d""To To the Mayor and Members of the City Council January 25 , 19 9 4
Representatives of the City Manager' s Office, City Secretary' s
Office, Environmental Management, Employment and Training, Human
Relations Office, Library, Municipal Court, Park and Recreation,
Personnel, Police, Fiscal Services (Purchasing) , The "T, "
Transportation and Public Works, Information Systems and
Services, and Risk Management departments met at the request of
Assistant City Manager Charles Boswell to evaluate the
feasibility of implementing an electronic bulletin board (bbs)
whereby anyone with a personal computer, modem, and
telecommunications software might be apprised of City
information of interest on a 24 hour per day, 7 day per week
basis. Several other cities have made this service available to
the public as an additional means of information (Please see the
attached articles. ) .
The objective is to take information which is currently
available in other media and make it also available through
dial-up access by computer to a City-sponsored bulletin board.
Its main advantage is convenience to the user.
After some discussion, it was determined that, for little
additional cost, a two-line bbs could be implemented and
information which was currently already being produced by City
personnel utilizing personal computers could be made available
to the bbs for viewing on-line by the public or in a form which
could be downloaded (transferred to the citizen' s personal
computer as a file for later viewing) .
Staff identified the following information as that which would
likely have the greatest appeal to private individuals and
businesses as initial information to be placed on the bulletin
o weekly City Council agenda
o goods and services for which the City is soliciting bids via
the Purchasing Department
o projects for which bids are being solicited for construction
o telephone numbers (The extensive list published semi-annually
in the City Times. )
o days and hours of operation of City facilities
o schedule of other official meetings (posted through the City
Secretary' s Office)
o current job vacancies
o schedule of events (from the FYI)
o information about the municipal court
Other information can be added and the current information
revised to meet users' needs as they are expressed through
messages to the system operator.
To the Mayor and Members of the City Council
January 20, 1994
rm Subject:
The City bulletin board is being promoted through the City Times
which will be distributed in water bills during the February
mailings . The City Cable Office may run a short program on the
service as it is anticipated that the audience of the Municipal
Access Channel (Channel 7) would also be a group likely to be
interested in the bulletin board.
A direct mailing will go to all Fort Worth disadvantaged
business enterprises to apprise them of the availability of the
bbs and the DBE Office can assist businesses without a PC to
gain access to the same information.
Additionally, the Fort Worth Public Library will have access to
all of the information on the bulletin board which it can make
available to members of the public at the central Library and at
the Southwest Regional Library on the same basis as it does
other reference materials for anyone who does not have a PC,
modem, and/or appropriate software.
In order to reach the City's electronic bulletin board, one uses
telecommunications software on a personal computer to dial out
via modem to 871-8612 . There is no fee for the service although
each user is limited to three hours daily with no individual
session lasting longer than sixty (60) minutes .
City staff has scheduled a demonstration of the electronic
bulletin board for the Mayor and City Council for the Pre-
Council meeting of January 25, 1994 . Please invite any of your
staff who may benefit from such a demonstration.
If the City Council desires additional information, it will be
supplied upon request .
eAkqt, 6Z-
Bob Terrell
City Manager
T'12�ND S
Logging On to of these emerging technologies f the
government sector is still in its infancy:
Your Friendly City Hall Right now,there are many pilot projects
and few full-blown implementations.
Hawaii FYI clearly has moved
Governments are going online at a feverish pace.The technologies beyond the pilot project stage.It is offer-
they're using each have their own benefits and costs. ing services that go well beyond the
standard kiosk fare of fishing licenses
BY STEVE POLILLI and city council meeting schedules.
