To the Mayor and Members of the City Council February 4, 2002
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Subject: Computer-Aided Dispatch Project Status Report
Technology improvements and strong recommendations by the Justex study
team have caused the CAD Policy Team to reassess its strategy in implementing
the next critical phase of the CAD Project.
To date the Council has authorized $18.3 million for the three phases of the
project as originally defined. The phases include the implementation of the
mobile data computers (IVIDC's) in police and fire vehicles which is nearly
complete; implementation of the CAD software (version 6.3) and hardware; and
the Automated Reporting System (ARS — version 6.3). At the time the project
began, the best available solution was selected. However, since this decision
was made, other options have become available. It is the position of the CAD
Policy Team that the City is at a critical juncture in this project and it is wise to
pause and consider alternatives that will have service and financial impact for the
lifespan of the new CAD system.
Over the course of this project, the software vendor (Tiburon) has been
upgrading its existing line of software and adding new products in the public
safety arena (i.e., jail management, court management, evidence tracking,
identification management, warrant management and personnel management).
A number of areas that will be recommended for enhancement by the Justex
study are now supported by Tiburon' software solutions. These solutions will
allow the data-driven management of the department that is so strongly
encouraged by the Justex team.
The CAD Project Team's biggest concern is the fact that connecting dissimilar
software products from a variety of vendors and making them work together is
very costly and inefficient. This problem can be avoided with newer products
now offered by Tiburon that allow greater integration with software applications
within the City and with other agencies. Implementation of the latest software
with minimal customizations will have positive long-term cost implications for the
organization in terms of maintenance, upgrades, training, operational changes,
and personnel.
The CAD Policy Team is recommending the following changes to the plan with a
more detailed explanation of each point below.
• Implement CAD 7.0 instead of CAD 6.3 and ARS 6.3.
• Accept Motorola's offer to release the City from its ARS
implementation obligation, and proceed with version 7.0 of ARS with
Tiburon as a separately negotiated contract.
To the Mayor and Members of the City Council February 4, 2002
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Subject: Computer-Aided Dispatch Project Status Report
• Postpone the implementation of the ARS until the Crime Control and
Prevention District technology priorities can be reviewed and funding
• Eliminate the Gartner Group contract extension to free $175,000 for
this purpose.
Motorola has offered the upgrade from CAD 6.3 to CAD 7.0 at a cost of
$675,000. In addition, Motorola has agreed to waive the City's obligation of
$500,000 for ARS, allowing the City to postpone this part of the project and
negotiate directly with Tiburon for future implementation. Tiburon has committed
to providing this product at the same cost of $500,000 when the City is ready to
move forward. This change will allow the City to apply $500,000 already
appropriated to fund most of the CAD upgrade right now.
To determine a funding plan for the remaining $175,000 cost that is in the best
interest of the City, the CAD Project Team has carefully weighed the currently
funded items appropriated in the CAD Project. The item that is most expendable
is the $175,000 allocated for the Gartner Group contract extension. Although it
would be a valuable component to the project, there is no question that the
software upgrade has far more long-term value and is the priority.
The end result is that the highest priority of installing the latest version of CAD
will be accomplished. Then, staff will establish a priority list of technology projects
currently funded or previously planned for FY2003 to make room for the
implementation of the ARS as a separate project. Examples of planned
technology items include a mug shot system, a records management consultant,
and magnetic stripe readers. City staff will include these adjustments to the
technology plan in the April presentation of the FY2003 budget.
Project Implications:
Adopting this change to version 7;0 would delay CAD implementation from early-
April to July 2002. While a delay is distasteful for all concerned, it is the team's
considered opinion that making these strategic changes are in the City's best
interest, will reduce the system's total cost of ownership over time, will create a
solid technology foundation upon which to build strategic processes in the future
and will position the City to move forward toward its stated goals. The Justex
team strongly supports this change to allow data-driven management of the
police department's resources (see accompanying memo).
With your concurrence, the team will proceed with this alternative plan. The CAD
T Project Team is mindful of the Council's direction to keep this project within
budget. Therefore, this will not require an appropriation of additional funds at this
4, To the Mayor and Members of the City Council February 4, 2002 F"'
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xv # Subject:
Computer-Aided Dispatch Project Status Report
time since the highest needs are being reprioritized. Rather, a change order will
be submitted for Council approval to pay an additional $175,000 to Motorola.
