by entities receiving Federal financial assistance. b. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination against persons with disabilities by entities receiving Federal financial assistance; and C. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, which prohibits age discrimination by entities receiving Federal financial assistance. If the recipient is conducting an education program under this agreement, it must also comply with: a. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities operated by entities receiving Federal financial assistance. If this agreement is funded with financial assistance under the Clean Water Act (CWA), the recipient must also comply with: a. Section 13 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in CWA-funded programs or activities. 4. Regulatory Requirements a. The recipient agrees to comply with all applicable EPA civil rights regulations, including: i. For Title IX obligations, 40 CFR Part 5; and ii. For Title VI, Section 504, Age Discrimination Act, and Section 13 obligations, 40 CFR Part 7. iii. As noted on the EPA Form 4700-4 signed by the recipient's authorized representative, these regulations establish specific requirements including maintaining compliance information, establishing grievance procedures, designating a Civil Rights Coordinator and providing notices of non-discrimination. TITLE VI - LEP, Public Participation and Affirmative Compliance Obligation a. As a recipient of EPA financial assistance, you are required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act to provide meaningful access to LEP individuals. In implementing that requirement, the recipient agrees to use as a guide the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) document entitled "Guidance to Environmental Protection Agency Financial Assistance Recipients Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons." The guidance can be found at httDs://www.federalre2ister.Lov/documents/2004/06/2 5 /04-14464/guidance-to- environmental-brotection-aLyencv-financial-assistance-recibients-re2ardinLy-title- vi. - - - - TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 16 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 6. If the recipient is administering permitting programs under this agreement, the recipient agrees to use as a guide OCR's Title VI Public Involvement Guidance for EPA Assistance Recipients Administering Environmental Permitting Programs. The Guidance canbe found at https://www.2ovi_nfo.2ov/content/pk2/FR-2006-03-21/pdf/06- 2691.pdf. 7. In accepting this assistance agreement, the recipient acknowledges it has an affirmative obligation to implement effective Title VI compliance programs and ensure that its actions do not involve discriminatory treatment and do not have discriminatory effects even when facially neutral. The recipient must be prepared to demonstrate to EPA that such compliance programs exist and are being implemented or to otherwise demonstrate how it is meeting its Title VI obligations. ARTICLE 10. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (DBEs) 1. The Performing Party shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in the performance of this Contract. The Performing Party shall carry out applicable requirements of 40 CFR Part 33 in the award and administration of contracts awarded under EPA financial assistance agreements. Failure by the Performing Party to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this Contract which may result in the termination of this Contract or other legally available remedies. 2. Performing Party agrees that qualified DBEs and active Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) shall have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of the Work required under this Contract through possible subcontracts to carry out portions of the Work or any goods or services procured to directly support the Work. 3. The Performing Party is required to make a good faith effort to include HUBs or DBEs on any procurement for subcontractors or suppliers/vendors for Work under this Contract. 4. The Performing Party must submit one of the following forms with each invoice. a. TCEQ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program MBE and WBE Expenditures Report (attached); or b. Texas Comptroller HUB Subcontracting Plan Progress Assessment Report (PAR) found at https://comptroller.texas.2ov/purchasing/vendor/hub/forms.php. At minimum, this form shall include the name and identification number of the HUB or DBE and the amount paid to the HUB or DBE. 5. The Performing Party shall retain all records documenting compliance with good faith efforts when performing under the EPA DBE program. 6. Before terminating a DBE for convenience, the Performing Party must notify TCEQ in writing. 7. If a DBE subcontractor fails to complete work for any reason, and the Performing Party plans to procure a replacement subcontractor, the Performing Party must demonstrate the same good faith effort to procure the replacement subcontractor. 8. The Performing Party must pay its subcontractors for satisfactory performance no more than 10 days from the Performing Party's receipt of payment from TCEQ. 9. TCEQ's established fair share goals are as follows: MBE GOAL( %) WBE GOAL (%) Construction 7.34 10.60 Equipment 19.57 19.64 Services 12.98 23.70 Supplies 19.37 14.15 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 17 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 ARTICLE 11. DEMONSTRATION OF COMPETENCY In accordance with EPA directive FEM 2012-02 Rev. 1, "Policy to Assure the Competency of Organizations Generating Environmental Measurement Data Under Agency -Funded Assistance Agreements," if the Work performed by the Performing Party or any of its subcontractors or subrecipients under this Contract includes generating or using environmental data through sample collection, field measurements and/or laboratory analysis, then it must document and maintain certification demonstrating the competency of individuals using or generating environmental data under this Contract. Certification may include training records, certificates, or educational credentials. ARTICLE 12. TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Prohibition Statement - Performing Party may not engage in severe forms of trafficking in persons during the period of time that the award is in effect; procure a commercial sex act during the period of time of the award; or use forced labor in the performance of the award or subaward under the award. a. TCEQ may unilaterally terminate this award, without penalty, if a Performing Party that is a private entity: (1) is determined to have violated an applicable prohibition in the Prohibition Statement above; or (2) has an employee who is determined by the agency official authorized to terminate the award to have violated an applicable prohibition in the Prohibition Statement through conduct that is either (a) associated with performance under this award; or (b) imputed to the Performing Party using the standards and due process for imputing the conduct of an individual to an organization that are provided in 2 CFR Part 180, "OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)", as implemented at 2 CFR Part 1532. The Performing Party must inform TCEQ immediately of any information you receive from any source alleging a violation of a prohibition in the Prohibition Statement above. b. TCEQ's right to terminate unilaterally: (1) implements section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), as amended (22 U.S.C. 7104(g)), and (2) is in addition to all other remedies for noncompliance that are available to TCEQ under this award. ARTICLE 13. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Drug -Free Workplace. The Performing Party must make an ongoing, good faith effort to maintain a drug -free workplace pursuant to the specific requirements set forth in Title 2 CFR Part 1536. Additionally, in accordance with these regulations, the Performing Party must identify all known workplaces under its federal awards and keep this information on file during the performance of the award. Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act. Pursuant to 40 CFR 30.18, if applicable, and 15 U.S.C. 2225a, the Performing Party agrees to ensure that all space for conferences, meetings, conventions, or training seminars funded in whole or in part with federal funds complies with the protection and control guidelines of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act (PL 101-391, as amended). Performing Party may search the Hotel -Motel National Master List at httns://anns.usfa.fema.aov/hotel/ to see if a property is in compliance, or to find other information about the Act. 3. Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act. If the Agreement is in excess of $150,000, the Performing Party agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders and regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 - 7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 - 1387). 4. Prohibition on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. The Performing Party is prohibited from using grant funds to enter into contracts or subawards (or extend or renew contracts or subawards) with entities that TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 18 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 use or provide covered telecommunications equipment or services as described in 2 CFR § 200.216 and Public Law 115-232, Section 889. This prohibition includes in -kind contributions. This provision is subject to the exceptions provided in Public Law 115- 232, Section 889. 5. Domestic Preferences for Procurements. In accordance with 2 CFR 200.322, and to the maximum extent practicable, appropriate, and consistent with applicable law, Performing Party will provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). The requirements of this provision must be included in all subawards, contracts, and purchase orders for work or products funded by this award. 6. Religious Liberty. In accordance with 2 CFR § 200.300 and Executive Order 13798, ensure, for states and other public recipients, that subawards are not conditioned in a manner that would disadvantage applicants for subawards based on their religious character. ARTICLE 14. FEDERAL FUNDING ACCO UNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY ACT (FFATA) REPORTING 1. In accordance with 2 CFR Part 2 5, entities that receive subawards from TCEQ that are funded wholly or partially with federal funds must (1) be registered in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) prior to submitting an application or plan or entering into an agreement; (2) maintain an active CCR registration with current information at all times while the application or plan is under consideration by TCEQ or during the term of the agreement; and (3) provide its Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number in each application or plan it submits to TCEQ, unless an exemption applies. 2. No funds may be received or awarded until Performing Party has complied with these requirements and provided a valid DUNS number. 3. Additionally, in accordance with 2 CFR Part 170, if certain elements are met, Performing Party must report the total compensation for each of its five most highly compensated executives for the preceding completed fiscal year. 4. These elements are found on the TCEQ Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Reporting Form, which must be completed and provided to TCEQ no later than the Performing Party's date of signature on this agreement. ARTICLE 15. CONSULTANT SALARY CAP 1. The salary rate (excluding overhead) paid to individual consultants retained by the Performing Party is limited to the maximum daily rate for a Level IV of the Executive Schedule, available at: httDs://WWW.obm.QOV/Dolicv_ -data-oversiLht/bav-leave/salaries- wa es , and adjusted annually. 2. This limit applies to consultation services of designated individuals with specialized skills who are paid at a daily or hourly rate. This salary limit applies unless the consultant was selected through a procurement process that conforms to Subpart D of 2 CFR 200. 3. Under EPA's policy regarding payments to consultants under grants, consultants are typically individuals who are experts with excellent qualifications and are usually regarded as authorities or practitioners of unusual competence and skill by other individuals engaged in the same profession. ARTICLE 16. MANAGEMENT FEES Management fees or similar charges in excess of the direct costs and approved indirect rates are not allowable. The term "management fees or similar charges" refers to expenses added to the direct costs in order to accumulate and reserve funds for ongoing business expenses; TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 19 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 unforeseen liabilities; or for other similar costs which are not allowable under this assistance agreement. Management fees or similar charges may not be used to improve or expand the project funded under this agreement, except to the extent authorized as a direct cost of carrying out the scope of work. ARTICLE 17. COST AND PRICE OF THIS AGREEMENT The Performing Party must comply with 2 CFR §200.323. The Performing Party may request a form from TCEQ to use when performing a cost or price analysis. ARTICLE 18. CYBERSECURITY 1. Any connection between the Grantee's network or information technology system and an EPA network or information technology system used to transfer data under this agreement must be secure. A connection is a dedicated persistent interface between the Grantee's network or information technology system and EPA's network or information technology system for the purpose of transferring information. 2. The Grantee will contact the EPA Project Officer (PO) and work with the designated Regional/Headquarters Information Security Officer to ensure that the connections meet EPA security requirements, including entering into Interconnection Service Agreements as appropriate. Contact the TCEQ Grant Manager for the EPA PO's contact information. 3. This condition does not apply to (1) transitory user -controlled connections, such as website browsing, (2) manual entry of data by the Grantee into systems operated and used by EPA's regulatory programs for the submission of reporting and/or compliance data, or (3) Grantee's connections that use the Environmental Information Exchange Network or EPA's Central Data Exchange. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 20 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS Instructions on how to fill out the attached Federal Forms: Certification Regarding Lobbying (EPA Form 6600-06) — Complete and return with signed Contract. Contains certifications about the use of Federal appropriated funds in connection with lobbying. If at any time during the course of the Contract you have any federal lobbying to report, you must provide a Disclosure Regarding Lobbying Form (SF-LLL) to the TCEQ Project Representative, with quarterly updates. Note, this form is not attached, but may be found online. 2. TCEQ Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program MBE and WBE Expenditures Report — submitted with each invoice. TCEQ Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Reporting Form — Completed upon or prior to Contract execution. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 21 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 I�n}Irrtl t#lrti � Ce,dw Fla 40 � f 1r %A%YF.PArt h�NONMENTAL PRDTE=,D � r GENCY arnta rapir�i t�rLr�1�� Vririhl"iod, 00 EPA Prow Conti-ol N vnibur CE RVF ICATION REGARDING LOBBYING CERTIFIGATION FO'R COMTnA TS, ORANTS. LEANS A N D COOP ERATIVE ACRE E MENTS TM W4WffV6d CBritrilt, E4 Lh1e bail fO!Mira or rW W4WW" anO t iW.. !het � 1) ho Faid" ,.... , . j furnd1 hzvg bear pbid ar wrt be psi, by QE Pn WAIF bf fW undsmgn". to wy pomw V in&wn}rxg w pKcmp g Ea Mnue lC* an ~ W -0 an swcy, a M"W of ComqmW an ptimpar fir a toil e" of C4fVWM Ot Orr em "ree a O Memb+ 0 Qor►Wm irk o,nrFr+ 5m wcw tt•,a mvwc v or ■wf ppftw m ract Zht ntakinp cr any Fad.r!fi] gr&V, Ve rnr+ kV ofany Ped" kmK fha kV into d " a'tin , W* erMr4ibrl,-Wmi'Yu3M*4x rw4wa , Rmartwnirrl. or , 1• (20 ff afty Nr1d5 ~ hm Fedwal .. . ed lur•rd$ haroa beer, p td -of •rral be p8id fb any pff6m F& i'fi}u rr Or aKempbeg fit' Ar ar t npWm qf irr}• agency, ak MerfbW 4r GbNreM M C_-.M U^ rilh•'h,4 Fq)Mr#I C*nt-qb;:j. g-anr• imn. pr pnp#rm" ppreprrMr.L Um urldmoed shall miVWe-ed tutmd 5tar4a+d 'D40Mrf JFWm 94 RVpW 4 •4iq ' in Kcvdsf►b& wrlh i I i irS;.•r.4r..002. 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Mbmt kw pis ov%Kkn ar;r6yma&xl rs cAwuMd Iv ■.u-Mp 11 warren W i tr 7Atil. 6#-d &Wff&lft Wtv AV-Crl -mg $ T* W&Xff"wftiDq orte pmtii4rRli MdW eWraim, rid M?p mWftxM Far a**riw* 4 respw*vr4 woo w44N wmO trip k** cd *Aww F7*ftrq+40m*F w r*f rpmr, mnlaawsOlmom W $ rrMrWWrraa AMKknAprrr"fUZ T}, 12M Fyeri"M AA., hW 0C ;iW hn" tiF OW 4rnol V fPA F arm VWy. MOM4� PwvoA ktmDwa rEx4s c0N>MFDH I or 144 W-Mu1+m EhrmmMFWALQ4ALM CM OF Fr. %VR1Tf � iOS Ec@nned with C@ mScanner —Mm _ = TCEQ - DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM - MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (MBE) AND WOMAN OWNED BUSINESS TCF ENTERPRISE (WBE) EXPENDITURES REPORT Federally Funded Grants Grantee Name: Grantee ID #: Grantee Point of Contact (POC) Name: POC Phone Number: POC Email: TCEQ Contract #: Invoice Reporting Period Date: Invoice #: Invoice Amount: MBE/WBE Subcontractor Expenditures for this Reporting Period Was this payment for Services, Indicate Equipment or MBE or MBE/WBE Subcontractor Vendor ID: Supplies? WBE Amt. Paid A DBE is a Disadvantaged, Minority, or Woman Business Enterprise Total MBE/WBE Pmts. that has been certified by an entity from which EPA accepts for this Reporting Period: certifications as described in 40 CFR 33.204-33.205 or certifies by EPA. Subcontractor is defined as a company, firm, joint venture, or individual who provides goods or services pursuant to an EPA award of financial assistance. This does not include a grantee's subrecipients. AFFIRMATION. The information provided on this form is accurate and complete. Signature: Date: TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 23 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 �_ Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act i This form is required to be completed by the subrecipient for contracts funded wholly or partially with federal funds by TCEQ. In accordance with 2 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) TCEQ Part 170 the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, TCEQ must collect subrecipient information for transactions $25,000 or greater. Information completed by TCEQ Program Area: TCEQ Contract 582-22-30132 No./PCR Information completed by Subrecipient: Legal Name of Entity DUNS Number + 4 Location of Entity City of Fort Worth 005698212 200 Texas Street I(address) Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (city, state) (zip + 4) Exemption from reporting compensation information _ �* (N Please check box for exemption from reporting if in the preceding fiscal year ANY of the following applied: I • Recipient received less than 80% of its annual gross revenues in Federal awards (federal contracts (and subcontracts), loans, grants (and subgrants) and cooperative agreements); or • the recipient received less than $25,000,000 in annual gross revenues from Federal awards; or • the public has access to information about compensation of the senior executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d))_pLiection 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Total Compensation and Names of Top Five Executives (if applicable) Name Compensation Amount Subrecipient Responsible Party Title Print Name I Signature/Date Assistant City Manager Valerie Washington rf� Ov 30'02JL' �.s fr.a wa TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 24 of 146 582.22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Scanned with CamScanner Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act I This form is required to be completed by the subrecipient for contracts funded wholly or partially with Federal funds by TCEQ. In accordance with 2 CFR 170 the Federal TCe Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), TCEQ must collect subrecipient information for transactions $25,000 or greater. FFATA Form Instructions Information completed by TCEQ Program Area: This field should be completed by TCEQ program area. • TCEQ Contract No./PCR - Enter the Contract Number and Purchase Contract Request (PCR) generated by BAMS when the original contract is first established. The PCR number does not need to be provided if it is the same as the last five digits of the Contract number. Information completed by Subrecipient: Each field requires a response by the subrecipient. If data is not available, the subrecipient should enter an asterisk N in the field and provide an explanation. • Legal Name of Entity - Enter name of the subrecipient organization that corresponds with subrecipient's Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) as it appears in the System for Award Management (SAM) profile, www.sam.gov. DUNS Number + 4 - Enter subrecipient's organization's 9-digit DUNS number as it appears in its SAM Profile and the +4 extension to the DUNS number. The +4 extension is created by registrants in SAM when there is a need for more than one bank/Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) account for a location. • Location of Entity - Provide address where subrecipient's organization is located as it appears in subrecipient's SAM profile. Total Compensation and Names of Top Five Executives (if applicable) - As defined in 2 CFR 170.110, you must report Executive Compensation from your preceding fiscal year unless any of the exemption criteria apply. • Subrecipient Responsible Party - The person completing the form should provide title, print name, signature, and date the form was signed. Return completed and signed form to TCEQ Contract Manager. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 25 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 SCOPE OF WORK I. FACTS/PURPOSE The Performing Party will act as a Tier I local program to operate, support, and maintain the air monitoring stations in listed in Table I.A, located in or around Fort Worth, Texas, in accordance with 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 50 and 58, the effective Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) quality assurance project plan (QAPP) pertaining to the State or Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS) /Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS)/National Core (NCore)/Border and Federally Funded Special Purpose Monitor (SPM) Network (SLAMS QAPP), equipment standard operating procedures (SOPS), and the Preventive Maintenance Instructions (PMI) Manual. Documentation is available upon request. Table I.A lists monitoring equipment and air monitoring stations operated, supported, and maintained under this contract. Table I.A: Stations and Equipment Station I Address I Equipment Type Operating Schedule Eagle Mountain 14290 Morris 03 continuous Lake* Dido Newark SR continuous AQS number Road, 484390075 Eagle Mountain met continuous CAMS 0075 Fort Worth 1198 California CO continuous California Parkway Parkway North, North* Fort Worth NO/NO,/NO, continuous AQS number 484391053 met continuous CAMS 1053 Keller* FAA Site off Alta 03 continuous AQS number Vista Road, 484392003 Fort Worth SR continuous CAMS 0017 met continuous Arlington Municipal 5504 South 03 continuous Airport* Collins Street, NO/NO,/NO, continuous AQS number Arlington 484393011 SR continuous CAMS 0061 met continuous *TCEQ owned site. All other sites are city -owned. AQS - Air Quality System CAMS - continuous air monitoring station CO - carbon monoxide met - meteorological equipment with sensors for monitoring temperature, wind speed, and wind direction TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 26 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 NO/NO2/NO. - oxides of nitrogen; includes nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO,) 03 - ozone SR - solar radiation TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 27 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 II. A NISTRATION REGULATIONS A. Grants This contract is contingent on continued federal funding through grants awarded under Section 105 of the Federal Clean Air Act. B. Contract Amendments a. The Performing Party may initiate a contract amendment by submitting a revised cost budget sheet and justification to the TCEQ Network Coordinator. The TCEQ will provide comments, deny, or approve the request. If approved, a contract amendment is initiated by the TCEQ Network Coordinator. The Performing Party will return the signed contract amendment within 30 calendar days of receipt. A contract amendment is required for the following. • cumulative transfers among direct cost budget categories that exceed 10 percent (%) of the total current year's budget • changes to the monitoring stations listed in Table I.A • changes to the equipment operations listed in Table I.A • changes in the scope of work constituting a Major Change under the General Terms and Conditions of the Contract • transfer of funds to a zero -dollar budget category b. The TCEQ may initiate a contract amendment, as agreed by both parties, to account for changes to the funding and air monitoring stations and/or equipment listed in Table I.A. The Performing Party will return the signed contract amendment within 30 calendar days of receipt. A contract amendment is required for the following. • when additional Pass-Thru grant funds are available for use by the Performing Party or other funding changes are needed • site equipment changes including deployment of a new equipment type, equipment decommission, or revised sampling frequency • additional sites with equipment similar to those already included in Table I.A C. Budget Change Requests To adjust funds between cost categories, the Performing Party must submit a budget change request with a revised cost budget sheet, including a brief justification, to the TCEQ Network Coordinator. The TCEQ will provide comments, deny, or approve the request. Budget change requests are required for the following. • cumulative transfers among direct cost categories not to exceed 10% of the total costs for the current year's budget • changes in key personnel in cases where specified in an application or grant award • subcontracting activities that are central to the purposes of the award D. This contract details work to be performed in fiscal year (FY) 2022-2023. E. FY 2022 begins September 1, 2021 and ends August 31, 2022. Calendar quarters are as follows. • 1st quarter: January - March • 2nd quarter: April - June • 3rd quarter: July - September TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 28 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 • 411 quarter: October - December F. Fiscal and seasonal quarters are as follows. • Ist quarter: September - November • 2nd quarter: December - February • 3Td quarter: March - May • 41h quarter: June - August G. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Assessments The TCEQ and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reserve the right to assess the program managed by the Performing Party. Assessments may include performance evaluation, inspection, surveillance, peer review, or audit and are expected to be announced and coordinated with the Performing Party. H. Tiered Local Program Definitions A local program (LP) is a governmental entity funded in part by a grant from the EPA through the TCEQ to operate and maintain air monitoring stations in Texas under Section 105 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7405. The TCEQ contracts with an LP using the Section 105 Pass-Thru Grant funds. The LP is responsible for collecting ambient air quality data and reporting them to the TCEQ and the EPA to demonstrate compliance with the U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The TCEQ is the Primary Quality Assurance Organization (PQAO) for the data collected by the LP and provides LP oversight. An LP must effectively complete the tasks and submit the deliverables listed below for the applicable project tier based on LP program participation. A Tier I LP is responsible for the following. o Operate equipment listed in Table I.A, including associated support equipment such as zero air generators and communications equipment. o Complete tasks listed in Section IV of this Contract. o Submit complete and accurate deliverables as listed in Table VIII.A. A Tier II LP is responsible for the following. o Own, repair, and operate equipment listed in Table I.A and associated support equipment such as zero air generators and communications equipment. o Obtain, maintain, and pay for (where negotiated by a property owner) written site agreements for sites listed in Table I.A. Site agreements may not be required for city -owned property. o Establish, maintain, and pay for site utilities, including electricity and communications services for sites listed in Table I.A. o Complete tasks listed in Section IV of this Contract. o Submit complete and accurate deliverables as listed in Table VIII.A. A Tier III LP is responsible for the following. o Own, repair, and operate equipment listed in Table I.A and associated support equipment such as zero air generators and communications equipment. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 29 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 o Obtain, maintain, and pay for (where negotiated by a property owner) written site agreements for sites listed in Table I.A. Site agreements may not be required for city -owned property. o Establish, maintain, and pay for site utilities, including electricity and communications services for sites listed in Table I.A. o Perform validation on data collected by equipment listed in Table I.A. o Contract or coordinate analytical services for discrete, non -continuous samples collected at sites listed in Table I.A. o Complete tasks listed in Section IV of this Contract. o Submit complete and accurate deliverables as listed in Table VIII.A. III. TCEQ RESPONSIBILITIES/DESIGNATION OF STAFF A. The TCEQ will provide equipment certification services for calibrators and audit kits. B. The TCEQ will provide verified audit standards as requested by the Performing Party. C. The TCEQ provides contract oversight and acts as a liaison between the Performing Party and the EPA. D. The TCEQ will provide contract -related documents such as SOPS, QAPPs, business practices, and PMIs when requested by the Performing Party. Where the Performing Party chooses to develop and maintain its own quality documents, the TCEQ posts those documents on the internal web page during the term of the Contract and includes them in the project QAPPs. The TCEQ may amend the QAPP to reflect changes in work performed under this Contract. E. The TCEQ will review the Performing Party's draft QMP, routes the draft QMP to the designated Lead Quality Assurance Specialist, and provides signatures when the QMP is approved. F. The TCEQ will provide individual Performing Party staff with virtual private network (VPN) accounts to access the TCEQ internal status report webpage during the term of the Contract. G. The TCEQ will review and approve subcontractors used by the Performing Party. H. The TCEQ provides the Performing Party with audit announcements related to Performing Party sites and equipment, conducts annual air monitoring station field audits, and provides audit results. I. The TCEQ provides review, comment, and quality assurance approval on Performing Party corrective action plans submitted to the TCEQ Quality Assurance Specialist or to the EPA in response to Performing Party audit findings and non -audit non -conformances. J. The TCEQ will perform financial report reviews to confirm Performing Party charges conform to contract and budget documents. K. The TCEQ will schedule and conduct quarterly conference calls with the Performing Party and documents and distributes a written call summary. L. The TCEQ will perform data validations on Performing Party data. M. The TCEQ will act as the PQAO and upload validated Performing Party data, including quality control samples, to the EPA Air Quality System (AQS). TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 30 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 N. The TCEQ provides all electrical and communication accounts necessary for the proper operation of air monitoring stations. O. The TCEQ provides technical support for TCEQ-owned air monitoring equipment by phone, email, or on -site visit, during regular business hours between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM CST on standard business days. P. The TCEQ designates staff set out below to provide contract oversight. • Courtney Groff, 512-239-1713, is the Network Coordinator and technical point -of -contact. • DeeAnn Fagins, 512-239-5057, is the Contract Specialist and financial point -of -contact. • Heather Stewart 512-239-5241 is the Air Quality System (AQS) Data Coordinator and data point -of -contact. Additional experienced TCEQ staff are available in the absence of those listed above. Contact information for technical staff is available upon request. IV. PERFORMING PARTY RESPONSIBILITIES A. Project Management a. The Performing Party will designate a Project Manager who receives communications from the TCEQ, manages the work being performed, and acts on behalf of the Performing Party as an authorized representative. The Project Manager is responsible for tracking, coordinating completion, and submission of contract deliverables. b. The Performing Party Project Manager will participate in quarterly conference calls with the TCEQ Network Coordinator and coordinate participation of other Performing Party staff when requested by the TCEQ. Calls are scheduled as agreed upon by both parties. c. The Performing Party will reply in writing to all TCEQ requests by set deadlines and responds promptly to and comply with verbal and written guidance from the TCEQ Network Coordinator. B. Equipment Operation, Maintenance, and Repair a. The Performing Party will operate monitoring equipment and collects data using federally approved methods (i.e., federal reference methods [FRMs] or federal equivalent methods [FEM], etc.), following federal regulations and established SOPS, QMPs, QAPPs, and written guidance provided by the Network Coordinator. b. The Performing Party must provide the TCEQ with at least 85% calendar quarter data return from monitors and samplers and collect make-up samples with Network Coordinator approval for non -continuous parameters to achieve 85% data completeness. c. The Performing Party must provide a minimum of one primary operator with at least six months documented experience with ambient air monitoring equipment and one backup site operator with similar documented experience. These site operators must be electrical/mechanical grade technicians capable of operating and performing light maintenance on meteorological hardware and electronic monitoring equipment. Site operators must be proficient in the use of digital volt meters and personal computers. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 31 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 d. The Performing Party must ensure staff independently possess and utilize the information, practical knowledge, techniques, and skills needed to comply with state and federal air monitoring regulations. e. The Performing Party must check the site status each business day through the TCEQ internal status report webpage using VPN access and documents the check in the electronic site logbook. Site status checks include the following. • shelter temperature • quality control check completion • ambient sample collection • instrument drift • data logger status • modem status, where used f. The Performing Party must document all site activities in the electronic site logbook before leaving a site where access to electronic logbook is available or within two business days where site access to electronic logbooks is not available. Entries include the following. • visit reason • inclusive visitors list • tasks performed, including sample installation, sample retrieval, and shipping dates • quality control check results • equipment status • exchanged, removed, or deployed equipment, including asset or serial number(s) • exchanged, removed, or delivered compressed gas cylinders and standards, including cylinder numbers • atypical site or weather conditions • siting criteria assessments • grounds keeping g. The Performing Party will perform SOP -listed preventive maintenance instructions (PMIs), monthly verifications, laboratory control checks (LCCs), quarterly audits and calibrations, within the timeframe stated in the equipment related SOPs (see also Table VULA). h. The Performing Party will ensure equipment and standard certifications are current and obtain prior written approval from the TCEQ Network Coordinator if a situation requires use of expired equipment or standards. i. The Performing Party must use an audit gas standard that is verified by the TCEQ Calibration Laboratory Team. j. The Performing Party must document all equipment and gas cylinder changes in Hardware Tracker within two business days of the change. k. The Performing Party must address all warnings and failures as soon as detected, or no later than the next business day. 1. The Performing Party must obtain the TCEgs written approval prior to allowing third party access to a monitoring site for which the TCEQ is PQAO. This excludes service representatives accompanied by Performing Party staff. The TCEQ may request the names and titles of individuals TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 32 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS seeking approval to enter a site and a schedule of the dates and times when site visits are anticipated. m. The Performing Party must obtain the TCEQ's written approval prior to adding any non-TCEQ equipment to a site for which the TCEQ is PQAO. The TCEQ may request an equipment summary and its impact on existing equipment and siting criteria. C. Quality Assurance and Quality Control The Performing Party will provide quality assurance oversight including ensuring guidance documents are up-to-date; conducting internal audits; participating in external audits; developing audit responses within the established deadlines; and developing, implementing, tracking, and verifying corrective actions for non -conformances. D. Audits and Assessments The Performing Party must ensure that at least one site operator responsible for the equipment of interest is present during TCEQ and EPA assessments or site visits. At least one assessment per year should be expected. More frequent assessments may be scheduled if significant or persistent data quality issues occur. E. Deliverables The Performing Party must submit the deliverables listed in Table VIII.A and ensure the deliverables meet data quality objectives and are submitted on time and in the manner listed. F. Training a. The Performing Party will allocate budget, plan travel, make travel arrangements, and cover expenses for staff to attend all requested meetings and trainings. Not all staff are required to attend all meetings and training. Requested meetings and training including the following. • EPA national conferences • TCEQ annual site operator training • TCEQ annual local program meeting b. The Performing Party is responsible for training its staff, documenting their competency, overseeing their work, and assessing their work quality. The TCEQ may include local program staff in the annual site operator training. The Performing Party is responsible for ensuring all staff demonstrate passing competency demonstrations before working independently. G. Siting Criteria and Site Maintenance a. The Performing Party will monitor site conditions and perform grounds keeping, minimizing growth of brush and trees to reduce fire risk and insect and animal access to the shelters and equipment. Grounds keeping tasks are entered in the electronic site log to assist with siting criteria evaluations. b. The Performing Party must ensure sites listed in Table I.A meet siting criteria as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 58, Appendix E. c. The Performing Party will provide logistical support related to relocating or establishing new air monitoring sites. This may include locating TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 33 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 potential sites, providing access to contractors and utility companies for site construction, and reviewing and documenting site construction activities. H. Subcontracting The Performing Party must submit subcontractor information, such as name, qualifications, National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) accreditation status, etc., to the TCEQ for approval. I. The Performing Party will conduct an annual monitoring network review using guidance in 40 CFR Part 58.10 and submit a summary of the current network, network changes completed in the previous six months, and proposed changes over the next twelve months. J. General a. The Performing Party must ensure individual VPN access accounts remain active. If VPN access is lost, the Performing Party must notify the TCEQ Network Coordinator upon discovery. The Performing Party must ensure VPN access accounts are not shared amongst staff. b. The Performing Party must maintain and provide documentation of shipping expenses, insurance costs (required) and any additional information necessary to track shipped equipment or be reimbursed for the activity. The Performing Party must insure the shipped item for the replacement cost. c. When visiting the TCEQ headquarters, Performing Party staff must enter through the front of the building, check in with the security guard, and be escorted by TCEQ staff. d. Upon request by the TCEQ, the Performing Party will provide guided tours of the monitoring sites to local school districts or governing agencies, not to exceed four hours per quarter. e. The Performing Party must ensure the sites remain locked and secure when staff are not on site. f. The Performing Party must provide adequate replacement for equipment that is lost, stolen, or damaged due to negligence by the Performing Party or any subcontractor. The TCEQ is not responsible for damages due to negligence of the Performing Party or its subcontractors. g. When requested by the TCEQ, the Performing Party will provide arrangements to convey equipment to the TCEQ at mutually agreed upon locations for exchange, delivery, or transfer. h. The Performing Party must identify, obtain, and document necessary safety training annually, ensuring all training is documented and records are maintained for a minimum of five years. i. The Performing Party will provide transitional services. Given the nature and importance of the services requested under this Contract, the TCEQ must maintain uninterrupted services. The Performing Party will provide services as needed to assist in the smooth transition of a replacement contractor. Transitional services include the following. • Provide one week of training to the replacement contractor. • Provide reports, maps, property site contact information, keys, equipment, and other TCEQ property to replacement contractor upon execution of the new contract. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 34 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 • Report to replacement contractor pending problems being investigated or for which equipment repair is incomplete. • Provide access to site trailers, buildings, utilities, or other locked areas. • Notifying the TCEQ Network Coordinator in writing when the transition of services is complete. • Provide complete cooperation, courtesy, civility, and professionalism when providing transitional services and communicating with replacement contractor staff. K. Financial Status Report (FSR) Form The Performing Party must match the TCEQ expenditures by contributing 33% of the total project costs. Each FSR form must include supporting documentation demonstrating that the Performing Party is contributing the required 33% match for the period specified on the FSR. V. DESCRIPTION OF DELIVERABLES The Performing Party must operate and maintain the air monitoring stations listed in Table I.A following applicable federal regulations and effective TCEQ QAPPs, SOPS, and written directives provided by the TCEQ Network Coordinator to meet federal and state air monitoring requirements. The TCEQ documents can be accessed through the TCEQ Rhone page and are also available upon request. The Performing Party must submit deliverables listed in Table VIII.A by the listed deadlines and with the established content and quality. If a deadline cannot be met by the Performing Party, the project representative must notify the TCEQ Network Coordinator prior to the due date and provide a justification and an alternative deadline. VI. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A. The Performing Party is required to provide the TCEQ with at least an 85% quarterly data return for parameters listed in Table I.A. If the 85% data return is not achieved, the Performing Party must identify the assignable cause within a week after the end of each month. Assignable causes may include acts of nature (tornadoes, hurricanes, hail, etc.), vandalism, or circumstances beyond the control of the Performing Party. Site neglect is not an assignable cause. B. Performing Party's failure to meet 85% quarterly data returns without assignable cause may result in discretionary payment reductions. Considerations for the payment reduction consist of Performing Party's performance evaluation for required operating procedures, quality control procedures, and effective and timely communication of non-compliance issues. Payment adjustments made under this section are cumulative with all other remedies, and non-compliance issues may require additional corrective action. C. The parties agree that the following payment reductions represent a reasonable calculation of damages to the TCEQ if the Performing Party fails to meet the required 85% quarterly data return without an assignable cause. a. The TCEQ may reduce payment to the Performing Party for a non- compliant quarter by up to 2 5% of the total amount on FSR. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 35 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 b. Payment reductions made under this section may not reduce the total amount paid to the Performing Party for an entire fiscal year by more than 2 5% of the total amount on FSR. After receipt of the fourth quarter invoice, the TCEQ will perform an accounting of all payment reductions and make necessary adjustments to the final payment to ensure that Performing Party is paid at least 75% of the total amount on FSR for the fiscal year. VII. ANNUAL VENDOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Performing Party's failure to submit complete and accurate contract deliverables by the established deadlines may be used in the TCEQ annual Performing Party performance evaluation. VIII. SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES The Performing Party must provide the deliverables listed in Table VIII.A to the TCEQ in accordance with the noted deadlines. Table VIII.A: Contract Deliverables Group Deliverables Equipment Task Summary Timeframe or Submit to: Due Date Equipment Audit Equipment Audit a. Maintain certification of audit a. Annually, Network Certification calibrators calibrators and kits by submitting prior to Coordinator and kits them to the TCEQ expiration b. Notify the TCEQ in writing when b. Prior to transferring TCEQ or Performing transfer Party equipment to the TCEQ for calibration. Equipment a. Expired All a. Request approval to use audit a. Prior to Network equipment equipment with expired expiration Coordinator certification certifications. b. Prior to request b. Request approval to use gas expiration b. Expired standards with expired standard certifications. certification request Equipment Hardware (HW) Sites listed Document all equipment and gas Within three Hardware Tracker in Table LA cylinder changes in HW Tracker. business days Tracker in of change Rhone at LEADS Hardware Configuration Tracker (texas.gOV) Equipment a. Performing All a. Submit Performing Party SOPS for a. When issued Network Party Standard project equipment when TCEQ b. Review SOPS Coordinator Operating SOPs are not used. biannually, Procedures b. Review SOPS and revise if current submit (SOPS) practice is not reflected. Submit revised SOPS b. Revised SOPS revised SOPS, as applicable. when issued c. Deviation c. Submit a deviation amendment c. 30 calendar amendments for approved TCEQ SOP days after deviations. TCEQ SOP is issued TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 36 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Group Deliverables Equipment Task Summary Timeframe or Submit to: Due Date Equipment a. Report of All a. Provide symptoms or cause of a. the same a. Network equipment failures or malfunctions in day Coordinator failure or writing. discovered b. Network malfunction b. Provide the reason for the data b. within one Coordinator that results in loss and corrective action taken to business day c. Network data loss resolve the problem in writing. c. within one Coordinator b. Report of c. problem in writing. business day continuous d. Provide resolution description of resolution monitor and final equipment status. failures longer than 48 consecutive hours c. Report problem resolution Equipment Competency All Submit completed CD forms and Within 30 days Network Demonstrations supporting documentation to the of contract Coordinator (CDs) TCEQ Network Coordinator for site effective date operators for assigned equipment. or prior to the • For site operators hired after the effective date effective date of this contract, for newly submit the completed CD. issued SOPS • Within six months of hire date Financial a. CAMS All a. Complete for each site, maintain a. Monthly, Network Reports (FR) Operator and completed forms as a hard copy note in Coordinator Safety or electronic file accessible by electronic Checklist request. Submit tracking operator log b. Safety overview sheet with FR and submit Training deliverables. tracking b. Provide staff safety training sheet documentation. quarterly with FR b. When requested Financial a. All FR All a. Submit FR at the following a. Quarterly by Network Reports (FR) deliverables intervals: fiscal year Coordinator b. Data • September - November b. with each FR Completeness • Due December 315t c. within 10 c. Revised • December - February calendar invoices • Due March 3155 days of FR d. Release of • March - May rejection Claims form • Due June 30"' d. with final • June - August contract FR • Due October 31 st • FR must include detailed and itemized supply and equipment purchases, contractual, travel, TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 37 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Group Deliverables Equipment Task Summary Financial Inventory All Reports (FR) management reports Financial Revised cost All Reports (FR) budget sheet Other a. Annual All Monitoring Network Review (AMNR) b. Revised AMNR C. Substantive network changes and other expenditures, and salary breakdowns. • Provide receipts for travel reimbursement, supplies, equipment and expenses and ensure that dollar limits do not exceed the contract amount. • Notify in writing with justification, prior to the due date, when FR will be late. • Sign final, end of contract FR, for contract closeout final billing b. Track and submit data completeness for parameters listed in Table I.A. Include description of how data completeness was determined and provide justification for data loss and corrective actions taken. c. Correct and resubmit rejected FR. d. Submit completed Release of Claims form. Track TCEQ assets and LP owned audit equipment and provide an inventory status. When the total contract amount changes or funds are moved between budget categories, submit a revised cost budget sheet with .justification. a. Submit a current network summary, network changes completed in the previous six months, and proposed changes over the next twelve months. • Evaluate the adequacy of the existing network to meet current federal monitoring objectives. • Include, at a minimum: operator names and contacts, equipment models and ages, method codes, equipment maintenance and replacement plans, local importance of each site/parameter, design value trends, and program sops. b. Correct and return TCEQ revisions. c. Submit substantive network changes in writing. This includes changes to the monitoring network, deployment of new equipment, and changes to the quality assurance program. Timeframe or Submit to: Due Date Quarterly with Network FR Coordinator Prior to Network submitting the Coordinator and affected FR Contract Specialist a. by Network September Coordinator 30 of each year b. within 30 calendar days of receipt c. 30 calendar days in advance of making changes TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 38 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 Group Deliverables Equipment Task Summary Timeframe or Submit to: Due Date Other a. Damage and All a. Submit summary of damages due a. Within 48 Network vandalism to accident or vandalism at sites hours of Coordinator notification for which the TCEQ is PQAO. discovery Include pictures, and police reports and communications. Other Deadline All Submit a notification in writing for a Prior to the due Network notifications deadline that cannot be met and date Coordinator provide a justification and an alternative deadline. Other a. Siting Criteria Sites listed a. Measure and document checklist a. After a new Network Checklist in Table I.A distances. site Coordinator b. Corrective • Complete second checklist tab deployment, actions for identified obstructions to by January 31 c. Confirmation determine impact on sample and by July Siting Criteria path. 31 Checklist • Submit siting criteria threats • within one identified during the year, such business as the growth of trees or nearby day of construction, in writing. first tab b. Develop and implement comple- corrective actions to ensure the tion site meets established criteria . within and submit them in writing three c. After corrective actions, confirm business and document checklist days of distances and submit a new discovery form. b. within 30 calendar days of checklist completion c. within 30 calendar days of primary checklist completion Other a. Staff changes Not a. Submit staff changes so the VPN a. Within 10 Network b. TCEQ applicable access can be updated. calendar Coordinator Information b. Submit forms for each staff days of Resources Non- member requiring VPN access. change Disclosure and b. Annually by Password August 31 Agreement forms Other a. Travel Not a. Submit a written request for a. Prior to Network Requests applicable contract related travel. Once travel Coordinator b. Purchase approved, make travel b. Prior to Requests arrangements and cover expenses purchase for staff to attend trainings or meetings. b. Submit a request and justification to purchase items with a unit TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 39 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 Group Quality Assurance (QA) Deliverables Equipment Task Summary a. End -of -Year All Questionnaire b. Corrective action plans (CAP) for audits or other nonconformanc es c. CAP status report d. CAP verifications QA a. External Technical Systems Audit b. CAP(s) c. CAP status report d. CAP verification All acquisition cost of $ 5,000 or more. a. Complete the End -of -Year questionnaire and provide requested documentation. b. Submit a written corrective action plan for audit findings. Include the following. • the finding or nonconformance • an assignable root cause for not meeting the specification • the programmatic and data impact • specific corrective actions taken or planned to address the nonconformance and to prevent recurrence • a timeline for completing each action • the means by which corrective action will be documented and verified as effective • the individual(s) responsible for corrective action implementation and verification c. Provide a status reports on CAP implementation and status. d. For completed CAPS, provide verification documentation. a. Submit a written corrective action plan for external audit findings. Include the following. • the finding or nonconformance • an assignable root cause for not meeting the specification • the programmatic and data impact • specific corrective actions taken or planned to address the nonconformance and to prevent recurrence • a timeline for completing each action • the means by which corrective action will be documented and verified as effective • the individual(s) responsible for corrective action implementation and verification Timeframe or Due Date a. within the requested deadline b. within 14 calendar days of audit findings report c. quarterly d. by the CAP deadlines Submit to: a. Designated QA Specialist b. Network Coordinator c. Network Coordinator d. Network Coordinator a. within 14 a. Designated QA calendar Specialist days of b. Network report issue Coordinator b. quarterly c. Network c. by the CAP Coordinator deadlines TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 40 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Group Deliverables Equipment Task Summary b. Provide a status reports on CAP implementation and status. c. For completed CAPS, provide verification documentation. QA a. Internal All a. Conduct and submit a report for Technical a thorough, systematic, on -site Systems technical systems audit of Audit (TSA) facilities, equipment, personnel, b. CAP(s) training, procedures, record c. CAP status keeping, data validation, data report management, and reporting d. CAP aspects of the project described verification in this contract. Ensure the entire program is audited every three years. b. Submit CAPS for audit findings c. Provide a status reports on CAP implementation and status. d. For completed CAPS, provide verification documentation. QA a. Laboratory Continuous a. Perform two LCCs following the Control Check gaseous instrument SOPs. (LCC) • Download a new spreadsheet spreadsheet from TCEQ Rhone at b. Spreadsheet httD://rhone.tcea.texas.gov/cgi- corrections bin/worksheet_docs.Dl. • Enter all audits in the electronic operator log, identifying the instrument and the LCC date. • Perform independent spreadsheet review for accuracy and completeness and document in the comments section with name and review date. • Submit the audit spreadsheet. b. Submit corrections. QA a. Performance All a. Complete the provided PE pre - Evaluation (PE) audit questionnaire. Pre -Audit b. Participate in the audit by being questionnaire on -site and assisting the TCEQ b. Written auditor and provide written response to assignable cause for warnings warnings and and failures and describe failures corrective actions and issue c. Corrective resolutions. action plan c. Submit a written corrective (CAP) action plan for audit findings. d. CAP status Include the following. report • the finding or e. CAP nonconformance verifications • an assignable root cause for not meeting the specification Timeframe or Due Date a. Annually, with a complete audit every three years b. Within 14 calendar days of TSA completion c. Quarterly d. By the CAP deadlines a. 0 a. R Quarterly, approximate ly 45 calendar days apart • for each LCC • prior to LCC submittal • prior to LCC submittal • within five business days of completed LCC Within one business day of request acknowledge audit notification within one business day; submit completed questionnair e per the requested deadline. within two business days of audit Submit to: Network Coordinator lcc@tceq.texas.go v Network Coordinator TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 41 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 Group Deliverables Equipment Task Summary Timeframe or Submit to: I Due Date I • the programmatic and data c. within 14 impact calendar • specific corrective actions days of taken or planned to address report issue the nonconformance and to d. quarterly prevent recurrence e. by the CAP • a timeline for completing verification each action deadlines • the means by which corrective action will be documented and verified as effective • the individual(s) responsible for corrective action implementation and verification d. Provide status reports on CAP implementation and status. e. For completed CAPS, provide verification documentation. QA Quality All Review the QAPP and submit By the Network Assurance appendices detailing deviations in established Coordinator Project Plan the Performing Party's deadline or (QAPP) implementation of the TCEQ QAPP. when Deviations significant changes occur QA a. Quality All a. Review and revise the Performing a. Every two Network Management Party QMP. Ensure the QMP years, 120 Coordinator Plan (QMP) adheres to U.S. EPA Requirements calendar b. QMP for Quality Management Plans days prior to certification (QA/R2) and reflects current expiration practice. and when b. Submit a written certification significant that the existing plan is current. changes If changes are needed, submit an occur amended plan. b. 30 calendar days prior to annual anniversary of effective date. CAMS - continuous air monitoring station LP - local program QA - Quality Assurance TCEQ - Texas Commission on Environmental Quality U.S. EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency VPN - virtual private network TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 42 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. CONTRACT PERIOD 1.1. Contract Period. The Contract begins on the Effective Date and ends on the Expiration Date as provided on the Contract Signature Page. If no Effective Date is provided, the Effective Date of the Contract is the date of last signature. If no Expiration Date is provided, the Expiration Date is August 31 of the same Fiscal Year in which the Contract is signed. 1.2. Amendments. This Contract is not subject to competitive selection requirements and may be amended by mutual agreement. Except as specifically allowed by the Contract, all changes to the Contract require a written amendment that is signed by both parties. 1.2.1. Material Changes. Material changes to the contract require a written amendment signed by both parties. These Amendments take effect when signed by the Contractor and TCEQ unless otherwise designated in the Amendment. Material changes include the following: Changes in the total amount of funds in the Budget or the Contract; Changes to the Contract's Expiration Date; Changes to the Scope of Work that affect TCEQ's obligations to the entity providing funding, such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), another state or federal agency, or the Texas Legislature; and Changes that affect the material obligations of the Performing Party in this Contract. 