One of the more popular recent offer-
he islands that make up the state in city halls and state capitols across the ings among youngsters,for example,was
of Hawaii spread across thou- nation to put government services a service offered in conjunction with the
sands of square miles of ocean. online. The technologies being used Polynesian Voyaging Society and other
Art Koga is trying to make the people range from voice response telephone organizations. Through the network,
who live on those far-flung islands feel systems to multimedia kiosks to elec- students could converse with sailors on
more like members of a community. Ironic bulletin boards. Each offers spe- the Hokulea, a double-hulled canoe
Koga is executive director of Ha%vaii cific benefits and different cost consider- replicating the historical migration of
INC(for Information Network Corp.),a ations. Polynesians.
state agency whose charter is to increase While in some cases the use of online At first glance, it might seem that
the involvement of Hawaii's 1.2 million technology promises dollar savings— Hawaii's particular geographic character
residents in their government. The much in the same way that automatic might make an online network a unique
method the agency is using is an elec- teller machines save money for banks— necessity there. But Koga rejects that
tronic online government network the benefits are often less quantitative. suggestion, pointing out that Hawaii is
Hawaii FYI,as the network is known, `"The value of these new solutions is a I hardly the only state with a dispersed
is one of the most ambitious online gov-
ernment projects out there. It grew out
of a legislative debate over public access
to government data In 1988,the legisla-
OW tors decided that the best way to provide
more of that access was with an elec-
tronic network.
At first, Hawaii FYI was limited to
distribution of legislative information,
such as hearing notices and the text of
proposed legislation. Later, electronic
mail and bulletin board services were
added to make it easier for Hawaiians to
correspond with their legislators.
Since then, the network has contin-
ued to expand. With an annual budget
of about$550,000,it now offers access to
island and mainland college catalogs,job '
information, business registries, univer-
sity libraries, news services, bus sched-
ules and cultural information. Some 330
public access terminals are in place from
one end of the islands to the other, quid A young resident of the islands taps into state government
users also can hook up to Hawaii FYI via Hawaii FYI.It happens 140,000 times a month.
through their personal computers.
They certainly are doing so. Cur- combination of several things," says population, with many of its people liv-
rently, Koga says, Hawaiians are access- Dora Lee, senior analyst at G2 ing far from government offices.
ing the network 140,000 times a month Research, a Mountain View, California, The arguments for such a network go
for a total of 1.6 million minutes of market research firm. With budgets beyond geographical considerations.
monthly usage. tighter than ever and citizen expecta- "This is government taking the initiative
Hawaii FYI may be unusual in its tions for government services expand- and providing our citizens with some-
scope of subject matter and geographi- ing, "agencies are being pressed from thing of value," says Koga. "We were
cal coverage,but it is a good example of above and below," she says. "They are created to provide improved access to
what is shaping up as a major movement caught in the middle, and technology is government, as well as to improve edu-
increasingly becoming the solution." cational opportunities, increase govern-
Steve NO is the Dallas bureau chief for Despite the increasing interest in ment efficiency and build an electronic
a computer industry trade publication. ordine government access, Lee says,use information industry."
Photograph rourtarof Hawaii IXC GOVERNING January 1994 25
Hawaii FYI, along with its counter- ALIS (for Automated License Informa- tion in a mall or someplace where it
parts in other states and cities, is an tion System),was put in place,the board doesn't mean the person has to take time
example of telecommunications technol- was able to verify licenses only during off from work to go to a government
ogy applied broadly to the problems of regular business hours.Now,the agency office.They don't have to run all around
government. Narrower programs,focus- serves its customers on a continuous at an inconvenient time to be served."
ing on one particular aspect of basis; many health care providers use Automating much of the bureaucratic
public needs, are the other side of the the evening hours to verify dozens of scut work of social services intake is
equation. licenses at a time. another capability that makes kiosks and
Users call the Denver-based board other online-services valuable. "A lot of
IN LOUISIANA, THE PROBLEM and enter the licenses of nurses they are the preliminary work can be done on a
was the difficulty people needing infor- considering for employment. ALIS kiosk system so a caseworker's time is
mation on the status of child support scans the more than 40,000 R.N. and maximized," says CVs Lee. "People can
cases had getting through to overworked L.P.N.licenses in a data- go to a kiosk in an
caseworkers in the state's Child Support base on a mainframe The chief agency and see what
Enforoernent Division's regional officm computer and provides paperwork is needed so
Two years ago,the state created an auto- the name of the nurse benefit of kiosk they have everything
mated telephone system to provide pub- holding the license. if when they nxvt with an
he access to specific case information 24 the license holder has systems is the often overloaded case-
hours a day,seven days a week disciplinary actions worker.This helps a pro-
Called the Louisiana Automated pending,the employer is ability to tie fessional make the most
Voice Response System, the 12-line, instructed to call the of his time."
