April 9, 2002
*a,ATJK*Q% To the Mayor and Members of the City Council
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SUBJECT: Reconstruction of Camp Bowie Boulevard from Hulen to Eldridge
The purpose of this informal report is to provide information regarding upcoming street improvements to Camp
Bowie Boulevard. This report includes not only a description of the street work to be done, but also outlines
related utility work being done and the anticipated schedule for all the work.
Proposed Street Improvements to Camp Bowie Boulevard
The proposed street improvements to Camp Bowie Boulevard from Interstate 30 to Hulen St. were approved as
part of the 1998 Capital Improvement Program. The approved CIP program provided $1.5 million dollars for the
project. The improvements consist of the reconstruction of concrete curb, some driveways, concrete roadway
base, and brick street paving.
It has been determined that total base replacement is required to adequately repair this thoroughfare as opposed to
-tial base replacement as originally anticipated. Additional funding in the amount of approximately $3 million
,,rill be needed to complete the entire project as originally proposed. Due to funding limitations, Staff recommends
iat the limits of this project be shortened to reflect the available funding.
The proposed limits of reconstruction on Camp Bowie will be from Eldridge St. to Hulen St. It is recommended
that the remaining portion of Camp Bowie Blvd. west of Eldridge St. to Interstate 30 be included in the next bond
Water and Sanitary Sewer Replacement Schedule
It has been determined that reconstruction of the water and sanitary sewer lines in Camp Bowie Blvd. will be
necessary prior to the reconstruction of the brick paving. The Water Department is proposing to replace several
water mains, varying in size from 8-in. to 24-in., and two 8" sewer laterals. Bids for the reconstruction of an
existing 24-in. water main were received February 28, 2002 with Jackson Construction, Ltd being the apparent
low bidder. A Mayor and Council Communication is currently being circulated for signatures and is scheduled to
appear on the April 9 h City Council Agenda for approval.
Construction of the 24-in. water main is scheduled to begin May 9`h and will last approximately two months. In an
effort to minimize the length of the utility construction and disruption to businesses in the area, the smaller water
mains and bath sewer laterals will be constructed by contractors under the City's existing annual construction
contracts. `Mork on these water and sewer mains is scheduled to commence on April 15`''.
Street Reconstruction Schedule
construction of the street will be conducted in two phases to decrease the amount of time necessary for
npletion. The first phase will require all traffic to be diverted to the eastbound lanes while the westbound lanes
-1e reconstructed. The second phase will divert traffic to the westbound lanes while the eastbound lanes are
April 9, 2002
To the Mayor and Members of the City Council
Page 2 of 2
SUBJECT: Reconstruction of Camp Bowie Boulevard from Hulen to Eldridge
reconstructed. Street reconstruction is scheduled to begin June 13'h and is scheduled for completion in mid
Business Notirication and Coordination
Staff recognizes the extreme importance of assuning that the businesses along the Camp Bowie Blvd. corridor are
not adversely impacted by this project. Project update meetings will be conducted on a regular basis to keep the
businesses apprised of the project schedule and to resolve any project related construction issues that may arise.
Staff representatives have worked closely with Ms. Brandy O'Quirm, president of Historic Camp Boxvie Inc., to
insure that the needs of both the residents and business owners affected by this project are addressed.
A meeting with the Arlington Heights Neighborhood Association was conducted on March 18, 2002 to inform th'e
membership and discuss the forthcoming construction project. The concerns of the residents focused mainly on
the amount traffic being rerouted thi6ugh their neighborhood. A detailed traffic control plan has been designed
it minimizes the volume of traffic detoured through their neighborhood.
TXU Gas has determined that the replacement of two of their gas mains in this area is necessai-y. The Department
of Engineering has been in constant communications with TXU Gas in coordinating their construction work along
vAth the City's.
Staff recognizes that the business owners rely heavily upon patronage of motorists on Camp Bowie Blvd. for their
businesses, especially during the holiday shopping season, It has been deemed essential that all construction work
is finished before the beginning of the holiday shopping season. Therefore, we have developed an aggressive
schedule to accomplish this as detailed above.
Should you have any questions about the project I would be happy to respond at your convenience.
ry W. Jackson
I Manager