1.2.2. Unilateral Amendments. As specifically allowed by the Contract, TCEQ may issue unilateral amendments. Unilateral amendments take effect when issued by TCEQ. 1.2.3. Minor Changes. The TCEQ Contract Manager and/or the TCEQ Project Manager has the authority, without a formal Amendment, to correct typographical errors; make written Contract interpretations; and make minor, non -material changes to the requirements in the Scope of Work, the Procedures for Work Orders, or the Work Orders (Work Orders include Proposals for Grant Activities); or as agreed to elsewhere in the Contract. Contractor must provide TCEQ with a written objection to any Notice of Interpretation no later than five (5) business days from the effective date of the Notice. A copy of the agreed change must be retained in the appropriate file by both the Performing Party and TCEQ. Minor, non -material changes include: Changes to the schedule in the Scope of Work including an extension of a deliverable due date, not to exceed the expiration date of the Contract; Changes to the schedule in the Work Order including an extension of a deliverable due date, not to exceed the expiration date of the Work Order; Changes to the individual tasks/activities in the Scope of Work or Work Order, if applicable, that do not substantially change the obligations of the Parties relative to those tasks/activities; TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 43 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 1.2.4. It is the Performing Party's responsibility to request extensions to the deliverable schedule and other changes that are within the authority of TCEQ. 1.3. Extensions. TCEQ may by unilateral written amendment extend the Expiration Date for a period of up to 90 days. Unless otherwise indicated in the applicable contract amendment, an extension does not extend any other deadlines or due dates other than the expiration of the Contract Period. 2. FUNDS 2.1 Availability of Funds. This Contract and all claims, suits or obligations arising under or related to this Contract are subject to the receipt and availability of funds appropriated by the Texas Legislature for the purposes of this Contract or the respective claim, suit or obligation, as applicable. Performing Party will ensure that this article is included in any subcontract it awards. 2.2 Maximum Authorized Reimbursement. The total amount of funds provided by TCEQ for the Contract will not exceed the amount of the Maximum Authorized Reimbursement as shown on the Contract Signature Page. 2.3 Fiscal Year Restrictions. In order to be reimbursed under this Contract, costs must be incurred during the Contract Period and within the time limits applicable to the funds from which the Contract is being paid. TCEQ is under no obligation to offer deadline extensions which extend to the maximum availability of the contract funding source. 2.4 Grants. If this Contract was entered under the TCEQ's authority to award grants, TCEQ is providing financial assistance to the recipient to undertake its own project. 2.5 No Debt against the State. This Contract is contingent on the continuing appropriation of funds. This Contract shall not be construed to create debt against the State of Texas. 2.6 Abortion Funding Limitation. Performing Party represents and warrants that payments made by TCEQ to Performing Party and Performing Party's receipt of appropriated funds under the contract are not prohibited by Article IX, Section 6.25 of the General Appropriations Act, 861 Legislative Session (2019), nor by Texas Government Code Chapter 2272 Prohibited Transactions [Senate Bill 22, 861h Legislative Session (2019)]. 2.7 Excluded Parties. Performing Party represents and warrants that it is not listed in the prohibited vendors lists authorized by Executive Order No. 13224, "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions with Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism," published by the United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Performing Party will notify TCEQ if it can no longer make this representation. 3. ALLOWABLE COSTS 3.1 Conforming Activities. TCEQ will reimburse the Performing Party for necessary and reasonable Allowable Costs that are incurred and paid by the Performing Party in performance of the Scope of Work as authorized by this Contract in the Cost Budget or Fixed Payment Amounts. 3.2 UGMS. Allowable Costs are restricted to costs that comply with the Texas Uniform Grant Management Standards (UGMS) and applicable state and federal rules and law. The parties agree that all the requirements of the UGMS apply to this Contract, including the criteria for Allowable Costs. UGMS is defined to TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 44 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 include its successor guidance, Texas Grant Management Standards, the terms of which shall control for purposes of this contract effective January 1, 2022. Additional federal requirements apply if this Contract is funded, in whole or in part, with federal funds. 4. REIMBURSEMENT 4.1. Reimbursement Requests. Performing Party shall invoice TCEQ to request reimbursement for its Allowable Costs for performing the Scope of Work. Performing Party's invoice shall conform to all reimbursement requirements specified by TCEQ. 4.2. Personnel Eligibility List (PEL). Performing Party must submit a completed Personnel Eligibility List (PEL) prior to starting activities under this Contract and an updated PEL with any invoice following changes to the information provided in the most recent PEL. If a Contract amendment is necessary due to changes reflected on the PEL, Performing Party must immediately submit an updated PEL with a request to amend the Contract. 4.3. Level -of -Effort Certification (LEC). Performing Party must complete the attached Level -of -Effort Certification (LEC) for salaried employees performing work under this Contract. LEC must be completed monthly and LEC(s) must be submitted with each invoice, except for nonexempt employees, for which the Performing Party must submit time sheets. Performing Party may develop and use its own LEC method, which must be reviewed and approved by TCEQ prior to implementation. The LEC method must meet the following requirements and all other federal and state requirements regarding documentation for personnel expenses: a. Reflect an after -the -fact distribution of the actual activity of each employee; b. Account for the total activity for which each employee is compensated, including activities not performed under this Contract; c. Be prepared at least monthly and must coincide with one or more pay periods; and d. Be signed, physically or electronically, by the employee and the supervisory official having first-hand knowledge of the work performed by the employee. The employee's signature is not required in the event the employee cannot be reached due to termination of employment, lack of forwarding address, death or other documented reason. 4.4. Conditional Payments. Reimbursements are conditioned on the Scope of Work being performed in compliance with the Contract. Performing Party shall return payment to TCEQ for either overpayment or activities undertaken that are not compliant with the Scope of Work. This does not limit or waive any other TCEQ remedy. 4.5. No Interest for Delayed Payment. Because the Performing Party is not a vendor of goods and services within the meaning of Texas Government Code Chapter 2251, no interest is applicable in the case of late payments. 4.6. Release of Claims. As a condition to final payment or settlement, or both, the Performing Party shall execute and deliver to the TCEQ a release of all claims against the TCEQ for payment under this Contract. 4.7. State Agencies/Institutions of Higher Education. If the Contractor is a State agency or institution of higher education payments must be made via interagency transaction voucher (ITV), please provide a Recurring Transaction TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 45 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Index (RTI) number on the face of the invoice OR if payments are to be deposited into a local bank account, the following statement must be placed on the face of the invoice: "Funds to be deposited into local bank account." For additional information, please refer to the Texas Comptroller's Accounting Policy Statement (APS) 014. 5. FINANCIAL RECORDS, ACCESS AND AUDITS 5.1 Audit of Funds. The Performing Party understands that acceptance of funds under this Contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the State Auditor's Office, or any successor agency, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. Performing Party further agrees to fully cooperate with the State Auditor's Office or its successor in the conduct of the audit or investigation, including providing all records requested. Performing Party shall ensure that this clause concerning the audit of funds accepted under this Contract is included in any subcontract it awards. 5.2 Financial Records. Performing Party shall establish and maintain financial records including records of costs of the Scope of Work in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices. Upon request Performing Party shall submit records in support of reimbursement requests. Performing Party shall allow access during business hours to its financial records by TCEQ and other state agencies for the purpose of inspection and audit. Financial records regarding this contract shall be retained for a period of three (3) years after date of submission of the final reimbursement request. 6. PERFORMING PARTY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.1 Performing Party's Responsibility for the Scope of Work. Performing Party undertakes performance of the Scope of Work as its own project and does not act in any capacity on behalf of the TCEQ nor as a TCEQ agent or employee. Performing Party agrees that the Scope of Work is furnished and performed at Performing Party's sole risk as to the means, methods, design, processes, procedures and performance. 6.2 Standard Assurances. Performing Party assures compliance with the provisions found in UGMS III Subpart B, _.14 State assurances, that are applicable to this Contract. 6.3 Independent Contractor. The parties agree that the Performing Party is an independent contractor. Nothing in this Contract shall create an employee - employer relationship between Performing Party and TCEQ. Nothing in this Contract shall create a joint venture between TCEQ and the Performing Party. 6.4 Performing Party's Responsibilities for Subcontractors. All acts and omissions of subcontractors, suppliers and other persons and organizations performing or furnishing any of the Scope of Work under a direct or indirect contract with Performing Party shall be considered to be the acts and omissions of Performing Party. 6.5 No Third Party Beneficiary. TCEQ does not assume any duty to exercise any of its rights and powers under the Contract for the benefit of third parties. Nothing in this Contract shall create a contractual relationship between TCEQ and any of the Performing Party's subcontractors, suppliers or other persons or organizations with a contractual relationship with the Performing Party. 6.6 Cybersecurity Training. Performing Party shall ensure that any Performing Party representative (employee, officer, or subcontractor personnel) who has Access to a TCEQ Computer System or Database completes a cybersecurity TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 46 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 training program certified by the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) under § 2054.519 of the Texas Government Code, during the term of the Contract and each renewal. 6.6.1. "Access to TCEQ Computer System or Database" means having a TCEQ network user account or the authorization to maintain, modify, or allow access control to any TCEQ web page, TCEQ computer system or TCEQ database. 6.6.2. Within seven (7) days after the execution of the Contract and any renewals, Performing Party shall provide a list of persons requiring training to the TCEQ Contract Manager, and thereafter provide an updated list by the first workday of any additional person who becomes subject to the training requirements. For applicable umbrella contracts, Contractor shall provide a list of any persons requiring training within seven (7) days of issuance of Notice to Proceed/Commence for any Work Order/Proposal for Grant Activities that requires Access to a TCEQ Computer System or Database. 6.6.3. If a Performing Party representative has previously completed a DIR-certified cybersecurity training during the term of the Contract or renewal, Contractor shall provide evidence that the Performing Party representative completed the required training to the TCEQ Contract Manager within seven (7) days after the execution of the Contract or as applicable, the issuance of Notice to Proceed/Commence for any Work Order/Proposal for Grant Activities that requires Access to a TCEQ Computer System or Database. 6.6.4. For the term of the Contract and each renewal, all Performing Party representatives subject to the training requirement must complete DIR- certified training within seven (7) calendar days after TCEQ provides access to the training, unless the Performing Party provides evidence to TCEQ that the Performing Party representative previously completed the required training. Performing Party shall retain in their records, and upon request, provide the TCEQ Contract Manager evidence that the training was successfully completed. 6.6.5. Performing Party shall notify the TCEQ Contract Manager within two (2) business days when a person with Access to a TCEQ Computer System or Database no longer needs Access to such Computer System or Database. 6.6.6. TCEQ may terminate the Contract for Cause if Performing Party fails to adhere to any of the above terms, including completing the required certified cybersecurity training or notifying the TCEQ Contract Manager when access is no longer needed. 6.6.7. TCEQ may terminate the Contract for Cause if a Performing Party's representative misuses a TCEQ Computer System or Database, including allowing multiple individuals to utilize a single individual's TCEQ network user account. 7. TIME AND FORCE MAJEURE 7.1 Time is of the Essence. Performing Party's timely performance is a material term of this Contract. 7.2 Delays. Where Performing Party's performance is delayed, except by Force Majeure or act of the TCEQ, TCEQ may withhold or suspend reimbursement, terminate the Contract for cause, or enforce any of its other rights (termination for convenience may be effected even in case of Force Majeure or act of TCEQ). TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 47 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 7.3 Force Majeure. Force majeure is defined as acts of God, war, fires, explosions, hurricanes, floods, or other causes that are beyond the reasonable control of either party, could not reasonably be foreseen, and by the exercise of all reasonable due diligence, is unable to be overcome by either party. Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay of performance of any requirement included in the contract caused by force majeure. Upon timely notice by the non -performing party, the time for performance shall be extended for a reasonable period after the causes of delay or failure have been removed provided the non -performing party exercises all reasonable due diligence to perform. The non -performing party must provide evidence of any failure resulting in impossibility to perform. 8. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Performing Party shall have a policy governing disclosure of actual and potential conflicts of interests. Specifically, for work performed under this Contract by Performing Party or any related entity or individual, Performing Party shall promptly disclose in writing to TCEQ any actual, apparent, or potential conflicts of interest, including but not limited to disclosure of: i. Any consulting fees or other compensation paid to employees, officers, agents of Performing Party, or members of their immediate families, or paid by subcontractor or subrecipients; or ii. Any organizational conflicts of interest between Performing Party and its subcontractors or subrecipients under a subaward. No entity or individual with any actual, apparent, or potential conflict of interest will take part in the performance of any portion of the Scope of Work, nor have access to information regarding any portion of the Scope of Work, without TCEQ's written consent in the form of a unilateral amendment. Performing Party agrees that TCEQ has sole discretion to determine whether a conflict exists, and that a conflict of interest is grounds for termination of this Contract. 9. DATA AND QUALITY 9.1 Quality and Acceptance. All work performed under this Contract must be complete and satisfactory in the reasonable judgment of the TCEQ. All materials and equipment shall be handled in accordance with instructions of the applicable supplier, except as otherwise provided in the Contract. 9.2 Quality Assurance. All work performed under this Contract that involves the acquisition of environmental data will be performed in accordance with a TCEQ approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) meeting all applicable TCEQ and EPA requirements. Environmental data includes any measurements or information that describe environmental processes, location, conditions, ecological or health effects and consequences. Environmental data includes information collected directly from measurements, produced from models, and compiled from other sources such as databases or literature. No data collection or other work covered by this requirement will be implemented prior to Performing Party's receipt of the QAPP signed by TCEQ and, if necessary, the EPA. Without prejudice to any other remedies available to TCEQ, TCEQ may refuse reimbursement for any environmental data acquisition performed prior to approval of a QAPP by TCEQ and, if necessary, the EPA. Also, without prejudice to any other remedies available to TCEQ, Performing Party's failure to meet the terms of the QAPP may result in TCEQ's suspension of associated activities and non -reimbursement of expenses related to the associated activities. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 48 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS 9.3 Laboratory Accreditation. Any laboratory data or analyses provided under this Contract must be prepared by a laboratory that is accredited by TCEQ according to 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 25, subchapters A and B, unless TCEQ agrees in writing to allow one of the regulatory exceptions specified in 30 Texas Administrative Code Section 25.6. 10. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 10.1. Third Party Intellectual Property. Unless specifically modified in an amendment or waived in a unilateral amendment, Performing Party must obtain all intellectual property licenses expressly required in the Scope of Work, or incident to the use or possession of any deliverable under the Contract. Performing Party shall obtain and furnish to TCEQ: documentation on the use of such intellectual property, and a perpetual, irrevocable, enterprise -wide license to reproduce, publish, otherwise use, or modify such intellectual property and associated user documentation, and to authorize others to reproduce, publish, otherwise use, or modify such intellectual property for TCEQ non-commercial purposes, and other purposes of the State of Texas. 10.2. Grant of License. Performing Party grants to TCEQ a nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, enterprise -wide license to reproduce, publish, modify or otherwise use for any non-commercial TCEQ purpose any preexisting intellectual property belonging to the Performing Party that is incorporated into any new works created as part of the Scope of Work, intellectual property created under this Contract, and associated user documentation. 11. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 11.1 Insurance. Unless prohibited by law, the Performing Party shall require its contractors to obtain and maintain during the Contract Period adequate insurance coverage sufficient to protect the Performing Party and the TCEQ from all claims and liability for injury to persons and for damage to property arising from the Contract. Unless specifically waived by the TCEQ, sufficient coverage shall include Workers Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance, Commercial Automobile Liability Insurance, and Commercial General Liability Insurance. 11.2 Indemnification. TO THE EXTENT AUTHORIZED BY LAW, THE PERFORMING PARTY SHALL REQUIRE ALL CONTRACTORS PERFORMING CONTRACT ACTIVITIES ON BEHALF OF PERFORMING PARTY TO INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, AND HOLD HARMLESS THE TCEQ AND PERFORMING PARTY AND THEIR OFFICERS, AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAINST ALL LOSSES, LIABILITIES, DAMAGES, AND OTHER CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE ARISING FROM THE PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT ACTIVITIES BY THE CONTRACTOR OR ITS SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS AND AGENTS, INCLUDING THOSE ARISING FROM DEFECT IN DESIGN, WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS, OR FROM INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, TRADEMARK OR COPYRIGHT; OR FROM A BREACH OF APPLICABLE LAWS, REGULATIONS, SAFETY STANDARDS OR DIRECTIVES. THE DEFENSE OF TCEQ SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE AUTHORITY OF THE OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS TO REPRESENT TCEQ. THIS CONVENANT SURVIVES THE TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. 12. TERMINATION 12.1 Termination for Cause. TCEQ may, upon providing 10 days' written notice and the opportunity to cure to the Performing Party, terminate this Contract for cause if Performing Party materially fails to comply with the Contract including any one or more of the following acts or omissions: nonconforming work, or TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 49 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS existence of a conflict of interest. Termination for cause does not prejudice TCEQ's other remedies authorized by this Contract or by law. 12.2 Termination for Convenience. TCEQ may, upon providing 10 days' written notice to the Performing Party, terminate this Contract for convenience. Termination shall not prejudice any other right or remedy of TCEQ or the Performing Party. Performing Party may request reimbursement for: conforming work and timely, reasonable costs directly attributable to termination. Performing Party shall not be paid for: work not performed, loss of anticipated profits or revenue, consequential damages or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from the termination. 12.3 If, after termination for cause by TCEQ it is determined that the Performing Party had not materially failed to comply with the Contract, the termination shall be deemed to have been for the convenience of TCEQ. 13. DISPUTES, CLAIMS AND REMEDIES 13.1 Payment as a Release. Neither payment by TCEQ nor any other act or omission other than an explicit written release, in the form of a unilateral amendment, constitutes a release of Performing Party from liability under this Contract. 13.2 Schedule of Remedies available to the TCEQ In accordance with Texas Government Code Chapter 2261 the following Schedule of Remedies applies to this Contract. In the event of Performing Party's nonconformance, TCEQ may do one or more of the following: 13.2.1. Issue notice of nonconforming performance; 13.2.2. Reject nonconforming performance and request corrections without charge to the TCEQ; 13.2.3. Reject a reimbursement request or suspend further payments, or both, pending accepted revision of the nonconformity; 13.2.4. Suspend all or part of the Contract Activities or payments, or both, pending accepted revision of the nonconformity; 13.2.5. Demand restitution and recover previous payments where performance is subsequently determined nonconforming; 13.2.6. Terminate the contract without further obligation for pending or further payment by the TCEQ and receive restitution of previous payments. 13.3 Opportunity to Cure. The Performing Party will have a reasonable opportunity to cure its nonconforming performance, if possible under the circumstances. 13.4 Cumulative Remedies. Remedies are cumulative; the exercise of any remedy under this Contract or applicable law does not preclude or limit the exercise of any other remedy available under this Contract or applicable law. 14. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY The parties agree that this Contract does not waive any sovereign immunity to which either party is entitled by law. I.S. SURVIVAL OF OBLIGATIONS. Except where a different period is specified in this Contract or applicable law, all representations, indemnifications, and warranties made in, required by or given in accordance with the Contract, as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract, survive for four (4) years beyond the termination or completion of the Contract, or until four (4) years after the end of a related proceeding. A related proceeding includes any litigation, legal proceeding, TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 50 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 permit application, or State Office of Administrative Hearings proceeding, which is brought in relation to the Contract or which in TCEQ's opinion is related to the subject matter of the Contract. Either party shall notify the other of any related proceeding if notice of the proceeding has not been provided directly to that other party. 16. CONTRACT INTERPRETATION 16.1 Definitions. The word "include" and all forms such as "including" mean "including but not limited to" in the Contract and in documents issued in accordance with the Contract, such as Work Orders or Proposals for Grant Activities (PGAs). 16.2 Headings. The headings of the sections contained in this Contract are for convenience only and do not control or affect the meaning or construction of any provision of this Contract. 16.3 Delivery of Notice. Notices are deemed to be delivered three (3) working days after postmarked if sent by U.S. Postal Service certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Notices delivered by other means are deemed delivered upon receipt by the addressee. Routine communications may be made by first class mail, facsimile transmission, email, or other commercially accepted means. 16.4 Interpretation of Time. All days are calendar days unless stated otherwise. Days are counted to exclude the first and include the last day of a period. If the last day of the period is a Saturday or Sunday or a state or federal holiday, it is omitted from the computation. 16.5 State, Federal Law. This Contract is governed by, and interpreted under the laws of the State of Texas, as well as applicable federal law. 16.6 Severability. If any provision of this Contract is found by any court, tribunal or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be wholly or partly illegal, invalid, void or unenforceable, it shall be deemed severable (to the extent of such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability) and the remaining part of the provision and the rest of the provisions of this Contract shall continue in full force and effect. If possible, the severed provision shall be deemed to have been replaced by a valid provision having as near an effect to that intended by the severed provision as will be legal and enforceable. 16.7 Assignment. No delegation of the obligations, rights, or interests in the Contract, and no assignment of payments by Performing Party will be binding on TCEQ without its written consent, except as restricted by law. No assignment will release or discharge the Performing Party from any duty or responsibility under the Contract. 16.8 Venue. Performing Party agrees that the Contract is being performed in Travis County, Texas, because this Contract has been performed or administered, or both, in Travis County, Texas. The Performing Party agrees that any cause of action involving this Contract arises solely in Travis County, Texas. 16.9 Publication. Performing Party agrees to notify TCEQ five (5) days prior to the publication or advertisement of information related to this Contract. Performing Party agrees not to use the TCEQ logo or the TCEQ graphic as an advertisement or endorsement without written permission signed by the appropriate TCEQ authority. 16.10 Waiver. With the exception of an express, written waiver in the form of a unilateral amendment signed by TCEQ, no act or omission will constitute a waiver or release of Performing Party's obligation to perform conforming TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 51 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Contract Activities. No waiver on one occasion, whether expressed or implied, shall be construed as a waiver on any other occasion. 16.11 Compliance with Laws. TCEQ relies on Performing Party to perform all Contract Activities in conformity with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules and obtain all necessary permits and licenses. 16.12 Counterparts. This Contract may be signed in any number of copies. Each copy when signed is deemed an original and each copy constitutes one and the same Contract. 16.13 Accessibility. All electronic content and documents created as deliverables under this Contract must meet the accessibility standards prescribed in 1 Texas Administrative Code sections 206.50 and 213 for state agency web pages, web content, software, and hardware, unless TCEQ agrees that exceptions or exemptions apply. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 52 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 COST BUDGET 1. Budget. Authorized budgeted expenditures for work performed are as follows: Budget Category Salary / Wages Fringe Benefits Travel Supplies Equipment Contractual Construction Other Total Direct Costs Indirect Costs Other In -Kind Contributions Total Contract Cost Cost Share (33%) TCEQ Reimbursement Amount (67%) FY22 Total Project Costs $48,000.00 $24,000.00 $1,250.00 $7,584.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $88,334.33 $4,800.00 $0.00 $93,134.33 $30,734.33 $62,400.00 FY23 Total Project Costs $48,000.00 $24,000.00 $1,250.00 $7,584.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,500.00 $88,334.33 $4,800.00 $0.00 $93,134.33 $30,734.33 $62,400.00 2. Matching Funds. This Contract requires matching funds. Performing Party must match TCEQ expenditures by contributing 33 percent (%) of the total project costs as shown above. Each invoice must demonstrate that the Performing Party is contributing the required match for the period specified on the invoice. 3. Indirect Cost Reimbursable Rate. The reimbursable rate for this Contract is 10% of (check one): ❑ salary and fringe benefits ❑ modified total direct costs ® other direct costs base If other direct cost base, identify: Salary/Wages This rate is less than or equal to (check one): ❑ Predetermined Rate —an audited rate that is not subject to adjustment. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 53 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 City of Fort Worth TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 ❑ Negotiated Predetermined Rate —an experienced -based predetermined rate agreed to by Performing Party and TCEQ. This rate is not subject to adjustment. ® Default rate —a standard rate of ten percent of salary/wages may be used in lieu of determining the actual indirect costs of the service. 4. Other. If Budget Category "Other" is greater than $25,000 or more than 10% of budget total, identify the main constituents: 5. Travel. In order to be reimbursable, travel costs must be specifically authorized in advance of the travel. Travel costs will be reimbursed only in the amount of actual costs, up to the maximum allowed by law for employees of the State of Texas at the time the cost is incurred. 