Date: January 6, 2004
Ce To the Mayor and Members of the City Council
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ie?a SUBJECT: Changes to Board of Adjustment Hearing Dates and Times
The purpose of this informal report is to advise the City Council regarding proposed changes in the schedule
for Board of Adjustment meetings in order to meet current and future demands of applications requiring their
For over the last year the Board of Adjustment has been holding daylong meetings beginning with an 8:00
A.M. work session and a 9:OOA.M. public hearing that usually lasts until 5 or 6:00 p.m. Historically, the
caseload was approximately 25 cases per month. However, during this last year and a half the caseload has
increased more than 50% from between 250 to 300 cases per year to over 450 cases. In addition, the number
of appeal items addressed within each application has significantly increased. The reasons for this increasing
caseload can be attributed to a combination of a robust building activity in the City, increased enforcement by
Code Compliance, more detailed development regulations added to the Zoning Ordinance, and greater
involvement by citizen groups in identifying zoning code violations. The before mentioned trends are
expected to continue for the foreseeable future.
address the increasing workload and insure continuation of quality hearings, the leadership of the Board of
Adjustment proposed changes to the number of hearings conducted each month as well as the starting time of
the hearings. It is proposed to begin the hearings at 1:30 p.m. and hold the hearings on the first and third
Wednesday of the month. The proposed changes are focused on better customer service for both applicants
and individuals who desire to testify on a case by reducing the length of hearing times to better insure a
quorum of Board members is maintained. While the overall time per month dedicated to hearings is not
expected to be reduced, it is believed these changes will better serve the public, allow expanded hours for
hearings if the workload continues to grow, and insure continued quality hearings are provided to applicants.
In accordance with state law,meetings of the Board are held at the call of the presiding officer and at other
times as determined by the Board. Our City Code requires that the Board of Adjustment shall meet regularly
and shall designate the time and place of its meetings. Both state law and the City Code require the Board to
adopt its own rules of procedure and keep a record of its proceedings.
The proposed changes would begin with two case filing deadlines in the month of January and two hearings
being conducted in February. For the first four to six months of these changes, case limits will be placed on
the number of applications that will be considered during the first hearing of the month. This transition is
necessary to balance out the caseload between the two hearings. It is believed that the twice a month hearings
would be more convenient to applicants as well as the public desiring to participate in a case. While this
change will be slightly more expensive due to accommodations provided for the Board and staffing necessary
to produce two dockets a month, the leadership of the Board feels that the benefits to the applicant and
ring process would outweigh these expenditures. The Board of Adjustment will consider the necessary
" inges in their rules on January 7, 2004 to facilitate the twice a month hearings.
Date: January 6, 20011,
To the Mayor and Members of the City Council
Page 2 of 2
SUBJECT: Changes to Board of Adjustment Hearing Dates and Times
Additionally, the Board of Adjustment has recommended a number of changes to the Zoning Ordinance based
on the trends and decisions of the Board. These proposed changes are text amendments to the Zoning
Ordinance and are presently being processed through the Zoning Commission. The Zoning Commission
recommendations are scheduled for Council consideration on January 13, 2004. Approval of these text
amendments would align the Zoning Ordinance with the practices of the Board and thereby make certain
zoning development standards by right rather than by exception.
Should you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Assistant City Manager Reid Rector at
(817) 392-6140.
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