To the Mayor and Members of the City Council Februsa7 1. 1994
X Subject:Restructing of the Housing and Human Services Department
The Inspector General's Audit of the City of Fort Worth Housing and Human Services
Department (H&HS) pointed out a number of weaknesses which need to be corrected if we
are to provide the highest level of service to our customers.
First and foremost,it was evident that housing services have become extremely complex. We
have found ourselves with a significant increase in funding, albeit, somewhat limited by
program definition. Therefore, it seems imperative that the City of Fort Worth declare its
emphasis on the need to provide affordable housing for its citizens, while revitalizing
neighborhoods, by creating a separate Department of Housing.
By defining this focus and narrowing the emphasis,we believe that we can increase not only
the productivity of our own internal housing programs, but also that of our non-profit
organizations which are so key to our success in this arena.
This department will be responsible for this City's first-time hornebuyer program and closing
cost assistance program; the residential rehabilitation program; rental rehabilitation
program;and weatherization. Because these programs are funded by federal grants which
change in title and scope, it is proposed that this new department be organized in such a
manner so as to bring to bear a set of skills and talents which will allow staff to respond to
any constrictions proscribed by any grant which we may receive. That is, we will have a
myriad of skills found among City staff such that we can carry out any program the federal
bureaucracy might define.
In order to accomplish this goal,we are proposing to dismantle the H&HS Department as we
know it today. The H&HS Department is currently composed of three divisions: Housing,
Human Services and Administration.
If we are in fact going to emphasize housing in the City of Fort Worth by creating a stand
alone Department of Housing, the other services provided by H&HS must be carefully
constructed and reorganized.
The Human Services Division will be transferred to the Park and Recreation Department.
This division includes the multi-purpose centers; the emergency homeless program; the
emergency utilities program; the neighborhood resource development program; the gang
intervention program; and "Operation I Will", the self-eufficiency program.
It seems long overdue that the City of Fort Worth move toward operation of "community
centers", rather than recreation centers and multi-purpose centers, the later of which are
defined by the income of surrounding neighborhoods. By consolidating multi-purpose and
recreation centers, the City of Fort Worth will be able to merge the overall management of
nineteen centers (12 recreation centers and 7 multi-purpose centers) under one umbrella.
Individually,each facility can continue to meet the needs of their surrounding neighborhoods.
owl-, Service requirements (health clinics, senior citizen activities, day care needs, etc.) can be
defined by community needs assessment and be provided on an as needed basis to the extent
that resources are available.
To February 1. 1994
To the Mayor and Members of the City Council Page 2 of 2
SubjectAmtrue-turing of the Housing and Human Services DOP"t"I"t
It makes a lot of sense for emergency housing and emergency utilities to be provided out of
community centers which can serve as a primary point of communication with our citizens.
In fact, with appropriate cross communication, these programs should strengthen our
weatherization and first-time hornebuyer programs.
The gang intervention unit is actually already operating out of both multi-purpose centers
and recreation centers. We believe that by placing this unit in Park and Recreation,we can
strengthen the prevention aspect of this program,enhancing our ability to address issues of
youth at risk, thereby preventing gang involvement. The Park and Recreation Department
in the City of Fort Worth already has strong ties to the Fort Worth Police Department in
cooperative ventures such as the late night program. This consolidation will further
strengthen those communications.
Administrative Services is responsible for the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)
request for proposal process, as well as monitoring those grants after they are made.
Additionally,this unit monitors all other H&HS funding received by the City. It seems that
if we are going to make our housing program accountable for its production and expenditures,
then we need to lodge responsibility for budget planning and program management with
housing staff. This leaves the CDBG program to be accounted for. It is proposed that the
City create a central unit responsible for CDBG and other federal and state funds which we
might apply for and receive. This unit is proposed to be incorporated into the Fiscal Services
Department under the Intergovernmental Affairs Office. Since most of these funds come
from either the State or the Federal Government,it makes sense that the Intergovernmental
Affairs Office be assigned the responsibility of oversight of these activities because this office
is often our first point of contact for grant information. This oMee through our Washington,
D.C. and Austin representatives also has the capacity to do grants research and educate
granting entities about Fort Worth.
This central unit which we would propose to merge under a proposed division of
"Intergovernmental Affairs and Grants Management" would be responsible in a liaison
capacity for responding to the Community Development Council and would handle the
contract processes with those sub-grantees that are granted CDBG funds. In addition, this
central unit is composed of the contract compliance staff,some fiscal support,and under the
direction of the City's Intergovernmental Affairs Office, could potentially provide the City
with a vehicle to become more proactive in the area of grants research, application, and
grants administration citywide.
Separating the Housing and Human Services Department into the proposed entities of a
stand-alone Housing Department,a human services function under the Park and Recreation
Department, and a grants management function incorporated into our Intergovernmental
Affairs Office, allows the City flexibility in responding to the different priorities and needs
as determined by the City Council in the City's administration of federal and state funds
devoted toward housing, human services, and economic development and infrastructure
Bob Terrell
City Manager