HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 62782Date Received: 02/17/2025 Time Received: 11:40 a.m. Record Number: PN24-00184 City Secretary No.: _62_7_8_2 ___ _ PUBLIC PROPERTY EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT LICENSE AGREEMENT TIER fl THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, a home rule municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas ("City"), acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, Assistant City Manager, or Director of the Development Services Department, and Cana Capital Series 7, LLC, and Net? Real Estate, LLC Series 2-Bailey Drive, limited liability companies ("CoHectively Licensees"), acting by and through its duly authorized representatives. RECITALS WHEREAS, Licensee is the owner of the real property located at 3057 Bailey Drive, Fort Worth, Texas 76244 ("Property"), being more particularly described as, Lot 8R-1R, Block 1, and Lot 8R-2R, Block 1, Moriah at Timberland, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, as recorded in Deed Records, by Instrument Numbers D224106504 and D224106505, in Tarrant County, Texas, and; WHEREAS, the City owns a sanitary sewer easement (the "Public Property") adjacent to the Property, dedicated by plat, depicted on the final plat of the property (FS- 18-010), which plat is recorded in the plat records of Tarrant County as Instrument Number D2 I 9164765 and; WHEREAS, Licensee desires to construct, place, and maintain certain improvements which will encroach in, on, above, or below the Public Property; and WHEREAS, to accommodate the needs of the Licensee, the City will allow the encroachment under the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City and Licensee agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. The City, in consideration of the payment by Licensee of the fee set out below and covenants and agreements hereinafter contained to be kept and performed by Licensee, hereby grants permission to Licensee to encroach in, on, above, or below and occupy a portion of the City's Public Property as described in and at the location shown on Exhibit "A," but only to the extent shown thereon, for the purpose of constructing, Tier II Ea ement Encroachment Agreement Page l of 14 Revised 12/2022 rnstalling, and maintaining a rctaining wall and storm lines (the "EncroachmenY'}. Upon completion of the Ei-�croachmeut, Licensee agrees to be responsib�e far maintai�7ing th� Enetoachment within the Public Property. Licensee shall not expand or othenvise cause the Encroachment to further infriz�ge in or on thE Public Froperty beyond what is specifically described in Exhibit "A." 2. Al] construction, installation, maintenance, and aperation of the Eneroachment and the use or occupancy of the Public Property shal7 comply with and be performed in strict compliance with �his Agreement and with the charter, ordinances, codes, and policies of the City. Prior to th� construction or installation of the Encroachment, Licensee shall submit all plans and s}�ecifications to the Director of the Development Services Department or duly authorized representative. Licensee shall not commence construction or installation of the Er�croachinent nor make any us� of the PL�blic Property unt�l after the execution of this Agreement. 3. Licensee, at no expense ta the City, shall make propet provisions for the relacation and installation of any existing or future utilities af%cted by such Eneroachment ar►d the use and occupancy of the Public Property, including the securing the approva� and consent of the appropriate utility companies and agencies of the State of Texas and its political subdivisions. In the event that any installation, reinstallation, relocation, or repair of any existing or future urility or improvements owned by or constructed by or on behal�' of the public or at pubiic expense is made more castly by ��irtue of the construction, maintenance, or existence of the Encroachment and use of Pubtic Property, Licensee shall pay to City an additional amount eQual to such additionat cost as determined by the Director of Transportation and Public Works, the Director of the Water Departrnent, the Director of the Development Services D�partment, or their duly autharized representative. 4. Licensee agrees that City may enter and utilize the Public Proper�y at any time for any pub�ic purpose, including installing, repairing, replacing, or maintaining iinprovements to its pub7ic facilities or utilities necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The City shall have no responsibility or ]iabiiity for any damages related to the Eneroachment resulting from the City's use of the Public Property; however, the City shal] ma�Ce reasonable efforts to minimize such damage. Tier lI Easement Encroachment Agreeme»t Page 2 of 14 Revised 12/2022 5. