HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 62557CSC No. 62557 THE ST ATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § § THIS ORIGINAL - EXECUTED BY TARRANT COUNTY AND BY THE CITY OF FORT WORTH THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT WHEREAS the detection, apprehension, and prosecution of individuals who commit motor vehicle crimes (defined herein as "motor vehicle theft, burglary of a motor vehicle, and fraud-related motor vehicle crime") is often hindered because the range of operations of the criminal offender is greater than the jurisdiction of the peace officers called upon to investigate the crime; and, WHEREAS the existence of a multiplicity of political jurisdictions in Tarrant, Jack, Hood, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, and Wise Counties, impedes the effectiveness of individual law enforcement agencies to detect and eradicate automobile-related crimes; and, WHEREAS past experience has indicated that a cooperative effort between law enforcement agencies and Tarrant County has been effective in detecting and deterring the activities of targeted criminal groups' to the mutual benefit of all the p olitical entities of Tarrant County and neighboring counties; and, WHEREAS pursuant to Chapter 362 of the Texas Local Government Code, the Texas lnterlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791 of the Texas Govern ment Code, Texas Administrative Code, Title 43; Part 3; Chapter 57 and Chapter 1006 of the Texas Transportation Code, the contracting governmental entities, to-wit: Arlington, Euless, Fort Worth, Grapevine, Haltom City, Hurst, Lake Worth, Weatherford, White Settlement, the County of Parker, the County of Tarrant, and the County of Wise, together with the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney and the Tarrant County Sheriff, hereby agree to participate in, and be a part of the cooperative investigative, enforcement, and prevention efforts which are known and designated as the-Tarrant Regional Auto CrimesTask Force; and, WHEREAS each of the contracting governmental entities makes the following findings: and, a. b. c. d. e. This Agreement serves the common interests of all parties; This· Agreement will benefit the public; The division of costs fairly compensates. all parties to this Agreement; and Each entity has authorized its representative to sign this Agreement; Each entity acknowledges that it is a "governmental entity" and not a "bu�iness entity" as those terms are defined in Tex. Gov't Code § 2252.908, and therefore, no disclosure of interested parties pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Section 2252.908 is required; WHEREAS, during the performance of the governmental functions and the payment for the performance of those governmental functions under this Agreement, the. parties will make the performance and payment from current revenues legally available to that party; and THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT-PAGE 1 WHEREAS a grant of money from the Texas Motar Vehic�e Crime Prevention Authority has been received to fund the continuation of the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Tas[c Force. NOW, THEREF4RE, BE 1T KNOWN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Tarrant County, acting by and through its duly authorized County Judge, the Criminal District Attorney of Tarrant County, the Sheriff af Tarrant Caunty, and the go�ernmental entities fihat ha�� executed, are executing, or will execute su6stantially similar copies hereof at this time or in the future during the iime ihat this Agreement is in force, acting herein by and through their duly aut�orized chief administrative officer, do hereby co�e�ant and agree as follows: TASK FORCE The Tarrant Regional Au#o Crimes Task Force ("Task Force") will be a part of the Tarrant County Sheriff s Office for administrati�e purposes. The activities of the Task Force sF�afl be supervised by a fourteen (14) member Board of Gor►ernors. This Board wi11 � include as permanent voting members the Fort Worth Chief of Police, the Arlington Chief of Police, the Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney, and a C�airperson, who shall be the Tarrant County Sheriff. Additiona[ly, the Board will consist af an executi�e of e�ery additional agency that participates in the Task Force with personnel, to include: The Po�ice Chiefs of Euless, Grapevine, Haltom City, Hurst, Lalce Worth, Weatherford, White Settlement, the Parker County Sheriff, the Wise County Si�eriff, and a Regional Director of the National Insurance Crime Bureau. Ex-officio members, if any, may be added by agreement of the �ot�ng members; ex-officio members shall be non-�oting. The Board of Governors shafl ha�e the responsibility for policy, direction, and control of the Task Force. The Board of Go�ernars will ha�e direct responsibility for the seleciion of a Commander for the Task Force. The Board wil] monitor the acti�ities and accom�lishments of t�e Task Force #o ensure orderly pragress towards attainment of al[ stated objectives. There will be one unit, which may form sub-groups or ieams as appropriate. The activities and in�estigations of these sub-groups or teams shall be [ed by the Sgt. Team Leader at the direction of the Commander of tf�e Task �arce. These sub-groups or teams will ha�e the duties assigned io them by the Sgt. Team Leader at the approval of t�e Cornmander. AUTOM4BIl.E RELATED CR[MES INVESTIGATIONS Automobile-related crimes investigations within the jurisdictional bounds of the entities joining this Agreement may be coordinated through the Task Force. AI[ commercial auta crimes intefligence received by a law enforcement agency that is a party to this Agreement may be referred to the Task Force for investigation. The assigned officers wiN respond to complaints in a timely manner. The Task Force wifl conduct salvage business inspections, co�ert operations, training, arrests, in�estigations, assistance to otf�er agencies and public awareness education in an effort to lower the auto crimes raie. ASSET SEfZURES AII asset seizures de�elaped by the Task Force in Tarrant Cour�ty under Chapter 59 0� the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as any criminal ac#s, will be prosecuted by tF�e Tarrant County Crimina[ District Attorney's Office. THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO GAIMES TASK FORCE INT�RLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMEN7- PAGE 2 There is hereby created a certain fund to be known as the Auto Crimes Task Force Asset Seizure Fund (hereinafter called "Fund"), sai� Fund to be created in compliance with State law and the requirements of the grant restrictions. FOR�EITURE POL[CY Upan entry of a judgment in a judicial proceeding awarding monies or other proceeds io the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force, said monies or proceeds will be immediaiely deposited in the Auto Crimes Task �orce Seizure Fund. The monies and proceeds in this Fund must be used to further the �urpose of fhe Task Force as required by tf�e Tarrant