Finally, the CCPD Board will be advised of the changing scope of the funds
already appropriated in the CAD Project.
The CAD Policy Team will continue to update the City Council as new
information is available. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact
me; Randy Ely, Deputy Chief at (817) 877-8289; or Dave Miller, IT Solutions
Director at (817) 871-8781.
Q . Q
Gary W. Jackson
City Manager
Attachment: Justex correspondence
P.O. BOX 6224
� ]]
sy, stems Inc . (936} 291<?981 • f (936) 294-0984
1 1111 IN
Illinois Office:
P.O. Box 2661
12/05/01 Springfield, IL 62708-2661
(217) 241-9490
Randy Ely, Deputy Chief
Fort Worth Police Department
350 W. Belknap St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76102-2004
Dear Randy,
Pursuant to our earlier conversations, this letter is to affirm the support of Justex Systems
for the purchase of fully compatible versions of the Computer Assisted Dispatch and
Records Management System software modules from Tiburon. My understanding of the
situation is that:
• Version 6.3 of the CAD software requires customized programming to transfer data to
Version 7.0 of the RMS.
• You had initially purchased Version 6.3 of the CAD, and included a request for
customized programming to transfer data to your existing RMS. (At the time of the
decision that was the only option available to the FWPD, and was a good decision.)
• Subsequent to this decision, Justex Systems recommended purchase of the Tiburon
RMS package. However, Version 6.3 of the CAD does not transfer data to Version
7.0 of the Tiburon RMS without customized programming.
• That without Version 7.0 of the CAD, future version upgrades will require additional
customized programming for data transfer to the Tiburon RMS.
• That with Version 7.0 of the CAD such customized programming will not be
required, and that Tiburon guarantees compatibility for data transfer for all future
versions subsequent to 7.0.
• However, making the change from Version 6.3 of the CAD to 7.0 will cause a three-
month delay, from April to July, in initiation of the system, as well as additional cost.
First of all, the importance of ease in data transfer between your two primary information
system modules cannot be overstated. The issue transcends human resource effort
recovery - saving some keystrokes on incident report entry by transferring date, time,
location, complainant name, address, etc. from the CAD. Data transfer helps assure
records accuracy, particularly linkage between CAD system activity (calls and officers
assigned) and subsequent incident (offense) reports entered into the RMS. My own
experience in police information systems management is that accurate linkage is more
important than the resource issue.
Second, I would avoid if at all possible customized programming of any kind. It is
expensive. Moreover, it is notoriously the source of system bugs. By definition
customized programming has not been widely tested. Further, there are frequently
unforeseen effects on core system transactions. The cause of the core system problem is
frequently not immediately evident. Hence, it is time consuming and expensive to debug.
That is, the software bug problem with such programming is not merely clearly evident
problems within the customized programming relevant to data transfer, but "hidden"
secondary and often elusive effects as well.
Third, we .want to emphasize the importance Justex Systems is attaching in our
recommendations flowing from the Operations Analysis to data driven management.
Fort Worth police managers should have strategic information presented in graphical
form (charts and maps) that represents ongoing criminal activities and personnel
performance trends. Analyzed data may be used for staffing, deployment, and evaluation
of field personnel. Investigators may use the same data in a tactical manner for tracking
criminal activity under investigation. We noted in a report submitted earlier that the
FWPD should implement
..........an information management system that supports "deployment by
analysis". Deployment by analysis means instant "redeployment" of resources
based upon incident pattern and trend information. The system should also
provide officers, particularly NPO and CRT officers, the ability to identify the
addresses generating the most calls for service or criminal incidents. An officer
may retrieve that data either by the jurisdiction as a whole, a NPD district, or
his/her particular beat. Further, the most frequent calls/incidents should be
available either in aggregate form (i.e., the most frequent addresses for all calls
for service), or by call or crime type, e.g., the most frequent addresses for gas
station drive-offs.
A fully compatible CAD and RMS is a critical element of such a system.
Thus, I recommend strongly that you tolerate the three-month CAD imp lementation.delay
in order to install fully compatible CAD and RMS versions. I know quite well that there
is frustration with the delays that have already occurred, and this will not be greeted well.
However, downstream if you implement in April, but with incompatible versions, it will
eventually be a very expensive three months of operation between April and July.
T. Ho ver, Ph.D.