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensec shall, at the option of and at no expense to the City, remove the Encroachm�nt and restore the Public Property to a candition acceptable to the Director of Transportation and Public Works, the Director of the Water Department, the Dire�tor of the Development Services Department or their duly authorized representative. Any such removal of the Encroachment shall be in accordance with th�n-existing Cily r�gulations arad policies. It is understood and agreed to by Licenscc that if this Agreement tcrminates and Licensee fails ta remove the Encroachment and restore the Public Property, Licensee hereby gives City permission to remove the Encroachment and any supporting structures frorr� the Public Property, to restor� ths Public Property, and to assess � lien on the Property for the costs expended by tl�e City in ta�Cing such actions. � In order ta defray a!1 costs of inspection and supervision which the City has incurred or will incur as a result of the construction, maint�r�ance, inspection or management of the Encroachment and use of Public Property as provided for by this Agreement, Licensee agrees to pay to City at the time this Agreement is requested an appIication fee in the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars {$9Q0,00). Additionally, Licensee agrees to pay a fee in the amount of $2.00 per squarellinear foot of the encroachment area upon execution of this Agreernent and annually thereafter. 7. The term of this Agreement shal! be for thirty {30} yea�s, comme�cing an the date Yhis Agreement is executed by City. However, the City may terminate this Agreement upon Licensee's noncomplian.ce with any of the terrns of this Agreeinent. City shall notify Licensee ti� writing of any such noncompliance and if Licensee does not cure the noncompliance within thirty {30) days af �iotice fro�n City, the City may terminate this Agreement. However, the City may, at its sole option, allow the Agreement to reznain in effect so long as Licensee has taken reasonable measures to cure the noncompliance or is continuing to diligently attempt to remedy the nancon�pliance. 8. It is further undersiood and agreed between the parties hereto that the �ublic Property to be used and encroachec� upon is held by City as trustee for the public; that City exercises such pflwers over the Pubtic Property as have been delegated to �t by the Constitution af the State of Texas or by the Texas Legislature; and �hat City can��a4 contract away its duty and its ]egislative power to contrnl the Pubiic Property for the use and beneiit of the pubiic. It is accordi�igly agreed that if the governing body of City n}ay at any iime during the term hereaf determine +n its sole discretion to use or cause or pennit the Public Property to be used for any other public pur�ose, including but r�ot being limited to underground, surface, ar overhead communicat�on, drainage, sanitary Tier II EasemenC Encraachmer�E Agreement Page 3 of 14 Revised 12f2022 sewerage, transmission of natural gas or electricity, �r any ather public purpose, whether presently contemplated or not, thac the parties agree to negotiate in good faith in order to accommodate both the Encroachment and the public purpose. 9. L�CENSEE COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, AND DOES HEREBY �NDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND DEFEND CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, AND ELECTED QFFICIALS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FQR PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS ANDIOR PERSONAL IN3URY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OUT OF �R IN CONNECTI�N WiTH, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, OCCUPANCY, USE, EXISTENCE, OR L�CATION OF THE ENCRQAGHMENT AND USES GRANTED HEREUNDER, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED, IN WHOLE QR IN PART, BY THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, ELECTED OFFICIALS, OR INVITEES OF THE CITY; AND LICENSEE HEREBY ASSUME5 ALL LIABILITY AND RESPUNSIBILITY FOR SUCH CLAIMS O� SUITS. LTCENSEE SHALL LIKEWISE ASSUME ALL LIABTLITY AND RESPONSIBILITY AND SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY FOR Al�'Y AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO CITY PRaPERTY ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTIQN WITH THE ENCROACHMENTS AND ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF LICENSEE, iTS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, C�NTRACTORS, SUSCONTRACTORS, LICENSEES, OR INVITEES. 