HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 62553-A1CSC No. 62553-Al
Tarrant County (the "County") and the City of Fort Worth (the "City"), each a "Party" and
collectively the "Parties" to an Interlocal Agreement related to the use of Emergency Rental
Assistance 2 Funds ("ERA2 Funds") executed by the County on February 21, 2024 (the
"Agreement"), now wish to amend the Agreement. This amendment ("Amendment") is effective
upon the signature of the Parties:
WHEREAS, on February 21, 2024, through Court Order No. 142635, the County approved the
Agreement with the City; and
WHEREAS, the City has notified County of changes in project eligibility that require an
amendment to the funding �llocation; and
WHEREAS, the City has requested the County reallocate the funding award to allow for full
expenditure of the funds within the guidelines issued by the U.S. Treasury; and
WHEREAS, the County prioritizes the safety and security of its residents in all housing
developments; and
WHEREAS, the County wishes to require the addition of safety and security enhancements in
housing developments benefitting from ERA2 Funds being awarded through the Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the County wishes to reallocate additional ERA2 Funds to the Renaissance Square
III development to support construction costs and security enhancements.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
I.APPENDIX A is hereby deleted and replaced with APPENDIX A included herein.
2.APPENDIX C is hereby deleted and replaced with APPENDIX C inc;;luded herein.
3.APPENDIX Dis hereby deleted and replaced with APPENDIX D included herein.
4.Except as modified by this Amendment, all terms and conditions of the Agreement shall
remain in effect.
SIGNED AND EXECUTED this __ day of ____ _, 2024.
Tim O'Hare
County Judge
Consideration of First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between Tarrant County and the
City of Fort Warth for Emergency Rental Assistance Funding to Support Affordable Housing
SIGNED AND EXECUTED this 3 day of December, 2024.
Tim O'Hare
County Judge
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(Criminal District Attorney) ' Tarra County Auditor
*By law, the Criminal Distric[ Attorney's Ot�fice may only approve contracts tar its clients. We
reviewed this document as to %rm from our client's lega� perspective. Other parties may not
reply on this approvaL Instead, thos� parties should seek contract review from independent
By: ___________________
Name: Jesica McEachern
Title: Assistant City Manager
Date: ____________________
By: _______________________
Name: Kacey Bess
Title: Director, Neighborhood Services
By: ________________________
Name: Jannette Goodall
Title: City Secretary
By signing I acknowledge that I am the
person responsible for the monitoring and
administration of this contract, including
ensuring all performance and reporting
By: _______________________
Name: Chad LaRoque
Title: Housing Development Manager
By: ______________________
Name: Leslie L. Hunt
Title: Senior Assistant City Attorney
M&C: 24-0029
An amount not to exceed $4,000,000.00 (FOUR MILLION DOLLARS AND NO
CENTS) for construction of the Renaissance Sc�uare Phase iII affordable housing
deveIopment to be located at 2757 Moresby St., Fort Worth, Texas.
a. Eligible pre-construction expenses including land acquisition, site preparation,
testing, engineering, and design.
�. Eligible construction costs including building and site constructian costs.
c. Eligible safety and security expenses including lighting, fencing, cameras, and
emergency communications infrastructure.
Required General Information
• Project Name
• Project ID
• Cvmulative Obligations
• Cnmulative Expenditures
• Cnrrent Period Obliga�ions
• Current Period Expenditures
• Status of Cornpletion
• Project Narrati�e
Columbia Renaissance Phase III
Not yet star�ed; contract pending, project to close in Q 1
Columbia Renaissance Phase III will complete the three (3} phase development of high
quality mixed-income housing for families and seniors at Renaissance Square in SE Fort
Worth. Phase III includes 100 units of family housing, with 25 units dedicated to homeless
or emerging homeless households. The community will incIude a mix of incomes with
units set aside for residents w�th less than 30% of. Area Median FamiIy Income (AMI),
50% AMI, 60% AMI, 70% AMI and 80% AMI. The de�elopment will bring an array of
amenities, which presently plan to include community/club room, craft/accessory room,
bUsiness center, laandry facilities, and landscaped courtyards.
