HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 60622-R1A1CSC No. 60622- Renewal One and Amendment One Page 1 of 6 CoFW and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates RENEWAL ONE AND AMENDMENT ONE TO CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT NO. 60622 This Contract Renewal and Amendment is made and entered into by and between the City of Fort Worth (“City”), and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates (“Landlord”), each individually referred to as a “Party” and collectively referred to as the “Parties.” RECITALS WHEREAS, the Cityentered into an agreement with the Landlord for rental assistance for a named tenant, City Secretary Office (CSO) Contract No. 60622 (the "Agreement"); WHEREAS, (“Tenant”) is a participant in the City’s rental assistance program; and WHEREAS, the Parties agree to renew and amend the Agreement as described below. NOW THEREFORE, City and Landlord do hereby agree as follows: I RENEWAL OF AGREEMENT The Parties agree to renew the Agreement for an additional one year-term beginning December 1, 2024 and expiring November 30, 2025 (“First Renewal Term”) unless earlier terminated in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. II AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT 1.Section 3.1 of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 3.1 Security Deposit The Tenant shall pay a security deposit for the Unit to the Landlord in accordance with the Tenant’s lease, attached hereto as Exhibit A. The Landlord will hold this security deposit during the period the Tenant occupies the dwelling unit under the Lease. The Landlord shall comply with state and local laws regarding interest payments on security deposits. After the Tenant has moved from the dwelling unit, the Landlord may, subject to state and local law, use the security deposit, including any interest on the deposit, as reimbursement for rent or any other amounts payable by the Tenant under the Lease. The Landlord will give the Tenant a written list of all items charged against the security deposit and the amount of each item. After deducting the amount used as reimbursement to the Landlord, the Landlord shall promptly refund the full amount of the balance to the Tenant. CSC No. 60622- Renewal One and Amendment One Page 2 of 6 CoFW and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates The named Tenant may be eligible for security deposit payment assistance payable to Landlord. In the event that the City pays the security deposit for the Unit on behalf of the Tenant under a federally funded program (including the Permanent Housing Placement Program), after deducting the amount used as reimbursement to the Landlord, the Landlord will promptly refund the full amount of the balance to the City in accordance with HUD regulations. This does not limit Landlord’s right to withhold any portion of the deposit that would normally be withheld at termination under the terms of the underlying lease. Based upon the City’s review, City will pay a $0.00 security deposit, to be paid directly to the Landlord. The Landlord shall immediately notify the City when the Tenant has moved from the Unit. 2. Section 3.2 of the Agreement is hereby deleted in its entirety. The Section has been restructured to incorporate subsections 3.2.1 through 3.2.5 and will read as follows: 3.2 Rent and Amounts Payable by City 3.2.1 Rent. Initial Term: The City has been notified that the Tenant’s Total Rent during the Initial Term is $1,448.00 per month for the Unit. Tenant shall be responsible for $111.00 of rent per month. City shall be responsible for $1,337.00 of rent per month. First Renewal Term: The City has been notified that the Tenant’s Total Rent during the First Renewal Term is $1,508.00 per month for the Unit. Tenant shall be responsible for $278.00 of rent per month. City shall be responsible for $1,230.00 of rent per month. A complete history of rental obligations due under this Agreement, per lease term, is included in Attachment A. Neither City nor HUD assumes any obligation for the Tenant’s Portion of the rent, or for payment of any claim by Landlord against Tenant. The City’s sole obligation is limited to paying the City Portion of the Rent in accordance with this Agreement. Tenant shall be liable for rent, payments, and other fees associated with the Unit and City shall not be obligated by law or in equity for any amount other than the City Portion. 3.2.2 Utilities. The named Tenant may be eligible for a utility reimbursement payable to Landlord. The amount of the allowance has been calculated utilizing the Utility Allowance Schedule established by the Tarrant County Housing Assistance Office/Fort Worth Housing Solutions. Based upon the City’s review, during the Initial Term, City will pay no more than $0.00 CSC No. 60622- Renewal One and Amendment One Page 3 of 6 CoFW and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates utility reimbursement per month toward the Tenant’s utility payments, to be paid directly to the Landlord. 3.2.3 Payment Conditions.The right of the Landlord to receive payments under this Agreement shall be subject to compliance with all of the provisions of the Agreement. The Landlord’s signature on this agreement shall be a certification that: 1. The Unit is in decent, safe and sanitary condition, and that the Landlord is providing the services, maintenance and utilities agreed to in the Lease. 2. The Unit is leased to and occupied by the Tenant named above in this Agreement. 3. The Landlord has not received and will not receive any payments as rent for the Unit other than those identified in this Agreement. 4. To the best of the Landlord's knowledge, the unit is used solely as the Tenant's principal place of residence. 3.2.4 Method of Payment.Payments made electronically (i.e.- the City’s Automated Clearing House network) provide more protection against theft and fraud and can be processed more quickly by the City. If Landlord registers to be paid under this Agreement electronically, City payments will generally be made on or about the first day of the month for which the payment is due. Payments for the first month of the initial term, and any subsequent renewals, may be somewhat delayed as a result of the registration and initial set-up process. If Landlord requests payment under this Agreement by paper check, City payments will be made as promptly as possible following the first day of the month for which payment is due. If Landlord request payment by check, Landlord assumes all liabilities related to theft, fraud, and late payments. If Landlord elects to receive electronic payments, Landlord will not assess any late fee against Tenant or City for late payments by City so long as payments are made within thirty (30) days of the day payment is due. In the event that the lease is provided to the City after the payment date, then Landlord will not assess any late fee against Tenant or City for late payments by City so long as payments are made within thirty (30) days of the day the lease is received by City. If Landlord elects to receive payment by paper check, under no circumstances shall late fees be assessed against Tenant or City for late payment by the City. 3.2.5 Overpayments. If the City determines that the Landlord is not entitled to any payments received, in addition to other remedies the City may deduct the amount of the overpayment from any amounts due the Landlord, including the amounts due under any other Rental Assistance Agreement. CSC No. 60622- Renewal One and Amendment One Page 4 of 6 CoFW and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates III. All terms and conditions of the Agreement not amended herein remain unaffected and in full force and effect, are binding on the Parties and are hereby ratified by the Parties. [SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] CSC No. 60622- Renewal One and Amendment One Page 5 of 6 CoFW and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this agreement, to be effective December 1, 2024. FOR CITY OF FORT WORTH: FOR LANDLORD: Name: Jesica McEachern Name: Natisha Griffith Title: Assistant City Manager Title: Property Manager Date: _______________ Date: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED Name: Kacey Bess Title: Neighborhood Services Director APPROVED AS TO FORM AND ATTEST: LEGALITY Name: Jessika Williams Name: Jannette Goodall Title: Assistant City Attorney Title: City Secretary Date: Contract Compliance Manager: M&C No.: 24-0552 By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Name: Julie C. Peña, MSW Title: Sr. Human Services Specialist CSC No. 60622- Renewal One and Amendment One Page 6 of 6 CoFW and 3000 Alemeda Street Fort Worth, LLC dba The Life at Westland Estates Attachment A History of Rental Obligations by Lease Term Lease Term Total Rent Tenant’s Portion City’s Portion Initial Term $1,448 $111 $1,337 First Renewal $1,508 $278 $1,230 �,r11/��� �rcx:�s:�r.��rr�� r•.