HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15457ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~~~ AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ELECTION BY TIIE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF TIE CITY OF FORT WORTI3, TEXAS, ON SATURDAY, THE 3~ DAY OF MAY, 2003, FOR TIIE PURPOSE OF ELECTING THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS FOR TIDE CITY OF FORT WORTH. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIE CITY COUNCIL OF TgIE CITY OF FORT WORTH TEXAS: SECTION 1. In compliance with the Charter of the City of Fort Worth and in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, the City Council hereby orders that an election be held on Saturday, May 3, 2003 for the purpose of electing a Mayor at large and eight Councilmembers. The offices to be filled shall be designated as Mayor and Member of Council, Districts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. SECTION 2. (a) Robert Parten, Tarrant County Elections Administrator, shall serve as the early voting clerk. Mr. Parten's official mailing address is: Tarrant County Courthouse 100 West Weatherford Fort Worth, Texas 76196 (b) Gloria Pearson, City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, shall serve as chief deputy early voting clerk. SECTION 3. (a) Early voting by personal appearance shall be conducted begimung April 16, 2003, and continuing through Apri129, 2003, at the following locations in the City of Fort Worth. A voter entitled to vote an early ballot by personal appearance may vote at any of the following locations. (b) Main Early Votin Pg oiling Place Fort Worth Municipal Building South Lobby 1000 Throclanorton Street 76102 (c) Branch Early Votin Pg ollin Pg laces Diamond HilUJarvis Library 1300 N.E. 35th Street 76106 Griffin Subcourthouse 3212 Miller Avenue 76119 Southwest Subcourthouse 6551 Granbury Road 76133 Log Cabin Village (Harry A. Foster Cabin) 2100 Log Cabin Village Lane 76109 Como Elementary School 4000 Horne Street 76107 Southside Community Center 959 East Rosedale Street 76104 Southwest Regional Library 4001 Library Lane 76109 Eagle Mountain Water Treatment Plant 6801 Bowman Roberts Road 76179 County Annex West 600 West Weatherford Street 76196 Handley-Meadowbroolc Community Center 6201 Beaty 76112 Riverside Community Center in the Park 3700 Bellrnap Street 76111 Worth Heights Community Center 3551 New Yorlc Avenue 76110 Stunner Glen Library 4205 Basswood Blvd. 76137 (d) Early voting by personal appearance will be conducted at all of the above locations on the following dates and times: April 16-18 (Wednesday-Friday) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Apri121-25 (Monday-Friday) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. April 26 (Saturday) 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2 Apri127 (Sunday) 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Apri12$-29 (Monday-Tuesday) 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. SECTION 4. The locations of the polling places for the election of Mayor and City Councilmembers are set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The polling places will be open on May 3, 2003, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. Kenneth Barr Mayor of the City of Fort Worth APPROVED A5 TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ~~'~..