HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 15592ORDINANCE NO. ~ ~~~~~ AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND EXTINGUISHING AN ALLEY OF VARIABLE WIDTH AND LENGTH KNOWN AS CUMMINGS ALLEY, CUMMINGS ADDITION, LOCATED BETWEEN LOTS 17 AND 26-18, CUMMINGS ADDITION AND A PORTION OF LAND 600 ADDITION, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION; BETWEEN LOT 18 OF THE CUMMINGS ADDITION AND LOTS 8-10 OF BLOCK 1 OF THE BOAZ ADDITION, AN UNRECORDED SUBDIVISION; AND ALONG LOT 10 OF THE BOAZ ADDITION TO THE WEST RIGHT-OF WAY LINE OF SAMUELS AVENUE, FORT WORTH, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR REVERSION OF FEE IN SAID LAND, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That an alley of variable width and length known as Cummings Alley, Cummings Addition, beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 17 and the southwest corner of Lot 26, both of the Cummings Addition and the east right-of-way line of Cummings Street N, running east between Lots 17 and 26-18, Cummings Addition and a portion of Land 600 Addition, an unrecorded subdivision, then north between Lot 18 of the Cummings Addition and along Lots 8-10 of Block 1 of the Boaz Addition, an unrecorded subdivision, and then east along Lot 10 of the Boaz Addition to the west right-of-way line of Samuels Avenue (Boaz Street), containing 9,272 square feet or 0.213 acres of land, as recorded in Volume 39, Page 287 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas, and as more specifically described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference be and the same is vacated and extinguished. SECTION 2. That the fee to the land in the above-described vacated alley is hereby released and shall revert to the adjacent owner as provided by law. SECTION 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: ~Gc-~' ~~ G~-._._ Assistant Ci Attorney Adopted and Effective: ~ ~ ~.~ „. -, ..- , ''~p~f ~~ "' \ ~__-__,- HuiTr io LARS ~6~ ~ ~: ; 000 s •, - \CJO'~~GJ CAPPED STEEL ROD ,• SroO ~(J' ~y~y~ -. .- _~" ~-- -'~ O FORT WORTF("I.S.D. ' ~~ ~3~2 G'` ~ ~ O ° VOLUM 9~1, PAGE 618 ~' i.- , s• z ,\ ~• FOR ~1R~G \ ~ ,,\ ~ ~~ `~p~ Qt J., ~\: •'\ ^ r `\ ~p~,`~.o~ ~JJ~111~1111~1~ ,%~ ~. ~ ,~~FO~~~g 9~ ,- \ -_.,-- ,~, r'~ \ 2s '•\ ,~\ 000: `\ ° •\ ~ ~ 1 \~` ~ ° s~T\F3EDUSTEZOR os'`~ N6o ~~ ''\VACATED PORTION O~ °'~.~~~ \`\ ' '" _ ~~~,_~ \ ti' ;o ~~' n ~l CUMMINGS ALLEY •\, °~o r' '\ - - -" ~~ ~. ~' °o, Gu,~ilJ\~JJ,~J~.~'r1rJ'D1"t'I~JJy, '''` C - ~~` . `•, '\ `~ ~I~LUJ~a>~'-.J1~, Pr1~~-3~ ~'\ 0.213 A . ~I, _-''J'OINT AF \ \ ~" D~'~.7.C.r~" ~s ~ • ,; ". ,~-~Fc~'2~~ BE,~IIVNIN~ ~, ]yU' ~1. ~l; ;'~~~3D~ '\ ~~ pA ~- \ \ ''' / /~ ~'\ ' \\ PORT WORTH ls.D. '\ •~ ~- L- ~. \YOLUMc 132'1, PAGE 268 •`\ ~-' .