�•r',�smc:in�'io� 1 �._ � , i This Lease is valid only if filled out beforeJanuary i, �026. ' Apartment Lease Contract This is a binding contrect. Read carefully before signing. This Lease Contract ("Lease'� is between you, the residentfs) as listed below and us.Theterms"you" a�d "your" refer to all residents. The terms "we; "'us," and "our" refer to the owner listed below. PARTIES Residents LEASE DETAILS OWneY 3000 ALEMEDA STREET FORT WORTH I.I.0 Occupants A. Apartment (Par.2) B.InitialLeaseTerm. Begins: 12/O1/2024 Endsat11:59p.m.on: 11/30/2025 C. Monthly Base Rent (Par.3) E. Security Deposit (Par.S) F. Notice ofTermination or Intentto Move Out (Par.4) $ 150B.00 $ Aminimumof 60 days'writtennoticeof termination or intent to move out required at end of i nitial Lease term or during renewal period Nofethatthisamountdoesnot � D.ProratedRent includeanyAnimalDeposit which Ifthenum6erofdaysisn'tfilledin,noticeofatleast30days $ wouldbereflectedinanAnimol isrequired. Addendum. ❑ duefortheremainderoflrt month or ❑ for2nd month G.Late Fees(Par.3.3) Initial Late Fee Daily Late Fee � 10 96ofonemon[h'smonthlybaserentor ❑ 96ofonemonth'smonthlybaserentfor daysor O $ ❑ $ for _ days Due if rent unpaid by 11:59 p.m. on the 3rd (3rd orgreater) day ofthe month H. Returned Checkor Rejected J. EarlyTermination Fee Option (Par.7.2) K. Violation Charges PaymentFee(Par.3.4) S 5 30 . 00 Notice of 60 days is required. Animal Violation (Par.12.2) Youarenoteli i6leforea�l terminationif Initialchargeof$ 100.00 peranimal(not 8 Y to exceed $100 per animal) and I.RelettingCharge(Par.7.t) youareindefoult. Adailychargeof$ 10.00 peranimal A relettin char e of $ 1303 . 05 Fee must be paid no laterthan 30 (notto exceed $10 perday per animal) 9 g days afteryou give us notice (nottoexceed85%ofthehighest �fanyvaluesornumberofdaysoreblankor"0,' InsuranceViolation(MasterLeaseAddendum monthlyRentduringtheLeasete�m) thenthisseciiondounotopply. orotherse areteaddendum) may be charged in certain default P situations S L. Additi onal Rent - Monthly Recurri ng Fixed Cha rges. You will pay separately for these items as outlined below and/or in separate addenda, Special Provisions or an amendment to this Lease. Animal rent $ 25. 00 Cable/satellite S Intemet $ Packageservice $ Pestcontrol $ Stormwateddrainage $ Trashservice $ Washer/Dryer 5 Other: Reserved Parking 5 Other; Enclosed Garage or Caxport 5 Other: S Other. $ M. Util ities an d Other Va riable Charges. You will pay separately for gas, water, wastewater, electricity, trash/recycling, utility bil ling fees and other items as outlined in separate addenda, Special Provisions or an amendmentto this Lease. UtilityConnectionChargeorTransferFee:S 50.00 (nottoexceed550)[obepaidwithin5daysofwrittennotice(Par.3,5) N. Ot h er Charges and Requi rements. You will pay separately for these items or comp ly with these requirements as outlined in a Master Lease Addendum, separate addenda or5pecial Provisions. Initial Access Device: $ AdditionalorReplacementAccessDevices:5 RequiredlnsuranceLiabiliTyLimitfperoccurrence):5 Special Provisions. See Par.32 or additional addenda attached.This Lease cannot be changed unless in writing and signed byyou and us. Apartment Lease ConVact m2023, Tezas Apartmen[ Azsociation, Inc Blue Moon e5i nature Services Documen[ ID: 472430171 r' • ' • � -��.:,-..,.-,�____ .. --- -- � � i i. Definitions.The following terms are commonly used in this Lease: 1.1. "Residents"arethoselirtedin"Residentr"abovewhoslgn this Lease and are authorized to live in the apartment. 'I.2. "Occupants"arethoselistedinthisLeasewhoarealsoautho- rized to live in the apartment, butwho do no[ sign this Lease. 1.3. "Owner"maybeidentifiedbyanassumednameandisthe owner only a nd not property managers or anyone else. 1.4. "In<luding"inthisLeasemeans"includingbutnotlimitedto." 1.5. "Community Policies" are the written apartment rules and policies, induding property signage and instructions for care of our property and amenities, with wh ich you, your occupants, and yourguests must comply. 1.6. "Rent" is monthly base rent plus additfonal monthly recurring fixed charges. 1.7. "Lease" includes this document, any addenda and attachments, CommunityPolicies and Special Provisions. 2. Apartment.Youareleasingtheapartmentlistedaboveforuseasa private residence only. 2.1. Access.lnaccordancewiththislease,you'llreceiveaccess information or devices for your apartment and mail box, and other access devices including: POOI, KEY 2.2. Measurements.Anydimensionsandsizesprovidedtoyou relating to the apartment are onlyapproximations or estimates; actual dimensions and slzes may vary. 2.3. Representations.Youagreethatdesignationsoraccredi- tations associated with the property are subject to change. Rent, You must payyourRenton or 6efo�e the lstday ofeach month (due date) without demand. There ure no exceptions regarding the poyment of Rent, and yo u agree not paying Rent on or before the lst of each month is a material6rearJi of this Lease. 3.1. Payments.You will payyour Rent by any method, manner and placewe specify in accordancewith this Lease. Cash is not accepta6le without our prio� written pe�mission. You cannot withhold or offset Ren t unless authorized bylaw. We may, at our option, require atany time thatyou pay Rentand other sums due in one single payment by any method we specify. 3.2. Application of Paymentr. Payment ofeach sum due is an independent covenant, which means payments are due regardlessofourperformance. Whenwereceivemoney, other than water and wastewater payments subject to government regulation, v,�e may apply it at our option and v+ithout notice first to any of your unpa id obligations, then to accrued rent. We may do so regardless of notations on checks or money orders and regardless ofwhen the obligations arose. All sums other than Rent and late fees are due upon ourdemand.Afterthe due date,we do not have to aaept any payments. 33. LateFees.lfwedon'treceiveyourmonthlybaserentinfull when iYs due, you must pay late fees as outlined in Lease De�ils. 3,4. ReturnedPaymentFee.You1lpay[hefeelistedinLease Details for each retumed check or rejected electronic payment, plus initial and daily late fees if applicable, until we receive full payment in an acceptable method. 3.5. Utilities and Services. You'll payforall utilities and services, related deposits, and any charges or fees when they are due and as outlined in this Lease. Television channels that a re provided may be changed during the Lease term if the change applies to all residents. If your electricity is interrupted, you must use only battery- operated I ighting (no flames). You must not allow a ny utilities (other than cable or Internet) to be cut off or switched for any reason—including disconnection for not paying your bills—until the Leaseterm or renewal period ends. If a utility is individually metered, it must be connected in your name and you must no[ify the provider ofyour move- out date. ifyou delay getting service turned on in yourname by this Lease's start date or cause it to be transferred back into our na me before yo u surrender or abandon the apartment you'll be liable forthe charge listed above (notto exteed 550 per billing period), plus the actual or estimated costofthe utilities used whilethe utiliry should have been billed to you. Ifyour apartment is individually metered and you change your retail electric provider, you must give us written notice. You must pay all applicable provider fees, including any fees to change service back into our name afteryou move out. 3.6. LeaseLhanges.Leasechangesareonlyallowedduringthe Lease term or renewal period if governed by Par.10, specified in Special Provisions in Par. 32, or by a tvritten addendum or amendmentsigned byyou and us.Ator afterthe end ofthe initial Lease term, Rent increases will hecome effective with at least 5 days plus the number of days' advance notice contained in Box F on page 1 in writing from us to you. Your new Lease, which may indude increased Rent or Lease chang es, will begin on the date stated in any advance notice we provide (without needing your signature) unless you give us written move-out notice under Par.25, which applles onlyto the end of the current Leaseterm orrenewalperiod. � Automatic Lease Renewal and Notice ofTermination.This Lease will automatically renew month-to-month unless either party gives written notice of termination or intent to move out as required by Par. 25 and specified on page 1.Ifthe num6erofAaysisn'tfilled in, no- ti[e of at least 30 days is required. Security Deposit.The total security depositfor all residents is due on or before the date this Lease is signed. Any animal depositwill be designated in an animal addendum.5ecurity deposits may not be ap- plied to Ren[ without ou r prior written consent. 5.�. RefundsandDeductions.Youmustaiveusyouradvance notice of move out as provided by Par. 25 and forwarding, address in writing to receive a written desaiption and item ized list of charges or refund. In accordance with this Lease and ns allowed bylaw, we maydeduct from your security deposit any amounts due under this Lease. lfyou move out earlv or in resn onse to a notice to vncate�you'll6e liable for rekeying charaes. Upon recelpt of your move-out date and forwarding address In writing, the security deposit will be returned (lers lav✓ful deductions) with an itemized accounting of any deductions, no laterthan 30 days after surrender or abandonment, unless laws provide otherwise. Any refund may be by one paymentjointly payable to all residen[s and distributed to any one resident we choose, ordistributed equally among all residents. Insurance. Our insuran ce doesn't cover the loss of or damage to yourpersonal property. You will be required to have liability insur- ance as spetified in this Lease unless othenvise prohibited by law. If you have insurance covering the apartmentoryour personal belong- i ngs at the time you or we suffer or allege a loss, you agree to requ ire your insurance carrier to waive any insu rance subrogation rights. Even if not required, we urge you to obtain your own i nsura nce for losses due to thek, fire, flood, water, pipe lea ks a nd similar occurrenc- es. Mostrenter'sinsuroncepoliciesdon'tcoverlossesduetoaflood. Reletting and Early Lease Termin ation. This Lease may not be ter- minated early except as provided in this Lease. 