Required Project Data
a. ObIigations made in relation to this ERA2 Affordable RentaI Housing Project(s) -
b. Expenditures made in relation to this ERA2 Affordable Rental Housing Project(s) -$0.00
c. Project Zip Code — 76I05
d, Project Physical Address — 2757 Moresby St., Fort Worth, Texas
e. Federal Program Alignment. The use of ERA2 funds for an affordable rental housing
project must align with allowed uses of Federal funds under at Zeast one of the following
Federal programs. PIease identify the primary Federal program fram the list below.
- Low-income Housing Tax Credit (Treasury)
% Besides ERA2, Addit'ronal FederaI Program Fvnds Used for this Project, if any
- Low-income Housing Tax Credit (Treasury)
- HOME Investment Partnerships Program (U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD))
- American Rescue Plan Act (Treasury)
g. Is the grantee in compliance with the Federa! program regulations and other reqairemen�s
of the Federal program(s) selected in item #e above? Yes. If no, provide an explanation
beIow. -
h. Estimated portion of the total cast of the affordabie rental housing project that has
5een/wi11 be paid with the ERA2 funds I l%($4,000,OOO.a0/$35,299,277.00)
i. Estimated Start of the Service of the Project: February 2025
j. Date of First ERA2 Expenditure on the Project: February 2025
k. Funding Mechanism(s} Used. Select tha �nancial instrument(s) that are/will be utilized to
provide ERA2 funds in support of the affordable rental housing project
� Loan (including no-interest loans and deferred-payment loans)
1. Are the ERA2 funds used as gap funding for an existing affordable rental housing
project? (Yes/NolOther) Yes
m. Type of Project. Select the category that most accurately describes the predominant
objecti�e of the project:
� New Construction
n. Number of Rental Units in the Project 100
o. Number of Rental Units Funded by ERA2 100
p. Number of Units Serving Very Low-Income FamiIies 10
q. Description of Incame Limitation on Rental Units Funded by ERA2 The project wi[(
serve families as fallows: 30°/a Deeply Affordable (10 units) 50% LIHTC/HOME (29
units)60% LIHTC/HOME (41 units};70% LIHTC (11 units} 80% LIHTC (9 units)
r. Development partners (if any} None identifed
s. Is the pragram limited to specific populations {e.g, elderly, domestic violence survivors,
etc.)? No; mixed-income housing development
t. Period of Legally Enforceable Incorne Limitation for ERA2 Funded Rental Units
Minimum of 20 years
u. Period of Legally Enforceable Income Limitation for any non-ERA2 Funded Rental
Units N/A
The City of Fort Worth will ensure the safety and security measures outlined in the memo
included herein from Columbia Residential dated November 26, 2024, are implemented as part
of the Renaissance Square III de�elopment project.
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It is requested that the Commissioners Court consider First Amendment to the TnterIocal Agreement (ILA)
between Tarrant County and the City of Fort Worth for Emergency Rental Assistance Funding to Support
Affordable Housing Development. � �
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On February 21, 2024, the Commissioners Co�rt, through Caurt Order #I42635, approved an ILA with the City
of Fort Worth for an award in the amount of $4,000,0OO.OQ in Emergency Rental Assistance 2(ERA2) funding
to support two (2) affordable housing developments; Renaissance Square III Apartments ($3,500,0004.00), and
Casa Mia {$SOO,OOO.QO).
Since approval of the ILA, the Casa Mia de�elopment has failed to meet certain grant requirements and the
City of Fort Wor�h has determined the project is no Ionger eligible to receive ERA2 funding. Therefore, the
City has requested that the existing ILA signed between the City and the County be amended to reallocate the
$500,000.00 originally awarded to Casa Mia �o the Columbia Renaissance Square III� award for a total of
$4,000,000.00. The additional funding will support constraction costs and security enhancements including
(list enhancements).
In addition to support from tize County, the Renaissance Square III project has received $4,023,547.00 in
funding from the City of Fort Worth.
There is no net fiscal impact as a result oithis action.
SU$MTTTED BY Administrator PREPARED BY: Kristen Camareno
APPROV�D BY: Kristen Camareno
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To: Tarrant County Board of Commissioners
From: Columbia Resideniial
Date: No�ember 25, 2024
Subjett: Columbia Renaissance Heights — Response to Security Concerns
Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding the safety and security of the residents of Renaissance Heights. It
is our goal to pro�ide safe, affardable, high-quality housing for seniors and familias. We take these concerns very
seriously and have worked with our team to make sure we understand the context thoroughly anc! pro�ide you
wi#h a res�onse.