Regional Aufo Crimes Task Force Grant award: Enf�ancement of currently funded andlor future automo�ile-related crimes enforcement and prevention Qrograms. All farfeiture funds and other generated program income shall be subjec# to audit by the Auditor of Tarrant County, Texas, and the Texas Motor Ve�icle Crime Prevent�on Authority. Any conveyance or vehicle that is the subtect of a final forteiture sha�l be awarded to the Task Force to be used to further the purpose of the Task Force as required by the Tas[c Force grant award. Upon termination of this Agreement, ownership of equipment, hardware, and other non-expendable items will re�ert #o the applicant for which it was acquired, subject to the appro�al of the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority of the Siate of Texas. OFFICER STATUS Any peace officer assigned io the TasEc Force by a government entity which is a pa�ty to this Agreement shall be empowered to enforce all faws and ordinances applicable in the jurisdiction of the county and municipal entities signatory to this Agreement, including the power to make arrests, execute search warrants, and in�estigate auto crimes offenses outside of the geographical jurisdiction trom which f�e or she is assigned, but within the ar�a co�er�d by the jurisdictions of ihe counties and municipal entities which are pariies to this Agreement. While functioning as a peace officer assigned to the Task Force, he or she shal� have alf of the law enforcement powers of a regular peace officer of such other �o�itical enfity. A peace officer who is assigned, designaied, or ordered E�y the officia[ ciesignated by the governing body of any entiky to �erForm law enforcement duties as a member of the Task �orce shall receive the same wage, salary, pension and aIl other compensation and all oiher rights .for such service, including injury or death benefits a�d workers' compensation benefits, paid in accordance with the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Pre�ention Authority Grant Guide�ines, as existing or as may be amended, and appEicable law, as though the service had been rendered within the limits of the entity from which he or she was assigned. Recognizing the benefits to a participating entity to this agreement, it is agr�ed that all wag� and disability Payments, including workers' compensatian benefits, pension payments, damage to equipment (with the exception of leased vehicles, for which damages will be co�ered under the provisions af ihe lease(s) and c[othing, medical expense and expense of tra��l, food and lodging sha[I be paid in accordance with the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant Guidelines, as existing or as may be amended. Howe�er, peace officers assigned to the TasEc Force wi[I not work THE TARRANT R�GIQNAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORC� iNT�RLOCAI. ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT- PAGE 3 overtime that is not reimbursable to tl�eir assigning agency without prior appro�al from their assigning agency supervisor. {For example, Fort Worth police officers assigned to the Task Force wil[ not work Task �orc� o�ertime, which is not reimbursable to the Fort Worth Police Department, wit�out prior approval from their �ort Worth police super�isor.) lnstead, they wilf be permitted to flex their work hours as necessary to accomplish Task Force objectives and assignments. In further recognition of the benefit to be gained by ti�e ent�ty participating in the Tas�C Force, it is agreed that no entity that is a party to this Agreement shall receive or be entitled to reimbursement from another entity participating in this Agreement for any services performed Pursuant ta ihis Agreement. It is furt�er agr.eed that, in the e�ent that any peace officer assigned to ihe Task Force is cited as a par�y defendant to any ci�il lawsuit, state or federal, arising out of his or her official acts while functioning as a Peace officer assigned to the Task Force, said peace officer shall be entitled to fhe same benefits� that such offcer wo❑Id be entitled ta recei�e had such civil action risen out of an official act within the scope of i�is or her duties as a member and in the jurisdiction of the law enforcement agency fram which he or she was assigned. Further, no entity shall be responsible for the acts of a peace officer of another entity assigned to the Task Force. Each entity particiPating h�rein indemnifies and �olds all other participating entities harmless #or all acts of its own officers and employees acting hereunder, to the full extent permitted by law. GENERAL PROVISIONS This Contract is subject to all grant conditions applicable to the grant of the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority to the Tarrant Regional Auta Crimes Task Force. Each party to this Agreement expressly wai�es all cEaims against every other party for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or d�afh occ�rring as a consequence of the performance`of this Agreement. Third party claims against members shall be governed by the Texas Tort Claims Act or other appropriaie statutes an� laws of the State of Texas and the United States. [t is expressly understood and agreed that, in the execution of this Agreement, no party wai�es, nor shall be deemed hereby to waive, any immunity or defense that would otherwise be avai�able to it against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. The va[idity of this Agreement and of any of its ferms or pro�isions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereunder, shall be go�erned by the ]aws of the State of Texas. In case any one or more of the pro�isions contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illega[, or unenforceable in any respec#, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision ihereof and this Agreement shall be construed as if sucf� invalid, illega[ or unenforceable pro�ision f�ad never been coniained herein. This Agreement sha[I become effective as to a party hereto on the day of the execution of the Agreement by the party and shall confinue in effect as to a partrcipating entify for one year from fhe dafe of signafure and fhereafter unti! if has been terminafed THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES i'ASK FORCE INTERLQCAL ASSISTANCE AGR�EMENT-PAG� 4 or rescinded by appropriafe acfion of the participafing entity's gaveming body, or expires due to termination of the grant or by operation of law. (To minimize the administrative difficulty of signature between the many parties, eacf� c�ty or other faw enforcement entity will sign a substaniially simifar agreement with Tarrant County; however, each party signing subsiantially similar copies is immediately �ound one to another to all other entities participating d�ring th� time said agreement is in force as to said entity, e�en though the parties' signatures appear on diffetent copies of the substantiaAy simiiar copies. Any entiiy being added after the agreement is in effect need only sign the documents which Tarrant County signs to be fu[iy a�arty bound to a[I other