~ , \ MAY ~k', '1E137 ` \ ~`~''. l/ . ~ ~ , J.T. HUDSARD \\ '\ ~ d1 `~\•,C- -' ~` - /-~~ .Q ° CTRIC S(RY1CE CO. ``\~ ~'\ i'' ~ ~'' YOi UAiL 3306, PAGE 335 \ ~ ~'' ,~ DRT.C.T. MAF;c;-1 z5, ~t>;?o 4~Q~~ ~3 \',\ ~'C~~ ~\ DATE: ~ ~ \ ~ -~•,\ ~~~ ~~ ~ -c ~~3 '•\ SCALE: v ~' , . o ~ , 0 a z , o , ~ ` ~~ ~~ ~~/ z ~~y~p \ , ' \ ~, d •,\~ \ `J _ ~•, ~`~~ ~~~ ~ ~ LV ~~~~ ~~ FORT WORTH t.S.D. VOLUME 948, PAGE X02, DEC. 14, 1926 ~_- ^/ ~. \ 12-31-02 1 = '50.0' 50 25 0 50 100 GRAPHIC SCALE IN ~~"~ ~. DAT~•-~~ 12-31-02 DRAWN BY~ K.D.E. VACATION OF CHECKED 8Y~ tv1.D_N. PROJ. No. 03-0808.08 CUMMINGS ALLEY FILES NAMES 080808 V AC.DGN 080808VACSH.DGN SHEET= 2 of 3 ~~~~~ N0. REVISION ~-03~-ooq EX~I~IT ~ ~ Q~ - .. ~ ~f._ ~ '\ J . J ~1..J ~~r~=-r~JJ171J1~1 `, '' ' ~- . --- .~ ; MARk7N B1JFiDA ,-" JESUS Tv1;~~DEZ 9tliX --'~, VOL 75440, PG. 260 ~ ~ . ~'' VOL-~i~ 7, P0. 28~J .-~ ~ pRT.GT. - 1 FEB. i, 2002 1 y `\ ~-''~ ~D.FLT.C.T. ~.-' \ 11.70' 'SET 5/B"HUITT-ZOLLAF2 ~--~'~ ~'-- ,,~ N10 OO'OO'_yC_-' CAPPED STEEE ROD"- ~ i ~-- ,' ° , i - /-' \ \~ /' r- r, "'-r,L-~- -" _--"' ~ . vouno'z-« ; 18599' ~~\ ~- rOF2T WOrZTH Ar^~A HA3t]'A7 ~~~ -r'- G\ fDR bIUMANiTY /' ,\ S3f?~° 00'00"E ~ vol~'o690, PG. 905- ~ ~' J\~ '(Q`P' 'pop ~~,, '\ ',\- ,~-~~~ ~~~ ,\ P~ .~,, -~~~ ~o ,~,- ~~~ rte. ~,\ HuITTE io~LARS ~6p1 ~ ° pip ~~~ ~\ '\ ~~' ,\ SAPPED STEEL ROD ~~(~O ~ (, ~yF .- ~ \ -gyp ` ~ ~`\ ~ ~' yy1DE 17PEN SPACES, L7D. `,1 ,.~'~~` '..' VOL '15360, P6. 295 /' '\ ~-''\ ' ` O° FORT WORT -1.5.0. ~ • ~~~,, ,~\ . ; - , \ ,'\ oo~ p VOLUM,F-9~1, PA E 618 ` . \ r-,_,\` ie j ' ~ ~ -' ~ ~ ~'` PGE Z~ ~ ~ ~ ~'\ ~ \ i'-~ JOS;r M.c1RlA 1v10Re NO ` \ ~ P~ ',~p6\.,\ 7p ~\ off' ~a ~ ~ ~p~.~ ~ 9A Q,~926 ~ ~' `,\ '"~~ \r'- VOL. ~J043~i, P6. 2967 ~ ~ -- '' C~1~~1>\~JJI~1 ~S r1 ~ !"J ~ ~ , ~' F~P~,O 9a19,'`g26 ' / ,,\~ ~/' `,\ ~ ~ ~ ,'y - ~.. J - ,~ ,,\ ~' ~ ~ ~.~~~! \ _.1~ `~ AMARS,~aFtE7 souD~lux O ~ - - r r i' ~t9 ~ `~\ ~~Y ~'\ VOL 342, P6. 403 rT',,- /. ~-- ~O~r (J}~ \ ' FORT WORTH LS.D. \ . ~-~ r2~ , \ o-v ~-' VOLUME 947, PAGE 561 `,\ (jl ``\ '~- Ck ~ -~ ~\VACATED PORTION O~E `~~~~~ \'~\ `\ ~ \''r'" ~; CUMMINGS ALLEY ~\ °Pa ~ `\ ~~~~1 r~J~1 r10J~1~'\ -'~ '\ 9,272 SQ.FT. ` ~°~, ~' ~\ ~--'-- ~~.~..Orlr~ `C~ ''~.. 7\ ~>, OR ~~,~t1' \~.\ . r~~~!-'~JJ~~r~r rJF~~~~ ~~J~JI~./J~1~J~J ~\ ~, ~ ~~;- - \~`\ 0.213 AC. `\ d ',\ '.--- `\ ~`\ ',\ ~" FORT WORTH I.S.D. ~ -%\ / ``~ ,~~-- VOLUME 947, PAGE 584 ~ ~ ~+\ ~~ `~\ ,\ / .\ /-, ` '-- / .~^f' ~\ ~' FORT WORTH I.S.D. ~--' ! ~ -,~, `~/ /f'~~ ~~\.~ ~' VOLUME 946, PAGE 379 ~ '~ ~ -~- ~G~~~ ~- ~~ ~~ ~/~ \, DATE: 12-31-02 ~--may. " ~~ ~.\ ~ \ SCALE: 1 = 50.0' ~ -- t~~0 '"- u ~/ ,,` so zs o 5o too ~. . .- - •~ ~J-- 70 1" - 50' ~„_,'" 'fS"'~Oy ,i- i' GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET DATA: _ 12-31-02 DRAWN 8Y~ K.D.E. CHECKED BY: M.D.N. PROJ. N0: 03-0808.08 FILES NAMES 080808VAC.DGN OSOSOSVACSH.DGN VACATION OF CUMMINGS ALLEY SHEET 3 of 3 soo w. ~n, H~II-ITZ~ll~RS '~~_ Phone lef N0. REVISION - 0 ~,-0~9 ~~~~~'T t~ ~ ®~ ~ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION BEING a tract of land situated in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and being Cummings Alley, Cummings Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, per plat recorded in Volume 39, Page 287, Deed Records Tarrant County, Texas; said tract of land being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest corner of Lot 