6. Budget Categories. The Budget Categories above have the definitions, requirements and limitations stated in UGMS. Construction costs are not reimbursable without prior, specific written authorization from TCEQ. 7. Budget Control. a. Cumulative transfers equal to or less than 10% of the Total Budget. Performing Party may transfer amounts between the approved direct cost budget categories so long as cumulative transfers from direct cost budget categories during the Contract Period do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the Total Budget amount. Performing Party must timely submit a Budget Revision Request (BRR) Form reflecting the revised budget. Upon approval by TCEQ the BRR will be incorporated into this Contract as though it is a document revised under General Term and Condition Section 1.2. The 10% limit does not reset with the approval of each BRR. It resets when an amendment is signed by the parties reflecting changes to the budget. b. Cumulative transfers greater than 10% of the Total Budget. TCEQ must pre - approve in writing all budget revisions that result in the cumulative transfer from direct cost budget categories of funds greater than 10% of the Total Budget during the Contract Period. The Performing Party must request to amend the Contract. A contract amendment is required before Performing Party incurs these costs. c. Performing Party may not transfer amounts to budget categories containing zero dollars without TCEQ pre -approval in writing. 8. Invoice Submittal. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, invoices must be submitted to the individual named in TCEQ Project Representatives and Records Location at monthly intervals. Final invoices shall be submitted within two (2) calendar months after completing the Scope of Work activities. TCEQ may unilaterally extend this deadline by e-mail. a. All invoices must be submitted in a format that clearly shows how the budget control requirement is being met. 9. Supporting Records. Performing Party shall submit records and documentation to TCEQ as appropriate for the review and approval of reimbursing costs. TCEQ may reject invoices without appropriate supporting documentation. TCEQ has the right to request additional documentation such as expenses for the invoice period, year-to-date expenses, projected totals for the year (or applicable contract TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 54 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 period), percent of budget spent to date, and percentage of budget projected to be spent. Performing Party shall maintain records subject to the terms of this Contract. 10.Indirect Costs. Performing Party's indirect costs will be reimbursed at the reimbursable rate entered above. If no reimbursable rate is shown above, indirect costs are not reimbursable under this Contract. The reimbursable rate must be less than or equal to the rate authorized under UGMS. To the extent that the reimbursable rate is lower than Performing Party's actual indirect costs, Performing Party is contributing its unreimbursed indirect costs to the successful performance of this Contract, and waives any right it may have to reimbursement of those costs (if this Contract requires matching funds, Performing Party may claim its unreimbursed indirect costs as part or all of its match). Performing Party must fund all unreimbursed indirect costs from other funds. It is the Performing Party's responsibility to ensure that unreimbursed indirect costs are not charged to other projects which do not benefit from them, and that it uses funding sources that may be properly used to fund its unreimbursed costs. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page SS of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 NOTICES, PROJECT REPRESENTATIVES, AND RECORDS LOCATION 1. Representatives. The individual(s) named below are the representatives of TCEQ and Performing Party. They are authorized to give and receive communications and directions on behalf of the TCEQ and Performing Party as indicated below. All communications including official contract notices must be addressed to the appropriate representative or his or her designee. 2. Changes in Information. Either party may change its information in this Notices, Project Representatives and Records Location document by providing notice to the other party's representative for contractual matters. 3. TCEQ Representatives TCEQ CONTRACT SPECIALIST (for Contractual Matters) DeeAnn Fagins Contract Specialist 165 (Title) (Mail Code) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Telephone No.: (512) 239-5057 Facsimile No.: (512) 239-1605 4. Performing Party Representatives For Contractual Matters: Anthonv Williams (Name) Environmental Supervisor (Title) The City of Fort Worth Environmental Management Department c/o Anthony Williams 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone No.: (817) 392-5462 Facsimile No.: (817) 392-6359 TCEQ PROJECT MANAGER (for Technical Matters) Courtney Groff Proiect Manager 165 (Title) (Mail Code) Texas Commission on Environmental Quality P.O. Box 13087 Austin, Texas 78711-3087 Telephone No.: (512) 239-1713 Facsimile No.: (512) 239-1605 For Technical Matters: Daniel Fernandez (Name) Sr_ Rnvirnnmental Sn(-cialkt (Title) -� The City of Fort Worth Environmental Management Department c/o Anthony Williams 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Telephone No.: (817) 392-5466 Facsimile No.: (817) 392-6359 5. Invoice Submittal. Invoices must be submitted to the TCEQ Contract Specialist and the Project Manager. 6. Designated Location for Records Access and Review. Contractor designates the physical location indicated below for record access and review pursuant to any applicable provision of this contract: City of Fort Worth - City Hall Annex, 7"' Floor (Physical Location Address Line 1) 908 Monroe Street (Physical Location Address Line 2) Fort Worth, Texas 76102 (City) (State) (Zip Code) TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 56 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Attachment A: Financial Status Report TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 57 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Attachment A FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT 1. STATE AGENCY TO WHICH REPORT IS Texas Commission on Environmental Quality SUBMITTED: 2. GRANT/AGREEMENT TITLE: 3. PAYEE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 4. RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION (NAME AND COMPLETE ADDRESS, INCLUDING ZIP CODE): 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 a. b. C. d. e. f. n. TCEQ AGREEMENT NUMBER: FINAL REPORT: YES ACCOUNTING BASIS: CASH TOTAL PROJECT/GRANT PERIOD: FROM: TO: BUDGET CATEGORIES: Salary/Wages Fringe Benefits ( %) Travel Supplies Equipment Contractual Construction Other Total Direct Costs (Sum a - h) Indirect Costs ( % x $ Other In -Kind Contributions Total Project Costs (Sum of i & j) Cost Share (33%) TCEQ Reimbursement Amount (67%) NO ACCRUAL 9. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT: FROM: TO: Approved Project Cost Cumulative Budget This Report Project Cost Balance List (Itemize) on the appropriate supplemental form all component expenses comprising the total for each of these categories. Please attach receipts, as required, Negative balances in any of the budget categories should be explained in a brief accompanying narrative. 11. CERTIFICATION: I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that this report is correct and complete and that all outlays and unliquidated obligations are for the purposes set forth in the award document. Signature of Authorized Certifying Official: Typed or Printed Name and Title: Telephone (Area code, number and ext.): TCEQ Form 20248 Date Submitted: TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Page 58 of 146 582-22-30132 CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Attachment A (continued) PERSONNEL/SALARY EXPENDITURES (during this report period) EMPLOYEE NAME A. PERSONNEL/SALARY All Employees listed on current PEL? _Yes _No B. FRINGE Rate = Total for the reporting period = (Do not include fringe in total at right) TITLE/POSITION SALARY TASKS (THIS PERIOD) TOTAL PERSONNEL/SALARY EXPENDITURES (must agree with line 10a on Form 20248) On this Supplemental Form, list employee's name, title/position, salary for the period, and Task number(s) worked. An updated PEL is required when employment status changes occur. TRAVEL EXPENDITURES (during this report period) EMPLOYEE(S) DATE(S) OF DESTINATION & MEALS LODGING TRANSPORTATION TASKS TRAVEL PURPOSE OF (Miles X Rate) TRAVEL TOTAL TRAVEL EXPENDITURES (must agree with line 10c on Form 20248) On this Supplemental Form, itemize each traveler's costs to show name of traveler, date(s) of travel, destination and purpose, mode of transportation, costs for meals, lodging, transportation, and Tasks for which the cost applies (itemization may be attached). TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 59 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Attachment A (continued) SUPPLIES PURCHASED (during this report period) NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION PURCHASED (Should match description provided for approval) UNIT TOTAL COST COST TOTAL SUPPLIES PURCHASED (must agree with line 10h on Form 20248) TASKS On this Supplemental form, list materials and supplies purchased for the Contract, cost, and Task to which each supply item applies. Provide enough information in the description to enable the TCEQ to determine the allowability of cost. EQUIPMENT PURCHASES (during this report period) NUMBER ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT TOTAL TASKS PURCHASED (Should match description provided for approval) COST COST TOTAL EQUIPMENT EXPENDITURES (must agree with line l0e on Form 20248) List the description of equipment, serial No., cost and Task to which each equipment item applies. Note: TCEQ may disallow the cost of equipment purchased without prior approval. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 60 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS Attachment A (continued) CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES (during this report period) SUBCONTRACTOR (NAME) FOR COST (THIS TASKS PERIOD) TOTAL CONTRACTUAL EXPENDITURES (must agree with line lOf on Form 20248) List all subcontractor costs either incurred or paid during the period, including subcontractor name, description of activities performed, date(s) performed, costs, and related Tasks. CONSTRUCTION COSTS (during this report period) DESCRIPTION PURPOSE COST (THIS PERIOD) TOTAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENDITURES (must agree with line 10g on Form $ 20248) LEGIBLE RECEIPTS MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORM FOR EACH LISTED ITEM OR EXPENDITURE. OTHER EXPENDITURES (during this report period) NUMBER PURCHASED DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL COST TASKS TASKS TOTAL Other EXPENDITURES (must agree with line lOg on Form 20248) $ On this Supplemental form, list the description of the item or cost, cost, and Task to which each item or cost applies. Provide enough information in the description to enable the TCEQ to determine the allowability of cost. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 61 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - IOS Attachment B: Release of Claims (Must be returned with last invoice per the General Term and Condition titled Release of Claims) TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 62 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Conditional Final Waiver and Release of Claims Upon receipt and clearance of payment from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) in the sum of $--------- which constitutes final payment to City of Ft. Worth (hereinafter referred to as "Performing Party"), Performing Party and its successors and assigns, release, discharge and relinquish the TCEQ its officers, agents, and employees from all claims, known or unknown, arising out of or relating to TCEQ Contract Number 582-22-30132 (Contract). It is expressly agreed and understood that this conditional FINAL waiver and release of all claims is effective, without any further action of any party, only upon clearance of final payment to Performing Party in the above -mentioned amount. Performing Party warrants that it has completed all activities described in the Contract. Executed on this --------- day of ---------------, 20----. By: (signature) ----------------------------- (name) (title) TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 63 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Attachment C: Budget Revision Request TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 64 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 BUDGET REVISION REQUEST FORM Purpose: To document recipient organization's proposed budget changes to ensure project deliverables are met and fiscal accountability. Prior TCEQ review and approval is required before incurring specific costs resulting in cumulative transfers of more than 10% of the total budget. Instructions: Complete 1. - 8. The spreadsheet will total the amounts in 9., i., and k. 1. Recipient Organization (Name & Complete Address Including Zip Code): 2. Grant/ Contract Title: 4. TCEQ Contract No.: 6. Budget Categories: a. Personnel/Salaries b. Fringe Benefits c. Travel d. Supplies e. Equipment f. Contractual g. Construction h. Other i. Total Direct Costs (sum a - h) j. Indirect Costs ( --- %x $_____ Salary) k. Total (sum i & j) 1. Recipient Cost Share m. Total Reimbursable Cost (k-1) 7. Approved Budget Justification (Attach additional sheets, if necessary): 3. Payee Identification No.: 5. Total Project/ Grant Period: 8. Change Requested (+ or -) *** Budget Revision Request must contain all signatures to be approved/valid Signature of Recipient's Representative Date Type or Printed Name and Title Signature of TCEQ Project Manager Date Type or Printed Name and Title Signature of TCEQ Contract Manager Date Type or Printed Name and Title 9. New or Revised Budget Attachment D: Level -of -Effort Certification (Certification(s) must be returned with each invoice per General Terms and Conditions Section 4.3) TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 66 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Level -of -Effort Certification [Month] 20[XX] Employee Name: [Name] Project Actual Activities Performed Activity for Which Employee was Compensated N of Total Hours Worked) TCEQ Contract Nos. Albin, 582-XX-XXXXX X 582-XX-XXXXX X 582-XX-XXXXX •_ X 582-XX-XXXXX •_ X 582-XX-XXXXX X 582-XX-XXXXX X Other Projects (Not Related to TCEQ Contracts/Grants) X% The information listed above is true and correct. TCEQ may request additional information. Employee Name Employee Signature Date Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 67 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Attachment E: Personnel Eligibility List TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 68 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Personnel Eligibility List (PEL) Performing Party: City of Ft. Worth Conract Number: 582-22-30132 Date: Initial Staff Name or Date Added Date Estimated "Vacant" Position or Title to PEL Removed Time to from PEL Contract (% or hours) *Only provided for estimation purposes and may be different from actual hours worked. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 69 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Exhibit A-1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Requirements for Quality Management Plans (QA/R-2) TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 70 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 United States Office of Environmental Environmental 'Protection information Agency Washington, DC 20460 ^EPA EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans EPA QA/R-2 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 71 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 FOREWORD The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the Quality Management Plan as a means of documenting how an organization will plan, implement, and assess the effectiveness of its quality assurance and quality control operations applied to environmental programs. The process of planning, implementing, and assessing these management systems is called quality management and the product of this process is called the Quality System. The Quality Management Plan is part of the mandatory Agency -wide Quality System that requires all organizations performing work for EPA to develop and operate management processes and structures for assuring that data or information collected are of the needed and expected quality for their desired use. This document provides the development and content requirements for Quality Management Plans for organizations that conduct environmental data operations for EPA through contracts, assistance agreements, and interagency agreements; however, it may be used by EPA as well. It contains the same requirements as Chapter 3 of the EPA Order 5360 Al (2000), EPA Quality Manual for Environmental Programs, for EPA organizations. This document is one of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Quality System Series documents. These documents describe the EPA policies and procedures for planning, implementing, and assessing the effectiveness of the Quality System. Questions regarding this document or other Quality System Series documents should be directed to the Quality Staff: U.S. IPA Quality Staff (2811 R) Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 564-6830 FAX: (202) 565-2441 e-mail: quality@epa.gov Copies of EPA Quality System Series documents may be obtained from the Quality Staff directly or by downloading them from its Home Page: www.epa.gov/quality EPA QAlR-2 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 72 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This document reflects the collaborative efforts of many quality management professionals who participate in the challenge for continual improvement in duality systems supporting environmental programs. These individuals, representing the EPA, other Federal agencies, State and local governments, and private industry, reflect a diverse and broad range of needs and experiences in environmental data collection programs. Their contributions and the comprehensive reviews during the development of this document are greatly appreciated. Final EPA QA/R-2 ii March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 73 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 TABLE OF CONTENTS paze CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................ 1 1.2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLANS, THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM, AND ANSI/ASQC E4-1994............................................ 2 1.3 THE GRADED APPROACH AND THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM ........ 4 1.4 INTENDED AUDIENCE ......................................... 4 1.5 PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY ..................................... 4 1.6 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ...................................... 4 1.7 SUPERSESSION................................................4 CHAPTER 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS ............... 5 2.1 POLICY.......................................................5 2.2 PURPOSE.....................................................5 2.3 APPLICABILITY...............................................5 2.4 GENERAL CONTENT AND DETAIL REQUIREMENTS ................ 5 2A.1 General Content ........................................... 5 2.4.2 Level of Detail ............................................ 6 2.5 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION .................... 6 2.6 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN SUBMISSION AND APP.ROVAI....... 7 2.7 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REVISIONS ....................... 7 CHAPTER 3. QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ELEMENTS .................... 9 3.1 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS ..................................... 9 3.2 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION ........................... 10 3.3 QUALITY SYSTEM COMPONENTS .............................. 11 3.4 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND TRAINING .................... 12 3.5 PROCUREMENT OF ITEMS AND SERVICES ....................... 12 3.6 DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS.. . ................................ 13 3.7 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ....................... 14 3.8 PLANNING...................................................15 3.9 IMPLEMENTATION OF WORK PROCESSES ....................... 16 3.10 ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE ................................. 17 3.11 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ..................................... 18 REFERENCES...........................................................19 APPENDIX A. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................. A-1 Final EPA QA/R-2 iii March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 74 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 (This page has been left blank intentionally.) Final EPA QA/R-2 1V March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 75 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) annually spends several hundred million dollars in the collection of environmental data fbr scientific research and regulatory decision making. In addition, non -EPA organizations may spend as much as an order of magnitude more each year to respond to Agency requirements. Furthermore, as EPA is increasingly involved in the use of environmental technology for pollution control and waste clean-up, the use of particular technologies is often specified in permits and regulations. If decision makers are to have the necessary confidence in the quality of enviromnental data used to support their decisions or that environmental technology successfully performed its intended role, there must be a structured process for quality in place. A structured system that describes the policies and procedures for ensuring that work processes, products, or services satisfy stated expectations or specifications is called a quality system. All organizations conducting environmental programs funded by EPA are required to establish and implement a quality system. EPA organizations are required to document their quality system in a Quality Management Plan through EPA Order 5360.1 A2, Policy and Program Requirements for the Mandatory Agency -wide Quality System (EPA 2000). Non -EPA organizations funded by EPA are required to document their quality system in a Quality Management Plan (or equivalent document)' through: 48 CFR 46, for contractors; 40 CFR 30, 31, and 35 for assistance agreement recipients; and other mechanisms, such as consent agreements in enforcement actions. A Quality Management Plan documents how an organization structures its quality system and describes its quality policies and procedures, criteria for and areas of application, and roles, responsibilities, and authorities. It also describes an organization's policies and procedures for implementing and assessing the effectiveness of the quality system. This document describes the elements of a quality system that must be documented in a Quality Management Plan to comply with EPA requirements. 'An equivalent document may not be called a Quality Management Plan but still would document an organization's quality system and address the required quality management practices described in this document. EPA QA/K-2 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 76 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 This requirements document presents specifications and instructions for the information that must be contained in a Quality Management Plan for organizations conducting environmental programs funded by EPA, The document also discusses the procedures for review, approval, implementation, and revision of Quality Management Plans. Users of this document should assume that all of the elements described herein are required in a Quality Management Plan unless otherwise directed by EPA. 1.2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLANS, THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM, AND ANSI/ASQC E4-1994 EPA Order 5360.1 A2 and the applicable Federal regulations (defined above) establish a mandatory Quality System that applies to all EPA organizations and organizations that are funded by EPA. Components of this system are illustrated in Figure 1. Organizations must ensure that data collected for the characterization of environmental processes and conditions are of the appropriate type and quality for their intended use and that environmental technologies are designed, constructed, and operated according to defined expectations. Quality system documentation (e.g., the Quality Management Plan) is a key component of the EPA Quality System as shown in Figure 1. EPA policy is based on the national consensus standard, ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, Specifications and Guidelines for Environmental Data Collection and Environmental Technology Programs. The ANSI/ASQC E4-1994 standard describes the necessary management and technical elements for developing and implementing a quality system. This standard recommends using a tiered approach to a quality system. The standard recommends first documenting each organization -wide duality system in a Quality Management Plan or Quality Manual (to address requirements of Part A: Management Systems of the standard) and then documenting the applicability of the quality system to technical activity -specific efforts in a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QA Project Plan) or similar document (to address the requirements of Part B: Collection and Evaluation of Environmental Data of the standard). EPA has adopted this tiered approach for its mandatory Agency --wide Quality System. This document addresses Part A requirements of the standard. The Quality Management Plan may be viewed as the `umbrella' document under which individual projects are conducted. The Quality Management Plan is then supported by project - specific QA Project Plans, A QA Project Plan is the `blueprint' by which individual projects involving environmental data are implemented and assessed and how specific quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) activities will be applied during a particular project. EPA requirements for QA Project Plans are defined in EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/R-5) (EPA 2001). In some cases, a QA Project Plan and a Quality Management Plan may be combined into a single document that contains both organizational and project -specific elements. The QA Manager for the EPA organization sponsoring the work has the authority to determine when a single document is applicable and will define the content requirements of such a document. Final EPA QA/R-2 2 Mach 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 77 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Consensus Standards ANSI/ASQC E4 ISO 9000 Series r internal EPA Poli -ins External Policies z Contracts - 48 CFR s OEPA Order 5360. t Assistance Agreements - a EPA Manual 5360 40 CFR 30, 31, and 35_ EPA Program & Regional Policy Quality System r r. Documentation (e.g., QMP) T [7 1;� Supporting System Elemenic Training/Communication Z (e.g., Procurements, (e.g., Training Plan, 0 Computer Hardware/Software) Conferences) a� N z Q Annual Review systems and Planning Assessments 0 (e.g., QAARWP) (e.g., QSAs) Systematic vndu Study Data Verification 1 Planning -- Plannil Experiment & Validation (e.g., DQO Process) ul JQA I Standard I Technical I Data Quality O I Proect Plan Operating Assessments Assessment ix Procedures PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION ASSESSMENT Defensible Products and Decisions J Figure 1. EPA Quality System Components and Tools Final EPA QA/R-2 3 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 78 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 1.3 THE GRADED APPROACH AND THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM Implementation of the EPA Quality System is based on the principle of graded approach. This principle recognizes that a `one size fits all' approach to quality requirements will not work in an organization as diverse as EPA so managerial controls are applied according to the scope of the program and/or the intended use of the outputs from a process. For example, the quality expectations of a fundamental research program are different from that of a regulatory compliance program because the purpose or intended use of the data is different. Applying a graded approach means that quality systems for different organizations and programs will vary according to the specific objectives and needs of the organization. The specific application of the graded approach principle to Quality Management Plans is described in Section 2.4.2. 1.4 INl'ENDED AUDIENCE This document specifies the requirements for developing a Quality Management Plan for organizations that conduct environmental data operations funded by EPA through contracts, financial assistance agreements, and interagency agreements. EPA organizations may also use this document to develop their Quality Management Plans since this document is clearer and more user-friendly than the equivalent requirements defined in Section 3.3 of EPA Order 5360 Al (EPA 2000), The EPA Quality Manualfor Environmental Programs (an internal policy document). However, the preparation, submission, review, and approval requirements for EPA organizations are still contained in Section 3.2 of EPA Order 5360 Al as these represent internal EPA policy. 1.5 PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY This document shall be valid for a period of up to five years from the official date of publication. After five years, it shall either be reissued without change, revised, or withdrawn from the EPA Quality System. 1.6 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES EPA has issued a checklist for reviewing Quality Management Plans that can be used to verify if the requirements defined in this document are satisfied. This checklist is available on the Quality Staff website, www.epa.gov/quality/tools-org,htrnl#qmp. 1.7 SUPERSESSION This document replaces QAMS-004/80, .Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Program Plans (EPA 1980) in its entirety. Final EPA QA/R-2 4 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 79 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 CHAPTER 2 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2.1 POLICY Quality systems supporting environmental programs involving environmental data or technology conducted by EPA organizations or by organizations funded by EPA shall be covered by an Agency --approved Quality Management Plan. 2.2 PURPOSE A Quality Management Plan is a management tool that documents an organization's quality system for planning, implementing, documenting, and assessing the effectiveness of activities supporting environmental data operations and other environmental programs. The Quality Management Plan is used to demonstrate conformance to Part A requirements of ANSI/ASQC E4-1994. 2.3 APPLICABILITY These requirements apply to all organizations conducting environmental programs funded by EPA that acquire, generate, compile, or use environmental data and technology. These requirements apply to all work performed through contracts, cooperative agreements, interagency agreements, State -EPA agreements, State, local, and Tribal Financial Assistants/Grants (including Performance Partnership Grants and Agreements), Research Grants, and in response to statutory or regulatory requirements and consent agreements. These requirements shall be negotiated into interagency agreements, including sub -agreements, and, in some cases, included in enforcement consent agreements and orders. Where specific Federal regulations require the application of QA and QC activities (see Section 1.1), Quality Management Plans shall be prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the specifications contained in this document unless explicitly superseded by regulation. 