1 Q. While t�115 Agreement is in effect, Licensee agrees to ftarnish City with a Certificate of Insurance naming City as certificate holder as proof that is has secured and paid for a policy of pubIic liability insurance covering all pui�lic risks related to the praposed use and accupancy of public property as ]ocated and described in Exhibit "A." The arnounts af such in�urance shall be not Iess than �1,OOD,000 with the understanding and agree�ne��t hy Licensee that such insurance amounts may be revised upward at City's aption arid tha� Licensee shall so revise such amounts imtnediately following notice to Licensee of such requiremez�t. Such insura��ce policy sha�� not be canceled or amended without at least thirty (30} days prior written notice to the Building Official af the City. A copy of such Certi�cate of Insurance is attached as Exhibit ��S" and incorporated herein for all purposes. Licensee agrees, binds, and obligates itself and its successors and assigi►s to maintain and keep in force such public liability insurance at all times during th� term of this Agreement and until the removal of Tier I1 Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 4 of 14 Revised 1212022 the Encroacf�meni and restaration of the Public Praperty. All insurance coverage required herein shall include coverage of all Licensee's contractors and subcontractors, 11. Licensee agrees to deposit with the City when this Agreement is executed a suffic�ent surri of money to be used to pay necessary fees to record this Agreement in the real property records of the caunty in which the Encroachrnent is located, After being recordecl, the original sha]] be renirned to the City Secretary of the City of Fort Warth. 12. Licensee agr�es to comply fiilly with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, and regulations in connection with the construction, operatian, and maintenance of the Encroachmcnt and use of the Public Property. 13. Licensee agrees to pay pro�nptly when due all fees, taxes, or rentaks provided for by this Agreement or by any federal, state, or local statute, law, or regu�ation. l 4. Licensee covenants and agrees that it shall operate hereunder as an independent contracEor as to all rights and privileges granted hereunder and not as an officer, agent, servant, or employee of City, and Licensee shali have exclus�ve controi of and the exclusive right to contral the details of its operations, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and ornissrons af its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees, and invitees. The doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between City and Licensee, its officers, agents, servants, employees, cantractors, and subcontractors, and nothing herein shall be construed as creat�ng a partnership or joint ente�prise between C�ty and Licensee. l 5. I.�censee agrees and acknowledges that this Agreement is solely for the purpose of permitting Licensee ta construct, maintaiis, and lacate the Encroachtnent over of within the Public Property and is not a conveyance of any right, title, or interest in or to the Fublic Property, nor is it meant to convey any right ta use or occupy property in which a third-party may have an interest. Licensee agrees that it will obtain a11 necessary permissions before occupying such property_ 16. In any actian brought by the City for the enforcement of the obligations of the Licensee, City shall be entitled to recover interest and r�asonable attorneys' fees. Tier I� Easeme�i# Encroachment Agreement Aage 5 �f 14 Revised ] 2/2022 17. The parties agree that the duties and obl�gations contained in Section S shal2 survive t�e termination of this Agreement. 18. Licensee covenants and agrees that it wi�1 not assign all or any of its rights, privitebes, or duties under this Agreement without the written approvaI of the C�ty, and any atternpted assignment without such written approval shall �e void. In the event Licensee conveys the Proper�y, Licensee may assign all of its rights and obligations under this Agrecment to the new owner of the Property, and Licensec shall be deemed relcased from its duties and obligations hereunder upon City's approval in writing of such assignment, which approval shall not be unreasonably conditioned or with.held. Foreclosure by a secured lender of Licensee or ass�gnment to a secured lender by Licensee in thc event of defauit or otherwise shall not require City apprava] provided that said lender notifies City in writing within sixty (60) days of such fareclosure or assignment and assumes all of Licensee's rights and abligations hereunder. However, na change of ownership due to foreclosure or assignment to any secured lender of Licensee sha�l be cffective as to Ctty unless and untiZ written notice af suc�t foreclosure or assignment is provided tp City. 19. Prior to the end ofthe term of this Agreement, Licensee may subn�it a new encroachment applicatian to the City. The City wifl not unreasonably withhold or delay approval of such application provided that the Encroachment follows the then current City codes ai�d compliance. 