computer-driven information service board during business together multiple
handles an average of more than 1,200 hours. EFFICIENCY, COST
calls daily. A microcomputer with Another increasingly agencies and savings, community-
recorded announcements is pro- popular means of put- building—all of those
grammed to ask callers on a toll-fine line ting government online services for were on the minds of
to select choices fiam a preprogrammed is kiosk systems, usually officials in Mountain
menu through their phone keypads. comprised of a personal citizens. View, California, when
opm, The pressure to implement the online computer,color screen, they decided to put city
service grew out of Tide IV-D of the laser disk player and government online.
Social Security Act, which requires all other devices enclosed Mountain Vie%Vs net-
states to have such an automated system in a cabinet located in a very public work is fairly typical of the kind of early
in place by 1995.In Louisiana ao.-,the place. These systems, connecting to efforts going on around the country.Ini-
agency data existed on a mainframe states'or municipalities*central comput- tially, the city plans to install several
computer; the voice system added a ers,provide integrated access to a range access terminals in city hall,a city-owned
simple access mechanism. of government information,and some of amphitheater and public libraries, says
This land of technology is not neces- them allow users to apply for services. Steve McIntosh, information systems
sarily expensive.A personal computer- The high-tech kiosks don't come manager for the municipality of about
based voice response system such as cheap, however. Some states are plan- 70,000 people in the heart of Silicon Val-
Louisiana's can be installed for about ning system of 100 or more kiosks,and ley.The terminals will be used at first to
$25,000 Despite the low cost however, each one,depending on how it's config- provide such services as making reeve-
the Colorado Board of Nursing pri- ured, can cost between $9,000 and ational schedules and city council agen-
mary reason for bringing in a similar` $25,000, says Ernie Satterwhite, chief das and minutes easily available-
voice response system for license venfi- operating offioer of North Cominunica- Eventually,the city will allow citizens
cation was improved service, not fiscal tions in New York City, which has to converse electronically with their
savings, says Karen Brumley, program designed and built kiosk systems for a seven city council members. Personal
administrator at the board. dozen municipalities and states. computer owners with a modem will be
"We didn't eliminate any staffing," The chief benefit of kiosk systems, able to participate in an"electronic town
Brumley says."What we were able to do Satterwhite says, is the ability to tie hall." But McIntosh says that feature
was boost customer service and satisfac- together multiple agencies and services will first require city programmers to
tion greatly. It's been a real asset to to offer an immediate and integrated build safeguards preventing users from
health cam employers in Colorado." point of interface for citizens. 71lie per- tapping into other parts of the city's
Because nurses have a tendency to feet example is child care referrals, computer system.
change jobs frequently, the employers where someone'looks up a phone num- Other considerations must be
have a constant need for license verifica- ber for what seems to be the right weighed.if the usage of Hawaii's online-
tion services. "The organizations hiring agency but finds out that is the agency system is any indication, for example,
ow them must be sure they have a valid for complaints,or perhaps another one Mountain View residents may like online
state license because their malpractice that handles licensing and yet a third for government too much. Says McIntosh:
insurance is typically contingent upon the referrals," he says. "Kiosks are a "we have to educate our council mem-
those licenses,"says Brumley. means by which you can bring all ser- bers that they may be overwhelmed by
Before the voice system, known as vices together into one location, a loca- the volume of messages."
