HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 61747-A1First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 61747 Supreme Commercial Specialties, LLC Page 1 of 2 FIRST AMENDMENT TO VENDOR SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH AND SUPREME COMMERCIAL SPECIALTIES, LLC FORT WORTH CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 61747 This First Amendment to the VENDOR SERVICES AGREEMENT (“First Amendment”), Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 61747, is entered into by and between the CITY OF FORT WORTH (“City”), a Texas home rule municipal corporation and SUPREME COMMERCIAL SPECIALTIES, LLC (“Vendor”), a Texas limited liability company, each individually referred to as a “party” and collectively referred to as the “parties.” WHEREAS City and Vendor entered into an agreement for parking lot and surface lot sweeping, power washing, and striping for the City’s Property Management Department, said agreement being identified as Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 61747 and having an effective date of July 23, 2024 (the “Agreement”); and WHEREAS City and Vendor now wish to amend the Agreement for the first time to include additional services. NOW THEREFORE, City and Vendor, acting herein by and through their duly authorized representatives, agree to the following terms: 1.Amendment of Scope of Services and Price Schedule. The services and fees included in Exhibit A-1 attached to this First Amendment are incorporated into the Agreement’s Exhibit A – “Scope of Services” and Exhibit B – “Price Schedule” as if they had been originally set forth in the Agreement. Vendor acknowledges that this First Amendment does not guarantee any specific amount of purchase and the City may elect to order any, or none, of the services included in Exhibit A-1. 2.All other terms, provisions, conditions, covenants and recitals of the Agreement not expressly amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. Total payment made under the Agreement shall not exceed Three Hundred Seven Thousand, Six Hundred, Ten Dollars and Zero Cents ($307,610.00). [signature page follows] First Amendment to Fort Worth City Secretary Contract No. 61747 Supreme Commercial Specialties, LLC Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment in multiples. City: By: ___________________________ Name: Dana Burghdoff Title: Assistant City Manager Date: ___________________________ Vendor: Supreme Commercial Specialties, LLC By: ___________________________ Name: John L. Farr Sr. Title: President Date: ___________________________ FOR CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERNAL PROCESSES: Approval Recommended: By: ______________________________ Name: Marilyn Marvin Title: Property Management Director Approved as to Form and Legality: By: ______________________________ Name: Matthew A. Murray Title: Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: 24-0545 / June 25, 2024 Form 1295: 2024-1168104 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. By: ______________________________ Name: Denise Garcia Title: Purchasing Manager City Secretary: By: ______________________________ Name: Jannette S. Goodall Title: City Secretary Exhibit A-I .� ✓r � •� n,.• �••vncrc't�tl F,•�ialties. ! LC WORK AUTHORIZATION/PURCHASE ORDER FROM: Supreme Commercial Specialties Date: December 4, 2024 INVOICE ADDRESS: 100 Energy FT. Worth, TX 75102 Phone: Fax: SF.RVICF. I�OCATION: 100 Fort Worth Trail Ft. Worth, TX 75102 TO: COFW City Hall 100 Energy FT. Worth, TX 75102 Attn: Elyse Dara The undersigned Service Contractor/Contractor agrees to supply and/or perform the work and/or furnish the materials specified below on the subject property located at: 100 Fort Worth Trail Ft. \North, TX 75102 , for the benefit of COFW (agent) and Supreme Commercial Specialti�s. (Service Contra�;tor/Contractor). DESCRIPTION: : We shall remove the lines requested Approx. 820 LF= @$2.25 LF $1,845.00 : Re-paint all stripes $800.00 Approx 2000 LF @ $.40 : Lay out and paint new HC walkways $112.00 � Re-paint HC stencils 'v Remove "Reserved" stencil Y Pressure wash TOTAL $540.00 $144.00 900.00 Approx 280 LF @ $.40 9 HC stencils @ $60.00 Approx 24 sq./Ft. @ $6.00 Approx 18,000 Sq.IFt. @ $.05 $4, 341.00 $4,341.00 with tax TOTAL AMOUNT EXCLUDING SALES TAX: CO� I k.�C lOR nCCEPTANCE: I ,,, 5�iprem C��jricrci� iprci�s, .I, B Y : �- �'! �- --� ` , _Jo���i L. Farr, Sr. / President _ �'f�INTED NAME &: TITLE DATE: I 2/04/2024 MANAGER ACCEPTANCE: COFW BY: GreQ Wingate/ Propertv Mana�er PRWTED NAME & TITLE DATE: M&C Review CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Create New From This M&C DATE: 6/25/2024 REFERENCE **M&C 24- LOG NAME: NO.: 0545 CODE: G TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC HEARING: Page 1 of 3 Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas ��RT��+ORTII _��- 13P24-0126 PARKING LOT SWEEPING, WASHING AND STRIPING EC PMD NO SUBJECT: (CD 9) Authorize Execution of Non-Exclusive Agreements with Supreme Commercial Specialties LLC and Nitty Gritty Power Washing & Mobile Services, LLC for Parking Garage and Surface Lot Sweeping, Power Washing, and Striping Services at City Hall in a Combined Annual Amount Up To $307,610.00 and Authorize Four Renewal Options for the Same Amount for the Property Management Department RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of non-exclusive agreements with Supreme Commercial Specialties LLC and Nitty Gritty Power Washing & Mobile Services, LLC for parking