20. Any cause of action for breach of this Agreement shall be brought in Tarrant County, Texas. This Agreement shal] be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 21. This Agreement shall be b�nd�ng upon t�e partres hereto and their snccessors and assigns. 22. This Agreemeut rnay be executed in mtiltip�e connterparts, each of which shall be considered an original, but al[ of which shall constitute one instrument Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 6 of 14 Revised 12/2022 �SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGE� Tier li Easement Encroachmei�t Agreemant Page 7 ot' ]4 Revi sed ] 2/2022 EXECUTED to be effective on the date signed by the City's Director of Development Services Department City: CITY OF FORT WORTH ?:::k: By: -'D=•'=ton'-'-H_arr_ell:f...._e_b 1-'-1,_202_s _1s:_sG_CS---'-T) ____ _ D.J. Harrell Director, Development Services Department Date: Feb 11, 2025 ATTEST: Approved As To Form and Legality Jannette Goodall, City Secretary Licensee: Hye Won Kim Assistant City Attorney Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. 'Rebeua JJia11e Owen Rebecca Diane Owen (Feb 11, 2025 10:36 CST) Rebecca Owen Development Services Manager Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreement Page 8 of 14 Revised 12/2022 Cana Capital Series 7, LLC a Texas limited liability campany By: Oweis Enterprises LLC a Texas limited liability cornpany its ma�ager By: v Name: Qmar Oweis Title: Shareholder & Manager Date: r �3 � / �Z.�Z � < < � STATE OF /�,��,5 COUNTY OF � 1�ti� � �" BEPORE ME, the widersigned authority, a Natary Public in and for tlie State af ieac�'�.S _, on this day personally appeared Omar Owcis, Share�older and Manager known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknow�edgea to me that he or she executed the same for th.e purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of Cana Capital 7, LLC, a Texas limited liabiiity company, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 3��� da}' of .�� , � A�4 ✓U..^ {.�OSJY� G liG � � J�%'2, vu�"�r} v�. � Notary Public �n and for the ,�- State of � x�.�� Licensee: Tier II Ease�nent P.ncroachment A�reement : ����'"•° � JEREMYAUSTIN LQUQUE •••. .�._ � My Notary ID # 132124965 =1= ' = �� �E;of ���' ExpiresAugust 12, 2027 Page9of14 Revised 12/2022 Cana Capital Series 7, LLC a Texas limited liabiliEy company By: Texas R.E. Developments LLC a Texas limited fiability company its mana�er By: Name: Basem Nimri Title: Member & Manager Date: r '; za�.� STATE OF _ { ��ti, COUNTY OF r]� I j� y ra � 0 BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of �(r �t�'�,5 , on this day personalIy appeared Basem Nimri, Member & Manager, known to me to b� the persor whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instr�Ement, and acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same far the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of Texas R.E. Developments LLC, a Texas limited liability company, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this � day of �Ie-.,n �J�r;� _, �#: ��2`_i .;�;,: �p . � ^ t - .:�,r ��� ;_�;.r "�;: JEREMYAUSTEN LOUQIfE =��� •= My Notary ID # t32124985 Notary Public in and for the =;;!"�.•+�: '.. E nF �. �xplr@s August 12, 2027 State of � 1 �rCn.S Tier II Easement Encroachment Agreemen[ Page 10 of 14 Revised 1212022 Licensee: Net7 Real Estate, LLC a Texas limited liab�iity company Net 7 Bcaasds, LLC a Texas limited liabi�ity company : Title: Manager Date: i��+��AZ`_� T .� STATE OF �r,�caS § COUNTY QF �c„� Ia5 § BEFORE ME, the undersigrred authority, a Notary Public in and for the 5tate of �_, on this day personally appeared Sib Bahjat, Manager, known to me to be the perso�� who5e name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he or she executed the same for the purposes and consideration thercin expressed, as the act and deed of Net7 Real Estate, LLC, a Texas iimited liability company, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN CJNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OF�ICE this �_ day of v a.rY , �4. . Z� 2 5 . 