26 GOVERNING January 1994
ide for
Going On�ti*ne A Gui
tocal Wverniuents
ore and more local governments are establishing on-line
computer-based information systems to provide their con-
stituents greater access to public information. Recogniz-
ing the potential of personal computers as a new elec-
tronic medium, a number of local governments in the
United States have pioneered the development of public
information utilities (PlUs) as links to their citizenry.
These information systems have the potential to enhance
government productivity, promote greater civic participa-
tion in community affairs, provide an effective medium
for the dissemination of information,and even represent
a new source of local government revenue.
................................................................. Governments that have experimented with this com-
fttdng munications technology have found it a valuable medium
........ ............................—..........I........... for more effectively fulfilling their missions. For such
Emerging local governments as those of Santa Monica, California,
and Peoria County, Illinois, the future is now, and there
............. .....................................................
appears to be no turning back.
Technologies This article provides a brief guide to the practical im-
............ ..................................................... plementation of computerized information systems for
To Use interested local government sponsors.
What Is a Public Infonnaden 111:111ty?
Bruce Kirschner Public information utilities are computer systems
equipped with one or more modems (devices that allow a
computer to communicate with other computers over a
standard telephone line) and special communications
software that enable others with the capability to access
12 January 1888
the computer systems over the tele- Americans who have home comput- making electronic information avail-
phone line. They are sometimes re- ers with communications capability; able on-line to an unlimited number
ferred to as"videotex,"which may be the steady growth rate.of computer of users is minuscule compared with
described as user-friendly, interac- literacy; and the limited amount of the mass production and distribution
tive, electronic services for use in time that people have to interact of hard-copy documents. Informer
homes,offices,and other locations. with their government. tion readily available on-line avoids
Public information utilities may There also appears to be a num- the cost of making the same informer
include such features as information ber of significant benefits associated tion available by paid staff, either in
on government services (like obtain- with PlUs.These include,but are not person or over the telephone. This
ing dog licenses or building per- limited to: information also could be sold at rea-
mits), access to databases of court or sonable cost for a profit by agencies
real estate records for information Creating public access to informa- looking for new revenue sources.
search and retrieval;transaction pro- tion is a function of government. Public information systems might be
cessing (for example, on-line filing Government is the greatest producer more hospitable than voice mail sys-
of business license forms);communi- of information. Providing it faster terns, a widely applied telecommuni-
cation links with others via electronic and more efficiently via electronic cations technology that can some-
mail (E-mail),with which individuals public information utilities makes times frustrate users more than help
may send or receive messages,giving for government that is more accessi- them.
the public the ability to ask questions ble and effective.
or offer suggestions to government Developing a Public
departments and public officials; On-Me communication offers a po- information Utility
conferencing, where the public may tentially valuable new forum for civic
conduct on-line discussions on such participation. A recent study of civic Local governments interested in de-
topics as city growth and develop- participation by the Kettering Foun- veloping on-line public information
ment policy. The information sys- dation found that Americans are not utilities need to first understand
tems offer the combination of fea- apathetic, although they do believe what such an endeavor entails.
tures that the local government they are unable to access the political First, does it make sense for your
chooses. system and be heard.There exist few local government to sponsor a public
Public information utilities also opportunities for citizens to discuss information utility? In what ways will
may offer a variety of other, some- civic issues with public officials and a PIU respond to the needs of your
times unique features. For example, even other citizens. The Kettering jurisdiction? Is there already a
some systems offer access to the local study called for some kind of public demonstrated need for such a sys,
public library's on-line card catalog forum which opened up lines of tem? If not, do you want to create
or mock voting capability, where in- communication between these such a need? Finding answers to
dividuals may indicate their prefer- groups. Two-way, on-line electronic these questions will help you decide
ence for a particular candidate or a systems that are always available and whether or not to embark on this
specific position on an issue.There is may be accessed from home offer course.