garage and surface lot sweeping, power washing, and striping services at City Hall in a combined annual amount up to $307,610.00 and authorize four renewal options for the same amount for the Property Management Department. I �7 [+'��i�l+'%9 [�]►A The Property Management Department approached the Purchasing Division to procure non-exclusive agreements for parking garage and surface lot sweeping, power washing, and striping services for the City's New City Hall location at 100 Fort Worth Trail. In order to procure these services, Purchasing issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 24-0126 describing the specifications for the sweeping, power washing, and striping of the parking areas at New City Hall (NCH) needed by the Property Management Department. The bid was advertised in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram on February 28, 2024, March 6, 2024, March 13, 2024, March 20, 2024, and March 27, 2024. The City received thirteen (13) responses. An evaluation panel comprised of inembers of the Property Management Department, the Transportation and Public Works Department, and the Public Events Department reviewed and scored the submittals using the Best Value criteria. The scores were averaged for each of the criteria and the final scores are listed in the table below. Proposer a b0 Supreme Commercial 2g,75 12.75 Specialties LLC Nitty Gritty Power Washing & 30.63 9.00 Mobile Services, LLC Lookup Properties, Inc. 26.25 5.63 Alderink Enterprises, Inc. dba CI 26.25 12.00 Pavement Evaluation Factors c0 d0 Total Rank 9.75 35.00 87.25 1 9.38 21.30 70.30 2 8.63 29.11 69.61 03 12.38 12.27 62.89 4❑ Precise Property Maintenance, 2g 75 11.25 11.25 7.95 60.20 ❑5 Inc. ���������� http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=32251&councildate=6/25/2024 1/6/2025 M&C Review Kept Companies CCNG Enterprises, LLC Trifecta Equipment, Inc. Clean Jet, LLC General Striping, LLC City Wide Building Services, LLC O. N. Point Pressure Washing Sun Scrubbers TX, LLC Evaluation Criteria: a) Qualifications and Experience b) Resources (Equipment) c) Resources (Personnel) d) Cost of Services u 0 0 0 0 � 0 0 23.63 7.1 26.25 10.5 23.63 10.5 18.38 C 1�� 6.63 11.3811 2.6 �� 8.75 � Page 2 of 3 *Clean Jet, LLC, General Striping, LLC, City Wide Building Services, LLC, O. N. Point Pressure Washing, and Sun Scrubbers TX, LLC did not score at least 50\% or more of the total available points for technical criteria, and, therefore, were deemed nonresponsive and did not receive pricing points. After evaluation, the panel concluded that a multi-award to Supreme Commercial Specialties LLC and Nitty Gritty Power Washing & Mobile Services, LLC presented the best value for the City. Therefore, the panel recommends that the City Council authorize non-exclusive agreements with Supreme Commercial Specialties LLC and Nitty Gritty Power Washing & Mobile Services, LLC. No guarantee was made that a specific amount of services would be purchased. Staff certifies that the recommended vendors' bids met specifications. FUNDING: The maximum amount allowed under these agreements will be a combined annual amount of $307,610.00; however, the actual amount used will be based on the needs of the department and available budget. Funding is budgeted in the Other Contractual Services account within the General Fund for the Property Management Department. DVIN-BE: A waiver of the goal for Business Equity subcontracting requirement is approved by the DVIN-BE, in accordance with the Business Equity Ordinance, because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER: An administrative change order or increase may be made by the City Manager up to the amount allowed by relevant law and the Fort Worth City Code and does not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated. AGREEMENT TERMS: Upon City Council approval, these agreements shall begin upon execution and expire one year from that date. RENEWAL TERMS: These agreements may be renewed for up to four (4) additional, one-year terms. This action does not require specific City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligations during the renewal term. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the recommendation, funds are available in the current operating budget, as previously appropriated, in the General Fund. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Property Management Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. BQN\\ http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=32251&councildate=6/25/2024 1/6/2025 M&C Review Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # ID ID Year (Chartfield 2' Submitted for Citv Manaqer's Office bv: Reginald Zeno (8517) Dana Burghdoff (8018) Oriqinatinq Department Head: Additional Information Contact: Reginald Zeno (8517) Marilyn Marvin (7708) Jo Ann Gunn (8525) Eugene Chandler (2057) ATTACHMENTS 13P24-0126 PARKING LOT SWEEPING, WASHING AND STRIPING EC PMD.docx (CFW Internal) 13P24-0126 PARKING LOT SWEEPING, WASHING AND STRIPING EC PMD.xlsx (CFW Internal) Form 1295 Certificate, Nittv Grittv.pdf (CFW Internal) Form 1295-Supreme.pdf (CFW Internal) MWBE Waiver.pdf (CFW Internal) SAM.qov NittV Grittv.pdf (CFW Internal) SAM.qov Supreme Commercial.pdf (CFW Internal) SOS Nitty Gritty Powerwashinq.pdf (CFW Internal) SOS Supreme Commercial Specialties, LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) Page 3 of 3 Amount http://apps.cfwnet.org/council�acket/mc review.asp?ID=32251&councildate=6/25/2024 1/6/2025