't�'"�` �''•� JEREMYAUSTkN LQUQUE rrP�rt [.1S fi ✓1 �AJ ;i� ==p-'' �=: =�: *- My Notary iD # 132124985 ` l:�.q= Notary Public in and for the '''.F oF �+•` Expires August 12, 2027 State af j�:��,,_i Tier lI Easement Encroachment Agre�ment Page 1 l of 14 Revised ] 2/2Q22 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared D. J. Harrell, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of the City of Fort Worth, and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this llth day of February , 2025. l�✓e;,�f��t��rl�� Notary Public in and for the State of Texas o,�p,RY/'U�, WENDY L BEARDSLEE 2 �n � Notary Public # �C7 * STATE OF TEXAS `�� �� P f�otary I.D. 13323719-3 9��F��+ My Comm. Exp. July 28, 2025 Tier Il Easement Encroachment Agreement Page12of14 Revised 12/2022 EXHIBIT A Depiction and description of the E�croachrnent Tier II Easement Eucroachment A�reetnent Page 13 af 14 Revised 12/2022 A'19-'(l.r:� .- Bt991W';. � _ i i'a� ;:,:•, .. <<_ � ses;. �a .... . � �.� :iiy......� . Bu��aaui6u3 y��� 3t"z_ll_ iYL:�,�.i;r� :}:r7=�,��1�11� E`1����tJllV �,3�id� s,��enls se%Bi 'FIUS}o7 yuG321 uuam uo j �0 6�i� 110�� a��+'J � , _ �' � . p 3 h � y � t _ �i4 W, .f� � / - ' _ - _ � - is� i�O '�il '� , _ ' _ . ` � i a� � T7����" � W r ' '� �r /� Y H� _ C Q i � �, y d �.�i� ��= � � ! � � � I � �i ": � a ��� - ���� �� � a� a.� -=-��=s � ' �� i%y±��y p$ �:ia' - - SF _s�Li�� _ - �� _ ,_ _ i, � � _ _ - F ' �- _ � p a aiajr ; �, ,�...,.. .,..�..„,�.,..,...�.........��.„..»»....... . � . ,.� . . _ � : � � $ � I n s ,� ' ' E� �', S � `� A M1 . , . a : � � � I � . ' ' 3:r�it� '�S � P.,'Y. a � .V4gi.f J.ual:�.l2 fl� � - 3 fri_ U 7�'��3 3 8 x� �w` I �(�HVI?J�l'�i j_-fa y - ��'. y�� 3,�:s $ E�. _ __—_I I _ i �' �i �' -i-• Jui '' I �.—. c � �3-•Z ' i� ' F� 1,� � ,., :.. .._ / V � �'�_ ,. arw_csst•,v �""" ', , � ! � — � �.� � � r -r �_ _ ^ � : _ � ;� i ; ,�� ��� �� = i �I _ _ �� "--_' � a { � � � � ,-,- - '' � ..� �'`�.< ' � i � � ��:, • �, _ `� : ;� :�ti \ � ' � �;";�., � v e y t.� `., \� � �> �\ f �� : �� �`j, �` \ `�o �, \ . , �y�% t ��, �\ , �� ° \t, , -\ �, .. . _*. �� � ,• .���'-� r - _� ���;:: �� �� , � �; ¢ �- , �-: � �� �'s ��s � % EXHfBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION CR05SING EASEMENT TRACT'f BEf NG all that tract or parcei pf iand contained in William McCawen Survey, Abstract Numher 999, in the City of Fort Worth, iarrant County, Texas, and being a par# of Lots 8R- � R of Moriah at Timberland Addi#ion, an addi#ion to the City ofi Fort Worth, Tarrant Caunty, Texas, according io the plat thereof recarde� in Document fVurnber D2191647fi5 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being mor particularly described by metes and bouncls as follows: SEGINNf�fG at the southeast corner of the herein described tract, from which a southeast corner of said �ot 8R-1 R bears Sou#h 70 degrees 08 minutes 32 seconds East, a distance of 20p.92 feet; THEI�CE over arrd across said Lots 8R-1 R, the following faur (4) courses ta poin#s for corner: 1. North 24 �egrees 09 minutes 18 seconds West, a distance of 15.00 feet; 2. North 65 degrees 50 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 5.00 feet; 3. South 24 degrees a9 minutes 1$ seconds East, a distance of 15.00 feet; 4. South 65 degrees 50 minutes 55 seconds West, a dis#an�e of 5.00 feet to the P�1NT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.002 acres or 75 square feet of land. TRACT 2 BEING all that tract or parcel pf land coniained in William McCowen 5�rvey, Abstract Number 999, in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant Counry, Texas, and being a part of Lois SR- 1 R of Maria� at Timberland Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according io the plat thereof recorded in Document Number D219'f64765 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being mor particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at th� sautheast corner of the herein described tract, fram which a southeast corner of saic� Lot 8R-1 R bears 5outh 24 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds East, a distance of 134.68 feet; THENCE over and across said Lots SR-� R, the following four (4) courses to points for �orner: 5. South 87 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 5.27 feet; 6. North 03 degrees 48 minutes 38 seconds Eas#, a distance of 15.80 feet; 7. North fi7 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 5.27 feet; 8. South 03 degrees 48 minutes 38 secands East, a distance of 15.8D feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.002 acres or 79 square feet of land. t ��-�� F•� rF ,�P.���sTER �q �:'� � Q •.