even the potential for providing on- such an opportunity. Is your jurisdiction composed of a
line entertainment in the form of public that would make widespread
such games as chess and trivia They serve as an early warning sys- and effective use of such a utility? In
quizzes. Who said government tem for public officials. Issues of in- other words,do a significant number
couldn't promote just plain fun? terest to citizens may be raised via of your constituents have access to
this electronic medium and become personal computers and, more im-
My a Public information visible before they can become too portantly, are they computer literate?
divisive. For example, solutions to If not, is it possible to make the sys-
certain certain issues can be addressed on- tem so easy to use that anyone, in-
Several emerging trends suggest that line prior to taking such costly mea- cluding children, could use W If this
public information utilities will be an sures as implementing a poorly con- is not practical, is your organization
important medium for communica- ceived and unpopular policy or capable and willing to provide public
tion between citizens and govern- initiating referendum balloting. access terminals and the training that
ments in the future.These trends in- will be needed? Surveying a random
clude a substantial decline in the cost They can conserve government re- sample of your population could give
of personal computer hardware, a sources. Government-sponsored on- you some of these answers.
dramatic increase in the number of line services save money. The cost of If your jurisdiction does not have
Public Management
the population to justify the develop- service. For example, the service
ment of such a system,you could still Governments that area of the typical PIU, like such
offer a scaled-down effort.For exam- other utilities as water and sewage
pie,Virginia Beach,Virginia, has im- systems, usually embraces more than
plemented a single modem line sys- develop their oum one municipality or county govern-
tem using inexpensive off-the-shelf ment. Other local governments may
computerized bulletin board system ............................••••..........•... be receptive to participating in such
(BBS) software. an effort. It also is an appropriate
This system was created to in- PlUs and succeed project for a council of governments
crease communications between the .............................................. to sponsor.There may be others with
community and the local govern- an interest in going on-line and shar-
ment, and to expand the city's infor- In keeping pace ing costs. A good prospect would be
mation dissemination capability.The local universities,which usually have
system includes such information as .............................................. an interest in forging bridges with
council meeting schedules and agen- with technology the community.Such public and pri-
das, a municipal services directory, vate organizations as local Chambers
city department head biographies, .............................................. of Commerce or major area busi-
recycling sites, a list of public nesses may like to be involved in such
schools, the seventh- to twelfth- will benefit In the a community service project.
gradecurricula,a newcomer's guide, ..............................................
the history of Virginia Beach, em- Do not"reinvent the wheel." For ex-
ployment opportunities, press re- long run. ample, there is no need to develop
leases,and a calendar of local events. your own software, since there is
Research what entails getting sys- plenty of excellent off-the-shelf com-
tem on-line successfully. Determine mercial software and even "share-
whether you are willing to dedicate be derived from participation must ware"(low-cost,non-commercial,but
the resources for such an effort- It is be conveyed to them. It is important copyrighted software) available.just
important to take seven things into to keep in mind that,for several rea- make sure you determine your Sys-
consideration, sons, public officials may not em- tem requirements first-
brace the concept of a PIU. Some Also understand the lessons
The PIU should be a natural exten- public officials may be frightened by learned by others who have been pio-
sion of your local government's exist- the prospect of having to provide neers in this area. Visit other on-line
ing services. What public informa- even greater access to the public or systems and contact local officials re-
don resources or databases already just will not want to take the time to sponsible for the administration of
exist in your jurisdiction,but are not get involved on-line themselves.Oth- their system.Ask them questions that
readily accessible to the public? For ers may fear that it will produce ris- apply to the development of your sys-
example, most governments try to ing expectations from the public. tem. What were their mistakes and
convey to constituents what services Many governments are experiencing how can you avoid them?
they offer. This is typically done increasingly constrained budgets and
through the distribution of bro- may not have the capacity to respond Do it right the first time. Plan a
chures by mail or making them avail- to additional constituent needs. sound, well thought-out system on
able in public places or on request. the front end.Avoid making mistakes
This is the kind of information that Determine what your constituents by planning properly at the begin-
easily can be put on-line. Despite its would require from a PIU. Based on ning. One way to do this is to make
information dissemination power, what you believe to be their needs, sure you get your probable users in-
however,the public information util- consider the kinds of on-line services volved in system design and interface.