7.1. RelettingCharge.You'llbeliableforarelettingchargeas listed in Lease Details, (notto exceed 85a/o ofthe highest monthly Rent during the Leaseterm) ifyou: (A) fail to move in, or fail to give written move-out notice as required in Pac 25; (B) move outwithout paying Rent in full forthe entire Lease term or renewal period; (C) move out at ourdemand because of your default or (D) arejudicially evided.The reletting charge is not a termination, cancellation or buyout fee and does not release you from your obli9ations under this Lease, induding liabilityforfuture or past-due Rent, chargesfor damages or othersums due. The reletting charge is a liquidated amount covering only part of our da mages—for our time, effort, and expense in finding and processing a replacement resident.These damages are uncertain and hard to ascertain—particularly those relating to inconvenience, papenvork, advertising, showing apartments, utilities forshowing, checking pros- peds, overhead, marketing costs, and locator-service fees. You agreethat the reletting charge is a reasonable estima[e of our damages and that the charge is due whether or not our reletting attempts succeed. 7.2. EarlyLeaseTerminationOptionProcedure.lnaddition[o your termination rightr referred to in 73 or 8.1 below, if this provision applies under Lease Details, you may opt to terminate this Lease prior to the end of the Lease term if all of the folfowing occur: (aJ as outlined in Lease Details,you give us written notice of early termination, pay the Early Termina- tion 0 ption fee in full and specify the date by which you'll move out; (b) you are not in default at any time and do not hold over, and (c) you repayall rent concessions, credits or discounts you received duri ng the Lease term. If you are in default, the Lease remedies apply. 73. SpecialTerminationRights.Youmayhavetherightunder Texas law to terminate this Lease early in certain situations involving military deploymen t or transfer, famify violence, certain sexual offenses, stalking oi death ofa sole resident. Delay of Occupancy. We are not responsible for any delay of your occupancy caused by construdion, repairs, deaning, or a previous residenYs holding over.This Lease will remain in force subject to (1) abatement of Rent on a daily basis during delay, and (2) your right to terminate this Lease in writing as setforth below. Rent abatement and Lease termination do not apply if the delay is for cleaning or re- pairs that don't preventyou from moving into the apartment 8.1. Termination.lfwegivewrittennoticetoyouofadelayin occupancy when or akerthis Lease begins, you may termi- nate this Lease withfn 3 days afteryou receive written notice. Ifwe give you written notice before the date this Lease begins and the notice states that a construction or other delay is expected and that the apartment will be ready for you to occupy on a specific date, you may terminate this Lease within 7 days after receiving written notice. After proper termination, you a re entitled only to refund of any deposit(s) and any Rentyou paid. Apartment Leare Contract 02023, Texas Apartment Asso ' tion Inc. Blue Moon eSi nature Services Document ID:472430171 Page 2 of 6 .-..- _f-,--'.T�r-,��.. .:,.-T-„-:r.:.-- - - --'-�^-�.----�--.,-_t., ..T_ .�_„___..-.�,�_._.�-.,r.- . _ . .r,-.-.._,,.P .�_.-. 1-• 9. Care of Unit and Damages. You must promptly pay or reimburse us for loss, damage, consequential damages, govemment fines orcharg- es, or cost of repairs or service in the apartment mmmunity because of a Lease violation; improper use, negligence, or otherconduc[ by you, your fnvitees, your oaupants, or your guesu; or, as allowed by law, any other wuse notdue to our negligence or fault, except for damages by acts of God to the extent they couldn't be mitigated by your adion or inaction. Unless damage orwastewatersfoppage is due to ournegligence, we're notlinble )or—and you must pay for—repairs and replate- ments occurring during the Lease term or renewal period, includ- ing: fAl damage from wastewaterstoppages caused by improper o6jects in lines exdusivelyserving your apartmenh (e) damage to doors, windows, orscreenr and (C) damage from windows or doors lek open. 10. CommunityPolicies.CommuniryPoliciesbecomepartofthis Lease and must be (ollowed. We may make changes, including addi- tions, to our written Community Policies, and those changes can be- come effective immediately if the Community Policies are distributed and applicable to all units in the apartment community and do not change the dollar amounts owed underthis Lease. 10.1. PhotoNideoRelease.Yougiveuspermissiontouseany photograph, likeness, image orvideo taken ofyou while you are using propertymmmon areas or partidpa[ing in any event sponsored by us. 10.2. Disclosureoflnformation.Atoursoleoption,wemay, but are not ohligated to, share and use information related tothis Leasefor law-enforcement, governmental, or business purposes. At our request, you authorize any utility providerto give us information about pending oractual connec[ions or disconnections of utility service to your apartment. 10.3. Guests.Wemayexcludefromtheapartmentcommunity any guests or others v+ho, in our solejudgment, have been violating the law,violating this Lease orour Community Policies, or disturbing other residents, neighbors, visi[ors, or owner representatives. We may also exclude from any outside area or common area anyone who refuses to show photo identifiation or refuses to identify himself or herself as a resident, an authorized occupant, or a guest of a specffic resident in the community. Anyone not listed in this Lease cannot stay in the apartmentformorethan 7 daysinoneweek withoutour prior written consent, and no more than rivice that many days in any one month.lfthe previous space isn'tfilled in, 2 days total per weekwill be the limit 10.4. Notice of Convictions and Registration. You must notify us with in 15 days if you or any of your occupants: (A) are convicted of any felony, (B) are convicted of any misdemeanor involving a controlled subsWnce, violence to a nother person, or destruction of property, or (q register as a sex offender. �nforming us ofa criminal conviction or sex-offender registration doesn't waive any rights we may haveagainstyou. 10.5. Odors, Noise and Construction. You agree that odors and smells (including those related to cooking), everyday noises orsounds related to repair, renovation, improvement, ormnstru�tio� in or around the property are all a normal part ofa multifamily living environment and that it is impradical for us to preveM them from penehating your apartment. 11. Conduct.Youagreetocommunicateandconductyourselfinalaw- ful, courteous and reasonable manner at all times when interacting with us, our representatives and other residents or occupantr. Any actr of unlawful, discourteous or unreasonable communication or cond uct by you, your occu pants or guests is a breach of this Lease. You must use customary diligence in maintaining the apartment, keeping it in a sanitary condition and notdamaging or littering the common areas. Trash must be d isposed of at least weekly. You will use your apartment and all other areas, including any balconies, with reasonable care. We may regulate the use of passageways, patios, balconies, porches, and activities in common areas. 11.1. ProhibitedConduct.You,youroccupants,andyourguests will not engage in certafn prohibited conduct, including the following activities: (a) criminalconduct;manufacturing,delivering,or possessing a controlled substance ordrug parapher- nalia; engaging in or threatening violence; possessing a weapon prohibited by state law, discharging a firearm in the apartment community; or, exceptwhen allowed by law, displayfng or possessing a gun, knife, or other weapon in the common area, or in a way that may alarm others; (b) behaving in a loud, obnoxious ordangerous manner; (c) disturbingorthreateningtherights,comfort,health,safety, or convenience of others, induding us, our agents, or our representatives, (d) disrupting our business operations; (e) storinganythinginclosetscontainingwaterheatersor gas appliances; (fl tampering with utilities ortelecommunication equipment; (g) bringing hazardous materials into the apartment community; (h) usingwindowsforentryorexit; (i) heatingtheapartmentwithgas-operatedappliances; (j) makingbad-faithorfalseallega[ionsagainstusorour agents to others; (k) smokingofanykind,thatisnotinaccordancewiththis Lease; (p usingglasscon[ainersinornearpools;or (m) conducting any kind of business (induding child-care services) in your apartment or in the apartment community—e�ccept for any lawful business conducted "at home" by computer, mail, or telephone if customers, clients, patientr, employees orother business associates do not co me to your apartment far business purposes. 