� .....: ...................................':....., CRY57AL RdBERT50N ..... _ .................................... _..... � Crystal Robertson Registered professional land Surveyor Na. 5447 CCM ENGlN�ERING 2570 JUSTIN ROAD #209 HIGHLAND VILLAGE, TX 75077 (972) fi91-fi633 TBPE FIRM #605 TBLS FIRM #1Q194794 5447 Ffiss�� CROSSIN� EASEMENT 0.404 ACRES - 154 SQ FT WILLIAM McCOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 999 7ARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS S�ALE: � 1 "=30' DRAWN BY: CJR CHECKED BY: C.]R DATE: a8l29I2024 SF-IEET: 1 af 2 EXHIBIT "A" TRACT 2 � � � I — � 0.002ACRES �`� � r__��.— 79SQFT � �� j I ��' � � � � N � —' � i � ' � I � � � � �'�`� I � � � �� �� � � � � � ER�Pc'�Z5 ��� � �'' ,`�� � I � 5E� RO`�1� � � � � � PN�.� Pa�N��,e�/ � � �� I � � 1� 5 �`��� ' �` w 2 ppG � � , I � � � � �� ``�_; "�� LOT 8R-1 R �;'�� i `-� , � _- �"� �--� BLOCK 1 '�pm i Q �-- TRACT 1 ��'�� �� ��,, � 0.002 ACRES ~�''—��� � � � 75 SQ FT '���_ S70o �� ( � � p8 32,E ; � � �� �pQ 9� �� E O � ��- � Parcel Line Table Parcel Line Table �`'- � ! � `— � -��` � Line # Length Direction Lin� # Length Direction `>>��_ �� f L1 15.00 N24"D9'Z8"W LS 5.27 S67"53'30"W ����� ,; � L2 5.00 N65°50'55"E L6 15.80 N3°48'38"W �� }-� — — / ' L3 15.OD 524°09'18"E L7 5.27 N67°53'30"E � � z� i � L4 5A0 565°50'S5"W L8 '15.8p S3°48'38"E / I �� I W N � N N � l W d / r-�---W � w_ , � m , �� � , QZ U � Q 3� 6Q 120 � I m w / � 0. U I c, D SCALE: 1�� = 30' _�� LOT 10R-1, BLQCK � � LEGEND! ABBREVIATIONS — MORIAH AT TIMBERLAND ADDITION DQCUMENT NUMBER D217256565 I ------- DE�DITRACTLIAfE ,��, O.F r� O.P.R.T.C.T. EASEMENT BOUNpARY � P-'c�i S r E p•.�'_ P.R.T.C.1'. �LAT RECOF2DS, TARRANT GQiJNTY , TEXAS GENERALNOTES 1. Bearing based pn Texas State Plane Coordi�ates, Cenlral Zone, 4203, NAD$3-US Survey feet, deri�ed frpm GPS observaiions and NG5 Opus solutions. CCM ENGINEERING 2570 JUSTIN RQAD #209 HIGHLANO ViLLAGE, TX 75077 (972)691-6633 TBPE FIRM #505 7BL5 FIRM #10194794 6 `':'�y � `O''�` ............................................... CRYSTALRDBERTSON ............................�--�-�-�--......:...... '`: A 5447 ,,::' ��0 P°F� s s r o�'PO� N0 s'� �V ��t CRY57A�ROBERT50N REGI5T�RED PRO�ESSIONAL LAND SURV�YOR Nv. 5447 CROSSING EASEMENT 0.004 ACRES - 154 SQ FT WILLIAM McCOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 999 TARRANT CQUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 1 "=3D' DRAWN BY: CJR CHECKED BY: CJR oarE: osi2sizaza EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL CESCRfPTiON CROSSING EASEMENT BEfNG all that tract or parcel pf lat�d contained in William McCowen Survey, Abstract Number 999, in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and being a part of Lats 8R- � R and 8R-2R of MoriaE� at Timberland Addition, an addition to the Cify of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, according to the �lat thereof recorded in Document Number D219164765 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and being mor particularly described by metes and bounds as foilows: BEGINNING at a point in ihe wes# line of said Lot 8R-2R and the east ]ine of Lot 7R of Moriah at Tirnberland Addition, an additian to the City of Fort Warth, Tarrant County, Texas, accnrding to the Plat thereof recorded in Document Number D217256565, of the Piat Records of Tarrant County, Texas, from which the southwest corner of said Lot 8R-1 F2 bears 5outh 35 degrees 54 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 134.62 fe�t; THENCE North 35 degrees 54 minutes 19 seconds West, alang Ehe common line of said Lots 8R-1R and 7R, a distance of 3.05 feet ta a point for corner; THE�fCE over and across said Lots 8R-1 R and 8R-2R, the following eleven (11 } courses to points for carner: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 North 43 degrees18 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of 88.80 feet; North 55 degrees22 rninutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 206.77 fee#; North 68 degrees06 minutes 03 seconds EasY, a distance of 158.38 feei; South 85 degrees50 minutes 22 seconds East, a distance of 15.52 feet; South 61 degrees0l minutes 46 seconds East, a distance of 70.42 feet; South 28 degrees58 minutes 14 seconds West, a distance of 3.00 feet; North 61 degrees0l minutes 4fi seconds West, a distance of 69.76 feet; North 85 degrees50 minutes 22 seconds West, a distance of 14.16 feet; South 68 degrees06 minu#es 12 seconds West, a distance of �57.32 feet; South 55 degrees22 minutes 02 seconds West, a distence of 206.16 feet; 11. South 43 degrees18 rriinutes 59 seconds West, a distance of 69.04 feet to the PCINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.036 acres or 1,554 square feet of land. � � �/ � / �� Crystal Robertson Registered professional land Surveyor No. 5447 CCM ENGiNEERING 2570 JUSTIN ROAD #20S HIGHLAN� VILLAGE, TX 75Q77 (972) 891-6633 TBPE FI RM #6Q5 TBLS FIRM #10194794 y:�'e- .