parties, and such signature shall, as of the daie of the signing, ha�e the same force an� effect as between the joining and already-bound members as if a single document was signed simultaneously by a[i then-participating entities.) ff �rogram enhancement activities are terminated, ut�expended re�enues will i�e promptly retttrned to t�e Texas Motor Vehic[e Crime Pre�ention Autt�ority. This Agreement may be amended or modified by the mutuaf agreement of the parties hereio in writing. The Interlocal Agreerr�ent is for the period and on the conditions herein cantained, and on s�ch conditions to this Agreement as may be added by amendment or by law, and not for any period beyond that permitied by law, nor for any purpose not permitted by law. This �nstrument contains alI commitments and agreements of the parties, and no oral or written commitments have any force or effect to alter any term or condition of this Agreement, unless the same are done in proper form and in a manner constituting a bona fide amendment hereto. The Natianal Insurance Crime Bureau, a non-local entity, will enter a separate agreement wit� Tarrant County for the folfowing Teasons: The entity's staff member carries a statewide Eaw enforcement cammission and therefore does not require the enhanced law enforcement jurisdiction afforded by this Agreement; The entiiy funds their staff member's salary and fringe benefiis 100%; and the entity's staff member performs in a support role to the Taslt Force and is avaifable less than � 00% of tE�eir work week because the availability of the staff m�mber is subject to assignments from their entity. The parties agree that their collective agreement may be e�idenced by the executian of an identical counterpart of this instrument by the duly authorized official(s) of each participant and the fai[ure of any anticipated member to enier into or renew this Agreemeni shall not affect the agreement beiween and among the parties execc�ting the Agreement. BUDGETARY MATTERS As part of this Agreement, all partici�ating entities entitlec! io reimbursement wifl be reimbursed for their participation in this �rogram by grant funds, according to the entity's applicable submitted budget schedule, to the exient ihat the budget schedule is consistent with the grant. Reimbursement will be made through tt�e grant's financial o�cer, who is presently Kimberly M. Buchanan, Auditor, Tarrant County, but is su�ject to change by Tarrant County. If changed, the change wi[I be made in accordance with the grant and all participating entities will be ad�ised in writing. To the extenf thai the budget schedufe is inconsistent with the grant, ti�e grant controls. A copy of the latest and most current Granf Award Digesf will be provided fo all participating agencies when received THE TARRAIIlT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGR��MENT - PAG£ 5 by Tarrant County. Participating entities may bill the financial officer for reimbursement at such periodic intervals as are appropriate and in accordance with the grant. As consideration for this� agreement, Tarrani Couniy ("Grantee") agrees to reimburse $ 133,262.00 for salary and fringe per the Budgetary Schedu[e, aftache� hereto, to the City of Fort Worth ("Sub-Grantee"). In consideration, the Sub-GTantee agrees to contribute match funds for salary and fringe in the amount of $ 33,3'f 5.00 far enhancement of the program wiih a fulf-time detecti�e pasitian ta th� grant program. CONFIDENTIAL FUNDS The Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Pre�ention Authority Guidelines for Control and Use of ConfdeRtiai Fun�s wi[I be utilized for the disbursement and reimbursement of confdential funds. ' UNIFORM ASSURANCES In accordance with §783.005 of the Texas Government Code Grantee and sub- grantee shall comply wit� the Uniform Assurances, attached hereto. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION & REPORTING !n accordance with §783.006 of tf�e Texas Gavernment Code Standard Financial Management Conditions the prescribed are a�plicable to a!I grants and agreements executed between affected entifies: �inancial Reporting: Accurate, curTent, and compfete disclasure af the fnancial results of grant related activiiies must be made in accordance with the tinancial reporting requirements of ihe grant. Accounting Records: Grantee will maintain recards, which adequate�y identify the source and application of funds, provided for grant re�ated aciivities. These records wi�E contain infarmation pertaining to grant awards ar�d obfigations, unobiigated balances, assets, liabilities, out�ays or expendituras, and income. [nternal Control: Effective control and accountability will be maintained for all grant casF�, real and personal property, and oiher assets. Graniee will safeguard afl such property and assure fhat it is �sed for authorized grant �urposes. Page Budget Control: Actual ex�enditures wi[I be kept within budgeted amounts for each grant. Allowable Cost: Applicable cost principfes, agency program regulations, and the terms of grant agreements shal[ be followed in determining the reasonableness, allowahility, and allocabiliiy of cosis. Source Documentation: Accounting records must be supported by such source documentation as checks, paid bills, �ayroll records, receipts, timesheets, travel �ouchers, and ot�er records, etc. These soc�rce documents must be retained and mad� available for MVCPA staff when requested. Cash Management: Grantee wifl establish reasonab[e procedures to ensure the receiPt of reports on cash balances an� cash disbursements in sufficient time io ena�le them to prepare comp�ete and accuraie cash transactions reports to the awarding agency. Reimbursement Grant: All expenditures reportecf wi11 be based on actual amounts �aid and documented. Reporting �u�geted amounts or estimated costs as THE TARRANT REGIOIUAL A11T0 CRIMES TASK FORCE Ii11�ERLOCAL ASSISTAIVCE AGREEMEIVT- PAGE 6 expenditures are noi permiited and if used may result in Payment suspension and possible terminaiion of the grant. Cos�.s Incurred Ouiside the Program Period: Grant funds may nat be obfigated prior to the effective date without written permission of the MVCPA director or subsequent to ihe termination date of t�e grant period. Ail obligations must be consisient with ti�e Statement of Grani Award and used for statutorily autharized purposes. COMPLIANCE Grantee and sub-grantee will comply with state law, program rules and regulations and the Statement of Grant Award. In addition, Grantee and su6-grantee re�resents and warrants that it wil[ comply with all requirements imposed by the awarding agency concerning special requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements. Information, guidance and program rules can �e found in the Moior Vehicle Crime Pre�ention Autharity Grant Administrati�e Manuaf and if not found in the administrative manua[, then grantee and sub-grantee musi fo[low the Texas Grant Management Standards maintai��d under the authority af the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. These grant management standards are �sed by the Mofor Vehicle Crime Pre��ntion Authoriiy in the administraiion of the MVCPA grant program. Sub-grantee Monitoring and Management: The focal government musi monitor the activities of the sub-grar�#ee as necessary to ensure that sub-award performance goals afe ac�ie�ed and the sub-award is used for ae�thorized purposes, in comp[ianca with state law, rules, and the ierms and condiiions of the sub-award. Monitoring of the sub-grantee must include: (� } Reviewing financia] and pertormance reports required by the local go�er�mer�t. (2) Following-up and ensuring that tF�e sub-grantee takes timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies pertaining to the sub-award provided to the sub-grantee from the local go�ernment detecied through a�dits, on- site te�iews, and otE�er means. (3) Issuing a management decision for audit findings pertaining to the sub- award pro�ided io the sub-grantee from the �ocal governmer�t as required. /_[tlN��r_VC�3��7�.7�'3�7[�i�[+P►�� 5ignat�re of fhis Agreement constitutes acceptance of all grant condEtians, grant restrictions and the terms of al1 applicable laws. This is to certify that the objecti�es of ihe Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force as stated in ifs Grant Appiication for the fiscal year{s) funding covered by this Agreement ha�e been reviewed and ihat it is mutually agreed to cooperate to whate�er extent is necessary in carrying out the worEc p�an described in the application{s). Additionally, eacl� par�iciPating agency and enfity is cognizant of the grant and agrees to abide by any and all rufes or special conditions in relation to the application. Agencies or t�eir representati�es shaA have the rigi�t to ir��estigate, examine and audit at any time any and all necessary books, papers, documents, records and personne! that pertain to this con#ract or any related subcontracts. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM CERTIFICATION THE TARRANT REGIONAL AU70 CRIMES TASK FQRC� IiVTERLOCAL ASSiSTANCE AGR�EMEiVT- PAG� 7 The city law enforcement agency signing along with Tarrant County certifies that: Either the city law enforcement agency signing along with Tarrant County employs fifty (50) or more people and has received or applied to the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for total funds in excess of $ 25,000, in which case the city law enforcement agency signing along with Tarrant County certifies that it has formulated an equal employment opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301 et seq., Subpart E and that it is on file in the office of: William Johnson NAME Assistant City Manager TITLE 100 Fort Worth Trail STREET ADDRESS Fort Worth, TX 76102 CITY, STATE OR, if the above is left blank, the city law enforcement agency signing along with Tarrant County certifies that it is not required by the terms of this grant or the laws applicable thereto to have such a plan on file in order to participate in this grant. The Tarrant County Judge certifies that: Tarrant County employs fifty (50) or more people and has received or applied to the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority for total funds in excess of $ 25,000; therefore, Tarrant County has formulated an equal employment opportunity program in accordance with 28 CFR 42.301 et seq., Subpart E and that is on file in the office of: ROXIE HELD DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES 100 East Weatherford Street Fort Worth, Texas 76196. Said plan or plans are on file and available for review or audit by an official of the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority as required by relevant laws and regulations. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or in writing, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement, or promise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement which is not contained herein shall be valid or binding upon all parties. THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INT�RLOCAL AS SISTANCE AGREEMENT - PAGE 8 Consideration of Fiscal Year 2025 Agency Interlocal Assistance Agreements with the City of Ar�ington, City af Euless, Fort Wort�, City of Grapevine, City of Haltorn City, City of Hurst, City of Lake Worth, City of Weatherford, City of W�ite Settlement, Parker County and Wise County for Participation in the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force SIGNED AND EXECUTED this 17 day af Dec�mber, 2Q24. COUNTY OF TARRANT STATE OF TEXAS � Tim 0'Hare County Judge 12/19/2024 SIGNED AND EXECUTED this day of , 2024. COUNTY OF TARRANT STATE OF TEXAS Tim O'Hare County Judge �.1 �.� (.�J Bill E. Waybaurn Sheriff � �% � � �/ � Phil Sorrells District Attorney CERTIFICATION OF APPROVED AS TO FORM: AVAILABL� FUNDS IN TH� AMOUNT O� $ 138,801.00: �/ . `�+ , ;-� � i�_ �.ti'� � '' � r i �.�}-�; u����� f�'� rimina! District Attorney's Office"' Tarrant Caunty Auditor "By law, the Criminal District Attomey's 4ffice may only approve contracis (or its clients. We reviewed this document as to form from our ciient's legal perspective. Other parties may not rely on this approval. Instead those parties should seek contract review from independent counsel. Each entity acknowledges thai it is a"govemmental entity" and not a"business entity" as those terms are defined in Tex. Gov'f Code § 2252.908, and iherefore. no disclosure oi mterested parties pursuant to Tex. Gov't Code Section 2252.90$ is required. THE TARRANt REGIOIVAL AUTp CRiMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCA! ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT - PAGE 9 OTHER SIGNING ENTITY: City of Fort Worth NAME OF ENTITY SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL Assistant City Manager TITLE APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ATTORNEY FOR ABOVE-LISTED NON-COUNTY ENTITY Attest: Dec 16, 2024 DATE Dec 13, 2024 DATE THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT-PAGE 10 BUDGETARY SCH�DULE Budgetary Schedule: $ 110,779.00 Salary $ 22,483.00 Fringe 5 539.00 Taskforce Overtime $ 138,801.00 Total Reimbursable Funds $ 33,315.00 Cash Match Portion paid by City of Fort Worth THE TARRANT REGiOR1AL AUTQ CRIM�S TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGR��MENT - PAGE 9'S NONSUPPLANTING CERTIFICATION OF PARTICIPATING AGENCIES OTHER THAN GRANTEE Texas Government Code 772.006(a)(7) requires that state funds provided by this Act shall not be used to supplant state or local funds. Public Law 98-473 requires that federal funds provided by that Act shall not be used to supplant state or local funds. The city law enforcement agency certifies that Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority funds will not be used to replace state or local funds that would be available in the absence of Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority funds. William Johnson NAM E Assistant City Manager TITLE City of Fort Worth (CITY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITY) (Note: Tarrant County's certification is incorporated in each grantee's report of expenditure and status of