ity should not be seen as a panacea you would offer. Seek to offer them You also may want to consider using
for a local government's problems. the best quality services possible. your local library's personnel for sug-
gestions and feedback on system de-
Endorsements and active support Tbink collaboration!There is no rea- sign. Libraries have long been on the
from top local government manage- son to go it alone. There are many cutting edge in using information
ment and elected public officials good reasons for working with other and database technologies.
must be secured.The vision of such a jurisdictions and the private sector to Use existing resources to the max-
system and the benefits that would provide a public information utility imum extent possible. This includes
14 Jonvary 1898
using the expertise and skills of com- stand the procedures to be followed day become an integral component
puter experts already on your local in developing and transmitting their of the nation's infrastructure,just like
government staff and currently avail- data to the PIU. the ubiquitous gas, electric, tele-
able-computer hardware for hosting phone, and cable utilities are now.
the system. Consider how to best promote and Rapidly advancing computer and
Be realistic in estimating system market your on-fine utility and mea- telecommunications technologies
costs. Aside from hardware and soft- sure its success on a regular basis. will make PlUs more available and
ware requirements, do not forget to Keeping your users coming back is desirable to citizens. For example,
factor in costs for time needed for staff another concern. You should per- the new multimedia applications,
to manage the system, training, elec- form periodic surveys of user satisfac- which integrate text,graphics,anima
tricity,and other system requirements. lion and seek ways to solicit users' lion,stereo sound,full-motion video,
See development of the system as suggestions for continual improve- and still pictures, will continue from
evolutionary. Initially keep it as sim- ment of the system. the mid-1990s through the twenty-
ple as possible. For example, use a How do you measure success aside first century. Governments that can
limited number of telephone lines from gauging user satisfaction?Keep- not keep pace with these technolo-
and modems, and plan to expand ing track of total monthly log-ons,av- gies may widen the rift between them
based on need. erage daily log-ons,the current num- and those they govern. But, those
On the front end, design system ber of registered users, and the governments that develop their own
operation and maintenance pro- current number of active users are PlUs and succeed in keeping pace
cesses that are simple, yet effective, some ways. with technology will benefit in the
For example, you may want to en-t- long run. W
power others in your jurisdiction for The Fu +„O of Public
the utility's"data feed"and try to de- InfannMion UtilMes Bruce Kirschner, Ph.D., is president of
centralize this activity as much as you Kirschner, Lowe, and Associates,
can. Ensure that all parties under- It appears that on-line PIUs will one Louistifle, Colorado.
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Public Management 15
ac Btati September 13.194) 1 g
peninginformation doors for the citizenry
particularly busi- and Canada we fax-ten- Bezcuid "nwre is a000e mnarm
Using high—tech Bed i says.P y ONLINE
tle�saad ,tmjecta. to liar TJS„ the th.t the titiaca w+r want W attract_
°rust about every business has a F*W.fne system Is also bring used people without personal computers
fax machine tsest days and for by the California Tax Franchise and fax machines—may be intimi-
bulletin boards, bnakoess atrca'ators who aced infor- Board. dated by the technology.llteie will
mation on building Permits or bid- A pilot fax-as-demand system, always be somebody who does not
interactive faxes �spmftatiom,this system m- ftcationa and otter agesny informa- including a 988 or better personal want to Interact with machines."