17, Cummings Addition per plat recorded in Volume 118, Page 32, Deed Records, Tarrant County, ~ Texas, and the Southwest comer of said Cummings Alley, (a varia le width RO.W.) (30 foot at this point) on the East RO.W. line of Cummings Street N. (a variable width RO.W.) (30 foot at this point); THENCE North 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West, along the East RO.W. line of said Cwnmings Street N. a distance of 30.00 feet to a 5/8 inch Huitt-Zollazs capped steel rod on the North RO.W. line of Cummings Alley and the Southwest corner of Lot 26, of said Cnmm;ngs Addition recorded in Volume 39, Page 287 D.RT.C.T.; THENCE North 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along the North RO.W. line of said Cummings Alley a distance of 225.00 feet to a point for corner being the Southeast corner of Lot 18 of said Cummings Addition; THENCE North 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the East line of said Lot 18 and the West RO.W. line of said C~immings Alley (a variable width RO.W.) (17 foot at this point) a distance of 70.00 feet to a 5/8 inch Huitt-Zollazs capped steel rod on the North R.O.W. line of Cummings Alley (a vaziable width RO.W.) (8 foot at this point) and being the Northeast comer of said Lot 18; THENCE North 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along the said North RO.W. line a distance of 113.00 feet to a point for comer being the Southeast corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Fort Worth I.S.D., recorded in Volume 1352, Page 185, D.RT.C.T.; TI~NCE North 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the East line of said Fort Worth I.S.D. tract a distance of 11.70 feet to a 5/8 inch Huitt-Zollars capped steel rod on the West R.O.W. line of ', Samuels Avenue (a 60 foot R.O.W.); ~ THENCE South 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said West R.O.W. line a distance of 18.99 feet to a point for comer being the Northeast comer of Lot 10, Boaz Addition, Block 1, an unrecorded Subdivision, and the Northeast corner of a tract of ]and described in a deed to Fort Worth I.S.D. recorded in Volume 951, Page 618, D.RT.C.T. and being on the South RO.W. line of said Cummings ~, Alley; '~~, ~~e ~~' .Z~e~G15 ~q~ e~.~ TFIENCE South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said South R.O.W. line a distance of 100 00 feet to a point for corner being the ~ ® ~ . h f id L 1 th E RO li f id ~ > o ~ west corner o sa ot 0, on e ast ne o Nort .W. sa <> ucoeeeeee,eeeCO®e.>ee. Cummings Alley; ~~~~~~ ®° ~~~~~°!° noC a THENCE South 30 de es 00 minutes 00 seconds East alon said East RO.W. gre g eeeeeecog.6e eG° .e..eo 4'67 ' line and the West line of said Lot 10, a distance of 92.00 feet to Ae ,p ~, _ 1o~~°e ~ ~ °°^ 90~' a point for corner being the Northeast comer of Ehn Street 1261 on the South R (closed) vacated b Cit Ordinance No O W ~ E5S '9 e e ~ ° • y y . . . . li f id C i All e o e s ne o sa umm ngs ey; TI~NCE South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the said South RO. W. line and the North line of said Elm Street a distance of ~ 242.