2.4 GENERAL CONTENT AND DETAIL REQUIREMENTS 2.4.1 General Content The Quality Management Plan documents the quality management practices which are critical to a quality system. Specific Quality Management Plan content requirements are described in Chapter 3. Each organization should evaluate these requirements for applicability to their quality system. Where a particular element is not relevant, an explanation of why it is not relevant must be provided in the Quality Management Plan. Also, if the Quality Management Plan preparer or EPA organization sponsoring the work determines that additional quality management Final EPA QA/R-2 5 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 80 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 elements are useful or necessary for an adequate quality system, these elements should be discussed in the Quality Management Plan. 2.4.2 Level of Detail The Quality Management Plan should describe a Quality System that is designed to support the objectives of the organization. The level of effort expended to develop a Quality Management Plan should be based on the scope of the program. For example, large grants to a State government may require a comprehensive quality system and Quality Management Plan, whereas smaller grants for programs with relatively less significant impacts may require less substantial documentation. The Quality Management Plan must be sufficiently inclusive, explicit, and readable to enable both management and staff to understand the priority which management places on QA and QC activities, the established quality policies and procedures, and their respective quality - related roles and responsibilities. The Quality Management Plan must be written so that an assessment of the suitability and effectiveness of the organization's quality system can be accomplished. Such assessments will enable management to determine if the quality system meets the needs of the organization. The Quality Management Plan should be focused on the processes and procedures used to plan, implement, and assess the programs to which it is applied, and must include definitions of appropriate authorities and responsibilities for managers and staff. 2.5 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION' An organization's senior manager is responsible for assuring the preparation of a Quality Management Plan to cover all environmental programs supported or undertaken by the organization. Senior management, i.e., the executives and managers who are responsible and accountable for mission accomplishment and overall operations of the organization, is responsible for ensuring that the Quality Management Plan is prepared and that the quality system documented in the Quality Management Plan satisfies all EPA policy requirements and meets all statutory, contractual, and assistance agreement requirements for EPA work. While senior management is responsible for the preparation of the Quality Management Plan, the actual preparation may be assigned to the organization's staff so long as it is assured that all managers support the effort; for example, the preparation of the Quality Management Plan may be directed by the QA Manager of the organization. However, it is essential that all management levels understand fully the content of the Quality Management Plan and concur with its implementation. 'Specific preparation, submission, review, and approval requirements for EPA organizations are contained in Section 3.2 of EPA Order 5360 Al (EPA 2000) as these represent internal EPA policy. Final EPA QA/R-2 6 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 81 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S 2.6 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL The Quality Management Plan must be approved and signed by the senior management of the organization. This will certify that the organization has conducted an internal review of the Quality Management Plan and that management has concurred with its contents. When a Quality Management Plan is required either by statute, contractual requirement, or assistance agreement condition, the Quality Management Plan must be submitted for review and approval to the EPA official responsible for the work. The EPA official may include the contracting officer's representative (such as the project officer, work assignment manager, or delivery order project office), the award official, and the EPA QA Manager. For example, the review and approval of a State Quality Management Plan that has been submitted as part of a request for an assistance agreement may be performed by the QA Manager of the office awarding the assistance agreement. EPA approval of a Quality Management Plan will be valid for no more than five years for State, local, and Tribal governments or the length of the extramural agreement for all other extramural agreement holders. The period for which a Quality Management Plan is valid is defined in the Quality Management Plan of the EPA organization sponsoring the work. 2.7 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REVISIONS Each organization shall review its Quality Management Plan at least annually to reconfirm the suitability and effectiveness of the approved quality management practices. The process of developing, annually reviewing, and revising (as needed) the Quality Management Plan provides an opportunity for management and staff to clarify roles and responsibilities, address problem areas, and institutionalize improvements. Having an accurate Quality Management Plan at all times is an essential element in every quality system, thus changes in QA policy and procedures shall be documented in the Quality Management Plan in a timely fashion. In general, a copy of any Quality Management Plan revision(s) made during the year should be submitted to EPA as a report when such changes occur. However, if significant changes have been made to the quality system that affect the performance of work for the Agency, it may be necessary to re -submit the entire Quality Management Plan to EPA for re - approval. Conditions requiring the revision of an approved Quality Management Plan include; • expiration of the five-year life span of the Quality Management Plan; • major changes in mission and responsibilities, such as changes in the delegation status of a program; • re -organization of existing functions that affect programs covered by the Quality Management Plan; and • assessment findings requiring corrective actions and response. Final EPA QA/R-2 7 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 82 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 All appropriate personnel in the organization performing work covered by the scope of the Quality Management Plan shall be notified of changes to the quality system and the Quality Management Plan to keep them informed of the current requirements. This practice should also include active sub -contractors for relevant work. Final EPA QA/R-2 8 March 2001 Page 65 of 142 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 83 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 CHAPTER 3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ELEMENTS 3.1. CONTENT REQUIREMENTS The Quality Management Plan documents management practices, including QA and QC activities, used to ensure that the results of technical work are of the type and quality needed for their intended use. Accordingly, the Quality Management Plan documents: • the mission and quality policy of the organization; • the specific roles, authorities, and responsibilities of management and staff with respect to QA and QC activities; • the means by which effective communications with personnel actually performing the work are assured; • the processes used to plan, implement, and assess the work performed; • the process by which measures of effectiveness for QA and QC activities will be established and how frequently effectiveness will be measured; and • the continual improvement based on lessons learned from previous experience. The Quality Management Plan reflects the organization's commitment to quality management principles and practices, tailored, when appropriate, by senior management to meet the organization's needs. The elements to be addressed in a Quality Management Plan include: management and organization; quality system description; personnel qualifications and training; procurement of items and services; documentation and records; computer hardware and software; planning; implementation of work processes; assessment and response; and quality improvement. Specific requirements for each of these elements are described below in Sections 3.2 through 3.11. Items specific to Quality Management Plans developed by EPA organizations under EPA Order 5360.1 A2 (EPA 2000) are noted by "EPA Quality Management Plans." Organizations funded by EPA do not have to address these EPA -specific items. It is preferable, but not necessary, that the Quality Management Plan address the specifications in the same order as presented below to ensure uniformity and a consistent and complete review. If an existing, approved Quality Management Plan adequately addresses each of these topics, it should not be rewritten simply to conform to the outline provided here. Final EPA QA/R-2 9 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 84 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.2 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION Purpose — To document the overall policy, scope, applicability, and management responsibilities of the organization's quality system. Specifications -- Provide the following: an approval page for the signatures of the organization's management and QA manager. The approval page may be part of a title page or a separate sheet following the title page. If EPA approval of the Quality Management Plan is required, the approval page shall include a section for the signature of the EPA official (see Section 2.6). For EPA Quality Management Plans', the approval page shall contain the signatures of the organization's senior manager, senior line management (as appropriate), the QA Manager, the Director of the Quality Staff, and the Assistant Administrator of the Office of Environmental Information; a statement of the organization's policy on quality assurance, including: the importance of QA and QC activities to the organization and why, the general objectives and goals of the quality system, and the policy for resource allocation for the quality system (EPA Quality Management Plans must discuss personnel, intramural and extramural funding, and travel resources); an organization chart that identifies all of the components of the organization and, in particular, the organizational position and lines of reporting for the QA Manager (or similar position such as a Quality Manager) and any QA staff; a discussion of the authorities of the QA Manager and any other QA staff that also: documents the organizational independence of the QA Manager from groups generating, compiling, and evaluating envirolunental data, and indicates how the organization will ensure that QA personnel will have access to the appropriate levels of management in order to plan, assess, and improve the organization's quality system; a discussion of the technical activities or programs that are supported by the quality system including: the specific programs that require quality management controls, 'Organizations funded by EPA do not have to address these EPA -specific elements. Final EPA QA/R-2 10 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 85 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 where oversight of delegated, contracted, or other extramural programs is needed to assure data quality, and where and how internal coordination of QA and QC activities among the group's organizational units needs to occur; a discussion of how management will assure that applicable elements of the quality system are understood and implemented in all environmental programs; and a discussion of the organization's process for resolving disputes regarding quality system requirements, QA and QC procedures, assessments, or corrective actions (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only). 3.3 QUALITY SYSTEM COMPONENTS Purpose — To document how an organization manages its quality system and defines the primary responsibilities for managing and implementing each component of the system. Specifications — Provide the following: a description of the orgariization's quality system that includes the principal components of the system and the roles and implementation responsibilities of management and staff with regards to these components. These components include, but are not limited to: - quality system documentation annual reviews and planning management assessments - training - systematic planning of projects project -specific quality documentation project and data assessments; a list of the tools for implementing each component of the quality system. These tools include, but are not limited to: Quality Management Plans (quality system documentation), - Quality Systems Audits (management assessments), - Training Plans (training), - QA Project Plan (project -specific quality documentation), Data Verification and Validation (data assessments); Final EPA QA/R-2 11 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 86 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 a list of any components of the organization that develop Quality Management Plans (or equivalent document) in support of the organization's Quality System and the review and approval procedures for such documentation; and a discussion of how roles and responsibilities for the principal components of the Quality System are incorporated into performance standards (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only). 3.4 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION AND TRAINING Purpose -- To document the procedures for assuring that all personnel performing work for an organization have the necessary skills to effectively accomplish their work. Specifications — Provide the following: a statement of the policy regarding training for management and staff; a description of the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff; for: identifying, ensuring, and documenting that personnel have and maintain the appropriate Imowledge, skill, and statutory, regulatory, professional or other certifications, accreditations, licenses, or other formal qualification necessary, and identifying the need for retraining based on changing requirements. 3.5 PROCUREMENT OF ITEMS AND SERVICES Purpose -- To document the procedures fbr purchased items and services that directly affect the quality of environmental programs. Specifications — Describe or reference the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff, pertaining to all appropriate procurement documents or extramural agreements, including grants, cooperative agreements, and contracted and subcontracted activities, involving or affecting environmental programs, for: reviewing and approving procurement documents (and any changes to these documents) to ensure that procurement documents are accurate, complete, and clearly describe: Final EPA QA/R-2 12 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 87 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 the item or service needed, the associated technical and quality requirements, - the quality system elements for which the supplier is responsible, and how the supplier's conformance to the customer's requirements will be verified; review and approval of all applicable responses to solicitations to ensure that these documents: - satisfy all technical and quality requirements, and provide evidence of the supplier's capability to satisfy EPA quality system requirements as defined in the extramural agreement or applicable Federal Regulation (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only); ■ ensuring that procured items and services are of acceptable quality, including the review of objective evidence of quality for applicable items and services furnished by suppliers and subcontractors, source selection, source inspections, supplier audits, and examination of deliverables; • review and approval procedures for mandatory quality -related documentation (e.g., Quality Management Plans or QA Project Plans) from suppliers (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only); • policies and criteria for delegations of EPA authority to review and approve mandatory quality -related documentation (e.g., Quality Management Plans or QA Project Plans) from suppliers consistent with Chapter 2.2 of EPA Order 5360 Al (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only); and • ensuring that EPA quality -related contracting policies, as defined by the Federal Acquisition Regulations, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, and the EPA Contracts Management Manual [EPA Order 1900 (EPA 1998)], are satisfied (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only). 3.6 DOCUMENTS AND RECORDS Purpose To document appropriate controls for quality -related documents and records determined to be important to the mission of the organization. Specifications — Describe or reference the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff, for: identifying quality -related documents and records (both printed and electronic) requiring control; Final EPA QA/R-2 13 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 88 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 • preparing, reviewing for conformance to technical and quality system requirements, approving, issuing, using, authenticating, and revising documents and records; • ensuring that records and documents accurately reflect completed work; • maintaining documents -and records including transmittal, distribution, retention (including retention times), access, preservation (including protection from damage, loss, and deterioration), traceability, retrieval, removal of obsolete documentation, and disposition; • ensuring compliance with all applicable statutory, regulatory, and EPA requirements for documents and records [EPA Quality Management Plans shall ensure compliance with EPA Order 2160 (EPA 1984) and EPA Directive 2100, Chapter 10 (EPA 1998)]; and • establishing and implementing appropriate chain of custody and confidentiality procedures for evidentiary records. 3.7 COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Purpose — To document how the organization will ensure that computer hardware and software satisfies the organization's requirements. Specifications — Describe or reference the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff, for: developing, installing, testing (including verification and validation), using, maintaining, controlling, and documenting computer hardware and software used in environmental programs to ensure it meets technical and quality requirements and directives from management [EPA Quality Management Plan specifications must be consistent with EPA Directive 2100 (EPA 1998)]; assessing and documenting the impact of changes to user requirements and/or the hardware and software on performance; evaluating purchased hardware and software to ensure it meets user requirements and complies with applicable contractual requirements and standards; ensuring that data and information produced from, or collected by, computers meet applicable information resource management requirements and standards; and Final EPA QA/R-2 14 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 89 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 • ensuring that applicable EPA requirements fbr information resources management are addressed [EPA Directive 2100 (EPA 1998)] including security and privacy requirements (requirement for EPA Quality Management Plans only). Computer software covered by this requirement includes, but is not limited to, design, data handling, data analysis, modeling of environmental processes and conditions, operations, or process control of environmental technology system (including automated data acquisition and laboratory instrumentation), data bases containing environmental data, 3.8 PLANNING Purpose — To document how individual data operations will be planned within the organization to ensure that data or information collected are of the needed and expected quality for their desired use. Specifications — Describe or reference the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff, for: planning environmental data operations using a systematic planning process4 which includes: the identification and involvement of the project manager, sponsoring organization and responsible official, project personnel, stakeholders, scientific experts, etc. (e.g., all customers and suppliers); a description of the project goal, objectives, and questions and issues to be addressed; - the identification of project schedule, resources (including budget), milestones, and any applicable requirements (e,g., regulatory and contractual requirements); the identification of the type and quantity of data needed and how the data will be used to support the project's objectives; - the specification of performance criteria for measuring quality; 'EPA has developed a systematic planning process called the Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process [See the EPA Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process (QA/G-4) (EPA 2000)]. While not mandatory, the DQO Process is the recommended planning approach for many EPA data collection activities. Final EPA QAIR-2 15 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 90 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 the specification of needed QA and QC activities to assess the quality performance criteria (e.g., QC samples for both the field and laboratory, audits, technical assessments, performance evaluations, etc.); a description of how, when, and where the data will be obtained (including existing data) and identification of any constraints on data collection; and a description of how the acquired data will be analyzed (either in the field or the laboratory), evaluated (i.e., QA review, verification, validation), and assessed against its intended use and the quality performance criteria; developing, reviewing, approving, implementing, and revising a QA Project Plan or equivalent planning document [see EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAIR-S) (EPA 2001)]; and evaluating and qualifying data collected for other purposes or from other sources, including the application of any statistical methods, for a new use. 3.9 IMPLEMENTATION OF WORK PROCESSES Purpose — To document how work processes will be implemented within the organization to ensure that data or information collected are of the needed and expected quality for their desired use. Specifications — Describe or reference the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff for: EPA QA/R-2 ensuring that work is performed according to approved planning and technical documents; identification of operations needing procedures (e.g., standardized, special, or critical operations), preparation (including form, content, and applicability), review, approval, revision, and withdrawal of these procedures; and policy for use; and controlling and documenting the release, change, and use of planned procedures, including any necessary approvals, specific times and points for implementing changes, removal of obsolete documentation from work areas, and verification that the changes are made as prescribed. Final 16 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 91 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.10 ASSESSMENT AND RESPONSE Purpose — To document how the organization will determine the suitability and effectiveness of the implemented quality system and the quality performance of the environmental programs to which the quality system applies. Specifications — Describe or reference the process(es), including the roles, responsibilities, and authorities of management and staff, pertaining to both management and technical assessments for: • assessing the adequacy of the quality system at least annually; • planning, implementing, and documenting assessments and reporting assessment results to management including how to select an assessment tool, the expected frequency of their application to envirommental programs, and the roles and responsibilities of assessors; • determining the level of competence, experience, and training necessary to ensure that personnel conducting assessments are technically knowledgeable, have no real or perceived conflict of interest, and have no direct involvement or responsibility for the work being assessed; • ensuring that personnel conducting assessments have sufficient authority, access to programs, managers, documents, and records, and organizational freedom to: identify both quality problems and noteworthy practices, propose recommendations for resolving quality problems, and independently confirm implementation and effectiveness of solutions; management's review and response to findings; identifying how and when corrective actions are to be taken in response to the findings of the assessment, ensuring corrective actions are made promptly, confirming the implementation and effectiveness of any corrective action, and documenting (including the identification of root causes, the determination of whether the problem is unique or has more generic implications, and recommendation of procedures to prevent recurrence) such actions; and addressing any disputes encountered as a result of assessments. Available assessment tools include quality systems audits, management systems reviews, peer reviews, technical reviews, performance evaluations, data quality assessments, readiness reviews, technical systems audits, and surveillance. Final EPA QA/11-2 17 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 92 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.11 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Purpose — To document how the organization will improve the organization's quality system. Specifications — Identify who (organizationally) is responsible for identifying, planning, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of quality improvement activities and describe the process to ensure continuous quality improvement, including the roles and responsibilities of management and staff, for: ensuring that conditions adverse to quality are: prevented, - identified promptly including a determination of the nature and extent of the problem, - corrected as soon as practical, including implementing appropriate corrective actions and actions to prevent reoccurrence, - documenting all corrective actions, and - traclaing such actions to closure; encouraging staff at all levels to establish communications between customers and suppliers, identify process improvement opportunities, and identify and offer solutions to problems. Final EPA QA/R-2 18 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 93 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 REFERENCES 40 CFR 30, Code of Federal Regulations, "Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non -Profit Organizations." 40 CFR 31, Code of Federal Regulations, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreement to State and Local Governments." 40 CFR 35, Code of Federal Regulations, "State and Local Assistance." 48 CFR 46, Code of Federal Regulations, "Federal Acquisition Regulations." ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, Specifications and Guidelines for Quality Systems for Environmental Data Collection and Environmental Technology Programs, American National Standard, January 1995. EPA Directive 2100 (1999), .Information Resources Management Policy Manual, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 1900 (February 1998), Contracts Management Manual, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 2160 (July 1984), Records Management Manual, U.S. Envirorunental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 5360 A 1 (May 2000), EPA Quality Manual for Environmental Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 5360.1 A2 (May 2000), Policy and Program Requirements for the Mandatory Quality Assurance Program, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2001. EPA .Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAIR-5), EPA/240/B-01/003, Office of Environmental Information. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000. Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process (QAIG-4), EPA/600/R-96/055, Office of Environmental Information. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1980. Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Program Plans, QAMS-004/80, Office of Research and Development. Final EPA QA/R-2 19 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 94 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 (This page has been left blank intentionally.) Final EPA QA/R-2 20 Match 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 95 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S APPENDIX A TERMS AND DEFINITIONS assessment - the evaluation process used to measure the performance or effectiveness of a system and its elements. As used here, assessment is an all-inclusive term used to denote any of the following: audit, performance evaluation, management systems review, peer review, inspection, or surveillance. audit (quality) - a systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. data quality assessment - a statistical and scientific evaluation of the data set to determine the validity and performance of the data collection design and statistical test, and to determine the adequacy of the data set for its intended use. design - specifications, drawings, design criteria, and performance requirements. Also the result of deliberate planning, analysis, mathematical manipulations, and design processes. environmental conditions - the description of a physical medium (e.g., air, water, soil, sediment) or biological system expressed in terms of its physical, chemical, radiological, or biological characteristics. environmental data - any measurements or information that describe environmental processes, location, or conditions; ecological or health effects and consequences; or the performance of environmental technology. For EPA, environmental data include information collected directly from measurements, produced from models, and compiled from other sources such as data bases or the literature. environmental data operations - work performed to obtain, use, or report information pertaining to environmental processes and conditions. environmental programs - work or activities involving the environment, including but not limited to: characterization of environmental processes and conditions; environmental monitoring; environmental research and development; the design, construction, and operation of environmental technologies; and laboratory operations on environmental samples. environmental technology - an all-inclusive term used to describe pollution control devices and systems, waste treatment processes and storage facilities, and site remediation technologies and their components that may be utilized to remove pollutants or contaminants from or prevent them from entering the environment. Examples include wet scrubbers (air), soil washing (soil), granulated activated carbon unit (water), and filtration (air, water), Usually, this term will apply Final EPA QA/R-2 A-1 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 96 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 to hardware -based systems; however, it will also apply to methods or techniques used for pollution prevention, pollutant reduction, or containment of contamination to prevent further movement of the contaminants, such as capping, solidification or vitrification, and biological treatment. graded approach - the process of basing the level of application of managerial controls applied to an item or work according to the intended use of the results and the degree of confidence needed in the quality of the results. independent assessment - an assessment performed by a qualified individual, group, or organization that is not a part of the organization directly performing and accountable for the work being assessed. inspection - examination or measurement of an item or activity to verify conformance to specific requirements. management - those individuals directly responsible and accountable for planning, implementing, and assessing work. management system - a structured, non -technical system describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of an organization for conducting work and producing items and services. management systems review - the qualitative assessment of a data collection operation and/or organization(s) to establish whether the prevailing quality management structure, policies, practices, and procedures are adequate for ensuring that the type and quality of data needed are obtained, objective evidence - any documented statement of fact, other information or record, either quantitative or qualitative, pertaining to the quality of an item or activity, based on observations, measurements, or tests which can be verified. organization - a company, corporation, fine, enterprise, or institution, or part thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration. peer review - a documented critical review of work by qualified individuals (or organizations) who are independent of those who performed the work, but are collectively equivalent in technical expertise. A peer review is conducted to ensure that activities are technically adequate, competently performed, properly documented, and satisfy established technical and quality requirements. The peer review is an in-depth assessment of the assumptions, calculations, extrapolations, alternate interpretations, methodology, acceptance criteria, and conclusions pertaining to specific work and of the documentation that supports them. Final EPA QA/R-2 A-2 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 97 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 performance evaluation - a type of audit in which the quantitative data generated in a measurement system are obtained independently and compared with routinely obtained data to evaluate the proficiency of an analyst or laboratory, process - a set of interrelated resources and activities which transforms inputs into outputs. Examples of processes include analysis, design, data collection, operation, fabrication, and calculation. quality - the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to meet the stated or implied needs and expectations of the user. quality assurance (QA) - an integrated system of management activities involving planning, implementation, documentation, assessment, reporting, and quality improvement to ensure that a process, item, or service is of the type and quality needed and expected by the client. quality assurance project plan - a formal document describing in comprehensive detail the necessary QA, QC, and other technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that the results of the work performed will satisfy the stated performance criteria. quality control (QC) - the overall system of technical activities that measures the attributes and performance of a process, item, or service against defined standards to verify that they meet the stated requirements established by the customer; operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. quality improvement - a management program fbr improving the quality of operations. Such management programs generally entail a formal mechanism for encouraging worker recommendations with timely management evaluation and feedback or implementation. quality management - that aspect of the overall management system of the organization that determines and implements the quality policy. Quality management includes strategic planning, allocation of resources, and other systematic activities (e.g., planning, implementation, documentation, and assessment) pertaining to the quality system. quality management plan - a document that describes the quality system in terms of the organizational structure, functional responsibilities of management and staff, lines of authority, and required interfaces for those planning, implementing, and assessing all activities conducted, quality system - a structured and documented management system describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of an organization for ensuring quality in its work processes, products (items), and services. The quality system provides the framework for planning, implementing, documenting, and assessing work performed by the organization and for carrying out required QA and QC activities. Final EPA QA/R-2 A-3 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 98 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 readiness review - a systematic, documented review of the readiness for the start-up or continued use of a facility, process, or activity. Readiness reviews are typically conducted before proceeding beyond project milestones and prior to initiation of a major phase of work. record - a completed document that provides objective evidence of an item or process. Records may include photographs, drawings, magnetic tape, and other data recording media. self -assessment - assessments of work conducted by individuals, groups, or organizations directly responsible for overseeing and/or performing the work. specification - a document stating requirements and which refers to or includes drawings or other relevant documents. Specifications should indicate the means and the criteria for determining conformance. standard operating procedure (SOP) - a written document that details the method for an operation, analysis, or action with thoroughly prescribed techniques and steps, and that is officially approved as the method for performing certain routine or repetitive tasks. supplier - any individual or organization furnishing items or services or performing work according to a procurement document or financial assistance agreement. This is an all-inclusive term used in place of any of the following: vendor, seller, contractor, subcontractor, fabricator, or consultant. surveillance (duality) - continual or frequent monitoring and verification of the status of an entity and the analysis of records to ensure that specified requirements are being fulfilled. technical review - a documented critical review of work that has been performed within the state of the art. The review is accomplished by one or more qualified reviewers who are independent of those who performed the work, but are collectively equivalent in technical expertise to those who performed the original work. The review is an in-depth analysis and evaluation of documents, activities, material, data, or items that require technical verification or validation for applicability, correctness, adequacy, completeness, and assurance that established requirements are satisfied, technical systems audit - a thorough, systematic, on -site, qualitative audit of facilities, equipment, personnel, training, procedures, record keeping, data validation, data management, and reporting aspects of a system. Final EPA QAa-2 A-4 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 99 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Exhibit A-2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QA/R-5) TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 100 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 United States Office of Environmental Environmental Protection Information Agency Washington, DC 20460 �tiEPA EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans EPA QA/R-5 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 101 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 FOREWORD The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QA Project Plan) as a tool for project managers and planners to document the type and quality of data needed for environmental decisions and to describe the methods for collecting and assessing those data. The development, review, approval, and implementation of the QA Project Plan is part of EPA's mandatory Quality System, The EPA Quality System requires all organizations to develop and operate management structures and processes to ensure that data used in Agency decisions are of the type and quality needed for their intended use. The QA Project Plan is an integral part of the fundamental principles and practices that form the foundation of the EPA Quality System. This document provides the QA Project Plan requirements for organizations that conduct environmental data operations on behalf of EPA through contracts, financial assistance agreements, and interagency agreements; however, it may be used by EPA as well. It contains the saine requirements as Chapter 5 of EPA Order 5360 Al (EPA 2000), The EPA Quality Manual ,for Environmental Programs, which has been leveloped for internal use by EPA organizations. A companion document, EPA Guidance for Quality Assurance Project .Plans (QA/G-5) (EPA 1998) provides suggestions for both EPA and non -EPA organizations on preparing, reviewing, and implementing QA Project Plans that satisfy the requirements defined in this document. This document is one of the EPA Quality System Series documents which describe EPA policies and procedures for planning, implementing, and assessing the effectiveness of a quality system. Questions regarding this document or other EPA Quality System Series documents should be directed to: U.S. EPA Quality Staff (2811.R) Washington, DC 20460 Phone: (202) 564-6830 FAY: (202) 565-2441 e-mail: quality a epa.gov Copies of Quality System Series documents may be obtained from the Quality Staff or by downloading them from the Quality Staff Home Page: www.epa.gov/q-Liality EPA QA/R-5 Final Much 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 102 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This document reflects the collaborative efforts of many quality management professionals who participate in the challenge for continual improvement in quality systems supporting environmental programs. These individuals, representing the EPA, other Federal agencies, State and local governments, and private industry, reflect a diverse and broad range of needs and experiences in environmental data collection programs. Their contributions and the comprehensive reviews during the development of this document are greatly appreciated. Final EPA QA/R-5 ii March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 103 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 TABLE OF CONTENTS P. 9C CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1 1.1 BACKGROUND ................................................ 1 1.2 QA PROJECT PLANS, THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM, AND ANSI/ASQC E4-1994............................................ 2 1.3 THE GRADED APPROACH AND THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM ........ 4 1.4 INTENDED AUDIENCE ......................................... 4 1.5 PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY ..................................... 4 1.6 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ...................................... 4 L7 SUPERSESSION................................................5 CHAPTER 2. QA PROJECT PLAN REQUIREMENTS .......................... 7 2.1 POLICY.......................................................7 2.2 PURPOSE.....................................................7 2.3 APPLICABILITY...............................................7 2.4 GENERAL CONTENT AND DETAIL REQUIREMENTS ................ 7 2.4.1 General Content ........................................... 7 2.4.2 Level of Detail ............................................ 8 2.5 QA PROJECT PLAN PREPARATION AND APPROVAL ................ 8 2.6 QA PROJECT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ........................... 9 2.7 QA PROJECT PLAN REVISION ................................... 9 CHAPTER 3. QA PROJECT PLAN ELEMENTS ............................... 11 3.1 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS .................................... 11 3.2 GROUP A: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ............................ 12 3.2.1 Al - Title and Approval Sheet ................................ 13 3.2.2 A2 - Table of Contents ..................................... 13 3.2.3 A3 - Distribution List ...................................... 14 3.2.4 A4 - Projeevrask Organization ............................... 14 3.2.5 A5 - Problem Definition/Background .......................... 14 3.2.6 A6 - Project/Task Description ................................ 14 3.2.7 A7 - Quality Objectives and Criteria ........................... 15 3.2.8 A8 - Special Training/Certification ............................ 15 3.2.9 A9 - Documents and Records ................................ 15 3.3 GROUP B: DATA GENERATION AND ACQUISITION ............... 15 3.3.1 B1- Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) .............. 16 3.3.2 B2 - Sampling Methods .................................... 17 3.3.3 B3 - Sample Handling and Custody ............................ 17 3.3.4 B4 - Analytical Methods .................................... 17 3.3.5 B5 - Quality Control ....................................... 18 EPA QA/R-5 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 104 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Page 3.3.6 B6 - Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance ..... 18 3.3.7 B7 - Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency ............. 18 3.3.8 B8 - Inspection/Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables ........... 19 3.3.9 B9 - Non -direct Measurements ............................... 19 3.3.10 B 10 - Data Management .................................... 19 3.4 GROUP C: ASSESSMENT AND OVERSIGHT ...................... 20 3.4.1 C1 - Assessments and Response Actions ........................ 20 3.4.2 C2 - Reports to Management ................................ 20 3.5 GROUP D: DATA VALIDATION AND USABILITY .................. 21 3.5.1 D1 -Data Review, Verification, and Validation ................... 21 3.5.2 D2 - Verification and Validation Methods ....................... 21 3.5.3 D3 - Reconciliation with User Requirements ..................... 21 REFERENCES...........................................................23 APPENDIX A. CROSSWALKS AMONG QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTS . A-1 A.1 BACKGROUND .............................................. A-1 A.2 CROSSWALK BETWEEN EPA QA/R-5 AND QAMS-005/80 ........... A -I A.3 CROSSWALK BETWEEN THE DQO PROCESS AND THE QA PROJECT PLAN .................................. A-3 APPENDIX R. TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................. B-1 FIGURES Page 1. EPA Quality System Components and Tools ..................................... 3 2. Example Document Control Format .......................................... 14 TABLES Page 1. Group A: Project Management Elements ...................................... 13 2. Group B: Data Generation and Acquisition Elements ............................. 16 3. Group C: Assessment and Oversight Elements .................................. 20 4. Group D: Data Validation and Usability Elements ................................ 21 Final EPA QA/R-5 iv March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 105 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND Envirommental programs conducted by or funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) involve many diverse activities that address complex environmental issues. The EPA annually spends several hundred million dollars in the collection of environmental data for scientific research and regulatory decision making. In addition, non -EPA organizations may spend as much as an order of magnitude more each year to respond to Agency requirements. If decision makers (EPA and otherwise) are to have confidence in the quality of environmental data used to support their decisions, there must be a structured process for quality in place. A structured system that describes the policies and procedures for ensuring that work processes, products, or services satisfy stated expectations or specifications is called a quality system. All organizations conducting environmental programs funded by EPA are required to establish and implement a quality system. EPA also requires that all enviromnental data used in decision making be supported by an approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QA Project Plan), This requirement is defined in EPA Order 5360.1 A2 (EPA 2000), Policy and Program Requirements for the Mandatory Agency -wide Quality System, for EPA organizations. Non -EPA organizations funded by EPA are required to develop a QA Project Plan through: 48 CFR 46, for contractors; 40 CFR 30, 31, and 35 for assistance agreement recipients; and other mechanisms, such as consent agreements in enforcement actions. The QA Project Plan integrates all technical and quality aspects of a project, including planning, implementation, and assessment. The purpose of the QA Project Plan is to document planning results for environmental data operations and to provide a project -specific "blueprint" for obtaining the type and quality of environmental data needed for a specific decision or use. The QA Project Plan documents how quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are applied to an environmental data operation to assure that the results obtained are of the type and quality needed and expected. The ultimate success of an environmental program or project depends on the quality of the environmental data collected and used in decision -making, and this may depend significantly on the adequacy of the QA Project Plan and its effective implementation. Stakeholders (i.e., the data users, data producers, decision makers, etc.) shall be involved in the planning process fbr a program or project to ensure that their needs are defined adequately and addressed. While time spent on such planning may seem unproductive and costly, the penalty for ineffective planning EPA QA/R-5 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 106 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 includes greater cost and lost time. Therefore, EPA requires that a systematic planning process be used to plan all environmental data operations. To support this requirement, EPA has developed a process called the Data Quality Objectives (DQO) Process. The DQO Process is the Agency's preferred planning process and is described in the Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process (QA/G-4) (EPA 2000b). The QA Project Plan documents the outputs from systematic planning. This requirements document presents specifications and instructions for the information that must be contained in a QA Project Plan for environmental data operations funded by EPA. The document also discusses the procedures for review, approval, implementation, and revision of QA Project Plans. Users of this document should assume that all of the elements described herein are required in a QA Project Plan unless otherwise directed by EPA. 1.2 QA PROJECT PLANS, THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM, AND ANSUASQC E4-1994 EPA Order 5360.1 A2 and the applicable Federal regulations (defined above) establish a mandatory Quality System that applies to all EPA organizations and organizations funded by EPA. Components of the EPA Quality System are illustrated in Figure 1. Organizations must ensure that data collected for the characterization of environmental processes and conditions are of the appropriate type and quality for their intended use and that environmental technologies are designed, constructed, and operated according to defined expectations. The QA Project Plan is a key project -level component of the EPA Quality System. EPA policy is based on the national consensus standard, ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, Specifications and Guidelines for Environmental Data Collection and Environmental Technology Programs. The ANSUASQC E4-1994 standard describes the necessary management and technical elements for developing and implementing a quality system. This standard recommends using a tiered approach to a quality system. This standard recommends first documenting each organization -wide quality system in a Quality Management Plan or Quality Manual (to address requirements of Part A: Management Systems of the standard) and then documenting the applicability of the quality system to technical activity -specific efforts in a QA Project Plan or similar document (to address the requirements of Part B: Collection and Evaluation of Environmental Data of the standard). EPA has adopted this tiered approach for its mandatory Agency -wide Quality System. This document addresses Part B requirements of the standard. A Quality Management Plan, or equivalent Quality Manual, documents how an organization structures its quality system, defines and assigns QA and QC responsibilities, and describes the processes and procedures used to plan, implement, and assess the effectiveness of the quality system. The Quality Management Plan may be viewed as the "umbrella" document under which individual projects are conducted. EPA requirements for Quality Management Plans are defined in EPA Requirements for Quality? Management Plans (QA/R-2) (EPA 2001). The Final EPA QA/R-5 2 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 107 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Consensus Standards ANSI/ASQC E4 ISO 9000 Series v Internal EPA Policies External Policies Contracts -48 CFR 46 0 EPA Order 5360.1 Assistance Agreements - a EPA Manual 5360 40 CFR 30, 31, and 35, EPA Program & Regional Policy g Quality System Documentation .4 (e.g., QMP) 1! n a t1 Supporting System Elements Training/Communlcatlon z (e.g., Procurements, (e.g., Training Plan, G d� Computer Hardware/Software) Conferences) M Z ad Annual Review Systems and Planning Assessments 0 (e.g., QAARINP) (e.g., Q5As) Systematic �on�fuct (e.g., DQO Process) 5tudy`� — i Data Verification Planning Experiment` I & Valldatlon �+ }- f Standard D QA I Operating Technical Data Quality Project plan procedures Assessments Assessment PLANNING ;�— IMPLEMENTATION �- ASSESSMENT Defensible Products and Decisions Figure 1. EPA Quality System Components and Tools Final EPA QA/R-S 3 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 108 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Quality Management Plan is then supported by project -specific QA Project Plans. In some cases, a QA Project Plan and a Quality Management Plan may be combined into a single document that contains both organizational and project -specific elements. The QA Manager for the EPA organization sponsoring the work has the authority to determine when a single document is applicable and will define the content requirements of such a document. 1.3 THE GRADED APPROACH AND THE EPA QUALITY SYSTEM Recognizing that a "one size fits all" approach to quality requirements will not work in organizations as diverse as EPA, implementation of the EPA Quality System is based on the principle of graded approach. Applying a graded approach means that quality systems for different organizations and programs will vary according to the specific objectives and needs of the organization. For example, the quality expectations of a fundamental research program are different from that of a regulatory compliance program because the purpose or intended use of the data is different. The specific application of the graded approach principle to QA Project Plans is described in Section 2.4.2. 1.4 INTENDED AUDIENCE This document specifies the requirements for developing QA Project Plans for organizations that conduct environmental data operations funded by EPA through contracts, financial assistance agreements, and interagency agreements. EPA organizations may also use this document to develop QA Project Plans since this document is clearer and more user-friendly than the equivalent requirements defined in Section 5.3 of EPA Order 5360 Al (EPA 2000), The EPA Quality Manual.for Environmental Programs (an internal policy document). However, the preparation, submission, review, and approval requirements for EPA organizations are still contained in Section 5.2 of EPA Order 5360 Al as these represent internal EPA policy. 1.5 PERIOD OF APPLICABILITY This document shall be valid for a period of up to five years from the official date of publication. After five years, it shall either be reissued without change, revised, or withdrawn from the EPA Quality System. 1.6 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Guidance on preparing QA Project Plans may be found in a companion document, EPA Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAG-5) (EPA 1998). This guidance discusses the application of the QA Project Plan requirements and provides examples. Other documents that provide guidance on activities critical to successful environmental data operations and complement the QA Project Plan preparation effort include: Final EPA QA/R-5 4 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 109 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process (QAIG-4), (EPA 2000b) Guidance for the Preparation of Stamiard Operating Procedures for Quality - Related Documents (QAIG-6), (EPA 1995) Guidance for Data Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysis (QAIG-9), (EPA 2000a) 1.7 SUPERSESSION This document replaces QAMS-005/80, Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans (EPA 1980) in its entirety, EPA QA/R-5 Filial March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 110 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 (This page is intentionally blank.) EPA Final Mamh 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 111 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S CHAPTER QA PROJECT PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2.1 POLICY All work funded by EPA that involves the acquisition of environmental data generated from direct measurement activities, collected from other sources, or compiled from computerized data bases and information systems shall be implemented in accordance with an approved QA Project Plan. The QA Project Plan will be developed using a systematic planning process based on the graded approach. No work covered by this requirement shall be implemented without an approved QA Project Plan available prior to the start of the work except under circumstances requiring immediate action to protect human health and the environment or operations conducted under police powers. 2.2 PURPOSE The QA Project Plan documents the planning, implementation, and assessment procedures of, and how specific QA and QC activities will be applied during a particular project. The QA Project Plan demonstrates conformance to Part B requirements of ANSI/ASQC E4--1994. 2.3 APPLICABILITY These requirements apply to all environmental programs funded by EPA that acquire, generate, or compile environmental data including work performed through contracts, work assignments, delivery orders, task orders, cooperative agreements, interagency agreements, State - EPA agreements, State, local and Tribal Financial Assistance/Grants, Research Grants, and in response to statutory or regulatory requirements and consent agreements. These requirements are negotiated into interagency agreements, including sub -agreements, and, in some cases, are included in enforcement settlement and consent agreements and orders. Where specific Federal regulations require the application of QA and QC activities (see Section 1.1), QA Project Plans shall be prepared, reviewed, and approved in accordance with the specifications contained in this document unless explicitly superseded by the regulation. 2.4 GENERAL CONTENT AND DETAIL REQUIREMENTS 2.4.1 General Content The QA Project Plan must be composed of standardized, recognizable elements covering the entire project from planning, through implementation, to assessment. Chapter 3 of this document describes specific elements to address for QA Project Plans submitted to EPA. In some cases, it may be necessary to add special requirements to the QA Project Plan. The EPA organization sponsoring the work has the authority to define any special requirements beyond Final EPA QA/R-5 7 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 112 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 those listed in this document. If no additional requirements are specified, the QA Project Plan shall address all required elements. Each EPA organization defines their organizational -specific requirements for QA Project Plan documentation in their Quality Management Plan. All applicable elements defined by the EPA organization sponsoring the work must be addressed. While most QA Project Plans will describe project- or task -specific activities, there may be occasions when a generic QA Project Plan may be more appropriate. A generic QA Project Plan addresses the general, common activities of a program that are to be conducted at multiple locations or over a long period of time; for example, it may be useful for a large monitoring program that uses the saine methodology at different locations. A generic QA Project Plan describes, in a single document, the information that is not site or time -specific but applies throughout the program. Application -specific information is then added to the approved QA Project Plan as that information becomes brown or completely defined. A generic QA Project Plan shall be reviewed periodically to ensure that its content continues to be valid and applicable to the program over time. 2.4.2 Level of Detail The level of detail of the QA Project Plan should be based on a graded approach so that the level of detail in each QA Project Plan will vary according to the nature of the work being performed and the intended use of the data. As a result, an acceptable QA Project Plan for some environmental data operations may require a qualitative discussion of the experimental process and its objectives while others may require extensive documentation to adequately describe a complex environmental program. 2.5 QA PROJECT PLAN PREPARATION AND APPROVAL The QA Project Plan may be prepared by an EPA organization, a contractor, an assistance agreement holder, or another Federal agency under an interagency agreement. Except where specifically delegated in the Quality Management Plan of the EPA organization sponsoring the work, all QA Project Plans prepared by non -EPA organizations must be approved by EPA before implementation. The QA Project Plan shall be reviewed and approved by an authorized EPA reviewer to ensure that the QA Project Plan contains the appropriate content and level of detail. The authorized reviewer, for example the EPA project manager' with the assistance and approval of the EPA QA Manager or by the EPA QA Manager alone, are defined by the EPA organization's Quality Management Plan. In some cases, the authority to review and approve QA Project Plans is delegated to another part of the EPA organization covered by the same Quality Management ' This term refers to the EPA official responsible for the project. This individual may also be called Project Officer, Delivery Order Project Officer, Work Assignment Manager, or Principal Investigator. EPA QAIR-5 Finial March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 113 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Plan. In cases where the authority to review and approve QA Project Plans is delegated in writing by EPA to another organization (i.e., a Federal agency or a State under an EPA -approved Quality Management Plan when the environmental data operation itself has been delegated to that organization for implementation), it is possible that the EPA project manager and EPA QA Manager may not be involved in the review and approval steps. 