~~~-e~.e a- di~~.--' Deputy City Attorney ADOPTED and EFFECTIVE: a' a ~" b3 ,,02/25/2003 TCTE 15 ; 39 FAIT C~ 002 ~'it~~ o- f'..~'o~'t ~'o~~Iz .P'orri,~g .Lo~a~io~s ~ 1V.~~zy 3, 2003 Peas at site .District Location - 4048 2 Fwt Worth Fire Station 12 120 Noz~clxwest 22nd Street Fart Worth, Texas 761.OG 4050 2 Tho son Cha e1 ~Initecl Methodist Church ~ 2804 YICSppCCI: v07111Z • Fort ViTOrth, Texas 76106 4067 2 1;tufino E. Mendoza; 5r. Ekrmentary School 1412 TJc:xxver. Avenue Fort'Worth, Texas 76106 4068 2 Rosen,H,ei$hts Baptist Church Family Life Center 2524 Roosevelt Avexxue 'Fart Worth, `l'exas 76106 4092 4087 2 Nardzsidc Branch Library , 60l Park Street ' Foirt Woxtla, Texas 76106 4093 2 Dianaozxd Hill Coz~irnunity Center 1701 Northeast 36th Street Fort Worth, Texas 76106 1485,1486;1487,4503 ] 109,1473 2 OakhurstEIementary School , .2700 Xucca.Avenue Fort'Worth, Texas 76111 4110 4563-0 2 Nvrthsidc Community Center , 1901. Haxrin ton. twenue Foat WartU, ~exas 76106 4578-0 4122 4397 4017 2 Azle Avenue Baptist Church , , , 2901 A:cle Avenue Fqrt Worth, Texas 76106 4123 4051 2 Evan el Assembly of God Church ~ , 3401 orth Idardxn Street F l 6106 W T • ort oxt x, exas 4124,1 S95 2 Calw~ry Cathedral 1701 palchurst Scenic Drive .Font W orth, Texas 7611.1, 4231.4434 ' 2 Diamond Bill-Jarvis High School 1411 Maydcll Sfreet Fvrt Werth, Texas 76106 1376,4494 2 Central .Libr~u'~ 500 West 3rd 5tre~t Fort Worth, Texas 76102 4499,3043,3192,3372;4452,3465, 2 North Fort Worth Baptist Church 3570,3576-0,3599,411;413.429 5802 North I-35 West Fort Worth, Texas 76131 Denton 4069,1480 3 L• onavue Baptist Church 342 Longvue Avenue .Fort Worth, Texas 76116 1117,1239,4.498 3 McLean 6th Grade 5chooI ' 3201 South l•1 ills Avenue tort 1Norllx, Texas 76108 4129 3 Ridulea West 13app~ist Church • 395 Southwest Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76116 4136 3 Lue17.a Nletrett Elezrzent~.ty School ' 7325 I{ermit Avenue • • Fort Worth, Texas 76116 r~:n:nm:r•.-::nxn.:rc-iarmnr.•r.~r.:nrzr;:namsu;a~~r,,:~r•:rs-ant:xr.~mraur.:~:,7reanncrna:miasaa::n:~~s:u•~nz~anrrt:nrarrcY~,:ra.^sr..~a»:;eWsia;ri;:nrn:r~mr:ua:rc:,^.;•tas:m:~tm~~acn:~rer„nn Tttesrfnl,, F e~brrrrrry 25, ZUU3 .Page 1' of 7 02/25/2003 TUE 15: 39 FAIT (3j 003 ' Pets nt szte bxstrict .~ucatinrr. 