funds. Also, a copy of the Uniform Assurances, as it appears in the Texas Grant Management Standards, APPENDIX 6; page 67, follows this page. THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL AS SISTANCE AGREEMENT - PAGE 12 UNIFORM ASSURANCES NON-COUNTY ENTITY ASSURANCES CERTIFICATION I certify that the programs proposed in this application meet all the requirements of the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Program, that all the information presented is correct, and that the applicant will comply with the rules of the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority and all other applicable federal and state laws, regulations and guidelines. By appropriate language incorporated in each grant, subgrant, or other document under which funds are to be disbursed, the undersigned shall assure that the following assurances apply to all recipients of assistance. We acknowledge reviewing the TxGMS Standard Assurances by Local Governments as promulgated by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, and attached hereto on the following pages, and agree to abide by the terms stated therein. William Johnson NAME Assistant City Manager TITLE City of Fort Worth (CITY OR LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITY) Note — This Interlocal Assistance Aqreement was last updated May 6, 2024. THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL AS SISTANCE AGREEMENT - PAGE 13 UN��ORM ASSURANCES "[n accordance with §783A05 of the Texas Governme�t Code Grantee and sub- grantee sha�l comply with the following unitorm assurances: (� ) Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment. Grantee certifes fhat na fedeTal appropriatea t�nds ha�e been paid or will be paid to any person or organization for influencing or attempting to inf[�ence an officer or employee of any agency,. a member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a memb�r of Cangress on iis behalf io obtain, extend, or modify this contract or grant. If non-#ederal funds are used by Grantee to conduct such [obbying activiti�s, the prescribed disclosure form sha�l promptly 6e fi[ed. �n accordance with 39 U.S.C. § 1352(b){5}, Grantee acknowledges and agrees that it is responsible for ensuring that each sub-grantee certifies its compliance with the exPenditure prohibition and the declaration requiremeni. (2) Child Support OE�ligation. Grantee represents and warrants that ii will include the following ciause in the award documents for every sub-award and subcontract and will require sub-recipients and contractors to certify accordingly: Under Section 23�.006 of the Family Code, the vendor or applicant certifies that the individual or business entity named in tf�is cantract, bid or application is not ineligible to recei�e the specified grant, foan, or payment and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and payment may be withf�efd if this certification is inaccuTate. A bid or an application for a contract, grant, or loan paid from state, fur�ds must include the name and social security number of the indi�idual or so[e proprietor and each partner, shareholder, or owner with an ownership interest of ai least 25 percent of the busin�ss entity submitting the bid or appfication. (3) Clean Air Act � Federal Water Pollution Control Act. Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with all applica�le standards, orders or regulations iss�ed pursuant to the Clean Air Act (�42 U,S.C. 740'l-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-�387). (4} Compliance with Laws, Rules and Requirements. Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply and assure the compliance of all its sub-recipients and contractors, with ali appficahle federal and state Eaws, rules, regulations, and policies in efF�ct or hereafter established. In addition, Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply wifh all requirements imposed by the awarding agency concerning special requirements of law, �rogram requirements, and oiher administrati�e requirements. ]n insfances where multiple requirements apply to Grantee, the more restricti�e requirement applies. ' (5) Confract Oversight. Grantee represents and warrants that .it wil! maintain oversight to ens�re that contractors pertorm in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders. (6) Contract Work Hours & 5afety Standards Act. Grantee represents and warranis that it will comp[y wit� the requirements of the Contract WorEc Hours and 5afety Standards Act {40 U.S.C. 3701-3708). THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTQ CRIMES TASK FORCE INiERLOCA� ASSISTANCE AGREEMEN7 - PAGE 44 (7} Cybersecurity Training. Program. Grantee represents and warranis its compliance with§ 2054.519� of ihe Texas Go�ernment Code relating to the cybersecurity training �program for local governmeni employees who have access to a local go�ernment computer system or data6ase. If Grantee has access to any state computer system or database, Grantee shall complete cybersecurity training and �erify completion of the training program to the Agency pursuant io and in accordance with§ 205�.5'I92 of the Government Code. (8) Da�is-Bacon Act and tlie Cope[and Act. Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with the requirements of tF�e Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 3141 — 31��1, and 3146-3148) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "Labor Standards Pro�isions Applicab[e ta Contracts Covering Federaliy Financed and Assisted Construction") and fhe Copeland Act {40 U.S.C. §276c and 9 8 U.S.C. §874). (9) Debarment and Suspension. Grantee certifies that it and its principais are not suspended or debarred from daing business �with the state or federal go�ernment as listed on the State of Texas Debarred Vendor List maintained by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts and the System for Award Management {SAM) maintained by the General Services Adminis#ration. (10) Debts and Delinq�aencies. Grantee agrees that any payments due under the contract or grant shall be applied towards any debt or delinquency that°is owed to the State of Texas. {11) Disaster Recovery Plan. Upon request of Agency, Grantee shafl pro�ide copies of its most recent business continuity and disaster reco�ery plans. (�2) Disclosure of Violations �of Federal Criminal Law. Grantee represents and warrants its compliance with 2 CFR § 200.113 whic� requir�s the disclosure in writing of violations of federal criminal Iaw in�ol�ing fraud, bribery, and gratuity and the reporting of certain ci�il, criminal, or administrative proceedings to SAM. (� 3) Disclosure Protec#ions for Certain Charitable Organizations, Charitable Trusts & Private Foundations. Grantee represents and warrants �hat it wil[ comply with Section 2252.906 of the Texas Government Code relating to discEosure protections for certain charitable organizations, charitable irusts, and pri�ate foundations. (1�) Dispute Resoluiion. The dispute resolution process pro�ided in Cha�ier 2009 of #he Texas Government Code is available fo� the parties to resol�e any dispute arising