2.6 QA PROJECT PLAN IMPLEMENTATION None of the environmental work addressed by the QA Project Plan shall be started until the QA Project Plan has been approved and distributed to project personnel except in situations requiring immediate action to protect human health and the environment or operations conducted under police powers. Subject to these exceptions, it is the responsibility of the organization performing the work to assure that no environmental data are generated or acquired before the QA Project Plan is approved and received by the appropriate project personnel. However, EPA may grant conditional approval to a QA Project Plan to permit some work to begin while non- critical deficiencies in the QA Project Plan are being resolved. The organization performing the work shall ensure that the QA Project Plan is implemented as approved and that all personnel involved in the work have direct access to a current version of the QA Project Plan and all other necessary planning, implementation, and assessment documents. These personnel should understand the requirements prior to the start of data generation activities. 2.7 QA PROJECT PLAN REVISION Although the approved QA Project Plan must be implemented as prescribed; it is not inflexible. Because of the complex and diverse nature of environmental data operations, changes to original plans are often needed. When such changes occur, the approving official shall determine if the change significantly impacts the technical and quality objectives of the project. When a substantive change is warranted, the originator of the QA Project Plan shall modify the QA Project Plan to document the change and submit the revision for approval by the same authorities that performed the original review. Only after the revision has been received and approved (at least verbally with written follow-up) by project personnel, shall the change be implemented. For programs or projects of long duration, such as multi -year monitoring programs or projects using a generic QA Project Plan, the QA Project Plans shall be reviewed at least annually by the EPA Project Manager (or authorized representative). When revisions are necessary, the QA Project Plan must be revised and resubmitted for review and approval. EPA QA/R-S Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 114 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 EPA QA/ -5 (This page is intentionally blank.) 10 Final March 2001 R TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 115 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S CHAPTER 3 QA PROJECT PLAN ELEMENTS 3.1 CONTENT REQUIREMENTS The QA Project Plan is a formal document describing in comprehensive detail the necessary QA, QC, and other technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that the results of the work performed will satisfy the stated performance criteria. The QA Project Plan must provide sufficient detail to demonstrate that: • the project technical and quality objectives are identified and agreed upon; • the intended measurements, data generation, or data acquisition methods are appropriate for achieving project objectives; • assessment procedures are sufficient for confirming that data of the type and quality needed and expected are obtained; and • any limitations on the use of the data can be identified and documented. Most environmental data operations require the coordinated efforts of many individuals, including managers, engineers, scientists, statisticians, and others. The QA Project Plan must integrate the contributions and requirements of everyone involved into a clear, concise statement of what is to be accomplished, how it will be done, and by whom. It must provide understandable instructions to those who must implement the QA Project Plan, such as the field sampling team, the analytical laboratory, modelers, and the data reviewers. In all aspects of the QA Project Plan, the use of national consensus standards and practices are encouraged. In order to be effective, the QA Project Plan must specify the level or degree of QA and QC activities needed for the particular environmental data operations. Because this will vary according to the purpose and type of work being done, EPA believes that the graded approach should be used in planning the work. This means that the QA and QC activities applied to a project will be commensurate with: the purpose of the environmental data operation (e.g., enforcement, research and development, rulemaking), the type of work to be done (e.g., pollutant monitoring, site characterization, risk characterization, bench level proof of concept experiments), and the intended use of the results (e.g., compliance determination, selection of remedial technology, development of environmental regulation). Final EPA QA/R-5 11 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 116 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 The QA Project Plan shall be composed of standardized, recognizable elements covering the entire project from planning, through implementation, to assessment. These elements are presented in that order and have been arranged fbr convenience into four general groups. The four groups of elements and their intent are summarized as follows: A Project Management - The elements in this group address the basic area of project management, including the project history and objectives, roles and responsibilities of the participants, etc. These elements ensure that the project has a defined goal, that the participants understand the goal and the approach to be used, and that the planning outputs have been documented. B Data Generation and Acquisition - The elements in this group address all aspects of project design and implementation. Implementation of these elements ensure that appropriate methods for sampling, measurement and analysis, data collection or generation, data handling, and QC activities are employed and are properly documented. C Assessment and Oversight - The elements in this group address the activities for assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the project and associated QA and QC activities. The purpose of assessment is to ensure that the QA Project Plan is implemented as prescribed. D Data Validation and Usabilitv - The elements in this group address the QA activities that occur after the data collection or generation phase of the project is completed. Implementation of these elements ensures that -the data conform to the specified criteria, thus achieving the project objectives. All applicable elements, including the content and level of detail under each element, defined by the EPA organization sponsoring the work must be addressed in the QA Project Plan. If an element is not applicable, state this in the QA Project Plan. Documentation, such as an approved Work Plan, Standard Operating Procedures, etc., may be referenced in response to a particular required QA Project Plan element to reduce the size of the QA Project Plan. Current versions of all referenced documents must be attached to the QA Project Plan itself or be placed on file with the appropriate EPA office and available for routine referencing when needed. The QA Project Plan shall also address related QA planning documentation (e.g., Quality Management Plans) from suppliers of services critical to the technical and duality objectives of the project or task. 3.2 GROUP A: PROJECT MANAGEMENT The elements in this group (Table 1) address project management, including project history and objectives, roles and responsibilities of the participants, etc. These elements document Final EPA QA/R-5 12 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 117 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 that the project has a defined goal, that the participants understand the goal and the approach to be used, and that the planning outputs have been documented. Table 1. Group A: Project Management Elements Al Title and Approval Sheet A2 Table of Contents A3 Distribution List A4 Project/Task Organization A5 Problem Definition/Backgroun4 A6 Project/Task Description A7 Quality Objectives and Criteria A8 Special Training/Certification A9 Documents and Records 3.2.1 Al - Title and Approval Sheet On the Title and Approval Sheet, include the title of the plan, the name of the organization(s) implementing the project, the effective date of the plan, and the names, titles, signatures, and approval dates of appropriate approving officials. Approving officials may include: - Organization's Project Manager - Organization's QA Manager - EPA Project Manager EPA QA Manager - Others, as needed (e.g., held operations manager, laboratory managers, State and other Federal agency officials) 3.2.2 A2 - Table of Contents Provide a table of contents for the document, including sections, figures, tables, references, and appendices. Apply a document control format (Figure 2) on each page following the Title and Approval Sheet when required by the EPA Project Manager and QA Manager. Final EPA QA/R-5 13 Much 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 118 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Section No. Revision No. Date Page of Figure 2. Example Document Control Format 3.2.3 A3 - Distribution List List the individuals and their organizations who need copies of the approved QA Project Plan and any subsequent revisions, including all persons responsible for implementation (e.g., project managers), the QA managers, and representatives of all groups involved. Paper copies need not be provided to individuals if equivalent electronic information systems can be used. 3.2.4 A4 - Project/Task Organization Identify the individuals or organizations participating in the project and discuss their specific roles and responsibilities. Include the principal data users, the decision makers, the project QA manager, and all persons responsible for implementation. The project quality assurance manager most be independent of the unit generating the data. (This does not include being independent of senior officials, such as corporate managers or agency administrators, who are nominally, but not functionally, involved in data generation, data use, or decision making.) Identify the im ivi4ival responsible for maintaining the official, approved QA Project Plan. Provide a concise organization chart showing the relationships and the lines of communication among all project participants. Include other data users who are outside of the organization generating the data, but for whom the data are nevertheless intended. The organization chart must also identify any subcontractor relationships relevant to environmental data operations, including laboratories providing analytical services. 3.2.5 A5 - Problem Definition/Background State the specific problem to be solved, decision to be made, or outcome to be achieved. Include sufficient background information to provide a historical, scientific, and regulatory perspective for this particular project. 3.2.6 A6 - Project/Task Description Provide a summary of all work to be performed, products to be produced, and the schedule for implementation. Provide maps or tables that show or state the geographic locations of field tasks. This discussion need not be lengthy or overly detailed, but should give an overall picture of how the project will resolve the problem or question described in A5. Final EPA QA/R-5 14 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 119 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.2.7 A7 - Quality Objectives and Criteria Discuss the quality objectives for the project and the performance criteria to achieve those objectives. EPA requires the use of a systematic planning process to define these quality objectives and performance criteria, 3.2.8 A8 - Special Training/Certification Identify and describe any specialized training or certifications needed by personnel in order to successfully complete the project or task. Discuss how such training will be provided and how the necessary skills will be assured and documented. 3.2.9 A9 - Documents and Records Describe the process and responsibilities for ensuring the appropriate project personnel have the most current approved version of the QA Project Plan, including version control, updates, distribution, and disposition. Itemize the information and records which must be included in the data report package and specify the reporting format for hard copy and any electronic forms. Records can include raw data, data from other sources such as data bases or literature, field logs, sample preparation and analysis logs, instrument printouts, model input and output files, and results of calibration and QC checks. Identify any other records and documents applicable to the project that will be produced, such as audit reports, interim progress reports, and final reports. Specify the level of detail of the field sampling, laboratory analysis, literature or data base data collection, or modeling documents or records needed to provide a complete description of any difficulties encountered. Specify or reference all applicable requirements for the final disposition of records and documents, including location and length of retention period. 3.3 GROUP S: DATA GENERATION AND ACQUISITION The elements in this group (Table 2) address all aspects of data generation and acquisition to ensure that appropriate methods for sampling, measurement and analysis, data collection or generation, data handling, and QC activities are employed and documented. The following QA Project Plan elements describe the requirements related to the actual methods or methodology to be used for the; collection, handling, and analysis of samples; Final EPA QA/R-S 15 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 120 of 146 582-22-30132 EN RON NTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 • data obtained from other sources (e.g., contained in a computer data base from previous sampling activities, compiled from surveys, taken from the literature); and • the management (i.e., compiling, handling) of the data. The methods described in these elements should have been summarized earlier in element A6, The purpose here is to provide detailed information on the methods. If the designated methods are Well documented and are readily available to all project participants, citations are adequate; otherwise, detailed copies of the methods and/or SOPS must accompany the QA Project Plan either in the text or as attachments. Table 2. Group B: Data Generation and Acquisition Elements Bl Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) B2 Sampling Methods B3 Sample Handling and Custody B4 Analytical Methods B5 Quality Control B6 Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance B7 Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency B8 Inspection/Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables B9 Non -direct Measurements B 10 Data Management 3.3.1 Bl- Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) Describe the experimental data generation or data collection design for the project, including as appropriate: • the types and numbers of samples required, • the design of the sampling network, • the sampling locations and frequencies, • sample matrices, • measurement parameters of interest, and • the rationale for the design. EPA QAiR-5 16 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 121 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 3.3.2 B2 - Sampling Methods Describe the procedures for collecting samples and identify the sampling methods and equipment, including any implementation requirements, sample preservation requirements, decontamination procedures, and materials needed for projects involving physical sampling. Where appropriate, identify sampling methods by number, date, and regulatory citation. If a method allows the user to select from various options, then the method citations should state exactly which options are being selected. Describe specific performance requirements for the method. For each sampling method, identify any support facilities needed. The discussion should also address what to do when a failure in the sampling or measurement system occurs, who is responsible for corrective action, and how the effectiveness of the corrective action shall be determined and documented. Describe the process for the preparation and decontamination of sampling equipment, including the disposal of decontamination by-products; the selection and preparation of sample containers, sample volumes, and preservation methods; and maximum holding times to sample extraction and/or analysis. 3.3.3 B3 - Sample Handling and Custody Describe the requirements for sample handling and custody in the field, laboratory, and transport, taking into account the nature of the samples, the maximum allowable sample holding times before extraction or analysis, and available shipping options and schedules for projects involving physical sampling. Sample handling includes packaging, shipment from the site, and storage at the laboratory. Examples of sample labels, custody forms, and sample custody logs should be included. 3.3.4 B4 - Analytical Methods Identify the analytical methods and equipment required, including sub -sampling or extraction methods, laboratory decontamination procedures and materials (such as in the case of hazardous or radioactive samples), waste disposal requirements (if any), and any specific performance requirements for the method. Where appropriate, analytical methods may be identified by number, date, and regulatory citation. Address what to do when a failure in the analytical system occurs, who is responsible for corrective action, and how the effectiveness of the corrective action shall be determined and documented. Specify the laboratory turnaround time needed, if important to the project schedule. List any method performance standards. If a method allows the user to select from various options, then the method citations should state exactly which options are being selected. For non-standard method applications, such as for unusual sample matrices and situations, appropriate method performance study information is needed to confirm the performance of the Final EPA QA/R-5 17 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 122 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 method for the particular matrix. If previous performance studies are not available, they must be developed during the project and included as part of the project results. 3.3.5 B5 - Quality Control Identify QC activities needed for each sampling, analysis, or measurement technique. For each required QC activity, list the associated method or procedure, acceptance criteria, and corrective action. Because standard methods are often vague or incomplete in specifying QC requirements, simply relying on the cited method to provide this information is usually insufficient. QC activities for the field and the laboratory include, but are not limited to, the use of blanks, duplicates, matrix spikes, laboratory control samples, surrogates, or second column confirmation. State the frequency of analysis for each type of QC activity, and the spike compounds sources and levels. State or reference the required control limits for each QC activity and corrective action required when control limits are exceeded and how the effectiveness of the corrective action shall be determined and documented. Describe or reference the procedures to be used to calculate applicable statistics (e.g., precision and bias). Copies of the formulas are acceptable as long as the accompanying narrative or explanation specifies clearly how the calculations will address potentially difficult situations such as missing data values, "less than" or "greater than" values, and other common data qualifiers. 3.3.6 116 - InstrumentlEquipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance Describe how inspections and acceptance testing of instruments, equipment, and their components affecting quality will be performed and documented to assure their intended use as specified. Identify and discuss the procedure by which final acceptance will be performed by independent personnel (e.g., personnel other than those performing the work) and/or by the EPA project manager. Describe how deficiencies are to be resolved, when re -inspection will be performed, and how the effectiveness of the corrective action shall be determined and documented. Describe or reference how periodic preventive and corrective maintenance of measurement or test equipment or other systems and their components affecting quality shall be perfbrmed to ensure availability and satisfactory performance of the systems. Identify the equipment and/or systems requiring periodic maintenance. Discuss how the availability of critical spare parts, identified in the operating guidance and/or design specifications of the systems, will be assured and maintained. 3.3.7 B7 - Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency Identify all tools, gauges, instruments, and other sampling, measuring, and test equipment used for data generation or collection activities affecting quality that must be controlled and, at Final EPA QA/R-5 18 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 123 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 specified periods, calibrated to maintain performance within specified limits. Describe or reference how calibration will be conducted using certified equipment and/or standards with known valid relationships to nationally recognized performance standards. If no such nationally recognized standards exist, document the basis for the calibration. Identify the certified equipment and/or standards used for calibration. Indicate how records of calibration shall be maintained and be traceable to the instrument. 3.3.8 B8 - Inspection/Acceptance of Supplies and Consurnables Describe how and by whom supplies and consumables (e.g., standard materials and solutions, sample bottles, calibration gases, reagents, hoses, deionized water, potable water, electronic data storage media) shall be inspected and accepted for use in the project. State acceptance criteria for such supplies and consumables. 3.3.9 B9 - Non -direct Measurements Identify any types of data needed for project implementation or decision making that are obtained from non -measurement sources such as computer data bases, prograrns, literature files, and historical data bases. Describe the intended use of the data. Define the acceptance criteria for the use of such data in the project and specify any limitations on the use of the data. 3.3.10 B10 -Data Management Describe the project data management process, tracing the path of the data from their generation to their final use or storage (e.g., the field, the office, the laboratory). Describe or reference the standard record -keeping procedures, document control system, and the approach used for data storage and retrieval on electronic media. Discuss the control mechanism for detecting and correcting errors and for preventing loss of data during data reduction, data reporting, and data entry to forms, reports, and databases. Provide examples of any forms or checklists to be used. Identify and describe all data handling equipment and procedures to process, compile, and analyze the data. This includes procedures for addressing data generated as part of the project as well as data from other sources. Include any required computer hardware and software and address any specific performance requirements for the hardware/software configuration used. Describe the procedures that will be followed to demonstrate acceptability of the hardware/software configuration required. Describe the process for assuring that applicable information resource management requirements are satisfied. Describe the process for assuring that applicable Agency information resource management requirements (EPA Directive 2100) are satisfied (EPA QA Project Plans only). If other Agency data management requirements are applicable, such as the Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number Data Standard (EPA Order 2180,1), Data Standards for the Electronic rival EPA QA/R-5 19 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 124 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Transmission of Laboratory Measurement Results (EPA Order 2180.2), the Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground -Water Quality (EPA Order 7500.1A), or new data standards as they are issued by EPA, discuss how these requirements are addressed. 3.4 GROUP C: ASSESSMENT AND OVERSIGHT The elements in this group (Table 3) address the activities for assessing the effectiveness of project implementation and associated QA and QC activities. The purpose of assessment is to ensure that the QA Project Plan is implemented as prescribed. Table 3. Group C: Assessment and Oversight Elements C1 Assessments and Response Actions C2 Reports to Management 3.4.1 C1 - Assessments and Response Actions Describe each assessment to be used in the project including the frequency and type. Assessments include, but are not limited to, surveillance, management systems reviews, readiness reviews, technical systems audits, performance evaluations, audits of data quality, and data quality assessments. Discuss the information expected and the success criteria (i.e., goals, performance objectives, acceptance criteria specifications, etc.) for each assessment proposed. List the approximate schedule of assessment activities. For any planned self -assessments (utilizing personnel from within the project groups), identify potential participants and their exact relationship within the project organization. For independent assessments, identify the organization and person(s) that shall perform the assessments if this information is available. Describe how and to whom the results of each assessment shall be reported. Define the scope of authority of the assessors, including stop work orders, and when assessors are authorized to act. Discuss how response actions to assessment findings, including corrective actions for deficiencies and other non -conforming conditions, are to be addressed and by whom. Include details on how the corrective actions will be verified and documented. 3.4.2 C2 - Reports to Management Identify the frequency and distribution of reports issued to inform management (EPA or otherwise) of the project status; for examples, reports on the results of performance evaluations and system audits; results of periodic data quality assessments; and significant quality assurance Final EPA QA/R-5 20 Mardi 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 125 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 problems and recommended solutions. Identify the preparer and the recipients of the reports, and any specific actions recipients are expected to take as a result of the reports. 3.5 GROUP D: DATA VALIDATION AND USABILITY The elements in this group (Table 4) address the QA activities that occur after the data collection phase of the project is completed. Implementation of these elements determines whether or not the data conform to the specified criteria, thus satisfying the project objectives. Table 4. Group D: Data Validation and Usability Elements D1 Data Review, Verification, and Validation D2 Verification and Validation Methods D3 Reconciliation with User Requirements 3.5.1 D1 - Data Review, Verification, and Validation State the criteria used to review and validate -- that is, accept, reject, or qualify -- data, in an objective and consistent manner. 3.5.2 02 - Verification and Validation Methods Describe the process to be used for verifying and validating data, including the chain -of - custody for data throughout the life of the project or task. Discuss how issues shall be resolved and the authorities for resolving such issues. Describe how the results are conveyed to data users. Precisely define and interpret how validation issues differ from verification issues for this project. Provide examples of any forms or checklists to be used. Identify any project -specific calculations required. 3.5.3 D3 - Reconciliation with User Requirements Describe how the results obtained from the project or task will be reconciled with the requirements defined by the data user or decision maker. Outline the proposed methods to analyze the data and deterinine possible anomalies or departures from assumptions established in the planning phase of data collection. Describe how reconciliation with user requirements will be documented, issues will be resolved, and how limitations on the use of the data will be reported to decision makers. Final EPA QA/R-5 21 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 126 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 EPA QA/R-5 (This page is intentionally blank.) 22 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 127 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S REFERENCES 40 CFR 30, Code of Federal Regulations, "Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non -Profit Organizations." 40 CFR 31, Code of Federal Regulations, "Uniform Administrative Requirements fbr Grants and Cooperative Agreement to State and Local Governments." 40 CFR 3 5, Code of Federal Regulations, "State and Local Assistance." 48 CFR 46, Code of Federal Regulations, "Federal Acquisition Regulations." ANSI/ASQC E4-1994, Specifications and Guidelines,for Quality Systems,for Environmental Data Collection any' Environmental Technology Programs, American National Standard, January 1995. EPA Directive 2100 (1998), .Information Resources Management Policy Manual, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 2180.1 (June 1987), Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number Data Standard, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 2180.2 (December 1989), Data Stondards for the Electronic Transmission of Laboratory Measurement Results, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 5360 Al (May 2000). EPA Quality Manual for Environmental Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 5360.1 A2 (May 2000), Policy and Program Requirements for the Mandatory Agency -wide Quality System, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA Order 7500.1A (October 1992), Minimum Set of Data Elements for Ground -Water Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2001. EPA Requirements.for Quality Management Plans (QA/.R-2), EPA/240/B-01/002, Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000a. Guidance for Data Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysis (QA/G-9), EPA/600/R-96/084, Office of Envirormiental Information. Final EPA QA/R-5 23 March 2001 Page 110 of 142 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 128 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Contract Name: Ambient Air Monitoring - Pass-Thru Grant Contract Number: 582.14-40044 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000h. Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process (QAIG-4), EPA/600/R-96/055, Office of Environmental Information. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1998. Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAIG-5), EPA/600/R-98/018, Office of Research and Development. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Guidance for the Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) for Quality -Related Documents (QAIG-6), EPA/600/R- 96/027, Office of Research and Development. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1980. Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans, QAMS-005/80, Office of Research and Development. Final EPA QA/R-5 24 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 129 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 APPENDIX A CROSSWALKS AMONG QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTS A.1 BACKGROUND This appendix contains crosswalks between this document and other QA planning documents. The first crosswalk compares this requirements document with its predecessor document, QAMS 005/80, Interim Guidelines and Specifications for Preparing Quality Assurance Project Plans (EPA 1980). The second crosswalk compares the elements of the QA Project Plan defined in this document with the steps defined in Guidance for the Data Quality Objectives Process (QAIG-4) (EPA 2000b), the Agency's preferred systematic planning process for environmental decision making. This crosswalk is provided to assist the reader in determining how the outputs from the DQO Process can be integrated into a QA Project Plan. A.2 CROSSWALK BETWEEN EPA QA/R-5 AND QAMS-005/80 QAMS-005/80 ELEMENTS QA/R-5 ELEMENTS 1.0 Title Page with Provision for Al Title and Approval Sheet Approval Signatures 2.0 Table of Contents A2 Table of Contents 3.0 Project Description A5 Problem Definition/Background A6 Project/Task Description 4.0 Project Organization and A3 Distribution List Responsibility A4 Project/Task Organization A8 Special Training/Certification A9 Documents and Records 5.0 QA Objectives for Measurement A7 Quality Objectives and Criteria Data (PARCC) 6.0 Sampling Procedures B1 Sampling Process Design B2 Sampling Methods 7.0 Sample Custody B3 Sample Handling and Custody 8.0 Calibration Procedures and B7 Instiument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency Frequency Final EPA QA/R-5 A-1 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 130 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 QAMS-005/80 ELEMENTS 9.0 Analytical Procedures B4 10.0 Data Reduction, Validation, and D1 Reporting 11.0 Internal Quality Control Checks and Frequency 12.0 Performance and Systems 13.0 Preventive Maintenance 14.0 Specific Routine Procedures Mea- surement Parameters Involved 15.0 Corrective Action 16.0 QA Reports to Management EPA QA/R-5 D2 B9 B10 B5 QA/R-5 ELEMENTS Analytical Methods Data Review, Verification, and Validation Verification and Validation Methods Non -direct Measurements Data Management Quality Control CI Assessments and Response Actions B6 Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance D3 Reconciliation with User Requirements C1 C2 A-2 Assessments and Response Actions Reports to Management Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 131 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 A.3 CROSSWALK BETWEEN THE DQO PROCESS AND THE QA PROJECT PLAN Elements Al Title and Approval Sheet A2 Table of Contents A3 Distribution List A4 Project/Task Organization A5 Problem Definition/ Background A6 Project/Task Description A7 Quality Objectives and Criteria A8 Special Training/ Certification A9 Documents and Records EPA QA/R 5 Requirements I DQO Overlap PROJECT MANAGEMENT Title and approval sheet. Document control format. Distribution list for the QA Project Plan revisions and final guidance. Identify individuals or organizations participating in the project and discuss their roles, responsibilities and organization. 1) State the specific problem to be solved or the decision to be made. 2) Identify the decision maker and the principal customer for the results. 1) Hypothesis test, 2) expected measurements, 3) ARARs or other appropriate standards, 4) assessment tools (technical audits), 5) work schedule and required reports. Decision(s), population parameter of interest, action level, summary statistics and acceptable limits on decision errors. Also, scope of the project (domain or geographical locale). Identify special training that personnel will need. Itemize the information and records that must be included in a data report package, including report format and requirements for storage, etc. A-3 N/A N/A Step 1: State the Problem Step 1: State the Problem Step 1: State the Problem Step 2: Identify the Decision Step 1: State the Problem Step 2: Identify the Decision Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision Step 6: Specify Limits on Decision Errors Step 4: Define the Boundaries Step 5: Develop a Decision Rule Step 6: Specify Limits on Decision Errors N/A Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 132 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Elements i BI Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) B2 Sampling Methods B3 Sample Handling and Custody B4 Analytical Methods B5 Quality Control B6 Instrument/Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance B7 Instrument/Equipment Calibration and Frequency B8 Inspection/Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables EPA QA/R 5 Requirements I DQO Overlap DATA GENERATION AND ACQUISITION Outline the experimental design, including Step 5: Develop a Decision Rule sampling design and rationale, sampling Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data frequencies, matrices, and measurement parameter of interest. Sample collection method and approach. Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data Describe the provisions for sample labeling, N/A shipment, chain -of -custody forms, procedures for transferring and maintaining custody of samples. Identify analytical method(s) and equipment Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision for the study, including method performance Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data requirements. Describe quality control procedures that Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision should be associated with each sampling and measurement technique. List required checks and corrective action procedures. Discuss how inspection and acceptance testing, Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision including the use of QC samples, must be performed to ensure their intended use as specified by the design. Identify tools, gauges and instruments, and Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision other sampling or measurement devices that need calibration. Describe how the calibration should be done. Define how and by whom the sampling N/A supplies and other consumables will be accepted for use in the project. Final A-4 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Page 133 of 146 582-22-30132 CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Elements B9 Non -direct Measurements B 10 Data Management CI Assessments and Response Actions C2 Reports to Management D I Data Review, Verification, and Validation D2 Verification and Validation Methods D3 Reconciliation With User Requirements Ll EPA QA/R-S Requirements DQO Overlap Define the criteria for the use of non- Step I: State the Problem measurement data, such as data that come Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data from databases or literature. Outline the data management scheme including Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision the path and storage of the data and the data Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data record -keeping system. Identify all data handling equipment and procedures that will be used to process, compile, and analyze the data. ASSESSMENT AND OVERSIGHT Describe the assessment activities needed for Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data this project. Identify the frequency, content, and N/A distribution of reports issued to keep management informed. DATA VALIDATION AND USABILITY State the criteria used to accept or reject the Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data data based on quality. Describe the process to be used for verifying and validating data, including the chain -of - custody for data throughout the lifetime of the project. Describe how results will be evaluated to determine if performance criteria have been satisfied. Step 3: Identify the Inputs to the Decision Step 7: Optimize the Design for Obtaining Data Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 134 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 11'A QA/R-5 (This page is intentionally blank.) A-6 Final March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 135 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S APPENDIX B TERMS AND DEFINITIONS assessment - the evaluation process used to measure the performance or effectiveness of a system and its elements. As used here, assessment is an all-inclusive term used to denote any of the following: audit, performance evaluation, management systems review, peer review, inspection, or surveillance. audit (quality) - a systematic and independent examination to determine whether quality activities and related results comply with planned arrangements and whether these arrangements are implemented effectively and are suitable to achieve objectives. calibration - comparison of a measurement standard, instrument, or item with a standard or instrument of higher accuracy to detect and quantify inaccuracies and to report or eliminate those inaccuracies by adjustments. chain -of -custody - an unbroken trail of accountability that ensures the physical security of samples, data, and records. contractor - any organization or individual that contracts to furnish services or items or perform work; a supplier in a contractual situation. data quality assessment - a statistical and scientific evaluation of the data set to determine the validity and performance of the data collection design and statistical test, and to determine the adequacy of the data set for its intended use. data usability - the process of ensuring or determining whether the quality of the data produced meets the intended use of the data. design - specifications, drawings, design criteria, and performance requirements. Also the result of deliberate planning, analysis, mathematical manipulations, and design processes. environmental conditions - the description of a physical medium (e.g., air, water, soil, sediment) or biological system expressed in terms of its physical, chemical, radiological, or biological characteristics. environmental data - any measurements or information that describe environmental processes, location, or conditions; ecological or health effects and consequences; or the performance of environmental technology. For EPA, environmental data include information collected directly from measurements, produced from models, and compiled from other sources such as data bases or the literature. Final EPA QA/R-S B-1 Match 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 136 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 environmental data operations - work performed to obtain, use, or report information pertaining to environmental processes and conditions. environmental processes - manufactured or natural processes that produce discharges to or that impact the ambient environment. environmental programs - work or activities involving the environment, including but not limited to: characterization of environmental processes and conditions; environmental monitoring; environmental research and development; the design, construction, and operation of environmental technologies; and laboratory operations on environmental samples. environmental technology - an all-inclusive term used to describe pollution control devices and systems, waste treatment processes and storage facilities, and site remediation technologies and their components that may be utilized to remove pollutants or contaminants from or prevent them from entering the enviromnent. Examples include wet scrubbers (air), soil washing (soil), granulated activated carbon unit (water), and filtration (air, water). Usually, this term will apply to hardware -based systems; however, it will also apply to methods or techniques used for pollution prevention, pollutant reduction, or containment of contamination to prevent further movement of the contaminants, such as capping, solidification or vitrification, and biological treatment, financial assistance - the process by which funds are provided by one organization (usually government) to another organization for the purpose of performing work or furnishing services or items. Financial assistance mechanisms include grants, cooperative agreements, performance partnership agreements, and government interagency agreements. graded approach - the process of basing the level of application of managerial controls applied to an item or work according to the intended use of the results and the degree of confidence needed ii-i the quality of the results. independent assessment - an assessment performed by a qualified individual, group, or organization that is not a part of the organization directly performing and accountable for the work being assessed, information resources management - the planning, budgeting, organizing, directing, training and controls associated with information. The term encompasses both information itself and related resources such as personnel, equipment, funds and technology. inspection - an activity such as measuring, examining, testing, or gauging one or more characteristics of an entity and comparing the results with specified requirements in order to establish whether conformance is achieved for each characteristic. Final EPA QA/R-5 B-2 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 137 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 management system - a structured, non -technical system describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of an organization for conducting work and producing items and services. method - a body of procedures and techniques for performing an activity (e.g., sampling, modeling, chemical analysis, quantification) systematically presented in the order in which they are to be executed. participant -- when used in the context of environmental programs, an organization, group, or individual that takes part in the planning and design process and provides special knowledge or skills to enable the planning and design process to meet its objective. performance evaluation - a type of audit in which the quantitative data generated in a measurement system are obtained independently and compared with routinely obtained data to evaluate the proficiency of an analyst or laboratory. quality - the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to meet the stated or implied needs and expectations of the user. quality assurance (QA) - an integrated system of management activities involving planning, implementation, documentation, assessment, reporting, and quality improvement to ensure that a process, item, or service is of the type and quality needed and expected by the client. quality assurance manager - the individual designated as the principal manager within the organization having management oversight and responsibilities for planning, documenting, coordinating, and assessing the effectiveness of the quality system for the organization. quality assurance project plan - a docuunent describing in comprehensive detail the necessary QA, QC, and other technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that the results of the work performed will satisfy the stated performance criteria. quality control (QC) - the overall system of technical activities that measures the attributes and performance of a process, item, or service against defined standards to verify that they meet the stated requirements established by the customer; operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements for quality. quality management - that aspect of the overall management system of the organization that determines and implements the quality policy. Quality management includes strategic planning, allocation of resources, and other systematic activities (e.g., planning, implementation, documentation, and assessment) pertaining to the quality system. quality management plan -- a document that describes a quality system in terms of the organizational structure, policy and procedures, functional responsibilities of management and Final EPA QA/R-5 B-3 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 138 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 staff, lines of authority, and required interfaces for those planning, implementing, documenting, and assessing all activities conducted, quality system - a structured and documented management system describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority, responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of an organization for ensuring quality in its work processes, products (items), and services. The quality system provides the framework for planning, implementing, documenting, and assessing work performed by the organization and for carrying out required QA and QC activities. readiness review - a systematic, documented review of the readiness for the start-up or continued use of a facility, process, or activity. Readiness reviews are typically conducted before proceeding beyond project milestones and prior to initiation of a major phase of work. record - a completed document that provides objective evidence of an item or process. Records may include photographs, drawings, magnetic tape, and other data recording media. specification - a document stating requirements and which refers to or includes drawings or other relevant documents. Specifications should indicate the means and the criteria for determining conformance. supplier - any individual or organization furnishing items or services or performing work according to a procurement document or financial assistance agreement. This is an all-inclusive term used in place of any of the following: vendor, seller, contractor, subcontractor, fabricator, or consultant. surveillance (quality) - continual or frequent monitoring and verification of the status of an entity and the analysis of records to ensure that specified requirements are being fulfilled. technical systems audit (TSA) - a thorough, systematic, on -site, qualitative audit of facilities, equipment, personnel, training, procedures, record keeping, data validation, data management, and reporting aspects of a system. validation - confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use are fulfilled. In design and development, validation concerns the process of examining a product or result to determine conformance to user needs. verification - confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified requirements have been fulfilled. In design and development, verification concerns the process of examining a result of a given activity to determine conformance to the stated requirements for that activity. Final EPA QA/R-5 B-4 March 2001 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 139 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Exhibit A-3 Quarterly Report Checklist TEXAS COM SSION ON Page 140 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONM NTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 SECTION 105 CONTRACT QUARTERLY REPORT Exhibit A-3 Check List for Reimbursement Request Approval QUARTER ------------------- DATES ------------------- TO ---------------------- Sections A - B are part of this Checklist. A. Administrative Regulations A-1. Have you reviewed your procurement systems for compliance with 40 CFR 35 according to the Procurement System Certification form (EPA form 5700-48) in your Financial Application Package? --- Yes. The certification was submitted on -----------------------. --- No. This is not our year to do this. A-2. Have you purchased any property items with a unit acquisition cost of $ 5,000 or more? --- Yes. The request to purchase the property item(s) was approved by the TCEQ on ---------------- --- No. We have not made any such purchases. A-3. Are you maintaining property records (performing physical inventory) as required? --- Yes. They are attached. --- No. Please explain. A-4. Is the quarterly HUB Progress Assessment and Financial Status Reports required in the General Conditions, Article 4.34 attached to this Reimbursement Request? --- Yes. --- No. Please explain. A-5. What is the date of your most recent independent audit report (required by OMB A- 133)? Was this report submitted to the TCEQ Project Representative? --- Yes. Submitted on ---------------. --- No. Please explain. A-6. Have you provided written response to the FY-End-of-Year questionnaire within thirty (30) days after receipt of the questionnaire? --- Yes. It was submitted on -----------------------------. --- No. Please explain. --- NA. Due in the 41h quarter of the Contract only. A-7. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of your FY-End-of-Year Report did you provide corrective action plans (CAPS) for all findings found during the End -of -Year Review? --- Yes. --- No. Please explain. --- NA. We had no findings. --- NA. Not due this quarter. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 141 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 SECTION 105 CONTRACT QUARTERLY REPORT Check List for Reimbursement Request Approval A-8. Have the CAPs been approved and initiated? ___ Yes. ___ No. ___ NA. A-9. Did you attach a physical inventory of total property purchased with funds provided by contracts with the TCEQ? ___ Yes. Attached. ___ No. Please explain. ___ NA. A-10. Have you reported any unresolved shortages or program losses exceeding $1,000 by the deadline of August 31? Yes. The report was submitted on ------------ No. We have none to report. NA. Due in the T' quarter of the Contract only. A-11 You are required to provide matching funds of not less than thirty three percent (33%) for the Section 105 Contract, part of which can be funds from the State Compliance Contract. Funding allocated for Title V activities in the State Compliance Contract cannot be used as match. You must demonstrate that funds provided to your program under the Section 105 Contract do not cause failure of the match requirements under the State Compliance Contract, which requires that no more than sixty seven percent (67%) of total funding for this program comes from State and Federal sources. Please list the breakdown for your FY air program: State Compliance Contract $ Section 105 Contract $ Other 105 Funds* $ City/County Funds $ Total $ 100% *In order to accurately calculate your match under the terms of the State Compliance Contract and the Section 105 Contract, you must include any additional 105 funding you have received directly from the EPA that is not processed through the TCEQ. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 142 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 SECTION 105 CONTRACT QUARTERLY REPORT Check List for Reimbursement Request Approval B. Monitoring Operations ProLyram B-1. Did your monitoring staff participate in any applicable training activities during this reporting period? ___ Yes. Please list. ___ No. B-2. Have you ensured that all the data loss is reported in the Quarterly report? ___ Yes. The report is attached ___ No. Please Explain. Authorized Signatory of Performing Party Date Printed Name of Signatory Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Page 3 of 3 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 143 of 146 S82-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 10S Form B-1: HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) Prime Contractors Progress TEXAS CO SSIO O Page 144 of M6 N 582-22-30132 ENVIRO NTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WO TH - 105 HUB Subcontracting Plan (HSP) Form B-1 Prime Contractor Progress Assessment Report Contract/Requisition Number: (a) Contracting Agency/University Name: (dl) (0 Contractor (Company) Name: (e) Point of Contact: (g) Date of Award: (b) (mm/dd/yyyy) State of Texas VID #: (f) Phone #: (h) Object Code: c (Agency Use Only) Reporting (Month) Period: (i) Total Amount Paid this Reporting Period to 0) 1 Report HUB and Non -HUB subcontractor information Subcontractor's Name Subcontractor's VID or *Texas Total Contract $ Total $ Amount Paid Total Contract $ Object Code HUB Certificate Number Certified Amount from HSP This Reporting Period Amount Paid to (Agency Use Only) HUB? with Subcontractor to Subcontractor Date to (Yes or Subcontractor Nnl (kl) (k2) (1) (m) (n) (o) (p) $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- Signature: *Note: HUB certification status can be verified on-line at: Title: Date: http://www2.cpa.state.tx.us/cmbl/hubonly.html Rev. 10/07 TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 145 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rl Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Instructions for prime contractors on how to fill out the Progress Assessment Report (PAR) form. Refer to attached PAR form in Excel. (a) Contract/Requisition Number: enter your contract number, for example: 582-12- (b) Date of Award: enter award date of contract. (c) Leave this blank; agency to fill-in. (dl) Contracting Agency/University Name: enter Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (d2) Enter Work Order number (example 228-0123,) and Invoice Number (e) Contractor (Company) Name: enter your company name as stated in the Contract (f) State of Texas VID#: Prime contractor Vendor Identification Number (g) Point of Contact: enter company's representative (h) Phone#: enter point of contact phone number, start with area code (xxx-yyy-zzzz) or your 1-800 number (i) Reporting (month) period: enter invoice service period (j) Total amount paid this reporting period to prime -contractor: Include lump sum of all totals paid to prime contractor and all sub -contracting for this invoice period. This should equal in sum to the prime contractor invoice. (kl) Subcontractor's name: list all your subcontractors. This will include all HUB and non -HUB Subcontractors listed on the HUB Sub -contracting Plan, HSP. (k2) Subcontractor's VID (1) Texas Certified HUB? (Yes or No): enter YES if the subcontractor is an Active HUB (m) Total Contract $ Amount from HSP with Subcontractor: enter the amount from HSP, by multiplying the percentage goals with your Contract Amount. This amount will be the same throughout the life of the Contract, unless an amendment has taken place. (n) Total $ Amount Paid This Reporting Period to Subcontractor: enter the participation amount from Subcontractor for this invoice only. (o) Total Contract $ Amount Paid to Date to Subcontractor: enter the total amount for this subcontractor invoicing from the initiation of this contract. (p) Leave this blank; agency to fill-in. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the TCEQ HUB office at 512/239-1273. TEXAS COMMISSION ON Page 146 of 146 582-22-30132 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CITY OF FT. WORTH - 105 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing this document, I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Anthony Williams NAME SIGs Environmental Supervisor TITLE ❑ This form is N/A as No City Funds are associated with this Contract Printed Name Signature City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE: 11/09/21 M&C FILE NUMBER: M&C 21-0856 LOG NAME: 23TCEQ PM 10 CONTRACT FY2022 SUBJECT (ALL) Authorize the Execution of Amendment #9 of the Intergovernmental Cooperative Reimbursement Contract with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in an Amount Not to Exceed $124,800.00 for Air Pollution Control Services for the Two -Year Term Starting September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023, Authorize Cash Match of $61,468.66 the Two -Year Term Starting September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023, and Adopt the Attached Appropriation Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize the execution of Amendment #9 of the intergovernmental cooperative reimbursement contract with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (Contract #582-18-80091) in an amount not to exceed $124,800.00 for air pollution control services for the two-year term starting September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023; 2. Authorize cash match from the City's Environmental Protection Fund of $61,468.66 for the two-year term starting September 1, 2021 through August 31, 2023; and 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Operating Federal Fund, subject to receipt of the grant, in the amount of $186,268.66, for the purpose of funding ambient air monitoring operations. DISCUSSION: The City of Fort Worth (City) operates a comprehensive air quality program under four separate, but related contracts with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) This overall program benefits the City by ensuring that facilities are in compliance with air quality regulations and by supporting reliable data collection for air pollutants. One of the four contracts, partially funded by the State of Texas, specifically supports a portion of a regional ambient air pollution monitoring network. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality is the pass -through agency for all Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Section 105 Grant Funds. EPA Section 105 Grant Funds have been received annually by the City for its Air Pollution Control Program in cooperation with TCEQ to maintain and operate various ambient air monitoring stations. This includes daily monitoring of ozone, oxides of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, solar radiation, and meteorological data. Document M&C No. Approval Grant Matching Total Date Amount Funds Initial Contract C-28367 09/12/2017 $206,934.00 $101,922.00 $308,856.00 (FY18/FY19) Amendment #1 C-28367 09/12/2017 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (Changes to Scope of Work Only) Amendment #2 C-28367 09/12/2017 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (VIN Correction Only) Amendment #3 C-28367 09/12/2017 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (FY18 and FY19 Revisions) Amendment#4 M&C 19- 08/20/2019 $206,934.00 $101,922.00 $308,856.00 0042 (FY20/21 Renewal) Document M&C No. Approval Grant Matching Total Date Amount Funds Amendment #5 M&C 19- 108/20/2019 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0042 (90-Day Extension) Amendment #6 M&C 19- 08/20/2019 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0042 (Multiple Revisions) Amendment #7 M&C 19- 08/20/2019 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0042 (Revise Special Terms & Conditions) Amendment #8 M&C 19- 08/20/2019 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0042 (Unexecuted) Amendment #9 PENDING PENDING $15,600.00 $7,684.00 $23,283.58 (90-Day Extension) This grant covers the operation and maintenance of four Continuous Air Monitoring Stations and requires matching funds of $61,468.66 for the two-year period. The City provides matching funds not to exceed 33 percent from the City's Environmental Protection Fund, such that the combined Federal and State share of the total funding for the Section 105 Grant does not exceed 67 percent. The matching funds must be allocated per maintenance of effort requirements for federal air pollution grants. Apply indirect costs at the approved percentage rate of 10 percent. CONTAMINANT SITE NAME CAMS # LOCATION DETECTION Ozone CAMS Alta Vista Road, Keller 0017 Solar Radiation Fort Worth, Texas Met Data Oxides of Nitrogen Arlington Municipal CAMS 5504 South Collins Street, Ozone Airport 0061 Arlington, Texas Solar Radiation Met Data Ozone CAMS 14290 Morris Dido Newark Road, Eagle Mountain Lake 0075 Solar Radiation Eagle Mountain, Texas CYCLE Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous CONTAMINANT SITE NAME CAMS # LOCATION DETECTION CYCLE Met Data Continuous CO Continuous Fort Worth California 1198 California Parkway North, Parkway North CAMS 1053 Oxides of Nitrogen Continuous AQS # 48-439-1053 Fort Worth Met Data Continuous No City funds will be expended before the contract is approved. Upon approval and acceptance of the grant and execution of the contract, City funds will be expended before receipt of grant funds. This Agreement will serve ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS. A Form 1295 is not required because: This contract will be with a governmental entity, state agency or public institution of higher education: TCEQ FISCAL INFORMATION / CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, in the Grants Operating Federal Fund. The Code Compliance Department (and Financial Management Services) will be responsible for the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. Prior to making any expenditure, the Code Compliance Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. This is a reimbursement grant. Submitted for Citv Manaaer's Office bv: Valerie Washington 6192 Oriainatina Business Unit Head: Brandon Bennett 6322 Additional Information Contact: David B. Carson 6336 Cody Whittenburg 5455