As you know, Renaissanc� Heights is a three-phase development community which houses both family and senior
residents. Columbia Residential is working vn the community's third phase of multifamily housing which will be
called Renaissance Square lII. In 2017, w� built 1�0 units of affordab�e family housing (Renaissance 5quare) and in
2020, we added �20 units ofi affordable senior ho�sing (Renaissance 5enior). This final phase, Renaissance Square,
proposes the bUilding of 100 units of affordable family housing with 16-18 of those units for hauseholds
transitioning from homelessness. Safety is of Utmost concern for our existing residents and the ones in our growing
According to publicly available crime reporting, we Ieamed that in the last 6 months, residents of New Mitchefl
Boule�ard and Glencrest neighi�orhoods experienced crime in the farm of car break-ins and theft. Within that same
timeframe, car break ins and thefts were the most common form of crime a# the Renaissance Heights neigh6orhood;
however, the incidences were much less frequent than in the surrounding area. We have worked with our property
management to assure that our property is secure and our residents safe. 7he property managers have an
established relationship with local police and there are other security measures in place to mitigate and deter crirrie
on the property.
We wif! be equally proacti�e in our security plans for Renaissance Square III. We plan for security at the front end a#
the development process. We have building and gate access cantrol, fencing strategically placed to limit access,
and exterior and interior lighting designed to increase safety and visibility. In addition, we have high-definition videa
surveillance instaUed at the beginning of construction that is surveilled by Watchtower Security ("Watchtower") who
specializes in multifamily video security survei�lance. Watchtvwer provides a dedicated web-portal which alfows
management the ability.to login and �iew their carr�eras from any internet enabled de�ice. This allow5 management,
authorities, and other key employees to "check in" on the property at any time. Included in Watchtower's services
are unlimited forensic video reviews.
ln addition, our Corrtmunity Manager f�as formec! a relationship with Officer Antonia Salais, the Neighborhood Patrol
Officer. In circumstances where an incident does occur, our Community Manager requests Officer Salais to pro�ide
extra patrol of both communities, and this patrol will be extended to Renaissance Square I11.
We use o#her strategies and a�proaches to ensure the safety and well-being of residents at Renaissance Heights.
We pravide a full overview on the foflowing pages. We appreciate the efforts made by the Tarrant County Board
of Commissianers and fook forward to closing and deli�ering this much-needed housing to fhe community.
Co�umbia Residential - Infrastructure Of Monitoring and Safety Protocols
As an experienced owner, developer, and manager of multifamily properties, Columbia Residential has policies to
prevent illegal or u�safe acti�ities from occurring on or near its properties. Columbia Residentiai has built an
infrastructure of monitoring and safety protocols for residents and our commu�ities. The monitoring and safety
infrastructure at t1�e Renaissance Heights development is made up of 6 major categories:
1) Physical Components and Amenities
2) Video Surveillance
3) Collaboration with Local �aw Enforcement
4) Vendor Credentialing
5) Resident Screening. Criteria
6} Communication and Engagement
7} Reporting and Data Analysis
$} Common Area and Unit Inspections
Each of these categories is explained in detail be[ow.
1. Physital Com�onents and Amenities
ColumE�ia incorporates safety into the design of each of its affordable properties. 7hese incfude the
following m�asures:
• Exterior and Interior Lighting per a professionally prepared Iighting plan ciesigned for safety and
increased visibility. (Operation plans also have routine inspections to ensure lighting is working
• I.ER Emergency Lighting .to allow exit from the property in the event of an emergency.
• 6uilding and Gate Access Control far entry into the property. Cameras IocaiEd at gates also have license
plate readers that allow staff to monitor wf�o enters tF�e property.
• Fencing strategically placed to limit access, except through designed roads and pedestrian gates.
• Alarm Systems
• Smoke detectvrs
• Locks on laundry roam doors to pre�ent loitering after i�ours
• Par[cing �ocated in close proximity to the property
2. Video Surveillance (Cameras)
Renaissance He9ghts properties have high-definition �ideo surveillance cameras instalied through the
Watcf�tower Security system as part of the initial construction process. Watchtower Security provides a
dedicated wel�-portal which allows management the ability to login and view their cameras from any
Internet enabled device. This allows management, authorities, and other key employees to "check in" on
tha property at any time. Included in Watchtower's services are unlimited forensic video reviews.