any speeds up the process." tion to government suppliers with a compute,fax board and software, However,If the test is successful,
Fax-on-demand has become a hot fax-on-demand system. Hnith & costs about#8,000, Mr.Bezruld says the city plans to let
by LEN S'11 AZEWSKI technology in the private sector for Welfare Canada followed late in the The next information accts,step Woe k users pay taxes,settle parking
distribution of technical and cus- year with a fax Information package for Waterloo, according to Mr. violations and purchase some per-
W HAT Do YOU teak rs.about the tamer service information, notes for vendo Benvki, is a public information mite. lob posting information will
new myrliog proposal?When Robin Hopper, vice president of "The federal projects demon- kiwk is the city's municipal build- aisabe online In the kiocim
does the senior,citizen outing pro- sate for nher Canada.Burlington, strated that fast-on-demand was a ing.Sebeduled for testing in Sep- "Everyone is moving in the dim-
gram begin? What's on the City Ontario.But fax experiments con- viable way for government agencies camber,the kiosk will provide much tion of interactivity,"he says,"and
C;omancil agenda for next weele? ducted by Canada's federal govern- to fidfill their requirement to make of the same information as the BBS it's important for a municipality to
Inquiring meet agencies have spurred interest information more available to the and tax service,but will eventually be m interactive as possible with its
minds want to among state and local governments. public,"Mr.Hopper tad snow some two-way inUersction. residents.As won as the telephone
know, but in Early fast year,Supply&Service* Waterloo is the first muradpdity Hardware and software for the pilot companies and able television vert-
` most munict- Canada,the country's central per- to use the nbex ractdJne for did d- kiodr is an ban from ISM.Corp. does resolve their negotiations,I ex-
politics,getting chasing authority,began distribut- buxom of city information,he says, "First,we want to see tow many pect we will also be looking at inter-
* amswwers to ba- In g bid information,technical speci- but several other cities In the US, people will use the kiosk," Mr active able television,as wen."
sic questions
about City
Council - F R i M N T C 8 U S I N E S S B i t
ales, depart-
ment activities
and other city
t>MrasmsrtNd services takes a
lot of legwork
or boars of telephone tag.
In the Canadian city of Waterloo, J1 J1 J1 J1 I
Ontario, however the municipal
government is using just about every
high-tech trick in the book to make
city information more accessible to .
relents:an online computer bulle- ...........................................................
to board system OM).interactive Intejjreted Merketinjl
iscdmide machines and a public in- CO McM OICetlens from MleA+strimAdorMOlVA bn
formation kiosk. Dan L fridtr 6 Mkisky f.raw maloo n TM ANNA IMMt/T490101
"We fad that we have an oblige- Abrdwu*m Vxh erttj6ArMrcJano riors, al a Mamoalmor
How to get municipal Information fsdawaftdgfXadtyaikre llsigsebolsfocaaitiap<esstcdiogdoarmeoesin
out to otr residents,to encourage For snbmekaWsgb reach bdyscomawbyMe- sk sr lasof&edelethty would alhesiletdsc
their participation in government," p,ifto-A°d06 sehiees ad. On1laes,4fietidias and lormalt con bemmmpitsed
explalas Gury Bestvid, Waterloo vim straightGemire leaders isilk acslsd Y. clebmiwed,ormolodissuon'
director of information systems. 9NS3363 leg 3.#37.lS +wela tome tight Mocksb
"We're act just here to answer the
phones and take massages.Our goal AWAswasW.. eC834755#19.94
is to open up the doms of City Hall •iPrm Adaertdrdag is Iategratsed Morkadsg r SlAceft toe M&lradrers and
with technology." Tidew#QU"-e,#59.95 Sersbaes SM577-C#19.95
Last year.the city of 0 test- "Blothoodog MAffiding ft-668-4
delta began experimenting ag wi wttn die-
. 11 1
tributicat of City Courecil and public Information s Nor be>rrHe a Set1.6,#I�9-
computer bulletin board,a personal az mputer-based system that �egi+gE!►•i same X cexeer k 2, 19 Flea Pin
computer user with telephone ho- rk �
dens access information elks stored
on a city computer, ballidog yon need is&-P it
Among the information files hemiae,'red world"muk-Fimdntd�eryau ......................................................••••••
available am information on public objecWts.K8197-5,#79.98 For FzjstLr Service.-FAX:708-670-2494
facilities and programs,news of his- your Order 1-800-323 49OG(or
arty tax information,environmental jjewl FM EdNM@ 'Q lapome Fadosod Q Vi�tm Cl M+meCsrd
Program updates, +� tai noun thtbokar Awwthq$Mas6AAw,,Inc i Q Areraaa Ep ress Q Oiscow ford
vices information and the text of 7be book m slRmd 151 wk1 a le,00d t
municipal bylaws. star edlike the isdudes dmnae aarkeisg,M d ammo he'6we i
The system, including two Selo- and bodoess4owboilarers markeft and direct sour-
phone lines,an ftw PS/2 l the city kethrg's role in kowsttd rammmkodom, _!