4163 3 WestcliffUnited Methodist Church 4$33 Selkirk Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76109 1165 1133 3 South Hills Elerucntary School , 3009 T3illlade Road Fort Worth, 'Texas 76133 4518 4179 3 R. D. Evans Conxn~.uuity Center , 3242 Lackland Road Fort Worth, T~XaS 76116 4182 3 Tanglewood Elementa~.y School 3060 Wcst Overton hark Fgrt Worth, Texas 76109 4203 1337 4135 3 Westexn. Dills United Methodist Church , , 2820 Laredo Drive 1'~ort Worrlt. Texas 7611G 4230 3 Bothel United Methodist Church 5000 Southwest Ba~>lcvard ..Fort Worth, Texas 76116 4070 1241 3 Wedgwood 6th Cxcade Schoot , • 4212 Belden Avenue :Fort Worth, Texas 76132 1594 1273 1 X92 3 South Bills B aptist Church , , 4800 Merida Avenue Fori Worth, Texas 76115 4342 3 Faith Lutheran Church 4551. Southwesk Boulevard Fort Worti,, Texas 76t.1.G 1472 "'4343 4130 3 Overton hark United Methodist Church , , 5001 Briarhaven Road Fort Worth, Texas 76109 1186,i296, 4071 1111 1I19 1377 3 OalG+.noutFlennenta~ySchool. , ; , : 6651 Oakmont T1•ail 1347,1349,1423 Fort' Worth, Texas 76132 4456 4118 3 Rid tea United Methodist Church. ~ ; T,ocke Avenue 603 .Fort Worth, Texas 76116 1082 1198 4 Riverside Con-ununity Center in the Park , 3700 East Bcllmap Street Fort Wort1i, Texas 761.1.1. 4101 4 Amon Carter-Riverside hiigh School 3301 Yucca Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76111 1146 4 Eastern .H..ills I-T.ia}a School. 5701 Shelton Drive hort Worth, Texas 76112 41 G2 4 Riverside A lied Learning Center at Bonnie Brae 3600 Fossil Drive Fort Worth, Texas ~,J. i l 1185 4 Meadowbrook Golf Course 1815 Jenson Road Fotti Worth, Texas 76112 3197 4 River Trail Elementary School ~. ~ 8$SOElbeTrail Fort Worth, Texas 76118 1227.1437 - 4 ~ Fort Vdorth Fixe Station 7 7601 Jo1w.T White Road Fort Worth, Texas 761 Zp 1278 1279 4 Atwood McDonald Elementary Scbiool , 185013A.rron bane Fort Worth, Texas 76112 animnimr+raniawimiwinianuinituinnnwwninncnumnoni,ingoauuu.,.u.m..w Tuesday; February 25,, 2009 ~.u.iemawi~auuwiu~vrwiveaer ~iwunnu~~wamuuinac~cmwnam:mc~noinnnumnvramnnemcwncrwcmr~..nirmmiamtrtsirmaaioinac~inrimrinrtirn~n Page 1 of'i 02/25/2003 TUE,15:39 FA1i [~j004 ,Pets at cite District Locative 14GO,115I,3199,1277,3430,1500 4 East Regional Library 6301 Bndge Street 611 Foxt Worts, Tcxas 7 2 4508,3234,4250,4261,4374,4528, 454 3588 4 Parkview Elementary School 6900 Bayberry Drive Q Fozt Worth, Tcxtzs 76137 1012 $ East Handley Elementar}+ School 261'7 Minas Street ForC Worth, Texas 76112 1074 1598 5 D. McRae Elementary School , 3316 Avcnuc N Font Worth, Tcxas 76105 1098 5 S. S. Dillow Elementary School ' 4000 Avenue N Fort Worth, T exas 76105 1415 1 099 5 llandley-Meadowbrook Community Center , , 6201 13aaty Street Fort Worth, Texas 76112 1106 5 East Bcny Branch Library 4300 ;fiast Bevy 5trcct Fort Woath, Texas 76119 .1126 5 First Je11'erson'tJnitariaia Church 1959 Sandy Lane FozfiWorth, Texas 76112 1127 5 Martin Luther ding Conununity Center 5565 Trrunan Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76112 1132 1477 5 '' Clrarles F. Griffin Subco'urthouse ' 3212 Miller,Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76119 - 1149 2029 1184 5 W. M. Crreen ilementarryy School , , 4612 David Strickland f~rive Fort Worth, Texas 76119 1175,3409,1420-0,1.444, 