�8� o •.,f� . ..�� �': �....._ ....... ..... ............................ CRYSTAL ROB�RT50N � ... .......... .......... .... .._.. ,,,......... ...... �, ' .� 5447 ,,::�y \V ��4:°Fess��`-'_;'0�4/ CR4SSING EASEMENT O.Q36 ACRES - 1,554 SQ.FT. WILLtAM McCOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMB�R 999 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: 4"=9D0' �RAWN 8Y: CJR CHECKED BY: GJR �Ar�: oaizaizoza � \ \ 2 V . � � � � � � � � � � � � � � BLO�K 1 � ■ `� � `� 1 � � � �� � � M ■ (� iqa w �? J �z U �� ,/ 1 / � � � '� 1 / � I / '� ,,/ �s ���so �s� � . ���- � � .�` � \� LOi 10R-2 � � BLOGK 1 6' � MORIAH AT 7lMBERLAND ADDITION \ �� � DQCUMENT NUMBER D217256565 \ � � O.P.R.T.C.T. LOT 7R �� �' / 4 80 120 16fl BLOCK 1 � MORIAH Al� TIMBERLAND ADDITION DOCUMENI" NUMBER D217256665 � O.P.R.T.C.i. � SCALE: 1" = 80' / LEGEND ! ABBREVIATIONS / � / ' �EE�ITRACT LINE � EAS�M�NT BOUNDARY /' O.P,R.K.C.T. OFFfCIAL PUBLIC RECORDS, i KA�IFMAN COUNTY , TEXAS � DEED RECOR�55, / D.R.K.C,T. K,qUFNIAN COUNTY , TEXAS GENEF2AL NOTES 9. 6earsng based on Texas State Pfane Coordinates, Central Zone, 42D3, NAD83-US Survey feel, detived from GPS observations and NGS Qpus sofutions. CCM ENGINEERfNG 2570 JUSTIN ROAD #209 FlIGHLAND VILLAG�, TX 7b077 (972}691-6633 76PE FIRN! #605 TBLS FIRM #10194794 CROSSING EASEMENT O.Q36 ACRES - 1,554 SQ.FT. WILLIAM McCOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 999 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: � 1 "-10D' DRAWN BY: CJR CHECKED BY: CJR L7ATE: 08/28/2024 ET: � EXHIBIT "A" N ■ � �,1 �� � � ,� �, � Z _, / �� Q � . � � � � � Q6,�3'E N6a� s�� 06 �2 � � � � � . , � � � � . � � � � � BLO�K 1 � � � � � � � \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \. 0 80 120 160 SCALE: 1" = SO' LEGEND / ABBREVIATIONS --`---- DEEDITRACTLINE EASEMENT BOUNbARY O.P.R.K.C.T. OFFIGIAL PUBLIC RECpRpS, KAUFMAN COUNTY,TEXAS D.R.K.C.T. DEE� RECOR{7SS, KAUFA+IAN COUNTY , TEXAS IPF IRdN PIPE FOUND CIRF CAPPED IRON ROD FOUND EXHIBIT "A" S85°5p�22"E 15.52' � °$0'22 56����g6- I 15a 38 � 4.16� �,�,ro • 42, F I ,��� 32 69��4s-, � � f� �y 6. � o��ao i � �� `�. I � � I Q I � I � �O I LOT SR-1 R , � — �I Z / � W � w � I a , w / �N I W / U � I Q ' I J , I m � a / I m i M _ � � � � ` � ' i GEiVERAL NOTES 1. Bearing 6ased on Texas 5tate Plane Coordinates, Central Zone, 4203, NA�83-US Survey feeI, derived frpm GPS observations and NG5 Opus solutions. CCM ENGINEERING 2570 JUSTIN ROAD #209 HIGHLAND VILLAGE, TX 75077 (972)691-6633 TBPE FIRN! #605 TB�S FIRM #�0194794 OF � G?r'2-` � �� •'•.J� � ......::..............................�--...::..... CRYSTAL ROBERTSON � ...................................�--............. �''=-.� 5447 ,,:' �4P°F�'s st�`'-P'OQ' N° s�u�v�y CF2YSTAL ROBERTSdN REGISTERE� PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 5447 CROSSING EASEMENT 0.036 ACRES - 1,554 SQ. FT. WILLIAM McCOWEN SURVEY, ABSTRACT NUMBER 999 TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS SCALE: I 1 "=80' ❑RAWN 8Y: CJR CH�CiCEb BY: CJR DATE: 0 610 712 0 24 579r I\yl� 3cE1 Bi69'�b9'TL6 x:'� f:3? .r;9 ; t_n:: - r,r-��i�r �.�. � =..�v:=.��.. 6uilaaui6u� yya� ; V'+��1! -!�:1��� i5�_1.���]- iG =.i.l_� NOI1100'd ,���id9 s,l�dnls sexal -/iunv� {ueu¢1 uuom uoj 10 R1« uo�d la,uas li.ib;lUOs JI�J9n� _ s - g 4 � f ' ` 2 = i33�3�- � € � � n �" < � 'y�' J I I o � F, F � � K�w 'zP �� 4: iq �_`€ ��� ac� e�: F`"_�y r�;:`' �:t.= - ' _^_. :�.....,..�. .,.,�._..�..Y....,... ._. _ _ __ i�= yS'e43:�:,y?LL _ it�r'�= � Z� �g;2� f5� O} - '-.P�'-' _ F- 3 ' � m V� - s}`4As__ ' �'w - _ - '� �'� �:z�'- s=�_�F ��LL__ ':y�� 3w�.�rr;=�� k , ��--E; �------------ --- tiaHwiaow � -�l i . � I � ��� i � � I i l \ � \ � i p � I T T 1 1 - c; _ ' 1 l 1 � ' ` � _ 5 ' j� F � � L. -.� � � . _ ' 41 �_ . �..�� . .. — — ' _ _ � � � � �� ^�_ ^ ! ,l I} n r � -, ' - _ \ -_ 5 _ F.. - ,, `` J� , - �� i 1�~��-..� `f . :y ;3 . \ � � � , _ - ' � �.� � � , � , � - �� � _- . � t � � � � . \` - ' � � ` - - , I � � _.�� i �,t� � _ J . �' . ` ` �` y / O \� . , 7�,�` � \ � /� \ � `� � / i � ` / . \\ . �, j\ � '_ � � � /, � ` � �l'" � �1 ' / \ ,� /i ♦ � ` �� ,� �' � � l� — � , ..�, � f I C ._ _ _ � ' . � ' . _ _ _ . - . _. _. "_ _ r f s. ��" :,� 1 j �� A ..,� ,,.. �� ._ . . I.v'.FI __ — P — _ -,.�/ �. � �. f - � �y.r� �� ' ��R�.L'�'�'+(T'�rr�, w��_ - �. n I }� .. �! + ,i ': �Y� s �. I ._' -_ . ._ �I'�L_j � _. _ ' I�- _.__ � � � � � - _.�� . . .. .... . 1 .':.` 1 �., . L L�� ,� s��iv -� . .a ,-ere - ` I .�': I . � ry. y�� • � . .. . . ._- �1€c�.l$ -- _ .. �.iae w[/n,i s ew rt 7II� I- �.. t _ � I .,. ' - � J d' � ,a� � ....