under the agreement. {15) Excluded Parties. Grantee certifes that it is not [isted in the prohibit�d �endors list authorized by Executive Order No. 13224, "Blocking Property and Prohibitir�g Transactions with Persons Wi�o Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism", publishe� by the United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control. (16) Executive Head of a State Agency Affirmatior�. Und�r Section 669.003 of the Texas Go�ernment Code, relating to contracting wiih an exec�tive head of a state THE 7ARRANT REGI�NAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORC� Ii11TERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMElVT- PAGE i5 agency, Grantee represents that no person wF�o served as an executive of Agency, in the pasf four (4) years, was in�olved with or has any interest in the contract or grant. If Grantee employs or has used ihe services of a former executive of Agency, t�en Grantee shall pro�ide the following information in the Response: name of ti�e former executive, the name of the state agency, the date of separat�on from the state agency. the position held with Grantee, and the date of employment w�t� Grantee. (17) Funding Limitation. Grantee understands that all obligations of Agency under the co�tract or graRt are subjec# to the availability of grant f�nds. The coniract or grant is su6ject to termination or cancellation, eit�er in whole or in part, witF�oui pena[ty to Agency if such funds are not apprapriated or 6ecome unavailable. (18) Go�erning Law 8� Venue. This agreement shall be go�erned by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Siate of Texas, without regard to the conflicts of law �ro�isions. The venue of any suit arising under this agreement is fixed in any court of campetent j�risdiction of Tra�is County, Texas, unless the specific �enue is otherwise identifed in a statute that directly names or otherwise identifies its applicability ta ihe contracting state agency. (�9) lndemnification. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY THE TEKAS CONSTITUTION, LAWS, AND RULES, AND WITHOUT WAIV�NG ANY IMMUNfTIES OR DEFENSES AVAILABLE TO GRANTEE AS A GOVERNMENTAL ENTfTY, GRANTEE SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS THE STATE OF TEXAS AND AGENCY, AND/OR THEIR OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, CONTRACTORS, ASSIGN�ES, ANDIOR DESIGNE�S FROM ANY AND ALL LIABI�ITY, ACTlONS, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, OR SU[TS, AND ALL RELATED COSTS, ATTORNEY �EES, AND EXPENSES AR[SING OUT OF, OR RESULTING FROM ANY ACTS OR OMESSI�NS OF GRANTEE �R 1TS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, ORDER FULFIL�ERS, OR SUPPL[ERS OF SUBCONTRACT�RS lN THE EXECUTIDN OR PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT AND ANY PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IJNDER THE CONTRACT. THE DEFENSE SHALL BE COORD[NATED BY GRANTEE WITH THE OFFICE QF THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL WHEN TEXAS STATE AGENCIES ARE NAMED DEF'ENDANTS 1N ANY LAWSUIT AND GRANT�E MAY NOT AGREE TO ANY SETTLEMENT WITHOUT FIRST OBTA[NING THE CONCURRENCE FROM THE OFFiCE OF THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL. GRANTEE AND AGENCY AGR�E TO FURNISH TIMELY WRITTEN NOTICE TO EACH OTHER OF ANY SUCH CLAIM. (20) Law Enforcement Agency Grant Restriction. Grantee is a law enforcement agency regulated by Chapter 1701 of the Texas Occupations Code, Grantee represents anci warrants that it will not use appropriafed money unless the �aw enforcement agency is in compliance with alf rules adopted by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCO�E}, or TCOLE certifies that it is in the process of achieving com�liance with such rules. (2�) Legal Authority. Grantee represents that ii possesses legal authority io apply far the grant. A resolution, moiion or simi[ar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of ihe Grantee's governing body, auihorizing the filing of the Response, including all undersiandings and assurances contained therein, anc! directing and THE TARRAf1IT REGEONAL AUTO CRIM�S TASK FORCE IiV7ERLOCAL ASSISTANC� AGRE�M�NT- PAGE 16 authorizing the person identified as the official representative, or the designee af Grantee to act in connection with the Response and to pro�ide such additional information as may be required. {22) Limitations on Grants to Units of Local Government. Respondent acknowledges and agrees that a�propriated funds may not be �xper�ded in the form of a grant to, or contract with, a unit of loca! go�ernment unless the terms of the grant or contract require that tF�e funds recei�ed under the grant or contract will be expended subject to ihe limitations and reporting requirements simifar ta those pro�ided 6y ihe �ollowing: (a) Parts 2 and 3 of the Texas General A�propriations Act, Art. [X, except there is no requiremer�t for increased salaries for local government employees; {b) Secfions 556.004, 556.005, and 556.006 of ihe Texas Government Code; and (c) Seciions 2� � 3.012 and 2113. � 01 ofi the Texas Go�ernment Cflde. (23} Lobbying Expenditure Resiriction. Grantee represents and warrants that Agency's paymenis io Graniee and Graniee's reeeipt of appropriaied or other funds under the contract or gra�t are not prohibited by Sections 403.�067 or 556.0055 of the Texas Government Cade which restrict lobbying expen�itures. (24) No Conflicts of Interest �Staie}. Grantee represents and warrants that perf'ormance under the contract or grant will not constitufe an actua! or potential conflict of inter�st or reasonably create an appearance of impropriety. Further, Grantee represents and warrants that in tf�e administration of the grant, it wilf comp�y with aIl conflict of interest prohi�itions and discfosure requirements required by applicable law, rctfes, and policies, incEuding Chapter '�76 of the Texas Local Go�ernment Code. If circumstances change during the course of the contract or grant, Grantee shall promptly notify Agency. (25) No Waiver of Sovereign lmmunity. The Parties expressly agree that no provision of the grant or contract is in any way intended to consiiiute a waiver by ihe Agency or ihe State of Texas of any immunities from suit or from liability that ihe Agency af the State of Texas may have by operation of law. (26} Open Meetings. Graniee represenis and warrants its compliar�ce wiih Chapter 551 of the Texas Go�ernment Code which requires all regular, spec9al or called meeting of a go�ernmental bocly to b� open to ihe public, except as otherwise �ro�ided by f aw. (27) Political Polling Prohibition. Respondent �epfesents and warrants ti�at it does not �erform political �olling and acknowledges that aPpropriated funds may not he granted to, or ex�ended by, any entity which pertorms po[itical polling. (28) Texas Public Informafion Act. Information, documentation, and other 7HE TARRANT REGiONAI. AUiO CRIMES TASK FORCE If1iTERLOCAL AS515TANCE AGREEMEf11T-PAGE'S7 material in connection with this Solicitation or any resulting contract or grant may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code (the "Public Information Act"). ln accordance with Section 2252.907 of the Texas Government Code, Grantee is required to make any information created or exchanged with the State pursuant to the contract or grant, and not otherwise excepted from disclosure under the Texas Public lnformation Act, available in a format that is accessible by the public at no additional charge to the State. (29) Reporting Compliance. Grantee represents and warrants that it will submit timely, complete, and accurate reports in accordance with the grant and maintain appropriate backup documentation to support the reports. (30) Records Retention (State-Grant}. Grantee shalf maintain and retain all records relating to the performance of the grant including supporting fiscal documents adequate to ensure that claims for grant funds are in accordance with applicable State of Texas requirements. These records will be maintained and retained by Grantee for a period of four (4) years afterthe grant expiration date or until all audit, claim, and litigation matters are resolved, whichever is later. Agency reserves the right to direct a Grantee to retain documents for a longer period of time or transfer certain records to Agency custody when it is determined the records possess longer term retention value. Grantee must include the substance of this clause in all subawards and subcontracts. (31) Reporting Suspected Fraud and Unlawfu[ Conduct. Grantee represents and warrants that it will comply with Section 321.022 of the Texas Government Code, which requires that suspected fraud and unlawful conduct be reported to the State Auditor's Office. (32) State Auditor's Right to Audit. The state auditor may conduct an audit or investigation of any entity receiving funds from the state directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract. The acceptance of funds directly under the contract or indirectly through a subcontract under the contract acts as acceptance of the authority of the state auditor, under the direction of the legislative audit committee, to conduct an audit or investigation in connection with those funds. Under the direction of the legislative audit committee, an entity that is the subject of an audit or investigation by the state auditor must provide the state auditor with access to any information the state auditor considers relevant to the investigation or audit. (33) Sub-Award Monitoring. Grantee represents and warrant that it wifl monitor the activities of the sub-grantee as necessary to ensure that the sub-award is used for authorized purposes, in compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and the terms and conditions of the sub-award, and that sub-award pertormance goals are achieved. 7H� TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CR[MES TASK FORCE INTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT - PAGE 18 ����'�o� . : •,��CotTlVT�.: ;�3 3 "`• COMMISSIONERS COURT '" ���' COMMUNICAT�ON .�.*.�. COURT ORDER NUMBER PAGE I OF DATE: 20I 12/17/2024 SUB7ECT: CONSIDERATION OF FISCAL YEAR 20�5 AGENCY YNTERLOCAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENTS VLRTH TFIE CITY OF ARLINGTON, CITY OF EULESS, CITY OF FORT WORTH, CITY OF GRAPEVINE, CITY OF HALTOM CITY, CITY OF HURST, CYTY OF LAKE WORTH, CITY OF WEATHERFORD, C�TY QF WHITE SETTLEMENT, PARKER CQUNTY AND WISE CQUNTY FOR PART�CIPATION IN THE TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TA5K FORCE *** EN DA �*� COMMISSIONERS COURT ACTION REQUESTED I� is requested that tHe Commissioners Court consicier FY 2025 Agency InterIocal Assistance Agreements with the City of Arlington, City of Euless, City of Fort Worth, City of Grape�ine, Ciiy of Haltom City, City of Hurst, City of Lake Worth, City of Weatherford, City of White SettIement, Parker County and Wise County for Participation i� the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force (Tasjc Force). ' ` • � -� � 1 The Task Force began in 1993 and was created to combat motor vehicle theft. Over the years, the mission and scope of the task force lias changed to include burglary, of motor vehicles, theft of parts, and various forms of �ehicle fraud that negatively affect Texas consumers. Since its inception, the Task �orce has proven effective in reducing motor vehicle crime rates and has been recognized at state and national leveIs for its successes. The Task Force receives a portion of its fUnding from the Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority (MVCPA), a division of the Texas Department of Motor Va�icles (TXDM�. The Tarrant Regional Auta Crimes Task Force consists of the Tarrant CoUnty Sheriffls �ffice, Tarrant County Criminal District Attorney's Ofiice, National Insurance Crime Bureau, Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Parker CoUnty Sheriffs Office, Wise County SherifPs Office, and the police departments for the City of Ariington, City of Euless, City of Fort Worth, City of Grapevine, City of Haltom City, City of Hurst, City of Lake Worth, City of Weatherford, and City of White Settlement. On August 20, 2024, tf�e Commissioners Court, through Court Order # 1�3 G49, a�proved FY 2025 Grant Award in the amount of $2,089,417.00, with additional matching funds of $675,346.00. This brings the total funding for FY 2025 to $2,764,763A0. The non-local entities are the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and t�e Nationai Insurance Crime BureaU. `The staff inembers from the non-�oca( entities are provided with support roles. Their salaries and benefits are funded solely by their entities. �- SUBMITTED BY Sheriff' PREPARED BY: Ann Pena APPRQVED BY: Matthew Pedersen ���°°�:•. COMMISSIONERS COURT :� T•: •< � �� COMMUNICATION ;F �: •.} . #.:. ''• •::•�•'' REFERE�ICE NCJMBEIL• DATE: k2117/2D24 PAG� 2 4F 2Di ��_ With approval of the Agency ILAs, the Task Force will continue operation Under the Tarrant County Sheriff's Office and continue to combat burglary of motor vehicies, the theft of parts, and �arious forms oivehicle fraud that negatively affect Texas consumers. The terms of these agreements are from September t, 2024 through August 31, 2025 annually with an opportunity to reapply each year depending vpon the availability of state grant fanding and approvals. The agreements have been reviewed by the Budget and Risk Management Department, Tarrant County Aaditor' s Office, and approved as to form by the Criminal District Attorney's Office. I�YK:�rl�u i �I�JI_y The total grant award for FY 2425 is $2,089,417.00 of which $1,248,327.OQ is allocated for reimbursement to the participating agencies (sub-grantees). The grant requires a cash match of twenty percent (20%}, which is made up of cash match from the participating agencies and the caunties of Parker, Wise and Tarrant. Tarrant County's share of the cash match consists of salaries and benefits for fi�e (5) existing county staff members of $I30,290.00.00, which includes $33,987.00 of grant generated program income. The cash match funds are available in I0000-2025 General Fund/2110510000 Sheriff PatroI/592Q11 Grant Matching Funds. The National