12. Animals.Nolivingcreat�resofanykinda�eallowed,eventempo- rarily, anywhere in the apartment or opartment community un- less we've given written permission. If we allow a n animal, you must sign a separate Animal Addendum and, except as setforth inthe ad- dendum, pay an animal deposit and applicable fees and additional monthly rent, as applicable. An animal deposit is considered a gener- al security deposit. You rep resent that any requests, statements a nd representations you ma ke, intluding those for an assistance or sup- port animal, are true, acc�rate and made in good faith. Feeding stray, feral orwild animals is a 6reach ofthis Lease. Removal of Unauthorized Animal. We may remove an unauthorized animal by (1) leaving, in a conspicuous place in the apartment, a written notice of our intent to remove the animal within 24 hours; and (2) following the procedures of Par. 74. We may: keep or kennel the animal; turn the animal overto a humane society, local authority or rescu e organization; or return the animal to you if we consentto your requestto keepthe animal and you have completed and signed an Animal Addendum and paid all fees. When keeping or kenneling an animal,we won't be liable for loss, harm, sickness, or death of the animal unless due to our negligence.You must pay for the animal's reasonable care and kenneling charges. Violations ofAnimal Policies and Charges. Ifyou or any g uest or occupant violates the animal restrittions of this Lease or our Community Policies, you'll be subject to charges, damages, eviction, and other remedies provided in this Lease, including animal violation charges listed in Lease Details from the date the animal was brought into your apartment until it is removed. If an animal has been in the apartment at any time during your term of occupanty (wfth o r without our consent), we'll charge you for all cleaning and repaircostr, including deFleaing, deodorizing, and shampooing.lnitial and daily animal-violation charges and animal-removal charges are liquidated damages for ourtime, inconvenience, and overhead in enforcing animal restrictions and Community Policies. 12.1. 12.2. 13. Parking. You may not be guaranteed parking. We may regulatethe time, manner, and place of parking ofall motorized vehicles and other modes oftransportation, induding bicydes and scooters, in this Lease. In addition to other rightr we have to tow or boot vehicles under state law, we also have th e right to remove, at the expense of the vehicle owneror operator, anyvehicle that is not in compliance with this Lease. 14. WhenWeMayEnter.lfyouoranyotherresident,guestoroccupant is present, Ihen repair or service persons, contradors, law officers, govemment representatives, lenders, appraisers, prospedive resi- dents or buyers, insurance agents, persons authorized to enter under your rental application, orour representatives may peacefully enter the apartment at reasonable times for reasonable business purposes. If nobody is in the apartment, then any such person may enter peate- fully and at reasonable times (by breaking a windowor other means when necessary) for reasonable business purposes iFwritten notice of the entry is left in a conspicuousplace in the apartment immediately afterthe entry. We are under no obligation to enter onlywhen you are present, and we may, bu[ are notobligated to, give prior notice or make appointments. Apartmen[ Lease Contac[ 92023,Texas Apartment A Blue Moon eSi nature Services Document ID:472430171 Page 3 of 6 ..-.._".T-= —' . . ..-,—..�.:.-. .—�.., i_.. � - 15. Requesu, Repairs and Malfunctions. 15.1. Written Requests Required.lfyouoranyoccupantneeds to send a req uest—for example, forre pairs, installations, services, otvnership disdosure, orsecurity-related matters— itmastbe written anGdelivered to ourdesignated representative in accordance with this Lease (extept for fair-housing accommodation or modification requests or situatlons involving imminent danger orthreats to health or safety, such as fire, smoke, gas, explosion, or crime in progress).Ourwritten no[es regardingyouroral requestdo not constitute a written request from you. Our complying with or responding to any oral request doesn't waive the strict requirement for written notices under this Lease. A request for maintenance or repair by anyone residing in your apartment constitutes a requertfrom all residents. ihe time, manner, method and means of performing maintenance and repai�s, induding whether or which vendors to use, are within ourso/e discretion. 15.2. YourRequirementtoNotify.Youmustpromptlynotifyusin writing of air conditioning or heating problems, water leaks or moisture, mold, eledrical problems, malfunctioning lights, broken or missing locks or latches, or any other cond ition that poses a hazard o r threat to property, health, or safety. Unless we instrud otherwise, you are requfred to keep the apartment moled or heated according to this Lease. Air conditioning problems are normally not emergencies. 153. Utilities. We may change or install utility lines or equipment serving the apa rtment if the work is done reasonably without su bstantially increasing your utility costr. We may turn off equipment and interrupt utilities as needed to perform work or to avoid property damage or other emergencies. If utilities ma Ifunction or are damaged by fire, water, or similar cause, you must notify our representative im mediately. 75.4. YourRemedies.We'llactwithcustomarydiligenceto make repairs and reconnections within a reasonable time,taking into consideration when casualty-insurance proceeds are received. Unless required bystatute after a casualty loss, or during equipment repair, your Rent will not abate in whole or in part. "Reasonable time" accounts for the severityand nature ofthe problem and the reasonable availability of materials, labor, and utili[ies. If we fail to timeJyrepalra condition that materiallyaffects the physical health orsafetyofan ordinaryresidentasrequiied 6ytheTexasPiopertyCode, you mAy 6e entitled to exeicise iemedies under 5 92.056 and492.0561 oftheTexasP�opertyCode.lfyoufollow the procedures under thote settions, the following �emedies, among others, may be availa6le to you: (1J teimination of this Lease and an appropriate refund under 91.056(�; (2) have the condition repaired or remedied occording to � 92.0561; (3) deductfiom theRent thecost o(therepairorremedyaccording to 491.0561; and 4J j�dicia! remedies according to § 9�.0563. 16. Our Rightto Terminate forApartmentCommunity Damage or Closure. If, in our solejudgment,damages to the unit or building are significant or performance of needed repairs poses a danger to you, we may terminate this Lease and yourright to possession by giving you at least 7 days' written no[iceJf termination oaurs, you agree we11 refund only prorated rent and all deposits, minus lawful dedur tions. We may remove and dispose of your personal p roperty if, in our solejudgment, it causes a health or safety hazard or impedes our abilityto make repairs. Texas Property Code secs. 92.75i, 92.153, and 92.154 require, with some exceptions, that we pravide at no cost fo you when occupanry 6egins: (AJ a window latch on each window,• (8) a doorviewer (peep- hole o� window) an each exterior dooG (Q a pin lock on each sliding daor, (D) eithera Aoor-handlelatch orasecurlty 6ar on each sliding door,• (EJ a keyless 6o/ting device (deadbolt) on each exterior door, and (F) either a keyed doorkno6lock or n keyed deadbolt lock on one entry door. Keyed locks will be rekeyed affer the priorresident moves out. The rekeying will6e done either before you move in or within7days afteryoumovein, as required bylaw.lfwe fail to in- stall orrekeyseturity devices asrequired 6y law, you have the right to do so ond deduct the reasonnble cost from yournext Rent pay- mentunderTexasPropertyCodesec.9Z.165(1). Wemaydeactivate ornot install keyless 6olting devices on your doors if (A) you or an occupant in the dwelling is over35 or disa6led, ond (8) the require- ments ofTexas Property fode sec. 92.753(e) or (fJ a�e satisfied. 18.1. Smoke Alarms and Detection Devices, We'll furnfsh smoke alarms or other detection devices required by law or city ordinance. We may Install additional detectors not so requ ired. We'll test them and provide working batteries when you first take possession of your apartment Upon request, we'll provide, as required by law, a smoke alarm capable ofalerting a person with a hearing impairment You must payfor and replace batteries as needed, unless the law provides otherwise. We may replace dead or missing batteries at your expense, without prior notice to you. Neither you nor your g uests or occupants may disable alarms or detectors.lfyou damage or disable the smoke alarm o� remove a battery without �eplacing it with a working baftery, you may be 1ia61e to us under TexasPropertyCodesec.91.2611 for$100plusone month'sRent actualdamages,andattorney'sf¢es. 18.2. Dutyto Report. You must immediately report to us any missing, malfunctioning or defedive security devices, smoke alarms or detectors. You'll be liable if you tail to report malfunctions, or fail to report any loss, damage, or fines resulting from fire, smoke, orwater. 