-_ . .,.r� r'� � '_. � ' :�i � 6�i Fb . �>� r �. TJt'nr-f- �. .8�; fi4 II - . ]['1 �-` _-_Y�� . i �i �_ �- iw�; e¢Er 3` �� �., .� � �� ,��' * .�«� , _ . ... _ _,� "� . I I - � � e� ! r� �� �.,�„ I �'� ..�t - 4:fNu - —I ' • r I \�' � i i� : . � ' I`I � �r � ' ,,, I L �___ � � � `' � `—��i- � — �-�� r `' � �. � �.��w J 1 '� , - --_� k ; • � ;� ,��� ' �� r �: i e �. �, � ;9'^':1.F� 3AILEY DR. '� I ' ' _ _ _ 1 y; y , 31� �-^1 � _ _ j ' i.�EF ' � ; � €s o ��-v �� � 1 ; _ � � z � 3 m r � � �.�— i i=� - y�— __ _ ___ &;: � • f� :>. "^4` ,.�:�'c . �5� _ � _ Gi� � s I � Z k - ______-- _� � i�� __ , i v' ,, - _ �y i � �� . . }.t_ I ..1.� f r i.r^,x��,y�.,� � � �� �� � p — -'J m � � � � _ ."a � D i m �J 3y SO e - Stnr� P1an & STUART'S �3AILEY ProtiEe ADDITIOI�f CityntFo�twpnn CE7"L�F-4���5FA:iR;.f TEkA;3 TevanlCounry,Texas K ti _ '�': � .5'� F�f L' �` _ � . _,�.RFFF.y��_ � l- � j C i m� F` k sq - ''�a^ �ti _�;�YJ#?,n cr,Z �IY3i;�i, -,;#�3 2 a �. _ : a '�,���.,'� 's4 -' - f '�r � x a 7 � � . S � � m a I � � ' I I CCM Engineering �!:i 5 �-�zaa i ,.-.+irw,��.rr.A:7snn ?2.fi�1E613 72.f51 E62d k-NE FI�FAPS05 EXHIBIT B Certificate of Insurance Tier II Easefne«t Encroachment Agreemeni Page 14 ot� 14 ����5ea i z��o2� DATE(MM/DDIYYYY) A�� �� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1/31/2025 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Amberly Hamblin K&S Rockwall 0104 PHONE FAX 2255 Ridge Rd, Ste 333 a�c n,o exc : 9�2-��2-�246 aic No : 972-771-4695 Rockwall TX 75087 aooR�ess: amberly.hamblin@kandsins.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # License#: BR-1796913 iNsuReRa: Zurich American Insurance Comp 16535 INSURED zcoNSRu-o� iNsuReR a: American Guarantee and Liabili 26247 Z Constructors Nationwide, LLC 201 W. Kaufman Street iNsuReR c: Continental Casualt Compan 20443 Richardson TX 75081 INSURER D: INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 1170861962 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS LTR I VD POLICY NUMBER MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY A X COMMERCIALGENERALLIABILITY GL05636551-01 6/1/2024 6/1/2025 EACHOCCURRENCE $2,OOQ000 DAMAGE TO RENTED CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 500,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 2,000,000 GEN'LAGGREGATELIMITAPPLIESPER: GENERALAGGREGATE $4,000,000 POLICY � PR� � LOC PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ 4,000,000 JECT OTH ER: $ A AUTOMOBILELIABILITY BAP 5636558-01 6/1/2024 6/1/2025 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT g 1,000,000 Ea accident X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTYDAMAGE $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident $ B UMBRELLALIAB X OCCUR SXS5640967-01 6/1/2024 6/1/2025 EACHOCCURRENCE $9,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 9,000,000 DED RETENTION $ $ q WORKERSCOMPENSATION WC5576049-01 6/1/2024 6/1/2025 X PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y� N STATUTE ER ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTNE E.L EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBEREXCLUDED? � N�A (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 C Contractor'sEquipment IM7039693058 6/1/2024 6/1/2025 L/REquip.ltem/Agg $100,000/$200,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) The General Liability and Auto Liability policies include a blanket automatic additional insured endorsement that provides additional insured status to the certificate holder only when there is a written contract between the named insured and the certificate holder that requires such status. The General Liability and Auto Liability policies contain an endorsement with "Primary and Noncontributory" wording. The General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers' Compensation policies include blanket automatic waiver of subrogation endorsements that provide this feature, only when there is a written contract between the named insured and the certificate holder that requires it. See Attached... CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Fort Worth CFA Office - PN24-00184 100 Fort Worth Trail Fort Worth TX 76102 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ��� O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: ZCONSRU-01 LOC #: ACOR�� �� AGENCY K&S Rockwall 0104 POLICY NUMBER CARRIER ADDITIONAL REMARKS ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE NAIC CODE NAMEDINSURED Z Constructors Nationwide, LLC 201 W. Kaufman Street Richardson TX 75081 EFFECTIVE DATE: The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Page 1 of 1 ACORD 101 (2008/01) O 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.