5 St John}3aptist Church 3324 House Anderson Road 1560,3590,15'73 Euless. Tcxas 76040 1188 5 - `Paul Laurence Dunbar High School 5700 ltar~zey ,Avenue Fort VVortlr. Texas 76112 1152 1211 5 Sunrise McMillian Elemcnl'ary School , 3409 Stalcup Road Fort Worth, Texas 76119 1270 1419-0 5 Fort Worth lire Station 24 , • 3101 Forest Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76112 "'1297 5 A. M. Pate Elementary School 3SUU Anglin llrive Fort Worth, Texas .19 1299 5 Glen Park Elementary School 3601 Pecos Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76119 1311;1428,1489,1490,1514-0 5 Handley Middle School 2801 Pa.tino Road 1 Fort Worth. Texas 76112 1346 5 Dunbar 6th Grade Middle School 5100 Willie 5trect Fort Worth, Texas 76105 3455,3329,3336,1388,3404,3589 5 Fort Wortlr Fue Statiozi.33 14650 Stotler Boulevard Fort Woxih, 'Cexas 761,5,5 :L'ipl[WTAIL'~":^V::~IAgltil'IFI1.1 411 61 611[IIJWIIIIi141Ri:IFII:IUUNi:r.1In1:11:11I:IW:WI;lll41!1111[Iy~lA01bIV]ITll!Wi21!T.:!7!S:IGIIlJi11:IL11:141L>rlLi(IIlITd141GIF14149[1411:It14II11:Iililltl111lGC:iJ111[NIF7919ULI11ll'.ICJI'lliRWt7Wi7UW01F1.^.iL'!:~w'P'f77IpLi1:IFltiillLllii60 Z'uc~sda}+, .('ebrr~ary 25, 2003 Yage 3 of i 02/25/2003 TCTE 15:40 FA3. (~j 005 ,' Pets at site DishiGt Location "` 1004 6 ue School C l 340I Aven WalCon Fort Worth; Texas 76133 1014 11$9 6 Edgge Park United Methodist Churcla. , 5616 Cro~vie Road Fort Worth, ~exas 76134 022 1 G St. Matthews Lutheran Churcb. . 5709 Wedgwood Drive Fort Woz-th, Texas 76133 1105 6 Southwest Comtxaunity Ccntcr 6300 WelchAvenue Fort Worth, Texas 76.133 1142 G Druce Shulkey Elementary School 5$33 Whitman I1,venuc .Fort Worth, Texas 76133 1150 6 New Bethel Baptist Church 7412 South Freewayy Fort Worth. Texas 76134 1207 6 Southwest Subcoi~rthouse 6551 Cranbury Road Fort Worth Texas 76133 1238 G Trinity Cumberland Presbyterian Churcla 7120 West Cleburne Raad l+ort Worth, Texas 76133 1294 1244 1255 1271 1024 1251 6 MeadawcrcckElcmentarySchool , , , , , ., 1348,1378,1446,1459 2801 CounhyCreekLane Fort Worth, Texas 761.23 1257 11 G7 G Fort Worth Classroom Teachers' Building , 6021 Westcreek ArivQ .Fort Worth, Texas 76133 1264 G J. T, Stevens Jllementaicy School 6161 Wrigley Way 3 1 Fort Worth, texas 76 3 1265 6 GeXlesis United Methodist Church 7635 South Hulen 5trcct l~oit'Wortlt, Texas 76133 1292 6 Southwood Baptist Church 2633 Altamesa Boulcvazd host Worth, Texas 761.33 1440 1300 6 Sycarnorc Elementary School , 1 GO1 Country Manor Road Fort Worth; Texas 76134 4016 4350 7 South Hi Mount Eleme~atary School , 4101 I3irchman Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76107 4094 '~ ./~.rlinaton Heights High School 4501 cst Rosedale treel• . ` Fort Worth, Texas '107 4116 4064 4086 7 Narth :Hi Ivlotint Elementary School , , 3301 West 7th Street Fart Wort1i, Texas 76107 1120,1274,1341 7 Como Elementary School 4000 Horna Street: Fort Worth,. Texas 76107 4125,4243.4512 7 Triiu 13app~ist Church 620 C~iw:ctiill Road host Worth, Texas 76114 4496 4137 7 7o t~.e11y Schccl , 201 Noltla 13aileylwenue fort Worth, Texas _761.07 numrrmwu~wwecr..