19. ResidentSafetyandLoss.Un/essothenviserequiredby/aw,none ofus, our employees, agentr, ormanagement companies are 1ia61e to you, yourguestr oroctupantsforanydamage,personalinjury, loss to personal property, orloss of business orpersonalincome, (rom ony cause, induding 6utno tlimited to: negligent orintention- alacts ofresidenu, occupants, orguesu; thek, 6urglary, assauft, vandnlism or othe�crimes fire, flood, wa[erleaks, rain, hail, ice, snow, smoke, lightning, wind, explosions, intenuption of utilities, pipe leaks or otheroccunences unless such damage, injuryorloss is causedexdusively by ournegligence. We do not wanant security of any kind. You ag ree that you will not rely upon any security measures taken by us for personal security, and that you will call 911 and local law enforcement authorities if any security needs arise. You acknowledgethat we are not equipped or trained to provide personal security services to you, your guestr or occupantr. You rer ognize that we are not requi red to provide a ny private security ser- vices and that no security devices or measures on the property are fail-safe. You further acknowledge that, even if an alarm or gate ame- nities are provided, they are mechanical devlces that tan malfunc- tion.Any charges resulting from [he use ofan intrusion alarm will be charged to you, including, but not limited to, any false alarms with police/fire/ambulance response or other required city charges. 20. ConditionofthePremisesandAlterations. 16.1. PropertyClosure.Wealsohavetherighttoterminate 20,1, As-Is.Wedisclaimallimpliedwananties.Youacceptthe this Lease and your right to possession by giving you at apartment, fixtures, and furniture as is, except for least 30 days' written notice oftermination ifwe are conditions materially affecting the health orsafetyof demolishing your apartment or closing it and itwill no ordinary persons. You'll be given an Inventory and longer be used for residential purposes for at least 6 Condition Form at or before move-in. You agree that months,orifanypartofthepropertybecomessubJectto aftercompletionoftheformorvrithin48hoursaker an eminent domain proceeding. move-in, whichevercomes first, you must note on the 17. AssignmentsandSubletting.YoumaynotassignthisLeaseorsub- formalldefectsordamage,signtheform,returnitto Ietyourapartment.Youagreethatyouwon'trent,offertorentor us,andtheformaccuratelyreFlectsthecondidonofthe licensealloranypartofyourapartmenttoanyoneelseunlessother- premisesforpurposesofdetermininganyrefunddueto wise agreed to in advance by us in writing.You agreethatyou won't you whenyou move out.Otherwise, everything will be accept anything ofvalue from anyone else forthe use of any part of considered to be in a dean, safe, and good working yourapartment.Youagreenottolistanypartofyourapartmenton �ondition.Youmuststillsendaseparaterequestforany an lod in orshort-termrentalwebsiteorwithan repairsneededasprovidedbyPar.15.1. Y 9� 9 y person or ser- vice that advertises dwellings for rent 20.2. Standards and Improvements. Unless authorized by 18. Securityand5afetyDevices.We'lloayformissingsecurityde- laworbyusinwriting,youmustnotperformanyrepairs, vicesthatarerequiredbylaw.You'llpayfor:(Alrekeyinqthat painting,wallpapering,carpeting,electricalchanges,or youreauest(unlesswefailedtorekeyaftertheoreviousresi- othenviSealterourproperty.Noholesorsti[kersare dentmovedoutl;and(Blreaairsorreplacementsbecauseof allowedinsideoroutridetheapartment.UnlessthisLease misuseordamagebyyouoryourfamily,youroccupants oryour statesotherwise,we'llpermitareasonablenumberofsmall ug ests'You must pay immediately aherthe work is done unless state nail holes for hanging pictures on sheetrockwalls and in Iawauthorizesadvancepayment.Youmustalsopayinadvancefor groovesofwood-paneledwalls.Nowaterfurniture,washing any additional or changed security devices you request. machines, dryers, extra phone or television outlets, alarm rystems, cameros, hvo-way talk device, video or other door- Apanment Lease Con[ract R�2023, Texas Apa rtmen[ A Page 4 0(6 Blue Moon e5i nature Services Document ID: 472430171 .- _.-�,.,-� _„--_,..�.--.-.— ..... ........._.��.�.. ...n-�—_-.�.�-_T —��..._ __..�_ _,_.__ i .... , i bells, or lock changes, additions, or rekeying is permitted unless required by law orwe've consented in writing.You may install a satellite dish orantenna, butonly if you sign our satellite dish or antenna lease addendum, which complies with reasonable restrictions allowed byfederol law. You must not alter, damage, or remove our property, including alarm systems, detection devices, appliances, furniture, telephone and televislon wiring, screens, locks, or security devices. When you move in, we'll supply light bulbs for fixtures we fu mish, in- duding exterior fixtures operated from inside the apartmenh, after that, you'll replace them at your expense with bulbs of the same type and wattage. Your im provemen[s to the apartmen[ (made with or without our consent) become ours unless we agree otherwise in writing. 21. Notices.Writtennoticetoorfromouremployees,agents,or management companies constitutes noticeto orfrom us. Notices to you or any other resident of the apartment constitute notice to all residentr. Notices and requests from any residen[ constitute notice from all residents. Only residents can give notice of Lease termination and intentto move out under Par.7.3. All notices and documen[s will be in Engllsh and, at our option, i n any other language that you read or speak. 27.7. ElectronicNotice.Noticemaybegivenelectronically6y us to you if allowed by law. If allowed by law a nd in accordance with this Lease, electron ic notice from you to us must be sent to the email address and/orportal specified in this Lease. Notice may also be given by phone call or to a physical address if allowed in this Lease. You represent that you have provided your current email address to us, and thatyou will notify us in the eventyour email address changes. ' � • ' 24. 22. Liability.EachresidentisjolntlyandseverallyliableforallLease obligations. If you or any guest or occupant violates this Lease or our Community Policies, all residents are considered to have violated this Lease. 22.1. Indemnfiotion byYou.You7ldefend,indemnifyandhold us and ouremployees, agents, and management company harmless hom alf IiaGility arising from yourconduct or requests to ourrepresentatives and (rom the conductofor requests by yourinviteu, occupants orguests. 23. DefaultbyResident. 23.1. Acts of Default. You'll be in default if: (A) you don't timelypay Rent, induding monthty recurring charges, or other amounts you owe; (B) you or any guest or occupant violates this Lease, our Community Policies, orfire, safety, health, criminal or other laws, regardless of wh ether or where arrest or conviction occurs; (C� you give incorrect, incomplete,orfalseanstvers in a rental application or in this Lease; or (D) you or any occupant is charged, detained, convided, or given deferred adjudication or pretrial diversion for (1) an offense involving actual or potential physical harm to a person, or involving the manufac[ure or delivery of a controlled substance, marijuana, ordrug paraphernalia as defined in the Texas Controlled Substances Act, or (2) any sex- related crime, including a misdemeanor. 23.2. Eviction.lfyoudefault,includingholdingover,wemay end your right of occupancy bygiving you nt /east a 24- hourwritten notice to vacote. TerminaHon ofyour possession rights doesn't release you from liability for future Rent or other Lease obliga[ions.Aftergiving notice to vacate or filinganevicfionsuit wemaystillacceptRentorother sums due; the filing or acceptance doesn't waive or diminish ourrightofeviction oranyothercontractualor sfatutoryright. Accepting money at any time doesn't waive our right to damages, to past or future Rent or other sums, orto ourcontinuing with eviction proceedings.ln an eviction, Rent is owed for the full rental period and will not be prorated. 233. Acceleration.UnlessweelectnottoaccelerateRent,all monthly Rent for the rest of the Lease term or renewal period will be accelerated automatically without notice or demand (before or after acceleration) and will be immediately due if,without ourwritten consent: (A) you move out, remove property in preparing to move out, or you or any occupant gives oral or written notice of intent to move out before the Lease term or renewa I period ends; and (B) you haven't paid all Rentforthe entire Lease term orrenewal period. Remaining Rentwill also be accelerated if you'rejudicially evicted or move out when we demand because you've defa ulted. If you don't pay the first month's Rent when or before this Lease begins, all future Rent for the Lease term will be automatically accelerated without notice and 6ecome immediately due. We also may end your right of occupancy and recover damages, hrlure Rent, attomeys fees, court wsts, and other law(ul charges. 