Watchtower Security's higF�ly skiEled forensic video review analysts can review countless hours of footage
from every camera. Watchtower Security then delivers a compelling video of evidence, still images, and
documented notes of any incident. Columbia and Watchtower also work c[ose[y with local police
departments to provide access to �ideos to sol�e crimes quickly even if the crime did not occur on the
We have sec�rity cameras strategically placed at the two existing Renaissance Heights properties to monitor
acti�ity. Columbia, in collaboration with Watchtower, performs an annual review of camera placement.
Columbia Residential will implement the Watchtower system in this next phase of housing.
3. Collaboration with Local Law Enforcement
Co�umbia Management has a positi�e working relationship with Fort Worth Police Department
Neig�borhood Patrol officers. We inform them of any incident that occurs on the property to ensure
oversight and patrol and pro�ide access to on-siie cameras. We also enforce parking regulations.
4. Vendor Credentialing
Columbia has a professional online vendflr credentialing system that periorms background checks and
requires insurance checics on all vendors that enter the properly. This system provides additional sec�rity
and comfort for residents when work is needed on the property.
5. Resident Screening Criteria
AII applicants eighteen years o[d or over must successfully pass a criminal background check before leasing
a unit. Paren#s/guardians of minors (under 18) must a�so certify that tF�e minor housef�old members do not
have a criminal record. All residents living in tne unit must be named on the lease. Residents are responsible
for adhering to strict Community Rufes or facing eviction. Residents are also responsible for the actions of
guests or family members that damage property or engage in cr�mina� acts within the property. Columbia
has a,policy of strict enforcement of Community rules and regulations.
6. Communication and Engagement
Property Management notifies the residents if a criminal incident happens in or near the property. 7his
allows residents to be aware of activities in the neighborhood and take actions .to increase their safety.
Columbia Residential management employees must complete crime anci risk mitigation courses to ensure
a safe and secure campus.
7. Reporting and Data Analysis
The Property Management team rou#ineiy compiles and reviews incident reports and crime statistics for tf�e
loca! commu�ity to ensure awareness of what is happening in the neighborhood. Twice a year, the on-site
management team tours the property with the Columbia risk mitigation team to increase employee
awareness of risks and recommend solutions.
8. Common Area and Unit Inspections
Investors, lenders, and government agencies in�o[�ed in the financing and oversight of the properties
require both common areas and indi�idual unit inspections. Unit inspections are performed each quarter,
increasing awareness of what is happening inside units and in common areas.
c�ty of �ort wortn,
Mayor and
Counc�l Communication
DATE: a1123124 MS�C FILE NUMBER: M&C 24-0029
(CD 8) Authorize Accep#ance af $4,000,000.00 from Tarrant County, Pre�iously Allocated to its Emerger�cy Renkaf Assistance Program, for the
Purpose of De�elo�ing 1'wo Affordable Mousing Projects - Columbia Renaissance Phase �II and WestCare Texas, Inc.ICasa Mia - and AutE�orize
Execution af an Interlocal Agreement, and/or Subrecipient Agreement with Tarrant County to Administer the Funds
.11 .� .�
It is recommended that the Ciry Council:
1. Authorize acceptance of $4,OQ0,000.00 from Tarrant County, previousfy allocated to its �mergency Re�Eal Assistance Pragrarr�, for the
Purpose of Devefoping Two Affordable Housing Projects - Columbia Renaissance Phase II[ and WestCare 7exas, Inc.ICasa Mia; and
2. Authorize the execution of an lnterlocal Agreement, andlor a Subrecipient Agreement, with Tarrant County To Administer fhe Funds.
The purpose ofi this Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) is to accept funds totaling $4,000,0OO.OQ from Tarrant County, previousEy allocated
as Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA2) Program funds, forthe purpose of developing two affordable housing projects - Columbia Renaissance
Phase Ilf and WestCare Texas, Inc.ICasa Mia - to recei�e authorization to enter into an interlocal agreement, and/or a subrecipient agreement, with
Tarrant County to administer the funds.