•~rrrnumm~nnmm~niu~arniai n i.LLu.u:.i.wi::iaieimmnomnnuwninsr»riatir,7aoiiimnuuinniae¢imiawamuaiuma:nwrzintnuvuunniannmu:crzuaa::c~mvr.:wc~~nnmoo-ini~n+nii.~~~.~uu~muu~nieio~w: Tu~,~day, FeLrr~n~ty 25, 2003 .Page ~ of 7 ,02/25/2003 TCTE 15:40 FAIT X1006 Pc#s a# site Ais#r~ict Lacatiorr 4232.4044,4045 4053,4091,4284, 7 Fort Worth Fire Station 13 , 3363,4375,4429,4454,3491,4532, 533 Lea Crest Lanc Fort Worth, Texas 76135 4591 4272 4242 4065 4255 4373 411 3 7 Lake Patrol Headquarters , , , , . , 7501 Surfside ;!)rive Fort Worth. Texas 76135 4344 4115,4175,A~252 7 BoulevardHcighis School , 5100 El Cam~ppo Avenue ' Fort 'W orth, 'J.'exas 76107 4497 4020 4204 7 Fort Worth Fire Station 23 , , 3201 Portalcs Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76116 4276 4369 4534 4228 7 Rort Worth Yaire Station 32 , , , 10201 White Settlen.~ent Road k'ort Worth, Texas 76108 1005,4006 4492 8 Vau 7andt-Guinn Elementary School , ' 501, Missouri Avenue rort'Worth, Texas 76104 1008 8 Versia L Williams llementary School 901 fiaurlinc Avenue :Fort Worth, Texas 7b111 474 1010 1 8 Conmlunity Christian.Church , . 1$OO Vickery Boulevard Last tort wottla, Texas 76104 1 10I9 147G 59G 8 Riverside Connnunity Center . , , 201 South Sylvania ~ venue Fort VS%orth, Texas 761.1 ] 1056 8 ;F,lutler Place Cornmmuty Roam - 1201 J.uella Street .Port Worth, Texas 76102 1 OS8 8 Nc~v Life Baptist Church . 1035 East Annie Strcal rout Wortb, Texas 76104 4370 ~ 1059 8 Sonthside Community Center , 959. East Rosedale Street Fort Worth, Texas 76104 1061 8 Pro essive Baptist Church ~ 170 Caiver Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76102 1066 1479 $ ~!I,eadowbrook Baptist Chuuch . ' 3201, Purington Avcnuc tort Woitr, Texas 76103 1073 8 hellowship Coiner. ' 1601 New ~Y ork Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76104 1075 . 8 Syyamore Park Coantrxunity Center 51/ fi d i r 252 ast ose a e t t o$ Fort Worth,'T'exas 77~b11 1078 8 Mount Q1ivc: Baptist C>i«rch 2951 Evans Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76104 1079,4432 8 Pilgriz7.t lt,est baptist Church 960 East Baltimore Avenue Fort'Wortb, Texas 76].04 1080 8 .Greater Jlaavest Cbu~~ci~ of Cod in Cluist 2900 Mitchell 1oulevard Fort Worth; Texas 76105 e~,a,,ai ~rraa~unnrmwirvrnau~mn,irnnsumanuimvma~~m:,,r.,~::r.:r.~ t~~.damrruu~ouvcuvmuvuc~:mmnta . Tuesday, F'ebrua.ry 25, 2n03 m;r,~rnvrru:r.:cmtawo-he~unarmuiviurn~uianmaivmnmmarnaaa~nviunpe,uursuruu:,itn.u~rw~suinuuviraertmnunvuurr~;rn Page 5 of'7 02/25/2003 TLTE 15:40 FAX X100 i ,~ .P'cts ut Site bistrict Locatio~r. , 1083 8 Oaklawn Elementary School, 3220 >:Iardernan Street Fart Worth, Texas 76119 1475 1 1 011 1312 0$8 8 Sagamore tIill filemcnl'ary School , . , , , 701 South Hughes Avcnuc Fort worth, Texas 76103 4587 1089 8 Morningside Elementary School , 2601 Evans Avenue Fort Wort1~, Texas 76104 - 1090 8 