23.4. Holdover. You and all occupants mustvacate and surrender the apartmen[ by or before the date conYained in: (1) your move-out notice (2) ournotice to vacate, (3) our notice of non-renev✓al, or (4) a written agreementspecifying a different move-out date. If a holdover occurs, then you'll be liable to us for all Rent for the full term of the previously slgned lease of a new resident who can't occu py because of the holdover, and at our option, we may extend the Lease term and/or increase the Rent by 25"/o by delivering written notice to you or your apartmentwhile you continue to hold over. 23,5. Other Remedies. We may report unpaid amounts to credit agencies as al lowed by law. If we or our debt collector tries to col lect any money yo u owe us, you agree that we or the debt collector may contact you by any lega I means. If you default, you will pay us, in addition to other sums due, any rental discounts or concessions agreed to in writing that have been applied toyouraaount We may recover attomey's fees in connection with enforcing our rights underthis Lease. All unpaid amounts you owe bear interes[ at the rate provided byTexas Finance Code Section 304.003(c) from the due date.You mus[ pay all collection- agencyfees ifyou fail to paysums duewithin 10 days after you are mailed a letter demanding payment and stating that colleRion-agency fees will be added if you don't pay all sums by that deadline. You are also liab le for a charge (not to exceed $150) to cover our time, cost and expense for any eviction proceeding againstyou, plus our attorney�s fees and expenses, court costs, and filing fees actually paid. Representatives' Authority and Waivers. Our representatives (in- cl�ding management personne/, employees, and agentsJ have no nuthority to waive, amend, or te�minate this Lease or any part of it unless in writing and signed, and no authority to make promises, rep- resentations, oragreements thatimposesecwityduties orotherob- ligations on us orourrepresentatives, unless in v�riting andsigned. No action or omission by us will be considered a waiver of our rights or of any subsequent violation, default, or time or place of performance.0ur choice to enforce, not enforce ordelay en(orcement of vnitten-no- H[e iequirementr, rental due dates, acceleration, liens, or any ofher rights isn't a waiver under anycircumstances. Delay in demanding sums you owe is not a waivec 6ccept when notice or demand is required by law, you waive any notice and demand for performance from us ifyou default Nothing in this Lease conslitutes a waiver of our remedies for a breach underyour prior lease that occurred before the Lease term begins. Your Lease is subordinate to existing and future recorded mortgages, un- less the owners lender chooses othenvise. All remedies are cumulative. Exercising one remedywon't constitute an election orwaiver of other remedies. All provisions regarding our nonliability or nonduty apply to ouremployees, agents, and manage- ment companies. No employee, agent, or management company is personally liable for any of our contractual, statutory, or other obliga- tions merely byvirtue of acting on our behalf. � a 25. Move-OutNotice.8eforemovingout,youmustgiveourrepresen- tative advance written move-autnotice asstatedin Par.4, even if this Lease has 6ecome a mon th-to-month lease. The move-out date can't be changed unless weand you both agree in writlng. Yourmove-out notice must comply with each of the following: (a) Unlesswerequiremorethan30days'notice,ifyougive notice on the first day ofthe month you intend to move out, move outwill be on the lart day ofthat month. (b) Your move-out notice must not terminate this Lease before the end of the Lease term or re newal period. (c) Ifwerequireyoutogiveusmorethan30days'written notice to move out before the end ofthe Lease term, we will give you 1 written reminder not less than 5 days nor more than 90 days beforeyourdeadline for giving us your written move-out notice. If we fail to give a reminder notice, 30 days' written notice to move out is required. (d) Youmustgetfromusawrittenacknowledgmentofyour notice. 26. Move-OutProcedures. 26.1. Cleaning.Youmustthoroughlycleantheapartment,including doors, windows, fum iture, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, patios, balconies, garages, carports, and storage rooms. You must follow move-out cleaning instructions ifthey have been provided.lfyou don't clean adequately, you'll be liable for reasonable cleaning charges-including charges for cleaning carpetr, draperies, furniture, walls, etc. that are soiled beyond Apartment lease Contrac[ 02023, Tezas Apartment Association, Inc Page 5 of 6 Blue Moon eSi nature Services Document ID:472430171 _ .-,-„ ... ..... ...... ...-- -..-^-,----,�.,._,- -:.- �.:_..�.�..�r..,-.:..�. .. __ . . . , . . . . .:- , ,.,�._,.—,�- .�--.�.. . --.-�--.-.,^,-{_..z,-.-._-- ----'.-._'.._._,.._-�----- i � normal wear (that is, wear or soiling that occurs without negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse). 26.2. Move-Outlnspection.Wemay,butarenotobligatedto, provide a joint move-out inspection. Our representatives have no authority to bind or limlt us regarding deductions for repairs, damages, or charges. Any statementr or estimates by us or our representative are subject to our correction, modi- fication, or disapproval before final accounting or refunding. 27. Surrender and Abandonment. You have sunendered the apartment when: (A) the move-out date has passed and no one is living In the apartment in our reasonablejudgment; or(B) apartment keys and ac- cess devices listed in Par.2.1 have been turned in to us—whichever happens first. You have abandoned the apartment when all ofthe following have occurTed: (A) everyone appears to have moved out in our reasonable judgment (B) you've been in default for nonpayment of Rent for 5 consecutive days, or water, gas, or electric service for the a partment notconnected in our name has been terminated ortransferred; and (C) you've not responded for 2 days to our notice left on the inside of the m ain entry door stating Ihat we consider the apartment aban- doned. An apartment is also considered abandoned 10 days after the death of a sole resident. 27.1. TheEndingofYourRights.5urrender,abandonment,or judicial eviction ends your right of possession for all pu rposes and gives usthe immediate rightto clean up, make repairs in, and relet the apartment; determine any secur'Ry-deposit deductions; and remove or store property left in the apartment. 27.2. Removaland5torageofProperty.We,orlawofficers,may— but have no duty to—remove or s[ore all property that in our solejudgment belongs to you and remains in the apartment or in common areas (including any vehicles you orany occupant or guest owns or uses) aker you're judicially evicted orifyousurrenderorabandontheapartment. We're no t liable forcasaalty, loss, damage, or fheh. You must pay reasonable charges for our packing, removing and storing any property. Except for animals, vae may throw away or give to a charitable organization aIl personal property that is: (1) leftintheapartmentaftersurrenderorabandonment;or (2) lek outside more than 1 hour after writ of possession is executed, followingjudicial eviction. An anima I removed after surrender, abandonment, or eviction may be kenneled or turned overto a local authority, humane society, or rescue organizatlon. •. � r 28. TAAMembership.We,themanagementcompanyrepresentingus, or any locator service that you used confirms membership in good standing of both theTexas ApartmentAssociation and the affiliated local apartmentassociationfortheareawheretheapartmentis located at the time of signing this Lease. If not, the following applies; (A) this Lease is voidable atyour option and is unenforceable by us (except for property damages); and (B) we may not recover past or future rent or other charges. The above remedies also apply if both ofthe following occur; (1) this Lease is automatically renewed on a month-to-month basis more than once after membership inTAA and the local association has lapsed; an d(2) neither the owner nor the man- agement company is a member of TAA and the local association during the third automatic renewal. A signed affidavit from the affiliated local apartment assodation attesting to nonmembership when this Lease or ren ewal was signed will be conclusive evidence of nonmembership. 6ovemmental entities may useTAA forms ifTAA agrees in writing. Name, address and telephone numberof locatorservice (ifapplicable): 29. Severabilityand Survivability.lfany provision ofthis Lease is inval- id or unenforceable underapplicable law, it�von't invalidate the re- mainderofthis Lease or change the intent ofthe parties. Paragraphs 10.7,10.2,16, 22.7, 27, 30 and 31 shall survive the termination of this Lease. This Lease binds subsequent owners. 30. Controlling Law. Texas law governs this Lease. AII litigation arising under this Lease and all Lease obligations must be brought in the counry, and prednd ifapplitable,where the apartment is located. 31. Waivers. BysigningthisLease,youagreetothefollowing: 31.1. ClassActionWaiver.Youagreethatyouwillnotparticipate in any class action claims against us orouremployees, agents, or management company: You mustfile any claim against us individually, and you expressly waive youiright to 6ring, �epresen t, join or otherwise maintain a class actian, rollective action or similar proceeding agninst us in anyforum. YOD UNDERSTANDTHAT,WITNOUTTHIS WANER,YOU COULD BE A PARTY IN A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT. BY SIGNING THIS LEASE. YOU AC�EPTTHIS WAIVER AND LHOOSETO HAVE ANY tLAIMS DECIDED INDIVIDUALLY. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL SURVNE THE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OFTHIS LEASE. 