In May 2023, Tarrant County released a Request ior Proposals (RFP) for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The gaal of the RFP was to
receive proposals aimed at increasing the number of affordable housing units for homefessness, permanent supporti�e housing, supportive
housing, and deeply affordable housing, Per request from Tarrant Coun#y, the City of Fort Worth accepted an allocation of ARPA funds fram Tarrant
County (M&C 23-0742) on September 12, 2023. With this action, Tarrant County also proposed to reallocate ERA2 funds fotaling $4,000,000.00
to the City through the United Statss �epartment of the Treasury for the same purpose. City Counci� approved the action and funds were
appro�riated as requested. Nowe�er, the Treasury Department notified both the City of Fort Wortn and Tarrant Cvunty that the EF2A2 funds were
not available to reallacate to tYie Cify because the funds hac! already been disbursed Eo 7arrant County, The only option would be for Tarrank Ca�nty
to subaward the ERA2 funds to the City. Wi#h this M&C, the request is ta accept the ERA2 funds as a subrecipienk of Tarrant Counry and execute
an Interiocal Agreement to administer the funds for the two a�Fvrdable housing projects listed below.
Co[umbia Renaissance Phase III (2757 Moresby St.) -$3,500,OOD.OQ
Columbia Renaissance Phase III will complefe the three (3) phase develapmeni af high q�ality mixed-income housing for families and seniors at
Renaissance Square in SE Fort Worth. Phase III inciudes i 00 units of famiEy housing, with 25 units dedicated to hameless or emerging horr�eless
househalds. The community will include a mix of incomes wiih units set aside for residents wikh less than 3D°/a of Area Median Famify lncame
(AMI), 50% AMi, 60% AMI, and 80% AMI. The developmenf will bring an array of amenities, which prese�tly plan to include communitylclub room,
craftlaccessory room, business center, laundry facilities, and landscaped courtyards. In adcfition to the ERA2 funding proposed, Columbia
Renaissance PE�ase III has an ARPA commitment totaling $1,500,OD0.00 and a HOME funding commitrrtent from the City of Fort Worth for
$4,000,004.OD over three years. The disbursement is planned to be $1,400,D00.00 in year one (approved by M&C 23-0631 on August 8, 2a23),
and future commifinents in Year 2 and Year 3 of $�,500,000.00 each year, which will 6e included on future requests to the City Council. These will
be forgi�ab�e loans to the project. Total public funding for Columbia Renaissance Phase fll will be $9,OOD,000.00.
WestCare Texas, Inc.lCasa Mia (4204 Mitchefl BE�d.j -$500,00OO.OQ
WestCare Texas seeks fundfng to renovate the classrooms in two buildings of the former St. Timothy's facility (42D1 Mitchell Bl�d.j to pro�ide 12
typical studio apar#ments that will provide reco�ery residence for low-income pregnant or recently pregnanf women and their infants in recovery
from substance use disorder. The adapted use of an existing facility will complement the cammunity by praviding a much needed service. �ach
studio apartment wilE be approximately 273 square feet. A new addition will pro�ide restrooms for each room. The reno�ation includes new doors,
windows, egress windows, toi[ets, iublshower combinations, vanities, and partition walls. Nutritious meals will be provided for participants, so
kitchen facilities would be considered an unnecessary expense. The facility will meet all local and state health and safety codes as well as receive
a certificate af occupancy.
A Form 1295 is not required because: This contract will be with a gavernmental entity, state agency or pub[ic inskitution af higher education: Tarrant
The Director of F'inance certifies that upon approval of the abo�e recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds
will be available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, in the Grants Operating FederaE Fund. The Neighborhood Services
DepaRment (and Financial Management Services) wi�l be responsible far the collection and deposit of funds due to the City. Prior to an
expenditure being incurred, the Neighborhood Services Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. This is a
reimbursement grant.
Submitted for C� Manager's OfFce b� Fernando Costa 6122
Originating Business Unit Hea� VictorTumer 8987
Additional Inform���n Contact: Sharon BurEdey 5785
Amy Connoliy 7556
Routing and Transmittal Slip
Neighborhood Services
DOCUMENT TITLE:Amendment Interlock Agreement Between Tarrant
County and CFW - CSO # 62553
M&C 24-0029 CPN CSO #62553 DOC# _
1. Dyan Anderson
2. Chad LaRoque
3. Kacey Bess
4. Leslie L. Hunt
5. Jesica McEachern
6. Ronald Gonzales
7. Jannette Goodall
8. Allison Tidwell
All documents received from any and all City
APPROPRIATE ACM for approval first. Once the ACM has signed the routing slip, David will review
and take the next steps.
Action Required:
As Requested and Notary Tabs
For Your Information X Attach Signature
× Signature/Routingand or Recording