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and embracing 9,272 Square ~ _ .. ~~ Feet or 0.213 Acre of Land. Note: The basis of bearings is deed recorded in Volume 15602, Page 202, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas. ~~ '" ~~~~~~~ DATE 12-31-02 DRAWN BY~ K.D.E. ' " "~~~~' " ` ' ~ 1 ~ t CHECKED 8Y~ M.D.N. PROJ NO 03-0808 08 VACATION OF - - ~ ~ ~G 3 . . . CUMMINGS ALLEY NO. REVIS FILES NAMES 080808VAC.DGN 080808VACSH.DGN SHEET 1 of 3 N SCALE: 1" = 200' ~ . ®~~°~9 PROJECT: Alley Vacation LEGEND AREA or SI I D ~A PROPOSED CHANGE CASE LOCATION: Lots 17-26 Cummings Addition, Land 600 Addition, and Lots 8 A anal 1 ~_ Rlnek 1 _ Rnaz Arl~litinn_ Fart Wnrth_ TPx~c_ zONmc DtsTRtcT APPLICANT: FWISD BOUNDARY DEVELOPMENT MAP: 3S- MAPSCO: 49-W COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 ~A" O3 - ®O9 c.11 Y Ur' FUxT WUX11i -DEPARTMENT OFDEVELOP1bIENT City of Fort Wo~tlz, Texacs 1 1 DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 6/17/03 pZ_24,87 06VA-03-009 1 of 1 suB~ECT ALLEY VACATION: ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE VACATING AN ALLEY KNOWN AS CUMMINGS ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 17-26 CUMMINGS ADDITION, AND A PORTION OF LAND 600 ADDITION, AND LOTS 8-10 BLOCK 1, BOAZ ADDITION, CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS (VA-03-009) RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached ordinance vacating an alley of variable width and length known as Cummings Alley, Cummings Addition, per plat recorded in Volume 39, Page 287 of the Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 17 and the southwest corner of Lot 26, both of the Cummings Addition and the east right-of-way line of Cummings Street North, running east between Lots 17 and 26-18, Cummings Addition and a portion of Land 600 Addition, an unrecorded subdivision, then north between Lot 18 of the Cummings Addition and along Lots 8-10 of Block 1 of the Boaz Addition, an unrecorded subdivision, and then east along Lot 10 of the Boaz Addition to the west right-of-way line of Samuels Avenue (Boaz Street), containing 9, 272 square feet or 0.213 acres of land. DISCUSSION: The Fort Worth Independent School District, owner of the above described properties has requested vacation of said alley for yard area. Existing improvements include paving. The Engineering Department, Real Property Services Division recommends that the City convey its interest in the property to the School District for $1.00. Reviewing City Departments and public utility companies have raised no objections to this request. An acceptable replat has been submitted (FS-02- 237). FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that this action will have no material effect on City funds. RR:r Submitted for City Manager's FUND ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT CITY SECRETARY Office by: (to) Reid Rector 6140 Originating Department Head: Bob Riley 8901 (from) APPROVED 06/17/03 ORD.# 1592 AdditionalTnformntion Contact: Craig Eaton 6226