31.2. ForceMajeure.lfwearepreventedfromcompletingsubstan- tial performance of any obligation underthis Lease by ocwrrences that are beyond our control, induding but not limited to, an act ofGod, strikes, epidemi�s,war, acts of terrorism, riots, flood, fire, hurricane, tomado, sabotage or governmental regulation, then we shall be excused from any further performance of obligations to the fullest extent allowed by law. 32. Special Provisions. The following, or attached Special Provisions and any addenda or Community Policies provided to you, are part of this Lease and supersede any conFliding provisions in this Lease. Notwithstandinq anvthinc7 to the contrary in this lease agree�nent regarding Money Orders, the on1V MoneV Orders that will be allowed and accepted by landlord are electronic eMoney Orders. No cash or temporary checks accepted. No checks accepted aftex the third o£ the month. After two NSF's, all paVments must be bV certified funds. A11 Communitv Policies and Addendums apply to the lease. Month to Month leases are not of£ered. Failure to renew and re-certify prior to the end of your lease term will result in termination o£ residencv. Beforesubmitting a rental application orsigning this Lease, you should review the documents and may consultan attomey. You are bound bythis Lease when it is signed. An electronic signature is binding.This Lease, including all addenda, is the entireagreement behveen you and us.You agree thatyou are NOT relying on any orel representations. ResidentorResidents (allsign beloiv) (Name of Resident) (Name of Resident) (Name of Resident) (Name of Resident) (Name of Resident) Datesigned Date signed Date signed Date signed Date signed Owneror Owner'sRepresentative (signing on behalf of owner) 'F'1�.Tt,�P,a, C��P,, Apartment Lease Contract, TAA Official5[ate�vide Porm 23-A/B-1 B-Z Revised October 2023 Blue Moon e5i nature Services Document ID: 472430171 Page 6 of 6 -�.. _ . . . .,- ., �: ,..-.. . � . .._,.-.�-�--. -,-_:. ,-.��..�r.-•- . . . __ _ _.._ . - . _- --, -_' -- . , . . . Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Create New From This M&C DATE:6/25/2024 REFERENCE NO.:M&C 24-0552 LOG NAME:192024-2025 ACTION PLAN CODE:C TYPE:NON-CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING:YES SUBJECT: (ALL) Conduct Public Hearing and Approve the City of Fort Worth's 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan for the Use of Federal Grant Funds in the Amount of $13,036,747.00 to be Awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program, Authorize Collection and Use of Program Income, Authorize Execution of Related Contracts, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, and Authorize Waiver of Indirect Costs (PUBLIC HEARING - a. Report of City Staff: Sharon Burkley; b. Public Comment c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council: 1. Conduct a public hearing to allow citizen input and consideration of the City's 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan for use of federal grant funds to be awarded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of $13,036,747.00 from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant programs; 2. Approve the City's 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan for submission to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, including allocations of grant funds to particular programs and activities as detailed below; 3. Authorize the collection and use of an estimated $50,000.00 of program income which is expected to result from activities using prior years' Community Development Block Grant funds for the City's Priority Repair Program; 4. Authorize the collection and use of an estimated $50,000.00 of program income which is expected to result from activities using prior years' HOME Investment Partnerships Program grant funds for the City's Homebuyer Assistance Program, and authorize the use of 10 percent of the program income for administrative costs; 5. Authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute contracts for one-year terms with the agencies listed in Tables 1, 2, and 3 below for Program Year 2024-2025 for Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant funds, contingent upon receipt of funding, and satisfactory completion of all federal regulatory requirements; 6. Authorize the City Manager or his designees to extend the contracts for up to one year if an agency or department requests an extension and such extension is necessary for completion of the program, or to amend the contracts if necessary to achieve program goals provided any amendment is within the scope of the program and in compliance with City policies and all applicable laws and regulations governing the use of federal grant funds; 7. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Operating Federal Fund in the total amount of $13,136,747.00 consisting of $7,006,875.00 in Community Development Block Grant funds, $2,763,144.00 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds, $614,768.00 in Emergency Solutions Grant funds, and $2,651,960.00 in Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant funds, plus estimated program income in the amount of $100,000.00, all subject to receipt of such funds; and 8. Authorize a waiver of the Neighborhood Services Department indirect cost of 28.10\%, estimated total of $341,260.45. Page 1 of 6M&C Review 7/8/2024http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=32258&councildate=6/25/202 4 DISCUSSION: The City's 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan summarizes the major housing and community development activities and proposed expenditures for the program year beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2025 for use of federal grant funds totaling $13,036,747.00 from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) grant programs. It also summarizes the use of program income resulting from activities using prior years' CDBG and HOME funds, the primary purpose of which is to benefit low-and moderate-income persons in Fort Worth. ESG funds primarily benefit persons experiencing homelessness, and HOPWA funds primarily benefit low-and moderate-income persons with HIV/AIDS. A Request for Proposals from social service agencies and nonprofit organizations seeking grant funding was published on February 1, 2024. All proposals were received on March 15, 2024. Staff reviewed all proposals and developed recommendations for the allocation of estimated funding from HUD based on the capacity of applicant organizations, grant experience, fiscal stability, and compliance with applicable federal regulations. One public hearing was held on April 10, 2024, to provide citizens the opportunity to participate in the development of the Annual Action Plan. Recommendations for award amounts were considered and adopted by the Community Development Council on May 8, 2024. A 30-day public comment period was held from May 15, 2024 to June 14, 2024. Notice of this public comment period was published in La Vida News on May 9, 2024; in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on May 13, 2024; in Wise County Messenger on May 16, 2024; and in the Cleburne Times Review and the Weatherford Democrat on May 18, 2024. Any comments received are maintained by the Neighborhood Services Department in accordance with federal regulations. The City held two public hearings as a part of the HUD required citizen participation process. The first public hearing was held by staff on May 29, 2024, and the second public hearing is scheduled for the City Council on June 25, 2024. A summary of staff's final funding recommendations is provided below in Tables 1,2, and 3. A PowerPoint presentation listing funding recommendations is also attached. The 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan will be submitted to HUD by August 15, 2024. Indirect costs totaling approximately $341,260.45 could be charged to the CDBG grant, as the Neighborhood Services Department indirect cost rate is 28.10\% in the City's most recent Cost Allocation Plan. A waiver of these costs is requested to allow allocation of these funds to further support the programs and services to assist low-to-moderate income citizens. This amount is calculated based on the estimated salary expenses and other administrative costs for the CDBG program totaling $1,214,450.00. This amount multiplied by the indirect cost rate of 28.10\% equals $341,260.45. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT For Program Year 2024-2025, it is recommended that the amount of $7,006,875.00 in CDBG funds and an estimated amount of $50,000.00 in CDBG program income totaling $7,056,875.00 be allocated as follows: Public Service Agencies - $1,051,031.00: Includes social services for low- and moderate-income persons, persons with disabilities, and disadvantaged persons Housing Programs - $2,930,000.00: Includes funding for the City's Priority Repair Program, Cowtown Brush-Up, and accessibility modifications for seniors and persons with disabilities Major Projects - $644,469.00: Includes funding for multifamily rental rehabilitation Program Delivery - $980,000.00: Includes program delivery costs for housing programs Administration - $1,401,375.00: Includes costs for administering the CDBG grant, including allocations for the Financial Management Services Department Estimated Program Income - $50,000.00: Includes up to $50,000.00 in funding for the City's Priority Repair Program. Any CDBG program income over the estimated amount not used for the Priority Repair Program will be allocated to priority activities in the City's Consolidated Plan, subject to the City Council approval. HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM Page 2 of 6M&C Review 7/8/2024http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=32258&councildate=6/25/202 4 For Program Year 2024-2025, it is