Insurance Crime Bureau, Parker County, Wise County and the Cities of Arling#on, EuIess, Fort Worth, Grapevine, HaZtom City, Hurst, Lake Worth, Weatherford, and White Settlement contribute a cash match totaling $545,056.00. � The interlocal agreements obligate $119,267.00 for salaries and benefits af Ariington, $124,282.00 .00 for salaries and beneftts of Euless, $138,801.00 for salaries and benefits of Fort Worth, $120,642.00 for salaries and benefits of Grapevine, $125,528.00 for salaries and benefits for th� City of Haltom City, $I32,088.00 for salaries and benefits for the City of Hurst, $98,418.00 for saIaries and benefits of the City of Lake Worth, $95,990.00 for salaries and benefits for the City of Weather%rd, $82,003.00 far sa�aries and benefits for �he City of White Settlement, $I22,059.00 for the salaries and benefits of Parker County, $89,249.00 for the salaries and benefits for W ise County respectively. AdditionaIly, overtime is budgeted at five percent of annual salary per position, per agency. The particigating agencies cash match contributions are $28,497.QQ for Arlington, $29,772.00 for Eu�ess, $33,315.00 for Fort Worth, $28,882.00 for Grapevine, $30,159.00 for Haltom City, $3I,587.OQ for Hurst, $23,601.00 for Lake Worth, $22,969.00 for �Neatherford, $I9,662.00 for White Settlernent, $29,204.00 for Parker County, and $2I,33I.00 for Vl�ise County respectively. Sherif� / Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant (GRANT-20041M0022-2025/2110510000 Sheriff Patro1/575611 Contract Labor) Sheriff / Texas Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority Grant (GRANT-200�/M0022-2025/2i 1051Q000 Sheriff Patro1/443301 City Participation) .�-- [EXecuted effective as of the date signed by the Assistant City Manager below.] /[ACCEPTED AND AGREED:] City: W By: William Johnson (D c 1G, 202416:19 CST) Name: William Johnson Title: Assistant City Manager Date: �eC 16� 2�24 City: By: Robert'Alldre�c 16, 2024 0736 CST) Name: Robert A. Alldredge Title: Executive Assistant Chief Date: DeC 16� 2�24 CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERNAL ROUTING PROCESS: Approved as to Form and Legality gy. �' � �'� Name: Jerris Mapes Title: Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: 24-1116 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. By: .�9���.�:c�2,^.� G,��rL�G.�� Name: Adriana Gonza s Title: Sr. Accountant City Secretary: �� � ..�� By: � Name: Jannette Goodall Title: City Secretary �FORT ��A A OF �Y d F ° �pdd -10 P�r`�« � QQadn>ez peaaad OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX M&C Review CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Create New From This M&C DATE: 12/10/2024 REFERENCE NO.. CODE: C TYPE **M&C 24- LOG NAME: 1116 Page 1 of 2 Official site of the Ciry of Fort Worth, Texas F��T� ���i� 35FY25 TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE PUBLIC CONSENT HEARING: NO SUBJECT: (ALL) Authorize Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County to Participate in the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force, Authorize Acceptance of a Grant Award for the Tarrant County Regional Auto Crimes Task Force in an Amount Up to $172,116.00, Authorize Transfer from the General Fund in an Amount Up to $33,315.00 to the Grants Operating State Fund for the City's Match Requirement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with Tarrant County to participate in the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force; 2. Authorize acceptance of a grant award for the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force in an amount up to $172,116.00; 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance reallocating appropriations in the General Fund for the Police Department by decreasing appropriations from Salary and Benefits category in an amount up to $33,315.00 and increasing appropriations in the Transfers & Other category by the same amount, for the purpose of transferring to the Grants Operating State Fund for the City's match requirement; and 4. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Operating State Fund, (1) in an amount up to $138,801.00, subject to the receipt of the grant, and (2) in an amount up to $33,315.00, as a transfer from the General Fund, as the City's match requirement, for a total of $172,116.00, for the purpose of funding participation in the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force. DISCUSSION: The City of Fort Worth has been an active participant in the Tarrant Regional Auto Crimes Task Force (Task Force) since 1993. As auto crimes continue to evolve, a cooperative effort is necessary to effectively detect and eradicate automobile-related crimes. The Task Force uses coordinated and cooperative enforcement, crime prevention techniques, and technology to investigate auto crimes. Task Force participation for the new Fiscal Year of the grant consists of thirteen local agencies along with Tarrant County. The Task Force is grant-funded through the Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority. The City of Fort Worth is a sub-recipient of the grant. The Fort Worth Police Department will assign one detective to the Task Force. The grant funds will reimburse eighty percent of salary and fringe in an amount up to $138,801.00 to the City for the detective assigned and authorized overtime up to five percent of annual salary. The agreement requires match funds of twenty percent for salary and fringe in an amount up to $33,315.00 from the General Fund. The detective selected for the task force is budgeted 100 percent to the General Fund to perform work related to auto crimes. The combined grant funding and City's match represent the total compensation budget for this position. Indirect costs are not allowable expenses under this grant. http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=32822&councildate=l2/10/2024 12/11/2024 M&C Review This Task Force serves ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: Page 2 of 2 The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, in the Grants Operating State Fund. The Police Department (and Financial Management Services) will be responsible for the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Police Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. This is a reimbursement grant. Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # ID ID Year (Chartfield 2 Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # ID ID Year (Chartfield 7 Submitted for Citv Manaqer's Office bv: Oriqinatinq Department Head: Additional Information Contact: William Johnson (5806) Robert Alldredge (4131) Adriana Gonzales (4217) Amount Amount ATTACHMENTS 35FY25 Tarrant Reqional Auto Crimes Funds Availability.pdf (CFW Internal) FID TABLE 35FY25 TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES.XLSX (CFW Internal) ORD.APP 35FY25 TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE.docx (Public) ORD.APP 35FY25 TARRANT REGIONAL AUTO CRIMES TASK FORCE 10100.docx (Public) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=32822&councildate=l2/10/2024 12/11/2024