and PCBontrd software,Doer the city
about #2,000. In April, a typical _ - 3SI0 S.#34.94
month according to Mr.Be mild,the Yti
SBS received abort 2,000 alts gem- ANIA 6a11A8 to SMptil
crating about 6,000 file inquiries. ' NII h"M unketim t
"We thought it was a good start," J Cooke MWdeat GeswsiBadaas Allies
he says."But saes,to our informs- CMsu telb;Co-pu6U"w ol,rbeAswrkr j
tion was still limited to residents Almiettsg twmr6stioa
with computes and modems. We here's ail the marketing help small busyness y area
wanted to do non, involve more neurs nod to iden*,anelyrt,and roe target mar- tree Cade lrtor era
people", hers 8CS3490 3,#29,94 Car+ ar
In Joe,the city took mares,to aa-
othas levef with a M"fez dmand" N �Ggn1A Or OP M0,SONM Edda wdw tsy5y3s #54.95
system that lets residents with fac 34VE$17.43 ON SW cs3i99.r $>4.45 i
simile machines retrieve many of the George Crwewwafat Axaero fmrtt�ebritltbsnt new r sraa a a.ace.ard ear tS3t97-5 f79.45
same documents that wort available Corers t'°y skp of doe near produm proom ne- a.eces+t tweet r4nhrds tS35so-5 139.95
an the SB.S.The system,using a per- t end plueft rlrs o a I now 40 kid l aaaarew 0535443 $"195
social computer with a fax board and ktuodoolon,sad more.M3352A$39.94 ? i
Factst.;e+r software from Ibex Tech- A1soAneifaWe... s t ts339ia #34.96 t
nologies I—, Placerville, Calif., Al- look as CS33524 $M.95
New Product Checklists h� CS33941 '$59.95
axes s interactive voice response se iCS3217-5,319
•New Pr+ndser Video
"V9 f3L9aearsr CS 35U $97.95
memi, which guides users enough documents available from the system. X53354-b,#49�t l tdeaaipat dw rt*tMaims aS3576t $19.95
Users an then enter a request for rela'aaseeryrt[toduard5enam 6535776 $19.95 t
a spettSc fie or a analog of files aharM.IdrSAV 01 udwnera.ree 0"784 lilk% i
which will automatically be sent to n sra4•101•sstrae#• 035ad6 Sr9.95
their fax machine.With the faxed Owl' rW C535742 SO."
UV&$ro."ON odarrrrEis ser ts3576-1 $swan I�
of the o hand,they tart skip some � Business wuror.Ma�hyu.6-6.m.,r.a sand
of the voice tsbese and request slap.�sarrawtr..r
more documents be sent to them. r'•++V�
I The fax-on-demand system makes a division of NTL Prbtidrirfg Gross ��,�� BtlokS WMT.esaraay
111 city information available to a much e1 d N,a V Grad Tad
broader range of residents, Mr. 4255 West Touhy Avenue a Lincolnwood.IL 606WIS75 i
M 4.wV I-M-329-4816 or T-7884»•6 •FM t-IU479-2494 Q"ee1'h""1ee"�.'N+'*+�+-'+a e.M•*� a••e%T