recommended that the amount of $2,763,144.00 in HOME funds and an estimated amount of $50,000.00 in HOME program income totaling $2,813,144.00 be allocated as follows: Homebuyer Assistance Program - $72,358.00: Includes funding for down payment and closing cost assistance for low- and moderate-income homebuyers Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) for affordable housing projects - $414,471.60: These funds will be used by Housing Channel for an affordable housing development in southeast Fort Worth called Mason Heights. Funds will be used for the acquisition of land and new construction of 248 residential units comprised of the following: 125 Single Family attached townhomes, 106 Single Family detached homes, and 17 cottages. An estimated 104 units (approximately 42\%) will be sold to low to moderate income households at or below 80\% Area Median Income (AMI). This funding is part of a multi-year commitment to Housing Channel for a total of five years. Major Projects - $2,000,000.00: Includes $1,000,000.00 allocated to the affordable housing project to be developed by Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS) as a part of its Choice Neighborhood Initiative (CNI) grant and $1,000,000.00 allocated to the multifamily housing project, Columbia Renaissance - Phase III Administration - $276,314.40: Includes costs for administering the HOME grant Estimated Program Income - $50,000.00: Includes funding for the Homebuyer Assistance Program and HOME grant administrative costs. HUD allows the City to use 10 percent of any HOME program income towards the cost of administering the HOME grant. HOME program income over the estimated amount not used for the Homebuyer Assistance Program will be allocated to priority activities in the City's Consolidated Plan, subject to City Council approval. HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS For Program Year 2024-2025, it is recommended that the amount of $2,651,960.00 in HOPWA funds be allocated as follows: Public Service Agencies - $1,626,781.00 Neighborhood Services Department - $945,620.00 Administration - $79,559.00 EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT For Program Year 2024-2025, it is recommended that the amount of $614,768.00 in ESG funds to be allocated as follows: Public Service Agencies - $568,660.00 Administration - $46,108.00 CONTRACT RECOMMENDATIONS The Community Development Council and Neighborhood Services Department staff recommend that contracts be executed with the public service and CDBG subrecipient agencies for the amounts shown in the following tables: Community Development Block Grant Contracts TABLE 1: CDBG AGENCIES AGENCY CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOAL PROGRAM AMOUNT Housing Channel Affordable Housing Housing Counseling & Education $111,000.00 Meals-On-Wheels, Inc. of Tarrant County Aging In Place Nutrition Program $75,000.00 Sixty and Better, Inc. Aging In Place Increasing Access to Basic Needs for Senior Adults $50,000.00 AB Christian Learning Center Children and Youth Services Out of School Time Program $90,000.00 $80,000.00 Page 3 of 6M&C Review 7/8/2024http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=32258&councildate=6/25/202 4 Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Tarrant County, Inc. Children and Youth Services Youth Development at Eastside Branch Camp Fire First Texas Children and Youth Services Teens In Action $78,300.00 Girls Incorporated of Tarrant County Children and Youth Services Girls Inc. of Tarrant County $100,000.00 Junior Achievement of the Chisholm Trail, Inc. Children and Youth Services Cradle to Career Initiative $50,000.00 United Community Centers, Inc. Children and Youth Services Holistic Educational Literacy Program $90,000.00 Easter Seals North Texas, Inc.Economic Empowerment and Financial Resilience Employment Services $60,000.00 Taste Project Economic Empowerment and Financial Resilience Culinary Workforce Development Program $25,000.00 The Ladder Alliance Economic Empowerment and Financial Resilience Tarrant County Workforce Development $81,731.00 The Women's Center of Tarrant County, Inc. Economic Empowerment and Financial Resilience Employment Solutions $60,000.00 Your Harvest House, Inc.Economic Empowerment and Financial Resilience Client Aid Services $25,000.00 Cancer Care Services Healthy Living and Wellness Increasing Health Equity by Decreasing Health Disparities $50,000.00 Tarrant Area Food Bank Healthy Living and Wellness Home Delivery $25,000.00 CDBG Public Services Agencies Total $1,051,031.00 Rehabilitation, Education and Advocacy for Citizens with Handicaps dba REACH, Inc. Accessibility Improvements Project Ramp $165,000.00 Fort Worth Area Habitat for Humanity, Inc. DBA Trinity Habitat for Humanity Housing Preservation and Rehabilitation Cowtown Brush Up $455,000.00 CDBG Subrecipient Agencies Total $620,000.00 TOTAL CDBG CONTRACTS $1,671,031.00 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Contracts TABLE 2: HOPWA AGENCIES AGENCY CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOAL PROGRAM AMOUNT AIDS Outreach Center, Inc. Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support The Housing Assistance Program - Administration, Tenant- Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance $326,781.00 Page 4 of 6M&C Review 7/8/2024http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=32258&councildate=6/25/202 4 (STRMU), Supportive Services Tarrant County Samaritan Housing, Inc. Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support HOPWA Program - Administration, Tenant- Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance (STRMU), Supportive Services, Facility-Based Operations (FBO) $1,300,000.00 TOTAL HOPWA CONTRACTS $1,626,781.00 Emergency Solutions Grants Contracts TABLE 3: ESG AGENCIES AGENCY CONSOLIDATED PLAN GOAL PROGAM AMOUNT The Presbyterian Night Shelter of Tarrant County, Inc. Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support Shelter Operations/Services $127,345.00 Lighthouse for the Homeless dba True Worth Place Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support Day Shelter Operations/Services $138,851.00 SafeHaven of Tarrant County Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support Shelter Operations/Services $75,000.00 Center for Transforming Lives Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support Rapid Re-Housing $75,901.00 The Salvation Army Homelessness Prevention and Special Needs Support Homelessness Prevention $151,563.00 TOTAL ESG CONTRACTS $568,660.00 All figures have been rounded to the nearest dollar for presentation purposes. Each of these grants is an entitlement grant rather than a competitive grant received from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Entitlement grants provide funds to agencies based on a formula, prescribed in legislation or regulation, rather than based on review. These specific grants are allocated to the City of Fort Worth based on population size and per capita income each year. The grants have been consistently awarded to the City since 1974 with the inception of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. The Emergency Shelter (renamed Solutions) Grant (ESG) was authorized in 1987 through the McKinney-Vento Homelessness Assistance Act. The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program were authorized through the Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990. With these grants, administrative and program delivery allocations support approximately 72 FTE positions in the Neighborhood Services Department, which is funded nearly 70\% with various grants including these entitlement grants. Positions funded with HUD Entitlement grants are subject to grant availability. In the event of a grant award being decreased or eliminated, Neighborhood Services Department would review programs and services funded by the grants and determine a level of service and staffing that aligns with the available funding. Alternatives to consider may include staff and program reductions or eliminations. These programs are available in ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS. Page 5 of 6M&C Review 7/8/2024http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=32258&councildate=6/25/202 4 Fund Department ID Account Project ID Program Activity Budget Year Reference # (Chartfield 2) Amount Fund Department ID Account Project ID Program Activity Budget Year Reference # (Chartfield 2) Amount FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Operating Federal Fund. The Neighborhood Services Department (and Financial Management Services) will be responsible for the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Neighborhood Services Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. These are reimbursement grants. TO FROM Submitted for City Manager's Office by:Fernando Costa (6122) Originating Department Head:Kacey Bess (8187) Additional Information Contact:Sharon Burkley (5785) Rhonda Hinz (2573) ATTACHMENTS 19NS ACTION PLAN 2024_Agency Form 1295 Forms.pdf (CFW Internal) 2024-2025 Action Plan_Secretary of State Filings.pdf (CFW Internal) Action Plan Budget-Staff Recommendations_052924.pptx (CFW Internal) IR_2024-2025 ACTION PLAN.docx (CFW Internal) ORD.APP192024-2025 ACTION PLANFY24_AO(r7).docx (Public) Page 6 of 6M&C Review 7/8/2024http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=32258&councildate=6/25/202 4