Progressive Church of God in Christ 13&~ :Fast Baltimore Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 76104 l 1.04,1482 8 Bradley Center 2601 Timberline Drive Fort worth, Texas 7G 1. l.9 1555 1597 1154 4495 8 Carter Part: Elementary School , , ; 1204 Lastl3roadus Avenue Fort Worlh, Texas 76115 1568 1170 1567 8 MeadowbrookMiddle School' , , 2001 Lderville Road Forl' Worth, Texas 7fj103 1236 8 KXAS'Z'v Studio 3900 Barnett Street Fort Worth. Texas 76103 1504 2262 1291 1034 8 Hi and Hills Community Center. . . , 16170 Chasgow Road T F rt W rth 76134 o , exas o 1001 9 , Clv it CUtrr$s 13lilldlir 100 North Houston Street I+ort Wortl>z Texas ?6102 1483 • • 1002 4458 9 Centra] Library , , S00 West 3rd Street tort W orth Texas 76102 1015 4345 9 Middle Z,evel Learning Center , 3813 Valeri~tine Street Fort Worth, "1`exas 76107 4057,4493 9 Trinity Terrace 1600 Texas Street. Fort Wort, Texas 76102 4060 ~ De Zavala Elementary School .1.419 College Avenue Fort'W'orth, Texas 76104 1062,4077,4096 ~ 9 F. M• Daggett Elementary School ' 958 Page venue Fort Worth: Texas 76110 - 1076,1095, I SG5-0 9 Lily B_ Clavtorr Elementary School 2000 Park 1 lace Drive Fort wotb., Texas ~~,1.10 1081 9 .A.lice Carlson Applied Learning Center 3320 Ca~xtey Street West Fort worth; T eras 76109 4084 ~ Hemphill Presbyterian Church 1701 Hemphill Street Fort Worth, Texas 76I 10 1593 1085 4436 1475 9 Rosemont Middle Sehoal , , , . ' 1501. West Seminary Drive Fort worth, Texas 76113 4097 9 George C• Clarke Elementary School 3300 South Henderson Street ' Fort Worth. Texas 76110 :Sze:macunrarL~mwnemeunmeinuuiivuumi,t~uaum~,ri~emicuu:.~ r•niian~a~ii.rvna7aunnamrnns~m~anum TrresrfaJ~, FeGrurcry 25, 2!1(!3 main¢u~4nugai:~7unm~ma~~nan;na~ae~meumr~munninirn~eneu~uivweiucuut+watsiwiinmutn tn.,tiia;iu~:6i;n Page 6 of 7 ..,02/25/2009 TUE 15:41 FAX. Pefs at site DfSll'iCr Loentinrr. 4107 9 Worth Heights Community Center 3551 New York Avenue Fort Worth, Texas 7611 p 1134,1435 ~ Rosemont Gtlt. Grady School 3908 McCait Avenue Forrt Worth, Texas 76110 4:! 55 9 kosemonC Church of Christ 4041 Ryan Avenue Fort Worth, Tcxas 76110 4195 9 i mentary School 0 Wes ~ Stteet Fog Fort Worth, Texas 76110 4201,1481 9 WorihHcights Elementary School S 19 > vast Butler Street Fort Worth, Tcxas 76110 4233,4501 9 Dort Worth Fire Station 1.0 3209 Hemphill Sheet Fort Worth, Texas 76110 4253,1245,1572 ~ Charles 1r. NashLlementary School 401 Samuels Avcnuc Fott Worth, Tcxas 76102 4256,1237,1351-0,1502 9 Hubbard Elementary School 1333 :West Sppurgeon Avenua Fort Worth, '.t'exas 76115 .4258 ~ 9 Macedonia Baptist Church ' 2712 South Freeway Fort Worth, Te:cas 76104 1408,1.148,1298 9 R. L. Paschal High School 3001 Forest Park Boulevard Fort Worth, Texas 76110 s~ [~ 008 nnimra^.:SUrmi: nnvuicnvanwnuuivu:a::rmw;iaarmnnininunnrulv;;u2rrcv;in¢nm.Lxnmatau:vmuma,:emoaiivaunnmcincur,nurrrnuvcan»rmnc>,ouuuurdq:irnaiaumnnnmrn:an,nanmaar.:rc»raurm~rruuewnenn:vvriuimu ~'lIBS[~Q)~, FB/)rltur~; 25, 2003 Pagrr 7 of 7